School template letter to santa

Political Compass Memes

2017.01.22 00:23 donotblockthebox Political Compass Memes

Political Compass Memes

2016.01.04 21:29 Not_An_Ambulance Malicious Compliance

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

2018.08.15 05:46 kirbizia Dogelore

dubious domesticated dogs

2024.05.21 21:27 Soft-Village-721 What does research show about speech & inclusion?

Hi! I’m a parent of a rising 1st grader who is autistic/adhd. He went to private preschool with an aide and gained steadily in all areas. He has made quite a bit of progress through the years on receptive speech, but expressive is still extremely limited— he has some scripted phrases to get his basic needs met and he can label lots of things, recite letters, numbers, phonics sounds etc. He’s been in speech since before age 2 and we work with him at home. He was recently assigned an AAC device at school to see if they helps.
The big concern we have is that his public school district proposes no inclusion for him for next year, not even during specials or homeroom. They justify it by saying things like it’s too overwhelming for him or he’s not getting anything out of it anyway because he’s too far behind. We’ve filed a complaint because we feel the lack of inclusion violates LRE but I’m wondering if from a purely scientific standpoint, if studies have shown that kids with speech delays/deficits benefit from time spent around verbal peers, so they can at least have exposure to appropriate language and social interactions even if they can’t engage in it yet? Does anyone know of any studies that back this up? Thanks!!!
submitted by Soft-Village-721 to slp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:25 SpinachAcceptable185 Love Letter to an Ex

Context, last year I was head over heels for a girl who put little to no effort into the relationship in return, I was conflicted by her actions and our experiences all the while i was reading 1984 by George Orwell. I wrote this at a desk in a school hallway in isolation.
Genre: General essay?
To my love,
I’m stuck sitting in isolation with absolutely nothing to do. I’ve crammed so much of 1984 into my head that I’ll need to push some of it out. 1984 is a lot to read. Maybe it’s the way I read it or maybe it’s the pacing but sometimes I'll be reading it and find myself relating to it in a way. A quote stuck with me;”He pulled her round so that they were breast to breast; her body seemed to melt into his.” It reminded me of way back in the abandoned Asda stairwell when I melted into her- semi-conflicted between love and lust. After the stairwell got closed off; I felt as though I had lost a part of me too. I even found another stairwell but I knew it wouldn't be the same. It would feel forced, like how I turned her into me so that we could face each other. Sure it wasn’t with the intention of making out but it wasn't thought through first- almost impulsively. In1984, a couple pages later, it speaks about the kisses turning hard; unlike the smooth, butter-like melt they were before. I can feel that. It’s almost vivid. I feel as though after the thing with Austin, everything kinda crashed. When [NAME] had red hair, it was almost like she was infatuated with me. When she dyed it back to normal, I felt as if I had lost that. I could be delusional but when she said she hated who she was with the red hair, it kinda stuck with me. Overall, It’s very on-off. One moment I find myself fantasizing about marriage; the next, I see myself breaking up with her on the horizon. But after that first DM on insta, I promised myself it wouldn’t be a repeat of everyone else, she wouldn’t be a lesson or a test, she would be the practical, the real fucking thing. The one who kept me up at night simply with the thought of her. Is it bad if I relate to WInston? Lost and conflicted within society and using writing and reading as a means of escape. It isn’t necessarily illegal but the stuff I write feels like it could be critiqued in a way that makes it resistant- pushing against the normal methods of writing. Actually, I despise Winston. He let temptation overcome him. Sure, his environment may have dictated him into fantasizing rape but I still think that shit’s inexcusable. He still thinks fondly of it afterwards when having sex as well. Orwell is so fucking good at writing though. How can someone write so vividly that I have to stop, think and reflect upon my life and experiences. I think I’ll show [NAME]this paper. I’m not 100% sure she’ll read it; my feelings tend to be insignificant to her. But if someone wrote something about me, I’d be ever-so-curious to find out their perspectives. I also find it quite funny how Winston blabbers on to Julia about death but she abruptly shuts him up. Maybe that’s why she wanted me to read it (I need to stop yapping about death in situations where it’s uncalled for). When I write this, it’s like I’m texting her but she isn’t texting back. Or it’s like when I say something drunk with the drowsiness of fatigue and she reads it in the morning and that shit doesn’t hit the same AT ALL. I still remember when she was in Nottingham and we called the entire night. A part of me hopes that next time she calls (if she even does) we will get back into the swing of things and we can rebuild that bond. But for it to happen, I need to take a step back and stop being so fucking high maintenance. I’m constantly writing. My head has an endless flowing dialogue of words waiting to be scribed but not all of them do. Sometimes it feels like i feel too much; I feel so much; so much so that it numbs me to feeling. I’m not sure if you can relate but it’s like bubble wrap almost. Pumped up with feeling, any other emotion bounces right off. Or like a mental paracetamol, that kind of numbness. When [NAME] said that paracetamol burns holes in your stomach; I guess that's why when I feel numb, the words pour right out. Mental paracetamol should be a coined term. I feel like Shakespeare when I say that. Actually, right now, I feel like I’m in a void, a medium almost. A confined corner; trapped by the constant sounds of expensive dress shoes slamming against the hallway floors. I hope she reads this. I hope anyone reads this. I am seeking attention even in solitary confinement. I guess it’s inevitable for “just another kid with ADHD''. I think I’d like to write a book for her. Not in a puppy love-esque way; instead to make something she can enjoy. I’d have to binge a fuck -tonne of feminist literature to make it work. I’d have to live, breathe and regurgitate Sylvia Plath just to make something enjoyable for her (I’m kidding of course). (Not really). I’ve written so much- this could probably count as a fucking book. I’m not sure where she would even find the time to read this. She’ll probably lump it alongside the Smint container (filled with poems for her) to read when we break up. I think perspective changes a lot about a book. It’s not entirely how a book is written; instead, it’s about how you approach it or how you are introduced to it. I’ve been very pessimistic and pushy-away-ey recently. Regardless, I won’t cross anything out unless it’s a typo. I think it indirectly shows progression of a character especially when it’s in the form of hypophora almost. I want to write the best book ever and then die and have no-one read it. I think that's more significant than writing a shitty book and campaigning and promoting and all this consumerist bullshit. If you were proud of your work, you wouldn’t promote it, you would let it find its reader. For me, I’d put it in those tiny bird box community libraries that no one uses. Therefore, if someone craved my work, they could find it in a place they wouldn't look for it. Not for my book to gather dust on a tall decorative bookshelf. This is a bit of a rant i know. SOmetimes I’ll yap and let the words flow instead of actively writing them. Writing words is the worst way to write. You need to apply emotion and let the words unravel themselves. At least, that’s how I write, critique it however the fuck you want. I was once told that my writing is like a conversation- you know the ones where the other person keeps blabbering and you can’t get a word in. I don’t read enough to know if it’s unique or not but I know why I do it. It’s like I’m conversing with myself. I might throw a name in there or add some direct address. This might be breaking the fourth wall a bit but i guess the entire nature of this essay is. I need to read over my writing one day- I hate to do it but I think I’d learn a lot about myself if i did so. My writing feels a little bit lost at sea. It’s very jumpy from one topic to the next- like scrolling on tiktok. Also, I think there's a mix of me searching for empathy via slight victimization and undertones of slight narcissism. I’m probably over analyzing but I like my writing. Me personally, i get lost in the labyrinth of the lines and curvature of the letters. Will i regret writing so much? I mean sure, I guess a part of me will live on forever in my writing. But, then again, it’s wasting my life. I’d like to live- living is not writing. Living is not reading. To live is to experience with every sense possible. If I see, I am not living. If i smell, I am not living. But, to hear, to smell, to feel, to see and to taste simultaneously is to live. When living isn’t enough, I can understand why people resort to reading and writing. It’s ever-so-simple. I wish I can see [NAME] soon though. I’ll wish for it at 22:22 if i have to. Or on a shooting star. Or maybe even on a stray eyelash. I miss you[NAME]. I was going to say “I crave you” but that’s too sexual and comes with a million connotations. Saying “I require you” is too formal and needy. I think I should stick to the usual. What if i didnt say “I miss you” but instead I said “I miss your warm and enveloping embrace.” Maybe then she would text back.
This is fucking delusion,
From yours truly,
submitted by SpinachAcceptable185 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:24 Efficient_Divide7702 Why do I feel guilty over giving my mother silent treatment?

