Naughty son and mom


2023.02.26 00:50 yoskiwap JocastaResort2

a safe place for mom/son incest pictures, videos, and stories

2013.08.09 22:15 A safe space community for stepmoms

A safe space for stepmoms to share empathy and community.

2023.05.25 06:46 Darasmomishot uberdriversUSA

Dara’s mom is hot and Dara is my son. I bump rage against the machine with my PAXs who pay me cash when I tell them to cancel.

2024.05.16 09:22 throwaway27282891 I feel dumb for being upset

So I’m a junior in HS, and my parents got divorced at the beginning of the year. My dad moved out of the country, and we went from living in a pretty nice big 5 bedroom house to a small apartment with my mom and sister. I don’t even have a room anymore, I sleep on the living room couch. I know I am still in a better position than many, but it still kind of mentally hurts. I went from a mostly A student to Mostly B’s with one or two A’s this semester. I feel like everything has gone downhill since the divorce. At the same time, I feel like nobody has asked me how I feel. Like don’t get me wrong my mom is very loving, but sometimes when I come “home” I don’t really feel like it is that, it feels like I’m crashing on someone’s couch every night, which as a son/brother feels pretty bad. Again, I know I’m still fortunate compared to many others, but it still has taken a toll on me.
submitted by throwaway27282891 to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:20 Best-Journalist-5403 Anyone Play FF7 OG and Now Playing FF7 Rebirth with Kids?

I remember how excited I was as a 13 year old kid getting the PlayStation and Final Fantasy VII. My younger sister and I had been begging our mom for months. I had watched my parents play Final Fantasy II (IV in Japan) and helped play Final Fantasy III (VI in Japan) on the SNES. My initial thought upon playing FF7 OG is that the polygon graphics were so good at the time. I actually was too upset after Aerith’s death in OG to finish it so I had my sister play while I watched. At some point I did play through it (got Emerald and Ruby weapon and Knights of the Round summon), but I had to get over the fact that Aerith died. . . But after Crisis Core I became a devoted FF7 fan.
Anyway, I’ve been playing the Remake and Rebirth with my kids. We also played Crisis Core together. During the first Remake my daughter was 4 years old and son was 2 years old. I still remember my 4 year old daughter explainig Sephiroth’s backstory to my husband and that Sephiroth’s mother is an alien XD My kids are a bit older now so they understand the story pretty well. One problem I have now though is they want to play, so we take turns, but it’s kind of difficult so then they get frustrated 😬But overall, it’s been so much fun sharing the game with them. My daughter loves Zack, Cloud, and Tifa in that order (just like me 😊) and my son just loves Cloud because he’s so cool.
submitted by Best-Journalist-5403 to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:16 Deppressed_Corycat 22 and scared

Hello, you can call me Cory. I am a woman nearly 23 and just went no contact with my mom. It all happened so fact and I’m not regretting it at all, but I am trying to process it. I’ve always ALWAYS had horribly mixed feelings about my mom. She has always been so scared and angry and yet she was the only parent ever in my life. My dad came in and out ripping my heart to pieces and she was my only constant. She was at least taking care of us(my older brother and I) though my brother did most of the emotional part since she was always so scarily unpredictable. Lashing out for needing lunch money, signatures, talking to her too soon after she got home from work, asking about dinner was a regular if not daily occurrence in that house. She also didn’t want to be a mom and reminded us of that constantly. We ‘ruined’ her. We were always a burden it seemed. There was also the threat of her sending us to our father, who she knew was physically violent, if we protested or cause too much trouble. She primed us for college as if that was our life purpose, and now I’m here. My brother didn’t finish college and so the pressure shifted all to me in high school. I broke myself and burnt out trying to get all A’s and the best test scores possible. I did rotc, our band’s color guard, culinary, honor societies, you name it. I got to my senior year and Covid came. I honestly enjoyed being able to recluse for the time I was able, some may say I still am. It was the first time in my life if felt like I was able to realize college wasn’t a dream for me, it was hers. Telling her that came with the mixed message of she wanted me to be happy but she would not support me at all if I didn’t go; knowing I couldn’t support myself, I went. I just kept faltering though, I was unable to handle much of college after sophomore year but I just wanted to get it over with. During that time she married my ex’s dad and didn’t even bother to tell me. I found out while helping her edit a letting to his boss thanking them for the honeymoon. I was devastated. I felt like I wasn’t even a part of our own family anymore. This is after my brother went no contact with her too so I felt totally alone. She went across the country and left me alone in a state with no family. She did pay for my dorm but I felt abandoned. Telling her this was met with her telling me how selfish I was for not wanting her to go. Fast forward to now. I have moved in with my boyfriend, taken over all my bills and financially separated from her. Her new step son of course graduated on time and so she came down for it. I had been avoiding talking to her for months and involved her as little as I could in my life. Every conversation was so tense I never felt comfortable telling her anything in fear that it would be weaponized against me. So after days of her trying to push me into plans of seeing her, I finally cut the cord. I told her how far I felt from our relationship. I told her how hurt by our whole lives I was. I told her that I was glad that she had people around her for this so that she wasn’t alone. I told her that I couldn’t blame her for everything considering that she came from extreme abuse. Often times when I’m mad at her, I will see her as the little girl I saw in a picture of her when she was young. I look at her and I see such a broken woman who just decided that she would never seek help. I look at her and I see such a broken woman who just decided that she would never seek help. my father was physically abusive, so I got used to the feeling of not having a dad but for a while the thought that my mom might’ve eventually love me like I needed it got me through him and the loss of him. I feel like I’ve been begging with her for centuries to at least hear me out in a way that wasn’t dismissive. It never really worked. Any pain I expressed was taken as a criticism of her p dismissive. It never really worked. Any pain I expressed was taken as a criticism of her unwanted parentage. In a way I think it was that she got a whole new family that hurt the most. It feels like when she married him, she did everything she could to erase that we even existed. Bringing up my father was a no, her having a different last name was a no, suddenly our last name was bad and only representative of her father. It worked the same for him too though, her new husband. I don’t disagree with wanting to wipe the slate clean and begin anew, but to erase a father or a mother from your child’s life is to erase part of who that are. My dad abused all of us. Much of my life was defined by that. To erase him, came with her erasing this person who grew up only know how to fight or get hit. That’s who I’m trying to grow out of, but it is part of me. I can never deny that. I don’t ever want to talk to her, but I miss her so much. I miss feeling like we had a future, like he wanted me, like she felt safe with me. I miss feeling safe with her. I miss her smile and the way she laughed with me. I miss seeing her excited about life. I blocked her soon after because I thought she’d just tell me how horrible I was. I couldn’t imagine a situation where she would do what I wanted: hug me, apologize. I really wish I would have gotten a last hug or something because she hasn’t tried to contact me since. I know that is what I want, but that is only because she stopped trying to have a life with us. My adolescence felt like her race to the finish line. Before no contact, but after she moved, she had never come to visit me. She never called to talk about life past how I was in school. If I was too honest about my discontentment, we only fought, so everything became fake. I don’t know how to feel about this all. I’m struggling. I’m just looking for support and am in between therapists at the moment. Anything is something. I’m not looking to have my mind changed. I know she’s happy now that she can be in the world she wants. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Deppressed_Corycat to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:02 Human-Sky-2727 AITAH for not caring about my mother being abused

