Cerita panas ngentot bar

Do i need to keep these sticker covers over my new laptop RAM when I swap them out or should I just peel and throw them away (Asus ROG Strix G15 2022)

2024.05.04 22:46 bakedpotatosaregood Do i need to keep these sticker covers over my new laptop RAM when I swap them out or should I just peel and throw them away (Asus ROG Strix G15 2022)

Do i need to keep these sticker covers over my new laptop RAM when I swap them out or should I just peel and throw them away (Asus ROG Strix G15 2022) submitted by bakedpotatosaregood to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:04 clodflood Am innebunit de la pacanele

Va scriu in cateva randuri o parte din viata mea pe care nu am discutat-o in public pana acum. In urma ultimei intalniri cu terapeuta si psihiatra in care am vorbit despre dependenta de pacanele m-am simțit mai bine, asa ca, sperand ca nu o sa ma judeacati prea aspru va povestesc despre:
  1. Un scurt intro despre mine
  2. Cum am ajuns in situatia asta
  3. Episodul de nebunie
  4. Ultima cearta din familie
Apreciez un sfat, o idee, o glumă din partea unor oameni care nu ma cunosc personal si va cer iertare daca v-am pierdut timpul.
  1. Un scurt intro despre mine M30, am crescut intr-un mic oraș, sub 15000 de locuitori, momentan locuiesc intr-un oraș de 5 stele. As putea zice ca am avut o copilărie, cat de cat, normala. La scoala am fost un elev peste medie, dar lenes. Mi-a placut gramatica. L-am avut model pe bunicul meu, despre care o sa scriu mai târziu in post. Mama plecata in Italia, tata in Germania, iar fratele meu, mai mare cu 4 ani e plecat in state. In urma ultimelor întâmplări nu mai tin legătura cu ei, desi, de cand sunt mai aware imi lipsește perioada cand eram toti impreuna. Nu am fost pornit pe jocuri cat am stat acasa, mai mergeam la pacanele, dar foarte rar si cheltuiam cativa zeci de lei. Mai mult eram pe-acolo din cauza anturajului.
  2. Cum am ajuns in situatia asta Ajuns in orașul mare m-am trezit, parca, dintr-odata obosit si fara prieteni. Am început sa merg la un bar cu pacanele de langa blocul unde locuiesc si mi-am făcut câteva cunostinte. Am început sa bag din ce in ce mai multi bani, cateodata mai câștigam, dupa care ii pierdeam la loc. Nu tot timpul mergeam sa joc, ci doar ieseam acolo la o bere cu veteranii barului. Cateodata ma imprumutam de la ei si la salariu le returnam banii.
Au apărut problemele in familie, in mare, din cauza distantei fizice dintre noi, lucru care m-a afectat. Am început sa joc mai des sa scap de realitate. Am început sa consum substante recreaționale care, se pare, ca m-au dezechilibrat maxim.
  1. Episodul de nebunie Faza care cred ca a declansat nebunia e ca de doua ori, in doua locuri diferite, am văzut aceiasi oameni care ii "sfatuiau" pe cei care au castigat o suma mai mare de bani sa o bage inapoi in aparat.
A doua oara ne-au scos pe toti din sala dupa ce au oprit camerele si "castigatorul" a ramas cu "prietenii" lui sa isi ia premiul. A doua zi m-am întâlnit cu tipul care si-a luat bataie si a zis ca suntem in vizor toti cei care eram in bar, cand s-a întâmplat asta. De atunci am impresia ca ma tot urmareste cineva, daca nu sunt niste malaci sunt alti oameni pusi in locuri strategice ca sa obtina informatii despre unde sunt, daca scot bani de la bancomat. In ultima saptamana am dormit in jur de 2-3 ore pe noapte si parca sunt la limita realitatii.
In urma discutiei cu terapeuta si psihiatra am decis sa merg acasa sa stau cu tataia cateva zile sa ma linistesc.
  1. Ultima cearta din familie Povestindu-i lui tataie intamplarile el a incercat sa ma linisteasca spunându-mi ca doar imi imaginez toate astea, dar tot nu imi vine sa cred ca e doar in capul meu, parca stiu deja versurile, linia melodica. Cam asta a fost ultimul dialog dintre noi.
Eu: Crezi ca a fost usor sa stau atat de mult timp singur acolo? Cateodata as fi vrut sa bag parole pentru bani sau pentru un uzzi sa se termine tot. Alex (fratele meu) e bine mersi si nici la mesaje nu raspunde. Am vazut ca si-a luat un Cadillac. Iti zic eu, tuturor le place un final fericit, dar la final e doar mafia. Doar mafia am in minte si imi e frica ca o sa se termine cu niste versuri din mafia. Tataie: Poate cineva sa te aduca inapoi la realitate? Da, tu! Nu-ti risca viata pentru niste fise, nici daca pare c-ai in fata usi inchise! Tine doar de tine ca prin fapte si cuvinte zise sa te-apropii de ce numesti acum vise. Eu: Stai, stai, stai...
Sărbători fericite!
submitted by clodflood to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:08 Relevant_Inflation54 Assalamualaikum, tumpang Tanya..

Ada yang tahu tak "hair pulling" (Trichotillomania) tu apa? Kalau tak tahu tak apa sini nak jelaskan.. Hair pulling ialah satu kondisi dimana seseorang akan mencabut rambut dlm jumlah yg menakutkan akibat stress. Sy berumur 12 tahun Dan sy telah 2 Kali dipanggil ke bilik kaunseling sbb sy ada hair pulling ni. Cikgu sy kata is melibatkan emosi Dan jika dibiarkan akan jadi lebih teruk boleh mengakibatkan seseorang itu depressed Dan bnh diri saya risau tapi bila sy cerita kat kawan semua tak percaya siap ckp Sy tipu lagi cikgu kaunseling sy ckp Cuba stop Dan kawal emosi Sy jenis cepat panas baran..bila stress mula lah cabut rambut Sy ada hair pulling sejak darjah 3 Sy tak tahu kalau ada masalah nak share ke siapa maklumlah ada sorang je kawan kat sekolah tu pun Sy selalu dilupakan siapa ada tips utk stop dri stress? Mohon share, Sy akan baca. Maaf membazir masa utk awk baca post ni. Sekian.
submitted by Relevant_Inflation54 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 20:48 k80tags Lake Atitlan- where to stay

Hello! We will be coming to Lake Atitlan in July, and are having a hard time deciding which villages to stay in. We know we will spend 2 nights in Pana, but cannot decide where to spend the next 2 nights. We enjoy culture, hiking and checking out new restaurants/bars. From my research, it seems either San Pedro or Santa Cruz would be best. We also would like to stay at a spot with a great view of the lake. If anyone has any opinions, please let me know. Thank you!
submitted by k80tags to guatemala [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 19:28 LayerKey Chestii de facut in Tenerife (concediu de 10-14 zile)

Am locuit aproape 1 an de zile si am creat o lista cu ce ati putea face acolo pentru un sejur de 10-14 zile:
Siam park
sa rezervati o zi intreaga pentru asta, mergeti de dimineata, de asemenea sa va luati neaparat fast pass, dupa ce ai intrat in siam, te duci la oricare din vestiare si cumperi de acolo; costa in jur de 25-30 euro dar nu mai stai la coada cate 30 min - 1h, diferenta de la cer la pamant
Loro park
sa rezervati o zi intreaga pentru asta, si sa mergeti la toate show-urile (delfini, orci, lei de mare)
sa mergeti de dimineata, daca la 10 se deschid restaurentele, voi pe la 9/9 fara ceva sa fiti acolo ca sa prindeti loc de parcare; recomand sa cumparati tot ce tine de cactus (fructul/suc/desert/mancare/dulceata)
iar dupa ce terminati de mancat/plimbat pe acolo, puteti urca in sus spre alta locatie faina, o faleza langa Restaurante El Burgado cu teren de golf si valuri faine
acolo e misto Playa del Roque de las Bodegas, e fain de prins cand e apa foarte lina/nu exista valuri, arata ca un infinity pool mare, unde megi spre apa, dar ramane la acelasi nivel
star gazing
am fost cu ghid si ne-am uitat prin telescop la planete/stele/galaxii, recomand https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/1155037 este un astrofizician si explica foarte bine
inchiriat masina
recomand cicar (companie locala, masini recente cu km putini, pret foarte mic in comparatie cu orice altceva ai mai vazut, inclus in pret: casco full, 0 depozit, al 2'lea sofer gratis)
drumetie in Padurea Anaga
o parte din ea zici ca arata ca o jungla din Amazon, cu liane; o puteti cupla cu Benijo
drumetie Barranco del Infierno
1 ora dus, 1 ora intors, recomand sa mergeti dimineata la prima ora, foarte faina experienta, la sfarsit ai o cascada
plimbare cu camilele
recomand Camello center din El Tanque, faina experienta
Parapanta (paragliding), cu aterizare pe plaja
ii recomand pe fratii de la Tenerife Top Paragliding, fac asta de mici, foarte profesionisti si de treaba
ai 3 varianta: de la 800m de pe un deal, 1,100m de pe munte si 2,200m de pe langa Teide, daca vreti mai multe detalii, let me know
monkey park
poti sa cumperi o caserola de legume/mancare si sa hranesti animalele, unele iti iau efectiv din mana (lemurii, hamsterii, etc.)
foarte fain sa conduci cu o asa panorama langa pista (sud + nord)
Costa del Silencio
daca vrei sa vezi numai papagali (canary) [islands]
El Medano
e o regiune mai vantoasa si e foarte fain de vazut multi care fac Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, Paddleboarding; acolo s-a tinut campionatul mondial
Parque Recreativo de las Lajas
zona de facut gratar, foarte misto locatia in sine + ca e totul amenajat frumos
Playa de las Teresitas
fain de facut o poza pe strada mai sus de ea, pe colt, se vede panoramic totul
Playa del Duque
parerea mea este ca e cea mai moderna regiune/faleza de pe insula, recomand o plimbare pana inspre Enramada
Playa de la Enramada
recomand sa parcati masina la mall in subteran in Plaza del Duque iar apoi sa va plimbati pana inspre Enramada, pentru ca aici aterizeaza foarte multi cu parapanta direct pe plaja, ii vezi cum vin din 5 in 5 minute; pleaca toti dinspre dealul/muntele de langa
Piscina natural de Jóver
una dintre piscinile naturale vulcanice de pe insula, poti parca langa si sa inoti/faci o baie in ea, parerea mea este ca e cea mai faina de pe insula
Piscina Natural Acantilado de Los Gigantes
a 2'a piscina naturala cea mai faina de pe insula
daca nu va incumetati la parapanta, recomand sa va luati parasailing, si va ridica de pe barca in aer la 50-100m si e faina experienta
Plimbare cu barca
puteti merge in larg 3 ore si va duce prin zone unde vedeti delfini si balene, recomand
recomand sa luati telegondola pana sus, pentru ca se vede genial de la 3,200m totul imprejur + puteti face o mini drumetie sus, stanga-dreapta in jur de 30-60min
locurile cele mai faine de vazut apusul
in Playa de las Americas, in zona unde este Metropolis Bar Café; si in zona de Teide, mai exact Mirador El Retamar, cand este senin vezi alte 2 insule de acolo, iar cand este innorat esti efectiv deasupra norilor + apusul in sine
ar fi mai multe, dar nu stiu daca mai incape text, daca va intereseaza, pot sa detaliez, let me know
submitted by LayerKey to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 09:55 CompetitiveSample699 Ceva baruri ieftine?

