Birthday invitation acceptance letter

Difference in the wording on Canada PR's NOC page and my experience letter.

2024.05.21 16:50 crackjack83 Difference in the wording on Canada PR's NOC page and my experience letter.

One is a list of duties as mentioned on Canada PR's NOC website and the other is a list of duties as written on my experience letter. My occupation was that of a video game tester. The wording is rather different as you can see.
On Canada's NOC page the main duties are:
1) Develop and document software testing plans
2) Install software and hardware and configure operating system software in preparation for testing
3) Execute, analyze and document results of software application tests and information and telecommunication systems tests
4) Develop and implement software and information system testing policies, procedures and scripts
5) Identify, report, track and propose solutions to product defects.
And these are the duties on my experience letter:
1) Test Case Execution
2) Bug Reporting Test
3) Case Management
4) Test reporting
I know that exact word-to-word is not expected. In fact, it is recommended that it shouldn't be exactly word-to-word and there should be some differences or paraphrasing. But with such a difference will it be accepted by the immigration officer?
submitted by crackjack83 to ImmigrationCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 Last-Ingenuity-6239 I'm done throwing my kids birthday parties, but my husband, who never helps, wants to just because his mom wants to attend.

I have been married for 6 years now and we have a 1 year old and I am pregnant with our second and last baby. Before we had our 1 year old, I was always in charge of throwing, paying, and setting up any party. Including my own birthday parties. My husband is hard to get to help with the labor that is involved with throwing a party. He grew up in a house where it was acceptable for men to not help with anything around the house. I usually just give up and do everything by myself because it's easier and just bug him with tasks I can't do myself. We usually only invite our immediate family too and their families.. but since we are hispanic, that is well up to 50 ish people. So HUGE party everytime. Anyways, the last party I threw was my 1 year olds 1st birthday and just as always I was doing everything my self, except this time I was tired. I was also chasing around a toddler who was learning to walk while setting up EVERYTHING. I was so fed up I fought with my husband and demanded he helped. He eventually did, but it was like pulling teeth. So we had our party, it was great, lots of memories, but I told him I will NEVER throw another party again! We are simply taking our kids somewhere fun on their birthday just the 4 of us moving forward. He panicked and said he will help next time..... yea right. I said no, I'm done and our kids are too little to care, so we will take them somewhere fun and do our own mini bday.
My husband pleaded with me and said he wants to have these parties because his mom wants to attend our kids bday parties. To which I said she is more than welcome to throw one at her apartment and we can go for two hours, blow out candles, then go home. He said no, that is not enough, and that he will help moving forward.
I am absolutely done planning, prepping, and paying for a party that is seemingly to make other people( not our kids) happy.
I'm expecting his family to take this as I'm some mean daughter in law.. but I'm just too tired to care.
What is the right thing to do here? I could care less about what will make his mom happy, because frankly our kids birthdays are not about her. But I am not sure if I will regret not having those little parties and the pictures/memories.
Anyone have an experience that is similar or can give me advice?
submitted by Last-Ingenuity-6239 to Mom [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:40 Priest0023 0.1 away from 6 free gifts

Someone please accept my invite code pls pls pls The code is 235791985
submitted by Priest0023 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 Remarkable_Command83 Update to my post from three weeks ago, "I invited my female friend to a party, my ex-girlfriend went ballistic!"

Update: I just got a text from "Mary" for the first time in three weeks. She said she still has strong emotions from the breakup, and that she does not want to be enemies.
I was dating "Mary" for about four years. She broke up with me about five months ago; it was all amicable enough. We were able to hang out a little bit, no problem at all. Then a mutual friend of ours was having a party that we both got invited to. I invited my friend "Ellen" to the party. Ellen and I have been friends for years. We went out at one point about six years ago for about a month, it totally did not work so we went back to being friends. Mary saw at the party that Ellen was there. Mary came up to me, and YELLED at me in front of everybody about it, left, unfriended me, and blocked me on chat. Am I the Jerk?
Also, while we were going out, Mary invited her ex-husband to a few large random events and parties. I talked to the guy, introduced him around a little bit, played darts with him.
Update: "Ellen" texted me to call "Mary" and tell her that Mary's facebook account was probably hacked, because Ellen just got a weird message from her.
Update: Mary has unfriended me on facebook, and I am pretty sure blocked me on text. I had already bought her birthday card though, for her birthday which is next week. Should I send her the birthday card? Thank you in advance for your input.
submitted by Remarkable_Command83 to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 skmdashikurrahman Super Visa - Canada (Requirements)

