Why am i dizzy

Am I the Asshole?

2013.06.08 22:14 flignir Am I the Asshole?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /AITAFiltered!

2013.03.27 04:53 euca What do you really want to do?

The most helpful group on Reddit. *For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there.* We provide the paths to all who request. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. Be kind and supportive - no hate or judgement allowed here.

2013.01.20 01:49 relevantusername- Why am I single

A place where you can get proper, well-rounded and unbiased advice on how to make yourself more appealing as a partner.

2024.06.09 11:31 callofsoul Waking up in the vampires cave [A4A] [M4A] [M4F] [M4A] [M4M] [F4F] [F4A] [F4M] [A4M] [A4F] [fantasy] [vampire] [loredump] [lore] [forcefully turned speaker] [kind vampire listener] [rescued]

Story driven script
Sfx/actions: ()
Word count:1401 ………………
Masterlist version:https://drive.google.com/file/d/18qZHsfgBd2cxZX7b0AQBFeIBci31KlFf/view?usp=drivesdk
(Fire crackling)
“ugh my head, that's the last time I have six shots in three minutes, it's such a stupid bet why do I always take it up, it only ever leads to the worst hangovers the next day”
“Huh? This isn't my apartment. Where the hell am I?”
“OK breath (name) breathe this could still just be a dream, I mean it must be right I've been drunk before but never drunk enough to end up in a cave that for some reason has those ancient torches on the walls “
(Pinches themselves)
“Oww…OK so not a dream, that's not good I'm gonna need to get up and find a way out of here before whatever calls this cave home either wakes up or comes home to find a nice tasty and possibly still slightly drunk snack”
“Ugh OK standing up is not going to work right now, damn I am in a mess, sitting in a random cave too lethargic and dizzy to stand up”
“This can't just be from too many drinks, maybe someone spiked my drink?... I mean it's possible and would make sense for why I'm in the middle of nowhere with no memory of last night”
“Well now it's even more important that I get out of here, for all I know they Could be coming to find me right now, or maybe it was them that put me here in the first place”
“Whoa…Ok still can't stand but I can crawl”
“There we go, that's better, the world isn't spinning and I'm making progress, at least I think this is the way out …up is out right?”
“Pant, pant, pant, that was a much deeper cave than I thought, I swear if I kneel on one more sharp rock I'm going to scream”
“But at least I'm finally at the entrance to the cave and it seems to be daytime so I can finally get back to some semblance of civilisation, how I ended up all the way out here I'll never know”
“AHH oww what the hell?”
“AHH fuck why does the sun burn …ahh that felt like I grabbed a hot iron”
“ok, ok breathe (name) there must be some kind of reasonable reason for why the sun burns, I mean there must be right? it's not as if someone just becomes Hypersensitive To the sun overnight, maybe I'll head back into the cave and see if I can find any AHH WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?, GET BACK”
“Stop…telling me to calm down, I'm not going to …wait why did I calm down?...why can't I get angry?”
“I'm…in your thrall?, what do you mean that I'm in your thrall?”
“I follow your orders even if I don't want to … the Hell is that supposed to mean, I'm like your slave?”
“More like a servant?...ok OK let's go back a minute, what The hell is going on?”
“Yes I think that at the very least I deserve some answers about what happened last night, why I'm in a cave and why every time I try and go into the sun it feels like someone has dumped acid on my skin AHH …STUPID SUN”
“OK, ok I'm calm again, I'm calm but I still want answers “
“ ok…so you're telling me that I got attacked by a group of vampires on my way home from the Bar and they pretty much entirely drained me of blood? I'm not sure that I believe vampires are real but let's ignore that for just a second. How did I end up here?
“Oh you weren't done, sorry ill be quiet, please continue “
(Longer Pause)
“ok well that's a lot to take in all at once, so there is a list of rules that the more powerful vampires have put in place so that the risk of vampires being discovered and ultimately hunted is reduced as much as possible, so one of these rules is that you do your best not to hunt or harm humans if you have any other choice and you absolutely do not kill, turn or leave them unconscious but that group were young and thought they were untouchable, well young in terms of vampires but still they broke that rule and hunted me anyway”
“Huh, That makes a little more sense but it's still a lot I mean 5 minutes ago I didn't know that you guys existed and now there are rules and laws as well”
“OK well that does explain some stuff but it doesn't answer My question…why am I in this cave?”
“Because they didn't just drink from me they thought it would be funny to turn me into a ….no no you have to be kidding me there's no way that I'm a vampire now I mean there's just no way”
“Stop telling me to relax, this is a perfect situation to not be calm in, and now that I'm thinking about it why am I in thrall to you and not them if they were the ones that turned me?”
“Because they never performed the ritual to bind me to them so you did instead when you found me …why the hell would you do that? I could have been free, I could have figured something out without being in a dark cave while having to follow some random vampires orders”
“Because when a new vampire Is bound to an older one it prevents them from turning feral…I um, didn't know that was a thing that could happen. I guess I'm sorry about that outburst… ugh Can I have a minute?... I just need a minute to try and make sense of everything that you just told me ”
“Thank you…wait before you go. I do have one more question if that's OK?”
“Good um l, what happened to the vampires that turned me? are they still out there?”
“Declawed and de-fanged?That sounds like a pretty painful experience, is it painful?”
“It is?...in that case good, fuck those assholes”
“thank you, I don't know why you're being nice since I've been nothing but aggressive since I met you but, thank you”
“I know that it makes sense to be upset after all that happened to me but still, thank you”
In the speaker's mind: “So I'm a vampire now, well that's just great and it had to be right after I managed to save up to buy my apartment, I wonder if I'll be able to go back after the sun sets, I wonder if they will let me go back”
In the speaker's mind: “ I mean they seem nice enough, they never raised their voice or manhandled me as I'd imagine as an older vampire they could, I wonder if the movie thing about older vampires being stronger and more powerful is a real thing or just fantasy, I'll ask them when they come back ”
In the speaker's mind:” Ugh well there's nothing I can do except try and come to terms with all of this and figure out if I'm spending an eternity in this cave ….hey I just realised I'm immortal now so that's one upside at least”
(Small pause)
In their mind: “I'm going to have to drunk blood aren't I?....well that didn't last long now it's right back to sucking…I hope I don't like the taste”
“ok that's enough wallowing it's time to find them again and see what happens now, hopefully, nothing too bad because my head is still pounding, it's going to be because I'm thirsty I just know it, ugh I feel sick at the thought of having to feed on something…or someone, I honestly don't know which I think would be worst if I'm honest “
“Oh you were only over here, well then I guess you heard a few of the questions I still had but if it's OK can I ask you a couple more?”
“Ah well thank you, should I call you anything in particular?”
“Yeah I can't pronounce that name can I call you Vamps instead? no? Hmm how about fangs?...that's better? good then fangs it is, oh sorry lord/lady fangs”
“Ok, the first question is about the whole drinking blood situation”
(Audio fades out)
submitted by callofsoul to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:22 Archein420 My mother guilt trips me for being in hospital TW, sensitive topic (medical)

So, at first, I noticed that I lost vision in my right eye. She laughed and joked about it, as if it was one of the funniest things that she had ever heard. The optometrist gave me a referral to the hospital and she didn't believe that I was truthful, so she instead, took me for a second opinion. Diring the appointment, she laughed and made jokes on the phone, texting the whole time and never even looking at me. I almost fell off the chair in the examination room, remembered that I had actually hit my head a while ago. The optometrist gave a worried expression and marked that there was nothing physically wrong with my eyes and this sparked concern and reason to see a doctor asap. He also recommended the hospital....she laughed in his face and he told her " we don't take these things lightly"....she continues to just laugh and said " she will survive" and looked at me with a smile, saying "you're your father's problem now"....my heart broke, but I reached out to my dad and he got me to a hospital asap.
Unfortunately my medical was cancelled due to an argument with my mother, months ago when I begged her over the phone for more than three hours to phone an ambulance, because my kidneys were hurting severely, causing me insane pain.....
The govt hospitals in my country are seriously risky to trust, riddled with cockroaches and filthy from top to bottom. The natives are racist towards my kind and the bathrooms are stacked with biohazards ..... nevertheless, I went to hospital and got admitted for CT scan after hours of eye tests and pain...
After this, I didn't really speak much with my mother. She sent me messages, ridiculing me for not telling her how I was feeling and what I was experiencing, saying that she had a toigh day and blaming me for not talking to her, sending me videos of my pets, that she's never done before and trying to be more intimate than usual....I left it for four days, today I finally spoke with her and told her how I felt. Told her everything from my symptoms to my Lumbar Punch, coming up...the state of this place and how she made me feel when she laughed at what could be MS or a Tumor....she never told my daughter that I was in hospital either and let her think that I was just visiting my dad, until my 6 year old had to hear it from other family members....
She then told me that it was het choice wether or not my daughter knows anything and manipulated my words into sounding as if I did not expect my daughter to care or love me if she did not know....even now, I feel a need to express that I honestly just don't think it's the kind of surprise or rather, shock you give a child....she deserves to know.
I told my mother that this is exactly why I don't talk to her and that the fact she is trying to take control over my parenting for years, has nothing to do with me, but that it's between her and God ... I blocked her number and I'm probably going to be homeless and without my child when I'm out of hospital, because my mother works for law and can manipulate a situation to suit her sick control style, to the point where my daughter used to have a home and a bunk bed and toys, now sleeps on the floor next to my mother's bed, even though I live in the same house.
When I get out from hospital, I'm not going to use the car she gave me, it's old and beaten and she lied about the budget and bought me something broken on purpose, " so she doesn't drive too far" and she istalled a tracker, live tracking me wherever I go.... I refuse to play this game... I'd rather walk ..... I'm fone with her....
I'm currently studying personal training and once I get out of here, I am literally four months away from finishing my studies, working on a cruise ship and coming home to take my child back.....she loves that I am hurt and possibly deteriorating, but I refuse to give up. If a child of 9 can do karate, connected to an oxygen tank... I can qualify as a personal trainer with MS or a tumor.....no one will stop me and nothing will sway me. Not memory loss, not motor issues, not hallucinations and dizziness. I am a warrior
I am a warrior I am a warrior I am a good parent I am a great parent My daughter believes in me I am the best mother she could ever have I will break the cycle
Believe in yourself.... You don't need them...
But the little ones need you. Break the cycle .
Apologies for spelling mistakes ... I'm struggling to read and use my hands properly. I pray for diagnosis. I will recover and become even stronger than before.
submitted by Archein420 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:26 StressedOutCoffee I feel doomed as a queer person.

