Dua for tooth aches

Should I seek a second opinion?

2024.05.21 21:24 Ill-Difference-9557 Should I seek a second opinion?

This may be a long post as I’m going to start from the beginning and give as much information as I can about why I have the concerns I do. It was back in 2019/2020 I was 21 when I had developed a very bad tooth ache but was in denial of going to the dentist for whatever unknown reason. But to help with the pain I was loading myself down with ibuprofen multiple times a day. Then comes the next part where I decided to sell the car I had which I loved in order to get an upgrade but unfortunately the car market went crazy and there I was stuck without a car for a month stressing night and day trying to find one, basically eating ibuprofen like a snack because of a rotten tooth. Then one day just when I thought I was getting everything back together came the sudden urgency to rush to the bathroom, the cramps, the throwing up, bloody stool, all of it. I went months with these symptoms thinking they would go away thinking it was just a symptom of the amount of ibuprofen I had consumed and the stress from not having a car for a month. After having dropped from 200lb to 160lbs and multiple doctors visits I finally made my way to a gastroenterologist. One colonoscopy later he’s just positive it’s UC so he puts me on prednisone and BAM immediately within days no more symptoms I’m talking months of these issues and with that magic little pill I could eat and not have to be running to a bathroom every 2 minutes. Since then I have been on humira for the last 3 years eating what I want just living my life normal and I haven’t had a single flair or any symptoms like I had since the day they quit. I’ve have multiple colonoscopies since and even my doctor is amazed at how fast I’ve healed and stayed in remission because as he said almost 3/4 of my colon was inflamed. I’ve recently came across some stories of people being misdiagnosed is why I’m here. I can’t help but wonder could it have happened to me or could I just be one of the very lucky ones with this disease? As I like to tell people the hardest part about this disease for me is dealing with the insurance people lol. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my end dreaming that I had just produced the perfect storm of stress and to much ibuprofen (it even says on the bottle it can cause the symptoms I had but my doctor denies it). Any input would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Ill-Difference-9557 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:15 Ok-Mine-5994 News channels in the MV would be wild and hella confusing

Think about this for gxk’s events: all in a short period of time Scylla randomly attacks multiple nuclear facilities and ends in Rome, Godzilla shows up and kills her and naps in the colloseum like a cat. Nothing usual so far right? Godzilla randomly wakes up shoo’s a helicopter away and hauls ass in the ocean. Out of nowhere kong shows up in Barbados with a tooth ache, he’s sedated and gets a cool sliver filling. Kong returns to hollow earth whilst Godzilla heads for nuclear power plant to supercharge. Godzilla cuts through Spain and heads to the Arctic Ocean. After awhile he comes out seemingly unexplained pink with new dorsals and body changes. Not long after kong comes out of the ground in Egypt with an Infinity gauntlet on his arm. Godzilla shows up, they fight and it’s interrupted by mothra who’s somehow alive. Then the 3 monsters roar in the sky together for some reason. They go back down into where kong came from. Minutes later In Rio the ocean freezes and a ice dragon, a red monkey, kong with an infinity gauntlet and pink Godzilla breach the surface. The red monkey in question holds a spine whip with a shiny blue crystal. It’s a 2v2 for awhile and the atmosphere is frozen until the crystals broken by a smaller orange monkey with kongs axe shows up. The red monkey is teamed on and is used as a ping pong ball and frozen by said former teammate then they all go their separate ways. And Godzilla naps in the colloseum again.
submitted by Ok-Mine-5994 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:05 lukewarmy Dentist not interested in X-rays, opinion on issue with sensitive tooth?

