Prolactin levels and cymbalta

Can I just stop taking levothyroxine after 2 weeks of being on it?

2024.05.29 05:16 CurvyKitty_ Can I just stop taking levothyroxine after 2 weeks of being on it?

Two years ago, I had my fallopian tubes removed prior to that. I was on birth control for 16 years. I have not had my period since it’s been a little over two years now. Over the past year I’ve been working with my OB/GYN and now an endocrinologist. I’ve had all types of bloodwork and an ultrasound. No PCOS bloodwork shows really high levels of prolactin on multiple occasions testing multiple different prolactin labs. My TSH and T4 came back showing I have hypothyroid. My doctor wanted me to go on levothyroxine for 7 to 10 days then get blood work and see my results again. She says I have not enough symptoms to get an MRI of my pituitary gland, although I have tons of symptoms, I started the levothyroxine and my hair is falling out like crazy. I have super thick beautiful long hair and it’s really only confident thing I have on my body so this is giving me a lot of insecurity. I had my blood work today and I’m waiting on the results but honestly, I think I’m going to stop the medication immediately, I think my doctors around the bush and I really need an MRI of my pituitary gland, kind of a vent kind of a .. will I die if I stop taking this after two weeks of taking it 🤣
submitted by CurvyKitty_ to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:39 wefailatpeace Doctor refusing to treat high prolactin further

I am a 21 year old male with elevated prolactin at around 44 ng/ml, and despite testosterone levels of 525, which is in the normal range, I have low libido. I strongly suspect the prolactin is lowering my testosterone levels despite them being in the normal range, and causing my libido issues. I went to see an endo about this and they seemed super helpful at first. When I told them my symptoms, they checked TSH levels, T4, LH, globulin, prolactin and FSH, which is when I discovered I had high prolactin. I got a pituitary mri recently to check for a tumor, but it came back as looking fine, so the endo said im all good then, and is refusing to treat me further despite my prolactin still being high. Is there anything I can do at this point? I was hoping to get a cabergoline prescription to hopefully fix my issues but it doesnt look like it will be possible now
submitted by wefailatpeace to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:49 piximiqote Lactating, weird hair growth (I am not pregnant).

I wondered if anyone has some insight into what’s going on with my body? I’m a 32 y/o F.
I have been lactating a little from one breast only. ( I used to be on Amisulpride and had ridiculously high prolactin levels (over 1000) so I was put on Aripiprazole to help try and bring the levels down which didn’t work so I was switched to another medication combination but that’s besides the point I think). The lactation is only a few drops, and seems to be in the mornings and evenings. I can express the milk if I try. I have never been pregnant but when I was having the lactation before it was only from one breast.
I’ve also been getting a LOT of chin hair. This is extremely unusual for me. I am having to shave my chin every 2-3 days because it is that bad. It’s not like a beard in terms of quantity but it’s much more than I am comfortable with. It started at the end of last year. It’s not the usual peach fuzz hair, more like beard hair in texture. It is darker than the peach fuzz on the rest of my face.
I do not have periods on my birth control (Zelleta, I’ve been on this for a couple of months now). Before that I was off BC for a few months, prior to that I was on the contraceptive implant for several years and before that the “pill” since I was a teenager.
I have done a pregnancy test and it was negative.
Medications: Aripiprazole maintena Venlafaxine Zelleta Elvanse Bisoprolol Azathioprine Gabapentin Omeprazole Vitamin D, zinc, C, magnesium, biotin, omega 3s.
Any insight is greatly appreciated! ☺️
submitted by piximiqote to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:37 bobswagger752 For those who have personal experience with TRT, do you think I should try it?

I am considering TRT and hopefully can get some opinions here. I am in my mid-thirties and have a very low libido, poor sleeping and a low energy level. I tried going to the gym three times a week, and it did not help much. I have done two blood tests recently. The first one only measured total T and the value is 12.7 nmol/L. The second one is more detailed with the values shown below:
I visited both a TRT clinic and an endocrinologist. The clinic said I was on the borderline and could have a trial treatment. The endocrinologist said I am very likely to have symptomatic hypogonadism and can try TRT. I know that once I started TRT, it is very likely that the testicles would not function again. Given my symptoms and borderline values, do you think I should proceed with TRT?
Some medical history: I had premature ejaculation and chronic left testicular pain for a decade. My testicular pain has recently been treated by a denervation surgery.
submitted by bobswagger752 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:55 Brightbear17 Things to consider after multiple failed FETs

