Deloitte case solution

Thanks, I'm Cured

2017.11.30 02:48 Thanks, I'm Cured

"Overly simplistic solution to highly complex problem!" "Oh, thanks, I'm cured."

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2024.06.07 21:59 BLOATED_Meat_Stick 24.4.1 Macbook Performance Thread (Hard Pukers Only)

(High Cranial Volume Pr and AE Hybrid Users ONLY)
I still can't get AE to perform well on my M2 Macbook Pro running Sonoma 14.0 and AE 24.3. 32 GBs RAM — so obviously that's going to be immediate the culprit, but I do suspect that I could do pretty much anything I wanted on this computer if I could just optimize it correctly. That's what this thread is about. I know there are a million threads like this one but hopefully we can dig up some new dirt. I haven't really written about Sonoma but what I've read seems to indicate a lot of people have had issues. I'm not an OS guy I get enough of a headache with the shit I care about. Not sure if downgrading is possible. Maybe I upgrade my RAM (whoops hee hee nvm forgot i was on an apple computer).
You can stop reading there, because the rest of this is schizo nonsense. I've sobered up and I can't say that any mother would accept a child this ugly. But I'm also getting giddy at the thought of crossposting to editors and seeing what the Avid Professionals Working On Big Serious Productions With Budgets That Totally Won't Disappear in the Next 20 Years have to tell me about making some dough in exchange for the sweet intoxication of art. I also did a better job of listing my issues in my follow up comment
**Intro Apology**
**I've bolded out the sections with the mostly important shit:** I would take extra care to avoid anything that's been italicized because it is some of the most craven text ever set to paper. As if! I can't even use metaphors anymore. Will the graphic designers starve without their paper (why is it always either minimalism or hyper realism? I like texture too but not everything has to be made out of everything, or not made out of anything at all! Nature Without Ecology.)
This is just me typing and never stopping. For some reason. Well, it's no mystery. I'm avoiding anything that even resembles productivity.
I've already wasted time just stream of concussing every intrusive thought, so why would I waste more time reformatting and trimming the fat? Bahahaha I hope you like lamb. If I put forward attention to giving you direct information that effectively communicates an idea, I might just achieve nirvana. Like if I hyperfixate when I'm shitposting, then I am just going to realize the World-Spirit in-itself trying to abide by the laws of rhetorics. Let me tell you, the laws of rhetoric certainly don't make you any less schizo. How do you think we got here?
But that's the future the fucking tech bros made. And it's fucking awesome. Can't wait to be animating using my Rule 34 Paper Texture Parallax Datamosh VFX by AEAnabolics via telekinesis (is there a plugin for that?!??!)
So no I'm not going to make this thread easily accessible or interpretable because I really want anyone possessing any degree of intelligence to stay the fuck away (there are even intelligent people amidst the industry leaders, I once even met a film producer who knew how to count through 12! In any case, if everyone under 30 could exit the room, us pedants, drop outs and philistines will congregate somewhere other than all and we'll be happy to update you later with a summary of our findings.
I do apologize for the wordvomit — I took my meds abt 30 mins before I had the brilliant idea to open up a silly little text box on reddit during my awesome Pomodoro break. I had to be off the ADHD goodies for a week for some sports stuff I was trying to do which needed my heart at optimal function. Why did my doc just let me hop back on the same dose? I am emaciated from all this heavy lifting with my fingers.
Please though, don't dismiss this as pathological ravings. I am not sick, just an Adobe Creative Suite subscriber (somehow, five years later, I'm still on the student discount paying 30 bucks!!! Haha!!! Sticking it to the man!!!! Suckers!!!! Almost as bad as pouring thousands into software you don't own and can be shut out of for trumped up fraud charges if one of the cretins working at Adobe manages to actually check the accounts submitting all those pesky support tickets. Wait....)
So ya it's pretty simple: I was sunning my balls and cheating on five different women *holistically though* before taking my L-Carnitine to maximize the effects of my meth (don't worry I don't smoke it!), when I decided, yes, this Friday, with deadlines looming in the evening, I will nuke my morning by typing. and just not stopping. It's like stim sex, but literally no one is cumming. Wait, literally it's like stim sex.
Okay stop. I want you all to save the horniness for pitching to the Rule 34 Clients — the last to adopt AI in favor of authentic art and animation (bahahahhahaha I seriously do think *This whole AI thing, or at least its acceleration, can be put squarely at the feet of Gooners. They're horny and no human can create what will quench their thirst! Such a tragic condition. Like craving art that can speak to your soul. Ugh. Can't wait for Mister Horse to drop the Anime Waifu presets*.)
*(speaking of Misters, watch Mr. Rush Rush Client — who just needed this edit NOW — not even watch the video until Sunday. That rat fuck: maybe I don't have a social life huh? Maybe I don't want another shitty "underground" (as if such a thing exists anymore) rave on a Friday and a Hinge date on a Saturday?
Maybe genuine connection is dead and all some of us can love is the labor we put into our products. Or the efforts we put into our shitposts. Certainly the products themselves are far beyond loving.
Mr. Rush Rush: your 9-5 is shit and you are shit for thinking you are not a piece of shit because you force everyone to meet your fake timelines. We no longer cultivate produce, nor ideas, we just materialize urgency so the boss can larp as the boss and we can pretend society needs us to keep rhythm. It is the Master who needs the Master's Injunction. I like want to change the world man not reproduce it. I am barren.
Just let me work on Saturday. Asshole. It would have saved all of us from this post which was, of course, provoked by pure, unmediated anxiety — and absolute boredom.
*Fuck paper textures! Fuck any lower thirds that use paper textures. Shit is garbage. The elementary school audience went off to war — it's the latest Roblox minigame. So we're not even impressing anyone any more)*
Instantly — upon the epiphany that I don't owe people shit, even if they throw money at me, my brain ditched all ideals of productivity and decided it was time to write a fucking treatise on my experiences trying to optimize AE. Please do not mock me. I am an idiot. It's not worth countering snark with snark —because I can't even read. I am literally dictating this post to my iPhone and then having chatgpt re-write it. Also, I really hope some GPT or AI research tool digs up this thread. I'm sure they will wire only the relevant information to Mr. Prompter! He deserves the best. In fact he's the only one who deserves anything.
*If I was a GPT prompt I would be posing as a weird hermit who thinks he is the postmodern reincarnation of Plato. WELCOME to the republic ... of stupid — ruled under the auspices of the Kingdoms of Adobia, Resolve-ru, and Avidia (btw can we do what we did to Twitter to Avid? I just don't think it's a cool name. I'm not Avid anytime I have to use Avid. It doesn't have neurolink compatability and I can't do a million things very shitily. It just does like one thing very well. Who would ever ask for that?!?!?1*
For some reason I decided to pump up the snark to the max on this post — I hope that's okay. Maybe I want to write novels, not make videos. In any case, I promise you I'm not AI writing this. Unless ....
But at the end of the day I'm just trying to entertain myself instead of getting real work done — which I can't imagine is something a community of useless creatives would have trouble understanding. You couldn't do math good, and that's because you're lazy!!!
(Dan Ebberts if you're here I am sorry Father: but you are not a useless sack of shit motion designer, you're not making lower thirds for the Nelk Bros? You are the fucking Grand Wizard Abstract Quantum Mathematician my guy, the highest expression of the Enlightenment rationale, not a useless 2.5d animator — though I do secretly harbor a belief that all numbers are racist and you, as the Prophet of Numbers where they don't belong (computers) have a lot of reckoning to do. Guilt erotics won't get you out of this one — we don't want sorry we want solidarity!
**I'm half shitposting and half offering my own insight in exchange for yours.** I hope you don't read malice in my words. In any case I don't think myself a victim and I will be fine. Our world is about to turn nonsensical. The division of labor will collapse. Those who are both just intelligent enough to do dumb shit and lacking in morals will take everyone else's jobs. Technocracy of the morons! Somebody invite France too.
What's your intricate knowledge of a cavernous software versus my ability to write out prompts at 130 WPM? Basically, where you used to be able to get ahead with creative ingenuity you can now get ahead by typing fast. Good riddance lol. But if only we could get this piece of shit software to do everything I want it to do with not even a smidge of an attempt to optimize, pre-render, under smart principles?
But I'm hoping maybe we can have some conversations about the best practices to get this piece of shit software to work consistently. AE is so cool 90% of the time but it's like a girlfriend that's loyal to you 90% of the time. Now I'm not suggesting Adobe is cuckolding the VFX wannabes among us.^1 But I do want to say that there's a problem when your most random software that kind of just somehow works if you need how to cast a few voodoo spells and play around with different effects is literally un-professionizable. You can do amazing things in After Effects on just 16 GB of RAM (even 8 if you're willing to walk away from your computer for a fortnight for a few renders), which was so cool when I was getting started on the shitcans they hand out in college (I sound spoiled but you didn't spend the first year of your professional career on an outdated Mac Air desperately refreshing Google News for a stimulus check as literally everyone is jobless whilst you never even got a job to be jobless from. Like come on guys, if you got started in the 90s at least you have analog nostalgia and to anyone born after 95 you look like a wizard talking about chemicals and film crystals and shit. A Covid alumnus like me who graduated in 2019 doesn't get shit, and 2020 graduates didn't even get to bask in the delusion that they were ever the center of the world. I just pray UBI is installed before the robots take our land and our animals, because truly the new generation of digital creatives is going to feature some of the dumbest people to ever rank through society. Which is true in any era, but what's unique about ours is that young people are no longer angry, just cynical like they were in the 70s. Another round of hypernormalization.
**My Problem(s)
I need the experts here to just assume that I don't want to do things the right way. Every single person who has ever posted a query to Reddit, complex or one Google Search away, every single on of us cursed posters imagines that someone will waltz into their thread and provide an unheard of fix. Jesus take the wheel! I will provide more information on my specific issues, maybe even some idiosyncratic fixes I have found (Thank you Klutz GPT! But fuck you also.) but only if you show you're not going to snarkpost. Until then I will leave you to wade through the coagulated shit stew that is this post.
This is basically the situation with the people becoming editors and motion designers. Thanks Youtube. Thanks Twitch. You ruined Cinema more than capeshit did. Special shout out to the editors in the Philippines running their Macs through literal fruits Just as Mr. Jobs intended. (Don't worry, I'm from a country that is actually dogshit, the Philipines is beautiful and extraordinarily culturally rich)
The Jungle people here to take our jobs! Why aren't we worried about them like we are AI? They can do literally any job. And they can do it poorly. Literally exactly like AI, but no one getting their underwear in a twist when they're browsing the World section on Upwrok.
Don't get me started on what the Ruskiys are doing. You've seen Russian social media, but do you understand what Russian creatives are doing? Absolutely nothing, because Russian creatives don't exist. At best they can reform and reclaim their Orthodoxy in Siberia before coming back to St. Petersburg and writing some of the greatest novels known to man (which some of the absolute most dogshit interpretations and translations ever produced of any Western texts that are even close to the Canon)
Anyway, people like me are going to be around more and more. It's me you're going to be responding "CC Marvel Effect huahua" while the Gen Alpha nicotine tweaker blows clouds into your PC's air vents. Cloud bitch! You're fucked, because the anxiety from vaping makes him lazy as fuck. We are going to starve all because these fuckers got into too much of a dopamine deficit huffing shit with 5x the nicotine of cigs. If you think we're gonna take your jobs now, just wait until I grow my third arm. I will take your job. And when I grow my third cock, I will take your wife.
**I am a "creative director", that's how I market myself at least. I work in a lot of industries, make a shit ton of ads, but I think of myself primarily as a (documentary) filmmaker and editor (at this point it may be a formality and nostalgia because people just want reels and I like money).
I began packaging documentary projects with commercial packages, so the idea has been to first tell someone I'll make a doc for them, but along the way I can use the extra edits and unused interviews or just any of the millions of unused bits of a documentary/reality project and recycle it into ads.** You wouldn't believe how well this works on someone with a little bit of ego and a little bit of money. Netflix really convinced the chuds that their life is like a documentary lol. It's okay, not everyone can monetize their passion, or have it ripped out of their hands to transform itself from quasi art (or something challenging art) to a glorified mouthpiece for mediocre wannabes and has-beens. Bring back the Birth of the Nation or that movie about the Nazi architecture, Will, Will, what was it called? Anyway, I really thought I was going to make shit about dictators or like some genuinely awful people. Instead I got all of the delusion and none of the murder, just a bunch of whining about Instagram follower counts and the "blacklist" (I really wish they'd post a sign up, because I don't want to be seen. For real.)**
** I won't claim expertise as a motion designer. And for the sake of all that is holy you can and should call me a highfalutin dilettante with talent to produce nothing except derivative drivel (I mean, I I told you I worked in documentary right?). **
**But please, please, just assume that I may just not *want* to do things the right way.** ^@
**I know I should label and rename my files. But we're way beyond that, I have become one with Solid 1, to Solid 1 + N. I am going to get last in my comps and no I'm not going to Shy anything because I am an ALPHA! (Seriously though if you are a talentless unorganized adhd piece of shit editor and wannabe filmmaker like me, there's a plugin called Declutter which will automatically sort your project: it offers decent customization that could be helpful if you are just torpedoing a bunch of Linked Comps into AE like we're in the Pacific Theater. But with this magic hack, all those dismembered and charred bits of corpse gets insta sorted into the proper bin! And now your project panel doesn't look like shit and you can screen record while you troubleshoot some issues with an Adobe representative without feeling embarrassed. (maybe if he see it, we can get some sorting function that automatically puts comps in a specific folder (or files of any type into a pre-ordained folder, either in Pr or Ae would be cool. It's not like there are a million plugins that do the exact same shit. I'd rather anime ai waifu available at the click of a button though. What will the Gooners' do if we ever dare stop production?!?1
**Every problem I have had could be improved or entirely eliminated with a proper workflow solution. I am like really painfully aware of that. **
**I have shat blood figuring out how to make Pr Pro work consistently. That's my main app yo. I've genuinly poured hours into unlearning and relearning how to do things. I hope I can like put together an advanced guide some day. But like what's the point if the client who thinks he wants an editor actually wants to see his name and his logo animated in 10 different ways? And you know, I used to be content to produce that auto shit. But the more I animate, the more keyframes I ease (if you tell me you can ease in Pr I am going to smack the shit out of you unless it's to reccomend this
Frankly, AE is such a shitshow. It's old as fuck in a way that none of the other major apps are. Like Photoshop feels stuck in the 90s in the same way but at least its code isn't fucked beyond belief and it's relatively easy to diagnose problems (maybe you need to put more thought into performance for something that generates 24 images a second, but who knows? Not Adobe. Btw, wtf is up with caches in PS? Why are they so fucking greedy for all my data. Fuck you I want space and to have you open in the background. Seriously PS is old and I feel like no one points it out because you can just use Illustrator but fuck that I can't draw mfer)**
**I am going to be spending the next three weeks making animations for about 50 reels, to pair with some other branding deliverables for Youtube and the client's website. It's a huge project and one that I scored by advertising a diverse skill set (I apologize to the specialists but we're all going to have to adjust to foreigners in our lands — if you're American this should sound like a founding ideal more than a problem).
Or so I get the job done: don't get me wrong I cringe when people come in here and ask about making AE faster and it's clear they know nothing and didn't even bother to Google. I have Googled and spent a lot of frustrating hours trying to make shit work that just didn't work.**
Ultimately, if I don't slap on effects until I have the bulk of my animation rendered, and avoid working in 3d for no reason and tread carefully when I do, then I should be good.
But I love the 3D camera. As a filmmaker it's probably my favorite tool in AE because there's actually somewhat transferable skills or a demand for vision (and when Pr's shitty AI takes off and filmmaking becomes glorified prompt writing everyone is going to stop asking for real cameras anyway so might as well accept my fate right now and bin my C70 next to all of the piece of shit analog cameras no one uses anymore and just buy as many 3d camera plugins and softwares as I can, right? Right?! Hello Cinema 4D 8) ). Parallax is fucking awesome bro. I want to receive joy when I work, so ya I'll throw on deep glow and SS3. Am I a terrible person? Probably. I just want you to know, before you offer me solutions, that I want to have my cake and eat it too and frankly I am going to give you snark if you solve one problem but create another.
(for some reason) continued in the comments. Tbh the comment is more useful than this post. I'm just having a bad day guys and retreating into words to escape my problems.
submitted by BLOATED_Meat_Stick to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:52 Sea_Nefariousness966 Delivery help please! Drivers aren't reading signs (eye level) or going by delivery instructions. Would like input on my possible solution <3

