Can a verizon account holder read text messages online

Codes & ciphers

2011.01.21 21:31 phyzome Codes & ciphers

Hiding data, cracking codes, finding hidden messages. We welcome posts that aren't as suitable for /crypto, such as basic cipher-cracking challenges and discussions of simple data hiding.

2008.12.18 20:20 Cryptography news and discussions

Cryptography is the art of creating mathematical assurances for who can do what with data, including but not limited to encryption of messages such that only the key-holder can read it. Cryptography lives at an intersection of math and computer science. This is a technical subreddit covering the theory and practice of modern and *strong* cryptography.

2011.08.06 18:24 TruthTaco HUNTER×HUNTER

This subreddit is dedicated to the Japanese manga and anime series Hunter X Hunter, written by Yoshihiro Togashi and adapted by Nippon Animation and Madhouse. Any form of entertainment, information, or discussion centered around the world of HxH is welcome here.

2024.05.14 17:25 again_againthrowaway My coach has been posting videos of me publicly without my permission and idk what to do

TLDR: My boxing gym coach posted a video featuring me, to promote the gym, without my permission, taking my credit, and I'm uncomfortable with being posted publicly online unless I agreed. How can I ask him to remove the video without making things awkward?
I (18F) go to a boxing gym and the coach who runs the gym's Social media often takes videos of our lessons, and post it on Instagram to promote the gym.
Most of the time he posts on his ig story, and I'm fine with it, because it's just a temporary story, and the video also includes other students not just me, so I just treat it as a case of "he was recording the lesson and I happened to be in the background", plus I like to screen record and use the videos for my own reference.
❗(This is the main problem pls read) But today he posted a reel, with me in it, and I was surprised, because he never asked me for permission, or showed me the video before, nor did he even inform me that he was going to post that video. (I've seen him filming me during lessons and I was ok w it because i thought it was for his ig story.) He added inspirational captions in the video, and used it to promote the gym. I was quite uncomfortable when I saw that the video only featured me, and not other students. And it is a reel, so it's gonna stay online unless he removes it himself. There are actually also other reels featuring a few other students, and I thought it was just because they are closer with the coach and discussed about videoing together, but now I think they probably also experienced the same as me. I kind of want him to remove it, because personally I'm not comfortable with being posted online publicly for advertisement, unless I volunteered/agreed for it. But Idk how to say it, because I meet him regularly for lessons, and he's a pretty nice coach irl, I'm scared of making things awkward..(plus he has put in effort to edit the video)
I've already decided to switch gyms(due to other reasons as well), but this is the problem I'm struggling with rn.
submitted by again_againthrowaway to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:24 altairths How hard is it to quit for relatively new smokers?

Hello everyone,
as most of the people on this subreddit, I want to quit smoking. I am writing this post because I want to be properly prepared.
I am 24 years old and I only started smoking regularly around one and a half years ago, although I have been a party smoker for around 5 years. I smoke around 5 cigarettes on regular days. When I drink, which usually happens on the weekends, it can easily go up to 20.
While I really enjoy smoking (obviously), I started to feel kind of stupid recently for doing it. Initially mostly because of social disapprovement (I moved to a new city and for some reason nobody here smokes). As a result I started to think a lot about the negative side of smoking and decided that quitting is the way. When I began smoking, I was sure that I don't want to die to lung cancer, so I knew I wanted to quit someday before it's too late. I decided that before my addiction grows too strong, this day is now.
Hard smokers who managed to stop often depict it as one of the hardest things that they achieved in their lives. The stories I read online make it sound horribly hard.
Now I have a couple of questions for the community:
I'm grateful for all answers and everyone who is willing to help, thank you!
submitted by altairths to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:24 Technical_Hyena6140 32 [M4F] #UK #Online Seeking a long-term connection and go from there

I hate loneliness, I am seeking someone who I can connect to hopefully on a daily basis. My days are quite boring so it'd be nice to have a friend to talk to and really go from there.
A bit about me, I am kind, thoughtful and generally take interest in others and learning what drives their passions and more. I am a working professional and wfh most days of the week. I would say I'm alternative? However I just see myself as me! I like video games although not as much as I used to. I like metal/older emo style music, I do have other hobbies which I can discuss more in detail if we connect. I don't mind if we're in every aspect I am quite accepting in general, it's just a connection of what I am looking for.
I'd like to get to know someone and ask them how their day is and let the conversation flow. I am generally looking for a longer type of connection rather than just for a few hours or similar. Happy to move to a different platform for chatting once a connection is made!
Age range: noone under 28 please.
My question to yourself is; What did you do at the weekend and what is your favourite colour?
Chat dms over messages please, thanks for reading 😊
submitted by Technical_Hyena6140 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:24 Am_lost44 32 days sober, terrified to relapse tonight

