Link gen plugins transload

Irrelevant web pages indexed

2024.05.19 12:02 NoChill- Irrelevant web pages indexed

Irrelevant web pages indexed
Hi guys, i have a website which got hacked because the developer used a cracked plugin. Alot of japanese pages were created and got crawled on Google, now that the website is recovered i am unable to remove these bad links from Google, tried recrawling the website and resubmit the sitemap nothing is working need your help.
Whenever i type it shows all the bogus pages with japanese title and meta description which is still hurting my website's ranking
submitted by NoChill- to TechSEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:01 NoChill- Irrelevant web page indexed

Irrelevant web page indexed
Hi guys, i have a website which got hacked because the developer used a cracked plugin. Alot of japanese pages were created and got crawled on Google, now that the website is recovered i am unable to remove these bad links from Google, tried recrawling the website and resubmit the sitemap nothing is working need your help.
Whenever i type it shows all the bogus pages with japanese title and meta description which is still hurting my website's ranking
submitted by NoChill- to SEO_cases [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:00 AutoModerator What I made with REAPER - week of May 19, 2024

What is something you made with REAPER that you'd like to show us and get feedback on?
Please post full links (no shorteners) to content you would like to showcase! A short description of your process, gear, and plugins used would be helpful.
Please give feedback to what others post here!
Previous Made With REAPER
submitted by AutoModerator to Reaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:03 NoChill- Irrelevant web pages indexed

Hi guys, i have a website which got hacked because the developer used a cracked plugin. Alot of japanese pages were created and got crawled on Google, now that the website is recovered i am unable to remove these bad links from Google, tried recrawling the website and resubmit the sitemap nothing is working need your help.
Whenever i type it shows all the bogus pages with japanese title and meta description which is still hurting my website's ranking
submitted by NoChill- to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:52 jennithomas321 On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: Different but Equally Important

What’s the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO?

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are within your control, while off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites. To further understand the difference between the two, you have to understand, at a basic level, how search engine algorithms work. Let’s break it down.
There are two main buckets that search engines (SEO) look at when evaluating your site compared to other sites on the web.
  1. On-page SEO looks at what your site (or your page) is about
  2. Off-page SEO looks at how authoritative and popular your site is

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: What’s the Difference?

Put simply, what you rank for is largely determined by on-page factors, while how high you rank in the search results is largely determined by off-page factors.

How Does Each Type of SEO Affect Your Rankings?

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO (also known as “on-site” SEO) is the act of optimizing different parts of your website that affect your search engine rankings. Where your website appears in search engine results pages is determined by a number of ranking factors including site accessibility, page speed, optimized content, keywords, title tags, etc. On-page SEO is about optimizing the stuff that you have control over and can change on your own website.

On-page SEO checklist:

How do you make sure your on-page SEO tactics are up to snuff? Here is a helpful checklist for on-site optimizations that can help curate your strategy.

Title Tags

Put your targeted keywords in the title tag of each page on your site. There are many best practices that go into writing an effective title tag.

Headings (H1)

Headings are usually the largest words on the page, and for that reason, search engines give them a little more weight than your other page copy. It is a good idea to work your target keywords into the headings of each web page but make sure you accurately reflect your page’s great content.
Make sure your H1s limited to one per page, all other headers are H2 or H3

URL structure

Put keywords into your URLs if possible. However, do not go changing all of your current URLs just so they have keywords in them. You shouldn’t change old URLs unless you plan on redirecting your old ones to your new ones. Consult a professional before doing this.

Alt text for images

Any content management system should allow you to add something called “alt text” to all images on your website. This text isn’t visible to the average visitor – alt text is in fact used by screen reader software to help blind internet users understand the content of your images. Search engines crawl images in a similar way, so inserting some relevant keywords while accurately describing the image will help search engines understand your page’s content.
Writing an alt attribute for each image keeps your website in compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Keep the following things in mind when writing alt text:

Fast-loading pages, or page load speed

Google wants to help its users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible to provide the best user experience. Therefore, optimizing your pages to load faster helps your site rank higher in the search results.
Google has a tool called PageSpeed Insights that will analyze your site on both mobile and desktop. and then suggest tips to optimize page speed. There are also several quick fixes to eliminate whatever is bogging your site down and slowing your page load time. Key site speed factors to consider:

Mobile Friendliness

In recent years, Google has prioritized mobile page loading speed as a key ranking metric.
How do you know if your website is mobile-friendly? Unfortunately, Google recently dropped support for some free public tools that helped. However, you can now use Google Search Console to analyze this type of information. Specifically, the Core Web Vitals report can help you identify if your mobile pages are loading slower than they should be.

Page Content

The content on your pages needs to be useful to people. If they search for something too specific to find your page, they need to be able to find what they’re looking for. It needs to be easy to read and provide value to the end user. Google has various ways to measure if your content is useful.

Internal Linking

Linking internally to other pages on your website is useful to visitors and it is also useful to search engines. Here’s an internal link to another blog post on our site that talks more about internal linking. Very meta.
When adding internal links, make sure to have relevant anchor text. Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink (usually indicated by blue font color and underline). To optimize your anchor text, make sure the selected word or phrase is relevant to the page you’re linking to.
On-page SEO ensures that your site can be read by both potential customers and search engine robots. With good on-page SEO, search engines can easily index your web pages, understand what your site is about, and easily navigate the structure and content of your website, thus ranking your site accordingly. As a best practice, make sure your page content includes 1-3 relevant internal links.

Schema Markup

Adding structured data helps Google better understand the content of a page. Google also uses certain types of structured data to display “rich results” in SERPs such as a recipe with start ratings or step-by-step instructions with an image carousel. These rich results often appear at or near the top of SERPs and generally have higher click-through-rates than normal organic listings.
Google prefers structured data to use vocabulary, and recommends using JSON-LD format. They also provide a handy Rich Results Test tool to check your code. While there are a variety of ways to add structured data to your website (plugins, Google Tag Manager, etc.), it’s always best to get a professional involved if you’re not comfortable writing code.
Check out Google’s guide to structured data and rich results here.

Social Tags

Having your content shared on social tells Google that people find your content relevant, helpful and reputable. Not every page on your site is share-worthy, but you can optimize the pages that are with these tips:

Core Web Vitals

User experience is key to a website’s long-term success. In spring 2020, Google unveiled Core Web Vitals, a common set of signals that they deem “critical” to all users’ web experiences.
The purpose of these signals is to quantify the user experience with a website, from page visual stability and load time, to interactive experiences.
To check your LCP score, access your Google PageSpeed Insights and make sure your page hits LCP within 2.5 seconds. To accomplish this, remove unnecessary third-party scripts that may be running, upgrading your web host, activating “lazy loading” so page elements load only as users scroll down the page, and remove any large page elements that may be slowing it down.
One of the simplest ways to optimize cumulative layout shift is to add height and width dimensions to each new site element. Also, avoid adding new content above existing content on a page (unless responding to user interaction).

Page Experience

Google is working on a new ranking signal (likely to come out in 2024) that prioritizes websites with positive user experiences.
The ‘page experience signal’ will consist of Core Web Vitals, plus mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing, HTTPS security, and intrusive interstitial guidelines.
According to Google, “optimizing for these factors makes the web more delightful for users across all web browsers and surfaces, and helps sites evolve towards user expectations on mobile. We believe this will contribute to business success on the web as users grow more engaged and can transact with less friction.”

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through the act of getting links from other websites.
A good analogy for how authority works is this. If you have a bathtub with rubber duckies in it (the ducks are your pages), and you start filling the tub with water (links), your duckies are all going to rise to the top.
This is how a site like Wikipedia ranks for pretty much everything under the sun. It has so much water in its bathtub that if you throw another rubber duck in it, it’s going to float to the top without any other effort.
There’s a score called “Domain Authority” that calculates how authoritative your website is compared to other sites. You can type your domain name into here to see your score.

How to optimize for off-page SEO

There are several factors that influence your off-page SEO rankings. While each one is tackled with different strategies, they share an overarching goal of building the trust and reputation of your website from the outside.
  1. Inbound links
  2. Social media marketing
  3. Guest blogging and guest posting
  4. Unlinked brand mentions
  5. Influencer marketing
The biggest off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of backlinks to your website. Some examples of ways you can build links to your website are:
While link quantity is still important, content creators and SEO professionals are realizing that link quality is now more important than link quantity. As such, creating shareable content is the first step to earning valuable links and improving your off-page SEO.
How many links do you need for good off-page SEO? That is a tough question and it’s going to be based on the domain authority of your competitors, as you want to make sure you’re playing in the same sandbox.
SEOs also used to believe that buying links was a valid way of link building; however, Google will now penalize you for buying links in an attempt to manipulate page rank. You can also be penalized for submitting your links to link directories whose sole purpose is to increase your domain authority. Again, quality wins out over quantity when it comes to link building.

Is On-Page or Off-Page SEO More Important?

It’s not about choosing between on and off-page SEO, that would be like having to choose between a foundation or a roof for your house. On-page and off-page SEO work together to improve your search engine rankings in a complementary fashion.
However, SEOs generally advise getting your on-page SEO ducks in a row before focusing too much on off-page SEO.
Just like building a house, you want to set the foundation first before building the rest of the house. Like a foundation, you may need to come back and do some maintenance to your on-page SEO from time to time. Balancing the two will help make your website “bilingual” so that your users can understand it as well as the search engine robots- and that’s how your rankings start to improve.

SEO #onpageseo #Offpageseo #Corewebvitals

submitted by jennithomas321 to clientseo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:44 mandle420 How to compile Monado, for Samsung Odyssey+, with Kubuntu 24.04 and running on SteamVR as close to step by step as I can get.

How to compile Monado, for Samsung Odyssey+, with Kubuntu 24.04 and running on SteamVR as close to step by step as I can get.

This works even though I don't know what I did wrong. And I did something wrong. let me know if you see it. I'll update.(and hopefully make it work proper, and not jank :) And I've probably missed a step somewhere. So let me know, if you find it, so I can update. As I'll probably need this again.

My setup CPU ryzen 5800X GPU 2060 gtx Ram 32GB

This should work with changes for your setup and distro, for any set supported by openhmd. It is working great, compared to a few months back even, but still not on par with windows, but way more than playable.