Hello fellow humans!
I have an ongoing saga that hasn't gone anywhere with multiple requests for a call to speak with the delivery coordinator at the local FedEx delivery hub.
I have in my delivery notes to please leave my packages in a bin on my (no stairs) front porch. My porch door is less than 5 feet from the front door and it's straight ahead so no turning required (it's not a deep porch). I have a cart for packages that I can roll inside next to the front door with a large sign that says 'packages here please, physically disabled'. Every other delivery driver uses the bin and reads the delivery notes for their company system.
FedEx consistently leaves the packages on the rug directly inside my porch door and blocks me in at times. It's difficult to move some of them as I don't always have help to finagle them until friends/neighbors get home from work. Plus, they are always the first to deliver (early morning) so they affect whether other drivers can make it to my bins sometimes.
My solution is to get a rug with a disability symbol and text that reads something along the lines of 'packages in bin please' and 'thank you' with an arrow pointing to the bin.
I'm not sure where to get one that is affordable, any suggestions are appreciated.
Also would appreciate tips, tricks, suggestions and constructive feedback in case there is a better way.
I've called so many times emphasizing that I want to do whatever is needed on my end to make it easier for them to deliver and also so that I can get my packages in an accessible location. I've had zero call backs and whenever I call CS they can't escalate any further than the local hub manager who isn't returning the calls.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far 💜
submitted by Sea_Nefariousness966 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 cowboyandall The Most Important Biohack

