Letter of appeal for denial of loan modification sample

Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2017.01.22 00:23 donotblockthebox Political Compass Memes

Political Compass Memes

2015.06.15 20:23 swoopdoop Girls You Know in Real Life

Welcome to IRLgirls (In Real Life girls), a subreddit that celebrates the girl next door rather than the famous celebrity or influencer that you follow. Here you will see girls or women who appeal to traditional gender norms with the allure of purity, simplicity, and charm with natural, modest, and effortless beauty. Enjoy the community while keeping up with the rules and announcements. Note: We are not affiliated with anything outside of this subreddit, whether it is on Reddit or outside of it.

2024.05.19 21:20 honeyfocks PIP Denial Questions

Hi everyone, looking for some advice on my PIP claim.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2019 after having joint pain since 2017. Been on medication since then, but have been suffering with a horrendous flare up since Sept 2023 so have been put on some additional medication (which has not helped much). During this period a few people advised me I would qualify for PIP which is why I put my claim through.
I applied for PIP in January 2024, had a face to face meeting with an assessor May 8th. I got a letter through over the weekend saying my claim had been denied.
I really felt like in my assessment I explained myself ok, and was clear that I had issues with most aspects of what their requirements are but I don’t believe this was reflected in their denial letter.
Couple questions:
I’m going to appeal. Is phone or letter best? I don’t necessarily feel I have any ‘new’ information but I do feel as though they’ve minimised the struggles I have.
If I’m denied a second time, can I appeal again? Or is there anything else I can do?
Sorry if this seems silly. Got myself a bit anxious and disheartened by it all tbh
submitted by honeyfocks to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:05 foreverkristina Never Give Up! Appeal Won!

Never Give Up! Appeal Won!
For those that were denied Mounjaro by their insurance company because they did not meet the Type 2 diagnosis please do not give up!!!! I’ve been fighting this since Jan 2024 and nearly gave up after my 2nd appeal I was so exhausted. Find a doctor that will help you in writing your appeal. I also have to shout out mochi because I had given up and was going to buy the telehealth version but they’re prior auth team sent in a prior auth for Mounjaro I gave them the accurate ICD codes to use (VERY IMPORTANT) and I was approved! I never got a denial letter from the 2nd appeal I submitted so I believe that did the trick.
I have insulin resistant PCOS, BMI 48, pre diabetes A1C 6.2 and family history of diabetes. This medicine is worth the fight keep going!
submitted by foreverkristina to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:43 misheeck11 Credit card debt + foreclosure notice just received

I feel like i am drowning and am starting to get really scared and depressed. I got cancer in 2019 and went thru a major depression so i was unable to work all while my husband was trying to start his business so it was very tight at that time so we were racking up our cc’s… then covid happened and he ended up closing his business while i worked my low paying job to build experience in a new industry.
Fast forward- the house we live is in probate (we are in so cal/la county). We have not been able to do loan modifications and forbearance because we were waiting for the letters appointing my husband as the executor. During this time our loan got bought out by selene. They requested a birth certificate which we ordered but will take maybe another 2 weeks to get. During this time, we received a notice that a notice of default was entered. There is currently 2 properties- 1 is paid off and a rental currently with a tenant that isnt paying with a pending eviction case. The home we live in is the main we want to stay in but has a delinquent mortgage of 150k out of 280k remaining. The plan was to sell the other home and pay off the remaining balance but our target end date for probate is next year sept and our foreclosure is set to kick in end of Aug. We wanted to do the covid forbearance and do loan modification but since my husband was not appointed to be executor, we were unable to do so until now but it seems like all the protections are all expired?…. My husband and I make ok income combined but we are having to choose between our high cc payments + mortgage but clearly id much rather choose a home than my credit. We can try to do a probate sale but we need to evict the tenant first… so we are currently looking into all options such as chapter 13 while waiting for my husbands birth certificate to arrive. Any advice or personal experience would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by misheeck11 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:38 misheeck11 Credit card debt + notice to foreclose received

I feel like i am drowning and am starting to get really scared and depressed. I got cancer in 2019 and went thru a major depression so i was unable to work all while my husband was trying to start his business so it was very tight at that time so we were racking up our cc’s… then covid happened and he ended up closing his business while i worked my low paying job to build experience in a new industry.
Fast forward- the house we live is in probate (we are in so cal/la county). We have not been able to do loan modifications and forbearance because we were waiting for the letters appointing my husband as the executor. During this time our loan got bought out by selene. They requested a birth certificate which we ordered but will take maybe another 2 weeks to get. During this time, we received a notice that a notice of default was entered. There is currently 2 properties- 1 is paid off and a rental currently with a tenant that isnt paying with a pending eviction case. The home we live in is the main we want to stay in but has a delinquent mortgage of 150k out of 280k remaining. The plan was to sell the other home and pay off the remaining balance but our target end date for probate is next year sept and our foreclosure is set to kick in end of Aug. We wanted to do the covid forbearance and do loan modification but since my husband was not appointed to be executor, we were unable to do so until now but it seems like all the protections are all expired?…. My husband and I make ok income combined but we are having to choose between our high cc payments + mortgage but clearly id much rather choose a home than my credit. We can try to do a probate sale but we need to evict the tenant first… so we are currently looking into all options such as chapter 13 while waiting for my husbands birth certificate to arrive. Any advice or personal experience would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by misheeck11 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:56 ManderTehPander Diagnosed at 34, went from having an existential crisis to dealing with a denied pre-auth. :(

Like it says above, I'm 34. I finally went back to my PCP after a few years of not seeing him, and we had a fairly in-depth discussion about my current needs and so on, and it was then he made the determination that I very likely have ADHD, whiiiiich explains a lot. A lot, a lot.
I can't drive without forcing myself to focus, and even then sometimes it doesn't work. Especially if I listen to music. I forget the stupidest things, go into rooms and forget why, sometimes it's as soon as rounding a corner. I buy food or ingredients and forget them. I've had tempura supplies sitting for a month or so..
Now I'm being told this isn't 'normal', and I've been living with executive dysfunction for a long, long time. I wasn't lazy. I wasn't forgetful. I wasn't unmotivated. I was just dealt a house of cards I'm constantly re-organizing because I forgot about them again. I'm kind of beside myself and not really sure how to handle the information. I guess it just.. never occurred to me that this wasn't 'normal'.
Now, to top it all off, my lovely insurance declined a pre-auth for medication that might FIX this, and did not elaborate why without a physical letter - Hooray. Anyone have experience with CVS Caremark and getting a Pre-Auth denial appealed? If not no worries, I'm sure I'll dissect the letter when it arrives and find a loophole if I need to. I'm good at that. :')
submitted by ManderTehPander to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:56 luv4pawzs Does this fall under correct coding/billing guidelines?

I apologize in advance for the length.
I went to a GI doctor regarding abnormal labs (labs ordered by GI after prolonged illness). A nurse put me in room, no vitals, no going through medicine or history etc, just tells me the doctor will be in and shuts the door. The doctor comes in, seems completely confused that I am there, doesn't know anything about abnormal labs. I had a copy of the labs that were completed and one of the abnormalities has been constant for 2 years. I made a spreadsheet of those values versus printing 2 years of labs and handed him the current lab he ordered and the spreadsheet. I had a typo (1 letter on the name) and he completely lost his mind, yelling about me giving him fake information, on and on. I apologized for my error and tried to move the visit toward what the abnormal lab and next steps. He still continued to berate me and when I became upset he asked why I was upset. I asked my husband if I was out of line or imagining things and the doctor yelled at me "Don't talk to him....don't put him in the middle." At that point I said "We're done. You went well over the line." I tried speaking to his office manager but her only concern was telling me "Well we have to bill your insurance since you had an appointment but since you haven't met your deductible (this debacle was on 1/8/24) I'll make sure we don't bill you for that." I just wanted to leave so I didn't go into that with her.
The office waited til my deductible was met and billed the claim, I have a 90/10 plan after deductible which is why I'm sure they waited. Better to get the 90% and if I refused to pay the 10% they are out about $8. When I saw the claim I called my insurance because I don't feel that it's a valid claim. In the 5 minutes I was in the room nothing medical was discussed, I was advised to file an appeal requesting the claim be reversed and a grievance based on the how I was treated. Both were denied, the insurance stating that "all members have to be treated the same and the doctor billed a valid code so they are required to pay" regardless. I have medical experience in billing in a medical setting, insurance in medical setting as well as in call center for insurance and this doesn't sit right with me. I know that certain requirements have to be met in order to bill a visit (medical decision making, time spent etc). Now that I have challenged the denials the insurance states all a doctor has to do is have an appointment scheduled for you and walk into the room. It doesn't matter if they spend all the time in the world babbling about the weather or in this case acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum over a typo because "they scheduled time for you and talked to you" they are entitled to bill for that appointment and collect payment.
If my concerns had been addressed I would agree with the claim even though his behavior was appalling. Instead I ended up going to my PCP, so the insurance has paid 2 claims. Considering all the whining and moaning insurance companies do about how much they pay out hearing their reasoning on paying the claim baffles me.
At this time I'm not working but I really can't imagine that there has been a huge change in billing guidelines to the point that just scheduling an appointment entitles a doctor to collect money when they didn't do anything. Any information would be much appreciated.
submitted by luv4pawzs to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:22 NikoPiko1765 N400 denied

N400 denied
My husband was married previously and it did not work out. He was arrested once for overstaying but when he went to court he was issued the ten year green card. He got his Green card through marriage however they mistakenly issued a ten year instead of two. He had no idea about the process at that time and did not think he had to do anything.
Forward to us now we applied for citizenship after him having his permanent resident card for 9 yearsS they called him for the interview only to tell us the green card was a mistake and he has to file removal of conditions. The interviewer told him he would not close his case and to have him apply for i751.
Talking to other people we figured that maybe both would be approved at the same time and we would solve this problem.
We got a letter from i751 saying his green card was extended for four years. And the case is being reviewed.
However today we got a denial on N400 saying technically he was not a permanent resident yet he is a conditional resident.
I am freaking out, should I get a lawyer to try to appeal this and ask them to keep it open? Should I wait to see what they will say for i751 first before doing anything? Will they give him a chance to reapply?
What about traveling we had some plans I am worried about him coming into the states and being told his green card is not valid. Has anyone gone through something like this?
We have a million dollar business, we have kids, he’s been nothing but a great example here and it breaks my heart that because of a mistake that the court made he has to stress over this now.
submitted by NikoPiko1765 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:10 BeththeSamwiches My Dream and Journey of HomeOwnership. May it Inspire you!

