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34[M4F] - Just looking for someone to take on picnics during Sundays #Online

2024.05.19 17:50 Straw_hat89 34[M4F] - Just looking for someone to take on picnics during Sundays #Online

Hello there,
How's your weekend going so far? Well, I hope things are going fantastic for you either by doing all the activities that make you happy or simply by just relaxing at home, and being lazy, because why not, right? We all deserve to be lazy from time to time (or maybe more often haha). But don't neglect the classic Sunday cleaning, and laundry, ok?
About me:
Ok ,let's start by putting a name and a face to whoever is writing this: My name is Miguel, and I'm just a 34 years old guy enjoying a peaceful, and simple life in a small town in Mexico. Here are a few pics because I know that for some people physical attraction is important. But keep in mind that those pics are all good angles and lightning, so maybe I'll have to send you a selfie after just waking up to show you my reality haha.
In terms of personality people describe me, primarily, as a really chatty, goofy, and curious person. But also as caring, supportive, empathic, and attentive. I value honesty, good communication, respect, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. So I'd love to find someone who's in the same channel because I'd love to receive what I can provide.
I consider myself a homebody type of person: I love to spend plenty of time at home watching Netflix, baseball games, interesting (they are random but I prefer to call them that) YT videos, sometimes listening to music, and I have been getting into reading recently (It helps me to sleep better). When I'm not at home I like to go for walks around town or spending time at the plaza or the park. On rare occasions I go to the city either to go to the movies, a baseball game, or just to buy clothes.
I have been slowly getting back into working out after some time dealing with injuries, so I'm taking things slowly, and being mindful about my body. Important to mention I workout at home, so if you into that we can maybe be gym buddies. Another thing I'm getting back into it is learning new languages. On top of Spanish and English, I also speak Portuguese, a bit of French, and I'm currently starting with Norwegian (people say it's easy so why not).
Last but not least, animals are a really important part of my life, especially dogs, and even when I don't have pets of my own just yet, my family and I, we take care of a couple of stray dogs, and one feral cat (I'm pretty sure my parents love them more than they love me). So cute dog and cat pictures are always on the menu.
I hope the post is not too long, but I really wanted to share some random facts about myself just to make you laugh and learn a bit more about me.
submitted by Straw_hat89 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:28 greentomater Refrigerators: choosing one and could LG be incentivizing vendors to sell counter depth max?

My 20+ year old GE Profile, counter-depth side-by-side fridge is near EOL. I can't find mainboard parts anymore as a backup, and the exterior wateice smells awful even after a full disinfection and teardown in 2022, so I am preemptively looking to replace it. Now in paralysis by analysis.
I've read as many threads here, watched the recommended videos, scoured reviews on box-store websites, and gone to 5 local appliance vendors here on the west coast of the US.
All fridges today seem to suck, ugh. The "french door" style seems very handy, I don't like the bin-style for freezer but I think I can live with it. Down to these in no particular order:
If this was my forever-home, then I'd get a liebherr or miele.
I am capable of doing my own repairs, have done a full teardown of my current fridge a couple types with deep cleaning.
Each of the local appliance vendors were pushing LG refrigerators very heavily (especially for my intended use). Then, places like Yale appliance blog even state they have the lowest calls as a % of units sold.
This makes me suspicious that perhaps LG is offering incentives to the salesfolks to peddle their fridges.. given their 2019 class action lawsuit, and the new attempted one earlier this year in 2024, and all the various threads here asking about status of the compressor.
Thoughts? Mine is: UGH.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by greentomater to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:26 BamboTacos 34M - Loner guy now looking for some online friends to chat through the day.

Hello there, I hope you're enjoying of an amazing weekend doing everything you like, resting or just being lazy because why not, right? Oh, but don't forget to do the classic Sunday cleaning and laundry 😆. In my case I'm done with that so now I'm enjoying my classic One Piece Sunday episode.
My name is Miguel, I'm a 34 years old (few pics) enjoying a simple and peaceful life in a tiny City in Mexico. I'd love to make some online friends, so we can talk about our day, share funny memes or just talking about random stuff.
I don't want to go with the classic introduction, I prefer to do something different just to make things more interesting hoping that catches your attention.
Random things about me:
submitted by BamboTacos to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:34 Smooth_Preparation39 PC pra escritório

Salve meus nobres!
Seguinte, eu sou advogado e uso um Acer Aspire com um Ryzen 3 (ssd 500gb, 8 de RAM).
O problema é que esse notebook não está dando conta de rodar word, navegador e YouTube (parece inacreditável).
Então quero montar um PC para eu trabalhar sem ter problemas com travamento e com a finalidade específica de poder abrir várias pastas do Windows, vários arquivos, várias abas no navegador, tudo ao mesmo tempo, sem que o PC engasgue.
Não tenho intenção em utilizar o PC pra jogos, pois já tenho um PS5 para isso. Porém, penso em criar conteúdo pra internet (vídeos “simples” sobre advocacia) em futuro um pouco distante.
Sendo assim, peço ajuda de vocês de indicações de um setup que atenda minhas necessidades com um orçamento de até R$3.000,00 (apenas gabinete e suas peças, monitor e teclado eu não preciso).
Por favor, me ajudem 🙏
submitted by Smooth_Preparation39 to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:50 PersonalityBig7994 ayuda. No recuerdo como se llamaba una serie que vi de pequeño

No recuerdo mucho de la serie asi que os dare todos los detalles que pueda y a ver que sale
es una serie que se emitio en clan
trata de unos chavales que usan unas cartas para convertirse en monstruos y luchar
uno de los monstruos( el de la chica del trio protagonico) tiene un monstruo rojo redondo y que vuela(parece un fantasma)
el prota tiene un monstruo de 2 patas de color blanco. Era como la armadura de un caballero.
Su padre tenia uno igual pero de color dorado
Creo que la serie trataba de bucar al padre del prota
Uno de los episodios que recuerdo era en una zona en ruinas . Todo muy gris
que yo recuerde la serie no era japonesa
Eso es todo lo que recuerdo. Ojala recordar mas cosas y asi poder ayudar
submitted by PersonalityBig7994 to LostMediaEsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:11 WarInfinite712 10.swords

🎰🎲✨ ¡Obtén 500 euros y 200 giros gratis para jugar juegos de casino con solo un clic! ✨🎲🎰
Espadas de colección
Las espadas de colección son objetos fascinantes que atraen a coleccionistas de todo el mundo. Estas armas históricas tienen una belleza y un encanto únicos que las convierten en piezas muy apreciadas por los amantes de la historia y el arte.
Las espadas de colección pueden tener diferentes orígenes y estilos, desde las espadas medievales europeas hasta las katanas japonesas. Cada una de ellas cuenta con detalles únicos que reflejan la época y la cultura a la que pertenecen, lo que las convierte en verdaderas obras de arte.
Muchas personas se dedican a coleccionar espadas por su valor histórico y estético, pero también por el placer de investigar sobre su procedencia y conocer las historias que encierran. Estas espadas pueden ser adquiridas en tiendas especializadas, subastas o ferias de antigüedades, donde los coleccionistas pueden encontrar piezas únicas y exclusivas.
Además de su valor como objetos de colección, las espadas también pueden tener un significado simbólico para quienes las poseen. Algunas personas las utilizan como elementos decorativos en sus hogares, mientras que otras las consideran amuletos de protección o símbolos de poder y honor.
En resumen, las espadas de colección son mucho más que simples armas antiguas, son piezas cargadas de historia, cultura y valor artístico que cautivan a quienes las aprecian y coleccionan.
Tipos de espadas
Las espadas han sido armas icónicas a lo largo de la historia, utilizadas por guerreros, caballeros y samuráis en diferentes culturas de todo el mundo. Existen diversos tipos de espadas, cada una con su diseño único y propósito específico.
Una de las espadas más conocidas es la espada recta, también llamada espada de hoja recta. Este tipo de espada se caracteriza por tener una hoja recta que facilita los golpes precisos y certeros. Por otro lado, la espada curva, como la katana japonesa, se diseña para cortar con mayor efectividad debido a su forma curva que aumenta la fuerza del corte.
Otro tipo de espada popular es la espada de mano y media, que combina las características de una espada larga y una espada corta, permitiendo al portador utilizarla con una o ambas manos según la situación de combate. Además, la espada ropera se destaca por su esbelto diseño y su uso más enfocado en la esgrima y el duelismo.
En el mundo medieval europeo, la espada de escudero era utilizada por los caballeros jóvenes en entrenamiento, mientras que la espada larga era preferida por los caballeros experimentados en batalla.
En resumen, los diferentes tipos de espadas han jugado un papel crucial en la historia de la humanidad, siendo no solo armas de combate, sino también símbolos de honor, valentía y destreza.
Historia de las espadas
Las espadas han sido un elemento icónico a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, desempeñando un papel crucial en guerras, duelos y ceremonias. Su evolución se remonta a la Edad de Bronce, cuando las primeras espadas fueron creadas a partir de este material. Con el tiempo, las técnicas de forja se perfeccionaron y se comenzaron a utilizar metales más resistentes, como el hierro, para fabricar espadas más duraderas y afiladas.
Una de las épocas más destacadas en la historia de las espadas es la Edad Media, donde estas armas se convirtieron en símbolos de poder y prestigio. Los caballeros las portaban con orgullo, demostrando su habilidad en el combate y su valentía en el campo de batalla. Las espadas también adquirieron un significado simbólico en la sociedad medieval, representando honor, lealtad y justicia.
Durante el Renacimiento, la técnica de la espada europea alcanzó su punto álgido con la creación de espadas decorativas y ricamente ornamentadas. Estas espadas se convirtieron en verdaderas obras de arte, exhibiendo intrincados grabados y empuñaduras elaboradas.
Con la llegada de la era moderna, las espadas perdieron su relevancia en el campo de batalla, siendo reemplazadas por armas de fuego más eficaces. Sin embargo, su legado perdura en la cultura popular, siendo protagonistas de numerosas leyendas, películas y obras literarias que mantienen viva la fascinación por estas emblemáticas armas.
En conclusión, la historia de las espadas es un reflejo de la evolución de la sociedad y la tecnología a lo largo de los siglos, demostrando su importancia tanto en el ámbito militar como en el cultural. Su influencia perdura en la actualidad, recordándonos su valor como símbolos de poder, honor y tradición.
Espadas famosas
Las espadas famosas han sido parte de la historia y la cultura durante siglos, capturando la imaginación de personas en todo el mundo. Desde espadas legendarias de la mitología hasta espadas icónicas utilizadas por héroes y villanos en la literatura y el cine, estas armas han dejado una huella indeleble en la sociedad.
Una de las espadas más famosas es Excalibur, la legendaria espada del Rey Arturo de la mitología británica. Se dice que solo el verdadero rey podía sacar la espada de la roca, demostrando así su derecho al trono. Excalibur simboliza la nobleza y el poder del líder legítimo.
Otra espada icónica es la Tizona, la espada del Cid Campeador, un héroe español medieval. Conocida por su destreza en combate, la Tizona representa el coraje y la fuerza en la lucha contra la injusticia.
En el ámbito de la ficción, la espada de Gryffindor de la saga de Harry Potter es reconocida por su capacidad para aparecer en momentos de necesidad y solo permitir que un verdadero valiente la posea. Esta espada mágica encarna la valentía y la lealtad en la batalla contra las fuerzas oscuras.
Ya sea en las leyendas antiguas o en las historias contemporáneas, las espadas famosas continúan fascinando a las personas de todas las edades, recordándonos la importancia del honor, la valentía y la determinación en nuestras propias vidas. ¡Las espadas famosas siempre se mantendrán como símbolos poderosos de la historia y la cultura!
Cuidado y mantenimiento de espadas
El cuidado y mantenimiento de las espadas es crucial para garantizar su durabilidad y funcionalidad a lo largo del tiempo. Ya sea que seas un coleccionista, un practicante de artes marciales o un entusiasta de la historia, es importante seguir ciertos pasos para mantener tus espadas en óptimas condiciones.
En primer lugar, es fundamental limpiar la espada después de cada uso. Utiliza un paño suave y seco para eliminar cualquier residuo de suciedad o sudor que pueda haber quedado en la hoja. Evita el contacto con productos químicos agresivos que puedan dañar el metal.
Además, es recomendable aplicar regularmente una capa delgada de aceite protector en la hoja para prevenir la oxidación. Existen aceites especiales diseñados para este fin que ayudarán a mantener el brillo y la integridad de la espada.
Asimismo, es importante almacenar la espada en un lugar seco y bien ventilado para evitar la acumulación de humedad, que puede provocar daños irreparables en el metal. Utiliza fundas o soportes especiales para espadas para mantenerlas seguras y protegidas cuando no estén en uso.
Por último, si la espada presenta algún daño o desgaste significativo, es recomendable acudir a un profesional para su reparación. No intentes arreglarla tú mismo si no tienes la experiencia o las herramientas adecuadas, ya que podrías empeorar la situación.
Siguiendo estos consejos de cuidado y mantenimiento, podrás disfrutar de tus espadas durante muchos años y conservarlas en óptimas condiciones para su uso y exhibición.
submitted by WarInfinite712 to u/WarInfinite712 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:24 Applenosol SHŌGUN ZZ Podcast 05x38

