Pics of inca symbols

Mud Runs, Adventure Races, Tough Guy Obstacle Courses and the like

2010.07.29 03:17 MrLister Mud Runs, Adventure Races, Tough Guy Obstacle Courses and the like


2024.05.21 05:43 ApricotPast3478 PC running windows 11 freezing during boot up

PC running windows 11 freezing during boot up
For a while now, my PC has sometimes frozen during boot-up for windows 11 (see pics). It’s always on the loading symbol or the "Preparing Automatic Repair" screen. Usually, I would just restart it, and after 1 or 2 tries, it would boot up and work with no issues.
Then, about 2 days ago, I tried to play Overwatch (which I had no issues with the day before), and my game crashed, mentioning an issue about graphics card drivers. So, I updated my drivers through GeForce Experience and tried to get back on. This time, it crashed my whole PC. After that, I tried to get back into Windows, but it wouldn’t let me, except for a handful of times before crashing again.
After turning it off a few times, I made it to the Windows repair screen and chose "Reinstall Windows but keep personal files." After that didn’t work, I did it again and chose "Delete personal files." Then it froze while reinstalling Windows, so I turned it off and on again. It ended up taking me to Windows before crashing more. Then, I couldn’t even get into Windows, and every time I turned it on, I got a blue screen or the frozen spinning circle.
I got into the BIOS and tried to do a new Windows install with a USB, but I couldn’t get past the frozen loading screen. Then, I factory reset the motherboard using JBAT1. After doing that, I finally got into Windows on the first try, and everything seemed normal.
I then ran a memory scan, and the PC restarted to do it. It got to about 7 percent done and froze, so I had to turn it off and on again. Now, it’s freezing on the same screens again. Before it froze on the test, it had a note saying something along the lines of problem detected, contact manufacturer.
Does anyone know how to fix this or what could be wrong?
submitted by ApricotPast3478 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:47 MrMopp8 David Schneider Answers Questions about Raising Human Kids.

