Ingrid betancourt video violada

[H] Lots of Games [W] Trade for Games or Paypal (EU)

2024.05.17 20:49 xiaolii [H] Lots of Games [W] Trade for Games or Paypal (EU)

Last Updated List: 17/05/2024
I'm primarily looking to trade for games from my wishlist, otherwise I am also open to selling them. I am not interested in games I already have and all games I'm getting are for me and activated on my own account. Other than that feel free to offer your list of Steam games and something I may not have and fulfills my criteria I could/would be willing to trade for it/them.
If you're either trading or buying please state the game(s) you are interested in and your offer (game(s)/list/price).
I kindly ask of you is to be reasonable when making offers to make it a fair trade for both of us.
Let's have a good exchange/trade!
List of games:
submitted by xiaolii to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:48 xiaolii [H] Lots of Games [W] Trade for Games or Paypal (EU)

Last Updated List: 17/05/2024
I'm primarily looking to trade for games from my wishlist, otherwise I am also open to selling them. I am not interested in games I already have and all games I'm getting are for me and activated on my own account. Other than that feel free to offer your list of Steam games and something I may not have and fulfills my criteria I could/would be willing to trade for it/them.
If you're either trading or buying please state the game(s) you are interested in and your offer (game(s)/list/price).
I kindly ask of you is to be reasonable when making offers to make it a fair trade for both of us.
Let's have a good exchange/trade!
List of games:
submitted by xiaolii to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:49 NewWays91 Why Anastasia Worked as a Film, But Not on Stage (LOOOONG POST)

Adaptation is a game of give and take. Especially when you're adapting something from film to the stage, you have to be aware of what you are losing by removing from the piece when placing all of it in real time in front of the actors. With film you can use close-ups, montages, quick editing, lighting tricks, visual effects etc to create your world. The suspension of belief in film can be harder to keep in tact because we expect a degree of realism from it. In the theater, we know everything we're watching is an artifice. We know the sets are made of cardboard. We know the ocean is shiny plastic. We know that's not real blood or a real knife. You're going into this with a much higher suspension of belief than in film where the goal is often to mimic real life as much as humanly possible. One bad visual effect can break the whole movie. Think of how many reviews, good and bad, couldn't help but mention the less than great visuals in the final battle in the first Black Panther film. On stage, you have the benefit of actors being able to respond in real time to anything that goes wrong and because that person is right in front of us, we have that connection with them and we can go along for the ride much easier than with film. That give and take can make or break an adaptation because for whatever you take away you have to justify that choice by adding something to it. Many adaptations, regardless of the medium, don't always do this and if they do they don't fully understand why what they removed worked. Anastasia is one such example of this because while they do try to add new elements to the story, it almost feels like an entirely different show. But to explain the intricacies of that we need to go back, all the way back.
Don Bluth made a name for himself primarily in the 80's after leaving Disney and creating his own animated films. His work was seen by many as anti-Disney because of the complexity of themes, darker subject matter and animation style that wasn't afraid to be uncomfortable or ugly. That's the general perception of his work but I'd also argue that the relationships between the characters in his films were much more fleshed out and complex than a lot of the stuff Disney was releasing at the time or after. Bluth wasn't afraid to have his characters be rude or mean or cowardly or insecure. The protagonist wasn't always a hero in the purest sense and oftentimes characters would act in a way we'd consider realistic. If they were in a scary situation, they'd run away or try to get out of it. If it was a situation that could benefit them, they'd try to profit to the fullest. Bluth placed his characters in worlds that were very mean and cruel but this only served to heighten the moments of joy and levity. As the 90's rolled on and Disney managed to climb back to the top of the mountain, Bluth did what he could to try to keep up. He didn't see a ton of success in the 90's largely because while at times he tried to ape the Disney formula, they still felt like watered down Don Bluth films.
Enter Lynn Arhens and Stephen Flathery.
In the 90's, these two were some of the biggest names in musical theater with projects like Once On This Island and Ragtime under their belts, to name a few. Lynn Arhens is actually a personal hero and inspiration of mine and oddly enough not for her theater work, although I'm a huge fan of that as well. I grew up watching Schoolhouse Rock as a kid and I actually learned how to write songs while watching those videos. Laugh all you want but you tell me how'd you explain something as complex as parts of grammar or the solar system or the revolutionary war in three minutes or less, for children no less. Her superpower is being able to explain a lot of information in a very short amount of time while having you sing along. Another thing she excels at is making songs the audience can actually leave the theater humming. That being said, it's worth contextualizing the world in which the bulk of their success was born.
Much like Democrats shell shocked by the Republican successes of the 90's, everyone not named Andrew Lloyd Webber was still in a state of awe and envy due to the massive success of Phantom of the Opera, Cats and Evita. The mega musical was born in the 80's and as we tap danced into the 90's, everyone else was trying to catch up. A characteristic of musicals from this era was that they all had that one big song they could perform just about everywhere to pull people in who otherwise may have never given the show a second glance. This was often the catchiest song in the show, oftentimes the opener, and the rest of the songs could range from equally good to songs you'd skip on the soundtrack. This is very much an approach that Arhens and Flathery would use and while I wouldn't say any of their songs were outright bad, there's often quite a bit of fluff. On the flip side, the 90's Disney animated musicals maybe had 5 to 7 songs and there was definitely an economy of time at play here. Today an animated film can be two hours, in the 90's this was far from the case. Every song needed to have a specific function within the story and character development. Rarely would you get songs that are just there to be there. Les Poissons is an example of this. The court of miracles and gargoyles number from Hunchback are also examples. But usually the stronger films like Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King etc were very careful about how many songs and where they were placed. In theater, you can cut and remove songs during previews or even during the run of the show. Outside of doing test screenings, film doesn't really afford you this unless you're early enough in production that the changes can be done in a reasonable amount of time. It's not like Disney could've released a new version of Hunchback as it was in theaters if audiences weren't responding to A Guy Like You. All of this is important because while Don Bluth was very much aping Disney's style at the time, it was clear he was trying to bring elements of the theater to the film as well.
Anastasia the film for all its flaws, and we'll get to those, is a pretty tight narrative and nearly every single song serves some sort of narrative or character based purpose. If a character is singing there is a reason why and that character is important in some way. A big part of the reason why it works is because while it's definitely inspired by The Mouse's then current offerings, it still very much feels like a Don Bluth film. The concept of even turning this story into a musical is very off-beat and in-tune with what Bluth would normally make. I can't imagine Disney making The Secret of Nimh but I can imagine Bluth trying and succeeding at making The Black Cauldron. I really don't see Disney ever making a film like All Dog's Go to Heaven but I can definitely see Bluth doing something really interesting with The Great Mouse Detective. His style is dark and evocative and isn't afraid to make you deeply uncomfortable or sad. Anastasia definitely toes the line but there's sequences in there I just cannot imagine Disney ever doing. The sequence for Once Upon a December is so haunting, melancholy, deeply sad and yet hopeful. Anything having to do with those weird demon things, especially when they try to get Anya to commit suicide, is something Eisner would never let his animators do. At the same time, the relationship between Anya and Demitri feels less like a fairytale romance but honestly like a 90's Meg Ryan romcom. They argue like normal people. They joke with each other like an actual couple would. They feel very realistic and realistic relationships between characters is something Bluth excels at. Because the worlds he creates are usually pretty ugly in some ways, it allows for the relationships to be more grounded. You wouldn't but Anya falling for Demitri in a day like Ariel did for Eric because the world the former couple inhabits feels harsher and therefore the characters have more grit. That being said the film does have flaws that become very relevant once we start talking about the stage version:
1) The villain does not feel properly integrated into the story. Most Disney villains had some kind of relationship with the protagonist that sets the main conflict into motion. Ursula is the one who conducts the spell. Scar is both Simba's uncle and kills Mufasa. Jafar is the first main character we ever see and he's the one who finds Aladdin. Rasputin is in the opening and he does set up the main conflict but there's no relationship between him and the protagonists. They don't even know he's alive until the last ten minutes of the film. He impact the narrative but he definitely could have been woven into the narrative more. I think confining him to the underworld was a mistake. With some slight reworking, you could have had him appearing as some of the randos Anastasia meets along her journey or even have the orphanage owned by him a la Mister Sinister. The setting and time period feels more like a suggestion than any sort of adherence to historical accuracy so they could've gone wild.
2) Most of the stuff in Paris feels like a completely separate movie. The last song we get is Key to Your Heart, which is also the closest we get to fluff, and there's no song within the film proper until after that. At the Beginning absolutely slaps but it should've been in the actual film. Everything after Sophie's song is fine but the film takes on a much more serious and grounded tone until Rasputin decides to remind us he's in the movie. The somewhat surreal tone and the momentum the film had comes to a screeching halt once we get to Paris. That being said, it's still a very good portion of the film but it doesn't really match with anything else in the first two acts.
3) Rasputin's motivations aren't entirely clear. He's still alive because the curse hasn't been fulfilled, I think. He wants to die forreal but that only happens if Anya is offed and even then that's ambiguous. Does he wanna die? Does he wanna be human again? Did he want power of any sort? If he wants to fulfill the curse to move on, we see he bites the dust quite literally once Anya breaks the glowing thingy anyway. It's a cartoon so you could say don't think too hard about it but the logic falls apart the exact second you analyze it. Why not have Bartok just smash the thing once he realizes it's still active? Why does Rasputin want the Romanovs dead so damn badly? His reasonings aren't explained well in the beginning so his actions feel more like an act of interia that anything else.
4) The side characters are kinda annoying. Vlad is mostly okay because he serves a definite role in the story as playing the more level headed one to Demitri's more fiery personality. Sophie starts to grate on my nerves but whenever she does they shunt her out of the film. The mandatory cute animal sidekicks range from irritating to please make it stop.
For what it's worth, the stage adaptation exercises both animal sidekicks largely be consequence of this version trying to be more historical fiction rather than a Disney Renaissance style musical. That brings us to one of the biggest and most controversial changes in the stage version, Gleb. He's a Russian officer who is torn between his feelings for Anya and his duty to the cause. He replaced Rasputin as the main threat. With Gleb, they do rectify points 1 and 3 but this is not without losing much of the energy Rapustin injects into the piece. For all his faults, Rasputin and his weird demon things move shit from Point A to Point B while also being very entertaining at the same time. Gleb has more of a motivation than Rasputin but the story comes to a screeching halt whenever we have to focus on him. He is in love with Anya because she's hot I guess and we get so many songs of this dude belting for the gods about how much he wants her but he can't pursue her. There are a total of three songs counting reprises that are dedicated to this and they're basically all the same. Gleb wants to bone, he has daddy issues and we move on. He interacts with her more but there is no reason he should be this blue balled over a chick he does not know. Anya and Demitri still have great chemistry and the plot is reworked to give them more time together. I like their dynamic more in the film but the musical does this fine but just differently. Anya doesn't really even know Gleb nor that he wants to see if the curtains match the drapes. So we're stuck in this completely unnecessary lopsided love triangle that makes Wolverine, Scott and Jean Grey's bullshit seem like Shakespeare. There is almost zero evolution within Gleb's many croons about how much he wants to bang this chick. He comes to basically the same revelation every single time so whenever he gets a song it's basically time for a pee break. Unlike Rapustin who at least gets an entertaining last fight and death, Gleb doesn't really even get that. He corners her, she goes full on Malala and tells him to do what he's gotta do, he chickens out and dips. They try to give it some weight by having Anya comfort him but she doesn't know this man and she certainly doesn't know he's in love with her. It feels even less powerful than the original ending because at least Rasputin actually killed her family so there's some connection there. Gleb is the son of the guy who was involved so his connection to any of this is nebulous at best. Why not just make him an ex-boyfriend or orphan she grew up with? Why not actually just make him the dad Gleb keeps referring to? Rasputin actually wants her dead and the story moves mostly because of his machinations behind the scenes. Gleb feels shoehorned into this narrative and he's not even entertaining while he's there. His songs are slow, repetitive and he has no real personality.
This is not the only change they made to the story. Vlad now has a mini subplot where he's trying to get back Sophie, now named Lily. This means she's in the story a lot more than she was previously and they don't succeed in making her less annoying. In film, a character can bounce in and out of the narrative without us questioning why they're not there. Theater is a bit different because you can't really have characters that just show up and never appear again. It's been done but usually they'll have the actor play a dual role in the story as well. Lily gets a lot more to do and I'm sorry but almost every song she gets besides the one from the film are also pee break songs. Land of Yesterday just feels like a Russian version of If I Knew Then from Beetlejuice but with much less relevance to the story. The Empress also gets a song now and while it's more memorable than any of the stuff Gleb or Lily get, there's no reason for it to be there. Some composers feel the compulsion to make every single emotional beat a song and while I understand that desire, you don't need it. Honestly my first time seeing the show, I started laughing when she busted out singing because it's so random. The original film got the point across without this and the musical does not expand on her character in any way so there's nothing new to communicate here. Maybe they felt the character should sing more but even without Close the Door, she gets some parts in other songs. This is an example of the fluff I was referring to earlier.
But for everything they added, they removed a lot of stuff but tried to play it down the middle. For example, in the film Rasputin tries to get Anastasia to kill herself by giving her an enchanting dream that turns into a nightmare. Demetri saves her life, she now has learned to trust him more and we move on. In the musical, Rapustin no longer exists but the scene does in a way. Now she has a nightmare about her family being killed where she Demetri comforts her as he does before but there's no narrative reason for this scene to be here. By this point, they've had more moments to build the romantic connection so it feels redundant. They also want to give us a reason to lead into the song where they realize they both know each other and that she's really Anastasia. It's a very flimsy setup and the film did this much better by having Demetri be the one who saved her life. It also undercuts his character development by a lot. There's no scene where he rejects the money. He doesn't have a personal connection to Anya or her grandmother like he did before. His character is neutered a lot in this version and doesn't come off as selfless as he did before. He turns down the money but not only does he have less of a reason to that now, that reveal feels much less powerful. His character isn't even involved in saving her life towards the end. While they do get more time to bond in this version, I just don't feel like they added enough to justify some of these changes.
I don't quite understand why they chose to go the route of realism with the musical. Maybe they're responding to people who thought the more fantastical elements were out of place but as we can see without that, the story doesn't have much of a reason to be a musical. There's an older movie version of this story with Ingrid Bergman that hits a lot of the same beats as the 90's version. That version is decidedly not a musical and also isn't that great of a film either. This isn't the easiest story to make compelling and the 90's version threaded the needle as best as it could. By using the story of Anastasia as more of a jumping off point for the type of fairytale musical audiences had become used to, it managed to make the story more removed from the actual real life Anastasia who did in fact die, although that was not known back then. The musical leans too much into the history and it just doesn't work. There are dark shows that deal with heavy subject matter. The Color Purple is basically just Beat My Ass: The Musical. But that show isn't also trying to be a romantic whimsical experience, Anastasia very much is. I wish they had just kept Rapustin, weaved him into the story more naturally and gave him a stronger personal connection to Anastasia and kept the darker non-history related elements in the show. The movie is plenty dark at times but the history and political struggle is given a passing mention in the opening and is rarely ever brought up again unless to refer to actual murders. The musical felt like Bridge of Spies set to music with how much focus they put on the political aspect of the story. That does not mesh and I think it's part of the reason why this show doesn't have as strong of a following as the film. It's not ungodly awful, but it doesn't justify its existence.
submitted by NewWays91 to Broadway [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:29 MusicID PhD Student trying to Identify the Music used in Olympic Gymnastics Routines

