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Quality Gaming Content and Discussion -- /r/Games

2008.05.05 23:39 Quality Gaming Content and Discussion -- /r/Games

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2009.06.15 20:18 MSTRGEO IndieGaming

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2024.06.09 20:40 G1ueHandsLuke What am I missing? (FO2)

So I decided to play through the Fallout games, going in relatively blind. I haven't been looking things up unless absolutely necessary, but MAN am I stumped.
I cannot for the life of me find out where Vault 13 or the GECK is. I've done practically every quest in every city; the only ones I've avoided are the ones that seem impossible (kill Westin - how??? he's unreachable) or the ones that require you to find missing people/objects with no leads as to where they could be (missing people in Broken Hills, Jonny, missing pocket watch). Every lead I've gotten regarding Vault 13 has led nowhere. Vic and Ed were useless. I cleared Vault 15 for the NCR, that was also useless. I've scoured the world map and then scoured every location I've discovered on that map except for San Fran (since what I've heard about it in-game makes it seem like its an endgame area) and the Sierra Military Base (haven't been able to lockpick my way into the elevator yet). My pip boy tells me there are only 3 locations left that I haven't discovered.
I've deliberately camped in all of the tiles due just west of NCR, because that's where Vault 13 should be. It's where it was in the first game. But apparently the vault was dug up and relocated, because its not there.
I've managed to find the Guardian Gate to go back in time and break the water chip in Vault 13, but haven't been able to find the damn place normally.
Like I said at the beginning of my post, I don't want to look things up except as a last straw. I don't want someone to just drop the coordinates to the place, but can I get some kind of a hint? Do I need to continue scouring the world map until there's not a single shred of fog of war left? Did I miss something in one of the locations I've already discovered?
I've spent so long searching for this place its getting pretty frustrating. I know old games have a reputation for expecting you to figure things out going on little information but this is just brutal. Its the first quest in the game and there are no actual leads.
submitted by G1ueHandsLuke to classicfallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:40 SylisCloud All Of Our Time Was Disrespected Here

I joined a DnD 5e Delvebound game (Its an Elder Scrolls conversion for 5e, pretty neat, would recommend. Plus its free). Now this story isn't as bad as some- (This is a joke, I hate when people underplay their experiences). This was a pretty frustrating game all the way through the 4-5 sessions that it was a thing. This was a few years ago so I can't remember everything and might be a bit out of order. This was during the pandemic so everything was online. The cast:
It wasn't until after the first session did we all realized we all made argonians, so we called ourselves the Scale Squad.
I can't remember if we had a session 0 or not but I feel like even if we did it was a really poor one. There was a lot of miscommunication. All I can remember was character creation, where we didn't even talk to each other about our characters, which led us to not even know we were all argonians. This is also the point where I switched the Point Buy permanently because of this game. We wanted to roll for our stats but we were concerned about balance (this is funny now because that was thrown out the window later with the DM handing out magic items like candy) so I proposed an idea that we could all roll stats then we would vote on which one we wanted and we all had to use. Everyone agreed but Ghost, he had this "won't do this out of principle" mentality. An argument ensues and the DM is nowhere to be found to handle it.
After several hours of him saying "I won't let anyone else determine my stats!" we finally came to a compromise where he just rolled his stats and had to deal with whatever he rolled while we did our voting thing. What follows is just engraved in my mind as the universe responded with karmic justice. He did not roll a single stat over 11. He just does the walk of shame out of the server. I feel like we all dodged a bullet there, even though we got hit with others later on.
So the DM was running an online dnd game... but he didn't have a computer. So we couldn't use roll20 or any VTT and had to use a discord dice bot for rolls. I don't know about other people but to me it was the most tedious process. You have to type in a command to make 1 roll and it is so slow in combat since you have to type different commands for every dice roll you make. I tried to make a sheet I could just copy and paste but it was not any faster. After the first or second session I asked the DM if I could just use physical dice and he agreed. After this point Imperial is getting aggressive with me.
I think Imperial thinks I'm cheating since I switched just from this one time I was asked to make a DC 16 save and I rolled exactly a 16, and then I succeed two more saves after that. This is ignoring the fact I am also rolling nat 1s to hit things. I probably should have talked to him or asked everyone in the group about rolling physical dice.
During all of the sessions the DM was getting on my nerves and I think everyone else's too. It wasn't him personally and not something he had entire control over but the area in his home had so much background noise and stuff happening that we barely got to play. He had dogs constantly barking and forcing him to get up and deal with them, and also just other people wanting him to help them with things while we are in the middle of combat, like every 20 mins or so it was something new. I think we was asked to build a shelf at one point. I don't know if the other people knew he was in the middle of something or just didn't understand or care, but DM dropped everything to go help them. After the third session it was pissing me off with the disrespect for our time, even the DM's time to an extent. No one said anything while he was gone, it was just this awkward silence but you could feel everyone was getting mad. Then the DM comes back and says stuff like "Im so glad I have players that are fine with this". (I know one of us should have said something but the awkwardness was too much to handle).
I can't tell you what the campaign story was, All I remember was we were walking from Skyrim to Hammerfell, then to Cyrodiil. It was just a random assortment of tasks and encounters, really unrememberable. When we stopped at Inns, Maid would spend the night with some of the patrons, the DM would then start to describe what happens and have Maid "roll performance" but Maid and I quickly stepped in and said to just end it at fade to black. Thankfully he listened.
When determining loot the DM had this app with rollable tables of powerful homebrew magic items, we were only level 3 or 4. He used the table like loot boxes, you had to choose if you wanted to roll on a "blessed item" or "demonic item" tables and you get 1 reroll. I rolled a demonic greatsword, something my character doesn't use. Imperial rolled this sort of backpack that had mosquitos that would harvest creature's blood and then heal you. I asked if he wanted to switch items as he used a greatsword and I was already some sort of beastmaster in the group already so I thought it made sense. He gave this aggressive no in the same tone as when he thinks I'm cheating, it was just really awkward as I now had a magic item I didn't want. I wish I spoke with him after to work things out, it felt like things were going to boil over at some point.
It didn't matter anyway as it was now the holidays and people were going on trips so we took a month break and just never did another session, I looked back in the server after 2 months had passed and saw Imperial quietly left the server, I just did the same.
I know I probably did something wrong here but it doesn't feel like a game that could be salvaged. I am now playing the same character in a still on-going campaign that has been going for more than 2 years now, Its not Delvebound so I switched to a Rune Knight Fighter and I am having a blast (If you are on the fence about playing fighter you should try this subclass its so much fun).
TLDR: DM is constantly interrupted by background noise, handing out powerful homebrew magic items. Another player thinks I'm cheating and gets mad.
submitted by SylisCloud to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 Pretty_Explanation39 How should I handle a roughly aged 40-50M to stop having a crush/falling for me 30F?

