Poo ascii

My entire N64 collection!! Boxes and everything are original. region is AUS PAL.

2024.03.08 06:38 classbound238 My entire N64 collection!! Boxes and everything are original. region is AUS PAL.

My entire N64 collection!! Boxes and everything are original. region is AUS PAL.
For me it’s Best console to collect for especially because I love the box art so much and how vibrant and fun they usually are. Also just best console in general. Most of these are from childhood.
submitted by classbound238 to n64 [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 02:02 StrawberryMelon05 You All Pou Poo this weekend?

You All Pou Poo this weekend? submitted by StrawberryMelon05 to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2020.09.23 22:03 _BadONE SUP TRAINERS! Im trying to get A LOT of friends. I would really appreciate the new additions!

 ,'\ _.----. ____ ,' _\ ___ ___ ____ _,-' `. /`. \,-' \ / \ `. \ __ \ '-. / `. ___ \/ '-. \ \. \ \ __ / ,','_ `. __ \ \ \/ /,' _`. ,' / / / / ,' _`. \ ,-'/ / \ ,' \/ / ,`. / / \ \ \ \_/ `-. \ `' / \_/ \ \ \ \ / `-.`.___,-' \ / \ / \ \ `.__,' `-._ ` __ \/ `.__,' \_.-' __ `-._ '-. '-. `' '-._ 
  1. Edit: My code is: 4426-2944-7607
  2. Will send gifts periodically because I don't think it is feasible for me to have that many gifts.
  3. Will raid if invited (but sometimes I do be outta remote passes)
  4. If y'all don't wanna add, that's fine too. Thanks for looking at least.
  5. Is it worth it to have a lot of friends? I dunno, but maybe some of us can sync and get XP.
  6. Y'all ever want a UI adjustment for friends, maybe similar to pokemon format?
  7. WHAT ABOUT MASS GIFTING!? (like, you can select all the friends you want to gift and just send 20 at a time)
  8. Imagine you can delete eggs. That'd be nice.
  9. Dude, imagine remote trading! OR EVEN A PLAYER STORE. Where you can buy or sell stuff in your item bag for stardust or other items. I dunno tho, I feel that would be used to make cash or something/somehow. Like gold farmers in MMORPGs, maybe they could limit the stuff to just items or dust or something.
  10. Look, thanks for your time. Hopefully the ascii doesn't look like dog poo on mobile or desktop.

 ,___ .-;' `"-.`\_...._/`.` , \ / .-' ', / () ()\ `'._ \ /() . ( > .' ;, -'- / / < ;, __.; '-.'-. , \ , \ `>.;, \_) \_) Do it. You'll probably catch a shiny! (maybe) `-; , / \ / < '. <`'-,_) '._) 
submitted by _BadONE to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2020.03.26 02:54 gerry3246 Beta 0.5.2 Release Notes

Note: This release is available to Council Tier Patreon backers. A release for all Patreon backers will be along in a few days.
NOTE: This and future releases will REQUIRE node.js v12.x or higher!
(from Release Notes by atropos_nyx)
Hi everyone, I'm extremely happy to share the Beta 0.5.2 update which is one of the biggest update versions ever clocking in with 89 issues closed in the GitLab milestone ranging encompassing new features, bug fixes, and API improvements. This is an even-numbered "major" update so it focuses heavily on adding new functionality and API changes to the software for testing by Alpha tier Patreon supporters.
The most significant improvements in this update version include a brand new permission control system, support for inline dice rolls, a built-in grid configuration tool, the ability to bulk upload assets, expanded Token features like light emission color, and many minor features.
Thank you all so very much for supporting my project and relying on Foundry Virtual Tabletop to bring us all together amidst health concerns and difficult times of social distancing. Please stay healthy, care for each other, and stay up to date on progress by following the project roadmap on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/foundryvtt/boards.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the directional movement keys sometimes getting "stuck" and producing incorrect results. The logic for identifying which combination of movement keys is currently depressed is much improved and (to the best of my testing) will now produce reliable results.
  • Some faulty logic resulted in Actor or Token names being incorrectly displayed as the alias for private rolls in the chat log. When rolling privately (or blindly) other players should see that a roll is occurring, but not the name of the creature or token which is placing the roll. This has been changed so private rolls only indicate the name of the User placing the roll, rather than the name of the Actor.
  • Fixed a bug where Users which had OBSERVER permission to a certain Actor were not able to see vision changes for that Token in real-time.
  • A logical error allowed for the inadvertent creation of recursive loops in the sidebar folder structure (yes, again!). I've changed the tree generation algorithm again to (hopefully) protect against this outcome and ensure that folders do not have cyclic parent relationships.
  • Explicitly enclose the image file paths in Journal Entry featured images to better handle images with spaces, apostrophes, or quotes in their file name.
  • The system attribute of compendium pack metadata was not respected to appropriately restrict which packs were included for which World. This has changed so that a module can incorporate packs designed for multiple different systems and restrict which compendium packs are visible in-game based on the World's used system.
  • Fixed a bug where a User's active Ruler would be displayed even if the measuring User was viewing a different Scene. The display of rulers now correctly verifies the viewed Scene before displaying a measurement.
  • Corrected a server side issue which produced an incorrect port range for custom WebRTC configurations which explicitly specified an end port range value.
  • Fixed a bug whereby light sources failed to dispel the darkness layer when the Token Vision setting was disabled.
  • Changes to the AWS Configuration file path in the Setup menu of the application were not correctly saved upon form submission. This is now corrected.
  • Fixed a bug where package update versions were detected as unavailable if the original installed version was too old to be compatible with the current VTT version.
  • It was possible to configure an "illegal" user data path that fell within the application installation directory from the application setup menu. This is now validated before making the change to reject any requested file paths which will be illegal.
  • Fixed an issue where in some situations providing an invalid admin access key did not properly result in redirecting the user.
  • In some cases where a Token did not have a valid Actor entity defined, the user was prevented from being able to access the Token configuration sheet.
  • Ensure that displayed dice roll results which are non-integers are displayed rounded to 2 decimal places.
  • Additional server-side permission checks will now prevent users from making updates to Tokens for which they do not have ownership of that Token's actor.
  • Fixed a bug with the popped out Combat Tracker which prevented it from being correctly updated when a Combat Encounter was ended in the main sidebar.
  • Fixed several crashes or errors which could occur when deleting the actively viewed Scene.
  • Fixed an error which could occur from deleting an Actor whose character sheet was currently open.
  • Corrected a problem which prevented saving the default drawing configuration - particularly the colors used for stroke and fill display. This default configuration can now be modified and saved as normal. The "Position" tab of the default drawing configuration has been removed to avoid confusion since position settings are not configured as defaults.
  • Fix behavior of the Fog of War exploration Scene setting which, if disabled, should prevent tracking exploration progress and only show current Token vision.
  • Fix a Token visibility issue which would show hidden tokens to players if the Token Vision scene configuration setting was false.
  • Fix errors when trying to edit the description of an existing World.
  • Prevent dragstart events for any element in the document unless specifically authorized by that element.
  • Improve vertical resizing of the settings menu when switching tabs.
  • Fix setting the Scene darkness level to zero which now applies immediately.
  • Deleting a hovered placeable object now correctly removes references to that object from the parent layer's _hover attribute.
  • Explicitly prevent form submission for HUD elements which, for some browsers, could be submitted when the enter key was pressed.
  • Changing the active weather effect in a Scene should now apply immediately instead of requiring a page refresh.
  • Toggling folder collapsed/expanded state in a sidebar tab will now resize the height of pop-out sidebar tabs.
  • Dynamic entity links to Scenes should open the associated Journal Entry for that Scene if one exists, otherwise it will open the Scene configuration sheet.
  • Assuming control of a Token when multiple Tokens are owned did not successfully restrict vision to just that Token.
  • The package directories in the Setup application should now remember their vertical scroll positions when the app is re-rendered.
  • Deleting a Token which emitted light but was not a valid Actor would fail to remove the light source and leave light emission visible in the Scene.
  • Assigning the default world configuration back to null in the Setup application was not correctly applied. This setting can now be un-set to remove a World as the default.
  • Fixed a breaking error where modules or systems which included a languages entry but not as an appropriately formatted Array could break loading the game world.
  • Deleting a Token which was a target for one or more Users would leave that Token in the User's targets array instead of removing it. This no longer occurs.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a placeable object that was hovered would leave it referenced as the _hover object of the parent layer.
  • Fix a bug where, in some circumstances, making changes to the Elevation field on the Token HUD could result in submitting the form as a GET request instead of that behavior being prevented by JavaScript.
  • Addressed a problem where a failure to load the options.json configuration file would crash the Foundry VTT node.js process but fail to adequately terminate the Electron application that would remain running in the background.

Framework and API Changes

  • [BREAKING] Finalized the deprecation process for sceneId as the first argument to canvas placeable CRUD methods.
  • [BREAKING] Revised the behavior of the mergeObject helper to forward the same insertKeys and insertValues arguments to recursive inner-object merges.
  • [BREAKING] The game.modules object has been refactored from an Array to a Map where the keys of the map are module IDs which allows for easier access to a module's configuration data without needing to iterate through the full modules Array. For example game.modules.get("about-time").
  • Changed the naming convention for Scene thumbnail images to instead use the scene ID as using the original map image file name could collide for maps in different directory paths which use the same file name. Existing map thumbnails will be unchanged, but any newly created thumbnails will use the Scene ID as the resulting file name.
  • Standardize the identification of a chat message actor using the ChatMessage.getSpeakerActor() method.
  • Standardize the construction of dice roll data for an Actor with the Actor#getRollData() method.
  • Refactor the FilePicker.upload method to use the simpler fetch API rather than XHR requests.
  • When identifying packages (systems, modules, worlds) where the directory name does not match the name attribute in the package manifest, such packages will be automatically ignored with a warning message displayed in the server log where previously this would cause a fatal error.
  • When worlds are created, the name attribute of the world is forcibly "slugified" to convert it to all lower-case ascii characters with hyphens to separate multiple terms. This feature enhancement uses the new String.slugify helper method which can be used by others for their own string ID or file path standardization needs.
  • Provide specialized functions for performing multi-item update operations for synthetic Token actors. These actors previously had specialized methods to handle createOwnedItem, updateOwnedItem, and deleteOwnedItem operations, but trying to use the "many" versions of these operations would fail. You can now use createManyOwnedItem, updateManyOwnedItem, and deleteManyOwnedItem operations for synthetic Token Actors.
  • Refactor the Actor.getWildcardImages function to use the modernized FilePicker.browse method instead of an explicit socket request.
  • Imposed strict server-side validation that the width and height attributes for a Scene must be positive integers.
  • The usage of Tabs has been comprehensively refactored to a TabsV2 class which improves in a number of key dimensions. Usage of tabs within an Application can now be configured as part of the defaultOptions object by providing a tab configuration array for any tabbed navigation containers that are present. Tab controllers are instantiated at the Application level, rather than at the render level, and stored in the app._tabs allowing for downstream modules to interrupt or modify tab behavior. Furthermore, Application instances now share an _onChangeTab function that is called whenever a tabbed navigation element is changed. This allows downstream classes to easily extend or override the tab switching behavior of the class.
  • Improve the behavior and rendering of the /no page to better display the full fatal error message and its stack trace if necessary.
  • Implemented improvements to the hasProperty and getProperty helper functions to return undefined if they encounter a non-object during their recursive search.

