Jennings restaurant

Vous avez déjà été la copine de cette fille qui a le beautyprivilege et pas vous ?

2024.05.21 20:09 Evyi-horror Vous avez déjà été la copine de cette fille qui a le beautyprivilege et pas vous ?

Je me pensais jolie jusqu'à traîner beaucoup avec cette amie, vous savez celle qui correspond à tous les critères de beauté de la société et donc tu finis par voir à quel point il y a une différence de traitement (même par des inconnus quand tu vas commander quelque chose au restaurant par exemple) qu'il y a entre elle et toi, j'ai commencé à complexer sur mon physique en m'inventant des complexes que je n'avais pas auparavant.
C'est vrai qu'on m'a souvent dit que j'étais jolie mais particulièrement banale (taille répandue, poids de forme, etc), donc je ne subis pas non plus de harcèlement sur mon physique/corps (du harcèlement de rue oui et encore je n'en subis plus depuis quelques mois), ni de grossophobie, je sais que la grossophobie est très dur à vivre pour les femmes qui le vivent et j'en suis désolé. En fait on me dit soit "ouais t'es bof" ou "je te trouve vraiment jolie" mais c'est rarement le "vraiment jolie" disons que je n'ai rien d'exceptionnelle physiquement et qu'en plus je ne mets pas en valeur (par simple flemme). On m'a souvent dit que j'étais "banale" "normale" physiquement mais jusqu'ici je ne m'étais pas rendu compte de l'attitude des autres envers moi jusqu'à, comme je le dis, être très fréquemment avec cette amie qui a absolument tous les critères de beauté de notre société et voir tous les privilèges qu'elle a, à quel point la différence de traitement peut être différente (souvent faite par des hommes) dés que je suis avec elle. Ce qui est fou c'est que j'en ai parlé à une amie qui m'a dit ressentir cela en ma présence parce qu'elle est en surpoids et moi non, mais je ne m'en étais jamais rendu compte moi-même de cela, c'est comme cela que j'ai eu l'idée de faire ce post pour échanger.
Je sais que j'ai le white privilege, j'ai déjà eu à faire à des situations choquantes (comme moi qui ne paie pas un ticket, une personne noire non plus j'avais oublié de mon côté le contrôleur me dit que c'est pas grave mais que je devrais payer la prochaine fois et met une amende à la personne noire, ce qui m'a vraiment énervé) et je suis curieuse de lire vos témoignages sur tout ce qui concerne le beautyprivilege, whiteprivilege, enfin tout ce qui gravite autour de cela.
submitted by Evyi-horror to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:30 LakeAccurate9033 Ou manger les meilleures pâtes ?

Grand fan de pâte ici, j'en mange en moyenne deux fois par jours. Quel restaurant me conseillez vous pour me régaler les papilles chez un spécialiste de la pasta ?
submitted by LakeAccurate9033 to askparis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:03 PrueGretel RHONJ S14 E3

Shore-ing Up Sides
What kind of a name is this episode? Stupid title. It does give us a clue that this episode will show the demise of friendships and that the cast takes sides. They split up! The casts of NJ are all doing interviews online and on TV. A lot of spoilers are coming out from the cast including who switches sides. I know who. It's all-over social media. I doubt anyone cares if it's spoiled, but you never know. We got a long season ahead. Please! I hope the arguing isn't as bad as last year!
Now, on with the episode...
The cast is still down at the Shore. It looks beautiful and also fun! Of course, they are still divided. Jen and Bill A is with Dolores and Paul. Teresa and Louie went home because Gabriella is leaving for college. Rachel and John are with Adult Jen Fessler and her husband Jeff along with Danielle and Nate. Melissa and Joe are with Marge and her Joe--he really loves her, he's rubbing her feet, very clingy. I would hate it! But that's just me. Most women love to be pampered. Not me.
John asks Adult Jen F about the party the night before. He secretly wants to know why she is hanging around with the enemy, Teresa. Jen states that she never had a problem with Teresa, Rachel looks at her with daggers, she is mad as hell. She states in her talking head that Adult Jen couldn't stand Teresa and that now that Adult Jen has jumped ship, Rachel is done with her. She is very hurt and called Adult Jen F stupid.
Dolores asks Jen A what is going on between Melissa and her. Jen says she is not feeling her and is not a chump. Melissa tells Marge that Jen A spread rumors, so she is not happy with her. The bad feelings is mutual between these two women...
Melissa is throwing a Birthday Party for Joe. It's going to be an Italian theme party. She and Marge discuss what to do about Jen A because she might feel like the lone enemy there without Teresa. Melissa thinks she and Bull should attend. So, with that, Joe Gorga calls Bill and extends an invitation to him and his wife. Bill tells him thank you, but his wife Jen is still not in a good place with Melissa. Jen is not having it. She is still hurt from last year and thinks Joe's invite was not sincere. She is glad that Bill finally stood up for her. She says they are a team from now on. He will stand up for her or he will feel her wrath! Bill just smiles at her no matter what she says. Why is he always smiling?!
Teresa and all her girls are packing up for Gabriella. Gia is crying, all the girls are crying. Gia tells Gabriella that she is so proud of her for getting into the University of Michigan. It's a very had college to get into. Teresa is also crying. Teresa ex, Joe Guidice calls. Teresa can't look at him or she will cry. He tells them all this is a good thing. Louie comes in and tries to cheer them up too. Joe can't afford college, so Teresa and Louie are paying. I doubt Louie is paying, but Producers put Teresa on the spot and asked her if Louie is also paying. Of course she is going to say yes. Pretty sure only Teresa is paying. I saw a preview that Louie went through all of Teresa's money. So, there's that.
Teresa and Louie go outside. She tells him she is in her love bubble with him and no matter what happened at the party or with their enemies she has his love. What does enemies have to do with their love bubble? They are holding hands, clinging to each other while they bring up John Fuda, they rip him apart. Louie called him ugly and a loser. Louie you're no prize in the looks either so no room to talk. Teresa tells him he handled it with grace with John and she is sorry he has to deal with this. He says the same to her, she doesn't deserve any of this. I feel so bad what these two have to put up with. Not! Louie handled it with grace! What the... such an odd thing to say. Louie wrote on Instagram that Teresa has so much grace. I would not describe these two with the word grace.
Joe Gorga's party starts. It looks like fun. The men were doing shots on a blow-up doll's ass that John brought. Ass shots are not my style of fun, but to each their own.
Rachel is complaining about Adult Jen F's betrayal and Marge is talking about Jen A. Marge thinks Jen A should have shown up. Why? I wouldn't if I was her. Rachel agrees with me and says she wouldn't have shown up either.
Back home Teresa throws a going away dinner party for Gabriella at a restaurant. Louie's boys are there along with her daughters. It's a nice family scene. They all reminisce and have a nice time together. Cheers Gabriella! I hope she succeeds in whatever career that she decides to do. I am sure she will.
Back at the party John and Paul joke around with the other men and make up. Oh, and Frank is there. I thought he was off the show for good. He tells Joe that he misses him and that he is Starchy to his Hutch. What?!! Oh, and Frankie Jr. Isn't in Dolores' background family tagline. It's Paul and her daughter. Maybe Frank Jr. had enough of the show.
Marge, Rachel and Adult Jen F sit down. Marge is going to get her. She asks her about Teresa and Louie. Marge is going on and on about it, she is annoyed. Jackie sits down and takes Adult F's side. Marge and Rachel are not having it. Marge tells Adult Jen that she doesn't understand what she is doing, she hated them. Adult Jen is not budging, she now loves Teresa and will be friends with whoever she wants. Rache; starts crying about all of this. Adult Jen feels bad for Rachel, but she loves Teresa now! Rachel feels very betrayed, and Marge is not having what Adult Jen A is putting down. This is messy. Jen F told Marge she is not Marge's soldier, and she will do what she wants and be friends with who she wants. There is a lot of arguing going on and I am sure it will continue. Jackie is comforting Adult Jen and Marge and Rachel are talking about Jen F to Danielle, Rachel is still crying. The betrayal is real. Danielle agrees with Rachel and Marge--she says Adult Jen F isn't loyal and should never do that to her best friends.
Adult Jen F is trying with all her might to tell everyone that she is the best friend anyone could ever have! I don't know about that. What do you all think? Is Jen F a traitor or is Marge and Rachel being unreasonable? If someone does me harm and spread rumors about me. I wouldn't be too fond if my friend befriended that person who she knew for a minute and said she disliked. It's hurtful to do that to a longtime friend who you trusted. That's my take on this.
Oh yeah, and Joe Gorga gets a nice big Italian cannoli cake! Besides the arguing, there were a lot of people there having a lot of fun. Everyone wished him a Happy Birthday and it ended on a happy scene with the delicious cake! Who doesn't love cake?
To Be Continued...
submitted by PrueGretel to Tamaras_Tattlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:54 L0rem-Ipsum-Docet Charlie carries a part of Charlotte’s Soul

