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Dark Angels list thoughts

2024.05.08 08:02 Jonald247 Dark Angels list thoughts

Hi! new player here, I just needed others' opinion on this list. I already have most if not all of the models on this list. I wanted to create a fluffy list with the majority of Dark Angels special units being used. The Spartan might be a bit much but its the only tranport I have at the moment though I do plan on reducing the Inner Circle Knights to 5 and using a Landraider Proteus when I get one. Also is having a herald worth it to join the Inner Circle Knights. Some other changes that I could do is replace the Kratos with a Leviathan Dreadnought to free up more points but not sure what I could add.
++ 1. Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - I: Dark Angels) [3,000Pts] ++
Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On
Allegiance: Loyalist
I: Dark Angels
Rite of War: Pride Of The Legion
Centurion, Cataphractii [115Pts]: Deathwing, Herald
. Herald: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Legion Standard, Terranic Greatsword
Corswain [405Pts]: Warlord
. Deathwing Companion Detachment: Legion Vexilla
. . Deathwing Companion: Calibanite Warblade, Cytheron Pattern Aegis
. . Deathwing Companion: Calibanite Warblade, Cytheron Pattern Aegis
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Oathbearer: Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [180Pts]: Dreadwing
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon
Dreadwing Interemptor Squad [160Pts]: Artificer Armour, Interemptor Praefectus, 4x Interemptors, Phosphex Bomb, Plasma Incinerator
Inner Circle Knights Cenobium [840Pts]: Deathwing, Legion Vexilla, Slayers of Kings
. Land Raider Spartan: Deathwing
. . Land Raider Spartan: 2x Lascannon Array, Flare Shield, Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
. Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer
. Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Preceptor: Grenade Harness, Terranic Greatsword
Tactical Squad [145Pts]: Stormwing
. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist
. 8x Legionaries (collective): 8x Bayonet, 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla
Terminator Tartaros Squad [370Pts]: Deathwing, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Pride of the Legion Compulsory Troops
. Tartaros
. . Minor Combi-Weapon: Minor Combi-Weapon - Volkite Charger
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Tartaros
. . Minor Combi-Weapon: Minor Combi-Weapon - Volkite Charger
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Tartaros
. . Minor Combi-Weapon: Minor Combi-Weapon - Volkite Charger
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Tartaros
. . Minor Combi-Weapon: Minor Combi-Weapon - Volkite Charger
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Tartaros
. . Minor Combi-Weapon: Minor Combi-Weapon - Volkite Charger
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Tartaros Sergeant: Grenade Harness
. . Minor Combi-Weapon: Minor Combi-Weapon - Volkite Charger
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. 4x Tartaros w/Lightning Claws: 4x Pair of Lightning Claws
Veteran Squad [375Pts]: Deathwing, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Pride of the Legion Compulsory Troops
. Drop Pod: Deathwing
. Veteran: Astartes Shotgun, Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran: Astartes Shotgun, Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. Veteran Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolter, Hand Flamer, Thunder Hammer
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5): Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Plasma Burner
. Veteran w/Heavy/Special Weapon (1 in 5): Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Plasma Repeater
Kratos Squadron [410Pts]: Ironwing
. Kratos: 2x Lascannons, Flare Shield, Hull (Front, Right/Left) Mounted Lascannons
. . Kratos Battlecannon: Kratos Battlecannon - Flashburn Shells
Lords of War Have Moved to "Lords of War Detachment"
++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (
submitted by Jonald247 to Warhammer30k [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 18:18 Phoenix613183 Ways to improve the north

Ideas I've seen in fanfic
Make Money to found north project/venture- -Trade ice with dorne - Use the secret forgotton rooms under winterfell. Past Starks rulers were frugal - Look at forgotten huge cave system under winterfell -survey the northern mountains it has several mineral deposits -sell timber, wool, furs, tar, leather to Bravos
-Fix moat calitin and put naval base at sea dragon point or stony shore>create a watchtower at Flint's finger to give us a warning when the raiders leave their nest -Canal and new road system to tranport food and get to other side faster - plants that could grow in north: corn, wheat, barley, rice, potatoes,suagrcane,bean,turnips,Potatoes,Parsnips, cranberry - Rice, a grain that is grown in Yi-Ti, to grow in the neck - printing press - Get yaks and Ox from Ib - get unicorn from skagos - get Gryphon from beyond wall - northern version of citedal> make old tongue be required for all northerners>the home of the Scholars, the northern equivalent to the maesters> --weirwood bow for northerners only -allow Northern warrior women/ sheild maiden to fight -public bathhouse -an earthquake had occurred at the Neck which has resulted in a great canal that linked the Bite to the Blazewater Bay, through the fever river -Make an amphitheaters for plays in wintertown - Northern Rangers patrol north to stop bandits -give new gift to wildings or give it took a stark child to start a cadet branch. > rebuild hardhone for Wilding coffee grains , sugar cane frm reach -eagle hatcheries to deliver messages once north is independent again -Culivate allies with House royce, House black wood, house dayne and use magic to make them into old god worshiper -create a standing army in North plegded to House Stark -Create a Mercany Company in Essos Sworn to House Stark( send green boys there for experience. Home base could be Bravvos - have breeding farms all over North and put Extension charms inside - a nortyern brotheral in each kingdom / northern Inn in each kingdom dre uses extentions charm to make bigger on inside. They can act like safe houses for northerns & small folk - Plant small iron wood tree in a glass garden - a canal starting at Blazewater bay to The Fever River to The Bite
What if- -avatar gives northern water bending - -Only people with fisrt men blood can bend one of element's -the north was always powrful but south just thought they were savages bc of there religion - northern kingdom before aegon conquest help the escape slaves and help them found bravvos & there allies -House Stark and house Belaerys were allies and house belarys surived doom. houses targern hate house stark for freeing slaves.
Iron Islands become known as winter isles
Fair isle and sheild island apart of winter isles
Port City on the Stony Shore called Lycansvart. Old
-marry sansa stark to willas tyrell, dominic bolton, or ned dayne
Have one of the well like clan men trade there daugther to a son of Lord Royce so they have blood of fisrt men through bloodline again and make lord royce king of The Vale & make the house worship old gods & ally with them
If there over population in north send 50,000 people to colonize a city in essos
Northern independent the very idea that we can secede from the iron throne because Torrhen's bending knee was to throne having dragons is now no longer valid. Robert Baratheon oath
-'Northern Games', there was no joust,Archery, team melee,racing (whether on horseback, on foot, or in rowboats, and even a dog race), weight lifting, rock climbing, tug of war
-House Belaerys lives on the Blessed Island north of the bite & there heir will always have Valyrian features & when they marry into other northern houses there purple eyes are the only thing that pass over. They dont have any dragons. The island is 3rd most powerful bannermen of the starks. An extremely loyal and they religiously follow old gods. The people of island has magic
Frost flame for ice dragon only people with fisrt men blood can ride in old tongue -The scholars were healers and advisors not only to the middle class and nobility but also to the common folk as unlike the maesters they kept moving through the North until they either found a place to settle or they had started a family as they hold no oaths other than to help people wherever and whenever they could.
-the University in Winter City taught healers, herbalists and teachers for the common folk and craftsmen; the Academy of White Harbor trained engineers and architects; -The custodians were as the name implied keepers of knowledge, librarians, teachers for the common and noble born and writers that both copy and restore ancient texts and translate others. Most custodians traveled from place to place through the North teaching the common folk lessons of history and how to read; settling down as scribes or librarians only when they have reached an advance stage of experience and age -University of Frost.
-Law and order was maintained in the wintercity by the Silver Cloaks, an order of highly train guardsmen far superior in training and dedication to the corrupt gold cloaks on the Capital
-Wintercity; a Stark established the position of Lord Governomayor with a system similar to the Night's watch, an elected lifelong ruler chosen by the citizens of Winter City
-As for Praetorians they were both nobles and common born men and women inducted into the elite forces of the army; through honorable service and merit in their careers as legionaries, receiving the best armors and weapons based on their skills. They acted as the elite guard of powerful lords and elite units for precise strikes on enemy fortresses;-Praetorians mostly filled the roles of knights in the North.
-Druids or green men as they were called by the people of the North were scholars adept at the higher mysteries in other words magic (even though no one liked to use that word). In the University no one could ask or demand to be a druid, you had to be asked to join the academic track of druids. Only men and women with unusual abilities were able to become druids While most scholars had to earn a name for themselves by living on the villages and cities working for the small folk and their guilds; druids entered into the service of lords lesser and great from the moment they graduated. Tending to the sacred godswoods and their heart trees; planting new weirwoods and watching them grow.
-Life in the Winterlands centres around the tenet that 'the lone wolf dies but the pack survives'. Everyone works hand-in-hand, regardless of rank or feuds, to keep their kingdom strong. It is tradition in the North that every noble child goes to foster at Winterfell for half the year, every year, so as to foster bonds whilst still keeping close to their family.
-the Royal Admiral (Master of Ships);the Fist of Winter (the northern version of the hand;Royal Treasurer, Wyman Manderly
-The Master of Shadows, who was the Chief Intelligence advisor and spy/assassin master, and overseer of covert activities and information gathering
-the order of huntsmen, this order was created for people who could skinchange. Act as Spy neckwork
(heirs name)__ Stark Guardian of the Winterlands/North and the Isles, Protector of the Gods of the Forest, Magnar of Winterfell, King of the First Men, the Giants, and The Children of the Forest
Ned takes Baby Danerys justify it by saying House Targaryen owes House Stark a bride according to the Pact of Ice and Fire. I'll be taking the girl with me. It
-Cannibal dragon on skagos
Animals north has Dolphins, eels, swordfish, seals, sea lions, squid, lizard lions, shadowcats, snow bears, the hunting of Direwolves was highly illegal, mammoths
Winter Throne in 7,695 years after the long night (A.L.N.)( if north was independent that house to tell dates)
submitted by Phoenix613183 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2023.02.05 12:24 boost_fae_bams Take a moment and look over my Gaunt's Ghosts fluff list? Tell me how likely I am to get steamrolled, or any tricks I could pull off. Cheers!

