Campbells soup barbeque sauce recipe

Vegan Gif Recipes

2016.02.20 08:40 pumpyourbrakeskid Vegan Gif Recipes

Vegan Gif Recipes

2008.08.25 07:18 Hold the jelly. It's peanut butter time.

A subreddit for peanut butter, in all its evolution disproving awesomeness. And for all things peanuts and nut-buttery, from the most delicious American peanut butter on a piece of white bread to savory Malian meat stew with a garnish of peanuts eaten out of a wooden bowl, and not excluding all of the alternatives for our allergic bretheren. Pictures, discussion, and news from around the world that has to do with our favorite nut that's not a nut: Arachis hypogaea

2017.04.24 03:57 arcanemachined Healthy Slow-Cookers - Be Lazy, Eat Well.

Come talk about healthy slow-cooker recipes with us! Say "NO" to recipes that call for cans of root beer, and say "YES" to recipes that call for real ingredients! Just because you're too busy (or lazy) to cook doesn't mean you can't eat a proper diet!

2024.05.19 11:31 Akya96 What did they put in that dip/sauce?

What did they put in that dip/sauce?
I was at a Korean restaurant for the first time yesterday! They had a dip/ sauce that came with the Mandu and it didn’t just taste like soy sauce. It definitely had a lot of garlic. It was extremely salty but not so salty that it burns the tongue! It also didn’t taste very soy sauce like or like the soy sauces I’ve tried yet (but maybe the base was mushroom soy sauce as I’ve not tried that one yet). Does anyone maybe have a link to a recipe?
submitted by Akya96 to TipOfMyFork [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:11 KitchenTasty8929 Mil overstepped/ emeshmemt

