Low lymphocytes

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2024.06.09 22:32 Beneficial-Winner-62 High platelets and lymphocytes

So I have an appointment with the hematologist on 06/13/2024 and I am very scared. I have been playing Dr. Google and diagnosing myself which I know is bad. Feb of 2023 my CBC showed elevated platelets at 486 Normal range 140-400. 1 year later CBC shows platelets at 493 normal range 140-400. with elevated lymphocytes at 4218.8 normal range 850-3900 and WBC boarderline high at 10.6 normal range 3.8-10.8. My iron panel was normal. I was hopeful it would have been low iron causing high platelets. I don’t know if this matters but I am a 26F who has been vegetarian for approx 20 years. Can any docs weigh in on my lab results? I am so scared it is some type of blood cancer or lymphoma. I am also scared bc I’ve read it could be something like ET or PV but then I am reading this can lessen your lifespan???? Please help I am going crazy. If anyone needs screen shots of labs please message me. It will not let me attach results.
submitted by Beneficial-Winner-62 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:53 LateNightSkies Wacky Toddler Blood Results

Age 18 month
Sex Male
Height 35”
Weight 28.5lbs
Race White
Duration of complaint Unsure
Location Arizona
Wacky Toddler Blood Results
I just got round to doing LO’s 12 month blood test at almost 18 months old. He was born at 36+2, had to go to NICU straight away. He was also on famotidine for reflux until 14 months and had CMPA.
So LO’s ferritin is 8. His iron saturation is 11%. His rbc, mhc, mhch and mcv are all low.
His rdw, platelets and lymphocytes are high 69% and 7.9. UIBC and TIBC also high.
His hematocrit and hemoglobin and iron are all in normal range.
He was sick with a gnarly stomach bug and virus/cold within the last three weeks, has thrush currently and is also teething.
He had dairy and soy intolerance which I thought he had outgrown and have been giving him dairy (still largely avoiding raw whole milk but he does get some) for the last 3 months or so.
He is my first but is a pretty active, happy kid who eats pretty well and we cook with cast iron. He normally sleeps badly but seems to be about average for sleep total. He moves a lot in his sleep and wakes himself up but doesn’t ever seem overly tired during the day. He usually doesn’t fall asleep off schedule, might yawn here and there but stays active.
Of course today is Sunday and I’m freaking out about these results.
submitted by LateNightSkies to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:55 PlaceStunning7357 Lab results

Hello everyone, so I had to make a trip to the ER for some chest and back pain along with some other symptoms, they did multiple tests and a scan with contrast. Luckily the doctor narrowed it down and seen that nothing serious or major was wrong and sent me on my way with my medicine. I decided to go over my lab results despite not really knowing exactly how to read some of the stuff on there but there are a couple things that are highlighted. The one thing I’m a little worried about is my Neutrophils being high at 72.4, the only other thing that appears to be high is my MCHC at 36.9. There are some that show low but I was mainly curious about that neutrophils. Last year my primary care doctor confirmed that my reactive lymph nodes were swollen after I had gotten a scan done, since then they have been the same. I don’t have any intense symptoms, I just struggle with feeling weak and tired a lot but I was told it was due to my Vitamin D deficiency (I am 22, female). If it could help you get some sort of grasp on what could be going on I can list some more of the numbers down below:
WBC: 10.25 RBC: 4.49 Hemoglobin: 13.6 Hematocrit: 36.9 MCV: 82.2 MCH: 30.3 RDW: 12.6 MPV: 10.1 Lymphocytes%: 19.5 Monocytes%: 6.0 Eosinophils%: 1.0 Basophils%: 0.8 Neutrophils Absolute: 7.42 Lymphocytes Absolute: 2.00 Monocytes Absolute: 0.62 Eosinophils Absolute: 0.10 Basophil Absolute: 0.08
submitted by PlaceStunning7357 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:43 RevivedLantern NOBODY KNOWS WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME or what to do next PLEASE HELP

I am a 19 year old male.
For the past two to three weeks, I have been having to urinate super frequently (around 25 times per day). My lips and mouth keep getting dry. I have also been having higher body temperature than normal. I went to the doctors twice and peed in a cup twice (once at each visit) and had two blood tests and there was nothing abnormal besides some high neutrophils low lymphocytes in my blood. (But apparently this doesn't matter since my white blood cell count was normal). My body temperature has been hovering around 99.5 although it goes up to 100.5 at some times. I told the first doctor I saw that I thought I had a UTI, so he gave me 3 days of bactrin. I went back with no relief and had some vomitting. I'm still vomitting a week later. I also had some back pain. After this visit I was given levofloxacin. I took 1 pill and started reading side effects and got scared so I stopped. I went to a different doctor who gave me some nausea meds and some cephalexin (5 days). I'm on the fourth day for this treatment. I dropped my college class for the summer and went home. My parents are taking care of me but they are kind of mad at how much money all this might cost (my insurance is really bad and college costs are high). I'm worried I might have some sort of acute prostatitis. I might see a urologist soon since I don't think internal medicine doctors know what's wrong with me. What tests should I get and what do you think I could have? PLEASE RESPOND THANK YOU. There is no blood in my urine or in the urinalysis so no kidney stones.
submitted by RevivedLantern to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:41 RevivedLantern NOBODY KNOWS WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME or what to do next PLEASE HELP

I am a 19 year old male.
For the past two to three weeks, I have been having to urinate super frequently (around 25 times per day). My lips and mouth keep getting dry. I have also been having higher body temperature than normal. I went to the doctors twice and peed in a cup twice (once at each visit) and had two blood tests and there was nothing abnormal besides some high neutrophils low lymphocytes in my blood. (But apparently this doesn't matter since my white blood cell count was normal). My body temperature has been hovering around 99.5 although it goes up to 100.5 at some times. I told the first doctor I saw that I thought I had a UTI, so he gave me 3 days of bactrin. I went back with no relief and had some vomitting. I'm still vomitting a week later. I also had some back pain. After this visit I was given levofloxacin. I took 1 pill and started reading side effects and got scared so I stopped. I went to a different doctor who gave me some nausea meds and some cephalexin (5 days). I'm on the fourth day for this treatment. I dropped my college class for the summer and went home. My parents are taking care of me but they are kind of mad at how much money all this might cost (my insurance is really bad and college costs are high). I'm worried I might have some sort of acute prostatitis. I might see a urologist soon since I don't think internal medicine doctors know what's wrong with me. What tests should I get and what do you think I could have? PLEASE RESPOND THANK YOU. There is no blood in my urine or in the urinalysis so no kidney stones. I am also not sexually active so this is not a STI.
submitted by RevivedLantern to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:02 Ok_Adhesiveness4063 Reoccurring lymph node swelling

Reoccurring lymph node swelling
34 year old male diagnosed with one episode of acute pancreatitis back in 2021 and then exocrine pancreatic insufficiency like 6 months later due to chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue and low fecal elastase around 150. After I started taking pancreatic enzymes with every meal however had a fecal elastase of 800 about 8 months ago and decided to stop the enzymes about a month ago with normal solid stools since. The enzymes were causing abdominal discomfort and some other symptoms I won’t mention but normal for that medication.
Episode of pancreatitis: severe pain 8-10/10 December 2021. ER visit w/ elevated lipase levels 599 and CT unremarkable except hutch diverticuli on bladder. Sent home on clear liquid diet, low fat diet etc. was vaping during this time. Leading up to this event I was drinking moderately (night before first pain occurrence and then quit), vaping heavily (chain vaping), eating lots of fatty foods due to holidays. I also ate sketchy food from ethnic market (fruit in water, beef and chicken empanada). I’ve never been an alcoholic and it wasn’t difficult for me to just stop altogether after this episode. So that’s what I did. I also quit vaping nicotine shortly after (never smoked cigs).
Started GI consult in January 2022 as follow up and due to having diarrhea, weight loss, chills, fatigue. Fecal elastase test can back normal at 399. (Above 200 normal). Also tested positive for Covid with symptoms January 2022 for the 3rd time and only 2.5 months after receiving my second Pfizer vaccine. Blood work was normal and lipase level was normal. Causation likely acute pancreatitis related to vaping and alcohol use per doctors and no further follow up needed per GI.
Started with new PCP due to ongoing symptoms of diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, but no chills around March 2022. Sent for HIDA scan which showed gallbladder and ductal function w/ ejection fraction greater than 65% (normal test). Abdominal ultrasound also normal. Was started on Paxil 10mg daily for off label purpose of IBS symptoms and OCD but shortly after discontinued due to side effects. Referred out for another GI follow up where my fecal elastase came back at like 150 moderately insufficient due to chronic diarrhea, weight loss, etc. and then started pancreatic enzymes.
So about 6 months ago, I got some kind of virus (I think) and my lymph nodes have been rotating sites between arm pits and initially in throat. I did go to the doctor in January when it first started as one of my lymph nodes under my left armpit was grossly enlarged and painful to touch. My PCP placed me on antibiotics and it seemed to help with the lymph node which eventually went away. 1 month later the lymph node came back under both armpits. They are painful to touch. I mentioned this to my pcp and she was not very concerned. I asked about going to see an immunologist and was allergy tested. My panel did come back with allergies to dust, cats, and dogs (I do own a small Aussie doodle 7lbs) and sometimes will get a little rash near neck but no other symptoms. The immunologist also ran a lymphocyte panel which came back normal however my IGM was slightly out of range low at 47. Prior to that in January 2024 (same month lymph nodes started swelling) I had an autoimmune panel (due to symptoms of joint pain [I stretch daily and am active in the gym, hair loss, and abdominal symptoms which I still wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of alcohol being main culprit of pancreatitis] which also came back normal. My TSH was elevated at 5.76 (retested a month later and back to 2.5). My compliment component C4C was normal low at 15. All of these tests were completed after my lymph node initially showed up Jan 2024.
So now I’m driving myself a bit nutty related to my reoccurring lymph nodes. Had a PCP visit this month and mentioned they are continuing to swell for a few days, are painful with palpitation, and then go away. I’ve also noticed my armpit oder has increased.
What could this be? Deodorant? Exercise related (I do pull ups weekly)? Cancer? HIV? Mono?
Any and all info is greatly appreciated. I’m also a practicing nurse although I appear to be going crazy lol. I was a hospice nurse for several years which prob added to my health anxiety however these issues that are coming up are real and not imagined. My fiancé can see and feel the lymph nodes as well. I’ve prob spent $1,500 on blood work alone with insurance since January 2024 and am considering switching PCPs at this point.
submitted by Ok_Adhesiveness4063 to Lymphoma_MD_Answers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:28 TeaHonest9400 6 week bloodwork review