So yeah, built a 1000 point list centered around my Gaunt's Ghosts and Steel Legion OGs. It's basically the maximum amount of usefulness I can get out of what I have modelled so I won't be able to swap any weaponry without proxying.
Regimental Doctrine : Born Soldiers
Gaunt's Ghosts 120pts
Platoon Command Squad
Commander – Bolt pistol, power sword. Warlord. Old Grudges.
Missile Launcher Team. Master Vox. Finial of Nemrodesh. 75Pts
Infantry Squad
Sergeant – Bolt pistol. Grenade Launcher Vox Caster Heavy Bolter Team. 5 Guardsmen 65pts
Infantry Squad
Sergeant – Bolt pistol. Heavy Flamer Vox Caster Missile Launcher Team. 5 Guardsmen 65pts
Infantry Squad
Sergeant – Bolt pistol. Grenade Launcher Vox Caster Missile Launcher Team. 5 Guardsmen 65pts
Kasrkin – heirloom weapons.
Sergeant – hotshot laspistol
Plasma gun Hot shot volley gun. Vox Caster 6 Kasrkin 100pts
Tempestus Scions
Tempestor – plasma pistol, power sword.
Voxcaster Meltagun Plasma gun 4 Scions 88pts
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Battle Tank Heavy bolter sponsons, lascannon. 165pts
Leman Russ Demolisher Heavy flamer sponsons, heavy bolter. 165pts.
Dedicated Tranports
Chimera Multilaser, hull heavy flamer, storm bolter. 90pts
Total 998pts
Some ideas-
The amount of missile launchers is both fluff and using Born Soldiers I can fish for 6s if I can't Krak tough targets.
Using the Platoon Commander as Warlord allows for the juicy Finial(which in this Gaunt's Ghosts and friends theme is represented by Milo and his pipes!) and along with the base of 3 infantry squads should hopefully act as a solid core for the army.
The Battle Tank can sit back with the core taking potshots, while the Demolisher can roll up when ready, maybe with a squad of infantry to take advantage of openings.
The fun comes in the form of Gaunt's Ghosts themselves - not being warlord I can just infiltrate them forwards to cause trouble. Same with the Scions (which are modelled as elite Tanith scouts - thanks to communiy suggestions!) they can deep strike and cause costly distractions along with Gaunt.
Kasrkins can rush forward in the Chimera to add some extra weight to Gaunt and the Scion forward mob. I had considered giving them Mechanized Infantry but Heirloom Weapons seemed more generally useful.
Corbec's free CP each turn could cheapen some of the costlier tactics (Kasrkin bomb anyone?)
So yeah, I can either split the force and harry the enemy up front while moving up the core of my force, or I can keep everyone close to each other, move up steadily and support pretty much everything with everyone.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
submitted by boost_fae_bams to TheAstraMilitarum [link] [comments]

2020.09.29 20:49 NotAGamble360 League area unlocks

This is my attempt at comparing the important parts of each regions



· Barrows (Barrows gear + lots of runes)
· Nightmare (Inquisitor’s + nightmare staff/orbs)
· TOB (Rapier, Staff, scythe for BIS melee and magic, Justiciar, avernic?)
· Slayer tower (Lots of monsters with easy access/good loot)
· Cave horrors (Slayer helm)


· Hallowed sepulchre (great agility exp, ring of endurance, strange old lockpick, money)
· Farming patches (2 herb (1 requires elite morytania diary), 1 flower, 2 allotment)
· Ectofuntus (great prayer exp/bone, slow)
· Canafis agility course (good exp/marks of grace)
· Vyres/vyrewatch (blood shard/blood fury)


· Temple Trekking (lumberjack outfit, xp rewards/herbs)
· Shades of morton (splitbark armor, amulet of the damned)
· Ectophial (one click tele)



· Wildy bosses
o Crazy archeologist (odium/malediction shards, early rune crossbow/power ammy)
o Chaos fanatic (odium/malediction shards, early splitbark, loot)
o Scorpia (odium/malediction shards, loot)
o Chaos elemental (Dragon Pickaxe, Dragon 2H, loot)
o Venenatis (Dragon Pickaxe, Dragon 2H, loot, Treasonous ring)
o Callisto (Dragon Pickaxe, Dragon 2H, loot, Tyrannical ring)
o Vet’ion (Dragon Pickaxe, Dragon 2H, loot, ring of the gods)
o King Black Dragon (Dragon Pickaxe, loot)
o Corporeal Beast (spirit shields/sigils)
· Mage arena 1 and 2 (mage arena capes)
· Lava dragons (lava scales, good loot)
· Revenants (massive loot, wildy weapons)
· Wildy slayer (good rewards, may be fast points.)
· Wildy God wars (addy bars, ecumenical keys(good for asgarnia/alching))
· PVP (no reward)


· Abyss (runecrafting access with other areas)
· Chaos temple (fastest prayer exp and best per bone)
· Resource area
o Dark crabs (highest heal, elsewhere in wildy as well)
o Rune rocks (highest tier ore, elsewhere in wildy)
o Magic trees (highest tier tree in leagues 2)
· Black chins/black salamanders (good hunter exp, allows chinning, eagles peak required?)
· Wilderness agility


· Ferox enclave (restore pool + minigames and LMS shop)
· Mage arena bank and shop (great access to runes)



· God wars (BIS armor for melee and ranged, best crossbow, weapons)
· Giant Mole (fast Bird nests)
· Skeletal Wyverns (Great loot)
· Taverley dungeon (lots of enemies (maybe water obelisk?))
· Warriors guild (food shop/defenders)


· Law Altar (easy law rune access)
· Motherlode Mine/mining guild (amethyst, runite, dragonstones (gem bags), prospector outfit)
· Crafting guild (bank with close tele if 99 craft, gold near deposit box)
· Farming patches (1 undying herb, 1 herb, 1 flower, 2 allot, 1 bush, 2 tree, 1 hop)
· Rimmington house portal (close to unnoting NPC)
· Falador rooftop agility (marks of grace)
· Thieves den (fire adjacent to bank, rouges gear, graceful+amalayse crystals)


· Heroes guild? (quest requires white wolf+wildy, may be unlocked)
· Dorgeshuun (dorgesh-kahn) (may be required since dorgeshunn requires goblin village)
· Balloon transport system (transport around areas)
· Void equipment (elite void should be locked to kandarin for western provinces diary)
· Crystal chest (reliable dragonstones)



· KQ (Dragon chainbody)
· ANCIENT SPELLBOOK (unlocks multitarget magic spells.)
· Mage Training arena (bones to peaches, infinity robes)


· Blackjacking (Best thieving exp below 91)
· Pyramid plunder (Best thieving exp at/above 91)
· Agility pyramid (good agility exp and good gp)
· Pollniveach Agility (good agility exp)


· Nardah altar (ornate pool equivalent w/tele after desert elite)
· Nardah herbalist (cleans herbs for a fee)
· Duel arena (PVP, no reward)
· Tourist trap (able to smith darts)

Fremennik (assuming keldagrim)


· DKS (BIS rings, dragon axe)
· Vorkath (great money)
· Baslisk knights (bis melee helm)
· Kurasks (slayer dungeon) (leaf bladed sword/battleaxe, good loot)


· Lunar Spellbook (tons of great utility spells)
· Neitiznot mine (Rune rock)
· Lunar altar (decent runecrafting exp)
· Throne of Miscellenia (autonomous resource gathering, good for herbs)
· Farming patches (1 undying herb(weiss), 1 bush, 1 spirit)
· Penguin agility? (agility pet meta)
· Relekka rooftops agility (good agility exp)
· Polar Hunter area (decent low-level hunter outside kandarin)
· Blast Furnace (great smithing exp, fast production w/o production master)
· Keldagrim stonemason (only access to gold leaf, marble blocks, magic stones for POH)


· God books (prayer bonus + good bonuses, requires clue completions)
· Minecarts/train transport? (quick access to GE, Dorgesh-kahn, dwarven mines if unlocked)
· Baba yaga (buy runes)



