Justify wal-mart s debt

I feel as my (31F) partner (33M) is holding me back in life unintentionally, is it time to move on?

2024.05.21 15:46 TopOriginal I feel as my (31F) partner (33M) is holding me back in life unintentionally, is it time to move on?

I am from a different country, I moved to the US during Covid for work. I used to be a flight attendant and honestly it was my dream job and it still is. I only left because I was made redundant due to Covid. My plan was to move back to my home country when the opportunity to go back to being a flight attendant would arise.
10 months after I moved to the US, I met my partner. He is honestly such an amazing person. Him and I both have the same values and outlook on life. When I met him, he owned a small business but wasn’t doing well because of Covid, and a couple years before that he had some health issues and was in debt because of that. I was well aware of these things and it wasn’t an issue for me.
A year after we got together, I had the option to move home to be a flight attendant again, but I wanted to make my relationship work. My partner had to close his business and started working on yachts (what I do currently), as it is a good way to make money. He became a yacht captain in a very short space of time. He doesn’t have much experience in the industry, but via me he got opportunity to become a captain for a small vessel that my boss has. So we have the same boss but work on different boats.
My partner is a hard working person, but he is not good at his job, due to not having enough experience in the industry. It has been quite embarrassing for me as my boss hired him because of me. I don’t know anything about running a yacht, I work in the interior so I didn’t know my partner’s capabilities. I know my colleagues on my boat have spoken about his performance, but not in front of me but I can tell that they don’t think he’s capable and it’s quite embarrassing for me.
My partner and I have plans to move back to my home country together. I have told him I don’t want to be here for more than 2 more years maximum. I already stayed for 2 years longer than expected because I met him, and I don’t blame him for that, I’m aware I make my own choices. Our plan is to save as much money as possible, but I don’t think my partner is capable for providing and creating a life that we both want. I feel he relies on me too much, for example, he checks with me to go over his texts/ emails with our boss before sending it himself (English isn’t his first language, so I tidy up his wording for him, but at this stage he’s an adult and I feel like I should not have to do this). I am supportive of my partner to a certain degree, I have been throughout our whole relationship, but I feel like he is holding me back and he is not my equal in terms of being at the same stage in life. He doesn’t have a clear career path.
Now the boat the he is running has just been sold, and he is out of a job. He has applied for many jobs but haven’t heard back for a single opportunity. I feel like I have been waiting through our whole relationship for him and now I’m worried that by the time we are ready to move back to my home country, I’ll be running out of time to have kids and start a family, and won’t be able to go back to my dream job of being a flight attendant.
I love this man so much, he will be such a great father and he treats me so well, but due to his lack of career path and his financials, I don’t see him as an equal partner and I’m not as attracted to him as I used to be. I don’t just want to give up on us but I don’t know if I should continue as I feel like I’ve already put my life on hold for him.
Does anyone idea on how to navigate this in a healthy way, I don’t want to say to my partner that he‘s not good at his job and that his lack of career path is holding me back.
submitted by TopOriginal to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 strawberriebabee I want to buy a house.

I’m 27 (f) and I have 3 children, all school aged. I’m currently doubled up w my parents and I want to move out and get my own house. I have under $1k in savings, and I work part time at a restaurant bringing in about $1600 monthly. I currently just graduated a phlebotomy course in hopes to be a full time phlebotomist, and making double what I am now.
My credit score is 600 and I have roughly $8k in debt (~3.5k in credit card debt from almost 3 years ago when I was irresponsible, ~5.5k in auto loan debt for the car I got in 2020 that I’m still paying $265 monthly , originally for 15k).
I am going to lose my housing in October.. my parents are giving me the boot, and I live in the North Eastern part of MA.
What should I do first to help me get to getting a house or at least a condo? I don’t want to rent if I can avoid it, it’s astronomical how high the rent is for a 2 bedroom. Should I pay off the debt first? Should I start saving hard and worry about debt later? The credit card debt is closed, so it will not accrue any more interest, and I did just open up another credit card to help with my credit. I will be using it strictly for gas and my phone bill. I do have a chime credit building card and have been doing awesome with it.
What should I do? I just want to know what is the best next step given my situation.
submitted by strawberriebabee to CalebHammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 clark_k3nt Palo Alto Networks (PANW): The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from PANW's Earnings Call

- May 20, 2024

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

Earnings Breakdown:

Financial Metrics

Product Metrics

Source: Upgraded AI Assistant (Release date: May 27, 2024)
submitted by clark_k3nt to EarningsCalls [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 Potential_Ant_1719 I struggle to feel good about myself and situation…

