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2009.09.04 14:02 Eigard CERN: the European Organization for Nuclear Research

News and discussion about CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider and birthplace of the World Wide Web.

2017.09.16 11:50 robertisoski WonderCMS - small, simple, fast flat file CMS

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2024.05.15 11:53 IderaDevTools HTML to WYSIWYG: A guide in 2024

In recent years, HTML and WYSIWYG technologies have been among the biggest changes in web development. By facilitating visual revision and connecting the technical domain of code with the intuitive domain of web development, this technology renders the process more accessible and conducive to collaboration.
In the past, web development was predominantly dependent on programmers who used HTML code to construct websites line by line meticulously. Despite providing granular control, this method posed a substantial obstacle for non-technical users. Conversely, the advent of WYSIWYG editors has facilitated the accessibility of web development by enabling users to visually modify their creations, thereby promoting a more intuitive user experience.
This guide will examine the impact of the conversion from HTML to WYSIWYG on web development practices. We will discuss how this technology helps developers and content makers by making the workflow more efficient and team-based.

Understanding HTML to WYSIWYG Conversion

Progression toward WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors resulted in a paradigm shift in web development. In contrast to the conventional method of creating websites line by line through HTML code, these tools present a noticeable departure.
Visually intuitive interfaces, including tools, icons, and menus, which accurately represent the ultimate webpage layout, are the primary focus of WYSIWYG editors. By doing so, content creators and marketers can actively engage in the web development process without requiring extensive code knowledge.
Nevertheless, WYSIWYG editors possess capabilities that extend beyond their visual imagery. A complex conversion procedure exists beneath the surface. The software effortlessly converts user inputs (such as text or images) into corresponding segments of HTML code as the user interacts with the editor.
Determining the webpage’s structure and visual presentation, this code functions as the page’s foundation. For example, if a person adds a paragraph with bold text and an image, the WYSIWYG editor translates it to the following HTML code
 Example of HTML generated by a WYSIWYG editor 
This is a bold text.
Example Image
This code is then interpreted by the web browser, which proceeds to render the content exactly as intended. Critically bridging the gap between the intuitive realm of visual editing and the underlying code that regulates the web, WYSIWYG editors serve as an intermediary between the two.

Why Embrace HTML to WYSIWYG?

In the realm of contemporary web development, converting existing HTML into a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) format offers compelling advantages in accessibility, efficiency, and team collaboration. Let’s delve deeper into why this transformation is a smart move:

Accessibility and Efficiency

Before the rise of WYSIWYG editors, crafting web pages often required in-depth HTML knowledge. Consider this simple example:

Welcome to My Website!

This is where the magic happens.
WYSIWYG editors empower individuals without extensive coding experience. They provide user-friendly interfaces for content creation and formatting. This democratizes the web development process, allowing content creators, marketers, and designers to actively contribute.

Real-time Previews and Streamlined Workflow

Let’s imagine you’re making layout changes with traditional HTML:
Image Here
Main Content
Using a WYSIWYG editor, you can visually adjust elements and get instant feedback. This eliminates the need for repeated coding, previewing, and revision — saving valuable time and effort.

Enhanced Collaboration

WYSIWYG editors foster a shared visual language. Designers can express ideas without extensive coding knowledge, making it easier for developers to translate those ideas into working code. Additionally, content creators can directly populate layouts:
HTML to WYSIWYG conversion isn’t about eliminating code; it’s about streamlining the web development process, making it more inclusive and efficient. By embracing this approach, teams can build better websites, faster.

Choosing the Right HTML to WYSIWYG Tool

Choosing the best HTML to WYSIWYG conversion tool depends on recognizing characteristics that meet your workflow and project needs. Here’s a detailed checklist of critical capabilities to emphasize during your evaluation process:
FeatureDescriptionCustomization Options
Modern Web Standards
Ease of Integration
Support and Community

Optimizing the WYSIWYG Editor Usage

Here are some tips to streamline your workflow and maximize your editing speed within a WYSIWYG editor:

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with user-friendly interfaces, problems can occur when using WYSIWYG editors. Here are some tips for troubleshooting typical issues:

An Overview of Advanced WYSIWYG Editor

The ideal HTML to WYSIWYG conversion tool finds the optimal blend of usability and strong capabilities. Consider solutions that provide users with a clean visual editing experience while also allowing them to customize the editor to their requirements.
Several top WYSIWYG editors excel in these categories. Froala is one such case. This powerful tool has a user-friendly interface, allowing intuitive content development, even for those with limited coding skills. Furthermore, Froala offers considerable customization options, allowing developers to tailor the editor’s interface, functionality, and content modules to fit smoothly into their existing workflows and project requirements.


These simple solutions enable a wider spectrum of people to participate in content creation, resulting in a more collaborative and efficient development process. Teams that embrace the power of WYSIWYG conversion may streamline workflows, shorten development cycles, and produce richer, more engaging web experiences. Explore innovative solutions such as Froala to maximize the benefits of HTML to WYSIWYG conversion and change your web development efforts.
This post was originally published on the Froala blog.
submitted by IderaDevTools to WYSIWYG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:15 danielrosehill Best practices regarding backing up headless CMS sites?

Hi guys,
Quite an elementary question here!
I'm new to the world of headless CMS and static site generators and realise that there are lots of them out there. I've just built my first headless site with Astro and Netlify. Took a bit of working out but I got there.
When it comes to setting up backup policies for conventional CMSes like Wordpress ... it's pretty straightforward. The target is the server running the sites and there are lots of plugins for handling backup.
Taking Astro as an example ... I can back up my project incrementally by backing up the local filesystem.
Alternatively I could configure a backup from Github onto some object storage like S3 or B2.
if I wanted to back up the site after deployment (although I should have no need if I have the above in place) ... I'm a bit lost. Is there an option somewhere?
More than this I'm curious how it works in general.
Hashnode CMS let's you blog on their cloud and then deploy headlessly. If there's no good backup functionality on the hosted CMS side of things ... where do you do your backups?
submitted by danielrosehill to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:16 InsideSea4852 Cumpărați teren, chiar și prin credit!

„Cumpărați pământ, nu îl vor mai putea produce.” – Mark Twain. Acest vechi citat folosit în imobiliare este mai relevant ca oricând, într-o lume unde spațiul devine din ce în ce mai prețuit. La prima vedere, achiziția unui teren pare un proces simplu: văzut, plăcut, cumpărat. Însă realitatea este mult mai nuanțată și implică o serie de considerații importante pentru a evita surprizele neplăcute.

Alegeți locația cu înțelepciune

Locația este rege atunci când vine vorba despre achiziția de teren. O zonă cu o evoluție ascendentă a prețurilor nu doar că îți va crește valoarea investiției pe termen lung, dar te asigură și că terenul tău va fi oricând ușor vandabil. Dacă veți avea nevoie de credit pentru achiziție, prima condiție este ca terenul să fie intravilan.

Nu subestimați importanța utilităților

Deși un teren fără utilități poate fi mai ieftin la achiziție, costurile de bransare ulterioară pot adăuga o povară semnificativă bugetului tău. Este vital să iei în calcul aceste cheltuieli atunci când faci calculele inițiale.


Fie că este vorba despre Certificatul de Urbanism, Planul de amplasament, Planul Urbanistic General (PUG), sau Planul Urbanistic Zonal (PUZ), fiecare document joacă un rol crucial în determinarea a ce și cum poți construi pe terenul tău. Înainte de a semna orice, asigură-te că înțelegi fiecare detaliu al acestor documente.

Vecinătate și infrastructură

Vecinii, accesul la drumuri și prezența infrastructurii esențiale sunt factori care influențează nu doar calitatea vieții pe terenul tău, dar și viabilitatea oricărui proiect de construcție pe care îl ai în plan.

Surprizele ascunse

De la conducte subterane la restricții de construcție specifice zonei, fiecare teren vine cu propriile sale provocări. O evaluare atentă și consultarea cu experți pot ajuta la identificarea și navigarea acestor potențiale probleme.

Finanțarea achiziției de terenuri

Când vine vorba despre finanțarea achiziției de terenuri, lucrurile se pot complica. Nu toate băncile oferă credite pentru achiziția de terenuri, iar cele care o fac impun anumite condiții:
Achiziția unui teren este o aventură încărcată de potențial, dar și de responsabilitate. Înarmat cu informațiile potrivite și sprijinit de consultanță profesională, poți naviga prin acest proces complex cu încredere și succes.
Nu uita, sunt aici pentru a te ajuta să găsești cea mai bună soluție de finanțare, Gratuit.
Dau credit viselor tale!
submitted by InsideSea4852 to credit_ipotecar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:13 TheOneTrueNeb Correspondences in Job?

I'm curious if anyone is aware of where exactly Swedenborg stands on the value of Job. It's not in the Swedenborgian canon, and yet we see it cited from time to time in his writings, and it is known to be a book of the ancient church with the accompanying correspondences. If anyone's got any citations or just general knowledge on the subject I'd love to hear it!
submitted by TheOneTrueNeb to Swedenborgianism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:23 businessnewstv How to Start a Healthcare Staffing Agency in South Dakota in 2024

Introduction to healthcare staffing agencies

Healthcare staffing agencies play a vital role in providing qualified healthcare professionals to meet the growing demand for healthcare services. These agencies act as intermediaries between healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals, ensuring that the right professionals are placed in the right positions. The introduction of healthcare staffing agencies has revolutionized the healthcare industry, offering opportunities for both healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities to optimize their operations and provide quality care. In this article, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota.

Importance of healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota

Healthcare staffing agencies play a crucial role in South Dakota by addressing the growing demand for qualified healthcare professionals. With the increasing population and the need for quality healthcare services, these agencies serve as a bridge between healthcare facilities and skilled healthcare workers. They ensure that healthcare facilities have access to a pool of competent and reliable professionals, while also providing employment opportunities for healthcare workers. By effectively matching the right professionals with the right healthcare facilities, these agencies contribute to the overall improvement of healthcare delivery in South Dakota. Moreover, they help alleviate the burden on healthcare facilities by handling the recruitment and placement process, allowing them to focus on providing quality care to patients. Overall, healthcare staffing agencies are essential in meeting the staffing needs of the healthcare industry in South Dakota and ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare services to the community.

Market analysis of healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota

Market analysis of healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota reveals several opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs looking to start and grow their own agency. The healthcare industry in South Dakota is experiencing significant growth, creating a high demand for qualified healthcare professionals. This presents a lucrative market for staffing agencies to connect healthcare facilities with the right talent. However, the competition in the industry is also intense, with numerous established agencies already operating in the state. To succeed in this market, entrepreneurs need to carefully analyze the current landscape, identify gaps and niches, and develop unique strategies to differentiate their agency. Additionally, understanding the regulatory requirements and compliance standards specific to South Dakota is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and building trust with clients and healthcare professionals. With the right research, planning, and execution, entrepreneurs can navigate the market and establish a successful healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota.

Legal Requirements for Starting a Healthcare Staffing Agency

Licensing and registration

Licensing and registration are crucial steps in starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. In order to operate legally and provide quality services, it is important to obtain the necessary licenses and registrations from the appropriate authorities. This ensures compliance with state regulations and helps build trust with clients and healthcare professionals. The process of obtaining licenses and registrations may vary depending on the type of agency and the services offered. It is essential to thoroughly research and understand the requirements, fees, and timelines involved. Additionally, maintaining updated licenses and registrations is vital to avoid any legal issues or disruptions in business operations. By prioritizing licensing and registration, healthcare staffing agencies can establish a solid foundation for success in South Dakota's competitive healthcare industry.

Insurance and liability

Insurance and liability are crucial aspects to consider when starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. As the healthcare industry is highly regulated, it is important to have the appropriate insurance coverage to protect the agency, its employees, and clients. This includes professional liability insurance to cover any potential malpractice claims, general liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries on the agency's premises, and workers' compensation insurance to provide financial support for employees who may suffer work-related injuries. Additionally, it is essential to regularly review and update insurance policies to ensure they meet the changing needs of the agency and comply with state and federal regulations. By prioritizing insurance and liability management, healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota can mitigate risks and safeguard their operations, reputation, and financial stability.

Compliance with employment laws

Compliance with employment laws is a crucial aspect of starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. As the healthcare industry is highly regulated, it is essential to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations to ensure the agency operates legally and ethically. This includes understanding and complying with federal and state employment laws, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Additionally, healthcare staffing agencies must also comply with industry-specific regulations, such as those set forth by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Failing to comply with these laws and regulations can result in severe penalties, legal consequences, and damage to the agency's reputation. Therefore, it is imperative for healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota to prioritize compliance with employment laws to ensure the success and longevity of their business.

Recruitment and Hiring Process

Identifying staffing needs

Identifying staffing needs is a crucial step in starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. Understanding the demand for healthcare professionals in the state is essential for determining the specific staffing needs of healthcare facilities. By conducting thorough research and analysis, healthcare staffing agencies can identify the areas and specialties that require the most attention. This knowledge allows agencies to tailor their recruitment efforts and provide healthcare facilities with qualified professionals who can meet their staffing needs effectively. Additionally, staying updated on industry trends and changes in healthcare regulations is vital for staying ahead of the competition and addressing the evolving staffing needs of healthcare facilities in South Dakota.

Sourcing qualified healthcare professionals

Sourcing qualified healthcare professionals is a critical aspect of starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. The success of the agency relies heavily on the ability to attract and retain top talent in the healthcare industry. To ensure the highest level of care for clients, it is essential to have a rigorous screening and selection process in place. This includes conducting thorough background checks, verifying credentials and certifications, and assessing the skills and experience of potential candidates. Additionally, building strong relationships with educational institutions, professional organizations, and other healthcare providers can provide valuable networking opportunities and access to a pool of qualified professionals. By investing in effective sourcing strategies, a healthcare staffing agency can position itself as a trusted provider of high-quality healthcare professionals in South Dakota.

Screening and interviewing candidates

Screening and interviewing candidates is a critical step in the process of starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. The success of the agency relies heavily on the quality of the healthcare professionals it recruits and places in various healthcare facilities. To ensure that only the most qualified candidates are selected, thorough screening and interviewing techniques must be employed. This includes conducting background checks, verifying credentials, assessing clinical skills, and evaluating cultural fit. Additionally, it is essential to adhere to all legal and ethical guidelines throughout the screening and interviewing process. By implementing a rigorous screening and interviewing process, healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota can attract top talent and provide exceptional services to healthcare facilities in the region.