· Demonic gorillas (Zenytes)
· Krakens (kraken tentacle, trident of the seas)
· Knights waves training (Piety)
· Smoke devils (Occult necklace)


· Myths guild dungeon (rune/addy rocks, Wrath altar)
· Myths guild upstairs (range next to bank, dragon weapons)
· Feldtip hills/piscatoris hunter (great hunter exp at all levels, only non-wildy chins)
· Fishing trawler (good fish, anglers outfit)
· Ouriana altar (Great runecrafting xp, access to all runes)
· Fishing guild (great shark access w/minnows)
· Piscatoris colony (fishing exp, tele near bank with western provinces diary)
· Farming patches (2 herb, 2 flower, 4 allotment, 1 bush, 2 hops, 3 fruit, 1 tree)


· NMZ (Imbue items)
· Barbarian assault (fighter torso)
· Gnome gliders (useful tranports)
· Magic guild (buy runes/mystic robes)
· Sherlock/falo (unlocks lots of clues)



· The Gauntlet (Balde of saeldor, crystal equipment)
· Zulrah (nerfed unique rewards, still good money)
o Toxic blowpipe (cant smith darts without desert, need dart/tip drops otherwise)
o Trident of the swamp (trident of the seas is in kandarin)
o Serpentine visage (as normal)


· Zolcano (good rewards, crystal tool upgrades if wildy/fremmy chosen)
· Trahaern mine (rune ore, soft clay mine)
· Prifdinnas agility course (good exp, crystal shards)
· Saw mill (next to teaks/mahoganys, closer to bank than varrock)
· Farming patches (1 flower, 2 allotment, 1 fruit)
· red chins (eagles peak required?)


· Elven crystal chest (dragonstones, good rewards)
· Crystal weapons/shields (decent powered easy to obtain weapons)

edit: fixed pest control, added missed things from comments
submitted by NotAGamble360 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2019.10.08 15:22 OHH_HE_HURT_HIM With it being Orktober, lets discuss what wed like to see in chapter approved.

So the Ork codex has been out long enough now that we can actually look forward to seeing some changes in the yearly chapter approved.
What would you guys like to see in terms of points changes, also what do you expect to see?
Over all I'm pretty happy with the codex, its the best weve had in a long time. Still there are some tweaks I think we could see.
Here's what I'd like to see:
I'm not going to give an exact point value for everything. I'm mainly just going to group points drops into a number of groups looking at a drop percentage relating to the over all cost of the unit.
Slight Points drop
Points Drop
Substantial points drop
The kombi weapons all need to come down. This would make nobs in general a much more effective unit. Nobs with kombi weapons are rarely used because it means giving up a close combat weapon and relying on their pretty sub par BS. Then it comes close to nearly doubling the actual cost of the nob to bring the kombi weapon.
TL:DR slight point drops for buggies and some less used units. Kombi weapons all need a drop as well as the buggies.
submitted by OHH_HE_HURT_HIM to orks [link] [comments]

2019.01.16 22:57 urbanknight4 Neutral card spoilers coming!

Once the Night Lords event ends (In Midnight Clad), the store will feature an Extermination crate that will contain cards from the latest 3 legions: Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, and Night Lords. They will also contain all-new neutral cards for Imperial Army, Chaos, and the Mechanicum. This crate will cost 100g!
Here is a list of the cards that have been spoiled up until now:
Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section
The Solar Auxilia are among the most elite, disciplined and well-equipped fighting forces in the Imperial Army. Born from the Saturnyne Ordo, the Solar Auxilia soon grew to include regiments raised from across the Imperium. They formed the backbone of the growing Imperium during the Great Crusade, taking over essential garrison and exploration duties and freeing the Space Marine Legions to concentrate on the main battlefronts.
Solar Auxilia Dracosan Armoured Transport
The Dracosan is employed primarily by Solar Auxilia forces. A heavily armed and armoured carrier, it is large enough to accommodate a full Infantry Section.
Solar Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Squad
Charonites are biochemically and cybernetically enhanced Ogryns. The unstable technologies used in their creation are proscribed by the Mechanicum, with only the Solar Auxilia having a dispensation to use them.
Informant Network
It's been said that battles are won by courage, by standing firm in the face of overwhelming odds. None of that helped on Isstvan V. Information wins battles, wars and worlds. The Alpha Legion knows this best, and that's why we know nothing else about them.
Pride of Mars
Fixated with the fate that had befallen Humanity after the Age of Strife, the Mechanicum dispatched great vessels into the Warp in the hope that some clues would be found and to colonise and restore what ancient domains could be recovered.
What are your thoughts on these cards? Comment below!
submitted by urbanknight4 to HorusHeresyLegions [link] [comments]

2019.01.16 13:49 harrylongabough All Toyz List / first Battle vs GKs

Ok there have been several posts on *orkanauts and toy-heavy lists that i have seen. I have now tried an all toyz list with no boyz for fun. Ork worked pretty good, ive had insane dice though. I still thought id share this because i guess that Combo of units isnt fielded Top often. Maybe someone find's this as interesting as me.
I was facing Grey Knights, maybe Not the hardest Opponent neither. He had 2 big flyers with lascans and rockets, 2 razorbacks with lascans, 2 mechs as HQ and one dudewith a 2++ in cc. Several Squads of jumpy GKs and 3 or 4 that were deepstriking in. He had 9 CPs i think.
We played the last one of maelstrom where you Start off with 6 cards.
My list looked like this:
Warboss (klaw and custom shoota, redarmor relic, brutal but kunning).
Warboss (klaw and custom shoota).
MEGANOBZ (5) (3xsawz, 2xclaw,1xkombiflamer,1xcustomshoota).
NOBZ (5) (5xkombiflamer).
KOMMANDOZ(10) (1xclaw).
TANKBUSTAZ (10) (4squigs, bazzookas).
DEFFKOPAZ (2) (rokkits).
BATTLEWAGON (3xBigahoota).
TRUCK (2) (1×Bigshoota).
The nobz, the warlord and the painboy went in the BW, the flamernobz and the other Warboss in a truck and the tankbustaz in the 2nd truck. I deployed everything Besides die reserves (Koptas and kommandos) around the Kff.
I started, moved everything up and shotdown the razorbacks to 1hp each with squigs. The MEKGUNZ took a lot off one Flyer. He basically missed with all his anti tank weapons and only managed to finish the tankbusta truck in the end of Turn 1. His troops jumped in Turn 1 and i managed to split and Attack each one in cc, one with the gork one with mork and the nobz, and one with ne meganobz (that was an overkill...). Cool thing, the meganobz got out of the tank Turn 2, killed the GK Squad and jumped in a truck Turn 3 to get back on the field. Thought that was funny. Koptas came Turn 2, komandoz 3 and grabbed objectives. His warlord killed himself with a Plasma weapon, end of Turn 3 i was way ahead and it was past Midnight on a tuesday so we ended it. The mork was on 1 hp, gork full, gunz full, kommandos full, Koptas full, BW und one truck still there, only tankbustas and nobs died really.
I thought the *orkanauts were cool, even though The weapons of the mork really dont convince me. I really liked the Kultur of sunz, tankbustaz are great, Koptas suck. I was surpsrised howgood the nobflamers were tho. Helped me hit the flyers, too! Traktor s are cool, i think. Would field em again. The 5 meganobz with 3 sawz are probably overkill a Lot of the time. I might field 2x3, i still got some unassembled.
The Game was Not representative for anything i guess, just wanted to share this pretty stupid list.
Edit: i tried formatting.
submitted by harrylongabough to orks [link] [comments]

2018.11.16 01:14 CellanKnight Ruins Base Guide for DST - works for DS aswell

(A work in progress. Typos will be corrected with the help of the community, as english is not my mother language. Every comment will be read and took in consideration. Thanks everyone for participating)
I wanna make this thread to help people who want to spend time underground and don't know how to do it. I don't mean a cave base next to the stairs (helicalpuma has an awesome video on this). I mean a deep settlement to raid the ruins.
In this thread I will share my thoughts and ask you to share yours too! :D so everyone can learn.
What do you think of the idea? Hope you guys support with many comments!
-I main Wigfrid, so maybe it will be more a meat/combat based guide. -For details, visit the wiki! I will try to avoid putting details here. -Keep in mind that this is the way I do this. Not everything is necessary, and there are stuff that can be missing. -This is a DST guide. There are some differences between DST and DS (I will look for this eventually), but this guide can still be used by any player, if capable of pointing the differences by himself.


The Ancent Ruins Mechanics Preparation Finding a Good Place Settling Down Some Thoughts on Food Enemies Biomes Raids Ruis Reset Going Home Thank you!

The Ancient Ruins

The ruins are a great endgame place to explore. It bears valuable treasure, and is challenging, thrilling and tricky. If you are prepared, you just need the nerve.


The ruins are dark, and the sanity drain is constant. Tam o'shanter can still provide you sanity there, but I personally don't advocate using it. It is better to wear moggles, miner hats or helms for battle and handle sanity (if you will) in other ways.
Nightmare Cycle
The Ruins bear a cycle that changes aesthetics and behavior of features inside the it. Hallucinations spawn from nightmare lights, splumonkeys become devils, and the ground glows a fluorescent red (not providing light, though) in the cycle's peak. In other phases, everything is fine again. Go to the wiki for details.