Aveti idee de ceva baruri ieftine (sa fie sa zicem undeva la 5-7 lei o bere si maxim 8 lei shotul)? Preferabil nu terase de astea de cartier, dar merg si astea. In ultima vreme s-a cam scumpit tot si nu mai am in ce bar sa merg si sa beau foarte mult pana nu mai pot. M-am plictisit de baut in parc
submitted by CompetitiveSample699 to bucuresti [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 03:44 MelodicConfusion500 JENIS SISIK DAN MITOS KATURANGGANNYA

pukulannya lawan tarung akan merasakan sakit luar dalam Memiliki Mental yang cukup bagus dan banyak dicari oleh para bobotoh Memiliki pergerakan dan keseimbangan kaki yang cukup Lihai
  1. ROTAN (Bulat) Sisik kaki rotan adalah salah satu yang paling banyak dikenal dan sering kita jumpai akan tetapi sisik kaki rotan super yang dipercaya memiliki pukulan menyakitkan bahkan dibilang mematikan. Ayam aduan sisik rotan punya ciri khas kaki berbentuk bulat ramping debgan barisan sisik yang begitu rapih/kerep maka dari itu para penghobi lama lebih menyukai ayam aduan dengan model kaki berbentuk bulat. Memiliki kekuatan pukulan yang begitu keras disertai taji super Memiliki kemampuan pukulan yang dapat Mematahkan tulang leher sehingga lawan tarung tak sanggup menahan rasa sakit Memiliki Mental bagus dan kuat Memiliki Keseimbangan dan pergerakan yang cukup ideal
  2. NAGA BANDA Sisik kaki Naga Banda merupakan jenis kaki ayam bangkok yang paling populer dan dikenal berbahaya tentunya' penghobi sering menyebutkan bahwa ini adalah contoh bentuk kaki ayam bangkokan asli (Original) sejak dulunya. ciri khas Naga banda memiliki sisik yang serupa dengan kulit buah salak melihat dari bentuk kaki dan karakter sisik naga banda memiliki aura yang dapat menakuti lawan. Memiliki Pukulan pedas, panas dan keras sehingga jarang sekali lawan tarung yang tahan jika terkena pukulannya. Memiliki Pukulan Depan yang mampu membuat lawan tersungkur dalam beberapa menit. Memiliki Mental luar Biasa seperti baja. Memiliki Pergerakan kaki yang begitu cepat.
  3. PUTRI KINIRUNG (Selap) Sisik kaki putri kinirung merupakan salah satu katuranggan yang masuk dalam naskah kuno seperti diprimbon jawa misalnya banyak kalangan penghobi mempercayai hal ini. jenis sisik ini diyakini memiliki pukulan yang dapat membuat lawan tarung sempoyongan bahkan lemas. khas putri kinirung sendiri memiliki ciri yaitu sebuah sisik janggal menyelip/melik keluar (dalam bahasa sunda sisik selap) Memiliki pukulan Menyakitkan yang terkenal panas Memiliki kemampuan pukulan yang membuat lawan kebingungan sehingga menjadi lemas bahkan lumpuh Memiliki mental yang bagus dan kuat Memiliki kecepatan dalam pergerakan
  4. SURO WETU Sisik kaki suro wetu merupakan salah satu ayam aduan paling berbahaya dan mematikan Katuranggan yang tersimpan dipercaya memiliki banyak kelebihan dan keampuhan jenis ini masuk kedalam daftar nama - nama ayam suro yang kita ketahui. Selain banyak dicari sisik suro wetu punya nilai harga yang cukup tinggi. Ciri khas Suro wetu yaitu memiliki benjolan pada bagian belakang kaki tepat dibawah taji. Memiliki pukulan yang begitu keras hingga kedalam tulang Memiliki kehebatan yang membuat lawan tumbang dalam beberapa menit. Memiliki Kelebihan dari cara dia melangkan, kuda kuda, dan juga pergerakan Memiliki mental yang cukup dan sulit dikalahkan
11.BATU RANTAI (Buaya) Sisik Kaki Batu Rantai atau dikenal dengan sebutan sisik buaya ini sangat populer dikalangan masyarakat pecinta sabung ayam. Menurut informasi salah satu jenis ini disebutkan keturunan se'ekor buaya maka dari itu setiap penghobi meyakini katuranggan tersimpan didalam sisik ini sangat kuat. Banyak mitos yang mengatakan bahwa sisik batu rantai mudah kelelahan dan tidak boleh bertarung berdekatan dengan pohon bambu. Ciri khas batu rantai sendiri memiliki beberapa sisik pada bagian - bagian bawah jari. Memiliki pukulan yang dikenal pedas dan panas sehingga lawan merasakan nyeri pada bagian urat - urat seperti otot Memiliki Kehebatan pukulan yang mampu membuat tenaga lawan hilang Memiliki mental cukup bagus dan tenaga mudah kembali setelah terkena air Memiliki keseimbangan dan pergerakan kaki yang cukup gesit
  1. BATU LAPAK Sisik batu lapak merupakan salah satu yang paling sulit ditemukan bahkan jarang dimiliki oleh jenis ayam mana pun hanya orang - orang tertentu saja yang beruntung memilikinya. Berbicara katuranggan batu lapak dipercaya memiliki kekuatan pukulan yang dapat mengalahkan lawan dalam sekejap khas batu lapak sendiri punya ciri yaitu terdapat sisik tepat pada bagian telapak kaki. Memiliki pukulan yang dikenal mematikan cukup keras sehingga lawan tarung merasa linu pada bagian - bagian tulang. Memiliki Kehebatan pukulan yang mampu melumpuhkkan lawan dalam sekejap. Memiliki Mental jiwa petarung perkasa. Memiliki pergerakan dan kuda kuda cukup baik.
  2. SATRIYA SINEKTI Sisik kaki satria sinekti adalah salah satu model jenis terlangka sangat sulit ditemukan jenis ini sejak pada jaman dahulu dikenal dengan digdaya yang mempunyai kelebihan sebagai ayam aduan terhebat dan sulit dikalahkan. Menurut primbon yang dituliskan bahwa ayam aduan dengan bentuk kaki seperti ini memiliki katuranggan pada urutan ke 10 dan dijelaskan bahwa satriya sinekti adalah yang tanpa sisik melik dalam artian sisik yang hampir tak terlihat seakan menyatu dengan tulang kaki Memiliki pukulan begitu keras dan mematikan mampu membunuh lawan dengan sangat cepat Memiliki kekuatan pukulan sakti yang bisa membuat lawannya cacat mental Memiliki mental petarung pantang mundur Memiliki pergerakan cepat dalam menyerang
  3. NAGA TEMURUN Sisik kaki Naga temurun merupakan jenis sisik kaki terhebat dan banyak dibicarakan oleh setiap master ayam soal kemampuannya menghabisi lawan. Istilah naga temurun yaitu sisik yang mirip dengan sisik ular naga para penghobi pun mempercayai katuranggan jenis ini punya banyak keistimewaan dari cara teknik bertarung juga pukulan maka dari itu naga temurun dinobatkan salah satu jenis sisik paling berbahaya oleh para lawannya. Ciri khas naga temurun tersebut bisa dibedakan yaitu dilihat dari bentuk barisan sisik belakang yang menurun kesuluruhan memang banyak kalangan penghobi yang keliru tentang hal ini, kami akan menjelaskan secara detail sebetulnya dari kata menurun pada bagian bentuk lengkungan atas berada diposisi bawah tidak berada diatas kalau kita simpulkan secara langsung bentuk sisik berubah menjadi berbalik menghadap ke atas lihat berikut gambar ini.
Tampilan Posisi lengkungan berada dibawah/turun boleh dikatakan sisik kaki ayam aduan naga temurun sesungguhnya !! Memiliki kualitas pukulan super keras/jero Mampu mengalahkan lawan dalam hitungan menit Memiliki kekuatan pukulan bertenaga kuat sampai bagian dalam sehingga lawan merasa kesakitan dan linu pada setiap tulang Memiliki Mental petarung hebat dan kuat Memiliki Keseimbangan dan pergerakan kaki disaat melontarkan pukulan atau pun kuda kuda
  1. TUNGGAK WINARAYAN Sisik Tunggak Winaraya dikenal salah satu sisik mematikan dan banyak dicari para jagoHolic. Dari setiap ciri pecahan pada bagian kedua jari kanan dan kiri (kelingking) dipercaya memiliki katuranggan dari hasil turun temurun. Sisik tunggak winaran sering dikatakan jenis special penghancur lawan bertarung oleh karena itu memiliki ayam aduan dengan khas sisik seperti ini menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri. Memiliki pukulan cukup besar dan mematikan, efek terkena pukulan sisik ini lawan mudah down bahkan stres Memiliki kemampuan pukulan yang dapat membuat bagian tulangan dalam menjadi rusak Memiliki Mental bagus seperti baja Memiliki kecepatan pergerakan dalam menyerang
  2. KAKI BLINGBING SOKA Sisik kaki belingbing soka merupakan salah satu kaki ayam aduan khas ayam bangkok Asli thailan diera ke'emasannya jenis ini dikenal sadis mampu membuat ayam lain cacat seperti kehilangan mental keberanian tentu para pemain lama mengetahui hal tersebut. Ciri sisik blingbing sendiri memiliki khas yaitu bentuk dua barisan sisik yang tersesun rapih dan bagian tengah sedikit menekuk kedalam. Maraknya fovulasi persilangan yang dilakukan setiap penghobi menjadikan sisik jenis ini se'akan menghilang dan jarang terlihat khususnya diwilayah indonesia. Memiliki Pukulan sangat keras dan pedas, satu kali lontaran pukulan yang diluncurkan mampu membuat gangguan pengelihatan pada mata lawan Memiliki kehebatan pukulan tepat pada bagian batangan Memiliki jiwa mental tempur yang bagus Memiliki daya cengkraman dan gerakan baik
  3. NAGA EMAS Sisik kaki Naga Emas salah satu paling berbahaya bahkan dikenal dengan keganasan yang dimiliki dari karakter pukulan atau pun teknik bertarung. Katuranggan naga emas sangat dipercaya akan keampuhan yang tersimpan dari kekuatannya. dilihat dari bentuk fostur dan warna sisik ini punya kemiripan dengan jenis pancuran Emas hanya saja Sisik naga Emas Memiliki tampilan berbeda yaitu bentuk sisik yang tajam dan warna kaki kuning polos. Kini sisik naga emas Terbilang sulit dicari bahkan ditemukan. Memiliki bobot tenaga pukulan tidak terlalu keras namun menyakitkan seperti ditusuk jarum yang mengakibatkan lawan tarung mudur dalam pertempuran Memiliki kehebatan super taji yang dapat merusak bahkan melumpukan Memiliki Mental jiwa seorang petarung sejati Memiliki kecapatan, keseimbang dan pergerakan terbilang agresif/lincah
  4. KADAL METENG Sisik kaki kadal meteng merupakan salah satu sisik ayam aduan yang ditakuti oleh para lawannya dan Katuranggan yang dimiliki masih dipercaya sampai saat ini. Ciri khas jenis ini punya model sisik tajam pada setiap jari kaki. Kadal meteng sering disebutkan salah satu sisik beracun ( dalam bahasa sunda sisik Peurah) biasanya jika terkena pukulan sisik ini akan meninggalkan bekas seperti biru memar. Kadal meteng sebetulnya suatu ciri bentuk sisik yang hanya dimiliki ayam betina/babon maka dari itu jarang sekali terlihat pada ayam jantan berbanggalah anda jika memiliki ayam aduan dengan tampilan sisik seperti berikut ini. Memiliki pukulan pedas dan menyakitkan meski kecil mampu memutuskan saraf Memiliki pukulan tenaga dalam yang banyak disebut pukulan beracun/peurah Memiliki Mental yang terbilang sedikit lambat Memiliki Keseimbangan bagus dan pergerakan lebih lincah
  5. KING SAPU JAGAT Sisik kaki sapu jagat salah satu jenis paling terlangka sulit ditemukan pertama kali ditemukan yaitu dinegara thailan dan Myanmmar hanya orang - orang tertentu saja pernah memilikinya. Berbicara tentang Katuranggan sisik ini sering dikatakan punya banyak keistimewaan seperti aura wibawa dan kesan melihat dari bentuk tampilan king sapu jagat punya pamor sisik menakutkan bahkan para penghobi lama menyebutnya salah satu mesin pembunuh dalam artian mampu mengalahkan lawan hanya dengan 3/4 kali pukulan. ciri khas king sapu jagat sendiri punya ciri sisik aneh dan unik yang menyerupai tulang kalau diperhatikan hampir mirip dengan bentuk taji/jalu Memiliki pukulan sangat keras disertai taji/jalu yang mampu membuat lawannya ambruk dengan hanya berapa pukulan saja Memiliki kehebatan pukulan special depan dan badan sangat ahli dibidang brangkot Memiliki mental cukup ganas saat bertarung Memiliki pergerakan kaki sedikit lamban
  6. ULAR PANDAN (Pandanus Snake) Siapa yang tak mengenal salah satu sisik paling dicari dan populer dengan famor khas sisik kaki berwarna hijau ini menjadi jenis yang terhebat dan berbahaya didunia sabung ayam. Menurut cerita sisik ular pandan dikenal paling ditakuti para bobotoh papan atas pada masa itu jenis ini memiliki pecahan komplit atau istilah tembus pada setiap jari dan sisik utama. Para hobi mempercayai Katuranggan ayam aduan model sisik ular pandan begitu kuat dan sakti Berikut ciri asli sisik ular pandan. Memiliki pukulan super tandes/jero terasa pada setiap tulang dalam, Sangat cepat dibidang menuntaskan pertarungan Memiliki kelebihan balasan pukulan lebih menyakitkan, efek terkena pukulannya mampu memberikan reaksi cepat yang berpengaruh pada setiap otot - otot sehingga lawan tidak bisa berjalan bahkan memukul Memiliki Mental yang dikenal keganasannya Memiliki keseimbangan dan pergerakan super cepat juga baik
  7. GAMBIR Sisik kaki Gambir memiliki khas warna corak merah kecoklatan pada bagian sisik utama' ayam aduan dengan sisik seperti ini merupakan salah satu yang boleh dikatakan paling berbahaya jika terkena pukulanya mampu membuat lawan terguling bahkan K.O dalam beberapa ronde. Sisik gambir menjadikan terfavorit dihati dan dimata pecinta sabung ayam, menurut mitos sisik yang terdapat corak merah adalah ayam terkuat dan sulit untuk dikalahkan. Memiliki pukulan pedas, panas dan keras mampu merusak pada bagian kelemahan lawan Memiliki kekuatan tenaga pukul 2x lipat lebih menyakitkan, Jika terkena pukulan pada bagian sambungan leher bisa berakibat fatal Memiliki mental super dan pemberani Memiliki pergerakan dan kecepatan kaki cukup seimbang saat melakukan penyerangan atau pun kuda - kuda
Mungkin itu saja 21 Nama Sisik Kaki Ayam Petarung Terhebat Dan Paling Banyak Dicari pilihan dari setiap model dan ciri sisik yang saya tuliskan dalam artikel ini merupakan jenis sisik kaki ayam aduan pilihan yang dikenal akan keganasan dan kehebatan masing - masing saya harap informasi ini sedikit memberikan ilmu tentang nama nama dan kualitas jenis sisik.
submitted by MelodicConfusion500 to AYAMBANGKOK [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 17:06 Hot_Presentation_603 Soodhu Kavvum looked amateur with very poor editing and many dialogues that didn't land the joke

