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PASIEN NOMOR SEMBILAN dari Ris Manice untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

2024.05.21 10:31 xoxefo3952 PASIEN NOMOR SEMBILAN dari Ris Manice untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Ini adalah cerita tentang pasien nomor sembilan yang datang padaku murni sebagai pesakitan. Allsya, remaja yang terlahir dari keluarga berada tapi tak bisa menikmati bahagia. Ditempa oleh keadaan yang memaksanya untuk dewasa sebelum waktunya. Diusianya yang masih belia ia mencari tentang keadilan, perbedaan laki-laki dan perempuan, dan pembedaan perlakuan. Ketika di penghujung SMP--masa sibuknya ujian, berhasil menemukan jawaban. Patriarki. Selain dari buku yang dibacanya, ia juga mendapatkan pemahaman dari Ersya--mahasiswa yang sedang KKN di desanya. Menjalin kedekatan. Mengajari banyak hal setiap malam, berbagi perhatian, dan juga memberi perlindungan layaknya sepasang kakak-beradik. Tiga bulan sudah, tiba masanya Ersya harus pulang. Tugasnya telah usai dan harus kembali menyelesaikan studynya di kota asal. Tentu saja Allsya tak baik-baik saja setelah perpisahan. Terciptanya kebersamaan membuatnya merasa kehilangan. Terlebih ketika mimpinya dipaksa mati oleh sang ayah dengan jeratan sebuah perjodohan. Ketika ia datang padaku memberanikan diri bercerita tentang sekelumit hidupnya sebagai upaya penyembuhan diri, maka mata hatiku merubah cara pandang tentangnya. Menebas segala prasangka yang sempat tercipta karena kesaksianku yang tidak utuh. Keputusannya datang padaku adalah momentum terbaik untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang yang sering mengundang pikiran yang bukan-bukan serta kesimpulan tanpa rujukan. Namun secara tidak langsung ia mengajakku bermain-main dalam labirinnya. Bahkan bukan lagi bersifat ajakan melainkan paksaan karena ini menyangkut tanggung jawab profesi. Baiklah, dengan bantuan diary sebagai saksi bisu sang pemiliknya yang dibiarkan aku baca, kesaksian seorang lelaki yang sangat kupuja, serta mataku sendiri yang menyaksikan beberapa bagian hidupnya, aku susun benang merah dari hidup seorang pasien nomor sembilan. Silahkan, saksikan saja kinerjaku ini! Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:56 anamika_3 MAIN CHARACTER SYNDROME

ITV shows have this really bad habit, to show the main character as (GOOD AT EVERYTHING) and everyone around just meh, and I mean everything.
If it's a girl then she'll be a good homemaker (DUH), psychologist (dealing w everyone's trauma like girl's getting paid for it), then studies, business, dance, cooking, JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING
If it's a guy then it'd be, rich, sharp, educated, doing very well, but also if needed he can fight 10 goons at once, win basketball to football to cricket, EVERYTHING
Few examples from my own experience:
Anupama on top, while it's important to notice women's often ignored talents, and the job they do, they've made a mockery outta every profession. She's literally the KHKT stereotypical FL they mocked, someday she'll go into an OT and say RUK JAIYE DOKTOR SAHEB, MAIN KARUNGI YE OPERATION
Suvreen Guggal: Idk if anyone remembers, but it honestly got irritating how she's suddenly good at whatever she does, even when it doesn't make any sense? At no point she looked someone who's really fashionable.
Arjun: It's an action show, and I LOVED IT, but it's almost sad how they focused(way too much)on him only and ignored everyone else around him, only him with ideas everyone acting like a fool, while it's an exceptional branch. Like everyone else should be equally smart.
submitted by anamika_3 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 United-Hall-6449 What's going on in NWA for Mother's Day Weekend?

Here's a rundown of what's going on this weekend from NWA Daily
If you want to keep up with things going on in the area throughout the week, you can sign up for the newsletter here.
submitted by United-Hall-6449 to bentonville [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 United-Hall-6449 What's going on in NWA for Mother's Day Weekend?

Here's a rundown of what's going on this weekend from NWA Daily
If you want to keep up with things going on in the area throughout the week, you can sign up for the newsletter here.
submitted by United-Hall-6449 to northwestarkansas [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 11:20 TomEstruct Could this be a sign of kencing manis?

not sure if it's kencing manis, but my dua2 belah kaki have been experiencing a mild numbness around the ankle since last month during Raya. Sometimes a bit of tingling, especially after eating. But it's not too bad like pins and needles, it's not painful, more like a loss of sensation, like when I try to scratch my ankle, it's not as sensetive as other parts of my kaki. I guess it might be due to poor blood circulation. So far I haven't experience any other symptoms tho which i think is common in kencing manis type 2 like excessive thirst and urinating a lot, but i do pee a lot tho, but mainly after a cup of kopi o or chugging water. Not sure about these symptoms, i haven't seen a doktor yet cuz I'm still not sure if any of these are serious. What do you think?
submitted by TomEstruct to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 13:03 Big_Yesterday1548 Have you ever experienced the worst toothache in your life?

Aku perlukan distraction ni coz sekarang ni aku tengah sakit gigi. So aku nak korang kongsi la pengalaman korang time korang sakit gigi. Apa yg korang buat? Terus ke klinik gigi or just ambil painkillers? Or just tahan sakit tu macam tu je?? Or korang ada petua sakit gigi yg korang boleh kongsi?
Sejak awal bulan Mac lagi aku dah mengalami masalah gigi yang teruk, sakit gigi dan kesakitan di sekeliling bahagian kanan rahang/muka , telinga dan leher aku. Masa awal bulan Mac tu, aku tak buat apa-apa sgt coz rasa sakit itu taklah terlalu teruk dan dapat diredakan dengan painkillers (Naproxen Sodium), dan aku jugak kunyah bawang putih tiap kali aku sakit sakit gigi and it really worked!
Sampaila sekarang ni, akhir bulan April and dah masuk bulan Mei, aku mula mengalami sakit gigi yang paling teruk sekali. Aku rasa sakit ini disebabkan oleh gigi atas aku yang retak and dah berlubang. Bahagian kanan rahang/muka, telinga dan leher aku sakit giler sampai berdenyut2. Kadang2 aku bimbang kalau2 jangkitan teruk ni dah sampai ke otak aku. Macam nak pecah kepala aku dibuatnya. Salah aku jugak sebab malas pergi klinik gigi utk check up😭. Padan muka aku.
Semalam, aku ambik masa lebih kurang 4 jam untuk tidur coz of sakit gigi yg teramat sangat! Aku try berkumur dengan air garam and kunyah bawang putih. Sakit tu hilang la sekejap sebelum pusingan ke-2 sakit tu start lagi. Aku ambik painkillers tapi tak berkesan sangat. Serius wei, aku rasa sakit gigi la sakit yang paling teruk sekali sampai tak boleh nak tidur, tak boleh nak buat pape pun. Rasa cam nak nangis je.
Esok aku nak try ke klinik gigi nak cabut terus gigi yg rosak ni. Harap2 semuanya dipermudahkan esok.
Thanks pada yg sudi baca cerita aku and thanks pada yg sudi kongsi cerita/pengalaman sakit gigi korang!
Edit: Aku baru je balik dari klinik (KKM) tadi. Alhamdulillah dah remove pun gigi yg rosak ni. Nasib baik tak sakit time doktor remove coz doktor bg ubat bius. Doktor ckp susah jugak nk remove coz gigi aku dah tinggal separuh 😬 tp Alhamdulillah, semuanya dah settle. Hrp2 lepas hilg kesan ubat bius ni xla sakit sgt.
Again, thanks sangat2 pada yg sudi baca story/experience aku and thanks juga pada yg sudi share story/pengalaman korang😁. Rupa2nya, ramai gak yg senasib dgn aku.
submitted by Big_Yesterday1548 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:38 caule07 Reddit itu seperti apa?

Reddit itu cara mainnya seperti apa ya? Bercerita atau bagaimana menurut kalian pengguna app yang sudah lama?
Karena saya masih baru disini dan melihat cerita orang seru-seru dan ya saya suka membacanya.
Tikok untuk melihat video lucu but the comment bisa dibilang sudah bisa tercemar gitu, F untuk mencari informasi tapi kebanyakan bapak-bapak main burung, then g sekarang yang paling better, twiter sangat frontal tapi bisa juga menjadi tempat berkeluh kesah untuk diri sendiri. setelah ketemu reddit seperti balik ke dimana sosial media masih natural dan no gimmick tempat berkeluh kesah dan bertanya paket kumplit.
Terimakasih untuk pengalaman baru dan saya merasa bernostalgia.
submitted by caule07 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:40 novkriz puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh

puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh
Pada zaman dahulu, tersebutlah kisah seorang puteri raja di Jawa Barat bernama Dayang Sumbi. Dia mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Sangkuriang. Anak tersebut sangat gemar berburu dia berburu dengan ditemani oleh Tumang, anjing kesayangan istana. Sangkuriang tidak tahu, bahwa anjing itu adalah titisan dewa dan juga bapaknya. Ketika kembali ke istana, Sangkuriang menceritakan kejadian itu pada Ibunya. Bukan main marahnya Dayang Sumbi begitu mendengar cerita itu. Tanpa sengaja dia memukul kepala Sangkuriang dengan sendok nasi yang dipegangnya. Sangkuriang terluka. Dia sangat kecewa dan pergi mengembara. Setelah kejadian itu, Dayang Sumbi sangat menyesali dirinya. Dia selalu berdoa dan sangat tekun bertapa. Pada suatu ketika, para dewa memberinya sebuah hadiah. Dia akan selamanya muda dan memiliki kecantikan abadi. Setelah bertahun-tahun mengembara, Sangkuriang akhirnya berniat untuk kembali ke tanah airnya. Sesampainya disana, kerajaan itu sudah berubah total.
Di sana dijumpainya seorang gadis jelita, yang tak lain adalah Dayang Sumbi. Terpesona oleh kecantikan wanita tersebut maka, Sangkuriang melamarnya. Oleh karena pemuda itu sangat tampan, Dayang Sumbi pun sangat terpesona padanya. Pada suatu hari Sangkuriang minta pamit untuk berburu. Dia minta tolong Dayang Sumbi untuk merapikan ikat kepalanya. Alangkah terkejutnya Dayang Sumbi ketika melihat bekas luka di kepala calon suaminya. Luka itu persis seperti luka anaknya yang telah pergi merantau. Setelah lama diperhatikannya, ternyata wajah pemuda itu sangat mirip dengan wajah anaknya. Dia menjadi sangat ketakutan. Maka kemudian dia mencari upaya untuk menggagalkan lamaran Sangkurian.

submitted by novkriz to rdatadao [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 05:43 SwitchWise7990 Do not lose hope

Hello. I am a 2nd time taker who passed the April 2024 PLE. For those with delayed success, it is okay to be sad and angry right now. Give yourself time to heal. After you’ve cried it all out, it’s time to plan and strategize. Kaya mo ito doc. Mararating mo ang tagumpay. Here is what I did after failing Oct 2023:
  1. I felt the pain. Totoo yun mga doc, feel the pain. It makes us realize that we are just human. It’s normal. I gave myself time to rest, and be idle.
  2. I tried to find my motivation. I tried to remember why I even entered medicine. Find your purpose, find your why.
  3. The “strategy formulation” phase. Think of what happened. What were the lapses? What can I improve? What should I do?
  4. Strategize. What are my weakest/lowest scores? Which subjects should I prioritize? Make your daily study schedule.
  5. Identify the study materials that you still need.
  6. Decide if you will still enroll or re-enroll in a review center. For my case. I enrolled in Topnotch for both Oct 2023 and April 2024. You may ask me: “Di ba sayang? Sana ni-recycle mo na lang notes mo from before.” The reason why I enrolled again is because I know TN is complete with everything. It’s like a safety blanket. You know that they cover all bases. Most importantly, they are always updated with their materials.
  7. This specific advice is for retakers: START EARLY IN STUDYING FOR OCTOBER 2024. I feel like the reason I passed this April 2024 is that I already started studying during last week of November 2023. I started with my weakest subject, Pharmacology. Basta, start early please if you can. Do not wait for the official start of review season. During December, I made sure to rest during Christmas and New year week, I was able to join our family vacation abroad. I used that as my main motivator and inspiration. Once review season started last January, I dedicated all my time in studying.
  8. Do practice tests. Ulit ulit na practice tests. Some Docs said they do it everyday, ako kasi di ko kaya yun. So what I did was: PT1 before start of the subject. (Video plus first reading na sabay), then after ko mag video and 1st reading, PT2 na. Fast forward, during mastery period, after each subject, PT3. I skipped PT4. Week before board exams, I answered PT5. When you do PTs, make time to study the ratio.
  9. Make post it notes, stick it to your wall. Effective sya Docs. I never did that during my first take last year. But this April, I was able to do it. It helped me a lot, especially when I wanted to recall a concept. Saves time and energy.
  10. Stick to your study schedule. Mine was wake up at 6 am, start at 7 am, end at 9 pm. (Doc ang aga mo naman matulog. Di ba sayang oras? Dapat nag aaral ka pa till midnight) my answer to this is, I value my sleep. If I get good sleep, I can think better and memorize better the next day. In short, do what you think is best for you.
  11. Get a good support system. A genuine one. It was an honor to study with fellow retakers. And I’m happy to share that we finally had our success, together, this April.
So to all our friends who are experiencing delayed success, I just want to tell you, magiging lisensyadong doktor rin kayo. Ituloy ang Laban. Ipag-darasal ko kayo. Alam ko ang sakit, nararamdaman ko ang nararamdaman nyo ngayon dahil yun na nga, I was also in your shoes. Pero doc, wag sumuko ah? Laban lang. We will be together in the other side. God bless you.
submitted by SwitchWise7990 to TNPLE [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 08:44 arbeyz Minta saran & masukannya dong gan

Cerita nya gini aku pribadi lagi mau Deket sama seseorang yang dulunya temen satu kampus kita udah saling kenal satu sama lain sampe sering juga diajak main kerumah dia ataupun main bareng keluar bareng nah permasalahannya selama Âą3thn ini hubungan kita tuh gak jelas ntah Itu kita cuma temenan atau ngga nih,
Saran dong kalo aku mau tembak dia tapi nggak bikin canggung kalo semisal ditolak harus gimana ya agan agan semua ?
Terimakasih sebelumnya
submitted by arbeyz to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:40 Xanimal123 The TNI should, in fact, be called out for committing war crimes.

Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
- Sila kedua Pancasila
The world’s eyes are currently on Gaza right now, and for VERY good reasons. After Hamas’s October 7th attack, Israel has razed the entirety of Gaza to the ground with missile strikes, in addition to the deliberate starvation of the population in Gaza of any kind of aid like food, water, fuel, and medicine as collective punishment. Many, and I mean many, war crimes have been documented being committed by the IDF including massacres of innocent civilians, rape, and torture. Israeli officials, soldiers, and segments of the public have been astonishingly clear that they want to ethnically cleanse Gaza of all Palestinians. It’s fully obvious right now that what’s happening in Gaza is a genocidal campaign being committed by the Israeli government with the full backing and funding of the US as well as parts of the Western World.
Some of you may see where I’m going with this, but I think it’s important for me to lay out an example that I’m sure most of you can see is pretty morally unjustifiable and use it to make analogies with what I’m gonna talk about, implicitly or otherwise.
As I’m sure most of you are aware by now, there’s been some recent discourse around the circulation of two video recordings that recently went viral on Indonesian social media where it showed a group of TNI soldiers torturing a Papuan man known as Definaus Kogoya inside a barrel filled with water that was contaminated with his blood. One of the videos shows the soldiers punching, kicking, and beating him in the head, while the other shows someone cutting him with a knife. The soldiers themselves recorded this.
The backlash against the TNI because of the video was so bad that the military had to apologize, investigating 42 soldiers and arresting 13 among them that were suspected of being involved in the torture. The TNI accused the man in the video of being a KKB member who was planning to commit arson, but there’s no evidence of this provided, with members of the man’s family claiming he was just fixing his roof along with another friend of his, Alianus Mirok, when TNI soldiers captured them.
After they were handed over to the police, they were released soon afterwards due to there being a lack of evidence against them. After Defianus was already tortured.
There are also some articles that state that Defianus died from his injuries, which if true would make this whole situation extra fucked.
However, this is far from the only incident of torture that has been committed by the TNI. In February of 2020, a civilian named Jusni was tortured to death by a group of 11 soldiers, with most of the perpetrators only getting 9 to 11 months in prison, and only 2 received a sentence of more than a year as well as getting fired.
Even more recently as I was making this, there was a recent article reporting on how TNI soldiers tortured a journalist in Northern Maluku for reporting on the TNI seizing a ship with minyak tanah and threatened to kill him unless he signed a deal where he promised to stop reporting on their activities and quit being a journalist.
The TNI always had a pattern of behaviour when it comes to this, with there having been 431 cases of torture in Papua by apparatuses happening all the way back from 1963 up until 2010, with only 2 having been committed against pro-independence militants, the rest of them being civilians. Of these cases, 65% of them were committed by the military, 34% by the police, and 1% by separatist militants.
Why was there such a high amount of torture by the military against civilians? Aside from the soldiers having a power complex over other people and for the most part feeling immunity from any kind of punishment, there’s another important reason, racism.
Sangat sulit (mengidentifikasi) karena mukanya hampir sama. Mereka brewok
- Mayjen Izak Pangemanan, Commander of the Cenderawasih Military Area Command, when asked by the press why the military had a hard time distinguishing between civilians and militants.
So, to be clear, because TNI soldiers were incapable of telling the difference between a regular civilian and a separatist militant, they captured civilians who weren’t even involved with the militants in the first place and since they were free to do whatever they want, tortured them. Apparently, this problem is so bad that Papuan men have a term for it, musa (muka sama) because they’re afraid that they’ll be mistakenly captured as being a part of the TPNBP and tortured by TNI soldiers.
Now, with the recent discourse surrounding the use of torture by the TNI in Papua, there’s been some comments by people I’m gonna refer to as “ultranationalists” that try to justify or defend what the TNI soldiers had done in Papua. Some of them are current soldiers that say that because TNI soldiers and POLRI men have been killed by TPNPB members, that they shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. Then there are your netizens that will basically defend everything the military does and say that the people criticizing them are unpatriotic western bootlickers who should go to Papua themselves if they care so much about HAM.
To put this one straight, I strongly disagree with these deflections, I think they’re war crime apologias and I’m gonna spend the rest of my post arguing against them.
And just to be extra clear, when I say “war crimes,” to my understanding it means violations of international law (including torture) that are committed during an armed conflict, at least from what I read from the UN.
There are 2 main arguments I want to make for this case, the first are the political arguments and the second are the moral arguments.
Political Arguments
If we’re looking exclusively from a realpolitik perspective where the main goal is the integrity of the current borders of NKRI, then what happened in Papua, and most likely continuing to happen, is a fucking optical disaster, and undermines that goal entirely.
In Papua itself, stuff like this would radicalize the fuck out of your average Papuan person, imagine if you found out that a family member of yours was tortured by TNI soldiers and the perpetrators went scot-free, of course you would be fucking livid. It further erodes trust in the institutions of the state and galvanizes the pro-independence movement, as chances are they’ll either join one of the civilian pro-independence organizations, or if they’re in the more rural and mountainous areas take up arms with the TPNPB. TPNPB members don’t just come out of nowhere.
We’ve seen this phenomenon played out countless times already, torturing or oppressing a group of people with the aim to instil fear in a population and subdue them usually leads to the opposite effect. As an example, not long after Oct 7, support for Hamas, which advocates for armed resistance, has increased among Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank due to Israel’s incessant bombing of Gaza as well as increasing violence with Ultra-Orthodox settlers in the West Bank, while support for the Palestinian Authority has plummeted to the ground.
Internationally, it hurts Indonesia’s credibility on the world stage, turning public opinion against Indonesia’s handling of Papua. People often forget that one of the reasons why Western governments decided to no longer back Indonesia’s occupation of East Timor (may Henry Kissinger burn in hell) was because of the Santa Cruz massacre, in which Indonesian soldiers gunned down unarmed protesters that killed about at least 250 civilians, with footage of the massacre causing international outcry as well as pressure on Western governments to cut their support for Indonesia, similar to what we’re seeing in Gaza right now.
If your goal IS the integrity of the current Indonesian borders, then you should scream out of the top of your lungs to say that shit like this is unacceptable, because this just leads to the opposite effect.
Moral Arguments
As far as moral arguments go, it essentially boils down to this, torture is morally bad, no exceptions.
For one, torture has terrible effects on the victim. Physically, it can lead to chronic pain, brain damage, hearing and vision loss, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, and physical scars. It also psychologically traumatizes the victim, causing them to have depression, PTSD, sleep deprivation, and in the case of stripping the victim naked, strips them of their identity and causes shame.
Two, torture also affects society at large, as the use of torture can lead to its continued and increased use. If soldiers are allowed to torture someone without any consequences, that leads to the entire military feeling that they can get away with it, leading to more cases like Defianus.
The military should not have leeway when it comes to using extrajudicial punishments, as there’s the rule of law when it comes to stuff like this. The use of torture is a violation of the law itself, as Indonesia is a party of the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), which among other things include the prohibition of torture, as well as of UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture). Heck even in the 1945 constitution of Indonesia itself, at verse 28G of chapter 10A (which is a chapter that focuses solely on human rights), it explicitly states the right to be free from torture.
“BuT HAM iS JuSt WeSTeRn SJW ProPagAnda” Pancasila&Orba_supporter_#315645, I dare you say that to our founding fathers.
If we legitimize extrajudicial torture as a legitimate form of punishment by the armed forces, who’s to say that the same tactics can’t be applied to you when you’re, say, protesting or criticizing the government? It sets a bad precedent that your civil rights don't need to be taken into account when it comes to the military or authorities for that matter, as well as further creating a culture of impunity among the military and police. I’m sure most of us here don’t want the return of the Orba regime.
Even if the victim was in fact a KKB member who has done some heinous shit, torture in general, aside from being a bad way to make someone tell the truth as it just leads to people lying in order to escape the pain, is just a harm to the individual and society as a whole, hence why I think it should be universally opposed.
So yeah, that about wraps up the main part of my long fucking Reddit post. Normally in a situation like this, I would just write a comment on a post and call it a day, but certain comments riled up my brain that I felt the need to write this all down.
I’ve seen the same logic espoused by Zionists to justify to their ongoing genocide in Palestine by blaming Hamas being said by Indonesian ultranationalists who try to justify the torture of Papuan civilians because of the actions of the KKB, which is EXTREMELY ironic to me, considering I know that these same people would consider themselves to be Pro-Palestine.
To be extra, extra clear, the killing of civilian workers as well as the burnings of public facilities by Papuan militants are completely unjustified and also constitute war crimes. In the same breath, I’m sure that some TNI soldiers feel pain from the loss of friends to KKB gunshots. But that’s the thing though, some of those people part of KKB probably joined the group at least initially because TNI soldiers did some fucked up shit towards either them or their family and friends, but that surely doesn’t justify their attacks on civilian workers on the vague assumption that they’re “spies for the enemy”, neither should that apply for the TNI (and in case the analogies weren’t obvious enough, this also applies to both Hamas and the IDF).
The insane number of comments, lies, and abuses that were levied against the Rohingya Refugees that landed in Aceh by netizens as well as Acehnese students shows to me how dehumanization rhetoric can affect basically everyone, it just depends on how susceptible you are to it. It’s the main reason why I decided to make this post in the first place. We shouldn’t fall into dehumanization rhetoric of an entire group of people just because of the actions of a few. Terrorism committed by the TPNPB should not give the military impunity to do whatever they want, and vice versa for that matter. If we do, we end up using the same justifications that Zionists use.
Di sila kedua Pancasila, dibilangnya kalau semua kemanusiaan itu adil dan beradab. Which to me certainly suggests that all people have equal rights, a.k.a., HAM (gasp, scary acronym). I’m not sure if ultranationalists Orba types who defend TNI soldiers torturing civilians and tell protesting students at BEM UI to KKN to Papua realize that they’re going against a literal principle of Pancasila but guess we all have our blind spots.
A few of the responses to this post will say that I’m just a stupid, unpatriotic, SJW who’s out of touch with the real situation in Papua, and maybe I am, but hey, at least I’m not a war crime apologist.
submitted by Xanimal123 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 07:11 tanah_jawa Main Seru: Ide Permainan Kreatif untuk Anak

Selamat datang di blog "Main Seru"! Di sini, kami akan berbagi berbagai ide permainan kreatif yang bisa membuat anak-anak Anda tetap aktif dan terhibur. Dari permainan dalam ruangan hingga permainan luar ruangan, kami memiliki banyak ide untuk mengisi waktu luang anak-anak dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan mendidik. Mari kita mulai dengan beberapa ide permainan yang pasti akan membuat mereka senang!

1. Permainan "Treasure Hunt" (Petualangan Harta Karun)

Petualangan Harta Karun adalah permainan yang menyenangkan dan merangsang imajinasi anak-anak. Sembunyikan beberapa hadiah atau barang-barang kecil di sekitar rumah atau taman, dan berikan petunjuk kepada anak-anak untuk menemukan mereka. Petunjuk bisa berupa teka-teki, gambar, atau pesan tersembunyi. Biarkan anak-anak bersenang-senang mencari harta karun sambil belajar tentang kerjasama dan pemecahan masalah.

2. Permainan "Indoor Obstacle Course" (Lintasan Rintangan dalam Ruangan)

Buatlah lintasan rintangan dalam ruangan dengan menggunakan bantal, kursi, dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Anak-anak dapat melompati, merayap di bawah, dan mengelilingi rintangan-rintangan ini secepat mungkin. Permainan ini tidak hanya akan membantu meningkatkan keterampilan motorik mereka, tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan untuk berkreasi dan bergerak secara aktif.

3. Permainan "DIY Board Games" (Permainan Papan Buatan Sendiri)

Ajak anak-anak untuk membuat permainan papan mereka sendiri! Mereka dapat membuat papan permainan, kartu, dan potongan-potongan permainan dengan menggunakan kertas, pensil warna, dan barang-barang bekas. Setelah selesai membuatnya, mereka dapat bermain bersama teman atau keluarga. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk merangsang kreativitas dan mengajarkan anak-anak tentang aturan dan strategi permainan.

