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One voice (Kassandra Curze short story)

2024.06.10 02:05 Kuroihane One voice (Kassandra Curze short story)

One voice (Kassandra Curze short story)

One Voice

co-written with u/SandwichQuiet7369

“Say, captain, do you believe in fate?”
Dark corridors of the Nightfall were dimly lit with stripes of pale light, resembling their homeworld traditions. The homeworld to which they headed now. Morgenstern stood against one of the Emperor’s Angels, however he could not think of one soul to call this particular one an angel. Or any other space marine on this ship for that matter. Cold black eyes stared the iterator down, there was no animosity in them. Just a faint blink of curiosity.
“What is it to you, Iterator, we’re not in one of your peace talks right now,” said Jago Sevatarion, first captain of the Night Lords legion.
He pushed through the man standing before him and headed through the corridor. He heard steps of the mortal trying to catch up to him, almost skipping but still trying to uphold decency. The thought of any mortal maintaining a face before him amused the Night Lord. Morgenstern caught up with the space marine. They walked in silence for a few moments.
“Lady Kassandra is going to sentence Nostramo to Exterminatus,” said the iterator. He sounded calm, but heightened senses of a space marine gave away his slightly higher heart rate to Jago.
First captain quickly glanced at the man beside him.
“That is for Mother to decide,” he said quietly, “If she deems this planet a lost cause, so be it.”
“And what do you think, captain?” the iterator asked, sounding unnaturally passionless, “I thought of you as a rare example of independent thinker on this whole fleet. I thought you of all people knew that our Lady’s judgments could be… affected.”
The space marine stopped suddenly, causing Morgenstern to flinch. Iterator however held his composure, stopping himself and turning to the Night Lord, man’s cloak clicking from a quick movement as he did so.
“Are you questioning the primarch, mortal?” black flame danced dangerously in the eyes of the first captain.
“Are you not?” he shot back.
Jago hated that for all that he wanted he could not refute this man.
“What do you want me to do?” If Morgenstern didn’t know who was before him, he would have thought the Night Lord sounded helplessly.
“I suggest you listen to your own words, captain,” the iterator began slowly, “I suggest for the first time you try to do better.”
“What does it mean, Morgenstern?” Even muffled by airlocks, primarch’s voice felt suppressing.
“Canons are disarmed, Lady Kassandra,” Morgenstern said after a long silence.
“That is not how it is supposed to be,” Primarch's voice contained suppressed disbelief and rising rage.
“It is indeed not.”
A series of strikes shook the deck. Jago looked at the iterator. Even though the mortal flinched each time Kassandra Curze’s hit landed on the bridge's gates, Morgenstern firmly stood against them, hands behind his back.
“OPEN THE GATES AND DO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO!” a shout from the other side of the airlocks made the iterator suffer from a headache. He turned to the first captain.
“I will kindly ask you to leave, Jago,” he said firmly.
The first captain measured the mortal with his glance for a moment. Then the space marine turned away from the bridge.
“It is your funeral, iterator.”
“Then I will expect flowers from you, captain,” Morgenstern answered, as the primarch's screams in the background became more chaotic and loud.
“You better love plastic, it is the best we have on Nostramo,” Night Lord’s words were distant.
The Iterator smiled at this unexpected joke from a space marine and focused his sight on the gates. Strikes still fell on their steel.
Now, that is just rude, Morgenstern thought to himself trying to stay calm as his Lady’s words made a cold sweat run down his back.
The iterator stood and waited. Screams and threats continued, but as hours went on he started to notice something new in Kassandra’s voice. Pain started as thin threads in the fabric of her voice, growing thicker until all that was there was agony. It was so alive, so unbearable that the man felt pain in his own heart. Those screams were filled with thick despair and fear, fear of someone whose world crumbled beneath their feet. Voice of the Dark Queen, vibrating through the walls and floor of the deck started slowly fading more silent, until it became a flow of slurred words, then just a torrent of silent sobs and whispers.
And then there was silence.

Kassandra couldn’t manage her breath. Her vision blurred, hearts beat so hard, she thought her ribs would break. Opening mouth in a silent scream, primarch clawed her head, blood streamed between her fingers. Kassandra slid down the bridge gates trying to find some shelter in her surroundings. But there was nothing. Only a spacious empty bridge and complete darkness. She hugged her knees, burying her head in them, in a futile attempt to cover her eyes from what she was about to see. Primarch’s eyes blazed purple, now burning with the fire of cursed future. Kassandra was engulfed with darkness, a dark choking fog of false reality swirling around her. Then she blinked.
Kassandra no longer sat on the cold floor of the bridge. Her hands now tightly grasped the armrests of her command throne.
Nostramo is guilty. This filthy planet is rotten to the core and one sentence awaits it. Death. We gave them a chance, a quiet rustling voice came.
The impudent mortal standing to her side shouted an immediate counter command to the fleet before comms could be closed. Kassandra recognized the woman even seeing her for the first time in her life. Morgenstern’s wheat blond mane and sharp jaw was recognizable even in this warped reality. Why he, or she, looked like this, did not matter for now. Her stupidly arrant actions did. The Primarch clamped her jaw, her hands clenched so hard the armrests cracked.
Dashing, Lady of the VIIIth raised from her flagship’s throne and grabbed Morgenstern, tossing her across the bridge. The Mortal flew until she hit the wall with a horrible whack, falling down. Quietly moaning from pain, the iterator tried to get up, getting only to her four before pain stopped her further attempts. The Primarch couldn’t believe it. One of the only people in the whole galaxy Kassandra thought she could count on had just gone against her.
She is guilty too, whispered the voice, and just as that pathetic sphere of mud, she deserves death.
The Primarch took a step forward.
That mortal is not the same! A new, youthful voice proclaimed.
Kassandra made two more steps.
The first voice laughed at her in cruel mocking, Ah-ha-ha, but you still are. Look at her. So much pain. So much misery. BROUGHT BY YOUR HAND! The voice became silent for a moment.
Then it sounded again.
Kill her. Kill her, kill her, kill her, kill her, kill her, kill her, KILL HER, KILL HER–
Voices echoed in primarch’s head, doubling and tripling, deafening her thoughts. The cacophony building up and turning to a crescendo.
“SILENCE!” The primarch roared.
Her voice thundered across the fleet through the vox channel that was still open, as the communication officer was frozen in fear. The order was given. If they were sentient, the servitors and engines would have silenced themselves too.
As she came closer to the kneeling iterator, primarch’s breath became heavier and heavier, weighed down by her resolution. The voice granted her a few seconds of peace before starting to talk again. This time berating her for embarrassment she brought upon herself in front of her subordinates.
And how do you want them to respect you after such a fit? How do you want them to keep being afraid of you? You still are just the same child from–, Kassandra swept it away to the back of her head.
Morgenstern coughed up lumps of blood and spit. Turning back to her lady coming closer, she used one of the bridge's consoles to lean on and stand up. A mouthful of blood splat forth giving it a new coat of red paint.
So proud, so foolish.
Kassandra grabbed the woman's shoulder and turned her around. She lifted the iterator in the air holding her by the throat.
The Primarch gazed mortal in the eyes. Iterator's stubborn determination hit her with flaming intensity.
We do not have to do this, the youthful voice again tried to reason.
The lightning claws chattered to life. One smooth motion in less than one second is all it would take.
The rustling voice started its declamation again.
Those who help the peccant are peccant themselves. Guilt demands punishment. There can be no hesitation, no mercy, and no exceptions. That is how this galaxy works. That is how justice is ensured. We learned this at a young age. You know this. Your sons know this. Even this wench knows this. She, who is in front of you is guilty of aiding crime, justice HAS to be dealt. Your feelings matter nothing.
A sharpened tip of a chainglaive promptly rose to meet the primarch's throat. She turned her head to see who was so foolishly, insolently brave to even think of that.
“Mother, please,” Lord Commander Shang’s voice sounded desperate, even distorted by his helmet.
Sweet, stupid Shang, rustling voice laughed at the space marine.
He is not stupid, a youthful bitter silent voice echoed defeated in the primarch’s skull.
“Lower your weapon this instance, Lord Commander, and you might stay alive until the tribunal,” Primcrch's voice pushed down the already thick air of the bridge.
“He will not,” another space marine’s voice sounded from behind Lady of the VIIIth, paired with the sound of a spinning chainglaive.
First captain of the Night Lords legion stood up against his gene-mother.
Another one? After that lump of mud is dealt with, you should look really closely at your impudent brats, rustling voice snarled.
And take our legion’s last honorable parts? questioned the youthful one.
“One more to defy me,” said Kassandra, “one more to be punished.”
No retort came. Sevatarion’s visor lenses gleaned grim. Sworn oaths betrayed each other.
“Th– Then do it,” the mortal's voice choked out. “Prove everyone right. Destroy Nostramo. Kill your people. Kill your sons. Kill me. Prove that there is only Night Hauntress left. Put out the last glimmering flames of light you have in your miserable life.”
Ha! the rustling voice exclaimed enthusiastically, maybe you should listen to that pest after all!
She is frightened, the youthful murmured.
“They all have betrayed me.” Primarch closed her eyes and shook her head trying to think clearly.
Her hand tensed, making a woman in her grasp cough up blood again.
Then make these an example, a rustling voice whispered nonchalantly, their skin hanging on the main deck will stop any one from defying you again.
This is what you call justice? You could be better than this.
“No.” Kassandra spoke uncertainly, “Shut up.”
Morgenstern desperately grabbed primarch’s hands, fighting suffocation. With the corner of her eye, Kassandra noticed how her sons tightened grips on their weapons.
Stop this whining, and do what you must.
You will not be able to turn back from this.
What, you will betray the justice itself for a cup of sweet beverage?
You know it is more than that.
Two voices argue, spiraling and mixing in themselves, deafening Kassandra, making her feel like her head is about to explode. A cacophony of madness blinded the primarch, extinguishing reason that left in her broken mind. The Lady of the VIIIth screamed. And everything went dark.
When Kassandra’s vision cleared again, bridge walls and observation windows were thinly painted red. Crew and servitors, dismembered, covered the floor with their body parts and intestines. Irritating disharmonic wet dripping noise of blood, streaming down the bridge interior and systems, filled the space. Kassandra’s breath was heavy and uneven. She stared long at her gauntlets and lightning claws, soaked in body fluids of men and women she slaughtered, before raising her eyes. Shang’s body, pierced and pinned by his own chainglaive, hung on the bridge gates, leaving a long trail of blood flowing down. Leaning on the airlocks, sat Sevatarion’s beheaded corpse, surrounded by several dozen space marines. Cracked armor, severed limbs, they were grouped around their captain and Lord Commander as if they had kept a defense line against some raging beast.
Tears of horror and self-loath streamed down the face of the primarch. Surrounding scene resembled primarch ancient Terra’s myths of afterlife punishment and damnation. Hell created by her own madness.
Muffled moans brought Kassandra’s attention to the foot of the bridge throne. Iterator’s broken body lay there motionless. But she was still alive. Kassandra rushed to her, stopping two steps from away, no desire to come closer, no courage. Morgenstern coughed, following her pierced lungs prompting. She could only move her eyes to look at the devastated primarch.
“You did it,” croaked the iterator, “you killed us all.”
“Come closer.” Morgenstern did not let her make excuses.
Unable to refute the dying woman, Kassandra made two steps forward and leaned lower to Morgenstern. She noticed the detonator in the iterator’s hand too late.
“Ave Dominus Nox, my Lady.”
Before fire tore reality of the vision apart, Kassandra realized one last thing. There were never two voices vocalizing in her head. There was only her own.

The floor’s rockrete stinged Kassandra's cheek with cold. Tears silently rolled down her face, blurring her vision. She did not twitch nor scratched herself, limply lying on the floor. She was so tired. Constant nightmares that always came to life, sooner or later. False hope that she could ever escape it. Hope that her sons and her iterator have been shoving down her throat right now. And that vision. What she saw was so surreal, yet so alive. Alternative present and immediate future was not something she ever saw until this point. But that did not matter. It too was knitted from threads of darkness.
“You should have just killed me.” she whispered.
The stone’s chill became strangely calming. Kassandra felt like she did not want to ever get up. She contemplated voices, or rather voices that haunted her in that bizarre vision. Voices that were unsynchronized and split, but still belonged to Kassandra Curze. She was no fool. Kassandra understood that there was something deeply wrong with her. Something that she allowed to happen. Something that since tormented her and was her shelter alike.
The primarch’s thoughts were interrupted by a torrent of another possible forthcoming stirring in her eyes. Kassandra’s body tightened up, she bit her lip, once more that day painting her face with a stripe of red.
Then the primarch stopped breathing. She could not believe herself, stopping every movement of her body, trying not to scare off what is to come. Kassandra felt this only once, in a dark alley of Nostramo, where she was forced with a role of judge. Where she chose to be the executioner.
Canvas of light, images of future burned on it, second time in Kassandra’s life, they were not pitch black. She closed her eyes and let herself be consumed.

Only the finest gold-plated rockrete surrounded the Lady of the VIIIth legion. Eighteen marble statues greeted her, behind them stood their legions in perfect parade formation. Unlike the statues used on compliant worlds, not a single statue here was produced from the mass industrial lines. Instead, entire armies of the finest artisans the Imperium had to offer were unleashed just for this room.
The Hall of Heroes was enchanting. The history of humanity under the rule of the Emperor, captured on its walls gazed upon anyone who stepped here. It seemed that whatever architects worked on this chamber, their end goal was to capture the glory of Mankind itself. Many could be elevated by those walls, but the primarch of the Night Lords was not. Too much light, not enough shadows, she felt trapped in a cage without bars. That was a place for heroes. And she was not a hero.
In the center of the Imperial Palace Kassandra knelt, dressed in ceremonial tail-suit, head bowed, before the Emperor of Mankind. She was still waiting for judgment, for censure, for rejection and banishment. But none came as she waited. Then the Emperor spoke.
+Stand up, daughter.+
At the unexpected words Kassandra twitched her head, looking up at her father, before turning away in embarrassment. She slowly stood up, not fully sure she was really allowed to, warily anticipating what was to come. Annoying rustling made itself heard.
What does he have to say to us? This hypocrite, will he critique us again? Will he-
+I only want to speak to you.+
Soft waves of force washing against her mind made the distracting voice finally shut up. Kassandra looked her father in the eyes. His face was so serene, she doubted he even had really spoken right now. Watching her father’s glorious image, she felt bitter, realizing how different they were.
Father and daughter, what a fraking joke, she thought to herself.
“What do you want me to hear, father?” asked primarch, defense ringing in her voice.
The Emperor waited before his answer.
+You are conflicted.+
Kassandra felt anger welling up inside her.
“Oh, Emperor, beloved by all, your attentiveness should be celebrated by all of humanity!” She loudly spat these words, and then continued, now almost whispering, “I almost gouged out my eyeballs before you on Nostramo, and you just left me with your little funny war on stars.”
Emperor held out his hand and softly grasped his daughter’s shoulder. It felt stunningly unnatural for the Lady of the VIIIth, but also stirred up something inside her from the old days. From those days she still had someone who really cared about her on Nostramo.
+I never wanted or intended you to suffer like this. I had belief you will overcome this.+
Kassandra grinned bitterly.
“As you can see, I failed. Perhaps, you should have intended better.”
+You may be right. I want you to join Blood Angels’ expedition fleet.+
Lady of the VIIIth squinted.
“Want your perfect Angel to watch over me? Is that your punishment?”
+It is your opportunity.+
Kassandra shook off her father’s hand.
“Opportunity for what?! To make your Imperium, this house of hypocrisy and violence, larger and broader?”
The Emperor's face remained impenetrable.
+To make it better.+
Kassandra tried to find words, but could not. The Emperor's words were not just a façade, they were not a ploy to coax her in compliance. He was being genuine. Kassandra lowered her head, examining the Imperial Palace’s floor marble in defeat of her obstinacy.
“How will I make Imperium better, if I cannot make myself better?”
+The question you should ask is not how to make yourself better. But how to finally decide who you are.+
“And who am I supposed to be?” Kassandra raised her head again in a hope for an answer.
The Emperor slowly held out his hand, tenderly touching his daughter’s forehead with his index.
+That you must find out for yourself.+
The Emperor and his palace, all around Kassandra Curze, disappeared.
She now appeared in complete darkness, looking around, trying to understand what the Emperor just did to her. Everywhere the primarch could see was only dark, she stood ankles deep in an obsidian water that made no sound as she wandered around. Kassandra tried to walk in one direction until she stopped, understanding that this dark plane was endless. Cold of this place bit her bones.
“Always so enigmatic, isn’t he?” sounded a rustling voice behind her.
Kassandra turned around snappily, as she had not felt anyone to sneak up. That was new for her.
Before primarch stood figure, figure rivaling her in height and stature, covered in thin black mist, making its features unrecognizable.
“Who, the frak, are you?” Kassandra asked the stranger.
“Weren’t you told to ask yourself this question?” Shadow answered, clearly amused by her bewilderment.
“How do you know?” The primarch was getting annoyed by this creature’s attitude.
“I was there, obviously.”
The dark figure started to walk in circles around Kassandra, reminding her of beasts readying to jump at their prey. But Kassandra was no prey. And she was not in the mood for these charades.
“We are in my head,” Kassandra stated the obvious.
“Look at her, that girl is not only about appearances!” a stranger mocked her, clapping its hands.
“Enough,” ordered the primarch, “surely, you are not the one to answer my questions.”
The dark figure finally ended its circling, stopping in front of the dismissive primarch.
“And what questions would you ask?” mocking rustling changed with an ominous growl.
Kassandra thought for a couple of moments.
“How shall I deal from now on?”
“Just as before.”
“I cannot.”
“Why? Have you become so weak?”
“Because I have to be stronger than that.” The creature snarled in resentment of these words.
“Who do you think you are? Humanity’s savior, warrior princess in a snow-white armor?”
Kassandra's eyes widened in sudden recognition.
“Why so silent? Admit it to yourself and your dead mommy. She would be so disappointed.”
Shadow was tense, opposing the primarch.
"Admit it. You are a monster."
Kassandra stared at the figure. It all made sense to her now. Her prior visions, her father’s words. This place and abomination of darkness standing before her. Awareness dawned on her with a weight of new, vaguely perceived, responsibility, crushing her with guilt for all she has done by now. She was afraid. But here and now she had a chance. A chance to start walking towards a ghostly glimpse of light at the end of the cursed tunnel she now saw. Now that she knew it existed.
Kassandra walked closer to the shadow and extended her arm, placing hand on the figure's chest.
“I know what I am,” upon her touch, black mist dissolved revealing a face that Kassandra hated so much. Dirty rags and self-made blades lay on a creature’s milk-pale skin. Sunken eyes as black as the void of space and twice as cold. Lips peeled back barring sharp teeth in horror.
“I know what I am,” repeated Kassandra, voice filled with realization, “I am you.”
Her reflection’s features started to twist and break, turning into jet black liquid. Violently swirling around the primarch’s hand, her arm, and her body. Kassandra felt as if she was forced to drink sewer water. But it was a part of her. Only with it could she be complete.
In a second it was over. She stood alone in the endless plane that did not seem so unwelcoming now. Cold became less severe. Pitch-black water was gone, and beneath her feet, soft onyx grass sprouted. Within a moment of contemplation, Kassandra lowered herself and lay down in its delicate embrace, relaxing her body.
Resting there, Kassandra Curze avowed.
“I am Night Hauntress.”
submitted by Kuroihane to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:46 creakymoss18990 E-scooter regulations?