I wanted to post this because I see many going through a similar, tough buying time. I hope my story gives you a boost and helps you keep going. There is my sad backstory that you can skip to "Dec, 2020" that starts the home journey. This post is extremely long but emotional for me. Please be kind.
The only house i ever lived in was my uncles, for 2 years (age 3-5) before he removed us.
My mother suffers from many tribulations, and it was reflected in life. We apartment hopped for all of my childhood. I'll never forget how hurt I was, leaving behind my valuables everytime we downsized, (dressers, my desk, doll houses etc) being cramped, no pets allowed (i love animals), neighbors banging on their ceilings when I played, hearing families fight as if they next to me, smoke coming in the windows, constant new neighbors, roaches and other infestations due to neighbors, etc.
My mom would drive around and say, “this is going to be our new house!” And get my hopes up, but it never happened. My sister (she's 5 years older) said she would buy a house for us all, and that lasted a few months before we were evicted again, moving to another apartment.
I asked constantly when we could get a house like my uncle or sister. My father had one (my parents divorced when I was an infant), and when I visited, I wished I had my own backyard, pets. I was jealous of my friends who lived in houses. I would pretend vacant homes were mine, walk to the new homes being built, and watch their progress. Imagine my future in it where my kids would know stability.
After Bullying in school (from 4th - 12th grade), SA from my father, (i was 15) neglect, abuse, depression, self harm, apartment hopping, I was desperate to move out and away once I turned 16 (emancipation). I moved from NJ when i was 18 to FL and started my own downhill spiral of DV, homelessness, repossessions, and other mentally and physically draining circumstances that pushed my limits, money, and everything
In 2017, I picked up my pieces and gathered them, alone, to AZ into the best apartment and neighborhood i ever had. I told myself that after a year, I was going to buy a home there. In 2018, I reached out to realtors and was told all I needed to do was pay off 2k of credit card debt to qualify for 250-300k. The dumbest decision I ever made was saying spending 2k was stupid. I wish I had the recourses, support, anything, or anyone to tell me to do it. had I done it, I could have bought my dream home then for 200-275k
In Dec 2020, I had been with my now husband for 3 years, went through hell in the apartments he wanted us to move to for more space, away from that neighborhood I loved. Someone stole our bikes, smoked weed next to our window, and then our new car was stolen and required 3k in repairs. I was miserable. I wanted to end the cycle of apartments and putting away my wants and needs, so we decided to begin paying things off to get pre qualified. Then came the new battlefield.
As you all know, 2021 until today, it hasn't been a buyers market. I had no idea what any of that meant until I was told I was approved to start putting in offers in January 2022. We were pre approved for a max of FHA 350k from a lender that I was sure had our backs after getting tons of denials and pisspoor brokers who couldn't care less about my childhood dream. I pulled up the MLS and saved about 30 homes a week, if not more, that were 375k and below, all the way down to 150k trailer homes, condos, townhomes, and houses.
Half of those listings were sold (pending) within 5 days. the other half we were bidding upwards against. I couldn't believe it. I was told the market is hot, lots of people selling their homes in bordering states and putting higher end offers on the homes in our price range because they were selling their homes for 500k and using the differences to buy the cheap homes. The others were investors.
After doing all of the work for my husband and roommate and then some to qualify, I was now battling 15+ people on one home multiple times. I was told to try going further out. The market I was in was too desirable. I was like, REALLY? PEOPLE GET SHOT HERE ONCE A WEEK, HOW IS THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, "HOT"??? I was told to shop beneath my budget, shop outside the location I wanted, everything you are all being told today to, "land a home, stay in it for five years, then sell it and get what I want." But I heard none of it, I wanted my DREAM home on my first buy, which wasn't a lot.
All I wanted was a 1300-2000sqft home with a front and backyard for my dog and kids, a house that didn't need a crap ton of repairs, and a neighborhood I felt comfortable in so that I wouldnt have to deal with all the things I did since I was little. I didn't care if it was upgraded, carpeted, or tile, old or new, I just wanted space, safety, a yard.
It didn't matter. Even if I sacrificed a yard, square footage, whatever, I was getting outbid. Every home I could afford was being bought in cash, waiving inspections, having a 14 day close, and/or being bought 25k to upwards of almost 200k over asking even if it was a fixer upper!! I could not compete.
In April, I FINALLY had an offer accepted in a town that was 30 minutes from work, building up, and beautiful. I was willing to sacrifice commute time and everything for this beautiful house that checked all the boxes. It was 2,060 sqft, upstairs and downstairs, a 5k lot, in a beautiful neighborhood. We were able to get a third cosigner (lomg time friend) to up our income and get to 375k. But then I found out my preapproval wasn't so pre approved.
Having a 3rd co signer meant nothing. We needed to reserve money that we weren't informed about, DPA wanted us to pay off more debt, and we needed more income than the THREE of us had. I was livid, why didnt they tell us any of this? Why did they say our income was enough, and the DPA would cover everything?! I knew nothing, I tell you, nothing, and I should have researched more. But I was desperate.
My grandma stepped in. First, she needed a credit score. She opened up an unsecured credit card for 300. Bought gum, paid it off. We did a rapid rescore, and it shot her up to 7 freggin 735, SEVEN THIRTY FIVE LMFAO, and then we needed her social security letters. Which took two weeks too long, pushing back a close the seller REALLY WANTED TO CLOSE ON, which my realtor convinced them to hold off. Well, guess what? My grandma doesn't have a government id. She hadn't updated her id since 2005. No biggie, we'll get her to the DMV, which we had to reschedule online to 3 different locations. Well, guess what? Her mail, old id, her social security card, AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE all had DIFFERENT VARIATIONS of her name, and DMV couldn't verify her identity.
It would take two months to correct those issues. I threw my phone, scratched my arms to oblivion, fell on my knees, and cried. The lender said there was no way the loan was to be approved without Grandma. My sweet Grandma of 4 different names. I feel the tears, even now. I lost it. I fought for a home all my life and lost it because of being uninformed, way too broke ( I know I know), and then some. I felt like the universe was against me.
So May comes around, and my realtor says, "Listen, let's try this. Let's do rent to own. They pay for everything, and then you save, fix your credit, and buy the house back at the value of the contract paying the difference in appraisal if need be."
I was so broken that I did it. Back to the MLS, we still couldn't get a home in our price range in the neighborhoods I wanted. Rental price was going to be 3,100, so... we stuck to the 30-minute away neighborhood, and oh god, was that a new mistake. The first house we put an offer in on was accepted immediately. It was the smoothest process I'd ever seen in comparison to the hell I'd just gone through. I checked the MLS every day, watched homes I saved while I rented go pending or under contract in a week, or sell for over asking.
My heart sunk when all the homes I wanted and lost out to were back on the market as a rental property, or were slightly updated prices 50k-100k higher than before. Homes were being sold by opendoor, or rental from the very people I used to buy to rent from. I couldn't believe to this day how many homes I lost out to, sitting vacant for MONTHS prices dropping and dropping as the feds raised the interest rates. I went to open houses, asked what people wanted for offers (so I could be informed when I was ready), and knew my chances were getting slimmer and slimmer.
All the while, my commute was the devil. Traffic galore, accidents making my drive time go from 30-2 hours to and from. It was far from family, the mileage on my car grew so fast, my tires were wearing faster. The home was way too big for us (2765 sqft) and difficult to maintain. Beautiful home and town, but not for me.
The rent was also too high. It said it would be 2500, but wound up being 3100 after all of the damn fees they didn't disclose until AFTER WE WERE UNDER CONTRACT sflkghskg The electric bill was 6x the amount (bad company. People in that town are begnning to organize), water bill company demands 100 dollars no matter the usage (we only use about 60$), and the gas prices increased so high I was putting 60 dollars every 3 days in my car.
Then, my precious cat that followed me from NJ to AZ that had been with me through all of the DV, mental breaks, homelessness, had suffered from strokes. She was a stick, walking in circles, giving nothing but love. I tried everything I could, paid thousands to save her, but in the end, all I did was prolong her and my suffering. She passed in my arms. I love you and miss you, Emma.
Other life things happened, and by December, I had 200 dollars in the bank. When my income tax came, I applied for loans and said Im going to try the DPA and stuff again, It was either that, or rent a smaller house or apartment but seeing the market repeat my 2021 experience, I had to try with what I had. My goal was to get back to the neighborhood I wanted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
So I switched realtors based on a recommendation from FB. Random person said this lady would fight for me like no one else would. This realtor recommended me a lender, she said it could make miracles happen. I almost didn't do it because I had been let down by 2 other lenders before this one in 2023, but screw it. I followed his advice to the T of what to pay down, what to keep, and what to negotiate with. We gave him our 401ks info, our paystubs, had 3 of us on the loan, and explained we had no downpayment, just money for closing costs.
The market, at this point, slowed down due to the interest rates but was beginning to pick up. A lot of the homes we put offers on didn't like our asks. Which was disappointing, but I understood. What seller would want to pay closing costs for us so our payment assistance would go strictly to the home when they could accept the few cash, investor, or better conventional loan offers? The homes were going below listing, which was cool, but not quite in my 365k max range.
Until I gave way a little bit. There were 2 townhomes. One that was detached and had the most gorgeous yard Id ever seen for where it was at, and the inside was completely upgraded and bigger than it looked with a gorgeous mountain view from the master. But it was in a neighborhood that gave me goosebumps. No wonder they would accept 365k and pay everything should we put in our offer lol I couldn't do it, though. I didn't want to sacrifice being comfortable in my home safely to have a house. It was the first and only time I was picky.
At first, that seemed like a mistake, as the only other home I thought would accept our offer in my dream neighborhood said the seller had a specific number they wanted to sell at, which wasnt 365k, it was 375k. I wasn't going to get a home after all. I knew my ask was tough, and I wasn't going to get a house despite trying for another 3 months. I gave up. But then... I thought about something. That townhome in the neighborhood of my dreams, they wanted 375k? I restructured our ask to get to that 375k. A few hours later, my realtor texted me if she could call. It was urgent.
I was at work and went into the office and called. THE SELLER ACCEPTED OUR OFFER, THEY ACCEPTED OUR EFFING OFFER! THEY ACCEPTED IT!!!! I cried so hard, hyperventilated, cried some more, and told myself I wasn't going to get excited. I had this happen before, after all.
Well, guess what? Long story short, after hurdles during this closing as well, needing to push it back for this or that, WE CLOSED!! WE CLOSED ON THE HOUSE, IT WAS MINE!!! IT IS MINE!
The seller paid for all of the closing costs. DPA paid the downpayment at 3%. The rate was 6.85%, DPA loan at 8%. I paid for the appraisal and inspection, that's it. Only 1100 out of pocket. Monthly payment was 2865, my max, but it is MINE and EVERYTHING I wanted besides having a huge yard (it's still a decent sized yard) and open kitchen Home is 8 min from work (bye bye crappy commute!),community has incredible amenities, sub division has a pool, HOA covered roof (it was new anyway), new AC, new dishwasher, freshly painted, 3 beds 2 and a half baths, 1400sqft, 2 car garage with driveway, upstairs and downstairs like I always imagined, and so much more.
Every hurdle, every tear, every breakdown, taught me what I needed to know and led me to home. After saving for a year with the cheaper electric, water, gas prices, and mortgage, we just refinanced. Got a 5.75% rate (I thought it was 5.32, but after we closed today, it was 5.75%), the home appraised for 395k with no changes besides adding a fridge and new oven. The equity paid every penny of the refinance and the DPA loan. My mortgage is now 2550. For us, this is affordable now that we are debt free and still have savings!
I got my home with the most undesirable circumstances. I may be an exception, not the rule, but if my pathetic self can do it, i promise. You can, too. Don't be defeated. Don't let the investors win.
You need to win.
submitted by BeththeSamwiches to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:43 businessnewstv How to get a free business bank account for your suit tailoring service in 2024

Importance of a business bank account

A business bank account is of utmost importance for launching a successful group home. It provides a dedicated financial platform to manage the financial transactions and operations of the business. With a business bank account, you can separate your personal finances from your business finances, ensuring clarity and transparency in your financial records. Additionally, having a business bank account allows you to accept payments from clients and customers, make business-related purchases, and track your business expenses more efficiently. By having a dedicated business bank account, you can demonstrate professionalism and establish credibility in the industry, which is crucial for the success of your bespoke tailoring service.

Benefits of a free business bank account

A free business bank account offers numerous benefits for your bespoke tailoring service. Firstly, it provides a dedicated account for your business finances, separating them from your personal funds. This not only helps in maintaining transparency but also simplifies bookkeeping and financial management. Additionally, a free business bank account often comes with features such as online banking, mobile banking, and the ability to accept card payments, making it convenient for your customers to pay for your services. Moreover, having a business bank account can enhance your professional image and credibility, as it demonstrates that you are a legitimate and serious business owner. Lastly, a free business bank account may offer perks such as discounted merchant services or access to business loans, which can further support the growth and success of your bespoke tailoring service.

Choosing the right bank for your bespoke tailoring service

Choosing the right bank for your bespoke tailoring service is a crucial decision that can impact the financial health and success of your business. When it comes to selecting a bank, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to ensure that the bank offers a free business bank account. This will help you save on unnecessary fees and charges, allowing you to allocate more resources towards growing your bespoke tailoring service. Additionally, it is important to choose a bank that understands the unique needs and requirements of your industry. Look for a bank that has experience working with businesses in the fashion and retail sector, as they will be better equipped to provide tailored financial solutions. Finally, consider the convenience and accessibility of the bank's services. Look for a bank that offers online banking, mobile banking, and a network of ATMs that are easily accessible to you and your customers. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right bank that will support the financial needs of your bespoke tailoring service.

Step 1: Researching free business bank account options

Understanding the features and limitations

Understanding the features and limitations of a free business bank account is crucial for any entrepreneur, especially those in the bespoke tailoring service industry. By comprehending the various aspects of such an account, tailors can make informed decisions about their financial management. One important consideration is the ability to handle healthcare staffing expenses efficiently. This entails understanding the features of the bank account that facilitate seamless payment processing for healthcare staffing services. Additionally, it is essential to be aware of any limitations that may exist, such as transaction limits or restrictions on certain types of healthcare staffing expenses. By having a clear understanding of these features and limitations, bespoke tailoring service providers can ensure the smooth operation of their businesses and effectively manage their financial resources.

Comparing fees and charges

When comparing fees and charges for business bank accounts, it is important to consider various factors. One such factor is the availability of group home opportunities. Group home opportunities provide a unique chance for bespoke tailoring services to expand their reach and cater to a wider audience. By offering specialized services to group homes, tailors can tap into a lucrative market and establish long-term partnerships. These partnerships can lead to increased revenue and brand recognition. Additionally, group home opportunities often come with additional benefits such as reduced fees or exclusive promotions. Therefore, it is essential for bespoke tailoring services to explore and take advantage of group home opportunities when selecting a business bank account.

Reading customer reviews and ratings

Reading customer reviews and ratings is an essential step in evaluating the quality and credibility of a business. It provides valuable insights into the experiences of previous customers and helps potential customers make informed decisions. When it comes to the bespoke tailoring service industry, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One effective way to do this is by using a competitor tracking tool. This tool allows businesses to monitor and analyze the performance of their competitors, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and make strategic decisions based on the gathered data. By utilizing a competitor tracking tool, bespoke tailoring service providers can stay updated on the latest market trends, benchmark their own performance, and make necessary adjustments to stay competitive.

Step 2: Gathering required documents

Business registration documents

To register your bespoke tailoring service as a business, you will need to gather and submit the necessary business registration documents. These documents are essential for establishing the legal framework of your business and ensuring compliance with local regulations. The registration process typically includes obtaining a business license, registering your business name, and obtaining any required permits or certifications. It is important to carefully review the specific requirements in your jurisdiction and consult with a legal professional if needed. By completing the business registration process, you will be able to operate your bespoke tailoring service as a legitimate business entity, allowing you to provide your services to a wider audience and establish credibility in the industry.

Proof of identity and address

To open a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service, you will need to provide proof of identity and address. This is a necessary step to ensure the security and legitimacy of your business transactions. Proof of identity can include a valid passport, driver's license, or national ID card. For proof of address, you can provide a recent utility bill, bank statement, or government-issued document that clearly shows your name and address. By providing these documents, you can establish trust with the bank and gain access to the financial services you need to boost revenue.

Financial statements and tax returns

Financial statements and tax returns are essential components of running a successful business. These documents provide a clear and accurate picture of a company's financial health and help in making informed decisions. Financial statements include the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, which showcase the company's assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses. Tax returns, on the other hand, are filed annually and report the company's income and deductions for tax purposes. By maintaining accurate financial statements and filing tax returns diligently, businesses can ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and demonstrate transparency to stakeholders.

Step 3: Applying for a free business bank account

Completing the application form

Completing the application form is a crucial step in obtaining a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service. By providing accurate and detailed information, you can ensure a smooth and efficient process. One important aspect to consider is implementing effective email marketing strategies. Email marketing allows you to reach out to potential customers and build strong relationships with existing ones. By utilizing personalized and targeted emails, you can showcase your tailoring services, promote special offers, and keep customers informed about the latest trends in the industry. Implementing email marketing strategies can greatly enhance your business's visibility and attract a wider customer base. To maximize the impact of your email campaigns, it is essential to craft compelling subject lines, engaging content, and visually appealing designs. By following these best practices, you can leverage the power of email marketing to grow your bespoke tailoring service and achieve long-term success.

Submitting the required documents

To submit the required documents for opening a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service, you will need to gather several important pieces of information. First and foremost, you will need to provide proof of your business registration and legal status, such as your business license or registration certificate. Additionally, you will need to present identification documents for all authorized signatories, such as passports or driver's licenses. It is also necessary to provide proof of your business address, which can be done through utility bills or a lease agreement. Finally, you may be required to provide financial statements or tax returns to demonstrate the financial stability of your business. Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you can submit them to the bank for review and approval. It is important to ensure that all documents are accurate and up-to-date to avoid any delays or complications in the account opening process.

Meeting with a bank representative

Meeting with a bank representative is a crucial step in the process of obtaining a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service. During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to discuss your business needs and requirements with a knowledgeable professional who can guide you through the account opening process. The bank representative will provide you with valuable insights and advice on the various account options available, ensuring that you choose the one that best aligns with your business objectives. Additionally, they will explain the necessary documentation and paperwork required to complete the account opening process, making sure that you are well-prepared and informed. By scheduling a meeting with a bank representative, you can ensure a smooth and efficient process of acquiring a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service.

Step 4: Setting up your business bank account

Activating your account

To activate your business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service, follow these steps carefully. Firstly, gather all the required documents such as your business registration certificate, identification documents, and proof of address. Next, visit the bank branch and meet with a representative to submit your application. Provide all the necessary information and documents accurately to ensure a smooth activation process. Once your application is submitted, the bank will review it and verify the provided information. If everything is in order, you will receive a confirmation email or letter with instructions on how to proceed. Follow the instructions promptly to complete the activation process and gain access to your free business bank account. It is important to note that any discrepancies or incorrect information may cause delays or rejection of your application, so double-check all the details before submission. By following these steps diligently, you can activate your account and start enjoying the benefits of a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service.

Setting up online banking

Setting up online banking is an essential step for any business, including bespoke tailoring services. It provides a convenient and secure way to manage finances and make transactions. To set up online banking, there are a few key steps to follow. Firstly, research different banks that offer business accounts and compare their features and fees. Look for banks that provide free business bank accounts to minimize costs. Next, gather the necessary documents and information required by the bank, such as your business registration details, identification documents, and proof of address. Once you have all the required documents, visit the bank's website or contact their customer service to initiate the account opening process. Follow the instructions provided and fill out the required forms accurately. After submitting your application, the bank will review it and may require additional verification. Once your online banking account is approved, you will receive login credentials to access your account and start managing your finances effectively.

Ordering business checks and debit cards

Ordering business checks and debit cards is an essential step when starting a bespoke tailoring service. As a business owner, it is important to have the necessary financial tools to manage your finances effectively. One crucial aspect is obtaining a free business bank account that offers the convenience of business checks and debit cards. By opening a business bank account, you can easily make payments, track expenses, and separate your personal and business finances. Additionally, having a business account provides credibility and professionalism to your bespoke tailoring service. To get started, consider looking for banks that offer free business bank accounts and cater to the needs of small businesses. Some banks even provide additional perks such as no monthly fees, unlimited transactions, and online banking services. By taking the time to research and choose the right bank, you can ensure a smooth and efficient financial management system for your bespoke tailoring service.