For your settlement you need to bring some food and means to grow resources down there. You also want to pre-craft structures, to save inventory space. Bring a bird, too. He is your best friend in the game.
Do this if you don't have bundling wrap. If you already has it, just bring a lot of good food (see "food" section) inside your bundles.
-Pierogies, meatballs, bacon and eggs, jerky, whatever you want
-1 stack of pine cones -1 stack of berry bushes -2 stacks of grass tufts -2 stacks of saplings or some twiggy tree -cones -Grass, saplings, wood, flint, rocks and gold (1 stack of each) -1 stack of living logs -1 stack of nightmare fuel
-1 stack of healing -1 bird -Some ice (always good to have some filler) -Moggles -1 or 2 lanterns -1 miner hat -Your ol' cane -Life giving amulet -Helmets and/or good chest amor (fuck log suits) -Maybe resources for bunny houses, if you will -One or two spider eggs -Don't bring tools at all. Save space, make them down there. (Think it is it. I will edit if I remember something or you guys help)
-Ice box -Crock pot -Drying rack -Alchemy engine -Bird cage -Chest -Bunny house -Campfire -Fire pit (for cooking. Not light) -Scaled Furnace (not a must, but is useful and replaces the fire pit for cooking) -Shadow manipulator

Finding a good place

You want to be close to the ruins, because it is the main purpose of this settlement.
First of all, find the ruins. The entrance hall is always a lichen field with ponds, slurpers and maybe splumonkeys (this is the wilds biome). People say that before this hall there is always a light flower field, and so it is in my server. Since the wilds are not always safe, I settled myself in that flower field (free light!).

Settling down

Before venturing into the ancient civilization ruins, you need to build a base. This may take several days, though. Do not worry, and enjoy the time.
Ruins are dark all day long. Thankfully grass, saplings, trees and berry bushes grow in the dark (DS logic lol). I plant those right to the light bulbs, so I can see them anytime. Gekkos will spawn. BEWARE DISEASE.
Make a good, tight kitchen. You want to save space, for the lack of light and small light radius. A birdcage for eggs, a cooking station (crockpots + fridge) for making good food and a pit or furnace for cooking meat.
Make some chests, maybe 9. Store your resources, your micelaneous, your minerals (you will grab a lot of them from earthquakes and cave-ins), your weaponry and your tools. Some people store thulecite and ancient gems (yellow, green and orange) in the base, but for me this is waste of time and space. When I talk about outposts you will understand.
Fence your base. Fences keep slurtles, splumonkeys, worms and lobsters at bay, and they are your enemies. Worms want to eat you, splumonkeys wreak havoc in your base, slurtles will eat minerals in chest and will hit you to eat minerals in your inventory, and rock lobsters, although powerful allies, will want to eat your minerals too.
Plant some spiders dens for their drops. Monster meat is good food in the ruins, and glands make band-aids.
You may want to build a drying station and a bunnymen farm as well. I didn't built them yet, and struggle for food everyday D: shameful.

Some thoughts on food

It is good to know how to make pierogies. Only 37.5 hunger, but massive 40 health points, and lasts 40 days.
1 meat (monster or normal), 1 egg and 2 veggies. Or 1 meat (monster or normal), 2 eggs and 1 veggie. Keep in mind that lichen count as veggies. If you have a bunnymen farm, carrots will aid you as well.
Jerkies are good source as well.
Meatballs, bacon and eggs or jerky, you chose. If I have the means, I prefer bacon and eggs, for the good hunger, health and perish time. Jerky is a jack of all trades, master of none.
Well, actually jerkies are master of sanity haha. 15 points. If you will, wear a tam or sleep on a tent/fur roll (sleeping is one of the worst things you can do in DST). Cooked cacti and cooked green mushrooms are good as well.
In my opinion, just dont care for sanity. It will be a problem sometimes, but, if you are in the ruins, you probably can kill one or two terrorbeaks. Sanity loss is a thing in the caves, and it is easier if you just hug it. You want fuel, after all.
Staying sane is obviously safer, but it is so hard to manage that I find easier to find ways to deal with shadows creatures than managing my sanity. One day, though, it will kill me LOL
Just don't waste jerks if you don't need it's health or proteins :D


The most dangerous threat. They occur in Wilds biomes and Villages. They have two forms: normal and shadow. They turn to shadow splumonkeys in the peak of nightmare cycle.
When normal, they stel stuff from the ground (treasure, drops, LANTERNS) and from chests. They run away from you, and, if attacked, they trow poop on you, which drains sanity.
When in shadow form, they group up and chase you until you are dead. There is no escape, and there is no fight. Just run or lead them to some predator (dephts worms, spiders, maybe rooks).
They must be killed on sight and their dens must be broken or burnt down.
Occur in Wilds and Villages. They bright, and will attempt to jump in your head, drop the hat for the splumonkeys to steal, and drain your hunger. When they are attatched, they provide light. Just kill them. Their pelt is used to craft the belt of hunger, good for Wolfgang, for mitigating the hunger loss of the user.
Dephts Worms
Powerful, deadly and group up. They come in waves and occur around the map, like hardcore hounds with different drops. Not so dangerous, though, they can be kited even in groups, and leave you alone if you run far enough. I like to keep them around there to kill splumonkeys and damaged clockworks.
Damaged Clockworks
The trickiest enemies im the ruins. They are the same but old and rust robots we see in the surface world, with the same stats and different drops. They occur in Military and Sacred biomes, and are arranged in groups. They can overcome you if faced all at once. Use the rook to harm his comrades, and destroy nearby structures (everything is loot down there). (Try) to kite the knight and tank the bishop's bolts.
Dangling Dephts Dwellers
White-skinned spider elite, with the same behavior and stats as the yellow one from the surface. They live in the roof, above a webbing, and come to the floor if their webs are stepped. Just avoid the center of the web and you are safe. These monsters just don't worth the effort to kill.
Same stats and behavior as the shadow creatures', spawned by insanity. The difference is that they will spawn from nightmare lights during the nightmare phase, and don't restore any sanity when killed. They are hostile and will chase you like shadow splumonkeys, but bit slower. Run if they are too many. Fight if they are few. You want to stay away from them during nightmare phase.
Ancient Guardian
This lonely beast lives in the center of the Labitynth. He behaves like the Rook, but can perform melee attacks. You cam fight him or cheese him. Have fun. He drops the ancient gateway key, that is socketed in the Ancient Gateway in the Atrium to activate it, light the Atrium and lock the nightmare cycle in it's peak.
Ancient Fuelweaver
He is probably the former king of the ancients, maybe a lich possessing a skeleton. He can be spawned giving a shadow atrium to a odd skeleton inside the Gateway Hall while the key is socketed in it's place. They say he is the hardest boss im the game. I never faced him mano a mano. I cheese him. I will cheese him until the cheese is patched. Shame on me.


Here you can get lichen and find special ponds where you can fish for eels (required for unagi, good food). There are slurpers and splumonkeys, also. Kill on sight, and burn their houses.
More splumonkeys, slurpers, some white spiders and thulecite walls. Order of things here (you want to follow):
-Burn the monkey pods -Kill the slurpers (optional, but you should) -Kill the splumonkeys or have tem killed by something. Wigfrid and Wolfgang can hitkill them with blowdarts. -Hammer the walls and get thulecite
There will be clockworks, thulecite walls and broken clockworks, which can be repaired to get a clockwork follower or hammered to get the loot. Nightmare lights occur here.
There may be ancient statues, which can be mined for the loot, and broken Pseudoscience Stations, that allows to craft some ancient treasure. If they are broken, they drop loot and may spawn monsters.
Same as military, but there you can find fully repaired Pseudoscience Stations, which allows to craft any ancient treasure. Here one will find a ancient chest as well, used for unlocking decoration recipes and solving puzzles. Go for details in the wiki.
The labirynth is full of dead ends, ornate chests with loot and with traps (they may spoil food and waste items durability, so consider dropping them on the ground), white spider webbings and, im the center, the hall where the Ancient Guardian is locked like the Minotaur.
Tricky. You have to kill a certain tentapillar in the caves and jump in the pit to be tranported to the atrium biomes. It is kind of a small labirynth with ornate chests, obelisks blocking the way and few webbings and clockworks around. In the center you will find the Ancient Gateway Hall.