Hey everyone,
I am currently 32 days sober, which is the longest I have ever gone through my own individual willpower (the longest I've gone was a result of visiting my girlfriend overseas, can't drink when youre with someone 24/7 and didn't want to risk secretly drinking and getting caught.) Overall I truly do feel significantly better than I did drinking, but in some ways I'm still dying for a drink, and on the worst of days I contemplate giving in. The worst part of it is I don't wanna drink with friends or at a party, I want to get my pint of vodka (which I know in the end won't be nearly enough to leave me satisfied, but my brain justifies the amount because it's not "that much alcohol"), wait till everyone is asleep and drink myself into oblivion doing something mindless like poorly playing a game or watching a show I won't remember the plot of the next day. Something about the numbness just absolutely entices me at this moment.
The driving force in my ability to stay sober this long has been a complete reset of my openness with alcoholism. At my last relapse, I told my girlfriend, my family, and my friends what had happened and that I truly had no option to drink any more, no matter what. Having this clean slate has kept me honest, and everytime I want to drink thinking of having to go back to being a liar about my sobriety and the secrecy scares me away from relapse well enough. The thought of having to rebuild these 32 days from 0 also turns me away almost always, but today I just can't seem to get the idea of a drink out of my head.
I think I'm struggling to come to grips with sober life, the lack of easy and immediete external dopamine boost to quell the boredom and emptiness I feel without the crutch of alcohol. I've been to AA multiple times but found it counter intuitive for me personally, in some ways it helped but in more ways it almost triggered me to want to drink more, I can't really explain why. I try to fill my time with hobbies and social interactions, and I am in therapy which helps a lot. I have an incredible amount of support from family and friends. But at the same time, I feel like there is so much worry and sadness within my mind that nothing seems to truly subdue, and my addict brain loves to remind me that alcohol will let me escape, which might be true for 10 minutes, but even in my deepest cravings I know I won't find what I'm looking for, and I'll only feel worse for it.
I don't know what the point of posting this is. Maybe to get my thoughts out of my head, to hold myself accountable, or to let someone else in my position let them know they aren't alone in how they feel, and in turn make me feel less alone, because right now I do feel very alone. I am on my lunch break and its taking everything I can to not go to the store and get my vodka that I can hide until tonight when I finally crack it open and the external world melts into the background. At times like this my girlfriend has said she wants me to reach out to her so I don't do anything I'll regret, but at the same time she doesnt understand what its like. She cant fathom the idea of wanting a drink at 11am to make the day better, she barely drinks even with people at events, and so it makes it feel almost shameful and like I'll worry her to reach out, making me not want to. Idunno.
This sub has been extremely important to my sobriety, and I want to thank everyone here for your help and hope that we can get through this disease together.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Am_lost44 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 fkacherries my boyfriend (m22) texts me(f20) daily but doesn't check up posts i sent him for a month

my boyfriend (m22) texts me(f20) daily but doesn't check up posts i sent him for a month
he(m22) seems to care ofc, but i(f20) feel like checking on each other like how are you or what have you done today could be something like a responsibility for him. other than those questions, i send him funny stuff(i think) and want to see his likes. but my boyfriend neither send me stuff or check out my messages. he checks out his friends' posts or send them regularly. mine is in his inbox for three weeks, when he open his inbox near me its all read expect mine. he once said a month ago that he wants to check them out with full focus really caring about their content. but i mean, they are basically shitposts. talking about how we have been and our days make me feel great but i worry that its a responsibility for him and he got bored of me or isn't interested in things other than that. i am scared if being the 'gf' in order to fill the blanks not that i am me.
submitted by fkacherries to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 ThrowingUpAir I'm lost

I made this burner account, I don't know how this site really works so hopefully I'm using it right
I'm a 20 year old male and I want to kill myself I'm lost, and don't see the point in trying to push on living anymore. I've come from an abusive household, thrown into another bad housing situation I currently live in a walk in closet, and unfortunately I'm too physically and mentally disabled to work functionally enough to do a 'normal job' I have been diagnosed with multiple things thought my life, schizoaffective, and DID run my entire life. I can't remember much of my childhood, and retaining memory for day to day living is taxing. My emotions are overwhelming, I feel every emotion but cranked up 10x. I have lots of issues with my legs, I'm unable to walk for long periods of time because of my disability. I want to kill myself because I don't think there's one person that can truly get down to my level. I want to kill myself because I would rather do that then feel like I'm a lab rat. I am an artist, but seeing the state of the animation industry and the state of ai has me terrified. Ever since I was a little kid I had a dream to share my stories and make comics but I just don't know if I have that strength anymore I want to kill myself because I am the definition of wasted potential. My mother and father are dead, and I have no connection with anyone in my family. I have lived without any connection from family for 3 years. I ran away from home at 17
My mom had an ulcer, she bled out. Puked up blood until she died I hadn't seen her for 3 years because I cut contact. She was abusive, physically, mentally, maybe even sexually. My dad died (maybe) of cardiac arrest. He was an alcoholic, and also physically and verbally abusive. The last time I contacted him was through Facebook Messenger, he told me he was in the hospital then suddenly stopped texting me entirely I was still a kid
I feel so incredibly lonely all the time, how long would it take for my roommates to find my body? I sit in my room and starve in hopes maybe I'll lose enough weight to be pretty I sit in my room high, just like my stoner mother I want to kill myself because I have no hope that things will get better, and that I'll eventually end up in the same hole my mom did My roommates will sit and watch me rot away, just as I watched my mom rot away I have no friends, in a sense of I don't have anyone that has truly connected to me. Sure I have people I talk to but do those people willingly come out and talk to me or try to learn about me? No. Do these people have a deep connection with me? No, and they aren't willing to. They purposely isolate me I can't reach out to my therapist, if I tell him how I really feel I'll be thrown in a hospital somewhere Tried to call a hotline and they hung up on me, ironic, so I've learned to just stay quiet about things and sit in the bathroom cutting my wrists instead. I'm always the glue in friendships, they will dwindle away eventually, no matter how much I try to bend and mold myself to fit their needs They make fun of me for it, saying I can't go 15 minutes without being perceived Maybe I'm selfish
I want to feel pretty, and loved, I so badly want to have purpose. But I cannot bear the agony that is loneliness, and I want to die. I want to be someone's son, a boyfriend, a husband or maybe even father, but I'm worried that's just wishful thinking.
submitted by ThrowingUpAir to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 Greeenway Raydium app wallet hack

