Cinemax schedule

No link to directv stream on the website, possibly phasing out directv stream?

2023.11.14 14:52 StruggleFar3054 No link to directv stream on the website, possibly phasing out directv stream?

No link to directv stream on the website, possibly phasing out directv stream?
I wouldn't be surprised if they force new streaming customers to sign up for directv via internet only in the near future
submitted by StruggleFar3054 to DirectvStream [link] [comments]

2023.09.26 11:05 watcher_75 Checkpoint name in the name of the generated file

Checkpoint name in the name of the generated file
I'm using XY Plot with iterating of checkpoints from the package Efficiency Nodes.
Can anyone tell me how to output the checkpoint name in the name of the generated file?
I figured out how to specify the CFG and the steps, but it doesn't work with the checkpoint model in any way.
I also tried to use the Image Save node from the WAS Suite package, but it doesn't seem to understand the syntax of %A.B% templates at all.
I will be grateful for any hints!
submitted by watcher_75 to comfyui [link] [comments]

2023.09.03 19:15 itsdigitalaf YESSSSSSS!!!! Has this 'info' option always been here or is this a recent update?

YESSSSSSS!!!! Has this 'info' option always been here or is this a recent update? submitted by itsdigitalaf to comfyui [link] [comments]

2023.08.18 22:08 BrandonNeider Retention Experience DP

Just a Data-point
(Short Verizon: Saved $500ish a year)
Setup: Triple Play Gig, Ultimate TV with Movie Bundle (So HBO etc included), Phone, 3 boxes, Router Rental for 7 years now.
The price slowly crept from $155ish to now $246 (taxes included). This year alone it went up $20 in $5 increases (July 22 to Aug 23) on the TV Package which hinted to me was them just a slow creep that most customers may not notice or care for over-time. That on-top of not counting CC's for autopay discount which Altice still allows is just another chip away.
Upon web-chat, Rep says she can't without bundling into a new mix and match of which my new deal would be $269 (Not sure if pre/post tax) but it lined up with what I saw on the website if I was a new customer. I thanked her and sorted out with Altice for gigabit + TV including HBO/Cinemax/Sports for $227 taxed scheduled for next week. I'm actually considering the 2gig line as of this post as it's a $500 gift-card which nearly offsets the cost difference for a year.
I called to disconnect my services and of course I was sent to retention hoping to just get $20 off for a year to offset the phone cost that I can't remove without breaking the bundle.
The rep said my new package would be $240 without the phone and I thought he was giving me a small discount to stay and turns out he was misleading that it didn't include HBO or the other premium channel bringing it back to the $269. He said he had nothing to offer so I just scheduled the disconnect a week after Altice installs to avoid interruption.
This day was eventually going to come as Multi-Gig comes in to play, I was looking forward to going to 2gig under them but this issue would also occur making me unable without paying huge premiums. Also being able to hookup 4 Apple TV's to watch TV (Only need 3) at no charge is a nice feature.
submitted by BrandonNeider to Fios [link] [comments]

2023.05.15 21:08 Century22nd Were The Good Old Days of Cable VHS and DVD As Good As People Say? (Casual TV conversation/rant)

People mention that channels like HBO used to be better, and cable channels would offer more variety in their programming schedules, etc...
But from I remember HBO used to cost $17.99 a month, then in the 90's they lowered the price to $10 a only had the one channel though until HBO2 came out (and by the very late 90s and early 2000's more HBO channels were added for one price).
Disney Channel used to be $21.99 a month, then they lowered their price as well...but around 1996 Disney Channel became free for COX Cable subscribers.
A blank VHS tape that was T-120 (6 hours in EP/SLP mode) was $7.99 each, unless there was a sale. The prices of VHS tapes dropped over time though, and sadly the quality did as well. Around 1994 and later many VHS tapes were made at a lower quality and from China (even if it was an American brand) it reduced the price of a name brand standard VHS T-120 tape to about $1.99 each, but the quality was not as good (although the VHS recorders were supposedly better with 4-head, 6 head and S-VHS, but I did not really notice a difference honestly as the mid 90s and later anything I recorded seemed to have a softer picture with less sharper details like you saw on VHS recording from the the cable boxes would record at the volume you were watching it, so in the 90s (until Digital cable boxes in 1999) many VHS tapes had "Hiss" in the background because they were recorded low. But you did not notice until you watched your recording after sadly.
DVD was good, it was a smaller version of LaserDisc but you could not record on them yet at the time. The first DVD Setup TV Recorder came out in 2000 and it retailed about $1000, and was not in stereo. A blank DVD was about $8 each per disc as well, but you had the option of quality for space per disc like VHS, HQ would be 60 minutes, and lowest quality would be 6 hours or 8 hours depending on your machine. But there was a problem, older DVD players could not play DVD-R discs, so they came out with DVD+R which more easily read on all DVD players. The prices of DVD-R and DVD+R dropped dramatically though in a few short years, you could buy a spindle of 25,50,100 blank DVD's for under $50.
But now all of that is obsolete technology...everything is streamed on-demand now, and while there might be over 200 cable channels many only show a few shows over and over in daily marathons instead of having more variety. Many people in the last 20 years have also decided to get rid of cable due to cable costs soaring in the previous 2 decades. So now many cable channels (as well as local TV channels) are actually losing viewers.
A network like NBC would average multi million viewers per night years ago and each show had to have high ratings or it would often get canceled alot quicker than they cancel shows today.
It took them awhile to adapt to the 21st century, but now they calculate the On-Demand views in the ratings. So they are not as strict since "appointment tv" is no longer a thing anymore since people can stream their latest episodes on-demand from an app now.
So where do you all thing TV will be going now that we are in the 20's? I clearly see many apps (and at the moment they are cheaper, some as cheap as $5 a month which was far less than we used to pay for only 1 premium channel like HBO, The Movie Channel or Cinemax years ago, but I know these streaming services will eventually raise their prices). What I notice at the moment though many streaming services keep changing names though, HBOMax (although it was successful is now called Max and some the content they offer has changed).
Many streaming services are also merging like Hulu and Disney+, which can result in a price increase for some users.
For those who really follow how TV works and the entertainment industry in general, what do you think will be happening through the 20's?
submitted by Century22nd to television [link] [comments]

2022.09.24 19:53 OriginalCopy505 The Quantum Leap to Cable TV - 35 Channels!

The Quantum Leap to Cable TV - 35 Channels! submitted by OriginalCopy505 to FuckImOld [link] [comments]

2022.08.12 02:53 censoreddawg Trying for Two Days in a Row

Can't recall the last time I went two days without an orgasm. Wife and I have sex every other day. Porn alot for me on days we don't. She's overseas visiting family for a couple of weeks and I'm alone. Work from home but have been going to bikini coffee shops and working from those. You can rub naked girls tits and asses for a buck or two at them. Free wifi as well. When I'm home I've been screening vintage porn movies. Candy Stripers today as I had to stay home due to a bunch of scheduled calls. After work been 🚲 ng at the beach and checking out girls in bikinis. She's back Saturday night and I'd like to break this cycle till then. Feels a bit pathetic actually. Hoping to get 3d printer up and running and maybe will check out a nonporn tv series. Might go mountain biking instead of to the beach tomorrow. Wish I lived in a Muslim country sometimes where women dressed more modestly. Miss the days of having to tune Cinemax thru the vcr on Friday night to watch a once weekly softcore flick. Anyways wrote this initially to ask for advice but think I figured it out in the course of writing it. Fill your time with something meaningful.....
submitted by censoreddawg to NoFap [link] [comments]

2020.12.10 21:39 muhname WarnerMedia should pursue the expiring Sony-Starz license in 2021

Starz contract with Sony expires in 2021.
The Sony release schedule for 2021/2022 is very strong with:
They could agree to a wide licensing deal that brings Sony films to HBOmax, HBO, Cinemax, TBS, and TNT.
submitted by muhname to HBOMAX [link] [comments]

2020.10.05 11:50 Octopusandcrow My School's Boys' Locker Room had a Secret Window to the Girls' Side

I think everyone has a memory of high school they wish they could erase. I don’t mean the embarrassing ones about falling down the stairs or throwing up during homeroom. I mean the stories about the person you were at one time and how far that can feel from who you are now. High school kids can be weird, angry, gross and insecure people. At one point we were those people. Thinking about that can be hard to process.

I’ve got two sons getting close to high school now and I can see them working through the positive and negative parts of themselves. I love my sons but I’ll say it: the negative parts can be scary or unsettling. I remind myself that I love them and I owe it them to do anything I can to help them build the good parts of themselves so the bad parts don’t take over.

And that’s why I’ve decided to open up my old box of high school stuff. It’s the usual junk, awards from a science fair or track meet along with some other keepsakes or mementos. But I knew there was something else in there too, an old red notebook full of my scratchy, mostly illegible, handwriting. I went to high school before the internet got to everyone and our family didn’t own a computer. This notebook was where I wrote down the things that I didn’t want anyone else to see. I remember I had a rule that it couldn’t include long opinion rants. You might not believe this, but the rule about opinion rants is the only thing about that notebook that I can actually remember. The notebook became like a lockbox where I put the things that even I didn’t want to see.

I’m going to open the book and start reading to see what I’ve forgotten between then and now and hopefully find something I can use to help my own sons. By way of background, I was in high school from 1998 to 2002. It was a mid-sized Catholic school, in the suburbs of a Midwestern city. Uniforms and everything. I’ve always been a bit of a writer and writing things down helps me think; it’s why I kept the notebook in the first place. Something about the act of writing something helps me process it. So I’ll type down everything from the notebook here to share with you. It could be rough, but I’m hoping it’s worth it.

January 11, 1999

Not sure why I’m writing this but here it goes. (there’s a bunch of scratched out sentences here, I remember I had trouble sticking to my own rule of “no rants”). It’s today still. Which means that it’s only been a few hours since all of this happened which doesn’t seem possible. I’ll start at the top:

Six hours ago I leave Spanish the second the bell rings and head down to my locker. Usual routine, I grab my lunch, change out my schoolbooks for the next class and then start to fuss around with whatever I can find in there just to kill time for a few minutes. I don’t think it really matters, no one pays attention to me at any point anyway but I try to look busy just in case. After about two minutes of picking up and putting down books I saw1 my chance, shut the locker and started down the hall. There, right in front of me and walking down the hall in all of their ball-aching majesty, were Rebecca Murphy, Caroline Byrne and Amanda Kelly. They have Bio together this period; it always takes them forever to get their bags together and stop talking enough to walk down the hall. That leaves me more than enough time to hurry out of my class and end up right behind them while they’re walking.

These girls were, I mean, I could say they’re hot but that doesn’t even begin to cover it. Goddesses maybe? Yeah, we’ll go with goddesses. It wasn’t a Friday game day so they weren’t wearing their cheerleading uniforms and that’s about the only thing that kept me from bursting out of my pants. Still, the standard uniform skirt was more than enough to make me (I’m going to skip ahead here, you get the idea and I don’t think I can take much more).

The goddesses turned into the girls’ locker room and I heard a voice behind me say “saw the whole thing, super creepy. Like, even for you.” It was Bridgette Walsh and she had one of those looks on her face. Busted. Bridgette and I have been friends long enough that it’s better for her to catch me staring than just about anyone. But only barely.

“What? I was just walking to class.” I could feel my face turning bright red and started to walk away from Bridgette. She pulled up alongside me anyway.

“You prep the arguments for today?” Bridgette’s whole tone changed from judge-y to nice and friendly just like that.

“Yeah, although I’m dreading having to get up there and argue it” Bridgette and I were on debate together. I’m not sure how we became friends or maybe we really aren’t. I mean we might just be two people who are on debate together.

“Ugh, I’m jealous. I feel like I’ve got nothing and I’m going to get benched. I’m so stupid sometimes.” Bridgette’s always saying things like that. She always glances at me right after to see if I’ll dispute the point.