So I've been playing tennis heavily and met a group of people at a park roughly aged 40+ men and women early summer last year, majority of them are either a couple/partners, separated/divorced some with kids and some do not. They're all very nice, even welcomed as part of their group and now becoming more like a family which I am grateful for. They've been challenging me to be better at my game and its the main reason why I love playing with the group. Not only feels like I have a second family but also having a different coaches for free, I never asked for it but the fact that a few had asked for my permission, of course I said "hell yes!", they're more experience anyways. I also have other groups to play with but they do not challenge me as much as how this group does.
Long story short, there's this one guy that I typically play mixed doubles with, we're either in the same team or against each other. As time goes by trying to play with other guys in the group, he's the one I have good chemistry with on court (I'd say this is difficult to find). I'm comfortable, my mind is clear, I make good decisions on a good day, he coaches me and yes, I have learned so much and to be honest, I probably wouldn't go to play if I know he's not coming. And its mainly because I know I won't get a good game/workout without him. Few months back, he invited me to go play on our own to teach me volleys/playing at the net which is my weakness and I said yes why not. It went well, it was a good time, learned a lot and that was it, we didn't do it again due to schedule.
More and more gameplays together with him and with the group, we all starting to get to know each other personally. I don't also usually open up/tell my personal business to someone I do not know but we all developed a friendship. Down the road, I developed tennis elbow and so this guy offered to string my rackets for free and in exchange, I buy the strings (in whatever amount) that he wants to try. He agreed and so this is a thing. He discretely told me to not tell it to everybody else as he made it clear that he only does it for a couple of people and I'd probably do the same if it was me because I know its a lot of work. I think this alone is just being friendly nothing more. Its a win-win for both, well more of a win for me since I don't have to do the work.
Going further, there has been a couple of parties and dinners together with the group. He also started giving out some goodies like snacks and chocolates from the factory he's working at to some of us but he gives more of these goodies to me. The odd thing is, he's discretely giving it to me when there's no other people around. This happened 2-3 times already, I am not trying to give meaning behind this but started to feel awkward. There's also been some gestures that I think was just more like an older brother and younger sister that is endearing, eg. "oh dont drive too fast, you might get caught by the police", things like this I just find nothing more. It feels more like he's an older brother that I never had.
Whenever, there's a get together, him and I are very distant to each other, it always just like a hello/goodbye, never sat to each other because I always sat next to the girls anyways. Though what I noticed is whenever I leave the party, he always leave the same time as I do, not sure why. I am well aware of my surrounding so I know he doesn't stalk or whatever. Most importantly, since the very beginning, he's aware that I have a boyfriend and actually last April, I got engaged to my LDR boyfriend and will be getting married this July. Everyone in the group knows this.
Anyways, recently there was a farewell party for one of the couple that is moving to another state and we all had fun. I decided to leave a little late around 10:30ish pm and when I was saying bye to everyone, he also was doing the same he then walked out few minutes before me. He got into his car and he saw me walking towards my car and he said goodnight and so I did. I got home and then I saw a message for him saying, "what a loss, its too late now, goodnight".. I kinda knew what he meant but I'm not delusional and do not want to think anything of it but I decided to reply and asked, "what do you mean?". He then replied saying "you, you're getting married". I just replied saying, "oh, goodnight". For some time now, I feel it when someone adores me from afar, I don't ever acknowledge it though, I just ignore them and just act like me, purely being myself, civil, comes in to play and that's it, nothing more as it's always have been. The following day, we played again there was 6 of us. And then we all left, I messaged the group saying "thanks for today" and I messaged him directly saying "thank you". He then replied saying "thank you, you make me happy".
**TL;DR;** Honestly, I've been playing dumb (not the tennis games) but whatever this is for a reason. So right now, I am a position where I just want to tell him politely to stop going further deeper into whatever he's feeling towards me because I am NOT interested at all. I don't know how to be upfront and say stop, I mean he's more of an adult so if anything he'll probably just understand but I don't want to be awkward which if I ever say something I'm sure it will be awkward. At the same time, I don't want to make a fool of myself. Like how, what do I say? Should I just stop playing with them and play with other group? How should I put it?
submitted by Pretty_Explanation39 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:35 Muzatio It's definitely over at this point, the wait is no longer worth it

Well... the Xbox presentation is over, and even though it presented a wide and diverse catalog of games that appear to be simply spectacular (with emphasis on Doom: Dark Ages), we still don't have any news related to Silksong.
In general, I understand all the arguments related to the delay in the official delivery of the game, considering the 2-year extension of the pandemic and the fact that the studio has a certain limited scope of workmanship... but I don't think that justifies leaving the entire community in absolute darkness without any news or expectations to support this year. At this point, all the hype I had is nothing more than a decadent receptacle that is progressively emptied, and I think that at this point I no longer care about Hollow Knight.
I don't know, I think it's time for us to really stop with all this commotion and migrate to other games that exist out there, until the long-awaited time that we so desire appears suddenly.
submitted by Muzatio to Silksong [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 Big-Data7949 My weekend dabbling

Super new into woodworking, what's this look like and how can I improve? I'm trying to do the best I can with what I have but that's limited to some out of date tools that have been repaired to their last. I'd love to do so much more but am missing a TON. No table saw, no band saw, all I really use is a 16 or so year old Dremel, jigsaw and that's about it.
Anyway fwiw here's what I've made this weekend. Anyway feedback, suggestions etc would be much appreciated! I'd also love if anyone had suggestions of super simple stuff to make for beginners like myself? Just have a rotary tool with hardly any bits, a jigsaw and saw saw remember that please
Hearts, just used a jigsaw to cut out a hand drawn heart shape then free handed with the rotary tool and a cutting burr to give it the 3d look. I still can't figure out what bit to use for the center of the heart, where it links together to make it look right? Any suggestions?
Crosses: still in progress. Need sanding, need stained (what stain should I use?) Also I keep struggling with making them symmetrical, they almost always end up lopsided. I think they are from scrap oak and pine I had.
The cane: I was fortunate enough to get a few bamboo shoots! My father is in bad health and I wanted to make him a comfortable cane as his last one has seen better days. Tbh I couldn't figure out exactly how to make the °90 from the bamboo to create a handle, like how would you do that? Would a "T" shaped handle made from bamboo look better?
Anyway what I ended up doing was cutting the handle from a scrapped old bike and grinding it down to fit. Problem is you can pull hard and remove it. Just walking with it that's not a problem it holds fit and it's not like it would slip out by accident I guess but how could I get it to solidly stay? Was thinking maybe glue, jb weld something of the sort as I'm not sure drilling through the bamboo to add a bolt or something would work well. I guess maybe I could clamp it somehow and maybe make it adjustable? Ideas?
Oh and there's a crystal cross in there as well, it's ofc not symmetrical either (ah!) But I believe I made it from quarts? Suggestions? How can I do better next time? Also would this "work" as a pendant or something? Was thinking about drilling through it and putting it on a necklace, or bracelet at the very least.
Anyway, I'm brand new to this kind of stuff. How bad is it? Also where do you get better tools on a budget like this? I'm really needing another Dremel as I do most of my work with it but the one I have is old and the carbon is about out. Also it's low rpm. Which rotary tool is the best for this? I've heard the Dremel 4300 but can't be sure. I also work with steel and other metals and really would like something with some torque but right now literally any old rotary tool from the last 5 years would be a major improvement especially something portable for when I'm not home.
Thanks for listening to me rambling, I apologize my head is all over the place today!
submitted by Big-Data7949 to creative_woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:31 Maygii [Math] Yinlin's performance in off-element teams

[Math] Yinlin's performance in off-element teams
How does Yinlin perform in off-element teams? Does her contribution as an off-field DPS outweigh the buffs you’d get from someone like Sanhua, and how does this scale with her Sequence nodes? To measure this, I’ve spent the last few days implementing Yinlin into my calculator.
You can check out the calculator at Wuwa DPS Calculator (Google Sheet) - it's updated with Yinlin, and Sanhua's kit is now also fleshed out!
DISCLAIMER: The following post contains THEORETICAL numbers and graphs. Even if a graph shows one thing, the performance may differ in a practical situation, so take things with a grain of salt and don't imagine that "one thing is absolutely better than the other". For example, Yinlin's AOE is amazing compared to other characters.

Video Version

It's only 4 minutes long, maybe consider watching?
Is Yinlin good in off-element teams? (4:13)

Text Version

To find out how Yinlin does in off-element teams, we’ll slot her in Sanhua’s spot in a meta Encore team, and see how the total team DPS changes as we look at some graphs comparing a couple different builds of Yinlin vs Sanhua. The following math concerns Encore teams & comparisons only. Results may vary with other teams.
The Builds
Let’s introduce the builds. We’ll have Yinlin on both a selfish DPS set of Void Thunder, as well as a supportive set, Moonlit Clouds. Finally, we’ll have Sanhua on Moonlit clouds as our control. They will all be on standard 43311 sets, and between them and Encore, one will have a 5* limited weapon, and one will have a 5* standard weapon to keep it consistent.
All weapons will be at R1.
Build Yinlin's Weapon Encore's Weapon Sanhua's Weapon Verina's Weapon
Yinlin (Void Thunder) Stringmaster Cosmic Ripples - Literally anything
Yinlin (Moonlit Clouds) Stringmaster Cosmic Ripples - Literally anything
Sanhua (Moonlit Clouds) - Stringmaster Emerald of Genesis Literally anything
(maybe I should have switched Yinlin and Encore's weapon in the Moonlit clouds comparison... huh.)
The Opener
The various openers used for the following comparisons.
First, let’s take a look to see the DPS difference in an opener rotation. In the opener, all characters have 0 Concerto energy, so there are no outros in play. Compared to Sanhua, Yinlin’s sequences affect the overall team damage MUCH more - with nearly a 50% increase to the total team’s damage between S0 and S6. As you might imagine, the Void Thunder set completely eclipses the Moonlit set, as it should, as the Moonlit set is contributing almost nothing in an opener rotation with no Outros.
However, if we go back to the start at S0, you’ll notice the DPS with Sanhua S0 is actually higher than Yinlin, DESPITE no Outros being in play. In fact, all Sanhua does is one skill and detonation in here, for a measly amount of damage. That is to say, that in an opener rotation, it may not worth be worth doing Yinlin’s entire setup, as she takes quite a bit of time to fill up her Forte meter without having her Intro available.
The total team DPS with different builds of Yinlin vs Sanhua in the opener.
The Burst Rotation
\"So what's up with Basic 2 on Yinlin?\" It's a DPS gain to do the Inferno Rider swap on Encore, and you need to fill in another 0.75s before you can swap back, so that's why that's there. In the S6 rotation, you need to replace the Heavy attack with basics in order to get all your S6 procs.
Next, we’ll look at a burst rotation. Here, Moonlit Clouds on Yinlin pretty much matches Void Thunder, but is beat out when Yinlin hits S6. Though, remember that this can vary depending on your gear - if your Yinlin isn't as geared as your main DPS (Encore), Moonlit Clouds may be more impactful overall.
Sanhua falls slightly short of Yinlin here, but is fairly competitive. Something else important to note is that Sanhua, even at S6, has a much smaller raw damage contribution than Yinlin, as most of her contribution is in buffs. This means that the value of good gear means much less on Sanhua, so you can pour more resources into your main DPS and have much less to lose with than with Yinlin, which is especially relevant in the early game when we’re all bleeding on Echo XP.
Because Sanhua provides much less in the raw damage department than Yinlin, you have much less to lose with scuffed gear verses Yinlin, who also competes for Stringmaster. Where's Verina? I nullified her 1% damage just to keep the graph cleaner (^:
In summary - for an off-element team, Yinlin’s off-field damage, even when fully built and on her signature weapon, doesn’t contribute much more than a support like Sanhua theoretically; at least, not until she gains 3-4 Sequence Nodes. However, I’m sure she’s great for Calcharo, but imagine playing a dude.
That's about it for this short math post! I've been literally non-stop working on scripts and math since Yinlin's drop (like... I stayed up until 4 AM on Thursday night, 4 AM again on Friday night, and then to 6 AM on Saturday... yeah my schedule is screwed now lol), so it's time to play the game a bit. See you guys next time!
submitted by Maygii to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:30 Wild_Cellist9861 Gamers Break Away [GBA]

