Vocabulary workshop level e answers unit 7

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2009.05.15 20:38 LordQuorad Learn Japanese

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2014.11.18 15:13 LGHyourinmaru Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

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2024.05.21 16:02 Weird-Tax-8878 Help me decide between 2 PC's!

Hey, I'm wanting to purchase my first ever PC for 1080p Ultra gaming.
This is my current build ($1835AUD): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/QJVDgB
Key features: • Ryzen 5 7600 • MSI RTX 4060 • ATX MOBO (B650) • Fractal North Case • 4 fans
Build number 2 ($1819AUD): https://www.aftershockpc.com.au/pc-models/eofy-2024-zealm-lite?completed=&selections=%7B%22cpu%22%3A43574970679451%2C%22motherboard%22%3A43345232199835%2C%22ram%22%3A43779811082395%2C%22graphics_card%22%3A44731712045211%2C%22power_supply_unit%22%3A39452899246235%2C%22cpu_cooling_system%22%3A44906401530011%2C%22primary_ssd%22%3A44037356388507%2C%22chassis_fans%22%3A43031001301147%7D&step=review
Key features: • Ryzen 7 7700 • PNY RTX 4060 • mATX MOBO (B650) • Smaller-sized case • Better warranty and customer suppport • 6 fans
I really love the Fractal North case and have had my heart set on it for several months, however, I have never built a PC before. I don't feel overly confident with building it which is why I like the Aftershock rig.
With Aftershock, they build it for me (saving me time and money) and it comes with a better processor whilst being cheaper than my build. The only downsides for me are that it comes with an mATX board instead of a normal-sized one, and I just really prefer the Fractal North case.
I'll be getting a higher-paying job next year so I would want to upgrade my GPU to like a 4080 when I have that, but right now, all I want is a 1080p rig (as I only have a 1080p monitor). If I get build 1, I'd eventually have to upgrade CPU AND GPU. With build 2, I'd only really have to upgrade the GPU.
Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get the case I like less with better specs (and being cheaper), or should I continue with my build?
ALTERNATIVELY: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8Fvb9c
This build uses the case I like and has the better processor, but uses an mATX board which: • A: looks funny in the bigger sized case, and; • B: has less room for upgrades in the future (e.g., less fan slots, less SSD slots, etc...)
Again, I don't feel confident building the PC myself, so any insight into what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Weird-Tax-8878 to GamingPCBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 althinfos Shred Fat Fast: Can You Really Lose Weight in 30 Days?

Ever wondered, "How to lose weight in 30 days?" It's a common question with a tempting yet complex answer. While shedding massive amounts of weight quickly might sound appealing, it's crucial to understand healthy and sustainable weight loss practices. This blog post will explore realistic strategies to jumpstart your weight loss journey within 30 days and set you on the path to long-term success.
Setting Realistic Goals:
It's important to set achievable goals to avoid discouragement. Aiming to lose 1-2 pounds per week is a safe and sustainable approach recommended by health experts. This translates to a total of 4-8 pounds within 30 days, a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey!
Diet for Weight Loss:
Your diet plays a central role in weight loss. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are packed with essential nutrients and fiber, keeping you feeling full for longer and reducing cravings. Lean protein sources like fish, chicken, or beans are also crucial for building muscle mass, which helps boost metabolism.
Reduce Processed Foods, Sugary Drinks, and Unhealthy Fats:
Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy fats, added sugars, and sodium, all contributing to weight gain. Sugary drinks like soda and juice are high in empty calories and can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Similarly, unhealthy fats found in fried foods and processed meats can increase your risk of chronic diseases.
Increase Activity Level:
Exercise is another vital component of weight loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. This doesn't have to be strenuous. Activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling are excellent choices. Even incorporating short bursts of activity throughout the day, like taking the stairs or doing jumping jacks during commercials, can make a difference.
Stay Hydrated:
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial for weight loss. Water keeps you feeling full, reduces calorie intake, and aids digestion. Aim for eight glasses of water daily or adjust based on your individual needs.
Prioritize Sleep:
Getting enough sleep is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss. When sleep-deprived, your body produces more ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and less leptin, a hormone that signals satiety. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to regulate your hormones and support weight loss efforts.
Mindful Eating:
Mindful eating practices can significantly impact your weight loss journey. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly, savor your food, and avoid distractions while eating. This allows your body to register satiety signals and prevents overeating.
IV. Conclusion:
Losing weight in 30 days can be a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey. Remember, consistency and healthy habits are key to long-term success. Don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't move as quickly as you'd like – focus on progress, not perfection. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals!
Looking for more in-depth articles on healthy weight loss strategies? Explore our blog for a wealth of information on how to lose weight in 30 days. Additionally, check out our product reviews for how to lose weight in 30 days to find tools and resources to support your goals!
submitted by althinfos to althealthinfos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 Weird-Tax-8878 Help me decide between 2 PC's!

Hey, I'm wanting to purchase my first ever PC for 1080p Ultra gaming.
This is my current build ($1835AUD): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/QJVDgB
Key features: • Ryzen 5 7600 • MSI RTX 4060 • ATX MOBO (B650) • Fractal North Case • 4 fans
Build number 2 ($1819AUD): https://www.aftershockpc.com.au/pc-models/eofy-2024-zealm-lite?completed=&selections=%7B%22cpu%22%3A43574970679451%2C%22motherboard%22%3A43345232199835%2C%22ram%22%3A43779811082395%2C%22graphics_card%22%3A44731712045211%2C%22power_supply_unit%22%3A39452899246235%2C%22cpu_cooling_system%22%3A44906401530011%2C%22primary_ssd%22%3A44037356388507%2C%22chassis_fans%22%3A43031001301147%7D&step=review
Key features: • Ryzen 7 7700 • PNY RTX 4060 • mATX MOBO (B650) • Smaller-sized case • Better warranty and customer suppport • 6 fans
I really love the Fractal North case and have had my heart set on it for several months, however, I have never built a PC before. I don't feel overly confident with building it which is why I like the Aftershock rig.
With Aftershock, they build it for me (saving me time and money) and it comes with a better processor whilst being cheaper than my build. The only downsides for me are that it comes with an mATX board instead of a normal-sized one, and I just really prefer the Fractal North case.
I'll be getting a higher-paying job next year so I would want to upgrade my GPU to like a 4080 when I have that, but right now, all I want is a 1080p rig (as I only have a 1080p monitor). If I get build 1, I'd eventually have to upgrade CPU AND GPU. With build 2, I'd only really have to upgrade the GPU.
Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get the case I like less with better specs (and being cheaper), or should I continue with my build?
ALTERNATIVELY: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8Fvb9c
This build uses the case I like and has the better processor, but uses an mATX board which: • A: looks funny in the bigger sized case, and; • B: has less room for upgrades in the future (e.g., less fan slots, less SSD slots, etc...)
Again, I don't feel confident building the PC myself, so any insight into what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Weird-Tax-8878 to pcbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 ManawarGames Destiny 2 Caln Recruitment

