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2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

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2014.08.08 05:37 NachozRule Band from Club Penguin

A subreddit all about the band from Club Penguin.

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

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2024.05.19 14:24 TarotLessTraveled Analogical Features paragraph 3: Le Mat and the Dog

Analogical Features paragraph 3: Le Mat and the Dog
Le coin de chair visible chez l’homme, et sur lequel s’appuie le chien, est la partie la plus basse de lui-même, la partie restée animale en lui. Elle est nue, parce que malgré les habits qu’il s’est créés au cours de l’évolution, il ne peut s’en détacher. Le chien signifie également un reste des erreurs du passé qui trouble l’homme dans sa marche en avant. Ce chien symbolise encore un plan de vie inférieur qui tend à s’élever et à suivre l’homme; de même que l’homme s’est élevé au-dessus du plan animal, celui-ci ne devant pas oublier qu’en marchant vers son évolution, sa chute l’a ramené au rang de l’animalité et que dans sa marche il doit faire évoluer autour de lui les créatures inférieures.

In order to understand the third paragraph of Marteau’s Particularités Analogiques, we have to place his card within the historical context of Tarot de Marseille tradition, which starts with the 1639 deck attributed to Philippe Vachier, the earliest known TdM. Vachier’s Le Fol is depicted as the quintessential wanderer, with his bindle hanging off the end of a staff balanced over his shoulder and trekking pole in his right hand. He is out in the open, journeying we-know-not-where, dressed in the motley and floppy crown of a court jester; his face and hands are white – absent of color – which matches the broad white stripe below his golden belt. His face and hands are an even whiter shade of non-color than the featureless backdrop, but interestingly, his leggings and long sleeves are flesh-colored. Behind him is an animal which some recognize as a dog, others a cat; Marteau identifies it as a dog, so that is how I will also refer to it from this point forward. It appears the dog is reaching at a rent in Le Fol’s hose: perhaps it is responsible for shredding the leggings, or perhaps the tear was already present and caught the dog’s attention; we cannot say for certain. Nor do we know what the relationship between Le Fol and the dog is: it may be the dog is a companion on the road, or it may be that, as some have suggested, the dog is chasing a stranger away. In either case, Le Fol’s expression suggests that he is either unaware or unconcerned; his eyes are raised toward some distant horizon only he can see.
What is most intriguing, however, is that beneath the flesh-colored hose is dark green under-hose; what is revealed, then, is not the man beneath the costume but more of the costume. We cannot know for certain what Vachier was thinking when he elected to portray Le Fol in this way, but we can hypothesize from more general patterns.
Typically, clothing symbolizes persona, the person as presented rather than the person as is. An individual covers himself in a persona to fit into a collective social structure and identify what role he plays in said structure, but typically also, when we tear away the constructed outer layer, we find the individual within, which would be represented by his flesh. A common dream motif for many people is discovering that they are naked, “exposed.” This not only separates them from those around them (who are all fully clothed) but makes them vulnerable to judgments. Another function of the persona is it protects us from being seen, preventing others from observing those bits of us we do not want them to see because they embarrass us or because they are the aspects of us most sensitive to criticism and other attacks.
A few years after Vachier, a cardmaker working out of Paris, Jean Noblet, marketed a deck in which the most iconic image featured a similarly clad figure also named Le Fol but whose leggings were torn to a far greater degree, revealing underneath not only fleshy buttocks but fully exposed genitalia as well. Again, unfortunately, we cannot know what message, if any, Noblet meant to convey with his ribald depiction; however, we can note another striking difference between these two cards: while the Vachier figure’s flesh is white, Noblet’s is ruddy with blood and human warmth, except for his hands, which retain the strikingly bloodless white coloring consistent with the Vachier.
Ensuing cardmakers in what became the Tarot de Marseille style mostly elected to follow the Vachier model. There were a few exceptions that did not go as far as Noblet but did show naked flesh-colored flesh under the rent hose; however, they were a decided minority until Paul Marteau released his deck in 1930 and introduced a kind of revival in this presentation.
Marteau did not break with tradition in this matter arbitrarily; his commentary makes evident that he thought deeply about the meaning of every detail, and we might have hoped that, being an expert in Tarot de Marseille symbolism, he would have compared and contrasted his deck with historical counterparts, meticulously explaining how the choices he made brought the cards into alignment with his philosophy. This, however, was never really an option, as Marteau promoted his deck as a faithful reproduction of the one published by Nicolas Conver in 1761, a master cardmaker in Marseille who, himself, “preserved the woods and colors of his remote predecessors” – a fiction that enabled Marteau to market his own work as the “Ancien Tarot de Marseille”; thus, any discussion of changes he made would only have served to undercut that claim.[[i]](#_edn1)