I can't find any e-scooter specific regulations for Marin. I figured this sub might know or know a good place to look for the regulations.
Can E-scooters (while following all regulations like 15MPH, helmet, etc) go on a fire road or dirt bicycle trail that doesn't say 'no motorized vehicles'? I know recently a law passed that allows ebikes to do this but I can't find anything on scooters. I have path that is sparsely used which allows bicycles and doesn't expressly ban e-bikes. It is a shortcut I take on my bike, and I want to know if I can take it. I will don it as respectfully as possible of course, pedestrians and even normal bikes imo have the right of way to electric stuff.
submitted by creakymoss18990 to Marin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:27 Martin_FN22 Vendo PS4 con control a 300,000 (tambien juegos y controles en descripcion)
Tambien tengo 3 controles mas (Azul, rojo y dorado). 30.000 pesos cada uno.
Tengo Spiderman, uncharted, minecraft, y Call of duty III, infinity warfare, advanced warfare, WW2, burnout paradise, diablo III eternal edition, dragon ball xenoverse y fighterz. Tambien estan terraria, W2k17, the surge, monopoly, minecraft dungeons, y 2 juegos de lego marvel.
Estas cosas las voy a vender desde mercado libre. Entonces si estan interesados hago un post ahi. Si quieren preguntar sobre los precios de los juegos pueden mandarme un mensaje directo o comentario.
submitted by Martin_FN22 to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:27 Imperial_citizen01 Camouflage is not needed in 40k warfare

I just want to bring up the discussion of camouflage and "maskirovka" used by the factions of the setting. First my understanding is that it's not useless per se, just not in the way people think about it, i.e. in terms of the realities established in early 20th century warfare.
A lot of us, including myself often balked at the brightly colored Space Marines as the embodiment of military impracticality. Accordingly, there exist chapters such as the Raptors and the Mentors which are known to employ real-world inspired tactics, such as concealment and use of camouflage.
However as it turns out, we might not have to give up verisimilitude for the sake of the rule of cool. Here on the planet Terra we see things in a certain light spectrum. This spectrum of colors and lights may not be the same in different environments, so the same camouflage pattern does not work everywhere, requiring constant adjustment to each new warzone.
Second is that most enemies and Imperial forces alike likely have sensor and augur equipment of some kind that enables them to see in different visual spectra.
The Adeptus Astartes, SoB and Aeldari helmet auto-sensors for example would probably be little swayed by a typical tacticool camo pattern, since they can likely sense heat and infra red signatures. The Tyranid weapon organisms likely have their own biological analogues of sensorums. Chaos can see your soul through warp fuckery. Orks have their "gitfinders", specialized squigs or just fire indiscriminately into the general direction of where they fink the enemy is like they always do.
So the point being is that color based camouflage is likely not a thing in the setting. This explains in part why Ultramarine Primaris infiltrators still wear their chapters' signature blue, or Raven Guard in their black, even though those are one of the least light-refractive colors ill suited for concealment.
However I speculate there exist other methods of camouflage and concealment which are extensively used by the forces and factions of the setting. It might be possible that fully "light absorbing" null suits like in Ghost in the Shell or Predator may be used, though I think it a bit headcanonish. More likely, a space marine armor for example, contains some sort of thermal or electromagnetic spoofing or distortion material intended to mess up the reading of the enemy's long range and indirect auspex tech and ISR. Tyranid lictors and genestealers on the other hand, may be capable of mimicking adaptation to the surrounding light-environment, similar to a cuttlefish. Chaos people conceal themselves using, yep, Chaos. Aeldari are light years more advanced, so they must have access to all sorts of technology specifically tailored for their favored sneaky mode of warfare.
In the Astra militarum, uniform colors likely reflect logistical availability, cost effectiveness and simple regimental tradition, as opposed to practical combat value.
The fact that the ork commando use purple may not in fact be done out of humor. It could be that the ork eyesight has difficulty distinguishing the purple spectrum of colors, or that in many of the environments they prefer fighting in, purple might actually be a "concealing" color.
Anyway what do you think? Do you know of any specific instances in lore where the question of camouflage and concealment tactics is brought up? It would be interesting to hear some lore-focused discussions of this.
submitted by Imperial_citizen01 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:14 Advanced_Quiet9344 Free Xbox 360 DLC Pre-July Shutdown extra pt 5 (UK region)

Hello, I have gone through every digitally available Xbox 360 game and found all free DLC.
This list is split into 2 sections.
Xbox backwards compatible non purchasable DLC
This sections is for paid and free DLC for backwards compatible games which aren't available on the Xbox one and will be gone past the shutdown.
For anyone interested in all delisted DLC for non backward compatible games here's a list: (This is not all DLC but most)
This is in order of priority
Left 4 Dead 2 DLC (contains the entirety of L4D1)
Left 4 Dead DLC
Castle Crashers- Pink Knight Pack (free)
Sonic Generations- ‘Casino Night’ Pinball (free)
All other DLC below, have this content on Xbox one but not the 360 platform specific DLC
i.e. AC Brotherhood DLC is available through the Ezio collection.
Assassin creed brotherhood- The Da Vinci Disappearance
Assassin creed 3- George Washington 3-part DLC
Assassin creed 4 Black Flag- Freedom cry
Call of Duty Ghost- Season pass (dead multiplayer, zombies)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare- season pass
Prince of Persia (2008)- Epilogue DLC
All free 360 DLC
[site] = content only available on Xbox marketplace website
Not Backwards Compatible
Armored Core V [site]
Armored Core: VERDICT DAY
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood [site]
Assassin’s Creed IV [site]
Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Battlefield 4 [site]
BLAZBLUE CS (Continuum Shift)
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
BulletWitch [site]
Castle Crashers
Choplifter HD
Call of Duty: Ghosts [site]
Dance Evolution [site]
DB: Raging Blast (Dragon Ball: Raging Blast) [site]
All DLC is free
Dead or Alive 5
DOA5 Last Round [site]
34 free DLC
Free keys
Dead Rising 2
Disney Infinity 3.0
Dragon Age Inquisition [site]
DD: Dark Arisen (Dragons Dogma) [site]
DW6 Empires (Dynasty Warriors 6)
Lots of free DLC
DW: GUNDAM 2 [site]
DW: Strikeforce [site]*
Dynasty Warriors 7
Dynasty Warriors 8
Farming Simulator 15
Farming Simulator
Fruit Ninja Kinect
Full House Poker
GGXACP (Guilty Gear)
Lots of free DLC
Just Dance 2015
Just Dance 2014
Kane and Lynch:Dead Men
Kinect Fun Labs [site] (everything below is mostly [site] as well)
Air Band (Kinect Fun Labs)
Avatar Kinect (Kinect Fun Labs)
Battle Stuff (Kinect Fun Labs)
I Am Super! (Kinect Fun Labs)
Kinect Rush: Snapshot (Kinect Fun Labs)
Mars Rover Landing (Kinect Fun Labs)
Musical Feet (Kinect Fun Labs)
Mutation Station (Kinect Fun Labs)
Kinect Party (free game)
Kinect Sports [site]
Kinect Sports: Season Two
Kinect Joy Ride
King’s Quest – Ch. 1 (free game chapter)
King’s Quest * *
L.A. Noire
Left 4 Dead
BEYOND GOTHAM (Lego Batman 3)
Lego Marvel’s Avengers [site]
Life Is Strange Episode 1
LMA Manager 2007 [site]
Magic 2015 [site]
Medal of Honor [site] (don't work)
Medal of Honor Warfighter [site]
Shadow of Mordor
MotoGP 13 [site]
Need for Speed Rivals
Ninja Blade [site]
Omerta – City of Gangsters
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show
RE Revelations 2 (Resident Evil) [site]
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
RESIDENT EVIL REV. (Revelations 1)
Rugby League Live 2
Sleeping Dogs
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite V2
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 [site]
Lots of free DLC
Test Drive Unlimited 2
The Gunstringer
The Last Remnant [site]
Tropico 5
Vampire Rain [site]
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Watch Dogs
Worms 2: Armageddon
I hope this helps.
submitted by Advanced_Quiet9344 to xbox360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 C5C8 H:Armor, Weapons, Apparel W:wishlist or offers

-If not on the wishlist I want apparel, groll armoweapons or leaders. - Apparel will only be traded for wishlist items - No junk, ammo ————————————————————————
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Aid: - 94 Big Guns - 102 Energy
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2024.06.09 18:27 Sweet-Count2557 Jamaica With Kids

