Spanish baptism wording

Ask Latin America

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2024.05.07 12:52 Ok-Hovercraft-7920 Duolingo works! Don’t believe the haters who say Duolingo is a game and waste of time. (And yes, I’m a real person and not a Duolingo employee)

As always, I see posts from people who hate on Duolingo and say it’s a waste of time and a ridiculous game, as well as people who read said comments and start to doubt the efficacy of it.
Here’s my brief pro-Duo pitch: I am an ENL (previously known as ESL) and ELA teacher and work exclusively with immigrant students at a public, all immigrant / international high school in NYC. About half of the student population speaks Spanish. The last time I took proper Spanish classes was when I was in 8th grade… which is a long, long time ago. But for the last six years I’ve been doing daily Duolingo lessons, along with, in the past year or so, Clozemaster and LingQ lessons / studying, and I can confidently speak to newcomer Spanish-speaking students with relative ease. I can understand most of their questions, explain daily class assignments and ask them about their lives and feelings day to day. In other words, I have BICS (basic interpersonal communication skills). According to Duolingo I’m doing B1 level lessons currently at the time of writing this. Also, Duolingo being repetitive is actually a good thing. I pay for Duolingo, so I don’t need to deal with ads, and I can understand the frustration with bogus ads and the hearts gamification thing. However, I can assure the doubters that I learned conversational Spanish with Duolingo (along with other apps and of course real world conversations with students each work day). Haters will probably do what they do and hate on this post and make you doubt yourselves, but I can 100% assure you that if you study seriously with Duolingo and possibly some other learning apps or materials, and try to include real world speaking when you have the chances to, you’ll learn a lot.
P.S.- About a quarter of the student population of my high school speaks French, and although my French is SUPER basic and not anywhere near my Spanish level, I can even give some basic commands and instructions in French now to some French-speaking newcomer students from time to time when needed- also thanks for Duolingo, Clozemaster and LingQ.
submitted by Ok-Hovercraft-7920 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 11:34 Sad_Boat339 i’m finally learning!!! breakthrough!

guys!!! i’m so happy. so i took some of y’all’s advice from my last post (thank yall so much btw!!) and i decided to take the plunge and start talking to natives! i downloaded hello talk and ive been having so much fun, all in only two days! i’m learning so much and i can understand so much more now. i’ve realized that ive had a lot of this information stored away in my brain but none of it was clicking because i didn’t have context for its usage. well now suddenly i am able to use words or phrases i didn’t even know i had in my tool box. i met a new friend and we talked until 4 am hahaha.
i’m just so so excited because i gave up on spanish 2 years ago after only trying for a few months. i was honestly heartbroken but i convinced myself that i would never be fluent so it didn’t matter. well fast forward to now and ive learned that fluency isn’t necessary to be able to speak to people in an effective way. honestly, this sub has helped me so much with inspiring me. it’s why i decided to start learning spanish again literally like a week ago. and now im talking to new people. of course i have to use a translator but im learning faster than i ever have. and its great bc i can learn the words i use the most to express myself, which is really all i need to know.
just wanted to update and also to say don’t give up!! find the way you enjoy learning. for me, the studying wasn’t working. i hate studying. i want to be able to use the language! i love using lingq and it taught me a lot. but it wasn’t enough for bc i didn’t build my active vocab, only my passive. i will continue to use it, though, because it is my favorite tool for building my vocab foundation. i started using this again after two years as well.
anyway, just wanted to share my breakthrough because im so so happy i didn’t even think i could get this far and it feels unreal.
edit: ive also been watching my favorite childhood disney movies in spanish and this has really helped me pick up some new words. my roommate actually told me i should watch something im really familiar with which helped a ton because before i was watching new shows and i was lost the entire time.
submitted by Sad_Boat339 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 11:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: alcoholic

English: alcoholic
  1. of or pertaining to alcohol, or partaking of its qualities
  2. derived from, or caused by, alcohol
  3. containing alcohol
See previous words @
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 10:59 Putrid_Two1229 AITAH For calling my mum a B*tch? (Read it first)