Building Relationships with Healthcare Facilities

Understanding the needs of healthcare facilities

Understanding the needs of healthcare facilities is crucial for starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. Healthcare facilities rely on staffing agencies to provide them with qualified and competent healthcare professionals to meet their staffing needs. By understanding the specific needs of healthcare facilities, such as the demand for specialized healthcare professionals or the need for flexible staffing solutions, consulting firms can develop effective strategies to address these needs. By offering tailored staffing solutions and providing expertise in healthcare staffing, consulting firms can help healthcare facilities optimize their staffing processes and ensure the delivery of quality patient care.

Negotiating contracts and agreements

Negotiating contracts and agreements is a crucial aspect of running a successful healthcare staffing agency. It requires careful consideration and attention to detail to ensure that both parties involved are satisfied with the terms and conditions. One of the key challenges in this process is dealing with corporate companies that may be losing money. It is important to approach such negotiations with tact and professionalism, offering solutions and strategies that can help mitigate their financial difficulties. By understanding their unique situation and providing tailored solutions, healthcare staffing agencies can build strong partnerships with corporate companies, creating mutually beneficial agreements that contribute to the growth and success of both parties.

Providing ongoing support and communication

Providing ongoing support and communication is crucial for the success of a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. By maintaining open lines of communication with clients and healthcare professionals, the agency can ensure that staffing needs are met efficiently and effectively. This includes regular check-ins with clients to assess their staffing requirements and address any concerns or issues that may arise. Additionally, the agency should establish a reliable system for healthcare professionals to communicate their availability and preferences, allowing for seamless coordination and scheduling. By prioritizing ongoing support and communication, the healthcare staffing agency can build strong relationships with clients and healthcare professionals, leading to long-term success and growth.

Marketing and Promotion Strategies

Creating a strong online presence

Creating a strong online presence is crucial for any healthcare staffing agency looking to thrive in today's digital age. With the majority of people turning to the internet to search for healthcare services, having a well-established online presence can significantly increase visibility and attract potential clients. To create a strong online presence, healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota should focus on developing a professional website that showcases their expertise, services, and testimonials from satisfied clients. Additionally, investing in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can help the agency rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential clients to find them. Lastly, leveraging social media platforms and online advertising can further enhance the agency's online presence, reaching a wider audience and establishing credibility in the industry. By prioritizing the creation of a strong online presence, healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota can position themselves as leaders in the field and effectively compete in the digital landscape.

Networking with healthcare professionals and facilities

Networking with healthcare professionals and facilities is crucial for the success of a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. By building strong relationships with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers, the agency can gain valuable insights into the needs and preferences of the local healthcare community. This knowledge can help the agency tailor its staffing solutions to meet the specific requirements of healthcare facilities in South Dakota. Additionally, networking allows the agency to establish partnerships with hospitals, clinics, and group homes, which can lead to a steady stream of clients and job opportunities. By leveraging these connections, the agency can position itself as a trusted and reliable resource for healthcare staffing in South Dakota.

Utilizing targeted advertising and marketing campaigns

Utilizing targeted advertising and marketing campaigns is crucial for the success of a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota. By identifying the specific needs and preferences of healthcare professionals and facilities in the area, the agency can tailor its messaging and promotional activities to effectively reach its target audience. This may involve utilizing online platforms, such as social media and job boards, to connect with potential candidates and clients. Additionally, the agency can leverage local partnerships and industry networks to expand its reach and visibility. A well-executed advertising and marketing strategy can help the agency establish a strong brand presence, attract qualified healthcare professionals, and build relationships with healthcare facilities, ultimately leading to the growth and sustainability of the business.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Healthcare Staffing Industry

Shortage of healthcare professionals

The shortage of healthcare professionals is a significant challenge faced by the healthcare staffing industry in South Dakota. With the increasing demand for healthcare services, there is a growing need for skilled and qualified professionals to meet the needs of the population. However, the limited availability of healthcare professionals, especially in rural areas, poses a major obstacle to the growth and expansion of healthcare staffing agencies. This shortage not only affects the quality of patient care but also puts a strain on existing healthcare facilities. To address this issue, it is crucial for healthcare staffing agencies to develop strategies to attract and retain healthcare professionals, such as offering competitive salaries, providing professional development opportunities, and establishing partnerships with educational institutions to promote healthcare careers in the state.

Competition from other staffing agencies

Competition from other staffing agencies is a significant challenge that healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota face. With the increasing demand for healthcare professionals, the market has become highly competitive. To stand out from the competition, healthcare staffing agencies need to focus on providing exceptional services and building strong relationships with healthcare facilities. One area that can give a competitive edge is email deliverability. Ensuring that emails are delivered to the intended recipients in a timely manner is crucial for effective communication and maintaining client relationships. By prioritizing email deliverability, healthcare staffing agencies can enhance their communication channels and improve overall client satisfaction.

Changing healthcare regulations and policies

Changing healthcare regulations and policies play a crucial role in the success and growth of healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota. Staying updated with the latest changes ensures compliance and adherence to legal requirements. It also allows agencies to adapt their operations and strategies to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare industry. By closely monitoring and understanding these regulations and policies, healthcare staffing agencies can effectively navigate challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.


Summary of key points

Starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota presents both opportunities and challenges. To succeed in this venture, it is important to understand the key points that can help navigate the industry. One of the key points to consider is the projected growth of the nursing industry in Georgia by 2023. This presents a significant opportunity for healthcare staffing agencies to provide qualified nursing professionals to meet the increasing demand. Additionally, understanding the specific regulations and licensing requirements in Georgia will be crucial for operating a successful agency in the state. By staying informed about industry trends and regulations, healthcare staffing agencies can position themselves for success in the competitive healthcare staffing market.

Future prospects of healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota

The future prospects of healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota are promising. With the increasing demand for healthcare professionals and the growing population in the state, there is a significant need for staffing agencies to provide qualified and skilled healthcare professionals. This presents a great opportunity for healthcare staffing agencies to expand their operations and cater to the healthcare needs of the community. However, along with the opportunities, there are also challenges that healthcare staffing agencies need to address. These include the competition from other staffing agencies, the need to constantly update their knowledge and skills to meet the changing healthcare landscape, and the need to maintain a strong network of healthcare professionals. Despite these challenges, healthcare staffing agencies in South Dakota have the potential to thrive and contribute to the overall healthcare industry in the state.

Final thoughts on starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency

Starting and growing a healthcare staffing agency can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. For aspiring entrepreneurs in South Dakota, there are ample opportunities to tap into the growing healthcare industry. The state's favorable business environment and high demand for healthcare professionals create a conducive environment for startups in this sector. However, it is essential to be aware of the challenges that come with running a staffing agency, such as fierce competition and the need to establish strong relationships with healthcare facilities. By leveraging technology, networking with industry professionals, and providing excellent service, entrepreneurs can overcome these challenges and build a successful healthcare staffing agency in South Dakota.
In conclusion, starting a healthcare staffing business online is a great opportunity in 2023. With the increasing demand for healthcare professionals, there is a huge potential for success in this industry. If you want to learn more about how to start your own healthcare staffing business, visit our website. We provide a complete guide on how to get started, including step-by-step instructions and valuable tips. Don't miss out on this chance to build a successful online business in the healthcare industry. Take action now and visit our website to begin your journey.
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.14 22:35 what_mane_kya Orange Gas General Purpose CMS, Own your content.

