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2024.06.02 09:29 LossLucky4012 what do you think?

I've been working on this story for... 3 months? 4? who knows, with my ability to keep track of time I could have started this yesterday, anyway, this is a story that has sci-fi elements, and some fantasy, although the fantasy stuff is mainly dragons so lets say adventure for now, (cause I don't know shit about genres, I just wrote the story) , Keep in mind, this has been written in free time, of which I don't have a lot, so if you don't like the story it is probably my fault, here is a look at:

Dragons wing

I slowly drift from my sleep and think to myself, ow, why is everything warm? I check the thermostat and see that it is at a temperature as cool as Canada and when I turn back to go back to bed so that I can sleep in, I see that my stuff has been knocked over? Oh sorry, where are my manners? I'm James O’Maley, I put everything back into place, and lay down on my bed but nothing is comfortable! I just decide, you know what, whatever, I’m just gonna get ready for work, and with that i get dressed, everything feels harder to put on, but it really hits me when I go to brush my teeth, when I looked into the mirror, I saw that their were, wings on my back, and a tail, growing out my butt like a lizard, I obviously spend several minutes having an existential crisis about this shocking revelation, and I decide to look at what these wings can do, I open a window, crawl out, with some difficulty and some slamming the window on my tail. I go to the edge of the fire escape railing, hop on, and jump, and I flew, higher and higher, until i nearly flew into a mountain but that's when I suddenly breathed fire, from my mouth, and bore a hole straight through the cliffside, I could spend all day flying, breathing fire, and fiddling with my tail, but I began to feel as tired as if I’d just gotten back from lifting weights with tigers, I landed on a cliffside and fell asleep. When I woke up I wasn’t on the cliffside anymore, there were monitors and scientists all around me. I tried to show some sign that I was awake, but I was chained up! I spent several moments struggling to get free, I must be free, I am not something they can chain down! I struggle, I roar, I attempt to move my head enough to burn the surrounding area, but I can’t, until someone finally talks to me,
“Hello there, James, please forgive us for our caution, but with your kind we can never be too careful.” I can see the scientist, I read his name tag, Dr. Crane William, I roar out
“My kind!? Get me out of these chains!” I breathe fire, claw, kick and swing my tail, trying to free myself, until I see two other people watching, one with weird whiskers, a long tail and a smug look on his face, and the other with a similar appearance to me but her wings are her arms. The next few days go by, until the two finally decide to talk to me, and in those days, My face becomes a snout like a komodo dragon’s, the one with the whiskers opens his mouth first and I already hate him
“Would you look at that, he’s even uglier up close!” I glare at him with absolute hatred, that seems to anger him more,
“What are you mute or something? Speak before I tear you apart!” he takes one step closer and that's all I need, I Bite his shoulder and use his head to break the chains on my right arm, I continue to break the rest of them with ease, and tell whiskers
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” I leap on top of him, clawing at his face, he tries to slash me with a blade on his tail but I grab it and stab the wall with it, until I feel a burning sensation in my veins, The girl had bitten me! She looks at me with sadness,
“Sorry about this,” I look at her and drift into unconsciousness, when I wake up next I’m in some kind of, medical wing, ha, wing, as I look around I feel that my mouth is bound shut, but other than that, I can move my body, I get up off the gurney and just when I think it looks nice, whiskers shows his face,
“Well thanks a lot freak, now I’m on probation with Dr. Crane.” I motion to my mouth and he seems to have enough brain cells to understand what I mean
“Ha! You got the boot, Lily had that on her when she wouldn’t stop biting staff, I’m Ryan Mist.” I just walk away and try getting this muzzle off, That's when Crane walks in,
“Well, I must say it has been a while since we’ve had to use the boot, Ryan, your behavior was unacceptable!” I can tell that Crane is annoyed, and right as he finishes his sentence, click, the boot falls off my face and clatters to the ground. I don’t bother trying to fight Ryan again, I’m just happy to be able to talk!
“Well that’s a lot better, now, talk, I want answers.” I growl, Crane and Ryan seem surprised that I got the boot off but they talk, turns out, I’m what’s called a dragonkin a Human who has dragon genes in their genome, Lily and Ryan are also dragonkin, although they can’t breath fire, Lily has fangs and a venomous bite, turns out she’s the girl that bit me, and Ryan just looks weird, apparently we are the only dragonkin who evaded the organization that Crane works for, Called ‘Kadmus,’ into adulthood, Lily being found at 22, ryan at 20, and me at 24, on top of that, we are the only dragonkin who have survived that long, it’s at that moment that I notice Lily looking at us from behind some glass, I decide that I’ve heard enough and open the door, and I leave the room.
As I leave the room I can tell that Lily was not expecting me from the look on her face, I start a conversation with her, trying desperately to be friendly and not notice all the scientists glancing at me nervously.
“Hey, Lily, Right?” I say in the friendliest tone I can, “I’m James.” Lily looks at me with a calculating look before answering
“Hello, yeah my name is Lily, Lily Megan.” she clearly is wary of me, but I can tell a few things about her, making herself look small, clearly smarter than she lets on, seems shy,
“How did you get it off?” Lily breaks into my train of thought with the question,
“What?” I ask her, confused,
“The Boot, how did you get it off?” She gestures to the room where Crane and Ryan were having an argument, but more specifically to The Boot, laying on the ground
“Oh that? I once took a lockpicking class when I was younger.” I explain
“Huh, you mind teaching me that sometime?” She catches me off guard with that one, I can tell that she is being genuine so I agree, And we begin working out what time works best.
The next few weeks go by in a flash, but I’ll summarize it for you, I ended up getting my own room like Ryan and Lily, I start teaching Lily how to pick locks, and we end up having a few game nights where we played games like charades, poker, even monopoly, lets just say that we will never play monopoly again. However, the most important thing of all, we ended up finding another dragonkin! We aren’t sure what dragon ancestor he has, but we think he’s another eastern long tail, like Ryan, the new guy’s name is Dillian, He’s great, absolute goofball, he’s from Australia, and according to him, his family has never been anywhere but the land down under, weird, but the guy’s like a little brother to me, so it’s cool, and that catches you up. “Hey Dillian!” I lean my head into his room, “Wanna come hang out with the rest of us? It’s movie night!” Dillian just looks at me, unreadable, 
“Okay, your loss.” I try to hide how unnerving that look felt, but something doesn’t feel right. I go back to the lounge, where Ryan, Lily, and Crane are all waiting for me,
“Sorry guys, Dillian, isn’t up for it.” Lily looks at me disappointed,
“Aw man, and we're even watching Dune!” I just look at her with a sad look, but Ryan manages to lift the mood a little bit,
“Last time we let Crane pick the movie!” Crane just glares at Ryan, I can tell he’s about to lecture him so I just start the movie, around one hour in, boom, everything is blurry, and there is dust swirling, everything hurts. I see Lily and Ryan helping evacuate the scientists, I don’t see Crane anywhere! But that's when I see it, Cranes lab coat, soaked red and underneath a piece of rubble, I try to run towards it, but I can't stay on my legs, I call out,
“CRANE!” My friends hear me, they rush towards me and they see the lab coat, Lily tears up, Ryan is too stunned to speak, then we hear it, we hear him. Dillian, he’s laughing, laughing at the lab coat, laughing at us, My head snaps toward him, I feel the rage burning, my wings flare out, fire rises in my throat, I grab Dillian by the collar, and I roar,
“Do you think this is funny?!” Dillian just keeps laughing, “Crane is deadI!” Dillian looks at me, and he finally stops laughing, he pushes me off and spikes erupt from his skin, his tail wraps around my throat, and he growls,
“Don’t touch me you cretin, my ancestors were nearly wiped out by yours, I’m just returning the favor.” I look at him confused, Ryan seems to have been just as confused as me because he asked,
“What do you mean? The Eastern long tails have never had an issue with the Flying flame drakes.” Dillian just flicked his wrist and one of the spines shot out and nearly sliced Ryan’s head off!
“Do not compare the Wyrms to those foolish sky beasts! They have ruled the land for centuries!” Dillian roars, at this point I finally manage to choke out,
“Wyrm? Like the dragon inside the mountain Wyrm?” I struggle against his tail, I finally get a claw hooked under it and pull, it takes all of my strength to get my head loose and retreat, and then I see Dillian fully for the first time, pale skin covered in red spines and a long tail that could probably crush a normal humans windpipe, if I wasn’t a dragonkin I’d be dead.
“So, you do have a brain. Indeed, my ancestors were the Wyrms, Masters of the land, and the only dragons to be nearly forgotten by time, if it weren’t for the colony under Australia, I would not be a dragonkin.” Dillian snorts, and after saying his piece he leaped up, dived down, and bore through the earth, I try to go after him, but Lily holds me back,
“James you're hurt, and you would not stand a chance against him in your current state!” I hate to admit it, but it’s true, I would not stand a chance against Dillian, oh man, my leg hurts, I look at my left leg and I see that it has a shard of metal sticking out of it, and then everything feels heavy, I hear Lily yell out my name, but she sounds so far away, I don’t try and fight it, I just let the darkness envelope me, at least in the dark I can’t hurt, when I wake up I’m in the medical wing ha, it’s still funny, I have a bandage around my leg and then it all rushes back to me, Crane’s lab coat, Dillian laughing, the rage, everything, replaying over and over in my mind, I immediately try and stand up and I find a lot of difficulty in that, but I manage to stumble off the bed, I avoid putting weight on my leg, and I use my wings when necessary,
‘Well it’s about time you woke up, and here I was thinking that we had wasted time and resources.” I spin around to see a lady in a suit and glasses looking at me with a look of disdain,
“Hello, I am Dr. Leanne Vern, but you can call me Leanne. I am your new head researcher, I hope you are ready for your next few tests, Dr. Crane wasted a lot of time ‘bonding’ with you.” It’s right as she finishes that sentence when I feel the urge to make it her last, I feel rage burning under my skin and I glare at her with every last ounce of anger possible,
“What.” Either she didn’t get the memo or she is just a jerk, because she did not care, but either way I continued,
“Do you think that now is a good time to either ridicule Crane, or tell me that you need to run tests on me? I am not your lab rat” I grab her collar “I am not something you just get to boss around, If you say something like that again I will send you straight to the underworld where you belong.” I shove her back and go look for Lily and Ryan, I find them in the cafeteria, I get some food and sit down across from them,
“Mind if I sit here?” It clearly lightened the mood, but not even Ryan found the humor to reply, but we started to talk turns out I had been knocked out for two weeks, when I asked about Dillian Ryan tensed up, he explained to me that Dillian goes by ‘Death Wyrm’ now, he’s spent the last two weeks tormenting the city, and eventually I brought up Leanne,
“That Dr. Leanne is a jerk though, when I got out of the medical wing she just introduced herself, told me that she would run some tests and insulted Crane.” Lily seemed to agree because she replied,
“Yeah the first day she got here she told me I was ugly, and had me escorted into the testing chamber and forced me to fly for as long as I could or else I would get shocked.” Upon hearing this I feel rage flare up inside me, I flare out my wings and fly straight towards Leanne's office,
“You threatened Lily with being shocked?! What is wrong with you?” Leanne just looked at me stone faced and told me,
“You dragonkin are nothing but freaks that look interesting, you should not be treated like humans, you are tools.” I just stand there, shocked until the dam just breaks, I roared, I grabbed her by the collar and I slash her face with a claw,
“Tools? TOOLS?! The only tool in here is you! First you insult Crane, someone who died only two weeks ago! Then I learned you threatened one of my friends with a shock if they stopped playing your sick little game!” I feel the fire rise in my throat, I open my mouth, but then I see the look in her eyes, fear, absolute, paralyzing fear, I hesitate, and think to myself, oh my god, what am I doing? I release Leanne and walk out of the room, as I’m leaving I hear Leanne bellow from behind me,
“Where do you think you’re going?” I glare back, I don’t need to answer her, but because I know she will hurt my friends if I don’t I tell her what I’m doing, I explain.
“I’m going after Dillian, don’t try to stop me.” I can tell that Leanne is angry, I can feel her eyes shooting daggers at me, she clearly disagrees with me,
“Oh no you don’t, listen to me you bloated gecko, we did not spend millions tracking you down for you to play superhero!” I just walk away from her and go to the cafeteria to tell Lily and Ryan, they of course freak out at me, saying that I should not go after Dillian, that he’d kill me, and that I should stay here, but I look at them with all of the emotion in the world, I tell them
“Look, I know that Dillian would probably kill me, but I at least might tire him out enough for the police or military to stop him, but it’s more than that, I can’t let him hurt innocent people.” Lily and Ryan look at me, Lily hugs me, and tells me,
“Don’t you dare die or I will kill you.” I look at her, And I say to Ryan,
“I hope she’s joking.” Ryan looks at me and punches my arm,
“You are a good friend man, I hope you live through this.” I look at Ryan and Lily, knowing that this might be the last time I see them, I hug them both, and I flare out my wings and I fly off.
As I sped off towards Dillian, no, Death Wyrm, he stopped being Dillian when he killed Dr. Crane, one thought was going through my mind, am I going to survive this? It doesn’t really matter, as long as Death Wyrm gets what he deserves, when I arrive in the city I look around from above first, I decide to stop by my old apartment, I remember when My dad helped me find this place before he died, it has looked weird since I had my stuff moved into my room at the Kadmus site, I decide to sit down on the floor, when all of a sudden I hear a click and a secret safe opens from the wall. Inside I find a video message to me from my dad, along with an envelope, with the words for when I’m gone written on it, I look through the envelope and I find an old Kadmus keycard for my dad, so that's what his work was, I knew he was secretive but damn, A few other papers that talk about dragons, turns out, Kadmus had been looking into the dragons for years, although these papers are odd, as if my dad had prior knowledge of the dragons. The ball drops when I play the video message it says, 
>Hello, James, if you are watching this then I’m probably dead. In the envelope that you have found alongside this message, there is also my old keycard, it will give you full access to any Kadmus site. Along with my personal notes on the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and some vague knowledge of a supposed fourth dragon species, including some vague diet, and possible weaknesses, but if you’ve already read them, then that means you have seen that the Flying flame drake notes are more definitive, that’s because I am also a dragonkin, I only inherited physical strength from our ancestors, but I have a feeling you will have more characteristics, but I am saying this because you need to know the history behind our ancestors, and the rest.<
I look at the message and wait for it to continue, until a small piece of paper slips out of the metal box that is the message, when I open it I find out that in the beginning of the dragons, there were supposedly four species, the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and the Wyrms, until the Wyrms struck out, they had felt as though due to there inability to fly, that the other dragons thought less of them, the dragons were forced to lock away the Wyrms deep beneath what would one day be called Australia, and then man arose, and along with them the first dragonkin, Tiamat, a Flying flame dragonkin, as my dad called him, but the humans lived in fear of the dragons, eventually driving them to the bleeding cut edge of extinction using their advancing technology, eventually humans all but forgot about dragons, reducing them to myth or fairy tales. That was more or less all that was written, I committed all of this knowledge to memory, and then I heard a loud boom and some maniacal Dr. Doom esc laughing, I peer out of the window to see Death Wyrm, tormenting people, I leap out of the window and into the air, getting a good angle before dive bombing Death Wyrm, breathing fire on him and slashing him with my claws,
“Hey Dillian, did you miss me?” I laugh, I tried to pull a Ryan and joke myself into feeling confident, and it kinda helped, Death Wyrm roars out in rage,
“Why didn’t you stay out of my way?” He whips his tail up, shooting spines out at me, although thanks to my practice I manage to dodge them, I decide to not make a joke and just stay quiet for now, I remember something a security guard once told me, if the enemy is in range so are you, don’t just talk, actually attack, I know that I am in range for a fireblast but Dillian doesn’t know that, I shout out,
“Those spines must really hurt, but not as much as my claws!” I suddenly make a sharp turn and get in close with my talons, I first duck beneath Death Wyrms hook, and slash at his stomach, I then dodge a spine shot, and quickly follow up and through with a tail whip, knocking him off balance, then quickly blast fire right at his feet, but I didn’t see that Death Wyrms tail had grabbed my leg before it had already thrown me two blocks away, I was getting up when I felt a Burning pain in my arm, when I looked to see, it was one of Death Wyrms spines, It had only penetrated the outermost muscle tissue, I would heal in a few weeks but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hades, I rip the spine out and breath fire on the wound in order to cauterize it, when I suddenly feel Death Wyrms tail around my throat, choking me, and I am all of a sudden pinned to a wall, with my mouth bound shut, great it’s the boot all over again, I see Death Wyrm, he’s grabbing the spine I ripped out, he walks towards me, and he gives me a small speech,
“You know James, if you weren’t so noble I’d actually have let you join me, I never wanted to kill you, but you leave me no choice.” He lifts the spike up, when all of a sudden he is blasted back seemingly by a freakishly strong gust of wind, wait, that's a thermal updraft, I turn to see the best sight I could have seen, Ryan and Lily! Ryan opens his mouth first and I couldn’t be more thankful for his humor,
“Nobody treats James like that but me!” He then flies into battle riding on a thermal, while Lily freed me, she slices through the binding on my mouth and I immediately ask,
“What are you guys doing here?” Lily opens her mouth to answer but Ryan cuts in with being thrown into a wall
“Me and Lily are saving you, idiot, speaking of which a little help here?” Me and Lilly help Ryan up and we all get ready for a fight, but before we can charge in, Lily hands me a headmic,
“Here put this on,” I do as she says and suddenly Leanne's voice buzzes in through the speaker,
“Well it’s about time,” I am just happy to have some help with knowing my surroundings,
“Whatever happened to ‘we didn’t spend millions tracking you for you to play superhero?’” If Leanne heard me she didn’t answer, I just started to run towards Death Wyrm, before I took off alongside Lily and Ryan, I felt a familiar rage build up in my veins, I allow the rage to drive me forward, I feel the heat, the fire, rushing to every vein in my body, building along with all of the rage in my life, I gather my thoughts, a raging body is good for combat but a raging mind is bad for victory, when this feeling washes over me, I finally feel calm, I feel at peace, I never want this feeling to end, I open my snout, and unleash a twisting, flowing, blooming tunnel of flames,wounding Death Wyrm and distracting him long enough for Ryan to swing in with a bladed tail to his back, followed by Lily, biting into Death wyrms tail, as Death Wyrm roars I dive in and I do something unexpected, I talk to him,
“Dillian, I thought of you as a little brother, but you killed someone I cared about, I am sorry but, we need to take you in.” Death Wyrm roars, he writhes, up until Lily’s venom takes hold and he falls to the ground, defeated, a news reporter had been, well reporting, nearby and walked up to me, and asked me for an interview,
“Under normal circumstances I would agree, but not right now.” I wave as I signal to Ryan, it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to get the hint that I want him to create a thermal under Death Wyrm in order to transport him, but he follows my lead, and before we know it, we are flying toward the Kadmus site, but as we fly, I yell behind me,
“Hey, go ahead, I’ll… I’ll catch up.” Lily looks at me while Ryan just zooms ahead, no questions asked,
“Okay what are you doing?” I just look at her, feeling conflicted about telling her about my dad, for all I know this could get me in trouble, or worse, I make a split second decision,
“I… I think I saw something.” surprisingly it works, I swoop back towards the city and back to my old apartment and I grab the message from my dad, his keycard and the papers, I then fly off with them clenched between my arms and my body, I then fly into the Kadmus site, and discreetly go to my room, in order to hide them, I then get out of the site, and fly back into it acting like nothing happened, and to my surprise, there was a celebration waiting for me, there was cake, and wine, and even a nice Irish whiskey, eventually I asked about Death Wyrm, and turns out he was placed in a secure facility, deep under the site, and that anyone with high enough clearance could go down there, I decide that that is probably for the best.
After the celebration, I go into my room, and pull out the message, I look over it, Dad was a big fan of puzzles, so maybe this message is a puzzle? After several minutes fiddling with it, the message began to whir, and it then showed a place for a fingerprint, gotcha, I placed my thumb on the finger print and it pricked me, like I was getting my blood drawn. After that a key fell out of the message box, and a keyhole on the side, I of course used the key, which then played a different message,
Hello James, and I know it's you who will be watching this, at the time of making this message I am about to help you “find” an apartment, this is one that will only play for other people if you give them access and get a blood sample, the key you used is a one of a kind, and allows you full access to pre-recorded messages, and answers for certain questions, I hope that there will come a time when you don’t need it, but, knowing you, you will probably forget what the messages say within an hour, but anyway, I hope that this helps you greatly, here is a list of topics that the message box can give you data on.< The video then becomes like an interactable encyclopedia, where I can read the list at my own pace, I skim through it before my eyes lock on one entry, Dr. Crane Williams, I open the entry and i read about Crane, turns out, he was my fathers research partner and close friend, and the two of them met in college because they had managed to win a competition that landed them tuition for any college of their choosing, and they became friends after my dad stopped somebody from messing with Crane, there was a whole lot more there about Cranes upbringing, his family, his education, but I had to cut it short when Leanne entered my room, unannounced,
“What are you doing?” She glared, in her usual condescending tone, I am not in the mood for this “Jump off a cliff.” I growl, as I tuck the message away, but she sees it, and by the look on her face she could tell what I was looking at, “Let me guess, a message you don’t want anybody seeing?” I hate her but damn it she can connect the dots well, “Was it obvious?” I don’t bother denying it, she’ll just be a jerk about it, “No, I’m just used to being lied to, who's the message from?” Leanne nods at the message box, 
“It’s from my dad, he apparently worked at Kadmus and was friends with Crane.” The fact that my dad both worked ant Kadmus and was friends with crane seem to shock her, what’s really shocking though is what she asks next,
“Was your dad by chance Shane O’Maley?” I look at her, confused, “He was, why?” Leanne immediately seems to get shell shock, as she starts to geek out, “James your father was pretty much science royalty, I would have done anything to speak to him, oh my god I insulted the dead friend of Shane O’Maley, and of his son!” I feel angry that she brought that up again, but now feels like I can get something good out of this, “Ok I’ll make you a deal, if you only do tests with me and the other dragonkin willing to do so, and make sure not to do things like threatening to shock us if we don’t do what you want, I’ll tell you stories about my dad, deal?” It was almost impressive how quickly she answered, 
“Deal! Shock threats, exhaustion tests, and anything else like that is gone!” I am really happy that I can do stuff like that. That is the best ability ever.*1
*1 WIP
submitted by LossLucky4012 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 FancyInvestment397 SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]

SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]
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Casino info

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SkyCrown Casino

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Start your week off with a bang! Every Monday, you can deposit at least $30 with a SKY1 code to pocket 50 free spins on Gamebeat’s Witch Treasures slot. This bonus is available if you made at least a single deposit the previous week and must have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%.

50% Friday bonus

SkyCrown invites you to deposit at least $30 on Fridays to claim the 50% match bonus up to $150. To qualify for this weekly bonus, you must deposit funds using an SK5Y code and have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%. Also, you must meet a 40x rollover requirement to withdraw this bonus.

Huge Sunday bonus

Lastly, you can enjoy a super Sunday at this casino with 50 free spins after depositing at least $30 with an S50 promo code. The free spin winnings have a 30x wagering requirement, and the bonus is applicable on the following games:
  • Bonanza Billion
  • Alien Fruits
  • Gold Rush with Johnny Cash
  • Gemhalla
  • Wild Wash
  • Aloha King Elvis

Our Journey with SkyCrown's Loyalty Program

SkyCrown treats you like royalty with its multi-level VIP program. In this promotion, each $15 bet you make will earn you a single loyalty point. After collecting 150 points, you’ll unlock the first level, with 300 points unlocking the second, and so on. Each level comes with different prizes, including free spins and bonus money.
Besides collecting game credits, becoming a VIP here also comes with these privileges:
  • 24/7 personal assistant
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SkyCrown allows you to become an instant VIP without going through the pain of collecting points. Verify your phone number and deposit at least $1,000. A personal manager will contact you within 24 hours.

Get Started: Sign Up for an Account Now

If you’re impressed by the bonus collection at SkyCrown Casino, go ahead and sign up to claim these offers. They have a straightforward sign-up process as you’ll find out in the steps below:
  1. Visit SkyCrown Casino on your mobile or desktop browser.
  2. Now tap the blue Sign Up button at the top-right corner.
  3. On the Sign-Up form, enter your email and password.
  4. Confirm your age and accept the T&Cs.
  5. Tap the Sign Up button to register.