SHŌGUN ZZ Podcast 05x38
Un Shōgun es un Comandante de los ejércitos japoneses. Recientemente hemos podido ver una serie de nombre Shōgun y me ha parecido interesante sumergirnos en la historia de Japón para ampliar los conocimientos de aquellas épocas de aquél país. Bien para profundizar en la serie o ampliar los conceptos que en la serie se nos dan, o bien para, simplemente conocer la sociedad oriental de aquellos míticos años.
El Shōgun en la Historia de Japón
El término "shōgun" tiene sus raíces en la historia japonesa y se refiere a un título que era otorgado al comandante militar supremo del país. El shōgun era el líder del gobierno militar y ejercía un poder considerable, a menudo superior al del propio emperador, quien se mantenía como una figura simbólica y religiosa. Este sistema de gobierno, conocido como shogunato, se mantuvo durante varios siglos y fue un pilar fundamental en la estructura feudal de Japón.
El origen del shogunato se remonta al siglo XII, con Minamoto no Yoritomo estableciendo el primer shogunato Kamakura en 1192. Este evento marcó el comienzo de un sistema feudal en el que el shōgun no solo era el líder militar sino también el gobernante de facto del país. Durante este tiempo, el emperador delegaba la autoridad civil, militar, diplomática y judicial al shōgun, quien gobernaba en su nombre.
A lo largo de la historia de Japón, existieron tres shogunatos principales: el shogunato Kamakura, el shogunato Ashikaga y el shogunato Tokugawa. El shogunato Tokugawa, establecido por Tokugawa Ieyasu en 1603, fue el más duradero y marcó el final del período medieval japonés. Este período se caracterizó por un gobierno centralizado y políticas de aislamiento respecto al resto del mundo, con el shōgun controlando el país mediante la lealtad de los daimyō (señores feudales) y un ejército propio.
La posición del shōgun estaba en la cúspide de la jerarquía social y política, ejerciendo un control absoluto sobre el país. A cambio de su lealtad y servicio militar, los vasallos recibían tierras y privilegios, creando una relación feudal entre señor y vasallo que era la base del poder del shōgun.
La Restauración Meiji en 1868 fue un punto de inflexión en la historia japonesa, donde el emperador Meiji retomó su papel protagonista en la política del país y la figura del shōgun fue abolida. Este cambio transformó a Japón de un estado feudal a una nación moderna, dejando un legado significativo que aún hoy se puede apreciar en la cultura y sociedad japonesas.
El shogunato en Japón fue, por tanto, más que un simple título o una figura militar; fue un sistema de gobierno que definió la estructura política, social y cultural de Japón durante siglos. Su influencia se extendió más allá de las fronteras del país, y su legado continúa siendo un tema de estudio e interés para historiadores y entusiastas de la cultura japonesa.

adaptación #análisis #ciencia #cosmología #crítica #cultura #errores #fallout #historia #japón #reseña #serie #shōgun #sociedad #universo #vino #podcast #ZZPodcast

submitted by Applenosol to ZZPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 Ok_Cream_7630 Arma natural

Minha dúvida e simples e talvez boba,mas se eu tiver o armamento kallynach e pegar cauda por exemplo e tiver o poder divino presas primordiais,eu teria o meu ataque padrão+o do armamento+o das presas, ou seja, 3 ataques?
submitted by Ok_Cream_7630 to Tormenta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:45 TreeTalesHub The Ultimate Guide to the Cardboard Palm Tree

When you think of a lush, tropical vibe for your home or garden, the Cardboard Palm tree might not be the first plant that comes to mind. However, this resilient and visually striking plant can be a fantastic addition to your green space. In this blog post, we will delve into everything you need to know about the Cardboard Palm tree, from its origin to its care requirements.
The Cardboard Palm (Zamia furfuracea) is a unique, low-maintenance plant known for its thick, cardboard-like leaves and compact size, making it perfect for indoor and outdoor settings. Originating from Mexico, this ancient cycad thrives in bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It requires minimal watering and is highly drought-tolerant, making it ideal for busy plant owners. With moderate fertilizing during the growing season and occasional pruning of dead leaves, the Cardboard Palm can flourish, adding a touch of tropical elegance to your space while also purifying the air.

What is a Cardboard Palm Tree?

The Cardboard Palm, scientifically known as Zamia furfuracea, is not a true palm but a cycad. Cycads are ancient plants that have existed since the age of dinosaurs. Originating from Mexico, the Cardboard Palm is renowned for its thick, cardboard-like leaves, which give it a unique texture and appearance.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Cardboard Palm tree stands out with its leathery, stiff, and pinnate leaves. These leaves grow in a rosette pattern, emerging from a short, stout trunk. The leaves are dark green and can grow up to 3 feet long, making the plant an attractive focal point in any setting.

Key Features:

Planting and Care Guide

Ideal Growing Conditions

To keep your Cardboard Palm thriving, mimic its natural habitat. Here's what you need to know:


The Cardboard Palm prefers bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can scorch its leaves. If you're growing it indoors, place it near a window with filtered light.


Well-draining soil is crucial. A cactus or succulent mix works well, as it prevents water from sitting at the roots, which can cause rot.


One of the best things about the Cardboard Palm is its drought tolerance. Water the plant thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can be more harmful than underwatering.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant loves warm temperatures ranging from 65°F to 75°F. It's not frost-tolerant, so if you live in a cooler climate, ensure it's protected during the winter months. Moderate humidity is ideal, but the Cardboard Palm can adapt to lower levels.


Feed your Cardboard Palm with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). This helps maintain its vibrant green color and promotes healthy growth.


The Cardboard Palm requires minimal pruning. Remove any yellow or dead leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and to prevent disease.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves can be a sign of overwatering. Check the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.


The Cardboard Palm is relatively pest-resistant but can occasionally attract scale insects or mealybugs. To keep pests at bay, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or use insecticidal soap.

Root Rot

To avoid root rot, ensure your plant is in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering. If you notice a foul smell or mushy roots, you may need to repot the plant in fresh soil.


Propagating the Cardboard Palm is relatively straightforward. It can be done by separating offsets, also known as pups, that grow at the base of the plant. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:
  1. Remove the pup: Gently remove the pup from the base of the mother plant.
  2. Dry out: Allow the pup to dry for a few days to form a callus.
  3. Planting: Plant the pup in a well-draining soil mix and water sparingly until new growth appears.

Benefits of the Cardboard Palm

Aside from its aesthetic appeal, the Cardboard Palm is also known for its air-purifying qualities. It can help remove toxins from the air, making it a great addition to your home for a healthier living environment.

