Bingo blitz cheat


2020.05.07 19:31 sandking414 BingoBlitzFreebies

Hello everyone ! I created this community for all the Bingo Blitz players looking to get some extra freebies and credits for bingo blitz . Have fun

2024.05.19 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - May 19, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
NOTE: These rules are guidelines. Some moderation discretion is to be expected.

Community Rules

1. Kindness Matters

Advise, don't criticize.

2. No Drama

This is a support sub.

3. Report, Don’t Rant

No backseat modding.

4. No Naming & Shaming

No userpings or links.

5. No Platitudes

Nobody knew what they were getting into.

6. No Trolling

We have zero tolerance for trolls.

7. No Personally Identifiable Information

Use discretion when posting.

8. No More than 2 Posts per 24 hours

Use the daily threads.

9. Follow Reddiquette

Remember the human.

10. No Porn, Spam, Blogs, or Research Studies/Surveys Without Mod Approval

Just don't.

11. Disputes in Modmail Only

Don't argue with the mods on the sub.

12. Moderator Actions

We aren't kidding.

13. Ban Procedure

These actions are at moderator discretion.

FAQ - About the Rules

What does Kindness Matters mean?

What about being kind to the kids?

Why is this sub such an echo chamber?

Why can't I tell OP that they are an asshole?

But OP asked if they were an asshole?!

What is a gendered slur?

Seriously? You are the language police now?

What does No Drama really mean?

What is thread derailment?

But what if they didn't answer my question?

Why am I being silenced? I'm just asking for a back and forth!

Why can't I look at someone's post history and comment about it?

Why can't we crosspost stuff to other subs?

What if it's my own post?

What is "brigading"?

What is this whole Report, Don't Rant thing about?

What if I see an obvious troll?

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What do you mean by No Naming & Shaming?

I can't link to other subs?

I can't ping other users?

What does No Platitudes mean?

Why don't you people understand it's a package deal?

Why can't you just love them like they are your own?

What do you mean by No Trolling? I was just...

What does "concern trolling", "gish-galloping", and "sealioning" have to do with stepparenting? This isn't a debate sub, why are you using debate terms?

What is "Concern Trolling?"

What is a "Devil's Advocate"?

"Gish-galloping?" What does that even mean?

And "sealioning?" What's that?

Who gets to define what is considered asshattery?

FAQ - Sub Questions

Posting Guidelines for Stepparents

Posting Guidelines for Bioparents

Guidelines for Stepkids

What the heck are all these acronyms? I'm confused!

Why aren't my posts or comments showing up?

Why was my comment removed?

This comment/post is really offensive! Why is it still up?

I've received a hurtful/unwanted PM from someone about my recent post. What should I do?

What are the general moderator guidelines?

I've been wrongly banned/Why can't I comment here?

Why was I banned without warning?

submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn £70+ playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:32 BigBlackBessy Codes for different games

Blitz win cash: 2BBO6 8 ball strike: K3yZxgP Bingo cash: 9GXQFQ Solitaire clash: yXhSvXw
submitted by BigBlackBessy to SolitaireClashCodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:31 BigBlackBessy Some codes to try

Blitz win cash: 2BBO6 8 ball strike: K3yZxgP Bingo cash: 9GXQFQ Solitaire clash: yXhSvXw
submitted by BigBlackBessy to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:54 codyrhodeswwefanjake On this day Booker T would have gotten a Bingo if he didn't cheat

On this day Booker T would have gotten a Bingo if he didn't cheat submitted by codyrhodeswwefanjake to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:01 shironi777 Yun's timeskip side story - part 3