Hey Reddit! It's my first time posting in this group but I am currently working on my Dissertation project analyzing music within Olympic Sport and was looking at seeing if anyone has information on Gymnastics routines. I have quite a bit identified already, but I cannot seem to find the music for the older routines or identify the music being used. If anyone is willing to help out, that would be amazing.
EDIT: Thank you Everyone! I wanted to add some links to some of the performances that I still need to identify and clean up the ones that people have graciously helped with already! Hopefully this may help you help me :). Thanks again!
EDIT Pt 2: This has been absolutely amazing. Thank you for helping. I have cleaned up what has been identified and added specifically which ones I still need from 1960 and 1964.
Here is a list of the ones that I am missing.
Rhythmic Gymnastics - Any routines from the 1984, 1988, or 1992 Olympics (I have found some but also made a post specifically for these routines)
Women's Artistic Gymnastic Floor Routines -
1960 - Larisa Latynina - 1st Place -
1960 - Tamara Zamotaylova, Eva Bosáková, Sofia Muratova, and Sonia Iovan. I have not found videos of these performances.
1964 - Larisa Latynina, Aniko Ducza, Birgit Tadochla, Ingrid Fost. I have not found videos of these performances.
1968 - Larisa Petrik - 1st Place -
1968 - Natalia Kushinskaya - 3rd Place -
1968 - Olga Karasyova - 5th Place - No video found
1976 - Nellie Kim - 1st Place -
1976 - Marion Kische - 5th Place -
1976 - Gitta Escher - 6th Place -
1980 - Maxi Gnauck - 3rd Place -
1984 - Zhou Qiurui - 4th Place -
1984 - Maiko Morio - 7th Place -
Any help would be appreciated! Let me know if you want me to go in more detail about the actual project too! I'd be happy to talk about it. Thank you!! I can also provide links to quite a few of these performances if you would like to view them to help identify them as well.
submitted by MusicID to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:52 fairyvanilla Azure Gleam - Misc. Support Translations

Here’s some other tiny support translations from Azure Gleam. Nothing comprehensive, just things I found either amusing or interesting :) I want to keep this one lighthearted in tone. Also, last time I used hyperlinks within the post, it created this weird thumbnail that looked awful, so if you want to look any of this up, just check out the Hopes FE Datamine that I will link in a comment.

1.) Ingrid/Sylvain

The scene begins like this in the English version:
Sylvain: ...
Ingrid: That was quite the sigh. What's the matter, Sylvain?
Meanwhile, the Japanese has this extra part to it:
Sylvain: Sigh...
Ingrid: Oh? What’s going on, Sylvain? Sigh like that…and you’ll get more wrinkles.
lmao love the cheeky banter, especially with the smiling Ingrid portrait. Also, for anyone else who is a sucker for Faerghus 4's dynamics, there's this difference too. First, English:
Sylvain: Felix and Dimitri both succeeded their fathers. They're now burning the candle at both ends, right?
Sylvain: I can't go around causing trouble with unending scandals when I'm supposed to be the mature one of the bunch.
Here's the Japanese translation:
Sylvain: Both His Majesty and Felix have succeeded their families and are toiling away...
Sylvain: It's pathetic if I, the older brother, annoy those guys so much with my stupid misconduct, isn't it?
Responsible big bro Sylvain strikes again, although the word he uses to refer to Dimitri and Felix (あいつら 'aitsura') is a really colloquial and informal/rough way to say 'those guys' or 'those people', heh.