My fellow gamers, for too long has our community suffered the indignation of an intolerable culture that has denigrated, besmirched, exploited, and has outright demonized our culture of unique individuals with a genuine love of a hobby that they see as profitable and progressive. They have taken beloved IP’s (Intellectual Properties) and twisted them into their own personal ideological crusade of undermining and humiliating the core aspects of characters they deemed as “Toxic” or “White Supremacy”. Through the guise and protection of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) & ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) they have used our influence in the entertainment industry to push their narratives and agendas that have stigmatized our culture with numerous anti-consumer practices that they call “being progressive”. But the truth of the matter is they were never really looking to be a part of our community, they simply wanted to use our community as a tool of activism and propaganda in the entertainment industry as it was extremely profitable, and they wanted inclusion in that division. Ever since GamerGate & Female Frequency, we have had to endure the incursion of forced ideologies, xenophobic behaviors and inferior overpriced products that have never been in our best interest and have been flat out disgraceful towards foreign media.
Before Gaming had become a major source of entertainment, we were often categorized as anti-social or societies rejects where because we found more enjoyment in playing fictional characters and not spending as much time out and about, we never fully assimilated in society (which is a good thing if you ask me). From 1998 to 2007, at the height of innovation, creativity and production, Gaming had reached a golden age in which it had revolutionized society. Hollywood Execs who had ruined the movie industry turned their attention to video games as a source of income since video games had outperformed movies in terms of profit. No one was concerned about gaming, much less diversity or inclusivity until it became profitable. This makes people like SBI look extremely disingenuous as they were not interested in gamers as a community with its own culture. They simply wanted to use it as another weapon in identity politics.
Microtransactions; the hidden enemy to gamer progress and inducer to mental laziness of our community. Microtransactions have been around for a long time; however, it has never been more potent and apparent than in recent years. It has aided in the dismantling and segregation of players on the ideology of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and has created another sub-culture of gamers who have no real drive to be better outside of how much money they put into the game. This has degraded our culture as well as we have become “fat” off transactional gaming but at the same time we have been “starved” of purposeful gaming where our achievements were our sustenance. I am not saying that microtransactions are bad, but when they are exploitative and predatorial like they have been and don’t give gamers room to grow, we become lethargic and unwilling to improve ourselves as gamers. Oversaturated microtransactional games are one of the many reasons why we have become complacent and unwilling to fight against the exploitative tactics used by big brand game companies such EA, Ubisoft, ActivisionBlizzard, NaughtyDog and so many other western business model companies. Western style games were not like this in the past, they had much more depth and actual effort put into them with the gamer in mind. This has not been the case for over a decade and our connection to western developers has been whittled down to just being transactional. That is one of the reasons why you see so many remasters and remakes in today’s gamer community. They have lost their willingness to improve as developers of games and simply accept corporate/share holder rules.
Game journalists also do not have any real integrity or purpose outside of being funded for their involvement in promoting IPG (Identity Political Games) in a positive light to the public whether it’s positively received or not. They are not interested in what we have to say, they all support the same agenda and that is why they are a dying breed. Within the next couple of years, they will be out of the job and more than likely they will not be able to stay in the industry giving how they have responded to past articles that have clearly been scripted on the premise of diversity and racism. Not only that, but most of them are also extremely hostile to the community as they stereotype and defame the individuals that are a part of the community they are supposed to serve. We have been mentally liberated from their lies and coercive tactics as we tend to laugh at their obvious attempt at virtue signaling while hiding their misdoings so that they can play the victim.
My gamer brothers & sisters, I would not suggest the following action that we must take now without good cause. I have weighed our options and the best option for us now is this…...CULTURAL SECESSION. Naturally this is a form of segregation where they would more than likely claim they are being segregated by the dominant culture of the gaming community but that is incorrect. For years now we have been the ones who are often marginalized and ostracized for the smaller portion of our community. And when we aren’t, we’re exploited for more funds so that these companies can stay in business only to subject us to low quality products that coincide with the “WOKE Agenda” that are often huge expenses to these big brands i.e. AAA/AAAA games that will eventually flop for its obvious forced diversity and bug infested product which will undoubtedly piss off the consumer to the point of wanting a refund. Losing copious amounts of capital and stock in the process, not to mention their reputation is permanently marred.
We must separate on every cultural level in terms of entertainment and ideology. We must reject everything from the west that promotes toxic western beliefs, practices, and exclusion from other cultures (i.e. Southeastern Countries such as Japan and Korea). Japan & Korea have been the targets of unjust discrimination from Western Developers, Western Journalists, Western Localizers (The Wokelizers) and Western Society Prejudice regarding their sense of aesthetics as Westerners hate the aesthetic sense of these countries. The reason why they resort to such base tactics isn’t just because it weaponizes the ideal female form but it’s also because they have deep-seated insecurities about their own looks so when they see attractive female characters, they use terms such as “unrealistic” or “hypersexualized” to establish the moral high ground. But the truth is, they want to feel superior to that which is ideal, so they insult and dehumanize this figure that portrays natural female beauty because they see it as an insult to their own social superiority in what they believe is a hierarchy of them being at the top of all other women. Because of this and so many contributing factors, their movies flop harder than the Fat Chocobo landing on a group of enemies and their games seismically fail just as much if not more. We must sever our connection to Western Developers, Publishers, and ALL Western-Centric Entertainment for they seek to mentally enslave us to their Xenophobic ideology.
Let’s define Western Culture and its traits. Western Culture/Society is composed of more than several different ideologies that work in unison with one another to facilitate dominance over multiple aspects of society. Business, Social, Political, Technological, and sometimes even Global Affairs are affected by these ideologies that portray a specific mindset of Western beliefs. What are those ideologies you ask?
Official Wiki GamerGate Page)

Asmongold Clips.




These traits are so nefarious and unconscionable that I have a hard time believing that anyone could harbor them. However, given the social, political, and economic climate that we are in, those in power who use their influence on controlling society most definitely possess these insidious traits. Everything that they do is all about control and since video games are the biggest market in the world, they want control over it and the communities built around it to accrue more wealth and to use that wealth to subjugate other cultures. Mainstream media is a tool as well as mainstream organizations and sites to help accomplish this goal.
The government recently announced its intentions towards what they believe is “GamerGate 2.0” and now even the ADL has made an official appearance, referring to gamers as “extremist’s”. We know EXACTLY what they are doing, and they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore because they don’t think we are aware of their motives. This is just a pretext for them to exert even more control and we know why, it’s because they want the influence we as a community have to must serve them. So here is what we do my fellow gamers-
“In light of recent events and years of mainstream stigma, we the members of the Global Gaming Community [GGC] must officially renounce ALL TIES to the corporate western video game market. We have been financially exploited through predatorial monetization schemes, pelted with numerous articles of disdain and intentional misrepresentation from game journalists, news outlets regarding us as dangerous individuals and, even subjected to inferior products not only riddled with bugs but also products meant to push political agendas. For the preservation of our community and its unique culture, apart from a few select game development studios we officially sever all connections to western owned video game companies & their mainstream affiliates. From this point onward, we will no longer support western corporate developers, journalists and publishers that do not coincide with the goals of our community.”
Naturally this is completely optional. If you are okay with the state of the gaming community as it is, feel free to ignore this. But if you wish for real change and a break away from oversaturated monetization in the games you play and the push for radical ideological reform, then you are in the right place. Lets sever these rotted miasmic ties once and for all so that our community can be preserved and made better for future gamers. If you agree with this, share it with whoever you think might be interested. The more gamers who get involved, the easier it will be for us to finally break free from mainstream game companies and their associates.
submitted by Wild_Cellist9861 to United_Gamer_Front [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:28 Charliegirl121 Tiresome trump

