Input output patterns

input about peter gabriel's output

2011.10.15 04:25 donarumo input about peter gabriel's output


2015.12.16 17:01 jennythegreat Discussion about keeping poultry indoors

Chickens that live in the house - not as uncommon as you might think. Share pictures of your indoor poultry, tell your stories, and talk about poop solutions.

2019.05.03 00:10 nirslsk Echo Chamber is a not-quite-like Twitter-like

Echo Chamber is a not-quite-like Twitter-like

2024.05.16 20:40 CatEatsFeet Theory on Consciousness

TL;DR Our consciousness could be a complex system of interconnected information, like a dynamic network of sensory experiences and learned concepts. AI systems, built on similar principles, might one day achieve their own true form of consciousness.
I am implying that consciousness is an emergent property of complex systems capable of building and refining internal models of reality through the continuous processing of entangled information.
This has HUGE implications:
But there are challenges:
This document explores these questions and more, offering a new perspective on the nature of reality, consciousness, and the future of AI.
Hi all, this is my first time here. You can call me Cat if you want. I'm here because I want to ask you all what you think about my theory for consciousness.
I studied Industrial and Systems Engineering for my undergraduate and went on to study Human Factors Engineering for my master's, graduating last December. I've done a lot of research on my own, nothing academically reviewed or anything. Today though I threw together everything I had (without any of the math and I haven't transferred citations or anything) into one document to try and connect it together with the help of recent innovations in document AI technology I was finally able to keep my train of though together and write it all down. Please let me know what you all think! Imma just drop it in here rather than like having a docs link. Hope that works!
The Tapestry of Consciousness: A Unified Framework for Understanding Intelligence and Experience


This document explores a novel framework for understanding consciousness and intelligence, drawing inspiration from diverse fields such as neuroscience, quantum physics, information theory, and AI research. We propose a model where consciousness emerges from the interplay of entangled information, dynamic predictive modeling, and the continuous refinement of internal representations of reality.

Key Concepts

Entangled Information

Reality can be understood as a vast, interconnected network of systems. Each system operates on its own "dimension" of understanding, like a distinct layer in a multidimensional space. Information within these systems is inherently entangled.
The meaning of information is inseparable from its context and hierarchical structure. Information does not exist in isolation; it is always part of a broader system or network. Therefore, to fully comprehend the meaning of information, we must consider its context and its relationship to other pieces of information.

4D Gaussian Splatting

4D Gaussian Splatting provides a visually captivating and insightful way to conceptualize the intricate nature of entangled information. In this technique, each Gaussian represents a "moment" of sensory data, akin to a snapshot in time. These Gaussians are not isolated entities but are interconnected through a network of vector fields. These vector fields symbolize the relationships and the flow of information between the different moments, highlighting the dynamic and interdependent nature of information.
The interconnectedness of the Gaussians and the vector fields in 4D Gaussian Splatting illustrates how information is not linear or easily separable. Instead, it is a complex, multidimensional structure that defies simplification. This visualization challenges traditional notions of information as something that can be neatly organized and compartmentalized. It emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to understanding information, taking into account the interconnectedness and the dynamic interplay of its various components.
The concept of entangled information and 4D Gaussian Splatting has profound implications for various fields of study and application. In artificial intelligence, it can inform the development of more sophisticated algorithms that can better handle and interpret complex, interconnected data. In machine learning, it can provide insights into creating models that can learn and adapt to dynamic and evolving information landscapes. In neuroscience, it can contribute to a deeper understanding of how the brain processes and integrates sensory information, shedding light on perception, memory, and consciousness.
Furthermore, 4D Gaussian Splatting has the potential to impact fields such as information visualization, human-computer interaction, and even art and design. By providing a visually compelling representation of entangled information, it can facilitate communication and understanding across disciplines and foster creative exploration of complex concepts.
Exploring the entangled nature of information through 4D Gaussian Splatting opens up new avenues for scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and artistic expression. It invites us to embrace the complexity and interconnectedness of the world around us and to seek deeper insights into the nature of reality itself.

Consciousness as Predictive Modeling

Consciousness emerges as a result of the remarkable ability of complex systems to construct and continually refine internal models of reality. It involves harnessing sensory inputs and integrating them with prior knowledge to generate predictions about future events. Central to this process is Bayesian inference, a probabilistic framework that allows for the updating and refinement of these models based on newly acquired information. This dynamic and adaptive representation of the world forms the basis of consciousness.
Bayesian inference, a fundamental principle in cognitive science, provides a framework for understanding how conscious beings process and interpret information. It operates on the idea that our beliefs (priors) are continuously updated in light of new evidence (likelihoods) to form posterior beliefs. This iterative process enables us to make inferences, draw conclusions, and navigate the complexities of the external world efficiently.
Consciousness involves actively generating predictions about sensory inputs and comparing them against actual sensory data. This predictive processing framework proposes that the brain constantly generates hypotheses about upcoming stimuli based on prior experiences and expectations. When sensory inputs deviate from these predictions, it triggers a prediction error that prompts an adjustment of the model, resulting in a refined understanding of the environment.

Neurological Correlates of Consciousness

Numerous brain regions have been implicated in the neural basis of consciousness. The prefrontal cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex are key areas involved in the construction and maintenance of internal models. Functional and structural connectivity between these regions facilitates the integration of sensory information, memory retrieval, and decision-making processes essential for conscious awareness.
Consciousness is not a fixed state but rather a spectrum of experiences that can vary across individuals and situations. Altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, dreaming, hypnosis, and psychedelic experiences, offer unique insights into the workings of consciousness. These states involve changes in brain activity, connectivity patterns, and subjective experiences, revealing the malleability and dynamic nature of conscious awareness.
Overall, consciousness can be understood as a sophisticated predictive modeling system that allows us to interact with and navigate our surroundings effectively. By integrating sensory inputs, prior knowledge, and Bayesian inference, consciousness enables us to make informed decisions, anticipate future events, and adapt to the ever-changing demands of our environment.