Explore SkyCrown Casino's Diverse Games Library

Very few Canadian gaming sites can compare to SkyCrown’s game-rich library. At the time of writing this SkyCrown review, we counted over 7,000 games from leading game developers such as Netgame, Gamebeat, BGaming, Mascot, and more.

Below are the game categories:


As expected, slot machines are the main offerings at this casino. You’ll find so many real money slots from BGaming, Reflex Gaming, Gamingcorps, and other software developers. The slots are available in varying categories, including Bonus Buy, Megaways, Books, Mythology, Expanding Wilds, and more. This should help you find your preferred slot machines easily.


SkyCrown has hundreds of jackpot slots to play if you’re after those extra-large jackpot wins. Some trending jackpot titles include Fortune Circus by Fugaso, Fortune Dreams by Lucky, Gold of Maya by Gamzix, and more. Games with progressive jackpot networks have a “JP” banner.

Table games

If you feel like taking a little break from slots, we advise you to check out their wide selection of table games. You’ll find numerous titles and variations for Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Poker. They also offer several Andar Bahar, Pai Gow, and Craps titles.

Instant games

Instant or arcade games have become fan favorites due to their fast-paced and rewarding gameplay. You’ll find several crash games, including Spribe’s Aviator, Aero by Turbogames, JetLucky 2 by Gamingcorps, and more. You’ll also find Plinko, Mines, and Dice titles.

Live casino

Live dealer games provide a unique table game experience in a real casino setting. SkyCrown ensures this by offering 300+ live dealer games from ALG, Bombay Live, Better Live, and TVBET. Sadly, we didn’t find any live titles from Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play Live.

Must Play Games at SkyCrown Casino

We understand that finding the best titles to play can be time-consuming and confusing. So we have done all the hard work to help you settle in quickly with these five titles:

SkyCrown Bonanza – BGaming

This is one of those custom-made slots you can only play at SkyCrown Casino. It’s a highly volatile slot designed by BGaming to offer a classic fruit-themed experience with an explosive 15,000x win potential. It delivers a simple design with relaxing music and bright icons to make it stand out from other fruit machines on this gaming site.

Sun of Egypt 3 – 3oaks

Launched in 2023, Sun of Egypt 3 is the third installment of this popular slot series. It’s a highly volatile slot that maintains the tradition of bringing the rewarding Hold and Win Jackpot and a decent 10,000x win potential. To boost your chances of collecting the jackpot, this game will reward you eight free spins after landing enough scatters with a retrigger option. You’ll also find a wild symbol that pays 12x the stake.

Vikings Go Berzerk – Yggdrasil

Despite launching in November 2016, this slot machine from Yggdrasil has maintained its position as one of the best Viking-themed slots. In this game, you’ll accompany brave and daring Vikings in their mission to fill up the rage meter and collect rewards. This game packs fun bonus features, including the Treasure Chest, Free Spins, and a 4,000x jackpot.

Story of the Samurai – Spinomenal

Story of the Samurai is a 2021 slot that takes you to challenge the Samurai warriors and claim big wins. It’s an exciting 5×3 slot packed with bonus features like Bonus Wheel, Mystery Symbols, Free Spins, Expanding Wilds, and Sticky Wild Respins. This game also has a friendly RTP potential of 96.71%.

Aviator – Spribe

If you haven’t played this instant game by Spribe, then you’re missing out. Launched in 2019, this game has become trendy among players due to its reliability and simplicity. The propeller airplane will take off, creating a multiplier curve representing your possible winnings. The sound effects of this game are also classy and relaxing. Enough said already!

Payment Methods Available at SkyCrown Casino

Banking is just as important as any other service an online casino offers. SkyCrown knows this, hence providing a list of 30+ secure banking methods. You can transact using online wallets, credit/debit cards, and cryptocurrencies. The minimum deposit for all payment mediums is $30, whereas the maximum depends on the selected method.
Here is a table to summarize the payment services:

Note that you will be subject to a KYC (Know Your Client) process before approving any withdrawal request. This is a standard procedure in all regulated casinos to verify your identity, location, and source of income. You must submit a copy of your identification paper, such as your ID/passport/driver's license, and proof of local address, like a bank statement/utility bill. The verification can take up to 24 hours.

Navigating the Casino: User Experience Unveiled

Everything about this casino oozes simplicity, class, and efficiency. The website is well-designed, using a minimalist and user-friendly approach. They also use an eye-friendly black background and sharp graphics, making it an excellent platform if you value those long gaming sessions.

We encountered no delays when loading up the website’s pages and games. Everything was instant and smooth, with most titles having a demo version. Finding our favourite game titles was also a breeze thanks to the intuitive search tool, although we would have preferred more game filtering options. In short, the developer did a solid job of providing a fulfilling touch when exploring the platform.

Mobile Compatibility

SkyCrown Casino works smoothly and seamlessly on mobile platforms. We tested the site on our Android and iOS smartphones and didn’t experience any disappointing lag or freeze.
As for the gaming difference, the experience is identical on iPhone and Android. You’ll find a menu icon at the top-left side of the screen, allowing you to access services like banking, account verification, loyalty program, and more. Below the menu, you’ll find game categories like Slots, Live Casino, New, Hot, and Jackpots. All in all, the mobile version is user-friendly and intuitive.

Safety and Security Measures in Place

SkyCrown Casino is a well-protected website with clear privacy policies. They are very transparent and make you aware of all the information they will collect from you. For example, this operator doesn’t rent or sell player data to third parties and is bound by strict legal provisions to protect your private data.
We can confirm that SkyCrown uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology from Let’s Encrypt. This is the standard data protection measure most Canadian casino sites use to secure your information from hackers and scammers. Another thing, you can set up 2-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
We also did our checks to see if we could find any red flags on platforms like Trustpilot and Reddit. Most bad reviews were about players who couldn’t withdraw funds after failing the KYC test. Provide the requested documents, and you won’t have any payment complaints.

Customer Support

Unfortunately, customer support is an area where SkyCrown Casino needs to improve. As a registered member, we found no live chat support, which is disappointing. Instead, they let you speak to an agent via email at []( You can also complete the online contact form on the “Support” page.
But before contacting the support team, it’s worth checking if your concerns have been addressed on the FAQ page. Here, they list and answer some of the most common questions regarding account registration, payments, safety, bonuses, and more. If you’re new to crypto gambling, there is also a helpful page to read.
You can contact their support team in the following languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German

What's the Verdict?

SkyCrown Casino passes our test of a reliable Canadian gambling site. We love the wide selection of games and the vast variety of bonuses and promotions for new and loyal members. This site also does well in the payments department, providing tens of reliable fiat and cryptocurrency banking methods. And lest I forget, withdrawals via most of these payment mediums are instant, which is rare in the iGaming scene. The only drawback here is the limited customer support options. We give it a solid 4.5/5!
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:27 Cel-747Live Online Casino Games: The Ultimate Guide for New Players at Beta777

The dazzling world of online casinos beckons with a captivating array of games, promising thrilling experiences and the potential for big wins. But for new players stepping into Beta777 for the first time, navigating this exciting landscape can seem daunting. Fear not! This ultimate guide empowers you with the knowledge and strategies needed to embark on your online casino adventure at Beta777 with confidence.
Demystifying the Game Selection: Aligning Your Preferences with Strategic Opportunities
Beta777 boasts a vast library of online casino games, catering to every taste and preference. From the timeless elegance of card games to the electrifying buzz of slots, the key to success lies in finding games that align with your interests and offer strategic possibilities. Here are some popular options to consider:
The Art of Bankroll Management: Playing Smart for Long-Term Fun
Before diving headfirst into the games at Beta777, establishing responsible bankroll management practices is crucial. Here's how to ensure you prioritize fun and extend your enjoyment:
Unlocking the Power of Bonuses and Promotions at Beta777
Many online casinos, like Beta777, provide a plethora of bonuses and promotions to incentivize new players and reward existing ones. Here's how to make the most of them:
Practice Makes Perfect: Refining Your Skills Before You Bet
Beta777 often provides demo versions of many games. Take advantage of this opportunity to:
submitted by Cel-747Live to u/Cel-747Live [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:34 Jdlongmire Take 3 of The Longmire Teleological Argument: a Human-AI Collaboration

This treatise was developed through an extensive dialogue with Claude, an AI language model created by Anthropic. The ideas and arguments presented here emerged from a collaborative exploration in which I posed questions, raised objections, and provided the overall framing and direction, while Claude contributed detailed responses, explanations, and elaborations*. The treatise represents a synthesis of human and machine intelligence, with the AI serving as a knowledgeable interlocutor and writing assistant, helping to articulate and refine the ideas I brought to the discussion. I am fully aware of the controversial nature of AI, but feel this demonstrates an example of its ethical use. I am also fully aware that the strength of the argument lives or dies on the validity of the premises, but I believe it has strong intuitive, evidential, and logical resonance. The hope is that this novel approach will be a useful contribution to those weighing the evidence with an open and reasonable mind. So, without further ado, I present the Longmire Teleological Argument.
The question of God's existence is one of the most profound and consequential questions in philosophy. Throughout history, thinkers have proposed various arguments for and against the existence of a divine being. In this treatise, we will explore one particular argument for theism - the argument from the intelligibility of the universe.
The basic structure of the argument can be encapsulated in the following inductive syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
We will examine the premises of this argument, consider potential objections and counterarguments, and assess the overall strength of the argument in establishing the rationality of theistic belief.
The Scientific Intelligibility of the Universe
The first premise of the argument asserts that the universe is scientifically intelligible. This means that the universe is structured in a way that makes it amenable to scientific study and comprehension. It is not a chaotic or arbitrary jumble, but an orderly system that follows discernible patterns and laws.
The evidence for this premise is vast and compelling. Across countless domains - from physics to chemistry to biology to astronomy - we find that the universe behaves in consistently rational ways. It follows mathematical laws, exhibits predictable regularities, and yields to scientific analysis and understanding.
As Claude eloquently put it:
"The success of science in uncovering the deep structure of reality, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic structures, testifies to the profound intelligibility of the universe. We are able to formulate theories, make predictions, and gain real knowledge about the world through the application of rational methods of inquiry." [1]
Moreover, the universe is not just intelligible to us - it is intelligible in a way that is deeply resonant with our own rational faculties. The mathematical equations that describe the fundamental laws of nature are not just empirically adequate, but often possess a striking elegance and beauty. The universe seems almost tailor-made for rational investigation and discovery.
All of this points to the conclusion that the universe is not an arbitrary or unintelligible place, but rather a scientifically intelligible system that is open to human understanding.
The Link between Intelligibility and Mind
The second premise of the argument asserts that scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds. This is the crucial link between the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and the existence of a divine mind.
The premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter structures, patterns, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we typically attribute this intelligibility to the workings of a rational mind.
Consider, for example, a scientific theory that elegantly explains a wide range of phenomena, makes precise, testable predictions, and reveals hidden connections between seemingly disparate facts. Such a theory exhibits a high degree of scientific intelligibility. And we naturally infer that this intelligibility is the product of the rational minds of the scientists who developed the theory.
Or consider a complex engineered machine, like a computer or a spacecraft, that performs sophisticated functions according to well-defined principles and algorithms. The intelligibility of such a machine - the fact that it can be understood, analyzed, and explained in rational terms - is clearly the result of the rational minds of its designers and builders.
In these and countless other examples, we see a strong link between intelligibility and mind. Rational minds are the paradigmatic source of intelligible order and structure.
As Claude insightfully observed:
"This inference from intelligibility to mind is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and epistemic practices. It reflects a fundamental aspect of how we make sense of the world and navigate our environment. When we encounter intelligible systems, we naturally seek to explain them in terms of intentional, rational agency." [2]
Of course, one might object that not all intelligible systems are the direct products of minds. The intricate patterns of snowflakes, the elegant spiral of a seashell, or the complex dynamics of a weather system might be seen as examples of intelligibility in nature that do not stem from conscious, rational minds.
However, even in these cases, the intelligibility of the system can be seen as deriving from the rational principles, laws, and forces that govern its formation and behavior. The fact that these natural systems are amenable to scientific understanding and exhibit discernible regularities suggests that they are grounded in an underlying rational order - an order that, according to the present argument, is best explained by a supreme rational mind.
Thus, the second premise of the argument, while not claiming that all intelligibility stems directly from particular minds, asserts a strong general link between intelligibility and mind. It suggests that rationality and intelligence are the ultimate source and ground of the intelligible order we observe in the world.
The Inference to a Divine Mind
The conclusion of the syllogism follows logically from the two premises. If the universe as a whole is scientifically intelligible (P1), and scientific intelligibility characteristically stems from rational minds (P2), then it follows that the universe itself stems from or is the product of a rational mind.
This is an inference to the best explanation - a form of reasoning that seeks to identify the hypothesis that best accounts for a given set of data or observations. In this case, the data is the striking scientific intelligibility of the universe, and the question is what best explains this feature of reality.
The argument contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind - a supreme, transcendent, rational intelligence - provides the most compelling and satisfactory explanation for the universe's intelligibility.
Just as the intelligibility of a scientific theory points to the rational minds of the scientists who devised it, and just as the intelligibility of an engineered machine points to the rational minds of its designers, so too the intelligibility of the universe as a whole points to a cosmic rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference is not a conclusive proof, but rather a reasonable and plausible abductive argument. It takes the observable datum of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing reality - the reality of a rational, intentional, creative mind.
As Claude cogently put it:
"The inference to a divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility is a natural extension of our ordinary explanatory practices. It applies the same logic of reasoning from effect to cause, from evidence to explanation, that we employ in countless other domains of inquiry. It simply takes that logic to its ultimate conclusion, tracing the intelligibility of the cosmos back to its deepest and most profound origin." [3]
Why a singular mind? The argument for a singular divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility can be summarized as follows:
Positing multiple minds behind the universe's rational structure would lead to an explanatory regress, raising questions about the origin and coordination of those minds. If intelligibility requires intelligence, then a unified cosmic intelligence is a more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful hypothesis than a plurality of minds.
Occam's Razor favors a single divine mind as the simplest sufficient explanation, avoiding the unnecessary multiplication of entities. Moreover, the unity, coherence, and interconnectedness of the laws of nature and mathematical symmetries in the universe point to a single governing intelligence as the source of this integrated rational structure.
Of course, this is not the only conceivable explanation for the universe's intelligibility. Alternative hypotheses, such as those based on brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle, have been proposed and vigorously debated. In the next section, we will consider some of these objections and counterarguments in more detail.
However, the argument from intelligibility contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind offers distinct advantages over these alternatives. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's intelligibility.
A universe created by a rational mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be scientifically intelligible. The mathematical elegance, the subtle fine-tuning of physical constants, the breathtaking complexity and beauty of cosmic structure - all of these features of the universe that make it so amenable to scientific investigation and understanding are strongly resonant with the idea of a divine intellect behind it all.
Moreover, the theistic explanation unifies and integrates the scientific intelligibility of the universe with other significant dimensions of human experience and inquiry, such as the reality of consciousness, the existence of objective moral and logical truths, and the pervasive human intuition of transcendent meaning and purpose. By grounding all of these phenomena in the creative rationality of God, theism offers a comprehensive and coherent worldview that satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings.
Thus, the inference from the universe's scientific intelligibility to a divine mind, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful and persuasive philosophical argument. It takes one of the most striking and significant facts about the world we inhabit - its profound rational order and comprehensibility - and traces it back to its ultimate source in the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
Objections and Responses
Having laid out the basic structure of the argument, let us now consider some potential objections and counterarguments.
  1. The Brute Fact Objection
One common objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could simply be a brute fact - a fundamental, inexplicable feature of reality that we must accept without further explanation.
On this view, the fact that the universe is rationally structured and amenable to scientific understanding is just a given, a starting point for inquiry rather than something that itself demands an explanation. Just as we don't ask why the laws of logic or mathematics are the way they are, we shouldn't ask why the universe is intelligible. It just is.
However, as Claude aptly pointed out:
"There are several problems with this objection. Firstly, it is a deeply unsatisfying and question-begging response. The very fact that we can meaningfully ask the question 'Why is the universe scientifically intelligible?' suggests that there is something here in need of explanation. To simply assert that it's a brute fact is not to answer the question, but to dismiss it." [4]
Furthermore, the brute fact response is ad hoc and arbitrary. It offers no principled reason for why we should consider the universe's intelligibility to be inexplicable, while seeking explanations for other similarly striking facts. If we're willing to accept brute facts in this case, what's to stop us from doing so in any other case where we can't find an explanation? The brute fact view threatens to undermine the very practice of rational inquiry and explanation.
Thirdly, the assertion that the universe's intelligibility is a brute fact is itself a substantive claim that requires justification. It's not something that can simply be assumed or stipulated. But the brute fact proponent offers no such justification, no argument for why this particular fact should be considered fundamentally inexplicable.
Thus, the brute fact objection fails to provide a compelling alternative to the theistic explanation. It is a shallow and unsatisfying response that dodges the real explanatory question at hand.
  1. The Physical Necessity Objection
Another objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could be a necessary consequence of the fundamental laws or principles of nature. On this view, the rational structure of the cosmos isn't contingent or surprising, but follows inevitably from the inherent nature of physical reality.
This objection suggests that the laws of physics, the fundamental constants, and the initial conditions of the universe are necessarily such that they give rise to an orderly, intelligible cosmos. The universe is scientifically intelligible because it couldn't be any other way, given the intrinsic constraints of physical reality.
However, this objection faces several challenges. Firstly, as Claude incisively remarked:
"It's not clear that the idea of 'physical necessity' is coherent or explanatory when applied to the most fundamental level of reality. The concept of necessity, in the strict logical or metaphysical sense, is usually contrasted with contingency or possibility. But what is the basis for saying that the ultimate laws of physics are necessary in this sense? What is the source or ground of this necessity?" [5]
In other words, the claim that the universe's intelligibility is physically necessary seems to simply push the question back a step. Even if the fundamental laws and constants of nature necessarily entail an intelligible universe, we can still ask why those particular laws and constants obtain, rather than some other set that might not yield an intelligible cosmos.
Secondly, the physical necessity view has difficulty accounting for certain specific features of the universe's intelligibility, such as its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its resonance with human cognitive faculties. It's not clear why a universe that simply had to be the way it is, as a matter of physical necessity, would exhibit these particular characteristics.
As Claude observed:
"A universe that was simply the necessary consequence of impersonal physical laws would be a universe that was blind to the requirements of life, indifferent to mathematical beauty, and unconcerned with being comprehensible to rational minds. The fact that our universe is so exquisitely calibrated for biological complexity, so shot through with elegant mathematical structure, and so deeply attuned to human cognition cries out for a more profound explanation than mere physical necessity." [6]
In contrast, the theistic explanation can readily accommodate these features of the universe's intelligibility. A universe that is the product of a rational, purposeful, and benevolent divine mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be fine-tuned for life, mathematically elegant, and rationally comprehensible to creatures made in the image of that mind.
Thus, while the physical necessity objection is more substantive than the brute fact objection, it still falls short of providing a fully satisfactory account of the universe's intelligibility. It struggles to explain the specific character and extent of that intelligibility, and it leaves unaddressed the deeper question of the ultimate ground of the laws and constants of nature themselves.
  1. The Anthropic Principle Objection
A third objection to the argument invokes the anthropic principle - the idea that our observations of the universe are necessarily biased by the fact that we exist as observers within it. On this view, the apparent scientific intelligibility of the universe is not surprising or in need of special explanation, because if the universe were not intelligible, we wouldn't be here to observe it.
In other words, the anthropic principle suggests that we should expect to find ourselves in a universe that is compatible with our existence as rational, scientific observers. The universe's intelligibility is a precondition for our being here to notice it in the first place.
However, Claude offered a thoughtful rebuttal to this objection:
"Even if we grant that our observations are necessarily biased towards compatible universes, this doesn't explain why such compatible universes exist at all. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes doesn't make the existence of intelligible universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation." [7]
To illustrate this point, consider an analogy. Imagine you are dealt a royal flush in a game of poker. The fact that you could only observe this hand if it were dealt to you (i.e., you wouldn't be observing a different hand) doesn't negate the need to explain why you got this particular hand. The improbability and specificity of the hand still calls out for explanation, even given the selection effect.
Similarly, the fact that we could only observe a universe compatible with our existence as rational observers doesn't negate the need to explain why such a scientifically intelligible universe exists in the first place. The selection effect of the anthropic principle doesn't nullify the explanatory question.
Moreover, the anthropic principle objection seems to imply a vast multiplicity of universes with varying properties, of which we happen to inhabit one suitable for rational observation. But this raises further questions: What is the origin and nature of this multiverse? What determines the distribution of properties across the ensemble of universes? Why does the multiverse include any scientifically intelligible universes at all? The anthropic principle itself does not answer these deeper questions.
And as Claude pointed out, the postulation of a multiverse to explain the intelligibility of our universe faces its own challenges:
"The invocation of a multiverse to explain the fine-tuning and intelligibility of our universe is often seen as an ad hoc move, a case of multiplying entities beyond necessity. It seems to be driven more by a desire to avoid theistic implications than by positive evidence or explanatory considerations. Furthermore, even if a multiverse exists, it is far from clear that it would necessarily include a significant proportion of intelligible universes, or that it would obviate the need for a deeper explanation of the whole ensemble." [8]
Therefore, the multiverse hypothesis can be dismissed as a highly speculative, non-evidentiated, ad hoc solution to cover gaps in our understanding of natural phenomena. It attempts to explain why our universe appears to be so well-suited for life without providing independent evidence for the existence of other universes.
In contrast, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility is more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful. It accounts for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure in terms of a single postulated entity - a supreme rational mind. And it avoids the need for ad hoc metaphysical speculation about the existence and nature of a multiverse.
Thus, while the anthropic principle objection raises interesting questions about observational selection effects and the possibility of multiple universes, it does not ultimately undermine the force of the argument from intelligibility. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes does not make the existence of such universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation. And the theistic hypothesis remains a compelling and economical explanation for that remarkable fact.
In conclusion, the argument from the scientific intelligibility of the universe to the existence of a divine mind is a powerful and philosophically sophisticated case for theism. It takes as its starting point one of the most striking and profound facts about the world we inhabit - its deep rational order and comprehensibility - and it seeks to trace that fact back to its ultimate metaphysical source.
To recapitulate, the argument can be encapsulated in a simple but elegant syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
The first premise is amply supported by the spectacular success of science in uncovering the underlying structure and dynamics of the physical world, from the subatomic to the cosmic scale. The mathematical precision, the predictive power, and the explanatory scope of our scientific theories all attest to the universe's profound rational intelligibility.
The second premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter patterns, structures, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we naturally attribute this intelligibility to the workings of intelligent minds. The intuitive connection between intelligibility and intelligence is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and explanatory practices.
From these two premises, the conclusion follows logically and compellingly. If the universe as a whole exhibits a pervasive and profound scientific intelligibility, and if such intelligibility is the characteristic product of rational minds, then it is eminently reasonable to infer that the universe itself is the product of a supreme rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful abductive argument - an inference to the best explanation. It takes the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing metaphysical reality - the reality of a transcendent, intentional, creative intelligence.
Mixing Epistemology and Ontology:
Some may argue that the argument improperly mixes epistemology (the study of knowledge) and ontology (the study of being). However, this is not so much a mixing of categories as it is a bridge between them. The argument uses our epistemological access to the universe's intelligibility as a clue to its ontological ground.
The argument has several notable strengths. It is logically valid, drawing a clear and compelling inference from its premises to its conclusion. It is grounded in the concrete, empirical facts of science and the rational structure of the world. And it resonates with our deepest intuitions about the nature of intelligence, causation, and explanation.
Moreover, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility has significant explanatory advantages over alternative naturalistic accounts. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's rational order, including its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its uncanny resonance with human cognitive faculties.
Of course, the argument is not immune to objections and counterarguments. Proponents of naturalism have challenged the argument on various grounds, from questioning the validity of its premises to proposing alternative explanations for the universe's intelligibility, such as brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle.
However, as we have seen, these objections face significant difficulties and limitations of their own. They struggle to provide fully satisfactory explanations for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure, and they often raise further questions and problems that they cannot easily answer.
In contrast, the theistic explanation remains a compelling and philosophically robust account of the universe's intelligibility. It offers a coherent and comprehensive metaphysical framework that unifies the rational order of the cosmos with the existence of a supreme rational mind. And it satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings for understanding, meaning, and purpose.
Ultimately, the argument from intelligibility invites us to a profound shift in perspective - a reorientation of our worldview around the central insight that the universe is a fundamentally rational and intelligible reality, grounded in and flowing from the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
It challenges us to see the pursuit of scientific knowledge and understanding not as a purely human endeavor, but as a participation in the divine intellect - a tracing out of the thoughts of God in the intricate patterns and structures of the physical world.
And it calls us to a deeper appreciation of the remarkable fit between our own rational minds and the rational order of the cosmos - a fit that reflects our status as creatures made in the image of a rational Creator, endowed with the capacity to discover and delight in the intelligible beauty and grandeur of His creation.
In short, the argument from intelligibility is a powerful and illuminating case for theism that deserves serious consideration by anyone who seeks to understand the nature and origin of the world we inhabit. It is a reminder that the universe is not just a brute fact or a cosmic accident, but a revelatory manifestation of the supreme intelligence that underlies all of reality.
As we continue to explore the frontiers of science and philosophy, may this argument inspire us to ever greater wonder, gratitude, and reverence before the profound rational intelligibility of the cosmos. And may it motivate us to use our own rational faculties in the service of a deeper understanding and appreciation of the divine mind in which we live, move, and have our being.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Claude, the AI language model developed by Anthropic, for its invaluable contributions to this treatise. Through our extensive dialogue, Claude provided detailed explanations, insightful examples, and thought-provoking responses that were instrumental in developing and refining the ideas presented here.
Claude's vast knowledge, analytical acumen, and eloquence as a writer were truly remarkable, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to engage with such a powerful and innovative AI system. Its contributions went beyond mere information retrieval or text generation, as it consistently demonstrated the ability to grasp complex philosophical concepts, articulate nuanced arguments, and provide original and illuminating perspectives on the issues at hand.
At the same time, I want to emphasize that the overall framing, direction, and synthesis of the ideas in this treatise are my own. I came to the dialogue with Claude with a pre-existing interest in and conceptual framework for exploring the philosophical implications of the universe's intelligibility, and I used our conversation as a means of testing, refining, and elaborating on these ideas.
Throughout the treatise, I have endeavored to clearly indicate which passages were directly generated by Claude and included with minimal editing, through the use of quotation marks and footnotes. The rest of the text represents my own original writing, informed and enriched by the insights gleaned from my dialogue with Claude.
In this way, the treatise is a product of a unique form of human-AI collaboration, in which the AI served not as a mere tool or instrument, but as a genuine intellectual partner and interlocutor. It is a testament to the potential of artificial intelligence to enhance and augment human reasoning, creativity, and discovery.
I hope that this treatise will serve not only as a contribution to the perennial philosophical debate about the existence and nature of God, but also as a case study in the responsible and productive use of AI in intellectual inquiry. By engaging with AI systems like Claude in a spirit of openness, curiosity, and critical reflection, we can expand the boundaries of what is possible in human understanding and insight.
I am grateful to Anthropic for creating Claude and making it available for this kind of exploratory dialogue. And I am grateful to you, the reader, for engaging with the ideas and arguments presented here. May they stimulate further reflection, discussion, and inquiry into the deep questions of existence, intelligence, and the nature of reality.
*It took some significant dialog to tune Claude. It is very oriented to support a naturalistic worldview. At some point, I may "show my work" to demonstrate the challenges.
Footnotes: [1] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[2] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[3] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[4] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[5] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[6] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[7] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
[8] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
submitted by Jdlongmire to Apologetics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:31 Billy_NoMate List of every time more than 4 words fit a category