Before you go calling me the asshole, hear me out. My mother kept calling my sibling and I btches (as a joke) when she was yelling at us to do things from the other side of the house, so I yelled back to her “In a minute!” And she replied with “Now btch!” So I said “You btch!” And then she and my sibling did a dramatic gasp and were like: “You can’t call me btch” so I pulled the “But you were calling me btch” card, and argued that we’re allowed to call eachother btch in Spanish and Bish, so why can’t we say the actual word? Of course, her response was “That’s different!” And “I’m allowed”, and then my sibling agreed with my mother and said “I don’t even say it and I’m older than you” so I reminded her that she always calls me an asshole (even though she’s not supposed to). By the way, none of this was said aggressively, it was all in a joking manner.
Sorry for the waffling on about it lol, anyways; Am I the asshole?
submitted by Putrid_Two1229 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 10:35 chaoticconditions Can I rant

So, I am a mixed individual. My dad’s black. My mom’s white. I was born on an Air Force base. When I was two my mom moved us back to her home town about 45 mins to an hour outside Quebec. Growing up I was surrounded by mom’s family. My Mémère didn’t learn English until she was twelve. I didn’t know my Pépère, so can’t speak on him. My mom knows a petite amount of French, but can not really hold a conversation, just knows words to describe some stuff. Anyways in this little town New Hampshire town I was exposed to seeing the American flag and Canadian flag often hung up together. Many people knew French as many migrated from Quebec. I personally never even heard Spanish outside of TV until I was maybe 15-16. That’s around the time I moved to the tristate area. Been here for 7 years now. Well I still hold pride in my Canadian heritage. Even did 23&ME and I came up 52% European. 48% of that being French. Well here’s my point I was talking to some friends and I said (controversial) that I had love for the rapper Drake only because he is Canadian. And they asked why and I said I’m Canadian. The one girl in the group started bashing me saying when do you stop claiming a heritage. You are not Canadian. Some people think they are men too when they are not. Just full on arguing me. But for some reason are friends who are Puerto Rican and Indian could still claim being that even though they were born in America and even possibly their parents ( I don’t know). When I asked what the difference was. She said they have culture. Puerto Rican stands for more than one race, “Asian, Indian, etc.” I said Quebec/canada is a culture. They speak French. They have certain foods. Certain customs. All of which I grew up immersed in. I just never had my heritage, that I take pride in questioned like that. I can t help but think it’s because I don’t look like the American painted version of Quebec. Like because I’m half black. She’s not allowing me to embrace my upbringing. I don’t know. Guess I’m ranting. Thanks for your time.
submitted by chaoticconditions to 23andme [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 10:13 w1ldstew Tian Xia: World Guide is a Joy - Minata