I want to share something that I’ve founded insanely helpful.
I’ve been in this arena for a while. Health challenges early on forced me into it, and it took me a long time to heal. The list of diagnoses and symptoms I had is way too long to list here, but some included: chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, chronic Lyme, severe anxiety and depression, major insomnia, pharmaceutical injury from SSRIs and other meds, dissociation, depersonalization, food intolerances and digestive issues, mast cell issues, seizures, and more. The whole journey was over 15 years, but I spent a few of those years confined to bed, and at the lowest point, I was down to about 110 pounds (I’m 5’8”, male).
I have found a number of important biohacks that have really helped me, including mineral balancing, red light sauna therapy, coffee enemas, grounding, proper light environment/circadian-based sun exposure, ozone insufflation, specific diet, and so on.
But the most important biohack has been neural retraining.
In a nutshell: it’s the process of using neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change itself according to stimuli) to direct your brain and nervous system in a way that supports health, wellbeing, and success.
It blends neuroscience, positive and performance psychology, visualization and manifestation, movement, meditation, vagal toning, and more to utilize the whole brain to change in ways that are beneficial for us.
At the root of most health conditions is stress, and neural retraining teaches your brain and nervous system how to react differently to stress. For example, when I was at my worst, I would go into complete nervous system shutdown over something as simple as a phone call that was coming up. I had to teach my brain how to experience safety again in spite of all the overwhelming signals to the contrary—some of them very real physical issues.
There’s more to it than this, but that’s the oversimplified gist of it.
I’ve seen people use this body of work to overcome severe health challenges (physical and emotional), break addictions, change relationships for the better, and a lot more.
The great thing is, when you get your brain and nervous system on board with what you’re doing, everything else you do in the biohacking arena will work better. But if your brain is not working with you, everything you do will be less effective, or in my case, completely ineffective until that issue is fixed.
In essence, it can be a solution in itself AND it can also supercharge whatever biohacking routine you have going on.
Anyway, that’s what I wanted to say. Happy biohacking to you all!
submitted by cowboyandall to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:34 HexKm Troubleshooters, (2/2) (Legacy Universe)