I heard so much about this movie and people kept mentioning it is one of the best movies but I noticed few things which bothered me and my friend who watched for first time and felt very average overall. (I understand many of you liked this movie for various reasons when it came out)
  1. Editing looks amateur at so many places: For eg: Interval scene was very abrupt and felt they had to cut it just to hide the poorly done VFX scene. Another example is the start of "Kaasu panam.." song, it felt so bad how the scene before randomly cut and started with gana bala's english speaking scene. That's how I used to edit during my highschool shortfilms and when I look back, I cringe at my lazy editing skills.
  2. Many jokes didn't land properly: It wasn't clear that it was Nayanthara's temple until the other character reads the newspaper explaining "Nayantharaku koyil katiya valibar". During intro scenes of Vjs brother character, he says "Kilijosiya karan elam real estate pana ipdi dhan" then after 2 seconds there is flashback of kilijosiyam and then he asks "hey, ne kilijosiya karan dhane?" Similarly there are lots of such lines felt odd or bland. I understand the intention but felt like initial draft dialogues.
  3. Heroine character was obvious from the beginning that it was not real: She looked non responsive and felt odd when VJS getting trashed by failed kidnap attempt and she sits pretty in the middle of dirty bar. (I remember someone saying this was a huge revelation for them)
Also another thing bothered me was that I wasn't sure if I should see the movie and characters as sincere (eg: like other sincere comedy like panchathanthiram) or are they just stupids? Because in some scenes they speak and behave consistent to how they introduced but in other places they were acting like imbecile which felt odd that their rest of part in the movie.
Let me know if anyone have any thoughts on my view. You can rewatch those above scenes in youtube and see if what I said makes sense.
submitted by Hot_Presentation_603 to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 14:08 Extension-Beat5969 Trip Report - 9 days from India - Part 1

Thanks to this community I was able to plan my own trip covering Osaka and Tokyo within 9 days. Although there were several posts but very rare from Indian perspective. Indians have a very different requirements in comparison to western travellers so I will try to focus on things like hotels(value for money), vegetarian/vegan food and things to do.
Day 0 (14 March)
I took ANA flight from Delhi to Tokyo(Roundtrip) which costed me 540$ per person. I booked flights 3 months in advance during their sale and got a great deal. Instead of roundtrip I should have booked my outgoing flight from Osaka, this would have saved me another 100$ per person.
Flight was amazing and I had the best food on any airline ever. I would recommend taking direct flights if the price difference is not much.
Day 1(15 march)
Landed at Haneda Airport at 5 am, 1 hour earlier than expected. I already had my japan travel QR printouts that I used which saved me about 15 mins to fill the form. Got Welcome Suica card from airport and boarded keikyu line to Hotel Tavinos Asakusa.My first ride became complicated when the first 6 coaches detached at shinagawa station. Have not heard about metro trains detaching at stations before.
Dropped my luggage at hotel around 9 am and was told to retry for check in after 12 pm. Heated Sitaram Chole Bhathure ready to eat in hotel's lobby for breakfast along with coffee that was available.Visited sensoji temple and Skytree tower in afternoon. We did not go on top of skytree.
Lunch T's TanTan at Ueno station - This was the most hyped vegan restaurant but it did not live up to our expecation.
Roamed Akhiabara in the evening and played video games at several game parlours around. Tried to revisit this place again but could not.
Dinner Coco Ichibanya - it had just 1 vegan option which we chose with maximum spice level. Reccomended
Day 2(16 march)
I booked a group trip to Mount Fuji and Lake Kawaguchiko via Expedia. Bus departed from Shijnuku at 7 am sharp and on time. Trip was average and could have been done by self easily. While the Chureito Pagoda was nice to click pictures, lake view points were not great. Not recommended.
Lunch - Poha and Upma from MTR. Haldiram's bhelpuri mix for snacks.
Got shinkansen tickets to Kyoto for next day.
Dinner - Accidentally visited a nepali restaurant - Panas thinking it was indian in asakusa. They served me chowmein with potatoes and peas : Not recommended.
Day 3(17 march)
Checked out from hotel. As it was a sunday, I could not get my luggage delivered. We brought luggage with us and got it delivered to our hotel at Osaka. They charged us 5000 yen for 2 bags which I now realise was expensive. Lockers were full all over the station.
We spent rest of the day, roaming Kyoto - Fushima Inari, Kinkaku ji and Arashiyama Bamboo forest. I recommend skipping Kinkaku ji. Crowds were okayish at all places.
Lunch Yasubee - Visited my first tepanyaki restaurant. Had vegetarian Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba. This along with Shochu highball was our best meal yet. Highly reccomended.
Checked in our hotel - hotel the flag shinsaibashi, spent 15 minutes decoding their entrance :) . Hotel was at with par indian standards with spacious rooms and cleanliness. This was also 5 minutes walking to dontobori street.
Dinner Oko Okonomiyaki - We had at least 1 meal everyday we were in Osaka. This was vegan joint with amazing Okonomiyaki, yaki-soba and gyozas. Although queues are super long, but because this was near to our hotel we visited this at odd hours.
Day 4 (18 march)
After 3 continuous days of no-sleep, we woke up late today. We did not find any of the top visits interesting, so spent most of the afternoon roaming around.
Lunch Daiki-suisan kaitenzushi Dotombori - Unexpectedly bumped into this revolving sushi restaurant. Wanted to try it and management were happy to point out some vegetarian sushi and udon noodles. This was an experience indeed. Highly recommended.
Visited Tsutenkaku Tower in evening. Roamed around and decided last minute to go up the tower. This tower had a vibe, I did not regret paying for it.
Dinner Shinsekai Paprika Shokudo Vegan - We had Kushikatsu, Takoyaki and Miso soup. This meal was one of the most expensive and tasteless on the other hand. We had open a ready to eat back at our hotel to fill ourself.
Day 5 (19 march) - Universal studios
My whole revolved around visiting Universal studios. I had purchased 4 ride pass which included - Harry Potter and forbidden journey, Demon slayer, Jaws and My hero academia.We were at the gate at 8:30 am and I lost my heart as soon as I saw the crowd at the station. There must be around 2k people waiting in the queue.
Gates opened at 9 and we entered the park at 9:30 am. We had packed lot of snacks and we were allowed to carry it inside after informing them about our diet restrictions.
Everybody ran for nintendo and we instead got in forMinion mayhem. Obtained Nintendo timed entry for 1:30 pm. Here were my wait times and rating
Minion mayhem (9:20 am) - 0 wait time 7.0/10
Freeze Ray sliders(10 am) - 30 mins wait time Below average
Demon slayer (Fast pass)(10:30 am) - 30 mins wait time with pass 8/10
Jaws(Fast pass)(12:30pm) - 5 min wait time with pass 8/10
Forbidden Journey (Fast Pass) (1:30 pm) - 10 minutes wait time 15/10
Mario kart(2 pm)(Single rider) - 15 minutes wait time 3/10
Yoshi's adventure(3 pm) - 45 minutes wait time 6/10
We were exhausted by 4 pm and decided to skip My hero academia even though we had a fast pass for it. We were not allowed to enter before time.
Lunch - Desserts and churros at several places, ready to eat
dinner - Oko Okonomiyaki with usual order
Visits clubs around Dontobori at night.
Part 2 coming soon
submitted by Extension-Beat5969 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 08:38 MichaelAndrews73a Great Vegan White Chocolate Options?