submitted by ManawarGames to ManawarGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 Weird-Tax-8878 Help me decide between 2 PC's!

Hey, I'm wanting to purchase my first ever PC for 1080p Ultra gaming.
This is my current build ($1835AUD): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/QJVDgB
Key features: • Ryzen 5 7600 • MSI RTX 4060 • ATX MOBO (B650) • Fractal North Case • 4 fans
Build number 2 ($1819AUD): https://www.aftershockpc.com.au/pc-models/eofy-2024-zealm-lite?completed=&selections=%7B%22cpu%22%3A43574970679451%2C%22motherboard%22%3A43345232199835%2C%22ram%22%3A43779811082395%2C%22graphics_card%22%3A44731712045211%2C%22power_supply_unit%22%3A39452899246235%2C%22cpu_cooling_system%22%3A44906401530011%2C%22primary_ssd%22%3A44037356388507%2C%22chassis_fans%22%3A43031001301147%7D&step=review
Key features: • Ryzen 7 7700 • PNY RTX 4060 • mATX MOBO (B650) • Smaller-sized case • Better warranty and customer suppport • 6 fans
I really love the Fractal North case and have had my heart set on it for several months, however, I have never built a PC before. I don't feel overly confident with building it which is why I like the Aftershock rig.
With Aftershock, they build it for me (saving me time and money) and it comes with a better processor whilst being cheaper than my build. The only downsides for me are that it comes with an mATX board instead of a normal-sized one, and I just really prefer the Fractal North case.
I'll be getting a higher-paying job next year so I would want to upgrade my GPU to like a 4080 when I have that, but right now, all I want is a 1080p rig (as I only have a 1080p monitor). If I get build 1, I'd eventually have to upgrade CPU AND GPU. With build 2, I'd only really have to upgrade the GPU.
Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get the case I like less with better specs (and being cheaper), or should I continue with my build?
ALTERNATIVELY: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8Fvb9c
This build uses the case I like and has the better processor, but uses an mATX board which: • A: looks funny in the bigger sized case, and; • B: has less room for upgrades in the future (e.g., less fan slots, less SSD slots, etc...)
Again, I don't feel confident building the PC myself, so any insight into what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Weird-Tax-8878 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Weird-Tax-8878 Help me decide between 2 PC's!

Hey, I'm wanting to purchase my first ever PC for 1080p Ultra gaming.
This is my current build ($1835AUD): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/QJVDgB
Key features: • Ryzen 5 7600 • MSI RTX 4060 • ATX MOBO (B650) • Fractal North Case • 4 fans
Build number 2 ($1819AUD): https://www.aftershockpc.com.au/pc-models/eofy-2024-zealm-lite?completed=&selections=%7B%22cpu%22%3A43574970679451%2C%22motherboard%22%3A43345232199835%2C%22ram%22%3A43779811082395%2C%22graphics_card%22%3A44731712045211%2C%22power_supply_unit%22%3A39452899246235%2C%22cpu_cooling_system%22%3A44906401530011%2C%22primary_ssd%22%3A44037356388507%2C%22chassis_fans%22%3A43031001301147%7D&step=review
Key features: • Ryzen 7 7700 • PNY RTX 4060 • mATX MOBO (B650) • Smaller-sized case • Better warranty and customer suppport • 6 fans
I really love the Fractal North case and have had my heart set on it for several months, however, I have never built a PC before. I don't feel overly confident with building it which is why I like the Aftershock rig.
With Aftershock, they build it for me (saving me time and money) and it comes with a better processor whilst being cheaper than my build. The only downsides for me are that it comes with an mATX board instead of a normal-sized one, and I just really prefer the Fractal North case.
I'll be getting a higher-paying job next year so I would want to upgrade my GPU to like a 4080 when I have that, but right now, all I want is a 1080p rig (as I only have a 1080p monitor). If I get build 1, I'd eventually have to upgrade CPU AND GPU. With build 2, I'd only really have to upgrade the GPU.
Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get the case I like less with better specs (and being cheaper), or should I continue with my build?
ALTERNATIVELY: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8Fvb9c
This build uses the case I like and has the better processor, but uses an mATX board which: • A: looks funny in the bigger sized case, and; • B: has less room for upgrades in the future (e.g., less fan slots, less SSD slots, etc...)
Again, I don't feel confident building the PC myself, so any insight into what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Weird-Tax-8878 to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:58 Weird-Tax-8878 Help me choose between 2 PC's!