Orange Gas For the past few weeks I have been working on a General Purpose CMS to make it easy to create and most importantly publish content. I was able to bring these feature down to the MVP. Here is a list of features available and planned.
1. Intuitive and Streamlined Content Creation: This product allows you to create and manage your content in a way that makes sense. I hosted the whole documentation of the product itself on the app and it works.
2. Effortless Website Integration: I tried to come up with easier ways of integration, I came up with 3 ways to to do.
  1. Using embedding code.
  2. Using API
  3. Using the public link.
3. Robust API Integration: This portal is backed by strapi so you get really powerful API.
4. Streamlined Media Library: (coming soon)
5. Organization-Based Content Management: (coming soon)
6. Role-Based Content Access: (coming soon)
I would love your feedback, this is probably the earliest post about this product, hoping to get some feedback.
PS. All the content on the orange gas website was created and distributed using the orange gas CMS. I find it quite cool that I could use my own product so much
TLDR; launch a CMS which helped me create the documentation of CMS, it is very cool and simple, check it out.
submitted by what_mane_kya to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:02 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 4)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 4)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Statement on Gaza (April 22, 2024):
'Collective punishment' of Palestinians unacceptable, says Ireland [Michael Martin, Foreign Minister of Ireland: "We believe that the response has been fully disproportionate and has also been, in our view, a breach of humanitarian law in terms of the destruction of Gaza and also in terms of the killing of civilians, innocent men, women and children"] (April 22, 2024):
Israel has yet to provide evidence of Unrwa staff terrorist links, Colonna report says: Exclusive: review finds government yet to substantiate claims UN relief agency staff have ties to Hamas or Islamic Jihad (April 22, 2024):
NEWS: Bernie Sanders Statement on Amendment Votes on National Security Supplemental (April 22, 2024):
NEWS: Bernie Sanders Statement on ‘Dark Day’ in U.S. Senate (April 23, 2024):
PREPARED REMARKS: Senator Bernie Sanders on Ending Unfettered Military Aid to Israel and Restoring UNRWA Funding (April 23, 2024):
Senator Jeff Merkley: Netanyahu’s War Campaign at Odds with American Values (April 23, 2024):
Stephen Tillett: As a Christian minister, I cannot remain silent any longer about Israeli-Palestinian conflict (April 23, 2024):
AIPAC Spent Millions to Take Down the Squad. The Working Families Party Is Fighting Back. (April 24, 2024):
GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson defends Israel when Erin Burnett asks about children dying ‘at Israel’s hands’ (April 24, 2024):
Pro-Palestinian student protests have been largely peaceful. Right-wing media want to call in the National Guard. (April 25, 2024):
Save the Children International: GAZA STAFF ACCOUNT: The Reality of the Humanitarian Catastrophe (April 25, 2024):
Bishops, delegates join rally sponsored by United Methodist Kairos Response for Palestine (April 26, 2024):
‘I stand on the side of the oppressed, whoever they are’: Interview with Palestinian-Ukrainian activist Adib Shaheen (April 26, 2024):
NBC News investigation reveals Israel strikes on Gaza areas it said were safe: NBC News found Palestinians were killed in seven deadly airstrikes in areas of southern Gaza that the Israeli military had explicitly designated as safe zones. (April 26, 2024):
Refugee Council of Australia: Our Letter to the Prime Minister regarding the Israel and Gaza Crisis (April 26, 2024):
Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza [Signed by: US; 18 Million Rising; 198 methods; Adalah Justice Project; Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association; AF3IRM; Afghans For A Better Tomorrow; Al-Haq; Alliance of Baptists; American Baptist Churches USA; American Baptist Churches Palestine Israel Network; American Friends Service Committee; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC); American Muslim Bar Association; American Muslim Community Foundation; American Muslims for Palestine (AMP); Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action); Arab American Civic Council; Arab American Institute; Asian American Advocacy Fund; Better to Speak; Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls; Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU); Blue Future; Borderlands for Equity; Borderlands Resource Initiative; Breach Collective; Brooklyn For Peace; CAIR Action; CAIR California; CAIR Minnesota; CAIR Oklahoma; CAIR-WA; California Coalition for Women Prisoners; Cameroon American Council; Carceral Tech Resistance Network; Ceasefire Democrats; Ceasefire Now NJ; Center for Constitutional Rights; Center for Popular Democracy Action; Center for Protest Law & Litigation @ Partnership for Civil Justice Fund; Chicago Area Peace Action; Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy; Christians for a Free Palestine; Civic Ark; Civil Liberties Defense Center; Clockshop;; Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP); Council on American-Islamic Relations; CWA-News Guild Local 38010; Defending Rights & Dissent; Delaware Democratic Socialists of America; Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights; Detention Watch Network; Disciples Palestine Israel Network; Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM); Doctors Against Genocide; Dream Defenders; Dutch Scholars for Palestine; Eindhoven Students 4 Palestine; Emgage Action; En Conjunto; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Faith for Black Lives; Faith in Texas; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Fight for the Future; For All; Freedom Farm Community; Freedom Oklahoma; Freedom To Thrive; Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA); Future Coalition; Gen-Z for Change; Gender Justice Action and Gender Justice; Get Free; Global Campaign to Reclaim People's Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power & Stop Impunity; Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine; Green New Deal Network; Greenpeace USA; Hawai'i for Palestine; Health Justice Commons; Helena (Montana) Service for Peace and Justice; Highlander Research and Education Center; Hindus for Human Rights; Historians for Peace and Democracy; Human Dignity Project (THDP); IfNotNow Movement; IfNotNow New Jersey; Immigrant Defense Project; Immigrant Justice Network; Immigrants Act Now; Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC); Indiana Center for Middle East Peace; Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project; Interfaith Ceasefire; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network; International Mayan League; InterReligious Task Force on Central America; Iowans For Palestine; Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); Islamophobia Studies Center; Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Jewish Voice for Peace; Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawai’i; Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ); Just Foreign Policy; Justice Democrats; Just Futures Law; Justice for All; Kairos USA; Libyan American Alliance; LittleSis / Public Accountability Initiative; Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community; Long Island Progressive Coalition; Make the Road Nevada; Malaya Georgia; Massachusetts Peace Action; Mennonite Action; Mennonite Action WA; Migrant Roots Media; Minnesota Peace Project; Mondoweiss; Movement for Black Lives; MPower Change Action Fund; MSA West; Muslim Advocates; Muslim Community Network; Muslim Counterpublics Lab; Muslim Power Building Project; Muslims for Just Futures; Muslims for Progressive Values; National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA); National Domestic Workers Alliance Staff Union, CWA Local 1180; National Iranian American Council; National Lawyers Guild; National Lawyers Guild - St. Louis Chapter; National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR); National Partnership for New Americans; New Hampshire Veterans for Peace; New York City Veterans For Peace; The New Justice Project Minnesota; NH Peace Action; North American Students of Cooperation; No Separate Justice; North Carolina Peace Action; The Oakland Institute; Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth; Our Revolution; Palestine American League; Palestine Legal; Palestinian American Community Center; Palestinian American Organizations Network (PAON); Palestinian Feminist Collective; Partners for Palestine; Pax Christi New Jersey; Pax Christi New York State; Pax Christi Pacific Northwest; Pax Christi USA; Peace Action; Peace Action New York State; Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!; Pediatricians for Palestine; People’s Action; PeoplesHub; Poverty Project at the Institute for Policy Studies; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Presbyterian Peace Fellowship; Progressive Democrats of America (PDA); Project ANAR; Project South; Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice; Reparation Education Project; Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment; Rise for Palestine; Rising Majority; Rising Tide North America; Rochester Committee on Latin America; RootsAction Education Fund; Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre; Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights; Sound Vision; Starr King School for the Ministry; Students and Faculty for Justice in Palestine at the University of Hawai’i (SFJP); Sunrise Movement; Sur Legal Collaborative; TakeAction Minnesota; Tech Justice Law Project; The Gathering for Justice; The Hague Peace Projects; The Social Justice Center; The Uncommitted National Movement; The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center; Transnational Institute; UndocuBlack Network; Unitarian Universalist Association; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship; Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice; Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina; Unitarian Universalist Mass Action; Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network; Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice (UUYACJ); Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); United Voices for America; Until Freedom; US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; Veterans For Peace; We Are All America; Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club; Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center; Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press; Working Families Party; World BEYOND War; Young Democrats of America Black Caucus; Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus; Youth Leadership Institute] (April 26-29, 2024): &
Tom Hurwitz: I was arrested protesting at Columbia in ’68. Today’s student encampments carry on a proud, brave tradition: Like the Vietnam War was nearly six decades ago, to many students, Israel’s assault on Gaza feels deeply personal (April 26, 2024):
‘We demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza’ – First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O’Neill tells major London demo (April 27, 2024):
Nineteen American Sociological Association Presidents Endorse the Resolution for Justice in Palestine (April 28, 2024): &
Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton: Brief thoughts on the wave of campus protests across America (April 28, 2024):
We’re Jewish students at Columbia arrested for protesting Israel’s war (April 28, 2024):
American Association of University Professors: In Defense of the Right to Free Speech and Peaceful Protest on University Campuses (April 29, 2024):
Anat Saragusti: Israeli media’s inevitable hysteria over U.S. campus protests: The media’s unbending self-censorship in covering Gaza has made Israelis incapable of seeing foreign criticism as anything other than antisemitism. (April 29, 2024):
Attorneys inside and outside the administration urge Biden to cut off arms to Israel: So far more than 90 lawyers have signed on to a legal letter alleging Israel’s conduct in Gaza violates U.S. and international law. (April 29, 2024):
Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention: Statement in Support of Students, Faulty at Columbia University (April 29, 2024):
Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders: "I'm hearing disturbing reports that students face suspension if they don’t end their peaceful protests in #Columbiauniversity in the USA. This is a clear violation of their right to peaceful assembly" (April 29, 2024):
Cas Mudde: Why are US campuses facing an orgy of state repression in the ‘land of the free’? The right has painted nonviolent protests against the war on Gaza as hotbeds of ‘woke’ terrorism. It’s a pretext for repression (April 30, 2024):
Joint letter to President Biden on humanitarian risk of Rafah operation in Gaza [Signed by:; ActionAid USA; Alliance of Baptists; American Friends of Combatants for Peace; American Friends Service Committee; Americares; Amnesty International USA; CARE; Charity & Security Network; Children in Conflict; Christian Aid; Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP); Center for American Progress; Center for Civilians in Conflict; Center for International Policy; Church World Service; DAWN; Demand Progress Education Fund; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Humanity & Inclusion; IM Swedish Development Partners; Indivisible; Islamic Relief USA; Islamic Relief Worldwide; KinderUSA; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; MedGlobal; Médecins du Monde / Doctors of the World International Network; Mennonite Central Committee; Middle East Democracy Center; Minnesota Peace Project; MoveOn; Nonviolent Peaceforce; Norwegian Refugee Council USA; Oxfam America; Pax Christi USA; Premiere Urgence Internationale; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Refugees International; Save the Children US; SEIU; The Episcopal Church; The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP); The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; Truman Center; Vento di Terra; Win Without War] (April 30, 2024):
Latino students are key part of pro-Palestine encampment protests (April 30, 2024):
Michael Gould-Wartofsky: Trump Is Wrong. Columbia Isn’t Anything Like Charlottesville: I survived the deadly violence in Charlottesville, and am now a postdoctoral research scholar at Columbia University. To compare the two is unwarranted—and unconscionable. (April 30, 2024):
United Church of Christ Officers issue statement amid ongoing unrest on college campuses; offer continued solidarity with partners and people in the Middle East (April 30, 2024):
United States of America: UN Human Rights Chief troubled by law enforcement actions against protesters at universities (April 30, 2024):
A Statement From Jewish Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni Regarding Indiana University's Treatment of Student Protesters ["Actions are being taken in our name, without our consent or request. Such actions, especially those by the administration, often directly contradict the facts we see daily on the ground at campus. We condemn the actions taken by the administration, ISP, and IUPD against the students protesting on Dunn Meadow."] (May 1, 2024):
Charles H.F. Davis III, Jude Paul Dizon, Jessica Hatrick, and Vanessa Miller: Police Repression Is the Problem, Not the Solution (May 1, 2024):
Comment from United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain on Mass Arrests of Anti-War Protestors (May 1, 2024):
Fellowship of Reconciliation Stands in Solidarity with the Students (May 1, 2024):
Juan González, Veteran of '68 Columbia Strike, Condemns University Leaders' Silence on Gaza Slaughter (May 1, 2024):
Mike Littwin: As a veteran of the ’60s campus unrest, I know the value of free speech: Despite what you may hear, most of today’s campus demonstrations, including the one at Auraria, are typically nonviolent. (May 1, 2024):
On Gaza, NY Catholic Worker community echoes Pope Francis: 'Please! Stop the war.' (May 1, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders: The billionaires who fund AIPAC are not only concerned about protecting Israel's actions in Gaza — they also want to protect corporate interests. That's why they are targeting progressive lawmakers who stand up for the working class and take on powerful special interests. (May 1, 2024):
Syriac Maronite Archbishops denounce military escalation in southern Lebanon, condemn Israeli actions in Gaza and West Bank (May 1, 2024):
The Democratic National Committee's College Democrats of America Slams Biden On Gaza And Backs Campus Protesters (May 1, 2024):
Tope Folarin, director of the Institute for Policy Studies: We Stand with the Students Protesting the Slaughter in Gaza (May 1, 2024):
'You are our hope': Palestinian students find strength in U.S. campus protests: “I feel proud that there is a group of students who feel what we feel now — and are helping and supporting us,” said Reem Musa Suleiman Abu Shinar, speaking to an NBC News crew in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza. (May 1, 2024):
Bernie Sanders in CNN interview: 'This may be Biden’s Vietnam' (May 2, 2024):
Catholic Relief Services representative for Gaza fears possible Rafah invasion (May 2, 2024):
‘Disgrace to diplomacy’: Bosnia accuses Israeli diplomat of genocide denial: Envoy to Serbia draws intense criticism for telling Russian media that calling 1995 Srebrenica massacre a genocide ‘diminishes the importance of that term’ (May 2, 2024):
Gazans thank US university protesters as Israel calls for students to be expelled (May 2, 2024):
Helen Benedict, professor of journalism at Columbia University: ‘US student protests seeking peace in Gaza are the new anti-Vietnam War movement’ (May 2, 2024):
Hundreds of U.S. Catholic leaders and laity sign letter urging Permanent Gaza Ceasefire and End to Injustice in Israel and Palestine (May 2, 2024): &
PREPARED REMARKS: Senator Bernie Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza (May 2, 2024):
Recalling Civil Rights Era Abuses, Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP Roundly Condemns Rising Violations Against Peaceful Protesters and Calls for Immediate Federal Intervention ["Today, the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) issued a statement roundly and unequivocally condemning the rising civil and human rights violations against peaceful protesters across the U.S. and issued a letter calling for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct an immediate investigation into the treatment of peaceful protesters" (May 2, 2024):
United Nations Development Programme: As war in Gaza enters seventh month, 1.74 million more Palestinians will be pushed into poverty across State of Palestine according to United Nations assessment: UNDP and ESCWA estimate more than two-decades reversal in human development— beyond earliest recorded levels of 2004. (May 2, 2024):
“Workers Have Power”: Thousands Rally in NYC for May Day, Call for Solidarity with Palestine (May 2, 2024):
A Message to the Protesters From Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.: A call to keep raising the tempests on campus over the Gazan horror. (May 3, 2024):
Association of Flight Attendants President Sara Nelson on Mass Arrest of Anti-War Protestors (May 3, 2024):
Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University: Opposed to Genocide in Gaza, This Is the Conscience of a Nation Speaking Through Your Kids (May 3, 2024):
“This Militaristic Approach Has Been a Failure”: Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat to Quit over Gaza (May 3, 2024):
Where pro-Palestinian university protests are happening around the world (May 3, 2024):
100-year-old Jewish activist Jules Rabin is speaking up again — this time about Gaza [In a podcast on the nonprofit news site VT Digger, Rabin referred to the tragedy unfolding in Gaza as “a piecemeal Holocaust.”] (May 4, 2024):
Israel will not agree to end the war with Hamas as part of any deal [“Israel will under no circumstances agree to the end of the war as part of an agreement to release our abductees," an Israeli official told ABC News on Saturday morning. "As the political echelon decided, the IDF will enter Rafah and destroy the remaining Hamas battalions there - whether or not there will be a temporary ceasefire for the release of our hostages."] (May 4, 2024):
Roseann "Chic" Canfora survived the 1970 Kent State shooting. Here's her message to student activists (May 4, 2024):
‘They’re sending a message’: harsh police tactics questioned amid US campus protest crackdowns (May 4, 2024):
Anton Boonzaier: As a South African during apartheid, I admire pro-Palestine protesters’ tenacity (May 5, 2024):
Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Israeli vote to shut down Al Jazeera; warns of alarming precedent (May 5, 2024):
Union workers join students in rallies Saturday calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza [More than 200 people attended the Maine Labor for Palestine and Maine Students for Palestine rally.] (May 5, 2024):
Oxfam reaction to Rafah evacuation order (May 6, 2024):
Patrick Gaspard, president of the Center for American Progress: American politicians forget: disruption and disorder are the point of protests: I have trespassed in peaceful protest. I have shut down government offices in civil disobedience. I have made the powerful uncomfortable. That’s the point (May 6, 2024):
Save the Children warns of deadly consequences for children following new relocation orders for families in Rafah (May 6, 2024):
The campus protesters for Gaza are making America great again: Readers on the demonstrations sweeping colleges and their hopes for the next generation. (May 6, 2024):
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF): There is ‘nowhere safe to go’ for the 600,000 children of Rafah, warns UNICEF: With hundreds of thousands of children in Rafah injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized or living with a disability, UNICEF calls for children to not be forcibly relocated, and the vital infrastructure on which children rely to be protected (May 6, 2024):
US campus protests of Israeli ‘genocide’ offer hope to students from Gaza (May 6, 2024):
Brant Rosen: We Tried to Bring Food Into Gaza—but Israel Blocked and Arrested Us: As Israel continues to starve the people of Gaza, a delegation of rabbis marched toward the Erez Crossing during Passover carrying sacks of flour and demanding a cease-fire. (May 6, 2024):
Catholic Workers Movement: After Arrests, Students Renew Call for Notre Dame to Follow Catholic Teaching on War, Investments (May 6, 2024):
Hala Rharrit, former State Department official: Biden’s militaristic policy in Gaza is a failure — diplomacy is the solution (May 6, 2024):
750+ Jewish Students Affirm Support for Pro-Palestine Campus Protests [In Response to Biden’s Speech, 750+ Jewish Students on 140+ Campuses Stand Against Israel's Rafah Invasion, Urge Jewish Institutional Action to Halt Gaza Assault] (May 7, 2024): &
American Friends Service Committee: T­h­e C­o­m­p­a­n­i­e­s P­r­o­f­i­t­i­n­g f­r­o­m I­s­r­a­e­l­’­s 2­0­2­3­-­2­0­2­4 A­t­t­a­c­k­s o­n G­a­z­a (Updated on May 7, 2024):
‘I am leaving for the unknown.’ Palestinians fleeing Rafah describe their fear and despair (May 7, 2024):
Kenneth Roth: Biden Should Not Stand in the Way of the ICC (May 7, 2024):
Labour Party of Ireland Eurocandidate for Ireland South, Niamh Hourigan: European Union leaders must push for ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Labour Party of Ireland Further and Higher Education Spokesperson Senator Annie Hoey: Solidarity with Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork Students protest for Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Letter by Ch. Lt Col (Ret.) Stephen Tillett to the Editor: Veteran Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Three Orange County medics describe wartime health care in Gaza: A once-modern string of hospitals has been reduced to desperate physicians and others relying on wits and luck. Most of their patients are children. (May 7, 2024):
ACLU’s national director of policy and government affairs Mike Zamore and ACLU senior policy counsel Kia Hamadanchy: A disturbing national security bill could silence nonprofits and college protests (May 8, 2024):
Al Jazeera shutdown in Israel spells 'dark day for democracy,' say media groups (May 8, 2024):
Blinken Says Israeli Units Accused of Serious Violations Have Done Enough to Avoid Sanctions. Experts and Insiders Disagree. (May 8, 2024):
Jeremy Brecher: Anti-Genocide Students Are Fulfilling Their Duty to Prevent War Crimes; Will You? (May 8, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Biden’s Hold on Bomb Delivery to Netanyahu’s Government (May 8, 2024):
The NYPD’s New Sizzle Reels Aren’t Just Dumb. They’re Dangerous. “This is copaganda, designed primarily to provide the mayor with political cover, but then also to show off the military might and alleged professionalism of the NYPD.” (May 8, 2024):
Haim Bresheeth-Žabner deplores the rot in Israeli society: 'Israel has turned into a Nazi society': The son of Holocaust survivors, Haim Bresheeth-Žabner believes the majority of Israel has been taught to normalise the occupation of Palestine (May 9, 2024):
‘It’s not human’: What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah: When asked about the conditions of the hospitals he worked in, Dr. Zouhair Lahna is pained by the memories of the sick, wounded and dying. (May 9, 2024):
Japanese American Citizens League Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 9, 2024):
Republicans Funded by Arms Industry Fume Over Biden Threat to Withhold Bombs From Israel (May 9, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Israel’s Threat to Attack Rafah (May 9, 2024):
Students against genocide speak for themselves (May 9, 2024):
Trapped in Rafah, I'm watching genocide unfold before my eyes: Gazan journalist Amjad Yaghi's eye-witness account in Rafah describes the horrors of Israel's ground invasion as Gazans desperately try to flee to safety. (May 9, 2024):
76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities (May 10, 2024):
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project: US Student Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Remain Overwhelmingly Peaceful (May 10, 2024):
Biden’s arms threat to Israel ‘better than nothing’ but too late, say U.S. officials who resigned over Gaza policy (May 10, 2024):
Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza must end’ – Sinn Féin Chairperson Declan Kearney tells Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine (May 10, 2024):
Rick Salutin: I protested at Columbia in 1968 and today’s campus protests give me hope (May 10, 2024):
Right-wing media encourage invasion of Rafah, Biden impeachment: After the Israeli military seized a key border crossing for humanitarian aid into Gaza, Biden’s statement urging restraint from Israel was met with backlash from right-wing media figures (May 10, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Rafah (May 10, 2024):
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center (May 10, 2024):
U.S. medical volunteers in Rafah hospital say they've never seen a worse health crisis (May 10, 2024):
Pro-Israel website ramps up attacks on pro-Palestinian student protesters (May 11, 2024):
Sen. Lindsey Graham says Israel should do 'whatever' it has to while comparing the war in Gaza to Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The GOP senator compared Israel’s military operations to the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Japan in World War II, saying, “Israel, do whatever you have to do.” (May 12, 2024):
Gazans strive to study as war shatters education system (May 13, 2024):
‘Total outrage’: White House condemns Israeli settlers’ attack on Gaza aid trucks: Protesters block convoy, throw food into road and set fire to vehicles at Tarqumiya checkpoint near Hebron (May 13, 2024):
Trump Wants to Deport Pro-Palestine Protesters—and GOP Lawmakers Are Filing Bills to Make It Happen: Republicans continue their push to punish dissent. (May 13, 2024):
U.S. Army Officer Resigns From Defense Intelligence Agency Over Gaza Policy: Maj. Harrison Mann's letter criticized the U.S. for still supporting Israel, "which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation" of Palestinians. (May 13, 2024):
Columbia-Affiliated Union Theological Seminary Votes to Divest from Israel’s War on Gaza (May 14, 2024):
Palestinians mark 76 years of dispossession as a potentially even larger catastrophe unfolds in Gaza (May 14, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 AnkiHubOfficial 👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #5

👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #5
Check out the update here:
Make sure to participate in the poll as well:

👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #5 (April 13th - May 14th)

Hi everyone! 👋
Hope you are all having an amazing month!
Let’s catch you up on what’s been going on every time you click the sync button

🎉 27,535 note updates!