After a couple of hours of non-stop work, R’aart still puzzled as it cut out yet another section of bulkhead from around the galley. It was supposed to be a technician, repairing and maintaining, not a deconstruction element. It looked over at its fellow Dravitian, Lindr, who was loading cut sections of structural members onto a servoloader, and raised its voice over the sounds of the cutter, “Why are even doing this? Those Terrans have already used all our spare bar stock. This just feels wrong.”
Lindr turns its triangular head to face where R’aart was silhouetted against the sparks and glowing metal from the cutter’s action on the bulkhead. “They need more reinforcing for the cargo bay project. I do not understand how they plan to terraform the vacuum, though.” It paused, “Do you think that those geriatric Terrans have suffered neural damage from the extended time in cold-sleep?”
R’aart finished the last line of the cut and a section of plating with edges glowing orange clanged ti the deck. As it sent the cutter into its cool-down safety setting, it offered, “I suspect that could be the case. The noises that pass for their entertainment…” It shuddered slightly. “However, Engineer Allyson holds them in high esteem. She spoke of them as if they were super-beings.”
Lindr nodded slowly, “Yes. But if they flaunt safety limits at a degree proportionally higher than Engineer Allyson does, relative to how she speaks of them, I fear for our safety.”
R’aart turned on its lower four extremities, fully facing its fellow technician. “As opposed to the Jaxorians that are bound to catch us?”
“The two Jaxorian vessels are will be within weapons range within the hour.” The Dravitian Captain’s words came over the music that still came from the Terran’s console on the bridge.
William sighed. “Crap. Okay, sooner than I wanted, but we can work with that.” He thumbed the control on his console and the sounds of The The’s Infecteddied away as he leaned in toward the microphone on the side of the touchscreen. “Hey guys. We have an hour before they blast us. How close to ready are we?”
AJ’s voice came over the console speaker, “Capacitors are all charged, and we’ve reinforced all the wiring to take the extra amps. These reactors are showing some strain, though, so keep that in mind.”
Tony’s voice sounded sort of hollow with the echos, “These engines will flare, probably for three minutes give or take. Because of the way I had to disable these dampers, once the flare starts there’s no way of stopping it, so make sure we’re aimed at empty space, okay?”
Allyson’s voice came next, “Pete says that he’s almost done with welding the braces. Everything’s wired, and there’s a relay switch set back in engineering.” Her voice paused, then asked, “And, once we get this set, what is it going to do?”
William chuckled, “Allyson, thank Pete and have him explain about Puff, okay? AJ, Tony, great job guys. Harden up anything you can, then see if there’s anything you can rig up that might stop invaders if things go south, okay?”
As the crew’s voices chimed in with their agreement, William cued up Yaz’s Situation and went back to his coding.
The Dravitian navigator looked over at the Terran, “Sir? May I be filled in on your plan?”
William’s fingers continued to work on the virtual keys as he started to speak, “Sorry, I’ve just been focused here. I should have said something before. We’re going to pretend to lose power in one of the fusion reactors, and let the crab-guys catch up. Then, when we get close, we’ll attack the ship that’s going to want to board, and then we’ll peel out, doing some damage to the other ship.” He looks up from the keys and over to the insectoid, “I’ll just need you to maneuver us so that the ass-end of this ship is pointed toward the enemy and the nose is headed toward about 10 million miles of clear space.”
The navigator’s upper set of extremities moved in small circles, a Dravitian gesture indicative of anxiety. “But if they board, we will all end up as feeding matter.”
William grinned a lopsided grin and shook his head, “Oh, I guarantee you that if they actually get on-board, they will heartily regret it, and we won’t go out on a platter.”
“Primary Command Crew to stations!” The sound vibrations rippled through the hydodynamic fluid.
The Jaxorian scuttled sideways out of his bunk and reached up with pincers that had small gems crusting the carapace ridges, and opened the interior hatch, feeling the slightly warmer water swirl into the bunkroom. He swam out and into the corridor, and scuttled toward the Command Center.
As he entered the large cave of the command room, he scuttled around the large black carapace of the Commissar as he moved to the weapons station. Keeping his legs in as close as he could to make himself as small as possible, he settled in and looked at the readouts.
The Coalition vessel they were chasing was rapidly coming into range. The power readings had lowered from earlier in the chase. The Jaxiorian offered, “High One, the prize will be in range for the main cannon in approximately [2 minutes]. Shall I begin charging the coils?”
The Commissar swiveled its eyestalks and took in the enhanced image on the gel projector screen. “It is a cargo vessel, yes?” she asked. Her legs churned under her and she turned her carapace to a more comfortable position on the grippy surface of the commander’s mound.
“Yes, Commissar,” answered the bright green Jaxorian at the intelligence console. “It appears laden with goods, including not only colony gear and edible beings shipped as cargo. They will be easy prey.”
The Commissar flexed her ebony bulk, “We will not fire. We could damage the prize. Ready a boarding party. Plot an intercept solution. Communicate with the escort and have them stand ready, but not to fire until I command it.” She paused, “And communicate with the prize. Alert them that they are to stand down and prepare themselves to submit.”
Activity started around the bridge as these orders were put into motion. On the screen of the weapons station, the tiny shape of the CCV K’gara B’rak slid within the orange delimiter of the targeter’s range.
“Heads up! They’ve taken the bait, and should close to boarding distance in about three minutes. Crew, get to your emergency stations, Tony be ready for my signal, and AJ, spin that reactor back up at the same time. Pete, you and Allyson make sure that the terraformers are set, because they’re going off first.” William’s voice came through all the speakers and communicators throughout the ship. “And if anyone’s been waiting on a last minute question, this is the time.”
William removed his finger from the communication control and waited in the silence. There weren’t any questions, though he didn’t expect any from the guys. And the Dravitians were good at following protocol, so they wouldn’t be panicking, at least outwardly. He waited another few seconds, then cued up the next bit of media, a slow build of steady guitar and base leading into a sudden beat that started the steady, almost ominous, beat of Don Felder’s ”Heavy Metal (Takin' a Ride)”.
The Captain looked over from the navigation console, the chitinous plates of its face pale green at the edges, “The vessel closes toward our side with the main docking area. This is in accordance with your plan, yes?”
William nodded slowly, still watching the readouts and monitors that were displayed on his touchscreen. “Yeah, though I still hate these moments before we find out if everything works out. Oh, I know my guys did everything they could, but you never know what the other guy will do.”
The Captain cocked its head, “So we gave up running so that we could let the Jaxorians catch us, inviting capture rather than running until the very end?”
William chuckled, “Oh, they’d be able to run us down, but the only way to win that game is not to play. So what we needed to do is play with home field advantage and our tricks up our sleeves. It’s a classic FAFO situation.”
The Captain held its gaze steady, “I have no translation for ‘FAFO’, sir.”
William grinned, “Let’s just say that it’s one where someone gets the consequences they deserve for the actions they take.”
The Captain paused and looked back to the navigation console. “About two of your minutes, sir.” He poked at the touchscreen. “Did you realize that you have that noise playing on all of the broadcast communications channels as well?”
The Jaxorian communications manager continued to be perplexed. “Commissar, even once I have filtered the background noise and consulted the translator circuits, I do not understand this message. Perhaps it is in code? Perhaps the background noise is significant to interpreting the meaning?”
The Commissar shifted her bulky carapace, “Overlay the translation with the background noise and put it on speaker.”
”My, oh my, how this lady can fly, once she starts rollin’ beneath you. You know you just can’t lose, the way that she moves, you wait for her to finally release you. It’s not a big surprise to feel your temperature rise; you’ve got a touch of redline fever. ‘Cause there is just one cure that they know for sure; you just become a heavy metal believer.”
The Commissar scoffed. “Nonsense words. Continue the docking approach.”
The song had ended by the time the Jaxorian cruiser had matched speed and heading with the larger form of the old Terran combat freighter and was closing the distance between them, [meter] by [meter]. The cruiser extended a docking corridor to cover the [10 meter] distance that the ships would maintain once locked in place.
The smaller Jaxorian escort ship trailed behind slightly, as the Terran craft seemed to have something wrong with it’s engines and was making a sort of lazy curve that the cruiser was on the inside of to get to the Terran ship’s docking hatch.
Automated docking lights illuminated the main boarding hatch on the Terran craft, as if in invitation, and the corridor adjusted. Just as the seals touched, however, a Terran voice came across the open communication channels, yelling “WOLVERINES!”
The side of the combat freighter glowed orange, then yellow, then white, then boiled away into the pinkish-purple of plasma. As the engines continued their work, the metal burned away and joined the cloud, then arcs of lightning and superheated matter ripped and tore at the skin of the cruiser, boiling it away and adding its mass to the cloud.
The Terran’s voice came over the channels again, calling out, “Turbo boost, KITT! Everybody hang on!” Then came a steady drumbeat.
The ion engines at the aft of the Terran craft glowed blue, and grew brighter and brighter.
Across the channels a piano’s glissando running from high to low preceded its melody, adding to the drums which added a short run to the steady beat that they went back to.
As the flare behind it gave a powerful burst, like that of a nova, the hulking cargo ship lurched forward. The front quarter of the escort ship behind it shattered and peeled, as the freighter pushed ahead. As the freighter accelerated, the following blue-white flare from the four engines tore at the cruiser as it passed.
Again across the all the communication bands driving bass and guitar joined a female Terran who sang out, “Lying in your bed on a Saturday night; you're sweatin' buckets and it's not even hot. But your brain has got the message, and it's sending it out, to every nerve and every muscle you've got.”
The force of the flare cut straight to the central core of the cruiser, seeming to ‘unzip’ the ship, folding the two halves back from the longitudinal wound that the terraforming engines had formed. While the metal skin, structure, bulkheads, and decks peeled back, sections fractured and came away in shards, releasing the hydrodynamic liquid flowed out and boiled.
Explosions wracked the surviving portions of both Jaxorian vessels while the cargo freighter continued to accelerate, leaving the destruction farther and farther behind it.
Inside the CCV K’gara B’rak, crewmembers fought against the constant shuddering acceleration to move to where makeshift power cords had overheated and caused fires, or where the sudden thrust from the initial engine flares had caused bulkhead ruptures; where some slight flaw in the materials had given way as the ship had been taken far beyond the tolerances it had been built for.
While the Dravitian crew were frantically working in the corridors, the Terrans in the engineering bay were trying to take care of their pieces, but with grins.
Tony had a cut on his forehead from an unsecured tool from the workbench that had come straight back to the engine gantry where he’d braced himself. The force of the thrust had essentially changed ‘down’ by ninety degrees, putting him at the ‘bottom’ of the huge room. As he clambered from engine to engine, making manual adjustments, he had to keep wiping at it to keep the blood out of his eyes, and he was singing along with the music on the speakers.
”You've got so many dreams, that you don't know where to put 'em, so you'd better turn a few of 'em loose. Your body's got a feeling that it's starting to rust; you'd better rev it up and put it to use.”
AJ had tied himself to a rail by the control panels for the reactors, and was hanging near an open access panel with a heavy pair of gloves, holding something in place. His face was sporadically lit by electrical arcing from within the guts of the output transformers.
”And I don't know how I ever thought that I could make it all alone. When you only make it better, then it better be tonight. I'll be there for you tonight.”
Pete was climbing his way to one of the structural beams holding an engine in place. A crack had started halfway along it and wearing one of the cuttewelder backpack units that he never knew he needed so badly before, he was pulling himself along it to try to tack it back together.
”And if you don't have anywhere to go, you go down on the pedal and you're ready to roll. And your speed. Is all you'll ever need. All you'll ever need to know.”
Tony and Pete paused and belted out with the singer on the speakers, “Darlin’, darlin’! You and me we're goin' nowhere slowly. And we've gotta get away from the past. There's nothin' wrong with goin' nowhere, baby, but we should be goin' nowhere fast! It’s so much better goin’ nowhere fast.”
Allyson marveled as she worked on the main engineering controls, trying to direct the damage control teams that R’aart and Lindr led to the worst problems, and manage routing power through undamaged circuits to where it needed to go. She had to admit that the music fit the juddering speed in a way, but it was almost like these older men had simply come alive during this crisis, almost sustained by the continual playlist. It was probably the just the cold-sleep drugs wearing off, she told herself, but still…
On the bridge, William was using his console to try and help out the Captain, whose console with the Efficiency Interface was nearly useless in this situation. In the military code, there remained the ability to adjust how much power went to which engine within a few percentages of the synchronized setting. William had four different windows with their own sliders and readouts, one for each engine, and as Tony made a mechanical adjustment or some engine gave more or less thrust than the others, he tried to control it. The shuddering of the entire ship didn’t make this an easy job.
The music still came from his console as he worked, the singer’s voice continuing, ”Stalkin' in the shadows by the light of the moon; it's like a prison and the night is a cell. Goin' anywhere has gotta be heaven tonight, 'cause stayin' here has gotta be hell.”
William knew that all it would take was for one engine to get too far out of sync and they could rip the ship apart. The Space Venture crew all knew about that. They’d learned it the hard way. The first set of Troubleshooters bound for Mars, the ones to back up the team of Explorers who had been there for two months, and help them put together the parts for the permanent outpost that had landed a week before the ten Troubleshooters left LEO on the Space Venture.
”Dyin' in the city like a fire on the water. Let's go runnin' on the back of the wind. There's gotta' be some action on the face of the earth, and I've gotta see your face once again.”
The engines had flared that trip, and the smart controls didn’t have the capacity to stabilize them. One of the three engines had ripped off, tearing part of the cargo area open, and sending four of the first-generation cold-sleep capsules adrift. The other six capsules, along with the most of the tools, stayed in the hold while the two remaining engines flared them off into The Dark.
None of Earth’s space agencies of 2026 had ships capable of catching up to them, let alone rescuing them, so they had been written off as heroic figures and relegated to the list that included Soyuz 1, Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia. Besides, those people in their fifties chosen for the one-way trip for being the practical engineers with that creative mindset knew that they were expendable. They were never meant to come back to Earth anyway.
”And I don' know where I ever got the bright idea that I was cool; so alone and independent. But I'm depending on you now.”
That trip that should have taken two weeks had turned into almost two hundred years. They were rescued by an asteroid mining facility, but with the limited medical facilities there, only five of the rescued Troubleshooters woke back up. Robert Federman never came out of cold-sleep, his brain functions at such a low level that only medical support was able to keep the body alive.
Without ready transport, they stayed on that mining facility for more than a standard year, chipping in to pay for their keep, even as it stretched the supplies of the small facility’s crew. While the survivors weren’t up on all the technological changes of the past centuries, they learned fast, and before too long, had made improvements to the facility, making life easier and more comfortable there, solidifying their reputation as Troubleshooters.
After that, there were more long, slow trips on cargo ships, again and again in cold-sleep. William wondered if the others felt that sense of dread getting back into the capsules each time. Mark Haynes sure did. He broke down and huddled into a little rocking ball, and refused to leave that space station a couple of trips back. The little furry medics had helped him away, and some Skynet was going to try and help coax him back to reality. Supposedly there would be updates.
But for the last four of the Troubleshooters, they couldn’t stop. Finally they were going to get their chance. This last voyage was supposed to take them to help set up a new colony; not a human colony, but every colony was going to have problems to solve, and that’s why they had all volunteered so long ago. There would be something solid, with real gravity to live on.
A real alien world. But they needed to survive to get there. The ship just needed to hold together. Allyson had said it was overbuilt, but still…
”And you'll always be the only thing that I just can't be without. And I'm out for you tonight. I'm comin' out for you tonight.”
“Sir! I read our acceleration slowing!” The Captain chittered. The carapace plates of the insectoid were all very pale green, and all of its extremities seemed to be trembling.
William nodded slowly and adjusted one of the sliders before he keyed the mic and leaned down toward the pickup. “Looks like the nitrous is about done, guys. Hang on for just a little longer.”
After confirming that they were no longer being chased, the CCV K’gara B’rak slowed as the engines cut out so that they could be returned to normal operating specs. Communications had been established to a nearby Coalition vessel that was on its way to provide aid. Allyson, R'aart, and Lindr were in their exosuits, working to rebuild the structure where the plasma had eaten through the ship's outer skin.
William and Pete were playing gofer and being a second set of hands for Tony and AJ as they worked to try and get the reactors and engines safe enough to make it to a real repair facility.
The Captain walked into the Engineering Bay and it paused as its head swiveled back and forth at the disarray. “How? How did this area get to such a state?”
William chuckled and looked over from where he passed AJ new relays to replace the stressed ones in a fusion reactor. “Captain? I assume that you’ve heard the rumors about the way we humans deal with engineering problems, yes?”
The Captain walked over, his four lower extremities carefully picking a clear path through the parts, tools, and coils of wire. “Well, yes, but… Those are just stories. No-one would really take those risks…”
William chuckled, “Yeah, well, now you know first hand that they aren’t just stories…”
From inside the access panel of the nearby reactor, AJ’s voice echoed, “Word. We can really make a mess when we get going…”
The Captain nodded slowly, “I can certainly attest to that. But I do want to pass on my thanks, on behalf of my crew. I must say that I have never seen such work, and I never really expected to escape from the Jaxorians.”
William nodded. “Sure. Glad we could help. We’re Troubleshooters, after all.”
submitted by HexKm to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:33 CAugustB How to Seal Damaged Well Casing?