Full disclosure: I'm not vegan, but I have been dabbling in lots of vegan baking over the last three or so years. Anyway... I love chocolate, but it can be a slog to find decent ones where I live (South Australia) that aren't dark or "mylk" based (I've nothing against both of those kinds. I love them both! Oh, and don't get me started with dark chocolate brands that have hidden dairy products in them...). But for me, white chocolate is my ultimate kryptonite. There's something about the rich, creamy sweetness of this supposedly non-chocolate that feels like an aphrodisiac for a sweet-toothed fella like me. Yet for whatever reason, there aren't plenty of vegan friendly alternatives out there. At least, ones that actually taste good and resemble the look of a dairy based block of chocolate. (The nut based white chocs are often a disappointment in my eyes.)
2023 was great year for my vegan baking endeavours since I was able to source lots of imported ingredients - most specifically the Happi White Oat Milk Chocolate, which to me is the best vegan white chocolate I've ever come across. But being a UK product, I've been having problems finding their brand as of late. I normally have luck going to those American-style candy shops (Blackebys) because they're more likely to stock international candy brands than in supermarkets.
Basically, I have a question (well, actually two, but I'll ask that one at the end of this post): what are some other white choc alternatives worth trying? I'm looking for something that tastes great (ie. is worthy to snack on as well as being bake friendly) and has the distinct pale white appearance and behaviour of a regular white chocolate bar. So, pretty much anything indistinguishable from the dairy kind. The only two brands I've come across frequently are the Pana Chocolate White Baking Bits (I think they're called that) at Coles and the Sweet William blocks that I usually find at Drakes and Foodland. And before anyone asks, I have tried both kinds... and I don't really like either of them. I found the first to have a bit of a weird, waxy aftertaste and the second to be borderline inedible. By far the WORST thing I have ever put in my mouth. And this is coming from white chocolate's biggest fan boy!
As for the bonus question? Is it possible to caramelise vegan white chocolate? Apparently the change of state has something to do with the milk content in regular white chocolate but I've read that certain vegan brands can work. Surely I would've though the Maillard reaction had more to do with this...?
submitted by MichaelAndrews73a to australianvegans [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 12:59 CalicoLime Bobobo Test

"Whenever there's a head of hair being threatened by a criminal clipper, I'll be there."

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is the cool and incomprehensible hero, swarthy and musclebound, sporting sunglasses and a large golden afro. He is called "Bo-bobo" for short, as he refuses to let people call him "Bo".

Hanage Shinken

Bo-bobo's primary form of offense is a technique called the "Hanage Shinken". This technique involves stretching out his nose hairs in order to whip or constrict his enemies. He is one of the few people who knows this technique, so he believes that it is sacred and that he shouldn't overuse it. It is powered by Taiyaki.


Merciless Nose Hair Fist
Burning Hair Spirit Deadly Armpit Hair Fist
Nose-Hair Revolution
Kamemura Suibotsu
A long equation I am not typing out
That's Goro! That's Goro!
Destruction of the Fried Chinese (Deep Fried) Faction
Armpit Chop
Nosehair Alley
Yes I'm Leaving Hakata
A Decided Can't Tell Me Where to Go On My Journey: Pure Story
Burning Hand Hell-Fire
Hell Shrike Fall
Friendship Power
Fighting Double Punishment
Nosehair Victory
Leg Snap
Tetori Legtris Fist
Gesopotamia Civilization
Yie Ar Kung-Fu
Our Friendship is Eternal
Wherever Nata De Coco Is It's Still Alive
Violent Nosehair Fist
Planet Judge
Kitten Fist
Hell Nosehair Drop
Lightning Nosehair Ball
Super Godly Strong-Fanged Beast Smash Shot
Tokoro Nosehair
Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bontan Bomb
Please! Drench Me!
Super Sonic Stupid Beigoma
Bo-Bobo Wave
Legendary Hustler Shot
Dummy Bomb
Bagworm Laser
Dosukoi Bungee
20-Ton Press
Keristian Dior
Wan-Wan Giant Slalom
Slipper Sole Flap
Southern Cross
Bosses' Chair Great Rotating Attack
Seal Release
Dance of the Angry Bears
[Super Bo-Bobo] Thousand Nosehair Wave
[Super Bo-Bobo] Unnamed Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nosehair Sword
[Super Bo-Bobo] Flap Flap Kamaitachii
[Super Bo-Bobo] Look Look Hello There
[Super Bo-Bobo] Pleasant Plate Destruction
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Big Eruption
[Super Bo-Bobo] Carp Waterfall Climb
[Super Bo-Bobo] Cross Goddess
[Super Bo-Bobo] Mecha Nosehair Lock-On!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Fire the Stupid Satellite!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Needle Sandbag
[Super Bo-Bobo] Sleep Flames
[Super Bo-Bobo] Kome Shinken
[Super Bo-Bobo] Great School Field Trip
[Super Bo-Bobo] Monkey Year End Gift Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Golden Awakening
[Super Bo-Bobo] Romantic Sensation Movement
[Super Bo-Bobo] Judgement of Me Judged By Tennosuke Judged By Don Patch Judged By Babylon
[Super Bo-Bobo] Desperation Mirrorball
[Super Bo-Bobo] Buyou Of Darkness: First Dance!
[Super Bo-Bobo] We've Done It! Mechanical Attack Electro Destructive Mecha Three Plates!!!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Eat Hard-Boiled Egg
[Super Bo-Bobo] Return the Hanpen
[Super Bo-Bobo] Dozaemon Kick
[Super Bo-Bobo] Ekiben for Sale
[Super Bo-Bobo] Twinkling Star Shou
[Super Bo-Bobo] Mysterious Chiropractor Dr. Bo's Wild Treatment
[Super Bo-Bobo] Weapon Dance
[Super Bo-Bobo] Triangle High Tension
[Super Bo-Bobo] Super Powerful 3-Idiot Bazooka
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hundred Animal King Fist
[Super Bo-Bobo] Zitabata Beam
[Super Bo-Bobo] Leg Pin
[Super Bo-Bobo] Unnamed Bear Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Double Dentists
[Super Bo-Bobo] Human Express by Nosehair!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Master! The Daughter's Way Over There Get Service from Me
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nosehair from under a Kotatsu
[Super Bo-Bobo] Babylon
[Super Bo-Bobo] Taiyaki to the Future
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hairy Heavens
[Super Bo-Bobo] We Two Colors Enter the Rainbow Typhoon
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Monster House
[Super Bo-Bobo] Diablos Hand
[Super Bo-Bobo] Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch! Dog Punch!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Flyswatter
[Super Bo-Bobo] Aim to be a Bump Big Leaguer
[Super Bo-Bobo] Gutsy Bat
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nosehair Style Welcoming Party
[Super Bo-Bobo] Huge Wafer Toppings
[Super Bo-Bobo] Yansu Gansu Revolution
[Super Bo-Bobo] Sharks Gnawing Underwater
[Super Bo-Bobo] Dream of Raising Tiles in Janki Ryu Dance
[Super Bo-Bobo] I Recently Was Put in Charge of The Work Phone and I Always Use It for Mahjong Instead.
[Super Bo-Bobo] Pig Emptying Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] One-Night Dinner Show
[Super Bo-Bobo] Random 360-Degree Tokoroten Magnum
[Super Bo-Bobo] Stealth Slash
[Super Bo-Bobo] Metro Destruction
[Super Bo-Bobo] Sorrowful Tofu Impact!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bull's Eye Scooping
[Super Bo-Bobo] Missed Wrestle Ball
[Bo-Bobo 100%] BoBo-BoBoBoBoBoBo-BoBoBoBo-BoBo
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Smashing the Top of his Head
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Booger Machine-gun
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Drop It Down
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Hanage Musou
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Lunch Providing Duty of the Sky
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Delete Commando
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Cow Shower
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Sports Premiere Issue!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Forest's Three Squirrel Children
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Good Morning Teacher!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Tokoroten Impact
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Congratulate Jump Super Stars Newest Game, Creating Excitement for Winter
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Ninety-Nine Nights: Nagoya Edition
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Himeji Castle! Himeji Slice!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Teachings of Mori are Absolute
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Sightseeing Arranged Commemorative Photograph Immediate to the Left Side as You Enter the Main Gate of Nagoya Castle
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] I Want to Do Thrusting Professional Sumo After A Long Time
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] We're the Strgonest Bo-Bobo Army Corp
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] A Passing Through Leopald
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Fierce World Cup 2006: The Summer of Germany
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Western Game Scramble
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Nosehair Style Hyakke Rokujuuyonshou
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Astro Bobo Sasa
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Royal Family's Conviction
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Honekko Machinegun
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Boinal Boight Boy
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Running Wild Takuan Young-Tough Gang
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] It's Terrible For Even the Author To Draw a Large Quantity of Hair Hunters
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Personal Experience of the In-Vogue Balance Ball
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Great Parade of Nostalgic Stickers
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Perfect Hanpen-Shou!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Angels Who Call Out for Victory Pure Prayer
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Water Boys Three
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Crackling Great-Flame Shuriken.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Daikon Whole Sale is Humble
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Jump Ultimate Stars Bo-Bobo Strongest Dream Deck Demon Combo S
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Have a Merry Shitmas and Go To Sleep
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Onigawara Bomber
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Present for You
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] A Man's Tokoroten Magnum
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Length-Wise Tokoroten Magnum
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] King Nosehair Typhoon
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] I Can't Forgive Foolishness
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Disorderly Kabosu of OVER
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Pokomi's Scribble Cannon Wave
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] The Wave That Begins the Tonkatsu Revolution
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] The Wave That Starts Formula-1 Japan
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Kamehameha
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] The Beauty of Japan
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Geneha Rush
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Digest the Anger of Hair
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Armpit Chop
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect Edition] Nosehair Violent Fist