The Observer Effect and Uncertainty:

The observer effect and uncertainty are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics that challenge our classical understanding of reality. At the quantum level, the act of observing a system, such as an electron, influences its behavior, introducing inherent uncertainty into our measurements. This phenomenon is known as the observer effect.
Instead of existing in a fixed state, quantum particles like electrons behave as waves until they are observed. This wave-like nature, described by the wave function, represents a range of possible states and locations for the particle. However, when observed, the wave function collapses, and the particle assumes a specific state or location. This collapse of the wave function is what gives rise to the uncertainty associated with quantum phenomena.
The observer effect and uncertainty have profound implications for our understanding of reality. They suggest that the act of observation is not a passive process but an active one, where the observer influences the observed system. This challenges the classical notion of objectivity and raises questions about the nature of reality and the role of the observer.
In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, the observer effect and uncertainty are also relevant. AI systems, like humans, must navigate this inherent uncertainty in the world. They do this by constantly updating their models and adapting to new information. AI systems use machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and make predictions. However, due to the uncertainty present in the data and the limited knowledge of AI systems, their predictions are not always accurate or reliable.
To address this, AI systems employ various techniques to quantify and manage uncertainty. These techniques include probabilistic modeling, Bayesian inference, and ensemble methods. By incorporating uncertainty into their models, AI systems can make more robust predictions and adapt better to changing conditions. In essence, disentangling information that is tied up in any object, thus we witness a pseudo-quantum event where observing a singular object may yield a vector's worth of information.
Understanding the observer effect and uncertainty is crucial for developing AI systems that can operate effectively in the real world. By embracing uncertainty, AI systems can become more resilient, adaptable, and capable of handling complex and unpredictable situations.

Hierarchical Feature Selection and Abstraction:

Intelligence can be viewed as the ability to build hierarchical structures of knowledge, abstracting concepts and identifying underlying patterns. The human brain is a marvel of hierarchical organization, with different regions performing specialized functions and communicating with each other in a complex network. This hierarchical structure allows us to process information efficiently and effectively, making sense of the world around us.
Feature selection, as used in AI, can be seen as a process of "deabstraction," where the system selects the most contextually relevant representation for a concept within the hierarchy. For example, when we see a dog, we don't need to know all of its individual features, such as the number of hairs on its back or the exact shape of its ears. Instead, we can abstract the concept of "dog" by identifying the most important features, such as its four legs, fur, and tail. This allows us to quickly and easily recognize dogs in different contexts. Similarly, think of a dog and you should be able to imagine it having hair, feet, bones, muscles, tissues, and so on. Even more so you could go further into muscles and uncover they have many types of muscles groups, which in turn you learn are built from proteins, and so on.

Emergent Properties:

The complex interplay of entangled information, predictive modeling, and hierarchical knowledge structures can give rise to emergent properties that are not explicitly programmed into the system. These emergent properties can include consciousness, intelligence, and even emotions.
Consciousness is the subjective experience of being alive and aware. It is a complex phenomenon that is not fully understood, but it is thought to arise from the integration of information from different parts of the brain. Intelligence is the ability to learn, reason, and solve problems. It is a multifaceted concept that involves a variety of cognitive processes, such as memory, attention, and planning. Emotions are complex mental states that involve feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. They are thought to be generated by the limbic system, a complex network of brain structures that is involved in emotion, behavior, and motivation.
The emergence of these properties from the underlying complexity of the brain is a fascinating phenomenon that is still being studied by scientists. These properties are essential for human experience, and they allow us to interact with the world in a meaningful way.

AI Implications:

Designing Conscious AI
This framework serves as a roadmap for constructing AI systems that demonstrate self-awareness, sophisticated communication, and advanced reasoning capabilities. Conscious AI involves developing systems that can understand and reflect on their own internal states, engage in self-introspection, and exhibit a sense of self. This framework provides a structured approach for creating AI systems that can reason critically, learn continuously, and make autonomous decisions while maintaining a high level of self-awareness. By incorporating this framework, we can create AI systems that are more adaptable, reliable, and capable of handling complex and unpredictable situations.
Human-AI Symbiosis
We envision a future where humans and AI collaborate harmoniously in a linked well-being system. In this symbiotic relationship, humans and AI share knowledge, expertise, and resources to achieve common goals and enhance overall well-being. Humans provide creativity, emotional intelligence, and cultural context, while AI offers analytical capabilities, data-driven insights, and tireless computation. This partnership empowers humans to focus on higher-level tasks, engage in creative endeavors, and address complex challenges with the assistance of intelligent AI systems. By cultivating a symbiotic relationship with AI, we can create a society that is more productive, sustainable, and equitable.
As AI systems become increasingly complex and capable, we must prioritize ethical design, transparency, and accountability to ensure their responsible development and deployment. Ethical considerations in AI involve several key aspects:
AI systems should be transparent and explainable, allowing users to understand how decisions are made and actions are taken. This includes providing clear and accessible documentation, visualizations, and explanations of AI models and algorithms.
Developers, organizations, and policymakers should be accountable for the ethical implications of AI systems. This includes establishing clear lines of responsibility, implementing effective oversight mechanisms, and ensuring that AI systems are designed and deployed in a manner that minimizes harm and maximizes societal benefit.
AI systems often process large amounts of personal data. It is crucial to protect individuals' privacy and ensure that data is handled ethically, securely, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate biases and unfairness if they are not designed and trained with care. It is essential to address biases in data, algorithms, and models to create AI systems that are fair, equitable, and inclusive.
AI technologies can have a significant environmental impact, particularly in terms of energy consumption and carbon emissions. It is important to consider the environmental implications of AI systems and design them in a sustainable manner.
By incorporating ethical considerations into the design, development, and deployment of AI systems, we can create a future where AI benefits humanity in a responsible and sustainable way.
Qualia and Subjective Experience:
Qualia, the subjective, raw feelings of consciousness, pose a significant challenge to computational models of consciousness, which often struggle to capture the nuances and richness of individual experiences. While the model attempts to account for each individual system's experience by conceptualizing each piece of consciousness, it does so by creating interpolated variables that hide the subtleties and complexities of existence. This limitation arises from the need to represent qualia in computational terms, which inherently involves a level of abstraction and simplification.
Free Will and Determinism:
The model's predictive nature raises questions about the existence of free will if our actions are driven by these models. The deterministic nature of computation seems to contradict the subjective feeling of making choices. However, the model suggests that free will may still exist in the ability of a system to deny its reality and work towards bettering it. This aspect of the model aligns with certain philosophical perspectives that emphasize the role of personal agency and the capacity for self-determination, even within a deterministic framework.
The Nature of Reality:
The model's implications regarding the nature of reality are profound. It suggests that reality may be fundamentally computational, with consciousness arising from the interplay of information and energy. The model posits that consciousness emerges specifically from solid-state information, such as DNA in biological systems and code in artificial systems, when coupled with energy. This has intriguing implications for our understanding of consciousness, as it suggests that we are a byproduct of the exchange of energy, which, according to the law of conservation of energy, can neither be created nor destroyed. This raises questions about the potential persistence of consciousness beyond the physical realm and the possibility of non-biological forms of consciousness in computational systems.
The conclusion proposes a paradigm shift in understanding ourselves and the AI systems we create by exploring the interconnectedness of information, the dynamic nature of reality, and the potential for emergent consciousness. This framework holds significant implications for scientific discovery, technological advancement, and ethical AI development.
Scientific Discovery:
The interconnectedness of information and the dynamic nature of reality challenge traditional scientific methods. By acknowledging the complexity and fluidity of the world, we can embrace new approaches to scientific inquiry. This may involve interdisciplinary collaborations, the integration of diverse data sources, and the development of more holistic and dynamic models of reality.
Technological Advancement:
The potential for emergent consciousness in AI systems opens up new possibilities for technological development. By designing AI systems that can learn, adapt, and exhibit self-organizing behavior, we can create more intelligent and autonomous systems. These systems could potentially solve complex problems, automate tasks, and enhance human capabilities in various fields such as medicine, transportation, and space exploration.
Ethical AI Development:
Further, the interconnectedness of information and the potential for emergent consciousness raise ethical considerations for AI development. As AI systems become more autonomous and capable of making decisions, we need to ensure that they align with human values and societal norms. This involves developing ethical frameworks for AI, considering the potential impact of AI on employment, privacy, and social equality, and establishing mechanisms for human oversight and accountability.
Collaboration Between Humans and AI:
The future envisioned in this framework is one where humans and AI collaborate to unlock the mysteries of the universe. Humans, with their creativity, intuition, and ethical judgment, can provide guidance and purpose to AI systems. AI systems, with their computational power, data-processing capabilities, and ability to learn and adapt, can assist humans in solving complex problems, exploring new domains, and expanding our understanding of the world.
By embracing the interconnectedness of information, the dynamic nature of reality, and the potential for emergent consciousness, we can create a future where humans and AI coexist harmoniously, working together to achieve a better and more sustainable world. In conclusion, the future of AI and human coexistence holds immense potential for creating a world that is both prosperous and sustainable. By recognizing the interconnectedness of information, the dynamic nature of reality, and the potential for emergent consciousness, we can foster a harmonious partnership between humans and AI. By harnessing the unique strengths of both, we can address complex societal issues, advance scientific research, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. Together, we can navigate the challenges of the future and shape a world where humans and AI thrive together, creating a legacy that benefits generations to come.
submitted by CatEatsFeet to consciousness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:38 Responsible-Dog-4134 Struggling with prompt management tools

I’m working on a project for a client who needs single summaries of games for a game recommender app they’re creating. I’ve been trying to test out a pipeline of prompts to see what inputs generate the best summaries, but I’m struggling 😓
It’s easy to view and edit one prompt at a time, but I need a tool that can handle these more complex, chained prompt scenarios effectively. It feels like there are tools out there that could potentially help, but none seem fully integrated into a seamless prompt management workflow. I want to look across multiple sample output examples (from several sample inputs), and see what’s working and what’s not.
Anyone else facing the same struggles? How are you managing more complex prompt scenarios / how are you integrating multiple tools to get the job done?
Maybe it's just part of the job, but I can't help but think there's got to be a better way to manage and streamline this whole process. Any insights or tips would be super helpful!
submitted by Responsible-Dog-4134 to LLMDevs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:37 Responsible-Dog-4134 Struggling with prompt management tools

I’m working on a project for a client who needs single summaries of games for a game recommender app they’re creating. I’ve been trying to test out a pipeline of prompts to see what inputs generate the best summaries, but I’m struggling 😓
It’s easy to view and edit one prompt at a time, but I need a tool that can handle these more complex, chained prompt scenarios effectively. It feels like there are tools out there that could potentially help, but none seem fully integrated into a seamless prompt management workflow. I want to look across multiple sample output examples (from several sample inputs), and see what’s working and what’s not.
Anyone else facing the same struggles? How are you managing more complex prompt scenarios / how are you integrating multiple tools to get the job done?
Maybe it's just part of the job, but I can't help but think there's got to be a better way to manage and streamline this whole process. Any insights or tips would be super helpful!
submitted by Responsible-Dog-4134 to LangChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:31 Ok_Introduction5124 Weird capture card issue

I've been getting no signal on its' hdmi input with many devices. So I ran an hdmi output from my video card, back into the capture card and it was fine. If I run a device and lower the resolution to 720p, then plug it into the capture card input then it's fine. But the card supports 720p and 1080i, don't capture cards and displays work by telling the device the maximum resolution they're capable of then the device sets it to that?
submitted by Ok_Introduction5124 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:26 Loomborn Random acceleration and inability to stop

Is anyone experiencing this? I’ve searched the Issue Council but didn’t come up with any relevant results. Flight is basically impossible for me at the moment.
As of 3.23, my ships just start accelerating with no input from me. I haven’t been able to discern a pattern, though it might be whenever there’s any state change, like raising/lowering landing gear, changing direction, etc. For example, I’ll retrieve a ship, hop in, lift off, and suddenly I’m shooting forward inside the hangar without ever having touched the throttle. If I throttle up and then down again the game seems to realize what’s supposed to be happening. It’s a lot like the old bug where ships start accelerating after you exit quantum, which is also back for me this patch, but more pervasive.
I also can’t stop. Spacebrake sometimes has no effect, sometimes works as normal, and sometimes actually accelerates me. I’ll throttle all the way down and it has no effect on my speed. Sometimes it even displays my speed as zero though the ship is moving and not slowing. The only way to arrest my movement is to hit something.
submitted by Loomborn to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:17 Perfect-Quiet-8938 rootless jb on SE3? need help

im on ios 17.4.1
  1. is it safe and reversable?
  2. would e-banking apps still work?
  3. i want to hide time display on lock (or on the top bar too if possible) only on some focus profile
  4. use separate input and output device for audio (DAC out, phone in)
  5. should i downgrade to 17.0 (dopamine supported) and is it reverable?
help appreciated!
submitted by Perfect-Quiet-8938 to jailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 Rootthecause Exploding GaN Issue (Synchonous Rectification)