Jamaica With Kids
Jamaica With Kids Welcome to Jamaica, where we've got the perfect family adventure waiting for you! Get ready to immerse yourselves in the vibrant culture and awe-inspiring natural wonders of this tropical paradise.From crystal-clear beaches to thrilling mountain expeditions, there's something for everyone. Explore historical sites, embark on river adventures, and enjoy theme parks and attractions that will leave you in awe.With our recommendations for family-friendly accommodations, you'll create unforgettable memories. So pack your bags, kids, and get ready for the freedom to explore Jamaica like never before!Key TakeawaysJamaica offers a wide range of beaches and water activities suitable for kids, including Frenchmans Cove Beach, Seven-Mile Beach, Blue Lagoon, and Doctors Cave Beach.Families can enjoy mountain adventures in Jamaica, such as exploring the Blue Mountains, going on a Four-Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay, or taking a Mayfield Falls Hike.Theme parks and attractions like Kool Runnings Adventure Park, Mystic Mountain, and Dolphin Cove provide entertainment and interactive experiences for kids in Jamaica.Cultural and historical sites like the Bob Marley Museum, Rose Hall Great House, and Bob Marley Mausoleum offer educational opportunities for families to learn about Jamaican history and culture.Beaches and Water ActivitiesWhen planning a family vacation to Jamaica, one of the highlights for us is exploring the beautiful beaches and engaging in various water activities. Jamaica is known for its stunning coastline and crystal-clear waters, making it the perfect destination for beach lovers and water enthusiasts of all ages. We can't wait to discover the best snorkeling spots and try out exciting water sports activities!One of the top snorkeling spots in Jamaica is Doctors Cave Beach in Montego Bay. The beach boasts crystal-clear waters, perfect for observing colorful coral reefs and tropical fish. Snorkeling here is an incredible experience that you won't want to miss.Another must-visit beach is Seven-Mile Beach in Negril. With its picturesque scenery, coral sands, and clear blue waters, it's a paradise for both swimmers and snorkelers.If you're looking for something unique, head over to Port Antonio and visit Frenchmans Cove Beach. This beach is known for its authentic Caribbean beauty and offers a shallow estuary where kids can safely play in the water. Blue Lagoon in Port Antonio is another fantastic option. It's a stunning swimming hole suitable for all ages, surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking views.In addition to snorkeling, Jamaica offers a wide range of water sports activities. From kayaking and paddleboarding to jet skiing and parasailing, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So get ready to make a splash and have a blast!Mountain AdventuresLet's get ready for some exciting mountain adventures in Jamaica!Did you know that Jamaica is home to the longest mountain range in Eastern Jamaica called the Blue Mountains? You can go hiking, camping, and even discover beautiful waterfalls there.And if you're up for some adrenaline-pumping fun, you can hop on a four-wheel ATV safari in Montego Bay that offers breathtaking views of the Caribbean.Plus, there's a fantastic hike to Mayfield Falls, perfect for young kids to enjoy the cascades and explore the natural beauty.Get ready for some mountain exploration in Jamaica!Longest Mountain RangeAs we explore the mountain adventures in Jamaica with kids, we can't overlook the Blue Mountains, which are the longest mountain range in Eastern Jamaica. These majestic mountains offer a plethora of exciting activities for families to enjoy.One of the highlights is hiking on the many trails that wind through the lush forests. You can explore hidden waterfalls, spot unique wildlife, and take in breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea.The Blue Mountains also provide the perfect setting for camping under the starry sky, surrounded by nature's beauty. Whether you're an experienced hiker or just starting out, there are trails suited for every skill level.ATV Adventure With ViewsContinuing our exploration of mountain adventures in Jamaica with kids, let's embark on an ATV adventure that offers breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea.Riding an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) is an exhilarating experience that allows you to explore the rugged terrain while enjoying the freedom of the open road.Before you start your ATV adventure, it's important to keep some safety tips in mind. Always wear a helmet and protective gear, follow the instructions of your guide, and stay on designated trails. Additionally, make sure to choose a reputable ATV rental company that provides well-maintained vehicles and proper safety instructions.Some popular ATV rental options in Jamaica include Chukka Adventure Tours and Jamwest Motorsports and Adventure Park.Hike to Mayfield FallsNow, we'll delve into the exhilarating experience of hiking to Mayfield Falls, a must-do adventure for families exploring the mountains of Jamaica. Mayfield Falls is a stunning natural attraction located in the parish of Westmoreland. As you hike through the lush greenery, you'll be treated to breathtaking views and the soothing sound of cascading waterfalls.To make the most of your hike, here are some helpful tips:Wear comfortable shoes and clothing suitable for hiking.Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, and plenty of water.Don't forget your camera to capture the beautiful scenery.Follow the instructions of your knowledgeable guide for a safe and enjoyable experience.At Mayfield Falls, there are plenty of activities that are perfect for kids and families. Take a look at the table below for some kid-friendly activities:ActivityDescriptionAge RangeWaterfall SwimSplash and play in the cool waters of the fallsAll agesRiver WalkExplore the river and discover hidden treasuresAll agesBamboo RaftingEnjoy a relaxing ride on a traditional bamboo raftAll agesPicnic AreaHave a family picnic amidst the natural beautyAll agesHiking to Mayfield Falls is a wonderful adventure that allows families to connect with nature and create lasting memories. So, pack your bags, put on your hiking shoes, and get ready for an unforgettable experience in the Jamaican mountains.Theme Parks and AttractionsJamaica offers an array of exciting theme parks and attractions for families with kids. From thrilling water parks to fascinating wildlife encounters, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One popular theme park is Kool Runnings Adventure Park in Negril, which is Jamaica's largest water park. It features swimming pools, water slides, and even a lazy river for a relaxing ride.Another must-visit attraction is Mystic Mountain in Ocho Rios. This rainforest adventure park offers a bobsled ride, zip-lining, and a lookout tower with breathtaking views of the Caribbean.For those who love marine life, Dolphin Cove in Ocho Rios is the perfect place to visit. Here, families can have interactive encounters with dolphins and sharks, go zip-lining, and even try kayaking.In addition to these theme parks, families can also explore the cultural and historical sites of Jamaica, such as the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston or the Rose Hall Great House in Montego Bay.With so many options to choose from, Jamaica truly is a paradise for families seeking fun and adventure.Cultural and Historical SitesNow let's explore some of the cultural and historical sites that Jamaica has to offer!One of the must-see places is the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, where you can learn all about the life and music of the reggae legend.Another fascinating spot is the Rose Hall Great House in Montego Bay, with its eerie legends and guided tours of the historic plantation.Bob Marley Museum: Reggae Legend's HomeOur visit to the Bob Marley Museum was a captivating dive into the legacy of a reggae legend. The museum is located in Kingston, Jamaica, and it showcases the life and music of Bob Marley.As we wandered through the rooms, we learned about Bob Marley's musical legacy and his profound influence on Jamaican culture. From his iconic songs like 'One Love' and 'No Woman, No Cry' to his messages of peace and unity, Bob Marley's music resonates with people of all ages.The museum is filled with exhibits, photographs, and memorabilia that tell the story of his life and career. It was truly inspiring to see how one man's passion for music could have such a profound impact on the world.As we left the museum, we were excited to continue our exploration of Jamaica's cultural and historical sites, starting with the Rose Hall Great House.Rose Hall Great House: Historic Plantation With LegendsContinuing our exploration of Jamaica's cultural and historical sites, we delved into the intriguing legends surrounding the Rose Hall Great House. This historic plantation is known for its haunted legends and offers guided tours that will transport you back in time.As we walked through the grand rooms and elegant gardens, we couldn't help but feel a sense of mystery and excitement. The stories of Annie Palmer, the White Witch of Rose Hall, captivated our imaginations. We learned about her dark past and the rumors of her ghost still lingering in the halls. It was both spooky and fascinating!But now, it's time to leave behind the haunted legends and move on to the next section, where we'll discover Jamaica's breathtaking natural wonders.Natural WondersAs we explore Jamaica's natural wonders, it is impossible not to be captivated by the breathtaking Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios. These magnificent waterfalls cascade down over 600 feet and offer a thrilling adventure for families. We can climb up the falls, hand in hand, feeling the cool water rushing against our skin. The Dunn's River Falls tour is guided by experienced locals who help us navigate the slippery rocks and ensure our safety. Along the way, we can take breaks and swim in the natural pools formed by the cascading water. It's an exhilarating experience that allows us to connect with nature and feel the power of the water.To give you a better idea of what to expect when visiting Jamaica's natural wonders, here's a table showcasing some of the highlights:Natural WonderLocationFeaturesDunn's River FallsOcho RiosBreathtaking waterfall, swimmingGreen Grotto CavesDiscovery BayUnderground limestone caves, batsBlue HoleOcho RiosCliff jumping, rope swingingAfter exploring the wonders of Dunn's River Falls, we can venture further into the world of river adventures. Here, we'll have the opportunity to experience the thrill of bamboo rafting on the Martha Brae River in Montego Bay or take a boat tour along the Black River, where we can spot crocodiles and learn about the rich ecosystem. These river adventures will provide us with even more opportunities to connect with nature and create lasting memories. So let's grab our swimsuits and dive into the next exciting chapter of our Jamaican adventure!River AdventuresLet's dive into the exciting world of river adventures in Jamaica! There are so many thrilling activities to enjoy on the rivers of this beautiful island. Here are three amazing river adventures that your family will love:River Rafting on Martha Brae: Hop onto a bamboo raft and float along the tranquil Martha Brae River. This gentle ride is perfect for young children, as they can relax and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Feel the cool breeze on your face as you meander through the lush greenery, and keep an eye out for colorful birds and tropical plants along the way.Black River Safari: Embark on a boat tour along the Black River and get up close with some of Jamaica's famous crocodiles. Learn all about the fascinating ecosystem of this river as your guide shares interesting facts about the wildlife and plants that call it home. It's a thrilling and educational experience that will leave you in awe of Jamaica's natural wonders.Horseback Ride and Swim: For a unique river adventure, why not go horseback riding in the water? Chukka Ocean Outpost offers this incredible experience, where you can ride a horse through the river and even take a dip with your new equine friend. It's a perfect way to cool off and have fun at the same time!Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for Visiting the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston?There are no age restrictions for visiting the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, Jamaica. Everyone, including kids, can enjoy guided tours and exhibits at the former home of reggae legend Bob Marley.As for the ATV adventure at Four Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay, Jamaica, it's important to check with the specific tour operator for any age restrictions.But don't worry, there are plenty of other exciting activities in Jamaica that kids can enjoy!Can Young Children Participate in the ATV Adventure at Four-Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay?Yes, young children can participate in the ATV adventure at Four-Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay. Safety is a top priority, so there are age restrictions in place for certain activities.Children can ride as passengers with a responsible adult, ensuring a fun and secure experience for everyone. Imagine the excitement on their faces as they zip through the Caribbean landscape, taking in the breathtaking views.It's a thrilling adventure that the whole family can enjoy together.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Visiting the Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios?Yes, there are age restrictions for visiting Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios. The falls can be a bit challenging to climb, so it isn't recommended for very young children or those who may have difficulty with physical activity.However, there are other family-friendly activities in Jamaica that you can enjoy. The Jamaica tourism industry offers a wide range of options, including beaches, water activities, mountain adventures, theme parks, cultural sites, natural wonders, and river adventures.Are There Any Accommodations Near the Blue Hole in Ocho Rios?Yes, there are accommodations near the Blue Hole in Ocho Rios!Nearby, you can find hotels such as the Moon Palace Jamaica and the Iberostar Rose Hall Beach. These hotels offer convenient locations for exploring the natural wonder of the Blue Hole.In addition to the Blue Hole, Ocho Rios has other attractions like Dunn's River Falls and Mystic Mountain. So, you'll have plenty of options for fun and adventure during your stay.Can Young Children Participate in the Black River Safari Boat Tour in Black River?Young children can participate in the Black River Safari boat tour in Black River. The tour is suitable for toddlers, but it's important to take safety precautions. Make sure to keep a close eye on your little ones and follow any instructions given by the tour guides.The boat tour is a fun and educational experience where you can spot crocodiles and learn about the ecosystem. It's a great way to introduce your kids to nature and wildlife in a safe and controlled environment.ConclusionSo pack your bags, grab your kids, and get ready for the most epic family adventure in Jamaica!From the crystal-clear beaches to the thrilling mountain adventures, there's something for everyone.Explore the rich history and reggae legacy, marvel at the natural wonders, and embark on exciting river adventures.Jamaica will leave you and your family with memories that will last a lifetime.Get ready to have the time of your lives in this tropical paradise!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 42

