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Onlyfans creator's community--> Advice, discussions and support welcome here šŸ’•

2020.04.30 14:48 sansa-starkers- Onlyfans creator's community--> Advice, discussions and support welcome here šŸ’•

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2011.11.11 02:35 For those who love those elusive little birds

If you have a hummingbird emergency, please contact u/HummingbirdObsessed

2016.01.15 02:20 Just START!

A community about affiliate marketing, search engine optimization and related topics. Learn what works, what doesnā€™t and whatā€™s new through real experiences from both beginners and experts. We welcome and encourage posts from anyone, but please review our rules before posting.

2024.06.09 17:40 Greggregrson How hard is it to find life long/true friends in college age ?

Hey yallā€¦I hope you guys are doing well wherever you are in the world and whatever stage you are in life.
This is going to be quite a long read with a lot of mistakes in writing. My writing is about a minuscule issue that has been affecting my social life and in-turn making me just miserable. If I was a character in a movie I would say ā€œwhy does he care so much about that?ā€. Itā€™s not life threatening by any means.
A background. I am a 20 year old guy who will be turning 21 tomorrow. I will probably just celebrate my birthday with my parents at best. Since Iā€™ve joined university at 18 I wanted to have a different experience, I was living in a small town in my schooling years I didnā€™t have any friends because I never was interested in making friends and just spent days in my home with my family or doing homework/studying. Unlike every other guy that I know (all male school btw if that changes anything) my life was mediocre at best and sad at worst. But you see I didnā€™t care, I didnā€™t care about friends or having fun outside my house or just being a teen in general. I donā€™t know what happened to me like I really donā€™t what want on in grade 12 and the transition from 17 to 18 that turned me into ā€œ I NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION I NEED FRIENDS I NEED SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT MEā€.I never cared about being a teenager or how I spent my days. My parents loved how uneventful I am because both of my eldest siblings lived a totally different teenage years than me.
University was supposed to be the place where I will finally find myself but itā€™s just been miserable to say the least. I will just talk about the social aspect because thatā€™s what is making me more depressed but I am struggling academically through this.
Through this long 3 years of my life how many supposedly I made ? 2. I said supposedly because Iā€™ve been thinking about those two relationships and it just seems one sided most of the time. Something I forgot to mention but I am a sensitive guy like ā€œdid the thing they said to me means anything different?ā€ Or ā€œwhy do they hate me?ā€ Sensitive. I hate that about me because I take things too personally and maybe all of these is just because of my sensitivity. Anyways, the first friend that I made was in my first semester. I donā€™t remember how we even started to talk but he is a nice guy. He is from a different college than me and he studied in a private school. The other guy I met last year and it was totally just out nowhere. I remember him asking something in the course group chat and we just became friends. Now what I consider as a friend might be something different because I donā€™t consider a person friend until we actually meet up outside of university. Other than that they are colleague.
What is in common for person 1 and 2 is that they both are upper class and thatā€™s about it. Guy 1 is more reserved, shy person and he does have autism. I think our mutual love for gaming connected us. On the other hand, guy 2 is more outgoing, extroverted and adventurous. I think we just connected because I found myself more adventurous at this point.
Since I never had a best friend ( it seems that I will never have one at this point of just trying and failing) I thought that they both would be but it turns out that itā€™s just me trying to hard. They probably donā€™t care about the same way I care about them. Every single interaction was started by me. When I look back at everything I just cringe and become angry. At every birthday (because I actually remember their birthday)for them I write them a sincere message. Every time I donā€™t hear from them for a week I ask and call sometimes. I literally ask them to meet up every single time because if I donā€™t they will never ask me.
There is a lot of things that I can say but I am actually so tired of thinking about this. All I really need is for someone to care about me. Itā€™s a horrible feeling when I wake up and the only messages I got is ads and the family group. All the calls I get are from my mother and dad. I am blessed to have a parents who care about me most of the time but I really feel that I am alone most of the time. I really tried hard those past 3 years to make a deeper connection but it just isnā€™t working for me. I literally just want someone to actually care if I am alive and doing well for once. Is that too much to ask ? Maybe I am over sensitive and just have high standards? What I am doing wrong ??
I want a different perspective on my situation because I am tired of spending months just trying to figure out why.
submitted by Greggregrson to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:40 kaskers How to add castors to these shelves

How to add castors to these shelves
I picked up some old industrial commercial steel shelving for cheap -- would like to put wheels on it to protect the floor and it they are just really heavy when assembled.
Nothing sticks out as the right solution. The 2 ideas I thought might work is the scaffolding castors that would normally fit inside the scaffolding, but this would have to be side mounted with the locking pin. Seems sketchy...
Other idea was to take a 2Ɨ4 or 4x4 and route out the shape of bracket -- set it inside the wood, then use normal castors on the bottom. Not sure how to prevent it from tilting out of the wood ever. Glue?
Loaded up, these things can be several hundred pounds, especially chaining them
You would think there would be T post castors out there easily findable for these things.
submitted by kaskers to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:40 Mezzboms Considering transferring out of a defined benefit pension into a SIPP

Hi all,
Iā€™m considering transferring out a small ish defined benefit pension into a SIPP.
The value of the pension is Ā£2.5kpa. Key details are as follows: - inflation adjusted each year by CPI - lump sum death grant currently worth Ā£11k - annual survivors pension of Ā£0.6kpa - linked to state pension age but should be able to take it with reduced benefits of c45% reduction at 57. - some of the Ā£2.5k benefit could be exchanged for a lump sum on a Ā£1 for Ā£7 lump sum basis at pensionable age.
Few details about me: 32M, looking to retire between 50-55. Iā€™m conscious that the state pension age will continue to rise and Iā€™ll take a big hit to take this pension early. Iā€™m thinking that transferring the value now as a lump sum to a SIPP and with the (hopefully) compounding gains effect between now and when Iā€™m 50-55 itā€™ll be worth more than if I leave it in the defined benefit scheme and take a % reduction to take it early.
1) Has anyone previously transferred out of a defined benefit scheme? How was the process of doing this? I know itā€™s frowned upon as usually they are really lucrative pension schemes but I just donā€™t feel it will fit with my circumstances / aims and objectives of retiring early. 2) Is there a rough rule of thumb for calculating how much this will be worth to transfer out? Iā€™ve asked for a quote but would like to know roughly what to expect. Itā€™s currently calculated as Ā£40k of my LTA per the latest benefit statement. Does this translate to a value to transfer? Iā€™m conscious that Iā€™ll likely need to take specific financial advice for over Ā£30k transfer.
Any help / thoughts much appreciated. I donā€™t really have anyone I can discuss this kind of thing with.
submitted by Mezzboms to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:40 AbsarAslam [Acne] harshly used facewash and now there's pimples on face

before anyone starts bragging, i didnt knew šŸ˜­, so long story short i was running late for an event so not knowing i excesively rubbed my face with facewash and now there's a big pimple or acne type thing (pinkish in color) on left side and some small pimples on right side and burning sensation on the face, i want to know if it can go away on its own and how long might take cuz as a guy i dont use anything except soap and facewash, i'd appriciate some serious help :(
submitted by AbsarAslam to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 DaughterOfDixie At least I did something about it.

I started my weightloss journey today. Although I am the highest weight I have ever been, the goal isn't a number on the scale. Its to not be so sore, to have my clothes fit betters, to overall feel better mentally and physically.
I am taking baby steps and trying to have a lot of grace with myself. I know from experience if I do too much too fast and do not give myself room to fail and start again then I will fail overall.
So, today I figured out my calories deficit goal. And I am having the grace with myself to know I am not going to be perfect at meeting that goal every day from day one. That is not realistic, but I can improve week by week and day by day. I walked 25 mintues on my walking pad. Once again, a small start that can be later improved upon.
No matter what else I do today. No matter how well or horribly I do today, at least I did something. At least I started. I had to start before I can improve.
submitted by DaughterOfDixie to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 leonisfr My last chance to give!