How to Seal Damaged Well Casing?
We're learning a lot of lessons after buying our first home. Lots of fun...
I have odd odors in my dry, clean, finished basement. They're primarily in a room with an adjacent alcove that houses an old, unused 4" well pipe. I imagine it's due to the unsealed, cracked casing on the well. The well is installed through the foundation in a small alcove off the side of the house. It's behind a roughly 2'x3' door with a vent on it at the moment. I plan to have the well sealed. But...
I've been able to locate well inspection reports dating back to 2009. The most recent one being from 2016. It includes notes that the well casing is cracked and rusted. I've included a screengrab from that report to show the state of the casing.
We're on city water, so the well is unused. There is still a pump in it, though it's not attached to a tank or anything else. I've already received a quote to have the well filled with bentonite and sealed. I'm happy with the quote, so this has nothing to do with that.
I'm curious, looking at the state of the casing, if the casing itself will need to be repaired or replaced prior to the well professionals sealing the thing off? Clearly it's not sealed right now, or even particularly sealable. Will this need to be replaced? Or is it possible to remove the damaged pipe, fill the hole with bentonite and cap it with cement or something else? (I know cement is porous, so maybe there's a better solution?)
Any insight you have would be helpful.
Bonus points: Once I get this mess taken care of, is it possible to seal off this odd little alcove for good? I'd love to put up some cement brick and drywall over it, or otherwise close it off entirely.
submitted by CAugustB to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:33 Bot_Central Airpods Case battery percent wont show up in widget and the when the airpods are in the case with the lid closed neither show up in the battery widget.

I have watched a few videos where people can see both the airpods and the case battery percent in the batter widget however my case never shows up there and the airpods will only show up when the case is open. I have already tried to reset them it didnt help, i have also seen a few people on the apple website with the same issue however no solution was given.
submitted by Bot_Central to AirpodsPro [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:29 Exciting-Bus-4157 so many NEET SCAM vdos in a single day...was it a planned move by influencers?? Jo bhi ho badhiya h

so many NEET SCAM vdos in a single day...was it a planned move by influencers?? Jo bhi ho badhiya h submitted by Exciting-Bus-4157 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:29 trevorx3 KK3 Max vs 8bitdo Ultimate vs Vader 3 Pro

I was looking for a more premium controller that I could use on my PC and switch so I watched a lot of reviews and did a bunch of research but was curious about 3 controllers that are pretty popular around here. I decided to test them all out for a week to see how I liked them and keep the one I liked the most.
KingKong 3 Max - I disliked the trigger stop feel (super clunky and hard to tell if you actually pressed it) but I really liked the controller case that it came with. Back buttons felt inconsistent, some were harder to actuate than others. Pretty annoying that the case couldn't be used when the back buttons are installed. Middle-ish dpad. Aesthetically my favorite controller here, the grey looks awesome. Felt best in the hand, super premium feeling controller. The controller texturing (ribbing?) was very nice.
8bitdo Ultimate - loved the dock it came with but felt the cheapest, especially the triggers and shoulder buttons. It also doesn't have a smoothing ring around the joysticks so it felt like some grinding was happening when moving the joysticks around the outter edges. Worst dpad. Not being able to swap between analog triggers and trigger stop was a bit of a bummer but understandable at the price point.
Vader 3 Pro - took me a bit to get used to the mechanical face buttons but I like it now. Best trigger stops. Looks the worst but feels 2nd best in the hand (after KK3). This dpad felt the best. Aesthetically, I liked this one the least by far. Looks cheapish at first glance but not as bad as the pictures online depict it.
tl;dr: for now, the Vader 3 Pro is my pick. My ideal controller would be a King Kong revision with better trigger stops, consistent back button switches, a case that allows for the back buttons to stay on, and pins for a docking solution. Gullikit has said a few times that the dock wasn't in the cards for them due to costs which is unfortunate.
None of these felt like a huge upgrade over the Switch Pro Controller, but I really dislike using bluetooth controllers on PC. Thought maybe this could be helpful for some people deciding between these controllers. Feel free to let me know any questions.
submitted by trevorx3 to Controller [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:25 Middler-Geek ISO_Level3_Shift and Alt_R

I am using debian 12 "mx linux to be specific" Having used both gnome and kde there was the same problem which is that the right alt key was mapped to that strange ISO lvl3 key on non us keyboard "arabic in my case" so both DEs had a section in there settings where I could resolve this problem, but now I started using sway wm, so I have to do all stuff mnaually, I cannot find any working manual solution , all of them are talking about xmodmap and changing keycodes which seems to be no achievable when i tried, I tried to execute a command to make the alt key code seem to be the same as when U was using gnome which was xmodmap -e "keycode 108 = Alt_R Meta_R Alt_R Meta_R" But it always ignore my fourth entry and always be like Alt_R Meta_R Alt_R So how can I fix this annoying problem?
submitted by Middler-Geek to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 stuckwithreddit I turn my PC on in a really weird way

Before I start, this is not that kind of 'weird' way.
Things to keep in mind:
My socket voltage is 220V AC. I have a UPS and a Thermaltake RGB LitePower Series 650W Power Supply.
In case it is necessary:
ASUS b85m-g Mobo Intel i7-4790 Kingston 256 GB SATA SSD 2 Seagate HDD 512 GB
Anyway, to power up my PC, I have to wait a few seconds for the UPS to buzz before the power supply turns ON and for my system to follow suit. However, if I miss that 'buzz,' my power supply refuses to turn ON. My fix for that is to unplug the powered UPS so that it runs on backup power. My PC just immediately powers up. It works for some reason, but I don't really understand why.
There is another trick to turn it on, but I find this to be more time-consuming. I have to turn off the UPS, unplug it from the wall socket, and turn it on and off repeatedly to 'drain' the power. Sometimes, I also have to repeatedly press the power switch of my PC case to also 'drain' the electricity off the computer. I have no idea how and why this works, but I found this solution before I had my UPS.
Before I had a UPS, my power supply was connected to a Computer Voltage Regulator. It didn't solve the problem. I even thought that the UPS would fix it, but no it did not. It only gave me an easier fix.
Another thing of note, my power supply won't turn on when directly plugged to the socket. It also does not turn on UNLESS I press the power switch on my PC case. In short, it can't run as a standalone unit. I don't think that's normal, is it?
Also, when my PC turns into Windows sleep mode, it fails to turn back on and will just die on me. No matter how I press the power supply back ON or the power switch on the case, it won't turn on unless I do that unplugging trick. Interestingly enough, it does power back up if I unplug my UPS.
I'm really leaning heavily on the PSU as the culprit.
I'm sorry if this was not the most appropriate sub to ask questions about PC stuff, but I just wanna understand why my fix works and I got some good responses from my previous post. Thanks!
submitted by stuckwithreddit to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
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💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to HomeworkExcellence [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:05 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:03 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:02 cacaodoodle Help with UHC claim to cover oocyte shipping

I am pursuing a frozen embryo transfer and had my oocytes in CA shipped to my fertility clinic in CO. My case manager with Fertility Solutions told me sometimes the shipping costs are covered by UHC. Shipping related fees are not billable according to both clinics (and of course the actual shipping company doesn't deal with insurance). My case manager gave me CPT code 99001 and said to try anyway. My fertility clinic would not submit a prior authorization, so I did it myself. The PA was approved by UHC. It includes three "providers": the sending clinic, the shipping company and the receiving clinic. The oocytes were shipped and received and I collected my three receipts. Now, I see that the receipt from my clinic here in CO lists their lab on the receipt and not the clinic... with a different name and NPI. Am I able to change that info on the PA at this point? Also, the company that shipped the oocytes gave me a receipt with zero information as to what the charge is for and will not include the CPT code on the receipt. The shipping company is not a health care provider, so their receipt does not include a CPT code. Hoping to get some feedback from the insurance/medical coding experts as to how to get any reimbursement at all. Thanks so much for any insight you all may have! 🙏🏼
submitted by cacaodoodle to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:02 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
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2024.06.07 21:00 rmartin_tt What is Presales?

What is Presales?
What is presales? Presales is about ensuring that the proposed solution aligns precisely with customer requirements, thereby laying a solid foundation for a successful sales outcome.

The One Big Job in Presales

If there’s only one thing you take away from this article, it’s the recognition that the one big job of presales is to effectively understand the needs and requirements of potential customers (prospects) and to establish a clear and compelling connection between those needs and the solutions or products offered by the company.
And that’s it, well kinda.
Presales is also a series of activities undertaken before a customer makes a purchase. It's a strategic process that lays the groundwork for a successful sale by:
  • Engaging deeply with the customer to fully grasp their requirements.
  • Demonstrating how a product or service can effectively meet these needs.
  • Providing detailed knowledge about the product's features and capabilities.
  • Tailoring solutions to fit the unique scenarios of each customer.
  • Articulating a clear value proposition, including the benefits and return on investment.
What is Presales

What Do the Major Sales Methodologies Have to Say About Presales?