Looking for success stories or advice! Just found out that my 3rd euploid FET was a chemical pregnancy 😢unexplained infertility, likely silent endometriosis. Here’s a brief history:
August 2023: egg retrieval #1, 4 embryos, 2 euploid October 2023: FET #1, programmed cycle, failed to implant December 2023: FER #2, modified natural, added aspirin, biochemical pregnancy January 2024: RPL testing, elevated TSH, slightly elevated prolactin, positive Receptiva, endometritis, APS testing normal - treated endometritis, confirmed on re-biopsy, started levothyroxine and cabergoline, follow up labs normal February 2024: egg retrieval #2, 9 embryos, 4 euploid, 1 low level mosaic March-April 2024: 2 months of lupron depot May 2024: transfer #3, programmed cycle, Claritin + aspirin, biochemical pregnancy
I’m at my wits end, I just don’t understand. My provider is discussing an autoimmune protocol (adding lovenox, prednisone, Claritin, Benadryl). Is there anything else you would ask or consider doing?? Anyone have a similar story and eventually had success?
submitted by Brightbear17 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:46 savhxx Doctors convinced me that my symptoms were from birth control, and caused my brain tumour to go untreated for 2 years

I have never had regular periods. I started birth control when I was 13, and I figured it was because of that. Turns out it was because of a tumour on my pituitary gland that made me infertile and caused my body to develop in abnormal ways.
In 2022, I started lactating, and I knew I wasn’t pregnant, so that’s when I asked to see my doctor. My doctor basically just said it was because of my birth control and told me not to worry about it. She didn’t even look at my breasts, let alone order blood tests or anything.
Well, a year went by, and I decided I wanted to see a different doctor because I was still lactating, not having periods, basically never getting aroused anymore, and other symptoms that kept getting worse. The new doctor was like “Wtf, let’s check your hormone levels right now”. My prolactin was over 300ng/ml (the NORMAL range is like 5-25ng/ml). My LH, FSH, estrogen, and a bunch of other things were all abnormal too.
Well the doctor who ordered that test immediately ordered an MRI of my brain and referred me to an endocrinologist. I saw the endocrinologist a couple weeks later, who said “Well, it’s probably just because of your birth control, so let’s switch to a different one and recheck it before we do the MRI”.
Then ANOTHER ENTIRE YEAR went by before I literally had to tell the endocrinologist like “Hey can we recheck that?” because she was too busy lecturing me about my heroin use to remember the fact that literally all of my reproductive organs were malfunctioning.
So we rechecked my prolactin, and it was 750!! Then two weeks went by and I HEARD NOTHING. I literally had to call her and be like “Hey, can we do that MRI????” Then it took OVER A MONTH to get an MRI, and they checked my prolactin right after the MRI, and it was over 1,300!!!
I saw the MRI results an hour after the MRI, which said I had a tumour, yet my doctor never called me or anything! TWO WEEKS LATER, I called the doctor’s office and told them I needed an appointment and that I wanted to see a different doctor. I got sent back to the doctor I saw before who sent me to the endocrinologist, and she started me on my tumour medication (cabergoline) the same day as our appointment.
If my tumour had been found in 2022, it probably would have been a fraction of the size it was when they found it, and I might have been able to avoid having permanent problems because of it. With how big my tumour is, I am lucky that I’m not blind because it is right up against my optic nerve!
I feel so stupid for letting my doctors convince me that my symptoms were from birth control when I should have known something was wrong. Tbh, I really wanted to believe that it was just from the birth control, but my symptoms just kept getting worse even after changing it, and I still didn’t pressure my doctor enough or get a new one soon enough or anything. I know it’s not really my fault, but it feels like it is.
submitted by savhxx to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:31 Melefnit Are my Prog Levels ok?