Documentation Improvements

Known Issues

  • None at this time.
submitted by gerry3246 to FoundryVTT [link] [comments]

2019.10.16 02:03 dominatingslash Fun Times with PDQ deploy Part 2

Fun Times with PDQ deploy Part 2 continued from https://www.reddit.com/pdq/comments/digrx3/fun_times_with_pdq_deploy_part_1/
CCC Stars Wars A new hope
Step 1 - Create a copy file step in pdq to copy putty.exe to the C:\ drive on host computer
Step 2 - Create a command step in pdq with C:\putty.exe telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl/
DDD Rick Rolling Ascii style - by Lee Holmes for pdq - I can understand your hesitation to run it, but I did and I lived =)
  1. Create a power shell script from the below neverGonna.
  2. Create a copy step in pdq with Copy neverGonna.ps1 to host C:\
  3. create a comman step in pdq with Command: Powershell.exe -File C:\neverGonna.ps1
Make sure properties and each step is set under the options tab to run as "Logged on User"
Make sure under conditions powershell5 is selected and logged on state is set to only if user is logged on.
neverGonna script - copy to a .ps1 file/create a powershell script

# PowerShell + HTML5 prototype. Needs audio. Run: iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://bit.ly/e0Mw9w") if($host.Name -ne "ServerRemoteHost") { Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-noprofile -noexit -command iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''http://bit.ly/e0Mw9w'')' return } $data = 'H4sIAAAAAAAEAO29B2AcSZYlJi9tynt/SvVK1+B0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaUcjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee++999577733ujudTif33/8/XGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9+fB8/In638zpb5E36Wfp7biUpPR+lP/ZjvyeeH//xH/89f5x/0C9Dz4/rvz/2ex4+0kd+Ofz4k0/MewIC/3zyyScfH9Lz6PDwx3/s95T2I/Pio0O8Ii/5nX/Cb/ivcGN57BsGGfcKnuAVfcn1gtbyAr3ycfwVfklesQ+N4uNPOq+M+D8e/CH+k3af8JtoT80+1p+2l5G05v/jM3mBn48/jr4ywiNIDb1yqDT2X9Fh8D+fdF5BYzct/iv8EX7EXzGd4BWLlyHZx+EL/M7Hn0gX+goTzL3i3vjkYzsY/ONeca39Vyyl5SWlQu8V6evjT7Qffsdy5MeHOlp5xcMLvXzM73Dbj/kfDIbJaSkWIPboUBoyWh8zmvrKobxlGMbh9ejRJwYzxsiMwgB8pETmF/i/kTcY88rH+oq8Frwykp68mWFS8TsOcXnFodV9xcyle8N/ZSTI4ZVDeeHHzSuuE6bYj3sA7MedXjqvuF70gQx0MDv8xBLMUExe0bfwsXTz4zKX4JdPPu73gn91goCG6cYg9uM//nHwiocXXsIcB4ihHesL5jKn+vxXwjf0FXnL9WIHj1eUy0LEftyozd9Te/FeYXViujGY/binC90rShJp+ONWyAxizgJAkN3DL2DSuTH+wc/eK9qaWZhBE0G1ix83b8Rf4R50kCxi2odIsW+o5JWRfQGv/J6KmH3jMDBt8ortAc+P/57Sycf2jf4rwQt45cfxJ78iEvmx/4a+8uPeG3iJKxErjTye/5Yz/2UcQ48//ldzXEBpj9hb/pGWf+jXr65ONPhPi/J6bsUB76ynKor9P1FZ0ufkdfeuS/4rc/NKpDscU/lozWBoaG45At6yfa3NjzT/xXtKV7w2Ik78grZkBq0Ixx5se8ETxmOO4V/4m+Qk/4ivfSoTon0Ves3dBX1Gk6FCnA43lNP+73YjvpvxKSzFEsxKvzin2CeVGtZF/52A5fplN+Ncyq9jywm+aVT7yHZTSYffPIiBQvbWzUoHnU1HSNs9fJx/pI60eGyJ2HX3E4ee/0jbN5o/8Kt9Y56FhavPxx2Iu1adwcT2jPjaKSR1/Ubiwa3Vfo8dS59Cd66hG3sa/wn2IDnS2Td0RP+RZdpdJ/Dv038A/EWt7o9aKP1438xjNv4A0ZZ/sKv6MzYh7f0nb9DPMcCo1HPmIhXsErP/6JUNl1og6g/w5188jr4sf5FV+jRoyz75rgMXPvvRL0Ib34r1h24TfCV+ynvp/94/Ydw/uMmDRVHgNiPbw+IWfGf8W+wHQGX4pKNmYTbhb0C/fvXtFh8LR8IrYf/9dORBfKlFqpHJnBHHIzbR6+Agb1XtGRi25ha85v/Ti/IxpXzCO9ZRGjf6yboa+InAAfeUOs5Se+1/Dj+oBiDF8wC17BExhnq3+9R2yfs84/bnDEL339xANkM9x7+BvHCPLDe0Xesdqs90rYBR5ub9Sbr23lFcds/hueF2Cn1L4S68Qqdn3JdqQ2sKtvxKZ7vcDb22Cc+Q1q/YmzmPjFjEhfCV/iThixYML0nf4rPCOf+Ei5V5yPbhja9vEJkIq8wpPkv+KjFX2km/4rjr78+PwHdNU49+ym94ju3lkWWtkXnFe6PzktXoYScRR0O80h83FHO9yBMhr3nYFvK86Cv6YvDGJ+bB7z1La1SU/4o0N/Z5wDgPvnKob0TsOcLzyCuHnVd4JCNRhjwvn3gvDL9in0M7XP8NRowb2ldG9rFe+SefuFfE3PReMUQLzIZqXXkn+goQOwxfMR0Gvcjo9Qmtk/nVBuhiA8Oh+F7DJ2Ygn1h6xY3zo/AV8GnnFf7pvfKo8wrnDvSNQ3nFDsWAeRQMRjJH5hX1GvQVMYQjfsPzm8QLUieg4wK40X8sdPUdAZfQCI2z6iZNZ/241xVzmNgc+4oTFzct+hP9mUnxXhHexyuHnxxy6x+3DE2Dd8xGTsH5uW7pVPWH5spiV4Rf1Y19J0otKj+bwfv8E4a5TVe+S7m4yzMW/yB3/jpkh+GOWpxllf9N4ZMM5+O6MC3MOvjEwnnTccEfr2POzk8PBQ35AXOi+xtI3MEIK3uibKD+oCGei9wfkR6Sl8JXiH33BImWm7yZ5/zC5A8Iq+o+rZf0NfiNlnpnf/Fe480hxPzwVwr0TDbbG0H8cR67xhQnp5KRI5P4r0YTnd6yXAK4qWmxvpJSDxUA6E31KvYZNxxgMxNb8GXoNqgu4rRq7ZCWcdFb7CPfVfEZExEZT3ijHO0VeEvbxXeCSqCfGKh7xBLPaKfcROei9Yr6Hzysg+GgYFfcgrg8b5UFvaTqK+iXuFfjOvmBfsa34vMnp9Hh2GTfnfH/cMgXnFDaWTbMAk8v83GeduNxiGFztHjbNvaFmoeq/YoehH4RtK4vgrYggfcRjohajMkuYVdQFCxH5cs/OQQPMK/5BXnD23AzEtPOOsC06PxDi7VyxL2lfMlPAvzjg7xOQDgq3YgFsUPD40gwfXOMTwgsVGXpFfP/ayJkYn4xV2CYVyxi3VcixlksrzHAoV3WDL6KH0fOh+5RLDY/Px680rHfkb8P/VfMQLtP70N9hds7+gw09l555L1h2vXa2w9+XLL6h+aVbsPhV7wZODwcfs284l7AO/wKfmHBjHUbsBu/Jm+o2vRRNb+qqXGqU75URvpxO7naHH+yqXHyzC0e8SvwOsNuvFdU+/ndHLLU8Su2D0FZRSfQ6PKd6LEf/8QAd70E0ubNDMvZ4SfqwOhL+p19ZWTeke8/YQXj/DFvRKFMC5FlViBsQ6+42dev8P9P+Ok07iBmUNIWEqW41vIKf21f0dFZmKyVOq8cmle0mR05Hg2YPv7x/kuevMjQub2qKfghZmYcNDf8Q/mfceSYAHjFOLE8Aww0fAXf8dLaj/OaMXXHasrYf3nVEVnR+li1GGtZo+IEOx2rDF9xwoefqN4j/oLDpcrw0DyPlJMNxfkDXfKjoZhOfk/zij+V3hTrK78nbLhLgNqvzSs+CxvA6OQTfeX3jLxiEKOhWMAOL3o2veJw+XEZvDydUObQf8Wiwi7y4Cvew0MBE7NPfatX0BDcxWhZihGU4VfkjU8+7o7lxze+Ag32492xbHhF0mk23rnNK4eOR4JX/EZR4+ye0EjbSbM/v3njHHnsK45Jb3r0FZXqW70mr3hvsNDhG+P9m8fCUjVwaF7Rj3XVInin80rQgwu4/JYsLvqKNh9xUkvUuX3FG5r9tWudDgXQj4t2+lh69t55pK+o2bQzyeka9ojt8PRN/C29dCzto0PxgMXRtN3IK0Ev9hXWzcYxt308klc84zxSSvN3EmQEdraDmMLXVw77rxjVjF/tK13jzJh5r7gh+b1Yvf6IqfWx/5ZHhGD27Vc/rgHdx/jNM+rcxvVi0ZXVjE8OzSuB1fBfsWQRbvk9gRjbTfTYfUWprogpfyGD/4nlNm6gL4m8+KhJG9INbDa9VyzRzPAP5f9sBfgNjN+8AsQ2GOePWSGhE/ZO+JWP9RXBzxFZix6CqOYvUVYwKUpGqdvElUxcfj/0SW9hSaPqFBs6/wa+iE3zaNdZ7V0loYH5s3+JVPBnvxBmNe4XUvnqDNiNED66wvibH58dCa29mPvGIs+o8HBjB4RT+wY/lx+BpMi44G7Gr+iEX/8U6D/is+ZvxKV832XzlkZPidT2Kd3OKVni6PIOZP/4/f5hXHMOzQRRF7D+MskfPPO+Ps/Qz/UDVg2tvPOUvhv+GeQD27HtQ8+y1ZwvQV094ZZ2fPvaHZXzvWSb11yAAEJ2Kc+2ZTvtTw9Mc/cR+Z17rG2Y5HjLNnz21PNxlng5j9x/aixtm8Qv/7xFhafcXOlEVMG8v/8NzKOOs7ShbGyg+CvSF1XxFlhcHw8Ln5of3XvOJmX796JPZcSOCaCr38Xhy6PPvMZB17Lu/YV+zoDiViZKdJ7bnn1jxSxPQvnUWReixpHjLrKHvqmCLGWd5gF8B4AAPG2VpabUSBMBIB4SsDxhna2RlnfZ/xkl4ixtm9YpwGqwiVpGrQHC8Ze85z+ePBK/qENvARCIZXPtEcbfiKYCKvWLQO1dKwne294vfiDcYYpx8XF4D18ieRVwxi+MAocy94Dk2Hzn7vlnV1T3B294r+gHv6fXy48PvhJ+EOAlv93+lXV25yAZzXYPD68bBB/xXnNmg8fAsXwPfNmBM630cQs9b2E5mWT/qvRNacZSjmn/7z4/qlt+Z8qEvf+tBgINZBaCOPp2yCVw6lsf/OrV4JurFffeAr7lP7yqF9I/rKJ5FXIqO/6ZXD93jlY/uKvuS+2vzKx5tf+TiCmI7/4/d+BT+9r271ymH/Ff7g4+jwdTDeN3hFiej3YvGxw4++8skn9qtDQ7D+1EdeMV26B7MZ4Bx/xXuDn4D9oq988nvaxvz+j9/4CusYD7Ef778iata+oroPysZaKF+UjHqmlkIddgDsS2bxy58anf1D88onrJSMKrfaxWdNyzD8yifyRucVKGozTv+VR5+AMu6J9SKP/4pYJPUVBDp36S9UPPK8uUOkWXWw0vbHgWboa/XGwuA/0Td+XJv33ui84tqHbQcQM4pOBXfoMa8c4pWhNv5jicxfDYIO3nnk85j/Crs26LrXXl/xnh7cyDuulzgakX64F1+gem/FxvKJ99jF9dgg5Dk0r6gbri9Gh+1eCY2z52YFvGw+VP4zTbzg4WOILg/MMEV/mIdhvPGxC+IsbUL9H3lFiHDovRXpJnjlE33lY4vZLV+x+tzas5+VVwKXoTt+T9oir1hrPvzKJ71X9LnFK85oRl4JAtSv9Yr5zeoQeQI373av/HjQj8q0vtJB7GNmhEPhve4rh3jPvdLp5Pe03Xu98COBsvcKv/MxFq58zHzN4ZS9e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' ## Decompress the frames, which declare an array of strings $binaryData = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($data) $ms = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $ms.Write($binaryData, 0, $binaryData.Length) $ms.Seek(0,0) Out-Null $cs = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GZipStream($ms, [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]"Decompress") $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($cs) $structure = $sr.ReadToEnd() iex $structure ## Go through the frames, and re-scale them so that they have the ## proper aspect ratio in the console for($counter = 0; $counter -lt $frames.Count; $counter++) { $frame = $frames[$counter] $expansion = (@('$1') + (('$2','$3','$2','$3') Get-Random -Count 4 Sort)) -join '' $frame = (($frame -split "`t") -replace '(.)(.)(.)',$expansion) -join "`t" $frames[$counter] = $frame } ## Prepare the screen $counter = 0 $maxCounter = $frames.Count - 1 $host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "White" $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Black" try { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size 83,45 } catch {} try { $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size 83,45 } catch {} try { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size 83,45 } catch {} try { $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size 83,45 } catch {} ## Open the background song $script = @' $player = New-Object -ComObject 'MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer' $player.Open("http://www.leeholmes.com/projects/ps_html5/background.mp3") $player '@ ## ... in a background MTA-threaded PowerShell because ## the MediaPlayer COM object doesn't like STA $runspace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace() $runspace.ApartmentState = "MTA" $bgPowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create() $bgPowerShell.Runspace = $runspace $runspace.Open() $player = @($bgPowerShell.AddScript($script).Invoke())[0] try { ## Wait for it to buffer (or error out) while($true) { Start-Sleep -m 500 if($player.HasError -or ($player.ReadyState -eq 4)) { break } } Start-Sleep -m 1600 Clear-Host $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates ` 0,([Console]::WindowHeight - 1) Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Q or ESC to Quit' ## Loop through the frames and display them [Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true while($true) { if([Console]::KeyAvailable) { $key = [Console]::ReadKey() if(($key.Key -eq 'Escape') -or ($key.Key -eq 'Q') -or ($key.Key -eq 'C')) { break } } if((-not $player.HasError) -and ($player.PlayState -eq 0)) { break } $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates 0,0 Write-Host (($frames[$counter] -split "`t") -join "`r`n") Start-Sleep -m 100 $counter = ($counter + 1) % $maxCounter } } finally { ## Clean up, display exit screen Clear-Host $frames[-1] -split "`t" "`n" " Happy Scripting from PowerShell..." " and Rick ASCII!" "`n`n`n" $player.Stop() $bgPowerShell.Dispose() } 
submitted by dominatingslash to pdq [link] [comments]