Stress Relief Fist
Bo-Bobo Armor
Equipped: Battle Armor "Faith": Chaos of Oden
Tokoroten Guard
Don Patch Guard
Hidden Talent
Bagworm Defense
School Curtain
Love-Love Umbrella
[Super Bo-Bobo] Snack Time
[Super Bo-Bobo] Coating of Life
[Super Bo-Bobo] Angel's Bathroom
[Super Bo-Bobo] Wildlands Lasso Johnny
[Super Bo-Bobo] Ora-Ora Aura
[Super Bo-Bobo] Spinning Old Man and Old Woman Dining Table
[Super Bo-Bobo] Konnyaku Guard
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nice Butt Defense
[Super Bo-Bobo] Teru Teru Bo-Bobo
[Super Bo-Bobo] Gum Stick
[Super Bo-Bobo] Strong Wind! Carry Out A Kite Flying Tournament!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bamboo Shoot Jump
[Super Bo-Bobo] Outrageous Barbecue Brawl
[Super Bo-Bobo] Fishing Key Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bean Changing Technique
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Unnamed Brush Attack
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Omikuji
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Perfect Defense Reborns S.D.C. (Sakurayama Defense Club)
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Dummy Guard
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Stance of Heaven and Earth
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Full-Armor Bo-Bobo
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] I Think It's Great When It's Funny
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Yodel Step


Fishy Fish Manipulation Dance
Hanage Bunshin
Bo-Bobo World
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo World: Nightmare
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Shintetsu Bo-Bobo World
Becoming Giant!
Big Gojo Bridge
Legend of Kage Jump
Fidgeting Typhoon
Cooked Sanma Hour
Bo-Bobo Roulette
Bo-Bobo Typhoon
Nosehair Bridge
Skating Rink
Hopping Jump
Tororo Field
Nosehair Spider-Harden
Snack Time!
Floating Angels
Super Flash
Cinderella Story
Bo-Bobo Elevator
[Super Bo-Bobo] Spike Cultivation
[Super Bo-Bobo] Weekly Shonen Jump
[Super Bo-Bobo] Phantom Shutter
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo TV-Chan Nel Hour
[Super Bo-Bobo] Nice to Meet You! Ero-Grappa!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Tame the Rowdy Wind
[Super Bo-Bobo] Love Attack
[Super Bo-Bobo] Torpedo Quiz
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hanage Change
[Super Bo-Bobo] Okama Bar
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Pinball
[Super Bo-Bobo] Light of Hope!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Retro Game Playing
[Super Bo-Bobo] Party of the Tennyo
[Super Bo-Bobo] Giant Slalom Lock
[Super Bo-Bobo] Afterburner
[Super Bo-Bobo] Afro Golden Village
[Super Bo-Bobo] Bo-Bobo Tufts
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hair Manipulation Jutsu
[Super Bo-Bobo] Gutsy Cycling
[Super Bo-Bobo] A Greedy Boy Eats Meat
[Super Bo-Bobo] A Ban Order on Dolphin Nightlife!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Big Orange Tower
[Super Bo-Bobo] Scaffold Jump
[Super Bo-Bobo] Physical Sensation Paradise Game Zone: X Summer Version
[Super Bo-Bobo] Joumon People Every Day
[Super Bo-Bobo] Shika Senbei Introduction Technique
[Super Bo-Bobo] Climbing University Mountain Circle Like Uezono-San
[Super Bo-Bobo] Our Tenth Ally...Pickles Great Spy Operation
[Bo-Bobo 100%] Secret Fairy-Tail Flowerbed
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Our Workplace * Expedition Log
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Mid-Winter Courage Test Tournament
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Tender Memory Lesson
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] A.D.H.B.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Patched Patch
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Eight Legendary Nurses
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Transfer of Arts of the Blue Sky.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Speed-Of-Sound Arcadia "Unfinished Manga"
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Legend of Kage Jump
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] 70's Period Anime-Like Jump
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] 70's Period Gag Manga Running Method
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super High-Grade Tactics
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Newly on Sale! The Rumored Bokkuriman Stickers
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Nostalgic Retro Game Killing Match S
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Hell's Train Train
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Hair Hummings
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Future Pitch Dark Darkness
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Active Adventure RPG: Underwear Thief II
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] The New Discovery
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Dummy World
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Hot-Blooded Yelling Soul! Fight, Ouendan!!!.
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Gal Circle 2007


These are Hanage Shinken techniques that have no explanation, use, or are just plain weird.
Black Snake
Squeezing Nose Hair Fist
School Trip
The Three Bo-Bobo Pigs
Nosehair Festival
Principal Speech
Ca Is Whom I'm Showing Hana no Asuka-Gumi
Summon Goat
Gondola Tour
Golden Phoenix
Funny Sugoroku
Nosehair Jumprope
Money Tree
Wonderful Nosehair Seven Days!
Hondarapo I's HogeHoge Po
Bo-Bobo Mystery Box
Great March of the 300 High School Girls
Massively Aesthetic Objet Summon
The Crab and The Monkey 2003
The Art of the Tanaka House
[Super Bo-Bobo] Revived Tennosuke
[Super Bo-Bobo] E-Su E-Fu
[Super Bo-Bobo] 7 Extraordinary Phenomenon Traveler
[Super Bo-Bobo] Tokoro Balloon of Friendship
[Super Bo-Bobo] Send Out The Peep Peep Corp!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Challenge the World Record in Dominoes!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Go On A Hike
[Super Bo-Bobo] Baka Saver
[Super Bo-Bobo] J-Melody Great Thanks Ritual!
[Super Bo-Bobo] My Amazing Home
[Super Bo-Bobo] 400-Character Gekkou Youshi Festival
[Super Bo-Bobo] Hair Growth
[Super Bo-Bobo] Starry Sky Glittering Dinner
[Super Bo-Bobo] Here Comes the Groom!
[Super Bo-Bobo] Great Tickling
[Super Bo-Bobo] Cormorant Training Hell
[Super Bo-Bobo] Rolling Movie Appreciation
[Super Bo-Bobo] The Kappa's Super Spartan Studying Group
[Super Bo-Bobo] Cute Peepers Appear
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Healthy Nametake
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Midnight Torture SL
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Kansai Explosive Demon Young Toughs Gang
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Tokoroten's Great Counterattack!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Pretty Transformation Love Dreamer!!!
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Adult DP Training for Disciplining Nosehairs
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super Dimensions Custom Lifeform Boidon
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Octopus-San
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The Legendary Ora Ora Ora
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] The 53-Stages of the Tokaido Grenade-Throwing Bontarou
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Youkai Legend: A Tour of Hell
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] 24-Hour Police Siege Network Simultaneous Control
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Luffa Cultivation Diary
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Legend of Discovering the Tokugawa Buried Treasure
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super Gamble: A Match of Hitting Good Music in Cover-Buying A CD of Western Music
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Super Gamble: Russian Mayonaisse
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo] Mission Hanpossible: Camoflagued Dice Operation
[Shintetsu Bo-Bobo: After-Training Perfect-Edition] Go To Bear-San's Home


In the world of Bo-bobo, Hajike is the art and philosophy of doing bizarre or unexpected things in order to confuse, fight, out-do others, or as a regular way of life. It is the main fighting style of several characters including Bo-Bobo, Don Patch, Tennosuke, and multiple Hair Hunters.


When Super Bo-Bobo is pushed to his limit against his brother Be-Bebe, he does the unthinkable; turns his sunglasses upside down and declares "Ganeme!" after shouting his name a bunch.

Landmine Dandy

When Bo-Bobo is killed by Bi-Bibi he is quickly revived by Torpedo Girl's father, Landmine Dandy, who becomes his Stand for the final battle with Bi-Bibi.

Genaha Break

After training for a year with Torpedo Girl, Bo-Bobo acquires a more serious fighting style, the Genaha Break. This form is powered by the Shintetsu Jacket, a jacket that increases his power times 3 and draws out the eight forces that hide within his body: Roppongi, Yukhoe, Oolong Tea, 300 Bikkuriman Stickers, Viagra, A Weather Forecaster, 2 glasses of Campari Orange, and a red DS Lite
submitted by CalicoLime to CalicoLime [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 19:57 tatuca_iliescu Voi ce mai luati de la nunți?