Marteau opens the third paragraph of his Particularités Analogiques writing that the visible region of flesh (“Le coin de chair visible”) represents man’s basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal (“est la partie la plus basse de lui-même, la partie restée animale en lui”).
Marteau’s premise is that Le Mat is on an evolutionary journey; his clothing typifies the collective aspect of that evolution, as it is the most obvious outward symbol of how man has risen from a purely instinctive and unconscious mode of being into a state of expanded awareness, not only of himself but his role within a social collective. When this is torn away, a far more primal and universal truth is revealed, one which has been increasingly concealed under layers of acculturation; it is the part of us that cannot be refined through education or social status and, thus, remains the source of our most profound shame, yet this is where the dog is able to make contact. In this paragraph, Marteau not only explains the nature of this contact but its wider significance.
My attempts at translation differ from those of Kitos Digiovanni, who writes that the dog “nips” at the “lowest part of him,” [[ii]](#_edn2) and Marius Høgnesen’s, who writes that “the dog hassles … the lowest part of man, the part representing the animal, that remains in him.” [[iii]](#_edn3) Both Digiovanni and Høgnesen characterize the nature of this contact as active, if not aggressive, and that coincides with what seems to be popular consensus. The respected tarot scholar Robert M. Place writes, “In the Tarot of Marseilles.... The seat of the Fool’s pants is being torn by a dog. This is meant to be comical, but it also signifies that the dog is treating him as a stranger, an assumption that is further supported by the fact that he is carrying a bag of belongings on his shoulder. The early Franciscans, who wandered through the countryside preaching and begging, found that they were treated with suspicion at first, and, like our Fool, they had to fend off the attacks of dogs.” [[iv]](#_edn4)
It is not my intention to argue whether this is a correct or incorrect interpretation of the image; tarot cards reflect the psychological motifs through which we view and make sense of the outer world. They help us to become more self-aware; thus, there are no right or wrong answers any more than there are correct or incorrect responses to picture interpretation or inkblot tests. My only concern is what Paul Marteau meant when he wrote, “sur lequel s’appuie le chien.”
“Le chien” is dog; “sur lequel” is the equivalent of “on which.” The key to comprehending Marteau’s interpretation of the image resides in how we translate “s’appuie,” which I understand to come from the infinitive “appuyer” and means “to press,” “to push,” or “to lean,” according to the Collins dictionary translator. This coincides with the Google, Reverso, and Bing translators as well, which also add “to support” to the list. Thus, the dog is not attacking and driving off an unwelcome stranger, nor is it tearing at Le Mat’s hose; the contact is less aggressive.
“S’appuie” is the reflexive form of the infinitive; therefore, it would mean “the dog leans itself” or “presses itself” upon the visible region of flesh; I translate it as “supports itself,” and render the first sentence, “The visible region of flesh in man, on which the dog supports itself, represents his [man’s] basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal.”
The commentary continues, “It is bare because despite the habiliments he has created for himself throughout the course of his evolution, he cannot deny it. The dog also represents a vestige of past failures that disconcert man in his forward march.” (Elle est nue, parce que malgré les habits qu’il s’est créés au cours de l’évolution, il ne peut s’en détacher. Le chien signifie également un reste des erreurs du passé qui trouble l’homme dans sa marche en avant.)
Marteau suggests Le Mat is looking forward rather than paying attention to the dog trailing him because the presence of the dog is an unwanted reminder of his failings and the fundamental nature that he would prefer to shed. In this sense, the dog is like the bindle, which contains man’s collective inheritance resulting from the Fall into carnal existence: it is attached by fixed rings to the staff he carries to prevent Le Mat from removing it and freeing himself of its weight. We may refer to ourselves as individuals and adhere to the mythology that we are singular, but this arcanum reminds us our lives are burdened by the accumulated history and transgressions of all mankind.
Finally, Marteau writes, “This dog furthermore symbolizes an inferior stage of life that tends to lift itself up and follow man; just as man raised himself above the animal plane, he must not forget while advancing toward his evolution his fall brought him back to a primeval state, and in his march he must inspire the lower creatures to evolve around him.” (Ce chien symbolise encore un plan de vie inférieur qui tend à s’élever et à suivre l’homme; de même que l’homme s’est élevé au-dessus du plan animal, celui-ci ne devant pas oublier qu’en marchant vers son évolution, sa chute l’a ramené au rang de l’animalité et que dans sa marche il doit faire évoluer autour de lui les créatures inférieures).
The dog is a less-evolved animal, yet it too feels the call to advance; it cannot accomplish this alone. Le Mat’s evolutionary march is not solely for his benefit; he has a responsibility to all living things, for he also arose from a primitive state, and just as he is inspired to become something more, he must engender this same inspiration in others.

