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2023.11.05 14:16 Fragrant_Tutor8631 TestosteroneHGH

The "Testosterone & HGH" subreddit is a vibrant community dedicated to exploring the pivotal role of hormones like Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in health, fitness, and overall well-being. It's a place where individuals can come together to share experiences, discuss the latest research & information, and review health supplements that influence hormonal balance.

2024.05.21 23:42 Luna_the_cat_27 Blood type O+ planning to get pregnant at 30y/o

My husband (32M) and I (29F) recently got married. We plan to start trying next year. I read this article that blood type affects pregnancy. Particularly saying that women with blood type O may struggle to conceive. I’m O+ and my husband is B+. Should we be worried?
Just want to hear if there’s anyone here with blood type O and over 30 who successfully conceived?
submitted by Luna_the_cat_27 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:39 InnerPeacefulMinds What are the Correlations of Mental Health and Relationships
Here is a small portion of this very interesting article. Read it and give your thinking about it!
submitted by InnerPeacefulMinds to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:33 1thymeonli Who is the one behind the calls buying?

My tin foil has somewhat melted into my head but I think I'm starting to see the kansas city shuffle folding into place.
The calls have been MILLIONS of dollars worth so far, and its only Tuesday. I love RK, but that kind of capital is a lot for any independent guy like him to come up with, especially considering the fees and costs he will have likely had to deal with in the past, and whatever restrictions may have been placed on him.
Who do we know that has MILLIONS on hand to invest, with an interest in the long term health and wellbeing of Gamestop as a company, but also a keen interest in the share price both long and short term. Ryan. Fucking. Cohen. And his access to the Gamestop war chest is his key to doing it.
The recent preliminary earnings noted a significant amount of cash on hand has moved, some have speculated an acquisition, but I am speculating that these will be in calls contracts for gamestop itself. Plus the fact these are a preliminary earnings report which we have not yet seen so far adds protections against insider trading allegations for GME insiders, and major point in my theory.
The calls are for June expiry, right around the time of the investors conference call, if these calls are exercised at $20/$25 a piece, this would mean there would be massive amounts of shares that would need to be purchased on the open market, with CAT in place by this time so a T+1 settlement and a stricter audit trail. But the cost of the exercising of the contracts could also be in the millions, maybe around say, $100 million dollars? Who the hell has that kind of scratch laying around...
So if price maintains and these calls are exercised, the buying pressure would be monumental to cover them, with each share costing whoever has to fulfil the contract more and more and more. Whoever is selling shares would make an awful lot of money, it would be quite lucky if you had a few tens of million shares to sell when the price is going up, what was that other form that Gamestop published not too long ago? The offering of being able to sell up to 45 million shares that had everyone losing their mind? A lot of wrinkled ones were able to conclude that this would allow GME to raise capital at what may be unusually high market rates. Which is completely true, since they have the greenlight to sell at short notice now it's been announced.
The whole discussion about calls in and around GME has been a topic of hot debate since even the before times. Some say they're good for adding buying pressure, some say they're traps for people who aren't so well versed and have a surplus of cash and a lack of sense, some have said they're only actually useful if they're exercised. Exercising calls costs money, the most expensive part is the exercise, money a lot of us simply have held in the stock we have so lovingly been HODLing and accumulating for the past few years. Investopdia has an article on calls and puts I'd recommend you check out to understand this process if you're not following
So when these contracts come to be exercised, the buying pressure will raise the underlying stock price, but whoever holds the contract will get them for $20/$25 regardless. No matter how high it might run, the casino pays out on 20. Wait, didn't I see a casino paying out on 20 in a movie once? Can anyone remind me of that name?
As the price climbs since MMs will need to pull more and more shares out of an already diminished pool, i know a certain subreddit that owns, and i mean, OWNS, 25% of them, the market rate for these will soar, and what do you think will happen when a few more shares become available? They'll be snatched out of whichever hand is offering them and replaced with a massive wad of liquid cash, however massive the seller decides.
These shares will then be lovingly gifted right back into the hands of gamestop for $20/$25 a pop, who may, or may not, choose to sell them again, or may just decide to keep hold of them for a while and see how they feel resting in the back pocket.
If my tinfoil is screwed on right, gamestop may be selling their own shares at climbing prices, to satisfy their own $20/$25 strike options contracts. Leaving them with both shares, and cash in the pocket, and if gamestop finds itself in possession of 75% or more of these shares from circulation, it will have a duty to shareholders to initiate a share recall with the powers that be and force all shorts to close since that will be evidence of synthetic share circulation
With RC having control of the capital for whatever he so chooses, CAT landing, RK popping back up in a cryptic manner on twitter, all the pieces are revealing themselves to my minds eye
I may just be tired, and I am for certain highly regarded, but what if I'm right. I'm sure the first comment will tell me how wrong I am, but a man can dream can't he?
submitted by 1thymeonli to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:28 MechanicAgreeable592 feeling like my life has been destroyed by multiple CT scans and benzos

I had an abdominal CT scan at age 20 for appendicitis (42 yr old M). Next was a head CT a few years later because of head pain. 2009 was a scan of my chest due to pain. In 2010 I had sharp neck pain and panicked, and the ER doctor said I needed a neck scan. I broke my ankle in 2013 and had a scan of my ankle. After my ankle surgery, I had pain under my rib cage and was told I needed another scan, but I said I didn’t want one, so the doctor gave me a VQ scan, saying it was not dangerous, yet it turns out it has radiation. In 2017 I had a CT angiogram. A vertigo episode landed me in the ER, and they gave me another head CT. Finally, I was given another head CT at the ER due to what most likely was intense benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms (was on benzos for over 11 years).
After stopping the benzo, I have dealt with so many crazy physical symptoms. I have a doctor ordering a lung CT and I might need another CT angio and who knows what else.
My mind is going crazy over all the scans & body sensations, and it feels like it’s too late to do anything about this. It seems like all of these scans have destroyed my health. However, one doctor told me he’d be concerned if I had 17 scans in a year. Others have told me the risk is very low, but I saw news articles saying the radiation risk is high from low doses. Is my thinking about this rational or irrational? Do I still have a chance to live a healthy life?
submitted by MechanicAgreeable592 to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 Wandering-Villager ICSD Budget

From a former board member:
Good afternoon!
To all my fellow Ithaca residents, please make sure to take to the polls today, to vote in the Ithaca City School District Board of Education election. If you believe in public education, making sure our students, teachers and support staff are getting the resources and tools they need to thrive and succeed, you will make time to get to the pools, between 12pm and 9pm. If you don’t have access to transportation, I am happy to transport folks (send me a message on Facebook or email)
As many of you know, I spent 6 years on the Board of Education, until I made the difficult decision to resign two years ago. After receiving many Facebook messages, text messages, and phone calls in the past 24 hours from friends and community members asking me who they should vote for and if they should vote yes/no to the budget, I have decided to share my thoughts publicly so I can get back to my 9-5 job for the day . As a single mom of three and a homeowner, I empathize with the sentiment of people feeling like they can no longer afford to rent or own a home in Ithaca. However, Ithaca has been becoming unaffordable for quite some time, I say this as someone who has lived in this community for 21 years. This feeling did not start with our assessment that increased this past year or the rollout of the BoE budget. Voting NO to the budget will not change your assessment, it will not “stick it” to administrators, who will get their raises along with other unionized ICSD employees as part of contractual negotiations. Voting NO will punish and hurt children, teachers and supporting staff. Teachers and support staff will have less resources and support to educate and inspire our children if we have to adopt a contingency plan. And our most vulnerable students will suffer the most. “How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity” – Ghandi. In this context, how ICSD cares for and educates its most vulnerable students is an indication of how well the school district fares in educating its school community.
As we have all read about four of our schools losing “Good Standing” status with NYSED, and our Black and Brown students feeling the impact of this the most; how can we as a community in good conscious, say that we will provide our children, our future leaders with less than they deserve to overcome the many obstacles that the pandemic has created. For all the caregivers, educators, mental health workers out there, we all know - no one is okay! Some of us were not okay before we were forced into a few years of isolation, so to expect our educators to be able to reconcile the damages that the pandemic created with fewer resources is setting our educators up for the impossible. And yes, taxpayers should not have to bear the weight of this alone when we live in a town with college/university campuses. So instead of glorifying the problem, why don’t we talk about structural solutions? How many of us know Anna Kelles and Lea Webb personally, socially or professionally? Why don’t we bring in our state representatives to help us think about structural long-term solutions of state aid and university contributions? And while we are at it, invite Governor Kathy Hochul who sits on the Board of Trustees of Cornell University to this conversation; why are we not thinking strategically about those who hold power to shift this paradigm? I know this will take time, and folks are concerned with the now.
What can we do now? We can do an inventory of what ICSD offers and provides our students and staff from academics to extracurricular activities. We can ask the questions of, what is the district allocating funding for and is it effective and for whom? The district has an Evaluation Officer, we need to hear from her on what are the impacts of our initiatives, programs, and the curriculum offerings. Our teachers and support staff have unions and union leaders. We need to hear from the union leaders, not just during budget season or when chaos is amiss, but throughout the academic years so we know how best to support teachers all year long.
I will be voting yes to the budget. Yes, it is a huge increase. But guess what folks? We have 12 schools in our very small city, and we are living during a time of high inflation so the services needed to support all these 12 schools have increased. A typical classroom in our building has many adults. I bring this up because I constantly hear the comparison of salary of ICSD teachers to teachers outside the district who are making more than ICSD teachers. 9/10 times these teachers in other districts are making more money because they don’t have co-teachers, teachers assistants, teacher aides, 1:1s, etc. I am in NO way making the argument to have less support in the classroom or to eliminate positions, I am pointing out that our district has a larger supporting staff than many other districts. Teachers and supporting staff deserve a HIGHER wage without question. But this is not an ICSD only problem, this is a nationwide issue. Our country has not put anywhere near enough funding into public education that is needed. And this is not an excuse for the Board or the highly paid administration team. But we have to be real about what are the root causes vs. symptoms of the problems. Give this article a read if you have time: Schools are bracing for widespread teacher layoffs. Here’s why CNN Politics
Now the tricky part of this post, who I am voting for. I am going to be brutally honest because that is just who I am. After attending the public forum with all seven candidates, I left with very very strong opinions of what I witnessed and heard. I plan to vote for Barry Derfel, Moira Long, and Eldred Harris. I know Barry Derfel very peripherally from sitting on the BoE, as well as when I worked for the Multicultural Resource Center, and he was supporting teachers with culturally responsive teaching as well as participating with the Talking Circles initiative. What I know of Barry, is that he is a supporter of equity and inclusion, meaning NO CHILD GETS LEFT BEHIND. Barry has been a teacher, an administrator, and is a parent – he understands the many facets of public education and how we are thriving as a district and how we are failing as a district. Two truths can stand side by side.
I was on the BoE with both Eldred and Moira during my tenure, and it was not always cordial and a walk in the park between us. But what I can say, is that in those behind the door conversations, heated debates, I rarely ever questioned their commitment to children and teachers and support staff. Moira has always championed for teachers and retirees; she understands their plight and struggles as a former teacher herself. Eldred and I both grew up in NYC (though he is my senior by maybe a couple decades) and understand the struggles of being hyper visible yet unseen, overcoming adversity, attending underfunded schools, and taught by teachers who were tasked with the impossible. I know Eldred to be someone who is going to champion for what is best for every child, someone who is going to tap into their radical imagination to think of another way forward, someone who has institutional knowledge and knows how far the district has come, and someone who is willing to ask the hard questions.
I’m going to close this long monologue by saying I believe in creating space for new voices at the table. However, some of these new voices are advocating for changes that will hurt specific populations of children, like candidates who are advocating to bring back policies such as "tracking", while research shows tracking has a disparaging outcome for students and frankly is a racist policy. I said it. There are also candidates who have flip flopped on their support of the budget, telling ITA they would vote yes and after receiving the teacher’s union endorsement telling community members, they would vote no for the budget. Misleading your constituents is never a good sign and not a good way to build community trust and engagement. If I had to vote for a fourth candidate, it would be Todd Fox. He was honest and transparent about his talents and his lack of knowledge of the processes within public education. However, he spoke with passion and authenticity when speaking about his experiences in the school district as a student, and the support he wished he had as a former ICSD student. What I hope for in a school board member, is someone is not afraid to ask the hard questions, someone who listens with compassion and empathy (even if they disagree), someone who takes the time to get to know their constituents and can be honest with themselves and their fellow board members when they are individually or collectively are missing the mark. And most importantly, someone who is is always thinking about equity, and who is at the table and who is not. Our district is in need of school board members who are looking beyond what their individual child needs and instead is looking at what all of our children need in order to receive an equitable education that allows them to more than survive but to thrive within ICSD.
(excuse my typos I don’t have the energy to edit this another time, apologies)
Nicole LaFave
Nicole LaFave Interim Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Office of Diversity and Inclusion Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University
Edited to add that I’m not the author, just sharing.
submitted by Wandering-Villager to ithaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:25 ThatOrange_ Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1850

Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1850
New Orleans, pearl of the great river itself.
Times are good for Louisiana, a beacon of calm in a region increasingly chaotic. With the victory of the Progress Party in 1845, a third term for Archon Longchambon began, made even sweeter by the continued decline of the Natural Conservatives and United Democrats at the ballot box. Something of a partnership emerged in the weeks following the election, as the tenuous understanding between PP interests and those of the National League held firm. With the economy deemed sufficiently robust after the tapering of a long malaise, the National Bank proceeded to fully end its policy of austerity, and as promised, Longchambon eventually cut most of the new taxes, or eliminated them. The old Franc, largely decried, was successfully replaced over the next few years with the Fleurin.
More confident than ever, the Archon's senatorial coalition successfully pushed forth the full repeal of the Prosperity and Truth Act, after much debate in that body. The press, and public speech, for the first time in many years was truly free, although whether this would prove to be a mixed blessing remained to be seen. Further successes followed. With the power of the planter class as an institution in politics slowly declining, the Archon, working with Senator Augustin Robillard of the National League, and Ex-Archon Oscar Bernadotte, would see the passage of the Slave Transport and Territorial Act of 1847, which banned new immigrants from bringing their slaves with them into Louisiana, and also heavily regulating, to the extent of effectively crippling, the bringing of slaves into future territories where the institution did not already exist. The controversial "12%" tax was also raised to 18%. Further, Robillard's dream of a New Orleans to St. Louis Railroad would finally break ground, albeit in an altered form. A largely private initiative with a small degree of federal oversight, it nevertheless promises to be a proud idea. The republic is a huge country, and while river travel is enormously popular, it can truly be said that we are now in an age of steam and rail industry, at last.
Another major domestic pledge by the PP was a renewed attempt to reign in the military, and slowly, at a snail's pace, this would eventually be accomplished. Bereft of support after three consecutive PP wins, further attempts at mutiny were stillborn. After much negotiation, military procurements were sliced by almost half, over the objections of numerous defense hawks and old military hands. Critics charge this has left Louisiana vulnerable to attack.
However, not everyone is so happy with this era of good feelings. Events overseas have resulted in the spread of new ideas to Louisiana, and old forces hope for a comeback as well.

Centralist troops on the march in Mexico
After years of savage, internecine conflict, the Great Centralist War has seemingly come to an end, leaving a land in ruin. It has had mixed results for all involved. While Santa Anna, in a display of his old military skill would go on to crush the Anti-Centralist rebels decisively, the lack of priority given to the Rio Grande theater would prove ill advised. There, the anti-government forces would prevail. The Rio Grande Republic, an entity compromising Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, and most of Tejas, would be de facto recognized. Attitudes toward this new neighbor are mixed, as it is has been criticized as little more than an alliance of angry warlords, despite their professed values of "freedom." Many have their doubts that this is a lasting peace however, and with Comanche raids an ever present threat, the new government has been unable to effectively respond to squatters from Louisiana, known as Filibusterers. A brief attempt was even made to proclaim California an independent state, in 1848, but this attempt quickly fell apart. With the conflict in Yucatan also seemingly coming to an end, it does appear that Santa Anna has managed to salvage most of Mexico for himself, and no doubt plans revenge against the Riograndese.

British forces on the outskirts of Boston, in 1848.
1848 would prove to be a year of titanic proportions. The old order was challenged in Europe, as across the continent, liberal and nationalist revolutions swept the land. Slowly, eventually, it became clear that many of these daring ventures would fail, either petering out on their own being appeased by half-hearted promises, or crushed with brute force.
But The Year of Revolutions was not merely confined to Europe.
The Federal Republic of New England was often regarded as one of the most stable and steady of the Successor States, having emerged from the collapse of the United States of America to throw itself under the comforting gaze of the British Empire. The partnership was natural, many merchants and upper class figures felt a natural bond with the Mother Country regardless of the events of the Revolutionary War. New England would ossify into increasingly oligarchical rule, however, its government being seen as increasingly lofty and out of touch. Opponents of the "Grandee Rule" failed to gain much power despite occasional flare ups. In 1828, Vermont had even revolted, seeking to regain old freedom, only to be defeated. Then from 1841-1842, a radical liberal insurrection had rocked Rhode Island and Connecticut, only to be suppressed with British aid. The stage was set. Following the failure of a series of reform bills, and a violent riot in Boston, President King called out the militia, who instead joined the riot, which soon became a revolt. The government fled Boston, as a coalition of radical leaders proclaimed the New England Union, lifting a tricolor inspired by their ideological brothers from across the sea. Within weeks, the chaos had spread, and all order had broken down. Fighting was general across New England. Seeing this void, and perhaps anticipating the other, both the Atlantic Republic and Britain soon intervened. Atlantic troops soon occupied part of Connecticut and Vermont, while the British, in a two pronged assault, began a campaign to reclaim the rest. With aid from local anti-rebel elements, the British fought their way into Boston. By late 1849, it was clear that the end was near. The Providence Accord, a rough truce outlining certain terms, was soon in place. Britain would occupy the lion's share of New England, but the Atlantics would receive all Connecticut land west of the Housatonic River, as well as 2/3rds of Vermont.
It remains unclear what exactly long term British policy in the region even is, although some suspect they may plan to roll New England into Canada. This remains speculation.
With the 1850 election coming up, everyone is curious as to how Louisiana will handle matters, although some surprises certainly promise to emerge. Recent events have shown that the old political forces must find new tactics, and a younger party also makes its cause known, hoping to rise to power. In response to the shocking unification of the opposition, several blocs have emerged.
La Ligue du Progrès National:
(The League of National Progress)
Senator Augustin Robillard
Chosen after much debate, can he unite the common ticket?
It was originally thought that there would be, yet again, a spirited contest between the League and Progress Party in this election. However, a number of factors have complicated this. The three term tenure of the PP, the solidification of the opposition, and a factional rebellion from the left has made a pact necessary. Agreeing to stand as a united front for the purposes of the election, the Ligue du Progrès National has been formed. Longchambon, citing declining health, played little part in proceedings except to sign his name, and thus Robillard was able to acquire the candidacy. Not everyone is happy with this, but certainly he is an able figure. There is some lingering anger that Bassot, the Foreign Minister, was overlooked, but this is surely just noise? The LPN has pledged a continuation of the railroad program, a "judicious" tariff, and "betterment" for society. Internal factional lines are rather clear, so perhaps this vagueness was warranted. Some serious disagreements remain within the alliance, on matters such as military spending, size of government etc, but they will certainly enter the ace with a strong apparatus.
Les Républicains Alliés
(The Allied Republicans)
Governor Robert Marais

Summoned from relative obscurity, to bear the flag of Alliance
It might seem thoroughly and completely bizarre for the spiritual heirs of the Green and Blue movements to find themselves in commo cause, but this indeed is what has happened. Having faired badly, the United Democrats and Natural Conservatives have struck a bargain. Calling upon an obscure Governor of the northwestern marches, Robert Marais, they throw dice with fate. Marais himself is an effective administrator, having overseen what limited infrastructure and white settlement exist in that distant region, along the border with British Canada. Marais owns no slaves and has no philosophical love of the institution, but he also believes that the PP have overstepped their bounds repeatedly in terms of government power, and favors a more classical conservative-liberal view of the state. A moderate with moderate to conservative views on many issues, he is a known Anglophile, favoring closer relations with London. The RA is being mocked by some as a quixotic venture, and its true there are contradictions in their platform. On tariffs for instance, the party iss eemingly being pulled in two directions, with some adherents arguing for high tariffs and others for low, often based on region and locale. While the bank issue is widely regarded as dead at this point, they still call for some revisions, in addition to reigning in state spending. The question of slavery of course looms large, and the party has taken a stance of "no further restriction", though it has pledged to honor current laws, despite a push from some ultra-conservatives. The classical Blue quest for a two-term limit has also been put forth, as well as a firm stance on further opening the far north for settlement.
Le Parti Radical Libre
(The Free Radical Party)
Colonel Francois Dupoy

\"I have been called a Jacobin, I wear this name with pride\"
A veteran of the Army, the son of a cobbler, Francois Dupoy stands as the newly infamous voice of the Free Radical Party. Having served in the military first as a drummer boy and working his way up to Colonel, Dupoy was exposed to the poor treatment of black enlistees, and the lower classes in general. Combined with a talent for speaking and a fiery demeanor, and it made for an explosive mix once he left the service to pursue politics. Following the Boston Revolution in 1848, Dupoy's neo-jacobin newspaper, the New Orleans Sun, began selling like hotcakes, with acidic and damning articles blasting "British hypocrisy" and praising the rebels as true republicans. Viewing Longchambon as an appeaser, Dupoy declared a "revolt by ballot box", forming a new party. Outraged, PP outlets heaped attacks upon him, which he responded to in with scorn. Dupoy is an open and radical abolitionist, proclaiming slavery incompatible with human liberty, and has called also for free trade, black suffrage, and for church-owned land to be turned over to the state. To say the least, these are explosive demands, and alongside charges by the League/PP forces that he is staging a "childish mutiny", promises to make the campaign an unexpectedly sharp one.
who shall be the next Archon?
View Poll
submitted by ThatOrange_ to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:21 Eastern_Joke_7675 FYI Series: How to have a strong Start in your my faction Journey.