Hey, I'm wanting to purchase my first ever PC for 1080p Ultra gaming.
This is my current build ($1835AUD): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/QJVDgB
Key features: • Ryzen 5 7600 • MSI RTX 4060 • ATX MOBO (B650) • Fractal North Case • 4 fans
Build number 2 ($1819AUD): https://www.aftershockpc.com.au/pc-models/eofy-2024-zealm-lite?completed=&selections=%7B%22cpu%22%3A43574970679451%2C%22motherboard%22%3A43345232199835%2C%22ram%22%3A43779811082395%2C%22graphics_card%22%3A44731712045211%2C%22power_supply_unit%22%3A39452899246235%2C%22cpu_cooling_system%22%3A44906401530011%2C%22primary_ssd%22%3A44037356388507%2C%22chassis_fans%22%3A43031001301147%7D&step=review
Key features: • Ryzen 7 7700 • PNY RTX 4060 • mATX MOBO (B650) • Smaller-sized case • Better warranty and customer suppport • 6 fans
I really love the Fractal North case and have had my heart set on it for several months, however, I have never built a PC before. I don't feel overly confident with building it which is why I like the Aftershock rig.
With Aftershock, they build it for me (saving me time and money) and it comes with a better processor whilst being cheaper than my build. The only downsides for me are that it comes with an mATX board instead of a normal-sized one, and I just really prefer the Fractal North case.
I'll be getting a higher-paying job next year so I would want to upgrade my GPU to like a 4080 when I have that, but right now, all I want is a 1080p rig (as I only have a 1080p monitor). If I get build 1, I'd eventually have to upgrade CPU AND GPU. With build 2, I'd only really have to upgrade the GPU.
Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get the case I like less with better specs (and being cheaper), or should I continue with my build?
ALTERNATIVELY: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8Fvb9c
This build uses the case I like and has the better processor, but uses an mATX board which: • A: looks funny in the bigger sized case, and; • B: has less room for upgrades in the future (e.g., less fan slots, less SSD slots, etc...)
Again, I don't feel confident building the PC myself, so any insight into what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Weird-Tax-8878 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:58 Weird-Tax-8878 Help me choose between 2 PC's!

Hey, I'm wanting to purchase my first ever PC for 1080p Ultra gaming.
This is my current build ($1835AUD): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/QJVDgB
Key features: • Ryzen 5 7600 • MSI RTX 4060 • ATX MOBO (B650) • Fractal North Case • 4 fans
Build number 2 ($1819AUD): https://www.aftershockpc.com.au/pc-models/eofy-2024-zealm-lite?completed=&selections=%7B%22cpu%22%3A43574970679451%2C%22motherboard%22%3A43345232199835%2C%22ram%22%3A43779811082395%2C%22graphics_card%22%3A44731712045211%2C%22power_supply_unit%22%3A39452899246235%2C%22cpu_cooling_system%22%3A44906401530011%2C%22primary_ssd%22%3A44037356388507%2C%22chassis_fans%22%3A43031001301147%7D&step=review
Key features: • Ryzen 7 7700 • PNY RTX 4060 • mATX MOBO (B650) • Smaller-sized case • Better warranty and customer suppport • 6 fans
I really love the Fractal North case and have had my heart set on it for several months, however, I have never built a PC before. I don't feel overly confident with building it which is why I like the Aftershock rig.
With Aftershock, they build it for me (saving me time and money) and it comes with a better processor whilst being cheaper than my build. The only downsides for me are that it comes with an mATX board instead of a normal-sized one, and I just really prefer the Fractal North case.
I'll be getting a higher-paying job next year so I would want to upgrade my GPU to like a 4080 when I have that, but right now, all I want is a 1080p rig (as I only have a 1080p monitor). If I get build 1, I'd eventually have to upgrade CPU AND GPU. With build 2, I'd only really have to upgrade the GPU.
Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get the case I like less with better specs (and being cheaper), or should I continue with my build?
ALTERNATIVELY: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8Fvb9c
This build uses the case I like and has the better processor, but uses an mATX board which: • A: looks funny in the bigger sized case, and; • B: has less room for upgrades in the future (e.g., less fan slots, less SSD slots, etc...)
Again, I don't feel confident building the PC myself, so any insight into what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Weird-Tax-8878 to PcBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:57 Defiant-Print-2550 My first attempt in creation of fan ids-Lobotomy E.G.O Sinclair and Workshop Affiliated Fixer Yi Sang!

My first attempt in creation of fan ids-Lobotomy E.G.O Sinclair and Workshop Affiliated Fixer Yi Sang! submitted by Defiant-Print-2550 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:56 yoloswagtailwag A few semi-noob questions. I'm 140 hours in.

  1. I see on my pause menu a code, I realize its a 'enter your code to play this level again' code. But where do I actually enter this code to replay the level?
  2. Why does the tear rate cap at 5? And if it does, is extra tear rate literally pointless?
  3. How are 'tiers' decided? Like who decided 'The D6' is Q4 and Cursed Eye is T0? The Mod Maker? Edmund? The wiki?
  4. Do some mods prevent progression/achievements? Like mods that are deemed OP or completely change the game i.e you are now a car - vroom.
  5. Are any achievements locked behind co-op? Do I need to at some point, play with someone locally in multiplayer?
  6. How do I unlock tainted characters?
  7. Why does the Greed Slot Machine get blocked after just a few coin inserts? Like sometimes I can't even insert 15 coins.
  8. Is it better to play on controller vs keyboard? I been using Controller (dpad + XYAB xbox default) but I wonder if kb or analog is superior? I am getting to the point where I am sucking a lot unless I get really OP items.
  9. Where does the 'Chaos Deniers in Shambles' meme come from? I see it a lot, and its funny, that and 50/50 it either happens or it doesn't. But I found some posts here from 2 years ago, and it was a thing even then. So where did it originate from?
thanks, sorry if any of these are retarded questions
submitted by yoloswagtailwag to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:56 WeakWatercress5479 What score is ideal for a student in this situation? (admins read P.S. pls)