For some background my mother and I have never gotten along from her giving me up as a baby to now we’ve never seen eye to eye on most things. She has 3 kids my sister (18) me 17m) and my brother (11), All of us have different dads and she has made some terrible choices, my sisters dad was 24 when my mom was 16, my dad has some charges with children, and my brothers dad who is a drug dealer who has done many terrible things to be exact, he stalked there house, broke into a different house and threatened my brother with a gun. She has been different relationships however after getting married to her current husband (34m) she started drinking liquor heavily and becoming very angry and irrational the first conflict arose when he tried to drive away, she kicked out his windows, he then pushed her to the ground leaving her with large bruises and minor scrapes. The second incident occurred when my brother (11) was found eavesdropping on an argument they were having while she was drunk he got mad and punched her before driving 6 hours away and not speaking to her for days, when contact was made they decided my grandma (who raised me) was the issue I decided to move in with them because of my brother within the first 6 months of living with them they got into 3 fights and abusive confrontations. My mom’s friend who had come to live with us had originally planned on buying her own house but decided to support my mom until these problems began. My mom drove drunk multiple times, attempted to kill herself got ordered to go to therapy, didn’t go and quit her job safe to say I was ready to move and so was my brother, however my grandma having raised me allowed me to move back alone because she only has enough room for 1 other person my mom found out and flipped shit saying I was no longer her son and to not contact her again, to which I obliged and blocked her number around 2 weeks later she called my number and said if you want a phone then you have to unblock me or im not paying(my money was sent to cover the bill for my part of the phone she did not pay for it). I said if thats how she felt to cancel my my phone plan and make it cheaper on me to get a new plan so she did and that was the last I had heard until around 3 hours ago her and her husband got into another argument, which resulted in him breaking her nose and leaving giant marks before running out of the house she refused to call the police so my 11 year old brother had to report it secretly. Upon talking to her I relayed my thoughts and told her I don’t feel bad im no longer her son and therefore have no attachment whatsoever but was worried about my brother. AITAH for not caring about my mothers abuse?
submitted by Human-Sky-2727 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:45 Brief-Mongoose6133 Scared for EC at 29y