🫶 3,527 new subscribers!

✅ Deck Updates

❓Question Banks

★ NBME: New tags added for OBGYN CMS form 5 (thanks to @taylordugan). Find it under this tag:#AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::ObGyn::nbme::form_5
★ AMBOSS: New step 2 self-assessment tag added! (thanks to @taylordugan)
★ UWorld Self Assessment: Step 1 UWSA #3 has been tagged! (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
★ Step 3 UWorld Tags: New Step 3 UWorld tags added for various QIDs (thanks to @dollajas)!

🎇 Sketchy & Pixorize

★ SketchyPathology: New tags added for missing cards (thanks to @joshuamb)
★ SketchyPhysiology: Tons of new images + tags + hyperlinks added for various videos (thanks to @epcase)
★ Sketchy: 100s of pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @musamalik)
★ Pixorize: 100+ images and hyperlinks added, thanks to the official Pixorize team!

🎥 Video Resources

★ BNB Step 1: New tags added for missing cards in antihypertensive video (thanks to @lawsonspence)
★ BNB Step 2: New tags added for many gastroenterology videos (thanks to @a11exa)
★ Bootcamp: 100+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!

😋 Other

★ PANCE: 1000+ new tags added! (thanks to @camicardona)
★ New Addon: A brand new AnKing table addon for formatting is out! Use this addon to format existing AnKing tables (thanks to @shmuelsash for creating the addon!)
★ GIFs: GIFs displaying clinical signs have also been added (Relative afferent pupillary defect, CN VI palsy, etc.)
The list above does not include the 1000s of spelling, grammar, formatting, image, GIF additions and changes the community (you all) have submitted!

📈 Project Progress

🎉 OnlineMedEd (OME) Project

21,000+ updated hyperlinks have been added. Tags will also roll out in the future!
🚨 Don’t miss out on this exclusive 25% discount on a multi-month membership to OME: ANKING25

🧠 Algorithm Card Project

A new algorithm card covering the workup for blunt abdominal trauma was pushed out (thanks to @Sameem!)
Also check out the accompanying management flow chart made by @beejumm!

🎨 Illustration Projects

@beejumm and @ianthebfg created some gorgeous illustrations to aid in your learning! Check them out:

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!
Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:
  1. @camicardona (4,603)
  2. @mohannadkh10 (1,192)
  3. @a11exa (434)
  4. @epcase (369)
  5. @taylordugan (290)
Thank you to everyone who submitted a suggestion this month!

👨‍🔧 New Maintainer

We’re happy to announce this month’s new maintainer! This user has dedicated a ton of time submitting helpful suggestions for content changes/tag additions and general deck improvements. Please give a warm welcome to:
  1. @DillingerMed 🎉

📣 We Need Your Input!

We are looking for current or soon-to-be medical students to conduct a 45 minute virtual interview for research purposes. If you are interested, please sign up here ($25 Amazon gift card for those who complete the interview):
❗️Sign up if interested: AnkiHub User Study
We are also looking for more information regarding what type of curriculum your school hosts (systems-based, traditional histology/anatomy approach for M1 years vs PBL). This quick survey will help us improve AnkiHub in the coming months. It’s a 2-3 minute survey!
❗️Survey link:

❓Poll of the Month

Recently, we have started adding video hyperlinks to the extra section of certain cards, typically under a minute long, illustrating certain various physical exam findings. Some of these include:
We want to know more from you below (poll is anonymous)!
Vote here:

👋 Wrapping up

We hope you all enjoyed this month’s update!
Take care everyone ❤️
Regards, The AnKing Step Deck Maintainers ❤️

🔗 Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines → AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines
Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to → [](
Get support from our team →
Frequently asked questions → FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20
Check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki → [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed
Follow us on Instagram → The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos
submitted by AnkiHubOfficial to medicalschoolanki [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:25 Small-Living6110 Examples of John Brown's Civil Rights Advocacy

“If the Browns were pioneers in their errand into a wilderness, they were also pioneers of forging friendly relations with people of different races. Owen’s childhood friendship with the likable African native Sam, along with his Christian Abolitionism, had rid him of racial prejudice. He forbade his family to discriminate against people of color.”(Reynolds 30)
“Unlike earlier Christian settlers from Columbus through Cortés to William Bradford, the Browns did not let feelings of so-called ethnic superiority poison their view of the natives. For them Indians were not savage “others” to be conquered but rather fellow humans to he respected.” (Reynolds 31)
“The Browns were unusual not only among previous explorers but even among their fellow whites in Hudson. Owen would later explain that his kindly attitude toward the natives was not generally shared: “When we came to Ohio the Indians were more numerous than the white People but were very friendly and I beleave were a benifet rather than injery there [were] some Persons that seamed disposed to quarel with the Indians, but I never had.” (Reynolds 31)
“Owen Brown was a rare instance of a white American completed to Christianity but at the same intent on not forcing his religion or customs on the Indians.” To the contrary, he had a mutually beneficial relationship with them. He exchanged meal and bread for the turkey, venison, and fish they brought him.” (Reynolds 31)
“Sensitivity to the experience of blacks was ever -present and instinctive with him. He not only taught his children to be kind to blacks; he urged them to be close friends with them and to be open to living with them." (Reynolds 56)
"In an 1834 letter to his brother Frederick he (John Brown), described two plans he had to help African Americans. One was to adopt "at least one negro boy or youth" and "bring him up as we do our own —viz., give him a good English education, learn him what we can about the history of the world, and above all try to teach him the fear of God." (Reynolds 56).
"On January 18, 1837, John Brown addressed a crowd of Abolitionists and free blacks in Cleveland in support of a petition to the state legislature to repeal the black laws." (Reynolds 61)
"Brown took action not only against legal discrimination but also against discrimination on a more personal level. In the summer of 1836, just after the Brown family had moved to Hudson, the Western Reserve got what was perhaps its first exposure to a totally nonracist white person (even the abolitionists in the Reserve were known to accept the prevailing racial stereotypes of the era). (Reynolds 61).
Citations Reynolds, David S. John Brown Abolitionist: the Man Who Killed Slavery, And Seeded Civil Rights.
submitted by Small-Living6110 to osawatomiebrown [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:13 PiranhaPlantFan From Demon to Daemon and back to Demon...

In Islam, there are generally three types of supernatural beings (malaika, jinn, shayatin) who sometimes pass over into each other. While the jinn are assumed to be genuine Arabian (or some have suggested Persian) entities, the malaika and shayatin are considered to be the result of an universalist approach of monotheistic religion. The malaika former deities of Mediterranean Pantheon, reduced to natural powers of the supreme Godhead, and the shayatin their malevolent counterparts who tempt people into sin and accuse them at the heavenly court, are often contrasted by the human-like genie. The latter are seen as remnants of ancestor cults, the spirits of the deceased worshipped and venerated to inherent the powers and attributes of those who came before us (and where we got the term 'genes' from).
These neutral spirits were later assimilated to intermediary spirits who move between the heavens and the Earth. These "daemons" became evil only in as far as they were identified as "pagan" allies by the newly monotheistic Hebrews and Christians. Later, when Muslims read the Arabic translations of the Greeks, they integrated them into their own understanding of the world. Here, we can see that the lines between a "devil" and a "jinn" already begins to blur, are these neutral Daemons guilty of association. Many contemporary neo-pagans defend the "demons" on base of the neutral to benevolent origin of the meaning "daemon".
However, is it possible that the daemons themselves have a much more sinister origin than generally expected?
The German Wikipedia reads:
The Great Duden's dictionary of origins gives the meaning of demon as "evil spirit, an intermediate being between God and man" and traces it back to the Greek δαίεσθαι daíesthai "(dis)part, divide, allocate" and "be divided". Therefore, the basic meaning of demon is derived from “distributor and allocator (of fate)”. Interesting are the further relationships of δαίμων daímōn - on the one hand to the Greek word for people δῆμος dēmos - as in democracy -, on the other hand and even further to “time” (also English time; tide[(n)hub]/tide, English tide). ; see also line, target, newspaper) in the sense of “section, compartmentalized”: All of these are linguistically or etymologically derived from the Indo-European root word *da[i]- for “to divide, to tear, to cut up”, which is also German “Devil” and Latin diabolus are based.
Unfortunately, the German Wikipedia works less with citations than the English one. The etymological origin, however, is academic consensus. (Duden 2020) More interesting is the notion of "dividing". Were daemons originally believed to "divide" or "separate" people? Similar to how Muslim scholars construct the name of Satan of the Hebrew ‘azala (Separation) and il (suffix for angelic names). (Terrance Michael Patrick 2014) Or the (pseudo-) etymological derivation of the term "shaytan" asserting that it signifies a creature distant from Allah. (Mustafa Öztür, 2009).
Are the daemons actually just devils misinterpreted as potentially benevolent beings? How does the general idea that jinn can convert to Islam align with this?
submitted by PiranhaPlantFan to Djinnology [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:05 MichaelfromKroger Writing Development Website/Program

Good evening y'all (it's 11 pm EST)
I'm currently a college student pursuing an IT degree and I was speaking with my father in law about an idea for a writing skills development program. The basis of the program/website is to teach students from Elementary school to the highschool and collegiate level on how to write essays. He posits that his students he has worked with do not have a good grasp on how to format their essays and papers, which then falls short in their future academic courses and he wants to make a program that will help them step by step.
My general layout right now is that it will be split into different levels of writing. From Levels 1 through 5: Elementary, Middle School, High School, College Prep, and Collegiate level writing skills. Within each level, I'll have writing tips and exercises to help the students learn the proper way to write their essays, with the Five Paragraph Essay as the format they will be learning.
Level 1: Sentence Structure, Formatting, and Composition. This includes things like spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.
Level 2: Adding in proper grammar, sentence continuation, paragraph structure, readability and comprehension, editing skills (rereading to make sure it is grammatically correct, has proper punctuation, sounds academically thought out, etc). We'll introduce how to write and connect multiple paragraphs as well as intro, body, and conclusion.
Level 3: Here we'll reinforce sentence structure for Intro, body, and conclusion paragraphs as well as citation and source material research. We'll start on how to properly write a Five paragraph essay with the hourglass/pyramid format (Broad introduction that gets more specific when it gets to the thesis sentence, body paragraphs with point evidence and example sentences, and then specific reintroduction of main points to a broad conclusion of the thesis). [I may have this in the Middle school Level 2 section as this is something I learned in middle school] We will also introduce different types of essays such as Argumentative, Systhesis, Compare and Contrast, Narrative, Persuasive, etc.
Level 4: In this level we will introduce the importance of rough draft, revise and polish, editing and formatting, and college entrance essays and college application questions. This section will mostly be open to Junior (11th) and Senior (12th) grade students who are preparing for their academic life outside of Highschool. We will also be introducing how to write cover letters, resumes, and exploring the other side of life outside of High school.
Level 5: Collegiate level writing will focus on precision writing, using the fewest words necessary to accurately convey an idea. Objectivity, using accurate, clear and relevant information. Logical Structure, using precise word choice and structure. Researching, Formatting, time management, and consistence and conciseness. We will also go back to resume and cover letter writing for those who are looking for a career after a degree. We will be adding a section to help students with term paper writing as well as advancement (Masters and Doctorate level) writing.
I wanted to reach out to former, current, and aspiring English Teachers to ask for feedback on this idea. Is this something that you would use in your class as a teaching tool for your students? What can be done for this to be implemented in your classes if this website/program gets published? What things should be added, removed, improved, or changed in the current idea to make it go alongside the current English course curriculum in your school district? What else should be included to facilitate user interaction with this website?
Please give me as much feedback as you can think of, whether that is directly on this post or in a direct message. My hope and goal is to be able to develop the future generation and to move away from using AI as a writing tool because it takes away the practical skills that is severely lacking in some, if not most, of the students today.
submitted by MichaelfromKroger to englishteachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:48 MichaelfromKroger Currently in college and have a website idea, can I get suggestions and pointers?