4. Permainan "Outdoor Water Balloon Dodgeball" (Dodgeball dengan Balon Air di Luar Ruangan)

Di hari yang cerah, tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan daripada bermain dodgeball dengan balon air! Isi balon air dan bagi anak-anak menjadi dua tim. Mereka harus menghindari balon air yang dilemparkan oleh lawan sambil mencoba untuk mengenai lawan mereka dengan balon air. Ini adalah cara yang menyegarkan dan menyenangkan untuk menghabiskan waktu di luar rumah.

5. Permainan "Storytelling Circle" (Lingkaran Bermain Bersama Cerita)

Buat lingkaran di sekitar anak-anak dan mintalah setiap anak untuk menambahkan satu bagian dari cerita yang sedang dibangun secara bergantian. Cerita bisa menjadi apa pun yang mereka inginkan, dari petualangan di luar angkasa hingga petualangan di hutan yang misterius. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk merangsang imajinasi dan keterampilan bahasa anak-anak.

6. Permainan "Nature Scavenger Hunt" (Petualangan Cari Barang di Alam)

Ajak anak-anak untuk menjelajahi alam di sekitar rumah dengan permainan mencari barang. Berikan daftar barang-barang yang harus mereka cari, seperti batu, daun, atau bunga. Biarkan mereka menemukan barang-barang ini sendiri sambil menikmati udara segar dan keindahan alam.

7. Permainan "DIY Musical Instruments" (Alat Musik Buatan Sendiri)

Biarkan anak-anak mengeksplorasi kreativitas mereka dengan membuat alat musik sederhana dari barang-barang rumah tangga. Mereka bisa membuat drum dari panci, shaker dari botol plastik, atau flute dari sedotan. Setelah selesai membuatnya, biarkan mereka membentuk band dan bermain musik bersama. Ini adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan musik mereka sambil berkreasi.
Itulah beberapa ide permainan kreatif yang dapat Anda coba dengan anak-anak Anda. Ingatlah bahwa permainan bukan hanya tentang bersenang-senang, tetapi juga tentang belajar dan tumbuh bersama. Semoga ide-ide ini membantu Anda menciptakan momen-momen berharga bersama anak-anak Anda! Jangan ragu untuk berbagi pengalaman Anda dengan kami di bagian komentar di bawah. Terima kasih telah membaca!
submitted by tanah_jawa to u/tanah_jawa [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 11:29 Harry_is_white_hot The Magenta Crash: Was information of the event the "pistol held to the head” of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) by the Third Reich in order to force the Vatican to sign the Concordat in July 1933? Did the Vatican fear general knowledge of NHI would destroy the Catholic Church?

The Magenta Crash: Was information of the event the
Yes, unfortunately, by its very nature this is going to be a very long read. I've posted the images of the CIA documents referenced because, quite frankly, people would not believe what the documents contained unless they saw them with their own eyes. I understand that it will also be a very controversial read, and I make no apologies. I’m merely pointing to the data - make up your own mind. I have interspersed the data with comments of my own in CAPS, because in all honesty, they scream out a need to be answered. Hopefully, one of the other researchers will pick up the thread and make a YT video of the data for better dissemination.
The main characters:
  1. Eugenio Pacelli – was Vatican secretary of state under his predecessor, Pope Pius XI, and a former papal nuncio, or envoy, to Germany. Became Pope Pius XII in 1939.
  2. Eugen Dollmann - a German diplomat and member of the SS. From 1927 to 1930, Dollmann studied in Rome the history of the Farnese family and Italian art history. There he met Heinrich Himmler who introduced him to Karl Wolff. In 1933 Dollmann become Hitler’s attache in Rome and Vatican envoy, reporting directly to Himmler. He used the knowledge of Magenta to force the Vatican’s hand into signing the Concordat. After the war, Dollman is involved in nuclear propulsion experiments with the Italian Navy, claims to know the whereabouts of a secret cache of weapons and Hitlers’ most important documents. CIA Director Allen Dulles and Chief of Counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton personally write reports on Dollman from 1946 to 1955.
  3. William H. “Wild Bill” Donovan – lawyer, WW1 Medal of Honour recipient, Attorney General candidate and Director / General of the Office of Strategic Services. Named in a memo from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 5, 1942, regarding the recovery of recovered objects from the Los Angeles incident in 1942. Donovan personally photographs ALL of the important OSS files between September 20 – October 1, 1945 after President Harry S. Truman informs him the OSS will be abolished within 10 days. The CIA is only given access to these files in 1982 when the US Army provides them under Executive Order 12356, and after the US Navy copies them in their entirety. The CIA sanitized the files and gave them back to the US Army – this explains why the three CIA leakers of the Majestic Documents (Tarasoff, Goodpasture and Miler) had no documentation relating to the 1933 Magenta incident. All three had left the CIA by 1976. The 3 known remaining copies of Donovan’s OSS files may be able to be FOIA’d.
  4. Francis Spellman – close friend of Cardinal Pacelli / Pius XII. Conducted a classified tour of the New Mexico military bases on 30 June 1947, shortly after the Roswell crash. One of Pacelli / Pius XII first acts was to appoint Spellman the sixth Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1939.
  5. President Franklin D. Roosevelt – appears to have known about crash retrievals before the April 1941 Cape Girardeau incident. Majestic Documents memo to him reference a crash in 1897, and he was also possibly informed of the 1933 Magenta crash through the Angleton family, who were living in Milan at the time.
  6. Allen Dulles – the OSS’ well-connected “man in Switzerland” who organised the Ciano Diaries and who negotiated with Eugen Dollman for the surrender of the German Forces in Italy under Operation Sunrise. As the original recipient of the Ciano Diaries from Edda Ciano (Count Ciano’s wife and Mussolini’s daughter), it is most likely very probable that Dulles removed any reference to the Magenta crash from the diaries before passing them on.
  7. Otto Skorzeny – notorious SS commando and the man Hitler tasked with retrieving Mussolini from imprisonment on Grand Sasso mountain. Skorzeny sets up office in Spain in the 1950s, where Dollman seeks refuge in 1954. Although a committed Nazi, he is recruited by the Israeli Mossad in 1962 to assassinate former Nazi rocket scientists who are assisting Egypt.
  8. E. Howard Hunt – former OSS operative and CIA black ops specialist. Worked in Spain during 1965-66 on a sensitive “bigot-list” program. In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations requests information from the CIA on Hunt’s activities in Spain during the time, but the CIA are unable to provide any information on Hunt during this period or even how he got paid.
  9. Myron Taylor – J.P. Morgan personal friend and tasked by President Roosevelt to be special envoy to the Vatican (even though Roosevelt had also tasked Archbishop Spellman with the same job).
  10. James Jesus Angleton – OSS Counter Intelligence (X-2) Chief in Italy 1943 – 1945, stayed on after the war to run CI for the U.S. Government until late 1946. Stated in a report that intercepted communications from Vatican Envoy Myron Taylor back to President Roosevelt constituted a “threat to U.S. National Security”.
  11. Ildefonso Schuster – Archbishop of Milan. Well known to the catholic Angleton family since their move to Milan in 1931. In August 1946, Colonels Eugen Wenner and Eugen Dollmann escaped from a detention camp, they received help and protection from Italian intelligence and Schuster. A member of the Order of the Knights of Malta, of whom Hugh Angleton, James Jesus Angleton were members. The Knights of Malta LinkedIn account is currently managed by Jim Angleton.
1933 – a tumultuous year for the Vatican and Eugenio Pacelli.
· Accounts of 20th-century diplomatic relations between Germany and the Vatican commonly take as their starting point the political scene in the late 19th century. German Chancellor Bismarck's Kulturkampf ("Battle for Culture") of 1871–78 saw an attempt to assert a Protestant vision of nationalism over the new German Empire, and fused anticlericalism with suspicion of the Catholic population, whose loyalty was presumed to lie with Austria and France.
¡ The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including:
¡ Backlash against the Weimar Republic and the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s
¡ Anti-Communism
¡ Nationalism
¡ Resentment toward the international community in the wake of World War I, which Germany lost and for which it was forced to pay heavy reparations
· Before 1933, in fact, some bishops prohibited Catholics in their dioceses from joining the Nazi Party. This ban was dropped after Hitler's March 23, 1933, speech to the Reichstag in which he described Christianity as the “foundation” for German values. The Centre Party was dissolved as part of the signing of a 1933 Concordat between the Vatican and Nazi governmental representatives, and several of its leaders were murdered in the Röhm purge in July 1934.
¡ In January 1933, Hitler became Chancellor. The passing of the Enabling Act on 23 March, in part, removed the Reichstag as an obstacle to concluding a concordat with the Vatican. Hitler offered the possibility of friendly co-operation promising not to threaten the Reichstag, the President, the States, or the Churches if granted the emergency powers. Soon after coming to power, Hitler told Hermann Rauschning that Bismarck had been stupid in starting a Kulturkampf and outlined his own strategy for dealing with the clergy which would be based initially on a policy of toleration: We should trap the priests by their notorious greed and self-indulgence. We shall thus be able to settle everything with them in perfect peace and harmony. I shall give them a few years' reprieve. Why should we quarrel? They will swallow anything in order to keep their material advantages. Matters will never come to a head. They will recognise a firm will, and we need only show them once or twice who is the master. They will know which way the wind blows.
· Early in March 1933, the German bishops recommended that Catholics vote for the Centre Party in the elections scheduled for 5 March 1933. However, two weeks later the Catholic hierarchy reversed its previous policy – the bishops now allowed the Centre Party and the Bavarian Catholic Party to vote for the Enabling Act which gave Hitler dictatorial powers on 23 March. On 29 March 1933 Cardinal Pacelli sent word to the German bishops to the effect that they must now change their position with regard to National Socialism. On 28 March 1933, the bishops themselves took up a position favourable to Hitler. According to Falconi (1966), the about-face came through the influence and instructions of the Vatican. Pope Pius XI indicated in Mit brennender Sorge (1937) that the Germans had asked for the concordat, and Pope Pius XII (the former Cardinal Pacelli) affirmed this in 1945.
· At a 26 April 1933 meeting with Bishop Wilhelm Berning of Osnabrück, representative of the German Bishops' Conference, Hitler declared that the Catholic Church had distrust in other religions for “1500 years”. Edith Stein — later canonized as Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross — wrote a letter to Pius XI in April 1933 about the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany. Her letter was sent personally via the Arch-Abbott of Beuron. She never asked him to issue an encyclical on the matter, as some have contended. The Arch-Abbott received an answer from Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pius XII.
¡ Because of increasing harassment of Catholics and Catholic clergy, Cardinal Pacelli sought quick ratification of a treaty with the government, seeking in this way to protect the German Church. When Vice-Chancellor Papen and Ambassador to the Vatican Diego von Bergen met Pacelli in late June 1933, they found him "visibly influenced" by reports of actions being taken against German Catholic interests.
· “His Holiness Pope Pius XI has appointed as his plenipotentiary [a diplomat granted full power to represent] His Eminence the Most Revered Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, His Holiness' Secretary of State; and the President of the German Reich [Paul von Hindenburg] has appointed as plenipotentiary the Vice-Chairman of the German Reich, Herr Franz von Papen; who, having exchanged their proper form have agreed to the following articles.”
¡ Cardinal Pacelli and von Papen initialled the concordat in Rome on 20 July 1933, with Eugen Dollman in attendance.
¡ On 23 July, a British minister met Cardinal Pacelli who appeared "very satisfied" with the signing of the concordat. The cardinal expressed the view that, with the guarantees given relating to Catholic education, this concordat was an improvement over the 1929 agreement with Prussia. Cardinal Pacelli did sound a note of caution in that his satisfaction was based on the assumption that the German Government "remained true to its undertaking", but noted also that Hitler "was becoming increasingly moderate"
¡ On 19 August, Ivone Kirkpatrick had a further discussion with Cardinal Pacelli in which he expressed his "disgust and abhorrence" at Hitler's reign of terror to the diplomat. Pacelli said "I had to choose between an agreement on their lines and the virtual elimination of the Catholic Church in the Reich." Pacelli also told Kirkpatrick that he deplored the persecution of the Jews, but a pistol had been held to his head and that he had no alternative, being given only one week to decide.
· After constant confrontations, by late 1935, Bishop Clemens August von Galen of Münster was urging a joint pastoral letter protesting against an "underground war" against the church. By early 1937, the church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, had become highly disillusioned. In March, Pope Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical – accusing the Nazi Government of violations of the 1933 concordat, and further that it was sowing the "tares of suspicion, discord, hatred, calumny, of secret and open fundamental hostility to Christ and His Church". The Nazis responded with an intensification of the Church Struggle, beginning around April.
Archbishop Francis J. Spellman
· Francis Joseph Spellman (May 4, 1889 – December 2, 1967) was an American prelate of the Catholic Church. From 1939 to his death, he served as the sixth Archbishop of New York; he had served as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston from 1932 to 1939. He was created a cardinal in 1946.He graduated in 1911 and decided to study for the priesthood. He was then sent by Archbishop William Henry O'Connell to study at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.
¡ During his years in Rome, Spellman befriended such figures as Gaetano Bisleti, Francesco Borgongini Duca, and Domenico Tardini.
¡ Spellman was ordained a priest by Patriarch Giuseppe Ceppetelli on May 14, 1916. Upon his return to the United States, he did pastoral work in the Archdiocese of Boston. After the United States entered World War I in 1917, Spellman applied to become a military chaplain in the Army but did not meet the height requirement.
¡ Spellman's comparable application to the Navy was personally rejected, twice, by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
¡ He was named assistant chancellor in 1918 and in 1924 archivist of the Archdiocese. After translating into English two books written by his friend Borgongini Duca, Spellman was made the first American attachÊ of the Vatican Secretariat of State in 1925.
¡ He was raised to the rank of Privy Chamberlain on October 4, 1926, by Pope Pius XI. During a trip to Germany in 1927, Spellman established a lifelong friendship with Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli, who was serving as Apostolic Nuncio.
¡ He translated Pius XI's first broadcast over Vatican Radio in 1931.Later that year, Spellman was charged with smuggling Non abbiamo bisogno, the papal encyclical condemning Benito Mussolini, out of Rome to Paris, where he then delivered it to the press; he was subsequently attacked by Italian newspapers.
¡ On July 30, 1932, Spellman was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Titular Bishop of Sila by Pope Pius XI. Spellman had originally been considered for the Dioceses of Portland, Maine, and Manchester, New Hampshire.
¡ He received his consecration on the following September 8 from Pacelli (wearing the vestments Pacelli wore when he was consecrated by Benedict XV), with Archbishops Giuseppe Pizzardo and Francesco Borgongini Duca serving as co-consecrators, at St. Peter's Basilica. His was the first consecration of an American bishop ever held at St. Peter's. Borgongini-Duca designed for him a coat of arms incorporating Columbus's ship the Santa Maria. Pope Pius XI gave him the motto Sequere Deum ("follow God").
¡ In the autumn of 1936, Cardinal Pacelli came to the United States and visited New York City, Washington, D.C., Boston, Saint Paul, and Chicago. The ostensible purpose of the trip was personal; he was to be the guest of Genevieve Brady, the wealthy widow of Nicholas Brady. However, during the trip Pacelli met with Roosevelt to discuss diplomatic recognition of the sovereignty of Vatican City.
¡ Spellman was present at the meeting, which he arranged to take place at the president's boyhood home at Hyde Park, New York, on November 5, 1936, two days after his re-election to a second term.
¡ After the death of Pope Pius XI, Pacelli was elected as Pope Pius XII, and one of his first acts was to appoint Spellman the sixth Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1939. In addition to his duties as diocesan bishop, he was named Apostolic Vicar for the U.S. Armed Forces on December 11, 1939.
· After his promotion to New York, Spellman also became a close confidant of Roosevelt. During World War II, he was chosen by Roosevelt to act as the latter's agent and visited Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in 1943 for a total of 16 countries in four months. As Archbishop and a military vicar, he would have greater freedom than official diplomats. Spellman also acted as a liaison between Pope Pius XII and Roosevelt in the Pope's attempts to have Rome declared an open city to save it from the relentless bombing that other European capitals had suffered and from potentially destroying Rome's historical sites and ruins, including Vatican City. Pope Pius XII created Spellman Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in the consistory of February 18, 1946. Spellman's titular church was the same one that had been held by Pius before his election to the papacy. Being known as a Cardinal of a small, unknown church in Rome was less desirable than being known as the Archbishop of New York, which is why Spellman is referenced in the Majestic Documents as “Archbishop Spellman”, despite being a Cardinal at the time.
· General Eisenhower Memo to Col. K. W. Ireland, 30 June 1947 (Majestic Document). In this one-page unclassified memo, Eisenhower orders Col. K. W. Ireland to take good care of Archbishop Francis J. Spellman on his tour through New Mexico. What seems unusual is President Truman’s personal involvement in this matter. The memo states: “By personal direction of the President of the United States, Archbishop Francis J. Spellman in his capacity as Military Vicar of the Armed Forces of the Army, Army Air Forces and the Navy, is making a tour of military bases in New Mexico, afterwards is making a trip over the routes of the Air Transport Command.” It is strange that this is a classified trip, as evidenced by the following statement: “General Webster has assured me that the Archbishop will have complete security at all times and that his presence at any air field will not be disclosed as his flight schedule is considered classified by order of AC/AS General Vandenberg.”
Major General William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan
· William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan KBE (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. He is best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II. He is regarded as the founding father of the CIA, and a statue of him stands in the lobby of the CIA headquarters building in Langley, Virginia.
¡ A decorated veteran of World War I, Donovan is believed to be the only person to have been awarded all four of the following prestigious decorations: the Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, and the National Security Medal. He is also a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart, as well as decorations from a number of other nations for his service during both World Wars.
¡ Impressed by Donovan and cheered by his eagerness to help Britain, Churchill ordered that he be given unlimited access to classified information.
¡ On July 11, 1941, President Roosevelt established the Office of the Coordination of Information (COI) and named Donovan as its director. The COI was tasked with coordinating information collected abroad for the president. After the United States became involved in World War II, the COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in June 1942, with Donovan, now a major general, in charge. https://www.socom.mil/wild-bill-donovan-sof-pioneer
Memo to George Marshall from FDR, 27 February 1942 - This is the memo that links the UFO crashes with the Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942, since it occurred only three days earlier. It alludes to “atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices” and authorizes “Dr. Bush to proceed with the project without further delay.” The reference to “this new wonder” is a unique phrase for the time
¡ See https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/fdr.pdf
· There has been much speculation regarding the document above, and Donovan’s rank as a “General” at the time. That great oracle of wisdom (Wikipedia) has Donovan ranked as a Colonel during this period. The SOF website mentioned previously states that by June 1942 Donovan had the rank of Major General – meaning that in February 1942 Donovan was at least a Brigadier General. Also, the following memoir of Donovan from Allen Dulles himself would make the plausibility of someone ranked as a junior Staff member be in charge of what amounts to an entire Division (20,000 + soldiers) of the U.S. Army seem unlikely:
· “Donovan also recommended to the President that the United States start preparing immediately for a global war. He particularly stressed the need of a service to wage unorthodox warfare and to gather information through every means available. He discussed this idea at length with his close friends in the Cabinet, Secretaries Knox and Stimson, and with Attorney General Jackson.
The seeds which Bill planted bore fruit. In July 1941 the President established the Office of the Coordinator of Information and called Donovan to Washington to head it. In original concept this Office was to combine the information and intelligence programs with psychological and guerrilla warfare. This proved to be too big a package for one basket and in 1942 the organization was split. That portion of it coordinating wartime information services became the Office of War Information, and the intelligence and unorthodox warfare work, where Bill's greatest interest lay, was put under an Office of Strategic Services.
Truly one of the remarkable accomplishments in World War II was the organization and activity of the O.S.S.--feats which would never have been achieved without Bill Donovan's leadership and his vast interest in the unorthodox, the novel and the dangerous. Starting from scratch in 1941, he built an organization of about 25,000 people that made a real contribution to the victory. Many of the deeds of O.S.S. will have to remain secret, but with the passage of time many have been disclosed.” https://web.archive.org/web/20080110100424/https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol3no3/html/v03i3a07p_0004.htm
· On March 5, 1942, George C. Marshall writes a top-secret memo to the President (Majestic Document), which states: “regarding the air raid over Los Angeles it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral Anderson recovered an unidentified airplane off the coast of California with no bearing on conventional explanation… This Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.” Marshall goes on to state: “As a consequence I have issued orders to Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection between recent incidents and those collected by the director the office of Coordinator of Information.” The memo bears correct Office of Chief of Staff (OCS) file numbers and has “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” (IPU) typed on it at a later time by a different typewriter. It is logical to believe that this is the order that sets up the IPU. This memo also references a crash retrieval that occurred in 1897.
¡ Shortly after the Japanese surrender in 1945, General Donovan gets some very bad news from President Harry Truman: the OSS is going to be disbanded in 10 days time. Donovan, being a lawyer at heart, photographs all the important documents that the OSS has collected:
Donovan OSS Files