I (30F) have always had a rocky relationship with my parents. Being the only child I had to play therapist and dealt with their helicopter patenting. I was never able to sustain emotional connections and friendships due to me not being able to hang out with friends etc.
My mother's rule was "friends need to stay at school." I was not allowed to wear certain clothing. I wanted to wear skirts and dresses (when i first wore one it resulted in a 4 day fight and silent treatment). Never was allowed to go out or just simple dates until I begged and cried to let me go. Never was able to have a relationship until 22 and that was a shitshow in the start as well.
I was however in school clubs and could get away with it because it counted towards school credits and would help me get some scholarships.
My dad would let me have some freedom as he pushed me to go on a school trip overseas (chaperoned by school staff) through a HS program. My mom had issues initially but didnt say much as my dad was on my side. My dad sometimes would agree with her just to agree or get influenced as well on certain things because she then would give him a silent treatment as well.
Anyway, I wanted to get a job as I was transitioning from HS to college and again it was a huge thing. She convinced my father that it was a bad decision that I worked. And won't focus on school. Mind you was a honor roll student throughout HS. I was able to get my first job again through a loophole at school where I could also get credits for working, if my supervisor gave me good evaluations and get paid. I didn't get my driver's license until later on so she would have to drop and pick me up EVERYWHERE so i rushed to finally get one. I wanted to move away for college thinking that would be able to do something but then they moved with me to save money on room and board. I would sometimes have evening classes and sometimes my mother would stand outside if I was even a little late from college (I am 21 at this point) coming back. Couldn't make new friends at school, had to beg my mom let me go out so friendships would always fall out.
I learned quickly that the only way I could get control over my life is my moving out. So I got a full time job (another huge issue) when I was in my last year of college, I started applying like crazy to be in a different cities to get my food in the door for my career. And I was able to get a job and move away. A thing to note is that I had to do this quickly when my mother was out of country otherwise as always it was going to be a huge problem. She had a huge problem with it and kept telling my father to stop me (he was not with her when she was out of the country). It was all like "why she always like this? Why can't she sit still at home?" "You are letting her get in trouble" Etc. My dad was whatever as he didn't think I would actually get the job but I did. I still remember they thought the offer letter was fake and tried to verify it. It was legit and so I moved.
Soon my bf moved in (another problem initially). But it died down a lot and she toned down her behavior whenever he would be around. Image is a huge thing for her. But would still take jabs under the table. I ignored because if she was direct about it I didn't want to address it.
The final straw that broke me was last week, I had been contact with some friends that I made who also moved away for college etc. This was a friend who kind of understood me as her mother was like that too but she moved to be next to her father and away from her mom.
So she suggested that we can go to a festival together since she just fonished her masters degree. I was elated and said yes. I am currently in my masters program so I felt I deserved a little break.
Also, through therapy I realized that my relationship with my bf was very codependent and clingy and we have had problems due to that a lot so I wanted to work on myself and do my own things to get better to be more emotionally independent.
I mentioned it to her that I am thinking of going to the festival to another country depending on timeoff and money.
She kept asking where I didn't tell her where becausei sensed it was going somewhere.
She started by saying if I ask my bf if he was okay with me going. Recently, I have noticed she usally says that when I do something she doenst agree it. I told her first I don't need permission and second, he is okay with it as he will hang out with his friends.
Then she got furious and said that no I can't go and if I did she would never talk to me again. I was confused because this is not someone I met like online like 2 days ago. It was actually one of my best friends in middle and HS school that I had before we both moved away and kept contact through phone. Also I am 30 freaking years old.
She then continued if I had to go it would have to be with my bf only. I told her that was ridiculous and I was not asking for permission or money. I was just informing her and then she lectured me about always starting something new and one day I will get in trouble etc.
So I went off on her and asked exactly what was the problem. Why did she always had an issue with everything. She has been emotionally unavailable throughout my childhood, pushed me away when I needed her, used me as a catharsis whenever issues occurred between her and my father. When i would confront my father, she would quickly switch sides leaving be baffled. If I used to cry she would tell me I was faking it with crocodile tears. She has no friends so I still let it go and talked to her because at the end of the day I feel guilty and now I am an adult and still didn't want a strained relationship with her.
TLDR: My mother who has always been controlling, told me, a 30 year old that if I traveled with anyone other than my bf she won't talk to me again as I would get myself in trouble. I feel guilty for giving the silent treatment to her as I have always been the one that reaches out first after these situations. How do I cope with this feeling? I have been thinking that maybe I was in the wrong and should just talk to her, apologize, and tell her I am not going.
submitted by Efficient_Divide7702 to helicopterparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:21 Joshua0918 Anybody successfully transition into CLS program in Los Angeles after gap years?