First of all thanks for even's help
Now enjoy!
{Next day}
Yumeko: "wakey wakey its time for our date, come on, wake up"
Yun: "ah good morning... Date?"
Yumeko: "yes pookie, you're going with me today≈"
Yumeko: "why did your personality change overnight..."
Yun: "change..?"
Then he gets a flashback of what happened last night and unlocked tomato mode again
Yumeko: "ara ara you get me laughing everytime you make this expression"
Yun: "seriously stop your ara ara and NO I'm not going with you on a date..."
Yumeko: "ara ara if you say so I'm not gonna stop at all, and are you sure you don't want to go on a date with a pretty girl like me..?"
Yun: "seriously n-"
Yumeko shows him a picture of both of them sleeping and hugging each other "should I show this picture to my dad and tell him what happened≈"
Yun says while panicking "wh- what happened.. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"
Yumeko: "well, nothing happened but I can just lie y'know≈"
Yun: "you won't be able to anymore"
Yumeko: "wha-" until she notices his phone recording
"You seriosly..."
Yun: "well, bye no-"
"What the fuck was that"
Yumeko: "don't overestimate yourself"
Yun: "you also did this last time, are you some kind of an assassin?"
Yumeko: "maybe? Now let's go≈"
Yun: "since I'll have to go anyway then cook breakfast for me"
Yumeko: "you're taking the chance I see, don't try taking the phone since you won't be able to and I don't wanna hurt you..."
Yun: "why should I even escape when I'm with someone as beautiful as you≈"
Yumeko: "you trynna flirt with me now? If you keep doing that I'll treat you better≈"
{After a few minutes}
Yun: "woah you're surely good at cooking, now let's ea-"
Yumeko: "you can only eat the food I cook by my own hands≈"
Yun: "... Fine, just feed me quickly..."
Yumeko: "you're really falling for me, aren't you?"
Yun: "whatever let's just eat"
Yumeko: "you really wanna eat it huh? Sure I'll keep cooking for you if you co-"
Yun: "I'm not going stop trying, I have responsibilities left here..."
The room went silence...
Yun: "damn, this is what happens when you say that, stop ruining the mood!"
Yumeko: "so its my fault, yeah its always been my fault, since I was a little child, everything I did was wrong" sob sob
Yun: "wait are you crying...? I'm sorry for saying that so stop..."
Yumeko: pfft "seriously you can't deny it anymore just accept the fact you fell for me≈"
Yun: 💢💢💢
{A while later}
Yumeko: huff "we finally got outside, I thought we won't be able to at all"
Yun: "so where do you wanna go?"
{At the same time in gangseo}
Adrienne: "if you don't come with me on a date I'll tell Adrian you acknowledged he was much stronger than you"
Chin: "huh let's just go to the gy-"
Adrienne: "NO! I want a normal date for once!"
Chin: "fine, where do you wanna go?"
Adrienne: "Yang-Cheong!"
Chin: "why can't we just go on a date here in gangseo?"
Adrienne: "shut up and follow me!"
{Back to Yun and Yumeko}
"that looks good too..." Yun says in an exhausted state
Yumeko: "hmm are you sure?"
Yun: "I don't know, if you buy more I'm gonna die" (he's lifting a ton of clothes)
???: "I don't think that dress suit you"
Yumeko: "do you think so? Wait, who are you?"
???: "oh forgot to introduce myself, my name is Adrienne!"
Yun: "Adrienne? Are you Adrian's sister or something?"
Adrienne: "do you know my brother?"
Yun: "wait, you really are siblings?!"
Adrienne: "ye-"
Chin: "huh did you finish your shopping yet? I'm tired of waiting"
Adrienne: "stop ruining the introduction bitch"
Chin: "what intr-"
"Wait, Yun...? And..."
Yumeko: "the name is Yumeko"
Chin: "I didn't know you changed your simping target"
Yumeko: "changed what? You gotta E X P L A I N T H I S T O M E"
Yun: "Chin you motherfucker!"
Chin: "didn't mean to do that"
Adrienne: "I think this one will suit you more, and its like the one I bought so we'll look like besties, Yumeko"
Yumeko: "you really got a good taste in clothes"
Yun and Chin: (thanks Adrienne!)
Adrienne: "do you wanna go on a double date?"
Chin: N-
Adrienne: "I wasn't asking you"
Yumeko: "never tried one before, I'd like to do that!"
Adrienne: "me too"
Chin: "you girls seriously see us as pets"
Adrienne: "I don't know about him but you definitely are"
Yumeko: "both are our pets"
Yun thinks: (why am I even here?)
Adrienne: "should we try bowling?"
Yumeko: "2v2 couples bowling battle"
{In conclusion, Yun gets the win by throwing the ball with his six fingers}
Yumeko: "your fingers are really amazing and helpful, let me bite them≈"
Yun trynna get her away but she keeps following him while Chin and Adrienne were watching
Chin "I like her, she seems like one of my people"
Adrienne after punching Chin in the nose: "shut the fuck up you cheater!"
Chin: "you are the only person that made me cheat
Adrienne: "that's exactly the reason why you can't be trusted, once a cheater, always a cheater"
After the long and funny day these four had together, there bond became stronger.
Yun: "hey Yumeko where are you going now?"
Yumeko: "of course I'm going home"
Yun: "can I go with you today too..."
Yumeko: "my≈ my≈ it looks like I fell for you first but you fell for me harder≈"
Yun: "yes... I wanna enjoy every moment with you before you return to Japan... I wish I could come with you but as I said I have responsibilities left here..."
Yumeko: "wait, did you just confess to me right now?"
Yun: "yeah I did" then he hugs her
???: "Y U M E K O how dare you do something like this with a random korean boy" then he blitz them and knocks Yun out
Strength: ??
Speed: ??
Potential: ??
Intelligence: ??
Endurance: ??
submitted by shironi777 to OCism_official [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn up to £70 and more playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:45 uhgletmepost On this day Booker T would have gotten a Bingo if he didn't cheat

On this day Booker T would have gotten a Bingo if he didn't cheat submitted by uhgletmepost to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn up to £70 and more playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn £70+ playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:17 Pokken_Champ815 My Sonic Heroes Review

