30 day plan cover letter


2020.07.23 08:44 Alarming-Biscotti 30daywitch

This is for people following the 30 day plan for new witches.

2012.07.07 07:41 sagemassa AROO

Spartanrace is a place for OCR enthusiasts who enjoy or plan to run Spartan Races. Racers of all experience levels welcome!

2014.04.11 18:31 dabeezkneez HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!

2024.06.09 13:30 Gold_Smart Make it make sense.

Yesterday was the Kenya airforce 60th birthday and amid the celebration I couldn't help but notice something ,but first some background.
In mid April,Iran launched dozens of drones and missiles towards Israel,the US,Israel and allies scrambled their jets shot down the drones but Iranian missiles got through and hit 3 very well defended sites, two air bases and one intelligence gathering center. A few weeks ago a missile launched by the Houthis hit Israel despite their very strong air defence systems and allegedly a houthi missile hit a US ship. Now just this week I saw a Hezbollah drone take out an Israeli iron dome battery ,they also shot down a high tech Israeli hermes drone. And we've seen multiple high tech 30 mn usd drones being taken out by the Houthis. Before all this however, during the Tigray war ,the Ethiopian government used Iranian and Turkish drones to terrifying effect during the latter offensives that broke the TPLF's back ,he also used weapons purchased from the UAE and this significantly turned the tide of the war to his favour and we've all seen how Russian and Iranian drones have proven quite devastating even against so called NATO weapons.
Now back home, a few months ago Kenya announced that it had gotten a loan to acquire a so called spyder air defence system from Israel for 1 billion kshs. Now this is quite an old system and to be honest given that their most advanced systems can't shoot down some of the modern drones ,I wouldn't expect this one to perform better. Now if it was countries like the US who were producing these drones ,one might have an argument that it's so high tech that the chances that our enemies i.e Al shabaab may not have the capability to acquire or use such weapons but no ,these modern weapons are being used by rebel militias who are semi professional at best i.e they are being used by people who are at par with our enemies which begs the question? Why take that loan in the first place...to acquire obsolete technology. Why not use that one Billion to fund R & D so that we can get in on the ground floor in this new age.
The gear on display yesterday was mostly made of old fighter jets, and helicopters which to be quite frank don't stand a chance in this day and age even against some non state militias, so why are we spending money on them ,why does Kenya go to buy old f16s from Israel and Jordan at high prices and we can clearly see that they are becoming obsolete, are they just for show? Defence spending is often a great tool for the advancement of science since Defence departments can afford to fund R & D and although the research findings may not always have Defence applications but civilian applications. The drone may not be that good of a weapon but somewhere along the way we figure out it can really be good for farming and so on. So many inventions such as microwave, the internet, cryptography have come about through such programmes but in Kenya we seem to be content with buying old gear and laughing at our neighbours since they don't have said old gear.
Just my two cents.
submitted by Gold_Smart to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:30 SaitamaOPM123 360 slim with RGH 1.2 using Coolrunner rev D takes ages to turn on

360 slim with RGH 1.2 using Coolrunner rev D takes ages to turn on
Okay, so I've had this Xbox 360 slim with RGH for probably around 10 years now. It's been working fine for a long time until recently (about a week ago) it started to have lag. In the process of figuring out the problem, I disassembled it and gave it a cleanup just using some compressed air, nothing too invasive. Eventually I narrowed it down to the problem being a faulty cable connecting it to the external HDD, and then it worked fine for a few days (even started booting up faster).
However, for some reason it started having problems with booting up about 2 days ago. The last time I played before this problem started, I turned the console off and later disconnected the Kinect device (I'm saying that's because I don't know if that might have been the cause).
Since then I only managed to get it to boot up twice, and in all of those times it took over 10 minutes to boot up. In a few of my tries I left it on for over 30 minutes and during that time the screen had no signal, and the green power on button was constantly lit with no other information. The fan would spin and I can press the power button to turn it off (although with some delay). During boot up I could see from the side panel that inside were a constant red LED lit, and a very slowly flashing green LED (I suspect they were coming from the coolrunner board).
I know it's not a problem with the HDMI cable because in the times I managed to turn the console on there were no problems at all with display, and the gameplay was as usual.
If anyone has any idea what the problem might be it would be greatly appreciated, and if no one knows then I might want to change the RGH to RGH V3 as a last resort. Does anyone know if I need to mess with the name again to do the upgrade or if I just need to reconnect the appropriate wires?
Thanks a lot everyone :')
submitted by SaitamaOPM123 to 360hacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:29 Sir_Winky Employee Bicycle commuters, downtown - Parking?