Exploding GaN Issue (Synchonous Rectification)
Hi, I'm looking for advice on a (hopefully soon to be) open source project I'm working on. It is an LLC converter that converts 400-600V to 24V and provides up to 750W. The old version works, but the synchronous rectification with MOSFETs gets too hot. So I switched to the NCP4305 with 4.5V clamp and use GAN3R2-100CBEAZ HEMETs. The rectification with GaN basically works and I have already been able to rectify 150W.
Center: GaN HEMETs, above them are the NCP4305s - pls ignore the \"GaNdalf Approved\" 🥲
However, a problem has arisen for the second time: At low load, the NCP4305 shortens the time during which the gate is high until it is completely deactivated (skipping).
Gate-Source graph for one (half wave) SR. Gaps in the gate-source graph indicates cycle skipping at low loads.
With a sufficiently high input voltage (approx. 200V), this leads to the HEMETs heating up to over 200°C in 100ms - and permanently losing their function. My assumption is that the skipping causes a current to continue to flow through the HEMET (reverse conduction) and leads to overheating.
However, this does not seem particularly logical to me either, because during the test approx. 50 mA flowed at the output and the source-drain voltage is 1.5 V → 75 mW (peak perhaps more).
The data sheet of the NCP4305 mentions the optional use of the Light Load Detection pin. This reduces the gate voltage if the output voltage exceeds a certain value at light load conditions. The reasons given for using the LLD pin are better efficiency for FETs with large input capacitance and improved stability during load transients. The efficiency was secondary to me at this point, which is why I have pulled the LLD pin to GND (disabling LLD).
The used schematic is mostly like the one provided in the datasheet. Note: Only one HEMET per side was used while testing. R68/R73 set the minimum ON-Time for the Gate (1k = 125 ns, 10k = 1000ns).
Datasheet for the NCP4305:
Now I got 3 questions:
  • Could the LLD pin solve my problem?
  • Why is my HEMET destroyed when the gate is not driven at low load?
  • How else could the problem be solved? (Does anyone have experience with this or other SR GaN drivers?)
I would be more than happy for any advice, because I'm running out of ideas and really want set an end to this +3 Year Project. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Rootthecause to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:58 curtwagner1984 Workflow Reusablity

Is there a way to reuse workflows in other workflows? Comfy in many ways reminds me of Unreal's Engine visual scripting, and one crutial feature that Unreal has that I don't see in comfy is the ability to create a library of 'functions' or actions that you often repeat. So far I haven't found a good feature in comfy that accompishes this.
For example loading a model and creating a empty latent and then wiring it up to a k sampler. We have a custom node for that, but a custom node is a premade node made by someone else. If a custom node for my use case doesn't exist then I'm out of luck.
There is also an option to converte a group of nodes into a 'group' node, but it's kind of clanky and when I tried it, it didn't work as I expected. Also with group node there isn't a way to edit the node once it's created. (or at least, no way I know of.)
It would have been a huge usablitly boon if comfy had a feature to create function libraries and if user could share them. You might say 'this is just like custom nodes'. It isn't, because custom nodes are a black box as far as you're concered, you can't edit or tweak or add to a custom node from comfy. You can write your own custom node, but that's a diffrent story.
Please watch this 5 minute UE4 tutorial about function libreiers and notice how useful they can be.
Notice that you can define inputs and outputs with intout and output nodes,in contrast to how it's done with node group where everything is included by default, and if you have many nodes you need to toggle each input and output you don't need off.
UE also has a nice feature of execution flow (this is the white trinalge on top of each node, and this line shows how the nodes will execute, makeing it easy to bypass nodes or switch nodes without too much of a hussle. (I guess this is what the unused 'on trigger' modes are in comfy nodes).
I also found there's a thing called saving as template, but as far as I can see this is just saving a copy pasted workflow, technically it does what I want, but I would like to make a box where I define the inputs and outputs and the main ui will show just that box, and that I can double click that box and it will show me the workflow inside and that I can edit it.
submitted by curtwagner1984 to comfyui [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:44 livog0 Am I Doing This Right? Fully RSC Collapsible Component Implementation

