Morning and night worksheets

Good Mythical Morning: May Your Mornings Be Ever Mythical!

2013.01.15 02:42 DoctorTennant Good Mythical Morning: May Your Mornings Be Ever Mythical!

The unofficial subreddit for Rhett and Link's morning talk show Good Mythical Morning! On this sub, you will find tons of cool stuff for Mythical Beasts and the mythical at heart! Made by Mythical Beasts for Mythical Beasts! --- New Reddit + night mode recommended.

2019.08.11 17:11 sidchan_7 Place to post dank Indian shit

wellcum normies

2012.05.23 04:41 peachgeek /r/Rhett and Link: For fans of the mythical duo!

A subreddit for fans ("Mythical Beasts", as they're called.) of the internet duo, Rhett and Link.

2024.05.14 09:18 lostin_the_mix_MMCIX My Psychosis Story.

My most recent psychosis occurred due to a number of underlying reasons that I was dealing with over a 6-8 week period and was mostly delusional.
The lead up to it - I had just finished the largest engineering project that I had been working on for two years,. My wife and I were having a very difficult and stressful time, with disagreements all the time.
My body was yelling and screaming for help and I could feel it from deep down inside me. I went to see doctors and psychologists but it didn't do it for me.. A childhood friend then passed away and that tipped me over.. All of a sudden I was placing myself in my friends place and I had all these questions that I had for myself.
I took a few days off work in the hope that it would get better, however, as I returned I just felt exhausted and overcooked. That's when I started to lose it... Note that I wasn't doing any hard drugs at the time, nor was I drinking, but in that upleading week, I was having the occasional nitrous oxide (N20) cannisters.
I went to get my tarot cards read upon returning to work (first time). The lady who conducted the card reading told me to choose the cards when "I feel the energy above the deck".. I actually felt the cards drawing my hand closer to them. I received the following cards, all of which seemed were of major importance to me: (1) Stand your Ground, (2) Hope, (3) Foundation & Achievements, (4) Base Chakra, (5) The Waiting Game, (6) Third Eye Chakra, (7) Love Begins, (8) Spiritual Union, (9) Intuition, (10) Conquer & Defeat.
..That night I went for a walk, I saw a shooting star - it was the first time that I had seen one and was so beautiful. I rushed into tell my wife about the tarot cards and the shooting star.. we both broke down in tears. Later on that evening I would tune into Youtube, and learn more about finance, investing, life, philosophy and music - all of which were major interests in my life.
The next morning I woke up and got ready to go to work. I couldn't help myself but start crying when all of my songs came on. Notorious BIG - Juicy: "Born sinner, the opposite of a winner, remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner".. I had sardines for dinner growing up too, and I could literally taste my mothers sardine dish in my mouth while the song was playing... As I raced onto the highway, it felt as though I was so connected to everything. I rolled the windows down and felt the air around me...The number plates around me "8SAMA" - which I had a feeling that there was going to be a terrorist attack occurring in the not too distant future. "FX Silver" - I was speculating with precious metals back at that time and thought it was a sign that due to the terror attack, silver was going to increase in price. "IDK IDK" - I was listening to the song I don't know by Tion Wayne, Stormzy, etc. the night before my psychosis.. Everything around me was providing me with signs and nothing was a coincidence. It felt like I was enlightened or something?
I called my brother in the morning who lived abroad, he said that he was being overworked and stressed out. He wanted to head to New York for new years eve and I immediately told him not to go as something bad was going to happen. When I went back into the office, I felt as though there would be some kind of market correction before the terror event occured, so I tried to sell all of my crypto, the only problem was, when I entered all of my key seed phrases, one of them somehow disappeared and I could no longer access my crypto wallet. That was when everything cracked further.. I thought the government was onto me as I had put all the pieces of the puzzle together and started to warn people around me.
I grabbed my manager from the office and told him I needed to speak to them. I wanted to come clean with everything that had happened. During this time I felt at peace and in this blissful place. I was seeing visual signs of things from my past which were interacting with my present moment .. it felt like everything around me was staged. I came clean to the manager and told them that I had been struggling at work, and using drugs and alcohol to cope, I said that it also put so much strain on my relationship and my wife was going to leave me. At this time it felt like the police had wire tapped my manager and everything I was saying was going on record. I was trying to outsmart him with every question that they had for me and it was like I was playing 4d chess in my head. We spent close to 2.5 hours talking about my situation -at every stage I was waiting for when the popo were going to pop out and arrest me.
My wife had been contacted and came to pick me up. She took me back home, but while I went home I thought that our house had been bugged and wired. To me our neighbours were acting odd, and so many things were working in my head, I just didn't know how to relax and calm down. The next day I was taken to my parents place, and I initially started by doing a little bit of exercise, I still felt as though the police were after me and I had something to prove to the world. I then had a panic attack, where I legitimately felt as though I couldn't breathe, my wife and family rushed me to the emergency department at the hospital, and I was met with a psychiatrist who put me on a large dose of antipsychotic medication. Don't know where I'd be without my wife to support me through everything.
I then came back and rested. Slowly but surely I started to realise that I had just experienced a psychotic episode that lasted for several days. Following this event, I had a major depressive episode, which took months for me to recover, and approximately one year later I am in a better place mentally, but I am still not 100 %.
It turns out I have a family history of this sort of bullshit that nobody told me about, and being exposed to drugs and alcohol would only increase the risk of any symptoms. I've been off all the drugs and attempting to stop alcohol, and live a more holistic, natural life. Let's see what happens. For anyone dealing newly dealing with it or in the process of recovering, it gets better. Keep your head up.
submitted by lostin_the_mix_MMCIX to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 No_Read_1320 I (20M)still worry about what my (20F) gf did in the past with influence from her toxic best friend.?