Urmează sa ma duc la o nunta mai de fițe si ma gandeam ca eu cu prrietenii mei tot timpul mai plecam cu cate ceva de acolo...niste whisky, niste vin etc Treaba e ca pana acum am fost la nunti mai modeste/normale si eram oarecum limitat la ce puteam lua, dar acum merg un un local de megafițe si ma va costa destul de mult, mai ales ca e un prieten apropiat. Ideea e ca aici ar fi vorba de bar cu bautura la liber, cat poti sa bagi in tine si mi se pare o oportunitate bună mai ales ca e băutură foarte scumpa, nu clasicul vin de si țuică de țară.
Cum e la bar fara limita, iei la pahar sau cum? Intreb pt ca n-am fost niciodata. Ar fi bine sa am la mine niste peturi ca sa cer pahar dupa pahar? Ma gandeam ca bautura tare să o bag doar la pet si acolo sa beau doar cocktail-uri ca sa pot rezista toata seara. Tacamuri si altele cum sunt la restaurantele de fițe? Merită luate? Cu mancarea n-as vrea sa imi bat capu ca oricum topesc toate portiile mele si ma mai bag si la altii in general, plus ca mi-ar trebui o geanta frigorifica sau ceva. La pet-uri ma gandeam la aqua carpatica pt ca are gura mare si pot turna bautura usor. Eventuale tacamuri pot fi invelite in servetele.
Pahare si alte chestii sunt oare peste average la localurile de fițe? Adica merita luate pt acasa sau mai bine nu imi bat capul?
Voi ce altceva mai luati de pe la nunți care sa merite si sa poata fi luat ușor si fără bataie de cap?
submitted by tatuca_iliescu to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 04:21 RCTD-261 cara ngebunuh rumput yang tumbuh disela-sela conblock hexagon?

cerita singkat, saya sering motongin rumput liar disela-sela conblock pake sekop kecil setiap beberapa hari sekali, tapi hasilnya malah merusak conblock dan kurang efektif. saya sudah mencoba pakai air panas dicampur garam, tapi tetap tumbuh lagi. mungkin disini ada yang bisa kasih solusi ampuh?
submitted by RCTD-261 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 18:30 blitztaker Un mic rant despre publicul din cinema

Un mic rant despre publicul din cinema
Salut. Sunt si eu un baiat de 19 ani dar asta nu e despre mine. Am fost la Dune Part 2, fiind mare fan al cartilor. M-am pus si pe randul 13, stanga, 15-16 (un sweetspot, recomand.). In spatele meu pe ultimul rand era un rand de copii de gimnaziala probabil, baieti si fete. Grupul asta masiv in prealabil au format o coada imensa la bar cerand portii imense de popcorn si nachos, toti fiecare unul dupa altul (va rog frumos daca sunteti in grup comandati deodata macar). Dupa ce am stat probabil 20 de minute (s-a mai deschis si o casa la final), din fericire am prins reclamele ca acestea dureaza 15-20 de minute. La inceputul filmului au fost foarte multe scene tacute si se putea auzi cum chicoteau si vorbeau casual acei copii. Li s-a zis odata frumos sa taca. Au continuat. Dupa cateva minute o alta doamna a facut acelasi lucru, pana cand o voce asertiva de barbat le-a zis ceva de-a lungul randurilor: "Bai, mutantii din ultimul rand, taceti odata in familia voastra." sau ceva de genul, oricum foarte vulgar (doamne ajuta), si la obiect. Dupa, nu s-a mai auzit o soapta dar in ultima jumatate de ora a filmului au plecat toti. Asta au lasat in urma. Stau si va intreb. Pentru ce dai atatia bani, 50+ lei, ca sa faci atata risipa, sa iti bati joc de spectatorii care vor sa vada un film, si dupa sa si pleci de la film cand nici nu s-a terminat? Care e scopul? Exista asa multe metode de hangout...
submitted by blitztaker to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 11:34 Papura-Voda xDrive - cutie de transfer - jante/anvelopele pe dimensiuni diferite

xDrive - cutie de transfer - jante/anvelopele pe dimensiuni diferite
Acum ceva timp scriam aici de o tigaie, pe care am cumparat-o pana la urma (pana acum nici o problema cu ea).
Jantele cu care au venit, sunt pe R18, aceleasi dimensiuni. Am aruncat gumele cu care a venit, i-am pus noi de iarna. Jantele actuale sunt destul de urate si zgariate, ma gandeam sa cumpar o pereche noi de jante + anvelope noi de vara.
Dilema e, ca pe unele forumuri unii zic ca pentru xDrive e nevoie de anvelope mai late pe spate pentru a nu strica cutia de transfer, altii zic ca nu e nevoie.
Am incercat sa fac putin research pe zona asta, dar nu am gasit nimic oficial (sau poate nu stiu eu unde sa caut).
Din dimensiunile recomandate de pe stalpul masinii, nu reiese neaparat ca e nevoie de dimensiuni diferite, desi unele dimensiuni sunt recomandate doar pe fata sau doar pe spate, alte dimensiuni neavand aceasta recomandare.
Din tabel, reiese (cel putin asa am inteles eu) ca spre exemplu, s-ar potrivi urmatoarele perechi:
  • 245/35 R20 (doar fata) cu 275/30 R20 (doar spate) - 0.96% diferenta la diametru
  • 245/40 R19 (doar fata) cu 275/35 R19 (doar spate) - 0.52% diferenta la diametru
  • 245/45 R18 cu 275/40 R18 (doar spate) - 0.07% diferenta de diametru
Din ce am mai gasit, ce recomanda unele site-uri sau comercianti de anvelope, am vazut ca cel mai des se recomanda dimensiuni diferite de anvelope doar pe R19 si R20.
M-am intrebat de ce in special pe astea 2 dimensiuni. Singura explicatie pe care am gasit-o, e din cauza presiunii mai mari din anvelope pe R19/R20, nu mai sunt la fel "gumoase". O anvelopa la 3.5 bar e mai tare si mai putin aderenta decat o avelopa la 2.6 bar, motiv pentru care se recomanda o anvelopa mai lata pe spate, pentru un plus de stabilitate si pentru a da mai putin de munca cutiei de transfer.
Personal, nu as opta pentru R19 sau R20, la ce drumuri avem, prefer confortul.
Din ce am cautat pe site-uri din Romania, nu prea am gasit jante pe 2 dimensiuni, R18, care sa se potriveasca si la gauri. Mai e si dezavantajul ca o anvelopa mai uzata nu as putea sa o mut de pe fata pe spate, sau invers.
As merge pe varianta clasica, R18 cu aceleasi dimensiuni.
Sunt pe aici persoane care au avut xDrive, sau ce ar putea aduce un pic mai multa lumina vis-a-vis de subiectul asta?
tldr: BMW xDrive, anvelope de aceleasi dimensiuni, sau dimensiuni diferite pentru a proteja cutia de transfer?
submitted by Papura-Voda to AutomobileRO [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 01:46 bgreenstone Burmester 20 Year

Burmester 20 Year
I thought I’d give an update on this bottle that I opened last week. When we first opened it I thought it was good but not great. I was giving it a solid B. However, like many of these 20 year ports it gets better after a little bit of time to breathe. After about four or five days it got really good. I would now give it an A-.
submitted by bgreenstone to PortWine [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 16:49 IceTeaaI Ce se intampla in Bucuresti in acest weekend: 01.03 - 03.03

Buna tuturor - sper ca ati avut o saptamana mai mult decat buna!
De data aceasta am revenit cu cocktail-uri in parc de Martisor, death metal, conventii crypto si mai multe - cate ceva pentru fiecare.
😃 Cele mai misto 5 evenimente din acest weekend:
Primeste update-uri saptamanale pe email: alobucuresti.beehiiv.com

Depeche Mode Night - “More Than a Party”

Okay, suntem destul de biased aici, pentru ca suntem putin cam innebuniti dupa Depeche Mode.
Daca va simtiti la fel, atunci e o alegere destul de usoara. DJ-ii vor trece prin toate - de la mari hituri pana la b-sides mai rare.
Veti auzi si piesele altor artisti New Wave/Synthpop in acest mix, precum The Cure, Kraftwerk si New Order (si altii).
Locatia se descrie ca fiind mai mult un bar cu bucatarie, asadar suntem curiosi sa vedem cum va fi atmosfera. Un lucru e clar - au promis multe “surprize”!

Martisor Outdoors - Herestrau

Pregateste-te sa dansezi pe cele mai bune piese deep house in mijlocul parcului Herastrau. E oportunitatea perfecta sa te bucuri de compania prietenilor - dar si a copiilor si animalelor de companie, intrucat sunt bineveniti!
HARE este un bistro primitor pe timpul zilei si un cocktail bar noaptea, simtindu-se ca o gradina ascunsa in inima Bucurestiului.

Bucharest DeathFest 2024

In prima sambata de primavara din 2024, epicentrul metalelor extreme din Romania va fi la DeathFest.
Ne bucuram de 8 trupe death metal multe in premiera in Romania), metal market, atmosfera de carnaval si food & drinks pe alese.

Crypto Expo Europe 2024

Fie ca esti un investitor experimentat sau doar interesat de crypto, probabil vrei sa ajungi la acest eveniment european.
Cu peste 100 de speakeri si peste 81 de workshop-uri, este o sansa buna de a invata mai multe despre aceasta industrie in plina dezvoltare, indiferent de nivelul tau.
Este un eveniment mare, cu mai mult de 3000 de persoane care vor fi prezente. Veti vedea companii precum Binance si Coindesk si cu siguranta va veti intalni cu persoane cu care veti avea de discutat - si poate chiar veti gasi cateva oportunitati avantajoase!

Define Beauty Cosemtics Fair

Peste 500 de branduri isi vor prezenta si vinde produsele de cosmetica la cele mai bune preturi, deci este o oportunitate buna de a gasi produse noi si de a afla informatii de la specialisti.
Fie ca sunteti experimentati in lumea beauty sau pasionati de a arata cat mai bine, este un targ de neratat.
O parte din vanzari va merge catre asociatia SOS Satele Copiilor, dand un sens mai profund achizitiilor facute.

Si vremea de zilele viitoare:

Vineri - 13°C ☁️
Sambata - 12°C ☁️
Duminica - 13°C ☁️

Asta e tot!
Nu uita sa ne spui ce ai facut. 🙂
Weekend placut!
submitted by IceTeaaI to bucuresti [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 18:29 ZealousidealUnit6559 Dependent de jocuri de noroc.

Salut!Nu credeam ca voi ajunge sa postez și sa-mi expun atat de mult problema pe o platforma socială dar, cum spune și titlu, sunt dependent de jocuri de noroc. Voi începe prin a spune că am început in 2019, când mi-am deschis o mica afacere(bar și cu 2 pacanele) și neavând clienti jucam și eu 20/30 de lei sa nu ma plictisesc.Guess what?Clientii au început sa apăra și din 2 pacanele am mai adus prin colaborare încă 10.Deci am făcut sala in toată regula.De acolo pana la ruina a fost un pas, am început sa castig bani ok pentru România..dar am început sa pierd din ce in ce mai mulți bani ajungând in total la câteva zeci de mii de euro, datorii..Ultima oara am jucat 30.000 de lei doar pentru ca intrasem intr-o sala sa fac un bilet la pariuri și am zis sa incerc 300 de lei, și am riscat niște bani împrumutați pentru a recupera acei 300 de lei. Ideea este că am încercat cu psihologi, am vorbit deschis cu soția și i-am explicat problema..m-a susținut, pana in seara asta.Când i-am spus iarasi ca am gresit…Îmi doresc foarte mult sa reusesc sa le las pentru familia pe care sunt la un singur pas de a mi o pierde..doar ca toate eforturile au fost in zadar. Am un stil de viata libertin, având 2 angajați la sala.M am gândit totusi sa ma angajez, sa las sala lu maicamia sa achite din datorii usor usor cu ce sa mai încasează si sa o iau de la 0 cu alt stil de viata..eventual sa ne mutam in alta taracu tot cu copil de 7 luni ..NU STIU CE SA MA MAI FAC ..sunt la capătul puterilor și nu stiu cum sa o scot la cap..
submitted by ZealousidealUnit6559 to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 14:55 TruthversusSlander Toxic parents Toxic relationship between mom and dad will affect the child's upbringing and worsen the kid's future in a negative direction. Baca kisah ini. (credit to life_in_a_fast_lane).