Sort of a reference to this
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Hey all! Welcome to the Tellus Child Services Q&A thread. If you got any questions about raising and/or caring for human children, ask away below or PM me directly. Your email address will not be publicly displayed and we will be discrete about your personal info, but we would appreciate if you would give your species so we can have some context to answer your questions with. Unless you chose otherwise, your species will be public and represented by an initial at the side of your user tag.
Please note that racist commentary will not be tolerated and will be taken down. I know there’s some hard feelings going on out there, but leave our kids out of it.
David Schneider, Head of Tellus’s Department of Child Services.
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What Species are you? - [ ] Smigli - [ ] Krev - [ ] Resket - [ ] Jaslip - [ ] Trombil - [ ] Ulchid
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User Name: —————————— GUEST ——————————-
Email —————————————-
COMMENT ———————————————————————————
SCALEOF1210 (K): What kinda of toys do human pups like?
DAVID: I dunno, what kinda toys do Krev pups like?
SCALEOF1210 (K): Oh.
DAVID: It’s alright. Just try to think through that lens and you’ll do fine.
GUEST (S): Why is being without your “clothes” so embarrassing? Is it religious?
DAVID: Not exactly. It started out as a way to stay warm when we migrated out jungles and savanna’s, but the side effect was that it made the absence of coverings a) feel insecure, and b) an open floodgate of carnal attraction. So actually, to answer your question, we’re covering our reproductive organs. It’s a modesty thing. The practice got applied to the kids anyway.
GUEST (S): Female humans have sex organs on their chests?
DAVID: No. but female mammaries become more pronounced as they mature and tend to draw male sexual attention.
GUEST (S): Whyyyyyyyy?
DAVID: Simply put: they remind us of mom.
GUEST (S): Ahhhhhhh!
DAVID: I was really trying to avoid spelling that out, y’know?
GUEST (S): Hey man, I don’t have have feet. Why would I care about tiptoeing?
DAVID: Huh. You know, I really think I’m learning a lot about Smiglis.
GUEST (S): Hey! Good for you! 🎉
GUEST (R): What’s wrong with regurgitation feeding? It helps with digestion.
DAVID: Maybe for avians, but It’s not sanitary for humans. We have a different digestion/immune setup. And no offense, It’s also just really, really gross to us.
GUEST (K): How do you hold a human pup?
DAVID: For Krev, cradle them in the your arm and be sure to support their head. That’s important because it’s too heavy for them to hold up by themselves. Again, no tail rides until they’re at least two years old.
SNOWFLOWER333 (J): Do humans kits really need to nurse well into adolescence? I don’t think I can keep it up for that long….
DAVID: Hang on, are you saying you’ve been NURSING one of your charges?
SNOWFLOWER333 (J): Right along side my own. I know Tommy’s not a jaslip and that it’s not human milk, but I figure it’s still better for him than formula. Should I not?
DAVID: Uhhhh… dunno. I’m gonna discuss this with my colleagues. In the meantime, stick to the formula we sent.
SNOWFLOWER333 (J): Alright, David. Though, about that first question….
DAVID: Long story short: we’d harvest milk from domestic bovines as a culinary ingredient and breakfast time staple, but breast feeding stops with infancy. You wouldn’t be sucking a teenager.
SNOWFLOWER333 (J): 😅oh good!
DAVID: Would be a little awkward, huh?
SNOWFLOWER333 (J):🤣A little.
GUEST (U): How do you hold a human pup?
DAVID: Cradled in your…. flipper. I guess. Just keep their head supported, it too heavy for them to hold up. You can also hold them to your chest with their head resting over your shoulder.
GUEST (U): We don’t really have shoulders.
DAVID: Nnnnnevermind then.
OBORSHINE (K): Is it okay to post my human child on the Internet?
DAVID: I suppose, but try not to embarrass him. OBORSHINE (K): 😜Aww but I’m a mom! Embarrassing him is my job! DAVID: In that case, we’ll send you his baby pics. 
OBORSHINE (K): Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss.
CALLMESPEED (T) Is it okay to give my child cybernetic implants to cure conditions?
DAVID: That will depend on what condition we’re talking about, but yes, probably. Be sure that they are approved by a human doctor, though.
GUEST (S): "Why do you have so many wiggly bits!"
DAVID: Erm, wiggly bits?
GUEST (S): “Yeah! With all the toesy toes and fingery things”
DAVID: Oh! Um, well other race have them too, but I guess ours ARE quite long and nimble. Well, we specialized pretty early on in tool manipulation, soooooooo.
GUEST (S): Raaaaaaaad!
DAVID: Happy to impress. I guess?
GUEST (J): How do you hold a human Kit?
DAVID: I wouldn’t know how to hold anything with a prehensile tail, you’re the experts there. But however you do it, be sure that you support the kids head. A human infants head is too heavy for them to hold up by themselves.
CALLMESPEED (T): Damn Schieder, always forcing us to cope with the weaknesses of the flesh, and denying us the certainty of steel.
DAVID: Ah, hello Malcom. Does Speed know you’ve hacked his account?
DAVID: Look, that’s not solely my decision kiddo. We put it to a vote. Maybe things will change in the future, but in the meantime, just wait till you’re 18 before you chop your limbs off. You can probably still get an implant, though.”
SHOPCLASSREJECT (S): Yeesh, David! How can my kid hit me with a ball from across the room?
DAVID: 😁Talent, my friend. Did you know that humans are being trained as grenadiers in the Consortium army? We have excellent throwing arms. Oh! Uh, you weren’t hurt though, were you?
SHOPCLASSREJECT (S): Eh, A little. My cheek is swollen, but it’s not like I had any bones or teeth to break.. I was mostly just surprised at how fast it came at me.
DAVID: Sorry Shopclass, He should have known better, but it’s a pretty common childhood offense for humans.
SHOPCLASSREJECT (S): Got a new rule, though: no throwing things in the house.
DAVID: Sounds like a good rule.
MRS.DOGGY (J): Hey, just got home with my kids and when I was helping Heather remove her foot coverings….. having 5 hind toes is normal for humans, correct? I just want to make sure.
DAVID: 😁 Correct. And we don’t have dewclaws either. MRS.DOGGY (J): Oh good! MRS.DOGGY (J): Erm , that it’s normal, I mean. 
DAVID: Im sorry sir, I don’t know, but I’m sure it was anything against your character. Given our situation and our unfamiliarity with non-humans, we are being excessively cautious with our young and more than 75 percent of applicants were turned down as a result. Perhaps you can try again in a year or two when humanity is a little more accustomed to other sapient species. Please forgive us.
BUNCHBERRIES (K): So I noticed one of my female charges has enlarged mammories. Does that mean she secretly has children?
DAVID: No. It’s means she’s a teenager.
DAVID: That’s a normal development.
BUNCHBERRIES (K): 😮‍💨 Oh, thank you .
GUEST (R): How do you hold a human hatchling?
DAVID: Cradled in your wing-thing. Just keep their head supported, it too heavy for them to hold up themselves.
GUEST (S): How would one hold a human hatchling?
DAVID: cradled in your…. noodley appendage. Support their head.
GUEST (K): Me and my wife would like to foster, but- forgive me for asking- can we expect dung throwing to be a problem?
DAVID: 🤣HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nah. I understand why you’re asking, but we’re higher evolved than that.
GUEST (K): Can I have one?
DAVID: You can apply to adopt or foster a child, but that’s no guarantee. We are VERY discriminate about applicants, especially nonhuman ones. Before you put pen to paper, I would consider very carefully whether it’s a child you’re looking for or a pet.
GUEST (K): What’s a pen?
DAVID: Ah, the times we live in…
NANNYBIRD35 (R): Jackie has accurately described me as a “Big Bird”, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why he sings a song asking how to get to a place called Sess-Me Street every other time he sees me. Was there something special about that place? What does it have to do with ME?
DAVID: Ok, that’s funny! He thinks you’re a character named Big Bird from a children’s show called Sesame Street [Video link]. Btw, let me know if she ever calls a Krev “Oscar”. I’m gonna laugh.
MRS.DOGGY (J): What is a “doggie” anyway, and why do my kids call me that?