Dear Slothana community,
3 days ago i posted (on reddit) about my wallet was hacked and all of my slothana coins were drained. Thanks to this community there was alot of respronse. What braught me to other Sloth victims. Together we found the reason of the hack. (Apple link on the bottom)
The hacker (wallet adress on the bottom) had made a app called 'Raydium app'. This app was available in app store. Once downloaded you needed tot fill in your phrase to login. With the know how of this being the raydium app we did. But actually this was a scam. Unfortunately we did find this out after we got drained.
I know this is our own stupid mistake. But for me and me and my other Sloth victims this is our first time in this big crypto world. We saw the advertisements about this promissing project and we invested in it from the beginning. Just like you all other Sloths we were tired of the 9-5. And just like you all other Sloths we holded in the dip. We'd loved to be a part of this community!
But for us our slothana coins are gone and ther is nothing left to hold.
Me (Greeenway) went from 437000 Sloth to zero (Signature on the bottom) My fellow Sloth (Alainbalain) Went from 156000 Sloth to zero (Signature on the bottom)
But as we did from the beginning, we believe in the strenght of this community. And with one of the biggest meme coin comunnity's on the planet i think we can put our hand together. Wouldn't it be beautiful to have a raise fund for the victims being scammend to show the world how strong our SLOTHANA community is!
Me and my fellow sloth have openend a wallet adres for donations in the bottom of the message. I hope that this message will get to the developers. So they can show the world what een powerful Slothana community we have! We've posted this on the X account of Slothana (Link in bottom), sharing would be great! Thank you all for being a Sloth!

Slothana #Communityfirst

New wallet adress (Wgreeenway): 9rmFxcpYGVUfWZF54EcysnKNUhCTmYwh52uaPftKLv1p New wallet adress (Alainbalain): Ac3DLNWDVPfz7u3z4qFYvaUXLvhmTxSqr8ByoDg9VkWW
Apple link about the hack: The hackers wallet adress: 4mhbQEd53q97td8jhugTAn2REA9uNG9cMuxU2NzY7RWG Signature of hack (Greeenway): 4sh7pEMC9H2wvzu7ji5fPzCQR9cSwnTGFukwUAxMoRMgebjEKSJ9QKpykVjDfB4NkL4UTNCgTyEbxNAN4c6aaYmc Signature of hack (alainbalain): 4ypxyqzWQGxjnTb27azLCGR5ixdQC8VCZJih77frMGuZDRNddggdbNDveN2fGYfz134iEu6Bg29zTwRizRWqvuX1 X post link:
Pictures of the drain:
submitted by Greeenway to SlothanaOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 ryan770 Went no-contact with my ex and he’s trying to sabotage my relationship.

I (32m) broke up with my ex (42m) 5 years ago. He was a thief, a drug abuser, a habitual liar, and a cheater.
It was a horrible break up, and he has basically kept the mentality that we were still in a relationship, even though I kept reminding him we were not. I tried to go no-contact, but I was basically scared of him, what he would do, how he would make me feel, because he’s manipulative, so I maintained contact and a sort of FWB relationship. I had no interest in dating anyone so it was an acceptable situation for me.
Earlier this year, I fell in love out of nowhere with a man (50M) 600 miles away. It’s a long distance relationship, but we’ve already met and everything has went so incredibly smooth until last night. I absolutely adore this man, he adores me, and he has been nothing but amazing. And I’ve tried my best to be the best boyfriend I can be.
My ex has had cancer for awhile, so I’ve also tried my best to be supportive while also setting boundaries because I am in a committed relationship. Apparently my support was not enough, my distance too great, and he attempted suicide a few days ago.
Yesterday, he asked me to block him from everything, so he could remove me from his life. I complied, sent him a short message about hoping his mental health gets better, and that I will be blocking him on very possible platform, exactly as he wanted.
He went ballistic, and started spamming my boyfriend with lies about how me and him (my ex) still hook up, how I called my boyfriend short, how I basically called him a loser in many ways, and sent him a graphic video I had sent (to my ex last year) saying I send him little videos like this all the time. He said he has HIV and that he knowingly gave it to me. I don’t think this is possible, but I will be getting checked regardless.
For more context, before my boyfriend and I were “official”, I was at my ex’s house for support because he got some really bad news regarding his cancer. I got a little drunk and blabbed about my boyfriend because he kept asking questions, and it’s hard not to gush about someone you’re falling in love with. My mistake. I should have never said anything to my ex about him. At this stage in our relationship (between me and my ex where things seemed okay), I guess I thought I could confide in him about my life.
He took everything I said and twisted them into negatives.
I have not said a single negative thing about my boyfriend to my ex, or anyone, because he’s been nothing but perfect. He is literally the most amazing man I have ever met.
So last night, my boyfriend and I had our nightly call, and I, through many tears and panic attacks, tried to explain everything my ex said. I felt almost too defensive, but I’ve never had someone lie about me to such a degree, and it was horrifying.
My boyfriend was very calm and understanding, as he knows who my ex is and how unstable he is, but I fear a seed has been planted and our relationship may be tainted. He didn’t say anything like this, in fact, he was mostly worried about my safety regarding this maniac.
My ex is still finding ways to contact me, and basically said he has the power to have me and my sister fired from our jobs, and while he “would never do that”, to know what he’s capable of.
I’m getting a restraining order as soon as I can.
I feel so fucking bad for my boyfriend, that he has to experience these emotions, read all those lies, and still figure out a way to go forward with trust, and I don’t know what to do or say.
Can I recover from this? I’m losing my mind.
Tl;dr: Ex is mentally unstable and told me to go no-contact with him for his own sake. I complied. He then went and started spamming my boyfriend with lies about how I’m unfaithful and have HIV. I explained myself, and my boyfriend was understanding, and is mostly worried about my safety, but I can’t shake the feeling I’m going to lose him over this.
submitted by ryan770 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 Ksprinidad Are Dating Apps Worth it anymore?