I finally got my Tian Xia World Guide book, and yes, it was an absolute joy.
For someone with a Filipino background, you're used to never showing up in anything Asian. The Americanized-Once-Hispanized-Not-Hispanized culture, can be a bit confusing for a younger person, but I did have the privilege of growing up with a few old myths and stories. And what my friends and family couldn't impart on me, I searched it out in college - through research papers, old Spanish missionary reports on JSTOR, antiquated books at the college library, martial art classes, and etc..
So, there were a lot of things that made me excited in this section, based on everything I've gathered over the years. Just some things I wanted to share, but maybe others caught onto things that resonated with them:
-Baku: the monstrous creature that awoke, eating countless sea dragons, and causing the the Lunar Dragon to flee (taking the Moon away) is a fantastical inspiration based on the Bakunawa (the crocodile-like dragon from the Philippines that ate the moon).
-Anito: Nature spirits of the Philippines. For those familiar, you can think of them as nature Kami. There are many various stories about them, but they were also part of traditional worship (which is hard to find since everyone is mostly Christian, or Muslim for Southerners). I don't know a lot of stories, but I'm excited to to use them in-game! Can be a Witch's patron (like Wilding Steward/Faith's Flamekeeper), a Summoner's eidolon (like Beast), a Sorcerer's bloodline (Elemental/Nymph), a Nature Domain Cleric/Champion's deity, or the Druid's Order.
-Mt. Shibotai is a mixture of many things. The numerous rice terraces made me think of the Banaue Rice Terraces. It is an amazing view (unfortunately it was foggy when I visited, so it was cold and not very visible). The story of Mt. Shibotai erupting from the lovers (Magkasintahan also means lovers/gf/bf in Tagalog) Tiago and Sambac, made me think of the story Mt. Mayon and the starcrossed lovers Princess Malaya and Prince Wagayon (a mountain named after the lovers).
-Mt. Shibotai Pottery and Minkai Trade: This is a reference to the Japanese merchant Ruzon Suzukoemon, who imported Filipino pottery to Japan in the 16th century. The pots happened to be great for storing tea. He gained the name Ruzon from his lucrative trading with Luzon (North Philippines), which is also where a lot of Mt. Shibotai is based on.
-Ilutakami: The residents of Mt. Shibotai, but there was interesting note that caught my attention. They mentioned they would chew a specific nut that would stain their teeth black - this is a reference to the Betel Nut which was chewed and would do the same thing across SEA.
But more importantly: Kami in Tagalog is the pronoun "we", but it doesn't include the person you're talking to. Tayo is also "we", but including the person you're talking to. I found some papers on Luzon's mountain region - Cordilleras Mountains (which seems to be what Mt. Shibotai is based on) and Iluta means "people of the earth". Similar to other tribal naming convetions such as Ibanag is "i-bannag" meaning "people of the river". Ilutakami means "We [are] the People of the Earth" and was what folks called themselves up in that area. Which makes sense as they're mountain people, not coastal people and they are blessed by the rich fertile lands from Mt. Shibotai. As someone who's parents also came from the mountains, this is such a cool detail! Also the beadwork of the Ilutakami seem inspired by the actual clothing of the area too, my dad got some of his traditional garb from our relatives and's beautiful! (And another dumb trivia: the English word boondocks and boonies come from the Tagalog word bundok meaning ‘mountain’, acquired during the Philippine-American War.)
-Geometric Tattoos: Not particularly unique to the Philippines in Island Southeast Asia, but it was a prevalent thing. So, great detail!
-Sarangay: water-buffalo minotaur men, we'll be getting them in Tian Xia: Character Guide. Datu/Lakan are Filipino words for ruleleadechieftain. I love that Datu Mangapit (a transgender male) is a Sarangay. Being a datu and being transgender is code that Mangapit is both a leader, but also a wise (and spiritually-attuned) man. But funnily, his name Mangapit means “to stick to something”, which ties well with his stubborn personality. Original Filipino names can usually be traced to actual meanings. I knew a person who’s last name was “Bulaklak”, which means “Flower”. Which isn’t really surprising as I had supervisor named “Lafleur”.
-A Day in Minata: The section mentions that when crossing plants/foliage, you should say "excuse me” or “pardon me” to the anito, so you don’t anger them.
“Tabi tabi po!" - is the actual phrase, “excuse me, (respectfully)!” In the Province areas (so outside Manila), while going through the forests, you would say this to politely placate the dwende (means dwarf, but was a earth/mound-like anito that could be stepped on) not to get angry and curse you. A friend of mine who grew up in the province was always scared of the Dwende. “Po” is a respectful word you add at the end of the sentence to show respect, commonly for older folks, so something you would add when speaking to the anito. It’s commonly used for elder folks, but I used it on my grandmother once and she yelled at me saying, “I’m not that old!”
Also, martial arts: if you're lucky enough to meet someone else who knows some, you can casually play/practice with each other.
And about dancing: the fan lady on the 2nd page reminds me of the Princess (the two fans) from the Singkil dance. It’s a beautiful performance from Mindanao and absolutely worth watching on YouTube. Some performances REALLY go all out.
-Lambanog: Literally an alcoholic coconut drink. I've personally never got a chance to try it. Or maybe I did? I don't know. When I visited the Philippines, I just remember getting really drunk from San Miguels and any other alcoholic drink my titos (uncles) kept handing me.
-Katigulangan: In Minata, it's all about celebrating ancestors and heroes of the past, reenacting stories. I think Katigulangan is "ancestors" in Cebuano (Central Philippines, the Visayas). So that's neat! (My family are non-Tagalog northerners, so I'm fully sure if I read the dictionary right). But I visited relatives (also during All Saint's Week), so sharing stories of familly is really big.
-Tusked Cyclops: Only mentioned once, but that's the Ngisngis.
-Shamans and Transgender: I love how transgender is celebrated, because that was a thing! Babaylan (Filipino shamans) could be 3rd gendered (or trans). Being able to tread the line between male and female made Babaylan's able to have an insight and wisdom that made them in-tune with the spiritual world and communicating with anito. I love that this was placed in here! The Animist class fits perfectly for playing a Minatan Shaman (Babaylan).
-Maringalan: The image and description is pretty typical of common depictions of pre-Hispanic Philippines, though also similar to other places in Island Southeast Asia. It definitely seems to be the catch-all for coastal Filipinos. Particularly, it's mentioned that they're "river people", which is what Tagalog means (from 'taga-ilog' meaning "people of the river") and is a way to distinguish the water-based Maringalan from the mountain Ilutakami. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but "Maringal" is Tagalog for being "respected/rich/splendid", so I'm guessing "Maringalan" is implied to mean "Respected/Noble/Magnificent"? I really love that as a name for a people group.
-Nisama: A beautiful depiction of Muslim Southeast Asia (such as Mindanao, South Philippines) with the hijab/coverings and some general wonderful things about the south. Another linguistic question: I don't think Nisama is either Filipino or Indonesian, but taken by the Muslim inspiration, is it actually an Arabic word? I've seen some things suggesting it could mean "dream" or "breeze", alluding to the dream-like beauty of Indonesia and Mindanao? But could also be referring to the sailor-life of the Nisama and the connection to wind? If anyone forgot, Talim from Soul Calibur is a wind-shaman...and she's also Filipino.
I didn’t expect the 3 groups would be based off real language, but I love it, because there is real meaning behind those words.
-Danak, the Blood Witch and Manananggal: Woooo! I honestly thought they were retconning the "problematic" description of Minata from the old days, but instead, they connected it back in, in a way that fits very well! The Manananggal were monstrous creatures that looked like people (usually beautiful women), they split at the waist at night time with bat wings to hunt people to eat. The tanggal are a various bunch of monsters from these types of superstitious stories I've heard (and have had nightmares of). Anyway, Danak being a half-Manananggal (with her clan of halfs) eating people is a great way to tie in where the "horror stories" of Minata might've come from). There was a movie called Aswang (aswang is a vampire-like the same), which is actually about the Manananggal that still scares my mom to this day when she thinks of it. (It's also a reason she's scared of bats). I also grew up on the story of the Greedy Boy Bindoy who learns to be a better person after being eaten by an aswang.
Anyway, ya, it's wild being able to see familiar things in a fantasy game. I'm used to Filipinos being all over America, but being generally unknown about. And I've never had any other Asian-American try to ask me about anything Filipino. So, being able to see these things being used as inspiration for fantasy in a major me feelings I'm not used to!
Much love to the writers and major thanks to them, for this wondrous joy!
Edit: As a little recommended reading, the book "Authentic, but not Exotic" was a nice read that helped me to understand the unique place and identity of the Philippines. The one thing I found was that being Filipino doesn't have to be about being exotic like Japanese Samurai/Geisha/Ninjas, the temples of Cambodia, or the rich history of Indonesia. Being Filipino is a lot about being somewhat familiar to anyone you meet so that they always feel like they're at home, no matter how different they might be from you. Just like traveling in Minata - you can be sure to find a welcoming home away from home.
submitted by w1ldstew to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 09:52 DrySwordfish6071 Question about dreaming in unknown language, turns out to be a real word.