So for a while or so I've been playing older Sonic games just to see if they still held up. So far a majority of the games I played were at the very least good with some of the best ones being Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic rush. But something that might be my biggest Sonic hot take ever is that Heroes is one of the worst games in the entire Sonic series(unpopular opinion I know but let me explain myself). And just a heads up this is gonna be a long one because I got a lot to say about this game.
Because this game has a lot of aspects that I don’t like, I'm going to first touch on some aspects I actually like about the game. Even though not every character was written the best I will say some stand out characters I enjoyed are Cream and Omega, especially Omega but I wanna touch on Cream first. Ever since reading the IDW comics I've always had a soft spot for Cream just from how innocent and adorable she was and that sentiment continued with how she was paired with Blaze in Sonic Rush. I was admittedly nervous about how she would be portrayed in Heroes for reasons I'll get into later but she was handled alright. Nothing too groundbreaking but she kept her cute nature and even had some small moments of sass which was nice. The real star of the show was E-123 Omega. He really only has one thing on his mind with destroying Eggman and doesn’t really go through any sort of character arc, but that’s fine with me because the dude’s funny as hell with how aggressive and angry he is. He doesn’t have much of a face or eyes that are able to emote but you can still tell exactly what he’s thinking. I can’t explain why but every piece of dialogue that comes out of his…mouth?....speakers? hysterical. From “ANNIHILATE” to “USELESS CONSUMER MODELS” even down to when he says “GOOD” every time you pop an item box or balloon every quote is comedy gold with how monotone his voice is. The chemistry each team has with each other is nice to watch since from their dialogue you can tell that these trios have known each other for a while, are good friends with one another, or in Team Dark’s case just work friends(but their banter is still entertaining with how Omega keeps telling them to stay focused). And the music is good but as a Sonic fan that’s par for the course at this point. What I’m Made Of is a stand out banger for me.
But unfortunately that’s where all the positives end as we move into the negatives with one of the biggest being the physics of the game being poorly optimized. Throughout my playthrough I have run into so many bugs or victims of poor game design that I’ve lost count. But over half of my deaths have been due to the fact that there are no invisible walls to act as safety nets for players incase they misclick or even do something as simple as do a homing attack or perform a 3 hit combo with a power character, the latter happening way too often because power characters are the most reliable way to deal with enemies. Enemies bumping you are also a common way to die but not because of running out or rings, but because of the lack of walls keeping you on the platforms. Speaking of the homing attack, with how the movement physics work with speed characters I never use them because they end up being too slippery to control with instances where it feels like I'm fighting for control just so I can move forward in a straight line or hit a boost pad on a loop. The Light Speed Dash works whenever it feels like it and there’s no way to aim the homing attack so you pretty much have to press A twice and pray that rn-Jesus does you nice, otherwise you’re falling down a pit like you’re Scrooge McDuck diving into a vault of gold coins. And remember how I said enemies bumping you off cliffs was a common way to die? Well they can also just combo you for free because this game has no invincibility frames meaning you can get hit once and then instantly die if you or one of your teammates doesn’t pick up a ring right after being hit. This is especially apparent in horde fights like Robot Storm where you can get easily swarmed. And a staple mechanic from Sonic Adventure 2 that was butchered in this followup was the rail grinding. It was super fun to build up speed by balancing and crouching but now you just mash B with any real sense of speed being from a speed character. And heaven forbid you decided to grind rail with a flight character unless you like sliding at the speed of a snail, but you might wanna do that anyway to be save because if you switch rails the game doesn’t magnetize your character to it risking you to just shoot yourself off the map just for swapping rails or getting off of a rail.
Another awful aspect with the game is the team mechanic itself. It’s an interesting idea on paper to be able to swap between 3 characters to perform different actions based on what the level throws at you. But the problem with that is not every formation is balanced. The flying formation is awful in every way. The totem formation itself looks weird and looks especially janky with how it looks when going off a set of springs or going through a dash panel loop. How it controls itself makes absolutely no sense either; you jump and jump again to fly which drains a meter, which makes sense since Tails worked in a similar way back in Sonic 2 and still works like that in every other 2D classic style game. But I didn’t learn until the last story that the gauge only drains if you move forwards and won’t drain if you don’t move forward which not only makes no sense but doesn’t work like that in Sonic 2 at all. And whenever the meter runs out you might think that you would just glide down to the floor right? No. Instead the game halts all of your momentum and has you fall straight down like a boulder making flying based platforming impossible which was not the case in Sonic 2. And for some reason there’s a limit for how high you can go even though there’s already a limit you can fly for. Wanna know what game allows you to fly as long as you want until you run out of stamina? SONIC FUCKING 2 ON THE SEGA GENESIS/MEGA DRIVE. Sonic Heroes not only came out 10 years after Sonic 2 but was released on more powerful consoles so I'm baffled that they didn’t even try to make any of this shit work in any similar fashion. And this gets even worse for Sonic Heroes because you know how I just described how they would have improved the flying mechanics in Sonic Heroes? Well it WORKS EXACTLY HOW I JUST EXPLAINED IN SONIC ADVENTURE FOR THE THE DREAMCAST 1999. What the hell were they thinking with this!? This makes absolutely no fucking sense. And the Thunder Shoot attack? It doesn’t do much except paralyze enemies and hit targets meant to help you move forward in levels. Except it only does one of these things correctly since the game doesn’t auto target the targets meaning 90% of the time you’ll be constantly throwing your teammates into the ether while missing entirely as you try again and again to change your angle to hit the target just so you can move on with the average 10 minute level. And the switches you’re meant to pull are janky in their own right but the switches you have to fly for are the worst since no matter how close you get to that switch the game won’t register what you’re trying to do which is annoying as balls. And as the finishing touch all flying character have no differences in gameplay despite slight animations and apparently they have this unique attack they can do if they don’t have party members to throw with Thunder Shoot by pressing B again...but the game doesn’t tell you that and even knew that you’ll never see it in practice because if you toss a teammate with Thunder Shoot they’ll come back almost instantly.
And the biggest failure is that you can no longer spin dash in this game. It’s no big deal, it’s not like they removed one of Sonic’s most essential moves in his arsenal that was present all the way from Sonic 2 and was even in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, useless crap like that. Instead you have to use the stupid Rocket Accel which can’t be activated instantly like the spin dash with instead having the player get a running start to have your teammate boost you forward that doesn’t go as far as the spin dash in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. It’s an alright concept that would be fine to keep if the spin dash remained in the game and not replaced with some trash faker that doesn’t hold up to the original. Which leaves us with the power formation which is the best formation by far but not by much. Power is the easiest one to control since it allows you to properly control your character at a moderate speed, a novel concept I know. But combo attacks that involve the character moving forward in a short burst are risky to use since you could wind up pushing yourself off the map which happens way more often than you’d think and more often than it should. And because they have to share data with all the playable teams they away Knuckles’ ability to climb walls in favor of a tacky looking team glide for platforming just like they took away the Spin Dash.
