Clever birthday card things to write

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

2016.09.07 21:04 Krosskode Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam.

2013.01.12 19:27 Cut price work by redditors, for redditors

This is a place to find casual online work and get jobs done well below market rate. PayPal and Amazon gift cards are the most widely accepted payment methods, cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, LTC, etc.) can also be used.

2012.09.09 17:28 Officescreenwipes For those who would like to share their story.

At /anonymouspals you have an opportunity to penpal in an unique way: Send an email or letter to each other anonymously maybe once a week/fortnight.

2024.05.21 20:03 Training_Animal_339 27TF - Texas looking for long term/long distance relationship

Hi the one reading this post! My name is Dahani and this is my application to become your next gurlfriend!
Age: 27 Name: Dahani Profession: School Counselor Status: Single Hobbies: reading, writing, doing makeup, photography, gaming, cooking, and watching horror movies!
About me: I am a feminine individual who dresses and lives everyday dressed as a woman. The only reason why I don’t refer to myself as trans is because although I do present myself as a female, I feel like the label puts me in a box that I’ve never felt comfortable in. So I just say that I’m a cross dresser.
I am kind, loving, honest, an excellent communicator, a nerd, selfie connoisseur, and voice chat extraordinaire! And together we’d be the next best thing!
What I’m looking for: I’m looking for a nice man, at least within my age range and older who is kind, funny, motivated, easy to talk to, and can be located anywhere within the world. Dating is the long term goal but before that we must be friends and build a foundation.
I would like to build something amazing with someone. Be an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. Someone you can go to for advice or to vent to. I pride myself on being a cheerleader in the sense that if you need someone in your corner rooting for you then I’m your gal!
submitted by Training_Animal_339 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:03 MedicinerBr Writing animation (dynamic reading)

How do I add the gpt chat writing animation to the anki card? The lines of code he gives me don't work. I wanted it to appear one word at a time so I could read it as dynamic reading.
submitted by MedicinerBr to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:03 hanpotpi A stranger went out of their way to return my wallet

I’m a space cadet. My husband says I would lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my neck. I call myself a lose(dash)er because I’m not a “loser” I just lose things….
Anyways, I had been grocery shopping and going about my day. It was sunny, I was feeling productive, all around a great day. I get home and realize I left my wallet in the cart at the grocery store. Oops.
As I’m beginning the process of pausing my cards, we get a knock on the door. It was a man returning my wallet. He said he lived in the town right up the road (15 minutes away) and figured it wasn’t too far out of the way for him. We offered to give him some cash as a thanks, and he said to just be sure we pass it on.
Honest to god the kindest thing anyone has done for me.
submitted by hanpotpi to randomactsofkindness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:02 Xurisky Sharing page to bthday party invitees to check info and for everyone to RSVP

Hello, I've been using Notion for not so a long time,
I decided to organize my birthday party (tasting menu dinner) with a Notion page including all the information about it and using mainly a database for food allergies, invitees' name.. and a box check column for attendance confirmation.
The thing is I have to share the page link to 60+ people and them having the ability to check the attendance box for themselves, and possibly edit some text boxes.
Is this possible to do with the free plan or should I upgrade to the Plus membership?
submitted by Xurisky to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:02 ParticularLibrary618 [UPDATE 2] Am I wrong for ending a 20 year marraige because I learned my wife cheated on my while we were dating?