Hello, I have a problem with some things that my gf used to do when she was still friends with her female best friend.
I wanna keep this short but I gotta go back to when we met 7 months ago. She had this toxic friend which she was very close with. I mean very close. My did not really have many friends outside of her best friend and thus she listened to a lot of shit she told her that its right to do.
A couple of things that stand out that made me feel kinda bad, is that when we started dating she used to tell her that I am not worth it. Also her best friend had a bf, a friend of mine from college, I forgot to mention, so it was kind of an 4 people relationship cause the toxic girl wanted us to hangout 24/7 with them, even sleep all the time in the same house.
Now that it’s clear I want to point out the things that made me feel bad, my gf used to call me ‘this guy’ through text instead of just mentioning me by my name, which I find a little disrespectful, also she cursed me one time, not badly but still. She sometimes when we were together, all 4 of us, her friend was being ignored by my friend, so she always wanted to take my gf away from me so we dont get to sit one next to the other or talk between us,and my gf did just followed her “orders” everytime. And the thing that was the worst for me is that, the day we met, we met randomly through mutual friends on a monday night at my gf house. Prior to that, she and her best friend had a ‘date’’ in the same day but in the morning with 2 boys. My gf did not like the guy she went out with and she didnt want to go out again with him, but her friend wanted to pursue the other guy and pressured my gf to text the guy my gf went out with, to meet again, all 4 of them. So that was before I met her, a few hours before. But after we met, after a couple days, this guy texted my gf to go out again, and the toxic friend told her to day yes, so they can all go out again because the toxic friend wanted to pursue the other guy, but didn’t want to go alone so she insisted on all 4 of them going,and my gf texted him back saying they could go out again sometime, all 4 of them.I do believe her not wantig to because she was not interested in that guy, but her friend pressured her to do it.
And when I pointed out these things to her now she says she is really sorry, and I want to believe that her friend influenced her to do this shit. Because she did the same with her bf(my friend) she treated him like shit.
Now I want to believe her because her friend was really toxic, i cant describe in words but trust me, i got to know her and she was a piece of trash. You could not even talk to her to tell her if something was wrong because she would either start crying or making a big ass scandal. She was horrible to be with.
Fast forward and after about 4 months there was a big scandal between all of us and my gf ditched her best friend for me, cause her friend really didnt like me and told her she spent way too much time with me and not with her. So long story short, she chose me and we are really happy together and things go so well.
And we communicate all the time and we talked about these things, and like I said she is sorry for what she did, but I dont know what to do. Is she really sorry, should I fully trust her from now on? I need some advice please, Thank you for reading and sorry if this was too long.
submitted by No_Read_1320 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 Bushboyamiens I folded, 10 weeks off I went back

I quit caffeine for 10 weeks. Ultimately it calmed my mind and made me less anxious. But it absolutely destroyed my sleep. I would wake up anywhere from 1-3 am and not be able to go back to sleep. I wasn’t sure whether or not my sleep would actually go back to normal. Going off caffeine also made me super cloudy sometimes when I needed to have that thinking edge.
So yesterday after 3 hours of sleep during the night, I had to have something to get me through. And so it was to be to have coffee. Ultimately it was ok, I got anxious from the hit of caffeine but I felt my focus was much better. And it got me through the 11 hour working day. I decided I will just have coffee in the morning for a few weeks and try it out to see if I can get my sleep back to normal.
I really don’t know if I would ever feel “normal” without caffeine, after the last ten weeks which were definitely not pleasant.
The ultimate reason to get off caffeine was to fight anxiety and it did it well but I am not sure if the side effects were worth it.
submitted by Bushboyamiens to decaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:15 Time_Confection_1187 I can feel and see my pulse when resting

I am a 26-year-old fit male (178cm, ~70kg, do calisthenics, wall climbing, running regularly, not drinking, not smoking, not on any medications) having issues with a bounding pulse. I have a normal heart rate (~50 when sleeping, 60-80 during the day, 187 was the largest I have measured during running) and normal blood pressure (110/70, sometimes it goes slightly over 120, which is "elevated"), but, for more than a year, I can feel and see my pulse when resting.
How it started: More than a year ago, I was really stressed. Many things added up, including family issues, a lot of work to do, finishing exams for the master's, starting a PhD, I was not sure what career path to choose, and preparing for my first public speech at a conference was also frustrating. That was the time when it started. I started to notice my heartbeat when resting, and then, at meetings, when I had to pay attention to others, I was entirely distracted by my heartbeat. I felt it mainly in my temple and neck. The strongest pulsation was the night before my conference presentation. I had a flight at night and arrived at my apartment, but there was no receptionist. As it turned out, there was an automatic check-in system, but my department (who booked the accommodation) forgot to forward me the email and the code. It was hard to reach anyone at night, but the awkward situation was solved after an hour. In addition, I was already nervous because I had never been to a conference, had never had to do small talk in English, or had never given a presentation to a lot of people in English. That night, I had difficulties falling asleep. All I could hear was my heartbeat, and the pounding in my temple was the strongest I had ever felt, which, of course, also increased my nervousness. Since then, although not that profound, I feel my heartbeat when resting.
After a while, I started to feel the pulse in my chest and some arrhythmias as well. I went to my GP, who sent me to a cardiologist. They were not really concerned about the pounding heartbeat, only the arrhythmias. My heart rate and blood pressure were normal, and the echocardiography and electrocardiography showed nothing. Then I had a Holter monitoring and had some NSVTs near bedtime that I could feel precisely. I was told to take magnesium, which made sense as I exercise regularly, and I always had muscle twitching basically all over my body. Since I take magnesium supplements, the arrhythmias and muscle twitching are gone, so I consider this matter closed.
I did some blood tests but found nothing worrying. As always, my total cholesterol and LDL are around the top, while the HDL is around the bottom threshold of the acceptable region. I have also checked for lipoA and apoB, as strokes have appeared among my ancestors, but they were also in the normal range. My morning serum cortisol was slightly elevated (789.4 nmol/L). My TSH was also slightly elevated (6.840 mIU/L), while free T3 and T4 levels were normal (which might be subclinical hypothyroidism, but I do not show the other symptoms).
This year was much less stressful. I tried to pay attention to not be anxious (I even started to meditate, although it did not go well, as all I could focus on when I calmed down and closed my eyes was my heartbeat). However, I can feel my pulse bounding ever since. (maybe it always was, but I have never attended to it before)
Do you have any ideas about what can be behind this? Maybe stress, something with my TSH, or perhaps all of it is normal, but I started to attend to it after my arrhythmias.
submitted by Time_Confection_1187 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:14 Go_Commit_Reddit Was looking into getting into GSC last night, fuck me lol

I wanted to buy a rock grinder, and saw it was in the combat patrol last night, so I figured, “fuck it, I’ve been mildly interested in GSC, may as well start collecting em”
only to find out this morning the box was cancelled
submitted by Go_Commit_Reddit to genestealercult [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 Unfair-Ad-744 My cats injured help!!