6 week bloodwork review
Hi All,
Have been using this community as a means of research both before and during my current TRT program so I'm hoping someone can help me out. I had my 6 week blood test done on 3rd June and the markers are a little confusing, so any help/insight from others to help aid my discussions with my doctor next week would be amazing (I've chased for a consultation but it's quite slow [Optimale - UK]). Details, schedule, and info below for help.
  • 40M, 5'10, 103kg, 20-25% bf (estimate closer to 20%)
  • Blood test on 13th April was my 2nd of the 2 needed before being prescribed (1st was finger prick so left out)
  • Dosage is 100mg test-c p/w (x2 50mg split Mon AM and THUR pm) and 1000iU HCG p/w (x2 500iU split Tue AM and FRI pm) all done subq
  • First injection Mon 22nd April with no pins missed (in line with above pinning schedule)
  • The inclusion of HCG was linked to protecting fertility (no children currently)
  • 6 week blood test taken on Monday 03 June at 07:55am which should be my trough (last injection before was 500iU HCG on Friday 31st May at 07:50pm and I didn't take the 50mg test-c injection until after the 6 week blood test)
Regarding the blood test, the biggest confusion is Testosterone level being lower than when I started. Looking at the other markers, below is what I've researched but happy to hear more experienced/educated responses:
  • My LH and FSH falling highlight that my body knows I'm injecting something but I'm not sure if it's the test-c or HCG shutting this down
  • I got what looked like a cookie cutter response on my haematocrit value although this looks to just be outside the normal high
  • Regarding my creatinine and ALT levels, I've been following the 5x5 program since the 1st injection and on the remaining 4 days I sometimes add spin classes (I may have done a class on Sunday before the injection). Given all other values are in range, and for my ALT the GGT value is normal, I wonder if this is muscle-damage-induced transaminitis
  • My lipids are a carryover from my previous office based role (8-12hrs at the desk, bad food, no movement etc) which I've consciously been working on
Any input/guidance/advice is greatly appreciated; LMK if there is anything on the markers that I should also question and have missed above.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by TeaHonest9400 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:22 the_sweens Am I missing any tests before seeing a CFS/ME doctor?

39F with Pots. Hello, I'm at the end of a year of testing for fatigue and things and most things have been ruled out so I am seeing a CFS/ME specialist.
Before I see them, are there any other common tests that would be useful to bring that may not be here?
E g. I'm getting a test for Lyme disease next week.
The list I have:
CBC With Differential/Platelet WBC x10E3/uL RBC x10E6/uL Haemoglobin g/dL Hematocrit % MCV fL MCH pg MCHC g/dL RDW % Platelets x10E3/uL MPV fL H. pylori, IgG Abs Index Value Neutrophils 109/L Lymphocytes 109/L Monocytes 109/L Eosinophils 109/L Basophils 109/L ESR mm/Hour Absolute neutrophils x10E3/uL Absolute lymphocytes x10E3/uL Absolute monocytes x10E3/uL Absolute eosinophils x10E3/uL Absolute basophils x10E3/uL Immature granulocytes % Absolute immature granulocytes x10E3/uL Low-density lipoprotein, direct assay mg/dL Erythrocute Sedimentation mm/h Nucleated red blood cell 199/L Blood Film
Comp. Metabolic Panel Glucose mg/dL UREA NITROGEN (BUN) mg/dL UREA SERUM mmol/L CREATININE umol/L eGFR NON-AFR mL/min/1.73m2 SODIUM mmol/L POTASSIUM mmol/L CHLORIDE mmol/L CARBON DIOXIDE mmol/L CALCIUM mmol/L Uric Acid umol/L PROTEIN, TOTAL g/dL ALBUMIN g/dL Albumin Serum unit/L GLOBULIN g/dL (calc) ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO (calc) BILIRUBIN, TOTAL umol/L ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE U/L AST U/L ALT U/L Anion POCT cBase Excess (b) mmol/L Serum folate ug/L Ferritin, Serum ng/mL Serum C reactive protein level mg/L
Blood Sugar / Insulin Insulin uIU/mL HbA1c mmol/mol Fasting Glucose mg/dL 1 Hour Glucose mg/dL 2 Hour Glucose mg/dL 3 Hour Glucose mg/dL
Bone Profile Serum albumin g/L Serum alkaline phosphatase U/L Serum inorganic phosphate mmol/L Serum total protein g/L
Heart Health and Serum Lipids Serum triglycerides mmol/L Serum HDL cholesterol level mmol/L Serum LDL cholesterol level mmol/L Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio Serum cholesterol mmol/L SE non HDL cholesterol level mmol/L Lipase U/L N-Terminal Pro-BNP ng/L
Liver Serum total bilrubin level umol/L Alaine Aminotransferase Serum (unit/L) Gamma-glutamyl Transpeptidase Serum (U/L)
Thyroid function Thyroid stimulating hormone uIU/mL Serum free T4 level pmol/L Serum TSH level m[iU]/L
Hormone Serum sex hormone binding glob nmol/l Serum prolactin level mU/L Serum testosterone nmol/L Serum Oestradiol pMol/L Cortisol Level Free Androgen Index Gonadotrophin Levels Serum LH Level U/L Serum FSH level U/L
Vitamin VITAMIN D, 25-OH, TOTAL ng/mL VITAMIN D, 25-OH, D3 ng/mL VITAMIN D, 25-OH, D2 ng/mL Vitamin B12, Cobalamin pg/mL Vitamin B12, ng/L Serum iron umol/L Serum transferrin mg/L Serum TiBC umol/L Transferrin saturation index %
Autoimmune Celiac and Immunoglobulins Tissue transglutaminase antibody, IgA U/mL Immunoglobulins IgA g/L Immunoglobulins IgG g/L Immunoglobulins IgM g/L Plasma Viscosity Rheumatoid factor Coagulation Prothrombin Time (seconds) I.N.R APTT (seconds) Fibrinogen (g/L) 5.9 Immunology ANA Screen (HEp-2) HEp-2 Titre ENA Antibodies ENA Screen dsDNA Antibodies dsDNA (Immunoassay) Cardiolipin Antibodies aCL IgG (U/mL) aCL IgM (U/mL) B2 Glyoprotein 1 Antibodies Anti-B2-GP1 IgG (U/mL) Anti-B2-GP1 IgM (U/mL) Myositis Antibodies CD (cluster of differentiation) CD3 Absolute Count (u/L) CD4 Absolute Count (u/L) CD8 Absolute Count (u/L) CD19 Absolute Count (u/L) CD56 Absolute Count (u/L) CD3 (%) CD4 (%) CD8 (%) CD4:CD8 Ratio CD19 (%) CD56 (%) Naive:CD4+ CD45RA+ CD27+ Memory:CD4+ CD45RA- CD27+ Naive:CD8+ CD45RA+ CD27+ Memory:CD8+ CD45RA- CD27+ Effector:CD8+ CD45RA+ CD27- Effector:CD4+ CD45RA+ CD27- Naive B Cells [CD19+/CD27-/IgD+] Unswitched Memory [CD19+/CD27+/IgD+] Switched Memory [CD19+/CD27+/IgD-] Transitional Cells [CD19+/IgM++/CD38++] CD21 Low B Cells [CD19+/CD21Lo/CD38-] Marginal Zone Cells [CD19+/IgD+/IgM+/CD2] Plasmablasts [CD19+/CD38++/IgM-] Euroclass A Euroclass B Miscellaneous Immunology Test - Lithium Tetanus Antibody IU/mL Pneumococcal Serotype Pneumococcal Serotype 1* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 3* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 4* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 6B* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 8 3.65 mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 9N mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 9V* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 12F mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 14* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 15B mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 18C* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 19A* mg/L Pneumococcal Serotype 23F* mg/L Pneumococcal serotype specific Ab commen Pneumococcal serotype specific Ab commen Other Immunology Tests Classical Pathway (CH100) L 350 CH100 U/mL Alternate Pathway (AP100) C3c (g/L) C4 (g/L) Creatine Kinase (IU/L)
Blood Bank Direct Antiglobulin Test CMV IgM antibody level EBV vca IgM EBV vca IgG EBV EBNA 1 IgG Toxoplasma screening test Toxoplasma gondii IgM HIV Antibody
Blood Gas tests VENOUS BLOOD GAS W/LACTATE Sample Type pH, Blood PCO2 mm Hg PO2 mm Hg PO2 KPa Base excess mmol/L Bicarbonate mmol/L Oxygen Saturation % Calcium, Ionized, whole blood mmol/L Hematocrit from Hb % Lactate, whole blood mmol/L
Urine Tests URINALYSIS WITH REFLEX TO CULTURE Glucose, (UA) mg/dL Bilirubin, Urine Ketones, UA mg/dL Specific Gravity Hemoglobin (UA) Protein, UA g/dL Nitrite Urobilinogen mg/dL WBC Esterase WBC /HPF cmm WBCs, UR HPF RBCs, urine HPF Mucus threads Epithelial cell count 10*6/L Squam Epith Cells LPF albumin (mg/L) Random creatinine mmol/L Albumin: creatinine Leukocyte esterase Blood Color Appearance
Microscopic Examination WBC /HPF RBC /HPF Red Cells 106/L Epithelial cells /HPF Bacteria Pus Cells 106/L Yeast
Stool Tests Stool Samples Ova and parasites concentration Salmonella/Shigella Screen Campylobacter Culture E coli Shiga Toxin EIA Shigella / EIEC PCR VTEC Verotoxin DNA Vibrio Yersinia Plesiomonas C difficile Toxins A+B, EIA Faecal Immunochemical CALPROTECTIN, STOOL ug/g PANCREATIC ELASTASE-1 Elast./g
submitted by the_sweens to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:04 the_sweens Am I missing any tests before CFS/ME expert.