Finally! Now that you know the mechanics, you know how to base, what to eat and know the enemies and biomes, you are more than prepared to raid the ancient ruins. Grab your nerve and let's go.
Important: fences are friends. They block your enemies. Consider fencing entrances and exits, so you can have more control of the ruins. Take them to you, lad!
First thing you want to do is killing the monkeys there and destroy their houses (they are scum, they are thiefs, they are a threat). Once the monkey problem is solved, and the slurpers are killed, start by hammering the thulecite walls in the Village.
Next, go to the many Military and Sacred halls arount the Ruins and clear them. The loot is mainly there, and you want everything. If the monkeys were alive, they would follow you to the halls and steal your stuff. Thankfully they are dwelling in the mansion of the dead.
In the ruins you will gather (as treasure, not as common drops):
-Thuecite -Thulecite fragments -All sorts of gems but iridescent -A lot of gears -Frazzled wires (trinket) -Melty marbles (trinket)
After the sacred and militaries are clean, and before leading to the Labirynth, I build an advanced post near the sacred biome with the fully repaired Pseudocience Station, in a safe zone. There I make a small kitchen, put one or two chests and maybe some berry bushes (BEWARE DISEASE)
Ancient artifacts can only be crafted near a Ancient Pseudoscience Station. That said, inside the sacred hall, next to the APS, I build chests where I will store all items needed for crafting those.
Check the wiki for each of the ancient items, but I always craft a lot of Thulecite Crowns and green gem staves and medallions to farm Thulecite.
Quick thulecite farm guide: make many thul. suits with construction amulets, and deconstruct them all with deconstructing staff. This way you can farm 13 thulecites per staff/medallion.

Ruins reset

After taking from the ruins all it can give you, you may want to reset it. After killing the Ancient Fuelweaver, the Gateway will destabilize for some minutes, then shut up, turning off the lights and resetting the ruins.
Everything built there will remain. Every structure destroyed but thulecite walls (broken clockworks, statues, pods...) will be respawned in the same place. Ornate chests will be refilled. Enemies will respawn. You can go and raid again. The ruins can be reseted every 20 days.

Going Home

After many days of raiding, let's come back to the surface world. Release the bird, cause he deserves it.
I recommend digging up all the tufts (don't know if disease will occur underground if you are in the surface - let me know) Take anything you want to take to the surface. I would leave behind moggles, some weapons and armor, the ice in the fridge, some tools and basic resources farmed there, like grass, twigs and logs. Doing this makes you don't need to worry about bringing these things for the next raid.
There is no point taking thulecite and green, orange and yellow gems to the surface, because they are ancient resources and can only be used near a APS. Leave them in te Sacred with some living logs and some fuel.

Thank you!

This is my first guide ever, and took me one entire day to write haha thank you for your support, and PLEASE help me improving/correcting it.
submitted by CellanKnight to dontstarve [link] [comments]

2018.01.07 14:43 CellanKnight Ruins settlement guide/tips (DST)

(A work in progress. Typos will be corrected with the help of the community, as english is not my mother language. Every comment will be read and took in consideration. Thanks everyone for participating)
I wanna make this thread to help people who want to spend time underground and don't know how to do it. I don't mean a base next to the entrance (helicalpuma has an awesome video on this). I mean a deep settlement to raid the ruins.
In this thread I will share my thoughts and ask you to share yours too! :D so everyone can learn. There are few ruins guides, and Edgy Rick has good info, but not a FULL guide. I like watching him :D (even if he is a jerk)
What do you think of the idea? Hope you guys support with many comments!
-I main Wigfrid, so maybe it will be more a meat/combat based guide. -For details, visit the wiki! I will try to avoid putting details here. -Keep in mind that this is the way I do this. Not everything is necessary, and not everything will be here. I just like being overprepared. -This is a DST guide. There are some differences between DST and DS (I will look for this eventually), but this guide can still be used by any player, if capable of pointing the differences by himself.


The Ancent Ruins Mechanics Preparation Finding a Good Place Settling Down Some Thoughts on Food Enemies Biomes Raids Ruis Reset Going Home Thank you!

The Ancient Ruins

The ruins are a great endgame place to explore. It bears valuable treasure, and is challenging, thrilling and tricky. If you are prepared, you just need the nerve.


The ruins are dark, and the sanity drain is constant. Tam o'shanter can still provide you sanity there, but I personally don't advocate this. It is better to wear moggles, miner hats or helms for battle.
Nightmare Cycle
The Ruins bear a cycle that changes aesthetics and behavior of features inside the ruins. Hallucinations spawn from nightmare lights, splumonkeys become devils, and the ground glows a fluorescent red (not providing light, though) in the cycle's peak. In other phases, everything is fine again. Go to the wiki for details.


For your settlement you need to bring some food and means to grow resources down there. You also want to pre-craft structures, to save inventory space. Bring a bird, too. He is your best friend in the game.
-Pierogies, meatballs, bacon and eggs, jerky, whatever you want (preferably inside a bundling wrap, to save space and prevent spoilage) -1 stack of pine cones -1 stack of berry bushes -2 stacks of grass tufts -2 stacks of saplings or some twiggy tree -cones -Grass, saplings, wood, flint, rocks and gold (1 stack of each) -1 stack of living logs -1 stack of nightmare fuel -1 stack of healing -1 bird -Some ice (always good to have some filler) -Moggles -1 or 2 lanterns -1 miner hat -Your ol' cane -Life giving amulet -Helmets and/or good chest amor (fuck log suits) -Maybe resources for bunny houses, if you will -One or two spider eggs -Don't bring tools at all. Save space, make them down there. (Think it is it. I will edit if I remember something or you guys help)
-Ice box -Crock pot -Drying rack -Alchemy engine -Bird cage -Chest -Bunny house -Campfire -Fire pit (for cooking. Not light) -Scaled Furnace (not a must, but is useful and replaces the fire pit for cooking) -Shadow manipulator

Finding a good place

You want to be close to the ruins, because it is the main purpose of this settlement.
First of all, find the ruins. The entrance hall is always a lichen field with ponds, slurpers and maybe splumonkeys (this is the wilds biome). People say that before this hall there is always a light flower field, and so it is in my server. Since the wilds are not always safe, I settled myself in that flower field (free light!).

Settling down

Before venturing into the ancient civilization ruins, you need to build a base. This may take several days, though. Do not worry, and enjoy the time.
Ruins are dark all day long. Thankfully grass, saplings, trees and berry bushes grow in the dark (DS logic lol). I plant those right to the light bulbs, so I can see them anytime. Gekkos will spawn. BEWARE DISEASE.
Make a good, tight kitchen. You want to save space, for the lack of light and small light radius. A birdcage for eggs, a cooking station (crockpots + fridge) for making good food and a pit or furnace for cooking meat.
Make some chests, maybe 9. Store your resources, your micelaneous, your minerals (you will grab a lot of them from earthquakes and cave-ins), your weaponry and your tools. Some people store thulecite and ancient gems (yellow, green and orange) in the base, but for me this is waste of time and space. When I talk about outposts you will understand.
Fence your base. Fences keep slurtles, splumonkeys, worms and lobsters at bay, and they are your enemies. Worms want to eat you, splumonkeys wreak havoc in your base, slurtles will eat minerals in chest and will hit you to eat minerals in your inventory, and rock lobsters, although powerful allies, will want to eat your minerals too.
Plant some spiders dens for their drops. Monster meat is good food in the ruins, and glands make band-aids.
You may want to build a drying station and a bunnymen farm as well. I didn't built them yet, and struggle for food everyday D: shameful.

Some thoughts on food

It is good to know how to make pierogies. Only 37.5 hunger, but massive 40 health points, and lasts 40 days.
1 meat (monster or normal), 1 egg and 2 veggies. Or 1 meat (monster or normal), 2 eggs and 1 veggie. Keep in mind that lichen count as veggies. If you have a bunnymen farm, carrots will aid you as well.
Jerkies are good source as well.
Meatballs, bacon and eggs or jerky, you chose. If I have the means, I prefer bacon and eggs, for the good hunger, health and perish time. Jerky is a jack of all trades, master of none.
Well, actually jerkies are master of sanity haha. 15 points. If you will, wear a tam or sleep on a tent/fur roll (sleeping is one of the worst things you can do in DST). Cooked cacti and cooked green mushrooms are good as well.
In my opinion, just dont care for sanity. It will be a problem sometimes, but, if you are in the ruins, you probably can kill one or two terrorbeaks. Sanity loss is a thing in the caves, and it is easier if you just hug it. You want fuel, after all.
Staying sane is obviously safer, but it is so hard to manage that I find easier to find ways to deal with shadows creatures than managing my sanity. One day, though, it will kill me LOL
Just don't waste jerks if you don't need it's health or proteins :D