2019.02.04 21:06 dunklesToast Current Ideas of Implementation

So this post started it all.
The current idea is to create a bot which manages games.
Ideas / Concepts:

Start a Game

To start a game a user creates a new Post here and sets the rules with a template. Rules to set: - Amount of Players - Mode (there is this Uno EXTREME thing, where a player could get more than one card when he can’t place a card) - Timeout (When a player doesn’t play in this timeframe, his turn will be skipped) - Open Games => anyone can join, even if the game is running („deal me in“ => bot hands out full card stack)


When enough players where found (but no later than 24h after the post was made) the game starts. every player gets his Cards / Hand sent via PM. OP is the first one to draw a card and place his move. If he did it, the bot writes the ASCII Card in the Thread (this is the most important thing!) Then the next player gets a PM where he can place his card. This goes so on until a player won.


I would develop the bot in NodeJS (it’s the language I am most familiar with). I found this game implementation on GitHub. Maybe we could use this for first tests.

Some other ideas:

If this idea works you could make big „special“ games where something like 50 players play together. And like FinnyThePoo mentioned we can manage the Card stacks by keeping and eye on the unused cards and just add a new Stack (exact same amount of cards as if you started a new game) if we have too less cards

Want to contribute?

Awesome! I created a GitHub Organization over here: https://github.com/unogame
PM me and I’ll add you! Even if you cant program, we need people for the ASCII Cards and so!
Got a nice idea? Write a comment!
submitted by dunklesToast to UNOGame [link] [comments]

2018.04.20 01:05 gogokm [GoGoBundle.com] - RollingBal - Space Escape! - The Orphan Dreams - ASCII: Pinball - ASCII: Maze - ASCII: Space Shooter - Bounty Hunter: Ocean - Bounty Hunter: Stampede - Bounty Hunter: Space - Hooligan : Halloween - Hooligan : Christmas - PooSky (12 Games + 2 DLC for 0,99$) (GoGoBundle Limited #50)

submitted by gogokm to GameDeals [link] [comments]

2015.07.08 15:35 Probono_Bonobo ELI5: Unicode vs. ASCII

I updated to NLTK 3.0 recently. A few modules on which I depend return unicode strings now instead of ASCII, which isn't a big deal. In the process of fixing them, though, I started feeling a bit uneasy. My system encoding is UTF-8. I'm having to bend over backwards, encoding/decoding strings left and right, as a condition of using my own functions. I'm livid that stdout draws a bunch of u's all over my stringlists. Certain filters that used to take 10 seconds to iterate over the contents of a book now take several minutes.
I appreciate that unicode has a vastly higher bitrate, and if I were doing text mining on the modern web, with all its symbols and poo emoji, then I would see the benefits of this right away. What are the benefits of unicode for the rest of us? Is it worth going out of one's way to use a non-native character encoding? Is it always this much of a hassle, or are there things I can do to make my environment more supportive of it?
edit: itty bitty typo
submitted by Probono_Bonobo to LanguageTechnology [link] [comments]

2014.09.06 13:02 AutoModerator eatsnails: Diamo Of The Day September 6, 2014


eatsnails is the creator of d:)
He usually browses maymay subreddits and creates ebin memes. I think the sub he's most active in is jtd, and he's really nice d:^)

How did you come up with your brave username?

Something I thought of when I was 8 or something and I've been using it ever since then.

Have you ever pleasured yourself while watching online pornography?

I would never ever do such a disgusting thing.

r u gril :3?

Nawh cuz

u single ;)?

o ya bby

How old are you?

Old enough ;)

Do you have any pets?

I used to have a bunch of fish, two turtles, and five dogs. Had to get rid of them tho.

What is your favorite animal?