I (26 m) have been single for almost 5 years when my ex dumped me over text on my 22nd birthday. I’m pretty introverted so I see these sort of apps as a glimmer of hope. However, thus far my experience has been: The matches I get only have accounts on these dating platforms as a way to promote their content. I’m all for it, self promotion you do you boo, but my Bio says “if you’re just looking for clientele to buy content please swipe left” but somehow those continue to be the only matches I get. So I’m looking for a woman’s perspective here…is it something wrong with my profile? Or is that just how dating apps are now? Previous to this year I’ve had tinder for four years and never got a single match. Now I get matches, but not genuine ones. Is this what dating is now? Are ladies not looking? and if so please do tell I’m capable of living with just myself for the remainder of my life but naturally I’d prefer not to. If you wanna review my dating profiles or whatever just message me and I’d be happy to share them.
submitted by Ksprinidad to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:21 SloppyNoggin Please Consider Supporting My Mom's Dream of Sharing Her Handmade Jewelry with the World

Hi everyone,
I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to this amazing community because I believe in the power of kindness and support that I've seen here so many times.
My mom has always been an incredibly creative and talented person. She has been making beautiful, unique jewelry for as long as I can remember. It was always her dream to share her creations with the world, and she finally took the plunge and opened her own Etsy shop.
Her shop features a variety of handmade jewelry pieces, each crafted with love and care. She uses high-quality materials and puts a piece of her heart into every item. From elegant earrings to charming bracelets and necklaces, there's something for everyone.
However, like many small business owners, she's struggling to get the word out and attract customers. It would mean the world to her (and to me) if you could take a moment to check out her shop. Even if you're not looking to buy right now, a favorite on her shop or sharing it with friends and family can make a huge difference.
Here's the link to her shop:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Your support not only helps a small business owner but also encourages a wonderful woman who has put her all into her craft.
Wishing you all the best ❤️
submitted by SloppyNoggin to beauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:21 thatgirlthattravels 18 [F4A] canada / #online looking for genuine connections and flirty banter, keep me company this summer?💕

im done school for the year so now im turning up for the summer! i’d love to get to know some new people and make some new online friends that can keep me company!
a little mix of flirty banter and meaningful conversation would be perfect💕 would totally love someone I can talk to in my daily life about anything and everything
send me an interesting chat and tell me about yourself! but don’t just hit me with “hey”/“hi”/“what’s up”/etc. ✨please be able to hold a conversation✨and put effort into our talks. im super down to talk about anything as long as we vibe!
tell me if you’re watching the nba playoffs!🏀 tell me you’re team drake🦉💕 tell me about your summer plans! tell me about your passions!
vent to me about your job. tell me about your amazing relationship or vent to me about how messy the break up was; im here for the tea.
tell me your fav new show or song. tell me if the current events worry you.😩 tell me if you’re happy with life. talk to me about anything; let’s have a great conversation? :)
a little about me:
if any of that interests you send me a chat and let’s talk 💕 (i may get too many chats to reply to everyone so I apologize in advance! please keep that in mind but I’ll try to eventually get to everyone that grabs my attention thank you!)
submitted by thatgirlthattravels to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 Ostrich-Equal Olx fraud, beware

Olx fraud, beware
I literally jumped the gun, overhyped, completely my fault, it was too good to be true So ill accept all insults etc headed my way, Anyways the story goes, I approached him being a resident of Lahore, He explained the specs etc, ''Gift from my khala, i am a 10th class student, i dont need it, i need to sell it quick to buy a phone, i dont much about laptops, i have no use for it" Then in the end when you discuss the location, 'Laptop is available in sambrial, i changed the location to Lahore because it wasnt selling there, i can tcs it to you or you can come take it from here'' Chat lingered on for 2 days, I had a contact, one of my father's friend lives in sambrial, so i mentioned that, Later on the guy goes, 'Someone also wants to buy it, he also gave me advance' So i panicked, but i thought i won him over, cuz i approached him round about 10 mins after he uploaded the ad, (by chance) so i played the card, i was the first to approach you etc etc, so in the end i also sent him advance, of 5k and he said he had returned the other guys money. He sent his location on google maps So the guy then talked for a day, (i was making the arrangements) then suddenly dipped, phone powered off, not blocked, Then today he came online and called and apologised etc etc, and asked me to take it, He sent me the address, luckily my father's friend realized these locations were miles apart, and was calling to a shady area, When we approached him seperately, we got blocked afterwards. So thats that, In the end i lost 5k, (thankfully not more), learnt a lesson, and to never trust anyone (I do have his easypaisa account and the id card he sent me, id card number etc is linked to his account) I also sent very islamic messages of haram money and all on olx, he saw them then blocked me there too, (so i guess +1 religion damage, lingering effect)
submitted by Ostrich-Equal to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 CompleteFun6753 Joint Tenancy Nightmare - stuck with former flatmate’s debt

Hi everyone,
I'm in need of some legal advice regarding a joint tenancy situation gone awry. Here's the rundown:
Back in March, I moved in with a friend under a joint tenancy agreement. Everything seemed fine initially, but things took a turn when my roommate started stealing my belongings, being anti-social (in an area with families) and failing to pay rent and bills on time. Matters escalated when her mother was brought into the situation to intimidate me in our own home, and I was cornered and verbally abused. I had to run out of the house and her mother came looking for me whilst I hid in a side street. It was a pretty triggering event for me.
Feeling unsafe, I later confronted her about her actions and expressed my concerns. She consistently began to harass me over the subsequent weeks, forcing me to block her.
Upon returning home from work one day, I discovered that she had packed up her belongings and left, abandoning her responsibilities without notice. Today she sent me a message saying I forced her to move out — this isn’t true, I initially approached her asking for a calm conversation to see whether she can afford/should continue to live here.
Now, I find myself in a difficult position. As the direct debit for rent comes out of my account, I am solely responsible for paying the rent and bills, despite her share being outstanding. This has put me in arrears, impacted my mental well-being, and caused financial strain.
I've already found a new sharer to move in, but I'm left wondering what legal recourse I have against my former roommate. Can I sue her for her portion of the unpaid rent and bills? How can I recover the financial losses incurred due to her actions?
The agency and landlord have been very accommodating, but now I’m scared about being evicted, and bringing the new flatmate into this mess.
Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
submitted by CompleteFun6753 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 keatonsteuben D080 Accelerated Pass Recommendations