Another team related mechanic the game introduces is something called the “Team Blast” which has a gauge fill up every time you deal damage to enemies or collect rings no matter how you collect said rings(remember this for later). When a team gauge is filled you can perform a Team Blast by pressing Z that acts as a screen wipe that clears almost every enemy on screen. I say almost because it doesn’t really remove every enemy on screen because some doof over at Sonic Team thought it would be a good idea to give an ultimate attack that’s meant to wipe out all enemies on screen with a limited range, which is smaller than you’d think by the way. Each Team Blast has their own special effect that appears for around 10 seconds after the attack is used which i’ll be talking about when I talk about each team on their own but know that after Team Sonic’s Team Blast Sonic will be able to use the Light Speed Attack from Adventure 1 and 2…but that’s useless when you’re able to still fight as Knuckles and it fucks up your Thunder Shoot when attacking bosses.
And the next fancy mechanic they try adding in is the new level system. And I hate this system so much. The idea of the level system is that your character starts off dealing an ok amount of damage but can get stronger the more you level up by collecting orbs that can drop from enemies. Speed characters get a stronger spin dash, flight characters get a stronger Thunder Shoot, and power characters get stronger combo enders. The problem is that in terms of combat no Sonic game has ever worked like this. For the most part every enemy in a Sonic game that came out before and after Heroes is able to be one shot by a simple jump, roll, spin dash, homing attack, mech shot, boost or punch with the only exceptions I can name off the top of my head being Sonic Rush, Sonic Unleashed’s night stages, and Sonic Frontiers. But those 3 examples are excusable since with Rush it’s only one enemy that has more than 1 HP that doesn’t spawn often and with the other 2 being based more on combat than speeding through levels as fast as possible. Your team will only be satisfying to play after everyone as at the maximum level of level 3 which can be difficult to do since whichever orbs enemies drop when defeated are not only random for when exactly they’ll drop but it’s also completely random who the level up is meant for. Imagine needing to level up your power character to get through a large horde of enemies but instead all the levels go to the other 2 teammates that are virtually useless in a fight. “Ah dammit, I needed a power orb to get to level 2…ah well might as well give my other teammates their 50th orb of the fight.” The only ways to get guaranteed levels for a certain character is with certain item boxes and balloons scattered throughout the level and with checkpoints but the latter only works for the character leading the formation when touching the checkpoint, not to mention they’re single use only. And say you grinded all those levels so you can blitz through this level, guess what, if you die all of your levels get reset and it doesn’t matter if you only lose a life or game over. And i’ve made it very clear how easy it is to unintentionally kill yourself in this game.
Something else that isn’t properly explained is the hidden difficulty system. The problem is that each team campaign has a hidden difficulty system but the game doesn’t tell you that at all unless you want to willingly listen to Omochao(note that I played the tutorial and afterwards I actively avoided his tips on the main menu). The difficulty from easy to hard is Teams Rose, Sonic, Dark, and Chaotix being a gimmick team but the game orders them from Sonic, Dark, Rose, Chaotix which is bad game design because not only are people gonna wanna play as the main character Sonic the Hedgehog, but with how the stories are laid out players would instinctively play from left to right causing them to play the game on normal, hard, easy, and then gimmick which doesn’t make too much sense. I knew the difficulty levels before going in but I played in order of Sonic, Rose, Dark, Chaotix because I like Sonic as a character. But what I wasn’t prepared for is that this game is kinda hard even on the normal difficulty because the game is full of jank that can just kill you for playing the game as intended.
But now for Team Rose and Team Dark. Team Rose is so piss easy that it’s insulting for players who are well affirmed with the series. For one they force you to play the tutorial even after you’ve completed a story previously. Which btw this is the most bullshit tutorial in the history of gaming. Most games have pop ups with button commands and visuals to help the player out or they let the player figure things out themselves. Sonic Heroes does neither of these but instead have this little annoying ass robotic fuck hold your hand throughout the entire thing. What makes this worse is that every time he pops up to tell you what to do your character is stuck in place as you gotta wait for him to shut up so you can play the game only for you to be stopped by his rambling again and again and again until it’s finally over. And most of the skills players can learn on their own since it’s not that hard to just press a random button and get immediate feedback of “oh this button does this? cool beans''. Their moveset is also broken with Amy’s tornado attack being a moving projectile meaning you don’t have to willingly get in contact with the enemy in order to use it, Big having a combo that doesn’t have him move so he can’t fall off the map along with a broken belly flop that’s good for not only combat but weirdly enough platforming, and Cream…she’s just the flier. Their Team Blast is just a win button for no good reason. Not only does it give all of your teammates a free level, not only does it give your team a shield, but it makes your entire team INVINCIBLE. Ok game I get it, stop treating me like a baby. And the finishing touch is that all the levels are cut in half. Awesome. Setting up unrealistic expectations for newcomers and disrespecting older players in one foul swoop.
And then there’s Team Dark…oh Team Dark…when they said this was the “hard” mode they were lying. Because it should’ve been called “kaizo” mode. Enemies are everywhere including places they shouldn’t be, the amount of rings available is greatly reduced, And the bosses become borderline impossible to beat at times(except for the rival fights but we’ll get to that). And not only are there more enemies but the stronger variants of said enemies spawn more frequently. And you’d think their Team Blast would make things better, well yes and no but here’s why. Their Team Blast freezes time completely and I mean completely. Rings don’t spin, projectiles don’t move, even the timer doesn’t tick down. But the most annoying part is if you’re using your Team Blast to try and move forward the puzzles are stuck in time too until the gauge runs out so you gotta sit and wait to move on. And even after you move on the game will probably toss 3 giant armored robots at you at once that fight like mini-bosses(if you know you know) immediately after your Team Blast just ran out.
But before I talk about the final team with Team Chaotix I wanna talk about the level design! Yippee! Except not really because it’s all terrible. The locations and themes are unique in their own right but each level suffers from their own issues coupled with all the bugs that can kill you outright without the player having any time to think about what just happened. Ignoring the main bugs, Seaside Hill and Ocean Palace are fine first levels in all honesty. Power Plant’s elevator section is long and tedious and it’s worse if you have a character than use the Light Speed Dash along with a super stressful rising lava section that you gotta hurry up to climb or else you’re dead. But oooh nooo it’s not that easy because the lava moves faster along with the player which means if you’re too slow, you die and if you’re too fast…you die. Casino Park and Bingo Highway have pinball mechanics that will leave you stuck in one of the tables forever unless you’re a pinball god or just lucky. And we just love games marketed at children that encourage gambling addictions, especially if said gambling minigames are rng. Rail Canyon and Bullet Station rely entirely on rails which don’t work properly as I said before and Bullet Station in particular has a cannon that’s supposed to shoot you onto another rail track but in actuality it fires you straight into the death zone if you’re unaware about this and hold forward…and because it’s a Sonic the Hedgehog game you’re gonna do that. “Gotta go fast” and all that. Frog Forest and Lost Jungle have flying flowers that are so jittery they’re impossible to control, swinging vines with an awkward timing window, and it ends on a chase sequence against a giant crocodile that relies on the janky vines that last way too long. Hang Castle and Mystic Mansion are puzzle-filled mazes with ghost enemies that show up at the worst of times to jumpscare you…which is all the time, and everything else(we all know these levels sucks moving on). Egg Fleet and Final Fortress have tons of bullshit cannons that can home in on you, can snipe you out of the air which can hit you out of a platforming segment and send you falling to your death, crumbling floors, everything’s in the sky so there’s almost no floor to stand on, and rails. The worst part about it all is that all 4 campaign’s use the same exact 14 levels. You heard me right. ALL 4 CAMPAIGNS USE THE EXACT SAME LEVELS. Sonic Adventure 2 had 2 campaigns with levels that heavily differed from each other one way or another. Each campaign has either a speed level, a treasure level, or a mech level and even then it’s not equal to how many levels each type of level gets and each level has a different setting and music track. Rush is the one case I can think of where the campaigns had minor differences. Only thing is that those differences are huge. The levels are the same but they’re in a different order for Sonic and Blaze, Blaze plays completely differently from Sonic, Blaze gets her own music tracks, and Sonic has to use special stages to get the Chaos Emeralds while Blaze doesn’t need any to get the Sol Emeralds. And at the end of every other stage you gotta face off against-