Am I missing any tests before CFS/ME expert.
I am reaching the conclusion of lots of testing that has ruled out a lot of things and the final step is a CFS and ME specialist.
I'm seeing the Dr in a few weeks and want to check I don't have anything else missing that I may be able to get before seeing him.
An example is I'm having a test for Lyme disease this week.
Any other blood /urine / stool tests that are common but missing?
submitted by the_sweens to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:45 Pass012345 11 month old - abnormal labs

Hi everyone! I’m a 24 yo female, asking for help about my 11 month old son. He is 16pounds, unsure of height. He doesn’t smoke and isn’t around smoking ever. He has a pelvic kidney, FEVR eye disease, gerd/reflux, oral dysphagia/aversions.
My 11 month old just got his labs back and they're All out of whack. We got referred to a cancer hematologist (?) but since it's the weekend they won't get us in until Monday. They did call and say they're going to give him iron through iv and do further testing when we come. have a feeling it's leukemia but I was wondering if anybody who's child was diagnosed can tell me if their labs were similar to his. The specialist said he's very anemic (the reason for iron through iv) but we'll figure the other stuff out at his appt. His results are as follows - Hemoglobin: Low at 8.7 Hematocrit: low at 29.0 Mean cell volume: low at 62.8 Mean cell hemoglobin: low at 18.8 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration: low at 30.0 Red cell distribution width: high at 18.2 Platelets: high at 604 Neutrophil automated: low at 3.7 Lymphocyte automated: high at 80.5 Neutrophil automated absolute: low at 0.27 Thank you in advance to anybody who responds
submitted by Pass012345 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:18 Prudent-Dot-5231 What do you think?