D080 Accelerated Pass Recommendations
This course requires more effort than others. You can and you will pass it. Don't listen to the posts on here that whine about the difficulty. That will distract you. Accept the fact that this course takes greater focus, and commit to a plan to set yourself up for success.
That said, I'd like to provide some context before I share my approach to passing the OA on the first attempt.
  • Unit 2 is 36% of the OA (see the screenshot)
  • The OA is totally different from the PA. Additionally, the wording of the questions and the available multiple-choice answers differ from the material in the quizzes and tests from the textbook. (This was frustrating for me.) What helped was to take my time on each question and think critically. Also, I bookmarked about 15 questions during the exam. Revisiting them later in the test significantly improved my confidence in the selections I ended up settling on.
The approach I used:
  1. Skim the text & only stop to read what interests you / sticks out to you (I do this first in most courses to build momentum for studying.)
  2. Find a quizlet (search D080), & use the "learn" function to quickly gain an understanding of terms and concepts
  3. Return to the course text - take all the quizzes and tests for every module and then unit.
  4. Take the PA, pass/fail doesn't matter (but if you use hjon420's D080 WGU quizlet you should get 100%)
  5. Return to the text again and read all of unit 2, then take the quizzes and unit test again (it is best to do this shortly before taking the OA).
  6. Finally (the most important step): Ensure you are well-rested, well-fed, and well-caffeinated. Crush that OA!
Get after it!
submitted by keatonsteuben to WGU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 RedRiverValley Looking for advice (aka the woes of a new author)

To be honest I don't know how I feel about my writing. I was hoping you guys could give some advise to help me improve. I'm new to writing longer fic, most of the stuff I wrote before is one shots and poems. Also English isn't my first language, so I'm in unfamiliar territory.
1) I'm kinda regretting writing my story in past tense. I think that present tense would have been better, reserving the past tense for my flashbacks. Is it too late to change it? I mean it would mean having to rewrite the whole fic and I'm worried it would mess it up. What do you think, should I do it?
2) From what I learned in school and from the advice I read online, show don't tell is one of the most important rules of writing. However that is my exact problem. When I read my stuff I get the feeling like my writing is too dry and not descriptive enough and my beta agrees with me, but every time I try to be descriptive it comes off as flowery and it just feels like it was written by other people. How can I add more descriptive elements without sounding too flowery?
3) On that same note, my beta said that I tend to over explain scenes like for example in one chapter of my fic, there are several scenes where one character refusing help due to being stubborn and not wanting to be a burden and and the other character being frustrated/feeling they are taken advantage and wanting to end the friendship. I was trying to show how their friendship slowly imploded and as such certain elements pop up again and again. My beta said that it was too repetitive and that readers are not idiots who can pick up on themes without being hit over the head with a hammer. She's right of cause, but to be honest I'm not sure I'm good at writing subtext. Do you guys have any resources or tips to help me improve in that area?
submitted by RedRiverValley to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 FloppingEra99 Fred Nasser - 1402 14th St. Apartment Review

I am writing this review to share my experience and to let others know about what happened in this apartment. With it being a private landlord, it is not possible to leave reviews on a website or google, so I thought reddit is the next best thing. Let me start by saying - some of this is my fault for not sussing things out. I was in a bad situation before and was on a quick time crunch, so i said yes to this apartment quickly and without thinking.
This is a review of the Southside House on the corner of 14th St. S. Right next to dreamland. I lived in one of the bottom floor units. This apartment is owned by Fred Nasser.
I began renting here in April 2023 I was taking over a couple sublease. Let me say the first red flag should have been that the bedroom was EMPTY when I toured. I asked them why they are keeping it empty and not using it as the bedroom and they said they were using it for “storage” when there are literally 6 weird closets in this house. However, I just let that slide because to each their own? But I do think, in my opinion, they experienced the same thing that happened to me.
Sometime in the summer of 2023, I saw some house flies in the bedroom. Maybe like 3 of them? I thought “no big deal. maybe they just snuck in.” I come back from the gym, and there are literally at minimum 60 flies. All in the bedroom. Just on the bedroom window. They are not in the kitchen or anywhere else. I called Fred. He came out and sprayed the next day and yay he also caulked the windows completely shut and caulked dead flies into the window sill! But whatever I thought this was an old house.
Other experiences in the house - roaches. Not a full blown infestation but definitely concerning to have small baby roaches in the bathroom. Also neighbors in the upstairs who, and I am sorry to whoever is up there going through this, are in a toxic domestic situation. I would often hear someone in that apartment screaming “get the fuck out. I am going to K*ll myself” and banging so loud on one of the doors that my apartment would shake. I saw mold in the bathroom when i first moved in, and the next day it was “fixed.” Also can’t do laundry and bath at the same time because the water will be crazy. The shower frame (?) connector to the ceiling broke off due to so much water and steam eroding it away due to there not being a fan in the bathroom asked fred to come fix it…. he did not. I had to end up getting some wood to drill to the ceiling to then drill the shower frame into.
Fast forward to March 2024. The flies in the bedroom are BACK. Once again, just in the bedroom. However, this time there is a smell of rotting meat. I reach out to fred on Wednesday, and he says he will be out FRIDAY. But whatever, I will be patient. The flies continue to get worse and the smell becomes unbearable. I moved EVERYTHING out of the bedroom and into the living room. There is nothing in the actual bedroom that was causing this smell. I am updating Fred about the condition. He comes out on Friday and I text him later, as I was not in the apartment due to the flies and smell, asking him how it went. He says “Good. nothing dead.” I come back Friday evening and the flies are dead but the smell is still there. It was getting more and more pungent over the next week. I was running an ionizer to eliminate the smell, which would work for a few hours and then the smell would come back. I sent Fred a text on Friday, one on Saturday, and one on Sunday. All saying something like“Hey! I just want to let you know the flies are coming back and the smell is getting worse.” The flies were starting to come back on Saturday and continuously got worse. On Sunday…. my text did not deliver. I thought maybe he turned his phone off for the weekend. I wait till Monday. I send a text explaining how it is getting worse and there has to be something dead. My message does not deliver. I get a friend to send him a text, and it immediately delivers. I realized I got BLOCKED, or this is my opinion of what happened. This is my landlords only contact and he is also the maintenance.
I download Google Voice and text him that I need this to be taken care of as it is not livable and I will have to break the lease if not. He lets me out of the lease with it written that this will not affect my rental history or my credit. He also sends me back my full security deposit.
I am writing this to warn other people about my experience. I am concerned that someone so quickly has moved in after I moved out only 2 weeks ago. I really hope the smell and fly problem was fixed.
submitted by FloppingEra99 to Birmingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Designer_Band_1052 Having a hard time between letting go and facing me fear of rejection and trying again with her