First off, Plasma X11. No wayland. I had way too many issues with wayland to want to even bother, even before vr setup. Maybe you prefer it, but I had issues.
I built from source, as I've never been able to get any distro's package to run properly or in most cases, at all. wasn't too bad getting it going on arch base as well. ubuntu is just easier to work with. And kde has some things I like. If you want wayland, their are some changes, but I did that so long ago, I can't remember exactly. The links below could probably tell you somewhere.
based on these << you will want to read this over, especially if your headset is different.
There's a bunch of useful info here as well.
First install video Drivers. I have an Nvidia RTX 2060, so I've installed the latest proprietary drivers from ubuntu. nvidia 550.67 I think. Manual installed via terminal as it's not included in additional drivers. I decided to just skip 535, as my previous install had bugs that were solved by updating the driver, so didn't even bother with 535 this time around. You can google if you don't know how... it's easy (if you can't save xorg.conf, google "nvidia polkit")
Also had steam, bottles, and wine installed and working before I started any of this, so you may want to start there. Steam with steams deb, and wine installed both in flatpak for bottles and i386 arch (dpkg --add-architecture i386) winehq stable does not appear to have a package yet for 24.04, and so installed staging. that didn't quite work, it seems, so did a sudo apt install wine, which seems to have done something funny to staging, but I dunno. it's working, so don't really care. I rarely use wine anyway. (well, other than steam..)
Then install these:
sudo apt install cmake ninja-build build-essential git wget unzip libeigen3-dev curl patch python3 pkg-config libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxrandr-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libvulkan-dev glslang-tools libglvnd-dev libgl1-mesa-dev ca-certificates libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev libhidapi-dev libwayland-dev libuvc-dev libavcodec-dev libopencv-dev libv4l-dev libcjson-dev libsdl2-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libbluetooth-dev libsystemd-dev xr-hardware libtbb-dev libglew-dev libpng-dev liblz4-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-serialization-dev libgtest-dev libfmt-dev libuvc-dev mesa-common-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-glx0-dev libxcb-dri2-0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libvulkan-dev libgl1-mesa-dev python3 vulkan-tools libvulkan1 doxygen libopenvr-dev

git clone cd OpenXR-SDK cmake . -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -Bbuild sudo ninja -C build install
sudo mkdir -p /etc/xdg/openx1/ sudo ln -s /usshare/openx1/openxr_monado.json /etc/xdg/openx1/active_runtime.json mkdir -p ~/.config/openx1 ln -s /usshare/openx1/openxr_monado.json ~/.config/openx1/active_runtime.json

git clone --recurse-submodules cd basalt Edit these 2 files nano thirdparty/Pangolin/src/image/image_io_jpg.cpp nano thirdparty/Pangolin/include/pangolin/log/packetstream_tags.h ^^Add this line under the first #include to both these files #include ./scripts/ you can do a minimal install, with this command,
cmake -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBASALT_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY_ONLY=on or check the link above for how to build with debug. *** realized that this line should probably include this as well -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr as other wise i think it goes to /uslocal, which could be why I'm having issues? But it works, so why fix it.... 
sudo ninja -C build install or sudo cmake --build build --target install

git clone
cd OpenHMD cmake -G Ninja -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ninja -C build sudo ninja -C build install


Download and compile/install Monado
git clone cd monado/ cmake -G Ninja -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr sudo ninja -C build install
create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-HMD.conf and insert this into contents
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-HMD.conf
copy and paste these lines into it, and save. Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "nvidia" Option "AllowHMD" "yes" EndSection
Then run xrandr --output HDMI-0 --prop --set non-desktop 1
check the man page for info on this line as well, as you will have a different setup than mine, and your variables will be different. My full xrandr line denotes all 3 monitors and my headset like this(it's not needed, I just like having my tv scaled to something I can read)
xrandr --output DP-5 --pos 0x0 --mode 1920x1080 --primary --output DP-1 --pos 1920x0 --mode 1680x1050 --output DP-3 --pos 3600x0 --mode 1920x1080 --scale 0.5x0.5 --output HDMI-0 --prop --set non-desktop 1 now run monado-service with your headset plugged in and you should get a grey output on the goggles. you should see in the terminal

log in, and install steamvr
Also I ran steam in a terminal, so I could check output for troubleshooting. You can also got to .steam/steam/logs/ vrmonitor.txt and vrserver.txt are really useful if you have issues.
Libcurl is installed with steam, and it's old? incorrect? dunno... link it to actual, and all works fine.(i've been told this isn't proper, but really don't care since it seems to work....if people want things proper, maybe they should include a script that corrects the issue? or tell it to valve, not a user who just want's his shit to work???)
cd /home/$USE.steam/steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64 mv ln -s /uslib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Then the Steamvr plugin needs to be registered
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVbin/ adddriver /usshare/steamvr-monado
something else is wrong here, but once I do this, instead of launching steamvr,
cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVbin and run ./
that'll launch steamvr, set up stand or sit down, and then launch your game. works, but don't know how or why it doesn't work in steam. I checked logs, terminal outputs, googled for hours. Trying to get some help on discord atm.
I haven't tested my controllers. I usually only play flight sim type, so don't really need them. (HOTAS) Also, I think the oddyssey plus controllers either don't work, or don't work properly.
So that's it. Until I can figure out the steamvr nonsense. I'll update, if I care enough to fix it, as I said, it is working, just a little jank. I think the only real thing missing for me now, is motion smoothing. It can be a little jittery and it loses its center more than I'd like. Some other bugs, like it shifts the output far away and recentering doesn't fix it. Although it did work fine after it loaded, so meh?
This was the last thing I needed to pretty much completely switch to linux. Thank the devs! A few years ago, no one thought this would have been possible. WMR and all that jazz. It's a mere stonethrow away from perfection now.
submitted by mandle420 to virtualreality_linux [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:41 TheNocturnalDad OctoEverywhere Will Not Install after Firmware update and factory reset

I had previously performed a firmware update, and doing so borked Fluid. So I went and did a factory reset on my K1 Max. After rebooting and recalibrating, it said there was another firmware update available. So I downloaded that, re calibrated the printer, re enabled root/ssh, and proceeded to use the helper script to go through and install what I had before. Everything went fine until I got to OctoEverywhere. This is not the first time I've had issues getting it to install. I tried using the helper script as well as downloading the install manually. Tried deleting all files in the OctoEverywhere folder and tried again, no matter what I get some weird message " Could not build wheels for pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects"
This is an error I've never seen before.
Below is what I HOPE is the output that may shine some light on what is going wrong. This is a fresh reset machine, up to date firmware, so I don't understand the problem.

Running in K1 and K1 Max OS mode
Checking required system packages are installed...
Updated list of available packages in /opt/vaopkg-lists/entware
Package python3 (3.11.7-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package python3-pip (23.3.1-1) installed in root is up to date.
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and con flicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a v irtual environment instead:
System package install complete.
Checking Python Virtual Environment For OctoEverywhere...
No virtual environment found, creating one now.
created virtual environment in 4380ms
creator CPython3Posix(dest=/usdata/octoeverywhere-env, clear=False, no_vcs_i gnore=False, global=True)
seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle , via=copy, app_data_dir=/usdata/.local/share/virtualenv)
added seed packages: pip==24.0, setuptools==69.5.1, wheel==0.43.0
activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerS hellActivator,PythonActivator
Updating PIP if needed... (this can take a few seconds or so)
Requirement already satisfied: pip in /usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages (24.0)
Installing or updating required python libs...
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× Building wheel for pillow (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
│ exit code: 1
╰─> [216 lines of output]
running bdist_wheel
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311
creating build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
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copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
running egg_info
writing src/pillow.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to src/pillow.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to src/pillow.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to src/pillow.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'src/pillow.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no files found matching '*.c'
warning: no files found matching '*.h'
warning: no files found matching '*.sh'
warning: no files found matching '*.txt'
warning: no files found matching '.flake8'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.appveyor.yml'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.clang-format'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.coveragerc'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.editorconfig'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.readthedocs.yml'
warning: no previously-included files found matching 'codecov.yml'
warning: no previously-included files found matching 'renovate.json'
warning: no previously-included files matching '.git*' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.so' found anywhere in distribution
no previously-included directories found matching '.ci'
no previously-included directories found matching 'wheels'
adding license file 'LICENSE'
writing manifest file 'src/pillow.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
copying src/PIL/_imaging.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingcms.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingft.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingmath.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingmorph.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_webp.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/py.typed -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
running build_ext

The headers or library files could not be found for zlib,
a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source.

Please see the install instructions at:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1009, in
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 104, in setup
return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 184, in setup
return run_commands(dist)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 200, in run_commands
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 969, in run_commands
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 967, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 988, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/normal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wheel/", line 368, in run
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 316, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 967, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 988, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/", line 132, in run
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 316, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 967, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 988, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 91, in run
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/", line 359, in run
File "", line 826, in build_extensions
RequiredDependencyException: zlib

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendopyproject_hooks/_in_process/", line 353, in
File "/usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendopyproject_hooks/_in_process/", line 335, in main
json_out['return_val'] = hook(**hook_input['kwargs'])
File "/usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendopyproject_hooks/_in_process/", line 251, in build_wheel
return _build_backend().build_wheel(wheel_directory, config_settings,
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-install-93ffv0sl/pillow_dcffede559724c7d9c0af468515912d6/_custom_build/", line 26, in build_wheel
return super().build_wheel(wheel_directory, config_settings, metadata_directory)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 410, in build_wheel
return self._build_with_temp_dir(
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 395, in _build_with_temp_dir
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-install-93ffv0sl/pillow_dcffede559724c7d9c0af468515912d6/_custom_build/", line 20, in run_setup
return super().run_setup(setup_script)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 311, in run_setup
exec(code, locals())
File "", line 1025, in

The headers or library files could not be found for zlib,
a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source.

Please see the install instructions at:

root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#]
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
-sh: note:: not found
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] ERROR: Failed building wheel for pillow
-sh: ERROR:: not found
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] ERROR: Could not build wheels for pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
-sh: ERROR:: not found
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#]
submitted by TheNocturnalDad to crealityk1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:25 waterfall-flower KeaCraft Server [Java, Whitelisted] (16+)

Seeking new long term players for our New Zealand based minecraft server! KeaCraft is a well established, semi-vanilla server that has been running for well over a year now, but kept fresh with updates to unused chunks so still lots to explore. We’re a pretty relaxed and chill community who enjoy sharing the experience of the game and creating together.
Our main area is a survival world, but we do have a creative super flat running side by side. So if you’re more into building in creative or like to test out builds, you can do this while still hanging out with the rest of the players(and get to see what everyone else is working on!).
We have a few QOL plugins such as Blaze and Caves advancements, custom armour stands, invisible item frames, mob/player heads, one player sleep and some others.
We have some simple rules: No toxic behavior, no stealing or griefing, and no hacking. We encourage checking your mods with the admins as we are surprisingly lenient. There is a whitelist so there will be a quick application process you will need to fill out once you join the discord server.
If this sounds like something you would like, send me a DM on here, comment on this post, or search us up and join via the discord link on there. 16 and older players only please. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
submitted by waterfall-flower to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 alienowitch [H] Scarlet/Violet Shiny Paradox/Shiny Gimmighoul/breeding/items service/Shiny Mythicals/Custom Shiny hunts/Iron Leaves/Walking Wake/RNG services gen 3-8/Shadow Colosseum Pokes/Authentic Sinistea raid/SwSh+SV shiny egg services/Level 1-2-4-6 Shiny GO Latis/Lvl 1 LakeTrio/Few past events ! [W] Paypal