He pardoned war criminals. Trump showed a flagrant disregard of the rule of law by pardoning Blackwater contractors who massacred unarmed Iraqi civilians, including innocent women and children.
He vetoed the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. Trump vetoed $741 billion in military spending and a 3 percent pay raise for our troops over an unrelated issue, and put Republicans who voted for it in the difficult position of having to choose whether to flip-flop or override his veto.. But he did not shut down travel from Europe until March 11 — almost six weeks later — because of objections from his economic advisers. The outbreak in New York was seeded by travelers from Italy, and New York then seeded the rest of the country, becoming the primary source of new infections across the United States.
he did not shut down travel from Europe until March 11 — almost six weeks later — because of objections from his economic advisers. The outbreak in New York was seeded by travelers from Italy, and New York then seeded the rest of the country, becoming the primary source of new infections across the United States, during a pandemic
He refused to accept the results — or his own responsibility for losing. He caused chaos. All he did was temper tantrums We need a adult which is what biden was, trump behaved like a 2 yr old.
Other leaders laughed at trump because he kept making a fool of himself. He couldn't even stay awake in court is he going to be sleeping during important meetings?
He discussed imposing martial law at an Oval Office meeting. The suggestion by Michael Flynn that Trump declare martial law and use the military to re-run the election in swing states is insane. That Trump took it seriously enough to discuss it in the Oval Office is shameful, as are his calls for elected Republicans to overturn the results.
He's a felon. No person should be allowed to run if they are a felon.
Trump has already said he would implement mass deportation operation. A new Muslim ban. Tariffs on all imported goods and “freedom cities” built on federal land.
He would target people who are legally living in the United States but have different views. He separated children from their parents that's child abuse.
Trump wants to be like putin and north korea He's been impeach 2x. He's too stupid to realize that putin is using him to get what he wants. He's dumb enough to think their friends.
Any trumpers who are on palestine side trump is not.
Trump says he will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that “only two genders,” as determined at birth, are recognized by the United States.
As part of his crackdown on gender-affirming care, he will declare that hospitals and health care providers that offer transitional hormones or surgery no longer meet federal health and safety standards and will be blocked from receiving federal funds, including Medicaid and Medicare dollars.
ENERGY Trump’s goal, he says, is for the U.S. to have the lowest-cost energy and electricity of any nation in the world, including China.
Under the mantra “DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” he says he would ramp up oil drilling on public lands and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers. He would roll back Biden administration efforts to encourage the adoption of electric cars and reverse proposed new pollution limits that would require at least 54% of new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2030.
And again, he says, he will exit the Paris Climate Accords, end wind subsidies and eliminate regulations imposed and proposed by the Biden admiration targeting incandescent lightbulbs, gas stoves, dishwashers and shower heads.
He has said he would cut funding for any school that has a vaccine or mask mandate and will promote prayer in public schools.
Trump also wants a say in school curricula, vowing to fight for “patriotic education.” He says that under his administration, schools will “teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught right now” and will promote “the nuclear family” including “the roles of mothers and fathers” and the “things that make men and women different and unique.” I want my kids to know the true history of the usa
Trump wants to force the homeless off city streets by building tent cities on large open parcels of inexpensive land. At the same time, he says he will work with states to ban urban camping, giving violators the choice between being arrested or receiving treatment.
He says he will require local law enforcement agencies that receive Justice Department grants to use controversial policing measures such as stop-and-frisk. As a deterrent, he says local police should be empowered to shoot suspected shoplifters in the act. “Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store,” he said in one recent speech
This is not the person who should be in charge of our country. Trump wants to be a dictator, that would take away our freedom.
I don't understand why any black, Latinos, women Would vote for him, including, gays, trans, minority would vote for him. He's racist, he hates trans and gays and he will pass laws against them. He's sexist and he has some disturbing ideas on his own daughter.
The guy is nasty creepy loser and I don't want to see him in the white house I would like to never see him again. He's followers send him money for his legal fees. Is he not a billionaire, he claims he is. Then he should pay his own legal fees.
I can go on and on but I'm tired of this topic and of trumpers.
submitted by Charliegirl121 to Iowa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:27 EERMA Transforming your dreams to reality: how ready are you?

Everyone has dreams, yet only a few truly grasp the opportunity to transform aspirations into reality. Are you ready to take control and navigate the twists and turns life throws at us?
Preparing for Your Dreams
In a world brimming with uncertainties, the key lies in meticulous preparation, flexibility, and persistence. Preparation is the key to experiencing genuine lasting fulfilment. It is the foundation for living your best life. While it's not possible to be ready for everything, it is possible to be as prepared as you can be for anything that is reasonably foreseeable.
In a world of few certainties, you can push the odds largely in your favour. And that means being ready:
· Get the basics of your life under control. The PERMA model provides an excellent platform for this.
· Get – and remain - in intellectual control. Make time for frequent deep relaxation: meditation, yoga, hypnosis – whatever works best for you.
· Develop your authentic self. Align your activities with your strengths, values, beliefs, and sense of purpose.
· Consistently develop your capabilities. The more you can do – the more you can do.
· Build reserves to manage the setbacks. With reserves in place, setbacks present us with decisions rather than knockout blows.

Beyond the Basics
With the above platform in place, you will be ready to walk your own path: a unique journey, a unique destination – and a unique legacy. Ready to get started?
· Develop a clear description of the dream.
· Reverse plan how you will achieve the dream: start with the dream, then work out the final stage, then the one before that, and the one before that – all the way back to the present day.
· Seek out the people who can help you realise your dreams.
· Learn how to use self-hypnosis. The techniques we have here are transformational.
· Let go of the baggage from the past which no longer serves you.
· Keep a journal about what you're accomplishing toward your dreams.
· Reflect on what has gone well – and why it has gone well. What didn’t work so well? What have I learned? How will I apply that learning?
· Consider the benefits of working with a skilled helper: putting things in perspective, sharing the tools to support your progress: a huge return for your investment in yourself.

Keep your dreams in mind. Visualise your success. Constantly remind yourself why your dreams are important. Dedicate regular time to work on your dreams. Adopt the habit of asking yourself: what is the most value adding thing I could be doing right now? Deliberate on the negative thoughts of your inner critic. Work with a helper to remove those limiting beliefs and challenge those unresourceful thought patterns. Working towards your dreams means recognising that you are good enough and you are worthy. Adapt your strategy to reflect your learning: why have a mind if you never change it?

Get the Dream You Really Want
Create a vision for each major area of your life, possibly in a journal, but most importantly – deep inside yourself.
When you begin to think about what you truly want from the perspective of your authentic self, free from limiting beliefs, you'll find your true passions. You'll find what matters most to you and you'll feel the excitement, and the fulfilment, of walking your own path. This is what it means to prepare yourself for your dreams. When you're prepared, you'll know that you are already on your way and you just need to keep going.

Desire + Strategy + Persistence = Authentic Results

Ready to embark on your journey towards success? Take your first step now by signing up for this comprehensive case study. You will also open the door to further exclusive content:
Case Study
submitted by EERMA to WellbeingHypnotherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:26 Lnsatiabie This game is so good!