Just got a sw job downtown and plan on riding my bike in, is there anything like bike parking or any policy about bringing your bike into your office space? I’d prefer not to park it outside. Also, any place to clean yourself up before you start the day? Thanks!
submitted by Sir_Winky to sherwinwilliams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:29 Sufficient-Cry-9163 Cover up regret

I had a tattoo that included an ex bfs name and two other tattoos I hate. I guess I was feeling manic or something cause without much planning I went and got the name covered with a large black cat. So... Now I have a large black cat basically on my ass. I feel like I mutilated myself, the text was better, at least I could more easily just cover it with tape or something.
I was going to cover up the two other ones I dislike but I feel like, even if they look good I'm still going to feel very negatively about them cause my true desire is to not have tattoos at all.
How long until I can get the new one removed?
What's the cheapest you think I could get these tattoos removed? The new one is about 4inx2.5 and filled in black. The others are 1x2 just lines and 2.5x2.5 partially filled black and gray and that one is 20 years old so very faded.
submitted by Sufficient-Cry-9163 to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:29 fatimus_prime Buying for cash.

I’ve read through the sidebar and haven’t found an answer to this, and I read through a recent thread that had answers to OTD questions, and I haven’t found the answer I’m looking for. I have, on several occasions, picked a vehicle through a dealer website and set up a test drive only to get notified day-of that the vehicle is no longer available. I get that sometimes another buyer comes in before me and closes the deal, but it’s frustrating to spend my time researching a car and planning my day for it to get sold before I show up for my planned test drive.
I plan to pay for the vehicle with cash, no financing, flat-out day-of following a successful test drive I’m paying cash. I don’t want to spend a lot of time haggling, I just want to tell a dealer that I’m interested in this specific car, come in and just pay for the dadgum car. I don’t want to try out other vehicles, I want this specific car and I want to pay the amount advertised.
Am I out to lunch with this idea? Have I just had a bad run of people showing up who decide to finance the car I want before I get there. Does paying cash out the door get me any consideration with dealedoc fees?
submitted by fatimus_prime to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:28 No_Mall9090 My off-and-on partner of over 5 years (M25) and I (F24) might have broken up, but their behavior is different than how our breakups usually go. Why do they not seem to be fully letting go this time?

My "ex" (M25) and I (F24) dated off and on for 5 1/2 years. There was quite a bit of toxicity in the relationship, as this post will show. His behaviors are confusing me so I want some insight. We live together in his place and I pay bills here. We got into a bad argument almost 2 weeks ago that had his family and the police involved. His family tried jumping on me even though he was the one being aggressive, screaming, and breaking things for over an hour. I stayed at a hotel for a few days after. He also left to be with family/friends but has not returned since. He's avoidant so anytime things get rough, he tries to disappear. His avoidance is what led to the argument because he kept pushing off a discussion to address financial issues he’s been consistently causing himself and lying about, despite my willingness to help him. We never said we were breaking up and this type of argument isn't out of our norm sadly. I'm kinda just assuming we're broken up this time for a change.
During the argument, he told other people (not me directly) that he wanted me to move, something he has said before when very upset. He's the type that consistently says things he doesn't mean during arguments. Even if it was all talk again, I've been approved for a new place to move into later this month.
He never gave me a deadline to leave. Who would be comfortable leaving someone alone in their house for an extended period that they say they don't want there, especially after a huge argument? I don't have any family or friends to rely on short- or long-term, so maybe he's giving me space to figure things out considering my circumstances. But by doing so, he's most likely staying with a boatload of his family in a tiny space because other family members are also staying with his parent because of housing insecurity. He hated the idea of staying there with all of them.
I don't know if he blocked my number because I refuse to reach out as I think he expects me to since I always fix things. I don't want to give him the satisfaction. He did stop sharing his location, but he always does that. He blocked me on IG and TikTok, something he has done in the past so again, nothing new. He made a shady post about me the day after on IG (a mutual friend told me). He didn't block me on Twitter, the main place I message him outside of text. He hasn't removed numerous photos of us together on IG, something he always does early on when we break up.
The mutual friend mentioned above also showed me screenshots of his Tinder account looking for "new friends." This is not new because he has a habit of using the app to distract himself when we're apart. Knowing him and considering some of our last conversations, I believe friends are the genuine reason he's on there. We still share two entertainment subscriptions and a phone plan under his name. He has not mentioned or done anything about them. He hasn’t mentioned getting his house and mailbox keys back. I have the only mailbox key for us. He also hasn't mentioned getting his things out of our joint storage unit under my name which holds most of his furniture. I have both of the keys so he can’t go alone. There has been no communication about separating anything. He just took a few things from home, blocked me on two socials, and hasn't been back. Some people I've asked think he's still waiting to cool off or for me to reach out first. Why does he not seem to be letting go fully like usual?
TL;DR: I think my on-and-off partner (M25) of over 5 years and I (F24) broke up after a heated argument. We never said we were breaking up, I'm just assuming and I'm moving out. Heated arguments aren't uncommon for us. We haven't been in contact for almost 2 weeks (longer than usual for a cool-off but not uncommon), but we still share his place. He took a few things and left that day. Avoidance is normal for him. He's doing some things he usually does when he's upset and/or we break up, but most things happening this time are out of the norm for him. He may still be waiting to cool off or for me to fix things between us as I usually do. I can't tell. Why could this abnormality be happening this time? Why does he not seem to be letting go fully like usual?
submitted by No_Mall9090 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:28 Equivalent-Chest152 How to fix this glitch in my career mode?