My husband and I started dating during Covid. We are both gamers, and had met through my brother who is a long time friend of his. They met once before.
My attraction was his voice, his personality and eventually finding out he was very handsome didn’t hurt either. We connected right away and fell in love. A year and a bit of disappointment, the border finally opened and we met in person.
The chemistry has been undeniably strong. He fell hard and so did I. I began to get excited at the idea of marrying him. Starting a life together. The works!
I visited him afterwards and met his family. He lives at home as he’s saving money and helps his mom a lot around the house and overall. She’s older (65+) and needs help a lot. She’s energetic and light hearted but also has a wicked streak.
I never anticipated this. When I met she was super sweet. It was his sister that gave me a hard time at first, which was difficult but I persevered regardless. His mother started as supportive, but as soon as I started discussing future plans, everything began to change.
Suddenly I was rushing things, my husband, life , etc. I was 25 when we dated and he was 23. We were younger but not THAT young. We both eagerly discussed marriage since week 2 of dating. We dated a year and a bit when I first met his family.
Every conversation with his sister or mom during the first year or two of dating revolved around my lack of education. They’re a degree family (teachers at a elementary school and pre-K) and looked down on me because I didn’t have one, so I decided to open up about my trauma and childhood to help them understand why I’m where I’m at in life, and that it’s actually way better than I could ever imagine.
I have my own place. I make good money at a corporate job I’ve been at for several years, and I travel frequently. I have a full life of friends and family of my own. I don’t talk to my mom because she was physically abusive until I was 17 and worse. His mom knows this.
I explained that we need a marriage based visa approval before I can legally move to his country (USA) from mine (Canada). Student visa is pricey and not ideal for future plans. I went through the process and it all over 20 times in length. Trying to get everyone to understand it was the best option to get married. They fought it HARD. I cried so much, so many times.
I had no idea why they were soiling on our goals and on me. My husband was so excited to get married, he knew what we needed to do. They actively tried to convince him not to do it but then helped him plan my engagement decorations and cake. His sister was annoyed by this, since it was hard to watch her younger brother grow up and as her own marriage was rocky at the time.
After we got married his mom started making comments only to me about how we have to “wait and see how it all goes after a year” implying we wouldn’t last that long. She constantly says stuff like this. Especially when we’re alone in the kitchen having what I thought was an open conversation.
She’s accused me of marrying him for a green card, of trying to rush our marriage to have babies, and trap him.
I have explained countless times my plan and our plan to wait for kids. Yes I’m older than him but we have goals before kids come that we want to achieve. Pair her general comments with her mean remarks whenever we mention future kids, and I just see someone trying to tear me down.
The worst thing she said is that she thinks if I got pregnant and my relationship with him fails, that I’ll “take the baby to Canada”. And that if things don’t work out before kids, I’ll be alone out here. Yeah.
Despite all this, I have always helped her and been nice. Even too nice.
Today was the straw that broke my camels proverbial back. I had helped her while she was really sick with what we found out to be COVID, for 2 weeks while I am visiting my husband before we fly away for our 1 year Anniversary trip. I made her home made soup, I cleaned her house, I checked on her. I made a custom recipe book for my Mother’s Day gift to her. I got her whole family to sign it after.
We haven’t celebrated due to her being sick. We were supposed today. My husband and I came back from a day out and she starts ranting about our sex life to him, and I am overhearing this from his room. She was talking about it in the open dining room randomly.
I had a private talk with her when she was at the end of her sickness, as my husband and I had some tense talks and I wanted to get insight. I had mentioned in passing that my iud strings were cut during a precancer cell removal surgery. That I was being careful but still worry for us sometimes, but that I’m taking precautions.
She didn’t say much besides “ oh that’s good! I’m glad to hear that”. Then she brings it up today, 4 days later. In front of my husband who in already discussed this with. She’s lying and saying I sounded unsure and scared, that we’re being careless and that she’s praying we don’t get pregnant. She tells him he should take mint pills, get a temporary vasectomy, and that I should get checked / scanned. That she doesn’t know if we’re compatible if we have tense talks lately and we may find out after living together FT. She said she wishes she could twist his balls, that she had a nightmare I got pregnant and “someone got hurt” but didn’t elaborate so as not to “call it into existence “ We’re just standing there stunned. She plays it off like she cares, but she’s just being so negative.
I levelled with her, assuring her I would take precautions once again. That her concern is real. Well shortly after we went to his room feeling good about hearing her out while talking. But then I hear his mom gossiping to his older sister. She barely looked at me after when I walked in. She was noticeably cold to me.
His mom was syrupy sweet to me. Saying we (her son and i) should go on a walk to enjoy the sunnny day! I cried the whole time asking him why she’s so mean, why she can’t trust us to be adults.
I cried so hard I skipped lunch and dinner, I had an anxiety attack. I couldn’t breathe, I’m disbelief at what I saw and heard today. It’s like nothing I did in the past 4 years and 1 year of marriage almost, mattered to her or made any impact.
My husband went up and talked to her, for a long time. He came down and spoke on her behalf, detailing how concerned she was for me and my health “stuff” and that it holds heavy on her heart. She doesn’t want us to go through worse (baby is worse?) and wanted to get her point across. That she loves me and accepts me as her own.
Well after I stopped sobbing, I texted her saying I was sorry for today and why stress I caused her with my words.
She texts back giving me shit for not “coming to her directly” as she felt it was important i hear what she said to her son too. That if she didn’t care she wouldn’t bring it up to us. That we will figure it out as we’re adults. Night night with heart emoji.
I texted back a big paragraph (like this post) reminding her that she wasn’t direct with me as she was talking to my husband about making sure I was on birth control, insinuating I’m lying about my IUD being effective. If I didn’t walk in the chat never would have happened. That she can’t expect me to come upstairs and hash it out if I’m so upset I can’t stop crying. That it’s unfair to put that on me after i was the bigger person and apologized to her tonight. She never said sorry to me directly.
My poor husband is in the middle, especially as he’s the youngest (27). I told him it’s time to move out and detach from the emotionally toxic relationship with his mom. He agrees.
He’s tried to leave a few times but she guilts him into staying. Today was the first day he saw her true colours towards me, he hated it!
Any support is appreciated and advice is valued!
TLDR; MIL chastised us about our private issues like sex
submitted by KitchenTasty8929 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:30 Western_Entertainer7 Recipie sites.

Are there any recipie sites that are less than 90% filler and advertising? Every time I look up a recipe I find dozens of sites, all of them have about five pages of nonsense explaining what the thing is, why one would want to make it, the childhood memories of the "content creator" of making/eating it. -before a half dozen long-winded, unnecessary gems of wisdom. "If you want this sauce to be thiner, you can add more water. But if you prefer a thicker sauce, don't add any extra water. I knew someone in college that really liked thinner sauces, she added water to them . . .". "If you prefer a spicier dressing, you can add more of the spicy thing. That will make it more spicy. -but if you don't . . ."
I'm hardly exaggerating here.
Is there a database with millions of recipes that do not come with personal anecdotes and "content"?
....I should probably just order some cook books from the 1940s or something, but i dont think theyd have the modern varitiy.
Any suggestions?
I had an uncle who used to give suggestions about recipie websites, once he ...
submitted by Western_Entertainer7 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:29 East-Fisherman-9020 SO GOOD!!!

You need to try this!! 10 calories for the whole package, around 6 ounces of noodles. Free from Grain, Gluten, Soy, and Dairy. 0 Fat, Sugar, and Sodium. 97% Water RUNN TO GET THEMM
submitted by East-Fisherman-9020 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:31 mxyu How to cook things??

