Clomid and ovulation length

I’m genuinely scared and I need reassurance/advice

2024.05.21 08:09 Thick-Challenge-9918 I’m genuinely scared and I need reassurance/advice

I’m 16 and I haven’t gotten my period in over 40 days, last period ending at April 1 and it’s currently may 21 and I searched it up and it says “A long cycle length of 40 days or more indicates that the person may not be ovulating and one of the commonest causes for this would be a polycystic ovarian disease, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Common causes for missed or stopped periods are: Pregnancy. A lot of stress. Jun 18, 2019” my original post was me talking about me not losing my virginity but rubbing on my boyfriend both naked from the waist down, and I was rubbing onto his genital area, just basically we didn’t have sex but we were rubbing and we were both wet down there. My period this year, I’m not sure if it’s been irregular because I haven’t gotten my period in January or april(because I was at the end of a period) and I don’t know if I’m just overreacting but my mom told my boyfriend if he ever got me pregnant she wouldn’t forgive him and I just don’t want anything bad to happen I have gotten cramps from mid April till now, but still no sign of period. It might just be oroblems with my digestive system and or too much stress but idk
submitted by Thick-Challenge-9918 to sexeducation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:33 Rare_Network1659 Letrozole vs clomid

Did letrozole 2.5mg (ovulated cd20), letrozole 5 and 7.5mg nothing. Would it be worth trying clomid? Not sure what to ask the dr to do next.
submitted by Rare_Network1659 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:53 Relevant_Rhubarb94 Could it be?

To preface, my mom was diagnosed with missed stage 4 breast cancer a year and a half ago (not the type that causes a lump, so difficult to catch on your own and via mammogram) and since then I’ve developed some kind of health anxiety, extremely inconvenient.
Been TTC for a while and have relatively long and irregular cycles (last few cycles have been 48/34/35/52 days so it’s been a bit challenging to anticipate ovulation). I’m now leading up to the end of my cycle (I think, depending on length this time 🥲, currently CD33).
Anyway to the point, my boobs in the last few days have been so sore, but not in the like “normal” way, more in a… squishy kind of way? They’re especially sore on the sides but also just bigger and “softer”. Hard to explain, does anyone know what I mean and has experienced the same and then tested positive? I can also very prominently feel my pulse/heartbeat especially when I’m lying down?
I’ll grab a test tomorrow and no need to speculate any cancer related symptoms. I’ve got those checkups under control, that’s only context into why I’m really reading into the boob stuff 😅
Just curious while I wait for tomorrow to come!
submitted by Relevant_Rhubarb94 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:56 Futur3P4st Longer cycle, lower dosage vs Shorter cycle, higher dosage

Apologies in advance if this has already been asked as I could not find an answer for it. Long story short, I am staring at my stash for my cycle as we speak: 3 10mL vials of cypionate MK677 All of my needs for PCT and such (Arimidex, Clomid, HCG etc)
With 3 vials at 10ML each with 200mg/mL, total of 6,000mg of test. As far as the cycle length I could either: A) I could make it last 15 weeks by taking 400mg/week - 1mL 2x/week OR B) Make it last 18 weeks by taking 320mg/week - 0.8mL 2x/week
A close friend of mine strongly believes the second option will benefit me more in the long run. 28yrs old and this would be my 3rd cycle. 1st cycles were test-only, no Mk or any other compound but PCT. Any input on which option you would go with and why would be much appreciated. Thank you
submitted by Futur3P4st to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:10 HelloKittyX85 Mid cycle spotting or early period?!

I got my first positive OPK on CD 17. BBT showed a spike around that time and it stayed elevated until CD 26. On CD 26 I had 3-4 days of brown when I wiped then it stopped. My temps have remained low ever since and I’m now on CD 38. My average cycle length is 27-32 days.
Has this ever happened to anyone before? Was the few days of brown discharge/spotting my period? Or was that mid cycle bleeding and I’m just having a super long cycle? Not sure if this may be due to Clomid as I have been on it for a few months. Also to add I’ve had BFNs.
submitted by HelloKittyX85 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:25 junkaccount1090 Almost 3 1/2 years on Kyleena IUD and I just now don’t have a period?

