Graph paper printouts negative


2024.06.09 09:32 Stinkingbishop2 JEE ADVANCE 2024 TREND

Damn, y'all unlucky af.
Even though the trend is uniform, inflation this time is crazy high. Maybe after all, it was an easy paper.
I don't have enough data points for 2024 as of yet, therefore the broken graph. Have used around 200 data points for the rest of the years each.
submitted by Stinkingbishop2 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 ilovesquirrelsyippie The 3D designs put the environmental cohesiveness of the game at risk and are damaging the charm of the characters

Ok to start this off: this is a post critiquing the 3D models!! If you really like the 3D models and don't want to hear any criticism then please, by all means, feel free to skip this. To be fully transparent: I don't like the 3D models at all. It's ok if you do, this isn't meant to be an attack on anyone, but I do think the sudden wave in 3D characters is a huge mistake that's going to lead to a decreased interest in regretevator. This is something that's been on my mind since Folly, and has been made more extreme since the new split design (which I'm praying will be cancelled in the future). The 3D designs stick out like a sore thumb, they just do. I like Folly's design a lot on paper but her model doesn’t fit into the environment at all. She's way too big, way too detailed/shaded, and takes up so much more room than she should. It feels like she's some sort of cross over from a different game. Gnarpy is also way too loud and big but I understand them more cause they were a necessary redesign. So, I'm disappointed that split and bive might be getting the 3D treatment because they have two of the best designs in the whole game. Something that really tied the environment together was that all of the npcs had the same body but different designs, it was coherent while still allowing the characters to be distinct. As more characters are made 3D, the atmosphere becomes incohesive and no one seems like they belong. Everyone is going to be such an eyesore because the difference between characters will be way too extreme. You just can't have a huge 3D character stand by a classic blocky one and expect it to work, it never will. It looks wrong. I think Folly would look infinitely better if she had a blocky body. She's just so tacky in her 3D model, there's way too much going on. She feels more like a costume or a mascot than an npc and it's really a shame cause her design is super cool and could work if she just wasn't 3D and was instead in the classic blocky form. I know she's meant to be very tall, so I feel like there should have been an attempt to resemble Walter's build. Hes a great example of how you can have variation in body type while still staying true to the classic look and avoiding an eyesore model. Split and Bive are wonderful representations of details on characters that allow for individuality without sacrificing the cohesiveness of the environment, it's really a shame that they might be disfigured. The 3D designs are just overkill. It won't feel like our character is really playing with other npcs, it'll feel like we're in an elevator of people wearing mascot suits that are way too big. The game is definitely losing some of its charm by taking these characters that are so efficient in providing variation in character design while still looking like they belong and making them into a clunky and tacky 3D design that no one asked for. They're beloved as is, it's a mistake to try to fix something that isn't broken. It's just disappointing to see characters that are so great lose their appeal. I really hope the 3D designs will be scrapped because if not this game is about to become much less immersive and coherent, it won't feel like classic regretevator anymore to be so for realsies!!
ALSO I know some fans see any form of critique as hate so I want to ensure that it's understood that I do love regretevator very much and I think the devs are doing a great job!! This is my one and only grievance . This post isn't to hate, it's to bring attention to the risks of 3D models and how they'll impact the immersiveness of the game. That's all! Please do not think this is me trying to be negative because it is not ❤️ I just have strong feelings about this issue! Thank you ❤️
submitted by ilovesquirrelsyippie to regretevator [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:04 ballislife4444 The Post-Cancer Battle

This is going to be fairly long and probably somewhat depressing post, but I've been wanting to share my story even if it's just with the void.
I remember waking up with some pain in my groin area one morning during my senior year of high school. At the time I didn't think much of it at the time since I'm a tall person and waking up with random pains happens to me frequently. So I walked around with a limp, and the pain persisted. It was like that for a couple of weeks. Eventually my mom and I agreed that I needed to see someone about it. Unfortunately I had fell into the dangerous trap of looking up my symptoms online to try and see what might be wrong with me. I ended up convincing myself that I had a hernia, and when I went to see the doctor on Halloween, I was having difficulty explaining my symptoms to him. My answers to his questions all suggested that something was wrong with my groin muscles, I might've even said the words, "I think it might be a hernia." The doctor was sure that wasn't the problem, but thanks to me downplaying my symptoms, he diagnosed me with a pulled muscle. His advice was to not exercise for a week, even though the pain had lasted for weeks at that point, and the only exercise I did regularly was ride my bike to school (roughly 2 miles round trip). I didn't listen to him, in fact that evening I was running around through my neighborhood on Halloween with my friends. One last hurrah for our senior year. Exactly one week later, my leg gave out on me and I collapsed on the floor walking to my next class. The tumor had grown so big, and I ended up shattering my femur.
I instantly knew my leg was broken, and I was rushed to the hospital. They found the tumor fairly quickly, but were unsure how to proceed. Surgery was a given, as the damage to my leg was massive, but they were also unsure whether or not the tumor was malignant or benign. So I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days living off of painkillers while I waited for the results of the biopsy to come in, and for the surgery to begin. It turned out to be a Ewing's Sarcoma, luckily still localized, even if I didn't feel very lucky at the time. I was sent into surgery immediately where they removed the tumor and gave me a prosthetic femur. The recovery process was really difficult for me. I'll never be able to run or jump anymore (which sucks because I love playing basketball). I walked around with a cane for a while; that was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life. I still remember all of the weird/sympathetic looks I received. And to this day, I still have difficulty with my mobility, and I walk around with a visible limp. It's difficult to make up excuses for when people ask me why I'm limping, I'll usually just explain that I have a prosthetic femur without mentioning the cancer part, since that kills the vibe.
I started chemo in December of 2019, but the typical treatment regiment was thrown off, thanks to me breaking my leg. Usually the doctors will give around 15 weeks of chemo with heavy and quick dosages, followed by surgery, and then another 15 weeks of chemo. The surgery came first in my case. Chemo was the hardest part of my battle. My dosage was a lot, I had to stay in the hospital overnight so that they could keep me attached to an IV the whole time. It was every other week, and for the etoposide and ifosfamide weeks, it was 5 days at a time. What was difficult though was being away from my friends. I was apart of a very tight knit group of guys. We played DND every Friday after school which I missed greatly in the hospital. My friends were still very supportive, and they tried to include me in any way they possibly could. But I was still really lonely. One of my worst memories was crying on my birthday, because my parents wouldn't let me hang out with my friends for fear of getting sick. I was very suicidal at this point, the chemo made me horribly sick, and I hated staying overnight at the hospital. But then COVID came around in March, and I think that sort of gave me my second wind.
Everything moved online, and I was able to talk with my friends nearly everyday. We played games online together, including DND. I remember one of my friends mentioning to me that at graduation it was going to be so awesome when they called my name, and I would be able walk across the stage in front of everyone, hopefully to a loud applause. It was silly, but that was the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I looked forward to being able to stand in front of my classmates, and sort of say look what I've accomplished. Obviously graduation never happened, but I wasn't too beat up over it, since I finished my treatment in June. I was really looking forward to college, and to meet new people, even if I settled on a school that I wasn't really interested in going to. I didn't want my college decision to be a burden on my parents, especially after all I had put them through. Plus it was a good idea for me to stay local so I could still see my same doctors.
College sucked though. I couldn't make any new friends since everything was virtual, and I hated my online classes. I had an image in my mind of what my life post-cancer would look like, and it was nothing like the reality I was living in. My hair wasn't growing back after the chemo, I was stuck at home with my parents, and college sucked. I didn't care anymore at that point. I didn't try in any of my classes, I remember turning in an assignment in which I had done none of the work, instead I just scribbled all over my paper. I received the lowest grade I had ever earned in my schooling career that quarter. Come December, I hated life. I had built up such grand expectations, and my time during COVID was miserable.
In March of 2021, I relapsed, and the cancer came back. My doctors suspected that it returned because we weren't able to properly treat it the first time. It was still localized, but at this point I was convinced I was going to die. I understood that the tumor coming back was a bad sign, and I was overcome with anxiety. The chemo wasn't as bad this time around, they tried different drugs, none of which required that I stay overnight. I still had to come in 5 days per week on treatment weeks, and was still super sick from the drugs, but at least I didn't have to spend the night. I ended up dropping all of my classes that quarter, and thanks to my mom, I decided to take online GE classes at my local community college over the summer. But I had new problems this time around. Since I was first diagnosed when I was 17, I was being treated by the pediatric oncologists, so I got my chemo dosages in the pediatric clinic. Seeing kids with cancer on a daily basis was difficult. I experienced guilt, shame, and was embarrassed to even think that I had it rough. To this day the survivor's guilt weighs heavily on me. I cried nearly every night during this treatment cycle, whether that was because I was fearful of dying, not being able to live the life I wanted, or having to see kids and parents in such pain.
I finished my treatment for the second time in December of 2021. I felt nothing this time around. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I was lost. I stuck with my classes at community college, but I wasn't making any new friends or doing anything that I really wanted to do. I ended up taking all of my credits, and transferring to a different university. I was optimistic this time around, but still disappointed that I wasn't going to get the real college experience. It was around this time when most of my friends from high school were moving out, getting ready to start their new lives. The school that I transferred to was 20 minutes from my house, going anywhere farther was out of the question at this point, since I figured the cancer was likely going to come back any second now. I commuted for my classes, but had difficulty making any friends. For my first semester at this new school, September 2022, I still walked around with a cane, and my hair hadn't grown back properly. I was embarrassed by the way I looked, and still am to this day. I think about not having hair every single day, and have the same recurring dream once a month in which my hair is starting to grow back properly, only to wake up and feel the top of my head. I hate the way I look, and I hate the fact that I can't walk around in public without a hat.
More scans came and went, and they all turned up negative, even though I had a scare recently in which they found some lesions in my liver and had to perform a biopsy. I've been in remission for about 2 and a half years now, but have been stuck in a rut. I'll chat with my high school friends every once in a while online, but I have no social life outside of that. I spend my Fridays and weekends reading fantasy and comic books, sometimes watching movies. I just feel so lonely. I struggle so much with letting my real personality show and am completely socially inept. It feels like I have barriers in front of me that I can't seem to break down. I've dealt with social anxiety nearly all of my life and I think these problems have only been exasperated from the years of limited social contact. Even at my work, it feels like my coworkers think I'm weird and don't want to interact with me.
Writing this I feel ashamed, because I know it could be so much worse. In another world, I died in the battle with cancer. In another world I had to go through all of that without the support system that I had. I truly believe that I wouldn't have been able to get through all of it without my parents, my friends, all the nurses who treated me, and my talented doctors. Sometimes I think that maybe the cancer and my current situation is deserved, punishment for the things I've done in the past that I'm not proud of. I was so convinced that this most recent liver scare was definitely the cancer coming back to finally finish the job since I'm not worthy of all of the opportunities and privileges I've been given. While I was waiting to get the biopsy done, I challenged myself to be the best person I could possibly be, going out of my way to do random kind things that I wouldn't normally do. Just in case if there is a higher power, maybe it would be more merciful, or if I really was going to die, maybe I could try to put some good into the world before I go. But since it came back negative, I've failed my challenge. I fallen back into the same old habits of indifference.
Thanks for reading all of this, if you've made it this far. I want to end on a positive note, since I am blessed to be in the position that I am today. I've fallen in love with my studies and am excited to pursue grad school once I graduate in a year. I love my job as a tutor for my school's learning resource center, and want to pursue a career teaching. I love my family and the friends that I have. Regardless of how difficult things get in the future, I'm still determined to give it all my best try. It would be selfish of me to not give it everything I can.
submitted by ballislife4444 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:59 Laval2772 Continuous Derivative