The importance of a free business bank account

Having a free business bank account is crucial for the success of your bespoke tailoring service. It provides numerous benefits and plays a vital role in managing your finances effectively. A free business bank account allows you to separate your personal and business expenses, making it easier to track your income and expenses accurately. Additionally, it enables you to build a professional image for your business by providing you with a dedicated account for all your financial transactions. Furthermore, a free business bank account offers various features and services that can streamline your financial operations, such as online banking, mobile banking, and easy access to credit facilities. By having a free business bank account, you can take advantage of actionable tips to optimize your financial management and make informed decisions for the growth and sustainability of your bespoke tailoring service.

Benefits for your bespoke tailoring service

A business bank account can provide numerous benefits for your bespoke tailoring service. One of the key advantages is the ability to easily manage your finances and separate your personal and business expenses. This can help you maintain accurate financial records and simplify tax reporting. Additionally, a business bank account allows you to accept payments from your clients more professionally, providing them with the convenience of various payment methods such as credit cards, online transfers, and checks. Another benefit is the opportunity to build a strong business credit history, which can be crucial when you need to apply for business loans or credit in the future. Furthermore, having a business bank account enables you to streamline your financial operations by integrating with accounting software and automating processes such as invoicing and expense tracking. Overall, having a business bank account can enhance the credibility and professionalism of your bespoke tailoring service, making it easier for you to manage your finances and grow your business.

Taking the first step towards financial success

Taking the first step towards financial success is crucial for any business. One important aspect of this journey is setting up a business bank account. For your bespoke tailoring service, it is essential to have a dedicated account to manage your finances effectively. By opening a free business bank account, you can streamline your financial transactions and keep your personal and business finances separate. This separation is vital for accurate bookkeeping and tax purposes. With a free business bank account, you can also take advantage of additional services and benefits tailored to the needs of small businesses. So, don't delay any further and start exploring the options available to get a free business bank account for your bespoke tailoring service.
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submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:59 moondog151 A family of three would go missing after a trip to the mountains. Their 4-year-old son was found buried while the father was found shot to death and the mother was raped and forced to jump off a cliff. Their 19-year-old shepherd and his family continue to profess his innocence.

A family of three would go missing after a trip to the mountains. Their 4-year-old son was found buried while the father was found shot to death and the mother was raped and forced to jump off a cliff. Their 19-year-old shepherd and his family continue to profess his innocence.
(Sometimes when writing one of these I'll go check and see how those who covered the case themselves did so and to see if they have any extra sources of their own. It appears that outside of the news media, this case has not been covered by anyone prior to me.
This means this is another one researched entirely by me, involving going through as many newspaper article as possible. However this appears to be a huge case in Georgia so if anyone speaks Georgian or is Georgian, feel free to correct me on any mistakes made
One thing I'm already a little on the fence about is that this may come off as too pro-convicted in the event that the correct verdict was reached, especially with how heinous the crimes are. But in my research I couldn't actually find in detail the prosecutor's rebuttals to the defence's claims and I just write whatever I can find personally. Some details also may still be lost in translation)
Little information seems to be known on the very early years of Ryan Michael Smith other than the fact that he was born in 1975 in San Diego, California. At 7 years old his family both moved to Marneuli, Georgia for a brief period which Ryan always remembered. Later Ryan moved to Azerbaijan in 2002. In Azerbaijan, Ryan soon learnt Azerbaijani and developed an interest in traditional carpets and rugs. He spent his time in the Caucasus, living with the native Lezghi people and using what he learnt from them, attempted to set up a local rug business but the business never took off and in December 2005 he returned to The United States. While in America he met Lora Joy Tacquard born in 1976, a school teacher. The two would eventually marry.
In 2010 the couple moved back to Marneuli and lived with Georgia's Azerbaijani community. Lora began working as an English teacher while Ryan tracked down elderly residents who knew how to weave, sow and make old-style carpets and rugs which were slowly falling out of fashion so he himself could learn how to make them, try starting up a business again and revive them. In 2012, Ryan finally found enough professionals to formally hire and founded his company "reWoven". That same year, he and Lori obtained Georgian citizenship becoming dual nationals.
In the early years of reWoven's operations, most of the money made went back into the local community, to pay for the resident's medical bills, legal fees and infrastructure. They also used the profits to fund weddings, funerals, and local civic events, even spending 10,000 dollars to buy 400 sets of plates, glasses and cutlery for the local community center and to fund the construction of a children's playground. Most of Ryan's own money that he used to support himself came from donations from both Georgia and from relatives in the United States.
They always wanted to have a child and first attempted so in 2012 with Lora giving birth to a baby girl named Shannon. Tragically Shannon was born unhealthy and passed away after only 9 days. Lora would then suffer three consecutive miscarriages until the couple's healthy son, Caleb Ismat Smith was born in 2014. Caleb was raised bilingually and by the age of 4, he was able to understand both English and Azerbaijani. In 2016, the family built themselves a house in Marneuli and decided that they would live in Georgia permanently and planned on becoming only Georgian citizens.
Ryan, Lora and Caleb
On July 3, 2018, the family decided to take a little vacation and went hiking at the Khadi Valley in Dusheti, Georgia. They spent the night in the valley, on the meadow, near a local village and on July 4, they began exploring the valley, river and waterfall, taking pictures of everything. On July 6, they were reported missing by friends and relatives after Ryan failed to show up to a meeting in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi.
The police and Georgia's Emergency Management Agency organized a search and rescue operation to find the family. That same day, on July 6, they found their car and personal belongings near the village of Tskere. 3 kilometres away from the car, Lora's naked body was found at the foot of a waterfall. Initial examinations conducted apparently showed no signs of intinial violence although she did sustain many bruises, cuts and scratches but they could've been the result of a fall. The only item of note was a wristwatch. so the police were now continuing the search efforts under the assumption that the family had all suffered an accident. The search was then called off due to the rain and resumed on July 7. On that day, Ryan's body was found floating in a river bearing many injuries and one source said he was "mutilated". Found near his body were a camera case, a child's toy shovel, and a plastic chisel Police assumed these injuries were caused post-mortem by being dragged along by the river current, but an autopsy revealed that the injuries, specifically blunt force trauma to his abdomen, legs, shins, chest and armpits were man-made and that the cause of death was a gunshot wound.
Now that it was a murder investigation, the police amped up the search for 4-year-old Caleb, the only member of the family still missing. The police even closed off the area to all other tourists, the only people allowed were the search and rescue team aided by local guides and shepherds and even using a drone once. According to the police they had gone through 99% of the valley and searched an area of 11 kilometers but Caleb was still nowhere to be found.
The search operation
Still lacking any trace of Caleb, the police shifted focus to trying to find a suspect. The police learned that the two had a local shepherd to guide them. The shepherd was a 19-year-old named Malkhaz Kobauri. Malkhaz had taken part in the search efforts and was joined by other shepherds. In fact, Malkhaz was the one who just so happened to find Lora's body. These fellow shepherds were questioned and they told police that slightly before they went missing, he returned to a campsite the shepherds had set up and was missing his watch and had a scratch on his chin. Malkhaz said that he lost his watch and was very reluctant and nervous when asked about his scratch. The police showed the watch to all those present who identified it as Malkhaz's.
Malkhaz was arrested on July 8 and repeatably interrogated. According to him, He and Ryan had gotten into an argument over Malkhaz being negligent with a hunting rifle and in the course of the argument, Ryan would be proven correct when he pointed it toward him and accidentally shot him. Afterwards, wanting to cover up the crime he shot Caleb and then Lora ran away and accidently fell from the cliff. To cover up and hide his crime he buried Caleb's body near a waterfall. He led police to the burial site and when the police dug up Caleb's body, they also recovered a camera used by the family during their trip. An autopsy revealed that Caleb had also been shot to death at least 3-4 times from different trajectories.
Going through the pictures, the police found 3-4 pictures of Malkhaz leading the family through the valley. In one of the pictures, he was seen holding the rifle used to shoot Ryan and Caleb with his pockets bulging from the rifle cartridges. On that same rifle both his and the victim's DNA were found. The last pictures were taken at the aforementioned waterfall and in all of them, Malkhaz was wearing the wristwatch found near Lora's body.
Malkhaz after his arrest
Now who was Malkhaz Kobauri? Malkhaz was born sometime in late 1998 in the village of Sadziguri located in a region called Akhalgori. They were moderately successful, selling various goods such as chickens and crops. In 2008 this would all be taken away when the Russo-Georgian War broke out and Akhalgori fell under the control of the largely unrecognized and self-proclaimed country of South Ossetia. Malkhaz's family fled before the annexation.
After fleeing they arrived in the capital Tbilisi as refugees with the Georgian government eventually providing Malkhaz, his parents and 5 siblings temporary housing at a cottage in Tsilkani with some farmland. They engaged in backbreaking labour in the farmlands for hours upon hours with little to no profit, and then a new factory opened up in the area which harmed their financial situation even further, then Malkhaz's mother was struck by illness and became bedridden for over a year. Eventually, Malkhaz had to drop out of school and went out to work as a shepherd to help his family.
Soon after his arrest, Malkhaz retracted his confession. He now claimed to only be a witness and that two foreigners emerged from a black vehicle and that he went into hiding while he watched the two kill Ryan, Lora and Caleb and then watched them dispose of the bodies. Malkhaz would now never deviate from this story and his family and his lawyer believed him to be truthful and that the police forced him to confess and were making a scapegoat out of them. His mother went so far as to pledge that she'd find the real killer all by herself, in her own words "even if they are buried in the ground"
Upon his arrest, Malkhaz was made to undergo a psychiatric evaluation where he was found to be sane and thus charged with the murder of the family on July 10 where in court, he continued with his story that two unknown foreigners were responsible and that they threatened to kill him and his family if he came forward. He described them as two meters tall and dark-skinned, and that the Georgian they spoke was accented, he believed them to be North Caucasians. He was unable to describe their vehicle aside from its colour because he was too far away from it. According to his lawyer, there were even witnesses who saw this car and could vindicate Malkhaz but that the police purposefully refused to question them. They even had plans to have a digital recreation of those men's faces created. On July 11th, he was remanded to custody and held in pretrial detention as due to his hometown now being in South Ossetia, it was believed that he may flee and that an extradition would be immensely unlikely.
Malkhaz at his pre-trial hearings
Unfornatuely for Malkhaz, his claim of innocence, already seemingly unlikely was looking more and more implausible. A forensic autopsy conducted on Lora's body showed samples of Malkhaz's DNA and biological profile on her body. After this revelation his lawyer withdrew from the case and he was assigned a new attorney. His new lawyer tried to claim that it didn't necessarily mean she was raped and Malkhaz demanded he be examined immediately, claiming to be impotent, the prosecution was still already looking into further charges. Malkhaz also changed his story and claimed that he was swimming when seven attackers as opposed to two emerged, stole his gun and ordered him out of the water while he looked away. The only reason his life was spared is because one of the men convinced the others not to kill Malkhaz This story only made him look more guilty as if it were true, there would be no way for him to know where Caleb's body had been buried. But regardless, Malkhaz remained confident and asked the court and investigators to investigate his cellphone records and where his phone pinged as it would exonerate him. His lawyer also remained confident and firmly believed in his client's innocence even stating that he would be willing to fly to The United States and question the victim's relatives himself.
He also said that the autopsy and forensic reports contradicted the prosecution's version of events. According to them, after an argument, he shot Ryan once and to silence Caleb's cries he also shot him before attacking Lora, raping her before ending her life. But the autopsies found no traces of violence on Lora's body to prompt a reconsideration of the theory that she simply fell, in fact, the cause of death was still listed as drowning and Caleb as mentioned seemed to have been shot from mutable different trajectories as opposed to a single bullet. Lastly, they doubted the report which stated that Malkhaz's sperm was found on Lora's body and underwear as when she was found, Lora was in the water and had been dead for 2-3 days. He went so far as to accuse the report of being fabricated. The autopsy conducted on Ryan also determined that the bullet that had killed him was fired from an above trajectory which according to his lawyer, meant that it was impossible for Malkhaz to have been the gunman as he was shorter than Ryan. According to Malkhaz, Ryan had tried wrestling the gun away from his killer's hands with the fight resulting in wounds to his legs and stomach before he finally shot Ryan at close range, killing him. Malkhaz's lawyer also felt it unlikely that he caused Ryan's pre-mortem injuries due to his build and body type.
On November 9th, only a week before his trial on November 19, 2018, the prosecution added on an extra charge with Malkhaz now set to stand trial not just for murder, but also for the rape of Lora Smith and changed their story claiming that the motive for the murder was the rape and that his altercation with Ryan was over him sexually harassing Lora and not gun safety. They also now stated that they believed Lora was killed elsewhere, and carried over to a river where she was disposed of and flowed down until falling off the cliff. Malkhaz's lawyer was furious and also believed this impossible. According to him, they actually conducted a test after this theory where they tried carrying on their backs (which is what the prosecution alleged that Malkhaz did) the equivalent of Lora's weight through the valley's terrain and actively struggled to walk it over to where Malkhaz supposedly disposed of her body. And even if he could, the current was calm and it wasn't raining so they doubted that her body could've floated to where it was found. The prosecution refuted this, stating that the report on the injuries Lora had sustained was amended to be the result of violence, the claims that Malkhaz was impotent to them held no weight, and leading up to the murders, Malkhaz had frequently browsed pornographic websites.
Because the defence demanded a jury trial not long before the trial itself was due to begin, the proceedings were delayed as the jury selection began. The Trial proper began on March 5, 2019, at the Gori District Court. The defence repeated their claims that Malkhaz was being scapegoated as 95% of the prosecution's own evidence was supposedly not presented and out of the 126 witnesses only 20 were called, the defence believed that the remaining 100 would either contradict their version of events or even outright exonerate him. On March 25, 2019, after 4 hours of deliberation, the jury returned their unanimous verdict finding Malkhaz guilty. On March 27, Malkhaz Kobauri was handed down a life sentence without the possibility of parole. After hearing the sentence, His mother and aunt both fainted and had to be hospitalized. Meanwhile, the victim's family and American Representatives were satisfied with the sentence. Upon recovery, they refused to accept the verdict and his mother even accused The United States of influencing the trial in some way.
Malkhaz at cournt
Malkhaz's mother removed from court on a stretcher.
In October 2019, Ryan's family wrote a letter to Malkhaz while he was in prison where they chose to forgive him. Malkhaz was appreciative but continued to stand by his innocence and said that the only thing "keeping me going" was that his family still continued to fight in an attempt to exonerate him. His lawyer also announced his intention to appeal and his family even tried to have The European Court of Human Rights hear the case but were unable to due to the finances involved. In November 2022, he sent a letter back saying much the same, that he was innocent.
MreWoven remains in business to this day and continues in Ryan, Lora and Caleb's memory.
Sources (In the comments)
submitted by moondog151 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:29 FuckUInsurance13 Medical insurance denied coverage

Throw away to a throw away account.
I don’t know where to start. I had a panic attack reading through the insurances paper work. So the jest of all this is I had surgery last year (2023). Both the hospital and doctor’s office got approval (none of the codes needed pre-authorization) when they contacted the insurance group like 2 months before the surgery take place. That got the go ahead and everything seemed fine. Then February rolls around and I got a we are reviewing your surgery letter. Then came a letter in March with a denial. I called the insurance company, the doctor office, and the hospital to start a paper trail because surely something is a miss. Fast forward to this week they had a medical reviewer look over it and deny it again saying this surgery is experimental.
They tell me the next step is to write a hand written appeal and to “have representation”. What the fuck am I going to do now? The surgery was over 50k. I don’t have over 50k lying around to give them. I would have never had the surgery if I had know they would pull this bullshit! WTF
And on top of that I’m still having more medical issues that I’m forking out my deductible/copay/out of pocket. I’ve almost reach my out of pocket and the year isn’t even half way over.
What kind of lawyer do I need to retain? Does anyone win these things? I can’t imagine they won’t apply if I somehow win against them. I can’t afford to drag this shit out for years.
submitted by FuckUInsurance13 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:19 ImpossibleImage1133 How to finance my last semester of college and manage my current student debt.