This FYI will focus on giving you a strong start in my faction, Apart from Live events and Towers, your two main issues at the start will be Proving Grounds (PG) and Faction Wars (FW).
I will discuss faction wars later in the article as some of the strongest cards in the game, even at present, are located there. But to have an easier time in faction wars you will need good card to begin with. So hers how to get a head start on some great Sapphire and Ruby Cards.
In regards to your starter pack choose whatever you prefer, you will receive emerald evo cards which, by meeting specific requirements will evolve gem levels eventually reaching Ruby 80 overall. I tend to go for Strikers as they are easier to meet the requirements and MFP match actions for PG, Lives and Towers.
MyRise and Showcase:
Completion of these modes unlock various my faction cards and some of them are very strong.
Cheesing Myrise and Showcase: If you just want to blast through the modes, set it to easy and go to balancing, then turn everything in your favour, reversals, kick outs, health and regarding submission, change it so the AI is punished for wrong button presses, you not so and correct button presses are strong for you and weak for AI, you will be submitting people in seconds unless the match has objectives or stipulations to meet first. Is it scummy? Yes. Does it matter? No.
I would recommend showcase first, this can be laborious as you cant just win it but have to complete all objectives, again the difficultly adjustment will help but the part that rewards you is the end. It involves you taking part as the first entrant in a 30 man battle royale, to meet all objectives to unlock the showcase cards you need to survive and also eliminate 10 individuals during the run. Choose your wrestler wisely! Someone whos strong can reverse but can survive!
For completing Showcase Royale Rumble with 10 eliminations and winning you receive the following my faction cards which in my opinion are the best starting cards in the game prior to the FW bosses:
My Rise is split into two Story's One male (Undisputed), one female (Unleashed), the female is linear and requires only one playthrough as long as you do all optional objectives to get all of the cards. Unleashed provides far more cards and far better cards:
Unleashed will provide the following My Faction Cards:
The Male undisputed story will require completing the story twice and completing all optional objectives also, the main branch is during a choice to stay with Miz or go to NXT. The undisputed cards you unlock are as follows:
Check which locker codes are active and enter them. Some expire, they provide free packs and cards, free agent cards can be scrapped for MFP, DO NOT ASSIGN THEM! Find recent locker code links here, also this is a great resource.
WWE 2K24 Locker Codes List for MyFACTION (May 2024) WWE 2K24 Coverage (
FW Bosses:
This section will be quick as I may do a whole FYI article on Faction wars and the best cards and why but my list in order are as follows:
Best Males:
  1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
  2. Rock (either, same stats and badges if not Cena will suffice the one that matches rocks badges)
After this its your choice, another rock or Cena couldn't hurt, YOKO and Andre were beast but the stamina nerf has affected them. Undertaker has terrible badges for his class but his super finisher is a submission and coupled with his space invader badge he can make submitting foes easy. I am not the biggest fan of Cody card but he's okay,
Your 4th card for the line up should be your showcase Shaun Michaels, TRUST ME!
Honorable Mentions:
The FW Sapphire Roman, Bobby, 78 Cena and Randy can be good.
  1. TRISH STRATUS WITHOUT A DOUBT. OP, still one of the best female cards.
  2. Bailey - Trust me her badges, she stuns easy and her stuns drain enemy special and finisher.
  3. Either Charlotte 84 or the Becky 84 but go for charlotte, quicker limb attacks, on a stun bar can do three leg attacks, Becky does one! Furthermore, she has purple space invader meaning her subs are stronger.
Honorable mentions:
FW Sapphire Trish Stratus, Asuka, Chyna.
My starting line up after a while was this:
Males: Stone Cold, Rock, Rock, Shaun Michaels Showcase
Females: Trish, Bailey, Charlotte 84, Becky (84) (But Bianca, Becky or rhea from showcase are good also!).
I hope this is useful and Sub please chime in with your own advice. The more discourse the better. And again to the new players! Welcome!
PS Apologies for typos. Did this on my android.
submitted by Eastern_Joke_7675 to WWEMyFactionSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:05 CuriousOutLoud Common questions about Non-offending Minor Attracted People (NoMAPs)

There is a severe lack of understanding about this community, including among mental health providers and social workers. Stigma, bias, and misconceptions prevent those who are attracted to minors (but do not offend) from seeking help they may need.
CSA = child sexual abuse
NoMAPs = non-offending, minor attracted people: those who are attracted to children but are committed to not causing harm against them
Many non-offending MAPs do not seek professional support, or may withdraw from support, due to the following reasons:
Those in the social work and mental health fields can address common misconceptions about this group, as a way to encourage MAPs to get help when they need it. Greater education and understanding about MAPs increases their well-being while also contributing to the prevention of CSA.
Common questions
Are you saying child sexual abuse is acceptable?
Absolutely not. Causing harm to children in the form of in-person/online sexual contact; CSAM (sometimes referred to as child pornography); grooming; or any other inappropriate behavior is not and will never be acceptable.
Many people who are attracted to minors are vehemently against these forms of harm as well, and do not support ideas such as lowering the age of consent. There are entire communities of minor attracted people who are committed to not harming children.
Isn’t using the term ‘MAPs’ normalizing pedophilia?
Only a minority of the population experiences a primary attraction to children. In this sense, pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction are not “normal”, in the same way that LBGTQ identities are not “normal” by proportion to the general population.
When people refer to normalizing something, they are usually talking about removing the stigma behind it, or acknowledging that it is acceptable.
Having an unchosen, unchangeable attraction to children is not inherently wrong, immoral, predatory, or pathological. It becomes so only when harm is involved. Attraction itself is not a behavior.
Shouldn’t we be protecting children from MAPs?
We should absolutely protect children from abusers, groomers, and predators. These terms are not synonymous with being minor attracted. In fact, research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia (see “Sources” section below for reference).
When somebody feels they are at risk for harming a child, they should be able to seek immediate and effective help. Some NoMAPs need temporary or ongoing support in remaining resilient against offending, but this does not represent all or even the majority of NoMAPs. Many in this community have no intention of ever harming a child, and they are not at risk for doing so.
It is also important to note that many MAPs are still children themselves. MAPs tend to become aware of their attractions around the time of puberty or early adolescence. Children who are MAPs deserve the same degree of safety and well-being that other children do.
Why is the term ‘MAP’ even used?
This term has become more widely used for two main reasons:
  1. It emphasizes attraction over action. The word ‘pedophile’ has become so conflated with ‘offender’ in every sector of our society, that most people assume a behavioral component when they hear the word. ‘Minor attracted person’, on the other hand, emphasizes that we are talking about those with an attraction, which includes both those who do and those who do not act on it.
Because there are MAPs who are also offenders, the term ‘Non-offending Minor Attracted Person’ (NoMAP) is useful when we are talking specifically about those who have an attraction but do not act on it.
  1. ‘MAP’ is also a more accurate, all-encompassing way to refer to the community as a whole. This includes people with infantophilia, pedophilia, and (ep)hebephilia. It would not make sense, for example, to call someone who is primarily attracted to 15-18 year olds a pedophile.
However, many people do not self-identify with the term ‘MAP’. Some identify as pedophiles, hebephiles, boy lovers, girl lovers, or other terms. Some may use multiple terms to describe themselves. What’s important is that we should honor how each individual person self-identifies their attraction, and not impose a label on them.
Alternatives have also been suggested by those who conduct research with this community, such as ‘child attracted person’ as opposed to ‘minor attracted person’. I use ‘MAP’ here because it is the most widely accepted way to refer to the community as a whole.
What would someone who harms a child be called?
Depending on the context, people who harm children could be called many things—offender, abuser, predator, or groomer, to name a few examples.
Research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia. (See “Sources” section below to learn why someone who’s not primarily attracted to children would sexually abuse a child.)
Is pedophilia a mental illness/diagnosis?
It depends. Some MAPs are committed to not offending, are not at risk for offending, and have come to terms with their attraction. These individuals have no reason to be pathologized.
Many others are not at risk for offending, yet they desire professional help for mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation) that result from the hatred they receive in our society. These individuals also have no reason to be pathologized, as their mental health conditions result from stigma rather than from the attraction itself.
Some MAPs desire professional help in dealing with the difficult emotions resulting from not being able to have a fulfilling sexual or romantic connection, particularly those who are exclusively attracted to children. (Many MAPs are attracted to both children and adults, and may be in relationships with adults.)
There are also MAPs who desire professional help in remaining resilient against offending. In these cases, and in cases where MAPs do harm children, pedophilia would be considered pathological since there is significant distress and/or harm involved.
Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
The available research points to pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction being an age-based sexual orientation, in that the attraction is unchosen, typically arises during the time of puberty or early adolescence, and remains fairly constant throughout one’s life.
Are you suggesting that MAPs are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Age-based orientations are by nature different from gender-based orientations, in that there is no safe or ethical way for an adult to engage sexually or romantically with a child. The experience of MAPs is also vastly different from that of LGBTQ individuals in several ways.
While there are some parallels that can be drawn between studies on stigma among LGBTQ individuals and the experience of stigma among MAPs, these are two separate communities.
Can someone’s attraction to children be changed?
Empirical data, based on qualitative and quantitative studies, points to the fact that pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction cannot be changed or "cured". (See “Sources” section below for reference.)
How many MAPs are there in the world?
Across various studies, the average incidence of minor attraction, meaning those who are primarily attracted to minors, comes out to about 5% of the adult population worldwide. This number is likely an undercount for the following reasons:
Why should I care about any of this?
Reducing stigma against NoMAPs contributes to a safer society for all, based around empathy and evidence. Many people do not feel safe disclosing their attraction for fear of being unjustly reported, misunderstood, or physically harmed.
Unfortunately, stories of MAPs being rejected by family members, forced out of educational programs, reported to the police, and made to feel like a monster– even in the absence of any harm to a child— are all too common. This prevents many MAPs from seeking or continuing to receive support, which in turn can lead to:
The misconceptions and harmful attitudes that we have toward non-offending MAPs directly interfere with them receiving the support they may need, decreasing MAPs’ well-being and putting children at greater risk. This includes children who are MAPs themselves.
Where can I learn more?
There are many resources available to learn about MAPs. These include:
If you are minor attracted yourself, you can check out any of the above, plus:
Sources "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. Instead, interventions are designed to increase voluntary control over sexual arousal, reduce sex drive, or teach self-management skills to individuals who are motivated to avoid acting upon their sexual interests" "The results of this study were consistent with the suggestion of Seto (2012) that pedohebephilia could be considered a form of sexual orientation for age, which includes both sexual and romantic attraction" ..."in line with the current empirical assumption that enduring sexual attractions to children are largely unchangeable (Grundmann et al., 2016; Seto, 2012; for recent debates see Bailey, 2015; Cantor, 2015; Grundmann et al., 2017; Müller et al., 2014; Tozdan & Briken, 2017)" "The overwhelming opinion in the professional sexual violence prevention community is that helping minor attracted people by offering peeprofessional support is the best way to ensure that minor attracted people do not harm children, and suggest that reducing the stigma against minor attraction will help this endeavor and protect children" "It may be constructive for professionals working with this population to encourage the 'ownership' of the minor-attracted sexual identity, such as to reduce levels of self-stigmatization and increase self-acceptance. In doing so, we argue that we (as professionals, and as a society) can… ultimately, protect children from sexual harm by improving MAP well-being and agency" “…less than half of all individuals with child sexual offense convictions meet the clinical criteria for pedophilia (Schmidt et al., 2013; Seto, 2018a)” “Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children” “Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults… Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child” “...the more consistent prevalence estimates for minor attraction in a more clinical sense… congregate around 5% (Dombert et al., 2016; Santilla et al., 2010; Wurtele et al., 2014)”
submitted by CuriousOutLoud to empathy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:02 CuriousOutLoud Common questions about Non-offending Minor Attracted People (NoMAPs)

