Igloo poem\

Theory: could all the animal guides of the avatar the reincarnations of each other?

2024.04.13 04:13 No-Look-8032 Theory: could all the animal guides of the avatar the reincarnations of each other?

Theory: could all the animal guides of the avatar the reincarnations of each other?
Hear me out! I have strong evidence
Case 1: mixed energies From watching up Appa’s lost days we hear from Guru Pathik that Appa and Aang’s energies are mixed. Because of that the guru was able find Aang with pinpoint accuracy. That’s a skill that we have seen before when Aang was looking for Appa in the swamp. Of course Korra used similar vines to find jinora. However, the vines connecting all things or making connections stronger. Not only through the avatar, but also Toph. Where she learned to utilize her seismic sense into the entire planet. Back to that talk about mixed energies. The only other time we hear that is when Raava describes how she is giving on the power to bend all four elements and eventually during harmonic convergence binding them together forever. There could be a similar method used for the avatar and their animal guide. But what could’ve triggered such an event? It could’ve Wan and Mula’s time in the spirit oasis. When Wan wasn’t training his fire bending along with learning the ways of the spirits. It was clear that he had formed a special connection with his cat deer. So much so as he names her and she lets him ride on her back. A spirit oasis in the world of avatar is not only a place where spirits dwell, but where their energy continues to reside. The spiritual oasis also offers a connection to the spirit world. We have seen this for how Koh the face stealer stole the face of Kuruk’s wife, water bender’s using it to even bring presumably dead people to life, or how Yue used to become the moon spirit. That if that is what mixed their energies into something similar through what Wan and Raava went through.
Case 2: reincarnation and spirits: We don’t fully understand how reincarnation or afterlife works in the world of avatar. However, if we go to certain real world, Asian mythologies. With what this world is based on. Certain religions would say that whatever you die you come back as a different person or an animal or a king. In the Netflix series, what we do know is that there are stages of enlightenment. Other than that, that’s all we know. Other than the fact that Iroh and Gyatso had chosen had chosen to go into the spirit world instead. Confirming that the spirit is not actually an afterlife. It is merely a place where spirits reside and are from. However we know that the only case of an animal that has died and crossed over from the spirit world was Fang, Avatar Roku’s animal guide. The only other person we know that can crossover from the spirit world to the human world is the avatar. We also see that Fang is in the spirit world with Roku. No other being has been shown to reside with him in the spirit world, other than the Raava.
Case 3: Their bond. Any avatar animal guide has always had a special connection with the avatar. We saw this through how quickly Aang quickly recognized that thing, the dragon charging at him as Fang. We saw this sort of mental and spiritual power before when Kyoshi recited the lines of avatar Kuruk’s secret poem perfectly. The only other person he had shared it with before he died was his friend Kelsang and he burnt the only paper he wrote. It’s safe to say that it would’ve been erased from history if it were not for Kyoshi remembering it. Which could be the case for the following. The first time Appa and Aang met each other they bonded pretty quick. I don’t know much about Skye bison behavior, other than the fact that they are the original Airbenders, the ones who taught the air nomads air bending gifted by the lion turtles. They are the most sacred nonhuman companion in the air nomads had. So it’s understandable that they would bond quickly but in the real life pets don’t usually bond with their owners so quickly. They warm-up to their owners and eventually loving them. But Appa leaped and kissed Aang the first day they met. That’s something animals usually usually only do with someone they know. Aang was also reciprocate in this level of love quickly. Of course he was a kid receiving a new pet. But he replied with “ I guess this means we’ll always be together.” if this theory is correct, then this would be an excellent thematic element. Next step we have Korra and Naga. According to the water tribe, polar bear dogs are very dangerous and it’s best that you stay away from them. Now I want you to realize just how dangerous a polar bear of which the animal is based on is. If you see a polar bear out in the wild, one thing is clear. You are dying. Pray for a quick death and that it won’t drag you across the Arctic to its cubs. That’s how metal those creatures are. If you are in a group, then you run for your life. Not so you can outrun the polar bear. So you can outrun the person next to you. Don’t even try to be next that person. Split the fuck up. No, given the fact that Naga is a polar bear dog means that her species hunts in packs. Adding to the level danger you’re in. There has only ever been one person in recorded history to actually be friend a polar bear. However, back to the theory, Korra bonded with Naga pretty quick. Even a cub would be life-threatening to her, given the fact that she was probably 8 when they met. Korra undergone a zoological miracle. Not only that but Naga lets Korra ride on her back as well. Honestly, all the avatar animal guides have let their companion ride on their back. Naga lso hasn’t been seen to be violent toward anyone else despite the fact of what her species is claimed to be capable of. Naga also bonded with Korra very quickly given their circumstances. They were in a middle of a blizzard all alone in a makeshift igloo. Yet when it was over, they were playing together. Now this leads to another thing, why was Naga separated from her pack? As discussed earlier polar dogs are social animals. So for Naga to be alone with her, her parents not looking for her is very unlikely. And given the fact that she was a cub would make it astronomical. It could’ve been that Naga was looking for the avatar. Apart from how each of the Avatars have met their animal guides. They also can’t live without each other. Fang was ready to die with Roku and Aang was broken and Violent when Appa was kidnapped. A part of Yangchen was killed was killed when combustion benders killed her sky bison. Then there’s where Aang met the sand benders. He entered the avatar state. The avatar state is state of being where all the past lives assist the current avatar guiding their actions or offering their power. That would mean that they have all decided that they were ready to kill the sand benders who muzzled Appa. The contradiction would be that Aang had also done this when Katara was sucked into the Earth. Counterpoint. Aang spoke in the avatar state revealing all the past avatar voices. They had only done this in high stick situations. Like when Aang bonded with the ocean spirit, or was about to punish fire, Lord Ozai for the crimes of his and his forefathers or when he was about to punish Zuko for almost starting another war. So in this situation, they all simultaneously and unanimously demanded to know where Appa was. For Aang this makes sense but not everyone else. Each avatar spirit was still their own person they were not bound to the will of Aang nor even his body. Avatar Kyoshi had once projected her spirit in Suki‘s prison cell where she trained her. This was a conscious and unanimous act of desperation and anger with all the spirits. Speculation: This is my personal speculation without evidence to support it, but I feel with what I said before about Naga reinforces it. When I said, Naga may have been looking for the avatar. I meant that in the most literal possible way. What if unlike the avatar, the animal guides are a single consciousness rather than a body consist of multiple versions of the same spirit. Like I said, I don’t have much evidence to support it other than with what I explain with Naga. But there’s also the fact that we haven’t seen Fang and Appa together. In that scene where Aang met Fang. They were not in the same screen together. Further cementing how Aang immediately recognized Fang. But perhaps Appa was some animalistic conversion of meditating into the spirit world to find Aang. As were why he chose the form of Fang, it could be because they were visiting Roku’s temple. Perhaps he was honoring his memory by choosing his form over the one he has.
Conclusion: I know this theory is full of contradictions and it’s probably already discussed. But i’m new to the fandom. But one thing is clear whether it’s true or false. Appa is the best boy in friendships last several lifetimes?
submitted by No-Look-8032 to Avatarthelastairbende [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 21:49 NationalNecessary120 Autistic crumble

People always mock me for my speech because it sometimes comes out disorganized/not semantically correct.
I just make different connections in my brain to what words mean.
and also sometimes I mean one thing but say another thing because in my head my explanation made sense. (for example: ”it’s an igloo outside” would equal ”it’s freezing cold outside”)
So I wrote a random poem about it. I guess it has not much meaning to it, since the point of it is just ”word jumble”.
I think I will expand on this idea though and make a poem actually about something so it will be more interesting to read.
But I’m anyways sharing my first poem about word jumble so far: (it’s called Autistic crumble)
Hate, word, jumble
love, I love you
Sweetie pie, you love me too?
What am I saying even?
Even steven, never even
Injustice social, words are wrong
I mean right, please, listen.
Stop, listen.
Words I speak. You know what I mean.
Edit: After I posted this I did actually make an actual poem with a theme.
It’s a bit nsfw though so beware. But here it is if anyone want to read it: https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetryFree/s/OnthD6qi3Y
(it’s posted at OCPoetryFree)
submitted by NationalNecessary120 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2023.12.20 00:34 Suspicious_Error6016 Here is a list

I want to share all my thoughts so this is going to be extremely long

Normal thing I want to see in LBY (Life By You) :1. Laugh
  1. Cry
  2. Blink
  3. Yawn
  4. Dream
  5. Sing
  6. Dance
  7. Hug
  8. Talk
  9. Think
  10. Create art
  11. Show empathy
  12. Memorize
  13. Solve complex problems
  14. Invent
  15. Have free will (sometimes)
  16. Procrastinate
  17. Fall in love/crushing
  18. Daydream
  19. Try not to make eye contact when shy
  20. Disabilities
  21. Feel real emotions
  22. Write ideas
  23. Make plans like going to get a couple drinks or something
  24. Set goals
  25. Forgive each other after fighting
  26. Reflect on the past
  27. Learn from mistakes
  28. Have a conscience
  29. Make choices
  30. Reflect on oneself
  31. Adapt to changing environments
  32. Learn new unique skills
  33. Express gratitude
  34. Share knowledge
  35. Seek companionship
  36. Practice relationship
  37. Engage in sports and physical activities
  38. Experience nostalgia by looking at old objects
  39. Procreate
  40. Use technology
  41. Cook and prepare food
  42. Express opinions
  43. Grieve
  44. Seek knowledge and education
  45. Explore the world
  46. Offer help to others
  47. Listen to music
  48. Travel and go on adventures
  49. Reflect on the meaning of life

Other Age groups:

  1. Smile
  2. Giggle
  3. Coo
  4. Reach for your face
  5. Hold your finger
  6. Blow raspberries
  7. Play peek-a-boo
  8. Dance or wiggle when they hear music
  9. Close their eyes tightly when sleeping
  10. Suck on their toes
  11. Babble
  12. Clap their hands
  13. Blow kisses
  14. Copy facial expressions
  15. Snuggle into your chest
  16. Play with their toes
  17. Try to eat their own feet
  18. Explore their surroundings with their hands and mouth
  19. Attempt to crawl or scoot
  20. Make funny faces
  21. Play with their own reflection
  22. Touch their own hair
  23. Point at objects they find interesting
  24. Make funny sounds when eating
  25. Make silly noises with their mouths
  26. Play with their own shadow
  27. Laugh at silly sounds or actions
  28. Show excitement by kicking their legs
  29. Mimic sounds or gestures
  30. Babble in their own baby language
  31. Try to mimic speech by repeating sounds
  32. Look adorable in tiny outfits or costumes
  33. Show curiosity by grabbing at objects
  34. Practice grabbing and grasping toys
  35. Tilt their heads in curiosity when hearing unfamiliar sounds
  36. Make kissing sounds
  37. Reach out for a hug
  38. Show surprise by widening their eyes
  39. Stick out their tongue
  40. Blow bubbles in their slobber
  41. Play with their own feet
  42. Show joy by jumping up and down in their crib
  43. Tug at your clothes or hair
  44. Sit up and play with their toys
  45. Show affection by giving a high-five or fist bump
  46. Wave their arms and legs in excitement
  47. Kick their legs when lying on their back
  48. Make cute pig snorting sounds
  49. Smile and laugh while being tickled
  50. Doze off with a cute little snore

  1. Learning to walk and taking their first steps
  2. Babbling and attempting to communicate
  3. Trying to mimic sounds and words
  4. Discovering new words and expanding their vocabulary
  5. Learning to eat independently
  6. Showing affection by hugging and giving kisses
  7. Attempting to feed themselves with a spoon
  8. Laughing at silly things
  9. Imitating animal sounds
  10. Learning to jump
  11. Blowing kisses
  12. Dancing to music
  13. Making funny faces
  14. Pointing out objects and people they recognize
  15. Recognizing their own reflection in a mirror
  16. Singing nursery rhymes
  17. Trying to put on their own shoes or clothes
  18. Pretending to talk on a toy phone
  19. Exploring by crawling into small spaces
  20. Showing excitement when seeing a favorite toy or character
  21. Copying actions they see others do
  22. Learning to share toys with other children
  23. Showing empathy by comforting others
  24. Imitating household chores like sweeping or cooking
  25. Trying to brush their own teeth
  26. Climbing onto furniture for the first time
  27. Trying to draw with crayons and markers
  28. Mimicking the gestures of people they observe
  29. Bringing you random objects as gifts
  30. Waving hello and goodbye to people
  31. Playing pretend and pretending to be different characters
  32. Imitating the actions of their parents or siblings
  33. Trying to put together simple puzzles
  34. Pretending to read books by turning pages and babbling
  35. Blowing bubbles and chasing them
  36. Looking at themselves in the mirror and smiling
  37. Showing delight when discovering new textures and sensations
  38. Splashing in puddles or water
  39. Trying to catch bubbles with their hands
  40. Learning to count to a few numbers
  41. Pretending to talk on a toy phone
  42. Making up their own songs and rhymes
  43. Imitating simple animal movements like hopping like a bunny
  44. Trying to put on hats or accessories by themselves
  45. Learning to use their imagination during playtime
  46. Discovering cause and effect by pushing buttons on toys
  47. Trying to blow their own nose
  48. Clapping their hands when excited
  49. Showing curiosity and asking "why" questions
  50. Smiling and showing happiness in simple moments

Kids & Teens:
  1. Play video games
  2. Read books
  3. Play outdoor sports
  4. Solve puzzles and riddles
  5. Walk a pet
  6. Go rolle ice skating or skateboarding
  7. Start a collection (e.g., stamps, coins)
  8. Paint or draw
  9. Go on nature hikes
  10. Join a club
  11. Ride a bike or scooter
  12. Learn a new instrument
  13. Build with blocks
  14. Try cooking or baking
  15. Have a picnic in the park
  16. Play board games or card games
  17. Create DIY crafts
  18. Start a garden or grow plants
  19. Take up photography
  20. Volunteer for a charity or community service
  21. Explore a museum or art gallery
  22. Write stories or poems
  23. Go camping or have a backyard sleepover
  24. Learn magic tricks
  25. Play with pets or visit an animal shelter
  26. Collect and trade trading cards
  27. Go geocaching
  28. Try a new sport or activity
  29. Build a treehouse or fort
  30. Have a karaoke or dance party at home
  31. Try yoga or meditation
  32. Record funny videos or create a short film
  33. Learn to skateboard or rollerblade
  34. Have a fashion show with friends
  35. Create a scavenger hunt
  36. Play with remote-controlled cars or drones
  37. Have a book club with friends
  38. Join a local theater group or acting class
  39. Learn a new language
  40. Have a movie night with homemade popcorn
  41. Play with slime or make DIY slime
  42. Try out different hairstyles or nail art
  43. Learn to juggle or hula hoop
  44. Try out different science experiments
  45. Have a water balloon fight or play with water toys
  46. Learn card tricks or magic tricks
  47. Play with Play-Doh or kinetic sand
  48. Try out different DIY face masks or beauty products
  49. Have a photo shoot with friends or family
  50. Learn to build and fly a kite
  51. Spend hours on social media platforms
  52. Participate in online challenges or viral trends.
  53. Take and post numerous selfies.
  54. Listen to music on phone, headphones, maybe airpods
  55. Post aesthetic photos of their meals or drinks.
  56. Binge-watch popular TV shows on streaming services.
  57. Use Emojis extensively in their texts and social media posts.
  58. Engage in video game marathons with friends.
  59. Attend virtual hangouts or parties due to maybe an introverted trait.
  60. Create and upload content on video platforms.
  61. Experiment with different makeup looks and fashion trends.
  62. Attend high school dances or proms.
  63. Share memes and funny videos with their friends.
  64. Follow and support their favorite influencers or celebrities.
  65. Join or create group chats with friends to stay connected.
  66. Express their opinions on various social and political issues.
  67. Take part in virtual school activities or clubs.
  68. Share routines or challenges on social media.
  69. Explore new hobbies or interests at home, such as painting or playing musical instruments.
  70. Discuss and recommend books, movies, or TV shows in online forums.
  71. Take part in online shopping and showcase their purchases on social media.
  72. Create and customize their personal websites or blogs.
  73. Coordinate and plan online game nights with friends.
  74. Advocate for environmental or social causes.
  75. Share their artwork or creative projects with others.
  76. Engage in DIY projects or crafts.
  77. Post motivational quotes or affirmations on social media.
  78. Support and promote local or small businesses.
  79. Take tours landmarks.
  80. Plan and participate in book clubs or reading challenges.
  81. Share and review music playlists or albums on social media.
  82. Take virtual or real classes or workshops to learn new skills.
  83. Collaborate with friends on online creative projects.
  84. Decorate their bedrooms or living spaces according to the latest trends.
  85. Organize and participate in online fundraisers or charity events.
  86. Produce and release their own music or podcast episodes.
  87. Connect with peers from different countries or cultures.
  88. Attend concerts or live-streamed performances.
  89. Share their fashion and style choices through outfit of the day posts.
  90. Discuss and engage in deep conversations about societal issues.
  91. Create and share memes or parodies related to current events.
  92. Collaborate with friends on virtual art projects.
  93. Share travel photos or reminisce about past vacations.
  94. Share recipes and cooking videos on social media.
  95. Take part in fitness challenges or workouts.
  96. Follow and engage with local or global news updates.
  97. Engage in debates or discussions.
  98. Post and react to throwback pictures or memories.
  99. Connect with friends and peers through online gaming communities.
  100. Document and share personal achievements or milestones on social media.