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WaveOfWire Edits :D
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Harrison’s vision was still foggy from waking up, several blinks failing to clear the tears from his drawn-out yawn. He just escaped the encompassing embrace of his four-armed guardian, leaving their shared bed for the bathroom, where he would have to say goodbye to his beard. If he was going to travel out of the settlement, a proper seal on his gas mask was a must.
It was a shame. The slow buildup of the hair over the last month or so was a representation of his growth in a way, building up alongside his experiences in this hellhole, be they life-threatening or informative. It was almost like wiping the slate clean, even if cutting some chin scruff didn’t really change anything at all—he’d never be able to forget anything he had seen here for as long as he lived.
And there was no telling how long that’d be.
The engineer sighed, splashing the lukewarm barracks water into his face from one of the many wall-attached sinks, allowing him to fully open his eyes and size up the damage done to his favorite black blood-and-sweat-stained t-shirt. It always stayed in good condition with washing and fabricator repairs, but somehow Shar’s talons always found a way to make small holes in it. She wasn’t trying to, but with the way she fully wrapped her arms around him, the tips of her sharp fingers sometimes ended up poking into the fabric and causing some cuts.
It was such a small issue that he never considered bringing it up to her. Plus, she’d probably do her whole guilty talon-tapping thing with puppy eyes and all… He shook his head, letting the stray beads of water on his face drip into the sink.
His palm ran across his beard while his other hand reached for the razor. There wasn’t any shaving cream or the like, but he’d make do. At least he had one of the proper tools for the job. He went into the task, the blade driving through his scruff, slopping off wide areas of his hair from jaw to chin for a few seconds before it was interrupted.
A short ‘woosh’ of the entrance caught his attention.
“Aww, you’re shavin’ it off?” Tracy commented dejectedly through a yawn, the lazy drawl reinforcing the fact that she just woke up. “Th’ beard was sorta growin’ on me.”
He eyed her through the mirror, his voice coming out in a dull tone. “Yeah. I feel the same.”
She squinted under the bright bathroom lights, rubbing an eye with her wrist as she walked up to the sink beside him and started her own morning routine. “Mmm… Womp womp. Why though?”
“Need it to get a gas mask seal,” he stated flatly, focusing on the task at hand.
The technician stopped momentarily, the gears turning in her head before she gave him a downcast frown. “You’re still set on going for the vehicle bay? You know we can just send some long-range drones out there, right?”
His short exhale echoed throughout the tiled room. The engineer closed his eyes, already mentally withdrawn from the conversation. They've had this discussion twice now. “It’s to be better prepared for any chemical, biological, or radiological surprises that might come up—not just for the excursion. Even more importantly, there’s no guarantee the module is in perfect shape. If I’m there in person, I’ll have the means to get through anything for those blueprints. Plus, it should only be four days, so the only issues we have are my beard and finding a way to protect the Malkrin from the radiation while we’re out.”
Tracy looked like she wanted to say something back, but bit her lip and cast her eyes down at the sink in front of her, twisting the knob before mumbling a quiet response. “I don’t think you need to protect them from radiation at all…”
She stared at him meekly, his dismissal of her worries having clearly dampened her mood. Guilt tugged at the back of his mind before her words further caught his interest. “I think they’re immune… or resistant or something. Radiation immunity is the whole reason they were sent here. You’ve added up the pieces together too, right?”
He stared down at her, running a hand through his hair with tired exasperation depressing his voice. “Tracy, I’ve been trying my hardest to just make it another day on this God-forsaken planet, not dig into their religion. So, no. I have not spent the time to add up the pieces. Enlighten me, please.”
“…S-Sorry. I just, you know, get a lot of time to think when working on drones, and Cera has been drawing all kinds of representations of these things.” Tracy paused, gesturing toward the engineer. “Okay, so you remember the whole backstory for why the Malkrin are on the mainland in the first place?”
“Pseudo-eugenics?” he commented dryly.
“Yeah.” She nodded, a sense of excitement leaking into her voice. “And what were the parameters of banishing someone?”
“Not getting sick from a rock.”
She eyed him feverishly, brows raised with a sudden zeal. “Aaaaand that rock represented the Sky Goddess’ wrath, which did what?”
“Uhhh…” He looked upward in thought, recalling his conversation with the paladin. “I think Shar mentioned nausea, vomiting, blisters, skin melting… off…” He froze, the pieces forming. “Wait, you don’t think…”
“I do. Those symptoms could mean a lot of things, but the anomaly field was the real kicker. You know that Shar just straight up didn’t have any lingering radiation effects or anything while you were nearly put… six feet under…” Her voice quieted momentarily, the speed of her speech outpacing her train of thought. “Sorry. Um… so, I was gonna say that she, uh, I mean the scanner mentioned she had damage from ‘alpha particles’ on her skin, but nothing else happened to her organs or anything.”
Harrison squinted at her for a moment, mouth slightly opened and prepared to give some alternative reasoning besides ‘immunity.’ Maybe her armor protected her from it? No… she didn’t even have full protection, radiation would have certainly gotten around her eyes or snout. What about her height? What if… No.
He didn’t just want to believe that somehow the Malkrin could just evade a force of nature, but he didn’t have any way of proving or disproving it on hand… Well, no humane way of testing it.
“I… guess?” the engineer grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Even then, they still need armor and gas masks. The worst part of the radiation isn’t even the ionizing part. It’s the trace elements that get into your lungs and decay there. So it doesn’t hurt to use some CBRN filters.”
“Fair… but it’s interesting, isn’t it?” Tracy beamed. “Like, what kind of evolutionary factors lead to radiation immunity? Why do only some of the Malkrin have it and others don’t?”
The only real cause of radiation he could think of would be a massive nuclear proliferation of some sort. Maybe the anomalies? He ran a hand through his hair, pushing the lingering thoughts away. “I wouldn’t know. You could always ask Sebas to bring up some papers about it or generate some theories when you get the chance.”
“I probably will at some point… Maybe while I’m working.” She poked him in the bicep. “You’re still helping me with the mule, right?”
He bobbed his head, loose beard hairs itching up his chin. “Sure am. Gimme a bit to shave and test the fifty-cal ammo, then I’ll be free to assist.”
“Kay Kay.” The tradeswoman smiled and returned to the sink, washing her face.
- - - - -
“What the hell did you do to your shield?” a stunned Harrison asked the paladin, his face scrunching up in concern… and confusion.
Sharky proudly held up her once grungy orange shield with a smile, looking at its new… paint job? “Artificer Tracy has s—n to imbue my bulwark with the crest of the Sky Goddess herself! Observe the b—utiful wings that cover it!”
The engineer had just got back from setting up and overseeing the automated mule’s first excursion to the mine and back. It was a grueling task, requiring him to reset its pathing several times before it was able to make a round trip without input. Now, the maroon-skinned Malkrin in front of him had apparently gotten her massive aegis laser imprinted with crossing wings in the two hours or so he’d been gone. The areas between the black feather decals were colored with white and blue paints, contrasting with the new dark gray background.
A small weight was placed on his shoulder, Tracy’s forearm suddenly appearing atop it despite her being nearly a foot shorter than him. She beamed, staring up at him with all-too-proud eyes. “The scout regiment symbol looks good on it, right? Cera helped me with the laser engraving.”
“I…” His brows raised in perplexity. “The scout regiment?”
She shrugged, watching the paladin observe her shield from all sorts of different angles underneath the workshop’s light fixtures. “From an anime I used to watch. Men and women who were sent out to battle against massive titans for the greater good of the last settlement of humanity. Somewhat fitting, and fuckin’ awesome on her big-ass shield! Matches the bird’s wings on her armor too.”
He loudly sighed. “You wasted materials on imprinting wings on Shar’s shield? Really?”
“Hey!” Her brows furrowed into faux-annoyance, a smug grin betraying it. “It’s not a waste if you were never gonna use the paint we had on hand. Plus, we’ve got energy to spare with all the wind turbines and power cells you’ve been printing out.”
“Those paints probably could have been used for important designations… or something…” he grumbled.
“Doesn’t matter.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Anyway, want me to put some scary teeth or something on that big ‘ol fist-sized muzzle break on your shotgun?”
“No?” he took an incredulous step away from her, letting her arm fall off his shoulder and to her side.
“It’s okay to admit you’re jealous of Shar’s awesome decals, bro,” Tracy teased, her smugness growing tenfold. “No need to get defensive.”
He groaned, figuring there wasn’t a point in staying to bicker with the tradeswoman, leaving the two vanity-focused females to their devices. He still had to figure out how to fabricate armor and gas masks for the Malkrin and himself.
“Hey! Where ya goin?” the technician called out, clearly disappointed that he hadn’t indulged in her taunts.
Short taps against the hard floor sounded out as she caught up to him. She leaned forward and curiously looked up at him as she walked, holding her hands behind the small of her back. “What kind? Can I help?”
“Just need to take some measurements and compare options. Right… Speaking of which.” He turned around and cupped his palms around his mouth. “Hey Shar! Get over here, I need your help!”
The addressed Malkrin perked up, snapping out of the small haze of admiring her new shield and happily making her way toward him. She stood at attention, her tail oscillating side to side. “What n—d do you have of me?”
“Just a quick task,” he briefed her, grabbing some measuring tape from his desk… that Tracy had decided was her new chair. He sighed and turned his attention back to the paladin. “Can I bother you to lean down for a few seconds while I take some measurements?”
“Of course. Pl—se, take your time.” She stepped forward and kneeled, her head brought down to his height. Her face wore that simple content look he was growing all too accustomed to by now—slightly vibrating frills, a little curl upward of her lips, and warmly glowing eyes.
He wasted no time getting to work, noting down the various distances around her jaws, snout, eyes, and ears, already piecing together how he could cobble together some gas mask designs to fit the dimensions. She sat there quietly, sometimes leaning into the accidental head scratches adorably. It contrasted heavily with the cold-sweat-inducing layers of razor-sharp teeth within her muzzle as he measured the angle her maw opened at, bringing an idle curiosity prodded his mind.
“Say, Shar, do your teeth grow back if they fall out?” he poked, absently observing the dozens of triangular bone protrusions in her mouth as he held the underside of her jaw.
“They do,” she confirmed, the way she was able to speak despite not moving her mouth still messing with his head. “Do y—rs not?”
“Nope. Only once.”
She attempted to tilt her head, but quickly returned it when it left the embrace of his palm. “Only once?”
He nodded. “Yeah, sometime a few years after birth. They’re replaced with the teeth I have now. Don’t get any new ones, so we gotta take care of ‘em.”
“Birth?” The Malkrin’s eyes widened. “You were not cr—ted as you are now?”
A shock of stress poured down his spine like a bucket of ice water, raising the hairs on his back. Fuck. How did he let that slip? He was supposed to have just appeared from the sky to her, right…? He was doing so well for so long in keeping that in. God, had he really gotten so comfortable with the paladin that he simply forgot what he was to her? His teeth clenched, a huff of air escaping his nostrils as he lightly shook his head. It was a bit too late to backtrack. It could be explained vaguely and brushed off, right?
“Yeah. I was born,” he affirmed flatly. His hand dropped away from Shar’s muzzle, her head falling an inch or two before she registered that she couldn’t keep leaning into his touch. “That’s it for measurements, so you’re free to leave.”
A frown carved through her small smile. “I… See… F—give me if I have brought up someth—g improper.”
His exhalation burned through his frustration at himself, his hand running through his hair to wash away the spike of anxiety. “You’re fine. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Th-Then I shall take my leave,” the massive alien stated softly.
He nodded, feeling a little regretful for pushing the kindhearted Malkrin away as he shuffled back to his desk. Tracy was still sitting atop it, giving him a disappointed reaction with low brows, forcing a pointed reaction from him. “What?”
The technician took a long inhale before shrugging. “Nothin’.”
The rolling chair squeaked lightly as he rested himself, his hands already going through the motions of opening the computer and the blueprint folders. There were plenty of tabs open of sensors and motor assemblies he hadn’t closed from the previous night. That wasn’t even mentioning the pile of notes he had on proper radio-protective methods, their corners bent from his frequent flipping through them.
“Soooo…” The short black-haired woman leaned forward from her perch atop the only clear part of his desk. “Can I help you with your ‘comparing options’ work, mister busyman?”
“Sure…” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, raising a brow. “How much do you know about armor?”
- - - - -
“No way. The back support is a must, so you can have extra plating over your shoulders and chest.” Tracy pointed out from her seat beside Harrison’s, all but forcing him to pause his Malkrin gas mask designing to give her argument his full attention.
He calmly took his hands off the mouse and keyboard. “A back support needs leg assistants, which means I’ll need to have at least a fifteen pound battery pack somewhere. Those kinds of exosuits are either all in or not at all. You can go full armor and engine, or lightweight protection and simple limb support.”
“So you’re just gonna go out there with normal armor? Just run-of-the-mill plates and gear? Those fucking things would go through that shit like butter! I know we can’t make synthetic muscle yet, but at least consider wearing something a bit more. Please. Even Sharky has heavy armor!”
Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose, his brows furrowed. “Do I look like a several-hundred kilogram monster of pure muscle to you? I’m more than willing to put on a few extra kilos for protection, but I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of putting on more armor rather than more equipment. I’d rather fifty pounds of magazines and ammo than fifty pounds of armor. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah yeah… You and your storage space…” she mumbled, swiping through a few more images on her data pad when a familiar Mars-pattern suit showed up, catching his eye.
“Hey, wait, pull that one up…”
She rotated the tablet for him to see a little better—despite already being shoulder-to-shoulder with him. “This one? What’s so special about it?”
He analyzed the few pieces of equipment on screen, noting the rusty-orange and tan color scheme, the old Martian-American flag attached to its breastplate, and the iconic quad-nod integrated helmet. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “That’s… We have that in our blueprints?”
She raised a brow, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean?”
“That’s an Orbital Drop Ranger’s standard kit,” he stated slowly, a simmering sense of awe bubbling up—why the hell was it in their blueprints folder? “It was used during the Sino-Venusian incursion of southern Mars. It still has the Old Earth American flag embedded into it, so you know it’s pre twenty-two-hundred C.E.”
“Oh shit… Pre-St.Loual’s construction? This is ancient, then, huh? Would it be any good?” She leaned in closer to him, eying the tablet further.
“Does it have the assembly view of the armored pieces?”
“Mmhmm.” She tapped a few icons, showing an isometric, exploded view of all the parts and their individual components.
It was a piece of history alright. The armor was produced just about the time when Mars was connecting their orbital stations and ground colonies to work in tandem, allowing for specialized forces to be trained in space and launched anywhere across the planet from drop pods in mere minutes, leading to common nickname of ‘Minutemen’ given to the troopers. The suits were expertly designed to withstand the harsh environments of Mars and give the soldiers the ability to engage with enemy combatants for several days before extraction, though the adept units usually completed their objectives within twenty-four hours of their landing.
The helmet was very angular and blended in with the expected rocky terrain of Mars, each component taking on a sloped frontal design with rectangular prisms flowing behind—radio, breathing apparatus, and vision modules all sharing a sleek, yet bulky look in their own right. It reminded him of some in-atmosphere ships, with the overhanging visor above the quad-nod viewport being the only non-aerodynamic pieces.
The chest and legs were a bit different, following the design of late twenty-second-century operators with tan lightweight rigs, and ammunition pouches alongside armored plates that ran from the shoulders to wrists in segments. There was a rusty-orange undersuit beneath it all for the purpose of keeping air in, which required some sturdy polymer structures to ensure it didn’t rip. Then, of course, there were the classic shock-absorbing leg supports. They weren’t too far off what Tracy was asking about earlier, but these ones didn’t provide any assistance in moving with any motors—just straight-up structural reinforcements.
Hell, the blueprints on screen even had the mag-grip gloves used to scale domes, buildings, and satellites alike. There was no doubt that the Orbital Drop Rangers had some of the coolest equipment on Mars, especially considering that it was the last to keep the ‘operator’ look… It was such a shame the government decided the orb-like helmets and rounded bubble armors were more effective.
“Hey, you know what?” he asked the technician, a shot of excitement in his voice. “This might actually work out as a suitable armor replacement.”
She perked up, her brows raised. “Oh? Actually?”
He shrugged, trying to play off the smirk plastered on his face. “Wouldn’t need a horrible amount of changes to work for our purposes. Just need to remove the oxygen converter on the back and put a gas mask replacement in the front portion of the helmet. Plus, we could probably get rid of the airtight aspect and just keep the undersuit for scratch protection. And, most importantly, it’s radio-protective.”
“Meets all your criteria, then?” She tapped through some UI interfaces, sending the armor assembly to Harrison’s monitor, which he accepted quickly.
“Sure does.” He readily clicked through the different parts and systems to differentiate what needed to be kept. “We have the resources for it, and all it needs is a layer of cadmium plus a few replacements. Definitely doesn’t need the heads-up display since there’s nothing for it to interact with either, so that’ll save on print time and materials too. Shame I cut up the beard… the Orbital Drop Rangers were allowed to have some cool ones.”
The tradeswoman scooted in even closer, practically resting her chin on his shoulder and watching him sift through the working parts. “Yeah, rest in peace, beard. Still, your armor situation is solved. What about the Malkrin?”
“I’ll be working on their gas masks, then I was thinking I’d use another one of your modeled armors for their protection since they’ve helped Shar a hell of a lot. Do you have any recommendations?”
“Mmmmm…” She looked up in thought, a smile forming along her cheeks. “You know, until we can make them any real power armor, I was thinking just some regular phobos-pattern armor. Could color ‘em based on their skin too.”
“Phobos-pattern armor?” he hummed to himself, clicking through the folder to find it. It was just as bulky as Shar’s armor, except it appeared a good bit smoother, with more rounded edges compared to her horns-and-spike-lined gauntlets and pauldrons. The blue suit Tracy was proposing didn’t have the four-armed protection compared to the chaos version, but it certainly had the same thickness of its metal plates. “Looks like it’d work pretty well. Does it have any electric components or anything?”
“No…” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Not so good with designing that stuff in the modeling program I did the WarHarberd stuff in. Could add in more sophisticated leg support or whatever if you gave me time, but for now it’s just maneuverable slabs of alloy.”
“I think that’s all we need for the time being.” He shrugged. “I just don’t want the others to be vulnerable to getting cut up by the little spider-crab grunts.”
“As long as it works for what we need, then.” Her elbow poked into his arm. “Here, how about I take care of that armor stuff while you finish up the gas masks? They need the extra arm slots too, yeah?”
“I’d actually appreciate that a lot.” He offered her a back-palm fist bump, to which she eagerly took, taking on a grin that he mirrored. “Thanks, Trace.”
“Don’t mention it. I wish work was always just doing my hobbies like this.”
\= = = = =
A grand pylon of metal construction taller than the mightiest female’s frills stood atop the beach. Blue-scaled surfaces extended near the foot of the tower, gathering the power of the sun itself. The lattice layering upon their sides hid the weaving wires and Goddess-blessed machinery. A staff the same as Shar’khee’s peeked from its top, the glass eye on its side given a wide view of the sandy environment it resided on, the defense it now provided becoming absolute. The aura it exuded as a creature of pure metal was awe-inspiring, its mere presence a showing of Harrison’s might and domain.
No abhorrent would dare step foot upon the meadow’s rolling hills, for such a mistake would ensure their immediate execution for encroaching upon his settlement—the ‘fifty-cal-e-bur’ bullet is not one to rend any beast with only simple injuries, especially with three hundred of them available at once.
The maroon-skinned paladin treaded up the hill, having completed her task of setting up the last turret. The craftsman, the juvenile, and the lumberjack had also assisted with its setup, pulling their weight in both mind and muscles to piece the components together. They completed a few others around the modules already, but this one was done without the star-sents’ oversight. The four Malkrin had practiced and learned enough to be entrusted with such.
The idea of Harrison having enough confidence in them sparked much conviction in the group, each of them more than eager to prove him right—none more so than Shar’khee herself, of course.
She finally returned to the workshop, the sun’s last rays pressing into the back of her head and frills as she crouched beneath the doorway, a small gnawing hunger for dinner digging within her stomach. The cacophony of machines soon reached her ears, the sounds of their efforts almost working in tandem with the strange melodic music playing from an unseen source above her.
Tracy was in her corner, working on new beings of metal as always. The bright lights above were turned off in favor of smaller, warmer emplacements atop her surrounding circle of desks. A hard worker, that star-sent was, though both of them were like that, the paladin supposed. Their kind was certainly intent on keeping their hands busy.
Shar’khee passed through the snakes of machines, finding her way to Harrison’s desk with an increasingly strong sway in her tail. He was working with a black object with light gray accents. It appeared to be partially flexible, yet firm in other places—notably, a large glass fixture on one side of it. There was very little she could make out about its purpose, but with the delicate touches he applied, it appeared to be quite important.
Her tongue clicked twice, garnering the attention of the Creator. He paused his work, swiveling his chair to face her and revealing a long blue-leaf jutting from his mouth. Her male appeared quite tired, but his voice did not show it.
“Oh, Shar, what’s up? Did y’all need any help with the last turret?”
She shook her head. “We do not n—d such, for it is completed. Would you care to join me for din—r? The rest of the settlem—t is enjoying their meals as of now. ”
He raised his brows before looking back at the myriad of notes, tools, and materials atop his cluttered desk. “Well, I’m kinda busy, but…” His jaw rolled around in contemplation. “Here. Let’s just test this thing real quick.”
Her head tilted. “What sh—l we be testing?”
“Your gas mask… er, well, a Malkrin gas mask. Kneel down real quick, I’ll run ya through putting it on.” He stepped off his chair and grabbed the equipment, uncomfortably rotating his shoulders. How long was he sitting on that chair? The male approached her and she did as requested. “I had the sewist help me with some of the design. Never considered you guys would ever wear hats.”
She nodded. “It is unh—lthy for one to have their frills touched by the sun for so long. Adequate shade is a must, and trees are not so p—valent along farm land.”
“Mmhmm. Shame this is just a mask… Alright, this might be a bit uncomfortable, but it’ll do the job.”
He stepped forward and slipped the black apparel onto her snout, pushing it over her face until it pressed against the sides of her head. A cool material rubbed against her skin, locking her into its embrace. It was encapsulating, surrounding her wholly.
Her breaths strengthened as she allowed the mask to cover her, a short shock of nervousness riding down her spine. She was only now registering how vulnerable she was, allowing him to possibly suffocate her… but she stayed put, keeping her four palms rested within her lap as he continued to apply the straps around her ears. She would allow it. She trusted him with her life. She would not falter.
The cords around the back of her head were tight, a few of which went along both sides of her frills, pushing up against their sides. He kept going, ensuring a ‘seal,’ but it was getting much too—
A lightning bolt of pain rolled throughout the top of her head, sending her reeling. It stung for the briefest of moments, but its effects rebounded through her entire body, short sparks pulsing from its origin. She felt nothing but its agonizing hold for several more moments as the rest of her body caught up.
When her eyes opened once more, she found herself on the floor and staring at the ceiling. The star-sent rushed to her side, appearing to ask many questions while looking over her head, but all she heard was a piercing ring and the gruff vocalization he made whenever he shared his intent. No words reached her mind, only the now faint phantom pains from where her frills met her skull. It put everything in a haze, her eyes barely settling on her dearest’s, despite how nauseous she had become.
His deft hands quickly worked to loosen the straps, practically ripping them off until his voice suddenly reached her, like breaching the surface of the water. His voice was deep, attempting to be calculating, yet despite his calmly created stoic demeanor… she could feel his panic, his sheer worry almost flooding her senses through practiced medical queries. She slowly sat up on the floor, holding herself with two arms while the other pair quelled the kneeling male, assuring him that she was alright with their weight resting atop his shoulders.
“I am well, dearest Harrison. Do not fret for me. The straps were simply too tight.”
His anxious breaths barely slowed, narrowly allowing for his exclamation. “Too tight? Shar, you practically blacked out!”
“Too tight upon my frills, I mean. There was a pain there for a few moments, but it has passed,” she returned calmly, softly kneading his stiff shoulders with the joints of her digits.
He exhaled sharply, matching her gaze with regret in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Shar. I should’ve known. I was just trying to see how…” He paused, resting his palm atop her forearm. “Nevermind. I just… Are you alright? Should I get you to the med bay for a quick scan?”
“I do not believe that to be necessary, no.”
His guard finally fell. “If… If you say so. Guess I have to redo the straps then. Definitely gotta make sure they’re not pressing on your frills like that.”
She smiled, appreciating his dedication. “Would you like my assistance?”
“As long as you don’t have anything else to do.” He shrugged, his shoulders barely moving upward against her massaging hands.
“There is no greater wish of mine than to be by your side,” she stated warmly.
He was frozen, the soft ministrations of his digits along her arm slowly stopping in contrast to the red flush growing from his cheeks to his ears. The crack of a smirk on his face finally with a short, heart-warming chuckle brought the statue back to life after a few moments. “You know… that’s probably the sweetest thing I’ve heard for years.”
Her brows raised in subtle surprise at his response. “It… was not intended to be such… However… you are more than welcome. You must understand by now that I am speaking only the truth.”
The two of them sat there in relative silence amongst the desks and machines; her half laying on the ground with her hands on his shoulder, and him on his knees by her side, a singular hand running up and down her comparatively large forearm. She felt… weak, in a way. A vibrating sensation rummaged through her stomach, attempting to pull her muscles and nerves astray.
It was warm, just like his palm, each motion of his hand sending lightning through her skin. The upward curl of her lips into her cheeks was suddenly an insurmountable force, incapable of being put down by a thousand females. There was a tear within her to either look away or… close the distance, and she suddenly found looking anywhere but his curious green eyes to be a waste of her time.
Her talons wrapped further around his shoulders and his back, ever so slightly bringing him into her embrace—
“A-HEM.” A voice cut the moment down to its knees. “The fuck happened here?” Tracy’s swift interjection caused the paladin to flinch backwards, allowing her to see that Harrison’s other hand had been hovering right beneath her snout. The female star-sent wore a furrowed brow and crossed arms, looking down at them. “I heard a crash and came over. Are you two alright?”
Harrison cleared his throat, ever-so-subtly scooting away from the paladin. “Uh, yeah. Shar fell because, um, I tied the gas mask a lil’ too tight.”
The artificer wore an expression that told of her disbelief. “She fell because of the gas mask?”
“It was something with her frills.” The male returned with a shrug, picking himself off the floor before offering the paladin a hand up.
She took it, despite not requiring it, and wiped off some loose dust from her pants. The three of them quickly returned to work soon after, with both her and the black-haired star-sent joining Harrison in his quest to produce the gas mask. She was much less… What did the Creator call it? Bubbly? Yes, that was it. She was much less bubbly than usual, sometimes sending a cold yet emotionless glare toward Shar’khee… Nevertheless, the two females offered input on the design and applied help where they could, eventually creating the final piece of equipment.
Tracy commented on its looks, apparently drawing inspiration from the Leviathan itself, as she believed it to be like that of a ‘Sea Dragon’s.’ The maw-covering portion held two cylindrical canisters on the adjacent sides, the bottom portion being capable of distention, so that the user’s mouth may open somewhat. Its motion created what the female star-sent believed to be ‘the coolest teeth design on a mask’ she’d ever seen with how the separation formed alternating triangles.
The monster-like appearance was furthered by her own frills and horns that peeked out from behind the mask. That was not even mentioning the see-through visor that formed a malicious glare of sharp brows. The paladin looked through a hand-held mirror, finding it difficult to disagree with the look. She could imagine the horror on a fisherwoman’s face as such a terrifying creature approached from the depths.
And yet, despite its nightmarish visage, it was apparel designed to save lives, not take them—much unlike the unassuming metal rods that spewed fire with a mere flick of a lever. Curious indeed. The star-sents were seemingly never out of surprises. They even spoke of grand robots and firearms larger than Shar’khee herself as possible future projects.
Only time could tell what machinations of alloy would be birthed from their hands.
- - - - -
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Next time on Total Drama Anomaly Island - Under The Milky Way
submitted by BrodogIsMyName to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:14 DOOMLANDER47_ H: plans and other offers W: what's down below

