Class c grand larceny. 2nd degree

CSE 1320

2024.05.19 11:34 taffyman17 CSE 1320

I struggled through cse 1320 and didn’t get all of the concepts introduced in the class due to other problems going on in life and a poor instructor in my opinion. i now have a lot more time and i’m wondering how important it is that i review the material from 1320. next semester i’m taking cse 1325, 2312, and 2315. i am totally willing to review c and understand it to the degree i should be at currently but is it worth it? would my time be better spent focusing on the next classes because 1320 isn’t too important conceptually? thank you for any help.
submitted by taffyman17 to utarlington [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:22 Sanzeebeyy What the fuck should I do?

Firstly I am a engineering student studying in the "most reputed" college of Nepal and majoring in Computer Engineering. From my middle school days I never actually loved or even liked "coding". I can't even code a proper pattern in QBASIC. This doesn't mean I'm not good at studies (rank under 25 IOE). I'm in my 2nd semester right now and friends around me are doing shits like DBMS, DSA and what not. They know java, js, react, python, C++ and many more. And I'm here still struggling with C. And before you call me dumb for joining engineering let me tell you that I was and am too much attracted towards pc games and I wanted to be a game dev from my highschool days so I thought joining engineering would help me achieve those dreams. I know a little bit of C# too and a pretty good knowledge of Unity Engine too. I was very good at artworks since my childhood. ((Short story that still makes me proud: I was in grade 5 (2072), there was a drawing competition where I drew the history of dharahara in pictorial form and won the 1st prize and my class teacher called me "Dharahara boy" for the whole year. I know its kinda cringe but I love that)) I love making animations and sketches. I even draw my friends faces in my college and even drew some artworks on the classroom boards and they all appreciate me. I even love music production and guitar. I even love physics but I am damn sure I completely hate programming and coding. I am not sure what I want to do with life. Any suggestions are appreciated.
submitted by Sanzeebeyy to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:47 lovelyA24 How much do you get paid

Only share if you want to share.
I work at a daycare that I truly love and I love my coworkers and I do enjoy being a part of where I work. The only issue is the pay and I feel like I should get paid more. I only get paid .75 cents above the minimum wage and I have my associates degree in early childhood education and I usually work 37-39 ish hours a week and I’m considered full time and the lead teacher in a toddler class. I’m also CPR certified. Lately these been talks that we will get a raises but I’m not sure when that will happen. This is only my 2nd job ever and my last job was at another daycare where I was getting 50 cents more than what I currently get. I know daycare providers are under paid and I don’t know what I should be getting or what’s fair. I hate how I get paid so little and it would be sad if I ever have to make the choice to leave where I work or to just do something different. It’s just hard cause it’s very expensive where I live and I want to be able to make more money and save more money and to have my own family and place one day.
submitted by lovelyA24 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 Davess_World2019 Hagwon Life: How to spot a lazy manager/owner

Re: PODCAST: How to Spot a Lazy Manager
I'm telling ya, other than trying to rip off as many people as possible and get as much work out of them, and do the least amount of effort themselves, I don't know why Hagwonites bother. And I don't know why foreigners care more than the people who own the place and/or will be working there 10 years from now.
It reminds me of George Costanza's frustration with his lazy boss Mr. Kruger. You can see the YouTube clip here. Bust your rear-end for what? So it can backslide back to square 1 as soon as you leave and the new person replaces you? You're not helping the place advance, you are helping it idle in neutral.
See if this sounds like your experience at a Hagwon.
1. They blame low performance and turnover on employees.
--And every other mistake as well. The students are total brats? That's your fault. You don't teach the lesson absolutely perfectly without training? That's your fault. Kids are bored? That's your fault. A child pokes another child and mom calls about it, again --your fault.
None of these managers actually manage. They give irrelevant or no training. They institute no discipline plan all the staff, students, parents will agree on. They often don't give enough material to teach the class, ALL OF THAT falls on the hands of the foreigners. Imagine that, a place that's been open for 5-10 years still hasn't taken point on all these issues, just push them off on the foreigner and go back to gossiping about how terrible the foreigners are.
BTW, I'm not an owner of a company, I can discuss people who should be discussing ideas.
2: They look for quick fixes to complex retention problems.
--That's more than true. I declined to accept a 2nd contract by being offered slightly more money, about double the vacation time, and move up to head teacher. Why didn't I accept this promotion? Because everything I said the entire year was totally ignored, the pay wasn't enough to put up with their stupidity. The vacation was totally bogus because we had to threaten a mutiny just to get 2 extra days due to a break between semesters. Why would I trust them to give me more when they didn't honor the ones in the 1st contract? Search Bar: Mutiny. Also, they harassed the head teacher out of a job, why would I then stick my head in the guillotine after they dragged the body away by the ankles?

But wait there's more!

That's the end of that link, but you and I can identify so many more issues.
3. Physically / Intellectually a bad example for everyone.
I don't know about you, but I don't respect slough-offs and idiots. The person that SHOULD Be working the hardest is the person who owns the place. Did you ever see the video of Elan Musk sleeping on his sofa in his office at the production plant? Yeah, really. The billionaire owner is there to field problems as they come up instead of being called at home and have to drive in at 2am. He suffers more and works harder than anyone there.
Some dumb-butt that owns a hagwon said on here one time,
I don't make my employees do anything that I wouldn't do!
You are supposed to do what your employees do and 10x more than that! You're the owner. This is your livelihood, it will destroy your life if it faulters. You have to pay off employees with severance, pay back loans you probably can't pay off, reduce your living space, sell off assets to survive. You put all your eggs in this basket, it HAS to work, why are you putting the outcome in the hands of people who have no skin in the game?
I don't respect boneheads who should have their educational chops figured out by this point. They should have taken notes and improved themselves as each semester rolls on by. Why are the same problems recurring every semester or every year such as the Halloween or Christmas event, you did the same thing a year ago!
4. Doesn't know your job description.
Not only does a lazy boss not educate themselves about what education is, they have neither bothered to know what teachers actually do. Sure, they scowl through the window or monitor on CCTV, but do they know what they are looking at? Almost certainly not. They tend to focus on the most inane "violations" to give themselves and everyone else the false impression they are REALLY on the ball here, nothing slips past their scrutinous eye on quality and detail! When in fact, they reveal themselves to not only being an obnoxious pest, but clearly don't even know what teachers do every day. I've had to tell more than a few in-class and CCTV observers that the things they are bothering with are so miniscule I question whether they have even taught anyone anything before in their entire lives? It's like me storming in on a mechanic, "I gotcha! I see you didn't grease those fittings!" Then they tell me that is done AFTER the breaks and wheel has been fixed and reassembled. I just exposed myself as not knowing what I'm talking about.
Hagwon management and owners don't realize how much time it takes to do the tasks they are demanding because they've never had to do them before. Sure, waive your hand and expect this or that, but a) they don't know how to do it themselves. b) we are not holding out on them with a Mary Poppins bag of lesson plans. We don't have a quick fix for their ideas. c) it takes research, editing, time, contemplation to add something that perfectly match a class's level. Management and owners think it only takes about 30 minutes to throw something together, when in fact it could be 2 hours. For laughs, ask them exactly step-by-step how the task should be carried out and receive the stupidest answers you can imagine. "Uh, I don't know, some teacher website or something? Why are you asking me? I've only been working here for 10 years, why don't you with your philosophy degree, and 3 months on the job, know how to construct exactly what I want?"
5. Boss is too lazy/stubborn to solve problems.
"I'm the boss. I say, you do. That's the end of it, now get to work, no back-talk!"
If you work in any place like this, the boss is trying to avoid being exposed as a fool. They know if they throw out instructions and ideas, they will get shot down as not knowing round holes don't accept square pegs. To avoid a face-losing situation, they avoid communication at all costs. If every idea is idiotic and everyone knows it, they lose stature and the decree will be considered untenable. If the boss demands something runs and hides under their desk, the chances that the smarter people will get together and somehow make it happen is much more likely. Really, poor or no communication can be interpreted as, "Just make what I'm demanding from you happen, and don't ask me, I have no idea how to do it or I'd be helping you do it."
6. No goals.
--Every day is Groundhog's Day with lazy people. Nothing ever improves. The latest freak-out due to procrastination, poor communication, poor judgement, lack of materials, poor training is just a temporary peak until it is resolved, a lull in the action happens, then another peak or freak-out occurs in a frequency that drives everyone crazy. You just had a blow up last semester about a certain issue, it seems to have gotten through to everyone, but yet here we are again the next semester facing the same SNAFU we thought we already settled. Nope. Lazy people get lazy, let things backslide, then get caught with their pants down time after time. It's like a captain of a ship that sleeps at the wheel until he has to wake up and right the ship before it capsizes. There are no goals for improvement, only maintain just enough to do as little as possible to maximize more time for laziness.
7. No boundaries.
--"Eh, they can do it at home if they don't get it done during the day." The boss is too lazy to prioritize proper workloads. If work exceeds the scope of your position, there is no time set aside during the normal work hours, then your boss has not taken the time to contemplate what your job is, what you agreed to do in your contract, has not taken steps to cut the fat and keep the lean meat. They over-sold expectations to parents, undersold expectations to foreigners. They have no idea how long it takes to finish tasks, nor even if the task really needs to be done in the first place. More is always better according to Hagwonites, even if it's useless/pointless busywork.
8. They don't ever seem to know anything.
Your paycheck is wrong, they didn't issue a pay ledger, they have no idea you're supposed to have a break during the day, don't know the law, don't know when your vacation days are, don't know they need supplies for the things they are asking you to do, don't know what's going on 5 minutes before it happens. They make excuses and delays to figure out how to make it up as they go along. Then when they can't, they make up lies and you have to spend energy debunking the lies. It never ends, they simply have no idea about anything other than, "Foreigner work, we get money" that's about the extent of their master plan.
If you are in a personal or professional relationship and the only response after you try to resolve conflicts is anger and annoyance? Buddy, you need to fold up shop and get the heck out of that one while the gettin's good. They are trying to teach you that if you don't have rainbows and sunshine blaring straight out your arse every day and make them slightly uncomfortable, they'll punish you with negative emotions. No good man, ain't gonna work, ain't never gonna work, never gonna improve.
submitted by Davess_World2019 to HagwonBlacklistKorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:15 Agneus [Online] [5e] [18+] [GMT+1] Virtues of Essence - Roleplay Focused Mystery and Lore Driven Forgotten Realms Campaign seeking a replacement player

“What defines virtue and how are we to gauge it? An inquiry that reverberates through epochs, its answer as fickle and capricious as the fates of those who deem to ask it. Duty, honor, justice - many over the ages would name these virtues, the conduits through which noble intentions find expression. Yet, as the battlefield of beliefs unfolds, a legion emerges, each as sworn to these principles as to obliterating all who would dare stake alike claim. Thus, battles rage and wars are waged and, in the end, those who are left are no more right than those fell by the blade. Alas, it is the victors whose ideals are etched into monuments for posterity. Except even words chiseled in unyielding stone are fated to fade in time. So is the wicked cycle destined to repeat in all its futility, its ephemeral prize seized again, only to be lost and sought anew. Try and picture, if for but a moment, a world where our rulers paused to reflect on the lessons of yore. They, too, would discern the elixir that enables one to escape the confines of memory—the very burden our fleeting nature forbids us to carry. Progress and evolution. Adaptability and transcendence. Everlasting and yet not stagnant, irrefutable, and yet fluid, these are the only true virtues. Thus, must we ever venture into the uncharted and unfamiliar for only from these unexplored domains may the truly virtuous arise.”
Where: Discord (Video and Voice) + FoundryVTT
When: every Saturday 5 - 9/10 pm GMT+1 (CET), 11 am - 3/4 pm EST
Who: party of 4 players and a DM seeking one extra player
Updates: Recruitment updates will be posted here.
Hello there and well met! If you’ve made it past the flavor text (or skipped it) and through the basic info (hopefully didnt skip past that one) you might very well be at the right address! Without further ado onto the post.

🐲The campaign🐲

Having only just recovered from the Second Sundering and the War of the Silver Marches, the North had been ravaged by a whole new set of tumultuous events - the rise of the Cult of the Dragon and that of the Absolute, the Fall of Eltruel and the short reign of the beholder crime lord Xanathar just some among them. After a brief respite from the twisted and the unnatural the clouds once more begin to gather. Along the Long Road, whole hosts of wild beasts and monsters have been accosting travelers seemingly at random and in the grand metropolis of Waterdeep a sudden rise in crime seems to coincide with strange events passing unnoticed beneath the surface. Amidst all this, in spring of 1493 DR, a party of adventurers delves into a mystery of enchanted gemstones being utilized to nefarious ends by unknown perpetrators all the while navigating the labyrinthine twists of city faction politics.
As implied by the post title, this is an ongoing campaign (we are 12 sessions in at the time of this post). Due to some irl commitments weve recently dropped a player and are looking to replace them.
As the title suggests, this is a roleplay focused mystery/lore driven campaign. Expect an overreaching plot with ample secrets to uncover, conspiracies to unravel and eldritch truths to unearth. The first word of the password is "Doth". On the same level of importance or more important even be that the players preference, there is a variety of subplots to engage with, from small and goofy and random to ones rivaling the main story arc in complexity and variance. Among these, individual character story arcs play a leading role, at times seamlessly intertwined with the current focus of the party, at times separate and independent.
As was already mentioned and is further described below, this is a roleplay focused campaign and a roleplay heavy game. This means that roleplay exists as a unifying concept for all other aspects of the game including exploration, combat, and puzzles. That said DnD is only DnD with all three of its main pillars intact and this campaign is no exception in that regard. I very much enjoy the mechanical side of the game as well besides roleplay and so things like multiphase boss fights and custom magic items are definitely on the table.

🧙‍♂️The DM🧙‍♂️

Hello there, Jay here, 25 yo law student from Central Europe currently working on finishing his master’s degree, trying to stay afloat in the current lease market. I study and work in a law firm by day and DM or play DnD by night (more like evening but night sounded cooler). I have been a big fan of TTRPGs since my early teens and of online DnD for the past five years. I’ve DMed multiple campaigns, finished CoS not least among them and I currently play in a long-term campaign. Before you ask, yes, my schedule is strained but not to the point I am unable to engage with my hobbies.
I would describe my DMing style as driven, realistic, and involved but also very conscious about player agency and collaborative storytelling as core values that make TTRPGs so popular and unique. I spend a lot of time ensuring the worlds I create and the stories I want to tell feel alive. From hand-picked music, to fully voiced NPCs and scenic descriptions designed to breathe life into the campaign setting I daresay my games rival in quality those of the professional DMs that charge for each session.
There is a drawback to this all however. Second word of the password is "thy". I expect a lot from my players as well. Writing a story in DnD is not a one person job. It takes a collective effort of the entire group to create something truly unique, something that one can be proud while looking forward to each session. Unwinding and letting off steam means something else for everyone. For me it means losing myself in the creative process of roleplaying an NPC or describing a scene, watching my players masterfully portray their own characters or having the party derail my plans in an awesome unforeseen and unexpectedly enriching way. If you find yourself in any of what I just described than this may be a game for you. If you don’t, that’s fine. This is definitely not a game for everyone.