Hi everyone. I’m reaching out because I am so scared I have undiagnosed endometrial cancer. I’m a 29F and got diagnosed with atypical endometrial hyperplasia after I got a D&C.
I started with heavy bleeding, had to go to the ER, and then referred to an OB that could help me. I did have an original ultrasound that showed my lining being 15.5mm thick. After, I did my D&C and got my diagnosis. My doc put the IUD with progesterone in me in hopes it would treat the hyperplasia. It was doing fine, but then I started bleeding again (lightly this time). I stopped bleeding right before my doc did a barbaric biopsy 4/12 and low and behold, I was bleeding again after. Thankfully, the biopsy came back with simple hyperplasia with no atypia. BUTTTT I am still lightly bleeding bigh sigh.
I went back in this Monday for the doc to check me. He said it’s light bleeding and wants me to take Motrin 3x a day for a week. If my bleeding persists, he wants to take out the IUD and do another hysteroscopy. I am paranoid and scared so I scheduled the IUD removal for this Tuesday and then we will schedule my second hysteroscopy to check for EC. I do have a choice of a hysterectomy but I can’t help but want one more child. I have a 5 year old that I adore but my pregnancy was miserable. I was robbed of a beautiful experience and just want to have a second chance. If it’s not in the cards for me, then I’ll be okay with it, because my son needs his mom. I just don’t know what to do. I’m feeling so helpless and hopeless.
I also can help but feel my OB or PCP aren’t doing enough. If cancer hasn’t been ruled out, why hasn’t anyone referred me to specialists or even suggested I get an MRI?
Any suggestions, advice, guidance would be helpful. TIA.
submitted by Brief-Mongoose6133 to endometrialcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:36 Furiousresearcher WIBTA if I didn’t go to this wedding?

So my (28F) partner(43M) was previously married. Now one of his kids (19M) from his first marriage is just getting engaged. The first thing out of his mouth when he tells me the news is that his son asked that I not be invited to the engagement party because he's worried about how his mom will react to seeing me there.
For context, I have a good relationship with both his kids (or do I thought until now) but I've never met the ex-wife. He was divorced by the time we met but the way their marriage ended was less than amicable. On top of that she has some mental health problems and is a bit of a drama queen from what they've all told me. I think the request came from a considerate place of the kid wanting as little drama as possible and for the focus to be on the engagement. Which is fair enough and while I was a little hurt I shrugged and said fine that's not a problem. I'm a doctor and very busy and am not particularly fussed about going to a party. But then my partner started to make a big deal about it and how he wanted me to be there and how he bet that Her new partner would be there and if that was the case he'd just leave. Which baffled me because I've never seen him act that petty (and it wasn't exactly like he was defending me - this was all about him). I told him to chill and that it really wasn't a big deal.
Fast forward a few days later and this is obviously still on his mind and he randomly brings it up that I should be mentally prepared to be seated somewhere away from him and his ex-wife and the family table for the actual wedding. Now I didn't want to be thinking about this particular non-issue right then. I'd just finished a long shift and was pretty ready to go to bed. So l was pretty short with him and said coldly that if that's the case then it's fine but I don't particularly feel like attending the wedding and being relegated to a table where I don't know anyone. I told him that if I'm going l'd really prefer to sit with him, cuz you know he's my partner. I said fine I don't need to go to the wedding either.
He then got upset at the thought of me not coming and has been trying to convince me to go but l've just said I don't want to cause any drama and to please not make a big deal about it and that we'll just say I have work stuff that I can't get out of and leave it at that. Partner is now super upset with me.
The whole thing is just upsetting because clearly the kids don't like me as much as I thought if his son has brought this up to him. Or it's all about the ex-wife's sensitivities.
I've been doing some self reflection and worry I'm the AH because it's the seating scenario that caused me to say I won’t go. Is it normal to seat second spouses somewhere far away from the rest of the family? Am I being unreasonable not wanting to deal with any of this drama?
TL;DR WIBTA for putting my foot down and saying I won't go to a stepkid's wedding when I'm clearly not wanted there?
submitted by Furiousresearcher to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:35 Substantial_Job6972 I wonder how the relationship with the in-laws is going..

I think I remember someone mentioning that Preston’s dad unfollowed Kyra after the Chicago trip, and his mom never looks happy in the photos where Kyra is in them and still talks to Hannah on socials. I never hear his parents mentioned, only Kyra’s dad. Just makes me wonder. I couldn’t imagine enabling my son’s behavior after watching him become someone I didn’t even know within a span of 2 years. I’m imagining the relationship isn’t great, that’s just what I’m gathering.
submitted by Substantial_Job6972 to KyraReneeSivertson [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:33 Parking_Ride222 The Teflon Queen Janelle AKA Queen Takes No Sh*t Janelle