How to fix this glitch in my career mode?
I'm playing in League one manager career mode, and I wanted to see UEFA winners. Only for champions league, the knockout stages has been played and the winner was Liverpool. But in Europa League and conference league, none of the knockout stage games has taken place. I'm now in the month of June and the season got over too.
I faced this issue in my previous career mode, and every season it's like this.
submitted by Equivalent-Chest152 to FifaCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:27 BaseballAcrobatic201 Put on PIP and how do I leave my Job?

Long story short, after I told my manager I am pregnant, he started collecting false claims via emails and chats against me from the next day, and 30 days later, put me on PIP. I have evidences for everything that he has put in the PIP are false. This is a consultancy company whose revenue comes from clients using billable hours.
Now, I am seeking an attorney to help me get a severance package or mutual agreement.
I have also contacted my previous company, and they can take me back, so I won't be unemployed for long.
My employer filed a PIP for 60 days, so I can complete their projects(project end time is in 60 days), and then they will lay me off later to save themselves from paying me maternity leave or FMLA.
Please advise how I can leave this job “immediately” and also pursue my legal options and get a package in the end? . I don't want to continue enduring harassment, attend PIP meetings, and stress myself further in my underlying pregnancy condition.
submitted by BaseballAcrobatic201 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:27 sugarsugarcloud My mum is in her mid 70s... would a move to Hobart be possible or am I delusional?

We are a family of 6 (4 kids, hubby and myself) considering a move from Sydney to Hobart. We are hoping that once we sell our home we may be able to afford a place around the Sandy Bay area of Hobart, and really love everything about the area I feel extremely fortunate that we can even consider moving to such a nice area, as right now in Sydney we are in what a lot of people would consider not that great.
I have been hoping to encourage my mum who is in her mid 70s to move there as well. I have siblings who live overseas and really have nothing to do with us, so I am really all she has and the idea of leaving my mum behind breaks my heart. We have a somewhat strained relationship, and sadly living with us long term is not a realistic option. She really has no social networks here, only a couple of friends, we are really her only link to the outside world, and even though we are very different I really do want her to be able to see her grandkids grow up and enjoy a better lifestyle.
The problem is my mum has rented all her life. I have asked her so many times to look into applying for public housing as she is a widowed pensioner with no assets or savings whatsoever but she has never liked the idea and just keeps paying more and more rent. She has always been terrible with money, and racked up credit card debts in the past. Every time I tried to help her, or explain ways she could tackle this she would get offended and basically tell me to butt out.
Thank goodness she finally was able to pay all of her debts off (at least that’s what she told me) and retired from her job a few years ago and started getting the aged pension.
She is currently paying about $320 per week but its only a matter of time until that increases or the owners decide to sell. Her place is in less than ideal condition but she is close to shops and medical centres, so if we were not moving so far away, she most likely would just stay there as long as she can.
She is in complete denial about the realities of the property market and refuses to do anything proactive to better her situation. I have asked her so many times over the years what her plan is but she always talks about wishing she lived in a "nice area" and does not seem to understand that she will never be able to do that in Sydney unless she wins the lotto.
As you can imagine this has caused a lot of stress and frustration in me, because of course she is an adult and can do whatever she wants but I always have this feeling of dread that everything will fall apart and she will then ask me to fix the situation for her.
Anyway all that to say: how realistic would it be for her to move to hobart and actually find a place that she can afford to live in as a pensioner? I know there is no chance that she will be able to live super close to us, but coming from Sydney I would be thrilled is she could be within a 30-40 minute or even 1 hour drive from us.
Am I completely delusional? Are there suburbs that are not too far from Hobart City that might work for someone in her situation but still be somewhat safe and family friendly? She doesnt drive, so she would need to be near things like supermarkets and a medical centre. As she gets older I suppose we will need to consider aged care facilities but I can't even broach that topic with her.
I am trying to to let myself get angry at the fact that we are getting to this stage of our lives and she is still acting as if everything is fine, and instead I'm trying to find a practical solution for her. Any help or advice would be welcome and appreciated!
Thanks for listening to my TedTalk 🥲
submitted by sugarsugarcloud to hobart [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:27 iamkingsleyf 19 Most Eco-friendly Cities in the World