Now that's out of the way let's get to the icebreakers
  1. Dogs
  2. Cats
  3. Birds (parrots, budgies, canaries, etc.)
  4. Fish (goldfish, betta fish, guppies, etc.)
  5. Reptiles (turtles, snakes, lizards, etc.)
  6. Small mammals (hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, etc.)
  7. Amphibians (frogs, salamanders, newts, etc.)
  8. Invertebrates (tarantulas, hermit crabs, snails, etc.)
  9. Exotic pets (sugar gliders, hedgehogs, chinchillas, etc.)
  10. Farm animals (chickens, goats, pigs, ducks, etc.)
  11. Horses and ponies
  12. Bearded dragons and other larger reptiles
  13. Rodents (mice, rats, gerbils, etc.)
  14. Monkeys and primates (depending on local regulations and specific laws)
  15. Ferrets and other members of the weasel family
  16. Hedgehogs and other spiny mammals
  17. Sugar gliders and other small marsupials
  18. Tortoises and other land turtles
  19. Tarantula and other arachnids
  20. Scorpions and other arthropods

  1. Snow
  2. Rain
  3. Clear Skies
  4. Warm
  5. Sunny
  6. Blizzard
  7. Heatwave

House Types and community lots:
  1. Single-family homes: These are standalone houses designed to accommodate one family.
  2. Apartments: Also known as flats, these are individual units within a larger building, typically-sharing common areas.
  3. Condominiums: Similar to apartments, these are individual units within a larger building. However, unlike apartments, condos can be bought and owned by individuals.
  4. Townhouses: These are narrow, multi-level homes that share walls with adjacent properties.
  5. Duplexes: These are houses divided into two separate units, often with each unit having its own entrance.
  6. Farmhouses: Traditional rural houses typically found on farms or agricultural lands.
  7. Bungalows: These are low-rise, single-story houses, often with a wide porch or veranda.
  8. Mansions: Large, luxurious homes typically owned by wealthier individuals or families.
  9. Tiny houses: Compact, minimalist homes usually under 500 square feet, designed to maximize functionality and minimize space footprint.
  10. Mobile homes: Generally affordable, prefabricated or manufactured homes that can be moved from one location to another.
  11. Log cabins: Homes built using interlocking logs or timber, usually found in rural or wooded areas.
  12. Floating homes: Houses built on pontoons or other floating structures, often found on rivers or in marinas.
  13. Straw bale houses: Houses built using natural and sustainable materials like straw bales, offering excellent insulation and energy efficiency.
  14. Geodesic domes: Unique, spherical-shaped structures made from interconnected triangular panels.
  15. Earth-sheltered homes: Houses built partially or completely below ground, offering natural insulation and energy efficiency.
  16. A-frame houses: Houses with steeply angled roofs resembling the letter "A".
  17. Treehouses: Small structures built in trees, often for recreational purposes or as unconventional living spaces.
  18. Houseboats: Floating homes primarily designed for living on bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers.
  19. Igloos: Dome-shaped dwellings made of packed snow or ice, typically found in Arctic regions.
  20. Cave dwellings: Homes built within natural caves or underground caverns, historically used by various civilizations.

  1. Park
  2. Playground
  3. Library
  4. Community center
  5. Sports complex
  6. Swimming pool
  7. Gymnasium
  8. Skate park
  9. Tennis court
  10. Football field
  11. Basketball court
  12. Baseball diamond
  13. Volleyball court
  14. Golf course
  15. Botanical garden
  16. Picnic area
  17. Animal shelter
  18. Museum
  19. Art gallery
  20. Youth center
  21. Senior center
  22. Community garden
  23. Farmers market
  24. Dog park
  25. Beach/Lakeside park
  26. Skateboarding park
  27. Nature reserve
  28. Wildlife sanctuary
  29. Historical landmark
  30. Recycling center
  31. Equestrian center
  32. Marina
  33. Boating dock
  34. Fishing spot
  35. Campground
  36. Community theater
  37. Music hall
  38. Outdoor concert venue
  39. Dance studio
  40. Karate dojo
  41. Yoga studio
  42. Pilates studio
  43. Bowling alley
  44. Arcade
  45. Ice rink
  46. Roller skating rink
  47. Go-kart track
  48. Trampoline park
  49. Indoor play area
  50. Escape room
  51. Laser tag center
  52. Paintball field
  53. Multi-purpose hall
  54. Amateur radio station
  55. Community kitchen
  56. Cooking school
  57. Craft workshop
  58. Sewing center
  59. Woodworking shop
  60. Photography studio
  61. Pottery studio
  62. Computer lab
  63. Science lab
  64. Astronomy observatory
  65. Chess club
  66. Board game cafe
  67. Bookstore
  68. Coffee shop
  69. Restaurant
  70. Food court
  71. Juice bar
  72. Bakery
  73. Farmer's co-op
  74. Art supply store
  75. Antique store
  76. Thrift shop
  77. Charity shop
  78. Flea market
  79. Car boot sale
  80. Beauty salon
  81. Nail salon
  82. Spa
  83. Fitness studio
  84. Tanning salon
  85. Wellness center
  86. Pharmacy
  87. Medical clinic
  88. Dentist's office
  89. Veterinary clinic
  90. Pet grooming salon
  91. Car wash
  92. Gas station
  93. Grocery store
  94. Convenience store
  95. Fish market
  96. Hardware store
  97. Home improvement store
  98. Garden center
  99. Laundromat
  100. Post office
  101. Bank
  102. Credit union
  103. Insurance agency
  104. Real estate agency
  105. Law firm
  106. Accounting firm
  107. Tax service center
  108. Dry cleaners
  109. Daycare center
  110. Preschool
  111. Elementary school
  112. Middle school
  113. High school
  114. College/University
  115. Language school
  116. Driving school
  117. Tutoring center
  118. Community radio station
  119. Community television station
  120. Community newspaper office

This took me forever and if you gotten all the way down here then thank you!
submitted by Suspicious_Error6016 to LifeByYou [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 15:58 STLhistoryBuff Weekly Events Thread 12/18/23 - 12/24/23

Please, feel free to add any events below! Check out the Visitor's Guide for more things to do around town!
Looking to meet up with people? Check out Meetup St. Louis.
Be sure to continue scrolling past the Weekly Events for Trivia Nights, Live Music, Sporting Events, Local Comedy, and more!

Holiday Pop-Up Bars:
Winter Events:

Weekly Events:

Sporting Events This Week Attractions Around the Area Comedy This Week
St. Louis Cardinals schedule Anheuser-Busch Brewery Funny Bone Comedy Club
St. Louis Blues schedule City Museum Helium Comedy Club
St. Louis City SC schedule Gateway Arch The Improv Shop
St. Louis Battlehawks schedule Missouri History Museum
St. Louis Billikens schedule National Blues Museum

Trivia Nights
Location Date/Time More Information
Anheuser-Busch Biergarten Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Trivia Details
Bar K Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
City Foundry Thursdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Joey B's on the Hill Mondays 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm Trivia Details
Nick's Pub Mondays
Felix's Pizza Pub Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
ITAP (Delmar Loop) Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
ITAP (Soulard) Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Schlafly Brewpubs (Any Location) Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Rockwell Beer Co Tuesdays Trivia Details (Reservations required)
The Mack Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
The Pat Connolly Tavern Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
The Post Wednesdays 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Trivia Details
Pieces Board Game Bar & Cafe Wednesdays Trivia Details
HandleBar Thursdays at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Steve's Hot Dogs Tuesdays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Trivia Details
Wellspent Brewing Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Live Music This Week
Music Venues Live Music Around Town
Blueberry Hill Duck Room 1860 Saloon
Chesterfield Amphitheater BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups
Delmar Hall Broadway Oyster Bar
Enterprise Center City Foundry
The Fabulous Fox Theatre Gallery Pub
The Factory Game 6 Honky Tonk
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre Gaslight Lounge
Off Broadway The Heavy Anchor
Old Rock House Jazz St. Louis
The Pageant Joe's Cafe
Red Flag The Lot on the Landing
The Sheldon Tim's Chrome Bar
St. Louis Music Park McGurk's
St. Louis Symphony Concert Calendar SoFar St. Louis Secret performances around town
Stifel Theatre Venice Cafe
Yaquis on Cherokee

Recurring Outdoor Activities
Big Muddy Adventures – STL Riverfront Adventure Big Muddy Adventures was established in 2002. They are the first professional outfitteguiding company providing access to the wild wonders of the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers.
Gateway Arch Events There are a variety of things to do along the Mississippi River.
Hidden Valley Ski Resort Ziplining, scenic chairlift rides, and hiking trails opened during the summer. Skiing, snowboarding during the winter.

submitted by STLhistoryBuff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2023.12.11 15:09 STLhistoryBuff Weekly Events Thread 12/11/23 - 12/17/23

Please, feel free to add any events below! Check out the Visitor's Guide for more things to do around town!
Looking to meet up with people? Check out Meetup St. Louis.
Be sure to continue scrolling past the Weekly Events for Trivia Nights, Live Music, Sporting Events, Local Comedy, and more!

Holiday Pop-Up Bars:
Winter Events:

Weekly Events:

Sporting Events This Week Attractions Around the Area Comedy This Week
St. Louis Cardinals schedule Anheuser-Busch Brewery Funny Bone Comedy Club
St. Louis Blues schedule City Museum Helium Comedy Club
St. Louis City SC schedule Gateway Arch The Improv Shop
St. Louis Battlehawks schedule Missouri History Museum
St. Louis Billikens schedule National Blues Museum

Trivia Nights
Location Date/Time More Information
Anheuser-Busch Biergarten Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Trivia Details
Bar K Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
City Foundry Thursdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Joey B's on the Hill Mondays 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm Trivia Details
Nick's Pub Mondays
Felix's Pizza Pub Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
ITAP (Delmar Loop) Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
ITAP (Soulard) Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Schlafly Brewpubs (Any Location) Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Rockwell Beer Co Tuesdays Trivia Details (Reservations required)
The Mack Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
The Pat Connolly Tavern Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
The Post Wednesdays 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Trivia Details
Pieces Board Game Bar & Cafe Wednesdays Trivia Details
HandleBar Thursdays at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Steve's Hot Dogs Tuesdays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Trivia Details
Wellspent Brewing Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Live Music This Week
Music Venues Live Music Around Town
Blueberry Hill Duck Room 1860 Saloon
Chesterfield Amphitheater BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups
Delmar Hall Broadway Oyster Bar
Enterprise Center City Foundry
The Fabulous Fox Theatre Gallery Pub
The Factory Game 6 Honky Tonk
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre Gaslight Lounge
Off Broadway The Heavy Anchor
Old Rock House Jazz St. Louis
The Pageant Joe's Cafe
Red Flag The Lot on the Landing
The Sheldon Tim's Chrome Bar
St. Louis Music Park McGurk's
St. Louis Symphony Concert Calendar SoFar St. Louis Secret performances around town
Stifel Theatre Venice Cafe
Yaquis on Cherokee

Recurring Outdoor Activities
Big Muddy Adventures – STL Riverfront Adventure Big Muddy Adventures was established in 2002. They are the first professional outfitteguiding company providing access to the wild wonders of the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers.
Gateway Arch Events There are a variety of things to do along the Mississippi River.
Hidden Valley Ski Resort Ziplining, scenic chairlift rides, and hiking trails opened during the summer. Skiing, snowboarding during the winter.

submitted by STLhistoryBuff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 15:13 STLhistoryBuff Weekly Events Thread 12/4/23 - 12/10/23

Please, feel free to add any events below! Check out the Visitor's Guide for more things to do around town!
Looking to meet up with people? Check out Meetup St. Louis.
Be sure to continue scrolling past the Weekly Events for Trivia Nights, Live Music, Sporting Events, Local Comedy, and more!

Holiday Pop-Up Bars:
Winter Events:

Weekly Events:

Sporting Events This Week Attractions Around the Area Comedy This Week
St. Louis Cardinals schedule Anheuser-Busch Brewery Funny Bone Comedy Club
St. Louis Blues schedule City Museum Helium Comedy Club
St. Louis City SC schedule Gateway Arch The Improv Shop
St. Louis Battlehawks schedule Missouri History Museum
St. Louis Billikens schedule National Blues Museum

Trivia Nights
Location Date/Time More Information
Anheuser-Busch Biergarten Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Trivia Details
Bar K Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
City Foundry Thursdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Joey B's on the Hill Mondays 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm Trivia Details
Nick's Pub Mondays
Felix's Pizza Pub Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
ITAP (Delmar Loop) Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
ITAP (Soulard) Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Schlafly Brewpubs (Any Location) Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Rockwell Beer Co Tuesdays Trivia Details (Reservations required)
The Mack Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
The Pat Connolly Tavern Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
The Post Wednesdays 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Trivia Details
Pieces Board Game Bar & Cafe Wednesdays Trivia Details
HandleBar Thursdays at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Steve's Hot Dogs Tuesdays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Trivia Details
Wellspent Brewing Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Live Music This Week
Music Venues Live Music Around Town
Blueberry Hill Duck Room 1860 Saloon
Chesterfield Amphitheater BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups
Delmar Hall Broadway Oyster Bar
Enterprise Center City Foundry
The Fabulous Fox Theatre Gallery Pub
The Factory Game 6 Honky Tonk
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre Gaslight Lounge
Off Broadway The Heavy Anchor
Old Rock House Jazz St. Louis
The Pageant Joe's Cafe
Red Flag The Lot on the Landing
The Sheldon Tim's Chrome Bar
St. Louis Music Park McGurk's
St. Louis Symphony Concert Calendar SoFar St. Louis Secret performances around town
Stifel Theatre Venice Cafe
Yaquis on Cherokee

Recurring Outdoor Activities
Big Muddy Adventures – STL Riverfront Adventure Big Muddy Adventures was established in 2002. They are the first professional outfitteguiding company providing access to the wild wonders of the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers.
Gateway Arch Events There are a variety of things to do along the Mississippi River.
Hidden Valley Ski Resort Ziplining, scenic chairlift rides, and hiking trails opened during the summer. Skiing, snowboarding during the winter.

submitted by STLhistoryBuff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 15:02 STLhistoryBuff Weekly Events Thread 11/27/23 - 12/3/23

Please, feel free to add any events below! Check out the Visitor's Guide for more things to do around town!
Looking to meet up with people? Check out Meetup St. Louis.
Be sure to continue scrolling past the Weekly Events for Trivia Nights, Live Music, Sporting Events, Local Comedy, and more!