Hey everyone,
I need some advice and insight on transitioning back into the field of biology, specifically into a Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS) program in Los Angeles, after taking a couple of gap years. Here’s a bit about my background:
Given that I've been away from biology for 2 years and have no current biological work experience, I'm concerned about my preparation and competitiveness for these programs. Here are a few specific questions I have:
  1. What steps can I take to prepare myself for a CLS program after a gap in biological studies?
  2. How important are letters of recommendation, and what can I do if I can't obtain any recent ones?
  3. Are these programs mostly geared towards recent graduates, or do they also consider applicants with a less traditional path like mine?
  4. Is it even worth trying to pursue this given the competitiveness of these programs?
  5. What additional schooling or exams do I need to be aware of before applying to these programs?
Any advice, personal experiences, or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Joshua0918 to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 sitcomsyndrome 20, completely lost. feel like I wasted my life

heyo, im 20F, just finished my bachelor's degree. this has been on my mind for a long time, 5 years to be precise. i feel like life just never happened for me. all the "life is over at 25" rhetoric made me realise ill be 21 in a little less than 5 months, and my life never even STARTED. i was a happy kid for the most part. sure, there were problems, i had moderate to severe asthma for about five years from 2-7, parents' unhappy marriage meant some terrible fights that i remember witnessing even as early as the age of 3, a small house (which ive now lived in all my life), very much a middle class household without too much money. but none of this really mattered too much back then, except the health part of it because obviously it directly affected me. ive always been good at studies, i was a talkative kid who was on good terms with almost everyone on school and had a few close friends every year, went on a lot of trips with my parents that we did enjoy, had some great times w my grandmother. i wouldn't say life was perfect, but it was simple and good.
the trouble started with my mom being kind of conservative when it came to befriending boys, which meant i always was shy and silent around guys, even though I was very much different around girls. a related issue (very much brought on by my mom) caused me to leave my friend group in the sixth grade, and after that honestly things were never the same. it was also around the same time that my friends from my society, who honestly were never good people OR friends anyway, also started bullying me for no reason at all. still even with a few too many traumatic experiences at home, school and the building, 11-13 was bearable because i was still a happy go lucky kid. since i turned 13, what with bullying in school, both physical and mental health problems (pcos, asthma, health anxiety, crippling depression) , family issues (remember the unhappy marriage?), being stuck in the same house and financial condition all my life, things seem to be irreparably screwed up. the other side of this is i missed out on EVERYTHING. every positive experience that people have between the age of 11 and 21, I missed out on. sure there's things i missed out on even before then, not being able to play downstairs like everyone else as a kid because of my asthma being an example, but those weren't things i WANTED in the first place. everything since 8th grade however.... god it's been hell. because of the asthma i couldn't do physical activity, so my weight always fluctuated, altho as a kid i was thin for longer than i was fat. but of course when puberty hit so did pcos, and i was overweight for almost all my teenage years. this along with me never knowing or wanting to put on make up meant i was quite unattractive as a teenager, and so had absolutely no romantic attention from anyone ever. only 3 people have had a crush on me in my (almost) 21 years of life. i lost a lot of weight this past year (on medical advice) and now that im better looking i see random guys look at me in public, and of course that means nothing now, because they wouldn't even have glanced at me a year ago. the friend scenario is just as hopeless, and not just because i happen to be going though a friendless phase for the past 8-10 months lol. at the moment i no longer have anyone from school that i consider a friend, and college is shaping up to be very similar with a couple exceptions.
the worst thing is i no longer have anything to show for academically either, and this coming from someone who had a 99.6% in her 12th boards lol. college was just a failure on every level, social, academic, EVERY LEVEL. and it was supposed to be a fresh start after 8-12th grade. made no real lasting friendships, didn't network, no real extra curriculars, didn't go away so no memories from hostel life, no parties or clubs, really nothing. truly, truly nothing.
ive had this vision in my head for the past 6-7 years of what i want my life to be like. that's one third of my life so far. and i still haven't achieved 1% of it. hell ive achieved 0%. i honestly don't know how i could end up as utter a failure as this. the worst thing is i've got so much potential, i really really do. and now it's all for nothing. the 'best years of my life' are gone, with no memories, no accomplishments, nothing. i must've written 1000 words here and that honestly barely scratches the surface of the past 10 years. i wish i could go back in time so bad. if I was 11 again i know exactly what id do, but at 20 i have no clue. i can't even decide about doing a master's degree, one that ive received an offer letter for and which ive always wanted to do. god i hate my life, and I'm so ashamed of myself. i don't expect anyone to read this far but if you do, id love some perspective.
submitted by sitcomsyndrome to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 Impressive-Step6377 Islam Screwed up my Love Life