2.) Dimitri/Yuri

When the scene begins, we see the following exchange between Yuri and a child in the English version:
Yuri: Everyone is strangely abuzz today. Is there a visiting minstrel or a mummer's troupe?
Child: Haven't you heard, mister? A funny knight's been coming to town recently!
Here's the Japanese version:
Yuri: What’s going on? The town is oddly noisy today. Are the bards even showing up?
Child: Big bro Yuri [literally ‘Yuris-nii-chan’], don't you know? There's been an interesting knight in town recently.
Nii-chan is an affectionate way to address one’s older brother. I like this more, as it shows how Yuri is actually familiar to the people in that small town!

3.) Dimitri/Rodrigue

Aka the puppy zone 🐶 For a certain u/Set_of_Dogs :>
Here's the English version for the two times he talks about Matthias returning Lambert's sword:
Rodrigue: What sort of laggard keeps a loan so long he has to return it to the lender's son? Thirty years!
Rodrigue: I suppose I can hardly poke fun at Matthias for holding onto that sword all those years, can I?
Here's the two Japanese translations:
Rodrigue: Returning a sword he borrowed 30 years ago, now that it's the generation after ours [literal translation: children's generation]. He's quite the lazy person, that guy.
Rodrigue: Hahaha, I can’t laugh at this Matthias guy for being a slacker, can I?
'Laggard' is actually a really neat translation choice imo! However, the Japanese makes it more explicit about him referring to the fact that Matthias is lazy which is a really cute parallel with Sylvain haha. Also, Rodrigue always uses formal speech with Dimitri, but when he refers to Matthias specifically, he uses the informal/familiaderogatory 'aitsu' word that Sylvain uses above. Also he calls Matthias マティアスの奴('Matthias no yatsu'), which is sort of like 'that Matthias fellow' essentially. Using '-no yatsu' with someone you don't know is seen as rude and demeaning, but since Rodrigue is friends with Matthias, it's more of a playful rib.
Rodrigue using that phrasing when talking about the Margrave is pretty different from the more formal speech he uses with Dimitri, which gives the feeling that how he talks to Matthias is seeping through (the scene where Rodrigue and Matthias talk after the Sreng paralogue shows a more casual grammar mode Rodrigue). If you play AM and are on Chapter 16, he refers to Lambert as 'Lambert no Yatsu" in his explore dialogue too! There's something bittersweet about him using that familiar nickname for Lambert when speaking to Byleth, as if Lambert never passed :(

4.) Extra Rodrigue Note

This isn't something exclusive to one support and doesn't have an English equivalent so I won't bother with any English. There's a Japanese suffix 殿 ('dono') that is used to convey respect to authority figures. If you watch enough anime, you might be familiar with '-sama' which is a rung above '-dono' and is still used today (Rhea is referred to as 'Rhea-sama' in the game). '-dono' on the other hand is a lot more archaic sounding and it's never used in Japanese speech anymore, just in writing for some documents.
A translation that you can use for '-dono' is that it's equivalent to 'lord' or 'master'. Again, it's never used in regular Japanese speech. However, it is used in historical media like a samurai series or a fantasy property like Fire Emblem. If you explore the monastery on the Gautier inheritance chapter in Houses, Ingrid and Dedue will both refer to Rodrigue as 'Rodrigue-dono'. On other chapters, when Felix is talking about his dad, he refers to him as 'oyaji-dono', with 'oyaji' being somewhat of a crude way to refer to a dad or older men (sort of like 'my old man'), which has a super funny contrast with the formal '-dono', LOL.
In the Japanese fandom, for whatever reason, people have really clung on to calling Rodrigue by the title of 'Rodrigue-dono' which is funny because how formal it sounds despite it being used by people casually talking about a video game on the net LOL. An example of this is something like "Rodrigue-dono keeps rushing into these other units during Felix's paralogue on Maddening 😥". From what I've seen, no other character gets the '-dono' treatment in the fandom like Rodrigue does despite Dimitri calling Gilbert 'Gilbert-dono' on the same chapter for instance. It's an endearing nickname for him.
The reason I'm bringing all this up in a post about Three Hopes translations is that in Three Hopes, the developers made the choice to have Rodrigue now refer to all the other Blue Lions with '-dono', from Shez to Sylvain to Dedue LMFAO. It's just super funny coming from this dude who is at least two decades older than most of the cast and is/was a man of noble standing, one who was probably the second biggest figure in Faerghus after Lambert or Rufus. It comes off as him being self-assured enough to use more formal titles with the cast despite his age and experience :) qt dad vibes LOL
submitted by fairyvanilla to FireEmblemThreeHouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:03 Obvious_Outsider My Review of Ys IX

Finally played Ys IX after a long while of putting it off! Finished it last week and have been letting my thoughts sit for a while. Looking back, this is how I feel about the game:
Tl;dr is the game is pretty good! Not the best Ys game I've played, but it's up there!
What I Didn't Like
What I Did Like:
Overall, Ys IX is an A-tier game for me. Doesn't quite hit the level of Ys VIII, but still a solid game nonetheless.
submitted by Obvious_Outsider to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:24 renasianfan Chapter 3-5 references and background

Again this is from our research there's some references we're missing here and still pending research.

Chapter 3
0:33 Movie: Drugstore Cowboy 1989
1:40 Movie: Machinist
2:23 Movie Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
4:27 Movie: Steve Seagal in Half Past Dead (awful movie, great title)
6:08 TTF BTS (
6:48 Ren - Freckled Angels (Live Performance). This is one of the very early videos he posted on his personal/official music channel ( Performed on 10/27/11 at Regal Room of a pub called Distiller at London. The Regal room part since closed but the pub still remains.
7:28 Need to identify these 2 frontmans. (edit: the second singer is Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division. He suffered form epilepsy and incorporated his suffering into his music. He committed unliving at the eve of the band's first ever North America tour)
Chapter 4
3:37 Movie Hitch. Will Smith is visibly seen suffering from allergy
5:07 Movie featuring Leonardo
5:40 TV Mr. Robot (another great dystopian TV)
Chapter 5
0:13 busking in Brighton ( Note this is one of the earliest busking videos he was filmed in Brighton, circa 2013
1:03 First time Sam ever met Ren ( Sam Tompkins also reviewed this journey at his YT channel few years back ( The filming location is on Gardner Street, between North and Church St. Years later, Ren filmed "Jenny's Tale" at the opposite side of this building on Orange Row.
1:36 (A64 Sam Tompkins show case:

2:18 movie Home alone

2:34 movie exorcist
2:53 add some introduction on Nichiren Daishorin (日蓮大聖人) and Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō[a] (南無妙法蓮華経) (the lady's chanting is Tina Turner, who Ren referenced in his lyrics multiple times (Back to 74 retake etc) From Wiki: Turner was introduced to the teachings of Nichiren Buddhism in 1973 which she practiced more than 50 yrs.
Nichiren (literally means sun lotus) is the name of the famous monk who founded Nichiren buddaism 13 century in Japan. Daishorin is his honored title -- basically means great saint. You can see the detailed explanation of the chant here (\_My%C5%8Dh%C5%8D\_Renge\_Ky%C5%8D)
3:04 movie (need to be identified)
8:53 Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman hug and kiss in Casablanca
9:32 Jennifer Brea (Ted Talk
) (Unrest full movie
submitted by renasianfan to ren [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 06:45 exitmichael4 AITAH for spending the night with my crush instead of my female friend in a foreign country?

I’m a 28M who loves traveling. I have this friend, a 28F from college we been friends for years. We graduated top of our class together. We both love video games, Ghibli movies, drawing, and have a lot in common, so we became best friends pretty quickly.
My friend’s mom lives in a foreign country. She left because her husband was abusive and left my friend by herself when she was 19-20. But they kept a good enough relationship (mom paid her apartment and helped as she could, dad just lives off her and her mom). One day, the opportunity arose for my friend—let’s call her “Ingrid”—to finally travel to visit her mom despite some financial trouble.
It was Ingrid’s first time traveling, and I offered her my help. Ingrid’s mom offered me a place to stay and food, so I was golden!
We traveled together, had a nice time, spent some weeks with her mother and new partner. I would go out almost every day to explore, while she would stay working to support her dad and stay with her mom (the mom has a freelance job)—everyone happy!
From the beginning stages of the travel, we discussed what we wanted to do, our dos and don’ts, even safe words if we wanted to get out of a sticky situation or something awkward.
I was very clear that I love traveling and exploring, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures. She was clear that she wanted to explore as well, but her main focus was to stay with her mom—they'd been apart for almost 10 years. So everything was clear.
Part of the plans was that we would go to another country during our stay. The mom had a friend in the other country who was expecting us (the friend helped to finance Ingrid’s trip), so we would go and meet her and thank her.
As the experienced traveler that I pretend to be, I visited every place in the area where I was staying, spent some days just with her family, had some BBQs and long chats, but was wanting more of my trip (that I paid for myself, and every expense outside of housing and food inside the house). So I asked if it was okay for me to visit country 2, 4 days before our original plan, and that we would meet there.
Everyone was so happy but concerned about me being alone (I have traveled alone multiple times), and I understood. They became my family and adopted me, caring about me a lot, and I grew to really appreciate Ingrid’s mom and especially her partner, as we have very similar personalities.
So, I left and messaged my friend to let her know I was okay almost every day. I had a blast by myself; the 4 days flew by, and we met, and I had reservations for myself in a very nice theater with a dinner and dance lessons (which I consulted first with them if it was okay to get, because I was not sure if they had any plans with me).
So, in the event, I found the most gorgeous woman in my life. We danced, we were the only ones by ourselves, so we asked if we could eat together. It was out of a movie; we spent the entire time talking, laughing. She put her head on my shoulder; we were both so in tune with each other. At some point, we both cried a little; it was magical.
We are both tourists traveling, so we decided to meet the next night.
Have you seen in movies when a man starts screaming at the top of his lungs from happiness while walking down the street after his crush accepted him asking her out? Well, that was me.
I spent my last night alone in my Airbnb and moved to the new Airbnb the next morning, this time with my friend Ingrid.
Ingrid and I are only friends; she had a crush on me, but I told her that I was not interested in her that way. But I do appreciate her friendship a lot. She was okay with that, and we continued to be friends.
So, the next night I had my date, rocky start (she was an hour late), but I would have waited all my life for her, to be honest. We had an amazing time. I walked her to her hotel; we kissed, and it was incredible. We were like teens; we spent hours kissing and talking. She said we could go to her room, but just to sleep (it was past midnight at this time). I sent a message to my friend saying that I didn’t know how long it would take for In to come back, and we went to her room.
We both took a shower and just slept, kissing, hugging, and nothing more (sadly for me, trust me I tried, and she refused, but I 200% respected that and did not continue any advances).
5 in the morning arrived; I had to leave after a make-out session and get an Uber to my Airbnb with Ingrid.
To say she was pissed is an understatement. We had plans together with the family, and she didn’t even look at me or say anything that she wasn’t forced to (like a child).
After a while, we talked it off. She said I left her alone in a foreign country, and she wanted us to experience being there together (that night, her mom had to stay with her in the Airbnb because of my date).
We had a one-on-one at the beach. I explained and apologized, but I didn’t feel sorry or that I had done something wrong. We hugged it out, and everything is back to normal.
We are back in our country, and a few days later, she texted me saying how terrible and selfish I was in that situation, saying that I was like her mom who abandoned her and felt like she could be easily replaced by me if something better came along.
I understand all the trauma that she has; she has always been supportive and a great friend. I’m not a really good friend; I don’t text people, I send memes from time to time, but for me, it's a pause until we see each other again, and it’s like nothing happened. I believe we are adults and busy, and sometimes we can’t reply to each other or meet as often because of work or family. We still make time to hang out a couple of times a year with our group of friends.
So I just apologized and did say I wish I was sorry, but that moment was magical for me, and sometimes you need to be a bit selfish to enjoy life.
She is still mad; I value her friendship a lot, but she seems to want to text constantly and that I’m a terrible friend for not replying (which wasn’t an issue before).
So Reddit, am I the asshole?
submitted by exitmichael4 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:54 JohnAizen NPC Jail Vol.1