Hello !!
I'd like to offer my time and knowledge gathered across all Pokemon games in the help of getting you Pokemon you'd like to have. If by any chance you're not finding anything of interest among ones listed: fret not becuse it is my honest pleasure to go and catch whatever you desire to suit your fancy. Please take a look at my offer of these creatures and services:
Curently in the middle of BDSP and COLO RNG's. Such requests will take more time !!
* Shiny Mew from Masterwork reasearch - 60 $ Unredeemed yet, random IV's - customisable OT
* Shiny Level 1 Lake trio: Mesprit in Ultra ball, Uxie in Ultra ball, Azelf in Great ball - random IV's - customisable OT, self caught during Sinnoh Tour - 14 $ for one or 37 $ if taking a set
* Shiny Level 1 XXS/XXL Azelf in Great ball and level 1 XXS Uxie in Ultra ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour.
* Shiny level 1 XXL Mesprit in Ultra ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour.
* Shiny level 15 XXS Cresselia in Ultra ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour from research.
* Shiny level 15 Giratina-O in Great ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour from research
* Shiny level 1-2 Latios and level 4/6 Latias from Pokemon Go. They are still in PoGo and can have custom OT. Self caught at the time of Hoenn Go Tour - 25 $
* Home stamped Shiny level 4 Suicune OT: Alienowitch TID: 939638 in Great Ball self caught during Johto Tour - 60 $
* Shiny Celebi from Pokemon Go special research - Caught by me in Pokemon Go, ready for transfer - 15 $
* Shiny Melmetals from Pokemon Go - Level 1-35, 10 $ per 'mon OT: Alienowitch TID: 343668 self caught in Go or Custom OT + Speed IV - 20 $
* Shiny PoGo Darkrai - 13 $ Self caught in raids - OT customizable
* Shiny PoGO Genesect - 13 $ Self caught in raids - OT customizable
* PoGo Hoopa - Caught in Ultra ball - customizable OT - 15 $ (self research in Go)
* PoGo Shaymin - Caught in Ultra ball - customizable OT - 10 $ (self research in Go)
* PoGo Zarude - 15 $ per 'mon self researched and caught in Ultra ball
* PoGo Shiny Deoxys - 13 $ self caught in PoGo, customizable OT
* PoGo shiny Furfrou - 15 $ Valentine trim (can be changed into ANY trim)
* Shiny PoGo legends: Raikou/Suicune/Zekrom/Reshiram/Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus/Kyogre/Groudon/Raikou/Registeel/Regice/Tapu Lele/Tapu Bulu/Tapu Koko/Tapu Fini (list to be expanded cataloguing species - ask for specific 'mon) - 6 $
* Shiny Eternatus OT: Galar TID: 221118 - Self redeemed, proofed - 15 $
* Volcanion OT: Mythical22 TID: 220909 - Self redeemed, proofed - 10 $
* Genesect OT: Mythical22 TID: 220909 - Self redeemed, proofed - 10 $
* Marshadow OT: Mythical22 TID: 220909 - Self redeemed, proofed - 15 $
* Victini OT: Victory TID: 220818 - Self redeemed - 15 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Tapu Koko/Lele/Bulu/Fini in Luxury balls- 10 $ or 35 $ for set
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Safari ball Mewtwo - 10 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Safari ball Tornadus - 10 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Premier ball Zygarde - 20 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Sport ball Solgaleo - 10 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Love ball Necrozma - 10 $
* Shiny Regieleki OT: Slava TID: 036275 Premier ball - 30 $
* Shiny Regidrago OT: Daakuson TID: 726825 Heavy ball - 30 $
RNG services/Services:
* Any playthrough for custom OT is 10 $ per game once
* Shiny Jirachi from bonus disc, please be aware that all shiny Jirachi are natural clones and come with OT: WISHMKR ID: 20043
* Gen 3 overall RNG: Custom Colosseum/GoD: XD/Fire Red/Leaf Green - customisable (OT/ball/nature/IV's)
* Shiny Manaphy from Pokemon Ranger cart - customisable (OT/Nature/IV) - 18 $
* Gen 4-5-6-7 RNG: legendary/Ultra Beasts - customisable (Shinyness/OT/ball/nature/IV's) - 8 $ or 5 $ if random IV's
* Gen 8 raid RNG: - customisable (Shinyness/Ball/Nature), OT will be: Alienowitch, TID: 059583 (SWORD)/ Alienowitch TID: 729244 (SHIELD)
* Gen 8 raid RNG'ed Authentic Shiny Sinistea with spread Timid 31/0/31/31/31/31. Customisable OT and ball - 12 $
* Sword/Shield Egg breeding services customisable - random guaranteed 5x31 or 4x31+1x0 IV's - 5 $
* Sw/Sh Calyrex/GlastrieSpectrieKubfu/Regis catching - 5 $
* Any playthrough for custom OT is 10 $ per game once
* EGG RNG - Custom nature/Ball/OT/egg moves - 3 $
* Shiny Arceus (custom OT/Ball/Nature) - 25 $
* Custom Legend RNG (OT/Ball/Nature) - 5 $
* Member's Card Shiny Darkrai in Moon ball Timid nature OT: Lucas TID: 070365 - 80 $ (RNG'ed using Pokefinder and capture card for another user, which backed down from deal - proofed)
* Member's Card Shiny Darkrai RNG - Yet to be caught, different OT's available, can be caught using any ball available in BDSP - 80 $
* Any playthrough for custom OT is 10 $ per game once
* Iron Leaves in Friend ball Jolly OT: Alienowitch TID: 564392 - 12 $ (proofed)
* Raging Wake in Dive ball Timid OT: Alienowitch TID: 564392 - 12 $ (proofed)
* Raging Wake+Iron Leaves set - 20 $
* Shiny egg services (custom OT/ball/nature) - 4 $
* Any item - 0,5 $
*Any normal non shiny Pokemon - 0,5 $
* Comp+battle ready non-shiny Pokemon - 1 $
* Any Shiny Paradox in custom pokeball - 3 $
* Koraidon/Miraidon/Iron BouldeIron Crown/Raging Bolt/Gouging Fire custom OT catching - 5 $
* Shiny Gimmighoul in level ball TID: 558144 OT: Bulek - 15 $ (self caught using raid from second CFW console)
* Vivillon/Shiny Vivillon forms/dex - Paldea mark any ball available - 2 $ normal/ 5 $ shiny
* Ribbon Master - Always wanted to have one and never could ? I can help with that. Now having beauty like this: H-Typhlosion RM/Scizor RM won't be a problem ! (Bear in mind that some ribbons can't be gotten becuse of gen 4 wi-fi shut down or are pretty hard to do now - master ball tier battles for example).
Most proofs can be adjusted to your liking so just write me on this topic, we will manage.And that is all I can provide, but wait... You still didn't find what you've been looking for ? Ask away ! I really like to RNG and stuff so I might just go and get it for you ;)
Here's my Reference
Thank you for your time dear Redditor ! :)
* Gen 8 Raid RNG: CFW Switch + Capture Sight/Raid Finder.
* Gen 8 BDSP RNG: CFW Switch + Capture Sight/Chatot website PokeRNG or Capture card + Pokefinder
* Gen 7: CFW 3DS+3DSRNGTOOL+NTR Plugin or Citra+Python plugin+3DSRNGTOOL
* Gen 6: CFW 3DS+3DSRNGTOOL+NTR Plugin
* Gen 4: RNGreporteRNGhelpyRAM watch/.lua script/TWL Save manager
* Gen 3: RNGreporteDolphin emulatoVBA emulatoAguacate script/HxD/GBA backup tool/.lua script
* Gen 9 Gimmighoul: Raicrawler (data look up) + date change
* Special mention: Jirachi is done solely on emulator using rom of Bonus disc. Manaphy is done by wiping save on physical Pokemon Ranger Cart, playing through the game, sending Egg to Gen 4 game, ripping the save to do RNG on emulator and writing it back to Gen 4 cart.
* Any lack of OT and TID info will be filled accordingly in comments when said Pokemon are transferred to their respective medium.
* All Pokemon offered in this thread are caught/received/redeemed by me.
submitted by alienowitch to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:32 boydie Rate my idea: B2B reviews and traffic sharing

Business Plan: TrustWave

Executive Summary

Business Name: TrustWave
Business Concept: TrustWave is a global review platform designed specifically for businesses to leave testimonials for one another. The platform provides high-quality reviews and allows businesses to add backlinks to their websites, enhancing SEO and generating relevant traffic. The service includes a testimonial page for WordPress or Shopify websites, an SEO-friendly standalone site option, an easy-to-install plugin for automatic updates, and tools for SMS review requests, social media content creation, and review management.
Target Market: Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across various industries worldwide looking to enhance their online presence and credibility.
Competitive Advantage: Unique focus on B2B reviews, integrated SEO benefits, easy-to-use plugin, comprehensive review management tools, and added marketing features.

Business Description

Mission Statement: To empower businesses globally by providing a platform that facilitates the exchange of high-quality testimonials, enhancing their online reputation and SEO performance.
Business Objectives: 1. Launch and establish the TrustWave platform within the first year. 2. Achieve a user base of 20,000 businesses worldwide within two years. 3. Generate a monthly recurring revenue of $100,000 within the first two years. 4. Continuously innovate and add new features based on customer feedback and market trends.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview: The digital marketing and SEO industry is growing rapidly as businesses increasingly recognize the importance of online presence and reputation management. Testimonials and reviews are critical for building credibility and trust.
Target Market: - Demographics: SMBs with an existing online presence globally. - Geographics: Businesses across North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions. - Psychographics: Businesses that value online reputation, SEO, and customer feedback.
Market Needs: Businesses need reliable platforms to gather and showcase testimonials, improve their SEO, and manage their online reputation efficiently.

Competitive Analysis

Direct Competitors: - Trustpilot - Feefo - Google My Business
Indirect Competitors: - Social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn) - SEO service providers
Competitive Advantage: - Focus on B2B interactions. - SEO-friendly features. - Integrated review management and marketing tools. - Seamless integration with existing websites.

Marketing Plan

Product: - Review platform for businesses. - WordPress/Shopify plugin. - Standalone SEO-friendly website option. - SMS review requests. - Social media content creation tools. - Review management dashboard.
Price: - Freemium model: Basic features free, premium features at $49/month. - Enterprise plan: Custom pricing for larger businesses with advanced needs.
Place: - Online platform accessible via website and app. - Partnerships with web development agencies and digital marketing firms globally.
Promotion: - Digital marketing campaigns (SEO, PPC, social media). - Content marketing (blogs, webinars, case studies). - Email marketing to SMBs. - Partnerships and collaborations with industry influencers. - Referral programs offering discounts for bringing new users.

Operations Plan

Technology: - Development of the review platform and plugins. - Cloud-based infrastructure for scalability. - Regular updates and feature enhancements.
Customer Service: - 24/7 customer support via chat, email, and phone. - Comprehensive help center with tutorials and FAQs.
Team: - Founders/Management: Overseeing strategy and operations. - Development Team: Building and maintaining the platform. - Marketing Team: Promoting the platform and acquiring users. - Customer Support Team: Assisting users with any issues or inquiries.

Financial Plan

Startup Costs: - Platform development: $100,000 - Marketing and promotion: $50,000 - Operational costs (salaries, office space, utilities): $50,000 - Total: $200,000
Revenue Projections: - Year 1: $100,000 - Year 2: $600,000 - Year 3: $1,200,000

Risk Analysis

Potential Risks: - Slow user adoption. - Competition from established platforms. - Technical issues with the platform or plugins.
Mitigation Strategies: - Aggressive marketing and partnership strategies. - Continuous platform improvements and feature additions. - Robust customer support and regular user feedback sessions.
submitted by boydie to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:23 kiwasabi LGBTQ+ The Plus Stands For Pedophile: The Illuminati is coming for your kids with Drag Queen/ Groomer Clown Story Hour, books in elementary school libraries which depict and normalize sex between children and adults. Transgenderism is pushed because Baphomet possesses both breasts and a male phallus