All of the major sales methodologies outline important goals and objectives in the presales process:
  • MEDDIC: This methodology (although MEDDIC does not define itself as a sales methodology, but as a deal qualification approach) emphasizes the importance of identifying Metrics, Economic buyers, Decision criteria, Decision process, Identifying pain, and Champion. In presales, this translates to a deep understanding of the customer's business, the key metrics they use to measure success, and the specific pain points they face. This approach ensures that the solution presented is highly tailored and relevant to the customer's unique context.
  • Strategic Selling (Miller Heiman): This approach focuses on understanding the various stakeholders involved in the purchasing decision. During presales, it's crucial to identify the different buying influences, such as economic buyers, technical buyers, and end-users, and tailor the pitch to address each group's specific concerns and needs. This methodology underscores the importance of aligning the solution with the strategic objectives of the customer's organization.
  • SPIN Selling: This method focuses on four types of questions – Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff. In presales, the aim is to ask insightful questions to uncover the customer's current situation and problems, understand the implications of these problems, and finally, make the customer see the value or 'payoff' of the solution.
  • Challenger Sale: The Challenger Sale methodology is based on delivering insights that challenge a customer's thinking. In presales, this means not just responding to customer needs, but actively shaping them by offering new perspectives and solutions that redefine their understanding of their own problems and needs. This approach requires a deep industry and product expertise to be effective.
  • Solution Selling: Emphasizing problem identification and resolution, Solution Selling in the presales phase involves actively guiding potential customers through an awareness of their needs to a commitment to solve these needs with your product. It's about creating a need where one was not clearly identified before and then fulfilling it.
One thing that remains consistent across all the methodologies is advice to work hand-in-hand with the buying team of your prospect to author documents that clearly define their needs and how the solution addresses their issues. This collaborative approach helps ensure that both the sales team and the prospect understand and agree on what's needed and how the solution can meet those needs. It's a straightforward, effective way to make sure everyone is on the same page, making it a key part of a successful sales strategy.

What are the Top Ten Presales Documents?

It's important to note that while aforementioned sales methodologies may refer to these documents (also known as sales documents) by various names, the underlying objectives they serve are remarkably consistent across them all.
These documents are designed to align the vendor's solutions with the customer's needs, ensuring a mutual understanding and agreement on the requirements, goals, objectives, and how the proposed solution fits these criteria. This common ground, established through documentation, is a fundamental element in bridging the gap between customer expectations and the vendor's offerings, integral to a successful sales process.

The top ten presales documents include:

1. Responses to Requests for Information, Requests for Proposals (RFx):
Early in the sales process, presales teams often collaborate with prospects through RFx documents such as the Request for Information or the Request for Proposal. These documents, frequently authored by the prospect, contain many of the prospect's unique requirements. Presales teams respond to these requests to ensure that prospects have a clear understanding of the company's solutions and how they address their specific needs, ultimately leading to a commitment from the prospect to move forward. As a side point, maintaining a repository of RFx responses can be a terrific way to capture prospect knowledge, spot industry/sector trends, and improve your organization’s abiltiy to respond to RFxs.
2. Customer Requirements Document (CRD):
At the outset of the presales process, the Customer Requirements Document is essential. This document is a comprehensive record of the customer's specific requirements, preferences, and specifications for the solution. It is developed through detailed discussions and analysis, ensuring that every aspect of the customer's needs is captured. The CRD serves as the foundation for all subsequent planning and solution development, as it defines what the customer expects from the solution, both in terms of functionality and business outcomes.
3. Business Case Document:
Following the CRD, a Business Case Document is often prepared to present the rationale for the proposed solution. This document delves into the analysis of the customer's business needs and how the proposed solution addresses these needs. It may include a cost-benefit analysis, potential return on investment, and a detailed examination of how the solution aligns with the customer’s strategic objectives. This document is pivotal in justifying the investment in the solution and in helping key stakeholders understand its value.
4. Mutual Success Plans (MSPs):
Mutual Success Plans are collaboratively developed with the prospect to outline a roadmap to achieving shared goals. These plans detail how the proposed solution will meet the customer's needs, outlining key milestones, timelines, and the expected benefits. MSPs also articulate the return on investment and the value proposition of the solution, ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of the outcomes and benefits. This document is instrumental in building trust and alignment between the customer and the provider.
5. Statement of Work (SOW):
The Statement of Work is a critical document that formalizes the agreement between the customer and the provider. It outlines the scope of work, deliverables, timelines, and the specific tasks to be undertaken. The SOW serves as a contract, detailing what will be delivered, how it will be done, and when it will be completed. It sets clear expectations and serves as a guideline for the execution of the project, ensuring that both parties are aligned on the project's objectives and deliverables.
6. Implementation Plan:
As the project moves into the implementation phase, an Implementation Plan is developed. This comprehensive document outlines the steps involved in setting up and deploying the solution. It includes detailed timelines, resource allocation plans, training schedules for the customer's team, and protocols for testing and quality assurance. The Implementation Plan is essential for ensuring a smooth transition to the new system or service, providing a step-by-step guide to the actual implementation process.
7. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan:
Parallel to the Implementation Plan, a Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan is often prepared. This document identifies potential risks associated with the project and outlines strategies to mitigate these risks. It includes contingency plans and proactive measures to address any issues that might arise during implementation. The aim is to foresee potential challenges and prepare solutions in advance, minimizing disruptions and ensuring the project stays on track.
8. Proof of Concept (POC) or Pilot Project Plan:
In some cases, particularly for complex or high-value solutions, a Proof of Concept or Pilot Project Plan is executed before full-scale implementation. This plan outlines the scope, objectives, and expected outcomes of a smaller, controlled implementation of the solution. It allows the customer to see and evaluate the solution in action, providing an opportunity to make adjustments before a full rollout. This step is crucial for building confidence in the solution and ensuring it meets all expectations.
9. Go-Live Plans:
Just before the solution is fully implemented, a Go-Live Plan is prepared. This document outlines the final steps required to make the solution operational. It includes detailed schedules for the launch, any final training required for users, and support structures put in place for post-go-live assistance. The Go-Live Plan is the culmination of the presales and implementation process, marking the transition to the new solution.
10. Service Level Agreement (SLA):
Finally, a Service Level Agreement is often established as part of the ongoing relationship post-implementation. The SLA defines the level of service expected from the provider, including response times, quality standards, and maintenance commitments. It sets the parameters for service delivery and provides metrics for evaluating the service's performance. This document is essential for maintaining a clear understanding of the ongoing responsibilities and expectations in the post-sales phase.
Each document plays a vital role in the presales and implementation process, helping to ensure clarity, alignment, and successful execution of the project. They provide a structured framework for understanding customer needs, delivering the solution, and maintaining a high level of service post-implementation.

How best to collaborate with prospects on critical presales documents?

When collaborating with prospects on presales documents, it's essential to recognize that typical internal communication tools, while effective for team interactions, may not be suitable for external engagements. This mismatch often drives sales teams to default to email for document collaboration with clients. However, email, with its limitations in tracking conversations and document versions, can lead to disorganization and inefficiency.
Improve your pre-sales efficiency using TakeTurns
Thankfully, there are specialized external collaboration tools. Beyond the conventional reliance on email, platforms like TakeTurns offer a more structured, secure, and transparent solution. TakeTurns is designed for client engagement, providing a turn-by-turn structure, which helps facilitate orderly feedback, and systematic progression. In addition, keeping all the content in one place helps everyone stay on the same page. Tools like TakeTurns cut down on the “pain in the ass” factor, making it easier for prospects to work with you, reducing friction and improving engagement.

Who Typically Participates in Presales from the Prospect or Customer’s Side?

According to Gartner, the size of buying teams can vary significantly. (For more on enterprise buying, look at research by Hank Barnes and Michele Buckley). On average, buying teams include about six to seven members, but this number can increase considerably for larger deals. For instance, in IT services deals exceeding $5 million, the buying team averages around 15 stakeholders. This variability in team size adds complexity to the purchasing process. Moreover, the level of active participation within these teams can fluctuate based on the size of the purchase or the stage of the purchase process. Also, it’s worth it to be wary of the “occasional decision makers” who may not be actively involved throughout the entire process but can have considerable influence on the final decision.
  1. Decision Makers: These are the individuals who have the authority to make the final purchasing decision. They are often senior executives or leaders within the organization who evaluate the solution's strategic fit and impact on the company's goals.
  2. Influencers: These individuals are not social media influencers, however like influencers on tiktok or instagram, they can often have significant influence/sway over the purchase decision. They could be senior staff or specialists who understand the strategic and operational implications of the solution.
  3. End Users: The actual users of the product or service. Their input is crucial as they can provide practical insights into how the solution will be used day-to-day and what features are most important to them.
  4. Technical Evaluators: In the case of technical or IT-related solutions, technical evaluators such as IT managers or technical leads play a critical role. They assess the technical compatibility and integration of the solution with existing systems.
  5. Financial Evaluators: Often, members from the finance department are involved in assessing the financial impact of the solution, including cost-benefit analysis, budgeting, and return on investment.
  6. Legal and Compliance Officers: Especially in regulated industries or for solutions that require adherence to specific regulations, legal and compliance officers are involved to ensure that the solution meets all legal and regulatory requirements.
  7. Procurement Specialists: These individuals manage the purchasing process, negotiate contracts, and ensure that all procurement policies are adhered to.
  8. External Consultants or Advisors: In some cases, the prospect may engage external consultants or industry experts to provide an unbiased evaluation of the solution and its fit within the broader market or industry context.
Each of these participants plays a distinct role in the presales process from the prospect's side, contributing their expertise and perspective to ensure that the solution being considered meets the organization's needs, is cost-effective, and aligns with their strategic, operational, and technical requirements.

Who Typically Participates in Presales from the Vendor’s Side?