I was born as a Muslim to Muslim parents, grew up and went to school in a European Christian country, when I was in school as a teen still i used to have good amount of girls being attracted to me, obviously women there are much more open than they are in Islamic countries, and even tho I did like those girls I used to avoid them as much as I could.
I had Girls at my school opening doors for me without even asking them for it, staring at me intensely, wink at me ask questions about me my religion etc, some girls would literally shout at me from across the street to join with them or others send me love letters, I wasn't the school's star but I did get a lot of attention from girls in my school even older ones, and I rejected everyone of them even tho I did get the signs from them and I did like them, hell I even avoided talking or touching them.
Friends of mine would go like "dude didn't you notice how intensively she was looking at you" I rejected all of the girls because it was Haram in my religion to have a gf without being married, I had planned to have my first gf at 21 when I would've gotten married, and I was openly proud about that to everyone, my friends thought I was stupid for saying that and that "I'm losing the chance" I didn't understand them back then I thought they were being degenerate but they were probably right.
My problem isn't that I refrained my self from having fun at that time, it's that it has damaged me until even now since I have 0 experience, i'm a 24 year old man in a shitty relationship that I'm trying to get out of, it's my first ever relationship and it's a torture, I realize it now because I'm pretty sure I made a lot of mistakes out of inexperience and immaturity and I feel like other people in my age know a lot more things than me, I don't even know how to ask women out or get them to a date I'm very awkward with females.
Also my parents don't want me to have a gf, they want to me to be married to a Muslim woman (they don't know I'm not a Muslim anymore) the problem is I don't want to be married especially to a Muslim woman, I don't know how do I get out of this shitty situation how to tell my parents and how to not be an awkward incel, is it really because I didn't date younger or what? Am I wrong for saying this?
submitted by Impressive-Step6377 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Complete_Success_847 In your opinion, how would Hoshino react if scolded about [Spoilers - Read below]?

Hi, everyone. I'm currently working on a little comic about Sensei and Hoshino and the ending of the first episode of the main story. I believe I know Hoshino's character as much as you can from all the interactions and dialogues available in the game, but since she's not a character of my own, I like asking for others' thoughts so I can portrait the most accurate version of her. Now lets get to the spoiler part.
As a Sensei, one of the first things I want to do after the end of the first episode, when she is rescued, is to scold her (after hugging her, of course) for literally trying to sign away her rights and abandoning her student life only to try and save the school and her classmates. Even if it's something noble and brave to do, it's also a very stupid decision, if you ask me. I get into my own opinion in said comic, through my Sensei, so lets keep it short here. The thing is, say you approach Hoshino and confront her about this subject, not being too aggressive but also being bold enough to make her know she's done something very wrong and made you worry very, very much. You think she'd try to keep her lazy and carefree demeanor while making light of it, get serious and apologize or, in the contrary, act defensively and try to excuse herself? Hoshino is a character that's quite hard to read and really understand since you're never sure of how much she's actually pretending and what she's really thinking about. I usually wonder if her real, current self truly developed into the easygoing one or if she's still the same serious and assertive person she was, since she switches from one to another quite easily and quickly. She always shows some degree of seriousness when talking about something important, though, but she also seems to often try and avoid those subjects using her playful behavior, like when Shiroko confronts her when she finds her letter.
If you ask me, I think the most probable course of events would be that you (Sensei) bring up the subject, she tries to act like nothing happened, then you insist and she actually apologizes in a way serious enough for you to see she's taking it seriously, as she recognizes her mistake but tries to explain herself. Anyone here willing to add their bit of insight?
P.S.: I have quite a lot of questions about the game lore and things that I believe are mostly left for the player to interpret, so I'd like to discuss them with you, but I don't know what the best place to do that would be since I don't want to make a new post for each one. The daily megathread is good but I feel like it's more about the game mechanics and the Discord server might be too chaotic... Any suggestions on that note? Thanks!
submitted by Complete_Success_847 to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:06 Asianati Hoping to Answer Common OCS Questions (Requirements, Advice, Additional Items to Get, What to Expect)