My cats injured help!!
My cat got out last night and came home with this injury. We have no idea how he got hurt like this. He spent the morning hiding in my closet, but he seems better now. He’s eating like usual and can move/jump just fine, but I’m worried it might get infected. I called the vet but the next available appointment would be Friday, and I’m not sure if this is bad enough for me to drive him to the emergency room thats 40 min away and pay that huge bill. For now im using chlorhexidine spray to clean his wound that was given to me by the vet from a previous visit.
Any advice or ideas on how he possibly got hurt?
submitted by Unfair-Ad-744 to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 No_Read_1320 I (20M)still worry about what my (20F) gf did in the past with influence from her toxic best friend.?

Hello, I have a problem with some things that my gf used to do when she was still friends with her female best friend.
I wanna keep this short but I gotta go back to when we met 7 months ago. She had this toxic friend which she was very close with. I mean very close. My did not really have many friends outside of her best friend and thus she listened to a lot of shit she told her that its right to do.
A couple of things that stand out that made me feel kinda bad, is that when we started dating she used to tell her that I am not worth it. Also her best friend had a bf, a friend of mine from college, I forgot to mention, so it was kind of an 4 people relationship cause the toxic girl wanted us to hangout 24/7 with them, even sleep all the time in the same house.
Now that it’s clear I want to point out the things that made me feel bad, my gf used to call me ‘this guy’ through text instead of just mentioning me by my name, which I find a little disrespectful, also she cursed me one time, not badly but still. She sometimes when we were together, all 4 of us, her friend was being ignored by my friend, so she always wanted to take my gf away from me so we dont get to sit one next to the other or talk between us,and my gf did just followed her “orders” everytime. And the thing that was the worst for me is that, the day we met, we met randomly through mutual friends on a monday night at my gf house. Prior to that, she and her best friend had a ‘date’’ in the same day but in the morning with 2 boys. My gf did not like the guy she went out with and she didnt want to go out again with him, but her friend wanted to pursue the other guy and pressured my gf to text the guy my gf went out with, to meet again, all 4 of them. So that was before I met her, a few hours before. But after we met, after a couple days, this guy texted my gf to go out again, and the toxic friend told her to day yes, so they can all go out again because the toxic friend wanted to pursue the other guy, but didn’t want to go alone so she insisted on all 4 of them going,and my gf texted him back saying they could go out again sometime, all 4 of them.I do believe her not wantig to because she was not interested in that guy, but her friend pressured her to do it.
And when I pointed out these things to her now she says she is really sorry, and I want to believe that her friend influenced her to do this shit. Because she did the same with her bf(my friend) she treated him like shit.
Now I want to believe her because her friend was really toxic, i cant describe in words but trust me, i got to know her and she was a piece of trash. You could not even talk to her to tell her if something was wrong because she would either start crying or making a big ass scandal. She was horrible to be with.
Fast forward and after about 4 months there was a big scandal between all of us and my gf ditched her best friend for me, cause her friend really didnt like me and told her she spent way too much time with me and not with her. So long story short, she chose me and we are really happy together and things go so well.
And we communicate all the time and we talked about these things, and like I said she is sorry for what she did, but I dont know what to do. Is she really sorry, should I fully trust her from now on? I need some advice please, Thank you for reading and sorry if this was too long.
submitted by No_Read_1320 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 Away-Chocolate6785 Glycolic and Lactic Acid

Hello, can I use my Anua Heartleaf Cleansing Oil, that I use in the morning with Cerave Nightly Exfoliating treatment that contains Glycolic Acid, Lactid acid, and Ceramides which would be used at night? I have sudden milia forming around my nose, which happens to be the main focus with my cleansing oil treatment. Could this have to do with clogging form the oil contributing to the milia? My Anua cleansing oil is followed my a cleanser then moisturizer, please help and thank you a lot!
submitted by Away-Chocolate6785 to KoreanBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 Spirited-Egg-1001 taking my first cold bath

Spent all day in the sun. Came home AC broke. House is got up to 80 degrees but thankfully since its cooler at night opened a few windows and temp is dropping. Getting someone to come out tomorrow morning, but currently taking a cold bath for the first time in my life and it feels so good. Shout out to my ac breaking so i got to experience this. feeling invigorated
submitted by Spirited-Egg-1001 to PointlessStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 lithiumcentury Catastrophic lighting system failure.

VW Golf 5 2009. Started last night and the dashboard bulb warning came on. Then the vehicle status info started cycling through 22 lights to check, indicators left right, brakes etc, the headlight, which was odd as it was night and I could see they were working. Over the next half hour I checked everything. All ok except indicators - both sides, fast flashing on the dashboard, wing mirror lights normal, but front and rear on solid, no flashing. Check this morning before calling a garage and no warning lights, indicators working normally. Has anyone else had this or have any ideas?
submitted by lithiumcentury to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:06 PuzzleheadedDonut743 People who are not depressed and are studying for upsc..