¡ https://www.archives.gov/files/iwg/declassified-records/rg-226-oss/directors-microfilm-roll-list.pdf
· This explains why there is no reference to the Magenta Crash in the Majestic Documents – the CIA only acquired these Donovan’s microfilm files in 1982, well after the three CIA Majestic Document leakers Boris Tarasoff (aka “Thomas Cantwheel”), Ann Goodpasture (aka “Selina”) and Scotty Miler (aka Source S-1) had left the agency. The “corporate knowledge” of the Magenta Crash was maintained by Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton and Richard Helms, who were all former OSS members.
· The CIA received the OSS files from the US military in 1982 (who had already made full copies of everything), sanitised them and then returned the files. As the document pictured states, there were four known copies of the OSS files – one of which has since been destroyed. If the original, unsanitized files can be located, they might be a veritable gold mine for UFO researchers if FOIA’d.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Myron Taylor
¡ As stated earlier, Roosevelt had employed Archbishop of New York, Francis Spellman, to be the liaison between Pope Pius XII and himself. Why then, on December 22, 1939, did Roosevelt ask industrialist and personal friend of J.P. Morgan, Myron Taylor "to take on a special mission for me" to be his "personal envoy" to Pope Pius XII. Did Roosevelt not trust Archbishop Spellman?
¡ Taylor's appointment was announced on December 23, 1939, and confirmed in Rome, Italy, on February 28, 1940. Taylor served from 1940 throughout the rest of Roosevelt's presidency (his death in 1945) and continued as President Harry S. Truman's "personal envoy" until 1950. Although appointed as a "Peace Ambassador" and "personal envoy" Taylor was extended ambassador status by the Holy See on February 13, 1940.
· On February 22, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a DOUBLE TOP SECRET memo on White House stationary for “The special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology” (Majestic Document). Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word “non-terrestrial” and the latter talks about “coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe.” Remarkably, the last four words are exactly the title of Sagan’s book co-authored with the Soviet scientist Shklovsky. Clearly the situation was that we had recovered at least one craft by then, probably the Cape Girardeau crash of 1941, and came to realize the wealth of technology that lay there for the pickings. Apparently the “Special Committee on Non-terrestrial Science and Technology” had been working some time in order to define a clear action. Dr. Bush had presumably presented a proposal from the Committee for an aggressive separate program to apply “non-terrestrial know how” to the war effort, but FDR thought that it would threaten the atomic bomb program. Thus, he carefully avoids saying “no,” but says that we will “take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us” after we have won the war.
· From the diaries of Count Galeazzo Ciano, we know that Taylor’s constant to-ing and fro-ing between Washington and the Vatican was a source of severe irritation to Mussolin – on October 26, 1942, Mussolini states “Concordat or no concordat – if Myron Taylor tries to return to Italy he will be put in handcuffs”.
· Angleton considered any intercept of Myron Taylor’s communications a “threat to U.S. national security”: “After the withdrawal of the Sicherheitsdienst from Rome and the isolation of the German diplomatic staff, Ultra information became less decisive. The misunderstanding between SI and SCI-Z blocked any form of dialogue. According to Scamporino, the data were essential, but for Angleton, as he communicated to Donovan on January 2, 1945, they were a mix of trivialities, irrelevant real facts, and false claims. All of Angleton’s attempts, from February to April 1945, to question the validity of the information were interpreted by Scamporino as an attack on his source. On May 3, Scamporino insisted by sending to Washington a list of cryptonyms used by “Vessel.” However, for Angleton, the head of counterespionage at OSS in Rome, the situation was of considerable importance. If the information had been true, it would have represented a threat to American national security, since “Vessel” suggested having access to reports by Myron Taylor, Roosevelt’s representative to the Vatican. The existence of “Dusty” as the only alternative source indicated the possibility of manipulation, presumably by British intelligence.” https://intelligencegeopolitica.it/shadows-of-rome-james-angleton-and-the-evolution-of-allied-counterintelligence/
SS Colonel Eugen Dollman
· Eugen Dollmann (8 August 1900 – 17 May 1985) was a German diplomat and member of the SS. Born in Regensburg. Dollmann graduated in 1926 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as Doktor der Philosophie. From 1927 to 1930, Dollmann studied in Rome the history of the Farnese family and Italian art history. He was living at the Piazza di Spagna where he worked as interpreter. There he met Heinrich Himmler who introduced him to Karl Wolff. In 1933 Dollmann become the Third Reich’s representative in Italy, reporting directly to Himmler and was involved in the “negotiations” for the Concordat with Cardinal Pacelli. He knew about the Magenta Crash, using the knowledge as blackmail for the rest of his life.
· The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (NWCDA), passed in 1998, forced the CIA’s hand and brought to light much of Dollman’s history with the OSS and the CIA. A treasure trove of documents can be found at https://archive.org/details/DollmannEugene/DOLLMANN%2C%20EUGENE_0001/ - in the following points I will post images of the relevant documents and their reference numbers.