Hi Ya'll,
I recently graduated OCS and I have been bombarded myself in real life over what to expect with OCS. For context I went from basic training straight to OCS, and even graduated with honors. From the time of writing this post, it has officially been a month since I graduated. So here is a list of common questions I get and I hope I can settle some anxiety for all of you future 2nd LTs.
Warning: The cadre at OCS do read these reddit posts, so I won't be able to post answers to tests or events.
  1. I haven't received a welcome letter, or a packing list. Where can I find it?
    • Fort Moore Officer Candidate School ( I would download and print the packing list and the ISAP. The ISAP acts more or less like a syllabus from college. It will give a rough understanding of the rules, regulations, and requirements for you to pass.
  2. Is everything on the packing list required?
    • Yes. Try your best to follow the packing list to the letter. It is almost entirely dependent on the cadre and of course weather does play a part in their decision making. Some things you'll find you didn't really need or use throughout your cycle. For example, my cycle didn't use 550 Cord almost at all, but I used it to build a hooch, and secure sensitive items.
  3. What if I don't have of the required equipment on the packing list?
    • When it comes to military equipment, try your best and bring what you can. I was never issued an IFAK before OCS or after. The cadre understand they have some coming from basic and those in-service. So if you have it, bring it. If not, bring it up to your cadre and they'll schedule time to get it issued to you.
  4. Anything not on the packing list you recommend?
    • I would recommend the following: hand soap, bathroom spray, travel vacuum, wet-wipes, clipboard with compartment, pillow, very bright headlamp, multitool, and laminator. Hand soap because for some reason OCS had a hard time procuring it. Travel vacuum because you'll likely have 2 or 3 vacuums available to your platoon and having your own saves time. Wet-wipes to dust everything down. Clipboard with compartment for Land Nav as you'll be running with maps, marker, protractor, and your points so its best to have something safe and secure. Laminator for your papers because its Georgia and your papers can get wet. The pillows at OCS have this weird plastic cover on so if you want a better night sleep, get a better pillow. The headlamp is just in case, some classes inform the lumen limit while others don't, Land Nav is DARK so if you can find a lighthouse out there, do it. The multitool is just useful to have especially if you are out in the field.
  5. Where can I find somethings on the packing list I am missing?
  6. I saw you can bring your laptops? Is it required for classes? Can I opted in for a tablet or iPad?
    • You can bring a personal laptop primarily for recreational use after the duty hours. OCS will provide you with a government laptop that you'll need to use your CAC to access. Tablets and iPads are not considered laptops and will be confiscated like a phone. If the majority of your class as issues with the laptops, then the cadre may allow the use of your personal laptops.
  7. What is your day-to-day look like?
    • Mostly on a non-physical or FTX event coming up you'll follow the following schedule: 0500 - wake up. First formation is at 0600, then you conduct PT until breakfast. After breakfast you will head to the classroom and stay there until lunch, return and stay there until dinner. After dinner, it will be the end of the duty hours and you'll roughly have 2 hours for personal time.
  8. What are the most important categories/test to focus on?
    • Treat everything important. Every test you do not pass can put you at risk of being recycled, and it is up to you to catch up. For example while everyone is studying for tactics, you'll be studying tactics and history if you failed history. So save yourself the hassle and take every test seriously. The big 3 recycle event have been historically, Army History (70% to pass), Land Nav (4 points or more to pass (day and night)), and the 4-mile run (need to run in under 36 minutes regardless of gender).
  9. How many retests or chances do you get?
    • You get 2 tries at everything before recycle. You get 2 tries again at the same test then you can be dismissed. For example: You are part of Alpha company. You failed history twice. You get recycled into Bravo company. You failed history twice again. You can be dismissed.
    • If you happen to pass history but fail Land Nav twice, then you'll be recycled into Charlie. If you fail Land Nav twice then you can be dismissed.
  10. What is a recycle? What does it look like in OCS? Can you get dismissed?
    • A recycle is when you failed something twice and you get "recycled" into the next class. A recycle can occur for other reasons such as illness or injury. You can also be recycled for improper behavior or being "peered out". Every class starts up in a like a month (I heard they are changing that for even further out). So even though the cycle takes about 12 weeks to complete, if you get recycled you can expect more like 16 weeks or more. We had someone at OCS you has been with it for a year. You get recycled for repeat offenses, or do something majorly bad such as breaking the law, then you can be dismissed.
  11. What is being peered out mean?
    • Throughout the cycle you are put into a platoon and then a squad. Your squadmates eventually all sit down and fill out a form to give the cadre who is the weakest link in the squad. Usually squads kick out the person they do not like. We had to kick out one person because they didn't mesh well within the squad and wasn't very kind. He would then get replaced with someone else who got peered out. Luckily after that one person got kicked out, the squad improved and we tried our hardest to keep it together. We still needed to peer someone out, but we kept tabs with them and invited them to a lot of our squad functions nonetheless as my squads grew to love and respect each other as a family.
    • If you do get peered out, unfortunately you get a spot report, moved to a different squad, and are at risk of being recycled if peered out again. Stay humble and help out whenever you can. I got the most respect from my squadmates as I stayed up late with them to help them with their STX lanes.
  12. What is personal time like?
    • You essentially use personal time to workout if the PT wasn't enough, clean yourself, and prepare for bed. Yes if you have time, you can contact family and friends (when you get your phones), and if you have the time, play games. I don't recommend playing games as it distracts you from the mission of graduating.
  13. What are the different phases like?
    • You are separated into 3 phases. Black, Blue, and White. You immediately enter black phase upon arrival with a traditional called "Gold to Black". Which is more or less a physical smoking session. During Black you are expected to run everywhere, not be able to drink coffee, have your phone confiscated (and given back on Sunday), and have less personnel time. Blue you get the ability to drink coffee again, and you have your phones returned and used only during personal time. During blue you get the ability to visit and explore the base (Fort Moore) and shop around. During white phase you get the ability to explore off-base (Columbus) and you get to wear civilian clothes. White phase if you leave off-post, you need to be in uniform, and on-base you can be in civilians.
  14. Can you use your personal vehicle?
    • Yes, but you can only drive it during White Phase
  15. How can I keep in contact with my family during black phase?
    • I recommend that you download WhatsApp or some other social media on your laptop and have your family members on it.
  16. Can I visit the gym on base?
    • Yes during blue phase you can visit the gym. Rule regulates that you leave the footprint in uniform and change into appropriate PT uniform once at the gym and conducting PT.
  17. What is the DFAC like?
    • The DFAC is better than basic training and offers snacks like cookies, granola bars, ice cream, and soda. They have a salad bar and the usual cycle of foods. They do have a "short-order" line which serves fries, burgers, hot dogs, etc. To stay in physical shape, I recommend eating your fruits and a side salad every meal. Drink juice, Gatorade, or water only. I only drank soda and the burger after an intense physical requirement like a long-run or a ruck march to regain my glucose and caloric levels.
  18. Does Amazon deliver there?
    • Yes you can have other things delivered to the footprint. However, the Cadre are going to inspect it for food and other contraband. Just ask the cadre for the delivery address. It may take like 2 weeks for them to deliver it.
  19. Any final advice?
    • Be helpful and noticeable amongst your squad but try not to bring attention to yourself from the cadre. Take everything seriously and give yourself proper rest and proper nutrition. OCS is not hard, but it can be if you let it get to you. OCS is designed to test your competency, commitment, and character. I luckily had an amazing squad, and I had a blast with them.
I want this to be an open forum so don't be afraid to leave anymore questions below. If the answer you are seeking is not above, then write the question in the comments, and I will try my best to answer you before you are sent off. Best of luck, thank you for your service, and be the best leaders your soldier's deserve.
submitted by Asianati to ArmyOCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Needs_Instruction Switching from accounting to law