“If you’re stupid then that explains why I keep getting bad grades when I cheat off of you.” Bridgette really laughed at that one even though it wasn’t funny. She tends to laugh at my jokes a lot so that must be why she’s the only girl in this school that talks to me.

Bridgette ran off after that. She had American History this period while I had lunch. I went into the cafeteria and saw the swarm of kids sitting, eating and talking and gave it a big “nope, not today.” I can talk to people, I really can. But I’m not the popular kid and never will be. It’s just easier to be alone a lot of the time. I knew there was no boys’ gym class this period, so I went down to the locker room to daydream, avoid social awkwardness and diddle time away until it was time for the next period.

The locker room’s a little weirdly designed. You walk in, duck under the old steam pipes that look a million years old and you’re facing row after row of lockers. They must have planned on the school being bigger than it is because it’s way more space than they would ever need. My locker is at the far end of the room up against the concrete wall. I open it and throw in my clothes for track workouts and then look around. Since there’s no one else in the locker room right now, I figure I can kill a good fifteen to twenty minutes of the period in solitude.

As I start to close my locker’s door I noticed a small glimmer of light at the locker’s back panel near the top. Having plenty of time, I opened the door again and had a look. The metal sheet that formed the back panel of my locker didn’t quite touch the locker’s ceiling. I pushed it with my hand and felt it slightly shift downward and the light shone through more. I looked through the gap between the metal and saw a mostly dark area with small crumbling pieces of old concrete from the wall. There was a small hole through the concrete and through the other side I saw light shining through the grates of a locker on the other side of the wall.

My heart started beating faster and faster. There was only one other locker room in the school and it was the girls’. I’m not exactly swimming in female admirers here and this might have been the biggest thing to ever happen to me. I squinted as hard as I could to try to see through to the other side. Nothing, just light. But then a miracle. The locker door on the girls’ side slowly started to open with a low creek of metal on metal. I ducked down thinking that some girl must be opening her locker and would spot me. But darting my head back up I didn’t see anyone there. Figuring it must have just opened on its own, I looked around to see what was there. Row after row of lockers (but girl lockers). Showers visible at the end of the row. I remember I was really surprised that it seemed to look just like the boys’ locker room except for a lot fewer dirty towels on the floor and less graffiti carved into the lockers.

“Ok ok ok ok,” I was thinking. I’m skipping every class for the rest of the day and staying right here. I pressed my eyes up against the metal gap so hard that I felt my nose start to hurt from being pushed against the locker panel. That’s when I heard the voice.

“And you just broke your own record for creepy today.” The voice had a strange echo-y quality to it as it bounced off the lockers.

Oh no. I was caught, there was no way I wasn’t caught. Fuuuuuuck.

“Is someone there?” I figured playing innocent was the only move right now.

“Are you kidding me? That’s not going to work.” The voice was very familiar but was hard to place. The sound had a strange echo to it as it came through the wall. But it couldn’t be…Bridgette?

“Bridgette?” I asked. There was a few seconds of silence on the other side with no response. I decided I should say something else and maybe, just maybe, I would get out of this without expulsion.

“I think there might be some sort of opening if I can hear you. I had no idea it was there” I don’t know why I stuck with the “innocent” act. I guess I couldn’t think of a different direction to go.

“Like an opening you could spy on me through? Like the opening you were just pressing your face up against?”

“I just found it, I didn’t know it was even there until a second ago!” I could hear my own voice shaking. I’m not usually the kid who gets in trouble, I was starting to panic. “Please don’t tell anyone, I promise I won’t look again.”

“That’s the problem with you. You always lose your cool. Aren’t you tired of that by now?” The weird echoing effect of the lockers made the girls’ voice drop up and down in pitch. I couldn’t tell if it was Bridgette or not.

“Sorry, but who is this?” At that there was a laugh, a girl’s giggle but not in a particularly nice way.

“You want to know my name? Or did you just want to see me take my clothes off? I might just let you if you stop being so hung up about it.”

What was this? She was talking like a sexy girl in a Cinemax movie but I’m not dumb enough to think that there’s any girls on earth that are actually like that.

“Quit screwing with me, just please don’t tell anyone about this.” I knew I should just bolt. I’d already decided this girl, whoever she was, was messing with me. But for some reason my neck moved forward and pressed my eye up against the hole one more time. I figured I couldn’t get more expelled for taking a second look, and if she was getting naked in there then it would be worth it.

My nose squished against the metal one more time as I looked through. The showers on the girls’ side were all turned on now for some reason. I could hear the water splattering against the tile and see the steam starting to spread throughout the room. I couldn’t see anyone though, just the empty space in front of the open door. I scanned left and then right and still nothing. I started to pull my head back when I felt something grab my tie. My neck was yanked down and slammed my skull forward against the back of the locker.

I tried to pull my head back up but tight pressure on my tie held it in place. I could see my tie pulled taut against my neck with the tie’s bottom being pulled through the crack where the locker’s floor met the back panel wall.

“Hey!” I shouted. I felt something snaking through my hair. I tried to pull my head back but the firm grip on my tie was holding it in place. Slowly, creeping through my hair starting at the top of my head and down onto my forehead I felt thin fingers. I realized that the girl on the other side must have stuck her hand through the hole even though the hole didn’t seem big enough for that to be possible. As the finger crossed in front of my eyes they slowed and dangled in front of me. They weren’t doing anything other than dangling, almost like this girl was toying with me. I saw purple sparkly nail polish with hints of white. As the fingers dangled the white shapes painted on the nails came into focus as bird talons. They drifted back and forth coming within an inch of my eyes.

“Now…I can see you” the voice said followed by the same girlish giggle. Then the pressure on my tie was gone and I fell back out of the locker. I jumped up and ran out the door ducking under the steam pipes. I didn’t look back, whoever that girl was I didn’t want to know anything more about her. I ran out the door and almost knocked over some people walking down the hall. It was only a few minutes later that I realized the people I ran past were the Goddesses. For the first time since freshman year started I hadn’t paid attention to them.

February 17, 1999

I’m going back in. I don’t mean back into the locker room for the first time, I mean back to the hole to the girl’s side. Since that crazy day a few weeks ago I’ve been pretending it’s not there. I’ll admit that I got pretty freaked out about a month ago with whatever happened. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I don’t have any idea what it was. Some girl pulled my tie and put her hand near my face. That’s it. Believe me, this would not be the first mean trick that a girl at this school has pulled on me and definitely not the worst. And I might have deserved some of it considering what I was doing. But I’ve been lying in bed every night thinking about that hole to the girls’ side just sitting there. It’s like an itch that I have to scratch.

That’s what made me think of Bridgette. The girl’s voice did sound a bit like Bridgette and she does like to play jokes on me. This was definitely a step beyond her normal jokes but she’d also never caught me peeking into a girls’ locker room before. I’m not sure how she could have pulled off the talon fingernails since I’ve never seen those on her. But, honestly, I’m not entirely sure how fingernails for girls work. I feel like I’ve seen them take fingernails on and off so who knows? We’d continue to see each other every day for the last few weeks but she never said anything to me about the locker room. I never said anything to her about what happened and I’m not sure if we’ve just silently agreed to never mention it.

But whether it’s Bridgette or not, it’s important that I go back. I’m not proud of this but if everything goes according to plan then no one will ever know I did it other than this notebook. Also, there’s a pressing time concern for getting this done. This is the last chance I have for a Friday game day. The basketball season’s ending and, even though I never had any interest in the sport, I know the schedule forward and back. The Goddesses would be in their cheerleading uniforms at school one last time. All three of them had gym fifth period when the boys’ locker room should be empty. There was a chance, a real actual chance, that if I skipped my class for that period and made it to the locker room then I’ll be able to see them change out of their uniforms for gym.

Sounds stupid right? Even writing it down makes me feel stupid. But you don’t know just how many hours and days I have spent thinking about this. A chance like this won’t come along until next football season and I don’t think I can wait that long. So I decided to go back in.

February 18, 1999

That Friday I couldn’t sleep from 2 am until it was time to go to school. Every time I closed my eyes I would see the locker room girl’s fingernails with the talons painted on waving in front of my face. The whole day at school felt like a bit of a dream. I was intentionally too slow to meet Bridgette for our usual walk to class. I still wasn’t sure if she was the girl from the locker room but I didn’t want to chance tipping her off. I don’t think I’ve ever suffered through a longer school day. Then, when the gap between fourth and fifth period rang, I absolutely booked it through the halls toward the locker room. I might have moved too fast because I got to the locker room door covered in sweat. I could hear the sound of the girls heading for their gym class coming down the main hall and, just before they turned the corner, I creaked the door open to the boys’ and went in.

I ran down the stairs while ducking under the big steam pipes. I flipped off the lights, and got to my locker. My heart beating up through my chest so hard I could feel each pound in my ears. I opened the door and then pushed the cold metal back panel down until I could see a sliver of light start to peak through. Once my face was up against the slit, the whole girls’ side was visible.

“Breathe slow” I told myself and tried to remain as quiet as possible. The loud talking and laughter of the girls drifted toward me as they opened the door and started to file in.

“Who’s your favorite?”

“Oh no” I thought. The voice from the girls’ side was back. I slid down back toward the bottom of my locker and shut my eyes. How could she know I was here, I had been so careful!

“Well? If you don’t tell me who your favorite is then I’ll have to ask them.”

“You’re not supposed to be here before the rest of the class, that means you cut your last class early.” It was a really dumb argument, I know. But I was lost.

“What do you think you’re going to see anyway? I’ve seen it all and it’s not terribly impressive.” The voice had that same echo-y ring to it.

“You wouldn’t understand. Could you just leave me alone about it.”

There was that girlish giggle again. “I told you, I see you and I know you don’t want me getting mad at you again.” I moved my tie to make sure it was nowhere near the bottom cracks of the locker.

“I just…I, well” there was no good way to say any of this. You can’t explain to a girl why seeing a girl naked is the most important thing in the world. It just doesn’t work.

“Is it because you wanted to see Bridgette?”

My jaw actually fell open. If this girl knew that I was friends with Bridgette then that means she knew who I was. “No!” I almost shouted. I knew it was too loud but I was panicking.

“You never know, maybe she wants to see you too.” This didn’t even make sense, Bridgette’s gym period was a completely different day.

“You don’t know anything about her and I’m not here for that.” I don’t know why I was getting so emotional.

“You’re here for the Goddesses right?” This was followed by the same giggle. Or rather, it sounded the same but much too fast. Like someone took a tape deck and was playing the sound too quickly.

I was certain I’d never told anyone about the “Goddesses” name. I had no idea what that was supposed to mean but I just wanted out of this. I could hear the girls on the other side filling in toward their lockers and starting to get changed. In a couple of minutes I would have missed my chance. I knew I should stay completely quiet with the other side of the locker room full of people now, but for some reason my brain wasn’t working today. “Why haven’t you turned me in? I’m sick of waiting for you to stop messing with me and just do it already.”

I expected the giggle to this and she didn’t disappoint. After she was done laughing, I heard “because no matter what you think, I like you too.”

The whole thing was so strange I had stopped being careful with my words. I whispered “then I don’t understand any of this, just do whatever it is you’re going to do.” I slumped forward with my forehead resting against the cool metal back of the locker.

I heard a long smooth sound from her after this. Kind of a wordless meeting point between a moan and a growl. “It’s too bad” she said, “This next part is always a little sad for me.”

I felt a light touch of something at the small of my back. It quickly shot up my spine and gave a gentle push into my neck. My muscles tensed up and down my back. It wasn’t just how unexpected it was, whatever was touching me was also extremely cold. I pushed forward against the back of the locker while trying to spin around to face whatever was behind me.