Doing a rewatch of this series and I never realized how little interactions Janelle and Robyn have on screen. I'm not sure how often they interacted off screen but I'm betting not very much and I think it's because Janelle could see right through Robyn's manipulation. I don't Robyn is a mastermind but she doesn't have to be to be a skilled manipulator which she is. She knows exactly which buttons to push on Kody, Meri, and Christine. Meri she was a friend to, for Kody she feeds into his ego and plays the innocent wife he needs to protect while reinforcing his need for loyalty and keeping his occupied with sex, and for Christine, Robyn leaned into Christine's feelings of being jealous and less than, pretending to be a friend while also playing up how much Christine's "jealousy" (which was really her asking for equal time and emotional effort form her husband) hurt her. Janelle doesn't have those same buttons. She's pretty easy-going and was seemingly Kody's confidant even after Robyn joined. Janelle mentions how Kody said that he didn't consider himself married to Meri and how he wasn't attracted to Christine so she was still his confidant as late as like Season 15 or 16.
Meri seemed to be the head of the wives, as Kody seemed to favor her a lot early on, essentially letting her have the last word or the role of getting the other wives and children in order. Christine was undoubtedly the organizer who planned the holidays and events and made things special for the kids, while also being the primary caregiver for the OG13. Even Gabe mentions that he and his siblings used to go over to Christine's all the time while they were in Vegas, just to say hi or get food from her fridge and that's why she had such a hard in Flagstaff because she essentially lost all of her kids (she and the kids all seem to consider her a strongother figure to them). Janelle was the workhorse: she did the finances, worked very hard, and had the majority of all the sons (which I'm sure Kody loooooved) while also being best friends with Kody.
Robyn sabotaged each of them. She took over as Head Wife from Meri, systematically broke down each of the family's traditions and holidays that Christine had established and replaced them with her own so she was the "true Mom", and she took over being Kody's favorite...but she couldn't fully replace Janelle in Kody's eyes. Janelle was still important to him even until she separated from him and true to the insult Kody tried to use to demean her, all of Robyn's manipulations slid right off Janelle. I think it's why Robyn avoided Janelle and seemed very intimidated by her. Janelle doesn't have any visible buttons besides her kids and Robyn had beef with every single one of them, which is ridiculous as she's a grown woman fighting with children. Robyn yells that Maddie can move out if she doesn't want to sign the family statement, never forgave Hunter for not being happier when she was pregnant, and hated Garrison and Gabe for calling her out on making the COVID rules and monopolizing Kody's time and attention. The only thing Robyn could do was attack Janelle's kids and she sure did.
All said, Janelle never seemed to deal for Robyn's shit and seemed completely immune to the manipulation. I completely understand and have sympathy for Meri and Christine being swept up in it because I think they shared their insecurities in good faith that Robyn would be a friend and not the viper she is. The Teflon Queen let all the mud Robyn was slinging slide right off.
I'm not saying any of them are perfect and they've all made mistakes but I'm in awe of Janelle's ability to keep a level head and not let someone challenge her confident view of herself. One day I hope I'm as confident and self-assured myself. Wear that Teflon Queen badge with honor and you go Queen!!
submitted by Parking_Ride222 to SisterWivesFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:28 CheekyFinder My mom refuses to work after my dad died

Background : I am 21M about to turn 22. I am a recent engg. grad. I earn well for my experience (atleast according to standards of my country). I have a brother (15M) and Mom (43). My dad passed away 2 years back and my mom was always a stay-at-home-mom/doing gigs as a hobby, never as a neccessity.
My mom started to work when my dad passed but was treated v. poorly at the workplace she joined and was paid pennies for working 8-9hrs. She was fired after 6 months. She's been unemployed since then. I want her to have a comfortable life and I earn enough to provide (although at the cost of delaying my own plans for future). Recently she's started taking things for granted, asking for more and more money. Made me join a job that I hated when I got laid off just because "I should not forget that I have responsibilites" which I don't disagree. She just lays around at home doing nothing, not even the gigs she used to do. I asked her to get a job or atleast do something productive (not asking to make money, just do something atleast, start a venture, just anything other than laying around) where she starts crying and being emotional and says "Have I become a burden to everyone", "Pay me back for the years I spent raising you", "You're being hurtful", I don't know how to answer to that.
I endup becoming the villan. My brother says that I am being a tyrant just because I earn and provide doesn't mean I get to tell them what to do. My mom gossips to my nan (her mom) where I am portrayed as a bad son who in turn gossips to my aunts. None of them know or care about what I went through or am going through. I didn't come home for 6-7 months after my dad died and no one bothered to call. Not even my brother and mom (apart from the occasional one from her). My brother's a teen and I know kids that age have "f*ck you stay away you worthless pos" attitude towards authority figures but goddamn does it hurt. I feel like an ATM being tossed around.
My dad left some property which now my mom owns. I asked for a loan on my half of the inheritance to my mom for masters (I can't get an education loan without collateral or really bad terms) she agreed first but stated that I would be abandoning any right to the inheritance if she does that which I agreed to but later she refused stating its her property and my half is the of what will be left of it and my brother needs it more than me for his education (I paid for my own college fees). Whatever's left after that will be divided.
I feel like my mom's the kid and I'm the parent. I see everyone my age cruising around, getting a break and I envy them. Yes I make waaaaaaay more than what my peers by god's grace make but that's at the cost of my mental health. Also making money amounts to nothing since all my money goes to my family.
Am I greedy or irresponsible for wanting a break? How do I deal with this.
submitted by CheekyFinder to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:19 Beautiful_Bat_2546 Survival: Safe build from threats

How do you make sure your builds in survival won’t be ruined by skellies or brutes? I never want to put much time in my builds bc of this but then I come to reddit and I see everyone going all out and building long railways and things that would surely be near brutes and enemies with dynomite. And even bears are destructive. I’m also confused with people who live in the cold biome. What am I missing? I’m a new gamer, older 30s, a “mom trying to get into Fortnite for son but not skilled enough for BR”. 😎 🧠 🖐️ 🛑
submitted by Beautiful_Bat_2546 to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:50 allthefrees 6yr old behaviour issues