My translation: The visible region of flesh in man, on which the dog supports itself, represents his [man’s] basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal. It is bare because despite the habiliments he has created for himself throughout the course of his evolution, he cannot deny it. The dog also represents a vestige of past failures that disconcert man in his forward march. This dog furthermore symbolizes an inferior stage of life that tends to lift itself up and follow man; just as man raised himself above the animal plane, he must not forget while advancing toward his evolution his fall brought him back to a primeval state, and in his march he must inspire the lower creatures to evolve around him.
[[i]](#_ednref1)Marteau, Paul. Le Tarot de Marseille. Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Paris, 1948. Imprimé en Suisse 1984. The quote comes from the “Introduction.”
[[ii]](#_ednref2)Kitos Digiovanni’s blog
[[iii]](#_ednref3)Paul Marteau. Tarot de Marseille. Trans. Marius Høgnesen. Published by circleandtriangle, 2021.
[[iv]](#_ednref4)Place, Robert M. Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination. New York: Jeremy P. TarchePenguin, 2005.
submitted by TarotLessTraveled to SeekingMarteau [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:09 picto Blank screen after KDE login (Sharing my issue and solution)

I had been trying to get past an issue for what seemed like forever and I finally found what the problem was, so I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it might help other users.
The initial catalyst to this was my desktop environment completely freezing and becoming totally unresponsive (not even able to access another tty session). After rebooting, first the fedora loading screen starts acting strangely and refusing to start. This was pretty simple to get past just by removing rhgb from the kernel boot parameters and running fsck (which is what it was complaining about).
Once I was past this, a reboot got me to the graphical login screen. Only now, once I logged in, the screen went completely blank. I was however able to get to another session on tty4 so I could start looking around. What I kept seening via journalctl -xb -r was that there was an initial crash with xdg-desktop-portal followed by a crash with maliit-keyboard. After that almost being started for the session crashed or errored. This is what I would see first Getting a backtrace via gdb got me this
I searched for reports of similar behavior but couldn't find anything. Next I started uninstalling or disabling things to get the system to a more "minimal" startup, but none of that worked. I realized then I had done all this in haste without first installing debugging symbols so gdb would actually be useful. After that, then the problem was staring me right in the face:
Specificaly this error message: "No GSettings schemas are installed on the system". That seemed odd to me because checking dnf list installed said I had gsettings-desktop-schemas already installed. I search around for this error message and find a few mentions of running glib-compile-schemas could help but more importantly, it is looking for schemas in $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
I glanced in my ~/.zshenv file and saw I had added this because I was trying to setup flatpak so I could install spotify (which I discovered didn't have an arm compatible build):
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=${XDG_DATA_DIRS}:/valib/flatpak/exports/share:${HOME}/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share
Here's what went wrong: I uninstalled flatpak, but still had this line in my ~/.zshenv file. When I checked what $XDG_DATA_DIRS was set to in my tty4 session, it was only those two directories. I commented out that line, rebooted, and boom working system again.
I checked the value in my terminal now that I was back in KDE and it showed what I would have expected to see: /usshare/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share:/uslocal/share:/usshare
So, not sure exactly where those things collided with one another, but that's the issue I ran into and how I got past it and back to my working system. Hopefully it might help someone that finds themself in a similar predicament..
submitted by picto to AsahiLinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:59 Eravan_Darkblade Custom Keyboard How to use Unicode Characters?

Custom Keyboard How to use Unicode Characters? submitted by Eravan_Darkblade to kde [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:57 SomeNamedRedditUser Someone please help me my keyboard is being weird and I have no idea what to do

So i use an external keyboard no my windows 11 laptop to play games beacuse I just find it more better to play with. I was using it one day and whenever I press the a letter the euro symbol comes up (€) and opens the windows menu. I've tried re-installing the drivers and everything but nothing works. Please help.
submitted by SomeNamedRedditUser to keyboardhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:28 Academic-Eye-1226 Two keyboards, different languages