Charlie carries a part of Charlotte’s Soul
Because people don't make enough theories about novels, here's a short theory about them.
As we learn at the end of TFC, Charlie does not have a soul of human origin since she is an agony creature/an object infected by agony (I know it’s debatable, but it doesn’t really matter for this theory). Her memories therefore come from after the creation of her main bodies (after 1983) as well as from fictitious scenes staged by Henry to make his daughter believe that she had a life during the period of the creation of her body. As clarified by Elizabeth, before Charlie had a body, her memories were either those of Henry or memories made by Henry.
Basically, she has three types of memories:
  1. Charliebot's direct memories (for example, the events of TSE or her memories of childhood spent with her friends), the equivalent of our human memories. We know that Henry has access to these memories and can suppress or modify any memories he wants.
  2. Memories made by Henry, who used camera recordings that he filmed himself (for example, some of her memories spent in her father's workshop).
  3. Memories from Henry himself that Charlie absorbed as any agony entity would (for example, Henry crying with his daughter on the hill or Henry discussing with Jen about Charlotte’s ghost).
So far so good, it's logical, and all of the memories from this time could have been created by Henry without too many problems (since they are mainly memories of Henry working in his workshop alongside his daughter).
These fabricated memories therefore certainly date from the year 1983, or even 1982. We know that Charlotte was reported missing in October 1982 (or it was retconned in 1983, whatever) and that she was buried in 1983, which leads us to believe that Henry began his experiments around this period. In addition, Charlie mentions knowing her friends quite well when she was a child and was around them for at least two years (she mentions in TSE a passage of time of two years between the first and the last time she invited John to her house), meaning that they spent a few years together. So the period where Henry must have falsely manifested the presence of his daughter must not have lasted many years either, therefore easily explaining how he was able to stage everything without much difficulty for Charlie's memories after 1982 and before she got a body (it was only a matter of a few months).
This is all well and good, but what about memories from before Charlotte’s death?
At first, we can say that they should not be very complicated to reproduce either and that they are staged by Henry. They are mostly childhood memories, after all—basic memories from early childhood. But it raises some inconsistencies. Certainly, Henry could have recreated memories where he and his daughter talk at the Fredbear despite the place having fallen into ruin, but recreate a memory where his entire family is present? It gets harder... This is definitely not the second category. So these are probably memories belonging directly to Henry, right? And yes, it already works better. Charlie could just remember family moments and father-daughter moments via Henry's own memory by having his own feelings superimposed on hers. Except... what about the scenes where Henry is not present? The scenes that only take place between Sammy and Charlie or between Charlie and her mother (well, I have to admit, it’s not like there were a lot of scenes between Charlie and “her” mom—there’s only one for them in the entire trilogy), and where Henry is undeniably absent? What do we do with them?
And then, it must be said that the fact that Charlie so easily differentiates her feelings and those of her father, even when they are quite distinct, is a little strange. Since when do agony entities feel the emotions of a person attached to their victim and not of the person themselves? When Henry puts his rage into the fourth Charliebot, he didn’t put the rage he imagined the robot was feeling; he put his own rage. It's kinda weird. So yes, Charlie was able to reinterpret the memories, but to this extent? I’m not that shocked because… it’s Charlie. She’s already a bit of an exception, and she also seems to already interpret things in her own way, as seen in the memory on the hill and in the memory where Henry is talking to Jen about Ella, but still.
And above all… Charlie remembers her kidnapping. Or rather, the kidnapping of her brother who is in fact her sister (it quickly becomes complicated). It can't be a memory of Henry; he wasn't there. That's clear. We are therefore left with the second solution: Henry recreated this memory by filming the scene. At first, it seemed coherent. Henry just changed the fact that it was Sammy who was kidnapped and not Charlie, which explains this change without creating any inconsistency.
Except, first, that means Henry got up one morning and decided to shoot a film of his daughter's death (aaaand... surprisingly, now that I think about it, it's completely something that Henry could do. Well, I'm still putting it here because it's really twisted). Next, how to shoot this scene without Sammy? Well, fortunately, there is a fairly simple solution for that. Henry has conditioned his daughter to consider that the person she misses and who was kidnapped is her brother. We know that Henry can manipulate his daughter's point of view to a certain extent, and that could quite clearly be what happened in this case. As an adult, Charlie immediately thinks that her instincts to go into her closet and commit suicide are a manifestation of her brother (which is false). Likewise, Henry had no problem making her forget the fact that Sammy moved into the new house with them. So yes, if the scene is actually filmed, a young child would be needed to play the role of Sammy, but Sammy himself is not necessarily required. Which leads us to the question of which kid did Henry take to play in his macabre roleplay where he would have played the role of his daughter's murderer?
Another major problem: Charlie remembers being face-to-face with Spring Bonnie. How could Henry have known that his child was kidnapped by William when the case was never solved (I mean, Sammy could have talked about it, but if that were the case, why is Henry still friends with William if William is the number one suspect?)? And can we talk about the precision of the scene? Charlie's false memories are moments where she does not interact with her surroundings (for relatively obvious reasons such as a camera can’t talk and doesn’t have arms), unlike this memory where Charlie interacts with Sammy.
And then seriously. Why did Henry create such an atrocious scene?
For realism?
No one remembers the conditions of “Sammy’s” death in any case. People don’t even know he’s not dead at Hurricane. Why not pretend that his daughter was not present during the kidnapping or make her believe that she has forgotten this horrible memory?
Because he believes Charlie has the right to witness a realistic version?
First, this is not Henry's mentality at all (he’s the guy who lived in total denial for two years) and then Elizabeth directly says that the false memories serve to maintain the illusion that Charlie is a happy child and absolutely not a paranormal entity traumatized by her father's negligence and the incomprehension of her condition.
“He made memories for you; creating a life for her little rag doll, making her a real little girl. I am sure that many of these memories were carefully crafted and embellished (...)”
—Elizabeth, TFC
I also want to point out that Henry altered Charlie's memories in 1985 (before his suicide) to force her to forget every trace of Afton. We know that’s the case because William had already met Charlie before and probably studied her with Henry, but Charlie doesn’t even remember seeing him before in TSE. Henry is the only character who can manipulate Charlie's memories, so he’s the one who did it, even if his motives aren’t very clear.
Maybe Charlie just imagined the scene herself then?
Yes, but no. Firstly, because she would need to have cosmic gifts to guess that William was disguised as Spring Bonnie, and then because it's not really Charlie's habit to invent memories, even for events of which she is aware and which she could more easily recreate (for example, the separation with her mother, which Charlie finds strange not to remember, but she never reinvented a memory herself).
Just inconsistency and negligence on the part of the authors?
Yes, there is probably that. But now that it's in the final book, we can't just ignore the problem.
Edit : Has anyone read all this? No probably not.I feel like it's pointless because no one cares (probably like the rest of my lifelol). I shoudn't write when I don't feel good. I don't know why I did that it's not like my theories are good or anything, it's shit. I guess I just need to talk somewhere. It feels good to talk about things you like but i don't feel good right now. I just get the feeling that nobody is never here to listen.that's bad pride right?I'll probably delete this post
And this is where I propose my theory: Charlie's memories from before 1982 do not come from scenes created by Henry, nor even from Henry's memories; they come from Charlotte. I'm not talking about Charlotte's soul itself, I'm talking about agony or rather feelings in our context.
As explained by our friend Phineas in the FF, in the Fnaf universe, objects in our environment can absorb the emotional energies that we, beings of flesh and blood, produce. Phineas mainly focuses on negative emotions and feelings since he considers them to be the most powerful emotions in the world of Fnaf, which I absolutely disagree with, but it has little importance here. The important thing is that we introduce energy into receptacles unintentionally.
“[Human emotions] emanate from us or are excreted from us, if you will, like sweat or tears, and it wafts outward like a noxious cloud, soaking into the surroundings.” —Phineas, Epilogue 1:35AM
However, these feelings are not necessarily negative. They can be positive as it's suggested in the novels when Charlie says she believes in ghosts and Marla adds by talking about her own experiences in certain places which seemed to give off a positive energy. It is even quite logical with the fact that Henry's denial is an emotion powerful enough to feed the entity that is Charlie (even if denial isn't really suffering), and the fact that David seems to be able to put happiness into the Mimic even when he wasn’t aware yet.
Wouldn't it be normal for the very strong feelings that emanate from a young child to be stored in an object that they rarely part with? More precisely, an object that contains very strong feelings to the point that they can be considered a source of energy would have every chance of being a transitional object, an object that toddlers use to develop emotionally and have a first control of their emotions—a cuddly toy.
Do you have any memories from your childhood? Probably. Do you have an object that reminds you of it? It could be anything, a book, a toy, a stuffed animal. You know, that object that appears in old photographs. Personally, I had a rabbit plush that I never let go of. It is an object that accompanied me in my childhood wherever I went, offering me comfort when I needed it, and I spent hours playing with it. Now, let's take a look back at Charlie's memories of her early childhood. These are pleasant moments that can mark a young child, almost exclusively moments of play and rest. Moments spent at Fredbear's, moments in the car... The kind of moments where it would be normal for a young child to have a toy, a plushie... maybe a doll? You understand where I'm going with this.
I mean, it's not like it’s an unknown concept in Fnaf. We can think of Simon, who talks to Jake and is not haunted by a soul, or even Tyler's Tag Along Freddy. And I will pass on the theories which propose a solution based on agony concerning Fredbear Plush in Fnaf 4.
When Elizabeth talks about her life (and death) to Charlie, she talks about her Charlizabeth phase in a very specific way: Charlizabeth's body received emotions but wasn’t able to interpret them before gaining consciousness.
“Of course, I could not comprehend those memories until I had received a soul of my own (...). Once I had endowed myself with a soul, I experienced those memories anew: not as an uncomprehending toy, twitching and seizing with an all-consuming rage I could not fathom, but as a person.” —Elizabeth, TFC
This is where it gets interesting. This is exactly what happens to Charlie regarding her old memories. They are memories that she has reinterpreted. Charlie is not a robot; she is originally a rag doll. And… well, in the end, we don’t know much about this rag doll. Her name is Ella, or Henry renamed her Ella, it's not very clear (not to be confused with the Ella doll, I know it's very confusing, but the doll we're talking about was not built by Henry). It was an object purchased in a shop rather than being made by Henry, and above all, it was a toy that belonged to Charlotte (biological Henry’s daughter, I mean).
Now what's interesting is that Henry cried into this object for days and nights, no doubt because it reminded him of his daughter. Even once the shock stage had passed and the denial stage approached, Henry did not part with the doll and kept it in his workshop on a chair. I would like to point out that this happened when Henry did not believe that his daughter's soul was in the doll but believed that Charlotte's soul was in another doll (the other doll also called Ella but which was created by Henry, the one we see in the novels). So if he keeps the doll displayed like this at home, it is probably because it has a very strong personal connection to Henry, and it was an important toy in the eyes of his daughter.
Let's imagine that this doll was Charlotte's cuddly toy, an object that she regularly kept with her and for which she reserved particular importance. The doll was able to integrate the emotions, feelings, and memories of its owner like any object in the world of Fnaf, without being animated by a conscience—a conscience that would only develop when Henry put all his negative feelings and his love for his deceased daughter into it (feelings obviously much more raw and powerful than the simple emotions of a toddler).
Now, let's go back to the memories in question. Charlie remembers the times spent with family, since she was with her family but in the form of a toy. She remembers the moments between Henry and Charlotte since she was with Charlotte and Charlotte's interpretation of the world was transmitted into her doll. Charlie remembers the play scenes between Charlotte and Sammy since Charlotte was playing with her. Which leads us to the kidnapping scene that Charlie remembers.
As for Elizabeth, the memory is a reinterpretation that Charlie carries out on Charlotte's feelings during her kidnapping. Not everything is real since Charlie was then influenced by her father (just as all of her other memories are biased. Charlie thinks she IS Charlotte the little girl when she was just her doll, a bit like how she identifies herself as Charlie in the memories she inherited from Henry, instead of interpreting them as being Henry himself).
Charlie is traumatized by this event, truly traumatized. Because Henry himself was traumatized by the event or for another reason? What traumatized Charlie the most was the figurative mutilation she suffered when her “brother” was taken from her, but her brother was never taken from her. Could the trauma not come from the brutal separation from her owner? It is also interesting to note that once Charlotte was kidnapped by William, Charlie only remembers the events very very vaguely and only vividly remembers the moment when her father got her back (the moment when Henry intervened and Henry was able to transmit his own memories to the doll). Before the kidnapping, Charlotte and Sammy were going to sleep (a situation where kids often have a plush or a doll with them), and we know that Sammy had a toy during the kidnapping. Moreover, if Charlotte was indeed separated from her doll during her kidnapping, this explains Henry's obsessive behavior towards his daughter's toy: it was the last object she had before disappearing, totally the type of object on which a father incapable of mourning would become obsessed.
To sum up my idea:
  • Charlie is also influenced by Charlotte’s feelings.
  • Henry (and William and Elizabeth, who based their work on Henry’s) doesn’t know this (he stopped caring about Charlie after he understood that she wasn’t Charlotte after all).
  • All of Charlie’s memories from before Charlotte’s death mainly came from Charlotte’s own memories.
Or in a form of a timeline :
Two things to quickly add about this.
Firstly, in a more general sense about the series, this reinforces a certain link between the three main agony entities (whether they are creatures created solely from emotions or those possessing objects) in the series: Charlie, Eleanor, and the Mimic. If we consider that the backstory about the pendant mentioned by Talbert has any connection with Eleanor (which is rather implied) and that she (or at least her physical body) was created/re-used by Talbert (already more debatable, but I believe it's a fairly widespread theory about Eleanor? I’ll leave it to those who know better to discuss this in the comments), it seems relatively interesting that the three most conscious entities purely constituted of agony that we know of are all objects that were linked to a child before being infected by more violent emotions from an adult. It might be a silly remark; I haven't delved deeply into Eleanor's character for this lol.
Secondly, regarding the novels: the memory of Charlotte’s kidnapping could be the element that made Henry realize that William was indeed the person who kidnapped his daughter. TFC suggests that Henry understood before the MCI that William was his daughter’s murderer (notably because he seems to recover Charlizabeth before the children's disappearances). I generally assumed that Henry realized the truth about William when the latter stole the fourth Charlie model, but it would indeed make more sense for Henry to understand via an external event.
The trigger event between William and Henry is not William’s theft. After all, William has no valid reason to suddenly betray Henry and jeopardize his cover and his restaurant project with the Twisteds, just to steal an unfinished model (if he could, he would probably have stolen the third model, which was likely much more advanced and even maybe finished). Henry would have understood by visualizing Charlie’s memories or she might have mentioned the memory to her father. Henry would have turned against William, and in the panic, the latter would have returned to steal the only model easily available. This also explains why Henry didn’t tell the police that he knew William was responsible for the MCI and his daughter’s death even though he was convinced of it: revealing his undeniable proof would mean exposing the true nature of his daughter.
Well, that’s all from me!
(Btw, I wanted to add pictures from the graphic novels but couldn't because they actually didn't understand the twist and represented the ragdoll as classic Ella. Seriously I hate these books).
submitted by L0rem-Ipsum-Docet to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:41 SubstantialCreme7748 Howie Carr in Canton Townies and the Karen Read Case
POSTED: Howie Carr: Karen Read trial is a corrupt Canton townie sideshow
PUBLISHED: May 18, 2024 at 4:25 p.m. UPDATED: May 18, 2024 at 4:27 p.m.
Paul Revere used to summer every year in Canton, but he wouldn’t recognize the place today.
One thing, though, hasn’t changed since the 18th of April in ’75 — the locals still love their midnight rides, but with one big difference.
Paul Revere wasn’t hammered out of his mind when he was on horseback, spreading the alarm to every Middlesex village and farm.
Through the first 14 days of the Karen Read murder trial in Dedham, we have learned much about life in the Town of Canton, post-Paul Revere.
As you know, Read is accused of murdering her boyfriend, BPD cop John O’Keefe, by drunkenly running him over in a snowstorm in January 2022.
His body was found outside the home of another BPD officer, who has since sold the house, gotten rid of his phone and dog and abruptly retired from the job, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
How screwed up is this case? Well, the feds are all over it like white on rice.
Read’s defense attorneys have said the G-men’s accident-reconstruction experts have concluded that O’Keefe couldn’t possibly have been killed by a car.
Then there are all those texts that haven’t been “mistakenly” deleted…
The state’s lead investigator is thisclose to the Hibernian hillbillies who are up to their eyeballs in this mess.
According to opening statements, State Trooper Michael Proctor’s first thought when he was assigned the case was to text his Canton high-school buddies. He told them he was already searching online for nude photos of Karen Read.
Proctor is now under investigation by MSP Internal Affairs — if only because it’s the feds who discovered his texts, rather than the corrupt Staties themselves.
How will Proctor do on cross-examination? Do you remember an LAPD detective by the name of Mark Fuhrman?
Back on the stand Tuesday will be Jen McCabe. She’s the one who’s missing one of her front teeth.
Don’t confuse Toothy McCabe with Julie Albert. Julie is the one who chews gum while testifying. Her father’s name is/was Jack Daniels — coincidence?
Julie is married to Chris Albert. He did a six-month state bit in 1995 after killing a Hungarian exchange student in a hit-and-run accident.
His public defender was one John Prescott, whose sister is the judge in the case — Beverly Cannone. She’s a lifelong payroll patriot from Quincy, like the rotund district attorney, Meatball Mike Morrissey.
If you want to hide something real good, just stick it in one of Judge Cannone’s law books.
From her courtroom rulings, Cannone seems to believe that the synonym for “exculpatory” is “excluded,” as in, if the evidence is exculpatory for Karen Read, it’s excluded.
Chris Albert, by the way, is a Canton selectman. As the only jailbird in the fight, he was elected in a landslide. Forget it Jake — it’s Canton.
Even if you haven’t been paying close attention, there are easy ways to figure out who’s who. The townies — which is everyone except the defendant — all pronounce their hometown not as “Canton” but as “Can-UHN.”
Here’s how the examination begins after each witness is sworn in.
Where do you live? Can-UHN. Where were you born? Can-UHN. Where did you go to high school? Can-UHN High.
Have you ever been anywhere else? Yes, once I drove to a packy… in Stough-UHN.
Selectman Albert owns the local pizza parlor. On the night John O’Keefe died outside his brother’s house, he closed his shop, then walked across the street to a local dive where he ordered “appetizers.” That’s how good his own restaurant is.
Then, meeting up with the rest of the Can-UHN townies, the selectman ordered the usual — a round of Fireballs. How Canton is it?
After last call, he offered to take the crapulous crew back to his pizzeria for some free eats. Everybody said… nah.
Almost all these people live, or did live, in the same houses they grew up in, bought by their parents 50 years ago as they fled Boston after the start of busing.
Lucky for them they inherited these tear-downs, because otherwise most of them would have already fled back to their natural habitat — trailer parks.
See, Canton’s on the commuter-rail line, so housing prices have been going up, up and away. It’s only a matter of time until all these low-rent losers are priced out.
So resentment is simmering among the old Can-UHN crowd. They don’t like what’s happening — just last year, their favorite hang-out, Big D’s Neponset Grill, went out of business.
It was the last place in town where you could get a fried-baloney sandwich. Now that was some really fine Can-UHN cuisine.
What must the U.S. attorney be thinking as he watches this legal lynching unfold in deepest, darkest Dedham? The defense has said in open court that the feds already have a proffer — a deal — with the only witness who didn’t go to Can-UHN High.
The hack prosecutor did not dispute the statement.
Judge Cannone has instructed all the parties not to mention that federal grand jury, where at least three cops have apparently told conflicting stories from what they testified before Meatball’s state grand jury.
But the other day, one of the younger witnesses was asked who’s questioned him about O’Keefe’s death.
“The feds,” he blurted out in front of the jury.
Well, what could you expect? He went to Can-UHN High.
This trial is drawing a huge audience. Unlike Trump’s kangaroo-court case in New York, there are cameras in the Dedham courtroom. Live streaming coverage.
And Karen Read is not guilty. Tensions are running high. There have been fights and restraining orders — and that’s just among the reporters.
Aidan “Turtleboy” Kearney is the blogger who’s made the case into a national story. He’s been barred from the courtroom for certain witnesses — the “McAlberts,” as he calls the Alberts and the McCabes.
The McAlbert witnesses begin weeping when they talk about Turtleboy. He makes them want to spit out their chewing gum and order another round of Fireballs.
How dare he call their hero Jailbird Chris Albert “Chicken Parm Charlie?”
I have Turtleboy on my radio show most afternoons. On Friday, he said Jen McCabe has a worse set of teeth than George Washington did.
The most appealing thing about this case is that you can watch it and feel better about your own hometown. In Holbrook, they listen to Chicken Parm Charlie and realize that he makes their ex-selectman Daniel Lee look like Daniel Webster.
In Methuen, they see Canton’s Keystone Cops and think, you know, maybe Chief Solomon wasn’t that bad after all…
If Paul Revere could only see what’s become of Canton, he’d put the spurs to Brown Beauty and keep riding. Only instead of “The British are coming!” he’d be yelling something different. “The white trash are coming!”
submitted by SubstantialCreme7748 to justiceforKarenRead [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:59 Familiar_Ad593 Pardonner son ancienne meilleure amie?