I am 15 years old, and I'm a trans boy living in the United States of America. I'm homeschooled and heavily online, due to medical issues relating to afab biology + an extreme dislike in school, so I'm often on social media talking with friends or watching videos. With it being pride month, you obviously have those who throw fits over there being no "Straight pride month" or whatever other things they ramble on about, but this year feels more dreadful. It's likely that I'm just overconsuming depressive media regarding trans / queer deaths, listening to every new terrible thing happening to members of this community, there's just something different this year.
My wish is to live in a world where I'm accepted for who I am, for the boy I'm happy being. I wish to be loved and supported as a human, just as every straight or cis person is. However, I often see a lot of dehumanizing language towards myself or people like me, and I just can't understand why. Perhaps I have a different outlook on life, not bound by religion or morals taught in my family for decades, I'm actually pretty lucky to have a supportive mom and brother. I do not see why those religious or taught certain morals only see me as a creature that's there to harm and 'infect' children, my only want is to live comfortably.
I don't see why I'm treated as a monster or a joke either, why it's okay to harass and even physically harm me or someone like me. My father always told me that the 'real world' isn't kind, but I would've figured most would have the sense to understand who's human and who isn't? They excuse this hate by saying its 'to protect the children,' but even when I was the only kid with bruises and a bloodied nose they still turned a blind eye to the mistreatment I thought I faced. Why do we convince certain people that they deserve the things they face when all they were doing was making themselves comfortable in the one life they have?
It's almost dizzying after a while of reading every harsh, disgusting thing adults say about people like me. I feel doomed living in a place where some cant look past their beliefs or desires to understand that I am a person. I like to think I have feelings, in depth interests, and preferences for my life. I like to think I'm a decent person to be around, who'd listen to your problems and offer decent advice for the things you're going through. It's disappointing to think so many people would throw that away because I don't meet their standards for being someone worth living.
You become a target when you try and explain these things to some people. When you try to elaborate on why you feel the way you do, on how you've tried absolutely everything you could to make yourself stop feeling so bad being your gender at birth, but they won't listen. It's like they purposefully try so hard to do anything but understand and instead just demonize you. All I ask is that I have one period of normality, where something feels correct for me and I don't have to listen to every horrible thing people think about trans people. I think I deserve the right to live, much like any 'normal' kid, why don't they?
submitted by StressedOutCoffee to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:37 icedcoffeeprincesa Dizziness worse at night?

Anyone else notice their dizziness increases after dinnearound bed time? I was feeling decent today like 75% normal maybe but then after dinner I was sitting in bed and felt really dizzy and off. Idk why this tends to happen at night for me and I just get more dizzy/feel off. Now I’m feeling anxious which never helps. It’s been 7 months for me (since November 2023) after a week of horrible panic attacks. I’ve improved a lot and def am not as bad as I was back in winter. I notice it most after my car stops and I’m parked/sitting in my car or just sitting still in general. This feeling isn’t new since it comes when I had anxiety or panic for years, this time is just stuck around and I think I traumatized myself when it first started by thinking it was something severe or permanent and read that PPPD is for life which is a lie. Anyone else relate? Sending healing to everyone ❤️
submitted by icedcoffeeprincesa to pppdizziness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:58 boymamaxxoo Lumbar punture caused major pain

I am a 36F. I am smoker, no drinking & no recreational drug use. I have hypothyroidism, intercystial cystitis, lymphadema in both legs, tmj, degenerative disc disease, raynauds, low cortisol ( havnt figured out why yet ) ,possibly an autoimmune disease ( doctor doesn't know which one yet ), & wad just diagnosed with IIH ( idiopathic intercranial hypertension ). Also neurologist thinks I might have had a spontaneous csf leak.
I ended up having a lumbar puncture done in er because of severe symptoms I had been having including severe head&eye pain/pressure,dizziness, feeling like floor vibrating, ears popping, black areas in peripheral vision, cravkeling/crunching sensation when yawning or eating, & salty fluid dripped in my mouth. Was diagnosed w/ iih & possible spontaneous csf leak. The lp opening pressure was a 21. My symptoms were relieved mostly directly after lp.
However, the day after the lp, I could barely walk, & was in excruciating pain. My lower spine felt as if it was collapsing in on itself, back locking up/spasming, nerve pain shooting down both legs, & almost impossible to lay flat on back, which Is what I was supposed to do to rest & recover.
Day 2 I woke up super early after only being able to sleep for 2 hours due to extreme pain & I almost couldn't walk. Worst back pain I've ever been in. I've had a prior back surgery in 2009 for a herniated disc I had, & the pain from the lp was far worse than my back surgery recovery. I was truly suffering & my back wouldn't stop locking up.
Called er, er told me not a normal lp recovery & to come in. Was given 2 things of iv Dilaudid & spine mri was performed w/&w/o contrast .
All er doctor says was that there was no emergency findings/bleeding on the mri & discharged me. Didn't send me home w/ any meds to help, no instructions on how to keep my back safe from being in more pain, etc..nothing. however, right before I leave, er nurse quietly tells me that I need to see a neurosurgeon bc she looked at my mri results and saw abnormal findings. She didn't elaborate & no referral to neurosurgeon was given.
It's been 2 going on 3 weeks & even though I can walk alot better now, my spine is still super painful, stiff, & if I bend, twist, or try to pick up my toddler, the horrible pain shoots down both legs.
I had to have my pcp refer me to a neurosurgeon. He didn't get to look at my mri report while I was at appointment bc hospital keeps telling me records aren't ready for pick up, even though it's been weeks. My doctor had to get them from er himself to see them after my appointment.
When I asked neurosurgeon office what was on referral when they called to schedule my appt, she said something about multilevel facet hypertrophy, multiple bulging disc's, and a herniated disc at l4 l5. ( l4 l5 was where my prior herniated disc was in 2009 ). Something about nerve impingement & stenosis to.
I had mri done in 2021 & that's when I was diagnosed w/ " mild " degenerative disc disease ". But my back pain was nonexistent before this lp. All of the back pain and types of pain I'm having are new and started directly after the lp.
What can all of this mean? I don't understand what could have happened. The LP itself was the most excruciating thing I've ever experienced and I screamed and cursed during it, which is not like me. It felt like stabbing, aching, severe pressure all at once, & that was with extra lidocaine. I did inform the er doctor that I had a prior back surgery years ago & mild ddd. Lp was done without imaging/guiding & I was sat up when he found pressure point, and told to lay on side afterwards, with knees bent up . When I was sitting up, he asked if I had ever been told I had scoliosis, which I wondered why he asked that.
Was this a normal reaction people can have to a lp? Or is this very abnormal? I don't know what restrictions I should be doing to keep from furthering injuring myself. Please help!
submitted by boymamaxxoo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:05 fegleymac cervical instability?!

Hi docs, I am 33F, 158cm, Asian, with precious concussion/whiplash history in 2019. I have been enduring symptoms ever since: dizziness while turning my head, imbalance while walking or standing, occasional headaches and nausea, chronic upper back and neck pain, anxiety symptoms... I received an X-ray which revealed a 2mm anterior slip at C3C4. However, my doctor informed me that there is no identified cervical instability. I'm unsure why my doctor didn't provide a diagnosis; perhaps it didn't meet clinical criteria. Nevertheless, I've been experiencing all the symptoms of instability since the accident. I am also 7w postpartum, having my baby in my arms makes it tricky- I am constantly worried about falling and become so stressed out about it ... Does anyone have any tips to share? or thoughts? They sent me home saying my neck was fine but after getting the emg, audiology testing done, I have no clue what else I can do...
submitted by fegleymac to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:53 fegleymac cervical instability??!

I received an X-ray which revealed a 2mm anterior slip at C3C4. However, my doctor informed me that there is no identified cervical instability. I experienced a concussion/whiplash in 2019 and have been enduring symptoms ever since: dizziness, headaches, imbalance while walking or standing, occasional nausea, upper back and neck pain, anxiety symptoms, and more. I'm unsure why my doctor didn't provide a diagnosis; perhaps it didn't meet clinical criteria. Nevertheless, I've been experiencing all the symptoms of instability since the accident. I am also 7w postpartum, having my baby in my arms makes it tricky- I am constantly worried about falling and become so stressed out about it ... Does anyone here have cervical instability and any tips to share?
submitted by fegleymac to Spondylolisthesis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:39 LooniesDogMom 29F - Worried about endometrial/uterine cancer and have been waiting to see a specialist for 9 months. "Lots of uterine polyps, all over" according to my doctor, plus a whole list of other symptoms, and he still won't take me seriously. Am I overreacting?? Help/advice please!

I have been experiencing a wide range of symptoms and am worried that I might have uterine/endometrial cancer, but my doctor won't take my symptoms seriously. I don't want to jump to the worst-case scenario, but I also don't want to ignore a potentially serious problem. What do I do??
I have always had heavy/painful periods and cramps, but in the past few years, they have been getting worse. About 4-5 years ago, I started having about 1-inch wide blood clots consistently throughout my period as well as a dull aching pain in my right ovary area. I had an internal and external ultrasound done and both came back clear. However, these clots have gotten MUCH larger in the past year and are now about the size of a golf ball on average, and sometimes as large as half of my palm. My periods are VERY heavy now and I have about a dozen of these clots per day.
In October of 2023, I started spotting almost every day for a month and went to a walk-in clinic to ask for more testing as I do not have a family doctor. I also told him about the blood clots and pain. The (older male) doctor told me "I shouldn't worry about it" and that it was "probably stress". Frustrated, I went to another walk-in clinic and wrote down ALL of my symptoms ahead of time so that I wouldn't forget anything. AGAIN, this (male) doctor told me "it's probably nothing", but finally agreed to send me for a transvaginal ultrasound after I pushed for testing.
The waitlist in Canada is very long for these procedures, so their next appointment was in February of 2024. They found evidence of a possible polyp and sent me for a sonohysterogram in March where they found "lots of polyps all over, swollen ovaries, and likely PCOS" according to the doctor who relayed the results to me.
When I asked what I can do and what my next steps should be, he told me that there was "basically nothing we can do" and that he'd refer me to a gynecologist but that I'd "probably never get an appointment because the health care system in Canada is broken" (his words). By this point, it had already been about 5 months since my first appointment, and I had been spotting/bleeding almost every day since then. I was super frustrated about his attitude, but left feeling at least relieved that he'd be sending my information over to a gynecologist and I'd be done dealing with him.
About 2 weeks ago (late May 2024), I called the office back as I STILL hadn't heard anything from the referral in March. They told me that they DID send the referral in March but that they just hadn't heard back. Then a week ago I was in so much pain during my period that I nearly threw up and ended up passing a HUGE blood clot so we called again to check in on the referral and they told me that the referral had been denied/rejected....?!?! I suspect that it was never sent in the first place, but they have assured me that they have "re-sent" it now. I can't imagine why it would be denied as I feel like my symptoms are reason for alarm.
The symptoms I'm currently experiencing are:
On top of this, I have never been pregn@nt and they suspect that I have PCOS, both of which I know increase your chances of polyps being cancerous.
It has now been about 9 months since my first appointment and my symptoms feel like they are getting worse. I am starting to feel super defeated because these doctors keep telling me not to worry, but I feel like something is seriously wrong and that it will continue getting worse the longer this process takes. Am I just overreacting? What else could this be? Are the doctors right that it's "probably nothing" and I'm stressed for no reason? What do I do?!
submitted by LooniesDogMom to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:27 LooniesDogMom 29F - Worried about endometrial/uterine cancer and have been waiting to see a specialist for 9 months. "Lots of uterine polyps, all over" according to my doctor, plus a whole list of other symptoms, and he still won't take me seriously. Am I overreacting?? Help/advice please!