Eco-Friendly Option

The Cardboard Palm is a sustainable choice for gardeners. Its slow growth means it requires less frequent replanting, and its drought tolerance makes it an eco-friendly option in water-scarce regions.

Final Thought

The Cardboard Palm tree is a versatile and hardy plant that can bring a touch of tropical flair to any space. With its unique texture, low maintenance needs, and air-purifying benefits, it's an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. By following the care tips outlined in this guide, you will be well on your way to enjoying the beauty and resilience of this remarkable plant.
Whether you are looking to enhance your indoor greenery or add an exciting element to your garden, the Cardboard Palm is worth considering. Happy planting!
When you think of a lush, tropical vibe for your home or garden, the Cardboard Palm tree might not be the first plant that comes to mind. However, this resilient and visually striking plant can be a fantastic addition to your green space. In this blog post, we will delve into everything you need to know about the Cardboard Palm tree, from its origin to its care requirements.
The Cardboard Palm (Zamia furfuracea) is a unique, low-maintenance plant known for its thick, cardboard-like leaves and compact size, making it perfect for indoor and outdoor settings. Originating from Mexico, this ancient cycad thrives in bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It requires minimal watering and is highly drought-tolerant, making it ideal for busy plant owners. With moderate fertilizing during the growing season and occasional pruning of dead leaves, the Cardboard Palm can flourish, adding a touch of tropical elegance to your space while also purifying the air.

What is a Cardboard Palm Tree?

The Cardboard Palm, scientifically known as Zamia furfuracea, is not a true palm but a cycad. Cycads are ancient plants that have existed since the age of dinosaurs. Originating from Mexico, the Cardboard Palm is renowned for its thick, cardboard-like leaves, which give it a unique texture and appearance.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Cardboard Palm tree stands out with its leathery, stiff, and pinnate leaves. These leaves grow in a rosette pattern, emerging from a short, stout trunk. The leaves are dark green and can grow up to 3 feet long, making the plant an attractive focal point in any setting.

Key Features:

Planting and Care Guide

Ideal Growing Conditions

To keep your Cardboard Palm thriving, mimic its natural habitat. Here's what you need to know:


The Cardboard Palm prefers bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can scorch its leaves. If you're growing it indoors, place it near a window with filtered light.


Well-draining soil is crucial. A cactus or succulent mix works well, as it prevents water from sitting at the roots, which can cause rot.


One of the best things about the Cardboard Palm is its drought tolerance. Water the plant thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can be more harmful than underwatering.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant loves warm temperatures ranging from 65°F to 75°F. It's not frost-tolerant, so if you live in a cooler climate, ensure it's protected during the winter months. Moderate humidity is ideal, but the Cardboard Palm can adapt to lower levels.


Feed your Cardboard Palm with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). This helps maintain its vibrant green color and promotes healthy growth.


The Cardboard Palm requires minimal pruning. Remove any yellow or dead leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and to prevent disease.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves can be a sign of overwatering. Check the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.


The Cardboard Palm is relatively pest-resistant but can occasionally attract scale insects or mealybugs. To keep pests at bay, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or use insecticidal soap.

Root Rot

To avoid root rot, ensure your plant is in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering. If you notice a foul smell or mushy roots, you may need to repot the plant in fresh soil.


Propagating the Cardboard Palm is relatively straightforward. It can be done by separating offsets, also known as pups, that grow at the base of the plant. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:
  1. Remove the pup: Gently remove the pup from the base of the mother plant.
  2. Dry out: Allow the pup to dry for a few days to form a callus.
  3. Planting: Plant the pup in a well-draining soil mix and water sparingly until new growth appears.

Benefits of the Cardboard Palm

Aside from its aesthetic appeal, the Cardboard Palm is also known for its air-purifying qualities. It can help remove toxins from the air, making it a great addition to your home for a healthier living environment.

Eco-Friendly Option

The Cardboard Palm is a sustainable choice for gardeners. Its slow growth means it requires less frequent replanting, and its drought tolerance makes it an eco-friendly option in water-scarce regions.

Final Thought

The Cardboard Palm tree is a versatile and hardy plant that can bring a touch of tropical flair to any space. With its unique texture, low maintenance needs, and air-purifying benefits, it's an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. By following the care tips outlined in this guide, you will be well on your way to enjoying the beauty and resilience of this remarkable plant.
Whether you are looking to enhance your indoor greenery or add an exciting element to your garden, the Cardboard Palm is worth considering. Happy planting!
submitted by TreeTalesHub to u/TreeTalesHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:03 MarrShan90 ¿Que Forma de Estado prefieren para nuestro Mexico?

Esto es serio a pesar lo forma de lo que dijo porque es un analisis personal
Los 3 registrados
Los 2 No Registrados (Sus fans estan intensos ahorita)
¿Que prefieren?
submitted by MarrShan90 to mexico [link] [comments]

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2024.05.19 07:00 EchoJobs 🐬 May 19 - 75 new Senior Software Engineer Jobs

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2024.05.19 07:00 EchoJobs 👋 May 19 - [HIRING] 16 new Web Developer Jobs

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submitted by EchoJobs to WebDeveloperJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:46 ByMyDecree Reviewing and Ranking Every Battle: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