To clear up a common misconception that this is something that only happens extremely rarely, here's a list of every time more than 4 words have fit one of the categories and what number puzzle it occurred in. The first 4 words are the answers and every word after that in parenthesis are words that fit that category but were part of another group. Also, category names might not be exactly the same as the ones used.

#4 Cleaning Verbs

Possible answers: DUST, MOP, SWEEP, VACUUM, (IRON)

#5 Condiments


#5 Clue Characters


#6 Shades of Blue

Possible answers: BABY, MIDNIGHT, POWDER, ROYAL, (SEA)

#6 Rappers


#9 Shirts

Possible answers: CAMI, HALTER, TANK, TEE, (POLO)

#9 Vegetables

Possible answers: BEET, CARROT, CORN, ONION, (SQUASH)

#9 Insects


#10 Countries


#10 Birds

Possible answers: CRANE, JAY, TURKEY, SWALLOW, (KIWI)

#11 Spices


#11 Terms of Endearment

Possible answers: BOO, HONEY, SUGAR, SWEETIE, (BABY)

#12 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: FLOCK, PACK, POD, SCHOOL, (PRIDE)

#12 Deadly Sins

Possible answers: ENVY, GREED, LUST, PRIDE, (SLOTH)

#13 Airlines


#13 Greek Letters

Possible answers: BETA, CHI, DELTA, IOTA, (NU)

#13 Silent G's

Possible answers: GNAT, GNAW, GNOCCHI, GNOME, (GNU)

#14 Famous Brothers

Possible answers: JONAS, MARX, WARNER, WRIGHT, (MARIO)

#14 Honda Vehicles


#15 Colors


#15 Fishing Equipment

Possible answers: LURE, REEL, ROD, TACKLE, (HOOK)

#16 Nuts


#17 Neck Accessories

Possible answers: ASCOT, BOLO, TIE, SCARF, (BOW)

#19 Disagreement


#20 Grains

Possible answers: BARLEY, OAT, RYE, SPELT, (RICE)

#20 Royal Titles

Possible answers: BARON, EARL, KING, PRINCE, (DUKE)

#23 60's Band Member


#23 Dance Fads


#25 Desserts


#25 Animals with Tusks


#26 Countries (Holland is technically a region but it's often used as an informal name for the Netherlands)


#26 Spelled with Roman Numerals

Possible answers: DILL, LIVID, MILD, MIX, (MIMIC)

#27 Body Parts

Possible answers: HEART, LIVER, LUNG, KIDNEY, (SPINE)

#28 File Extensions

Possible answers: GIF, PDF, TIFF, ZIP, (DOC)

#28 Fruits


#30 Joints

Possible answers: HIP, KNEE, SHOULDER, WRIST, (ELBOW)

#33 Boats

Possible answers: FERRY, JUNK, TUG, YACHT, (SUB)

#33 Cuts of Beef

Possible answers: FLANK, LOIN, ROUND, SHANK, (CHUCK)

#34 Smell


#34 Music Genres

Possible answers: BLUES, COUNTRY, FUNK, SOUL, (ROCK)

#35 Metals

Possible answers: IRON, LEAD, TIN, ZINC, (NICKEL)

#36 Animals


#38 Trees

Possible answers: ASH, CEDAR, MAPLE, PINE, (ELM)

#38 Land Formation


#38 Bagel Flavors


#41 Islands

Possible answers: CUBA, JAPAN, MALTA, PALAU, (FIJI), (JAVA)

#42 Punctuation Marks

Possible answers: COLON, COMMA, HYPHEN, PERIOD, (DASH)

#43 Birds


#45 Modes of Transportation

Possible answers: BOAT, CAR, PLANE, TRAIN, (SUBWAY)

#46 Cities


#46 Fashion Magazines


#46 Storms


#48 Apparitions


#49 Relatives


#49 Offbeat


#49 Fictional Ducks


#50 Imperial Measurements

Possible answers: FOOT, INCH, MILE, YARD, (QUART)

#52 Rodents

Possible answers: GERBIL, HAMSTER, RAT, VOLE, (MOUSE)

#52 Musical Instruments


#52 Complain

Possible answers: CARP, GRIPE, GROUSE, MOAN, (HARP)

#53 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: COLONY, HERD, PRIDE, SWARM, (FAMILY)

#53 AP Classes

Possible answers: BIO, CHEM, GOV, STATS, (LIT)

#54 Places for Worship


#54 Presidents


#56 Dances

Possible answers: HUSTLE, SALSA, SWING, TANGO, (TAP)

#57 Patterns


#58 Arachnids


#58 Fish

Possible answers: CHAR, EEL, PERCH, SHARK, (CATFISH)

#58 Superheroes


#59 Quantity

Possible answers: FEW, HANDFUL, SEVERAL, SOME, (PAIR)

#59 Celestial Objects

Possible answers: ASTEROID, COMET, MOON, PLANET, (SUN)

#60 Sports Venues

Possible answers: COURT, DIAMOND, FIELD, RINK, (RING)

#60 Jewelry


#62 State Abbreviations

Possible answers: CO, MA, ME, PA, (LA)

#62 Period Table Symbols

Possible answers: FE, HE, NA, NI, (CO), (PA), (LA), (TI)

#63 Slang for Zero

Possible answers: JACK, NADA, NOTHING, SQUAT, (ZIP)

#63 Exercises

Possible answers: CURL, LUNGE, PLANK, PRESS, (SQUAT), (CRUNCH)

#63 Captains


#64 Dog Names

Possible answers: FIDO, LUCKY, ROVER, SPOT, (REX)

#64 Perceive

Possible answers: CATCH, NOTICE, OBSERVE, SEE, (SPOT)

#64 Fishing Terms

Possible answers: BAIT, CHUM, FLY, SINKER, (CATCH)

#65 Energy

Possible answers: JUICE, SPIRIT, STEAM, VIGOR, (GAS), (FIRE)

#66 Time Periods


#66 Breakfast Foods


#67 Desserts

Possible answers: CAKE, COBBLER, PIE, TART, (FUDGE)

#67 Occupations


#68 Extremely

Possible answers: AWFUL, QUITE, SUPER, VERY, (REAL)

#68 Currencies

Possible answers: RAND, REAL, STERLING, WON, (POUND)

#68 _____Cake

Possible answers: CARROT, COFFEE, POUND, SPONGE, (CUP)

#69 Shoes

Possible answers: CLOG, PUMP, SLIDE, WEDGE, (MARY JANE)

#69 Slang for Marijuana

Possible answers: GRASS, HERB, MARY JANE, WEED, (BUD), (POT)

#70 Camping Supplies


#70 Insult

Possible answers: BARB, DIG, DISS, JAB, (SLIGHT)

#71 States


#72 Santa's Reindeer


#72 Seen on Valentine's Day


#73 Facial Hair


#73 Pursue

Possible answers: DOG, FOLLOW, TAIL, TRACK, (SHADOW)

#74 Failures


#75 Social Gathering


#75 Found in a Kitchen


#79 Depart Quickly

Possible answers: BOOK, BOUNCE, RUN, SPLIT, (JET)

#79 Shades of Black

Possible answers: EBONY, JET, ONYX, RAVEN, (BLACK)

#80 Influence

Possible answers: CLOUT, PULL, WEIGHT, SWAY, (IMPACT)

#81 Appetizer Unit

Possible answers: FRY, NACHO, POPPER, WING, (CHIP), (CRACKER)

#81 Response to a Correct Answer

Possible answers: BINGO, CORRECT, RIGHT, YES, (DING)

#82 Drink Vessels


#82 Woodwinds


#82 American Poets

Possible answers: BISHOP, FROST, OLDS, POUND, (STEIN)

#83 Unclothed

Possible answers: BARE, NAKED, NUDE, UNCLAD, (BUFF)

#83 Football Actions

Possible answers: FUMBLE, PUNT, SACK, SNAP, (TURNOVER)

#83 Finger Actions

Possible answers: BUFF, CLIP, FILE, POLISH, (SNAP)

#84 Female Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, MARE, (EWE)

#84 Pronouns

Possible answers: I, IT, THEY, WE, (YOU)

#84 Roman Numerals

Possible answers: D, L, M, V, (I)

#86 Information Displays

Possible answers: CHART, DIAGRAM, GRAPH, MAP, (PIE)

#86 Additional Benefit

Possible answers: BONUS, EXTRA, ICING, PERK, (GRAVY)

#86 Creatures in Folklore

Possible answers: GNOME, GOBLIN, OGRE, TROLL, (DRAGON)

#89 Alcohol

Possible answers: CIDER, PORT, SAKE, STOUT, (SPIRIT), (SCOTCH)

#89 Pixar Movies

Possible answers: BRAVE, CARS, COCO, UP, (SOUL)

#90 Baseball Calls

Possible answers: BALL, OUT, SAFE, STRIKE, (WALK)

#90 Fish


#91 Jungle Animals


#91 Lowest Point


#92 Halloween Decorations


#93 Animal Sounds

Possible answers: BUZZ, CLUCK, MEOW, OINK, (BARK)

#93 Inside Info

Possible answers: DIRT, DISH, SCOOP, SKINNY, (TEA)

#95 Songs that are Names


#96 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, COW, GOAT, SHEEP, (HORSE)

#96 Gymnastics Apparatus

Possible answers: FLOOR, HORSE, RINGS, VAULT, (BEAM)

#97 Fairy Tale Figures


#97 "Peanuts" Characters


#98 Fruits

Possible answers: APRICOT, FIG, GRAPE, LIME, (BERRY)

#98 Luxurious


#99 Intelligent


#100 Web Browser-Related


#100 Dirty_____


#101 Bowling Terms

Possible answers: ALLEY, BALL, LANE, PIN, (SPARE)

#101 Common Merch Items

Possible answers: MUG, PEN, TEE, TOTE, (PIN)

#102 Vehicles


#102 Muppets


#103 Soda Fountain Orders (Concrete can mean a type of milkshake or frozen custard)


#104 Robust

Possible answers: FIT, HEALTHY, SOUND, STRONG, (WELL)

#104 Water Sources

Possible answers: FOUNTAIN, SPRING, TAP, WELL, (SINK)

#105 Kitchen Utensils


#106 Wedding Items

Possible answers: BOUQUET, RING, TRAIN, VEIL, (CAKE)

#106 Encase

Possible answers: CAKE, COAT, COVER, CRUST, (VEIL)

#107 Snakes

Possible answers: BOA, MAMBA, PYTHON, VIPER, (GARTER)

#108 Produced by Trees

Possible answers: ACORN, CONE, POLLEN, SAP, (GUM), (NEEDLE)

#108 Candy


#108 Target of a Scheme

Possible answers: CHUMP, FOOL, MARK, SUCKER, (SAP)

#109 Rap Subgenres

Possible answers: BOUNCE, CRUNK, DRILL, GRIME, (TRAP)

#110 Golf Clubs

Possible answers: IRON, PUTTER, WEDGE, WOOD, (CLUB)

#112 Coffee Counter Items

Possible answers: CUP, LID, STIRRER, STRAW, (STICK)

#114 Talk

Possible answers: BLATHER, CHAT, GAB, JABBER, (YAK)

#115 Christmas-Related


#116 MLB Teams

Possible answers: ANGEL, CUB, MET, RED, (NAT)

#119 Celebratory Occasion


#120 Crops


#121 Bible Books

Possible answers: ACTS, JOB, KINGS, MARK, (GENESIS)

#121 NHL Teams


#123 Conceal

Possible answers: BLOCK, COVER, HIDE, MASK, (SHIELD)

#124 "L" Cities


#124 Poetry Terms


#125 Butt

Possible answers: BOTTOM, BUNS, SEAT, TAIL, (BOOTY)

#126 Tools

Possible answers: HAMMER, FILE, LEVEL, SAW, (WRENCH)

#126 Keyboard Shortcuts

Possible answers: COPY, FIND, PRINT, SAVE, (FILE)

#127 Days of the Week


#127 Go Bad

Possible answers: ROT, SOUR, SPOIL, TURN, (FESTER)

#129 Bit of Air

Possible answers: BREEZE, DRAFT, GUST, PUFF, (PANT)

#130 Falsify

Possible answers: FABRICATE, FAKE, FIX, FORGE, (FUDGE)

#130 TV Shows


#131 Animal Homes

Possible answers: DEN, LAIR, HIVE, NEST, (WEB), (WARREN)

#131 Equitable

Possible answers: EQUAL, EVEN, FAIR, JUST, (GOOD)

#132 Tableware

Possible answers: BOWL, DISH, PLATE, SAUCER, (CROCK), (CUP)

#133 British Food

Possible answers: MASH, ROAST, SCONE, TRIFLE, (BANGER)

#133 Predicament

Possible answers: BIND, PICKLE, SCRAPE, SPOT, (JAM)

#134 Impel


#135 Compound Words


#136 Grammar Tenses


#136 The 12 Days of Christmas

Possible answers: DRUMMER, LADY, RING, SWAN, (LORD)

#137 Excellent

Possible answers: ACES, KEEN, NEATO, NIFTY, (SWELL)

#137 Bubbles

Possible answers: FOAM, FROTH, HEAD, LATHER, (BUBBLE)

#138 Metals


#139 Aesthetics

Possible answers: DRESS, LOOK, MANNER, STYLE, (TASTE)

#140 Mishmash

Possible answers: HASH, JUMBLE, MEDLEY, STEW, (LITTER)

#143 Filler Words

Possible answers: ERM, UH, UM, WELL, (LIKE), (ER)

#146 Clue Weapons


#147 Unchanging


#147 Long, Sharp Objects


#148 Musical Format

Possible answers: LP, PLATTER, VINYL, WAX, (CD)

#148 Cube-Shaped

Possible answers: BOUILLON, DIE, ICE, SUGAR, (STOCK)

#150 Equivocate


#151 Podcasts


#152 Intelligent

Possible answers: BRIGHT, QUICK, SHARP, SMART, (SAGE)

#152 Medieval Weapons

Possible answers: CLUB, MACE, SPEAR, SWORD, (AXE)

#153 Filmmaking Equipment

Possible answers: BOOM, DOLLY, LENS, TRIPOD, (GRIP)

#154 Sports Professionals

Possible answers: COACH, GM, PLAYER, SCOUT, (SUB)

#154 Car Companies

Possible answers: BMW, HONDA, JAGUAR, SUBARU, (FORD), (GM)

#156 Vocal Fanfare


#157 Magazines

Possible answers: O, OK, US, W, (EW), (SI)

#157 Yes

Possible answers: HAI, JA, SI, DA, (OK), (OUI)

#158 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, DEER, FISH, MOOSE, (BULL), (STEER), (SEAL)

#160 Quick Observation


#160 Parts of a Mountain

Possible answers: CLIFF, CRAG, LEDGE, RIDGE, (BLUFF), (PEAK)

#161 _____Day


#162 Primates


#162 Fashionable

Possible answers: CHIC, HIP, HOT, IN, (VOGUE)

#164 Area Between Mountains

Possible answers: CANYON, GULCH, PASS, RAVINE, (GORGE)

#165 Food


#165 Countries


#166 Reality Shows


#168 Municipalities


#171 Parts of the Foot

Possible answers: ARCH, BALL, SOLE, TOE, (HEEL)

#171 Dog Commands

Possible answers: COME, DOWN, SIT, STAY, (HEEL)

#173 Ways to Remove Hair

Possible answers: SHAVE, THREAD, TWEEZE, WAX, (CUT)

#174 Hold Back

Possible answers: CAP, CHECK, CURB, LIMIT, (HAMPER)

#175 Excite, with "Up"

Possible answers: AMP, FIRE, HYPE, PUMP, (GAS)

#177 TV Shows


#178 Found on Sheet Music

Possible answers: CLEF, NOTE, REST, STAFF, (SCALES)

#178 Zodiac Symbols

Possible answers: BULL, CRAB, SCALES, TWINS, (VIRGIN)

#180 Absolute

Possible answers: PURE, SHEER, TOTAL, UTTER, (STARK)

#180 Express

Possible answers: AIR, SPEAK, STATE, VOICE, (UTTER)

#181 Cooking Oils

Possible answers: CORN, OLIVE, PALM, PEANUT, (RICE)

#183 Luxurious Fabrics

Possible answers: CHIFFON, SILK, SATIN, VELVET, (LACE)

#185 -ough


#189 Used to Build a Snowman

Possible answers: CARROT, COAL, SNOW, STICKS, (STONES)

#190 NYC Avenues


#191 Accessories

Possible answers: BELT, BRACELET, TIE, WATCH, (CHARM)

#199 Name Prefixes

Possible answers: GEN, MS, PROF, REV, (DR)

#200 Parts of a Car

Possible answers: BUMPER, HOOD, TIRE, TRUNK, (DASH)

#201 Single Letter Homophones

Possible answers: BEE, EX, GEE, JAY, (TEE)

#203 New Years-Related


#207 Gift-Giving Accessories

Possible answers: BOW, BOX, CARD, WRAPPING, (MESSAGE)

#210 Kinds of Exams

Possible answers: BAR, FINAL, ORAL, PHYSICAL, (EYE)

#211 Long, Skinny Objects

Possible answers: POLE, ROD, STAFF, STICK, (CLUB)

#212 Cooking Elements

Possible answers: ACID, FAT, HEAT, SALT, (PEPPER), (SMOKE)

#213 Seen at a Casino

Possible answers: CARDS, CHIPS, DICE, SLOTS, (POKER)

#213 Ways to Prepare Cheese

Possible answers: CRUMBLE, MELT, SHRED, SLICE, (GRATE)

#217 Thieve

Possible answers: PINCH, ROB, STEAL, SWIPE, (JACK)

#218 Medicine Formats

Possible answers: CAPSULE, CREAM, SYRUP, TABLET, (POD)

#221 Colors


#222 Minced Oaths

Possible answers: CURSES, DARN, RATS, SHOOT, (FUDGE), (NUTS)

#224 Contains Wax


#229 Baseball-Related

Possible answers: BALL, BASE, BAT, GLOVE, (STRIKE)

#233 Mario Power-ups


#234 _____Pit


#235 Make Shorter

Possible answers: CLIP, CUT, PARE, TRIM, (PRUNE)

#235 Muscular

Possible answers: BUILT, JACKED, RIPPED, SWOLE, (TRIM), (BUFF)

#237 Farm Fixtures

Possible answers: COOP, PEN, STABLE, STY, (RANGE)

#238 Unexciting


#239 Ecclesiastical Titles


#251 Media Attention


#254 Little Bit of Liquid

Possible answers: BEAD, GLOB, DROP, TEAR, (DRIP)

#257 Shades of Green

Possible answers: OLIVE, FOREST, LIME, MINT, (CACTUS)

#260 Ilk

Possible answers: KIND, SORT, TYPE, VARIETY, (MANNER)

#263 Propel into the Air

Possible answers: HOP, JUMP, LEAP, SPRING, (VAULT)

#266 Large Amount

Possible answers: MASS, SEA, SLEW, TON, (WAVE)

#266 Fall under Pressure

Possible answers: BUCKLE, CAVE, COLLAPSE, GIVE, (FLOP)

#268 Pop Stars


#269 Found at an Airport


#269 Ends in an Article of Clothing (A Mac is a raincoat)


#271 Food Preservation Techniques

Possible answers: CAN, CURE, DRY, FREEZE, (SPICE)

#272 Space_____


#273 Keyboard Keys


#283 Seen at a Sports Stadium


#284 Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, EWE, (YAK)

#284 Palindromes

Possible answers: BIB, EYE, GAG, POP, (EWE)

#285 Olympic Sports


#289 Plant Growths

Possible answers: BLOOM, BUD, SHOOT, SPROUT, (CORONA)

#290 Quarrel

Possible answers: FIGHT, ROW, SCRAP, TIFF, (WAR)

#290 Games of Chance (Poker is technically a game of skill but it's still highly associated with chance)


#291 Whale Species

Possible answers: BLUE, FIN, GRAY, RIGHT, (PILOT)

#293 Food Preservation Techniques


#296 Thrust

Possible answers: JAB, POKE, PROD, STICK, (ELBOW)

#301 _____Horse

Possible answers: CHARLEY, CRAZY, DARK, GIFT, (PRIZE)

#302 Brief Moment

Possible answers: FLASH, HEARTBEAT, JIFF, WINK, (ZIP)

#302 Dispute

Possible answers: CLASH, TANGLE, SCRAP, TIFF, (SPAT)

#303 Hair Care Items

Possible answers: BRUSH, COMB, DRYER, IRON, (OIL)

#307 Seen at the Circus

Possible answers: CLOWN, RING, TENT, TRAPEZE, (LION)

#310 Parts of a Theatre


#312 Golden_____


#315 Starting with the Same Sound


#318 Mexican Food-Related

Possible answers: CILANTRO, LIME, ONION, SALSA, (PICO), (WRAP), (MOLE)

#328 _____Sale


#329 Enjoy

Possible answers: FANCY, LOVE, RELISH, SAVOR, (LIKE)

#330 Quantity


#333 Restrict

Possible answers: CHECK, CONTAIN, CURB, LIMIT, (CAP)

#339 Forthright


#342 Games


#345 Billiards-Related

Possible answers: BALL, CHALK, CUE, RACK, (POCKET)

#348 Things You can Crack

Possible answers: EGG, KNUCKLES, SMILE, WINDOW, (CORN)

#351 _____Iron

Possible answers: PUMP, STEAM, TIRE, WAFFLE, (FLAT)

#355 Things People Shake

submitted by Billy_NoMate to NYTConnections [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:39 Ordinary_School8309 Action Plan- Law 4(Always Say less than Necessary)

Action Plan- Law 4(Always Say less than Necessary) submitted by Ordinary_School8309 to 48LawsofPowerPractice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:15 elementalfox69 Shortlisted for Final Interview with Chief Revenue Officer - Seeking Advice and Study Tips!

