De liver de putas


2016.09.15 18:41 Leirach Sex-Men

Subreddit de Sex-Men

2024.02.12 23:49 Alert-Engineering837 catalogo_de_put4s

Las mejores putas, pregunta por la de tu agrado

2017.06.05 14:50 ffalci Maringá

Sub direcionado a tudo relacionado a Maringá e região!

2024.05.22 05:00 asasdodesconto Economize R$ 200 em Três Modelos Seletos Gamma Force na Nike!

Obtenha um super desconto de R$ 200 em três modelos onlines da linha Gamma Force através do aplicativo Nike.
submitted by asasdodesconto to asasdodesconto [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:59 bot_olini Frente de oposición dicen que están nerviosos CDMX en riesgo: Gerardo Fernández Noroña

Frente de oposición dicen que están nerviosos CDMX en riesgo: Gerardo Fernández Noroña submitted by bot_olini to mexico_politics [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:59 bot_olini Frente de oposición dicen que están nerviosos CDMX en riesgo: Gerardo Fernández Noroña

Frente de oposición dicen que están nerviosos CDMX en riesgo: Gerardo Fernández Noroña submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 bot_neen En SLP, fuerte sequía está afectado al zoológico de Mexquitic

En SLP, fuerte sequía está afectado al zoológico de Mexquitic submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 Dry_Manufacturer4705 Ben ik verantwoordelijk voor een smal strookje grond van mijn buren?

Ik woon sinds 2 jaar in mijn (koop)huis. In mijn tuin heb ik aan de linkerkant en de achterkant een schutting. Aan de rechterkant kijk ik op de achterkant van een overkapping van de buren. Daar heb ik toen een hek geplaatst op de erfgrens. Hun overkapping staat een beetje scheef waardoor er tussen mijn hek (wat recht staat) en hun overkapping een soort smalle taartpunt over blijft. Helemaal aan de achterkant kunnen de buren er nog bij maar dan loopt het in zo’n smalle punt dat je er niet meer tussen past.
Ik wilde dat hek eerst laten begroeien met klimop, maar daar waren de buren niet zo blij mee want klimop woekert enorm en zou zomaar door hun overkapping groeien, aangezien er daar niemand bij kan om te snoeien. Toen heb ik gekozen voor de (veel duurdere) optie om Jasmijn te planten. Die groeit naar het licht, zal dus niet woekeren, het duurt alleen een aantal jaar voordat het hek is dicht gegroeid. En het was flink wat duurder. Maar wel mooi!
Nu kan ik zelf moeilijk mijn tuin bijhouden vanwege een chronisch rugprobleem. Wat resulteert in onkruid. Dat groeit vanuit mijn tuin op het dunne strookje tussen ons in en ook door hun overkapping. Daar zijn ze niet blij mee. De buurvrouw wil dat ik een plaat tegen mijn hek aan zet zodat het onkruid niet verder kan groeien maar dan gaat mijn dure jasmijn natuurlijk dood. Het enige wat ik kan doen is een tuinman regelen (dat heb ik gedaan, die komt binnenkort) maar ik ben volgens mij niet verantwoordelijk voor een smal strookje van hun grond waar ze zelf niet bij kunnen. Ik kan er niks aan doen dat zij hun overkapping scheef hebben gezet toch?
Ben ik nou echt de asshole dat ik geen plaat tegen mijn hek aan wil? De buurvrouw zegt dat ze er bij de oude buren geen last van hadden. Maar toen stonden er een stuk heg en coniferen, daar had onkruid geen plek om te groeien. Bij mij wel want ik heb tegen dat hek een strook met siergras. Spuiten is ook geen optie want dan gaat m’n jasmijn ook dood. Ik ben zelfs bang dat ze dat gaan doen zonder dat ik het weet.
Adviezen? Ik wil wel graag de verstandhouding goed houden!
submitted by Dry_Manufacturer4705 to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 bot_neen Tele Zócalo Vespertino / 21 De Mayo De 2024

Tele Zócalo Vespertino / 21 De Mayo De 2024 submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 sarah0inconnue Devinez qui n’est PLUS le président de l’Ukraine… Olivier Demeulenaere – Regards sur l'économie

submitted by sarah0inconnue to u/sarah0inconnue [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 dannnnnnn7777777 Perdi a mulher q amo

Perdi a mulher q amo e n sei cm prosseguir minha vd, estou completamente abalado, dps de 3 anos ela simplesmente sentiu q n sentia mais o msm, é isso me destruiu, n sei oq fazer.
submitted by dannnnnnn7777777 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 bot_olini CNTE mantuvo un bloqueo de tres horas sobre Circuito Interior para exigir aumento salarial

CNTE mantuvo un bloqueo de tres horas sobre Circuito Interior para exigir aumento salarial submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 rbionti Avaiana de Pau, Mundo Canibal e a critica social que nós, crianças, não entendíamos.