My body banged against the metal sides of the locker as I tried to move and I remember hearing a girl on the other side say “what was that?” with her voice soft and muted through the hole to the other locker room. As I finished turning I looked toward the boys’ locker room and saw nothing. There was an empty room with the only illumination coming from the emergency light’s red glow. Then, dangling in front of me, I saw a girl’s leg swing by. The top of the leg was at the same height as my head, almost as if the girl was hanging from the ceiling rafters. It looked like a student, I could see the black dress shoe, the knee high sock and dangling bottom of the uniform skirt hanging down.

I couldn’t speak, I tried to open my mouth to shout but nothing was coming. The leg started to drift closer to me and that’s when I saw that the leg was inside the locker with me. The leg connected up to the locker above mine through the gap where the top of my locker met the sidewall. That gap was less than a centimeter wide and a baby’s leg shouldn’t have been able to fit through it but somehow this was happening.

I felt a cold sensation on my scalp, like ice cubes pushed against the skin. The freezing cold fingers began to slide through my hair again. If anything, the cold was more intense and the fingers rougher and less playful than the last time. The pressure pushed down to lock my head in place. The cold made me start to draw in my breath in sharp quick takes like you would if your shower suddenly turned freezing. The numbing feeling suddenly went hot and I had a vision in my head of the taloned fingernails digging into my skull. My head was pushed upward by the hands and I tried to move my feet to run. Instantly, I felt other cold hands grab my ankles and hold me in place. These felt bigger than the fingers on my head, like ice sculptures come to life and grabbing me.

I let out a slow cry that seemed to be the only thing my voice could muster. I was looking straight up at the top of the locker when it seemed to move somehow. The locker’s top started to peel away like wet tissue but without any sound. Metal like that should have at least made some kind of noise when it rips open but this time it didn’t. On the other side of torn hole I expected to see the locker above my own. Instead it was a dark black empty enormous space. The air coming through there was colder than anything I had ever felt and I started to see my breath in front of me.

I saw movement through the darkness as two legs dropped through the hole and dangled right in front of my face. The legs began to gently swing back and forth against my chest. I could see the white socks contrasting against the black shoes as they playfully tapped against my chest. The girl that was doing this to me must have been sitting on the edge of the hole above me. I could see her knees and lower thigh in the space between her socks and her skirt. The skin was pure white and with little bumps; like an albino alligator that lived its entire life in a cave.

“Your arms are free!” my brain screamed at me. I swung both arms out the locker door and grabbed the sides of the doorway for leverage. With a big push I tried to heave myself out of the locker like you would in a swimming pool. For a moment, it almost worked. I felt my body push forward and start to break free of the hold on my head. But this was met by an even tighter grip by the freezing cold blocks on my legs. I looked down on instinct as I started to trip forward from my unmoving legs. There were two girls with their entire bodies wrapped around each one of my legs.

Their arms were icy white like the leg above me and each arm ended in a clean white button down shirt. I tried to look at their faces but couldn’t make them out under their long hair. One girl’s hair was whitish blonde and the other’s a fox-like red. It didn’t make any sense, the locker was barely big enough for me to fit in it and I’m a small guy. Three people shouldn’t fit but the locker’s size was almost stretching until I didn’t even feel its sides pushing against me. I saw the redhead’s hair was pulled back in a messy French braid and I thought about grabbing onto her hair to pull her off me. I started to move my hand down to her when both girls turned their heads until their faces were pressed against my legs. I felt a spear of skin-piercing chill come off their lips as I heard them whisper together “Stayyyyy.”

I pulled my hand back from the redhead’s hair and I felt the girls’ lips close again. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I felt extremely long, sharp teeth under those lips pressed against my leg. Telling me to stay had not been a request.

I’d missed my chance. I felt the fingers on top of my head grip my hair and pull me back into the locker. My head was jerked upward until I was staring back up into the hole in the ceiling. Slowly a shape began to take form in the black like a train barreling down a tunnel. I realized the girl sitting in the hole with her legs dangling through was starting to lean down her face toward mine. I started to struggle with everything I had but the cold I felt in my head and legs seemed to be sapping my strength.

As the face drew closer to mine it started to take shape, dark hair, white chalky skin and bright red lipstick. For some reason it was the lipstick that I couldn’t take my eyes off. Girls in our school aren’t allowed to wear it and for some reason it felt so off and wrong. I tried to make out the girl’s eyes as they pulled out of the darkness but I couldn’t at first. As her face drew closer and closer I realized her eyes were pitch black like a Great White shark. Even though the eyes were black as midnight, I could tell they were staring straight at me. The girl put her forehead up against mine and I could feel the chill running down my face. Her blacks eyes stared directly into my pupils as I tried to think of something, anything, to get her to let me go.

The black eyes kept a steady stare straight into mine, never flinching or blinking. “Don’t worry” and then the giggle again, “you’re going to get everything from us.” I could see a shadow start to fall across her face as the locker door closed. I heard the sound of the metal door meeting the metal frame and prepared to sink into total blackness.

“Umm, are you ok?” Suddenly I could see light everywhere and the cold sensation disappeared. The fingers and arms and legs and everything else holding me in place was suddenly gone. I looked out the open locker door and there was Bridgette looking at me like I was a complete nutcase.

I jumped out of the locker and into the fully lit locker room as quick as I could as Bridgette jumped back so I wouldn’t knock her over. “Did someone put you in there? I came down here because I saw you go in and…” But I had already started running toward the exit.

“Hey!” Bridgette’s confused shout followed me. It was enough to make me turn around. I looked back at Bridgette and her uniform made me think of everything that happened in the locker. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes darted back and forth over me trying to figure out what I was doing. Behind her I saw the empty locker filled with darkness The light from the locker room wasn’t entering it somehow. I felt slight whiff of a cold breeze on my neck.

“Come on!” I yelled and ran back toward the locker and back toward Bridgette. I reached my hand out and grabbed hers. As our hands came together our fingers intertwined and I saw a small smile flit across her face. Then I was pulling her and running as fast as I could. We burst out the locker room and ran straight out of the school. We held hands the entire way.

* * * * * * * * *

I put the notebook down after typing that last part in. You won’t believe this but I don’t have any memory of this and I can’t quite figure out why. I suspect the answer though; the “me” that walked into that locker room isn’t something I wanted to think about so I didn’t. I was still young enough to make something like that disappear. That’s probably where it should stay too.

I’m going to go downstairs now, kiss my wife, check how my sons are doing on their homework and leave this notebook alone. There may be a mystery here but it’s not one I want to solve. I’m a good enough gambler to know that you quit when you’re ahead. I love my family and don’t want to look back at anything that might threaten that if I can help it. I’ll go on being the best father I can be along with the best husband I can be, and maybe that will be enough. I can send my sons to a different high school after all. How I explain this to my wife, that I don’t know. How I’ll sleep without seeing the inside oft that locker again, I also don’t know.

But I think I can figure it out.
submitted by Octopusandcrow to nosleep [link] [comments]

2020.10.01 23:49 LetsRead_YouTube Halloween Story 3

Okay so, I had a pretty weird childhood growing up down in Florida. My parents weren’t always present, I mean they weren’t bad parents by any stretch of the imagination, they always provided for me and my sister. But let’s just say they weren’t always the most attentive because of their respective work schedules. I could do pretty much whatever I wanted to, whenever I wanted to, which as you can imagine, wasn’t exactly good for me. And one of the things I’d do which definitely messed me up a bit as a child was staying up all hours, watching late night TV until I just passed out on the couch. Like I loved those times, I got to see all these messed up movies and stuff way before any of my friends got to. But it was staying up late like that which allowed me to see something even more screwed up than any horror movie or cinemax flick.
It’s Halloween night (of all the nights for this to happen), and I’m lying on the couch in the TV room, after a night of successful trick or treating with a few school friends. I’m just sort of drifting off while watching Nightmare on Elm Street, only really awake from the stomach ache of eating way too much Halloween candy, when I hear a noise coming from the front porch. I instantly recognize it was the sound of our old school porch swing rocking back and forth. Like this tell- tale metal creaking noise that I’m sure you can all imagine pretty well. My Mom and Dad are doing their weird grown up things upstairs (turned out years later they were a husband and wife team of drug dealers), and my sister is in bed upstairs, so as soon as I realize what whoever is out there is actually some complete stranger, I start getting pretty creeped out. But as much as I was pretty scared, I absolutely could not resist the urge to see who it was, I had to know, even when I was that age I was super protective of my little sister. So I find myself just slowly creeping on my tip toes over towards the big bay windows of the TV room and peeking around the curtains to see out onto the porch. It’s pretty dark outside, and we didn’t have a security light back then, so I could only use the glow of the streetlights outside to actually make out who was out there on the porch. But I’ll never forget what I saw when my eyes finally adjusted after having been staring at a bright TV in a dark room for so long. Sitting there, rocking back and forth on our porch swing, is this middle aged looking woman (she looked about as old as my Grandma at the time, so maybe 50-60), wearing nothing but some old night dress type thing. In her hand, was something I didn’t quite recognize at first because of what it was covered in. If I could’ve seen the blade shining in the low light, I’d have known it was a knife right away, but because it was still dripping with what I could only assume was blood, that actually looked kinda black in the orange streetlight, it took me a minute to realize exactly the kind of horror that I was facing.
When I finally did, I immediately just freak the hell out and bolt upstairs to my parent’s room. They did that weird thing that they always did when I burst into their room unannounced, closing various drawers or boxes, hiding things they didn’t want me to see. They were angry, as usual, asking me impatiently what the hell I was thinking just walking into their room like that. Usually it was for me to tell
them I needed food or whatever they’d neglected to do, but this time I was just too terrified to actually get the words out. Like I said, they were annoyed at first, but when they realized just how upset I was, they actually took me seriously for once. Maybe they thought it was the Cops or something outside, I guess they were right to be paranoid about that sort of thing, but when I actually told them what I’d seen, they lost all sympathy. I remember my Dad telling me that it was just a bad dream from all the dumb movies I watched (like that wasn’t mostly their fault) and all the Halloween candy I’d eaten, and that I should grow up and go back to bed. But I just kept on crying and begging him to go look, insisting that what I’d seen was actually real and not just some figment of my childish, horror saturated imagination. He tried to push me out of the room so they could carry on with whatever illegal crap they were doing in there, but when I pretty much just clung onto him and screamed my little head off, he finally snapped. He dragged me downstairs by the arm, so hard I almost fell down the entire flight of stairs, then into the TV room and over to the front door, apparently to just prove that there was nothing actually there. But as you can imagine, this only made me worse, he was pulling me towards the single most terrifying image I’d ever seen at that point in my life. Way more terrifying than just some dumb horror movie, because what I’d seen was actually real life, and even thought I was young as hell, that was painfully clear to me.
We reach the front door, he swings it open and drags me outside, cursing under his breath the whole time. Then he like points in the direction of the porch, without even really looking himself, and says; “See! There’s nothing there at all! Just your goddamn -”, then he stops, because he actually sees what I’ve been talking about. I never saw a look like that on his face ever again, one of pure shock and terror that his kid had actually been telling the truth about something so utterly horrific. It was only then that I actually got a really good look at the woman, instead of seeing the bloody knife in her grip. She was ashen faced, like she was completely traumatized by something, her hair was up in rollers, and the night dress or nightgown or whatever she was wearing was absolutely soaked with blood. She turned towards us, and there was just nothing behind her eyes. They were wide, these big white and brown circles just sunken into her head, but there was nothing in them, like she had no soul to speak of whatsoever. Then, she stood up, that bloody knife in her grip, and said the words I’ll never forget as long as I live. “I killed him. I had to. I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I killed him”. My Dad just pulls me inside the house again, even more violently than he’d dragged me out of it, then slams the door and runs to grab his gun from the upstairs bedroom. For years I wondered why he didn’t just call the cops, but I suppose that’s something else that’s painfully clear at this point. I watched from the hallway, peeking out as he goes back outside and points the gun at her, telling him to get off the porch as the cops were on their way. This was a lie, obviously, but it was enough to get her to leave. She didn’t even run though, she just sort of stood up all slow and then wandered off into the night as I watched her from a crack in the TV room curtains, same spot I’d spied her from the first time.
It was only like ten years later that I actually found out what the deal was. Apparently the ‘him’ she was referring to was her abusive husband, who’d been beating on her so much she just gotten sick of it and decided to finally defend herself, albeit in a pretty permanent way. She’d finally gotten picked up by the cops later that night when she tried to break into one of our neighbours houses, and as far as I know, she’s still in prison for what she did. I also wondered why my parents were so keen to get rid of the porch swing the next day, and why they lied to the Cops when they called, telling her they hadn’t seen the woman even though they had. I guess they just didn’t want anyone snooping around the house asking questions, or picking up any suspicious smells that might lead to some kind of DEA raid or whatever. Nothing really changed after that though, my parents didn’t get any better at being actual parents. I just didn’t stay up so late anymore, because I never wanted to be the one to discover anything like that, ever again.
submitted by LetsRead_YouTube to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2020.08.13 08:22 BasementDesk Movies that 90's kids remember from Premium Cable channels