So one day I went out to a college performance, the show's name is "born" in Chinese, everything there is in Chinese and English. After the show I asked the director the meaning behind the name of this show, the director said she will tell me later on Instagram.
I went back home that night and had a dream. In my dream, I pulled out the phone and saw the director's Instagram story is finally updated, one story page says "nacido" and there was a second page with my name in it. I was so focused on remembering this strange word, I did not even had the time to look on the second page.
The next morning, I quickly googled the word nacido and hope it means something. Here is the strange part, it means "born" not in Chinese, not in English, but in Spanish.
For days, I was trying my best to make sense of this, anyone experienced this before? Say I see this word on the street or poster before, but since I do not know the meaning of it, how did not sneak into my dream like that? This is so fascinating to me that I start to think all languages are connected somehow on the other side. Thoughts? ;)
submitted by DrySwordfish6071 to Dream [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 09:50 Theologydebate God divinely inspires liars, forgers and promotes works of deceit


The bible and more specifically in this topic, the NT claim to be 'divinely inspired' by professing Christians of most walks. Without even getting into the discussion of what it means for a text to be divinely inspired it denotes some amount of involvement by God in its authorship.
I would like to bring up the issue over the authors of the New Testament books. For all intents and purposes I will stick to using terms that most appropriately fit. So hence the definitions
Pseudepigrapha: A work which is falsely attributed to an author whilst the the text may or may not claim it was written by said author
Forgery: A work which is falsely attributed to an author while the text claims it is written by said author (a lie)
Now these are obviously similar for example a work can be a forgery and a pseudepigrapha both at the same time it can be claimed to be written by x and attributed to x author despite the claim for it being widely disputed from evidence. So for all intents and when I use the term Pseudepigrapha I will refer to a work which is falsely attributed an author WITHOUT the text claiming it was written by said author and forgery I will use to refer to a work which is falsely attributed to an author WITH the text claiming it was written by said author