I had my first upper right premolar done in Feb by previous dentist, he saw on X-ray that it needed a filling but thought it would be quick (was sorta coerced into doing it immediately as "it'll be quick", even though I was there for a cleaning and an opinion on the wisdom tooth and did not have the extra time off work and the mental fortitude for pain which I ended up needing for this). Cavity ended up being deeper than expected and very painful. Chewing on this tooth was super painful and I just avoided it for a month until it seemed to settle down.
While the first premolar settled, the second premolar also seemed to hurt, and there was a transitional period where I wasn't sure if one or the other hurt.
I then started going to a different dentist. She began work on it immediately, since I told her it hurts when chewing. I also wanted to show her the X-ray from the previous scan, especially for an opinion on my erupting wisdom tooth, but she was disinterested and told me the wisdom tooth is growing fine without checking it, which slightly confused me. (https://imgur.com/YeIRJ5O if this is of any use, idk.)
She continues to find 8 teeth with cavities (and a couple more as she begins fixing them), and, fair enough - I have neglected to see a dentist for a while. I continue going for fillings but only on the right side, since I can only chew on my left. (Got lower molars and second premolar fixed since then).
I get shooting pain lasting about 10-20sec from cold water, or hot tea, biting down on a seed or even like, a hard piece of bread crust, or anything sweet or acidic on it. Dull ache if I chew something tough with it like meat.
I was told to stop avoiding that side, but when I described the symptoms above, I was told to avoid nuts/seeds and hot foods. It still happens quite a lot and the pain is pretty distressing to have to eat through.
Dentist told me it should go away on its own, keep doing gum massage etc, and that the pain is likely because I had not gotten my teeth cleaned for too long. It has since been 3 months since then, have not noticed any improvement. I ask if it would help if I did a new X-ray, as the prev dentist did them regularly, and she told me that she disagrees with his methods and that "I don't do X-rays on live, healthy teeth". And that she would not do anything to this tooth unless the pain got way worse (in which case she'd root canal/extraction).
I'm just afraid that if I wait and ignore the pain until a root canal is needed, that I would have missed my chance to save the tooth. Anyway, since some things struck me as odd here is why I'm here asking for an opinion. I'm curious what parts of her recommendations you agree/disagree with? I'm looking for another dentist for a second opinion irl as well ofc, but I'm trying to really be sure before I go to yet another since budget isn't too big and I have at least 4 teeth left to fix, apparently.
ETA: Not a smoker, moderate coffee drinker, no sodas, sweet drinks etc.
submitted by lukewarmy to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:05 curiously_insane Adopted a stray, got some questions

I finally took home a stray, a dehydrated and malnourished beautiful boy. His age is unclear, but vet estimated between 2 and 5 years old weighing in just under 2kg (4 pounds ish), unneutered. Stray cats on Malta typically have access to water and the occasional food bowl.
Here's a picture of him when he was on the streets: https://i.imgur.com/eLmaUdu.jpeg
I'm so worried that I am feeding him too much, or too little. I got him last Friday and fed him small portions, often, to avoid refeeding syndrome which I read about. Now I am feeding him 4 times per day every 4th hour between 10am and 10pm, around 30-40g of wet food (high meat content) per time which equals around 140-160 grams per day.
Another reason for concern is possible thyroid issues which my vet detected from palpating under his neck. Blood tests will be carried out on Thursday. He also seems to have a cold, or cat herpes. Sometimes there's small amounts of discharge from his nose, and he sometimes sneezes it out.
The vet put him on antibiotics (Marbocyl/Marbofloxacin P 5mg), something against his cold/herpes (Herpless), something to alleviate inflammation/reduce pain (Loxicom 0.5 mg/ml) along with vitamins and aminoacids (Vigorpet).
There's so many things that he could potentially suffer from. I've got his lice infestation under control, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's got worms - but his faeces don't show any signs of it, other than the occasional diarrhea. I stopped giving him dry food because there seems to be mouth/tooth or gum ache when eating harder food. I even started adding water to his wet food to make it easier for him, his pain or at least the complaints stopped.
My questions to you all is:
submitted by curiously_insane to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:19 TheWildBologna Help! Achey knees when deadlifting?

I’ve recently started (since January) weight training twice a week, but I find that every time I do deadlifts, regardless of amount of weight, my knees start to ache. It’s not a sharp or burning pain but more akin to a loose tooth? It seems to the inner side of each knee, near and slightly above the kneecap. The trainer at the gym says my form looks great and that I’m not pushing to any extreme with the weight I’m using (120-135). He recommended I go get a mri scan….but before I go shell out a ton of money, wanted to see if this group had any ideas. For context, I’m F35 with a history of casually playing sports and skiing but have never torn my ACL or MCL that I’m aware of (ha). Growing up I did have a habit of jumping from high places (think trees, swings, etc) but I honestly can’t think of what could be causing this….
submitted by TheWildBologna to WeightTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:06 Story_of_Amanda Tooth 30 removal and collagen plug placed