I can be a hypochondriac and I am kind of stressing because I haven’t had any bleeding yet this month. I know an IUD doesn’t cause an actual “period” because you shouldn’t be ovulating on it and therefore no real period, but I’ve always had monthly bleeding since I’ve been on it.
Last month I had a super light “period” where I only had bleeding for a few days and I didn’t even really need a pad. When I got my IUD it did shorten the length of my period and made it lighter, but last month was very light in comparison.
This month, earlier this week I had some pelvic cramping, sore boobs, and that feeling like when your period is about to start, but it never did.
Because I am such a hypochondriac, I will periodically take pregnancy tests. I bought a 50ct batch from Amazon a couple of years ago and still have them. I’ve taken 3 tests from it over the last week and they have all been negative, but I just realized the tests expired last year, so now of course I’m more paranoid.
I can still feel my IUD string, my BF and I also use condoms everytime so I should be protected but I am still paranoid.
submitted by junkaccount1090 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:59 Direct_Level_3776 I posted about my struggles a few weeks ago.

I had my follow up with my obgyn, I do have tons of cysts but he insists they’re all normal. I however am not ovulating at all. My hormone levels are high enough to get a period but not high enough to release the egg. I don’t know if that makes sense. He also insists I don’t have PCOS but my insulin is always high after fasting all night and most of the morning. He is waiting on my husband’s semen analysis to proceed with clomid which should help me ovulate and probably help us conceive. We just have to travel a little outside of our hometown for the semen analysis and wait a week for results. We should be going sometime soon. This month I spotted but didn’t have a normal period, I tested this morning, BFN! I feel so drained but hopeful to be getting some answers.
submitted by Direct_Level_3776 to TTCstruggles [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:16 Efficient_Hippo_6898 Concerned About Ultrasound Results

I had a transvaginal ultrasound last week. I am considered at high risk for ovarian cancer due to a genetic mutation (rad51c). My husband and I have also been trying to conceive for about a year, so we are beginning the process of making sure everything is okay. These are the two reasons the ultrasound was ordered.
I met with my gynecologist right after my ultrasound so he could go over the results. He said everything was fine, and he saw no issues at all. He even said I had a "beautiful uterus." My husband was with me, and the doctor recommended our next step would be taking Clomid. We talked about this process, and then the appointment was over.
Today, I received a text that my radiology results had been added to my patient portal. When I opened them, I found a statement from the tech stating, "A small anechoic, cystic structure seen medial to right ovary measuring approximately: 10.1 X 12.5 X 9.4 mm, questionable paratubal cyst vs paraovarian cyst".
Google is not helping me know if this is concerning or not. I am a little frustrated that my doctor didn't at least mention this to me in my appointment so I could be prepared to see the results in my chart. I know cysts are considered to be part of the normal ovulation process, but it seems to me this cyst is located outside of the ovary. Should I be concerned??
submitted by Efficient_Hippo_6898 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:53 Ornery_Context_9109 Whooo called it?

Whooo called it?
I just wanted to present an award to the commenter who assumed that M2M was asked to leave San Diego and that friend that she stayed with isn’t her friend anymore.
I can’t say for sure this is what happened but I would bet money on it.
Also how the fuck do you have pms and ovulation energy at the same time?
submitted by Ornery_Context_9109 to peestickgals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:43 Apprehensive-Path491 Positive pregnancy here is chart from April

Positive pregnancy here is chart from April
Hello, wanted to share in case helps someone. Currently pregnant. This is was my first cycle using Mira, I also used the Oura ring to confirm ovulation. My cocktail of medication was clomid, 600 mg of progesterone inserted vaginally starting 3 days after ovulation, thyroid medication very low dose, and baby asprin. I’m still early in pregnancy but I’m hopeful to get my rainbow baby 💓 sending positive thoughts to anyone struggling with ttc keep trying and don’t be afraid to seek fertility treatments and advocate for yourself and what you need!
submitted by Apprehensive-Path491 to Mirafertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 mkinbbym New (never heard of) Stim Protocol - Lupron, Letrozole, then injections?