Pollution and carbon emissions aren't pleasant for anyone, so here's a list of eco-friendly cities prioritizing nature and sustainable living.
Pollution and carbon emissions aren't friendly for anyone. So here's a list of cities that prioritize nature and sustainable living. No city is perfect, and many still have a long way to go before they can be considered truly sustainable.
However, these cities benefit both the people's quality of life and the conservation and protection of our planet and environment.
The sustainability of our planet is in jeopardy now more than ever before. This is due to the rising population and technological advancements that change how we live our lives.
Furthermore, It's becoming unpleasant, from the production of dangerous pollutants to the extradentary levels of waste.
Also, Governments and municipal governments worldwide feel the heat from their population—particularly Generation Z, who are well-known for campaigning for environmental reform.
And pressing countries to seek new methods to become more sustainable and address this global issue.
We've compiled a list of cities leading the way toward moving toward sustainable living and making the world a greener place. The world's greenest cities are listed below.

1. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen has been labeled the world's greenest city for various reasons. To start with, all of their buses are transitioning from diesel to electric power.
Furthermore, more of their roadways are being designed expressly for bicycling, and also, electric bikes are being supplied at a reasonable cost.
Again, another fascinating thing about Copenhagen is that two-thirds of its hotels are eco-certified, signifying that they adhere to the highest levels of sustainability in terms of energy, food, and design.
They also have vending machines that use recycled stuff and receive a deposit at many of their restaurants, and they sell cuisine made with organic ingredients in many of them.
By 2025, This beautiful Copenhagen city aspires to be carbon neutral. With all of these extraordinary achievements, it's difficult not to believe that this is one of the most eco-friendly cities globally.

2. Zurich, Switzerland

Here are some statistics demonstrating why Zurich is near the top of our world's most eco-friendly cities. It is interesting that renewable energy sources now account for more than 80% of their electricity. Also, over 40% of the garbage in the city is recycled.
Finally, almost 70% of their hotels are certified as sustainable. They have bikes all across the city, just like Copenhagen, giving them away. Zurich is undoubtedly a green city from which all other cities can learn.

3. Amsterdam, Nertherland

Amsterdam is innovative and environmentally conscious in areas other than its well-known "coffee cafes." It's known for having more bikes than people (bikes are piled on top of each other in the streets!), and it's also known as the world's most bicycle-friendly capital city.
Bicycling ensures a healthy population and dramatically cuts carbon emissions and pollution.

4. Bristol, UK

Bristol was the first British city designated as the European Green Capital. It's an honor bestowed upon a community for its efforts in addressing urban environmental concerns.
Furthermore, It is also known as the most environmentally friendly city in the United Kingdom. Bristol has good air quality, and the number of bikers on the road has increased.

5. Stockholm, Sweden

This site has done its fair share of modifications to assist its residents to live a more sustainable lifestyle, with 14 islands and more than 50 bridges.
The large city aims to phase out the use of fossil fuels by 2040 and is doing it by enacting new rules that promote a greener society – with European Union assistance to help it grow smarter.
Furthermore, bio-fuel, made from sewage waste and used to power automobiles throughout the city, is gaining popularity.
Stockholm is one of the eco-friendly cities. They are capable of repurposing any waste heat from its 30,000-seat stadium. Recovering heat might help warm over 1,000 flats more efficiently using sustainable ways.

6. Berlin, Germany

Berlin is a mad, wild city, but it's also known for its unconventional approach to environmental preservation.
Also, Berlin has more parks than any other European city, and it integrates green spaces nicely into the urban landscape.
Following World War I, inhabitants became far more self-sufficient and appreciated their green spaces than they had previously, learning to cultivate their food, a trend that has been handed down down the years.
Furthermore, with the advent of electric vehicles, Berlin has erected over 400 charging stations throughout the city, encouraging residents to consider switching vehicle types.
Moreover, locals do not perceive the necessity to own automobiles and instead choose to share to save the environment.

7. London, Uk

One of the significant factors contributing to London's eco-friendliness is the city's approximately 3,000 green spaces and parks, which account for 40% of the city's total area.
London is among the eco-friendly cities in the world. The IESE Cities in Motion Index 2020 classified the city as the most environmentally friendly globally. By 2050, London aspires to have zero greenhouse gas emissions.
They're putting money into hybrid diesel-electric buses. They expect that by 2037, all 9,200 of their buses will be emission-free.

8. Portland, Oregon

Believe it or not, 25% of city workers commute by bike, carpool, or public transportation, which has significant environmental benefits. As a result, the number of dangerous automobiles has decreased.
Furthermore, the city has an estimated 250 miles of bike trails, demonstrating how easy and safe it is to move around. Cycling is the primary mode of transportation for 8% of the city's population.
Furthermore, Portland generates 2,434,840 tonnes of garbage and recovers 1,235,924 tonnes, which is incredible for a major metropolis. In addition to the preceding, the city employs 33% renewable energy.