Toxic parents Toxic relationship between mom and dad will affect the child's upbringing and worsen the kid's future in a negative direction. Baca kisah ini. (credit to life_in_a_fast_lane).
Ada kisah disebalik gambar ini. Walaupun kisah ini tidaklah “rare” tapi itu tidak mengubah kesan dan akibat yang telah berlaku.
4.40pm smalam,staf letak 2 kad pt atas meja. Aku & kawan ambil sorang satu dan memanggil. Rupanya 2 pesakit tersebut adalah ibu dan anak. Si ibu lewat 20an dan anaknya 9 tahun. Bila masuk, aku memberi laluan kepada kawan untuk melihat si anak dahulu sambil aku pegang kad si ibu.
Si anak bermasalah dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Si ibu dah jumpa dengan pihak sekolah tentang prestasi anak dan berbincang. Maka sekolah mencadangkan buat pemeriksaan Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK). Selepas dinilai beberapa aspek, diagnosis awal adalah Learning Disability.
Kawan aku menerangkan perlu rujukan kepada juruterapi carakerja untuk penilaian penuh tumbesaran (developmental assessment). Selepas penilaian itu kami tengok semula apa langkah seterusnya. Si ibu faham dan bersetuju.
Tibalah giliran aku untuk melihat si ibu sambil kawan buat surat rujukan dan dokumentasi konsultasi si anak. Si ibu bermula dengan ayat “saya tak tahu nak cakap macam mana masalah saya ni.” Dan aku jawab “takpe cerita je macam mana pun, saya okay jee..”
Maka si ibu pun bgthu yg kerap ada mslh tidur, tiba2 dada rasa nk pecah, tgn terketar n bila jadi mcm ni dia nk termuntah n susah nak bernafas. Aku pun syak ini bukan kes biasa tak sihat, tp mesti ada kisah disebaliknya. Terus aku tya “hbgan dengan suami,keluarga atau kawan2 ok?”
Dia pun cakap baru je berpisah beberapa bulan lepas. Perkahwinan 9 tahun dia pilih untuk tamatkan kerana memakan dirinya atas beberapa isu. Bekas suaminya menderanya secara verbal,emosi,fizikal dan seksual.
Sorg laki yg sgt panas baran n dia dh hidup bersama slama 9 thn tnpa tahu smpai bila prlu hadap. Mereka prnah berpisah skali beberapa thun lepas tp rujuk balik sbb si llki janji utk berubah, janji tinggal janji. Rutin penderaan kmbali hinggalah berpisah ke-2 beberapa bulan lepas.
Si ibu tidak dibenarkan bekerja diluar kerana cemburu dan “trust issue” walaupun isu itu tidak wujud, sekadar kongkongan dan dominasi si bekas suami. Hanya si lelaki yang bekerja. Si ibu buat bisnes dari rumah berbekalkan bakat yang ada iaitu membuat kek.
Dgn pendapatan bisnes dr rumah tulah dia mmpu membeli rumah dan kereta walaupun kereta tu dia tak pakai sebab tak dibenarkan keluar rumah. Hanya si bekas suami yang menggunakan kereta. Si ibu tidak menceritakan secara terperinci tentang nafkah zahir yang lain n aku pun tak tanya.
Pergaduhan mereka hampir setiap hari dan tahapnya bukan macam kebanyakan kita (gaduh2 manja comel2). Dicarut dihamun tanpa tapisan dengan nada yang tinggi. Makian tanpa batasan dihadapan anak.
Si ibu berhenti seketika mengelap airmata sambil tanya “eh takpe ke saya cerita ni?saya malu”. Aku jawab “jangan risau, awak di tempat yang selamat. Kalau awak tak kisah, cerita je. Saya boleh dengar, kami boleh tunggu sampai awak selesai.”
Ada hari yg order agk byk 8 kek. Siap buat kek,bgkus n sedia utk hantar (tak bagitahu hantar sendiri,pick up/runner). Bekas suami mengamuk sbb dia tak dgr dipanggil, sibuk uruskan kek. Maka si bekas suami mengambil 1 persatu kek n hempas ke lantai sambil memaki hamun n pijak kek.
⁃Hempas kek pertama “kau bab” ⁃Hempas kek kedua “memang perempuan sil kau ni” ⁃Hempas kek ketiga “betina bodoh” dan keempat kelima.
Maka 5 pesanan pelanggan tak dapat disempurnakan dan duit pelanggan terpaksa dipulangkan secara penuh walaupun kek dah siap cuma tunggu hantar je. Dan ini terjadi depan anak.
Dan beberapa minit lepas insiden tu, si bekas suami meminta dia nafkah batin. Dalam ketakutan,kemarahan,kesedihan dan kekecewaan dia turuti. “Kalau saya kata taknak atau lawan,lagi sakit saya kena fizikal dan seksual.”
Di hari yang lain, bekas suami minta untuk dikejutkan tidur untuk pergi kerja. Maka dia pun kejutkan suami berkali-kali. Bila bangun si suami bengang kerana tidurnya diganggu. “Kau apasal perangai macam pukmak sangat ni?” “menyakitkan hati aku betul la bab sekor ni”
Makian cmni bukannya dgn nada rendah. Tak mgkin anak dpt tidur. anak pun terpinga tgk n dgr bapa kata gitu kpd ibu hmpir stiap hari slama bertahun. Bnda ni jadi bkn kali pertama n bukan sekali tu je. Itulah rutin bertahun yg lepas. Itulah yang anak dengar dan tengok setiap hari.
“Jujur doktor, saya pernah je cuba nak habiskan nyawa saya. Saya duduk dalam kereta 2 jam tutup tingkap tengah panas tanpa hidupkan enjin. Tapi saya stop sebab teringat muka anak.”
“Saya pernah pegang racun tikus kat supermarket nak beli, tapi letak balik sebab saya takut anak saya makan sekali bila dia tengok saya makan”
“Kadang saya ada harap bila dia pukul saya, biar lah sampai saya mati dia pukul tu. Sampai bila saya nak hadap macam ni.” Dan pelbagai lagi idea ataupun lintasan fikiran yang dia ada tapi tak diteruskan kerana terbayang anak yang takde siapa akan jaga kalau dia tiada.
Dia bru tahu beberapa mggu lepas yg kereta dia dijual oleh bekas suaminya n 1 sen pun dia tak trima duit hasil jualan wlaupun kereta ats nama dia. “Saya tk tahu mcm mana dia jual tnpa persetujuan saya”. Sekarang ni saya takut rumah tu pun dia jual jugak sebab rumah tu nama saya.
“Sekarang saya balik kampung duduk dengan mak saya. Dia takde ganggu saya dah cuma contact sesekali berkaitan anak. Sekarang saya rasa tengah menghadapi realiti trauma lepas saya hadap dia 9 tahun.”
Dan sekarang baru dia ada ruang dan masa untuk beri perhatian tumbesaran anak. “Anak saya ni tercicir banyak, banyak dia terlepas, banyak dia tertinggal.” Dia tahu anaknya takde zaman kanak-kanak yang seronok macam orang lain.
Benarlah, rumah yang tidak harmoni akan membantutkan otak kanak-kanak. Ibubapa yang bergaduh teruk depan anak-anak akan memberi kesan terhadap mereka.
Aku saja minta si anak untuk tulis nombor, huruf dan buat operasi matematik mudah (tambah tolak), tapi memang tak berjaya. Untuk usia 9 tahun, kebolehan membaca,mengira dan menulis bukan macam ni. Ini lebih kepada usia 6-7 tahun.
Sesi konsultasi,perbualan dan penceritaan ni hampir 1 jam. Banyak lagi yang tak mampu aku tulis. Tapi cukup panjang ini dan yang baca faham apa yang aku nak sampaikan.
Sehelai kertas ini adalah bukti dan manifestasi yang kelakuan ibubapa dirumah mempengaruhi tumbesaran anak-anak. Dan yang ada depan mata aku sekarang adalah seteruk ini. Dan kesannya bukan kepada 1 individu, tapi 2. Si ibu dan si anak terkesan dengan cara mereka tersendiri.
Si ibu n anak beransur kluar dgn management yg aku n kwn rangka. Aku kemas bag, punchkad dan hidupkan enjin motor untuk balik. Sepanjang perjalanan terngiang suara si ibu dan si anak dalam bilik dengan kisah mereka. Ini bukan kali pertama aku dengar, dan juga bukan yg terakhir.
Si ibu taknak teruskan hidup dengan pasangan sebegitu seumur hidup, kerana seumur hidup itu terlalu lama. Terlalu lama.
submitted by TruthversusSlander to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 00:11 Ailrenmania Current Cast - Bochum and London Productions