So i’m an IVF long hauler - I’ve done several cycles from antagonist, to microdose, to long lupron, to mini…I’ve done cycles with HGH and without. I’ve done HCG trigger and dual trigger. I’ve had great cycles and cycles cancelled - so by no means am I new to this. I’ll preface all this by saying I have DOR.
My RE recently put me on a new stim protocol that’s only been tested for about a year or so? I’ve been scouring the forums to see if anyone has ever tried it and I can’t seem to find anything. Wondering if creating a post will bring some experiences forward as i’m mostly curious based on the length.
Here is the protocol: - mid way through luteal phase you take 10 units of lupron until cycle start (about 7-8 days but I ended up being a little longer because I had a longer luteal phase this cycle) - CD 2 you take letrozole (i’m on 5mg) for 7 days - on CD 9 (after completing all 7 days), you go in for your baseline scan - once you get the green light on CD 9, you start your regular stim cycle (mine is clomid, gonal, and menopur) - you’re supposed to stim for another 8-12 days depending on how you respond
Anyone heard of this or done something similar? Any and all advice/insight is welcome!
submitted by mkinbbym to IVFinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:28 BostonTerrierMom89 Question re: multiple follicles

I have recently been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and am finally starting treatment. I have a consistent cycle length and ovulate on my own. This month I took 5 days of Letrozole/Femara as I felt it was better than not trying anything new. Next month I will be using injectable meds and IUI, but I wasn’t able to start it this month.
When I went for an ultrasound on cycle day 10, my dominant follicle was 19 mm. The doctor also noted a 12 mm follicle in the other ovary. I ended up ovulating on cycle day 13.
Would there be any possibility that the 12 mm follicle was able to grow enough in those 3 days that I could have a chance at ovulating two eggs? Or is it more likely that only the dominant follicle would have ovulated?
submitted by BostonTerrierMom89 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:25 mkinbbym New (never heard of) Stim Protocol - Lupron, Letrozole, then injections?

So i’m an IVF long hauler - I’ve done several cycles from antagonist, to microdose, to long lupron, to mini…I’ve done cycles with HGH and without. I’ve done HCG trigger and dual trigger. I’ve had great cycles and cycles cancelled - so by no means am I new to this. I’ll preface all this by saying I have DOR.
My RE recently put me on a new stim protocol that’s only been tested for about a year or so? I’ve been scouring the forums to see if anyone has ever tried it and I can’t seem to find anything. Wondering if creating a post will bring some experiences forward as i’m mostly curious based on the length.
Here is the protocol: - mid way through luteal phase you take 10 units of lupron until cycle start (about 7-8 days but I ended up being a little longer because I had a longer luteal phase this cycle) - CD 2 you take letrozole (i’m on 5mg) for 7 days - on CD 9 (after completing all 7 days), you go in for your baseline scan - once you get the green light on CD 9, you start your regular stim cycle (mine is clomid, gonal, and menopur) - you’re supposed to stim for another 8-12 days depending on how you respond
Anyone heard of this or done something similar? Any and all advice/insight is welcome!
submitted by mkinbbym to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:00 AutoModerator Saturday BFP Thread - May 18, 2024

Tell us all about your positive pregnancy test!! Feel free to add as much or as little info as you'd like to.
Age + Partner's age (if relevant):
Typical cycle length:
Ovulation cycle day:
CD/DPO of positive test(s):
CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive:
Tracking methods and app(s) used:
Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):
Health conditions/medical tests:
Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):
Birth control history (if relevant):
Link to chart:
Link to lineporn:
Symptom spotting:
Other (advice/tip(s), freaking out, miscellaneous):
submitted by AutoModerator to WTT_graduates [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:22 drchitra What are some common infertility treatment options available?

Infertility treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause of infertility, the age of the individuals involved, and their preferences. Here are some common infertility treatment options:
  1. Fertility Medications : — Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) : Stimulates ovulation in women who have irregular or absent ovulation by blocking estrogen receptors. — Letrozole (Femara) : Another medication that stimulates ovulation, often used when Clomid is ineffective. — Gonadotropins : Injectable hormones (FSH and LH) that stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, often used in conjunction with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) : — Sperm is washed and concentrated before being placed directly into the uterus around the time of ovulation to increase the chances of fertilization.
3. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) : — Eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory dish. The resulting embryos are then transferred into the uterus. — IVF can involve various techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where a single sperm is injected into an egg, and preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), which screens embryos for genetic abnormalities before transfer.
4. Surgery : — Surgical procedures such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy may be performed to correct structural issues in the reproductive organs, such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.
5. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) : — This term encompasses various advanced techniques used to achieve pregnancy when other methods have failed. It includes treatments like IVF, ICSI, and embryo freezing.
6. Donor Eggs or Sperm : — In cases of severe male infertility or diminished ovarian reserve, using donor eggs or sperm may be an option.
7. Gestational Carrier (Surrogacy) : — A woman carries and gives birth to a baby for another individual or couple using their embryo through IVF.
8. Lifestyle Changes and Alternative Therapies : — Making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and managing stress can sometimes improve fertility. — Alternative therapies like acupuncture and herbal supplements are sometimes used in conjunction with medical treatments, although their effectiveness is not always supported by scientific evidence.
It’s crucial for individuals experiencing infertility to seek guidance from a reproductive endocrinologist or fertility specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on their specific circumstances. Additionally, counseling and support groups can provide emotional support throughout the infertility journey.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:27 MouseEmotional2795 Recurring chemical pregnancies