Alors pour résumé : j'ai décidé de couper les ponts avec ma meilleure amie en février mais depuis j'hésite à revenir lui parler.
Pour le contexte : j'avais une meilleure amie depuis le collège mais depuis juillet dernier elle a commencé à changer. Au début je ne m'en rendait pas forcément compte vu que pour moi c'était ma meilleure amie donc elle ne me ferait rien de mal.
Pour commencer, en 2022, vu qu'elle n'avait pas énormément d'amie, je l'invitais chaque semaine à sortir avec mes potes en bars (exclusivement des garçons car je suis en filière d'ingénierie). Du coup je l'invitais tout le temps, on était vraiment vu comme le "duo inséparable" . Dans mon groupe de 10 potes, elle a couché avec 4 dont un dont elle était amoureuse mais lui ne voulait rien d'autre que du sexe. Ce mec avait la réputation de sauter sur tout ce qui bouge et il a également essayé avec moi, mais ça ne m'interessait pas et je voulais pas gacher nos délires ensemble. Suite à ça, elle m'engueulait limite si je sortais avec eux et même si je l'invitais, je voyais qu'elle était pas bien. On a alors fini par aller dans des bar,festivals etc ...juste à deux et on peut dire que là ça allait mieux, on s'amusait entre filles.
Souvent elle me répétait qu'elle voulait une relation sérieuse, mais que suite à ce qu'elle a vécu, ce serait dur de trouver un mec bien. On s'est donc inscrite en même temps sur un site de rencontre pour "voir". On s'envoyait les messages droles qu'on recevait etc.. mais moi j'ai vraiment fini par trouver un mec bien qui est toujours mon copain aujourd'hui. J'aurais voulu que ce soit pareil pour elle car c'est vraiment ce qu'elle voulait.
Suite à celà, les changements sont arrivés, voici ce que j'ai noté :
J'ai fini par m'éloigner à cause de tout ça, et à partir de septembre elle venait me parler uniquement pour me parler d'elle. Depuis septembre elle ne m'a pas demandé comment j'allais mais elle me parlait uniquement de ce qu'il lui arrivait dans la vie. Plusieurs fois je lui demandais comment ça allait dans la vie, je n'ai jamais reçu de "et toi". J'avais aussi remarqué qu'elle prenait plusieurs jours pour me répondre mais quand on sortait ensemble, elle était h24 sur son tel à répondre à ses messages devant moi donc là raison ne peut pas être qu'elle ne voit pas mes messages.
Alors, un jour j'en ai eu marre de tout ça et moi et mon copain on s'est désabonnée d'elle. Étrangement, le lendemain même elle m'a envoyé un message pour me demander pourquoi j'avais fais ça? Là je lui ai dis tout ce que j'ai écrit au dessus. Elle m'a répondu qu'elle ne s'en rendait pas compte etc qu'elle aurait aimé qu'on en parle avant. C'est vrai, on aurait pu en parler avant mais je savais déjà qu'elle allait me dire que c'est parcequ'elle avait des problèmes. J'ai fini par la bloquer complètement en février dernier.
Le problème final étant que maintenant je commence à repenser au moment où tout se passait bien. Je me dis qu'on était vraiment comme des soeurs. Je repense à lui renvoyer un message pour qu'on reprenne contact mais quand je repense à tout ce qu'elle a fait, je me demande si c'est une bonne idée. Je sais que cette situation me rendait vraiment mal mais je repense à toute nos sorties et voyages qu'on a fait, nos délires et je doute à lui reparler. J'ai aussi un peu d'égo.
Au collège, j'avais déjà décidé de couper les ponts avec une de mes meilleure amie, on s'est pardonné et malheuresement quelque mois après elle est décédée... Après ça, je me suis toujours dis qu'il fallait que je pardonne car on ne sait jamais ce qu'il peut arriver.
C'est un peu brouillon ce que je dis, mais c'est après avoir repenser à ma meilleure amie décédée que j'ai commencé à me dire que je devrai peut être la pardonner. Peut être pas directement refaire des sorties mais juste se resuivre sur les réseaux.
Desolée c'est très long, si vous êtes arrivé jusque là n'hésitez pas à ma dire ce que vous feriez et si vous reprendriez contact avec une ancienne meilleure amie qui vous a blessé afin de mettre vos différents de cotés.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !
submitted by Familiar_Ad593 to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:35 HRJafael Charlemont planners approve special permit for Hinata Mountainside Resort
The town’s newest attraction could begin welcoming people as soon as May 2025 after the Planning Board granted a special permit to Hinata Mountainside Resort off of Warfield Road.
With drafted conditions laid out at the previous week’s meeting, Thursday’s discussion was brief, as Planning Board consultant Jeff Lacy went over the finalized conditions with applicants Jeff and Jen Neilsen, of Agawam, who seek to construct 32 cabins and revitalize the Warfield House Inn on a 473-acre property off of Warfield Road. The property is currently owned by the Schaefer family, which owns Berkshire East Mountain Resort, and the land is expected to be sold now that the permit is approved.
The Neilsens are proposing a retreat where people can relax and make use of the region’s natural and recreational resources. While the cabins were listed as “glamping cabins” on the Planning Board’s meeting agendas, the two applicants emphasized their project’s vision is far from a camping environment.
“We’re super excited, so thank you,” Jeff Neilsen said after the permit was approved. Up at the site after the meeting, Neilsen looked east toward the view of Charlemont’s hills and added “how can you beat this?”
The 32 timber-frame cabins will be about 500 square feet and feature a small deck. The couple also plans to revitalize the restaurant present on the site, albeit at a reduced scale, and they expect to host weddings and other events there. Less than 10% of the site, or 31 acres, will see development.
Jen Neilsen said the name “Hinata” is Japanese and translates to “facing the sun,” which is perfectly fitting as all the buildings on the hillside will face the rising sun.
“The buildings and all the cabins will be facing the east and we think that’s pretty cool,” she said up at the site, with the couple adding the unique name also will help differentiate their business from others.
While there has been widespread support for the resort at the four meetings held, there were concerns raised by residents about the use of Warfield Road, which is a small hill leading up to the property with a challenging exit onto Route 2 in downtown Charlemont.
To alleviate concerns, the Neilsens and Jon Schaefer proposed an approximately 5,200-foot driveway through the Zoar Outdoor property using a previously built road running up the mountain. The Neilsens will be upgrading this driveway as part of the project. Zoar also is owned by the Schaefer family.
Other major conditions set on the project include montioring use of Warfield Road. Lacy said any overuse “may be cause for review of this special permit and further consultation with the Planning Board.” The original draft permit had stated overuse of the road would be cause for revocation of the permit, but the Neilsens’ team said it will be difficult to do so because it’s a public way.
Instead, the Neilsens said they will ensure signage directs people to the private driveway at Zoar, which will have an address so GPS directs people there as well.
The special permit also requires Hinata Mountainside Resort always have a responsible party reachable by phone when the business is open and allows for a Planning Board inspection after a phone call or with four hours’ notice. Additional conditions include following guidelines for light pollution and prohibiting amplified music past 11 p.m. on weeknights and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
With unanimous approval from the Planning Board, Jeff and Jen Neilsen said they are hoping to have the resort open by May of next year.
“This is a win for everyone,” Jeff Neilsen said.
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:02 Khalerzhas Jen Chan's Hot Sauce Is Fantastic