H: plans and other offers W: what's down below
I have multiple of all the alien plans, some plans from other events and 2 weenie wagon plans and a wasteland hunter backpack plan, i want the plans for what's down below
submitted by DOOMLANDER47_ to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:07 KANelson_Actual AMA about U-boats in American waters during the World Wars!

After three years of research and writing, my book about U-boat operations along US shores was published in April 2024: Killing Shore: The True Story of Hitler’s U-boats Off the New Jersey Coast. It focuses on events near New Jersey in 1942-44 but also covers the entirety of German submarine operations around North America in WW1 and WW2. Killing Shore explores the strategic, cultural, technological, and tactical dimensions of this topic, including the role of merchant mariners and Allied servicemen facing the U-boat threat.
I have no formal history credentials and don’t work in academia. This was an entirely DIY effort, but the book has been critically and commercially successful so far. My primary academic interest is human conflict 1900-present, with a particular interest in the naval dimension of the World Wars.
Ask away!
submitted by KANelson_Actual to submarines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:59 2CatsAndAPack Are high cut helmets that much better than mid cuts?

Aside from the internet pictures and larping, does anyone have real combat experience using both mid cut and high cut helmets within the last 6 years? I get the big push for high cuts is that cool guy factor since everyone sees the special forces wearing them, but in a theater where explosives and shrapnel raining down from above and from the sides is as common as taking a piss, I would think folks would want to go back towards MICH style helmets. I also get that the major argument for high cuts are for more comfort while wearing comms, but seeing those gaps on most high cuts between the comms and helmet that reveals the sides of the head seems like a risk factor you’d want to minimize, no? It seems like the big focus these days is tailored strictly for comms and I’m just a bit confused as to why. My time in the marine corps the MICH helmet was the cool guy helmet that the marsoc guys wore and the only folks with comms was our squad leaders and radio operator. Other than that, if we needed to communicate, we just used hand signals and our big boy voices over the gunfire. It made sense that we used high cuts during our time in Afghanistan since we were generally not receiving mortars or artillery rounds at the same consistencing like they’re doing in Ukraine, but it looks like the type of warfare to be conducted for the near foreseeable future along with possible conflicts will see an uptick in both sides having access to high explosive rounds where high cut helmets will be less effective.
submitted by 2CatsAndAPack to tacticalgear [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:28 Metal_Boxxes Subreddit resources and FAQ

Welcome to theunforgiven!
This is a community where we share and discuss topics related to the Dark Angels, their successor chapters, and the fallen. If you've come here to share or discuss a topic about Space Marines or Warhammer 40k in general, without particular connection to the Unforgiven, spacemarines or Warhammer40k would likely be a better fit.
Before submitting a post or comment, please have a quick look at our rules. You can find them in the sidebar or the landing page of our wiki.
There are multiple other very useful resources in our wiki, split into pages on lore, assembly/painting, miniatures/collectibles, and gameplay. A few additional resources are linked in the sidebar. Please explore all these at your leisure. There is a search function available as well. Many basic questions either have an answer in the wiki/sidebar, or have already been asked and answered.
Of particular relevance are the (unofficial) Index Astartes: The Unforgiven, and (again unofficial) Dark Angels Collectors' Guide. The slowly ongoing series on Myths, Misconceptions, and Half-truths may also be of interest to those interested in the finer details of the narrative, as it concerns the Dark Angels.
Feel free to submit any comment or feedback on the Index, Collectors' Guide, or FAQ here on this post. I intend to keep them all updated/maintained as necessary and relevant.

Frequently Asked Questions

-What would happen if X occurred in the 40k universe?
Impossible to answer, unless X has already occurred. We can predict the future and discuss hypotheticals in our own universe because it is governed by natural laws. If a stone is dropped, it will fall (assuming nothing prevents it from doing so).
The 40k universe is fictional, and is governed entirely by it’s authors. If a stone is dropped, it will behave exactly as the author desires it to behave. No justification or explanation is needed. We only know what the author desires if they have made it happen already. We thus know for example that Lion beat Angron in their fight on Wyrmwood, but we don’t know who would win if they battled again in the future.
-Can I/am I allowed to do Y?
You can/are allowed to do anything you want with models you own, within the confines of your local laws. Where other people are involved (eg playing a game), you will need the agreement of those people. As long as everyone involved consents, you can do whatever you want (including changing game rules, playing with proxies, etc). Ask the people you will actually play, their answers and opinions are the ones that matter.
-What base size should I use for model Z?
There have never been rules in the core game dictating base size. Some competitive tournaments and events enforce their own rules, search for those if you need guidance. In general, casual players seem to agree that you should use the latest base size the model is/was sold with, or the base size the model was supplied with when you bought it. Ask the people you will actually play, their answers and opinions are the ones that matter.
-How strictly should models match their datasheet/equipment?
There have never been rules in the core game dictating how closely models must represent their datasheet. The answer may vary between each casual group and competitive tournament/event. Ask the people you will actually play, their answers and opinions are the ones that matter.
-How should I paint fliers/Dreadnoughts/Terminator-characters etc?
However you want, they’re your models. If you want to know what lore says, see Index Astartes: The Unforgiven (linked above).
-Who gets to wear robes/winged helmets/etc?
Whoever you want, they’re your models. If you want to know what lore says, see Index Astartes: The Unforgiven (linked above).
-Who’s in the Ravenwing/Deathwing/Inner Circle?
See the Chapter Organization section of Index Astartes: The Unforgiven (linked above), or the relevant pages on Lexicanum.
-Could you identify a model for me?
See the Dark Angels Collectors' Guide (linked above). If the model you're trying to identify isn't in there, then it isn't an official Dark Angels model. If so, ask elsewhere, eg in spacemarines or Warhammer40k, or search through the miniatures portal on Lexicanum.
submitted by Metal_Boxxes to theunforgiven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:09 ilikemoose42 H: Trades W: The things listed in my post