Hi All, I will be going into my final semester of college in August (graduate Fall 2024). A few weeks ago, my parent applied for a parent plus loan and was denied despite being approved 2 years in a row. The reason for the denial was because my parent has 4 accounts in collection that opened at the start of the year. We appealed this denial and the appeal was then denied. My parent was informed that the only option left would be the obtain a co-signer for my parent plus loan or get a private loan.
Ideally, the first option is what my parent and I would like since they already have 2 other parent plus loans in their name for my education. However, in the event that we cannot find a co-signer, I will need to search for a private loan. The amount I need for this one semester is $25,000. I am not sure what my private loan options would be to make this happen and really have no idea where to start. I do not have credit nor have I ever worked. Hopefully, this won’t matter too much.
Besides getting financing for this final semester, I am beginning to look at my options for after graduation. Ideally, I would like to consolidate my 2 parent plus loans + the partial parent plus loan in the event we can get a co-signer. I am not sure how I would do this? I also have the maximum subsidized/unsubsidized loan amounts that were offered to me from financial aid.
My parent that has the 2 parent plus loans has a yearly salary of over $100k however, the parent that I use for my FAFSA has a yearly income of $0 (they are divorced). I have not done much research into loan payment options/plans and don’t really know where to start with any of this. I know I’m asking for a few things in this post but, I’d like to know what my options are and where to start researching.
submitted by ImpossibleImage1133 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:21 KnottyKnottyHooker I am so angry!

Express Scripts filled my first rx for 2.5 mg. My Dr requested 90 days of 5 mg, which isn't available so it was denied. They also just denied a 90 days rx of 2.5 mg as well. I need to miss 2 weeks before they'll fill the 90 days at 2.5 mg. How does this make any sense?! It's working. Bad enough that I'm paying $120 for the 90 days (they charged me the same for 30 day rx) because they don't take the discount card they made me apply for after they stopped taking it. They don't want me healthy. 🤬🤬🤬
EDIT: I've just faxed an appeal of their denial. Here's my letter. Fingers crossed 🤞
My name is Sandra Sandmeyer and I received my first 30-day supply of Zepbound 2.5mg on May 1, 2024. This was a box of 4 injectable pens for a 28-day supply. My doctor then wanted to titrate me to the 5mg dose, however, with a nationwide shortage, this was denied. She then requested a 90-day supply of the 2.5mg so that I could continue to take this medication as it is intended. This request was denied. This is the decision I am respectfully appealing.
I have been overweight my entire adult life. I have tried exercise and dieting to no avail. I am continuing to participate in both the Express Script programs with Omada and Hinge Health. While I had progressed on Omada, I had a stroke in November 2022, making it difficult to return to the program as I originally had been doing. From the first injection of Zepbound there have been changes to my eating. It’s working! While I’m dealing with some slight side effects, I am extremely happy to find something that research has shown to improve the life of people with cardiovascular and weight issues. I don’t want to die young and would like to improve my life by losing weight. It has taken me quite some time to agree to medication and the decision was not made lightly.
I’m begging you to please reconsider my case. I have already been approved through 12/21/2024 and now that the meds have been requested, I am being denied the medication and told I need to miss 2 weeks before I can get more.
submitted by KnottyKnottyHooker to zepbound_support [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:30 Advanced-Zone-8868 Is this a denial?

Is this a denial?
Sorry for the repost! I don't use Reddit that much, so I didn't realize I didn't attach the following to the image before posting.
Got a notif that my application had already been decided upon after only two days of review. Does this mean my letter is likely a denial, or is this the same message applicants receive regardless of the decision?
For context: My case has been ongoing for over 556 days due to an extremely incompetent case worker. Eventually, I had to have our state's congressman intervene, requesting to expedite my case. On top of that, after his phone call with my case worker, she magically "just got" the records she claimed she was missing despite me sending them in multiple times. It was only after his communication that my case finally moved forward at all. I even have evidence of other SSA members admitting how grossly mishandled my case has been.
I know that I will ultimately have to wait for the letter, but I have severe anxiety. Seeing this message has caused my hands to start shaking because if I have to appeal a denial, that is going to take even longer. I can barely afford to live as it is without being able to work. I just wanted to ask for opinions on here to hopefully give me some peace of mind in the meantime.
submitted by Advanced-Zone-8868 to SSDI_SSI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:57 aelfin Dorian Hightower, Beacon of the South, Defender of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of Oldtown, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown

Reddit Account: aelfin
Discord Tag: Bolt1219
Name and House: Dorian Hightower
Age: 80
Cultural Group: Reachman
Appearance: Once tall and strong and proud -- a knight of renown -- the passage of time has seen fit to humble Dorian Hightower. The gold-brown hair of his youth has bleached to silver, his countenance marked by wrinkles. He wears his hair long, often unbound that it frames his features. His beard is neatly styled. Despite the betrayal of his body, Dorian's eyes remain sharp and quick, and his smile is that of a younger man.
Trait: Mastermind
Skill(s): Devious(e), Espionage(e), Assassin
Talent(s): Napping, Meandering, Gardening
Negative Trait(s): Sickly
Starting Title(s): Beacon of the South, Defender of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of Oldtown, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown
Starting Location: Starting Event
Alternate Characters: n/a
Biogaphy Early Life
In 55BC, under a golden sun in the bustling city of Oldtown, Dorian Hightower was born the second son to Lord Leyton Hightower and his wife Leona Bulwer. His early childhood was marked by a sense of curiosity and an inherent noble pride that was expected of a Hightower; against a backdrop filled with the sounds of the bustling harbour, the smell of the sea, and the sight of a forest of sails coming and going. Oft he would watch the ships as they sailed away and wondered where they went
From a young age, Dorian showed a keen interest in learning and the world around him. His education was that expected of one of his lineage; lessons with the Maester were as important as that of his martial education. At just ten, he was sent to Highgarden to squire for House Gardener. There, amidst the vibrant gardens and rich traditions of the Reach, he learned the values of chivalry, honour, and the importance of duty. His time at Highgarden left a lasting impression on him, fostering a deep respect for the knightly traditions that would shape his later life -- which would make the later actions of the Tyrells sting all the more,
At one-and-seven, Dorian’s path took a scholarly turn. Sent to study at the Citadel, immersed in the halls of knowledge, he began forging his maester's chain, dedicating himself to the studies of copper for history, bronze for astronomy, and iron for warcraft. His mentors noted a sharp intellect and strategic mind, qualities that would serve him well in the years to come.
The Heir to the Hightower
In 35 BC, a marriage united Dorian with Leila Tarly, a match both strategic and affectionate. At the age of twnety Dorian became a father, welcoming his first child, Garlan, into the world. Over the years, the Hightower family grew with the births of Garmund, Delena, Owen, and Lynesse. Each child brought new joy and responsibility, shaping Dorian into a devoted father and a wise lord.
The Stranger visited the Hightowers in 20 BC, when Dorian's older brother, Leyton, the heir to the Hightower, was lost in a shipwreck while returning from a journey to Braavos. At five-and-twenty, Dorian was thrust into the role of heir, a position he had not anticipated. Embracing his new responsibilities with determination, he began learning the intricacies of rule, administration, and justice from his father. Living in Oldtown, the heart of the Faith of the Seven, also imparted a deep spiritual awareness in Dorian. The more he learned, the more he was put into positions of authority. Initially undertaking a role as his father's Steward, Dorian learned quickly that he was much too bored by numbers to be anything close to competent. He was better at dealing with people.
Through his dealings his network grew, and this network, he recognised, could be turned toward the flow of information. The ships he had watched as a boy carried trade, but they also carried words from half the world away. If he could find a way to hear those words before any else, he'd have an advantage -- not only in trade, but in politics as well. Setting to work, Dorian used his House's name to tour as often as he could, finding those in key places that would serve his ends for the right price.
Life and Trials
As the head of House Hightower, Dorian instilled in his family a profound sense of fairness and the importance of knightly traditions. He stressed the values of chivalry and gallantry, ensuring that these principles were deeply rooted in the Hightower legacy. His household became known for its adherence to these values, earning respect and admiration throughout the Reach.
He was an avid hunter, frequently organising grand hunting expeditions in the lands surrounding Oldtown. Not merely for sport, these hunts also served as opportunities to bond with his children and vassals. One notable hunt saw Dorian bring down a formidable stag, a feat that became legendary in his household.
Dorian’s daughter Delena married Harlan Tyrell after a secret tryst, a match that Dorian did not initially support but ultimately was forced to accept. His youngest daughter, Lynesse, found a husband in Willem Ryger. A man whom Dorian had mentored in the art of espionage, and who would later go on to prove the most succesful spymaster in the country.
Feasts at the Hightower were grand affairs, known throughout the Reach for their opulence and hospitality. Dorian believed in the power of communal gatherings, often using these occasions to strengthen alliances and resolve disputes. The harvest feast was a particularly notable event, drawing his vassals to Oldtown to celebrate the bounty of the land, and to reaffirm their loyalty to House Hightower.
From the Ashes:
Family life, however, was not without its hardships, and the Hightowers not immune to tragedy. The House faced a profound loss when Garlan, Dorian's eldest son, was killed on the Field of Fire, turned to ash by dragonfire. This tragedy left Garlan's young son, Gwayne, as Dorian's heir, a heavy burden for the grieving boy to bear at such a young age. By then Dorian was a man nearing his sixtieth decade, not young by any stretch, and so particularly attension was paid to Gwayne's education near to the exclusion of all else. A small army of learned men were brought in to cover every aspect that would eventually be required of him. Dorian hardly went anywhere without his grandson in tow. The Seven Kingdoms might have been united, but the dawn of this new age was eclipsed by Dorian's fears that he would pass before his heir was ready, and he had known many a House felled by the poorly equipped.
Dorian levied from Lord Hightower against House Costayne of having refused the call to rally at Oldtown, backed by the word of the High Septon. A host marched on Three Towers but was met with denial from Lord Costayne who eventually demanded a trial by combat. Gyles Gardener offered himself as champion, and for his victory was given rule over Three Towers, with the fallen lord’s kin being exiled to Essos. Aegon Targaryen was crowned in the Starry Sept upon their return.
In 8AC, a band of sellswords by the name of the Black Roses arrived in Oldtown, headed up by Harlon Costayne, offering cheap mercenaries for the city and protection for its trade. Dorian put to them a challenge, a trial by combat to determine if the Seven stood with the Roses. Pit against a knight of Oldtown, the Black Roses emerged the victorious party, and Dorian issued them leave to remain so long as they served the Reach and her interests.
Life is a loan, and eventually all men's accounts are settled in full. Having passed into his eightieth year, Dorian Hightower knows the end is nearing for him. Age wracks his body, though his mind remains sharp. He has prepared his grandson as best as he could have done, and all that remains is the wait until his last, content in the knowledge. For the first time in a decade, the Lord of the Hightower has descended from his perch and travels towards King's Landing.
55 BC - Birth of Dorian Hightower
45 BC - Dorian Sent to Highgarden
38 BC - Scholarly Pursuits at the Citadel
35 BC - Marriage to Leila Tarly
35 BC - 30 BC - Birth of Children
20 BC - Death of Leyton Hightower
15 BC - 10 BC - Expansion of Dorian's Network
10 BC - Dorian Becomes Lord Hightower
5 BC - Marriage of Daughters
5 BC - 1 BC - Grand Feasts and Gatherings
0 AC - Tragedy at the Field of Fire
5 AC - Conflict with House Costayne
8 AC - Arrival of the Black Roses
25 AC - Dorian Prepares for the End
Name and House: Gwayne Hightower
Age: 30
Cultural Group: Reachman
Appearance: Gwayne stands the perfect example of the Hightower ideal; in him are the echoes of his father and his grandfather and the knightly traditions of the Hightower. He boasts hazel-hued eyes that are dominant green, alight with curiosity. His hair seems to shfit between a gold and a shade dark brown dependant on the light. Oft seen in the colours of his house; smoke greys cut with whites or greens.
Trait: Champion,
Skill(s): Swords, Andal Knight(e)
Talent(s): Hunting, Hawking, Harp
Negative Trait(s): n/a
Starting Title(s): Heir to the Hightower, Ser
Starting Location: Starting Event
Alternate Characters:n/a
Family Tree: https://www.familyecho.com/#view:SZ32K
Born in 5BC, the firstborn son to Garlan Hightower, Gwayne was bathed in a viridescent light, anointed with the seven oils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept in the Hightower. This act alone is reserved for the heirs to the Hightower, a ceremony to mark them from birth as defenders of the Faith. His early life was a happy one, though he recalls little of the time. His mother and father were truly in love. Only two years later after his birth would his brother follow, and their two sisters after them. His grandfather's hall and hearth was filled with the laughter of children.
It was Garlan Hightower who held command of the Hightower host the fateful day that dragonfire swept across the Field of Fire, who perished there on the field, and whose bones were turned to ash and no longer able to be laid to rest. Gwayne was too young to grasp the reality of it, and before long his Grandfather had him learning with such intensity that he hardly had time to process the fact his father wasn't coming home.
Life turned into a steady routine of learning. His lessons consisted of how to act at court, his histories, his number and letters, and martial training in the yard. He would be woken before the dawn and not be permitted to bed until the sun had slipped away and night had fallen. Recklessly bold, oft he would attempt to climb the exterior of the Hightower and be scolded for the act if discovered.
His first true test at arms came when in the form of pirates. They had made their home in a cove and would strike out at ships fat and ripe with goods. Gwayne rode out with a small band of men, headed up by his uncle, Owen. For a week they scoured the coastline looking for signs of their quarry, and eventually, one night, sky unclouded and stars bright, they saw the fires. Come the dawn the charge of the Reachmen sent the pirates srambling for their weapons, and though they put up a fight, they were cut down to a man and their ships burned. Of those that surrendered, they would hang at the port in Oldtown as a stark reminder. For his bravery Gwayne was given their Valyrian Steel sword, Vigilance, upon his return.
He would seek out his glory in the lists after that, travelling the length of the Seven Kingdoms looking to make his name as a knight. Tourney followed tourney, but at each stop he remembered to paya visit to the local Sept and offer prayer. He lent a hand where he could. Sometimes he found friends, sometimes he found foe.
When the Orphans of the Fire descended on the Reach, Gwayne wished to march out and chase them down, but Dorian refused him -- and as well he did, for the chaos wrought by the Orphans might have claimed him, and Dorian was adamant that he would not lose another heir to fire. The inaction rankled at Gwayne, but he heeded his grandfather's words all the same.
Now, in 25AC, with Dorian ailing and a celebration called, Gwayne travels toward the event and prepares himself for what may come.
Timeline: 5 BC - Birth of Gwayne Hightower
3 BC - Birth of Gwayne's Brother
0 AC - Death of Garlan Hightower
1 AC - 15 AC - Intensive Education and Martial Training
15 AC - First Test of Arms Against Pirates
16 AC - 23 AC - Knighthood and Tournament Circuit
20 AC - Orphans of the Fire Incident
25 AC - Current Events
submitted by aelfin to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:07 West-Table-4802 I have $200k in my bank account, 750 credit, but cannot afford a home