So i've recently added Prog to my HRT 3 Months ago and just had a checkup with my Doctor who said that the Levels are fine.
I take 5mg of Medroxyprogesterone acetate a day but i see a lot of people on here saying that their dosage is 100mg daily so i've been wondering if my Levels might be to low or if what i'm taking acts different to the Prog others are taking.
My Prolactin is at 20µg/l and Estrogen is at 155pg/ml
submitted by Melefnit to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:30 athrowawayyy11 Brain mri vs pituitary mri

I (21f) have been having irregular periods for the past year.
Did a blood test a few weeks ago and my prolactin levels were high at 64 ng/ml (normal range is 5 - 26 ng/mL).
Had another blood test this week and my levels went down to 39 ng/ml
My levels are still high so my doctor wants me to get a brain mri with & without contrast to see if i have prolactinoma.
Question: is a brain mri different from a pituitary mri? Or do both do the same job?
I actually had a brain mri with & without contrast back in 2020 because i was having headaches and it came back healthy
Should i ask my doctor to specify that i get a pituitary focused mri? Or does it not matter
submitted by athrowawayyy11 to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:24 mellalella Did anyone have normal prolactin levels?

(25 yr old F) getting a brain MRI on Saturday to look for a pituitary gland tumor. I have been having galactorrhea and bad headaches, i got labs done and found out I have hypothyroidism. Doctor wanted to check for a pituitary tumor since I am having a lot of symptoms. Wondering if anyone else had normal prolactin levels but still found a tumor. Thanks!
submitted by mellalella to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:21 ajpusher Do I have low testosterone?

Hello all,
I’ve been feeling like I’ve had low testosterone for a while now but my doctor thinks I have normal range due to free testosterone being within the accepted range.
I have low sex drive, long refractionary period, weak and inconsistent erections, overweight (6ft 248lbs), can’t bench press more than 130lbs (half of weight), had gynecomastia as a kid but resolved then since surgery, etc. was never someone who was high energy either.
Can you let me know if my testosterone levels are low? The doctors seem to emphasize free T as the most important indicator which mine shows normal. Below is my bloodwork along with the ranges from the lab. I am a 33 year old male with no known health issues besides being overweight.
Total T: 299 Ng/DL (250-1100ng)
Free T: 85.7 pg/ML (46-224pg)
Bioavailable T: 180ng/DL (110-575ng)
Albumin: 4.6 g/DL (3.6-5.1g)
SHBG: 9 nmol/L (10-50nmol)
Estradiol: 33pg/ML (<=39pg)
Prolactin: 4.6ng/ML
submitted by ajpusher to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:17 Migraine_Brain_123 Lots of strange symptoms spanning multiple specialties Neurology, ENT, GI, ...