So here is my situation. I, 25M, have been in accounting since I graduated from college. I spent 3y9m at an accounting firm and have spent just over a year running the back office of a small construction company. I left my first job and will leave my current job because neither are very satisfying as far as the work goes, and the current job gives me literally zero mental stimulation. I have been pursuing my CPA over the last twelve months and have passed 2/4 exams. I know I do not want to be an accountant for forever, but it’s still a good set of skills to have and i’m too far in to not complete my CPA. I have been interested in law school for a few months now for the following reasons: academic intensity, broad spectrum of niches and practices, and I enjoy when, in my work or personal life, I am able to consult on an issue and help find the best result. I believe I could get into a decent program even with my less than stellar Ugpa, 3.01, if I grind at the LSAT. That won’t be new to me as I have taken months at a time, while working full time, to study for the CPA exams. Just wanted to see if anyone had some thoughts or similar experiences they could share.
Other notes: I have experienced CPAs that I could get letters of recommendation from, but no attorneys. I chalk up my Ugpa to not having my priorities right in undergrad, no job and made a 3.01. Obtained my master’s degree in accounting while working full time and made a 3.45.
submitted by Needs_Instruction to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 DionBlaster123 Old school Einstein Bros cream cheese (shmear) tubs?

Does anyone here remember the original designs of the cream cheese containers you could buy at Einstein Bros Bagels, and also at certain grocery stores? Specifically the ones where it was drawn art of one of the Einstein brothers and something to do with the flavor of the cream cheese? The ones I remember were the strawberry flavor had one of the brothers with a giant strawberry and the honey almond had a brother dressed up as an angel with honeybee wings.
i've been searching everywhere and for years for a photo of the old school cups, but all i can find are the corporate ones they have sold since 2010 probably. I even sent a letter to Einstein Bros corporate to see if they had any photos from the past left somewhere and no luck haha
submitted by DionBlaster123 to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 popcultureSp00nie22 Timeline?