There is a severe lack of understanding about this community, including among mental health providers and social workers. Stigma, bias, and misconceptions prevent those who are attracted to minors (but do not offend) from seeking help they may need.
CSA = child sexual abuse
NoMAPs = non-offending, minor attracted people: those who are attracted to children but are committed to not causing harm against them
Many non-offending MAPs do not seek professional support, or may withdraw from support, due to the following reasons:
Those of us in the social work and mental health fields can address common misconceptions about this group, as a way to encourage MAPs to get help when they need it. Greater education and understanding about MAPs increases their well-being while also contributing to the prevention of CSA.
Common questions
Are you saying child sexual abuse is acceptable?
Absolutely not. Causing harm to children in the form of in-person/online sexual contact; CSAM (sometimes referred to as child pornography); grooming; or any other inappropriate behavior is not and will never be acceptable.
Many people who are attracted to minors are vehemently against these forms of harm as well, and do not support ideas such as lowering the age of consent. There are entire communities of minor attracted people who are committed to not harming children.
Isn’t using the term ‘MAPs’ normalizing pedophilia?
Only a minority of the population experiences a primary attraction to children. In this sense, pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction are not “normal”, in the same way that LBGTQ identities are not “normal” by proportion to the general population.
When people refer to normalizing something, they are usually talking about removing the stigma behind it, or acknowledging that it is acceptable.
Having an unchosen, unchangeable attraction to children is not inherently wrong, immoral, predatory, or pathological. It becomes so only when harm is involved. Attraction itself is not a behavior.
Shouldn’t we be protecting children from MAPs?
We should absolutely protect children from abusers, groomers, and predators. These terms are not synonymous with being minor attracted. In fact, research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia (see “Sources” section below for reference).
When somebody feels they are at risk for harming a child, they should be able to seek immediate and effective help. Some NoMAPs need temporary or ongoing support in remaining resilient against offending, but this does not represent all or even the majority of NoMAPs. Many in this community have no intention of ever harming a child, and they are not at risk for doing so.
It is also important to note that many MAPs are still children themselves. MAPs tend to become aware of their attractions around the time of puberty or early adolescence. Children who are MAPs deserve the same degree of safety and well-being that other children do.
Why is the term ‘MAP’ even used?
This term has become more widely used for two main reasons:
  1. It emphasizes attraction over action. The word ‘pedophile’ has become so conflated with ‘offender’ in every sector of our society, that most people assume a behavioral component when they hear the word. ‘Minor attracted person’, on the other hand, emphasizes that we are talking about those with an attraction, which includes both those who do and those who do not act on it.
Because there are MAPs who are also offenders, the term ‘Non-offending Minor Attracted Person’ (NoMAP) is useful when we are talking specifically about those who have an attraction but do not act on it.
  1. ‘MAP’ is also a more accurate, all-encompassing way to refer to the community as a whole. This includes people with infantophilia, pedophilia, and (ep)hebephilia. It would not make sense, for example, to call someone who is primarily attracted to 15-18 year olds a pedophile.
However, many people do not self-identify with the term ‘MAP’. Some identify as pedophiles, hebephiles, boy lovers, girl lovers, or other terms. Some may use multiple terms to describe themselves. What’s important is that we should honor how each individual person self-identifies their attraction, and not impose a label on them.
Alternatives have also been suggested by those who conduct research with this community, such as ‘child attracted person’ as opposed to ‘minor attracted person’. I use ‘MAP’ here because it is the most widely accepted way to refer to the community as a whole.
What would someone who harms a child be called?
Depending on the context, people who harm children could be called many things—offender, abuser, predator, or groomer, to name a few examples.
Research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia. (See “Sources” section below to learn why someone who’s not primarily attracted to children would sexually abuse a child.)
Is pedophilia a mental illness/diagnosis?
It depends. Some MAPs are committed to not offending, are not at risk for offending, and have come to terms with their attraction. These individuals have no reason to be pathologized.
Many others are not at risk for offending, yet they desire professional help for mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation) that result from the hatred they receive in our society. These individuals also have no reason to be pathologized, as their mental health conditions result from stigma rather than from the attraction itself.
Some MAPs desire professional help in dealing with the difficult emotions resulting from not being able to have a fulfilling sexual or romantic connection, particularly those who are exclusively attracted to children. (Many MAPs are attracted to both children and adults, and may be in relationships with adults.)
There are also MAPs who desire professional help in remaining resilient against offending. In these cases, and in cases where MAPs do harm children, pedophilia would be considered pathological since there is significant distress and/or harm involved.
Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
The available research points to pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction being an age-based sexual orientation, in that the attraction is unchosen, typically arises during the time of puberty or early adolescence, and remains fairly constant throughout one’s life.
Are you suggesting that MAPs are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Age-based orientations are by nature different from gender-based orientations, in that there is no safe or ethical way for an adult to engage sexually or romantically with a child. The experience of MAPs is also vastly different from that of LGBTQ individuals in several ways.
While there are some parallels that can be drawn between studies on stigma among LGBTQ individuals and the experience of stigma among MAPs, these are two separate communities.
Can someone’s attraction to children be changed?
Empirical data, based on qualitative and quantitative studies, points to the fact that pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction cannot be changed or "cured". (See “Sources” section below for reference.)
How many MAPs are there in the world?
Across various studies, the average incidence of minor attraction, meaning those who are primarily attracted to minors, comes out to about 5% of the adult population worldwide. This number is likely an undercount for the following reasons:
Why should I care about any of this?
Reducing stigma against NoMAPs contributes to a safer society for all, based around empathy and evidence. Many people do not feel safe disclosing their attraction for fear of being unjustly reported, misunderstood, or physically harmed.
Unfortunately, stories of MAPs being rejected by family members, forced out of educational programs, reported to the police, and made to feel like a monster– even in the absence of any harm to a child— are all too common. This prevents many MAPs from seeking or continuing to receive support, which in turn can lead to:
The misconceptions and harmful attitudes that we have toward non-offending MAPs directly interfere with them receiving the support they may need, decreasing MAPs’ well-being and putting children at greater risk. This includes children who are MAPs themselves.
Where can I learn more?
There are many resources available to learn about MAPs. These include:
If you are minor attracted yourself, you can check out any of the above, plus:
Sources "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. Instead, interventions are designed to increase voluntary control over sexual arousal, reduce sex drive, or teach self-management skills to individuals who are motivated to avoid acting upon their sexual interests" "The results of this study were consistent with the suggestion of Seto (2012) that pedohebephilia could be considered a form of sexual orientation for age, which includes both sexual and romantic attraction" ..."in line with the current empirical assumption that enduring sexual attractions to children are largely unchangeable (Grundmann et al., 2016; Seto, 2012; for recent debates see Bailey, 2015; Cantor, 2015; Grundmann et al., 2017; Müller et al., 2014; Tozdan & Briken, 2017)" "The overwhelming opinion in the professional sexual violence prevention community is that helping minor attracted people by offering peeprofessional support is the best way to ensure that minor attracted people do not harm children, and suggest that reducing the stigma against minor attraction will help this endeavor and protect children" "It may be constructive for professionals working with this population to encourage the 'ownership' of the minor-attracted sexual identity, such as to reduce levels of self-stigmatization and increase self-acceptance. In doing so, we argue that we (as professionals, and as a society) can… ultimately, protect children from sexual harm by improving MAP well-being and agency" “…less than half of all individuals with child sexual offense convictions meet the clinical criteria for pedophilia (Schmidt et al., 2013; Seto, 2018a)” “Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children” “Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults… Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child” “...the more consistent prevalence estimates for minor attraction in a more clinical sense… congregate around 5% (Dombert et al., 2016; Santilla et al., 2010; Wurtele et al., 2014)”
submitted by CuriousOutLoud to SocialWorkStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:01 CuriousOutLoud Common questions about Non-offending Minor Attracted People (NoMAPs)

There is a severe lack of understanding about this community, including among mental health providers and social workers. Stigma, bias, and misconceptions prevent those who are attracted to minors (but do not offend) from seeking help they may need.
CSA = child sexual abuse
NoMAPs = non-offending, minor attracted people: those who are attracted to children but are committed to not causing harm against them
Many non-offending MAPs do not seek professional support, or may withdraw from support, due to the following reasons:
Those of us in the social work and mental health fields can address common misconceptions about this group, as a way to encourage MAPs to get help when they need it. Greater education and understanding about MAPs increases their well-being while also contributing to the prevention of CSA.
Common questions
Are you saying child sexual abuse is acceptable?
Absolutely not. Causing harm to children in the form of in-person/online sexual contact; CSAM (sometimes referred to as child pornography); grooming; or any other inappropriate behavior is not and will never be acceptable.
Many people who are attracted to minors are vehemently against these forms of harm as well, and do not support ideas such as lowering the age of consent. There are entire communities of minor attracted people who are committed to not harming children.
Isn’t using the term ‘MAPs’ normalizing pedophilia?
Only a minority of the population experiences a primary attraction to children. In this sense, pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction are not “normal”, in the same way that LBGTQ identities are not “normal” by proportion to the general population.
When people refer to normalizing something, they are usually talking about removing the stigma behind it, or acknowledging that it is acceptable.
Having an unchosen, unchangeable attraction to children is not inherently wrong, immoral, predatory, or pathological. It becomes so only when harm is involved. Attraction itself is not a behavior.
Shouldn’t we be protecting children from MAPs?
We should absolutely protect children from abusers, groomers, and predators. These terms are not synonymous with being minor attracted. In fact, research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia (see “Sources” section below for reference).
When somebody feels they are at risk for harming a child, they should be able to seek immediate and effective help. Some NoMAPs need temporary or ongoing support in remaining resilient against offending, but this does not represent all or even the majority of NoMAPs. Many in this community have no intention of ever harming a child, and they are not at risk for doing so.
It is also important to note that many MAPs are still children themselves. MAPs tend to become aware of their attractions around the time of puberty or early adolescence. Children who are MAPs deserve the same degree of safety and well-being that other children do.
Why is the term ‘MAP’ even used?
This term has become more widely used for two main reasons:
  1. It emphasizes attraction over action. The word ‘pedophile’ has become so conflated with ‘offender’ in every sector of our society, that most people assume a behavioral component when they hear the word. ‘Minor attracted person’, on the other hand, emphasizes that we are talking about those with an attraction, which includes both those who do and those who do not act on it.
Because there are MAPs who are also offenders, the term ‘Non-offending Minor Attracted Person’ (NoMAP) is useful when we are talking specifically about those who have an attraction but do not act on it.
  1. ‘MAP’ is also a more accurate, all-encompassing way to refer to the community as a whole. This includes people with infantophilia, pedophilia, and (ep)hebephilia. It would not make sense, for example, to call someone who is primarily attracted to 15-18 year olds a pedophile.
However, many people do not self-identify with the term ‘MAP’. Some identify as pedophiles, hebephiles, boy lovers, girl lovers, or other terms. Some may use multiple terms to describe themselves. What’s important is that we should honor how each individual person self-identifies their attraction, and not impose a label on them.
Alternatives have also been suggested by those who conduct research with this community, such as ‘child attracted person’ as opposed to ‘minor attracted person’. I use ‘MAP’ here because it is the most widely accepted way to refer to the community as a whole.
What would someone who harms a child be called?
Depending on the context, people who harm children could be called many things—offender, abuser, predator, or groomer, to name a few examples.
Research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia. (See “Sources” section below to learn why someone who’s not primarily attracted to children would sexually abuse a child.)
Is pedophilia a mental illness/diagnosis?
It depends. Some MAPs are committed to not offending, are not at risk for offending, and have come to terms with their attraction. These individuals have no reason to be pathologized.
Many others are not at risk for offending, yet they desire professional help for mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation) that result from the hatred they receive in our society. These individuals also have no reason to be pathologized, as their mental health conditions result from stigma rather than from the attraction itself.
Some MAPs desire professional help in dealing with the difficult emotions resulting from not being able to have a fulfilling sexual or romantic connection, particularly those who are exclusively attracted to children. (Many MAPs are attracted to both children and adults, and may be in relationships with adults.)
There are also MAPs who desire professional help in remaining resilient against offending. In these cases, and in cases where MAPs do harm children, pedophilia would be considered pathological since there is significant distress and/or harm involved.
Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
The available research points to pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction being an age-based sexual orientation, in that the attraction is unchosen, typically arises during the time of puberty or early adolescence, and remains fairly constant throughout one’s life.
Are you suggesting that MAPs are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Age-based orientations are by nature different from gender-based orientations, in that there is no safe or ethical way for an adult to engage sexually or romantically with a child. The experience of MAPs is also vastly different from that of LGBTQ individuals in several ways.
While there are some parallels that can be drawn between studies on stigma among LGBTQ individuals and the experience of stigma among MAPs, these are two separate communities.
Can someone’s attraction to children be changed?
Empirical data, based on qualitative and quantitative studies, points to the fact that pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction cannot be changed or "cured". (See “Sources” section below for reference.)
How many MAPs are there in the world?
Across various studies, the average incidence of minor attraction, meaning those who are primarily attracted to minors, comes out to about 5% of the adult population worldwide. This number is likely an undercount for the following reasons:
Why should I care about any of this?
Reducing stigma against NoMAPs contributes to a safer society for all, based around empathy and evidence. Many people do not feel safe disclosing their attraction for fear of being unjustly reported, misunderstood, or physically harmed.
Unfortunately, stories of MAPs being rejected by family members, forced out of educational programs, reported to the police, and made to feel like a monster– even in the absence of any harm to a child— are all too common. This prevents many MAPs from seeking or continuing to receive support, which in turn can lead to:
The misconceptions and harmful attitudes that we have toward non-offending MAPs directly interfere with them receiving the support they may need, decreasing MAPs’ well-being and putting children at greater risk. This includes children who are MAPs themselves.
Where can I learn more?
There are many resources available to learn about MAPs. These include:
If you are minor attracted yourself, you can check out any of the above, plus:
Sources "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. Instead, interventions are designed to increase voluntary control over sexual arousal, reduce sex drive, or teach self-management skills to individuals who are motivated to avoid acting upon their sexual interests" "The results of this study were consistent with the suggestion of Seto (2012) that pedohebephilia could be considered a form of sexual orientation for age, which includes both sexual and romantic attraction" ..."in line with the current empirical assumption that enduring sexual attractions to children are largely unchangeable (Grundmann et al., 2016; Seto, 2012; for recent debates see Bailey, 2015; Cantor, 2015; Grundmann et al., 2017; Müller et al., 2014; Tozdan & Briken, 2017)" "The overwhelming opinion in the professional sexual violence prevention community is that helping minor attracted people by offering peeprofessional support is the best way to ensure that minor attracted people do not harm children, and suggest that reducing the stigma against minor attraction will help this endeavor and protect children" "It may be constructive for professionals working with this population to encourage the 'ownership' of the minor-attracted sexual identity, such as to reduce levels of self-stigmatization and increase self-acceptance. In doing so, we argue that we (as professionals, and as a society) can… ultimately, protect children from sexual harm by improving MAP well-being and agency" “…less than half of all individuals with child sexual offense convictions meet the clinical criteria for pedophilia (Schmidt et al., 2013; Seto, 2018a)” “Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children” “Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults… Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child” “...the more consistent prevalence estimates for minor attraction in a more clinical sense… congregate around 5% (Dombert et al., 2016; Santilla et al., 2010; Wurtele et al., 2014)”
submitted by CuriousOutLoud to LCSW [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:40 Diligent-Bell-1320 Can someone explain in laymans terms what this means?