Bosses! They all suck for different reasons. The mech fights boil down to mashing homing attacks like it’s a Mario Party minigame, the rival team fights are a joke, and the horde fights…oh my god the horde fights. I’m just gonna rip the band-aid off here. ROBOT. FUCKING. STORM. This is not only the worst “level” in Sonic Heroes but the worst boss fight out of any Sonic game I have ever played. Team Sonic’s is hard enough as is, Team Rose’s is a pushover(as is every boss in their campaign really), Team Chaotix…we’ll get to them later. But Team Dark’s has to be the boss fight that throws the bullshit at you. Don’t believe me well then let’s see here, we got; a long robot gauntlet that feels like it takes years to get over with, more enemies that spawn with a lot of them being the stronger variants of the enemies we’ve already be accustomed to, multiple giant hammer wielding robots paired with either robots that heal them or robots that sap all your rings which because it’s a Sonic game it’s basically life steal, and because this game was programmed with monkeys holding hammers the enemies will constantly knock your ass off the map and there is NOTHING you can do about it except pray. Pray to rn-Jesus that you can make it out alive with what little sanity is left in your body. And after all that Eggman has the balls to say what I'd call the worst line in any Sonic game, “Don’t get too excited boys! Those were the easy ones!”. It’s genuinely unbelievable that such a level exists. This was marketed towards kids. How is fucking little Casey who just got Sonic Heroes as their first video game gonna beat this shit? He’s not. Because the developers didn’t think about that just like they didn’t think about anything in this game except making a “fun” gimmick. But that’s not all. Because there’s one more boss...
Egg Emperor…and the bullshit continues. I definitely know what true evil is when facing this boss all right. The fight consists of running across a few platforms before making your way over to a bigger arena. The boss only has 3 attacks but 2 of them are what make this boss a slog to get through. He can fire energy waves by swinging his lance like he’s Cloud Strife and a charge attack that has no weaknesses that the game says activates whenever you’re too far from him. Because this is a Sonic game I figured that meant he can only charge if you’re too slow, but if you manage to run ahead of him he’ll charge anyway. But if you get too close to him you could risk either getting hit by a lance beam or by his massive hurtbox. And you might be thinking “why don’t you homing attack the body at that point?” and that’s because he has a shield that blocks all attacks and it’s only worth attacking his body after the second part of the fight where you go to that arena section. In the arena section you have to destroy some cannons and defeat some enemies before getting to the big man himself. You can make him drop his shield by using Thunder Shoot and follow up with your Power character but you probably wouldn’t do as much damage as you were hoping for since in order to do any real damage you’ll have to level your Power character up to level 3 which could take forever in this fight. After a certain amount of time the boss will flee causing you to chase after him again and repeat the boss cycle. But don’t go too fast because then you’ll wind up smacking right into his body or he’ll swat you out the air like a fly with a lance beam attack. And you can’t go too slow or else he’ll just charge at you which if he does it at the wrong time he can intercept your approach and boop you off the map meaning you’ll be dead. And if you thought that was enough, because the developers don’t know how to properly make things different between campaigns you have to fight this motherfucker 4 SEPARATE TIMES. And it doesn’t matter what campaign you go through because you’ll always have a tough time regardless of difficulty. I know it’s the final boss and that it’s meant to be a challenge but holy shit tone it down, there’s kids playing this shit.
And the last campaign involves Team Chaotix and they’re by far my favorite team to play as…and they still have problems. Instead of going through levels the same way you did 3 separate times already it instead focuses on missions. And I have mixed feelings about this. It’s great because it finally keeps things fresh and gives the player another way to experience the game that isn’t platforming focused. The problem is the fact that it’s still the same levels, levels that were meant for an action platformer instead of things finding an x amount of…I don’t know seashells. While the treasure hunting stages were my least favorite aspect of Sonic Adventure 2 they at least did a better job with the concept than some of the collecting missions in Heroes since the maps are built specifically for this kind of gameplay and there was at least a tracker telling you if you were going in the right direction. The Chaotix has you searching through levels you’re meant to speed through while not giving you any sort of tracker to tell you if you’re in the right direction. The Casino Park one in particular was the worst one because of the instructions: “Win 200 Rings!”. Anyone who sees this probably assumes they mean to use the slot machines since we’re a casino level with slot machines built into the pinball tables. But the thing is you can easily just collect 200 rings by playing the stage. But the game doesn’t say collect 200 rings, it says win 200 rings which is the dumbest piece of misinformation in this game and that’s saying something since this game loves to withhold information from the player for no reason. Like did you know you can fire your Thunder Shoot at nothing to charge your team gauge? Or that even though the game says to use a Speed character’s tornado to deal with shield enemies Power characters can punch right through them no problem? You probably didn’t because the game doesn’t tell you this. Anyway the stealth missions are the best ones because Espio’s invisibility is broken. And their Team Blast causes any enemy destroyed to turn into rings and for the duration of the meter any enemy destroyed turns into rings. This is the most broken move in the game. Why? Well remember when I said that the Team Gauge charges from attacking enemies and collecting rings? Well the game counts any rings collected towards the meter. Meaning if you destroy enough enemies at once with this attack you can immediately get your gauge back to repeatedly use again and again. It’s such an easy exploit to pull off that I'm not even surprised that this was left unchecked in all honesty. It even makes the dreaded Robot Storm look like a joke.
So that’s it. You beat all the 4 campaigns and you’d think that it’s time for the usual last story, right?...right? Well unfortunately special stages make a return and with that the 7 Chaos Emeralds. And this is by far the worst one. In the past special stages were unlocked by method of holding at least 50 rings until the end of the stage and jumping into a warp ring in Sonic 1 or holding at least 50 rings and jumping into a star post in Sonic 2 or by jumping into a giant warp ring hidden in the level in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic Heroes decided they wanna be a bit quirky in a horrible way. In order to access the special stages in this game you have to collect a key hidden in the stage and bring that key with you until the end of the level or mission in order to unlock the special stages and collect the Emeralds…there’s so much wrong with this…Not only is it already easy for the game to send your ass to the shadow realm for existing but if you get hit and lose your key it doesn’t just fall out like rings do, it disappears completely meaning you’ll have to reload at a checkpoint or worse, restart the entire level every single time you get hit. And after you get through that bullshit we get to the special stage itself…if you’ve played this game you already know what’s up. The special stage acts similarly to the half pipe in Sonic 2 but except it’s a full enclosed pipe you run around in. The goal is to collect orbs to fill your boost meter and speed ahead to catch the emerald. It sounds very simple but remember, this game was coded by monkeys with hammers so the physics don’t function. Your character will constantly jitter around while moving making positioning yourself impossible when trying to collect the orbs. You have to pick between a Power or Speed character because Flight characters are too slow to do anything but even then you’re picking your poison. Do you wanna control your character better at the cost of speed or do you wanna go fast in order to get the emerald quickly at the cost of controlling your character? ‘Cause that’s exactly what it feels like. And I'm still not done because each Emerald is locked into every other stage. Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & Knuckles allows you to get the Emeralds as easy as the first 2 or 3 zones if you know what you’re doing. If you miss an emerald in one of the few stages they appear in you’ll have to repeat the level and do everything I just explained ALL OVER AGAIN. WHAT KIND OF COLLECTOR HATING SADISTIC BASTARD THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA WHEN THE EMERALDS ARE REQUIRED TO BEAT ALL OF THE STORY!? Before going in I knew how bad the special stages were while being blissfully unaware how bad the unlock requirements were so I used save states(yes I used an emulator) to collect the emeralds in a timely fashion. Not only did this end up taking longer than expected even with save states but I was forced to keep using them for every time I got hit, sent off the stage, or missed the Emerald causing my save file to corrupt and erase all my data. Which caused the auto save to fail and use exclusively save states to progress. And let me tell you, nothing’s scarier than booting up the game and discovering all of your save data has been completely erased even after you completed 2 campaigns previously.