(Apologies for the very long post, and many thanks to those who read it in full)
Around a month ago, I make a post regarding the possibility of a continuous extension of the Taylor series, which garnered some insightful responses. In my pursuit of an answer myself, I had an idea of a so-called “continuous derivative,” and was wondering if it was possible and/or already explored. The following post does not require any look into the previous post, and the important information is restated in this post:
(Refer to image 1)
Despite the function resulting from the original Taylor series already being continuous, I mean to extend the sum itself, allowing for the domain of n to be all non-negative real numbers, rather than simply integers. I knew that the gamma function was an extension of the factorial, so my only question was that of the numerator.
I know that integer-order derivatives are obviously very well defined in mathematics, but I found that there are multiple definitions of a fractional-order derivative. Furthermore, I like to think of fn(c) in the continuous version of the Taylor series as being a continuous derivative, due to the fact that it accounts for all real non-negative values to infinity. Due to this, I decided to attempt a definition of my own.
(Refer to image 2)
As you can see, my interpretation of a fractional derivative uses a graphical approach, treating the x-axis as the xth derivative and the y-axis as the value of that derivative at a point (0 was used in the example I provided). I decided to utilize the sine function for my example due to its cyclical nature with its derivatives.
The first step is to plot enough integer derivatives on the graph until a pattern can be found, then interpolate between these points with a smooth function. In the example provided, the function is y=sin(x*pi/2). With this smooth function intersecting every point on the graph, we can now look at fractional values of x to see the associated value for that derivative at the point (again, using 0 in this example).
While I like this definition for being visual, the one issue I found was that it can only be evaluated at a single point for the entire graph. This would not work for the continuous Taylor series, as it relies on the nth derivative of f being taken at a point c, not a specific value like 0. (When evaluating the Taylor series, you do indeed use a specific value for c, but I am seeking a generalized definition.) To account for this, I decided to add another axis to the original graph.
(Refer to image 3)
The z-axis represents the value at which the derivative is being taken (in this case that is c). I call this the derivational continuum, due to the continuous nature of the derivatives that are being taken across the non-negative reals for the x-axis and all reals for the y- and z-axes. (I also think the name sounds very cool.) After using my technique for finding a smooth function that interpolates between integer-order derivatives, you then do this across the z-axis, interpolating between the functions themselves to create a plane-like structure in 3D space.
One issue I have noticed but believe is not an issue that that of using this technique on ex. Disregarding the z-axis, evaluating every derivative of the function ex at 0 results in 1. This is represented as y=1 at every non-negative integer value on my graph. Despite the most logical interpolating being y=1 to smoothly connect each value, both the functions y=sin(pi(x))+1 and y=sin(2pi(x+0.25)) also smoothly interpolate between each point. However, I learned that overfitting is when a graph smoothly interpolates between a dataset but does not accurately reflect what the data means, and I believe that is what is happening in this case.
I am seeking guidance regarding this idea I had, as this all is based on my original definition of a fractional derivative, which I believe is different from current definitions, despite still reflecting the idea of a fractional-order derivative (at least I think).
submitted by Laval2772 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:50 SomeWetCheese Tiny study buddy

Tiny study buddy
This guy decided to keep me company while I was studying. I'm not a huge fan of spiders but he wasn't going anywhere so I let him hang out. For more scale, the graph paper is 4 box per inch.
submitted by SomeWetCheese to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 HackedPasta1245 Where can I leave a review? I don't see a "write a review" button anywhere

Where can I leave a review? I don't see a submitted by HackedPasta1245 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:34 Rare_Midnight_2219 My heart is soaking up all the hate in the world and it's driving me crazy