Being autistic I mainly survive on snacking or if I do cook it's just plain pasta, rice or ramen. I would like to be a normal functioning member of society and cook actual meals but I don't even know what meals exist?? As stupid as that might sound??
All the basic traditional things I think of (lasagne, bolognese, casserole) are all things I wouldn't like and I have a pretty big adversion to sauces.
My main worry is also that I know it's not healthy to eat by just snacking like I currently do but every recipe book or app just has meals I won't eat, even ones that are for 'picky eaters' or kids 😭😭
submitted by mxyu to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:29 mxyu How to cook things??

Being autistic I mainly survive on snacking or if I do cook it's just plain pasta, rice or ramen. I would like to be a normal functioning member of society and cook actual meals but I don't even know what meals exist?? As stupid as that might sound??
All the basic traditional things I think of (lasagne, bolognese, casserole) are all things I wouldn't like and I have a pretty big adversion to sauces.
My main worry is also that I know it's not healthy to eat by just snacking like I currently do but every recipe book or app just has meals I won't eat, even ones that are for 'picky eaters' or kids 😭😭
submitted by mxyu to aspergirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:18 tstein26 Made an awesome chicken noodle soup with these!

Made an awesome chicken noodle soup with these!
I followed the chicken noodle soup recipe from the back of the package but I doubled the carrots and celery (and we used rainbow carrots per my kids request). I made the chicken stock from gluten free chicken bouillon packets. And I cooked the Stelline separately and added it to the soup when it was almost done cooking. Everyone loved it! Next time I would add two bags of noodles because we love extra noodles lol!
submitted by tstein26 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:53 Fresh-Alfalfa-2788 Pinto beans and carrot soup?

i am flat broke with no hope of more food until the 7th. I was looking at my pantry and I have beans and rice and carrots.
I looked up recipes for carrot soup and I think with the butter and milk I have along with a chicken ramen packet I could put a soup like thing together.
Protein is what I'm worried about; do you think pinto beans will have a neutral enough flavor that I could blend it in with the roasted carrots? I also have black beans. My thought is that I could pour it over all rice and make that stretch for a week ?
submitted by Fresh-Alfalfa-2788 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 le-choix-optimal Que peut-on faire avec un mixeur plongeant et son hachoir ?

Que peut-on faire avec un mixeur plongeant et son hachoir ?
Un mixeur plongeant, aussi appelé mixeur à immersion, et son hachoir sont des outils très polyvalents en cuisine. Voici quelques utilisations possibles :
Avec le mixeur plongeant :
  1. Soupe et potages : Mixer directement les légumes cuits dans la casserole pour obtenir une soupe lisse.
  2. Purées : Réaliser des purées de légumes ou de fruits, parfaites pour les bébés ou en accompagnement.
  3. Smoothies et milkshakes : Mélanger des fruits frais, du lait ou du yaourt pour des boissons nutritives.
  4. Sauces : Préparer des sauces maison comme la mayonnaise, la sauce tomate, ou des vinaigrettes.
  5. Pâtes à crêpes ou à gaufres : Mélanger rapidement les ingrédients pour obtenir une pâte homogène sans grumeaux.
    Avec le hachoir :
  6. Hacher les légumes : Découper rapidement des oignons, des carottes, du céleri, etc., pour des préparations comme les soupes, les sauces ou les farces.
  7. Hacher les viandes : Préparer de la viande hachée pour des boulettes, des burgers ou des pâtés.
  8. Faire des pesto et des tapenades : Mixer des herbes, de l'ail, des noix, du fromage, et de l'huile pour des préparations maison.
  9. Préparer des miettes de pain ou des crackers : Réduire en miettes du pain sec ou des crackers pour faire des panures.
  10. Mixeur pour noix et graines : Transformer les noix ou les graines en poudre pour les incorporer dans des recettes ou en faire des beurres (comme le beurre d'amande).
Ces outils permettent de gagner du temps et d'assurer des textures parfaites pour diverses préparations culinaires.
submitted by le-choix-optimal to robot_mixeur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 greengreyable Need recipe for this sauce!

submitted by greengreyable to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd

Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd
Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd Welcome to our culinary adventure through Rapid City, South Dakota! Prepare to indulge in a smorgasbord of flavors as we uncover the best restaurants this vibrant city has to offer.From the aromatic spices of Everest Cuisine to the sizzling steaks at Delmonico Grill, there's something to satisfy every craving. Quench your thirst at Independent Ale House or satisfy your taco cravings at Eddies Tacos RC.Join us as we embark on a gastronomic journey through Rapid City. Let's dig in!Key TakeawaysEverest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina offer authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine with must-try dishes like vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, chicken tikka masala, and fish tacos.Delmonico Grill is an upscale steakhouse known for its romantic setting and seasonal meals crafted by chefs. Must-try dishes include bacon-wrapped shrimp, soup of the day, and On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye.Independent Ale House is a laid-back tap house with a wide selection of beers, pizzas, and salads. Must-try dishes include handcrafted beers, Alien with an Attitude, Caesar salad, and spicy chicken pizza.Tallys Silver Spoon is a landmark dining place since 1930 that offers sumptuous meals made with fresh ingredients. Highly recommended by locals, it is known for sourcing ingredients from local food growers.Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina: Authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan CuisineOur favorite restaurants in Rapid City, SD for authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine are Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina. These establishments offer unique dining experiences with a diverse range of tastes.At Everest Cuisine, you can indulge in traditional dishes like vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, and chicken tikka masala. For those seeking a more adventurous palate, Qu Pasa? Cantina serves up alligator tikka masala and combo biryani. Kathmandu Bistro offers a fusion of flavors with dishes like shrimp Kadai and reshmi kebab.Everest Cuisine, located in downtown Rapid City, provides a welcoming atmosphere with friendly staff. The restaurant's interior reflects the rich cultural heritage of Nepal and India. The menu is filled with mouthwatering options that cater to both vegetarians and meat lovers. The fragrant aromas and bold spices will transport you to the streets of Kathmandu or the bustling markets of Mumbai.Kathmandu Bistro, also located downtown, offers a cozy ambiance with warm lighting and authentic decor. The chefs at Kathmandu Bistro are skilled in the art of creating flavorful dishes that showcase the best of Nepalese and Indian cuisine. From the first bite, you can taste the freshness of the ingredients and the care that goes into each dish.Qu Pasa? Cantina, situated in the heart of Rapid City, is a two-floor Mexican restaurant that stands out for its wide selection of tequila. The simple yet attractive architecture adds to the overall dining experience. The must-try dish at Qu Pasa? Cantina is their fish tacos, which are bursting with flavor and served with all the traditional toppings.When it comes to places to eat in Rapid City, these three restaurants are top contenders for anyone craving authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine. Whether you're a local or a visitor, you won't be disappointed with the flavors and dining experiences they have to offer.Delmonico Grill: Upscale Steakhouse With a Romantic SettingFor an upscale steakhouse with a romantic setting, Delmonico Grill offers a dining experience like no other. Founded by local chef Pete Franklin, this fine dining establishment is known for its exquisite seasonal meals and elegant ambiance. From the moment you step inside, you'll be greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a special date night or anniversary celebration.Delmonico Grill takes pride in sourcing the highest quality ingredients to create their culinary masterpieces. Each dish is carefully crafted by their talented team of chefs, ensuring a delectable and unforgettable meal. Start your evening with the tantalizing bacon-wrapped shrimp, a perfect combination of smoky flavors and succulent textures. Pair it with the soup of the day, a comforting and flavorful option that changes daily.When it comes to the main course, the On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye is a must-try. This perfectly cooked steak is tender and juicy, offering a melt-in-your-mouth experience that will leave you craving for more. Accompanied by a variety of handcrafted side dishes, such as creamy mashed potatoes or grilled asparagus, each bite is a symphony of flavors.The knowledgeable and attentive staff at Delmonico Grill are always on hand to guide you through the menu and offer recommendations. Whether you're a steak aficionado or looking to explore new culinary horizons, they'll ensure that your dining experience exceeds your expectations.With its upscale atmosphere, exceptional cuisine, and romantic setting, Delmonico Grill is the ideal choice for those seeking a special dining experience. Indulge in the finest cuts of meat, savor the exquisite flavors, and create lasting memories at this remarkable steakhouse.Independent Ale House: Known for Beers, Pizza, and SaladsWe can't wait to tell you about Independent Ale House, known for their wide selection of beers, delicious pizza, and fresh salads. Here's why you should pay them a visit:First true tap house in Rapid City: Independent Ale House takes pride in being the first establishment of its kind in the city. With 50 beers on rotation, they offer a diverse selection that will surely satisfy any beer lover's cravings. Whether you prefer a hoppy IPA, a smooth stout, or a refreshing cider, they've something for everyone.Laid-back atmosphere with friendly bar staff: The moment you step into Independent Ale House, you'll feel a sense of freedom and relaxation. The laid-back atmosphere, combined with the friendly and knowledgeable bar staff, creates an inviting environment where you can unwind and enjoy your time with friends or family.Must-try dishes: While Independent Ale House is known for its beers, they also offer a mouthwatering selection of food. Don't miss out on their handcrafted beers, such as the popular Alien with an Attitude. Pair your drink with a fresh Caesar salad or indulge in their spicy chicken or chicken, bacon, and ranch pizzas for a satisfying meal.Now that you know what Independent Ale House has to offer, get ready to satisfy your cravings for great beer, pizza, and salads. But before you head out, let's move on to the next section about 'Eddies Tacos RC: Family-Owned Mexican Food Truck'.Eddies Tacos RC: Family-Owned Mexican Food TruckBut don't overlook Eddies Tacos RC, a family-owned Mexican food truck that offers a unique setup and a menu filled with tasty options. This hidden gem is a must-visit for those craving authentic Mexican flavors in Rapid City. Eddies Tacos RC is known for its vibrant and flavorful dishes that are sure to satisfy your taste buds.The food truck is run by a warm and welcoming family who puts their heart and soul into every dish they serve. The setup is simple yet inviting, with colorful decorations and a friendly atmosphere that adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite or looking to cater a special event, Eddies Tacos RC has got you covered.When it comes to the menu, Eddies Tacos RC offers a wide variety of options to choose from. Their all-meat combo burrito is a fan favorite, packed with juicy meats and topped with fresh salsa and guacamole. If you prefer tacos, you can't go wrong with their taco plate, filled with your choice of meat and accompanied by flavorful toppings. And for those who love quesadillas, their meaty quesadilla is a must-try, oozing with melted cheese and savory fillings.As we transition to the next section about Tallys Silver Spoon, another iconic dining place in Rapid City, it's worth mentioning that Eddies Tacos RC perfectly embodies the freedom and diversity of cuisine in this city. With their mouthwatering Mexican dishes, this family-owned food truck adds a unique flavor to the culinary scene of Rapid City.Tallys Silver Spoon: Landmark Dining Place Since 1930As we delve into the topic of Tallys Silver Spoon, a landmark dining place since 1930, we're transported to a bygone era of culinary excellence in Rapid City, SD. This historic restaurant holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike, offering a taste of tradition and a glimpse into the past.Here are three reasons why Tallys Silver Spoon continues to be a beloved dining destination:Rich History: Tallys Silver Spoon has been serving the community for over 90 years, making it one of the oldest restaurants in the area. Its longstanding presence is a testament to its commitment to quality and exceptional service. Stepping inside the restaurant feels like stepping back in time, with its charming decor and vintage ambiance.Upscale Dining Experience: Over the years, Tallys Silver Spoon has transformed from a humble cafe to an upscale eatery. The restaurant prides itself on using fresh ingredients sourced from local food growers, ensuring that every dish is bursting with flavor and quality. From delectable seafood to mouthwatering steaks, the menu offers a wide range of options for every palate.Local Recommendation: Tallys Silver Spoon comes highly recommended by locals, who appreciate its rich history and consistently delicious food. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a regular patron, the friendly staff and warm atmosphere make you feel right at home. It's a place where memories are made and cherished.Texas Roadhouse: Popular Steak Restaurant Founded in 1993Let's explore Texas Roadhouse, a popular steak restaurant founded in 1993, known for its savory American dishes and friendly staff.Texas Roadhouse is a favorite among locals and tourists alike for its delicious steaks and lively atmosphere. As soon as you step inside, you'll be greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of seasoned meats sizzling on the grill.The menu at Texas Roadhouse offers a wide range of options, from juicy steaks cooked to perfection to fall-off-the-bone ribs that are sure to satisfy any carnivorous cravings. One of their most popular dishes is the Prime Rib, a tender and flavorful cut of meat that's sure to leave you wanting more. For those looking for a taste of the South, their Fall-of-the-Bone Ribs are a must-try, slathered in a tangy barbecue sauce that will have your taste buds dancing.But Texas Roadhouse isn't just about the steaks. Their handcrafted side dishes are equally as impressive. From their buttery mashed potatoes to their crispy seasoned fries, each side dish is made with care and attention to detail. And don't forget to save room for their famous homemade rolls, served warm and accompanied by a delicious cinnamon butter.What sets Texas Roadhouse apart from other steak restaurants is its friendly and energetic staff. The servers go above and beyond to make sure you have a memorable dining experience. They engage in lively banter, perform line dances, and even let you choose your favorite songs on the jukebox.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegetarian Options Available at Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina?At Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina, we offer a variety of vegetarian options.At Everest Cuisine, you can try the vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, and the combo biryani.Kathmandu Bistro has delicious vegetarian dishes like the vegetable samosa and the mixed vegetable curry.Qu Pasa? Cantina offers vegetarian options like the Caesar salad and the spicy chicken pizza.These restaurants provide diverse and flavorful vegetarian choices for those seeking a meat-free dining experience.Can You Provide More Information About the Seasonal Meals Offered at Delmonico Grill?At Delmonico Grill, we offer a delightful array of seasonal meals that are crafted by our talented chefs.Our fine dining experience is set in a romantic ambiance, perfect for a special occasion.From the bacon-wrapped shrimp to the On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye, our must-try dishes are sure to tantalize your taste buds.With a commitment to using fresh and quality ingredients, Delmonico Grill is a top choice for an unforgettable culinary experience in Rapid City.How Many Different Types of Beers Are Available at Independent Ale House?At Independent Ale House, you can choose from a rotating selection of 50 different types of beers. We offer a diverse range of craft beers, ensuring that there's something for everyone's taste.Our laid-back atmosphere and friendly bar staff create a welcoming environment to enjoy your favorite brews.Whether you're a beer enthusiast or just looking to try something new, Independent Ale House is the perfect spot to indulge in handcrafted beers and delicious food.What Are the Catering Services Offered by Eddie's Tacos Rc?Eddie's Tacos RC offers catering services for special events. They're a family-owned and operated Mexican food truck, known for their unique setup and tasty menu.Whether it's a birthday party or a corporate gathering, they can provide delicious Mexican cuisine to cater to your guests' tastes. From their all-meat combo burrito to their mouthwatering tacos and quesadillas, Eddie's Tacos RC will bring the flavors of Mexico to your event with their exceptional catering services.Can You Recommend Any Specific Dishes at Tallys Silver Spoon Made With Fresh Local Ingredients?At Tally's Silver Spoon, we highly recommend trying their sumptuous meals made with fresh local ingredients. As a landmark dining place since 1930, Tally's has been sourcing their ingredients from local food growers, ensuring the highest quality and supporting the community.Whether you're in the mood for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Tally's offers a diverse menu that's sure to please your taste buds. Don't miss out on this local favorite for a truly unforgettable dining experience.ConclusionAs we conclude our culinary journey through Rapid City, South Dakota, one thing is for certain - this city is a food lover's paradise.From the exotic flavors of Everest Cuisine to the classic elegance of Delmonico Grill, there's no shortage of dining options to satisfy every palate.Whether you're in the mood for a laid-back atmosphere at Independent Ale House or the historic charm of Tallys Silver Spoon, Rapid City has it all.So, what're you waiting for? Come explore and indulge in the best restaurants this vibrant city has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 greengreyable Need recipe for this sauce!