In the presales process, several key roles from the vendor side typically participate, each contributing unique skills and expertise:
  1. Presales Consultants/Specialists/Sales Engineers:They are the primary players in the presales process. Presales consultants possess deep product knowledge and understand how to align product features with customer needs. They often lead demonstrations, answer technical questions, and help tailor solutions to customer requirements.
  2. Sales Representatives/Account Managers: While primarily responsible for the sales aspect, sales representatives often participate in presales activities. They build and maintain client relationships, understand customer needs, and coordinate with the presales team to present solutions effectively.
  3. Technical Experts: For technology or product-focused businesses, technical experts or engineers play a crucial role in presales. They provide in-depth technical expertise, address complex technical queries, and assist in demonstrating the technical aspects of a product or service.
  4. Product Managers: Product managers may get involved in the presales phase, especially for complex or highly specialized products. They have a comprehensive understanding of the product and its development and can provide insights into future enhancements and roadmap.
  5. Product Marketers: Product marketers contribute by providing essential market insights, competitor analysis, and materials like brochures, case studies, and presentations that support the presales process.
  6. Solution Architects: In some cases, especially in IT and service-oriented businesses, solution architects are involved to design and articulate how a solution can be implemented in the customer's environment.
  7. Project Managers: They may be involved in outlining the scope, timeline, and resources required for implementing the solution, contributing to the creation of a project plan or a statement of work.
  8. Customer Success Managers: They sometimes participate in presales to provide insights into post-sale service, support, and long-term success strategies for the customer.
  9. Legal and Compliance Experts: For deals that require legal scrutiny or have to meet specific compliance standards, these experts are involved to ensure that proposals meet legal and regulatory requirements.
Each of these roles collaborates to ensure a comprehensive, customer-focused approach in the presales process, aiming to effectively demonstrate the value and applicability of the solution to the prospective customer.
What is Presales? was previously published on our website TakeTurns
submitted by rmartin_tt to TakeTurns [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:58 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
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Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 simranjitluna1 I got rejected because I had more experience.

 I got rejected because I had more experience.
This is going to be a long post, so if you can't commit to reading the whole post, you can stop right here.
Hi fellow sufferers of Hell.
The story starts with me receiving an email from a recruiter out of the blue, for a job I applied about 1.5-2 months ago, that they would like to pursue me as a candidate & they rejected my application by accident. Okay cool. To give you context, it was a global user acquisition role for a mobile app, and I have been into performance marketing for about 6 years. (3 years in startups, 3 years in my own agency)
The first interview with HR, was great, I talked about my experience, he talked about the role, and by the end we both were convinced that my experience matched with the role and they were looking for a person exactly like me. Towards the end, he wanted to know my salary range, which I said, according to experience and expertise, would be 100-120k CADs/year. We end the interview and I wait for the next steps.
He emails me that the salary range is to high for them at the moment, and they can only offer me 80k. Now I know the current situation of the market, also, I have been doing some freelance/part-time work and wanted to have a full-time job, so getting out of the rut was the priority, and I was willing to go with 80k.
I said yes, lets continue the interview process.
Now here things get interesting, The next interview is a technical one, with the head of marketing. The interview was scheduled and it went great. She was very responsive and respected my background and we talked about current challenges they faced in marketing, and how my experience could help them. Overall, it was a very productive conversation. I move to the next step. This step didn't go purely technical, as we discussed different marketing strategies when it comes to app marketing. It was more of head of marketing getting to know me and my experience.
So by this time, I was pretty confident about my interview process, and that gave me confidence. The last and final interview was a case study, where I have to solve some generic scenarios like how to increase CTR in Meta, quality installs on TikTok, make a media plan for channels. It's pretty much in my scope of experience, nothing crazy. I made a stellar 16 slides on the case study, covering a lot more than asked. I wanted to prove that I have extensive experience, and that they would benefit from hiring me.
Cutting to the final round of interview. Now with head of marketing, another person, that has the same role I applied for, but in senior capacity (senior user acquisition specialist) joins as well.
Now as you all know presentations have a set narrative, and if you skip certain slides, it messes up the flow. So I was explaining different solutions to the problems, giving examples from my experience, but in midway, head of marketing asks me a question which I covered in next section ( there were 3 sections, I was on 2nd, she asked something from 3rd section). I politely say I would come to that part later, let me finish what I am on right now. She impulsively again asks something from the section that was later in the presentation, at this point, I stop, and start explaining, giving various examples, and some strategies they never heard of, but indeed very successful strategies, (for eg. day parting campaigns, spending more budget in peak hours, dynamic pricing according to the volume of orders we get and many more.) In the process, I skipped some sections of the slides, as the conversation was totally shifted, there was a time crunch as well, so I quickly wrapped up the slides.
This interview wasn't as great as I wanted it to be, because they interrupted me a lot, and asked questions, but that is not the issue. The issue is they were asking questions impatiently, from sections I had yet to come to, which resulted in me not being able to follow the narrative and flow of the presentation, and it became messy.
I was disheartened, as I wanted it to be better than it happened. I still had hope that i might get the job, because i answered everything they asked, with all the technical knowledge i had. No answer was compromised, and no answer was bad enough for not considering me as a candidate.
and then I receive this email after a week.
I have following questions
1) They knew I was a senior candidate, that's why you asked me to still be okay with 80k they're offering, so why reject me on that basis, when all along the interview they knew about it.
2) Could it be the case that people interviewing me got insecure about the ideas that I discussed, and they sensed that I might have more knowledge and experience than them, and that was somehow a problem for them?
I have not posted this to boast about myself. I genuinely want to know what goes around internally when these kind of things happen.
Thank you for reading this. I look forward to your theories.
Apologies for any grammatical issues, i just proof-read it once.
submitted by simranjitluna1 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 SnooComics9987 Narcissism-Codependency in the Workplace

I got a new job about 3 months ago and having been working with these 3 other guys for a food production company. We are in a section that is separated from the rest of the factory as we prepare the mixes for the main production floor.
I was getting along ok with the guys in the 3 months I've been there, but started to encounter problems with one guy as he is extremely lazy, and seems to be very condescending. He will do 0 work then complain about how we have been given too much work. The solution of course being to actually do the work. My response to this has been to get the work done fast. But even when I do this, it is met with a negative response from the guy as his laziness has been highlighted.
I think he thinks he is the 'alpha' of this particular section of the workplace. These other 2 guys have been there a while, and they seem pretty submissive to this guy. He seems to create an environment of chaos, constantly complaining and being borderline aggressive out of the blue. I just do not vibe with this. And it is clear that our values are completely opposed.
I do not see a problem with the workload that we are given and duly carry it out. When I carry it out with no problem, this guy cannot accept it, and is passive-aggressive.
I have been in a few workplaces and have seen this problem arise time and again. Often there is a very lazy person who is subtly intimidating everyone. I say subtly as this aggressive and passive-aggressive behaviour is interspersed with 'friendliness' so people will think 'ah this guy is actually ok', and forget all the negativity. But of course it arises time and again as it's the person's true nature.
I think why there are so many narcissists with a free reign in thse companies is that people do not have a mental model of such people, or such a condition. So while they may feel 'shut-down' or negative around someone in their body, their mind is actually like 'no, it's cool, I'm just having a bad day', when there is a person actively driviing down other people's moods.
I seem to experience this a lot in the places I go. I have a mental model of these sort of things and I can't help but detect and highlight the issue, even though I do not actively try to. But my actions and body language make it clear to the person. And conflict will soon ensue.
I left my last workplace as there was a similarly lazy and aggressive person basically stealing from the company. I did not vibe well with him and ran into conflict yet again, and I suspect that might be the case at the current company, but I will request to be moved as I do not get paid enough for psychological warfare. Although there is a degree of that going on all the time.
But yes thanks for reading. If you have advice or similar experiences please share.
submitted by SnooComics9987 to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:54 best_testimonials Case Study Video: How It Can Boost Your Marketing Strategy

In today's world, consumers are more conscious of where they spend their money.
They conduct extensive research before making a purchase, with 53% of buyers saying they always do research before buying to ensure they are making the best possible choice.
This is where case study video production comes in. According to a study by Google, case study videos help increase trust and can ultimately result in more sales for businesses.
In this article, we will explore how to create a case study video in just 10 simple steps. We will take a look at what a case study video is, its benefits, and six top examples of case study videos. By following these steps, businesses can create effective case study videos that can help increase consumer trust and ultimately lead to more sales.

Key Takeaways

What is a Case Study Video?

A case study video is a type of video that showcases real customer success stories to demonstrate the value of a company's products or services. It is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to sell to potential customers and retain current ones. Unlike written case studies, video case studies allow viewers to see and hear firsthand how a company's products or services have helped a customer achieve their goals. Creating case study videos requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the final product effectively communicates the customer's story and the value of the company's offerings.

Case study video benefits

Case study videos are an excellent tool for businesses to showcase their customer success stories. These videos can be used in various marketing campaigns to attract new customers, strengthen relationships with existing ones, and increase brand awareness. Here are five benefits of creating case study videos:

1. Increase trust & credibility

Trust and credibility are essential for any business to succeed, and case study videos can help increase both. According to a study by Accenture, trust is as important as growth and profitability when it comes to the financial health of a company. This is especially important for younger generations, as 42% of Gen Z and 30% of millennials do not trust the average American company, according to a study by Morning Consult.
Creating a case study video adds authenticity and credibility to your brand, which can increase trust among leads and help convert them into new customers.

2. Relate to your customers

Customers want to feel connected to the brands they use, and case study videos can help businesses achieve this. A survey of 1,000 consumers by Sprout Social found that 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them. When asked to rank which channels brands should use to create the best opportunity to connect with customers, video came in 2nd place (beaten only by social media).
Creating relatable case study videos that aren't overly salesy can help businesses build a stronger bond with their customers. This can encourage customers to spend more, stay loyal, and give positive word-of-mouth marketing.

3. Boost sales

Case study videos showcase the benefits that a business has given to one of its happiest customers, which can help boost sales. According to Video Marketing Statistics 2022, 2 out of 3 people say they'd be more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video demonstrating how a business, product, or service had helped another person like them.
When viewers see someone they can identify with in a case study video, it makes them think, "huh, if that happened for them then maybe it can happen for me." The more confident people feel in a brand, the more likely they are to buy from that brand.