My last chance to give!
How to enter: - Please upvote this post, - Pick one of these stickers you need along with your link and IGN, - Send a screenshot of this post side by side with your album/set (slide 2 or 3 for the example).
I will prioritize you if: - This is the last sticker you need to complete one set, or - This is the last sticker you need to complete whole album (either 1st or 2nd album), or - Youā€™re so near in finishing your album but you donā€™t have any 5 dupes left to trade.
*Iā€™m open to gifting until tomorrow, so it may take around 10 gift chances. If you need 1-4ā­ļø to complete your set, feel free to write down the stickers. I may help you if I have the dupes.
**Itā€™s not first come first served nor a lucky draw. Take your time and hope you can enjoy this game for fun! šŸ«¶
submitted by leonisfr to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 fireflygirl1013 How are you getting things done on the weekend?

We have a near 10mo who is very active. Since he turned 8mo, he has developed and hit a ton of milestones: pulling to stand, rolling bed, crawling. Heā€™ll be walking likely before 11mo. My husband and I work FT and have a nanny M-F for 8 hours a day. On the weekends however, I donā€™t know how to get anything done. We take turns with him mostly; my husband will mow the lawn while I spend time with him. Iā€™ll take a nap when my husband can be with him. He can do independent play but he needs to be watched. We have one of those enclosed play areas but given his teething, he sometime can be clingy and cranky. We now have to put up new gates because we thought we had put them up and we clearly missed some blind sights. Itā€™s also time to do some bolting of furniture. We also want to do meal prep for him but somehow just canā€™t. We are both exhausted and feel like we get nothing done. Iā€™m constantly playing catch up with emails and texts and that was one thing I was super organized about and good at before our LO arrived. Heā€™s an only and I canā€™t imagine how people with multiples do it!
I know everything Iā€™m experiencing is normal, but Iā€™m looking for tips on how to use the weekend more efficiently.
submitted by fireflygirl1013 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 atemysix Software to assist in backing up a large file collection onto multiple HDDs

I have a large Blu-Ray disk collection that I have ripped as MKVs for ease of access and archival purposes. The MKVs are stored on my NAS and currently consume ~32TB of space. NAS runs linux and storage is ZFS.
I'd like to backup these MKVs onto a bunch of external HDDs -- currently planned 3x 12TB drives (what I can get cheap).
I don't want to create another ZFS pool, especially one made out of external HDDs. Otherwise I'd just use zfs send! I can foresee multiple problems with that approach:
Are there any tools out there that will take a directory and copy/"split" it across multiple HDDs?
Ideally said software would also intelligently track renames/moves and modifications to files. I occasionally rename/move files to reorganize things, and use tools like MKVtoolnix to edit metadata. Re-copying the whole dir tree each time would be a PITA!
submitted by atemysix to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 AlfaTheChicken cooking the people with down syndrome, yall useless retards in society fr

Look at me little lightbulb, you dim as a fucking atom of tungsten, you aint nothin but a nitwit, a burden on societys already fragile bits of sanity, the only thign u can be is a whore, no office jobs in a chem plant u would jump into the pool of hydrogen chloride, u cant even be a whore now that i think about it, ur smile so bad and ur face so messed up even a 1 wouldnt take you, your as stupid as an ant all alone, even an ant colony could draw better than you, you got the iq of a dolphin on hard drugs, punchin pufferfish just to get high like a junkie, u aint nothin but a piece of crap, all u do all day is eat shit and crap, to be honest, i aint even lyin, ur routine is eat sleep bother people crap and then get ur self killed trynna do fryin, the only thing u frying tho is ur stupid ass, gotta make sure u also fry ur head, or should i say skull with skin on it? all u do is slide down ur own ass u little down kid
submitted by AlfaTheChicken to downsyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 Negative_Collection1 % of home in primary in SF

I got a really good job offer in a big city for 400k+ with some great equity upside but would need to move by December
We currently live elsewhere so would need to move. Family of 4 plus 2 big dogs. Mom is SAHM
Current situation: -1.4-1.5m net worth -1.2 of that in real estate across 4 properties (our primary + 3 rental properties. All with sub 4.25% rates) -rest in Hysa emergency fund + brokerage + retirement (this is growing a lot faster than before bc I recently move up in income) -expected 300k inheritance coming some point next year but probably canā€™t use it for this purchase -current mortgage is 4300 and we spend more than Iā€™d like to on expenses (kids are expensive af) -in Tech, so not most stable industry but company is profitable and doing really well
Wife only wants to go if we can buy a house so we have good stability w the kids and can make it ours.
The problem: rent for a sfh anywhere near a daily commute is an easy 7-8k if not more. Buying a home is an easy 1.2m.
Some options Iā€™ve thought about: -rent primary home so we have 4 rental properties, rent expensive home near sf for 8k/mo for a year and reevaluate. Wonā€™t have a ton of extra funds but will keep building net worth with rental properties and investments. Less stability for the family and grumpy wife. Will get the inheritance next year and continue the investing strategy. -sell a 2-3 houses and try to put 800-900k down on a new home, have a similar mortgage and not be as stressed to make payment, but less passive income(but more active). Will get the inheritance and can put into investments. -liquidate 3 houses and pay almost all cash, knowing I will have a lot of monthly income to dca into stocks and a lot less pressure on daily expenses. Basically not have a mortgage and be a high income earner. Will have a nice 300k inheritance to put back into investments and start growing that back up
I think the right choice on paper is number 1. 2 puts me in a similar situation to now with a lot less passive income. 3 seems rather stress free knowing I wonā€™t need to make a mortgage and can just stack up my income into investments, especially w a 7% interest rate or whatever it is these days. 2/3 will also take away rental properties with interest rates weā€™ll likely never see again.
What would you do? Any options Iā€™m not considering?
Edit: changed the post and forgot to update title. My bad lol
submitted by Negative_Collection1 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 atmaca35 When is Proof of Pepe launching their Pre-Bridge? Find out how to farm POP & liquidity mine.

As Pepe continued climbing, defying all odds. A lot of focus is on the Proof of Pepe chain who are starting the pre-bridge this month. A chain built by Pepe whales to contend with the likes of Shibarium. A pre-bridging process that rewards those who ape from the beginning. Iā€™ll cover it all in this article.
What is POP
Pepe is the worldā€™s most widely recognised meme, now anticipate the release of the biggest chain for meme tokens and Pepe whales: The POP Network. All eyes on Pepes own chain which plans to onboard the next 1B ā€˜normiesā€™ to trade meme tokens through everybodyā€™s favourite frog.
How to farm $POP
Stake $PEPE for $POP in our pre-bridge. When we take the chain live, these staked tokens will be airdropped as PEPE on the POP network. Proof of Pepe is rewarding the first pioneers to trade on the future of meme-chains with the native token that will skyrocket alongside chain activity.
Liquidity Mining Incentives
Proof of Pepe is also offering liquidity mining incentives.
While Uniswap V3 is already fruitful to liquidity providers, the Proof of Pepe team is making it even more so by setting 5% of the supply aside for airdrops to those who provide to our ecosystem.
For every $1000 staked, people earn 1 point daily. The airdrop is distributed according to total points.
You can even earn with affiliate
Anybody can simply use Pepeā€™s affiliate feature to earn 1% of volume brought to the Pre-Bridge!
Find out more: ProofOfPepe .Art
submitted by atmaca35 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 imstuckinthewasher I'm going to cut contact with my father.