Hi all,
My 6yr old son is a typical over excited little man. He cna be naughty but can also be incredibly sweet.
For some context when he was born he had severe intolerances to dairy and reflux unchecked until 5 mths when a doctor finally believed us. Due to this he has always been a bit behind emotionally as he learnt his emotional responses while his nervous system was essentially on fire.
We had a call from the principal today saying we need to have a meeting. He is swearing constantly at students and teachers, not listening and saying he doesn't care when asked to do something, touching other kids ( I don't think inappropriately) and reacting when told to stop etc. We have heard nothing of this until today. He has had incidents before but nothing extending beyond a day where he's made a bad choice. He gets punished we talk to him and he deals and it doesn't repeat. The school wants him assessed by a pead. He has been assessed before and the doc diagnosed him as being a normal 4 yr old boy who has a lot of energy and doesn't necessarily want to sit still. He's very smart. I am the same in that I hated school and sitting still.
He has had a re-emergence of the reflux and anaemia so we are attending hospital with the pead team for blood tests to investigate what's going on next week.
I guess for anyone who has read this far is there any advice? We are super strict and don't tolerate bad behaviour. We don't swear around him and even are careful saying things like I don't care. He has an ipad for school and this is the first thing to go when he needs to be punished. He is generally good at home besides the normal outbursts here and there. He has twin brothers so it's been a hectic few years. I have no idea if pain is causing this but I'm at a loss as we don't see this behaviour at home so unsure how to proceed from here?
Thank you for those that have read this far.
submitted by allthefrees to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:48 Ok-Ability-6679 My mom takes thousands of dollars from me and I sue her and win now she’s in jail and I’m trying to make me pay the bail

Am I the jerk for dyeing my mom and not paying the bail let me explain.
I’m a 34 year old man and I have a girlfriend and a son so one day we are leaveing to Las Vegas and two days in the trip I get a camera alert I check it and I see my mom in my house now this is nothing because she packed a day ago and I said yes and she knows the lock code.
But later I get a Bank account alert saying there’s a 7 thousand dollar removal from my account and my bank called me and said my mom said she packed me and they said yes to it.
So the next day my family leaves Las Vegas and we go home and I see my mom smoking in my house and I was mad then my mom said oh hi guys then I say give my money back.
My mom looks at me with a different kind of crazy and she says no your my son and your money and your girlfriends money is my money then she slaps me.
Then I push her out of my home the next day I start the process of sueing her I get my lawyer and then the day of the court starts as everything is going on my mom yells that I was trying to kill her.
Then my lawyer shows my camera footage showing that she took my money and showing that she slapped me.
A day later my mom goes to jail and is now serving 7 years and her call was to me and she says it’s time you did your sonly duties by bailing me out.
Then a month later she somehow calls me again acting the same thing and I say hell no you took money from me and my girlfriend so this is what you deserve.
Now up to today my mom is still in jail for another 5 years so tell me and I the jerk or was what I did was right.
submitted by Ok-Ability-6679 to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:46 Dntkillthemessager1 My mom admitted my sister is perfect and I am not

My whole life my mom has favored my older sister.
All my parents’ friends know that my sister is a lawyer. I will be asked if I’m the lawyer and when I say no, I’m the teacher, you can hear crickets. It’s like they didn’t even know I existed and don’t know what to say.
Another example: I went back to school to get my second credential for special education in early childhood. My mom kept telling me that dad is not good and to quit to help her help him. But my sister decided to run for office as a District Attorney right before my dad died. My mom decides to help my sister run for office because “it was a life long dream of hers (sister’s dream). I turned in my last assignment 4 week early so I could help more with my dad. (BTW, I have young children and worked a teaching job with a teaching partner for 50% contract. I never slept during that time.)
Today, my mom went to a music thing at my son’s school with me. I saw a former family of mine and student. I talked for a minute or two, then walked away to join my mom and daughter to get my son from his classroom. I told her they were a former family. She starts talking rude to me and said, “You didn’t introduce me to them.” I said, “I didn’t think about.” Mom said: “you never do.” Me: “I’m sorry I’m not perfect like my sister.” Mom: “No, you’re not and you never will be.” Me: “I know and I have accepted it.” And walk away into the building to get my son. I decided I’m not getting in the same car as her. So, I called my husband to pick us up now. I didn’t tell my mom we were leaving. *** there are two entrances/exits to the building and my mom didn’t know about it.
I just wanted to let out. And the sad part is I haven’t shed a tear. I wish my dad was still here.
submitted by Dntkillthemessager1 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:45 bvnniboop thieving children.