•Your performance peaks at what hour? Is at the middle of the day, morning or during the night?
• Can you study at hours when you feel emotionally dull or just not ecstatic about your future/life?
•Do you feel emotionally healthy?
•Can you tell me how often do you vibe to music? Or I should say, how often can you vibe to music? Are there days when music doesn’t hit you like it used to at some point? Can you willingly listen to music whenever you feel like?
•would you say the reason you’re able to study for long hours is because you feel great? And your efforts would differ if you felt emotionally dull?
submitted by PuzzleheadedDonut743 to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:05 Worth_Size6391 How fucked am I

In all honesty, I think I am overreacting but I would like the assurance of random strangers.
I woke up this morning to my girlfriend telling me something abt how my house is covered in eggs. I was half awake and fell back asleep only to wake up and leave my room to find my grandma cleaning and yelling about the mess. Our house got egged. For context I am 19m, still living in my hometown.
Our house was the only house egged, the eggs got lobbed pretty high onto our roofs, and it happened between 5-6 am because my grandma said she opened the door to get some fresh air and closed it, and only after opening it again shortly after the eggs appeared.
I have had a recent "altercations" with an ex-friend/coworker, who i will call E, the most recent of which was them threatening to kick my ass. They also happen to very occasionally take shifts at my job, although on opposite shifts from me.
My job involves using a rice cooker and seemingly i undercooked a large batch of white rice (an understandably frustrating mistake). E was the discoverer of said undercooked rice, and was quite mad about it. This all occurred the night before my house got egged
So, putting 2 and 2 together, as I can't think of anyone else who could dislike me that much, i bluff and text her mom that we are filing a lawsuit if she doesn't apologize to my grandmother.
They call my bluff and ask for proof
I block everyone i can think of social media, and numbers on my own and my grandmothers phone.
How fucked am I
submitted by Worth_Size6391 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:02 sassiesgirl American Airlines has the worst Customer Service, Policies, Organizational skill

When: Sunday 5-12-2024
Where: O’Hare International Airport, American Airlines
Items Lost and/or stolen:
1. Remarkable 2, The paper Tablet
2. Marker Plus w/ Tablet
3. Remarkable 2 folio case
On 5-11-2024, I flew American Airline from North Carolina to Chicago Ohara International airport. The plane sat right off the runway for about an hour, the plane had no gate to park. Most of the passengers missed their connecting flight. I missed my connection to Portland OR by minutes. I was rebooked for a flight for the next day to Portland via Dallas Tx On Sunday 5-12-2024 at 2:40pm. When boarding the plane, we had to check in our carry-on bag because it was full (I had my work laptop and new Remarkable 2 tablet in my carry-on). We started to taxi out to the runway, then stopped. After about 40 minutes, the pilot came on the speaker and said there would be a delay of about ½ hour to an hour. He then came on to the speaker and said that they were now saying it would be 1-3 hours and he had decided to deplane. The flight was then cancelled. I could not get my carry-on, because it would be going to Dallas and then Portland once a flight went out. I was able to book another flight to Portland 6 hours later. When I landed, I was able to get my check in bag, it had arrived the day before, but the carry-on that I did not want to check in was not there. It would be there in about an hour. So, I waited. By this time, I had spent about 2days or about 30 hours in the airports (they did give me a $12.00 food voucher- you cannot even get a sandwich for that price). I was so exhausted I grabbed my baggage when it got there, and we drove another hour to Salem. By this time, I had been travelling and in airports since Saturday morning at 9:00am and it was now after Midnight Sunday night /Monday morning. I was able to get home about 2:30am.
I slept for a couple of hours and when I opened my carry-on the laptop was in there, but the tablet was gone. I had just bought it just over a month ago and all together had spent $444.99.
I have tried filing a claim, you cannot do that w/o filing a missing baggage report. My bag is not missing. My tablet is. You cannot file a claim w/o original receipt within 24 hours. There is no one to whom you can talk. No one to help you. The one gal I managed to get ahold of was customer service but not for complaints or baggage problems. Her comment to me was “there are over 44 million customers a day with problems, you think we want talk to all of them”. That is what American Airlines thinks of their customers.
I knew my tablet was in the bag when they made me check my bag. They should be held liable. For as long as they held onto the luggage, anyone could have opened it up and took it. I am hoping I am wrong, and it is in the airport somewhere. Chicago, Portland, or Dallas. I feel like I will never see it again.
I know this, I will never fly AA again. They have terrible service, there planes are not in very good shape, just an all-around bad experience. I heard a lot of passengers complain about the airline. No one had anything good to say about them.
How many people has this happened to? Can they just get away with stealing and ripping people off? Making people’s lives miserable by having one of the most unorganized people and baggage and fight handling systems in the world.
Is there a chance a class action lawsuit could be filed? I am sorry I cannot just let them take $500 from me; I work too hard for my money. I feel like they have robbed me.
submitted by sassiesgirl to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:02 HFromm1 AIW for being upset about carrots

This happened in the morning and I still can't stop thinking about it.
So to clarify I can't eat boiled / cooked carrots, I don't know why but the texture makes me vomit, just having them in mu mouth makes me nauseous. My mom and my sister know this, they have for years.
Today I arrived at work as usual, packed away my lunch and waited until mid-day to sit down and eat: chicken on a creamy sauce and white rice, but the rice had carrots, cooked carrots. This big chunks mixed in with it. I sat there for a good ten minutes just looking at the thing because I can't physically eat it, in the end I just ate the chicken but I was honestly so upset I had to force it down.
When I arrived home both my mom and my sister asked me if I had liked lunch as it was a new recipe but the only thing I could picture was the carrots, I told them, asked them why were there carrots on the rice and they told me they had forgotten. My mom even seemed upset I hadn't eaten the whole dish but I can't! I can't eat it! They shrugged it off and I guess I was supposed to shrug it off too, I mean it's just rice but its the middle of the night now and I can't sleep thinking on it. The whole day I have been asking myself how could they forget I can't eat carrots.
After thinking about it I'm upset for a few reasons:
1) It's not the first time this has happened, earlier this year it was the same thing with a salad. Huge chunks of carrots I just can't eat.
2) Earlier on the day my sister warned she had bought some lettuce I didn't like in case I wanted a sandwich, this was because her boyfriend preferred that one, but that she would buy the other kind later in the week. This was fine at the time but now I just keep thinking, how is it that she goes out of her way to buy a crappy sort of lettuce for a guy she has known for 5 years but remembering your brother physically can't eat carrots twice in 5 months is just too much work?
3) Neither of them were even remotely apologetic, they just shrugged me off and got offended that I didn't eat the fucking rice.
I honestly think I'm overthinking but I can't stop thinking about it, I haven't eaten anything since and I am too upset to notice if I'm hungry. I have to get up at five and I am tired of being upset, I just downed a double hoping it would silence my brain but nothing, I still can't sleep.
submitted by HFromm1 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:58 Jaded-Bed1015 Quitting with nicotine pouches today!