LGBTQ+ The Plus Stands For Pedophile: The Illuminati is coming for your kids with Drag Queen/ Groomer Clown Story Hour, books in elementary school libraries which depict and normalize sex between children and adults. Transgenderism is pushed because Baphomet possesses both breasts and a male phallus
To anyone with eyes that are able to see, it's very obvious that LGBTQ+ is a social engineering and mind control propaganda weapon being waged against all of humanity by the Illuminati. There are many reasons for this endless onslaught of pushing and overnormalizing everything that is gay, trans, and pedophilic. The Illuminati itself is comprised of around 13 bloodlines which are all hereditary incestuous and pedophilic families. So when you hear their puppets telling the joke "The Aristocrats" (LINK) which consists of so called comedians telling the most disgusting tale of an Aristocratic bloodline family having sex with each other and ending with "And they're called The Aristocrats", you'll know they're utilizing Revelation of the Method and putting it right out in the open as a "joke".
The Illuminati utilizes Satanic Ritual Abuse and pedophilic incest in order to deliberately cause trauma to their progeny so that they can split their personalities and then program and control the new personality. This is called Project Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control. It was under Josef Mengele and the Nazis where this hereditary incest form of mind control was scientifically studied using the child prisoners of Auschwitz, most commonly with twin girls. After World War 2 and the fall of the Nazis, via Operation Paperclip, 1400 Nazi scientists and engineers were saved from the Nuremberg Trials via the Vatican Rat Line and were smuggled out of Germany into the United States, where they would go on to form the backbone of the Central Intelligence Agency and continue their Monarch Mind Control research. What's left out from the history books is that Josef Mengele "The Angel of Death" was also smuggled out of Nazi Germany and continued his horrific mind control research on twin girls for decades in the United States.
What does this all have to do with LGBTQ+? Well, basically that joke "The Aristocrats" is the endgoal and endgame for all of Earth humanity. It's my theory that The Illuminati wants to normalize pedophilia to the point where a parent is required to encourage their children to engage in sexual relationships with grown adults. And if the parent pushes back on this abomination, The Illuminati wants to be able to take possession of the children via CPS Child Protective Services, "for their own safety" of course.
One of the reasons in which the Illuminati is so obsessed with the unnatural concept of transgenderism is because their demon god Baphomet is generally depicted as possessing both female breasts and a male phallus. On public statues of Baphomet such as at Satanic Temples, he (or is that he/she?) is depicted without breasts due to public decency laws. Once you understand that The Illuminati worships a transgender demon god, then you'll understand why they want your children to be gay and trans. Oh yeah, and did you notice the American Medical Association symbol coming out of Baphomet's crotch? How did that get there? Now does it make sense why it has wings as well?
Now does it make sense why Target was selling a LGBTQ Transgender children's sweater with the Baphomet symbol on it? (LINK)
When I was growing up, I do recall reading some books such as Catcher in the Rye which did contain some sexual themes and profanity. However, in recent years the sexualization of children has been thoroughly ramped up via LGBTQ propaganda in the form of sexually explicit school library books. Children are still trying to figure out who they really are as a person, and by indoctrinating them with gender confusion propaganda at such a young age we are ensuring they will be steered in the wrong direction. Which is of course exactly what The Powers That Be really want. By the way, when I was searching for examples of LGBTQ books with sexual content, I had to scroll through 3 pages of LGBTQ apologist articles decrying about all these "banned LGBTQ books". What's interesting is that all of these CIA Mockingbird Media propaganda articles always say the books are being banned for their LGBTQ content, not for their explicit sexual content (which doesn't necessarily have to be gay or trans in any way). For instance, ABC News"Report: LGBTQ content drove book banning efforts in 2023" (LINK) and NBC News "More than half of 2023's most challenged books have LGBTQ themes" (LINK). Note how they're obfuscating the sexually inappropriate content by calling it "LGBTQ themes" instead. Perhaps this is The Illuminati actually revealing the truth out in the open, that "LGBTQ content" actually means sexually inappropriate content which is directed at children? Let's call LGBTQ elementary school library books what they really are: the sexualization and grooming of children by predators and pedophiles.
Sexualizing Schoolchildren: Classroom and Library Books (LINK)
"Parent and Child Loudoun reviewed and listed hundreds of age-inappropriate, sexually confusing, explicit, objectionable, and profane books that were placed in schools in classrooms and libraries in their district. Here are just a few examples:
  • When Kayla was Kyle, by Amy Fabrikant – An elementary school picture book about a boy who “transitions” into a girl.
  • Teach Me, by R.A. Nelson – The “young adult” (YA) novel tells the story of a 16-year-old girl and her seduction and statutory rape by her male high school teacher.
  • All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by S. Mitchell – The book in middle and high school libraries contains sexually explicit and homosexual content.
  • Dear Rachel Maddow,by A. Kisner – Another YA novel where the lesbian-identified protagonist, from a troubled home, writes emails to the stabilizing force in her life – MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow*. Contains some sexual content and more than 100 uses of profanity."*
Dearborn parents assail LGBTQ books with sexual themes at school hearing (LINK)
"The books in question are largely teen and young adult stories involving romance or sexual abuse, often with LGBTQ themes. Several were critically acclaimed. They include:
  • Eleanor & Park” by Rainbow Rowell, about a romance involving two 10th-graders. The girl lives with domestic violence at home and both teens struggle with traditional gender roles. The novel contains profanity.
  • Red, White & Royal Blue” by Casey McQuiston; a novel about a romance between the U.S. President’s bisexual son and a gay British royal*, both in their early 20s.* The book has some sex scenes and coarse language.
  • This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson, an irreverent, nonfiction handbook on growing up LGBTQ, addressing issues like coming out, sex apps and sexually transmitted disease."
Target Sells Trans Clothing to Children Designed by Satanic Transgender (LINK)
A clothing line as part of Target's LGBTQ children's products was designed by a Satanist female to male transgender named Erik Kallen, under the brand name Abprallen. There were only three products being marketed by the Abprallen brand, and none of them depicted the blatant Satanic imagery that was shared around the internet as part of a hoax with AI generated images (LINK). However, as I pointed out above, one of the sweatshirts in the collection does contain the Baphomet symbol. And it doesn't take much exploring of Abprallen's Instagram profile to find some unsettling content (LINK). Erik Kallen made a statement saying, "My work was likely pulled following false accusations of being a Satanist and marketing my work to children, both claims have been debunked numerous times but members of the religious right refuse to back down".
Claims that you were a Satanist were thoroughly debunked, you say? Which "Guardian Angel" (Demon) is a transgender again? Oh yeah, Baphomet. And what were you doing at the Satanic Flea Market in London? Also, I thought you said "Satan Respects Pronouns"?
"I'm gay, trans, and a secret third thing..." Does anyone care to guess what is meant by that? "I support gay wrongs", "Gay supervillain", "Make More Gay Horror Movies".
Take "Poppers" to open your "Third Eye" (Hint: He doesn't mean your pineal gland....he means your butthole"). Illuminati confirmed.
As far as I'm concerned, all the claims about Erik Callen being a Satanist and marketing products to children have been thoroughly UNDEBUNKED just based on his products and post history on Instagram. This to me is clearly a case of classic bait and switch. Market some seemingly innocent "trans inclusive" clothing to children, get them hooked on the Abprallen brand while they're young, then "transition" them to the more seedy and shady product offerings. Based on the products and images shown above, can this really be considered a gender identity? Or is this more appropriately categorized as a mental illness and a cult? The embracing of confusion. The final culmination of the "Nothing is real" mind control psy op social engineering. Now literally GENDER ISN'T REAL. And "Men can get pregnant".
As I previously posted, Arnold Schwarzenegger was replaced by an imposter in a mask wearing heavy facial prosthetics in 1990 (LINK). As part of the Illuminati's ongoing Ritual Mocking of the Victim / Humiliation Ritual against the name and image of Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 1994 the fake Arnold Schwarzenegger was placed into a travesty of a film called Junior (1994). As you can see from the film's poster, "Nothing is inconceivable". What a funny pun, right? They mean "conceive" as in conceiving and giving birth to a baby.... Except by a man. Ten years before that in 1984, Bob Saget was already joking about how, "men can breast feed", but at least he admitted he made it up (LINK). Once you understand that a core tenet of Satanism is to reverse the natural order, you'll understand why they want to normalize the completely unnatural idea that, "Men can get pregnant". This is a direct attack on women, men, children, and humanity as a whole. This is an attack on motherhood and gender roles. This is an attack on the family. This is a direct attack on your sanity. And as I've shown here, this has been planned for at least 40 years. The movie Junior from 1994 is a prime example of the Illuminati Revelation of the Method, where they put out their plans right in the open and as long as we laugh and don't consciously object to them, then it means we have subconsciously accepted them.
Junior is also a prime example of why the Illuminati would be motivated to replace an actor with an imposter. Here we have a movie that the real Arnold Schwarzenegger absolutely never would have signed on to star in. But since the real Arnold was killed and replaced, he was unable to object to his name and likeness being used in this atrocity of a film. Thus, Arnold Schwarzenegger was used against his will to push an evil agenda of the Illuminati while simultaneously being ritually humiliated by giving birth to a child and essentially being turned into a woman on screen. Notice the screenshots where he has let his hair grow out and he's wearing a pink outfit (dress?) with glasses and pearl necklaces. Does anyone really believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger would have ever stooped this low at the peak of his career?
On June 13th 2018, a user on Tumblr created a flag for the NOMAP (Non Offending Minor Attracted Person) community. (LINK) Around June 12th 2018, an artist named Daniel Quasar updated the LGBTQ to add the colors light blue, light pink, and white to represent the Transgender Pride Flag colors. (LINK) These added stripes to the LGBTQ flag do not represent transgenderism. They represent pedophilia. Light blue represents attraction to young boys. Light pink represents attraction to young girls. The white stripe represents attraction to virginity. Coincidence theorists will have a field day on this one.
I've really liked this idea of no longer referring to them as "Drag Queens", but instead as "Groomer Clowns", since that's what they really are. Also, these people do not reproduce, which is why they are forced to recruit instead. Drag Queens at a march in New York were recorded as chanting "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children". In Florida, a Gay Pride parade was cancelled after it was made illegal to perform adult lewd performances in front of children. If they aren't coming for the children, then why the need to cancel the Gay Pride parade when the Groomer Clowns couldn't perform in front of children? Finally, the third link is about a homosexual couple who raped, filmed, and sex trafficked their two young adopted sons to other pedophiles.
Video of Drag Marchers Chanting 'We're Coming For Your Children' Goes Viral (LINK)
***"***A video showing people chanting "we're coming for your children" has gone viral, sparking outrage on social media. New York City kicked off the last weekend of Pride Month with its annual Drag March on Friday". (LINK)
Hundreds of drag performers marched through Manhattan's East Village in elaborate costumes on their way to the iconic Stonewall Inn.
Video showing some of the march's participants chanting, "we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children"
Gay pride parade canceled in southeast Florida after anti-drag show law passes (LINK)
"Officials in a southeast Florida city have canceled a gay pride parade and restricted other pride events to people 21 years and older in anticipation of Gov. Ron D. signing a bill meant to keep children out of drag shows.
The Florida House sent Ron D. a bill Wednesday that bans children from adult performances, a proposal aimed at the governor’s opposition to drag shows.
The legislation, which awaits the governor's signature, would allow the state to revoke the food and beverage licenses of businesses that admit children to adult performances. The Ron D. administration has moved to pull the liquor license of a Miami hotel that hosted a Christmas drag show, alleging children were present during "lewd" displays."
Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring, report claims (LINK)
"A gay couple from Georgia charged with molesting their two adopted sons and using them to record child porn also allegedly pimped them out to members of a local pedophile ring, according to a disturbing new report.
A months-long investigation by Townhall revealed that William Dale Zulock, 33, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35, allegedly used social media to prostitute their two elementary-aged sons.
William Zulock, a government worker, and Zachary Zulock, a banker, were indicted in August 2022 on charges of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, felony sexual exploitation of children and felony prostitution of a minor.
But the shocking investigation reveals in more detail the sickening abuse the boys suffered.
For the first time, it was revealed that the men allegedly pimped out their older sons, now 11 and 9 years old, to two other men in a pedophile ring.
One of the men, Hunter Clay Lawless, 27, told investigators that Zachary — whose Instagram bio describes him as “Papa to our two wonderful boys” and an “activist” — invited him “multiple times” to take part in sexually abusing the boys, Townhall reported."
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse (LINK)
***"***Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.
Homosexual Pedophiles are Vastly Overrepresented in Child Sex Abuse Cases
Homosexual pedophiles sexually molest children at a far greater rate compared to the percentage of homosexuals in the general population. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found, as we have noted above, that “approximately one-third of [child sex offenders] had victimized boys and two-thirds had victimized girls.” The authors then make a prescient observation: “Interestingly, this ratio differs substantially from the ratio of gynephiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature females) to androphiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature males), which is at least 20 to 1.”[17]
In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.
Similarly, the Archives of Sexual Behavior also noted that homosexual pedophiles are significantly overrepresented in child sex offence cases:
The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2 to 4 percent of men attracted to adults prefer men (ACSF Investigators, 1992; Billy et al.,1993; Fay et al.,1989; Johnson et al.,1992); in contrast, around 25 to 40 percent of men attracted to children prefer boys (Blanchard et al.,1999; Gebhard et al.,1965; Mohr et al.,1964). Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 6 to 20 times higher among pedophiles.”
Parasite Pill 2.0
For those who really want to do some serious research, there's an 181 page document titled Parasite Pill (version) 2.0 which goes in depth about a theory that pedophilia may be linked to a mind controlled parasite such as toxoplasmosis. And that the parasite basically has a better chance of survival when infected into a younger victim with a still developing immune system. Plus the parasite breeds within the intestines. So it's theorized that this is why sodomy with children may be preferred by the parasite for reproduction. Also it's speculated that essentially the parasitic elites are LITERALLY PARASITES, as they are being mind controlled by brain parasites and this is why they all engage in sodomy with one another. The initiation ritual of being sodomized by all the upper ranking Illuminati members may also serve the purpose of ensuring that the cult's respective parasites are all passed on effectively to new recruits. Oh yeah, and the real reason they don't want anyone taking Ivermectin is because it destroys the parasites which are our secret masters.
Elon Musk’s X now treats the term ‘cisgender’ as a slur on the platform (LINK)
On June 20 2023, Elon Musk tweeted out that the term "cisgender" would now be treated as a slur on Twitter / X. On May 15th 2024, this promise was made into a reality. Attempting to post with the word "cis" or "cisgender" results in the user being given a warning and the option to delete the tweet.
This event today was what got me to finally sit down and pump out this post which has been sitting in my brain simmering for years. This also made me think about the real meaning of the term "Cis" which basically means "Normal" or "Same Gender As Assigned At Birth". "Cis" is pronounced the same as "Sis" (Sister), and can be expanded to "Cissy" / "Sissy" (Wimp). Also, "Cis" backwards is "Sic" or "Sick". So basically when you're called "Cis" gender, you're being called a woman, a wimp, and sick, all because you chose to remain a heterosexual during this assault on what it means to be a human. "Cis" is a CIA Tavistock style social engineering term which is meant to discourage you from being straight, and it's trying to bully you into the LGBTQ lifestyle (or is that "death style" since they don't reproduce?). "Cis" is an abnormal and weaponized term which was created to make what's natural seem unnatural, and to make what's normal sound abnormal. I would argue terms "gender normative" and "breeders" are also similar weaponized social engineering terms meant to covertly psychologically wage warfare against heterosexuality.
A recent study of 139 dysphoric male children who were monitored from age 7 up until age 20 showed that 87.8 percent of the boys grew out of this phase and reverted back to identifying as their birth gender by the time they were adults. And in other related news, a couple in Montana have claimed that the Montana CFS (Child and Family Services) have taken custody of their 14 year old daughter for refusing her gender affirming care. So now does it make sense why The Illuminati has to "get them while they're young"? Does it make sense why The Illuminati is pumping out so much gender confusion and LGBTQ propaganda into the brains of young and impressionable minds? It's because they are DELIBERATELY confusing children about their gender, and while they're still young and impressionable, they seek to prey on their confusion by pushing them to "change their gender" AKA mutilate their genitals, which is an irreversible procedure. Also, the powers that be are setting the precedent that parents who are not being "inclusive" and "open minded" by letting their children mutilate their genitals, that the state can then physically repossess your child from you, by saying it's CHILD ABUSE that you won't let them MUTILATE THEIR GENITALS. The Luciferians seek to reverse all that is natural, and they want us all to be like their demon god Baphomet. They are coming for your kids, and you'd better push back.
Vast Majority of Gender Dysphoric Boys Desist, Long-Term Study Finds (LINK)
*"*A long-term follow-up of male children with gender dysphoria has found that most study participants desisted over time and accepted themselves as boys. The groundbreaking study used the largest sample to date of boys referred to clinics for gender dysphoria. “A Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder” was published in the peer-viewed journal Frontiers in Psychology, and the research protocol was reviewed and approved by Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (now the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) and the University of Toronto. Study participants were 139 male children assessed in the Gender Identity Service, Child, Youth, and Family Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto between 1975 and 2009. 63.3% of the boys met DSM-III, III-R, or IV criteria for gender identity disorder (GID), while the rest of the 36.7% were subthreshold for a DSM diagnosis. Researchers first assessed the children at approximately age 7, following up with participants when they reached adolescence and again in early adulthood. At follow-up, researchers classified participants as persisters (which the study defines as “boys who continued to have gender dysphoria”) or desisters (boys who did not continue to have gender dysphoria), and deduced their sexual orientation based on fantasy and behavior. Researchers found that 17 (12.2%) of the participants persisted in their gender dysphoria, and the remaining 122 (87.8%) desisted."
Montana parents say they lost custody of daughter after opposing 14-year-old’s gender transition: report (LINK)
"Montana family claims they lost custody of their 14-year-old child after opposing her interest in changing genders — and while the governor’s office defended the move, it stressed to The Post that the state does not remove minors to provide gender transition services.
The state’s Child and Family Services (CFS) reportedly took custody of the teen from her father, Todd Kolstad, and stepmother, Krista, this month, leading the parents to speak out about how the action has “destroyed” their family and “trampled” their rights.
They showed up at our home to serve us with papers to take Jennifer out of our care,” Kolstad alleged. “They told me the reason was that we were ‘unable or refusing to provide medical care.’ That’s just not true.”
Jennifer returned in September to a Montana youth facility, where she remains. Earlier this month, a court put the teen in the custody of CFS, Reduxx reported.
“We were told that letting Jennifer transition and live as a boy was in her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and because we aren’t willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS custody of Jennifer for six months,” Kolstad told the outlet."
Transgender and nonbinary people are up to six times more likely to have autism (LINK)
This article title really says it all. There's a clear link between autism and transgenderism. So now does it make sense why autism is deliberately created via aluminum in the vaccines and in deodorant, chemtrails, etc? Autism also makes a person more compatible with Artificial Intelligence according to a book called The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism's Dirty Little Secret (LINK). Supposedly the type of brainwaves produced by an autistic brain are more similar to how Artificial Intelligence processes data than a normal brain. Basically the endgoal of the entire Illuminati LGBTQ and transgender agenda is transhumanism, which is the merging of humans with technology. Part of that agenda ties into transgenderism since if they can get you to mutilate your genitals and get you to change your whole gender identity, then getting you to put a neural chip implant in your head isn't much further to go. The endgoal of the New World Order is to turn you into a gay genderless cyborg who is completely mind controlled by brain microchips. This is why when you choose to support the woke agendas and official narratives, that you're literally choosing The Matrix, because merging us with machines, mind controlling us and creating a completely false reality in our heads is exactly where the woke rabbit hole leads.
"We're here, we're queer, get used to it". We did get used to it. And then we let you legalize Gay Marriage, but still you wouldn't stop pushing us. So how far does the Satanic LGBTQ agenda have to push us before they will leave us alone? Well, they aren't planning on leaving us alone. LGBTQ is a major component of the New World Order. The end goal of LGBTQ is to openly normalize pedophilia, incest, bestiality, and all other sexual perversions since this is what "The Aristocrats" (The Illuminati families) actually take part in themselves. And they bully us into compliance by using terms like "Inclusive" and "Tolerance", which are weaponized social engineering terms that are used to beat us into submission of their depraved agendas. You're no longer straight or heterosexual, you're now "Cis" (Sis/Sick/Sissy), "Gender Normative" and a "Breeder". The Illuminati has made it a thoughtcrime for any person to remain straight and normal in this times of great deceit. Is it any wonder then that nearly 30 percent of all Generation Z adults now identify as LGBTQ? (LINK)
This post is the culmination of my years of research on multiple topics which all tie into pedophilia, LGBTQ, transgenderism, autism, transhumanism, and the New World Order. I hereby pass onto you all the knowledge I currently possess about this agenda, and I hope that you will consider it from a logical perspective and utilize it appropriately. By the way, I do not have a problem with gay or transgender people whatsoever so long as they would just please leave the children alone. They're just children and they're young and easily impressionable by LGBTQ gender confusion propaganda. Let them be kids, and if they still want gender affirming care when they're 18, then they are legally adults and are able to make that decision themselves. Stop encouraging children to make irreversible permanent alterations to their body just to serve an agenda of "inclusiveness" and "tolerance".
Also, this goes without saying, and it goes to all people not just LGBTQ: stop sexually abusing children. This is the most unnatural sexual depravity you can possibly take part in. You're destroying innocence and you're destroying lives. And you're just continuing the cycle of abuse, since it does appear that many pedophiles were also sexually abused when they were children (Jeffrey Epstein got really uncomfortable and refused to answer when he was asked about his own sexual abuse as a child).
Finally, I will again reiterate that there's no problem with being gay, lesbian, bisexual, non binary, transgender, etc. However, the specific group called LGBTQ is an extremist organization of The Illuminati which is pushing Satanic agendas as part of the New World Order. I recommend that no matter how you identify yourself, that you are able to identify a predatory social engineering mind control agenda for what it is.
submitted by kiwasabi to conservatives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:35 ColdWaterBottle03 [WTS] Dollar of Junk Under Melt, MS69 Slabbed American Silver Eagles, Proof ASE, 2021 Peace Dollar, High Grade Slabbed Morgans, PL and DMPL Morgans, VAM Peace Dollars in Soapboxes, MS Silver Roman Denarius, and More!!!