9. San Francisco, California

San Francisco's green movement has been reshaping the city in recent years. Also, San Francisco is one of the eco-friendly cities, recycles about 77 percent of its garbage.
In addition, the city was the first in the United States to outlaw the use of plastic. Furthermore, another impressive green statistic in San Francisco is that 13.8 out of every 10,000 residences uses solar energy, more than double the national average.
Also, San Francisco is one of the best locations to visit without a car. You may walk all around this environmentally friendly metropolis.

10. New York City, New York

As shocking as it may seem, New York City has also been named one of the world's most environmentally friendly cities. Heating and water conservation are becoming more critical in their housing buildings.
In addition, more residents in New York City are driving low-emission vehicles, and businesses in the city are taking more environmentally friendly steps. In New York, urban gardening has grown very popular.
Furthermore, small gardens are planted on balconies, terraces, and rooftops.

11. Capetown, South Africa

By making substantial environmental strides, such as using energy from South Africa's first commercial wind farm, altering the city to provide bike lanes, and supporting farmer's markets, Cape Town is leading the way for the entire continent of Africa.

12. Paris, France

Paris is known for being one of the eco-friendly cities, named after an international treaty on climate change. In the ten years between 2004 and 2014, the city's greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 9.2 percent.
More measures to promote sustainable transportation and assist create a more sustainable city are being implemented by the city.

13. Helsinki, Finland

If you want to visit a place or city that values the environment's friendliness and the planet's long-term environmental viability, then Helsinki is a place to go.
The capital, located on a peninsula in the Gulf of Finland, combines metropolitan areas and tranquil reservoirs.
Furthermore, tourism is one of the most important contributions to Helsinki's economy, which has increased environmentally friendly lodging.
Indeed, approximately 75% of hotel rooms in the city have been certified as eco-friendly, and those that haven't fully committed to the cause have some environmental plan in place that covers all aspects of the business, from food and water to waste management and energy consumption.

14. Tokyo, Japan

With the Olympics set to take place in Tokyo this summer, the city has announced that all of the energy required to power the Games would come from sustainable sources. By 2030, the city hopes that half of all new automobiles sold will be zero-emission vehicles.
Tokyo likewise intends to use renewable energy sources to power 30% of the town. They also continue to lead the globe in having one of the lowest-emission public transportation systems.

15. Vancouver, Canada

People flock to Vancouver because of its proximity to the mountains and wildlife, so it's no surprise that it's one of the world's most environmentally conscious cities. Vancouver is a top performer in CO2 emissions and air quality, and it is home to Greenpeace.

16. Reykjavik, Iceland

The city, believe it or not, has a population of only 126,100 people, which is one of the primary characteristics that enables easy and adaptable improvements to make it a greener area.
Reykjavik intends to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 by boosting walking and cycling, and public transportation usage.
Furthermore, the promotion of public transportation is motivated by the city's desire to continue introducing hydrogen buses, which are now used by barely 4% of the population. The city has set a target of trebling this by 2030 to ensure that this happens.

17. Singapore, Singapore

Singapore has been named Asia's most environmentally friendly city due to its sustainability efforts. By 2030, Singapore plans to have at least 80 percent of its buildings be green.
The city aspires to be one of the world's most environmentally friendly cities in the future. Singapore being one
However, they are currently regarded as Asia's greenest city. It is one of the best-known towns in the world for its abundance of trees.
Used water that has been cleansed and treated accounts for over 40% of Singapore's water supply. With so much innovation, this city will undoubtedly become a sustainability leader for many years to come.

18. Montevideo, Uruguay

Montevideo's long-term aim is to save its natural ecosystems and rural areas. Over 85% of Uruguay's electricity is generated from renewable energy sources.

19. Grenoble, France

Grenoble has been named the European Green Capital for the year 2022. Between 2005 and 2016, the city's greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 25%. By 2030, they aspire to have reduced carbon emissions by half.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:27 lachoneus79 Planning to implement ANTInet Zettelkasten on my Nomad

Just waiting for the nomad to arrive in two days. I’ve reading up on Atomic notes and ANTINet Zettelkasten and planning to implement that system on my Nomad. Anyone else tried to do that? If so, what has been the experience?
submitted by lachoneus79 to Supernote [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 That_Rip_7338 UPDATE: AITA for telling my friend everything I experienced with our ex?