¡ Document 5

Document 8
· Angleton’s report above of November 26, 1946 has the following detail of a Top Secret document on Dollman accidently being shared with British Intelligence:

Document 8
· On December 5, 1946, the following report regarding Dollman (Document 9) is sent to General Hoyt Vandenberg, General Lyman Lemnitzer and the Department of State, and recommends that the report is “immediately burned after you read it”:

Document 9

· Dollman obviously has information that the CIA are desparate to keep the lid on. Here is Richard Helms on October 22, 1947, stating that if Dollman gets arrested in Italy “we will not intercede on his behalf to get them out again”.
Document 18

· On July 21, 1950, Dollman makes the claim to CIA source that there is a “hidden arms cache” in the Brenner Pass region. This source also states that a US Army Counter Intelligence Corps representative managed to get Dollman released from French custody.

Document 30
· On October 26, 1950, Dollman refers to the arms cache as being from the “Brandenberg Regiment” and also claims Hitler is still alive.

Document 35

¡ On August 6, 1951, the CIA reports that Dollman is the conduit for two German nuclear scientists to begin working on propulsion systems with the Italian Navy - specifically heavy water (the Twining White Hot report stated heavy water was part of the propulsion system from the Roswell crash).

Document 37

· On October 2. 1951, the US Army officially informs the CIA and the Department of State of Dollman’s involvement with the nuclear scientists.

Document 41
· November 16 1951 – the CIA is considering PAYING Dollman to find the Hitler documents in Brenner Pass.

Document 43

· March 18, 1952 – Dollman travels to Spain with assistance from Italian Intelligence Service (SIM) and the Catholic Church – specifically Archbishop of Milan, Ildefonso Schuster (an old friend of the Angleton family from their time in Milan 1931-39). He stays with SS Commando Otto Skorzeny.

Document 50

· The Italian Intelligence Service (SIM) consider Dollman a “salvageable intelligence asset” after his nuclear propulsion tests with the Italian Navy.

Document 51

· Dollman’s arrival in Spain is documented for the CIA by Winston M. Scott – someone who is well known in the JFK Assassination as the station Chief of Mexico City when Lee Harvey Oswald visited in 1963. Also present in Mexico City AT THAT TIME were the Majestic Document leakers Boris Tarasoff and Ann Goodpasture.

Document 52

· Dollman’s activities in Spain reach the highest echelons of the CIA, US Army and the Department of State. In Document 53, Assistant Director and later Inspector General of the CIA Lyman Kirkpatrick states that Dollman is being protected in Spain by the Catholic Church and General Franco himself.

Document 53

· On December 17, 1952 an article on Dollman is published in an Italian magazine called “Epeon”, and relates his story of the hidden cache in the Brenner Pass region. Dollman claims Field Marshall Kesselring urges him to find the cache “before the Russians do” in the dying days of WW2.

Document 61

· Dollman’s old “acquaintance” during the war and now Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, still has an interest in Dollman’s activities in 1954, when he resides in Munich. Dulles wants to know EVERYTHING about Dollman and his activities from January 1 1952 onwards. “Exempt Zipper” relates to the Gehlen Intelligence network.

Document 64

· On February 10, 1955, Dollman appears to be up to his old “blackmail” tricks, this time the target being DCI Allen Dulles himself. In Document 74, Dulles states “opinion strongly against mention ANY Americans. Pls inform Dollman letter coming”

Document 74

¡ On April 17, 1955 CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence, James Jesus Angleton writes to the State Department to explain that Dollman has claimed a former Ambassador is a homosexual, and gives a witty anecdote of the story (Document 79)
SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny
· Skorzeny’s fame entered legendary status when Hitler selected him for the mission to rescue Mussolini after his arrest. What is not widely known, however, is that he later claimed the OSS (the CIA’s forebear) had aided his escape in return for his services.
¡ In 1950, he moved to Spain, where Nazi refugees received asylum. To all appearances, his new life with his wife and their small engineering business appeared relatively normal. But his business may have been a front to help numerous Nazis escape to Spain or Latin America
¡ Which makes it even more interesting that Skorzeny became a hitman for Israel over ten years later.
· One evening in 1962, two Mossad agents posing as a couple befriended Skorzeny and his wife in a Spanish bar. But Skorzeny was no fool and he lured them back to his house, where he pulled a gun on them. He said, “I know who you are, and I know why you’re here. You’re Mossad and you’ve come to kill me.” The agents said he was half-right: they did not want to kill him but wanted to recruit him. Israel wanted to stop Egypt’s missile program and they saw Skorzeny as the person to do it. After tense negotiations at the point of a pistol, Skorzeny agreed only if Mossad removed his name from Israel’s hit-list.
· Convinced, Skorzeny got to work. In Munich, he assassinated Heinz Krug, one of the principal former Nazi scientists working on the missile project. In Egypt, he sent an exploding package which killed five Egyptians at Factory 333, the military site where the scientists worked. The intimidation worked because the remaining German scientists all left by the end of 1963. Skorzeny remained in Madrid for the rest of his life, where encountered another “interesting fellow” by the name of E. Howard Hunt. https://allthatsinteresting.com/otto-skorzeny
“This Hunt fellow – he knows too damned much” – President Richard Nixon
· During the House Select Committee hearings in 1978, the committee asked the CIA to give information on what E. Howard Hunt was doing for the CIA in Spain during the period of 1965 – 1966. The CIA could not provide any information on Hunt’s TDY to Spain – they couldn’t even say how he got paid. When asked by the HSCA during his testimony what he was doing there, he stated he was part of an operation that required a “Bigot List” – now, where have we heard that before?

Hunt HSCA Testimony

Hunt HSCA Testimony

That’s all folks.
u/36_39_42 - thanks for the tip.
submitted by Harry_is_white_hot to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 10:53 Harry_is_white_hot The Magenta Crash 1933: Was information of the event “the pistol held to the head” of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) by the Third Reich in order to force the Vatican to sign the Concordat in July 1933? Did the Vatican fear general knowledge of NHI would destroy the Catholic Church?