I'm a 35 year old female who's lived in the central US for my entire life. I am white and a little hispanic. Currently I am 5' 2" and 195#. Old labs and a current medication list are listed towards the bottom. Here is links to my latest labs:
(Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/SXvgqHC (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/GtWbsp4 (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/ChTxZPm (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/6gCqzKf (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/QdhfYk1 (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/YhbYb9V (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/Lk6qVbD (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/nMzXXhX (Blood Panel) https://ibb.co/RyBjshf
(Food Sensitivity) https://ibb.co/Hx59BwT (Food Sensitivity) https://ibb.co/DbqLz82
(Stool) https://ibb.co/L5wfmj1 (Stool) https://ibb.co/8sY18Qr (Stool) https://ibb.co/3SH3rqG (Stool) https://ibb.co/cb5c1tM (Stool) https://ibb.co/VwDkgWJ
(Dexcom) https://ibb.co/0VyT3Qh
The images are of a blood panel, food sensitivity, and stool sample I had done mid May 2024. I also included a shot from my Dexcom to illustrate the hypoglycemia episodes I experience. In that picture I had eaten a few saltine crackers with peanut butter and went outside to do yard work, my BS spiked at 214 and dropped to 40 within 30 minutes.
So here what's been going on... tell me what you think is wrong with my body?
I was a normal weight until the age of 17 when I gave birth to my first child. I went from 130# to 170# during my first pregnancy. After my first pregnancy I was put on Depo for birth control and diagnosed with OCD and anxiety that was treated with an SSRI and something else for a year. My weight stayed between 170# and 190# until I graduated college and got married around the age of 22. I chose to go hard on cognitive therapy and nutrition/exercise during this time and was able to function without medication. At 23 I gave birth to my second child and stayed at 180# my entire pregnancy. Both pregnancies were healthy and I had uneventful vaginal deliveries. The first with an epidural and second without even an IV. After my second pregnancy I was put back on Depo and diagnosed with PPD that was treated with a few SSRls over the course of a few years. My weight was 215#-240# for several years after. At the age of 28 l was divorced, did the whole 30 diet, got off Depo and onto oral contraceptives, and went down to 170# and have stayed between 170# and 200# since. It was also at this time I started to noticing the flow inconsistencies with my menstruation. It started becoming shorter and lighter.
I can count on one hand the times I was sick in my 20's. I don't drink much. If I do it’s one tequila sunrise a month when we go to the steak house for dinner. I smoked cigarettes off and on between the ages of 12 and 32 (approx 10 years total between those ages as I quit several times). I haven't had a cigarette in 20 months. I have occasionally used cannabis to help with anxiety and sleeping throughout my life. Overall I sleep well and am mildly physically active. I workout a few times a week… do hot yoga and I don't have a desk job or sit a lot through out the day. I have operated in fight or flight from birth until about the age of 33. I experienced a lot of physical abuse as a child and emotional abuse my whole adolescent and most of my adult life. I have had no contact with most of my family since I was put in foster care at 16. I've worked with the same counselor since then. At this point in my life, my ADHD and anxiety can be debilitating about once a year but I am set up for success (support system, solid coping techniques) so it's a day or so ordeal I can recover from it within a week... it could be so much worse. My eating is a wreck and always has been since I was 8 and my step dad force fed me for hours as a punishment several times a week. I am in a healthy relationship now. My two kids are great. My ex husband and I coparent wonderfully. I own my own business and work 20 hours a week and it's very low stress. We're financially well and I have been for awhile.
I have an aunt who had ovarian cancer but has been in remission for 20 years. My grandma (maternal) is passing from breast cancer as I type. My family has a long history of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism so every year I would have a panel done to check.
I was told in November of 2019 (30yo) everything was "in range" and sent on my way. At this time, I started noticing my menstrual cycles were becoming infrequent in addition to the change in flow. I would go 2 months without a period and then have it every 10-20 days for 3 months and then back to nothing. I was having all the typical physical and emotional symptoms but I wouldn't bleed most of the time. If anything happened it was brown discharge or minimal spotting. My PCP changed my oral contraceptive prescription. This cycle, or lack thereot, continues to this day.
March 3rd of 2020 (30yo) I went to the doctor for a sudden onset of vertigo, vision change, and extreme fatigue. My A1C was 9.3 and was put on Metformin and given the diagnosis of T2 Diabetes.
March 23rd of 2020 I was found unresponsive and admitted to the hospital with Acute DKA (suspected underlying T1 Diabetes), Metabolic Acidosis (no history of overdose or toxic ingestion), Acute Metabolic Encephalopathy, and Acute Renal Failure (secondary to ATN). I woke up from my coma 5 days later. I went home 2 days after that with fast and long-lasting insulin and was told to do the sliding scale and eat 30-50 carbs at each meal. The 4 endocrinologists couldn't decide whether I was T1 or T2.
There was no testing for Covid or antibodies at this time but I have my suspicions and no way to prove them.
Within a week at home, I started experiencing hypoglycemia. My endos told me to eat more carbs and continue with the insulin. Long story short, I thought the "take insulin, eat carbs, go hypo, eat carbs to increase BS, take more insulin, carbs, hypo, and so on" cycle was ridiculous and exhausting. I told my doctors this and I was told I have diabetes so I needed to continue on insulin. Without their blessing I cut down my insulin until I eventually wasn't taking any within a month of being discharged from the hospital and my hypoglycemia stopped and I was able to regulate with diet B and exercise. I have tried to take insulin like they want several times but I don't tolerate it and go low. I have developed bad eating habits centered around trying to keep my blood sugar up. I have not used insulin since with the exception of the 2 times when l've gotten sick and my blood sugar spiked (300) and I inject 10 units of long lasting insulin once (1 day) and it returned to normal. My PCP put me on Trulicity 3.5. I didn't mind this initially because I felt it curbed my apatite. Now, I worry it's also contributing to my hypoglycemia and pancreas malfunction (my body over releasing insulin late...?).
In 2021, I started seeking other opinions about what was going on with my body since no one could give me a solid diagnosis. I quickly learned "in range" doesn't mean "all is good" which was a bummer to find out after all this time because things are bad. My diet isn't consistent on account of not knowing when I'll be low.
One doctor said I might have type 1 diabetes. One accused me of drinking drain-o. Another said I probably have type 2. One said I should eat only rice for 2 weeks and clear up my inflammation. One said I had an auto immune disease but it's impossible to know which one and therefore pointless to explore. One said my testosterone was low and I had hypothyroidism and put me on BioTe pellets and NP thyroid. One said I have reactive hypoglycemia. And the latest is pancreatic insufficiency.
I'd love to know what you see and think. As I've shared, I have plenty of healthy professionals watching over me and all can at least agree whats going on with me is odd. I'm an open book and tried to include as much relevant information as possible. Also, I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2022.
MEDICATIONS: I have changed what l'm taking since I received these last labs (pictures in comments, not listed below) so this medication list isn't reflected on the labs. I was taking NP Thyroid, iron, Methyl B, and fiber when they were drawn.
Current: (No birth control - I thought maybe the extra estrogen was effecting liver function so l'm using basal thermometer now to see if it helps), Trulicity 3.5/weekly, Magnesium Citrate 1,200mg/daily, D3, 950mg/Daily, Stinging Nettle Root 250mg/ Daily, L-Theanine, 200mg/Daily, Allergy pill, Adderall, 20mg/Daily, and Oregano Oil Tincture and Woodworm (unsure of exact dosage to settle on yet - this is new).
LABS: I have a lot of lab readings. I took one from each year or whenever I had it done since 2020 and compiled it below.
Estradiol 4/5/24: 181.73 2/7/24: 363.57 2/1/22: 28.3
Testosterone 4/5/24: 61 2/7/24: 33 - 125mg testosterone pellet insertion on 2/14/24. 7/7/22:154 *post-pellet labs 2/1/22: 23 *pre-pellet labs.
FSH 4/5/24: 2.3 2/7/24: 2.1 4/6/22: 5.9
TSH 4/5/24: 1.756 2/7/24: 2.455 6/7/23: .383 7/7/22: 1.006 6/22/21: 2.174 3/2/20: 1.921
Free T4 4/5/24: .98 2/7/24: 1.17
TOTAL T4 2/1/22: 14.1 7/7/22: 12.5
Free T3 4/5/24: 319.54 2/7/24: 330.44
TPO 4/5/24: .4 2/7/24: .4
WBC 4/5/24: 7.9 2/7/24: 7.4 6/7/23: 7.8 8/29/22: 10.2 12/2/21: 11 3/24/20: 8.3
RBC 4/5/24: 4.51 2/7/24: 4.76 6/7/23: 4.95 12/2/21: 4.95 3/25/20: 3.03
Hemoglobin 4/5/24: 13.3 2/7/24: 13.9 6/7/23: 14 8/29/22: 14.4 12/2/21: 14.5 3/24/20: 9.8
Hematocrit 4/5/24: 38.7% 2/7/24: 41% 6/7/23: 42.4% 9/29/22: 43.1 12/2/21: 42.8 3/26/20: 25.5%
MCV 4/5/24: 85.7 2/7/24: 86.2 6/7/23: 85.7 8/29/22: 86.1 12/2/21: 86.4 3/24/20: 85.1
MCH 4/5/24: 29.6 2/7/24: 29.1 6/7/23: 28.3 8/29/22: 28.8 12/2/21: 29.2 3/25/20: 28.8
MCHC 4/5/24: 34.5 2/7/24: 33.8 6/7/23: 33.1 8/29/22: 33.4 12/2/21: 33.9 3/24/20: 33.9
RDW 4/5/24: 13% 2/7/24:13.2% 6/7/23: 13% 8/29/22: 12.6$ 12/2/21: 13% 3/24/20: 17.2%
Platelet Count 4/5/24: 249 2/7/24: 273 6/7/23: 258 12/2/21: 242 8/29/22: 278 3/24/20: 122
Automated Abs Neutrophil Cnt 4/5/24: 4.8 2/7/24: 4.8 6/7/23: 5.7 8/29/22: 7.5 12/2/21: 7.7 3/24/20: 9.6
Lymphocytes Absolute 4/5/24: 2.6 2/7/24: 2.1 6/7/23: 1.8 8/29/22: 2.1 12/2/21: 2.9 3/24/20: 0.3
Monocytes Absolute 4/5/24: 0.3 2/7/24: 0.3 6/7/23: 0.2 8/29/22: 0.4 12/2/21: 0.3 3/24/20: 0.9
Eosinophils Absolute 4/5/24: 0.1 2/7/24: 0.1 6/7/23: 0 8/29/22: 0.1 12/2/21: 0.1 3/24/20: 0
Basophils Absolute 4/5/24: 0 2/7/24: 0 6/7/23: 0 8/29/22: 0 12/2/21: 0.1 3/24/20: 0
Neutrophil% 4/5/24: 61.5% 2/7/24: 65.3% 6/7/23: 73.2% 8/29/22: 74% 12/2/21:69.6% 3/24/20: 88.6%
Lymph% 4/5/24: 32.5% 2/7/24: 28% 6/7/23: 23% 8/29/22: 20.4% 12/2/21: 26% 3/24/20: 3.2%
Monocytes 4/5/24: 4.5% 2/7/24: 4.6% 6/7/23: 2.8% 8/29/22: 3.9% 12/2/21: 2.8% 3/24/20: 8%
Eosinophils 4/5/24: 1% 2/7/24: 1.5% 6/7/23: 0.6% 8/29/22: 1.3 12/2/21: 1.1% 3/24/20: 0%
Basophils 4/5/24: 0.5% 2/7/24: 0.6% 6/7/23: 0.4% 8/29/22: 0.4% 12/2/21: 0.5% 3/24/20: 0.2%
Sodium 4/5/24: 140 2/7/24: 140 6/7/23: 140 8/29/22: 141 12/15/21: 140 3/28/20: 145
Potassium 4/5/24: 3.7 2/7/24: 4.2 6/7/23: 4.1 8/29/22: 4.3 12/15/21: 4.5 3/28/20: 3.2
Chloride 4/5/24: 109 2/7/24: 108 6/7/23: 105 8/29/22: 107 12/15/21: 109 3/28/20: 111
CO2 4/5/24: 27 2/7/24: 28 6/7/23: 26 8/29/22: 27 12/15/21: 26 3/28/20: 25
Anion Gap 4/5/24: 4 2/7/24: 4 6/7/23: 9 8/29/22: 7 12/15/21: 5 3/28/20: 9
Glucose 4/5/24: 129 2/7/24: 113 6/7/23: 174 8/29/22: 148 12/15/21: 145 3/28/20: 137
BUN 4/5/24: 10 2/7/24: 10 6/7/23: 10 8/29/22: 11 12/15/21: 11 3/28/20: 27
Creatinine 4/5/24: 0.89 2/7/24: 0.97 6/7/23: 1.07 8/29/22: 0.95 12/15/21: 0.9 3/28/20: 3.47
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 4/5/24: 11 2/7/24: 10 6/7/23: 9 8/29/22: 12 12/15/21: 12 3/28/20: 8
Calcium 4/5/24: 8.7 2/7/24: 8.8 6/7/23: 10 8/29/22: 8.6 12/15/21: 9.1 3/28/20: 8.4
V B12 4/5/24: 363 2/7/24: 274 8/29/22: 466 2/1/22: 371
A1C 2/7/24: 5.4 12/8/23: 5.5 5/19/22: 5.3 7/29/20: 5.5 3/2/20: 9.3
VD25 4/5/24: 29 2/7/24: 26 8/29/22: 64
submitted by Prudent-Dot-5231 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:45 Effective-Round-231 Lump under dog's neck - have tried everything