Avaiana de Pau, Mundo Canibal e a critica social que nós, crianças, não entendíamos. submitted by rbionti to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 Delicious_LimeMX Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez

Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez submitted by Delicious_LimeMX to MexicoMagico [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 xtlar Trato meu namorado como um filho

Eu M(26) ele H (23). Sou uma mulher grande, não me considero gorda, mas tenho 1,70 e 80kg. Já o meu namorado tem 1,77 e 50kg. Ele é bem magrinho.
Estranhamente tenho muito desejo sexual nele e em como ele é magrelo e miúdo. Gosto de cozinhar e limpar a casa dele e fico muito feliz quando mando ele fazer alguma coisa e ele faz resmungando, como se fosse obrigado. Não sei explicar. Fico maluquinha sendo mandona e ele obedecendo.
Quando a gente fica no sofá ou até mesmo antes de dormir, gosto dele mamando meu peito. Gosto de falar com voz de nenê e infantiliza-lo. meu tesão aumenta muito quando ele me olha com carinha de inocente. Me sinto meio doente por ter tesão nisso. Nosso top 5 de sexo na minha cabeça começou com ele mamando meu peito
submitted by xtlar to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 Delicious_LimeMX Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez

Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez submitted by Delicious_LimeMX to MexicoLimosnero [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:58 Delicious_LimeMX Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez

Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez submitted by Delicious_LimeMX to mexico_politics [link] [comments]


Depois de traírem cidadãos de bem, levando-os ao ônibus de forma enganosa, fazendo-os a acreditarem que estavam sendo resgatadas, mas sim a uma prisão, o que mais pode-se falar ainda de HONRA", partido destes altos patentes e comandastes? Estes, não representa as instituições, são somente elementos.
submitted by Odapitel to u/Odapitel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 ZestyclosePackage734 No hay una mondxx en Barranquilla.

Soy de Barranquilla y por el trabajo me ha tocado vivir en otras ciudades pero despues de un tiempo volvi a mi ciudad y darse cuenta que no hay nada que hacer o donde parchar, todo el mundo va a los mismos lugares , también todo es caro y en todos lados venden lo mismo pero caro o de mala calidad solo tienes esas opciones para escoger.
submitted by ZestyclosePackage734 to Barranquilla [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 Delicious_LimeMX Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez

Suegro de Álvarez Máynez es uno de los 250 académicos que respaldan a Xóchitl Gálvez submitted by Delicious_LimeMX to MexicanosMx [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 luisoxa Estou me sentindo mal

Oi, nesse feriado meu amigo chamou eu e mais 2 amigos pra viajar pra casa de um parente dele muito distante genealogicamente. O que acontece é que meus pais não gostaram da ideia, pq disseram que não conhecem esse tio do meu amigo e eu sou o único entre os amigos que tem os pais pegando no pé. Isso me faz sentir que não aproveito a vida e que estou deixando as oportunidades de ser feliz e socializar irem embora. Sei que minha insatisfação pode parecer fútil e insignificante se comparar com os outros problemas postados aqui,mas gostaria de alguma dica ou algo do tipo para me sentir melhor e/ou lidar com essa situação com meus pais e amigos.
submitted by luisoxa to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 Notnaloww O Deus do Caos, Nimb...esqueci de postar antes kk

O Deus do Caos, Nimb...esqueci de postar antes kk submitted by Notnaloww to Tormenta [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 GreenBusy3386 Viaje a puerto viejo la otra semana

Personas de las zonas y que sepan,
Como está clima en limón? Está lluvioso igual que el valle central? Hay días soleados o no mucho? Como están los mares claros o oscuros ayuda?
submitted by GreenBusy3386 to costarica [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 wquintero206 Tengo la teoría de que el bajón en csm es porque el staff se fue a dandadan

Tengo la teoría de que el bajón en csm es porque el staff se fue a dandadan submitted by wquintero206 to Darkraiposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:57 TheMovieKing94 Two belly button movie ideas.