TL;DR at the end since I have a lot detail on here; and formatting may not be what I’m intending since I’m on mobile. Back on Monday (5/13) I went to the endodontist thinking tooth 30 needed a root canal as I was having pain any time I tried to eat anything tougher than pasta (previously went thinking it needed a root canal back in January and it ended up being 31 that was causing me more issue at the time when he examined it (post temporary crown placement at the end of December on both of them for recurrent decay in my molars - long story of frustration with my current dentist re: that and how my last appointment with him went) and, after getting some residual cement from between the teeth/gums out at the follow up, pain was vertically gone to 30 and 31, I could eat steak and crab Rangoon on that side, which was a relief since we were concerned 31 had a crack that couldn’t be visualized on X-ray given some tenderness I was having post root canal - the only time I’ve had pain to 31 since was when they were placing and adjusting the top crowns right above and my bite just kept being off, which, after some time did improve). The X-ray looked slightly changed (to 30) so he did a CT on it to get a better look. They explained the concern to me, popped the temporary crown off to assess it better (which, when he did that he was initially hitting one side of my gum until I told him it was hurting and he readjusted) and see if he could identify the spot where the crack was, couldn’t palpate (does it count as palpating when it’s a tooth and tools are being used?) anything, reexamined the CT, and said he felt confident that that was what the issue was (he ended up showing me the CT and it was a very fine crack - the way he phrased it was basically that the tooth hadn’t burst yet as to why my pain was the way it was). Went ahead and had the tooth pulled that same day (came out it one piece as far as I’m aware) and he placed, which I can’t remember the actual phrasing he used, but I think it was basically a collagen plug into the socket for preservation and healing purposes so I can get started with an implant in a few months, and placed a couple sutures. He wrote for antibiotics but the tech said, “you probably won’t need them,” so I didn’t start them right away. Was instructed to avoid mouth rinses for two weeks, nothing with peroxide either. Later Monday and Tuesday I took Norco to help with pain and mostly slept. Wednesday and Thursday I had to work and Wednesday was a bit of a struggle with managing pain - I’d take ibuprofen, which did manage it well, but two or three hours before I could take another dose I was already hurting/throbbing again. The dose of Norco I have makes me tired so working and taking the full dose wasn’t an option so I took half when it got to that point before I could do ibuprofen again; once it kicked in I was good again. Wednesday and Thursday mornings I also didn’t sleep well because of the pain despite taking meds the nights before. Thursday morning I went ahead and started the antibiotics since my pain didn’t seem super improved; this was the last day I took Norco was well. Friday morning half of the stitches came out, Saturday morning the rest came out. Pain has been decently managed just with mobic twice a day (which my GI tract appreciates more than the ibuprofen) and intermittent Tylenol if things start to ache. All of that said, are there any pictures of day to day healing for something like this? I have no idea what the collagen plug should look like at this point (seems thinned out to me, if that makes sense, and kinda gapping in places). I feel like maybe my pain should be at a better level too; it very rarely feels like it’s from the socket and more often feel achey on the buccal side of my gum (kind of around where he was hitting when he initially went to take the temporary crown off). I do feel like I have some sympathetic/referred pain in 31 and 29 but I partially wonder if it’s just how my bite is now that 30’s gone. Gently palpating over the socket hole (which I do feel is smaller and gradually healing from last week) with a q-tip there does appear to be a scant amount of serous drainage (which I kinda taste if I run my tongue over it, gross I know; taste dissipates briefly is I let water go over it). All of that is very long, I know, so props to anyone who read it all. Teeth just aren’t my area of knowledge so I feel kinda lost and I don’t want to call if this is all normal.
TL;DR - 30 pulled after CT showed crack, collagen plug placed followed by sutures. Antibiotics started three days later due to concern for pain improving and worry for infection. Two days left of antibiotics, still taking NSAID and Tylenol, pain/aching mostly noted on buccal side of gums. Stitches out, collagen plug appears thin and gapping, scant serous drainage on q-tip. Pictures of normal healing that may be floating the internet that I haven’t found? Thoughts? Encouraging words?
submitted by Story_of_Amanda to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:08 kaycarry What to do?

My dentist shaved a tiny bit off of my bottom tooth #20 after having bite problems with getting 13 filled. He adjusted once and my upper mouth pain felt so much better but then I felt a new pressure on my bottom teeth. I went back in and I thought he would check the filling again but he shaved off my bottom #20 tooth some, he only did it for 2 seconds and checked my bite with the paper and said it should help but now I have upper and lower mouth soreness again. Taking ibuprofen to bare it. A dull ache on the bottom and top now. I feel like it’s worse than before. This adjustment was 3 days ago. Could it just be because I have to get used to this bite adjustment now? I don’t even know what my old bite felt like anymore. This feels miserable. I’m hoping time will help it settle. Any advice?
submitted by kaycarry to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:49 Beautiful_Gain_9032 When will the sensitivity of a crown go away? What can be done?

I got a crown two months ago and I still can’t put hard pressure on it without it being sensitive. I can chew soft things like bread, but have to reserve things like granola bars for the other side of my mouth. But even chewing softer things I can’t chew too hard though or it’ll have the same effect.
The crown was for a crack and decay that was close to the nerve, the root was in “great condition” the dentist said before the procedure, and he said during the procedure he treated the area as a precaution since it was close (Im assuming that means used some kind of “disinfectant”? Maybe iodine I remember a gross tasting strong orange color stuff)
For A while Before I got the crown done, there was a hole in the filling that was there (not decay just a chip in the filling) and when he poked his “poker”(?) tool in there at cleanings and exams it was very sensitive but didn’t hurt, if that makes sense. Now, whenever I bite down I have that feeljng that I used to only get when the dentist poked that hole (although oddly that feeling is on the opposite side of the tooth now).
This was at a dentist that wasn’t my regular one, and both they and my regular dentist said the bite is great and the work was done well. Occasionally I get fed up with it and try to eat hard food on that side and that usually always backfires and leads to that sensitive feeling and when it’s irritated enough it leads to an ache that’ll last a day or so. If I don’t chew hard food on that side it rarely ever aches, and when it does it’s not horrible just light and annoying.
It’s just really annoying. I don’t want a root canal because I’m only 21 and want to keep my natural teeth as long as possible, I’d put up with this to keep my real teeth, but if possible id REALLY like it to go away. What could be done or do I just have to wait longer?
I’ve tried sensitive toothpaste and it helps the cold sensitivity but not the pressure one
submitted by Beautiful_Gain_9032 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:00 bloodorange1111 Looking for reassurance at 6w6d (TW: previous loss)