* Species: * Age: * Sex/Neuter status: * Breed: * Body weight: * History: * Clinical signs: * Duration: * Your general location: * Links to any test results, X-rays, vet reports etc. that you have:
Hello! I'm asking this because I have tried doing as much as I can already regarding my dog's situation. I also plan to take her to emergency some time this weekend if it doesn't get better.
around 3 weeks ago, my dog started showing signs of lethargy and loss of appetite. I took her to the vet who discovered a very swollen left lymph node and bad dental disease. She prescribed antibiotics and said to schedule surgery. They did bloodwork which was clear.
A few days later she was eating less and getting more lethargic so I took her to the vet again. They prescribed some pain meds and did a fine needle aspiration of the lymph node. They didn't find anything in the report other than some lymphocytes and fluids.
I took her to the emergency 2 days after that because she was not eating and seemed even more lethargic and unresponsive. They switched her pain meds since they said she might be getting nausea.
2 days after that I took her to the vet again since she still wasn't improving much. The vet prescribed steroids and gave her an injection and meds (prednisone) to last the next 2 weeks. She finally improved a lot after this and started eating normally. They did x-rays which were clear.
3 days after that, she had her dental surgery where her teeth were cleaned and one was removed. She seemed to be fine afterwards and the guidance was to continue the steroids and antibiotics for another 2 weeks or so, but to start tapering the steroids according to instructions.
This past Monday, I started tapering the steroids according to instructions (from 1ml twice a day to 1ml once a day) and starting Wednesday she has been declining again. Her swelling is getting worse again and today she has pretty much refused to eat. I have tried everything - she's already on soft food but I even added water to it. Tried her favorite soft treats. She would not eat a single thing. I do plan on taking her to emergency but I'm struggling to get answers from anyone. Posting here in case anyone has some leads. Thanks!
submitted by Effective-Round-231 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:39 Chickenchickencat GI issues and blood testing

I have been struggling with what my primary care physician suspects is gastroparesis or hiatal hernia and am concerned on some of the blood work results. I have a GI appointment Monday to get scheduled for an endoscopy.
I have been having a sensation of fullness in my lower throat and food seems to be sitting a very long time in my stomach. I have vomited or refluxed up food I have eaten in the prior 2 days and am feeling not so good in general. This issue has been tolerable the last 18 months but has gotten much worse in the last 4 weeks.
Eating dense food (bagels) is very difficult and they seem to get stuck 80% of the way down. Tough meat specifically sets things off.
My blood sugar is normally very well controlled but is rising consistently overnight despite not eating after 5 and trying to drink more.
I am also having sweats, hot flashes, muscle/skin pain when this seems to flare. I am also down 7-8 lbs between now and 2 weeks ago. I am about 40 lbs overweight. I have PCOS and am on sprintec, losartan, metformin and latanoprost for high eye pressure.
When my testosterone was tested in January it was very low but thought to be from the sprintec being used for the PCOS.
Does anyone have any feedback on what may be going on or what to ask for at the GI appointment?
WBC: 3.5 MCH: 25.8 MCHC: 31.6 RWD: 15.5 Neutrophils: 1.66 Lymphocytes: 1.44 TSH: 0.09
Lipase and comprehensive panel were all in the normal range.
Thank you!
submitted by Chickenchickencat to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:42 Prudent-Dot-5231 What do you think?