I have been experiencing a wide range of symptoms and am worried that I might have uterine/endometrial cancer, but my doctor won't take my symptoms seriously. I don't want to jump to the worst-case scenario, but I also don't want to ignore a potentially serious problem. What do I do??
I have always had heavy/painful periods and cramps, but in the past few years, they have been getting worse. About 4-5 years ago, I started having about 1-inch wide blood clots consistently throughout my period as well as a dull aching pain in my right ovary area. I had an internal and external ultrasound done and both came back clear. However, these clots have gotten MUCH larger in the past year and are now about the size of a golf ball on average, and sometimes as large as half of my palm. My periods are VERY heavy now and I have about a dozen of these clots per day.
In October of 2023, I started spotting almost every day for a month and went to a walk-in clinic to ask for more testing as I do not have a family doctor. I also told him about the blood clots and pain. The (older male) doctor told me "I shouldn't worry about it" and that it was "probably stress". Frustrated, I went to another walk-in clinic and wrote down ALL of my symptoms ahead of time so that I wouldn't forget anything. AGAIN, this (male) doctor told me "it's probably nothing", but finally agreed to send me for a transvaginal ultrasound after I pushed for testing.
The waitlist in Canada is very long for these procedures, so their next appointment was in February of 2024. They found evidence of a possible polyp and sent me for a sonohysterogram in March where they found "lots of polyps all over, swollen ovaries, and likely PCOS" according to the doctor who relayed the results to me.
When I asked what I can do and what my next steps should be, he told me that there was "basically nothing we can do" and that he'd refer me to a gynecologist but that I'd "probably never get an appointment because the health care system in Canada is broken" (his words). By this point, it had already been about 5 months since my first appointment, and I had been spotting/bleeding almost every day since then. I was super frustrated about his attitude, but left feeling at least relieved that he'd be sending my information over to a gynecologist and I'd be done dealing with him.
About 2 weeks ago (late May 2024), I called the office back as I STILL hadn't heard anything from the referral in March. They told me that they DID send the referral in March but that they just hadn't heard back. Then a week ago I was in so much pain during my period that I nearly threw up and ended up passing a HUGE blood clot so we called again to check in on the referral and they told me that the referral had been denied/rejected....?!?! I suspect that it was never sent in the first place, but they have assured me that they have "re-sent" it now. I can't imagine why it would be denied as I feel like my symptoms are reason for alarm.
The symptoms I'm currently experiencing are:
On top of this, I have never been pregn@nt and they suspect that I have PCOS, both of which I know increase your chances of polyps being cancerous.
It has now been about 9 months since my first appointment and my symptoms feel like they are getting worse. I am starting to feel super defeated because these doctors keep telling me not to worry, but I feel like something is seriously wrong and that it will continue getting worse the longer this process takes. Am I just overreacting? What else could this be? Are the doctors right that it's "probably nothing" and I'm stressed for no reason? What do I do?!
submitted by LooniesDogMom to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:02 dumsslus Very scary and very dangerous story

I don't usually post, but i need expert advice. So basically i was trying to astral project and i had my eyes closed and i eventually drifted off to sleep kinda, but my mind was semi awake. Next thing you know i hear laughing, evil laughing. So i opened my eyes and found myself in sleep paralysis. I was trying to wake myself back up and could feel myself moving but my physical body wasn't moving, i think it was my astral body, I must have been semi astral projected or something. But anyway the laughing got louder and deeper and i was trying to move. The laughing abruptly stopped for 2 seconds and then I heard demonic screaming or some shit, and it looked like my vision started to shake and go dizzy, so i started reciting Quran in my head, but the sleep paralysis continued. Then i read it out loud, my lips were moving and i heard myself speaking but my physical body wasn't moving. Must have been my astral body speaking idk. Then after that it stopped and i immediately woke up out of sleep paralysis and continued my day as usual because i wasn't bothered after it happened. Tell me what this is? CONTEXT: i was trying to take a depression nap but decided to astral project instead, could this be the reason why I experienced this? Am i foked for life now?
submitted by dumsslus to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:53 EminatingDarkness WIBTA if I let everyone know that my former employer is poisoning people and spying on them?

Hello my dear Charlotte! I'm so glad you created this thread. I really couldn't wait to share with you my MIL from hell storIES as my first post ever. Sadly this have to wait for another time. I have to apologize for any mistakes on writing. English is not my first language. With that said,let's get to it. I (36f) quit my job of 2 months 2 days ago. For some context I'm working since I was 16 girl. My first job was on a 5 star hotel group company as a waiter. Became a manager at the age of 19 and quit at the age of 24. I just had met my now husband and I wanted a less demanding job. I was working 12-14hours a day, maybe 16 on Sundays, 7 days a week 11 months of the year and had to relocate every now and then. After that I worked at a restaurant and at sales for a know (in my country) clothing company. I was not enjoying it at all but I stayed till 2 1/2 years ago. It is clear to everyone that meets me that I'm not afraid of work and I work HARD! Me and my husband made the decision to move again in a rural area. Here I found a job in a grocery store (of all places) as I wanted to try something different. I LOVED that job and my employers. They were very happy with me and gave me a pay raise the first month and a second at 6 months. All was perfect except 3 things. 1) I had to drive one hour to get there. 2) Again I found myself working 7 days a week again 3) on paper I was working only 4 hours a day 5 days a week. Lots of companies do this in my country to save money. It wasn't anything new to me. I stayed there for a whole year. Anyway 3 months ago I got a job offer from a local bar-restaurant 5 minutes from where I live. My husband encouraged me to accept as this would save me a lot of time and energy being so close. 6 days a week both on paper and reality and just morning shifts after Easter. (They waited for the owners sisters retirement so I could get her place) Safe to say I was over qualified for this job. So I gave a months notice to my beloved employers, they tried to keep me by offering me more money and when I declined they told me that if I ever need anything or want to go back, they would be there for me. My heart melted but I left them. This was a bad decision after all.. 1 week on the job had passed (they called it a trial period) and they haven't given me any papers to sign.. YES, I was working there illegally!!! The owners (39f and 63m married couple!! Lets call them Ann and Anton) came to me and asked me if I could be "so kind " as to wait for Anton's sister to leave before they make this legal because it was too much for them to pay the gov. for 2 people working there. Easter was just a month away so I said yes. 2 days after that Ann came to me complaining about how hard it was paying salaries of 2 people working full-time so she suggested I work for 6 hours until her SIL leaves. Again it would be for a month and I needed some rest to be honest so I said yes. 1 week after that Anton came to me acting like something was bugging him and asked me if I could take days off every other Saturday until his sister leaves because she was giving him a hard time about it... again... I said it's just for 3 weeks .. I agreed.. I got really bored there.. the place didn't work as a restaurant 99% of the time. So I was just a bartender!! There was no workload compared to what I'm used to all these years. So one day at the bakery I was chatting with the bakery owner and he asked me how things are going in my new job and I told him that it's boring as hell. I don't know what came over me.. I asked him if he knew anyone offering a part time job I could do on the side and he referred me to a wedding venue owner. The lady there interviewing me was very kind and a professional, but when I told her where I'm working and I would be full-time morning shift there soon she laughed... She told me that his sister was "leaving " for the past 10 years that she knows her. It wouldn't be just a month. I was speechless.. anyway I got that job too for the weekends starting right after Easter..left and went to the bar-restaurant to start my shift. I informed Ann and Anton about the new job and both were displeased with me because they wanted the weekends to rest and there wasn't someone to cover my shifts..( they didn't cover any shifts themselves..just to clarify)we argued for some time they decided to "LET ME" work at the venue just for 2 weeks!! Fast forward to last week.. that's then I realized how bad of a decision working there was... Bored as I was I had cleaned every surface in there except the ceiling!! One of the regular folks (we had almost become friends by then) commented on that and said "look up you might find something there to clean " pointing right above my head on the ceiling.. I laughed but when I did look up my blood froze! There was a microphone directly above my post so tiny and juuuust peeking through the air went.. I panicked! This is sick!! I said I wasn't feeling ok and left earlier. Talking with my husband over this and we both agreed that I should start looking for a new job and I did!! I didn't confront them about the microphone, I wanted to stay there until I find something better without fighting or anything, but that wasn't going to happen.. 3 days ago there was a funeral at the church that's 200m from the bar "restaurant". Family and friends came to us for "the bitter coffee " after. (That's a thing here at funerals) It was very busy and I wouldn't be able to do everything by myself like every other night so Ann and Anton came to help out too. All the sudden I smell something familiar.. something I should never have smelled inside a bar.. I go over to Anton who was in dishwasher duty (yes that's inside the bar not the kitchen) and I say "there is a weird smell" "It's nothing" he replied and continued chatting with a dude that was there. I'm like ok... so I drop it. 1 minute after that the dishwasher was done and I thought of helping Anton by unloading it as he has a bad knee after an accident some ages ago. I opened the dishwasher door and almost died!! Fumes came out and I inhaled everything!!! I felt dizzy. Instand headache hit me. I was shocked! This wasn't just the regular thing we used for the dishwasher!This smelled and tasted like VIAKAL!!! If you don't know what that is, it's a spray we use for the water stains in the BATHROOM!!! FOR THE TOILETS!!!!! a loud greek version of a WTF came out of my mouth and Anton gave me a look like he would kill me if I keep being loud like that. I try to calm down and asked him about it. He confirmed that he used viakal in the dishwasher and told me "it's fine" after the funeral he made a comment something along the lines of "good thing people die and we get more work and money!!!! WTF?? I should mention that all this time my stomach was upset more times than not. I thought I was stressed but now I know why!! I spoke to Ann about it. She said "I know Anton does this sometimes but I can't do anything to stop him. He used to put aquaforte in it. Now it's better." Google aquaforte to find out what kind of acid that is.... I told her if she can't fix that issue I will no longer work there and she laughed it off!! The next day she called me to go to work. I went there just to announce that I will no longer be working there in case that I wasn't clear enough and left. Today one of the regulars in the bar (not the same guy with the microphone) drove by my house and told me that Ann is talking about how I "left them without a notice" and how "unprofessional" I am for leaving them like that!! I didn't want to say anything to anyone about all this but calling me unprofessional has struck a nerve.. A PETTY NERVE!! Yes I worked there illegally for 2 whole months and this might effect me too but I can't just let this be.. So would I be the A-hole if I tell everyone about the microphone (That's 100% illegal) and the toxic things they use on plates and glasses WITHOUT EVEN RINCING ANYTHING???
submitted by EminatingDarkness to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:32 AnimeNerd1295 I fucked up again…(Advice and Support wanted)

TW - Mention of voilence, suicidal ideation, and self harm! Please be mindful of your triggers and protect yourself!!
P.S. - I need to be more careful being on here.
When I was posting a comment on Reddit yesterday, my mom asked what I was doing, I told her I was posting a comment on Reddit.
She was looking at my iPad behind me. And asked what I was typing because she saw a few words.
She even told me I better not be talking to anyone like before…
So about a week ago, I messged my twin sister around 5 in the morning because after I bought a 50 dollar thing for one of the app games I have on my iPad, I had to verify my debit card information. But it kept failing. My twin sister did say that her and my younger sister got new cards. She asked me why I’m not asleep. I told her because when I was in bed, I got dizzy when turning to lie down on my back and my side. Like the room was spinning. I kept having to use the bathroom, I didn’t have my Cloindine, and my skin was itchy. Plus I was hungry.
She told my mom everything I sent her. My mom demanded how much money I spent and to not lie to her. I told her and she said she’ll contact Social Security to tell them I’m blowing my money instead of things like food, clothes, getting my hair done, etc.
I told her I did tell her that my medication needed to be refilled last week. She then got in my face (Again), screaming, asking did I tell her yesterday about my medication needing to be refilled. She then took my pill case and threw it on the counter table that it came apart. She told me the boxes are supposed to come out.
I tried to hit her. She yelled “Punch me in the face bitch!”
I hit her on the shoulder. She then grabbed my neck from behind that it hurt my hair.
My mom called me a liar.
I then called my bio dad. He didn’t help as always. I let my mom talk to him so he can hear both sides of the story. Because my mom says all the time that I don’t tell the truth of what really happened, etc. or something like that.
My mom and my dad were screamimg at me. Telling me to stop yelling at them, my bio dad got mad at me because I started shit again. He just told me to calm down and take a Vistaril while I was clearly having a panic attack, crying so hard, felt nauseous, and my whole body was sweating.
My dad also told me to stop thinking and saying those things like my suicidal ideation, etc. He said he does take it seriously, but he won’t get me help for it.
Him and my mom also agreed that it’s my eating that’s causing my anger issues and stuff.
I tried telling them that’s not the reason why my mental health is bad. That I use these eating habits to cope. My mom replied “Cope with what?”
My mom said again that I don’t wanna help myself. And she denied everything she and the rest of my family have and are still doing to me.
I don’t think my mom will let me re apply for food stamps now…
My mom also said that cosplay isn’t a real job, to get a real job. And that cosplayers have real jobs. But I tried telling her, some of them do it full time. I dunno what she responded with. I wish I could tell her that I wanna do s*x work. But she’ll be absolutely pissed at me.
She also blamed my eating habits, (I’m calling them eating habits because she doesn’t believe I have eating disorders, that I chose to have EDs) on the people and things I see online.
She even told me I’m dizzy and can’t sleep because I’ve been on my electronics all night. But actually I wasn’t.
She also blames everything on my weight and eating. Like my dizziness, IBS, and stuff. She also criticizes my eating by telling me to eat more, have a real meal and not just junk, to put meat on my bones. She even tells me to STOP eating!! She even tells me not to eat the pickles and all of the cheesesticks, etc.!
Like do you want me to gain weight or want me to stay skinny?! Make up your mind!!
She told me that her mother is dying, she works and stuff so she knows what real life is.
Earlier when I told my mom I don’t wanna eat. She told me to go die then.
My dad didn’t even care I selfed harmed multiple times. And I haven’t SHed in a pretty long time. I have a bruise on my arm because I was hitting myself.
I even told my stepdad that he’s not my real dad and I mentioned the divorce to my mom. Obviously I was crying about it.
I think my mom asked me what will the Lifespan Waiver do to help me that my Community Navigator wants me to fill out. Something like that. Why can’t I remember everything when it literally happened over an hour ago that day?!
My mom even told me I started this all because of an app. I tried telling her that it wasn’t because of that. It was because my twin sister told my mom our personal conversation. Again…
I…I’m really really am an awful child. Should tell someone that I need help? Like “I don’t feel safe here” help?
My bio dad and everyone says bad things about mental hospitals. Even group homes too.
What do I do?
submitted by AnimeNerd1295 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 throwaway-99927 Any tips on saying the right things at the right time?