Original post: Update 1:
Hey all, this is likely the final update on this account as things have mostly resolved.
My wife and I have completed our divorce and everything is official. We had an uncontested, amicable divorce with minimal disagreements. Our lawyers worked together to create the plan through mediation and a judge signed off on it a few weeks ago. In the end, the actual divorce process was pretty straight forward. The only complication was that our 17 year old was adamant about my having custody because their relationship with my ex-wife has really fallen apart as a result of this.
Initially my wife dug in her heals and was ready to give up on the uncontested marraige, but my son pretty much told her she could choose between letting him have a break for a few months to process and rebuild, or force him to live with her until he turns 18 and risk never seeing him again. I felt this was a bit harsh, but my wife backed down and we moved foward with my having primary physical custody until my son's birthday later this yer. For my part, I have encouraged my son to be open to fixing things as the actions my ex took before he was born didn't change the 17 years she cared for and loved him. Fortunately, as the divorce moved forward he has been spending more time with my ex and I'm optimistic they will work through this.
In the end, we pretty much split our retirement and investments 50/50. For our house, my wife really liked the house and I didn't, so she kept the house and most of the furnishings and took out a mortgage to pay me back half of the equity and half of the estimated replacement value of the furniture. Pretty much all of our other stuff was either easy to split (my car and her car, my music gear and her hobbies, clothing, personal effects, etc) or we just agreed to sell it and split the resulting profit. Things were a bit easier for us because we had already documented most of our valuable items and electronics for an insurance rider we added to our home insurance a few years ago.
Things have been going well for me personally. Both of the kids spend most of their time at my place and we are still very close, which was my biggest fear in the divorce. I have a new house that I really love and I gave into the mid-life crisis urge and traded in my outdated minivan for a Lexus LC550. I even had a woman at work (not a close coworker) invite me out to a coffee date. While I was up front with her that I'm not ready to date just yet, she said she would be happy to take a rain check and would be happy to go out with me when I'm ready. I'm honestly thrilled because she's really smart, has a great sense of humor, and our positions at work are far enough apart that we don't really work directly with each other at all.
My ex and I are continuing to go through couples counseling together. We have transitioned into having closure on our marraige and making sure we maintain our relationship enough to be effective coparents. While these sessions have been great to help me process things and keep things as healthy/positive as possible given the circumstances, it has also reenforced that divorce was the right option. It's clear from some answers in the sessions that my wife immediately started dating once the divorce process started, so whatever love was there was clearly on the way out already. I'm pretty sure the coworker she was "just friends" with dropped her off at our recent session. The fact that it doesn't even really make me mad is a good sign that I was also probably done with the marraige.
In the end, it will take a long time for me to heal from the betrayal, but I feel like I'm making good progress and I can honestly say that the divorce was unquestionably the right decision. I've probably cried more in the last 4 months than I have in the last 20 years, but for the last month or so I fell genuinely good about myself for the first time in a long time. I'm enjoying having my own life, been busy getting my 17 year old ready for college in the fall and looking forward to a coffee date with a smart, funny woman in a month or two.
submitted by ParticularLibrary618 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:01 fearfullfarfall 2024-05-21

Fear and paranoia. Discomfort. Loneliness. Wrong place. Wrong time. I'm not sure what makes it all better. I live in my head. Thinking ahead to "what happens if I do this or that". Unable to think for myself and finding myself trusting people that maybe I shouldn't. Walking down paths that maybe I shouldn't. Its hard to know that you need to change and not know what specifically needs to change. I know I need to trust people. But I don't know who to trust anymore.
I don't remember the last time I shut down so hard as I have over the past several months. T is a problem. T is only trying to help. T needs help. We can't be two needy people together. C is a problem. C doesn't know how to help. Doesn't have the time to help. I can't do it alone. But I need help I can trust. How do I trust people after both these people have presented themselves as untrustworthy. I can't even trust myself.
There's the paranoia. I'm always looking over my shoulder. People are looking. What do they see? Did I make a mistake?
I don't have to care what other people think. It's what they do, what they can do to me, that I'm really concerned with.
Thank you T for waking me up. I now know that I need and deserve more. I can demand it if I need to. Fuck you T for making me think that you were my salvation also. I can't latch on to you for that. You have your own needs that for as much as I'd love to attend to... I cannot. That's not me.
Thank you C for loving me and accepting me. Thank you for wanting to be there for me. But fuck you for thinking it was enough. You have the best intentions. But you don't have the best practice. I need more than this.
Thank you to me for always striving to be a better version of myself. Thank you for realizing that this isn't the end but that we move through life and it's events. But fuck you for abandoning yourself to the whims of others. Don't let anyone else tell you who you are or what you should be doing. Don't let anyone make you feel less than adequate. You do you baby.
To my parents thank you for providing me with a roof over my head, food to eat, an education, all the birthdays and Christmases and family vacations. But fuck you for telling me to find something better to do with my time. Fuck you for telling me that I had to clean my plate. Fuck you for thinking that your way was the only way. Thank you for giving me a chance to find my own way.
Life is hard. Adulting is hard. People are always moving and doing things to make it harder. I am the only constant in my life. I can do hard things.
submitted by fearfullfarfall to u/fearfullfarfall [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:01 Outrageous-Till2753 Apology to my old self