I’m a 35 year old female who’s lived in the central US for my entire life. I am white and a little hispanic. Currently I am 5’ 2” and 195#. Old labs and a current medication list is listed towards the bottom. Here’s what’s been going on… tell me what you think is wrong with my body?
I was a normal weight until the age of 17 when I gave birth to my first child. I went from 130# to 170# during my first pregnancy. Post 1st pregnancy I was put on Depo, diagnosed with OCD and anxiety, was put on an SSRI and something else for a year and stayed between 170# and 190# until I graduated college and got married around age 22. I chose to go hard on cognitive therapy and nutrition/exercise during this time and was able to function without medication. At that point I gave birth to my second child (23yo) and stayed at 180# my entire pregnancy. Both pregnancies were healthy and I had uneventful vaginal deliveries - first with an epidural and second without even an IV in. Post 2nd pregnancy, I was diagnosed with PPD and put on a few SSRIs over the course of a few years and put back on Depo. My weight was 215#-240# for several years. At the age of 28 I was divorced, did the whole 30 diet, got off Depo and onto oral contraceptives, and went down to 170# and have stayed between 170# and 200# since. It was also at this time I started to noticing the flow inconsistencies with my menstruation. It started becoming less and less heavy.
I can count on one hand the times I was sick in my 20’s. I don’t really drink - I have one tequila sunrise a month when we go to the steak house for dinner. I smoked cigarettes off and on between the ages of 12 and 32 (approx 10 years total between those ages as I quit several times). I haven’t had a cigarette in 20 months. I have occasionally used cannabis to help with anxiety and sleeping through out my life. Overall I sleep well and am mildly physically active - I workout a few times a week, do hot yoga and don’t have a desk job or sit a lot through out the day. I have operated in fight or flight from birth until about the age of 33. I experienced a lot of physical abuse as a child and emotional abuse my whole adolescent and most of my adult life. I have had no contact with most of my family since I was put in foster care at 16. I’ve worked with the same counselor since then. At this point in my life, my ADHD and anxiety can be debilitating about once a year but I am set up for success (support system, solid coping techniques) so it’s a day or so ordeal I can recover from it within a week… it could be so much worse. My eating is a wreck and always has been since I was 8 and my step dad force fed me for hours as a punishment. I am in a healthy relationship now. My two kids are great. My ex husband and I coparent wonderfully. I own my own business and work 20 hours a week and it’s very low stress. We’re financially well and I have been for awhile.
I have an aunt who has ovarian cancer but has been in the mission for 20 years. My grandma (maternal) is passing from breast cancer as we speak. My family has a long history of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism so every year I would have a panel done. I was told in November of 2019 (30yo) everything was “in range” and sent on my way. At this time, I started noticing my menstrual cycles were becoming infrequent in addition to the change in flow. I would go 2 months without and then have it every 10-20 days for 3 months and then back to nothing. I was having all the typical physical and emotional symptoms except when it would happen, but I wouldn’t bleed most of the time, only brown discharge or minimal spotting. My PCP changed my oral contraceptive prescription. This cycle, or lack thereof, continues to this day.
March 3rd of 2020 (30yo) I went to the doctor for a sudden onset of vertigo, vision change, and extreme fatigue. My A1C was 9.3 and was put on Metformin and given the diagnosis of T2 Diabetes.
March 23rd of 2020 I was found unresponsive and admitted to the hospital with Acute DKA (suspected underlying T1 Diabetes), Metabolic Acidosis (no history of overdose or toxic ingestion), Acute Metabolic Encephalopathy, and Acute Renal Failure (secondary to ATN). I woke up from my coma 5 days later. I went home 2 days after that with fast and long-lasting insulin and was told to do the sliding scale and eat 30-50 carbs at each meal. The 4 endocrinologists couldn’t decide whether I was T1 or T2.
There was no testing for Covid or antibodies at this time.
Within a week at home, I started experiencing hypoglycemia. They told me to eat more carbs and continue with the insulin. Long story short, I thought the "take insulin, eat carbs, go hypo, eat carbs to increase BS, take more insulin so I can eat the required carbs, go hypo again and so on" cycle was ridiculous and exhausting. I told my doctors this and I was told I have diabetes so I needed to continue on insulin. Without their blessing I cut down my insulin until I eventually wasn't taking any within a month of being discharged from the hospital. I have tried to take insulin like they want several times but I don’t tolerate it and constantly go hypo and have developed bad eating habits centered around trying to keep my blood sugar up. I do not use insulin, with the exception of the 2 times I’ve gotten sick and my blood sugar has spiked (300) and I inject 10 units of long lasting insulin once (1 day) and it returns to normal. My PCP put me on Trulicity 3.5. I didn’t mind this initially because I felt it curbed my apatite. Now, I worry it’s also contributing to my hypoglycemia and pancreas malfunction (…?).
In 2021, I started seeking out alternative takes on what was going on with my body since no one could give me a solid diagnosis. And I quickly learned “in range” doesn’t mean “all is good” which was a bummer to find out after all this time. My diet isn’t consistent on account of not knowing when I’ll be low.
One doctor said I might have type 1 diabetes. One accused me of drinking drain-o. Another said I probably have type 2. One said I should eat only rice for 2 weeks and clear up my inflammation. One said I had an auto immune disease but it’s impossible to know which one and therefore pointless to explore. One said my testosterone was low and I had hypothyroidism and put me on BioTe pellets and NP thyroid. One said I have reactive hypoglycemia. And the latest, pancreatic insufficiency.
I’d love to know what you see and think. As I’ve shared, I have plenty of healthy professionals watching me and all can at least agree whats going on with me is odd. I’m an open book and tried to include as much relevant information as possible. Also, I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2022.
MEDICATIONS: I have changed what I’m taking since I received these last labs (pictured, not listed below) so this medication list isn’t reflected on the labs. I was taking NP Thyroid, iron, Methyl B, and fiber.
Current: (No birth control - I thought maybe the extra estrogen was effecting liver function so I’m using basal thermometer now to see if it helps) Trulicity 3.5/weekly Magnesium Citrate, 1,200mg/daily D3, 950mg/Daily Stinging Nettle Root, 250mg/Daily L-Theanine, 200mg/Daily Allergy pill Adderall, 20mg/Daily Oregano Oil Tincture and Woodworm (unsure of exact dosage to settle on yet - this is new)
LABS: I have a lot of lab readings. I took one from each year or whenever I had it done since 2020 and compiled it below. The images are of a blood panel, food sensitivity, and stool sample I had done mid May 2024. I also included a shot from my Dexcom to illustrate the hypoglycemia episodes I experience. In that picture I had eaten a few saltine crackers with peanut butter and went outside to do yard work, my BS spiked at 214 and dropped to 40 within 30 minutes.
Estradiol 4/5/24: 181.73 2/7/24: 363.57 2/1/22: 28.3
Testosterone 4/5/24: 61 - *post pellet labs 2/7/24: 33 - *pre-pellet labs. 125mg testosterone pellet insertion on 2/14 7/7/22:154 *post-pellet labs 2/1/22: 23 *pre-pellet labs
FSH 4/5/24: 2.3 2/7/24: 2.1 4/6/22: 5.9
TSH 4/5/24: 1.756 2/7/24: 2.455 6/7/23: .383 7/7/22: 1.006 6/22/21: 2.174 3/2/20: 1.921
Free T4 4/5/24: .98 2/7/24: 1.17
TOTAL T4 2/1/22: 14.1 7/7/22: 12.5
Free T3 4/5/24: 319.54 2/7/24: 330.44
TPO 4/5/24: .4 2/7/24: .4
WBC 4/5/24: 7.9 2/7/24: 7.4 6/7/23: 7.8 8/29/22: 10.2 12/2/21: 11 3/24/20: 8.3
RBC 4/5/24: 4.51 2/7/24: 4.76 6/7/23: 4.95 12/2/21: 4.95 3/25/20: 3.03
Hemoglobin 4/5/24: 13.3 2/7/24: 13.9 6/7/23: 14 8/29/22: 14.4 12/2/21: 14.5 3/24/20: 9.8
Hematocrit 4/5/24: 38.7% 2/7/24: 41% 6/7/23: 42.4% 9/29/22: 43.1 12/2/21: 42.8 3/26/20: 25.5%
MCV 4/5/24: 85.7 2/7/24: 86.2 6/7/23: 85.7 8/29/22: 86.1 12/2/21: 86.4 3/24/20: 85.1
MCH 4/5/24: 29.6 2/7/24: 29.1 6/7/23: 28.3 8/29/22: 28.8 12/2/21: 29.2 3/25/20: 28.8
MCHC 4/5/24: 34.5 2/7/24: 33.8 6/7/23: 33.1 8/29/22: 33.4 12/2/21: 33.9 3/24/20: 33.9
RDW 4/5/24: 13% 2/7/24:13.2% 6/7/23: 13% 8/29/22: 12.6$ 12/2/21: 13% 3/24/20: 17.2%
Platelet Count 4/5/24: 249 2/7/24: 273 6/7/23: 258 12/2/21: 242 8/29/22: 278 3/24/20: 122
Automated Abs Neutrophil Cnt 4/5/24: 4.8 2/7/24: 4.8 6/7/23: 5.7 8/29/22: 7.5 12/2/21: 7.7 3/24/20: 9.6
Lymphocytes Absolute 4/5/24: 2.6 2/7/24: 2.1 6/7/23: 1.8 8/29/22: 2.1 12/2/21: 2.9 3/24/20: 0.3
Monocytes Absolute 4/5/24: 0.3 2/7/24: 0.3 6/7/23: 0.2 8/29/22: 0.4 12/2/21: 0.3 3/24/20: 0.9
Eosinophils Absolute 4/5/24: 0.1 2/7/24: 0.1 6/7/23: 0 8/29/22: 0.1 12/2/21: 0.1 3/24/20: 0
Basophils Absolute 4/5/24: 0 2/7/24: 0 6/7/23: 0 8/29/22: 0 12/2/21: 0.1 3/24/20: 0
Neutrophil% 4/5/24: 61.5% 2/7/24: 65.3% 6/7/23: 73.2% 8/29/22: 74% 12/2/21:69.6% 3/24/20: 88.6%
Lymph% 4/5/24: 32.5% 2/7/24: 28% 6/7/23: 23% 8/29/22: 20.4% 12/2/21: 26% 3/24/20: 3.2%
Monocytes 4/5/24: 4.5% 2/7/24: 4.6% 6/7/23: 2.8% 8/29/22: 3.9% 12/2/21: 2.8% 3/24/20: 8%
Eosinophils 4/5/24: 1% 2/7/24: 1.5% 6/7/23: 0.6% 8/29/22: 1.3 12/2/21: 1.1% 3/24/20: 0%
Basophils 4/5/24: 0.5% 2/7/24: 0.6% 6/7/23: 0.4% 8/29/22: 0.4% 12/2/21: 0.5% 3/24/20: 0.2%
Sodium 4/5/24: 140 2/7/24: 140 6/7/23: 140 8/29/22: 141 12/15/21: 140 3/28/20: 145
Potassium 4/5/24: 3.7 2/7/24: 4.2 6/7/23: 4.1 8/29/22: 4.3 12/15/21: 4.5 3/28/20: 3.2
Chloride 4/5/24: 109 2/7/24: 108 6/7/23: 105 8/29/22: 107 12/15/21: 109 3/28/20: 111
CO2 4/5/24: 27 2/7/24: 28 6/7/23: 26 8/29/22: 27 12/15/21: 26 3/28/20: 25
Anion Gap 4/5/24: 4 2/7/24: 4 6/7/23: 9 8/29/22: 7 12/15/21: 5 3/28/20: 9
Glucose 4/5/24: 129 2/7/24: 113 6/7/23: 174 8/29/22: 148 12/15/21: 145 3/28/20: 137
BUN 4/5/24: 10 2/7/24: 10 6/7/23: 10 8/29/22: 11 12/15/21: 11 3/28/20: 27
Creatinine 4/5/24: 0.89 2/7/24: 0.97 6/7/23: 1.07 8/29/22: 0.95 12/15/21: 0.9 3/28/20: 3.47
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 4/5/24: 11 2/7/24: 10 6/7/23: 9 8/29/22: 12 12/15/21: 12 3/28/20: 8
Calcium 4/5/24: 8.7 2/7/24: 8.8 6/7/23: 10 8/29/22: 8.6 12/15/21: 9.1 3/28/20: 8.4
V B12 4/5/24: 363 2/7/24: 274 8/29/22: 466 2/1/22: 371
A1C 2/7/24: 5.4 12/8/23: 5.5 5/19/22: 5.3 7/29/20: 5.5 3/2/20: 9.3
VD25 4/5/24: 29 2/7/24: 26 8/29/22: 64
submitted by Prudent-Dot-5231 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:59 occipetal 1:40 Speckled, But So Many Symptoms…

1:40 Titer with Speckled Pattern.
I understand it’s low and sometimes they don’t even consider that positive (though the lab I got it done at is considering it a weak positive).
I’m worried that my body somehow is hiding things. I have Hashimoto’s and all my bloodwork for that was negative, I only got diagnosed because I had thyroid surgery and it was noted in the pathology report. So, I already do I have one autoimmune condition that evaded all bloodwork.
I’ve had so much pain and symptoms all over my body. I just went to an Orthopedist because my entire neck and back and down to my hips have hurt me every single day of my life since I was 7. Burning, aching, stabbing, gnawing pain. He did X-Rays, said I have mild scoliosis and mild degeneration, but nothing serious. And for my hips, I have enthesopathy. I’ve had daily headaches and migraines since I was 7 as well. I also have Raynaud’s, which tends to be associated with autoimmune conditions.
Ortho said I likely have Fibromyalgia or an autoimmune condition, and he did the autoimmune panels and all I have is positive ANA, 1:40, speckled along with positive anti-dsDNA (only 11 (scale starts at 10 being positive) and antihistones (1.4 (weak positive).
My CRP and ESR are both elevated. CRP is 28 (scale is 0-10) and ESR is 58 (scale is 0-32). My WBC are ALWAYS elevated. Most recent being 14.5 (scale is 3.8 - 10.8). Also my absolute neutrophils are always high, most recent being 11006 (scale is 1500 - 7800). And my lymphocytes are always low, most recent being 14.3 (scale is 15 - 49).
So, it’s clear something inflammatory is going on, but nobody can figure out what. I’m just very tired of dealing with all this pain and not knowing how to stop it.
submitted by occipetal to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:33 PleasuretoKill666 CBC interpretation

CBC test low lymphocytes
Can someone interpret this cbc test? My lymphocytes seem a little low, although looking at other tests from years past I guess they’ve always been around this level. Male, Age 34, 6 feet, 200 lbs, only medication is Zoloft, nonsmoker, only health issue is generalized anxiety.
CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL WBC 4.4 RBC 4.72 Hemoglobin 14.2 Hematocrit 44.5 MCV 94.3 MCH 30.1 MCHC 31.9 RDW 12.7 Platelet Count 279 Abs Neutrophils 2.9 Abs Lymphocytes 1.0 Abs Monocytes 0.4 Abs Eosinophils 0.0 Abs Basophils 0.0 Abs Immature Grans 0.0 Neutrophils 66.9 Lymphocytes 21.7 Monocytes 9.3 Eosinophils 1.1 Basophils 0.5 Immature Grans 0.5 Nucleated RBCS <1.0
submitted by PleasuretoKill666 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:27 biffstep Cause for mesenteric adenitis?