Hi. Recently, it's been brought to my attention that my friends find my really annoying and insufferable at times. Throughout high-school, I've had issues with being too quiet and introverted so I've decided to do something about it but recently some friends have commented to my other friends that I've been really annoying and insufferable to them.
One of the examples given where one time, we went out for dinner and I was not feeling too well, hence I was really dizzy and close to vomiting by the end of the car ride. So, I asked if my friend could speed up a little. By the time we reach, I immediately puked in the back of an alley.
Another example was when my friend was driving to a place that I was familiar with and took another route than I usually take so I said, there's actually another route you could take too. But he didn't take it too well and said I was back-seating him. I admit that I've have had some issues with that before but I've stopped when I realised that it was becoming an issue. I genuinely just said that to be helpful in case he didn't know of that route. But I understand how it could have came across as such.
Both times, I didn't have any bad intentions, but i do understand why people might have taken it as such. Any tips on how to say the right things at the right time is really appreciated. I've been feeling really down and am close to just giving up.
submitted by throwaway-99927 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:34 B1ackHol3_ AITA For Distancing Myself From Someone Who Assaulted Me?

Hello, just as a trigger warning, this post contains a little bit of battery (?) and sexual assault.
Ok context: I am a girl and the other person is also a girl. We are both in the same grade and friend group. I am prone to passing out and falling over due to medical conditions, but I am able to go around in my day-to-day. I am straight, but she has stated that she is either bisexual, a lesbian, or possibly just bi-curious. I don't think she is attracted to me romantically, but I think her preferences might be influencing some of her actions.
I first met the girl through a friend. She was nice and we got along. She, along with others, hung out at my place and other places. But the more I got to know her the worse she got. Randomly one day she started to kick me in the back of the knees. I was shocked and asked her to stop, but she did not comply. As she continued to kick me, knowing that it could make me dizzy and cause me to pass out. I continued to tell her to stop and explained the dangers of kicking me, but she continued to kick me in the back of my knees. This went on for a couple of weeks and I eventually pinched her (I am known for pinching hard) on the arm and told her to knock it off. My reasoning for the pinching is because she did not respond to words. She got very angry and kicked me in the side of the leg and then gave me the silent treatment. She gets violent and then gives the silent treatment very often. She does rude, violent, and/or invasive things, then gets angry (not just annoyed or frustrated), and a lot of the time also gets violent when she is called out or if someone retaliates.
She eventually stopped and only kicked me every once in a while (I told her to stop then, too). However, everything got worse when her parents got divorced. The divorce was no surprise to her, and she was hoping for the divorce, but it still screwed her up. She became a lot clingier, especially to me. Before this, we would call and text all of the time, but a combination of her personality being energy draining and me having my own issues with being non-social, we stopped talking. I would start to ignore her texts and calls, which maybe I shouldn't have done, but I did't know what else to do. Anyways, likely due to influences from her other friends, she started to grope me, along with others. Every day while we were sitting she would grab my knees and thighs (she went way too far up for even a joke, although she never reached my privates), and she would grab my butt. I was shocked and appalled every time and told her to stop each time. I am very ticklish, so maybe my response to her grabbing my knees was amusing. I would grab her wrists, pull her hands away, and ask her to stop, but she never really did. Other people confided in me that she was also touching them inappropriately, so I know it's happening to many people and that they are also uncomfortable. I've told her that it makes me uncomfortable, but she doesn't seem to care.
Now for examples of other things she has done. She asked me for advice in a situation where she was obviously in the wrong, and I gave her advice that she didn't appreciate (I don't think I was rude about it, but she was upset). She punched me in the arm, obviously with intent to harm me, and she later repeated this action any time she was angry at me. She gives me the silent treatment, and I think she was upset that I didn't care. I started to distance myself around this time, and she begins to complain that we don't call like we used to. Another time I got up in class to get a tissue and she followed me, groped me on the butt, and then just stood there too close. I asked her why she was over here and told her not to grab me, and she said "I don't know why I'm over here. I guess I just want to be near you." This was strange to me, and I told her to go sit down. She continued to follow me anywhere I went and stand too close. I stood up in class to go grab a paper or something and she shot up and beelined right for me (during that class I had noticed her staring at me almost the whole time). I have even more stories of her odd behavior, but I don't know if they are necessary.
I start to get extremely anxious, upset, and disgusted any time she tried to contact me. I even thought about blocking her at one point, but that felt rude. I don't want to see her, or have any contact with her, but I don't want to hurt her feelings.
AITA for distancing myself and (arguably) ghosting her?
TLDR: A girl I used to be close to violated me and crossed my boundaries to the point of me being deeply uncomfortable at the thought of her.
submitted by B1ackHol3_ to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:49 ATMarkov Nothing's been the same since the crash

I (38M) am the janitor for an elementary school just down the road. I love my job: I take pride in making the school look great for the start of every class day, and all the kids smile and wave and call me Mr. Janitor (despite my name tag) as they walk by in their neat little lines. At least, everything was great, until the crash.
One morning, 7:00 sharp as always, I was turning out of my driveway to hurry to the school. But just as I did, a car came speeding over the hill to my left, and struck my car. Once I woke up in the hospital, something didn't feel right. It was oddly...quiet. A nurse came in shortly after, but she seemed distant. All of her movements seemed slow, as if we were both underwater. She unhooked me from all the machines, which I noticed hadn't been making any noise, and handed me back my clothes. The hospital provided me a bus home, which was nice, since I knew my car would be totaled, and I knew I'd never afford a new one.
Once I was home, things felt a bit more cozy. I still felt a little cold and dizzy, but assumed it was whatever painkillers they'd had me on. The next morning, I figured I'd just walk to work. It was only 10m or so up the road, so I'd just have to plan for it.
I woke up the next morning, half an hour earlier than usual. In a bit of a daze, I changed into my uniform, and set off toward the school. It was strangely quiet, and I finally noticed why: no birds were chirping. The sky was a steely gray, as it had been the day before.
Once I was at work, I was scarcely noticed. The kids would occasionally glance up at me, but almost never waved or smiled. For most of the adults, it was as if I wasn't there. Strangely, this felt right. I kept up my mopping until lunch time, and retired to my closet. I glanced at my reflection in the shiny chrome of the boiler, and noticed I was unusually pale. I shrugged it off, and ate my cold tuna sandwich.
The next day was more of the same, but I noticed the cold grayness of the weather seemed to make its way indoors. Walking through the brightly colored hallways, all I saw were dull tones. It was as if the color had been sucked out. On the way to my closet for lunch, I took a painting off the wall of the second grade hallway, which had used to be a bright watercolor of a rose. I hung it up in my closet, irrationally hoping to save away some of the world's color. In doing so, I thought to put two fingers to my wrist, and checked my pulse. Nothing. I tried again, no beat. I tried my throat, nothing noticeable. My skin was cool to the touch, and paler than the day before. I considered calling my doctor, but the world outside felt distant, almost imaginary. I went back to mopping, noticing that the students stared into the ground as they walked by, or straight through me as if I didn't exist.
The worst part was that I started noticing shadowy figures when I turned quickly. I would see a blip of cloudy darkness when I slowly turned around, and if I rounded a corner too sharply, I'd sometimes see an indistinguishable dark mass somewhere in the distance. Some nights later, I started having nightmares, which was uncharacteristic of my normal, calm sleep. Sometimes in the dreams I was at work, and one of the little children would look up at me, and its eyes would be dark sockets. Sometimes I would be standing far above the school, looking down into fog, and slowly plummet. Sometimes a car would come up the hill just as I checked my mail, and veer off the road toward me.
As the days went on, the clouds stayed gray, and the outside got foggy. Sounds continued to get more muffled, and my thoughts and movements continued slowing. It was as if I was a character in a play, and submerged in a lake, all at once. My skin was clammy and gray, and nobody noticed my existence.
The dark figures kept getting sharper, sometimes appearing just behind me in my dreams, which had become third-person. I could start to make out a hooded individual, cloaked in shadow, staring at me. I almost took comfort in it: the only being that could still recognize my existence. I felt cold all the time, but no blankets or warm clothes helped.
As the days ran on, and the world slowly faded, the only thing that grew clearer was the figure. He was braver now, standing just out of sight, around corners and objects. I knew I should be scared of him, but I could hardly feel anything, let alone fear.
Finally, one quiet day, as I walked the halls with my mop, it showed itself. I stared into its hollow eyes, willing it to do whatever it was fated to. It held out its hand, as if for me to shake it. Suddenly, for the first time in weeks, I flashed back to my old life. I saw color again, saw smiles, and outside, saw green foliage and a blue sky. I wasn't ready. I shook my head. As if in recognition, the figure bowed its head. I felt the world go black around me.
I woke up, once again in a hospital bed. This time, when the nurse walked in, she was animated and talkative. I was surrounded by little noises: the beeping of my pulse, the chirping of birds, footsteps in the hallway. Once I was released, I saw green and red and orange autumn leaves, and the next morning, I showed up to work again to cheers and waves and welcomes back.
I don't know where I was for those few weeks. I thought it was a dream, at first. But in my janitor's closet, just behind the vacuum cleaner, hung a faded, darkened watercolor, a watercolor of a rose against a gray sky, splotchy and wilting.
submitted by ATMarkov to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:16 lostinthecle I turn 50 this year and I've lived myself into a corner. Is this it?