Was in Bangkok last week and i can't get over of this green sauce, which meant for seafood dipping. Bought them at streetside seller in Ari. Asked for 3 of them and that was a best decision ever!
I'm Malaysian and I'm really fascinated with Thai food! It's was my 2nd trip since last December and can't wait to get back there...just for the food!
submitted by greengreyable to ThaiFood [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:16 ipsum629 Update: canned fish + lentil soup experiment results

I wanted to see if combining my two favorite healthy foods would be good dr doofenshmirtz style.
The results? Canned salmon + lentil soup = yummy
Canned sardines + lentil soup = not so yummy
The salmon adds a very slight fishiness(in a good way that in no way overpowers the lentil flavor) and adds variety to the texture. It's a bit like chicken except I think it pairs better with the lentils than chicken would.
The sardines aren't as subtle as the salmon and don't add nearly as much texture.
I'm not a very precise cook so I eyeballed pretty much every ingredient, so feel free to adjust things like the salmon to lentil ratio.
I did everything in my stock pot.
I diced up as much veg(carrots, celery, yellow onion) as I cared to do, about a cup and a half. I sweated them for a bit in some olive oil, then added a 6 ounce can of tomato paste and two cloves of garlic. I caramelized the tomato paste a bit, then added about a cup of white wine. Then, I added 7 cups of dried green or brown lentils(a whole bag that I had) and enough water to cover them and then some. Boil until the lentils are done. Season with salt, pepper, herbs, and garlic powder. I first tried a bowl with a bit of the salmon, liked it, tried it with the sardines and didn't like it. I then dumped 4 7.5 oz cans of red salmon(in water) in the main pot, with the water. These cans had the skin and bone, which I prefer and have loads of calcium.
submitted by ipsum629 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:25 Saladee_7 A hard day