What is your spirit animal and why?

Birds cause they are cool

How did you discover JTD?

Some guy posted one of the best memes I've ever seen on /braveryjerk so I clicked on his account and saw his latest post was on /jerktalkdiamond. I sent a message to the mod in charge of modding and I was made a mod.

Who is diamo?

Only the sikkest cunt alive

What is your favorite meme?

I like cool hip underground memes like ayy lmao, but doge is cool too. Also BAVI

What do you do when you aren't being a pro-memer?

My homework d:)

What is the best .gif you have?


Who is the best admin, in your opinion, and why?

cupcake1713 because she is the only admin who said something in our modmail that wasn't to oppress us and she's a cute gril.

What are your favorite subreddits and why?

/jerktalkdiamond it has the freshest memes made by the best memers on reddit.
/fishing so I can fantasize about catching big fish.
/leagueoflegends cause it's a great game.
/buddhism cause it makes me feel happier.
/Circlemusic everyone has nice taste there.

What is your wallpaper?


What is your favorite food?

Coxinha. It's a popular Brazilian food and can be bought at nearly every restaurant there, but I don't see it often where I live in the US.

What are your favorite TV shows and movies?

I don't watch tv much at all. Can't really say I really have a favorite, but the stuff on National Geographic is neat.
Cloud Atlas was a nice movie and there was a short I watched called Major Organ and the Adding Machine which was pretty good.

What type of music do you like?

Psychedelic folk, and neo-psychedelia are my all time favorites, but lately I've been listening to Bedroom-pop and some other Lo-Fi stuff.

Did hitler do anything wrong?

I never knew the guy personally, but I've been told he did a lot wrong.

What is the best copypasta you have?

So i was just doing my thing on reddit just browsin n' stuff, ya dig? I came across this subreddit called /NoPoo. It wasn't exactly what I thought it would be about, but it sure caught my attention. After reading three posts which I do not recall I said to myself "hotdog! I should try this NoPoo thing!" First day was really nothing special, but after a few weeks my hair started getting pretty curly. I was all like "neat." But then like a few days after my hair started getting curly it started to get like really itchy and smelly. Now I don't know if this was releated to the whole not using shampoo thing, but I sure think it was. I rate the whole experience a 5.3/10 and I would not do it again. Although I have been saving a lot of shampoo and might limit my shampoo usage to 3 or so times a week because of the whole experience.

What is your favorite ascii?


Is there anything else you would like to add?

I'd like to thank my ma, pa, and the academy
submitted by AutoModerator to DiamoOfTheDay [link] [comments]

2014.08.26 15:05 TortoiseSex Mega_Toast: Diamo Of The Day August 26, 2014


Mega Toast is american meaning he likes toast, as compared to crumpets like appleman.
He likes to exploit underage fruit as seen in /fruitbait and /animalbait. Mega also likes dogecoin, videogames, anime, and posting youtube videos of himself dancing.

How did you come up with your brave username?

I was in the kitchen one day and I saw some bread then I saw a toaster and I though of toast. I was signing up for some game and needed username so I decided to name myself 'Toast' but that was taken so instead I named myself 'ItsAlmostAsGoodAsToast' which wasn't taken. I had to shorten it though because most games don't allow more than 12 characters in a name, so I changed it to 'MegaToast', but that was taken on Reddit so I added an underscore and now it's 'Mega_toast'. I usually leave out the underscore on games though because they often only allow numbers and letters so instead I sometimes add X's at the start and end like this; 'XMegaToastX'. Unless of course 'MegaToast' is available in which case I just use that.

r u gril :3?

I think that question is a little personal.
I would like to unsubscribe from Diamo of the Day.

u single ;)?

Yeah. Is this a dating service?

How old are you?

12 but I act old for my age and my penis is about the size of a 15 year old so I think I'm pretty hot or at least, I think I look about as good as the guys in the Abercrombie ads.

Do you have any pets?

Yeah I have 2 dogs 3 cats some fish and this guy who lives under my house and eats my table scraps.

What is your favorite animal?


What is your spirit animal and why?

My spirit animal is the majestic Ookami (that's 'fox' for you inferiors) I feel it to be the embodiment of Japan (or Nippon as we say it) therefore making it the perfect symbiotic soul for my own. One day I hope to move to Nippon and own my own Ookami, maybe even live in a hut in the woods. We would rely only on what the great Nippon-Sama provides us. Aside from routine trips to Akihabara to purchase Visual Novels and Manga. Maybe I will find perfect Blue or Pink haired Nipponese woman and we will reluctantly hold hands underneath the fireworks at our school's summer festival. Also, I have a firm belief that one day I will awaken as Half Man Half Ookami God of the forest. I'll probably save the forests of Nippon from a great danger.

How did you discover JTD?

I was inside one of those Starbucks that they have inside of Target stores and I met this guy named Diamo. He was wearing one of those woolly hats with the little puff balls on it, and drinking some sort of white chocolate fag drink. He told me that if I went home with him he would show me how to knit a hat like his. I of course agreed. Upon arriving at his home, he told me to drop my pants and bend over. Confused, I agreed thinking it was a part of the knitting process. Little did I know it was a ruse. That Diamo guy fucked me in the butt for 27 minutes then came inside without a condom. About 2 days later I got a PM on reddit.com asking me to become a moderator of some shitty subreddit called /Jerktalkdiamond. I've been here ever since.
Srsly tho I me Diamo back when people were making accounts like 'TOPAZ_OR_NOT_TOPAZ' and shit like that and we continued our love affair into /Jerktalk. At some point I made /FruitBait and modded Diamo to it. Then, I guess around when /Jerktalk went to shit, Diamo and Circlejerker made /Jerktalkdiamond and Diamo modded me to it.
Since then JTD has been like fuckin' feudal Japan or some shit. The rise and fall of empires and Top Mods. It's been a wild ride this past (nearly two years now... wow). I wouldn't give it up for the world. I mean, unless Diamo's dick grew a few inches. I would give it up for that.

Who is diamo?

You are Diamo. No, not just you. You the readers. All of you. Diamo is what makes you a part of the greater whole. We are all Diamo, rather, all a part of the Great Diamo. We all have a little piece of him in us. Together, we are complete. We are existence. Life. Diamo is the embodiment of everything from the birds chirping in the morning, to the Earth rotating on its axis. So, the next time you ask yourself, "What is the meaning of life?" or, "Why am I here?", this is your answer.
Because you are Diamo. You live not only for the Diamo in you, but for the Diamo in everyone. Together, we can achieve great things. Together, we can make the universe work. When a Diamo dies, it does not disappear, rather it is simply passed on to the next new life. It is all our duty as living creatures to live on, prosper, continue the cycle of life and in turn the cycle of Diamo. As we grow, Diamo grows. There is no limit to how much Diamo there can be. If more Diamo is needed, Diamo will create more.
That, is who, and what, Diamo is.

What is your favorite meme?


What do you do when you aren't being a pro-memer?

Well sometimes I suck dicks, other times I play vidya games and watch animu.

What is the best .gif you have?


Who is the best admin, in your opinion, and why?

none they are all hitler, hitler would be best admin but he is le dead.

What are your favorite subreddits and why?

/Jerktalkdiamond because of all the great memes.
And /Awwnime because of all the cuteness.

What is your wallpaper?

I have 5 that rotate every 2 hours http://imgur.com/a/dp3iD

What is your favorite food?


What are your favorite TV shows and movies?

I once saw this video on a site called Google.com (ever heard of it?) and there was this guy shoving a large spiny fruit inside his butthole. There was blood and poo but I got a boner then came without even having to touch my penis. So that.
As for TV shows, i like the anime K-ON because it's about cute girls and cute things and i can watch it and pretend to be enjoying the same things that people with friends get to enjoy.

What type of music do you like?

electronic and this.

Did hitler do anything wrong?

Nope, nothing wrong at all. I applaud his vision of the perfect world and commend his execution of his plans. It was so sad when heroine finally won.

What is the best copypasta you have?

Oh boy well let's see.
Well, I'm pretty fond of my own;
haha [initials] i jus wanted to tell you that i appreciate your memes. :) sorry for wasting your time but i always upvote you.
bye now
But if I only included one of my own pieces you would think I was a narcissistic bastard and no narcissistic bastard wants people to think he's a narcissist.
What sucks is that anyone observing the scene would have a fucked up opinion of you all just because of a snapshot of your lives out of context. If >someone saw me at my lowest when I was addicted to porn they'd write me off to. I was using my parents credit cards to pay for private shows >with camgirls (they didn't know this yet) when I won an hourlong skype roleplaying show with my favorite model (who I was convinced I was going >to marry because she laughed at all my jokes and I felt her laughter was genuine) along with two other members.
The problem was that my internet was running like shit and I found out it was because my mom was using her laptop to watch a livestream of her >sisters funeral (she died back in England and my mom couldn't make it home) even though mom was sobbing I just angrily demanded she turn off her >computer and when she refused I screamed "fuck you!!!" and picked up her laptop and threw it at the brick fireplace base. Then grabbed my laptop >and ran and locked myself in the background while trying to ignore my screaming parents. I had cam-to-cam so the look on the models face as she >heard the screaming and pounding on the door as I repeatedly screamed "not listening I fucking hate you all lalalalalal!!!" while angrily beating off, >was fucking priceless.
I ended up passing out and had to be taken to the hospital (I had been on the tail end of a 30 hour beatoff marathon) apparently I almost died >haha. After an interview with a psychiatrist I was put in a mental institution for 5 months but I'm all better now and have a good job and am >engaged to a beautiful woman and things couldn't be better between me and my folks, but if someone were to watch a vid of me on the night of my >freakout they would wrongly conclude that I'm an unsalvageable asshole.
not really copypasta, but since you could copy and paste it into many situations to derail the conversation, I include it in my archive.

What is your favorite ascii?