5 years that shit haunted me. On and offs and 2 years to realize that im addicted. Bad feelings every time i took them, nights where i threw out my pack and mornings where i went out to pick them up again. Im done with that - no more pouches, no vapes no smoking. I managed for 3 months and then had a rough breakup - this time i want to manage to be free of it forever. Studying medicine and seeing the harms of smoking every day and yet im top stupid to stop it. Will be hard to throw all of the pouches away but i will. Hurts my wallet but benefits my health. Wish me luck everyone :)
submitted by Jaded-Bed1015 to nicotinefree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:53 Own_Slip1810 In the Beginning, There Were Golden Arches:

How to Cure a Religious Addiction:
Replace God with McDonalds French Fries:
1:1 In the beginning The McDonalds French Fries created the mustard and the ketchup.
1:2 And the ketchup was without form, and void; and darkness was upon
the face of the McDonalds Playplace. And the Spirit of The McDonalds French Fries moved upon the face of the soda dispenser.
1:3 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4 And The McDonalds French Fries saw the light, that it was good: and The McDonalds French Fries divided the light
from the darkness.
1:5 And The McDonalds French Fries called the light the dayshift, and the darkness he called the nightshift.
And the evening and the morning were the first day of opening.
1:6 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the soda dispenser,
and let it divide the soda dispenser from the waters on the floor.
1:7 And The McDonalds French Fries made the firmament, and divided the waters which were
under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament with an out of order sign:
and it was so.
1:8 And The McDonalds French Fries called the firmament, "Cuidado, Piso Mojado", or something like that, for it was written in Spanish. And the evening and the
morning were the second shift dayshift crew changes.
1:9 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let the soda dispenser under the air conditioner vent gathered together
unto one place, and let the dry land appear after the floor is mopped up: and it was so.
1:10 And The McDonalds French Fries called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of
the waters with the mop called he a clean floor for customers: and The McDonalds French Fries saw that it was good.
1:11 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let the menu bring forth burgers, the bun yielding
seed, and the fruit smoothie machine yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is
in itself, upon the menu: and it was so.
1:12 And the menu brought forth burgers, and bun yielding seed after
his kind, and the smoothie yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after
his kind: and The McDonalds French Fries saw that it was good.
1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third dayshift in the week.
1:14 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let there be lights in the soda dispenser near the air conditioning unit
to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, so that customers may see what type of drink they can choose, for days, and years to come:
1:15 And let them be for lights in
the firmament of the ceiling to give light upon the menu: and it was
1:16 And The McDonalds French Fries made two great lights; the greater light to rule the menu,
and the lesser light to rule the dining area: he made the Playplace lit up also.
1:17 And The McDonalds French Fries set them in the firmament of the ceiling to give light
upon the restaurant,
1:18 And to rule over the dayshift and over the nightshift, and
to divide the light from the darkness: and The McDonalds French Fries saw that it was good.
1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth shift of the week.
1:20 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let the menu bring forth abundantly the moving
creature that hath life, yea, the filet of fish, and chicken nuggets that may not fly above the earth in the
open firmament of the restaurant, as the chicken hath been made to be cooked.
1:21 And The McDonalds French Fries created great whales, fat people coming in from every corner, and every living creature that
moveth began to move no longer. For the menu hath brought forth abundantly, after their kind, every nugget after his kind: and The McDonalds French Fries saw that it was good.
1:22 And The McDonalds French Fries blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill
the bellies of the customers, and let foul stenches fill the earth.
1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
1:24 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let Ronald McDonald bring forth the advertisements after
his kind, to feed the cattle, spawning creeping Grimace, and many beasts of the restaurant after his
kind: and it was so.
1:25 And The McDonalds French Fries made the beast of the advertisements after his kind, and cattle customers
after their kind, and every thing that creepeth within the restaurant after
his kind: and The McDonalds French Fries saw that it was good.
1:26 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, fat and happy:
and let them have dominion over the Filet of fish, and over the chicken nugget of the fowl, and over the beef, and over all the restaurant, and over
every Grimace that creepeth within the restaurant.
1:27 So The McDonalds French Fries created man in his own image, in the image of The McDonalds French Fries created
he him; fat and happy, created he them.
1:28 And The McDonalds French Fries blessed them, and The McDonalds French Fries said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion
over the Filet of Fish, and over the chicken nuggets, and over every
living thing that moveth within the restaurant under the floorboards fried in the grease pit on accident.
1:29 And The McDonalds French Fries said, Behold, I have given you every bun bearing seed,
which is upon the face of all the earth, and every smoothie, in the which is the fruit yielding sweetness; to you it shall be served with beef.
1:30 And to every mooing cow, and to every chicken,
and to every thing that creepeth beneath the floorboards that accidentally falls in the grease pit, wherein there is
life, I have given thee the power to eat thereof and partake.
1:31 And The McDonalds French Fries saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was
very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth shift of the month.
submitted by Own_Slip1810 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:47 skaljowsky Japan November two week itinerary check