Good evening y'all (it's 9:45 pm EST)
As the title says, I'm currently a college student pursuing an IT degree and I was speaking with my father in law about an idea for a writing skills development program. The basis of the program/website is to teach students from Elementary school to the highschool and collegiate level on how to write essays. He postured that his students he has worked with do not have a good grasp on how to format their essays and papers, which then falls short in their future academic courses and he wants to make a program that will help them step by step.
My general layout right now is that it will be split into different levels of writing. From Levels 1 through 5: Elementary, Middle School, High School, College Prep, and Collegiate level writing skills. Within each level, I'll have writing tips and exercises to help the students learn the proper way to write their essays, with the Five Paragraph Essay as the format they will be learning.
Level 1: Sentence Structure, Formatting, and Composition. This includes things like spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.
Level 2: Adding in proper grammar, sentence continuation, paragraph structure, readability and comprehension, editing skills (rereading to make sure it is grammatically correct, has proper punctuation, sounds academically thought out, etc). We'll introduce how to write and connect multiple paragraphs as well as intro, body, and conclusion.
Level 3: Here we'll reinforce sentence structure for Intro, body, and conclusion paragraphs as well as citation and source material research. We'll start on how to properly write a Five paragraph essay with the hourglass/pyramid format (Broad introduction that gets more specific when it gets to the thesis sentence, body paragraphs with point evidence and example sentences, and then specific reintroduction of main points to a broad conclusion of the thesis). [I may have this in the Middle school Level 2 section as this is something I learned in middle school] We will also introduce different types of essays such as Argumentative, Systhesis, Compare and Contrast, Narrative, Persuasive, etc.
Level 4: In this level we will introduce the importance of rough draft, revise and polish, editing and formatting, and college entrance essays and college application questions. This section will mostly be open to Junior (11th) and Senior (12th) grade students who are preparing for their academic life outside of Highschool. We will also be introducing how to write cover letters, resumes, and exploring the other side of life outside of High school.
Level 5: Collegiate level writing will focus on precision writing, using the fewest words necessary to accurately convey an idea. Objectivity, using accurate, clear and relevant information. Logical Structure, using precise word choice and structure. Researching, Formatting, time management, and consistence and conciseness. We will also go back to resume and cover letter writing for those who are looking for a career after a degree. We will be adding a section to help students with term paper writing as well as advancement (Masters and Doctorate level) writing.
As of right now, I have a basic site structure and idea of how to create the website but I'm needing advice on the execution. Questions I have are: How do I market this as a good program to use in the academic field and the benefits of this program to a local or state board of education? How would I make it profitable? I understand that I can make it a subscription for a business to use but I do not know the scope of the upkeep and maintenance it requires to keep a program like this from crashing and burning. Those who are in business, what can I do or what can I expect from starting this venture? This is my first business idea ever and I'm struggling to find the right resources to help me get it going besides winging it, please DM me any materials or resources that I can use or read up on to help me out with this venture. Right now, I don't have much money or resources to fully publish this idea, it's not even 5% created yet on the website standpoint, so there is a lot of room for rework and innovation before the final product can be marketed and used.
If this post is not acceptable please let me know. I want to be able to make my Father in Law's idea a reality because he is a man I deeply respect and admire.
submitted by MichaelfromKroger to Business_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:57 Wandering_Scarabs Is it possible to create a Kemetic forum that's more active than this sub, but not active enough to descend into New Ageism?

Off the bat, my guess is no. I've run forums and orders before (not kemetic ones), and there's a reason I don't run them anymore.
Obviously this sub is rather slow, but at least content is generally good. I doubt I'm alone, though, in saying more communication with other kemetics would be nice (but in a manageable way, not the chaos of discord).
At the same time, this becomes counterproductive when the forum gets popular enough to attract the new agers, emanation/monist revisionists, people playing 15th century card games, literal physicalists who are shocked polytheism is literally still believed, I'm sure you get the point.
I'd love to hear ideas for some sort of middle ground. I have several kemetic friends off Reddit who talk about a forum (but wisely avoid this site), and they have the will and knowhow to make it happen, so if you have any thoughts perhaps it could be a reality. Some of my own needing feedback:
  1. Diverse group of moderators, no bad blood but not everyone can be BFFs or unfair in some way.
  2. Some sort of standard for content, such as citations for historical claims, or descriptions of images instead of just blindly posting them for social credit.
  3. No vote system, no fake internet points of any kind. If ANYTHING then only positive stuff, if you can't say anything nice...
  4. Few but strict rules (e.g. no support/promotion of fascist ideology is always a good one).
submitted by Wandering_Scarabs to Kemeticism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:48 AuthorWon The Oakland Observer Week: Pursuit Changes Could be Coming to OPD; OPD Graduates Smallest Academy in Years; Recall Election to be Scheduled Tomorrow at ALCO BOS

This week in the Oakland Observer
---OPD's 193rd academy had its lowest graduation in six years Friday, & its second lowest in 20...12 officers graduated, the latest in a series of low academy graduations, 18, 22, 18.
---CM's Reid and Jenkins are proposing changes to OPD's pursuit policy, but its not clear what they're looking for. They suggest best practices from PERF and POST, but the OPD already follows those which stress minimal pursuits, unlike the pursuit-friendly jurisdictions all around Oakland. OPD's current pursuit policy came after a long period of bad outcomes, lawsuits and deaths and injuries....
---The rubber meets the road on the recall scheduling Tuesday. BOS will decide on whether to schedule the recall in a special election during the summer, or during the general election in November. The ROV warns any Special Election in the summer could jeopardize the functioning of the General in November.
---CM Kalb had originally scheduled a study session for the Port's proposed airport expansion project, but the Port cancelled without explanation. Now, youth environmentalists will come to the CED committee meeting the session should have happened at to demand transparency tomorow.
---The City's unions are concerned that the Finance Dept and Committee is leaving $34 MM on the table by failing to pursue delinquent business tax scofflaws. They're coming to the Finance Committee meeting tomorrow, looking for answers.
All that and much more too. If you are reading it in OO, you're probably reading it for the first time. It's news to help you understand why and how things work so you can make better decisions. Subscriber supported but always free to read.
submitted by AuthorWon to oakland [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 PumpkinsVenue Parallels between Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2 according to fans - the gods

Parallels between Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2 according to fans - the gods
I've compiled a list of parallels that fans have drawn between Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2, along with brief commentaries and illustrations on the patterns they may have observed.
"The game is called the Elden Ring and it's a sequel to a video game that came out a few years ago called Dark Souls, My work on it was actually done years ago. These games, they're like movies, they take a long time to develop." - George R.R. Martin
He [George Martin] actually knew about the Dark Souls games. He was aware of them and what they were about, so that made me happy. That sort of gave me a little bit of a boost. I knew immediately from talking to him, it just became apparent his skill and his passion for the fantasy genre, and for games as well. - Hidetaka Miyazaki
“I can't deny the fact that, maybe down the line, I want to go back to the [Dark Souls] series and make one more game before I retire. I don't want to be branded a liar if that happens.” - Hidetaka Miyazaki
Dark Souls 2 probably bears the Souls series’ closest resemblance to Elden Ring. Design wise, both Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring stressed open-ended gameplay and ditched linear progression.
Miyazaki agrees and in fact goes a step further. “In regards to Dark Souls 2, I actually personally think this was a really great project for us, and I think without it, we wouldn’t have had a lot of the connections and a lot of the ideas that went forward and carried the rest of the series. We were able to have that different impetus and have those different ideas and make those different connections that we otherwise might not have had.” He goes so far as to say that “there’s really no way of telling how or if the series would have continued the way it did without Dark Souls 2.” Hidetaka Miyazaki
Elden Ring was co-directed by Yui Tanimura who is the director of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin.
"There are countless vestiges of long-lost gods in the ruins of Drangleic. Or perhaps they are the very same gods as ours, only known by different names."
I’ve seen people make comparison with the deities mentioned on the Name-engraved Ring list. (although the one they made about Ranni didn’t make sense to me and seem to be more relevant to the Gloam-Eyed Queen if anything).
St. Trina and Miquella from Elden Ring share striking similarities with Quella, the deity of dreams dreams from Dark Souls 2, and Nehma, the goddess of love. Like the latter, Miquella has the power to "compel affection" through the Bewitching Branch. St. Trina and Quella are associated with sleep, trees, and dreams. Miquella shares similarities with Quella, as both are associated with ethereal, dream-like entities like the Nascent Butterfly and White Ring,
Quella’s icon also depicts a boy with wings, which something similar we see Miquella have during Elden Ring’s intro cut scene.
Hanleth is the goddess of bliss. After the war of the erdtree, Marika's reign ushered in an age of plenty when It is said that drops of blessing once dripped boughs forever which gradually restored HP.
In Marika's own words. Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance has delivered ye through ordeal to the place ye stand. Put the giants to the sword and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree! - Melina
Kremmel, god of Struggle.
Lord Radagon was a great champion... He came to these lands at the head of a great golden host, when he met Lady Rennala in battle. He soon repented his territorial aggressions though, and became husband to the Carian Queen. However, when Godfrey, first Elden Lord, was hounded from the Lands Between, Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital. - Miriel, Pastor of Vows
“Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance” descriptions from both Marika's & Radagon's Soreseals
Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity. - Gideon Ofnir
Radagon’s thorns
Prevented by the mantle of barbs. The thorns are impenetrable. A husk of the Erdtree's being; that spurns all that exists without. The only way to stand before the Elden Ring...and become the Elden to pass the thorns. My purpose serves to aid in that very act. So I'd like you to undertake a new journey, with me. To the flame of ruin, far above the clouds, upon the snow mountaintops of the giants. Then I can set the Erdtree aflame. And guide you. Down the path to becoming Elden Lord. - Melina
“Ring granted protection by Kremmel, god of Struggle. The ring's spikes drive into the wearer's skin, so that each blow fuels spite toward the perpetrator. When damage is taken the ring retaliates and inflicts damage upon enemy.” - Ring of Thorns
Assuming the theories that Mesmer are true, his association with the snake (which is viewed as a traitor to the Erdtree), consumption of dragon hearts, and seeking ultimate power suggest the pursuit for supremacy for his own gain. This aligns with the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring), which depicts the snake, a manifestation of the god of desire, Zinder. The serpent is an imperfect dragon and symbol of the undead. Mesmer's ambition and willingness to embrace forbidden power mirrors the ring's representation of insatiable desire and the undying nature of the serpent.
Rykard from Elden Ring and Zandroe from Dark Souls share a striking similarity - they are both associated with serpents and the concept of greed. Zandroe is described as the "god of greed" whose manifestation and servant is the snake, while Rykard fed himself into a massive "god-devouring serpent" in his pursuit of immortality through devouring others, an act of ultimate greed.
Nahr Alma, the god of blood and a god of war, where Mohg is a demigod and the lord of blood.
Both Mohg and Nahr Alma are divinely associated with blood and have followers who use blood-themed weapons like the Scythe of Nahr Alma. Mohg and Nahr Alma's followers have rejected the world and vow to travel a bloody path. Mohg is the Lord of Blood and seeks to inaugurate a new dynasty, similar to Nahr Alma's influence
Morgott, the "Fell Omen" 忌み鬼 (Imi Oni) meaning "Abominable Demon#cite_ref-14)." , and highly-ranked clerics of Lindelt from Dark Souls 2 share similarities as holy knights who wield "demonic powers" to castigate those who harbor ambitions for power. Both are feared by their enemies for their ruthless tactics in battle, with Morgott slaughtering countless champions during the Shattering and these clerics of Lindelt use the miracle "Unveil" to reveal the location of traitors.
Wilful traitors, all. Thy kind are all of a piece. Pillagers. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Have it writ upon thy meagre grave: Felled by King Morgott! Last of all kings.” Morgott, the Grace-Given.
Godwyn the Golden from Elden Ring and the God of Sun from Dark Souls 2 were revered for their mastery of lightning and their incantations, such as Lightning Spear*,* Dragonbolt Blessing*, and Sacred Oath. Additionally, Godwyn's victory of the ancient dragon Fortissax and his subsequent friendship with the fallen foe gave rise to the* ancient dragon cult in the capital, much like the God of Sun's connection with the Blinding Bolt that was forbidden so to protect the world from hatred, or sorrow, and the ancient clan) whose leader was revered as the deity.
The demigod general Radahn and Faraam like Nahr Alma, is a god of war from Dark Souls 2 are both associated with lions, a symbol of strength and ferocity in battle, representing their prowess as mighty warriors. Known for their skill in combat, with Radahn being captivated by the Lord of the Battlefield from a young age, now wields a greatsword in each hand, and the Faraam Knights being feared for their nimble two-handed swordplay.
Galib (I’ve seen it spelled “Calib”) from Dark Souls 2 and Malenia (who released her bloom in Caelid) both have a thematic connection to disease and affliction. Malenia and Miquella, both children of a single god, were afflicted with rot and eternal childhood respectively. Leydia apostles manipulated both the onset and curing of disease but were denied peaceful deaths, while Malenia's rot was an incurable sickness (as her army are undergoing their gradual, putrefaction of their flesh) that Miquella tried to ward off with unalloyed gold needles and her great rune provides healing after receiving damage*.*
Coincidentally Malenia can grow wings as well.
Caffrey, deity of Fortune, and Godfrey the first Elden lord. The name “Frey” might be derived from Nordic mythology. Frey is primarily associated with fertility, prosperity, and abundance.
Caffrey's icon mirrors the currency and EXP icon from Dark Souls 2, representing experience points gained by defeating enemies. In a similar vein, Godfrey is portrayed as the lord of the battlefield, who bravely battled Giants, confronted the Storm Lord and had countless victories, ushering in the Age of the Erdtree which was forged through the use of valuables like Smithing Stones [8], becoming the embodiment of Order. This left a long legacy of loyal warriors honored him by wielding axes like himself.
The hunting Goddess Evlana was no goddess at all, but rather a brave and highly skilled bow huntress. Long after her demise, the passing of lore transformed her into a deity.”
The Hunter's Hat
Spirit of a handsome archer who dressed in the style of a man. Called the Silent Hunter by some, she fires St. Trina's arrows from her shortbow.
Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet
submitted by PumpkinsVenue to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:10 PumpkinsVenue Parallels between Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2 according to fans - the gods