KNOW TO ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that WHEREAS, National Development Company, Inc dba N.D.C, Inc., a Texas Corporation, is the owner of certain real property located in Coffee County, Tennessee, and described as follows:
LAND in the 2nd Civil District of Coffee County, Tennessee, described according to a survey made by Alton C. Morris, P.E., R.L.S. 1064, dated July 30, 1983, as follows:
Beginning in the northerly margin of Old McMinnville-Shelbyville Road, also know as Gnat-McBrides Branch Road, (OM-SR) at a post at the southeast corner of Merriman's property; thence with the easterly line of Merriman's property and a fence, north 10° 55' 21” east 536.35 feet to a corner post at the southeast corner of H. Duke's property: thence with lines of H. Duke's property and a fence: (1)north 8° 10' 57” east 220.78 feet to a post, (2) north 4° 29' 13” east 455.18 feet to a post, (3) north 4° 42' 21” east 551.39 feet to a post, (4) north 3° 18' 09” east 335.06 feet to an old corner post at M.T. Lewis' former northwest corner, (5) north 2° 23' 37” east 883.96 feet to a post, (6) north 2° 24' east 298.89 feet to an iron pin at the corner post, hereinafter referred to as Reference Point “A”, and (7) north 86° 30' 46” west 2199.73 feet to a corner post at the northeast corner of J. Duke's property; thence with the northerly line of J. Duke's property and a fence, north 86° 49' 46” west 1808.74 feet to a corner post at the northeast corner of Goad's property; thence with the northerly line of Goad's property and a fence, north 86° 35' 34” west 1076.87 feet to an iron rod in the easterly line of Hockett's property; thence with the easterly line of Hockett's property, marked, and then continuing with the easterly line of the Gilley and Thomas property and a fence, north 3° 24' 40” west 3543.21 feet to a corner post; thence with the northerly line of the Gilley and Thomas property and a fence, north 84° 56' 17” west 1482.98 feet to a corner post in the easterly line of Smith's property; thence with the easterly line of Smith's property, marked, and continuing with the easterly line of Logan's property, north 11° 23; 16” east 2353.44 feet to an iron pin at the southwest corner of Keaner's property; thence with the southerly line of Keaner's property, marked, south 83° 03' 17” east 2082.14 feet to a corner post at the southwest corner of Fults' property; thence with the southerly line of Fults' property and a fence, south 89° 41' 59” east 1634.02 feet to an iron pin at the northwest corner of M. B. Jernigan's property; thence with lines of M. B. Jernigan's property: (1) south 0° 11' 12” east 414.75 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe, (2) north 89° 49' 02” east 1053.22 feet to an iron pin, and (3) north 1° 37' 41” west 215.29 feet to a point at the southwest corner of the southerly terminous of the 25 foot right of way, hereinafter referred to as Reference Point “B”; thence with the southerly margin of said 25 foot right of way, north 88° 22' 19” east 25.00 feet to an iron pin; thence with the easterly margin of said 25 foot right of way, north 1° 37' 41” west 199.40 feet to an iron pin at the southwest corner of Newell's property; thence with the southerly line of Newell's property, north 89° 44' 37” east 2259.80 feet to a pipe in Morgan's westerly line; thence with Morgan's westerly line and continuing with a westerly line of Vincion's property, both marked, south 3° 36' 55” west 1092.68 feet to a marked black gum tree; thence with a westerly line of Vincion's property, the westerly lines of Moore's and Prater's properties and a westerly line of Curtis Moore's property, a marked line, south 7° 35' 09” west 4996.74 feet to an iron pin located north 7° 35' 09” east 75.00 feet from Reference Point “A”; thence with lines of Curtis Moore's property, (1) south 85° 00' 26” east 75.08 feet to a stake, (2) south 7° 35' 09” west 75.00 feet to a stake, (3) south 2° 24' west 295.49 feet to a stake and (4) south 2° 23' 37” west 885.47 feet to a stake at M. T. Lewis' new northwest corner; thence with westerly lines of M. T. Lewis' property: (1) south 3° 18' 09” west 335.39 feet to a stake, (2) south 4° 42' 21” west 552.16 feet to a stake, (3) south 4° 29' 13” west 457.46 feet to a stake, (4) south 8° 10' 57” west 225.01 feet to a stake and (5) south 10° 55' 21” west 528.26 feet to a stake in the northerly margin of OM-SR; thence with the northerly margin of OM-SR, north 86° 35' 40” west 75.65 feet to the point of beginning, containing 823.05 acres, more or less.
TOGETHER with a nonexclusive permanent easement, appurtenant to said 823.05 acre tract, and any and all parts thereof, for the purpose of providing ingress thereto and egress therefrom from and to Hollow Springs Road, (HSR) and for the purpose of connecting said 823.05 acre tract, and any and all parts there of, to such utilities as may be available at HSR, now or in the future, over, across and through the following described property:
LAND in the 2nd Civil District of Coffee County, Tennessee, described according to said survey as follows:
Beginning at Reference Point “B”; thence with lines of said 823.05 acre tract, north 88° 22' 19” east 25.00 feet to an iron pin and north 1° 37' 41” west 199.40 feet to an iron pin at the south west corner of Newell's property, north 4° 30' 11” east 485.55 feet and north 4° 30' 36” east 459.09 feet to the southerly margin of HSR; thence with the southerly margin of HSR, north 85° 29' 24” west 25.00 feet to a corner post at the northeast corner of Fult's property; thence with westerly lines of Fults' property and a fence, south 4° 30' 36” west 459.09 feet and south 4° 30' 11” west 487.63 feet to an iron pin; thence south 1° 37' 41” east 215.29 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.66 acres, more or less.
BEING part of the property conveyed to Wiley G. Jernigan and wife, Faye B. Jernigan, by deed from Woiley G Jernigan et recorded in Deed Book 181, page 875, in the Register's Office for said County, and all of the property conveyed to Wiley G. Jernigan and wife, Faye B. Jernigan, by deed from Wiley G. Jernigan, et al., recorded in Deed Book 181, page 879, said Register's Office; and
WHEREAS, this indenture is made and entered into this 2nd date of November, 1983, by and between National Development Company, Inc., party of the first part, hereinafter called “Grantor”, and R. L. Erkenbeck, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as “Trustee”, being the trustee of the Lakewood Park Trusteeship; and
WHEREAS, Grantor is in the process of developing said land into a subdivision for living and recreational purposes and developing a lake and other facilities for living and for recreational enjoyment by the future lot owners in said development, which said development shall be know as “Lakewood Park” and which said development shall be developed in several parts with a separate plat for each part thereof as it is developed; and
WHEREAS, the Grantor is desirous of promoting and enhancing the value of said tracts of lane by stabilizing residential values and establishing recreational and related facilities therein; and
WHEREAS, the Grantor believes that the creation of a trust of certain of the property rights in said tract and the establishment of certain use restrictions is the most beneficial means of accomplishing this purpose; and
WHEREAS, it is the purpose and intention of this indenture to preserve said tract of land as a restricted residential recreational neighborhood and to protect the same against certain uses by the adoption of a common neighborhood plan and scheme of restrictions; to apply that plan and restrictions, not only to all of the land and every parcel thereof as it may be sold from time to time, but also in favor of all other parcels within the area of the hands of the present or subsequent owners thereof, and to mutually benefit, guard and restrict the present and/or future title holders or occupants of any and all said parcels and to foster the health, welfare and safety of all who own lots or reside in said area; and
WHEREAS, all reservations, limitations, conditions, easements and covenants herein contained, any and all of which are hereafter termed “Restrictive Covenants” or “Restrictions” are jointly or severally for the benefit of all persons who may purchase, hold or won, from time to time, any of the several lots covered by this instrument, and are intended to run with the land and be mutually enforceable;
NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and of the mutual premises, covenants and agreements contained herein and the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to party of the first part in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and further, in consideration of the advantages to accrue to the party of the first part, as well as to future owners of said lots into which said tract may be subdivided, and with the agreement and consent of the party of the second part to act as Trustee hereunder, the part of the first part agrees as follows:
The party of the first part or the Grantor, shall contemporaneously with the recording of each platted subdivision of the above described land, grant, bargain, sell, convey, transfer, assign and set over unto the said Trustee, his successors and assigns, all singular and the several strips and parcels of land which are to be delineated and set apart as drives, lanes, circles, streets or roads on said plat of said subdivisions, together with the lakes, dams, and related facilities and facilities for disposal or wastewater in the subdivision to be constructed by Grantor on said above-described land, and said Grantor, upon the consideration heretofore recited, does also hereby agree to create, reserve and transfer, assign and grant the Trustee easements for the purposes set forth in Article III hereof, over, across, through and under all of the lots in said subdivision as marked out and set out on said plats to be filed for the subdivision of said land, including all easements and roadways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the foregoing to the Trustee, his successors and assigns, IN TRUST, upon the uses and purposes, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter set forth in this indenture. As used herein, the word “Trustee” or “Trusteeship” shall mean either a single Trustee or join Trustees.
submitted by Diligent-Bell-1320 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:38 billijames2 Mitigating Landfill Waste: Strategies for Environmental Preservation

Mitigating Landfill Waste: Strategies for Environmental Preservation
The article discusses the environmental impact of landfill waste, including issues related to air quality, water quality, soil quality, biodiversity, and ecosystem disruption, as well as strategies and solutions for reducing landfill waste and the role of regulations in landfill management.
Mitigating Landfill Waste: Strategies for Environmental Preservation