🏰The setting🏰

Forgotten Realms is a default setting of Dungeons and Dragons but it is anything but boring and mundane. With now decades worth of lore behind it, it offers an unparalleled opportunity for anyone wanting to build on solid foundations to bring their ideas to life. While it has garnered a lot of attention lately with the release of a certain videogame (more people now know Astarion than a good amount of Hollywood celebrities I’d say) it has had its loyal following even before then, being constantly expanded and living its own life in a host of both online and home games. It’s been a natural choice of mine for a while now and not once have I had any regrets. The third word of the password is "mirror". I feel with how great of a variety of content the Forgotten Realms offer everybody is able to pick something that suits their creative vision. In summary the Forgotten Realms almost feel like a real place with how much worldbuilding has been done with them and offer a diversity of content few other TTRPG settings can boast.
When it comes to setting of the campaign in the world of Faerun I have once again made a somewhat traditional pick and decided to place the onset of the game onto the Sword Coast, more precisely into the city of Waterdeep. If one of the key upsides of Forgotten Realms is diversity of content, Waterdeep is one of the best representations of this. Being the largest settlement on the known Faerun, Waterdeep offers nigh limitless options in terms of main story arc genre, character creation and character backstory implementation. It has everything every large TTRPG settlement ought to have (fickle upper class, enigmatic factions, quaint taverns and extravagant nightclubs, always in bad mood city watch, a castle and a harbor) as well as few pretty original ideas such as colossal definitely not alive statues, a city council where even its members don’t know each other’s identity and a massive dungeon right underneath the city where you can literally fall right from a tavern taproom.
In case you are wondering, while this campagn takes place primarily in the city of Waterdeep itself, there is nothing stopping the players from exploring past the city if they so choose. The final word of the password is "crack?". Different parts of the main plot and various subplots can and will encourage the party to explore Waterdeep environs and sometimes even further.

📃The requirements📃

No exceptions here. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements must be met at the time of application.

🙋‍♂️How to sign up🙋‍♀️

Youve made it all the way to the end of this long post. Congratulations. Or maybe you’ve skipped all the way to the end. In that case I strongly recommended you go back. If not to learn what you are applying for than to make sure you haven’t missed something very important. Now if you are confident that you have what it takes and that this is a game that you could have a lot of fun with, please fill the below attached google questionnaire (if for any strange reason the link doesn’t end up working, please let me know in the comments under this post) and if fortune favors you, I shall get back to you promptly. Best of luck to you and I hope to speak to you soon!
PS: As a part of the questionnaire, you will be asked to submit a short piece of your narrative writing in a form of a google doc link (not a custom piece of writing, any relevant past one you have will do). Maybe best have that ready beforehand? On that note, dont apply for the game with a detailed backstory of a character you want to play that you arent willing to adapt to the conditions of the setting/campaign.
PSS: Not to discourage you but if you do make it through the questionnaire and into the second group of applicants you will be asked to do a discord interview with your webcam turned on. I am asking you to go through a lot for a game you might not even end up liking I know, but if you do end up liking it, all this effort will be well worth it as I am sure my other players would agree.
submitted by Agneus to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:54 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 18). Thursday/EA+THU Comps: Furiosa ($4.49M), Garfield ($1.22M/$1.97M), Bad Boys ($3.64M/$5.30M) and Inside Out 2 ($7.66M).

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 17
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Furiosa Thursday Comp assuming $5M for keysersoze123: $4.49M
Hit Man
The Garfield Movie Thursday / EA+Thursday Comp: $1.22M/$1.97M
Bad Boys: Ride or Die Thursday / EA+Thursday comp: $3.64M/$5.30M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp: $7.66M
Deadpool and Wolverine
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 16):
Presale Tracking Posts:
April 23
April 25
April 27
April 30
May 2
May 4
May 7
May 9
May 11
May 14
May 16
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:07 SilentSword1497 Mehmet's Ambition

Mehmet's Ambition submitted by SilentSword1497 to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Canted Iron Sights

Best Canted Iron Sights
Are you on the lookout for Canted Iron Sights that can take your aiming experience to the next level? Look no further, as our comprehensive roundup has got you covered! With our carefully curated selection, we bring you the best options available in the market. So don't miss out on this exclusive guide that will make you an expert on choosing the perfect Canted Iron Sights for your needs.

The Top 12 Best Canted Iron Sights

  1. Optimizer Ultra Sight - The HHA Optimizer Ultra is a top-rated AR Pistol Sight with R.D.S sight tape technology, offering 20-80 yard tapes in single yard increments, an Infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, 2nd axis adjustments, and American-made quality.
  2. Co Witness Pistol Sights - Axcel Accutouch Plus Carbon Pro Sight AV-41 stands out as a versatile 1-pin sight with a 45-degree facing sight tape, making it ideal for shooters who need precise and responsive aiming in various situations.
  3. Optimizer Ultra Sight for Precision Adjustments & Night Vision - The HHA Optimizer Ultra x XL Sight 5500 XL.029 RH is an advanced sight system that offers adjustable 2nd axis and vertical capabilities, making it easier to fine-tune at 20 yards and maximize sight tape range, with a 4.8 rating from 17 reviews.
  4. Green Dot Sight Pistol Sights - Optic with Windage Adjustment - The HHA Optimizer Sight 3000 1 Pin .029 RH is a top-rated, adjustable pistol sight featuring CNC machined construction, tool-free windage adjustment, and bubble level accuracy, making it a reliable choice for precision shooters.
  5. HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519 .019 - Infinite Adjust Slotted Side Bracket for 20-80 Yard Accuracy and Smooth Lever Action - The HHA Optimizer Lite X 5519 offers advanced features such as an infinite adjust slotted side bracket, water-resistant tapes, and a leveling bubble, providing 20-80 yard accuracy and smooth lever action for precise aiming in various lighting conditions.
  6. Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed - The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed is an advanced, precision-engineered 5-pin bow sight with exclusive React technology, providing uncompromising performance and ease of use that serious hunters demand.
  7. Novac Night Sights for Pursuit Bow - Adjustable Brightness for Optimal Low Light Performance - The Escalade Sports Pursuit .019 Sight Black Right Hand is a high-performance, adjustable sight with a direct mount, featuring bright optics, adjustable brightness, and a rheostat light for optimal sighting in any shooting condition.
  8. Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight - The Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight is a high-quality Night Sight with an aperture housing featuring vertical and horizontal tilt adjustments, micro-adjustable windage, and elevation, as well as a glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring for perfect alignment.
  9. Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight (Archery Sight) - The Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight is a top-selling vertical single pin sight that utilizes React Technology for precise aiming from up to 100 yards, making it ideal for those who wish to enhance their long-distance hunting abilities.
  10. CBE Tactic Hybrid 1 Pin Sight - The CBE Tactic Hybrid 1-Pin Bow Sight is a lightweight and affordable alternative to traditional bow sights, featuring multi-positioning mounting holes, floating pin technology, and an ambidextrous design.
  11. CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: Frustration-Free Pin Adjustments and Quad-Track Stability - The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 1 Pin RH boasts a versatile design with a Dovetail Mounting System, 4th and 5th Axis Adjustments, and a Quad Track Design utilizing Delrin Tracks for precision and stability.
  12. Trophy Ridge Fix Series 7 Pin Sight (Black, Right-Hand) - Trophy Ridge's Fix Series Sight (Black 7 Pin RH) brings dependable precision, ultra-bright fiber optic pins, and versatile features such as a rheostat light and 2nd axis adjustment for optimal accuracy and convenience.
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🔗Optimizer Ultra Sight
The HHA Optimizer Ultra x Sight 5010.010 RH is a top-tier product with an advanced design that sets it apart in the AR Pistol Sights category. Its unique features include the Infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, which allows shooters to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease. By simply rolling the wheel up or down, shooters can fine-tune at 20 yards and maximize the sight tape range.
The R. D. S sight tape technology, 20-80 yard tapes in single yard increments, and a tool-free Windage and Elevation Adjustment further enhance the precision and ease of use of this sight. The R. D. S tape design eliminates the need to jump from one hole to another, saving time and ensuring accurate adjustments in a smoother operation.
In the US, the sight is made of durable materials with built-in shock absorbers to withstand the rigors of outdoor hunting and improve durability over time. In addition, this sight can be used in conjunction with 35-40 yard shots as a standard practice, allowing shooters to expand their target range capabilities.
In general, the HHA Optimizer Ultra x Sight 5010.010 RH delivers unmatched performance for professional hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. Overall, its ergonomic design, durable construction, and advanced features make it one of the most impressive sights in the category.

🔗Co Witness Pistol Sights
The Axcel Accutouch Plus Carbon Pro Sight AV-41 1 Pin. 019 RH/LH is a highly-rated single pin adjustable sight with a 4.8 out of 5 star rating and 11 reviews. It features an Accu-Click system that allows the shooter to set “clicks” at desired distances, as well as a carbon bar dovetail mount.
The sight's elevation adjustment is specifically designed to stop at set distances, while a 45-degree facing sight tape aids in visibility of the yardage indicator. For additional adjustments, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis adjustments can be achieved without the use of shims, and the micro-adjust windage feature can be locked until manually unlocked.
Included in the price is an Axcel AccuView Scope, a Fire Pin, Crosshair Insert, and an adjustable rheostat. The sight is available in either 31mm or 41mm scope diameters. Overall, this sight holds its place among the high-quality products available for use with bows, providing an accurate and customizable experience.

🔗Optimizer Ultra Sight for Precision Adjustments & Night Vision
The new HHA Optimizer Ultra sight takes the guesswork out of sighting-in, making it easier for a shooter to find the perfect range for any target. It simplifies the sight-in process and allows for fine-tuning at 20 yards maximizing the sight tape range. This improved sight design brings an extra level of adjustment that enables the shooter to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease, leading to precision accuracy from 10 to 80 yards.
The optimized sight delivers a smooth yardage wheel design, eliminating clicking and squeaking noises. Overall, the HHA Optimizer Ultra is a top-rated product that provides top-tier performance and accuracy for any bowhunting enthusiast.

🔗Green Dot Sight Pistol Sights - Optic with Windage Adjustment
The HHA Optimizer Sight 3000 1 Pin is an adjustable sight with a 1 5/8" sight housing, 2 feet of wrapped green fiber optic, and bubble level. It features micro adjustable windage. This sight is perfect for those who are looking for a more user-friendly option in comparison to traditional 4-pin sights. Some advantages of the HHA Optimizer Sight include its simple and straight-forward nature as well as its durability; the sight is CNC machined and made from high-quality materials, allowing it to withstand use and prolonging its lifespan.
One feature that sets apart the HHA Optimizer Sight from other single-pin options on the market is its tool-free windage adjustment. This feature not only makes setup easier but also allows for on-the-fly adjustments in the field without requiring any extra tools or add-ons.
However, it's important to note one minor drawback to the design, which is that it does not accept a light or lens. This might be a concern for users who normally require lens or light support in low-light conditions.
Overall, the HHA Optimizer Sight 3000 is a great choice for hunters and marksmen who want a no-fuss, dependable sight that requires minimal maintenance and is easy to use. Its versatility, reliability, and ease of setup in the field make it a worthy standout in the world of optics, making it a highly recommended product.

🔗HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519 .019 - Infinite Adjust Slotted Side Bracket for 20-80 Yard Accuracy and Smooth Lever Action
HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519.019 is designed to provide an accurate, long-range shooting experience for archers. Featuring a new infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, it allows the shooter to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease, enhancing accuracy and precision. The 20-80 yard accuracy and smooth lever action of the sight contribute to its popularity among archers. In addition, the water-resistant tapes and leveling bubble help in better alignment and accuracy.
The Optimizer Lite x Sight also features a machined aluminum pin carrier for improved durability and performance. Optional mechanical rheostat to adjust pin brightness and compatibility with Blue Burst light and Lens Kit are added benefits that contribute to the overall versatility of the sight. Archers will appreciate the lightweight construction, making it easy to carry and use during hunting sessions.
A unique feature of this sight is the optional mechanical rheostat that allows the user to adjust the pin brightness, ensuring better visibility in low light conditions. This sight is compatible with Blue Burst light and Lens Kit as well, enhancing its capabilities even further. With all these features, the HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519.019 is a top choice for bow hunters looking for a reliable, versatile sight for both short and long-distance shots.

🔗Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed
The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is a world-class precision, durable, and highly reliable hunting sight designed for serious hunters. This right-handed bow sight features a solid 6061-aluminum construction, no-slop tolerances for accurate shooting, and exclusive React technology for easy sight-in.
With tool-less micro-adjustment, second- and third-axis leveling capabilities, a precision-installed bubble level, rheostat sight light, and a contrast glow ring, the React Pro Five-Pin Sight guarantees a perfect aim in all shooting situations. The front-mounted fiber-optic ring and rheostat light maximize pin brightness while protecting the fibers, making it easy to see through low and changing light conditions.
The sight is finished with a black finish, providing a sleek and professional look. Overall, the Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is the ideal choice for hunters seeking a high-quality, easy-to-use, and reliable sight for their bow.

🔗Novac Night Sights for Pursuit Bow - Adjustable Brightness for Optimal Low Light Performance
This single pin adjustable sight with a direct mount features an all-aluminum body and Delrin bushings for smooth and quiet movement. It comes with a low light glow indicator tape, rheostat light, and a sight level with a second and third axis adjustability.
The sight works well for target practice and hunting with a quick and easy sight-in process. However, some users have mentioned issues with the elevation adjustment screws and the lack of user guides or customer support. Overall, the Escalade Sports Pursuit. 019 Sight Black Right Hand is a versatile and budget-friendly bow sight, but it may not be the best choice for advanced archers or those in search of a premium product.

🔗Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight
The Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight is a compact and lightweight sight for your bow. It comes with aperture housing that includes vertical and horizontal tilt adjustments, making it easy to make precise shots. The sight also comes with micro adjustable windage and elevation for further accuracy.
This sight's glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring aligns the scope housing to the peep, helping in quick target acquisition. The rear-facing, easy-to-see yardage tape location further enhances targeting capabilities.
The precision-machined aluminum construction ensures durability and a long-lasting performance. Overall, it is a suitable choice for any archer in need of a reliable and accurate bow sight.

🔗Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight (Archery Sight)
The React One Pro from Trophy Ridge is a high-end vertical single pin sight that allows archers to push the limits and reach up to 100 yards. Combining React Technology with all the features of a top-notch target bow sight, the Trophy Ridge React One Pro will meet your every need. The sight is easy to use and delivers year after year, hunt after hunt.
You won't believe that React Technology can make your archery experience even better! .

🔗CBE Tactic Hybrid 1 Pin Sight
The CBE Tactic Hybrid 1-Pin Bow Sight is an ultra-light, compact bow sight that won't break the bank. It offers an effective and user-friendly experience for experienced archers. The highlight of this product is the Tactic Hybrid's movable pin sight with Smart Mount's multi-positioning mountable system. Using this, users can easily adjust the various settings according to their needs.
In addition, the Bow Sight features a floating pin with a rapid stop. This makes it simple to shoot from long or short distances. With its fibber management system, users can now use the sight more safely by enhancing the brightness of pins and providing better protection with 12 inches of fibber.
Furthermore, the Bow Sight provides visual aid during pin adjustment. It employs laser-marked hashes to assist users in understanding their shots better and make precise changes if necessary. Lastly, the Tactic Hybrid's versatility shines in its ambidextrous design, making it convenient for both left-handed and right-handed archers.
The Tactic Hybrid Sight also comes with a Rheostat Sight Light and Sight Scales, adding more value to the item while keeping its user-friendly nature intact. In terms of reviews from actual users, customers have consistently described the Bow Sight as exceptional with its "love it, " "excellent sight, " and "best sights for the money. "
Although a few reviewers shared negative experiences, these concerns mainly revolved around potential durability issues and incompatibility errors. All in all, the CBE Tactic Hybrid 1-Pin Bow Sight is a cost-effective, functional, and ergonomic solution catering to various bowing needs.

🔗CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: Frustration-Free Pin Adjustments and Quad-Track Stability
The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight is a high-quality product designed for archers seeking an easy-to-adjust sight with advanced features. Featuring frustration-free pin adjustment, Armed Guard Fiber Management System, and the Dovetail Mounting System, this product stands out among its competitors.
The sight utilizes the Hybrid Elevation Adjustment, Hybrid Windage Adjustment, and 2Nd and 3Rd axis adjustments, making it a versatile option for experienced hunters. The four-track quad track design and ergonomic knob contribute to its stability and adjustability. Additionally, the product offers rapid drive for fast adjustments, which is convenient for hunters on the go.
This product comes with Quad Track Design Utilizing Delrin Tracks and Rapid Drive for fast adjustments. It also includes 12 inches of fiber for brighter pins and the RiteLighter Pin Retention System for secure fibers.
Users have given this product high ratings on usability and design, noting that the Armed Guard Fiber Management System and ergonomic knob make it easy and comfortable to set up. Some users have pointed out minor issues, such as loose housing and limited color availability, but the overall experience is positive with many users praising the sights’ versatility and accuracy.
In conclusion, the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight is a high-performing product tailored for experienced archers seeking both stability and adjustability in their hunting sights.