Another post, this one is a bit different though. I sat down today, thought about my relationship with food, my body, myself really throughout my life. Because after Week 2 of “all in” recovery, I slowly see my love-handles and belly creeping back up, scared me at first, or still does but see below.
As a kid, even teenager I loved sweets, I’d oftentimes eat a lot of sweets and absolutely loved Sundays because those were the days when my family made pancakes for breakfast, I’d easily eat 8 or so pancakes and it was bliss for me as a child. During high school I had a phase where Cinammon Toast Crunch and KitKats were my favourite thing in the world, I always loved going to dinner with friends and family, loved helping my mother cook and loved school bake sales. The thing is, I also enjoyed many other things, enjoyed exercise, enjoyed grabbing beers with friends until the early morning, enjoyed video games and enjoyed travel.
Less than a year ago, I decided I felt a bit out of shape for my standards and wanted to lose a couple pounds again. Little bit more running, cutting back on the snacks and a bit more healthy food.
It turned into an addiction, an addiction that ruined all of these aspects of my life. An addiction that took the things I loved and destroyed them. Now, when I think of these things, nothing but food comes to mind. Or at least it used to. “How many calories are in x?” “What could I eat to stay within my limits?” “What game would be best to play so I don’t think about food/hunger?” It’s controlled all these aspects of my life.
I had for a short while “achieved” my absolute dream body. The one I thought I’d never have. The one I was always so slightly jealous of, the kind of body that you can see plastered on social media, on magazine covers and in movies, the body that was deemed fit and healthy. I was proud and it kept me going, trying to maintain this body. I got compliments, god did I feel confident, taking my shirt off at the beach was finally something I was looking forward to.
I also had no sex drive, my ass hurt when I sat down because there wasn’t enough fat there, I slept terribly, I had to pee every 20-30 minutes because I was chugging a gallon of water before every meal to not feel hungry. I felt invalid, because I was already eating at “maintenance” at that point, felt like nothing could be wrong because I wasn’t underweight. Felt like the dead look of my face was just something that came with being leaner than I was used to. I looked up to fitness influencers, even upped my calories to above maintenance, which still felt like a prison. I went to sleep thinking of all the things I’d eat the next day, just to pace myself at breakfast to save calories for dinner. I barely recognised myself, it felt like a stranger was controlling this body, my mind felt like it wasn’t mine anymore. It consumed me, maintaining this physique became the most important aspect of my life, a reason to cancel dates, cancel vacations, a reason to “keep going”, whatever the fuck that means.
So, sitting here, scared shitless because of the “all in” and the rapid weight gain. I want to apologise to the chubby version of myself that I guess I will inevitably return to.
I am sorry you didn’t love yourself. I am sorry you didn’t feel attractive enough. I am sorry for starving you. I am sorry for pushing through injuries and going to sleep hungry. I am sorry for not accepting our faults. I am sorry for pushing you way past what you felt comfortable with. I am sorry for masking this hell I created for us as discipline. I am sorry you didn’t enjoy your birthday dinner, sorry you couldn’t enjoy moms cooking without worrying about calories, sorry you couldn’t enjoy our last vacation because you had to run 10 kilometres to be able to eat to fullness at dinner, sorry for making you order that dumbass salad instead of the steak the next day to make up for potentially overeating. I am sorry for all the memories you missed out on because you wouldn’t let yourself have a drink. I am sorry for ever letting it get this far.
I hope for both of us, that once we get out of this shit show and food becomes normal again, that we can love our body and enjoy life to the fullest. And who knows, maybe future you can cut down on the Reese’s a tiny bit, or not, your call.
To anyone else struggling, or as I often do, feeling invalid, especially those folks without a diagnosis, those folks who aren’t underweight, those whose stories may be different, I feel you all and you’re all just as valid as anyone else. We all deserve to be free from this nightmare and to enjoy life without much worrying at all. I hope you’re all doing as well as possible and much love to this community from my end. I’m sure I’ll be right back here with another post asking for reaffirmation or reassurance. But for now, I just hope you enjoyed the read, just something I had to let off my chest.
submitted by Outrageous-Till2753 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:01 Gagethedinosaur Sleep paralysis or something darker? Please help