When it comes to the New Testament Cannon we can look at the gospels; Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Many evangelical fundamentalists believe the names of the gospels are the actual disciples of Jesus or early followers who wrote them and this is never specified in the text so we can get that out of the way.
In fact in the gospel of Luke we get an endorsement of this viewpoint and an acknowledgement that the good news was first and foremost a circulating oral tradition
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. - Luke 1:1-4
Furthermore we get the catechism of the catholic church which seems to acknowledge the authorship as such
The written Gospels. "The sacred authors, in writing the four Gospels, selected certain of the many elements which had been handed on, either orally or already in written form; others they synthesized or explained with an eye to the situation of the churches, the while sustaining the form of preaching, but always in such a fashion that they have told us the honest truth about Jesus.
2nd edition CCC 124:3
So by in large these works are pseudepigrapha. They do not claim to be written by said authors even if in common parlance they may be thought to be. The only exception here is John, where it claims to be written by a John but not John of Zebedee (an apostle) a common name so that is at least plausible. In the case the gospels do not contain misinformation or lies about authorship.
Once you get to the Pauline epistles things get messy.
I'll be drawing a lot from Bart Ehrmans works here, the go to source for this is Forged, or Forged and Counterforged.
To skip the riff-raff see this video by Dan Maclellan on why the Pastoral Epistles are widely doubted even amongst critical scholars, even amongst those with a faith commitment.
The consensus approximation: Link to an article and the image
As we can see not a single scholar things that Paul wrote Hebrews and less than 25% believe that he wrote 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus and >50% believe he did not write that while the rest are uncertain.
And before anyone rejects this as secular liberal 21st century scholarship, this is an opinion that has been in circulation since the start of the 19th century and widely accepted amongst scholars before the turn of the 20th century

Evidence for non-Pauline authorship

Heres a summarised list of arguments for the non-Pauline authorship
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
There is also Ephesians

Evidence of Intentional Deceit

So far I have only built a case for pseudepigrapha at the very least. From now on I will add context that allows me to make the assertion that this is not only pseudepigrapha but is intentional deceit in writing hence a Forgery
1, 2 Timothy, Titus, Ephesians all start of from the directly presented as letters from Paul the Apostle to Timothy and to Titus in the opening texts. I cant be bothered pasting them all but you can search for yourself to confirm. The author does not claim to be a disciple of Paul or one of Pauls students the author explicitly states he is Paul and that he is writing to said audience. These claims are LIES and there are no two way around it. You cannot claim to be someone who you are not, if you do you are lying and it does not matter if you are in actuality the student of someone (withstanding the fact we have no evidence the author ever met Paul).
Bart Ehrman points out (and other scholars) that 2 Timothy is littered with verisimilitudes, that is the author claiming to be Paul continuously barrages the reader with biographical detail in excess that is commonplace in forgeries. Just read through 2 Timothy and contrast it with something like Romans or Philemon. Paul constantly appeals to his backstory and status whereas his other letters are straightforward and to the point assuming that whoever on the receiving end knows who he is for granted.
Refuting Objections
The most commonplace: objection is that pseudepigrapha was commonplace in the Christian world therefore not deceitful. First of all just because something is commonplace it does not change the fundamental fact that a lie is a lie.
Also this is just patently false and is actually rejected by Paul himself!
In 2 Thessalonians 2:2 and 3:17 a book that a majority regard as authentic to Paul, he warns of those false teachers who may use Pauls name. Something the Pastorals and Ephesians clearly do which is rebuked by Paul himself. This also goes against everything and anything we know about Early church tradition as there is an entire list of books that were rejected by the early Church fathers due to their message and authorship, this includes works such as 3 Corinthians which was correctly identified to be a forgery as well as the Epistle of Barnabas. We have surmounting evidence that false attribution of texts was viewed as a horrific action by early Jews, Christians and Paul himself. People who state that this practice was well accepted have nothing but apologetic nonsense with no real world evidence to back it up.
We also have evidence that scribes who lie when recording matters of faith disobey God and commit sin as well as taint the message and the law to be followed to the believer(s).
How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? Jeremiah 8:8-9
Hence we know that even within Jewish thought this practice is a great evil.


There are works in the Biblical cannon that are forgeries littered with deceit, many of which begin the text by stating a lie and claiming a false author.