🔗Trophy Ridge Fix Series 7 Pin Sight (Black, Right-Hand)
The Trophy Ridge Fix Series sight offers dependable precision by delivering highly adjustable pins for increased accuracy at varying ranges. With ultra-bright. 019 fiber optic pins, these sight devices are well-suited for use in low-light situations. The rheostat light on Trophy Ridge sights guarantees custom adjustability for optimal brightness while making any necessary modification to improve your shooting conditions.
The Fix sight features a 2nd axis adjustment, which amplifies your precision over extended distances. This innovative sight design offers pin adjustment controls that can be found built into the sight itself, which is incredibly convenient when making those slight modifications on the spot.
The Fix Series sights come in an array of options, namely 7, 5, and 3 pins. This choice allows you to personalize your sighting capabilities to fit your hunting style and preferences. The right-hand sights offer horizontal and. 019 fiber optic yardage indicators, ensuring you can easily zero in on your target no matter the conditions.
With its aluminum brackets and a high level of precision and durability, the Trophy Ridge Fix sights will serve you well during your hunting excursions.

Buyer's Guide

Canted Iron Sights are essential accessories for a firearm, offering precision aiming during tactical situations. When considering purchasing a Canted Iron Sight, you should take into account several factors to ensure that it meets your requirements and is compatible with your firearm.

Design and Construction
Canted Iron Sights are available in various designs and colors, including black, silver, and gold. Choose a design that complements your firearm and personal preferences. When it comes to construction, you have the option of aluminum or steel constructions. Aluminum is lighter and more corrosion-resistant, while steel is more durable and resists wear and tear. Make your decision based on the primary purpose of your firearm.

Mounting Options

Canted Iron Sights come in two primary mounting options: Picatinny rails and dovetail mounts. Picatinny rails are designed to fit a wide range of firearms, while dovetail mounts are specifically for slide-action shotguns. Ensure that your chosen Canted Iron Sight is compatible with your firearm's existing mounting system.

Reticle and Visibility

The reticle is the aiming point within the sight. It can be a simple dot or a more complex design, such as a circle, triangle, or cross-hair. Decide which reticle you prefer based on your personal preferences and the intended use of your firearm. Make sure the reticle is visible and clear enough for you to focus on target acquisition.


Before purchasing a Canted Iron Sight, ensure that it is compatible with your firearm. Measure the dimension of your firearm's rail and check if the mounting length of the Canted Iron Sight matches your requirements. Additionally, consider factors such as recoil and environmental conditions that may affect the sight's performance.

Durability and Warranty

Select a Canted Iron Sight that is made of durable materials and offers a reasonable warranty period. Make sure the warranty covers any potential defects or issues related to the product's manufacturing and/or craftsmanship. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to see how the product has performed over time.

Price and Availability
Canted Iron Sights come at a range of price points, depending on their features and construction quality. Compare different models to find the best value for your budget. Ensure that the chosen product is readily available and can be easily purchased from a trustworthy retailer.


When choosing a Canted Iron Sight, take into account your firearm's specific requirements, design preferences, and budget constraints. By considering the factors listed above, you can make an informed decision that will enhance your firearm's performance and safety.


What is the purpose of canted iron sights?

Canted iron sights are designed to provide a more accurate aiming point for the user, especially when using tactical shooting techniques. They help to improve overall accuracy and minimize the need for additional accessories or modifications to the gun.

What types of canted iron sights are available?

There are two main types of canted iron sights: front canted and rear canted. Front canted sights are mounted on the front of the slide, while rear canted sights are mounted on the rear of the weapon. Both options offer similar accuracy benefits for the user.

What benefits do canted iron sights offer?

Canted iron sights offer several advantages, including improved accuracy, faster target acquisition, and enhanced tactical capabilities. By providing a more natural and consistent sight alignment, users can maintain their focus on the target and perform better under pressure.

What firearms are compatible with canted iron sights?

Canted iron sights are compatible with a wide range of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The specific model and design of the firearm will determine the compatibility of the canted iron sights. Consult with the manufacturer for specific compatibility information.

How do I install canted iron sights?

Installing canted iron sights will vary depending on the specific model and firearm. Generally, you will need to remove any existing iron sights, attach the new canted iron sights to the appropriate location on the firearm, and then secure them in place with any necessary hardware. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation and safety.

Do canted iron sights require any additional adjustments?

Canted iron sights do require some initial adjustments to achieve proper functionality. You will need to ensure that the sight aligns properly with the bore axis and that the user's eye is properly aligned with the sight. Adjustment may include sighting in and aligning the canted sight with the user's dominant eye. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific adjustment guidelines.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:36 Definition_Novel Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.

Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.
In July of 1913, the newly-arrived to America Antanas Bimba Jr., a then 19-year old Catholic ethnic Lithuanian immigrant, would later become one of the most important political figures of the Communist movement in the United States.
Antanas Bimba Jr. was born in Lithuania in the village of Valeikiškis, in the Rokiškis district of Lithuania near the Latvian border, on January 22nd, 1894. His father, Antanas Bimba Sr., was a blacksmith and peasant farmer. Antanas Jr was one of six surviving children of his father’s second wife. The Bimba family were proud Lithuanians and devout Catholics, something that annoyed much of the Czarist government whom sought to impose Russian Orthodoxy and Russian language on Lithuania. This drove many Lithuanians, including the Bimbas, to immigrate to the United States and other countries in search of a better life.
During the summer of 1913, at age 19, Antanas arrived in Burlington, New Jersey on a steamship with an older brother. He and his brother were then employed at a steel mill for only $7 a week and worked 60 hours weekly. Due to unbearable working conditions, Antanas and his family relocated, and he and his brother took up another job in Rumford, Maine at a pulp mill. Although conditions there were marginally better than the steel mill job, Antanas became sick from chest pains due to inhalation of toxic fumes, and was forced to leave the job and seek yet another one. This experience of being an immigrant and being exploited for his labor had a profound effect on Bimba, and it drove his interest in Marxism.
After leaving the milling industry, he got his next job as a truck driver, becoming acquainted with Lithuanian American socialists in the process. His first revolutionary achievement was helping in making a co-operative bakery for rye bread, a staple food of the Lithuanian community. In becoming a socialist, he abandoned Catholicism, preferring agnosticism, what he called “religious freethinking”, not wishing to tie himself to organized religion. He later became an atheist as he got older in age.
In May of 1916, Antanas attended college at Valparaiso University, a small private college that became popular in attendance with members of the Lithuanian immigrant community in Valparaiso, Indiana. He attended there until 1919, earning a degree in history and sociology, and was able to pay for his classes by tending to a Lithuanian owned library in the town. In the summers he worked in a wire factory and machine shop in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bimba than became active in the Lithuanian Socialist Federation (LSF) , which served as a branch organization of the Socialist Party of America, with the LSF catering to Lithuanian immigrant populations (both primarily ethnic Lithuanian Catholics, as well as Litvak Jews.) He spent his time in the LSF writing numerous Lithuanian-language publications for them, as well as traveling to Lithuanian immigrant communities in cities in the US delivering Marxist political lectures amongst Lithuanian laborers in steel manufacturing cities like Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois.
His first brush against the capitalist legal system came in 1918. It is not fully clear as to whether Bimba was arrested for his trade unionist and socialist beliefs, or his objection to World War One at the time. However, Lithuanian-American historians generally contend his arrest was a result of expressing all of those opinions publicly. Eventually he was released and charges were dropped.
In summer 1919, he got a job as editor of “Darbas” (ENG: “Labor”) the Lithuanian newspaper of the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America).
On September 1st 1919, the Socialist Party of America fractured into rival organizations, mainly amongst Social Democrat vs Marxist lines. The Marxist faction became the early iteration of the Communist Party of America, which the LSF backed, and Bimba was quick to support the CPUSA as a result. Bimba later became the editor of another Lithuanian American Marxist newspaper, this time “Kova” (ENG: “Struggle”) for the newly formed LCF (Lithuanian Communist Federation).
Following the Palmer Raids by the US government which seized communist publications and shut down their press, Bimba then published the LCF underground newspaper “Komunistas” (ENG:”Communist”).
In 1922, Bimba became editor of the Brooklyn, New York communist Lithuanian newspaper Laisvė (ENG: “Liberty”) and remained its editor until 1928.
In November 1922, along with 6 other Lithuanians, he founded and held a committee meeting for a workers trade union called the United Toilers of America (UTA). The UTA also had numerous branch organizations, mainly serving immigrant communities, which operated notably with the help of Bimba and the rest of the 6 man committee.
The organizations of the UTA were as follows:
The Workers’ Defense Conference of New England
Alliance of Polish Workers of America
The Ukrainian Association
Lettish (Latvian) Publishing Association
The Polish Publishing Association
The Lithuanian Workers’ Association
Woman’s Progressive Alliance.
Since most of these organizations served Eastern European immigrants, it can be argued that Bimba is perhaps the first person of a Soviet nationality who developed a “diaspora Soviet/Eastern Bloc consciousness” driven ideology, aimed at unifying different Soviet and Eastern Bloc people in the diaspora under socialism for the benefits of their labor. A true visionary Bimba was.
The UTA later became an organization absorbed officially into the Communist Party of the United States. The UTA eventually fell apart after raids by the government during the Bridgman Convention meetings of the UTA, in which its high profile leaders of William Z. Foster and C.E. Ruthenberg were arrested. After this, the UTA was disbanded.
But it was on January 26th, 1926 that Bimba truly made his biggest mark on Marxist history in the United States. He had traveled to Brockton, Massachusetts to address the Lithuanian community there at the Lithuanian National Hall. At the meeting he championed socialism, encouraged unionizing in the Lithuanian immigrant community, and criticized the Catholic Church.
He said in critique of the church as an institution:
“People have built churches for the last 2,000 years, and we have sweated under Christian rule for 2,000 years. And what have we got? The government is in control of the priests and bishops, clerics and capitalists. They tell us there is a God. Where is he?”
When he received pushback from religious individuals in the crowd who ridiculed his disbelief in God and Jesus Christ, he said:
“There is no such thing. Who can prove it? There are still fools enough who believe in God. The priests tell us there is a soul. Why, I have a soul, but that sole is on my shoe. Referring to Christ, the priests also tell us he is a god. Why, he is no more a god than you or I. He was just a plain man.”
After an individual complained to police, he was arrested and put on trial under Salem Witch Trial era blasphemy laws.
In addition to being charged with blasphemy, he was also charged under anti-communist political sedition laws, based on the following statement he made at the same meeting:
“We do not believe in the ballot. We do not believe in any form of government but the Soviet form and we shall establish the Soviet form of government here. The red flag will fly on the Capitol in Washington and there will also be one on the Lithuanian Hall in Brockton.”
With the legal and financial support of the local Worker’s Communist party, the International Labor Defense organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, he was able to widen public support for himself.
The trial began on February 24th, 1926; six days later, on March 1st, 1926 he was found not guilty of blasphemy but guilty of sedition and ordered to pay a $100 fine. He was then released.
Opponents attempted to get him back in jail on more similar charges, but in a rare twist of events, the lead prosecutor dropped his case, simply saying it wasn’t worth pursuing.
As a result of the high profile trial of Bimba’s case, courts later ruled the blasphemy laws unconstitutional. As such, Bimba fighting such corrupt laws, causing them to be thrown out, is his crowning achievement.
In 1928, Bimba ran for NY State Assembly on the Communist Party ticket in the 13th Assembly District of Brooklyn, NYC.
Bimba also produced 2 important leftist American works, both originally in Lithuanian; A survey of labor history called “The History of the American Working Class” (1927), and an account of government repressions of Pennsylvania coal miners in “The Molly Maguires” (1932). Both books were published by International Publishers, a publishing arm of the Communist Party of The United States.
Bimba was an editor of a Marxist magazine for the final time in 1936, writing for the Lithuanian language publication “Šviesa” (ENG: “Light”).
In 1962, Bimba was awarded his honorary doctorate in history from Vilnius University in the capital of Lithuania.
Bimba was persecuted by the American capitalist legal system yet again in 1963, when the so-called “Department of Justice” tried to deport him on grounds of sedition while un-naturalized, on the grounds that, since he was not yet a citizen when brought to trial in 1926 (he didnt become a citizen until 1927) the court argued he should be deported due to pro-Communist activism prior to his naturalization. Historians generally agree the targeting of Bimba to be deported to Soviet Lithuania was politically motivated revenge, in that the DOJ was upset that Bimba refused to testify against other communists in the political witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1957 earlier.
Bimba appealed against the government until 1967, arguing to be allowed to stay in America, as he was politically committed to building socialism in the USA despite that he respected the USSR.
Miraculously, in July of 1967, Attorney General Ramsey Clark dropped his case, viewing it as a form of political intimidation.
Bimba later died in NYC on September 30th, 1982, at age 88. He left his mark on the movement for socialism in America, and made himself a hero for Lithuanian Americans and all diaspora Lithuanians.
In conclusion, don’t be like reactionary Lithuanians. Be like Antanas Bimba. Be revolutionary. May his accomplishments forever be acknowledged.
submitted by Definition_Novel to SovietDiaspora [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:59 Definition_Novel Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.

Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.
In July of 1913, the newly-arrived to America Antanas Bimba Jr., a then 19-year old Catholic ethnic Lithuanian immigrant, would later become one of the most important political figures of the Communist movement in the United States.
Antanas Bimba Jr. was born in Lithuania in the village of Valeikiškis, in the Rokiškis district of Lithuania near the Latvian border, on January 22nd, 1894. His father, Antanas Bimba Sr., was a blacksmith and peasant farmer. Antanas Jr was one of six surviving children of his father’s second wife. The Bimba family were proud Lithuanians and devout Catholics, something that annoyed much of the Czarist government whom sought to impose Russian Orthodoxy and Russian language on Lithuania. This drove many Lithuanians, including the Bimbas, to immigrate to the United States and other countries in search of a better life.
During the summer of 1913, at age 19, Antanas arrived in Burlington, New Jersey on a steamship with an older brother. He and his brother were then employed at a steel mill for only $7 a week and worked 60 hours weekly. Due to unbearable working conditions, Antanas and his family relocated, and he and his brother took up another job in Rumford, Maine at a pulp mill. Although conditions there were marginally better than the steel mill job, Antanas became sick from chest pains due to inhalation of toxic fumes, and was forced to leave the job and seek yet another one. This experience of being an immigrant and being exploited for his labor had a profound effect on Bimba, and it drove his interest in Marxism.
After leaving the milling industry, he got his next job as a truck driver, becoming acquainted with Lithuanian American socialists in the process. His first revolutionary achievement was helping in making a co-operative bakery for rye bread, a staple food of the Lithuanian community. In becoming a socialist, he abandoned Catholicism, preferring agnosticism, what he called “religious freethinking”, not wishing to tie himself to organized religion. He later became an atheist as he got older in age.
In May of 1916, Antanas attended college at Valparaiso University, a small private college that became popular in attendance with members of the Lithuanian immigrant community in Valparaiso, Indiana. He attended there until 1919, earning a degree in history and sociology, and was able to pay for his classes by tending to a Lithuanian owned library in the town. In the summers he worked in a wire factory and machine shop in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bimba than became active in the Lithuanian Socialist Federation (LSF) , which served as a branch organization of the Socialist Party of America, with the LSF catering to Lithuanian immigrant populations (both primarily ethnic Lithuanian Catholics, as well as Litvak Jews.) He spent his time in the LSF writing numerous Lithuanian-language publications for them, as well as traveling to Lithuanian immigrant communities in cities in the US delivering Marxist political lectures amongst Lithuanian laborers in steel manufacturing cities like Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois.
His first brush against the capitalist legal system came in 1918. It is not fully clear as to whether Bimba was arrested for his trade unionist and socialist beliefs, or his objection to World War One at the time. However, Lithuanian-American historians generally contend his arrest was a result of expressing all of those opinions publicly. Eventually he was released and charges were dropped.
In summer 1919, he got a job as editor of “Darbas” (ENG: “Labor”) the Lithuanian newspaper of the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). On September 1st 1919, the Socialist Party of America fractured into rival organizations, mainly amongst Social Democrat vs Marxist lines. The Marxist faction became the early iteration of the Communist Party of America, which the LSF backed, and Bimba was quick to support the CPUSA as a result. Bimba later became the editor of another Lithuanian American Marxist newspaper, this time “Kova” (ENG: “Struggle”) for the newly formed LCF (Lithuanian Communist Federation).
Following the Palmer Raids by the US government which seized communist publications and shut down their press, Bimba then published the LCF underground newspaper “Komunistas” (ENG:”Communist”).
In 1922, Bimba became editor of the Brooklyn, New York communist Lithuanian newspaper Laisvė (ENG: “Liberty”) and remained its editor until 1928.
In November 1922, along with 6 other Lithuanians, he founded and held a committee meeting for a workers trade union called the United Toilers of America (UTA). The UTA also had numerous branch organizations, mainly serving immigrant communities, which operated notably with the help of Bimba and the rest of the 6 man committee.
The organizations of the UTA were as follows:
The Workers’ Defense Conference of New England
Alliance of Polish Workers of America
The Ukrainian Association
Lettish (Latvian) Publishing Association
The Polish Publishing Association
The Lithuanian Workers’ Association
Woman’s Progressive Alliance.
Since most of these organizations served Eastern European immigrants, it can be argued that Bimba is perhaps the first person of a Soviet nationality who developed a “diaspora Soviet/Eastern Bloc consciousness” driven ideology, aimed at unifying different Soviet and Eastern Bloc people in the diaspora under socialism for the benefits of their labor. A true visionary Bimba was.
The UTA later became an organization absorbed officially into the Communist Party of the United States. The UTA eventually fell apart after raids by the government during the Bridgman Convention meetings of the UTA, in which its high profile leaders of William Z. Foster and C.E. Ruthenberg were arrested. After this, the UTA was disbanded.
But it was on January 26th, 1926 that Bimba truly made his biggest mark on Marxist history in the United States. He had traveled to Brockton, Massachusetts to address the Lithuanian community there at the Lithuanian National Hall. At the meeting he championed socialism, encouraged unionizing in the Lithuanian immigrant community, and criticized the Catholic Church.
He said in critique of the church as an institution:
“People have built churches for the last 2,000 years, and we have sweated under Christian rule for 2,000 years. And what have we got? The government is in control of the priests and bishops, clerics and capitalists. They tell us there is a God. Where is he?”
When he received pushback from religious individuals in the crowd who ridiculed his disbelief in God and Jesus Christ, he said:
“There is no such thing. Who can prove it? There are still fools enough who believe in God. The priests tell us there is a soul. Why, I have a soul, but that sole is on my shoe. Referring to Christ, the priests also tell us he is a god. Why, he is no more a god than you or I. He was just a plain man.”
After an individual complained to police, he was arrested and put on trial under Salem Witch Trial era blasphemy laws.
In addition to being charged with blasphemy, he was also charged under anti-communist political sedition laws, based on the following statement he made at the same meeting:
“We do not believe in the ballot. We do not believe in any form of government but the Soviet form and we shall establish the Soviet form of government here. The red flag will fly on the Capitol in Washington and there will also be one on the Lithuanian Hall in Brockton.”
With the legal and financial support of the local Worker’s Communist party, the International Labor Defense organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, he was able to widen public support for himself.
The trial began on February 24th, 1926; six days later, on March 1st, 1926 he was found not guilty of blasphemy but guilty of sedition and ordered to pay a $100 fine. He was then released.
Opponents attempted to get him back in jail on more similar charges, but in a rare twist of events, the lead prosecutor dropped his case, simply saying it wasn’t worth pursuing.
As a result of the high profile trial of Bimba’s case, courts later ruled the blasphemy laws unconstitutional. As such, Bimba fighting such corrupt laws, causing them to be thrown out, is his crowning achievement.
In 1928, Bimba ran for NY State Assembly on the Communist Party ticket in the 13th Assembly District of Brooklyn, NYC.
Bimba also produced 2 important leftist American works, both originally in Lithuanian; A survey of labor history called “The History of the American Working Class” (1927), and an account of government repressions of Pennsylvania coal miners in “The Molly Maguires” (1932). Both books were published by International Publishers, a publishing arm of the Communist Party of The United States.
Bimba was an editor of a Marxist magazine for the final time in 1936, writing for the Lithuanian language publication “Šviesa” (ENG: “Light”).
In 1962, Bimba was awarded his honorary doctorate in history from Vilnius University in the capital of Lithuania.
Bimba was persecuted by the American capitalist legal system yet again in 1963, when the so-called “Department of Justice” tried to deport him on grounds of sedition while un-naturalized, on the grounds that, since he was not yet a citizen when brought to trial in 1926 (he didnt become a citizen until 1927) the court argued he should be deported due to pro-Communist activism prior to his naturalization. Historians generally agree the targeting of Bimba to be deported to Soviet Lithuania was politically motivated revenge, in that the DOJ was upset that Bimba refused to testify against other communists in the political witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1957 earlier.
Bimba appealed against the government until 1967, arguing to be allowed to stay in America, as he was politically committed to building socialism in the USA despite that he respected the USSR.
Miraculously, in July of 1967, Attorney General Ramsey Clark dropped his case, viewing it as a form of political intimidation.
Bimba later died in NYC on September 30th, 1982, at age 88. He left his mark on the movement for socialism in America, and made himself a hero for Lithuanian Americans and all diaspora Lithuanians.
In conclusion, don’t be like reactionary Lithuanians. Be like Antanas Bimba. Be revolutionary. May his accomplishments forever be acknowledged.
submitted by Definition_Novel to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:34 bored_and_agitated Any Comp Sci students here from 2009?

Did you take CS40 with Prudence Lowe? I recently went back to school to finish my CS degree and am learning more about using the command line for stuff in *nix systems. I just had a memory unlocked about writing C programs in the computer lab, we would log into the campus Unix system and write the programs and execute them there. Do y'all remember that? What editor did we use inside the Unix terminal? I wonder if it was Nano or what.
I can't believe I was compiling and running programs like that back then, and now the other people in my class don't know how to run python unless it's in replit.
Do any of you have the old lab materials or have any knowledge of what the system we were running was? Were we logging into one of the Sun Microsystems machines from the Sun lab basically?
I'm in Stan State rn finishing my degree, but I remember being a Bulldog fondly. Even if all I did was play magic the gathering in the dorms and watch movies with friends.
submitted by bored_and_agitated to fresnostate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:17 RedsModerator The Reds fell to the Dodgers by a score of 4-0 - Sat, May 18 @ 09:10 PM EDT

Reds @ Dodgers - Sat, May 18

Game Status: Final - Score: 4-0 Dodgers

Links & Info

1 Benson - CF 4 0 1 0 0 2 1 .193 .284 .393
2 De La Cruz, E - SS 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 .264 .362 .491
3 Ford, M - DH 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 .175 .195 .300
4 Steer - 1B 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 .224 .333 .373
5 Stephenson, T - C 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 .266 .341 .468
6 Fraley - RF 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 .286 .343 .378
7 Candelario - 3B 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .226 .288 .397
8 India - 2B 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .224 .329 .301
9 Hurtubise - LF 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 .143 .250 .143
Totals 30 0 3 0 0 11 5
BATTING: 3B: Fraley (1, Buehler). TB: Benson; Fraley 3; Hurtubise. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: India. Team RISP: 0-for-2. Team LOB: 3.
1 Ohtani - DH 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 .350 .418 .661
2 Freeman, F - 1B 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 .295 .410 .451
3 Smith, W.D. - C 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 .307 .375 .464
4 Hernández, T - RF 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 .245 .305 .473
5 Pages - CF 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 .266 .303 .431
6 Lux - 2B 4 0 1 1 0 1 2 .200 .256 .267
7 Hernández, K - 3B 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 .220 .287 .297
8 Vargas, M - LF 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .000 .000 .000
Taylor, Ch - LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .083 .211 .083
9 Rojas, M - SS 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 .258 .319 .439
Totals 30 4 6 4 3 8 12
BATTING: 2B: Rojas, M (6, Ashcraft); Freeman, F (13, Spiers). TB: Freeman, F 3; Hernández, T; Lux; Pages; Rojas, M 2. RBI: Freeman, F (25); Hernández, T (37); Lux (12); Pages (14). 2-out RBI: Freeman, F. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Hernández, K; Ohtani. Team RISP: 3-for-10. Team LOB: 5.
Reds Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Ashcraft (L, 3-3) 5.0 3 3 3 3 5 0 106-63 4.25
Spiers 3.0 3 1 1 0 3 0 34-26 5.14
Totals 8.0 6 4 4 3 8 0
Dodgers Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Buehler (W, 1-1) 6.0 3 0 0 0 7 0 78-55 4.05
Grove (H, 5) 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 11-9 5.18
Hudson, Dan (H, 8) 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15-12 2.84
Feyereisen 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13-7 6.00
Totals 9.0 3 0 0 0 11 0
Game Info
WP: Ashcraft 2.
Pitches-strikes: Ashcraft 106-63; Spiers 34-26; Buehler 78-55; Grove 11-9; Hudson, Dan 15-12; Feyereisen 13-7.
Groundouts-flyouts: Ashcraft 5-2; Spiers 3-2; Buehler 7-0; Grove 0-1; Hudson, Dan 0-1; Feyereisen 1-0.
Batters faced: Ashcraft 21; Spiers 12; Buehler 21; Grove 3; Hudson, Dan 3; Feyereisen 3.
Umpires: HP: Doug Eddings. 1B: Chad Whitson. 2B: Bill Miller. 3B: Malachi Moore.
Weather: 67 degrees, Clear.
Wind: 6 mph, L To R.
First pitch: 6:10 PM.
T: 2:07.
Att: 49,239.
Venue: Dodger Stadium.
May 18, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Bottom 4 Andy Pages singles on a ground ball to center fielder Will Benson. Freddie Freeman scores. Teoscar Hernández to 3rd. Andy Pages to 2nd. 1-0 LAD
Bottom 4 Gavin Lux grounds out softly, pitcher Graham Ashcraft to first baseman Spencer Steer. Teoscar Hernández scores. Andy Pages to 3rd. 2-0 LAD
Bottom 5 Freddie Freeman singles on a line drive to center fielder Will Benson. Miguel Rojas scores. 3-0 LAD
Bottom 8 Teoscar Hernández singles on a line drive to right fielder Jake Fraley. Freddie Freeman scores. 4-0 LAD
Team Highlight
CIN Jacob Hurtubise's first MLB hit (00:00:23)
LAD Andy Pages' RBI single (00:00:20)
LAD Freddie Freeman's RBI single (00:00:15)
CIN Graham Ashcraft strikes out five (00:00:33)
LAD Walker Buehler's seven-K performance (00:01:01)
CIN Carson Spiers' lunging catch in foul territory (00:00:22)
LAD Teoscar Hernández's RBI single (00:00:16)
CIN Graham Ashcraft's glove flip for an out (00:00:12)
LAD Miguel Rojas' catch seals the win (00:00:18)
LAD Gavin Lux makes the backhanded play (00:00:24)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Reds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
Dodgers 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 4 6 0 5


Division Scoreboard

PIT 0 @ CHC 1 - Final
MIL 4 @ HOU 2 - Final
BOS 2 @ STL 7 - Final
Next Reds Game: Sun, May 19, 04:10 PM EDT @ Dodgers
Last Updated: 05/19/2024 12:02:56 AM EDT
submitted by RedsModerator to Reds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 TigersBot The Tigers defeated the D-backs by a score of 8-3 - Sat, May 18 @ 08:10 PM EDT

Tigers @ D-backs - Sat, May 18

Game Status: Final - Score: 8-3 Tigers

Links & Info

1 Greene, R - LF 6 1 2 0 0 1 6 .248 .356 .473
2 Canha - DH 4 1 1 0 1 1 1 .247 .368 .425
3 Pérez, W - RF 4 1 2 4 0 0 1 .300 .373 .533
4 Carpenter, K - RF 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 .270 .321 .508
a-Vierling - CF 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 .262 .287 .408
5 Urshela - 3B 5 1 3 1 0 0 0 .290 .300 .348
6 Keith, C - 2B 4 0 0 0 1 2 4 .190 .254 .214
7 Torkelson - 1B 5 1 1 0 0 3 3 .226 .292 .345
8 Báez, J - SS 5 2 4 1 0 1 1 .207 .236 .289
9 Kelly, C - C 4 1 2 2 0 1 1 .232 .329 .304
Totals 41 8 15 8 3 11 20
a-Walked for Carpenter, K in the 7th.
BATTING: 2B: Urshela 2 (4, Gallen, Gallen); Báez, J 2 (8, Gallen, Gallen); Greene, R (8, Mantiply); Kelly, C (2, Ginkel). 3B: Pérez, W 2 (4, Gallen, Mantiply). TB: Báez, J 6; Canha; Greene, R 3; Kelly, C 3; Pérez, W 6; Torkelson; Urshela 5. RBI: Báez, J (19); Kelly, C 2 (9); Pérez, W 4 (13); Urshela (7). 2-out RBI: Pérez, W 3; Kelly, C; Urshela; Báez, J. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Carpenter, K; Greene, R 3; Vierling; Keith, C; Báez, J. SF: Pérez, W. Team RISP: 6-for-18. Team LOB: 11.
FIELDING: PB: Kelly, C (1). DP: 2 (Báez, J; Keith, C-Báez, J-Torkelson).
1 Carroll - CF 4 1 1 0 0 0 3 .189 .277 .260
2 Marte, K - 2B 4 1 1 1 0 2 1 .287 .333 .525
3 Pederson - DH 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 .297 .407 .535
a-Grichuk - DH 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 .288 .319 .424
4 Walker, C - 1B 3 0 0 0 1 2 2 .255 .364 .430
5 Smith, P - RF 3 0 1 0 0 1 2 .257 .289 .429
b-Gurriel Jr. - LF 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 .230 .280 .368
6 Suárez, E - 3B 4 0 0 0 0 2 4 .211 .280 .319
7 Moreno - C 3 0 1 0 1 2 0 .239 .346 .339
8 McCarthy - RF 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 .274 .352 .379
9 Newman - SS 4 0 1 0 0 1 2 .253 .284 .418
Totals 33 3 8 3 3 11 17
a-Singled for Pederson in the 8th. b-Singled for Smith, P in the 8th.
BATTING: 3B: Carroll (1, Flaherty); Marte, K (2, Flaherty). TB: Carroll 3; Grichuk; Gurriel Jr.; Marte, K 3; Moreno; Newman; Pederson; Smith, P. RBI: Gurriel Jr. (26); Marte, K (25); Pederson (10). 2-out RBI: Gurriel Jr. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Walker, C; Suárez, E. GIDP: Carroll. Team RISP: 2-for-11. Team LOB: 6.
Tigers Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Flaherty (W, 1-3) 6.0 5 2 2 2 9 0 98-61 3.79
Lange 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0 15-5 2.70
Chafin 0.2 2 1 0 0 1 0 11-7 3.68
Brieske 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 0 17-10 0.00
Totals 9.0 8 3 2 3 11 0
D-backs Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Gallen (L, 5-3) 6.2 7 3 3 0 10 0 98-68 3.02
Mantiply 0.0 2 3 3 1 0 0 5-4 4.67
Martinez, Ju 0.1 1 0 0 1 0 0 16-9 0.69
Ginkel 1.0 4 2 2 0 0 0 26-18 4.91
Jarvis 1.0 1 0 0 1 1 0 25-16 4.56
Totals 9.0 15 8 8 3 11 0
Game Info
IBB: Canha (by Mantiply).
HBP: Kelly, C (by Jarvis).
Pitches-strikes: Flaherty 98-61; Lange 15-5; Chafin 11-7; Brieske 17-10; Gallen 98-68; Mantiply 5-4; Martinez, Ju 16-9; Ginkel 26-18; Jarvis 25-16.
Groundouts-flyouts: Flaherty 6-0; Lange 1-0; Chafin 1-0; Brieske 0-2; Gallen 3-5; Mantiply 0-0; Martinez, Ju 1-0; Ginkel 1-1; Jarvis 1-1.
Batters faced: Flaherty 24; Lange 4; Chafin 4; Brieske 4; Gallen 27; Mantiply 3; Martinez, Ju 3; Ginkel 7; Jarvis 6.
Inherited runners-scored: Brieske 1-0; Mantiply 1-1; Martinez, Ju 1-1.
Umpires: HP: Nate Tomlinson. 1B: Chris Segal. 2B: Larry Vanover. 3B: David Rackley.
Weather: 78 degrees, Roof Closed.
Wind: 0 mph, None.
First pitch: 5:12 PM.
T: 2:51.
Att: 35,826.
Venue: Chase Field.
May 18, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Bottom 6 Ketel Marte triples (2) on a fly ball to left fielder Riley Greene. Corbin Carroll scores. 1-0 AZ
Bottom 6 Joc Pederson singles on a ground ball to center fielder Wenceel Pérez. Ketel Marte scores. 2-0 AZ
Top 7 Javier Báez doubles (8) on a sharp line drive to left fielder Jake McCarthy. Gio Urshela scores. 2-1 AZ
Top 7 Carson Kelly singles on a ground ball to right fielder Pavin Smith. Javier Báez scores. 2-2
Top 7 Wenceel Pérez triples (4) on a fly ball to left fielder Jake McCarthy. Carson Kelly scores. Riley Greene scores. Mark Canha scores. 5-2 DET
Top 7 Gio Urshela singles on a ground ball to shortstop Kevin Newman. Wenceel Pérez scores. Matt Vierling to 2nd. 6-2 DET
Top 8 Carson Kelly doubles (2) on a ground ball to left fielder Jake McCarthy. Spencer Torkelson scores. Javier Báez to 3rd. 7-2 DET
Top 8 Wenceel Pérez out on a sacrifice fly to left fielder Jake McCarthy. Javier Báez scores. Carson Kelly to 3rd. 8-2 DET
Bottom 8 Lourdes Gurriel Jr. singles on a ground ball to right fielder Wenceel Pérez. Randal Grichuk scores. 8-3 DET
Team Highlight
AZ Ketel Marte's RBI triple (00:00:28)
DET Javier Báez's RBI double (00:00:25)
DET Carson Kelly's game-tying single (00:00:29)
DET Wenceel Pérez's go-ahead triple (00:00:29)
DET Carson Kelly's RBI double (00:00:15)
AZ Zac Gallen strikes out 10 across 6 2/3 innings (00:01:52)
AZ Lourdes Gurriel Jr.'s RBI single (00:00:29)
DET Beau Brieske secures the Tigers' win (00:00:21)
DET Jack Flaherty strikes out nine across six innings (00:01:19)
DET Javier Báez's four-hit game (00:01:21)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Tigers 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 8 15 0 11
D-backs 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 8 0 6


