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Looking for female friends

2024.05.21 15:57 ImmaculateGrogu Looking for female friends

I'm 24F, live my with bf, and have been in the area a while but struggled to make friends as I'm rarely in social situations. I'm due to start a job soon tho! I'd love to have other female friends who like the same things as me: board games, walks, anything arty/crafty, the odd night out, etc. I'd also like to go to more gigs and I do love me a bit of charity shopping/markets. If you're neurospicy in any way, that'll help us get along too 😂
Feel free to reach out if you're on the same vibes!
submitted by ImmaculateGrogu to nottingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:14 Silhouettesetaway Ok, but what if the S3 musical was Into the woods

There would be less casting drama and no bad accents, plus all the character arcs would be parallel, ie:
FINN AS BAKER Learning that your father is more complex than you thought, learning to live with the past and start a future. Transition into adulthood
MERCEDES AS BAKER’S WIFE Rachel may not like this, so if you need casting drama there it is. But the arc works: finally stepping out from the supporting cast to create your own story. Wanting to be an adult so badly you don’t fully register what that means, starting to get male attention in ways you never expect. Her “Moments in the woods” would be funny and heartbreaking as she reminisces on her summer love with Sam whilst cherishing the support she’s received from her new bf
RACHEL AS CINDERELLA Starting a new and bright future, but realizing some things from the past won’t die. Learning to put her morals above her forward momentum in status. Mommy issues.
SANTANA AS THE WITCH Her “Last Midnight” would kill. Also, being forced to play the heel all your life while all you want to do is protect this one perfect thing. Learning she can’t control people like she thinks she can. Those she loves running away from her (her grandmother). The difference between “nice and good” would be a huge motif in her arc throughout the season
BRITTANY AS LITTLE RED This would be so cute! But, it could also lean into the vaguely hinted at fact that Brit was molested in her early teens. Her new sexual awakening with Santana. She could learn not to trust people blindly, maybe stand up to Sue. She could also learn that people make mistakes, even those she idolizes
KURT AS JACK Wanting to do right by a parent but also wanting to take something for yourself. Sexual awakening with Blaine. Standing up for what’s right while controlling rage
BLAINE AS MYSTERIOUS MAN/NARRATOR Leans into the animosity between Blaine and Finn at the beginning. The narrator being killed could tie in with everyone being sick of Blaine being the new front man of ND. His “No more” could be about loving Kurt freely despite past trauma
TINA AS RAPUNZEL Going crazy being forced to stay in her sordid role as a supporting character. They would do “Our little world” and it would be beautiful
PUCK AS CINDERELLA’S PRINCE/WOLF Learning just how superficial his charm really is. Realizing how inauthentic he’s grown to be would make him want to be more open for the sake of Beth
SAM AS RAPUNZEL’S PRINCE Agony would slap. Also could have an arc where Sam’s superficial attraction to Mercedes turns into genuine love and care
QUINN AS CINDERELLA’S MOTHEGRANNY/GIANT Playing the role of a mother now lost could help her understand what she is to Beth. Also Quinn’s alto would make for a nice giant
SUGAR AS LUCINDA Sugar was made to be a stepsister. Could also help her be less vain by noticing parallels between herself and the character
MIKE AS STEWARD/DANCE CAPTAIN Taking on duel roles as performer and production could create the same arc of his grades dipping and him realizing he wants to focus on dance
ARTIE AS DIRECTOR Same arc of finding your passion behind the scenes
It just works
submitted by Silhouettesetaway to glee [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:46 GOTEAMPHOTO #photography #photogrphy

#photography #photography #joewhittington . Check out my art at: . My Twitter . My #tiktok . My YouTube: . #worldfamousartist #designer #josephwhittington #joewhittington #artistoftheyear #miami #artist_joewhittington #goteamphoto @goteamphoto #livebetterbuyart #art #arte #kunst #teamwhittington #изкуство #мастацтва #artea #শিল্প #İncəsənət #Արվեստ #فن #ስነጥበብ #arti #Kuns #אמנות
submitted by GOTEAMPHOTO to u/GOTEAMPHOTO [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 07:09 Mundane-Smoke-7744 Denying Command and Control and Base Attacks.

Much to the chagrin of the post BF2 folk one of the best abilities in BF2 was base attacks.
War 101 is denying command and control of the enemy as well as base attacks..sabotage, stealing equipment etc..
Imho a loss for the following BF games. It should be brought back in. Base attacks, sabotage and denying command and control by destroying radar, uav and arty/Missiles.
submitted by Mundane-Smoke-7744 to Battlefield [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 22:08 Classic_Sheepherder3 (Long) Big List of all the Changes I Think This Game Needs