Please help, severe pain! I went to the ER last night for bad lower right quadrant flank/back/abdominal pain and nausea. Was almost mistaken for appendicitis and then the Dr came in and said it's mesenteric adenitis. Pretty much said there's nothing I can do and it'll just go away on it's own.
I was relieved at first but now I'm not sure what to think. It feels like something is going on, I'm in severe pain.
I will put lab results in comments but the abnormalities are: High granulocytes 77.5% low lymphocytes 16.3% high absolute granulocytes 7.5/CUMM Straw hazy urine Urine leukocyte esterase - Trace A Urine RBC rare/HPF Urine WBC 1-3 A HPF Urine squamous epithelial cells few LPF Urine transitional epithelial cells High albumin 4.9 Low anion gap 4.7 L Light urine amorphous sediment
CT showed small hiatal hernia, kidney cyst, ovarian cyst, and mesenteric adenitis.
Should I really just wait it out or should I go get checked out again? It's my understanding that mesenteric adenitis is likely a symptom of something else and not a diagnosis. I could be wrong?
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
submitted by biffstep to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:11 temporarily_here78 Urgent! My senior dog has liver issues, is it possible to cure it?

Please help!! Any advice is most appreciated!
Breed: Shih Tzu Age: 11 Weight: 4kg
She was not neutered and had pyometra about 7 months ago. She had surgery and recovered after which she was healthy and back to normal, however she started trying to eat cardboard and dirt.
Last week she suddenly stopped eating for 2 days. The vet did an ultrasound and found liver lesions, kidney stones and a distended gallbladder. She was given antibiotics and put on IV for 3 days. On the third day about 2 hours during IV, her neck suddenly tilted to the side and she has no longer been able to walk or stand.
She wasn't able to urinate for about 36 hours and after another ultrasound, they found free fluids in her gallbladder and kidney. Another blood test found her lymphocytes are high and her hemoglobin is low.
The lab technician said that she has an overall failure in most of her organs. The vet recommended more IV, antibiotics, neurobion and RBC syrup.
Hospital visits make her very stressed so I decided to bring her back home and have been giving her blended chicken soup/chicken pieces, water, RBC syrup, Dextrose and RL orally. I have added small doses of taurine and glycine supplements and methylene blue to her water as well. She is able to urinate about twice a day with support.
Tldr my dog has liver lesions, kidney stones and a distended gallbladder. Is it possible for her to get better? I am in contact with the vet but I would like a second opinion if anyone has experienced something like this
More context: I live in a small town in a developing country so I don't have access to all the best equipment or medicine.
submitted by temporarily_here78 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Middle_Diamond8878 Blood work results 24F

Hi everyone,
I’m a 24 years old female.
I’m unable to attach pictures of my blood work results so below I have mentioned some notable parts of my blood work that have a low/high level. Can anyone look into it and explain the low/high levels to me and what it means? To give some background information, I have had H Pylori in the past, kidney stone, I have herniated discs in my lower back and chronic back pain. I have pcos but it is quite controlled so far. I recently lost weight about 15 kgs through exercise, diet and fasting. I don’t smoke or drink. I haven’t had the healthiest eating habits in the past but I’m working on fixing it recently. This is about all the health information I can remember. After seeing my results if you have any questions please ask me and let me know what issues could I possibly have and what I should do moving forward? Thank you.
  1. RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) 16.4
  2. Absolute Lymphocyte Count 3219
  3. Phosphorous (Serum.Phospomolvbdate) 4.7
  4. IgE Total antibody (Serum. ECLIA) 2046
  5. 25 Hydroxy (OH) Vit D (Serum, ECLIA) 18.37
  6. Non HDL Cholesterol (Serum, Calculated) 149.8
  7. LDL Cholesterol (Serum, Calculated) 126.4
  8. HsCRP-High Sensitivity CRP (Serum, Immunoturbidimetric) 3.89
  9. Homocysteine (Serum, Enzymatic) 20.49
  10. CPK-Creatinine Phospho Kinase (Serum.NAC activated) 395
  11. HbA1C- Glycated Haemoglobin (HPLC) 5.8
  12. Red blood cells 2-3
  13. Crystals Calcium Oxalate
submitted by Middle_Diamond8878 to WomenHealthCare [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:41 silverduxx Already went to doctor thrice, cant diagnose.

One month ago, I rushed to the hospital due to a high blood pressure reading of 160/92.
I had full tests related to cholesterol, lipids, diabetes, thyroid, ECG, and urine. All were normal except for cholesterol, which was just 1-2% higher than normal. The symptoms disappeared without any changes in diet. Two doctors reviewed these results but couldn't diagnose the issue. For background, I went to a well-known, top-tier hospital, but they couldn't find any significant health problems.
Last week, I rushed to the hospital again after eating chicken two hours earlier. I was diagnosed with GERD, but I don't believe I have it because I don't have any acid-related symptoms. During that time, my whole body felt numb. The latest lab results showed slightly low lymphocytes (2% lower) and high eosinophils (13%). I decided not to go back because it's a waste of time and money, especially since my insurance doesn't cover it unless it's a life-threatening condition. I work in a difficult company setting.
Tonight, I felt the symptoms again. I ate chicken at lunchtime, about eight hours ago, but now it's evening. Last time I was hospitalized, I also ate chicken with fried rice, but the symptoms were immediate. If this is allergy-related, why are the symptoms delayed? I have a history of itchy face and skin allergies when eating very oily food, but this is seasonal. I ate oily food frequently before being hospitalized.
I'm male with a BMI of 17 (I know it's low, but I was healthy and fine last year with a low BMI). I'm 23 years old. I appreciate any advice. I'm seeing a doctor again tomorrow but will go to a public hospital instead of the expensive one I went to last time. I hope to get a clearer assessment.
Thanks. Best wishes. I'm still suffering from the symptoms.
submitted by silverduxx to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:13 Khloelyn Blood Work, freaking out.

Hi for refrence.
I'm a 220lb 28 YO Female , who is 6'1, I had blood work done today and I'm having a bit of a panic about it. For refrence I'm on injectable Estrogen, and currently taking Cephalexin for a cut on my hand. I also had bouts of constipation this week and I'm vegan, also a medical marijuana user. I'm not trying to scare myself I just struggle with alot of medical anxiety because our kids have had alot of medical issues!
Neutrophilis 83.2 high normal range 40.6-75.3
Lymphocytes 11.9 low normal 16.1-45.7
Neutrophilis absolute 8.1 high normal range 0.9-7.4
Creatine .59 low normal range .66-1.25
Calcium 10.3 high normal range 8.4 -10.2
submitted by Khloelyn to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:31 lukafromchina Application of threonine in pig farming