I,16 f, will cut contact with my father, 54 m, when I can finally leave the house. Let me give some background! My dad got my mom pregnant when she was 17, having two sons before I was born. They stayed together till I was 7, but then he left for years till I was 11. He came back suddenly with a new marriage and life, saying he wanted to be back in My siblings and my life. We started going over during weekends but my mom got addicted to drugs and we were given to my father. A couple of years with him have been the worst of my life. With his constant threats, like he'll say he'll kick me out of the house if I have one piece of clothes on the floor, the screaming matches he has with my step-mom, and his overbearing control over my grades. Just yesterday, my nieces got dropped off to spend the weekend with "grandad" but it's really been me taking care of them and my father yelling at them if they kept doing toddler things. He keeps threatening to hit them when they touch something and then threatens them again when they start crying about him yelling. You might be wondering why I haven't done anything but I TRIED. The moment I tried to separate the youngest from my dad since he was yelling at her for crying. But then he started threatening me, saying that I'll get their beatings if I interfere (His words), calling them brats throughout. He locked them outside on the patio with them banging on the porch door. They were crying and yelling SO MUCH that one of the neighbors CALLED THE POLICE. I'm writing this in my room with my dad and step-mom are talking to the officer. This whole experience has made me realize that I don't want him in my own kid's lives. I don't even want him in my life now! I can't go back to my mom since she passed away from an overdose 3 years ago and no one in my family thinks that what he is doing is wrong. They are very "keep the family together and keep it hush". I just want some advice to make the separation from him when I'm older as smooth as possible.
submitted by imstuckinthewasher to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 Own_Island5749 Is fuck machine a good investment?

Hi friends,
A solo faceless creator here.
Iā€™m considering buying a fuck machine.
My motivation:
1) I can create much juicier content: angles, positions, novelty
2) I wonā€™t get my arm ripped like a boy in puberty
Does anyone have a take on this?
Did anyone invest a good $$$ in a fuck machine and paid it off with tips/PPVs/etc?
submitted by Own_Island5749 to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 wolftex101 Convincing a chain arcade to repair their neglected ITG2 cabinet.

Hi, for a while now I've been visiting my local chain entertainment place (think bar, arcade and bowling) and they have an ITG2 decal cabinet running some form of OpenGroove on Linux with mungyodance 1, 2 and ITG 1 to Rebirth packs preinstalled. Several of the buttons dont work, and the pads don't hold well and take lots of pressure to hit properly. Everytime I go I have to ask them to plug it back in again because the board died (and sometimes does in the middle of playing) and the screen just shows "Input Error". They've said they'll call their repair people to fix it, but its been months now and nothing. What can I do to maybe get the attention of someone higher up? Any ideas what the issue might be?
submitted by wolftex101 to Stepmania [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 bugman345 Using uppromote helped make me thousands each month

How I used uppromote and private label rights to make an affiliate programme that has generated me $3,000 in profit for the past two months.
I have tried many strategies to make money in the past but this is the first that has worked for me: the plr affiliate method. (This is a long read so I apologise in advance)
So first things first, what is PLR? I wasnā€™t sure either until January of this year when I stumbled across a video on YouTube. This is Private Label Rights, this means that essentially you buy the rights to sell something as your own and you keep all of the profits. This can be e-books and courses.
This essentially was a lightbulb switch moment for me. I could get a finished product and sell it as my own and keep all of the profits. I tried creating content myself and created a shopify website and put my finished product ebook in my bio (YouTube any video on how to list a digital product on shopify). I then put the shopify link in my bio, this was not a success and I realised that I would have to think outside the box to make this work.
I had another moment of inspiration, what if I was able to ask social media accounts with an established following to put the link in their bio and I would offer them a percentage of every sale they make (I offered a 50/50 cut). So for the next few days I grinded and sent direct messages and emails to Instagram and tiktok accounts, I mainly targeted accounts with large followings that did not have any links currently in their bio and I have had the greatest success with these accounts. I was able to create the affiliate programme on shopify using a plug called uppromote, there are many videos that explain how to set this up on YouTube.
So why would accounts with large following agree to my proposal despite them supplying all of the following?
The answer is simple, a lot of people have a great ability to create content, but perhaps do not have the business acumen or have the motivation to create a revenue stream themselves. This method provides them a easy solution to this problem.
After a lot of grinding and a lot of messages I had gained clients and five months later Iā€™m at the point where I have 31 affiliates selling my e books and courses in their bio. The total following of these accounts is 8.4 million followers across all platforms - a following I would not have been able to attain myself with my content creation skills.
The numbers, what everyone is here for! This method has generated me $11,000 in profit since January (50% of sales went to affiliates so $22,000 revenue). Things started out slow but are picking up fast, last month has been particularly good, generating me $3,000 in profit from easy and passive income.
Problems and issues Iā€™ve encountered: understandingly so the accounts often want to see the product they are selling before they agree to be an affiliate for the product. I originally had a problem finding high quality products, I am not going to name the website I would recommend for those looking high quality plr on here as I received downvotes last time (I am not going to name it here as I was called a shill the other time I did this haha) but you can send a message to me and I can give you advice on where to look. This website offers a bundle which provides a wide array of high quality finished products that are from all sorts of niches. I have found other plr products that I have purchased to be of bad quality so it is important to find a good website.
Iā€™m sure you are wondering the following question: if you are making money off of this why are you sharing with us? The answer is simple, there are hundreds of thousands of social media accounts with large followings, this method is unsaturated and I figured it could help make someone elseā€™s life a little easier financially.
Why do I recommend this method? 1.) Once established this method is completely passive 2.) You gain exposure to large followings that would take years to build. 3.) relatively low set up costs. The bundle I recommend purchasing is $199 and shopify monthly payments are roughly $50 per month. There are no other costs incurred. 4.) unlimited earnings potential. Thereā€™s no ceiling as to what you can earn. The more accounts that agree to become an affiliate for you the more you will make
I hope you enjoyed the read , if you have any questions donā€™t be afraid to ask them below.
submitted by bugman345 to shopify [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 Agile-Fly-1958 Iā€™m stuck in hell just like him

Iā€™m just ranting because I have a lot going on right now and my brother passing is taking a lot out of me. Iā€™m 32, I lost my job, I had to go back to college because Iā€™ve tried and failed at university too many times, Iā€™ve had to move back home with my mom for almost a decade now at this poor excuse of a house, with 4 other dogs and a cat that isnā€™t potty trained, they are all infested with fleas and we canā€™t do anything about it because we donā€™t have money, I can feel them on my skin every time I go to bed, my psychiatrist diagnosed me as MDD with OCD, I have no drive to do anything, I canā€™t draw anymore I canā€™t even make things to sell, we donā€™t have any money and now my brother is gone and I understand why he wanted to go so badly. Life is a fucking joke, we both tried and tried and we failed in a system that is built to keep us down. Iā€™m sick of it, I want out, if it wasnā€™t for my bf and family, I wouldā€™ve left a long time ago. I donā€™t blame him for not taking care of his health, he had so much against him that he let his depression and fear take over. Just know I understand and love you, brother. I miss you so much, I wish we couldā€™ve talked, but I have no idea how to get through this either without wanting to kill myself. I hope to join you some day. With all this is it fucking okay for me to stay home and mope instead of going to your fucking baby showers and shit?! Because all I want to do is stay at home, cry, and wait until this is all over.
submitted by Agile-Fly-1958 to Grieving [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 Iaccodelodallamoto I ranked all the Beatles songs worst to best