Division Scoreboard

CWS 1 @ NYY 6 - Final
MIN 4 @ CLE 11 - Final
OAK 3 @ KC 5 - Final
Next Tigers Game: Sun, May 19, 04:10 PM EDT @ D-backs
Last Updated: 05/19/2024 12:00:33 AM EDT
submitted by TigersBot to motorcitykitties [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:58 Ailon_Saturn Le gars d'Athènes

BonjouBonsoir à tou.te.s !
Je vais me présenter sous mon nom d'utilisateur car je préfère garder mon anonymat. Je m' "appelle" Ailon, et les faits que je vais vous raconter se déroulent il y a deux ans.
Petite précision avant que je ne commence : j'ai fait toutes mes années d'école en Belgique. Donc j'utiliserais peut-être des termes belges que les Français ne comprendront pas, car je ne connais pas leurs termes équivalents en France. Donc désolée d'avance, si c'est le cas !
Maintenant que cela est dit, je vais passer à mon histoire.
Pour vous planter le décor, j'étais dans ma cinquième année de secondaire. Et il faut savoir que cette année n'a pas été l'une des plus joyeuses : beaucoup de personnes de ma famille, du moins du côté de ma mère, sont décédées en très peu de temps. Pour le moment, peut-être que cette information vous semble inutile, mais vous allez comprendre plus tard pourquoi je les précise maintenant.
J'avais choisi comme option d'études "Latin-Grec", et je m'y plaisais énormément ! Mes professeurs étaient géniaux, il y avait une bonne entente entre eux et ma classe, et je m'entendais assez bien avec tout le monde. En quatrième année, nous devions normalement avoir des voyages en lien avec nos options : pour "latin" un voyage à Rome, et pour "grec" un voyage à Athènes. Cependant, à cause du Covid-19, tous nos voyages ont été annulés. Nous étions tou.te.s déçu.e.s car nous les attendions avec impatience.
Mais l'année de ces événements, mon professeur de grec préparait un voyage en Grèce avec ces quatrièmes années. Et il se trouvait qu'il restait quelques places pour ce voyage. Alors cinq amies et moi (car oui, nous n'étions que des filles à avoir accepté) avions sauté sur l'occasion, et nous avions gagné un voyage de cinq jours pour Athènes.
Au départ, tout se passe à merveille. Nous profitions de la ville, nous visitions les endroits iconiques, ... Bref un voyage scolaire génial, et des plus classiques ! Mais la nuit du troisième jour, tout ne s'est pas passé comme prévu...
Pour simplifier les choses, je vais vous donner une brève description de la chambre, dans laquelle trois de mes amies et moi logions. Déjà, il fallait y avoir une carte pour y entrer. Sans celle-ci, impossible d'accéder à l'intérieur de la chambre. Ensuite, elle était assez petite. À droite se trouvaient les lits : le mien était dans le coin au fond, un autre lit était à ma gauche, et les deux derniers étaient les plus proches de la porte d'entrée. Et à gauche de la chambre, il y avait un gros meuble en bois avec un miroir au-dessus. Il se situait pile en face du lit à ma gauche.
Nous étions donc durant la nuit du troisième jour. Je me suis réveillée en plein milieu de la nuit, il devait être dans les 2 ou 3 heures du matin. Je commence à ouvrir les yeux, encore un peu dans les vapes. Et devant le meuble, j'aperçois une silhouette et en même temps la lumière d'écran d'un téléphone. Première pensée : je pensais que c'était l'une de mes amies qui faisait une insomnie, et qui était donc sur son téléphone. Je savais que cela pouvait leur arriver, donc je ne me suis pas inquiétée de prime abord.
Cependant, plus je me réveillais, plus je me rendais compte... que la silhouette ne ressemblait PAS DU TOUT à celle d'une de mes amies. Elle avait plutôt une allure masculine. Elle atteignait facilement le haut du miroir. Et sur elle, elle portait un gilet dont la capuche cachait sa tête. Et je distinguais aisément qu'elle avait ses mains dans les poches de son haut. Et la personne (qui semblait donc être un homme) fixait le téléphone allumé.
Et au moment où je me suis faite cette réflexion, où j'avais compris qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'une de mes amies, l'inconnu tourne légèrement sa tête vers moi. Prise de panique, je prends une décision de froussarde : je fais semblant que j'étais encore endormie, mais que je m'étais juste retournée dans mon sommeil. Je bouge énormément en dormant, je me suis donc dite que c'était crédible. J'étais maintenant dos à la personne, et j'essayais au plus possible d'être crédible.
Mais je me posais mille questions : comment est-il rentré ? Qu'est-ce qu'il veut ? Est-il venu uniquement pour voler, ou est-il venu pour autre chose ? Pendant un instant, j'ai hésité à réveiller mon amie à ma gauche. Mais je me suis également faite cette réflexion : "Et s'il est armé ?". J'ai donc vite abandonné l'idée d'appeler quelqu'un, préférant jouer le jeu de l'endormie. Sur le coup, je me fichais qu'il vole mon téléphone, mon argent, ... La seule chose que je souhaitais est qu'il parte au plus vite.
Au bout de plusieurs minutes, je n'ai plus entendu aucun bruit. Je me suis retournée, encore une fois comme si j'étais endormie, et j'ai entrouvert mes yeux pour savoir s'il était parti ou non. Malheureusement, il était toujours dans notre chambre. Mais pire encore, et ce qui m'a glacé le sang en une seconde, c'est qu'il était maintenant au bout de mon lit. Il se tenait debout, la tête penchée sur sa droite. Comme s'il savait que j'allais me retourner, et qu'il voulait vérifier si j'étais réellement réveillée ou non.
Je n'ai alors plus du tout bougé de toute la nuit. Plusieurs fois, dans le couloir, j'ai entendu des bruits de pas. Plusieurs fois, j'ai donc pensé qu'il était sans doute parti. Mais je n'avais plus le cran de vérifier : j'avais trop peur qu'il m'observe encore, ou qu'il se passe quelque chose de pire. Je suis donc restée figée dans mon lit. Je n'osais plus bouger. Et bien que j'essayais de paraître crédible, je pense que n'importe qui aurait compris que je ne dormais pas réellement. Mais je m'en fichais : j'étais trop prise par la peur qu'il fasse quelque chose, à moi ou à mes amies. Des larmes commençaient à couler de mes yeux, mais je tentais de ne pas céder à la panique.
Je ne me suis plus endormie, et je n'ai plus bougé jusqu'à ce que l'alarme de mon téléphone ne retentisse. J'avais ensuite raconté aux autres ce qui m'était arrivé. Au début, elles l'avaient plutôt pris à la rigolade. Mais une fois la nuit venue, elles étaient aussi apeurées que moi. Nous avions ainsi passé une nuit blanche, refusant de fermer l'oeil de la nuit. Nous avions même envoyé un message à l'une des professeurs présents à notre voyage, pour la prévenir de ce qu'il m'était arrivée la nuit précédente. Mais elle n'avait pas su y faire grand chose, si ce n'est nous dire de l'avertir s'il se passait quelque chose.
Évidemment, il ne s'est rien produit durant la dernière nuit. Heureusement, me diriez-vous ? En soi, oui. Mais je n'arrivais pas à comprendre ce qu'il s'était passé la nuit passée. Nous avions d'abord pensé de manière "rationnelle", disant que l'unique moyen de rentrer était que l'intrus possède la carte de notre chambre. Mais rapidement, la voie du paranormal nous a traversé l'esprit. Et rappelez-vous, je vous avais dit que j'avais perdu pas mal de personnes de ma famille, durant cette année-ci. J'ai donc pensé qu'il s'agissait de mon oncle, ou bien de mon grand-père, paternel.
Et après plusieurs événements étranges, que je raconterai peut-être dans un autre post, j'ai décidé d'en parler à ma mère. Elle m'a alors raconté qu'elle aussi, étant petite, elle avait déjà eu une expérience dans ce style. On en avait donc discuté pendant un moment, avant que ma mère n'aille voir un chaman. Alors, en plus d'avoir placé un médaillon de la Vierge sous mon coussin, elle a reçu une espèce de petit rituel (rien de bizarre, c'était vraiment un truc minime) que je devais faire pour que cela s'arrête.
Et comme de fait, après l'avoir fait, je n'ai plus vécu d'événements pareils à Athènes, ou bien pareils à ceux d'après. Encore maintenant, je n'ai plus rien eu. Et à l'heure d'aujourd'hui, quand cela nous arrive d'en parler à nouveau, les autres filles l'appellent "le gars d'Athènes". Mais sans être effrayées... Plus comme si elles se foutaient de moi et de ma réaction terrifiée au réveil. Cela me fait d'ailleurs un peu mal, car cet épisode m'a laissé des séquelles. Je n'arrive tout simplement plus à dormir dans le noir complet. Auparavant, j'avais aussi peur du noir. Néanmoins, j'avais réussi à vaincre cette peur. Mais après cette expérience, et les suivantes, je n'ai plus jamais été à l'aise d'être dans le noir complet. Encore maintenant, j'ai toujours besoin d'une source de lumière. Sans elle, je deviens terrorisée. Et dans le pire des cas, cela m'arrive de faire des crises de paranoïa et de panique.
Beaucoup de personnes m'ont aussi demandé si, en réalité, je n'avais pas été victime d'une terreur nocturne. Mais moi-même, je ne parviens pas à savoir ce qu'il s'est passé. Je continue de penser avec la mentalité "paranormale", mais je pense que tout le reste de mes proches a placé cet épisode dans la catégorie "terreur nocturne".
Au final, je n'ai toujours pas d'explication sur ce qu'il s'est passé ce jour-là. Et je pense bien que cela restera une question sans réponses.
Eh voilà ! C'est la fin de mon histoire, qui est (je pense) déjà assez longue haha ! Je posterai peut-être futurement les autres expériences qui me sont arrivées...
Merci à vous tou.te.s d'avoir lu mon post, et portez-vous bien !
submitted by Ailon_Saturn to Horreur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:30 Definition_Novel Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.

Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.
In July of 1913, the newly-arrived to America Antanas Bimba Jr., a then 19-year old Catholic ethnic Lithuanian immigrant, would later become one of the most important political figures of the Communist movement in the United States.
Antanas Bimba Jr. was born in Lithuania in the village of Valeikiškis, in the Rokiškis district of Lithuania near the Latvian border, on January 22nd, 1894. His father, Antanas Bimba Sr., was a blacksmith and peasant farmer. Antanas Jr was one of six surviving children of his father’s second wife. The Bimba family were proud Lithuanians and devout Catholics, something that annoyed much of the Czarist government whom sought to impose Russian Orthodoxy and Russian language on Lithuania. This drove many Lithuanians, including the Bimbas, to immigrate to the United States and other countries in search of a better life.
During the summer of 1913, at age 19, Antanas arrived in Burlington, New Jersey on a steamship with an older brother. He and his brother were then employed at a steel mill for only $7 a week and worked 60 hours weekly. Due to unbearable working conditions, Antanas and his family relocated, and he and his brother took up another job in Rumford, Maine at a pulp mill. Although conditions there were marginally better than the steel mill job, Antanas became sick from chest pains due to inhalation of toxic fumes, and was forced to leave the job and seek yet another one. This experience of being an immigrant and being exploited for his labor had a profound effect on Bimba, and it drove his interest in Marxism.
After leaving the milling industry, he got his next job as a truck driver, becoming acquainted with Lithuanian American socialists in the process. His first revolutionary achievement was helping in making a co-operative bakery for rye bread, a staple food of the Lithuanian community. In becoming a socialist, he abandoned Catholicism, preferring agnosticism, what he called “religious freethinking”, not wishing to tie himself to organized religion. He later became an atheist as he got older in age.
In May of 1916, Antanas attended college at Valparaiso University, a small private college that became popular in attendance with members of the Lithuanian immigrant community in Valparaiso, Indiana. He attended there until 1919, earning a degree in history and sociology, and was able to pay for his classes by tending to a Lithuanian owned library in the town. In the summers he worked in a wire factory and machine shop in Cleveland, Ohio. Bimba than became active in the Lithuanian Socialist Federation (LSF) , which served as a branch organization of the Socialist Party of America, with the LSF catering to Lithuanian immigrant populations (both primarily ethnic Lithuanian Catholics as well as Litvak Jews.) He spent his time in the LSF writing numerous Lithuanian-language publications for them, as well as traveling to Lithuanian immigrant communities in cities in the US delivering Marxist political lectures amongst Lithuanian laborers in steel manufacturing cities like Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois.
His first brush against the capitalist legal system came in 1918, it is not fully clear as to whether Bimba was arrested for his trade unionist and socialist beliefs, or his objection to World War One at the time. However, Lithuanian-American historians generally contend his arrest was a result of expressing all of those opinions publicly. Eventually he was released and charges were dropped.
In summer 1919, he got a job as editor of “Darbas” (ENG: “Labor”) the Lithuanian newspaper of the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). On September 1st 1919, the Socialist Party of America fractured into rival organizations, mainly amongst Social Democrat vs Marxist lines. The Marxist faction became the early iteration of the Communist Party of America, which the LSF backed, and Bimba was quick to support the CPUSA as a result. Bimba later became the editor of another Lithuanian American Marxist newspaper, this time “Kova” (ENG: “Struggle”) for the newly formed LCF (Lithuanian Communist Federation).
Following the Palmer Raids by the US government which seized communist publications and shut down their press, Bimba then published the LCF underground newspaper “Komunistas” (ENG:”Communist”).
In 1922, Bimba became editor of the Brooklyn, New York communist Lithuanian newspaper Laisvė (ENG: “Liberty”) and remained its editor until 1928.
In November 1922, along with 6 other Lithuanians, he founded and held a committee meeting for a workers trade union called the United Toilers of America (UTA). The UTA also had numerous branch organizations, mainly serving immigrant communities, which operated notably with the help of Bimba and the rest of the 6 man committee. The organizations of the UTA were as follows:
The Workers’ Defense Conference of New England
Alliance of Polish Workers of America
The Ukrainian Association
Lettish (Latvian) Publishing Association
The Polish Publishing Association
The Lithuanian Workers’ Association
Woman’s Progressive Alliance.
Since most of these organizations served Eastern European immigrants, it can be argued that Bimba is perhaps the first person of a Soviet nationality who developed a “diaspora Soviet/Eastern Bloc consciousness” driven ideology, aimed at unifying them under socialism for the benefits of their labor. A true visionary Bimba was.
The UTA later became an organization absorbed officially into the Communist Party of the United States. The UTA eventually fell apart after raids by the government during the Bridgman Convention meetings of the UTA, in which its high profile leaders of William Z. Foster and C.E. Ruthenberg were arrested. After this, the UTA was disbanded.
But it was on January 26th, 1926 that Bimba truly made his biggest mark on Marxist history in the United States. He had traveled to Brockton, Massachusetts to address the Lithuanian community there at the Lithuanian National Hall. At the meeting he championed socialism, encouraged unionizing in the Lithuanian immigrant community, and criticized the Catholic Church. He said in critique of the church as an institution:
“People have built churches for the last 2,000 years, and we have sweated under Christian rule for 2,000 years. And what have we got? The government is in control of the priests and bishops, clerics and capitalists. They tell us there is a God. Where is he?”
When he received pushback from religious individuals in the crowd who ridiculed his disbelief in God and Jesus Christ, he said:
“There is no such thing. Who can prove it? There are still fools enough who believe in God. The priests tell us there is a soul. Why, I have a soul, but that sole is on my shoe. Referring to Christ, the priests also tell us he is a god. Why, he is no more a god than you or I. He was just a plain man.”
After an individual complained to police, he was arrested and put on trial under Salem Witch Trial era blasphemy laws.
In addition to being charged with blasphemy, he was also charged under anti-communist political sedition laws, based on the following statement he made at the same meeting:
“We do not believe in the ballot. We do not believe in any form of government but the Soviet form and we shall establish the Soviet form of government here. The red flag will fly on the Capitol in Washington and there will also be one on the Lithuanian Hall in Brockton.”
With the legal and financial support of the local Worker’s Communist party, the International Labor Defense organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, he was able to widen public support for himself.
The trial began on February 24th, 1926; six days later, on March 1st, 1926 he was found not guilty of blasphemy but guilty of sedition and ordered to pay a $100 fine. He was then released.
Opponents attempted to get him back in jail on more similar charges, but in a rare twist of events, the lead prosecutor dropped his case, simply saying it wasn’t worth pursuing.
As a result of the high profile trial of Bimba’s case, courts later ruled the blasphemy laws unconstitutional. As such, Bimba fighting such corrupt laws, causing them to be thrown out, is his crowning achievement.
In 1928, Bimba ran for NY State Assembly on the Communist Party ticket in the 13th Assembly District of Brooklyn, NYC.
Bimba also produced 2 important leftist American works, both originally in Lithuanian; A survey of labor history called “The History of the American Working Class” (1927), and an account of government repressions of Pennsylvania coal miners in “The Molly Maguires” (1932). Both books were published by International Publishers, a publishing arm of the Communist Party of The United States.
Bimba was an editor of a Marxist magazine for the final time in 1936, writing for the Lithuanian language publication “Šviesa” (ENG: “Light”).
In 1962, Bimba was awarded his honorary doctorate in history from Vilnius University in the capital of Lithuania.
Bimba was persecuted by the American capitalist legal system yet again in 1963, when the so-called “Department of Justice” tried to deport him on grounds of sedition while un-naturalized, on the grounds that, since he was not yet a citizen when brought to trial in 1926 (he didnt become a citizen until 1927) the court argued he should be deported due to pro-Communist activism prior to his naturalization. Historians generally agree the targeting of Bimba to be deported to Soviet Lithuania was politically motivated revenge, in that the DOJ was upset that Bimba refused to testify against other communists in the political witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1957 earlier.
Bimba appealed against thr government until 1967, arguing to be allowed to stay in America, as he was politically committed to building socialism in the USA despite that he respected the USSR.
Miraculously, in July of 1967, Attorney General Ramsey Clark dropped his case, viewing it as a form of political intimidation.
Bimba later died in NYC on September 30th, 1982, at age 88. He left his mark on the movement for socialism in America, and made himself a hero for Lithuanian Americans and all diaspora Lithuanians. In conclusion, don’t be like reactionary Lithuanians. Be like Antanas Bimba. Be revolutionary. May his accomplishments forever be acknowledged.
submitted by Definition_Novel to BalticSSRs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:50 OsGameThreads Post Game Thread: The Orioles fell to the Mariners by a score of 4-3 - Sat, May 18 @ 04:05 PM EDT

Mariners @ Orioles - Sat, May 18

Game Status: Final - Score: 4-3 Mariners

Links & Info

Mariners Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OBP SLG
1 Rojas, J - 2B 3 0 0 0 2 1 2 .311 .383 .454
2 Rodríguez, J - CF 5 1 2 0 0 3 2 .269 .318 .330
3 Raleigh - C 4 1 1 1 0 1 2 .227 .304 .468
4 Garver - DH 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 .171 .278 .333
5 Raley, L - LF 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 .274 .310 .411
6 Moore, D - SS 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 .234 .328 .458
7 Canzone - RF 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .237 .310 .526
a-Haniger - RF 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 .216 .284 .366
8 France, T - 1B 4 0 1 1 0 1 2 .237 .287 .362
9 Urías, L - 3B 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 .143 .268 .314
Totals 33 4 7 4 4 9 15
a-Grounded out for Canzone in the 7th.
BATTING: 2B: Moore, D 2 (8, Coulombe, Pérez, C); France, T (7, Suárez, Al); Raleigh (4, Cano). TB: France, T 2; Moore, D 4; Raleigh 2; Raley, L; Rodríguez, J 2. RBI: France, T (15); Haniger (22); Moore, D (15); Raleigh (25). 2-out RBI: Moore, D. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Rojas, J; Garver; France, T; Haniger. Team RISP: 2-for-11. Team LOB: 7.
FIELDING: DP: (Moore, D-Rojas, J-France, T).
1 Henderson - SS 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 .265 .345 .582
2 Rutschman - C 5 0 0 0 0 3 4 .309 .344 .500
3 O'Hearn - 1B 4 0 1 1 0 0 2 .290 .372 .490
4 Santander - DH 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 .210 .290 .427
5 Westburg - 3B 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 .296 .349 .533
6 Cowser - RF 1 0 0 0 3 0 3 .261 .360 .504
7 Hays - LF 3 0 0 1 0 1 2 .140 .214 .180
8 Mullins - CF 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 .185 .234 .346
9 Mateo - 2B 3 1 2 0 0 0 1 .260 .301 .468
a-Stowers - PH 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 .200 .200
Totals 31 3 6 3 6 6 15
a-Lined out for Mateo in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Mateo (8, Castillo, L). 3B: Westburg (3, Castillo, L). HR: Henderson (14, 9th inning off Muñoz, A, 0 on, 2 out). TB: Henderson 4; Mateo 3; Mullins; O'Hearn; Westburg 3. RBI: Hays (4); Henderson (30); O'Hearn (14). 2-out RBI: Henderson. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: O'Hearn; Cowser 2. SF: Hays. GIDP: Mateo. Team RISP: 1-for-6. Team LOB: 8.
FIELDING: DP: (Rutschman-Mateo).
Mariners Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Castillo, L 6.0 4 2 2 4 2 0 89-54 3.28
Speier 0.1 1 0 0 1 0 0 16-9 3.29
Stanek (W, 2-0) 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 0 8-6 4.20
Thornton (H, 4) 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 0 20-12 2.37
Muñoz, A (S, 8) 1.0 1 1 1 0 2 1 19-12 1.86
Totals 9.0 6 3 3 6 6 1
Orioles Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Rodriguez, G 6.0 1 0 0 3 7 0 82-50 3.15
Coulombe (H, 9) 0.1 2 2 2 0 0 0 10-5 3.18
Suárez, Al (BS, 1) 0.2 1 0 0 0 0 0 15-11 1.90
Cano (L, 2-2) 0.1 2 2 2 0 0 0 5-4 2.95
Pérez, C 1.2 1 0 0 1 2 0 32-19 5.63
Totals 9.0 7 4 4 4 9 0
Game Info
HBP: Moore, D (by Rodriguez, G).
Pitches-strikes: Castillo, L 89-54; Speier 16-9; Stanek 8-6; Thornton 20-12; Muñoz, A 19-12; Rodriguez, G 82-50; Coulombe 10-5; Suárez, Al 15-11; Cano 5-4; Pérez, C 32-19.
Groundouts-flyouts: Castillo, L 4-4; Speier 1-0; Stanek 1-0; Thornton 0-1; Muñoz, A 0-0; Rodriguez, G 3-5; Coulombe 1-0; Suárez, Al 1-1; Cano 1-0; Pérez, C 3-0.
Batters faced: Castillo, L 25; Speier 3; Stanek 2; Thornton 4; Muñoz, A 4; Rodriguez, G 22; Coulombe 3; Suárez, Al 3; Cano 3; Pérez, C 7.
Inherited runners-scored: Stanek 2-0; Suárez, Al 1-1; Pérez, C 1-1.
Umpires: HP: Nestor Ceja. 1B: Cory Blaser. 2B: Manny Gonzalez. 3B: Todd Tichenor.
Weather: 67 degrees, Cloudy.
Wind: 5 mph, Out To LF.
First pitch: 7:03 PM.
T: 2:45 (2:58 delay).
Att: 19,286.
Venue: Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
May 18, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Bottom 2 Austin Hays out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Julio Rodríguez. Jordan Westburg scores. 1-0 BAL
Bottom 3 Ryan O'Hearn singles on a line drive to center fielder Julio Rodríguez. Jorge Mateo scores. Gunnar Henderson to 2nd. 2-0 BAL
Top 7 Mitch Haniger grounds out, third baseman Jordan Westburg to first baseman Ryan O'Hearn. Luke Raley scores. 2-1 BAL
Top 7 Ty France doubles (7) on a line drive to right fielder Colton Cowser. Dylan Moore scores. 2-2
Top 8 Cal Raleigh doubles (4) on a sharp line drive to left fielder Austin Hays, deflected by center fielder Cedric Mullins. Julio Rodríguez scores. 3-2 SEA
Top 8 Dylan Moore doubles (8) on a line drive to left fielder Austin Hays. Cal Raleigh scores. 4-2 SEA
Bottom 9 Gunnar Henderson homers (14) on a fly ball to left center field. 4-3 SEA
Team Highlight
BAL Austin Hays' sacrifice fly (00:00:18)
BAL Ryan O'Hearn's RBI single (00:00:15)
SEA Mitch Haniger drives in Luke Raley (00:00:14)
SEA Ty France's RBI double (00:00:25)
BAL Grayson Rodriguez fans seven in return from injury (00:01:16)
SEA Cal Raleigh's go-ahead double (00:00:24)
SEA Dylan Moore's RBI double (00:00:23)
BAL Gunnar Henderson's solo home run (14) (00:00:27)
SEA Andrés Muñoz strikes out Adley Rutschman for the save (00:00:07)
SEA Condensed Game: SEA@BAL - 5/18/24 (00:10:14)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Mariners 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 7 0 7
Orioles 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 0 8


Division Scoreboard

CWS 1 @ NYY 6 - Final
TB 5 @ TOR 4 - Final
BOS 2 @ STL 7 - Final
Next Orioles Game: Sun, May 19, 01:35 PM EDT vs. Mariners
Last Updated: 05/18/2024 10:45:41 PM EDT
submitted by OsGameThreads to orioles [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:46 a_HerculePoirot_fan SPM 2023 Results Megathread (Check pinned comment for a list of 50 Nyets who have volunteered to answer any career enquiries regarding different fields/areas)

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submitted by a_HerculePoirot_fan to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:31 KCRoyalsBot The Royals defeated the Athletics by a score of 5-3 - Sat, May 18 @ 06:10 PM CDT