Link to original post: https://www.reddit.com/AITAH/comments/1blerq4/aita_for_telling_my_friend_everything_i/
I thought that I would never be posting on here again about the situation between me, Eve and Anna, but here we are. First of all, seeing this post without a now deleted update I posted in tifu would make this post seem out of character, so I will add in the context to bring everyone up to date
On April 12th, I just happened to run into Anna and who I presume is her boyfriend. She called me over to have a chat and gave me this spiel about how it wasn't okay to call her a nonce because of her relationship with Eve, even though that is the truth and that she somehow still didn't have a problem with me and that everybody missed me at that club last week. I know I shouldn't have, I should have just walked away, which is the better option or said exactly what it was that I was thinking, about how she is a nonce, 22 year olds shouldn't even consider dating minors, let alone dating them like she did with Eve and how what she did to ME wasn't okay but instead, I pretended to agree as I hate confrontation and causing drama, then got mad at myself for not just walking away or causing a scene by standing up for myself, that I needed to just stand up for myself instead of letting myself be used as a punching bag. I still stand by the claims made against her being true. That was the last time I ever saw her again. I also still didn't tell her about what Eve had claimed as even though she didn't have the respect for me to hide it until I was ready to expose the truth or for her to do it,, I still hadn't got the heart to expose Eve's SA claim without her consent, as I think she was being pressured into giving up the facade she had on me. As for Eve, I still don't know what's happened to her, though I do hope she's okay and manages to free herself from the situation if she hasn't done already.
I had largely forgotten about the club as I hadn't attended for a while, and didn't really talk with anyone of my former friend group since that day in April, except for one, who I will call Dean. Me and Dean met in 2022 as we just so happened to be sharing a council-provided taxi to college - we both are autistic. But when I left college in June 2023, I hadn't seen him again, until I started attending the club sessions in the first place. I was coming home from a food shop when I saw Dean and proceeded to tell him where I was and not too much about the drama.
Onto today, I had been getting on well with my day as per usual when my mum suddenly asked for my email address. I assumed that maybe she wanted to email me something for some reason and just forgotten what it was, even though she never emails me. Later on I receive a series of text messages. Apparently, there is a certificate by the charity that hosted the club in the first place. To be clear, this will have been due to volunteering for their free fruit and vegetables drop in, which is how I heard of them when I was looking for volunteering, rather than the club sessions I stopped attending after the one in late March went downhill. I was hoping that when I would go to claim it, it'd be at an alternative session to the one that I believed that Anna would always attend. But then I got a text message saying that Anna had stopped attending, to which I replied with a simple 'Cool.' I was also told in a later text message that it would be okay for me to go back to the sessions that I had abandoned and fled after that night and that they and my mum were trying to plan for us to get together yesterday before their lack of responses meant that the attempt fell through and I would therefore be going to see my Aunt instead. I was skeptical though about that departure, so I asked Dean via text today to ask him to verify that claim as I'm sure he still attends. He gave me a simple one-word answer. Yes.
So that meant, unknowingly to me until today, a stringent requirement that I set for a possible return to that club had been satisfied. More than likely, I think it was more Anna's own choice or the choice of her parents, rather than anything going on that meant she was kicked out. Although, I hope that it was Eve exposing the truth about their awful, inappropriate relationship and that allegation that she made about Anna to me that got the ball rolling and got her out. If that happened, it'd be sweet karmic justice for at least Eve, and maybe me as well if she exposed my side of that mess as well as her own.
To be honest though, I still have reservations about going back to the club that I left due to the drama that was caused back in March. For one, that former friend group I had is close with Anna, or at least was when I last attended, so if they're still close with Anna after everything and how I was basically shoved away and left feeling like I wasn't welcome and should probably stop attending. Unless something happened and one of the members exposed her, or they finally had enough of her bullshit, I think they will just accuse me of working silently with some of the organizers to get Anna removed which would enable me to return without fear of Anna being there, ESPECIALLY if it was a recent one rather than a departure in May. And what if it was only a temporary departure and she returns at the same time that I do? I texted my mum the concerns about the rest of the friend group and she responded by telling me that they might not be there and even so, it's their problem, not mine. I do hope that the rest of them is gone also, but I will at least have the chance to celebrate a small victory if I do go back.
submitted by That_Rip_7338 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 bob22334666788 Weird thing

So I put my french bulldog in a cage for about 2 hours over the weekend, bc we didn't want him tearing up the hotel room, he doesn't typically go in a cage. Well according the hotel staff he just whined the entire time.
So that's a 30 pound dog, in a cage for a 200 pound dog with a plush bed, as well as more food then he could eat in 2 hours.
What happens to a human when placed in a cell, for those first few hours or days depending on the individual if they've never experienced incarceration?
submitted by bob22334666788 to Prison [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 Jumpy_Yesterday2314 I think urologist misdiagnosed and worsened my situation