I am in what I assume to be a rather unique situation.
I am 27, and have saved for my whole adult life to buy rental properties. I live with my parents and save like I'm imprisoned here. I run a small business now, (making it much harder to qualify for loans), which on paper has made 60k and 50k after taxes for the past 2 years. I have over $200,000 saved up now, and my credit score is 750.
Lenders don't even want to work with me when they see my income.
I'm stubbornly attempting to buy a 3 family property, where I plan to live in one unit and rent out the rest. Ideally I'd like to use an FHA and put down a minimal down payment, keeping cash in the bank. The problem is my income only allows me a 190k max loan. Properties in my surrounding area RI, MA, CT that are in rentable condition (necessary to qualify for a mortgage) are all over 500k. The other option is to buy one in unlivable condition, then fix it up. While this is easy for me because I am a general contractor with years of experience renovating homes, this option basically excludes all mortgage, and limits me to rehab loans or cash deals.
Any advice is greatly appreciated, because I feel very stuck here.
Edit: Thank you to all suggestions, advice, and bitter venting!😀
I didn't expect such controversy on this post, so for the readers with similar goals to mine, I will highlight some of the constructive strategies from helpful commenters here in the post, so they are not clouded out by genital insults! 👇🏼
Banks statement loan: From my limited research, this is a loan that has a slightly higher interest rate than a conventional mortgage, but uses your businesses pre-tax income as qualifications. I believe they assume 70% of your income is profit, but can be changed if they get a written letter from your accountant.
Portfolio loan: As the name suggests, you are wealth portfolio is used as the qualification for the loan. This seems like a common option amongst real estate investors. The terms are more flexible than a traditional mortgage, but again comes at a slightly higher interest rate.
Investor partner: Buy a property with an investor, outright, and both profit on it. In my situation, I am not sure this makes total sense, as it won depletes much of my cash savings, but also gives a much lower return on investment as opposed to using my savings on 20% down payments on properties, which I likely could obtain multiple if I was qualified for a loan. The advantage to this option is you have a appreciating property, which you can borrow against to use to purchase other properties in the future. More research is needed on my part to understand this part of it.
Cash purchase of a single family: This option is similar to the investor option, except you are cutting out the investor and using your wealth to obtain a single-family property which you can borrow against. This option might be appealing to me if the zoning allowed for it to become a two family, given my construction background I could easily convert the dwelling into a multi-family.
For people in positions similar to mine, paying a slightly higher interest rate on a cash positive income property is likely a wiser decision than dumping all of your capital into a property to attempt to qualify for a normal conventional mortgage (PITI mortgage)
submitted by West-Table-4802 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:57 TomTheGawd Incoming MS1, SAVE Plan

Hello. I graduated from undergrad in may 2022 with 25k in federal loans (mix of subsidized and unsub) as well as an 18k private loan at 9%APR. I began repayment in December 2023. I am currently working full time before starting medical school in July. The federal loans are all about 5-7% APR.
I had a few questions about my best coarse of action:
I currently have about 30k cash saved up from working, and want to make the most of it.
  1. Im currently planning to pay off the private loan entirely, as from what I understand private education loans are not eligible for PSLF. (the servicer is collegeave)
  2. Since I am currently in repayment, can I apply for the SAVE plan for my undergrad loans before starting medical school? My income based off 2023 tax returns was high, however, I was hoping that I could appeal it with a letter from my employer that my employment has ended etc. As you know, my income from july onward will be $0. I want to do this in hope to minimize interest accrual during med school.
  3. For the remainder of my income, I wanted to open a SoFi high interest savings account.
Do these ideas all sound solid? or is there something that would be more wise?
submitted by TomTheGawd to whitecoatinvestor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:13 irrational_behaviors [Illinois] employer appealing after receiving benefits for a month.

Edit: spelling
TLDR; how can I change the date of my phone hearing for a case my employers are appealing? I didn’t get the letter until 2 days beforehand and was told to submit evidence but I don’t have time!
I got a letter from IDES that my employer is once again appealing the approval for benefits that I’ve already received two or three times. I got a letter saying that there will be a phone hearing on Friday at 9am and to submit all evidence I have that proves why I should be eligible and why I told them that my termination reason are false accusations on my employers end.
A little backstory without giving any hints of my identity, (I may have old coworkers in here), when I first applied, I got denied of course then had a phone interview with IDES about the inconsistencies in my employer’s reason for termination and request for denial of benefits. My ex manager told ides that I was terminated for something that would severely affect my license but told me something completely different so I was absolutely dumbfounded when ides revealed that info to me. My employee file was submitted to ides for review and they stated that since the investigation was unfounded and I was not fired for my own wrongdoing, IDEA approved me for benefits.
My question is, I got this letter WEDNESDAY but the hearing is FRIDAY???? How would I go about getting that date pushed back so I can prepare for that? Can I even do that? Honestly I don’t need unemployment anymore because I just started a new job but I don’t want to just not show up because I’m sure they’ll make me pay them back and they don’t deserve that after fucking me over 😂
Yes I am speaking with a lawyer about this whole termination situation and legal action will be taken. I know this description is kinda vague but the case is strong.
Also, anyone know of any good employment lawyers in Illinois? 😂 my lawyer friend isn’t practicing anymore :(
submitted by irrational_behaviors to Unemployment [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:57 Blockchain-TEMU Various Descriptions of Vectors

1.1 A resonator vector has multiple base modes 1.1.1 At offset fifths all in resonator is laxative 1.1.2 At offset octaves is Parrafin wax 1.1.3 A resonator vector has a few ranges in semitone division C1-C2 Always Rubber C2-C3 Normally Rubber C3-C4 Base Crude C4-C5 Food Grade Oil C5-C6 Laxative Only C7-C7 Flavor Only 1.1.4 A resonator vector is best cured by a filter reds method 1.1.5 A resonator vector usually indicates rubber or a laxative when it is unmessed by the filter reds method 1.1.6 By default a resonator vector is a rubber source of latex rubber 1.1.7 Cured Resonator forms the LaTeX substance which has various functions 1.1.8 LaTeX and Resonator are slightly but not altogether that toxic 2.1 A corpus vector has a physical object 2.2 A beam object is the fluid object and a marimba object is the human object and a membrane object is the drummer object and a pipe object is the stoner object and a tube object is the dauchund object 2.3 Corpus appears in a few range 16.35-120 Roor 120-262 Bacteria 262-512 Plants 512-1024 Foods 1024-2024 Human Related 2024-4048 Human Perephiery Related 2.4 Corpus has brightness or object ID material or object scientifics spread or object alignment inharmonic or object wavy filter or object oily or smoky 2.5 Objects may be made magical by realigning their direct spread to mid 2.6 Objects encode the disease of the person that used it 2.7 Objects yield food tokens when used in correct 3 depth beam tube pipe then cooked with pizza box or otherwise 2.8 Objects have an exact identifier by harmonics or upclicks and version for different variant upclick 2.9 Objects have a serial identifier associated with them which is their direct harmonic offset 3.0 A grain delay vector is a fluid extraction vector 3.1 A grain delay causes a derrick to appear on the signal when configured correctly 3.2 A grain delay should be used on the aboveground portion of crude extraction 3.3 A grain delay pumps fluid 3.4 A grain delay is best used at 1 and -9 or -24 or +12 3.5 Do not exceed one grain delay per extraction as it is the sampled oil derrick 3.6 Do not use grain delay in an ocean or it will cause an oil spill 3.7 Do not generally use grain delay or derrick outside of a fluids extraction 3.8 Do not use grain delay spray or the derrick will break 3.9 Do not use grain delay parameter besides 1 or the derrick will break 4.0 Vocoder is the fluid extractions vector 4.1 Use negative formant to go underground 4.2 Proof the oil at up to total proof at depth 4.3 Use 40 vector for best usage 4.4 Use up to 200 bandwidth for best usage 4.5 Top sample peaks if they are excessive 4.6 Increase fluid flow if possible to reason 4.7 Take fluid from belowground to aboveground with top formant 4.8 Do not use any form of negative total proof or it will be a shower 4.9 Tune after each peak 5.0 Q or eq is the tune process 5.1 Use tune to make a different amount of the particular thing 5.2 Put things all in the right place and resonance to get the detailed oil or water out of a signal 5.3 Use tune to isolate a particular thing 5.4 Use one tune to get your hands on something or use a motor pool tool with classic tune 5.5 Use tune with a network to do maintenance on something 5.6 Use tune to isolate a specific force 5.7 Use tune to create a hormone effect on the body 5.8 Use tune to specify how many hydrocarbon rings something has 5.9 Use tune at octaves for rubber wheels 6.0 Ugandan process saturator 6.1 Saturator gets the commoners on it 6.2 Saturator increases crude oil yield 6.3 Saturator prevents fires 6.4 Saturator adds more content to oil making it less pure 6.5 Saturator is an early stage process not a late stage process 6.6 Saturator causes mutagen to appear in the signal 6.7 Using at least one saturator in extraction makes the oil ugandan method 6.8 Using more than one saturator in the signal makes the oil actually ugandan 6.9 Saturator should be used with radiation surpression protocol 7.0 Vinyl is the ugandan refinery 7.1 Vinyl is the base cost of oil to create one barrel of oil at 221$ for a ugandan barrel 7.2 Vinyl creates stasis noise 7.3 Vinyl at hydrocarbons modification creates the appearance of stereo vinyl signal which is the vinyl chloride 7.4 Only one vinyl should be used in the ugandan method, the initial hydrocarbons source 7.5 Vinyl can be used to isolate pure vinyl chloride with mid side 7.6 The product is always polyvinyl chloride for a synthesis which uses more than one vinyl 7.7 The product is actual vinyl chloride for a synthesis which uses the mid side extraction method 7.8 A specific cure for the vinyl chloride created in extraction method exists 7.9 Vinyl is the rather dangerous portion of the ugandan process 8.0 Tube Amp or get jonnay a sample 8.1 Tube Amp does a minor observation on the signal which is not the actual observation of the signal 8.2 Tube Amp is the process used at the pre cracking stage before pre cracking in the oil field lot to certify oil field purity 8.3 Tube Amp can get jonnays hands on it and make the oil light and sweet crude 8.4 Tube Amp biases the signal towards mutagen 8.5 Tube can deconvolve the foundry observation or keep it the same 8.6 Tube Amp allows for up to three or a twentieth of the sample oil taken 8.6 Tube Amp is generally nonessential but allows for the process to be modified to light sweet crude 8.7 The modification to light sweet crude takes no time 8.8 The process involved may define oil sources further 8.9 Tube Amp is toxic to use as is as a standard signal and a wideband cure exists 9.0 Chanel eq or smelly 9.1 Chanel eq is where smell is observed in the signal 9.2 Adding just one chanel adds 10 times the smell 9.3 Chanel can do basic tasks and even in a pinch more than the standard worker number of chanel could do product work 9.4 Chanel is a perfumes process which causes something to become odorfactant 9.5 Chanel can make a signal less mutagenic substantially 9.6 Endocrine disruption by chanel has a specific cure 9.7 At the foundry chanel causes typical foundry area petrochemicals smell 9.8 Chanel Eq can expose you to something odifacantly 9.9 Chanel EQ is a critical process of drugs sensing 10.1 Cabinet Cabinet puts something in the cabinet, with the garbage 10.2 Cabinet has the garbage bin of all your friends in it 10.3 Cabinet can be used to imply something kept secret, deleted, or otherwise specifically specified 10.4 Cabinet has the bacterial disease of the cabinet on it 10.5 Cabinet is no more dangerous than your garbage bin in your kitchen 10.6 Cabinet can access your garbage bin in your kitchen 10.7 Cabinet is an essential part of home renewal processes to specify which part of the house needed to be renewed 10.8 Renewal process exist for specifying 2 cabinet upgrade 1x12 and 2x12 cabinet can be fulfilled by the renewal system 10.9 Cabinet can cause skin irritation if the cabinet is destroyed 11.0 Amp is the process of a drug addict 11.1 Amp provides a drug addict with reasonable amounts of their drug 11.2 Amp uses the food of the drug addict to generate the smoke of the drug 11.3 Amp is very dangerous and if set to default and not the rock user will kill the user outright 11.4 Amp is a specific process which is used when heavy metals are in the signal like at the oilfield hell which went too deep often amp is used to create synthesis effect in the oilfield hell 11.5 Amp provides Amp MTN DEW to the user 11.6 Amp Unlocks the mail system to the user 11.7 Amp causes many disease and a cure only exist for about half 11.8 If cured amp must be set to specific amp MTN DEW Abilities like Obtaining AMP MTN DEW at a store or obtaining amp MTN Dew by mail 11.9 Amp is very dangerous but I heard you can store marijuana in it 12.0 Gate or medical epitalon 12.1 Gate heals a signal, when the appropriate full poly gate is given at gate inverse gate for the whole range, then the recreational drug is formed 12.2 When gate is given in appropriate range to heal a generic signal and there is a gate inverse gate assembly for the whole range and the range does not exceed healthy and unhealthy there is a vaccine 12.3 When the vaccine is used in the recreational usage there is a battlesedative usage 12.4 A purely recreational use FLIP (few) exists, a purely recreational use CBX (20) exists, REDS medical (156) and BAGS (30) Medical Exist all also using Medical Gate 12.5 Gate has no cure of itself but can detoxify itself and even fetch a signal 12.6 Gate is not a signal router so should not be used to route a signal, this is emergency feature 12.7 Gate has various parameters which are always REDS 9,.02,10,333,-inf in a medical usage 12.8 Many gate have a use to create pressure with nominal pressure, gates can create pressure 12.9 Gates can refine a computer signal to detect right and are involved with doing work on something 13.0 Compressor or Pipes 13.1 Compressor Routes a signal somewhere else 13.2 Compressor Does quality assurance on an existing foundry full product 13.3 Compressor does the engine compression of a car without causing framerate lag 13.4 Compressor can do something on bequest of another pipe 13.5 Compressor has a variable pipe response to different substance, different behavior can be specified 13.6 Compressor in quality assurance should use the same sybian knee and threshold equal one another 13.7 Compressor in quality assurance should not exceed 5 minor acts of quality control 6 or 1 major act of quality control 12 13.8 Compressor causes unsteady supply 13.9 Compressor causes internal combustion in internal combustion 14.0 Delay or phase 14.1 Phase or delay can do surgery at 500 and 1000 and 0 rather third unused there is surgery 14.2 Phase or delay can do a keyboard retrieval or a keyboard flash at 333,666,999 14.3 Phase or delay can do shift register at 5000 14.4 Phase or delay can do manual register at 375,500,1000 14.5 Phase has a specific infinite ammo use at 4000 14.6 Phase has a firearms use at 37.5,50,75,100,200 except in blueprint use 14.7 Phase has a blueprint use 1,2.12,5,10,11.1,15,20,22.2,25,33.3,35,44.4,50,55.5,60,66.6,70,75,77.7,80,100 14.8 Phase has specific blueprint use of the offset of the individual components at the high end 14.9 Phase has splitter use of 5000,2111, and the firearms rate in splitter 15.0 Looper, or Pizza Box 15.1 Pizza box automatically cooks food at minus 20 15.2 Pizza box creates more of the food than you can believe 15.3 Pizza Box allows for the food to be cooked from Pizza Box to Pizza Box 15.4 Pizza Box Allows theft of item when recording 15.5 Pizza Box Is An Obligate Time Consumer Using Wav 15.6 Pizza Box Allows You to Get an Item from the Pizza Box (PIZZA SLICE) 15.7 Pizza Box Only Actually Cooks the Item on Retrieval 15.8 Pizza Box is Not Watertight And Cannot Become Watertight 15.9 Hit Circle (PIZZA) To Add Pizza or Other Food to Pizza Box Directly In 16.0 Frequency Shifter, F(X), Oxidation Reduction 16.1 Use oxidation reduction at exactly 500 Therms of oxidation to cook a food 16.1 Add 11.1 HZ At 50HZ Oxidation Variation to Cook the Food Well 16.2 Change Offset at Oxidation Reduction Parameter Offsetor to Change Food Flavor 16.3 Put an Aircraft literally into the sky by Oxidizing it 16.4 Peroxos, or Base Frequency Shift In Parts of F100 are a critical part of many life processes 16.5 A specific peroxos, lowest phosphors peroxos .01 scanning peroxos is involved with vision 16.6 Peroxos F4100 is involved with life that uses credit stick 16.7 All the peroxos of the intermediary shift between harmonic are involved with life 16.8 Alien Peroxos set outside the reference 261.5HZ Pussy Yeast Bread Harmonic Ledger Are undiscovered 16.9 Different family tree have different total peroxos set (Saplings) 17.0 Power Tools Driver or EQ3 17.1 A power Tools Driver is the old way to disassemble something 17.2 A power tools driver at 300 is the life jacket and at 650 is the bedpan 17.4 A powers tool driver at 1400 is the water filter and a power tools driver at 4100 is the grinder 17.5 A powers tool driver action of all three below 200 50-200 is the cooking request action in classic usage 17.6 A specific powers tool driver action sensor exists for cooking below all three 50-200 total range action 17.7 A powers tools driver with osc unlocks power tools motor action 17.8 A powers tool driver is a worse way to do work than with your hands 17.9 A powers tool driver is good at removing but not adding 18.0 Limiter or Limiter Removal 18.1 Limiter brings in Shadow Company And IDF And Blind Doxxons at Lowest 18.2 Limiter Brings in the Marines at Mid 18.3 Limiter brings in the seals at High 18.4 Limiter causes framerate lag 18.5 Limiter causes A signal to exhibit a perfect quality control even at extreme levels 18.6 Limiter can be used to tame paddles 18.7 Limiter can be used to tame drilling 18.8 Limiter can be used to examine something under a microscope 18.9 Limiter can make the psychoacoustic quality better 19.0 Beat Repeat, or Illformed Glitch Driver 19.1 Glitch Has Large Amounts of Turing Capacity 19.2 Glitch Allows for a signal to be broken into parts automatically 19.3 Glitch has a natural synchro ability like phase 19.4 Glitch has the ability to knacker a signal more than any other effect 19.5 Glitch can cause thought looping when it is combined with a drug 19.6 Glitch involves the usage of more constraints than the other effects vector 19.7 Glitch Phase Decimates the Signal 19.8 Glitch Is the Natural Form of Rocket Leauge Ice Block 19.9 Glitch can be used in gung fu to cure glitch 20.0 Utility or PHEN 20.1 Utility is the medical modifier which enables medicine to function 20.2 Utility is the phase amplifier which allow a phase transistor radio to pick up a signal 20.3 Utility is the suppression signal which yields mid from amidate 20.4 Utility Leads to natural divisions of 6 max 35 20.5 Utility forms methanol when it is prescribed as a compound 20.6 Methanol as utility is critical to curing the body's natural influenza or feedback as the methylation factor 20.7 Methanol as the utility is dangerous as a precursor but not as a component of promethylation medicines 20.8 Utility comes in ethanol above and gaba below at threes for dimerism mixes 20.9 Only one utility should be used unless rezurecting and at its highest it is critical to security signals being sensed 21.0 Reverb or Impulse 21.1 Impulse 10 is the lock unlock signal 21.2 Impulse 5 is the locked signal 21.3 Impulse 20 is the weed lock signal locked 21.4 Impulse 60 is the lucas impulse 21.5 Impulse 120 is the notch impulse 21.6 Impulse 2 1/2 Was Purported but Never Used 21.7 Impulse is always measured at no parameter 21.8 Impulse yields push for 5 second -40-20+35 positive with negative ten second and measured trace at 5 second -60-40+42 positive NANDAND unlocks token 21.9 When attempted 60 and 120 Second Trace were successful but these parameter are lost. 22.0 Auto Filter, or Amidate 22.1 Auto filter is the lettering of the situation 22.2 300 Source 650 Sulfur 1400 Water 4100 SnoreLax Olestra Ketamine 6500 Motion 10000 Tropane 13500 Engine 17000 X-Ray these are the critical amidate to life process nominal 22.3 450 Metal 550 Mains 750 Sewage 850 Treatment 2250 Ethanol 3400 Methanol 4700 Corn Plastic 5700 Plastic 7500 Rimbonant 8500 Soap Use are the natural taxing process of the initial statement 22.4 2000 Gold 1000 Nutraloaf 1100 Starch 1200 Sugar 1300 Glycine 1400 Hydrogen 1500 Pepsi Cola (1600 Peptide 1 1700 Peptide 6 1800 Peptide 3) 4100 Foods these are the nutrient for the system 22.5 131 Female Voice 144 Your Voice 155 Kick Drum 165 Kick Transient 175 Pots N Pans 185 Pots Content 196 Button Mushroom 220 Cache 240 Stash 262 Marisol 276 Clorox 296 Bluewater 300 Source 315 Febreeze 330 Peroxide 350 Nitrate 370 Ammonium 396 Loam 420 Bud 440 Dirt 470 Wheat 496 Soil 512 Potato these are the farm goods for the system 22.6 541 Muffler 581 Transmission 641 Piston 681 Engine 741 Cargo 781 Chassis 841 Fluids 900 Vaseline 999 Nutraloaf 1090 Soylent These are the willis goods of the situation 22.6 60HZ Patient Voice 131HZ Therapist Voice 300 Breath 650 Reanolin 1400 Aquaporin 4100 Cholesterol 6500 Weed 10000 Cocaine 13500 Amide 17000 Lisuride these are the tactical therapist of the situation, normally limited to cholesterol below and tuned to exact bodily process 22.7 -18 Utility This takes 125% 3.00Q to Mid, where a Dual And Dual Q resolves it at -33(MID), and can adjust for the natural armor process of the body -20-0 gate to adjust for the high signal 22.8 5000 Prozac 5100 Benadryl 5200 Scopolamine 5300 Atropine 5400 Benzyldiol this is the resuscitators of the situation 22.9 At 69 percent of 100 percent of the auto filter, 85% resonance is automatic mid 23.0 Drum Bus or Mike Mode 23.1 Drum bus makes the oil automatically virtual like modulator mode 23.2 Drum bus oil is especially good for general tasks, but it virtual 23.3 Drum buss summons the better drummer out of the bus 23.4 Drum bus is able to be flangebent 23.5 Drum bus is similar to communion but just mike 23.6 Drum bus allows for the shape of the item to be controlled 23.7 Drum buss allows for quality assurance to be undertaken 23.8 Drum bus makes the item profiled by mike the drummer from garageband 23.9 Jake the Drummer from Garageband Generally profiles and designs the item otherwise 24.1 Drive Sends the Signal to pikachu 24.1 Drive makes the world on the pikadollar standard above 3 use in chain 24.2 Drive increases oil yield 24.3 Drive is similar to flaring but is in reverse, adds pyrolysis to the product but also flares 24.4 Drive can be used to flare and actually control beyond flaring a aeronautical ship 24.5 Drive can be used for afterburners 24.6 Drive increases the torque of electric engines and their tone 24.7 Drive can be used to amputate a torn limb or saw something when used with osc 24.8 Drive can be used to extract oil better underground with tuning high and low 24.9 Drive is a typical stimulant which assumes the amine profile and is a critical part of transition metals.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:05 TightAsF_ck The BeermoneyUK Bank Switch Offer Guide (AKA The Bankedex) - May 2024