Programming on a non-English keyboard is absolutely ridiculous, since all the common programming symbols require shift-altgr-combinations. So when creating a non-English interface, you're constantly spamming the switch-language function.
About 2-3 years ago, I found an old forum post about a workaround using two programs. Autohotkey, and one other program. I don't remember the name of the second program, and haven't been able to find the thread again.
The second program was something thrown together by a single guy. It works by "intercepting keystrokes before the keystrokes are actually interpreted by windows", and turning each keystroke made on your 2nd keyboard into some really obscure character which isn't supported in most windows programs.
Then, you use AHK to re-map each of those obscure characters into the characters you want. Just write a macro triggered by each given keystroke, to generate the correct character as an emulated keystroke.
So if you press the Danish Ø key on keyboard 2, windows WOULD have interpreted this as : when your input language is set to English. But instead, this key press gets turned into [insert random character] before being interpreted by windows. When AHK detects [insert random character] being pressed, this triggers a macro to generate an emulated Ø key press.
Does anyone know about that second re-mapping program?
It was exactly what these two threads were trying to do, but the thread did end up being 100% successful. God, I wish I hadn't crashed my old hard drive & lost that info.
I did find one other workaround, This program, however, works by switching between languages after the fact.
This means that:
1) The first keystroke is always wrong.
2) It doesn't work in some situations such as when using console windows.
submitted by Academic-Eye-1226 to windows [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:20 junebug300 TOG rebinding

TOG rebinding
I’m rebinding the throne of glass set I have, and i want to bind them similarly to the Penguin cloth bound classics (see image)
What symbol would you pick for each book?
So far i’ve thought of (not in any particular order)
antlers/stag flames eye of elena sword wyvern
i’d love some more ideas :)
submitted by junebug300 to throneofglassseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:18 Zopfli Yoga Pro 9 16 thinks its in Tablet mode

Hey I got my Yoga Pro 9 16 today and just installed all the updates etc. and so far everything is fine except that it seems to think it’s a tablet? Like the taskbar is gigantic and always minimising to that little swipe indicator. Plus it always shows the touch keyboard symbol, despite the option being “show only when no keyboard attached” and it is attached. I now I can disable the taskbar behaviour. But it seems windows has a lot of little tablet optimisation and I would like to have those disabled generally given that I won’t use the Laptop as tablet ever, given it only opens 180 degrees anyway ^ Does anyone know how to do that with Windows 11?
submitted by Zopfli to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:33 Ypnaroptero_Art Little Women fore-edge book art

Little Women fore-edge book art
I love Little Women so much, that I've created another fore-edge painting on Penguin's clothbound edition edges. I am intuitively concentrating around the character of Beth, as I relate to her the most. I call this work "Silent Reflections".
The long scene portrays a poignant dinner setting with three sisters gathered around a table lit by four candles, symbolizing the presence and absence of the March sisters, particularly reflecting on Beth’s passing. The top side of the book transports us to a serene landscape, representing solace and inspiration amidst lush greenery and blooming flowers, capturing a moment of reflection and connection with nature. The bottom-edge depiction is an intimate setting of Beth playing the piano in a room draped in soft fabrics.
Let me know what you think :)
Little Women fore-edge book art
submitted by Ypnaroptero_Art to LouisaMayAlcott [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:13 Neener_Weiner New Kernel boot in Grub?

Hi friends, im a linux newbie who recently found home in Fedora 40 w/KDE. I've noticed something odd, it seems the system automatically installs new bleeding-edge Kernels (& without noticing me🤣). I saw this in the Grub menu, where suddenly there are more than the 2 boot options of fedora safeboot & the 6.~ kernel alongside win11, but now there are a couple more - 6.8 (i think) & 6.9. From reading some posts here, i learned that upgradibg kernel isnt always a good idea, and so I'd like to ask for your advice on how to fix that. Also, I wish to change the output of some keyboard keys. For example, [Right Control] key to input the section symbol "§". How to do that? I saw some different sources but they were rather complex and seemed like waaay too much for such a small tweak. Im optimistic that a simple terminal line with the ability to solve that matter probably exists, but maybe im wrong hahah.
Thanks in advance for your help, and im looking forward to reading your thoughts on these subjects. T.
submitted by Neener_Weiner to Fedora [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:24 redhatcc PC Gaming Macro Pad - What Options Are Out There?