Not that anyone at this gives a single flying fuck but I did this so Iā€™m posting it. I have included all works from the main 13 albums and singles excluding
The b Side of yellow submarine as no actual beatle plays on it
Those German covers as they really arenā€™t so different from the original and I didnā€™t see the point
Unreleased material such as ultra deluxe or whatever the fuck and the l unreleased stuff from anthology (excluding the 3 last Beatles songs)
Thereā€™s a couple of unpopular opinions here so donā€™t go too hard on me I love them all in my own way,
214:WILD HONEY PIE: To be clear I donā€™t dislike the idea of the song, but I just think itā€™s a huge middle finger to the album. I canā€™t help but laugh at it as it is a mockery of Paul McCartney by Paul McCartney. I canā€™t help but think itā€™s what John thinks his little jaudy ditties sound like. However I think itā€™s horrible to have to listen to Iā€™m not angry at it, just disappointed. It really couldā€™ve been a good parody song, as it however. I think itā€™s a filler interlude.
213: BOYS: The original version is leagues better, and when it comes to the Beatles thatā€™s saying something. I canā€™t think of anything that justifies the existence of this song. The only redeeming aspect is itā€™s refreshing to hear ringo sing sometimes, he does a fine job of it.
212: A TASTE OF HONEY Trashy song too sweet and pissy for me (for a great lack of a better term) Paul sounds bad on this, the whole thing sounds trashy. Drivel
211: P.S I LOVE YOU Does nothing for me.
210: SUN KING Oh a hot take. Or is it, I wonā€™t count the medley itself as no one else seems to but if so I respect it way more than itā€™s placed. Itā€™s a bit trippy but not to an extent of intriguing me. The translation to mr mustard is great but Iā€™m not ranking that. On its own, In My Opinion, bad
209: PLEASE PLEASE ME Has everything that I dislike about the early work, especially the harmonica, fine singing but couldā€™ve been synced better.
208: THIS BOY Forgettable and boring to me
207: SEXY SADIE Interesting song but not particularly good or interesting in my opinion. The stories of whoā€™s it about however are worth looking into.
206: ASK ME WHY Might it have something to do with love. As you might tell Iā€™m not big on please please me. This one blends in with the rest of the album
205: CHAINS Not an awful song but itā€™s not overly good. Georgeā€™s vocals havenā€™t gotten great yet so he still could use some work. Perfectly bland song
204: DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET I am aware this song has a relatively large fan base but this is not for me at all. Sorry
203: THE END First off the ā€œOh Yeah! All Right!ā€ Are indeed iconic. Everyoneā€™s playing their heart out. Some of Ringos best work. But I donā€™t know, it doesnā€™t punch me like I think it should. I like this, but I should love it, and I donā€™t.
202: GOLDEN SLUMBERS Too repetitive for me to get into. This is the only Beatles song that couldā€™ve been shorter. Thatā€™ll be ironic as I pretty much think every Beatles song is too short except this one.
201: ROLL OVER BEETHOVEN Berry did it better
200: ANOTHER GIRL I didnā€™t think anything of it at all to be honest.
199: TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE Fine, not that good, but fine
198: YOU KNOW MY NAME (LOOK UP THE NUMBER) Theyā€™re taking the absolute piss. Iā€™m glad this exists but I donā€™t want to listen to it.
197: BIRTHDAY Itā€™s a birthday song, you know, typical white album. Fine.
196: FLYING This is such a fucking vibe, not much after youā€™ve heard it the once but still, not bad at all for a mostly instrumental song
195: WHEN I GET HOME It wasnā€™t that bad, and it wasnā€™t that good
193: THINGS WE SAID TODAY Better but weā€™re not THE BEATLES yet
192: IM HAPPY JUST TO DANCE WITH YOU Somewhat memorable, kinda boring, not shit
191: ITS ONLY LOVE Iā€™ve heard worse
190: I CALL YOUR NAME Not much to say about these particular songs, they arenā€™t shit but theyā€™re not at that quality of good, these are the awkward songs.
189: REVOLUTION 1 I originally heard it on the white album and thought ā€œwow that was really midā€ the I heard the original single and I thought ā€œwow they really fucked that songā€ still noice lyrics
188: JULIA Calm ass song. A lot of people love this song to bits but I just donā€™t relate to it that much, with age I expect to like this song more
187: ALL TOGETHER NOW I guess itā€™s fine
186: DONā€™T BOTHER ME Itā€™s just meh
185: HOLD ME TIGHT Still meh
184: DIG IT I like this but itā€™s so short and non sensical I canā€™t put it any higher
183: I SAW HER STANDING THERE I like this, but itā€™s still a bit too sappy
182: BLUE JAY WAY This is a weird ass song. Very George. It has those uppy downy lyrics, thereā€™s a lot to like here but also a fair few things that I donā€™t like, like the lyrics could have been more defined and worked on, and it could use some more power in the vocals
181: I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER Karmas a bitch
180: THE NIGHT BEFORE This one has better production but the same blandness that culminates in old Beatles music
179: WAIT Thereā€™s going to be enough hot takes on this list anyway so I will contain my feelings on rubber soul. Letā€™s just say the Beatles evolutions had a middle ground from lovey dovey 60s bops to the psychedelic rock theyā€™re know for. That middle ground is rubber soul, not a bad album, but like the stage from a child to an adult, kinda messed up. This album has some re great moments. But it also has wait, which isnā€™t bad, but itā€™s not everything you would want from this particular album.
178: CRY BABY CRY Itā€™s good, idk what else to say not Beatles good but I wouldnā€™t skip it
177: LOVE ME DO This song just makes you feel happy, nothing else
176: KANSAS CITY/HEY-HEY-HEY-HEY It was ok but I can tell this track wasnā€™t over fixated on
175: I NEED YOU You can tell itā€™s an older Beatles
174: DIZZY MISS LIZZY I know thereā€™s a recent dislike for this one but it never fails to make me smile. Itā€™s so fucking chaotic I love it, it does have its production flaws but John is singing his heart out. This is what I want from a Beatles cover track
173: IVE JUST SEEN A FACE Charming enough song
172: TICKET TO RIDE A classic Iā€™m sure. Really has a nice groove and what it lacks in lyrics makes up for in sound.
171: ONLY A NORTHERN SONG I agree with the rest of the group that if this was on Sargent peppers it would be the worst track. However thatā€™s not to take away from it. Itā€™s a charming piece, it has all the elements of Harrison but overall it is only a northern song
170: SOMETHING Damn hereā€™s the first one I might not survive. People who were on the fence before will probably switch to the ā€˜eh, fuck this guyā€™ field. I donā€™t dislike the song, itā€™s a good song, itā€™s a great love song but itā€™s a very expected feet. Every line while sung with excellence is very conventional, itā€™s tropey. Perhaps itā€™s too far to call it cheesey. And donā€™t get me wrong I love the simple cheesey songs a lot (just wait till you see where I put silver hammer). But this one just doesnā€™t strike a nerve for me. I did think the same thing about strawberry fields forever for a while before listening to it more so maybe itā€™ll crawl up the ranks someday but overall I think itā€™s a nice love song that has some great production but after that itā€™s overshadowed by the rest of the album.
169: ALL MY LOVING Yeah, itā€™s a classic, who couldnā€™t like it
168: MOTHER NATURES SON This one has a huge fanbase as well. Itā€™s a good song, great use of imagery and metaphors. Doesnā€™t do much after that in terms of production and the way itā€™s sang, just a nice song to chill to in my opinion.
167: ALL Iā€™VE GOT TO DO Again, short, sweet song
166: YOU NEVER GIVE ME YOUR MONEY Yeah this oneā€™s interesting. It goes through a fair amount of genres for one song. On one hand its structure is something of a mess, however it still is a good listen, itā€™s cute in the best sense. The fact that itā€™s about Allen Kline is also funny if not a little saddening
165: IT WONT BE LONG Wasnā€™t long, still nice
164: ANY TIME AT ALL Just another comfrey Beatles song
163: YOUā€™VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY Although I think this song is a little overrated not bad
162: DEAR PRUDENCE I know I like this song a lot less than others do. It takes a while to get going but when it hits that euphoric moment you know Iā€™m talking about itā€™s bliss, but the first half kinda dull
161: BECAUSE A little oddity on the Abby road medley thatā€™s just, I donā€™t know, conflicting. If it where longer maybe I could decide if I liked it or not but for now it stays here
160: THANK YOU GIRL Sweet little song that gives you a warm feeling
159: LONG LONG LONG At this point in the white album thatā€™s what I was thinking. Itā€™s not bad but it couldā€™ve been longer (no pun intended) and released as a single with the right editing. George Martin could make it work Iā€™m sure
158: I WILL Hereā€™s how I feel. I always like it when I hear it, but forget what it sounds like 2 seconds after.
157: IF I FELL Cheesy but still pretty catchy
156: AND I LOVE HER This is nice also
155: LITTLE CHILD Though the lyrics in 2024 sound a little ā€˜nonceyā€™ thatā€™s part of the reason why it sticks out to me. It always gives me a chuckle. Little childā€¦ the way he says ā€œIā€™m so sad and LoNeLyā€ is so cartoony and I like it.
154: ILL GET YOU Yeah, good, fine, acceptable
153: BACK IN THE U.S.S.R This is why the Beatles beat the beach boys for me this. Classic song that probably had America tugging at there collars, just genius
152: ITS ALL TOO MUCH Again this isnā€™t bad, am I blown away, not necessarily. But this is a bop
151: THERES A PLACE I like this quite nice I think
150: A HARD DAYS NIGHT A lot of people love it, I just think itā€™s fine, good song I guess
149: ILL CRY INSTEAD These are the songs that are well produced but lyrically forgettable. This is one of ā€˜em
148: EVERY LITTLE THING I really like Beatles for sale, itā€™s so fun, itā€™s a fun album. Every little thing isnā€™t badly written but I listen for the music. George is good on this, ringos subtly great. Just wholesome
147: EVERYBODYā€™S TRYING TO BE MY BABY A song of its time, and quite and tie tapper if you ask me
146: WORDS OF LOVE A pleasant song for any day
145: DAY TRIPPER Nice melody, ok lyrics, good enough song
144:BEING FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR KITE When I first heard this song I didnā€™t listen to the lyrics, the ones I did catch lead me to believe that it was some sort of political song with mr k being some sort of satirical caricature. Upon second listen I realised itā€™s just a song about a circus performer putting on a show, I can interpret some lyrics as a reference to some political nature but I think it really boils down to a circus song. Itā€™s giving me a sense of stereotypical Halloween music youā€™d hear with the way the rhythm goes up and down frequently in the same line. Just a fun little jingle. Also I believe if Paul had wrote it John would have hated it, many probably do hate it. What does everyone have against whimsy?
143: CANT BYE ME LOVE ClichƩ yes, catchy yes, enjoyable yes
142: THINK FOR YOURSELF Fine little song with not much to write about
141: FREE AS A BIRD I am quite conflicted on the 3 last Beatles songs. They are mostly John Lennon demos rather than Beatles mixes. I was of two minds including them but I thought I may as well because they are interesting to talk about. I donā€™t think these are as cash cow despicable as some would argue. A lot work has clearly been done to preserve them and restore them. Itā€™s hard to look at this song on its own basis. On its own itā€™s pleasant, but overall I do not really know why they bothered to release it as a Beatles track, it feels very unbeatles to me but as I say I donā€™t dislike it, Iā€™m just not sure on where I stand on its purpose
140: REAL LOVE I have the exact same opinion on this one I just like the song better
139: MAGGIE MAY I just think love the accents alright. How long is it 50 seconds? For the life of me Iā€™ll never get why they didnā€™t make their songs longer. I fancy me chances with this one
138: DEVIL IN HER HEART Solid cover of a very good song
137: PIGGIES This oneā€™s kinda weird. We all get the piggies are elite pricks but the way George pronounces dirt just sells me on it. Good effort, couldā€™ve been longer.
136: EIGHT DAYS A WEEK I like it, donā€™t love it, itā€™s what you expect but it does deliver in that regard
135: HELP! Iconic, reasonably catchy, just wholesome man
134:IF I NEEDED SOMEONE Rubber soul being kind of quirky comes through softly but noticeably here
133: MEAN MR MUSTARD This song just flows man. I love the lyrics, like the instruments and how they bounce off each other. Just the right amount of absurdity. If only it were longerā€¦
132: HELLO GOODBYE Classic, I do like this one, but you know I always forget how much until I listen to it again
131: LONG TALL SALLY A lot of people hate this one but I think itā€™s fine
129: ILL BE BACK Yeah, not bad, not bad at all, rather good actually
128: TELL ME WHY Classes Beatles getting it right
127: TILL THERE WAS YOU You know, maybe with the Beatles gets too much hate
126: OLD BROWN SHOE Not one of Georgeā€™s best and the mixing is jarring but the lyrics are very nice
125: FROM ME TO YOU Just a sweet song, nothing wrong with that
124: SHES A WOMAN Not much to unpack, Paul is good in this though
123: MICHELLE Everyone loves Michelle. Itā€™s a dainty song that isnā€™t that great, but good, itā€™s just so quaint
122:THE WORD The n word. No love of course. Maximum corniness but still a treat to hear, Lennon sings it believably
121: WHAT GOES ON How eloquent, idfk
120: BAD BOY Now junior, behave yourself! I just needed to hear Lennon say that and I was hooked. Weird to release a cover as a single but I wonā€™t complain
119 : FIXING A HOLE Fun psychedelia, bring the family
118: MATCHBOX Just a song on the struggles of life, Beatles style
117: ONE AFTER 909 Chaotic song that gets the blood flowing. Also regrettably relatable
116: GETTING BETTER The charm is in the McCartney Lennon dynamic. Paul says itā€™s getting better everyday. John says it canā€™t get much worse. Doesnā€™t that sum up those two quiet well. Just so vibrant. This era had so much colour.
115: FOR YOU BLUE Solid song, ainā€™t bad at all
114: ACT NATURALLY I like this song a lot. Ringo fits well for it, itā€™s playful, just so pleasing
113: I DONT WANT TO SPOIL THE PARTY Another underrated song from Beatles for sale.
112: BABY ITS YOU This is fun
111: MONEY (THATS WHAT I WANT) Good cover, maybe not as good as the original but you can just feel the mayhem going on through the speakers
110: YOU WONT SEE ME Mmhm, mmhm, yup, thatā€™s some nice music
109: YOU LIKE ME TOO MUCH A playful, goofy ass song that has some great lines and a pretty fine beat
108: YOUR MOTHER SHOULD KNOW Heartwarming, just, heartwarming
107: YOU CANT DO THAT Not perfect but undeniably based
106: NOT A SECOND TIME A great story mixed with some simply beautiful descriptions making up a song that hits different form other songs of the similar nature
105: SLOW DOWN Itā€™s the bluddy beetles mate, whatja expect
104: YOUā€™RE GOING TO LOOSE THAT GIRL The character in this story is such a dick but I just canā€™t help vibing with him. Heā€™s such a cnt that he says he gonna steal the guys girl right to the guys face. Thatā€™s hilarious and I really like it
103: GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING Gets too much hate for what it is
102: RAIN I donā€™t know what it is about rain that grabs me but every time I listen I just get drawn in, itā€™s very clean
101: MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR ROLLUP ROLLUP. God I think this is so vibrant, so colourful, just really cool, great harmony, overshadowed by the rest of the album
100: MISERY Misery stuck with me, unexpectedly based for a first album
99: YES IT IS Yeah yeah yeah this oneā€™s pretty good yeah
98: CARRY THAT WEIGHT I just sing this all the time randomly. Itā€™s to the point, honest, fun. I donā€™t know what accents theyā€™re singing in this time but itā€™s great. Not much of a lullaby though.
97: WHY DONT WE DO IT IN THE ROAD This one just makes me happy. I know itā€™s kind of filler but the way Paul increasingly hypes things up in his vocals make me smile. Big fan of this, thing
96:HONEY DONT I liked this a lot the first time I heard it and frankly I still do
95: IN MY LIFE When rubber soul gets it right it can end up like this song. And thatā€™s a good thing
94: NOWHERE MAN Lyrically enchanting, some hot instrumentation. Production ok and a more memorable song from rubber soul
93: I FEEL FINE Yup this is fine
92: YESTERDAY A song you think is overplayed until you listen and itā€™s just so good. A real highlight from the early years, my favourite from help, a somber melody that is sang flawlessly by Paul
91: LOVELY RITA A song of a somewhat unlikely love that is different enough from the Beatles other love songs to stand out