I don't have anywhere else to share this so why not Reddit? After all, people on the internet are always so welcoming, supportive, and non-judgemental.
*gasp* I turn 50 in a few months and feel like I'm in a flat spin.
I don't want sympathy, I'm interested in your stories, your experiences. Something to help me dig out of this morass.
I'll begin by sharing that marrying my wife has been my best decision ever. I'm incredibly thankful for her. We've been married for almost 24 years and our time together has been wonderful. I won the marriage lottery with her and couldn't have asked for a better best friend and life partner.
A bit of background on her. She was a speech therapist in a skilled nursing facility for about 15 years. About 2 years ago, she decided that the constant stress and toxic work environments were not healthy for her and she left the profession.
Today, she is our sole breadwinner. She works two part-time jobs. Office receptionist and legal transcriptionist. Given my shady health history, we're lucky to have health insurance through the former.
And right now, she is the only reason I want to be here. I am lost, lack purpose and struggle to find meaning.
Maybe this is what a mid(ish)-life crisis feels like.

Some things about me.

There's so much to unpack, I don't know where to begin.
On top of everything, for the last 18 months or so, I've been dealing with and trying to figure out (ongoing testing and doctor's visits) some pretty serious health problems.
To sum things up - chronic dizziness/unsteadiness, non-spinning vertigo, tinnitus, ear fullness, neck stiffness, and brain fog.
I left my last job about a year ago because of all this nonsense. As a last resort, I also applied for disability about a month ago - a 9-12-month process with a guaranteed denial at the end.
Financially, we are OK, but on borrowed time. I'm unable to work, so we supplement our income with savings. Hence the borrowed time thing. Thankfully, we've been quite frugal over the years and have zero debt (outside of the mortgage).
Which takes me to today.
I've become a financial drain and burden and I feel guilty just for being around. I rarely leave the house, have near zero human interaction, and have lost interest in the few things I used to find joy in like reading and writing.
I've become a full-time house manager.
I'm staring at a train barrelling toward me and don't want to move.
submitted by lostinthecle to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:06 notsurehowigot (+)/(-) MTHFR C667T, (+)/(+)MAO-A, and Neuroendocrine Cancer

I am making this post on behalf of my mother, who has neuroendocrine cancer. I will try to keep it as short as possible, but for those of you interested in healthcare/genetics, this should be an interesting read. I am just trying to share our story, I am not looking for medical advice.
Relevant history: Earlier this week, I discovered I am homozygous for MTHFR C677T, MAO-A R297R, as well as 2 genes for DAO, after a long six months of trying to figure out what I know now is Histamine Intolerance (possibly MCAS). My symptoms occur only after eating, and include facial flushing/burning, heart palpitations, tachycardia, dizziness/lightheadedness, mild joint pain, sore/inflamed eyes, and extreme brain fog/dissociation/fatigue.
My history is relevant because my mother also experiences these symptoms but to a much more debilitating extent. In 2018, she was diagnosed with a carcinoid lung tumor which was surgically removed. However, in 2021, there was metastasis to her liver and bones. She finished four rounds of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) last year, and gets monthly somatostatin-analogue injections, and so far progression appears to be stable. However, she is absolutely miserable. She is an otherwise healthy, active, 65 year old with no comorbidities.
She gets a 5-HIAA urine test twice a year, which measures the amount of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), a breakdown product serotonin. The test result is always incredibly high for her, which normally indicates that the cancer is very active. Her oncologist (and the entire tumor board) have been perplexed as to why it is so high when her cancer appears to be stable. Unfortunately, we live in rural Canada and do not have access to multiple specialists for second opinion, and none of her current doctors can offer any insight or solutions, they simply tell her that it must all be an uncommon presentation of her disease and symptoms. She gets bloodwork at least once a month and it is always normal - no impaired liver function despite the innumerable tumors.
So here's where my line of thinking starts, so if you've read this far, thank you and please stay with me.
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), are HORMONE-secreting tumors. Specifically, they secrete serotonin and histamine (among others). She hasn't had any genetic testing done yet (I will approach her about it eventually, but wanted to hopefully have some promising info to report back to her first). However, since the MAO-A gene is X-linked, and we have literally all of the same symptoms, I am going to go ahead and assume that she was the parent who gifted me with my lovely genetics (my father also passed away from leukemia so I definitely did not win the genetic lottery, lol). These gene mutations cause issues with breaking down and using histamine and serotonin (I need to do a deep dive into the mechanics of this, but the information is a bit overwhelming). Therefore, could she be experiencing all of these symptoms because she is genetically predisposed to having issues processing these hormones even on the best of days, let alone when there's an abundance in her system? When I told her about my issues, she told me that two of her siblings also experience similar symptoms, to a lesser extent, so there has to be a genetic component going on here.
Since my symptoms appeared 6 months ago, I have tried and failed to manage my symptoms with various supplements (it was initially thought I had toxic mold poisoning). Two days ago, I started 100mg Riboflavin tablets and am going to try this first to see how I feel before I add anything else. I have been using myself as a guinea pig for my mom before I recommend anything to her. I try to follow a low-histamine diet, which does significantly help. However, my mom is struggling with that. She is a small woman, and has already lost weight due to her cancer, and when I brought up the idea of a low-histamine diet, she basically said "eating good food is the only thing I have to look forward to lately. If I can't even eat foods that I enjoy, what's the point of any of this?". I am trying to work on this with her, to get her to understand that the foods that make her "happy" are also what's making her so miserable, but it's hard.
Truthfully, some of my research may also be self-motivated, since I'm wondering if these gene mutations will pre-dispose me to the same cancer, and if I am simply looking into the future when I see my mother. I truly believe that my symptoms appeared when they did so that I could help my mother, and if I can find some relief for her this will all have been worth it. Her doctors say that it's possible for her to live for many years with this cancer, but I fear that if she continues on like this, she will lose the will and decline rapidly. I am not looking for any medical advice of course, I just wanted to be able to discuss this with others who have a better understanding of genetics, because the moment I looked at my gene report, it was like a million lightbulbs went off in my head and I'm fascinated by all of these discoveries. Thanks for reading!
submitted by notsurehowigot to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:29 HonestAppleHorse Mankind's Best Friends Pt.3/4