I suspect that all of my symptoms are connected, but they span lots of different specialties and it's impossible to get all my doctors together to go over things. So I'd like to know what you think and in particular answers to any of these questions:
I have a hard science background, a graduate degree in physics, and some undergrad chemistry and biology, so I'm interested in more detail than I'm getting from my doctors here. I'm hopeful that understanding can lead to some better treatments, but I am also just interested academically.
Everything listed here I have had since I was an early teenager, all starting around that time. None have had any particular identifiable trigger.
Sorry this is a bit long, I'm trying to be comprehensive.
39M, 160 lbs, 5'11", white, in okay shape. Don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I eat fine, don't eat out, and drink plenty of water. Drink a few cups of green tea per day, occasionally a coffee in the morning. Rarely drink soda. Generally take care of myself.
It's about 50/50 constipation/diarrhea. I have symptoms from it every day. I'd say about 1/3 of the time its not that bad, 1/3 moderately bad, and 1/3 severe.
I have significant pain and bloating when it's acting up. Pencil-thin stools. Sometimes diarrhea and constipation at the same time, like I have to strain to get very liquidy diarrhea out.
There is also very significant distention. When it's not bothering me, my stomach looks flat, and when it is I can look fairly overweight, like a beer belly. I've never found anything that helps with this.
I've tried every elimination diet known to man, and nothing has helped. I haven't found any food triggers or other specific triggers. But just eating or drinking can trigger it. Sometimes I'll feel fine and take a sip of water, and a minute later I feel awful.
The IBS symptoms feel significantly different than "normal" GI problems, I can't describe how, but it feels more "wrong" than regular constipation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.
50mg of CBD 2x/day, and it's the only thing that's ever helped with the IBS pain.
Pepcid 1x/day from acid reflux, presumably from the IBS.
Imodium, few times a week.
In the past I've tried tricyclic antidepressants, Bentyl, and some other stuff I don't remember, which weren't helpful.
IBS aura
Sometimes in the morning I will have a strange dream-like experience. It's not a dream per se, but I'm asleep, and it feels like one, but with no imagery or anything. There's an intense feeling of unreality and dissociation that comes along with it. I'd describe it as kind of similar to the strange feeling that comes with a migraine aura, but much more intense and much much weirder.
When I wake up, I feel extremely sleepy and confused for a few moments, but physically completely fine. Then after about a minute, I'm overwhelmed with sudden, immediate, incapacitating IBS pain. The pain will last all day, and is by far the worse IBS pain I get. It happens once or twice a year. And always exactly like this (e.g., never when I'm awake, or after a nap.)
I don't get anything like that "aura" preceding normal IBS symptoms.
Migraine with aura
The aura is a dark spot starting on the lower-right of my field of vision which increases to fill about 1/3 of the lower right-hand side. Random smaller dark spots appear across my field of vision, and sometimes small point-like scintillating spots.
Pain is also localized on the right-hand side just behind my eye, extending backwards for a bit, and I'd typically describe as throbbing.
The migraines come and go. I might have them every day for weeks, then none for months or years. But typically it's several a month.
I also have frequent regular headaches, several a week.
Neurological workup is fine otherwise.
Cymbalta 60mg 1/day, as a preventative. It works okay.
Sumatriptan, when needed. Also works okay, both together make a migraine tolerable but still bothersome.
Eustachian tube dysfunction / objective tinnitus
In both ears, but primarily the right ear, I have Eustachian tube dysfunction. The tubes are closed most of the time, like I have a cold. I do the Valsalva maneuver several times a day to help. There's no fluid buildup though.
Often I hear a rumbling sound in my ears that is nearly identical to what you hear when you yawn. When this happens, by placing my finger just in front of my ear I can clearly feel something twitching, there's significant movement. Pressing with moderate force typically stops it.
It's extremely irritating and distracting, but doesn't seem to hurt my hearing. AFAIK nothing triggers the rumbling, and the only thing that stops it is pressure. It's mostly bothersome at night. I've been tested for allergies, and didn't find any serious ones.
Very occasionally, my ears ring for a few seconds or minutes. Sometimes the background "tone" changes, like when a bad movie cuts from one person's dialogue to someone else's and it feels like it doesn't match.
Deviated septum
A year ago I had a septoplasty and inferior turbinate reduction to correct a deviated septum I'd had since I was a kid, making it increasingly hard to breathe out of my right nostril. Covering the left nostril and breathing out of the right would make me feel like I was suffocating. AFAIK there was no trauma that caused this.
CT scans didn't show any sinusitis or inflammation and septal deviation was "moderate."
Surgery went great and it's much better, but the right-hand side still feels like there's less throughput. I can feel this clearly if I block one nostril and exhale out the other. The ENT says that there're no obstructions or other reasons he can see for this and doesn't know why it's happening. I'd say the right nostril has like 75% of the throughput of the left one.
I've also been diagnosed with ADHD, the inattentive type.
Also anxiety and depression. As a teenager they were more severe, now they're more manageable. Saw psychologists for years but don't anymore.
I've tried several SSRI/SNRIs, and none of them have helped at all. But they have had sexual side effects of significantly decreased libido and difficulty maintaining erections. I still get erections in the mornings fine. Without the drugs I've never had these problems. They also made me pretty anhedonic in the long-run.
I take Vyvanse 40 mg, a few times a week for the ADHD symptoms. I'd take it more frequently, but it causes the same sexual side-effects as the SSRI/SNRIs. For some reason the Vyvanse almost completely eliminates my anxiety within about an hour of taking it.
Cialis 5mg, for sexual side-effects, but it's only a little helpful.
Weird symptoms
I haven't had a diagnosis associated with any of these. I've had these all since I was a kid/teenager.
Minor weird things
Probably not related to anything, but for completeness. I've also had all of these since I was a kid/teenager.
Family history
I've had so many tests I can't think of them all. They always come back normal, with the exception of low vitamin D (19).
I had lots of tests for IBS as a teenager, including uppelower GIs, and a bunch other I don't remember.
Recently had comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid tests, testosterone test, estradiol test, and a bunch of STD tests. All normal, but Glucose is in the high 90s (but it's always been < 99) and cholesterol is a little high.
Blood pressure is on the high end of normal, resting heart rate is in the 80s.
My Apple watch says my EEG is fine, SpO2 is fine, and sleep is fine with no interruptions and no drops in SpO2 or respiration rate.
Other daily medications
Fexofenadine, multivitamin
submitted by Migraine_Brain_123 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:30 MiniSiets Antidepressant that didnt make it worse?