The title of the previous Bankedex has been making people think it only contained offers for NI. So here it is again, with all the current offers and with a more generic title. There are currently 5 active bank switch offers (and only one is specific to Northern Ireland!).
Here is the the ultimate guide to UK bank switch offers - the collective knowledge of ~140k BeermoneyUK members. Switch your bank account, get a cash reward for doing so. But don't switch your main account, open up a second account and switch that to get the money!

Updated 15/05/2024:

The most commonly asked bank switch questions:
  1. I started to switch to XXX bank before the offer ended, am I still eligible for the bonus?
Yes, usually, most terms will state that a switch just has to be started (or applied for) before the end date or before an offer ends.
  1. Do I have to transfer the required amount in all in one go, and does it matter if I pay money in before my switch is complete?
No and not usually, as long as the amount you pay in adds up to the required amount, and as long as you pay it in before the deadline stated in the terms. There has been one exception to this - Co-op - so check individual terms.
  1. I need to switch "active" direct debits, does a payment need to have been taken before I switch?
According to Nationwide, an active direct debit is one that has been set up or had a payment taken from it in the past 13 months. So no, according to this. But why not just wait for the direct debit to be taken? You'll not have to worry about it then.
  1. How do I set up and switch an additional Chase current account?
    • See Chase instruction here to open an additional account.
    • The second account will be linked to the same card as your main Chase account.
    • Use the secondary account details and your original card details when switching.
  2. What are the easiest/best direct debits to use for bank switching?
There are many: Paypal, Ebay, Moneybox savings account, Plum savings account, your credit card, Sprive Mortgage auto savings, Wealthify Robo Saving. We recommend ones that save money into an account in your own name. Here’s useful ones that have additional bonuses available via beermoneyuk
Site/App Offer Comment
Park Christmas (Search) Save for Christmas via direct debit
Plum (Search) A very useful direct debit Easy and fast to set up
Sprive (Search) Autosavings for mortgage overpayment direct debit (£5 bonus) Easy and fast to set up
Wealthify (Search) A very useful direct debit (£1/month min) Easy and fast to set up
Questions about Bank Switching should generally be asked here. Posts on the subreddit asking questions about bank switching will probably be removed.

As always with the Bankedex, we need your help.

The post has been updated with the newest offers, and tips commented in the previous Bankedex posts, and those in other posts on beermoneyuk. But it is a difficult task keeping on top of all the questions. Please continue to share your experience with Bank Bribes. I will add questions/answers to this post. Your help is much appreciated - thanks to you all.

Current bank switch offers (£551 in total)

Bank Bonus Offer Deadline Comment
Barclays 31k Avios for £48 spend None £100 profit, Requires premier banking
First Direct £175 to switch None
Danske Bank £175 to switch Northern Ireland only
Santander £175 to switch None £15 extra available
Virgin Money £100 to switch 31/05/2024 10% gross interest rates boost to 12% on £1k for 1 year (~£120 total) + extra £30 via Snoop

No switch, just sign up bank switch offers

Bank Offer Comment
Tide (click for details) Spend £100, get £75 cashback A beermoneyuk staple
Monzo (click to search) Spend £1, get £5 or £50 £50 is for a business account
Starling (click to search) Free National Trust Day Pass

Never switched a bank account before?

You should consider it. It is one of the easiest and most efficient ways of earning a little beermoney. It is advised to leave your main bank account alone. Instead, switch a secondary bank account, or open a new account at your current bank to be used just for switching. Recommended steps:
  1. Open a second current account with your main high street bank (must be part of CASS service)
  2. Set up direct debits on the second account (if required).
  3. Add £1 to your second account. This will be transferred to your new account, allowing you to see when the switch has been completed.
  4. Apply for a new account and arrange to switch to your second bank account (sometimes this is during the application process, other times it is after the account is opened).
  5. Let the current account switch service take care of everything.
  6. Make sure all other terms are met (e.g. pay in money if needed).
  7. Receive your bank switching bonus.
You will hear about lots of people rushing through all of the switch bonuses available. These offers have been coming and going for years, my advice is to do an offer that tickles your fancy and try out a new bank. Then, if you decide you do not like your new bank you should sample another bank and get paid again!

Are there some bank accounts worth keeping?

Why yes. Some are quite good, and give ongoing rewards. For example, Club Lloyds gives free Disney Plus. See the "don't leave us please" bank rewards post. Some also give access to the best savings accounts (e.g. regular savers).

Detailed switch offer information

Whilst we do our best to make sure things are correct, sometimes errors do slip through. Always do your own research. Also, it may not be possible to work through all of these.


Current offer: 31k Avios for full switch to Premier Banking, and paying £12/month for “Avios Rewards” for 4 months - works out around £100 profit when converted to Nectar points.
Direct link to offer (scroll down)
  • You must switch to Premier Bank account.
These are premium accounts, supposed to be for those with £70k+ salaries. However, cycling £4201 each month also appears to do the job
Offer end date: None listed
  • Open a Barclays Premier bank account & join Avios Rewards (£12/month fee), or
  • Complete a full switch from a different bank (you do this from within the app, after opening the account).
Reward payable by: 1.5k Avios each month for Avios Rewards, 25k Avios paid in month 4 for the switch.
Available to existing customers: No.
Additional notes: it can be worth doing the Barclaycard Avios Plus offer at the same time, as you will get a discount on the credit card fee.

Danske Bank

Current offer: £200 for full switch
Direct link to Danske Bank offer
  • You can switch to their Danske Reward, Danske Choice or Danske Freedom current account.
Offer end date: No end date given, may be removed at any time.
  • Full switch (no direct debits mentioned).
  • After opening account, pay in £1000 within 60 days (can be multiple deposits)
  • You cannot have had a Danske Bank reward since 01/01/2024
Available to existing customers: only if you are a new personal current account customer. .
How long does it take to pay the bonus: paid within 10 days of meeting requirements.

First Direct

Current offer: £175 when you switch
Direct link to First Direct offer
  • You can switch to their First account.
Offer end date: No end date given, may be removed at any time.
  • Full switch (two direct debits or standing orders are required).
  • After opening account, log in to mobile banking, pay in £1000, and make 5 debit card payments within 30 days.
  • You cannot have had a 1st Direct account before.
  • You cannot switch if you have an HSBC account opened after 01/2020
How to do it: Once your first direct account is open, simply log into your first direct app, select the account you wish to transfer into, tap ‘switch to us’ from your account menu and follow the instructions.
Available to existing customers: No. Also can't have had a HSBC account opened since January 2018.
How long does it take to pay the bonus: paid by the 20th of the month following that in which you met all of the criteria.


Extra £15: You can get an extra £15 by signing up to a Santander Edge account via Topcashback. If you don't have a Topcashback account, you can sign up here:
Topcashback sign up + Additional £10 Bonus
Current offer: £175
Direct link to offer
You can switch to any of these paid current accounts: Santander Edge current account, Edge Up, or the Private Current Account
Offer end date: None given
Requirements: Full switch.
  • Apply to switch when you apply to open the account (or existing customers can just switch into an existing qualifying current account).
  • Complete switch of a non-Santander account, set up 2 active direct debits, and pay in £1500 within 60 days of applying/telling Santander you want to switch. Must keep direct debits active on account
  • Cannot have had a Santander-group bonus previously (Santander, Cahoot, Cater Allen)
Reward payable by: between 60 and 90 days after opening the account.
Available to existing customers: Yes (can switch a non-Santander group current account into a new or existing Santander account). Existing customers may need to visit a branch.

Virgin Money

Current offer: Extra 10% interest on £1k for a year (~£100 bonus)
Extra £30: You can get an extra £30 by signing up to Virgin via Snoop (you need to connect your Virgin account to Snoop). If you don't have a Snoop account, you can sign up here for an additional fiver too:
Snoop £5 sign up bonus
Direct link to Virgin Money offer
  • You can switch to their M Account (free, ~10% interest total, gross), M Plus Account (free account, ~12% interest total) or Club M Account (costs £12.50/month for insurance and stuff, ~12% total, is one of the best value package accounts - especially if a joint account)
Offer end date: apply by 31/05/24
  • Full switch (two direct debits required as part of the switch).
Available to existing customers: No. And can't have closed an account since 30/04/2024
How long does it take to pay the bonus: interest is paid monthly, so a a year to get it all!

General Bank Switch Questions

Current Account Switch Bribes - Why do they offer them?

They want your business. Banks like fighting each other for customers. Most of them know they can't win by highlighting their outdated systems and products, so they fight each other by offering potential customers cash bribes (or equivalent) to switch their "main" bank account.