Had some free time so I made a list of changes that I think would make this game much better and make it much less of a stinky pile of dogshit. I separated it 2 groups labeled primary and secondary. Primary are things that would significantly change the gameplay to make it much better, secondary are things that would just be nice. I feel it’s necessary to show that I’m qualified to actually talk about this game, since someone who’s been playing for years knows a bit more than someone who picked up the game 1 month ago.
I got this game in 2013 not long after it first came out in beta. I’ve been had a few multi year breaks in there, but I’ve been playing a lot the past few years. I have just over 750 arcade battles (I play low tier in arcade since it is a faster grind real-time) and just over 2700 realistic battles. That was enough to get me to level 100 Marshall because I have a 2.0 k/d overall and my efficiency rating on thunderskill is 75% (whatever that means), 56% win rate. In realistic about 75% of my battles are ground, and 25% air, so I mostly play ground but I’ve played enough low and mid-tier air rb to know what I’m talking about. Air I only have up to br 8.7 and ground I have up to 11.0 (both actual tech tree vehicles not premiums). Summary, I’m no god at this game, but I’m pretty good and I’ve been playing a while. Last note, ignore my stupid ass username. Reddit auto generated it when I joined and there is no way to change it.
Ground RB:
  1. Over pressure rework. Overpressure is trash. If your mid caliber HE shell with 17mm of penetration hits the 30mm front plate of a lightly armored vehicle that is open top, the pressure wave would not wrap around the vehicle, go in through the top opening and kill the whole crew. Most modern artillery use 155mm cannons, but if you dig a foxhole in the ground and an artillery shell lands 10m away from your foxhole the pressure wave doesn’t kill you. If the mid caliber HE shell hits the actual opening of the open top tank, then yes it makes sense they could die from the pressure even if the shrapnel misses the crew in the hull. The overpressure mechanic in war thunder is far too extreme and doesn’t match reality at all and quit frankly makes any open top tank extremely unfun. If arty or a bomb lands anywhere in your postal code you instantly die. Open top tanks don’t really need it any harder either since they can already die to mg fire from any aircraft. The overpressure mechanic being as strong as it is leads to way too many situations that shouldn’t happen. When overpressure first came out, before they nerfed the M247 I could kill very heavy tanks like the IS-3, IS-4M, Tiger 2, etc with just a few 40mm HE rounds. They nerfed the M247 and other specific vehicles by making the shells weaker, but the overpressure mechanic is still busted.
  2. Each team should be limited to 3 aircraft spawned in at a time. Probably 2 aircraft at a time for higher battle ratings. Potentially limit SPAA spawned at a time as well, so it’s not 3 aircraft vs 6 SPAA, maybe 1 more SPAA than aircraft for the cap. Limit could be lifted after a certain number of minutes e.g. with 15 minutes left add 1 to aircraft/SPAA limit, with 10 minutes left remove limit. This would also help with those trash team mates who go 0-2 and then just keep spawning SPAA to attack ground vehicles, feeding the other team spawn points. Instead most of them would just die in their 2 regular tanks then leave since the SPAA cap is filled.
  3. Barrel damage rework. Only very veteran players will remember a time when you could still shoot with a damaged barrel and the shell would simply come out with much less velocity and penetration. Bring that back. At low and mid tiers it can take 20-30 seconds to repair a barrel. If some light tank shoots your barrel and your shell comes out with 80 penetration instead of 250 then the light tank still dies and doesn’t get rewarded for playing like a rat. Also, I propose making the barrel sectioned off. If you shoot only the muzzle the barrel will just turn yellow/light orange and the shell will not lose much energy (just shows whole barrel yellow, but only the end portion is actually damaged and this would be shown visually). Shoot the middle, barrel turns orange and shell loses a moderate amount of energy, shoot the base and the barrel turns red and shell loses a lot of energy. This way if someone only shoots your muzzle your barrel will not instantly turn red and be unusable, because that makes no sense. The shell didn’t travel the entire 10 foot length of the barrel and destroy the whole thing, it would deflect or fuse at some point. If only 20% of your barrel length is actually destroyed you would not lose all of your shell velocity, and this way people cannot just play like rats and shoot everyone’s muzzle first and make their tank completely ineffective for 30 seconds. Also, why the fuck can you not reload your gun breach when your barrel is damaged, that shit makes no sense at all. Do you have to take the shell out of the breach to change the barrel? If that’s the case then why can you not take the shell out of the breach and put a different shell type in without shooting and exposing your position? So frustrating when you are 19s into your 20s reload and someone shoots your barrel, causing you to repair for 20s and restart your reload. Brainless gajin shit.
  4. Dead crew member rework. Dead crew members work inconsistently. If my commander is dead I can’t use my commander MG, but they can still shoot my commander again to knock my tank out. What? If my commander can be killed again, then I should regain his functionality i.e. the commander MG. Otherwise, if I don’t get my commander MG back then they shouldn’t be able to kill him again. My preference would be to make dead crew members not able to be killed again, you have to shoot the remaining crew members. The driver can be killed again, since somebody has to be in the driver spot for the tank to drive (another crew member moved seats). Loader should not be killable again, presumably the gun takes longer to load because the gunner must load and shoot. Gunner should be killable again, since if the gunner died that means the loadecommander had to take his place and the loader is now loading and shooting. At higher br, if commander is still alive and takes control of main gun then gunner cannot be killed twice since commander would stay in his seat. If your vehicle has a dedicated radio operator and he dies you lose the in game comms (T menu), can’t be killed again. Hull MG gunner should not be able to die twice. Basically the only required crew members are the driver and gunner, so those would be the only crew that can be killed twice.
  5. Gun breach damage rework. In the current game if your breach is orange you can still shoot, but it is unreliable and might jam sometimes. I like this feature. Some of you may remember you used to be able to do this with a red breach as well, but it was much less reliable. Also when your breach was very damaged there was a chance the shell could detonate in your breach and kill you, or you get lucky and it shoots. Bring this feature back. More of an issue at top tier, people play like rats and go for your gun breach immediately, this way if you don’t have time to repair and it is a choice between trying to shoot or guaranteed death you have a possible out. This is more so people cannot just snipe your cannon breach and instantly win the fight, same issue as people sniping muzzles to kill you next shot. Makes gameplay very boring and unjustly favors fast high fire rate vehicles, and makes larger guns with more pen and longer reloads unrealistically weak.
  6. Matchmaker rework. Just make a system like sim battles where there is a set 1.0 br range and you can only play tanks in that br. In this case, to make it simple, just keep the rank system so there are less groups since I don’t think you would need 12 br groups, I think the 7 ranks would be plenty of groups to make things balanced. Move tanks to the proper ranks for good balance (ik, hard for gajin to do), and then tanks only play against other tanks of that same rank. This also makes it easy to visually see what you can play against. If you’re playing rank 4, just go to the other tech trees and look at the rank 4 vehicles. Even though there would only be 7 rank groups, this would make balancing much easier since you don’t have to balance it against vehicles 1.0 br higher and lower (a 2.0 br range), you only have to balance it for that singe rank, there is no variation. This would also make it easier to not have vehicles made multiple decades apart play against each other, while still making the ranks balanced.
Air RB:
  1. Get rid of enemy vehicle markers in air RB. Having vehicle markers over aircraft from kilometers away is extremely unrealistic and takes all the strategy out of air battles. No markers will reduce brainless head-on maneuvers, and gives pros and cons to altitude. Higher altitude you will have more energy, but choosing to stay at a lower altitude will make you harder to see and you can do sneak attacks against opponents who did not see you (an actual tactic in real air battles). For lower battle ratings you would obviously need smaller maps since it would take forever to find that 1 last plane on the gigantic maps. This would also encourage idiots to try to work as a team i.e. fly in groups, since if you are 2km from your closest teammate he probably will not be able to see you getting jumped. Also makes some of the worse energy fighters (bf-109, sorry luftwaffe fanboys but it’s literally just a worse spitfire at every br. Climbs slower, turns slower. It may have been good irl, but it sucks in this game) actually viable since having more energy doesn’t give you such a dominant position.
  2. Strike aircraft shouldn’t have air spawns. Even though they lose energy much faster during maneuvers so they cannot sustain a long dog fight even starting with more energy, they still have enough energy to do 1 easy boom and zoom for a free kill on a defenseless ground spawning fighter. This makes air rb frustrating and unfun when you’re that defenseless fighter, and strike aircraft in general are very lower skill brainless vehicles.