Ok, I think we can all agree that the timeline on this show is absolutely insane. But that's fine. It's a teen soap. I don't need it to be 100% realistic.
I have a few questions about timelines, though.
My first is that, I guess since they're seniors, they don't have full schedules? Ruby's always at school (checks out, lol), but James and Lydia aren't always at school when everyone else is. James skips (we know this), but I don't see Lydia as being someone who skips. Unless James got to school early the morning that Lydia has breakfast with her dad and shows up later? Also, off-topic, but does Lydia have a driver? I know she catches rides with James and Percy sometimes, but what about when James just impulsively drives off places? It seems like Percy drives both Lydia and James, but if that's the case, see question 2.
My bigger question, though, is when did Lydia and Mr. Sutton meet and start dating, and how long has Mr. Sutton been working at the school? Lydia says that they met outside of school, anonymously at first, but then Mr. Sutton came to work at Maxton Hall and that was obviously a problem. But Ruby says she's been there for 2 years and he's sort of been a role model for her and the conversation implies that he's been there for at least that long. And this definitely can't be his first year there because the whole show starts with Ruby asking him for a letter of rec, so he must've at least been there since the year before.
(This is from the dubbed English version. I'm rewatching with subs, but I haven't gotten to that ep yet on my rewatch. Maybe book readers can shed some light?)
Also, I guess Ruby and the event committee kids spent (at least part?) of their summer planning the Welcome Party?? That's kind of a bummer
submitted by popcultureSp00nie22 to MaxtonHall [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:52 Sad-Trifle6513 Job Applications

It was summer. He needed money to pay for school next year. He decided to get a job. He needed to apply to different places. He first made a resume. He then made a cover letter. He walked around his neighborhood.
submitted by Sad-Trifle6513 to u/Sad-Trifle6513 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:47 OhIboughtacar Plead guilty to Driving While Suspended. Now I'm suspended for a year.

I got a ticket in '21 for no seat belt in Louisiana. Hurricane Ida hit and my house was in shambles. We evacuated and had to live away from our house for weeks. In dealing with the fallout I forgot about the ticket and my license was suspended 6 months later. When I realized this, I payed the ticket immediately.
I then went through the difficult process of dealing with the OMV. They were still affected by COVID and getting in touch with a person was difficult. I can't remember what happened because it was 2 years ago, but I really thought I had taken care of everything with the OMV. I thought my license was reinstated and I could drive. Looking through my records now I can see a charge on my bank statement to the OMV of $17 for reinstatement (it should have been $100). I have no recept or other information of the payment.
Fast forward to this year, I got pulled over for a speeding ticket, and the officer said my license was suspended (still from not paying the seat belt violation). I was shocked. He took my license and gave me 2 tickets (speeding and driving while suspended) but let me drive 3 blocks to my house. I got in touch with the OMV and this time had a super easy time getting my license reinstated and I could see it was valid on the LA Wallet app.
This is where I did something really stupid. I tried to pay both tickets and realized I had to go to court for the Driving While Suspended charge. I went in expecting to plead not guilty and explain to the judge what happened, but that day the judge wasn't hearing anything other than a plea. The young lady in front of me tried to tell her story but the judge said she would have to plead not guilty to have her case heard.
There were so many things going through my head. I had so little time to think, I thought I was in traffic court and I didn't think this was a serious crime. I had yet to find in my records I had paid $17 to the OMV for the first attempt to reinstate. I thought the only penalty was going to be a fine. I just wanted to get it over and done with. So I plead guilty. I paid my fine and went on living and driving thinking this was finished.
This weekend I got a letter from the OMV saying because I was convicted my driving privileges are suspended for a YEAR. Not being able to drive for a year is devastating to me and my family. I had NO idea this was going to happen.
My question is what should I do now? Is there any one I can talk to to have my plea reversed? Should I get a lawyer (I'm really scared of having a large financial burden because of lawyer fees)?
I know hardship license exists but I'm scared of the driving restrictions. I have a job working self employed with a nonprofit. My job is weird. I drive to at least 5 different locations a week. I have conferences and service trips I go to in different states. I have to schedule to meet with people for donation purposes at random times. Not to mention driving kids to school, Dr visits, psych visits for my son's ADHD. But should I give up and go this route and try to work my life around it?
Sorry I know this is an information dump, but I'm not sure what info is relevant. I need help and I really don't know what I'm doing. At least some pointers in where to get started would be helpful. I'm trying to meet with someone from the DA's office today to see if they could help (a friend knows someone there). But if that doesn't help, I want to know what to do next.
TL; DR: Made a dumb decision and plead guilty to to driving while suspended instead of waiting to explain my case to the judge. Didn't realize the penalty and now a seatbelt violation has turned into a year suspension from driving.
submitted by OhIboughtacar to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:37 AdAdministrative4919 Do my parents favor my brother