I've compiled a list of parallels that fans have drawn between Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2, along with brief commentaries and illustrations on the patterns they may have observed.
"The game is called the Elden Ring and it's a sequel to a video game that came out a few years ago called Dark Souls, My work on it was actually done years ago. These games, they're like movies, they take a long time to develop." - George R.R. Martin
He [George Martin] actually knew about the Dark Souls games. He was aware of them and what they were about, so that made me happy. That sort of gave me a little bit of a boost. I knew immediately from talking to him, it just became apparent his skill and his passion for the fantasy genre, and for games as well. - Hidetaka Miyazaki
“I can't deny the fact that, maybe down the line, I want to go back to the [Dark Souls] series and make one more game before I retire. I don't want to be branded a liar if that happens.” - Hidetaka Miyazaki
Dark Souls 2 probably bears the Souls series’ closest resemblance to Elden Ring. Design wise, both Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring stressed open-ended gameplay and ditched linear progression.
Miyazaki agrees and in fact goes a step further. “In regards to Dark Souls 2, I actually personally think this was a really great project for us, and I think without it, we wouldn’t have had a lot of the connections and a lot of the ideas that went forward and carried the rest of the series. We were able to have that different impetus and have those different ideas and make those different connections that we otherwise might not have had.” He goes so far as to say that “there’s really no way of telling how or if the series would have continued the way it did without Dark Souls 2.” Hidetaka Miyazaki
Elden Ring was co-directed by Yui Tanimura who is the director of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin.
Name-Engraved ring
"There are countless vestiges of long-lost gods in the ruins of Drangleic. Or perhaps they are the very same gods as ours, only known by different names."
I’ve seen people make comparison with the deities mentioned on the Name-engraved Ring list. (although the one they made about Ranni didn’t make sense to me and seem to be more relevant to the Gloam-Eyed Queen if anything).
St. Trina and Miquella from Elden Ring share striking similarities with Quella, the deity of dreams dreams from Dark Souls 2, and Nehma, the goddess of love. Like the latter, Miquella has the power to "compel affection" through the Bewitching Branch. St. Trina and Quella are associated with sleep, trees, and dreams. Miquella shares similarities with Quella, as both are associated with ethereal, dream-like entities like the Nascent Butterfly and White Ring,
Quella’s icon also depicts a boy with wings, which something similar we see Miquella have during Elden Ring’s intro cut scene.
Hanleth is the goddess of bliss. After the war of the erdtree, Marika's reign ushered in an age of plenty when It is said that drops of blessing once dripped boughs forever which gradually restored HP.
In Marika's own words. Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance has delivered ye through ordeal to the place ye stand. Put the giants to the sword and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree! - Melina
Kremmel, god of Struggle.
Lord Radagon was a great champion... He came to these lands at the head of a great golden host, when he met Lady Rennala in battle. He soon repented his territorial aggressions though, and became husband to the Carian Queen. However, when Godfrey, first Elden Lord, was hounded from the Lands Between, Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital. - Miriel, Pastor of Vows
“Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance” descriptions from both Marika's & Radagon's Soreseals
Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity. - Gideon Ofnir
Radagon’s thorns
Prevented by the mantle of barbs. The thorns are impenetrable. A husk of the Erdtree's being; that spurns all that exists without. The only way to stand before the Elden Ring...and become the Elden to pass the thorns. My purpose serves to aid in that very act. So I'd like you to undertake a new journey, with me. To the flame of ruin, far above the clouds, upon the snow mountaintops of the giants. Then I can set the Erdtree aflame. And guide you. Down the path to becoming Elden Lord. - Melina
“Ring granted protection by Kremmel, god of Struggle. The ring's spikes drive into the wearer's skin, so that each blow fuels spite toward the perpetrator. When damage is taken the ring retaliates and inflicts damage upon enemy.” - Ring of Thorns
Assuming the theories that Mesmer are true, his association with the snake (which is viewed as a traitor to the Erdtree), consumption of dragon hearts, and seeking ultimate power suggest the pursuit for supremacy for his own gain. This aligns with the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring), which depicts the snake, a manifestation of the god of desire, Zinder. The serpent is an imperfect dragon and symbol of the undead. Mesmer's ambition and willingness to embrace forbidden power mirrors the ring's representation of insatiable desire and the undying nature of the serpent.
Rykard from Elden Ring and Zandroe from Dark Souls share a striking similarity - they are both associated with serpents and the concept of greed. Zandroe is described as the "god of greed" whose manifestation and servant is the snake, while Rykard fed himself into a massive "god-devouring serpent" in his pursuit of immortality through devouring others, an act of ultimate greed.
Nahr Alma, the god of blood and a god of war, where Mohg is a demigod and the lord of blood.
Both Mohg and Nahr Alma are divinely associated with blood and have followers who use blood-themed weapons like the Scythe of Nahr Alma. Mohg and Nahr Alma's followers have rejected the world and vow to travel a bloody path. Mohg is the Lord of Blood and seeks to inaugurate a new dynasty, similar to Nahr Alma's influence
Morgott, the "Fell Omen" 忌み鬼 (Imi Oni) meaning "Abominable Demon#cite_ref-14)." , and highly-ranked clerics of Lindelt from Dark Souls 2 share similarities as holy knights who wield "demonic powers" to castigate those who harbor ambitions for power. Both are feared by their enemies for their ruthless tactics in battle, with Morgott slaughtering countless champions during the Shattering and these clerics of Lindelt use the miracle "Unveil" to reveal the location of traitors.
Wilful traitors, all. Thy kind are all of a piece. Pillagers. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Have it writ upon thy meagre grave: Felled by King Morgott! Last of all kings.” Morgott, the Grace-Given.
Godwyn the Golden from Elden Ring and the God of Sun from Dark Souls 2 were revered for their mastery of lightning and their incantations, such as Lightning Spear, Dragonbolt Blessing, and Sacred Oath. Additionally, Godwyn's victory of the ancient dragon Fortissax and his subsequent friendship with the fallen foe gave rise to the ancient dragon cult in the capital, much like the God of Sun's connection with the Blinding Bolt that was forbidden so to protect the world from hatred, or sorrow, and the ancient clan) whose leader was revered as the deity.
The demigod general Radahn and Faraam like Nahr Alma, is a god of war from Dark Souls 2 are both associated with lions, a symbol of strength and ferocity in battle, representing their prowess as mighty warriors. Known for their skill in combat, with Radahn being captivated by the Lord of the Battlefield from a young age, now wields a greatsword in each hand, and the Faraam Knights being feared for their nimble two-handed swordplay.
Galib (I’ve seen it spelled “Calib”) from Dark Souls 2 and Malenia (who released her bloom in Caelid) both have a thematic connection to disease and affliction. Malenia and Miquella, both children of a single god, were afflicted with rot and eternal childhood respectively. Leydia apostles manipulated both the onset and curing of disease but were denied peaceful deaths, while Malenia's rot was an incurable sickness (as her army are undergoing their gradual, putrefaction of their flesh) that Miquella tried to ward off with unalloyed gold needles and her great rune provides healing after receiving damage.
Coincidentally Malenia can grow wings as well.
Caffrey, deity of Fortune, and Godfrey the first Elden lord. The name “Frey” might be derived from Nordic mythology. Frey is primarily associated with fertility, prosperity, and abundance.
Caffrey's icon mirrors the currency and EXP icon from Dark Souls 2, representing experience points gained by defeating enemies. In a similar vein, Godfrey is portrayed as the lord of the battlefield, who bravely battled Giants, confronted the Storm Lord and had countless victories, ushering in the Age of the Erdtree which was forged through the use of valuables like Smithing Stones [8], becoming the embodiment of Order. This left a long legacy of loyal warriors honored him by wielding axes like himself.
The hunting Goddess Evlana was no goddess at all, but rather a brave and highly skilled bow huntress. Long after her demise, the passing of lore transformed her into a deity.”
The Hunter's Hat
Spirit of a handsome archer who dressed in the style of a man. Called the Silent Hunter by some, she fires St. Trina's arrows from her shortbow.
Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet
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  10. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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NAVIGATION/TRAFFIC Enhanced ATC phraseology. Some of the improvements include: The removal of the word ‘for’ in altitude change requests. Eliminating the requirement to include altimeter settings in takeoff clearances.
WEATHER Snow and ice coverage accuracy has been improved in live weather Fixed an issue where the wind from a malformed METAR was incorrectly read Fixed an issue where the sim occasionally retrieves obsolete weather data Improved transition during cloud coverage updates AND fixed an issue where clouds don’t load when starting a flight.
GLASS COCKPITS GARMIN G3000 / G5000 Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan.
G1000 NXI Added support for hardware keyboard with new AS1000CONTROL_PAD H events. Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan. AP: Added support for LVL and TO/GA modes MFD: Added Page Menu popup for MFD’s Nearest Airports page. CAS: PFD Alerts softkey indicator now flashes color and changes to appropriate label with CAS messages CAS: Pressing PFD Alerts softkey now acknowledges CAS messages and cancels aural chimes CAS: Alerts now display in order of priority and time first seen SIM: Added support for knob-based XPDR code entry using H events. For aircraft developers: Made all methods in PFD and MFD plugins optional. Exported NavSystems’s class FrequencyItem and its props interface FrequencyItemProps. CAS messages may now be assigned associated Alerts messages via JS and/or plugin code Added support for control pad entry for Constraint Selector in the FPL dialog Added support for LVL and TO/GA autopilot modes Added support for control pad entry on several UI input components Added support for styling the Com selection based on the radio selected to transmit, and for both Nav and Com standby frequencies selected to edit WT21 For aircraft developers:
Added configurable side button support to the WT21
AIRCRAFT GENERAL Payload station weights that are set via SimConnect are now properly displayed in the Weight&Balance toolbar panel. Fixed – L-39 Pipsqueak – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – L-39 Sarance – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Contact Points compression under some kind of roof (bridge, cave, arch, etc.) was fixed Fixed – P-51D LadyB – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Aircraft Registration can no longer be lowercase Fixed – P-51D Miss America – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – P-51D Strega – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – T-6 Baby Boomer – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Improved aircraft simulation stability (few potential crashes were fixed) Fixed – T-6 Undecided – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Corrected an issue that could prevent cockpit interactions from working in some rare conditions Correct many false positive errors regarding InputEvents when loading AI planes Corrected an issue that would cause some P51 to lose power in reno races. Fixed an issue that could cause the state of Avionics circuit depend features to be toggle on and off when no MarkerBeacon circuit was present It is now possible to slow down the simulation speed to 1/8 and 1/16 of real time. EXTERNAL HUD Minimized HUD can now display more than 8 engines power values HELICOPTERS Anti-stall protection is now disabled for helicopters. AIRBUS 310-300 A310 Radio Stuck Broadcasting on KSNS ATIS After Departing KSFO. Vertical speed knob labeled as “altitude knob” in tooltip. AIRBUS A320NEO (V2) During testing of the A320neo, we encountered an application crash rate on console that is too high to pass certification. We need to address this issue before the A320 can ship. BELL 407 Rotor weight changes. Rotor brake force adjustments. Rotor blade dynamics adjustments. Throttle/governed RPM during startup and shutdown. Engine performance changes. Fuel management on the weight and balance settings. Performance data on the aircraft selection screen. Localization text changes. FADEC tooltip. Fuel Pressure gauge illumination. Cold and dark state changes. Checklist correction. Fixed checklist AutoStart. AutoStart sequence now works. BOEING 787-10 / BOEING 747-8I General performance optimizations for consoles and some hardware configurations W&B: An operational CG margin is considered now to avoid extreme CG values when loading the aircraft. SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly. CHECKLISTS: Fixed bug where checklists that only contain closed loop items would sometimes be skipped when entering the checklist page if all items are completed. [787] CHECKLISTS: Fixed flaps checklist items being completed before the flaps reached the selected position. [787] W&B: Corrected movement of the CG as fuel is burned by moving the tanks to the exact locations of those on the real plane. [787] EFB: Support clearing of the TOW field. [787] EFB: Cap the achievable MTOW at the certified limit of the plane. [787] EFB: Correct error message when current TOW exceeds the achievable MTOW. [787] EFB: Added Automatic brightness adjustment. [787] EFB: Fixed spelling errors. [747] SYSTEMS: Reserve fuel transfer will now not stop once started mid flight. CDU: Fix takeoff speeds being invalidated when opening TAKEOFF REF on the copilot side CESSNA CITATION CJ4 SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly CIRRUS SR22T G6 Completely brand-new art and model of the SR22T G6 GTS. Completely reworked flight model and performance featuring: CFD with book accurate performance and pilot tested handling. Modern propeller system. New turbo and fuel engine systems. Custom ECU, engine computer, and EGT/CHT simulation. Custom lean misfire, detonation, and engine failure simulations. Full Perspective Plus features implemented for G1000 NXi, including: Full-screen engine page with anti-ice status and fuel flow targets. Full-screen fuel management page. Weight and Balance page with graphical CG envelope. Trip planning page with automatic and manual modes. Massive suite of interactive checklists. MFD destination inf-box. PFD power gauge, GAGL indicator, GS and TAS. Frequency loading menus on airport and waypoint inf-pages. FIKI (Flight int-Known Icing) and TKS simulation. Stabilized approach system with PFD alerting and monitoring for: Bar-mismatch, crosswind, tailwind, flaps, lateral deviation, and vertical deviation (GS and GP). Updated EIS with custom reversionary mode version. Lean assist, fuel flow green band, and cyan fuel flow lean target indicators. Fully modeled GCU479 Garmin Control Unit keypad with all entry modes. Additional new autopilot mode support including LVL, TO, and GA. Large suite of accurate CAS messages including new G1000 NXi alerts acknowledgement and menu behavior. CURTISS JN-4 “JENNY” Fixed – [KO-KR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Korean in Curtiss Jenny. Fixed – [Localization] Livery names are not localized in liveries page. Fixed – [pl-PL] Missing/untranslated words in checklist. Fixed – [TR-TR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Turkish in Curtiss Jenny. DAHER TBM 930 Fixed broken autopilot panel backlighting. DOUGLAS DC-3 Fixed starting engine in Multiplayer causes other DC3 engines to animate starting Fixed overlapping words on the warning labels inside the cabin and on the rear cabin door. (Enhanced) Fixed Radio altimeter appearing off above 400ft. Classic 8-way Quick view controls fixed during flight. Fixed fuel pump does not indicate fuel flow from Cold/dark until after mesh switch is engaged. (Enhanced) Improved low resolution text in the Enhanced Edition cockpit. (Enhanced) Fixed missing panel texture for Beacon light. (Enhanced) Fixed HUD not correctly indicating state of flap. Fixed Decision height/Radar altitude setting knob setting does not match panel texture. Fixed fuel pump not indicating fuel flow from Cold/dark until after mesh switch is engaged. GRUMMAN G-21 GOOSE AI copilot completes checklist items for you in Evaluation mode. Attitude Indicator doesn’t provide pitch indications. Fuel drawn from wrong tank when starting Cold & Dark. Part of tooltip description for Magneto Cutoff not localized. Unable to toggle “taxi light” in cockpit–must use key binding. H-4 HERCULES “SPRUCE GOOSE” Camera Quick views fixed Engine 5-8 throttle fixed when using a gamepad ROBIN DR400 Fix Flaps looking misaligned with the wings in neutral position. RYAN NYP “SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS” Camera Quick views fixed WRIGHT FLYER Camera Quick views fixed WORLD Used more realistic mapping of wave lengths onto RBG values for the ozone layer scattering and the sun color, resulting in more realistic colors of the sky and the lighting in the world.
TOP-GUN MAVERICK Fix for the aircraft carrier wake in Maverick landing challenge that was missing
PERIPHERALS Various peripheral fixes Pause mapping on the Occulus touch left controller switched from Y to Menu button Anti Ice and Aux Fuel Pump LEDs are now working properly with Bravo Throttle Quadrant
SDK Added new Coherent calls SET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE and GET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE to get/set the planned cruise altitude the in game ATC knows about. Fixed crash when “positive_g_limit_flaps_up” parameter is present in [AIRPLANE_GEOMETRY] section in flight_model.cfg, but one of the parameters: “positive_g_limit_flaps_down” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_up” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_down” is missing. See SDK for details. More parameters have been added to the “[VIEWS]” section of the “camera.cfg” file to control the behavior of the external camera (“external_camera_distance”, “external_camera_follows_heading”, “external_camera_follows_velocity”). See SDK for details. Several features have been added and bugs have been fixed for the skid-type landing gear, which can now be retractable. See SDK for details. Added “set_max_compression” and “spring_exponential_fix” parameters to the “[CONTACT_POINTS]” section of the “flight_model.cfg” file. See SDK for details. DEVMODE Debug old: option to disable 30Km mesh display limit “Exponential Constant” parameter is added to the Contact Point serialization (it was missed) Aircraft debug windows stability was improved Fixed context setting of Material Editor when opening Scenery Editor Added Interactive Points state initialization via .FLT files The “gear_locked_on_ground” parameter in the [CONTACT_POINTS] section of the “flight_model.cfg” file now works for SKI and SKID type retractable landing gear. Fixed random crash when exiting the game with DevMode open AssetReload: Reload gltf lod min size Fixed some scenery option not applied during multiple selection Add SpeakerFullName in DialogAction Improved linear memory size formatting in WASM Debug window SIMCONNECT SimConnect Input Events function can now be used while devmode is disabled SimConnect Input Events shouldn’t crash the sim after going back to main menu (or restarting a flight) Ident and region are now two separate fields while requesting Facilities New Data are available through NavData API (Pavement, Vasi, Approach Lights) SIMVARS Added simvars AIRCRAFT_AGL and AIRCRAFT_ALTITUDE_ABOVE_OBSTACLES Aircraft editor Added an option to delete a parameter from the cfg file, or to reset it to its default value Added rotation Gizmo Added new parameters Added expert Mode to the editor. Expert Mode eliminate all constraint on the editor regarding conditional fields, required parameters or array sizes. Only already existing parameters and modified parameters are saved. This mode allows for greater flexibility of the editor but require more knowledge on how to configure an aircraft. Made NdArrays more flexible, avoid writing too much data per line. Fixed ctrl+f focus that would not focus parameters properly Fixed unwanted or incorrect changes when saving a file in the editor VISUAL EFFECTS EDITOR Fixed visual effect instances not being properly stopped and restarted when the Visual Effects Editor is closed New fixed orientation feature New nodes: Abs, Sin, Cos WASM Fix clipping modes (intersect, complement and Xor) for GDI+ API Fix an error in the dependencies of the VFX Aircraft Sample (and rename the sample from “SampleWasmModule” to “VfxWasmModule”) Fix a bug in CommBus API that cause first registration of an event in Wasm to be ignored CommBus : When register an event in Wasm the triplet [eventName, callback, ctx] can be registered only one time per module CommBus : New function added in Wasm : fsCommBusUnregisterOneEvent CommBus : In JS a CommBusListener has been added
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2024.05.13 17:43 ranc1 Broken Looking-Glass Self is Social anxiety