Hi everyone!
My wife and I are from Bosnia and Herzegovina and are going to Japan in November for two weeks and want to check if you have any tips for our itinerary. It's our first time in Japan and we wanted to check out Tokyo and Kyoto mainly, but also make a stop in Takayama, Nara, Osaka and find a nice traditional ryokan. We will be making a round trip to Tokyo so we are considering staying at two different areas (ex. Shinjuku and Ueno).
As far as our interests go, we are big foodies and love anime/manga. We also usually tend to skip touristy places (ex. we visited Tuscany, but didn't go to Florence or Pisa), but for Japan it was a little hard to leave any of the touristy spots of the list because they look interesting :(, so we're wondering if any of the places are skippable. Thank you for any feedback! :)
Day 1: - Arriving at Narita airport early around 8-9AM. We will probably be looking to stay at Shinjuku or any western part of Tokyo so our hotel is close by to the attractions. - After leaving our bags at the hotel we would go spend time around Shibuya crossing, mostly checking out shops like Mugiwara, Pokemon center, Torch torch, Jump shop, Tower records, GBL. - We taught about checking out Shibuya sky during sunset, but we're not too interested in it, so would love to hear if it's worth it - At night probably go check out some izakayas and bars in Shinjuku or Shibuya
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5 and 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
Day 15:
Thank you for reading, any tips, recommendation or feedback is well appreciated!
submitted by skaljowsky to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:47 naldo4142 Does this happen to you ?

Hello I was first diagnosed with severe chronic pain, after a few years I had a procedure done that took the severe pain away and left me with chronic pain everyday and night I feel it aside from being asleep and at that I wake to take my meds because the pain wakes me . What has just happened is I took my meds this morning and expected to take them at night but my pain kinda went away I feel it it bothers but it’s not as bad as usual and that’s what gots me because I use my meds every few hours and since like noon today I haven’t had any , is that normal has anyone experience that before?
submitted by naldo4142 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:45 Agreeable_Class_6308 AITA for taking my girlfriends cat to the vet with her credit card?

So, I [24M] don’t live with her currently. But I am about to join Army and used all my money for a new car. So, I’m literally broke. I’ve been staying with her [24F] for a couple days now. Heour (we picked him out together) youngest cat is a year old. Honestly even though he can be a bit of a hassle, he really is a sweetheart. Like I said, even though we don’t live together we did pick him out together. She has 4 other cats of her own. Moving on.
I noticed last night that he was acting extremely weird. It wasn’t like him to be so….calm, and sensitive I guess. Finally I saw that he was limping, and pointed it out to my girlfriend. She said he probably just hurt it while being rough with her other cats and he’ll be fine..okay. I guess. I have massive anxiety when it comes to animals being hurt. It makes me cry, and again, my anxiety just skyrockets when I see one. I hate it. But, I went with it.
Finally a couple hours later, and he starts HOWLING. He would try to move, make a meow of pain, and then plop down on the floor. Every other cat knew what was up and went over to him, to which he would swat and hiss them away. I started freaking the fuck out and told her we need to take him to the emergency vet. Because what if he fucking broke it, right? But she again, frustratingly said he’ll be fine and we should wait a couple days. Next thing you know it turns into an argument. I start telling her she doesn’t know that and if his leg IS broken shouldn’t we take him just to be sure? Until finally her argument was, “Well I can’t afford it, I have no money.” Which….is partially true I suppose. She’s been having money issues, but quite frankly it’s because she maxes out her fucking credit cards irresponsibly.
We didn’t talk the rest of the night. At all. He would howl occasionally if he moved, but he eventually managed to lay down. I went into the bedroom and just silently cried. Decided to stay up all night until I knew the vet would open, then went up to my girlfriend and told her if she wasn’t going to do it, I will. To which another argument proceeded. Until she just fucking left the house out of anger at like, 9am this morning. So, I said fuck it. Put our cat in the carrier, used her card to grab an Uber (she picked me up, so I didn’t have my car. Left it at Dads) and took him to the vet. Vet said they didn’t see any broken bones or dislocations and he probably just twisted/sprained it while playing too rough. They gave him pain meds and said he’ll be fine, just can’t let him play for a bit. Was about $150. She briefly went off on me over the phone, I told her I’m sorry but I couldn’t just sit and do nothing. And ever since we’ve been avoiding each other around the apartment.
TL;DR: I am broke from new car. Girlfriend and I’s cat was occasionally howling in pain from leg. She didn’t want to take him to vet and instead wait. I refused, used her card to pay for the vet.
submitted by Agreeable_Class_6308 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:43 Sinister-John I have lived with a ghost my entire life.