The Magenta Crash 1933: Was information of the event “the pistol held to the head” of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) by the Third Reich in order to force the Vatican to sign the Concordat in July 1933? Did the Vatican fear general knowledge of NHI would destroy the Catholic Church?
Yes, unfortunately, by its very nature this is going to be a very long read. I've posted the images of the CIA documents referenced because, quite frankly, people would not believe what the documents contained unless they saw them with their own eyes. I understand that it will also be a very controversial read, and I make no apologies. I’m merely pointing to the data - make up your own mind. I have interspersed the data with comments of my own in CAPS, because in all honesty, they scream out a need to be answered. Hopefully, one of the other researchers will pick up the thread and make a YT video of the data for better dissemination.
The main characters:
  1. Eugenio Pacelli – was Vatican secretary of state under his predecessor, Pope Pius XI, and a former papal nuncio, or envoy, to Germany. Became Pope Pius XII in 1939.
  2. Eugen Dollmann - a German diplomat and member of the SS. From 1927 to 1930, Dollmann studied in Rome the history of the Farnese family and Italian art history. There he met Heinrich Himmler who introduced him to Karl Wolff. In 1933 Dollmann become Hitler’s attache in Rome and Vatican envoy, reporting directly to Himmler. He used the knowledge of Magenta to force the Vatican’s hand into signing the Concordat. After the war, Dollman is involved in nuclear propulsion experiments with the Italian Navy, claims to know the whereabouts of a secret cache of weapons and Hitlers’ most important documents. CIA Director Allen Dulles and Chief of Counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton personally write reports on Dollman from 1946 to 1955.
  3. William H. “Wild Bill” Donovan – lawyer, WW1 Medal of Honour recipient, Attorney General candidate and Director / General of the Office of Strategic Services. Named in a memo from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 5, 1942, regarding the recovery of recovered objects from the Los Angeles incident in 1942. Donovan personally photographs ALL of the important OSS files between September 20 – October 1, 1945 after President Harry S. Truman informs him the OSS will be abolished within 10 days. The CIA is only given access to these files in 1982 when the US Army provides them under Executive Order 12356, and after the US Navy copies them in their entirety. The CIA sanitized the files and gave them back to the US Army – this explains why the three CIA leakers of the Majestic Documents (Tarasoff, Goodpasture and Miler) had no documentation relating to the 1933 Magenta incident. All three had left the CIA by 1976. The 3 known remaining copies of Donovan’s OSS files may be able to be FOIA’d.
  4. Francis Spellman – close friend of Cardinal Pacelli / Pius XII. Conducted a classified tour of the New Mexico military bases on 30 June 1947, shortly after the Roswell crash. One of Pacelli / Pius XII first acts was to appoint Spellman the sixth Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1939.
  5. President Franklin D. Roosevelt – appears to have known about crash retrievals before the April 1941 Cape Girardeau incident. Majestic Documents memo to him reference a crash in 1897, and he was also possibly informed of the 1933 Magenta crash through the Angleton family, who were living in Milan at the time.
  6. Allen Dulles – the OSS’ well-connected “man in Switzerland” who organised the Ciano Diaries and who negotiated with Eugen Dollman for the surrender of the German Forces in Italy under Operation Sunrise. As the original recipient of the Ciano Diaries from Edda Ciano (Count Ciano’s wife and Mussolini’s daughter), it is most likely very probable that Dulles removed any reference to the Magenta crash from the diaries before passing them on.
  7. Otto Skorzeny – notorious SS commando and the man Hitler tasked with retrieving Mussolini from imprisonment on Grand Sasso mountain. Skorzeny sets up office in Spain in the 1950s, where Dollman seeks refuge in 1954. Although a committed Nazi, he is recruited by the Israeli Mossad in 1962 to assassinate former Nazi rocket scientists who are assisting Egypt.
  8. E. Howard Hunt – former OSS operative and CIA black ops specialist. Worked in Spain during 1965-66 on a sensitive “bigot-list” program. In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations requests information from the CIA on Hunt’s activities in Spain during the time, but the CIA are unable to provide any information on Hunt during this period or even how he got paid.
  9. Myron Taylor – J.P. Morgan personal friend and tasked by President Roosevelt to be special envoy to the Vatican (even though Roosevelt had also tasked Archbishop Spellman with the same job).
  10. James Jesus Angleton – OSS Counter Intelligence (X-2) Chief in Italy 1943 – 1945, stayed on after the war to run CI for the U.S. Government until late 1946. Stated in a report that intercepted communications from Vatican Envoy Myron Taylor back to President Roosevelt constituted a “threat to U.S. National Security”.
  11. Ildefonso Schuster – Archbishop of Milan. Well known to the catholic Angleton family since their move to Milan in 1931. In August 1946, Colonels Eugen Wenner and Eugen Dollmann escaped from a detention camp, they received help and protection from Italian intelligence and Schuster. A member of the Order of the Knights of Malta, of whom Hugh Angleton, James Jesus Angleton were members. The Knights of Malta LinkedIn account is currently managed by Jim Angleton.
1933 – a tumultuous year for the Vatican and Eugenio Pacelli.
· Accounts of 20th-century diplomatic relations between Germany and the Vatican commonly take as their starting point the political scene in the late 19th century. German Chancellor Bismarck's Kulturkampf ("Battle for Culture") of 1871–78 saw an attempt to assert a Protestant vision of nationalism over the new German Empire, and fused anticlericalism with suspicion of the Catholic population, whose loyalty was presumed to lie with Austria and France.
¡ The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including:
¡ Backlash against the Weimar Republic and the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s
¡ Anti-Communism
¡ Nationalism
¡ Resentment toward the international community in the wake of World War I, which Germany lost and for which it was forced to pay heavy reparations
· Before 1933, in fact, some bishops prohibited Catholics in their dioceses from joining the Nazi Party. This ban was dropped after Hitler's March 23, 1933, speech to the Reichstag in which he described Christianity as the “foundation” for German values. The Centre Party was dissolved as part of the signing of a 1933 Concordat between the Vatican and Nazi governmental representatives, and several of its leaders were murdered in the Röhm purge in July 1934.
¡ In January 1933, Hitler became Chancellor. The passing of the Enabling Act on 23 March, in part, removed the Reichstag as an obstacle to concluding a concordat with the Vatican. Hitler offered the possibility of friendly co-operation promising not to threaten the Reichstag, the President, the States, or the Churches if granted the emergency powers. Soon after coming to power, Hitler told Hermann Rauschning that Bismarck had been stupid in starting a Kulturkampf and outlined his own strategy for dealing with the clergy which would be based initially on a policy of toleration: We should trap the priests by their notorious greed and self-indulgence. We shall thus be able to settle everything with them in perfect peace and harmony. I shall give them a few years' reprieve. Why should we quarrel? They will swallow anything in order to keep their material advantages. Matters will never come to a head. They will recognise a firm will, and we need only show them once or twice who is the master. They will know which way the wind blows.
· Early in March 1933, the German bishops recommended that Catholics vote for the Centre Party in the elections scheduled for 5 March 1933. However, two weeks later the Catholic hierarchy reversed its previous policy – the bishops now allowed the Centre Party and the Bavarian Catholic Party to vote for the Enabling Act which gave Hitler dictatorial powers on 23 March. On 29 March 1933 Cardinal Pacelli sent word to the German bishops to the effect that they must now change their position with regard to National Socialism. On 28 March 1933, the bishops themselves took up a position favourable to Hitler. According to Falconi (1966), the about-face came through the influence and instructions of the Vatican. Pope Pius XI indicated in Mit brennender Sorge (1937) that the Germans had asked for the concordat, and Pope Pius XII (the former Cardinal Pacelli) affirmed this in 1945.
· At a 26 April 1933 meeting with Bishop Wilhelm Berning of Osnabrück, representative of the German Bishops' Conference, Hitler declared that the Catholic Church had distrust in other religions for “1500 years”. Edith Stein — later canonized as Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross — wrote a letter to Pius XI in April 1933 about the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany. Her letter was sent personally via the Arch-Abbott of Beuron. She never asked him to issue an encyclical on the matter, as some have contended. The Arch-Abbott received an answer from Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pius XII.
¡ Because of increasing harassment of Catholics and Catholic clergy, Cardinal Pacelli sought quick ratification of a treaty with the government, seeking in this way to protect the German Church. When Vice-Chancellor Papen and Ambassador to the Vatican Diego von Bergen met Pacelli in late June 1933, they found him "visibly influenced" by reports of actions being taken against German Catholic interests.
· “His Holiness Pope Pius XI has appointed as his plenipotentiary [a diplomat granted full power to represent] His Eminence the Most Revered Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, His Holiness' Secretary of State; and the President of the German Reich [Paul von Hindenburg] has appointed as plenipotentiary the Vice-Chairman of the German Reich, Herr Franz von Papen; who, having exchanged their proper form have agreed to the following articles.”
¡ Cardinal Pacelli and von Papen initialled the concordat in Rome on 20 July 1933, with Eugen Dollman in attendance.
¡ On 23 July, a British minister met Cardinal Pacelli who appeared "very satisfied" with the signing of the concordat. The cardinal expressed the view that, with the guarantees given relating to Catholic education, this concordat was an improvement over the 1929 agreement with Prussia. Cardinal Pacelli did sound a note of caution in that his satisfaction was based on the assumption that the German Government "remained true to its undertaking", but noted also that Hitler "was becoming increasingly moderate"
¡ On 19 August, Ivone Kirkpatrick had a further discussion with Cardinal Pacelli in which he expressed his "disgust and abhorrence" at Hitler's reign of terror to the diplomat. Pacelli said "I had to choose between an agreement on their lines and the virtual elimination of the Catholic Church in the Reich." Pacelli also told Kirkpatrick that he deplored the persecution of the Jews, but a pistol had been held to his head and that he had no alternative, being given only one week to decide.
· After constant confrontations, by late 1935, Bishop Clemens August von Galen of Münster was urging a joint pastoral letter protesting against an "underground war" against the church. By early 1937, the church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, had become highly disillusioned. In March, Pope Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical – accusing the Nazi Government of violations of the 1933 concordat, and further that it was sowing the "tares of suspicion, discord, hatred, calumny, of secret and open fundamental hostility to Christ and His Church". The Nazis responded with an intensification of the Church Struggle, beginning around April.
Archbishop Francis J. Spellman
· Francis Joseph Spellman (May 4, 1889 – December 2, 1967) was an American prelate of the Catholic Church. From 1939 to his death, he served as the sixth Archbishop of New York; he had served as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston from 1932 to 1939. He was created a cardinal in 1946.He graduated in 1911 and decided to study for the priesthood. He was then sent by Archbishop William Henry O'Connell to study at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.
¡ During his years in Rome, Spellman befriended such figures as Gaetano Bisleti, Francesco Borgongini Duca, and Domenico Tardini.
¡ Spellman was ordained a priest by Patriarch Giuseppe Ceppetelli on May 14, 1916. Upon his return to the United States, he did pastoral work in the Archdiocese of Boston. After the United States entered World War I in 1917, Spellman applied to become a military chaplain in the Army but did not meet the height requirement.
¡ Spellman's comparable application to the Navy was personally rejected, twice, by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
¡ He was named assistant chancellor in 1918 and in 1924 archivist of the Archdiocese. After translating into English two books written by his friend Borgongini Duca, Spellman was made the first American attachÊ of the Vatican Secretariat of State in 1925.
¡ He was raised to the rank of Privy Chamberlain on October 4, 1926, by Pope Pius XI. During a trip to Germany in 1927, Spellman established a lifelong friendship with Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli, who was serving as Apostolic Nuncio.
¡ He translated Pius XI's first broadcast over Vatican Radio in 1931.Later that year, Spellman was charged with smuggling Non abbiamo bisogno, the papal encyclical condemning Benito Mussolini, out of Rome to Paris, where he then delivered it to the press; he was subsequently attacked by Italian newspapers.
¡ On July 30, 1932, Spellman was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Titular Bishop of Sila by Pope Pius XI. Spellman had originally been considered for the Dioceses of Portland, Maine, and Manchester, New Hampshire.
¡ He received his consecration on the following September 8 from Pacelli (wearing the vestments Pacelli wore when he was consecrated by Benedict XV), with Archbishops Giuseppe Pizzardo and Francesco Borgongini Duca serving as co-consecrators, at St. Peter's Basilica. His was the first consecration of an American bishop ever held at St. Peter's. Borgongini-Duca designed for him a coat of arms incorporating Columbus's ship the Santa Maria. Pope Pius XI gave him the motto Sequere Deum ("follow God").
¡ In the autumn of 1936, Cardinal Pacelli came to the United States and visited New York City, Washington, D.C., Boston, Saint Paul, and Chicago. The ostensible purpose of the trip was personal; he was to be the guest of Genevieve Brady, the wealthy widow of Nicholas Brady. However, during the trip Pacelli met with Roosevelt to discuss diplomatic recognition of the sovereignty of Vatican City.
¡ Spellman was present at the meeting, which he arranged to take place at the president's boyhood home at Hyde Park, New York, on November 5, 1936, two days after his re-election to a second term.
¡ After the death of Pope Pius XI, Pacelli was elected as Pope Pius XII, and one of his first acts was to appoint Spellman the sixth Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1939. In addition to his duties as diocesan bishop, he was named Apostolic Vicar for the U.S. Armed Forces on December 11, 1939.
· After his promotion to New York, Spellman also became a close confidant of Roosevelt. During World War II, he was chosen by Roosevelt to act as the latter's agent and visited Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in 1943 for a total of 16 countries in four months. As Archbishop and a military vicar, he would have greater freedom than official diplomats. Spellman also acted as a liaison between Pope Pius XII and Roosevelt in the Pope's attempts to have Rome declared an open city to save it from the relentless bombing that other European capitals had suffered and from potentially destroying Rome's historical sites and ruins, including Vatican City. Pope Pius XII created Spellman Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in the consistory of February 18, 1946. Spellman's titular church was the same one that had been held by Pius before his election to the papacy. Being known as a Cardinal of a small, unknown church in Rome was less desirable than being known as the Archbishop of New York, which is why Spellman is referenced in the Majestic Documents as “Archbishop Spellman”, despite being a Cardinal at the time.
· General Eisenhower Memo to Col. K. W. Ireland, 30 June 1947 (Majestic Document). In this one-page unclassified memo, Eisenhower orders Col. K. W. Ireland to take good care of Archbishop Francis J. Spellman on his tour through New Mexico. What seems unusual is President Truman’s personal involvement in this matter. The memo states: “By personal direction of the President of the United States, Archbishop Francis J. Spellman in his capacity as Military Vicar of the Armed Forces of the Army, Army Air Forces and the Navy, is making a tour of military bases in New Mexico, afterwards is making a trip over the routes of the Air Transport Command.” It is strange that this is a classified trip, as evidenced by the following statement: “General Webster has assured me that the Archbishop will have complete security at all times and that his presence at any air field will not be disclosed as his flight schedule is considered classified by order of AC/AS General Vandenberg.”
Major General William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan
· William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan KBE (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. He is best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II. He is regarded as the founding father of the CIA, and a statue of him stands in the lobby of the CIA headquarters building in Langley, Virginia.
¡ A decorated veteran of World War I, Donovan is believed to be the only person to have been awarded all four of the following prestigious decorations: the Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, and the National Security Medal. He is also a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart, as well as decorations from a number of other nations for his service during both World Wars.
¡ Impressed by Donovan and cheered by his eagerness to help Britain, Churchill ordered that he be given unlimited access to classified information.
¡ On July 11, 1941, President Roosevelt established the Office of the Coordination of Information (COI) and named Donovan as its director. The COI was tasked with coordinating information collected abroad for the president. After the United States became involved in World War II, the COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in June 1942, with Donovan, now a major general, in charge. https://www.socom.mil/wild-bill-donovan-sof-pioneer
Memo to George Marshall from FDR, 27 February 1942 - This is the memo that links the UFO crashes with the Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942, since it occurred only three days earlier. It alludes to “atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices” and authorizes “Dr. Bush to proceed with the project without further delay.” The reference to “this new wonder” is a unique phrase for the time
¡ See https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/fdr.pdf
· There has been much speculation regarding the document above, and Donovan’s rank as a “General” at the time. That great oracle of wisdom (Wikipedia) has Donovan ranked as a Colonel during this period. The SOF website mentioned previously states that by June 1942 Donovan had the rank of Major General – meaning that in February 1942 Donovan was at least a Brigadier General. Also, the following memoir of Donovan from Allen Dulles himself would make the plausibility of someone ranked as a junior Staff member be in charge of what amounts to an entire Division (20,000 + soldiers) of the U.S. Army seem unlikely:
· “Donovan also recommended to the President that the United States start preparing immediately for a global war. He particularly stressed the need of a service to wage unorthodox warfare and to gather information through every means available. He discussed this idea at length with his close friends in the Cabinet, Secretaries Knox and Stimson, and with Attorney General Jackson.
The seeds which Bill planted bore fruit. In July 1941 the President established the Office of the Coordinator of Information and called Donovan to Washington to head it. In original concept this Office was to combine the information and intelligence programs with psychological and guerrilla warfare. This proved to be too big a package for one basket and in 1942 the organization was split. That portion of it coordinating wartime information services became the Office of War Information, and the intelligence and unorthodox warfare work, where Bill's greatest interest lay, was put under an Office of Strategic Services.
Truly one of the remarkable accomplishments in World War II was the organization and activity of the O.S.S.--feats which would never have been achieved without Bill Donovan's leadership and his vast interest in the unorthodox, the novel and the dangerous. Starting from scratch in 1941, he built an organization of about 25,000 people that made a real contribution to the victory. Many of the deeds of O.S.S. will have to remain secret, but with the passage of time many have been disclosed.” https://web.archive.org/web/20080110100424/https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol3no3/html/v03i3a07p\_0004.htm
· On March 5, 1942, George C. Marshall writes a top-secret memo to the President (Majestic Document), which states: “regarding the air raid over Los Angeles it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral Anderson recovered an unidentified airplane off the coast of California with no bearing on conventional explanation… This Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.” Marshall goes on to state: “As a consequence I have issued orders to Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection between recent incidents and those collected by the director the office of Coordinator of Information.” The memo bears correct Office of Chief of Staff (OCS) file numbers and has “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” (IPU) typed on it at a later time by a different typewriter. It is logical to believe that this is the order that sets up the IPU. This memo also references a crash retrieval that occurred in 1897.
¡ Shortly after the Japanese surrender in 1945, General Donovan gets some very bad news from President Harry Truman: the OSS is going to be disbanded in 10 days time. Donovan, being a lawyer at heart, photographs all the important documents that the OSS has collected:
¡ https://www.archives.gov/files/iwg/declassified-records/rg-226-oss/directors-microfilm-roll-list.pdf
· This explains why there is no reference to the Magenta Crash in the Majestic Documents – the CIA only acquired these Donovan’s microfilm files in 1982, well after the three CIA Majestic Document leakers Boris Tarasoff (aka “Thomas Cantwheel”), Ann Goodpasture (aka “Selina”) and Scotty Miler (aka Source S-1) had left the agency. The “corporate knowledge” of the Magenta Crash was maintained by Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton and Richard Helms, who were all former OSS members.
· The CIA received the OSS files from the US military in 1982 (who had already made full copies of everything), sanitised them and then returned the files. As the document pictured states, there were four known copies of the OSS files – one of which has since been destroyed. If the original, unsanitized files can be located, they might be a veritable gold mine for UFO researchers if FOIA’d.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Myron Taylor
¡ As stated earlier, Roosevelt had employed Archbishop of New York, Francis Spellman, to be the liaison between Pope Pius XII and himself. Why then, on December 22, 1939, did Roosevelt ask industrialist and personal friend of J.P. Morgan, Myron Taylor "to take on a special mission for me" to be his "personal envoy" to Pope Pius XII. Did Roosevelt not trust Archbishop Spellman?
¡ Taylor's appointment was announced on December 23, 1939, and confirmed in Rome, Italy, on February 28, 1940. Taylor served from 1940 throughout the rest of Roosevelt's presidency (his death in 1945) and continued as President Harry S. Truman's "personal envoy" until 1950. Although appointed as a "Peace Ambassador" and "personal envoy" Taylor was extended ambassador status by the Holy See on February 13, 1940.
· On February 22, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a DOUBLE TOP SECRET memo on White House stationary for “The special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology” (Majestic Document). Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word “non-terrestrial” and the latter talks about “coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe.” Remarkably, the last four words are exactly the title of Sagan’s book co-authored with the Soviet scientist Shklovsky. Clearly the situation was that we had recovered at least one craft by then, probably the Cape Girardeau crash of 1941, and came to realize the wealth of technology that lay there for the pickings. Apparently the “Special Committee on Non-terrestrial Science and Technology” had been working some time in order to define a clear action. Dr. Bush had presumably presented a proposal from the Committee for an aggressive separate program to apply “non-terrestrial know how” to the war effort, but FDR thought that it would threaten the atomic bomb program. Thus, he carefully avoids saying “no,” but says that we will “take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us” after we have won the war.
· From the diaries of Count Galeazzo Ciano, we know that Taylor’s constant to-ing and fro-ing between Washington and the Vatican was a source of severe irritation to Mussolin – on October 26, 1942, Mussolini states “Concordat or no concordat – if Myron Taylor tries to return to Italy he will be put in handcuffs”.
· Angleton considered any intercept of Myron Taylor’s communications a “threat to U.S. national security”: “After the withdrawal of the Sicherheitsdienst from Rome and the isolation of the German diplomatic staff, Ultra information became less decisive. The misunderstanding between SI and SCI-Z blocked any form of dialogue. According to Scamporino, the data were essential, but for Angleton, as he communicated to Donovan on January 2, 1945, they were a mix of trivialities, irrelevant real facts, and false claims. All of Angleton’s attempts, from February to April 1945, to question the validity of the information were interpreted by Scamporino as an attack on his source. On May 3, Scamporino insisted by sending to Washington a list of cryptonyms used by “Vessel.” However, for Angleton, the head of counterespionage at OSS in Rome, the situation was of considerable importance. If the information had been true, it would have represented a threat to American national security, since “Vessel” suggested having access to reports by Myron Taylor, Roosevelt’s representative to the Vatican. The existence of “Dusty” as the only alternative source indicated the possibility of manipulation, presumably by British intelligence.” https://intelligencegeopolitica.it/shadows-of-rome-james-angleton-and-the-evolution-of-allied-counterintelligence/
SS Colonel Eugen Dollman
· Eugen Dollmann (8 August 1900 – 17 May 1985) was a German diplomat and member of the SS. Born in Regensburg. Dollmann graduated in 1926 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as Doktor der Philosophie. From 1927 to 1930, Dollmann studied in Rome the history of the Farnese family and Italian art history. He was living at the Piazza di Spagna where he worked as interpreter. There he met Heinrich Himmler who introduced him to Karl Wolff. In 1933 Dollmann become the Third Reich’s representative in Italy, reporting directly to Himmler and was involved in the “negotiations” for the Concordat with Cardinal Pacelli. He knew about the Magenta Crash, using the knowledge as blackmail for the rest of his life.
· The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (NWCDA), passed in 1998, forced the CIA’s hand and brought to light much of Dollman’s history with the OSS and the CIA. A treasure trove of documents can be found at https://archive.org/details/DollmannEugene/DOLLMANN%2C%20EUGENE_0001/ - in the following points I will post images of the relevant documents and their reference numbers.
¡ Document 5