Like I can barely go on the internet anymore without getting flooded with just and endless sea of pain, self-destructing behavior, races divided, genders divided MY GOD I love all the good boys and girls in my life euqally and unconditonally why can't anyone else seem to do the same!!!
They say that the internet is void of negativity and hate and maybe that's true. So what about the real world? Well from what I can tell at least where I am no one wants to be in the real world anymore! Everyone's on their phones, always. Cannot survive without headphones or some other electronic and just be in the moment. Why do you have to recored the entire f'ing concert on your phone for social media. Can't you be in the moment, with me!?
The boys at my school harassed and objectified the girls and the girls called boys unilaterally rapists. People constantly fighted, cheated, ruined their own health, I felt so much pain watching people with initially good souls have their hearts tainted knowing i couldn't do anything about it without sacraficing my own mental health.
Outside in the city I see people of different races being more divided than ever. It's like in our pursuit of inclusivity, we have become more divided. Everything is divided. It's about the color of your skin, your gender, your "L's" and "icks".
I can't take it anymore. I feel like I don't belong. I'm going to an on-paper prestigious university soon where I fear I will soak in the worst of pure uncontrolled hate from my peers ans professors, not the like-minded, loving people i worked so hard to get to meet rather than those in my school.
I know this is somewhat unhinged and unorganized rant but if anyone else expierinces this, I would love to hear from you and thank you for reading.
submitted by Rare_Midnight_2219 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:27 Rare_Midnight_2219 My heart is soaking up all the hate in the world and it's driving me crazy

Like I can barely go on the internet anymore without getting flooded with just and endless sea of pain, self-destructing behavior, races divided, genders divided MY GOD I love all the good boys and girls in my life euqally and unconditonally why can't anyone else seem to do the same!!!
They say that the internet is void of negativity and hate and maybe that's true. So what about the real world? Well from what I can tell at least where I am no one wants to be in the real world anymore! Everyone's on their phones, always. Cannot survive without headphones or some other electronic and just be in the moment. Why do you have to recored the entire f'ing concert on your phone for social media. Can't you be in the moment, with me!?
The boys at my school harassed and objectified the girls and the girls called boys unilaterally rapists. People constantly fighted, cheated, ruined their own health, I felt so much pain watching people with initially good souls have their hearts tainted knowing i couldn't do anything about it without sacraficing my own mental health.
Outside in the city I see people of different races being more divided than ever. It's like in our pursuit of inclusivity, we have become more divided. Everything is divided. It's about the color of your skin, your gender, your "L's" and "icks".
I can't take it anymore. I feel like I don't belong. I'm going to an on-paper prestigious university soon where I fear I will soak in the worst of pure uncontrolled hate from my peers ans professors, not the like-minded, loving people i worked so hard to get to meet rather than those in my school.
I know this is somewhat unhinged and unorganized rant but if anyone else expierinces this, I would love to hear from you and thank you for reading.
submitted by Rare_Midnight_2219 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:09 VAroma1 21[M4F]#Online-Lets get to know eachother, looking for a relationship

Hi, my name is Zayn and I’m a 21 year old from California. I’d like to introduce myself through some of my interests. First off I really do enjoy music, it’s been a large part of my life since I was 11 or 12. I have been playing guitar and writing music for 7 years as well, though I feel as if I am currently in a lingering writers block. I think what is even more substantial to me than the music I make is the music that I listen to. I honestly just love sharing music with people, although I can be pretty picky with what I listen to. It’s very fulfilling for me and I’d love to share some songs with you if you are interested! Another one of my major interests is Socionics. It’s an old Russian system, meant to explore different types of human cognition. I have studied Socionics for years and have even written my own paper about certain aspects within the model! It’s a lovely framework in my opinion. Besides that I do enjoy hanging out with my cats, playing smash bros (which I was sponsored in at one point, though I no longer play as competitively as I once did), working out, and reading/learning about new subjects (I’m also a philosophy major in university and have been having a nice time with my courses!) I’d love to get to know anyone who shares or shows interest in these! It could be a great starting point for conversation.
I’d like to make my values very clear in order to support my intention of talking to like-minded people. In a relationship I would be searching for someone to share my life with, this is where I see the beauty in life. The fact that through a wealth of experience and alternate personal perspectives, someone had chosen me and I had chosen them, it’s very special to me. And of course this comes with compromise, it is a sacrifice to the overarching relational unity. It is a show of deep prioritization, which is something I heavily value in relationships. Ideally, I’d like to find someone who treats the relationship with the same respect as I would. I have always made them my first priority in life. Another aspect of great importance is emotional maturity. A facet of relationships I had always hoped for is mutual care. When the person I am with is struggling, even though it’ll hurt to know they are in a negative situation, it hurts more to know that I am unable to at least support them a little bit. I’d hope for support when I’m feeling bad as well. Though I understand people often feel vulnerable when it comes to expressing negative emotionality. I think it’s very special to have a dynamic with such honesty and care, it’s something rare. I hope I don’t scare too many people off with my idealized version of a relationship, though none of this vision is achievable without love itself, which is curated over time. This might be an ideal, but it is made naturally with the right person, it is made unique with them.
Lastly I’d like to include some pictures of myself
If you feel like we could make a connection please don’t hesitate to reach out!
submitted by VAroma1 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:07 Rare_Midnight_2219 My heart is soaking up all the hate in the world and it's driving me crazy

Like I can barely go on the internet anymore without getting flooded with just and endless sea of pain, self-destructing behavior, races divided, genders divided MY GOD I love all the good boys and girls in my life euqally and unconditonally why can't anyone else seem to do the same!!!
They say that the internet is void of negativity and hate and maybe that's true. So what about the real world? Well from what I can tell at least where I am no one wants to be in the real world anymore! Everyone's on their phones, always. Cannot survive without headphones or some other electronic and just be in the moment. Why do you have to recored the entire f'ing concert on your phone for social media. Can't you be in the moment, with me!?
The boys at my school harassed and objectified the girls and the girls called boys unilaterally rapists. People constantly fighted, cheated, ruined their own health, I felt so much pain watching people with initially good souls have their hearts tainted knowing i couldn't do anything about it without sacraficing my own mental health.
Outside in the city I see people of different races being more divided than ever. It's like in our pursuit of inclusivity, we have become more divided. Everything is divided. It's about the color of your skin, your gender, your "L's" and "icks".
I can't take it anymore. I feel like I don't belong. I'm going to an on-paper prestigious university soon where I fear I will soak in the worst of pure uncontrolled hate from my peers and professors, not the like-minded, loving people i worked so hard to get to meet rather than those in my school.
I know this is somewhat unhinged and unorganized but if anyone else expierinces what apparently is this common ENFP trait I would love to hear from you!
submitted by Rare_Midnight_2219 to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:33 SeaworthinessIcy4758 Doubt pls help

Doubt pls help
shouldn't this graph be flipped? kyunki gravitation mei toh force negative sign ke saath aati hai toh saare electrostatics waale graph flipped hote hai(about x-axis). Toh isme √2 pr maximum nhi hona chahiye tha?
submitted by SeaworthinessIcy4758 to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:12 Adept-Examination962 Looking for an A5 Notebook, Graph/Grid, spiral bound WITH NUMBERED PAGES

It seems I can only have graph/grid paper or numbered pages but not both, in a spiral bound notebook, size A5. Can that really not exist?
submitted by Adept-Examination962 to notebooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:48 doggo_to_the_moono Herpes Cure Regimen: Updated

What's up guys, its Big_Orchid here on my other reddit account. Here's my whole regimen and some notes to help you all out!
Organic Herbs (Everything taken in the morning and at night)
Organic Raw Fruits
IGG Bloodwork

Daily Health Routines
submitted by doggo_to_the_moono to Holistichealing4HSV [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:09 Educational_Bet_1176 Reoccurring vaginal fissures