Hello all,
I'm hoping this will resonate with the nostalgia of some folks out there. I'm looking for movie titles that showed up on HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax in the early-to-mid 90's. The kind of movies that are light and fluffy, and, honestly, not that great... but they were on cable, so I must have watched them a bunch. Here are some examples of the kinds of mid-to-awful fare from back then:
Anyone remember these kinds of movies, and have other nostalgic memories of what was being scheduled around them? :) C'mon 80's/90's kids, show your stuff!
submitted by BasementDesk to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]

2020.07.03 00:32 ClintEasthood81 So do I have Starz or not???

Apologies in advance for the length, TL;DR at the bottom.
For the past several months, I've received error XRE-03121 when I try to watch Starz on any television in my house. No other channels, just Starz. This began sometime after the show "Power" ended its final season, which aired on Starz (I was able to watch Starz in its entirety without any issues).
After searching the Xfinity website and researching online, I tried the system refresh, which was unsuccessful in resolving the issue. I was finally able to reach a Comcast agent on the phone and she performed standard troubleshooting (resetting TV boxes, setting refresh signal) but none worked. She was about to schedule a tech visit when she decided to check my account and stated that I'm not subscribed to Starz. She said that I lost Starz last year and it was replaced by Epix.
Now, I remember there being a big deal about Starz being removed by Comcast while back (especially while Power was still on), but I thought it was taken care of since I'd watched all of Power. I'm not sure if I agree with her answer because I can watch Starz in the live TV option in my Stream app, just not on TV. Also, when I check TV lineup in my account, I see Starz is listed.
Another giveaway is, there's no Subscribe option when I tune to Starz. I don't have Cinemax, and when I tune to Cinemax there's an option to subscribe.
So was the representative wrong and I have a legit tech issue, or did I lose Starz?
TL;DR: I get XRE-03121 when I try to watch Starz, Comcast rep says I don't have it but other evidence says I should.
Edit: Is Starz Encore separate from regular Starz? Because I have Starz Encore, Starz Encore Western, Black, and Action.
submitted by ClintEasthood81 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2020.04.08 22:56 DaRabidDuckie Help Finding Name of Title

Ghouls and Geists,
I'm in need of some help. I'm trying to remember the name of a movie I heard of when I was small. I never actually got to see it, but I'm trying to remember what it is so I can hopefully watch it. Despite my Google-Fu being strong, I'm unable to come up with a title.
Here's what I can remember:-- It was a haunted house film.-- It was likely released from 1975-1990.-- I heard about the movie from an HBO/Cinemax schedule magazine (remember those?). It was advertised by a still of the movie showing a creature's head coming out of a bathtub (or above a shower curtain). I remember the eyes were glowing and the mouth was open. The skin looked tight and leathery, and had lines in it as if it was stretched too tightly.
I'm watching House right now (and House II after); maybe it's one of those. I'll know tonight.
In lieu of that, I'm hoping one of the seasoned experts here can steer me the right grave, uh... way. Thanks!
edit: Definitely not House or House II.
submitted by DaRabidDuckie to horror [link] [comments]

2019.12.21 23:40 newguy90210 33 Married Guy - Got my life and marriage back on track

(TLDR at bottom)
I've been lurking around this subreddit for a few days now, and I'm a regular user but had to open a new account since my wife knows my other username. I wanted to share a little bit about my story, how masturbation/porn led to more dangerous habits, almost destroyed my marriage, and how much things have improved since I stopped. I'm also excited to continue reading stories of others and be here for community support, because as all of us know, you are never really "out of the woods" with this addiction.
I'm 33 years old and honestly have been addicted to porn and masturbation since I was 15 years old. In my room I had a TV, cable box, VCR, and a large collection of VHS's with hundreds of recorded"late night" Cinemax programming. Not long after that I discovered Limewire and the MILLIONS of on-demand hardcore porn videos that could be accessed anytime, anywhere. From 15 through college I probably masturbated 1-2 times a day, every day, without fail. I would say my social life during these years was mediocre, and my actual sex life was sporadic at best. (I am not a bad looking guy, I just had zero interest or confidence when it came to pursuing girls) . Whenever I would start dating someone, the sex would be new and exciting for a month or two, but then I'd eventually start preferring the porn, the sex would slow down, and eventually the relationship would end. A few times I actually had a sudden case of performance anxiety and ED with new girls, but I wrote these instances off as alcohol, stress, not liking the feel of condoms, etc.
Fast forward to my early 20's. I met my now wife when I was 22, and we got married when I was 24. Up until this point, my problem was still just the porn/masturbation addiction, but it was about to get much worse. Between the ages of 23 and 32, even porn itself wasn't exciting enough anymore. I started doing it in semi-public places with the thrill of getting caught. I eventually made my way to Craigslist to try to find anonymous jerk off partners, jerk off groups, etc. I also joined LA Fitness and frequented the locations where guys would often jerk off in the showers together. (Note: I've honestly never been attracted to guys, so it never went further than jerking off with others, but it became an addiction of it's own as it was more exciting than doing it solo) I went to adult video booths and adult theaters. (I even scheduled two day sales trips out of town solely to be away from my wife and have my jerk off adventures in other towns - unknowingly financed by my company.) I continued that for a few years, and then eventually started frequenting strip clubs, happy ending massage places, Backpage massage providers, girls that I would pay to watch me jerk off, etc. ALL of this started with my porn addiction.
I lived like this for a solid 8 years convincing myself nothing was wrong because I technically wasn't putting myself at risk for STDs, and because I wasn't actually having sex with anyone, it wasn't cheating, right? Well, not only do we know that's not true, but my marriage had become absolutely miserable and our sex life was non existent. I started suffering from recurrent performance anxiety when I was 26 even though I was in great shape and perfect health. I would intentionally fake headaches, pretend to be too tired, start needless fights, etc. just to avoid the prospect of sex. Often when she would fall asleep I would sneak off to the bathroom with my phone for a quick jerk session followed by checking my secret email to see what Craigslist meetup prospects I had for the next day. I would estimate between the age of 26 and 32 my wife and I probably had sex 2-3 times a year at most.
One day about a year ago, it all ALMOST came crashing down when my wife picked up my phone to find a new picture and I realized I had left up my "secret" email that had 5-6 years of jerkoff meetup communications, online solicitations for happy ending massages, dirty chats, etc. I screamed at her to put the phone down, which she did. I originally told her later I had been watching a porn video earlier and was just embarrassed. I had hit rock bottom, I was living a double life, my marriage was miserable, my confidence was shot, my sex life was non-existent, and I was 2 seconds from losing my wife and my kids.
This is where the "recovery" is somewhat anticlimactic. The next morning I deleted the secret email address and stopped all of it cold turkey. (No porn, no masturbation at all, stopped following the sexy instagram models, etc) It's been about a year now, and sure I've slipped a couple times when the house as been empty, but overall I've probably taken the masturbation/porn from once a day to maybe once every two months. (My goal is absolute zero....I don't "allow" myself any sessions but I do slip up now and again.) My marriage has done a complete 180. Our sex life is absolutely incredible. I have more confidence, get better erections, and enjoy sex more than I ever have in my life. What's better???....I don't really miss porn at all. Why would I want to watch porn when I have a beautiful woman right next to me every night? (Seems like a painfully obvious statement, but I'm sure most of you know, it doesn't seem that way when you're trapped in the addiction.) I don't have all the answers and I know the temptation to fall back into these habits lies in me somewhere, but I hope anyone that's in a similar situation that I was in might take something from my story.
TLDR: 33 years old, married for 9 years, two young kids. Porn/masturbation addiction turned into deeper addictions such as jerk off groups, adult theaters, happy ending massages, etc. Eventually led to performance anxiety and bouts of ED. Marriage and sex life were miserable. Almost got caught by wife. Stopped everything cold turkey. One year later my marriage is the best it's ever been, sex life is phenomenal, best confidence and erections of my life.
submitted by newguy90210 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2019.12.21 23:24 newguy90210 My Story - How I got my wife and my life back

(TLDR at bottom)
I've been lurking around this subreddit for a few days now, and I'm a regular user but had to open a new account since my wife knows my other username. I wanted to share a little bit about my story, how masturbation/porn led to more dangerous habits, almost destroyed my marriage, and how much things have improved since I stopped. I'm also excited to continue reading stories of others and be here for community support, because as all of us know, you are never really "out of the woods" with this addiction.
I'm 33 years old and honestly have been addicted to porn and masturbation since I was 15 years old. In my room I had a TV, cable box, VCR, and a large collection of VHS's with hundreds of recorded"late night" Cinemax programming. Not long after that I discovered Limewire and the MILLIONS of on-demand hardcore porn videos that could be accessed anytime, anywhere. From 15 through college I probably masturbated 1-2 times a day, every day, without fail. I would say my social life during these years was mediocre, and my actual sex life was sporadic at best. (I am not a bad looking guy, I just had zero interest or confidence when it came to pursuing girls) . Whenever I would start dating someone, the sex would be new and exciting for a month or two, but then I'd eventually start preferring the porn, the sex would slow down, and eventually the relationship would end. A few times I actually had a sudden case of performance anxiety and ED with new girls, but I wrote these instances off as alcohol, stress, not liking the feel of condoms, etc.
Fast forward to my early 20's. I met my now wife when I was 22, and we got married when I was 24. Up until this point, my problem was still just the porn/masturbation addiction, but it was about to get much worse. Between the ages of 23 and 32, even porn itself wasn't exciting enough anymore. I started doing it in semi-public places with the thrill of getting caught. I eventually made my way to Craigslist to try to find anonymous jerk off partners, jerk off groups, etc. I also joined LA Fitness and frequented the locations where guys would often jerk off in the showers together. (Note: I've honestly never been attracted to guys, so it never went further than jerking off with others, but it became an addiction of it's own as it was more exciting than doing it solo) I went to adult video booths and adult theaters. (I even scheduled two day sales trips out of town solely to be away from my wife and have my jerk off adventures in other towns - unknowingly financed by my company.) I continued that for a few years, and then eventually started frequenting strip clubs, happy ending massage places, Backpage massage providers, girls that I would pay to watch me jerk off, etc. ALL of this started with my porn addiction.
I lived like this for a solid 8 years convincing myself nothing was wrong because I technically wasn't putting myself at risk for STDs, and because I wasn't actually having sex with anyone, it wasn't cheating, right? Well, not only do we know that's not true, but my marriage had become absolutely miserable and our sex life was non existent. I started suffering from recurrent performance anxiety when I was 26 even though I was in great shape and perfect health. I would intentionally fake headaches, pretend to be too tired, start needless fights, etc. just to avoid the prospect of sex. Often when she would fall asleep I would sneak off to the bathroom with my phone for a quick jerk session followed by checking my secret email to see what Craigslist meetup prospects I had for the next day. I would estimate between the age of 26 and 32 my wife and I probably had sex 2-3 times a year at most.
One day about a year ago, it all ALMOST came crashing down when my wife picked up my phone to find a new picture and I realized I had left up my "secret" email that had 5-6 years of jerkoff meetup communications, online solicitations for happy ending massages, dirty chats, etc. I screamed at her to put the phone down, which she did. I originally told her later I had been watching a porn video earlier and was just embarrassed. I had hit rock bottom, I was living a double life, my marriage was miserable, my confidence was shot, my sex life was non-existent, and I was 2 seconds from losing my wife and my kids.
This is where the "recovery" is somewhat anticlimactic. The next morning I deleted the secret email address and stopped all of it cold turkey. (No porn, no masturbation at all, stopped following the sexy instagram models, etc) It's been about a year now, and sure I've slipped a couple times when the house as been empty, but overall I've probably taken the masturbation/porn from once a day to maybe once every two months. (My goal is absolute zero....I don't "allow" myself any sessions but I do slip up now and again.) My marriage has done a complete 180. Our sex life is absolutely incredible. I have more confidence, get better erections, and enjoy sex more than I ever have in my life. What's better???....I don't really miss porn at all. Why would I want to watch porn when I have a beautiful woman right next to me every night? (Seems like a painfully obvious statement, but I'm sure most of you know, it doesn't seem that way when you're trapped in the addiction.) I don't have all the answers and I know the temptation to fall back into these habits lies in me somewhere, but I hope anyone that's in a similar situation that I was in might take something from my story.
TLDR: 33 years old, married for 9 years, two young kids. Porn/masturbation addiction turned into deeper addictions such as jerk off groups, adult theaters, happy ending massages, etc. Eventually led to performance anxiety and bouts of ED. Marriage and sex life were miserable. Almost got caught by wife. Stopped everything cold turkey. One year later my marriage is the best it's ever been, sex life is phenomenal, best confidence and erections of my life.
submitted by newguy90210 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2019.03.08 22:59 summerofsmoke /r/Vue FAQ v6.0 - Please read before submitting a help thread!