The scene that greeted Bixley and his new enforcers was everything as horribly expected from the moment the call had come in. What was originally an orderly check-in terminal now resembled something straight out of a Nistolla horror holo. Blue and green viscera, steaming and seemingly still twitching with previously contained life, coated just about every possible surface from walls to ceiling, and even now continued to slowly be pulled further, streakily downwards to the floor by the artificial gravity. The viewing window, once displaying the picturesque scene of Hexolon IV’s many moons and the stars behind them was now all but entirely blotted out in gruelish ichor - like a hideous graffiti mockingly overlaid above a masterpiece of art. How it was possible that so much sickly matter had originally been contained within a single being, Bixley had no concept. The only consolation allowed to him was the mercy that this time he hadn’t seen its rapid distribution firsthand.
Not like last time…
Not needing to even ask, nevertheless, for the sake of procedure, Bixley went over to the nearest member of staff present in the room not currently occupied by cleansing slime off the closest surface and asked him about the situation. As anticipated, what he got in return was an incredulous look and a gesture towards everything around him.
“What you see is what you get”, the Elstra told him wearily, scales flushed with spots. “Everything was fine one minute, everyone all waiting nicely in line, bags in hand, next it all turns to hell. Some tweaker Bolgus starts screaming bloody murder in the queue, then before you know it, blows up almost as tall as this room. Then a little while later, POP. You know how the rest goes.”
Bixley sighed. A Bolgus this time, huh? Big, blue, bulbous, and as lovable as a slug - it certainly at least explained the sheer quantity of muck dangling from the velvet ropes guiding the way over to the front desk, as well as why there was absolutely nowhere on the floor that didn’t squelch wherever they walked.
“Right, no need to go over what we already know by now”, Bixley replied, shuddering at the thought of having to review the footage later, “Were there any injuries?”
“That’s about the only silver lining about a Bolgus blowing its lid. Guy was so huge it took an entire three minutes before the goo gave way - more than enough time for everyone to do a runner before the bomb’s countdown hit zero. Probably why he thought he could handle the extra dose as well. Well, he was definitely wrong about that, as you can see.”
“Well, good job with that, at least. No kids around to see it and ending up scared they’re going to randomly explode someday. Guess all that’s left is to do a thorough clean up - and our best to forget what we’ve seen.”
“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking… who are they?”
Surprisingly… and also unsurprisingly, Sam and Max were simply looking at the grisly picture with little more than a stoic expression and a snuffling curiosity, respectively. Just what they’d been through to treat an example of the most horrific occurrences in his life like it was any other weekday, Bixley couldn’t begin to guess.
“Backup - the human military kind”, Bixley said bluntly, much to the Estra’s widening gaze. “They just happened to be around and offer a helping hand.”
Getting over his surprise with startling quickness, the reptilian shrugged and scoffed.
“Guess I don’t mind - as long as it’s you explaining it to the bigwigs.”
Rolling his eyes, Bixley dismissed him with a wave, to which he gladly obliged. The moment he was gone, Bixley found Sam approaching from behind his shoulder.
“So, what’s all this then? People doing the whole spontaneous explosion thing now? It’s usually pretty deliberate in the business I’ve been in.”
Ignoring the human’s crude joke, Bixley clenched his fists, having - in a short period of time - found human hands to be rather good for being expressive.
“Dark Matter. The latest superdrug to sweep the galaxy. It works on some quantum level, so it practically doesn’t exist until it’s in your system and making you see alternate dimensions. This is what happens when you put one quark too many in the nano-applicator - or if it just decides on a whim to collapse its state and unravel you at the fundamental level. A lot of this goop might have been part of some other unfortunate, hopefully better educated Bolgus elsewhere on the timeline. I’ve been at my wits end trying to find a way to stop it getting through.”
“Hmm, it does seem like quite the puzzle.”
At the end of his rope, It was all Bixley could think to do to just begin trudging about the gore-slickened room, hoping maybe this time the detonation had spared some fragment of a clue that would at last give him the key to all this mess. However, as the seconds turned to minutes, with nothing but more stinking azure slop to poke his baton into, it became more and more likely that again all he would receive from it was another round of reprimands and authoritarian edicts arriving in his message box come tomorrow. After all, didn’t he already know it was hopeless? As long as the supply of Dark Matter was intact, somewhere on the shadowed edge of space, those nefarious souls carrying it would continue to slip through the net.
“Huh, whatcha’ got there boy?”
Bixley spun around. Apparently inspired by his own investigation, it would seem Sam, too, was rooting about in the muck - but not to similar lacking success. Wading over, it appeared to him as if the human was busy attempting to pry something from Max's rather stubborn jaws.
“Grr, oof, Max please just give it here!”
“What appears to be the problem, sergeant?” Bixley asked, the barest flicker of excitement accelerating his hearts.
“Not sure just yet! Gimme’ a minute here!”
Stopping his wrestling of the dog, Sam stood up tall and imposing, no longer displaying any hint of humour as he held out his hand expectantly.
Immediately the dog whined. Gently, he put his nose into Sam’s waiting palm and deposited into it something small. Holding it out, Bixley was disappointed to see it was nothing but a small, broken piece of bluish metal. Instantly, his optimism died.
“Sigh, good job, Max. Thanks for trying at least.”
“Not useful?” Sam asked, inspecting it between his fingers.
“I know what it is. It’s a piece of one of the micro containment cubes these guys use to transport Dark Matter. Kind of delicate, so probably got shredded in the ‘explosion’.”
“Dang - that’s too bad.”
It was at that moment they were interrupted by the sudden reappearance of the crass Estra Bixley had interrogated before - only this time showing a much more panicked and deferring tone of expression.
“S- Sir! Please, you need to hear this!”
Bixley closed his eyes. Why had he let himself fall into believing his woes were finished for the day. Turning to his colleague, he didn’t even try to hide the resignation on his face.
“No need to sugarcoat it, Karron. Just give it to me straight.”
The one called Karron swallowed nervously.
“Well, you see… I was just speaking with some of the witnesses before the, you know, boom, and they say… well they say they think they saw what might be an accomplice with the Bolgus…”
“WHAT?!!!” Bixley all but screamed, returning with a jolt to full attention.
“U- unfortunately the… explosion wiped out the cameras… meaning there’s no way to tell where he might have gone!”
By now, Bixley felt he could faint. Now there was potentially a second explosive alien running about who knows where in his station, most certainly panicked and, because of that, no doubt headed straight for whichever transport was leaving soonest. Cross referencing the footage they had before the incident would take too long, and by the time they did get a bead on whoever it was they could be halfway to Tau. Bixley had dreaded the day one of these accidents happened onboard a shuttle - and by the way things were going, that day was likely going to be arriving within the hour.
“Why… why…” Bixley despaired, head sinking into his hands.
Before he could fall fully to the floor, however, he abruptly felt a familiar snuffling forcefully work its way beneath his arm. A moment later he found an even more familiar tongue lick his face.
The third familiar sensation was Sam’s hand on his shoulder. Lifting his gaze, he saw the human wearing a sage look of determination.
“You and Max are pretty good friends now, huh?” he said warmly as Max continued to seemingly work hard to comfort him, “How about I show you one more amazing thing he can do!”
Taking the fragment, Bixley observed in stunned silence as Sam again put it before the German Shepherd’s nose before letting out another militaristic command.
At once, Max’s nose went into overdrive, prodding and sniffing at what looked to be nothing but an inscrutable hunk of steel and carbon. In but a moment, however, it looked as if whatever secrets it invisibly held were laid bare by Max’s bestial senses, as within seconds his nose was sweeping back and forth over the blue ooze covering the floor - and, to Bixley’s amazement, not just randomly but with purpose and direction! Quickly, he called over to all but two of the officers in the room to join him.
“All of you, with me!”, he barked as Max’s nose neared the bay doors. “No telling if this guy is going to go quietly!”
Like a bizarre circus troupe, the squad of hardened security enforcers followed the guidance of the beast and its handler. Along hallways, past gift shops, down stairs, and through the food court, the only stops along the way were the occasional moments needed for Max to get reacquainted with the tiny scrap’s telltale smell. And like a circus, eyes, olfactory receptors, antennae, and all manner of other sensory organs followed them throughout - amazed by a spectacle not seen anywhere before throughout the entire galaxy. Bixley, however, was only peripherally aware of his onlookers, as his attention was fixed solely upon which direction Max was inexorably guiding them towards.
At last they arrived at the main lift foyer. By far the largest room on Terminal Alpha-Seven, it was filled by an almost equally vast number of aliens. Standing in line, lounging on benches, or just staring out at the midnight expanse visible through the ring of triangular windows adorning the space’s outer wall, it looked as if just about every species from Vextruvians, to Elstra, to Arthoceras’, it was like looking at a universal zoo. Families held hands, lone travellers irritably checked timepieces, groups of friends played games of one kind or another in various corners; all, however, were there in their chosen places and pastimes for the same purpose - to patiently wait for the next empty elevator to arrive, drop off its passengers, and in turn take them down to the planet below. Visible through the equally transparent and girdered floor beneath their feet, Bixley, as the sight always made him do, felt a surge of vertigo looking at the orbital tether spiral its way down into the clouds of Hexolon IV. With the enormity of the situation bearing down on him, however, he pushed any sensation of dizziness aside and refocused his mind on scanning the assembly arranged before him, trying his best to pick out any particular individual who might show signs of suspicion. His efforts were for naught, unfortunately, as although the area was immense, as a terminal made to ferry a city’s worth of migrants a day should be, even it was near to being packed wall to wall. Bixley cursed silently. In an almost ironic twist, it was the Coalition’s hammering in of practically daily restrictions that was to blame for making zeroing in on the culprit so insurmountable - an ever-worsening bottleneck on operations that made simple ins and outs grind to a crawl and crowds as common as sunrises on Heliocentra. Bixley glanced over towards Sam. It would indeed appear that the human and his amazing companion were everyone’s lone hope now.
“SECURITY! MAKE WAY!”, one of the officers next to him shouted, parting the crowd as best as he was able to allow Max to continue following the trail.
He needn't have bothered. Between the German Shepherd allowing nothing to stand before him in his pursuit of the trail, and the sheer sight of Sam looming virtually double the height of anyone else present around him, it was an understatement to say people were eager to grant passage. It was such an awe-inspiring sight, Bixley worried that, by being so conspicuous, it might make their target wise to their closing in on them and could prompt a reaction not unlike what a cornered Hypogrull could demonstrate. His sole reassurance that this wouldn't turn out true was the confident belief, likely present in their opponent’s mind, of Dark Matter’s supposed impossibility of being detected and that they would think his effort would be destined to turn out fruitless regardless of any assistance or tool they brought to bear. Well, Bixley thought to himself, maybe yesterday that would have been true - but today he had the best kind of help standing beside him!”
An excited bark from Max suddenly made him jump. Tail wagging, the dog’s pace increased abruptly, prompting several gasps from those still struggling to clear their path. Bixley, too, felt his hearts quicken their pace - but for a different reason. Even though he was still no expert on canine behaviour, it was obvious from his excitement that they were closing in. Feeling himself on the verge of a long desired vindication, he likewise increased his stride so as to not be left behind as Max slid his way further and further ahead amongst every manner of arm, wing, and palpitor. Then, as the last row of onlookers parted in front of his baton, Bixley saw it. There, behind a pillar, a small black bag lay leaning, so unassuming as to be conspicuous.
And next to it was his new best friend - sitting down with an air of finality and wearing something akin to a satisfied smile on his doggy face.
“Alright, good job Max!” Sam praised, again ruffling the fur on top of the dog’s head. “If I hadn’t left the treats in my bag, you’d have earned one today!”
Bixley, too, at that moment felt like he wanted to shower Max in gifts, be it bowls of the finest Tsardinian Caviar, or a cut out of his own personal paycheck. For months he’d struggled - thrown every asset and tactic his mind had been able to dredge up to throw at this problem he’d been demanded to solve by so many careless bureaucrats, with nothing but empty, drug devoid cubes tossed mockingly in garbage cans, and gore splattered restrooms to show for it. And while yes it was something of a blow to his pride and sense of professionalism to have a lone human and his animal friend randomly blow through out of nowhere and show him how simple it all could have been, a light at the end of his tunnel, no matter how upstaging, was a beautiful thing to see after so much ugliness. And so, with that in mind, after instructing the rest of his enforcers to set up a perimeter, Bixley decided to join in rewarding his saviour.
“You’re brilliant, Max”, he told the still smiling dog with an equally appreciative scratch behind the ears. “Perhaps I’ll see if I can make that direct shuttle ride first class as well, eh?”
“That sure would be swell”, Sam remarked, beaming pridefully. “I was worried perhaps he might have been a little out of practice by now - but it looks like Max still has it!”
For a brief, sweet moment, all there was in Bixley’s world was triumph. However, for as long as the few seconds it lasted felt, the gravity of what was soon to come next couldn’t be ignored. Letting both of their hands fall away from Max’s head and down to the floor, they each turned their attention to the black bag lying at their feet.
“Do… you want to open it?” Bixley somewhat ashamedly asked, discovering himself frightened by the thought of possibly having still been mistaken somehow, now that the moment had finally arrived.
“With all due respect, this is hardly my jurisdiction - likewise, I don’t want to be held accountable in the event Max really does just have a nose for Bolgus undergarments!”
Regretfully conceding the human was correct in his understanding of policy, given nothing about his involvement was standard operation, let alone Coalition sanctioned, it indeed fell to him to conduct inspection of any suspected cargo. So, with shaking palpitors, Bixley took hold of the container and pulled it towards him, and, after a moment's hesitation to prepare himself, pressed the button holding the bag’s clasp together.
As soon as the dark fabric parted to allow access inside, Bixley immediately had to squint as a bright light all but burst from the parcel’s confines and directly into his retinas. He didn’t need to wait for his pupils to adjust to know they’d hit the jackpot - the telltale, technicolor rainbow of starry sparks drifting about behind the transparent titanium windows of their containment cubes were, to him, by now, unmistakable. Dark Matter, ironically, was quite a rapturous sight to behold, and when it wasn’t ripping druggies in search of multiversal journeys through their minds into dregs, possessed all the allure of a galaxy in a bottle. And right there, staring into a lead-lined pocket universe of galaxies all sitting in long ordered lines, Bixley could almost see why anyone would risk oblivion to join in the cosmic symphony each one promised to show him.
Lost in awe, he didn’t register Sam looking over his shoulder.
“So… I take it that’s the stuff you’ve been looking for?”
Bixley jumped.
“Uh, yeah, that’s it”, he mumbled, shaking off the sickly feeling of temptation the sight inside the bag was giving him. “Again, I have no way to tell you how thankful I truly am.”
“We’re just just glad we could help. Max and I.”
Modding in agreement, Bixley signalled Karron to come over to him and secure the package before rising from the floor. For as monumental a success this moment was, they still hadn’t determined the trafficker themselves - a concern he shared with Sam.
“I wish I could help you there”, he replied sorrowfully, putting the lead back on Max’s collar, “but I’m afraid without something to go off of, he’ll just be sniffing around blind. Would probably just cause a panic by putting his nose in everyone’s faces willy-nilly.”
Bixley had no choice but to agree. With the crowd around them getting over their collective fear and letting curiosity overtake whatever consequences might befall them, the ring of guards allowing them their space was beginning to shrink. Camera footage would at least still point out a potential suspect in time, and if they’d truly managed to escape either via a shuttle boarding or were headed down the elevator right as they spoke, then there was little to be done. And besides, in the end all that would be waiting for them at their destination was a very furious prospective - possibly even murderous - buyer. The possibility that, at any moment, a grisly detonation might occur hadn’t escaped his mind, but to him it stood to reason that without their cargo close to hand - along with the fate of their accomplice fresh in their mind - whoever they were was unlikely to be partaking in any more doses of stardust that day.
“Karron, get this stuff over to forensics”, Bixley barked, handing over the bag. “If this guy is the type to have fingerprints, I want them on record as soon as possible.”
“Yes sir, right away sir!”
Bixley was sapped. Accusing messages or none awaiting him in his office, there was nothing more he wished for than to go back to signing forms and ticking boxes back at his desk - starting most joyously with writing off on a first class shuttle for two passengers direct to the human homeworld.
“Well then, Sam, if there’s really nothing more you or I can do for one another today, then I won’t keep you waiting. Both you and Max have both more than earned a flight home. I will definitely have to see if there are more friends like you two who can help bring things under control like this in the future.”
Sam smiled at his glowing review.
“Thank you, sir. There might be a few ex-soldiers out there I know who’d be interested in a gig like this. Maybe when this tour is over, a life in terminal security wouldn’t be so bad, what with today being so fun.”
“Ha, believe me when I say it isn’t! When there’s not chemical contraband running around left and right, it’s really quite bor-”
Bixley spun around. Karron, who’d been making his way through the crowd a moment prior suddenly stood gasping in the clutches of an alien he’d had about as many interactions with as he did with humans.
An Alxtruvian...
submitted by HonestAppleHorse to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:28 HonestAppleHorse Mankind's Best Friends Pt.2/4