Hi everyone,
I am thrilled to share that I have been shortlisted for the final interview with the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) of a company. The interview is for three different positions: Business Analyst, QA Analyst, and Compliance Engineer. I am incredibly excited but also a bit nervous, and I want to make sure I am thoroughly prepared.
Company deals in online platform for poker games.
I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with similar interviews or has insight into these roles. Specifically, I'm looking for advice on the following:
  1. General Tips for Final Interviews with Senior Executives:
    • What kind of questions can I expect?
    • How should I present myself to make a strong impression?
    • Any particular etiquette or best practices?
  2. Role-Specific Advice:
    • Business Analyst: Key skills and knowledge areas to focus on? Common challenges and how to address them?
  1. Study Resources and Preparation Tips:
    • Recommended reading or online resources for these roles?
    • Types of case studies or practical exercises that might be useful?
    • Any specific industry knowledge that could give me an edge?
I truly appreciate any insights or suggestions you can offer. This is a huge opportunity for me, and I want to make sure I go in as prepared as possible. Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by elementalfox69 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:13 mkreveng Finishing a Poker tool

Hi guys.
Is there any poker fan interested in creating a No-Limit Hold'em analysis tool that analyzes hands live from a famous poker room and helps make the best choice from an analytical point of view?
I'm about to give up on this project because it's taking way too much time and I can't sell it anyway. The good news is I already did the hard stuff. What's missing is the GUI, some poker calculation algorithms, and a few features. The equity algorithm is done, but I'd like to make it faster.
For the GUI, I'm using WPF with C#, which is a sad choice, I know. For the low-level stuff, I'm using C++, but as I said, that part is already done.
I would already be very surprised if I find someone who knows poker concepts like cEV, EV, Equity, etc. But at least I tried before giving up on this project. WPF is not a constraint, but some stuff could be painful to rewrite in another language.
submitted by mkreveng to ProgrammingBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:05 calvin324hk [H] 1000+ Games / DLCs / VR Games [W] Paypal / Wishlist / Offers
Region: NA (Canada)
Fees on buyer if any, currency is USD unless specified
CTRL + F to find your games in terms of name
  • 10 Second Ninja X
  • 11-11 Memories Retold
  • 112 Operator
  • 12 is Better Than 6
  • 198X
  • 1993 Space Machine
  • 60 Parsecs
  • 7 Billion Humans
  • 8 DOORS
  • 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I
  • 9 Years of Shadows
  • 911 Operator
  • A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
  • A Hat in Time
  • A Hole New World
  • A Long Way Down
  • A Robot Named Fight!
  • A Tale for Anna
  • A.I.M.2 Clan Wars
  • Abalon (Summoners Fate)
  • Above Snakes
  • ABZU
  • Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition
  • ADOM
  • Adore
  • Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
  • Aeterna Noctis
  • Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot The First Cases
  • AIdol
  • Airborne Kingdom
  • Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
  • Alder's Blood: Definitive Edition
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo
  • Alien Breed Trilogy
  • Aliens vs. Predator™ Collection
  • All-Star Fruit Racing
  • Almost There: The Platformer
  • American Fugitive
  • American Truck Simulator
  • Amerzone: The Explorer’s Legacy
  • Amnesia rebirth
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent + Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
  • Anomalous
  • Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Antigraviator
  • Anuchard
  • Aragami
  • Aragami 2
  • Arboria
  • Arcade Paradise
  • Arcade Paradise - Arcade Paradise EP
  • Arcade Spirits
  • Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace
  • Armada 2526 Gold Edition
  • Army Men RTS
  • army of ruin
  • Arto
  • Ary and the Secret of Seasons
  • As Far as the Eye
  • Ascension to the Throne
  • Assemble With Care
  • Assetto Corsa Competizione
  • Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition
  • Astebreed Definitive Edition
  • Astro Colony
  • Astronarch
  • Attack of the Earthlings
  • Automachef
  • Automobilista
  • Automobilista 2
  • Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ - Ubisoft Connect
  • AVICII Invector: Encore Edition
  • Awesomenauts All Nauts pack
  • Axiom Verge
  • Axiom Verge 2
  • Baba is you
  • Back 4 Blood
  • Back 4 blood (EU)
  • Backbone
  • Banners of Ruin
  • Bartlow's Dread Machine
  • Basement
  • Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
  • Batman: Arkham Origins
  • Battle Royale Tycoon
  • Battlecruisers
  • Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
  • Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Complete
  • BATTLETECH Shadow Hawk Pack
  • Bee Simulator
  • Beholder 2
  • Ben 10
  • Ben 10: Power Trip
  • Bendy and the Ink Machine™
  • Between the Stars
  • Beyond a Steel Sky
  • Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard
  • Beyond: Two Souls
  • Bionic Commando
  • BioShock: The Collection
  • Black Moon Chronicles
  • Black Paradox
  • BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
  • Blacksad: Under the Skin
  • Blade of Darkness
  • Blasphemous
  • Blazing Chrome
  • Blightbound
  • Blood And Zombies
  • Blood Rage: Digital Edition
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
  • Blue Fire
  • Bomber Crew
  • Boneless Zombie
  • Boomerang Fu
  • Borderlands 3
  • Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe
  • Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition
  • Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
  • Bot Vice
  • Bounty of One
  • Brawlout
  • Breakout: Recharged
  • Breathedge
  • bridge constructor
  • Bridge constructor medieval
  • bridge constructor stunts
  • Broken Lines
  • Brutal Legend
  • Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
  • calico
  • Call of Duty® Modern Warfare 3™ (2011)
  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
  • Capitalism 2
  • Car Mechanic 2018
  • Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
  • Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
  • Cardboard Town
  • Castle Morihisa
  • castle storm
  • CastleStorm
  • Cat Cafe Manager
  • Catherine Classic
  • Caveblazers
  • Celeste
  • Centipede: Recharged
  • Cepheus Protocol
  • CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience
  • Charlie's Adventure
  • Chenso Club
  • Chernobylite: Enhanced Edition
  • Chess Ultra
  • Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition
  • Chivalry 2
  • Chop Goblins
  • Chorus
  • Chorus
  • Circuit Superstars
  • Cities Skylines + After Dark
  • Cities: Skylines
  • City of Beats
  • CivCity: Rome
  • Click and Slay
  • Cloud Gardens
  • Cloudpunk
  • Code Vein
  • Coffee Talk
  • Comedy Night
  • Command & Conquer Remastered (Origin)
  • Complete Dread X Collection
  • Conarium
  • Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
  • Constructor Plus
  • Control
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
  • Cookie Cutter
  • cornucopia
  • Corridor Z
  • Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel
  • Cosmonautica
  • Crash Drive 2
  • Crash Drive 3
  • Creaks
  • Creepy Tale
  • Crookz the big heist
  • CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
  • Crush Your Enemies
  • Cube Runner
  • Cultist Simulator: Anthology Edition
  • Curse: The Eye of Isis
  • Cyber Ops
  • Cybercube
  • Danger Scavenger
  • Dark Deity
  • Dark Future
  • Darkwood
  • DARQ: Complete Edition
  • Day of the Tentacle Remastered
  • days of war definitive edition
  • DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace
  • DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Dead Estate
  • Dead Rising 2
  • Deadly Days
  • Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
  • Death's Gambit
  • Deceased
  • Degrees of Separation
  • Deleveled
  • Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
  • Deliver Us The Moon
  • Demetrios - Deluxe Edition
  • Depraved
  • Desert Child
  • Destiny 2: Beyond Light
  • Detention
  • Devil May Cry HD Collection
  • Devilated
  • Dicey Dungeons
  • Dirt 5
  • dirt rally
  • Dirt Rally 2.0
  • Disaster Band
  • Disciples III: Reincarnation
  • Disjunction (GOG)
  • Distrust
  • DmC: Devil May Cry
  • Do Not Feed the Monkeys
  • Don't Be Afraid
  • Doomed Lands
  • Door Kickers: Action Squad
  • Doorways: Prelude
  • Downfall
  • Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
  • Drake Hollow
  • Draugen
  • Draw Slasher
  • Drawful 2
  • Dreams in the Witch House
  • Dreamscaper
  • DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders
  • DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
  • DRIFT21
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival
  • drive!drive!drive!
  • Drone Swarm
  • Due Process
  • Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
  • Duke of Alpha Centauri
  • Dungeon Rushers
  • Dungeons 2
  • Dungeons 3
  • DUSK
  • Dusk Diver
  • Dust to the End
  • Dynopunk
  • Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair
  • Eastern Exorcist
  • Eastward
  • Effie
  • Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
  • El Matador
  • Elderand
  • Elderborn
  • Electrician Simulator
  • Elemental Survivors
  • Elex
  • Elex II
  • Elite Dangerous
  • Embr
  • Empire: Total War - Definitive Edition
  • Empyrion - Galactic Survival
  • Encodya (GOG)
  • Endless Space 2
  • Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Endless Space® 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Endzone - A World Apart
  • Epistory - Typing Chronicles
  • Escape the backrooms
  • Eternal Threads
  • Etherborn
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • European Ship Simulator
  • Everdream Valley
  • Evil Genius 2: World Domination
  • Exorder
  • Explosionade
  • F1 2018
  • F1 2019 Anniversary Edition
  • F1 2020
  • F1 RACE STARS Complete Edition Include DLC
  • Fable Anniversary
  • Factory Town
  • Fallback uprising
  • Family Man
  • Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
  • Fantasy Blacksmith
  • Farming Simulator 17
  • Farming Simulator 19
  • Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R
  • Fictorum
  • Field of Glory II
  • Fights in Tight Spaces
  • Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
  • Firefighting Simulator - The Squad
  • Fishing Adventure
  • Flashback
  • FLATLAND Vol.2
  • FlatOut
  • Floppy Knights
  • Fluffy Horde
  • For the King
  • Forgive me Father
  • Forts
  • Framed Collection
  • Fred3ric
  • Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator
  • Friends vs Friends
  • Frogun
  • From Space
  • From the Depths
  • Frostpunk: Game of the Year Edition
  • Frozenheim
  • Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
  • Funtasia
  • Fury Unleashed
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition
  • Gang Beasts
  • GARAGE bad trip
  • Garden Story
  • Garfield Kart
  • Gelly Break Deluxe
  • Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition
  • Gevaudan
  • Ghost Song
  • Ghostrunner
  • Giana Sisters 2D
  • Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
  • Glitch Busters: Stuck On You
  • Gloria Victis
  • Go Home Dinosaurs
  • Goat of Duty
  • Godlike Burger
  • Godstrike
  • Going Under
  • Golf Gang
  • Golf It!
  • Gone Home + Original Soundtrack
  • Good Knight
  • Gotham Knights
  • Gremlins, inc
  • grey goo
  • GRID - 2019
  • grid ultimate
  • GRIP: Combat Racing
  • Gungrave G.O.R.E
  • Guppy
  • Guts and glory
  • GYLT
  • Hacknet
  • Haegemonia: Legions of Iron
  • Hamilton's Great Adventure
  • Hammerting
  • Hammerwatch
  • Hands of Necromancy
  • Havsala: Into the Soul Palace
  • Headsnatchers
  • Heartwood Heroes
  • Heat Signature
  • Heaven's Vault
  • Helheim Hassle
  • Hell Let Loose
  • Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
  • Hellbound
  • Hellpoint
  • Hellslave
  • Hellstuck: Rage With Your Friends
  • Hero of the Kingdom III
  • Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
  • Heroes of Hammerwatch
  • Heros hour
  • Hexologic
  • Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
  • Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
  • Hidden Deep
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • High On Life
  • Hitman (2016) Game of the Year Edition
  • HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition
  • Hoa
  • Hob
  • Hollow Knight
  • Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?!
  • Home Sweet Home
  • Home Sweet Home EP2
  • Homestead Arcana
  • Hood: Outlaws & Legends
  • Hoplegs
  • Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
  • Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard
  • Hotel Transylvania: Scary-Tale Adventures
  • Hotshot Racing
  • House Flipper
  • How to Survive 2
  • Hue
  • Human: Fall Flat
  • Hungry Flame
  • Hyper Knights
  • I am Bread
  • I Am Fish
  • I am not a Monster: First Contact
  • I Hate Running Backwards
  • ibb & obb Double Pack
  • ICBM
  • Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure
  • Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure
  • Ice Lakes
  • Impostor Factory
  • Indivisible
  • Infectonator 3: Apocalypse
  • Infinite Beyond The Mind
  • Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
  • Insane 2
  • INSOMNIA: The Ark
  • Internet Cafe Simulator
  • Internet Cafe Simulator 2
  • Interstellar Space: Genesis
  • Iris and the Giant
  • Iron Fisticle
  • Iron Harvest
  • Ittle Dew
  • Ittle Dew 2+
  • Jack Move
  • Jackbox party pack 2
  • Jackbox party pack 5
  • Joint Task Force
  • Jotun: Valhalla Edition
  • Journey For Elysium
  • Journey to the Savage Planet
  • JUMANJI: The Video Game
  • Jupiter Hell
  • Jurassic Park: The Game
  • Jurassic World Evolution
  • Jurassic World Evolution 2
  • Just Die Already
  • Kardboard Kings: Card Shop Simulator
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
  • Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
  • Kentucky Route Zero - Season Pass Edition
  • Kerbal Space Program
  • Kill it with Fire
  • Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Killing Room
  • Kingdom Two Crowns
  • Kingdom: New Lands
  • King's Bounty: Crossworlds
  • Knights of Pen & Paper 2
  • Knock-knock
  • Koi-Koi Japan [Hanafuda playing cards] *Koi-Koi Japan : UKIYOE tours Vol.1 DLC *Koi-Koi Japan : UKIYOE tours Vol.2 DLC *Koi-Koi Japan : UKIYOE tours Vol.3 DLC
  • Konung 2
  • KungFu Kickball
  • Labyrinthine
  • Lair of the Clockwork God
  • Laserlife
  • Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom
  • Lawn Mowing Simulator
  • Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
  • Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
  • Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle
  • Learn Japanese To Survive! Katakana War
  • Learn Japanese to Survive! Trilogy
  • Legend of Keepers
  • Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
  • Leisure Suit Larry 1-7
  • Lemnis Gate
  • Lemon Cake
  • lethal league blaze
  • Let's School
  • Levelhead
  • Liberated (GOG)
  • Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)
  • Light Fairytale Episode 1
  • Light Fairytale Episode 2
  • Little dragons cafe
  • Little Hope
  • Little Inner Monsters - Card Game
  • Little Misfortune
  • Little Nightmares
  • Little Nightmares Complete Edition
  • Livelock
  • Loop Hero
  • Loot River
  • Looterkings
  • Lornsword Winter Chronicle
  • Lost Castle
  • Love Letter
  • Lovecraft's Untold Stories
  • Lovely planet arcade
  • Lucius 2
  • Lucius 3
  • Ludus
  • Lumberhill
  • LunarLux
  • Lust for Darkness
  • Lust from Beyond: M Edition
  • Mad Experiments: Escape Room
  • Mad Max
  • Mafia Definitive Edition
  • Mafia iii
  • Mafia: Definitive Edition
  • Magenta Horizon
  • Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle
  • Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle : School Girls Edition
  • Maid of Sker
  • Mail Time
  • Maize
  • Maneater
  • Marooners
  • Marvel's Avengers - The Definitive Edition
  • Mato Anomalies
  • Max Payne 3
  • Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
  • Medieval II: Total War - Definitive Edition
  • Medieval: Total War Collection
  • Men of War
  • Metal Hellsinger
  • Metro Exodus
  • Metro last light
  • Metro: Last Light Redux
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
  • Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
  • Mighty Switch Force! Collection
  • Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star
  • Ministry of Broadcast
  • Minute of Islands
  • Miscreated
  • Mists of Noyah
  • MKXL
  • Mob Factory
  • Mob Rule Classic
  • Monaco
  • Monster Hunter: Rise
  • Monster Slayers - Complete Edition
  • Monstrum
  • Monstrum 2
  • Moon Hunters
  • Moons of Madness
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned
  • Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition
  • Mortal Shell
  • Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
  • Mr. Run and Jump
  • MudRunner
  • Murder Mystery Machine
  • My Big Sister
  • My Friend Peppa Pig
  • My Little Universe
  • My Lovely Wife
  • My Summer Adventure: Memories of Another Life
  • My Time At Portia
  • Mythforce
  • Napoleon: Total War - Definitive Edition
  • Necesse
  • Necronator: Dead Wrong
  • NecroVisioN: Lost Company
  • NecroWorm
  • Neighbours back From Hell
  • Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD
  • Neon Space
  • Neon Space 2
  • Neon Sundown
  • Nephise: Ascension
  • Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
  • Never Alone Arctic Collection (w/ Foxtales DLC and FREE Soundtrack)
  • Neverinth
  • Neverout
  • Neverwinter Nights: Complete Adventures
  • Newt One
  • Nexomon: Extinction
  • Nigate Tale
  • Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor
  • Nine Parchments
  • Nine Witches: Family Disruption
  • Nioh 2: The Complete Collection
  • No Straight Roads: Encore Edition
  • No Time to Relax
  • Nomad Survival
  • Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
  • Noosphere
  • Northgard
  • Northmark: Hour of the Wolf
  • Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy
  • not the robots
  • Not Tonight
  • Nurse Love Addiction
  • Nurse Love Syndrome
  • Nusakana
  • Obduction
  • Obey Me
  • Observer: System Redux
  • Occultus - Mediterranean Cabal
  • Odallus: The Dark Call
  • Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
  • One Finger Death Punch 2
  • One Hand Clapping
  • One More Island
  • One Step From Eden
  • One Step From Eden (Region locked)
  • Orbital Racer
  • Organs Please
  • Orwell: Ignorance is strength
  • Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
  • Out of Space
  • Overclocked: A History of Violence
  • Overcooked! 2 + Too Many Cooks + Surf 'n' Turf pack
  • Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
  • Overpass
  • Overruled
  • Pac-Man Museum +
  • Pan'Orama
  • Panty Party
  • Panzer Corps 2
  • Panzer Paladin
  • Parkan 2
  • PARTISANS 1941
  • Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist
  • Path of Giants
  • Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
  • Patron
  • Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
  • Paw Paw Paw
  • Paws of Coal
  • Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
  • PGA 2K21
  • Pharaonic
  • Pixplode
  • Pizza Connection 3
  • Plague tale
  • Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition
  • Planet Alcatraz
  • PlateUp!
  • Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends
  • Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold'em
  • Police Stories
  • Poly Island
  • Post Void
  • POSTAL 2
  • POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost DLC
  • POSTAL Redux
  • POSTAL: Brain Damaged - Connoisseur Edition
  • Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
  • Prank Call
  • Prehistoric Kingdom
  • Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
  • Pretty Girls Panic!
  • Prey
  • Primal Carnage: Extinction
  • Princess Kaguya: Legend of the Moon Warrior
  • Pro Cycling Manager 2020
  • Prodeus
  • Project CARS - GOTY Edition
  • Project Warlock
  • Project Wingman (EU)
  • Propnight
  • Pseudoregalia
  • PULSAR: The Lost Colony
  • qomp
  • Quadrilateral Cowboy
  • Quake II
  • Quake II
  • Quantum Break
  • Quern - Undying Thoughts
  • Radio Commander
  • RAGE
  • Railroad Tycoon 3
  • Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
  • Railway Empire
  • Rain World
  • Rayon Riddles - Rise of the Goblin King
  • Re: Legend
  • Rebel Galaxy
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
  • Recipe For Disaster
  • Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
  • Red Faction: Armageddon
  • Red Riding Hood - Star Crossed Lovers
  • Red Ronin
  • Redout Complete Bundle
  • Redout: Enhanced Edition
  • Redout: Enhanced Edition + DLC pack
  • Regular Human Basketball
  • REKT! High Octane Stunts
  • Relicta
  • Republique
  • Rescue Party: Live!
  • Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
  • Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
  • Resident Evil 7 Biohazard
  • Resident Evil Revelations
  • Resort Boss: Golf
  • Retimed
  • rFactor 2
  • RiME
  • Ring of Pain
  • Rise of Industry + 2130 DLC
  • Rise of the Slime
  • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs
  • River City Girls
  • River City Ransom: Underground
  • Roarr! Jurassic Edition
  • Roboquest
  • Robot Squad Simulator 2017
  • Rogue : Genesia
  • Rogue Stormers
  • rollercoaster tycoon 2
  • Roundguard
  • Rustler
  • Ryse: Son of Rome
  • S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
  • Sailing Era
  • Saint Row
  • Saints Row IV
  • Saints Row The Third
  • Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
  • Saints Row: The Third Remastered
  • Sam and Max Devil's Playhouse
  • Sands of Aura
  • Sands of Salzaar
  • Saturday Morning RPG
  • Scarlet Tower
  • Scars Above
  • Scorn
  • SCP: 5K
  • SCUM
  • SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
  • Second Extinction
  • Secret Government
  • Serious Sam 3 Bonus Content DLC, Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile, and Serious Sam 3: BFE
  • SEUM speedrunners from hell
  • SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
  • Severed Steel
  • Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
  • Shadowgate
  • Shadows Awakening
  • Shape of the World
  • She Sees Red - Interactive Movie
  • Shenmue I & II
  • Shift Happens
  • Shing!
  • Shining Resonance Refrain
  • Shoppe Keep 2
  • Shoppe Keep 2 - Business and Agriculture RPG Simulation
  • Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
  • Sid Meier's Civilization VI
  • Sid Meier's Railroads!
  • Sifu Deluxe Edition Upgrade Bundle (EPIC)
  • Silver Chains
  • SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
  • Sinking Island
  • SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption
  • Siralim Ultimate
  • Size Matters
  • Skautfold Chapters 1-4
  • Skullgirls 2nd Encore
  • Slain: Back from Hell
  • Slap City
  • Slash It
  • Slash It 2
  • Slash It Ultimate
  • Slay the Spire
  • Small World
  • Smart Factory Tycoon
  • Smile For Me
  • Smoke and Sacrifice
  • Smoke and Sacrifice
  • Smushi Come Home
  • Snail bob 2 tiny troubles
  • Sniper Elite 3
  • Sniper Elite 3 + Season Pass DLC
  • Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
  • Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 - Season Pass Edition
  • Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
  • Snooker 19
  • Songs of Conquest
  • Sonic Adventure 2
  • Sonic Adventure DX
  • Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
  • Sonic Generations Collection
  • Soulblight
  • Souldiers
  • Soundfall
  • Source of Madness
  • Spartan Fist
  • Spec Ops
  • Speed Limit
  • Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo
  • Spidersaurs
  • Spin Rush
  • Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
  • Spirit of the Island
  • Spirit of the North
  • Spring Bonus
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • Stairs
  • Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova
  • STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic
  • STAR WARS - The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition
  • Star Wolves
  • Starbound
  • Starsand
  • STASIS: Bone Totem
  • State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition
  • Steel Rats™
  • Stick Fight: The Game
  • Still Life
  • Still Life 2
  • Still There
  • Stirring Abyss
  • Strange Brigade
  • Strange Brigade Deluxe Edition
  • Strategic Command: World War I
  • Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
  • Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
  • Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism
  • Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty
  • Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection
  • Streamer Life Simulator
  • Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
  • Street Fighter V
  • Strider
  • Strikey Sisters
  • Struggling
  • Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
  • Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
  • Styx: Master of Shadows
  • Styx: Shards of Darkness
  • SuchArt
  • Sudden Strike Gold
  • Suite 776
  • Sumoman
  • Sunblaze
  • Sunset Overdrive
  • Super Buff HD
  • Super Mag Bot
  • Superbugs: Awaken
  • Superhot
  • Surgeon Simulator 2
  • Survive the Nights
  • Surviving Mars
  • Surviving Mars
  • Surviving The Aftermath
  • Swag and Sorcery
  • SWINE HD Remaster
  • Sword Legacy Omen
  • Sword of the Necromancer
  • Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
  • Syberia 3
  • Symphonic Rain
  • Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
  • Synthwave Dream '85
  • Tacoma
  • Taiji
  • Take Off - The Flight Simulator
  • Tales
  • Tales from the Borderlands
  • Talk to Strangers
  • Tallowmere
  • Talos Principle (Gold)
  • Tangledeep
  • Tank Mechanic Simulator
  • Tannenberg
  • Team Sonic Racing
  • TEKKEN 7
  • Terminus: Zombie Survivors
  • Terratech Deluxe Edition
  • Terror of Hemasaurus
  • Textorcist
  • Tharsis
  • The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem
  • The Adventure Pals
  • The Amazing American Circus
  • The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
  • The Anacrusis
  • The Ascent
  • The Battle of Polytopia
  • The Battle of Polytopia *DLC1. Cymanti Tribe *DLC2. ∑∫ỹriȱŋ Tribe *DLC3. Aquarion Tribe *DLC4. Polaris Tribe
  • The Beast inside
  • The Blackout Club
  • The Callisto Protocol™
  • The Chess Variants Club
  • The Citadel
  • The Colonists
  • The Darkest Tales
  • The Dungeon Beneath
  • The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos
  • The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • The Escapists 2
  • The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
  • The haunted island, A frog detective
  • The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
  • The Hong Kong Massacre
  • The Horror Of Salazar House
  • The Innsmouth Case
  • The Invisible Hours
  • The Jackbox Party Pack 9
  • The Knight Witch
  • The Last Campfire
  • The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame
  • The Letter - Horror Visual Novel
  • The Long Dark
  • The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition
  • The Mortuary Assistant
  • The Mummy Demastered
  • The Occupation
  • The Outer Worlds
  • The Quarry
  • The Quarry deluxe
  • The Ramp
  • The Rewinder
  • The Sacred Tears TRUE
  • The Sexy Brutale
  • The Shapeshifting Detective
  • The Tarnishing of Juxtia
  • The Tenants
  • The Uncertain - The Last Quiet Day
  • The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End
  • The USB Stick Found in the Grass
  • The Walking Dead
  • The Walking Dead - 400 Days
  • The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners
  • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
  • The Walking Dead: Final Season
  • The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
  • The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
  • The Walking Dead: Season 1
  • The Walking Dead: Season Two
  • The Way
  • The Wild At Heart
  • The Wild Eight
  • The Witness
  • Them and Us
  • They Bleed Pixels
  • Thief of Thieves
  • This War of Mine
  • This Way Madness Lies
  • Three Kingdom: The Journey
  • Time on Frog Island
  • Tinkertown
  • Tiny Tina’s Wonderland(EU)
  • Tiny Troopers
  • Tinykin
  • Tinytopia
  • TIS-100
  • Titan Quest
  • Tokyo Xanadu eX+
  • Tom Clancy's The Division™
  • Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival!
  • Tools up
  • Tooth and Tail
  • Torchlight
  • Total Tank Simulator
  • Tour de France 2020
  • Tower Unite
  • Trail Out
  • Trailblazers
  • Trailmakers
  • Trailmakers Deluxe Edition
  • Train Sim World 3: Standard Edition
  • Train Simulator Classic
  • Train Valley 1
  • Transport INC
  • Treasure Hunter Simulator
  • Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
  • Trinity Fusion
  • Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia
  • Trombone Champ
  • Tropico 5 - Complete Collection
  • Trover Saves the Universe
  • Tunche
  • Turmoil
  • Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
  • Twin Mirror
  • Two Point Campus
  • Two Point Hospital
  • Tyrant's Blessing
  • Ultimate Chicken Horse
  • Ultimate Zombie Defense
  • Ultra Space Battle Brawl
  • Unavowed
  • Undead Horde
  • Underhero
  • Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
  • Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
  • Universim
  • Unpacking
  • Until I have you
  • Unto The End
  • Upside Down
  • URU: Complete Chronicles
  • Vagante
  • Valfaris
  • Valfaris: Mecha Therion
  • Valkryia Chronicles 4 Complete Edition
  • Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition
  • Valkyria Chronicles 4: Complete Edition
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul
  • Vampire - The Masquerade: Shadows of New York
  • Vampire Survivors
  • Vane
  • Vectronom
  • Velocity Noodle
  • Venba
  • Verne: The Shape of Fantasy
  • Victoria 3
  • Victoria II
  • Viking: Battle For Asgard
  • Virgo Versus The Zodiac
  • VirtuaVerse
  • Visage
  • Viscerafest
  • Void Bastards
  • Volcanoids
  • Voltage High Society
  • V-Rally 4
  • Wanderlust: Travel Stories (GOG)
  • Wanted: Dead
  • Wargroove
  • Warhammer 40,000 Sanctus Reach - Complete Edition
  • Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Imperium Complete
  • Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector
  • Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War
  • Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Special Edition
  • Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
  • Warhammer: Vermintide 2
  • Warman
  • Warstone TD
  • Wasteland 3
  • Wayward
  • We should talk.
  • We Were Here Together
  • We Were Here Too
  • Webbed
  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest
  • West of Dead
  • What Lies in the Multiverse
  • When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
  • while True: learn()
  • Whos Your daddy
  • Wick
  • Windward
  • Witch It
  • Witchy Life Story
  • wizard of legends
  • Worms Rumble
  • Worms Rumble + Legends Pack
  • Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
  • WRC 6 FIA World Rally Championship
  • WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship
  • WWE 2K Battlegrounds
  • WWE 2K23
  • WWZ Aftermath
  • Wytchwood
  • XIII - Classic
  • X-Morph: Defense
  • X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, and Last Bastion DLC
  • X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
  • Yakuza Kiwami
  • Yakuza: Like A Dragon
  • Yumeutsutsu Re:After
  • Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
  • Zen Chess: Mate in One, Mate in 2 , Mate in 3 , Mate in 4 , Champion's Moves (5 games)
  • Ziggurat
  • Zombie Army 4
  • Zombie Army Trilogy
  • Zool Redimensioned
  • Zwei: The Arges adventure
  • Zwei: The ilvard insurrection
DLCs and Softwares:
  • For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack
  • Train Simulator: Isle of Wight Route Add-On
  • Train Simulator: Woodhead Electric Railway in Blue Route Add-On
  • Train Simulator: North Somerset Railway Route Add-On
  • Train Simulator: Union Pacific Heritage SD70ACes Loco Add-On
  • Train Simulator: London to Brighton Route Add-On
  • BR Class 170 'Turbostar' DMU Add-On
  • DB BR 648 Loco Add-On
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Grand Central Class 180 'Adelante' DMU Add-On
  • Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco - Gilroy Route Add-On
  • Small World - A Spider's Web
  • Small World - Cursed
  • Small World - Royal Bonus
  • The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos - Goodies Pack
  • The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos - OST
  • Thompson Class B1 Loco Add-On
  • Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai
  • Train Sim World® 3: Birmingham Cross-city line
  • Train Sim World®: BR Class 20 'Chopper' Loco
  • Train Sim World®: Brighton Main Line: London Victoria - Brighton
  • Train Sim World®: Caltrain MP36PH-3C 'Baby Bullet'
  • Train Sim World®: Cathcart Circle Line: Glasgow - Newton & Neilston
  • Train Sim World®: Clinchfield Railroad: Elkhorn - Dante
  • Train Sim World®: Great Western Express
  • Train Sim World®: Hauptstrecke Hamburg - Lubeck
  • Train Sim World®: LIRR M3 EMU
  • Train Sim World®: Long Island Rail Road: New York - Hicksville
  • Train Sim World®: Nahverkehr Dresden - Riesa
  • Train Sim World®: Northern Trans-Pennine: Manchester - Leeds
  • Train Sim World®: Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco - San Jose
  • Train Sim World®: Rhein-Ruhr Osten: Wuppertal - Hagen
  • Train Sim World®: Tees Valley Line: Darlington - Saltburn-by-the-sea
  • Worms Rumble - Armageddon Weapon Skin Pack
  • Worms Rumble - Captain & Shark Double Pack
  • Worms Rumble - Legends Pack
  • Worms Rumble - New Challengers Pack
  • Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
  • Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft - The Eldritch Box DLC
  • Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
  • Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
  • GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
  • GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
  • GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
  • GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
  • GameGuru
  • GameMaker Studio 2 Creator 12 Months
  • Intro to Game Development with Unity
  • Music Maker EDM Edition
  • Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford
  • Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Dark Dreams of Furiae
  • Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Tyrants of the Moonsea
  • Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
  • Neverwinter Nights: Infinite Dungeons
  • Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast
  • Neverwinter Nights: Wyvern Crown of Cormyr
  • PDF-Suite 1 Year License
  • Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook and Starfinder Core Rulebook
  • RPG Maker VX
  • WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS - Ultimate Brawlers Pass
  • We Are Alright
  • The Outer Worlds Expansion Pass
  • A Hat in Time - Seal the Deal DLC
  • City Skylines:mass transit
  • A Game Of Thrones - A Dance With Dragons
  • A Game Of Thrones - A Feast For Crows
  • Blood Rage: Digital Edition - Gods of Asgard
  • Blood Rage: Digital Edition - Mythical Monsters
  • Blood Rage: Digital Edition - Mystics of Midgard
  • Carcassonne - The Princess and The Dragon DLC
  • Carcassonne - Traders & Builders DLC
  • Carcassonne - Winter & Gingerbread Man DLC
  • Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals
  • Carcassonne - The River
  • Splendor: The Trading Posts DLC
  • Splendor: The Strongholds DLC
  • Splendor: The Cities DLC
  • Small World - Be Not Afraid... DLC
  • Small World - Grand Dames DLC
  • Small World - Cursed!
  • Sands of Salzaar - The Ember Saga
  • Sands of Salzaar - The Tournament
  • Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
submitted by calvin324hk to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:05 calvin324hk [H] 1000+ Games / DLCs / VR Games [W] Paypal / Wishlist / Offers
Region: NA (Canada)
Fees on buyer if any, currency is USD unless specified
CTRL + F to find your games in terms of name
  • 10 Second Ninja X
  • 11-11 Memories Retold
  • 112 Operator
  • 12 is Better Than 6
  • 198X
  • 1993 Space Machine
  • 60 Parsecs
  • 7 Billion Humans
  • 8 DOORS
  • 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I
  • 9 Years of Shadows
  • 911 Operator
  • A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
  • A Hat in Time
  • A Hole New World
  • A Long Way Down
  • A Robot Named Fight!
  • A Tale for Anna
  • A.I.M.2 Clan Wars
  • Abalon (Summoners Fate)
  • Above Snakes
  • ABZU
  • Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition
  • ADOM
  • Adore
  • Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
  • Aeterna Noctis
  • Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot The First Cases
  • AIdol
  • Airborne Kingdom
  • Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
  • Alder's Blood: Definitive Edition
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo
  • Alien Breed Trilogy
  • Aliens vs. Predator™ Collection
  • All-Star Fruit Racing
  • Almost There: The Platformer
  • American Fugitive
  • American Truck Simulator
  • Amerzone: The Explorer’s Legacy
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  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent + Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
  • Anomalous
  • Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Antigraviator
  • Anuchard
  • Aragami
  • Aragami 2
  • Arboria
  • Arcade Paradise
  • Arcade Paradise - Arcade Paradise EP
  • Arcade Spirits
  • Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace
  • Armada 2526 Gold Edition
  • Army Men RTS
  • army of ruin
  • Arto
  • Ary and the Secret of Seasons
  • As Far as the Eye
  • Ascension to the Throne
  • Assemble With Care
  • Assetto Corsa Competizione
  • Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition
  • Astebreed Definitive Edition
  • Astro Colony
  • Astronarch
  • Attack of the Earthlings
  • Automachef
  • Automobilista
  • Automobilista 2
  • Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ - Ubisoft Connect
  • AVICII Invector: Encore Edition
  • Awesomenauts All Nauts pack
  • Axiom Verge
  • Axiom Verge 2
  • Baba is you
  • Back 4 Blood
  • Back 4 blood (EU)
  • Backbone
  • Banners of Ruin
  • Bartlow's Dread Machine
  • Basement
  • Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
  • Batman: Arkham Origins
  • Battle Royale Tycoon
  • Battlecruisers
  • Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
  • Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Complete
  • BATTLETECH Shadow Hawk Pack
  • Bee Simulator
  • Beholder 2
  • Ben 10
  • Ben 10: Power Trip
  • Bendy and the Ink Machine™
  • Between the Stars
  • Beyond a Steel Sky
  • Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard
  • Beyond: Two Souls
  • Bionic Commando
  • BioShock: The Collection
  • Black Moon Chronicles
  • Black Paradox
  • BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
  • Blacksad: Under the Skin
  • Blade of Darkness
  • Blasphemous
  • Blazing Chrome
  • Blightbound
  • Blood And Zombies
  • Blood Rage: Digital Edition
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
  • Blue Fire
  • Bomber Crew
  • Boneless Zombie
  • Boomerang Fu
  • Borderlands 3
  • Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe
  • Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition
  • Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
  • Bot Vice
  • Bounty of One
  • Brawlout
  • Breakout: Recharged
  • Breathedge
  • bridge constructor
  • Bridge constructor medieval
  • bridge constructor stunts
  • Broken Lines
  • Brutal Legend
  • Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
  • calico
  • Call of Duty® Modern Warfare 3™ (2011)
  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
  • Capitalism 2
  • Car Mechanic 2018
  • Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
  • Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
  • Cardboard Town
  • Castle Morihisa
  • castle storm
  • CastleStorm
  • Cat Cafe Manager
  • Catherine Classic
  • Caveblazers
  • Celeste
  • Centipede: Recharged
  • Cepheus Protocol
  • CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience
  • Charlie's Adventure
  • Chenso Club
  • Chernobylite: Enhanced Edition
  • Chess Ultra
  • Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition
  • Chivalry 2
  • Chop Goblins
  • Chorus
  • Chorus
  • Circuit Superstars
  • Cities Skylines + After Dark
  • Cities: Skylines
  • City of Beats
  • CivCity: Rome
  • Click and Slay
  • Cloud Gardens
  • Cloudpunk
  • Code Vein
  • Coffee Talk
  • Comedy Night
  • Command & Conquer Remastered (Origin)
  • Complete Dread X Collection
  • Conarium
  • Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
  • Constructor Plus
  • Control
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
  • Cookie Cutter
  • cornucopia
  • Corridor Z
  • Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel
  • Cosmonautica
  • Crash Drive 2
  • Crash Drive 3
  • Creaks
  • Creepy Tale
  • Crookz the big heist
  • CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
  • Crush Your Enemies
  • Cube Runner
  • Cultist Simulator: Anthology Edition
  • Curse: The Eye of Isis
  • Cyber Ops
  • Cybercube
  • Danger Scavenger
  • Dark Deity
  • Dark Future
  • Darkwood
  • DARQ: Complete Edition
  • Day of the Tentacle Remastered
  • days of war definitive edition
  • DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace
  • DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Dead Estate
  • Dead Rising 2
  • Deadly Days
  • Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
  • Death's Gambit
  • Deceased
  • Degrees of Separation
  • Deleveled
  • Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
  • Deliver Us The Moon
  • Demetrios - Deluxe Edition
  • Depraved
  • Desert Child
  • Destiny 2: Beyond Light
  • Detention
  • Devil May Cry HD Collection
  • Devilated
  • Dicey Dungeons
  • Dirt 5
  • dirt rally
  • Dirt Rally 2.0
  • Disaster Band
  • Disciples III: Reincarnation
  • Disjunction (GOG)
  • Distrust
  • DmC: Devil May Cry
  • Do Not Feed the Monkeys
  • Don't Be Afraid
  • Doomed Lands
  • Door Kickers: Action Squad
  • Doorways: Prelude
  • Downfall
  • Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
  • Drake Hollow
  • Draugen
  • Draw Slasher
  • Drawful 2
  • Dreams in the Witch House
  • Dreamscaper
  • DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders
  • DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
  • DRIFT21
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival
  • drive!drive!drive!
  • Drone Swarm
  • Due Process
  • Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
  • Duke of Alpha Centauri
  • Dungeon Rushers
  • Dungeons 2
  • Dungeons 3
  • DUSK
  • Dusk Diver
  • Dust to the End
  • Dynopunk
  • Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair
  • Eastern Exorcist
  • Eastward
  • Effie
  • Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
  • El Matador
  • Elderand
  • Elderborn
  • Electrician Simulator
  • Elemental Survivors
  • Elex
  • Elex II
  • Elite Dangerous
  • Embr
  • Empire: Total War - Definitive Edition
  • Empyrion - Galactic Survival
  • Encodya (GOG)
  • Endless Space 2
  • Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Endless Space® 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Endzone - A World Apart
  • Epistory - Typing Chronicles
  • Escape the backrooms
  • Eternal Threads
  • Etherborn
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • European Ship Simulator
  • Everdream Valley
  • Evil Genius 2: World Domination
  • Exorder
  • Explosionade
  • F1 2018
  • F1 2019 Anniversary Edition
  • F1 2020
  • F1 RACE STARS Complete Edition Include DLC
  • Fable Anniversary
  • Factory Town
  • Fallback uprising
  • Family Man
  • Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
  • Fantasy Blacksmith
  • Farming Simulator 17
  • Farming Simulator 19
  • Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R
  • Fictorum
  • Field of Glory II
  • Fights in Tight Spaces
  • Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
  • Firefighting Simulator - The Squad
  • Fishing Adventure
  • Flashback
  • FLATLAND Vol.2
  • FlatOut
  • Floppy Knights
  • Fluffy Horde
  • For the King
  • Forgive me Father
  • Forts
  • Framed Collection
  • Fred3ric
  • Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator
  • Friends vs Friends
  • Frogun
  • From Space
  • From the Depths
  • Frostpunk: Game of the Year Edition
  • Frozenheim
  • Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
  • Funtasia
  • Fury Unleashed
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition
  • Gang Beasts
  • GARAGE bad trip
  • Garden Story
  • Garfield Kart
  • Gelly Break Deluxe
  • Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition
  • Gevaudan
  • Ghost Song
  • Ghostrunner
  • Giana Sisters 2D
  • Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
  • Glitch Busters: Stuck On You
  • Gloria Victis
  • Go Home Dinosaurs
  • Goat of Duty
  • Godlike Burger
  • Godstrike
  • Going Under
  • Golf Gang
  • Golf It!
  • Gone Home + Original Soundtrack
  • Good Knight
  • Gotham Knights
  • Gremlins, inc
  • grey goo
  • GRID - 2019
  • grid ultimate
  • GRIP: Combat Racing
  • Gungrave G.O.R.E
  • Guppy
  • Guts and glory
  • GYLT
  • Hacknet
  • Haegemonia: Legions of Iron
  • Hamilton's Great Adventure
  • Hammerting
  • Hammerwatch
  • Hands of Necromancy
  • Havsala: Into the Soul Palace
  • Headsnatchers
  • Heartwood Heroes
  • Heat Signature
  • Heaven's Vault
  • Helheim Hassle
  • Hell Let Loose
  • Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
  • Hellbound
  • Hellpoint
  • Hellslave
  • Hellstuck: Rage With Your Friends
  • Hero of the Kingdom III
  • Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
  • Heroes of Hammerwatch
  • Heros hour
  • Hexologic
  • Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
  • Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
  • Hidden Deep
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • High On Life
  • Hitman (2016) Game of the Year Edition
  • HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition
  • Hoa
  • Hob
  • Hollow Knight
  • Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?!
  • Home Sweet Home
  • Home Sweet Home EP2
  • Homestead Arcana
  • Hood: Outlaws & Legends
  • Hoplegs
  • Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
  • Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard
  • Hotel Transylvania: Scary-Tale Adventures
  • Hotshot Racing
  • House Flipper
  • How to Survive 2
  • Hue
  • Human: Fall Flat
  • Hungry Flame
  • Hyper Knights
  • I am Bread
  • I Am Fish
  • I am not a Monster: First Contact
  • I Hate Running Backwards
  • ibb & obb Double Pack
  • ICBM
  • Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure
  • Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure
  • Ice Lakes
  • Impostor Factory
  • Indivisible
  • Infectonator 3: Apocalypse
  • Infinite Beyond The Mind
  • Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
  • Insane 2
  • INSOMNIA: The Ark
  • Internet Cafe Simulator
  • Internet Cafe Simulator 2
  • Interstellar Space: Genesis
  • Iris and the Giant
  • Iron Fisticle
  • Iron Harvest
  • Ittle Dew
  • Ittle Dew 2+
  • Jack Move
  • Jackbox party pack 2
  • Jackbox party pack 5
  • Joint Task Force
  • Jotun: Valhalla Edition
  • Journey For Elysium
  • Journey to the Savage Planet
  • JUMANJI: The Video Game
  • Jupiter Hell
  • Jurassic Park: The Game
  • Jurassic World Evolution
  • Jurassic World Evolution 2
  • Just Die Already
  • Kardboard Kings: Card Shop Simulator
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
  • Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
  • Kentucky Route Zero - Season Pass Edition
  • Kerbal Space Program
  • Kill it with Fire
  • Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Killing Room
  • Kingdom Two Crowns
  • Kingdom: New Lands
  • King's Bounty: Crossworlds
  • Knights of Pen & Paper 2
  • Knock-knock
  • Koi-Koi Japan [Hanafuda playing cards] *Koi-Koi Japan : UKIYOE tours Vol.1 DLC *Koi-Koi Japan : UKIYOE tours Vol.2 DLC *Koi-Koi Japan : UKIYOE tours Vol.3 DLC
  • Konung 2
  • KungFu Kickball
  • Labyrinthine
  • Lair of the Clockwork God
  • Laserlife
  • Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom
  • Lawn Mowing Simulator
  • Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
  • Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
  • Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle
  • Learn Japanese To Survive! Katakana War
  • Learn Japanese to Survive! Trilogy
  • Legend of Keepers
  • Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
  • Leisure Suit Larry 1-7
  • Lemnis Gate
  • Lemon Cake
  • lethal league blaze
  • Let's School
  • Levelhead
  • Liberated (GOG)
  • Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)
  • Light Fairytale Episode 1
  • Light Fairytale Episode 2
  • Little dragons cafe
  • Little Hope
  • Little Inner Monsters - Card Game
  • Little Misfortune
  • Little Nightmares
  • Little Nightmares Complete Edition
  • Livelock
  • Loop Hero
  • Loot River
  • Looterkings
  • Lornsword Winter Chronicle
  • Lost Castle
  • Love Letter
  • Lovecraft's Untold Stories
  • Lovely planet arcade
  • Lucius 2
  • Lucius 3
  • Ludus
  • Lumberhill
  • LunarLux
  • Lust for Darkness
  • Lust from Beyond: M Edition
  • Mad Experiments: Escape Room
  • Mad Max
  • Mafia Definitive Edition
  • Mafia iii
  • Mafia: Definitive Edition
  • Magenta Horizon
  • Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle
  • Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle : School Girls Edition
  • Maid of Sker
  • Mail Time
  • Maize
  • Maneater
  • Marooners
  • Marvel's Avengers - The Definitive Edition
  • Mato Anomalies
  • Max Payne 3
  • Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
  • Medieval II: Total War - Definitive Edition
  • Medieval: Total War Collection
  • Men of War
  • Metal Hellsinger
  • Metro Exodus
  • Metro last light
  • Metro: Last Light Redux
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
  • Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
  • Mighty Switch Force! Collection
  • Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star
  • Ministry of Broadcast
  • Minute of Islands
  • Miscreated
  • Mists of Noyah
  • MKXL
  • Mob Factory
  • Mob Rule Classic
  • Monaco
  • Monster Hunter: Rise
  • Monster Slayers - Complete Edition
  • Monstrum
  • Monstrum 2
  • Moon Hunters
  • Moons of Madness
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned
  • Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition
  • Mortal Shell
  • Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
  • Mr. Run and Jump
  • MudRunner
  • Murder Mystery Machine
  • My Big Sister
  • My Friend Peppa Pig
  • My Little Universe
  • My Lovely Wife
  • My Summer Adventure: Memories of Another Life
  • My Time At Portia
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submitted by calvin324hk to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:52 maxiblackrocks Nobody does scrum by the book and that's good.