I'm posting this in regards to my mother's Super visa. So, I've applied for my mother and my brother in a group for a family visit (TRV) for my newborn and got rejected for financial reason and purpose of visit. Though they had strong purpose of visit and inviation letter stating everything.
Then I decided to apply just for my mom with Super Visa (As I'm a permanent resident) so that she doesn't necessarily show her bank staments and I can cover everything for her. Can anyone shed some lights on what are the chances of getting the visa without any bank statements from Applicant?
I've submitted my NOC and T4 under - Proof of Income (where it's almost double the min cutoff income)
And there was another field to uplaod (proof of funds) - which I was really confused about - and I've uploaded my Employment Letter and last 3 months paystubs on that.
Purchased 1 year Health Insurance as per the requirements as well.
In the invitation letter - the only ties I've mentioned was about her getting back to my brother as she lives with his family.
Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by skmdashikurrahman to u/skmdashikurrahman [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:31 DeeRiggs4Her Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 241841782

submitted by DeeRiggs4Her to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:31 DeeRiggs4Her Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 241841782

submitted by DeeRiggs4Her to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:31 only-for-memez Please help C4C šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ need.5 left on hat trick Iā€™ll help you

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 242544239
submitted by only-for-memez to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 DeeRiggs4Her Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 241841782

submitted by DeeRiggs4Her to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 only-for-memez Iā€™m ,5 off now thank you, I need a little more help Iā€™ll help you

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 242544239
submitted by only-for-memez to Temu_Canada_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 DeeRiggs4Her Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 241841782

submitted by DeeRiggs4Her to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 Accomplished-Mud3219 yes, we can appeal but ā€¦

itā€™s actually really demoralising especially having rejected from all unis (having no backup offers) to draft out the appeal letter but you have to get yourself right back on track to write a letter to convince the admission committee to really accept you when your portfolio isnā€™t really that great
iā€™m really desperate to get into SIT, i wish i had an interview to show my passion but was flat out rejected
canā€™t even complain with my shit gpa had to let it out somewhere but back to writing my appeal letter again though iā€™m staring at the ceiling most of the time šŸ˜­
submitted by Accomplished-Mud3219 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:28 meowmeowwhaat Hmm

Hmm submitted by meowmeowwhaat to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:26 DeeRiggs4Her Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 241841782

submitted by DeeRiggs4Her to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:26 Useful-Succotash2955 Someone tell me how do i wake this person! And remind me to never ever not even accidentally accept a random invite.

Someone tell me how do i wake this person! And remind me to never ever not even accidentally accept a random invite. submitted by Useful-Succotash2955 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 Wonderful-Refuse4732 Train fine wonā€™t let me pay on ircas

on jan 20th i got a cross country fine for 130Ā£ letter didnā€™t come until jan 29th however since i live in a student accommodation i wasnā€™t notified that a letter had come for me i go to check my letter box as im looking for something and i find the fine letter that was written on jan 29th TODAY instantly i go an try to pay it ASAP but however when i enter the reference number and also my postcode the website comes back and says this on the IRCAS website: ā€œI'm afraid we cannot accept payment for this notice due to the current status of the case, please contact our advisor on 0870 067 9858 or alternatively email us atā€ what does this mean and what should i do now?
submitted by Wonderful-Refuse4732 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 Visual-Custard4208 AITA for saying no to my sister and her family staying with us after a house fire?

My sister and her family lost their family home in a house fire three weeks ago. It happened in the middle of the night and initially stayed with our parents on night one. But our parents have a 1 bedroom house and space was not optimal for that. So they asked if they could stay with my wife and I and our kids. We said no. We said no for mostly one reason but kinda two.
For about 2.5/3 years now my sister has been so tough on my wife when it comes to what way she/we feed our kids. She focuses on my wife far more than me. But it does come back on me too. We don't keep sugar or junk food from our kids. We don't deprive them of that. We simply keep things balanced. We make veggie pancakes, we make healthier pizzas, we allow snacks like chocolate, ice cream or cake, we offer our kids sauces and not all of them are homemade but some are. My sister is so judgmental about it. She didn't let any of her kids have any kind of junk snack until they reached school and they can only eat something like chocolate at birthday parties and they limit the number of those they can attend in close proximity so they don't get two days of junk food in a week or more than three days of junk food a month. My sister or her husband will also stay at parties, even ones the 10 year old is invited to, to make sure they go for the salad over the pizza if they have the chips and candies.
My sister acts like our kids eating a chocolate treat or a few chips is the end of the world. She was especially horrified to find out we gave our kids fries with tacos one night and that another night we gave chicken bites with potato cakes and not plain chicken once the potato cakes were involved. Veggies were included both times but the idea of two less "clean" foods horrifies her. My SIL (wife's sister) is a pediatric dietician and she loves how we feed our kids. She told my sister that once. And my sister was horrified by my SILs profession.
This has all become such a problem that it has become my sister disrespecting my wife. So we see her far less. I don't like that. We used to be close. But I won't allow her to shit all over my wife over a difference in how we see things. Oh, and she also doesn't like that our kids get bread with soup.
So when my sister asked if they could stay with us I said no. She told me they really wanted to stay with family instead of at some hotel or strange rental and I told her they would all be happier there when she would be so bothered by the food my wife and I feed our kids. But I also wasn't going to let her stay and disrespect my wife in our home.
My sister has been furious with me since then. She told me I took things way too far. I told her she's been going way too far for almost 3 years now.
submitted by Visual-Custard4208 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:19 beeby8 How do I save my family from falling apart and we get our lives back?