90: WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS Why is it so low I hear you scream. Well to be honest FOR ME the verses while lyrically interesting donā€™t stand out in my mind. Obviously the chorus is incredible but itā€™s just as the rest of the verses which mind you are still good that bring it down for me. A song not really my thing till the chorus hits but still the fact that itā€™s there makes it worth the listen
89: HER MAJESTY Yes, I prefer this over while my guitar gently weeps. Moving on, I think this is a fun, tongue in cheek song that I always thought implied he was talking about money. Think about it, her majesty is on all the bank notes, she certainly doesnā€™t have a lot to say in that case, price changes from day to day. Paul loves it but to get it he has to get a belly full of wine to make itā€¦ think about it.
88: SHE CAME IN THROUGH THE BATHROOM WINDOW Ah, this one. The intrigue of the contrast of the chorus and the verses. One of my favourite from the medley
87: YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON ME With the Beatles being underrated again
86: TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS Look, I donā€™t dislike this song, itā€™s just a bit messy for me. Thereā€™s a lot going on and I like that but ultimately the trippy style is done better in other songs like day in the life. But I do like that George Martin on the piano isnā€™t half bad, heā€™s one of twelve fifth Beatles I hear
85: HERE COMES THE SUN I like George I swear. This song is really good and I like it but I just wouldnā€™t listen to it as much as some higher ones below. The changing of the seasons to describe a relationship isnā€™t new but it fitā€™s really well here I think.
84: IM SO TIRED Would be higher if it were longer, good, very good, too short
83: POLYTHENE PAM The fucking accents. Love the weird ass story of the gender ambiguous Pam and her drag persona as in a polythene bag. Just a fun character song
82: DOCTOR ROBERT My least favourite from revolver but still charming enough
81: WHAT YOUR DOING Just good
80: BLACKBIRD I really like this. I want to love it, but itā€™s so goddamn short man. Oh well what we got is still great
79: DONT PASS ME BY Weird, goofy, sung by ringo. A real gem of a song off the white album.
78: ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC A cover almost better than the original berryā€™s. Almost is still a hard feet to reach.
77: IM LOOKING THROUGH YOU The loss of a love has been done many times by these guys but this is one of there best
76: WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS The lyrics are kinda mid in my opinion but hearing ringo sing always has its perks
75: IVE GOT A FEELING Very good song, production a little iffy but not horrible, I think let it be is given too much shit for that
74: GOOD NIGHT They subverted my expectations with this one. What a way to end such a large album, I think this one is cute and light and just very sweet. Whispering is somewhat creepy though.
73: WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU We all know they were on a lot of serious shit during this era but goddamn the lsd vibes mixed with the Indian sitar sound is really fucking unique. And I like it, donā€™t love it but still
72: IM DOWN V good
70: BABYS IN BLACK This one strikes a nerve with me, a hood premise, John sings it well. A treat
69: ILL FOLLOW THE SUN Never got why people disliked this one. I had a theory that the guy in it is dead and heā€™s going away from his girl, you know, towards the Sun
68: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE More than inspired by Elvis but I canā€™t complain its a banger
67: PLEASE MR POSTMAN This is well suited for John to sing. I prefer this over the original maybe thatā€™s controversial to say I donā€™t know. Itā€™s great
66 : GLASS ONION The rocking beat is what hooks me at this one to be honest, the references are cool but a bit pointless
65: MARTHA MY DEAR Who doesnā€™t love dogs, just heartwarming. Just pure joy
64: IM A LOSER God this album doesnā€™t get enough love
63: MR MOONLIGHT I heard people disliked this one but John is really suited for this one. I do indeed prefer it to its counterpart
62: LOVE YOU TO Weird vibes, good track
61: I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND Just gets you grooving. Love it
60: DIG A PONY Nonsense song that sounds good in your ears, typical Lennon
59: DRIVE MY CAR Maybe overrated but still slaps
58: GIRL Love girl
57: SHE LOVES YOU Again one of those dancer songs that never fails to deliver
56: ANNA (GO TO HIM) Way better than the original, such a good cover, ah, bliss
55: NOW AND THEN You see is this the recency bias. I donā€™t think so I hope not but it feels like it is. Man I donā€™t know it just sounds like Lennon was going for something different and I get it. There was so much work that went into this I just donā€™t know. I do really like it.
54: I WANT TO TELL YOU Somewhat forgettable but when I hear it it comes rushing back to me.
53: GOOD DAY SUNSHINE Good vibes, peace and love you know
52: HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE Somewhat clichƩ but idk I like it
51: TWO OF US I just love this. I donā€™t think itā€™s as badly produced as some claim (the long and winding road is evidently over produced but it still goes absolutely hard)
50: TAXMAN We can all relate to this. More relevant than ever, and will continue to be in the future Iā€™m sure
49: WHEN IM SIXTY FOUR Itā€™s so jaunty that I feel like it would belong in a cartoon but that just makes it better for me. I love whimsy
48: IM ONLY SLEEPING This is great
47: PAPERBACK WRITER Be longer please
46: WE CAN WORK IT OUT Longer be please
45: HEY BULLDOG Kickass bass playing by Paul. Lyrics that were just fucked together by John are somehow incredible. Ringos drumming on this one is really good too. Wow, for a throwaway song it works really well
44: NORWEGIAN WOOD (THIS BIRD HAS FLOWN) You can almost smell the pot off this one. Love Norwegian wood rubber soul at its best.
43: AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING Not much to say great song
42: GOT TO GET YOH INTO MY LIFE Iconic, great again
41: ELANOR RIGBY Maybe youā€™ll say I put this too low but I still like it to a great extent
40: LADY MADONNA One of their best character songs
39: THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD Epic song, great lyrics, sang fantastically, so good
38: SHE SAID SHE SAID Tripping balls but goddamn amazing
37: LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS Psychedelia on full force with this one. Some of the best imagery from any song. Itā€™s charming and fun and at times mystical but overall Johns way with words really come to the top of the log pill with this track
36: I ME MINE In hindsight a song that highlights the way George felt the world around him was and he was probably right. I like the metaphor and the waltz aspect works more than any other of the Beatles attempts at the style, itā€™s a fantastic piece
35: THE FOOL ON THE HILL Oh I love this song so very much. The song has the fool as some sort of wise figure many (myself included) take to be god. And I like to think if there is a god heā€™s like this. Watching over giving the world his wisdom but weā€™re just to ignorant to hear it. Also the medieval sound is one of my favourite styles (love sunforest if youā€™ve ever listened to any of their songs) so the flute works just so well for me especially when it mixes with the piano. Oh I just love this song to bits itā€™s great
34: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE The cheesiness is undeniable, the magic is unbeatable. This song is just such a good album ender. The chaos and randomness near the climax is such an incarnation of the love message and how it works as an organised mayhem. The anthem of love and joy and passion is overflowing and I really like this song, if you canā€™t tell
33: NO REPLY Oh the way people overlook this song is not right. Its well written, itā€™s well sang, everyoneā€™s playing well, itā€™s delightful
32: HONEY PIE I know people hate this song however for me it brings me back into the 20s. It is a sweet ditty that works really well for me and I love this one
31: FOR NO ONE God I love this. It feels so personal and is reflective, as unbiased as it can be and just beautifully sang with no grit. Itā€™s honest. Paulā€™s on piano here witch is always great. Ringos drums work well to I think. This oneā€™s just brilliant
30: SARGENT PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND REPRISE I love this, the best feels like fucking hip hop, itā€™s a nice way to lead into day in the life itā€™s just good no real flaws
29: SARGENT PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND Well this is just a perfect way to start an album. Set up the setting, it explains why the music in this oneā€™s a little different as itā€™s not the Beatles itā€™s Sargent peppers and thatā€™s a good concept from the start. You get a real idea if what the world the album takes place in is like and you get a feel for the members of the band itself. Just a class act
28: SAVOY TRUFFLE Controversial one perhaps. I just like the song. The mixing is interesting, the lyrics are fun, I think George outdid himself with it, all just to mock Eric Clapton, hilarious
27: ROCKY RACCOON I know this oneā€™s gonna be a war. Rocky raccoon is so listenable, and fun and encapsulating. Ringo is singing it in a great way. I just like it, ok, just my taste. If you hate this song and believe it should be burned than that is perfectly fine, but donā€™t undermine someone elseā€™s opinion
26 : DONT LET ME DOWN Oh this oneā€™s so powerful, grand, fitting really.
25: YELLOW SUBMARINE I have a fee that Iā€™m not going to survive this list. Can I not like fun, thatā€™s what this is, pure unfiltered fun. This song makes me very happy ok. Ringo singing it just gives it that relaxing feel. Yellow submarine is that kind of happy go lucky song I love
24: REVOLUTION After hearing its bastardisation this is just so refreshing. Itā€™s about a peaceful revolution. It sure as hell doesnā€™t sound peaceful what with the two electric guitars blowing my speakers out. This one just sounds like a revolution should in a song, and itā€™s really very good because of it.
23: GET BACK Shit, shit back, shit 1. No I love this. This is such a vibe man it strikes a nerve, it sounds incredible (considering it was recorded outside) and it helps that everyone is clearly giving it there absolute all. Love get back.
22: OB-LA-DI OB-LA-DA I donā€™t know if this one is as controversial as it used to be but I know there are still some who fucking loath this song. I saw an article where it put this song as the worst the Beatles ever done saying that it was genuinely a horrible experience to listen to. I donā€™t know this song is just a tonic for a bad day, I will always feel a little bit better after listening to it and that really pulls it up the list. Donā€™t get the hate
21: A DAY IN THE LIFE Oh boy. This is so good damn it. The Lennon McCartney dynamic is the best it ever will be. Lennon reads the news of suicide and sees a war film while Paul dashes about in his chipper day. The rising orchestra is incredible, Ringos drumming is so different to other approaches in the genre. I canā€™t tell the scales of the strangeness and the depression aspect mixed with the weird ass ending itā€™s just an experience instead of a song.
20: OH! DARLING You canā€™t deny the power in this song, Paul gives it his absolute soul and it works for me, this rejection song is more of an explosion of emotions that gets you invested. Idk I like it
19: REVOLUTION 9 Well Iā€™m dead, thereā€™s no redeeming myself now oh well, however if you would at least hear me out on why I put number nine here then I will do my best. I love things that are different, things that go against the norm and defy expectations. And if we can all agree that revolution 9 is not what you expect when you think Beatles then we have agreed on something. This song (if you can call it a song) is doing for me something interesting. Celebrating the avant-garde while also making fun of it. It sounds impeccable. The mixing is superb, it makes full use of the stereo format. It makes me feel things, picture things, itā€™s a very interpretive sound that mixes together different instruments and words and phrases forwards and backwards to make something of a trip. This sounds like what a revolution sounds like, points getting muffled over time, being big and grand before shrinking into disarray. You can take what you want from the meaning but when I listen I get completely overwhelmed with feelings. Itā€™s a collage of expression that is most certainly not for everybody but I think is a full on revolution in my head. Thatā€™s just how I feel
18: EVERYBODYā€™S GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE EXCEPT FOR ME AND MY MONKEY Thereā€™s some dislike for this one too but I think itā€™s just a complete rocker, the lyrics also make me chuckle a fair bit
17: THE BALLED OF JOHN AND YOKO I donā€™t think this one is that hated. I love it. Itā€™s genuinely very funny some highlights being the what you doing in bed interaction and the two gurus in drag. John was highlighting his problems with the media in a way that doesnā€™t sound bitchy or like heā€™s talking down to the listeners. Very good song
16: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE God the imagery, similes and lyricism is so beautiful. This is a beautiful song. So elegant
15: SHES LEAVING HOME I was somewhat shocked to find this in some worst of the Beatles lists. The people writing it seeming to miss the point that it isnā€™t that biased. Sure it shows the hardships of the parents, how broken they are but it realises that fun can simply not manifest in some places and has to be sought out. Itā€™s a real understandable song that is softly sung by Paul in a mystifying way.
14: I WANT YOU (SHES SO HEAVY) Fucking insane song, itā€™s like a ride at an amusement park it ramps up over time and brings you right to the heights that you wonder how itā€™s going to end. This song subverts that by giving it no ending, it just gets cut off, which is brilliant. Itā€™s like a ride through hell. A decent into madness of desire in a way making it shockingly relevant.
13: OCTOPUSES GARDEN Kudos to ringo bro just wants to be under the ocean. Calm as fuck. Beautiful expression of the desire to get away from the hassles of life and responsibilities which Iā€™m sure we all relate to. Also bubbles, whatā€™s not to love.
12: HAPPINESS IS A WARM GUN Itā€™s almost perfect, but goddamn it itā€™s too short. I love this thing but I feel it cuts off before itā€™s time is up you know
11: THE CONTINUING STORY OF BUNGALOW BILL I donā€™t get the hate for this one (well maybe I do but still) you got a fire ass spanish guitar. A balled of verses, a sing song chorus that feels like itā€™s taking the piss in a good way. Even an underlying message of hypocrisy and ignorance. Now I know that yoko is very loud on the song but honestly it just ads to the bizarre feeling that the whole song gives off, I love this.
10: YER BLUES One of the most explosive blues songs Iā€™ve ever heard, incredible
9: STRAWBERRY FEILDS FOREVER You already know itā€™s fantastic, but that still shouldnā€™t take away how fantastic it is
8: MAXWELLS SILVER HAMMER ā€¦ yeah, no joke. Listen it was on of the first Beatles songs I ever heard, if not the first. It has that jaunty Paul feel but then it hits you that itā€™s about a murderer and it just makes me take a step back and go damn, the Beatles could make anything whimsical. Itā€™s so sing song while being so dark. Yea it is fruity but man I donā€™t know. The synthesiser near the end is also just really fun to me. Itā€™s fun itā€™s nostalgic and I will always love it. Sorry not sorry.
7: HELTER SKELTER I applaud you Paul McCartney, you put everything you had into this one and it paid off
6: BABY YOUR A RICH MAN I donā€™t know what it is about this one I love so much, Iā€™m not a huge fan of sitar but it works here. I like the lyrics. Thereā€™s a lot of interpretation around them but I always took it as a similar vane of the balled of John and Yoko where it is like a dickhead reporter asking John the questions we here Paul sing in a sense of leading him on and that theyā€™re responding in the sense that these people nagging them about having money when most who were had money themselves. Just a thought.
5: COME TOGETHER Classic, genius rhyming scheme brilliant
4: HEY JUDE 2nd Best uplifting song Iā€™ve ever heard
3: LET IT BE Best uplifting song Iā€™ve ever heard
2: PENNY LANE A fantastic song highlighting the serenity in modern life that often goes unrecognised. Itā€™s penny lane, whatā€™s not to love
1: I AM THE WALRUS Itā€™s I am the walrus. Lyrics are dazzling. The whole mixture of instruments and sounds the distortion making it sound like a dream at points. The way it uses the stereo medium is genius. The Beatles were geniuses. One of the best things ever written.
submitted by Iaccodelodallamoto to TheBeatles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 rebootmebro Iā€™m an Indian guy that works at a gas station in the US and I got into a fight