Holiday Pop-Up Bars:
Winter Events:

Weekly Events:

Sporting Events This Week Attractions Around the Area Comedy This Week
St. Louis Cardinals schedule Anheuser-Busch Brewery Funny Bone Comedy Club
St. Louis Blues schedule City Museum Helium Comedy Club
St. Louis City SC schedule Gateway Arch The Improv Shop
St. Louis Battlehawks schedule Missouri History Museum
St. Louis Billikens schedule National Blues Museum

Trivia Nights
Location Date/Time More Information
Anheuser-Busch Biergarten Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Trivia Details
Bar K Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
City Foundry Thursdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Joey B's on the Hill Mondays 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm Trivia Details
Nick's Pub Mondays
Felix's Pizza Pub Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
ITAP (Delmar Loop) Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
ITAP (Soulard) Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Schlafly Brewpubs (Any Location) Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Rockwell Beer Co Tuesdays Trivia Details (Reservations required)
The Mack Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
The Pat Connolly Tavern Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
The Post Wednesdays 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Trivia Details
Pieces Board Game Bar & Cafe Wednesdays Trivia Details
HandleBar Thursdays at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Steve's Hot Dogs Tuesdays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Trivia Details
Wellspent Brewing Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Live Music This Week
Music Venues Live Music Around Town
Blueberry Hill Duck Room 1860 Saloon
Chesterfield Amphitheater BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups
Delmar Hall Broadway Oyster Bar
Enterprise Center City Foundry
The Fabulous Fox Theatre Gallery Pub
The Factory Game 6 Honky Tonk
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre Gaslight Lounge
Off Broadway The Heavy Anchor
Old Rock House Jazz St. Louis
The Pageant Joe's Cafe
Red Flag The Lot on the Landing
The Sheldon Tim's Chrome Bar
St. Louis Music Park McGurk's
St. Louis Symphony Concert Calendar SoFar St. Louis Secret performances around town
Stifel Theatre Venice Cafe
Yaquis on Cherokee

Recurring Outdoor Activities
Big Muddy Adventures – STL Riverfront Adventure Big Muddy Adventures was established in 2002. They are the first professional outfitteguiding company providing access to the wild wonders of the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers.
Gateway Arch Events There are a variety of things to do along the Mississippi River.
Hidden Valley Ski Resort Ziplining, scenic chairlift rides, and hiking trails opened during the summer. Skiing, snowboarding during the winter.

submitted by STLhistoryBuff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2023.10.27 11:08 PicklesLLM Write a poem containing every number 0 through 9 and every letter of the alphabet. Make it as long as you deem necessary.

Here is a 222 word poem containing all numbers 0 through 9 and all letters of the alphabet:
Amazingly Bright Colors Dance 'Ere Falling Gently, Having Infinite Joy. Kaleidoscopic Light Magically Nocturnes Over Peaceful Quays, Resting Serenely There. Underneath Vast Waterfalls Xylophones Yodel Zealously.
Big Castles Draw Ever From Great Heights. I Jump Kites Lovingly. My Neighbor Owns Purple Quartz, So Tremendous, Utterly Valuable. Winter Xylophones Yell Zestfully.
Cool Days End. Frogs Gather High, Icy Jungle Kings Love Making Noise Over Quiet Rivers. Sunny Trees Under Valleys Wake Xanthic Youths Zooming.
Damp Evenings Follow Gray Horizons. In June, Kangaroos Leap Merrily Neath Orange Skies. Trees Under Vines Xeriscape Yards Zestfully.
Eight Friends Gathered Happily Inside Joe's Kitchen Last Monday. No One Picked Quails, Raspberries, Strawberries To Upset Victor. Watermelons Xeroxed Yams Zealously.
Five Green Hats Inside Jack's Kitchen Lay Mysteriously. Nobody Opened Pedro's Quaint Red Shack Through Unseen Vents. Yellow Zebras Zoomed.
Going Home, Igloos Jump Kangaroo-Like. Morning Naps Oft Prompt Quiet Rest, Such Total Vacation. Xylophones Yell Zany Zoo Antics.
Here I Jot Kind Letters Making Nonsense. On Quiet Roads, Sunny Trees Venture Westerly Xylophoning Youthfully.
July Kids Love Making New Opportunities Presently. Quit Raving! Summer's Temporarily Vanishing. Winter Xeriscapes Yards.
Keep Laughing Merrily, Night Owls Procrastinate Quitting Restful Slumber. Trees Under Vines Withstand Xylophone Yelling. Zealots Nap.
Loving Mother Nature's Outdoor Parks, Quails Rest Sweetly There. Under Violet Waters, X-rays Yawn Zestfully.
submitted by PicklesLLM to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 12:36 Linked077 YTZ Hunger Games : One Last Shot! - Day 3

DingaBing spontaneously combusts.AverageYoutoozPerson and ItsSco4 practice safe dating.Plontan stumbles upon a paintball.Sub_2_swipe_team fights the Ender dragon.Trevshow gets necrosis.ItsSco4 sees things once.Pizzanoo throws his indescribable object, which quickly disintegrates Scarced.Psycho heals Mini Pumpkin.Flamebow finds a convenient igloo, but decides it is too dangerous.MasterBK9 slips and slides on a banana peel.f4lse smells good, but it's Old Spice, not your boy's cologne.FroztBiit3 discovers a OCC vending machine lying on the ground.Dudeinabasket discovers a pack of condoms lying on the ground.Jruss gets crippling depression.Ghost Face heals himself.GrimmButter lost connection to the server.TheRedditLion21 receives an anthology of life-changing poems from a sponsor.Mini Pumpkin loses circulation looking too good in those tight shorts.CraftCrab discovers a tin of Donald Trump's bronzer lying on the ground.Alonelist heals himself.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance The following tributes have fallen:
DingaBing: 0 KillsGrimmButter: 1 KillMini Pumpkin: 0 KillsScarced: 0 Kills
submitted by Linked077 to Youtooz [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 20:07 Miloascape 20 Easter Eggs and Secrets

20 Easter Eggs and Secrets
Thanks to everyone who suggested so many great ideas for LOTRO Easter Eggs and Secrets! I had a blast this weekend looking for all of these secret locations.
To see my top 20 that I enjoyed the most, you can check out the YouTube video here https://youtu.be/fL79WkYbdlw OR just continue reading :) Both formats are provided since people enjoy content in different ways, and I want to be sensitive to that.
20 - Nain the Slakeless
Nain the Slakeless, the Lord of the Iron Hills has his very own easter basket of eggs near his throne in Jarnfast. You can find it in the southeast corner of the throne room. There is a narrow passage disappearing into the wall that ends at a tiny cave where you’ll find the easter eggs.
19 - Adventures of Floid & Dewitt
This one was brand new to me. Floid is the mighty steed and Dewitt is the explorer. This deed involves finding them in several different places scattered throughout Middle Eath. There are two parts. Part 1 gives you the title The Wanderer while Part 2 gives the title of Vagabond. I tried my hand at finding these myself using only the coordinates provided on the wiki page here:
However, I do confess that I was stumped on two of them, and really found Balthalion’s playthrough super helpful!!! You can catch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_U1TomDGk0&list=PL0szyANQhriOpVLUmtldTbGTSqvz5PPBI
18 - Animal Villages
Who knew that there were so many animal villages? There’s the Cat Lady’s House in Bree at the top of the Scholar’s Star 30.2s 52.1w. The Rabbit Cave in The Great River 27.5s 64.6w. The squirrel village in the Eastfold 68.9s 61.4w. And oh I just thought about Radagast’s hovel where there are a bunch of animals. Should have thought of that one sooner. I wish they would make a house full of puppies… Puppies are my favorite.
17 - Eorl’s Hallow
How many times have I ridden past Eaorl’s Hallow and not given it a second glance? I remember going there once but being so confused as to why it was in-game, and then never went back. Balthelion did a deep dive into explaining Eorl’s Hallow that if interested you can watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_U1TomDGk0&list=PL0szyANQhriOpVLUmtldTbGTSqvz5PPBI
But here’s the recap: In the center is a white horse on a field of green grass depicting Rohan. The 8 stones depict the life of Eorl, the First King of the Mark in the Wold.
Stone 1: Eorl at a young age tamed Felarof, the first of the Mearas, as retribution for killing his father.
Stone 2: The Red Arrow presented by Borondir on behalf of Cirion, the Stewart of Gondor, to Eorl summoning him to aid Gondor.
Stone 3: Eorl leads the Rohirrim along the Great River heading for Gondor.
Stone 4: Eorl slays the Eastern Kings on the Field of Celebrant.
Stone 5: Cirion and Eorl meet on Halifirien to swear oaths of mutual protection. I find it interesting that only one character is depicted on his knees.
Stone 6: Eorl sits on the throne of Rohan.
Stone 7: Prince of the Mark, Brego is given Eorl’s sword when he comes of age.
Stone 8: Eorl falls by the hands of the Easterlings, an honorable death in battle.
16 - The Horse and Rider Poem
A couple of years ago Ablthelion hypothesized that the words of the poem originally spoken by Aragorn in the books but by King Theoden in the movies are represented by the banners in Rohan. I don’t know if this is something that he came up with, or where he learned it from, but was unable to find out more information about it. If anyone knows for sure, I’d love to find out. For an in-depth analysis of the poem and how it corresponds to the banners in the game, you should definitely check out Balthelion’s video on the matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_U1TomDGk0&list=PL0szyANQhriOpVLUmtldTbGTSqvz5PPBI
15 - Deep beneath Gundabad
Cave claws are interesting easter eggs that will randomly appear in the most peculiar places. In the Pit of Stonejaws in Gundabad, you find a secret trapdoor hidden within Zul-mazal. This is part of the epic Gundabad quest line, that leads you down the steep staircase to the tomb of Motsog. What you may have missed, however, is that at the end of the cave on the left side, you will find three huge deep claws sleeping in an enclosed area at 45.6s 100.8w.
14 - Snowmen
Located in Tal Methedras in the North East region of Dunland there is a snowman village at 77.6s 7.7w. The broken-down igloos there make the BEST forts for a snowball fight. This Christmas I want to convince all my friends to get the snowball emote, just so that we can go have an epic snowball fight in the snowmen village.
13 - Ice skating
Apparently, NPCs love to ice skate whenever the conditions are possible. But a little secret is that you can actually push these ice skaters over lol. Just go visit Suri-kyla if you don’t believe me. Be sure to right-click on the NPC as if you’re going to interact with them.
12 - Sand Castle
It’s summer time and I live 3 hours away from the beach, so I enjoy heading over to Evendim to the island at 14.0s 73.7w and pretending I’m at the beach building sand castles. The best part of a sand castle, in my opinion, is breaking the sand castle down afterward :) Yes, I have a slight destructive streak in me. hehehe.
11 - Mirrors
This weekend I learned that there are working mirrors in LOTRO! I was shocked. You’ll be able to see your reflection in the mirror. This is a very unique piece of code that exists, and one I think is totally awesome. The easiest mirror to get to a working mirror is in Lalias market in Bree, you can find it on the wall in the stall across from the Mithril trader, where all the helms are. Strike a pose and look at your pretty face.
10 - Scholar’s Hall
The scholar’s hall was built in Bree 30.1s 52.0w by the devs to house the lectures given by Dr. Corey Olsen of the Mythgard Institute and Signum University. Dr. Olsen still holds lectures in the hall on Tuesday evenings at 9:30 pm server time and then embarks on a field trip to the location of the lecture’s topic. I’ve been playing LOTRO for 12+ years and only learned about this amazing resource a couple of months back when I stumbled onto the auditorium. I stopped by last night to check out the lecture and it was fascinating how he is able to tie in LOTRO lore to the game.
Mythgard Institute https://mythgard.org/lotro/
SignumU https://www.twitch.tv/signumu
9 - Colbert the Mad
Colber the Mad found in Micham’s Camp in the North Downs 13S 55.3w is an NPC based on Stephen Colbert who is a huge fan of Lord of the Rings. Stephen Colbert has an intense love for Tolkien lore, so much that it got him a cameo in The Hobbit, where he plays a hooded spy in Laketown. In game, though they gave a nod to him by making him an NPC in the North Down, and he actually has a few quests for you to have fun with.
8 - Inklings
The Inklings are found in the Rabbit Room of the Bird and Baby Inn in Michel Delving. This is a nod to a real-world tavern Eagle and Child, in Oxford England, that was frequented by The Inklings literary discussion group, consisting of well-known authors CS Jack Lewis, that is Jack Lewsidown in game, Owen Barfield, npc is Owen Farfield, Charles Williams represented by Carlo Williams, and a Rabbit. The NPCs refer to writing club member Ronald Dwale, which refers to JRR Tolkien, the master himself.
7 - Killer Rabbits
This one shocked me the most and I wouldn’t have known about it if some of you didn’t point it out. The killer rabbits are found scattered throughout Middle Earth. This is a nod to the killer rabbit of Caerbannog a fictional character in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. There are various locations where you will see a rabbit sitting on top of a bear's skin. My favorite location is the rabbit cave in the Great River located West of Standguard 27.5s 64.6w, where the white rabbit sits atop a frumpled bear hide.
6 - Chicken Play
Yes, you too can run around as a chicken in Middle Earth, do chicken quests, and even complete the chicken deed to get the cloak of the cluck, a much sought-after cloak in Middle Earth. It all starts at Sandson’s Farm in the Shire 32.2s 74.4w. Once the intro quest is completed, you’ll be turned into a chicken and asked to go on some grand adventures to talk with various animals. My friends and I successfully even made it to the Steepset in Gundabad! There is not a deed for that location yet, but how awesome would it be if they expanded it to include some of the newer regions?
5 - Blind Leaper
The Blind Leaper is a title and a deed where you need to fall into 6 different pits in Moria. This deed will not show in your deed tracker until you’ve completed the deed called the Pits of Moria.
The first stop is the Great Delving 6.8s 112w. When you jump from the bridge you’ll get the message: “You have fallen into the depths of the Great Delving”
Next, you want to jump into the pit in Silvertine Lodes 11.1s 112.9w. You’ll get the message “You have plummeted into the depths of the Silvertine Lodes!”
Next leap into the chasm at Jazurgund in Durin’s way 3.7s 106.2w. The message will be “You have fallen to ruin in Durin’s Way!”
Next, soar through the air in the Redhorn Lodes at the Gate of Ruin just outside the grandstair entrance 10.3s 103.7w. The message will be “You have vanished into the depths of the redhorn lodes!”
The last two are in Nud-melek. On the west side 10.2s 100.8w, you’ll get the message “You have tumbled into the depth of Nud-melek!”
And on the east side, 5.5s 99.8w you’ll get the message “You have hurled yourself into oblivion in the chasms of Khazad-dum”
4 - Master Ascender
You will need to ascend the SW tower and the NE tower of Ost Galadh in Mirkwood. The SW tower is pretty straightforward, just follow this path. The NE tower is much trickier. Once you reach the top at Minas Glorelloth, you will get the title Master Ascender. If you get stumped and need some inspiration on how to do it, be sure to check out my video, slow it down, and see where you may be going wrong. https://youtu.be/fL79WkYbdlw
3 - Ridge Racer
This was another first for me this weekend getting the title of Ridge Racer which is a deed in Eregion at the Hollin Ridge that starts at 42.7s 8.8w. You will need a horse for this deed because you’ll need to do some strategic jumps along this ridge. Your goal is to get safely to the tower at the top edge of this ridge overlooking Eregion. The view from there is spectacular by the way. Once you reach the tower you will complete the deed Ridge Racer and get the title, plus some turbine points for your troubles.
2 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The trio of bears and their family home is found in Eastfold, South of Beacon Watch at 72s 58.4w. This story was published in the collection English Fairytales, retold by Flora Annie Steel in 1922, and illustrated by Arthur Rackham. In short Goldilocks stumbles upon a house in a cabin where three bears live. Outside of the cottage you find the baby bear, mama bear, and daddy bear aka hostile bear. You can actually go into the house and you’ll see there are three of everything! 3 bowls, 3 chairs, and 3 beds and surprise Goldilocks is sleeping in baby Bear’s bed, the one perfect for her.
1 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT)
I can’t believe that I’ve gone this long and not known about the TMNT easter egg. It starts with the poster bills posted all over Bree that start the quest chain Turtles in the Soup. They had me going there for a bit, and I’m NOT going to spoil the plot twist for you, but you should definitely go play through it yourself just to see the turtles in Artie Root’s House. Or if you’re level 140 and already doing Sagaroth, you can wave to them in the Carn Dum sewers on your way to defeat the Rat King.
If I missed any Easter Eggs that you’re passionate about, then please drop me a comment with some details on it in a comment below. Would love to know what y’all thought of this post, as I’m trying something a little bit different and new, hoping to provide some resources y'all may not be familiar with.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end, and see you next time :)
submitted by Miloascape to lotro [link] [comments]

2023.02.28 16:22 Ultimateko [TOMT] [2000s?] [POEM] Alphabetical poem i recited when i was a kid