I’ve been dealing with vaginal fissures for quite some time and they’re incredibly painful. They’re small paper cut looking tears on my vulva that often congregate in the creases. Has anyone experienced this and if so, how the hell do I get rid of it?? They are so painful. I was scared at first that it might be herpes but all tests came back negative. I was told they were a side effect of my reoccurring yeast infections but they come even when I don’t have a yeast infection. Please help :( I’d do anything to have a normal, healthy, happy vagina.
submitted by Educational_Bet_1176 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:51 VAroma1 21[M4F] - Let’s get to know eachother, looking for a relationship, any distance is fine

Hi, my name is Zayn and I’m a 21 year old from California. I’d like to introduce myself through some of my interests. First off I really do enjoy music, it’s been a large part of my life since I was 11 or 12. I have been playing guitar and writing music for 7 years as well, though I feel as if I am currently in a lingering writers block. I think what is even more substantial to me than the music I make is the music that I listen to. I honestly just love sharing music with people, although I can be pretty picky with what I listen to. It’s very fulfilling for me and I’d love to share some songs with you if you are interested! Another one of my major interests is Socionics. It’s an old Russian system, meant to explore different types of human cognition. I have studied Socionics for years and have even written my own paper about certain aspects within the model! It’s a lovely framework in my opinion. Besides that I do enjoy hanging out with my cats, playing smash bros (which I was sponsored in at one point, though I no longer play as competitively as I once did), working out, and reading/learning about new subjects (I’m also a philosophy major in university and have been having a nice time with my courses!) I’d love to get to know anyone who shares or shows interest in these! It could be a great starting point for conversation.
I’d like to make my values very clear in order to support my intention of talking to like-minded people. In a relationship I would be searching for someone to share my life with, this is where I see the beauty in life. The fact that through a wealth of experience and alternate personal perspectives, someone had chosen me and I had chosen them, it’s very special to me. And of course this comes with compromise, it is a sacrifice to the overarching relational unity. It is a show of deep prioritization, which is something I heavily value in relationships. Ideally, I’d like to find someone who treats the relationship with the same respect as I would. I have always made them my first priority in life. Another aspect of great importance is emotional maturity. A facet of relationships I had always hoped for is mutual care. When the person I am with is struggling, even though it’ll hurt to know they are in a negative situation, it hurts more to know that I am unable to at least support them a little bit. I’d hope for support when I’m feeling bad as well. Though I understand people often feel vulnerable when it comes to expressing negative emotionality. I think it’s very special to have a dynamic with such honesty and care, it’s something rare. I hope I don’t scare too many people off with my idealized version of a relationship, though none of this vision is achievable without love itself, which is curated over time. This might be an ideal, but it is made naturally with the right person, it is made unique with them.
Lastly I’d like to include some pictures of myself
If you feel like we could make a connection please don’t hesitate to reach out!
submitted by VAroma1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:42 scanguy25 The Acolyte is being review bombed - from both sides