Before I get into the last couple topics of discussion I'll touch on some minor things that don’t warrant their own paragraph individually. The voice acting is hit or miss with stand outs like Omega and Sonic and then there’s instances of some of the worst voice acting in the series with Tails where they deadass brought an 8 year old to voice the character. “Look at all those Eggman’s robots!”. But it gets weirder since Cream was voiced by an actual voice actress and Charmy was voiced by a teenager. Doesn’t help that the game has the characters not stop talking for every single damn action in the game. It’s the same cheesy lines for the entire playthrough. The game looks ugly with the admittedly improved models having textures that look like they’re plastic toys ready to be sold in some Walmart or Target. The pre rendered cutscenes might be revolutionary at the time but are horribly dated by today’s standards and the in game cutscenes that start at the beginning of boss fights and levels look extremely jittery and stiff with characters’ arms flailing to move into position, Omega’s eyes constantly bugging out, and the camera repeatedly having a stroke. Some assets feel like they are copy/pasted and slapped onto characters that don’t make sense. Omega and Big share the same aura color along with Espio and Sonic sharing the same aura color, purple and blue respectively. Omega’s triple glide animation looks exactly like Knuckles’ even though he could’ve been animated to use his thrusters. Rouge has a weird outfit change that is never used again. Some might think that it could be for censorship reasons but her chest is still exposed through a cleavage slit in the outfit which makes me wonder why they even bothered to change it. Plus her pink eyeshadow is less aesthetically pleasing than her iconic bright blue. It’s unclear if all the teams are doing everything at the same exact time or not making things really confusing.The way the characters are written are all over the place with a mixed bag across the board. Team Dark’s great as characters but then you have Tails who’s portrayed to act like some scaredy baby and Amy who’s been turned into a hyper thirsty yandere that’s willing to beat Sonic into marrying her. But all of that is nothing compared to how dirty they did Shadow.
Every team has their own mini story that drives their plot forwards; Team Sonic has to find and defeat Eggman, Team Rose is looking for their lost friends, Team Chaotix is tryna get the bread, and Omega, specifically Omega, is out to look for Eggman for revenge for locking him in a vault. Shadow though…ok first off, why is he here? He literally sacrificed himself to save the planet Earth from the space colony Ark with characters honoring said sacrifice and mourning his death, Sonic included…But then they decided to bring him back along with amnesia and a clone side story that makes him question who he is. The clone story is the dumbest shit in this entire damn game. As if it wasn’t enough to make him forget all the events of Sonic Adventure 2, which can kinda make sense if he was sent into a coma after crashing on Earth. But now he has to go through some midlife crisis level shit to try and figure out his past and if he’s even real, which spoiler alert: this game doesn’t resolve either plot point. These points were further developed and resolved by the next game; Shadow the Hedgehog which wasn’t the best game by all means but it gave more of a fuck to have a concrete story than Heroes ever did. And what’s worse is if the clones were gonna be brought up again in Shadow the Hedgehog and then be resolved in that same game then what the fuck was the point of doing any of this shit in Heroes!? All that did was leave Shadow’s story on a cliffhanger that accomplished nothing but made fans confused and left them with unanswered questions for 2 years until Shadow the Hedgehog came out.
But finally, after collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds and beating all 4 Team campaigns you’re rewarded with the Last Story which reveals that Metal Sonic was the real mastermind behind everything that happened in the game so he can copy everyone’s data and assume a powerful new form…that takes way too long to transform into…with Metal Overlord…just to beat Sonic. Not even world domination, just to beat Sonic. While his dedication is admirable it’s a really shallow goal. Plus the buildup towards him being the main big bad isn’t handled as well as it could’ve been. All we get are a background element that people would miss if they’re too focused on just beating the level, an extra animation at the end of a boss cutscene that only appears for Team Sonic and Shadow’s story, and a few lines of dialogue from Team Chaotix’s “client” that makes it clear that it’s Eggman. But it would’ve been better to actually know how all of this happened in the first place. Metal Sonic shows up as Neo Metal Sonic as the first time we see him in this game with no explanation as to how he got this form or how he found out he can copy others’ abilities. Not even a cutscene or backstory from Eggman in the final story, instead he just complains about how they can’t defeat him without the Chaos Emeralds. Without prior knowledge I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking that Metal Sonic just got a redesign since he hadn't made an appearance in the Adventure era at that time. How cool would it have been to have been given cutscenes showing us Metal Sonic twisting and contorting his body to not only show how he managed to do this in the first place but how far he’s willing to go to beat Sonic without spoiling the final form to leave the audience in suspense before the final act? And him not revealing that he copied Team Rose and Team Chaotix data kinda comes off as him not recognizing their strengths and calling them too weak to copy from, even if he didn’t say so himself. The segment where the teams do their best to weaken Metal Madness for Team Sonic is fine enough except the coding monkeys did it again and made it so that Flying characters can’t do any damage. But then there’s the final battle with Super Team Sonic…Team Super Sonic…uh…a Chaos Emerald powered Team Sonic. Admittedly the fight is really cool with Metal Overlord chucking entire battleships at the player and talking about how he believes he’s the real Sonic as What I’m Made Of blasts in the background. But there’s 2 major things that bring this fight down for me. Sonic Adventure 2 did a similar sequence of the cast of characters help Sonic and Shadow go super and defeat the big bad. Only difference being the buildup was more elaborate and the stakes were higher as if they failed the entire planet was at stake along with the presentation of the final fight being better in every way. One fight takes place in outer space while the other takes place in the sky a vague height above the ground. And most insulting of all they robbed us of bringing back Super Knuckles and Super Tails. This might’ve been because of the retcon of super forms only being possible with male hedgehogs but that was a massive missed opportunity. And after the fight is done Sonic drops one of the corniest one liners in the franchise, the 5th set of unskippable credits scrolls on screen, and the game tells you to do everything again but get to A ranks this time as one final fuck you.
In conclusion the game had a lot of…interesting ideas to say the least in terms of mixing up the Sonic formula. Unfortunately they used too much gas when trying to cook and sent the entire dish ablaze. I think if they let this game simmer a bit more and took at least a year to iron out all the bugs and mishaps since this game was developed in 20 months. As a comparison Sonic Adventure 2 took 18 months to develop and was still better. And while I've made comparisons to past Sonic games I wanna make it clear that I am aware of the flaws those other games have. After all, nothing is perfect. But Sonic Team at least could’ve made sure that their game was worth it in spite of these flaws by tweaking some game mechanics to make them more fun. And feel free to say why you’d think this game is peak Sonic. Alright that’s all, thanks for reading this far and have a fantastic day.
submitted by Pokken_Champ815 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