Hey guys,
Ive been struggling for the last 2 to 3 years with tmj that started as a side effect to trying prozac. It went away a couple weeks after stopping. Since then Ive tried Cymbalta, wellbutrin and nortriptyline, and each time I get to the 3 week mark roughly the tmj explodes and I have to stop and wait months for it to calm back down to an acceptable level, but I really need to be on an antidepressant for my other chronic pain and anxiety issues.
Has anyone ever found one that at least didnt make their symptoms worse?
submitted by MiniSiets to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:57 89mrbluesky How to deal with mood swings caused by Cabergoline?

I (34M) discovered my prolactinoma (1.3 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm) about a month ago. My diagnosis is quite similar to that of many others here, with the difference being a long journey to discover what was wrong with me. In summary, I’ve been experiencing symptoms since I was 19: fatigue, lack of focus, low libido, and so on. However, over the years, no one ever requested a prolactin test, and the only thing I found out was that my testosterone was low but still within recommended levels. I was referred to therapy to address what was likely some depression or whatever.
Last year, my symptoms intensified, and I suspected it might still be related to testosterone. Despite years of therapy and learning to cope with various issues, I was relatively comfortable with the life I led. I continued to believe my problems were just insecurities that I needed to relax about. But as my body no longer responded as it used to with exercise-related injuries, even greater fatigue, and a mental fog that hindered my daily life, I decided to explore hormone replacement therapy.
That’s when I discovered that my prolactin level was at 437 ng/mL, indicating a possible tumor. After all the tests confirmed this, I began treatment three weeks ago with 0.5 mg of Cabergoline twice a week. Initially, I felt more fatigue than usual, along with body aches. Later, the sadness surpassed the fatigue (and to make matters worse, my ex-girlfriend broke up with me just days before my diagnosis). Sleep has also been difficult; vivid dreams leave me disoriented at night. I’ve seen similar reports here, and I can confirm that nightmares aren’t pleasant, but dreaming constantly about an ex-girlfriend you’re still in love with is even worse. Trust me.
In the past week, in addition to the overwhelming sadness, I’ve also experienced intense irritability. Impatience with friends and everyday problems has escalated. Yesterday, I reached a breaking point. After returning home from a relatively good day, I exploded at my sister, who lives with me. We had a silly argument about apartment routines and minor chores. But for some reason, I lost control and started yelling — an entirely atypical behavior for me. I’m usually calm; my friends often seek my advice precisely because I’m level-headed and tranquil. Yet last night, I was shouting through my house over trivial matters and even hurt my wrist punching the wall.
I frightened my sister and my dog, and then I felt like a piece of shit. I sat on the floor and cried. I apologized, promised better self-control, but had a terrible night’s sleep afterward. Today, I woke up feeling ashamed and guilty. I know there’s a chemical imbalance in my brain, but I refuse to accept this behavior from myself.
I’m reaching out to you and anyone who may have experienced similar situations. How do you cope with these overwhelming feelings in your daily life? Not just anger, but also the sadness I mentioned. Have you found any ways to manage it? I’m utterly exhausted, and the thought of being only at the beginning of treatment with a long road ahead is disheartening.
submitted by 89mrbluesky to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:47 WorldOld4817 life is ass

I am 13, almost 14. I guess I fell into a depression a little bit before 12 but I never figured it would progressively get worse n' worse. My family isnt really connected anymore and my older brother has been the closest thing to a father figure of mine for now almost a year. No one ever speaks up about their feelings so stuff isnt as it used to be. During all this time, being away from my father (Divorced from mother so l am in custody on visitation I dont even do to his house) I just sit at home or go to the store, occasionally a family members house. Thats quite literally it. I am now 5'11 And 267 LBs. Im a strong kid but still physically and mentally unwell. Ive gotten addicted to unrestricted internet access.
 Now this dost get that bad till months ago/a year ago when I first find out about that kinda thing. I saw it as a cope to my loneliness. But its only gotten more erotic. I dont go outside as much anymore, I have lack of dopamine intake from other things (im a pretty skilled drawer but No interest in doing it). I slip up on hygiene and physical wellbeing and dont know how to communicate my feelings except over text. I know time dost stop, Im going to age and age and eventually be an older teenager, but im afraid I Dont find a way to help myself im going to be a laughing stick in both college and high school. I used to wanna join the USAF, but with the kinds of mental disorders im rocking (ADHD, Depression, ADD ETC) And considering im on medication, I consider that a far goal in life. Id consider medical marijuana for my troubles but ive been down the weed path before with a friend and it wasnt pleasent. Im afraid im going to grow up in this miserable family and be a loner flipping patties and unable to make connections with woman as a young adult, or even anyone for that matter. I feel like a discord moderator stereotype, except im conscious about it and i fucking hate it. I wanna change but dont know where to start. Family help is considered useless to me by now. Not only have I not had a hug in months, I havent had a real friend whom i could connect with outside of school and actively trust on a personal level. ever. Im supposed to be taking an antidepressent, Cymbalta, but that only features more weight gain and destroys My mind in a way i cant describe. It kills depression sure but it just makes me feel delusional aswell. im still aware of my problems but i just cant be sad about them if i take the medicine. I wish things were different, That i didnt need to ask for strangers input online but it is what it is. Ive considered an OMAD Fast but havent had the balls. 
(I worded this is well as i possibly could, sorry for typos)
submitted by WorldOld4817 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:36 VirgilXXX Dupa has to be autoimmune related.