Bixley flinched again at the sound of the announcement, this time being even louder now that they were in one of the main transit terminals.
“Are you alright?” Sam asked him, clearly noticing his discomfort.
“I am fine. Being mostly water, loud noises just don’t agree too well with us Vex.”
Stares from all walks of life followed Bixley and his two charges as they made their way through the terminal lounge. Doing his best to ignore them, he took the seat nearest to the security pavilion on the off chance things got out of hand once more. The officers manning the booth both raised an eyebrow at seeing them together, but Bixley waved it down and motioned for Sam to likewise be seated, to which he agreed, managing to fold himself into the almost comically small chair typically suited for those of a much lesser stature.
“You sure about this, sir?” he asked, a note of unease in his voice.
“I trust you are able to handle your beast. If not, I expect you to aid what security we still have on hand in subduing him and preventing any further grievous injury.”
“Yes, of course. You have my word. Max is going to be a good boy - right Max?”
Bixley looked over at the hairy creature. Rather unconvincing of Sam’s words, it had its ears, nose, and eyes on full alert, intensely surveying all the families nervously returning its gaze.
“He- he’ll calm down in a minute, just give him a moment”, Sam said with a small, dry laugh upon seeing Bixley’s dubious expression.
“Hmm, I guess we’ll see about that.”
A moment of silence passed between them, broken only by a few soft whining noises occasionally being voiced by the creature called Max whenever a new stranger happened to pass across his sight. In response, each time, Sam would pass his appendages through his fur and whisper something comforting, to which he would immediately relax a little further and resume that same lazy expression Bixley had seen him wear in the baggage bay. Bixley was perplexed. Curiosity that was more than just concern was beginning to override his professionalism, and what he’d intended as a mere security assurance and a way to postpone the inevitable was turning out to be more than he'd originally bargained for. Vextruvians kept their native animals as companions, certainly, but as decoration only and not much else, as anything that ran, flew, or swam on his planet was either far too dangerous to risk controlling, or so feeble as to have no practical use whatsoever. So to see something so fearsome all but grovel at another’s feet in servitude, even a human’s, simply boggled the mind of a Vex like his. Had the humans dominated them underfoot like so many other warlike civilizations had done to those unfortunate enough to be in their inexorable path of conquest? Or had it been something else entirely? The more he watched, the more Bixley felt he had to know!
It was witnessing the creature lovingly climb up into Sam’s arms for a hug, despite the clear discomfort it must bring to both, that finally broke through Bixley’s professional dyke. Clearing his throat with an auspicious cough, he plied his companion cautiously.
“So… Sam… I recall back there you called… what was his name again?”
Stifled somewhat beneath the animal’s considerable weight, Sam chuckled out an answer.
“Max. He’s a German Shepherd. From Earth, like me.”
Bixley remembered Gleph’s intel regarding the transport manifest, again reminding himself to question his managers about updates.
“Ah, yes, I recall now. So, a German Shepherd. Are they native to this planet of yours, or are they an introduced species?”
“Na- OOF, Max, steady now - native. And, technically, German Shepherd isn’t a species, it’s a breed.”
“Mmm. Collectively we call them dogs. They’ve been around almost as long as humans have.”
“And… how long would that be?”
Bixley watched Sam ponder the question for a moment, avoiding the sly licks encroaching towards his face from Max.
“If I remember from school… ten thousand years, give or take.”
Bixley was taken aback, contemplating such a vast number. Many intelligent civilizations couldn’t trace their history back so far! There was only one notion of how such a thing was possible that came to his mind.
“So these dogs - they started as small, harmless creatures and your people, over millennia slowly bred them to this size?”
To his worry, Sam let out a laugh.
“Oh no, when our prehistoric ancestors first started on these guys, getting them all nice and friendly, they were way bigger and scarier than Max here. The originals are still around as well - if you ever get a moment and want to give yourself nightmares, look up wolves.”
Bixley couldn’t contain himself. Whipping out his data pad and connecting into the Galac-Net, he repeated the unfamiliar word into the search engine software. Almost immediately he recoiled from the image returned to him, at snarling fangs and ravenous golden eyes staring what felt like into his soul.
“H- how!?” he asked, trembling, “How could you ever risk your life with something like that!?”
Sam just shrugged.
“Some brave caveman found a pup one day and raised it… or shared some food with one that was hungry on a cold night. Who knows. Either way, we have them to thank for all the good boys and girls out there. Nowadays there’s almost four hundred different breeds back on Earth.”
Hearing this, Bixley swiped his tendrils across the slate again, cleared his throat and enunciated.
Dog breeds. Images
What looked like a kaleidoscope of creatures jumped out at him, enough to almost make him dizzy. Big dogs, small dogs, dogs that were sleek, dogs that looked to be nothing but fur, dogs with wrinkly faces, dogs that looked menacing, dogs that looked like they couldn’t so much as hurt a Sproglite - and all apparently engineered into perfection for the role they played in obedience and profession. Some seemed to mirror the companions Bixley was familiar with - small, unintrusive and meant only for companionship. Others, though, were more like Max, specialised for purpose in labour, security, competition… and war. Hued in every colour imaginable, Bixley could already feel himself being drawn towards several examples.
“Incredible”, he heard himself whisper. “Do… they only serve humans, or can they be commanded by anyone?”
As much as he tried to hide his desire, he knew there was only so far it could be concealed in front of a human.
“Commanded is a bit of a strong word for it”, Sam replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “It’s more of a mutual relationship than anything else. Try to force them too harsh and you might find yourself on the receiving end before too long. To answer your question, while I imagine anything other than humans might have some trouble getting along, most are certainly smart enough to get the picture just fine, given time. Try Border Collies - they’re about the smartest and the most loyal. Dogs, they say, are man’s best friend.”
Another swipe across the data pad and Bixley was both astounded and amused to watch a black and white streak bounding about around a mob of woolly looking animals in a green field.
Silence befell the room once more as Bixley occupied himself with the pleasures of yet more dog examples, discovering himself particularly fond of poodles and corgi’s while recoiling at the sight of Tibetan mastiffs and dobermans. As much as he wished to continue delving for the remainder of Sam’s tenure at Terminal Alpha-Seven, not only did he know it would be impolite to his guest that he’d suddenly become so intrigued by, but also that it would not answer the next question that’d sprung into his mind.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Sam”, he began, trembling somewhat as he wondered if what he was about to ask was personal or not, “If these… Dogs are so inseparable from humans, why am I only discovering this now? I have seen humans come through here from time to time and not one I saw had a companion like Max. Humans have their own military here, which you said you belonged to - why come through a civilian terminal like this?”
To this, Sam sighed, and with it Bixley feared he had indeed struck deep on some personal scar in his new compatriot. Unexpectedly, though, soon after Bixley saw him begin to smile - one that was strangely wistful and filled with a sense of peace.
“We’re taking the civilian shuttle because the military brass don’t feel like transporting a K9 intersystem is an intelligent application of valuable resources. So I’m using the leave I’ve saved up to do the job those pigs behind desks - no offence - won’t. Even then, I gotta’ thank the rest of the guys in the unit for threatening to mutiny if they didn’t let me go. Sad to say it, but Max is getting old. After stalking around checkpoints for all these years, ready to jump if a Klingon pulls so much as a toothpick on one of our guys, they decided he’d finally done enough for king and country and could go put his paws up somewhere nice and sunny for the rest of his days. Well, we weren’t going to go and let that be any old backwater sun out there - Max was born on Earth, and after saving us a whole bunch of times we are gonna’ make sure he got to see her again before going away.”
Bixley could see it now. The grey mottling Max’s muzzle, the slowness of his breathing, the chipped claws and teeth - not just typical colouration or physical features, it all spoke of an animal nearing the end of its days. It was startling to think even an old member of this bizarre and fascinating species could still be so threatening, but even more it was saddening that something he now understood to be so wonderful had so little time left. How he would have loved to see him young and even more full of life! Unsure if it was his own two hearts going out to him, or if some of that particular brand of crazy humans everywhere were known for rubbing off on him, Bixley felt himself drawing closer and closer to the precipice of what was probably the most foolish thing he’d ever done in his career - and then promptly careened off of it with the question he’d been trying not to let out more and more with every image that’d crossed his data-pad.
“May… may I tou- pet him?” he asked, not entirely believing the words coming from his mouth.
Even Max appeared surprised by the request, snapping his head around to stare straight into Bixley’s eyes, as if understanding him. Not reassuringly, Sam’s reaction only mirrored his own trepidation towards the notion.
“Are you sure about that?”, he stammered, looking at him with a mixture of perplexment and concern. “Like I said, he isn’t all too used to guys not like us.”
“I’m… sure… Worst case I’ll just have to use up a few weeks sick leave while my appendages grow back. I certainly won’t press any charges in any event, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Hearing his proposal, Bixley watched the giant human rock back and forth in his all-too-small seat as he mulled it over, all while Max looked down at him from over Sam’s shoulder, giving the impression he was being judged for having caused such distress to his master. Sweltering beneath the dog’s gaze, he hoped a confirmation or denial would come quickly, else his nerve would break of its own accord.
“Weeell… I can’t promise you anything”, Sam at last replied, gently prying Max away from his lap and back onto the floor, “but if you’re all set with whatever happens, I sure as heck couldn’t rightly stop you.”
“So you mean-?”
“Yeah, you can pat him. First, though, a few pointers. To start, make your… arm thingy like this.”
Paying close attention, Bixley watched as Sam withdrew each of the digits present on the end of his limb together face down, to a point where it looked as if all were hidden beneath the back of the node connecting them. After taking note of the gesture from several angles, he did his best to form his palpitors into the best facsimile of it as he was able.
“Okay, what’s next?” he asked, somewhat marvelling at the novelty of his new, faux human fist.
“Now”, Sam replied, moving around behind Max to take hold of the animal’s collar, “just slowly bring it up to his nose and let him smell you. If he gives you a lick, safe to say he’s mostly cool with you.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“If he gets growly, best get back quick is all I can say.”
“R- right…”
Unable to guess what colour his dorsal spine was lighting up as at that moment, for the second time in as many hours, Bixley found himself staring into the deathly eyes of the monster known as the German Shepherd, and while no longer charged with malice as before, it still took every ounce of grit he had to hold it in place. With the all-too-recent recollection of Aleese’s arm caught, bloodied, between its jaws fixed within his mind, unable to be shaken, tentatively he raised his meek hand upwards - all while Sam did his best to offer whispered words of reassurance. Whether it was to Max or to him, he could not tell - and neither did he care as by that point it was all there was to keep him from running all the way back to his desk.
As he’d come to anticipate from dogs, the first thing Max did was sniff. Running his nose back and forth over Bixley’s clenched tendrils, gusting warm air in and out across his skin in rapid succession, he felt he could almost touch the mind of the creature behind it calculating; trying to make sense of the unfamiliar scent and determine if its owner - him - was friend, prey, or enemy. As motionless as it was possible to make the body of a Vextruvian be, every bubble flowing about inside Bixley’s body was nevertheless screaming for him to close his eyes and shrink away down inside the nearest darkened crevice he could find, even against the sense his mind knew it made that taking his gaze off of the scene even for a moment could mean certain death. Trembling despite his efforts, Bixley made to crush his fear with determination and did his utmost to keep his arm held high long enough to see the outcome.
Suddenly, the dry, gusty feeling flowing around his tendrils went away, as did the sound accompanying them. It was then replaced by something far more… wet?
“Huh, seems the old boy likes you good enough.”
His eyes having been forced shut regardless of his attempts at logic, Bixley opened them again - and witnessed with delight the sight of Max tenderly stamping the blunted end of his arm with the tip of his tongue, somehow feeling both rough and soft simultaneously. With an inadvertent chuckle, both out of relief as well as the tickling sensation now running down his tendrils, he turned to Sam and let out his relief and joy.
“He likes me? This action… it means he likes me?!
“You bet”, the human replied, grinning as much as he was. “Give him a moment, though, don’t do anything too quick, as he might still spook at this point.”
Bixley nodded, more than content to allow the humorous sensation to go on as long as Max liked, which certainly appeared as if it was going to be quite a while judging by the dog’s tongue’s increasing gusto.
After a few minutes of letting his palpitors get the cleaning of their lives, he at long last saw Sam give him the universal human gesture of approval - a “thumbs up” as they called it.
“Now just reach up and put your hand on his shoulder”, he told him, miming out the action he described with this free hand. “Make sure you let him see it, then start carefully petting him.”
The final moment so close at hand, Bixley gulped. With his false human appendage still caught in the interest of the German Shepherd’s exploration, he brought the other up as clear as possible in Max’s cone of vision, waving it a little in the intent it might be taken as a friendly greeting. With the only reaction that might indicate hostility being a quick glance in its direction, Bixley chose to take it as a good sign and began slowly approaching what he hoped to be his newest friend. Soon enough, he found his tendrils buried in the coarse fur covering the animal’s upper forelimb - and most thankfully so far without any teeth buried in his. Elation filling him in a way no dead-end job stuck in orbit ever had, Bixley laughed out loud.
“Hahaha! You really are a big softie, aren’t you Max?!” he heard himself say as he began moving his “fingers” through the surprisingly dense mat of fibres.
“Scratch him behind the ears next, if you’re really feeling brave”, Sam suggested to him with a smirk. “Dogs really love it when you do that.”
Emboldened by success, Bixley did just that. Sure enough, as soon as he began to tousle in the recommended spot, he saw Max’s expression change to something he almost could’ve sworn was a lazy smile, practically radiating an aura of relaxation. The appendage, seemingly purposeless to him, protruding from his hindquarters was doing something curious, too, beating rapidly against the metal floor in a rhythmic fashion. Despite possessing no concrete knowledge of what it meant, Bixley took it to indicate happiness, as he, too, felt the urge to tap about at such a wonderful scene. It was so joyously inspiring, he didn’t wish for it to stop. After all, how could he go back to stamping manifests and arguing with upper managements knowing something like this was out there in the cosmos?
In the end, it was Sam who brought the moment to a close.
“Alright Officer, I think you’ve had enough for one day. As precious as dogs are, they do have a limit to patience - and I’m sure you’ve got matters to attend to.”
With a whine from him and, surprisingly, Max as well, Bixley let his arm drop. Eyes of both Vextruvian and Dog poured out sorrow at their parting. Unexpectedly, just then Sam began to rise to his feet.
“Yeah, yeah, I know… but we can’t wait around all day, boy. There’s a few stops still to go before we make it home.”
“You’re leaving?” Bixley asked, somewhat dejectedly, also standing up.
“Afraid so”, the human replied, sounding equally dour as he clipped what looked like a small length of rope onto the metal ring present around Max’s neck. “Boarding announcement just went out over the speaker. Didn’t you hear?”
Bixley confessed he didn’t. So engrossed in petting Max for once he’d been all but deaf to anything else going on around him.
“Ha, glad you enjoyed it. From what I saw, it looked to me like your people and dogs might just be a good match as well.”
With a wistful look, Sam bent down to slowly pat Max’s head.
“C’mon buddy, lets go see if we can convince the stewards you qualify as carry-on luggage. You can even have my seat if you like! Thanks for everything, officer - look forward to coming through this way again soon!”
Farewells dying in his throat, Bixley watched as the human and faithful companion turned and began walking in the direction of the departure terminal. As they went, he could see more of what Sam had disclosed to him about Max being old for his species, aspects which hadn’t been clear from their first encounter. No more was he lithely darting about like a predator - instead his pace was slowed, and spoke of pain in every step. Looking at what he could now only see as a friend so unfairly stricken, Bixley was overcome by the sudden urge to do something - anything - to help.
Knowing he could do nothing less, Bixley made a decision.
“Sam!”, he called out, doing his best to catch up to the human’s long strides.
“Sir?” Sam replied in confusion, stopping and turning just before stepping through the boarding gateway.”
Breathing heavily from the rapid exertion, Bixley stood proudly before Sam’s feet.
“I think I’ve decided on what I’m going to do for those special transport arrangements. I am going to charter a direct, private shuttle for you and for Max to Earth - free of charge, of course. For his - and your - service.”
Sam blinked, dumbfounded for once since their meeting.
“Oh, gosh, I- I don’t know how I can thank you for this! With the stress of all the jumps and all it was going to take to get back home, I was worried Max wouldn’t be able to handle it! With this, though, I know he’ll get to see Earth again!”
“No need for thanks. It’s not every day this job gets to feel like making such a difference in the universe.”
“Hehe, if only it were you calling the shots in the military! Then again, I imagine a private shuttle is going to be a lot more comfortable than one of those transport barges we soldiers have to scoot around in!”
Bixley thought it felt good to have someone to scoff together at the tangles of ministry and the endless tirade of those calling the shots. It felt even better, though, to do something meaningful for that same person. Sensing an emotion of pride, for the first time in years, Bixley wondered if there was something better he could be doing on this side of the system.
“Well, no need to dally about - I’ll just send a request out to the dock and charter something for you and-”
Before he could complete his sentence, a loud crackle suddenly filled the room. It was quickly followed by a voice, overlapping with itself as its shared message was broadcast in every adjacent room and corridor throughout the station. Once more, reverberating pain shot through the fluids in his head.
Chief of Customs Bixley, Chief of Customs Bixley - please report to check-in terminal three. DM Incident, repeat, DM incident."
Bixley felt himself go cold. No… not again… not now…
Springing up from his seat, almost on the verge of panic, Bixley looked about frantically for where the fastest route that would take him to terminal three would be. Finally locating it, he made for the elevator as fast as his tendrils would take him.
“I- I’m sorry, I’ll have to organise the shuttle for you later - as you could tell, something urgent has just come up!”
In a moment, Bixley felt Sam’s hand reaching down to rest atop his shoulder. Confused, he looked up at the human.
“I’m not going anywhere until you let me”, he said in a serious tone, “and by the sounds of things you’re in a bit of a situation - so if there’s something you need help with, Max and I can certainly give you it.”
Mind reeling, Bixley tried to gather his thoughts and come to a solution on how to proceed. As non-protocol as it was to let someone outside jurisdiction come prodding about, having not only a human there, but a military human could prove an advantage not possessed in any other of these incidents so far. Feeling he was already getting uncharacteristically comfortable with these unorthodox decisions, Bixley nodded.
“Very well, Sergeant, consider yourself part of security detail for Alpha-Seven for today and try to keep things professional.”
“Sir, yes sir.”
submitted by HonestAppleHorse to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:23 Primavera08 Concerned about weight loss and inability to gain it