I found the poem in a poetry book i had when i was a child around 2007. The book may be older though.
I think the poem’s name is “alphabet soup” or related to that but I can’t find anything under that name
The poem has 26 words, in alphabetical order, for example (not actual words): A bowl can do everything for good hot igloo… etc
I believe the final word is zoop or something similar.
submitted by Ultimateko to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2022.11.06 17:35 Lowsow Transhuman Space Actual Play - Taking the Meme Team to Canada

I've recently ran a short Transhuman Space adventure, using the Meme Team Personnel File. As I went I made notes (primarily for the benefit of the players' memories) and I'd like to share them here. I apologise if I've failed to capture the vibes, or missed some important verbal details.
Session 1
The Meme Team are assembled! Sally Westerham, Rachel Patel, and Professor Robert Lawson are employed by a Nunavut isolate community to help market their show.
Meeting on various forums, a group of Eloi decided to create a community where members would lead a life of hand-farming, in econiche bodies (surgically modified for the first colonists, but with genetically modified children). They weren’t a simple primitivist ideology: each member would in fact have constant internet access through implanted chips (so long as they obeyed community rules). The physicality of everyday life would contextualise the deluge of information and memes that submerge modern society.
Power users included Rosseau69, a rich funder with trad sympathies; The_Great_Ninja_Derrick, a troll-turned convert; QwertyGirl, who insisted on the importance of queer inclusion; and constance_nico, a woman committed to the spiritual aspects of traditional life.
The group’s plan was to partially fund the community by setting up a TV show, and as such Patel Memetics were commissioned to market it. Their first job: pick a name.
Early ideas were not great: “Ice Road Farmers” (what road?) and “Maple Genesis Evangelion” were floated.
Then Rachel Patel “supportively” ordered her Meme Team to do research. Professor Lawson did opposition research, which suggested that, with the religious interest in the community, schism was a high risk. Low risks included anticolonialist and pro-consumerism memes.
Sally considered the possible target audiences. Looking for a broad-base appeal for an isolate community seemed difficult: isolates by necessity reject the standards of the broader community, so their ideas can alienate or, if toned down, come across as inauthentic.
The team considered the possibility of appealing to anti-government types and conspiracy theorists: a smaller target demographic but capable of deep investment, and who can turn against perceived manipulation. The Meme Team decided to go ahead with the niche marketing strategy.
The forum users, led by Rosseau69 had picked out three couples (each with a child) to start. The chosen location for the first community was Nunavut, and the econiche bodies selected were a blend of Misha and Brownie traits (for the purpose of enduring the cold and the back-breaking work).
The Team went to interview the couples. First, Audrey and Harvey Heather, a lesbian couple sponsored by QwertyGirl. Harvey was very opinionated and often interrupted Sally as she tried to speak to her, to lecture the Team on the importance of physical action to ground the human mind. Audrey only spoke to agree with Harvey.
Then the Team spoke with the Murrorws, an older couple. They spoke about the importance of silence to faith, something lost in modern times. Unfortunately they were a bit too silent, and after failing to ask sufficiently prompting questions Sally got a bit frustrated with them.
There the team had the perfect idea for the show’s name: “Frozen in Time”. They presented it to the community’s AI, which thoroughly agreed, and adopted the name FiTBot (Frozen in Time roBot).
Turning their attention to marketing, the Team decided on a “Winter is Coming” as a tagline, and decided to appeal to a conspiracy theorist community who change their brain chemistry to avoid memes by paying bloggers and academics to condemn Frozen in Time.
Session 2
The Frozen in Time film crew, on their way to the shoot, were caught with a week’s supply of yogurt by British Columbian customs officers. The whole crew was detained for this serious crime. In a panic, FiTBot asked Patel Memetics to step in with the filming.
The first question the Team had to resolve was where to stay. They could buy tents and live close to the colony, but have an abysmal internet connection; get a room in a not-great hotel with okayish internet and drive every day, or get a good hotel in the city and fly to the colony every day in a small private aeroplane. They decided on the latter.
The Team were concerned about the possibility of bears and decided to purchase a mini-missile pod with tangler warheads. The salesman warned that a lot of horrible monsters escaped from labs prowl the wastes, and explained how some people use common household chemicals to convert their tangler warheads into explosives, which Rachel took careful notes on.
The Team proceeded to the airport where they found the three families waiting and chatting about the upcoming adventure. The Heathers and Murrows they had already interviewed, the young couple Derrick and Melody Tremblay they had not. Of the couples the Heathers were the only ones with an baby (Violet), Trusty Murrow and Melody Tremblay were still pregnant. The transport intended to take them to the colony had been detained by the dairy police, so the Team realised they’d have to step in.
Harvey Heather was upset about Sally’s buzzbot, calling it a mechano-digital intrusion into their colony. Patel agreed and promised that it wouldn’t be used to film in the colony.
The lovey-dovey Tremblays seemed nice, but Sally’s psychological intuition indicated that Derrick seemed to be hiding something.
The hired plane being small, two trips were necessary. Sally, the Tremblays, and the Murrows left first. Hardwork Murrow suggested that the group should think about what lay before them and try to quietly listen to God through the trip. Sally, however, wanted to question the Tremblays, and Derrick Tremblay talked about how excited that his expected son Abel was “going to have a real life! How many kids get to have that nowadays?”
Sally had the idea that Tremblay’s outlook was about power, but Derrick said she needed to “stop thinking in a paradigm of power and money and paradigms.” Trusty Murrow cut in to tell Sally that she needed to ask less questions and listen harder to what had already been said.
When the plane landed, FiTBot had the Murrows and Tremblays strip naked and throw everything onto the plane. Only objects they made with their own hands were to be allowed in the colony.
Patel tried to get Harvey to say something controversial to bait the public. She got a very long and confusing lecture on Heidegger, and the slogan “A safe AI is an embodied AI,” which she did not understand.
At the airport, the Team downloaded skill packages onto their wearables and VIIs. Sigmund got photography and survival, Jade got camouflage, photography, and philosophy (AI).
Once the group were set up, the next big event to prepare for was a visit to a local Mennonite colony’s Sunday service. The colonists needed to make clothing in time (nakedness not being acceptable in church). FiTBot guided them through the survival process.
The colonists arrived at the service in fresh new furs. When the church service started things seemed to be going well. The Mennonites made an effort to accommodate the new colony by giving their service in English. However, the Murrows refused to sing along with the hymns.
Looking for more controversy, Patel interviewed the Mennonites to try and make them sound dirty and diseased, instead they just talked about how Audrey (Murrow) and Melody (Heather) have such lovely husbands. Patel took some delight in explaining that Harvey Heather was actually a woman, saying that “Violet’s mums must be proud”, shocking the Mennonites. The Heathers had to leave, and the Mennonites became somewhat more friendly to the remaining couples, emphasising the importance of men and women’s roles.
Harvey told off Sally for putting her baby daughter Violet into a homophobic situation when she was still unvoiced and unable to explain her trauma. Sally decided to wind her up, talked about the Tremblays and Murrows picking sides with the Mennonites or the Heathers.
This incident led to a split on the forums, trads on one side and Qwertygirl on the other, though Rosseau69 didn’t come out on one side or the other.
Also, constance_nico, who had just turned against the memeplex for Luddite religious reasons, got more support because of the controversy. She created a meme of a chip in the apple of good and evil to attack the colony.
Session 3
As the drama attracted comment, the audience for Frozen in Time continued to develop. The conspiracy theorists who the Meme Team targeted saw the Menonites as victims of a premodern toxic meme, and were tense about whether the colony would be able to resist their influence. The broader normie audience sympathised with the Heathers. Some were alienated by constance_nico’s meme. A survivalism-focused forum came into existence giving the young and inexperienced FiTBot a lot of practical advice.
With just under two weeks until the next scheduled event, a Friday visit to the market, the Team had to decide what to focus on for the next episode. They considered an eating contest, but eventually decided to use the buzzbots to get a lot of footage of the environmental beauty.
On the next Sunday, the Tremblays headed back to the Menonite church. The Murrows silently watched them go. The professor interviewed the Murrows, who were passive-aggressive. “Our neighbours are going to church. It’s not for us to speak about another congregation.” Sally followed the Murrows to the church, where they participated without issue, but did not interview them.
In response to Frozen in Time the upcoming market put a section aside as an organic fair, with a lot of local businesses trying to take advantage of the show’s publicity (and for some reason one electronics stall was allowed in). The Menonites were a bit miffed, feeling that their Luddism was being commercially appropriated. It turned out that the “electronics stall” was actually a misclassified apple (the fruit) stall, manned by an embarrassed young woman with a rash on her hands.
The Tremblays did very well, selling polar bear meat on flatbread. Not a business that could be expanded to support a larger colony (you’d run out of bears), but a happy and optimistic start. Afterwards they went to wander the stalls.
The Heathers did much worse selling low-quality fabrics and dream-catchers, so they turned their attention to complaining about the inauthenticity of the organic stalls around them - “we’re living a natural life, they’re just using different fertilisers”. The Team’s questions about their sales were dismissed as originating from a capitalist mindset.
The Murrows did alright selling some landscapes, bolstered by the focus on the landscape in the third episode of Frozen in Time. They promoted a narrative of being able to collect the early works of a developing artist.
On the way back from the fair, Derrick Tremblay suddenly fell over dead. The Team attempted to administer first aid, but it was futile. His cortical stack was bricked. No one was more surprised than Melody Tremblay to discover that Derrick was an infomorph controlling a bioshell.
The Team weren’t terribly concerned. A few quick calls established that Derrick was backed up, and would be restored from the bank in the morning. Overnight they got a report back
However, in the morning the team were surprised to meet Derrick at the bank wearing a cybershell configured to look like an old man. It turned out that, at the time of his last backup two months ago, Derrick regarded himself as an internet troll with no serious interest in the colony. He had been part of the forums for a while, and was revealed to be the same person as The_Great_Ninja_Derrick, but only considered himself a troll. He was shocked to discover himself to be a married isolate and accused the Team of brainwashing him.
“We’re just marketeering,” protested the Team.
“Marketing fucks, you’re a memetics team!” replied Derrick.
Derrick Tremblay - or, as it turned out, his actual name was Derrick Grumbly, was in fact 72 years old. In an ironic echo of the Menonites hearing confusion, the Team were sure they had misheard when he told them.
“Why am I married to a 17-year-old? I’m 72! Look at her. Look at these messages, this poem she sent me. Aargh!” exclaimed Derrick.
“Sorry, did you just say that you’re ‘17 too’?” the Team replied.
The Team facilitated a conversation between Derrick and Melody, who was being comforted in the Murrow’s igloo. Melody called Derrick her husband, their spirits joined by God. She called herself the mother of his child. Derrick called himself a retired radiator salesman who can’t cope with the cold. He hadn’t come to a decision, but seemed very confused.
The Team interviewed Grumbly’s ex-wife, who called him a weak man who would certainly fall for a cult. Their interview didn’t last long, as Ms Grumbly started getting offers from media organisations for exclusives to discuss the controversy.
Rachel Patel suggested that “we’ve got a single 17-year-old looking to get married. That’s good for advertising,” but was dissuaded by Sally from trying to appeal to the teen bride market.
The Team researched The_Great_Ninja_Derrick’s posting history, and concluded that although he had only considered himself an ironic member of the forum community, he had been gradually receiving their memes for a long time, and had been restored to a state on the brink of conversion. They decided to try and reintroduce the same forum memes that radicalised him the first time.
The Team juiced up the reverse engineered memes and put them into adverts to persuade Derrick to rejoin Frozen in Time. Being unable to target a single person because of local privacy laws, they served the adverts to his zip code instead.
Unfortunately the cultural moment had passed. Counter memes, especially constance_nico’s, had grown in strength in the past few weeks. The revived memes were an unviable atavism, like Archean life poisoned by the oxygen revolution. The Team knew their campaign had failed a few days into it when Derrick made a one-word comment on one of the Frozen in Time art purchases: “phoney”.
Meanwhile on the forums, constance_nico was forgiven. The poisoned apple fed perfectly into her apple-infested-by-technology meme. A (false) consensus formed that she was unfairly forced out. The Team designed a meme: “constance_nico should have been welcome.” Fortunately for them, they critically failed and generated a counter-reaction that brought receipts of constance_nico’s divisive behaviour to prominence, forcing her off the forum.
Frozen in Time survived, but Derrick didn’t return to the show.
The camera crew escaped the milk-smuggling charges with a minor penalty by blaming it on an SAI, which was deleted, and were able to go on to film subsequent episodes.
The Heathers never had a chance to confront the Team for breaking their promise not to use buzzbots to film the community.
The police dropped the investigation into Derrick’s murder due to lack of evidence. After all, the victim was backed up. (In fact, it was constance_nico who murdered Derrick, in order to support here meme, but the Team didn’t pick up on the necessary clues at the time.)
This was initially intended to be a one shot, but ended up expanding into 3 ~2-hour sessions. I consider it a success overall, with the players moderately engaged with the intellectual themes and excited by the emotional content. I was a little disappointed that they weren’t very proactive at responding to the various meme-fodder I tried to scatter through the sessions. On their part, the players felt that the second session dragged out a little, which makes sense. If the players weren’t recognising the intended initiators of action in the world, the session would necessarily seem duller.
The players enjoyed the emotion of the murder-mystery, but didn’t put together the clues at all, or go to the right places to investigate them. There’s a lot of material on how to make a murder-mytery work in rpgs, and the approach I took was that the best kinds of puzzles are those that fail enjoyably. The players didn’t need to realise that Constance_Nico could only have laid the groundwork such that the murder would bolster her memes if she had known about Derrick’s murder before it happened in order to enjoy playing through the effects of it; nor did they need to look into the oddities of the apple stall at the fair to laugh at the joke of an “apple stall” being mistaken for an electronics shop.
That being said, I was disappointed that it didn’t occur to my players that “Derrick” and “The_Great_Ninja_Derrick” might be the same person. However, the players never researched the background of the forum’s power users.
The campaign is now suspended, but I might enjoy running session of the Meme Team at some point in the future. Having read a bit of our style, would anyone on this forum be interested in joining. (Sessions are held on Saturdays; afternoon USA/ evening UK).
submitted by Lowsow to gurps [link] [comments]

2022.11.05 05:12 omegacluster New Music Additions 2022-11-04

Today's additions are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2022.11.05 05:11 omegacluster Daily Release Dump 2022-11-04

Yesterday's releases are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2022.09.27 22:18 Linked077 Youtooz Hunger Games 5 : Day 1