Jen Chan's Hot Sauce Is Fantastic
I first tried Jen Chan's brick and mortar restaurant in Atlanta last year and became addicted to their hot sauce, which has a nice integration of tamari and sesame oil. IMO it deserves to be on the Mt. Rushmore of hot sauces, definitely worth the try if you can get it at the restaurant or online (
submitted by Khalerzhas to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:29 John_Doe989 Je ne sais pas si ce qui est arrivé est grave

Je ne sais pas comment écrire tout ça, je n'ai jamais mis sur papier les éléments dont je vais parler. Pour faire simple j'aurais besoin d’avis pour me dire si ce que j'ai vécu est quelque chose que j'ai monté en flèche, où une chose grave. Cette histoire est devenue une obsession pour moi depuis ces derniers temps.
À l'âge de mes 18 ans je travaillais en tant qu’apprentis serveur dans un château qui faisait restaurant. J'étais très fier de travailler dans ce magnifique établissement bien que j'étais payé une misère (700€/mois) avec aucune heure supplémentaire payée alors que je faisais des semaines d'approximativement 50h. C'est la restauration… Mais bref, l'as bas ils ont été tolérant avec moi au début étant donné que c'est le luxe et qu'il s'agit d'un millier de choses à apprendre mais au bout de trois mois ils ont commencé à être complètement tyrannique et me prendre pour un boulet fini. Ils étaient persuadés que j'en avais rien à foutre d'être ici étant donné que je ne parlais jamais, sauf de cinéma étant donnée que c'est ma grande passion. Je suis bipolaire, je l'ai appris des années plus tard, les rapports humains ce n'est pas trop mon truc, je ne sais jamais comment m'y prendre. Alors quand je croise des collègues je leurs affiche un grand sourire car selon moi c'est la meilleure façon de montrer que j'étais heureux d'être ici alors qu'en vérité j'étais de plus en plus détruit par la sensation d'être détesté par tous. Ce qui était réellement le cas. Ils m'ont accusé de me foutre ouvertement de leur gueule avec mes sourires forcés. Je pleurais en rentrant du taff à 1h du mat avant de reprendre le lendemain à 10h. Loin de ma famille, travaillant tous les weekends. Un nouveau maître d'hôtel est arrivé, il s'appelait Didier, il était très gentil avec moi. Un homme d'une cinquantaine d'années, très extraverti ayant fait du théâtre toute sa vie. Il voulait m'apprendre le métier et faisait abstraction de ce qu'on disait sur moi. On s'entendait bien, et j'avais réellement l'impression de pouvoir me lâcher face à lui. J'avais la sensation de ne plus être détesté et vu par quelqu'un. Sauf qu'il était de plus en plus insistant, il insistait régulièrement pour qu'on aille boire un verre ensemble après le boulot. Et là je me suis dis que c'était… Je ne sais pas. Ils me disaient que grâce à lui et son frère qui travaillait aux usa je pourrais partir avoir une carrière à l'étranger faire de grandes choses avec lui. J'ai choisis la restauration exactement pour cette raison, pouvoir voyager. Il me disait que je ferais de grandes choses et qu'on réussirait ensemble. J'ai toujours refusé d'aller boire un verre avec lui et ensuite il s'arrêtait d'en parler pour se plaindre plus tard sur le ton de la plaisanterie que je ne voulais pas de son amitié. C'était la seule personne qui était là pour moi et je commençais à ne plus du tout être à l'aise avec lui. Un soir où une collègue m'a défoncé au boulot à cause d'un fromage mal coupé je suis parti pleurer dans une des pièces non occupées du château. Ils est venus me voir et on à discuté un moment alors que j'éclatais en sanglots. Je lui ai dit que je ne pensais pas être fait pour la restauration et que je comptais partir. Je crois qu'il à posé sa main sur ma cuisse pendant qu'il me rassurait. Évidemment il m'as fait un grand discours et m'a dis de croire en moi, ça m'a fait du bien. Il m'a fait un câlin et on est reparti bosser. Je vais accélérer les évènements mais un jour pour se dire au revoir il m'a pris par la taille et m'a fait la bise en me souhaitant un bon weekend ce que nous ne faisions pas du tout au chateau, on se serait tous la main. Ça m'a grandement surpris. Le Lundi sans que j'en parle il s'est excusé pour son geste déplacé et ma dis que ça ne recommencerais plus jamais. Il m'a mis dans la merde en me faisait boire de la vodka de très bonne qualité en cachette et toujours la même connasse de collègue l'as répété à tous l'établissement ce qui mas encore plus niqué ma réputation. J'ai essayé de discuter avec le patron de mon mal être dans l'entreprise et avec cette collègue, il m'a dis de prendre exemple sur elle et quand je serais meilleure on pourra en reparler. Un jour j'ai fais une blague face à didier avant de partir de mon service de midi, en revenant le soir il avait totalement changé de ton avec moi et mas expliquer qu'il avait réfléchis et qu'il était évident que je ne me comportaient pas avec lui comme je me comportaient avec un vrai maître d'hôtel. Donc à partir de maintenant je ne te considère plus comme un ami mais comme un collègue le temps que tu changes de comportement. Ça m'a détruit, j'étais de nouveau inapprécié de tous. Je passe sur d'autres choses similaires pour en venir à la fois qui m'a perturbé. Ils discutaient avec un collègue, riaient sur des blagues de cul. J'arrivais tout juste dans la discussion, c'était le service du soir. Il s'est retourné vers moi et m'a demandé en riant si j'en avais dans le froc avant de toucher explicitement mes parties génitales et de partir en riant. J'y ai beaucoup réfléchi à tout ça. Aujourd'hui je ne sais pas si j'en fais des caisses car j'ai beaucoup de mal à me dire que c'est une agression sexuelle où quelque chose de similaire ayant connu des personnes ayant souffert de bien pire. Mais ce qui est sûr c'est que je n'étais définitivement plus à l'aise avec personne ici, et je commençais à avoir des idées suicidaires. Ma délivrance était de me dire que je pourrais toujours mourir si les choses s'aggravait. J'ai quitté le château peu de temps après ça à la suite d'un arrêt de travail après 8 mois dans cette ambiance. J'ai parlé avec mes professeurs d'école qui ont compris ma détresse quand je pleurais dans leurs bureaux après être resté avec eux 1h sans réussir à décrocher un mot. Un de ces professeurs à travailler au château et tandis qu'il essayait de me comprendre et me posais des questions il m'as demandé “C'est Didier ? Il t'as fait quelque chose ?” Il n'a pas dit d'autres noms, il à dit Didier. J'ai halluciné qu'il me pose cette question très précise. Je n'ai pas répondu, car je ne savais pas quoi répondre. Ces gestes n'étaient peut être pas si grave et j'ai mal interprété des blagues de boulots où autres choses, c'était mon premier travail. Et je ne voulais pas enterrer une personne qui n'avait probablement rien fait de mal. Mais surtout je me sentais honteux, souillé. Je ressens encore ça aujourd'hui, j'ai 22 ans. J'ai peur d'être juste une diva en manque d'attention qui essaie de trouver du glauque où il n'y en à pas. Mais je ne prends aucun plaisir à écrire tout ça, j'ai des nœuds à l'estomac, je me trouve ridicule sachant que j'ai la sensation qu'il ne s'est pas passé grand chose mais pourtant ça me … Putain c'est compliqué d'écrire et je ne sais même pas pourquoi. Et c'est la première fois que j'en parle. Je me sent mal quand j'y pense, j'y pense souvent.
submitted by John_Doe989 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:12 laelweis Tenue chic / costume pour les grandes ?