Application of threonine in pig farming
Threonine was isolated and identified by W.C. Rose in 1935 from fibrin hydrolysate, and has now been shown to be the last essential amino acid to be discovered, it is the second or third limiting amino acid in livestock and poultry, and it has extremely important physiological roles in animals. Such as promoting growth, improving immune function, etc.; Balance the amino acids in the diet, so that the amino acid ratio is closer to the ideal protein, so as to reduce the requirements of livestock and poultry for the protein content in the feed. Lack of threonine can lead to symptoms such as reduced feed intake, stunted growth, reduced feed utilization, and suppressed immune function. In recent years, lysine and methionine synthetics have been widely used in feed, and threonine has gradually become a limiting factor affecting animal performance.
  1. Physical and chemical properties of threonine
The chemical name of threonine is α-amino-β-hydroxybutyric acid, which is named threonine because its structure is similar to threonate, and it is the last essential amino acid discovered. Its molecular formula is C4H9NO3, the structural formula is CH3-CH(OH)-CH(NH2)-COOH, and the relative molecular weight is 119.18. From the structural formula, it can be seen that there are 2 asymmetric carbon atoms and 4 isomers in the threonine molecule, among which D-threonine cannot be absorbed and utilized by animals. Naturally occurring L-threonine is colorless or yellowish crystal, odorless, slightly sweet, soluble in water, solubility at 20 °C is 9 g/100 mL, insoluble in organic solvents, melting point is 253~257 °C; D-threonine is orthorhombic, is a colorless or white crystalline powder, soluble in water, insoluble in organic solvents, easily destroyed by alkali, melting point 229 °C~230 °C. Threonine is the only substance that is not deamino- and transamino-chemical, but catalyzed by threonine dehydrase and threonine dehydrogenase, as well as threonine aldolase. In addition to balancing amino acids in the body, threonine can also be used as a one-carbon unit source, involved in the biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines, as well as the biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethionine, and can be used as a donor for the methylation of various compounds.
  1. The role of threonine in pig production 2.1 Balance amino acids, promote protein synthesis in the body, and reduce dietary protein levels
An important role of threonine is to balance amino acids and promote protein synthesis. Different levels and ratios of amino acids in the diet can affect nitrogen utilization in animals. The addition of threonine can balance the overall amino acid level, and maintaining an appropriate ratio of threonine to lysine has a particularly obvious effect on production performance, and Feng Jie and Xu Zirong (2003) showed that the ratio of lysine to threonine is best when the ratio of lysine to threonine is 0.72 [1]. Zimmerman (1987) argues that the addition of threonine, which is higher than required for normal growth (l2% higher), favors maximum deposition of lean pork meat. The simultaneous use of lysine and threonine can reduce the protein level of the diet without affecting the performance of the animal, conserve protein resources, and help prevent diarrhea in piglets [2]. Zhang Hong et al. showed that the protein level of the growing pigs decreased from 16% to 13%, and rapeseed meal was used to completely replace fishmeal and threonine, which could achieve the corresponding level of growth performance of conventional protein and reduce the cost of feeding. Threonine can be converted into non-essential amino acids such as serine and glycine through the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the body, and threonine can be converted into butyryl-CoA and succinyl-CoA allogeneic sugars to maintain the balance of blood sugar in the body.
2.2 Effect
on feed intake An important role of threonine is its effect on feed intake in livestock and poultry. Cole et al. reported that feed intake gradually increased and peaked with the increase of threonine levels before animals achieved optimal performance, and that feed intake fell to the limit zone when animals reached optimal performance. Wu Xilin et al.'s study on the effect of threonine on feed intake of piglets showed that threonine had a certain regulatory effect on feed intake, and that the feed intake and daily gain of piglets increased with the increase of threonine levels, but began to decrease again when the level of threonine increased [3]. Rossell et al.'s study of weaned piglets showed that when threonine exceeded the maximum requirement, feed intake and daily gain continued to decrease as threonine levels increased. Too little or too much threonine can reduce feed intake and daily weight gain, which may be related to the fact that threonine supplementation affects the palatability and amino acid balance of the diet.
2.3 Improve immune function
in the body's immune system. Antibodies and immunoglobulins are proteins. Threonine deficiency inhibits the production of immunoglobulins and T and B lymphocytes, thereby affecting immune function. Hu reported that the important role of threonine in the immune system may be related to the fact that threonine can promote antibody synthesis. Threonine plays a leading role in humoral immunity in pregnant sows, with threonine added to sorghum-containing diets. It can prevent the reduction of IgG content in the plasma of sows. The addition of threonine and lysine to the diets of test animals increases thymic weight, and enhances skin rejection of xenografts and antibody titers to sheep erythrocytes[4]. Hou Yongqing's study showed that different levels of methionine affected the proportion of thymus to body weight, while different levels of threonine affected the proportion of spleen to body weight, and the two amino acids significantly affected the content of IgG in the blood and half of the hemolysis value, indicating that these two amino acids were related to immune function [5]. Zheng et al. reported that increasing the dietary threonine level was helpful to rapidly increase the serum globulin and IgG levels in growing pigs (P<0.05), but did not affect the final content [6]. Serum anti-bovine serum albumin antibody levels increased with increased dietary threonine levels.
2.4 Improve carcass quality
The addition of threonine to animal diets has a significant effect on fat metabolism in the body. Westermeier's addition of threonine to animal diets led to a decrease in serum triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) concentrations, suggesting that the effect of threonine on fat metabolism may be due to the reduction of body fat due to the promotion of lipolysis. Different dietary ratios of threonine to lysine had no significant effect on the visceral organs of growing and fattening pigs [7]. Wu Xilin reported that when the dietary threonine level was 0.68%, the anti-fatty liver effect was stronger. It was found that dietary threonine supplementation significantly increased lean meat rate, carcass muscle and eye muscle area, and water and protein content in longissimus dorsi muscle (P<0.05), and with the increase of dietary threonine content, the fat content of backfat thickness, carcass fat, and longissimus dorsi muscle at the 10th rib showed a linear downward trend (P<0.05) [8]. Feng Jie and Xu Zirong showed that the different ratios of threonine and lysine have a certain impact on the production performance and carcass quality of growing pigs, and on the basis of ensuring the need for lysine, the ratio of the two can promote growth and improve carcass composition when the ratio of the two is 0.72.
  1. The requirement of porcine threonine The demand for threonine in pigs is affected by various factors such as pig breed, type, growth stage, gender, threonine metabolism in the body and amino acid balance of feed. Feeding standards also vary from country to country. NRC (1998) recommended that the requirements for 20~50 kg and 50~80 kg weight growth pigs were 0.61% and 0.51%, respectively. ARC (1981) recommended 0.82% and 0.63%, respectively. Xu Zhenying (1992) summarized the requirements of the main limiting amino acids from the 50s to the 80s, and pointed out that the ideal ratio of 10~20 kg of porcine was 0.47±0.1, and the ideal ratio of threonine in growing porcine was 0.5±0.01.
  2. Deficiency and excess of threonine The overall manifestations of threonine deficiency in animals are decreased feed intake, stunted growth, decreased feed utilization, fatty liver disease, and immunosuppression. At the same time, it also causes changes in a series of biochemical indicators: increased hepatic glycogen concentration, decreased plasma free limiting amino acid concentration, decreased serum, lipoprotein, and free fatty acid concentration, and increased plasma and brain threonine concentrations [9]. Kalenyuk et al. fed piglets a diet with deficient or excessive lysine and threonine, resulting in reduced feed intake, decreased protein and energy deposition, and decreased protein biosynthesis. Exacerbates the elimination of amino acids and nitrogens in stool and urine. Causes the concentration of amino acids in the blood to decrease. Serum urea nitrogen (SUN) is elevated, and activity of amino acid oxidase and urea synthase in the liver is increased. Accelerates the degradation of proteins. Wu Xilin comprehensively reported that feeding feed without threonine caused a series of growth and morphological changes. Weight gain is sluggish, liver weight gain is significant, and gastrocnemius muscle weight is reduced. Atrophy of the pancreas, submandibular glands, thyroid gland, and spleen. In addition, severe threonine deficiency caused an increase in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, a significant decrease in phosphorylase and carboxylinase activities, and no significant changes in the activities of glycine synthase, arginase, histidine and acid phosphatase.
  3. Problems that should be paid attention to when adding threonine 5.1 Do not overdose Excessive threonine can not play a beneficial role in the growth performance and carcass composition of pigs, and will also lead to the relative deficiency of other amino acids due to the excess of threonine, so that the utilization rate of other amino acids is reduced, resulting in unfavorable results such as increased feed costs. Excessive threonine should not occur especially during gestation in sows, because excess threonine can increase the concentration of glycine in the cerebral cortex, which can affect the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain and adversely affect the brain development of the fetus.
5.2 Pay attention to the level
of dietary protein and lysine Dietary protein level and dietary lysine level are important factors affecting the need for threonine in animals. However, adding threonine to a high-protein diet is difficult to achieve the desired effect.
5.3 Prevent the abuse of threonine Not all animal diets must be added to threonine, when using feed raw materials with high threonine content, if threonine can meet the requirements of animal growth or production, there is no need to add threonine in the diet, generally speaking, threonine needs to be added in corn, peanut type, sorghum and barley type diets.
5.4 Pay attention to the antagonism
between amino acids Because there is a synergistic or antagonistic relationship between threonine and other amino acids. Therefore, the content of other amino acids also affects the amount of threonine required. In particular, the interaction between threonine and lysine, methionine, glycine, and tryptophan. For example, different levels of methionine do not affect plasma urea nitrogen and serum total protein levels, but do affect serum free methionine and threonine levels. When dietary methionine levels are high. Serum levels of free methionine and threonine are also high. The amount of threonine required is largely related to the amount of lysine required. When there is an excess of lysine or methionine in the diet. The demand for threonine increases. At least 30% of the threonine in the diet is converted into glycine, accounting for 10%~50% of the entire glycine synthesis in the body.
In addition, vitamins, hormones, and fat types can all affect the utilization of threonine in the body, and it is important to consider the addition of threonine in order to formulate an efficient and economical diet.
Efficient & Professional Supplier of Feed Additives (arshinefeed.com)
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