For context, I am a divorced single mom to an almost 3 year old, she sees her father every other weekend, I work full time and sold my house during the divorce to pay off debt, so we now live in a one bedroom apartment.
I recently met a guy I really like. He is divorced with 2 older kids. He owns a nice home and makes good money. I am struggling to feel worthy or good enough to date him because of my situation and could use some words of wisdom or validation from other single moms.
I can’t help but feel like I don’t have my life together because of my living space. I make a decent salary but cost of living is insane and depressing right now and I simply can’t afford more than this one bed apartment. My daughter is big time in the throes of toddler chaos and keeps me running around chasing her and struggling to get through basic daily tasks, as I am sure toddler moms understand.
Things have been progressing with the new guy, slowly but nicely. I am just struggling to feel worthy and I am constantly feeling like I have too much baggage, I am not where I “should be” in life, etc. Especially since his ex wife is the bougie type who still lives in their big marital home, drives nice cars, etc. Then there is me… struggling.
Idk. just a vent. I want to feel good about myself, i’m trying. It’s just hard.
submitted by Potential_Ant_1719 to singlemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 albert1165 Analysis of a Vinfan's VF3 pumping argument

Analysis of a Vinfan's VF3 pumping argument
This is a fun excercise. Vuong Phan let his army of keyboard warriors to spread the false narrative that VF3 performance in Vietnam is great and this peformance is what drive the VFS's jump. Not. The truth is: VF3 performance is dismal, non-material, and the VFS's jump is pure Vuong Pham's pumping, spending some seed money to pull it up creating FOMO.
Facts and figures: Assume all 27K VF3 have got the deposit and all will be bought when VF3 are delivered (not likely), that amounts to about $270-300M in revenue and $27M gross profit (generous 10% margin), tiny compared to $2.4B in yearly loss and $9.3B in debt, immaterially, and if depreciation is counted, VF3 has $270M revenue but $54M gross loss using 20% gross margin loss (for reference, Vinfast gross loss in Q4 and Q1 is about 40%). So the 27K VF3 does not change the financial health of Vinfast a single bit, and it will incur even more loss.
Now on to the comment of a Vinfan pumping the narative:
1/ The writer first states a fact that VFS is volatile due to small float and low price, which is true, trying to create a "credential"
2/ Then he jumped to the false narrative by asserting that the rise is due to "impressive performance of VF3 in the domestic market". This is his claim and is further from the truth. VF3 performance is immaterial to Vinfast's financial to justify the magnitude of the jump: it was a Vuong Pham's pump.
3/ Then he continued the pumping with big empty words: "offer stability in a context of macroeconomic instability". What the hell is this, exactly what does this mean "offer stabilty in macroeconomic instability?". Just big words scrambled together without a clear meaning.
4/ He continued with the same trick: "effectively exploit the domestic even within the global landscape". Big words again: exploit domestic market, even within global landscape. Exactly what does it mean by "exploited domestic even within global landscape"? Just incoherent empty big words without a clear meaning. By the way, exploit has a negative meaning, Vinfans.
So to Vietnamese not fluent in English and to the untrained eyes, the comment sounds serious, but in reality, it employs the simple trick of asserting false things as if it is true and the trick of using big words scrambled together meaninglessly to scare Vietnamese.
Just a fun exercise. I have never run out of material to write. Shadiness of Vuong Pham and stupidity of his fans / ilks.
submitted by albert1165 to VinFastComm [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 strawberriebabee I want to buy a house

I’m 27 (f) and I have 3 children, all school aged. I’m currently doubled up w my parents and I want to move out and get my own house. I have under $1k in savings, and I work part time at a restaurant. I currently just graduated a phlebotomy course in hopes to be a full time phlebotomist, and making double what I am now.
My credit score is 600 and I have roughly $8k in debt (~3.5k in credit card debt from almost 3 years ago when I was irresponsible, ~5.5k in auto loan debt for the car I got in 2020, originally for 15k).
I am going to lose my housing in October.. my parents are giving me the boot, and I live in the North Eastern part of MA.
What should I do first to help me get to getting a house or at least a condo? I don’t want to rent if I can avoid it, it’s astronomical how high the rent is for a 2 bedroom. Should I pay off the debt first? Should I start saving hard and worry about debt later? The credit card debt is closed, so it will not accrue any more interest, and I did just open up another credit card to help with my credit. I will be using it strictly for gas and my phone bill. I do have a chime credit building card and have been doing awesome with it.
What should I do?
submitted by strawberriebabee to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:32 throwawayacc2026 “Dark night of the soul” or just CPTSD?