DAVID: I was WONDERING when that would come up. I didn’t think it would be useful to explain before, but we had these domestic canines back home called Dogs and you kinda resemble one. They were intelligent, trusty, loyal creatures that helped us hunt, herd livestock, guard our turf, and and were beloved members of our families. None of the kids have met a dog in the flesh, but they’ve been lionized in books and cartoons and your resemblance to them is strong enough to trigger an instinctive adoration we had towards them.
MRS.DOGGY (J): They…. think I’m a pet? Like with you and the Krev?
DAVID: Hey, if they haven’t told you to ”Sit” or “Roll over” I think you’re good. But the point is, the kids trust you implicitly, and when you’ve suddenly been thrown to aliens after living in a hole all your life, having a comforting face to keep you stable counts for a lot.
MRS.DOGGY (J): Oh! 😊Well, I think I can live with that.
OBORSHINE (K): How do I take care of Samsons head fur? It’s getting so long and tangled!
DAVID: Oh right. Only jaslips need to brush. We’ll send you a proper hair brush. In the meantime. Get a jaslip brush- one with wide bristle spacing- and gently comb the knots out, starting from the bottom and slowly working your way up. We can also try to get you in contact with a human who has experience cutting hair.
TEACUPGUY (K): Dang, I had no idea human fur would get longer. How much longer does it get?
DAVID: Down to their hips or farther. Doesn’t really stop. You’ll either want to get it trimmed or let grow so you can tie it up behind their heads.
GUEST (T): How do you hold a human hatchling?
DAVID: Cradled comfortably in whichever bionic limb is not capable of crushing a car. Make sure to keep their head supported. They don’t have the neck muscles to hold it up
GUEST (T): 😊 Oh that’s fixable.
DAVID: Thanks but NO.
BUNCHABERRIES (K): David! Jeremy’s caught the MONKEY POX!
DAVID: … The what?
BUNCHABERRIES (K): What do I do?! He’s been getting worse and worse all week!
DAVID: Stay cam Berries, What are the symptoms?
BUNCHABERRIES (K): He’s broken out in purple spots! And he’s aslo listless. Stomach ach. Head ach. Poor boy can’t even get out of bed! He just sits there and groans and today he asked if I was an “angel” I’m at wits end!
DAVID: Ah. THAT monkey pox. School’s in session, right?
BUNCHABERRIES (K): Is that really relevant?!
DAVID: Just trust me. Check his backpack. Is there a pen or marker that is the EXACT same color as the spots?
DAVID: Take it and draw a little dot next to the ones on his skin. Make it roughly the same size.
DAVID: My work here is done.
HAPPYHATCHLINGS: David, this is Tisa at Happy Hatchlings Early Learning School. We’ve noticed that our human students can’t seem to get comfortable in their napping nests and keep hanging their feet over the edges. It’s like they can’t curl up!
DAVID: They can’t. Not long term, anyway, and not as tightly as other Consiortium races. You’re going to need longer, flatter beds that they can stretch out on and keep their spines relatively straight. We’ll be sure to send you some cots.
DADJOKE (K): 😉 Thanks for the sponges, but I think my wife’s got bathtime covered.
[Folder Attachments: 7 photos ]
[Pic 1: A shot of two shirtless human boys [ages 5 and 6] in makeshift “war paint” running screaming past the camera as a jaslip with a wild grin skids around the corner after them.]
[Pic 2: The victorious jaslip sits on her haunches with one of the boy hopelessly tangled in her tails and the other grappled between her forelegs. The latter is getting her full professional attention as she licks the warpaint off his face, ignoring his cries of disgust and attempts to wiggle free.]
[Pic 3: Said boy apparently opened his mouth at an inopportune moment and is now spitting and sputtering while Mama Jaslip laughs herself to tears.]
[Pic 4: One of the boys laughing hysterically as the jaslip pins him down across her forelegs and licks his belly.]
[Pic 5: a close up on one boy getting his hair worked on, wincing uncomfortably as Mama Jaslip get a blunt claw in his eyebrow while maneuvering his head this way and that for the right grooming angle.]
[Pic 6: Arm around the boys shoulder, Mama proudly presents her work to the camera; one mostly warpaint free human with a complimentary cowlick. The lock of hair is stuck straight up, stiff with spit, like an alfalfa leaf. Mama is winking at the camera and doing her best thumbs-up while the boy is shooting a disgruntled side eye at his brother who is laughing at the abominable hairdo.]
[Pic 7: Mama has one of the boys lying on his stomach while she leisurely grooming his back. He’s resting his chin on his arms, looking sleepy. His brother, nestled among Mama’s tails in the back ground, is yawning. Mama kinda looks tired herself.]
[Pic 8: All three of them are asleep. Mama seems to have nodded off on top of the boy she was cleaning, her head draped across his back. The other is lying against her side, his head barely visible above the nest of tails blanketing him].
DADJOKE (K): The kids have started calling her “The Kissy Monster” when she gets like this.
DAVID: Oh my gosh! This is so freaking cute! Do have them use the sponges, though. Tongue bathing isn’t really doable for longterm human hygiene.
DADJOKE (K): 😊Glad you liked it. But yeah, I get it. Most consortium races aren’t keen on the slobber fest either.
CRAZYTAILS (J): 😏Funny, YOU didn’t seem to mind the other night.
CRAZYTAILS (J):😏 You forgot this was a joint account, didn’t you?
DADJOKE (K): Just wasn’t expecting you to be logged in right now. Hi sweetheart.
CRAZYTAILS (J): 😊Hey scalyboi.
DAVID: Um, hey, before you two keep flirting dirty, what was it the boys were marked with?
CRAZYTAILS (J): Hm? Oh, just washable marker. They were playing “Viking Warriors” or something, running around, slaying monsters, ambushing DadJoke in his den, and beating each other silly with pool noodles for a two hour straight. That until I, the dreaded Kissy Monster, vanquished them both and subjected them to bath and bedtime! Muahaha!
DADJOKE (K): As for what you really wanted to know, she didn’t suffer from licking the stuff. The markers are made with Jaslip kits in mind, so they needed to be nontoxic and tasteless in case they or their parents have to clean up some body doodling.
CRAZYTAILS (J): same with Jaslip cosmetics, btw. Some are even flavored. Makes cleaning up after dates pretty fun, right Daddy?
DADJOKE (K): Fluffykins, if I say I’ll be leaving the office in half an hour, will you stop embarrassing me on a public forum?
CRAZYTAILS (J): 🥰I’ll be waiting with the candles.
GUEST (K): Is it ok to pet humans pups?
DAVID: Lemme put it this way; what do you call a Krev who goes around petting Krev children?
GUEST (K): Creepy?
DAVID: 👉Bingo.
GUEST (K): Huh? What’s that mean?
DAVID: It means yes, petting kids is creepy.
DR.WORM (guess): Hey, what’s an appropriate amount of holopad time for the kids, 10 hours or 12?
DAVID: Doc- First of all; not a real doctor, i presume?
DR.WORM (S): Sure ain’t!
DAVID: 😉👉👉But you ARE a real worm?
DR.WORM (S): YES! I KNEW I picked the right pop culture reference!
DAVID: 👍👏🏻Sure did. Sure did.
DAVID: Sooooo let’s talk screen time.
DR.WORM (S): Yeeeeeaaaaah aright, I was kiiiiinda guessing 10 was a too much. Is 8 right?
DAVID: Try two.
DR.WORM (S): TWO?!?!
DAVID: Yup, yup, yup.
DAVID: You open sometime this week, Doc? We’re gonna help you out.
GUEST (R): You let jaslip take care of your hatchlings? Are you crazy?! [COMMENT DELETED]
CRAZYTAILS (J): What IS a wolf? The boys Insisted I be one in one of their games.
DAVID: This guy [attachment]
CRAZYTAILS (J): Woah. Now THAT’s a handsome face.
DADJOKE (K): Eh-hem.
CRAZYTAILS (J): Well, not handsomer than my husband’s.
CRAZYTAILS (J): Is growing long head-fur some sort of defense mechanism against grooming? Because it’s starting to work. Hard to get the stringy stuff off my tongue. Bleugh.
DAVID: heh. Sounds like the boys need a haircut. Swing by Tellus, we got some barbers that can shape em up.
DAVID: Or just let them grow it out until they can tie it behind their heads
CRAZYTAILS (J): The latter sounds like less trouble honestly.
BETWEENBILLOWS (U): Should I be concerned that Maria has a figurine of a dead human nailed to a T on a necklace? It’s kinda morbid.
DAVID: Believe it or not, that’s a religious symbol. Did she not tell you about it?
BETWEENBILLOWS (U): David, she barely talks to us at all. It’s been three weeks and she hardly leaves her room.
DAVID: Hmm... Well THAT might be cause for concern. Let’s talk over PM.