Recommended links:

What resolution and framerate does PlayStation™Vue perform at?

Most devices support 60fps. Natively, TV broadcasts at 720p, so while programs may be upscaled to higher resolutions, 1280×720px is the original resolution.
Due to adaptive bitrate streaming, you will see the highest resolution that your connection allows. 10mbps or higher is recommended for the best experience plus 5mbps for every additional stream.

What devices can I use PlayStation™Vue on?

PlayStation 4 is the flagship platform. You do not need a PS4 in order to subscribe and enjoy PlayStation™Vue. All platforms and their features are detailed below:
PS4™ PS3™ Roku®2 devices Amazon Fire TV family Apple TV®2 Android TV Mobile devices3 Web browser
Basic features1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Explore Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
Quick Nav Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-view Yes No No Yes No No No No
Subscription management Yes Yes No Yes4 No No Yes5 Yes
1 "Basic features" include My DVR, Multiple Profiles, Guide, Search, and Favorite Channels.
2 If you are using PlayStation™Vue for the first time on Apple TV® or a Roku® Player or TV, you will need to activate the device with your PlayStation™Vue subscription. Please see here for more information regarding device activation.
3 "Mobile devices" include iOS, Android, and Chromecast devices. Chromecast must be used in conjuction with the official iOS or Android app.
4 Feature not available on the Fire TV Stick. However, if you subscribed to PS Vue through Amazon Pay on an Amazon Fire TV device, you can only modify your subscription through Amazon Pay on your Amazon Fire TV device.
5 Android only.

How much does PlayStation™Vue cost?

Sony offers several channel packages. They are as follows:
Access $44.99
Core $49.99
Elite $59.99
Ultra $79.99
There are no additional fees, hidden fees or charges (i.e. no HD fees, installation fees, local sports fees, etc.). All pricing - inclusive of any taxes* - is presented to you at checkout prior to purchase, so what you see is what you pay. If you enable auto-renewal, charges recur monthly on the day of your first subscription purchase. Otherwise, subscriptions last 30 days. You may cancel at any time during your subscription with no penalty or fee(s).
Please note, if you upgrade your channel package during a billing cycle, you may need to restart your device in order for those changes to take effect.
As part of any package, you receive:
* Select jurisdictions may charge tax.

Can I package/pick what channels I receive?

No. Besides the channel packages listed above, you may add a few premium channels/services. Taxes may apply. (Most of these offerings are included in the Elite and Ultra tiers.)
Want to see what channels are available in your area, before signing up? Enter your zip code here for more details.
Standalone Channels
Price PlayStation Plus price
HBO $15.00 n/a
SHOWTIMEÂŽ 10.99 $8.99
Cinemax $15.00 n/a
HBOÂŽ MAXÂŽ Pack $21.99 $19.99
Premium Pack $13.99 11.49
FOX Soccer Plus $14.99 $12.99
CuriosityStream $2.99 n/a
Add-on Channels/Bundles
Price PlayStation Plus price
FX+ $5.99 n/a
Sports Pack* $10.00 n/a
EPIXÂŽ Hits $3.99 $2.99
EspaĂąol Pack $4.99 $3.99
* To add on the Sports Pack, you must have a Core, Elite, or Ultra subscription.

Can I watch sports on PlayStation™Vue? Do any sporting events get blacked out?

Absolutely. Team-specific coverage will vary depending on your location, zip code, and your chosen plan.
Sports Blackouts and National Rights
If a national broadcasting network such as FOX, NBC or CBS has national rights to broadcast a sporting event, you may not be able to receive that game, depending on your local market.
Sports Blackouts and Local Rights
If a regional sports network that PlayStation™Vue carries has local rights to broadcast a game, and if you live within the region, you may receive that game through your PlayStation™Vue subscription, as it includes your local regional sports networks. If you are outside of the region for a particular team, you will receive alternate programming during the time of a live event.

Can I watch on the go? What's the deal with the home location?

With Vue, you are able to watch all of your shows on the go. Since its inception, Sony has removed "Out of Home" viewing restrictions. Watch more programming on your mobile phone while you’re out of your home or even traveling. When traveling, watch the locally available channels live where you’re visiting, while you still DVR your home local channels. No matter where you are in the country, you may now keep watching programming from your home regional sports networks.
PlayStation™Vue is available for use inside your home at the location you activated your subscription. This is called your “home” location, defined by the network IP address you used to sign into PlayStation™Vue for the first time. You cannot use your credentials on a friend’s PlayStation device. Attempting to stream PlayStation™Vue outside of your “home” location can result in a service interruption and/or account restrictions.
Read more about usage outside of the home here.

Can I record live TV programs?

Yes! By adding your favorite shows to “My DVR,” you will automatically save them for up to 28 days after they air. These will be labeled as "DVR" recordings. "On Demand" content added to My DVR will be saved for varying amounts of time. You may add up to 500 distinct programs per profile in My DVR.
Features of DVR
Please note, some local stations do not allow DVR functionality. Please check here for more details.
Features of On Demand
Depending on the program and network, some On Demand progarms do not allow you to fast forward through advertisements.
Due to streaming rights, some DVR and On Demand programming availability will vary by channel, individual program, and service location. Occasionally, if a specific episode has not recently aired, or Sony does not have the rights for a given show or channel, they will provide On Demand episodes in their place when available.
For more information on DVR restrictions, please see here.

How many devices can I use and where can I use them?

A single PlayStation™Vue account can simultaneously stream PlayStation™Vue on up to five devices at a given time. The number of streams supported on specific devices will vary based on the following rules:

Can I use my PlayStation™Vue account to authenticate with TV Everywhere applications?

Absolutely. While these apps and services are completely separate from PlayStation™Vue, they can be used at no additional cost with your PlayStation™Vue subscription.
To authenticate and gain access, you will need a subscription to a PlayStation™Vue package that includes the channel whose content you are looking to access. For specific TV Everywhere app availability, please refer to Vue's channel list.
You may access a plethora of apps with your PlayStation™Network credentials. When you download each app, simply look for the PlayStation™Vue logo or drop down option on the app’s log-in screen. Once at the log-in screen, type in your PlayStation™Network credentials to authenticate. Most apps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and the App Store.
Alternatively, some platforms - specifically, RokuÂŽ and Apple TVÂŽ - utilize single sign-on authentication to validate your account with certain channels' TV Everywhere apps. Therefore, when switching to another TV Everywhere app, you may not have to re-authenticate with your Vue credentials when using those devices.

Is PlayStation™Vue going to do x? Why is my stream not functioning properly? Is channel x going to be added/removed? Etc.

In general, these are questions for Sony. This subreddit cannot answer them with any validity. You may access PlayStationÂŽ Support articles here to address more specific issues and concerns.
Channel changes and updates are available here.
PlayStationÂŽ Support contact information:

What is the current PlayStation™Network Network Service Status?

You may view the current status of all PlayStation™Network services here.
If you have further questions, please leave a comment. I will review any comments and add relevant content to the FAQ as necessary. v5.0 may be found here.
submitted by summerofsmoke to Vue [link] [comments]

2018.10.09 05:00 drunkkristen DrunkKristen's 2018 OHMC

I found this challenge last year after it had ended, so I'm excited I get to take part this year! I usually do my own 31 Days of Halloween, so I'm hoping I fit right in. This post will be broken up into weekly themes where I'll talk a little about what I liked, didn't like, etc, etc, and then I'll pick my favorite for the week. First time viewings are indicated with * (most of these will be first time viewings).

9/30 – 10/7: I bid you welcome.
Title Year Source Date Points
Phantom of the Opera * 1941 Amazon 9/30 1
Dracula * 1931 Starz 10/1 1
Dracula * 1979 Cinemax 10/1 1
The Mummy * 1932 Blu-ray 10/2 1
The Mummy 1999 HBO 10/2 1
Frankenstein * 1931 Starz 10/3 1
The Wolf Man * 1941 Starz 10/4 1
The Wolf Man * 2010 Cinemax 10/4 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon * 1954 Blu-ray 10/5 1
Dracula Untold * 2014 iTunes 10/6 1
The Monster Squad 1987 Hulu 10/6 1
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley by diving head first into the Universal Monsters world. My favorite from this group is Monster Squad, hands down. But out of the first time viewings, it's probably Creature From the Black Lagoon. Least favorite - Phantom of the Opera. This is probably down to picking the wrong one, but I did not enjoy this movie very much.
10/8 – 10/21: They’re coming to get you.
Title Year Source Date Points
Night of the Living Dead * 1968 Shudder 10/8 1
Resident Evil * 2002 DVD 10/12 1
The Haunting of Hill House 2018 Netflix 10/13 - 10/16 10 episodes: 5
The next two weeks were interrupted due to personal reasons, so I was only able to get in two movies over that span. I got out of the movie watching mood and switched over to TV for a bit too. The Haunting of Hill House has been my favorite of the month so far, hands down.
Here is what was scheduled but got left out: The rest of the Resident Evil franchise, Scream, Scream 2, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Sleepaway Camp, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th Part 2, and The Burning. I've seen a good chunk of them, and there's a possibility some will show up in the last three days of October.
10/22 – 10/28 You can’t kill the boogeyman!
Title Year Source Date Points
Halloween II * 1981 Blu-ray 10/22 1
Halloween III * 1982 Blu-ray 10/23 1
Halloween 4 * 1988 Blu-ray 10/24 1
Halloween 5 * 1989 Blu-ray 10/25 1
Halloween 6* 1995 Blu-ray 10/26 1
Halloween H20 * 1998 Blu-ray 10/27 1
Halloween: Resurrection * 2002 Blu-ray 10/27 1
Halloween 1978 Blu-ray 10/28 1
Halloween * 2018 Theater 10/28 1
I had seen bits and pieces of most of these but had only seen the first in its entirety. Rob Zombie's were left out on purpose. I haven't seen them, but I haven't heard good things about them.