I am looking for unyielding, + 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, civil engineer armor.
Maybe good Overeaters, ammo weight reduction, excavator pieces.
Now what I have for trade.
Rare outfits
tattered field jacket
blue ridge caravan outfit and and gas mask
both scout masks
white powder jumpsuit
responder fireman helmet
glowing scorchbeast queen mask
glowing honey bee mask
winter man mask
crazy guy mask
deathclaw mask
brahmin mask
demon mask
fiend mask
hag mask
buffoon mask
raven mask
elders marks
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower
instigating, explosive, less vats cost
vampire, explosive, faster reload
vampire, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost
enclave plasmas
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, breaks 50% slower, not modded
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, not modded
mod boxes and unrolled weapons
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost, handmade
aristocrats, explosive, faster reload, handmade
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost, 10mm submachine gun
aristocrats, faster fire rate, faster reload, gatling plasma
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, compound bow
anti armor, explosive, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, radium rifle
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, pepper shaker
anti armor, faster fire rate, faster reload, minigun
anti armor, explosive, faster reload, bolt-action pistol/rifle
anti armor, explosive, less vats cost, railway rifle
anti armor, explosive, breaks 50% slower, gatling gun
anti armor, explosive, less vats cost, hunting rifle
bloodied, faster fire rate, less vats cost, ultracite laser gun
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, handmade
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower, fixer
bloodied, faster fire rate, faster reload, minigun
bloodied, faster fire rate, 90 reduced weight, minigun
bloodied, faster fire rate, 90 reduced weight, gatling laser
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, submachine gun
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, gatling plasma
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, lever action
bloodied, faster fire, rate, 90 reduced weight, radium rifle
bloodied, faster fire, rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, ripe rifle/pistol
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower, gatling gun
bloodied,, rate, +50% hit chance hit target in VATS, less vats cost, gauss rifle
executioner, explosive, less vats cost, fixer
junkies, explosive, faster reload, handmade
junkies, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
quad, 50 more vats critical damage, faster reload, fixer
quad, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, gatling gun
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, assault rifle
quad, explosive, less vats cost, assault rifle
quad, faster fire rate, less vats cost, assault rifle
quad, explosive, less vats cost, bolt action pipe rifle
quad, explosive, faster reload, hunting rifle
quad, faster fire rate, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, railway rifle
quad, +50 limb damage, faster reload, tesla rifle
tse, less vats cost, pipe bolt action pistol/rifle
tse, faster reload, pump action shotgun
tse, less vats cost, combat shotgun
tse, faster reload, handmade
tse, less vats cost, radium rifle
tse, 90 reduced weight, 50 cal machine gun
tse, 90 reduced weight, gatling gun
two shot, faster fire rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
two shot, 50 more vats critical damage, faster reload, fatman
two shot, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, gauss rifle
two shot, +50% hit chance hit target in VATS, faster reload, auto grenade launcher
vampire, faster fire rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, railway rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, pipe revolver
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, assault rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, combat rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, radium rifle
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
vampire, explosive, faster reload, double barrel shotgun
vampire, 50 more vats critical damage, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, gauss rifle
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, chainsaw
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, pole hook
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, shovel
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, shishkebab
aristocrats, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
berserkers, power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
bloodied, AP, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, + 1 strength, grognak axe
bloodied, swing speed, + 1 strength, sledgehammer
bloodied, swing speed, + 1 strength, multi purpose axe
furious power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, pole hook
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, cultist dagger
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, death tambo
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, chinese officer sword
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, tire iron
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, pickaxe
instigating, swing speed, +1 strength, super sledge
vampire, +25% damage while standing still, + 1 strength, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, less vats cost, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
vampire, AP, + 1 strength, chainsaw
assassins, AP, sentinel, sturdy robot left leg
assassins, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, civil engineer chest
assassins, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy leather right arm
chameleon, ap, sentinel, heavy combat armor right arm
overeaters, AP, cavalier, civil engineer chest
overeaters, + 25 fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, urban scout right arm
overeaters, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, sturdy metal right arm
overeaters, + 1 perception, cavalier, trapper left arm
overeaters, poison resistance, weapon weight reduction, urban scout chest
overeaters, AP, cavalier, trapper left arm
overeaters, 25% disease resistance, weapon weight reduction, trapper left arm
overeaters, 1 strength, cavalier, forest scout right leg
overeaters, hunger and thirst 10% slower, sentinel, heavy leather left arm
overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, wood left leg
overeaters, Fire resistance, cavalier, wood right leg
overeaters, poison resistance, cavalier, heavy combat right arm
overeaters, radiation resistance, AWR, forest right arm
overeaters, poison resistance, AWR, marine right arm
overeaters, Fire resistance, sentinel, heavy combat left arm
overeaters, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, sturdy combat right leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, marine chest
unyielding, 1 strength, harder to detect while sneaking, forest scout chest
unyielding, 1 strength, sentinel, sturdy leather chest
unyielding, 1 strength, sentinel, heavy metal chest
unyielding, AP, cavalier, urban scout right leg
unyielding, 1 perception, weapon weight reduction, light leather left arm
unyielding, 1 intelligence, sentinel, wood right leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, light leather right leg
unyielding, poison resistance, cavalier, forest scout left arm
unyielding, AP, sentinel, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, AP, weapon weight reduction, light combat armor right leg
unyielding, AP, cavalier, trapper right arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, marine left arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy left leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, heavy raider chest
unyielding, 1 intelligence, cavalier, marine right leg
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy robot right leg
unyielding, 25% cryo resistance, AWR, marine left leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, AWR, forest scout left leg
unyielding, poison resistance, cavalier, forest scout left arm
unyielding, poison resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, trapper left arm
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy robot left arm
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, FDC weight reduction, heavy raider left arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, heavy combat right leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, wood right leg
unyielding, Fire resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, wood left leg
unyielding, 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, sturdy leather chest
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, weapon weight reduction, marine right arm
unyielding, 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, trapper left leg
unyielding, 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, trapper left arm
unyielding, Fire resistance, sentinel, heavy metal right arm
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, urban scout right arm
unyielding, 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy metal left arm
unyielding, poison resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, 1 intelligence, sentinel, heavy robot right arm
unyielding, AP, AWR, sturdy leather left arm
unyielding, Fire resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, heavy raider right leg
unyielding, 1 agility, sentinel, civil engineer chest
unyielding, 1 strength, FDC weight reduction, civil engineer chest
unyielding, 25% cryo resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, civil engineer chest
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, civil engineer chest
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy metal left leg
unyielding, AP, sentinel, sturdy metal right leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, forest scout right leg
unyielding, AP, FDC weight reduction, urban scout chest
vanguard, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, heavy combat armor chest
vanguard, 1 strength, sentinel, heavy combat armor left arm
vanguard, AP, weapon weight reduction, civil engineer chest
power armor
Overeaters, receive 7% less explosion damage, weapon weight reduction, t45 right arm
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator left leg
Overeaters, poison resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator torso
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, + 1 endurance, FDC weight reduction, excavator left leg
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, AWR, excavator left leg
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, AWR, excavator left leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, sentinel, excavator right arm
Overeaters, + 1 strength, sentinel, excavator left arm
Overeaters, poison resistance, sentinel, excavator torso
Overeaters, poison resistance, cavalier, excavator torso
Overeaters, hunger and thirst grow 10% slower, weapon weight reduction, excavator left arm
Overeaters, 25% cryo resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right arm
Overeaters, AP, weapon weight reduction, excavator right arm
Overeaters, + 1 strength, AWR, T60 right leg
Overeaters, + 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, ultracite right leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, X01 left leg
vanguard's, AP, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
I have most rare plans such as.
I believe I have all the rare Ultracite power armor plans
dense trapper torso plan
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T60 full set of plans
submitted by ilikemoose42 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you ready to embark on a scientific adventure with your kids in the vibrant city of New York? Well, hold onto your laboratory goggles because we've got a thrilling lineup of the 15 best places where young minds can dive deep into the wonders of science.From interactive exhibits that will leave them in awe to STEM centers that will ignite their curiosity, we've got it all covered. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to explore a world of discovery and exploration that will captivate both young and young-at-heart.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Liberty Science Center.These museums offer a range of interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and educational experiences for kids and adults.In addition to museums, there are also science-centered stores in NYC, such as Astro West and Evolution, where collectors can find minerals, fossils, and unique artifacts.NYC also has STEM centers and maker spaces like Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, which provide STEM education, classes, and workshops for different age groups.New York Hall of ScienceThe New York Hall of Science, located in Flushing, Queens, offers an exciting and interactive experience for both children and adults alike. At the Hall, visitors can explore hands-on exhibits and learn about sustainable farming. With over 400 activities and interactive exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One of the highlights of the New York Hall of Science is the Connected Worlds exhibit. This immersive experience allows visitors to interact with a digital ecosystem, where their actions have real-time effects on the environment. Kids can learn about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of conservation through this engaging exhibit.Another exciting feature of the Hall is Rocket Park Mini Golf. This 18-hole miniature golf course combines the fun of a game with the educational aspects of space exploration. Each hole is themed after a different rocket or spacecraft, providing a unique learning experience as you make your way through the course.But the New York Hall of Science isn't just about fun and games. It also offers opportunities to learn about sustainable farming through its exhibits. Visitors can explore the Science Barge, a sustainable urban farm powered by renewable energy sources. Here, you can discover how technology can help us live more sustainably and learn about innovative farming techniques.American Museum of Natural HistoryAs we move from exploring the New York Hall of Science, let's now venture into the fascinating world of the American Museum of Natural History. This iconic museum, located on the Upper West Side, offers a multitude of interactive exhibits that will captivate both kids and adults alike. Here are five reasons why the American Museum of Natural History is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in science and exploration:Dinosaur fossils: Step back in time as you come face-to-face with the towering skeletons of T-Rex and Triceratops. The museum's extensive collection of dinosaur fossils is sure to ignite the imagination of young paleontologists.Space exploration: Journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium, where you can witness breathtaking shows that transport you to distant galaxies. Learn about the wonders of our universe and the latest discoveries in space exploration.Hands-on learning: The museum offers a range of interactive exhibits that allow visitors to engage with scientific concepts firsthand. From the Discovery Room, where kids can touch real specimens, to the Hall of Biodiversity, where they can explore Earth's diverse ecosystems, there are endless opportunities for hands-on learning.Educational programs: The American Museum of Natural History is dedicated to STEM education and offers a variety of programs for students of all ages. From workshops and camps to school field trips, these programs provide engaging and immersive experiences that inspire a love for science and exploration.Special exhibitions: In addition to its permanent collections, the museum regularly hosts traveling exhibitions that bring new and exciting experiences to visitors. From exploring the depths of the ocean to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations, these special exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on the world around us.With its interactive exhibits, educational programs, and captivating displays, the American Museum of Natural History is a treasure trove of scientific knowledge. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, this museum is sure to leave you in awe.Museum of IllusionsGet ready to be amazed at the Museum of Illusions, where optical illusions come to life and challenge our perception of reality. This unique museum offers a fascinating exploration of the science behind illusions, while providing plenty of fun photo ops for the whole family to enjoy.At the Museum of Illusions, you'll have the opportunity to experience mind-bending illusions that will leave you questioning what you see. From rooms that defy gravity to mirrors that distort your reflection, each exhibit is designed to showcase the tricks our minds can play on us. But don't worry, there's a scientific explanation behind every illusion, and the museum provides explanations to help you understand the science at work.To give you a taste of what you can expect at the Museum of Illusions, here's a sneak peek at some of their most popular exhibits:ExhibitDescriptionScience Behind ItAmes RoomStep into this room and watch as people shrink or grow in size right before your eyes.The room is cleverly designed with distorted walls and floors to create an optical illusion of changing heights.Infinity RoomEnter this room and be captivated by an endless reflection of yourself in every direction.Mirrors are strategically placed to create the illusion of infinite space.Rotating TunnelWalk through this tunnel and feel like you're being spun around, even though you're standing still.The tunnel is designed with a spiral pattern that tricks your brain into perceiving motion.With its combination of entertainment and education, the Museum of Illusions offers a truly unique experience for families looking to have some fun while learning about the science behind illusions. So grab your camera and get ready to explore the fascinating world of optical illusions.Museum of MathematicsAfter exploring the fascinating world of illusions at the Museum of Illusions, it's time to venture into the realm of numbers and shapes at the Museum of Mathematics. At this innovative museum, kids can engage in a variety of hands-on math activities that make learning fun and exciting. Here are some highlights of what the Museum of Mathematics has to offer:Mathematical Puzzles: The museum is filled with mind-bending puzzles that challenge kids to think critically and problem solve. Whether it's solving a Rubik's Cube or unraveling a complex maze, these puzzles will keep young minds engaged and entertained.Hands-on Math Activities: From building geometric shapes with magnetic tiles to exploring the concept of symmetry through interactive exhibits, the museum provides a wide range of activities that allow kids to explore math in a tangible and interactive way. They can even participate in live demonstrations and workshops led by math experts.Interactive Displays: The museum features a range of interactive displays that bring mathematical concepts to life. Kids can manipulate shapes and patterns, create their own fractals, and even experience the thrill of riding a square-wheeled tricycle on a specially designed track.Math Art: The Museum of Mathematics also showcases the beauty of math through its collection of math-inspired artwork. Kids can marvel at intricate sculptures and stunning visual representations of mathematical concepts, inspiring them to see the artistic side of numbers.Real-world Applications: The museum highlights the practical applications of math in everyday life. Kids can explore how math is used in architecture, design, and even music. They can also learn about the role of math in technology and innovation, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.With its engaging exhibits, challenging puzzles, and hands-on activities, the Museum of Mathematics is a must-visit destination for kids who want to explore the wonders of math in a fun and interactive way. So grab your little mathematicians and get ready for an educational adventure like no other.Science BargeThe Science Barge in Yonkers, New York, offers visitors a unique and sustainable experience that showcases the power of renewable energy and urban farming. As you step aboard the barge, you'll be greeted by a lush and vibrant oasis floating on the Hudson River. This self-sustaining farm relies on renewable energy sources to power its operations and provides a fascinating insight into sustainable farming practices.One of the highlights of the Science Barge is its hydroponic greenhouse. Instead of soil, plants are grown in water enriched with essential nutrients, allowing them to thrive without the need for traditional farming methods. This innovative approach not only conserves water but also reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, making it an environmentally friendly alternative. Kids will love getting up close and personal with the plants, learning about the science behind hydroponics, and even tasting some freshly grown produce.The barge also features solar panels and wind turbines that generate the energy needed to power the farm. This renewable energy system not only reduces the barge's carbon footprint but also serves as an educational tool for visitors to learn about sustainable energy sources. It's a hands-on experience that shows how we can harness the power of nature to create a greener and more sustainable future.The Science Barge is more than just a farm; it's a living laboratory where kids and adults alike can explore the intersection of science, technology, and sustainability. From workshops and guided tours to interactive exhibits and educational programs, there's something for everyone to learn and engage with.Liberty Science CenterAs we explore the world of science and sustainability on the Science Barge, our next stop takes us to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. Here, we've the opportunity to dive into a wide range of interactive exhibits with our kids, making learning a fun and engaging experience.At the Liberty Science Center, we can explore exhibits that showcase the wonders of our planet and the universe. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to the thrilling Infinity Climber, there's something for everyone. We can learn about the Hudson River ecosystem in the 'Our Hudson Home' exhibit and even participate in interactive skyscraper exhibits to understand the engineering behind these towering structures.One of the highlights of our visit is the chance to learn about sustainable farming, just like we did on the Science Barge. The Liberty Science Center provides valuable insights into how sustainable farming practices can have a positive impact on the environment. We can discover the importance of renewable energy sources and how they can power urban farms, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.Getting to the Liberty Science Center is a breeze, as it's easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. And with the center constantly hosting traveling exhibitions, there's always something new and exciting to experience.With so much to see and do, it's impossible to see everything in just one visit. So, let's grab our kids and embark on an adventure of exploration, discovery, and scientific wonder at the Liberty Science Center.Astro WestLet's now explore the fascinating world of Astro West, a store in the Upper West Side of NYC that specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites, offering a wide range of unique items for collectors. Astro West is a treasure trove for anyone interested in celestial collectibles and stellar souvenirs. From stunning crystals to ancient fossils, this store has something for everyone.To give you a taste of what Astro West has to offer, here is a table showcasing some of their most intriguing items:ItemDescriptionPriceMeteoriteA piece of outer space that has fallen to Earth, providing a tangible connection to the cosmos.$100-$500Ammonite FossilThe spiral-shaped remains of an extinct marine animal, perfect for fossil enthusiasts.$50-$200Quartz CrystalKnown as the "master healer," quartz crystals are believed to have powerful energy properties.$20-$100Trilobite FossilThese ancient arthropods roamed the seas hundreds of millions of years ago. A true fossil marvel.$30-$150Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your journey into the wonders of the universe, Astro West is the place to find unique and captivating pieces. The store's knowledgeable staff can guide you through their vast inventory and help you find the perfect addition to your collection. Plus, their prices are reasonable, making it accessible to all.Astro West is more than just a store; it's a gateway to a world of discovery and imagination. So, if you're looking for celestial collectibles or stellar souvenirs, make sure to visit Astro West and let your scientific curiosity take flight.EvolutionAfter exploring the fascinating world of Astro West and its celestial collectibles, let's now journey into the realm of Evolution. Evolution is the scientific study of how living organisms have changed over time, and it plays a crucial role in understanding the origins and adaptations of all life forms.Here are five key aspects of Evolution that will help you dive deeper into this captivating subject:Origin and Adaptation: Evolution explores how life on Earth originated and how different species have adapted to survive in their environments. It delves into the processes of natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental pressures that shape the characteristics of living organisms.Genetics: Genetics is a fundamental aspect of Evolution, as it examines how genetic information is passed down from one generation to the next. Understanding the principles of inheritance and genetic variation helps scientists unravel the mechanisms behind evolutionary changes.Evolutionary Biology: This branch of biology focuses specifically on the study of Evolution. It investigates the patterns, processes, and mechanisms of how species evolve and diversify over time, shedding light on the intricate web of life on our planet.Fossil Record: Fossils provide tangible evidence of past life forms and allow scientists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of different species. By studying fossils, researchers can uncover clues about extinct organisms and their relationships to present-day species.Comparative Anatomy: Comparative anatomy examines the similarities and differences in the anatomical structures of different species. By comparing the anatomy of various organisms, scientists can uncover evolutionary relationships and trace the development of traits across species.Exploring the fascinating world of Evolution will open your eyes to the intricate processes that have shaped life on Earth. From the origins of life to the incredible adaptations of different species, Evolution offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the natural world.Brooklyn Robot FoundryWe were thrilled to discover the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a STEM education center in Gowanus, Brooklyn, where kids can explore the exciting world of robotics and engineering through hands-on classes, camps, and workshops. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning activities that foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.One of the key benefits of STEM education is that it prepares children for the future by equipping them with the skills needed in an increasingly technology-driven world. The hands-on learning activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry allow kids to actively participate in the learning process, gaining practical experience and developing a deeper understanding of STEM concepts. By building their own robots and engineering projects, children are able to see firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math are all interconnected.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a variety of classes, camps, and workshops tailored to different age groups, ensuring that children of all ages can benefit from their programs. Whether it's building a robot that can navigate a maze or designing a circuit that powers a lightbulb, the hands-on nature of the activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry keeps kids engaged and excited about learning.In addition to the educational aspect, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry also fosters a sense of community. Children have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, sharing ideas and learning from one another. This not only enhances their social skills but also teaches them the value of teamwork and cooperation.Beam CenterContinuing our exploration of STEM education centers in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Beam Center, located in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The Beam Center is a unique space that offers a wide range of interactive installations and apprenticeship opportunities for young minds to explore and create.Here are some highlights of what you can expect at the Beam Center:Interactive installations: The Beam Center is known for its captivating and interactive installations. From large-scale sculptures to immersive multimedia experiences, these installations provide a hands-on approach to learning and creativity. Kids have the freedom to explore and interact with these installations, fostering a sense of curiosity and discovery.Apprenticeship opportunities: At the Beam Center, high-school-aged apprentices have the chance to work on real-world projects alongside skilled professionals. Through these apprenticeships, young individuals gain valuable technical skills and hands-on experience in fields like woodworking, metalworking, electronics, and more. It's an opportunity to learn by doing and be part of a collaborative and supportive community.Hands-on workshops: The Beam Center offers a variety of hands-on workshops that cover a wide range of topics. From woodworking and robotics to digital fabrication and coding, these workshops provide an engaging and interactive learning experience. Kids have the freedom to experiment, problem-solve, and unleash their creativity in a supportive environment.Community events: The Beam Center hosts community events that bring together kids, families, and educators. These events provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and showcasing the incredible work that young minds have accomplished. It's a chance to celebrate the power of creativity and innovation.Science education: Beyond the hands-on experiences and apprenticeships, the Beam Center is also committed to building science educators. They offer training programs and resources for teachers, empowering them to incorporate hands-on and project-based learning into their classrooms.The Beam Center is a place where freedom, creativity, and learning come together. Whether your child is interested in art, science, technology, or all of the above, the Beam Center offers a dynamic and inspiring environment to explore, create, and grow.RobofunLocated in the Upper West Side of NYC, Robofun is a STEM-focused learning center that offers a wide range of classes and workshops for preschool-aged children, igniting their curiosity and passion for robotics and technology. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to participate in STEM inspired art activities while exploring engineering concepts.Robofun's classes and workshops are designed to engage children in hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking. Through activities like building robots with LEGO bricks and programming them to perform tasks, children develop problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles. The center also offers stop-motion animation classes, where kids can bring their own stories to life using technology and their imagination.What sets Robofun apart is its emphasis on combining science, technology, engineering, and art. By integrating art into STEM activities, children are encouraged to think outside the box and approach challenges from different perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances their creativity but also helps them develop a holistic understanding of how different disciplines intersect and complement each other.Whether it's constructing a robot, designing a stop-motion animation, or engaging in other STEM activities, children at Robofun are encouraged to explore, experiment, and express themselves freely. The center provides a supportive and inclusive environment where kids can unleash their creativity and develop a lifelong love for science and technology.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries in the Upper West Side of NYC, we offer a variety of after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops for both kids and adults, providing engaging and hands-on learning experiences in subjects like sewing, coding, and more.Here are some reasons why hands-on learning is so beneficial for kids:Active Engagement: Hands-on learning actively engages kids in the learning process, allowing them to explore, experiment, and discover new concepts on their own. This active engagement enhances their understanding and retention of the material.Practical Application: Hands-on learning allows kids to apply what they've learned to real-life situations, helping them see the relevance and practicality of science education. This practical application fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Creativity and Innovation: Hands-on learning encourages kids to think outside the box, fostering creativity and innovation. By engaging in hands-on activities, kids can explore their own ideas and find unique solutions to problems.Collaboration and Communication: Hands-on learning often involves group work, promoting collaboration and communication skills. Kids learn to work together, share ideas, and communicate effectively, which are essential skills for success in the scientific community and beyond.Long-lasting Interest in Science: Hands-on learning ignites curiosity and fosters a love for science among young minds. By providing engaging and interactive experiences, kids are more likely to develop a lifelong interest in science and pursue further education and careers in STEM fields.At Dazzling Discoveries, we believe in the importance of science education for young minds. Our hands-on approach ensures that kids not only learn scientific concepts but also develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.Come join us and let your child's imagination soar!The Geek ForestAfter exploring the benefits of hands-on learning at Dazzling Discoveries, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest. The Geek Forest is a haven for geek culture and education, where children and adults alike can immerse themselves in technology and creativity. At The Geek Forest, the possibilities are endless, as they offer a wide range of classes and workshops on video game development, coding, 3D art, and animation.To give you a glimpse into the diverse offerings at The Geek Forest, here is a table showcasing some of their most popular classes:ClassAge RangeVideo Game Development8 and upCoding6 and up3D Art10 and upAnimation12 and upWith these classes, The Geek Forest aims to foster a love for technology while encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills. They understand that geek culture is not just about consuming media, but also about actively participating and creating in the digital world.The Geek Forest is a place where freedom is celebrated. It provides a safe space for individuals to explore their passions and learn at their own pace. Whether your child is a budding programmer or an aspiring artist, The Geek Forest offers a supportive environment where they can thrive.Science-Centered Stores in NYCIf you're in NYC and looking for a unique and educational shopping experience, explore the fascinating world of science-centered stores. These stores not only offer a wide range of products, but also provide an opportunity to learn and explore the wonders of science.Here are five reasons why science-centered stores in NYC are worth a visit:Exploring the science behind optical illusions in NYC: The Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit for anyone interested in the intriguing world of optical illusions. This store provides a fun and quirky experience, with explanations of the science behind each illusion. Get ready for some mind-bending photo-ops!Collecting unique artifacts and fossils in science-centered stores in NYC: Astro West in Upper West Side and Evolution in Soho are two science-centered stores that specialize in unique artifacts and fossils. From bones and mounted insects to minerals and meteorites, these stores offer a treasure trove for collectors and science enthusiasts alike.Learning while shopping: Science-centered stores go beyond just selling products. They provide educational resources and information about the items they offer. Whether it's a book on dinosaurs or a kit to conduct experiments at home, these stores are a great way to learn while shopping.Supporting local businesses: By visiting science-centered stores, you aren't only supporting local businesses but also contributing to the promotion of science education. These stores often collaborate with schools and educational institutions, making a positive impact in the community.Inspiring curiosity and creativity: Science-centered stores are filled with fascinating objects and materials that can spark curiosity and creativity in both children and adults. From intricate fossils to colorful minerals, these stores offer a world of inspiration for aspiring scientists and artists.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCSTEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC offer a wealth of opportunities for hands-on learning and creative exploration in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. These spaces aren't just for kids, as there are also maker spaces for adults and STEM programs specifically designed for teens.For adults who are interested in tinkering and creating, there are several maker spaces in NYC that provide the tools and resources needed to bring ideas to life. These spaces often have workshops and classes where adults can learn new skills and collaborate with others who share their interests. Whether it's woodworking, electronics, or 3D printing, there are maker spaces in NYC that cater to a wide range of interests.Teens who are passionate about STEM subjects can also find a variety of programs and resources in NYC. Many STEM centers offer specialized programs for teens, where they can engage in hands-on projects and experiments, work with cutting-edge technology, and learn from experts in the field. These programs often focus on real-world applications of STEM principles, allowing teens to see the relevance and impact of their studies.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide an environment that encourages freedom and creativity. They offer a space where individuals can explore their interests, learn new skills, and collaborate with others who share their passion for science and innovation. Whether you're an adult looking to pursue a new hobby or a teen seeking to deepen your understanding of STEM, these centers and spaces in NYC are sure to inspire and ignite your curiosity.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Special Discounts or Promotions Available for Admission to the New York Hall of Science or Any of the Other Science Museums in Nyc?There are special offers and discounts available for admission to the New York Hall of Science and other science museums in NYC.Promotions for the New York Hall of Science can vary, so it's best to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.Other science museums in NYC may also offer special discounts or promotions, so it's worth exploring their websites or contacting them to see what deals are available.Are the Exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History Suitable for Children of All Ages, or Are There Specific Exhibits Geared Towards Younger or Older Kids?At the American Museum of Natural History, you won't believe the incredible exhibits suitable for all ages! From towering dinosaurs to mesmerizing space shows, there's something for everyone.Younger kids will love the interactive learning experiences, like the Discovery Room and the Butterfly Conservatory.Older kids can explore the Hall of Human Origins and delve into the mysteries of the universe at the Hayden Planetarium.Get ready for a mind-blowing adventure that will ignite curiosity and inspire young minds!Can Visitors Take Photographs Inside the Museum of Illusions, or Is Photography Prohibited?At the Museum of Illusions in NYC, photography is allowed! You can capture all the fun and quirky photo-ops with your camera. It's a great way to remember your visit and share the science behind each optical illusion with your friends and family.Does the Museum of Mathematics Offer Any Programs or Workshops Specifically Designed for Adults, or Are They Primarily Focused on Children?At the Museum of Mathematics, they offer programs and workshops specifically designed for adults, in addition to their focus on children. It's great to see that they cater to all age groups, providing opportunities for adults to engage in STEM learning.As for STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, it's important to note that age restrictions may vary. Some places like Brooklyn Robot Foundry and Robofun offer classes for preschool-aged children, while others like Beam Center and The Geek Forest are geared towards high-school-aged apprentices.Are There Any Restrictions on the Age Range for Children Attending Classes or Workshops at the STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in Nyc?Age restrictions vary among STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC. Some centers offer classes and workshops specifically designed for certain age groups, while others have programs that cater to a wide range of ages. It's important to check with each center to understand their specific age requirements and offerings.Additionally, some centers may offer discounts and promotions for certain age groups or specific workshops. It's always a good idea to inquire about any available discounts when booking classes or workshops.ConclusionIn the bustling streets of NYC, there's a world of discovery waiting for young minds.From the awe-inspiring exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and the American Museum of Natural History to the hands-on activities at STEM centers like the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children can explore the wonders of science and ignite their imaginations.So, come and join us on this scientific adventure, where curiosity knows no bounds and the love for learning is nurtured.Let's inspire a lifelong passion for science together!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 WarKorrespondent [WTS][ON][TO] PTS Masada ACR SV DE AEG, Cyma Platinum MP5 AEG (CM041H), JG G3A1 AEG, GSG5 MP5 EBB, KJ P226 GBBP, BD M4 2000 Mock Suppressor, Ares L1A1 magazines, Civil War/Great War WW1/WW2 canteens and hats, CYMA MP5K Swordfish Kit, ICS MP5 Folding Stock, and lots of milsurp + extra stuff