27f and I feel like giving up. I fought so hard to escape my childhood circumstances, but not enough to propel my life forward anymore. I don’t feel like I have the energy to amount to anything and everything I try to do, it never works out. I don’t want to think like this but I can’t rewire my brain out of my lived experience. I thought this was part of the dark night of the soul people talk about in recovery groups but it’s been years.
I should feel successful I think? I am finally renting a place alone. I have my own car and no debt. I was lucky enough to travel for work.
These things aside I can’t keep a relationship, they usually start out intense and then fade out once people know the true me which is introverted and avoidant. I constantly live in threat my clients will quit on me (I’m self employed), I never have enough executive function to work or cook or exercise. CPTSD has me wasting my life away in real time.
I am so over living like this but I don’t know how I can break out of it.
submitted by throwawayacc2026 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 TheTyler123 My Retribution as Castile in EU4 (Ongoing co-op Castile/Switzerland campaign)

My Retribution as Castile in EU4 (Ongoing co-op Castile/Switzerland campaign) submitted by TheTyler123 to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:23 bizasuge I grew up lower middle class and my financial literacy rate is practically 0%. What can I be doing better?

TL;DR: 35 year-old making 75k a year. I have an adequate emergency fund. I’m contributing 14% into my company’s 401k (7% of which is Roth Basic). I only have $22.5k in my 401k due to paying off debt aggressively. I am now completely debt free. What can I be doing better and can my money be working harder?
I’m a 35 y/o male in Dallas, TX who hasn’t really had a “decent” job until about 5 years ago. I would consider myself a cheapskate who lives pretty frugally. My total monthly (rent + all bills/payments) expenses are around $1,650. No kids.
Right now, I make 75k. I usually get small (2k-5k) cost of living bumps every year. A few years ago, I got a title bump and my salary went up 20k and a raise will most likely happen again in a few years given the field I’m in.
Since last year, I’ve been contributing 14% into my work’s combined 401k / Profit Sharing plan in a Fidelity Freedom 2055 Fund. I have 7% in a Roth Basic and 7% in an “Employee Deferral” (I think the latter is just the name for a normal 401k?). I also don’t really know which plan is best for my situation. My employer matches 50% of the first 3% of pay I defer, not to exceed $1,500. I become 100% vested next year (currently 80% vested) in our employer contributions / profit sharing plan. Do I need a Roth IRA in addition to my 401k if I’m not maxing it out at the moment?
Currently, my 401k sits at $32.5k. It’s much lower than I’d like because I used any extra income to aggressively pay off loans (see next text block).
Over the pandemic, half of my income went to paying off all student loan and credit card debt. Today, I am completely debt free.
I have about $14.5k in my checking account and $1,000 in my bank’s saving account. I consider most of the $14.5k my “emergency funds.” I’m sure there’s a better place to that fund than in my checking account. Should I put my emergency fund in a HYSA?
I’d love to hear how I can be doing better. Can my money be working harder for me?
Do I need a high-yield savings account? A Roth IRA in addition to my 401k? Should I be throwing more into my retirement account? Should I be investing in an index fund or a target date fund right now?
As someone who knows very little about money, reading the personal finance wiki was super helpful, but a lot of this still makes my head spin. Thanks for any advice!
submitted by bizasuge to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:20 J_dawg17 Need help figuring out how to sell deceased Grandfather’s car

Approximately 2 months ago my grandfather passed away here in North Carolina. He was living in Cabarrus County, but was in a rehab facility for heart issues in Mecklenburg County at the time of his death. My parents and I have spent the last couple of months getting his place that he was renting cleaned out, and the final thing to handle is his car. It’s an older Honda Civic, with an approximate value of $6,000. He has no other assets and no debts to his name. My parents were already handling most of his finances.
He has 2 daughters, so my mom and my aunt. My mom has been running point on all of his stuff and my aunt has defaulted to her to handle it. Unfortunately, he left no will and did not name an executor to his estate. My mom does have his death certificate. How do we go about getting the car transferred into my mom’s name so that she can sell it?
In some preliminary googling I’ve seen something mentioned about an “Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property”, would this be a solution and, if so, how does that work?
Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by J_dawg17 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:18 XIII13Thirteen Opinion: Buying Magic singles over boxes logic and something lost in the conversation.