submitted by drunkkristen to horrormoviechallenge [link] [comments]

2018.07.26 06:32 XxBleedOutxX Please Help a Lonely Soldier Fight an Unholy War

Foreward: The following has taken place over 29 calls on my cellphone, and an unknown number from my computer, I have never yelled at any agent I have talked to and have been very gracious that they are taking the time to help me with my problem.
June 14th, 2018 - Called into Comcast, spoke with Jermon Raymond who went by "Darnell", he quoted me a package for
-Gigabit Internet -Starter Channel Package -All of the premium channels (starz, hbo, cinemax, etc) included for free -An HD DVR Box and an HD receiver for our 2 TV's -Half Price Installation -Locked pricing for 24 months
for a price of $110.00 pre-tax (approximately $130 post tax)
June 16th, 2018 - Reached out to Jermon to get everything finalized and get a contract written up, never got a response
June 19th, 2018 - Reached out to Jermon again letting him know that if wanted his commission I would wait for him, but I needed to get this finalized in the next day or 2. I received a response and I signed the customer consent form for the exact package he quoted me initially. I checked this line by line and everything was correct; I was then told that I would receive a copy of the contract in my email which never happened, not to my email, the account holder's email, or the new Xfinity email. We scheduled an install date of July 21st between 1:00pm and 3:00pm
July 21st 2018 - Technicians showed up on site at 2:00pm and reviewed the work order with me; they said they were there to install gigabit internet and 1 non-DVR television box that only supported standard definition. I informed them that a mistake had been made somewhere on their end so they called back in to the office and tried to get everything sorted out. The "fix" that was offered to us was to add all of the items that I had signed up for and to charge me $185 / month instead of the original $110 I had signed the contract for. This was obviously unacceptable so we ended up postponing the install until I sorted everything out.
3:00 pm - Called in to the no-wait hotline and explained the situation to a woman who's name I did not catch, I gave her the information required to pull the phone recording of the initial conversation with Jermon in order to set this straight; she did not even acknowledge this as an option and then she then transferred me to a sales rep named Jessica who essentially told me there was nothing she could do and that she would be transferring me to an escalation agent. After being on hold quite a while, I was informed that they were busy and would call me back by 5:00pm at the absolute latest.
5:30 pm - Never received a call from the escalation tech, was starting to get worried so I called back in to the no-wait hotline and spoke to a rep named Sean. Sean told me that there was no ticket ever created to call me back, nor were there any notes in my account to do so. I explained my situation to him and he was able to get me close to what I was originally quoted ($139.89 / month), which frankly is still unacceptable after I had already signed a contract, but I was so fed up with everything I said whatever. He then sent me another contract which I signed and have a copy of and set an install date of July 30th, but he was going to put a ticket in for installation ASAP. I figured we were out of the woods, but then he was having problems rescheduling the install due to the original work order not being completed. He ended up having to call me back as he could not figure out how to accomplish what he was trying to do in the system without a supervisor.
6:30 pm - Sean called me back to inform me that he was still working through the problem and he would be in touch later that night.
8:00 pm - Sean called back again to say that he could not make the system do what he needed it to do in order to schedule the job so I would receive a call from one of the escalation reps within the next 2 days. I verified again at this point that there would be no issue with the contract and as soon as they figured out how to get it scheduled we would be on our way, which he confirmed across the board. He also stated that I would be receiving a free installation due to excessive amount of trouble I was having.
July 22nd, 2018 - The escalation rep, named Gale, called me at 3:30pm and started to question what I was trying to do with this ticket, he then said that he couldn't figure out how to add codes to the account to get the price down (I'm not sure why he was messing with this at all). After I told him all I needed was for the job to be scheduled he told me that he couldn't figure out the price stuff so, "I'm going to have to pay more", which was just mind-boggling. I told him that was not going to work, and that they would need to figure out a solution. He told me that I would be hearing from him soon and offered to send me his contact information, I agreed and gave him my e-mail. I never received the aforementioned contact information, nor a call.
July 23rd, 2018 - 8:00pm Spoke with a rep named Javier; he ran into an issue getting promo codes to work, he's getting an error saying that the promotion is not valid with the equipment on the account. He thinks it is because the installation was postponed and there no equipment on on site. I requested to have the ticket reassigned from Gale (the executive care relations rep) due to a lack of confidence in his ability to get the job done. Javier has put a note in his calendar to follow up on the ticket on July 24th and collaborate with Sean as well. Javier e-mailed all executive care relations supervisors in order to get this taken care of as quickly as possible, he also noted that our AT&T Contract expires on the 27th of July and stated that the executive care reps should be able to get the install taken care of ASAP as they have more power to adjust the installation techs' schedules
July 24th, 2018 - Did not hear from Javi by 12:00 pm so I called back in to the ONIT number and got in touch with him, he managed to setup an installation appointment for the 24th of July (today) for 5:00pm - 7:00pm and assured me that once the equipment was installed that he would be able to enter the promotional codes to get my price back down to the price I had previously agreed to on the customer consent form and any additional charges would be refunded.
I received a call from the dispatch agent, Al, later in the day (approximately 3:00pm) informing me that he knew that this was a massive problem ticket and assuring me that there would be no issue, the tech knew it was an install job, and that he would be there as soon as possible.
5:15 - I received a text stating that the technician had arrived, which I thought was odd as I was standing in my garage waiting for him. Shortly after, I received an automated phone call stating that I should go out and meet the technician as he was looking for me, obviously, he was not there. I called the ONIT line again to let them know what was going on in hopes of them reaching the technician, the rep I spoke to said that there was nothing that she could do as they don't have a contact number for dispatch, she made a ticket and told me she would call back. About 10 minutes later I received another automated call informing me that the technician had left the site and that my appointment was cancelled. I thought it was very odd that he never called me to get my location, or that he couldn't find the house in the first place as the technician who was scheduled to do the initial install had no problem and there is no issue finding my residence on google maps. Immediately after, I called the ONIT line and requested to speak to Sean or Javi to inform them of what happened; I was transferred to Sean who could not believe what happened. He, again, apologized profusely for the utterly abysmal service I had been receiving and promptly submitted another ticket informing dispatch that the tech was to complete an install for 2 tv's and the internet and then proceeded to schedule another appointment for July 25th (tomorrow) at 1:00pm - 3:00pm as I told him I would stay home from work that day. He also told me that even if the work order was incorrect, to allow the tech to install the equipment at the higher price and he would manually credit the account each month until a permanent solution was found (this was approved by his manager and is noted in the account). I thanked him again for his continued determination and asked to speak to his manager. Sean transferred me to his manager who's name I believe was Kyle, and I proceeded to tell him what an awful experience this whole process had been, but informed him that Javi and Sean are all-star employees and are the only reason I had not given up and just cancelled my account.
July 25th, 2018 - Technician (Preston Wilson) showed up on site at approximately 1:30pm, met him in the driveway and we exchanged information. He told me that he was there on a support call, not an installation call, and that he didn't have time to complete an installation. I asked him to call dispatch and try to get things straightened out while I called the ONIT line again and tried to work through that avenue. ONIT, again, told me that they did not have a direct line with dispatch, but that they did see that the ticket that was sent to them did indeed mention that it was for an install and not a support call. After I got off the phone with ONIT, I spoke with the tech who said his dispatcher (Nick) told him that there was nothing he could do and to just leave. I told the tech that this was completely unacceptable as this was the 3rd time they were on site for a routine install and that he would more than likely be losing a customer if he just left without resolving anything, he didn't care at all and just left. I called ONIT again and got in touch with Javi and explained what happened. Again, he could not believe what had happened; he said he was going to dig into it and get back to me. At this point I was at my wit's end with the amount of incompetence I had been subjected to and began tweeting at Comcast / Xfinity as well as posting on their facebook wall. While I was in the midst of this I received a call from Gale (the first since when he told me that, "I was just going to have to pay more"); Gale told me he had been working on my ticket the past few days, when I had inquired as to why I hadn't heard from him at all he said that he had other customers he had to deal with. It was at this point I told him that I knew he was lying as Javi and Sean had informed me that he had been out of office as they too, had been trying to get in touch with him, he told me that he had a "Family Emergency" and never even apologized for lying to me. I then asked him why he had never sent over his contact information after he had offered it to me, he said he had, and I told him to go back and look at his sent emails, at which point he acknowledged that he had not ever sent them to me. Gale offered me another flimsy promise of him being there ready to take care of it and make sure it worked out next time, he had cancelled the account I had been working with and that had all of my ticket information and notes in it and had created a new one for me, following this, his solution to my problem was an installation date of August 1st, which I told him was not going to be acceptable as my AT&T contract was expiring on the 27th of July and that I would be without any service at all. Just to note, I scheduled the initial install for the 21st of July just in case there were any bumps in the road that might delay the setup process and had made it crystal clear to Comcast that I absolutely needed to be up and running by then, to which they assured me would absolutely not be an issue. Well, Gale didn't think that was important and told me there was nothing he could do and I would just have to live with August 1st. I was furious at point and told him to schedule it as a backup, but I would be getting it changed. During the phone call with Gale, I was also speaking with the social media agents; nothing noteworthy was said as they could not comprehend the situation and refused to call me to get it sorted out. They offered me free HBO for 24 months and a free install as compensation, to which I replied that I had already been promised that. After I got off the phone with Gale, I found the number for the Comcast corporate HQ and called them up. I explained my situation to the man who answered, he was taken aback when every piece of advice he offered me was met with a defeated, "Yea, I already tried that." After he exhausted every suggestion he could give me, he told me, to my dismay, that Gale was the most powerful person in this whole situation and when I explained how unreliable he had been, he suggested that I submit a report to the Better Business Bureau as incidents raised by them must be resolved within 2 days (which is where this novel is headed). After getting off the phone with corporate, I got in touch with Javi again, who told me, contrary to Gale, that he would get a ticket into dispatch to get another early install and that I would be hearing back from somebody by 9:30pm today at the latest. It is 9:10pm as of writing this update and I have not heard back, nor do I expect to. I will be continuing this unholy war as I have been, any updates from myself will be available upon request.
submitted by XxBleedOutxX to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2018.07.26 04:42 XxBleedOutxX Please Help a Lonely Soldier Fight an Unholy War