If there is anything you are interested in, just let me know. I am always willing to hear any offer. The worst thing I will do is shoot back a counteroffer.
Payment plans are available. More details at the bottom of the post.
All non-pms are on coinsales
All Prices are USD
I am Located in the US
I prefer chat, but pms are fine
I prefer to make sales, but I am willing to entertain trades.
For any coins you may want still shots of, or possibly a video in different lighting, please let me know. I will never have an issue doing this.
I have US coins and foreign coins. Look through it all, you may find something you did not know you wanted. If you want something I do not have, let me know. I may possibly be able to obtain some, or I could already have it.
All grades are my personal opinion, except those that are professionally graded. All Coins I marked as damaged, for the most part, I am unsure if they would grade straight or not; I just wanted to be transparent about them even though they still may be straight grade.
I promise to never give anyone my password and I have 2FA enabled.
1879 S MS65 DMPL Morgan (Soapbox) (1400.00)
1879 S MS64 Morgan (Toner in a Fatty) (135.00)
1880 S MS64 Morgan (Semi PL and Purple Toner in a Gen 1 Soapbox) (195.00)
1881 S MS63 VAM-1A Morgan (Toner) (85.00)
1884 O MS67 Morgan (Crazy Mega Toner) (4200.00)
1884 O MS63 DMPL Morgan (Purple Toner in a Gen 1 Soapbox) (500.00)
1884 CC MS64 Morgan (Toner in a Soapbox) (550.00)
1884 CC MS64 Morgan (Semi PL Lust Bomb in a Soapbox) (515.00)
1886 MS62 PL Morgan (Rattler) (200.00)
1892 O Morgan High VF (Bright) (55.00)
1896 Morgan Belt Buckle (45.00)
1896 Morgan AU (Toned) (50.00)
1896 Morgan AU (Toned) (50.00)
1896 AU Morgan (40.00)
1898 Morgan AU (Toned) (50.00)
1898 MS62PL Morgan (Soapbox) (150.00)
1900 Lafayette MS60 Soap Box (Toner) (900.00)
1921 MS63 PL Morgan (Soapbox) (500.00)
1921 MS63 PL Morgan (Soapbox) (500.00)
1921 MS63 Peace Dollar (Fatty) (1050.00)
1923 MS63 Peace Dollar (Gen 2 Soapbox) (70.00)
1934 D MS62 DBL DIE OBV VAM-3 Peace Dollar (Soapbox) (350.00)
1934 D AU58 VAM-3 DDO LG D Peace Dollar (Soapbox) (250.00)
1972 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike (30.00)
1972 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike (30.00)
1973 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike (40.00)
1997 Proof Silver Eagle (OGP) (80.00)
2005 Silver Eagle First Strike MS69 (40.00)
2005 Silver Eagle MS69 (38.00)
2005 Silver Eagle MS69 (35.00)
Video 2:
2011 Silver Eagle First Strike Struck at San Francisco MS69 (40.00)
2013 (S) Silver Eagle First Strike Struck at San Francisco MS69 (40.00)
2013 (S) Silver Eagle Early Releases Struck at San Francisco MS69 (40.00)
2021 Peace Dollar in OGP (205.00)
Half Dollars
1854 O G Seated Half (30.00)
1877 G Seated Half Dollar (Cleaned) (25.00)
1892 AG Barber Half (35.00)
1916 S AG Walking Liberty Half (50.00)
1921 S AG Walking Liberty Half (50.00)
1936 York Half Dollar (Green CAC and Rattler) (280.00)
1946 AU58 Half Dollar DDR (Subtle Blue and Gold Toner in a Soap Box) (325.00)
Error Link:
1953 D MS64FBL Franklin (Crack on Case, so the Price is Discounted) (40.00)
1956 PF67 Type 2 Franklin (Fatty) (60.00)
1958 MS66 Franklin (Toner) (75.00)
1960 PR65 Franklin (Rattler) (40.00)
1962 PF67 Franklin (Toner in a Fatty) (40.00)
1962 PF67 Franklin (Toner in a Fatty) (35.00)
1963 PF66 Ultra Cameo Franklin (130.00)
2014 S PR69DCAM First Strike Limited Edition PR Set Kennedy Half (35.00)
1871 S G Seated Quarter (Key Date!) (Counterstamped) (425.00)
1893 S Barber Quarter VG (Gorgeous Toner) (35.00)
Video 2:
1905 O Barber Quarter F (48.00)
1x Face (1936, 1936, 1937 D, 1945) (Under Melt!) (22.00)
1837 F Dime (Bent) (30.00)
1929 D MS64FB Merc (Toned) (175.00)
Video 2:
1942 MS65FB Mercury Dime (OGH) (45.00)
1944 MS66 Mercury Dime (Green CAC and Fatty) (70.00)
1957 D MS66 Dime (Toner) (40.00)
1964 PF68 Ultra Cameo Dime (40.00)
Maximinus I Denarius MS ⅘, ⅘ (350.00)
ROMAN EMPIRE: Maximinus I, AD 235-238, AR Denarius (20mm, 3.59 gm, 12h). NGC MS 4/5 - 4/5. Rome, ca. January AD 236-April AD 238. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of Maximinus I right / FIDES M-I-LITVM, Fides standing facing, head left, with standard in each hand, one on each side. RIC IV.II 18A.
Shipping for coins (non-coins vary) is 5 Dollars for 12 ounces total weight or less, 8 dollars for over 12 ounces; I am accepting Zelle (Preferred), PPFF (No notes pls), Cashpp, and Venmo FF (No notes pls). (USA only for these rates, special rates of other locations).
For Canada: Shipping for coins (non-coins vary) is 15 Dollars for 8 ounces total weight or less, 23 Dollars for 9 ounces or more.
I can risky ship anything that can be reasonable sent in a regular envelope with a stamp or two for a dollar of shipping
Disclaimer: I lose all responsibility once I drop the package at the post office, but I will help in any way I can for any issues that occur. I will ship once payment clears (once it no longer says pending in my bank account) (Zelle normally is good to go the next day, PP and Venmo can take a few days). Also, deposits can be made for any item for 25 percent or more of the agreed price, but the deposit is nonrefundable. All Payments are nonrefundable.
submitted by ColdWaterBottle03 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:33 ColdWaterBottle03 [WTS] 2021 and 1921 Peace Dollars, MS Roman Denarius, 1921 MS63PL Morgan, 1884 O MS63DMPL Morgan, Monster Toned 1884 O MS67 Morgan, MS60 Lafayette Dollar, VAM Peace Dollars, 1884 CC MS64 Morgans, Toned Proof Franklins, Slabbed American Silver Eagles, US Type Coins, and More!!!