I played Magic since the unlimited set. I’ve seen the game have its ups and downs. Both in terms of design, flavor, and for collectors any “collectibility” of the cards. I stopped for the first time maybe 5-6 years ago. I really started to see a behavior in WOTC regarding the brand and honestly it has just gotten worse. In my absence from the game, I have seen WOTC reprint cards from the modern eras that really my collection from recent sets are nigh worthless. I’ve seen cards that were $150 reduced to like $8 cards. Former premium foils in uncommon went from like $15-20 to like $.50.
Now when the discussion is often brought to conversation. I get the usual. “Never meant to collect it is to be a game”. However, one strange frequent rebuttal I’ve seen is “I don’t buy boxes, I buy singles.” …we have always known this. I guess I just don’t understand how buying singles is a presence in the conversation.
Sure buy boxes is the worse thing you can do, but buying singles has the same issue with devaluation. If I bought Mind Trap at like $40 when it was hot and it gets reprinted ad nauseam. You lost money. Magic is in this weird place with modern printings where the longer you hold onto stuff, the more it loses value it is text book toxic assists. It not only has lowered collectibility, it literally has no collectibility. You pretty much need to firesale your stuff if you want to recoup any value. Which is fine for disposable entertainment, but it is hard to justify $50 for any card destined to be pilfered of any retained value. I just don’t see how this is sustainable. It can literally cost people thousands to build a deck out of singles, it hits hard when it’s contents are reduced to a couple hundred within 5 years. That is hardly lunch money. Truth is, singles or sealed. Buying modern Magic for any speculation or collectibility is a fools errand.
Enjoy it and understand outside of ABU and early sets, there is no expenditure to really recover …much less “make money” over.
submitted by XIII13Thirteen to mtgfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:15 MadMaddyEver Are Adventurers a thing in your setting?

Are there lots of folks with character class levels? Is adventurer an established profession? Is there a regular cycle of groups forming, defeating threats, then retiring? I love the LotR vibe that the players are a unique and strange coalition, but if you play multiple games in the same setting maybe that’s harder to justify, and maybe the real world practice of playing successive games bleeds into the fiction?
submitted by MadMaddyEver to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:12 Alert_Ninja_6369 With these numbers should I pay off my car?

I have about $12k left on my loan for my car. It’s a 2018 Sorento with about 80k miles on it, it’s in very good shape.
The interest rate on the loan is 4.44% - so monthly its about $318 principal and $65 interest.
I do have the cash available to do it, though, I am trying right now to slowly build some money up for a down payment on a house. With about $55,000 in a HYSA earning 4.5% (also have separate retirement accounts, but not touching those).
Am I better off: 1) hanging onto my cash and making the monthly payments of about $380
2) pay off loan entirely
3) pay off a chunk of the car loan ($5k-$8k?) and then continue making loan payments
For whatever it’s worth that’s the only debt I have.
submitted by Alert_Ninja_6369 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:11 GreedyPersonality390 Effects of Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat

Effects of Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Ayat Karima ka Wazifa for Hajat
Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat , The Ayat Karima is a very beautiful verse from Holy QURAN of the surah yaseen verse no 78. Indeed, the virtue and barakah of this verse encompasses the entire world and there is a tremendous amount of barakah when one recites it or plays it on the phonograph to seek Allah’s help in getting whatever one wants. If one starts a wazifa along with the Ayat Karima, that person can definitely gets rid out of the problems, gets all the things wanted from the life and can get rid out from any kind of problem in the life by the grace of Allah almighty.
The Ayat Karima is as follows:The Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat, in the Holy Quran is the following Ayat:
Inna nahnu nuhyee al-mawtaa: وأنزلنا المOperators ال المنطوقةA) يستنهى بها* العتصم نامهhythwtitaIht1 نذير الستار من العهد empty و Ana ktabu maa qaddamaa wal-aathaarahum wa kull shay’ihin Ahshaynaa fii imamin mubeenlisThe antagon
"Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they sent ahead and what they left behind: These are the things which we have included in the detailed list as the things that have made the things valid.
Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa Method:Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat,, Another way of solving the issues according to the Islam is Ayat which is also known as verses of Quran.
Actually this wazifa is very simple and all one has to do is perform two cycles of nafl prayers along with the supplication in the manner of the Ayat Karima. Here are step-by-step instructions:
  1. This means that one should wash their hands and face then do a new wudhu before saying the wazifa correctly. As one can probably think, the body and the garment need to be washed, and hair can be combed or maybe even styled. When offering the namaz, one should make sure that they put themselves in the right position especially to the direction of Qiblah.
  2. Namaz times: offer Nafl namaz as two units. But nevertheless there is Makruh that you should not to offer this namaz at these particular times , you can offer at any other time. Namaz which is to be offered to ful?ll this niyyah should be done with a grave intention and aim for the purpose of making Hajat from Allah.
    1. In the reckoning of a rakat, one has to recite Surah Fatiha and Surah Yasin in each rakat at the least. This is because Surah Yasin Is read only in a single rakaat And if one is in doubt how he can read Yasin then he may read any other short surah very well.
  3. After completing the 2 rakat nafl salah, raise your hands in dua and recite the Ayat Karima at least 100 times:Yurile, masculine and feminine gender Dziekaniecki. github. io/preprints/PolishDictionary/ Polish English PDF1 4 Гeating Lada Антон Бочаров 2 3 1 2018 Good evening, boys and girls!” Instead of the frequently used salutation “Hello,” boys and girls” has a different meaning depending on the gender. And so it shall come forth as evidenced by the findings:And so it shall come forth as evidenced by the following findings: Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat,
Oh, lord of the old sun, I worship you and with this deed of the distant echo, I complete a group of sons of Ольгєрич, sở herček Hoyry Přemysl and dirszy Warriors andسو سو سو in million
  1. Then pray and make your intentions with a repentant heart of faith and hope with a view of making the Hajat happen and meet necessities. Instead, we should turn towards Him by availing ourselves of the provisions of Ayat Karima. How you sinned lift your hands up in repentance, sin lifting your hands up.
  2. After dua and wazifa, end it by saying ‘Amen’ thrice and then ask for Allah’s pardon thrice.
When and How Long to Recite Ayat Karima Wazifa:Wazifa for Removing Obesity: Duration and Time Table
In case of an emergency and need (hajat), the following wazifa can be recited and for that at the convenience of seven days, the time should not be wasted. However, one goes on reading and carries on with his/her supplication to Allah, with patience to wait for the response or the answer to the dua.
If your hajat is not so urgent, then recite this wazifa once a week, weekly, preferably on fridays night or saturdays morning as they are considered good for this dua. Likewise for some weeks in reciting this, Allah will attend to your hajat insha’Allah.
Benefits and Importance of Ayat Karima Wazifa:Apart from the five Ayat Karima blessings that have been mentioned, there are several other benefits and importance of Wazifa.
There are numerous benefits of performing Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat,, such as:Here are some of the benefits of saying Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat,:
• Offering the services to the client to meet the demand and satisfy the expectation in the legal field and fulfill the objective of making it more attractive to the people.
• Debt and loans are accepted as a part of life and people are not always prepared to deal with it.
• The self-organising skills in tackling difficulty tasks and managing concerns.
• Long term treatments for chronic diseases and general health of people
• The relevant mantras are the mantra of money, the mantra of the family and the mantra of children.
• They first serve as shields against the external forces and difficulties that one can face each and every day.
• Copole:/Godsend/Fate Acceptance
• Analyzing what has been provided above one can conclude that the positive impact of the removal of barriers to marriage can be described in the following manner;
• This involves helping intending pilgrims on how to carry out hajj and Umrah, and giving them information.
Conclusion About Ayat Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
However, if ever you will come across this wazifa, then it may be read sincerely and with feeling and positively and confidently because the reader is now sure that allah is listening. Also avoid such wrongful deeds once you have been privileged by the Lord of the Alidades and keep on praising Allah.
Online Free Consultation With Maulana Ji Please Visit:

AyatKarima #WazifaForHajat #PrayerForDesires #IslamicHealing #FaithfulPrayers #MiracleSupplication #SpiritualBlessings #DivineIntervention #MuslimCommunity #QuranicVerses #DeenOverDunya #SacredScriptures #BlessingsInFaith #AllahsPromise #SeekingGuidance #HeartfeltSupplications #GrantingWishesWithFaith #DivineMercies #HeavenlyBlessings #Mah-E-Ramadan

submitted by GreedyPersonality390 to u/GreedyPersonality390 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:10 EVENTHORlZON My mum is so bad with finances and it pisses me off

Our (Me, mum, brother) current rent is $1560 and we found a place that, albeit a bit smaller, is $1020 and she doesn’t want to move because it’s inconvenient. The place is right across the street basically. Idk how to get it through her head that we literally can’t afford to live here. With bills our monthly expenses are close to $1800 (not including food). With food it’s close to $3000 and on top of that she has CC debt, my brother has medical debt, and she has car insurance. between three of us we make about $3600. And then she blames me for forcing her to move here and having to change her job and forcing her to make less money. She’s $10k in debt and that’s after u paid off $5k for her (and no she hasn’t paid me back!) I literally didn’t even want her to move with me, but it’s my fault that we’re living paycheck to paycheck. I literally can’t take it anymore
submitted by EVENTHORlZON to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 jvc72 Haemonetics Corp[NYSE:HAE] Financials Q4/2024