The most dangerous threat. They occur in Wilds biomes and Villages. They have two forms: normal and shadow. They turn to shadow splumonkeys in the peak of nightmare cycle.
When normal, they stel stuff from the ground (treasure, drops, LANTERNS) and from chests. They run away from you, and, if attacked, they trow poop on you, which drains sanity.
When in shadow form, they group up and chase you until you are dead. There is no escape, and there is no fight. Just run or lead them to some predator (dephts worms, spiders, maybe rooks).
They must be killed on sight and their dens must be broken or burnt down.
Occur in Wilds and Villages. They bright, and will attempt to jump in your head, drop the hat for the splumonkeys to steal, and drain your hunger. When they are attatched, they provide light. Just kill them. Their pelt is used to craft the belt of hunger, good for Wolfgang, for mitigating the hunger loss of the user.
Dephts Worms
Powerful, deadly and group up. They come in waves and occur around the map, like hardcore hounds with different drops. Not so dangerous, though, they can be kited even in groups, and leave you alone if you run far enough. I like to keep them around there to kill splumonkeys and damaged clockworks.
Damaged Clockworks
The trickiest enemies im the ruins. They are the same but old and rust robots we see in the surface world, with the same stats and different drops. They occur in Military and Sacred biomes, and are arranged in groups. They can overcome you if faced all at once. Use the rook to harm his comrades, and destroy nearby structures (everything is loot down there). (Try) to kite the knight and tank the bishop's bolts.
Dangling Dephts Dwellers
White-skinned spider elite, with the same behavior and stats as the yellow one from the surface. They live in the roof, above a webbing, and come to the floor if their webs are stepped. Just avoid the center of the web and you are safe. These monsters just don't worth the effort to kill.
Same stats and behavior as the shadow creatures', spawned by insanity. The difference is that they will spawn from nightmare lights during the nightmare phase, and don't restore any sanity when killed. They are hostile and will chase you like shadow splumonkeys, but bit slower. Run if they are too many. Fight if they are few. You want to stay away from them during nightmare phase.
Ancient Guardian
This lonely beast lives in the center of the Labitynth. He behaves like the Rook, but can perform melee attacks. You cam fight him or cheese him. Have fun. He drops the ancient gateway key, that is socketed in the Ancient Gateway in the Atrium to activate it, light the Atrium and lock the nightmare cycle in it's peak.
Ancient Fuelweaver
He is probably the former king of the ancients, maybe a lich possessing a skeleton. He can be spawned giving a shadow atrium to a odd skeleton inside the Gateway Hall while the key is socketed in it's place. They say he is the hardest boss im the game. I never faced him mano a mano. I cheese him. I will cheese him until the cheese is patched. Shame on me.


Here you can get lichen and find special ponds where you can fish for eels (required for unagi, good food). There are slurpers and splumonkeys, also. Kill on sight, and burn their houses.
More splumonkeys, slurpers, some white spiders and thulecite walls. Order of things here (you want to follow):
-Burn the monkey pods -Kill the slurpers (optional, but you should) -Kill the splumonkeys or have tem killed by something. Wigfrid and Wolfgang can hitkill them with blowdarts. -Hammer the walls and get thulecite
There will be clockworks, thulecite walls and broken clockworks, which can be repaired to get a clockwork follower or hammered to get the loot. Nightmare lights occur here.
There may be ancient statues, which can be mined for the loot, and broken Pseudoscience Stations, that allows to craft some ancient treasure. If they are broken, they drop loot and may spawn monsters.
Same as military, but there you can find fully repaired Pseudoscience Stations, which allows to craft any ancient treasure. Here one will find a ancient chest as well, used for unlocking decoration recipes and solving puzzles. Go for details in the wiki.
The labirynth is full of dead ends, ornate chests with loot and with traps (they may spoil food and waste items durability, so consider dropping them on the ground), white spider webbings and, im the center, the hall where the Ancient Guardian is locked like the Minotaur.
Tricky. You have to kill a certain tentapillar in the caves and jump in the pit to be tranported to the atrium biomes. It is kind of a small labirynth with ornate chests, obelisks blocking the way and few webbings and clockworks around. In the center you will find the Ancient Gateway Hall.


Finally! Now that you know the mechanics, you know how to base, what to eat and know the enemies and biomes, you are more than prepared to raid the ancient ruins. Grab your nerve and let's go.
Important: fences are friends. They block your enemies. Consider fencing entrances and exits, so you can have more control of the ruins. Take them to you, lad!
First thing you want to do is killing the monkeys there and destroy their houses (they are scum, they are thiefs, they are a threat). Once the monkey problem is solved, and the slurpers are killed, start by hammering the thulecite walls in the Village.
Next, go to the many Military and Sacred halls arount the Ruins and clear them. The loot is mainly there, and you want everything. If the monkeys were alive, they would follow you to the halls and steal your stuff. Thankfully they are dwelling in the mansion of the dead.
In the ruins you will gather (as treasure, not as common drops):
-Thuecite -Thulecite fragments -All sorts of gems but iridescent -A lot of gears -Frazzled wires (trinket) -Melty marbles (trinket)
After the sacred and militaries are clean, and before leading to the Labirynth, I build an advanced post near the sacred biome with the fully repaired Pseudocience Station, in a safe zone. There I make a small kitchen, put one or two chests and maybe some berry bushes (BEWARE DISEASE)
Ancient artifacts can only be crafted near a Ancient Pseudoscience Station. That said, inside the sacred hall, next to the APS, I build chests where I will store all items needed for crafting those.
Check the wiki for each of the ancient items, but I always craft a lot of Thulecite Crowns and green gem staves and medallions to farm Thulecite.
Quick thulecite farm guide: make many thul. suits with construction amulets, and deconstruct them all with deconstructing staff. This way you can farm 13 thulecites per staff/medallion.

Ruins reset

After taking from the ruins all it can give you, you may want to reset it. After killing the Ancient Fuelweaver, the Gateway will destabilize for some minutes, then shut up, turning off the lights and resetting the ruins.
Everything built there will remain. Every structure destroyed but thulecite walls (broken clockworks, statues, pods...) will be respawned in the same place. Ornate chests will be refilled. Enemies will respawn. You can go and raid again. The ruins can be reseted every 20 days.

Going Home

After many days of raiding, let's come back to the surface world. Release the bird, cause he deserves it.
I recommend digging up all the tufts (don't know if disease will occur underground if you are in the surface - let me know) Take anything you want to take to the surface. I would leave behind moggles, some weapons and armor, the ice in the fridge, some tools and basic resources farmed there, like grass, twigs and logs. Doing this makes you don't need to worry about bringing these things for the next raid.
There is no point taking thulecite and green, orange and yellow gems to the surface, because they are ancient resources and can only be used near a APS. Leave them in te Sacred with some living logs and some fuel.

Thank you!

This is my first guide ever, and took me one entire day to write haha thank you for your support, and PLEASE help me improving/correcting it.
submitted by CellanKnight to dontstarve [link] [comments]

2017.09.22 11:27 Freddichio Upping the power (1.5k List)

Hi, all.
I've been posting a bit on here before looking for answers to my friend's lists (they play IG with a lot of Forge world minis, and they're really strong). I've come up with a new list based more on power than previously when I'd pick my favourite units. I love gunlines, but losing every single game because your opponent has an Imperial Knight in a 1k game and your Strike Teams are dying by the bucketful is painful :(
Also, I can't remember the detachment names...
Elite Detachment 1x Shadowsun w Command-Link Drone @173 3x Stealthsuits w Homing Beacon, Burst Cannons, 1x Drone Controller @115 3x Stealthsuits w Homing Beacon, Burst Cannons, 1x Drone Controller @115 2x DX-4 Support Drones @32 Total 435
Fast Attack Detachment 1x Fireblade @42 1x Y’Vahra w ATS, Target Lock, 2x Shielded Missile Drones @457 10x Gun Drones @80 Dedicated Tranport – Devilfish @ 127 4x Kroot Hounds @16 Total 722
HQ Detachment 1x Commander w 4x Fusion Blasters @160 1x Commander w CIB x3, ATS @138 Darkstrider @45 Total 343
Grand Total = 1.5k Exactly.
Plan is fairly obvious - Drones, Darkstrider and Fireblade in a Devilfish. Hounds provide a cheap shield, support drones heal a suit every now or then. Stealthsuits and Shadowsun infiltrate in, drop beacons and melt tanks. Y'Varhna flies in and melts things.
Darkstrider & Hounds are more than anything there to fill up detachments, although Darkstrider can either make the Y'Vahra's flamer better against MEQs or the drones better against GEQs.
I've not played any vaguely competitive list yet so all feedback is appreciated!
submitted by Freddichio to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2016.08.16 18:49 TheNebster22 Boot Camp guide: 2.4 - Infantry

Although the majority of Wargame's 1700 units are indeed vehicles, knowing how and when to properly utilize infantry is absolutely key to success on the battlefield. Seriously, those little guys can do anything. Take an enemy held town? Sure. Clear a forest? You betcha. Shoot down a Nighthawk, take down a Challenger 2 and kill a squad of SAS at the same time? Firstly, you've fucked up, but secondly that's no problem. The different kinds of infantry and their various armaments have already been covered in guide 1.2 - Infantry, and so this guide will attempt to teach you how to apply your knowledge of infantry units and their various weapons.

When should I use infantry?