Athletics @ Royals - Sat, May 18

Game Status: Final - Score: 5-3 Royals

Links & Info

Athletics Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OBP SLG
1 Toro - 3B 4 1 2 0 1 0 3 .298 .351 .447
2 Bleday - CF 5 0 1 0 0 2 4 .241 .317 .420
3 Rooker - DH 5 0 2 1 0 3 3 .277 .356 .562
4 Langeliers - C 4 0 1 0 0 1 4 .223 .284 .518
5 Soderstrom - 1B 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 .280 .357 .480
a-Nevin - RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .229 .313 .356
6 Gelof - 2B 4 1 1 0 0 2 1 .183 .246 .312
7 Brown, S - RF 3 1 1 2 0 1 2 .179 .233 .313
b-Davis, J - 1B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .191 .234 .303
8 Schuemann - SS 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 .235 .329 .368
9 Ruiz, E - LF 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 .200 .270 .382
c-McCann - PH 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 .333 .404 .571
1-Harris, B - PR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .128 .314 .359
Totals 38 3 11 3 1 13 20
a-Grounded out for Soderstrom in the 8th. b-Grounded out for Brown, S in the 8th. c-Singled for Ruiz, E in the 9th. 1-Ran for McCann in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Gelof (3, Lugo, S); Langeliers (7, Lugo, S). HR: Brown, S (4, 2nd inning off Lugo, S, 1 on, 1 out). TB: Bleday; Brown, S 4; Gelof 2; Langeliers 2; McCann; Rooker 2; Schuemann 2; Toro 2. RBI: Brown, S 2 (11); Rooker (29). 2-out RBI: Rooker. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Soderstrom; Brown, S; Rooker; Langeliers. Team RISP: 2-for-8. Team LOB: 9.
FIELDING: DP: (Schuemann-Soderstrom).
1 Garcia, M - 3B 4 2 2 0 0 1 0 .243 .290 .389
2 Witt Jr. - SS 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 .290 .353 .492
3 Pasquantino - 1B 4 0 1 1 0 0 2 .231 .309 .404
4 Perez, S - C 4 0 1 2 0 1 1 .333 .400 .549
5 Massey - DH 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 .270 .272 .461
6 Velázquez - RF 4 0 2 1 0 1 2 .228 .290 .354
1-Blanco - RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .293 .356 .439
7 Melendez - LF 4 0 1 0 0 1 4 .182 .238 .358
8 Frazier - 2B 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 .187 .295 .253
9 Isbel - CF 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 .218 .262 .361
Totals 34 5 11 5 0 4 11
1-Ran for Velázquez in the 8th.
BATTING: 2B: Melendez (8, Stripling); Garcia, M (10, Stripling); Massey (5, Stripling). HR: Isbel (4, 7th inning off Erceg, 0 on, 0 out). TB: Garcia, M 3; Isbel 4; Massey 3; Melendez 2; Pasquantino; Perez, S; Velázquez 2; Witt Jr. RBI: Isbel (12); Pasquantino (26); Perez, S 2 (36); Velázquez (12). 2-out RBI: Pasquantino. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Frazier; Melendez. GIDP: Melendez. Team RISP: 3-for-8. Team LOB: 5.
FIELDING: E: Witt Jr. (4, fielding). DP: (Pasquantino).
Athletics Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Stripling (L, 1-8) 5.0 9 4 4 0 2 0 87-62 5.19
McFarland 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-3 4.26
Erceg 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 1 16-12 3.50
Kelly, M 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 0 11-8 2.88
Totals 8.0 11 5 5 0 4 1
Royals Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Lugo, S (W, 7-1) 5.2 6 2 2 1 10 1 96-66 1.79
Schreiber (H, 11) 1.1 3 1 1 0 0 0 24-17 1.27
Zerpa (H, 7) 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9-6 1.47
McArthur (S, 11) 1.0 2 0 0 0 2 0 17-12 4.35
Totals 9.0 11 3 3 1 13 1
Game Info
Pitches-strikes: Stripling 87-62; McFarland 6-3; Erceg 16-12; Kelly, M 11-8; Lugo, S 96-66; Schreiber 24-17; Zerpa 9-6; McArthur 17-12.
Groundouts-flyouts: Stripling 6-1; McFarland 2-0; Erceg 1-1; Kelly, M 0-2; Lugo, S 5-1; Schreiber 2-1; Zerpa 2-0; McArthur 0-0.
Batters faced: Stripling 24; McFarland 2; Erceg 4; Kelly, M 4; Lugo, S 24; Schreiber 7; Zerpa 3; McArthur 5.
Inherited runners-scored: McFarland 1-0; Schreiber 2-0.
Umpires: HP: Ryan Additon. 1B: Brian Knight. 2B: Chris Guccione. 3B: Gabe Morales.
Weather: 87 degrees, Clear.
Wind: 6 mph, R To L.
First pitch: 6:10 PM.
T: 2:19.
Att: 22,014.
Venue: Kauffman Stadium.
May 18, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Bottom 1 Salvador Perez singles on a sharp line drive to left fielder Esteury Ruiz. Maikel Garcia scores. Bobby Witt Jr. scores. 2-0 KC
Top 2 Seth Brown homers (4) on a fly ball to center field. Zack Gelof scores. 2-2
Bottom 5 Vinnie Pasquantino singles on a sharp line drive to right fielder Seth Brown. Maikel Garcia scores. 3-2 KC
Bottom 6 Nelson Velázquez singles on a sharp line drive to center fielder JJ Bleday. Michael Massey scores. 4-2 KC
Top 7 Brent Rooker singles on a ground ball to left fielder MJ Melendez. Abraham Toro scores. JJ Bleday to 2nd. 4-3 KC
Bottom 7 Kyle Isbel homers (4) on a fly ball to center field. 5-3 KC
Team Highlight
KC Salvador Perez's two-run single (00:00:17)
OAK Seth Brown's two-run home run (4) (00:00:23)
KC Vinnie Pasquantino's RBI single (00:00:16)
KC Seth Lugo strikes out 10 over 5 2/3 innings (00:00:55)
KC Nelson Velázquez's RBI single (00:00:21)
OAK Brent Rooker's RBI single (00:00:15)
KC Kyle Isbel launches a solo homer (4) (00:00:27)
KC Seth Lugo's 10th strikeout (00:00:07)
OAK Ross Stripling strikes out Salvador Perez (00:00:07)
KC James McArthur secures Royals' 5-3 win (00:00:23)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Athletics 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 11 0 9
Royals 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 5 11 1 5


Division Scoreboard

CWS 1 @ NYY 6 - Final
MIN 4 @ CLE 11 - Final
DET 8 @ AZ 2 - Top 8, 2 Outs
Next Royals Game: Sun, May 19, 01:10 PM CDT vs. Athletics
Last Updated: 05/18/2024 09:31:58 PM CDT
submitted by KCRoyalsBot to KCRoyals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:24 PhilsBot The Phillies defeated the Nationals by a score of 4-3 - Sat, May 18 @ 06:05 PM EDT

Nationals @ Phillies - Sat, May 18

Game Status: Final - Score: 4-3 Phillies

Links & Info

Nationals Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OBP SLG
1 Abrams - SS 5 1 3 1 0 1 1 .271 .330 .494
2 Vargas, I - 2B 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 .320 .414 .440
3 Meneses - DH 5 0 1 1 0 3 4 .219 .287 .265
4 Senzel - 3B 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 .202 .309 .417
5 Adams, R - C 4 0 1 0 0 2 2 .232 .304 .391
1-Nuñez - PR 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000
Ruiz, K - C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .147 .190 .221
6 Gallo - 1B 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .123 .283 .309
7 Robles - RF 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 .091 .250 .091
a-Rosario, E - RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 .178 .246 .364
8 Winker - LF 4 0 1 1 0 2 0 .224 .341 .364
9 Young - CF 4 1 1 0 0 1 2 .262 .328 .318
Totals 38 3 11 3 0 12 16
a-Grounded into a forceout for Robles in the 9th. 1-Ran for Adams, R in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Senzel (3, Sánchez, C); Vargas, I (9, Strahm). TB: Abrams 3; Adams, R; Meneses; Senzel 2; Vargas, I 4; Winker; Young. RBI: Abrams (21); Meneses (22); Winker (19). 2-out RBI: Winker. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Meneses 2; Young 2; Adams, R; Robles. GIDP: Meneses; Senzel. Team RISP: 2-for-14. Team LOB: 7.
FIELDING: E: Garcia, Ro (1, pickoff); Rosario, E (2, fielding). DP: 2 (Vargas, I-Gallo; Senzel-Vargas, I-Gallo).
Phillies Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OBP SLG
1 Schwarber - DH 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 .216 .333 .392
1-Merrifield - PR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .188 .258 .294
2 Realmuto - C 5 0 1 0 0 0 5 .275 .321 .425
3 Harper - 1B 4 1 1 1 0 1 3 .263 .374 .500
4 Bohm - 3B 4 0 1 0 0 1 3 .329 .394 .514
5 Stott - SS 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 .280 .393 .462
6 Castellanos, N - RF 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 .194 .264 .291
7 Sosa, E - SS 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .296 .406 .481
a-Clemens - 2B 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 .304 .333 .826
8 Pache - LF 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 .194 .318 .222
b-Marsh - LF 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 .244 .305 .422
9 Rojas - CF 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 .228 .269 .315
Totals 34 4 7 3 4 4 15
a-Singled for Sosa, E in the 7th. b-Lined out for Pache in the 7th. 1-Ran for Schwarber in the 10th.
BATTING: HR: Stott (5, 7th inning off Gore, 0 on, 1 out); Clemens (3, 9th inning off Finnegan, 0 on, 2 out). TB: Bohm; Clemens 5; Harper; Realmuto; Rojas; Stott 4. RBI: Clemens (8); Harper (33); Stott (29). 2-out RBI: Clemens. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Bohm 2; Realmuto. SF: Harper. GIDP: Realmuto; Stott. Team RISP: 1-for-8. Team LOB: 7.
FIELDING: Outfield assists: Castellanos, N (Abrams at 2nd base). DP: 2 (Bohm-Stott-Harper; Stott-Sosa, E-Harper).
Nationals Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Gore 6.1 3 2 2 3 3 1 93-55 3.30
Floro 0.2 2 0 0 0 0 0 18-10 0.40
Garcia, Ro 0.2 1 0 0 0 1 0 11-8 5.40
Harvey, H 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-1 2.38
Finnegan (L, 1-3)(BS, 2) 1.2 1 2 1 1 0 1 17-13 1.89
Totals 9.2 7 4 3 4 4 2
Phillies Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Sánchez, C 7.0 8 2 2 0 8 0 92-69 3.31
Strahm 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 0 18-12 0.95
Kerkering 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 0 24-17 1.98
Soto, G (W, 1-1) 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 11-8 5.79
Totals 10.0 11 3 3 0 12 0
Game Info
WP: Gore; Soto, G.
IBB: Schwarber (by Finnegan).
HBP: Gallo (by Kerkering).
Pitch timer violations: Finnegan 2 (pitcher 2).
Pitches-strikes: Gore 93-55; Floro 18-10; Garcia, Ro 11-8; Harvey, H 3-1; Finnegan 17-13; Sánchez, C 92-69; Strahm 18-12; Kerkering 24-17; Soto, G 11-8.
Groundouts-flyouts: Gore 6-5; Floro 1-0; Garcia, Ro 0-0; Harvey, H 0-0; Finnegan 3-1; Sánchez, C 10-0; Strahm 0-1; Kerkering 2-0; Soto, G 1-0.
Batters faced: Gore 23; Floro 4; Garcia, Ro 3; Harvey, H 1; Finnegan 8; Sánchez, C 26; Strahm 4; Kerkering 6; Soto, G 3.
Inherited runners-scored: Garcia, Ro 1-0; Harvey, H 2-0.
Umpires: HP: Marvin Hudson. 1B: Nick Mahrley. 2B: Hunter Wendelstedt. 3B: John Tumpane.
Weather: 63 degrees, Rain.
Wind: 3 mph, Out To LF.
First pitch: 6:31 PM.
T: 2:52 (:26 delay).
Att: 43,112.
Venue: Citizens Bank Park.
May 18, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Top 1 Joey Meneses singles on a ground ball to left fielder Cristian Pache. CJ Abrams scores. Ildemaro Vargas to 2nd. 1-0 WSH
Bottom 4 Bryson Stott grounds into a double play, second baseman Ildemaro Vargas to first baseman Joey Gallo. Bryce Harper scores. Alec Bohm out at 2nd. Bryson Stott out at 1st. 1-1
Top 5 CJ Abrams singles on a ground ball to right fielder Nick Castellanos. Jacob Young scores. CJ Abrams out at 2nd on the throw, right fielder Nick Castellanos to shortstop Edmundo Sosa. 2-1 WSH
Bottom 7 Bryson Stott homers (5) on a fly ball to right center field. 2-2
Top 9 Jesse Winker singles on a ground ball to center fielder Johan Rojas. Nasim Nuñez scores. Eddie Rosario to 3rd. 3-2 WSH
Bottom 9 Kody Clemens homers (3) on a fly ball to center field. 3-3
Bottom 10 Bryce Harper out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Jacob Young. Johan Rojas scores. 4-3 PHI
Team Highlight
WSH CJ Abrams hits RBI single, gets thrown out at second (00:00:28)
PHI Bryson Stott's solo home run (5) (00:00:32)
PHI Bryce Harper's sensational diving grab (00:00:23)
PHI Cristopher Sánchez strikes out eight in seven innings (00:01:57)
WSH Jesse Winker's go-ahead single (00:00:26)
PHI Kody Clemens' game-tying solo home run (3) (00:00:29)
PHI Gregory Soto escapes the jam in the 10th (00:00:27)
PHI Bryce Harper's walk-off sacrifice fly (00:00:31)
PHI Field View: Kody Clemens' home run (00:01:47)
PHI Field View: Bryce Harper's walk-off (00:01:55)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R H E LOB
Nationals 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 11 2 7
Phillies 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 7 0 7


Division Scoreboard

NYM 9 @ MIA 10 - Final
SD 0 @ ATL 0 - Postponed
Next Phillies Game: Sun, May 19, 01:35 PM EDT vs. Nationals
Last Updated: 05/18/2024 10:00:03 PM EDT
submitted by PhilsBot to phillies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:00 No-Exercise5869 Pick a Place! (Part 1)