Dupa has to be autoimmune related.
I’ve addressed my high prolactin levels, and my DHEA-S is now within the normal reference range after taking dexamethasone. To lower my testosterone and DHT levels, I’ve taken measures to bring them below female ranges. Currently, my testosterone is at 7 ng/dL, which falls below the female low range (15 ng/dL to 46 ng/dL). My estrogen levels are within somewhat optimal female ranges. Additionally, I apply a topical mix of 5% spironolactone and 5% minoxidil, along with 5% RU58841. Orally, I take 5 mg of finasteride and 0.5 mg of dutasteride, along with 200 mg of spironolactone, 6 mg of estrogen, and Yaz birth control pills. Here’s the evidence of my results.
submitted by VirgilXXX to RetrogradeAndDUPA [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:17 NoMoBlues At rock bottom after 10 years of trying to fix my metabolism

I won’t blame the Peat community or anyone but myself, but I’m a total dysfunctional mess after 10 years of trying to apply a bio energetic approach to my health. A few things have improved but many more have gotten so much worse and new issues I’d never dreamed of acquiring are now part of my daily hell of being stuck in.
The most frustrating thing is I’ve done so many health experiments they have backfired I no longer have any idea what biological holes I’ve even dug myself into and I doubt any medical professional would have any clue where to start either. I’m at absolute rock bottom, friends. At a place of complete anhedonia with no clue what to even try that hasn’t been tried to dig myself out.
What do you do when all else has failed? No matter what I’m just always stuck in the lowest metabolic state and completely unresponsive to things like thyroid, progesterone, magnesium, b vitamins. I feel absolutely nothing from any of them or a typical prometabolic diet.
There have only been a few brief moments over the last 10 years that I’ve responded to any of these things. Sometimes quite impressively but always fleetingly.
I feel like a bedridden 90 year old psychologically and sexually although I appear to be a healthy 38 year old at normal healthy although slightly underweight. The only thing that I can think is I might have a fairly large pituitary tumor. Would sky high prolactin be the best indicator? I don’t have insurance or the energy to go through the medical establishment right now. If I get a very high prolactin level on a test, would it be safe to take something like cabergoline and maybe cyproheptadine? Because I’ve tried this combo years ago and it’s one of the last times I could feel any response from diet and supplements like progesterone.
Thanks for reading guys I don’t expect you to have any answers for me, just feeling incredibly hopeless and down lately and just wanted to regurgitate all this somewhere people might understand where I’m coming from.
submitted by NoMoBlues to raypeat [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:24 Icy_Algae_9558 Gyno cause high prolactin?

Hi, So usually the question is put the other way, but im curious can gyno lead to high prolactin. I had gyno surgery a few years ago and then had my t levels checked recently. That found that I have high prolactin. I got checked for pituitary tumor but never found the root cause of high prolactin. So im just speculating , it might be due to gyno. I still have a bit of chest fat but the doc removed the gland or much of it, I believe.
submitted by Icy_Algae_9558 to gynecomastia [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:12 AssistanceFew8370 P5P stomach ache?