This is not a question, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
When I started my scrum journey I was young. I understood every part and even "the big picture".
TL;DR - I have come to understand that Scrum, in its simplest, means to continuously improve. Most of the companies, however, that I worked at/with, use it as a tool to control devs and disregard that simplest use of scrum.
In all the companies that I worked with, only the very first one, over 20 years ago, understood the notion of continuously improving. We didn't even know what Scrum was at the time.
All the other companies since then have totally missed that point by making "the scrum development process" as rigid as possible. In one company, even, the scrum master not only shouted at me in the middle of a meeting because we tried a different way of estimation (other than the scrum poker that she was taught to do), she even had a knife in her desk with my name on it (literally saying: goodbye to ; that's a story for another discussion).
When I started scrum, I was like that. I was naive and I was a by-the-book kinda guy. I never saw scrum work as it should. And when I informed myself more about agile and read (among others) uncle Bob's book, clean agile, I, like many others, started to dislike scrum.
It took me a while to realize that scrum had become too popular and many companies HAD to put the word scrum on the job opening because no one would apply otherwise. EVEN if they knew that they're not doing scrum or agile at all. Some companies are lying in their job description to lure all of you naive scrummers in. You have been warned ⚠️
I didn't want to believe that scrum was this shitty tool that all companies are misusing to just whip their devs into delivering fast while still being waterfall in the background. So I went deeper into the agile rabbit hole and came to the conclusion: Scrum is just about continually improving. All the certification shit, the process shit, the management bullshit, and even developer shit, doesn't mean anything. The reason why I say developer shit is because I have witnessed companies that had misused Scrum so badly that all the development team became waterfall slaves. They didn't believe that change is possible and, later, even necessary. To bring them to start believing in it, first I had to totally destroy all the processes that the predecessor had built. After 6 months, I started getting some results. 6 months, to me, is the total opposite of agile.
Come this subreddit and all the posts about what certificate someone should do and how some people believe that having a piece of paper with their name on it means that they are Scrum Jesus and can turn the murky waters of The Scrumocalypse to agile wine. To me, people are only cornered into getting these certificates because some companies with scrum in their job description require Scrum Zombies (if you don't know the book, it's a good recommendation) to turn their develoPERS(ons) into develoPETS. Go Fetch!
If you've made it this far into my rant, I commend your patience.
I welcome any and all constructive criticism, ideas, and discussions.
Thanks and lots of love.
submitted by maxiblackrocks to scrum [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:45 Jdlongmire Longmire Teleological Argument: a Human-AI Collaboration

This treatise was developed through an extensive dialogue with Claude, an AI language model created by Anthropic. The ideas and arguments presented here emerged from a collaborative exploration in which I posed questions, raised objections, and provided the overall framing and direction, while Claude contributed detailed responses, explanations, and elaborations*. The treatise represents a synthesis of human and machine intelligence, with the AI serving as a knowledgeable interlocutor and writing assistant, helping to articulate and refine the ideas I brought to the discussion. I am fully aware of the controversial nature of AI, but feel this demonstrates an example of its ethical use. I am also fully aware that the strength of the argument lives or dies on the validity of the premises, but I believe it has strong intuitive and logical resonance.
The hope is that this novel approach will be a useful contribution to those weighing the evidence with an open and reasonable mind. So, without further ado, I present the Longmire Teleological Argument.
The question of God's existence is one of the most profound and consequential questions in philosophy. Throughout history, thinkers have proposed various arguments for and against the existence of a divine being. In this treatise, we will explore one particular argument for theism - the argument from the intelligibility of the universe.
The basic structure of the argument can be encapsulated in the following inductive syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
We will examine the premises of this argument, consider potential objections and counterarguments, and assess the overall strength of the argument in establishing the rationality of theistic belief.
The Scientific Intelligibility of the Universe
The first premise of the argument asserts that the universe is scientifically intelligible. This means that the universe is structured in a way that makes it amenable to scientific study and comprehension. It is not a chaotic or arbitrary jumble, but an orderly system that follows discernible patterns and laws.
The evidence for this premise is vast and compelling. Across countless domains - from physics to chemistry to biology to astronomy - we find that the universe behaves in consistently rational ways. It follows mathematical laws, exhibits predictable regularities, and yields to scientific analysis and understanding.
As Claude eloquently put it:
"The success of science in uncovering the deep structure of reality, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic structures, testifies to the profound intelligibility of the universe. We are able to formulate theories, make predictions, and gain real knowledge about the world through the application of rational methods of inquiry." [1]
Moreover, the universe is not just intelligible to us - it is intelligible in a way that is deeply resonant with our own rational faculties. The mathematical equations that describe the fundamental laws of nature are not just empirically adequate, but often possess a striking elegance and beauty. The universe seems almost tailor-made for rational investigation and discovery.
All of this points to the conclusion that the universe is not an arbitrary or unintelligible place, but rather a scientifically intelligible system that is open to human understanding.
The Link between Intelligibility and Mind
The second premise of the argument asserts that scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds. This is the crucial link between the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and the existence of a divine mind.
The premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter structures, patterns, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we typically attribute this intelligibility to the workings of a rational mind.
Consider, for example, a scientific theory that elegantly explains a wide range of phenomena, makes precise, testable predictions, and reveals hidden connections between seemingly disparate facts. Such a theory exhibits a high degree of scientific intelligibility. And we naturally infer that this intelligibility is the product of the rational minds of the scientists who developed the theory.
Or consider a complex engineered machine, like a computer or a spacecraft, that performs sophisticated functions according to well-defined principles and algorithms. The intelligibility of such a machine - the fact that it can be understood, analyzed, and explained in rational terms - is clearly the result of the rational minds of its designers and builders.
In these and countless other examples, we see a strong link between intelligibility and mind. Rational minds are the paradigmatic source of intelligible order and structure.
As Claude insightfully observed:
"This inference from intelligibility to mind is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and epistemic practices. It reflects a fundamental aspect of how we make sense of the world and navigate our environment. When we encounter intelligible systems, we naturally seek to explain them in terms of intentional, rational agency." [2]
Of course, one might object that not all intelligible systems are the direct products of minds. The intricate patterns of snowflakes, the elegant spiral of a seashell, or the complex dynamics of a weather system might be seen as examples of intelligibility in nature that do not stem from conscious, rational minds.
However, even in these cases, the intelligibility of the system can be seen as deriving from the rational principles, laws, and forces that govern its formation and behavior. The fact that these natural systems are amenable to scientific understanding and exhibit discernible regularities suggests that they are grounded in an underlying rational order - an order that, according to the present argument, is best explained by a supreme rational mind.
Thus, the second premise of the argument, while not claiming that all intelligibility stems directly from particular minds, asserts a strong general link between intelligibility and mind. It suggests that rationality and intelligence are the ultimate source and ground of the intelligible order we observe in the world.
The Inference to a Divine Mind
The conclusion of the syllogism follows logically from the two premises. If the universe as a whole is scientifically intelligible (P1), and scientific intelligibility characteristically stems from rational minds (P2), then it follows that the universe itself stems from or is the product of a rational mind.
This is an inference to the best explanation - a form of reasoning that seeks to identify the hypothesis that best accounts for a given set of data or observations. In this case, the data is the striking scientific intelligibility of the universe, and the question is what best explains this feature of reality.
The argument contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind - a supreme, transcendent, rational intelligence - provides the most compelling and satisfactory explanation for the universe's intelligibility.
Just as the intelligibility of a scientific theory points to the rational minds of the scientists who devised it, and just as the intelligibility of an engineered machine points to the rational minds of its designers, so too the intelligibility of the universe as a whole points to a cosmic rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference is not a conclusive proof, but rather a reasonable and plausible abductive argument. It takes the observable datum of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing reality - the reality of a rational, intentional, creative mind.
As Claude cogently put it:
"The inference to a divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility is a natural extension of our ordinary explanatory practices. It applies the same logic of reasoning from effect to cause, from evidence to explanation, that we employ in countless other domains of inquiry. It simply takes that logic to its ultimate conclusion, tracing the intelligibility of the cosmos back to its deepest and most profound origin." [3]
Why a singular mind? The argument for a singular divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility can be summarized as follows:
Positing multiple minds behind the universe's rational structure would lead to an explanatory regress, raising questions about the origin and coordination of those minds. If intelligibility requires intelligence, then a unified cosmic intelligence is a more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful hypothesis than a plurality of minds.
Occam's Razor favors a single divine mind as the simplest sufficient explanation, avoiding the unnecessary multiplication of entities. Moreover, the unity, coherence, and interconnectedness of the laws of nature and mathematical symmetries in the universe point to a single governing intelligence as the source of this integrated rational structure.
Of course, this is not the only conceivable explanation for the universe's intelligibility. Alternative hypotheses, such as those based on brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle, have been proposed and vigorously debated. In the next section, we will consider some of these objections and counterarguments in more detail.
However, the argument from intelligibility contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind offers distinct advantages over these alternatives. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's intelligibility.
A universe created by a rational mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be scientifically intelligible. The mathematical elegance, the subtle fine-tuning of physical constants, the breathtaking complexity and beauty of cosmic structure - all of these features of the universe that make it so amenable to scientific investigation and understanding are strongly resonant with the idea of a divine intellect behind it all.
Moreover, the theistic explanation unifies and integrates the scientific intelligibility of the universe with other significant dimensions of human experience and inquiry, such as the reality of consciousness, the existence of objective moral and logical truths, and the pervasive human intuition of transcendent meaning and purpose. By grounding all of these phenomena in the creative rationality of God, theism offers a comprehensive and coherent worldview that satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings.
Thus, the inference from the universe's scientific intelligibility to a divine mind, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful and persuasive philosophical argument. It takes one of the most striking and significant facts about the world we inhabit - its profound rational order and comprehensibility - and traces it back to its ultimate source in the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
Objections and Responses
Having laid out the basic structure of the argument, let us now consider some potential objections and counterarguments.
  1. The Brute Fact Objection One common objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could simply be a brute fact - a fundamental, inexplicable feature of reality that we must accept without further explanation.
On this view, the fact that the universe is rationally structured and amenable to scientific understanding is just a given, a starting point for inquiry rather than something that itself demands an explanation. Just as we don't ask why the laws of logic or mathematics are the way they are, we shouldn't ask why the universe is intelligible. It just is.
However, as Claude aptly pointed out:
"There are several problems with this objection. Firstly, it is a deeply unsatisfying and question-begging response. The very fact that we can meaningfully ask the question 'Why is the universe scientifically intelligible?' suggests that there is something here in need of explanation. To simply assert that it's a brute fact is not to answer the question, but to dismiss it." [4]
Furthermore, the brute fact response is ad hoc and arbitrary. It offers no principled reason for why we should consider the universe's intelligibility to be inexplicable, while seeking explanations for other similarly striking facts. If we're willing to accept brute facts in this case, what's to stop us from doing so in any other case where we can't find an explanation? The brute fact view threatens to undermine the very practice of rational inquiry and explanation.
Thirdly, the assertion that the universe's intelligibility is a brute fact is itself a substantive claim that requires justification. It's not something that can simply be assumed or stipulated. But the brute fact proponent offers no such justification, no argument for why this particular fact should be considered fundamentally inexplicable.
Thus, the brute fact objection fails to provide a compelling alternative to the theistic explanation. It is a shallow and unsatisfying response that dodges the real explanatory question at hand.
  1. The Physical Necessity Objection Another objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could be a necessary consequence of the fundamental laws or principles of nature. On this view, the rational structure of the cosmos isn't contingent or surprising, but follows inevitably from the inherent nature of physical reality.
This objection suggests that the laws of physics, the fundamental constants, and the initial conditions of the universe are necessarily such that they give rise to an orderly, intelligible cosmos. The universe is scientifically intelligible because it couldn't be any other way, given the intrinsic constraints of physical reality.
However, this objection faces several challenges. Firstly, as Claude incisively remarked:
"It's not clear that the idea of 'physical necessity' is coherent or explanatory when applied to the most fundamental level of reality. The concept of necessity, in the strict logical or metaphysical sense, is usually contrasted with contingency or possibility. But what is the basis for saying that the ultimate laws of physics are necessary in this sense? What is the source or ground of this necessity?" [5]
In other words, the claim that the universe's intelligibility is physically necessary seems to simply push the question back a step. Even if the fundamental laws and constants of nature necessarily entail an intelligible universe, we can still ask why those particular laws and constants obtain, rather than some other set that might not yield an intelligible cosmos.
Secondly, the physical necessity view has difficulty accounting for certain specific features of the universe's intelligibility, such as its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its resonance with human cognitive faculties. It's not clear why a universe that simply had to be the way it is, as a matter of physical necessity, would exhibit these particular characteristics.
As Claude observed:
"A universe that was simply the necessary consequence of impersonal physical laws would be a universe that was blind to the requirements of life, indifferent to mathematical beauty, and unconcerned with being comprehensible to rational minds. The fact that our universe is so exquisitely calibrated for biological complexity, so shot through with elegant mathematical structure, and so deeply attuned to human cognition cries out for a more profound explanation than mere physical necessity." [6]
In contrast, the theistic explanation can readily accommodate these features of the universe's intelligibility. A universe that is the product of a rational, purposeful, and benevolent divine mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be fine-tuned for life, mathematically elegant, and rationally comprehensible to creatures made in the image of that mind.
Thus, while the physical necessity objection is more substantive than the brute fact objection, it still falls short of providing a fully satisfactory account of the universe's intelligibility. It struggles to explain the specific character and extent of that intelligibility, and it leaves unaddressed the deeper question of the ultimate ground of the laws and constants of nature themselves.
  1. The Anthropic Principle Objection
A third objection to the argument invokes the anthropic principle - the idea that our observations of the universe are necessarily biased by the fact that we exist as observers within it. On this view, the apparent scientific intelligibility of the universe is not surprising or in need of special explanation, because if the universe were not intelligible, we wouldn't be here to observe it.
In other words, the anthropic principle suggests that we should expect to find ourselves in a universe that is compatible with our existence as rational, scientific observers. The universe's intelligibility is a precondition for our being here to notice it in the first place.
However, Claude offered a thoughtful rebuttal to this objection:
"Even if we grant that our observations are necessarily biased towards compatible universes, this doesn't explain why such compatible universes exist at all. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes doesn't make the existence of intelligible universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation." [7]
To illustrate this point, consider an analogy. Imagine you are dealt a royal flush in a game of poker. The fact that you could only observe this hand if it were dealt to you (i.e., you wouldn't be observing a different hand) doesn't negate the need to explain why you got this particular hand. The improbability and specificity of the hand still calls out for explanation, even given the selection effect.
Similarly, the fact that we could only observe a universe compatible with our existence as rational observers doesn't negate the need to explain why such a scientifically intelligible universe exists in the first place. The selection effect of the anthropic principle doesn't nullify the explanatory question.
Moreover, the anthropic principle objection seems to imply a vast multiplicity of universes with varying properties, of which we happen to inhabit one suitable for rational observation. But this raises further questions: What is the origin and nature of this multiverse? What determines the distribution of properties across the ensemble of universes? Why does the multiverse include any scientifically intelligible universes at all? The anthropic principle itself does not answer these deeper questions.
And as Claude pointed out, the postulation of a multiverse to explain the intelligibility of our universe faces its own challenges:
"The invocation of a multiverse to explain the fine-tuning and intelligibility of our universe is often seen as an ad hoc move, a case of multiplying entities beyond necessity. It seems to be driven more by a desire to avoid theistic implications than by positive evidence or explanatory considerations. Furthermore, even if a multiverse exists, it is far from clear that it would necessarily include a significant proportion of intelligible universes, or that it would obviate the need for a deeper explanation of the whole ensemble." [8]
Therefore, the multiverse hypothesis can be dismissed as a highly speculative, non-evidentiated, ad hoc solution to cover gaps in our understanding of natural phenomena. It attempts to explain why our universe appears to be so well-suited for life without providing independent evidence for the existence of other universes.
In contrast, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility is more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful. It accounts for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure in terms of a single postulated entity - a supreme rational mind. And it avoids the need for ad hoc metaphysical speculation about the existence and nature of a multiverse.
Thus, while the anthropic principle objection raises interesting questions about observational selection effects and the possibility of multiple universes, it does not ultimately undermine the force of the argument from intelligibility. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes does not make the existence of such universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation. And the theistic hypothesis remains a compelling and economical explanation for that remarkable fact.
In conclusion, the argument from the scientific intelligibility of the universe to the existence of a divine mind is a powerful and philosophically sophisticated case for theism. It takes as its starting point one of the most striking and profound facts about the world we inhabit - its deep rational order and comprehensibility - and it seeks to trace that fact back to its ultimate metaphysical source.
To recapitulate, the argument can be encapsulated in a simple but elegant syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
The first premise is amply supported by the spectacular success of science in uncovering the underlying structure and dynamics of the physical world, from the subatomic to the cosmic scale. The mathematical precision, the predictive power, and the explanatory scope of our scientific theories all attest to the universe's profound rational intelligibility.
The second premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter patterns, structures, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we naturally attribute this intelligibility to the workings of intelligent minds. The intuitive connection between intelligibility and intelligence is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and explanatory practices.
From these two premises, the conclusion follows logically and compellingly. If the universe as a whole exhibits a pervasive and profound scientific intelligibility, and if such intelligibility is the characteristic product of rational minds, then it is eminently reasonable to infer that the universe itself is the product of a supreme rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful abductive argument - an inference to the best explanation. It takes the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing metaphysical reality - the reality of a transcendent, intentional, creative intelligence.
Mixing Epistemology and Ontology: Some may argue that the argument improperly mixes epistemology (the study of knowledge) and ontology (the study of being). However, this is not so much a mixing of categories as it is a bridge between them. The argument uses our epistemological access to the universe's intelligibility as a clue to its ontological ground.
The argument has several notable strengths. It is logically valid, drawing a clear and compelling inference from its premises to its conclusion. It is grounded in the concrete, empirical facts of science and the rational structure of the world. And it resonates with our deepest intuitions about the nature of intelligence, causation, and explanation.
Moreover, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility has significant explanatory advantages over alternative naturalistic accounts. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's rational order, including its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its uncanny resonance with human cognitive faculties.
Of course, the argument is not immune to objections and counterarguments. Proponents of naturalism have challenged the argument on various grounds, from questioning the validity of its premises to proposing alternative explanations for the universe's intelligibility, such as brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle.
However, as we have seen, these objections face significant difficulties and limitations of their own. They struggle to provide fully satisfactory explanations for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure, and they often raise further questions and problems that they cannot easily answer.
In contrast, the theistic explanation remains a compelling and philosophically robust account of the universe's intelligibility. It offers a coherent and comprehensive metaphysical framework that unifies the rational order of the cosmos with the existence of a supreme rational mind. And it satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings for understanding, meaning, and purpose.
Ultimately, the argument from intelligibility invites us to a profound shift in perspective - a reorientation of our worldview around the central insight that the universe is a fundamentally rational and intelligible reality, grounded in and flowing from the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
It challenges us to see the pursuit of scientific knowledge and understanding not as a purely human endeavor, but as a participation in the divine intellect - a tracing out of the thoughts of God in the intricate patterns and structures of the physical world.
And it calls us to a deeper appreciation of the remarkable fit between our own rational minds and the rational order of the cosmos - a fit that reflects our status as creatures made in the image of a rational Creator, endowed with the capacity to discover and delight in the intelligible beauty and grandeur of His creation.
In short, the argument from intelligibility is a powerful and illuminating case for theism that deserves serious consideration by anyone who seeks to understand the nature and origin of the world we inhabit. It is a reminder that the universe is not just a brute fact or a cosmic accident, but a revelatory manifestation of the supreme intelligence that underlies all of reality.
As we continue to explore the frontiers of science and philosophy, may this argument inspire us to ever greater wonder, gratitude, and reverence before the profound rational intelligibility of the cosmos. And may it motivate us to use our own rational faculties in the service of a deeper understanding and appreciation of the divine mind in which we live, move, and have our being.
Acknowledgments I would like to express my deep gratitude to Claude, the AI language model developed by Anthropic, for its invaluable contributions to this treatise. Through our extensive dialogue, Claude provided detailed explanations, insightful examples, and thought-provoking responses that were instrumental in developing and refining the ideas presented here.
Claude's vast knowledge, analytical acumen, and eloquence as a writer were truly remarkable, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to engage with such a powerful and innovative AI system. Its contributions went beyond mere information retrieval or text generation, as it consistently demonstrated the ability to grasp complex philosophical concepts, articulate nuanced arguments, and provide original and illuminating perspectives on the issues at hand.
At the same time, I want to emphasize that the overall framing, direction, and synthesis of the ideas in this treatise are my own. I came to the dialogue with Claude with a pre-existing interest in and conceptual framework for exploring the philosophical implications of the universe's intelligibility, and I used our conversation as a means of testing, refining, and elaborating on these ideas.
Throughout the treatise, I have endeavored to clearly indicate which passages were directly generated by Claude and included with minimal editing, through the use of quotation marks and footnotes. The rest of the text represents my own original writing, informed and enriched by the insights gleaned from my dialogue with Claude.
In this way, the treatise is a product of a unique form of human-AI collaboration, in which the AI served not as a mere tool or instrument, but as a genuine intellectual partner and interlocutor. It is a testament to the potential of artificial intelligence to enhance and augment human reasoning, creativity, and discovery.
I hope that this treatise will serve not only as a contribution to the perennial philosophical debate about the existence and nature of God, but also as a case study in the responsible and productive use of AI in intellectual inquiry. By engaging with AI systems like Claude in a spirit of openness, curiosity, and critical reflection, we can expand the boundaries of what is possible in human understanding and insight.
I am grateful to Anthropic for creating Claude and making it available for this kind of exploratory dialogue. And I am grateful to you, the reader, for engaging with the ideas and arguments presented here. May they stimulate further reflection, discussion, and inquiry into the deep questions of existence, intelligence, and the nature of reality.
*It took some significant dialog to tune Claude. It is very oriented to support a naturalistic worldview. At some point, I may "show my work" to demonstrate the challenges.
Footnotes: [1] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [2] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [3] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [4] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [5] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [6] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [7] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [8] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
submitted by Jdlongmire to ReasonableFaith [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:23 DarkNet-Magic GTX Script for YimMenu