If I wait around for someone who actually has knowledge about this topic, I'll prob get a reply by the time I'm graduating from uni so don't hesitate to answer my question after you read and get a general picture of the situation I'm in, whoever you are.
Unlike pretty much everyone else, I'm not taking the SAT for applying to a Uni/College in the US. I'm gonna use it to apply to a school in Istanbul, Turkey.
I'm Turkish, I live in Turkey and in our country we have a national university exam. It's the kinda exam that consumes students' joy of life throughout 12th grade and in terms of level of difficulty, SAT is nothing compared to it. It's the product of a corrupt system anyway; on average, turkish students who take the test are able to answer only 7 questions of math out of 40. It's literally designed for failure; the questions are meant to be unperceived. And if you wanna study in Turkey (which I do) or if you, financially, don't have a chance to study abroad, you gotta study hard and take it. But I learned that those of us who have another citizenship, other than the Turkish one, have alternatives. I was born in the US therefore have a USA citizenship. I'm a dual citizen. The alternative way for me is renouncing my Turkish citizenship, becoming American only, taking the SAT and applying with the score I get from it, as if I'm a foreigner who wishes to study here. Anyone who has such chance would jump on it and that's what I'm doing. But since this is a procedure that's done so rarely, what I must achieve to guarantee acceptance isn't so clear. This kinda leaves me in an uncertainty. I was able to find the minimum scores some universities I'm considering, require for applying: A uni requires min. 1200 (min. 650 from Maths), another one requires min. 1100 (min. 550 from Maths), another requires min. 1300 (min. 680 from Maths). The reason why they also have requirements specifically for the Math section of the SAT is bcuz the major I want to study is Architecture, that's why. Anyway, a college I'm also considering requires 1000 (min. 600 from the Maths) for application. I have two other colleges in mind but I just can't find the base points they necessitate. I know that my worries probably seem unnecessary when you look at these numbers cuz they're not too exaggerated but there are some important points that must be taken into consideration, as well: The Turkish Ministry of Education has established a certain quota for studying Architecture as a foreign student. And as if that quota isn't limitating enough, schools themselves are given the freedom to reduce that quota as they wish, so they do! Consequently, the quotas of the Architecture programs of these schools I'm looking into, range from 3 to 40, in a country with a population of 85 million lol (One of these published quotas is 3 students, another is 4, another's 15, another's 30 and another one's 40). But that's not all; also, they're not obligated to fill that quota they determine, to the brim, so they don't! Additionally, there's the fact that these are only the D-SAT scores that are required for applying (u need a score higher than the established minimums so that they don't immediately throw ur application in the trash can). It's not like u can start packing once your SAT score exceeds those published min.s. The way I see it, there's no guarantee of anything unless you get a score as high as 1400, 1500 or a perfect 1600. But obvi I'm not sure if "the way I see it" is accurate. So I wanted to ask you redditors about your thoughts. What do you think??
Approx. what score would be ideal in ur opinion?
Thank you in advance :)
(P.S. this doesn't count as a question that's asking smth like "is my score good?". Look, ik that this is a very rare situation but it's not technically 'personal'. Therefore, it obeys the no. 5 rule of this community and shouldn't be getting taken down.)
(P.P.S. This is a question from which's answers, any Turkish student planning to apply to uni/college through the foreigners quota with their SAT score, can benefit from. That's because all of the aforementioned problems, such as the quotas of schools being too small, apply to all the other majors that aren't Archi., as well.)
submitted by WeakWatercress5479 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:55 Nukemarine Today I finished lesson 8 of Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese, supplemented with Trimsleur, Anki, ACHTT, and previous Japanese study. So far, so good with Hanzi characters being the easiest part of all this.

Was tempted to make a video to show more than tell and still might, but things are still very, very early and always subject to change.
My previous Japanese language study is obviously giving me a big head start. Knew this would be the case when I went to Taiwan a couple of times and could recognize more than a few words which really helped me get around. Obviously pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar would be radically different, but I was also aware of that. The unknown traditional Hanzi (focusing on that since it's easier given my Japanese study background) will not be the main problem, just the tones and pronunciation and thousands of words using those Hanzi.
Also, I have the benefit of going in with a set plan based on my own experience learning (and re-learning) Japanese using self-study tools: Anki, text analyzers, browser plug-ins, audio books, pop-up dictionaries, etc.
Current plan is as follows: Do the first 90 lessons of the older Pimsleur Mandarin course with serious supplementation:
So current plan just for the 90 Pimsleur lessons is:
  1. Review due Anki. For these, I have strict fail and soft fail rules for each card type. "Audio" cards (PinYin word/sentence) I have to know which hanzi are used and the meaning of the word - this is a strict fail. The soft fail (I hit "hard" UNLESS the spacing will be over 6 months) is the stroke order of the hanzi and meaning of the example sentence. The Clozed Delete card I also have know the Mandarin word, it's hanzi, and it's tone for the strict fail. The stroke order and meaning/reading of the clozed deleted Mandarin sentence is a soft fail.
  2. Do the Pimsleur lesson with the transcript (in part I at least). Pause to initially answer the English prompt then play and repeat the Chinese phrase. When the new word is introduced, go to it's Anki card to add pronunciation notes (the transcript has a few pages of charts for this) along with HanziHero as needed for Hanzi meanings and notes (super important for Hanzi that are new to me). Now, Pimsleur is normally a 30 minute lesson, but doing it this way makes it last about an hour or so.
  3. Activate the new vocabulary in Anki (custom study option) and see how much is remembered. I set cards to long learning time (1m 10m 1440m 3600m) with graduation done at 1 week. This is also great because Pimsleur cannot tell if I remembered anything or not and balance accordingly. Anki can.
  4. Watch one episode of Peppa Pig Mandarin at 75% speed with English sub, then rewatch with traditional Chinese subs. Peppa Pig is slowed down because the normal episodes are sped up on purpose in most languages. Any other show I would likely leave at original speed.
  5. Update my comprehensible immersion audio playlist. It'd be 4 copies of today's Trimsleur lesson, 3 copies of yesterday, 2 copies of two days ago, and 1 copy of three days ago (so Lesson 8 x4, Lesson 7 x3, Lesson 6 x2, Lesson 5 x1). In addition, it'd be the last four days of Peppa Pig ripped audio. This is about two hours of audio in total. I then play these on random, and the most recent lessons are played more often.
The comprehensible audio is played a lot of the time passively in the background. I can be doing anything else and not notice, but it'll be there whenever I do take a aural snack (pay attention to what's being played). I DO NOT want to repeat the major mistake in my early Japanese study of playing incomprehensible Japanese audio (rips of TV shows I watched) near 24/7. Found out that comprehensible that frequently refreshed is key to training your brain to follow along without thinking as well as repeat without effort.
Again, I'm only on lesson 8 with a handful of vocabulary words under my belt. Still, I can read aloud all eight of the introductory dialogues in traditional Mandarin. I'm also noticing the words as they pop up in Peppa Pig.
Gonna hate moving on to Pimsleur Mandarin part II as there's no transcript. However, there are websites that'll transcribe the Trimsleur audio (and maybe even the Pimsleur if I wanted) which'll simplify doing the lessons like I'm doing now.
After Pimsleur, I plan to do deep dive study methods (read subtitles along with Chinese subs, pausing only to look up meaning of unknown words and phrases), then after 10 hours of reading (at beginning stages this might be only 1 hour of actual Chinese audio) use subs with MorphMan in Anki to get 100 most common words that are within my learned vocab range. All that means is if I know 1,500 words then MorphMan will only look for new words from 3,000 most common that's also the most common in the read material stopping at 100 new words if that before starting reading up again.
Hopefully this all makes sense. Like with Japanese, I'll freely share whatever resources I can and answer whatever questions people have (if I have time). Obviously I'm in the beginning stages so maybe don't expect much.
submitted by Nukemarine to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:54 WordyBug My job site passed $1000 in revenue