Unless one can surmount a case that not only refutes a plethora of data and facts that univariably point towards forged authorship of works that are falsely attributed to Paul as well as long withstanding academic consensus for other a century, the believer has to accept one or more of the following as they naturally follow.
  1. God lies and promotes lies and liars through divine inspiration.
  2. The work(s) of the New Testament are not divinely inspired
  3. Only some of the New Testament Canon is divinely inspired, the forged texts are not
  4. God divinely inspired both Authors (2 at a minimum) Paul and the author of the non-Pauline letters to write about matters of faith including directly contradictory passages where Paul affirms and recognizes the role of women in church whilst simultaneously having pseudo-Paul reject a woman to teach in church. Not even mentioning contradictory views on charisma, faith, the flesh and works between Paul and Pseudo Paul.
  5. Last but not least, the most simple conclusion. None of it is divinely inspired whatsoever
submitted by Theologydebate to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 09:19 kiska2009 How would you say “babe stoppp”

I know there’s a million words for stop, so I mean in a teasing way. Like someone gives you a compliment and you say “Oh stop it” is there a Spanish equivalent? Cause I feel like saying “basta” or “para ya” is if you want someone to abruptly stop something, and deténte is too formal so yea which stop would you use for this context
submitted by kiska2009 to Spanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 08:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: previous

English: previous
  1. going before in time
  2. being or happening before something else
  3. antecedent; prior
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:46 Low-Pomegranate3993 13 AP CLASSES NEXT YEAR, AM I COMPLETLY RETARDED?

I'm about to do something trully crazy. From 9th-11th grade I took normal courses because of the credit quota and mainly because when I came to the US 4 years ago I didn't speak english really well despite the 4 years mandatory english classes that I had to take in Togo. They were as boring as french classes. In my country we rewrote every single words that the teacher dictated for every single classes and memorized the entire note book and then we take 3 final exams each trimester where 20+ questions are asked. Multiple questions did not exist Lmao💀 least when I was there. Now that I am more comfortable with the language, classes are becoming extremly boring and slow. I could totally get an A in my classes but that make me procrastinate. So I have the good idea to do AP classes since it's the most similar courses for what I was used to. The problems come when I don't know what classes to take. I don't want to give up some of them but unfortunatly next year would be the last one so I had this idea:
-AP French (idependently, I already speak it) -AP English (I take it next year ITNY) -AP Computer Science A and Principle (ITNY) -AP Precalculus and Calculus (ITNY) -AP Economics (ITNY) -AP Government and Politics (ITNY)
I also plan to take some idependently: -AP Physics 1, 2 ans C -AP Chimestry -AP World History -AP Euro -APUSH -AP Statistics -AP US Gov
Optional -AP GEO -AP Psychology -AP Italian -AP Spanish
Am I being completly delusional? For those who had already take it before Is the AP that harsh? Is it impossible even if I take 4 classes during this summer? I am just excited over school lol...
submitted by Low-Pomegranate3993 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:30 Bigbuckrocks How do I stop worrying about what others think of my lifestyle?

Without giving away too much information about myself, I’ve been living in a city that is known for having a high crime rate for about 2 and a half years. I didn’t know this until after I moved in. I had looked at other apartment buildings nearby but I was interested in this one because of its low rent price compared to the other places we looked at, as well as its space. Even though I live on my own, I have a lot of things that a studio wouldn’t be big enough for. For the first 2 years, I lived on the first floor. I moved to the top floor 6 months ago due to noisy neighbors above me.
For a while, I felt ashamed of living in this city for a few reasons. The first reason is because of what everyone else (mostly online) was saying about it. I had thought about moving to a neighboring city in order to avoid the stigma but I decided it wouldn’t have been worth it, because the rent would be a lot more expensive over there, and I haven’t even really been a victim of any crime since I’ve moved here despite its high crime rate. I’ve been asked for money a few times, though never under any threat, but that’s been the extent of it. It may be the fact that I live in a somewhat gentrified area of the city, as there are a lot of businesses surrounding the building I live in.
The second reason is because a lot of people here primarily speak Spanish. Some people speak English, but it’s mostly Spanish. I can speak some Spanish, and I sometimes practice with family members. My family’s roots are in the Dominican Republic, where a lot of people who live in this city are also from. Despite having roots in that country, I was not born there. I have been to the country a few times but I’ve always felt a bit of a disconnect because I don’t primarily speak Spanish, and I often have to think through what I say before I say it. I used to not be able to speak it at all, aside from a few words here and there. I also don’t really live like a true Dominican, I’m not a partier and I don’t play music very loudly while driving. I do enjoy the food though, as my mother would often make it growing up.
I don’t often tell people what city I live in, because it’s usually met with disgust. I have a feeling that it’s because they actually haven’t been there and they treat things they’ve only heard of as facts. I also believe they find Dominicans intimidating, which is honestly understandable as they can be pretty loud, and like I said, even I have a language barrier with them and my parents are much better at speaking Spanish then I am. Perhaps there’s a bit of “white privilege” going on there.
I know I shouldn’t care what other people think about the city I live in, for the reasons I have come up with, but I always feel very susceptible to opinions of other people.
submitted by Bigbuckrocks to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:07 ArugulaExpensive4160 Spanish Content Creators on IG to follow