Ground RB:
  1. Shell penetration/ricochet rework. This change would be harder to implement and make work. Basically, a lot of things don’t make sense with the penetration system, but more so how shells ricochet. A simple example is some of the mid-tier german tanks. I’ll use the tiger 2 as an example since it is a very popular tank. When you’re using large caliber guns it can be difficult to penetrate the tiger 2’s turret front because of the volumetric system. If the side of your shell grazes the base of the barrel where it connects to the turret, or the edge of the side plate where it meets the front plate the shell doesn’t penetrate and just vanishes. In reality, if the shell grazes a big piece of metal like that it will lose some penetration, but the metal should deflect it off to the lower resistance area which would direct the shell into the front plate. If you could barely pen to begin with you probably wouldn’t pen after the deflection. If you have a 250mm pen gun and 5mm of the edge of your 120mm+ shell grazes where the side plate meets the front plate, the shell should deflect off the side plate and still penetrate the turret front. Same if you are hitting a plate at a high angle such as 85 degrees with an APBC shell, it should deflect rather easily and hit whatever plate/vehicle is behind it. This is mostly an issue with AP rounds, not so much with APFSDS and other modern rounds. Put this in secondary since it would be a hard change, since its hard to quantify what is wrong with the current penetration as a user and not seeing what is going on in the background on the server. There are also a million other issues with this I could go into, but I don’t have time to type 50 pages. We’ve all seen the gajin’d clips.
  2. Reduce spawn points for capturing objective in first 3 minutes. This is so light tanks cannot simply rush the cap and die/run away and be able to spawn an aircraft from that action since it provided no actual help to their team. If you captured a base after the first few minutes then you almost always had to actually fight for it, so it should warrant the regular rewards. Same on the objective layouts when each team gets a free cap, you shouldn’t get full base cap rewards for taking the objective that is just given to you.
Air RB:
  1. Enduring confrontation style game mode option for air rb. I have never played EC since it is sim battles only and I don’t want to take the time to set up and learn to use a joystick, but the game mode looks very fun. This would also make bombers remotely useful. Also the game mode would probably get a good amount of players if you could use simple mouse controls since it would make the game mode available to many more players.
submitted by Classic_Sheepherder3 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 18:44 mirkobunbun The benefit of having a pointer instead of a retriever

I was walking Artie the other day and a ground hog popped out and rushed right in front of us. I froze and tensed, thinking he'd chase it and pull me away but all he did was lift his leg and watch the fat creature hobble by! I told my bf later that's the benefit of having a pointer over a retriever - the "go get it" mentality can be overridden by the "point!" mentality. Never thought I'd see a dog do that tho 😂😂 He let our dinner run on by! 😂
submitted by mirkobunbun to germanshorthairs [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 04:04 Accomplished-Low9635 Lmfao the first “event” is wild 💀

submitted by Accomplished-Low9635 to OurWorld [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 12:39 Frequent-Claim5491 Phalanx hat

Phalanx hat
My bf is obsessed with nemesis at the moment and i accidentally ruined his hat with bleach so i tie dyed it and gave it a paint (im not very good at arty stuff), great practice for when i do his bomber jacket later this year!
submitted by Frequent-Claim5491 to altontowers [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 08:06 dylangerescapeplan_ Incels don’t listen to any of these bands, they listen to video game OSTs and cringy power-metal like Sabaton

Incels don’t listen to any of these bands, they listen to video game OSTs and cringy power-metal like Sabaton
Whoever made this chart is just lashing out at their arty ex bf
submitted by dylangerescapeplan_ to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 21:36 The_Khal_Drogo Curious about these playtest cards...

I recently purchased a collection and found these with it. Not sure if these are the real deal but I wanted to know if there is a way to authenticate them? (No unicorn on the back btw) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by The_Khal_Drogo to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.02.10 14:56 Wild_Yin Nice Ideas for Long Distance Boyfriend

--- **TL;DR;** : My BF sends me cute videos of him signing my fav songs while long distance - want to do something to reciprocate, but struggling for ideas. Me and my boyfriend do long distance for a month or two at a time, it's a bit shit but is what it is. But, as a hobby, he likes playing the guitar and has a lovely voice and while I'm away he'll send me wee clips of him singing songs that I/we really like. Not too long, just wee 1-2min clips, but I really love them and they always give me a daft smile lol. I'm trying to rack my brain for something I can do to reciprocate. I was thinking of doing something with/compiling the clips, but then thought maybe that's more for me than a nice thing for him? I have zero musical talent/sound like a bag of cats but i am a little arty/crafty- but if I paint something its got to be good and it'll take me ages and I'm wanting to do something soon for him (I have exams in a few weeks so don't have a crazy amount of time spare). I thought maybe some of you guys would maybe have some nice ideas/been in a similar position long distance? Thank you in advance! :D
submitted by Wild_Yin to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 19:32 Plum2018 Foxhole Naval Landings the Developer Vision™ (By [Loot] Soxad)

Foxhole Naval Landings the Developer Vision™ (By [Loot] Soxad) submitted by Plum2018 to foxholegame [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 18:10 upperballsman Beberapa Catatan Menarik dari Kesaksian Pelayaran Kompeni Ke Hindia Timur (Nusantara) 1596-1598.

Darimanakah Catatan Ini

Di Weekend yang bahagia ini, saya bersyukur bisa nemu buku menarik terbitan London pada tahun 1703. Buku ini Berjudul "A Collection of Voyages Undertaen by the Dutch East-India Company, for the Imrpovement of Trade and Navigation" Diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris dan diilustrasikan oleh beberapa diagram (peta).
buat teman teman yang penasaran, silahkan bisa langsung diakses disini:
Jangan Khawatir, meskipun terbitan 1703, Bahasa Inggrisnya relatif cukup mudah dipahami, cuma beda penggunaan huruf dan ejaan aja, misalkan, "s" ringan masih ditulis dengan "f" tanpa diakritik horizontal, atau banyak kata2 asing, seperti "Rushes" yang berarti Serat2 yang diikat2, atau "Pateteroes" dan "Fusils" yang berarti meriam swivvel semacam cetbang, dan musket pemantik batu (flintlock).
Dari proses pembacaan ini, ada beberapa screenshot yang ku ambil yang terjemahanya akan kutuliskan dibawah biar gk pusing2 banget baca huruf kabur2 dan jadul.
Catatan2 menarik ini mostly berupa deskripsi Visual dari Banten, Tuban, Arosbaya, sampai Bali, Ambon, Banda dan Ternate.
Gk semua yang menurut saya menarik saya ingat untuk screenshot, jdi ini lebih ke promosi isi buku yang menarik aja sih in hopes of ada yang lebih paham dan mau menyelami lebih dalam, dan last of all, tentu saja buat bersenang2, karena hal2 ini menarik bagi saya.