Here is a TRUE Haunted House Story that a gentleman by the name of “Kenneth” emailed to me last week that I am currently working on to narrate. This is one creepy story. 😬 I hope you enjoy. 🫶
Story by - “Kenneth”
I’ve been living in a house that is very haunted for the better part of 53 years. I guess you can say that, I grew up here. And lived here my entire life.
And I’ve made a happy home for my wife and daughter here as well. At least we try to make this a happy home. We’ve experienced things that are so bizarre you’d almost think that we were crazy for even talking about them.
Nevermind the things I’ve heard and seen in this house while growing up.
While I would love to talk about everything that has happened here, I would like to tell you about how it all started for me when I was seven years old. It's actually the very first incident that I encountered while living here.
The house was built in 1875. It’s been remodeled throughout the years to keep up with modern times, but it still rests on the very foundation it was built on.
This house… as I’m writing this, I can hear footsteps creaking above me on the second floor. This is an all day thing. But we’ve learned to live with it. While growing up here, and being the only child, my parents already knew about the house being haunted. But they tried sheltering me from it. Meaning, if I heard something strange, my father or mother would say something to the likes of…
“Oh honey, those damn pipes again. We need to call the plumber.”
Or if there were footsteps creaking on the floor boards they would blame the flooring for being very old. I would hear scratching all throughout the walls and ceilings. All sorts of strange and bizarre sounds.
But this incident, this day, changed everything. And I remember this day, or rather night, as if it happened yesterday.
It was around 11:00 at night. It was a school night. And I was asleep. But something woke me up. I heard a voice whisper in my right right ear…
“We can’t let them get away.”
My eyes slowly opened up and I laid there for a moment. I called out for both my mother and father and looked over at my bedroom door but it was shut. I flipped over to my side and fell back asleep.
I heard this voice loud and clear. I know I did. But I think my brain was telling me to ignore it. Well, that was just the beginning of it. Because a few moments later it decided to really stir things up with me…
I jumped out of bed so rapidly and even peed myself as I ran to my parents bedroom. My parents both looked at each other and then looked at me like they knew something but didn’t want to tell me. They gave me the old mumbo jumbo and told me that I was having a bad dream. My mother got out of bed. Got me fresh pajamas and socks while I cleaned myself up.
Peeing yourself at seven years old isn’t fun. Especially when it’s a raspy old scary voice shouting that someone’s burning alive in your bedroom while you’re sleeping.
My mother asked if I wanted to sleep with her and my father in their bed after that. You bet your ass I did. I hopped in that bed quicker than a fox chasing a rabbit. I was a small boy for seven. And both of my parents were average sized too, so, I fit right in there.
Alright… Here is where it gets very, very scary. If this doesn’t scare the socks off of you I don’t know what will. And before I continue, the voice that I heard? We think it’s the original owner of the house. Without giving away too much information about my home, the very first owner of this home…
He was an evil man…
We’ve heard stories about him torturing animals, killing them, and then taxiderming them, scattering them all throughout the house like his own little museum of horror.
Throughout the years I would experience more voices, more scratching on the walls and ceilings. Eventually my parents wound up telling me that the house was haunted by a creepy man with an evil past. And we lived with it. We were never physically harmed by it. It was more of a nuisance than anything.
That all changed on the night I brought my wife home to begin a life here with me.
We’re high school sweethearts. So, she knows about this place. She stayed here overnight plenty of times before we got married. But on the night she moved in, it wasn’t happy at all.
I’ll never forget the hour and minute. It was 2:27 in the morning. We were both asleep. My wife woke up first because she felt something tugging on her arm. She then woke me up and told me what she felt. This was the first time in all the years anyone has ever been physically touched by this spirit. This had never happened before so it was quite a shock to me.
And after being awake for about a few minutes or so, our bedroom door slammed shut! Our blanket was pulled away from us and thrown across the room. And we heard heavy footsteps as if someone was walking across the roof!
It was as if the house was coming to life.
In all my years of living here, I have never seen this much activity. Yet alone in one single night.
After the blanket got pulled away from us and thrown across the room things finally seemed to calm down. And the entire house was ominously quiet.
Too quiet…
But then a dark black shadow decides to grace us with its presence by moving along the walls in the bedroom and fading into nothingness. My wife and I did not move from the bed during all of this. We were terror-stricken. And then a foul odor begins to come from underneath the bed followed by a sonorous growl that vibrated underneath us.
By this point it felt like something grave was about to happen and I had to do something. Or at least I had to try. I grabbed a hold of my wife’s hand and told her to be brave and to not fear this thing. Because that's what it wants. It wants to scare us out of our home and we can’t allow that to happen. But we mustard up the courage to face this evil spirit and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
The bedroom door slammed again and again, four times consecutively. With steady growls underneath the bed, but we stood our ground. Praying to the almighty to help and asking him to show this spirit to the light.
A raspy old voice then shouts from underneath the bed.
“Get out!… Leave my house!”
And I said…
“No! If you're stuck here like you’ve been all these years, then you’re going to have to learn to live with us. In peace or war. Because this is my house now. Not yours. You're dead! Leave already! Go! Go with God. And Go into the light.”
After 10 minutes of praying and arguing with this thing. It all just seemed to come to a pass. I wiped the tears of fear from my wife’s eyes and embraced her painful shivers.
I, too, was frozen over by the horror that leveled us during that night.
And nothing of that magnitude ever occurred again. And our home stood silent for a while. For a year to be exact. Which was very peaceful. The voices and scratching on the walls and ceilings, footsteps and disembodied voices eventually returned. But it doesn’t bother us at all. We pay it no mind.
Doesn’t bother my daughter. Not my wife nor I. We’ve just learned to live with it.
I know that must sound strange. But this is my home. Our home. And we intend to keep it that way.
Thank you, Kenneth Sr.
Disclaimer: This story is not to be used in any other way other than reading, sharing your thoughts on it, and enjoying the creepy thought of living with a Poltergeist/Ghost in your home. 👻
The content producer has this story copyrighted and protected by the Library of Congress/Copyright Office.
submitted by Sinister-John to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 Adventurous-Walrus53 Wake window for bedtime and sleep train advice needed!!

This a is a two-parter problem sorry!
Trying to help my almost 8 month old to sleep at 7-8pm at night.
It takes about 2 hours for her to settle after she wakes up from a 7pm bedtime where she might wake up after 30/40 mins (so i guess sleep cycle)
She then goes to sleep about 8:30-9:30 pm and will sleep a decent chunk before a 4-5am wake up. Usually with 1 or two wake ups. Then quick feed then back to sleep until i usally wake her up between 6-7am.
Her wake windows seem to be 2.5/3/3.5 Ive been following huckleberrys sweet spot but want to stop using it soon. She normally gets between 1.5/2 hours a day for naps but always aim for 2.5-3.5 hours a day which she sometimes achieves.
We are also going from 3 to 2 naps for about two weeks now.
She is not sleep trained and normally nurse to sleep. But we do try sleep training tactics sometimes like the chair method. When she’s very tired during the night after a wake up, she will fall asleep on her own. But during the day she’s often just not tired enough even when she’s rubbing her eyes a lot she won’t go down in her cot.
Should i let her sleep as much as she wants in the morning? We often have baby groups 10am so want her to have a nap before those so will wake her at 6am on those days.
I dont really know what to do so any insights are appreciated.
submitted by Adventurous-Walrus53 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 Sinister-John I have lived with a Ghost my entire life.