 .---._ .-ヽ( ຈ ͜ʖ ຈ)ノ--. . .-. . ( ' _) .)` ( .)-. ( ) '-' ( , ). `(' . _) (') _________ '-' ____[_________] ________ \__/ _ \ ,;,;,, [________] _][__(")/__ ,;;;;;;;;, __________ __________ __________ __________ _ LUKE _ / _ _ ___ ___ ____ ( .--. .--. _( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_ ____ ____ ____ // .. \~~/ .. \__.-.__.-.___.-__-.___.-.__.-.___.-__-.___.-.__.-.___.-.__.-._ +=/_\ '' /~~\ '' /=+( f )( a )+==( g )( g )=+=( o )( t )+==( m )( e )=+=( m )( e )+==( x )( D )=+= ='=='='--'==+='--'===+'-'=='-'==+=='-'+='-'===+='-'=+'-'==+=='-'=+'-'===+='-'=+'-'==+=='-'+='-'===+= 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

oh shit I didn't have time to think of a good meme for this! Have some shit http://youtu.be/YgXAyN6gVDE
submitted by TortoiseSex to DiamoOfTheDay [link] [comments]

2014.03.19 21:21 arthur990807 VahnSCII - a product of boredom for a conlang that's not even mine.

I decided to map the Vahn script to ASCII characters. This is how it turned out:
Time (kah): @ (best match for the character) Man (rar): & (looks like a dude dragging his butt across the floor) Path (tor): - (looks like a road) Day (poo): P Thing (suh): + (good) Male (deu): 7 (best match for the character) Female (fee): V (vagina) Life (gih): 6 (best match for the character) Child (hai): 3 (best match for the character) Land (jeh): L (land) Tribe (jarehr): A (best match for the character) Hand (laiy): 5 (5 fingers) Water (zoiy): 9 (best match for the character) Room (saruhr): 2 (had to use that digit for something) Text (vah): # (best match for the character) Eye (bar): 8 (looks like glasses turned 90°) Tree (nor): T (best match for the character) Rock (moo): X (idk why) Name (paroor): 4 (best match for the character) In the following, + is a placeholder character. Broken (*k): 0+ (you get it) Not (*h*): !+ (C-inspired) Only (*th): 1+ (duh) All (*wa): W+ Very (*m): +M Alike (*n): +) (best match for the character) If (*l): +? (C-inspired) Inside (*ngah): ( (inside the parenthesis) Above (*ngol): ' (above the line) Beside (*ngor): [ (you get it) Below (*ngay): , (below the baseline) Begin (*ngi): >+ (duh) End (*t): +< (duh) Place (*ng): ] (best match for the character) Equal (chi): = (duh) Result (*ya): + (best match for the character) Verb (*w): +! 
Examples of usage:
Day - P Sun - P+ Sky - P+] Mountain - P+]X River - 9- Mountain stream - P+]X9-
Fire - !9 Red - !9)
Mind - #8 Stupid - 0#8
"All men are equal" - W& W& =!
"I don't speak Vahn" - #) !#)!
First verse of JDFLH anthem:
A 7V!5 W@ 6-! A 7V!5 W@ 6-! 69* 55! TX 55-! A 7V!5 W@ 6-! 
submitted by arthur990807 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2014.03.10 12:54 amdewstow This Sub has Reached 1K+ Cards!

This Sub has Reached 1K+ White Cards!
And here they are :
"Long live the king"
"No" not meaning "No"