Foreward: The following has taken place over 29 calls on my cellphone, and an unknown number from my computer, I have never yelled at any agent I have talked to and have been very gracious that they are taking the time to help me with my problem.
June 14th, 2018 - Called into Comcast, spoke with Jermon Raymond who went by "Darnell", he quoted me a package for
-Gigabit Internet -Starter Channel Package -All of the premium channels (starz, hbo, cinemax, etc) included for free -An HD DVR Box and an HD receiver for our 2 TV's -Half Price Installation -Locked pricing for 24 months
for a price of $110.00 pre-tax (approximately $130 post tax)
June 16th, 2018 - Reached out to Jermon to get everything finalized and get a contract written up, never got a response
June 19th, 2018 - Reached out to Jermon again letting him know that if wanted his commission I would wait for him, but I needed to get this finalized in the next day or 2. I received a response and I signed the customer consent form for the exact package he quoted me initially. I checked this line by line and everything was correct; I was then told that I would receive a copy of the contract in my email which never happened, not to my email, the account holder's email, or the new Xfinity email. We scheduled an install date of July 21st between 1:00pm and 3:00pm
July 21st 2018 - Technicians showed up on site at 2:00pm and reviewed the work order with me; they said they were there to install gigabit internet and 1 non-DVR television box that only supported standard definition. I informed them that a mistake had been made somewhere on their end so they called back in to the office and tried to get everything sorted out. The "fix" that was offered to us was to add all of the items that I had signed up for and to charge me $185 / month instead of the original $110 I had signed the contract for. This was obviously unacceptable so we ended up postponing the install until I sorted everything out.
3:00 pm - Called in to the no-wait hotline and explained the situation to a woman who's name I did not catch, I gave her the information required to pull the phone recording of the initial conversation with Jermon in order to set this straight; she did not even acknowledge this as an option and then she then transferred me to a sales rep named Jessica who essentially told me there was nothing she could do and that she would be transferring me to an escalation agent. After being on hold quite a while, I was informed that they were busy and would call me back by 5:00pm at the absolute latest.
5:30 pm - Never received a call from the escalation tech, was starting to get worried so I called back in to the no-wait hotline and spoke to a rep named Sean. Sean told me that there was no ticket ever created to call me back, nor were there any notes in my account to do so. I explained my situation to him and he was able to get me close to what I was originally quoted ($139.89 / month), which frankly is still unacceptable after I had already signed a contract, but I was so fed up with everything I said whatever. He then sent me another contract which I signed and have a copy of and set an install date of July 30th, but he was going to put a ticket in for installation ASAP. I figured we were out of the woods, but then he was having problems rescheduling the install due to the original work order not being completed. He ended up having to call me back as he could not figure out how to accomplish what he was trying to do in the system without a supervisor.
6:30 pm - Sean called me back to inform me that he was still working through the problem and he would be in touch later that night.
8:00 pm - Sean called back again to say that he could not make the system do what he needed it to do in order to schedule the job so I would receive a call from one of the escalation reps within the next 2 days. I verified again at this point that there would be no issue with the contract and as soon as they figured out how to get it scheduled we would be on our way, which he confirmed across the board. He also stated that I would be receiving a free installation due to excessive amount of trouble I was having.
July 22nd, 2018 - The escalation rep, named Gale, called me at 3:30pm and started to question what I was trying to do with this ticket, he then said that he couldn't figure out how to add codes to the account to get the price down (I'm not sure why he was messing with this at all). After I told him all I needed was for the job to be scheduled he told me that he couldn't figure out the price stuff so, "I'm going to have to pay more", which was just mind-boggling. I told him that was not going to work, and that they would need to figure out a solution. He told me that I would be hearing from him soon and offered to send me his contact information, I agreed and gave him my e-mail. I never received the aforementioned contact information, nor a call.
July 23rd, 2018 - 8:00pm Spoke with a rep named Javier; he ran into an issue getting promo codes to work, he's getting an error saying that the promotion is not valid with the equipment on the account. He thinks it is because the installation was postponed and there no equipment on on site. I requested to have the ticket reassigned from Gale (the executive care relations rep) due to a lack of confidence in his ability to get the job done. Javier has put a note in his calendar to follow up on the ticket on July 24th and collaborate with Sean as well. Javier e-mailed all executive care relations supervisors in order to get this taken care of as quickly as possible, he also noted that our AT&T Contract expires on the 27th of July and stated that the executive care reps should be able to get the install taken care of ASAP as they have more power to adjust the installation techs' schedules
July 24th, 2018 - Did not hear from Javi by 12:00 pm so I called back in to the ONIT number and got in touch with him, he managed to setup an installation appointment for the 24th of July (today) for 5:00pm - 7:00pm and assured me that once the equipment was installed that he would be able to enter the promotional codes to get my price back down to the price I had previously agreed to on the customer consent form and any additional charges would be refunded.
I received a call from the dispatch agent, Al, later in the day (approximately 3:00pm) informing me that he knew that this was a massive problem ticket and assuring me that there would be no issue, the tech knew it was an install job, and that he would be there as soon as possible.
5:15 - I received a text stating that the technician had arrived, which I thought was odd as I was standing in my garage waiting for him. Shortly after, I received an automated phone call stating that I should go out and meet the technician as he was looking for me, obviously, he was not there. I called the ONIT line again to let them know what was going on in hopes of them reaching the technician, the rep I spoke to said that there was nothing that she could do as they don't have a contact number for dispatch, she made a ticket and told me she would call back. About 10 minutes later I received another automated call informing me that the technician had left the site and that my appointment was cancelled. I thought it was very odd that he never called me to get my location, or that he couldn't find the house in the first place as the technician who was scheduled to do the initial install had no problem and there is no issue finding my residence on google maps. Immediately after, I called the ONIT line and requested to speak to Sean or Javi to inform them of what happened; I was transferred to Sean who could not believe what happened. He, again, apologized profusely for the utterly abysmal service I had been receiving and promptly submitted another ticket informing dispatch that the tech was to complete an install for 2 tv's and the internet and then proceeded to schedule another appointment for July 25th (tomorrow) at 1:00pm - 3:00pm as I told him I would stay home from work that day. He also told me that even if the work order was incorrect, to allow the tech to install the equipment at the higher price and he would manually credit the account each month until a permanent solution was found (this was approved by his manager and is noted in the account). I thanked him again for his continued determination and asked to speak to his manager. Sean transferred me to his manager who's name I believe was Kyle, and I proceeded to tell him what an awful experience this whole process had been, but informed him that Javi and Sean are all-star employees and are the only reason I had not given up and just cancelled my account.
July 25th, 2018 - Technician (Preston Wilson) showed up on site at approximately 1:30pm, met him in the driveway and we exchanged information. He told me that he was there on a support call, not an installation call, and that he didn't have time to complete an installation. I asked him to call dispatch and try to get things straightened out while I called the ONIT line again and tried to work through that avenue. ONIT, again, told me that they did not have a direct line with dispatch, but that they did see that the ticket that was sent to them did indeed mention that it was for an install and not a support call. After I got off the phone with ONIT, I spoke with the tech who said his dispatcher (Nick) told him that there was nothing he could do and to just leave. I told the tech that this was completely unacceptable as this was the 3rd time they were on site for a routine install and that he would more than likely be losing a customer if he just left without resolving anything, he didn't care at all and just left. I called ONIT again and got in touch with Javi and explained what happened. Again, he could not believe what had happened; he said he was going to dig into it and get back to me. At this point I was at my wit's end with the amount of incompetence I had been subjected to and began tweeting at Comcast / Xfinity as well as posting on their facebook wall. While I was in the midst of this I received a call from Gale (the first since when he told me that, "I was just going to have to pay more"); Gale told me he had been working on my ticket the past few days, when I had inquired as to why I hadn't heard from him at all he said that he had other customers he had to deal with. It was at this point I told him that I knew he was lying as Javi and Sean had informed me that he had been out of office as they too, had been trying to get in touch with him, he told me that he had a "Family Emergency" and never even apologized for lying to me. I then asked him why he had never sent over his contact information after he had offered it to me, he said he had, and I told him to go back and look at his sent emails, at which point he acknowledged that he had not ever sent them to me. Gale offered me another flimsy promise of him being there ready to take care of it and make sure it worked out next time, he had cancelled the account I had been working with and that had all of my ticket information and notes in it and had created a new one for me, following this, his solution to my problem was an installation date of August 1st, which I told him was not going to be acceptable as my AT&T contract was expiring on the 27th of July and that I would be without any service at all. Just to note, I scheduled the initial install for the 21st of July just in case there were any bumps in the road that might delay the setup process and had made it crystal clear to Comcast that I absolutely needed to be up and running by then, to which they assured me would absolutely not be an issue. Well, Gale didn't think that was important and told me there was nothing he could do and I would just have to live with August 1st. I was furious at point and told him to schedule it as a backup, but I would be getting it changed. During the phone call with Gale, I was also speaking with the social media agents; nothing noteworthy was said as they could not comprehend the situation and refused to call me to get it sorted out. They offered me free HBO for 24 months and a free install as compensation, to which I replied that I had already been promised that. After I got off the phone with Gale, I found the number for the Comcast corporate HQ and called them up. I explained my situation to the man who answered, he was taken aback when every piece of advice he offered me was met with a defeated, "Yea, I already tried that." After he exhausted every suggestion he could give me, he told me, to my dismay, that Gale was the most powerful person in this whole situation and when I explained how unreliable he had been, he suggested that I submit a report to the Better Business Bureau as incidents raised by them must be resolved within 2 days (which is where this novel is headed). After getting off the phone with corporate, I got in touch with Javi again, who told me, contrary to Gale, that he would get a ticket into dispatch to get another early install and that I would be hearing back from somebody by 9:30pm today at the latest. It is 9:10pm as of writing this update and I have not heard back, nor do I expect to. I will be continuing this unholy war as I have been, any updates from myself will be available upon request.
submitted by XxBleedOutxX to Comcast [link] [comments]

2018.07.13 22:36 cormano "Jane": A breakdown of Howard's 1997 sophomore movie that never was, starring Melanie Griffith.

If you've listened to the show for awhile, you've probably heard Howard talk about his movie where he was set to star alongside Melanie Griffith. I've compiled some details about the movie in case anyone wanted to know more about the film.
Producers: The Ministry of Film
Credits: Erotic Confessions (Softcore Porn), Intimate Sessions (Softcore Porn), Girls 3 (Softcore Porn), Embrace of the Vampire, Digging to China
Director: Lyndall Hobbs
Credits: Back to the Beach (1987)
Writers: Lyndall Hobbs, Tracy Tynan
Cast: Howard Stern, Melanie Griffith, David Spade (Dropped Out)
Genre: Comedy
Budget: $6.6 million.
Locations: Vancouver, Las Vegas
Background: Ministry of Film, a team that had mostly produced Cinemax softcore porn, were set to produce a story written by two Hollywood costume designers. Lyndall Hobbs was set to write and direct. Her only feature film had been "Back to the Beach", a comedy musical starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. In April, 1997, Howard was solicited for a role in the movie. During July, 1997, he committed to play music company guy "Michael Davis", love interest of Melanie Griffith. David Spade was also tapped for the film but had to drop out due to a scheduling conflict. The films budget ballooned to $20 million with no financing to cover the extra costs. Production notified Howard that their financing had dropped out and that the movie was being canned.
Howard sued and his contract was disclosed in the lawsuit.
Howard's Contract and Demands:
Lawsuit: It was Howard's position that the film never had any financing to being with. He believed production was using his and Melanie's name to shop the movie to potential buyers. He sued for $1.5 million in damages, his salary for the movie. Both parties settled out of court for $50,000.
submitted by cormano to howardstern [link] [comments]