A shoutout and apology basket to u/kabhes and u/HeadWood_ who’s suggested questions I kinda stole. There were several others that I wanted to feature but couldn’t figure out how to work with.
submitted by MrMopp8 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:42 Broad_Values Teddy Fresh is FREAKING PEOPLE OUT

Not the spiral 😭
submitted by Broad_Values to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:32 beardpudding Is Reddit listening to me and using that info to serve relevant content (not ads)?

For a while now, I’ve been experiencing this where I talk about something with someone in person, and then later I see a post on Reddit about that exact thing, or something similar. I understand about ads, and basically get how that works, but these aren’t ads. They are seemingly organic content, but it matches something so obscure, that it’s got me wondering what even is going on.
It got to the point where I started “documenting” it in a note. This is not an exhaustive list, but should give an idea of what I am talking about.
submitted by beardpudding to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:22 mrpickle123 Folding Origami Crane garlands to sell for Pride month, 100% of the price goes to the Trevor Project. Any ideas for fairs or other avenues that would be a good way to display/advertise these?

Folding Origami Crane garlands to sell for Pride month, 100% of the price goes to the Trevor Project. Any ideas for fairs or other avenues that would be a good way to display/advertise these?
I decided this year it would be cool to fundraise a bit for this charity, which aims to prevent teen suicide among the LGBTQ community, during pride month. I'm shooting for a full senbazuru (1000) cranes as popularized in Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, which revolves around the tragic death of a young Japanese girl exposed to nuclear fallout as her sister struggles to fold 1000 in time, which is said to grant a wish to the folder. A senbazuru symbolizes recovery and good fortune, and that is exactly what I'd wish for any young person struggling to understand themselves and feeling like they're out of options. They take a long time to properly (neatly) fold and look nice at the end. I've just finished 500 based and will have 500 more done and ready for june.
Thing is, I'm not really sure where the best place to display them would be. I have at least listed them on Facebook marketplace. I'm not very tapped in to community events, but I would like to try... if I sell just 14 garlands the garlands I have made so far I could raise $420 just off that using my employer matching, which compensates 1:1 any charity donation I make. For complete transparency, I do keep 15 for the materials and labor, the matching program means all 30 still goes to the Trevor Project. Here's some pics, right now I'm shooting for 30 a pop, but still feeling that out, I'd normally aim for like 20 but I want to raise as much as possible. Any suggestions are appreciated! Attached are some photos, I have all sorts of different designs I'm using, it's been really fun! I've been (casually) doing origami for 20+ years, they're pretty clean imo 😊
Obviously if anyone wants me hmu but I'm legit mostly here for advice I swear lol
submitted by mrpickle123 to SLO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:39 Robotech_Mech_Lit ROBOTECH NOVELS EPIGRAPH

The Southlands figure heavily with splinter groups with the Army of the Southern Cross left in shambles.
And with that...more stories tobe told ...
The Southlands' penchant for tribalism was undoubtedly a legacy of the continent's indigenous peoples: the Inca, the Chibcha, the Moche, the Mapuche, and the countless peoples who inhabited the vast rain forests of the interior. Commentators are quick to assign tribal or cult status to the Church of Recurrent Tragedies, HEARTH, and the Starchildren, but neglect to include the bands of Zentraedi that flourished during the Malcontent Uprisings—the Shroud, the Burrowers, Khyron's Fist, and, of course, the Scavengers—or the scores of "indy" battalions that came into being in the wake of the mass desertions following the Second Robotech War: the Stonemen, the Altiplano Five Hundred, the Pantanal Brigade, and others. Under the heading of Southland factions, one could even, I suppose, include Anatole Leonard's Army of the Southern Cross.
Major Alice Harper Argus (ret.), Fulcrum: Commentaries on the Second Robotech War
**Some context on the symbolisms....ASC is from the SMG ROBOTECH RPG...Khyron's Fist, the Stonemen, Altiplano Five Hundred and Starchildren were logos created manually. **
submitted by Robotech_Mech_Lit to robotech [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:17 TytheDarkLord [TOMT][song] untitled vocaloid song

This may be a bit difficult, since there is no name or producer, but about maybe late 2023 there was a song uploaded to youtube with no title and a single symbol as the users name, I have a pic of the thumbnail here If it doesn’t work, the thumbnail is an image of miku in front of a glowing white background, one of her eyes are glowing red and there seems to be black branches or cracks coming from the red eye. As for the song, it was in japanese, so I can’t give any lyrics besides parts where she would end every line with “sa”, she also had parts where she would have some melodic shriek/scream? The voice would get really shrill.
submitted by TytheDarkLord to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:42 BootJustice Skrewdriver sucked? A guide