I'm selling the following airsoft guns, furniture/accessories, and milsurp. I can accept e-transfer and cash. I can ship to your address at your own cost or we can meet in person at Airsoft Depot during store hours.
I have been buying and selling on this subreddit since 2019 so I'm fairly trustworthy while ensuring prompt shipping of my items.
Those are my pricings or best offer. Please and thanks.
The only thing I am open to trades is if you have any Fujifilm XT series cameras to offer that's XT3 or above. As well, any Fujinon lenses will be considered, most particularly wide angle lenses.
I am particularly looking for a XF18-55mm, XF 16mm Prime, or XF16-55mm, thanks.

>>--- Airsoft Guns ---<<

$600 - PTS Masada ACR SV DE AEG -
There are a few issues with this model that's expected for a decade old rifle. They are:
Regarding the metal body pin. I can manually measure using a caliper so you can find a similar one from your local store or home hardware center. Same with the retaining clip. Most or majority of parts can still be purchased directly from PTS at a low cost:
$550 - Cyma Platinum MP5 AEG (CM041H) - Asia Model -
This rifle has been used in both indoor and outdoor games and has been well taken care of. It's a very snappy and responsive SMG with an impressive 50m effective range with 0.32g BBs. As with all programmable mosfets regardless of whether it's Kestrel, Gate, or Perun, please note it drains batteries fairly quickly. Around 450~500 rounds in, you will have to plug in a new battery. Tested with HRG 11.1v 1100mAh LiPo.
$300 - JG G3A1 AEG - US Model -
$220 - GSG5 MP5 EBB -
$300 - KJ P226 GBBP + Cytac Holster -

>>--- Furniture and Accessories ---<<

$45 -- Cyma MP5K Swordfish Strike Kit
$60 - ICS MP5 Folding stock
$140 - Red Win 1.2-6x24 SFP with lens protector and throw lever -
$150 - BD M4 2000 Mock Suppressor -
$140 - 4 pcs of Ares L1A1 AEG midcap mags -

>>--- Military Surplus ---<<

$50 each - War of 1812 British Commonwealth era blue canteen reproduction -
$50 each - WW1/2 P37 British Commonwealth canteen reproduction -
$65 each - WW1 M1915 British Commonwealth wool trench cap reproduction -
$100 - Japanese leather shotgun belt and straps -
$65 - British Metropolitan Police Anti-Riot Helmet -
$20 - 4 Pieces Yugoslavian Army Issue Mess Kit -
Due to its Aluminum design of the main mess kit, separating the plastic elements from the main mess kit will be tight. That's just how it is. Never used since received. Grade 2 condition.
$50 - Supergrade Polish MP-5 Gas Mask - Size 4 (Small) -
Comes with original carrying bag and the gas mask itself. No filter included. It's practically in mint condition. The plastic lens itself is surprisingly clear, no yellow tint. The rubber is also flexible and not hard at all. I made sure to rinse it with warm water to remove any smell from it prior to testing.
$20 - Yugoslav M93 Woodland Shirt - Medium Sized -
Fits up to 46" chest garment measurement. Grade 1 condition.
$10 - Belgian Army Utility Engineer Bag -
I bought it on a whim. It's pretty big and I haven't used it since buying it. Grade 1 condition.
$35 - Canadian Forces MK.4 Combat Boots Black - NA Size 9 -
They were more roomier than I imagined and the bottom rear chaffs my heel. Only used once. I opted to buy a Desert version in NA Size 8.5 later on, and it fits me better since both are wide toe design. I recommend a heel liner for these boots. Grade 1 condition.
$10 - Czech "Human Condom" Rain Poncho - Size 2/XL - photos this week
I bought this on a whim and it's still in its original packaging. It is literally brand new. I opted to buy a proper rain jacket instead of using this.
$30 - US Surplus ESS Goggles with 2 lenses - photos this week
A bit too small for my head. I decided to buy proper fitting goggles later on. This is meant more for 57~59cm circumference heads, I think. You better try it in person to get a feel of it first. Grade 1 condition.
$30 - Australian Army Lee Enfield/L2A2 Cloth Bandolier - photos this week
I didn't get my PAL yet, so this never got any use.

>>--- Others ---<<

$5 - Probably like 30~50 some rolls of Valken promo posters -
I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these. This is enough to decorate at least 2 sides of your room's walls with lmao.
$10 - Electric fan controlled ACM goggles -
$20 - ACM Black Paintball/Airsoft vest -
$45 - Valken JPC style plate carrier OD -
submitted by WarKorrespondent to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:39 RonanTGS Look legit?

Look legit?
It does have some markings in the inside one that says 1943 but it’s just making sure
submitted by RonanTGS to Helmets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:10 One_Individual_2393 Is this authentic?

Is this authentic?
Bought it at local swap meet The helmet liner is in a lot more rough shape than the actual helmet it’s self which is odd but the liner split pins feel tightened so the liner hasn’t been replaced. The decal seems SUS but clarifying it’s originality would be nice.
submitted by One_Individual_2393 to GermanMilitaria [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:02 One_Individual_2393 Is this authentic and what is its value?

Is this authentic and what is its value?
Found this at local swap meet I noticed that the liner is in a lot more rough shape than the helmet The decal is some of it and has some black paint on it
Is the helmet repainted?
submitted by One_Individual_2393 to Helmets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 SnoozySnek Helldivers 2 - one Old Vet's story

Allow me to spin you a tale of my time with Helldivers 2. It is a story of tragedy and triumph, a story of dark and terrible deeds, of waning faith and of eventual triumph over the enemies of Managed Democracy.
But first, a little context about myself. I'm rapidly approaching my mid 30's, I suffer from a basket case mix of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder, no I don't find jokes about my condition funny), Anxiety and Depression. I've been pretty severely bullied and harassed over the course of my life, and as a result I was initially skeptical about enlistment. I also come to HD2 from the first game, so I'm used to dealing with the Facist Bugs, Communist Cyborgs and Terrifying Illuminate. I also unfortunately had to hang up my cape last war since both myself and my partner were frequently harassed by the community over there (to the point where more than one Enemy Sympathiser attempted to track down and "friend" my Steam profile to throw harassment at me).
So initially, I was skeptical about the Second Great Galactic War. I had done my time for Super Earth last war after all. The Cyborgs, Bugs and Illuminate were all contained and dealt with. Enter my younger brother, AwestruckHavoc (if I get his name wrong, he will scream at me). When Super Earth bought back the Helldivers, he signed up right away like the good A-Class citizen he is. Once he got his cape, he kept me updated on how the war was going. Over time, I sat and thought about re-enlisting. I was still skeptical due to the changes Arrowhead had made to the game, and the decision to add in NProtect GameGuard - old Cyborg Spyware tech into the new suits. After sharing some more war stories (and my Cyborg Dog PTSD) I eventually decided to re-enlist on June 1st.
Part of that was a desire to fight the Facist Termanids and Baby-Stealing Clankers...and part of that was a visit from the Democracy Officer, telling me there had been trouble with my brother. Namely that Super Earth had lost contact and assumed he had martyred himself on a mission, so they were notifying next of kin.
Anyway, I go back for training (retraining I guess?), get my cape and get assigned to the SES Elected Representative of Family Values. After saying hello to all the Bridge Crew, Captain, Technicians, Pilots, Ship Gunners, SEAF Marines, Doctors...
...Anyway once I was done saying hello, I booted up the map for the Galactic War. My first ever drop was on Meridia. Difficulty 1, nothing too crazy. I drop down, proceed with the mission and then three other Divers showed up.
...And then they immediately left. All of them. This lead to me having to slug though the entire mission alone by myself. Nobody else joined, so I was left to fend for myself. I managed to beat the mission, but failed to extract.
This was my first drop, and this action by cowards and deserters colored everything else going forwards. Outside of two other games I can remember and some small moments, HD2 was for the most part a frustrating experience compared with the last war. On the off-chance someone at Arrowhead is reading this, here's a list of my grievances:
To avoid falling foul of the Democracy Officer, I'll stop the belly aching here but in short, I was not having a fun time. My (re)enlisted partner Orikal had to put up with my increasingly deteriorating mental health. Going though a lot of shit over the past two years of my life has meant that I'm not keeping it together as much these days, and how he's willing to tolerate my nonsense so readily I'll never know. Things got a point where I found myself betraying other Divers, as the problems compounded to the point where I just stopped caring. My mental health only got worse and worse as these things progressed. At one point after failing to call down a Cluster Bomb from Eagle One on a Bot Tank, I threw the stratagem marker at myself out of frustration.
And yet, I wasn't able to put the game down.
There was something in the game that kept pulling me back. Anything else I would have just left. I'm not sure if it was an ASD thing or the call of Managed Democracy, but I wasn't able to put it down even as my mental health slipped further.
In some ways, I'm glad I didn't.
I'd like to take this moment to thank fellow Helldivers Kinja9 and Leon033 if they happen to be reading this. We met on Crimsica, which the Termanids sought to despoil. I wanted to try out my new Flamethrower as I joined a level 69 Helldiver's game (and he surprisingly didn't kick me, which was odd). I thought it was going to just be another drop. I'll probably die a lot, drag the team down, embarrass Super Earth...
...That didn't quite happen. Initially I had the same thought I do in all these Co-Op games - stay quiet, don't speak, try not to be noticed. While it started out that way, I first met Kinja on this mission. The part where I recognised him was after my first death, where he was busy burning bugs with my Flamethrower. He then passed it back to me once the Bugs were dealt with. That's odd I think I didn't think you could do that. Admittedly I'm not the best on the uptake, but the Squad was...communicating? In all my drops, communication was rare. See the above for me - this is also why I don't tend to have my Voice Chat enabled in my Helmet. Anyway, things became more...democratic after I saved the group from a Bile Titan by way of 500kg bomb. After blurting out in the Chat what I was thinking, Kinja seemingly went along with it. From there, we spent most of the mission watching each others backs. This included attempting to incinerate a Bile Titan with a Flamethrower - truly, only filthy heretics burn in the fires of Democracy. Anyway it wasn't long before Leon joined (I think he came in late? Memory's a little fuzzy) and after being pointed out that we were aboard my Destroyer, I plotted in another mission on Crimsica. Before long, the three of us were laughing and joking about our exploits, whether it was the Flamethrower making me want to commit dark and terrible things in the name of Democracy, Kinja stealthily setting up a Flag beneath the Bug's notice or Leon's leadership, all of the above just...washed away. For the first time since I started playing, I made some friends and actually...enjoyed the game? It's weird like that. I also have a deep and terrible need to marry my Flamethrower for some reason I can't explain.
Anyway, I guess the point of all of this is Kinja, Leon - if you're reading this, thank you. I don't think you guys realize how much tonight's drop meant to me. To anybody whose been on the receiving end of some of my darker deeds, I am sorry and I hope there isn't any serious ill will between us. As I said above, I was in a pretty dark place when that stuff happens. I don't mean to be an asshole most of the time, but I can understand how my actions helped perpetuate some of the behavior I've outlined above. If anyone quit over my dark deeds, then I am truly, deeply sorry.
Will I drop again? More than likely. The Second Great Galactic War isn't over yet and I don't plan on shirking in my long as anyone's willing to have a temperamental fuckup with an IQ just above that of a Bug's.
On a final note, if an Arrowhead employee is reading this, I have some opinions on things that need to be done. To quickly outline these -
Anyway, that's my overly long, stupid and dumb story. If you got to the end here, thank you for reading and I hope I didn't waste your time here.
submitted by SnoozySnek to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:01 ilikemoose42 H: Trades W: The things listed in my post