Today was a hard day. I slept at 3am and woke up at around 10:30am. I had a very annoying headache the night before and needed to take ibuprofen but I wouldn’t do so on an empty stomach so I ate some toast. After toast I took one and waited 30 minutes before taking the second one while putting a cold compress on my head. I distracted myself with Bridgerton until 3am and then I went to sleep. I woke up today feeling this “weak” stomach feeling. Like the one I felt the last time I tu* when I was 12 years old. I then started to take my day very slowly and carefully chose the things I ate. I ended up eating soup, apple sauce, some red lobster biscuits and ended up drinking a lemonade as well. I haven’t tu* at all today but I have had n* and a sensitive stomach feeling. I was doing well, I was getting better and I was gaining weight again. It always seems like this phobia takes me back 10 steps after I manage to get 2 steps in. I still feel the “weak” stomach feeling. But I’ve been trying to stay calm and do my breathing exercises. This day has been very challenging.
submitted by Saladee_7 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:08 k_chs My customized chicken sandwich

I was so upset the Napa Almond Chicken Salad Sandwich was discontinued but I wanted to try and give one of the new sandwiches a try. Sadly, none of them were floating my boat so I decided to customize a sandwich — the Chicken Bacon Rancher. I chose this one specifically because it comes with the grilled chicken and not the smoked pulled chicken.
I removed the ranch and bacon (I know, I know, the two main ingredients were removed but I’m pregnant and I was NOT wanting either lol)
I added mixed greens, tomato, and chipotle aioli and signature sauce and I’ve gotta say, it’s really tasty. The focaccia, cheddar, chicken and sauces work really well together and I love the added veggies too. The preparers at Panera I’ve ordered from probably think I’m crazy but it’s been great with the poppyseed salad and broccoli cheddar soup.
What are some customizations you’ve made that you frequently get?
submitted by k_chs to Panera [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:06 Omologist Fresh And Easy Salmon Burgers

Fresh And Easy Salmon Burgers
Fresh And Easy Salmon Burgers Friday night is about light, fresh, spicy, sweet salmon burgers. I meant to try the salmon burgers recipe this past summer but never got around to it. Good thing salmon is one of those food items one can get year-round. I usually grill, bake or steam salmon filets but I was so interested in making salmon burgers. I thought about using canned salmon but was afraid I would be disappointed, so I put it off. I was so happy to find this recipe that uses one of my favorite types of sauce- honey mustard. I’m a big fan of combining… Recipe in the first comment
submitted by Omologist to mincerecipes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:06 BardInChains How do you learn recipes?

I am about to start my third year on my first playthrough and I find cooking to be generally underwhelming. The cause? I don't know how to learn recipes! I have picked up a handful from playing TV-roullette and hoping queen of sauce is on and gives me a useful recipe, and here and there from milestones and quests. I also check the tavern but he never has anything. By and large I find my cooking options to severely crippled by a lack of recipes. Is there some game mechanic I am overlooking, some method of recipe acquisition I have yet to discover?
submitted by BardInChains to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:00 duellingislands 5:04 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 816th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. This week's Ukrainian recipe: the simple perfection of Potaptsi.

5:04 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 816th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. This week's Ukrainian recipe: the simple perfection of Potaptsi.


Rye or Die.
If you haven't been keeping track, some of our users keep a half of a kilo of Salo on hand for emergencies, so we were thinking we might share yet another dish that requires this translucent gold - Potaptsi - bread pieces fried in pork fat (can be substituted with butter). There are many variations but most of them belong to two versions - the most common savory version, and the less common sweet version that is just like French toast, just traditionally served with another culinary staple - honey.
This dish often accompanies Horilka as a chaser, or is served as a snack, an hors d'oeuvre or appetizer alongside soup or salad - in fact, there is a version that is essentially just really intense croutons.
Simplicity itself.
As a simple open-faced sandwich type deal, you may have guessed that Potaptsi are very easy to prepare; they require very little time and only a few ingredients. Perhaps it was for this reason that they were so very popular as a snack of Kozaks and Chumaks that even found their way to inclusion in Kotliarevskyi's Aeneida, thought to be the first work of literature published in colloquial Ukrainian. In that action packed satire of the classical Latin work, a king is faced with war. He longs for simpler times when he could just sit around and eat Potaptsi.
We feel you, king.

How to Make Potaptsi in Like Seven or Eight Minutes

Got a few minutes?
  • Pork belly fat / Salo (can be substituted with butter of course, or oil) - 100-200 grams (depending on your love for Salo)
  • Bread - rye; black; or any other bread - 500 grams
    • Similar to French toast, it does not have to be fresh!
  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves (depending on your garlic tolerance)
  • Green onion, dill, parsley, to garnish (optional)
  • Salt, to taste.
  1. Mince the garlic and set aside.
  2. Cut the pork belly or Salo into slices (not cubes, so if you are frequent in making Shkvarky you need to retrain your muscle memory). Some people like giant slices, some people like thin slices. It's up to you!
  3. Fry the pork, but don't overdo it - only lightly fried: a golden crust should appear, but be careful not to dry it out. It needs to be fried from both sides. Set aside the fried slices.
  4. Next, slice the bread and fry it in the fat rendered from the pork fat. Also from both sides. Place the bread on a plate, spread the garlic in a you-appropriate amount, and then put the pieces of the fried pork on top. At this time you can add a pinch of salt on each potapets and garnish it with green onions or dill.
  5. There is another common way to make Potaptsi by cutting the bread itself into cubes and frying them in pork fat to make a lovely addition to soups, like croutons. And also, today, often people substitute the pork with tomatoes and/or melted cheese!