Someone pinch me because I just hit a major milestone with my side project. Exactly 7 days ago, I wrote a post about reaching $500 revenue milestone.
Within one week, I was able to hit another milestone - $1000 revenue.
On December 29, I announced a fun challenge on Twitter - build and launch a product in 2 hours. I shared my idea as well - a job board for AI niche.
I was able to complete the challenge successfully. It immediately got picked up my multiple newsletters including Ben's Bites. And then Robert Scoble shared the project on his Twitter account (500k followers). I was able to amass a good traffic from this virality.
Link if you are curious: moaijobs.com
However it took me nearly 1.5 months to make the first dollar with this product. It took 5 months to go from $0 to $500. And only 6 days to go from $500 to $1000.
It is a great feel to see your hard work starting to pay off.
One of the important thing is even Pieter Levels (founder of NomadList) tried to launch a job board for AI but give up due to no demand. So, I always thought it will be extra hard for a newbie like me to monetize it.
I know this isn't much but it is a great start.
If you have any questions about running a job board/SEO, I would love to answer. Thank you.
submitted by WordyBug to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:53 Kolakone Guitar technique help!

Hi, I'm a 21 year old guitarist. I have been playing for roughly 7 years and I've really been hitting a point recently where I'm not happy with my playing. It feels repetetive, it doesn't feel clean, and I'm struggeling to learn and really master certain techniques. I have some questions down below, if you can answer even one of the I'd really appreciate it.
  1. What's the best picking technique for shredding? I usually plant my pinky down for additional support, but Idk if that hinders how efficiently I'm able to jump from one string to another with my picking hand or if it hinders how efficidntly I can change picking techniques. I've also really struggeled to find a way to hold the pick that both feels comfortable and efficient.
  2. How does one learn sweep picking? I've been trying for 3 years to learn the damn thing and I can't do it. Idk how to practice properly for it. I don't know how to align my picking and fretting hand. Even if I slow it down it feels wrong. And especially picking from the higher to lower strings is super difficult.
  3. How does one learn accuracy when jumping positions while playing? For example the 4-note licks that hops around the E and B string in Caprice nr.5 (Eugenes trickbag), or the octive hopping in the solo to rising force by Yngwie, or the stringskipping-tapping part in the solo to get the funk out. They're all difficult to hit accuratly, and idk how to improve my accuracy.
  4. Lastley, how do I diversify my playing. I feel like I'm still playing only 2 or 3 types of licks in my solos despite listening to everything from beatles, elton john, queen and deep purple, to joe pass, and guthrie govan, to dream theater, periphery and A7X. Any advice here?
submitted by Kolakone to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:52 Kolakone Guitar technique help!

Hi, I'm a 21 year old guitarist. I have been playing for roughly 7 years and I've really been hitting a point recently where I'm not happy with my playing. It feels repetetive, it doesn't feel clean, and I'm struggeling to learn and really master certain techniques. I have some questions down below, if you can answer even one of the I'd really appreciate it.
  1. What's the best picking technique for shredding? I usually plant my pinky down for additional support, but Idk if that hinders how efficiently I'm able to jump from one string to another with my picking hand or if it hinders how efficidntly I can change picking techniques. I've also really struggeled to find a way to hold the pick that both feels comfortable and efficient.
  2. How does one learn sweep picking? I've been trying for 3 years to learn the damn thing and I can't do it. Idk how to practice properly for it. I don't know how to align my picking and fretting hand. Even if I slow it down it feels wrong. And especially picking from the higher to lower strings is super difficult.
  3. How does one learn accuracy when jumping positions while playing? For example the 4-note licks that hops around the E and B string in Caprice nr.5 (Eugenes trickbag), or the octive hopping in the solo to rising force by Yngwie, or the stringskipping-tapping part in the solo to get the funk out. They're all difficult to hit accuratly, and idk how to improve my accuracy.
  4. Lastley, how do I diversify my playing. I feel like I'm still playing only 2 or 3 types of licks in my solos despite listening to everything from beatles, elton john, queen and deep purple, to joe pass, and guthrie govan, to dream theater, periphery and A7X. Any advice here?
submitted by Kolakone to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:52 Kolakone Guitar technique help!

Hi, I'm a 21 year old guitarist. I have been playing for roughly 7 years and I've really been hitting a point recently where I'm not happy with my playing. It feels repetetive, it doesn't feel clean, and I'm struggeling to learn and really master certain techniques. I have some questions down below, if you can answer even one of the I'd really appreciate it.
  1. What's the best picking technique for shredding? I usually plant my pinky down for additional support, but Idk if that hinders how efficiently I'm able to jump from one string to another with my picking hand or if it hinders how efficidntly I can change picking techniques. I've also really struggeled to find a way to hold the pick that both feels comfortable and efficient.
  2. How does one learn sweep picking? I've been trying for 3 years to learn the damn thing and I can't do it. Idk how to practice properly for it. I don't know how to align my picking and fretting hand. Even if I slow it down it feels wrong. And especially picking from the higher to lower strings is super difficult.
  3. How does one learn accuracy when jumping positions while playing? For example the 4-note licks that hops around the E and B string in Caprice nr.5 (Eugenes trickbag), or the octive hopping in the solo to rising force by Yngwie, or the stringskipping-tapping part in the solo to get the funk out. They're all difficult to hit accuratly, and idk how to improve my accuracy.
  4. Lastley, how do I diversify my playing. I feel like I'm still playing only 2 or 3 types of licks in my solos despite listening to everything from beatles, elton john, queen and deep purple, to joe pass, and guthrie govan, to dream theater, periphery and A7X. Any advice here?
submitted by Kolakone to Dreamtheater [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:45 meowjf Selling blox fruit acc