So here goes the craziest thing, that's ever Happened. Just now.. I've been sick with a bad sinus infection. So I took some medicine and went to sleep, but when I thought that I had woken up. I could move, but I couldn't. Now for a little backstory I've had sleep paralysis before and I've seen black shadows in the corner of my room quite a few times. But this... Man this I don't know what the f*** this was guys... There were no demons, no shadows, no anything at all. I was stuck in like a loop. I had my blanket over me and I could feel myself kicking them off and it seem like they were just never ending blankets I was trying to kick off. Like I said before I could move but it's like I was getting nowhere while I was doing it. To me it felt like I was wide awake, not even in sleep paralysis anymore. Right now I'm trying to find the right words to describe it. I started having a panic attack, and finally I used all my strength and flipped myself over off of my bed and fell onto the floor and finally had woken up. I woke up in such a haze, so out of it. And the crazy freaking thing it was only 15 minutes that I was asleep. But I felt like I was fighting it for an hour or so. Right now I'm writing this taking a shower trying to wake myself up and calm down. This was the most terrifying thing that I've ever experienced. It's like something didn't want me to wake up from it. It didn't feel like I was being held down for anything. Has anyone ever had anything like this ever happen?
submitted by Gagethedinosaur to Sleepparalysis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:01 B1gNFluffy New Player Multi Element Cards

I played back in Opus 6. I have been wanting to get back into the game the only thing I'm stumped on is how multi-element cards work. if I am playing a mono earth deck but want to run an earth lightning card, am I still able to play it even though I can only produce one of the element types?
submitted by B1gNFluffy to FinalFantasyTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:58 reepotomac2 Here's what I mean, the headlines mean nothing

OK I saw this on the side of the Kitco chart- "Gold prices rise on tariff threats and improved inflation outlook, silver sees increasing solar demand from India – Heraeus"
So..improved inflation outlook, lower inflation is making the gold price rise, according to this writer who needs to justify his/her existence by writing things. Do I need to explain further? Yeah I know, lower inflation means the fed can cut. But if gold went down, this writer would be saying gold went down because of lower inflation. Get it?
submitted by reepotomac2 to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:58 Gagethedinosaur Just had the most terrifying worst experience in my life HELP

So here goes the craziest thing, that's ever Happened. Just now.. I've been sick with a bad sinus infection. So I took some medicine and went to sleep, but when I thought that I had woken up. I could move, but I couldn't. Now for a little backstory I've had sleep paralysis before and I've seen black shadows in the corner of my room quite a few times. But this... Man this I don't know what the f*** this was guys... There were no demons, no shadows, no anything at all. I was stuck in like a loop. I had my blanket over me and I could feel myself kicking them off and it seem like they were just never ending blankets I was trying to kick off. Like I said before I could move but it's like I was getting nowhere while I was doing it. To me it felt like I was wide awake, not even in sleep paralysis anymore. Right now I'm trying to find the right words to describe it. I started having a panic attack, and finally I used all my strength and flipped myself over off of my bed and fell onto the floor and finally had woken up. I woke up in such a haze, so out of it. And the crazy freaking thing it was only 15 minutes that I was asleep. But I felt like I was fighting it for an hour or so. Right now I'm writing this taking a shower trying to wake myself up and calm down. This was the most terrifying thing that I've ever experienced. It's like something didn't want me to wake up from it. It didn't feel like I was being held down for anything. Has anyone ever had anything like this ever happen?
submitted by Gagethedinosaur to SleepParalysisStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:58 Over_Attention3301 Severe TBI neurofatigue