Document 8
· Angleton’s report above of November 26, 1946 has the following detail of a Top Secret document on Dollman accidently being shared with British Intelligence:
Document 8
· On December 5, 1946, the following report regarding Dollman (Document 9) is sent to General Hoyt Vandenberg, General Lyman Lemnitzer and the Department of State, and recommends that the report is “immediately burned after you read it”:

Document 9
· Dollman obviously has information that the CIA are desparate to keep the lid on. Here is Richard Helms on October 22, 1947, stating that if Dollman gets arrested in Italy “we will not intercede on his behalf to get them out again”.
Document 18
· On July 21, 1950, Dollman makes the claim to CIA source that there is a “hidden arms cache” in the Brenner Pass region. This source also states that a US Army Counter Intelligence Corps representative managed to get Dollman released from French custody.

Document 30
· On October 26, 1950, Dollman refers to the arms cache as being from the “Brandenberg Regiment” and also claims Hitler is still alive.

Document 35
¡ On August 6, 1951, the CIA reports that Dollman is the conduit for two German nuclear scientists to begin working on propulsion systems with the Italian Navy - specifically heavy water (the Twining White Hot report stated heavy water was part of the propulsion system from the Roswell crash).

Document 37
· On October 2. 1951, the US Army officially informs the CIA and the Department of State of Dollman’s involvement with the nuclear scientists.

Document 41
· November 16 1951 – the CIA is considering PAYING Dollman to find the Hitler documents in Brenner Pass.

Document 43
· March 18, 1952 – Dollman travels to Spain with assistance from Italian Intelligence Service (SIM) and the Catholic Church – specifically Archbishop of Milan, Ildefonso Schuster (an old friend of the Angleton family from their time in Milan 1931-39). He stays with SS Commando Otto Skorzeny.

Document 50
· The Italian Intelligence Service (SIM) consider Dollman a “salvageable intelligence asset” after his nuclear propulsion tests with the Italian Navy.

Document 51
· Dollman’s arrival in Spain is documented for the CIA by Winston M. Scott – someone who is well known in the JFK Assassination as the station Chief of Mexico City when Lee Harvey Oswald visited in 1963. Also present in Mexico City were the Majestic Document leakers Boris Tarasoff and Ann Goodpasture.

Document 52
· Dollman’s activities in Spain reach the highest echelons of the CIA, US Army and the Department of State. In Document 53, Assistant Director and later Inspector General of the CIA Lyman Kirkpatrick states that Dollman is being protected in Spain by the Catholic Church and General Franco himself.

Document 53
· On December 17, 1952 an article on Dollman is published in an Italian magazine called “Epeon”, and relates his story of the hidden cache in the Brenner Pass region. Dollman claims Field Marshall Kesselring urges him to find the cache “before the Russians do” in the dying days of WW2.

Document 61
· Dollman’s old “acquaintance” during the war and now Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, still has an interest in Dollman’s activities in 1954, when he resides in Munich. Dulles wants to know EVERYTHING about Dollman and his activities from January 1 1952 onwards. “Exempt Zipper” relates to the Gehlen Intelligence network.

Document 64
· On February 10, 1955, Dollman appears to be up to his old “blackmail” tricks, this time the target being DCI Allen Dulles himself. In Document 74, Dulles states “opinion strongly against mention ANY Americans. Pls inform Dollman letter coming”

Document 74
¡ On April 17, 1955 CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence, James Jesus Angleton writes to the State Department to explain that Dollman has claimed a former Ambassador is a homosexual, and gives a witty anecdote of the story (Document 79)
SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny
· Skorzeny’s fame entered legendary status when Hitler selected him for the mission to rescue Mussolini after his arrest. What is not widely known, however, is that he later claimed the OSS (the CIA’s forebear) had aided his escape in return for his services.
¡ In 1950, he moved to Spain, where Nazi refugees received asylum. To all appearances, his new life with his wife and their small engineering business appeared relatively normal. But his business may have been a front to help numerous Nazis escape to Spain or Latin America
¡ Which makes it even more interesting that Skorzeny became a hitman for Israel over ten years later.
· One evening in 1962, two Mossad agents posing as a couple befriended Skorzeny and his wife in a Spanish bar. But Skorzeny was no fool and he lured them back to his house, where he pulled a gun on them. He said, “I know who you are, and I know why you’re here. You’re Mossad and you’ve come to kill me.” The agents said he was half-right: they did not want to kill him but wanted to recruit him. Israel wanted to stop Egypt’s missile program and they saw Skorzeny as the person to do it. After tense negotiations at the point of a pistol, Skorzeny agreed only if Mossad removed his name from Israel’s hit-list.
· Convinced, Skorzeny got to work. In Munich, he assassinated Heinz Krug, one of the principal former Nazi scientists working on the missile project. In Egypt, he sent an exploding package which killed five Egyptians at Factory 333, the military site where the scientists worked. The intimidation worked because the remaining German scientists all left by the end of 1963. Skorzeny remained in Madrid for the rest of his life, where encountered another “interesting fellow” by the name of E. Howard Hunt. https://allthatsinteresting.com/otto-skorzeny
“This Hunt fellow – he knows to God-damned much” – President Richard Nixon
· During the House Select Committee hearings in 1978, the committee asked the CIA to give information on what E. Howard Hunt was doing for the CIA in Spain during the period of 1965 – 1966. The CIA could not provide any information on Hunt’s TDY to Spain – they couldn’t even say how he got paid. When asked by the HSCA during his testimony what he was doing there, he stated he was part of an operation that required a “Bigot List” – now, where have we heard that before?

Hunt HSCA Testimony

Hunt HSCA Testimony

That’s all folks.
u/36_39_42 - thanks for the tip.
submitted by Harry_is_white_hot to UFOB [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 22:20 Anagram_21201 [WWTBC] actually 5 books about 5 bffs who make a pact to be active and on the lookout for Love in their lives

A series about 5 bffs who make a pact to be on the lookout for love- and each book explores one of their stories
I read these years ago, all except for the last one I think. I can’t quite remember and now I’m not sure what they were called or who the author was, I liked them though and now I kinda want to read the last one in the series. The main characters all lived in Australia as well, or had some connection to Australia 😅😊
The first book is about Rebecca and Zach Carmichael (not quite sure that’s how it’s spelled) - she’s a nurse and he’s a billionaire, and they had been together before but stopped seeing each other for some reason. It starts on a cruise where Rebecca is helping Zach‘s grandma (Rebecca was employed by his grandma after the grandma had a fall and that’s how they met) and how they get close over the course of a few weeks/ months and rekindle their relationship. How he makes her remember how much fun they had ;) and how she gets him to relax and spend more time with his family and her.
Book 2 focuses on Sarah and Zachs brother from the first book, I don’t remember his name or much of this one.
Book 3 is about Connor and Amanda, Connor is a mechanic who worked on formula one but has now retired to start his own garage. I can’t remember what Amanda does but their relationship was so cute, she was a little bit insecure and thought she was too plain and he builds her up and helps her see herself for who is she- a sexy amazing woman. They also had the cutest proposal along Bondi Beach
Book 4 is about Ash (I think he was Amanda’s brother but I’m not sure) and the girl who’s name I can’t remember. Ash is an eye Doktor but that’s all I can remember.
Book 5 is about Gemma and the last Carmichael brother (the youngest) and it’s set at Christmas time in Australia. If Im remembering correctly it starts at one of the other girls weddings, that’s all I know though, I didn’t read this one.
Thank you guys so much, I love this community and how open everyone is 😊
submitted by Anagram_21201 to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 18:50 MandyBrigwell The Potential: What is the meaning of the "Herr Koktor" comment?

Potential, from Demons by Daylight. The main character, Charles, during his introductory moments with a mysterious stranger, Cook, says:
“Ja, iss right, Herr Koktor,”
a comment qualified with 'but it didn’t work.' The comment follows a reference to Charles being a good mimic of Boris Karloff, and a vaguely-propositional comment from Cook about Charles being empty, looking for something to fill him and expand his mind.
Googling 'Herr Koktor' helpfully searches for 'Herr Doktor' instead, which makes me wonder if there's a possible misprint in the 1975 Star paperback? The story also appeared in 'Great Black Magic Stories', which does have 'Doktor', but the Amazon ebook version I purchased in 2015 sticks with 'Koktor'.
I feel I'm missing something, but I don't know what.
submitted by MandyBrigwell to ramseycampbell [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 13:31 imAstroberijam I don't know what to do, help me po

Hello po, I am a Senior High graduating student (17, F) and I'm planning to take Med Lab Sci/Nursing/Bio as my Pre-Med course.
Marami po akong gustong malaman at itanong. I've been trying to plan my career since last year po pero super busy po kasi sunod sunod na competitions and school works ang ginagawa ko. I am the first po sa buong angkan ko na tatapak sa college, both mother and father side. I really have no idea what to do po, like, saka ko lang nalaman na may strands ang senior high nung nag enroll po ako (currently in STEM).
I've recently just decided po na gusto kong i-pursue ang Med School right after my Bachelor's. Gusto ko pong maging Ob-gyn and ever since I was a child po I am already clear about what career path I want to take even though clueless po ako from most of the things.
Ang main concern ko po is, is it worth it? And if ever makuha ko po yung M.D., can I get my residency in US po or should I work here?(high salary po kasi ang aking nais) Uhm... I am not from a wealthy family po, just so-so situation lang pero may willing po tumulong sa'kin para mag aral, and may relative po ako sa US na 2 generation of Nurses na willing daw akong kunin sa US (malayo-layong relative po, half sister ng pinsan ng lola ko ehehe).
Planado na po lahat, ako nalang po 'tong lakad ng lakad sa mga planong hindi ko naman alam kung anong purpose. I mean, gusto ko pong maging doktor, really :> Wala lang po kasi akong mapagtatanungan, or mahihingan ng advice kaya feel ko medyo hindi ako ready and medyo nalilito pa po ako.
• Bachelor's • Med school • Intern • Board Exam • Residency • Sub-specialty
Uhhh, saang part po ako magkaka-salary diyan sa taas? Ehehe.
submitted by imAstroberijam to medschoolph [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 00:41 Optimal_Constant221 Dicariin Mantan di Facebook

Ini pertamakalinya posting di reddit Indonesia. Semoga ga salah kamar.