Well, talking about oi! means talking about SD, a band that, like it or no, was hugely influential on our scene. I gotta say i never dug into them, and I don't get a good number of their lyrics (since i'm not a native speaker), but lately I wanted to explore them a little bit more to understand WHY they got so big to the point you can see people (latinos, poc and so on) in the pics of late 80s and 90s with shirts of the band. A point where it seems they became almost the symbol of skinhead music. So I started listening to all their main discography and writing about it, mainly for myself. Then i figured that someone could be interested in this (or not, who knows?) This is the review (with some suggestions here and there) of the first two releases after the reunion. If the community will appreciate i'll post the others, in a serios of two-by-two. PS: just to clarify. I don't understand a lot of the lyrics and, anyway, I'm not a neonazi, a right wing sympatizer and even an apolitical skinhead. So I won't tak about the nature of ISD rantings about nations and so on because i think they speak for themselves.
Hail the new dawn (1984): Talking about “HTND” means talking about a milestone in skinhead music. The bands that took inspiration by this slab of vinyl are countless and from both side of the fence. In fact you can recognize the ideas that you can find here in a lot of different records. The artwork is solid, simple but epic, so a good starting point. It was made by Nicky Crane, the guy on the cover of “Strength thru oi!”, leader of Skrewdriver security, big man in the neo-nazi British movement and, as it came out in the 90s, closeted homosexual.
What about the music? Well the production is not the best: the second guitar is really weak and the bass just disappears. The voice/main guitar rules over everything as much as the drums. Not the best, even worst considering that the drums playing is really amateurish: on time but nothing more. But ok, we’re talking about punk so we are used to way worst stuff. Behind the mixing desk you can find Mark Sutherland, that will play as the band drummer from 1984 to 1987 (it doesn’t seem a lot but the band became famous for their tendency to change a lot of members - in fact you won’t find two release with the same line up playing on them) and will be a producer for a number of RAC release of the time.
The songs are a good mix of rock n’ roll and punk with a melodic touch especially in the bridge parts and some choruses. Not a bad solution but ISD voice it’s not the best option for doing this kind of vocal chores so it sounds forced when he tries to wander in different musical fields. Don’t believe me? See it for yourself and check the melodic section in “Skrew you”, when in the middle of a rather loaded up song ISD switch to what seems a caricature of a professional singer trying to sound melodic and, well, the result is a big NO.
The album starts strong and goes on like that from song 1, the title track, to song 7”, “If there’s a riot”. It’s a bunch of nice, simple, straight forward songs with really chantable chorus, easy structure, everything you need to do a good punk/oi! release. If you don’t consider the lyrics (like me, since I don’t get a lot of the words they sing) it’s good: it’s different from the classic stuff you can hear from that years. It’s clear that the band listened to a lot of different stuff and they wanted to make an album that sounded original and personal, and well I think they got their trademark on this.
The middle tends to be kind of a pond, I mean, here you find the weaker songs of the LP, the more “rockish” on the menu, where the band lacks the technique to do what they should do to put on solid tracks. This will be a standard issue for the band, as we will see: they wanna do stuff they are not able to do.
The last song is a semi-ballad: almost 6 minutes of a slow rock cavalcade that reminds of the 70s classic rock act (Creedence Clearwater Revival, maybe?). The problem is that this stuff sucks. It’s boring, mediocre at best and not interesting at all. The song just goes on and on, without a point.
So, is “HTND” a good album? The first half is solid: melodic stuff that’s able to to bite, rock n roll influences here and there that allowed the band to differentiate themselves from the others. The second half gets worst step by step, like the band have ended ideas and energy and just wanted to come to an end, filling the tracklist, no matter what. There are some good songs on this side too but all the best stuff is from 1 to 7.
Blood & honour (1985): Ok, another legendary LP by the band. If you look up on the web you will find a ton of bands that will praise this record, and not just nazi bands but, especially in the 80s it seems this was really widely appreciated even if now seems to be a little bit out of trend. Ok, that said let’s take a look at the record itself.
The artwork is way weaker than the previous one: a little bit amateurish but I think that this was ISD taste since a lot of the band’s release will have this kind of aesthetic. The fact that Crane made this too is strange since the style is so different. The line up is changed, now you got Paul Swain (formerly of the 4 Skins) on guitar and Stiv Iena (formerly of Italian oi! godfathers Nabat) as a session man for bass. We got a pretty strong line-up, all the band members are now more mature and oi!/punk itself is more mature, so the audience is ready for something heavy and cool and well done, right? Well, this album sucks. God, it sucks. The production is terrible: the main voice and the guitar are all over the place, you can barely hear the drums (but maybe it’s for better since it seems they took the first person they find outside the studio to play it - in fact is still the infamous Mark Sutherland), the second guitar is weak and the bass is non-existent. I mean, it would be bad even if this was like a solo work from a guitar genius, like a shredder that wants everyone to listen to his talent, but that’s not the case. Everything here sounds rusty and not very well-done, and the mix doesn’t help at all putting in your ear a ton of mediocre guitar playing and a voice that sounds a lot like forced growling in order to sound “heavier”. Let’s keep in mind it was 1985, not 1980 anymore and we’re talking about a band that was around since 1976 (even with a hiatus between ‘79 and ‘82). This is almost cringe low level quality, the kind of stuff you could expect from a teenagers band not from an established act.
It starts with the titletrack that is slow, sluggish, and boring. It’s clear that they wanted it to sound like an epic manifesto with a touch of heavy metal vibes but like this it sounds like ISD is just rehearsing in his own private room to head how it sounds. If this is the final version, Houston we have a problem.
The tracks that follow are punk-rock stuff in the vein of the Ramones, nothing really good but I get why they are here: the LP is full of slow, wanna-be epic songs, so they gotta put something faster here and there to avoid killing the listener. Some of them are even good, like “One fine day” recalls their earlier stuff and it’s pretty solid. That’s because of something strange: if you put on the album and listen it song after song, you will notice that the mix slightly changes after “Prison of peace”, when it comes to “Poland” (that is another slow, terrible song): from this point onward the sound gets inexplicably better. You can actually hear the bass and the drums and the main guitar get lowered a little bit so it’s all balanced. Not the best but anyway better than the opening.
Another problem with the LP is the number of ballads. WTF is happening here? I mean ok, we all know ISD was a 70s rock huge fan but why trying to replicate it? Yeah, i understand that if you wanna be convincing and emotive and passionate, a ballad is a way easier path to follow than an oi! song but it’s not always a good idea. Especially if your voice sounds always a little bit stretched with that constant growling and the music is just bland. Heilton John, maybe?
So: final opinion? Meh. I don’t get this album. I get that they tried to put on a “ground-breaking”, political mix of epicness and street attitude but I think they fall way behind their goal. The punk rock songs are decent at best but way inferior to the stuff you can find on “All skrewed up” and even “HTND” and the more “evocative” ones are usually just boring. It all sounds a little bit rusty. I checked the lyrics (since i don’t get a lot of words) and they are not that deep - in case someone would say “yeah, music is flat but concepts are deep”, well, that’s not the case. You can hear some 70s rock and heavy metal influences here and there but they are usually mediocre.
submitted by BootJustice to Skinhead [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:10 psychso86 Update 2 on the Jim Crow swastika pillow

Update 2 on the Jim Crow swastika pillow
She’s doubling down on the innocent angle (despite her own account handle being a dogwhistle as has been thoroughly discussed in the previous two threads.) Personally I find it very interesting she didn’t include a pic of the pillow in her post. Almost like she intended to be a vile racist and knew exactly what she was doing 🤔🤔🤔 (for the uninitiated, I’ve once again included a pic of said pillow)
Also as someone who grew up in CT, idk what the hell she’s on about with crows being special folk symbols. There’s twee bird tat all over New England of all different species. A crow is no more special than a cardinal, unless of course you yearn for “the land of cotton” Miss “Not Forgotten”
submitted by psychso86 to craftsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:13 kgindahouse [US,US][H]Slabs! gold star, shadowless, vintage ex’s, full art trainers, tons of goodies! [W] PayPal, high end trades