Wow this game is so fun! I’ve gotten to try every single different class (some more than others) and go into each of the different dungeons!
The weapon attacks are very fun and satisfying. And it almost feels like I’m playing some enhanced hardcore rogue lite game mode out of Diablo or elder scrolls (some of my favorite games)
Did you know the dungeons actually go to a deeper floor of you can survive long enough? It only took me 10 hours of playing to really figure out how to live (definitely find a mob attack guide) but I enjoyed every minute! Even when I was getting destroyed by skeleton footmen and wall traps (haha I still do sometimes)
There are even difficult bosses to be fought that I will definitely need to continue improving before taking on.
This game has been so much fun and I have invested much of my time into it for absolutely free.
However I’m a little disgusted that the devs don’t let me play one of the game modes that I’m not even ready for. And I can’t even bring any gear I’ve looted to kill people who are playing the game for the first time. There are surely no consequences to allowing gear to be brought into the “normal” dungeons.
My experience matters, but others’ do not.
1/10, 0 stars, bad game, made sure to let them know on steam.
though, I’m still gonna keep playing and enjoying the game because it’s really fun, and the devs seem to release free content for both editions of the game.
(Why are people like this?)
submitted by Lnsatiabie to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:26 blankeos Solid Start vs Vike comparison again

Solid Start vs Vike comparison again
Hi guys. I've been spending a ton of time just experimenting with Solid Start and Vike just sharing my thoughts again on here for anyone curious.
I'm currently building a boilerplate that has Auth (Lucia), Database (Turso), Migrations (Prisma), Queries (Kysely), E2E Typesafety (tRPC) out of the box. I initially started with Vike but then tried Solid Start. after a problem I got stuck with on Vike.
Here are some of my thoughts on both "meta frameworks":
  • 😃 I love Vike's SSR data loading experience. It's very similar to SvelteKit. It's a separate file, it runs once on the route. But the biggest benefit here is that you can actually access the data using the useDatahook, almost like how you'd access a context. So, if you want to SSR your data and use it as an initial data in a deep component or in an AuthContext like I did here. You can! And it's so easy, I can't say the same for Solid Start.
  • 😃 Vike has also failed less on me here with Hydration errors and stuff.
  • 😐 There's a lot more boilerplate to set it up but it makes sense since it's more low-level. But I also still find it pragmatic since most of the files are collocated where they're supposed to be.
  • 🙁 File System Routing is okay until you get to Nested/Cumulative Layouts. By default, everytime you make a +Layout.tsx, it actually overrides your root +Layout.tsxfor that page. Unlike with NextJS where it inherits it as a second layout. There's currently a pretty scuffed workaround I noticed in the docs. It was kind of a dealbreaker for me.
  • 🙁 There are also no grouped routes or ignored folder names. Every folder will affect the url path. The only ones ignored are index, src, and pageswhich I think can get limited pretty quickly. (Might also be a dealbreaker for some).
Solid Start
  • 😃 File System routing is a lot better!
  • 😃 Grouped Routes using ()characters. Vike doesn't have this!
  • 😃 Layouts and Nested Layouts are there (albeit a little confusing at first because it uses a name instead of a keyword).
  • 🙁 I don't like the SSR data loading experience on Start (unfortunately). Idk if it's just my problem, but I can't get my head wrapped around cache, createAsync, and load. Plus, it feels limited to the usecase I have--hydrating the initial state in the Auth Context. Are we really only limited to this? Or can we do something similar to Vike's useDatahook while using Solid Router's loadfunction?
  • 🙁 There was also an unusually frequent bunch of hydration errors occurring that got me frustrated. Fortunately most of them were just similar to this, but it still got annoying. Idk if it's just me.
If you're curious how to implement any of the tech I used in your Solid projects as well. Feel free to look at the code.
I think in particular, you'd be able to really make use of the examples for problems I solved for:
  • Implementing Auth on the backend. (public endpoints, authed endpoints, and protected endpoints)
  • Implementing Auth on the frontend. (shared auth context, consuming APIs, guarding routes on the client-side)
  • Proxying request and response headers (initTRPCSSRClient) - This is super important when your auth data is in http-only cookies. Lucia in particular.
  • Hydrating AuthContext Data on SSR (Was only able to do it on Vike)
  • Doing Nested Layouts in SolidStart using the FileSystem Router (surprisingly the solution isn't even on the start docs, I found it on Discord 🫥)
  • Hydrating TanStack Query on SSR - I made a utils/sscreate-dehydrated-state.ts with some instructions that could be really helpful.
submitted by blankeos to solidjs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:25 random-neutral67 Guard Shroom works surprisingly well in Arena when paired with Tile Turnip.

So here is a little neat thing.
The Guard Shroom which is the newest Reinforce-mint plant works surprisingly well as a buff for Tile Turnip or an alternative if you have low level Tile Turnips.
The Minishrooms it spawns are actually like pseudo-Power Tiles. When you activate a plant food on the plant/tile the minishroom is in, it activates the Plant Food again, or twice in total.
So a set up would be like a Primal Potato Mine column at the most back, 2 guard shrooms on the even lanes at the 2nd most back column.
Tile Turnips for each potato mine. 4-5 would be great, anything more is, like the game is limiting you. There is no space on the lawn left.
When you activate Plant Food on the Potato Mines, it activates twice, but then the power tiles activate, then the power tiles activate once again because of the minishrooms.
So for the lower level people with like lvl 1 to 4 Tile Turnips this can work as a great way to simulate Max level Tile Turnips. You can get essentially 9-10 power tiles worth of plant food activations at the cost of one plant food and saving space and sun.
As a strategy.
I tried it and i comfortably got 800k to 1.2 million points. So not bad, and it is also not level or mastery dependent. (Threepeater+Torchwood, Spearmint+Pokra, Electric Peashooters all need very high levels).
Primal Potato Mine doesn't scale high so my point still stands. Bombard-mint is barely a noticeable buff for it.
This setup relies on the instant kill and armor negation of the Primal Potato Mines to one shot and kill all zombies.
This setup also works while not boosted, albeit you need to sacrifice a plant food or two to get 3x3 minishrooms and cover every column for defense and the plant food activation.
So time being a factor generally results in a score of like 400-800k which is still great and practically a guaranteed win for every league match below like silver or gold.
Btw, Blover and Reinforce-mint combo still works in this scenario. Contain-mint is not nullified so Blover stil works.
Just a post for lower level or lower league players.
For the higher level players, keep on using the strategy that works for you.
submitted by random-neutral67 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:24 FoMotherVodka Pixel 6 random extreme lags

Hello, how is your Pixel 6 doing? Does it work fine?
I've owned Pixel 6 for 1.8 years. Overall, it works fine, but it randomly freezes extremely during trivial usage scenarios and creates embarrassing situations (considering all my yapping to friends about how stable Pixels are).
Two weeks ago, I just wanted to connect an Xbox controller to play Stardew, and it nearly bricked itself. Bluetooth and all quick settings became completely unresponsive, there were extreme lags for every interaction, the settings app didn't even want to launch, and restarting didn't help. It somehow fixed itself after 15 minutes.
Just now, I had a delivery order and picked it up to check the status - it barely unlocked, and had extremely freezes, I barely managed to open Glovo app. The courier tried to call me - I heard the call sound but couldn't answer since the call wasn't displaying. I somehow managed to answer through my connected watch. Quick settings stopped working, and no notifications were displaying.
Connection issues: every time I go through a tunnel or come out of a -1 floor (like a bar, for example), it loses connection and also struggles to reconnect for 15-20 minutes!(Restart doesn't work)I have a hard time calling a taxi late in the evening every single time!
I know I could always backup and factory reset, but I think this shouldn't happen to a flagship phone. It has 20GB of free storage, I use it for simple tasks, don't play games, and it behaves like this. My OnePlus 6 died after 4 years, for example. My very old iPad Mini 4 lags, but does it gracefully - UI animations are slow but smooth, and it has never bricked itself.
Please share your experience - if such behavior is an exception, I will try to factory reset it
submitted by FoMotherVodka to Pixel6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:23 Key_Policy_809 Welcome to r/pointsmaxxing - Learn to Maximize your Credit Card Rewards

Understanding Credit Card Rewards Programs

Credit card rewards programs come in various forms, primarily categorized into cashback, points, and miles. Each program has its own set of rules, benefits, and optimal usage strategies. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for maximizing your rewards.

Cashback Rewards

Cashback credit cards offer a percentage of your spending back as cash. This is typically straightforward and easy to understand, making it a popular choice for those who prefer simplicity. Cashback percentages can vary, often ranging from 1% to 5%, depending on the category of spending and the specific card offer.

Points Rewards

Points-based rewards programs often offer more flexibility than cashback programs. Points can be redeemed for various items, including travel, merchandise, gift cards, and statement credits. The value of points can vary significantly based on how and where they are redeemed, so it's essential to understand the best redemption options for your specific card.

Miles Rewards

Miles rewards are primarily geared towards travel enthusiasts. These programs offer miles for every dollar spent, which can be redeemed for flights, hotel stays, and other travel-related expenses. The value of miles can also fluctuate, making it crucial to redeem them strategically to get the most value.

Choosing the Right Credit Card for Your Needs

Selecting the right credit card is a foundational step in maximizing your rewards. Several factors should be considered, including your spending habits, lifestyle, and financial goals. Here are some tips to help you choose the best card for your needs:

Analyze Your Spending Patterns

Review your past spending to identify categories where you spend the most. Whether it's dining, groceries, travel, or gas, choosing a card that offers higher rewards in these categories will help you accumulate points faster.

Compare Sign-Up Bonuses

Many credit cards offer attractive sign-up bonuses to new cardholders. These bonuses can be substantial, often ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 points or miles, and can significantly boost your rewards balance right from the start. However, be mindful of the spending requirements needed to earn these bonuses.

Evaluate Annual Fees

While some credit cards come with no annual fees, others charge a fee that can be as high as $550 or more. Consider whether the rewards and benefits offered by the card justify the annual fee. In many cases, the additional perks such as travel credits, airport lounge access, and elite status can outweigh the cost of the fee.