sooo I work at Dave & Buster’s. been here since september of last year, working in the winners circle. and i have to say i’ve seen some shit!
recently i caught a kid stealing. he turned out to have a lot more than i thought.
i clocked in at 4:30 and said hello to my coworker nadia, behind the counter. immediately after i started restocking some prizes up on the top shelf. i saw a kid - looked to be about 14 - walking around with a brookestone foot massager. the moment i turned around and then back around he was gone. i asked nadia if she sold it to him and she said she did not. she asked our other coworker tim, if he did - and he didn’t. nadia asks if i we should get a manager and i told her i was unsure. UNTIL we saw him walk out with another item! i followed him out of the store and all the way to his table (which maybe i shouldn’t have but i was under the impression - JUSTIFIABLY- that he’d taken something expensive from the store). when i reach his table i said “excuse me. you took that item out of the store without paying for it.” he replies to me with “oh i was just showing it to my grandma to see if i should get it” …. okay kid. i didn’t believe him obviously. i said “well you can’t leave the store without paying for it first.” i followed him back to the store and he returned it to nadia. now that i KNEW that he’d most likely been stealing i had to get my manager. this is protocol. my manager looks at the cameras and returns. apparently the kid had stolen a mini fridge, two massage guns, as well as the foot massager and the attempt at the microphone he took back to his table. he told me that he would just wait for us to turn around or get busy with other guests and just slip out. he spoke to the kids mom and she said “my son did not steal!” basically denying everything. and the kid claimed he thought he was using “self check out” which in reality he was just scanning his power card on the reader in the store. which is COMPLETE BS BTW 😭😭. if your balance stays the same after each “purchase” then why would you think you were actually buying anything? and why do you think two girls are standing behind the counter with REGISTERS?? anyway he comes back with all the items and doesn’t even apologize or anything. his mom didn’t say anything either. but he didn’t look embarrassed or anything which tells me he probably does this often. why do parents let there kids do whatever 😭😭??
are there any other employees that’s have to deal with this??
submitted by bvnniboop to DaveAndBusters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:42 Lovechcocl What should my aunt do ?

My aunt has 3 kids all from separate dads , she works I believe two jobs. She lives with my grandma , her brother (my uncle) and another sister (my aunt) with a total of 4 kids (3 are hers ,1 is her brothers , my uncle) she’s always had problems with her eldest daughter they get into screaming matches and from what I’ve heard the daughter has even put hands on her- this post is about the daughter and my aunt , her daughter is 20 almost 21 in December - she pays no bills , no rent other than a 100$ to help with the phone bill - my aunt tells her to take care of her brother and she refuses telling my aunt that she “should’ve kept her legs closed” other things like “whore” and “I hate you” now I could never think of even telling my mom something like that , I feel like her daughter is mad about the life they have , no father present and not doing the best financially but still the daughter goes out of town with friends to concerts but refuses to help her mom out with bills. My grandma and aunt are no help towards my aunt they side with her daughter saying “well she has a right to be mad , you’re not a good mom” and let me tell you this ! last year they made my aunt give her daughter half of her taxes ! Which was about $2000 saying that money was basically “her daughters money” and laughed about it. Anyways today my mom gets a call from my aunt and she’s crying she goes on to tell my mom that her daughter was helping her pay a bill because the person on the phone only spoke English (my aunt only speaks Spanish) and with that her daughter ended up going through her phone and found that she was still having connections with the father of her youngest son , this part is so crazy to me she then proceeds to throw my aunts phone breaking it and lunges at her pulling her from the hair and telling her “she never learns” , “she’s such a whore” and no one helped my aunt get her off with both my grandma and aunt being there ASWELL AS THE CHILDREN! & get this my grandma and aunt still sided with her daughter!!! I feel so bad for my aunt like even I’m at a lost of words but what advice would you guys even give ? I know my aunt may not be the best mother but she tries you know , a month ago with her tax money she took all her three children to Disney land for their first time. What sucks even more is that literally that all happened today and she got in a car crash earlier today as well. (“Her daughter” is also my cousin) anyways please lmk your thoughts cause I just can’t -
submitted by Lovechcocl to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:40 Suitable-Custard3155 Grief and intimacy

I F(32) am going through life trying to navigate my grief. I lost my baby and my partner M(32) and I aren’t on good terms. We live together but we haven’t been talking and we haven’t been intimate since a little before his passing. It’s been challenging going through this pain of losing a child and not having my partners support. We’ve been grieving alone. Long story short we’ve have some bad arguments since his passing and a lot of guilt and blaming each other is what has caused this silent treatment from his part. But I’ve looked past all of this and have accepted that we couldn’t control what happened and that we need to find a way to try and move forgive and move forward for our toddlers sake. Anyways, I’ve been giving him space and trying to just take things day by day and being patient. Lately he’s been a bit more calm and not so angry. Of course I miss him, I haven’t been able to kiss or really even hug him since everything happened. I don’t want to lose my family. It’s hard grieving and not having the one persons support that you need. Lately I’ve just been working on myself and trying to focus on my toddler. I realized I can’t control his actions but I can control mine. I want to become a better mom and partner so that’s been my goal. I started working out, and cut my hair, also listening to more podcasts to motivate myself and learn to live with this pain. So I’ve gotten to the point where I miss my partner so much, and I’ve been wanting to have some cuddles, kisses and possibly sex but I can’t find any way to approach this without getting rejected or might it be too pushy to even try to persue this now? He’s been a lot calmer around the house lately and he doesn’t know I found out that he was watching porn a few nights ago. I’m sure he’s masturbating when I leave the house. I know my partner and he’s always been a very sexual guy. So noticing that he’s been seeking some release makes me want to try and see if we can maybe have some intimacy, even if it’s just kissing and hugging. Any advice on how to approach this? Or has anyone encountered a situation like this
TL;DR! - I haven’t been intimate with my partner since our son’s passing. He won’t talk to me and we’ve been on bad terms but I caught him watching porn and I’ve been wanting some affection, how do I approach this?
submitted by Suitable-Custard3155 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:25 hcppjay Help me find an episode??