Infantry should ideally only be used in towns and forests. Infantry thrive in cover, quite literally - forests give them an additional 40% damage resistance whilst towns give them a whopping 70% off incoming damage. Therefore, when you know that you're going to be engaging your enemy in a forest or town, reach for your infantry tab and cram some more Mot.-Shutzen down their throat.
Towns in Wargame are divided into small sectors. Each sector is represented by a white border when you mouse over it, like so. One sector can hold one group of infantry - so up to 4 squads, provided they are all in one group. A sector held by REDFOR will have a red border, and a sector held by BLUFOR will have a blue border. A "contested" sector, which has infantry from both sides fighting in the same sector, will have a purple border. When two infantry units in the same block, they fight in what is known as "CQC", or Close Quarters Combat. Apart from primary weapons, any weapons without the [CQC] tag cannot be used during this time.
When you need to take an enemy-held urban area (which you will need to do at some point), the only reliable, and arguably the most cost-effective way to do so is with infantry of your own. Whilst artillery and aircraft can bomb the enemy into the stone age, they do nothing in terms of actually securing ground. There is no substitute for having your own units in the area, both it terms of driving out enemy forces and holding onto the damn place afterwards. Even a tank-heavy player such as myself has to bow down to the prowess of infantry when it comes to taking over a town or forest.
Infantry, being inherently stealthy, are also ideal for probing attacks, particularly on the enemy flanks. They carry enough firepower to deal with any likely threats (such as passive recon or perhaps a stray infantry squad), whilst their medium optics will give you a semi-decent idea of what the enemy has crawling about behind their lines. Obviously, active recon infantry are much better suited to this job but regular infantry can pull it off all the same. Regular infantry are also much cheaper than recon infantry, have better availability, and generally come in more capable transports to assist them in fights. Which is handy when the enemy wakes up and responds to your little "probing" attack.

How do I use infantry?

"Put infantry in forests and towns? Is it really that simple?", I hear you ponder. No, unfortunately, it's not. Observe this screenshot of a REDFOR-held town. Looks pretty good, right? He's got his Mot.-Shutzen '90 chilling inside the blocks, they're in stacks of two so they're less likely to be bombed upon opening fire, they're fairly spread out to avoid shelling. A solid hold, no? NO. The blocks on the edges of the town (assume contact from the top of the image) are vacant, which would allow enemy infantry to gain a foothold in the urban area (this is DISASTROUS), there is no recon to spot approaching enemy forces, and the Mot.-Shutzen '90 only have a range of 525m with their RPGs - what about enemy fire support? All in all, despite the high number of troops he has, this player has a pretty weak position.
Now, observe this screenshot. As you can see, this player has amazingly managed to fix every complaint I made about the other screenshot! Firstly, the urban sectors on the fringes of the town are occupied, denying the enemy a foothold. Then, there is recon on the edge of the town to spot approaching enemy forces, and there is an ATGM team standing by to kill any approaching vehicles or enemy fire support. Finally, there are a few squads of fire support infantry to help turn the tables if the enemy do manage to get into the town. This is why composition of forces is equally as important as the number and type of your forces. If you've ever played against Wargame's AI, you'll know that numbers aren't everything.

But what about forests?

Forests are a different beast from towns altogether. Inside a forest, all optics and weapons are limited to 350m range, meaning that any vehicle that stumbles across an infantry squad is well within range of even the shittiest AT weapon. And since even the shittiest AT weapon carries the [HEAT] tag, this can quickly spell trouble for even the heaviest of armour, not to mention the ease with which multiple infantry squads can pull off sideshots.
In terms of composition, there isn't really much to say here. The most common threats that will be encountered in forests are infantry, transports (APCs and IFVs), fire support vehicles, and sometimes cheap tanks. Therefore, it's a good idea to have some cheap, "meat shield" infantry leading the charge through the forest, to bear the brunt of the enemy attack and dish out some decent damage to. Behind your regular infantry should be the real damage dealers - either shock or elite infantry, or an engineer squad carrying napalm weapons. Being inherently more valuable than regular infantry, it's a good idea to shield these guys from the worst of the damage, bringing them up after the fight has started to demolish the enemy before they can take much, if any damage.

So I set up infantry in every town and forest?

Well, you could, but it's a better idea to zoom out (literally) and take in the map as a whole. Decide which forests and towns hold the most strategic value. Usually, they will be on the flanks of capture zones, or indeed right in the middle of them. Take note of forests that extend from your side to the enemy's side uninterrupted - they're perfect for sneaky special forces attacks, but remember that the enemy is probably thinking the same thing. Towns at the end of bridges make amazing chokepoints - watch the enemy tranports flood across the bridge only to be wiped out by a barrage of AT fire.
Some positions on the other hand hold no strategic value whatsoever. Always consider things from the enemy's point of view: is it really worth it for him to put recon in that forest 5km out from your flank? If he did, what could he see? If the answer is "fuck all", then you can ignore it. If the answer is "only my CV, my mortars, and my heavy AA positions", then you should probably consider sending in some infantry to secure it.

But you still haven't said how infantry combat actually works!

That's because there's not much to say - unlike vehicles, infantry have no armour values, so there's no AP vs AV math to do in your head. It's basically just pushing two blobs against each other until one dies. That said, there's still a few small micro tips you can learn:
Infantry can "teleport" from one side of an urban sector to the other instantly. This means that if napalm is partially covering a block with your infantry in it, there's no need to evacuate them - they'll simply move to the bit of the block that isn't a blazing death trap. Infantry can also immediately teleport out of urban sectors to - very useful for dodging 500kg bombs that are heading their way.
Infantry cannot fire their machine gun and their AT weapon at the same time (amusingly because they're both carried by the same man). This means that when engaging enemy infantry in forests, you should always wait for the enemy infantry to engage your infantry with their machine gun before you move in your fire support vehicles. This way, the vehicles can deal damage completely safe in the knowledge that the enemy infantry will not fire their AT weapon unless explicitly ordered to. To avoid this, you can turn off the machine gun your infantry carries (by clicking the relevant panel on the bottom bar when the unit is selected), which means that your infantry will only engage with their assault rifles, leaving them free to use their AT weapons as and when they need to.
submitted by TheNebster22 to wargamebootcamp [link] [comments]

2016.06.18 22:20 Wario64I My revamped™ timeline of DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstein and Commander Keen AKA The Curse of the Blazkowicz