This might be long, but i dont have anyone to talk to so if even one person reads this and helps i'll be super grateful!
Basically, had this “situationship” last November. Me and her were best friends in high school and were in like a 1.5 year talking stage lol, we never confessed feelings and eventually I told myself I had to move on from her bc I didn’t think it was ever gonna go anywhere. Fast forward to my junior year of college and her sophomore year, she had broken up with her bf (late October, a couple weeks before we started talking talking) and we had been in some contact the past few months. She drunk texted me the night she broke up with him and confessed how much she liked me in high school and it just sucked we never confessed feelings bc we would’ve been perfect together.
A couple weeks after all that, we’re on thanksgiving break and we hang out. We then talk about that in person, about how we would’ve been perfect for each other and we should’ve just confessed feelings, etc. Our next hangout, I decided that we shouldn’t talk right now. She had just gotten out of a really bad relationship and I had to study for my dental school admissions test. We would also be long distance, and I could sense how insecure she was in herself due to her past relationship, and she def needed time to be alone. I told her that, and she agreed. We agreed to try again after my Test, which would’ve been 3 months from then. Butttt then we eventually we kissed lol…
That led to us still talking and this was a topic of conversation like every couple of days. We would agree to not talk anymore and try again after my test, but then we would both fold and still talk. Winter break came around, and we said we’ll continue to talk and hang out until winter break ends. We’re with each other every night, she’s telling her friends about me and all her friends love me too. They all made an effort to meet me and they say I’m perfect for her. However, her ex would still hit her up, but she would show me everytime she rejected him so. Although, there was this one night they saw each other to talk and she said "i dont make any promises nothing wont happen btwn us" and that made me so scared, but nothing happened so ig its okay...??? Anyways, My hope was that by the time winter break ends, she’ll see we're good for each other and we can give it a chance, but she was still set on wanting to be single and heal from her last relationship, which I understand.
The night before winter break ended, I went over to her apartment. We basically did everything but have sex. She wanted to but I didn’t want her to get attached, and I didn’t wanna get attached myself so I told her we shouldn’t bc we were gonna be in no contact after this. She understood, but it was still one of the greatest nights of my life. I was finally with the girl I wanted to be with, and it just sucked we had to stop talking after this.
2 days after we're both back in school, she drunk texted me saying how much she missed me. So ofc we talked again that day. Next night, she drunk called me this time...She was talking about how i am her person, she sees herself falling in love with me and marrying me, and all this sorta stuff. She then told me "i dont think im good enough for you" this completely shattered my heart, no matter how much i told her thats not true and that shes perfect for me, she wouldnt agree. this confirmed that shes too insecure in herself to be in a relationship. After this, i wanted to talk to her sober about what she said, but she didnt want to. then she said we shouldnt wait for each other to try again after my test because she said she felt pressured to wait for me to be done...this made me so frustrated bc we agreed to try again every time we talked about this. Anyways, her bday was coming up, so i texted her friend to get her flowers on her actual bday and not tell her its from me (i had already gotten her flowers and a buncha gifts the night i went to her apartment) and she said she would. On her bday, i texted her and she just said "thanks" The combination of this and her bailing on the plan to try again after my test made me super frustrated. So that friend had asked me what happened btwn us and i kinda was in a rough place, so i told her that i dont think anything is ever gonna happen btwn us bc of the way things ended and all this tainted my image of her. I regret this so much. A couple weeks later, her friend texts me again to check in and i apologize to her friend about all the things i said, and i told the friend to tell her i am so sorry about it and i didnt mean any of it.
Okay, so throughout this semester, she texted me every now and then, wishing me happy bday and sometimes just asking me random stuff about school. After my test was done, which i did well on thankfully lol, she asked me how it went and i told her and stuff, but the convo never advanced. Now, I am stuck btwn wanting to ask her to hang out to try again or letting go of her and let fate bring us back together. Idk if she wants to hang out with me or not and its killing me. I feel like i completely ruined my chance with her bc of what i told her friend and its created a pit in my stomach. She def seems more confident and secure in herself bc shes finally posting on social media and stuff like that, which makes me so happy for her. Idk im just stuck. My fear is that she'll say no to hanging out, but i feel like if i never ask her then i'll never know. Like what if i ask her and shes willing to give it another chance, i wouldnt know if i didnt ask her ya know.
Tl; dr My overall question is: Do i let go of her and improve myself as much as possible and let destiny bring us back to each other like it did the first time, or make an effort to try again with her, with the fear of being rejected from the girl i've always wanted to be with?
submitted by Designer_Band_1052 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 Ok-Atmosphere-985 Long post alert. Can me 45f and my boyfriend 56m stay together?