Hi everyone! i remember watching this episode years ago, but i can’t seem to find it. It was about a guy who’s mom had died in the house and i think they thought she was possessed and the whole family was afraid to go in her room so they like tied the door shut. I also remember there was also like a jar of black stuff in the room that they kept and then i believe they have to give the son an exorcism or something. this could all be wrong and or not exactly what happened, but it’s what i remember happening. tyia to anyone who can help 🫶🏾
submitted by hcppjay to GhostAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:24 Icy_Skirt_2640 Which Doctor Do I Listen To?

Most of my family is on the shorter side. All of the women (AFAB in my case, I’m non-binary) on my mother’s side are between 4’9” and 5’3” aside from my mom (5’8”) and grandmother (5’5”). The men on my mother’s side are pretty tall (5’10”-6’7”). On my father’s side I don’t really know much. He was adopted by his aunt, so I just know his siblings and my cousins and grandparents through them. His dad (bio uncle; bio dad’s half brother) was pretty tall at 6’6”, but my father (5’6”) and his bio brother (5’7”) are the only linked blood I know there. I am currently 5’0”
My son’s dad’s family is pretty average, too aside from two brothers and their great grandfather. One brother is 6’0” while the other is 6’1”, and I’m not sure about the great grandfather. I’ve never seen him standing, and I’ve never asked his height. Everyone else is between 5’0” and 5’7”. His nephew is currently 4’0” at three years old. Our son is 2’10” at three and a half years old.
Recently we saw a GI specialist because food therapy wanted to rule out any physical issues on his eating habits. The GI specialist said our son is malnourished because of his height, which shocked us to our core because no other doctor has ever said he was malnourished. She sent in a dietitian (the dietitian sent out a prescription for a protein drink), and two referrals (one was for a geneticist and the other to an endocrinologist). While we were waiting for those appointments we booked a visit with his pediatrician. His pediatrician was just as shocked as we were, and said he seemed perfectly fine because neither of us are tall either but to continue with the referrals just in case we’re wrong, but she doesn’t expect anything to come of it. When we saw the endocrinologist she also couldn’t understand why we were referred. She said that, yes, he is very small, but so are we. She did a blood draw to check for genetic growth hormone issues that might be affecting his growth, but she also doesn’t think it’s going to turn up anything. I’m still waiting on a call from the geneticist, so I don’t have that to go off of.
However, I don’t know how seriously to take this. I have one doctor saying my son is malnourished and making me and my fiancé feel like awful parents, but then I have two other doctors saying that he’s just naturally small and there’s clearly a genetic factor, but it doesn’t raise concern for it to be because of medical issues.
I’m going to follow through with the geneticist because 1.) the way she was talking to me made me worried she would call CPS if I even answered a question in a way she didn’t like and 2.) What if we are all wrong, and there is something wrong?
But who should I take seriously? Everyone is saying he’s perfectly fine (height and weight wise) except for this one doctor. She’s gotten into my head, and now I’m questioning if we’re doing enough to take care of him since he is just now in food therapy (we’ve been fighting since he was 2 for food therapy)
submitted by Icy_Skirt_2640 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:18 Professional-You1103 Help needed... TCM intervention and healing of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

Hi, new to this sub, but I wish to seek some help (perhaps some emotional support for my myself) regarding my dad's experience with normal pressure hydrocephalus. Dad is in his late 60s, and since last year August he has been bedridden due to blood clots and fluid accumulation in his brain. The clots have cleared, but the water retention in his brain is still present, though slowly they are subsiding. In the earlier stage, he used to suffer from UTI but he does not anymore, but he needs to change diapers regularly due to possible urinary incontinence and obv mobility issues. My mom has been taking care of him, and my older sister has long moved out. Personally, I would like to be there for him, but as someone whose depression, complex PTSD and obsessive rumination worsened since my dad's illness, I am a very bad son because I have been dealing with a lot of mental mess myself too. But I know the standard course of western drug treatment of his condition may do him more damage in the long run (it already did), and I can see first hand how the biomedical model of western medicine has destroyed me with their polypharmacy and frequent changing of psych meds like they were candy. I am suffering neurological withdrawals and dysfunction from them too, not to mention the lack of understanding and compassion from my prescriber and the system.
So I wish to consider tcm approach in treating his condition (and i am exploring it for my own benefit too). My mom is on the fence about it and I am afraid too. The western doctors here are highly cynical and may I say, disrespectful to the TCM profession. TCM is strictly regulated in my country so I won't worry too much at least about the herbs' quality. I have come across some promising resources on TCM treating NPH, but it is best to approach a TCM doctor myself about it. I really hope to help my dad because he is suffering, and I suffer intensely from seeing him suffer too. If he gets better, then I get better too.
(If anyone lives in Singapore, where I live, kindly DM me if you know of any experienced TCM practitioner who has expertise and knowledge in treating brain/neurological issues. If you have personal experience or anecdote to share, please feel free to. I would be very indebted to your help. Thank you very very much.)
submitted by Professional-You1103 to TCM [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:13 ms-bailz Help with animal passing