*1942 - Wolfenstein 3D: Original Encounter
*1943 - Castle Wolfenstein
*1943 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
*1943 - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
*1943 - Wolfenstein RPG
*1944 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
*1944 - Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny
*1944 - Wolfenstein 3D: Return to Danger
*1944 - Wolfenstein 3D: The Ultimate Challenge
*1945 - Wolfenstein
*1945 - Wolfenstein 3D
*1945 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
*1960 - Wolfenstein: The New Order
*1990 - Commander Keen Episode 1: Marooned on Mars
*1990 - Commander Keen Episode 2: The Earth Explodes
*1990 - Commander Keen Episode 3: Keen Must Die!
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 3,5: Keen Dreams
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 4: Secret of the Oracle
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 5: The Armageddon Machine
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 6: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!
*2001 - Commander Keen
*20XX - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
*20XX - Quake II
*20XX - Quake II: Ground Zero
*20XX - Quake II: The Reckoning
*20XX - Quake 4
*20XX - Quake
*20XX - Quake: Dimension of Time
*20XX - Quake: Scourge of Armagon
*20XX - Quake: Dissolution of Eternity
*2145 - DOOM 3
*2145 - DOOM 3: The Lost Mission
*2145 - DOOM Ressurection
*2145 - DOOM RPG
*2146 - DOOM II RPG
*2147 - DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil
*2148 - The Ultimate DOOM
*2148 - DOOM II
*2149 - Master Levels for DOOM II
*2149 - Final DOOM
*2150 - DOOM 64
*225X - DOOM
*Outside of Time and Space - Quake 3 Arena
*Outside of Time and Space - Quake 3 Team Arena
*Outside of Time and Space - Quake Live
*1942 - Wolfenstein 3D: Original Encounter
B. J. Blazkowicz is tasked with assassinating Hitler's ruthless commando, Hans Grosse. He fails is imprisoned in Castle Dresden, from which he escapes
*1943 - Castle Wolfenstein
B. J. Blazkowicz is captured by the Nazis and imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein. He escapes and during his escape uncovers plans for Nazi operation "Operation Rheingold"
*1943 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
B. J. Blazkowicz stops revival of Heinrich I. by SS Paranormal Division
*1943 - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
War still rages in Europe
*1943 - Wolfenstein RPG
B. J. Blazkowicz is captured and sent to Castle Wolfenstein, but he escapes and discovers a nazi operation to bring Hell forces led by the Harbringer to Earth. B. J. stops the operation, blows off Harbringer's arm and leg and send him back, with the Harbringer promising revenge.
*1944 - Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny
Hitler has managed to capture the legendary Spear of Destiny. B. J. is dispatched to Castle Nuremberg to recapture the Spear. During his mission, Spear tranports him to Hell for a short time, where he kills the Angel of Death.
*1944 - Wolfenstein 3D: Return to Danger
The Nazis have recaptured the Spear of Destiny again. B. J. is dispatched to recover it from a Secret Scandinavian Base. During his mission, Spear tranports him to Hell for a short time, where he defeats the Devil Incarnate.
*1944 - Wolfenstein 3D: The Ultimate Challenge
The Nazis have recaptured the Spear of Destiny again. B. J. is dispatched to recover it from a Secret Scandinavian Base. During his mission, Spear tranports him to the far future, dominated by Union Aerospace Corporation, where he defeats the Devil Incarnate again.
*1944 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
B. J. Blazkowicz is dispatched to Adolf Hitler's personal bunker to assassinate him. He seemingly succeeds, but Hitler survives and gets augmented by cybernetics.
*1945 - Wolfenstein
B. J. Blazkowicz stops a Nazi operation to harvest the power of the Veil, a mysterious alternate dimension.
*1945 - Wolfenstein 3D
B. J. Blazkowicz first destroys production of deadly gas by the Nazis and is then captured and sent to Castle Wolfenstein. From there he escapes, stops Operation Eisenfaust and eventually kills cyberneticly enhanced Hitler.
*1945 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
In the final days of WW2, OSA sends B. J. Blazkowicz to retrieve a folder containing the location of Deathshead's Compound from Helga von Shabbs' office. He and his team are captured, but eventually manage to succeed and bring back the location of the Compound as well as destroy several Nazi mechs stationed in Castle Wolfenstein.
*1960 - Wolfenstein: The New Order
The attack on Deathshead's Compound fails, allowing Nazis to surprisingly strike back against the technology underfunded Allies and eventually take over the entire world. 14 years later, Blazkowicz is sent on a series of missions, which eventually lead to death of Deathshead and end of the production of hi-tech weaponry for Nazis, which leads to their eventual fall.
*1990 - Commander Keen Episode 1: Marooned on Mars
*1990 - Commander Keen Episode 2: The Earth Explodes
*1990 - Commander Keen Episode 3: Keen Must Die!
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 3,5: Keen Dreams
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 4: Secret of the Oracle
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 5: The Armageddon Machine
*1991 - Commander Keen Episode 6: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!
*2001 - Commander Keen
Although the Nazis have not been ruling the Earth for few decades, their hi-tech weaponry remains. Billy Blaze, grandson of B. J. Blazkowicz, gets hold of a laser gun and fights of a series of alien invasions.
*20XX - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
The Earth is attacked by a Stroggs - cybernetic alien race. The war wages for many years, with the humans slowly losing, until a breaking point in Dallas, where the tides of the war turn around and humans start pushing back against the Stroggs and eventually drive them from the planet.
*20XX - Quake II
Humanity is now sending troops directly to Strogg homeworld. During the first wave of attack, one of the ships is shot down and lands in a Strogg hangar. From there, Ssgt. Bitterman makes his way through the Strogg complex, destroys several anti-air Strogg defenses and eventually seemingly kills the Strogg leader, Makron.
*20XX - Quake II: The Reckoning
Joker, a member of an elite squad of marines, is on a mission to infiltrate the Moon Base and destroy the Strogg Fleet there, which is preparing to attack. Joker crash lands in the Swamps outside the compound where Joker's squad mates are waiting. Joker travels through the swamps and bypasses the compounds outer defenses and enters through the main gate. Joker finds his squad just in time to watch them get obliterated by Strogg forces. Joker escapes on his own to the fuel refinery where he helps the Air Force destroy all fuel production. Afterwards, Joker infiltrates the Strogg spaceport, boards a cargo ship and reaches the Moon Base, destroying it and the fleet.
*20XX - Quake II: Ground Zero
One of the marines who has managed to land is sent to destroy the Gravity Well, which is holding the Human ships in outer space, in which he succeeds.
*20XX - Quake 4
Humans manage to destroy the Nexus and finally kill Makron, leading to eventual defeat of the Stroggs.
*20XX - Quake
Strogg technology is used to build Slipgates. The teleportaion frequencies of humans are interrupted by Shub- Niggurath who then sends squads of monsters into the human bases. Ranger travels through the dimensions of the slipgates and kills Shub-Niggurath.
*20XX - Quake: Dimension of Time
After defeating Shub-Niggurath, Ranger fights his way back home.
*20XX - Quake: Scourge of Armagon
After Ranger defeats Shub-Niggurath, he returns home to find Armagon has taken over Shub-Niggurath's forces and plans on destroying Earth using the Rift. Ranger fights through the monsters and kills Armagon.
*20XX - Quake: Dissolution of Eternity
Having defeated Armagon, Ranger returns to Earth. However, things seem very wrong - an unknown has initiated yet another dark scheme to subjugate our world by altering the course of time itself. The hero is determined to put an end to Quake once and for all, and therefore boldly enters the dark realms and slays The Dragon, allowing him to destroy all forces of Shub-Niggurath for good.
*2145 - DOOM 3
Dr. Bertruger, lead scientist on Marsian base of Union Aerospace Corporation unleashed forces of Hell onto the Marsian facility. B. J. Blazkowicz III. manages to fight through the Mars, ultimately defeating Harbringer, now converted into Cyberdemon, who his ancestor defeated a hundred years before. B. J. closes the Well, a portal for the demons to come through, and stops the Marsian invasion.
*2145 - DOOM 3: The Lost Mission
Happening simultaneously with DOOM 3, a member of the Bravo Team, manages to fight his way to Hell and destroys an experimental teleportation array, closing the path to Earth for demons and kickstarting Dr. Bertruger's plan to reach Earth by using rescue spaceships.
*2145 - DOOM 3: The Lost Mission
Happening simultaneously with DOOM 3, a random soldier fights against demons and tries to survive on Mars
*2145 - DOOM RPG
B. J. Blazkowicz III. is sent back to Mars to stop Kronos, a powerful demon who has overtook the base and is a potential danger to Planet Earth.
*2146 - DOOM II RPG
Another invasion of demons happened at the UAC facilities at the Moon. A team of marines, commanded by Stan Blazkowicz, is sent there to clear the place of all demons, but it is discovered that the computer networks of the facility are being attacked by VIOS who is sending demons through the portals. Stan travels to hell, fights Cyberdemon (Harbringer) and seemingly kills Icon of Sin.
*2147 - DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil
A marine team is sent to destroyed facilities on Mars to retrieve The Artifact. On contact, portals open and hell is unleashed onto the planet. A single marine manages to fight through the base, kill the Hell Hunters and eventually Maledict, a deformed transformation of Dr. Betruger, sealing the portal to Hell.
*2148 - The Ultimate DOOM
New UAC Facilties is built on Phobos and Deimos and the experiments with teleportation continue, eventually unleashing the demons onto Phobos. B. J. Blazkowicz III., who was moved to Phobos after disobeying orders, fights through Phobos but is then ambushed and killed, which sends him to Hell. There, he fights Cyberdemon yet again, continuing the curse of Blazkowicz family, and later fights through Hell and defeats two Spider Masterminds, with his pet rabbit being killed in progress and a portal to Earth being opened, allowing a full-scale invasion of Earth.
*2148 - DOOM II
With the Earth trembling under the forces of Hell, B. J. Blazkowicz fights through the armies of Hell and kickstarts the evacuation rockets for humans. Later, it is discovered the portal to Hell resides in B. J.'s hometown, where he heads, kills Icon of Sin and stops the invasion.
*2149 - Master Levels for DOOM II
A marine gets lost on Titan, a moon of Saturn during the invasion of demons on Jupiter. At the same time, a Cyberdemon in Hell is cast out by the council and turned into a human.
*2149 - Final DOOM
UAC continues their research on Io, a moon of Jupiter. Once again, Hell gets unleashed onto the base. B. J. Blazkowicz III. fights his way through the facility and kills the Demon-Spitter. This kickstarts a chain of events on Earth which eventually leads to opening of 7 gates to hell on Earth and the subsequent overtaking of the Earth by demons, an invasion twice as devastating than in DOOM II. B. J. Blazkowicz III. manages to fight off the demons, and eventually kills the Gatekeeper, making it possible to travel from Earth to Hell,
*2149 - DOOM 64
which is immediately utilized by a unspecified marine who jumps through a portal and teleports to hell, where he kills Mother Demon. As the gates close, the marine stays in hell to make sure no invasion ever happens again. -Will from now on be reffered to as Doomguy.
*21XX - DOOM II: No Rest for the Living
Doomguy has managed to earn himself respect from fear in Hell. One day, the Cyberdemon rebels against Doomguy and attempts to invade Earth, which Doomguy immediately puts stop to.
*225X - DOOM
Unknown amount of time after No Rest for the Living, demons manage to invade a world of the Sentinels. Doomguy is given extraordinary powers from the Sentinels, and start defeating Hell wave after Hell wave, but is eventually captured and sealed away. Unknown amount of time later, he is awoken in far future, where Union Aerospace Corporation has managed to open a portal to Hell and is directly exploiting it's energy for profit, but the something has gone wrong and everyone in the facility is deceased. With the help of Samuel Hayden, Doomguy manages to stop Olivia Pearce, a former scientist who is working with the demons and closes the portal to Hell, but unwillingly delivers the Crucible to Samuel Hayden, before being sealed away again, leading to unknown consequences.
*Outside of Time and Space - Quake 3 Arena
The greatest soldiers of the universe are brought together to fight against each other for all eternity for the entertainment of the Vadrigar.
*Outside of Time and Space - Quake 3 Team Arena
The greatest armies of the universe are brought together to fight against each other for all eternity for the entertainment of the Vadrigar.
*Outside of Time and Space - Quake Live
The gladiator arenas of the Vadrigar have slowly turned into a highly popular sports event.
submitted by Wario64I to Doom [link] [comments]