So like every stereo typical indian family we got a gas station. Iā€™ve been working there recently because dad needs help, although i was always the type to avoid it due to not wanting to be associated with stereotypes. Iā€™ve grown out of that though and now i know that i can do whatever it takes for my family and I will never feel shame. Moving on to the story, our station is in a rich neighborhood so people in the area often use our station to do personal sales for their vehicles. Recently we had someone drop off their 69 fastback mustang for sale so i keep it outside during the days and park it inside at closing. I always have my eye on the car too because you never know what kind of ideas people will get. We have do not touch signs on the vehicles but obviously not everyone likes to listen so sometimes I have to remind them.
Around 7pm yesterday i noticed this older caucasian man by the car and he was placing his hands all over it. obviously i canā€™t allow this so i head outside and ask him nicely if he doesnā€™t mind avoiding touching the car and to also let me know if he has any questions about it in case heā€™s interested in purchasing. He says heā€™s fine and then tell me my brown ass should get back to work. At first i just turned around and started walking away because i didnā€™t even realize what he said. when youā€™re in the customer service mindset you just tune out what people say and pass them a fake smile. a few seconds after realizing what he said i made my way straight to the pump where he was pumping his truck, removed it, and told him he needs to leave my station and heā€™s never welcome back. He got so mad. i was waiting by the driver side door to intimidate him and get him to leave but as he was about to get in, he pushed me to the floor. Then i got mad lol.
my cousin also works at the station with me and he finally noticed what was going on so he comes outside and starts recording (he knows i got this :))at just the right moment hehe. Then way i fell i was able to keep him from getting back in his car so he wasnā€™t able to just push me to the floor and escape like he was hoping to do. finally i get back up and as he tries to shove again instead I used the technique i learned in high school football and sacked him to the floor. i punched his face once and gave him a nosebleed and then got back up, opened his door, and told him to leave. He started whining like a child because i was touching his car and i just laughed. slammed his door and kicked his bumper on the way out(i agree that wasnā€™t smart). My dad was mad at me for resorting to violence but iā€™ve never been more satisfied in my life lol. Anyways sorry for the rant i just wanted this story to be heard because i feel proud for holding my ground. My little cousin who was recording is definitely proud haha, although i made him delete the video after because obviously iā€™m not going to teach him that its ok to act like one of those kids that records school fights lol.
submitted by rebootmebro to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:37 Super_Mut Why are people ok with cash only shops and not ok with cashless shops?