I did some data analysis on same data I pulled from Rotten Tomatoes. I thought someone might find it interesting.
Here is what I found
The number of very positive or very negative review from users that only reviewed The Acolyte was roughly equal, 199 very negative, 226 very positive. So it seems like both sides are review bombing the show.
Full write-up below, with graphs and tables.
submitted by scanguy25 to CriticalDrinker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Charity00 The Amazing Race 24 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 24 (ALL STARS) gets a 6/10
This is probably one of the most frustrating seasons! It looked like very little effort was put into the returnee cast, the route, the challenges, leg designs and even editing/storylines were inconsistent. However…it usually wasn’t boring! There was some drama (some of it a bit annoying though), there was the charm of seeing returnees (I do love the appeal of All Star seasons), and a season with Rachel Reilly is never boring! So I find it similar to the Family Edition in that it has lots of flaws but is generally entertaining enough to enjoy. So it gets a 6 because it was still enjoyable (but is obviously ranked near the bottom).
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Brendan/Rachel - they carried this season! Rachel started out as not wanting to be her old emotional self and was a lot less whinier than TAR20 (although I preferred her meltdowns honestly haha). She had a “heroic” edit where she prayed rather than getting stressed out - also supported Luke at the cocktails challenge and helped Brendan get through the plate spinning. However they are also responsible for the biggest drama of the season - U-Turning Dave/Connor and the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline. Once again Rachel has most of the cast hating her…and I love it! Rachel then reverted back to her old crying self in the last 3 legs with meltdowns at the bulls, crying at the Wellington toss and picking fights in the finale. So still crazy, still got her sequins, fell over a few times haha, bizarre lines (saying “I want to win to get a baby” over and over haha) and provided the drama and laughs that this season needed.
  1. Dave/Connor - the rivals of the Brenchels and made the next biggest impact! They seemed very sweet and relatable like at the disco “We’re just 2 Mormon boys from Salt Lake City” haha and I liked their sweet bond with Caroline/Jennifer where they let them step on the mat in front of them. But they also feel annoying and entitled. Dave mentioned his achilles A LOT, Dave complained about his age A LOT ("Yeah outrunning an old man", “U-Turning a 60 year old man” and “This is a young person’s game”), complained about Brenchels A LOT and they seemed very self righteous over the U-Turn. Their involvement in the Accidental Alliance came across as childish rather than noble, “That snotty woman! She’s scary looking!” So I'm not sure if they were meant to be likeable or not - they sort of sucked a lot of the fun out of the season honestly. But a decent redemption for them and they made a decent impact and got us talking.
  2. Leo/Jamal - still fun and likeable with some sneaky moments but more toned down than last time. A few cheeky moments like “We love you Connor, we love you Connor” when he finished the sewing (hoping for help), but then “I’m kidding, I don’t” after they left. Strategic again like when they wanted to lie to Jet/Cord at one stage but didn’t because they wanted to avoid the U-Turn this time. Made the smart decision rather than the emotional one when U-Turning the threats Jet/Cord. Unfortunately finished in 4th place again.
  3. Jet/Cord - the cowboys are “back in the saddle”! Another likeable team but I found Leo/Jamal more interesting. They were “threats” again, “We’re like butter, we’re on a roll” when coming in 1st haha and also worked alone again “We’re used to being the lone rangers”. I sort of liked how they didn’t join in on the Brenchel drama. Still find them a bit overrated but I know a lot of viewers enjoyed seeing them again.
  4. Caroline/Jennifer - were the sweethearts and underdogs who weren’t great racers but slid by each week (and saved by 2 non-eliminations). I thought they were likeable enough, “Who would u-turn Dave/Connor, they’re the sweetest guys…and have great hair” haha Were proud of their flirting again and used it to get an Express Pass off Jet/Cord…and were helped multiple times by Leo/Jamal and Dave/Connor. You don’t need to be a strong “girl power” team…the underdogs who get through by flirting are just as interesting haha But weren’t that great TV honestly….like last time.
  5. Mark/Mallory - a fascinating dynamic even though most fans didn’t like this hybrid. In a way it did damage the reputation of 2 fan favorites (Mark/Bopper and Gary/Mallory) because they were very negative to one another (Mark refusing to race without the backpack despite having everything he needed, and Mallory seemed uncaring and not taking responsibility) but I enjoyed their drama. I liked how Mallory joked about losing their passport on leg 1…and the foreshadowing. I prefer their messy dynamic rather than them just being nice and boring for 2 legs.
  6. Natalie/Nadiya - screamed at eachother through the whole 1st episode and I loved every minute they were on screen “It’s in Asian, I can’t read it!” haha They were such a hot mess in their 1 episode and possibly my favourite first boots! This season would have been so much better if we saw them involved in the Brenchel drama later, and I would have loved to see some more crazy moments and seeing them get to visit Sri Lanka.
  7. Margie/Luke - the last 4 didn’t really contribute much this season. These 2 are ahead because I always enjoy watching their dynamic with their sweet bond and occasional bickering (nothing bad, just normal healthy struggles). Luke’s sexuality was finally brought up (a nice scene where Luke explains his coming out to Margie) and I liked Margie saying that when Luke pulls her this time, he has to be gentler because she’s older haha Felt very likeable this time, like when they were reflecting on the train ride in Sri Lanka.
  8. Flight Time/Big Easy - they were fine but didn’t do much this season. They had a nice moment dancing with the locals in Borneo, joking about the Beekmans winning with roller bags, and talking to their wooden donkey when they couldn’t work out what they did wrong. So ultimately a few more fun moments than the 2 ranked below them. Didn’t feel like they wanted to be there as much as previous seasons.
  9. John/Jessica - didn’t do much this time. They were at the centre of lots of storylines in TAR22 but I think that was just “lucky circumstances” rather than them being big characters. They were just a generic nice couple here. It was nice though seeing Joey/Meghan and John/Jessica helping each other again like last time (and Brendan/Rachel having a random final 3 alliance with them haha). Their only moment here was them working with other teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind them, and losing a footrace.
  10. Joey/Meghan - Also didn’t do much and the only difference is John/Jessica made it further. Joey just played up to the cameras like last time (screeching “White is not my color” at the wedding dresses) but they were still likeable enough. Their only storyline was Meaghan helping John despite the 2 of them being in last place. So not the smartest move but nice that they still have that friendship.
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 8 - Italy (F6 - Flight Time/Big Easy eliminated) - the most entertaining episode of the season! So much drama going on between all teams and great scenery. Brendan/Rachel U-Turning Dave/Connor…with Dave’s irrational hatred for the rest of the leg plus Brendan/Rachel disagreeing over who to U-Turn. Then Dave/Connor helping Leo/Jamal (despite U-Turning them too and calling it a “blessed u-turn” haha). Decent challenges - racing donkeys (teams falling off especially Rachel, and the donkey struggling with Big Easy haha), building a wooden donkey (teams not using the box as part of it, many switches) and writing the Ancient manuscript (dull but some teams still struggled and was made better with Dave not accepting an apology and later mocking Brendan/Rachel). Rachel was hilarious “They can’t get me in a place of worship” haha Also had Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer working together (with Dave/Connor accidentally losing them just like Bates/Anthony did) and just a good mix of fun and drama! Not for everyone, but I liked it.
  1. Leg 4 - Malaysia (F8 - Non elimination) - fantastic, especially the Kuala Lumpur section at the end. The beginning in Kota Kinabalu had the trampoline challenge which had Jessica struggling and injuring her foot and Rachel having to take off her pantyhose because she was slipping haha But Kuala Lumpur had the Petronus Towers and Batu Caves, a night leg plus a fantastic Detour (if you ignore that it was impossible for Luke to do the DJ routine). Pouring the cocktails and the DJ routine had lots of teams struggling with placement shifts from the flights (one of my favorite Detours). Luke has a meltdown and smashes the glasses (Margie yelling like a mother to pick them up haha) and Rachel of all people calms him down. 3 hours later Brendan/Rachel pray and have a very positive edit and music (and don’t accept Margie/Luke’s offer for both to take a penalty) and a great ending between these 2. Loved the music and close up of Rachel’s cross haha Would be the best leg of the season if the whole leg was in Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Leg 2 - China (F10 - Mark/Mallory eliminated) - it looked like a cheap Covid leg but pretty exciting overall. Some great drama with Mallory forgetting Mark’s bag and arguing about going back for it, “People from Kentucky don’t act this way” and Mark being like “I don’t have much and I mean nothing to her”. A trainwreck but can’t stop watching! Jet/Cord walk for a long time and lose their 1st place lead and some okay navigation drama at the start. Building the toy car at “Chuck e Cheese on steroids” was fun - a little girl annoying Flight Time, Meghan helping her ally John (despite being last), and especially Caroline struggling and Jen managing to get the Express Pass off Jet/Cord, “I knew I’d get it off him” hehe. The featherball was also fun with all teams so close together, and Mark/Mallory just not working well together at all. No team chose the massage, and I don’t mind watching teams in pain haha but I prefer skill based challenges so I don’t mind. 7 teams then check in together at the pit stop together. Very fun and fast paced!
  3. Leg 11 - England/Wales (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - was decent and felt competitive enough but not as top tier as past final 4’s - mediocre tasks for a final 4 elimination and not many storylines but not too dull. Soccer task was ok but nothing special, shooting the clay pigeons/tossing wellingtons was terrible (still felt tense though at the end…and I guess it made Rachel crack), but I really enjoyed remembering the Welsh poem on the aqueduct (good scenery, cultural and challenging). The costumes and castle looked nice - “we’re in Downton Abbey” and Rachel finally has a TAR20 type meltdown when she picks the wrong size shoe and cries like a child (the foreshadowing at the start when Rachel says “I’m proud that I haven’t freaked out yet”). Placement shifts, self driving, Rachel meltdowns are always a positive for me, and actually had a strange positive edit where the final 4 were getting along. So still enjoyable overall and a sad ending for Leo/Jamal. Just needed a few better challenges, especially the Detour at the end.
  4. Leg 7 - Italy (F7 - John/Jessica eliminated) - a good enough leg but would rank higher if it had bigger moments or storylines. It had the Coliseum, many teams together at the final puzzle (Roman Numerals) which is always a plus (Flight Time hilariously having no clue how to do it, Rachel not helping teams, and Leo/Jamal strategically helping last place teams)…and a foot race for last with teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind. However the challenges were embarrassingly bad - remote controlled chariots seemed so silly and out of place (feels very inauthentic to the Ancient Roman theme), the gladiator routine was silly, and counting the Spanish steps wasn’t that hard as long as a local could tell you the Roman Numerals. Finding the site of the “unhappy Roman holiday” had some difficulties, Rachel thinking the “eternal city” is Ethiopia for some reason haha and while the detours were silly, they had some funny struggles with Leo “I watched all 4 seasons of Spartacus”. And of course a very close finish!
  5. Leg 9 - Switzerland (F5 - Non elimination) - challenges were okay and nice Swiss scenery…but very big on the “We hate Brenchels” drama! I don’t mind it but can understand why some may find it annoying this episode. The “Accidental Alliance” is created on the train with teams mocking Rachel’s “I want to race around the world with my best friend” haha. And celebrate getting to clueboxes before Brendan/Rachel, helping one another “their family” and also complaining about them A LOT! Cleaning the room was okay as an attention to detail task and Jet was like “Now my wife knows I can clean”, and Helga “Figure it out!” was a great judge! Working out that the object is a drillbit for a tunnel plus the Mustang Puzzle were nice simple tasks - Rachel thinking it’s a wheel haha and Dave/Connor giving their allies answers. Delivering the milk through the snow at the end was a bit dull besides Brendan writing “TAR24 WINNERS BRENCHEL” on the gondola haha So just an okay leg but depends whether you like the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline.
  6. Leg 6 - Sri Lanka (F7 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Started strong with the tuk tuk Road Block - Rachel was fantastic screaming “GREEN GREEN GREEN” but her colours being wrong (her ally John eventually helps her). Lots of fun chaos with everyone manhandling tuk tuks “I was booty bumping rickshaws out of the way” haha But then there’s a train equaliser and delivering logs with an elephant/make paper from elephant dung was boring (and arguably animal cruelty making the elephant do that). “You’re only as fast as your big fat elephant”. They’re okay cultural tasks but not that difficult or interesting besides a few bubbles when making the paper. Nothing much happens besides some foot races - Jet/Cord vs Leo/Jamal “It’s Indians vs. Cowboys! And the Indians are WINNING!” haha and also Dave whining that John/Jessica outrun him “Yeah beat the old man”. The tuk tuk segment was a highlight of this season and it’s unfortunate that there was an equaliser and that the 2nd half dragged.
  7. Leg 10 - Spain (F5 - Jet/Cord eliminated) - felt like a bit of a cheap and underwhelming final 5 elimination leg with some really silly challenges - shaving a balloon and running with bull costumes. A bit of the Brenchel drama (Dave saying the U-Turn was “kind of inappropriate” when it really wasn’t haha and “Dave/Connor are the sweetest guys on the planet”). Leo/Jamal decide to U-Turn Jet/Cord instead of Brendan/Rachel…but not that interesting “There’s only room for two cowboys on this race and it’s Leo and Jamal! Yeehaw!” Haha Shaving the balloon was terrible, nothing much from the flamenco dance, delivering the hams was a boring and generic Speed Bump, and the bull costumes were silly but at least had some fun moments - Rachel was hilarious as always getting knocked around like crazy saying the bulls were ”bullies”, Dave complaining “I’m an old matador”, Jet/Cord missing parts of the phrase, plus Jamal’s knee injury. It wasn’t necessarily too boring which is why it isn’t ranked lower.
  8. Leg 1 - China (F11 - Natalie/Nadiya eliminated) - was terribly designed! The challenges were finding the Chinese symbols on the band members (very quick and forgettable starting line task), finding wedding dresses (had an okay navigational element and the only decent task), the Canton Tower bubbles (luck based and terrible) and summersaults (terrible, impossible to fail, too tame of a height challenge for All Stars, Caroline “Flight Time looks like a sexy piece of spinning meat”). Natalie/Nadiya were fantastic entertainment and saved this episode from being terrible by yelling “YOU IDIOT” and “I TOLD YOU” over and over (and even argue over who is doing the Road Block). “Those are Chinese flags, not race flags you lunatic!” It also had Bopper’s medevac which was a dramatic start and it’s nice seeing all the returnees bantering with one another (Brenchel army at the airport and Natalie/Nadiya joking about Rachel’s crying). But not much content besides Twinnie craziness, Jet/Cord dominating, and teams struggling to find the wedding dresses.
  9. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - for a finale, let alone the All Stars finale, the challenges were too easy - digging for a chest (boring), David Copperfield routine (impossible to fail and only designed to show off David Copperfield), putting lightbulbs in the Mirage sign (not challenging and only designed to show off Las Vegas) and looking for the neon sign in the helicopteskydive (didn’t look that hard to find). Very unsatisfying. But it wasn’t too boring with some minor drama with Brendan/Rachel and Caroline/Jennifer having a fight at customs (not caught on camera so just explained through talking) and there’s some arguing while digging for the chest (throwing sand in each other’s holes). Plus Brendan screaming at a taxi “We’re in a race so we can have a baby” haha plus Brendan/Rachel lost in a hotel that Rachel once worked at. And to be fair, it was very close between Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer - sprinting to the final clue and waiting to see who skydived first. And a night leg in Las Vegas was a great idea…just terribly designed!
  10. Leg 5 - Sri Lanka (F8 - Margie/Luke eliminated) - unfortunately a dull leg because Margie/Luke were an obvious elimination. It did have some great airport scrambles which is always welcome in the modern era (Brendan/Rachel taking a risk on a short connection and Margie/Luke failing to get on standby). Sewing the t-shirt had potential to be a tough interesting challenge…but needed to have all teams together. Several teams struggled, teams worked together (Jessica and Brendan, as well as Connor helping a struggling Jennifer) and Big Easy really struggled “If I have to sew something I’ll just ask my fiancé or my mother…or just buy something new” haha and Flight Time just shows off his basketball skills. The fishing had to be one of the dullest challenges ever and balancing the plates wasn’t much better (although Rachel is the one telling Brendan to calm down here). Printing the t-shirts was also a boring Speed Bump. Margie/Luke are way behind and have a nice scene enjoying the Sri Lankan train ride, but not much excitement.
  11. Leg 3 - Malaysia (F9 - Joey/Meghan eliminated) - was terribly designed - boring challenges (repelling down a waterfall, delivering goods, blowdart) and separating the flights by 3 hours just didn’t make sense as there was little drama for the top 6…and then 3 teams far behind. And flight scrambles are always better than sign-ups. The top 6 just went through three tasks robotically, and even the bottom 3 had little drama or stress. I guess there was a bit of a storyline about the Brenchel army being the bottom 3 and facing the fact one of the friends will go. But Joey/Meghan are obvious boots after struggling to find a taxi. The only interesting parts were the rafts falling apart in the rapids and Rachel repelling in her underwear so her sequins don’t get wet “God forbid she lose some sequins along the way” haha The promos really hyped up the dangerous rapids and they were fine for that short segment but no drama came from them in the episode.
Not a great season but I feel gets unfair hate (just like the Family Edition which also had bad leg designs, bad route, drama that some found annoying). I don’t think it was terrible as most legs had things happening that made each one interesting enough. Everyone vs Brenchels was similar to Everyone vs Weavers (had some interesting aspects, better than nothing, but was a bit annoying at times). The cast, route and challenges were unsatisfying but entertainment is most important to me and this season was usually not boring. TAR8 and TAR24 had similar weaknesses/frustrations so I’m ranking them together. I enjoyed TAR24 slightly more but I could see TAR24 getting a 5 or less if it wasn’t a returnee season, as it had some similarities to TAR16 (many teams were compelling because of their history rather than things they did on this season).
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR24 - 6/10
  21. TAR8 - 6/10
  22. TAR19 - 5/10
  23. TAR16 - 5/10
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2024.06.09 02:35 raytoei Waste Management Company. My Writeup & Tearsheet