Introduction to the Environmental Impact of Landfill Waste

Landfills serve as engineered waste disposal sites designed to contain and isolate waste from the surrounding environment. While they play a crucial role in waste management, landfills also have significant environmental consequences. The decomposition of organic waste in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Additionally, the lack of proper lining and containment measures in landfill sites can lead to the leakage of harmful substances into the soil and groundwater, posing risks to environmental and public health. For example, in regions like Boston, Cape Cod, and Worcester, the environmental impact of landfill waste underscores the urgent need for sustainable waste management practices to minimize ecological harm and promote a healthier living environment for residents.
The scale of landfill waste production in the United States alone highlights the magnitude of the issue. Annually, over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste are generated, with a significant portion ending up in landfills. This accumulation not only occupies vast land space but also presents challenges in waste management and environmental preservation. The rising trend in waste production emphasizes the importance of implementing sustainable waste management practices to reduce reliance on landfills and transition towards a circular economy model. Furthermore, on a global scale, the planet produced over 2 billion tons of waste in 2016, a number projected to increase to 3.4 billion by 2050. This exponential growth in waste generation necessitates immediate action to implement effective waste management strategies and reduce the environmental impact of landfill waste to ensure a sustainable future for all.
Air Quality and Landfill Emissions play a crucial role in shaping environmental health. Apart from methane and carbon dioxide, landfills release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to air pollution and smog formation. These emissions, including sulfur dioxide and ammonia, can react in the atmosphere to form harmful particulate matter, affecting respiratory health and overall air quality. Furthermore, the incineration of waste in landfills for volume reduction can release toxic air pollutants like dioxins and furans, further deteriorating air quality. For instance, in cities like Boston and Worcester, the impact of landfill emissions on air quality is a significant concern, requiring the adoption of cleaner waste management technologies and stricter regulations to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. By addressing the challenges posed by landfill emissions, communities can improve air quality and protect public health from the adverse effects of air pollution.
Water Quality and Landfill Leachate management are critical aspects of environmental protection. Landfill leachate, a complex liquid mixture containing heavy metals, organic pollutants, and pathogens, poses risks to surface water and groundwater quality. Inadequate treatment of landfill leachate can result in the contamination of drinking water sources and aquatic ecosystems, impacting human health and biodiversity. Additionally, persistent organic pollutants leached from landfills can bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms, posing long-term ecological threats to aquatic food chains. For example, in regions like Cape Cod, where landfills are in close proximity to water bodies, the proper management of landfill leachate is crucial to preventing water contamination and preserving the integrity of natural water systems. By implementing effective leachate treatment protocols and investing in advanced filtration technologies, cities can mitigate the risks associated with landfill leachate and protect water quality for both human and environmental well-being.
Soil Quality and Landfill Impact go hand in hand in the realm of environmental conservation. Landfills have the potential to alter soil structure and composition, leading to reduced soil fertility and inhibiting plant growth. The accumulation of non-biodegradable waste in landfills can introduce microplastics into the soil, affecting soil health and ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, chemical leaching from landfills can create soil hotspots of contamination, posing risks to agricultural activities and natural habitats. In Worcester, for instance, the presence of landfills has been associated with soil degradation, impacting local farming practices and ecosystem resilience. By addressing soil quality concerns and promoting sustainable land use practices, regions can mitigate the negative impact of landfill waste on soil health and ecosystem biodiversity.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Disruption are significant implications of landfill development. Landfill expansion often encroaches upon natural habitats, displacing wildlife and disrupting ecological balances. The attraction of scavenging animals to landfill sites can create conflicts with native species and alter community dynamics in surrounding ecosystems. Additionally, landfill odors and emissions can deter pollinators and disrupt plant-animal interactions, impacting biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. For example, in regions like Cape Cod, where landfill development threatens critical wildlife habitats, efforts to mitigate the impact of landfills on biodiversity are essential. By implementing conservation measures and habitat restoration initiatives, communities can protect native species and promote a harmonious coexistence between landfills and natural ecosystems.
submitted by billijames2 to BostonLocalBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:21 CuriousOutLoud Common questions about Non-offending Minor Attracted People (NoMAPs)

There is a severe lack of understanding about this community, including among mental health providers and social workers. Stigma, bias, and misconceptions prevent those who are attracted to minors (but do not offend) from seeking help they may need.
CSA = child sexual abuse
NoMAPs = non-offending, minor attracted people: those who are attracted to children but are committed to not causing harm against them
Many non-offending MAPs do not seek professional support, or may withdraw from support, due to the following reasons:
Those of us in the social work and mental health fields can address common misconceptions about this group, as a way to encourage MAPs to get help when they need it. Greater education and understanding about MAPs increases their well-being while also contributing to the prevention of CSA.
Common questions
Are you saying child sexual abuse is acceptable?
Absolutely not. Causing harm to children in the form of in-person/online sexual contact; CSAM (sometimes referred to as child pornography); grooming; or any other inappropriate behavior is not and will never be acceptable.
Many people who are attracted to minors are vehemently against these forms of harm as well, and do not support ideas such as lowering the age of consent. There are entire communities of minor attracted people who are committed to not harming children.
Isn’t using the term ‘MAPs’ normalizing pedophilia?
Only a minority of the population experiences a primary attraction to children. In this sense, pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction are not “normal”, in the same way that LBGTQ identities are not “normal” by proportion to the general population.
When people refer to normalizing something, they are usually talking about removing the stigma behind it, or acknowledging that it is acceptable.
Having an unchosen, unchangeable attraction to children is not inherently wrong, immoral, predatory, or pathological. It becomes so only when harm is involved. Attraction itself is not a behavior.
Shouldn’t we be protecting children from MAPs?
We should absolutely protect children from abusers, groomers, and predators. These terms are not synonymous with being minor attracted. In fact, research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia (see “Sources” section below for reference).
When somebody feels they are at risk for harming a child, they should be able to seek immediate and effective help. Some NoMAPs need temporary or ongoing support in remaining resilient against offending, but this does not represent all or even the majority of NoMAPs. Many in this community have no intention of ever harming a child, and they are not at risk for doing so.
It is also important to note that many MAPs are still children themselves. MAPs tend to become aware of their attractions around the time of puberty or early adolescence. Children who are MAPs deserve the same degree of safety and well-being that other children do.
Why is the term ‘MAP’ even used?
This term has become more widely used for two main reasons:
  1. It emphasizes attraction over action. The word ‘pedophile’ has become so conflated with ‘offender’ in every sector of our society, that most people assume a behavioral component when they hear the word. ‘Minor attracted person’, on the other hand, emphasizes that we are talking about those with an attraction, which includes both those who do and those who do not act on it.
Because there are MAPs who are also offenders, the term ‘Non-offending Minor Attracted Person’ (NoMAP) is useful when we are talking specifically about those who have an attraction but do not act on it.
  1. ‘MAP’ is also a more accurate, all-encompassing way to refer to the community as a whole. This includes people with infantophilia, pedophilia, and (ep)hebephilia. It would not make sense, for example, to call someone who is primarily attracted to 15-18 year olds a pedophile.
However, many people do not self-identify with the term ‘MAP’. Some identify as pedophiles, hebephiles, boy lovers, girl lovers, or other terms. Some may use multiple terms to describe themselves. What’s important is that we should honor how each individual person self-identifies their attraction, and not impose a label on them.
Alternatives have also been suggested by those who conduct research with this community, such as ‘child attracted person’ as opposed to ‘minor attracted person’. I use ‘MAP’ here because it is the most widely accepted way to refer to the community as a whole.
What would someone who harms a child be called?
Depending on the context, people who harm children could be called many things—offender, abuser, predator, or groomer, to name a few examples.
Research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia. (See “Sources” section below to learn why someone who’s not primarily attracted to children would sexually abuse a child.)
Is pedophilia a mental illness/diagnosis?
It depends. Some MAPs are committed to not offending, are not at risk for offending, and have come to terms with their attraction. These individuals have no reason to be pathologized.
Many others are not at risk for offending, yet they desire professional help for mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation) that result from the hatred they receive in our society. These individuals also have no reason to be pathologized, as their mental health conditions result from stigma rather than from the attraction itself.
Some MAPs desire professional help in dealing with the difficult emotions resulting from not being able to have a fulfilling sexual or romantic connection, particularly those who are exclusively attracted to children. (Many MAPs are attracted to both children and adults, and may be in relationships with adults.)
There are also MAPs who desire professional help in remaining resilient against offending. In these cases, and in cases where MAPs do harm children, pedophilia would be considered pathological since there is significant distress and/or harm involved.
Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
The available research points to pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction being an age-based sexual orientation, in that the attraction is unchosen, typically arises during the time of puberty or early adolescence, and remains fairly constant throughout one’s life.
Are you suggesting that MAPs are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Age-based orientations are by nature different from gender-based orientations, in that there is no safe or ethical way for an adult to engage sexually or romantically with a child. The experience of MAPs is also vastly different from that of LGBTQ individuals in several ways.
While there are some parallels that can be drawn between studies on stigma among LGBTQ individuals and the experience of stigma among MAPs, these are two separate communities.
Can someone’s attraction to children be changed?
Empirical data, based on qualitative and quantitative studies, points to the fact that pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction cannot be changed or "cured". (See “Sources” section below for reference.)
How many MAPs are there in the world?
Across various studies, the average incidence of minor attraction, meaning those who are primarily attracted to minors, comes out to about 5% of the adult population worldwide. This number is likely an undercount for the following reasons:
Why should I care about any of this?
Reducing stigma against NoMAPs contributes to a safer society for all, based around empathy and evidence. Many people do not feel safe disclosing their attraction for fear of being unjustly reported, misunderstood, or physically harmed.
Unfortunately, stories of MAPs being rejected by family members, forced out of educational programs, reported to the police, and made to feel like a monster– even in the absence of any harm to a child— are all too common. This prevents many MAPs from seeking or continuing to receive support, which in turn can lead to:
The misconceptions and harmful attitudes that we have toward non-offending MAPs directly interfere with them receiving the support they may need, decreasing MAPs’ well-being and putting children at greater risk. This includes children who are MAPs themselves.
Where can I learn more?
There are many resources available to learn about MAPs. These include:
If you are minor attracted yourself, you can check out any of the above, plus:
Sources "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. Instead, interventions are designed to increase voluntary control over sexual arousal, reduce sex drive, or teach self-management skills to individuals who are motivated to avoid acting upon their sexual interests" "The results of this study were consistent with the suggestion of Seto (2012) that pedohebephilia could be considered a form of sexual orientation for age, which includes both sexual and romantic attraction" ..."in line with the current empirical assumption that enduring sexual attractions to children are largely unchangeable (Grundmann et al., 2016; Seto, 2012; for recent debates see Bailey, 2015; Cantor, 2015; Grundmann et al., 2017; Müller et al., 2014; Tozdan & Briken, 2017)" "The overwhelming opinion in the professional sexual violence prevention community is that helping minor attracted people by offering peeprofessional support is the best way to ensure that minor attracted people do not harm children, and suggest that reducing the stigma against minor attraction will help this endeavor and protect children" "It may be constructive for professionals working with this population to encourage the 'ownership' of the minor-attracted sexual identity, such as to reduce levels of self-stigmatization and increase self-acceptance. In doing so, we argue that we (as professionals, and as a society) can… ultimately, protect children from sexual harm by improving MAP well-being and agency" “…less than half of all individuals with child sexual offense convictions meet the clinical criteria for pedophilia (Schmidt et al., 2013; Seto, 2018a)” “Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children” “Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults… Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child” “...the more consistent prevalence estimates for minor attraction in a more clinical sense… congregate around 5% (Dombert et al., 2016; Santilla et al., 2010; Wurtele et al., 2014)”
submitted by CuriousOutLoud to u/CuriousOutLoud [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:20 Intelligent-Wave9853 Pls help a desperate hs junior trying to make her parents proud with making a college list/seeing what kind of schools I have a chance of getting into

Hello! I'm a junior in high school. I wanted to put my stats so far so that you guys who are way more experienced could maybe help me start building a college list/see my chances of getting into a decent school. I am really new to this and I would appreciate any help I can get, no matter how little.
What I'm looking for in a college: in Massachusetts (I'd like to go to northeastern university like some of my relatives but I really don't know about my chances), somewhere that's close to or in the city but the student population is not too big (< 20k students), and looks nice! I'm looking to go on the pre-med track to become a PA though I'm not so sure yet.
GPA: 3.8 uw, 4.67 w (top 4% of 480 students)
Classes: 2 last year (all As, 5 and 4 on exams), 4 this year (all As and one B), 5 next year
SAT: (haven't taken yet, sorry I know it's important but I'm predicting 1400s cause I'm a bad test taker)
Some things I want to do soon/in the summer: publish my AP Research paper about developing a healthcare curriculum for high school students, compete in HOSA, join a summer program/internship to be a regional mental health youth ambassador in my community, make an informational TikTok page about skincare and mental health as a passion project, see if I could get more awards somehow (would like advice on that!)
submitted by Intelligent-Wave9853 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:17 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/21/2024

Date: 05/21/2024

Reading time: 10 minutes, 2056 words

🪖 Military

Armenia participates in NATO's Regex 2024 headquarters exercise in Moldova

Armenia is participating in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Regex 2024 headquarters exercise that have started in Moldova on May 20. The military exercises will be held from May 20 to 24. They are attended by about 30 representatives from NATO partner countries.