First off, im a former OEF/OIF USMC combat infantry veteran. I was t boned by a semi in 2007 and was in a coma for a month, the hospital for 2 months and brain injury for 6 months. To make a long story short, in my first marriage I was able to do yard work, work part time jobs, and various honey-do things. Obviously within reason but I did my best. I also play drums and have been a drummer since ‘96. I would dabble but nothing serious because of a few physical issues from the accident. Fast forward to about 2020-2022 or so, I developed neurofatigue and started dragging really bad. I would try to jam with people and helping write music just exhausted me. There was and is absolutely no way I can work part time because some days are good and some are bad. I wake up and am okay for maybe an hour and then dragging sets in. I take adderall and wouldn’t be able to do anything without it. I do jiujitsu but if I don’t have adderall, I don’t go. I cant go to band practice if I don’t have adderall. I’m scared when we start playing shows that I will deal with neuro fatigue. I don’t want to rely on stimulants to function. What can I do to help overcome this? It’s absolutely miserable. Please help!!
submitted by Over_Attention3301 to TBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:57 Training_Animal_339 27 [T4M] Texas - looking for long term/long distance relationship

Hi the one reading this post! My name is Dahani and this is my application to become your next gurlfriend!
Age: 27 Name: Dahani Profession: School Counselor Status: Single Hobbies: reading, writing, doing makeup, photography, gaming, cooking, and watching horror movies!
About me: I am a feminine individual who dresses and lives everyday dressed as a woman. The only reason why I don’t refer to myself as trans is because although I do present myself as a female, I feel like the label puts me in a box that I’ve never felt comfortable in. So I just say that I’m a cross dresser.
I am kind, loving, honest, an excellent communicator, a nerd, selfie connoisseur, and voice chat extraordinaire! And together we’d be the next best thing!
What I’m looking for: I’m looking for a nice man, at least within my age range and older who is kind, funny, motivated, easy to talk to, and can be located anywhere within the world. Dating is the long term goal but before that we must be friends and build a foundation.
I would like to build something amazing with someone. Be an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. Someone you can go to for advice or to vent to. I pride myself on being a cheerleader in the sense that if you need someone in your corner rooting for you then I’m your gal!
submitted by Training_Animal_339 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:57 ilikegoldfishnsnakes 17m Hey there fellow people, I am from Germany and I would like to get to know some people

Hi there I am 17 years old and from Germany thus my time zone is whatever time zone germany has yay!
I will give you a list of my interests and I hope some of yours match mine, we can discuss your and my interests in more detail while talking later!
My interests include but are not limited to: - Guitar and music - Reading and writing short stories and poems - Physics and maths - Chess - Learning new things :D - Travelling via train
A bit of my music taste: - Beatles - RHCP - Queen - Nirvana - Hozier
Hope to talk to you!
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:56 Yurii_S_Kh A conversation about the bread of heaven