Hi everyone. I am notorious for shutting myself down or feeling like I’m over reacting due to how my parents raised me, so I’m just looking for perspective.
I understand a parents’ love shouldn’t be about accomplishments, but I feel the need to describe the situation I’m in. Also, my parents made us heavily dependent on accomplishments, lmao. My mom would say “ordinary or extraordinary” and wrote me a horrible letter when I got my first B in high school, lol.
My brother grossly underperforms (took 6 years from a four year to graduate, which is fine, but it was a private university, so it cost my parents 75,000 a year and he lost his scholarship 3 times. He also failed out of his initial major, chose a diff major and failed out of that one, and ended up with a degree that was basically put together so he can graduated), has a lot of emotional issues(trigger warning for SH: he has threatened su!c!d3 multiple times), and is essentially an alcoholic at the age of 25. He needs so much help, and I’m aware of that. I’ve begged my parents to put him in a program or make him see a therapist, but they can’t force him as he is an adult, and he is so damaged that when his therapist needed more info to schedule an appointment, he got defensive and refused to go. He screams when he speaks and if something does not go his way, there is a problem. One time I didn’t want to go get oysters on a family trip because I don’t love them. And he had to walk away and ignore everyone for an hour. And my parents refuse to address that behavior because they’re afraid of him threatening to hurt himself.
I got accepted into a good private school (a mini ivy) with a 50,000 dollar scholarship. I went in as undeclared pre-med, but then decided to come home to pursue music (I know, I know). I went to community college for two years and then ended up going to a state school for music performance, fully funded. I won a huge nationally recognized award as I wrapped up my undergrad. I’ve tried to do everything “right” by my parents.
We both ended up graduating this year, and the lengths my parents went for him was crazy. We flew to Texas, they paid for my aunt and uncle’s hotel rooms, bought 500 dollars worth of alcohol, and planned a whole graduation weekend for him (itinerary and all). Dropped at LEAST 2k on him. My mom wept as he graduated and we all cheered him on.
I graduated and my parents missed the tassel moving, and it felt like any normal day. I was at home the day before and I basically prepared everything for graduation myself because my brother was home and they spoke with and to him the whole time.
My extended family makes me and my boyfriend feel more loved than my own mom and dad. I feel guilty feeling like they like or do more for my brother because I recognize they still do a lot for me, so I feel ungrateful when I feel resentful.
I’ll never tell them this because If I do, my mom will get so defensive and lash out at me. It’s like talking to an emotionally inept wall.
Let me know what you think bye ♥️
submitted by AdAdministrative4919 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:37 Chbo4 Job Applications

It was summer. He needed money to pay for school next year. He decided to get a job. He needed to apply to different places. He first made a resume. He then made a cover letter. He walked around his neighborhood.
submitted by Chbo4 to u/Chbo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:35 ImportantLink8923 Job Applications

It was summer. He needed money to pay for school next year. He decided to get a job. He needed to apply to different places. He first made a resume. He then made a cover letter. He walked around his neighborhood.
submitted by ImportantLink8923 to u/ImportantLink8923 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:33 teokkusan Amai, but I changed a couple things

Amai, but I changed a couple things
Osana's post
I was asked to do more, so here she is! And I took that advice about not doing pink letters over a pink background too, haha.
She just seems like the kind of girls who wears her full uniform at all times. Her hair is tied so it won't get into the food, I imagine she gets her bangs out of her face when cooking too. I imagine her to be kind of a loner, who wasn't able to make many friends in middle school and now is trying desperately to leave all that behind.
I imagine with Asana, you can quickly suspect that she's hiding something in her phone because of how protective she is of it. Ami's phone doesn't contain her dark secret like Asana's does, but all you have to do is get her to invite you to her home (she's very trusting and wants to make friends so all it takes is talking about her interests for a bit) and search around her home for the journal. Ami has a journal but she isn't dumb enough to bring it to school lol
submitted by teokkusan to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:33 Mediocre-Ad3377 Do Teachers need a Letter from Employer for a trip scheduled during Summer Break?

Hi - my wife is trying to get a Schengen Visa to travel to Italy this summer. One of the requirements is getting a letter from the employer.
Here are the requirements at the NYC consulate.
  1. Employed applicants should provide: recent letter of references from their employer, which must include employment start date, job title, annual salary and approval of vacation period (with dates). Employed applicants must also provide their last three pay stubs;
Since my wife works in a school, and she will be off from school when we go to Italy on vacation, why do they need a letter from her employer? She would be on summer break. Are there exceptions for teachers during summer?
submitted by Mediocre-Ad3377 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:32 Academic_Push_3234 Job Applications

It was summer. He needed money to pay for school next year. He decided to get a job. He needed to apply to different places. He first made a resume. He then made a cover letter. He walked around his neighborhood.
submitted by Academic_Push_3234 to u/Academic_Push_3234 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 Familiar-Cod-8623 Job Applications

It was summer. He needed money to pay for school next year. He decided to get a job. He needed to apply to different places. He first made a resume. He then made a cover letter. He walked around his neighborhood.
submitted by Familiar-Cod-8623 to u/Familiar-Cod-8623 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:23 VanillaBeanMasochist Is it creepy to follow-up on IRL on a job offer if they're ghosting me??

They offered me the job via Email on May 2nd. However, their summer school program might present a scheduling conflict for a other job that I already accepted.
I currently work for Manteca Unified School District and they offered me a summer school position before the Tutoring Center could respond to my application.
The summer school program is June 3rd to June 28th. However, the director at the Tutoring Center said that THEIR own summer program starts at the end of I asked them if they could provide an exact start and end date.
I also asked if I could use my trans name instead my legal one of hired. My current employer doesn't mind at all. I just have my legal one on my badge next to it.
Then, I asked if I could have June 28tb off for my CBEST exam-the one I need to apply for my next job in Manteca Unified. Manteca Unified already let me take it off. (Same scheduling system for summer school)
Last Friday, I called and left a message asking for some clarification on my "hiring status".
Should I just call one more time? They only have one phone number and email address online. So I have no other way of reaching them unless I physically visit or send a letter.
Any advice?
submitted by VanillaBeanMasochist to jobhunting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:16 BigBurger0 Job Applications

It was summer. He needed money to pay for school next year. He decided to get a job. He needed to apply to different places. He first made a resume. He then made a cover letter. He walked around his neighborhood.
submitted by BigBurger0 to u/BigBurger0 [link] [comments]