Hey everyone. I had a missed miscarriage in March (spotting started at 10 weeks but baby stopped growing at 6.5) and am pregnant again, 6w6d along. Losing our first pregnancy absolutely broke me and I’m trying to stay positive this time but I find myself obsessing over every little twinge in my body. I guess I’m looking for anyone who had similar symptoms to me at this stage and wondering how their pregnancy is progressing.
I got my BFP about 3-4 days earlier this time vs last time, which I’m taking as a good sign of earlier implantation/higher hormones.
I keep waking up with a sore/phlemgy throat and a funny taste - could be Hayfever as that often gets me at this time of year but I’m wondering if it could be acid reflux? I’m also quite snotty.
I flip between having 0 appetite to an insatiable craving for something very specific. Especially sweets - I don’t usually have a sweet tooth.
Very mild nausea that comes and goes. Only once, very briefly, have I had the urge to vom. I’d say this is an increase on the little-to-no nausea I felt with the pregnancy that ended in miscarriage but the lack of nausea overall is worrying me.
Quite tender and swollen boobs, but I’m worried the soreness is decreasing and that’s a sign I’m having another MMC. Is it normal for the tenderness to change?
Twinges and occasional aches around my uterus. Very mild but I’ll often feel a sharper pulling feeling when I roll over in bed or something like that. Concerning cramping or just a stretching uterus?
General brain fog/lethargy - had this last time too.
I know that some people have perfectly healthy pregnancies with very light symptoms but I’m so worried history is repeating itself. Can anyone help put my mind at rest?
Thanks all <3
submitted by bloodorange1111 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:30 SherbetGlittering618 Did I crack my crown???

Did I crack my crown???
Hey all you 🦷 angels. I’m going to go to a dentist since I know tooth pain of any sort isn’t isn’t a joke….. but I just want to know what to expect because I have shitty dental insurance and general anxiety over health stuff.
I had my front tooth crowned seven years ago and two weeks ago had some weird tooth on tooth action when I was eating like a ravished goblin. 👹 🍪
My crowned tooth is now “sore” like I notice it aching and it hurts to directly bite down. I took my phone camera to my mouth to see if anything was notable and see a tiny line, is this a crack in the crown? The front looks ok.
I’m bummed I think it was around $1200 out of pocket at the time I had it done… 🫠🥴🫠🥴 If you have any input so I have an idea of what’s going on great! If not thanks for reading and enjoy your day!
submitted by SherbetGlittering618 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:50 klswlsn Stitched up and my mouth has been left like this?

Stitched up and my mouth has been left like this?
I was stitched up after a tooth extraction and now it’s left my lip being attached to my gum. It doesn’t impact me but it feels tight when I move the right side of my face. Also, when I wake up (full sleep or nap), it aches for about 30 seconds.
Is this normal? Can anything be done to remove this? I’m going back to get another tooth extracted, should I mention it or leave it since it doesn’t severely impact me? It’s just a bit of a nuisance.
submitted by klswlsn to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:59 Fah84 Pulpotomy local anthesia didn't work hot tooth

experience/story hi there, male 40 here, i have had a rough years with tooth problem, in last 16 years i had 5 root canals, one implant, and two wisdom tooth extracted and all in the upper jaw, now my lower jaw wisdom tooth on left side turned all of a sudden into a monster size, and was paining like helll, i went to dentist who gave me not one but 3 injections of local anethesia , and the moment he took his instruments into my mouth i felt instant pain i swear it wasnt pressure, it was a real pain, so i kept complaining so he was like lets do pulpotomy and you will surely have a relief, i didnt know what to say but sound better than extraction, but even that was so painful when he cut the tooth and cut the nerve it was the worst pain of my life i kept yelling, but he drifted it all of a sudden with a sharp speed and that was the pain still imprinted on my brain, anyways i got home and now i am in severe depression as why local anethesia didnt work? why i couldnt get it extracted , i am so anxious that i am looking for full general anethesia for extraction now, lately i had severe depression and anxiety issues, but this pain made me so scared that i felt in severe depression, been 4 days but i am still feeling dull ache and painful waves but the pain is down to 80% from before the pulpotomy , though the dentist told me that and shown me a huge bended needle which he inserted in my gum but i didnt feel it yet when he was working i kept getting severe pain, right now after almost 6 days of procedure I am still sitting in deep nerve ache which comes every few hours and is not good really and I am lost unfortunately , probably going under general anesthesia is the only option seems to me now....
submitted by Fah84 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:01 gmv139 Pressure feeling in right eye