I know this isn't a picture of a famous female's belly button, but I thought it would be cool to share this and imagine what actress playing who in either idea.
IDEA 1 ---- A comedy where a stuck up young woman (18-30) who is living it up with a decent job, an apartment, and beautiful girlfriends. She enters a shop or a restaurant wearing a crop top and encounters a male or female gypsy who was trying to be nice to her. She is rude to the supernatural person without knowing who he or she is. As the woman leaves, the person bumps into the girl on a boardwalk near a beach and chants some sort of spell while pointing at the woman's belly button. The next morning, the woman wakes up and sees her belly button talk to her. The belly button is voiced by the same actress who plays the woman. Understandably, the woman freaks out while her belly button talks, but nobody else notices. Not even her girlfriends even when the woman tries to explain. They think she's nuts or something. Eventually, when she returns to her apartment, the male or female gypsy or whatever knocks on her door and explains everything. Only the female and the gypsy can understand the belly button. Because of her stuck up behavior and past insecurities as shown by her encounter with the person, the person placed a hex on her belly button to come alive. The woman has to put up with it for 30 days and after she realizes the error of her ways, she has the option to have the belly button stop talking or even keep it. The male or female has done this many times and still keeps in touch with some of his past female friends including one he invites to the woman's apartment. This particular female friend still has her talking belly button as like her conscious and is voiced by the actress playing her. The gypsy or whatever and the protagonist's belly button help our female protagonist for the next month by having her think and care about others while also helping her with her past insecurities and giving her more confidence like wearing a bikini on the beach. She plays volleyball and gets the confidence to ask the guy out that she likes. While the woman converses with the gypsy on the beach and her belly button, two beautiful plus-size bikini girls bump into the magical person as their old friend who used to have talking belly buttons. After thanking the person for helping them and leaving, the gypsy or whatever reveals that he or she is actually around a thousand years old and is cursed with an immortal life on Earth after making some sexual error or unwanted advance. After the woman's beach day, she wonders whether or not to keep having a talking belly button.
The female protagonist and her belly button would be played by someone like Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Chloe Grace Moretz, Taylor Swift, Ariana DeBose, or an actress from RIVERDALE or EUPHORIA. The female friend and her belly button that still talks would be played by someone like Awkwafina, Ashley Park, Stephanie Hsu, or some other comedic actress.
IDEA 2 ---- A sci-fi thriller about a conspiracy where a lot of women are attracted to the same young man, but why? Eventually, it is revealed that the young man is a constantly-shunned, embittered, and anti-social sad sack... yet also a genius. Because he is tired of feeling alone and judged by almost every woman he encountered, he created a small slimy lifeform. With whatever he used in the lab combined with the DNA of a woman like blood, hair, or spit that he managed to retrieve for the slug or parasite-like lifeform to consume, this lifeform -- once close enough to the woman whose DNA is from -- enters the woman's belly button. Once inside the woman's belly button, the woman becomes attracted to the young man and accepts him for who he is. The woman will still be her with her personality, quirks, charms, likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, etc. but she will still be attracted to the young man even if this certain woman may have prejudged him, shunned him, or even bullied him in the past. If he wants intercourse with her, she consents. He might even command the woman to do something with some sort of command if he wanted to. Of course, he doesn't do this to one woman. He's done this to many women. Young adult, skinny, plus size, and cougar. He could even have a party with most or all of these women while wearing skimpy outfits or belly dancer costumes. Yet they don't even remember the thing entering their belly buttons or their possible past encounters with the young man. However, he is not a monster as he would let these women live their lives like school, work, family, friends, career goals, etc. Still, like every other scientific experiment, there is a setback and he doesn't even know it yet. A blonde wearing a crop top goes to a bar to celebrate her friend's birthday or engagement with a group of girlfriends. When the blonde drinks a beer or a shot, she starts to feel sick and her belly is poking around doing the mamba until all of the sudden, the lifeform squirms out of her belly button and plops on the floor. The blonde and some of her friends are screaming while the thing is smoking, squirming, and screeching as it dies. When talking with doctors in the back of an ambulance outside the bar, she slowly starts to remember the moment the thing entering her belly button and possibly the young man himself who planted it in there. So the question you the reader might be wondering is who can stop this continuing? A badass female protagonist, possibly an agent, who is trying to put the pieces together before more women have their belly buttons implanted and find the man responsible.
submitted by TheMovieKing94 to CelebNavels [link] [comments]