The tearsheet of Waste Management which i compiled can be found here:
Please note, i removed all formulas.

I am sharing something which i wrote for myself recently.
Please note, the description and operations are lifted verbatim from their website.

Waste Management $WM.
"Description: Waste Management, Inc. is the leading provider of comprehensive waste and environmental services in North America. Headquartered in Houston, the company’s network of operations includes 431 collection operations, 381 transfer stations, 286 active landfill disposal sites, 17 waste-to-energy plants, 119 recycling plants and 90 beneficial-use landfill gas projects.
These assets enable Waste Management to offer a full range of environmental services to 22 million residential, industrial, municipal and commercial customers."

Their operations:

COLLECTION. Waste Management provides solid waste collection services to millions of customers across North America, ranging in size from the single residential subscription to large national customers requiring comprehensive, one-source waste programs to serve hundreds of locations. With 25,000 collection and transfer vehicles, the company has the largest trucking fleet in the waste industry. The company uses advanced technology and disciplined programs to bring improved efficiency to the process of solid waste collection.
TRANSFER. With most of the waste collected by Waste Management going to its own landfills, a supporting network of transfer stations provides an important link for efficient disposal. Waste Management has 381 strategically located transfer stations to consolidate, compact and load waste from collection vehicles into long-haul trailers, barge containers and rail cars for transport to landfills.
DISPOSAL. Waste Management operates the largest network of landfills in its industry, with 286 active sites managing the disposal of more than 120 million tons of waste per year. The company operates its sites according to standards of safety and environmental compliance that go beyond regulatory requirements. Waste Management is focused on solutions that impact the future of solid waste management, including bioreactor technology, which accelerates the decomposition of organic waste through the managed introduction of air and liquids into the waste mass. Currently, the company is conducting research at 10 landfills to confirm the environmental benefits of bioreactor technology as an alternative method for managing landfill waste.
RECYCLING. As the largest recycler of municipal solid waste in North America, Waste Management handles more than eight million tons of recyclable materials each year, largely through its 119 recycling facilities. Through the resources of Recycle America Alliance, a majority-owned subsidiary, WM provides costefficient, environmentally sound recycling programs for municipalities, businesses and households across the U.S. and Canada.
LANDFILL GAS PROJECTS. For many years, Waste Management has worked with businesses, industries and public utilities across North America to develop beneficial-use projects from landfill gas. This gas is a reliable, renewable energy source that is produced naturally as waste decomposes in landfills. When collected, it can be used directly as medium Btu gas for industrial use or sold to gas-to-energy plants to fuel engine or turbine-driven generators that produce electricity. WM currently supplies landfill gas to 90 beneficial-use projects nationwide. The company’s 57 gas-to-electricity projects provide more than 260 megawatts of energy, enough to power 230,000 homes. The 33 projects that sell landfill gas as fuel to industrial users replace more than 2.6 million barrels of oil each year.
WASTE-TO-ENERGY. Waste Management’s Wheelabrator Technologies subsidiary pioneered the use of municipal solid waste for fuel in the generation of electrical power in the U.S. more than 25 years ago. Since then, the company has processed more than 117 million tons of municipal solid waste into energy, saving more than 180 million barrels of oil while generating nearly 64 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. Its 17 waste-to-energy plants have the capacity to process more than 24,200 tons of waste per day into electrical or steam energy. Together the plants generate an aggregate 690 megawatts of electric energy, enough to power 600,000 homes
FROM WM website