Tier List:
This one hits different. Right from the start, with those ominous vocals giving the whole thing a feeling of foreboding and momentousness. Donald Trump lurking around the stage for his titlecard, even staying onscreen as his titlecard goes away is hilarious and a great visual touch. Then we get Hillary sitting in her debate chair; this battle committing so hard to a location both rappers are present in is pretty unique.
"I've been in this game too long; I'm a public servant! Have been since I met MLK in person!" Serviceable opening on paper, but the guest actor, Kimmy Gatewood, makes it stick out with her performance. Love the intensity of her voice and facial expressions. "I'm a woman of the people; that's for certain. You're a man of the people who don't like turbans!" This is a great line, very accurate, and I love the look on Hillary's face. "I was living in the West Wing while you were professional wrestling. Got skin like Russian dressing from too much Russian investing!" Good lines, in particular I really dig the Russian dressing/Russian investing parallel. Also, while I don't think Kimmy bears a super strong resemblance to Hillary Clinton(the guest actress from Clinton v. Henry VIII was much more on-point) she does look a lot like her as she does the Russian dance in the background. Something about her wide-open smile. "You been going bankrupt since the 90s; if I was in Iran you couldn't find me." Very true on both counts, very solid line. I don't know what more there is to say. Is it gonna be controversial to acknowledge the reality that Trump's gone bankrupt lots of times and probably couldn't point to Iran on a map, even now that he's been president? "You don't care about the job, Trump, you just think the desk is shiny." I think it's accurate that Trump really only cares about the prestige, but this still seems like a pretty weak attack. Hell, you could argue the vast majority of presidential candidates care more about the prestige than actually doing anything. "I said that I respect your children but that wasn't quite right, yo! Looking like some extras on American Psycho!" This line is pretty fucking great. I didn't get it when this battle first released, but I've seen American Psycho more recently, and comparing the Trump kids to the useless trust fund posers surrounding Patrick Bateman is hilarious. The hyper-aggressive hip thrusting Hillary's doing is also a great visual. For the most part this portrayal doesn't resemble Hillary much, but I think there's some truth in how she's portrayed as being very try-hard here. "First name is Hillary, middle name Rodham, last name is Clinton, and lyrics I got 'em! You fire celebrities on The Apprentice, motha fucka I fire Bin Laden! (Crack!) cough" Being tryhard again. The lines are pretty good, the flow is pretty good. The reference to her coughing is a fun touch. "How do I say this? You're racist! Ooh, you must get so pissed that your hands are too small to stop and frisk!" The asking/answering of that question at the beginning is really funny, and I like the way they worked Trump's small hands into this attack on him for being racist. "So you use your fingers to touch chicks. (She's only 12 years old.) That's enough, shit! (But she's married, sir.) Just gotta get pushy. (That's your daughter.) Well, grab her by the pussy!" One of the highlights of the battle, love the way they worked in the secret service agent here. Pointing out Trump being a creep at child beauty pageants and towards Ivanka are great lines of attack. "That's assault, brotha! Don't tell me the victim's at fault, sucka! You don't know shit about steaks! Yucka! But the ones on the 8th are great! Motha fucka!" Really fun delivery, good attacks, I like that they threw the Trump Steaks jab in between the more serious sentiments. I don't know what the fuck is going on with the background in this section, though they're really going hard on the tryhardness of Hillary. "Better save the date; I'm gonna rock the vote! Bad bitch on the scene like Murder, She Wrote!" Hillary trying to compare herself to that character is pretty cringe, as is highlighted by her attempting to dab with the biggest "look, aren't I cool, kids?!" look on her face. Real "Pokemon Go to the polls" moment. "So go ahead, Donald, let me see you flow. I brought Michelle's speech; borrow some quotes!" It's a pretty great line, though this line is moreso an attack at Melania than Trump himself; she should have ended with a more Trump-focused attack.
"Let me just say I respect all females. But your rhymes are trash; put 'em next to your emails." The first line is funny in how flagrantly untrue it is, the second line is just plain funny. Good opener. "Our country's in crisis. Who wants to vote for the mother of ISIS? That might not be exactly true, but I don't do politeness." Trump talks out of his ass and lies a lot, yes. "(Believe me!) You wanna talk about misogyny? Your Bill's worse than Cosby! He left a mess on that dress like you left in Benghazi!" The comparison of the rapist Bills is a great line, and I'm not sure whether the whole Benghazi thing was actually something that was Hillary's fault or just a Fox News talking head talking point, but it's a good line regardless. Also by this point it's clear that Lloid's Trump impression is on-point, much better than Peter's. "(Terrible!) You wanna break the glass ceiling, Hillary, I sense it. But the only crack you'll find is my ass pressed against it." The gesturing Lloid is doing during the "I sense it" line is fucking hilarious. The second line is also pretty funny, and did turn out to be true. "The numbers are in and I'm right on your tail. You don't have the stamina, baby, you're frail! This will be just like '08 when you fail! But Trump will appoint you to jail!" Fun parallel to Hillary's "First name is Hillary" segment from before going on here. The lines themselves are fine, nothing amazing. The second-to-last one turned out to be true, the last one did not. "How do I say this? You're a 2. And you almost lost the primary to a socialist Jew!" It's pretty funny how Trump mimics Hillary's "How do I say this?" bit, and "you're a 2" is such a simple but funny jab. He's got a point that Hillary was so weak a candidate that Bernie Sanders came outta nowhere and was able to put up a serious competition in a race that was supposed to have no real competition for her. "What do the American people gotta yankee doodle doo, to get it through your fat face, that they're just not that into you?!" The use of 'yankee doodle doo' is funny and he's got a real point that Hillary needs to accept she's very unpopular, though that 'fat face' line is such a pot calling the kettle black moment. No doubt intended as such. "They want a strong male leader who can stand up to China! Not a crooked, little, wishy-washy bleeding heart vagina!" These lines, of course, exist purely to point out that Trump is a giant sexist. The "China, China, China... bloody vagina!" in the background is a very funny touch. Little bits like that just add so much to this battle. "I'm gonna run these streets like I run my casinos; more police and less Latinos!" These lines, of course, exist purely to point out that Trump is a giant racist. "While you bury us in debt buying poor people socks, I'll create jobs, tearing down mosques!" Trump is against programs that help the impoverished and hates Muslims. "Then I'll use all the best rocks from the site to build a wall, dip it in gold and make Mexico pay for it all!" The thing Lloid does with his eyes as he smiles when he says "build a wall" is just... SO Trumpian. This really is one of the greatest Trump impressions I've ever seen, Lloid did an amazing job. As for the line... Trump says he's gonna build a wall. He built a partial wall. A partial, really unimpressive wall. "I'll make this country great again! We'll all be living large! And I'll tell Congress you're fired, and put Charles in charge!" Trump's slogan is MAGA and Charles in Charge was a TV show whose main actor is a Trump supporter. Also apparently there was a Supreme Court judge named Charles Trump once wanted nominated. Alright. "'Cause this whole system's rigged! And we all know the riggers! For the last eight years this country's been run by- (CAW!)" The point of this line is that Trump is a giant racist. I like the touch that the crowd is cheering wildly for Trump while Hillary looks disturbed in the background.
Then Lincoln comes soaring in on an eagle, as he did in Obama v. Romney. "Are you fucking kidding me with this blah blah blah? I've half a mind to feed you both to my oversized - (CAW!)" The use of 'CAW!' as a censor is amusing. "I've heard more thoughtful discussion up in TMZ! You two got brother blocking brother on their Facebook feed!" This isn't fun anymore, it's just real. "I'm so sick and tired of this ridiculous shit! If this is the best my party gets, then my party should quit!" The Republican Party is a nightmare and Lincoln would be ashamed of it today, is what is being said. "I'm sorry, did I say something that you found funny? Wipe that creepy-ass smile off your face and beat this dummy!" Clinton is a shitty politician who didn't take Trump seriously enough, and she comes across as cold and inhuman. And in case you somehow failed to pick up on it before, ERB makes clear here their endorsement for which candidate to vote for. "And if she does win the White House, be a man and hold the door. Don't get your fans stirred up in some sorta Twitter civil war!" Too real, especially after January 6th. "Here's an equal opportunity smack down in the sequel! That's of the people, by the people, for the people, eagle!" Some people have debated whether Lincoln slapped Trump twice in place of slapping Clinton at all because he's a gentleman and wouldn't hit a woman, or because ERB favors Clinton over Trump. The latter is definitely true, but the former is also probably true. So... both! Then Lincoln yells "Eagle!" and fucks off.
Let's talk about bias. There's two camps of people I've seen in discussions about certain ERB battles, especially this one, and they both irk me. So let's address both of them.
First off: YES, ERB is biased against Trump. And are biased against Republicans generally, and much more sympathetic to the Democrats. They've made that completely obvious from the beginning. And you know what? That's totally fine! They're right to be biased against them! But for some reason, some people in the fanbase can't just admit that. For some reason, there's a lot of people in the fanbase who will bend over backwards trying to explain how it's actually totally unbiased(false) and they attack both sides equally(false) and people complaining are being salty(true). But if you think ERB is unbiased, then society has failed you, because you are a woeful media illiterate. They're screaming Vote for Hillary, Don't Let Trump Win! at you and somehow you haven't managed to decipher what they're saying. I hope for your sake you're, like, twelve years old if you actually think they're unbiased. Here's an important lesson for you to learn as you grow up: 'biased' does not equate to 'bad'! For example, you SHOULD be 'biased' against Hitler! If you look at someone like Hitler and compare him to someone like MLK and treat them as equally valid figures whose ideas are both worthy of consideration, then you're at best a useful idiot and at worst a Nazi apologist! Stop feeling like you have to defend ERB's honor by feverishly denying any claims of bias!
But even worse than those jokers are the fuckers who love to bitch about how ERB has gotten "too political" or "too woke" nowadays. NEWSFLASH, DUMBASS: the very FIRST battle was John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly, and Bill O'Reilly literally says "Because I'm evil! Heart blacker than Don Cheadle!" Their very foundation as a series is shitting on Republicans! They didn't suddenly 'go woke' just because they stopped doing gay jokes and shat on Trump even more explicitly than they already did to Romney.
Anyway, I've got mixed feelings about this battle. The 'mixed' part of those feelings come from how heavy it is; I have to be in a certain mood to want to listen to this, and most times I see this pop up in my playlist I just skip on to the next one. It's uncomfortable. It's real. Maybe a little too real. But then again, maybe they were right to take it so seriously. It's still a great battle, even if it can be a little hard to come back to. The only big issue I have with it is that Lincoln coming in at the end is kind of a drag. It was funny the first time; this doesn't recapture the magic. He doesn't really have any great lines either. I tend to stop listening by the time he comes in. But besides that, this battle has an amazing instrumental track, great visuals, peak performances from both Lloid and Kimmy, and good, sometimes great, writing.
I used to think Trump won this battle despite always having been anti-Trump. Revisiting it now, I'm not sure why I thought that. Maybe it was because his part was just so entertaining, even moreso than Hillary's. Maybe it's because I, like many others, harbor a strong resentment and bitterness towards Hillary Clinton(muh Bernie) that would lead me to not be entirely honest about her performance here. Maybe it's just because that hardly anybody said Clinton won back in the day; Trump had either a majority or a clear plural majority of votes in polls, then Lincoln with a fair amount, then Clinton with a small fraction. Now I see that that is utter bullshit. The only reason anybody votes for Lincoln is either because of the Last Word Effect or because they want to be centrists about it and not side with either candidate; even if you could argue he was the best part of Obama v. Romney, here his verse falls well short of both Clinton and Trump's. On the question of Clinton v. Trump... I can kind of see how someone might think Trump won on account of how hilarious he was, but a ton of his stuff just makes himself look bad, and if we're being honest I think Clinton had better burns and more substantive lines of attack. I say Clinton>Trump>Lincoln.
inb4 someone says I got "too political" in my presidential election battle analysis
submitted by ByMyDecree to ERB [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 Loose-Fan3318 Acoso laboral

Amigos, puse el título porque es el tema en general y ahi les va la situación. Tengo una inquilina que es bonita y muy pero muy colmilluda jajaja tiene un coraje y huevos que de verdad son de respetar. Lo supe en el momento en que a la segunda renta mi novia le recibió la renta, y al mes después ella alegaba que había pagado de más y que le hablara a ella. Pudo ser que si pudo ser que no, lo resolví diciéndole que todas las demás rentas serían conmigo. Hoy, antes de recoger la renta, escucho que esta hablando por teléfono con algún gerente o personal de la empresa en que trabaja por el tema del acoso laboral. Si chingao pues me gano el chisme y me quede escuchando. En general ella habla de un supervisor que le tira el pedo ( es en el ámbito operacional, trabaja rolando turnos, operando maquinaria, etc. ) y que apartir de que ella lo reporto, él le pone actividades más riesgosas y pesadas. La verdad es que el tipo con el que habla busca una solución políticamente correcta pero ella está harta. La verdad me importa una mierda pero me llego al corazón saber que esto le pudiera pasar a un familiar, esposa o hija. Hay alguna manera de orientarla o apoyarla? Ella menciona que ya lo reporto con todas las personas a su alcance y nadie hace nada, dice que la quieren correr y cansarla. Es muy común todo esto y mas en este ámbito laboral en Mexico. Dice que el sindicato no quiere ni puede sacar al supervisor. Yo soy emprendedor y no se nada de esto, pero quisiera incluso poder al menos poder orientarla. Gracias a todos por leer
submitted by Loose-Fan3318 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd

Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd
Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd Welcome to our culinary adventure through Rapid City, South Dakota! Prepare to indulge in a smorgasbord of flavors as we uncover the best restaurants this vibrant city has to offer.From the aromatic spices of Everest Cuisine to the sizzling steaks at Delmonico Grill, there's something to satisfy every craving. Quench your thirst at Independent Ale House or satisfy your taco cravings at Eddies Tacos RC.Join us as we embark on a gastronomic journey through Rapid City. Let's dig in!Key TakeawaysEverest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina offer authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine with must-try dishes like vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, chicken tikka masala, and fish tacos.Delmonico Grill is an upscale steakhouse known for its romantic setting and seasonal meals crafted by chefs. Must-try dishes include bacon-wrapped shrimp, soup of the day, and On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye.Independent Ale House is a laid-back tap house with a wide selection of beers, pizzas, and salads. Must-try dishes include handcrafted beers, Alien with an Attitude, Caesar salad, and spicy chicken pizza.Tallys Silver Spoon is a landmark dining place since 1930 that offers sumptuous meals made with fresh ingredients. Highly recommended by locals, it is known for sourcing ingredients from local food growers.Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina: Authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan CuisineOur favorite restaurants in Rapid City, SD for authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine are Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina. These establishments offer unique dining experiences with a diverse range of tastes.At Everest Cuisine, you can indulge in traditional dishes like vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, and chicken tikka masala. For those seeking a more adventurous palate, Qu Pasa? Cantina serves up alligator tikka masala and combo biryani. Kathmandu Bistro offers a fusion of flavors with dishes like shrimp Kadai and reshmi kebab.Everest Cuisine, located in downtown Rapid City, provides a welcoming atmosphere with friendly staff. The restaurant's interior reflects the rich cultural heritage of Nepal and India. The menu is filled with mouthwatering options that cater to both vegetarians and meat lovers. The fragrant aromas and bold spices will transport you to the streets of Kathmandu or the bustling markets of Mumbai.Kathmandu Bistro, also located downtown, offers a cozy ambiance with warm lighting and authentic decor. The chefs at Kathmandu Bistro are skilled in the art of creating flavorful dishes that showcase the best of Nepalese and Indian cuisine. From the first bite, you can taste the freshness of the ingredients and the care that goes into each dish.Qu Pasa? Cantina, situated in the heart of Rapid City, is a two-floor Mexican restaurant that stands out for its wide selection of tequila. The simple yet attractive architecture adds to the overall dining experience. The must-try dish at Qu Pasa? Cantina is their fish tacos, which are bursting with flavor and served with all the traditional toppings.When it comes to places to eat in Rapid City, these three restaurants are top contenders for anyone craving authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine. Whether you're a local or a visitor, you won't be disappointed with the flavors and dining experiences they have to offer.Delmonico Grill: Upscale Steakhouse With a Romantic SettingFor an upscale steakhouse with a romantic setting, Delmonico Grill offers a dining experience like no other. Founded by local chef Pete Franklin, this fine dining establishment is known for its exquisite seasonal meals and elegant ambiance. From the moment you step inside, you'll be greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a special date night or anniversary celebration.Delmonico Grill takes pride in sourcing the highest quality ingredients to create their culinary masterpieces. Each dish is carefully crafted by their talented team of chefs, ensuring a delectable and unforgettable meal. Start your evening with the tantalizing bacon-wrapped shrimp, a perfect combination of smoky flavors and succulent textures. Pair it with the soup of the day, a comforting and flavorful option that changes daily.When it comes to the main course, the On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye is a must-try. This perfectly cooked steak is tender and juicy, offering a melt-in-your-mouth experience that will leave you craving for more. Accompanied by a variety of handcrafted side dishes, such as creamy mashed potatoes or grilled asparagus, each bite is a symphony of flavors.The knowledgeable and attentive staff at Delmonico Grill are always on hand to guide you through the menu and offer recommendations. Whether you're a steak aficionado or looking to explore new culinary horizons, they'll ensure that your dining experience exceeds your expectations.With its upscale atmosphere, exceptional cuisine, and romantic setting, Delmonico Grill is the ideal choice for those seeking a special dining experience. Indulge in the finest cuts of meat, savor the exquisite flavors, and create lasting memories at this remarkable steakhouse.Independent Ale House: Known for Beers, Pizza, and SaladsWe can't wait to tell you about Independent Ale House, known for their wide selection of beers, delicious pizza, and fresh salads. Here's why you should pay them a visit:First true tap house in Rapid City: Independent Ale House takes pride in being the first establishment of its kind in the city. With 50 beers on rotation, they offer a diverse selection that will surely satisfy any beer lover's cravings. Whether you prefer a hoppy IPA, a smooth stout, or a refreshing cider, they've something for everyone.Laid-back atmosphere with friendly bar staff: The moment you step into Independent Ale House, you'll feel a sense of freedom and relaxation. The laid-back atmosphere, combined with the friendly and knowledgeable bar staff, creates an inviting environment where you can unwind and enjoy your time with friends or family.Must-try dishes: While Independent Ale House is known for its beers, they also offer a mouthwatering selection of food. Don't miss out on their handcrafted beers, such as the popular Alien with an Attitude. Pair your drink with a fresh Caesar salad or indulge in their spicy chicken or chicken, bacon, and ranch pizzas for a satisfying meal.Now that you know what Independent Ale House has to offer, get ready to satisfy your cravings for great beer, pizza, and salads. But before you head out, let's move on to the next section about 'Eddies Tacos RC: Family-Owned Mexican Food Truck'.Eddies Tacos RC: Family-Owned Mexican Food TruckBut don't overlook Eddies Tacos RC, a family-owned Mexican food truck that offers a unique setup and a menu filled with tasty options. This hidden gem is a must-visit for those craving authentic Mexican flavors in Rapid City. Eddies Tacos RC is known for its vibrant and flavorful dishes that are sure to satisfy your taste buds.The food truck is run by a warm and welcoming family who puts their heart and soul into every dish they serve. The setup is simple yet inviting, with colorful decorations and a friendly atmosphere that adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite or looking to cater a special event, Eddies Tacos RC has got you covered.When it comes to the menu, Eddies Tacos RC offers a wide variety of options to choose from. Their all-meat combo burrito is a fan favorite, packed with juicy meats and topped with fresh salsa and guacamole. If you prefer tacos, you can't go wrong with their taco plate, filled with your choice of meat and accompanied by flavorful toppings. And for those who love quesadillas, their meaty quesadilla is a must-try, oozing with melted cheese and savory fillings.As we transition to the next section about Tallys Silver Spoon, another iconic dining place in Rapid City, it's worth mentioning that Eddies Tacos RC perfectly embodies the freedom and diversity of cuisine in this city. With their mouthwatering Mexican dishes, this family-owned food truck adds a unique flavor to the culinary scene of Rapid City.Tallys Silver Spoon: Landmark Dining Place Since 1930As we delve into the topic of Tallys Silver Spoon, a landmark dining place since 1930, we're transported to a bygone era of culinary excellence in Rapid City, SD. This historic restaurant holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike, offering a taste of tradition and a glimpse into the past.Here are three reasons why Tallys Silver Spoon continues to be a beloved dining destination:Rich History: Tallys Silver Spoon has been serving the community for over 90 years, making it one of the oldest restaurants in the area. Its longstanding presence is a testament to its commitment to quality and exceptional service. Stepping inside the restaurant feels like stepping back in time, with its charming decor and vintage ambiance.Upscale Dining Experience: Over the years, Tallys Silver Spoon has transformed from a humble cafe to an upscale eatery. The restaurant prides itself on using fresh ingredients sourced from local food growers, ensuring that every dish is bursting with flavor and quality. From delectable seafood to mouthwatering steaks, the menu offers a wide range of options for every palate.Local Recommendation: Tallys Silver Spoon comes highly recommended by locals, who appreciate its rich history and consistently delicious food. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a regular patron, the friendly staff and warm atmosphere make you feel right at home. It's a place where memories are made and cherished.Texas Roadhouse: Popular Steak Restaurant Founded in 1993Let's explore Texas Roadhouse, a popular steak restaurant founded in 1993, known for its savory American dishes and friendly staff.Texas Roadhouse is a favorite among locals and tourists alike for its delicious steaks and lively atmosphere. As soon as you step inside, you'll be greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of seasoned meats sizzling on the grill.The menu at Texas Roadhouse offers a wide range of options, from juicy steaks cooked to perfection to fall-off-the-bone ribs that are sure to satisfy any carnivorous cravings. One of their most popular dishes is the Prime Rib, a tender and flavorful cut of meat that's sure to leave you wanting more. For those looking for a taste of the South, their Fall-of-the-Bone Ribs are a must-try, slathered in a tangy barbecue sauce that will have your taste buds dancing.But Texas Roadhouse isn't just about the steaks. Their handcrafted side dishes are equally as impressive. From their buttery mashed potatoes to their crispy seasoned fries, each side dish is made with care and attention to detail. And don't forget to save room for their famous homemade rolls, served warm and accompanied by a delicious cinnamon butter.What sets Texas Roadhouse apart from other steak restaurants is its friendly and energetic staff. The servers go above and beyond to make sure you have a memorable dining experience. They engage in lively banter, perform line dances, and even let you choose your favorite songs on the jukebox.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegetarian Options Available at Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina?At Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina, we offer a variety of vegetarian options.At Everest Cuisine, you can try the vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, and the combo biryani.Kathmandu Bistro has delicious vegetarian dishes like the vegetable samosa and the mixed vegetable curry.Qu Pasa? Cantina offers vegetarian options like the Caesar salad and the spicy chicken pizza.These restaurants provide diverse and flavorful vegetarian choices for those seeking a meat-free dining experience.Can You Provide More Information About the Seasonal Meals Offered at Delmonico Grill?At Delmonico Grill, we offer a delightful array of seasonal meals that are crafted by our talented chefs.Our fine dining experience is set in a romantic ambiance, perfect for a special occasion.From the bacon-wrapped shrimp to the On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye, our must-try dishes are sure to tantalize your taste buds.With a commitment to using fresh and quality ingredients, Delmonico Grill is a top choice for an unforgettable culinary experience in Rapid City.How Many Different Types of Beers Are Available at Independent Ale House?At Independent Ale House, you can choose from a rotating selection of 50 different types of beers. We offer a diverse range of craft beers, ensuring that there's something for everyone's taste.Our laid-back atmosphere and friendly bar staff create a welcoming environment to enjoy your favorite brews.Whether you're a beer enthusiast or just looking to try something new, Independent Ale House is the perfect spot to indulge in handcrafted beers and delicious food.What Are the Catering Services Offered by Eddie's Tacos Rc?Eddie's Tacos RC offers catering services for special events. They're a family-owned and operated Mexican food truck, known for their unique setup and tasty menu.Whether it's a birthday party or a corporate gathering, they can provide delicious Mexican cuisine to cater to your guests' tastes. From their all-meat combo burrito to their mouthwatering tacos and quesadillas, Eddie's Tacos RC will bring the flavors of Mexico to your event with their exceptional catering services.Can You Recommend Any Specific Dishes at Tallys Silver Spoon Made With Fresh Local Ingredients?At Tally's Silver Spoon, we highly recommend trying their sumptuous meals made with fresh local ingredients. As a landmark dining place since 1930, Tally's has been sourcing their ingredients from local food growers, ensuring the highest quality and supporting the community.Whether you're in the mood for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Tally's offers a diverse menu that's sure to please your taste buds. Don't miss out on this local favorite for a truly unforgettable dining experience.ConclusionAs we conclude our culinary journey through Rapid City, South Dakota, one thing is for certain - this city is a food lover's paradise.From the exotic flavors of Everest Cuisine to the classic elegance of Delmonico Grill, there's no shortage of dining options to satisfy every palate.Whether you're in the mood for a laid-back atmosphere at Independent Ale House or the historic charm of Tallys Silver Spoon, Rapid City has it all.So, what're you waiting for? Come explore and indulge in the best restaurants this vibrant city has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:44 anon1mo56 Plan of Iguala Translated by Me