Aku mau cerita. Pertengahan tahun lalu mantanku waktu jaman bloon2 dulu tepatnya waktu kuliah inbox aku di fb. Aku kaget tapi seneng karena sebenernya aku juga pernah nyariin dia tapi karena dulu gak tau nama lengkapnya jadi gak pernah ketemu. Singkat cerita dulu aku ninggalin dia kalo gak salah krn kita beda agama. Eh skrg pas dia inbox ngabarin kl kita sdh seagama. Tapi dia sdh nikah. Aku juga.

Dari obrolan2 pendek aja aku ngerasa ada yg salah krn aku ngerasa sdg selingkuh walau pun kita gak ngomongin soal cinta2an. Walau perkawinanku sdg ada masalah dan perkawinannya juga ada masalah tapi aku ttp ngerasa salah. Aku seneng ketemu dia lagi tapi terus aku pamitan dan blokir dia di fb.

Sakit banget rasanya. Perkawinanku sdh di ujung tanduk. Aku sdh dapet pengacara buat ngurus semua. Aku mau berdiri sendiri krn cape punya pasangan yg tak seirama. Suatu waktu aku ingin main ke tempat mantanku itu krn dia tinggal di pulau yg indah. Tapi aku gak niat hubungin dia sih cuma kebetulan aku punya anak yg aku sponsorin juga disana. Aku mulai kerja supaya gak ngandelin suamiku. Tapi stlh kerja bbrpa bulan ternyata penyakitku makin kambuh. Aku gak bisa kerja lagi.

Aku gak mungkin berdiri sendiri lagi. Aku tergantung sama suami apalagi ada anak2. Tapi jauh didalam lubuk hatiku aku tersiksa hidup sama dia.
Anyway, Sepertinya Tuhan benar2 ngelarang aku bahkan untuk sekedar pergi ke tempat mantanku itu karena jalanku langsung diblokir lewat penyakitku. Satu hal yg aku syukuri dr bertemunya aku dgn dia lagi walau cuma di dumay yaitu aku jadi aktif bikin video di youtube. Dari Agustus smp skrg aku sdh bikin 113 video. Cuma video edit mengedit sedikit tapi itu cukup membuat kepalaku lega sedikit tiap melakukannya disamping melakukan pekerjaan rumah plus ngurus anak2.

Kpd yg membaca tolong dido'akan ya semoga suamiku kl tdk cinta lagi mau melepasku baik2.
submitted by Optimal_Constant221 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 12:15 Melosiar The "games"

Cerita ini Daripada abang jiran Saya Yang pindah Ke **** Di kedah,Panggil abang jiran Saya ni,hafilul, hafilul ada computer window second hand Yang power,Dia Dulu gamer,Dia Selalu upload Kat YouTube,tapi,Saya Tak Tahu kalau Dia famous Ke Tidak,Satu Hari,Dia download game betajuk the games,Masa abang Saya download,Mak Dia Panggil,make Dia Kata "hafilul,Mai Makan,mak Masak Ayam Masak kicap" Pada Pukul 12:12,Game Itu Sudah download Dan hafilul Pergi Ke computer Dan Duduk main,Saat hafilul bermain game,game Itu menanyakan kalau Dia Ingin pilih kakanya Atau ibunya,hafilul memilih Ibu,Tiba-Tiba kakaknya menjerit,Saat hafilul Masuk Bilik kakaknya,Hafilul Melihat kakaknya terangkat tercekik diatas langit,hafilul menolong kakaknya Tetapi Tidak boleh Kerana kakanya semakin tinggi Di langit,mak Bapak hafilul Datang Ke Bilik kakaknya Dan menolong kaknya,Dan innalilahi,kakaknya menningal,keeseokan harinya, kakaknya Di Kubur Di Tempat Di sekitar sekangor,Selepas kakaknya dikubur,hafilul Masih ada jiwa Tidak Tahu,Jadi Dia main Lagi game Itu Lagi Sekali,Game Itu menanyakan "Kalau Kamu tersesat Di Hutan,Selepas Itu kamu jumpa harimau Dan singa,Kamu Ingin BUNUH Mereka menggunakan Apa?,Gunting?,Pistol? Atau Pisau?'',Hafilul menjawab pisau,Tiba-Tiba,mak Dan bapanya mengambil pisau Dan BUNUH diri,hafilul Melihat hak Itu Dan hafilul menangis,hafilul call Nenek Dia Dan Nenek Dia tenangkan hafilul Dan Tidur Dengan hafilul,keeseokan harinya,Ibu Dan ayahnya dikuburkan bersebelahan Dengan Kakak hafilul, hafilul pula Sudah pindah Ke **** Di kedah bersama neneknya.
submitted by Melosiar to scarystroiestoread [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 13:37 TELMxWILSON FFFRESH MUSIC! Particle, Ed Rush, DJ Marky, Wilkinson, IMANU, Annix, Nia Archives, Camo & Krooked, The Caracal Project and more.. Reviews for some traditional Dancefloor bangers and a Deep Tech hidden Gem from Malley [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 12)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/1bc22yb
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. METHOD - From The Ashes (feat. Houndeye) / Watch Me [Ridmic]

Recommended if you like: Lexurus, Andromedik, Jon Void
Nowadays, there's so many different paths you can take towards recognition and success in music. One that is probably among the rarest ones out there is through YouTube Mixes - I see your confusion, allow me to give an example. Let's talk about man like METHOD.
Obviously, there's a lot more to his musical journey than I let on in the intro there. Straight outta Den Haag, Dutchman Bob Devilee, as he's known to friends, family and me because I googled it, has been building up a community of like-minded DnB enthusiasts for ages now. What you might not know, however, is that his initial plans for YouTube weren't music related at all! 13 years ago, Bob started his now 41k subscribers strong channel off under the name HDCommentary, a place for Starcraft 2 commentaries, Modern Warfare 2 (the original one!) quickscoping, Minecraft, Hearthstone and League of Legends content - truly the most early 2010s sentence I've ever written. From 2017 on, gaming gave way to music, or more specifically, DnB mixes! What didn't change, however, was his closeness to the community he was building. Every mix saw him specifically asking for feedback, with Bob responding to each and every comment, in the early days even promising a response in less than 24 hours. It even became part of his morning routine!
The next few years saw him spreading his DJing wings far and wide, participating in various mix competitions for Viper, Fiber, High and Liquici-Tea, and winning the one organised by Primal Instinct, sharing a lot of his favourite mashups on his socials and, of course, continuing to deliver his hype-inducing full hour mixes. As a big-time fan of the aforementioned Dutch Liquid, both Power- and regular, imprint Liquicity, he eventually started crafting warm-up mixes for their bigger events to spread the hype, cementing himself as an integral part of the larger community. Behind the curtain of all the big mixes with their view counts in the hundreds of thousands, in other words on his publicly available SoundCloud, you could also see how much fun he was having playing around with tunes, from random set openers featuring the right amounts of Mr. Happy to some Dubstep mashups, and if you go far back enough, even a piano-driven cover of Hakuna Matata. In 2019, his loyal SoundCloud followers could even get a glimpse of what's to come in the near future: his first original production!
The ID uploaded back then was an early version of what would eventually become You Started A Fire, one of his two debut songs on High Tea's 2020 Rooibos compilation (the other one being Hefty, or should I say Hef-tea?). Only around a year after crossing off that entry on his bucket list, the next milestone was reached: A release on Liquicity's then-new sub-label Ridmic, complete with an upload on the main channel and an inclusion on the legendary Yearmix! That was merely the beginning though. 2022 saw METHOD releasing on both the Spring and Winter AquaSettlement compilations, plus another anthem on Ridmic, of course leading to plenty more Yearmix inclusions, and, most importantly, a set on the summer festival's Nebula stage! The madness didn't even stop there though, in 2023 Liquicity officially commissioned him to put together mixes celebrating the seasonal compilations, officially uploaded on the main channel! Plus, a slot on the summer festival's Solar stage!
Now, METHOD once again returns to the place his Liquicity producer career began, Ridmic, with a Dancefloor one-two-punch so well-crafted, so anthemic and just so all-around sick I just want to hear it blasted out at all the summer festivals. Especially From The Ashes, with his fellow literally game-changing game industry colleague, DnB craftsman and simply too amazing vocalist Houndeye delivering yet another stunning and entirely too catchy vocal performance, captures that spirit of the Liquicity anthem so well I had to do a double-take on the artist name the first time I heard it. Synths so large they make any home setup feel like the main stage, melodies so sing-alongable you won't get them out of your head anytime soon and chugging basses so fat, you can't help but break out into skanking. The flipside of the project, Watch Me, takes all these qualities and flips them on their head: Hypnotic vocals, relentless 4x4 beats, bunker vibes out the wazoo! Get you a METHOD man that can do both.
Methodically crafted for both the big outdoor stages and the more intimate venues, supremely catchy, straight-up anthems.
Other Dancefloor releases from this week: - Polygon - Echoes Of Yesterday - Wilkinson, NORTH - Balance - Dirtyphonics, Circadian - You Want Me - Culture Shock - Breathe

2. Malley - Distance / Convergence 💎 [Stellar Audio]

Recommended if you like: Skylark, Misanthrop, Secula
Now for something a bit more out-there. Let's talk about up-and-comer, and this week's Hidden Gem Of The Week™️, Malley!
There's not a whole lot to be said about Oliver "Malley" O'Malley's backstory up until now, but that kind of makes the level of sound design he's pushing nowadays even crazier! Born and raised in Norwich, but now residing in York, the 21-year-old has been smashing it as part of the respective local underground scenes for quite some time now, with gigs at Norwich's Basement Session and York'z Breakz, but what really makes him stand out in my eyes is the wild evolution his own productions have made. In just a year or so, he went from the more rave-y, UK sound type tunes in 2020, to the experimental, breaky and techy sides of things in 2021, when he debuted his first proper release, Whisper, on Bad Taste. The techy aspect continued to grow more and more though, each tune sporting an even more intricate level of production than the ones that came before, and by 2023, his SoundCloud had become a real treasure trove of techy smashers (especially Reason!). In other words, a perfect candidate for my favourite Bristol-based label out there, Stellar Audio!
After the conclusion of the interplanetary SOL Series earlier this year, with us having examined the celestial bodies inhabited by Submonitor and Vici, Stellar has now engaged the Phase 3™️ hyperdrive to travel even further across the musical galaxy, with Malley being our captain for this maiden voyage. While recalibrating the Direction we're all going in, our vessel's engine experiences a bit of a stuttery bumpy start, but our captain luckily manages to work around it. As we pass all sorts of intergalactic bleeps and bloops, the sparse bassy bursts of propulsion keep us aimed towards greatness. Also, the drum action is rather tight, which is something that carries over to the next stop on our interstellar journey, Convergence. As we close in towards our destination, the sheer scale of the planetary system we aim to explore simply overwhelms us - basslines that seem to defy every single one of our known laws of physics, paired with drum action that rapidly evolves in a matter of minutes, going from minimal steppers to metallic companions to the symbiotic distortion underneath, eventually ending up as a fast-paced whirlwind of madness that's making our heads spin.
All metaphors aside, this is absolutely fantastic! Production so out of this world, so cinematic and so maximalley minimal that you can't help but be fascinated by it.
Other techy stuff from this week: - Cuepric, Melanie Ring - Aphel 💎 - IMANU, INDI - Reminiscing - The Caracal Project, Camo & Krooked - While you count down. - LYLY - Argue 💎 - LYLY - Crashing Down 💎 - Liveon - Block Universe

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 11:03 CoomerDoomer92 [CopyPastaFB] ADIL ???

[CopyPastaFB] ADIL ???
ADIL ??? Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker’s Cottage
  1. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik.
  2. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja
  3. Banyak tahun dah dia buat
  4. Strategi dia sangat power
  5. Dulu Baker’s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...….
  6. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli
  7. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia
  8. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??
  9. Macam ni citer nya
  10. Baker’s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama
  11. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la
  12. Ok la roti dia sedap
  13. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat
  14. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...
  15. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup
  16. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni
  17. Dia jual ayam...
  18. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim… kemungkinan besar anda silap
  19. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni
  20. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka
  21. Apa dia orang buat?
  22. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam
  23. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.
  24. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan
  25. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang
  26. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari giant ni ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti
  27. Yes mereka la giant.. Leong Hup salah satu giant terbesar di Malaysia
  28. Sebab apa giant, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran
  29. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga… sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian
  30. Susah nak faham harga ayam
  31. Tapi takper la… itu satu hal… selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal… saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana....
  32. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain… Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..
  33. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)
  34. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni
  35. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni
  36. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...
  37. Lepas tu LEONG HUP supply ayam kat BC ,
  38. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam... jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.90
  39. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.90
  40. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia
  41. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni
  42. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari
  43. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain
  44. Pengsan beb
  45. Dah celah mana nak bersaing... tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...
  46. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...
  47. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah
  48. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi
  49. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak kena lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata
  50. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.
  51. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama
  52. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn brand Woodfire lak)
  53. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly...
  54. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan
  55. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada...
  56. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh
  57. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la
  58. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price...
  59. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni.
  60. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake.
  61. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah
  62. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!
  63. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap "ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah..."
  64. Jeng woiii !!!
  65. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya.
#NAZDAIM 6 Mar 9.33am
submitted by CoomerDoomer92 to Bolehland [link] [comments]