1. Strength
1.1 Strong Competitive Advantage
1.1.1 Regulations on Landfill licence.
WM and RSG and WCN control 80% of the landfill in north america. WM owns 5 out of the biggest 10 landfill in the US. Landfills are not easy to get approved for construction, mainly due to residential communities generally being averse to having them near their homes. This provides a significant "moat" against future competition in the landfill space. Many of Waste Management's collection competitors are forced to pay the company to use its landfills due to the lack of other options and the difficulty in constructing new landfills.
1.1.2 Scale of Vertical integration
The vertical integration model, where the company owns and operates its own landfills, transfer stations, and material recovery facilities (MRFs), Renewable natural gas extraction allows management to pull significantly more levers to drive results than smaller competitors. Margins are higher, and absorbing the large costs associated with the maintenance of all that infrastructure is dispersed across a much larger operation.
1.1 Shareholder-friendly Management
Growing dividend, and this has attracted quite a following among dividend investors The company is also increasingly buying back stock. In 1Q24, the company spent $250 million on buybacks, slightly less than the $300 million it spent on dividends. This dividend is protected by a low 40% payout ratio and comes with a history of 20 consecutive annual dividend hikes and a five-year CAGR of 8.4%.
The CEO James C. Fish, owns ~172 thousand shares worth over $28 million. His 2022 compensation was $14.8 million, of which $8 million was in stock awards and $1.7 million in stock options. Mr. Fish has a tenure of 7.3 years. The CFO (Devina A. Rankin) also had over 50% of her compensation package rewarded in stock, and as of 2022, she owned 65.5k shares and 14k options, together worth over $13 million.
In the last five years, the share price has compounded at 13.91% a year excluding dividends ( Jun 10th 2019 closing price was 104.57, june 7th 2024 closing price is 200.55).
1.2 Management takes a long term view of then business, and has made acquisitions where it made sense.
In 2020, WM acquired Advanced Disposal Services (ADS), a leader in in recycling and landfill gas-to-energy.
In 2022, the company started to implement RNG (renewal natural gas) extraction from waste and by 2026 to have a 400m run rate ebitda from RNG.
In 2024 June, WM announced that they are seeking to buy Stericyle for $7.2 billion. Stericycle is a leader in medical waste disposal.
1.3 The business is recession resistant but it is not immune.
WM will be impacted in a recession as 70% of collections revenue come from their commercial and industrial customers. A slow down in the economy general means a slow down in economic activities and trash. This is especially true for housing starts, a slow down in construction sector will temporarily impact the business. It is resistant because the business is a recurring one, and most of the commercial agreements are signed for 3 to 5 years.
The company was not immuned from short-term headwinds caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company resorted to flexible contract for commercial accounts during the crisis, and that smaller businesses got offered free service in the near term. However the dip lasted until April and the company’s SP ended 2020 higher than it started.
In the 2022 decline of the general stock market, the share price dipped only 5.4% for the whole year from $166 to $157.
1.4 Strong financials
In the last ten years, the company has had only 1 and 2 years where revenue and EPS werelower than the previous year. Their stated debt to ebitda ratio is 2.5 to 3.
Their ROE and ROIC metrics have grown in the past five years, although it is still in the low teens, it is considered the best of class in this business.
  1. Weaknesses
2.1. Exposure to recycled prices.
WM was quite exposed to recycled prices in 2018, chinese recycled goods were dumped onto the US market and caused price volatility. WM then changed the pricing model to reduce its exposure by generating more revenue from the collection of recycling. So instead of an 0.20 EPS impact due to a 40% volatility, the impact is now just $0.06-0.08.
2.2 This is a high Capex business.
The CAPEX was supposed to go down after spending the elevated sum to build the RNG plants and reaping a 500m Ebitda run rate from this business by 2026. But with the acquisition of Stericycle, it looks like the company is heading into the Medical Waste business in a big way. And I don’t think capex as a % of revenue is going to drop too far from its current 10%.
3. Opportunities
(See Below for Catalysts and Drivers)
4. Threats & Risks
The evolving nature of the business. For a boring utility-like nature of this business, it is quite dynamic.
The American waste management market is supposed to increase 5% CAGR from 2022 to 2027 or 5.6% CAGR between 2022 and 2030 depending on the research report. However, this doesn't mean that the solid waste volume will grow at 5% CAGR, the CEO made a remark recently:
“If you were to ask me what business do I want to be in right now, I want to be in a medical business of some kind because it's only getting bigger. And our business, by the way, solid waste, if I think about volume over the next decade is going to grow at probably 1% to 2%.” June 7th, The Stifel 2024 Cross Sector Insight Conference
I think the company has to constantly think about growth and the company has to execute flawlessly.
The latest news is that WM is seeking to divest in the RNG business, a business that was touted in 2022 as a strategic direction for the firm and a long term driver for growth. (I wont comment much about this development as it is just an exploration by the company, i suspect it has to do with trying to keep the debt to ebitda ratios between 2.5 - 3, the CFO has alluded that the acquisition of Stericycle might put them on a negative watch by S&P or Moody’s, so i think this is due diligence process)

B. Catalysts for unlocking value

B.1. Continued Industry consolidation
In the last 5 years, WM acquired about 90 companies. Last week, they announced their latest and largest acquisition, Stericycle. Stericycle is the largest provider of medical waste disposal and data destruction (primarily paper shredding) services in the United States. I think a lot of investors really dislike this deal and the WM’s SP was sold down when it was first announced. This is because the to-be acquired company has very meh metrics, like being GAAP unprofitable in 5 out of the last 10 years (They were FCF positive in all ten years though).
To quote WM’s CEO on the deal:
“So a lot of opportunity there. And then I look at the growth trajectory over a 10-year period. And the medical services business, and this is not us saying, this, this is a third-party saying this, is projected to grow at somewhere in the neighborhood of 5% to 6%. That's the volume side of medical services.
Not a surprise to anybody in the room. The U.S. average American has aged 10 years in the last 40. We're getting older, and the replacement rate is like 1.7% or 1.7% right now. So we're not replacing, we're getting older. If you were to ask me what business do I want to be in right now, I want to be in a medical business of some kind because it's only getting bigger. And our business, by the way, solid waste, if I think about volume over the next decade is going to grow at probably 1% to 2%.”
B.2 Renewable Natural Gas from garbage dumps
To quote this 2022 WSJ article: WM is spending $825 to build 17 new plants to convert methane from garbage dumps into biomethane. “ The company also intends to sell the gas to utilities, industrial firms, and organizations seeking to enhance their environmental credentials.” The company hopes these investments to result in $500 million of run-rate EBITDA per year totaling 21 million MMBtu per year by 2026.