Hello fellow commanders, I bring you the most up to date roster of NPC Jail inmates compiled up to the current main and story events. I used to call the posts I made "Characters Not Yet Playable" but that just wasn't catchy so I decided to use the more widely used NPC Jail term I've seen floating around the subreddit. One last note before I get into the list itself is I prioritize appearances in the main story over event stories because it makes the list a bit more organized in my opinion. SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO I PRESENT THE LIST OF ALL THE CURRENT INMATES, ENJOY:
Chapter 12:
Mana, a researcher first seen studying Material H. Also appears in all of Real Kindness' Liberation stories. A Missilis Nikke and part of the MMR squad.
Chapter 14:
K, part of Perilous Siege and later appears in the License to Kill and Kill the Lord events. Elysion Nikke and most likely uses SMGs based on her art.
Rian, working for Syuen and appears by her side in many subsequent chapters so most likely Missilis, maybe Wardress based on her wardrobe?
Chapter 17:
The White Knight Squad, mentioned to be taking care of Marian. Pilgrim Nikkes. Chime is first fully seen in the Golden Ship event searching for the same treasure as Mast. She is heavily featured in the Last Kingdom event.
Lilith, mentioned in passing and later mentioned again in the Over Zone event. First full appearance was during the REDASH event. If added, probably Pilgrim but in lore she maybe too overpowered to be playable.
Chapter 18:
Papillon, sent to spy on the Counters by Burningum and later a conspirator with Dorothy. I personally think she's a Tetra unit because of the Tetra sniper meme but no real evidence.
Chapter 19:
Anachiro, mentioned in a report as a Heretic who was injected with Vapaus. Revealed in the REDASH event to have originally been the Nikke Cinderella. Currently under the care of Grave in the Crystal Region.
Chapter 20:
Liberalio, a Heretic who rescues Nihilister after her defeat. Pilgrim most likely and if following the trend started by Nihilister most likely a Liberation unit.
Chapter 22:
Rouge and Jaune, mentioned by Noir and Blanc so most likely part of the 777 squad and Tetra units. Rouge appears again in the Bunny X 777 event.
Indivilia, mentioned by Nihilister as she invades the Ark. Was the Heretic fragment/Material H recovered in chapter 12. Revived and fully revealed at the end of Chapter 24 and main antagonist of the Last Kingdom event. Pilgrim like the other Heretics most certainly.
Chapter 23:
Pretty, mentioned in passing to have been the first celebrity Nikke and is deceased. Playability is relatively low based on this.
Chapter 24:
E.H., originally appeared as a human NPC in chapter 22 but asks Ingrid to turn her into a Nikke after the events of the Rapture Invasion. Obviously going to be Elysion, I speculate she will join Exotic to replace Crow.
Syuen, a human NPC and CEO of Missilis Industries. After the events of the Rapture invasion she was sentenced to be turned into a Nikke and assigned to the Counters squad. Revealed in later chapters thst this is a ploy by Enikk to get her to fall in line. Hopefully she eventually gets Nikkefied but at the moment it's just an idle threat.
Chapter 27:
The Hammer & Drill Squad, Hammering and Drilley. Hammering is sent as reinforcement for the exploration mission. Drilley is mentioned in passing but fully revealed in chapter 29. Manufacturer for Drilley is confirmed to be Elysion so Hammering most likely Elysion also.
Liveryn, from the Pathfinder squad. Sent to be the navigator for the exploration mission. Manufacturer currently unknown but her partner is confirmed to be Elysion.
Flora, member of the Botanic Garden squad. Appears briefly on a video call to discuss the crystals appearing in the chapter. Manufacturer currently unknown.
Chapter 28:
Grave, a mysterious Nikke encountered in the Crystal Region. Originally referred to as “The Unknown” but in chapter 30 she reveals her name.
Fragile, part of the Pathfinder squad with Liveryn. Only mentioned via a text message. Makes full appearance in chapter 29 to help with the rescue mission. Manufacturer is Elysion.
Chapter 29:
Trony, member of the Electric Shock squad with Elegg. Sent to the surface to help rescue the exploration team. A Missilis Nikke like her squadmate.
School of Lock:
Ein and Zwei, Rei's classmates and part of the School Circle squad. Most likely Tetra Nikkes like Rei. Also appears in Rei's and Marciana's Bond Stories respectively.
New Year, New Sword:
Rose, leader of the Melee squad and presumed to be dead. If added to the game most likely a Pilgrim like her sister.
Unnamed Mass Produced Melee Units, being prototypes, having very little actual screen time, and ultimately all being killed makes playability close to zero. Would be nice to have a Pilgrim R unit in my opinion though.
One More Time:
Clay, Bay's squadmate and the clumsy member of Rewind. Tetra most likely.
Rumani, mentioned in passing and part of the Nepenthe squad, could be either Missilis or Tetra. Appears again in Epinel's and Mihara's bond stories.
submitted by JohnAizen to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:41 EarnSomeRespect Just pulled this out of Grandpa’s collection. Fully sealed.

Just pulled this out of Grandpa’s collection. Fully sealed. submitted by EarnSomeRespect to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:06 Possible_Role211 Smiley

Det er ikke nemt at skrive til en som man ikke kender , men kun har set på tiktok. men jeg vælger alligevel at gøre det , smiley , Jeg håber at du får hjælp fra dine venner og selvom jeg heller ikke kender Ingrid så virker hun som om at hun virkelig vil hjælpe med hjerte på rette sted , og smiley det er mange som ser frem til du igen, kommer på tiktok, og lave mad men ind til den dag kommer skal du have god bedring , og jeg håber at Robin og sandgaard vil få den straf som De fortjener , og til alle jer som har lagt video op , på reddit tag det ned så smiley ikke selv skal se dem , giver den kun til mennesker som skal bruge den. Til sidst tak til alle dem som har som har hjulpet idag.
submitted by Possible_Role211 to Rediot [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:04 DBurner16733 I’ve (24M) been led on by an engaged woman (24F) who has used me and lied to me. What do I do next?