I'm not sure if this is the right sub to ask this question (please let me know if there's a different one that would be better).
Our family has 2 older dogs (12 & 13), our 13yr old is coming to the end of her life. I have have a son (5) who I have been dreading having to have that conversation, but I did some research found some books that might help, I got one that's meant to help him create some what of a memory and celebration of life for her, and have been slowly preparing myself. The problem is my mom also has an older dog who we unfortunately have to put down next week, and now I'm worried that my son's sweet little heart is going to break not only once, but twice in a very short period of time. I'm looking for advice on how to handle the situation. Do we discuss my mom's dog first? I really would like to stay away from the idea of having to put the dog down in itself, I'm worried that could unintentionally place blame on someone in the eyes of my son.
My current thought is to bring up our household dog this weekend, and give him the book. Discussing how she's getting old and slowing down. Maybe talk about some memories and fun times with her, and let him know that, though it's not necessarily happening right away, she is coming to the end of her time with us (a friend recommended using the correct terminology for death, which I plan to do I just haven't figured out exactly how). And then after my mom's dog has passed bringing that up then, and bringing it up as if it had happened more naturally versus her being put down...
Any thoughts or suggestions? I will mention, we had 2 snails that died a few months ago, so death isn't a completely new concept for him, but he had a pretty hard time with the snails (he would just all of a sudden break down saying things like " I don't want to die" or "I don't want you to die" - we stayed away from the responses of we aren't going to die, or that's not going to happen, and chose instead to say that we would always be his mom/dad). The snails were just in a tank, so I'm assuming the dogs will be much harder.
submitted by ms-bailz to ChildPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 Winter_Tea441 Doesn’t need my permission PT 1

My MIL was telling me how she doesn’t need my permission in regards to how she shows love to my son. Which can basically be anything, as her love language is acts of service and gift giving, so she wants just free range, no boundaries.
Example: Buying him whatever, throwing birthdays parties and not attending ones I may throw, etc.
I was so speechless I said nothing back in the moment. I literally had a brain fart. I honestly don’t believe I can move past her saying this to me, the more I think on it the more I actually dislike her.
I feel slight guilt only because my husband loves his mom, and I consider him but I’m also like fuck that LOL he knows who she is.
submitted by Winter_Tea441 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 RealityBytes2023 Co-founded a company and am treated worse than the janitor there - How to cope?

So glad I found this group. I have a serious problem and am at wits end.
I co-founded a company with my dad in the early 2000s after the dot-com meltdown. I thought since he appeared to successfully run multiple companies in the past, I Woukd gave a chance to see him in action.
Instead he decided to give me an honorary title which had nothing to do with my experience nor was one that the company needed or respected. Being the good son, I sucked it up as he continued to hire increasingly lower quality candidates and making bad business decision after another. The worst part was he paid me room and board and expected me to be in essence the company lackey doing whatever anyone else asked because he thought he could get away with it, but kind of made it sound like I worked for him leaving everyone confused.
I eventually managed to escape for a bit and rebuild my career even though my parents tried to sabotage me at every opportunity. During this time, they stressed me out so much I ended up losing those jobs because they refused to accept my boundaries and emotionally blackmailed me into taking their damaging advice.
Fast forward to 2017 or so. I was starting to establish myself as a corporate advisor and had a opportunity to teach at a highly respectable school, but once again their abuse was too much, forcing me to sell cell phones at Costco whike my dad continued to run the company into the ground. It was by far one if the worst jobs I ever had, but my mom stongarned my dad into hiring me, but at a salary where I made close to nothing, but at least I would finally be paid.
While this was going on, my dad barely made any money whe he stupidly paid everyone else market rate out of fear they would quit (which most of them did by 2021 during the "Great Resignation").
I managed to get a contract which gave me a brief break from my family at the end of 2021, but once again as soon as it ended they demanded I work with them despite having an offer to be a Director Marketing with a fast track to CMO in less than a year at a Tier - 4 company that I couldn't accept once again to emotional blackmail which my friends constantly remind me was the biggest mistake of my life.
Fadt forward to this year. My dad officially made me officially work for a neurotic passive aggressive micro-manager that he hired instead of him despite knowing that I have the background and knowledge to get them out of their countless messes he made for himself. However, he's too afraid to let them go for some reason which I will never understand and refuses to give me the time I need to get another job or to let me train on something else so I can.
I did manage to save some money along the way, but since most apartments around here ( SF Bay Area) expect you to make 3x the rent price to get an apartment. But yet again since he is paying me barely enough to pay my bills (when he can afford to pay me), I can't move out of their house very easily.
Couch surfing with friends isn't a viable option either and despite grinding as hard as I can to get another job that will give me the money to move out, I just can't seem to land one despite countless referrals, endorsements and introductions to the hiring teams as well as personally knowing the hiring managers themselves.
How do I move forward? I'm going to be 53 on May 20 and I feel like I truly lost 20+ years of my life due to this nonsense and don't know what to do.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Please help!
submitted by RealityBytes2023 to careerguidance [link] [comments]