Hello à toutes,
Première fois que je poste sur ce sub, je le suis depuis un moment et en ce moment j'ai grandement besoin de conseils !
F24, je mesure 1m78 pour un poids de 85kg. J'ai déjà du mal à trouver des tenues basiques à ma taille pour le quotidien (jean toujours trop court ou t-shirt soit trop court soit trop large) mais récemment ça m'a vraiment mené à venir vous questionnez ici...
Donc récemment, je devais m'habiller chic (obligatoire pour rentrer, jeans interdits) pour une soirée au restaurant et pas moyen de trouver quoi me mettre. Depuis toujours, je rêve d'avoir un ensemble costume, donc je regarde dans les magasins (Uniqlo, Naf naf, ...) mais je ne trouve jamais les pantalons assez long ! Et je ne parle même pas des combi... Je finis toujours par me résigner à porter une robe (et là encore souvent les robes sont trop courtes donc je prends des mi longues...)
Donc j'en viens à ma question ! Pour les femmes qui sont grandes, où est-ce que vous achetez vos tenues de soirées, un peu chic ou de bureau très sympa ? Donc costume, chino, combi, robes... Et bien sûr dans un budget qui reste raisonnable (disons maxi 150 euros si c'est un costume)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide !
submitted by laelweis to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:19 donut_butt Is "Chain" an Insta trap or the real deal?

I only know about this thing because Jen Lewis did a bunch of design work for them. It looks like Insta bait to me, but OTOH their byline "Chef-driven versions of chain restaurant classics" is up my alley. Has anyone been to one of their events?
submitted by donut_butt to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:13 mistero88 L'estie de SAAQ

Esti de service DE MARDE.
J'en reviens pas.
Il y a deux mois je suis allé refaire le test (sur rdv) pour faire enlever l'option A (lunettes) de ma carte. J'ai passé 1h40 après mon rendez-vous qui a duré 4 minutes.
On m'a remis une lettre qui disait que dans X semaines j'allais recevoir un permis par la poste.. Cool.
Avant que le délai échoue, j'ai essayé d'appeler parce que tsé, je l'ai pas reçu. Évidemment pas possible d'avoir une ligne. Alors je me connecte sur SAAQclic et je trouve une crosse pour envoyer la lettre qui mentionne que j'ai réussi le test telle journée blah blah.. (via l'option Formulaires médicaux) J'envoie ça. Évidemment, pas de Inbox dans SaaqClic alors j'imagine qu'on va m'appeler ou m'envoyer une lettre.
Trois semaines plus tard, pas de nouvelles et bien sûr toujours pas capable d'avoir une ligne.
Seule option, prendre un autre rendez-vous DANS TROIS SEMAINES.
J'espère que Who the fuck is in charge ose pas se payer une bouteille de vin durant ses meetings au restaurant au frais des contribuables. C'est pathétique.
submitted by mistero88 to Quebec [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:15 eldritchorrorz Hyperphagie

Bonjour à tous, Je subis depuis quelques mois des crises dhyperphagie boulimique, couplées au fait que je travaille en restauration et que j'ai constamment accès à de la nourriture/de l'alcool. J'ai vécu dernièrement des périodes très stressantes au niveau personnel, accompagnées de grosses fatigues liées au travail, et j'en paye le prix aujourd'hui avec une prise de poids massive qui me déprime beaucoup et me fait me sentir très mal. Pour contexte, je n'ai jamais été une personne sportive et je compte reprendre la natation bientôt et peut-être la marche mais voilà, avec un service qui commence à 17h et se termine vers 1h ou 2h, je ne suis pas couchée au minimum avant 3h et rarement levée avant midi. Ce qui me laisse peu de temps et je dois souvent choisir entre un café entre amis, les tâches ménagères du quotidien, la distraction immédiate type série lecture etc et l'exercice, qui passe souvent en tout dernier. La nourriture me procure également un plaisir que je retrouve rarement ailleurs. J'ai besoin de conseils sachant que je ne peux actuellement pas pour des questions de temps et d'argent (je vois déjà d'autre s professionnels de santé de manière assez fréquente) consulter un nutritionniste. J'ai aussi l'impression que peu de monde m'encourage suffisamment à me bouger, ce qui me conforte dans mes mauvaises habitudes et amplifie mon mal être.
submitted by eldritchorrorz to questionsante [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:39 pbx1123 NEW ON HBO and MAX, ORIGINALS AND EXCLUSIVES IN MAY 2024