This is going to be a long text, but I want to be sure I provide as much information as possible. When I was 15(now 23) years old, all of a sudden, I had my libido disappear, and I couldn't achieve a full erection. It was firm, but I couldn't get it to full size and girth. The day after, I had a horrible fever for a few days, and after that, I experienced weird tingling, maybe weak orgasm, and I felt the orgasm much in the anus area. I've been to three urologists, and I believe the last one misdiagnosed and worsened my condition. He diagnosed me with chronic prostatitis, most likely because I had a small urinary inconvenience (I had dribbling pee shortly after urinating when coughing or crouching). He prescribed me a magnetic stimulation chair (I didn't know anything about pelvic floor at that time; apparently, this chair does kegel exercises many times in a short time span (30 minutes)). After 1-2 sessions, I had trouble releasing gas but didn't pay attention at that time; it was absurd how it could cause such a thing. After 7 sessions, I had tightness between the penis and anus, foamy urine with a strong smell, and also had problems with pooping. I didn't have to strain, but I only pooped once a week. Also, my erection got even firmer, and it curved a little bit upwards. One day after masturbation I noticed penis stayed leaning to my left (I always had my penis lean to the left but only when I was healthy and had a full-sized erection, not flaccid). After that, I had a burning sensation in my urethra and in the penis head, a weird feeling. When I told him about that, he told me the only symptom that the chair could cause was tightness between the penis and anus, and other symptoms weren't related to it. I didn't believe him because when I looked up that chair on the manufacturer's website, it said it could also fix fecal incontinence, and I believe if it can fix that problem, it could worsen if I was healthy. Mostly, the penis just leans to the left, but twice I saw a weird deformation in the penis base in semi-erect but don't have it when flaccid or erect. (I'm planning to visit a different urologist to check if it's Peyronie's or not). The more I read about pelvic floor, the more symptoms I match with my condition. For example, I was always a grower and didn't pay much attention to flaccid size, but now I noticed when I lay down, my flaccid gets longer, and as soon as I get up, it starts to retract. The second urologist made me do an ultrasound of the prostate and urinary tract, and everything was fine. Bacterial and regular urine analysis showed that E. coli was found 10^3(sensitive to all antibiotics), but he didn't tell me anything about that. When I went to the last urologist (who made my condition worse), he told me not to think about that as it's not at pathogenic levels and wouldn't cause problems. But when I remembered that day when all this happened, I came from school a little bit sweaty and decided to masturbate, and I thought that's when something happened because I was sweaty, hairy, and maybe that bacteria somehow ended up on the area near the penis which I touched and somehow infected myself with it. I don't know; I'm confused. If anyone had a similar problem, please comment, or if someone can tell me if it looks like a pelvic floor problem. My testosterone was low at 397 when I did the test for the second urologist but 700 with the third urologist (I didn't see any difference in erection). I also had those tests: glycosylated hemoglobin, cortisol, prolactin; these latter two were a little bit elevated, but nothing crazy. Unfortunately, there's no pelvic floor therapy in my country, so I will have to do everything by myself if it's confirmed.
submitted by Jumpy_Yesterday2314 to hardflaccidresearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 ConspiracyTorrents Rosneft chief reveals cost EU paid for rejecting Russian gas

Rosneft chief reveals cost EU paid for rejecting Russian gas submitted by ConspiracyTorrents to u/ConspiracyTorrents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 Interesting-Help-421 Relying primarily on investment long term is a 1 year emergency fund reasonable or just stupid

My primary source of income is my investment. I currently planning a withdrawal of around 2.5% (being extra conservative to grow family wealth and this is still a good amount of money ) but will work with my financial advisor to manage the rate and my tax professional to best deal with the tax implications
I also would like to avoid withdrawing in very bad market years .
I currently work on projects I enjoy
All prices are Canadian and in the North where thing are expensive
Minium monthly budget
Power: $300(low in summer high in winter ~Average ) Phone and internet: $350 Food: $300 Heating oil : $525 (6 months a year might switch to a heat pump but that will raise my power of course but will like be less in total ) City utilities (water garbage etc): $150 Property tax : $450 Home owners insurance: $250 Car insurance :$150 Gas : $100 Home maintenance fund : $3,000 (base on 10% of my home’s max assist value )
So I would maintain about $70k in a HYSA to cover the potential of a terrible market year .
submitted by Interesting-Help-421 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 Equal_Ocelot_6901 I got sextorted