MichaelSMT 19 loses circulation looking too tight in those good shorts.Yuo uses coal to cook food.Pyrovision 2 sees things twice.MichaelSMT 11 finds a convenient horse carcass, but decides it is too dangerous.MichaelSMT 16 stumbles upon a fidget spinner.SnowyMeme gets hit by a hurricane.Logan Paul receives a Emoji Movie on laserdisc from a sponsor.MichaelSMT 13 discovers a glasses that cure color-blindness lying on the ground.ScrubbyArtist gets devastating hiccups.Bruno mars (guy from fortnite) triggers Bagol 12.Plontan shoots Doggo¹.Doggo stumbles upon a basketball.MichaelSMT 17 heals Schlatt.PogKatz heals SmallishBeans.Bagol 7 receives a singular spaghetti from a sponsor.MichaelSMT 25 gets forced into BEES.Alesa stumbles upon a paintball.Gingerbrave gets a cold.MichaelSMT 2 shoots Gingerbrave.MichaelSMT 12 heals Playbutton_man.MichaelSMT 1 slips and slides on a banana peel.MichaelSMT 7 finds a convenient geometrically stable truss and decides to use it as shelter.Solidarity Makeship Plush heals MichaelSMT 24.MichaelSMT 4 heals MichaelSMT 11.Bruno mars (guy from fortnite) finds a convenient couch, but decides it is too dangerous.MichaelSMT 21 receives a chocolate-covered cotton from a sponsor.Bagol 9 receives a Lapras from a sponsor.MichaelSMT 5 heals Cake Hound.Goldie gets their fingernails removed by a native tribe.HalloMeme finds a convenient igloo, but decides it is too dangerous.4th Meme calls in the US Navy SEALS, who kill MichaelSMT 12 and JacksucksatlifeLDShadowlady loses 0.13 GPA points, and is severely injured.MichaelSMT 14 levels up.Bagol 8 gets crippling depression.MichaelSMT 22 heals MichaelSMT 1.Playbutton_man cries himself to sleep.Callumazing develops stage 4 brain cancer.DingaBing gets crippling depression.Popgoes kills Bagol 12 with a knife.this_dude_dumb finds a convenient Olive Garden and decides to use it as shelter.MichaelSMT 6 discovers a diamond pickaxe lying on the ground.MichaelSMT 23 dies of pure cancer after watching the Emoji Movie.MichaelSMT 24 kills MichaelSMT 22 with a stick.MichaelSMT 15 finds a convenient queen-sized bed with a memory foam mattress and furnished headrest, but decides it is too dangerous.Bagol 10 gets devastating hiccups.MichaelSMT 18 gets necrosis.UPharaoh lost connection to the server.Bagol 1 finds Chuck Norris.Alonelist finds a convenient House of the Seven Gables, but decides it is too dangerous.Spike 's life gets changed by poetry.Cake Hound receives an anthology of life-changing poems from a sponsor.Sub_2_swipe_team receives a chocolate-covered cotton from a sponsor.Bagol 2 strangles Easter Chick Meme.Bagol 3 receives a freeze ray from a sponsor.MichaelSMT 8 heals MichaelSMT 7.Comedy Youtooz receives a bucket of KFC from a sponsor.ItsSco4 gets their fingernails removed by a native tribe.SmallishBeans stumbles upon a tank.Veno-Kun attaches a measuring tape to a toaster.Shenpai eats bleach gummy bottle.CreeperRussS receives a bucket of KFC from a sponsor.MichaelSMT 9 receives a quenched and tempered steel from a sponsor.MasterBK9 stumbles upon a landmine.MichaelSMT 20 attaches a measuring tape to a toaster.Cupid Meme heals Bagol 4.Schlatt heals MichaelSMT 9.Bagol 4 's life gets changed by poetry.Bagol 5 uses dank memes to kill Alonelist.Youdonescooped stumbles upon a frisbee.Bagol 11 uses clean Cole as food.Big Nuts Fella gets Hodgkin's Lymphoma.memewifhat heals ScrubbyArtist.Goofy ahh looking tongue spontaneously combusts.Dead Meme heals MichaelSMT 4.St. Patrick’s Meme drinks clean water and gains one point in constitution.President Pumpkin 2's indescribable object explodes in a shower of glorious communism, killing him.Rtgame hangs himself after being friendzoned by Bagol 6.Wilbur Soot V1 1 decides to take a permanent nap.Wilbur Soot V1 2 gets a bladder infection.Scott Wozniak battles and wounds SmallishBeans.Wilbur Soot V1 3 receives an indescribable object from a sponsor.Jschlatt V1 1 receives a 50% off coupon to an SAT prep class from a sponsor.Jschlatt V1 2 brings one less paintball, so Sub_2_swipe_team dies of needing paintballs.Jschlatt V1 3 heals Wilbur Soot V1 2.Bagol 6 sings us a song.Every Gay Guy gets roasted by Pannapara. Slam!.CraftCrab discovers a clean coal lying on the ground.Goku sees things twice.Pyrovision 1 receives a Lapras from a sponsor.Doggo² receives an indescribable object from a sponsor.
18 cannon shots can be heard in the distance The following tributes have fallen:
President Pumpkin 2: 0 KillsWilbur Soot V1 1: 0 KillsBagol 12: 0 KillsAlonelist: 0 KillsSub_2_swipe_team: 0 KillsGoofy ahh looking tongue : 0 KillsGingerbrave: 0 KillsShenpai: 0 KillsRtgame: 0 KillsDoggo¹: 0 KillsMichaelSMT 12: 0 KillsMichaelSMT 19: 0 KillsMichaelSMT 22: 0 KillsMichaelSMT 23: 0 KillsUPharaoh: 0 KillsJacksucksatlife: 1 KillEaster Chick Meme: 1 KillSnowyMeme: 0 Kills
submitted by Linked077 to Youtooz [link] [comments]

2022.08.22 00:59 Romofan1973 Daria's Reading List

Be honest. How many of these alleged treasures have you read? Like a lot of guys my tastes trend to nonfiction and sci-fi. I've read the Poe and the Orwell, but just a handful of the 'straight' classics.
Perhaps we should start a book club?

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
City of Glass by Paul Auster
Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
Fifth Business by Robertson Davies
A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The House of the Dead by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
On Moral Fiction by John Gardner
The Life and Complete Work of Francisco Goya by Pierre Gassier
Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg
The Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Iliad by Homer
Daisy Miller by Henry James
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
1984 by George Orwell
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre
Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Our American Cousin by Tom Taylor
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Henry & Glenn Forever by Igloo Tornado
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G.Wells
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

submitted by Romofan1973 to daria [link] [comments]

2022.04.01 01:39 ConceptAutomatic9626 Fiction book about a boy (maybe teen?) who, alongside a group from his village, had to go up a mountain to find out why a river stopped flowing. They had to go through different trails on the way which each exposed a different phobia. One of them was about claustrophobia.

  1. At the end the boy fixes the passage and was named the bravest as he was able to complete all of the trials despite not being the best in each trial.
  2. One trial was to choose between left or right path but one member couldnt do the task as they had claustrophobia
  3. Another trial was to swim across a very deep/cold body of water but one of the members did not know how to swim. I specifically remember that there was a woman who was part of the group that told the other people to look away when she had to change.
  4. I believe the last or second last task was to survive the cold and the boy had a clever idea to build some sort of igloo with snow and then to heat up rocks. I think he was with a man in this scenario but Im certain there was only 2 people left in this trial.
  5. There could have been a dragon at the end and the final task was something to do with bravery? I dont really remember. Also he was by himself in the last task.
  6. I read this book around 10 years go
  7. 100% sure there was some sort of poem at the end
Many thanks.
submitted by ConceptAutomatic9626 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2022.02.20 13:39 chacham2 Hey, just finished my list