Period: Q4/2024
Filling Date: 2024-05-20
Revenue: $343.29M
Gross Profit: $182.02M (53.02%)
Result: $61.70M (ebitda)
EPS: $0.400
Outstanding Shares: 50.79M
Cash: 178.80M
Debt: 807.79M
Financial Score - Altman: 3.47
Financial Score - Piotroski: 6.00
Haemonetics Corp's price movement correlates with the following stocks:
Ticker Correlation --- --- NEE 0.906 CRK 0.892 MMM 0.885 LMT 0.883 SO 0.883 UPW 0.883 KGC 0.881 SCHW 0.881 UTSL 0.88 AEM 0.878
Summary Of Last Earnings call:
In summary, Haemonetics Corporation reported strong financial performance in Q4 and fiscal year 2024, with organic revenue growth of 10% and 12%, respectively. Adjusted earnings per diluted share increased by 17% in the quarter and 31% for the year. The company highlighted the integration of service revenue within the commercial business unit and discussed the acquisitions of OpSens and Attune. The fiscal year 2025 guidance includes organic revenue growth of 5% to 8% and adjusted operating margin in the range of 23% to 24%. The company is focused on margin expansion, accelerating growth, and additional strategic acquisitions in the near term. There is a gradual transition away from the CSL U.S. supply agreement, with a minimum commitment of $85 million this year. The company sees opportunities for market share gains in plasma, innovation in hospital business unit, and expansion of interventional technologies globally. Interest expense is expected to be a $0.16 headwind in fiscal year 2025. Overall, Haemonetics remains committed to sustainable growth and creating value for customers and shareholders.
Company Description:
Haemonetics Corporation, a healthcare company, provides medical products and solutions. It operates through three segments: Plasma, Blood Center, and Hospital. The company offers automated plasma collection devices, related disposables, and software, including NexSys PCS and PCS2 plasmapheresis equipment and related disposables and intravenous solutions, as well as integrated information technology platforms for plasma customers to manage their donors, operations, and supply chain; and NexLynk DMS donor management system. It also provides automated blood component and manual whole blood collection systems, such as MCS brand apheresis equipment to collect specific blood components from the donor; disposable whole blood collection and component storage sets; SafeTrace Tx blood bank information system; and BloodTrack blood management software, a suite of blood management and bedside transfusion solutions that combines software with hardware components, as well as an extension of the hospital's blood bank information system. In addition, the company offers hospital products comprising TEG, ClotPro, and HAS hemostasis analyzer systems that provide a comprehensive assessment of a patient's overall hemostasis; TEG Manager software, which connects various TEG analyzers throughout the hospital, providing clinicians remote access to active and historical test results that inform treatment decisions; and Cell Saver Elite +, an autologous blood recovery system for cardiovascular, orthopedic, trauma, transplant, vascular, obstetrical, and gynecological surgeries. It markets and sells its products through direct sales force, independent distributors, and sales representatives. Haemonetics Corporation was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.
Full fundamentals fundamentals for HAE here.
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 jvc72 Haemonetics Corp[NYSE:HAE] Financials FY/2024



Period: FY/2024
Filling Date: 2024-05-20
Revenue: $1.31B
Gross Profit: $676.57M (51.68%)
Result: $319.60M (ebitda)
EPS: $2.32
Outstanding Shares: 50.71M
Cash: 178.80M
Debt: 807.79M
Financial Score - Altman: 3.47
Financial Score - Piotroski: 6.00
Haemonetics Corp's price movement correlates with the following stocks:
Ticker Correlation --- --- NEE 0.906 CRK 0.892 MMM 0.885 LMT 0.883 SO 0.883 UPW 0.883 KGC 0.881 SCHW 0.881 UTSL 0.88 AEM 0.878
Summary Of Last Earnings call:
In summary, Haemonetics reported organic revenue growth of 10% in Q4 and 12% for FY 2024. Adjusted earnings per diluted share increased by 17% and 31% in the quarter and year respectively. The company made significant progress towards its transformational growth goals, strengthening its reputation by overcoming hurdles and supporting plasma customers. The company saw growth in plasma, hospital, and interventional technologies, with strategic acquisitions contributing to growth. The company expects continued margin expansion and revenue growth in FY 2025, with a focus on sustainable top quartile growth. The company also highlighted the integration of new products and services, such as the Express Plus technology and OpSens Pressure Sensing Guidewire Technology. The company is also focused on commercial execution and expanding its product portfolio through M&A opportunities. The company expects interest expense to be a headwind in FY 2025, impacting earnings per diluted share. The guidance for the fiscal year shows a range of $4.45 to $4.75 adjusted earnings per diluted share, representing 12% to 20% growth compared to FY 2024.
Company Description:
Haemonetics Corporation, a healthcare company, provides medical products and solutions. It operates through three segments: Plasma, Blood Center, and Hospital. The company offers automated plasma collection devices, related disposables, and software, including NexSys PCS and PCS2 plasmapheresis equipment and related disposables and intravenous solutions, as well as integrated information technology platforms for plasma customers to manage their donors, operations, and supply chain; and NexLynk DMS donor management system. It also provides automated blood component and manual whole blood collection systems, such as MCS brand apheresis equipment to collect specific blood components from the donor; disposable whole blood collection and component storage sets; SafeTrace Tx blood bank information system; and BloodTrack blood management software, a suite of blood management and bedside transfusion solutions that combines software with hardware components, as well as an extension of the hospital's blood bank information system. In addition, the company offers hospital products comprising TEG, ClotPro, and HAS hemostasis analyzer systems that provide a comprehensive assessment of a patient's overall hemostasis; TEG Manager software, which connects various TEG analyzers throughout the hospital, providing clinicians remote access to active and historical test results that inform treatment decisions; and Cell Saver Elite +, an autologous blood recovery system for cardiovascular, orthopedic, trauma, transplant, vascular, obstetrical, and gynecological surgeries. It markets and sells its products through direct sales force, independent distributors, and sales representatives. Haemonetics Corporation was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.
Full fundamentals fundamentals for HAE here.
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:59 danieljones002 The Importance of MVP Development: Building Products Users Will Love