The Plan of Independece of North America
Americans, under whose name I aglutinate not only those born in America, but also the Europeans, Africans and Asians who reside in her: have the kidness to hear me. The nations that are called great in the expanse of the globe were once dominated by others, and until their enlightenment allowed them to establish their own opinion, they did not emancipate themselves. The Europeans who have achieved the greatest ilustration and political development were once slaves to the Romans; and this Empire, the greatest that history recognizes, resembles the Parent of a family, who in his old age sees his children and grandchildren separate from his house because they are already of age to form theirs, and set out themselves, preserving, respect, veneration and love, to its primitive origin.
Since three hundred years ago North America has been under the tutelage of the most Catholic and pious, heroic and magnanimous Nation. Spain educated and exalted her, forming those opulent cities, those beautiful towns, those provinces and expanded kingdoms that in the history of the universe will occupy a very distinguished place. With the populations and ilustration increased, and known to all, the branches of the natural opulence of the soil, its metallic richness, the advantages of its topographical situation, the damage caused by the distance from the center of its unity, and that the branch is the same has the trunk; The public and general opinion of all population is that of the absolute independence from Spain and from every other Nation. This is how the European thinks, and so do Americans of all origins.
This same voice that resonated in the town of Dolores, in the year 1810 and that caused so many misfortunes to the beautiful country of the delights, due to disorder, abandonment and other multitude of vices, also established public opinion that the general union between Europeans and Americans, Indians and indigenous people, is the only solid foundation on which our common happiness can rest. And who will doubt that after the horrific experience of so many disasters, there is not even one who stops lending themselves to the union to achieve so much good? European Spaniards: your homeland is America, because you live in her; In it you have your beloved wives, your tender children, your estates, commerce and goods. American people! Who among you can say that they don't descended from the Spanish? See the sweet chain that unites us: add the other ties of friendship, dependence and interests, education and language and the conformity of feelings, and you will see that the bonds are so close and so powerful, that the common happiness of the Kingdom must be made by all, gathered in a single opinion and in a single voice.
The time has come for you to manifest the uniformity of feelings, and that our union shall be the powerful hand that emancipates America without the need for foreign aid. At the head of a brave and determined army, I have proclaimed independence of North America. It is now free; she is the mistress of herself; She no longer recognizes or depends on Spain, nor on any other Nation. Hail her all as independent, and let our hearts sustain this sweet voice, united with the troops who have resolved to die rather than part with from such a heroic enterprise.
The army has no other desire than to preserve the pure and holy religion that we profess, and to ensure general happiness. Hear the solid foundations on which the army bases their resolution:
1st. The Catholic, apostolic, Roman religion, without tolerance of any other.
2nd. The absolute independence of this Kingdom.
3rd. Monarchical government tempered by a Constitution analogous to the country.
4th. Ferdinand VII, or those of his or another reigning dynasty will be the emperors, to find ourselves with a ready-made monarch and prevent the disastrous attacks of ambition.
5th. There will be a Junta, in the meantime the Cortes are created to make this plan effective.
6th. This Junta will be named gubernatorial and will be made up of the vocales and the Viceroy.
7th. The Junta will govern by virtue of the oath already taken to the King, in the meantime he appears in Mexico and takes it, and then all further orders will be suspended.
8th. If Fernandinand VII decide to not come to Mexico, the Junta or regency will rule in the name of the Nation, while the Cortes decide who must be crowned.
9th. This government will be supported by the Army of the Three Guarantees.
10th. The Cortes will decide whether the Junta should continue or be replaced by a regency while the Emperor arrives.
11th. The Cortes will work, after they meet, on the Constitution of the Mexican Empire.
12th. All its inhabitants, without any other distinction than their merit and virtues, are citizens suitable for any job.
13th. Their persons and property will be respected and protected.
14th. The secular and regular clergy are preserved in all their rights and properties.
15th. All branches of the State and public employees will remain as before, and only those who oppose this Plan will be removed, and replaced by those who are most distinguished in their adherence, virtue and merit.
16th. A protective army will be formed that will be called The Army of the Three Guarantees, and that will sacrifice itself, from the first to the last of its individuals, rather than suffer the slightest infraction of them.
17th. This army will observe the Ordinance to the letter, and its leaders and officers continue where they are, with expectations, despite vacant jobs and those they consider necessary or convenient.
18th. The troops of which it is composed will be considered as troops of the line and the same will be true for those that later embrace this Plan; Those who differ and the countrymen who want to enlist will be considered as national militia, and the arrangement and form of all of them will be dictated by the Cortes.
19th. The jobs will be given by virtue of reports from the respective chiefs, and in the name of the Nation provisionally.
20th. While the Cortes meet, crimes will be dealt with in full accordance with the Spanish Constitution.
21th. In the case of conspiracy against independence, imprisonment will be carried out, without moving on to anything else until the Cortes dictates the penalty corresponding to the greatest crime after Lesse divine Majesty.
22th. Those who try to sow division will be monitored and will be considered conspirators against Independence.
23th. Since the Cortes that are to be formed are Constitutional Cortes, the deputies must be elected under this concept. The Junta will determine the rules and the time necessary for this purpose.
Americans: Here is the establishment and creation of a new Empire. This is what the Army of the Three Guarantees has sworn, whose voice is carried by the one who has the honor of addressing it to you. Here is the object for whose cooperation it incites you. It does not ask you for anything other than what you yourselves must ask for and desire: union, fraternity, order, inner stillness, vigilance and horror of any turbulent movement. These warriors want nothing more than common happiness. Unite with their courage, to carry out a enterprise that in all aspects (if not for the small part that I have had in it) I must call heroic. Having no enemies to defeat, let us trust in the God of armies, who is also the God of peace, that all of us who make up this body of combined forces of Europeans and Americans, of dissidents and royalists, will be mere protectors, simple spectators of the great work that I have outlined today, and that the fathers of the country will touch up and perfect. Astonish the Nations of cultured Europe; See that North America emancipated itself without shedding a single drop of blood. In the transport of your joy say: Long live the holy religion we profess! Long live North America, independent of all the nations of the globe! Long live the union that made our happiness!
Iguala, 24 of february, 1821
Signed Agustin de Iturbide.
submitted by anon1mo56 to monarchism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:34 Defiant_Tomorrow_884 O problema dos relacionamentos mundanos

Muitas pessoas acham normal essa ideia de viver um relacionamento aberto, ou então defendem essa ideia de que é normal sair e ficar com desconhecidos.
O problema é que a chance de algo desse tipo dar certo é muito baixa, já que a maioria das pessoas que decidem viver esse estilo de vida não tem a consciência de que seus atos ''libidinosos'' podem acarretar em diversos problemas.
O primeiro problema de ter relacionamento sexual com alguém que você não conhece de verdade, é que em muitos dos casos esses relacionamentos acabam gerando uma gravidez indesejada ou DST'S. Depois disso, o pai geralmente acaba indo comprar cigarro, a mãe tem que criar o filho (ou filhos) sozinha, e depois tem que ralar para conseguir manter as crianças.
O segundo problema, é que muitos dos problemas de autoestima são gerados na infância, o que só aumenta nos casos em que as famílias são totalmente desestruturadas. A criança cresce sem um pai, ou então cresce num lar cheio de brigas, intrigas, julgamentos, desavenças... Justamente porque os responsáveis não tiveram a noção do primeiro exemplo.
O terceiro problema, é que essas brigas, julgamentos e intrigas, muitas das vezes acabam em agressões. É claro que na maioria esmagadora dos casos é a mulher que sofre as agressões, mas também existem os casos de homens serem agredidos.
O quarto problema, é que em muitas dessas agressões as vitimas acabam sofrendo sequelas graves e permanentes, ou podem até morrer.
O quinto problema, é que todos esses problemas anteriores afetam todos os envolvidos, e principalmente as crianças, que vão crescer com esse péssimo exemplo. E por isso, podem vir a pensar que não existem relacionamentos saudáveis, e mais uma vez, vão tentar ''tapar o buraco'' com relacionamentos fúteis. O que vai dar inicio a um novo ciclo onde tudo se repete.
Além de todos esses problemas, (que já são muitos...) Existem muitos outros problemas que nem precisam envolver uma gravidez, muitos morrem pelas mãos de parceiros ou parceiras enfurecidos por conta da traição. Ou então, podem até acabar se matando por conta dessa traição.
Também existe o problema emocional, onde pessoas vazias procuram respostas embaixo de um lençol, como se sexo pudesse resolver. Claro que pode ajudar momentaneamente, até um ou mais desses problemas anteriores te afligirem.
Drogas, sexo, dinheiro, luxo, fama, poder, nada disso é pra sempre. Sei que você já percebeu isso, mas possa ser que ainda não tenha se dado conta ainda. Amigos, procurem a Deus, não é preciso começar pela igreja, claro que é importante, mas as respostas de que precisam estão muito mais perto do que tudo isso que citei.
A salvação é gratuita, e a fé é simples. Basta fechar os olhos e orar, confiando que Deus pode e vai resolver tudo.
OBS: Não concorda? siga em frente, não quero e nem preciso de sua opinião. Faça sua parte, da forma que achar melhor.
submitted by Defiant_Tomorrow_884 to u/Defiant_Tomorrow_884 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:29 True-Breadfruit1226 blackjack en vivo españa