Selling blox fruit acc submitted by meowjf to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments]

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submitted by Pretty_Exercise_8408 to practicequestions [link] [comments]


The United States Navy Judge Advocates General’s Corps on Friday began but did not conclude the tribunal of Attorney General Merrick Garland, whom the Office of Military Commissions has charged with treason for weaponizing the Justice Department against President Donald J. Trump and the innocent protesters who visited the Capitol peacefully on January 6.
As reported previously, U.S. Special Forces arrested Garland on January 28 in Maryland, following his return to the U.S. from Poland, where he had been cowering and remotely directing the DOJ, hoping patriotic justice wouldn’t chase him overseas. As has been the case with myriad Deep Staters, Garland felt an uncontrollable urge to return to the roost, Washington D.C., and dropped his guard just long enough for White Hats to scoop him up. Once captured, the weaselly man who had often stoically insisted his Justice Department was impartial and equitable, devoid of bias, regressed into a heap of sniveling flesh, bewailing his predicament and asking Jesus to “please kill Donald Trump,” an odd request considering Garland is Jewish.
Garland’s lawless rule led to the wrongful incarceration of numerous patriots, but he couldn’t stomach five minutes behind bars. In pretrial confinement at Camp Delta, Garland had proclaimed his innocence, screaming, “Let me out of here,” while insisting he had only ever enforced the letter of the law, crossed every ‘t,’ and dotted every ‘I.”
JAG, however, contended that Garland bent the law to fit the Deep State’s sinister agenda and, when necessary, invented new rules aimed at eroding the Constitution and depriving citizens of their rights and freedoms. Garland had naturally refuted that allegation during an early interview. According to Garland, he had claimed he was simply an appointed official tasked with punishing felons, among them the J6ers and President Trump.
Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall’s opening statement at Friday’s tribunal painted Garland not as an administration lackey but a puppet master who pulled Biden’s strings. He contended that while a reclusive Biden hid in his basement, Garland, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, and the late Lloyd Austin steered the nation toward destruction.
Garland, who had chosen to represent himself, was handcuffed to the defense table and peering over his eyeglasses as the admiral informed the 3-officer panel that JAG wanted Garland to hang for his crimes against America and its people. JAG had advised detainee Garland to display proper courtroom decorum; unruly outbursts would be met with a swift, harsh rebuke.
His opening remarks were succinct: “I am innocent of all charges. President Joseph R. Biden appointed me as Attorney General of the United States. I dispassionately applied equal justice to all and shall be vindicated.”
Admiral Crandall argued that Biden’s naming of Garland attorney general in March 2021 was merely ceremonial and that corporate entities and foreign dignitaries vetted him for the role as early as January 4, 2021. He called his first witness, President of the European Council and Bilderberg member Charles Michel, to the stand.
Real Raw News learned Monday that JAG arrested Michel on espionage charges on February 5. He had agreed to testify at Garland and other Deep Staters’ tribunals in exchange for a 25-year prison sentence. We have no information on his arrest and situation beyond what is described in the rest of this article.
Michel supplied his backstory and academic and work history and identified the defendant by pointing at him.
“Mr. Michel, you’ve met detainee Garland before today, haven’t you?” the admiral queried.
Michel nodded. “Only once.”
Garland straightened in his seat as if an electric charge had passed through him. “This is a set-up; I swear I’ve never met this man in my entire life.”
“Detainee Garland, we’ve discussed this. You can redress the witness once I’m finished,” the admiral said. “Now, Mr. Michel, how and when did you meet the defendant, and what were the circumstances of the meeting.”
“I met Merrick at his house in Maryland to inform him he would likely be the next Attorney General in the United States,” Michel said.
“I’m an educated man, Mr. Michel, but this confounds me, so correct me if I’m wrong. You’re a Belgian citizen. What in the world would give you authority to promise detainee Garland anything?” Admiral Crandall asked.
“I was more a messenger,” Michel replied.
‘Deliver whose message?” the admiral asked. “Who told you to speak to the defendant?”
“I was told on a video call with a man who looked very much like Barack Obama and Jean-Pierre Lacroix,” Michel replied.
Lacroix, a French national, is the under-secretary-general for Peace Operations for the United Nations.
“At the same time?” said Admiral Crandall.
“If you mean, were we all on the call simultaneously, the answer is yes,” Michel said.
“Why did you qualify your mention of Obama with ‘looked very much like’?” Admiral Crandall probed.
Michel shrugged. “As I understand things now, based on rumor and innuendo, not any real proof I’ve seen, Barack Obama might have been dead long before that call, and the person perhaps pretending to be him was just some man in a mask. I know there’s a man running around pretending to be me, so why not him, Obama, too.”
“And now, in retrospect, do you not have the same concerns about Lacroix?” the admiral continued.
“Him I’d met before, entirely unrelated. It was the real Lacroix,” Michel said.
The admiral reached for a pitcher of water and poured a glass. “Why Garland? Was there an impetus for wanting him to be Attorney General over anyone else?”
“Because he had the credentials and already hated Donald Trump and Trump’s supporters and political allies. He was the perfect choice. Trump and his people represented a disturbance, you see, a schism in the order of things. Merrick was told he’d be appointed prior to our meeting’; my job was seeing him face to face, getting a read on him, and making sure he understood that Trump was to be put in jail, made ineffective, or even killed,” Michel said.
“You tell an illuminating story, Mr. Michel, in which shadowy foreign figures influence presidential appointments and dictate U.S. policy. It’s all cloak-and-dagger. Besides your word, have you any proof to substantiate your claim?” the admiral said.
“The only physical proof I had is what you already have,” Michel responded.
“Then let’s take a look,” said the admiral. On a large screen he broadcast a recording of Michel’s video call with Obama and Lacroix, whose faces appeared side by side. Obama did most of the talking.
“Mr. Michel, Merrick Garland will be expecting your visit. He understands you are our emissary. We expect you to reiterate our message to him: once confirmed by the Senate, he will use the full weight of the Justice Department to hunt down every insurrectionist at the Capitol. And with the FBI at his disposal, he can once and for all deal with Donald Trump and his family,” Obama enunciated each word slowly.
“And, Monsieur Michel, you report back, let us know if he has trepidations,” Lacroix said.
“We do not expect that to be a problem,” Obama said.
“I understand completely,” Michel said in response.
The admiral faced the panel. “Army Cyber Command evaluated the clip. They say they’re 98% certain the voice is Obama’s, but only 76% the face is really his. But whether or not that’s the real Obama and Lacroix is largely irrelevant. What’s important is whether the defendant agreed to this unnatural union of forces determined to weaponize the DOJ for political gain.”
He continued: “Mr. Michel, what did you personally tell detainee Garland, and what was his response.”
“I told him that both Obama and Biden wanted him as long as he pledged to eliminate Trump. And he told me he planned to do that anyway, that getting rid of Trump and his MAGA would be his capstone achievement,” Michel said.
“Was there any concern, Mr. Michel, among you and your associates that he wouldn’t pass muster. I mean, a president appoints, but the Senate confirms.”
Michel waved his hand dismissively. “Confirmation was a formality. The result was never in doubt, Admiral Crandall.” Michel wore a sinister grin.
“No further questions at this time,” the admiral said. “Detainee Garland, you may cross Mr. Michel.”
Garland cleared his throat. “I’d like to approach the witness.”
“Mr. Michel can hear you just fine from where you’re sitting,” the admiral retorted.
Garland said, “You claim we met at my house. You’re a liar. I’ve never seen you before today.”
“The detainee will not badger or antagonize the witness,” the admiral chimed in. “Consider this your first and final warning, detainee Garland.”
“If, as you claim, we had this imaginary meeting. Where in my house did we meet? Can you describe my home’s interior?”
“Merrick. Remember, when we met, you asked me to call you Merrick, not Mr. Garland. I only saw a hallway and your sitting room. I sat on a burgundy sofa facing a bay window overlooking a dead garden. You were at a desk, oak, if I recall correctly. You were proud of it and said it belonged to your father. Behind you was a bookcase that stretched from wall to wall and floor to ceiling. You grinned at hearing you would have unilateral control of all domestic matters of justice,” Michel said.
Garland appeared uneasy, wobbling on his feet. “Thi..this is entrapment. You rehearsed this. You, Admiral Crandall, or your people must have raided my house and told this man, whom I’ve never met, what was inside. I’d like a recess and access to a law library please.”
“Well, I’ll grant you that request, detainee Garland, and see you get the books delivered to your cell. This tribunal will resume at 0900 on Monday morning.”
The admiral ordered MPs to escort Garland to his cell and instructed the panelists to not discuss the case among themselves or with anyone else without his explicit instructions.
I am expecting to receive notes on Monday’s proceedings this evening.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:32 Rhendricks Over/Under May 20th - Vs Orioles, 6:45 CT - Kyle Bradish Vs Lance Lynn