'Hacks' Season 3 (May 2)
Laughing its way to its third season, Max's comedy gold "Hacks" returns with another hilarious outing that sees Jean Smart's Deborah Vance at the top of her game. Her standup special that debuted at the end of the last season has driven her back into stardom and she's living life quite lavishly in Las Vegas. Meanwhile, her ex-comedy writer Ava (Hannah Einbinder) returns to Los Angeles in the hopes of finding a better role for her writing career.
This season will kick off a whole year following the duo's separation. Deborah and Ava will once more cross paths, finding new ways for both to grow together all with the good-natured hysterics baked in. "Hacks" season 3 corrals a total of nine episodes, with two of them landing on premiere night.
Premieres May 2 on Max
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'Turtles all the Way Down' (May 2)
Based upon John Green’s novel of the same name, “Turtles All the Way Down” follows the story of 16-year-old Aza Holmes (Isabela Merced), who struggles with anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Following a chance reconnection with her childhood crush, Aza’s life spirals into questions of love and happiness.
With a new lease on working through her mental illnesses, Aza decides to go on a quest in search of a fugitive billionaire with the help of her friend Daisy (Cree Cicchino). It’s unclear how much of the novel will find its way into the upcoming Max teen drama, but it’s sure to be packed with surprises and more than a few twists to keep fans guessing.
Premieres May 2 on Max
'The Iron Claw' (May 10)
The 2023 biopic out of A24 follows a family of wrestlers in the throes of a supposed curse. Named after the iconic "iron claw" move in-ring, "The Iron Claw" spans from 1979 to the 1990s as it depicts the attempted successes of Fritz Von Erich's sons.
Zac Efron leads the charge as Kevin Von Erich, the second oldest son and often narrator of the film. His enthusiasm and discipline are palpable as he describes a deep fondness for the sport of wrestling, but winning doesn't come easy. Over the course of the film, Kevin and his brothers have consistent fights with their father. This emotional turmoil is what drives the plot as the group tries to become household names in wrestling.
Falling into similar territory as "The Fighter" before it, "Iron Claw" is a fascinating tale of family and destiny. Although it might have been snubbed at the 2024 Oscars, it still came out on top as among the top 10 films via the National Board of Review.
Premieres May 10 on Max
'Pretty Little Liars: Summer School' (May 9)
“Pretty Little Liars” returns once more, this time taking up a completely new name following the 2022 hit “Original Sin.” This second season, aptly titled “Summer School,” will follow in the footsteps of its previous season, taking inspiration from the likes of “Midsommar” and “Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”
Millwood is once more steeped in a horrifying villain in the “Bloody Rose,” a knife-wielding, red-mask-donning killer that will “test every one of the girls,” claims showrunner Lindsay Calhoon Bring. New cast members joining the show include Antonio Cipriano as Johnny, Ava Capri as Jen, Noah Alexander Gerry as Christian, and Loretta Ables Sayre as Lola, all of whom will bring their own mysteries and plenty of lies to the table.
Premieres May 9
2024 NBA Playoffs
All of TNT Sports’ coverage of the 2024 NBA Playoffs throughout May — including live games, pregame and postgame coverage, and alternative viewing experiences — will be available to stream on Max’s B/R Sports Add-On.
Max’s B/R Sports Add-On will be the exclusive streaming home of the 2024 NBA Western Conference Finals.
Check local listings for matchups and game times.
2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs
All of TNT Sports’ coverage of the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs throughout May — including live games, pregame and postgame coverage — will be available to stream on Max’s B/R Sports Add-On.
Check local listings for matchups and game times.
MLB Tuesdays May 7 Houston Astros at New York Yankees, 7:00 p.m.
May 14 New York Yankees at Minnesota Twins, 7:30 p.m.
May 21 Atlanta Braves at Chicago Cubs, 7:30 p.m.
May 28 Los Angeles Dodgers at New York Mets, 7:00 p.m.
FIA World Endurance Championships May 10-11 TotalEnergies 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps (FP3, Qualifying & Race)
MotoGP May 10-12 Michelin® Grand Prix de France
May 24-26 Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya 2024
Cycling May 4 GP Morbihan (Coupe de France)
May 4-26 Giro d’Italia
May 5 Elfstedenronde Tro-Bro Léon
May 9 Circuit of Wallonia
May 11 Tour of Finistère (Coupe de France)
May 14-19 4 Jours de Dunkerque
Bellator May 17 Bellator Champions Series Paris – Accor Arena
May 3 - 'Stop Making Sense' Newly restored in 4K to coincide with its 40th anniversary, the 1984 film was directed by renowned filmmaker Jonathan Demme and is considered by critics as the greatest concert film of all time. Stop Making Sense stars core band members David Byrne, Tina Weymouth, Chris Frantz, and Jerry Harrison along with Bernie Worrell, Alex Weir, Steve Scales, Lynn Mabry and Edna Holt. The live performance was shot over the course of three nights at Hollywood's Pantages Theater in December of 1983 and features Talking Heads' most memorable songs.
May 9 - 'Pretty Little Liars: Summer School' Following the harrowing events of "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin,” our Pretty Little Liars face a fate worse than death - summer school. However, Millwood High isn’t the only thing getting in the way of their fun summer jobs and new, dreamy love interests. A new villain, who may or may not have a connection to A, has come to town and is going to put them all to the test.
May 10 - 'The Iron Claw' The true story of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, who made history in the intensely competitive world of professional wrestling in the early 1980s. Through tragedy and triumph, under the shadow of their domineering father and coach, the brothers seek larger-than-life immortality on the biggest stage in sports.
May 11 - 'NIKKI GLASER: SOMEDAY YOU'LL DIE' Taped late last year in front of a sold-out, lively audience at the Moore Theater in Seattle, Washington, Glaser dives into a wide range of topics that have further evolved her comedic prowess including why she doesn’t want kids, the harsh realities of aging, her sexual fantasies, and plans for her own death – all in her hilarious, unapologetic, and brutally honest style. NIKKI GLASER: SOMEDAY YOU’LL DIE showcases why Glaser is one of the funniest, and most fearless, comedians today.
May 20 - 'STAX: SOULSVILLE U.S.A' STAX: SOULSVILLE U.S.A tells the story of an underdog record label comprised of Black and white collaborators who ushered in the groundbreaking, industry-altering soul music of Otis Redding, Isaac Hayes, Booker T. & the M.G.’s, The Staple Singers, Sam & Dave and many others that defined a generation. Driven by instinct and defying the notion that Black artists needed to be “made marketable,” the Memphis-based label went from ultimate outsider to one of the most influential producers of Black music – finding its place inside the broader mainstream record industry. Stax became more than a record label; it transformed into a beacon of Black freedom. It is a quintessentially American story of an audacious group of individuals who dared to make their own music on their own terms creating an institution that has continued to help define our culture long after the label itself has gone. This is the story of Stax. As raw and honest as the sounds the label laid to vinyl.
May 29 - 'MOVIEPASS, MOVIECRASH' In a span of eight years, MoviePass went from being the fastest growing subscription service since Spotify to total bankruptcy, losing over $150 million in 2017 alone. MOVIEPASS, MOVIECRASH chronicles the company’s beginnings as an innovative movie ticketing model, exploring the visionary mission of its co-founders, its jaw-dropping early successes and its precipitous downfall caused by mismanagement and corporate greed
May 1
All About My Mother (1999)
Black Christmas (2019)
Crank (2006)
Crank: High Voltage (2009)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
Don Jon (2013)
Eddie the Eagle (2016) The Edge (1997)
The Florida Project (2017)
Genius (2016)
Guy's Grocery Games, Season 35 (Food Network)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1952)
Jersey Boys (2014)
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
The Lighthouse (2019)
Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? (TLC)
Poltergeist (2015)
Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
Poltergeist III (1988)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Sisters (2015) The Upside of Anger (2005)
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020)
Wonderland (2003)
May 2
Hacks, Season 3 (Max Original)
Selena + Restaurant, Season 1 (Food Network)
Six Is Not A Crowd (Felices Los 6), Season 1 (Max Original)
Turtles All the Way Down (Max Original)
May 3
Batwheels, Season 2B (Cartoon Network)
Stop Making Sense (A24 2023 Re-Release)
Teen Titans Go!, Season 8 (Cartoon Network)
Zillow Gone Wild, Season 1 (HGTV) May 4
America's Backyard Gold, Season 1 (Discovery Channel)
May 5
People Magazine Killer Investigates, Season 1 (ID)
May 6
Mini Beat Power Rockers, S4B
Next Baking Master: Paris, Season 1 (Food Network)
Yellowstone Wardens, Season 4 (Animal Planet)
May 7
Mecum Full Throttle: Houston TX 2024 (Motor Trend)
Outdaughtered, Season 10 (TLC)
May 8
In Pursuit with John Walsh, Season 5 (ID)
Stupid Pet Tricks, Season 1 (TBS)
May 9
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School (Max Original)
May 10
The Iron Claw (2023) (A24)
May 11
Nikki Glaser: Someday You’ll Die (HBO Original)
May 12
Expedition From Hell: The Lost Tapes (Discovery Channel)
Naked and Afraid XL, Season 10 (Discovery Channel)
May 13
SMILING FRIENDS, Season 2 (Adult Swim)
Summer Baking Championship, Season 2 (Food Network)
May 14
Doubling Down with the Derricos, Season 5 (TLC)
May 15
Botched Bariatrics, Season 1 (TLC)
Ghost Adventures, Season 28 (Discovery Channel)
Home Sweet Rome (2023) (Max Original)
Sleepless (2017)
May 16
Murder in the Heartland (ID)
May 17
My Lottery Dream Home, Season 15 (Discovery Channel)
May 18
Design Down Under, Season 2 (Magnolia Network)
May 19
Ciao House, Season 2 (Food Network)
May 20
Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight, Limited Series (CNN Original Series)
STAX: Soulsville U.S.A (HBO Original)
May 21
Elephants vs. Man with Nick Paton Walsh (CNN Original)
Hell on Earth: The Verónica Case (La Mano En El Fuego) (Max Original)
May 22
Moonshiners: Master Distiller (Discovery Channel)
May 23
Last Chance Garage, Season 1 (Motor Trend)
Romário: The Guy (Romário: O Cara), Season 1 (Max Original)
Texas Metal's Loud and Lifted, Season 2 (Motor Trend)
Thirst with Shay Mitchell (Max Original)
May 24
Caught: Wild and Weird America (Discovery Channel)
Diary of an Old Home, Season 4 (Magnolia Network)
May 25
Mysteries of the Abandoned: Hidden America (Discovery Channel)
May 26
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
May 27
90 Day Fiancé: UK, Season 3
Two Guys Garage, Season 23 (Motor Trend)
May 29
Homicide Hunter: American Detective, Season 4 (ID)
MoviePass, MovieCrash (HBO Original)
Traces of Love (Evidências Do Amor) (Max Original)
May 30
Outchef'd, Season 3 (Food Network)
May 31
Gold Rush: Parker's Trail, Season 3 (Discovery Channel)
submitted by pbx1123 to WB_DC_news [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 13:24 Asshai Ma banque bloque mon argent depuis 3 semaines: que faire?

Je suis un français qui a émigré au Canada. J'ai conservé mon compte au Crédit Agricole à mon départ, en les informant de mon projet.
Depuis bientôt 10 ans, les seules opérations ont été des virements sur le compte de la famille, dont un don d'argent d'un montant équivalent à un bon salaire annuel.
J'ai maintenant besoin urgent de cet argent, et veux le virer vers mon compte canadien, on a contacté notre banque pour nous aider.
C'est là que ça dérape. Je pourrai donner des détails si c'est utile ou si quelqu'un est curieux de voir une version IRL de la maison de fous des 12 travaux d'Astérix, mais voici quelques faits saillants:
Dans une semaine je suis supposé être devant un notaire pour payer le renouvellement du crédit immobilier et en concession automobile pour payer la fin du contrat de location de notre voiture, en utilisant cet argent, mais il est bloqué. Tout recours se fait par courrier recommandé avec des délais délirants, et je me sens piégé. J'en perds l'appétit, le sommeil, je me sens vraiment mal et ma santé mentale n'était déjà as au beau fixe avant.
Qu'est ce que je peux faire SVP?
submitted by Asshai to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:49 keithplacer S45 E21: Carrying On

This episode seemed to be taped not long after the previous one, as there was only some small progress seen in terms of the rebuilding of the porch and plumbing/HVAC although we didn’t see any of that being done. The attic space for the parents looked both small and somewhat dingy but time will tell. The windows we saw last week were getting installed using some sort of space-age SIGA sticky tape to seal it to the sheathing which to me looked kind of janky but what do I know? A few too many minutes were spent with apparently (according to the caption) new homeowner Jason, the son-in-law of the original older couple, on built-in “architectural” ceiling speakers, something I never had the desire to have because listening to music all the time would make me feel like I was residing in a restaurant, but whatever. It all seemed overly complex and geeky but such is the way of those seeking the one perfect sound.
Project work was interrupted by a trip by Kevin and Tom to the Empire State Building, which Tom’s grand-uncle worked on during its construction. The exhibit during the tour was pretty impressive with lots of virtual recreations of the construction process and I’m sure will sell a bunch of tickets. Unfortunately when they went outside to use the viewing binoculars on the observation deck they had a hokey comedy bit worthy of the Russ Morash Norm and Steve days of the show where they pretended to see not just Glen Ridge but also Rich and Jen standing outside on the porch of the Glen Ridge Country Club and were waving to each other. Ah well. Tom and Kevin got back in time to press Tom into service nailing down the composite decking for the porch with a flooring nailer. Rich tried to explain plumbing theory of trunk-and-branch vs central manifold home-run designs vs flow-through tees used here, which I confess to not understanding very well and being unable to grasp the advantages of same. Next time, exterior sheathing membrane, another homeowner-designed stained-glass window, and exterior trim!
I enjoyed the Empire State tour except for the attempt at comedy, and the porch decking segment could actually be helpful to someone doing a similar project themselves. The rest of it seemed pretty meh to me. I noticed in the credits that they used local techs on the show, maybe a local union thing, though I don’t know for sure.
submitted by keithplacer to Thisoldhouse [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:23 fernycampsoup I need books about restaurants and food!