4. They're easy & inexpensive to make

Case study videos don't have to be expensive or complicated to make. They can be created with just a smartphone and some simple editing software. Even with B-roll footage added, case study videos are still much quicker, easier, and cost-effective than most other types of videos.
Creating case study videos on video apps like TikTok is also a possibility. The better a video looks, the more credibility it will have, but even simple case study videos can be effective.

5. Strengthen your relationship with existing customers

Creating case study videos can also help businesses strengthen their relationships with existing customers. When a happy customer agrees to take part in a case study video, it shows belief and loyalty for the brand. The process of creating a video together can strengthen the relationship even more and could result in the customer becoming an even bigger fan of the company.
In conclusion, case study videos offer many benefits to businesses. They can increase trust and credibility, relate to customers, boost sales, be easy and inexpensive to make, and strengthen relationships with existing customers. By incorporating case study videos into their marketing strategy, businesses can create authentic and relatable evergreen content that is customer-centric and emotionally connects with their target audience.

How to Create a Case Study Video in 10 Steps

Creating a case study video can be an effective way to showcase the value of your product or service. By highlighting a customer's success story, you can demonstrate how your business can help others overcome similar challenges. Here are 10 steps to creating a successful case study video:

1. Decide on a Goal

Before creating a case study video, it's essential to establish a clear goal. While the ultimate objective may be to increase sales, it's important to drill down deeper and identify specific hurdles you're trying to overcome. Consider what the biggest barrier to purchase is for your product or service and use the case study video to eliminate those doubts.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

In addition to defining a goal, it's crucial to identify your target audience and keep them in mind throughout the development process. Consider what motivates your target audience, what's important to them, and what they want to know. By keeping these factors in mind, you can craft your video to speak directly to your target audience and increase your chances of success.

3. Choose the Right Customer

Selecting the right customer for your case study video is critical. Rather than choosing your happiest, most complimentary customer, select a customer whose journey best fits the narrative you're trying to create. Approach your customer politely with an email or a friendly chat and ask if they'd like to be in your video. Make it easy for them to say yes by letting them choose a convenient time and offering to cover travel expenses if required.

4. Write a Script

Crafting a script is essential to creating a roadmap for your video. While it's not necessary to write everything down word-for-word, having a script will help you guide the day of shooting and create the bare bones of a narrative for your video. Outline the customer's problem, explain how your company helped them, and round off with key benefits.

5. Add Stats Where Possible

When discussing the benefits that your company has brought to the case study customer, stats and figures can help. Solid figures that show a clear benefit will make it easier for buyers to present your case study video to their employer and say "we need this." Invest in research to find tangible figures that prove the benefit of your product or service to improve your credibility with viewers.

6. Find the Perfect Location

The setting of your video can make a significant difference to the viewer experience. Choose a location that matches the look and feel you want to portray in your video and is convenient for everyone to get to. Most great testimonial videos will have a couple of establishing shots to set the scene, so don't underestimate the power of a great setting.

7. Create a Shot List

A shot list is a document that maps out each scene you want to see in your video. Creating a shot list will help your day of shooting go more efficiently. It's especially important if you're handing over the responsibility to an external film crew. A shot list will ensure you get all of the shots you need for your video without forgetting anything.

8. Shoot Your Video!

Set up your cameras, grab your script and your shot list, and make sure you get everything you need. Make sure your customer feels comfortable, and take the time to break the ice and calm their nerves. Patience is key here – if you give your customer the time they need to feel comfortable, your case study video will look much better.

9. Edit Your Video

Editing can make a significant difference to your video. A great edit that cuts between different camera angles and shots, includes a fitting soundtrack, and maybe even some title slides or animations that help to emphasize certain points will really elevate your video. Edit your video in a way that will increase viewer engagement.

10. Share Your Video

Once you're happy with your video, it's time to share it with the world. Create a specific landing page on your site for your case study videos, and post your video on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The more places you post, the more views you're likely to get.
By following these 10 steps, you can create a compelling case study video that engages your target audience, showcases your product or service, and drives sales.

6 Top examples of case study videos(UPDATED)

1. Wolt – Get Camera Crew

Wolt's case study video demonstrates that authenticity is key to creating an engaging and effective video.

2. Google Ads – Chuckling Goat

Chuckling Goat's case study video is a perfect example of how to create a captivating video. It has all the ingredients needed to make an amazing video, from gorgeous establishing shots to a light-hearted joke at the end. The video allows Chuckling Goat to tell its story before weaving Google Ads into the narrative naturally. The animated graphic that accompanies the growth facilitated by Google Ads is a great touch.

3. Zoom – Customer Stories

Zoom's case study video showcases that you don't need to focus on just one customer to create a great video. Instead, Zoom decided to feature multiple customers, resulting in a cool and varied collection of benefits that Zoom has brought to different customers. What's more, all the customers appear to have recorded their portion of the video using Zoom, which is a nice touch.

4. Samsung – Superdry

Samsung's case study video for Superdry Norway is visually stunning. The opening timelapse of Norway is crystal clear and sets the scene perfectly. As we get into the meat of the video, it's great to hear what the Superdry staff have to say about the Samsung screens while we (as the viewers) get to see them in action.

5. Hubspot – Avison Young

Avison Young's case study video demonstrates the impressive results of its partnership with HubSpot. The video does an excellent job of laying out the customer's initial problem before introducing HubSpot as the perfect solution. The title of the video includes the impressive results of Avison Young's partnership with HubSpot, which encourages viewers to keep watching to find out how that happened.

6. Claranet – Pets at Home

Claranet's case study video for Pets at Home is heartwarming and engaging. The video manages to keep viewer attention with help from a heartwarming soundtrack and clips of various cute animals. The video also uses animation to emphasize the role that Claranet has played in helping Pets at Home to grow.
These top examples of case study videos showcase the different approaches to creating a compelling and effective case study video. From using animation to emphasizing the role of the customer, these videos demonstrate that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a great case study video.

Final Thoughts

Creating a case study or testimonial video can greatly enhance a brand's credibility. Companies can use these videos to showcase their success stories and how their products or services have helped their customers. Whether it's for iOS, Android, PC, or Slack users, a well-crafted video can be a valuable marketing tool.
submitted by best_testimonials to videoproductionguides [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:52 Therealdjag Asus Z97 Motherboard Issue

Z97-Pro Wifi AC Power issue Support Hi, I have had a pc for 10 years now with these specs
ASUS z97 Pro Wifi AC i7-4790K GTX 1060 4*8GB Kingston HyperXFury 2333Mhz DDR3 Samsung 870 EVO 512gb (boot drive)+ Crucial BX500 1tb
Running on a Corsair RM750, everything worked splendid till I started noticing that the pc wouldn't start when I pressed the power button on the case. I had to keep pressing it and I thought it was a loose contact with the power button. So, I ordered one 2 days ago and installed it, only to realize that even that didn't work and infact became worse, where i had to reset the PSU everytime I had to turn the PC on. Every time I shut it down and leave it for a set period of time (like over an hour) and try to switch it back on, it goes into a completely dead state till everything is reset. The red power button on the motherboard has a light but when its pressed, it doesn't start anything like usual.
After its reset, it turns on completely normal, like nothing ever happened. I have noticed no fluctuations, power issues or any throttling due to any PSU faults. There are no errors generating anywhere, not even in the motherboard's built in diagnostic tool, and everything is fine. The BIOS doesn't even display any issues.
Things I have done to correct it-
Flushed the PSU, removed all the cables and reconnected,
Tried a different PSU (Cooler Master 550W)
Removed the USB front headers, lights and powerbutton and tried via the motherboard power
Used just power to the CPU and motherboard
Please help. I'm desperate to keep this PC working, as i do not have an alternate solution, and its difficult to afford a new one
submitted by Therealdjag to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:51 Therealdjag Asus Z97 Motherboard issue

Z97-Pro Wifi AC Power issue Support Hi, I have had a pc for 10 years now with these specs
ASUS z97 Pro Wifi AC i7-4790K GTX 1060 4*8GB Kingston HyperXFury 2333Mhz DDR3 Samsung 870 EVO 512gb (boot drive)+ Crucial BX500 1tb
Running on a Corsair RM750, everything worked splendid till I started noticing that the pc wouldn't start when I pressed the power button on the case. I had to keep pressing it and I thought it was a loose contact with the power button. So, I ordered one 2 days ago and installed it, only to realize that even that didn't work and infact became worse, where i had to reset the PSU everytime I had to turn the PC on. Every time I shut it down and leave it for a set period of time (like over an hour) and try to switch it back on, it goes into a completely dead state till everything is reset. The red power button on the motherboard has a light but when its pressed, it doesn't start anything like usual.
After its reset, it turns on completely normal, like nothing ever happened. I have noticed no fluctuations, power issues or any throttling due to any PSU faults. There are no errors generating anywhere, not even in the motherboard's built in diagnostic tool, and everything is fine. The BIOS doesn't even display any issues.
Things I have done to correct it-
Flushed the PSU, removed all the cables and reconnected,
Tried a different PSU (Cooler Master 550W)
Removed the USB front headers, lights and powerbutton and tried via the motherboard power
Used just power to the CPU and motherboard
Please help. I'm desperate to keep this PC working, as i do not have an alternate solution, and its difficult to afford a new one
submitted by Therealdjag to IndianGaming [link] [comments]