I am flooded with information and links and products only to find out their a bit more than what I was looking for, or didn't solve the problem.
I am looking for a Macro pad (or similar) that I can use for online gaming (Helldivers 2) that is external to a keyboard or a mouse.
I remember some Macro pads like the World of Warcraft one from many years ago created additional keys instead of using the keyboards 1, 2, 3, Alt etc. This would be nice, but not a deal breaker.
What would really make my day and month is to find:
  1. External Macro Pad so I can bind hot keys (up, down, left, right, alt in a seq etc.)
  2. Can label the buttons with small symbols (not a deal breaker, but that would be so perfect).
  3. Can be wired or wireless.
  4. Price is not a factor.
Any help would be so much appreciated!
EDIT: Going with the Stream Deck XL for Helldivers 2. I will update how it goes.
submitted by redhatcc to macro_pads [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:44 minimumattic ThinkPad Design Culture

in 2010s there was nice blog website ( Mr. David Hill (former chief of ThinkPad design since IBM) was writing in there often and he was sharing his ideas with users. it was really nice blog. Too bad no longer exists.
Here are some nice design articles i want to share with you captured from wayback machine so maybe you can a bit understand what makes ThinkPad a ThinkPad :
you can visit David Hill's website in this link:
submitted by minimumattic to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:39 Huge_You_2851 Can someone explain this.

Can someone explain this.
Zemie plays on mouse and keyboard, what is happening in the bottom right with the controller “x” symbol when it flashes then disappears. Can someone explain this?
submitted by Huge_You_2851 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:26 DeformedSalamander M, P, U, J, 7, ;, ', key not working on my macbook pro

I have recently encountered a problem where when ever I type the M, P, U, J, 7, ; or ' key it either doesn't type anything or just types random letters and symbols, like for example if I type the M key it either types zbcvxz, or minimizes the window and opens a new one with the settings tab open, does anyone know how to fix this?
P.S I'm using the keyboard viewer or virtual keyboard to type this.
edit: nevermind guys my laptop just stopped working entirely, I'm sorry if i wasted anyones time and thank you if you tried to help.
submitted by DeformedSalamander to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:03 Huge_Establishment12 Apex Pro TKL Key Glitch

Apex Pro TKL Key Glitch
Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn’t, but the ‘ symbol randomly gets spammed when i’m not even touching it. I have uninstalled drivers and replugged the keyboard which works for a day or two but then happens again. Sometimes when I press the key it doesn’t even register. It can happen on its own and is annoying when I am typing. Anyone know a fix?
submitted by Huge_Establishment12 to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:25 yahay_yossef Selected tags

Selected tags
nautilus doesn't be opened in its selected tag, also google chrome.
It works with firefox only
submitted by yahay_yossef to dwm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:04 SilverAcanthaceae285 My keyboard is typing symbols instead of letters

I spilled some juice on my keyboard and I cleaned it up a bit rough and pressed a couple keys and it has now decided to type in ancient tongue with symbols, it has nothing to do with the keyboard or PC because I tried it on an old keyboard and it’s doing the same, anybody know how to fix this?
submitted by SilverAcanthaceae285 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:55 Rhamni LibreOffice Writer keeps switching languages on me

Libre Office version (X86_64), Windows 10, .odt files.
I have a Swedish laptop, so I keep my keyboard set to the default Swedish layout, even though I use Libre Office exclusively in English. Since my laptop rebooted the other day after a Windows update it's impossible to keep Writer in English. I change the language to English, type one symbol, and it immedaitely switches back to Swedish after inputting that one character correctly. I can switch a written text to English for spelling purposes, of course, but I write dialogue, and the god damn quotation marks don't distinguish between open quote and end quote with the Swedish layout, so I have to manually fix that for every sentence or I end up with two end quote marks. I had the same problem with Open Office a couple months back, again after a Windows update, which prompted me to make the switch to Libre. But now the same problem has followed me here. I hate everything. How do I fix this? Switching the keyboard layout to English solves the issue, but it moves a bunch of buttons around and makes it a nightmare to find seldom used symbols like £$#, and removes the åäö characters, which I sometimes need when not working in English.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Again, with both LibreOffice and Open Office the problem sprung into being immediately after a random Windows update.
submitted by Rhamni to libreoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:21 lukebarnes0511 Does anyone know where I might be able to buy EurKEY/custom keycaps for my Air75 v2?

Hi all, relatively new to the world of mechanical keyboards and Nuphy, but have recently bought an Air75 v2 for both work and travel and I love it. My biggest gamechanger though has been the installation of the EurKEY layout on my computer, and combined with my Nuphy's ANSI layout it allows me to work in English, German and French with symbols easily accessible - for anyone not aware, see details here: EurKEY - The European Keyboard Layout (
My question is if anyone knows where/how I might be able to obtain a set of EurKEY keycaps for my keyboard, as it would be fantastic to have it visibly on my keyboard instead of a printed sheet of paper sellotaped to my Folio case! If not directly available, are there any companies that could make custom keycaps suitable for my Nuphy?
Thank you all for your help in advance!
submitted by lukebarnes0511 to NuPhy [link] [comments]


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