Huge sale post! Tons of Slabs! some from my recent psa sub and raw Vintage ex’s
Add 5$ for shipping BMWT
Wants: PayPal Vintage ex’s psa 9 Gold stars Crystals High end
Let me know if you want additional pics of anything or have questions
Vintage Slabs
Full art trainer Slabs
Misc slabs
Vintage ex’s
Open to offers, trades:
Trainers * Jasmine full art psa 10 - 175 * reds challenge psa 9 - 70 * Kahili psa 9 - 50
Vintage ex’s * rayquaza ex - 150 (SOLD) * entire ex - 100 (SOLD)
submitted by kgindahouse to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:48 tngpq [US-NC][H] Iron 165 Midnight Teal, Lin Dolphin 60 WKL, Hammerworks CRP R5, ePBT 6085, KAT Oasis/Space Cadet/Refined, GMK Sets (Nautilus 2, 80082, Dots, Muted, Stargaze, Space Cadet, Serika 2, Norse, Seafarer, Pacific, Metropolis), RAMA Artisans, Percent Skog reboot PCB, Savage PCB [W] Paypal

Pics (GMK Sets)
Pics (Other keycaps)
Pics (RAMA Artisans)
Decreased price to let these go.
I am not interested in any trade. Bundle deals will get discounts, so please ask.
Price includes shipping within contiguous United States. If you are outside of CONUS, feel free to ask for the added shipping cost. I will adjust shipping cost for combined purchases.
Keyboard kits will not be splitted. Selling as a whole package only.
Keycaps are all sealed unless stated otherwise. Artisans are all unused.
Not splitting kits: if you want the base you have to take the child kits. If you want a child kit only, you have to take the base and other childs together.

Item Description Price
Iron 165 R2 Midnight Teal (pics) Brand new unbuilt kit. 2 solder PCBs, 1 CF 7u plate, 1 alu 7u plate, extra gaskets. Alu weight and badge. $400
Linworks Dolphin 60 WKL Burgundy (pics) Brand new unbuilt kit. 4 plates (1 alu, 1 pom, 1 pc, 1 fr4), 2 PCBs (1 1.6T solder, 1 1.2T hotswap), some foams, and extra weight. Very nice carrying case included. $620 (bulky shipping due to carrying case)

GMK Sets
Item Description Price (shipped within CONUS)
GMK 80082 BL00 BL00 base, BL00 aesthetic (spacebar) $105
GMK Dots R2 White Light base, Light spacebars $140
GMK Muted 2 Base, extension, cyan & purple accents $190
GMK Stargaze Base, spacebars, alt alpha $240
GMK Nautilus 2 Base, explorer $220
GMK Space Cadet R2 Classic base, icon, symbol $210
GMK Serika 2 Hiragana core (base), macro extension, spacebars$185GMK NorseStandard (base), aesthetic (spacebars) $140
GMK Seafarer Captain (base), Sailor (spacebars) $150
GMK Pacific Fuselage (base), Wings (spacebars) $130
GMK Metropolis R2 Base, Blocks (spacebars), Signs (novelties) $180
GMK Sample Mods Kit Sample Mods Kit $30

Other Keycaps
Item Description Price
ePBT 6085 Base, spacebar, novelties, all unused. $110
KAT Oasis Arabic alphas, modifiers, RAMA artisan, Sealed. $80
KAT Space Cadet Grey alphas (opened to check and received replacements for defective keys), 60s Mods (opened unused), spacebars, novelties. $85
KAT Refined BoW Alpha, Icon Mods, F Row, Numpad Clean, Spacebars. Sealed. $120
KAT Refined WoB Alpha, Icon Mods, F Row, Numpad Clean, Spacebars. Sealed. $120
Hammerworks CRP R5 Korean Beige Alphas, 80s Mods Beige. Brand new unused. $110
WS Kraken Wuque Studio Kraken, Lightly used base kit. $60

RAMA Artisans (All brand and unused)
Item Description Price (shipped within CONUS)
RAMA X GMK Peaches n Cream Lite Peach Alu $45
RAMA X GMK R5 Cherry Alu $60
RAMA X GMK a Shrimp Alu (RAMA version not HIBI) $30
RAMA X GMK Hazakura White Alu $35
RAMA X GMK Hazakura Pink Alu $35
RAMA X GMK Minimal 2 Square Red Alu $35
RAMA X GMK Minimal 2 Circle Blue Alu $35
RAMA X GMK Red Alert Cherry Brass $70
RAMA X GMK Dualshot R2 D Alu $35
RAMA X GMK Deep Navy Rama X Alu $65

Item Description Price (shipped within CONUS)
Percent Studio Skog reboot PCB Brand new solder PCB $45
Savage65 PCB Brand new solder PCB $35
Frog TKL FR4 plate Brand new full (standard) FR4 plate $30
Thanks for reading!
submitted by tngpq to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:55 Skull_Boner From an art project i took too long to finish: "Occultcraft". It's 4 ilustrations inspired by occult symbols. Can't put more than 1 image in the post sadly, can't comment pics either... anyways, this one is inspired on "The Double Triangle of Solomon" by Eliphas Levi.

From an art project i took too long to finish: submitted by Skull_Boner to occult [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:46 goldrecovery The Dark Allure of Gold Man's lust for gold

The Dark Allure of Gold Man's lust for gold
The allure of gold has captivated humanity for millennia, manifesting in myths, exploration, conflict, and art. This fascination, often termed "gold fever," is deeply ingrained in various aspects of human history and psychology. Here’s a deeper look into the dark allure of gold and mankind's enduring lust for it:
The Dark Allure of Gold Man's lust for gold

Historical Significance

  1. **Ancient Civilizations:**
- **Egyptians:** Gold was central to ancient Egyptian culture, symbolizing eternity and the divine. The pharaohs were often buried with vast amounts of gold, believing it would aid their journey in the afterlife.
- **Incas and Aztecs:** These civilizations revered gold, considering it the sweat of the sun. The Spanish conquest, driven by the quest for gold, led to the fall of these great empires and significant suffering.
  1. **The Gold Rushes:**
- **California Gold Rush (1848-1855):** This event attracted hundreds of thousands of people to California, seeking fortune. While it led to rapid development, it also caused environmental destruction and displacement of Native Americans.
- **Klondike Gold Rush (1896-1899):** Similarly, this rush in the Yukon brought wealth to some but hardship to many more, highlighting the relentless and often ruthless pursuit of gold.