26M - Don’t smoke or drink, no medication. I have Blepharitis and mild dry eye.
Last year was prescribed steroid drops for eye allergy. My eyes reacted strange to the steroid drops and was told that I may be a steroid responder. Everything cleared eventually, but 2 months later I started having a pressure feeling in the right eye.
The pressure seems to be triggered by stressful/ anxious situations. This pressure doesn’t appear when I’m relaxed, only during the duration of a stressful situation. Only the right eye is affected by it, the left eye feels perfectly normal all the time. The right pupil also dilates more than the left one when the pressure is present. The strain on the eye caused by it is quite debilitating in the moment.
Went to the ophthalmologist and neurologist and had multiple tests done. IOP was 18 in both eyes and another time it was 17 (although during the exams I was relaxed which wouldn’t trigger the pressure). The doc says I don’t have narrow angles and the optic nerves and retina are healthy. Even had an MRI that came good (prompted by the uneven pupils) and a Visual Evoked Potential that was good (the neurologist wanted to rule out nerve inflammation).
I’m stumped, I tried to ignore it thinking that it is just anxiety or migraines, but it has been half a year and it isn’t getting any better. What could it possibly cause this feeling? And what can I do to identify what causes it?
Sometimes it feels like strain or like a tooth ache that comes from the eye.
submitted by gmv139 to Eyesight [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:24 Fah84 pulpotomy and local anethesia didnt work

hi there, male 40 here, i have had a rough years with tooth problem, in last 16 years i had 5 root canals, one implant, and two wisdom tooth extracted and all in the upper jaw, now my lower jaw wisdom tooth on left side turned all of a sudden into a monster size, and was paining like helll, i went to dentist who gave me not one but 3 injections of local anethesia , and the moment he took his instruments into my mouth i felt instant pain i swear it wasnt pressure, it was a real pain, so i kept complaining so he was like lets do pulpotomy and you will surely have a relief, i didnt know what to say but sound better than extraction, but even that was so painful when he cut the tooth and cut the nerve it was the worst pain of my life i kept yelling, but he drifted it all of a sudden with a sharp speed and that was the pain still imprinted on my brain, anyways i got home and now i am in severe depression as why local anethesia didnt work? why i couldnt get it extracted , i am so anxious that i am looking for full general anethesia for extraction now, lately i had severe depression and anxiety issues, but this pain made me so scared that i felt in severe depression, been 4 days but i am still feeling dull ache and painful waves but the pain is down to 80% from before the pulpotomy , though the dentist told me that and shown me a huge bended needle which he inserted in my gum but i didnt feel it yet when he was working i kept getting severe pain, what do i have to do now please help anyone need advice? i am concern about full anethesia process just need some positive vibes and experience of the people around to help me out to go through, shoul di be doing extraction right away or should wait as the dull ache keeps coming back every few hours.
what should i have to do ? should i wait for some time before i go for extraction like a month or so and keep taking pain killer? or should i go for the general anethesia right away and get it pull out? share your experience or working on a patient with full anethesia please, thanks .
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2024.05.19 16:58 superlosernerd Best way to manage tooth ache pain before a root canal?

I'm a 34 female who does not drink alcohol or smoke. I do drink coffee every so often and soda rarely, but haven't been lately due to the tooth pain.
I had a molar crown replaced in February that has been giving me trouble ever since. The crown originally covered a cracked tooth, and I had to get a cavity filled underneath it before replacing it. The cavity apparently went very deep.
I had no pain/sensitivity with the temporary crown, but have had increasing sensitivity after the permanent crown was installed. We waited to see if it would go away, but it's only gotten worse. I had a bite check done, where they ground down the crown some, and xrays taken to check the seal. Everything looks like it should be perfect, so the concern is the nerve is just being agitated from how deep the filling went.
My dentist finally referred me to an endodontist and I have a root canal scheduled for May 29th.
The problem is, within the last 3 days or so, the pain has rapidly accelerated from just being around when I drink/eat cold things to being around all the time. It's a deep, throbbing ache, and has begun to disturb my sleep and daily activities. Sometimes it just randomly goes away, but most of the time it's in the background as a dull ache. Though sometimes it comes to the foreground as a very painful deep ache, and it's the deep ache that's causing me problems.
I decided to try following the pain management protocol my dentist gave me after a tooth extraction, with 600mg ibuprofen followed by 500mg tylenol three hours later, which worked initially, but now I have to take 800mg ibuprofen or 1000mg tylenol to make any dent in the pain.
I'm also using a dentek kit with a topical benzocaine applicator to the surrounding gumline, but that really only gives me about 10 minutes of temporary relief.
I've tried a cold pack, which made it worse, and applied heat, which has helped some, but once I remove it the pain comes back with force.
I've sent my GP a message about this through our patient portal asking for advice, but until she gets back to me, I'm on my own. Are there any at home remedies that you can recommend that might help lessen the pain? I'm kind of desperate at this point.
edit: In case it's relevant, I don't have swollen or bleeding gums around the crown, and can floss without blood or discomfort.
submitted by superlosernerd to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:51 Weird_Tumbleweed_720 It’s been a month! Wow, the changes. 🤯