Part of our series on Ukrainian recipes! You can find the other entries in the series here:
Borshch Varenyky (Recipe) Varenyky Cultural Background Horilka Banosh Hrechanyky Kyivskyi Cake Makivnyk Vyshnyak Drunken Cherry Cake Varenukha Pumpkin Porridge Lazy Varenyky Holubtsi Kalach Kvas Christmas Borshch Uzvar Kutya Beetroot Salad Kapusnyak Nalysnyk Bublyk Deruny Wild Mushroom Sauce Kozak Kapusnyak Yavorivskyi Pie Spring Dough Birds Kholodets Easter Bread (Babka/Paska) Khrin & Tsvikli Shpundra Teterya Green Borshch Kalatusha Elderflower Kvas Crimean Tatar Chebureky Ryazhanka Verhuny Liubystok (Lovage) Young Borshch with Hychka Baturyn Cookies Strawberry Varenyky Stinging Nettle Pancakes Kholodnyk Syrnyky Salo Kotleta Po Kyivsky (Chicken Kyiv) Savory Garlic Pampushky Pampukh (Donuts) Halushky Odesa Borshch Korovai Hombovtsi Traditional Medivnyk Space Age Medivnyk Mandryk Pliatsky: Royal Cherry Ohirkivka (Pickle Soup) Benderyky Pliatsok "Hutsulka" Kruchenyky Vereshchaka Medivka Honey Cookies Fuchky Khrinovukha Knysh Bryndzya Kalyta Pasulya Pidbyvana Kapusnyak Kvasha Kachana Kasha Mazuryky The Ponchyky of Lake Svitiaz Rosivnytsia Kulish Shcherba Dandelion Honey Sandy Varenyky
The 816th day of a ten-year invasion that has been going on for centuries.
One day closer to victory.


submitted by duellingislands to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:22 roxictoxy Roast my tasting menu for my stage on Monday.

Set app; Soup - roasted tomato, red pepper and feta bisque. Garnished with evoo, blistered cherry tomato and basil chif.
Shared app; tuna crudo - seared tuna with soy based sesame ginger dressing, fresh cucumber, scallion, micro greens Panko pearl onions - panko breaded fried onions with a classic dipping sauce and kewpie spicy mayo
Entree, family style; Seared seabass, creamy polenta, with local harvest ratatouille, shaved local parm
Roasted beef tenderloin, creamy mushroom sauce, sauteed root veg greens, roasted fingerlings
Dessert - local berry crisp, fresh whipped cream.
All veg except the peppers and tomatoes are local. The soup is just a solid soup, always a crowd pleaser.
The tuna crudo harkens back to my sushi past without over committing to a sushi dinner.
The panko pearl onions are a fun remix on a classic bar item; and is pandering to the preference of one of the family.
The seabass is a Mediterranean French inspired dish feels elevated while being simple to execute.
The tenderloin is really from the heart, as it brings nostalgia for the holidays and cooking for my family. A simple classic executed perfectly.
And the crisp is my favorite dessert to implement; simple and cheap, uses seasonal ingredients, is easily preprepped and stored, comfy and again CHEAP.
This isn't set in stone but the dinner is on Monday and I get to see the space tomorrow. I crose utilize ingredients like the tomato and pepper in the ratatouille and the beet/turnip greens from that veg for the steak.
submitted by roxictoxy to Chefit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:03 Newenergy253 Anyone familiar with this? I got it as a gift and I’m not sure where to use it.

Anyone familiar with this? I got it as a gift and I’m not sure where to use it.
I usually don’t like sweet type sauces very much but I’d love to put it to good use on a cool recipe or something.
submitted by Newenergy253 to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:43 BendyFanGame Unused Assets Presentation. (We Are Back Baby!)

Unused Assets Presentation. (We Are Back Baby!) submitted by BendyFanGame to BendyAndTheInkMachine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:29 Tatianalovely Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings

Try my irresistible Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings with a homemade sauce! This is one of my easy recipes! Oven baked wings that are perfectly crispy and coated in a delicious garlic parmesan sauce. Get the recipe here:
submitted by Tatianalovely to cookingtonight [link] [comments]