That’s all it was. A game.
Something my friends and I used to play during the summer when we had nothing better to do. I never expected that it would get so out of hand.
I never expected it to come back long after recovery.
To anyone reading, please don’t do what I did.
I’m putting this out there to warn people.
On that warm summer evening, we played the role of Pandora.
Except, the monsters we released were far worse than what’s told in stories.
Because stories end.
And this doesn’t.
I still remember the date. July 16, 2013. I was an upcoming senior in high school while the others were getting prepared for their freshman year of college, raving on about their majors, life plans, dorms, you get the point. The summer had been bittersweet as those months would be the last I’d see them for a while. Because of this, Anthony, Lola, Eliza, and I would spend the bulk of our time together going to festivals and various camping trips, trying to make the most out of the summer while we could. On that day, the day I wish I could forget, Eliza had run late to one of our hangouts at my place. This was odd since as an Ivy league student, she was usually early or right on time to these kind of things. Half past three, we heard her knocking on my door rapidly, which was also out of character considering that she was usually the calm one in our group. A bit worried, I hurried down the stairs with Anthony and Lola following close behind, expecting Eliza to be in hysterics due to her frantic behavior. When I opened the door, however, there she was with a bright smile on her face, her red hair getting in the way of her eyes, which were a dark green shade. She pushed her hair out of her face with one hand and held a brown box in the other, and she was bouncing up and down as she usually does when she’s about to talk about something exciting.
“You’ll never believe what I found.” Eliza’s voice could barely hold her impatience as she stepped inside and kicked her shoes off once she crossed over my threshold.
“What’s up with you today?” Anthony questioned, looking more confused than concerned now.
“I’ll show you guys in a minute. Can we go up to your room, Felix?” Eliza looked over at me with her trademark smile, knowing damn well we were all too curious to just leave that box unopened. Without a word, I led the group up to my room and shut the door after everyone had walked in. Anthony took his usual spot on my beanbag and unzipped his hoodie, which had the MSM logo sprawled across the front in big red letters. He adjusted his dark rimmed glasses and took on his usual stoic expression. Lola wore a dark blue FIT shirt, which she revealed more of when she moved her locs over her shoulder as she sat on my desk chair and wheeled over to us. As she did, the various necklaces she wore clinked against each other. Eliza herself was the smartest out of the group, and probably in the whole school as well. She had gotten accepted into multiple prestigious schools, but ultimately settled for Harvard to pursue a degree in some obscure philanthropic career. Unlike Anthony and Lola, Eliza wore her regular outfit –usually a white tank top and jeans– and sat on my bed with the box in her lap. I took a seat next to her to get a closer look.
“So what’d you find?” The others moved closer.
“Something we probably haven’t thought about for a really long time. Do you guys remember that one game we used to play in middle school? The one we made after Felix joined our class?” Eliza looked at our puzzled faces to see if we had connected the dots, but her clue didn’t seem to strike any of us with familiarity.
“After Felix joined? Didn’t we just hang out or something that weekend?” Anthony questioned.
“We did, but there was something else,” Eliza raised an eyebrow, “you guys seriously don’t remember?”
At that moment, I saw Lola’s eyes light up and a thin smile grew on her lips, something she always did whenever she was able to figure something out.
“You mean that little map game we played? Where we would go out to the woods and explore?”
Both Anthony and I seemed to have remembered as well with the mention of a ‘map game.’ I chimed in, “ yeah I remember! Every once in a while when we were all bored, we’d pick a random spot on a map to go to and explore there for a bit, right? When did we stop doing that anyways? I remember really enjoying it.”
“Well life happens,” Eliza responded to me, “but I was thinking of things to do for the rest of the summer when I suddenly remembered that game! That’s why I was so late for our meetup today, I was looking through my attic for this.” Eliza shook the box slightly and a couple things clattered around inside.
“There’s no way.” Anthony sounded like he was in disbelief.
“You mean…?” Lola sat forward in the chair. Eliza smirked, her adventurous nature creeping out as realization swept over us like a wave.
“Mhm! I found the map we used to use as well as the things we collected from our little escapades.” With that, Eliza opened the box, revealing a folded piece of paper and various trinkets scattered over the bottom of the capsule. Lola squealed with excitement and immediately snatched the box from Eliza, who simply chuckled and leaned back on the bed.
“No way! Everything’s still in here!” Lola digged through the box and placed whatever objects she found across the blanket. Anthony got up and sat at the foot of my bed, to observe our findings more closely. There was a piece of some clay pottery, some rusty springs and scraps of metal, an old digital camera, and some other random stuff I can’t recall to memory right now. Anthony picked up a spring and turned it in his palm.
“Shit man, this is from that abandoned junkyard we found in 8th grade…that feels like such a long time ago now.”
I examined the piece of pottery with Eliza looking over my shoulder. Lola picked up the digital camera.
“Do you remember where this came from?” I turned to Eliza and held up my discovery.
“No clue,” she shrugged. It must have been a while ago if even she didn’t remember. I turned the piece over and grew curious when I saw weird symbols inscribed on the inside of it. I squinted a bit, trying to discern some sort of pattern within the scribbles.
I turned to Eliza again, “hey, what do you think-”
“OH MY GOD GUYS IT STILL WORKS!” Lola’s voice went up a whole octave as she motioned to us.
The rest of us looked up as she turned the camera to face us. There were various photos we went through. All of us at lakes, museums, exploring the woods; everything we did from 7th grade until my freshman year seemed to be documented. The last photo was arguable the best and msot bittersweet. It was a picture of the whole group from a while ago. We were sitting at Eliza’s dinner table with a giant chocolate cake on the middle of it adorned with two candles shaped like the numbers one and five. Eliza was talking to me in the photo. Her hair was even more red at the time and she wore it in a braid. I looked about the same in the photo as I did then, with light brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles scattered all over my body and face. I was smiling sheepishly at Eliza. I now knew why Anthony said it was obvious I had a crush on her in 8th grade. Lola went through the most changes out of all of us. At the time in the photo, she had her hair straightened and side-swept, with a bright pink streak in her bangs. She wore clunky jewlery and a frilly skirt underneath a long tank top, leaning over the table to cut another slice of cake. All of us had birthday hats on except for Anthony, who kept his sitting on the table. He held up a peace sign staring straight into the camera with a stoic expression. He looked like a statue compared to the rest of us, who were laughing and smiling. You could tell he was having fun, though.
“Well don’t you look like a ray of sunshine,” Lola snickered as Anthony shot her a dirty look.
“At least I didn’t go through some weird scene phase in freshman year,” He smiled and watched Lola’s face, knowing she was blushing despite her dark skin which made it practically invisible. I let a laugh slip out, but quickly stifled it knowing that if I kept going it would mean death. Lola side-eyed me and continued, “I was using my creative liberty to experiment with my options as an artist,” she said with an overly-posh accent that made Eliza laugh.
“Yeah Anthony, don’t be such a downer,” Eliza teased. Anthony simply rolled his eyes and suppressed a smile to pretend like he was mad at all of us. He looked into the box and picked up the paper we left, unfolding it with a hint of excitement and curiosity. When he looked at it, only two words came out of his mouth.
“Holy shit.”
“What, what is it?” Lola tried to look at the other side of the paper, but Anthony quickly held it out of her view.
“What if I didn’t want to show you?” A smile crept onto his face. This was one of those rare moments where he’d be in the moos to joke around with us.
“Don’t be a dick bro,” I said, laughing as I went to grab for the paper. Anthony just held it up in the air and pushed me off of him and I landed on my floor. While he was distracted, though, Eliza took her chance and snatched the paper right out of his hand.
“You boys need to learn to be nice,” she warned in her jokingly stern voice as she unfolded the paper and spread it out onto my bed. We all leaned over to look.
It was a map of a couple towns including ours. There were around ten small star stickers placed on different areas on the map near the streets the four of us lived in. On the top of the map, a couple words were scrawled in black sharpie; “Pick a Place!” I could see everyone’s faces light up.
“Oh my god it’s our map!” Lola shouted and pointed to one of the stars near her street, “this was where we found that old junkyard right?”
Eliza smiled, “I remember that. It feels like such a long time ago now.” She pointed to another star, “and this is where we found that lake we made a hideout of. I still remember swimming in there in 8th grade…”
The four of us reminisced for a while, talking about where we had gone and what we did there, and how impressive it was that we didn’t get tetanus from that junkyard. After nearly an hour of conversation, Eliza asked something that made all of us stop.
“So how about it guys? Do you want to do one last round before the summer ends?”
The rest of us looked around at each other. It was clear we all wanted to do it. Eliza seemed to catch on and she nodded.
“Who wants to pick where we go?”
“How about you do the honors?” Lola suggested, motioning towards the map. “You’re the one that brought this stuff in anyways.”
Eliza raised her eyebrow but didn’t object. Without a word, she examined the map for a few minutes, then placed her finger on one spot a bit far from my house.
“How about here?”
“You think we can make it that far?” Anthony asked.
“Well, we can drive now so why not?”
“You sure there’s some type of trail we can drive on? That spot looks pretty deep in the woods”
“We can find a path to drive on for a bit then walk the rest of the way. C’mon guys, this is probably our last chance to do something like this! Felix, you can drive right?”
Eliza and the rest turned to me with a hopeful expression. I had to comply.
“Sure. No big deal, right?”
All three of them cheered and high fived each other, looking pretty excited to go on one last adventure.
“So when do we leave?” I questioned.
Eliza flashed that smile again, “right now.”
“Right now?!”
“Hell yeah,” Lola chimed in. “It shouldn’t take that long, right?”
“I guess…” Even then I felt uneasy about the whole thing. I didn’t feel prepared enough to go on some random trip into the woods. I needed to pack food, water, flashlights, I had no idea how long this was going to take. Little did I know that those things would be the least of my worries a couple hours from then. I wish I could go back and convince my 17-year-old self that it wasn’t worth it, that I should just convince my friends to stay and talk for the rest of the day. I wish Eliza had never remembered that stupid game. In a way, I’m almost mad at her for what happened, but I know it wasn’t anyones fault. We just wanted to have fun. I wish we could’ve just had fun. But God had a different plan for us. One that made me think Satan himself devised it instead. On July 16, 2013, Anthony He, Lola Smith, Eliza Landserson, and Felix Johanson went on an adventure that none of them were ready for.
Author's Note:
If you just read all of that then thank you so so so much for doing so! I'm a rookie writer, so feel free to comment any constructive criticism you might have if you have actual writing experience! This is the first silly little story I'm posting here, so I hope you enjoyed :)
submitted by No-Exercise5869 to u/No-Exercise5869 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:43 DavidCrosbysMustache Has anyone here disliked their entry-level programming classes in college but enjoyed working in the field?

I recently completed an A.S in information technology. I've strongly considered going on to do a bachelor's in computer science, but now I'm questioning that.
I enjoyed my class on the logic and structure of algorithms. I even moderately enjoyed my SQL class. But the only true programming class I had to take was an intro to C++, and honestly I hated it. I found it so frustrating, like it just didn't match up with the way my brain works. I've never felt dumber than when I was coding.
Obviously you can't speak directly to my personal situation, but can anyone offer some general thoughts on this? If I hated intro to C++, does that likely mean I just don't like programming?
I'd love to hear from some people who felt the same way but ended up enjoying their careers as programmers anyway. Or the opposite: people who disliked coding, got the degree anyway, and regretted it.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by DavidCrosbysMustache to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:21 NewYorkMetsBot2 POST GAME THREAD: The Mets fell to the Marlins by a score of 10-9 - Sat, May 18 @ 04:10 PM EDT

Mets @ Marlins - Sat, May 18

Game Status: Final - Score: 10-9 Marlins

Links & Info

1 Lindor - SS 5 1 0 1 0 1 6 .190 .265 .352
2 Alonso - 1B 6 0 2 0 0 1 2 .230 .308 .454
3 Nimmo - LF 4 3 1 0 0 0 3 .216 .362 .399
Díaz - P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000
Diekman - P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000
a-Stewart, D - PH 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 .203 .375 .405
López, Jo - P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000
4 Martinez, J - DH 5 0 2 2 0 1 1 .315 .359 .466
1-Taylor, T - LF 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .253 .274 .363
5 Vientos - 3B 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 .333 .391 .571
6 Marte, S - RF 4 1 3 1 0 0 1 .266 .313 .379
7 Bader - CF 5 1 1 2 0 2 5 .273 .316 .328
8 McNeil - 2B 4 1 2 2 1 0 4 .239 .318 .310
9 Nido - C 5 0 2 0 0 0 2 .232 .259 .304
Totals 44 9 15 9 2 7 27
a-Struck out for Diekman in the 10th. 1-Ran for Martinez, J in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Vientos (2, Garrett, B); Nimmo (8, Faucher); Martinez, J (5, Faucher); Marte, S (7, Faucher). TB: Alonso 2; Bader; Marte, S 4; Martinez, J 3; McNeil 2; Nido 2; Nimmo 2; Vientos 3. RBI: Bader 2 (10); Lindor (22); Marte, S (16); Martinez, J 2 (9); McNeil 2 (10); Vientos (4). Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Nido; Alonso; Taylor, T; Marte, S; Lindor 2; McNeil 2. GIDP: Lindor; Nimmo. Team RISP: 7-for-21. Team LOB: 11.
FIELDING: DP: (Severino, L-McNeil-Alonso).
1 Chisholm Jr. - CF 5 3 3 3 0 0 0 .260 .333 .434
2 De La Cruz, B - DH 5 1 2 0 0 1 0 .261 .309 .452
3 Bell - 1B 5 1 3 4 0 0 0 .229 .315 .366
4 Sánchez, J - RF 4 1 0 0 1 2 3 .224 .279 .296
5 Burger - 3B 5 0 0 0 0 1 2 .178 .213 .297
Bethancourt - C 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .132 .179 .170
6 Gordon - LF 4 1 2 1 1 0 1 .235 .264 .400
7 Lopez, O - 2B 5 1 2 2 0 1 2 .283 .333 .543
8 Bruján - SS 3 1 1 0 1 0 2 .267 .340 .411
9 Fortes - C 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 .153 .191 .247
a-Rivera, E - 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 .200 .278 .225
Totals 40 10 13 10 3 6 13
a-Popped out for Fortes in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Gordon (4, Severino, L); Lopez, O (3, Severino, L); Bruján (6, Díaz). HR: Chisholm Jr. (6, 3rd inning off Severino, L, 0 on, 1 out); Bell (6, 9th inning off Díaz, 2 on, 1 out). TB: Bell 6; Bruján 2; Chisholm Jr. 6; De La Cruz, B 2; Gordon 3; Lopez, O 3. RBI: Bell 4 (24); Chisholm Jr. 3 (24); Gordon (17); Lopez, O 2 (9). 2-out RBI: Bell; Chisholm Jr. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Bruján; Sánchez, J. GIDP: Fortes. Team RISP: 6-for-13. Team LOB: 6.
FIELDING: E: Bruján (7, fielding). DP: 2 (2 Lopez, O-Bruján-Bell).
Mets Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Severino, L 6.2 6 5 5 3 3 1 95-60 3.48
Garrett, R (H, 4) 0.1 2 0 0 0 0 0 7-5 0.78
Ottavino (H, 8) 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6-6 2.95
Díaz 0.1 4 4 4 0 0 1 15-10 5.50
Diekman 0.2 0 0 0 0 2 0 12-8 3.07
López, Jo (L, 1-1) 0.1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5-4 2.49
Totals 9.1 13 10 9 3 6 2
Marlins Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Garrett, B 4.1 7 6 6 1 5 0 90-62 10.24
Cronin 1.2 4 1 1 0 0 0 22-17 1.64
Maldonado, A 2.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 25-17 3.75
Faucher 0.2 3 2 2 1 1 0 29-19 3.31
Nardi 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-9 6.11
Scott, Tan (W, 3-4) 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13-7 1.89
Totals 10.0 15 9 9 2 7 0
Game Info
HBP: Lindor (by Garrett, B); Marte, S (by Garrett, B); Nimmo (by Garrett, B).
Pitches-strikes: Severino, L 95-60; Garrett, R 7-5; Ottavino 6-6; Díaz 15-10; Diekman 12-8; López, Jo 5-4; Garrett, B 90-62; Cronin 22-17; Maldonado, A 25-17; Faucher 29-19; Nardi 11-9; Scott, Tan 13-7.
Groundouts-flyouts: Severino, L 9-5; Garrett, R 0-1; Ottavino 1-1; Díaz 0-0; Diekman 0-0; López, Jo 0-0; Garrett, B 4-2; Cronin 3-0; Maldonado, A 1-2; Faucher 1-0; Nardi 2-0; Scott, Tan 2-0.
Batters faced: Severino, L 28; Garrett, R 3; Ottavino 3; Díaz 5; Diekman 2; López, Jo 2; Garrett, B 24; Cronin 7; Maldonado, A 7; Faucher 6; Nardi 2; Scott, Tan 3.
Inherited runners-scored: Garrett, R 1-1; Cronin 3-3; Nardi 2-0; Scott, Tan 1-0.
Umpires: HP: Mike Muchlinski. 1B: Jansen Visconti. 2B: Paul Clemons. 3B: Andy Fletcher.
Weather: 72 degrees, Roof Closed.
Wind: 0 mph, None.
First pitch: 4:10 PM.
T: 3:09.
Att: 15,304.
Venue: loanDepot park.
May 18, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Top 1 J.D. Martinez singles on a sharp line drive to center fielder Jazz Chisholm Jr. Francisco Lindor scores. Brandon Nimmo to 3rd. 1-0 NYM
Top 1 Mark Vientos singles on a ground ball to center fielder Jazz Chisholm Jr. Brandon Nimmo scores. J.D. Martinez to 2nd. 2-0 NYM
Bottom 2 Nick Gordon doubles (4) on a sharp line drive to center fielder Harrison Bader. Jesús Sánchez scores. 2-1 NYM
Bottom 3 Jazz Chisholm Jr. homers (6) on a fly ball to center field. 2-2
Top 4 Francisco Lindor grounds out, third baseman Jake Burger to first baseman Josh Bell. Jeff McNeil scores. Tomás Nido to 2nd. 3-2 NYM
Top 5 Harrison Bader singles on a ground ball to center fielder Jazz Chisholm Jr. Brandon Nimmo scores. Mark Vientos scores. Starling Marte to 3rd. 5-2 NYM
Top 5 Jeff McNeil singles on a ground ball to center fielder Jazz Chisholm Jr. Starling Marte scores. Harrison Bader scores. 7-2 NYM
Bottom 7 Otto Lopez doubles (3) on a ground ball to left fielder Brandon Nimmo. Nick Gordon scores. 7-3 NYM
Bottom 7 Jazz Chisholm Jr. singles on a ground ball to right fielder Starling Marte. Otto Lopez scores. 7-4 NYM
Bottom 7 Josh Bell singles on a line drive to right fielder Starling Marte. Jazz Chisholm Jr. scores. Bryan De La Cruz to 3rd. 7-5 NYM
Top 9 J.D. Martinez doubles (5) on a sharp line drive to left fielder Nick Gordon. Brandon Nimmo scores. 8-5 NYM
Top 9 Starling Marte doubles (7) on a line drive to right fielder Jesús Sánchez. Tyrone Taylor scores. 9-5 NYM
Bottom 9 Jazz Chisholm Jr. singles on a ground ball to right fielder Starling Marte. Vidal Bruján scores. 9-6 NYM
Bottom 9 Josh Bell homers (6) on a fly ball to center field. Jazz Chisholm Jr. scores. Bryan De La Cruz scores. 9-9
Bottom 10 Otto Lopez singles on a ground ball to center fielder Harrison Bader. Christian Bethancourt scores. 10-9 MIA
Team Highlight
MIA Jazz Chisholm Jr.'s solo homer (6) (00:00:23)
NYM Harrison Bader's two-run single (00:00:20)
NYM Jeff McNeil hits a two-run single (00:00:16)
MIA Josh Bell's RBI single (00:00:16)
NYM J.D. Martinez's RBI double (00:00:19)
NYM Starling Marte's RBI double (00:00:18)
MIA Josh Bell's game-tying three-run homer (6) (00:00:22)
MIA Otto Lopez's walk-off single in the 10th (00:00:28)
NYM Mets vs. Marlins Highlights (00:03:13)
NYM Condensed Game: NYM@MIA - 5/18/24 (00:11:43)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R H E LOB
Mets 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 9 15 0 11
Marlins 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 4 1 10 13 1 6


Division Scoreboard

WSH 3 @ PHI 4 - Game Over
SD 0 @ ATL 0 - Postponed
Next Mets Game: Sun, May 19, 01:40 PM EDT @ Marlins
Last Updated: 05/18/2024 09:26:45 PM EDT
submitted by NewYorkMetsBot2 to NewYorkMets [link] [comments]