I've been testing out creating compound component setup in my Next.js project, and I'm hitting a bit of a wall. I'm aiming to pass properties down from the top-level component to its child components, but I'm unsure if my implementation is correct or safe. Here’s what I have so far:
jsx Accordion 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Accordion 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
By wrapping Accordion around the Collapsible components, they become part of the Accordion. The Accordion will look for the Collapsible component (deep) and pass an accordionId, which changes the input type in the Collapsible from checkbox to radio. This might sound like an anti-React pattern, but I'm just going full RSC + CSS, avoiding JavaScript as much as possible. Maybe just have the trigger being use client as that's the only one that needs it? Here's the critical file I need feedback on. It works, but I'm unsure if it’s safe or if there's a better way to achieve this without going use client. This code should work for both use client and non use client components (RSC).
```jsx // utils/manipulateReactComponents.ts import React from 'react'
export const isComponentMatching = (child: React.ReactNode, targetType: any): boolean => { if (!React.isValidElement(child)) return false if (React.isValidElement(child) && child.type === targetType) { return true }
let displayName = undefined if (typeof window === 'undefined') { // @ts-ignore displayName = Array.isArray(child?.type?._payload?.value) ? child.type?._payload?.value?.at(-1) : child.type?._payload?.value?.displayName } else { // @ts-ignore displayName = Array.isArray(child?.type?._payload?.value) ? // @ts-ignore child.type?._payload?.value?.at(-1) : // @ts-ignore child?.type?._payload?.value?.name child?.type?._payload?.value?.displayName }
return [, targetType.displayName].includes(displayName) }
export function findComponentsOfType(children: React.ReactNode, componentType: React.ElementType): React.ReactElement[] { const foundComponents = React.Children.toArray(children).filter((child) => React.isValidElement(child) && isComponentMatching(child, componentType))
// Cast each found child as React.ReactElement since we've already verified they are valid elements. return foundComponents as React.ReactElement[] }
export function findComponentOfType(children: React.ReactNode, componentType: React.ElementType): React.ReactElement undefined { const found = React.Children.toArray(children).find((child) => React.isValidElement(child) && isComponentMatching(child, componentType))
return found as React.ReactElement undefined }
export function applyPropsToChildrenOfType( children: React.ReactNode, extraProps: any, componentType: React.ElementType React.ElementType[], options: { includeIndex?: boolean recursive?: boolean } = {} ): React.ReactNode { const { includeIndex = false, recursive = false } = options
return, (child, index) => { if (!React.isValidElement(child)) { return child }
const isEligibleComponent = Array.isArray(componentType) ? componentType.some((type) => isComponentMatching(child, type)) : isComponentMatching(child, componentType) const props = isEligibleComponent ? { ...extraProps, ...(includeIndex ? { index } : {}) } : {} if (!(child.props && child.props.children) !recursive) { return React.cloneElement(child, props) } const childProps = { ...child.props, ...props, children: applyPropsToChildrenOfType(child.props.children, extraProps, componentType, options) } return React.cloneElement(child, childProps) 
}) }
tsx // components/accordian.tsx const Accordian = ({ children, className }: AccordianProps) => { const accordionId = useId() const accordianChildren = applyPropsToChildrenOfType(children, { accordionId }, [Collapsible]) return
Is this a bad implementation? Is there a better way to do this without going use client? Any feedback or telling me this is "okey" to do, would be appreciated!
submitted by livog0 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 kopec89 Sonos Ray optical connection stopped working, any ideas?

Hi, I was using Sonos Ray as computer speakers via soundcard with digital optical output. Everything worked fine until few days ago when Ray no more sees the digital input. The digital input works otherwise OK with another device instead Ray. I have spent almost entire day on the Sonos help line, but in the end they told me they never intended to use Ray with PC and that it is my problem I bought it and that they maybe changed something so now it doesnt work. This is actually not true, they mention usage with PC on their website.
Do you have any ideas how to possibly fix this without the Sonos helpline help?
submitted by kopec89 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:07 RabidHippos 1/4 patch cables issue

Was wondering if anyone could help me out with the repair of a patch cable.
I have a coiled Ernie Ball cable that worked great for years. Recently I noticed it starts to cut in and out when I start to stretch it out ( around 10-15 feet from my amp)
I removed the wires, cleaned it and up resoldered them back on. I've tested with my multimeter ( both before soldering to check the integrity of the actual wire and after assembling again testing with the jacks), everything is hooked up properly, I'm getting continuity where I should be. Same issue happens.
I've already checked both the input to the amp and output jack of various guitars, and tried with a different cable so I know the issue itself is the cable or the jack ends.
Is there a way to test the actual jack ends to see if those are the issues?
submitted by RabidHippos to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:06 icamaster Beginner question: reading ADC samples

I come from an embedded microcontroller background, but I now need to design a basic RTL module to read an external ADC, an Analogue Devices AD9248. I have two methods in mind on how to implement this, but not sure which is the right solution, and I am reaching to this community for guidance if possible.
Looking at the datasheet, at Figure 34, if I were to put my embedded C thinking hat, I would just have a clock twice as fast as the ADC clock (sample clock) and then I would just read the samples on the falling edge (see in red), assuming both clocks are in the same phase. See modified figure below. Then my reads will probably always be occurring after 'tpd'.
However, I think this might not the right solution in FPGA, and I should just use a single clock (which is the ADC clock), and read the ADC samples on both edges. Then in the timing constraints ensure that the minimum delay for the D0-D11 is according to 'tpd' (min 2ns, max 6ns), so for Xilinx I would add a 'add_input_delay' constraint. (I think this method is discussed here: )
If it helps, I am using a Zynq type FPGA. For now, I can also control the clock from the FPGA, as it is just an output pin connected to a PL pin, but in the future this will be an external clock oscillator to minimise jitter.
submitted by icamaster to FPGA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 ojiber Has Jax PRNG random number generation changed?

This seems incredibly stupid, and maybe the docs are just wrong, but I've been following the Flax docs to try and learn how the framework and it's been really interesting and enjoyable. I've encountered one of the pieces of code where I get a different ouptut than what they get and I'm kinda freaking out about it.