Armenian army factor is important for security guarantees, but it is not the only one - Security Council Secretary

Armenian Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan said in an interview with Civilnet that having combat-ready and effective armed forces is very important for ensuring security guarantees. Attempts have been made over the past 6 years to expand the notion of security, he said.

NATO and Armenia strengthen cooperation in defense education

Representatives from the Armenian Ministry of Defense met with their counterparts at NATO Headquarters at the end of April. Reviewed activities conducted within the framework of NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) for Armenia. Set out the plan of joint activities for the rest of the year and for 2025.

Funeral procession of Iranian president Raisi starts in Tabriz

The funeral procession of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and seven others killed in a helicopter crash began in the northwestern city of Tabriz on Tuesday morning. Another funeral service is scheduled to be held in the holy city of Qom on Tuesday evening. The president will be laid to rest on May 23 at noon in Mashhad in northeastern Iran.
Armenpress, The National Assembly observes minute of silence for Iranian President and staff lost in helicopter crash

🏛️ Politics & Government

Azerbaijani FM makes phone call to Iran's acting Foreign Minister

Jeyhun Bayramov and Ali Bagheri held phone conversation on May 21, Azerbaijani media reports say. Bayramv expressed condolences to Iranian government and people of Iran on tragic death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.

Armenian, Slovenian foreign ministries address security implications of recent developments

Political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of Armenia and Slovenia were held in Yerevan. The parties emphasized the importance of further deepening the political dialogue between the two countries. The latest international and regional developments were addressed at the meeting.

Joint statement adopted at the International Conference on Nuclear Security; Armenia joins

A Co-Presidents’ Joint Statement was adopted during the International Conference on Nuclear Security held in Vienna on May 20-21. Armenia, among other participating countries, joined the Statement.

Alen Simonyan, Ruslan Stefanchuk discuss the security situation in the South Caucasus and Ukraine

The Armenian National Assembly President Alen Simonyan and the Speaker of the Verkhovna (Supreme) Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk held via video conference. The interlocutors discussed the security situation in the South Caucasus and in Ukraine.
Armenpress, Armenian, Ukrainian Parliament Speakers discuss situation in the South Caucasus and Ukraine

Armenia top security official receives CIA deputy director

Secretary of the Armenian Security Council Armen Grigoryan received a delegation from the CIA. Issues related to Armenia-US bilateral cooperation as well as regional security were discussed at the meeting.
Armenpress, Armen Grigoryan and Hamad Khamis Al-Kubaisi discuss prospects for Armenia-Qatar relations, Pashinyan holds meeting with CIA deputy director, Armenia, Qatar discuss developing economic relations, Pashinyan discussed issues related to the Armenia-US and international agenda with the deputy head of the US CIA, Armenian PM, CIA Deputy Director discuss international, regional issues, Armenia-Qatar ties discussed in Doha

Moldova signs security and defence partnership with EU

Moldova has signed a security and defence partnership with the European Union. It is the first country to sign such a deal with the EU. The deal will allow to jointly address common security challenges.

Mirzoyan and Floyd highlight comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty's role in non- proliferation and nuclear disarmament

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan had a meeting with the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Robert Floyd in Vienna. The role of the Treaty in non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament was emphasized on both sides.

Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development to be involved in Armenia’s infrastructure projects

Armenia's Vice Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan and Managing Director of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) Andrey Shirokov discussed the Fund's involvement in Armenia's infrastructure projects. The parties also pointed out the importance of Armenia’s participation in large regional projects.

Security Council Secretary: Armenia ready to sign peace treaty with Azerbaijan ‘any day’

Armenia is ready to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan 'any day' Armenia’s Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan said he is hoping to sign the treaty “as soon as possible” Armenia”s officials mentioned the three basic principles it expects the treaty to be based on multiple times.

Victory or concessions? Secretary of Security Council comments on delimitation ofborder with Azerbaijan

Armenian Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan declined to describe launch of border demarcation with Azerbaijan as a victory or concessions amid ongoing occupation of parts of the sovereign territory of the country by Azerbaijan. Armenia ceded 2.5 villages to Azerbaijan, but there are territories that were returned to Armenia.

Armenia calls for prohibiting threats of attacks on nuclear facilities

Armenia has raised the need for a treaty prohibiting attacks on nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful purposes.

Armenian lawyers protest against bill that will increase the cost of their services

Armenian lawyers have expressed dissatisfaction with a new bill on the parliament's agenda. From October 2024 they will have to pay 10% turnover tax instead of 5% now, and from 2025 they will pay 20% VAT. Head of the Armenian Chamber of Advocates Simon Babayan said that such a tax increase will lead to a significant increase in the price of lawyer services by 38%.

Funeral procession moves to Qom, Iran

Caskets of Iran's President and fellow passengers are now being transferred from Tabriz to Qom. The city is considered the second most sacred city in Iran after Mashhad. State media are reporting that the bodies will be carried around the shrine. The bodies will then be taken to the capital, Tehran, where they will be laid to rest.

💵 Economy

Armenia works on diversification of economy with an eye on Europe - Secretary of the Security Council

Armenia is working hard to diversify its economy with the prospect of increasing exports to Europe. Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan said the country has not yet achieved significant success in the economic sphere. Armenia's foreign trade turnover with EU countries in first quarter of 2024 reached almost $494.3 million.
ArkaAm, Armenia is working to diversify its economy with the prospect of exporting to Europe. AX:

Almost 100 taxpayers in Armenia fined 55.25 million drams for unregistered workers

In April 2024, about 98 business entities in Armenia were found to have unregistered workers. In particular, the fines imposed on 17 companies amounted to about AMD 29.8 million. These companies are engaged in the sale of flowers and seeds, furniture production, cosmetics, jewelry and perfumes.

Armenia’s GDP grows by 9.2% up to 1.97 trillion AMD

Armenia's GDP increased by 9.2% in Q1 2024 compared to the same period of 2023. Manufacturing industry showed the highest growth, standing at 31.1%, repair of cars and motorcycles grew by 25.1% In nominal terms, the country's GDP in current prices amounted to 1,971,230.4 million drams at the end of the reporting period.

Second tranche of loan for development of MSMEs provided to Ardshinbank by EBRD and EU

Ardshinbank signed an agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) for the allocation of the second tranche of financing to re-lending micro, small, and medium businesses. This lending is carried out under the “MSME Competitiveness in the Eastern Partnership (EaP SMEC)” program. The agreement will support MSME investments in sustainable technologies, as well as towards health and safety.
ArkaAm, The EBRD and the EU granted Ardshinbank the second tranche of the loan for the development of SMEs (PHOTO)

Ambassador sees potential for expansion of trade between Armenia and Brazil

Diplomatic relations between Armenia and Brazil were established more than 30 years ago. Ambassador Yeganian said that the trade between the two countries amounts to approximately $100 million dollars annually. Brazil is one of the largest economies in the world, and Armenia has seen impressive economic growth.

Armenia an emerging destination for UK and global investors – Ambassador

Armenia’s Ambassador to UK Varuzhan Nersesyan writes in an article published by London Business Matters. He emphasizes that Armenia in recent years Armenia has made significant progress on enhancing its business environment, creating opportunities and favorable conditions for investment.

🧪 Science & Technology

Surveying works underway in Armenia’s Kirants

Surveying works are underway in the Armenian village of Kirants in the northern Tavush province.

IAEA’s Grossi to visit Kaliningrad May 28 to discuss ZNPP

IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi will visit Kaliningrad on May 28 to discuss the situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov said.

IAEA supports Armenia’s nuclear program – Rafael Grossi

International Atomic Energy Agency supports Armenia’s nuclear program, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi wrote on X. Grossi presented the results of his meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan.
Armenpress, Effective cooperation is established between Armenia and IAEA

Tree Planting Results with My Forest Armenia: The Power of One Dram

During March and April 2022, AMD 10.757.867 was directed to the afforestation program of the "My Forest Armenia" NGO, 16,000 trees were planted. Representatives of IDBank and Idram visited Jrashen again to see the newly planted forest.

Mirzoyan: Armenia will extend lifetime of current nuclear power unit with smooth transition tonew capacity by 2036

The Armenian NPP is one of the main sources of electricity in the country, providing up to 40% of the total generation. Its service life has been extended until 2026, and work is underway to re-extend it for another 10 years. The construction of a new plant is estimated to take 8-10 years.
ArkaAm, Armenia has decided to extend the operation period of the NPP until 2036, with the ultimate goal of a smooth transition to the new capacity. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Armenia says ready to extend nuclear plant’s lifetime by 10 years

🎭 Culture

ARARAT Special Evening Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Charles Aznavour

On May 20 ARARAT legendary Armenian brandy, celebrated the centennial of Maestro Charles Aznavour with a special event. The event took place at the "One & Only" theater within the Seven Visions Hotel. Guests of the event had the chance to reveal the brandy on the course of special tasting.
Armenpress, VTB Armenia general sponsor for Charles Aznavour 100th birthday tribute concert, VTB-Armenia Bank acted as the main sponsor of the concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Charles Aznavour., For you, Charles: Yerevan to host exhibition on Aznavour’s centennial anniversary, ARARAT special evening dedicated to Aznavour's 100th Anniv.

“Yerevan Ballet Festival” to host theater groups from various countries

The "Yerevan Ballet Festival" will be held on June 2-5 in the park named after Hovhannes Tumanyan. Admission to the outdoor ballet festival is free.

Aznavouriana: Album dedicated to Aznavour’s 100th anniversary released

The album “Aznavouriana” by Deutsche Grammophon is already released and is available since May 17, 2024, just ahead of the artist’s birthday. The album is a collection of exquisite interpretations of globally beloved iconic songs.

⚽ Sport

Gymnasts left for Bulgaria

Gymnastics team will participate in "World Challenge Cup" to be held in Bulgaria. Artur Davtyan, Artur Avetisyan, Erik Baghdasaryan, and Artur Tovmasyan will represent Armenia in the regular round.

Hayk Martirosyan wins 7th round of Sharjah tournament

Shant Sargsyan, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan, Manuel Petrosyan shared the point. Hayk Martirosyan won the 7th round of the Sharjah Masters 2024 international tournament in UAE. The leaders are participants from India and the USA with 5.5 points.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 Aggravating-Pop3050 DTR and private practice

Hi everyone, I graduated with my bachelor’s in nutrition back in 2022. Unfortunately, I was unable to afford an internship/doing a master’s degree at the time so I decided to work and save up money to potentially pursue an internship/master’s degree. Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that due to my finances, it may be best to become credentialed as a DTR (and hopefully pursue the path of becoming an RD in the future when I am more financially stable). I’m on the Commission on Dietetic Registration website and noticed that they listed “private practice” as one of the employment settings/opportunities for DTRs. Does anyone as a DTR have experience building their own private practice business? I understand that as DTRs we are more limited on what we can do compared to RDs. I do remember reading an article a few years back of someone who was credentialed as a DTR and opened up their own business but now I can’t seem to remember where I read that article. To give some more context about myself, I’m also a certified personal trainer through NASM. I’d like to do something in the sports nutrition/health and wellness related. Any advice would help. Thank you.
submitted by Aggravating-Pop3050 to dietetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:53 Upset-Trash-8991 I F16 got a sleep study done because of insomnia, nightmares, and narcoleptic like symptoms and unexpectedly got diagnosed with sleep apnea and have some worries and questions.