So I am 26 years old. I am from Melbourne Australia. I am single and I live with my mother, my step-dad, my brother and my sister in law who have just moved back in recently after having moved out of home 3 years ago, but have moved back in to save money to eventually move out into the country somewhere. They are not really city/suburb people. The prefer regional/rural areas.
Anyway, the problem in our family is my step dad. I would say for the last 5-6 years, he has withdrawn alot from us. He spends the majority of his time (when he is not at work) sitting outside smoking, drinking and watching YouTube videos on his phone. We barely see him except for weekends because he works the afternoon/evening shifts.
When we do see him on weekends, he barely ever wants to do anything with us. We are always inviting him out to do things with us, but the majority of the time, he says no and uses the excuse of staying home to look after the dogs to get out of it. The only thing that we really do anymore is watch our show together on Saturday nights (if we haven't got something on, which we often do), but even that he is starting to lose interest in.
He also get sick quite often. He has a really bad cough due to his heavy smoking. I have never smoked in my life. My mum, brother and sister in law have, but they have all given up regular cigarettes now and either vape or use marijuana. I would honestly prefer if they just ditched the vapes and just smoked the marijuana to be honest and I have never had a problem with people who smoke pot as long as you do it safely and don't drive on it. It smells way better than cigarettes or the horrible artificial smell of vapes. Anyway, that's not the point.
He (my step dad) has also claimed to be on a meat and dairy only diet for the past couple of years now, basically the complete opposite of a vegan, yet we constantly see him eating bread, chips and other regular foods that are not part of his carnivore diet. He also makes a massive mess in the kitchen every time he cooks his food and never cleans it up because he cooks and attempts to clean in the dark without the light on.
We all think (myself, mum, my brother and sister in law) all think he had some severe health problems like potentially lung cancer and maybe even early onset dementia, but her just will not go to the doctor.
My brother and sister in law even said that one of the main reasons they moved out in the first place 3 years ago was because of how uncomfortable they felt around him and now they are saying the exact same thing again. They said it again literally tonight.
He also does not have a very good relationship with either of his biological children (my step brother and step sister). He says that he wishes that he talked to and saw them more, yet he makes little to no effort to see them or spend time with them outside of special occasions like birthdays, despite the fact that his son lives 10 minutes around the corner. His daughter lives a few hours away, but you would think he would make the time to see her more often, especially since his daughter now has a daughter, making him a grandfather.
He also sleeps in a completely separate room to my mum too which I believe severely impacts their relationship. Couples who do not sleep in the same bed together (for the most part) I believe do not wore every well in general. Now to be fair, this is mainly due to the fact that he snores very loudly and has too wear a massive CPAP machine at night which would keep mum awake, so he eventually just moved into the spare room. That part of it I get, but it's still not ideal.
And the worst part is, all that is just scratching the surface. My mum is constantly ranting and complaining to me about how much she has had enough and is fed up with him just doing nothing and not wanting to be a part of the family any more and just retreating into himself and I completely agree with her as well.
My mum and step dad have been together for 20 years this year, but I know for a fact that she does not love him anymore and wants to break up with him and end the relationship. Not only has she flat out told me this in private, but she wouldn't even have to tell me for me to know.
The biggest problem however and the primary reason why she won't separate from his is money. They have a mortgage for the house in both their names, many contracts are in both their names as well for things that we have done to the house like adding the solar panels, the battery backup for the solar panels, the renovations etc. A few joint accounts too.
Mum has told me so many times that if she were to win the lottery, she would leave him in a heartbeat. The money side of things and so many things being in both their names makes the situation so much harder. Mum has also said that she could not afford to live in our house if they split up as just a one person salary would not cover everything. I currently do not have a job and am actively;y looking for a new one after leaving a toxic work environment recently, but I do my part by paying for the houses monthly internet bill which lowers the cost of my board and my brother and sister in law also chip in in their way, but I still don't know if that would be enough.
Now of course, I love my step dad. I really do. He has been my main father figure in my life for the past 20 years since my mum divorced my real dad in 1999 when I was 2 years old. I still see my real dad on a regular basis and we have a good relationship, but I obviously have not lived with him 24/7 like I have with my step dad for 20 years. It's just that unfortunately, he is just not working in our family anymore and something has to change.
I guess what I am asking for is some advice and some help. Is there a way that we can move on from him? Is there a way where we can get him out of our lives without our lives being shaken up in the process. We have lived in this house for 18 years and it is our home. The thought of moving somewhere else just because we wouldn't be able to afford it anymore is heartbreaking to me. I know I may eventually move out one day if I get a girlfriend or whatever, but more heartbreaking for my mum than anything else.
So my question to you all is, has anyone out there reading this experienced the same sort of thing I have just described to you and if so, how did you manage to get out of it (if you did) and get your family back again? Any sort of advice or information or whatever else you can give me would be so much appreciated.
Thank you for reading and listening.
submitted by beeby8 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:17 namesnotrequired Checklist of documents to be uploaded to VFS for UK Student visa