What is Looking-Glass Self? This is concept in sociology, discovered in 1902 by Cooley - and his theory states that we form our own identity based on what we think other people think who we are. In fact, the whole sociology is based on social anxiety- the very same social anxiety that psychiatry (CBT and DSM) are pathologizing and trying to cure and destroy and present as mental illness.
Without social anxiety, without ability to worry what other people think about us - we would lose social skills, empathy and civilization norms - such as not eating others.
"If it weren't for the nervous people in the world, we'd all still be eating each other." The Misfits (1961)
When people consume chicken - they eat the flesh of animals because there is no ability to connect with the slaughtered animals as conscious beings who are able to think and perceive us. So when we destroy social anxiety- our ability to worry what other people think - we will become psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. This also provide us with important information of self expression and holding toxic people accountable - by stating the facts and truth. Toxic people learn to suppress social anxiety - and this gives them ability to be cruel. And the only way to probe their delusions is to speak the truth to them. And that is why toxic people mock and go into hysteria mode - because their suppressed conscience and morality and ethics are eating them from inside.
Dolphins are not caught with smiles but cruelly with hooks, Michele. One day you will learn to be cruel. Caravaggio (1986)
Sociology is based on social anxiety - that we form our own identity based on society. We need other people to provide us information who we are and how to express ourselves. The language is the very first thing that society gives us to define who we are - by using the very words that society is using.
Theories of the Self
William James (1890): A person has "as many social selves as there are individuals who recognize him and carry and image of him in their minds"
Charles Cooley (1902): Views of self reflect the standpoints of significant others in our lives ("looking-glass self")
George Herbert Mead (1934): We imagine the perspectives of others and incorporate these into our self views - and that this occurs continuously as we interact with others on an ongoing, moment to moment basis.

Having a distorted looking glass (incorrectly imagining others’ opinions of us) can cause bad feelings, or a negative self-image.
What happens when we are around toxic people - is that our identity is deformed as well. CBT claims, along with DSM, that our worry what other people think - is personality disorder, called Borderline:
Reality testing is ability to perceive reality properly. Without too much deviation from facts. Borderline refer to you if want to know anything about reality. “Do you think so too?” Narcissist will tell you "am I not genius". YT Richard Grannon & Prof. Sam Vaknin about Fantasy
Borderline personality disorder is a mental health condition that affects the way people feel about themselves and others, making it hard to function in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable, intense relationships, as well as impulsiveness and an unhealthy way of seeing themselves. (Mayo Clinic)
The truth is - if we are around toxic people, their criticism will affect our self worth. Their constant nagging, constant nitpicking, constant error finding and constant drama about anything that moves - will have an effect on our sense of stability and security in the world. This is not disorder. This is simply how society works. In order to heal our mental health issues - we need to repair connections with other people - which may include minimizing exposure to toxic people or cutting toxic people completely off from our lives.
We will never feel secure, confident, worthy - if there are toxic people around us who are criticizing us and others all the time.
Improving our relationships is improving our mental health. William Glasser
Interpersonal strife with those close to us leads to rifts and resentments that produce symptoms of mental illness; these problems are, in fact, the logical consequence of troubled relationships. Glasser emphasizes that lasting psychological problems are usually caused by problems in our personal relationships (rather than signifying a biochemical abnormality in the brain), and distress can be remedied through repairing these relationships without recourse to psych drugs. DK psychology book, WILLIAM GLASSER
Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
In another words: feel safe with other people = mental health
The single most important issue for traumatized people is to find a sense of safety in their own bodies. 🟦 Bessel A. van der Kolk
Toxic people cause social anxiety. That is why social anxiety is called social+anxiety. There is social element that is causing the anxiety. There is social factor contributing to anxiety. It is not called self-anxiety. We did not catch social anxiety by walking randomly in the street when it was rainy, so we caught a common cold. It is not like we felt bored in our lives so we invented neuroticism to keep us active and occupied. Social anxiety must start in childhood with ACE and ACoA where we learned from early on - that life is dangerous, that people are not safe, that we must worry to be hyper-vigilant and that we are unworthy if we make any kind of mistakes. We learned that our flaws, imperfections and mistakes are our core personality - abnormal and inept.
Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless. B. F. Skinner
This is how we end up with Broken Looking Glass Self. Distorted Looking Glass Self. We end up with operant conditioning - to worry what other people think in such way that we attempt to think for the other person ahead of time, so that they do not get mad of us - and then attempt, we try hard not to make other people mad. And how we execute this operant conditioning - depends on our background, people around us and punishments to which we were exposed as kids. Most socially anxious learn to keep quiet. To shut up. To self censor. And to self blame. If the other person is angry or hysterical - we will feel responsible for their mood swings and we will try hard to fix their emotions and their problems. Soon - we spread this fixing on other people, who are not angry - and we create fake social mask that is always pleasant and nice and helpful to anyone, especially if they are angry and rude and intrusive. We learned to interpret their anger as our fault and our abnormality. Looking glass self is broken - because it does not reflect any more - now we imagine how to please other people without using looking glass (mirror) - as all people use it.
Other people are there as information post. They broadcast who they are, many of them mask their true Self and present fake version of themselves, their social mask. Our brain will naturally form opinion about us through the words and opinions and non-verbal gestures from other people, strangers or our acquaintances. This part is totally normal. This is not disorder. This is not illness. The disorder starts when we try hard to fix other people's conclusions about us by making ourselves small and by changing our routine so that we soothe the other person. Instead of CBT techniques - all that we need to do here is to allow other people to think whatever they choose to think about us. Simply allow other people to hate us and leave it at that.
We really have to work very hard at changing our programming because we don't understand we're upset because someone else has a perception of us that we're uncomfortable with. And we challenge this person's perception of us. We're upset that people think this about us. Something amazing happens when you begin to accept that other people are allowed to have their own faulty perception of you. 🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life coach Inc.
For the next step, sociology will also help us. CBT and DSM, psychiatry is telling us concrete steps which we must take - and morally and ethically speaking - this is illegal. When someone orders us what we must do - this is called manipulation and coercive control. This way anyone who is psychopathic and narcissistic can climb, grab and push their way to powerful position of ordering others what to do - and then evil people can easily manipulate and control the masses. This is what happens with psychiatry. Psychology on the other hand explains concepts - psychology does not order us what to do in life and how to react. That is why Humanistic psychology is healthy.
It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried. Carl Rogers
In the same manner as Humanistic Psychology and IFS Model - sociology also has the similar term that allows clients freedom in own choices - which is called Thomas theorem.
The Thomas theorem is a theory of sociology which was formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas: If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. In other words, the interpretation of a situation causes the action. This interpretation is not objective. (wiki)
If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. - formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas
This means - that no other person can objectively tell us what is the best way to go in life. We need our inner GPS, our intuition, our common sense, other people as well - to form our reality and our construct of the future where we are headed. With CBT and DSM - we do not have this freedom. With CBT and DSM - we are pathologized instead - and all our focus is spent on fixing our symptoms - we are literally self consuming ourselves with CBT.
In real life- real life situations will not allow us to form rigid mindset. Any other person, any other situation in life - good or bad - is always unique and different. Sometimes it is great that we shut up and that we self censor ourselves - especially if we are tired and we don't want to harm other people with our nagging and complaints that will go off as soon as we get to sleep and rest. On the other hand - many situations in life that are triggering our social anxiety require from us to self express, that we talk out our truth - no matter how much manipulative people attempt to shut us up with mocking and shaming.
So when we allow other people to form toxic conclusions about us - we need to know that we can rely on our brain, on our intuition to tell us how to react and what to do and how to behave. We have this mechanism inside us. We do not need to pathologize ourselves with CBT. CBT will tell us that we must be assertive in order to handle toxic people. This is horrible advice because:
"If you have been the scapegoat in a narcissistic family system, the concept of setting a boundary is laughable. You would be telling them exactly how to hurt you, and they would happily oblige. Also, trying to set a boundary in a calm and tactful way would be met by resistance in the form of mocking and ridicule, attempting to bait the scapegoat into anger, which would prove you are the problem." YT kingbee9778
"I feel gaslighted by the therapy mantras of “ you have to teach people how to treat you “ ,(setting boundaries). No you don’t and no you can’t. First of all, it’s not my job to teach an adult how to behave like one and quite frankly, it’s a trap and a drain hole. Secondly, I DON’T CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE. They will do what they want, especially if they have the tiniest ounce of power over you." YT gertrudewest4535
When we follow CBT - we will repeat the broken Looking Glass Self when we exposure ourselves to social situations - and social anxiety will not go away - because we will continually process the same ways reality and other people in a manner that is toxic to us - through seeking approval from other people, through self flagellation, through harsh inner critic and internalized toxic shame.
To fix broken Looking-Glass Self means fixing social anxiety: when we are afraid of what other people think about us. With CBT we self pathologize our normal reaction to worry what other people think about us. This is not disorder, it is totally normal to have awareness that other people are thinking about us.
Many social anxiety coaches will use "Spotlight effect" as proof that other people do not worry about us:
"The spotlight effect is the psychological phenomenon by which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are."
In toxic contact - toxic people - those same ones who trigger our social anxiety - do notice anything about us. In normal population - other people will think about us and we will define each other - through the process called The Michelangelo phenomenon - where we chisel each other into better version, where we change our toxic habits that hurt us as much as they hurt other people. In unhealthy, toxic social dynamics there will be the opposite: Golem Effect and Crab mentality. Where there is competition and where other person is perceived as threat and someone to pull down.
A lot of content on mental health in mainstream media does not cover the unique corner that survivors of narcissistic abuse live in. Not one mention of being in any kind of toxic relationship. “Avoid your triggers” is not easy in narcissistic relationships. When the discomfort is living in your house or down the street or in the next office. It was not even rumination, but reality. And the constant exposure means you don't get a break. 🟥 DoctorRamani
I'm not setting boundary with these people. “Don't do this with me”. “Don't say this with me”. It's all internal. Because if you try to set a boundary with someone who's narcissistic or antagonistic – it's never going to work. And I think it's unsafe guidance to give.
With this dangerous person no. But what are you willing to tolerate. How can you protect yourself emotionally. What access can you remove. Move these people from VIP section.
🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
With broken Looking-Glass Self - we end up being trapped in toxic people's minds. Similar to horror movie / book The Cell from 2000. Even when we develop Who cares attitude, and when we consciously try to block and build walls away from toxic people, when we try hard to push down and suppress toxic people - we are still trapped in their reality of what they potentially might think about us. This is why CBT is not working - because CBT tries hard to convince us to use suppression as method to block social anxiety. And we cannot block other people - we need other people for our identity and our self worth - where there is healthy interaction called Interdependence. Toxic people behave in codependent way - they see other people as competition and this creates codependency. They need other people like vampires need blood - to exploit someone's attention, someone's focus, money, time and or resources of any kind. It is like give me, give me, give me - and provide nothing in return. With social anxiety we end up giving others without observing if the other person is emotionally invested in us at all. It ends up and one side interaction, exploitation really. Social anxiety means suppress anger as well. We learned to push our anger away - and this attracts toxic people who count on our silence and understanding and toxic empathy - knowing that they can cross boundaries of social interaction in their favor and we won't make any kind of protest. Then our own only protection - is avoidance. Therefore - social anxiety is natural defense mechanism against dangerous criminally insane psychopaths who are abusing their power position against ourselves.
In our teen years we experiences bully experience - after years of exposure to ACoA and ACE (constant criticism and constant drama at home) - so we generalized the belief that we cannot trust other people - and we learned that we process reality through broken Looking Glass Self - where we appease other people with our decisions - by being afraid what other people may think badly of us - since we were pressed and pushed into equating social rejection and our self worth as if they are one of the same. And psychiatry - instead of explaining us that it is totally normal to worry what other people think - CBT explains us that this is abnormality. This faulty explanation from medical industry is adding more trauma and more toxic shame and it gives our inner critic free reign to self abuse us - because we believe we are abnormal and ill if we worry what other people thin about us. In reality - all people worry about others. Even psychopaths worry what other people will think, along with narcissists - because they know that they need to form fake social mask of charm in order to seduce new victims into their agenda of exploiting and manipulating others.
Looking-Glass Self tells us - that we simply allow toxic people to form bad opinion about us in their heads - and that we absolutely do nothing to change this image that toxic people freely choose to believe about us in their heads.
You're no longer going to play the game of what can I do differently to get them to behave differently – because the answer is to that is nothing. That's radical acceptance. It takes long time. And it's not just accepting their behavior is not going to change, it's also the way it affects you is also not going to change. Just because you radically accept doesn't mean that somebody screaming at you is going to hurt any less- it does,it hurts a lot 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
Other people will hurt us. They will say mean and untrue things about us. They will attack us - this has nothing to do with who we are. Their choice to harm and hurt other person - is abnormality in their brain. Normal healthy sane people do not attack others. Normal healthy sane people have ability to emotionally regulate themselves. Person who does not have this ability - is sick and mentally ill. And this has nothing to do with us. We are not the ones who can cure them by changing our behavior.
Lundy Bancroft: "Abuse is NOT caused by bad relationship dynamics. You can't manage your partner's abusiveness by changing your behaviour. But he wants you to think you can."
The pain that we feel when toxic people attack us, verbally or physically - is normal pain, we need this pain as the instruction for us what to do with severely damaged people around us.
If you are not feeling pain, anger and sadness while you are taking in psychological abuse or something similar – you are going to end up in those situations over and over again –because you are not logging information that your body telling 🟥Heidi Priebe
People say it bothers me when they say these things. I say, because they say bothersome things. I don't want you to lose that part of you. That part is good index what is okay, what's not. From that point – excavation. A person pulling their true self out of their relationships. If you grew up with narcissistic parent, it was a true self that never even got to develop. It's how much your identity got co-opted. What do I like, what do I stand for. 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
The core of narcissistic person is very fragile. That's why they lose it when you critique them. Or give them feedback. Or don't read their mind. Or don't do exactly what they want. And that's why they use all kinds of tactics like manipulation, gaslighting, invalidation, dismissiveness, competitiveness, betrayal. Some of them are tactics, some are unemphatic behavior. And it gives them the upper hand in relationship. Control, power gives them supply. 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Cole
With social anxiety - we do not need psychiatry. Socially anxious need sociology. It is after all social issue. Social anxiety is anxiety that is connected to society - the name itself reveals this crucial aspect: society, social, societal. Psychiatry will only leave us lacking and with belief that something is horribly wrong with us, when we are around toxic people:
DSM doesn't explain anything. So many therapies and particularly CBT and others are just so focused on extinguishing symptoms which were once strategies of survival. And it doesn't make sense that you want to extinguish – we want eventually to move away from these symptoms and these strategies but I certainly don't want to pathologize them or look at them as somehow defective because they have saved our lives. 🟥 Transforming Trauma Episode 21 IFS & NARM
When we stop self pathologizing our social anxiety - we will unburden ourselves with toxic idea that feeling pain is abnormal and sick. And it will give us energy to start looking what is causing this pain - instead of focusing ourselves on chasing the symptoms. Without the stigma and labels - we will have much more resources at our disposal to handle difficult people in life who are causing our social anxiety in the first place.
With social anxiety - we need to learn about the Cooley's concept Looking-Glass Self and other terms from sociology. Instead of pathologizing our social reactions - we simply need information to confirm us that we are not abnormal and inept as CBT paints the socially anxious. We need information to learn what our rights are.
Five themes of microaggression against people with mental illnesses
1. Invalidation
When other people dismiss their illness or symptoms through minimizing their experience, symptomizing their normal experiences, and patronizing
2. Assumption of inferiority
When other people assume that people with mental illness have lower intelligence, are incompetent, and that they do not have control
3. Fear of mental illness
When other people fear them because they believe that they may be dangerous or unpredictable
4. Shaming of mental illness
When other people tell them that they shouldn't let others know about their mental illness
5. Second class citizen attitudes
When other people treat them as if they don't have the same rights as the dominant group of society.
Mental Health Forum, 2016