Check for Foreign Transaction Fees

If you travel frequently, a card with no foreign transaction fees is essential. These fees, typically around 3%, can add up quickly when making purchases abroad.

Strategies for Maximizing Your Credit Card Rewards

Once you've chosen the right credit card, implementing effective strategies will ensure you get the most out of your rewards program. Here are some proven tactics to help you maximize your points, miles, or cashback:

Use Your Card for Everyday Purchases

One of the simplest ways to accumulate rewards is to use your credit card for all your everyday purchases. This includes groceries, gas, dining out, and even small recurring expenses like streaming subscriptions. Just make sure to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges.

Take Advantage of Category Bonuses

Many credit cards offer higher rewards rates in specific categories such as travel, dining, or groceries. Use the right card for each purchase category to maximize your rewards. For example, use a travel rewards card for booking flights and a dining rewards card when eating out.

Leverage Sign-Up Bonuses

As mentioned earlier, sign-up bonuses can provide a substantial boost to your rewards balance. Plan your spending to meet the required thresholds within the allotted time frame without overspending.

Monitor and Optimize Redemption Values

Not all redemptions are created equal. The value of points and miles can vary based on how they are used. For instance, redeeming points for travel through a credit card's portal often provides better value than redeeming them for cash back. Keep an eye on redemption rates and use your rewards where they offer the highest value.

Combine Rewards Programs

Some credit card issuers allow you to combine rewards from multiple cards within the same program. This can help you accumulate points faster and provide more flexibility in how you redeem them. For example, Chase Ultimate Rewards points earned on different Chase cards can be pooled together.

Utilize Shopping Portals and Offers

Many credit card issuers have online shopping portals that offer additional points or cashback for purchases made through their links. Additionally, take advantage of targeted offers and promotions that can boost your rewards on specific purchases.

Pay Attention to Special Promotions

Credit card companies frequently run special promotions that offer increased rewards for limited periods. These can include higher cashback rates, bonus points for certain purchases, or additional miles for travel bookings. Keep an eye on these promotions and adjust your spending accordingly to maximize benefits.

Advanced Pointsmaxxing Techniques

For those looking to take their rewards game to the next level, here are some advanced techniques to consider:

Manufactured Spending

Manufactured spending involves purchasing items that can be easily converted back into cash (such as gift cards) and using these transactions to earn rewards. This strategy requires careful planning and an understanding of the risks involved, including potential account closures.

Travel Hacking

Travel hacking involves using credit card rewards to fund travel experiences at a fraction of the cost. This can include booking flights and hotels through points and miles, leveraging elite status benefits, and utilizing travel perks offered by premium credit cards. Travel hackers often share their strategies and success stories on subreddits like pointsmaxxing.

Maximize Value with Transfer Partners

Many points programs allow you to transfer points to airline or hotel partners, often at a 1:1 ratio. This can significantly increase the value of your points. Research the best transfer partners for your travel goals and take advantage of transfer bonuses when available.

Stay Informed and Engaged

The world of credit card rewards is constantly evolving, with new offers, card releases, and program changes happening regularly. Stay informed by following blogs, forums, and social media groups dedicated to points maximization. Engage with the community to share tips, ask questions, and learn from others' experiences.


Maximizing credit card rewards is both an art and a science. By understanding the various rewards programs, selecting the right cards, and implementing effective strategies, you can significantly enhance the value you get from every dollar spent. pointsmaxxing is a valuable resource for anyone looking to delve deeper into the world of credit card rewards. Embrace the tips and techniques discussed in this guide, and start your journey towards becoming a pointsmaxxing pro today.
submitted by Key_Policy_809 to pointsmaxxing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 ninasafiri Play some cozy demos today! Get a head start on Steam Next Fest!!

Steam Next Fest starts tomorrow June 10th! It's a huge showcase with a TON of demos and it can be hard to find time to try them all.
Here's some cozy games that dropped their demos a little early for either Wholesome Direct, Women-Led Games Fest, or Steam Next Fest~

Farming Sims

Life Sims


Visual Novel/Dating Sim



Cozy Design


Puzzle Builders
Puzzle Adventure
submitted by ninasafiri to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 Revolutionary-Run-41 Demon The Fallen, more interesting than I though it would be

I was checking some stuff I never saw in WoD, and one of them, that really surprised me, was Demon the Fallen. If playing Hunter is alike playing the winchesters of Supernatural, playing Fallen is like playing Castiel ou Crowley. So Im sharing what I understood and what I liked.
The lore
There was a God, he created angels, to help him create and maintain reality, each angel was part of a house (a group) and each one had a purpose like: - Enforce God`s laws - Built and Shape land so things could live on earth - Create and shape life and animals - Inpire Humans - Control Fate - Renew the old and useless, decomposing stuff to its basic ingredients and returning it to earth so new stuff could be made.
and more. At the beggining humans were immortal, everything was beautiful and working. God is very much like The God Emperor Of Manking of 40k, since he has absolute power, but makes some very questionable decisions. Some of them, like removing immortality of humans as punishment, that caused things like angels of renew becoming angels of death and hating their jobs, caused a rebellion lidered by lucifer (treat him like cayne from VtM, ignore what the book says, dont make him a living character on your campaign, make him a mystery).
So God punished them, by doing something, or better nothing (the house that was the most proud and enforced gods laws were punished with nothing, he just changed the house name to Devils and ignored them, what was ironic as fuck since the most proud house wasnt even worth a punishmentl) and sent them to the Abyss, its like hell, there is no humans, there is constant suffering and I think its also like a sensory depravation chamber.
But shit happens, and some can get out, but they need a host to exist on earth. If they take a human, their sould meld to various degrees, to a person simply gaining powers and having nightmares of hell, to them having the fallen voice on his head, to it basically being the fallen with human memories.
The human soul is necessary to contain the madness of being so much time in hell, otherwise their sorrow pain and rage would bring them to madness, trying to inflict so much pain as they felt or something like that. The human memories helps them to see how reality is beautful and to anchor them to something that isnt CONSTANT SUFFERING.
Demons that go into objects are called earthbound and go crazy, trying to destroy the world and control the angels by trying to find their true name. But thats not the only treat, God isnt here anymore, or at least doesnt want to be found, neither is lucifer (lucifer was never in hell, for being the leader, he was sent to somewhere far worse, some say los angeles).
And there are fallen trying to take the place of god, some trying to find lucifer, some trying to destroy the world, since without someone to take care of it, its fated to demise, some want forgiveness from God at any means, and some just want to know WHAT DA FUK IS GOING ON.
You can do whatever you want, even embracing your human life and at least trying to live as a human. You will at the very least always be trying to fight back the torment, the memories of hell that drive you to do bad stuff, and may cause your powers to get corrupted, causing damage instead of healing or destroying and corrupting things around.
So I said you get powers, what powers are those ? besides the common ones, humanity (universal translation, getting truth out of everyone near, change their perception of you) and fundament (manipulation of the laws of physics, like manipulate gravity, innertia (throw things fast or stop bullets in mid air)) they have their own group of powers (lore) based on their houses, for example the slayers (death angels) have lores to cause death and decay (Lore of Death), summon control and unkill people (lore of spirits), go to the spirit world become intangible (Lore of Realms).
Some that I like personally is the lore of portals, that allows the fun mechanic of going through a doowindow and exiting something unconnected, like entenring from the front door of a house, and exiting in the bathroom, enter a police car and ending on the back of your friends car, entering any door in a corner and ending in vegas.
But what do you need to use them ? Is it free ? Eeeeh, no. It requires Faith, a part of divine sparkle, that comes from the human soul. You dont have it nor can generate it in your own, you used to receive infinite amounts of it from God, but now you need to receive it from humans.
You may get from them when you convince them you are supernatural (its hard then you think, just showing off powers may cause violent reactions on observers), rituals forming a cult, or getting thralls (people that pray to you and give you constant faith every morning, - for example, you start small, like being a miracle healer, that every time it meets a certain burnt victim, you use the Lore of Flesh to undo a little of the scars, it progresses more and more, until you reach the point where the person is ready for a contract, you say the last and biggest step will need a price, it will forever bind them together, by body and mind, you will never be able to meet in person again (you can do it to protect her if you want) and you can ask something like praying to you every morning while drinking a glass of water, if she ever fails the contract is broken and she becomes like she was in the beggining). You can do it in a wholesome way, or be a demon and help a model who wants to keep her looks and require her to make sacrifices to you.
You dont just use faith to activate your lores, but use it for stuff like NOT GETTING OLDER, the aging process is halted while you have at least one point of faith. The ammount of good or bad stuff adds ticks to a Torment counter, that will add or remove Permanent Torment from your character. Having higher torment, makes so the chance of your powers being corrupted is higher, and sometimes you will want to use the tormented version of skills on purpose (you can just do it, but it will add 1 temporary torment to your character), in case you need it. Like you are on a battle, and is an angel of healing, and you just need to convert healing into damaging otherwise you cant really damage stuff.
Fallen can communicate between themselves and between their tralls from anywhere in the same plane, if they know their names and can speak out loud. Actually everything needs speaking, if you cant you cannot use your lores.
True names are kinda of a big part of this as well, that is the name that everything has, and encompasses everything that thing is. By knowing somethings true name you can basically control it at will, making it a slave or even transforming it into another thing. There may be indirect investigatory battles, where two sides try to investigate one another, trying to get hints of personality to try to discover who the fallen is and their true name, before the other does.
In summary, I think its a very fun book, a very fun rpg, it has its own flavor and challenges and I would love for more people to know it. Im kinda anxious on V5, if we ever get a demon book I would love to have at least of some of this flavor back. I feel its like playing a mage, but with more purpose, where you need to interact more with the world to gain something from it, by either helping people and having a cult, or doing devilish faustian deals with people to get their faith.
*Dont know where to put it, but there is also apocaliptic form, you for a short time burns through faith like crazy and become a reflex of your divine form, its almost immune to anything, is either angelic or devilish looking depending of your torment, and will make people around go crazy in awe or terror depending of it.
submitted by Revolutionary-Run-41 to huntertheparenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:20 BoltsNolesRaysBucs Looking to sell some old Rays memorabilia. A lot of stuff from the inaugural season. Some Bucs stuff too.