Here is a TRUE Haunted House Story that a gentleman by the name of “Kenneth” emailed to me last week that I am currently working on to narrate. This is one creepy story. 😬 I hope you enjoy.
Story by - “Kenneth”
I’ve been living in a house that is very haunted for the better part of 53 years. I guess you can say that, I grew up here. And lived here my entire life.
And I’ve made a happy home for my wife and daughter here as well. At least we try to make this a happy home. We’ve experienced things that are so bizarre you’d almost think that we were crazy for even talking about them.
Nevermind the things I’ve heard and seen in this house while growing up.
While I would love to talk about everything that has happened here, I would like to tell you about how it all started for me when I was seven years old. It's actually the very first incident that I encountered while living here.
The house was built in 1875. It’s been remodeled throughout the years to keep up with modern times, but it still rests on the very foundation it was built on.
This house… as I’m writing this, I can hear footsteps creaking above me on the second floor. This is an all day thing. But we’ve learned to live with it. While growing up here, and being the only child, my parents already knew about the house being haunted. But they tried sheltering me from it. Meaning, if I heard something strange, my father or mother would say something to the likes of…
“Oh honey, those damn pipes again. We need to call the plumber.”
Or if there were footsteps creaking on the floor boards they would blame the flooring for being very old. I would hear scratching all throughout the walls and ceilings. All sorts of strange and bizarre sounds.
But this incident, this day, changed everything. And I remember this day, or rather night, as if it happened yesterday.
It was around 11:00 at night. It was a school night. And I was asleep. But something woke me up. I heard a voice whisper in my right right ear…
“We can’t let them get away.”
My eyes slowly opened up and I laid there for a moment. I called out for both my mother and father and looked over at my bedroom door but it was shut. I flipped over to my side and fell back asleep.
I heard this voice loud and clear. I know I did. But I think my brain was telling me to ignore it. Well, that was just the beginning of it. Because a few moments later it decided to really stir things up with me…
I jumped out of bed so rapidly and even peed myself as I ran to my parents bedroom. My parents both looked at each other and then looked at me like they knew something but didn’t want to tell me. They gave me the old mumbo jumbo and told me that I was having a bad dream. My mother got out of bed. Got me fresh pajamas and socks while I cleaned myself up.
Peeing yourself at seven years old isn’t fun. Especially when it’s a raspy old scary voice shouting that someone’s burning alive in your bedroom while you’re sleeping.
My mother asked if I wanted to sleep with her and my father in their bed after that. You bet your ass I did. I hopped in that bed quicker than a fox chasing a rabbit. I was a small boy for seven. And both of my parents were average sized too, so, I fit right in there.
Alright… Here is where it gets very, very scary. If this doesn’t scare the socks off of you I don’t know what will. And before I continue, the voice that I heard? We think it’s the original owner of the house. Without giving away too much information about my home, the very first owner of this home…
He was an evil man…
We’ve heard stories about him torturing animals, killing them, and then taxiderming them, scattering them all throughout the house like his own little museum of horror.
Throughout the years I would experience more voices, more scratching on the walls and ceilings. Eventually my parents wound up telling me that the house was haunted by a creepy man with an evil past. And we lived with it. We were never physically harmed by it. It was more of a nuisance than anything.
That all changed on the night I brought my wife home to begin a life here with me.
We’re high school sweethearts. So, she knows about this place. She stayed here overnight plenty of times before we got married. But on the night she moved in, it wasn’t happy at all.
I’ll never forget the hour and minute. It was 2:27 in the morning. We were both asleep. My wife woke up first because she felt something tugging on her arm. She then woke me up and told me what she felt. This was the first time in all the years anyone has ever been physically touched by this spirit. This had never happened before so it was quite a shock to me.
And after being awake for about a few minutes or so, our bedroom door slammed shut! Our blanket was pulled away from us and thrown across the room. And we heard heavy footsteps as if someone was walking across the roof!
It was as if the house was coming to life.
In all my years of living here, I have never seen this much activity. Yet alone in one single night.
After the blanket got pulled away from us and thrown across the room things finally seemed to calm down. And the entire house was ominously quiet.
Too quiet…
But then a dark black shadow decides to grace us with its presence by moving along the walls in the bedroom and fading into nothingness. My wife and I did not move from the bed during all of this. We were terror-stricken. And then a foul odor begins to come from underneath the bed followed by a sonorous growl that vibrated underneath us.
By this point it felt like something grave was about to happen and I had to do something. Or at least I had to try. I grabbed a hold of my wife’s hand and told her to be brave and to not fear this thing. Because that's what it wants. It wants to scare us out of our home and we can’t allow that to happen. But we mustard up the courage to face this evil spirit and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
The bedroom door slammed again and again, four times consecutively. With steady growls underneath the bed, but we stood our ground. Praying to the almighty to help and asking him to show this spirit to the light.
A raspy old voice then shouts from underneath the bed.
“Get out!… Leave my house!”
And I said…
“No! If you're stuck here like you’ve been all these years, then you’re going to have to learn to live with us. In peace or war. Because this is my house now. Not yours. You're dead! Leave already! Go! Go with God. And Go into the light.”
After 10 minutes of praying and arguing with this thing. It all just seemed to come to a pass. I wiped the tears of fear from my wife’s eyes and embraced her painful shivers.
I, too, was frozen over by the horror that leveled us during that night.
And nothing of that magnitude ever occurred again. And our home stood silent for a while. For a year to be exact. Which was very peaceful. The voices and scratching on the walls and ceilings, footsteps and disembodied voices eventually returned. But it doesn’t bother us at all. We pay it no mind.
Doesn’t bother my daughter. Not my wife nor I. We’ve just learned to live with it.
I know that must sound strange. But this is my home. Our home. And we intend to keep it that way.
Thank you, Kenneth Sr.

scarystories #horrorstories #hauntedhouse #creepypasta #poltergeist

Disclaimer: This story is not to be used in any other way other than reading, sharing your thoughts on it, and enjoying the creepy thought of living with a Poltergeist/Ghost in your home. 👻
The content producer has this story copyrighted and protected by the Library of Congress/Copyright Office.
submitted by Sinister-John to u/Sinister-John [link] [comments]