Diagnosis is not an excuse to be selective about their rights. Autistic not weird
Healing the Broken Looking-Glass Self means learning about the mentality - which we never had chance to learn in our developmental years. Other children learned this concept via keeping connections with other people. We - started to avoid people. Even when we were around other people - we pulled our investment emotionally with other people - and this way we never learned that other people are safe. We developed the stump growth - that is being stuck in age 12, when we started to avoid people. Similar to the plant that cannot grow roots in small basin or tree/plant that is stumped in growing due to some kind of obstacle to grow upright. Our growth was shaped from the perspective of not trusting other people - because they harmed us. Other people learned to develop certain amount of trust. They learned to filter out the bad people. And they learned that they are safe to express themselves - without being punished for it. This is why their social anxiety is in normal threshold. They will experience stress and then behave in anti-social manner, they will express their anger without problems - because they were never pushed into forming their self worth through worry what their tormentors might think about them. So it is not like social anxiety is abnormality or sickness - it is simply that non-socially anxious people were lucky enough to grow in healthy ambient, and that is their secret. They were not stronger. They were not more competent. They were not better or superior to the socially anxious. They simply had privilege and entitlement that helped them over-pass developmental years without fearing other people. Their mechanisms how to handle triggers - are mostly unhealthy (lacking empathy) - but their Looking glass self was not broken. With interaction with other people, with other children, they learned naturally to allow difficult people to hate them. Instead of worry - that is found in social anxiety - they simply turned their focus onto other people. With social anxiety - we do not have other people, we have no one to turn to, since we learned that other people are painful and traumatic. We never learned that hanging around with other people is enjoyable experience - and if someone is rude, toxic and abnormal - that we are allowed to focus and place our attention to better, healthier people around us.
In shame culture ambient - we will learn that other people criticism is reflection of our worth - and that is Broken Looking-Glass Self. That we cannot feel good about ourselves until other person reflects positive words about us to us:
Young American explained why she left Croatia:
"In Croatia people constantly express intrusive opinion about matters which are none of their business. The most irritating things were rude people."
Young American explained why she escaped from Croatia:
"Often I heard Croats intruding why am I eating something, or commenting about what I wore. There is no such thing in America, we allow people to be what they want to be. People here are strange as if I am inside toxic relationship."
Don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability. 🟦 Karl Lagerfeld
We will heal social anxiety trauma with healing our choice to stay stuck around toxic people. We can cut toxic people - even when we are unable to leave them physically - by severing the trauma bonding in our mind - that is broken Looking-Glass Self.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes, toxic people are pathological liars, They spread gossip. They create drama and hysteria. Toxic people do not have word toxic stuck on their forehead. Toxic people will not behave toxically in front of others - because they depend to look good in the eyes of other people - so they also have Looking-Glass Self no matter how much they said that they do not care what other people think about them. Therefore - social anxiety is clear indication that we are around toxic people. Toxic people do not allow us to express ourselves - and they use various methods of coercive control to manipulate their targets. The first step is to sever this trauma bonding - by allowing them to hate us.
That we basically stop impressing others.
Don't try to impress others. ✝️ Bible, Philippians 2-3
Cooley said our sense of Self comes from how we think other people see us. “I am not what I think I am. I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am.” Other people's reflections of us and how we think about those images they have of us help create our sense of Self. Grades from teachers can reflect back to us an image of ourselves that we then internalize and becomes our self-perception. They effect self-image. 🟥 The Looking glass self
We imagine we are seen by others. And that imagination forms our identity. Our identity is being shaped by others. Others is agent which influences who we are in society. You begin to believe that and you begin to see as your identity, what other people think of you. Intelligent, high self esteem, outgoing – you believe what people say about you, it becomes your identity. Our identity is formed through the way we imagine people see us.
🟥 Looking-glass Self
That imagination comes from interaction with these people. In the process of interaction they tell you this is what we think about you. And then you go off believe in that. You don't control what people think about you. Front Stage Behavior: Familiarity breeds content-With front stage they behave nicely. It's in subconsciousness of individuals that they have to behave a certain way in public. At interview- they smile, but is this who they are?
🟥 Looking-glass Self
It is often said that American Beauty is a film about identity. Each character seems to go through a very personal identity crisis. But I would argue that this crisis are not personal at all. They are products of wider social forces. We may define ourselves based on prevailing attitudes towards sexuality, beauty and material success. Sense of self strongly influences by social world.
🟥 American Beauty Film Analysis: The Sociology of Identity
Ricky shows Jane that he likes her as she is. Eventually this leads her abandoning the idea of surgery and gain enough confidence and self-esteem to tell Angela what she really thinks of her. Freed from idea that everyone looks down on he because of her physical appearance, Jane's sense of self is no longer defined how she looks, how she looks to others.
🟥 American Beauty Film Analysis: The Sociology of Identity
An individual realize its self by reflecting others' perceptions about him. They use social interactions as a mirror. A Person grows and develop due to interpersonal interactions of the Society. When one interacts socially, one completely considers how one looks in the eyes of others. Negative response leads to depression and anxiety.
🟥 Looking Glass Self Theory
Looking Glass Self where you see yourself the way you think others see you. You can't see the way others truly see you. So you're seeing yourself they way you think others think they see you. You can see how much is lost in the translation. You're much more beautiful than you think. You attract so much more than you know. There's more going on with you than you care to acknowledge. Beauty is not about what you see. It's about what you reflect. 🟥 Looking Glass Self
Mirror in front of you, and you are looking at yourself in the mirror, the way it is – is mirror in reality. As Masha labels you, tells you, comments on you, provides you all kinds of feedback, your self continues to develop. The way society perceives you and gives feedback about you. It is considered important to yourself and you have that impression that is how I should be. Their significance or importance makes you proud.
🟥 Looking Glass Self
There is something you have never understood, Joe. These people at the top, they are the same as anybody else. But you had it inside of you to be so much bigger than any of them. You just had to be yourself. That was all. With me you were yourself. Only with me. Room at the Top (1958)
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:31 UX-ologist A Designer's Take on Weapon Balancing - OPEN TO DISCUSSION / FEEDBACK


I'm a User Experience designer and can only talk about my perspective as a wandering craftsman, looking in from the outside. Most importantly, and to put my biases down on the table, I've been playing this game for over 340 hours, reaching level 82 at the time of writing and mostly play at level 9 (bugs & bots). I love this game and feel passionate about it, hence the length of this post.
As such, my take is both influenced by my "veterancy" in this game (I don't have the "new player" eyes anymore), and my experience as an IRL designer. This can and will influence my opinion below.
To mitigate that, I've read through all the balancing discussions I've seen and have read the devs comments and the CMs' answers on Discord to try and form a cohesive chain of thoughts. You're welcome to comment below, simply make sure to quote the passage you're referring to so we can have constructive discussions.
I've included some suggestions in italic to outline areas of improvements that I, lacking full understanding of the inner-workings of AH, can see.
**This post is quite lengthy but I hope it helps encapsulate what I, alongside many Helldivers, feel in regards to weapon balance in the game.**

Primary weapons

This is a heated topic at the moment, the recent Polar Patriots war bond came with its fair share of balancing changes, some of which were highly divisive. I'm looking at the topic from a broader perspective and would like to invite you to walk that path with me.
Why focus on the primary weapons? Because they're the bread and butter of a Helldiver's experience, they are the first point of contact between player and character and are used an overwhelming amount of time during missions. They shouldn't be able to single-handedly carry you to victory but they need to significantly contribute in that goal.
With the game currently featuring two (illuminates we see you) enemy factions, primary weapons will fall in either one of 3 categories - Bug killers, Bot killers, both killers. This makes balancing weapons inherently more complicated as it requires the weapon to fall in one of those branches before being refined to fall in a comfortable spot. "Side-grades" as they're often referred to are inevitable when pushing for variety, yet every weapon should offer advantages and drawbacks to make them individually interesting to pick. Some might prefer one variant as it feels better to them whilst others will prefer its counterpart and that's okay.
With that being said, current weapon balance seems to prioritize creating a very level playing field across all branches to avoid certain weapons sticking out or over-performing. A lot of folks in the community seem to disagree with that and I can certainly understand why. Conformity leads to boredom and saturation, this is true in games and IRL.
Assault Rifles
Laser Weapons
Explosive Weapons
Concussive Weapons

Support Weapons

I am aware that support weapons are seen as hit-or-miss by a fair number of divers, yet in my experience, they're all viable in different situations or when paired with other support items or primaries (eg. the heavy machine-gun being an all-around solid weapon that, yes, could benefit from a magazine increase, but when paired with a support backpack will allow you to mow-down enemies very effectively).
With the above caveat out of the way, I'd like to take a closer look at the origin of the discontent surrounding certain support weapons like the MG-43, the HMG, the Railgun etc.
To my understanding (feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong), the reason why some support weapons are disregarded in favor of others stems from their lack of edge as compared to their counterparts. For instance, why pick the HMG when the Auto-Canon basically outclasses it in every way bar ammo capacity and fire-rate? Why pick the MG-43 when the stalwart and the Auto-canon exist? Why pick the railgun when the QuasaEAT/Recoilless Rifle/AMR exist?
They don't offer a significant enough reason to pick them, or straight up offer a lesser tool to solve the same problem.
Balancing all support weapons to be viable is a challenging task for sure, yet some improvements could go a long way to make them more interesting picks at all levels of play. This includes tweaking handling / ergonomics, ammo economy, etc. to creating more specialized items to pair with (think of an ammo backpack you could link your HMG or MG-43 to, forgoing reloads but needing a resupply box to refill; or a battery backpack to supercharge your rail-gun shots to deal incredible damage in unsafe mode, or pre-charge safe shots so the weapon fires instantly).

To summarize

Arrowhead did a fantastic job with the weapon handling and feeling in the game, proving their ability to offer amazing experiences with a great variety of weapons. And they have continuously improved a lot of the outliers like the Counter-Sniper, the AMR, the Dominator, the Flamethrower and many more.
It seems that in some instances, the experience has been sacrificed on the altar of numbers, with the focus shifting from great-feeling weapons to "balanced" weapons. Helldivers is an incredible game that offers mind-blowing levels of fun which is the reason why so many of us fell in love with the game. This is echoed in the cries of the community that asks for fun over balance. I agree, yet balance still remains quintessential to a good experience and to avoid monopolies of certain loadouts as the only viable ones.
Balancing is multi-factorial and incredibly complex, often requiring the designers and developers to juggle between a great number of facets to get right. Player enjoyment is one of them and, in my opinion, the most important one at that.
submitted by UX-ologist to Helldivers [link] [comments]