1 man, 1 jar
1.21 Gigawatts
100 horse size ducks.
1337 Sp3ak.
2 tooled up niggers with a blowtorch and some pliers
400 BABIES!!
7 bare chested black men and a Puma on a lead
70's bush.
70's porn bass lines.
A 2 inch tongue punch to the butt.
A 20 piece Chicken McNugget meal for one.
A 6 inch turkey on wheat with lettuce tomato pickles mayonnaise mustard and just a couple of banana peppers
A banana for scale
A barbwire fleshlight.
A baseball bat dildo.
A big bowl of spiderwebs
A Big, Scaly Dragon Dick.
A bollock caught in an electric whisk
A booby-trapped Cookie Bouquet
A box full of terrible foreign candy.
A broken rubber band, a ball of lint, and a faded receipt.
A bucket full of horse semen, poured into your gaping mouth and all over your naked body.
A bucketful of bull semen
A bunch of ducks in a zip-up costume.
A bunch of fucking naggers
A cactus
A carpet that matches the drapes
A CATastrophe
A center for ants.
A Chode
A cocktus
A cold harrowing scream echoing around a dark prison
A con within a con within a con. It's conception.
A conjugal trailer at the children's hospital.
A crotchless burqa.
A Cub Scout camp out at Neverland Ranch
A cyborg Kodiak bear with a flamethrower and a jet pack. It can also breathe underwater and only be defeated by love.
A day care Fight Club.
A dead baby in a clown costume.
A dentist whose fingers smell like they've been scratching their ass for the past twenty minutes.
A dick so big and black no light can escape from it
A dick that won't fit and an ass that won't quit.
A dishonorable discharge.
A dog making YOU lick peanut butter off ITS balls
A Double-Double enema
A dramatic reading of an Internet comments fight
A dream where you find your self standing in sun-god robes on top of a pyramid with a thousand naked girls screaming and throwing little pickles at you.
A dream within a dream within a wet dream
a drunk prom date
A face-switching surgery.
A fart escaping forward between your thigh and balls.
A fart that is reborn as a queef
A Fleshlight filled with thumbtacks.
A Fleshlight full of thumbtacks.
A funky ball of tits from outer space
A geriatric penis erect in defiance of God's will.
A giant, frothy mug of Santorum
A gigantic box of freshly-made poutine.
A godlike sexual appetite.
A government funded racially driven euthanasia program
A Groupon for a hooker
A hammer thrown by the mighty Thor
A handjob from Edward Scissorhands.
A hands free orgasm
A high functioning sociopath who solves crimes.
A hilarious failed suicide attempt.
A Holocaust blooper reel
A hooker with an Adam's Apple the size of her balls.
A horse pissing into a guy's mouth.
A horsetail butt plug, a belt for a leash, and two grams of methamphetamine.
A Hot Bowl of Grits
A hovercraft full of eels.
A jar of Gypsy tears to protect you from AIDS
a jar of peanut butter, a hungry dog, and no one around to judge you.
A kaiju shaped like a penis
A latex bodysuit with a genital opening
A little baby learning to walk.
A Lukewarm Tauntaun.
A machete-wielding hitchhiker with a heart of gold
A male figure skater with bulge
A man-sized hamster wheel.
A mechanized condor with a Cockney accent, programed to follow people around that are having bad days and make fun of them
A midget with a dick that looks like a baby's arm holding an apple.
A milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard
A molester mustache.
A monkey at the zoo, presenting.
A monkey getting a blowjob from a frog.
A multimedia creampie gallery
A murder mystery party at Michael Barrymore's
A mutant child locked up in the basement.
A nativity where Mary and Joseph are white and Jesus is black.
A ninja with uncontrollable flatulence.
A one-word text from mom that just says 'soon'.
A pack of hungry dickwolves
A paper cut on the tip of your penis
A passive-aggressive fax from North Korea.
A pedophile who is honestly a really good guy, other than the pedophilia thing
A pedophile/gerontophile raping Benjamin Button.
A person who plays Cards Against Humanity like its Apples to Apples
A plastic kiddie pool, a bottle of Ipecac, one crack whore and a crisp $20 bill.
A pogo-stick knife fight.
A porn photographer airburshing out STDs.
A proctologist with poor depth perception.
A pungent queef burbling from a freshly douched twat
A puss filed vagina.
a puzzle too insanely hard to solve
A race car having sex with a porsche
A racist ghost.
A rare bird that is choking to death on an old Captain Planet toy.
A razor blade hidden in an inmate's asshole
A real life Hunger Games, with Canadians
A Reddit debate
a redwood forest of sweaty dicks.
A retarded dolphin
A romantic dinner for two with SCP-173.
A sad old man buying cat food for dinner because his wife used to do all the cooking.
A salami buttplug
A schizophrenic homeless man furiously masturbating in an alleyway in San Francisco
A second hand condom
A sex change change
A sex-deprived candlestick.
A shirtless Rick Ross
A shit load of naked Hobbits.
A shitty iMac
A shitty teenage demigod.
A shot glass full of orangutan semen.
A shot of menstrual blood
A sin so heinous, it pisses off Buddha, Jesus, Allah, your parents, and Santa Claus.
A six-speed dildo with reverse.
A six-speed vibrating dildo with reverse.
A slightly saltier surprise.
A sore asshole.
A split personality that runs amok while I'm asleep
A staring contest with Thom Yorke
A strange feeling inside.
A sudden and violent shart
A T-Rex trying to masturbate.
A tanuki's giant nutsack.
A TARDIS-Sized Vagina.
A tea-bagging gone horribly wrong
A thalidomide baby
A thick ass for slaughter.
A three wolf moon T-Shirt.
A three-way with your best friend and a stranger.
A threesome with Mr. Right hand, and Senior Left hand.
A tickle fight between Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones
A tongue 2-inches deep in my butthole.
A toothy blowjob
A toothy vagina.
A transsexual with a fully functional 10-inch cock.
A tricked-out Ford Pinto
A trident fight
A trunk full of dead hookers
A tuba packed with manure
A Twister tournament at the leper colony.
A used condom.
A vampire fleshlight.
A vampire with gingivitis.
A very particular set of skills.
A wet fart on a dry day.
A wheelbarrow full of dead babies
A wheelbarrow full of slightly used dildos.
A white kid saying the N-Word
A whiter, tighter, vagina
A woman so cold she spreads her legs and the light comes on.
Abortion omelette.
About 17 Mexicans.
Accidental Cream pie
Accidentally committing a hate crime
Accidentally impregnating your grandma.
Achilles, played by Brad Pitt.
Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf
Actually clicking the 'I am under 18' button.
Actually cumming inside of Rainbow Dash
Actually fucking your mother.
Actually reading the Terms & Conditions.
Adam West as 'Uncle Batman'.
Adolph Hitler's signature mustache ride.
Advanced Leukemia
Aggressive ass play.
Alfred dressing up as the Joker to cheer up Bruce Wayne.
All of my custom cards - list
All the Neopets you left forever starving but never dying.
Amanda Todd
Ambrosia, now stuffed with raisins.
An active shooter at a movie theater
An actual elephant in the room.
An alligator death roll
An amateur colonoscopy.
An ass that hurts because you wiped too much.
An autocannabalistic midget zombie.
An awkward boner
An enormous black man dragging his balls across your face
An entire legion of my best troops.
An irrational fear of creams.
An islamist extremist cleverly dressed as a small dog.
An itchy butt-hole that can't be satisfied.
An old Cuban superhero battling a robotic death cock with his mind lightning
An Oni in a shitty anime.
An orchard of dildo trees.
An over the pants HJ
An STD scare.
An Uncomfortable Amount of Monkeys
An unlikely alliance with vampires
Anal Fissures
Anal Prolapse
Ancient Aliens.
Angry Spooning.
Angry, drunken Canadians.
Anthony Weiner.
Areola Borealis : The Glorious Sky Nipple
Ares and Thor in a dick measuring contest.
Ariel's crabs
Ariel's slightly fishy smell
Asking the Don a favor on this, the day of his daughter's wedding.
Asparagus Pee
Assuming all handicapped people are retarded.
Autistic kids
Aztec gods in a spelling contest.
Banging a pregnant chick so hard and deep that you put it in the baby.
Banging your grandma's roommates at the nursing home.
Bat-shark replelant.
Batman bitch-slapping Robin.
Beast's sexual frustration
Beating little kids at Pokemon until they cry.
Becoming the mayor of a nursing home on Foursquare.
Beer shits.
Begrudgingly taking a shit at a bar.
Being a virgin and giving birth on Christmas.
Being a whiny little bitch.
Being aroused by a shampoo commercial
Being awaken by a kiss from a prince
Being drunk while performing a bris ceremony.
Being fingered by Freddy Kreuger.
Being sarcastic to the point where it's just pathetic and self-destructive.
Being sexually aroused by the sight of TSA's gloves.
Being so bad that Santa just shits in your stocking.
Being tasered
Being the mother fucking Metatron.
Being the very best, like no one ever was.
Being the world's foremost authority on bestiality
Being tickled until you pee.
Being trapped in Medusa's art show.
Being uncomfortable realizing you're outnumbered by members of another race.
Being visited by three men and giving gold, myrrh, and frankincense.
Ben Affleck.
Big Bird's basketball-sized cloaca.
Big Thunder Mountain
Binders full of women
Black Jesus (from the future)
Black pleather suits.
Blood diamonds
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.
Blowing bubbles.
Blowing cum-bubbles at a funeral
Blowing your father to save his life.
Blue balls.
Blue Waffles
Boner tucks
Boob stares.
Brawndo, the thirst mutilator.
Breaking into a blind persons house to rearrange their furniture.
Breasts. You know, jugs, honkers, twins, headlights, boobies, knockers, melons, tits, pillows, hooters, cans, funbags, coconuts, mammaries, boulders, tatas, sweater kittens.
Breath so awful, your ass gets jealous.
Bringing 25 items to the "12 Items Or Less" checkout
Broccoli farts
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Jenner.
Bukkake crossfire
Burning the Local Policeman in a big Wicker man.
Butt Chugging
Butt play
Butt-Pirates of the Caribbean
Buying a financially irresponsible amount of Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups.
Buying a used dildo at Goodwill.
Buying eight copies of a two-record set like a crafty consumer
By the power of greyskull!
Cable ties and chloroform
Cake farts
Campbells Chunky Kitten Soup
Cannot answer. Too drunk.
Captain Picard giving a rim job to a tribble
Carlos Mencia.
Casting magic missile at a bully.
Casually racist grandparents.
Cat memes.
Cat watching you masturbate.
Cats on the internet.
Celebrating genocide by eating turkey with friend and family.
Celebrating the anniversary of 9/11
Cerebral Palsy: The Musical
Chanting "Dick Nipples" in a crowded elevator.
Chicken flied lice
Child Services
Chinese tourists
Chocolate face
chocolate rain
Chris angel mindfreak
Chris Brown's right jab
Christian Bale.
Christmas War on Halloween, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving.
Christopher Columbus.
Christopher Lee
Chucking Fruit cakes at the relative you absolutely cannot stand to see even once a year.
Chucky cheeses
Chugging a solo cup full of vodka
Cinderella's foot fetish
Cinderellas over used vagina
Circle jerk
Classy Pornography
Cleaning the bird shit out of the Enchanted Tiki Room
Clogged panties.
Closer scrutiny.
Clubbing baby seals
Comic book heroines traced from still-frames of porno.
Coming down to where you work and slapping the dick out of your mouth
Committing suicide to see what it feels like
Confused deaf people at Nelson Mandela's funeral.
Conservation of Momentum
Cookie nipples
Cool beans
Creating a theme park full of genetically-engineered dinosaurs as an elaborate plot to murder your stupid asshole lawyer.
Crusty bedding
Cthulhu (Praise be unto him).
Cunning stunts.
Daddy's whore of a girlfriend.
Dakota Fanning
Dancing like Stephen Fry.
Dany Heatley fuckin' all star
Dapper Butch Lesbians
Darwin, the Ikea monkey
Dat ass
Dead puppies.
Death by fisting
Debilitating ass cramps
Decapitated Christmas manger figures that are still lit up somehow.
Deeply inhaling the smell of someone else's shit.
Diarrhea Forever
Diarrhea Pockets.
Dickbutt (with drawing)
Dildos, okay!?
Discovering that prostitute you hired is actually your mother.
Disgruntled Apple fan boys
Disney's Anti-Semitic agenda.
Dive bar bathroom sex.
Doctor Faggot
Doctor Tran!
Dogs playing poker
Dogs that have bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you. (This one gets lots of lols)
Dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you
Doing a girl so hard, you bruise her uterus.
Doing a one handed handstand and jerking off on your own face.
Doling out the harshness.
Dolla dolla bills, y'all
Donating a used dildo to Goodwill.
Donkey Punches
Doo Doo Casserole with a side of Butt Salad
Douching with boiling water
Down syndrome
Dradle made of clay.
Drinking bleach
Drinking wine out of a soda can at a kid's birthday party.
Dropping a deuce at someone else's house
Dropping used anal beads into a box of prayer beads
Drunkenly mistaking the baby's playpen for a toilet.
Duking it out in the Thunderdome.
Dustin Penner choking on a pancake
Dwayne Johnson's cookbook.
Dying alone
Dying Hard.
Dying Hard... With a Vengeance.
Dying Harder.
Dying Hardest.
Dying in a freak gasoline fight accident.
Dyslexic children
Eatin' that ass like it was chicken chow mein.
eating an entire box of Oreos and crying yourself to sleep.
Eating an entire stick of butter.
Eating placenta as an aphrodisiac.
Eating so much that you literally explode.
Eating totinos pizza rolls directly off the pan.
Edward Snowden
Effeminate police officers riding face to face on a horse
Ejaculating colorful spring-loaded paper snakes.
Ejaculating on the cat by accident
Ending all of your doctor's sentences with, "That's what she said".
Ending up with daughters when you started with sons
Epically timing your cumshot to the drum bit in Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight".
Eugenics, for fun and profit
Excessive masturbation that leads to "chapped dick"
Explaining David Carridine's final moments to a kindergarten class.
Extreme Clitoral Collisions
Faces of Death
Faggot sex
Family Guy cutaways.
Fantasizing about Disney Princes
Fantasizing about Disney Princesses
Fapping on the family computer.
Fapping while wearing a horse head mask.
Farting during a rimjob.
Farting in the Baptism Pool
Farting loudly in a quiet movie theater
Farting loudly in church
Fatty Patty, the plus sized love doll.
Fear boners.
Feeding a bucket of puppies into a wood chipper.
Feeling an unexpected Bulge.
Feeling so depressed that you put Tetris on and just watch the pieces stack up.
Fight Club
Filipino Tilt-a-Whirl operators.
Finding a baby in a dumpster
Finding a secret room in your house
Finding Nickelback's greatest hits CD in the 99 cent Bargain bin.
Finding out she has a penis.
Finding out someone's favorite animal then hunting it to extinction.
Finding out you're gay mid-blowjob.
Finding out you're not gay mid blowjob.
Finding what Darth Vader has been using Luke's extra hand for
Finger-painting with the period blood of your mom.
First Base.
Fisting a jar of mayonnaise.
Five for Fighting
Fluttershy's worryingly vast collection of preserved Animal Penises.
Following through on a fart while performing a hand stand.
Forced to love a cruel man forever or brave the Sarlacc pit
Forgetting the safe word
Franklin, the racist hand puppet
Fred Durst.
Freddy Mercury's magical, wish-granting mustache.
French kissing your brother
Fucking autocorrect!
Fucking someone so hard their freckles fall off.
Fucking the "no" out of someone.
Fucking Ventra
Full-on fisting.
Furtive masturbation
Gabe Newell diving into a room full of gold coins
Gay for pay.
George Clooney.
George Zimmerman knocking up Casey Anthony.
George Zimmerman.
Get this: A corn-fed harvest mouse, a hooker, a nun, a Flemish peasant woman, whips, chains, whistles, yoyo's, a circus midget. My grandmother riding by on a bicycle giving me the finger, and a duck!
Getting a blowjob in the dark... Then finding out it was from a guy.
Getting a prostate exam from a leper who walks away with four fingers.
Getting acquitted of murder because you're white.
Getting caught looking at Transformers mpreg slash.
Getting down to business (to defeat the Huns).
Getting drunk via an enema bag
Getting dumped by a dump truck driver.
Getting hepped up on goofballs
Getting jiggy with it
Getting pawed inappropriately by Tigger
Getting so drunk you have sex with your best friend... and it was absolutely terrible!
Ghost ridin' tha whip
Girl on girl on girl on girl on girl on guy on sheep.
Girl on girl on girl on guy in girl on girl action
Girls with low self esteem.
Giving a sponge bath to an old man
Giving birth in a salvation army bathroom
Giving birth to an Ewok
Going camping alone, and waking up to an ass full of lube.
Going to a magic show and getting upset.
Gonorrhea that was totally worth it
Good old-fashioned 1950's misogyny
Gripping your boner and wildly waving it around while making light-saber noises.
Guy Fieri's ample pubic mound
hairy nipples
Hakuna Matata!
Ham sandwich chairman.
Hanukkah's seven days versus Christmas's two.
Harold Ramis busting ghosts AS a ghost.
Haters hatin'
Having a hooker blow you until cum shoots out of her nose.
Having a recurring dream of Jesus and I playing Earthworm Jim for the Sega Genesis.
Having a shamrock shake in September
Having an evil stepmother
Having an orgy with your parents
Having gum on your shoe
Having really hot, wet sex on your period.
Having to use the restroom at the sketchy WalMart.
Having your intestines sucked out by a pool drain.
Having your junk inhaled by Kirby for the strangest blowjob ever.
HEAD ON! Apply directly to the forehead. HEAD ON! Apply directly to the forehead.
Helen Keller's Driving School.
Hellen Keller's Dog
Hickory-smoked horse buttholes.
Hilary Clinton's Crusty Vagina.
Hilter's House of Barbeque
Hitching a ride on the Bangbus
Hitler memorabilia.
Hitler's Gas Bill
Hitting a motherfucker with another motherfucker.
Hitting speed bumps at full speed while getting road head.
Ho hos and ding dong
Holding hands with a boy for the very first time
Holographic charizard pokemon card
Homeopathic birth control
Honey boo boo
Horny Shapeshifter Zeus.
Hot, American dickings!
Humping the couch cushions
I don't know how I got sick, but I suspect it had something to do with ______.
I'm positive, HIV positive
Ian McKellan
Immediate regret
Instead of getting a Christmas bonus this year, the boss if enrolling everyone in a jelly of the month club. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Intensely perverted secret Santa gifts.
Invading Poland....again.
Irregular Boner
It's a Small World
IT'S A TRAP! (With a drawing of Ackbar)
Izanagi's god-producing strip show.
Ja Rule.
Jacking off so much that your dick gets chapped.
Jacking off to your crush's Instagram page
Jackson Galaxy, Cat Behaviorist
Jafar in Genie form
Jane Goodall motorboating a gorilla's floppy milk jugs.
Jean Chrétien's good side
Jeff Dunham fucking his puppets.
Jerking off with Lava® soap
Jesus doing a guitar solo.
Jesus letting a kid die, because the photo only got 998 likes
Jimmy Saville unyielding signing crippled girl's breasts
Joan Rivers.
John Goodman, smashing a Corvette with a crowbar while screaming "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"
Jumping balls-first down a flight of stairs to brutally teabag someone.
Jumping off of the Golden Gate bridge.
Justin Bieber's baby wiener
KFC double down
Kicking Kittens.
Kicking puppies.
Killing your parents to get your inheritance
Killing your parents to get your inhertence
King Joffrey.
Kinky Retard Tetherball.
Kittens riding a roomba
Klondike bar
Kratos, the God of War.
Kryptonite Ring.
Kum and Go
Labia Menorah.
Ladies' underwear purchased from a vending machine.
Left handedness
Leo's Oscar cabinet
Let's split up, gang, Fred said.
letting the dog lick it clean
Licking her piss-flaps.
Licking Jasmine's "magic carpet."
Like a virgin, Touched for the very first time.
Liking big butts, and being unable to lie about it
Live. Laugh. Lick a Labia.
Living Free or Dying Hard.
Living under power lines
Locking eyes with a masturbating hobo.
Loki being Loki.
Long balls
Loosing the condom deep inside a vagina.
Losing a tickle fight to Alex Trebek
Losing ten thousand dollars betting on the Puppy Bowl.
Lou Gehrig's Disease
Luring an unsuspecting toddler into my bouncy castle of seduction.
Lying to children
Lying to terminally ill children about their life expectancy.
Macho Man Randy Savage
Making a merkin out of public toilet pubic hairs.
Making children cry for fun and profit.
Making sweet love to a really sexy sheep.
Making sweet, sweet love to an ambulance
Mall cops on segways.
Man-on-dog enthusiast Rick Santorum.
Manti Te'o's Girlfriend.
Mary Poppins
Masked strangers who knock on your door in the middle of the night.
Masturbating before your nurse comes back.
Masturbating to "Memoirs of a Geisha"
Meat Sweats
Mel Gibson.
Men's Beach Volleyball
Method Man sewing your asshole closed and feeding you, and feeding you, and feeding you.
Michael J. Fox's Hand-Spun Milkshakes.
Michael Jackson's jock strap
Michael Keaton.
Microwave cooking for one
microwaved babies
Midget porn and the Benny Hill theme, A lap dance from a crying stripper
midgets in a fuck and suck circle
Miley Cyrus's tongue.
Moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis
More cowbell.
Morgan Freeman.
Mouth fucking Alzheimer's patients
Mr. Rogers after he finally snaps.
Mr. Rogers soothingly narrating his actions as he methodically slaughters a village full of children.
Mrs Clause having an affair wile Santa is out working on Christmas Eve.
Muhammad Ali in a Jenga tournament.
Murphy's Law
My beef swellington.
My dick in a box.
My fairy godmother
my former druggie friends
My grandmother's musty leather kayak
My hot, teenage daughter
My vintage collection of Kirk/Spock slashfic.
nasal penetration
Never brushing your teeth.
Neverland ranch
NiggAs (not niggERs)
Nikola Tesla's insane ball-lightning death ray.
Nonstop suction
Norman Reedus
North Korea's Special Ninja Army
Not fitting in.
Not getting enough Likes for my boring selfie!
Not having to pay Casey Anthony child support
Not knowing how to properly interact with a news reporter because you're black.
Obese Jessica Simpson
Oh, my God. He shit everywhere. There's shit everywhere! Damnit! There's shit on the windows! Oh, my God! My house is full of shit! He shit everywhere! Look what he did! He shit all over the walls! There's shit everywhere
Ol' Dirty Bastard aka Ol' Dirt Dawg aka Dirt McGirt aka Big Baby Jesus.
Old Gregg
One more Jack and coke
One of those "t" pendants
Oompa Loompas shitting into the chocolate river.
Oops, Poop Soup
Orange Mocha Frappuccinos!
Orgy of seven dwarves
Packs of scissors that you need scissors to open.
Painful and awkward gay sex with two straight males
Painful nipple erections.
Palpable unhappiness
Parking in a handicapped spot, and not being handicapped
Partying so hard you pass out behind a dumpster, covered in vomit, and a homeless person uses your face for a urinal.
Partying so hard you throw up a condom.
Passive eugenics.
Patrick Kane tittyfucking a 4/10
Patrick Stewart
Paul Walker's drive thru BBQ.
Paula Deen frantically throwing butter in a bowl
Paula Deen's butter flavored vagina
Paying the Iron Price for a Klondike Bar
Penile shrinkage.
People "allergic" to gluten
Performing a "4th trimester abortion" and blaming SIDS.
Picking up women at the abortion clinic.
Pineapple juice.
Piss Shivers.
Playing "hot or not" at a preschool
Playing "never-have-I-ever" against Charlie Sheen.
Playing twister with an amputee.
Playing twster with amputees.
Playing your tin whistle whilst marching all of the children out of Africa and into Bangladeshi sweatshops
Plowing his virgin butthole with a strap-on
Pooping so hard your tampon falls out.
Pooping with the door open.
Popping a molly
Porkie Pig singing the back up vocals to C&C Music Factory's Everybody Dance Now
Post bukkake sneeze.
Pow! Kick! Punch!
President Sarah Palin
Prime Minister Tony Abbott's two hot daughters
Prince Harry's "Prince Hairy"
Prince-on-prince action.
Princess Diana's rotting corpse
Profiting from the suffering of untold millions.
Prom Night Dumpster Baby
Prostate orgasms.
Pubic shavings.
pumping breast milk the day after a bender so that your baby doesn't get wasted
Punching a tree to gather wood.
Putting all the bibles in the Fiction section at the bookstore.
Putting hot sauce on your penis.
Putting up a flamboyantly decorated fir tree when you are Jewish.
Putting up a menorah when you are Christian.
Putting your hand out for a handshake, then pulling it back and slyly moving it through your own hair.
Queen Elizabeth's haunted lizard snatch
Queer bait
Quiabelagayo, Mayan God of S&M.
Rachael Ray's weird boobs.
Racist Michael Richards