Psychological and Social Impact

  1. **Symbol of Wealth and Power:**
- Gold has long been a symbol of wealth, status, and power. It is a universal indicator of prosperity, often seen in jewelry, currency, and trophies.
  1. **Greed and Corruption:**
- The desire for gold has led to numerous instances of greed and corruption. From the brutal conquests of the Spanish conquistadors to modern-day illegal mining, the quest for gold often brings out the worst in humanity.
  1. **Economic Stability:**
- Historically, gold has been a standard for currency, with many nations backing their money with gold reserves. While it provided economic stability, it also led to exploitation and conflict over gold-rich territories.

Environmental and Ethical Concerns

  1. **Mining Impact:**
- Gold mining is notoriously harmful to the environment. It involves deforestation, water pollution from toxic chemicals like cyanide and mercury, and significant land degradation.
  1. **Human Rights Issues:**
- In many parts of the world, gold mining is associated with poor working conditions, child labor, and exploitation. Small-scale miners, often working in hazardous conditions, face health risks and economic instability.

Modern-Day Relevance

  1. **Investment:**
- Gold remains a popular investment, considered a safe haven during economic instability. However, this demand continues to drive environmentally and socially damaging mining practices.
  1. **Technological Use:**
- Gold's properties make it valuable in technology, particularly in electronics and medical devices. This industrial demand contributes to its ongoing extraction.

Cultural Reflections

  1. **Art and Literature:**
- Gold is a frequent motif in art and literature, symbolizing both human ambition and moral corruption. From Greek myths like the story of King Midas to modern novels and films, gold often serves as a metaphor for the double-edged nature of wealth.
  1. **Religious and Philosophical Symbolism:**
- Gold's incorruptibility and luster have made it a symbol in many religions and philosophies. It represents purity, enlightenment, and the eternal, but also the danger of materialism and avarice.


The dark allure of gold reflects the complex relationship humans have with this precious metal. It is a story of ambition, beauty, and wealth, but also of greed, destruction, and moral downfall. Understanding this duality is crucial as we navigate the ethical and environmental challenges posed by our ongoing fascination with gold.
When it comes to the distribution and sources of gold on Earth, here are some of the key places where this precious metal can be found
  1. Gold mines - Most of the world's accessible gold comes from underground and surface mines. Major gold mining regions include
- Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa)
- Nevada (United States)
- Siberia (Russia)
- Red Lake (Canada)
- Western Australia
  1. Rivers and streams - Erosion and weathering can cause gold particles and nuggets to be carried away from their original sources into waterways. Placer mining from rivers and streams has yielded significant gold deposits.
  2. Oceanic crusts and sea floors - While difficult to access, there are trace amounts of gold dissolved in seawater and embedded in volcanic crusts on the ocean floor.
  3. Asteroid and meteorite impacts - Some of the gold found on Earth's surface may have extraterrestrial origins from ancient asteroid/meteorite bombardment.
  4. Recycled sources - A significant amount of gold supply comes from recycling jewelry, electronics, and industrial scrap containing gold components.
  5. Ore deposits - Gold is often found combined with other metals like copper or silver in various ore bodies formed underground.
While gold is relatively widespread across the planet, only a few locations have economically viable concentrations to support large-scale mining operations. Most of the world's gold has been extracted from just a handful of exceptionally prolific gold fields and deposits.
"Man's lust for gold" is a phrase that encapsulates humanity's age-old obsession and unquenchable desire for the precious yellow metal. This lust has driven people to incredible lengths throughout history, shaping economies, sparking conflicts, and altering the course of civilizations.
Gold More than just a precious metal, gold has held a special allure for humans since ancient times. Its rarity, beauty, and malleability have made it a symbol of wealth, power, and status across cultures.
From the ancient Egyptian pharaohs' gilded tombs to the frenzied California Gold Rush, from the insatiable hoarding of dragons in folklore to the modern-day trading of gold as a hedging asset
submitted by goldrecovery to u/goldrecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 Least_Television_884 Special Symbols over normal numbers

I've been looking around for a script that can change the displayed value of health and MP to use special symbols instead, such as the infinity symbol or alpha symbol etc etc like pic related.
Just to be clear I'm not trying to make the value infinite in the engine or anything, It's purely a cosmetic change for a cool event in the game for one of the characters nothing more.
Thanks if anyone can help
submitted by Least_Television_884 to RPGMakerMV [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:23 ThroatSignal5992 Help identifying components and circuit symbols

Help identifying components and circuit symbols
Came across a component/and circuit symbol that I am unfamiliar with and cannot for the life of me understand what they are. Would love any help as I am new to electronics. Thank you!! Pics above!!
submitted by ThroatSignal5992 to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:53 piiiiiiiiiiink please help

please help
Please help
So this is embarrassing to post, but I’m really upset. My mom planted tons of pothos all over our yard growing up, they’ve spread everywhere & it’s beautiful. She was my best friend & passed away very unexpectedly a few months ago, right before she died she gave me some cuttings & this one was my favorite that was thriving.
My boyfriend is short tempered when he drinks, earlier he got drunk & ripped it down bc it was “hanging in his face.” I’m really upset deep down. I’m here asking if ya’ll can tell me how to replant it or just it? I attached a few pics, the one w the circle is where it’s torn off. I can explain each pic if needed. Should I cut it straight? Put in water? Just put it back in the soil? Sorry if this is scattered or in the wrong sub, I’m just kinda heartbroken bc this plant is very sentimental to me & it thriving so well was symbolic to me😣
Thank u guys
submitted by piiiiiiiiiiink to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:30 piiiiiiiiiiink Please help

Please help
So this is embarrassing to post, but I’m really upset. My mom planted tons of pothos all over our yard growing up, they’ve spread everywhere & it’s beautiful. She was my best friend & passed away very unexpectedly a few months ago, right before she died she gave me some cuttings & this one was my favorite that was thriving.
My boyfriend is short tempered when he drinks, earlier he got drunk & ripped it down bc it was “hanging in his face.” I’m really upset deep down. I’m here asking if ya’ll can tell me how to replant it or just it? I attached a few pics, the one w the circle is where it’s torn off. I can explain each pic if needed. Should I cut it straight? Put in water? Just put it back in the soil? Sorry if this is scattered or in the wrong sub, I’m just kinda heartbroken bc this plant is very sentimental to me & it thriving so well was symbolic to me😣
Thank u guys
submitted by piiiiiiiiiiink to propagation [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:24 mehoymiboi Hair growth progress!