Can I switch any bank account to get a bribe?

No. You must switch a bank account that is part of The Current Account Switch Service (CASS). Most high street banks are included. But some Neo Banks are not (e.g., Kroo, Revolut, & Monese are not included). You should try to avoid switching your main bank account. You can always open an additional account just to switch.
See here for a full list of CASS banks.

Is it too much hassle?

No. The Current Account Switch Service (CASS) makes switching your account between most banks smooth and effortless. You do not have to do anything apart from apply for and set up a new account at a different bank and tell them you want to switch your account to them. Everything is transferred automatically (except recurring card payments).

Is there the best route to sample all the banks with switch offers?

Do the offer ending soonest first. Then you might switch again. If you complete all offers in this post, you could earn yourself >£1000.

Some of these end soon. Will the offers come back?

Banks have been offering bribes on and off for many years. We can't predict the future. But this is not a new thing.

How long does a bank switch take?

Approximately one week.

Do I have to switch my main account?

You could. But you don't have to. Many people have second bank accounts. One option may be to open up a second account with your current high street bank, add some direct debits to this second account and then switch it to the new bank you want to try out. On the sub, people also like Starling or Monzo as they are easy to set up (but you might want to switch back to them at the end - their functionality wins vs any usual high street bank).
High-street banks also let you open multiple accounts. If you already have an account with one, you might want to open an additional one with your current bank first (Halifax, NatWest etc are reported to allow several current accounts and to be fast to open).

I have savings accounts at the same bank as my current account. Can I still switch to this current account?

Yes. Only the current account will be closed (some linked regular savers may be converted to normal savings accounts). You might want to consider if switching to a secondary account is a better option.

I have linked savers attached to my current account. Can I still switch it?


Which banks let me open a second bank account?

Most of them.

Do I need to activate the card on the account I am going to switch?

Just do it anyway. Some banks require it

What details do I need to switch?

  • Sort code and account number.
  • Debit card information.
  • Usually, but not always, 2 active DDs on the account you are switching.

Do you need to have money in the account you are switching?

No. But it might be a good idea - this will allow you to see when the switch happens (i.e. when the money is transferred!).

I do not have a bank card with my old current account as it is very very old, can I still switch it?

Most online forms require card details, but you can usually switch such accounts over the phone.

My new bank has not given me my account number (e.g. NatWest).

Usually, these are sent via post/email when you sign up. But some banks don't have the account numbers on the card, or maybe letters get lost in the post. If this happens, wait for the card to arrive and contact their support. If you get a bot on the chat thing, type "speak to a human" repeatedly.

My new bank account is a premium account and it has a fee. Do I need to keep paying for this?

No. You can downgrade the account. But you should probably wait until you have been paid the bonus.

I don't like my new bank, do I need to wait for the bank card before switching again?

Yes. See question above. Most banks require the card details of your existing account.

I made an account just to switch. Can I switch before my new bank card arrives?

Best not to. You are asked to enter the debit card information as part of the process.

The offer says I have to pay in £xxxx. Does it have to be in one go?

No. You can transfer in and out. The total sent in has to be equal to or greater than the stated amount. You should be careful with this though, sending money in and out of an account can trigger anti-fraud measures.

The offer says I have to pay in £xxxx. Can I pay it in before the switch completes?

Yes. You can pay it before, after, or during. You can manually transfer it, or it can be transferred automatically from your old account.

I've been asked to verify my identity. Is this normal?

Sometimes automated checks fail. If this happens, you may be asked to manually verify your application by visiting a branch or sending in a copy of your ID.

I switched from Monzo/Starling and want to return, can I?

Starling does not let you return within 12 months. With Monzo, it's possibly a shorter one month that you have to wait.

Do I have to switch direct debits?

Check individual offer terms.

What is an "Active" direct debit?

An active direct debit is usually one where a payment had been taken in the last 13 months. But some bank switch terms require direct debits to have been paid out of the account. If an offer requires an active direct debit, it's safer to switch to an account that has already paid out direct debits.**

What are good direct debits to set up on a second account?

There are many: Paypal, Ebay, Moneybox savings account, Plum savings account, your credit card, Sprive Mortgage auto savings, Wealthify Robo Saving.

I recently switched to XXX Bank, and I do not like it. Can I switch again?

Yes. If you are not happy with the new service, you may want to switch to a new bank that will pay you to give them a try.

Do I have to stick with my new bank for any length of time?


If I switch away, will the bank claw back the bonus?

Very unlikely. They would have to specify this in their terms, and none have ever done so.

My switch is complete, but I have not yet received my bonus. Will I still get the bonus if I switch this account before it is paid?

Probably not.

My most recent switch is not quite complete, but I have already received the bonus. Can I start another switch?

You should probably wait for the switch to complete.

Can I get more than one bribe from each bank?

Sometimes. With some banks (e.g. Nationwide), you can get a bonus for switching one sole and one joint current account. Other banks will pay you to switch again, as long as you have not had a bonus in a specified amount of time. You will need to check individual offer terms.

XXX Bank gave me a bonus before, can I get a bonus again?

You need to check the individual offer terms.

Will this affect my credit score?

Credit scores are a funny thing, What is more important is what is actually in your credit file. Obviously, if you apply for an overdraft then it will affect your "credit score". However, if you do not have an overdraft or you make sure that you have paid off any overdraft before switching banks, then a single current account switch should not negatively impact your credit score. Nevertheless, typically all major banks (excepting Monzo and Starling) do a hard credit search, and this will be recorded on your file. If you plan on applying for a new mortgage soon then you may wish to exercise caution in switching between a load of banks. This is because the hard searches performed by banks will appear on your report and may have an effect for 6-12 months.

Which banks do hard searches and which do soft searches??

See here. Most banks do hard searches.
  • Hard searches: Bank of Scotland (first account only), Barclays, Co-op, Clydesdale, Halifax (1st account only), First Direct, HSBC, Lloyds (1st account only), Monzo, Nationwide, NatWest, RBS, Santander, TSB, Ulster, Virgin Money.
  • Soft searches: Starling, Metro Bank, and Chase

I have a bad credit score, will I be accepted to XXX bank?

Unfortunately, we do not know the acceptance criteria of the banks. You might be unlucky with one bank, but lucky with another.

My application was rejected. Why?

Nobody here knows. You could try appealing, but your only way to find out more is to contact the bank.

After switching my account, I still have online banking with my old provider. Do I need this?

No. You do not need to keep the online access (you could shut it down). But you may wish to retain these details in case your old bank suddenly appears with an offer that makes you want to switch back. Or open up a savings account.

Has anyone else been paid for switching to XXX Bank yet?

Check the terms of the offer you signed up for. Some banks have long deadlines and stick to them (e.g. Santander, TSB). Some are quicker. If you haven't been paid within the stated terms, then you should contact the bank's support.
submitted by TightAsF_ck to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:38 OkBaconBurger Asthma denial advice

A friend of mine said to shoot my shot and apply for disability benefits for Asthma. I did not have Asthma when I joined but found myself eventually getting diagnosed a few years after I got out. Looking back I clearly had been struggling with it while I was in. I struggled with my PT test, though able to pass, the run was always excruciating. I never bothered to go to medical about it since I assumed I was just out of shape and needed to work harder. While in service I had bronchitis and pneumonia several times. I thought this could be a cause of it but the claim denial said that it is not the case. They acknowledge I have asthma now but denied a service connection.
I contacted my VSO about it and he asked me to gather more evidence. So far I have a letter from my mom stating I did not have asthma prior to service but clearly had issues on return and a letter from a shipmate stating he would run pt with me and could tell I had issues.
Is there anything else I could put together to help with my appeal? I was stationed both ship and shore duty. I was advised to search for medical articles as well but I have not found anything of use yet.
Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by OkBaconBurger to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:23 very-original-user ثِتونج ځوېٓسِنہ ⟨th'Tundj Gwýsene⟩ — How Did We Get Here?


Gwýseneثِتونج ځوېٓسِنہ⟫ ⟨th'Tundj Gwýsene⟩ /θɛˈtund͡ʒ ˈʝyːzɛnɛ/ (or "the least Germanic Germanic language") is a Germanic language descendant from Old English spoken in Nabataea (modern-day Jordan, Sinai, and northwestern Saudi Arabia). It takes place in a timeline where the Anglo-Saxons get kicked out of Britain by the Celts, therefore they sail all the way to Nabataea (I pride myself on my realism here) and settle there. Most of them eventually convert to Islam, and, as a consequence, Arabic becomes elevated to the language of academia, nobility, and poetry.
"English" as we know it still survives in-timeline as Engliscbasically Middle English with some modifications — spoken as a minority language in southeastern Britain (or Pritani as the Celts call it in-world).
Gwýsene⟩ ⟪ځوېٓسِنہ⟫ is derived from ځوېٓسِن (Gwýsen) + ـہ- (-e, adjectival suffix), the former from Middle Gwýsene جِٔويسّمَن (ɣewissman), a fossilization of جِٔويسّ (ɣewiss, "Geuisse") + مُن (mon, "man"), from Old Gwýsene יוש מן (yws mn, yewisse monn), from Old English Ġewisse monn.
Tundj⟩ ⟪تونج⟫ is loaned from an Arabized pronunciation of Old Gwýsene תנג (tng, tunge) (from which descends the doublet ⟨Togg⟩ ⟪تُځّ⟫ /toɣ(ː)/, "tongue")
The Englisc exonym is ⟨Eizmenasisc⟩ /ɛjzmɛˈnaːsɪʃ/, From Brithonech (in-world Conlang) Euuzmenasech /ˈøʏzmə̃næsɛx/, from Middle French Yœssmanes /ˈjœssmanɛs/ (hence modern in-world French Yœssmanes /jœsman/ and Aquitanian (in-world) ⟨Yissmanes⟩ /ˈiːsmans/), from Middle (High) German \jewissmaneisch (hence modern in-world German *Jewissmännisch** /jəˌvɪsˈmɛnɪʃ/, Saxon Jewissmannisch /jɛˌvɪsˈma.nɪʃ/, and Hollandish Iweesmanis /iˈʋeːsmanɪs/), Ultimately from Middle Gwýsene جِٔويسّمَن (ɣewissman). Doublet of Englisc ⟨iwis mon⟩ /ɪˈwɪs mɔn/ + ⟨-isc⟩ /-ɪʃ/


Consonants Labial Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal /m/ /n/
Plosive/Affricate /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /t͡ʃ/ /d͡ʒ /k/ (/g/)²
Fricative /f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ (/ç/)³ (/ʝ/)³ /x/ /ɣ/
Tap/Trill /ɾ/ /r/
Approximant /w/ /ɹ/ (/l/)⁴ /j/ /ɫ/
Vowels Front Central Back
Close /i/ // /y/ // /u/¹ /
Near-Close (/ɪ/)⁵ (/ʏ/)⁵
Mid /e/ // /ø/ /øː/ /o/ //
Open-Mid (/ɛ/)⁵ (/ɐ/)⁵ (/ɔ/)⁵
Open /æ/ /æː/ /ɑ/ /ɑː/
  1. Nonnative phonemes
  2. allophone of /k/ inter-vocalically & /ɣ/ before /ɫ/
  3. allophones of /x/ /ɣ/ near front vowels
  4. allophone of /ɫ/ when not near any back vowels and/or velar consonants.
  5. allophones in unstressed syllables
These are the phonemes of Standard Gwýsene, and, expectedly, they differ from dialect to dialect.
The Phonological evolution from Old English to Old Gwýsene are as follows:
From Old Gwýsene to Middle Gwýsene:
From Middle Gwýsene to Modern Gwýsene:
Gwýsene has 4 main dialect groupings:
1- Southern Dialects
Spoken around in-world Áglästrélz /ˈɑːɣɫɐˌstɾeːɫz/ [ˈɑːʁɫ(ə)ˌsd̥ɾeːɫz]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
Regarded as the oldest dialect by Gwýsens as it encompasses the original "homeland" (if we don't count the Anglo-Saxons that is). They're also considered the most "posh", and the standard accent is loosely based on the southern dialects.
2- Central Dialects
Spoken around in-world Keü-Nüvátra /keʏ ˌnʏˈvɑːtɾɐ/ [kɛɨ ˌnɨˈvɒːtɾɐ]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
Central Dialects are considered posh by northerners and westerners, but not by southerners.
3- Western Dialects
Spoken in in-world Ettúr /ɛtˈtuːɻ/ [ətˈtuːɽ]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
4- Northern Dialects
Spoken in in-world Ämma̋n /ɐmˈmæːn/ [(ʕ)ɐmˈmæːn]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
The differing analyses of the Old English sequences /xe͜o xæ͜ɑ/ & /je͜o jæ͜ɑ/ when the change from /e͜o æ͜ɑ/ to /iɔ̯ iɐ̯/ was taking place led to:
For example, Old English heofon & geofon evolved into:


Gýsene uses the Arabic script natively alongside a romanization
Since Gýsen use of the Nabataean & then Arabic script preceded the Persians by centuries, the Gýsen Arabic script differs quite a bit from the Indo-Persian system:
  1. Rasm: Gýsens writing in Nabataean (& carrying over to Arabic) tended to follow Aramaic & Hebrew convention for representing consonants, while the Persian convention was derived from the most similar sounding preexisting Arabic consonants, leading to drastic differences in pointing convention (i‘jām). As Islam spread, the 2 conventions spread in their respective halves of the Muslim World: The Indo-Persian-Derived Eastern convention, and the Gýsen-Derived Western convention:
(Loose) Consonant ↓ Western ↓ Eastern ↓
//v// پ و⟫ ǀ ⟪ڤ
//// ڝ چ
//p// ڢ پ
//f// ڧ ف
  1. Vowel Notation: The western convention has a definitive way of expressing vowels when diacritics are fully written, while in the eastern convention diacritics often serve dual-duty due to limitations of Arabic short vowel diacritics.
==Script keys==
Romanization ↓ Arabic ↓ Standard Phoneme ↓
ä ǀ a ◌َ /æ/ (stressed) ǀ /ɐ/ (unstressed)
e ◌ِ /e/ (stressed) ǀ /ɛ/ (unstressed)
o ◌ُ /o/ (stressed) ǀ /ɔ/ (unstressed)
ǀ ◌́ ◌ٓ /æː/ (standalone) ǀ /◌ː/ (coupled with other vowels)
a ا /ɑ/ (stressed) ǀ /ɐ/ (unstressed)
b ب /b/ ǀ /v/ (intervocalically)
g ځ /ɣ/ ǀ /ʝ/
d د /d/ ǀ /z/ (intervocalically)
h ھ /ç/
w ǀ u و /w/ (glide) ǀ /u/ (vocalic)
z ز /z/
ch خ /x/
t ¹ط /t/
y ǀ i ي /j/ (glide) ǀ /i/ (vocalic)
k ک /k/ ǀ /g/ (intervocalically)
l ل /ɫ/
m م /m/
n ن /n/
tj ڝ /t͡ʃ/
- ¹ع /Ø/ ǀ /◌ː/ (post-vocalically)
p ڢ /p/ ǀ /b/ (intervocalically)
s ¹ص /s/
k ¹ق /k/
r ر /ɾ/ ǀ /r/ (geminated) ǀ /ɹ/ (post-vocalically)
s س /s/ ǀ /z/ (intervocalically)
t ت /t/ ǀ /d/ (intervocalically)
y ې /y/ (stressed) ǀ /ʏ/ (unstressed)
f ڧ /f/ ǀ /v/ (intervocalically)
ö ۊ /ø/ (stressed) ǀ /œ/ (unstressed)
- ء ǀ ئـ initial vowel holder
v پ /v/
th ث /θ/ ǀ /ð/ (intervocalically)
tj ¹چ /t͡ʃ/
dj ¹ج /d͡ʒ/
dh ذ /ð/
j ¹ژ /ʒ/
sj ش /ʃ/
dh ¹ض /ð/
dh ¹ظ /ð/
g ¹غ /ɣ/ ǀ /ʝ/
v ¹ڤ /v/
a ǀ ä ²ـى /æ/ (stressed) ǀ /ɐ/ (unstressed)
e ²ـہ /e/ (stressed) ǀ /ɛ/ (unstressed)
'l- لٔـ /‿(ə)ɫ-/
th'- ثِـ /θɛ-/
  1. nonnative
  2. only occur word-finally