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Cardinals Reddit Daily OveUnder Contest! I’ll post these daily as long as I’m able to, but I’m sure real life will get in the way here and there. This is all for fun. No prizes other than bragging rights.



1st Place: 3 Points
2nd Place: 2 Points
3rd Place: 1 Point
Correct Tie-Breaker: 1 Point
10/10 Correct: 1 Point
0/10 Correct: 1 Point
I'll keep a tally and post the results as a comment in that day's post and link it in the next day's contest thread. Points will keep accumulating throughout the season. I will be using MLB GameDay and ESPN for official scoring.
Good luck, everyone! I hope you enjoy! I'm also always open to feedback on how to improve or suggestions for questions (it can be tough trying to get enough variety!).
Not required for entry, but I’d appreciate leaving a comment/vote for visibility on the page

OveUnder Contest: May 21st


Vs Orioles, 6:45 CT


Kyle Bradish Vs Lance Lynn


OveUnder Form Link


May 20th Results


May Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 13
u/Flimsy-animator756 7
u/dan81989 6
u/fujiesque 6
u/Weezy2337yadude 6
u/dquizzle 5
u/gonelikecommonsense 5
u/Nurlitik 5
u/PCBangHero 5
u/SomethingAvid 5
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/more_whales 4
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/jmikesyo 3
u/mogli9998 3
u/newtickled 3
u/Pantherspats 3
u/SGT_Apone 3
u/zap_the_frank 3
u/EE89 2
u/InternetGoodGuy 2
u/jacksonfake 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/StrangerFront 2
u/Xerowaltz 2

Overall Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 28
u/InternetGoodGuy 12
u/zap_the_frank 12
u/gonelikecommonsense 11
u/Dan81989 10
u/more_whales 10
u/PCBangHero 10
u/NotGordan 9
u/Nurlitik 9
u/StrangerFront 9
u/Flimsy_animator756 8
u/jacksonfake 7
u/MVPBaseball2069 7
u/SomethingAvid 7
u/fujiesque 6
u/jmikesyo 6
u/Paulspike 6
u/SGT_Apone 6
u/theredd636 6
u/Weezy2337yadude 6
u/dquizzle 5
u/EE89 5
u/seattle_lib 5
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/Nerp_Rufflez 4
u/aga1397 3
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/iamfluffhead 3
u/JayBSmith 3
u/kyla__ren 3
u/LookitstheMeta 3
u/mogli9998 3
u/newtickled 3
u/No_communication101 3
u/ohforschern 3
u/Pantherspats 3
u/Pizzayolo96 3
u/tehmeat 3
u/TronaldDumpsLogs 3
u/Vasego1 3
u/Actually_Actuarially 2
u/Bigdaddyice69 2
u/Clueless_in_Florida 2
u/Da_Choppa 2
u/defiant_edge 2
u/jabbernut56 2
u/PhaedrusThaSquatch 2
u/PTF_Voidwalker 2
u/Redflanehot 2
u/rjaspa 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/thachiefking47 2
u/untitled5a1 2
u/Waystonebb 2
u/Xerowaltz 2
u/7thton 1
u/Abyss_in_Motion 1
u/Da_Munchy76 1
u/FrogsOfWar14 1
u/jessner88 1
u/Lefty808 1
u/MissouriOzarker 1
u/UnlikelyCheddar 1