Many people get up in arms over shops going cashless (especially the older generations) and irs confusing why. For decades, there have been cash only stores and no one argues over that, but since cashless stores have been becoming more popular people are suddenly upset with them. And they always make the same arguments for why stores shouldn't go cashless, so I'm going to debunk all of them (yet people are still going to find more reasons why to hate them). Also, you should read all the debunks before you answer.
  1. Cash is "legal tender" and should be accepted in all places.
This is not true. For starters, most people don't really know what the term legal tender actually means and so they throw it out all the time. The actual definition is as follows: "Legal tender is a form of money that courts of law are required to recognize as satisfactory payment for any monetary debt.[1] Each jurisdiction determines what is legal tender, but essentially it is anything which when offered ("tendered") in payment of a debt extinguishes the debt." It goes on to say "It is generally only mandatory to recognize the payment of legal tender in the discharge of a monetary debt from a debtor to a creditor. Sellers offering to enter into contractual relationship, such as a contract for the sale of good, do not need to accept legal tender and may instead require payment using electronic methods, foreign currencies or any other legally recognized object of value." This means that cash is not the only form of "legal tender " and any other form of payment is acceptable so long as the creditor or debtor recognizes it as a valid form of payment. Basically, private businesses have the right to choose how they want to accept payment and if they only want electronic payments, then that's what you have to do.
  1. The act of purchasing an item puts you into that businesses debt. As such, they have to accept cash.
This is also not true. Purchasing and item is not the same as putting yourself into debt. The purchase of an item means you are entering a contractual agreement with the business in which you gain an item or items in exchange for what that business accepts as monetary value. This means that if you want to buy ice cream from a business that only accept high fives, you'll have to high five them for that ice cream cone. Whoch also means if the business accepts cash only or electronic payment only, then you have to abide by those rules as well.
  1. Cashless businesses are Discriminatory.
This is the only claim people throw out that has any legitimate legs to stand on. It is true that the large percentage of Americans that don't use banks are minorities, with black and Hispanic people getting affected the most. It also makes it so that homeless people can't shop there. Even though these are legitimate concerns, there are still ways to shop there if you really want to. First, Anyone can purchase gift cards (with Visa gift cards being accepted at all locations that accept card). Second, you can purchase venmo (and other) gift cards and upload them into your venmo account. So you don't need s back per se. It is more work but it's still possible which means no one is excluded from going to these businesses.
  1. The workers or other patrons of the store should purchase the item for them in exchange for cash.
That's an incredible stupid argument to make. For starters, the workers can't purchase items while on the clock, nor can they accept someone's cash if the store is cashless. As I've worked as a cashier before, most businesses will fire yoy if they see that you purchased an item yourself while on the register. It is a HUGE red flag. Likewise, if they pocket the cash while on the register it basically is theft and they'll get fired. Second just because there's someone who wants to pay with cash at cashless shop doesn't give me a real reason to pay in their stead as a customer. I have no idea if the money they're handing me is real or not. And honestly, I wouldn't want to buy something for someone else who blatantly doesn't want to follow the rules of the business. That's a huge red flag for me.
  1. There's no reason why the business shouldn't accept cash.
There are LOTS of reasons why they shouldn't accept cash. First, cash is dirty. As someone who was forced to accept bills that smelled like shit or came directly from underboob, cash is nasty. Not all cash, but a lot is mishandled. Businesses that opened during c*vid also know this and refuse to take it as a response. Second, cashless stores don't have the infrastructure to accept cash. They don't normally have registers, but instead have tablets that only accept card or electronic payments. So even if you insist on paying with cash, they don't have the means to accept it. They specifically set up their infrastructure to only accept electronic payments. Third, there are several benefits to going cashless for the business. They don't need to deal with balancing the registers every night. They don't have to make daily or weekly trips to the bank. There's very low chance of employee theft or mishandling of money. Employees don't have to get into contact with the customers. Employees don't have to deal with giving change ( many younger generations in particular don't know how to handle giving change back lol). Electronic payments are much fester and more secure for the customer.
  1. I don't want there to be a record of everything I buy.
Again another legitimate complaint, but not that legitimate. Privacy is obviously important, but you do realize that your phone constantly tracks where you go right? Or there are security cameras that monitor your location. Or other people's phones also track your location. Basically your privacy is already ruined from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep.
  1. Cashless shops are illegal.
This is simply not true. Aside from a few jurisdictions, cashless shops are completely allowed to exist. Only a few locations in the US make it illegal to refuse cash. Most of you don't live in this jurisdictions. So yeah it is perfectly legal.
  1. It is "unamerican" to refuse cash.
Right away, not a valid complaint. But to go into more detail, private businesses are allowed to mandate whatever form of payment they want. Ironically, that's the most American thing I can think of.
In short, the only reason people hate cashless businesses is because they can't use cash at those businesses.
If you hate them, just don't shop there instead of complain about it.
submitted by Super_Mut to SeriousConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:37 Putrid-Will3669 Advice please?