blackjack en vivo españa
Reglas del blackjack en vivo
El blackjack en vivo es una emocionante variante del clásico juego de cartas que se ha vuelto cada vez más popular en los casinos online. Al jugar blackjack en vivo, los jugadores tienen la oportunidad de interactuar con un crupier real a través de una transmisión en directo, lo que les brinda una experiencia de juego más auténtica y envolvente.
Para aquellos que desean disfrutar del blackjack en vivo, es importante conocer las reglas básicas del juego. En el blackjack en vivo, el objetivo es obtener una mano con un valor lo más cercano posible a 21, sin pasarse. Las cartas numéricas conservan su valor nominal, las cartas de figuras valen 10 puntos y los ases pueden valer 1 u 11 puntos, dependiendo de la situación.
Durante una partida de blackjack en vivo, los jugadores tienen la oportunidad de solicitar cartas adicionales (pedir) para mejorar su mano o mantener su puntuación actual (plantarse). También pueden optar por doblar su apuesta inicial (doblar) o dividir sus cartas si reciben dos cartas del mismo valor.
Es importante tener en cuenta que en el blackjack en vivo, el crupier sigue un conjunto de reglas establecidas al jugar su mano, lo que añade un elemento de estrategia al juego. Por ejemplo, el crupier debe plantarse con un valor de mano de 17 o más.
En resumen, el blackjack en vivo es una emocionante forma de disfrutar de este popular juego de cartas desde la comodidad de tu hogar, siguiendo reglas simples pero estratégicas que lo convierten en una experiencia de juego única y emocionante. ¡Atrévete a probar tu suerte y habilidad en el blackjack en vivo!
Estrategias de blackjack en directo
Las estrategias de blackjack en directo son clave para aumentar las probabilidades de ganar en este emocionante juego de cartas. A diferencia de otros juegos de casino, el blackjack requiere habilidad y destreza para tomar decisiones acertadas en cada mano, por lo que contar con una estrategia sólida es fundamental.
Una de las estrategias más populares en el blackjack en directo es la estrategia básica, que se basa en tomar decisiones considerando la mano del crupier y la propia. Esta estrategia, respaldada por cálculos matemáticos, te ayuda a saber cuándo pedir carta, plantarte, doblar la apuesta o dividir las cartas. Seguir la estrategia básica reduce la ventaja de la casa al mínimo y aumenta tus posibilidades de éxito a largo plazo.
Otra estrategia efectiva en el blackjack en directo es contar cartas, aunque es importante mencionar que en muchos casinos esta práctica está prohibida y puede resultar en la expulsión del jugador. Sin embargo, algunos jugadores hábiles logran implementar técnicas de conteo de cartas de forma discreta para tomar decisiones más acertadas en cada mano.
En resumen, las estrategias de blackjack en directo son herramientas fundamentales para maximizar tus ganancias y disfrutar al máximo de la emoción del juego. Ya sea siguiendo la estrategia básica o implementando técnicas más avanzadas, contar con un plan de juego sólido te permitirá enfrentarte al crupier con confianza y mejorar tus habilidades en este popular juego de cartas. ¡Atrévete a poner en práctica estas estrategias y haz que la suerte esté de tu lado en cada partida de blackjack en directo!
Mejores casinos para jugar blackjack en línea
Los juegos de blackjack en línea han ganado una gran popularidad en los últimos años, ofreciendo a los jugadores la emoción de jugar desde la comodidad de sus hogares. A la hora de elegir un casino en línea para disfrutar de juegos de blackjack, es importante buscar aquellos que ofrezcan una amplia variedad de opciones, bonos atractivos y una experiencia de juego segura y confiable.
Uno de los mejores casinos para jugar blackjack en línea es 888 Casino. Con una reputación sólida y una amplia gama de mesas de blackjack, este casino ofrece a los jugadores la posibilidad de disfrutar de este clásico juego de cartas en un entorno seguro y emocionante. Además, 888 Casino cuenta con bonos y promociones regulares que permiten a los jugadores aumentar sus ganancias y prolongar su tiempo de juego.
Otro casino destacado para jugar blackjack en línea es Betway. Con una interfaz intuitiva y gráficos de alta calidad, Betway ofrece una experiencia de juego inmersiva y emocionante. Los jugadores pueden elegir entre diferentes variantes de blackjack y participar en torneos emocionantes que aumentan la emoción y la competencia.
En resumen, elegir un casino en línea confiable y de alta calidad es esencial para disfrutar al máximo de juegos de blackjack en línea. Tanto 888 Casino como Betway son excelentes opciones que ofrecen a los jugadores la oportunidad de sumergirse en el emocionante mundo del blackjack desde la comodidad de sus hogares. ¡Atrévete a desafiar al crupier y a ganar grandes premios con estos destacados casinos en línea!
Ventajas de jugar blackjack en vivo
Cuando se trata de disfrutar de la emoción del blackjack en un casino en línea, optar por jugar en vivo puede proporcionar una experiencia más auténtica y emocionante. Hay varias ventajas de participar en mesas de blackjack en vivo en comparación con los juegos de blackjack tradicionales basados en generadores de números aleatorios.
Una de las principales ventajas de jugar al blackjack en vivo es la interacción con crupieres reales. A través de la transmisión en vivo, los jugadores pueden interactuar con crupieres profesionales y otros jugadores, lo que añade un elemento social que a menudo falta en los juegos de blackjack en línea convencionales.
Además, jugar al blackjack en vivo permite a los jugadores sentir la emoción y la tensión de un casino real desde la comodidad de sus hogares. La transmisión en vivo de mesas de blackjack con crupieres reales crea una atmósfera auténtica que mejora la experiencia de juego.
Otra ventaja significativa del blackjack en vivo es la posibilidad de contar cartas de manera más efectiva. Al poder ver las cartas que se reparten en tiempo real, los jugadores pueden tomar decisiones más informadas y mejorar sus estrategias de conteo de cartas, lo que puede aumentar sus posibilidades de ganar.
En resumen, jugar al blackjack en vivo ofrece una experiencia de juego más inmersiva, interactiva y emocionante en comparación con los juegos de blackjack estándar en línea. Para aquellos que buscan una experiencia de casino auténtica desde casa, el blackjack en vivo es una excelente opción.
Diferencias entre blackjack tradicional y blackjack en vivo
El blackjack es uno de los juegos de cartas más populares y emocionantes que se pueden encontrar en los casinos, ya sea en línea o en establecimientos físicos. Dos de las variantes más comunes del blackjack son el tradicional y el blackjack en vivo, y aunque comparten la misma base, presentan diferencias significativas que vale la pena destacar.
En el blackjack tradicional, los jugadores compiten contra la casa de forma virtual, lo que significa que se basa en un software que genera resultados aleatorios. Por otro lado, el blackjack en vivo se desarrolla en tiempo real y los jugadores interactúan con crupieres reales a través de una transmisión en directo, lo que brinda una experiencia más auténtica y emocionante.
Una de las principales diferencias entre el blackjack tradicional y el blackjack en vivo es la velocidad del juego. Mientras que en el blackjack tradicional el jugador puede tomar decisiones a su propio ritmo, en el blackjack en vivo se debe seguir el ritmo establecido por el crupier, lo que agrega un elemento de emoción y desafío adicional.
Otra diferencia importante es la socialización. En el blackjack en vivo, los jugadores pueden interactuar entre sí y con el crupier a través del chat en vivo, lo que añade un componente social que no se encuentra en el blackjack tradicional.
En resumen, tanto el blackjack tradicional como el blackjack en vivo ofrecen una experiencia de juego emocionante, pero cada uno tiene sus propias características únicas que atraen a diferentes tipos de jugadores. Al final, la elección entre uno u otro dependerá de las preferencias individuales de cada jugador.
submitted by True-Breadfruit1226 to u/True-Breadfruit1226 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:31 Nexphesto Sociopata... Doente, eu nem sei mais o que eu sou. Só sei que preciso de ajuda