2017.12.30 01:06 EThorns S2 Writing & Directing staff

Here's what has been uncovered so far.
For writing, besides Jonah & Lisa, there is:
  1. Ron Fitzgerald (co-executive producer; playwright and alum of Friday Night Lights & Weeds)
  2. Carly Wray (unsure of her producer designation; alum of Mad Men, The Leftovers, Mindhunter, & is developing one of the 5 GoT spinoffs)
  3. Gina Atwater (writers assistant on S1; promoted to staff writer this year). She co-wrote episode 4.
These 3 folks are confirmed. I think another person who is part of the team, is S1 alum Dan Dietz (The Well Tempered Clavier). S1 also had a co-executive producer Roberto Patino (Sons of Anarchy, The Bastard Executioner), who didn't have script credits in the first batch, but might have it here, as one of the casting updates listed him & indicated that he was promoted to executive producer. I don't know if that's it, or there's more.
For directing, there's Jonah & Lisa (figure they'll each do two episodes; Jonah doing 2x01 & 2x10, while Lisa handles 2x04 & probably 2x09), & producing directors Richard J. Lewis (Chestnut; promoted to executive producer) and Frederick E.O. Toye (The Adversary & Trompe L'Oeil; co-executive producer). Take it they'll do one each, & overseeing two other units that cover additional photography for every episode (Lewis did that in season 1).
The only guest director identified so far, is Craig Zobel (2x05; alum of Cinemax's Outcast, Starz's American Gods, & three of the biggest episodes of The Leftovers).
That leaves three more to be identified. From a wishlist perspective, think none of the folks I have in mind could participate due to their present commitments. (The Leftovers alum) Mimi Leder's doing a biopic (On the Basis of Sex), & (Lost/GoT veteran) Jack Bender's prepping S2 of DirecTV's Mr. Mercedes.
Think two of those three, would be returning folks from S1; Stephen Williams (Trace Decay) & Michelle MacLaren (The Well Tempered Clavier; though she's set to direct a war film called The Nightingale, which is gunning for a January 2019 release). Thought it could've been Helen Shaver (Orphan Black & Vikings veteran; who was originally set to do episode 8 in S1, but couldn't do so due to schedule conflicts that arose during the midseason shutdown), but I think she's working on a feature at the moment as well, called Frankie's Baby.
So... there's that.
submitted by EThorns to westworld [link] [comments]

2017.10.05 08:05 Warmwindex Charter Spectrum "Live Chat": Robot or Human, Internet Connected Furbies, and My Love of the Sprout Channel

The below transcript has been edited to remove identifying information, and Reddit formatting. All other aspects are unchanged (including forgotten words, mispellings, and confused jokes).
Customer Service Rep Thank you for contacting Spectrum. This is --------. How may I assist you?
Customer Service Rep Thank you for providing me the opportunity to help you today. Just so you are aware, this chat is encrypted for your privacy and protection. Certain information like ZIP Code or phone numbers may show as '####' for you, but we see them. How can I help?
Taylor: Hi, I am trying to find out what internet speeds your company offers in my location. The website says starting at 60mbs, what is your top end? My address is
Customer Service Rep Thank you for chatting in today, taylor. I will be happy to assist you with your questions and concerns to the best of my ability. From this point I will be able to place your order and get you set up with the best installation date available. First, I will be asking a few questions in order to get a good idea of the needs in your home. Of course, feel free to stop me at any time if you have any questions.
Customer Service Rep Congratulations, your address has Charter Spectrum services available. And you are in luck, because Spectrum offers the best all-inclusive bundles available in the market. Let's find out a little about what you need.
Customer Service Rep Who all in the home will be enjoying the services?
Taylor: sure. I am at this point contemplating a change from ATT. The reason I jumped into the chat was to get the specifics of what is being offered. The website seems to want to go ahead with set up, but I would like to know the details. Specifically, Att is establishing a fiber network in the surrounding areas with potential 1Gbs speeds. I am trying to find the fastest speeds in that your company offeres.
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Customer Service Rep taylor, are you currently in a contract with your current providers?
Taylor: I would like to be in 100mbs range or higher. Our house hold is comprised of 2 to 3 members, plus guests. I have "cut the cord" many years ago with cable service, so mostly multiple streaming devices, and gaming.
Customer Service Rep taylor, are you currently in a contract with your current providers?
Taylor: No we are not in contract. I did see you offer to buy out contracts. Is that why your curious
Customer Service Rep Yes. Thank you.
Customer Service Rep Are you currently using an streaming subscriptions?
Customer Service Rep Are you currently using any streaming subscriptions?
Taylor: Yes, multiple.
Taylor: I feel like this is working up to a sell on cable bundle and that not really what I am looking for.
Customer Service Rep If you don’t mind me asking, what do you currently pay monthly for your streaming subscriptions?
Taylor: Less than the amount I would pay after your 1 year rate hike. Also, I don't care for cable due to commercials. Im feeling like your on a script here. Are you able to give the information I have requested. Speeds and prices for internet only?
Customer Service Rep When you subscribe to Spectrum TV and internet services you will have access to download the Spectrum TV App for free on your device from the Apple App Store, Amazon App Store, or Google Play Store. The Spectrum TV App is also available on Roku devices. This will give you access to stream your favorite shows from the channels you are subscribed to on any device.
Customer Service Rep Alright, taylor, we offer different internet speeds based on our customer's usage. Just to make sure we get you on the right plan, what do you tend to use internet for? Do you play online games or download music or movies? Or do you use internet more casually for things like bill payments and e-mail?
Taylor: Taylor: I would like to be in 100mbs range or higher. Our house hold is comprised of 2 to 3 members, plus guests. I have "cut the cord" many years ago with cable service, so mostly multiple streaming devices, and gaming.
Taylor: That was from earlier.
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Customer Service Rep How many computers or devices (gaming consoles, Apple devices, Tablets, Smart Phones, etc) will need to use the internet in your home?
Taylor: I understand that someone makes you ask me all these questions, I've been there. I think I've been pretty clear on my needs/wants and I really just want to know the various packages and prices. 60mbs, 70mbs, or 100mbs......
Customer Service Rep To provide you the most accurate rate and eligibility, I have a few simple questions about the services you are interested in. I will then be able to go over pricing.
Customer Service Rep How many computers or devices (gaming consoles, Apple devices, Tablets, Smart Phones, etc) will need to use the internet in your home?
Customer Service Rep The download and upload speeds are as follows: Plus - 60 mbps / 5 mbps, Ultra - 100 mbps / 5 mbps.
Taylor: Smart :TVs (4) Smart Phones (3), iPad (1), 2 Laptops, 1 Desktop (for gaming), Rouku Boxes (2); Apple TV (1), Divining Rod (2), Internet enabled Ferbee (16 ),
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Customer Service Rep In order to provide our customers powerful and reliable Internet service at a great value, Spectrum will provide modems with any Internet subscription. We want our customers’ experience to be the best possible, and the modem is a significant piece of the delivery of a great experience. Spectrum will always ensure its modems can support your Internet speed as a result of speed increases or upgrades. Necessary upgrades or replacements will be made free of charge.
Customer Service Rep Spectrum does not have a combined modem/router unit. Spectrum’s modem and router are two separate pieces of equipment. The modem is a direct link from the cables outside the home that provide a hard wired signal. A router (Wi-Fi) is a piece of equipment that plugs into the modem to connect your wireless devices. Do you have your own router for wireless internet connection?
Taylor: I have my own modem. What is the monthly price for 100mbs package?
Customer Service Rep Do you have your own router for wireless internet connection?
Taylor: I do.
Customer Service Rep Thank you very much, taylor. Please bear with me just a moment while I pull up some information for you.
Customer Service Rep You deserve to know that for a limited time, we are offering an amazing deal which includes our blazing fast Internet Plus, Unlimited Nationwide Long Distance Phone, and a chance to experience Spectrum's TV Silver package FREE for 12 months, including 1 TV receiver this would be $96.96. This package includes our DigiTier 1 (family friendly programming), HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax. That is 175+ channels such as, Disney JR and XD, Nick JR, Sprout, Cooking Channel, Discovery Family, DIY, H2, Lifetime, Own, NFL Network, and many more. Traditionally Silver would be an additional $20 a month. This offer will give you a valued savings of $240 for 12 months. Would you like to take advantage of this limited time offer today?
Taylor: Nope, just the internet.
Customer Service Rep If you are debating whether or not to add something, I would definitely recommend trying it out. Often times, we don't know what we are missing unless we know all the options. Spectrum doesn't require a contract and we are so confident you will love our service that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee on any new service added to your account.
Taylor: I'm really second guessing this whole switch.
Customer Service Rep I completely understand the desire to stream programming taylor. I would suggest combining our Spectrum TV package with our Internet service to provide you additional streaming options. For example, when you subscribe to specific channels (such as FOX, ESPN, Disney, History, Lifetime just to name a few), you will have the ability to stream these channels with your mobile/wireless device. All you need is a Spectrum email address and password to login.
Taylor: I don't know why I'm still here, bored I guess. Have you ever gotten to this point, and the person your talking to say, "Oh, you know what, I would totally love to try Spectrum TV plus phone. If there's one thing I need in my home its a phone.
Customer Service Rep One moment please.
Taylor: sure
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Taylor: no problem
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Taylor: no thank you.
Customer Service Rep We also have for a limited time, we are offering an amazing deal which includes our blazing fast Internet Plus, and a chance to experience Spectrum TV Silver package FREE for 12 months including 1 TV receiver for $81.97. This includes our DigiTier 1 (family friendly programming), HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax. That is 175+ channels such as, Disney JR and XD, Nick JR, Sprout, Cooking Channel, Discovery Family, DIY, H2, Lifetime, Own, NFL Network, and many more. This offer traditionally would be an additional $20 a month. This offer will give you a valued savings of $240 for 12 months. Would you like to take advantage of this limited time offer today?
Customer Service Rep Are you still there taylor? After a brief period of inactivity, this chat session will time out to protect customer account information.
Taylor: Well I was on the fence until you pointed out the Sprout channel. I just realized that all these years that I haven't had cable, I've been missing out on all this great Sprout channel entertainment. I don't though, limited offer, today only? That's a lot of pressure. What do you think I should do?
Customer Service Rep I would definitely take advantage of this fantastic offer since you enjoy Sprout so much.
Customer Service Rep Would you like me to go ahead and schedule an installation date and time for you, Taylor?
Customer Service Rep Are you still there taylor? After a brief period of inactivity, this chat session will time out to protect customer account information.
Taylor: I'd really just like to know prices
Taylor: For the internet only.
Customer Service Rep To take advantage of this limited time offer, we can set up installation today to lock in your price. Spectrum does not have contracts, so if you need to change your packages or services later there are no penalties. We’re confident that you will be completely satisfied with your Spectrum experience. If for any reason you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, we will make it right or refund your money. Our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee would cover what you paid towards standard installation, monthly recurring service charges or equipment charges.
Taylor: Give me one moment to contemplate.
Customer Service Rep Spectrum is now offering our blazing fast 60 mbps Internet Plus for $39.99 per month for 12 months when you sign up with us. After the first year, the rate will increase to the standard rate of $54.99. The service includes a free modem lease to ensure you always have the best possible connection. Would you like to take advantage of this limited time offer today?
Customer Service Rep In order to upgrade to our Internet Ultra 100 mbps plan, there is a one-time activation charge of $199.99. This will be added to the next statement you receive and will supersede any other regular install charges. The activation cost ensures that your service is fully supported and you will be able to receive the speed due to the heavy bandwidth used on Charter infrastructure by the 100mbps service. This is an additional $40.00 per month to the cost of the Internet Plus offer.
Customer Service Rep Which would you like to take advantage of today?
Taylor: Thank you.
Customer Service Rep Thank you. Which would you like to take advantage of today?
Taylor: I am still considering. One moment.
Customer Service Rep Thank you.
Customer Service Rep Are you still there taylor? After a brief period of inactivity, this chat session will time out to protect customer account information.
Taylor: Have you ever heard of the Turring Test?
Taylor: *Turing Test
Customer Service Rep I am not familiar with that.
Customer Service Rep Which would you like to take advantage of today?
Customer Service Rep Are you still there taylor? After a brief period of inactivity, this chat session will time out to protect customer account information.
Taylor: Its a concept to test A.I. in computers. The gist is that if something like 40% percent of people can’t tell if they are talking to a human or a robot, and it is a robot on the other end then the robot would pass the Turing Test.
Taylor: I can't tell.
Customer Service Rep Thank you. Which would you like to take advantage of today?
Taylor: No I'm going to wait. Thanks for the info.
I spent 30 minutes on Charter Spectrum's Live Chat simply trying to find out the cost and speed options at my home. The Sales Rep/Customer service rep ignored my earnest and then later sarcastic appeals in favor of the up-sale.
EDITS: Formatting
submitted by Warmwindex to chartercable [link] [comments]