Catatan-Catatan Menarik

1. 23 Juni 1596 Deskripsi Belanda ketika pertama kali melihat Kapal Jong, di Perairan Banten.

... Pada 23 Juni, Comissioner masing masing Kapal (Dari 4 Kapal yang berlayar kala itu) Mengambil Posisi Kapten dan Cornelis de Houtman dijadikan KApten Mayor. Pada hari yang sama mereka melihat di Teluk Jawa, sebuah kapal yang oleh penduduk disebut "Jonque" (Jong)": Ia memiliki Tiang Depan, Tiang Utama, dan Tiang Mizzen (yang paling tinggi), dengan Layar Utama dan Layar Sprit. Dari Jauh ia terlihat seperti Kapal Nelayan Ikan Herring, namun cara Ia Berlayar benar benar berbeda. Layar Layar itu ditenun dari Serat, tali tali layar itu terbuat dari bahan yang sama. Sebagian besar Kapal itu disambungkan dengan cara yang sama sebagaimana Tukang Kayu (Cooper) menyambungkan gentongan kayu (Cask). Beratnya adalah 30-40 Ton. Aula nya juga diselimuti oleh serat-serat sebagaimana rumah rumah Orang Desa di Holland. Ketika Jong itu mendapat angin yang kencang, mereka mengencangkan tali dari Tiang Tengah ke Tiang Depan, dan Tiang Utama ke yang lainya, Layar Layar itu di jahit ke Ratingues di bawah dan diatasnya pada jarak yang sama, hal seperti itu sama sekali merupakan pemandangan yang baru dan luar biasa bagi orang Eropa (saya gk menemukan apa arti Ratingues)

2. Deskripsi tentang Kantor Asuransi Perkapalan di Banten tahun 1596.

[konteksnya mereka sedang mendeskripsikan kondisi Pasar Banten dengan sangat detil] ... Dekat tempat itu mereka menjual kacang kacangan dari berbagai warna, Putih, Hitam, Merah, Kuning, Hijau, Abu Abu. Lalu setelah melewati Kain Linen dan Jalanan Pedagang lain, adalah Pasar untuk Bawang Bawangan, Kantor Asuransi untuk Kapal ditempatkan disini, ketika Kapal Kapal itu selamat pulang, mereka mendapat keuntungan, tapi ketika kapal kapal itu tidak selamat pulang, mereka kehilangan uang mereka.

3. Deskripsi Visual Penampilan Pangeran Tuban pada tahun 1596.

.... Setelah Sehari Mendarat, mereka melihat sang pangeran duduk di Gajahnya, dengan kakinya yang disilangkan seperti tukang jahit kita, dia disana dinaungi penutup (atap), yang berbentuk sapi, dengan pembagian pada satu sisi nya (?)(with a partition on one side), dan kanopi diatas kepalanya, untuk melindunginya dari panas dan hujan. Dia mengenakan Doublet (Jaket ala eropa) yang berwarna beludru hitam dengan lengan yang lebar. (ini mungkin maksudnya Surjan), dan yang mendampinginya bersenjatakan Musket dan Javelin, yang beberapanya memiliki besi besar diujungnya. Orang yang mengendarai gajah memegang kail di tanganya untuk menyetir jalan-nya gajah yang bisa berlari secepat kuda.

3. Deskripsi Visual Penampilan Orang Biasa dan Bangsawan Tuban pada tahun 1596.

Orang Orang biasanya hidup dari mencari ikan dan beternak, mereka telanjang dari pinggang ke atas, sisanya ditutupi oleh Kain (Callico) dan Keris (Dagger) menggantung dari Sabuk (Girdle) Mereka; Para Bangsawan mengenakan Jubah Kecil (Little Camlet Coat)

4. Deskripsi Visual Armada Kora Kora Ambon 1589.

Mereka berlayar dengan kapal perang mereka, yang mana mereka sangat bangga terhadapnya. Kapal Perang mereka berbentuk bagaikan Naga, dan dapat berlayar dengan baik, Kapal tersebut membawa Bendera-Bendera dan Ornamen Kecil Lainya ... Ketika Admiral Ambon mendatangi mereka (Belanda), dengan 3 Kapal perang terbaik mereka, yang mana mereka sebut sebagai Kora Kora (Caracoores), mereka diisi dengan banyak orang yang berlaku baik, dan disertai juga kebutuhan perang untuk darat dan laut Dia (Admiral) menunjukan pada kunjungan itu, semua tanda kebahagiaan: Orang Orang bernyanyi, dan memukul Drum Panjang dan Basin Tembaga (semacam gamelan) mereka, yang mana mereka bersahut sahutan dengan suara dan ayunan mereka, yang memang kejadian itu cukup menyenangkan. Setiap Kora Kora membawa 3 Meriam Putar (Patereroes) yang mereka ledakan untuk menghormati Belanda, yang mana juga meledakan Meriam mereka dalam balas budi.

5. Deskripsi Armada Jawa (Mungkin Sunan Giri) yang Membantu Ambon perang melawan Portugis

15 Maret 1599, ketika 2 kapal (Belanda) memasang jangkar di Ambon, 2 Kapal Jong Perang datang dari Jawa, membawa prajurit untuk membantu penduduk Ambon, yang menginginkan orang Jawa untuk mengirimkan Pasukan Bantuan untuk menyerbu benteng Portugis yang mengganggu kehidupan sehari hari, Pasukan Tambahan ini disambut dengan kehormatan dan kebahagiaan. (bisa jadi ini adalah armada Terakhir Sunan Giri Prapen yang kala itu sudah sangat tua berdasarkan catatan De Graaf, dari berbagai sumber tutur dan catatan tradisional Sudah sejak masa Raden Paku (Sunan Giri I) Giri menanamkan pengaruhnya di Hitu (Ambon), pada ekspedisi Belanda Selanjutnya tahun 1602 Oliver Noord melihat bahwa Giri-Gresik sudah dalam kuasa Surabaya (De Graaf) )

6. Deskripsi Visual Penampilan Penduduk Ternate Akhir Abad 16

Para Penduduk Pulau ini sangat cinta warna warni, dan terkhusus dengan warna Merah darah ... Para Abdi mengenakan Sutra, dan Kain kain yang indah, Celana mereka sangat lebar, mengikuti gaya portugis mereka mengenakan Jaket Kain (Doublets made of Calico), atau baju berbahan Kulit Pohon, yang dibuat secara luar biasa, Pendeknya, Penduduk adalah orang orang yang baik dan jujur, lebih mudah tertawa dan lebih adil daripada orang Jawa. Semua Kapten sudah tua dengan Jenggot Abu abu yang panjang. Sang Raja memiliki 30 Kora Kora, yang sebagian membawa 4 sampai 6 Meriam Putar.