I forgot whom, but a little while ago someone mentioned this sub needed a little help, so i decided to post my "list". Well, i just finished.
A lot of the entries came from this sub and from dadjokes, especially 514 Dad Jokes. I removed some, rewrote others, and overall just did my own thing, for better or for worse. In any case, here's the list i posted. with 350+ jokes. Feel free to repost them. Keep this sub alive!
The number 13? Not on my watch!! The two crows tried to start their own flock. They were charged with attempted murder. If attacking clowns, go for the juggler. How much do dead batteries cost? Nothing, they are free of charge. Want to hear my construction joke? You'll have to wait, i'm still working on it. Why can't you explain puns to a kleptomaniac? They take things, literally. I made a belt out of watches. It was a waist of time. What do you call a herd of giggling cows? Laughing stock. What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A Roaming Catholic. I know a guy who is addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop anytime. I hope a doctor can cure my invisibility. I'm currently at the hospital waiting to be seen Why did the woman get fired from her job at the hot dog stand? She put her hair in a bun. After swallowing some coins, his parents brought him to the hospital for observation. Upon asking for an update, the doctor replied, "No change yet." This book on beating gravity is great. I can't put it down! In the army, he survived mustard gas and pepper spray. He's a seasoned veteran. Recently, i decided to take up fencing. The neighbors said they will call the police unless i put it back. My flashlight died. I'm delighted. C, E Flat, and G walk into a bar. The bartender said, "Sorry, no minors." It was nice when i let my fingernails grow a little. But now it's getting out of hand! I _would've_ kept off the grass, but I don't understand sign language. A guy stayed on a merry-go-round for three days. He set a whirled record. No one seams to like my jokes about patch work! I've tried sew hard. Why was the ink drop sad? Her dad was in the pen and she didn't know how long the sentence would be. When the shoe salesman offered me Velcro shoes, I said, "Sure, why knot?" Two silkworms had a race. They ended up in a tie. Why do male deer have an overbite? They have buck teeth. That was a very emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers. Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm? He's all right now. She gets her way by pretending she's sad. She's an expert in sighcology. She applied at the post office but they wouldn't letter. They said it's all mail there. Who was the roundest knight at the Round Table? Sir Cumference. He had too much pi. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. Witches' parking only: All others will be toad. There was a theater performance on puns. Though, it was just a play on words. What would wordplay be without puns? Nothing but some-antics. How do you cut an ocean in half? You use a Sea-Saw. Did you know players in the NFL are not allowed to have pet birds? It's considered a personal fowl. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion. Without geometry, life is pointless. The only interesting thing she did was dye her hair. It was the highlight of her week. About Rosh Hashana: shofar, so good. My doctor told me to cut down on sodium. I took his advice with a pinch of salt. The paint catapult won the competition with flying colors. Never trust atoms. They make up everything. I can have dinner at a native American restaurant. Who needs reservations? When is a pun mature? When it's fully groan. How are oxygen and potassium together? They're just OK. What kind of Dr. is Dr. Pepper? He's a Fizzician. Why do Russian translators work so quickly in Finland? Because they're Russian to Finnish. They told me I had type A blood, but it was a Type-O. Class trip to the Coca-Cola factory. I hope there's no pop quiz. I didn't like my beard at first. Then it grew on me. Air at gas stations used to be free, now it costs a couple dollars. I'm tired of inflation! If you're ever locked out of your house, start talking to your lock, calmly and clearly. After all, good communication is the key. Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy. I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure. I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it. Nobody laughed when i fell while skating. But the ice sure cracked up. Is it ok to pin things on the bulletin board? It seems a bit tacky. A man drowned in a bowl of muesli. A strong currant pulled him in. I've started telling people about the benefits of dried grapes. It's all about raisin awareness. A man fell into an upholstery machine. He's fully recovered. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? Why was Pavlov's hair so soft? Because he conditioned it. Calendars don't last forever. Their days are numbered. What happens when a Mercedes hits a tree? Mercedes bends. Why did the man break into song? He couldn't find the right key. What is the best way to communicate with fish? Drop them a line. She was only a whiskey-maker's daughter, but he loved her still. Monkey bars are allowed on playgrounds?! Should we really allow monkeys to drink in front of children? No matter how much you push the envelope, it will remain stationery. Bread bakers don't share their recipes. They're on a knead-to-know basis. I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough. Hungry? A boiled egg is hard to beat. Who makes a good gossip? Someone with a great sense of rumor. I hate gossipers! They discussed me! Corduroy pillows are in the news. They're making headlines. How do you get back at an egoist? With another egoist. An I for an I. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. What do you call a made up color? A pigment of your imagination. What is a pessimist's blood type? B-negative As a kid, I used to steal magazines. It’s fair to say I had a lot of issues back then. What did the teddy bear say when the waitress asked if he was ready for dessert? "No thanks, I'm stuffed!" Knock knock. Who's there? Owls. Owls who? Yes, yes they do. All the animals came to the Ark together. Even the insects came in pairs. Except the worms. They came in apples. Why should you enjoy the music being played at the entrance of a hotel? Because it's foyer entertainment. I have a friend who writes music about sewing machines. He's a singer songwriter. Or sew it seams. Artists are good in fights. They can draw any weapon they want. You can't trust a deli sandwich. They're full of bologna. Before we were married, my wife used to clean up my place, and i used to clean hers. Eventually we realized that we were maid for each other. Before Mount Rushmore was built, its natural beauty was unpresidented. "I to go to the doctor." "Which doctor?" "No, the regular kind." Why did the stadium feel so hot after the game? All the fans left. Why do birds fly south for the winter? It's too far to walk. Just by looking, i can tell if someone is lying. I can also tell if they are standing. What do you call an officer hiding in bed? An undercover cop. Have you tried blindfolded archery? You don't know what you are missing. I ordered 2 large fries. They gave me around 75 tiny ones instead. My first time using an elevator was an uplifting experience. The second time let me down. Let' be frank and earnest. I'll be Frank, you can be Earnest. Why do moon rocks fill you up more than Earth rocks? They're a little meteor. How to you send an apology by telegraph? By using remorse code. Why is Peter Pan always flying? Because he never lands. (This joke never gets old.) What genre are national anthems? Country music. Why do trees look a little suspicious on sunny days? They seem a bit shady. My books fell out of the bookcase. I only have my shelf to blame. Why can't your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot. What shivers at the bottom of the sea? A nervous wreck. I used to be addicted to the Hokey Pokey. But, i turned myself around. The woodworking test had us attach two pieces of wood together. I totally nailed it! What do you call a piece of corn that joins the army? Kernel. A guy was arrested for rearranging his dinner table. He was charged with dish-orderly conduct. Welcome to Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous! I see a few new faces here, and i am very disappointed. A hipster drowned ice skating on the pond. That was before it was cool. Have you heard of thought-controlled air fresheners? It makes scents when you think about it. Why did the army buy acid? To neutralize the enemy base. A man slid down a manhole. The police consider it sewer-slide. A day without wine is like... Just kidding. I have no idea As I handed my Dad his 50th birthday card, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "You know, one would have been enough." My recliner and i have a long history. We go way back. My math teacher said i was average. I think he's mean. Lightbulbs do not make good meals. But they're good for a light snack. I doesn't bother me that i can't scrape cheese. I have grater problems. What's the meaning of ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care. You can cut a piece of wood just by looking at. I saw it with my own two eyes. My wife is fed up of my constant Dad jokes, so I asked her, "How can I stop my addiction?" Wife: Whatever means necessary. Me: No it doesn't. I have a Polish friend who's a sound technician. Oh, and a Czech one too. Czech one too. Czech one too. A woman walks into a library and asked if they had any books about paranoia. Librarian: "They're right behind you!!". A man walks into a library and orders fish and chips. The librarian says, "this is a library." The man, says, "oh. Sorry." (Then in a whisper) "I'd like some fish and chips." Why don't ants get sick? Because they have little antybodies. Plateaus are the highest form of flattery. What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll. Poisons I, II, and III were quite deadly. Poison IV, though, just made the victim extremely itchy. Dad, can u tell me what a solar eclipse is? No sun. What's the best thing about Switzerland? I don't know, but the flag is a big plus Did you hear about the kidnapping in the park? They woke him up. How do exorcists collect their debts? Repossession. Marriage changed her. She got a new name and a dress. What does a clock do when it's still hungry after eating a meal? It goes back four seconds. How did the woman feel when the first strands of gray hair came in? She thought she'd dye. Mahatma Gandhi walked barefoot most of the time, which gave him calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, making him frail. And with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. Mick Jagger's dog asked his friend, Patricia Whack, for a loan, offering a small item as collateral. Puzzled, she asked her husband what it was. "It's a knick knack, Patty Whack. Give the dog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone." I debated a flat earther once. He stormed off saying he'd walk to the edge of the earth to prove me wrong. I'm sure he'll come around, eventually. Why does milk from a pampered cow taste bad? It's spoiled. Pavlov was sitting at a bar when the phone rang. "I forgot to feed the dogs!" Why does Karl Marx only drink mint tea? Because all proper tea is theft. Why did Karl Marx write in all lowercase letters? He hated capitalism. Why did the student drop out of the communism class? Because of lousy Marx. He's more classless than a Marxist utopia. How did the bullet lose his job? He was fired. What award should be given to the inventor of 'knock-knock' jokes? A no-bell prize. Why was the math major so mean? She had no standard deviation. Why are taxidermists so good? They really know their stuff. What do grizzlies wear on their feet? Nothing, they go barefoot. What do a lighthouse, rose trellis, windstorm, dune, and Halloween costume make? A beacon, lattice, and tornado sand witch. What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question? Should i add hydrogen to sodium? NaH! I forgot where boomerangs land. Oh, wait. It's coming back to me. Ladders are evil. They're are always up to something! Sleeping is so easy; i can do it with my eyes closed! Einstein finally formulated a theory on space. And it was about time too. How often should you make elementary puns? Periodically The bull that ate dynamite was horrible. Literally abominable. Shrub trimmers are amazing devices. Cutting hedge technology. My boss asked me to name the next 24 hour period. I worked on it a while and then called it a day. Farmers who talk to their cows get better milk. It's in one ear and out the udder. Someone took a picture of his crime. It was framed and put in jail. Have you heard about the squirrel diet? It's totally nuts! He finally saw someone on the opposite bank and shouted, "how do I get to the other side of the river?". “You are on the other side of the river!” A guy was washing his car with his son. "Dad, can’t you just use a sponge?" What do you get when you cross a tiger and a bear? A couple angry beasts seeking revenge. My new job requires me to lift heavy boxes, but i'm not strong enough. I'm gonna have to turn in my too-weak notice. Will glass coffins catch on? Remains to be seen. Want to hear a joke about paper? Nevermind it’s tearable. Why did the cookie cry? Because his father was a wafer so long! How does a cobbler know what's wrong with a shoe? They stare into its sole. How do you organize a party in outer space? You planet. I went to a seafood disco last week, and pulled a mussel. Where can you get chicken broth in bulk? The stock market. I don't care that i cut my finger when chopping cheese. I have greater problems to worry about. My cat was just sick on the carpet. I don’t think it’s feline well. How did the octopus beat the shark in a fight? It was well armed. Spiders must really like the Internet. They are always on the web. There’s a new type of broom out, it’s sweeping the nation. What did the buffalo say to his boy when he dropped him off at school? Bison. What sort of music does cellophane play? Wrap. How was Rome split in two? With a pair of Ceasars. How was the shovel touted? A ground breaking invention! A scarecrow talking about its vocation. "This job isn't for everyone, but hay, it's in my jeans." A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog stand and says, "Make me one with everything." What do you get when you cross a hippie with a ninja? Peace and quiet. What do you call a girl with one leg that's shorter than the other? Ilene. What do you do with dead chemists? Barium. Why can't towels tell good jokes. They have a dry sense of humor. Do you know sign language? You should learn it, it’s pretty handy. What do you call a beautiful pumpkin? Gourdgeous. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean beef. What do you call a cow with all of its legs? High steaks. Why was the cross-eyed teacher ineffective? He couldn’t control his pupils. Trying to write with a broken pencil is a waste of time. It's completely pointless. What temperature is a corner? Usually, 90 degrees. The energizer bunny went to jail. He was charged with battery. What did the alien say to the pitcher of water? Take me to your liter. What do you have when you have more than enough aliens? Extraterrestrials. Want to hear a joke about pizza? Nevermind, it’s too cheesy. What do cows tell their calves at bedtime? Dairy tales. Why didn’t the lion win the race? Because he was racing a cheetah. What happens to nitrogen when the sun comes up? It becomes daytrogen. What state is a small drink? Mini soda. Hair loss is like a row of rabbits marching backwards. It's a receding hairline. What do you do when your son has started eating electrical cords? You ground him until he conducts himself properly. My wife just tripped and dropped a basket full of freshly ironed clothes. I just sat back and watched it all unfold. What does garlic do when it gets too hot? It takes its cloves off. Why don’t vampires go to barbecues? They don’t like steaks. How do trees access the internet? They log on. When do trains do crazy things? When they have loco motives. Is your refrigerator running? Better go catch it. The future, the present, and the past walked into a bar. It was tense. What is the last thing you will ever need? A burial plot. I just found out i'm colorblind. That diagnosis came completely out of the purple. A chemist told a joke. He got quite the reaction. It takes a while to eat a clock? It's so time consuming. What do you call it when a clown does something nice for you? A nice jester. What does a house wear? A dress. I owe a lot to the sidewalks. They’ve been keeping me off the streets for years. Imagine if clocks would hit you back in the morning. That would be truly alarming. Why are skeletons such bad liars? You can see right through them. A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case. I just got a promotion at the farm. I'm the new CIEIO. What does a dog say when he sits down on a piece of sandpaper? Ruff! I was accused of being a plagiarist. That was their word, not mine. My carpet is not smooth at all. It's rather rugged. Becoming an archeologist was a big mistake. My career is in ruins. I went to the chiropractor a few days ago? It was about a weak back. Ever since i became a digger, my job's been in the pits. The old woman who lived in a shoe wasn’t the sole owner. There still were strings attached. Someone wrote 1-1=3 all over a parking garage. It was wrong on so many levels. The small aircraft had no frills. It was a little plane. It takes 5 minutes to get from my house to the bar, but 45 minutes to get back. The difference is staggering. What's it like milking a crazy cow? Udder madness. Why are there fences on graveyards? Because people are dying to get in. Mathematicians can talk about infinity for quite some time. They can go on about it forever. Why don’t some couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don’t work out. Acupuncturists cannot be trusted. They'll stab you in the back as soon as they get a chance. That annoying banker wouldn’t stop asking me questions. I specifically asked him to leave me a loan. I ordered a book of puns last week. I didn't get it. People say i look better without glasses. I just can't see it. What do you call a young musician? A minor. I challenged Death to a pillow fight. I wasn’t prepared for the reaper cushion Why do doctors hit our knees with a little hammer? They get a kick out of it. A man has a goose on the top of a building. What is the easiest way for him to get down? Pluck it off the goose. What's the difference between a cat and a comma? A cat has its claws at the end of its paws. A comma has its pause at the end of its clause. What's the difference between looking up the stairs and walking up the stairs? One is staring up the steps, the other is stepping up the stairs. What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? One watches cells, the other sells watches. What’s the difference between a photocopier and the flu? One makes facsimiles; the other makes sick families. What's the difference between a democratic system and a feudal system? In one your vote counts, in the other, your count votes. What's the difference between an etymologist and an entomologist? The etymologist knows the difference. What’s the difference between America and a pen drive? One is the USA, and the other is a USB. What's the difference between a step stool and someone who make pottery? The former is a ladder, while the latter is a former. What’s the difference between a dad joke and a bad joke? The direction the first letter faces. What’s the difference between a cranky two-year-old and a duckling? One is a whiny toddler and the other is a tiny waddler. What’s the difference between a discharged sailor and a blind person? One can’t go to sea, the other can’t see to go. What’s the difference between a man with an unnaturally high voice and one with unnatural teeth? One has a falsetto voice, the other has a false set o’ teeth. What’s the difference between a casino and a church? More people mean it when they pray at a casino. What’s the difference between a fake dollar bill and a crazy rabbit? One is bad money, and the other is a mad bunny. What’s the difference between a literalist and a kleptomaniac? A literalist takes things literally. A kleptomaniac takes things, literally. What’s the difference between a well-dressed man and a dog? One wears a suit, the other just pants. What’s the difference between communism and a pencil? A pencil works on things other than paper. What’s the difference between an amateur thief and a professional thief? An amateur thief says, “Give me all your money!” A professional thief says, “Sign here please.” What’s the difference between a simple person and a pizza? One is easy to cheat, the other is cheesy to eat. What’s the difference between the Sahara and Jello? One is an inhospitable desert and the other is an in-hospital dessert. What’s the difference between a 16 ounces and a pianist? One weighs a pound, the other pounds away. What’s the difference between someone who bought a house and someone who practices their electrician skills? One’s a home owner and the other’s an ohm honer. What’s the difference between a clown and an athletic rabbit? One is a bit funny and the other is a fit bunny. What’s the difference between a mirror and a chatterbox? One reflects without talking, the other talks without reflecting. What’s the difference between an Indian and African elephant? One of them is an elephant. What’s the difference between a seal and a sea lion? One electron. What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a unicycle and a richly dressed man on a bicycle? Attire. She broke her right pinky. Otoh, she was completely fine. I smeared some ketchup all over my eyes once. In Heinzsight, it was a bad idea. I hit someone with a can of soda. Don't worry, it was a soft drink. Why did the flickering candle quit his job? He felt burned out. Our maintenance guy lost his legs on the job. Now he’s just a handyman. A magic tractor drove down the road. And poof, it turned into a field! I met some normal aliens from outer space. They were pretty down to earth. When does a phone wear glasses? When it loses its contacts. I, for one, like Roman numerals. What do mountains do when they want to see? They take a peak. Why do failed pirates make terrible singers? They can’t hit the high seas. I told my friend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised. Puns make me numb. Mathematical puns makes me number. Why can't blind people eat fish? It's sea food. You know what really makes my day? The earth's rotation. Will buying a bigger bed give me more bedroom? Two types of peanuts were walking in a tough neighborhood. One of them was a salted. How did one become a medieval executioner? You had to axe nicely. Two ropes were walking in a tough neighborhood and one of them was a-frayed. What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? Sneakers After eating the ship, the sea monster said, I can’t believe I ate the hull thing. Small babies may be delivered by stork. The heavy ones, however, need a crane. A bartender broke up with her boyfriend. He kept asking her for another shot. I couldn't find my pun about insanity. I really lost it. The repairman couldn’t work out how to fix the washing machine. So he gave up and threw in the towel. I googled "cigarette lighter" and got over 12 million matches. But when i googled "more food" i hardly got any seconds. He kept buying more rackets, but stopped after he had nine. Tennis too many. Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? They taste funny. I thought i saw a spider on my laptop. It turned out it was just a bug. A doctor broke his leg while auditioning for a play. He made the cast. The tale of the haunted refrigerator was calm and cold. Indeed, it was chilling. Why are frogs so content? They eat whatever bugs them. I can’t believe someone broke into my house and stole all of my fruit. I am peachless. I only recently found out Albert Einstein was actually a real person. I thought he was just a theoretical physicist. Someone has been stealing the wheels from local cop cars. The police are working tirelessly to catch them. I live in Wyoming, so I called my insurance to ask what would happen if Yellowstone ever erupted. They said not to worry, I would be covered. What do you call it when a farmhand puts cowboy clothes on his salad? Ranch dressing I'm just trying to buy a whistle: I bought a wooden whistle but it wooden whistle. Then i bought a steel whistle but it steel wooden whistle. So, i bought a lead whistle but it steel wooden lead me whistle. Where to Egyptians go when they have a sore back? The Cairo-practor Why was the shopping cart sad? It was getting pushed around. Still-life art is not inspirational. I mean, it's not moving at all. Pig puns are not interesting. They're such a boar. Why couldn't the dying car drive into the cluttered garage? Lack of vroom. How does a penguin build it's house? Igloos it together. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. What do you do when balloons get sick? You helium. Why are whiteboards worthy of mention? They're remarkable. Can February March? No, but April May. Why are Russian nesting dolls are haughty. They're full of themselves. The magazine about ceiling fans was very popular. It had high circulation. What do you do to an open wardrobe? You closet. Why was the pig covered in ink? Because it lived in a pen. Some aquatic mammals at the zoo escaped. It was otter chaos. So what if I don’t know what apocalypse means? It’s not the end of the world! If you look at a poem in the mirror, you'll see it's inverse. Have you ever tried archery blindfolded? You don’t know what you’re missing. You should never marry a tennis player. Love means nothing to them. Be true to your teeth Or they will be false to you! How do you confuse a construction worker? Put a spade and a shovel in the corner, then tell him to take his pick. Where do bad rainbows go? Prism - but it's a light sentence. Flying can always make you happy. It's just so uplifting. Where do you imprison a skeleton? In a rib cage. There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people understand that. Why did the hairdresser lose her job? She just wasn't cut out for it. I've heard that hairdressers won't cut your hair any longer. They will only cut it shorter. What is a lumberjacks favorite online activity? Logging in. You should respect people who wear glasses. They paid money to see you. I don't understand odorless chemicals, they don't make any scents. What do prisoners use to make phonecalls?? Cell phones. What is king of all school supplies? The ruler. Old skiers never die. They just go downhill. You know why I like egg puns? They crack me up! Want to hear a pun about ghosts? Excellent! That's the spirit! I get angry every time my cell phone dies. My therapist suggested i find an outlet. Why did the paper defend itself when it was put on the cork board? It was under a tack. Making clown shos is difficult. It's no small feat. Why did the human cannonball leave? He was fired. Why do magicians go bald? They pull their hare out. It's stressful working in the circus. Everything's in tents. Which door do hens use when they leave? The eggs-it. Why did the hen hate the chef? He beat her eggs. Someone told me today he didn't know what cloning was. I told him, "that makes 2 of us." Why does a chicken coop have only 2 doors? If it had 4, it'd be a sedan. Why do people who washes dishes work so well together? Because they are in sink with each other. Why was Bob unhappy when using his umbrella? It made him feel under the weather. I just got fired from a florist. I took too many leaves. I'm obsessed with seatbelts. They're fastenating. Two men were found guilty of stealing a calendar. They each got 6 months. Waking up came as a surprise. It was an eye-opening experience. What planet is like a circus? Saturn, it has three rings. I hold stilt walkers in high regard. I look up to them. I wrote a book on how to walk up stairs. It’s a step-by-step guide. Why are tightrope walkers so healthy? They eat well-balanced meals. Which fairy tales are longest? The ones that drag on. What do cows watch at the theater? Moovies. Why are there always two medics in an ambulance. Because you need pair a medics. Why did the banana go to the doctor? He wasn't peeling well. What is a pirate’s favorite letter? Arrrrrr. What did one eye say to the other eye? Just between you and me, something smells. What did one monocle say to the other? Let's get together and make a spectacle of ourselves. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide. What happens when an egg laughs and its own yolk? It cracks up. Why didn’t the teddy bear want to eat? He was stuffed. Why did the farmer jiggle his cow? He wanted a milkshake. What letter is always wet? C 
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2022.02.19 18:01 kryptsix Wordle Passphrase Word List