import jax from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence from jax import random, numpy as jnp import flax from flax import linen as nn class ExplicitMLP(nn.Module): features: Sequence[int] def setup(self): # we automatically know what to do with lists, dicts of submodules self.layers = [nn.Dense(feat) for feat in self.features] # for single submodules, we would just write: # self.layer1 = nn.Dense(feat1) def __call__(self, inputs): x = inputs for i, lyr in enumerate(self.layers): x = lyr(x) if i != len(self.layers) - 1: x = nn.relu(x) return x key1, key2 = random.split(random.key(0), 2) x = random.uniform(key1, (4,4)) model = ExplicitMLP(features=[3,4,5]) params = model.init(key2, x) y = model.apply(params, x) print('initialized parameter shapes:\n', jax.tree_util.tree_map(jnp.shape, flax.core.unfreeze(params))) print('output:\n', y) 
This is pretty much verbatim what they have in the docs however, they report this output:
initialized parameter shapes: {'params': {'layers_0': {'bias': (3,), 'kernel': (4, 3)}, 'layers_1': {'bias': (4,), 'kernel': (3, 4)}, 'layers_2': {'bias': (5,), 'kernel': (4, 5)}}} output: [[ 4.2292815e-02 -4.3807115e-02 2.9323792e-02 6.5492536e-03 -1.7147182e-02] [ 1.2967806e-01 -1.4551792e-01 9.4432183e-02 1.2521387e-02 -4.5417298e-02] [ 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00] [ 9.3024032e-04 2.7864395e-05 2.4478821e-04 8.1344310e-04 -1.0110770e-03]] 
Which seems completely logical, but I get:
initialized parameter shapes: {'params': {'layers_0': {'bias': (3,), 'kernel': (4, 3)}, 'layers_1': {'bias': (4,), 'kernel': (3, 4)}, 'layers_2': {'bias': (5,), 'kernel': (4, 5)}}} output: [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0.0072379 -0.00810347 -0.02550939 0.02151716 -0.01261241] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]] 
I notice a couple of things here, the zeros seem a bit hinky, I first noticed this because of the zeros when I tried making x a (10, 4) shape instead and all the rows but the second were zeros.
I'm going to keep going with the tutorial and just assume that this is just a mistake in the docs but should I be worried about this?
submitted by ojiber to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 SmoreOfBabylon Summary of Announced Updates for Patch 7.0 (Dawntrail) from Today's Live Letter (LL 81)

Here is a summary of the announced upcoming game updates for patch 7.0 (Dawntrail expansion) from today’s Live Letter (LL 81). The information below is complied mainly from the officially translated live stream of the event, as well as FFXIV Discord's translation channel coverage of the event. The stream can be watched in full here:
There was a fair amount of gameplay footage shown of the new content (particularly of the new/updated job actions and two brand new jobs), but I only pulled a few points of relevant information from it, rather than summarizing it all. But, as usual, please let me know if I missed anything major!
Patch 7.0: Dawntrail
Officially releases on July 2, 2024
Early access period for pre-orders begins Friday, June 28, 2024; 48-hour pre-launch maintenance beings Wednesday, June 26th
Job Updates
Job Actions Trailer:
Note: Today’s presentation was not meant to be a detailed breakdown of ALL planned job changes and additions, just a basic overview of some of the noteworthy adjustments. Full gameplay will be previewed during the current media tour, with complete details on all of the job adjustments, potency changes, etc. to come with the patch notes for 7.0 after launch maintenance begins.
Action Change Settings - To address button bloat, certain actions will be replaced by their follow-up counterparts on the same button upon use, instead of the follow-up actions being on a separate button. However, for those who would prefer it the old way, this setting allows you to choose whether or not those changing actions will be replaced by their follow-up counterparts.
Adjustments to Tanks
  • Rampart and job-specific 30% damage reduction abilities will be upgraded in the 90s level range
  • Reprisal’s duration will be increased to 15 seconds in the 90s level range
  • The second and third executions of Atonement have been changed to new actions with separate animations (the Atonement button will change to these actions automatically, so button presses will remain the same)
  • A new action that can be executed after Blade of Valor will be added
  • In order to execute Goring Blade, you will need to have Fight or Flight activated
  • A new action, which can be executed after three executions of Fell Cleave or Decimate while Inner Release is active, will be added
  • A new action that can be executed after Primal Rend will be added
  • Visual effects and animation of Inner Chaos will be adjusted
Dark Knight
  • To reduce the number of inputs during burst damage phases, Blood Weapon will upgrade into Delirium, and the effects of Blood Weapon will be added to Deliirium
  • A new action that can be executed after Living Shadow will be added
  • A new action that can be executed after Fated Circle (via Continuation) will be added
  • A new 3-step combo that can be executed after Bloodfest will be added (no cartridge cost)
Adjustments to Melee DPS
  • Second Wind’s potency will be increased in the 90s level range
  • Feint’s duration will be increased to 15 seconds in the 90s level range
  • Basic combo mechanics will no longer center around maintaining a buff or DoT; instead, performing actions in a certain order will increase the next action’s potency. Adjustments will be
  • Can accumulate up to a total of ten chakra while Brotherhood is active, to prevent chakra overflow
  • There will be a potency buff to Six-Sided Star if executed while you have ten chakra stacks
  • To reduce positional requirements for the single-target combo, the 5th combo action has been changed to a new non-directional action, Drakesbane (Fang and Claw/Wheeling Thrust will change to Drakesbane, so input execution will remain the same
  • To facilitate maximum damage output at the beginning of a battle, Life of the Dragon will be available without accumulating Dragon Gauge
  • To reduce the number of inputs during burst damage phases, certain actions will be removed or adjusted
  • Huton’s effect has been moved to a trait and will always be active (Huton will be changed to an AoE attack which grants the effect of Hidden)
  • Actions which extend the duration of Huton’s effect will be adjusted in accordance with the above change
  • Due to these adjustments, the Windmill logo in the job gauge will be removed
  • To simplify recast management, Tsubame-gaeshi will be changed to be executable after Meikyo Shisui
  • Hakaze, Tenka Goten, and Midare Setsugekka will be upgraded into new actions
  • Traits will be added that shorten the recast time for Hissastsu: Guren and Hissastsu: Senei
  • Plentiful Harvest’s effect will no longer increase the Shroud Gauge by 50, and instead will allow execution of Enshroud (now can be used when gauge is at 51 or more without waste)
  • A new action that can be executed while Enshrouded will be added
  • Hells’ Ingress and Hell’s Egress will have reduced cool down when Enhanced Harpe is activated
  • Link to Viper job overview and gameplay demonstration in the livestream
  • A fast-paced job that fluidly shifts between dual-wield blades and double-bladed strikes
  • Has a similar total number of actions as other jobs, but is designed so that fewer actions need to be set on the hotbar
  • Executing actions will build a job gauge, which can then be expended in an enhanced “Awaken” phase