Hope it’s okay to ask this, I am a beginner learner that admittedly spends too much time scrolling IG.
I wondered if you can recommend some Spanish speaking creators that I can follow to get more familiar with certain words as I see them come up or hear them being used. Thanks so much.
In interested in the following:
Spanish language teachers
Fashion/tattoo/skateboard culture
submitted by ArugulaExpensive4160 to Spanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:11 dojibear studying multiple languages at the same time

I just watched the video of a talk by Elisa Polese (a translator and language teacher) from the Polyglot Gathering 2023. She likes studying multiple languages at the same time, instead of one after you get very good at another. Here are some of her reasons:
  1. By the time you get to level B2/C1 in language A, you have stopped (a couple years ago?) looking into grammar and syntax and sounds and all that stuff. Then you have to start it all over again when you start language B. Why not do it all at the same time? Start A, B, and C and spend the initial part learning the basics of each, and how they differ. When you get better at each you will stop studying grammar.
  2. The ideal schedule for any language is doing a minimum every day (15-30 minutes), never forcing yourself to do more. No matter what you do, it will take a very long time. People who try to do 3-6 hours every day often lose motivation and quit. But 20 minutes, in each of 3 languages? That's just an hour each day.
  3. The languages don't interfere with each other if you use each of them separately. Speak only Spanish for 20 minutes. Then speak only Italian for 20 minutes. If you don't remember a word, that's normal. People often don't remember the right word, even in their native language.
submitted by dojibear to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: liability

English: liability
  1. the state of being liable
  2. that which one is under obligation to pay, or for which one is liable
  3. the sum of one's pecuniary obligations
See previous words @
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:30 sharewithme WoTH: Vocabulary Quiz - Day 1341 Morning

See words and translations for the past 24 hours below.
English French German Italian Portuguese Spanish
preference préférence die Vorliebe preferenza preferência preferencia
concern préoccupation Bedenken preoccupazione preocupação preocupación
initial initial initiale iniziale inicial inicial
stick bâton der Stock palo graveto palo
fate destin Missing? fato destino destino
float flotter Missing? galleggiare flutuar flotar
layer couche die Auflage cappa camada capa
trace trace verfolgen / die Spur traccia traço/traçar rastro
depend dépend hängt ab Missing? depender depende
wing aile der Flügel ala asa ala
along avec entlang lungo / accanto junto / ao longo de consigo
rule règle die Regel regola regra regla
Report any incorrect translations @
Thank you for all of your help and support!
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:30 sharewithme Daily Vocabulary Quiz - Day 1341

English French German Italian Portuguese Spanish
preference préférence die Vorliebe preferenza preferência preferencia
concern préoccupation Bedenken preoccupazione preocupação preocupación
initial initial initiale iniziale inicial inicial
stick bâton der Stock palo graveto palo
layer couche die Auflage cappa camada capa
trace trace verfolgen / die Spur traccia traço/traçar rastro
wing aile der Flügel ala asa ala
along avec entlang lungo / accanto junto / ao longo de consigo
rule règle die Regel regola regra regla
thick grosse dick grosso grosso grueso
accidental accidentel zufällig, versehentlich accidentale acidental accidental
immersion immersion die Vertiefung immersione imerssão inmersión
rescue secourir die Rettung salvataggio resgate rescate
stratagem stratagème die List stratagemma estratagema estratagema
joint joindre der Joint giuntura articulação gallo/churro (for weed)
human humain der Mensch umano humano humano
fidelity fidélité die Wiedergabetreue fedeltà fidelidade fidelidad
unit unité die Einheit unità unidade unidad
requirement condition requise die Forderung requisito requerimento requerimiento
consequence conséquence die Konsequenz conseguenza consequência consecuencia
Translations are provided by Word_of_The_Hour subreddit.
Please let them know if you have any corrections or suggestions!
Thank you for all of your help and support!
submitted by sharewithme to LANL [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:08 Weekly_Firefighter74 Random Glossika Questions?