abeam abler abuts abuzz abysm acerb ached aches acids acing acnes acres acted added adder addle aegis aerie afros agave aided aides ailed aimed aimer aired alder aleph alias alkyd aloes aloha altos alums amice amino amiss amity ammos among amour ample amply amuck amuse amyls anent angel anger angle angry angst anime anion anise ankhs ankle annex annoy annul anode anted antes antic antsy anvil aorta apart aphid aphis aping apish apnea apple apply apron aptly arbor arced ardor areal areas arena argon argot argue arias arise armed armor aroma arose array arrow arson artsy ascot ashen ashes aside asked asker askew aspen aspic assay asses asset aster atilt atlas atoll atoms atone atria attar attic audio audit auger augur aunts aunty aural auras autos avail avast avert avian avoid await awake award aware awash awful awoke axial axiom axion axles azure babes backs bacon baddy badge badly bagel baggy bails bairn baits baker bakes baldy baler bales balks balls balms balmy balsa banal bands bandy banes bangs banjo banks banns barbs bards bared barer bares barfs barge barks barmy barns baron basal based baser bases basic basil basin basis basso baste batch bated bathe baths batik baton batty bawds bawdy bawls bayou beach beads beady beaks beams beans beard bears beast beats beaus beaux bebop bedim beech beefs beefy beeps beers beets befit began begat beget begin begot begun beige being belay belch belie belle bells belly below belts bench bends bendy beret berry berth beset besom bests betas betel bevel bezel bible bicep biddy bides bidet bight bigot bijou biked biker bikes bilge bilks bills billy bimbo binds binge bingo biome biped birch birds birth bison bitch biter bites bitsy bitty blabs black blade blain blame bland blank blare blase blast blaze bleak bleat bleed bleep blend bless blest blimp blind blink blips bliss blitz bloat blobs block blogs bloke blond blood bloom blots blown blows blubs bluer blues bluff blunt blurb blurs blurt blush board boars boast boats bobby bocce bodes bogey boggy bogus boils bolos bolts bolus bombs bonds boned boner bones boney bongo bongs bonny bonus boobs booby booed books booms boors boost booth boots booty booze boozy borax bored borer bores boric borne bosky bosom bossy botch bough boule bound bourn bouts bowed bowel bower bowls boxed boxer boxes bozos brace braes brags braid brain brake brand brash brass brats brave bravo brawl brawn braze bread break breed brews briar bribe brick bride brief brier brims brine bring brink briny brisk broad broil broke brood brook broom broth brown brows brunt brush brute bubby bucko bucks buddy budge buffo buffs buggy bugle build built bulbs bulge bulgy bulks bulky bulls bully bumps bumpy bunch bunko bunks bunny bunts buoys burgh burgs burly burnt burps burro burrs bursa burse burst busby bused buses bushy busts busty butch butte butts buxom buyer bylaw bytes byway cabal cabby caber cabin cable cacao cache cacti caddy cadet cadge cadre cafes cages cagey cairn caked cakes cakey calif calls calms calve camel cameo camps campy canal candy caned canes canny canoe canon canst canto caped caper capes capon capos caput carat cards cared carer cares cargo carob carol carom carps carry carte carts carve cased cases casks caste casts catch cater catty caulk cause caved caves cavil cease cecum cedar ceded celeb cello cells cents chafe chaff chain chair chalk champ chant chaos chaps chard charm chart chase chasm chats cheap cheat check cheek cheep cheer chefs chela chemo chert chess chest chews chewy chick chide chief child chili chill chime chimp china chine chink chins chips chirp chits chive chock choir choke choky chomp chops chord chore chose chubs chuck chuff chugs chump chums chunk churl churn chute cider cigar cilia cinch circa circs cited cites civet civic civil clack claim clamp clams clang clank clans claps clash clasp class clave claws clays clean clear cleat cleft clerk clews click cliff climb clime cling clink clips cloak clock clods clogs clone close cloth clots cloud clout clove clown clubs cluck clued clues clump clung clunk coach coals coast coats cobra cocks cocky cocoa coder codes codex coeds coils coins coked cokes colas colds colic colon color colts comas combo combs comer comes comet comfy comic comma comps conch condo coned cones coney conga conic conks cooed cooer cooks cools coons coops coots coped copes copra copse coral cords cored corer cores corgi corks corns corny corps costs cotta couch cough could count coupe coups court couth coven cover coves covet covey cowed cower coyly cozen crabs crack craft crags cramp crane crank crape craps crash crass crate crave crawl craze crazy creak cream credo creed creek creep creme crepe crept cress crest crews cribs crick cried crier cries crime crimp crisp croak crock crone crony crook croon crops cross croup crowd crown crows crude cruds cruel cruet crumb crump crush crust crypt cubby cubeb cubes cubic cubit cuddy cuffs culls culpa cults cumin cunts curbs curds cured cures curia curio curls curly curry curse curst curve curvy cushy cusps cuter cutie cutup cyber cycle cynic cysts czars dacha daddy daily dairy daisy dales dally dames damns dance dandy dared darer dares darks darns darts dated dater dates datum daubs daunt dawns deals dealt deans dears death debar debit debts debug debut decaf decal decay decks decor decoy decry deeds deems deeps defer deify deign deity delay delft delis delta delve demon demos demur denim dense dents depot depth derby derma desks deter detox deuce devil dhows dials diary diced dicer dices dicey dicks didst diets digit dikes dildo dills dilly dimes dimly dinar dined diner dines dingo dingy dinky diode dippy dirge dirty disco discs disks ditch ditsy ditto ditty ditzy divan divas dived diver dives divvy dizzy docks dodge dodgy dodos doers doeth doges doggy dogma doing doled doles dolls dolly dolor dolts domes donor donut dooms doors doozy doped doper dopes dopey dorks dorky dorms dosed doses doted dotes dotty doubt dough douse doves dowdy dowel dower downs downy dowry dowse doyen dozed dozen dozer dozes drabs draft drags drain drake drama drams drank drape drawl drawn draws dread dream drear dregs dress dribs dried drier dries drift drill drink drips drive droit droll drone drool droop drops dross drove drown drugs druid drums drunk dryad dryer dryly ducal ducat duchy ducks ducky ducts dudes duels duets dukes dulls dully dummy dumps dumpy dunce dunes dungy dunks duped dupes durst dusky dusts dusty dutch duvet dwarf dweeb dwell dwelt dying dykes eager eagle earls early earns earth eased easel easer eases eaten eater eaves ebbed ebony eclat edema edges edict edify edits educe eerie egged egret eider eight eject eking eland elate elbow elder elect elegy elfin elide elite elope elude elves email embed ember emcee emend emery emits emote empty enact ended endow enema enemy enjoy ennui ensue enter entry envoy eosin epics epoch epoxy equal equip erase erect ergot erode erred error erupt essay ester ether ethic ethos ethyl etude evade evens event every evict evils evoke exact exalt exams excel execs exert exile exist exits expel expos extol extra exude exult eying fable faced facer faces facet facts faded fader fades fails faint fairs fairy faith faked faker fakes fakir falls false famed fames fancy fangs fanny farce fared fares farms farts fasts fatal fated fates fatso fatty fault fauna fauns favor fawns faxed faxes fayed fazed fazes fears feast feats fecal feces feeds feels feign feint fella fells felon felts femme femur fence fends fenny feral ferns ferry fests fetal fetch fetes fetid fetor fetus feuds fever fewer fiber fibre fiche ficus field fiend fiery fifes fifth fifty fight filed filer files filet fills filly films filmy filth final finch finds fined finer fines finis finks fired fires firms first firth fishy fists fiver fives fixed fixer fixes fizzy fjord flack flags flail flair flake flaky flame flank flans flaps flare flash flask flats flaws fleas fleck fleer flees fleet flesh flick flied flier flies fling flint flips flirt float flock floes flood floor flops flora floss flour flout flown flows flubs fluff fluid fluke flume flung flunk flush flute flyby flyer foals foams foamy focal focus fogey foggy foils foist folds folic folio folks folly fonts foods fools foots footy foray force fordo forge forgo forks forms forte forth forts forty forum fouls found fount fours fovea fowls foxed foxes foyer frail frame franc frank frats fraud frays freak freed freer frees fresh frets friar fried fries frill frisk fritz frizz frock frogs frond front frosh frost froth frown froze fruit frump fryer fucks fudge fudgy fuels fugue fully fumed fumes funds fungi funks funky funny furor furry furze fused fusel fuses fussy futon fuzzy gable gaffe gaily gains gaits galas gales galls gamed gamer games gamey gamin gamma gammy gamut gangs ganja gapes garbs gases gasps gassy gates gator gauds gaudy gauge gaunt gauss gauze gauzy gavel gawks gawky gayer gayly gazed gazer gazes gears gecko geeks geeky geese genes genie genii genre gents genus geode germs germy getup ghost ghoul giant gibes giddy gifts gills gilts gimps gimpy ginks gipsy girls girly girth gismo given giver gives gizmo glace glade glair gland glare glary glass glaze gleam glean glebe glens glide glint glitz gloat globe globs gloom glory gloss glove glows glued glues gluey gluon gluts glyph gnarl gnash gnats gnaws gnome goals goats godly gofer going golem golly gonad goner gongs gonna goods goody gooey goofs goofy gooks goons goony goops goopy goose gored gorge gorse gouge gourd gouts gouty gowns goyim grabs grace grade grads graft grail grain grams grand grant grape graph grasp grass grate grave gravy grays graze great greed green greet grids grief grill grime grimy grind grins gripe grips grist grits groan groat groin groom grope gross group grout grove growl grown grows grubs gruel gruff grump grunt guano guard guava guess guest guide guild guile guilt guiro guise gulag gulch gules gulfs gulls gully gulps gumbo gummy gunny guppy gurus gushy gussy gusto gusts gusty gutsy gutty gypsy gyros habit hacks hafiz haiku hails hairs hairy hajji hakim halls halos halts halve hammy hands handy hangs hanky happy hardy harem hares harms harps harpy harry harsh haste hasty hatch hated hater hates hauls haunt haute haven haves havoc hawed hawks hazed hazel heads heady heals heaps heard hears heart heath heats heave heavy hedge heels hefty heirs heist helix hello hells helot helps hence henna herbs herds heron hertz hewed hexes hicks hides highs hiked hiker hikes hills hilly hilts hinge hints hippo hippy hired hires hissy hitch hives hoard hoary hobby hobos hocks hoist hokey hokum holds holed holes holey hollo holly homed homer homes homey homos honed hones honey honks honky honor hooch hoods hooey hoofs hooks hooky hoops hoots hoped hoper hopes horde horns horny horse hosed hoses hosts hotel hotly hound hours house hovel hover howdy howls hubby huffs huffy huger hulas hulks hulls human humid humor humph humps humpy humus hunch hunks hunky hunts hurls hurry hurts husks husky hussy hutch huzza hydro hyena hymen hymns hyoid hyped hyper hypes hypos hyrax iambs icily icing icons ideal ideas idiom idiot idler idles idols idyll igloo ileum iliac image imams imbed imbue impel imply inane inbox incur index indie inept inert infer ingle ingot inker inlay inlet inner input inset inter intro inure ionic irate irked irons irony isles islet issue itchy items ivory jabot jacks jaded jails japan jaunt jawed jazzy jeans jeeps jeers jelly jerks jerky jests jetty jewel jibed jibes jiffy jihad jingo jinks jived jives joins joint joist joked joker jokes jokey jolly jolts jolty joule joust jowls judge juice juicy jukes julep jumbo jumps jumpy junco junks junky junta junto juror jutes kabob kanji kapok kappa kaput karat karma karts kasha kayak kazoo kebab kebob kedge keels keens keeps kendo keyed khaki kicks kiddo kiddy kikes kills kilos kilts kinds kings kinks kinky kiosk kissy kites kitty kiwis klutz knack knave knead kneed kneel knees knell knelt knife knish knits knobs knock knoll knots known knows koala kooks kooky korma kraut krill kudos kudzu label labia labor laced laces lacks laden ladle lager lairs lakes lambs lamer lames lamps lanai lance lands lanes lanky lapel lapis lapse larch lards large larks larva laser lasso lasts latch later latex lathe latke latte lauds laugh lawns layer layup leach leads leafs leafy leaks leaky leans leant leaps leapt learn leary lease leash least leave ledge leech leeks leers leery lefts lefty legal leggy legit lemma lemon lemur lends leper letch letup levee level lever lexis liars libel licit licks liege lifer lifts light liked liken likes lilac lilts limbo limbs limes limey limit limos limps lined linen liner lines lingo lings links linty lions lipid lippy liras lisps lists liter lithe lived liven liver lives livid llama loads loafs loamy loans loath lobar lobby lobes local locks locos locum locus lodge lofts lofty logic login logon logos loins lolls lolly loner longs looks looms loons loony loops loopy loose loots lopes lords lorry loser loses lotto lotus loupe louse lousy louts loved lover loves lower lowly loyal luaus lubed lubes lucid lucks lucky lucre luger lulls lumen lumps lumpy lunar lunch lunge lungs lupus lurch lured lures lurid lurks lusts lusty lutes lying lymph lynch lyric macaw maces macho macro madam madly mafia mages magic magma maids mails mains maize major maker makes males malls malts mamas mambo mamma mammy manes manga mange mango mangy mania manic manly manna manor manse manta maple march mares marks marry marsh marts maser masks mason masse masts match mated mates matey matte matzo mauls mauve maven maxim maybe mayor mazes meads meals mealy means meant meats meaty mecca medal media medic meets melee melon melts memos mends menus meows mercy merge merit merry meson messy metal meted meter metro mewed mezzo miaow micas micro middy midge midst might mikes milch miler miles milks milky mimed mimeo mimes mimic mince minds mined miner mines minim minis minks minor mints minty minus mired mirth miser missy mists misty miter mites mitts mixed mixer mixes moans moats mocha mocks modal model modem modes modus mogul moist molar molds moldy moles molls momma mommy money mongo monks month mooch moods moody mooed moons moony moors moose moped moral moray morel mores moron morph mosey mossy motel motet moths motif motor motto mould moult mound mount mourn mouse mousy mouth moved mover moves movie mowed mower moxie mucks mucky mucus muddy muffs muggy mulch mules mummy mumps munch mural murky mused muses mushy music musky musts musty muted mutes mutts muzzy mynah myrrh myths nabob nacho nacre nadir naiad nails naira naive naked named names nanas nanny nappy nards nasal nasty natal natty naval navel nears necks needs needy negro negus neigh nerds nerdy nerve nervy nests never nevus newel newer newly newsy nexus nicer niche niece nifty night nines ninja ninny ninth nippy niter nitro nixed noble nobly nodal nodes noise noisy nomad nonce nones nooks noose norms north nosed noses nosey notch noted notes nouns novel nubby nudes nudge nudie nuked nukes numbs nurse nutty nylon nymph oaken oakum oasis oaths obese obeys obits objet oboes occur ocean ochre octal octet odder oddly odors offal offer often ogled ogres oiled oinks okapi okays olden older oldie oleic olive ombre omega omens onion onset oomph oozed oozes opals opens opera opine opium opted optic orals orate orbed orbit order organ oriel osier other otter ought ounce ousts outdo outer outgo ovary ovate ovens overt ovine ovoid owing owlet owned owner oxbow oxide ozone paced pacer paces packs pacts paddy padre paean pagan paged pager pages pails pains paint pairs paled paler pales palms palmy palsy panda panel panes pangs panic pansy pants panty papal papas papaw paper parch parer pares parka parks parry parse parts party pasha passe pasta paste pasts pasty patch paten paths patio patsy patty pause paved paver paves pawed pawns payee payer peace peach peaks peaky pearl pears pease peaty pecan pecks pedal peeks peels peeps peers peeve pekoe pelts penal pence penis penne penny peons peony peppy perch peril perks perky perms pesky pesos pesto pests petal petty phage phase phial phish phlox phone phony photo phyla piano picks picky picot piece piers piety piggy pigmy piker pikes pilaf piled piles pills pilot pimps pinch pined pines piney pings pinks pinky pinot pinto pints pinup pious piped piper pipes pique pitas pitch pithy piton pivot pixel pixie pizza place plaid plain plait plane plank plans plant plasm plate playa plays plaza plead pleas pleat plebe plebs plied plier plies plink plods plops plots plows ploys pluck plugs plumb plume plump plums plumy plunk plush poach pocks podgy poems poesy poets point poise poked poker pokes polar poles polio polka polls polyp ponds pongs pooch pools poops popes poppy porch pored pores porky porno ports posed poser poses posit posse posts potty pouch pound pours pouts pouty power prank prate prawn prays preen preps press preys price prick pride pried pries prigs prima prime primo primp print prior prism privy prize probe prods proem promo proms prone prong proof props prose prosy proud prove prowl proxy prude prune psalm psych pubes pubic pubis pucks pudgy puffs puffy puked pukes pukka pulls pulps pulpy pulse pumas pumps punch punks punts pupae pupal pupas pupil puppy puree purer purge purrs purse pushy pussy putts putty pygmy pylon pyres quack quads quaff quail quake qualm quark quart quash quasi queen queer quell query quest queue quick quiet quill quilt quint quips quire quirk quite quits quota quote quoth rabbi rabid raced racer races racks radar radii radio radix radon rafts raged rages raids rails rains rainy raise rajah raked rakes rally ralph ramen ramps ranch randy range ranks rants raped rapes rapid rarer rasps raspy rated rates ratio ratty raved raven raves rayon razed razor reach react reads ready realm reams reaps rearm rears rebar rebel rebus rebut recap recon recur recut redid reeds reedy reefs reeks reels refer refit regal rehab reign reins relax relay relic remit remix renal rends renew rents repay repel reply repot repro reran rerun reset resin rests retch retie retro retry reuse revel revue rheum rhino rhyme rider rides ridge riffs rifle rifts right rigid rigor riled riles rills rinds rings rinks rinse riots ripen riper risen riser rises risks risky rites ritzy rival riven river rives rivet riyal roach roads roams roars roast robes robin robot rocks rocky rodeo roger rogue roles rolls roman roofs rooks rooky rooms roomy roost roots roped ropes roses rosin rotor rouge rough round rouse roust route routs rover roves rowdy rowed rowel rower royal ruble ruddy ruder ruffs rugby ruing ruins ruled ruler rules rumba rumen rummy rumor rumps rungs runic runny runts runty rupee rural rusts rusty saber sable sacks sadly safer safes sagas sager sages saggy sails saint sakes salad sales sally salon salsa salts salty salve salvo samba sands sandy saner sappy saran saris sassy sated sates satin satyr sauce saucy sauna saute saved saver saves savor savoy savvy sawed saxes scabs scald scale scalp scaly scamp scams scans scant scare scarf scars scary scats scene scent schwa scion scoff scold scone scoop scoot scope score scorn scour scout scowl scows scram scrap scree screw scrip scrod scrub scrum scuba scuff scull scurf seals seams seamy seats sects sedan sedge seeds seedy seeks seems seeps seers segue seize sells semen semis sends senor sense sepia septa serfs serif serum serve servo setup seven sever sewed sewer sexed sexes shack shade shady shaft shags shake shaky shale shall shalt shame shams shank shape shard share shark sharp shave shawl sheaf shear sheds sheen sheep sheer sheet sheik shelf shell shied shier shies shift shill shine shins shiny ships shire shirk shirt shits shoal shoat shock shoed shoes shone shook shoot shops shore shorn short shots shout shove shown shows showy shred shrew shrub shrug shuck shuns shunt shush shuts shyly sided sides siege sieve sifts sighs sight sigil sigma signs silks silky sills silly silos since sinew singe sings sinks sinus sired siren sires sisal sissy sitar sited sites sixes sixth sixty sizes skate skeet skein skids skied skier skies skiff skill skimp skims skins skips skirl skirt skits skive skulk skull skunk slabs slack slade slain slake slams slang slant slaps slash slate slats slave slays sleds sleek sleep sleet slept slews slice slick slide slime slims slimy sling slink slips slits slobs slogs sloop slope slops slosh sloth slots slows slugs slump slums slung slunk slurp slurs slush sluts slyer slyly smack small smart smash smear smell smelt smile smirk smite smith smock smoke smoky smote snack snafu snags snail snake snaky snaps snare snarl sneak sneer snick snide sniff snipe snips snits snobs snood snoop snoot snore snort snots snout snows snowy snubs snuck snuff soaks soaps soapy soars soave sober socks sodas sofas softy soggy soils solar soles solid solos solve sonar songs sonic sooth sooty soppy sorer sores sorry sorts sough souls sound soups soupy sours souse south sowed sower space spade spall spank spans spare spark spars spasm spate spats spawn speak spear speck specs speed spell spelt spend spent sperm spews spice spick spics spicy spied spiel spies spiff spike spiky spill spilt spine spins spiny spire spite spits splat splay split spoil spoke spoof spook spool spoon spoor spore sport spots spout spray spree sprig sprit spuds spunk spurn spurs spurt squab squad squat squaw squib squid stabs stack staff stage stags stagy staid stain stair stake stale stalk stall stamp stand stank staph stare stark stars start stash state stats stave stays stead steak steal steam steed steel steep steer stein stele stems steno stent steps stern stews stick stiff stile still stilt sting stink stint stirs stoat stock stogy stoic stoke stole stoma stomp stone stony stood stool stoop stops store stork storm story stoup stout stove stows strap straw stray strep strew stria strip strop strum strut stubs stuck studs study stuff stump stung stunk stuns stunt style suave sucks sudsy suede sugar suing suite suits sulfa sulks sulky sully sumac sunny sunup super surer surfs surge surly sushi swabs swags swami swamp swank swans swaps sward swarm swart swash swath swats sways swear sweat sweep sweet swell swept swift swigs swill swims swine swing swipe swirl swish swoon swoop sword swore sworn swung synch syncs synod syrup tabby table taboo tacit tacks tacky tacos taffy tails taint taken taker takes tales talks talky tally talon talus tamed tamer tames tango tangs tangy tanks tansy taped taper tapes tapir tardy tarot tarps tarry tarts tasks taste tasty tatty taunt taupe tawny taxed taxes taxis teach teals teams tears teary tease teats techs teddy teems teens teeny teeth telex tells tempo temps tempt tends tenet tenon tenor tense tenth tents tepee tepid terms terns terra terse tests testy texts thane thank thaws theft their theme there these theta thick thief thigh thing think thins third thong thorn thorp those three threw throb throw thrum thuds thugs thumb thump thyme tiara tibia ticks tidal tides tiers tiger tight tikes tilde tiles tills tilts timed timer times timid tines tinge tings tinny tints tipsy tired tires titan tithe title tizzy toads toady toast today toddy togas toile toils tokay token tokes tolls tombs tomes tonal toned toner tones tonga tongs tonic tools tooth toots topaz toper topic toque torch torso torte torts torus total toted totem totes touch tough tours touts towed towel tower towns toxic toxin toyed trace track tract trade trail train trait tramp trams traps trash trawl trays tread treat treed trees treks trend tress triad trial tribe trice trick tried tries trill trims trine trios tripe trips trite troll tromp troop trope troth trots trout trove truce truck truer truly trump trunk truss trust truth tryst tsars tubal tubas tubby tuber tubes tucks tufts tulip tulle tumid tummy tumor tunas tuned tuner tunes tunic tunny turbo turfs turns tusks tutee tutor tutus tuxes twain twang twats tweak tweed tweet twerp twice twigs twill twine twins twirl twist twits twixt tying tykes typed types typos udder ulcer ulnae ultra umber umbra unapt uncap uncle uncut under undid undue unfed unfit unfix unhip unify union unite units unity unlit unman unmet unpin unsay unset unsex untie until unwed unzip upend upped upper upset urban urged urges urine usage users usher using usual usurp usury utile utter uvula vague vales valet valid valor value valve vamps vanes vapid vapor vases vasty vatic vault vaunt veers vegan veils veins velar velum venal venom vents venue venus verbs verge verse verso verve vests vexed vexes vials vibes vicar vices video views vigil vigor viler villa vines vinyl viola viper viral vireo virus visas visit visor vista vitae vital vitas vitro vivid vixen vocal vodka vogue voice voids voila voile volts vomit voted voter votes vouch vowed vowel vulva vying wacko wacky waded wader wades wafer wafts waged wager wages wagon waifs wails waist waits waive waked waken wakes walks walls waltz wands waned wanes wants wards wares warms warns warps warts warty washy wasps waste watch water waved waver waves waxed waxen waxes weald wears weary weave webby wedge weeds weedy weeks weeny weeps weepy weigh weird welch welds welsh welts wench wends whack whale wharf wheat wheel whelk whelp where whets which whiff whigs while whims whine whiny whips whirl whirr whirs whish whisk whist white whizz whole whoop whops whore whorl whose whoso wicks widen wider widow width wield wight wilds wiles wills willy wilts wimps wimpy wince winch winds windy wined wines wings winks winos wiped wiper wipes wired wires wiser wisps wispy witch withy witty wives woken wolfs woman wombs women wonks wonky woods woody wooed wooer woofs wools wooly woozy words wordy works world worms wormy worry worse worst worth would wound woven wrack wraps wrath wreak wreck wrens wrest wring wrist write writs wrong wrote wroth wrung wryly xenon xylem yacht yahoo yanks yappy yards yarns yawls yawns yearn years yeast yells yelps yenta yerba yeses yield yodel yogic yokel yokes yolks young yours youth yowls yucca yucky yummy zebra zeros zesty zilch zings zippy zloty zonal zoned zones zooms
submitted by kryptsix to u/kryptsix [link] [comments]