Hi, my name is D [24]. Let me provide some quick background on me. I work in marketing and social media in the recovery field. I was very successful in school (graduated 2nd in my class in high school and very successful in college). I’ve been pretty introverted my whole life, I am a high functioning autistic, but most (to be honest all) people can’t tell unless I say it. I tend to do better when surrounded by other people, I feed off them in a good way. I am a big video gamer, I can be really funny and extroverted once I am comfortable but I have a hard time doing that. I get lonely at night and have really bad anxiety at times. A lot of my friends I don’t live close to after college, so I spend most of my time working or gaming. This story is heavy, so if I miss anything or if anything’s confusing - please ask away. About 6 months prior to this, I broke up with my girlfriend of two and half years. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I wanted to break it off because I knew I wanted kids and she didn’t (on top of other long term goals). There was more to it, but that’s the most important. This choice had no short term benefit, but I did it for a better future for me. It was a really healthy relationship, she was great - but I wanted my forever person. I promised myself my next partner would be that (or hopefully would be that). We are still friends to this day.
My main game used to be World of Warcraft. I needed help with something and I asked around and met a girl named Samantha (Sam) Ingrid [24]. Total circumstance. She was incredible. I have done online dating/LDR before, I didn’t want it again, but this sort of just happened. I didn’t ask for it. She lives in Kentucky. I live in New England.
We talked nonstop, we had great healthy communication, we had a lot of similar interests and goals. It was very flirty from the start and we had a ton of chemistry. We could call, leave voice memos, and talk all day and night. It was very hyper focused and intense compared to the start of most relationships. We talked about dating and both wanted that soon, but decided it would be best to wait to meet up. A few weeks into talking, she let me know she had 3 daughters. She didn’t let me know at first because I guess we weren’t serious enough. I didn’t care after thinking about it and was willing to try it out and see how it goes. Things went great, we agreed we would begin dating before meeting up because we both were so into each other. Next few weeks go by and things are great. We were talking about meeting up soon (no set plans), but she’s starting a new job and it would be easier to meet. We would talk and play all day. She introduced me to an online friend named J. J and her used to flirt back in middle school days, but never dated, she said. He was just a friend. She didn’t want him to know about us dating so he wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. I was okay with this at first because I know how that feels. But I would always get into my head and get a little jealous, but she reassured me they were just friends. But, we all had a ton of fun together and had a small friend group. Also, Sam and I to clarify (to my knowledge) were fully boyfriend and girlfriend.
One day, it appears I’m randomly blocked out of nowhere.. When she blocked me, I reached out to our group chat while anxiously spiraling. He noticed I really wasn’t okay so he messaged me privately, asking if I was dating Sam. He told me the truth.
Her nickname “Sam” is true, but it was a different first name and last name. Sam actually has 4 kids (she didn’t mention she also had a son) and she’s engaged. The youngest 2 of the children are with her fiancé. Her son does not live with her and her fiance “C.” I went through her Facebook and it seems she was acting herself to me, but just keeping any secret involving him. They have been engaged for multiple years. He showed me her Facebook. He explained back when they were teenagers (14), she catfished him under the name “Anna” and they dated for almost a year. One day, she just vanished. Two years later, she came back on Facebook and apologized. They were acquaintances, but when she was on WoW, she reached out and they were friendly and started playing together. He forgave her because they were so young and figured she would never do it again. He said he’s on my side and was also mad because she told him that I was just a flirty friend and to ignore my flirting. So she lied to us both to keep us at bay, but at the same time wanted us all to be friends. Really manic behavior.
She called us very drunk the next day and I had to pry the truth from her. She wouldn’t admit it on her own. C (the fiance) saw all of the messages and they got into a big fight. They ended up drinking and she just kept drinking because of the pain. Her best friend took her to the mental hospital. She also told J that C had choked her out (and provided a photo), but once sober and a few days later said that was C’s brother and not him. I still don’t know if this is fully true, but I do have a photo of the choke marks.
She called me in the hospital (I can confirm she was really there and a patient) and things seemed to be a little better. She gets diagnosed with Bipolar and Psychosis. At first she wanted to end it with C forever. I felt good about this because I loved her, and I could reestablish boundaries and if she wanted me back in her life. A day later, she told me after thinking about it more, she’s decided she doesn’t know what she wants. This hurt a ton because I had been so good to her. I never yelled even after she lied to me about a ton, I was so respectful, and I could tell how happy she was around me. She said it was so easy to talk with me. When she got out, she didn’t respond to my messages.I had J check Facebook (FB) to see if she was online and she was. She messages him that she’s out, but to keep it on the “down low” from me. This pisses him off and they get into a fight where he calls her out and they block each other on everything and I get blocked on a few things and she messages me I was working with him to get information from her and it’s “triggering” for her. This is not entirely true and we talk a little and she says she was planning on calling when C (fiance) wasn’t around. I asked why didn’t you just let me know that and she dodges that. Eventually, she says she will call when he’s not around, but never does.
It was really rough for me. I feel I lost all sense of agency and control. When I thought I would be able to set boundaries, she just vanished with no care for me. I cried on the phone to J every night worried sick about her. And she just cut me out like that. I broke down with an anxiety attack a few days later and almost had to go somewhere. Eventually, I found a therapist and I am still talking with him. A week passes and I saw she was on WoW and she was on for the first time since everything. I asked J and he said I should reach out because I wasn’t blocked and get some closure I never got. She responded and we talked for four hours in the game. Part of me wanted to reach out because on social media, it seemed she/her family blamed everything on her diagnoses. But, I knew if she never got caught she would keep going and going. And I was right. She confirmed she chose him, but we agreed to talk more if she reached out first. I made a burner discord and she would uninstall and reinstall discord if he wasn’t around.
They continued their unhealthy relationship (they fight a ton, their son doesn’t live with them, total mess as a reminder) as we talked. It was good for a few days she said between them, but eventually their toxic thing went back to toxic. A week or two passes of us talking and calling and now video calling (I can confirm she is really the person on FB and all images she has EVER sent, were really of her). She told me she’d like to be with me and end things with him. I said okay I’d be interested in exploring that but we would need to be friends after she dumps him for a bit so we can rebuild trust. I knew I really fucking loved this girl and would move mountains for her. We talk all the time (when he’s not around) and whenever he’s not around we call and talk as much as possible. She even makes up excuses to leave the house so we can talk. A few weeks pass and they still are fighting. She gets drunk one night and insists I add her on snapchat. I do and he finds it going through her phone later that night. He doesn’t know it’s me but it causes them to argue more. She confirms she still wants to be with me and is taking steps towards that. This past week her communication has been way worse, we talk way less, and she seems more focused on hiding me, then my feelings and wellbeing. She is very busy with the new job and that’s our primary time to talk. As the week progresses - for the first time ever, she is also leaving me to read or ghosting me. Either because he’s around and he can’t see or because she’s just not as interested anymore. I know she's not mentally well. But I love her and it’s hard to let go, especially not having many people in my life. A boundary I set is to please not post him on your story because I don’t want to see. On Friday, they went on a date and she posted to him like 6 times. It felt so rude and disrespectful to me. All of this, while ignoring me because he’s around. She told me she'd be back later that night two days in a row and she never showed up so I was worried. On Saturday, she leaves me delivered all day and then opens my message and blocks me. This hurt because I set three boundaries when we started talking again - don’t use me, don’t hurt, and don’t leave me for good if you choose that without telling me why. And she broke all 3 of those at that time. This morning she reached out on the last application I am not blocked on (Discord burner) and said this before blocking me. She said, “I wanted to talk to you about this. We went to dinner and had a long talk. I chose him. I think in the back of my mind, I was always going to choose him. I love him with everything in me. And I’ve not been very good for him. I should have kept it strict and gave you the closure you wanted and that’s it. You are a great person, D. You will find someone to give you their all, and that’s not me.” I was glad she let me know, but it hurts that she wasn’t even sorry to me for anything. I know it was honest and it really hurts, but is also really telling she didn’t apologize to me and just cares about his feelings. She has fully cut communication now and probably forever. I am so jealous of C, but I am not after seeing how she can lie. I doubt I would be able to fully trust her in a relationship anyways. My therapist says we all have a sense of ego and that’s why I have had a hard time letting go, also a lack of closure. This was a little closure, but not exactly. Does she love me? Did she just use me? What exactly changed? I will never get answers to these and this is why it’s so hard for me to process (even over that 2 and a half year relationship with my ex).
I feel stuck, I feel devoid of purpose, I’m not the person I used to be. Not anymore. She broke me. I’d be open to moving on, but all I do is work and I’m never out of the house. I don’t even want to fold laundry or eat. A lot of my friends live far away, or just have moved on since college. But idk if I’m ready for something new, I’m so jealous of him but at the same time not because she keeps cheating on him with me. It just hurts being her backup boyfriend or whatever. I feel so sad and so lonely all the time. I guess I am here for advice or just your perspectives.
Should I reach out and tell C we have been talking again (I doubt he knows)? Part of me wants to because I’d want to know, but I feel it would be more revenge on her then wanting the best for him. My therapist says I shouldn’t because for once I should just protect my heart and not worry about everyone else over myself. If I do that, I potentially rehash a lot of shit. How can I move on easier? Part of me wants to go on a small vacation from work to get away, but I have nobody to go with or nowhere to go. I just feel very stuck, empty, and I have no ambition or goals anymore. Thank you for reading this all (almost 2500 words). I wish I could write papers this fast. If you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know. I need advice and support right now so I appreciate you reading this.
submitted by DBurner16733 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:36 DBurner16733 I (24M) got used by my “girlfriend” (24F) who was secretly engaged with children. I’m feel empty, what do I do next?