As the title suggests, I am a waitress and general foodie obsessed with my own industry. I love restaurant memoir (think Tony Bourdain, Jen Agg, Bill Buford), hospitality philosophies (think Setting the Table and Unreasonable Hospitality), and fiction (loved Sweetbitter!)
Please fuel me with recommendations for my next commute on my way to some more shift work and for the bar afterwards!
submitted by fernycampsoup to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 22:34 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 4/25 – 5/1

Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info:
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area:
Tallahassee Film Society Showings:
Book Clubs for all tastes:
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Blue Tavern: Rachel’s Reading Club – sight reading with Rachel Hillman. 5pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Ben Baggett. 6pm
  • Club Downunder: CDU x TMIC Presents: Local Covers featuring Kanise, On The Edge, Chef Will & Tonight’s Special, Hey Cheetah, No Parts, and Mutual Friends covering the music of Beyonce, The Backseat Lovers, Kendrick Lamar, Bruno Mars + Silk Sonic, Paramore, and Nirvana. 6:30pm
  • Retrofit Records: Justice “Hyperdrama” Album Listening Event. 7pm
  • The Bark: Tearman, Sour, and Ellen Fish. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Atala Quartet. 8pm
  • Houe of Music: Selwyn Birchwood. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Movie Night: screening of Robert Stone’s “Radio Bikini”. 8pm
FRIDAY, 4/26
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Steve Malono. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • Bleu Tavern: Two Clever. 5pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Pineapple Tuesday. 6pm
  • Lake Tribe: Deja Blu. 6pm
  • Goodwood: Pig & Pearl: Preservation on the Halfshell. On April 26, embrace the power of preservation with Southern food traditions as Goodwood and presenting sponsor Prime Meridian Bank host a night of live music and culinary traditions. Enjoy Goodwood's beautiful historic backdrop in the heart of Tallahassee, while dining and sipping on a specialty cocktail (created uniquely for this event and poured by local celebrity bartenders) during this night to remember. Inspired by the people whose lives shaped the story of the Red Hills region, Pig & Pearl: Preservation on the Halfshell is a fundraising benefit that supports Goodwood Museum & Gardens in its pursuit of keeping a piece of Tallahassee’s history alive and accessible to all people. Alongside the pork, oysters (fried and on the half shell), salmon, and southern sides, live music from natural storyteller and one-woman band Anna Wescoat. Wescoat, who is the 2023 Best of Tallahassee performer, will bring her classic folk and country sound to this year's Pig & Pearl. Meanwhile, a free photo booth will capture snapshots of the night, allowing each guest to bring home special memories with friends and loved ones. The Carriage House at Goodwood Museum & Gardens will come alive with tradition, preservation, and community as friends (old and new) gather for a night to remember. 6pm/$125
  • Cascades: Leon County and Word of South Present: The Flaming Lips performing “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots” in full + a second set of additional songs. 6pm
  • Southwood Golf Club: Brett Wellman and the Stone Cold Blues Band. 6:30pm
  • The Sound Bar: 323 Trio. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Double Play. 7pm
  • The Bark: Engineers Without Borders Fundraiser Show featuring The Relish Girls, Bench Warmer, Satin, and Sofia Camille. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Grateful Dead Night featuring Lee C. Payton and Hot Tamale. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Disco Never Died Dance Party. 9pm/21+/free
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Potbellys: 7th Annual FAKE St. Patrick's Day Party. 4pm
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • 926: Latin Night. Dance to the irresistible beats of Zeus and prepare to be dazzled by a spectacular drag show at midnight. It's more than a party, it's an experience. 9:30pm/$10 21+, $15 under 21
  • Native Nurseries: Together We Bloom: Annual Floral Arrangement Contest Open To All. There is no cost or registration required; we encourage all ages to make arrangements. Our one rule is to use only native plants. Drop off arrangements at the nursery that Saturday morning by 9:30 a.m. and people will have until 4:00 p.m. to vote on the best arrangement. The first place prize is a $25 gift certificate to Native Nurseries, along with mystery prizes for second and third places. The winners of our contest will be contacted the following Tuesday. There are no parameters regarding shape, size, or vessel. Any nursery visitor can cast their vote in the ballot box. 9:30am
  • Carrabelle: 2024 Carrabelle Riverfront Festival. This year, the Carrabelle Chamber is thrilled to introduce the ADVENTURE FAMILY CIRCUS who will be thrilling festival goers with three exhilarating aerial circus shows. Adventure Family Circus is an internationally touring small family circus show. They are an AERIAL & ACROBATIC SHOW with acts including high flying aerial and acrobatic acts, aerial rope, aerial silks, aerial lyra, mini trampoline, juggling and comedy. It's a spectacle the whole family will enjoy! Also joining the Carrabelle Riverfront Festival will be REDEMPTIVE LOVE FARM & RESCUE bringing their PETTING ZOO and FEEDING STATION. Adults and children alike love to enter and get hands-on with the sweet farm pets including chickens, ducks, bunnies, and young goats. At the feeding station, guests can also meet which will include animals like a llama, mini-donkey, mini-cow, goat, alpaca, or emu! It's a hands-on experience that both children and adults will cherish. The festival will also feature the always popular activities for the kids, including children’s MINI-TRAIN RIDES and a BOUNCY HOUSE. These familiar favorites add additional fun to the already entertaining atmosphere. Feet will be tapping to the upbeat favorites from across the decades with talented musicians including JOHN JEREMIAH plus KEVIN ANDREW and the ROCKULLA PERFORMERS. Guests will also be delighted by wonderful dance performances of the FORGOTTEN COAST DANCING WITCHES. The entertainment doesn’t end there as there will also be fun music by DJ BEANIE BABY throughout the day. And of course the festival will feature the family-friendly EXHIBITOR EXPO on AVENUE B, hosted by the Carrabelle History Museum, with informative exhibits like a WWII military vehicle, the fire-wise cabin, shark jaws, animal skulls, and a display of Florida’s pioneer days. A wild animal ambassador, Moonlight, the Great Horned Owl will also be visiting from a local rescue. In addition Avenue B will host the Pet & People Cooling Station. Visitors can browse tons of festival VENDORS, EXHIBITORS, and booths with interesting arts and craft items, delicious food, and local displays as well as explore the local shops, museums, and restaurants for even more choices. There will be lots of yummy food to choose from like shrimp, conch fritters, Indian food, BBQ, plus festival treats like kettle corn, funnel cakes and shaved ice. 10am-6pm
  • Civic Center: Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party. Bringing fans' favorite Hot Wheels Monster Trucks to life including Mega Wrex, Tiger Shark, Demo Derby, Bone Shaker, Bigfoot, Gunkster, and introducing the brand new HW 5-Alarm, the firetruck hero of Hot Wheels Monster Trucks! The Glow Party production features a laser light show, spectacular theatrical effects, dance parties, and Hot Wheels toy giveaways. Fans can also witness a special appearance from a transforming robot, plus the high-flyers of Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Freestyle Motocross Team. Special kids pricing is available for all shows providing a great value for the whole family! 12:30pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Nighshift. 6pm
  • Blue Tavern: Saylor Dollar Band. 7pm
  • The Wine House on Market Street: Jazz Night with Some Goodfellas and Friends! 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Jimmy Brazen Band. 7pm
  • TNL Performing Arts Center: SANKOFA Concert "Legends of Funk Jazz and Soul". We are featuring and celebrating the music of local legends and educators who have contributed to the arts of music and education here in Tallahassee and around the world. These artists represent the highest standard and love for the art of music, dedicating their lives to enriching the lives of others through the arts, education and culture. The Sankofa Concert is an educational but entertaining event that showcases and educates the community about the various forms of musical and artistic expressions performed by musicians and singers of the African Diaspora. Appearing on stage at the 5th Sankofa Concert will be 2x Grammy Award winner singesongwriter Kendra Foster; singesongwriter Cody ChesnuTT; Caribbean Gospel Music Award winners Ilismo & Lili Forbes; highly acclaimed singer, songwriter, and producer Anthony Williams; and Drummer on the Move, Marlon Williams. Also appearing will be Keith Rodgers, Avek La’Mou, Jordan Roberts, Alexander Williams, Shanice Richards, Nia Sissle and TheSoulCollectiveLive. Featured musicians are Joel Johnson, Sam Johnson, Joshua Rivers, Jordan Green, Steve Fryson, Michelle Waller, and many more. 7pm
  • Square Mug Café at The Plant: Food Not Bombs Benefit Show featuring River City Riot, Gangs of Paris, Killer Choice, High Speed Suicide, Sp33d Runn3r, and Warmonger. 7pm
  • Monk House (409 Murat Street): Fated to Burn, Psycho Tropical, Durty Suns. 7:30pm/$7
  • The Sound Bar: Seminole Send Off with Weatherboys, Small Talk, and Abigail Jennings. 7:30pm/$10
  • Capital City Tattooz: CCT Afterdark Party 2000s. Missed our first CCT Afterdark party and want in on the action? We’ll be hosting Afterdark parties on the last Saturday of every month, and this month’s theme is 2000’s! Join us on April 27th from 8 PM - 2 AM wearing your hottest y2K fits! 8pm
  • House of Music: Tallahassee City Limits: Songwriter Sessions with Maurice Mangum. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Once Great Estate. 9pm
  • Eve at Adams: Hot Mess. 9pm
  • Fire Bettys: The Apalachicola Sound. 9pm
  • 926: Haus Of Solara Fundraiser Festival featuring drag performances and DJ sets from Iris Virus B2B Corduroy, A-Nine, and DJ Asexual. 9:30pm
SUNDAY, 4/28
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • Halisi Africa: Soulful Sundays. Join us for Motherland Brunch at Halisi Africa. We'll be serving our brunch special including an appetizer, main course, a sweet, and our signature African mimosas we call ukwaju. The event will also feature an art exhibition by Christopher Barnhart and live entertainment by local artists. 11am
  • Flippin’ Great Pinball: $25 Sunday Funday. Every Sunday spend a fun-filled time with the family for only $25 plus tax at the arcade! Our normal all-day family admission of $34.99 is just $25 and that includes up to a family of 6 (two adults and four kids). Experience affordable family fun that everyone will enjoy. Noon-8pm
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 4pm-9pm
  • Pedro’s: Mariachi Clasico. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Open Mic Night Hosted by Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Comedy Night. Come have some laughs with us on Sunday nights! If you are interested in participating in the show, reach out to 7:30pm
  • Ology: Marauder’s Market. Noon
  • All Saints Cinema: Invisible History: Middle Florida’s Hidden Roots. This moving film transports the audience to a significant time during our past. Particularly during the Bicentennial year, it is important to share the gripping history about experiences on plantations in north Florida and highlight the lives of more than 9,000 enslaved men, women, and children in Tallahassee and Leon County. 1pm
  • The Hub at Feather Oaks: The Jerry Thigpen Trio. 3pm
  • The Bark: The Village Idiots, Counterfeit Stereo, and Amateur Act. 7pm
MONDAY, 4/29
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • City Dogs Café: City Dogs X S.C.A.M.S. Presents: Free Form Night featuring music from Frogs Dogs and an open improv session. Super Cool Awesome Music Studio (aka SCAMS) will be hosting the first of a series of Free Form Nights at City Dogs Cafe/All Saints Art Station located at 903 Railroad Ave (former All Saints Cafe building) on Monday, April 29th. The event will feature local Tallahassee free jazz band Frogs Dogs followed by an open improv portion. The look of the improv portion will depend on who shows up, but artists of all kinds are encouraged to sign up; mediums may include but are not limited to music, comedy, dance, live painting, performance art, etc. Doors and improv sign up are at 7, Frogs Dogs will play 7:30-8:15PM, and Open Improv will be from 8:30-10PM. Cover is $5 or free if you sign up for improv. There will be local vendors, and City Dogs will be serving cold beer and DELICIOUS hot dogs all night! For more information, contact SCAMS on Instagram @supercoolawesomemusicstudio. 7pm
  • House of Music: Handsome Heroes: The Show "Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Some Heroes Wear Nothing!". 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Tuesday Night Beer-go! 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. 1st Tuesday of the month is General Knowledge with rotating themes the rest of the month. 7pm
  • House of Music: Tuesday Trivia & Karaoke. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Karaoke with DJ Roldus. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Comedy Night. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • Blue Tavern: Shape Note Singing with members of the Quaker Meeting House. 5pm
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Burrito Boarder: D&D Night. 6pm
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • La Florida Coffee & Wine: Trivia Night. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Tallahassee: Trivia. Teams up to 6 players for three rounds with 10 questions and a tie breaker each round. Winners are by round so don’t worry if you need to come late or can’t stay the whole time! Prizes include a round of beer, a 6 pack and a gift card! 7pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • House of Music: Bar Bingo! Free to Play & Late Night Karaoke. 7pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • Finnegans Wake: Trivia. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night. 8pm
  • South Station: Summer Movie Nights. 8:30pm/free
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm
  • Ruby Diamond: FSU Opening Nights Presents: Indigo Girls. 7:30pm
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 17:33 Similar_Evidence4710 Is this telling us something