I got Sextorted (will update the progress)
Iam 23M from India, Got a random request on insta, vibed well for few days exchange numbers And she called me on my whatsapp video call Things get warm and i was dumb enough to not cover my face...
After this, i get a message of the video saying " delete or post?" I knew iam done now. I said delete and then they called me demanding around 25k rupees otherwise, they sent some threatening 'about to send' message screenshots to my followers.
I panicked Negotiations started they were threatening me, "this would ruin your life etc.." And i said iam poor and broke They agreed for 5k rupees, promised to delete stuff And as soon i paid, they asked for 5k more And again 10k more... I sadly paid all of it.. (borrowed some from my friends too)
They were asking me for another 15k, and i was done with it, said that my dad is a cop, i can proove this and iam going to inform him.. Anything above this amount would lead to legal stuff.. Don't know but suddenly, they started backing off slowly and asked for some more, I didn't pay.
They finally said, "you followed our demands we are gonna delete the stuff and will never gonna bother you again", I asked them to screenshare and ensured that they do...
I made my insta private, removed some followers and changed the dp, username, profile name.. Blocked the contact from whatsapp. ( Took screenshots and backup of those)
Had i reached this sub before, i wouldn't have paid a single penny.. Learned a costly lesson😞 And a lot more about why not to be careless in the internet
Edit: Its been 12 hrs and i can't eat or sleep...
I don't really have an idea about What should i do in this Situation further? iam very scared rn
submitted by Equal_Ocelot_6901 to u/Equal_Ocelot_6901 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 ParsleyEmotional7971 Sleep regression across the board

I have a 3.5 year old and an almost 8 month old and neither will sleep last 6 am. My 3.5 year old has always been a good sleeper - 7:30 to 7:30 but lately she wakes up screaming that she wants it to be morning or her belly is hungry. Refuses a sound machine or the hatch light indicating when it's time to get up. My 8 month old just doesn't sleep period.
Any tips for getting them to at least 7 am? Some days I'm up with them at 5:30 and my husband and I are just beyond exhausted.
submitted by ParsleyEmotional7971 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 Deedsman Found this fucking sticker on Fourteener

Found this fucking sticker on Fourteener
Drove to summit of Mount Blue Sky which was called Mt Evans until recently. Evans was a raging white supremacists and overall bastard. I'm planning on going back up soon with one to cover it. I was worried to remove it with the forest service all around. Way too many people have no idea who Patroit Front is.
submitted by Deedsman to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:26 rocketboomer Passing from dress code?

What is the dress code like in your branch of service? Is it very strict? Do people really see the tiny details and read into it?
I work at US Customs and we have a uniform and grooming guideline that is very traditionally cis. Our “corporate culture” doesn’t have a habit of enforcing it strictly. I notice that when I visit Air Force bases, some people call me ma’am without me ever saying anything, or ever having met them. This delights me of course, and I wonder what it is that is giving them the clues. Is there a chance it is the uniform?
I wear a female Customs officers uniform. The subtle differences are having smaller armholes, it is a tiny bit fitted, and it buttons up on the left side. Fully trained Customs officers wear the same insignia as an Army/Marines/Navy warrant officer. No idea what that is or how important the rank. I am typically around people who say they are E6 or sometimes E7. Again no idea what that means. Is this even a factor?
For now, I still speak in the same voice that I have living as a man. My hair is just long enough to entirely cover my ears. I am not far along in hormones (5 months) to have grown breasts that are large enough to see.
I am guessing it’s just the hair and airmen trying to be polite to me?? If that was ever you, thank you!! It really makes my day and you know how powerful that is when you feel recognized and seen.
submitted by rocketboomer to MilitaryTrans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:25 DanMill-Udemy Getting started in Information Technology

Massive Discount on all my courses
Master IT Hardware Fundamentals
IT Backups and Disaster Recovery Fundamentals Highest Rated in its category!
Master IT Technical Support
IT Backup Fundamentals
IT Fundamentals
Resume and Cover Letters for IT Roles
How to excel at IT Interviews
Ubuntu Server Fundamentals
Small Business - Information Technology Requirements
submitted by DanMill-Udemy to Udemy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:25 solinvicta French drain fill and slope questions

I'm a homeowner with a small yard (which gets standing water), bordering a drainage ditch. There's some odd grading to the ditch, which I can't fix - basically a hill that blocks drainage, with many mature trees that would prevent total regrading.
I've dug another, perpendicular trench to connect the low area of the lawn to the ditch, cutting through the hill, and, one year later, no flooding! But, all the problems with an open trench (debris falling in, open / standing water, unsightly). I'd like to install a French drain in the trench and cover it over. With that in mind, two big questions:
1) How important is the fill size of the rock? I have some leftover 1/2 - 1" pebbles I was going to start to use for fill. If I need to get additional fill (larger rocks seem to usually be recommended...) would there be an advantage to using the small fill on the top / bottom / sides?
2) Lots of recommendations for a minimum slope for the pipe itself. How to I measure that best if the land itself is uneven? Or is "not level in the right direction" enough? I'm planning to use rigid pipe.
submitted by solinvicta to landscaping [link] [comments]