Edit: sorry for poor grammar in title.
Hi, my name is D [24]. Let me provide some quick background on me. I work in marketing and social media in the recovery field. I was very successful in school (graduated 2nd in my class in high school and very successful in college). I’ve been pretty introverted my whole life, I am a high functioning autistic, but most (to be honest all) people can’t tell unless I say it. I tend to do better when surrounded by other people, I feed off them in a good way. I am a big video gamer, I can be really funny and extroverted once I am comfortable but I have a hard time doing that. I get lonely at night and have really bad anxiety at times. A lot of my friends I don’t live close to after college, so I spend most of my time working or gaming. This story is heavy, so if I miss anything or if anything’s confusing - please ask away. About 6 months prior to this, I broke up with my girlfriend of two and half years. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I wanted to break it off because I knew I wanted kids and she didn’t (on top of other long term goals). There was more to it, but that’s the most important. This choice had no short term benefit, but I did it for a better future for me. It was a really healthy relationship, she was great - but I wanted my forever person. I promised myself my next partner would be that (or hopefully would be that). We are still friends to this day.
My main game used to be World of Warcraft. I needed help with something and I asked around and met a girl named Samantha (Sam) Ingrid [24]. Total circumstance. She was incredible. I have done online dating/LDR before, I didn’t want it again, but this sort of just happened. I didn’t ask for it. She lives in Kentucky. I live in New England.
We talked nonstop, we had great healthy communication, we had a lot of similar interests and goals. It was very flirty from the start and we had a ton of chemistry. We could call, leave voice memos, and talk all day and night. It was very hyper focused and intense compared to the start of most relationships. We talked about dating and both wanted that soon, but decided it would be best to wait to meet up. A few weeks into talking, she let me know she had 3 daughters. She didn’t let me know at first because I guess we weren’t serious enough. I didn’t care after thinking about it and was willing to try it out and see how it goes. Things went great, we agreed we would begin dating before meeting up because we both were so into each other. Next few weeks go by and things are great. We were talking about meeting up soon (no set plans), but she’s starting a new job and it would be easier to meet. We would talk and play all day. She introduced me to an online friend named J. J and her used to flirt back in middle school days, but never dated, she said. He was just a friend. She didn’t want him to know about us dating so he wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. I was okay with this at first because I know how that feels. But I would always get into my head and get a little jealous, but she reassured me they were just friends. But, we all had a ton of fun together and had a small friend group. Also, Sam and I to clarify (to my knowledge) were fully boyfriend and girlfriend.
One day, it appears I’m randomly blocked out of nowhere.. When she blocked me, I reached out to our group chat while anxiously spiraling. He noticed I really wasn’t okay so he messaged me privately, asking if I was dating Sam. He told me the truth.
Her nickname “Sam” is true, but it was a different first name and last name. Sam actually has 4 kids (she didn’t mention she also had a son) and she’s engaged. The youngest 2 of the children are with her fiancé. Her son does not live with her and her fiance “C.” I went through her Facebook and it seems she was acting herself to me, but just keeping any secret involving him. They have been engaged for multiple years. He showed me her Facebook. He explained back when they were teenagers (14), she catfished him under the name “Anna” and they dated for almost a year. One day, she just vanished. Two years later, she came back on Facebook and apologized. They were acquaintances, but when she was on WoW, she reached out and they were friendly and started playing together. He forgave her because they were so young and figured she would never do it again. He said he’s on my side and was also mad because she told him that I was just a flirty friend and to ignore my flirting. So she lied to us both to keep us at bay, but at the same time wanted us all to be friends. Really manic behavior.
She called us very drunk the next day and I had to pry the truth from her. She wouldn’t admit it on her own. C (the fiance) saw all of the messages and they got into a big fight. They ended up drinking and she just kept drinking because of the pain. Her best friend took her to the mental hospital. She also told J that C had choked her out (and provided a photo), but once sober and a few days later said that was C’s brother and not him. I still don’t know if this is fully true, but I do have a photo of the choke marks.
She called me in the hospital (I can confirm she was really there and a patient) and things seemed to be a little better. She gets diagnosed with Bipolar and Psychosis. At first she wanted to end it with C forever. I felt good about this because I loved her, and I could reestablish boundaries and if she wanted me back in her life. A day later, she told me after thinking about it more, she’s decided she doesn’t know what she wants. This hurt a ton because I had been so good to her. I never yelled even after she lied to me about a ton, I was so respectful, and I could tell how happy she was around me. She said it was so easy to talk with me. When she got out, she didn’t respond to my messages.I had J check Facebook (FB) to see if she was online and she was. She messages him that she’s out, but to keep it on the “down low” from me. This pisses him off and they get into a fight where he calls her out and they block each other on everything and I get blocked on a few things and she messages me I was working with him to get information from her and it’s “triggering” for her. This is not entirely true and we talk a little and she says she was planning on calling when C (fiance) wasn’t around. I asked why didn’t you just let me know that and she dodges that. Eventually, she says she will call when he’s not around, but never does.
It was really rough for me. I feel I lost all sense of agency and control. When I thought I would be able to set boundaries, she just vanished with no care for me. I cried on the phone to J every night worried sick about her. And she just cut me out like that. I broke down with an anxiety attack a few days later and almost had to go somewhere. Eventually, I found a therapist and I am still talking with him. A week passes and I saw she was on WoW and she was on for the first time since everything. I asked J and he said I should reach out because I wasn’t blocked and get some closure I never got. She responded and we talked for four hours in the game. Part of me wanted to reach out because on social media, it seemed she/her family blamed everything on her diagnoses. But, I knew if she never got caught she would keep going and going. And I was right. She confirmed she chose him, but we agreed to talk more if she reached out first. I made a burner discord and she would uninstall and reinstall discord if he wasn’t around.
They continued their unhealthy relationship (they fight a ton, their son doesn’t live with them, total mess as a reminder) as we talked. It was good for a few days she said between them, but eventually their toxic thing went back to toxic. A week or two passes of us talking and calling and now video calling (I can confirm she is really the person on FB and all images she has EVER sent, were really of her). She told me she’d like to be with me and end things with him. I said okay I’d be interested in exploring that but we would need to be friends after she dumps him for a bit so we can rebuild trust. I knew I really fucking loved this girl and would move mountains for her. We talk all the time (when he’s not around) and whenever he’s not around we call and talk as much as possible. She even makes up excuses to leave the house so we can talk. A few weeks pass and they still are fighting. She gets drunk one night and insists I add her on snapchat. I do and he finds it going through her phone later that night. He doesn’t know it’s me but it causes them to argue more. She confirms she still wants to be with me and is taking steps towards that. This past week her communication has been way worse, we talk way less, and she seems more focused on hiding me, then my feelings and wellbeing. She is very busy with the new job and that’s our primary time to talk. As the week progresses - for the first time ever, she is also leaving me to read or ghosting me. Either because he’s around and he can’t see or because she’s just not as interested anymore. I know she's not mentally well. But I love her and it’s hard to let go, especially not having many people in my life. A boundary I set is to please not post him on your story because I don’t want to see. On Friday, they went on a date and she posted to him like 6 times. It felt so rude and disrespectful to me. All of this, while ignoring me because he’s around. She told me she'd be back later that night two days in a row and she never showed up so I was worried. On Saturday, she leaves me delivered all day and then opens my message and blocks me. This hurt because I set three boundaries when we started talking again - don’t use me, don’t hurt, and don’t leave me for good if you choose that without telling me why. And she broke all 3 of those at that time. This morning she reached out on the last application I am not blocked on (Discord burner) and said this before blocking me. She said, “I wanted to talk to you about this. We went to dinner and had a long talk. I chose him. I think in the back of my mind, I was always going to choose him. I love him with everything in me. And I’ve not been very good for him. I should have kept it strict and gave you the closure you wanted and that’s it. You are a great person, D. You will find someone to give you their all, and that’s not me.” I was glad she let me know, but it hurts that she wasn’t even sorry to me for anything. I know it was honest and it really hurts, but is also really telling she didn’t apologize to me and just cares about his feelings. She has fully cut communication now and probably forever. I am so jealous of C, but I am not after seeing how she can lie. I doubt I would be able to fully trust her in a relationship anyways. My therapist says we all have a sense of ego and that’s why I have had a hard time letting go, also a lack of closure. This was a little closure, but not exactly. Does she love me? Did she just use me? What exactly changed? I will never get answers to these and this is why it’s so hard for me to process (even over that 2 and a half year relationship with my ex).
I feel stuck, I feel devoid of purpose, I’m not the person I used to be. Not anymore. She broke me. I’d be open to moving on, but all I do is work and I’m never out of the house. I don’t even want to fold laundry or eat. A lot of my friends live far away, or just have moved on since college. But idk if I’m ready for something new, I’m so jealous of him but at the same time not because she keeps cheating on him with me. It just hurts being her backup boyfriend or whatever. I feel so sad and so lonely all the time. I guess I am here for advice or just your perspectives.
Should I reach out and tell C we have been talking again (I doubt he knows)? Part of me wants to because I’d want to know, but I feel it would be more revenge on her then wanting the best for him. My therapist says I shouldn’t because for once I should just protect my heart and not worry about everyone else over myself. If I do that, I potentially rehash a lot of shit. How can I move on easier? Part of me wants to go on a small vacation from work to get away, but I have nobody to go with or nowhere to go. I just feel very stuck, empty, and I have no ambition or goals anymore. Thank you for reading this all (almost 2500 words). I wish I could write papers this fast. If you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know. I need advice and support right now so I appreciate you reading this.
submitted by DBurner16733 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:20 DBurner16733 My “girlfriend” was secretly engaged with him and I became a homewrecker