7. Deskripsi Visual Prajurit Maluku (Overall) di Akhir Abad 16.

.... Mereka menggunakan tameng Vertikal sepanjang 1,2 Meter, dan Pisau yang panjang dan berat, yang mana mereka bisa pakai dengan cepat, karena orang tua mereka mengejari anak-anaknya untuk menggunakan tangan dengan lincah. Mereka juga punya Musket dan Meriam Putar, dan ketika mereka pergi ke suatu ekspedisi, mereka membawa Javelin panjang sepanjang 3 Meter (a fathom and a half), yang mereka lemparkan dengan begitu kuat dan akuratnya, sampai memungkinkan untuk menembus tubuh manusia. lalu mereka mengambil dagger mereka dan berkelahi dengan penuh amarah. Mereka juga menggunakan senjata lain yang dibuat seperti Besi Penguat (Cramps-Iron), di kencangkan di ujung stik, dan diikat dengan tali, mereka melemparnya bagaikan anak panah dan menariknya kembali. (Gue rasa ini basically Spear-Launcher mirip yang dibuat Primitive Technology) Mereka juga punya Pakaian Kepala yang sangat mereka hargai, terbuat bagaikan Coeks-Comb (??, Maybe Cooks-Comb? Bunga India?) dan diatasnya adalah Burung Cendrawasih alih alih Bulu Burung, karena mereka percaya bahwa Burung ini akan melindungi mereka, (Mungkin Burung yang diawetkan?) Para Bangsawan menggunakan Armor, dan berpikir bahwa mereka sangat aman akan ancaman dan luka luka.

8. Gladiator Maluku Menantang Duel Belanda

Mereka punya Gladiator, atau Penduel, yang disebut "Bakeleiers" (Gue gk tau ini ejaan asli nya apa), yang mengenakan pakaian kepala, dan Burung Cendrawasih diatasnya. Ketika bertarung mereka berdiri pada satu kaki, siap menerjang musuh yang juga melompat kebelakang dengan satu kaki, dan ini dilakukanya dengan cepat dan lincah. Mereka sangat bangga dengan ini dang terus terusan menantang Belanda untuk berduel dengan-nya, menawarkan satu lawan enam: Memang, Suatu Belanda menawarkan duel dengang Pedang dan Dagger, tapi mereka tidak menerima tawaran itu. Penduduk hanya mau diel dengan Dagger dan Tameng Panjang.


Sebenarnya, masih banyak sekali Deskripsi kejadian menarik yang ada dalam buku ini, seperti misalkan ketegangan Houtman melawan Penduduk Banten yang diadu domba portugis, Pangeran Pangiri (Pangeran Terakhir Demak) yang memusuhi Belanda, Kalahnya Belanda di Arosbaya, Jong Vs Kapal Belanda, dan masih banyak lagi, highly reccomend u check the book out!
submitted by upperballsman to NusantaraRaya [link] [comments]

2023.11.22 19:53 rozaliza88 AITA for wanting to cut my SIL and MIL off financially in 2024?

My husband has two younger sisters. When we just started dating he was helping out his one sister (5 years younger) that recently graduated with a degree in Fine Arts. They then had a big fallout because she brought drugs into their shared flat. She moved in with their mother afterwards. The following year me and my husband moved in together. Then his youngest sister ( 6 years younger) needed help with living costs to finish her engineering degree. Their mother is a teacher and their father is a deadbeat. We went through a lot. I lost my job and had to do a complete career change after not finding work for 4 months. Eventually we got engaged saved up and got married in 2016. We eventually bought a small starter home, but to get there he sold his car and we have been sharing mine. Between 2019 and 2021 we had to help my arty SIL out with R1k each month so that she can buy her own meds and cigarettes because my MIL is now on pension. She took early retirement and barely gets R9k pm. She was tired of being an underpaid teacher… so… then my SIL and bf lost what little they had during Covid (no commissions and gigs for artists and sound engineers during this time). They used my MILs car when lockdowns eased up. But it kept breaking. My SIL got engaged to her bf. With crying and manipulation my MIL asked my husband to help them out with transport. When me and him spoke about it, the proposal was that we take out a personal loan for a second hand car to the value the bank would give us. When we were talking as a family, my husband changed it to applying for financing for a new Suzuki Spresso seeing as they are so “affordable”, then they won’t have to stress about services or breakdowns. His mother and sisters hate me because I stand up to them and set boundaries. So I couldn’t say no. I could see my husband thought he was doing the right thing and if I said no it would have caused problems in our relationship plus his family would have made a huge drama of it. The deal was they get work, then buy their own car, giving this one back to my husband, or they buy the new car from us. Then they had to save and plan save for the wedding so we gave them some room to figure all that out. They married this March. The car is 2 years old, they get fines frequently that my husband has to pay and wait for them to pay him back eventually. He gets so upset every time. We have started struggling financially with the high interest rates and living costs going up. The car, with third party insurance, is now close to R4600 pm. It’s R1,200 more than it was initially pm. Its also becoming very hard sharing a car because life has returned to normal and we have our respective responsibilities and interests that have us spending extra on busses or Ubers. We spoke at length and decided to tell them the helpout needs to end soon and that they can give us the end date.
After getting the last 4 fines we decided we need to talk to them asap but they don’t always answer their phones or have data for receiving messages. So we traveled the 200km for a weekend vist in September.
We spoke to them in September and they said they want to buy the car but need to wait for some gigs and commissions to pay out. So they agreed to help out with R1k per month and then reevaluate in January to see if they can afford to buy the car from us. My husband’s understanding was that if they can’t, then they will buy a car they can afford and give that one back. I felt that it was a stalling method. Last year my husband made comments like his sister and her partner won’t make career changes and won’t ever make enough to live off of doing what they are doing so he will probably end up paying the car off and gifting it to them. He seemed very upset about it. I said “No way in hell. We can’t afford that”. He appreciated the support and agreed with me. On Monday my SIL let us know she is pregnant. My husband was very upset because they don’t even have enough money for themselves. He went on about how irresponsible it is and they even have a dog with a chronic condition they can’t always afford treatment for. I was nodding along because it’s all true. Then he started turning it around saying this helpout was supposed to be a positive thing and I turned it into a negative thing so he wants us to agree that this is the last helpout but we can’t leave them without a car. They live with my MIL in a small town that has no busses or regular taxis. And no Uber. My husband wants us to be positive about the baby and just pay the car off and gift it to them. I was only nice and congratulated my SIL so not sure where he is getting this idea that I am negative. I am happy for them but that doesn’t mean I feel responsible for them. They are 35 and 45 respectfully and they should be supporting themselves financially. I am finding it very hard to let this go. My youngest brother wanted to be a farmer and he is currently struggling. Pretty much having lost all his livestock. He is fixing roofs to earn money. I want to help him out. My family for a change. But we can’t afford to without hurting us financially. AITA for wanting to cut my SIL and MIL off financially in 2024?
TL;DR: Me and my husband is sharing a car while my SIL drives my husband’s car for free since 2021 after a long history of financially bailing out his mother and 2 younger sisters.
Edit: typos
submitted by rozaliza88 to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 22:35 beegboiwario Has anyone ever tried this “keytar”?