Got my biometrics day after. I've already uploaded a bunch, and I just wanted to know if I'd missed out on anything. This is from India, if that's helpful.
No place to upload a scan of the passport so I haven't done that. The upload page is ambiguous here - it says 'Travel document of ' but doesn't actually give an option to upload. Please suggest if this is something I should upload under additional documents or something anyway, so as to not get charged when I'm there for the appointment.
A scholarship offer letter, which gives details of fee waiver and the stipend.
A signed letter I sent to the scholarship committee, accepting the scholarship.
Their email acknowledging my acceptance.
Since it'll take a month for the scholarship to kick in, bank statements and a letter from the bank showing what my minimum balance was over the previous 28 day period.
TB certificate
A cover letter where I explain the above part - details of financials
I'm above 18 and this is for a PhD, so nothing involving my parents
Did I miss something?
Edit: my English language ability and my previous qualifications have been assessed by my university and the CAS mentions this - that's why I am not uploading anything related to that. As for accommodation, i haven't booked anything yet - but in the visa questionnaire I've given a description of where I'm likely to stay (student housing)
submitted by namesnotrequired to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:16 eaglesnation11 WIBTA if I asked my girlfriend to not go to a bachelor party?

Long story short my girlfriend was asked to be a groomswoman in her friendā€™s wedding theyā€™ve known one another for years. She accepted and she was invited to the Bachelor Party along with a couple other girls who are also groomswomen. I was completely fine with it. She then told me that she hooked up with one of the guys that is going to be there. She also gave me the info that he pressured her into having sex with him when she didnā€™t want to at one point. She offered to stay home after giving me this info and she said she thinks it would be a fair boundary to have if I felt uncomfortable with her going. The question is would I be the asshole if I said it make me uncomfortable?
submitted by eaglesnation11 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:15 justtpeachie Why are we as black women so accepting to the exact people that hate us?

Does anyone else feel this way? I know as humans we should love and accept all and I feel that but itā€™s so frustrating when the people we are rushing to accept barely even like us.
Like why is everyone invited to the cookout for doing the bare minimum of respecting black people and not being flat out racist.
Becky is not invited to the cookout just bc sheā€™s a white girl who did her edges nice. Did yall forget that if my edges arenā€™t done around becky and her friends they ask why my hair isnā€™t done today?
No Trayvon is not allowed to just erase the entire white side of his family just bc he has a black darkskin daddy. And he isnā€™t black he is a BIRACIAL man not a black man. and letā€™s not forget how people would much rather be mixed with something than to just be black. Black American at that.
And why are we praising BLACK MEN when they donā€™t completely and utterly disrespect and humiliate black women. Like wow heā€™s actually into a darkskin woman who is the same shade as him and has 4c hair wow 100 pts for you!!
itā€™s just all so frustrating.
submitted by justtpeachie to blackladies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:10 Maleficent_Passion18 Transfer admission fall 2024

So my friend applied to transfer for fall 2024 as a sociology major and hasnā€™t heard anything yet. Has anyone received their acceptance letters yet?
submitted by Maleficent_Passion18 to ufl [link] [comments]