If there is anything you are interested in, just let me know. I am always willing to hear any offer. The worst thing I will do is shoot back a counteroffer.
Payment plans are available. More details at the bottom of the post.
All non-pms are on coinsales
All Prices are USD
I am Located in the US
I prefer chat, but pms are fine
I prefer to make sales, but I am willing to entertain trades.
For any coins you may want still shots of, or possibly a video in different lighting, please let me know. I will never have an issue doing this.
I have US coins and foreign coins. Look through it all, you may find something you did not know you wanted. If you want something I do not have, let me know. I may possibly be able to obtain some, or I could already have it.
All grades are my personal opinion, except those that are professionally graded. All Coins I marked as damaged, for the most part, I am unsure if they would grade straight or not; I just wanted to be transparent about them even though they still may be straight grade.
I promise to never give anyone my password and I have 2FA enabled.
1879 S MS65 DMPL Morgan (Soapbox) (1400.00)
1879 S MS64 Morgan (Toner in a Fatty) (135.00)
1880 S MS64 Morgan (Semi PL and Purple Toner in a Gen 1 Soapbox) (195.00)
1881 S MS63 VAM-1A Morgan (Toner) (85.00)
1884 O MS67 Morgan (Crazy Mega Toner) (4200.00)
1884 O MS63 DMPL Morgan (Purple Toner in a Gen 1 Soapbox) (500.00)
1884 CC MS64 Morgan (Toner in a Soapbox) (550.00)
1884 CC MS64 Morgan (Semi PL Lust Bomb in a Soapbox) (515.00)
1886 MS62 PL Morgan (Rattler) (200.00)
1892 O Morgan High VF (Bright) (55.00)
1896 Morgan Belt Buckle (45.00)
1896 Morgan AU (Toned) (50.00)
1896 Morgan AU (Toned) (50.00)
1896 AU Morgan (40.00)
1898 Morgan AU (Toned) (50.00)
1898 MS62PL Morgan (Soapbox) (150.00)
1900 Lafayette MS60 Soap Box (Toner) (900.00)
1921 MS63 PL Morgan (Soapbox) (500.00)
1921 MS63 PL Morgan (Soapbox) (500.00)
1921 MS63 Peace Dollar (Fatty) (1050.00)
1923 MS63 Peace Dollar (Gen 2 Soapbox) (70.00)
1934 D MS62 DBL DIE OBV VAM-3 Peace Dollar (Soapbox) (350.00)
1934 D AU58 VAM-3 DDO LG D Peace Dollar (Soapbox) (250.00)
1972 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike (30.00)
1972 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike (30.00)
1973 S PR69DCAM Silver Ike (40.00)
1997 Proof Silver Eagle (OGP) (80.00)
2005 Silver Eagle First Strike MS69 (40.00)
2005 Silver Eagle MS69 (38.00)
2005 Silver Eagle MS69 (35.00)
Video 2:
2011 Silver Eagle First Strike Struck at San Francisco MS69 (40.00)
2013 (S) Silver Eagle First Strike Struck at San Francisco MS69 (40.00)
2013 (S) Silver Eagle Early Releases Struck at San Francisco MS69 (40.00)
2021 Peace Dollar in OGP (205.00)
Half Dollars
1854 O G Seated Half (30.00)
1877 G Seated Half Dollar (Cleaned) (25.00)
1892 AG Barber Half (35.00)
1916 S AG Walking Liberty Half (50.00)
1921 S AG Walking Liberty Half (50.00)
1936 York Half Dollar (Green CAC and Rattler) (280.00)
1946 AU58 Half Dollar DDR (Subtle Blue and Gold Toner in a Soap Box) (325.00)
Error Link:
1953 D MS64FBL Franklin (Crack on Case, so the Price is Discounted) (40.00)
1956 PF67 Type 2 Franklin (Fatty) (60.00)
1958 MS66 Franklin (Toner) (75.00)
1960 PR65 Franklin (Rattler) (40.00)
1962 PF67 Franklin (Toner in a Fatty) (40.00)
1962 PF67 Franklin (Toner in a Fatty) (35.00)
1963 PF66 Ultra Cameo Franklin (130.00)
2014 S PR69DCAM First Strike Limited Edition PR Set Kennedy Half (35.00)
1871 S G Seated Quarter (Key Date!) (Counterstamped) (425.00)
1893 S Barber Quarter VG (Gorgeous Toner) (35.00)
Video 2:
1905 O Barber Quarter F (48.00)
1x Face (1936, 1936, 1937 D, 1945) (Under Melt!) (22.00)
1837 F Dime (Bent) (30.00)
1929 D MS64FB Merc (Toned) (175.00)
Video 2:
1942 MS65FB Mercury Dime (OGH) (45.00)
1944 MS66 Mercury Dime (Green CAC and Fatty) (70.00)
1957 D MS66 Dime (Toner) (40.00)
1964 PF68 Ultra Cameo Dime (40.00)
1982 No P Dime (Rattler! and Haze) (450.00)
Video 2:
1938 D MS63 Buffalo Nickel (Fatty) (30.00)
1942 PR63 Jefferson Nickel (Toner) (50.00)
1963 PF69 Cameo Nickel (Very Pretty Coin) (50.00)
1858 Flying Eagle Cent FR (12.00)
1873 Open 3 AU Details Corrosion IHC (Attractive Coin!) (125.00)
1937 S MS66 RD Wheat Penny (30.00)
1946-D MS67 RED Soapbox (145.00)
Maximinus I Denarius MS ⅘, ⅘ (350.00)
ROMAN EMPIRE: Maximinus I, AD 235-238, AR Denarius (20mm, 3.59 gm, 12h). NGC MS 4/5 - 4/5. Rome, ca. January AD 236-April AD 238. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of Maximinus I right / FIDES M-I-LITVM, Fides standing facing, head left, with standard in each hand, one on each side. RIC IV.II 18A.
Shipping for coins (non-coins vary) is 5 Dollars for 12 ounces total weight or less, 8 dollars for over 12 ounces; I am accepting Zelle (Preferred), PPFF (No notes pls), Cashpp, and Venmo FF (No notes pls). (USA only for these rates, special rates of other locations).
For Canada: Shipping for coins (non-coins vary) is 15 Dollars for 8 ounces total weight or less, 23 Dollars for 9 ounces or more.
I can risky ship anything that can be reasonable sent in a regular envelope with a stamp or two for a dollar of shipping
Disclaimer: I lose all responsibility once I drop the package at the post office, but I will help in any way I can for any issues that occur. I will ship once payment clears (once it no longer says pending in my bank account) (Zelle normally is good to go the next day, PP and Venmo can take a few days). Also, deposits can be made for any item for 25 percent or more of the agreed price, but the deposit is nonrefundable. All Payments are nonrefundable.
submitted by ColdWaterBottle03 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:24 PinballPounce A comprehensive guide to sound-deadening a 2018 Third Gen Mazda3 Hatchback

This will function as a one-stop guide to sound deaden the 3rd generation Mazda3. I believe it will be useful for any previous or next-gen Mazda3 owner, or anyone with a CX-30, as these platforms share many components.
Like others undertaking this project, I did a ton of research on sound deadening, the process, and the products first before jumping in. I would encourage anyone pursuing the same project to read through the links I’ve included in this write-up as they should give you all the information you need to sound-deaden your car in a comprehensive, easy manner, without having to do the weeks of research I had to do.
If you haven’t already, read through this thread for background as this is a solid, comprehensive write-up.
Materials Needed:
1. Butyl-based mat to apply first as your base layer
I used 72 square feet to do the entire car, including hood, wheel wells, full interior, rear hatch area, and all doors. I did not do the headliner.
Total cost: $200 CAD
I used 1 box of 2mm (80 mil) Kilmat, and 1 box of 2.5mm Amazon branded butyl sheets. I found the Kilmat had better adhesion and was easier to cut and work with, because of the smaller sheet sizes, so I used this for tight spaces and the doors. The Amazon stuff was great to apply to large areas such as the floor of the vehicle, because I would just stick one entire sheet down and be done with it. It’s also slightly cheaper than the Kilmat.
Other brands: Silless, which manufactures the closed cell foam, also makes this stuff for a reasonable price.