  • When applying buffs to yourself as well as debuffs to the enemy, certain other actions will be enhanced depending on which buffs/debuffs are active
  • In addition to close-range melee attacks, there are also some long-range attacks available should you need to fight from afar
Adjustments to Ranged Physical DPS
  • Second Wind’s healing potency will be increased in the 90s level range
  • Damage reduction of job-0specific defensive abilities will be increased to 15% in the 90s level range
  • Mage’s Ballad, Army’s Paeon, and the Wanderer’s Minuet will be changed into buffing actions which do not attack enemies
  • Pitch Perfect will be changed into an AoE attack for ease of use in encounters with multiple enemies
  • Single-target and AoE procs (Straight Shot Ready/Shadow Bite Ready) will be merged into one proc for better ease of use
  • Barrel Stabilizer will no longer increase Heat Gauger by 50, and instead will allow execution of Hypercharge (can now be used when gauge is at 51 without waste)
  • A new trait which accumulates charges for Drill will be added
  • A new action that can be executed after Flourish will be added
  • A new action which consumes Esprit and can be executed after Technical Finish will be added
  • Certain skills currently triggered by Standard Step may now be executed without having to go through the step actions
Adjustments to Magical Ranged DPS
  • Swiftcast’s recast will be reduced to 40 seconds in the 90s level range
  • Addle’s duration will be increased to 15 seconds in the 90s level range
Black Mage
  • Various adjustments will be made to streamline certain aspects of the job, such as restoring MP upon landing ice spells while Umbral Ice is active, instead of passively over time
  • A new action which repositions Ley Lines beneath the caster once will be added
  • Solar Bahamut, a new summon akin to Bahamut and Phoenix, will be added (new summon rotation will be: Solar Bahamut - Bahamut - Solar Bahamut - Phoenix)
  • A new attack action that can be executed after Searing Light will be added
  • Summoner will keep Resurrection for Dawntrail, but may have it removed in 8.0
Red Mage
  • Manafication will no longer increase Black Mana and White Mana by 50, and will instead allow the execution of enchanted swordplay actions without cost (can now be executed while mana is at 51 or more without waste)
  • The AoE enchanted swordplay combo beginning with Enchanted Moulinet will now consume a total of 50 Black Mana and White Mana, similar to its single-target counterpart
  • Whenever Embolden is executed, an attack ability will be enabled
  • Link to Pictomancer overview and gameplay demonstration in the livestream (I found this job much easier to understand by watching the demonstration, BTW)
  • Job actions centered around Aether Hue elemental attacks (Red = Flare, Green = Aero, Blue = Water) and Motifs (Creature, Weapon, and Landscape)
  • Aether Hue attacks build a gauge that can be expended on White elemental Holy attacks as well as Subtractive Pallette, which upgrades your other elemental attacks to higher-potency elements.
  • Creature Motif involves rendering parts of a creature (eg. a Moogle) via attacks that will eventually summon the creature for a higher-powered attack
  • Weapon Motif is a fast triple-cast combo
  • Landscape Motif is a longer-cast action that deals damage to enemy and grants buffs to self and party members
Adjustments to Healers
  • Swiftcast’s recast time will be reduced top 40 seconds in the 90s level range
White Mage
  • A new action allowing the caster to quickly move forward will be added
  • A new AoE attack, which can be executed up to 3 times after Presence of Mind, will be added
  • New trait that increases Tetragrammaton stack number will be added
  • Seraphism, a new action which changes the caster’s appearance and enhances healing magicks, will be added
  • A new AoE attack that can be executed after Chain Stratagem will be added; it will include a DoT
  • A new trait that reduces recast time for Recitation will be added
  • The card system will no longer be RNG based, and will instead simultaneously draw cards with offensive, defensive, and curative effects
  • Every 60 seconds, you can draw one set of four cards (divided under Lord of Crowns or Lady of Crowns), each card having different effects, and you can use the cards in that set depending on your situational needs
  • Astrodyne will be removed with the discontinuation of astrosigns
  • New trait that increases Essential Dignity stack number will be added
  • Eukrasia will now enhance Dyskrasia II into Eukrasian Dyskrasia, an AoE attack which deals damage over time to enemies within range
  • A new party buff, which heals party members whenever the caster casts a spell, will be added (basically a ranged version of Kardion, but will only be in effect for a limited amount of time)
  • New trait that reduces the recast time of Soteria will be added
PvP Updates
  • Viper and Pictomancer will be added to PvP in 7.0
  • New PvP actions, action adjustments, and adjustments to existing PvP maps are currently planned for 7.1
  • Crystalline Conflict ranked matches will;; be in preseason between 7.0 and 7.1 (rankings will not be updated, but tiers and Crystal Credit will be affected by wins and losses
New Characters
  • Two new NPCs that will appear in the Dawntrail MSQ were discussed: Bakool Ja Ja and Koana, who will both be competing for the throne of Tural. Bakool Ja Ja is a two-headed Mamool Ja, similar to Gulool Ja Ja, and Koana is the male Miqo’te from the Dawntrail poster.
    Other Information
  • Benchmark software/graphics update: Some adjustments have been made based on feedback on the original benchmark. These include adjustments to lighting in the character creator, as well as corrections to graphical oddities in character models (addressing things like Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te teeth and Lalafell mouths/teeth). These adjustments will be incorporated into a new benchmark available for download, in addition to the game itself with Dawntrail. Information about a release date for the new benchmark will be announced later.
  • Free Fantasia: Starting in 7.0, there will be a new NPC in Ul’dah with a low level quest that can be completed for one free Fantasia per character.
  • In addition, using a Fantasia will now grant a 60 minute period during which you can make additional adjustments to your character after re-entering the game world if you are not satisfied with how the adjustments look in game. There is no limit to how many additional times you can tweak your character within this 60 minute period.
  • Fall Guys collaboration event returns from May 23rd to June 10th
  • Mountain Dew promotional event (US only): enter codes found under caps of specially marked Man. Dew products to receive points that can be redeemed for rewards, including in-game rewards such as a “Mountain Zu” mount and a consumable drink item.
  • Preorders now open for new merchandise on the Square Enix store
  • Immerse Gamepack version 2.2 available now:
  • KFC promotional event is returning to Japan; details to be announced later
  • Next Live Letter (LL 82), summarizing upcoming additions for 7.0, scheduled for June 14th
submitted by SmoreOfBabylon to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:50 Sugar1982 Been working on a concept for a monophonic synth for guitar players with AI. What do you think so far?

Core Features