  1. I have stupidly been doing the last several thousand reps via listening/reading simultaneously instead of trying to think of the answer myself. If I just continue on with trying to output/answer on my own from here on out, will I be fine? Or should I just reset all of my progress?
  2. If I make mistakes while guessing the answer to the prompt, is that bad? Or since I'm receiving feedback, it won't solidify, and I'll eventually improve/be okay?
  3. Curious about Glossika Viva; will there eventually be a goal of introducing a certain number of unique words? For example: 30,000 unique words in sentences in Spanish, etc.?
submitted by Weekly_Firefighter74 to glossika [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:53 DepartureHonest7948 The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!

CMM.World &
The Great Harvest is here. Christ's Mandate for Missions and CMMTheology build strong, organic relationships globally as we worship, grow and equip together. Like Joshua and Caleb and the Apostle Paul, we see with faith what He sees in each person (to help each reach fullness), group (many streams and backgrounds in unity) and nations (sheep vs. goat nations). Our passion is to love, connect, equip and send with the simplicity, fullness, and power of the Gospel.
The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence! Inbox
By CMM.World - November 10, 2022
Dear Mighty One,
I see the Lord's eye upon us we discover by revelation the 'new thing' He is doing in our lives and of those of us who, beyond the present darkness, gaze into His eyes. The 'tuning fork' of Yahweh is orchestrating the sons and daughters of our living God in growing holy remnant unity to withstand as we stand with Him fearlessly in the boldness of the faith of God in this hour. Egypt is behind us, and the covenantal promises and prophetic words we have received (1 Tim. 1:18) empower us by His Holy Spirit to advance in warfare, humbly growing in the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

Yesterday as I encouraged some friends, I said, 'stay in the blissful extravagance of His presence.' Today I saw in Psalm 34 His eyes are upon us in vs. 8 & 9 and v:15 about the 'uncompromisingly righteous.' We are to be holy as He is holy. That leaves no room for any more compromise or seeking to please man or the traditions of men, being free of the fear of man, the religious spirit, and any demonic activity. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, help us understand by revelation to walk in all the authority we have been given by Jesus Christ.
Psalm 34:8-9 'O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. O fear the Lord, you His saints [revere and worship Him]! For there is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear.'
v. 15 'The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to their cry.'
Chuck Pierce shared this amazing word from Penny Jackson that is right on for this season:
May YOUR November be full of Thanksgiving and Praise for you and yours as YOU enjoy The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!
Thank you for praying for CMM and all your fellow CMM Global Family worldwide. Pray for all the missionaries, schools, and students in CMM College of Theology in the US, Ecuador, Canada, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Thailand.
Pray for the new wells and the living water and safe water recently drilled or soon to be drilled in Tanzania, India, Malawi, and Pakistan.
Pray for our upcoming Christmas gift campaigns to bless children and youth in many nations. Many of them are precious, beautiful children (orphans). As the Lord leads, pray about giving any amount to bless dear CMM children this Christmas.
Pray for each other, dear friends. We all know we each need prayers going up to Heaven for all those on the front lines. We each are on the front lines!
Please pray for me as I speak tomorrow online to a crusade with 8,000 expected to attend in Pakistan. In December, I will speak at conferences in Liberia and Kenya with fellow CMM Ordained ministers Robert Bimba (Liberia), Tom Omukhobero, and Daniel and Christine Oyoko (Kenya).
We are working on plans and trips for 2023. If you would like to have some of our awesome CMM family speakers for a conference in your area or would like to join or lead a missions trip, we would love to hook you up with dear friends in many nations.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Louis Blom of Judea Harvest as Associate Director of Missions at CMM. This strategic alliance multiplies the efforts and impact in building the Kingdom of our God, for His glory.

Many blessings and shalom from us all here at the home office and around the world.
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Call 704-225-3927 or email to learn more or to have one of our many CMM amointed, itinerant ministers speak at your church or group, in person or online.
submitted by DepartureHonest7948 to CMMworldMissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:33 olibelli Help finding Spanish baptismal certificate without birth date

I'm looking to obtain my great grandfather's baptismal certificate but don't have his complete birthday. Unfortunately, all of his children have since passed and his grandchildren don't know.
He was born in 1885 in Cataluña. Some say in Barcelona, some say in Olot or Sant Joan les Fonts.
Don't have much to go with and need help!
submitted by olibelli to Genealogy [link] [comments]

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