Gwýsen grammar is extremely divergent from the Germanic norm, having been brought about by extremely harsh standardization efforts by the ruling class while backed by academia & scholars. It's heavily influenced by Arabic — being the encompassing liturgical, academic, and aristocratic language during the Middle to Early Modern Gwýsen periods.
\this entire segment will use the romanization only]) The Pronouns themselves have remained relatively true to their Germanic origins, apart from the entire set of Arabic 3rd person pronouns & the genitive enclitics. Gwýsene still retains the Old English dual forms, but they're only used in formal writing:
1st Person Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ih // wi /wi/ wi /wi/
Accusative mih /miç/ án /ɑːn/ ós /oːs/
Standalone Genitive min /min/ ág /ɑːɣ/ ór /oːɹ/
Enclitic Genitive -min /-mɪn/ -ag /-ɐɣ/ -or /-ɔɹ/
2nd Person Singular Dual Plural
Nominative thách /θɑːx/ gi /ʝi/ gi /ʝi/
Accusative thih /θiç/ in /in/ iw /iw/
Standalone Genitive thin /θin/ ig // iwar /ˈiwɐɹ/
Enclitic Genitive -thin /-θɪn/ -ig /-ɪʝ/ -iwar /-ɪwɐɹ/
3rd Person Masculine Singular Dual Plural
Nominative chá /xɑː/ chama̋ /xɐˈmæː/ chám /xɑːm/
Accusative hin /çin/ chama̋ /xɐˈmæː/ chám /xɑːm/
Standalone Genitive his /çis/ chama̋ /xɐˈmæː/ chám /xɑːm/
Enclitic Genitive -his /-çɪs/ -chama /-xɐmɐ/ -cham /-xɐm/
3rd Person Feminine Singular Dual Plural
Nominative hi /çi/ chana̋ /xɐˈnæː/ chán /xɑːn/
Accusative hi /çi/ chana̋ /xɐˈnæː/ chán /xɑːn/
Standalone Genitive hir /çiɹ/ chana̋ /xɐˈnæː/ chán /xɑːn/
Enclitic Genitive -hir /-çɪɹ/ -chana /-xɐnɐ/ -chan /-xɐn/
Middle Gwýsene inherited the Old English nominal declension, but due to merging & reduction of (final) unstressed vowels, all endlings were dropped except for the accusative & dative plurals which were later generalized. Middle Gwýsene also dropped the neuter gender, merging it with the masculine & feminine genders based on endings
Regular Noun Declension Singular Plural
Masculine - -an /-ɐn/
Feminine - -as /-ɐs/
This has been standardized to all nouns, with some ablaut irregulars:
"Man" (man) ǀ "Bách" (book) Singular Plural
Masculine man /mɑn/ menan /ˈmenɐn/
Feminine bách /bɑːx/ bitjas /ˈbit͡ʃɐs/
...and some nouns retain colloquial plural forms more reminiscent of their Old English counterparts:
"Tjylz" (child) ǀ "Chänz" (hand) Singular (Standard) Plural (Common) Plural
Masculine tjylz /t͡ʃyɫz/ tjyldan /ˈt͡ʃyɫzɐn/ tjylro /ˈt͡ʃyɫɾɔ/
Feminine chänz /xænz/ chändas /ˈxænzɐs/ chända /ˈxændɐ/
Gwýsene has two distinct methods of indicating possession dur to the dropping of the genitive case:
1. A loaned version of the Arabic construct state (present in the standard language, urban areas, and most of the Northern and Western dialects). the Arabic definite article (-الـ) was loaned with its use in the construct state into Late Early Modern Gwýsene as a separate "letter form" [-لٔـ] and prescribed by Grammarians ever since as a "genitive" maker. This method also assumes definiteness of the noun it's prefixed to; it must be prefixed to eneg ("any") for indefinite nouns.
Bách 'lgörel /bɑːχ‿ɫ̩ˈʝøɹɛɫ/ ("the boy's book")
bách 'l - görel book ɢᴇɴ.ᴅғ - boy 
2. Use of a prefixed fär (equivalent to English "of", cognate with English "for") (present in rural areas and is generally viewed as a rural or "Bedouin" feature). This method does not assume definiteness, and a definite article is required.
Bách färth'görel /bɑːχ ˌfɐɹðəˈʝøɹɛɫ/ ("the boy's book")
Bách fär - th' - görel book of - ᴅғ - boy 
Much like Nouns, adjectives decline for number and gender:
Regular Adjective Declension Singular Plural
Masculine - -an /-ɐn/
Feminine -e //* -as /-ɐs/
\due to its similarity with the common adjectival suffix* -e, adjectives derived that way would not decline for gender in the singular
Gwýsen verbs are the most mangled, both by Arabization and regular phonological development. Gwýsen word order is VSO. Due to pronouns coming after the verb, they merged with the preexisting endings and formed unique endings that were later generalized to standard verb declension (rendering Gwýsene a pro-drop language)
Present Verb Conjugation ---
Infinitive -en /-ɛn/
Present Participle -enz /-ɛnz/
Past Participle ge- -en /ʝɛ- -ɛn/
Singular Imperative -
Plural Imperative -on /-ɔn/
1ˢᵗ singular -i /-ɪ/
1ˢᵗ plural -swe /-swɛ/
2ⁿᵈ singular -tha /-θɐ/
2ⁿᵈ plural -gge /-ʝʝɛ/
3ʳᵈ singular masculine -scha /-sxɐ/
3ʳᵈ dual masculine -schama /-sxɐmɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural masculine -scham /-sxɐm/
3ʳᵈ singular feminine -sche /-sxɛ/
3ʳᵈ dual feminine -schana /-sxɐnɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural feminine -schan /-sxɐn/
the subjunctive is formed with a prefixed les- (if the verb is consonant-initial) or let- (if the verb is vowel-initial)
As a consequence to the fusional suffixes, the preterite suffixes completely merged with the present ones, so weak verbs need an auxiliary to indicate simple past, which segways us to-
===Auxiliary Verbs===
Most auxiliaries have 2 conjugations: an auxiliary conjugation & a standalone conjugation:
Sőn ("to be") Conjugations Auxiliary Standalone
Singular Imperative ső /søː/ ső /søː/
Plural Imperative sőn /søːn/ sőn /søːn/
Singular Subjunctive ső /søː/ les-... /ɫɛs-../
Plural Subjunctive sőn /søːn/ les-... /ɫɛs-.../
1ˢᵗ singular ém /eːm/ émi /ˈeːmɪ/
1ˢᵗ plural synz /synz/ synzwe /ˈsynzwɛ/
2ⁿᵈ singular érs /eːɹs/ értha /ˈérðɐ/
2ⁿᵈ plural synz /synz/ syngge /ˈsynʝ(ʝ)ɛ/
3ʳᵈ singular masculine ys /ys/ ysscha /ˈyssxɐ/
3ʳᵈ dual masculine synz /synz/ synzchama /ˈsynzxɐmɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural masculine synz /synz/ synzcham /ˈsynzxɐm/
3ʳᵈ singular feminine ys /ys/ yssche /ˈyssxɛ/
3ʳᵈ dual feminine synz /synz/ synzchana /ˈsynzxɐnɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural feminine synz /synz/ synzchan /ˈsynzxɐn/
There are 4 tense-related auxiliaries: Wesan (past auxiliary, "was"), Sőn (participle auxiliary, "be"), Bín (participle auxiliary, "be"), and Víden (future auxiliary, "will"):
Auxiliary Declensions Wesan ↓ Sőn ↓ Bín ↓ Víden ↓
1ˢᵗ singular wes /wes/ ém /eːm/ bí /biː/ va̋ /væː/
2ⁿᵈ singular wir /wiɹ/ érs /eːɹs/ bys /bys/ vés /veːs/
3ʳᵈ singular wes /wes/ ys /ys/ byth /byθ/ véth /veːθ/
dual/plural wiran /ˈwiɹɐn/ synz /synz/ bíth /biːθ/ va̋th /væːθ/
Singular Imperative wes /wes/ ső /søː/ bí /biː/ víz /viːz/
Plural Imperative weson /ˈwezɔn/ sőn /søːn/ bín /biːn/ vídon /ˈviːzɔn/
Singular Subjunctive wir /wiɹ/ ső /søː/ bí /biː/ víz /viːz/
Plural Subjunctive wiren /ˈwiɹɛn/ sőn /søːn/ bín /biːn/ víden /ˈviːzɛn/
===Stong Verbs===
Most of the strong classes remain in Gwýsene, albeit with completely unorthodox ablaut patterns. They've been re-sorted based on patterns that I've Grammarians have found. Strong verbs also never need the past auxiliary.
Type (Gwýsene) Corr. Type in Old English Present stem vowel Past singular stem vowel Past plural stem vowel Past participle stem vowel
I VII.c é /eː/ í /iː/ í /iː/ é /eː/
II IV e /e/ e /e/ i /i/ a /ɑ/
III.a I ý /yː/ a̋ /æː/ y /y/ y /y/
III.b III.a y /y/ ä /æ/ o /o/ o /o/
IV.a II.a í /iː/ í /iː/ o /o/ a /ɑ/
IV.b II.b a/á /ɑ(ː)/ í /iː/ o /o/ a /ɑ/
IV.c III.b é /eː/ é /eː/ o /o/ a /ɑ/
V.a VI ä /æ/ á /ɑː/ á /ɑː/ ä /æ/
V.b VII.a a̋ /æː/ i /i/ i /i/ a̋ /æː/
V.c VII.e á /ɑː/ í /iː/ í /iː/ á /ɑː/


Number Cardinal Ordinal Adverbial Multiplier
1 A̋n /æːn/ Föress /ˈføɹɛss/ Mer /meɹ/ A̋nfélz /ˈæːnˌveːɫz/
2 Twin /twin/ Áther /ˈɑːðɛɹ/ Merdén /mɛɹˈdeːn/ Twýfélz /ˈtyːˌveːɫz/
3 Thrý /θɾyː/ Thryzz /ˈθɾyzz/ Thrémra̋s /ˌθɾeːˈmɾæːs/ Thryfélz /ˈθɾyˌveːɫz/
4 Fíwar /ˈfiːwɐɹ/ Fíradh /ˈfiːɹɐð/ Fírmra̋s /ˌfiːɹˈmɾæːs/ Fíwarfélz /ˈfiːwɐɹˌveːɫz/
5 Fýf /fyːf/ Fýfedh /ˈfyːvɛð/ Fýfmra̋s /ˌfyːvˈmɾæːs/ Fýffélz /ˈfyːfˌfeːɫz/
6 Sysj /syʃ/ Sysjedh /ˈsyʃɛð/ Sysmra̋s /ˌsysˈmɾæːs/ Sysjfélz /ˈsyʃˌfeːɫz/
7 Sévan /ˈseːvɐn/ Sévadh /ˈseːvɐð/ Sévmra̋s /ˌseːvˈmɾæːs/ Sévanfélz /ˈseːvɐnˌveːɫz/
8 Éht /eːçt/ Éhtadh /ˈeːçtɐð/ Éhmra̋s /ˈeːçˈmɾæːs/ Éhtafélz /ˈeːçtɐˌveːɫz/
9 Nygan /ˈnyʝɐn/ Nygadh /ˈnyʝɐð/ Nygamra̋s /ˌnyʝɐˈmɾæːs/ Nyganfélz /ˈnyʝɐnˌveːɫz/
10 Tőn /tøːn/ Tődh /ˈtøːð/ Tőmra̋s /ˌtøːˈmɾæːs/ Tőnfélz /ˈtøːnˌveːɫz/
‎‫بېث نيٓھ ثِوېٓنتِر ڝِٓلز، پِٓث ڝۊٓمسخى ستارم سنِوى. ڝۊم وِثنَن خُٓمسمين وِٓرم، برآثَرمين. سَلٓم! ڝۊم ھېذ، سېځّ ءَنز شّيٓڧ، ڧرِس ءَنز درېھّ. بېثِّس خُطَّمين. ھِپّسوى وِتِر، ءَنز زۊٓثِن، ءَنز مِٓلخ، بېثِّس ڧِرش ءُٓسڧرى ثِکآ. ءوٓ، ءَنز براث وِٓرم!‬
Byth ních thʼwýnter tjélz, véth tjőmscha starm snewe. Tjöm withnän¹ chósmin wérm, bráthärmin². Säläm³! Tjöm hydh, sygg ænz ssjíf⁴ ⁶, fres⁵ änz dryhh⁶. Bytthes⁷ chottämin⁸. Hevvswe weter, änz zőthen⁹, änz mélch, býtthes fersj ósfrä¹⁰ thʼká. Ó, änz brath!
be.3.ꜱɢ.ᴘʀᴇꜱ near ᴅꜰ-winter cold , ꜰᴜᴛ.3.ꜱɢ come-3.ꜱɢ.ᴍᴀꜱᴄ storm snowy . come.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ in house-1.ꜱɢ.ɢᴇɴ.ᴄʟ warm , brother-1.ꜱɢ.ɢᴇɴ.ᴄʟ . Welcome ! come.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ hither , sing.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ and dance.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ , eat.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ and drink.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ . be.3.ꜱɢ.ᴘʀᴇꜱ-that plan-1.ꜱɢ.ɢᴇɴ.ᴄʟ . have-1.ᴘʟ water , and beer , and milk, be.3.ꜱɢ.ᴘʀᴇꜱ-that fresh from ᴅꜰ-cow . Oh , and soup !
/byθ niːç θə‿ˈyːnzɛɹ tʃeːɫz veːθ ˈtʃøːmsxɐ stɑɻm ˈsnewɛ/
/tʃøm wɪðˈnæn ˈxoːsˌmɪn weːɹm ˈbɾɑːðɐɹˌmɪn/
/sɐˈɫæm tʃøm çyð syʝʝ‿ɐnz ʃʃiːf fres‿ɐnz dɾyçç/
/ˈbyθθɛs ˈxottɐˌmɪn/
/ˈçevvswɛ ˈwedɛɹ ɐnz ˈzøːðɛn ɐnz meɫχ ˈbyθθɛs feɹʃ ˈoːsfrɐ θəˈkɑː/
/oː ɐnz bɾɑθ/
  1. the words for “in” and “on” merged to än, which was kept for “on”.‬
  2. Gwýsens tend to use “brother” as an informal form of address‬.
  3. Säläm is only used by Muslim Gwysens. Christian Gwysens prefer Pastos /pɐsˈtos/ (from Ancient Greek ‬ἀσπαστός).
  4. comes from Old English hlēapan.
  5. comes from old English fretan.
  6. Drykken & Ssjípan are within a class of verbs that have a differing imperative stems than the usual inflected stems due to sound changes. In this case the usual stems are Drykk- & Ssjíp-, while the imperatives are Dryhh & Ssjíf. In the central and Low Northern dialects this particular /k/ => /ç/ is not present, and the imperative stem is also Drykk.
  7. contracted from of Byth thäs (“that is”)‬.
  8. from Arabic خُطَّة.
  9. from Latin zȳthum.
  10. contraction of old English ūt fra (“out of”).
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