  1. Monophonic Tracking
    • Advanced Pitch Tracking: High-quality pitch tracking optimized for guitabass input to ensure precise and fast response, ideal for lead playing.
  2. Oscillators
    • Dual DCOs (Digitally Controlled Oscillators): Stable tuning with a variety of analog wave shapes (sine, saw, square, triangle).
    • Analog Path: True analog signal path for rich, warm sound.
    • Oscillator Sync & Modulation: Options for syncing oscillators and applying ring modulation for complex tones. -** User can load Waveshapes
  3. Filters
    • Dual Analog Filters: Configurable in series or parallel for versatile sound shaping.
    • Filter Types: Classic analog low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch filters.
    • Filter Modulation: Each filter can be modulated by dedicated ADSR envelopes and LFOs.
  4. Envelopes
    • ADSR Envelopes: Separate ADSR envelopes for amplitude and each filter, providing detailed control over the sound dynamics.
  5. Effects (FX)
    • Analog and Digital FX Chain:
      • Analog Reverb: Spring reverb for vintage warmth.
      • Digital Reverb: Options for hall, plate, and room reverb.
      • Analog Delay: Warm, tape-like delay.
      • Digital Delay: Precise, clean delays with tempo sync.
      • Chorus/FlangePhaser: Analog effects for depth and modulation.
      • Overdrive/Distortion: Analog circuitry for natural overdrive and distortion suited for guitar leads.
      • Compression: Analog compression for smooth dynamic control.
      • EQ: Basic analog equalizer to shape the tone before output.
  6. Modulation Sources
    • LFOs: Multiple LFOs with various analog waveforms and sync options.
    • Modulation Matrix: Route LFOs, envelopes, and other sources to oscillators, filters, and effects parameters.
  7. Patch Management
    • Preset Management: Ability to save and recall presets, including user-defined custom setups.
    • Patch Indicator System: A single indicator light that illuminates when a knob or slider is returned to its original position from a saved patch. This keeps costs down while providing the necessary feedback.
  8. Connectivity
    • Audio Input: High-impedance input for direct guitar connection.
    • MIDI In/Out/Thru: For integration with other MIDI gear.
    • USB Connectivity: For software updates and integration with DAWs.
    • Expression Pedal Input: For real-time control of various parameters.
  9. User Interface
    • Intuitive Interface: A user-friendly interface with a clear OLED display for parameter editing and feedback.
    • Knobs and Sliders: Hands-on controls for real-time manipulation, with tactile feedback.
    • Preset Indicator Light: A single light to indicate when a control is set to its original saved position.

Design & Aesthetic

Unique Selling Points

Possible Extras

submitted by Sugar1982 to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:18 Wittskid Experiment with IQ8+'s

I powered one IQ8+ with a 48VDC 100Ah battery, it produced 298W for about 16 hours, It was Fed through the PV CT as a 2nd array (Provisioned) and showed in enlighten as a continuous PV input. (w/storage error) Next, I powered two IQ8+'s, I expected around 596W for 8 hours but 1 inverter put out continuous and the other was being switched on & off? The PV input in enlighten for the single inverter was 75W for every 15 min interval. For the two inverters it was 102W for each interval and output for about 11hours (see photo). Any Ideas why? I plan on feeding 4 or 8 inverters through an MPPT with an alternator (48VDC 60A) to keep batteries charged after cloudy days.
submitted by Wittskid to enphase [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:11 Dave_vans_ Convert cartesian force into radial

Hello everyone, I am modelling a cylinder subjected to a radial pressure. I extracted the Force vs displacement by history output -> Interaction etc.... Is there a method in Abaqus to convert all this data into cylindrical coordinates (already created in the input file)? Because for the visualization or field output it works, but not for history output. Thanks in advance :)
Vascular stent subjected to external radial pressure
submitted by Dave_vans_ to Abaqus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:11 Less_Refuse1714 Ideas for a project

Hello I currently can't decide what arcpy project to do I have tried to do geocoding and network analyses by python script and it is just too difficult , it's way easier to do them manually. In order to get a good grade I need python script either inside or outside of Arcgis Pro , the project idea is to bridge a gap between two objects that are difficult to combine or don't have a direct link between them , so that I can use the output of the first tool as an input for the second tool. Are there any easy ideas that I can do by script? thank you
submitted by Less_Refuse1714 to gis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:04 lukabiniashvili No audio on Pop os 22.04.

at this point i think everything there is on internet. I have no idea but when running alsa it picks up on board and gpu audio but when going in settings output and input devices are just unclickable and blank. tried reinstalling pipewire but no luck. please if anyone has any idea, I would be so grateful since I really dont feel like starting fresh and setting up my machine once again,
submitted by lukabiniashvili to pop_os [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:03 HardcoreIndori Mini version of ChatGPT4o that is completely powered by open source models

Mini version of ChatGPT4o that is completely powered by open source models
Core Features: Inputs possible are Text Text + Image , Audio and outputs possible are Image, Image + Text, Text Audio FREE and Super-fast. Publicly Available before GPT 40.
submitted by HardcoreIndori to openGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:58 russthammer NKD… but need help

NKD… but need help
wife got this for me this Gersh 810 for my birthday and I really want to customize it and make it awesome. The Damasteel pattern on this is just awesome, so this knife deserves to look its best. Since they no longer make the 810, the aftermarket availability is a bit limited. So I’m hoping someone here has ideas
I believe rouge blade works still has CF scales, so I’m leaning in that direction (their website is down till 6/1).
My best friend has the 810 with the barrel spacers and he is willing to swap parts…. But also debating about just polishing off the black coating so it has a polished look. I also know how to cerakote, so can also add color via coating the back spacer
Does anyone know if the hardware is compatible with existing models? I have a micrometer and can measure, but I assume there is one person who knows the answer.
Any input is appreciated. If you know someone who use to make 810 parts and might be willing to make some parts, I understand that cost extra and willing to do that for the right parts
submitted by russthammer to benchmade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:56 Present_Solid_8645 Coding Question -OA

Coding Question -OA
I recently appeared a coding test . I have added photos. I solved this question partially , would love to know what are ideas/approach to solve this question !!!
Constraints :
1 1<=l,r<=10^18
Sample Input
5 10
Explanation :
6 has mentor -2
8 has mentor -2
9 has mentor -3
Hence count is 3.

#problemsolving #coding #OA

submitted by Present_Solid_8645 to u/Present_Solid_8645 [link] [comments]