2. Closed cell foam as the second layer
I used 100 square feet.
Total cost: $200
I did a LOT of research and shopping around to find the best balance between price, value, and performance of closed cell foam. I ultimately landed on using Siless Liner 157mil (4mm) closed cell foam which I found on Amazon. Noico is also another brand that makes this stuff for slightly more cost. These come in boxes of 51 square feet for about $100. I thus bought two boxes of the stuff. I did end up with leftover product, which I have saved as it can be used to stick on anything else that causes noise such as a furnace, washing machine, etc along with the leftover butyl mat.

3. Rubber-based floor underlay as the final layer
I used a 100 square foot roll of Technoflex Underlayment Acoustic Membrane, 2mm thickness.
Total cost: $85
Product link:
Alternate link:
Other products I considered, but chose against as the Technoflex is thicker
In Canada, you cannot find mass loaded vinyl. My goal was to find something relatively cheap and functional. I went to underlay because it’s sold in bulk and there are many products out there to compare effectiveness. Flooring underlay also has specific requirements in order to carry a particular sound deadening rating. It’s also rubber-based, like vinyl, so I figured I would just double up on layering as I had enough product to do so. I did end up doubling up the layering in most places and had leftover product.
Please note, this product is not adhesive. You lay it down like a blanket and you need to cut it to fit in tight spaces. Thus, I did not use it in vertical areas like the doors. I only used it on the floor and trunk of the vehicle. I am not technically inclined enough to adhere or screw it on the doors, but there are other people in the links on this thread who have done so, so depending on your skill level it is certainly possible.

All Tools Required
  1. Socket set with 10mm socket and a Phillips screwdriver. I purchased a full socket set because I did not have one and found one on sale.
  2. E-torx socket size 12 to remove the front seats. I just purchased a set of 8 for $20
  3. Trim removal tool and plastic clip replacements, approx. $20. Extremely useful!!
    • The metal trim removal tool is worth its weight in gold. Trust me, there are a LOT of plastic trim pieces to remove, and this tool makes them very easy to remove properly without breaking anything. All cars nowadays use plastic trim, so it’s a worthwhile purchase if you’re ever going to do work on any future car as well.
    • I purchased the set above because it came with a whole array of trim removal tools as well as a huge variety of replacement plastic trim pieces. I ended up using a couple pieces that broke when I did the doors. The kit has everything you may need for most vehicles, including our Mazdas.
  4. Rubber roller, $12. Useful for rolling down the butyl mat and closed cell foam.
  5. Do yourself a favor and get some gloves. I used my bare hands for about 50% of the time, and they were sore, and had little nicks and cuts all over them by the time I was done. Much easier with gloves.
Skill Level
I have a general interest in cars but the most technical work I’ve ever done are oil changes and tire swaps. This was the largest and most technical project I ever embarked on. I work an office job, so I don’t even work with my hands a lot. If I can do it, so can you (as long as you set aside the time and have the proper tools).

I did not take before-after videos, as that has been captured by videos on Youtube as well as people who have measured the noise levels in the threads below. All I can tell you is that this does work. In my opinion, the project even for a newb like me is totally worth it. For less than $500, and a couple days of work, you can make your Mazda feel like an entirely different vehicle.

Now, sounds and vibrations are barely transmitted going over rough roads. The car feels so much more planted and stable when going over bumps. The audio system sounds better. The doors close with a rich-sounding ‘thunk’. By far the biggest improvement is getting a whole new level of isolation within the car, which makes long trips so much more tolerable and the daily commute so much more relaxing. I would 100% do this again.

The project
Okay, let’s get to the project itself! I’ve broken up each area of the car into separate sections. As the write-ups below are fairly comprehensive, there is no need for me to reinvent the wheel.

This link contains pictures and instructions, very clearly detailed, on how to do the doors. I did the rear doors first to get used to working with all the materials, then the trunk, then the interior of the car. I would suggest following these instructions.
Before taking apart your doors, also read through this thread as it contains some more details and information that you will find useful.
This thread is also good to read as it is very detailed. It is for the previous generation, but the door design has not changed that much compared to our generation.

Wheel arches
Use these links and instructions for the wheel arches
As well as the Imgur gallery from the Doors section for some more pictures.

This is the easiest part of the whole project. If you’ve read the threads above, you don’t need any help with this. I did not do the hatch door. I do not think that is worth it, because if your trunk area is well insulated and you have your rear seat up, there’s not a lot of noise that’s going to get through the hatch door.

This is the part of the project that I had to figure out on my own, so I want to give several tips that will make it easier if you’re doing this.

~1. Removing the interior carpet:~
First vacuum the carpet.
You don't need to remove the entire console to get access to the majority of the floor. To remove the interior carpet, first remove the rear seat, then the front seats, then the interior plastic trim, and finally there are some pieces of Styrofoam in the front wheel wells. You can pull up the carpet for the left side of the vehicle as you work on that side, then tack it all down, and repeat for the right side of the vehicle.

~2. Removing the front seats~
First, disconnect the battery using the 10mm socket. This is recommended by the manufacturer to prevent accidental discharge of the air bags.
If you have the E-torx size 12 socket, removing the seat bolts is a breeze. I zipped them right off. Undo the back bolts, then slide the seat to its rearmost position, then remove the front bolts. Roll the seat onto it’s back to access the harness, undo the harness, then remove the front seat either from the front or rear door. It doesn’t matter.
Go to this site and download the PDF that Anchorman posted. That is all you need to know to remove the front harness. It took me HOURS of searching the web to find a resource this good – there aren’t even any good videos demonstrating what the PDF shows.
This was both the easiest and hardest thing about the project. Where I got stuck was removing the wiring harness from underneath the seat. Don’t be like me and stick a screwdriver in there, because that can damage the plastic. Instead, simply lift the white tab, press the tab underneath, and the harness comes off nice and easy. The link above with the PDF by Anchorman is what I WISHED I had at the start. I hope this will make it much easier for you.
Don’t be worried about the airbag going off etc. Using the diagram in the PDF, it’s just 1 harness and it comes off super easy and clips back in super easy too. It’s idiot-proof. You won’t have any trouble.

~3. Remove the interior plastic trim~
Again, watch this video to see how to remove the trim and in what order. It’s actually quite easy and easy to reinstall as well. Just remember that the front and rear passenger scuff plates go on last. The other interior trim, does not matter what order you reinstall it.
Another tip, when removing the furthermost front inside trim (i.e the fusebox cover) and its equivalent on the front passenger side, there is a plastic nut securing that trim in place at the very front of it. It’s hard to see in there. Simply reach your hand in there, find the nut, and lefty-loosen it all the way until it comes off. Easy peasy!

~4. Remove the carpet~
You can pull up the carpet one side at a time. I recommend starting with the left side. In one area only, I cut through my carpet in order to remove it on the rear passenger areas, where it is affixed underneath the front seatbelt holder. This is not a problem. It was just easier this way, and because that area gets covered up by plastic trim, it doesn’t matter if you cut through it to make your life easier.
Once the carpet is lifted up, vacuum underneath it to ensure you have a clean surface that your butyl will adhere to.

~5. Do the driver’s side first!~
The front left side of the vehicle floor is the hardest to do because you have to contend with the footrest, reaching underneath the steering wheel, and the gas pedal. I removed the accelerator pedal – it is just held in place by two 10mm nuts, and then an electrical harness that easily clips off. Remove it and set it aside. Then, lift the carpet and remove the Styrofoam. Use a needlenose plyer to help unclip the plastic portion holding the Styrofoam in place. I did not end up reinstalling that plastic piece, as I installed sound deadener where it would have plugged into the floor. No harm.
I suggest doing the driver’s side first because once you’re done that front left area, the rest of the car is super easy. So do this while you’re fresh. Try to cover as much as you can in the front wheel wells, because that is a significant area of incoming road noise. Be systematic about cutting the butyl and closed cell foam in the correct sizes here, as you will have to reinstall the gas pedal, the Styrofoam, and the carpet properly. The good news is that it’s all easy to reinstall. I didn’t have any trouble.
Once you’re done with the driver’s compartment, systemically work your way with large butyl sheets and closed cell foam through the rest of the car floor. There is no need to apply this stuff up where the plastic trim will be reinstalled, on the inside lateral frame of the car – if you do so, it might be more difficult to reinstall the carpet and the plastic trim. Just do the flat bottom floor only, and you can hold the carpet up to access up along the centre console as well. (Keep in mind this is written for someone with my skill level – i.e newb. If you are more advanced and know what you’re doing, then go ahead and put some butyl or CCM in the inside lateral area, the area otherwise covered up with plastic trim).
I did not go for 100% coverage. To do that would take a lot longer. I went for about 90% coverage with the butyl and closed cell foam, and the rubber Technoflex layers covered up pretty well 95% of the area.
When you are laying the material down, ensure not to cover the holes for the seat bolts. If you do by accident, no worries – just use a screwdriver to poke through them, and you can easily still thread the bolt through when you go to reinstall your front seats.
Repeat the same steps on the right side of the vehicle.

~6. Reinstall the plastic trim.~
First reinstall the carpet and ensure all the holes line up. Reinsert the plastic clips into the holes to hold the carpet in place. Then, reinstall the frontmost trim piece, ensuring it clicks into place, and finally screw the plastic nut on. You may need to lift the rubber insert around the door to replace the plastic trim properly – the rubber insert comes off and goes on very easily, it is very forgiving to work with.
Then, install the B pillar trim piece. Then, the inside rear trim piece. Finally, the scuff plates, front and rear.

~7. Reinstall the front seats.~
~8. Reinstall the rear cushion.~
~9. Plug in the battery again.~
You’re done! Go for a rest drive and let the results speak for themselves!