A conversation about the bread of heaven
Christ is risen, dear brothers and sisters! Today, on the Feast Day of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, two Gospel passages are read during the divine service, among which is the ordinary reading from the Gospel of John (John 6: 27-33).
27 Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
30 They said therefore unto him, What sign showest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?
31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.
Continuing His speech to the Jews, the Savior urges them to think not of corruptible food, which the man who does not know God seeks to satiate himself with, but of that which remains eternally and serves for spiritual satiation.
Euthymius Zigabenus notes: “He did not forbid the care of bodily food, which is necessary, but preferred the care of spiritual food, which is even more necessary, and exhorted to regard the care of spiritual food as the most essential, and the care of bodily food as secondary.”
The Jews were convinced that a man who led a virtuous life could earn God's favor. Therefore, expecting to hear from the Savior a list of things to be done, they asked: “What shall we do to do the works of God?” (John 6, 28).
From these words it becomes clear that those who asked could not realize the main thing for the sake of which Christ came into the world, and therefore they asked about that which is not directly related to the Kingdom of God.
Alexander Lopukhin writes: “In response to this, Christ tells them that only one thing is necessary for this - belief in Christ as the dispenser of heavenly blessings sent from God. They must give their hearts wholly to Christ, abandoning their sinful desires, their selfish endeavors, and submitting to the revealed will of God in Christ.”
To this they said to Him, “What sign do You give that we may see and believe You, what are You doing?" (Jn. 6, 30).
Indeed, miracles were not enough for the Jews. They wanted more, because they expected the Messiah to fulfill their earthly desires.
Archbishop Averky (Taushev) remarks: “Here is a proof of how unreliable miracles-based faith is: it demands more and more miracles. And the Jews are no longer satisfied with the fact that Christ fed five thousand people with five loaves, but demand a greater miracle, something like the manna of heaven sent to them during the forty years' wandering in the desert.”
In essence, the Jews were still thinking about satiating the multitudes, and their thoughts inevitably turned to the manna of heaven in the wilderness. They always looked upon the manna of heaven as the bread of God, and the rabbis firmly believed that when the Messiah appeared, He would again feed the people with manna. The feeding of Israel with manna was considered the greatest work of Moses, and the Messiah was to surpass Moses.
But Christ expressly avoided any proof of His Messianic dignity: He wanted the Jews to see Him as the founder of a spiritual, heavenly kingdom, and the giver of eternal life. Therefore the Lord answered them, “Moses did not give you bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world (John 6: 32-33).
Blessed Theophylact explains that with these words the Savior wanted to say: “It was not Moses who gave you this bread, that is, Moses did not give you the true bread, but everything that was then served as an image of what is being done now. Thus Moses represented the image of God, the true Leader of the mental Israelites, and this bread represented me, who came down from heaven, who truly nourishes and truly exists... As the bread of the earth sustains the weak nature of the flesh and does not allow it to decay, so Christ, through the work of the Spirit, revives the soul, and even the body itself is kept incorruptible. For by Christ it has been granted to the human nature to rise from the dead and to make the body incorruptible.”
We, dear brothers and sisters, should remember that Christ is the Bread that nourishes the soul and gives life to the world. Only the Savior is granted the fullness of authority in the work of the union of God and man. Therefore, man cannot do without the spiritual food that gives eternal life, that is, without Christ Himself. All those whom the Lord nourishes with His pure body and blood can taste this spiritual food.
Thus, the Savior not only opens to those who believe the possibility of abiding in the presence of God, but also grants union with Him in the sacrament of the Eucharist, and thus opens the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven for everyone who seeks it and wishes to enter it.
Help us in this, risen Lord!
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:56 FaithlessnessBest845 help me find my next Euro! (feat: Architects of the West Kingdom)

help me find my next Euro! (feat: Architects of the West Kingdom)
picture: [[Architects of the West Kingdom]] solo finished game. I’m yellow, AI is red. the virtue track is up the left side of the board. the prison is the top right. middle is mostly spots to collect resources. far right is the player boards with buildings and hired shady folks.
notes: The AI is very easy to run- you flip from its deck of cards and follow the instructions on where to place workers and what actions to take.
I’m about 6 months into the hobby and still discovering what mechanics I enjoy. I got this game because the art was recommended on my previous post. I had no idea what to expect. But wow! I am enjoying this game so much!!
I am fuzzy on understanding what games count as Euros but my experience so far:
[[Agricola]] on BGA- did not enjoy the small amount of turns and feeling punished (I don’t build in the exact right order so my people starve)
[[Hadrians Wall]] on BGA- I only understand about half of the categories but I’ve still played a couple dozen games and I love the combo thing. (I use a brick to build the wall which gives me a bonus yellow worker. i use that worker on a track that gives me points on a theme track which gives me a bonus worker.)
[[Earth]] this is a favorite both solo and with my wife. (I water my plants which lets me run the special powers on my other plants and they all bounce off each other.)
[[Revive]] I played this one 9 times in the first week! Super enjoyable gameplay and very different from anything else I’ve played. (I draft little machine parts that fit into my player board to give my cards extra powers.)
[[Bitoku]] I got this one for the amazing art but man the rule book is badly written and so thematic with language that even simple common things seem made complicated. (why not just call it an X token?)
[[Legacy of Yu]] this one is hard! the barbarians overrun me way too often! I generally like the game tho so I might house rule the max number of Barbarians per round so I feel like it’s Possible to win!
So help me find my next “Euro” game!
I’d like to try something “heavier” than Architects/ the games listed above. I prefer the flip a deck AI OR beat my own score over complex AI action trees. I don’t want to be challenged as much as I want to be entertained. Games that take a long time to get the hang of are not a good fit. I have a dedicated medium size table that can be left out. I don’t love combat but if it’s a minor element, that’s ok
Ideas and suggestions?
submitted by FaithlessnessBest845 to soloboardgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:56 Brief_March_4519 What’s an acceptable age gap?