Hi, my name is D [24]. Let me provide some quick background on me. I work in marketing and social media in the recovery field. I was very successful in school (graduated 2nd in my class in high school and very successful in college). I’ve been pretty introverted my whole life, I am a high functioning autistic, but most (to be honest all) people can’t tell unless I say it. I tend to do better when surrounded by other people, I feed off them in a good way. I am a big video gamer, I can be really funny and extroverted once I am comfortable but I have a hard time doing that. I get lonely at night and have really bad anxiety at times. A lot of my friends I don’t live close to after college, so I spend most of my time working or gaming. This story is heavy, so if I miss anything or if anything’s confusing - please ask away. About 6 months prior to this, I broke up with my girlfriend of two and half years. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I wanted to break it off because I knew I wanted kids and she didn’t (on top of other long term goals). There was more to it, but that’s the most important. This choice had no short term benefit, but I did it for a better future for me. It was a really healthy relationship, she was great - but I wanted my forever person. I promised myself my next partner would be that (or hopefully would be that). We are still friends to this day.
My main game used to be World of Warcraft. I needed help with something and I asked around and met a girl named Samantha (Sam) Ingrid [24]. Total circumstance. She was incredible. I have done online dating/LDR before, I didn’t want it again, but this sort of just happened. I didn’t ask for it. She lives in Kentucky. I live in New England.
We talked nonstop, we had great healthy communication, we had a lot of similar interests and goals. It was very flirty from the start and we had a ton of chemistry. We could call, leave voice memos, and talk all day and night. It was very hyper focused and intense compared to the start of most relationships. We talked about dating and both wanted that soon, but decided it would be best to wait to meet up. A few weeks into talking, she let me know she had 3 daughters. She didn’t let me know at first because I guess we weren’t serious enough. I didn’t care after thinking about it and was willing to try it out and see how it goes. Things went great, we agreed we would begin dating before meeting up because we both were so into each other. Next few weeks go by and things are great. We were talking about meeting up soon (no set plans), but she’s starting a new job and it would be easier to meet. We would talk and play all day. She introduced me to an online friend named J. J and her used to flirt back in middle school days, but never dated, she said. He was just a friend. She didn’t want him to know about us dating so he wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. I was okay with this at first because I know how that feels. But I would always get into my head and get a little jealous, but she reassured me they were just friends. But, we all had a ton of fun together and had a small friend group. Also, Sam and I to clarify (to my knowledge) were fully boyfriend and girlfriend.
One day, it appears I’m randomly blocked out of nowhere.. When she blocked me, I reached out to our group chat while anxiously spiraling. He noticed I really wasn’t okay so he messaged me privately, asking if I was dating Sam. He told me the truth.
Her nickname “Sam” is true, but it was a different first name and last name. Sam actually has 4 kids (she didn’t mention she also had a son) and she’s engaged. The youngest 2 of the children are with her fiancé. Her son does not live with her and her fiance “C.” I went through her Facebook and it seems she was acting herself to me, but just keeping any secret involving him. They have been engaged for multiple years. He showed me her Facebook. He explained back when they were teenagers (14), she catfished him under the name “Anna” and they dated for almost a year. One day, she just vanished. Two years later, she came back on Facebook and apologized. They were acquaintances, but when she was on WoW, she reached out and they were friendly and started playing together. He forgave her because they were so young and figured she would never do it again. He said he’s on my side and was also mad because she told him that I was just a flirty friend and to ignore my flirting. So she lied to us both to keep us at bay, but at the same time wanted us all to be friends. Really manic behavior.
She called us very drunk the next day and I had to pry the truth from her. She wouldn’t admit it on her own. C (the fiance) saw all of the messages and they got into a big fight. They ended up drinking and she just kept drinking because of the pain. Her best friend took her to the mental hospital. She also told J that C had choked her out (and provided a photo), but once sober and a few days later said that was C’s brother and not him. I still don’t know if this is fully true, but I do have a photo of the choke marks.
She called me in the hospital (I can confirm she was really there and a patient) and things seemed to be a little better. She gets diagnosed with Bipolar and Psychosis. At first she wanted to end it with C forever. I felt good about this because I loved her, and I could reestablish boundaries and if she wanted me back in her life. A day later, she told me after thinking about it more, she’s decided she doesn’t know what she wants. This hurt a ton because I had been so good to her. I never yelled even after she lied to me about a ton, I was so respectful, and I could tell how happy she was around me. She said it was so easy to talk with me. When she got out, she didn’t respond to my messages.I had J check Facebook (FB) to see if she was online and she was. She messages him that she’s out, but to keep it on the “down low” from me. This pisses him off and they get into a fight where he calls her out and they block each other on everything and I get blocked on a few things and she messages me I was working with him to get information from her and it’s “triggering” for her. This is not entirely true and we talk a little and she says she was planning on calling when C (fiance) wasn’t around. I asked why didn’t you just let me know that and she dodges that. Eventually, she says she will call when he’s not around, but never does.
It was really rough for me. I feel I lost all sense of agency and control. When I thought I would be able to set boundaries, she just vanished with no care for me. I cried on the phone to J every night worried sick about her. And she just cut me out like that. I broke down with an anxiety attack a few days later and almost had to go somewhere. Eventually, I found a therapist and I am still talking with him. A week passes and I saw she was on WoW and she was on for the first time since everything. I asked J and he said I should reach out because I wasn’t blocked and get some closure I never got. She responded and we talked for four hours in the game. Part of me wanted to reach out because on social media, it seemed she/her family blamed everything on her diagnoses. But, I knew if she never got caught she would keep going and going. And I was right. She confirmed she chose him, but we agreed to talk more if she reached out first. I made a burner discord and she would uninstall and reinstall discord if he wasn’t around.
They continued their unhealthy relationship (they fight a ton, their son doesn’t live with them, total mess as a reminder) as we talked. It was good for a few days she said between them, but eventually their toxic thing went back to toxic. A week or two passes of us talking and calling and now video calling (I can confirm she is really the person on FB and all images she has EVER sent, were really of her). She told me she’d like to be with me and end things with him. I said okay I’d be interested in exploring that but we would need to be friends after she dumps him for a bit so we can rebuild trust. I knew I really fucking loved this girl and would move mountains for her. We talk all the time (when he’s not around) and whenever he’s not around we call and talk as much as possible. She even makes up excuses to leave the house so we can talk. A few weeks pass and they still are fighting. She gets drunk one night and insists I add her on snapchat. I do and he finds it going through her phone later that night. He doesn’t know it’s me but it causes them to argue more. She confirms she still wants to be with me and is taking steps towards that. This past week her communication has been way worse, we talk way less, and she seems more focused on hiding me, then my feelings and wellbeing. She is very busy with the new job and that’s our primary time to talk. As the week progresses - for the first time ever, she is also leaving me to read or ghosting me. Either because he’s around and he can’t see or because she’s just not as interested anymore. I know she's not mentally well. But I love her and it’s hard to let go, especially not having many people in my life. A boundary I set is to please not post him on your story because I don’t want to see. On Friday, they went on a date and she posted to him like 6 times. It felt so rude and disrespectful to me. All of this, while ignoring me because he’s around. She told me she'd be back later that night two days in a row and she never showed up so I was worried. On Saturday, she leaves me delivered all day and then opens my message and blocks me. This hurt because I set three boundaries when we started talking again - don’t use me, don’t hurt, and don’t leave me for good if you choose that without telling me why. And she broke all 3 of those at that time. This morning she reached out on the last application I am not blocked on (Discord burner) and said this before blocking me. She said, “I wanted to talk to you about this. We went to dinner and had a long talk. I chose him. I think in the back of my mind, I was always going to choose him. I love him with everything in me. And I’ve not been very good for him. I should have kept it strict and gave you the closure you wanted and that’s it. You are a great person, D. You will find someone to give you their all, and that’s not me.” I was glad she let me know, but it hurts that she wasn’t even sorry to me for anything. I know it was honest and it really hurts, but is also really telling she didn’t apologize to me and just cares about his feelings. She has fully cut communication now and probably forever. I am so jealous of C, but I am not after seeing how she can lie. I doubt I would be able to fully trust her in a relationship anyways. My therapist says we all have a sense of ego and that’s why I have had a hard time letting go, also a lack of closure. This was a little closure, but not exactly. Does she love me? Did she just use me? What exactly changed? I will never get answers to these and this is why it’s so hard for me to process (even over that 2 and a half year relationship with my ex).
I feel stuck, I feel devoid of purpose, I’m not the person I used to be. Not anymore. She broke me. I’d be open to moving on, but all I do is work and I’m never out of the house. I don’t even want to fold laundry or eat. A lot of my friends live far away, or just have moved on since college. But idk if I’m ready for something new, I’m so jealous of him but at the same time not because she keeps cheating on him with me. It just hurts being her backup boyfriend or whatever. I feel so sad and so lonely all the time. I guess I am here for advice or just your perspectives.
Should I reach out and tell C we have been talking again (I doubt he knows)? Part of me wants to because I’d want to know, but I feel it would be more revenge on her then wanting the best for him. My therapist says I shouldn’t because for once I should just protect my heart and not worry about everyone else over myself. If I do that, I potentially rehash a lot of shit. How can I move on easier? Part of me wants to go on a small vacation from work to get away, but I have nobody to go with or nowhere to go. I just feel very stuck, empty, and I have no ambition or goals anymore. Thank you for reading this all (almost 2500 words). I wish I could write papers this fast. If you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know. I need advice and support right now so I appreciate you reading this.
submitted by DBurner16733 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 03:33 Vessel_soul Cites of Muslim women scholars & academics works(video/article/books/lecture)?