Final thoughts
I did not take pictures because I was too busy installing the stuff and there are plenty of pictures available on the various threads.
I did reach out to many people on the forum and on Reddit who have done this project and from everything that I’ve learned, I believe this should be all you need to know to do this project successfully.
It will take several days so set some time aside. Here are some rough estimates:
submitted by PinballPounce to mazda3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:15 Witty_Money_2496 OCORP is recruiting

Welcome to Orange County Official Role-play, Are you looking for a RP community? well you found the right one, We strive for Excellence, realism, seriousness, We wish to make you a person of honor and loyalty, We have been up for 5 years, We take everything to a professional level, We also have a fast Application process all you need to do is fill out the Application. Join Today.
Departments: - LEO - Fire/Rescue - Civ - Dispatch (Must show proof of no GTA5 on Xbox one)
Extra Info: - We are a USA time zone - Experienced Staff Team - Professional RP's - Xbox one old gen only - Training for First Responders only when needed other than that we like everyone to get into RP faster
Requirements: - Must be 18 years of age or older upon applying - You have a reasonable level of maturity - Must have a device to talk through when role-playing - Must be Active!!
Thanks for your time and hope to see you! Link:
submitted by Witty_Money_2496 to GTA5Online [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:15 Witty_Money_2496 OCORP is recruiting

Welcome to Orange County Official Role-play, Are you looking for a RP community? well you found the right one, We strive for Excellence, realism, seriousness, We wish to make you a person of honor and loyalty, We have been up for 5 years, We take everything to a professional level, We also have a fast Application process all you need to do is fill out the Application. Join Today.
Departments: - LEO - Fire/Rescue - Civ - Dispatch (Must show proof of no GTA5 on Xbox one)
Extra Info: - We are a USA time zone - Experienced Staff Team - Professional RP's - Xbox one old gen only - Training for First Responders only when needed other than that we like everyone to get into RP faster
Requirements: - Must be 18 years of age or older upon applying - You have a reasonable level of maturity - Must have a device to talk through when role-playing - Must be Active!!
Thanks for your time and hope to see you! Link:
submitted by Witty_Money_2496 to GTA5Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:15 Witty_Money_2496 OCORP is recruiting

Welcome to Orange County Official Role-play, Are you looking for a RP community? well you found the right one, We strive for Excellence, realism, seriousness, We wish to make you a person of honor and loyalty, We have been up for 5 years, We take everything to a professional level, We also have a fast Application process all you need to do is fill out the Application. Join Today.
Departments: - LEO - Fire/Rescue - Civ - Dispatch (Must show proof of no GTA5 on Xbox one)
Extra Info: - We are a USA time zone - Experienced Staff Team - Professional RP's - Xbox one old gen only - Training for First Responders only when needed other than that we like everyone to get into RP faster
Requirements: - Must be 18 years of age or older upon applying - You have a reasonable level of maturity - Must have a device to talk through when role-playing - Must be Active!!
Thanks for your time and hope to see you! Link:
submitted by Witty_Money_2496 to GTA5RP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:14 Witty_Money_2496 OCORP is recruiting

Welcome to Orange County Official Role-play, Are you looking for a RP community? well you found the right one, We strive for Excellence, realism, seriousness, We wish to make you a person of honor and loyalty, We have been up for 5 years, We take everything to a professional level, We also have a fast Application process all you need to do is fill out the Application. Join Today.
Departments: - LEO - Fire/Rescue - Civ - Dispatch (Must show proof of no GTA5 on Xbox one)
Extra Info: - We are a USA time zone - Experienced Staff Team - Professional RP's - Xbox one old gen only - Training for First Responders only when needed other than that we like everyone to get into RP faster
Requirements: - Must be 18 years of age or older upon applying - You have a reasonable level of maturity - Must have a device to talk through when role-playing - Must be Active!!
Thanks for your time and hope to see you! Link:
submitted by Witty_Money_2496 to gtarphub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:09 codename_e The WACE server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {No resets planned} {1.20.4} {Australia}

Hey guys, welcome to the WACESMP! I'm or GoneVegan, one of the members of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running 1.20.4.
The WACESMP is a place for people who love survival Minecraft. Ideally, we can use this to plan out and create some amazing areas and builds. If you like to spend time in the details, or enjoy large scale building, or just want to spend some time playing good old survival; this might be the place for you 🙂
A B O U T (From the owner Blockbuster206)
I have been a fan of Minecraft for about as long as i was a child, and it's been pretty much the only game I've played growing up. As a player, I really enjoy taking my time and enjoying each moment of a game, which is why I decided to set up this long-term server with no planned world resets.
I have participated in a few survival Minecraft SMPs over the last couple of years and I'm keen to give back and create a new community around this fantastic game.
R U L E S (generalised)
• Be mature
• Be respectful
• Be considerate
• No Griefing, Stealing, Cheating etc.
This server is open to everyone. I want it to be a safe place. All rules and respective consequences will be enforced at the discretion of myself and any moderators to the best of our ability.
Please read through the previous sections first! Here are the steps you need to take to apply.
Join the Discord, open a ticket and our staff will review your application and get you online. Feel free to give us a ping if there's a delay or any issues. Please don't contact us on Reddit, it is better to send a address the issue on discord; we don't check messages here very often.
Here is the discord link:
We are excited to see you all in our lovely minecraft community
Post #12 19/05/2024
submitted by codename_e to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 Stormtempter [FNV] TTW crashing with AWOP locations

Hello all, I wanted to give the games a go again and came across the Tale of Two Wastelands guide The Best of Times, as well as the Wasteland Survival Guide for additional mods and fixes. I can provide the links if needed to either guide.
Anyway, it appears that if I spend any extended time in an AWOP added location, such as the shack under the bridge, the ant nest in springvale, the sewers in springvale, and then try to return to the world map/outdoors, I crash to desktop.
I have the 4gb patch, GetItsLAA returns 2. I set every exe in the FNV folder to run as admin, as well as the Mod Organizer application itsself. I didn't install every mod in the guides - the MO2 count is 360 and 161 for Plugins. Its not an AMD thing, I have an nvidia card. The guide did include the mod limit fixer as well. I set the following ini changes, per a suggestion I found on the 4gb patcher stickies.
[General] bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1
[BackgroundLoad] bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1
Any suggestions on how to stabilize being able to leave AWOP locations?
I'm not above console commands if it's an option to teleport somewhere without it crashing, haven't tried though as I assumed it would. Any further information that could help pin down a fix that I could provide? I didn't want to throw a bunch of things up without checking first on what is relevant and needed. Thanking in advance for any insight or assistance.
FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm CaravanPack.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm YUPTTW.esm NavmeshOverhaul.esm TTW Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esm FO3_Optimization.esm Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm TweaksTTW.esm Tale of Bi Wastelands.esm TTW Reputations.esm Tale of Bi Wastelands + TTW Reputations Patch.esm TTW New Vegas Speech Checks.esm TTW New Vegas Speech Checks - TTW Reputations Patch.esm Tale of Bi Wastelands + TTW NV Speech Checks Patch.esm TGMIO.esm 3DNPCFNVBundle.esm 3DNPCFO3Bundle.esm Functional Post Game Ending.esm Functional Post Game Ending - TTW Patch.esm TLD_Travelers.esm A Trail of Crumbs.esm Regulators.esm Uncut Wasteland.esp Uncut Extra Collection.esp Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland And Extra Collection Patch.esm AWorldOfPainFO3.esm A World of Pain Revised.esm EDGE TTW.esm Sweet Pain.esm Sweet Pain NV.esm MoreMojave.esm Faction Wasteland Presence.esm Mojave Raiders.esm Mojave Raiders - TTW Patch.esm Mojave Wildlife (FO3-Style + No Chanced).esp TTW NPC Overhaul.esm TTW NPC Overhaul - FPGE Patch.esm SD_Transporters.esp Home and Safehouse Tweaks.esm Home and Safehouse Tweaks - TTW Addon.esm [RWM]-Complete.esm mil.esp mil-TTWPlacements.esp mil_Add-On.esp zl_Armaments_Remastered.esm Tactapack.esp WMIMNV.esp AmmoScriptFixes.esp CriticalEffectFixes.esp TTW No PipBoy Glove Equipping or Race Changes.esp TTW FaceGen Fix.esp ExRB-TTW.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp Power Armor Holo Panel.esp PipBoyUITweaks.esp JustAssortedMods.esp JBTImproved.esp JIP Companions Command & Control.esp Stash Organizer.esp QuickSelect.esp ItemCards.esp RadiationVisuals.esp SimpleNightVision.esp TTWMoreMapMarkers.esp Map Markers - Reputations Patch.esp TTW Quick Start.esp TTW Quick Start Item Remover.esp Wasteland Starting Gear DC.esp TTW Quick NV Train Start.esp DelayDLCRedux.esp DelayDLCReduxPOPP.esp TTWTransportalponderEx.esp SD_Transporters spelling.esp Benny Humbles You and Steals Your Stuff.esp TLD LVLI Total Overhaul.esp SP TTW Patch.esp MoreMojave - FPGE Patch.esp Mojave Raiders.esp Mojave Raiders - TTW Patch.esp MR - Uncut Patch.esp MR - NPCO Patch.esp MR - Uncut - NPCO Patch.esp Mojave Wildlife (FO3-Style + No Chanced) - TTW Patch.esp [RWM]-Complete Added.esp Immersive Minigames.esp 3DGrenadeIndicator.esp WeaponRequirementSystem.esp ImmersiveRecoil.esp IRNPC.esp Reload Reloaded.esp MigCrippled.esp MigArmorDegen.esp RAD.esp BURN - Hardcore Fire Effects.esp Forced Entry.esp Quickthrow.esp QuickthrowTweaks.esp Supplemental Ammo Crafting.esp EDGE Master Patch.esp EDGE - Speech - Reputations Patch.esp EDGE - FPGE Patch.esp EdgeNPCO.esp EDGE - NPCO - FPGE Patch.esp TTW Dialogue and Interactions Expansion Overhaul.esp DIEO - Tale of Bi Wastelands Patch.esp DIEO - AWOPFO3 Patch.esp New Blood.esp S6S Base Game Perks Redux.esp S6S Base Game Perks Redux TTW Side.esp S6S Perks.esp Friends With Benefits Perk Pack.esp Tree New Perks.esp New Blood TTW Patch.esp Sweet Consumables.esp Aid Addon.esp Healing Systems.esp TheAIMerge.esp GRA Scavenger Hunt Unbalanced.esp GUWR - TTW Patch.esp Simple Attack Reactions - NV+TTW.esp MigPowerAttack.esp Hitstop.esp Enhanced Movement.esp B42Inertia.esp NVMIM.esp Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.esp STAR TTW 2.esp BHYSYS STARS Gear Patch.esp WSGDC STAR Patch.esp STAR TTW - Uncut Extra Collection Patch.esp StarsNPCO.esp STARS - Uncut - NPCO Patch.esp STARS - MR - NPCO Patch.esp AWSOMER.esp ATMOS Ambient Overhaul.esp ATMOS NV - TTW Patch.esp ATMOS NV + FPGE Patch.esp ATMOS Sound Overhaul - TTW.esp Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks TTW.esp DNWeathers.esp Interior Rain.esp Interior Rain - TTW.esp CC - Rain.esp CC - 3D Rain.esp Natural Interior.esp 
submitted by Stormtempter to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:16 Different-Owl5586 How are CPU temps when gaming on the Legion Pro 7i Gen 9 (4080/4090)?

I am considering getting a Legion Pro 7i Gen 9 (4080 or 4090) and I’m just curious how the CPU temps are in games like Cyberpunk, Fortnite, Hogwarts Legacy, Starfield, Red Dead Redemption 2, etc.
I saw a video where the CUP temps were conststanly in the high 90s in Starfield, Hogwarts Legacy, and Horizon Forbidden West, with temps peacking at 100 degrees.
Link to Video:
I know that gaming laptops run pretty hot, but I am currenlty using a 2024 ROG Zephyrus G16 which is a much thinner laptop, and my temps are usually in the 80s, occasionally peaking in the 90s when playing any games.
I was considering returning the Zephyrus to get the Legion, but I am concerned about the CPU thermal throttling when it stays at these high temps for longer times.
submitted by Different-Owl5586 to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:14 GeopolitikMinecraft GeoPolitik [1.20][Factions][Under Development]

Welcome to Geopolitik! {Towny} {1.20} {Under Development} (Currently under development)
Geopolitik is a 1.20 survival multiplayer server that is similar to Towny, but with a limited map that encourages diplomacy, trade, and interaction. We have a few other plugins besides Towny to further enhance the experience, which are explained further down the line
🎮 » Minecraft Version: 1.20.x
🖥️ » Minecraft Platform: Java
💻 » Server IP: soon
📎 » Server Link:
🌎 » Dynamic Map (DynMap):
submitted by GeopolitikMinecraft to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]