I[27m] recently started dating again. Really clicked with this girl I met on tinder and we’ve been on a few dates. Yesterday was her birthday and that’s when she confessed to me that she isn’t actually 25 and was just turning 23. I’m considering cutting things off from the lying, but now I’m concern that I’ve been with a 22 yo for the last 2 weeks or so. 5 years seems like a huge gap.
submitted by Brief_March_4519 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:56 hmmm1501 Do I (23F) have relationship OCD?

Hi everyone,
I met my boyfriend (25M) 3 months ago and had our first date in the beginning of February. We were set up on a blind date by his coworker (23F). When I initially met him I was really off put by his appearance (30 lbs overweight) and didn’t think we were in the same league physically. We work similar jobs in finance but my main concern had to do with his woodpecker laugh and that he spoke way too loudly for the speakeasy we were in. I got embarrassed and turned red multiple times but he never got the hint. I got belligerently drunk during the first date so I could sit through it and then he kissed me in the elevator and I got a fluttery feeling in my heart that it was good but my brain my telling me this wasn’t great.
Fast forward to March and he started moving things really quickly- introduced me to all of his friends but it was awkward because he kept calling me his “girl” and not his girlfriend. At that point we had been together for over a month and I got frustrated that he was marching me around like arm candy and hadn’t put a label on the relationship. He got frustrated with me and we got into a screaming match in a uber which resulted in us dating.
I had been thinking about breaking up with him in early April but then he did something really nice for my birthday and decided to keep giving him a chance. Fast forward to today, I met his mom already which was super quick and he planned all these trips for us to go on which I booked flights for. I woke him up this morning and talked through my doubts I realized this morning:
  1. I don’t miss him when i’m away from him and don’t yearn for him
  2. there’s no lust in the relationship
  3. I don’t text him first or really think about him during the day
I feel really bad about sitting him down and expressing my feelings- he asked if something happened or if he gave me an ick in a certain way. He has definitely given me icks from certain things he’s done. I enjoy his personality and who he is, I’m just not physically attracted to him and feel like I could do a lot better and find a partner I have lust/passion for.
Do I have relationship OCD?
‘TL:DR’ - I am having doubts about my relationship because I find my partner physically unattractive.
submitted by hmmm1501 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:55 SuccessfulManifests Seeking advice on transitioning to a coding career and avoid being socially awkward

I caught up with a friend at a family friend's birthday party, and he shared with me his success story about getting into coding and making a six-figure income. The loud music at the party made it hard to hear everything, but he and his brother claimed to earn between $108,000 to $118,000 annually. As a political science major, I was initially skeptical about transitioning to a coding career.
But my friend mentioned that he came from an art background in computer animation, which gave me hope as he noted that employers might appreciate diverse backgrounds. But at the same time I'm wondering if they were attracted to him cuz he already had a background in computer work.
I've arranged to meet him for dinner tomorrow to learn more about coding. He mentioned that it took him about 8 months to study and learn enough to start his career. I want to take notes during our conversation to remember all the important details, but I'm concerned about bringing a notebook to the restaurant. It might come off as awkward.
I realized that I will probably forget a lot of what he says if I don't take notes, so I'm considering bringing a notebook. However, I'm worried about being socially awkward. He already knows that I want to meet with him to discuss coding, and he agreed to meet.
Do you have any alternative suggestions to taking notes during our discussion without making things awkward? I want to make the most of this opportunity to learn from him and kickstart my coding journey. And do you think I have a chance with my background/degree?
Looking forward to your insights and advice!
submitted by SuccessfulManifests to SeriousConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:54 SuccessfulManifests Seeking advice on transitioning to a coding career