Cites of Muslim women scholars & academics works(video/article/books/lecture)?
Salam, I made a thread listing Muslim women scholars & academics here for this sister who made a community on Twitter called "sisters in Islam" as she defends Muslim women against misogynist Muslim men. I want to ask if you guys can cite works or what you recommend her(me) to read & watch first what would it be?
ps: those who are looking for Muslim women thinker names here they are and if you have more please include them and follow the question above, thank you. and check out the thread here I made 4 mon ago listing quranic centre and hadith skeptics both men and women
Dr. Safiyya Ally (Executive Producer of Let the Quran Speak)
Grace Song (Director of the Usuli Institute)
Shaykha Reima Yosif (President of the al-Rawiya Foundation)
(Reima seems to have disappeared suddenly from the internet in 2016, not sure what happened to her, but she still has a number of decent videos up from her work at al-Rawiya)
Dr. Ingrid Mattson (Former president of the Islamic Society of North America)
Dr. Amina Wadud (Professor of Islamic Studies)
Dr. Asma Lamrabet (Director of the Center for Studies and Research on Women’s Issues in Islam)
Dr. Leila Ahmed (Professor, author, and scholar)
Elif Shafak (author of 40 Rules of Love)
Fatima Mernissi a feminist Muslim scholar and the founder of Islamic feminism (professor, author, scholar)
Dr. Aisha Y. Musa (professor in Islamic studies, Middle East studies, author)
Dr. Ayesha Chaudhry (professor in religion, Islamic studies, gender studies, author)
Dr. Laury Silvers (professor, author)
Maryam Amir (professor of Islamic studies, author, scholar)
Dr Sofia (author, scholar)
Musawah (not a woman but women-led movement)
Dr Nur Rofiah (author, scholar)
Dr Shehnaz Haqqani (WTPatriarchy) (professor of Islamic studies, author)
Farhat Hashmi ( part of the Al huda institute) all her work is in Urdu
Kecia Ali (Professor of religion and islamic studies, author)
Zahra Ayubi (professor of Islamic studies, gender and Islam, Islamic ethics & philosophy, Islamic medical ethics)
Riffat Hassan (professor, scholar, author)
Nevin Reda (professor, author)
Sylvia Chan-Malik ( professor of religion studies, author)
Krista Melanie Riley (professor, author)
Kelly Wentworth (imam mosque in atlanta)
Sheikha Aisha Prime (professor, author)
Dr Abla Hasan (professor, author)
submitted by Vessel_soul to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:52 CompetitiveBuy3108 Converting free video files to earning more gems hack

Just thought I’d make a post to help out since I’ve noticed a few enquiries about it now. You can turn your unused free video files (when playing the game of love) in your rewards wallet into gems!
This only works with matches from the original selection on Winked, since they all have videos (they no longer make videos for new matches, since mid 2022 onwards). Basically, match with any of the male/female matches I’ve listed below. If there’s any of them you don’t like and can afford to gem farm, they’d be great for this hack. Just tap on their profiles as soon as you match, go under their videos, unlock the 2 files, and you’ve earned 150 gems.
Repeat the process as many times as you’d like by clicking the rotational arrow icon to start the storyline again :) This can also be done for audios, since I believe they also don’t create new ones anymore. If you want to know which matches have a few audios only, let me know (one of them is Teddy Hart who has 3, you can earn 100 gems from unlocking all of his.)
The matches who have videos, who can be used for this:
Male: - Aaron Mille Mr. M/ Marcus Jones - Alex Wilson/ Tae-Hyun Bak/ Javon Jameson - Camden Ellis/ Nur Naqvi - Connor Calloway/ Brandon Ackerman/ Dev Bridges - Damon Hunt/ Aki Yang/ Marcel Amos - Edward Lincoln/ Reuben Zackery/ Carlos Medina - Jordan Rivera/ Dominic Alonso - Jun Tsukuyomi/ Ayato Mochizuki - Logan Carte Theo Payne/ Victor August - Matt Davis/ Noah Johnson/ Josh MacAdams - Peter Lambert/ Roy Thacke Andrew Lin - Ryan Melnikoff/ Dorian D’Angelo/ Liam Green
Female: - Aniyah Diamond/ Kailee Betancourt/ Paula Moretti - Brooke Rose/ Luisa Rosales - Gabriella Allard/ Lizzy Anderson/ Bailey Morrish - Sophia Campbell/ Ela Dewan/ Xola Simmons
Premium matches: - Blake - Lucas - Nikolai
Happy playing! 💕 Also keep in mind that for one free video/ image/ audio file, you need to collect 5 tickets in the game of love.
submitted by CompetitiveBuy3108 to Winked [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 15:13 Arthropod_Films Dear friends

I hope you all enjoy the game not only because of the excellent plot and fanservice which is kindly provided to us by the gentlemen developers, but also because of the fantastic voice acting, which perfectly conveys the emotions of the characters. That's exactly what I wanted to discuss here - voice acting
As a Russian-speaking player who is learning English, English dub suits me better than anything. Thanks to it, I understand who's name is, who's talking about what, and how to pronounce certain words that I've had problems with. However, my biggest dream remains the same to this day - to hear my favorite Nikkes speak my native language... and looking at what we have, I understand that this dream is not so impossible, but on the contrary, is quite feasible. For example, there is a dubbing studio called GamesVoice, which, in collaboration with talented dubbing actors, translates and re-voices games into Russian, and I think that if Shift Up will plan to attract more new players from Russian-speaking countries into their game, they should seek help from these guys. In addition, I have repeatedly witnessed how English-speaking Internet users praised the Russian voices of familiar video game or cartoon characters
Will be glad to know your thoughts on this matter and how you generally feel about translations into other languages
P.S. I personally think that the voice of Irina Pegova would be ideal for Ingrid
submitted by Arthropod_Films to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 03:15 princeLeeChang Thrifting today... as a devoted GreggHead, I think I have to

Thrifting today... as a devoted GreggHead, I think I have to submitted by princeLeeChang to OnCinemaAtTheCinema [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 20:47 autobuzzfeedbot 16 Times Celebs Responded To Criticism Of Their Red Carpet Looks

  1. THE CRITICISM: At Teen Vogue's Annual Young Hollywood Issue Launch Party in 2014, Zendaya wore an Emporio Armani hat that was so ginormous, that the internet couldn't help but turn it into a meme.
  2. THE CRITICISM: At the 2015 Oscars, Zendaya wore a Vivienne Westwood gown with her hair styled in locs. E! Fashion Police host Giuliana Rancic criticized her hair, saying the style made her look like she "smells like patchouli oil...maybe weed."
  3. THE CRITICISM: Attending the Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter fashion show in 2022, Florence Pugh wore a sheer dress by the designer. Many online commenters criticized the fact that her nipples were visible through the dress, and others body-shamed her.
  4. THE CRITICISM: At the 2019 Oscars, Billy Porter wore a Christian Siriano tuxedo gown. On social media, some people judged him for wearing a dress rather than a simple tux, which is typically expected of men.
  5. THE CRITICISM: At the 2023 Golden Globes, Selena Gomez wore a strapless Valentino gown. Online, some people body-shamed her over the look.
  6. THE CRITICISM: At the 2023 Vanity Fair Oscars Afterparty, Ciara wore a sheer Dundas dress. Online, some people shamed her for wearing the "naked" dress because she's a wife and mother.
  7. THE CRITICISM: At the 1998 VMAs, Rose McGowan wore a "naked" dress by Maja. As she told Yahoo Entertainment in 2020, people "slut-shamed [her] like crazy."
  8. THE CRITICISM: At the 2010 MTV VMAs, Lady Gaga wore a meat dress, which garnered a lot of backlash from animal rights activists. In a blog post, PETA founder Ingrid E. Newkirk wrote, "Wearing a dress made out of cuts of dead cows is offensive enough to bring comment, but someone should whisper in her ear that there are more people who are upset by butchery than who are impressed by it — and that means a lot of young people will not be buying her records if she keeps this stuff up."
  9. THE CRITICISM: At the 2023 WSJ. Magazine Innovator Awards, SZA wore a black Maison Margiela dress. A lot of people loved it, but others criticized it by comparing it to a costume or Wednesday Addams.
  10. THE CRITICISM: At the 2021 Met Gala, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wore an Aurora James gown with "TAX THE RICH" on the back. People on both sides of the political spectrum criticized her for promoting such a message while brushing shoulders with wealthy people at an event where tickets cost $30,000.
  11. THE CRITICISM: At the 2013 BAFTA TV Awards, comedian Sarah Millican wore a floral dress from John Lewis. In an essay for Radio Times, she said that, on Twitter, she received "literally thousands of messages from people criticizing [her] appearance." She also said that "newspapers pilloried for what [she] was wearing," and she "was discussed and pulled apart on Lorraine."
  12. THE CRITICISM: At the 2001 Oscars, Kate Hudson wore a Stella McCartney dress that landed her on many "worst dressed" lists.
  13. THE CRITICISM: At the 2002 Oscars, Gwyneth Paltrow wore a "goth" Alexander McQueen dress with a sheer top. Her look was widely panned as one of the "worst" looks of the night. She also received backlash over the gown's see-through element.
  14. THE CRITICISM: At the 2001 Academy Awards, Björk wore a swan dress by Marjan Pejoski, and she "lay" half a dozen eggs on the red carpet. The widely mocked look landed on a lot of "worst dressed" lists.
  15. THE CRITICISM: Beginning in the mid-'90s, Gwen Stefani wore bindis on the red carpet. Since then, she's been criticized for appropriating South Asian culture.
  16. And finally, THE CRITICISM: At the 2022 Met Gala, Kim Kardashian wore the same dress Marilyn Monroe wore to sing "Happy Birthday" to President Kennedy in 1962. Many people — including Lili Reinhart — criticized Kim for crash dieting so she could lose weight and fit into the dress.
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 16:25 xiaolii [H] Lots of Games [W] Trade for Games or Paypal (EU)

Last Updated List: 12/04/2024
I'm primarily looking to trade for games from my wishlist, otherwise I am also open to selling them. I am not interested in games I already have and all games I'm getting are for me and activated on my own account. Other than that feel free to offer your list of Steam games and something I may not have and fulfills my criteria I could/would be willing to trade for it/them.
If you're either trading or buying please state the game(s) you are interested in and your offer (game(s)/list/price).
I kindly ask of you is to be reasonable when making offers to make it a fair trade for both of us.
Let's have a good exchange/trade!
List of games:
submitted by xiaolii to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 23:17 TheScarlettCannon Ingrid Michaelson - Parachute (new video)

Ingrid Michaelson - Parachute (new video) submitted by TheScarlettCannon to ingridmichaelsonfans [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 23:14 TheScarlettCannon Ingrid Michaelson - "The Way I Am" (Official Music Video)

Ingrid Michaelson - submitted by TheScarlettCannon to ingridmichaelsonfans [link] [comments]