Hi, I've just introduced from 2 days P5P to lower my prolactin levels, I know that the range is 50-200mg But I noticed in these days that if I assume my actual integration: -Multivitamin and minerals (low dosages) -Maca root -Magnesium -L-Histidine
after some minutes I have a very bad stomach ache, never happened with all of these supplements at once, but with 200mg of p5p yes So I tried to divide in 100mg and 100mg the doses but still a stomach ache.
what I should do? maybe does 50mg x 4 time during the day?
submitted by AssistanceFew8370 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:42 mytholozy Cabergoline Fluctuations?

Hey y’all! Basically, I (26, born F) seem to have idiopathic issues with my prolactin levels. I’ve always had irregular periods, and have an intense fear of the gynocologist, so it has taken me far too long to get things checked out. The irregular periods and high results on my bloodwork were the only symptoms/signs I had. My docs ran a bunch of tests, including the MRI to scan for a prolactinoma, but everything came back clear. My levels are only slightly elevated, so I’m hesitant to say it is hyperprolactin. I was placed on cabergoline, as is the usual treatment, twice a week.
My problem is that my levels have now dropped too low as a result of the cabergoline.
My question then is sort of this: is there a chance it’s just regular stress and such causing my levels to elevate like this since the levels weren’t really that high to begin with and the meds are now dropping them pretty low? Should I stay on the cabergoline? I plan to talk to my doc next time I see them, but just wondered what y’all’s thoughts might be!
submitted by mytholozy to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:14 AsleepFigure2077 My Experience and a Discourse on "DUPA"

My Background:

I follow a somewhat genetic pattern of hair loss, but I am losing hair in the donor area, back of the neck, and sideburns. I have consulted with three dermatologists specializing in scalp and skin, and all of them said that I would not be a candidate for a hair transplant. (Currently taking finasteride).

Hypothesis 1: Thyroid Levels

I was told that my thyroid might be an issue, so I had my levels checked, but they were very normal.

Hypothesis 2: Vitamin D

my levels are 67 (which is high within the normal range[20~100]), so it’s not a vitamin D issue.

Hypothesis 3: DHEA

Bypassing Finasteride Pathway and Binding Directly to Scalp Androgen Receptors
I used topical dutasteride for about six bottles, and applied MTS (microneedling therapy system) once a month, but I did not see any benefit.

Hypothesis 4: Nutritional Deficiency

No, I take daily multivitamins, omega-3, magnesium, probiotics, vitamin C, MSM, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed extract.

Hypothesis 5: Diabetes

Diabetes can cause circulation problems. However, I am not obese and am only 30 years old. I don’t think I have diabetes.

Hypothesis 6: Seborrheic Dermatitis

Interestingly, I did not experience hair loss when I had seborrheic dermatitis. Oddly, my hair loss accelerated rapidly once my seborrheic dermatitis was cured and my facial acne disappeared. I still use a shampoo with piroctone olamine.

Hypothesis 7: Lack of Nutrition to Hair Follicles

Korea is known for its good cosmetics. I consistently used expensive hair loss tonics (containing niacin, lactobacillus, caffeine, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, dexpanthenol, and various natural ingredients). I have spent an unbelievable amount of money on these products.

Hypothesis 8: Chronic Inflammation

In my school days, I always had acne, atopy, oily skin, keratosis pilaris, body acne, and hives. Interestingly, it feels like the inflammation has moved from my sebaceous glands to my hair follicles. (I am currently taking beta-sitosterol to reduce inflammation).

Hypothesis 9: Causes Similar to Female Pattern Hair Loss?

For women, DHT is not considered the main cause, as about half of the women experiencing hair loss also lose hair under the ears, sideburns, and back of the neck. This cause has not yet been properly identified.

Hypothesis 10: Excessive Cortisol and Stress

I think I got stressed because of hair loss, not that hair loss was caused by stress.

Hypothesis 11: High Prolactin Levels

I am planning to test my hormone levels next week.
submitted by AsleepFigure2077 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:33 maenads_dance High prolactin levels and lurasidone

I am trying to conceive and beginning to be worked up for infertility. My bloodwork came back with elevated prolactin levels which I have read can be caused either by antipsychotics- I take latuda for bipolar disorder- or by a pituitary gland tumor which may be treated by dopamine agonists. I’m really worried about treatment for infertility affecting my mental health. Any insight? Will I have to go off the latuda? I don’t see my psychiatrist until July.
submitted by maenads_dance to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:56 hebiryuu Lab results, can you help me understand?

Lab results, can you help me understand?
Most things seem to be within range except the low range of free test and Bioavailable?
submitted by hebiryuu to Testosterone [link] [comments]