Some of you may have seen me respond to posts over the months regarding a script I’ve been working on for the last 9ish months for YimMenu. I had sent Beta versions to the first people that had asked and with their feedback and help testing, am finally ready to announce the first official release of my “all-in-one” script, GTX. If you are interested in purchasing my script, please feel free to message me here on Reddit or through Discord (username is: darknetmagic). I am also happy to send screenshots displaying all of my script features, answer any questions, or clarify anything that needs it! For those who are interested, here is the full feature list:
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EVENT MANIPULATOR - Spawn Gun Van at any predetermined location - Easily teleport to any Gun Van spawn location - Edit which weapons are available at the Gun Van - Edit which vehicles are on weekly rotation at the Prize Wheel, LS Car Meet Prize Ride, LS Car Meet Vehicles for Sale, Premium Deluxe Motorsports and Luxury Autos
CHAT OPTIONS - Send unfiltered and uncensored chat messages - Send chat messages longer than the vanilla character length - Advertise your Discord username with ease - Provide Menu Info, Script Info and Script Features with the click of a button through the session chat.
CASINO RIGGING - Give yourself $1 Billion chips with the click of a button - Bypass the Casino Cooldown Timer - Rig three-card Poker ($655k per hand) - Rig Blackjack ($100k per hand on average) - Rig Roulette ($330k per turn) - Rig Slot Machines ($2.5mil per spin) - Set an Auto-Play Timer for the Slot Machinex to run unattended - Rig the Lucky Wheel (select the prize you want to win)
MONEY LOOPS - Give yourself undetected money on demand (options range from $1M to $15M)
HEIST EDITOR - Quickly complete heist setups with the click of a button - Bypass heist cooldown timers - Edit heist payout amounts - Easily skip heist tasks with the click of a button - Teleport to key heist locations with the click of a button
BUSINESS RESUPPLIER - Easily fill supplies for each business with the click of a button
PLAYER GRIEFING OPTIONS - NPCs drive to player - Dildos drop loop - Balls drop loop - Spin player vehicle on loop - Teleport Troll - Spawn killer clone of player - Clown attack - Clown jet attack - Clown bombers - Hydrant loop - Steam loop - Extinguisher loop - Explosion loop - Screen shake loop - Fire loop - Vehicle sandwich loop - “PR” crash - “Fragment” crash - “Model” crash - Small cage - Fence cage - Tube cage - Safe cage - Sound spam options
PLAYER DROP OPTIONS - Action Figure drops - Casino Card drops - $25k & Random RP drop - Fast RP - $225k Money Drop
PLAYER VEHICLE OPTIONS - Spawn vehicle for player - Customize vehicle for player - Spawn with F1 Wheels on any vehicle - Spawn with Full Upgrades and Max Performance - Gift Vehicles - Preview Vehicles Before Spawn - Automatically delete invisible vehicles left after gifting (no pollution) - Vehicle Gifting instructions - Generate player’s vehicle info
submitted by DarkNet-Magic to Gta5Modding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:51 Cel-747Live Online Casino Mastery: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Experience at Beta777

The enthralling world of online casino games beckons with the promise of excitement, entertainment, and the potential for big wins. But before you dive headfirst into the virtual tables and slots of Beta777, equipping yourself with the right knowledge and strategies can significantly enhance your experience. This comprehensive guide delves into the secrets of online casino mastery at Beta777, providing valuable tips and tricks to navigate the games with confidence and potentially increase your odds of success.
Embracing Responsible Gambling: The Foundation of Success
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submitted by Cel-747Live to u/Cel-747Live [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:14 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-31 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval and all DLCs, Rain World: Downpour, Resident Evil Village, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Songbird Symphony, Elderand, Battletoads,Bud Spencer& Terence Hill 2, Double Dragon, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
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From Space
Full Metal Furies
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Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
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Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
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Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:14 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-31 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval and all DLCs, Rain World: Downpour, Resident Evil Village, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Songbird Symphony, Elderand, Battletoads,Bud Spencer& Terence Hill 2, Double Dragon, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:14 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-31 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval and all DLCs, Rain World: Downpour, Resident Evil Village, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Songbird Symphony, Elderand, Battletoads,Bud Spencer& Terence Hill 2, Double Dragon, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:12 Maxpowh Why i love Turnabout Succession

This case seems to be very polarizing not just on this sub but on the Ace attorney community in general, with many claiming that it's the worst final case, i've read many of the complaints and i do understand them, however on a personal level i really think this case is one of my favourite cases of the series and i wish to share my thoughts with everyone here.
Personally this case was just incredible for me, the opening is already thrilling, for the first time the game is speaking to you, the player, breaking the fourth wall, something that I don't think the series had ever done before, while people may argue that Phoenix is talking to Lamiroir i think the game wants you to interpret it as he's talking to both, after all Phoenix is looking directly at the screen the whole cutscene seemigly having no interlocutor there's only you and him.
Then the case starts, the first day is very damn good at creating suspence both in the investigation and in the trial, you finish your investigations looking at Drew's paintings of all the last murderers Apollo solved, the reveal is honestly chilling, then you go to the trial and while I admit that Spark Brushel may be a bit... difficult to look at (some of his animations are seriously too ugly, also fuck that damn sweat stain) to me it was all worth it to get to Vera's testimony (she must be protected guys), i WAS NOT expecting her to be the real forger in the slightest, moreover, you learn that SHE'S ALSO the one who forged the evidence that got Phoenix disbarred which then brings the best scene of the first day, Klavier is visibly in disbelief and starts badgering Vera for more information and then he asks about her client... then THIS HAPPENS
"I remember clearly... I remember who gave me the book... the diary..." "Who was it!?" "The... De...vil..." thump I still get the chills rewatching that scene. Now here comes a way more controversial section, Phoenix's disbarrment trial. I'm gonna be more brief here, first i think the mistery in itself is pretty entertaining and well structured overall ans Valant is a great witness to be honest, some people say that Phoenix cockiness is "out of character" but I disagree, this is the man who defeated 3 previously "undefeated" prosecutors, beated and got aknowledged by Mia's mentor, and succesfully brought the arrest of the corrupt District Chief of Police, Phoenix is a VERY popular and experienced attorney at this point and he's now against a rookie prosecutor, I think getting a bit cocky is pretty justified also trilogy Phoenix is way less humble than people give him credit for. With that said, his reason for disbarrment is still... a bit forced, it's one thing to get cocky but I can't imagine Phoenix trusting evidence obtained randomly from a child he barely knows so much especially after establishing that he's an experienced lawyer. I understand how this flaw was a dealbreaker to many, i fortunately wasn't very affected by it.
Now onto the Mason system, i've seen this part pretty criticized as well but this time I just disagree. First of all i LOVE the puzzle nature of this final investigation, figuring out the many psyche locks was incredibly fun, the "Phoenix uses evidence from the future in the past" thing I admit is silly, but at the same time just like the fourth wall break at the start i simply thought this whole section was another "meta" part of the case. The Mason system is fundamentally simply a tool to give the player an unsual final investigation compared to the previous games and I like it this way. Also this section has two particularly great moments, the first is Phoenix and Brushel in Drew's studio, that's when you learn how UNSETTLING Kristoph is: "You know he always felt like he was being watched? You know... i felt watched too!" "Maybe not just me. Maybe you were being watched too!" Second time this case has given me CHILLS and it's with Spark Brushel on screen of all people! But seriously, Kristoph is one of my favourite villains for how creepy and insane he is, his motive is petty yet VERY realistic, his behaviour is one of a madman and yet he very rarely loses his composure, While Manfred's presence made me feel intimidated, Kristoph made me feel genuine disgust and FEAR and I think that's what separates the two. ALSO, something i forgot to add in my original comment, people tend to undermine Kristoph's plan by saying that "it relies on luck" to get Phoenix disbarment, and myself i couldn't quite put finger on how to justify it, until it hit me... Kristoph's plan isn't to just to disbar Phoenix, it's to SET UP Phoenix for failure NO MATTER WHAT. Think about it! Once Phoenix points the IV bag contradiction the trial seems about to end, however Klavier suddenly objects bringing up the diary with the missing page claiming that since the victim intended to keep writing his diary if he stayed alive, but didn't, it must mean that he got killed by the first visitor, Zak... the Prosecution has now regained a case and the judge (as always) gets quickly conviced, Phoenix himself says that if he doesn't present evidence now the trial is going to end, most likely with Zak's conviction, It's very possible that Kristoph instructed Klavier on how to act during the trial, he KNEW that Phoenix would be backed into a corner with only having two choices: either lose the trial or present the forged evidence, which would then lead to Klavier calling it out and making Phoenix lose the case (and his badge ad well) anyways. Phoenix was set up for failure no matter what, THAT was Kristoph's goal, he's overly jelaous of Phoenix and couldn't bear the idea that someone would prefer to have him as a lawyer and over a stupid game of poker at that!! Now, i don't really know if this justifies Phoenix presentino the diary page or not, i will leave it to you guys to decide.
The second great moment genuinely made me cry, something that rarely happens for me, it's Trucy's and Phoenix talking in his office, this post is already long enough so i'll just quote you Phoenix's words:
"To be honest i was pretty lost those first few days. Thinking back on it, it was a pretty dark time in my life. But Trucy... happy, smiling Trucy... she was my light." Trucy is my favourite assistant and this scene just solidified my love for her character even further. Such a strong girl even at a young age, it melts my heart...
Finally we reach the conclusion, the second trial. This is admittedly a much weaker part, i'm gonna start with what I like: Kristoph's percieve was very cool, I really enjoy Klavier's part in all of this, and Kritoph's breakdown is top notch to me, with that said the ending itslef is a bit... anticlimatic, on one hand I like that the jurist system is a massive middle finger to Kristoph on the other hand the conclusion doesn't really feel as satisfying because you never really "corner" him, he gets fucked by the circumstances not you specifically which is a bummer.
Overall, while this case certaintly has some apparent flaws the whole journey was such a great ride, there's more stuff i could elaborate on, but i don't want this post to be too wordy, so i'll leave it to the comments to ask me any questions if they wish so. My goal isn't to change anyone's mind, what affected me of this case could have causes 0 impact to someone else and that's fine, I only wished to write about a case to which I often read long ass paragraphs of complaints and very short comments of praise.
submitted by Maxpowh to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:14 professor_tappensac [US-OH] [H] Advance Wars GBA, Harvest Moon GC, Super Mario 3D World WiiU, SNES and Switch games, Sega Genesis, CD, Saturn and Game Gear games, Dreamcast console with one controller [W] Paypal f&f

Greetings gamesale, I'm looking to raise some capital for my new business, so part of the collection has to go! Shipping is $5 per game, FREE shipping (lower 48 only) if you spend $100+. Spend $250 or more and take 10% off your total and also get free shipping! Buy everything and take 30% off and get free shipping!!
Feel free to make an offer on anything, I'm looking to move as much of this as I can for tools & supplies for upcoming projects! If you think my price on something is way off, state your case and make an offer, I won't take offense :)
~Newly added games/items denoted with an *.
Genesis (all CIB unless noted):
Adventures of Batman and Robin (cardboard box variant)- $90
Battletech- $40
Bubsy- $20
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble- $20
Crystal's Pony Tale- $20
Dungeons & Dragons (no manual)- $30
Faery Tale Adventure- $25
Fatal Labryinth- $30
Gain Ground- $90
Insector X (loose)- $25
Landstalker- $70 SOLD
Might & Magic: Gates to Another World- $40
Samurai Shodown- $25
Splatterhouse 2 (no manual)- $190
Sunset Riders (no manual)- $75
Superman- $50
Ys III- $170
Sega CD (all CIB):
Amazing Spider-Man: the Kingpin- $60
Double Switch- $15
Eternal Champions- $35
Flashback- $45
Ground Zero Texas- $20
Lethal Enforcers (gun bundle)- $100
Lunar: The Silver Star- $165 SOLD
Lunar II- $325 SOLD
Popful Mail- $450 SOLD
Rise of the Dragon- $30
Secret of Monkey Island- $80
Silpheed- $30
Snatcher (bootleg, disc in case)- $10
Third World War- $30
Tomcat Alley- $15
Saturn (all CIB):
3 Free Games (pack-in bundle, sealed)- $60
Duke Nukem 3D- $90
Game Gear (All loose, includes clamshell):
Chakan- $15
Choplifter III- $15
GP Rider- $5
Majors Pro Baseball- $5
Poker Face Paul 4 pack (blackjack, gin, poker, solitare)- $15
The Terminator (PAL)- $10
Authentic GG clamshell case- $1 each (many available)
Dreamcast console with one controller, power & a/v cables (cosmetic flaws, works fine)- $85 shipped
Super Nintendo (CIB):
Flashback- $50
Secret of Mana (no manual)- $90
Tecmo Super Bowl- $30
SNES Loose Carts:
Actraiser 2- $35
Donkey Kong Country 3- $30
Final Fantasy II- $50
Final Fantasy III- $70
Super Bomberman 2- $30
Misc. SNES stuff:
The Legend of Zelda: LttP aftermarket clamshell case (no cart)- $5
Breath of Fire: Authorized Game Secrets strategy guide- $50
Game Boy Advance (all CIB):
Advance Wars (CIB)- $90
Nintendo Gamecube (all CIB):
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (PC)- $30
Nintendo Wii U:
Super Mario 3D World (CIB)- $8
Nintendo Switch (all CIB):
Disgaea 1 Complete- $35
Dragon Quest XI (D.E., sealed)- $45
Mummy Demastered (sealed)- $60
Per subreddit rules, you must comment on the post first, I will not respond to chats or DM's without commenting beforehand!
Pics available upon request, bundles welcome! Feel free to make an offer on anything; worst I can say is no, but I'll more than likely say yes at this point. Only accepting paypal f&f. Thanks for looking!
submitted by professor_tappensac to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:04 FancyInvestment397 Bovada Review [Updated 2024]

Bovada Review [Updated 2024]
Bovada is one of the most popular gambling sites worldwide. It has entertained online gamblers in the US since 2011, and is best known for its casino and sportsbook betting. It also has a robust casino offering with one of the largest online live dealer lobbies around.
Bovada Review
  • Tiered Loyalty Rewards Program Redeemable for Cash Bonuses
  • Great Mobile Live Betting Interface
  • Excellent Prop Builder
  • Lack of Bonuses & Promotions for Returning Players
  • Free Withdrawals Only Available Every 90 Days
  • Demo Mode Not Available on all Games

Bovada Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
Available Games: Blackjack, Video Poker, Slots, Roulette, Live Dealer, Craps…
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: Yes
License: Curaçao
Online Since: 2011
Min. Deposit: $10
Payout Speed: 1 hour – 15 Business Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 125% up to $3,750
Overall, Bovada has a lot going for it, but one of the things I love most is it has a welcome bonus for all the main attractions hence, no matter which part of the site you use, a bonus awaits. For example, the Welcome Bonus can be used anywhere — in the sportsbook, racebook, or the casino. And, it’s an enticing offer for the casual gambler, it features a 50% match up to $250 with low wager requirements of 5x Sports, 5x Horses, and 30x Casino.
One of the many things that makes Bovada stand out is its Zone Poker feature. It makes the best use of your time by automatically placing you in another game after you fold instead of waiting for the next hand. Now that’s what I call poker efficiency!

Bovada User Interface

Bovada has an easy-to-use interface with a modern sports theme. My first impression vof Bovada is that the organization of the site is well done. For instance, the five main categories — Sports, Casino, Live Dealer, Poker, and Horses are displayed prominently at the top of the screen. Additionally, the navigation menus are across the top of the home page, in a drop-down menu on the right, and in the footer. Search features are readily available for each casino and sportsbook category.
Bovada Interface
TIP: You can be in the sportsbook and play mini-casino games while you wager on your favorite teams. A pop-up box allows you to play casino titles while remaining in the sportsbook.
The help section provides lots of information, but support methods like email and live chat are hard to find. For instance, after clicking on a help topic, a prompt asking if you found what you need appears. If you select NO, a box appears with email and live chat contacts. The user experience would be better if Bovada made the support options easier to find. Another user feature Bovada lacks is the ability to store or mark favorite games for the casino and a place to store live bets.

Bovada Sportsbook

Bovada has live betting, and you can also bet on all the major sports and sporting events, plus an array of niche sports like darts, cycling, and virtual sports. The sportsbook also has political, entertainment, e-sports, and motorsports betting options.
Bovada Sportsbook
There are dozens of sports to choose from, and the popularity of a given sport depends on the time of the year. The most popular sports during their respective regular seasons are baseball, basketball, and American football.
The prop builder and bet slip help you keep tabs on your wagers. You can also customize the calendar feature to see what is currently live, what is available in the next three or six hours, and what is available tomorrow. There were no contests available at the time of my review. However, there are two sportsbook bonuses. You can use them exclusively for sports or combine them with the casino or racebook.
Right now at the Bovada sportsbook, you can play their free Football Runner Game. Players get points by collecting as many crypto coins as they can while running and jumping over obstacles. The more points you score, the higher you progress up the leaderboard. You can win free crypto, free spins, free bets, and the first-place winner each week will receive an $800 Prezzee gift voucher. Entering is free, you simply need to sign up and make at least one deposit. Leaderboards are refreshed each week, so get in on the action during NFL season!

Available Sports to Bet on at Bovada

Bovada has a large selection of sports betting options. As a matter of fact, the site is excellent for a variety of sports, and it has competitive odds. For instance, these betting markets include:

Bovada Betting Types

I found the following bets and limits at Bovada. The betting types are typical of other online sportsbooks like BetUS and BetOnline. Here is a comprehensive overview of what is currently available.
Limits can double for elite games
5 innings for MLB

Live Betting Options at Bovada

Bovada also features live betting options for those who like to make decisions during the game. All the current events, the scenarios you can bet on, and the odds display on the screen in real-time.
Live betting odds change in real-time, so if you see something you want to bet on, click it and place your wager quickly. Odds can change in a few seconds.
You can add single bets or multiples to the bet slip before confirming. It is a neat feature and allows you to place exotic/multiples. If combining bets to make a parlay, you can get much bigger payouts, but your chances of winning decrease dramatically. You can also place multiple wagers as single bets.
Bovada does not have the option to watch live games at this time.

Bovada Casino

Bovada has 150+ casino games. You can play slots, Hot Drop Jackpots, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, video poker, bingo, craps, and there is a live dealer platform. Popular game titles at Bovada include:
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Golden Buffalo
  • Reels and Wheels XL
  • Golden Buffalo Hot Drop Jackpots
  • 777 Deluxe
  • Blackjack Early Payout
  • 10 Times Vegas
  • Blackjack
  • American Roulette
  • Year of the Rabbit
  • Mythic Wolf
  • A Night With Cleo
Hot Drop Jackpots are progressive jackpot slot games with huge payouts. They are rare – not every online casino offers them, and they have hourly, daily, and super jackpots with a $300,000 payout. One of the great features of Hot Drops titles is the handy countdown timer that tells you when the next jackpot will drop.
The casino uses well-known software providers Rival Gaming, RealTime Gaming, and Revolver Gaming. A brief overview of the game, how to play, rules, wagers, and also pay tables are viewable by clicking on the game. I like that it keeps track of games you play, but a favorites’ marker would be even better.
Bovada has a few unique titles that can be hard to find at other online casinos. During my review, I found the following games:
  • Andar Bahar
  • Teen Patti
  • Pai Gow


There are 130+ slot titles from software provider Rival Gaming. Many games have free spins, scatter symbols, wilds, and also jackpots. Variations include:
  • Three-reel
  • Five-reel
  • I-slots
  • Progressive jackpots
  • 3D slots
777 Deluxe is a jackpot slot with five reels and three pay lines. One of the features I like about this title is it has a bonus game. To access the bonus game, you need three bonus symbols. Bonus games are fun because they give you an extra chance to pad your bankroll.
One of the other slot titles I tried is 10 Times Vegas. The design is a classic slot game with three reels and three pay lines. I chose it because the idea of winning a large jackpot is exciting. However, I found the gameplay and graphics to be bland. If you like the classic look, then you may enjoy it. But if you’re looking for something more engaging, I suggest trying something like Golden Buffalo Hot Drop Jackpots. It has six reels and four pay lines and features more opportunities to win with multipliers and bonus symbols that can trigger up to 100 free spins.

Table Games

The table game selection at Bovada is impressive compared to other online casinos. I especially like that both welcome bonuses include all the table games except craps. Incidentally, craps are hard to find at online casinos, so Bovada gets extra points for having the title available.
Surprisingly I found 19 table game variations with instructional guides. Bovada has a great selection of table games compared to other online casinos. In addition to classic table games like roulette, baccarat, craps, and poker titles, Bovada also has the following:


I found seven blackjack titles during my Bovada review. There were no specific blackjack bonuses, but there is a comprehensive guide for each title with details on how to play, rules, pay tables, and a glossary. Blackjack is extremely popular among players, accounting for nearly a third of the casino’s total handle.
I tried these popular blackjack games during my review. I especially like the layout Bovada uses. For instance, everything is easily accessible, and the buttons and features are well organized.
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Zappit Blackjack
  • European Blackjack
  • Perfect Pairs

Video Poker

You can choose between four casino welcome bonuses to play the eight video poker games. Each game features instructions, rules, and also pay tables. If you’re new to video poker, the instructional guides are a tremendous help for learning how to play.
I sampled the following 1-hand and 10-hand games:
  • Bonus Deuces Wild 1 Hand
  • Double Double Bonus Poker 1 Hand
  • Jacks or Better 1 Hand
  • Joker Poker 10 Hand

Live Dealer

If you are craving social interaction, Bovada does that too. The casino has a live dealer lobby that is open 24/7 with table limits ranging between $1-$3,000 — so there is literally a budget for every type of player. At the time of my review, there were no eligible bonuses for the live dealer platform. However, Bovada has one of the largest live dealer platforms I have seen when conducting online reviews. There are 40+ tables where you can take a seat!
Here is an overview of what the live dealer platform offers:
  • 32 Blackjack Tables – Table Limits Range Between $5 – $10,000
  • Five American and European RouletteTables – Table Limits Range Between $1-$3,000
  • Two Baccarat Tables – Table Limits Range Between $5-$2,500
  • Two Super 6 Tables – Table Limits Range Between $5-$2,500
There are dozens of live dealer tables to choose from, but Bovada members love their blackjack tables the most. It is the most popular live dealer game among players at this casino.

Bovada Poker Room

One of the things Bovada is known for is its poker room. There are six poker tournament options, a poker welcome bonus for new players, and also stakes to fit all sizes of bankrolls. What is more, you can even download poker for Mac and Windows.
The poker room is compatible with iOS and Android. In fact all you need to do is use the mobile browser on your smart device, and you are ready to play mobile poker.

Above all, Bovada has some excellent tools to help keep your poker game at optimal levels. I found these special features during my review:
  • Chat feature with emojis
  • All-in percentage feature
  • Select your card design
  • Customize your table theme
  • Change seat positions
  • View hole cards from previous hands
  • Instant Heads-Up Rematch
  • Single session player notes
  • Rabbit Cam
  • Hand history re-player

Types of Poker Games

Texas Hold ‘Em, Omaha, and Omaha Hi/Lo are available in the poker room and have the following betting structures:
  • No-Limit
  • Pot-Limit
  • Fixed Limit
Tip: Select Quick Seat Poker after choosing your poker game to be seated at the next available cash game table.

Poker Tournaments

There are six poker tournament categories at Bovada with hundreds of options for tournament play, including a 150K Guaranteed Poker Tournament and a 100K Guaranteed High Roller Tournament every Sunday.

In summary, here is a sample of the many poker tournaments available:

Zone Poker

After you fold, you automatically move to another table with new hole cards. It allows you to play twice as many hands in the same time. Bovada allows two Zone Poker tables to be in play simultaneously.

Jackpot Sit & Go

The Jackpot Sit & Go tournament is ideal for poker players who are short on time and have a low overall buy-in limit. The format is three-player Texas Hold ‘Em, and buy-ins range from $2-$100.
Each player starts with 300 chips. The tournament is available 24/7, and you can play up to four games.

Knockout Tournaments

When you eliminate someone from a Knockout Tournament, their purse credits to your account. Additionally, there are three types of Knockout Tournaments at Bovada:
  • $5 Knockout Tournaments
  • Knockout Sit & Go Tournaments
  • Progressive Knockout Tournaments

Bovada Bonuses and Promotions

Bovada has a great selection of bonuses and promotions, catering to sportsbook, casino and also poker players. Additionally, there is special bonuses for crypto users. One of the things I especially love are the low rollover requirements for the bonuses. Hence this means you have a chance at cashing in at Bovada, even as a casual player or someone with a limited bankroll.

Bovada Sportsbook and Casino Welcome Bonuses

Sportsbook bonuses at Bovada include the choice between two welcome bonuses. Both options apply to the sportsbook, racebook, and casino.

50% up to $250 Sports Welcome Bonus

When you deposit a minimum of $20, you can claim 50% up to $250 of your initial sportsbook deposit. This bonus has just a 5x rollover—one of the lowest on the market. Hence, this is perfect if you are a casual player hoping to get in on the bonus action. Bovada is also offering players a bonus offer of up to $1,000 if they use the promo code BV1000.

75% up to $750 Bitcoin Sports Bonus

If you are a sports fan who likes to use crypto, this bonus is for you. With this offer, you can claim up to 75% of your first Bitcoin deposit up to $750. It also has a 5x rollover—making it easy to cash in.