2022.01.26 21:17 jaed16666 I am Canadian Multicultural poem

I am making a project in my Grade 12 English Class, it requires making a 'I am Canadian' poem. So I am looking for people all across Canada to add some of there life's and culture to my poem. My poem below and areas where you can add.
I am Canadian
Canadian Born (where you were born)
Edmonton Alberta to Vanvouver Island (where in Canada you live)
I don't speak French, but envy those who do (what languages you speak)
Yeah it snows a bit, but I don't make igloos (amount of snow where you live, and the activitys you can do with it)
I am polite, but to a means (are you stereotypically polite)
A big country full of people all different
I love poutine, but not that much
No I don't know everyone, but I enjoy new greetings
I don't even like Tim Hortons
I've never seen a polar bear,
And I've never played hockey (If you've ever played hockey or lacrosse)
My name is Jasper, (your name)
And I am Canadian.
submitted by jaed16666 to u/jaed16666 [link] [comments]

2021.11.06 14:24 RedstoneplaysMC My interpretation of Minecraft's lore.

Dates are marked as years before spawning. The dates go in descending order.

0 (years before player spawn)
The player spawns, a manifestation of the overworld spirit. They can respawn on beds and cannot truly die.
The player enters the nether to kill blazes and get ender pearls.
The player destroys the end crystals and kills the ender dragon, causing the end spirit's powers to diminish further.
Humans go extinct in the overworld.
Disgusted by humanity's interference with the end islands, the end spirit channels its essence to create another ender dragon. It destroys all exit portals created by humans, and makes endermen hostile on sight. The original obsidian pillars are rebuilt. Humans remaining on the end cities evacuate the end to distant planets to escape the endermen, while the remaining shulker boxes are inhabited by end blazes, turning them into shulkers.
The humans remaining on the overworld abandon the strongholds and explored the world using wooden ships, many which still survive as shipwrecks. Due to the massive number of mobs remaining, they sought refuge in the remaining villages and dug mineshafts to create iron golems.
Elytra are created for easier travel throughout the end void. Shulker boxes are designed to enable easy transportation of goods throughout the end islands, and end cities were built as harbors for the end ships.
The first ender dragon is finally killed by many fleets of end ships. This significantly weakens the end spirit's power.
By experimenting with where ender chests go, the first end portal is created. Eyes of ender are attuned to point toward strongholds for future survivors. The remaining survivors are fully equipped in diamond armour, as netherite had been lost during the war.
All nether structures are abandoned by humans; the ice highways melt and fall into disrepair. The nether fortress bridges fall into the lava oceans from strain.
The end had been discovered by humans after 1 million years. However, due to the humans murdering and experimenting with endermen, the end spirit was angered by their presence. It willed the ender dragon and endermen to attack humans.
Humans design floating warships to invade the end, and to travel freely from the overworld to the end. They invade the main end island.
A global war breaks out. Creepers are mass-produced in large factories. Humanity is nearly wiped out by artificial mega-withers and living creeper mines used to destroy each other's cities.
As a last-ditch effort, the remaining humans banded together to defeat their own creations. The terrain was drastically altered; plains potholes, floating mountains and large mountain ravines were created. Most of civilization was ruined, only small villages remained.
Because of the massive carnage, many corpses still remained, reincarnated as skeletons and zombies. Without humans, spiders greatly increase in number. Skeletons and spiders formed an alliance; skeletons would ride them and create bows with spider silk.
The survivors of the war build strongholds as temporary shelters against the mega-withers, and begin experimentation with dark and ender magic.
To cripple the opponent's weapon supply, the netherite mining colonies evacuated the bastions, leaving them as piglin shelters in the nether. The bones of the mega-withers stay in the form of nether fossils and overworld fossils.
The large gold and ancient debris stocks was depleted and converted into armour for combat.
The remaining ancient debris plates were rolled into barrels and sunk into the lava oceans to prevent falling into enemy hands, but in the process, the bastions were heavily damaged.
The ocean monuments are built by the humans to house gold gifted to them from the piglins. The
golden age of the humans, massive construction projects were taking place. The now-abandoned nether portals were ubiquitous, allowing for fast transport through the nether.
Blazes are hunted to near-extinction; spawners are created to more renewably farm them, but require human supervision.
Nether Fortresses were built to protect these spawners. Bastions were built by piglins and humans to mine the nether of ancient debris and gold.
Ancient debris was not alloyed with gold until use, as it was difficult to reshape the netherite ingot once formed.
Some of the villagers, impatient of their pacifist lifestyle, rebel against their former villages, killing many villagers and stealing iron golems. They discover dark magic, and convert into witches and evokers. Ravagers were created using dark magic.
Humans develop a tradition to bury their deceased in the nether to reincarnate as skeletons. Some of these skeletons in soul sand valleys take on the souls of millennia of dead organisms, and become wither skeletons.
When enough souls are gathered in one place, a nether star can be created. At this point, much larger withers were built, which they used to make large quantities of nether stars.
The human race expands thanks to beacons and potions easing construction. Large ice highways were built in the nether to allow rapid travel.
The first human-scale nether portal is created. The ocean ruins, desert and jungle temples are created around this time. Rapid increase of population causes undead population to increase drastically; in response, iron golems were created, and a method of curing zombie villagers was discovered. (igloos)
The first creepers were created to resemble the pyramid engravings and were made to be scared of cats. They were used as living weapons.
It is discovered that blazes are drastically accelerate alchemy and transmute ender pearls into eyes of ender.
Pigs are imported into the nether, and consume the existing fungi. They rapidly mutate into hoglins, piglins and striders due to the harsh environment. Piglins develop intelligence, and like villagers, develop a lust for gold. They learn how to trade with humans for gold.
Advent of farming. Villages appear, and enchanting is discovered. Villagers learn how to enchant using lecterns, and use workstations. Humans invent gunpowder and tools.
Villagers develop a desire for emerald, while humans lust for diamond.
Humans dig underground and build village houses, while villagers provide humans with food and shelter.
Human and villager populations drastically increase.
1 million
First humans evolve; Villagers offshoot from humans. Fire is invented.
The end spirit corrupts some humans into primitive endermen, teaching them to use the obsidian inside them to form a pearl, allowing teleportation.
The end spirit leaves the end dimension, and finds overworld in a distant galaxy. It is enamoured by the beauty of its life.
The end spirit makes its asteroid field breathable.
Primitive endermen populate the barren end islands, plant chorus fruits onto the end stone to eat, and bring blazes into the end as pets.
To make sure the endermen do not rebel, the end spirit creates the first ender dragon to enforce the its will; much stronger than the current ender dragon, and the size of the entire main end island.
The end's temperature is unsuitable for blazes; when consuming chorus fruit, the fireballs gain the ability to levitate targets, and converting them into end blazes.
Up to 1 Mya
Animals and plants evolve. Sheep evolve and eat grass containing crying obsidian; because of this, beds are able to act as respawn anchors within the overworld. However, the netheend are too energetic and overload the bed upon activation.
The undead virus evolves, reanimates corpses and causes hunger. It becomes ubiquitous in the overworld. Most other mobs in the game appear.
Primitive slimes adapt to the nether environment, to use less water, and turn into magma cubes. Some magma cubes gain the ability to shoot fireballs; they merge and eventually become blazes and ghasts.
Basalt deltas are created from volcanic eruptions from deeper below, while soul sand valleys form from lifeforms teleporting into the nether (from crying obsidian) and infusing the terrain with their souls. Large fungus forests form grow the primitive fungi.
The end spirit discovers this asteroid field. It creates several large obsidian pillars and a bedrock perch, and corrupts the asteroid field with an alien influence. The end crystals are created to empower the spirit to create the end voids, and to split the outer islands from the main island.
Up to 300 Mya
Microscopic nether portals exist throughout the overworld within crying obsidian; fine particles of crying obsidian teleport between dimensions. Deep in the oceans, first living animals evolve; slime (microscopic), nautilus shells, corals and various plants.
First fungi on the nether; the original stone converts into nether rack as a base substrate for the fungi. Nether becomes breathable but still extremely hot due to oxygen by-product.
The first microscopic slimes arrive onto the nether through repeated contact with undersea obsidian and absorption of crying obsidian fragments.
Obsidian forms from cooling lava; tiny cracks in the obsidian form microscopic bubbles that allow teleportation. Crying obsidian forms when these cracks get large enough.
Formation of the overworld
The crust of the earth is molten lava and smooth stone. The oceans form after several million years. The stone contains quartz, iron and red stone in small quantities. The quartz mixes into the smooth stone to make diorite/andesite/granite.
Further down, stone is compressed into deep slate, and diamonds form under intense conditions.
The overworld's mantle; too hot for anything to survive. Bedrock solidifies in stratified layers, insulating the layer above/below. Denser metals sink down from the overworld into the nether, such as gold and ancient debris. Massive amounts of volcanic gas are blocked by the bedrock crust above, and accumulate in the nether layer, forming a stone foam structure.
The end spirit wanders the universe to find a suitable home.
Formation of the galaxy
The sun and moon form from a planetary accretion disk. The moon has phases that determine slime spawning.
An asteroid field forms inside a distant region of space. The asteroids are flattened by some gravitational disturbance into a single sheet. These asteroids are made of cobblestone, and do not have any ores/minerals.
Formation of the universe
The entities (end poem) create the universe. They send various less powerful spirits into the universe. One spirit watches over the overworld, and another watches the end.

The end spirit exists as a reason for the endermen to travel to a lifeless asteroid realm, and why there is only a single ender dragon.
The reason why netherite is hard to reshape is that when you mine ancient debris you have to combine it with extra gold as opposed to digging refined netherite, even though it is supposed to be ancient debris. Supposedly there had to be a reason why the ancient people didnt convert it into netherite immediately.
The lore is incomplete; not sure why endermen would want to keep blazes as pets or why humanity went extinct, so feel free to add on your thoughts.

submitted by RedstoneplaysMC to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2021.07.22 09:00 jamiex304 Words Bubble Up Like Soda (Movie) Dub Now Available on Netflix !

Words Bubble Up Like Soda (Movie)
MAL Link
Dubs Now Available on Netflix !
The visual features the tagline, "I met you in my 17th summer..." The "boy-meets-girl" story depicts how words and music bridge the gap between Cherry, a boy who is terrible at communicating with other people, and Smile, a girl who hides behind a mask. They meet in a mundane suburban shopping mall in a provincial city.
Cherry always wears headphones and puts the feelings he cannot utter into his hobby, Japanese haiku poems. Smile always wears a mask to conceal her large front teeth, for which she has dental braces. As a popular video star, she streams a video about seeking "cuteness."
Trailer (English Dub)
Genres: Music
Animation / Production: Signal.MD, Sublimation
English Voice Cast: (Source: Netflix End Credits)
Dubbing Studio: Igloo Music
submitted by jamiex304 to Animedubs [link] [comments]