I posted this the other day, but I think the subreddit didn’t like that I included underwear progress pictures so I’m trying again. I started my journey with tirzepatide on April 17, so I’m officially one month down! Wanted to give a little recap and review for those who have followed along so far! Also TW super responder
31F / 5'4" / SW: 175lbs / CW: 160lbs / GW: ???
Never took name brand Mounjaro or Zep. My main goal was to lose weight and improve my fertility and get myself in better shape before trying for another baby. I'm a little over a year postpartum and l've been really unhappy with my energy levels and just how I feel overall while trying to keep up with my daughter. I aspire to be a more physically active and involved mom, and starting tirz was a big push to make that happen. :)
2.5mg from Emerge (Hallandale), split into two 1.25mg doses per week (Wednesdays and Sundays. Took a full 2.5mg dose exactly once, that first week, and had some intense and unsettling side effects (big increase in anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, wooziness, etc)). Splitting minimized those side effects but kept the food noise down consistently. Other side effects l've experienced include dry mouth and some fatigue in the day after injections. Zero Gl side effects at all, which I was pleasantly surprised by.
Overall, I've lost 15lbs in the first month (8% of my body weight) which is absolutely insane. I had no idea what kind of loss I should anticipate, especially at my height and starting weight, so this was a crazy drop. It's actually a little too fast for me, so l'm going to focus on actually eating more this next month and hopefully pump the brakes a bit on that rate of loss. Clothes are getting loose and baggy already. Sticking with 2.5mg because there's no reason to bump up for me quite yet.
I've kept my diet pretty strict and clean with a huge emphasis on protein. I've only eaten out twice this month. Cooked all my meals from scratch otherwise. Lots of chicken, fish, green veggies, some sweet potato, some rice, cooking everything in a small amount of olive oil or butter. Trying to keep it balanced with protein/carbs/fats. I had a huge sweet tooth before but I don't crave sweets at all anymore so I haven't really had anything like that. Zero alcohol, but I wasn’t a big drinker before either. I also haven’t had any sugary or fizzy drinks, simply because I don’t crave those anymore either. Just water and electrolytes.
Positive things l've noticed this month aside from the weight: I noticed a huge drop in inflammation almost right away! Things that kind of had a low grade ache that I never even really paid attention to suddenly don't hurt at all anymore. I've incorporated running again (something l used to love!) and I feel like I can actually run so much more because my body doesn't hurt anymore. Plantar fasciitis vanished. Shin splints aren't an issue anymore. No knee pain. Nothing! I feel physically SO good! Because of all this, I feel like I'm physically capable of so much more now! I now regularly run, weight lift, do yoga, and get in 10-15k steps per day now just because I feel like I have a ton of energy and I actually want to move more. I was always so physically tired that walking around the neighborhood with the baby would wipe me out, and now I want to do so much more than that. There's a bit of fatigue in the day after my injections, but otherwise it feels like there's a fire within me that's pushing me to do more more more.
Anyway, I know this journey is different for everyone, but I just wanted to give such a positive review for my first month! The compound is working insanely well for me and I can't wait to see what the next few months holds!
submitted by Weird_Tumbleweed_720 to compoundedtirzepatide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:50 polyplasticographics Is it possible I have some kind of hallucinatory disorder?