I’m confused and freaking out because of this diagnosis. I’m a skinny fit 16 year old girl and my neurologist just called with my sleep study results telling me I had multiple sleep apnea events. I can’t see the ENT until july 30th and i’m confused as to how I have sleep apnea. I don’t fit any of the usual criteria and I don’t wake up for air. I’m also panicking because there’s a lot of articles talking about how dangerous it is and how it reduces your lifespan or causes sudden heart failure!! I have health anxiety and fear of death and this is definitely not helping. My sleep doctor didn’t know why I have it either and I just have to wait for my july 30th appointment but that’s so long. Any advice or clarification/answers could help me.
submitted by Upset-Trash-8991 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 Faithhal The Safety of SARMS: Debunking Myths and Exploring Risks

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts and athletes seeking to enhance muscle growth and performance without the side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids. However, amidst the hype surrounding SARMS, concerns about their safety have emerged. Are SARMS truly a safe alternative, or do they harbor hidden dangers? In this article, we'll delve into the safety profile of SARMS, separating fact from fiction to provide a nuanced perspective on their potential risks.
The Mechanism of SARMS:
SARMS function by selectively binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, thereby triggering anabolic effects similar to those of steroids but with purportedly reduced androgenic side effects. This selective targeting is believed to offer the benefits of enhanced muscle growth and performance without the undesirable effects on secondary sexual characteristics.
Dispelling Myths:
One common misconception about SARMS is that they are completely risk-free. While SARMS may have a more favorable side effect profile compared to traditional steroids, they are not devoid of risks. It's essential to recognize that SARMS can still exert hormonal effects on the body, including potential suppression of natural testosterone production.
See also>> Are sarms dangerous?
Potential Risks:
  1. Testosterone Suppression: SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can suppress endogenous testosterone production, leading to hormonal imbalances. This suppression may result in symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, and mood changes. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be necessary to restore testosterone levels after SARMS use.
  2. Lipid Imbalances: Some studies suggest that SARMS can affect lipid metabolism, potentially leading to alterations in cholesterol levels. Elevated LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cholesterol levels have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
  3. Liver Toxicity: While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to oral steroids, certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, especially at higher doses or with prolonged use. Monitoring liver health through regular blood tests is advisable for SARMS users.
Mitigating Risks:
Despite the potential risks associated with SARMS, there are steps that users can take to minimize the likelihood of adverse effects:
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and performance enhancement, they are not without risks. It's essential for individuals considering SARMS use to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks and make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances and goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional or knowledgeable fitness advisor can provide valuable guidance in navigating the complexities of SARMS usage and optimizing safety and effectiveness. Ultimately, by approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence, individuals can minimize risks and maximize the potential benefits of these compounds in their fitness journey.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 Faithhal Are SARMS Dangerous? Separating Fact from Fiction

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have garnered attention in the fitness world for their potential to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance with fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids. However, amidst the buzz surrounding SARMS, questions inevitably arise about their safety profile. Are SARMS truly as safe as they're claimed to be, or do they pose significant risks to users? In this article, we'll explore the safety considerations surrounding SARMS to provide a balanced perspective on their potential dangers.
Understanding SARMS:
SARMS, as the name suggests, selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, leading to anabolic effects similar to those of traditional steroids but with purportedly fewer androgenic side effects. This selectivity is what sets SARMS apart and contributes to their appeal among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.
The Safety Debate:
While SARMS offer promising benefits, concerns about their safety persist, primarily due to their potential to suppress natural testosterone production, alter lipid profiles, and affect liver health. Additionally, the long-term effects of SARMS usage remain largely unknown, raising questions about their potential for causing harm over extended periods.
For more>> Are sarms dangerous?
Suppression of Testosterone:
One of the primary concerns with SARMS is their potential to suppress endogenous testosterone production. SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can interfere with the body's natural hormone balance, leading to decreased testosterone levels. This suppression can result in a range of symptoms, including decreased libido, mood changes, and fatigue.
Impact on Lipid Profiles:
Another area of concern is the impact of SARMS on lipid metabolism. Some studies suggest that SARMS can alter lipid profiles, potentially leading to unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
Liver Toxicity:
While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to traditional oral steroids, some evidence suggests that certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, particularly at higher doses or with prolonged use. Liver enzyme abnormalities and liver damage have been reported in some users, highlighting the importance of monitoring liver health when using SARMS.
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and athletic performance, they are not without risks. Concerns about testosterone suppression, lipid alterations, and liver toxicity underscore the importance of approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on a SARMS regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.
Ultimately, the decision to use SARMS should be informed by a thorough understanding of their potential risks and benefits, as well as careful consideration of individual circumstances and goals. By prioritizing safety and responsible use, individuals can minimize the potential dangers associated with SARMS and maximize their potential benefits in pursuit of their fitness objectives.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:13 Diligent_Divide_4978 It’s not your fault if you’re a lonely man

I just saw a post here every day about a lonely guy and his struggles in dating.
When I read it, the frustration, sadness, and despair are palpable. But since 63% of young men are single, and half of male university students are virgins, I can understand why these posters aren’t happy.
The majority of men are lonely.
While I cannot solve this very real societal phenomenon, I will try to put things into perspective.
After all, trite as it may sound, life is truly about much more than dating. We’ll talk about this later on.
Before we begin, I would like to sincerely dedicate this post to all of those people who carry a void in their hearts every day.
I truly hope that reading the following will bring you at least a little peace of mind.
This is something that you need to tell yourself every single day. Life coaches and toxic PUAs like Andrew Tate are telling you to run game on 5 women every day, but I'm telling you to tell yourself this 5 times a day:
It's not your fault.
This should be said and emphasized a lot more. I want you guys to completely digest this idea. It is important to keep reminding yourself of this truth. Once you truly understand this, you will have a much more peaceful mindset.
The situation you are in was forced upon you.
Genetic determinism is anathema to most people. You will always see the fortunate, the lucky people try to take credit for their living situations, but they won't acknowledge the opportunities they were given.
I want you to understand something: when people tell you "you can do it, you can do anything," they are not saying it for your benefit. They are saying it to gaslight you and feel better about themselves. It implies that if you fail, it was because of something you did wrong.
"You could've done it, but you didn't, so it's your fault."
Don't let people gaslight you.
You look at a guy like Jeremy Meeks, scum of the earth. This guy is the personification of luck. The guy made the wrong choices and decisions at every step of the way, and he still made it as a multimillionaire top model, all because of his looks.
He comes from a broken family, he's a criminal, robber, gangster, beat an underage kid to near death, drug dealer, weapons charges, you fucking name it. Yet, women are worshiping him, literally worshiping him.
I ask you this: how many mistakes is too many? 10? 20? 50?
When you are good-looking, no amount is too many. Anything is forgivable.

"Anything is possible. Never give up. God's got a plan for you." - Jeremy Meeks

Well, when you look like him, yeah, of course anything is gonna be possible.

You look at a guy like Hunter Biden, drug addict and porn actor. Still, he's a board member of a nine-figure international investment firm. All because of his dad. All because he was lucky enough to be born into the Biden family.
You look at Elon Musk, richest guy on earth. He in turn comes from a dirty rich family that makes bank with him off of the backs of literal child slaves. His 80-year-old father made a child with his 30-year-old stepdaughter. Think about it, this guy was fucking 50 years old when he adopted that child.
These are morally bankrupt people, and yet you see the lives they are living.
You look at a guy like Bill Gates, whose classmates' parents literally bought a computer room for his high school during a time when even top U.S. universities didn't have computer rooms. Bill got to spend unlimited time with the latest and greatest computers as a child in the 1960s.
I am not saying Bill is dumb. Of course, you also need brains, but even intelligence is luck.
It's brutal how lucky you have to be in life. Not only do you need the smarts, but you need to be born in the right time and location into the right family. You think a smart kid who was born in a war-torn third-world country stands any chance?
Fucking never.
You gotta be lucky in this life. The most important factor governing success in life is luck. Looks will directly influence how you are treated by others from the day you were born, before you could even remember. Your neurotypicality, face, race, and height are paramount when it comes to how society will treat you (I have mountains of data at the above link, read it to see just how important these genetic factors are). This in turn shapes your personality.
Your intelligence, the opportunities you were born into, your gender; they are all important.
Even in the job market, just your gender influences your chances majorly.
Everything in life comes down to luck.
"Anything is possible, you can do anything."
No, you cannot do anything you want to in life, and it's not your fault. Genetic determinism and luck rule every aspect of your life.
You did nothing wrong.
So don't let anybody gaslight you.
Instead, don't be a free agent in life. Let the blackpill guide you.
submitted by Diligent_Divide_4978 to berkeley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 crycrycryvic thought this was a good read - "Institutional COVID denial has killed public health as we knew it"
I think people tend to see COVID and Long COVID as separate problems, which I really disagree with. If all these institutions and individuals hadn't dropped the ball so spectacularly on COVID, I wouldn't have Long COVID.
The attrition of public health the article mentions is why we're stuck on this hyper-individualistic nonsense loop of taking celery powder and foot shavings hoping for the best (I say this as a person who is very much taking a bunch of random supplements and hoping for the best).
What do you think?
submitted by crycrycryvic to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 Prestigious_Fig5817 Best Low Carb Snacks and Low Carb Diet Grocery List for a Healthier You

In recent years, the low carb diet has gained immense popularity for its effectiveness in weight management and overall health improvement. Whether you are a seasoned low carb dieter or just starting, having a well-curated list of the best low carb snacks and a comprehensive low carb diet grocery list is essential. This article will guide you through the top low carb snacks and a detailed grocery list to make your shopping experience seamless and efficient.

Best Low Carb Snacks

When following a low carb diet, finding snacks that are both delicious and low in carbohydrates can be challenging. Here are some of the best low carb snacks that you can enjoy guilt-free:

1. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are excellent low carb snacks, packed with healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are particularly low in carbs. They are perfect for a quick snack on the go or to add a crunch to your salads and yogurt.

2. Cheese

Cheese is a fantastic low carb snack that offers a good amount of protein and calcium. Varieties like cheddar, mozzarella, and Swiss cheese are great options. String cheese or cheese slices are convenient for snacking between meals.

3. Avocado

Avocado is not only low in carbs but also rich in healthy fats and fiber. You can enjoy avocado as a spread, in salads, or simply on its own with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Guacamole with raw veggies is also a delicious low carb snack option.

4. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a protein-packed snack that can keep you full and satisfied. They are easy to prepare and can be seasoned with various spices to add flavor. Keep a few hard-boiled eggs in your fridge for a quick and nutritious snack.

5. Greek Yogurt

Opt for plain, full-fat Greek yogurt, which is lower in carbs compared to flavored varieties. Greek yogurt is high in protein and can be enhanced with a handful of berries or a sprinkle of nuts for added taste and texture.

6. Vegetable Sticks with Hummus

Vegetables like cucumber, bell peppers, and celery are low in carbs and make great dippers for hummus. Hummus provides healthy fats and protein, making it a balanced and satisfying snack.

7. Berries

While most fruits are high in carbs, berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are relatively low in carbs. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a healthy sweet treat.

8. Jerky

Beef jerky, turkey jerky, or any other meat jerky is a high-protein, low-carb snack. Choose varieties with no added sugars or preservatives for a healthier option.

9. Olives

Olives are a savory snack that is low in carbs and high in healthy fats. They are also rich in antioxidants and can be enjoyed on their own or added to salads and dishes.

10. Dark Chocolate

For those with a sweet tooth, dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content is a low carb snack option. It is packed with antioxidants and can be enjoyed in moderation. Read More

Best Low Carb Snacks #Low Carb Diet Grocery List #low carb diet

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