Hi all. I got my cycle back at 4 months post partum, now my husband and I have been TTC #2 for the last 3 cycles, currently on cycle #4. Baby is 10 months old and nursing 3x per day. I have seemingly had 2 chemical pregnancies. My doctor and I have been playing phone tag but he said prolactin usually inhibits ovulation so if I am ovulating then pregnancy should occur and progress, unless prolactin is causing a luteal phase defect. Without pregnancy, my post-partum cycles have been 30-32 days long, ovulation around day 18 per LH strips so seems like normal luteal phase length to me. My SIL recommended Earthley fertility herbal supplement with castor oil packs for increasing progesterone but I am wary of herbal treatments while nursing and trying to conceive, also have not had progesterone tested so I don't know if its low.
I guess I am just looking to see if anyone else has had a similar experience and how it played out for you? I haven't seen too many posts about recurring chemical pregnancies while breastfeeding.
submitted by MouseEmotional2795 to NurseAllTheBabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:03 Neither-Resolve-8061 Luteal phase deficiency? But progesterone normal. Confused!!

Hey everyone!
(This is my first time posting on Reddit, so if I broke any rules I am so sorry!!)
Hubby and I have just started TTC (we both have children from past relationships, both born in 2016)
We are finally ready and actively TTC! Started actively tracking 3 or 4 cycles ago; but 2 cycles for TTC (very early in the process, I know)
I am a type A, try to control everything type person so of course I am tracking my ovulation as best I can so we can plan accordingly with LH strips (not temping because I am trying to manage my obsessive side lol, but thinking I’ll start next cycle). However, every month my ovulation day changes every month (1st cycle CD18, 2nd cycle CD16 and this cycle was CD22) but I have spotting started day 25&26 and then CD1 starts after that. Like clockwork. Every month. So not only is my ovulation day changing (which from what I read, is somewhat normal) but my LP is not remaining consistent. It ranges from 9-10 days and this 3rd cycle is TBD as it hasn’t come yet (secretly hoping for a BFP but trying to manage my expectations)
Talked to my doctor because I figured it was likely low progesterone but hormone blood tests all came back well within normal range as did all my other general health blood results.
Any one have any experience with something similar? Normal progesterone but fluctuation O day and length of LP, but period almost always exactly 26 days (24 if you count the 2 days of spotting)? Thanks!!!
submitted by Neither-Resolve-8061 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:16 TheSwaffle Long cycles

Hi there, I'm still in the first year of TTC, but as anticipated am running into problems with long cycles and not knowing if I'm ovulating at all/regularly.
Since coming off bc, my cycles have been all over the place, 38, 49, 23 and now D85+ with no sign of that ending soon. Before being on the pill, my cycles were just as irregular, sometimes only a couple a year.
I got some ovulation test strips a couple of weeks ago, and thought I caught a peak, no way of confirming if I actually ovulated or not. In February, I had blood tests (all normal), and an ultrasound which was normal apart from a cyst (suspected corpus luteum). PCOS is thrown around, but not diagnosed as the irregular period is the only symptom I have.
This week, I saw the Dr again, because of the length of the current cycle. Came away feeling dissapointed despite getting the referral to GYN I was looking for. The Dr straight up told me it was impossible to ovulate so late in a cycle, and to just wait the 3-6 months for the appointment to come through. I'm not really comfortable knowing it's been almost 3 months since my last period, and no sign of knowing when that might happen. Just feel out of the game for such an indeterminate amount of time...and not really sure if there's a chance with any cycle at the moment.
Not too sure the specifics of what I'm asking for...advice? People with long cycles out there, what did you do?
submitted by TheSwaffle to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:55 Zealousideal_Cap7782 Clomid without IUI procedure