I'm just asking out of curiosity, and I'm positive I'm probably exaggerating and it's nothing out of the ordinary or medically significant, but, I was just watching a video and came a cross the subject of prosopometamorphosia, or "demon face syndrome", which sparked my interest immediately because of how bizarre that sounded and looked about it online and ended up reading some wikipedia articles whose subjects were other hallucinatory disorders, and kind of felt some similarities regarding several episodes in my life.
Night frights: This is not important now, but I just thought to share this episode in case someone sees a correlation to the following accounts. I remember when I was a child I would hallucinate stalking eyes in the wall bordering the window of my bedroom in the middle of the night, I don't remember whether I would find the experience terror inducing, but it must have been at least distressful as they wouldn't let me sleep, but that just happened sporadically, and stopped occurring growing up. I don't recall ever telling my parents, and on later analysis I just thought about it as just a case of an active imagination, being that I was a child and all.
Flashes of light: This started in my teens, and it still endures to this day, althought I never felt it called for alert, also it doesn't seem to have a uniform context in which it appears, as it happened in different situations. The first and most significant was during an afternoon when I was alone in my house, -now, it's important to mention I've dealt with chronic tooth aches during my whole life-, I wasn't having such pains at the time, but I suddenly felt tired which was weird as I had been sleeping regularly, but felt like taking a nap. During the middle of this nap, I woke up, and saw what appeared to be a very strong flash of light (like that of a flashlight) coming through the courtains; it was so strong it kind of hurt my eyes, and I shoved my face in the pillow. I looked again and the light wasn't there anymore but I was still upset about it, but tired at the same time, so I kept sleeping, and woke the next day with a terrible toothache, and I felt my vision kind of blurry, and to this day, my vision is not perfect (never checked with an ophtalmologist though, but I know I probably need glasses), but I'm not sure whether that day was the starting point of that, I just noticed it after that episode. Never had any other such weird episodes but whenever I go to sleep there's a chance I will see these strong lights through my eyelids, and sometimes they manifest in my imagination (while in bed with my eyelids closed), and in the latter case, I can make the manifestation last longer if I concentrate hard enough. Imagination or not, they hurt my eyes and makes it hard for me to fall asleep.
Face distortion: This may be the least important of these issues, but it's the most stressful for me, personally. I don't have hallucinations regarding people's faces, and I don't have trouble recognizing them or anything like that, but whenever I take a selfie I perceive the right side of my face to look completely asymmetric in relation to the left one. Now, I know faces are naturally asymmetric, but I feel in my case it is enough to be notorious and make me feel insecure about my aspect. I feel tempted to show a picture but I'd rather not doxx me or have people see my face as I mentioned it is a source of insecurity to me, but I've asked friends and they say they don't notice what I mention, but they're friends after all, so they may aswell be lying in order to not make me feel bad. This does not happen when I look at myself in the mirror.
What do you think? Sorry if there's something hard to understand, English is not my first language.
submitted by polyplasticographics to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:25 Bbbbbbbbbbtttt Bite off after cavity filling. Does pain go away after time?

Got a cavity filled 1.5 weeks ago. Relatively routine, except afterward had a gnarly canker sore at the injection site (top) and another one on toward the bottom jaw. Unfortunately I get them from time to time and they generally manifest in clusters like this. I mention this because I had a dull ache on the side of the cavity filling but the raging pain from the canker sores made it difficult to determine the source of the pain.
After a week of discomfort and nothing letting up, I decided to call and they said to come in. X rays looked good, they said, and the bite was “definitely off.” Made an adjustment that provided relief pretty quickly from the general dull ache.
But I’m still left with a tender pain when I use the tooth the chew. Could it be that the bite it still off? Will this pain go away if I just wait it out? I go to the dentist every 6 mo for my cleaning and I just hate the experience so much. 😔 if I can avoid them, I might consider waiting it out. But I don’t know what to expect here… Any insight?
submitted by Bbbbbbbbbbtttt to Dentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:55 Bbbbbbbbbbtttt Bite off after cavity filling. Will pain go away on its own ever?

Got a cavity filled 1.5 weeks ago. Relatively routine, except afterward had a gnarly canker sore at the injection site (top) and another one on toward the bottom jaw. Unfortunately I get them from time to time and they generally manifest in clusters like this. I mention this because I had a dull ache on the side of the cavity filling but the raging pain from the canker sores made it difficult to determine the source of the pain.
After a week of discomfort and nothing letting up, I decided to call and they said to come in. X rays looked good, they said, and the bite was “definitely off.” Made an adjustment that provided relief pretty quickly from the general dull ache.
But I’m still left with a tender pain when I use the tooth the chew. Could it be that the bite it still off? Will this pain go away if I just wait it out? I go to the dentist every 6 mo for my cleaning and I just hate the experience so much. 😔 if I can avoid them, I might consider waiting it out. But I don’t know what to expect here… Any insight?
Edit: just seeing the auto mod follow up: non smoker, very light drinker; ritualistic brushing and floss most days
submitted by Bbbbbbbbbbtttt to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 Money_Platform5770 Bite adjustment or root canal?