I caught up with a friend at a family friend's birthday party, and he shared with me his success story about getting into coding and making a six-figure income. The loud music at the party made it hard to hear everything, but he and his brother claimed to earn between $108,000 to $118,000 annually. As a political science major, I was initially skeptical about transitioning to a coding career.
But my friend mentioned that he came from an art background in computer animation, which gave me hope as he noted that employers might appreciate diverse backgrounds. But at the same time I'm wondering if they were attracted to him cuz he already had a background in computer work.
I've arranged to meet him for dinner tomorrow to learn more about coding. He mentioned that it took him about 8 months to study and learn enough to start his career. I want to take notes during our conversation to remember all the important details, but I'm concerned about bringing a notebook to the restaurant. It might come off as awkward.
I realized that I will probably forget a lot of what he says if I don't take notes, so I'm considering bringing a notebook. However, I'm worried about being socially awkward. He already knows that I want to meet with him to discuss coding, and he agreed to meet.
Do you have any alternative suggestions to taking notes during our discussion without making things awkward? I want to make the most of this opportunity to learn from him and kickstart my coding journey. And do you think I have a chance with my background/degree?
Looking forward to your insights and advice!
submitted by SuccessfulManifests to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:54 Unsolved_Virginity We Need Micro SD Card Slots Back

SD card slot is very important for people that have used samsung for a long time.
  1. Immediate access to your files.
  2. No internet required.
  3. Hot swappable.
  4. Will not need a new phone if storage fails.
  5. No reliance on a 3rd party to keep the cloud storage running.
  6. No monthly subscription to access your files.
  7. No password needed.
  8. No one can hack into your SD storage and leak it's files on the web.
  9. Micro SD cards are more readily available than USB C Card readers or drives.
To the people saying SD cards are slower, I question wether they believe what they are saying. I know a lot of social media influencers say that, but I don't trust their opinion now and days, since it benefits their channel to only speak of good things about company decisions and not be critical. Those influencers opinions then trickle to the average consumer minds, gaslighting them to believe SD cards are inferior to the monthly subscription cloud storage.
On a more factual rebuttal, the speed of an SD card, to the phones internal storage, to the cloud storage is highly variable and not definitive. I switched to internal storage on my Note 20 Ultra, and compared it to my SD card. The difference was honestly unnoticeable. I don't believe there is any difference at all. I use samsung top tier sd card, btw.
This next part is my opinion;
I believe samsung is ditching the SD card to increase the sales in customers buying more expensive versions of their already expensive flagship phones. A 256 GB S24 ultra costs $1,299 USD, and a 1 TB S24 Ultra costs 1,659 USD. That's a $360 price difference.
Lets look at Micro SD card price points. A 256 GB Pro Plus (Top Tier) SD Card costs $30 USD. And a 1 TB San Disk Ultra Extreme Pro (Top Tier) costs $121 USD. That's a $91 difference.
Samsung is making $269 in profit per person by making fixed storage options if people opt for the 1 TB option, delivering the same quality storage as an SD card.
And the cloud storage being a monthly subscription keeps a steady revenue for Samsung. Samsung has their tracks covered to have customers pay more and keep paying for a feature that didn't need to be improved. Why not have fixed storage, Micro SD and Cloud storage as an option?
I believe this is a money scheme because they did the same thing for the headphone jack to boost their bluetooth lineup.
The Micro SD Card is far superior to consumers in terms of cost, reliability, ease of use, portability, compatibility, and adaptability. But no one is up in arms to AT LEAST have it as an option with the other storages.
The biggest issue is that people either don't care, or don't know what they can do to stop it, or Samsung is doing it either way because maybe the revenue has increased and Samsung feels there's no need to stop now.
submitted by Unsolved_Virginity to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:54 IcyTooth7644 Which Zodiac Signs Do you Love See Commenting in this Section?

For me it's basically all of the Air Signs they all seem exceptionally intelligent but the things that stand out the most are
LIBRA - I notice a lot of their posts bring the comic relief in the section their sassy charismatic personalities really show through or they're posting thought provoking posts and telling it like it is. I love their sense of humor!
GEMINI - Usually have witty clever comments
AQUARIUS - Honest posts telling you exactly how things are or how things are with them. I feel like this section gives Aquarius a chance to really open up because in person I don't think they would be as courageous to be that much of an open book
TAURUS - Deep but lighthearted
submitted by IcyTooth7644 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]