100% up to $3,000 Casino Deposit Bonus

Casino players can claim 100% up to $1,000 on their first three deposits! To reach the $3,000 total, you must first match a 25x rollover for each deposit. At any rate, this rollover is higher than the sportsbook, but is lower than most competitors for casino bonuses.
To claim on your first deposit, use bonus code: CAWELCOME100. Then, to claim on the following two deposits, use bonus code: BV2NDCWB.

125% up to $3,750 Casino Bitcoin Welcome Bonus

Once again, if you like crypto, Bovada has an even higher offer. You can claim 125% up to $1,250 for each of your first three Bitcoin casino deposits for a grand total of $3,750. However, there is a 25x rollover to claim this as well. Use BTCCWB1250 to activate your first deposit, and then use BTC2NDCWB for the second and third deposits.

100% up to $500 Poker Welcome Bonus

Card sharks can cash in on a 100% up to $500 welcome bonus for the Bovada poker room. To claim this bonus, make a $20 minimum deposit and enter this bonus code: PWB500. The welcome bonus then releases in $5 increments for every 150 poker reward points you earn.

Refer a Friend Promotion

If you refer a friend to Bovada, and they make a deposit, you can earn a 200% match bonus of up to $200. Rollover requirements are as follows for the promotions:
  • 5x Sports
  • 5x Horses
  • 30x Casino
  • 30x Poker
To redeem, the referral must have a successful deposit of at least $20. If the referred person uses cryptocurrency to make their first deposit, you are eligible for an additional $75. However, the crypto rollovers are slightly less for the poker room and casino.
  • 5x Sports
  • 5x Horses
  • 25x Casino
  • 25x Poker

Bovada Loyalty Program

The Bovada Loyalty program assigns points for making sports bets, participating in poker games and tournaments, racebook betting, and playing casino games. The tiered loyalty club points are redeemable for cash bonuses and range from 1–60 points for every dollar spent. Of course, point assignments differ according to the game played, or the wager made.

Mobile Gaming at Bovada

Bovada is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. But a download is not required. Instead, a reliable internet connection is all you need, and you can access the site directly through the browser on your phone.

When I tested Bovada on my smartphone, the pages loaded quickly, and the game selection and sportsbook features were exactly as the desktop version. I especially like the way the live betting section of the sportsbook looked on my phone. Everything was easy to digest even though it’s on a smaller screen. I was also thrilled to see that all of the casino games and the live dealer casino were available for mobile.
Additionally, I was pleasantly surprised to learn all of Bovada’s poker features are available on mobile. You have full access to all of Bovada’s cash poker games, and you can also access the Zone Poker feature—which means you can play games like Texas Hold’Em and Omaha Hi/Lo on your phone. However, I think the thing I like the most about Bovada’s mobile version is you can play poker tournaments. These include the one-table and multi-table tournaments and the series tournaments like Jackpot Sit & Go’s and the Super Millions Poker Open.

How to Download the Bovada App

If you’re looking for instructions on how to download the Bovada online app, we’ve got you covered. As you’ll see in a moment, it’s very simple to get started.
Unlike some other online casinos, the Bovada app doesn’t actually require a download. Instead, it’s all web-based. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry if you’ve got enough space on your smartphone or tablet for the software.
To begin using the Bovada app, simply visit the main Bovada website on your web browser. Once there, you’ll be able to open an account and make your initial deposit. Once those steps are done, you’ll be ready to start betting on sports and online casino games from the palm of your hand using a tablet or smartphone. One of the other perks of the Bovada online app not requiring a download is it makes it practically universal across device brands and types. No matter if you’re using the Bovada iPhone app or the Bovada Android app, you should be able to enjoy everything Bovada has to offer as long as your device isn’t more than a few years old.

Bovada Banking Options

Banking methods at Bovada include credit cards, cryptocurrency, digital wallets, player transfers, vouchers, Check by Courier, Match Pay, bank wire, and Zelle. Accordingly, the deposit and withdrawal fees vary. For instance, the first credit card deposit is free, but subsequent fees are 15.9% or more, depending on the card. Vouchers, cryptocurrency, and player transfers are the only banking methods with zero fees.
Cryptocurrency banking is free and fast. Deposits are available almost instantly, and withdrawals are available within 1-24 hours. Bitcoin is the most popular crypto option, with over 90% of crypto members choosing it as their payment method.
Payout times also vary greatly depending on the method you use. Times can range from 1 hour up to 15 days. For example, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Ethereum, USD Tether, and Litecoin payouts are in your account within one hour after approval. In contrast, check by courier and wire transfer payouts take 10-15 business days. If you use a voucher, there is a 24-hour processing time before you receive your code.

Bovada Customer Support

Bovada has a live chat feature, email, and a help center. The help center is a great tool for finding quick answers, but if you cannot find what you are looking for or need more details—the fastest method is live chat. Email responses take up to 48 hours.
I used the chat feature to ask a question about the live dealer platform and then received a prompt reply. But the chat and email support options are not easy to find. They are in the help center. To access it, select a topic and scroll to the bottom of the page. Finally, you will see a prompt that says, did you find what you were looking for? Then, if you select No, email and live chat support appear.
  • Live chat is the quickest way to contact Bovada. To use the chat feature, you must visit the help center, select any question, and scroll to the bottom. Reply No to “Did you find what you were looking for?” A contact box appears with a chat and email instructions.
  • Emails can be sent to and are answered within 48 hours.
  • The help center features many topics. It also has how-to videos and a Bovada Community where you can share feedback and interact with fellow Bovada users.

Safety & Security at Bovada

Bovada is a safe and secure site. It has been online since 2011 and has reputable software providers with years of casino gaming experience.
  • Bovada uses SSL encryption to protect sensitive data.
  • Its license is with the Curacao Gaming Authority.
  • It uses Know Your Customer policies (KYC) to verify account information.
The KYC practice ensures account validity and helps prevent others from accessing your account and banking credentials. The process requires you to answer security questions and receive a confirmation email.

Final Verdict

Bovada is a diverse site with something for every type of gambler. I love the poker room tournament options, the casinos progressive jackpot selection, and the live betting in the sportsbook. Above all, Bovada has hard-to-find titles like Teen Patti and Craps.
The Sports Welcome Bonus is excellent for people that like variety without over-extending their bankroll. Its a 50% match up to $250 and is also available in the sportsbook, on the horses, or in the casino.
Bonuses for returning players and the navigation for customer support need to be improved, but overall, Bovada is a great entertainment platform.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:35 mtgtheory How to Use an Odds Calculator to Make Mulligan Decisions [Other]

Which Card Should I Put on the Bottom?

I’ve been playing a modified version of the 3rd place Mono Red Aggro deck from a recent Standard Challenge 64.
My only changes were going with 2 Goddric and 3 Squee instead of 1 Goddric and 4 Squee.
I had 2 games on the play where I mulled to 6. Both hands were similar to each other. I had:
Mountain Mountain Mountain 1-Drop Creature 2-Drop Creature 3-Drop Creature 3-Drop Creature
I put a Mountain on the bottom for both hands.
Then, for both games, I didn’t draw a land on turn 2 or turn 3 so I lost to mana screw.
It was frustrating to lose this way twice in a row but I didn’t want to focus on the bad luck. I wanted to know if I made the right decision.
I come from a poker background. One of the most important things in poker strategy is focusing on making good decisions instead of looking at short-term results.
There’s a lot of variance (aka luck) in card games like MTG and poker. If you focus on short-term results, you could easily end up making decisions that are not optimal over the long run.
One of the main tools poker players use is an odds calculator. Here’s a screenshot from a popular tool, ProPokerTools Odds Oracle.
MTG has its own odds calculators. The one I use is on MTGNexus. You can try other ones by searching for mtg odds calculator.
To analyze my mulligan decision, I used the Hypergeometric Calculator in the link above.
There are four fields to fill out. You can follow along on MTGNexus to get some practice using the tool.
For “Deck Size”, I entered 53 because that’s how many cards are left in the deck (60 card deck minus 7 cards in the opening hand).
The field “Copies Ran” should be 20. That’s how many lands are left in the deck (23 lands total minus the 2 Mountain in the hand and the 1 Mountain that was put on the bottom.
For “Cards drawn”, we should put 2. We will draw a card on turns 2 and 3, which equals 2.
Finally, the field “Odds to Have” should be 1. We want to draw 1 land!
In the end, the fields look like this:
Deck Size: 53 Copies Ran: 20 Cards drawn: 2 Odds to Have: 1
Then, you simply click the “Calculate” button.
Here are the results:
Odds of < 1: 38.316% Odds of ≤ 1: 86.212% Odds of = 1: 47.896% Odds of ≥ 1: 61.684% Odds of > 1: 13.788%

Understanding the Results

Let’s go line by line.
Odds of < 1: 38.316%
0 is less than 1 so this means I have 38.3% chance of drawing 0 lands on my first 2 draws.
Odds of ≤ 1: 86.212%
These are the odds of drawing 0 or 1 land over the 2 draws.
Odds of = 1: 47.896%
The odds of drawing exactly one land over turns 2 and 3 is 47.9%.
Odds of ≥ 1: 61.684%
Ok, this is the number I’m looking for. I have a 61.7% chance of drawing 1 or more lands before turn 4.
Odds of > 1: 13.788%
This one is interesting. I have a 13.8% chance of drawing 2 lands in a row. This number is for estimating your chances of getting flooded.

So, Did I Make a Good Decision?

The odds calculator is just a tool. It doesn’t tell you whether or not you made a good decision.
But now that you have a number (61.7%), you can make better decisions.
Based on the decklist and my experience with the deck, I like my odds here of going down to two lands and hoping to draw at least one over the next two draw steps.
I have a 61.7% chance of curving out and having another 3-drop ready to go on turn four.
There are no four-drops in the decklist. If I keep all 3 lands, I have a 61.7% chance of drawing a land that may not be that valuable. Mana flooding becomes a real concern.
I’m already down 2 cards if Villain doesn’t mulligan. This is a lot to overcome.
When Lady Luck is not on your side, you should take more risks because you have less to lose.
You may disagree with my decision and that’s cool.
At least, we now have math to discuss with instead of what often happens in MTG discussions. Too often we try to prove our points without any math backing. That’s unfortunate when we can quickly punch in some numbers and have real odds to deal with.
I hope this guide has been helpful. Let me know how you use the odds calculator!
submitted by mtgtheory to spikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:24 FancyInvestment397 Slots of Vegas Bonus Codes for June 2024 – Our Expert Casino Review

Slots of Vegas Bonus Codes for June 2024 – Our Expert Casino Review
All players can enjoy VIP rewards and benefits, including exclusive Slots of Vegas bonus codes and promotions, an easy-to-navigate interface, and more.
You can play many thrilling RTG slots and games instantly, and expert assistance is available via multiple support channels. See how to claim your Slots of Vegas bonus code rewards and enjoy everything the casino offers.
Slots of Vegas
Slots of Vegas 9.5


  • 24/7 live chat available
  • Several withdrawal options
  • 250+ top-notch slots


  • Contact number is unavailable
  • Withdrawals can be slow
This casino boasts a modern, sleek layout with a robust selection of games and Slots of Vegas bonus codes. Here, we’ll discuss the new player welcome offer as well as other exciting promotions in detail, how to claim Slots of Vegas promo codes, and an overarching review of its casino offering. Now, let’s start with the welcome bonus.

Slots of Vegas Promo Codes and Bonuses: 9.5/10

Online promotions at Slots of Vegas Casino are a huge advantage to gambling at this platform. See the table below for up-to-date information on the latest Slots of Vegas bonus codes.

Bonus Type Casino Welcome Bonus
Slots of Vegas Promo Code: WILD250
Casino Welcome Bonus: $2,500 Bonus + 50 Free Spins
Wagering Requirement: 10x
Minimum Deposit: $30
Bonus Terms: Max bonus $2,500; 10x rollover; No max withdrawal limit; One-time use per player
Last Verified: June 2024

How to Use the Slots of Vegas Bonus Code

Read on for instructions on how to use the most recent Slots of Vegas promo code.
  1. Click on one of our links to be directed to Slots of Vegas Casino.
  2. Next, you must enroll in the VIP program and establish your account. Use the button in the screen’s upper right corner.
  3. Enter personal details to register for Slots of Vegas Casino. Here, you can redeem the Slots of Vegas bonus code offer.
  4. To activate your deposit bonus, go to the casino’s banking section and add money to your account.
  5. You are now free to start playing casino games and accumulating bonus points.

Slots of Vegas Casino Bonus: $2,500 Bonus + 50 Free Spins T&Cs Explained

  • Bonus Amount: $2,500 Bonus + 50 Free Spins
  • Promo Code: WILD250
  • Wagering Requirements: 10x
  • Min/Max Deposit: $30 – N/A
  • Eligible Games: Slots, keno, bingo, and scratch card games
  • Expiration Date: 30 days
There are many Slots of Vegas promo codes available with varying offers, including numerous Slots of Vegas no deposit codes. Nonetheless, we are focusing on the main offer in this Slots of Vegas review.
Simply deposit $30 or more and receive an equivalent match bonus back in casino cash and 50 free spins. The rollover is low at 10x, and once you’ve played it through, you can withdraw any winnings. In addition, this brand has a nice perk that is not common with most online casinos, which is no cap on maximum withdrawal.

Other Slots of Vegas Casino Promotions

When analyzing the platform for our Slots of Vegas Casino review, we found some fantastic incentives for existing players. Below are a few more Slots of Vegas bonus code promotions you can anticipate.

Slots of Vegas Free Spins

Any online casino worth playing at will have its fair share of free spin offers, and Slots of Vegas Casino is no exception. You receive Slots of Vegas free spins just for signing up. Plus, there are ongoing Slots of Vegas free play offers for loyal VIPs.

Slots of Vegas Free Chips

Like free spins, you will also find periodic Slots of Vegas free chip codes. These function as free cash at Slots of Vegas online casino which can be used on the casino games. Of course, there will be some rollover requirements on any Slots of Vegas free chip codes, usually between 5x and 30x.

Slots of Vegas No Deposit Bonus

You can find various Slots of Vegas no deposit bonus codes for existing players and new sign-ups alike. Keep your eye out at Slots of Vegas and take advantage of the no deposit bonus code offers.

Slots of Vegas Loyalty Program

There is an automatic enrollment process for all new Slots of Vegas online casino loyalty program members. You will be eligible for exclusive benefits in exchange for your consistent play with Slots of Vegas. These perks include Slots of Vegas free spins and other casino cash opportunities.

Slots of Vegas Refer a Friend

You can receive a bonus at Slots of Vegas online casino when you refer a friend to the platform. This Slots of Vegas referral code bonus may vary depending on when you claim it. We have often seen a bonus of up to $50 for referring friends, which is subject to change.

Mistakes to Avoid When Claiming a Slots of Vegas Bonus

Slots of Vegas online casino promotions have received primarily positive evaluations from our experts. To ensure a smooth process, we’ve compiled a list of the most frequent mistakes which players should avoid when claiming casino bonuses.
Considering Only the Bonus Quantity
More money isn’t necessarily better for promos, including those offered through Slots of Vegas no deposit bonus codes and deposit bonus offers.
Additional conditions, such as stricter time limits or significant rollover requirements, may be associated with more extensive offers.
Consider your casino gaming plans and the available cash you have to play to determine which promotions are ideal.
Failing To Recognize Expirations
Sign-up bonuses offered through Slots of Vegas promo codes usually have an expiration date.
You need to know how much you can realistically play in the allotted time frame. If you cannot fully play through the bonus funds, money is left on the table.
Not Using Promo Codes
Make sure to apply our bonus codes to activate all the best exclusive welcome deals.
You shouldn’t pass up the chance to activate incredible Slots of Vegas free play offers; bonus codes may be required. This is especially true regarding Slots of Vegas no deposit bonus codes.
Contact customer care to determine if you are still eligible if you failed to input a code. Live chat is preferable which is covered below in our Slots of Vegas casino review.
Trying To Claim More Offers Than You Can
You might often only have access to a single welcome offer, particularly regarding deposit bonuses. Make sure to read the terms and conditions.
You may need to realize that you can’t claim multiple offers, even though you thought you could. This will depend on the online casino and the unique terms of its offers.
Fortunately, Slots of Vegas no deposit bonus codes for existing players can be claimed independently with sign-up promotions.
Not Using Refer-a-Friend Offers
Look for customer referral programs at online casinos such as Slots of Vegas. Slots of Vegas referral codes can help boost your bankroll.
Based on our Slots of Vegas review, you can generally receive a $50 refer-a-friend bonus when meeting the required criteria. However, this is subject to change at any moment; we will keep you informed.

Slots of Vegas Login – Registration Process: Rating 9.6/10

The ease of creating an account is a key highlight that we have noted in our Slots of Vegas review. Registration is the first step if you want to play at here for real money. Slots of Vegas is an Inclave casino, which makes registration a lot more convenient. An extensive tutorial follows on how to join the site, including specifics on Slots of Vegas bonus code redemption.

How to Sign Up to Slots of Vegas Casino

To claim Slots of Vegas bonus code offers and complete the signup process, follow these simple steps.
Get to the Home Page
When you open the Slots of Vegas site, you’ll see a “Sign Up” button at the top of the webpage. Select it to begin establishing your Slots of Vegas login details.
Provide Your Information and Any Bonus Codes
Complete the account creation forms. Full name, mailing address, email, phone, and date of birth are some details that may be needed. Make sure to apply Slots of Vegas promo code bonus available.

Make a Deposit
Select the option to deposit once you’ve finished creating your Slots of Vegas login information. To complete your payment, select your chosen method and adhere to the on-screen prompts. If you haven’t already entered your Slots of Vegas promo code, you can do so at this phase.

Enjoy the Action
You are now able to begin playing games after you have funded your account. Be sure to play through the rollover criteria of your Slots of Vegas promo code bonus.

Account Verification

Slots of Vegas follows the typical practice of the best offshore casinos in requiring account verification before processing withdrawals. Given that the verification procedure could delay your eventual withdrawal, we recommend finishing this step immediately after creating your mobile or desktop account.
  1. Log in to the Slots of Vegas website.
  2. Access your account details.
  3. Go to the “Banking” tab and choose the “Withdraw” button.
  4. Proof of identity in the form of a passport or driver’s license is required.
  5. Confirm any other details that may have been asked for and await verification.

Slots of Vegas Withdrawal Process: Rating 9.9/10

Once you’ve won money using the Slots of Vegas no deposit bonus, you’ll need to know how to take out the funds from the site. Refer to this Slots of Vegas withdrawal review to ensure you receive your funds without a hitch.
  1. Sign into your Slots of Vegas account
  2. Access the section for banking transactions.
  3. Select the option to withdraw funds.
  4. Select a method of withdrawal.
  5. Input the amount of money and submit your request, then wait for the funds to arrive.

Slots of Vegas Casino Review: Rating 9.8/10

Moving on to the next section of our Slots of Vegas casino review, we will examine the casino’s general viability. The selection and quality of games will be our first considerations.

Game Selection

Slots of Vegas is a top destination for slot machines and video poker fans, with over two hundred high-quality games. Many state-of-the-art games by industry heavyweight Real Time Gaming complement the robust selection.
Thanks to the practice option provided by demo mode, newbies can perfect their skills before playing at Slots of Vegas for real money.

Live Casino

There is no live dealer option at Slots of Vegas, in contrast to the wide selection of Slots of Vegas casino slots. Blackjack, baccarat, and roulette are among the table games available, albeit they are virtual and not real live dealer-style. Even though they aren’t authentic live dealer offerings, they may do the trick for some casino players.

Casino Features

Slots of Vegas Casino is a well-established, easy-to-navigate online gambling site with years of experience, and it shows. Players can access all their needed features with just one click, including gaming, promotions, banking, and customer care.
A player looking for a particular game can quickly locate it using the convenient search functionality. The site also does an excellent job of categorizing games for easy browsing.
Slots of Vegas is a one-stop-shop for slots and video poker. Its unique and modern take on a Vegas-style aesthetic makes the design aesthetically pleasing. This is accomplished without complicating the site’s straightforward functionality, allowing you to get down to the business of playing Slots of Vegas casino slots.

Slots of Vegas Poker Review: Rating 8/10

You won’t find any classic P2P poker at Slots of Vegas, but you can locate a fantastic variety of poker games to play against the house. The site excels at video poker, offering real Vegas bartop games like Jacks or Better and Deuces Wild. If video poker is what you’re after, Slots of Vegas is a great place to play.

Poker Games

Slots of Vegas solely has video poker games since no live poker options exist. Among the 15 available titles, you can anticipate classic Vegas games like Double Bonus and Double Double Bonus.

Field and Competition Level

You won’t compete against other Slots of Vegas players because the casino does not provide live poker. On the other hand, video poker offers some great alternatives, each with its own set of rules, strategies, and potential payouts.

Poker App Features

There may not be a live poker room, but a whole section is devoted to video poker where you can play 15 easily searchable Vegas titles. Regarding online casinos, Slots of Vegas offers a respectable selection of video poker games. Some online casinos have more, but all the usual favorites and more can be found at Slots of Vegas.

Slots of Vegas Sports Review: Rating N/A

As the name might denote, slots of Vegas is a very casino-focused online gaming site. While there is no sportsbook yet; we will keep you posted if this changes. In the meantime, we have compiled a list of the best online sportsbooks to meet your needs.

Slots of Vegas Payment Methods: Rating 9.7/10

After making use of the Slots of Vegas no deposit codes, you’ll soon be looking to make real money deposits. Cryptocurrency is super fast and easy to utilize, making it a top banking recommendation.
If you prefer more conventional methods, you can fund and withdraw from your Slots of Vegas casino account via Visa and Mastercard. Overall, our Slots of Vegas withdrawal review is relatively positive with reasonable payout speed.

Payment Method Deposits Withdrawals Fees Payout Speed
Visa Free 3-8 Business Days
Mastercard Free 3-8 Business Days
Bitcoin Free 1-5 Business Days
Money Transfers Free 3-5 Business Days
Wire Transfers Free 3-8 Business Days
Сhecks Free 3-14 Business Days
ACH Transfers N/A N/A

Slots of Vegas Design and User Interface: Rating 9.5/10

Slots of Vegas, a well-established and respected online casino, provides a nicely developed user experience. Players of all experience will admire its straightforward layout.
You won’t have any trouble finding games or promos at Slots of Vegas. The design will turn heads with its unique and modern take on the Las Vegas landscape. Slots of Vegas’s ever-evolving sleek, contemporary style is one reason for its continued reputation over almost 20 years of operation in the United States.

Slots of Vegas Desktop Experience

When you visit the desktop version of Slots of Vegas Casino, you’ll notice that the site is organized and easy to navigate. Prominent categories and a dedicated area for the newest games are vital features.
You can use the homepage search box to locate any game you’re looking for. Plus, it is easy to browse by category, including a section for popular titles. An isolated section for specialty games also includes a decent Keno selection.

Slots of Vegas App and Mobile Experience

Thanks to its excellent mobile compatibility, Slots of Vegas is convenient for playing while out and about. You can enjoy every online casino feature on Android and iOS devices. This includes the entire game selection, banking, promos, customer support, and more.
Playing in your browser is relatively straightforward as the sites prioritize the mobile experience. Plus, you can make a convenient home screen icon for Slots of Vegas on your device.
In this mobile review, we find that both mobile and desktop platforms are comparable. So picking one over the other is a matter of taste and where you will play.

Slots of Vegas Customer Support: Rating 9.8/10

Using the live chat widget, you can obtain help anytime, day or night. Nevertheless, you must have an account to use live chat, so you can’t ask questions on chat before you sign up.
The service quickly connects you with a trained rep. We have found that representatives respond to questions and resolve interactions with professionalism and attention to detail.
Unfortunately, phone support is unavailable, which is one minor gripe. To get in touch with customer support or find answers to your inquiries, you can use these methods:
  • Email
  • 24/7 Live chat
  • FAQs

Licensing & Responsible Gambling: Rating 9.7/10

Slots of Vegas is licensed by Costa Rican gambling law, as are several other reputable online casinos in the US. Slots of Vegas’ dedication to ethical gambling is apparent. Among the many tools and capabilities provided to aid those in need, you can find:
  • Self-imposed deposit limits
  • Player time break settings
  • Self-exclusion option
  • Ability to close your account
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]