Hello! I've recently gotten a good bit of dental work done. About a month ago I got a filling on my bottom right molars with no issues, and then about two weeks ago I got a filling on the upper right (may 6).
So for the past week to week and a half, I've started to have pain. After a few days of this I called my dentist and they said they could get me in May 22nd. So I've been dealing with the pain until then.
The pain is happening in my upper tooth after I eat, and sometimes the lower tooth hurts as well but it's not as bad or as consistent. I would describe the pain as a dull ache. It's usually okay in the morning, then I eat lunch and it's a little sore, then I eat dinner and it aches until I take painkillers. As time goes on, the pain is getting slightly worse, and now painkillers aren't always effective at easing the pain.
It's not a pain that is stabbing, throbbing, worse at night/waking me up, etc. but it is getting more persistent the past couple of days.
At first I was pretty confident that I needed a bit adjustment, especially since the bottom tooth hadn't hurt at all until I got the top filling and the dentist didn't say that the top filling was deep (she's been good at communicating this kind of thing so far). But now as it's getting continuously worse, I'm getting so anxious that I'm going to need a root canal - or even two, since both teeth are hurting.
I know it's impossible to know until I go in for my appointment, but I would like to know what I'm likely dealing with because it's been worrying me a lot. Is this a typical issue if I need a bite adjustment? Or does the level of pain sound like it's leaning towards root canal?
submitted by Money_Platform5770 to askadentist [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:16 Fah84 anesthesia failed for pulpotomy wisdom tooth

hi there, male 40 here, i have had a rough years with tooth problem, in last 16 years i had 5 root canals, one implant, and two wisdom tooth extracted and all in the upper jaw, now my lower jaw wisdom tooth on left side turned all of a sudden into a monster size, and was paining like helll, i went to dentist who gave me not one but 3 injections of local anethesia , and the moment he took his instruments into my mouth i felt instant pain i swear it wasnt pressure, it was a real pain, so i kept complaining so he was like lets do pulpotomy and you will surely have a relief, i didnt know what to say but sound better than extraction, but even that was so painful when he cut the tooth and cut the nerve it was the worst pain of my life i kept yelling, but he drifted it all of a sudden with a sharp speed and that was the pain still imprinted on my brain, anyways i got home and now i am in severe depression as why local anethesia didnt work? why i couldnt get it extracted , i am so anxious that i am looking for full general anethesia for extraction now, lately i had severe depression and anxiety issues, but this pain made me so scared that i felt in severe depression, been 4 days but i am still feeling dull ache and painful waves but the pain is down to 80% from before the pulpotomy , though the dentist told me that and shown me a huge bended needle which he inserted in my gum but i didnt feel it yet when he was working i kept getting severe pain, what do i have to do now please help anyone need advice? i heard some people die under general anesthesia but i am willing to take that risk now ! as this pain destroyed my life !
submitted by Fah84 to Anesthesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:50 mad-throwaway Cat eating food normally but suddenly stopped having water.

Hello All,
My sister's 3.5 yrs old mixed breed persian cat has suddenly stopped drinking water. She is eating dry food normally, wet food as well, but she turns her face away from water. We have also had a water fountain/dispenser for her and she has been using it for a year now. My dad usually washes it, cleans or replaces the filters as necessary. Now she isn't drinking from it. So we gave her water in a bowl, in spoons, changed water brands, put water flowing music and videos on tv, tried flowing water around her, tried almost every trick in the book. We took her to the vet and everything is normal, except slightly high creatine (because she is dehydrated). and very slight gingivitis in her teeth (but not enough for her to go to a dentist). The vet is clueless too . My mom even cooked a boned chicken piece in water (no salt or any other spice) and tried to feed her the broth but nope. Right now my mom is force feeding her water through a syringe without the needle (like a plunger) but it is very difficult and she scratches her.
Thing is our cat is very close to my sister. She adopted her when she was only 6 months old, and was adopted and given away multiple times by others before that. Now my sister is away for a month for some college thing and we are worried there is some form of separation anxiety. But she as in the cat is still having and even demanding food. Worst of all, my parents will leave at the end of next week for a 4-5 day trip for a wedding and I was supposed to house sit her. I m very friendly and good with her, but I m not a permanent member here, so I m not as comfortable with her as my mom or my sis. Like when force feeding her water or tonic she scratches and my instincts make me give up on her. Plus it is literally a 2 person job. If this continues my mum might have to stay back and miss the wedding.
And of course we can't keep force feeding her water for the whole month until my sister comes back.
Any idea what we can do?
Summary: cat eats food, plays, shows almost all normal behavior except she is refusing all types of water. Either she has an undetected medical issue or she has separation anxiety from my sis and is being stubborn. Please advice. Also we ll go to another vet for 2nd opinion. The first vet has just given her painkillers for now for possible tooth ache.
Edit: We are experiencing record breaking high summer temperatures in India, that should encourage to drink even more water right?
We do switch on Air conditioning a few times for her, but most of the times it is just too hot. So even more perplexing why she would stop water.
submitted by mad-throwaway to cats [link] [comments]