Am I too much?
My boyfriend and I are new. We’ve been “official” for two months now and are quite serious. We’ve discussed the word love, but haven’t really put it out there. He has stated several times that he believes I’m in love with him but that he believes I’m holding it back to protect myself. He says I should let them out. I’ve repeatedly told him I’m nervous to do so because I’m not trying to rush this already fast paced relationship and that I don’t want my feelings to be vocalized and he not feel the same way. I told him I want to make sure my feelings are safe first, and he insists that they are with him. Just this weekend, he said “what if something happened to me and you never told me?” That statement stayed in my head during the entire scenario I’m writing about.
His wife passed almost a year ago, and since we met, he insists he’s ready to move forward in life. We talk about the future, but I’ve been a bit wary because I know this is all new to him. He is an amazing man and treats me wonderfully.
He’s 56 and I’m 45 but we live about 50ish miles from one another. We make a point to see each other as much as possible. We also make a point to communicate with one another every. Single. Day. We talk every morning before work, text throughout our day, and stay on the phone several hours at night. The only time we break this routine is when one of us is out of town or away visiting family, but we discuss that ahead of time.
This weekend, he came to my hometown, and we spent an amazing weekend together. We had the best time. At the end of the weekend, we both went home, (this was maybe 10am) but I never heard of he made it home safely. I texted him around 1 just to ask. Never heard a word. Then texted around 5pm to let him know I was going to a friend’s house and would call him when I got back home. Told him I hope his day was going well. We usually do check in texts when we know we will be unavailable.
I get home that night around 10pm and ask him to just please let me know if he’s ok. I then call but it goes straight to voicemail. Then again around 12am to let him know I’m worried. I go to bed.
I wake up around 6 am and see no missing calls or messages, so I call him. Straight to voicemail again, so now I’m worried. I go to work and still hear nothing from him, so around 9:30am (24 hours later), I call back. Same thing. This is very unlike him, and I start to panic.
What would you do at this point? I really hesitate doing everything else next, but I’m worried. I call his job to give him a message to contact me. I’m ready to leave it at that and wait. I don’t have his number memorized, so I’m sure with a dead phone that he doesn’t know mine. His job calls me back around 11am and says “ma’am. You called early to deliver a message to ———. Well, I’m calling you back to let you know that ——— isn’t here for us to deliver the message. I definitely was not expecting that and my fear sets in. That was a strange phone call to me.
I’m worried he’s hurt, and especially with not hearing a peep from him for over 24 hours, I leave work early around 12pm and head his way. I get to his house, and he’s not there. I go to his job next, but I don’t go in. Instead, I call a second time. I speak with the same person, and she asks my relation. I tell him I’m her girlfriend. She pauses and says “I’m not supposed to say anything, but I’ll just say this. His family knows what’s going on with him.” I tell her thank you then hang up.
To me, that means something happened. So I go to his mom’s house. Again, I am doubting all of my actions, but at this point, I’m thinking he’s hurt. We are new and haven’t introduced one another to family other than one person. Outside of our own information and the names of our jobs, we don’t have contact info for one another, so I’m unsure what to do during all of this. I decide I’d rather be the crazy lady that did too much than sit back and not know what happened.
So, I’ve been to his mom’s house but never inside. The one time I went, it was late at night and he had to pick something up, and I didn’t want to meet her for the first time in that manner. I have met his sister briefly before. So, I’m at his mom’s house and knock on the door. I explain what’s happening and she invites me in. She does not know who I am, but that’s not unusual. If the situation were reversed, my parents would not know who he is either. She tells me he is in the hospital and that she was there earlier and he should be home later. She told me what happened which is concerning but fits with what he’s told me about his medical history.
She gives me a different phone number for him. She says he had to get another phone the day before because he cracked the one with the number I have. I call it and it just rings. Then I ask the hospital number. She doesn’t give it to me (again, I don’t blame her) but tells me the hospital name and that the system at the hospital is down.
I go to the hospital. The system is down. I ask information, and they say something about ransomeware. After a while of asking, I leave and go sit somewhere to wait. I’m praying he will call me. I text the number his mom gave me and later the number calls back, rings once then hangs up. I call it back, rings then voicemail.
After about 3 hours after getting that number from his mom, the number calls me back. It’s him, and he’s pissed. He says I did too much. He’s mad I called his job because he doesn’t want them in his business. He says he could see if it was two or three days but not one. I told him something felt off and it turns out I was right. He was in the hospital. He asked why I did it all and I told him because he went all outside of our routine in a big way. He told me we don’t have a pattern and not to look for one. We definitely have a pattern. We even talked about it this weekend and I told him how much I love his consistency. I apologized if I overstepped and said I thought we were serious enough for our actions. He said we are that serious but proceeds to say I did too much. He wouldn’t let me come to the hospital to see him and said he needed some uninterrupted time to himself so I went home. I didn’t even respond and I don’t plan to. I feel like I should just step alllllllll the way back. I also think he’s panicking because he’s only used to being loved by his late wife.
I do love this man, but it feels like he took all that love he said he saw and wanted and threw it back in my face. I’ve made it clear that I’m intense. I would have done the same had it been my parents, my kids, siblings, friends, etc. when we talk again, I know I won’t be the same. I don’t trust him with my feelings anymore.
We haven’t talked since. I’m sure he’s doubting me because I’m surely doubting him. Not once did he acknowledge what I went through to check on him. And he wasn’t trying to listen. I told him I’m happy he’s ok but I listened to my intuition which said he wasn’t and it was right. He said don’t listen to that. I told him that had I heard from him just once that he was ok, none of this would have ever happened. Are my intentions even important here?
I know my actions are a lot and this is a lot to read, so if you’ve made it this far, thank you.
Am I crazy? What would you have done? What should I have done? Do you think this is salvageable?
submitted by Ok-Atmosphere-985 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 CrimsonGatSett "Early Access"