Rahm Emmanuel's missing finger.
Rainbow Parties.
Raining top shelf pussy from the sky. only to find out in this dream you have no dick.
Rapist, Necrophiliac Ducks
Realizing too late that there is no toilet paper left
Reindeer semen.
Responding to a fight by striping down naked.
Returning some videotapes
Richard Simmons in a pink, sparkly tank top
Riding a Sybian with uncontrollable diarrhea
Riding a tandem bicycle alone
Ripping a cheek-flappingly loud fart at a funeral during the moment of silence.
Rob Ford
Roberto Luongo shitting his pants
Rodents of unusual size.
Ron Jeremy's massive equine dong.
Rudolph's glowing red snot.
Running over children for sport
Russian dashboard cameras.
Santa Clause cumming in all the bad girl's chimneys.
Santa's accidental erection.
Sarcasm so intense that it circles back to sincerity.
Sasha Grey and her trinity of penis-ravaged orifices
Sassy replies from Siri
Saying "hashtag" in everyday conversation.
Second Base.
Secretly hoping your parents will die soon so you can collect your inheritance
Seeing your life flash before your eyes, and realizing it was kind of shit.
Seeing your naked reflection on the computer screen while the video loads.
Sending your significant other a message by shitting on the floor in front of the toilet instead of in the toilet.
Separate but equal.
Setting fire to a children's hospital
Sex on the floor of a children's hospital bathroom.
Sexually abusing the mentally handicapped
Sexually Aggressive Pit Bulls
Sexually confused gods and goddesses.
Sexually molesting a precious childhood toy
Sharks with freakin “lasers” on their head.
Shitting and eating at the same time
Shitting cum into an evidence bag
Shitting on any moment of decency.
Shitting out an unopened beer bottle
Shoddy habit for humanities houses.
Shooting RoboCop in the mouth
Shouting into your penis like it's a microphone
Shower Farts
Single digit checking account balances.
Six gummy bears and some scotch.
Six pack baby Jesus from those reinaissance paintings
Skittles and Arizona iced tea
Sleeping for a century
Sleeping in random places on campus because it is easier than going home.
Slow dance boners.
Slow dance erections
Slow motion penile helicoptering.
Slutting your way to the top
Small talk with your hairdresser.
Smell of a freshly opened pack of new cards.
Smelling a used dildo from Goodwill.
smiling pile of poo
Smothered by a lovers cankle
Sneezing then finding out you have explosive diarrhea
Sniffing used panties
Snoop Dizzle, my nizzle
So much anal that a fart sounds just like tuba.
Some fun south of the mouth
Some kind of sexy Yggdrasil.
Some kind of sexy Yggdrassil.
Some Stupid Thing Making The Rounds Among Your Facebook Friends Today
Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got...lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites ya and those black eyes roll over white. And then, ah then you hear that terrible high pitch screamin' and the ocean turns red and spite of all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in and rip you to pieces.
Spanking the monkey all day
Speaking progressively louder to foreigners.
Spending time with Grandpa and Grandma.
Spinning Teacups
Splash back from a sizable turd.
Spunk bubbles
Stacy's mom, who has it going on
STAND DOWN, MEGATRON!, Optimus Prime shouted.
Staying home every night, downloading increasingly shameful pornography.
Stealing from the church collection thing
Stepping on a lego
Steve Irwin dying the way he lived his life - with animals in his heart.
Steve Jobs' Ghost
Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Straight up dog shit right in your god damned face.
Sucking a Dick at a truck stop
Sucking dick for Buffalo nickels
Suge Knight.
Suing your parents on Judge Judy.
Summoning Sickness.
Super Adventure Club
Superman's other weakness: horseback riding.
Surprise butsecks.
Surreptitiously bringing a woman to climax with a bread stick at the classiest restaurant in town.
Surviving The Boston Marathon
Swallowing a live grenade for a £5 bet
Sweet black pussy
Sweet nun-chuck skills
Sweet, virgin pussy.
Synchronized squirt
Taco Bell
Taking a dump in the ball pit at Chuck E Cheese.
Taking a job as a high school janitor to find a new girlfriend.
Taking a shit when someone's in the shower.
Taking an arrow to the knee
Taking yoga lessons just to see some ass.
Tarzan's flaccid penis.
Tasha Yar's Rape Gang
Tasteful nudes of Mary Poppins
Taylor Swift's Love Life
Team Iceland (from 'D2: The Mighty Ducks')
Tears as lubricant
Ted Bundy
Ted Cruz.
Telling kids that the Toostie Rolls are actually processed reindeer crap.
Texting and driving
Texting while driving
That baby monkey clinging to its surrogate stuffed animal mom
That episode of Full House where Uncle Jesse and Joey took turns plowing Kimmy Gibbler.
That feeling when it's A Good Day to Die Hard.
That feeling when it's not A Good Day to Die Hard.
That feeling you get when you have to take a dump
That person who talks on the phone in the bathroom.
That place where I put that thing that time.
That secret you keep from your spouse
The $19.99 Do-It-Yourself White Trash Wedding
The 'World hide and seek champion' trophy with Madeleine McCann's name on slowly gathering dust in a Portuguese police station
The 1984 Denver Broncos
The 4th annual 'kids with polio' roller derby
The 5-hole.
The arms of the t-rex
The asshole sitting on my right
The Band Syndrome of A Downs
The battered women's shelter
The bed intruder.
The bits of Diana they were able to pull from the bent up tuna can of a wreckage
The BP oil spill
The Brave Little Toaster
The budding breasts of an 11 year old girl
The Bunny Ranch
The Burning Bush - A Heal by Prayer STD Clinic
The Canadians are coming, the Canadians are coming!!!!!
The constant sticky glisten of Ron Jeremy.
The critically acclaimed disaster porn, 69/11
The Cult of Crossfit
The current edition of Muhammad Ali
The depression that ensues after catching 'em all.
The Derek Zoolander School for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too.
The dry season.
The Ellen Degeneres School of Muff Diving.
The episode of "Saved by the Bell" where Jesse gets hooked on caffeine pills
The episode of Diff'rent Strokes where Arnold gets sexually assaulted by the bike clerk
The ever-popular scroterboat.
The excitement of eating at a fast food chain restaurant not found in your hometown.
The first 10 minutes of "Bruno"
The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The Foot Clan.
The Furies.
The G.I. Joe VA Hospital Waiting Room play set.
The Great Old Ones.
The gunt; the fuck gut; the fat upper pussy area (FUPA).
The Hanson Brothers.
The honey bee from old country buffet
The introduction of a habañero chili pepper into a bottle of lube.
The introduction of habanero chile pepper juice into a bottle of personal lubricant.
The joyous gift of fatherhood
The kids that Gary Glitter turned down
The last time I had an erection.
The little string-bridge that connects the glans to the shaft.
The love child of Adolph Hitler and Taylor Swift... Tadolph Switler.
The Lusty Argonian Maid
The magazine drawer at a male fertility clinic.
The Magical Negro
The mile run in gym class
The morning after pill
The most beautiful girl in the room.
The Nobel Peace Prize
The nobleman, God's highest creation.
The people of Walmart
The Picard Maneuver.
The Pillsbury Doughboy frantically pounding on the glass of an oven door.
The Pint of No Return
The poison for Kuzco. The poison specifically chosen for Kuzco. Kuzco's poison.
The Poon-Tang Clan
The public drilling of wetlands.
The puss from a dick pimple.
The racist crows from Dumbo
The remotely-accessible federal database of every kiddie porn image ever made.
The sense of holiday spirit you feel while buried to the hilt in the cold, uncooked guts of your Thanksgiving turkey.
The shattered remains of all my hopes and dreams.
The smallest, whitest dick.
The soft, warm, silky interior of an unwilling sheep
The sound Gilbert Gottfried makes when someone extinguishes a cigar on his neck.
The Speech from Independence Day.
The Srebrenica massacre.
The stigmata.
The sweet, sweet taste of taint
The testicles of beavers.
The theme from schindlers list
The Walk of Shame.
The war on Festivus.
The whole motherfucking pantheon!
Thick, ropy strands.
Thinking of the children
Thom Yorke's left eye.
Thomas Jefferson's sexy slave mistress
Those happening kids in their new wave kicks
Those meddling kids.
Those sweaters with 3 cats on the front and the back has the cats from behind with their assholes on them.
Three Asian strippers, two porn stars, and a suitcase full of blow.
Three lines of coke, two Asian strippers, and one hell of a story
Throwing buckets of fish guts over an expectant crowd
Throwing up after blackout drinking and finding flecks of sumo wrestler smegma in your vomit.
Tickling someone until they pee.
Tim Minchin making out with Russell Brand
Tim Tebow.
Titty-fucking contests.
Toe nail clippings
Tom Cruise's alleged homosexuality
Tom Cruise' Manny Fanny
Tommy Lee's manmeat
Torturing a Sim modeled after your ex.
Traveling back in time to become your own grandfather
Trayvon Martin.
Tricking kids into getting in your van.
Trolling Craigslist for to get laid.
Trombone noise.
Trying not to accidentally shit on Santa's lap.
Trying to solve your problems with a drone missile strike.
Trying to urinate with an erection.
Twat breath
Two for Hooking.
Two for Slashing
Two people banging behind a dumpster at 6am on a Sunday in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Two retards playing tetherball
Type-II Adult-Onset Diabetes
Ugly stepsisters
Uncle Remus
Uncle Touchy's naked puzzle basement.
Uncomfortable thigh contact with an old man on the bus.
Uncomfortably sitting next to a handicapped person
Uncrustables. or PB&J with the Crust Cut Off.
Unloading a truckload of babies with a pitchfork.
Unnecessary hashtags
Unnecessary Surgery Land.
Unrealistic romantic expectations.
Unsightly muffintops
Upper Decker Double Blumpkin
Urethal splinter torture
Using "anal" as an adjective.
Using "hashtag" in everyday conversation.
Using 4Chan for parenting advice.
Using a banana for scale
Using only 20% of my power
Using ranch dressing as anal lube.
Using wasabi for lube.
Using your penis as a helicopter
Vagina dentata!
vaginal discharge
Vaginal Hubris
Vaginal snail trail
Vajazzling so often that you queef glitter.
Val Kilmer.
Victims of Newtown.
Victorian-era sexuality
Violent Christmas movies.
Virgin Goddesses.
Vishnu using all her hands to masturbate
Voiding your bowels after dying, only to get resuscitated immediately afterwards.
Voldemort's shriveled trouser snake.
Vomiting in a crowded elevator.
Waiting till marriage, then finding out your so is a trap.
Waking up in your tent with an ass covered in lube... and you went camping alone
Wanking to old family photos
Washing you asshole so clean you fart bubbles.
Washing your asshole so thoroughly you fart bubbles for days
Watermelon and fried chicken
Wayne Enterprise buying out The Daily Planet.
Wearing the genitals of a defeated enemy around your neck as a trophy.
Weather so cold, you can key a car with your icy cold nipples.
What Hitler would have wanted.
What I paid your mom to do last night
What she said
What the fuck do you think, Captain Skinny Dick?
Whatever fits in my butt
Whatever hot dogs are made of
Wheelchair Jimmy
When a chopstick and a urethra make sweet, sweet love.
When it sounds like a boot stuck in mud.
Whipping your hair back and forth
Whipping your penis around while making lightsaber noises.
Who's down with OPP?
Whoa, Big Gulps huh? Alright! Well, see ya later!
Whoopi Goldberg, naked
Why not Zoidberg?!
Wilford Brimley's moustache
Winnie The Pooh sensually rubbing Christopher Robin's erect penis with hunny
Winning a drag race against Paul Walker.
Wondering if Australia has a white Christmas.
Wondering why people celebrate Christmas when Jesus was Jewish.
Working as a porno theatre janitor
World Geriatric Stripping Championship.
Wu Tang Clam
Yippee ki-yay, Mother Russia.
Yippee ki-yay, Motherfucker.
Yoga pants
You People
Young faces with braces
Your Dad's secret boyfriend
Your face.
Your husband
Your older sister revealing she has Ice powers after you reveal you are marrying a man she only met today.
Your spouse dazed, confused, and farting uncontrollably while passed out on the bathroom floor
Zaphod Beeblebrox, President of the Galaxy
Zero Fucks Given!
Zip Zop Bippity Bop: Bill Cosby Sex Tape
submitted by amdewstow to cahideas [link] [comments]