Desde infância minha vida foi bem conturbada e cheia de traumas causados seja pelo abuso fisico das surras que eu levava do meu pai ou da minha mãe, apenas descontando a frustração do casamento deles em mim, pela coisa mais simples que eu fizesse de errado.
Depois de se divorciarem, as coisas só pioraram mais. Por dois anos (eu tinha dez na época), fui tratado que nem lixo pela familía da minha mãe, quando ela resolveu morar na casa da mãe dela. E aí começaram os abusos psicológicos, as humilhações e coisas faladas que foram degradando demais minha auto-estima. Eu tinha medo de contar para minha mãe quando ela chegava do trabalho e acabar apanhando por estar "mentindo". E o que ocorreu na escola quando eu tinha doze anos, eu fui acusado de assédio mas eu não tinha como se defender, não tinha nada que eu pudesse fazer, era eu e uma sala da secretaria cheia de gente gritando comigo... O que me levou a ser forçado pela secretaria a admitir algo que não fiz, e dias depois todos os alunos queriam me bater, acreditando que era verdade. Durou um ano essa perseguição na escola.
E isso foi o limite do meu psicológico...
Hoje com 19, eu posso ver o quão prejudicada foi a minha saúde mental recorrente a tudo isso, o estrago que isso me trouxe. Eu não consigo mais sentir empatia pelas pessoas, tanto que eu sou horrível em dar conselhos porque eu não consigo se colocar no lugar da pessoa, além de um pávio curto com os outros, que me envolveu em muita briga. Além de outras coisas
Porém, um parte disso reduziu um pouco quando conheci uma pessoa... No começo eu apenas tinha o interesse em ficar só e acabou, mas com o tempo que fomos conversando, comecei a me apegar a ela, porque eu me sinto muito bem quando estou com ela, de alguma forma. Por muito tempo eu não sabia mais o que era se sentir bem, E ela foi a única pessoa que me fez se sentir assim de verdade, me deixa mais calmo, menos agressivo, nela eu consigo me sentir confortável e eu não machucaria ela por nada, eu sempre fui cauteloso até demais com isso. Nos conhecemos a um pouco mais de um ano.
E passei a desejar estar pra sempre com ela, iniciar um relacionamento sério (apesar de eu ser assim, eu jamais me voltaria contra ela, por que eu a amo e não quero perder o que está me mantendo bem).
Então tomei coragem para conversar com ela sobre isso, mas.... Não fui correspondido. Eu concordei em apenas ter uma amizade reciproca, justamente porque de alguma forma eu quero continuar tendo acesso a aquele bem estar que só ela me traz...
Mas eu quero ela, eu sei que vou perder isso quando ela namorar... Se eu tivesse um relacionamento eu teria uma garantia muito maior de que ela está comigo mesmo, do que apenas a amizade. E isso, está acabando comigo. Eu não estou lidando bem com a frustação de perder
Eu não quero perder essa segurança que eu consegui ter apenas com ela... Isso me ajudou pra caramba. Estou desesperado e sem saber o que fazer quando isso acabar.
Tenho medo que eu esteja ficando obcecado por ela, e eu não quero isso, cada vez mais me vejo assim, pelas coisas boas que ela consegue me transmitir, como a felicidade genuína de estar com ela. Apesar de eu ter a minha própria, ela consegue completar o que falta. Eu não quero ficar sem isso.
(Ela sabe um pouco das coisas que eu passel, sabe como eu me sinto com ela... Por isso ela quer estar próxima como amiga, pra poder me ajudar de alguma forma). Mas ela se incomoda quando eu ainda insisto em querer ter um relacionamento com ela.
Eu preciso de ajuda... Eu não quero ser assim.
submitted by Nexphesto to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:04 Dry-Pirate9048 como ganar en poker

como ganar en poker
Estrategias de poker
Las estrategias de poker son fundamentales para tener éxito en este apasionante juego de cartas. Existen diversas tácticas y enfoques que los jugadores pueden emplear para mejorar sus probabilidades de ganar. A continuación, se presentan algunas estrategias comunes que se utilizan en el poker:
  1. **Juego agresivo:** Una estrategia clave en el poker es jugar de manera agresiva cuando se tienen buenas cartas. Esto implica apostar y subir con confianza en lugar de simplemente igualar las apuestas de los rivales. El juego agresivo puede ayudar a construir botes más grandes cuando se tiene una mano fuerte y a obligar a los oponentes a retirarse cuando no tienen una buena jugada.
  2. **Lectura de los oponentes:** Observar y analizar el comportamiento de los rivales en la mesa es crucial para tomar decisiones informadas. Los jugadores hábiles pueden identificar patrones de apuestas, gestos o expresiones faciales que les ayuden a determinar las cartas de los oponentes y ajustar su propia estrategia en consecuencia.
  3. **Gestión de bankroll:** Es importante gestionar de forma adecuada el capital de juego para evitar pérdidas significativas. Establecer límites de apuestas y tener disciplina para no excederlos es fundamental para mantenerse en el juego a largo plazo.
Al combinar estas estrategias y adaptarlas a las situaciones específicas de cada partida, los jugadores de poker pueden aumentar sus probabilidades de éxito y convertirse en competidores más fuertes en la mesa. ¡Recuerda practicar y seguir aprendiendo para mejorar tus habilidades en este emocionante juego de cartas!
Torneos de poker
Los torneos de poker son eventos emocionantes y competitivos que reúnen a jugadores de todas partes del mundo para enfrentarse en mesas de juego. Estos torneos ofrecen la oportunidad de demostrar habilidad, estrategia y astucia en un entorno desafiante y lleno de adrenalina.
Existen diferentes tipos de torneos de poker, como los torneos tradicionales, los torneos por equipos, los torneos satélite y los torneos en línea. Cada uno de ellos tiene sus propias reglas y formatos, pero todos comparten la emoción de competir por premios en efectivo, trofeos o entradas a prestigiosos torneos internacionales.
Participar en un torneo de poker no solo es una oportunidad para poner a prueba tus habilidades y estrategias de juego, sino también para conocer a otros apasionados del poker y compartir experiencias. Además, los torneos de poker suelen contar con una atmósfera única y vibrante, llena de emoción y tensión a medida que se acerca la fase final y se decide quién se llevará el codiciado premio.
Ya sea que seas un jugador experimentado o estés comenzando en el mundo del poker, participar en un torneo puede ser una experiencia enriquecedora y apasionante. Así que prepárate, afina tus habilidades y ¡que comience la partida!
Psicología en el poker
La psicología desempeña un papel fundamental en el mundo del poker. Este juego de cartas no solo se trata de tener habilidades matemáticas y estratégicas, sino también de entender y controlar las emociones propias y de los demás jugadores. La capacidad de manejar el estrés, la presión y la incertidumbre es crucial para alcanzar el éxito en el poker.
Uno de los aspectos más importantes de la psicología en el poker es el control emocional. Los jugadores deben ser capaces de mantener la calma en situaciones de alta tensión, como cuando están en una mano crucial o cuando sufren una mala racha. La capacidad de controlar las emociones evita tomar decisiones impulsivas que pueden llevar a pérdidas significativas.
Además, la psicología del poker también se enfoca en la capacidad de leer a los oponentes. Observar el lenguaje corporal, las expresiones faciales y los patrones de apuestas puede brindar información valiosa sobre la mano de los demás jugadores. Saber interpretar estas señales puede ayudar a tomar decisiones más acertadas durante una partida.
Otro aspecto importante es la gestión del bankroll, es decir, el dinero destinado a jugar al poker. Mantener un control adecuado de las finanzas es fundamental para evitar caer en la ludopatía y asegurar una práctica saludable y sostenible.
En resumen, la psicología en el poker juega un papel crucial en el rendimiento de los jugadores. La capacidad de controlar las emociones, leer a los oponentes y gestionar adecuadamente el bankroll son habilidades necesarias para alcanzar el éxito en este apasionante juego de cartas.
Probabilidades en el poker
En el poker, comprender las probabilidades es fundamental para tomar decisiones estratégicas durante el juego. Las probabilidades en el poker se refieren a la posibilidad matemática de que ocurra un determinado resultado, como ganar una mano o alcanzar ciertas cartas en el flop, turn o river.
Uno de los conceptos más importantes en el poker es el cálculo de las probabilidades de éxito de una mano. Por ejemplo, calcular las probabilidades de obtener una escalera de color en el river puede influir en si debes igualar una apuesta o retirarte de la mano. Conocer estas probabilidades te permite evaluar el valor esperado de una decisión y actuar de manera más estratégica.
Además, entender las probabilidades en el poker también puede ayudarte a anticipar las jugadas de tus oponentes. Observando el desarrollo de la mano y calculando las probabilidades de que tengan ciertas cartas, puedes estimar la fuerza de sus manos y ajustar tu estrategia en consecuencia.
En resumen, las probabilidades en el poker son una herramienta esencial para aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito en el juego. Al dominar este aspecto, podrás tomar decisiones más informadas, maximizar tus ganancias y mejorar tu rendimiento en la mesa. ¡No subestimes el poder de las matemáticas en el emocionante mundo del poker!
Bluff en el poker
El bluff en el póker es una de las estrategias más fascinantes y desafiantes del juego. Consiste en apostar de manera agresiva y segura, haciéndoles creer a tus oponentes que tienes una mano fuerte cuando en realidad no es así.
El bluff requiere de habilidad, intuición y una lectura precisa de los demás jugadores. Es fundamental estudiar el comportamiento de tus rivales, analizar sus movimientos y detectar posibles debilidades en su juego para poder llevar a cabo un bluff exitoso.
Sin embargo, el bluff también conlleva riesgos. Si tu oponente detecta tu intento de engaño, puedes terminar perdiendo una gran cantidad de fichas. Por lo tanto, es importante utilizar el bluff de manera estratégica y moderada, sin abusar de esta técnica.
El bluff puede ser una herramienta poderosa para aumentar tus ganancias en el póker, pero es necesario emplearlo con cautela y en momentos oportunos. Practicar y perfeccionar esta habilidad te permitirá convertirte en un jugador más completo y versátil.
En resumen, el bluff en el póker es una estrategia arriesgada pero efectiva si se aplica con inteligencia y habilidad. Atrévete a utilizar esta técnica en tus partidas y descubre todo su potencial para dominar la mesa y llevarte grandes premios. ¡Buena suerte en tus futuras partidas de póker!
submitted by Dry-Pirate9048 to u/Dry-Pirate9048 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 Enough_Version7335 Fobia de aprender existe?

Gosto de vários assuntos e fico com uma vontade absurda de entender mais sobre aquilo, me aprofundar, só pra poder passar esse conhecimento pra frente depois e conversar por horas sobre isso com alguém. Aí eu pesquiso, encontro um artigo ou um vídeo e...salvo pra mais tarde, porque imediatamente eu sinto palpitações e uma ansiedade chata, não consigo.
Aquele concurso que parece ser tranquilo e que começo com muita motivação a fazer cronogramas e ciclos de estudo, aí no primeiro dia eu abro a primeira página da apostila, leio a primeira frase e...fecho o livro e guardo tudo. Não consigo.
Ou aquele jogo que quero entender como funciona, que quero me aprofundar, jogar melhor. Começo a assistir um tutorial do Youtube, os primeiros 30 segundos do vídeo e...fecho o vídeo e vou ouvir música. Não consigo.
Tudo, desde as coisas mais complexas às mais simples, não consigo aprender nada, é tipo uma fobia. Só quero entender o porquê disso e como não sentir esse desconforto. Alguém pode me ajudar?
submitted by Enough_Version7335 to desabafos [link] [comments]