I am looking for unyielding, + 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, civil engineer armor.
Maybe good Overeaters, ammo weight reduction, excavator pieces.
Now what I have for trade.
Rare outfits
tattered field jacket
blue ridge caravan outfit and and gas mask
both scout masks
white powder jumpsuit
responder fireman helmet
glowing scorchbeast queen mask
glowing honey bee mask
winter man mask
crazy guy mask
deathclaw mask
brahmin mask
demon mask
fiend mask
hag mask
buffoon mask
raven mask
elders marks
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower
instigating, explosive, less vats cost
vampire, explosive, faster reload
vampire, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost
enclave plasmas
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, breaks 50% slower, not modded
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, not modded
mod boxes and unrolled weapons
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost, handmade
aristocrats, explosive, faster reload, handmade
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost, 10mm submachine gun
aristocrats, faster fire rate, faster reload, gatling plasma
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, compound bow
anti armor, explosive, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, radium rifle
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, pepper shaker
anti armor, faster fire rate, faster reload, minigun
anti armor, explosive, faster reload, bolt-action pistol/rifle
anti armor, explosive, less vats cost, railway rifle
anti armor, explosive, breaks 50% slower, gatling gun
anti armor, explosive, less vats cost, hunting rifle
bloodied, faster fire rate, less vats cost, ultracite laser gun
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, handmade
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower, fixer
bloodied, faster fire rate, faster reload, minigun
bloodied, faster fire rate, 90 reduced weight, minigun
bloodied, faster fire rate, 90 reduced weight, gatling laser
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, submachine gun
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, gatling plasma
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, lever action
bloodied, faster fire, rate, 90 reduced weight, radium rifle
bloodied, faster fire, rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, ripe rifle/pistol
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower, gatling gun
bloodied,, rate, +50% hit chance hit target in VATS, less vats cost, gauss rifle
executioner, explosive, less vats cost, fixer
junkies, explosive, faster reload, handmade
junkies, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
quad, 50 more vats critical damage, faster reload, fixer
quad, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, gatling gun
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, assault rifle
quad, explosive, less vats cost, assault rifle
quad, faster fire rate, less vats cost, assault rifle
quad, explosive, less vats cost, bolt action pipe rifle
quad, explosive, faster reload, hunting rifle
quad, faster fire rate, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, railway rifle
quad, +50 limb damage, faster reload, tesla rifle
tse, less vats cost, pipe bolt action pistol/rifle
tse, faster reload, pump action shotgun
tse, less vats cost, combat shotgun
tse, faster reload, handmade
tse, less vats cost, radium rifle
tse, 90 reduced weight, 50 cal machine gun
tse, 90 reduced weight, gatling gun
two shot, faster fire rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
two shot, 50 more vats critical damage, faster reload, fatman
two shot, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, gauss rifle
two shot, +50% hit chance hit target in VATS, faster reload, auto grenade launcher
vampire, faster fire rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, railway rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, pipe revolver
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, assault rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, combat rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, radium rifle
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
vampire, explosive, faster reload, double barrel shotgun
vampire, 50 more vats critical damage, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, gauss rifle
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, chainsaw
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, pole hook
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, shovel
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, shishkebab
aristocrats, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
berserkers, power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
bloodied, AP, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, + 1 strength, grognak axe
bloodied, swing speed, + 1 strength, sledgehammer
bloodied, swing speed, + 1 strength, multi purpose axe
furious power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, pole hook
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, cultist dagger
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, death tambo
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, chinese officer sword
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, tire iron
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, pickaxe
instigating, swing speed, +1 strength, super sledge
vampire, +25% damage while standing still, + 1 strength, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, less vats cost, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
vampire, AP, + 1 strength, chainsaw
assassins, AP, sentinel, sturdy robot left leg
assassins, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, civil engineer chest
assassins, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy leather right arm
chameleon, ap, sentinel, heavy combat armor right arm
overeaters, AP, cavalier, civil engineer chest
overeaters, + 25 fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, urban scout right arm
overeaters, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, sturdy metal right arm
overeaters, + 1 perception, cavalier, trapper left arm
overeaters, poison resistance, weapon weight reduction, urban scout chest
overeaters, AP, cavalier, trapper left arm
overeaters, 25% disease resistance, weapon weight reduction, trapper left arm
overeaters, 1 strength, cavalier, forest scout right leg
overeaters, hunger and thirst 10% slower, sentinel, heavy leather left arm
overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, wood left leg
overeaters, Fire resistance, cavalier, wood right leg
overeaters, poison resistance, cavalier, heavy combat right arm
overeaters, radiation resistance, AWR, forest right arm
overeaters, poison resistance, AWR, marine right arm
overeaters, Fire resistance, sentinel, heavy combat left arm
overeaters, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, sturdy combat right leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, marine chest
unyielding, 1 strength, harder to detect while sneaking, forest scout chest
unyielding, 1 strength, sentinel, sturdy leather chest
unyielding, 1 strength, sentinel, heavy metal chest
unyielding, AP, cavalier, urban scout right leg
unyielding, 1 perception, weapon weight reduction, light leather left arm
unyielding, 1 intelligence, sentinel, wood right leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, light leather right leg
unyielding, poison resistance, cavalier, forest scout left arm
unyielding, AP, sentinel, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, AP, weapon weight reduction, light combat armor right leg
unyielding, AP, cavalier, trapper right arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, marine left arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy left leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, heavy raider chest
unyielding, 1 intelligence, cavalier, marine right leg
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy robot right leg
unyielding, 25% cryo resistance, AWR, marine left leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, AWR, forest scout left leg
unyielding, poison resistance, cavalier, forest scout left arm
unyielding, poison resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, trapper left arm
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy robot left arm
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, FDC weight reduction, heavy raider left arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, heavy combat right leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, wood right leg
unyielding, Fire resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, wood left leg
unyielding, 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, sturdy leather chest
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, weapon weight reduction, marine right arm
unyielding, 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, trapper left leg
unyielding, 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, trapper left arm
unyielding, Fire resistance, sentinel, heavy metal right arm
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, urban scout right arm
unyielding, 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy metal left arm
unyielding, poison resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, 1 intelligence, sentinel, heavy robot right arm
unyielding, AP, AWR, sturdy leather left arm
unyielding, Fire resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, heavy raider right leg
unyielding, 1 agility, sentinel, civil engineer chest
unyielding, 1 strength, FDC weight reduction, civil engineer chest
unyielding, 25% cryo resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, civil engineer chest
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, civil engineer chest
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy metal left leg
unyielding, AP, sentinel, sturdy metal right leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, forest scout right leg
unyielding, AP, FDC weight reduction, urban scout chest
vanguard, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, heavy combat armor chest
vanguard, 1 strength, sentinel, heavy combat armor left arm
vanguard, AP, weapon weight reduction, civil engineer chest
power armor
Overeaters, receive 7% less explosion damage, weapon weight reduction, t45 right arm
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator left leg
Overeaters, poison resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator torso
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, + 1 endurance, FDC weight reduction, excavator left leg
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, AWR, excavator left leg
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, AWR, excavator left leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, sentinel, excavator right arm
Overeaters, + 1 strength, sentinel, excavator left arm
Overeaters, poison resistance, sentinel, excavator torso
Overeaters, poison resistance, cavalier, excavator torso
Overeaters, hunger and thirst grow 10% slower, weapon weight reduction, excavator left arm
Overeaters, 25% cryo resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right arm
Overeaters, AP, weapon weight reduction, excavator right arm
Overeaters, + 1 strength, AWR, T60 right leg
Overeaters, + 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, ultracite right leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, X01 left leg
vanguard's, AP, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
I have most rare plans such as.
I believe I have all the rare Ultracite power armor plans
dense trapper torso plan
dense marine torso plan
T60 full set of plans
submitted by ilikemoose42 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:29 Kioga101 The Ancient Weapons and Possible Real-life Equivalents

The Ancient Weapons. Supposedly weapons of mass destruction that led the front of the Void Century War, so powerful as to erase an island on a single use and raise the world's water levels by meters. We have over the years received small amounts of information on them, and as of 1117 I believe that we can make a pretty solid guess as to what they do (or can do), and as every piece of fiction is an abstraction of the real world and the author's thoughts, I found it interesting to try and relate the ancient weapons with real world weapons that have been planned and researched over the years... Plus a few bonuses because why not. I'm basically just compiling and resuming dozens of wikipedia articles so feel free to go there to know more.

The Ancient Weapons:


Even though Pluton was revealed first, we know surprisingly little about it compared to the other weapons. That said, we know it is some sort of super ship with considerable power, enough to be thought of as unbeatable by anything other than another Ancient Weapon (which is what led to the preservation of Pluton's blueprints until Franky burned them). This makes it easy to make an educated guess because we do already have something of the sort in the real world, something that Oda "surprisingly" hasn't really used in his story's naval combat. I'm talking about aircraft carriers and their general class of ship. The modern flagship of a modern fleet. Until now, we haven't seen anything beyond battleships in the story.
Fleet with four aircraft carriers.
Now, Aircraft Carriers. They don't translate very well to One Piece, after all they have not discovered planes and that technology -- Pluton could have a fleet of aircraft inside of it but in my opinion that's reaching -- yet. It doesn't need to go that far either.
The biggest publicized aircraft carriers, according to the Wikipedia, are about 320 meters in length or about 1050 something feet on average. The longest one ever being the latest USS Enterprise -- the first ever nuclear powered aircraft carrier inaugurated in 1958 -- which is now decommissioned and the biggest and still active ship being the USS Gerald R. Ford that replaced the Enterprise with its class of ships (the class is named after the lead ship). Through my research, aircraft carriers can be as small as 234,40 meters (769ft) but the aircraft carrier exclusive size, the one where only aircraft carriers have is about 300 meters long (~984 ft) and higher.
USS Gerald R. Ford.
These ships are known for the cream of the crop, and their ability to serve as a hangar for other ships, most commonly aircraft. But that's not all they have in store. general features of an aircraft carrier:
Possible considered upgrades to modern aircraft carriers (technology discovered or made efficient after the ships were built) include:
Besides that, there are also types of aircraft carriers like escort carriers, amphibious assault ships, anti-submarine warfare carriers and more that are specialized on other things.
USS Iwo Jima, an Amphibious Assault Ship type Aircraft Carrier.
What does this all mean?
This means that if Pluton is indeed inspired on an aircraft carrier, you can expect something with the qualities I described like carrying aircraft could be carrying other regular ships instead; the island of the ship could actually be an island; it could shoot missiles instead of cannonballs or lasers; it could have a robot crew operating it (like those in Enel's cover story) or a super autonomous klabautermann; it could have built-in detection systems for Sea Kings, ships and people; it could make Den Den Mushi useless like the EM wave stuff does to comms; be powered by the mother flame if nuclear power is analogous to it... These are things that you can expect coming from the weapon when it is fully unveiled.


Poseidon is a living person, and she commands Sea Kings. It is the ancient weapon we probably know the most about. It is also the one that is a bit weird to translate to a real world weapon as Sea Kings and sea creatures, alive and stuff. We don't have a fleet of secret specially trained Dolphins or something irl... probably.
A classic panel, legendary even, showcasing the Sea Kings in their nest in the Calm Belt.
Still! There is a type of vehicle that is pretty much the king of sea warfare, and a type of soldier that works well with it. Poseidon can be a mixture of Nuclear Submarines, Shock Troopers, Frogmen and Commandos.
Nuclear submarine, and people on it!
Sea Kings are known to be very hard to detect underwater, and to be able to cause a lot of damage to a regular or unprepared ship. Sea Kings also grow in both size and intelligence with time, making these older Sea Kings powerful and smart chess pieces.
Nuclear submarines are made to be stealthy and to hold a lot of power with their torpedoes and missiles. They go undetected and strike critical hits on the enemy's fleet multiple times if possible. They can also allow for the infiltration into the enemy line, and advanced espionage. The fact they use nuclear power allows them to stay way more time deployed than a regular one that uses conventional fuel. Thankfully when it comes to features submarines like those are way simpler, not that they're not effective, they're very effective.
Another thing is that Nuclear Submarine CAN be armed with nuclear weapons. I don't know how that would translate to a Sea King.
Shock Troops are special troops made to lead an attack on the enemy. Hit first and hit hard, Commandos are special units that go behind the enemy line to do critical missions and Frogmen are combat swimmers that specialize in doing underwater combat, recon, tactical stuff.
a Frogman underwater.
They may even be able to influence ocean currents in some way, a virtue of their number and size. Poseidon is in a way simpler to interpret and understand than the other two, but it doesn't need it. Such a huge marine force can do a LOT in a world mostly made of islands.


The newest one to be teased and the first one we got to see working! From high above it strikes dozens and dozens of strikes, each a beam of apparent red light that razes the target until all that remains is a huge hole in the sea. It is confirmed to lead to a rise in sea levels!
The Lulusia Kingdom never... existed.
The first thing that comes to mind to a visual reader is a Laser Weapon, in real life they aren't all that crazy but fiction is different. DragonFire is a new weapon that is being developed by the British and is said to be used in their Royal Navy by 2027, Laser Defense Systems like the Israeli Iron Beam also come to mind. No doubt military all over the world are researching the possibility of making a super laser pointer to stop anything electronic that comes nearby, sadly, the melting/ vaporizing beam or even Cyclops "Punch Force" beams are not realistic. Laser technology is being developed as we speak and systems that allow for a reasonable charging and firing of a beam is in our futures, only that they'll stop missiles and drones and stuff, probably blind a bird or a pilot maybe. It takes too long for a laser to heat up something for a combat application like the ones in our dreams, it'll remain a thing of the future for a while. Nothing of that spy movie satellite laser stuff (at least not with lasers).
DragonFire being tested.
The first thing that comes to mind to a contextual reader is the Thermonuclear Weapon, a Nuke, I don't need to explain about nukes, everyone knows what it can do and how it gets there and stuff. Nowadays a nation can launch one of those bombs in a missile from strategically placed military bases that have been planned for the best mutual destruction possible. You can always put one in a plane and drop it or in the previously mentioned Nuclear Submarine. They're way more powerful than those infamous nuclear bombs from WW2, they're Hydrogen Bombs now, optimized nuclear fission made to instigate a chain reaction with the most available particle in the surface of Earth. It basically gets the air itself to release energy.
Now comes the fun part to me, finding other weapons besides the most obvious that could've been integrated into the design of Uranus. I'll make a list:
an M777 type Howitzer
fictional image of what it could be. It's a proven concept but not practical irl at all.
how a FOBS works. it launches and evades the usual north facing radars.
That's pretty much it. From what we know, whatever it was based on, it needs to move to be over the target and needs Mother Flame to work. It looks like a laser and it completely erases an island to an incredible depth.


Shinokuni in action. You can look up Pompeii's \"statues\" yourself.
submitted by Kioga101 to OnePieceSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:50 TestMoiJeuxVideoFr Summer Game Fest 2024 : tous les trailers vidéos !

Summer Game Fest 2024 : tous les trailers vidéos !
Summer Game Fest 2024 : tous les trailers vidéos !
Pour les personnes qui n’auraient pas eu la patience (nous les comprenons…) de voir les annonces du Summer Game Fest 2024. vous fait un résumé complet des annonces, avec toutes les bandes-annonces vidéos du Summer Game Fest. 😉
Avec, entre autres : Alan Wake 2, Black Myth Wukong, Delta Force Hawk OPS, Dragon Ball Sparking ! ZERO, Dune Awakening, Fatal Fury City of the Wolves, Harry Potter Quidditch Champions. Lego Horizon Adventures, Monster Hunter Wilds, Neva, Phantom Blade Zero, Palworld, Sid Meier’s Civilization VII, Sonic X Shadow Generations, Star Wars Outlaws, Street Fighter 6. Warhammer 40,000 Space Marines 2…
En revanche : qu’est-ce que le Summer Game Fest 2024 de Geoff Keighley était mou !
Un vrai catalogue publicitaire, sans saveur…
Rendez-nous l’E3 !!!

SummerGameFest2024 #SummerGameFest #PCGaming #Ps4 #PS5 #NintendoSwitch #Xbox #XboxOne #XboxSeries #AlanWake2 #BatmanArkhamShadow #BlackMythWukong #DeltaForceHawkOPS #DragonBallSparkingZERO #Dune Awakening #FatalFuryCityOfTheWolves #HarryPotterQuidditchChampions #KunitsuGami #LEGOHorizonAdventures #LEGO #MechaBreak #MetaphorReFantazio #MightyMorphinPowerRangersRitasRewind #MonsterHunterWilds #Neva #NewWorldAeternum #Palworld #PartyAnimals #PhantomBladeZero #SidMeiersCivilizationVII #SonicXShadowGenerations #StarWarsOutlaws #StreetFighter6 #TheFinals #Valorant #WarHammer40000SpaceMarine2

submitted by TestMoiJeuxVideoFr to TestMoiJeuxVideoFr [link] [comments]