Starlight Express is currently being performed in the following locations with the following cast:
1. Bochum, Germany, at the theatre built specifically for the musical, The Starlight Express Theater. The Bochum production opened in 1988 and has been performing there ever since.
The current Bochum cast is...
Engines: Cast: Covers:
Rusty the Steam Engine Max Luca Maus Jake Bishop, Nathan Daly, Michiel Janssens, Daniel Ellison
Greaseball the Diesel Rory McCollum Benjamin van Eelen, Owen Broughton, Lashane Williams, Iwan James
Electra the Electric Engine Irra Cenina Tom Nihill, Semme Prins, Lashane Williams, Iwan James, Daniel Ellison
Momma the Steam Engine Reva Rice Maria Jane Jyde, Dieuwke Tönissen
Coaches: Cast: Covers:
Pearl the Observation Car Emilie du Leslay Dieuwke Tönissen, Demy Janssen, Molly McGuire, Rosalia Morales
Dinah the Dining Car Rosalia Morales Dieuwke Tönissen, Jessica Lapp, Demy Janssen, Molly Scott, Molly McGuire
Carrie the Luggage Van Lotus Lowry Dieuwke Tönissen, Ida Swann, Farah Liss, Jessica Lapp, Demy Janssen, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell, Molly Scott, Bethany Perry
Belle the Bar Car Molly McGuire Dieuwke Tönissen, Ida Swann, Farah Liss, Jessica Lapp, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell, Molly Scott, Bethany Perry, Amiyah Goodall
The Freight Train: Cast: Covers:
Rocky 1 Lashane Williams Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop, Benjamin van Eelen, Ben Whitnall
Rocky 2 Joshua De La-Garde Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop, Benjamin van Eelen, Vladimir Hub, Ben Whitnall
Rocky 3 Cassi Rogers Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, MJ Dylan, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Farah Liss, Jessica Lapp, Demy Janssen, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell, Vladimir Hub, Bethany Perry, Amiyah Goodall
Flat-Top the Brick Truck Michiel Janssens Jamie Landmann, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Jake Bishop, Owen Broughton, Vladimir Hub
Dustin the Big Hopper Iwan James Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Jamie Landmann, Brad Corben, Jake Bishop, Benjamin van Eelen, Owen Broughton
The Red Caboose Daniel Ellison Tom Nihill, Jamie Landmann, Jake Bishop
The Electric Components: Cast: Covers:
Wrench the Repair Truck Bethany Perry Tom Nihill, Luuk Hartog, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Ida Swann, Farah Liss, Jessica Lapp, Demy Janssen, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell
Volta the Freezer Truck Semme Prins Tom Nihill, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Ida Swann, Demy Janssen, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell,
Joule the Dynamite Truck Amiyah Goodall Ida Swann, Farah Liss, Jessica Lapp, Demy Janssen, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell
Killerwatt the Security Truck Ben Whitnall Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Jamie Landmann, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop
The National Engines: Cast: Covers:
The French Engine/Coco Molly Scott Farah Liss, Jessica Lapp, Demy Janssen, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell, Amiyah Goodall
The Italian Engine/Espresso Nathan Daly Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Jamie Landmann, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop
The German Engine/Ruhrgold Owen Broughton Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Jamie Landmann, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop
The Russian Engine/Turnov Benjamin van Eelen Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Jamie Landmann, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop
The Japanese Engine/Manga Vladimir Hub Tom Nihill, Jay Le Marrec, Jamie Landmann, Luuk Hartog, Mark Lenskjaer Fries, MJ Dylan, Josh Crowther, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron-Jay, Jake Bishop
The British Engine/Brexit Ashley Williams Ida Swann, Jessica Lapp, Melanie Dull, Jessie Angell
Other Characters: Cast: Covers:
The Track Marshals/Trax David Prajz & Nilz Rinas
2. London, UK, the revival of the London production will begin in new purpose-built auditorium, The Starlight Auditorium, at Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre from June 2024 through to February 2025.
Note: As cast details are slowly coming out, if you notice any missing names, incorrect placements, or wrongly identified characters, let me know! I try to stay on top of things, but it's just me running this and I can miss things.
The current London cast is...
Engines: Cast: Covers:
Rusty the Steam Engine Jeevan Braich Pablo Gómez Jones, Asher Forth, Scott Hayward
Greaseball the Diesel Al Knott Jessica Vaux, Catherine Cornwall, Lara Vina Uzcatia
Electra the Electric Engine Tom Pigram Oscar Kong, Asher Forth
Momma the Steam Engine Jade Marvin Jessica Vaux, Deearna McLean
Coaches: Cast: Covers:
Pearl the Observation Car Kayna Montecillo Ashlyn Weekes, Marianthe Panas, Lilianna Hendy
Dinah the Dining Car Eve Humphrey Lilianna Hendy, Deearna McLean
Belle the Bar Car Ashlyn Weekes Marianthe Panas, Lara Vina Uzcatia
Tassita the Quiet Car Renz Cardenas Pablo Gómez Jones, Charles Butcher
The Electric Components: Cast: Covers:
Volta the Freezer Truck Ollie Augustin
Killerwatt the Security Truck Pablo Gómez Jones
Wrench the Repair Truck Lilianna Hendy
Joule the Dynamite Truck Catherine Cornwall
Other Characters: Cast: Covers:
Porter Lewis Kidd Charles Butcher, Scott Hayward, Sam Gallacher
Golden Eagle David Brown
Orange Flash Marianthe Panas
Blue Horizon Jessica Vaux
Grey Wolf Oscar Kong
Slick Oil Emily Martinez Catherine Cornwall, Lara Vina Uzcatia
Lumber Pablo Gómez Jones Sam Gallacher
Ensemble/Swing: Cast:
Ensemble Asher Forth
Swing Charles Butcher
Swing Lara Vina Uzcatia
Swing Lucy Glover Skate Captain
Swing Scott Hayward
Swing Deearna McLean
Swing Jamie Cruttenden Assistant Skate Captain
Swing Hannah Kiss
Swing Sam Gallacher
Swing Jayred Lempriere
Swing Kelly Downing
Swing Elly Shaw
Other Cast (unknown): Cast:
David Peter-Brown
Bethany Rose-Lythgoe
Ashley Rowe
Gary Sheridan
Jaydon Vijn
Sharon Wattis
If there are any mistakes or updates that haven't been added - leave a comment and it will be fixed ASAP!
submitted by Ailrenmania to StarlightExpress [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 19:43 shakeitthenyabakeit Solo Travel to Guatemala Recap

Hey y'all I thought I would make this post as both a thank you and a resource for others who are curious about traveling to Guatemala in the near future. First, I'd like to thank the countless others who have shared answers to questions about travel to Guate, and given so many pieces of advice that I ended up using along my first ever solo trip. I am so thankful to have done this trip. I made so many amazing friends, and saw some incredible things. My biggest fear before traveling was that I would be alone the whole time and have a hard time finding people to hang out with, but that fear dissipated the moment I stepped off the plane. LMK if you have questions!
Now for the trip details:
  1. Day 1 - I landed in GUA city and stayed in an AirBnB since my flight arrived late. This was probably the right move because a lot of the hostels I stayed at closed up for the night around 10 so it may have been difficult to check in without anyone around. Guatemala is generally an early-to-close country, so as someone who lives in a place where places close earliest around 3/4 AM this took a bit of getting used to. I'd recommend staying at a hotel instead if you're arriving later just to be on the safe side. You can catch an Uber, or arrange a ride directly from the airport with pretty much any place you stay.
  2. Day 2 - I caught an Uber to Antigua with some Swiss guys I met in my AirBnB which cost about $10/person. Originally I was going to return to the airport to catch a shuttle (of which there are many and you can catch them usually every other hour right by the exit). Ride took about an hour. Walked around town and saw some sights. Truly a beautiful and very active little cobblestone street town. I also did this bar crawl that was fantastic: there's an Australian guy who runs them pretty much every night. He walks around to all the hostels and lets you book with him for I think around 150q (drinks included). Really fantastic way to meet people.
  3. Day 3 - Acatenango Hike. This hike is not for the faint of heart. I booked through Tropicana Hostel, and it cost $82. I recommend booking this in advance since its a pretty popular thing to do in the area. That said, you can absolutely find your own hike by just walking around Antigua and seeking one out. I met people who did theirs for as cheap at $30, and others who spent over $100. Mine was great bc it included food/ shelte gear rentals. That said, bring as much gear as you can to prevent having to pay extra on the mountain (headlamp, walking sticks, thermals, etc.). The hike took ~4 hours to basecamp, then another ~4 hours to Fuego and back (the hike back is in the dark). Seriously incredible once in a lifetime hike, but again you're hiking straight up a sandy/rocky volcano so be prepared for a serious journey. Overall couldn't recommend it enough if you're into adventure stuff. Wear a lot of sunscreen (the altitude is very high).
  4. Day 4 - Caught a shuttle to San Pedro, booked directly through my hostel for ~150q. In retrospect, I probably should've stayed the night in Antigua after bc that hike is no joke especially if you wake up for the sunrise hike like I did. I was running on E so I ended up just going to bed early this night. I actually intended on heading to La Iguana Perdida on the other side of the lake but due to logistical issues ended up booking last minute at Mandalas in SP. The reason is complicated: We arrived back from the hike at Tropicana around 12:30 PM, and the soonest shuttle was at 2 PM to SP (duration 3:30 hours). There was also a 4PM shuttle to Panajachel at 4, but with that timeline, it would've been too late to catch a boat to my next hostel. Well to my surprise, the bumpy and packed shuttle took way longer than expected so I arrived in SP around 5:30 and there were no more boats. This was my first flop of the trip: the boats stop running around 4/5 each night so where-ever you are at that point near the lake, plan to stay there bc otherwise you'll have to catch a private boat that would cost min 300q (I had a guy ask 500q lol).
  5. Day 5 - I met a bunch of people who said either they went to or were going to the Mr.Mullets Booz Cruise so I decided to just go for it and bought a last minute ticket ($$$$45 - 5 STRONG drinks included). This was for sure a highlight. Everyone is so friendly and just there to have a good time. You can jump in the water and get drunk on a boat with a bunch of cool people, so ultimately I couldn't say no. If you're into partying, I'd highly recommend it even if you aren't staying at Mr. Mullets. It ends around 3 so you can catch a boat back to wherever you stay if not SP, or you can stick around and keep partying which many of us did (to my demise). SP is the party town of the lake, lots of bars stay open later and have a great vibe overall. Every night I was there there was some kind of late night electronic event going on late into the evening so that was a plus since most places close around 11/12.
  6. Day 6 - This was really when it all caught up to me lol. I overdid it with the hike, drinking, and just general moving around. If I could, I would go back and space it out a bit more bc atp I was down for the count. Basically took this entire day to recover and come back to life after the bender that was the past week. Chilled, walked around SP a bit and generally tried to take it easy.
  7. Day 7 - At this point, a lot of my cumulative friends from the Antigua Bar Crawl, Acatenango Hike, and MM Booz Cruise were all in San Pedro at the same time so it was a pretty wild ride. We all went out and danced at Sublime, and generally drank like fish for one more night before I needed to return to Antigua to catch my flight home. If you like more chill vibes, I'd recommend San Juan (saw an apiary here and tried some exquisite honey), and if you want to go cliff jumping/ see some more nature there is a beautiful nature reserve in San Marcos. It's hard to make more recommendations here as many folks have commented on the vibes being so different town to town. Generally, most people I met weren't huge fans of Pana, although I never saw it due to my travel changes. To get from town to town is ~25q by boat so definitely take the opportunity to explore and see whichever places you like. Super easy to catch a boat from any of them.
  8. Day 8 - Returned to Antigua for the night and had a wonderful steak dinner. Called it a night early and flew home the following morning.
I also wanted to shoutout the local people of Guatemala being so kind and such a wonderful help while there. I speak a decent amount of Spanish, but there were plenty of people around who spoke none, and the people in most towns are super helpful/ know a good amount of English. I never felt in danger anywhere, even when I was walking the streets alone. Also, many of the travelers I met (especially from Germany/Netherlands/Australia) were all doing multi-month stints across Mexico/all of CA. If I could, I would go back and start in Mexico and work my way south like they did...maybe next time :)
More broadly, this trip really enlivened my desire to continue solotravelling, so shoutout again to all the people in the subreddit who have shared such kind and encouraging words of wisdom. Needless to say, this is the first of many trips to come.
submitted by shakeitthenyabakeit to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 17:48 SaCa49 good ol days

good ol days
came across this in my late mother’s recipe binder. can’t find a date, though I remember her making that recipe, placing it around late 2010s. prices are at least doubled in comparison to now
submitted by SaCa49 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]