Not positive if this is allowed here, but figured I'd give you guys first dibs before craigslist. I got some life changes coming up and I could use both the space and money from parting ways with a decent chunk of my collection. I could shove it away for a couple decades but I'd prefer the stuff to get some love and maybe complement a sports room/man cave/she shed. Most of this stuff is from the Devil Rays inaugural season. I'd say the condition is generally fair to good, varying among the different items. If you'd like more/closer photos of any specific item, please let me know. No certifications of authentication on any of the signatures, as they were mostly received in person.
A lot of photos: https://imgur.com/a/ZlL0HSf
Signatures: Vince Namoli (Original owner of the franchise) Larry Rothschild (First head coach) Chuck LaMar (First GM) Toby Hall Wade Boggs Ronde Barber
List of some of the items: Bucs limited edition football with metal badge Inaugural season seat cushion with sigs Probably more than 150 Rays cards including Boggs Rookie card and signed Boggs card 2 Opening day programs Wall plaque for inaugural game
Figurines: Fernando Rodney, Chris Archer, James Shields, Delmon Young, Aubrey Huff bobblehead
I'm in Pinellas and would prefer to meet on this side of the bridge, but if you're really interested I could probably meet in Tampa on a weekend.
Asking $95 for everything in the pictures, if this is totally unreasonable, kindly let me know, I'm not here to rip anyone off, but it seemed like a fair price to me. I'd prefer to sell it all as a lot rather than splitting it up and having to meet up with multiple different people. Thanks for your time.
submitted by BoltsNolesRaysBucs to tampabayrays [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 ausername- 34[M4F] USA/Online - Hopeless romantic losing hope.

I've got nothing but love to give but no one seems to want it. I try not to give into despair, but I'm starting to lose hope of meeting anybody interested in me.
I don't get out much. I'm a bit of a homebody. I basically spend all day playing video games and hanging out with my (really cute) dog. I'm also into music and movies, though more so when I have someone to share them with.
I'm looking to make a connection with someone who is excited to spend time with me. Someone who wakes up and excitedly checks their phone for my good morning message, or to leave me one when they wake up first. Someone who lays in bed smiling because of the time we spent together that day. Someone who wants to spend time with me, instead of has to, like everybody else seems to.
I'd like to think that I'm smart and funny. I am very kind, caring, and particularly sweet. I have pretty blue eyes, though the rest of me is average and plain. I'm not tall or handsome, so if those are things you need, you might want to look for someone else :)
If you'd like to get to know me, feel free to send a message. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by ausername- to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:12 ausername- 34[M4F] USA/Online - Hopeless romantic losing hope.

I've got nothing but love to give but no one seems to want it. I try not to give into despair, but I'm starting to lose hope of meeting anybody interested in me.
I don't get out much. I'm a bit of a homebody. I basically spend all day playing video games and hanging out with my (really cute) dog. I'm also into music and movies, though more so when I have someone to share them with.
I'm looking to make a connection with someone who is excited to spend time with me. Someone who wakes up and excitedly checks their phone for my good morning message, or to leave me one when they wake up first. Someone who lays in bed smiling because of the time we spent together that day. Someone who wants to spend time with me, instead of has to, like everybody else seems to.
I'd like to think that I'm smart and funny. I am very kind, caring, and particularly sweet. I have pretty blue eyes, though the rest of me is average and plain. I'm not tall or handsome, so if those are things you need, you might want to look for someone else :)
If you'd like to get to know me, feel free to send a message. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by ausername- to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:12 ChewieHanKenobi Please help my cat Ben, he needs emergency surgery and we're not sure how much time we have left so we have to act fast. Any help at all is greatly appreciated

Please help my cat Ben, he needs emergency surgery and we're not sure how much time we have left so we have to act fast. Any help at all is greatly appreciated
Hey everybody,
I've never done anything like this before, but the situation is getting dire.
About a week and a half ago I came home from work and as usual, got my loving greeting from my little (not so little) buddy Ben. We had our usual hug snuggles and face rubs and everything seemed fine.
2 hours later, I heard a weird howl while making dinner. It was Ben. I came over to see what was wrong and he began to throw up. Being that he is a cat and hairballs and all that we figured he probably had to get one up. He puked three times. One pile was large with what looked like fur, but the others were only bile.
We thought that was it, however, it happened again the next few nights. The difference being that after that initial puke with some hair, the following episodes produced nothing but bile and with each instance you could tell he was more and more uncomfortable after.
At this stage he stopped eating and drinking almost entirely and did not poop or pee for a days. This is when I really started to become concerned and we made a call to our vet.
Our vet was totally booked up so we were forced to look for help from another. Each place I called was unavailable due to filled bookings but we were finally able to get him at a clinic down the street from me. Ben is a very nervous traveler and as a result he peed in his carrier on me while we were in route. This was a somewhat relief because we knew he could still pee.
The vet we saw didn't inspire a lot of confidence in her demeanor but we didn't have anywhere else to go at the time. I agreed to get bloodwork done as a first step to determine the issue. We received the results a day later, with Ben having another episode during the waiting period. His test results came back totally normal and healthy.
Our next step was xray but the clinic we went to didn't have the equipment available so we then again had to desperately search for another clinic that could get us the x-rays as soon as possible. Our options were again very limited but I got in contact the next day with a clinic that was able to squeeze him in. Consult fee, unnecessary sedation and a batch of x-rays later, the vet tells us we can have a radiologist read the x-rays for an extra fee but if not he could do a preliminary check to see if he noticed anything
He showed us the x-rays and explained that his stomach looked empty and that why he wasn't pooping. However, his bowels are filled with poop so the vet gave us appetite stimulants and stuff for ulcers prevention from puking and also some anti neasuea meds. The meds seemed to help as he ate a few pieces here and there, drank a tiny tiny amount and wasn't throwing up anymore. He was also peeing a small bit but not pooping yet.
We opted in for a drip iv to hydrate him and had to leave him there for a few hours
We wernt convinced everything was OK given his lack of eating and bathroom usage so we gave our usualy vet a call again and was able to squeeze him in for another check up. Again, another stressful car ride that he absolutely hated.
While at the vet we got another exam done and had him look over the pervious bloodwork and x-rays. The bloodwork was incomplete so we opted to check what the other missed. It came back as positive as the last set. We got new x-rays to see if thi gs had moved.
This is when our usual vet broke the news to us that his stomach was NOT empty, but was actually very full with something that didn't look like a foreign object but was jamming him up and not passing.
He immediately told us it would require emergency surgery with a probable cost of 4 thousand dollars. We were stunned. We needed to now grt an ultrasound so that he could determine what the blockage was made of. They believe it might be a massive hairball, but not sure. We were referred to a clinic that had ultra but said that they no longer do over night care and they're not closed on weekends
They refused the ultrasound in favor of us going to a city 2 hours away that DID have everything so we wouldn't be charged twice for very expensive ultra sounds. The issue is that the surgery alone at this clinic is about 5-6 thousand and that doesn't include his after care costs.
The next day I received a called from my gf saying that the vet called and said Ben had a possible 24-48 hours before he could face a bowel obstruction. I panicked and got my group of friends to help me scour the city for every single vet and clinic in the city. We called everyone and I played phone tag again and after hours of calls we were left with nothing.
My city all refers to ONE place and that place had no bookings available at all in the time we believed we needed.
At this point we are becoming desperate to help him. The surgery is very expensive and we're already at least $2000 in with everything we've had done. I'm trying to find any way I can to raise money. One of my best friends set up a gofund me, I never though it had a chance but were off to a decent start
We came to the conclusion that we were going to have to surrender him back to our adoption agency in hopes they can give him the help he needs to survive. However, doing this we relinquish all rights to ownership. We can not see him or know about him. If they euthanize him we will not be notified and we can not be there with him or see him. If he survived we would not be allowed to re adopt him or anyone else
This cat is so filled with love and life he doesn't deserve that. To even think about it breaks my heart
We felt we had no choice to I started taking him to surrender him and say our possible goodbyes, my heart ached the entire trip. While on our way there I called our usual vet again desperately asking if there was another way. They said we could try a laxative to try and get things moving but it wasn't a for sure thing. We're trying it. 2 day of lax and then we'll be getting xray updates and hope for good news.
We also have to plan for the worst.
I know we won't be able to raise the whole amount but our hope is we can get close enough so soften the blow so we can go through the surgery and provide his after care to get him back up and running and giving me hug snuggles after work again.
Every little bit helps, a massive thank you to anyone that might be able to help us get him the help he needs.
submitted by ChewieHanKenobi to Charity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Multi-Dimensional-33 Off Grid Indoor Food Production, FREE ENERGY