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2024.05.17 15:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn up to £70 and more playing games. UK only

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submitted by GoneAWOL1 to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:55 ivanphilipov Viih Sou post - chess, math, geek and cheater perspective

Viih Sou post - chess, math, geek and cheater perspective
Controversial (for our reddit bubble) opinion.
As most chess fans, the Viih Sou opening and drama is interesting to me. I will try to keep it short (at least shorter than GM Brendan Johnson posts :P) - for me, the Viih Sou account was cheating.
My credentials: playing a lot of chess, my top rating is about 2000 FIDE (I live in UK, which uses ECF), I analyse data for a living, and im generally interested in truth, lying, cheating, motives, etc.
So, for me, that single 1 thing that convinces me is the 0% likelihood based on their past experience. Under normal circumstances, that result is extremely unlikely, so why would a bad opening make it happen?:
  • Others who covered the drama mention he had a 28% win rate vs Danya before. In their match, Viih Sou achieves 40/69 - statistically, when you win about 1 of 4 games, this is nigh impossible all things being equal.
  • For context - between 2 equally good players (i.e. probability of 50% to win, you would still get only 4% chance to win a match 40-29). Let alone playing 69 times a bogus, if well prepared, opening.
  • Here is a chart:
For me, that seals the deal on its own, and i imagine the chess com anti-cheating definitely has an attribute to indicate when a top GM gets absolutely smacked as a red flag, even if there are 0 suspicious moves.
But lets explore:
  • So, there must be something else going on. It doesn't seem that Danya was drunk/high/affected by anything to play an extremely subpar level of chess during the match.
  • We have a new opening, which we can assume Viih Sou has prepared in a lot of depth, probably in some lines over 15 moves, in others at least 5-10 - obviously a GM is a very strong chess player and has prepared very well. But it is a terrible opening objectively, which a top GM would learn to counter quickly.
  • Many of the games were lost by Danya after he has achieved a great position, and in complexities that have nothing to do with the opening anymore
  • People who want absolute proof, don't forget that good cheaters (not a bozo who just plays top engine move):
  1. play suboptimal moves when having a time advantage,
  2. know opponent style to exploit what suboptimal moves would be especially safe to play,
  3. play complex moves over simple moves, with the same evaluation, having the security that he wouldnt blunder since engine will save him from total blunders
  4. lose some games, but didnt realise that 40-29 is an absolutely ridiculous score for such an opening. etc etc... also, this is blitz, i dont know the mechanics of cheating but I imagine using 2nd laptop, or a helper, for this time control i would imagine it is a hell of a multitasking experience. So probably some mistakes can happen
The type of proof people want to see doesn't exist and is such thinking enables cheaters.
  • Playing a lot of chess, i feel like chess com algo doesn't catch majority of cheaters. I assume it also does false positives all the time, but the vast majority of time, cheaters who are not extremely greedy, get away with it. If i was a bit better at chess, i'm sure i can cheat my way up to 2500 rapid, but i just suck too hard for that level
  • and finally, the posts i've seem from the GM have so many red flags. There was a time where i cheated at StarCraft when i was 15 - and when my account got banned, i was making exactly the same sob stories. In particular the "Kramnik, notice me" is very on the nose and a very funny self-own.
Some counter-arguments: I see arguments such as "Magnus played it and scored lower than usual so it doesn't work", indicating cheating. For me, these are not strong arguments even though they support my position, as clearly the Viih Sou account has prepared extremely well, and Magnus was doing it on the fly. Also I don't think he's comparable to anything.
obvs i would prefer if the truth is there is no cheating, I'm happy to edit my post if there is contradicting evidence.
submitted by ivanphilipov to chess [link] [comments]