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, launching a product that resonates with users is crucial. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development is a strategic approach that can significantly enhance your chances of success. Here’s why MVP development is essential for building a product that users will love:
  1. Faster Time-to-Market: MVP allows you to launch your product quickly by focusing on core functionalities. This rapid deployment helps you get your product in front of users faster, enabling you to gather real-time feedback and make necessary adjustments promptly.
  2. Cost-Efficiency: By developing only the essential features, you save on development costs. This lean approach minimizes financial risks and allows you to allocate resources more effectively as you refine and expand your product based on user feedback.
  3. User-Centric Development: MVP development emphasizes user feedback. By releasing a basic version of your product, you can collect valuable insights from actual users. This feedback is crucial for making informed decisions about feature enhancements and ensuring your product meets user needs.
  4. Validating Market Demand: Launching an MVP helps you test the market demand for your product. If users are enthusiastic about the initial version, you have a strong indicator that there is a market need, which can justify further investment and development.
  5. Building a Loyal User Base: Early adopters of your MVP can become loyal users and advocates. Their feedback not only helps improve the product but also creates a sense of community and trust around your brand.
  6. Flexibility in Development: With an MVP, you have the flexibility to pivot or iterate based on user feedback and market trends. This adaptability is essential for staying relevant and competitive in the market.
  7. Reducing Risks: MVP development helps mitigate risks by validating assumptions early in the product development cycle. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, you can avoid costly mistakes and make data-driven decisions.
Read full article: https://www.softude.com/blog/why-mvp-development-is-a-must-for-building-a-product-users-love
In conclusion, MVP development is a must for building a product that users love. It enables faster time-to-market, cost-efficiency, user-centric development, market validation, loyalty building, flexibility, and risk reduction. Embracing this approach ensures you create a product that truly resonates with your target audience, setting the foundation for long-term success.
submitted by danieljones002 to u/danieljones002 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:58 idkHiya Thoughts about Social media and Influencers

I'm thinking back to over a year and a half ago. I was obsessed with Marla Catherine and some LDS YouTubers. I joined their church, expecting I'd be living it up in Utah with all my problems solved and a perfect life. I overestimated the benefits of joining the church. Spoiler alert: I'm from Northern Ireland, and I don't have the Utah picture-perfect life. I've recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
For several years, I had unrealistic expectations and overestimated how much things targeted at me online, especially from influencers across all platforms, would improve my life. I was so obsessed that I almost became a copy of them, thinking I could have the same "perfect" life they portrayed.
Jump to now: After excessive spending, accumulating £2,000 in debt, and getting rid of many things I've acquired over time (for example: 200 plants and 30+ Disney VHS tapes), I've been discharged after 26 days in the hospital. I'm feeling rather annoyed—maybe mad—about how much social media dictates our lives without us realizing it.
I just want to know if anyone else has felt the same impulsiveness associated with bipolar disorder and the role influencers and online marketing play in our lives. For example, I've been bombarded with an ad for Galaxy shirts set to the song "Vincent" by Don McLean, which feels overly specific and targeted. Vincent Van Gogh was speculated to have bipolar disorder, and the song is dedicated to him. It’s almost like they’re playing on that connection.
But yeah, if anyone feels similar or was like me i'd love to know your thoughts.
submitted by idkHiya to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:53 BeLikeDogs Friends Have to Justify