OveUnder Questions for later reference:

1) Hits Allowed by - O/U 15.5
2) Bill James / ESPN Game Score for Kyle Bradish - O/U 54.5
3) Earned Runs Allowed by Lance Lynn - O/U 3.5
4) Ground Ball Outs Induced by both Starting Pitchers Combined - O/U 13.5
5) Hard Hit (95+ MPH Exit Velocity) by Cardinals 1B - O/U 1.5
6) Baltimore Team At Bats with Runners in Scoring Position (RISP) - O/U 7.5
7) Double Plays Turned by Cardinals Defense - O/U 1.5
8) Total Bases for Cardinals Offense - O/U 12.5
9) Total Sacrifice Flies Produced by Both Teams Combined - O/U 1.5
10) Farthest Ball Hit in the Game by Orioles Offense - O/U 402.55 FT
Tie Breaker: Total Pitches Thrown in the Game by Both Teams Combined
submitted by Rhendricks to Cardinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:27 WeakWatercress5479 What score on the Digital SAT do you think would be enough for me?

If I wait around for someone who actually has knowledge about this topic, I'll prob get a reply by the time I'm graduating from uni so don't hesitate to answer my question after you read and get a general picture of my situation, whoever you are.
I got a score of 1260 out of 1600, in May D-SAT (640 from the Reading and Writing Section and 620 from the Math Section). I'm taking it again in the 1st of July. Unlike pretty much everyone else, I'm not taking the SAT for applying to a Uni/College in the US. I'm gonna use it to apply to a school in Istanbul, Turkey.
I'm Turkish, I live in Turkey and in our country we have a national university exam. It's the kinda exam that consumes students' joy of life throughout 12th grade and in terms of level of difficulty, SAT is nothing compared to it. It's the product of a corrupt system anyway; on average, turkish students who take the test are able to answer only 7 questions of math out of 40. It's literally designed for failure; the questions are meant to be unperceived. And if you wanna study in Turkey (which I do) or if you, financially, don't have a chance to study abroad, you gotta study hard and take it. But I learned that those of us who have another citizenship, other than the Turkish one, have alternatives. I was born in the US therefore have a USA citizenship. I'm a dual citizen. The alternative way for me is renouncing my Turkish citizenship, becoming American only, taking the SAT and applying with the score I get from it, as if I'm a foreigner who wishes to study here. Anyone who has such chance would jump on it and that's what I'm doing. But since this is a procedure that's done so rarely, what I must achieve to guarantee acceptance isn't so clear. This kinda leaves me in an uncertainty. I was able to find the minimum scores some universities I'm considering, require for applying: A uni requires min. 1200 (min. 650 from Maths), another one requires min. 1100 (min. 550 from Maths), another requires min. 1300 (min. 680 from Maths). The reason why they also have requirements specifically for the Math section of the SAT is bcuz the major I want to study is Architecture, that's why. Anyway, a college I'm also considering requires 1000 (min. 600 from the Maths) for application. I have two other colleges in mind but I just can't find the base points they necessitate. I know that my worries probably seem unnecessary when you look at these numbers cuz my performance seems fine but there are some important points that must be taken into consideration, as well: The Turkish Ministry of Education has established a certain quota for studying Architecture as a foreign student. And as if that quota isn't limitating enough, schools themselves are given the freedom to reduce that quota as they wish, so they do! Consequently, the quotas of the Architecture programs of these schools I'm looking into, range from 3 to 40, in a country with a population of 85 million lol (One of these published quotas is 3 students, another is 4, another's 15, another's 30 and another one's 40). But that's not all; also, they're not obligated to fill that quota they determine, to the brim, so they don't! Additionally, there's the fact that these are only the D-SAT scores that are required for applying (u need a score higher than the established minimums so that they don't immediately throw ur application in the trash can). It's not like u can start packing once your SAT score exceeds those published min.s. The way I see it, there's no guarantee of anything unless you get a score as high as 1400, 1500 or a perfect 1600. But obvi I'm not sure if "the way I see it" is accurate. So I wanted to ask you redditors about your thoughts. What do you think??
Approx. what score would be ideal for me, in ur opinion?
Thank you in advance :)
submitted by WeakWatercress5479 to DigitalSATPrep [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:26 Matt_HoodedHorse [Patch Notes] Manor Lords Experimental Update 0.7.965

Howdy Folks,
I come bearing good news!
We're excited to announce the release of a new experimental branch for Manor Lords, version 0.7.965. This experimental update brings significant gameplay changes and numerous improvements.
Important Notice: Before you switch to the new beta version of the game, it's absolutely crucial that you back up your save files. Failing to do so could result in the potential loss of your progress. The new strings are not localized yet and stability hasn't yet been thoroughly tested. Some balancing changes are still experimental.
To access your saves on Steam for Manor Lords.
  1. Press Win + E
  2. Paste %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\SaveGames into the search bar.
To discuss this build, please join the official Discord server https://discord.gg/manorlords. You'll find a channel for discussing the ongoing pre_release branch.
You can read Slavic Magic's full Steam announcement here.

How to Access the Experimental Branch:

  1. Open Steam
  2. Right-click on Manor Lords in your library
  3. Select Properties
  4. Navigate to the BETAS tab
  5. Enter the password: veryNiceBasket
  6. Select "pre_release" from the "Beta participation" dropdown
  7. Wait for the game to update (restart Steam if needed)
  8. Launch the game

Full Changelog for Version 0.7.960 -> 0.7.965

What's inside:
This update focuses primarily on balancing and bugfixes. Key changes include:
Gameplay & Balance:
Minor Changes:
Crash Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Thank you for playing!
Greg Styczeń, Lead Developer, Slavic Magic
submitted by Matt_HoodedHorse to ManorLords [link] [comments]