I asked my OBGYN office about trying Clomid without doing the actual IUI procedure. This was their response but I don’t quite understand it. Has anyone done Clomid with IUI procedure? How did you ask your OBGYN? Any insight? Thank you!
Good morning, you may trial clomid, however the chances of success may not be very high as IUIs are recommended due to male factor infertility (by trying to bypass the cervis and put the sperm directly where its supposed to go). We would like to prevent any delay of care from trialing options that may not provide success due to the issue being related to sperm. We are able to try 3-6 rounds of clomid here with us before we refer out to a REI specialist for further management. If you would like to proceed with clomid, we also schedule follow up sonograms at certain cycle days since we are stimulating the ovaries for ovulation we provide close management to prevent any overstimulation.
submitted by Zealousideal_Cap7782 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:16 Maximum-Fan4392 All over the place following MMC

All over the place following MMC
Hi All. I had a missed miscarriage discovered during the 12th week of my pregnancy due to chromosomal issues incompatible with life. The baby last measured fine at 11w1d. I had a d&e at what would have been 13w2d. I didn't bleed much after the procedure, and I got what I thought was my period on May 6th, which was 27 days after the baby's last measured day/the same length of my typical cycle. The bleeding was very light and only lasted for two days, so I wasn't sure if it was actually my period or just residual bleeding from the d&e 12 days before. I tested my hcg and it was finally negative at this time and I decided to test with inito to see what everything else looked like. Since I was no longer bleeding, I tested for two days (CD3/4) and everything was relatively low, so I decided I was going to start testing again on CD7 because you all know how expensive the inito tests can get. On CD7 my e3g was 210, my LHs were 15.13/5.06 (20.19 total), FSH was 0.39 and PdG was 2.07. I was shocked that so early on after the bleeding my numbers were so high. Since then, my LH has dropped, e3g continues to vary, and my PdG is all the way up to 19.57 even just on CD12. Last cycle when I don't as pregnant my PdG only got that high on CD23 (10 DPO). So today, CD12 my PdG is 19.57, e3g is 115.69, fsh 1.0, LHs 0.97/0.12 (1.09 total). What is going on here? Why is my PdG so darn high? Is it possible I ovulated so quickly after my most recent bleeding? Is there anything to do but wait?
submitted by Maximum-Fan4392 to Inito [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:15 Asleep_Sympathy_8987 Frequent period

I’m 11, almost 12 weeks PP from a c-section, and I’ve been getting my period about every 2 weeks since week 4ish. This is not normal for me, before pregnancy I had super irregular periods because I didn’t ovulate, I had to take Clomid to get pregnant. After pregnancy, I BF for 6 weeks and was on the mini pill, but I was super inconsistent taking the mini pill, which I assumed that was why I was having frequent bleeding, thinking starting and stopping the hormones were messing me up, but it’s been two weeks since I stopped taking the pill completely, and I’m starting another period again. It’s been so consistent at 2 weeks that my period tracker in my phone is even saying I’m due for one. Am I doomed for periods every 2 weeks for the rest of my life? Will this regulate again a little while longer after birth? Am I dying? 😉 anyone have any experience or advice? Thanks!
submitted by Asleep_Sympathy_8987 to postpartumprogress [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:14 Asleep_Sympathy_8987 Frequent period?

I’m 11, almost 12 weeks PP from a c-section, and I’ve been getting my period about every 2 weeks since week 4ish. This is not normal for me, before pregnancy I had super irregular periods because I didn’t ovulate, I had to take Clomid to get pregnant. After pregnancy, I BF for 6 weeks and was on the mini pill, but I was super inconsistent taking the mini pill, which I assumed that was why I was having frequent bleeding, thinking starting and stopping the hormones were messing me up, but it’s been two weeks since I stopped taking the pill completely, and I’m starting another period again. It’s been so consistent at 2 weeks that my period tracker in my phone is even saying I’m due for one. Am I doomed for periods every 2 weeks for the rest of my life? Will this regulate again a little while longer after birth? Am I dying? 😉 anyone have any experience or advice? Thanks!
submitted by Asleep_Sympathy_8987 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]