Once I tell a friend about my family issues with alcohol from that point on they forever justify to me their own alcohol use. If they were seeking support it would be great, but instead it feels aggressive and disrespectful. I feel that I am being baited so being direct only makes it worse. Advice on how to handle this? Wondering if it’s time to end one friendship in particular.
submitted by BeLikeDogs to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:49 magicalpanda424 my life’s a mess rn

ramble rant incoming.
there’s so much going on rn i don’t even know where to start. i guess i’ll start with i hate my job. it’s horrible, the shifts that can start at 5:30 or end and 22:30. i can’t get into a routine of waking up at 4am for an early and then the next day it’s a late i just can’t do it. I’m paid minimum wage doing a job that’s physically demanding and exhausting. It makes me anxious and depressed and doesn’t even pay me well.
I’m being chased for a lot of money from a debt collection agency for a university course i did for 6 days and then told them i wasn’t happy and was leaving. i’m hoping this gets sorted but honestly i don’t know what to do with that.
I’m being chased for council tax due to them only just valuating my new flat. which tbh i think i’ve sorted a payment plan now and it should be okay but that’s like £200 extra a month now i’m paying and don’t have.
every job i apply for says no, i was so set on one that i got quite far into and then yesterday they said i didn’t get through to the next stage :(, honestly i’ve felt so incredibly down since then.
I recently got a kitten at the start of this month and she won’t stop having diarrhoea, it started before her insurance started so it’s costing me so much money as well. And the whole flat just feels like it’s covered in shit cause obviously it’s getting everywhere. im bored of deep cleaning.
my hair was blue and i decided i wanted to go back natural which has been a ball ache. i bleach bathed it, and then dyed it brown but it’s still green and omg that’s just not helping.
there’s just so many little life inconveniences too that keep adding to it and i can’t keep going like this, please tell me it will get better 😢.
submitted by magicalpanda424 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:49 Lesperlesdu15 Règles de Vie au sein de la Communauté

En demandant à rejoindre la communauté, vous vous engagez à respecter les règles du groupe, à lire et à valider avant d’entrer :
  1. Respect et entraide
Tout propos émis doit l’être dans le plus grand respect de l’autre en ayant à l’esprit de préserver la fragilité émotionnelle de tout un chacun. L’entraide est la règle.
2 Régulation et animation du groupe
Administrateurs et modérateurs dialoguent et maintiennent la paix dans la communauté. Les animateurs rendent le groupe plus vivant et plus déterminé. Certains animateurs apportent un conseil précieux, leurs compétences et leur engagement est digne du respect de la communauté.
3 Une parole libre et respectueuse
Sur les différents espaces de discussion, la parole est libre, mais nous interdisons les propos racistes, sexistes, les incitations à la haine ou à la violence. Pas de drague lourde ni de harcèlement sexuel ou moral. Pas de mots grossiers, d’insultes, de moqueries, d’injures ou d’insinuations.
4 Des débats utiles entre membres transparents
Pas de règlement de compte sur le forum. Il est proscrit d’identifier un membre pour lui dire quelque chose de désagréable et d’utiliser une identité masquée en double d’une identité publique. Aucune remarque à propos de l’orthographe ou la façon d’écrire des membres. Toute expression est respectable.
5 Vente, recrutement, contenus émotionnellement sensibles ou dégradants
Publicité commerciale, recrutement, vente, diffusion d’images ou de films pornographiques ou d’horreur dans les discussions sont interdits.
6 Des contributions argumentées
Tout lien vers un site, un groupe ou une page externe doit être commenté par l’auteur pour justifier une ouverture de débat sur le sujet évoqué par le lien. On vérifiera avant de poster que le sujet proposé ne relève pas de la rumeur. Les liens vers les “pièges à clics” sont proscrits.
7 Débat politique ou religieux
Tout prosélytisme politique ou religieux est interdit : chacun a ses opinions, on ne peut risquer d’offenser les autres par ce type de sujet. Les messages de voeux associés à une fête traditionnelle peuvent être émis dans un post ouvert pour la circonstance. Ils s’adressent à l’ensemble du groupe.
8 Dénigrement et diffusion de fake news sur les méthodes utilisées
Il est interdit de dénigrer la méthode utilisée par d’autres pour arrêter son addiction. Chacun trouve son chemin.
9 Mesures prises en cas de violation des règles
Le non respect d’une ou plusieurs de ces règles entraine un “gel” immédiat et temporaire du compte du membre par la modération ou les administrateurs. A l’issue de cette procédure, le membre est réintégré ou exclu
submitted by Lesperlesdu15 to Ambulanciers [link] [comments]