Is this telling us something submitted by Similar_Evidence4710 to BlockedByJax [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 12:41 AlkOlorin Ma mère me détruit psychologiquement

Par ou commencer.. j'en suis a un point dans ma vie ou je ne sais plus quoi faire. J'ai 27 ans, j'ai un master dans le domaine Artistique, je ne trouve pas de travail, je suis en dépression et suivi par des psychologues et psychiatres. J'ai pas beaucoup de confiance en moi mais j'essaie de travailler la dessus. Hier j'ai eu un entretien d'embauche pour un CDI en restauration qui n'a rien a voir avec mes études, mais pour lequel je suis qualifié. Ce job changerais beaucoup ma vie et me ferais prendre une nouvelle direction, une sorte de nouveau départ. Je ne suis pas sur que c'est le job qu'il me faut, mais si pendant quelques mois je peux gagner de l'argent et reprendre ma vie en main c'est déjà ça.
Puis j'ai eu un appel de ma mère. C'est quelqu'un de vraiment stupide. Vraiment. Rien de ce qu'elle dis ou fais ne semble logique, et parler de ses actes à ma psychologue est toujours un sketch tellement ses actions sont incohérente. Elle fais du chantage, elle me rabaisse, elle gère mal sa vie et se venge sur moi...etc... Quand elle fais les choses bien c'est uniquement pour qu'on lui soit redevable. Lorsqu'elle m'a téléphoné hier, je lui ai annoncé fièrement que j'avais eu un entretien. Elle m'a pourri. "Toi travailler la dedans ? c'est pas pour toi. Soit un peu sérieux t'es mauvais la dedans." ce genre de commentaire vous voyez. Elle m'a rabaissé pendant une dizaine de minute, et pour se donner bonne conscience elle me disais " j'ai vu à la télé que la sncf cherchait des conducteurs de train t'as cas faire ça, bouge toi un peu".. Comme si il suffisait de claquer des doigts pour conduire un train :') Je ne suis plus sur de rien. J'angoisse. Est-ce que je devrais faire ce travail, est-ce que je devrais faire marche arrière et chercher autre chose... je ne sais pas. Elle a réussi à me détruire le peu de confiance en moi que j'avais réussi à accumulé. Alors qu'hier j'étais plein de vie, aujourd'hui je suis une larve. Je traine sur mon pc à regarder mon fond d'écran, je n'ai pas l'envie de lancer un jeu, de lire, de dessiner.. rien. J'ai juste envie de rester la à ne rien faire

En écrivant ses lignes j'ai l'impressions que je me plaint pour pas grand chose, que c'est rien, que c'est "normal". J'ai une piste pour un CDI et j'ose me plaindre de ma mère a 27 ans... Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'en parle ici, je ne sais pas ce que je recherche. Mes amis me sont d'un grand secours mais je ne peux pas non plus leurs faire porter tout ce poids à chaque fois, j'ai besoin d'extérioriser un peu.
submitted by AlkOlorin to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 07:50 sudo_rm-rf849 Besoin de changer de vie

Bonjour la team vosfinances, j'aimerais avoir vos avis et expériences concernant mes projets de vie.
Ça fait maintenant 10 ans que je bosse dans une boîte (PME, j'ai occupé plein de postes différents, ce qui m'a apporté pas mal d'expérience : technique, management, commerce, juridique, SAV), le travail est stimulant mais épuisant sur le plan psychologique. De plus, la boîte ne s'est jamais vraiment remise du COVID (et de certaines décisions stupides de mes patrons), ce qui fait que les comptes ne sont pas très bons depuis plusieurs années. En fait, mon salaire n'a pas bougé depuis 2019 (~52k/an)... Pour info, chez nous, il n'est pas possible d'obtenir de rupture conventionnelle. J'ai également ~12k/an de revenus locatifs (appart dans une autre ville). Mes 2 appart (RP + locatif) ont pris un peu de valeur ces dernières années et sont remboursés respectivement à 90% et 40% (par rapport à la valeur de l'appart). Les crédits ont des taux inf. à 2%.
Depuis un bon moment maintenant, je sais que j'ai assez donné pour cette boîte et je réfléchis à ce que je veux faire et où je veux vivre.
J'en suis arrivé à la conclusion que mes objectifs sont : - vivre dans une maison avec un peu de terrain - arrêter de travailler pour les autres (aucune offre d'emploi que j'envisage ne me donne envie, je pense qu'il est temps pour moi de changer de secteur et de me mettre à mon compte) - pouvoir passer + de temps sur des projets perso (rémunérateur ou non)
Pour cela, voici mon plan : - vendre ma RP et aller vivre dans mon autre appartement (pas d'impôt sur la plus-value, je garde la majeure partie de mes dettes actuelles, baisse de mes charges...) - avec mon épargne actuelle, ça me fera environ 250k de liquidités - avec une partie du capital + emprunt, racheter ou monter une TPE (pas de restauration) - avec l'autre partie du capital, m'acheter une maison à rénover (une fois rénové, je remettrai l'appartement en location) PS : ma compagne est ultra motivée pour ces projets (entreprenaria, changement de ville et maison) mais n'a aucun capital
Je me pose plein de questions. Et notamment sur la reprise d'entreprise. Comment effectuer mes recherches ? Quand et comment solliciter un comptable pour m'aider ? La plupart des aides sont réservées aux chômeurs, mais étant salarié sans possibilité de rupture co, de quoi puige bénéficier ? Je sais que Macron avait mis en place la démission pour création d'entreprise mais tous les témoignages que j'ai pu trouver indique que c'est un processus très long, beaucoup de travail (multiples passage en commission) et qu'au final la plupart des dossiers sont refusés. Est-ce vrai ? La CCI pourrait elle m'accompagner ? Si oui, comment ?
submitted by sudo_rm-rf849 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 21:53 Express_Witness750 Suppression ticket resto + RTT en intercontrat

Je fais partie d'une ESN conventionnée syntec. Ma mission client vient de se finir et je me retrouve en intercontrat. Dans ce cadre j'ai du signer une charte intercontrat dans laquelle se trouve la phrase suivante :
"Ton temps de travail pendant l’intercontrat sera assimilé à 35 heures, tu n’acquerras donc pas de RTT ni de tickets restaurant."
Il me sembe que les avantages (ticket restaurant) devait être distribuer de manière identique pour tous les employés ? Et sans avenant au contrat se travail qu'il n'était pas possible de supprimer les RTT ?
J'en ai discuter à l'oral avec la DRH qui m'assure que c'est normal, mais j'ai des doutes...
submitted by Express_Witness750 to droitdutravail [link] [comments]