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Freecash is a website similar to InboxPounds, SwagBucks or YSense, that pays you money to do different tasks or offers. These can range from just installing an app, to signing up to something, to setting up subscriptions, playing videos games, or even depositing money.
Keep in mind that not all offers are worth doing. Do your research and keep an eye on this sub for people’s experiences. Also check what device the offer has to be done on, sometimes the same offer will pay much better on a specific device.
Some current offers that pays decently is for example Bingo Blitz on Android where you can reasonably earn ~£58 (check out guides online), or getting $69.38 for depositing $15 on Poker$tars (you can withdraw after).
There are many different cash out options. They do support PayPal but you end up losing a bit of money because Freecash charges 5% on PayPal, plus PayPal charging for the conversion. A better option if you need some is cashing out to Amazon vouchers, ATM you pay 12.5 USD for 10 GBP Amazon vouchers. I’ve also seen LTC recommended, if you cash it out on Coinbase using Advanced mode the fee is pretty small.
Sign up using referral to earn a chance at up to 250 USD
Non referral link (no bonus)
submitted by shintoist to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn £70+ playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:40 Elegant_Breadfruit19 Golden blitz starts at 9am good luck everyone

Golden blitz starts at 9am good luck everyone submitted by Elegant_Breadfruit19 to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:38 superpowers335 Bingo Blitz help?

In the Bingo Blitz game, there's an ongoing recipe mini-game and I received a ticket to get a free ingredient but there doesn't seem to be any way to apply that I can figure out. Does anyone know how to use the free ticket?
submitted by superpowers335 to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:05 Money-Caregiver6562 Finally beat 4.1 - sun team

Finally beat 4.1 - sun team
Original comp had Chlorophyll Venusaur and Leafeon but they got seriously walled at lance.
Pawmot iron fist punch glove max Speed and Atk - jolly ice, thunder, drain and mach punch -
Talonflame gale wings Sharp beak max Atk and speed - adamant dualwingbeat - u turn - flare blitz and taunt
Torkoal- named supernova Drought Heat rock Max HP and Def - bold Stealth rock - will o wisp - weather ball - rapid spin
Mega Zard Y Drought Mega stone Max SpA and Speed - modest Solar beam - flamethrower - air slash - dragon pulse/scorched earth
Fluttermane Protosynthesis Expert belt Max SpA and Speed - modest (oversight, I wanted to max speed) Moonblast - shadow ball - thunderbolt - power gem
Donphan - named Dumbo Sturdy Weakness policy Max Atk, half max def, half max HP - adamant Rapid spin Ice shard Ice spinner Bonemerang/earthquake
Thanks for the advices in previous posts.
Donphan with ice shard and ice spinner made Cerulean Giovanni look like a joke compared to it's normal power. The elephant did so much for this run I couldn't even begin to say.
Talonflame with priority acrobatics/dualwingbeat made Bruno look like a random trainer.
Torkoal was my go to switch in to take physical hits and set up drought, poor turtle tanked so many untankable hits.
Pawmot with the supreme 106 power elemental punches coverage and nice speed was just irreplaceable.
The other 2 were there only for the utility. Fluttermane feels like cheating and zard Y is a glass canon.
Venusaur and leafeon did lots of work throughout the run but at the e4 their tipyng and move puddle became simply unbearable. There was so many grass resistant mons and earth powebad tantrum were simply not enough damage to maintain their relevance, I really wanted to carry on with Venusaur as a fast special attacker with chlorophyll but now I think it only works as a bulky special attacker with moderate speed.
Another thing I found is that is sooo much better to play with EVs. MgM is nice and all but changing the mons nature doesn't make so much difference. Tanks dont tank enough because they can't invest in HP and attackers dont do enough damage because their attack stat is not that much bigger than the other Mon defense stat.
submitted by Money-Caregiver6562 to pokemonradicalred [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn up to £70 and more playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:52 MatrixDaGod Ryai gets mad over Bingo Blitz 😭😭😭

Ryai gets mad over Bingo Blitz 😭😭😭 submitted by MatrixDaGod to BlueRyai [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 GoneAWOL1 Inbox pounds. Earn up to £70 and more playing games. UK only

I highly recommend InboxPounds for anyone looking for a good source of beermoney. They are a ‘GPT (Get-Paid-To)’ website which rewards you money for completing games, sign-ups and various other offers.
The most popular game offers payout up to £70 for completion.
They end up being easy to complete with a few of the tips known beforehand, so would strongly advise briefly reading through the games guides posted on the site before starting any game offer.
Here is a summary of the best offers available:
Game offers
Club Vegas (£70.20) - Level 100 within 21 days
Star Trek Fleet Command (£57.50) - Level 21 within 30 days
Bingo Blitz (£55) - Level 70 within 7 days
Yahtzee (£24) - Level 34 within 30 days
Coinmaster (£30) - Village 20 within 7 days
Puzzles and Survival (£40) - Level 18 within 21 days
Sign up offers
Remitly (£25) - Make a transfer of £100
Phemex (£25) - Deposit and trade £60
This is important to know but there can be times when an offer can fail to track but if you contact the support team with screenshots, they credit the money within a few days. They will usually request screenshots for proof such as your transaction history for the sign up offers, or a game screenshot revealing the level you have reached.
I would appreciate anyone signing up through my link below! Thank you very much.
submitted by GoneAWOL1 to Referrals [link] [comments]