Hair growth progress!
I cut off my hair in December 2023 after I beat a depressive episode, as a sort of symbolic change. I wanted to go through all of the various lengths to find what suits me best, and it’s been fun!! Here are some progress pics :3 (btw my hair is insanely slow growing)
submitted by mehoymiboi to longhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:53 ArgonautTitan [XP][Clan][NA] "Aurum Sanctuary" is looking for new members! New players, returning players, casual players, you name it!

(Please read this post in its entirety before requesting an invite)
As the title implies, we're mostly looking for new and casual players! We fully understand that sometimes, life happens and you nor anyone else can really do much about it. So we have an inactivity clause that welcomes players to return if they are removed and more!

Important Info!

At ASGC, we're all about enjoying our gaming experiences, and we encourage Tenno to play how they please. Don't like the Meta? Cool. Build that goofy/niche weapon/warframe to your specs.
As long as you are having fun, then do it. This is a game, after all!

Preferred Contact information:

Join the Discord Server for the quickest means of getting an invite: ASGC Discord Server
(If you do not have discord, please comment below and we will reply ASAP!)

New players!

If you don't know how to navigate the Warframe UI or Discord(App not browser), here are some examples:
OPTION 1: Copy the following line, and paste it in your Warframe chat text field to contact me. (Make sure the field is empty!)
/w Alexion Hello! I'm interested in joining Aurum Sanctuary! --(Other usernames from above can be used as well)

OPTION 2: If that doesn't work, send us friend requests! (Links for reference)

OPTION 3: If the above isn't working, or not to your preference, then just join the discord and discuss the situation there.
Note: If you do not have a discord to join, you're welcome to post below, but I do not check this post during the week and I'm busy most of the weekend. Apologies in advance if it takes a while to respond.
submitted by ArgonautTitan to warframeLGBTrecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:53 ArgonautTitan [XP][Clan][NA] "Aurum Sanctuary" is looking for new members! New players, returning players, casual players, you name it!

(Please read this post in its entirety before requesting an invite)
As the title implies, we're mostly looking for new and casual players! We fully understand that sometimes, life happens and you nor anyone else can really do much about it. So we have an inactivity clause that welcomes players to return if they are removed and more!

Important Info!

At ASGC, we're all about enjoying our gaming experiences, and we encourage Tenno to play how they please. Don't like the Meta? Cool. Build that goofy/niche weapon/warframe to your specs.
As long as you are having fun, then do it. This is a game, after all!

Preferred Contact information:

Join the Discord Server for the quickest means of getting an invite: ASGC Discord Server
(If you do not have discord, please comment below and we will reply ASAP!)

New players!

If you don't know how to navigate the Warframe UI or Discord(App not browser), here are some examples:
OPTION 1: Copy the following line, and paste it in your Warframe chat text field to contact me. (Make sure the field is empty!)
/w Alexion Hello! I'm interested in joining Aurum Sanctuary! --(Other usernames from above can be used as well)

OPTION 2: If that doesn't work, send us friend requests! (Links for reference)

OPTION 3: If the above isn't working, or not to your preference, then just join the discord and discuss the situation there.
Note: If you do not have a discord to join, you're welcome to post below, but I do not check this post during the week and I'm busy most of the weekend. Apologies in advance if it takes a while to respond.
submitted by ArgonautTitan to warframeclanrecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:01 AutoModerator Weekly Mini Review Thread 05/17/2024

Create a top level comment with the following format:
Brand/Model/Style/Size of Item:
Seller and Factory:
Price Paid for Item:
Your Thoughts:
Your Photos:
Any comment missing one of these elements or not following directions will be removed. Reviews for Sellers on the Ineligible List will be removed.
Comments are welcome for each Mini Review by responding to the reviewer.
If you need help, ask in the Daily Discussion Thread.
submitted by AutoModerator to WagoonLadies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:54 MistaSupaSoaka Can someone please explain these badges/icons

I just switched from an iPhone 13 pro to the Galaxy Z flip3 and was looking at my files and noticed that the screenshots show a circle with a "12" in it, I'm so curious as to what this means & not getting any luck finding any info online. I figured this would be the best place to get my answer. I obviously get that the pic I downloaded shows the "file" symbol/badge but no clue as to what the 12 stands for... would greatly appreciate knowing what this means
Thank you guys!! Really enjoying this switch so far but still got lots to learn, it has been years since I've last used a galaxy/android os, I still have my 13 pro but I just used up all my memory and the phone completely bugs out where I can't use any apps properly basically not enough space for any of the apps to function properly literally EVERY APP. Simple fix just need a hard/flash drive or SD card to transfer all my photos and videos to since they use up all my storage just been lazy and when I do go to delete something it'll either pop right back up or go to deleted photos and then when I try to permanently delete it just pops back up, won't let me use my camera, snap chat constantly will not post my snap resulting in me loosing some picture perfect moments which really sucks, I had a video of a hawk swooping down catching a rat in the alley over here in the windy city went to post it on my story and ofc it said failed to post and lost that forever.... sorry for the rant just giving my appreciation towards the android team- boy do I miss the freedom and customization.... I think I'm officially team galaxy- Also, opinions on the flip3? My coworker gave me one that he got from his other job since he knew my issues w my iphone.... for FREE. NO BOX or charger or anything just the phone but literally brand new still has the stickers on the screen lol talk about a blessing plus it appeared to originally be linked w Verizon, however i stuck my sim card in and was compatable w T-mobile so im assuming it's unlocked/ not carrier locked & these look like they're still relatively in the 300-500 used range in good condition and for being 2 Years old still up to date and running smoothly only big flaw I've seen is the battery life which is making me consider just selling this flip3 or use it as a trade in and just switch to the S series since that's the "big daddy" of the Galaxy line.
submitted by MistaSupaSoaka to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]