Has anyone ever tried this “keytar”? submitted by beegboiwario to Keytar [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 16:47 Bragior Pre-GW SSR Character Discussion: Caro

Discussion Schedule and Navigation

Check the Wiki for the full list of the Character Discussion Threads.
Please vote for the upcoming featured discussions:
Newly released/rebalanced characters will be added to the surveys after two weeks of their introduction.

SSR Character Discussion: Caro

Journal Entry

Having long protected the island of the arts, this primal beast ventures out into the great unknown at the urging of its residents. Though these days spent as a genuine traveler may seem like a mere moment to a being with eternal life, he will surely treasure them forever.


Recruit Condition

Voice Actors


  • Element: Wind
  • Race: Primal
  • Style: Balanced
  • Specialty: Harp
  • 4★ Stats:
    • HP: 1,600
    • ATK: 7,995

Charge Attack

  • Name: Cuore delle Arti
Effect Duration
450% Wind damage to a foe. Instant
End cooldown for "Tribuna" skill. Instant

Active Skills

Skill 1

  • Name: Maesta
  • Skill Type: Buffing (Yellow)
Obtain Cooldown Effects Duration
Lvl 1 16 turns All Wind allies gain Maesta (2 hits). Until hit
1-turn cut to skill cooldown based on number of Harp-specialty allies in the party (Max: 6-turn cut).
Lvl 55 14 turns
  • Maesta applies the following effects:
    • 100% Debuff Resistance
    • 10% Uplifted
    • 50% Earth DMG Lowered
    • Earth Switch
  • Maesta cannot be removed.

Skill 2

  • Name: Tribuna
  • Skill Type: Damaging (Red)
Obtain Cooldown Effects Duration
Lvl 1 8 turns 300% Wind damage to all foes (Cap: ~405,000 per hit). Instant
Inflict 1 Tuning stack on all foes. 180 seconds
Inflict 5% ATK Down (Stackable) and 5% DEF Down (Stackable) for each hit (Max: 40% each). 180 seconds
Number of hits increase based on foe's Tuning stacks upon cast (Max: 6 hits).
Lvl 75 7 turns
  • Only inflicts 1 Tuning stack regardless of number of hits.
  • Tuning is guaranteed to land if the foe has less than 100% debuff resistance.
  • Tuning deals 10,000 damage per stack at the end of the turn (Max: 100,000).
  • Tuning cannot be removed.

Skill 3

  • Name: Nessun Dorma
  • Skill Type: Buffing (Yellow)
  • Obtained: Lvl 45
  • Cooldown: 10 turns
Effects Duration
All Wind allies gain 20% Bonus Superior Elemental DMG. 4 turns
When a foe has 7 or more Tuning stacks: All Wind allies also gain 50% Sharp ATK Up (Assassin, 1 time). Until used
When Tuning stack is 10 and cast from 10th turn onwards: All Wind allies gain Double Strike. 1 turn

Support Skills

Skill Name Effects
Lover of the Arts, Protector of the People Boost to stats based on number of Harp-specialty allies in the party.
Timbre of Hope Boost to Harp-specialty allies' ATK and damage cap based on foe's number of Tuning stacks.
  • Lover of the Arts, Protector of the People:
    • Applies the following cumulative effects based on the party lineup:
      1. 30% ATK Up (Perpetuity)
      2. 100% DEF Up
      3. Guaranteed TA
      4. 20% Dodge Rate Up
      5. 20% Charge Bar Gain Up
  • Timbre of Hope:
    • Boosts Harp-speciality allies' ATK by 3% per stack (Max: 30%), and damage cap by 1% per stack (Max: 10%).

Extended Mastery Perks

Attack Defense HP Double Attack Debuff Resistance
Attack Defense HP Wind Attack C.A. Damage
HP Skill Damage Earth DMG Lowered Hostility Up

Helpful topics to discuss

  • What do you like or dislike about the character?
  • What role does this character fill and what content do they work particularly well in?
  • How would a new player make the best use for this character?
  • Would you like to see an alternate or limited version of this character?
  • How does this character perform in the following:
    • OTK
    • Farming Stages (Short to Medium fights)
    • High Difficulty (Long fights)
    • Full Auto
    • Battle System V2
  • How are you to build a team setup for this character?
  • How does this character compare to the others who play a similar role in the same element?
  • Is this character worth buying with a Surprise Ticket, gameplay-wise?
  • Which EMPs would you prioritize?
  • Which Over Mastery and Aetherial bonuses are best to look out for?
  • Which type of Awakening Bonuses work best for this character?
  • What would you like to see them gain for an EMP Skill?
submitted by Bragior to Granblue_en [link] [comments]

2023.08.27 05:11 personholecover12 Completing on fist run (a long read)