I have been offered a job with lidl however have been told that the first day is a Welcome day in the regional distribution centre. For me that is 3 hours away and takes 3 trains to get there aswell as a taxi from the station to the centre.
I have major anxiety about travelling alone and really do not want to do it. I was wondering if it is a mandatory thing to do or whether i can skip it and just start work in my store.
Any advice would help thanks.
submitted by Putrid-Will3669 to lidl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:37 Cruiser_Supreme Kaweco Special Brass vs. YStudio Classic Revolve Brass

Does anyone have experience with either or both of these pens? I placed an order for a Kaweco Special Brass because I really love the look of it and wanted a brass pen. Now, a day after the order was placed and with just enough time to cancel it (since it's the weekend), I learned about the YStudio Classic Revolve, which also comes in a raw brass or a lacquered brass that will also wear and patina over time.
The price point for these pens is very similar. The Kaweco plus converter plus clip comes out to around $125. The YStudio doesn't have a clip, but comes with converter included for $140.
It just seems to me like the YStudio pen might be more comfortable in the hand due to the larger grip section. No clip is a little inconvenient, though, since the appeal of the brass is that I wanna take it everywhere, so it can patina.
I really don't know what decision to make here or even how to decide. Both pens could be a good fit for me and I'm anxious to buy the wrong pen at that price point. Any advice or insight is appreciated!
submitted by Cruiser_Supreme to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:37 Viralkillz to my homies out there that regularly get sub 50 kills

can we get an end of mission stat for bug holes and fabs destroyed. or side missions completed
when I bug blitz with a nerfed eruptor and take out 35 bug holes solo with sub 50 kills because it only tickles the bugs now.
its deflating.
submitted by Viralkillz to Helldivers [link] [comments]