28F, 167 sm, 48 kg, Caucasian not on medications. Gastritis, SIBO, PCOS.
I have never had weight issues, for 10 years I have always been 52-55kg. In the last year I have lost 6 kg, which is A LOT for me. Now I am underweight and I absolutely can't gain even one kg. Even maintaining that minimum, that I have, is difficult.
The frustrating thing is that I can't find the reason for this. I've had a full endocrinology and gastroenterology checkup and they haven't found anything that could be causing the weight loss.
I have been stuck at 48kg for two months now and can't gain even one kilo. However, if I accidentally skip a meal or get sick, I lose even more weight very quickly.
Here is what the doctors checked: gastroscopy, abdominal CT scan with contrast, ultrasound, calprotectin, parasites, occult blood in stool, CRP, elastase in stool, fat/protein digestion, Helicobacter, gastric antibodies, all gluten antibodies, biopsy from stomach and duodenum. Nothing abnormal here, mild astral gastritis without Helicobacter. Also I did blood tests: total blood count, biochemistry, CRP, A1C, ALT, AST, vitamins, thyroid panel including antibodies, insulin, HOMA, cortisol, ACTH and immunoglobulins total.
In addition to weight loss, I am bothered by weakness, fatigue, dizziness, muscle twitching. The neurologist did not find any abnormalities
I am confused and don't know what to do in this situation. I don't understand why I have suddenly lost so much weight and I can't get it back no matter what. Would appreciate any recommendation
submitted by Primavera08 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:05 Brief-Ad1836 Lost 11.2 pounds during 8 day fast

Hello.I’ve been doing water fasting for 8 days now and for the first time in this 8 days I weighed myself.When I looked down i have to say I was a little disappointed.I lost around 11.2 pounds so far.That would be around around 1.4 pounds per day.But I think I understand why.I haven’t been exercising at all.I am on bed almost most of day.That’s because I felt too tired to move and was always feeling dizzy every time I tried to exercise so I agree it’s my fault.Ive heard you get your energy back at around 5 days but that never happend to me.But I do wanna start exercising.Is there any particular exercise you follow during your fasting? Please let me know if you have any tips :( I do not plan on giving up till I reach my goal.
submitted by Brief-Ad1836 to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:27 imalama_3333 UPDATE!!(from my fear of rabies + my symptoms) + advice from anxiety sufferers here.

15M, lives in the philippines - Struggling with health anxiety healing - licked on by multiple strays that didnt show any signs - dont need vaccination Its been really good. Im feeling fine for the most part. Not there but healing is taking process. Ive been watching the anxietyguy(really good at tellling tips for me) and his videos are helping me. Knowing that anxiety healing will have different stages/symptoms. Although its hard to forget the fear of rabies. I still dont think about it that much often now. Throught my 27 days of dealing new batch of symptoms. Ive realized. That im very obsessed with this disease. To the point that i would have the same symptoms for every now and then. During the first 10 days. It was so hard for me. I would do every single thjng to make the symptoms stop. But no use, i started to get irrational and fearing for my death. So i googled and googled knowing that it fueled my anxiety even more and symptoms amplified even more.
I would get chilly every now and then. Ive been focusing on mostly throat(i still do but not the frequent.), aches in my body. Loss of appetite(still do also.) Difficult swallowing(comes and goes for the time being), excessive salivating(not that frequent anymore), headaches(most of the timr) dizziness(still do), tired most of the time(its starting to fade), And tons of canker sores. All of them amplified all at once. So i stopped doing those and focus more on relieving myself. And ive come to this subreddit. I asked and asked, and keep on asking. All of them said the same. Ive had no exposure. But i kept doubting them. Till i rely on my heart to trust them. And so i did, i focused on other things. Bit by bit it started to feel better, you could say they are fading away piecd by piece. Until my little stupid subconsciousness respond to a "what if, i spiked your fear once again" and so it did. Once again, back from square 1. But ive learned it now. I just had to live with these symptoms, just dont put much meaning through them, care for it but dont let your mind think for the worst. And throughout that thinking i have healed most of my symptoms and from the mods and commenters from my posts i had to face my what my body is feeling. And thats where i am today, im feel better than where i was on the start of my health anxiety. Now im on the path of recovering. I know it wont be easy but ive got my assurance now. I dont need another one. Im ready to leap and face my fear.
As a advice, recovering from anxiety as health and recovery isnt always linear. There WILL always be difficult stages/symptoms throughtout healing. But that doesnt mean your progessing. Everytime you think youve come back to square 1. Always remember what you did to get here so far, Then start progress again. what you did to travel that far. Face it again. Also dont be tok harsh on yourself. Be kind. Love yourself. Love life. Start by doing bits and bits. They are bits, so they dont really progress you further. But they are still progression so you doing okay. Your healing. Keep on doing what your doing. Live life and gotta love life.
well thats all im gonna say for my update. Even if you dont read this, its fine its just a update. But if youre feeling your stuck. Then come back to my advices. Or dont, any is fine. Stay loving yall and take care of yourself, youre not alone on your battle :)))<333
submitted by imalama_3333 to rabies [link] [comments]