After some 300-dd hours and having to all intents and purposes completed the narrative of the game, I decided to go back to square one and see how far I could get by applying what I had learned.
I learned that I'm much better than I was when I started out but I'm still pretty clumsy. My first time through I died to Meg, and it took a while to get any better after that. I played about a dozen or so runs, never making it past the third biome boss battle so I decided on another strategy: cheating. Well, sort of.
This third "fresh" start I decided I would restart any chamber if I lost any health. Upon entry to a new chamber I would Give Up to save my position and then restart. If I took more than let's say 15-20 points of damage, I would restart the chamber.
This has really improved my awareness of the game.
Spoilers ahead
Tartarus presented no problems, until I got to Meg. I couldn't get used to having only one dash and frequently mistimed it, which resulted in my getting caught in her Whip attack or her Charge, losing 13-15 of my 100 health each time (I picked up two Centaur Hearts, rather than pomming any of my boons). It took about ten tries and in the end I finished her with 35 health left, which I judged insufficient. Accordingly, I tried again and set my health requirement as <50 to pass. After another seven or eight tries I was satisfied with leaving her chamber on 65, restored to 100 with the help of the inter-biome pool and something from Charon.
Boons: Curse of Agony, Divine Flourish (L2), Divine Dash, Blinding Flash
Lessons learned: improved ability to be patient and time my dodges of Meg's AOE attacks; Divine Flourish is great for deflecting her projectile attacks; Dash in, Special, Attack, Dash out, wait, repeat.
My big takeaway from the first two chambers in Asphodel was that I have been spending too much time racing around like a mad thing when I should be playing more patiently. I learned to time Burn Flinger dodges much better and found that Divine Flourish will gather and deflect Spreader projectiles together better than DD does.
I picked up Merciful End on my second chamber, having picked up Phalanx Shot in the first. let's see if I can make it work. Here I had the option to either hit up Charon with 125g, or take an Athena Mini-boss. I chose the mini-boss and got ... Barge of Death. Here I practiced ME standard strat: Dash-strike, Dash through, rinse, repeat. Made it through unscathed and took an Epic Sure Footing as my reward because I am often pretty clumsy around traps.
Lernie took a few tries too, as I was pretty clumsy about dodging the head-smash attacks, mostly because of dodging too early and leaving Zagreus exposed. The first time I finished him I was on 41, which I didn't think was good enough, but I decided to roll with it and moved on to...
... which was dumb, because I had only 2 gold and in any case wasn't offered flat health, so entered the first chamber with only 61 health. C'est la vie (ou la mort, je suppose). I guess I could have purged a boon and bought the 10% health each chamber item, but oh well.
In the first chamber, Arti offered me a Rare Deadly Flourish and an Epic Exit Wounds, but I decided on the normal Pressure Points. And then I ran into the four armoured longspears, followed by two more of the same plus two armoured gemstones which was a nightmare. They were too fast, too chaotic and I couldn't get my act together. It took me eight tries, but won me another Centaur Heart, giving me 81/150. Eventually I made it to Charon's shop with 108/175, 102g and the choice of an Ares for 150, some health for 50, and Pom for 100. So, either a boon, or some health and a Pom. I went with the second option, boosting my PP to 4% at Level 3, then went in to face Theseus and Astreius with a full 175.
It wasn't enough.
The bull's massive arc (how wide is that swing? You think you're in the clear and then it's whack! whack! and suddenly there goes 34 health!), not to mention Theseus's "get you through the pillars spear swing" and his "out-of-sight" spear chuck just ruined me. I lost count after 15. in 20 tries I maybe killed the bull twice and was left with <50 health, which didn't bode well for when Theseus called upon Dionysis.!<
And then I got tired of playing and gave up. But I might come back to it later!

submitted by personholecover12 to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2023.08.21 03:02 Main_Laugh7408 Justice For Quinn

I have seen so much Hatred towards Quinn on this App and I cannot help but Wonder why? While Quinn is a "setereotypical Mean girl" At first what i like about Quinn is that she always gets punished for her Mistakes
Point #1: Quinn's punishment For Every Bad thing she's Done Quinn always gets Punished, Like in season 1 when she Cheats on Finn, Bullies Rachel etc... She gets pregnant (by ASSAULT mind you) leading to her losing her popularity, Her BF, gets kicked out, Disowned by her Father and then told by Mercedes she Can't sing a Funk song because she's White even though the Assignment was about anger which at that point she had plenty of.
In season 2 when she cheats on Sam Santana makes sure she gets Mono
In season 3 when all that Shelby stuff is going on which admittedly was Insane of her she gets T boned and lands in a wheel chair after a near death experience
Point #2: Justifying Quinn's Bad behavior
Bullying Rachel- Ok BFFR there are so many Santana stans and she is so much worse, All Quinn did was name calling and Santana took it to another level like that time she spent an entire few episode bullying finn about his weight, Dancing and everything else. If you like Santana you can't hate quinn for that since Santana and Sue for that Matter are much worse in that Area.
Prom Queen Obssessed- Can you honestly blame her? As someone who has been through the experiences she described in her life as Lucy including the "No one wanting to do assignments with you" and "having to move schools to have a shot at having Friends" if I was a girl i'd be like that. She just wanted to redeem her past and for her Prom Queen was something that Said "You made it, you're popular, people like you"
Wanting her Baby back- (I honestly don't think i can justify this but i'mma try my best) the way i see it, Quinn hit rock bottom, she had no father because he CHOSE to disown her, her BF left her to be with someone she used to bully, Her Friends were not really her friends and she just Saw No way out of Lima, she thought that She's gonna stay there and never make it anywhere and figured Beth was the only good thing she ever did...
Point #3: All the good things Quinn did
-Helped Mercedes Acknowledge her "Eating disorder" and Giving her Food(Idk if it classifies as an Eating Disorder what she did in season one)
-Threatning Sue into giving up one of the Cheerios' 7 pages for the glee club
-Helped Sam with his Family when they were Homeless
-Giving Up her Prom Queen Title for Rachel because she knew ultimatley it isn't As important to her
-Getting Mr Schue to give the troubletones one song per competition so they's come back
-Having a positive Outlook on life even after her Accident
-Deciding to put her Feelings aside in regards to Finchel getting Married to be there for them
-Putting her baby up for Adoption knowing it was the right thing to do (reffering to season 1)
-Joining the Glee Club in the first place which yes, might have been with selfish intent but still helped and set a new status quo that popular kids can also be in glee while also bringing in 2 other friends
-Smart enough to get into Yale
Overall if you start to dislike every Contreversial and mean Glee character you take out Santana, Rachel, Sue, Finn, Quinn, Puck, Kurt, Will, Ken, Becky, Tina, artie, Kitty, Unique and so much more and then we Wouldn't have a show 🤷‍♂️
And yes i know this probably won't Change a lot of Minds of Quinn Haters like how a post defending Kurt won't change my mind about him being the Worst i Mainly did this to Rant and get my opinions out to people who understand
submitted by Main_Laugh7408 to glee [link] [comments]

2023.08.18 09:26 undeadhulk007 Coming back to wot

I stopped playing this game for a while and i am now coming back to it. I must say the game is really really fun, IF you dont have an arty in your game.
As a passioned gamer that played cs:go, lol, tf2, all sorts of cod, all sort of bf. I do not understand why arty should exist. It is a class that has no inherent value and its only purpose is to stun its own team mates and annoy enemies.
If you think otherwise, think to yourselfe:
You are safe behind a wall or anything and get a random 500 hit from an enemy that you cant fire back, that you cant see and that needed to make 1 click for it. There is no counterplay other than not playing the game and camping in 1 spot.
Every game mechanic should have a reasonable counterplay, if there is not a reasonable counter play, that mechanic should not exist. The couple 100 arty players that we would lose when the class is deleted are not a big deal. nobody would care.