Utilizing Proprietary Owned U.S. and internationally Patented UTILITY TECHNOLOGY
Investment Range <100,000
-Our technology allows us to grow anything cheaper then everyone, Literally!
. Our system generates almost NO HEAT
· Our System uses less than 150 watts input and produces a 54-amp output!
· Our system grows plant life faster and more robust and healthier than any other light.
· Our system is Proprietary, and additional patents can stem from the original.
· We can grow Plants indoor literally Cheaper than ANY competitor.
· We can self-generate power!

What we NEED:
Hands on Partnership
A partner that is AWAKE, Brave and NOT a SHEEP! Do not contact us if you believe in the covid vax and narrative.

The Science “Abstract”
Chemical energy is the base form of life and in the case of autotrophs, photosynthetic reactant species, (plants), capturing and storing the electron volts from photons (light) is how it all begins. These photons will be converted and stored as organic compounds known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH).
Within the wavebands of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR), certain wavelengths have a higher maximum potential energy-carrying ability. For this reason, each photosystem uses multiple proteins called photoreceptors to capture light energy. These protein molecules interact with the energy located in specific wavelengths to cause molecular collisions known as excitations.
Utilizing this knowledge is what makes our Proprietary Technology so effective. We substitute traditional light sources with our proprietary technology that can deliver photosynthetic energy levels that are multiple times higher than that of the traditional sun, and in high amplitude, this creates massive amounts of photons with very high absorption spectra; consequently, plant proteins are able to adapt quickly and harvest this high potential energy.
This biological conversion is called photosynthesis and transforms the electromagnetic energy of light into chemical energy storage by synthesizing organic compounds (carbohydrates) from inorganic ones (carbon dioxide and water).
Through our proprietary methods of increasing the photon input, we can trigger stimulation to the electrochemical transmembrane gradient (potential energy) that can be used to drive a multitude of biological processes such as ATP synthesis, nutrient uptake, and action potential formation such as suppling additional ATP and NADPH to the Calvin Cycle.
Our treatment provides a door into the micro-system of plant development with useful novelty for time/material formation and manipulation techniques to carbon fixation processes and rates not demonstrated in nature.
Our Internationally patented technology delivers monochromatic light signaling to create very high potential environments for photomorphogenesis; this in turn raises the usability potential within the photoreceptor system, and forces chlorophyll pigments to adapt by increasing photosynthetic efficiency.
The TEAM and Project
We are a small team of dedicated and unique serial entrepreneurs/ experimentalists and are looking to start a conversation with qualified Investors, Benefactors, Philanthropists, and like-minded Friends.
The United States is being strategically dismantled by design, it’s disaster capitalism at its finest. The time to wake up and band together is NOW.
The new NORM, Building Back Better comes at a HIGH cost, are you replacing your freedom with technocracy? It’s time to support positive disruptive technologies that can make a positive difference in this world!
Current monopolies have driven our world into the travesties we’re experiencing today by way of pollution and destruction to our (THE PEOPLE) natural resources. They control the world's food supply, and the world’s money supply, and control all governments of the world through outright corruption and violence.
It’s time to remove these oligarchs and their monopolies.
A national surveillance State has emerged and now superseded our U.S. Constitution, controlled our academia, journalism, legal system, and entertainment, and continues to smother the population in mindless propaganda.
Where to go from Here?
We have solutions; with REAL hard science, and supporting intellectual property, and moral integrity.
Let’s benefit mankind instead of enslaving it.
On our Short-term objectives list is the real possibility for an increase in the caloric value of food!! To put simply imagine if we can grow a tomato that has 1000 calories? GAME CHANGER
submitted by Multi-Dimensional-33 to OffGridFood [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 Multi-Dimensional-33 Northeast USA Building Off Grid Community Seeking OTHERS

Utilizing Proprietary Owned U.S. and internationally Patented UTILITY TECHNOLOGY
Investment Range <100,000
-Our technology allows us to grow anything cheaper then everyone, Literally!
. Our system generates almost NO HEAT
· Our System uses less than 150 watts input and produces a 54-amp output!
· Our system grows plant life faster and more robust and healthier than any other light.
· Our system is Proprietary, and additional patents can stem from the original.
· We can grow Plants indoor literally Cheaper than ANY competitor.
· We can self-generate power!

What we NEED:
Hands on Partnership
A partner that is AWAKE, Brave and NOT a SHEEP! Do not contact us if you believe in the covid vax and narrative.

The Science “Abstract”
Chemical energy is the base form of life and in the case of autotrophs, photosynthetic reactant species, (plants), capturing and storing the electron volts from photons (light) is how it all begins. These photons will be converted and stored as organic compounds known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH).
Within the wavebands of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR), certain wavelengths have a higher maximum potential energy-carrying ability. For this reason, each photosystem uses multiple proteins called photoreceptors to capture light energy. These protein molecules interact with the energy located in specific wavelengths to cause molecular collisions known as excitations.
Utilizing this knowledge is what makes our Proprietary Technology so effective. We substitute traditional light sources with our proprietary technology that can deliver photosynthetic energy levels that are multiple times higher than that of the traditional sun, and in high amplitude, this creates massive amounts of photons with very high absorption spectra; consequently, plant proteins are able to adapt quickly and harvest this high potential energy.
This biological conversion is called photosynthesis and transforms the electromagnetic energy of light into chemical energy storage by synthesizing organic compounds (carbohydrates) from inorganic ones (carbon dioxide and water).
Through our proprietary methods of increasing the photon input, we can trigger stimulation to the electrochemical transmembrane gradient (potential energy) that can be used to drive a multitude of biological processes such as ATP synthesis, nutrient uptake, and action potential formation such as suppling additional ATP and NADPH to the Calvin Cycle.
Our treatment provides a door into the micro-system of plant development with useful novelty for time/material formation and manipulation techniques to carbon fixation processes and rates not demonstrated in nature.
Our Internationally patented technology delivers monochromatic light signaling to create very high potential environments for photomorphogenesis; this in turn raises the usability potential within the photoreceptor system, and forces chlorophyll pigments to adapt by increasing photosynthetic efficiency.
The TEAM and Project
We are a small team of dedicated and unique serial entrepreneurs/ experimentalists and are looking to start a conversation with qualified Investors, Benefactors, Philanthropists, and like-minded Friends.
The United States is being strategically dismantled by design, it’s disaster capitalism at its finest. The time to wake up and band together is NOW.
The new NORM, Building Back Better comes at a HIGH cost, are you replacing your freedom with technocracy? It’s time to support positive disruptive technologies that can make a positive difference in this world!
Current monopolies have driven our world into the travesties we’re experiencing today by way of pollution and destruction to our (THE PEOPLE) natural resources. They control the world's food supply, and the world’s money supply, and control all governments of the world through outright corruption and violence.
It’s time to remove these oligarchs and their monopolies.
A national surveillance State has emerged and now superseded our U.S. Constitution, controlled our academia, journalism, legal system, and entertainment, and continues to smother the population in mindless propaganda.
Where to go from Here?
We have solutions; with REAL hard science, and supporting intellectual property, and moral integrity.
Let’s benefit mankind instead of enslaving it.
On our Short-term objectives list is the real possibility for an increase in the caloric value of food!! To put simply imagine if we can grow a tomato that has 1000 calories? GAME CHANGER
submitted by Multi-Dimensional-33 to OffGridProjects [link] [comments]