I've played tarkov since 2017 ( a year after it's release) and a few things I'd like to note. First I'm not going to mention the obvious with the new edition.
To start, I hate this new Era of "Early Access" titles, when it's really just an excuse to not produce the game at the start. Dayz is not exception. If you were to tell me in 2017 that tarkov would not be in 1.0 I would have waited to buy. I have 1500 hours so it's been fun, but the fact that they do "major" changes every year vs wipe is so pointless. Since you get no real rewards for playing each wipe or even reaching kappa, the next wipe feels stale. Sure we got 3 new maps in the past 5 years but they've been unrunnable and not fun to learn. Adding landmines and other zones to new maps is just frustrating when they are in the middle of the map. When "Early Access" is thrown around I usually think that they are experimenting and trying to find and fix what works best. BSG however makes very tiny changes and will brandish them as game breaking. Each year I've played, audio, performance, and cheating have not only been a problem but all seemed to get worse as new content arrives. The rapid changes they are making because of the new failure they brought is how the game should of been handled to begin with. IMO I feel like having the same quests (with the exception of a FEW new ones) gets boring. For the people who haven't gotten kappa, it's fun getting until you've gotten it once or twice then it just feels stale, kinda like beating a story game a few times. If they have 3 separate quest lines, COMPLETELY different containing 0 quests from each similar, per wipe of the year (3 wipes usually per year). I feel like a game that's been out for 8+ years should of been out of Early Access years ago.
I also feel that edge of darkness should of gone away about 4 years ago. Before people freak, I say this because they kept it for greed, they could of added the unheard edition and been fine (as long as what was included was given to eod). The reason I think EoD should of been removed earlier than now is that too many have it. I honestly forgot about the custom name tag when buying it, and thought it was just a bug or player scav when I got killed by a white tag. It was never after I'd see white tags, and with 1500h that's saying something. EoD should of been limited, usually a "limited" product doesn't last 8 years.... unless it's Baja blast. They could of released the more expensive version and given EoD holders the items in it, EoD however was so broken, if you played tarkov frequently you had to have it. Money and guns don't matter from it, but a lvl 4 stash and gamma case makes a huge difference, and I'd still argue there are less than 100 people that have gotten Kappa that haven't owned EoD.
Arena is the last thing I wanna talk about, I know I got a large wall of text. BSG was so upset about arena doing bad they felt the need to make another cash grab with UHE. Arena however could of and CAN still be fixed easily. First remove all the maps in it now. Second add snips from maps similar hlto how CSGO did their 2v2 maps where they are fractions of other maps. Snips from maps like customs, maybe making it a Dorms fight, or for bigger team battles maybe even sawmill from woods. This would be the absolute cheapest way to get players to play, while still having features like voip. Of course the biggest change and most important, is stop trying to be CS or valorant. We don't need a buy system with money yatatat that's not what Arena needs. I'm fine with TDM and I enjoyed the 2v2 3v3 5v5 tournament mode but stop with the money to items modes. Also important, the weapons, armor, ammo etc... I hate what I'm about to say, but this feature needs to be copied from Call of Duty. What I mean is that you can make custom loadouts with whatever you want. Yes I get that it would issue a meta to the game but a system like this where armor and ammo stay at mid tier would work way better than play the game for 50h they you get to get a dusk cover on your ak. Another system, which is the one I want more, is one that compares to both Arena and Regular. Guns, ammo, armor, etc... pull directly from your stash, if it's tdm you'd keep the weapon and total ammo you had per death, where as a more hardcore version would be you can die and get looted per round and lose/gain gear giving more or less incentive to the quality of gear brought. There could be quest and other reqards that would give some help towards your Tarkov Regular character such as money and gear. This would give a boost to Early game and players not familiar with active combat. With familiar maps and situations relative to the real game, this would 100% give people a reason to buy Arena. But similar to other games the way to prevent fall off of the game even with changes, is a reward system that bsg can control. Rewards like winning a tournament gives you permanent clothing or gives you a random item like scav junk case does in the hideout. With rewards and a rotation on maps in the pool Arena would easily be playable.
Thanks for reading this wall of text, these are a few changes I think if implemented Tarkov would have reason to play and not just play until 30 and quit which is what the average level people stop at per wipe, and also give reason to play Arena.
submitted by CrimsonGatSett to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 Out-of-the-Blue2021 Online College Recommendations - KY

I'm currently enrolled in DeVry University for my BS in Accounting. I chose DeVry because my billion dollar company has tuition assistance there. I've come to learn it may not be the best option though. I already know a lot about accounting through OTJ experience, but I want to learn more and get the documentation so I can advance my career. I want to at least be a bookkeeper and then work toward being an accountant. I'm in my early 40s already. But I figure if I work until I'm 70, I have 30 more years of work. I should do the job I want to do even if it takes a few years in school.
Should I try to transfer my credits to a local community college and take the hit on any credits not transferring? I've been attending a year part-time.
Or is DeVry sufficient if I have a decent resume already? I already have experience with AP, AR, billing, several GL programs (although not QB), and I'm already proficient at Excel, and other required computer programs. So I'm not starting from scratch.
I'm in Kentucky if anyone can recommend a good online program as an alternative.
submitted by Out-of-the-Blue2021 to Accounting [link] [comments]