Everybody that plays arty as a main and not for missions, you are a terrible human and i hope you will live long ;)
submitted by undeadhulk007 to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]


RELAXING KEY WEST All photos by Joe Whittington . Check out my art at: . My Twitter . My #tiktok . My YouTube: . #worldfamousartist #designer #josephwhittington #joewhittington #artistoftheyear #miami #artist_joewhittington #goteamphoto @goteamphoto #livebetterbuyart #art #arte #kunst #teamwhittington #изкуство #мастацтва #artea #শিল্প #İncəsənət #Արվեստ #فن #ስነጥበብ #arti #Kuns #אמנות #relaxingkeywest
submitted by GOTEAMPHOTO to u/GOTEAMPHOTO [link] [comments]

2023.07.17 15:19 Doylgaafs [MOD POST] What did we miss?

Welcome, true be-leakers!
It's been a couple of weeks since our glorious reopening, and we're thrilled to see the community back in action, engaging in lively discussions as if nothing ever happened. But in reality, a lot has transpired during our closure!
Some of you may have stayed up to date with all the news, scoops, and leaks on new amazing communities that emerged while we were away. However, others may have been out of the loop. That's why we've put together this post to summarize all the important information shared by our trusted sources.
We've compiled this information from sources currently ranked Tier 2 or higher in our Source Accuracy Database. These are sources our community has found to be reliable. However, even the most trustworthy sources can occasionally make mistakes, so please exercise your own discretion when believing what you read.
In this compilation, we've gathered news posted between March 13, 2023, when sub went private, and July 1, 2023, when it became public again. We've only included information that is still relevant, excluding scoops that were proven false or those that have already been confirmed by trailers and other means. The scoops for every project are sorted in a chronological order.
Without further ado, let's dive right into the main course!

Secret Invasion

Loki S2

The Marvels



Deadpool 3

Daredevil: Born Again

Agatha: Coven of Chaos

Captain America: Brave New World



Armor Wars

Fantastic 4

Spider-Man 4

Avengers: Kang Dynasty

Avengers: Secret Wars

What If?... S2

Other MCU future



Venom 3

El Muerto

Spider-Man: Beyond The Spider-Verse

submitted by Doylgaafs to MarvelStudiosSpoilers [link] [comments]

2023.07.14 10:16 ThrowRALoyaltyTest I (F22) just found out my boyfriend(M24)’s friend (M23)loyalty tested me and I don’t know what to do

Throwaway because my bf follows my personal account
I (F22) started dating my ex (M23) Leon when I was 18 and he was 19. We dated for almoat two years until he realized he needed to find himself. I was heart broken but I understood. About a year later I met my current boyfriend (M24) Artie at a local concert. We started talking and hit it off when he told me he was in a band. I asked him what it was called and it sounded familiar. I quickly found out it was because my exs best friend was also in the band. At first I thought it was all too close for comfort but the more I hung out with him at shows the less I cared. We both decided we weren’t going to let someone he kinda knew get in between our obvious chemistry and we started dating a few months later. At first it was awkward going to his shows and hanging with his band mates but my ex’s friend (M23) Mike was pretty chill about it. I had met him a few times when I dated my ex and he remembered me. Apart from him occasionally joking about me dating his friends things were fine. The trouble started when Mike and Artie moved in together a year ago. There were multiple times when I’d come over to hang with Artie and saw Leon there or I’d already be over and he would come. Every time I just ignored him and went to or just stayed in Artie’s room. If we did make eye contact I just did an awkward nod. An important piece of info is that when me and Leon broke up he said that if I was single by my twenty second birthday he’d want to ask me out again. A week before my birthday I went to one of my boyfriends shows. While I was waiting for his set Leon approached me and started a conversation with me. It started casually and I just gave half answers hoping he’d get the hint I don’t want to talk. He brought up how we agreed we’d go out on my twenty second birthday if I was single. I awkwardly joked that thank god I wasn’t single and he asked “well what if you were”. I told him I avoid him for a reason and to never suggest or even talk to me again because he seriously crossed a boundary. I told Artie about it and he was upset and told Mike that from now on if I’m over Leon can’t be. I wanted to ask him to set that boundary ages but didn’t want to give him rules. A week later Artie and I celebrated my birthday and I posted it on my instagram. The day after Leon sent me a long paragraph about how he regretted dumping me and how it should’ve been him celebrating with me and how he regrets shooting his shot somewhere that Artie could see and how it ruined our chances. I asked him what did he mean “ruin our chances” and what suddenly gave him the idea I wanted to be with him. He told me I could be honest and how Mike told him how I drunkenly confessed to him once how I only dated Artie to keep him in my life and how I purposely come over when I knew he’d be there. I was so confused because this never happened. I never drink with Mike let alone spend time with him one on one. I told Leon so and he didn’t believe me and went on about how I could be honest and he wasn’t mad that I was with Artie. I immediately blocked him and I’ve been thinking ever since. Part of me thinks Mike lied to Leon because he knew Leon still had feelings for me and is closer to him than Artie. But I think the more plausible explanation for his lie is he was trying to loyalty test me or break me and Artie up. Either way I’m stuck in between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, Artie deserves to know but on the other hand by telling him I risk his living situation and main source of income. I don’t want to be the reason he has to move out or find a new band. Do I confront Mike and try to figure out his true intentions or do I tell Artie knowing it could cause him immense stress?
TLDR my boyfriend’s friend who is also friends with my ex, told my ex I still have feelings for him. Do I tell my bf?
submitted by ThrowRALoyaltyTest to relationship_advice [link] [comments]