C. Valuation

An interesting topic always. I scoured the SA archives, out of the 86 articles written on WM (last article in 2019 to current June 7 2024), there were 47 articles that said that WM was too expensive to buy and investors would not beat the market if they bought WM at such high earnings multiple, 29 articles gave WM a buy rating and 10 articles were neutral.
Can you imagine, the naysayers, the fence-sitters who for 5 years said “NO” and then watched the share-price battle covid, lockdown, war in ukraine, inflation, the great crash of 2022, and fear of recession in 2023 and then almost doubled by 2024 and beating the S&P 500 in the process, with an annualised 13.91% returns vs the 13.12% CAGR for the S&P 500.
If i were to use SA as an reverse indicator, then i should be bearish because most of articles in 2024 turned positive even though the share-price is at an all time high, and Q1 results were okay although revenue was little light. Many of the Dividend growth-focused SA authors switched from negative to positive towards WM in 2024.
If I were to look at valuation from my own calculations (please refer to the tearsheet):
My blended calculation puts the fair value around 151 to 164 against the current price of $200
If i were to use the analysts estimates, and then work backwards to to match the current price, this implied growth rates works out to around 12%, which is at the edge of what they used to achieve in the past. In my opinion, this 12% growth rate is a bit optimistic and the company must execute it flawlessly. For my blended calculator, i used 9% as a more realistic long term growth-rate.
submitted by raytoei to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:10 plorpblorpglorp (24M) Looking for a long-term, gamer bestie-esque, close friendship to nurture & care for :)

**warning, long post ahead!**
Hi there! Thank you for checking out my post <3
I'm looking for a specifically long-term friendship to develop & take care of going forward. I'm not interested in short gaming sessions or ghosting after 1 hour of chatting, so if you're here for that then I'd kindly suggest you look elsewhere ^^
A bit about me: it feels a bit narcissistic to say this but I'd say I'm caring, honest and loyal. I haven't really had a real "best friend" for a while now (y'know, the kind of person you'd share secrets with and love spending time with at every occasion) so now's the time to do it!
As for my hobbies, I enjoy gaming, drawing, paper cutting art, owlspotting (or birds in general) and a whole bunch of other things I'd rather just talk about in person. Gaming is obviously one of my favourite ways of bonding, after all, we are on reddit ^^ As for games, I'm very much into honkai star rail, genshin, league, ow, insert other popular multiplayer games here, and a lot of co-op stuff and/or singleplayer games. Just hmu with ur faves and we'll definitely find something in common! Nothing beats a good horrosurvival co-op experience to test eachothers trust in imo 😭 I play PC only ♥
I'd say I'm also pretty "clingy". It's a term that carries a lot of negative notion, although, I'm definitely not one to ignore the fact that everyone has lives. I'm a masters student and I work, so I fully understand time constraints and stuff so it's all good! I just really want a bestie whom I could message after a long day, yknow? Or someone who wouldn't be angry when I message them at 4 am but yeah that's understandable 😭😭
Really, the only thing I ask of you is that you're kind and understanding, not a toxic, egotistical douche who'll reply in 1 word replies and then wonder why things didn't work out. I'm very much open to carrying a conversation but everyone has their limits at the end of the day ^^ I don't judge based on anything ever, so everyone and anyone is welcome!
Interested? Shoot me a message and tell me a bit about yourself! Or if you're shy, just say hi and we can take it from there <3 As a bonus if you actually read the whole post, try to guess what my major is :3
Hope you have a great day! ♥
submitted by plorpblorpglorp to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:09 Schizo_Thinker Interpreting Nietzsche
Introduction Nietzsche's unique way of writing allows readers to easily stumble on their biases and this is why we must read him with caution. Most of us may have heard of the multiple connections to Nietzsche and fascism from his sister and modern-day philosopher Stephan Hicks (who was my first exposure to Nietzsche). His sister was an explicit member of the National Socialist Party and Stephen Hicks wrote his book Nietzsche and the Nazis which explores the question surrounding "If they misappropriate Nietzsche's philosophy or not?" (Amazon) which I will argue in another post is likely another misconception. So to avoid these pitfalls and rabbit holes of ignorance. I will provide insights that helped me gain a better understanding of his works. I have never found anything that supports any belief that Nietzsche directly expresses support towards anti-Semitism. However, Nietzsche directly dismisses anti-semitism in The Genealogy of Morals where he writes:
"I like not the ambitious artists who would fain play the ascetic and the priest, and are at bottom nothing but tragic clowns; I like not, again, these newest speculators in idealism, the Anti-Semites, who nowadays roll their eyes in the patent Christian-Aryan-man-of-honor fashion, and by abuse of moralist attitudes and agitation dodges, so cheap as to exhaust any patience, strive to excite all the blockhead elements in the populace (the invariable success of _every_ kind of intellectual charlatanism in present-day Germany hangs together with the almost indisputable and already quite palpable desolation of the German mind, whose cause I look for in a too-exclusive diet, of papers, politics, beer, and Wagnerian music, not forgetting the condition the precedent of this diet, the national exclusiveness, and vanity, the strong but narrow principle, "Germany, Germany above everything" (GM, 3rd Essay, 26).
Now, that we uncovered why Nietzsche is not a fascist. I will begin by introducing you to an example of how Nietzsche writes, which shows how open to interpretation his work actually is.
The Philosopher with a Hammer
To start, the Nietzsche way of writing can allow readers to easily misinterpret its meaning. His style of writing is best described by Deleuze when he states:
"Nietzsche's aphorisms shatter the linear unity of knowledge, only to invoke the cyclic unity of the eternal return, present as the unknown in thought" (A Thousand Plateaus, introduction, Introduction)
Now, in the prolong of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Zarathustra gives a speech about his gift to humanity, the "Overman". As he gives the speech a tightrope walker struggles to keep balance as he famously says:
"Man is a rope stretched between the animal and Superman—a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling, and halting. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an OVER-GOING and a DOWN-GOING" (TSZ, Prolong)
The first sentence itself can be interpreted in many ways. It can represent a struggle between life and death or the struggle between instinct and reason. As we see, trying to understand the famous quotes by Nietzsche can be a struggle between Nietzsche's perspective and our perspective. This is what I take to be one of the most fundamental aspects of his philosophy "perspectivism" which also serves as a great tool to help anyone understand him.
Perspectivism argues that everything is just a matter of perspective and is scattered throughout Nietzsche's works such as The Gay Science he writes:
"It is we, who think and feel, that actually and unceasingly make something which did not before exist: the whole eternally increasing world of valuations, colors, weights, perspectives, gradations, affirmations, and negations" (TGS, 301).
Here Nietzsche acknowledges that the perspectives are a part of what gives meaning to what we think and feel about the world. In addition, the preface of Beyond Good and Evil expresses how these perspectives have a certain relationship to truth that makes an absolute truth unattainable, he states:
"SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman—what then? Is there, not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women—that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman? Certainly, she has never allowed herself to be won" (BGE, Preface).
The chase can be seen as an unrealistic attempt to understand the meaning of anything. We must learn to overcome this pitfall if we want to gain a better understanding of what Nietzsche works means. It is simply the most reliable and diverse perspectives that grant you a deeper understanding. This follows what Zarathustra argues that disease paths were how he reached his truth stating:
"By diverse ways and wendings did I arrive at my truth; not by one ladder did I mount to the height where mine eye roveth into my remoteness. And unwillingly only did I ask my way—that was always counter to my taste! Rather did I question and test the ways themselves." (TSZ, The Spirit of Gravity).
The same method is effective for even understanding his works and even something as simple as a Justice. Imagine we are seeking to understand "what a Justice is". We research multiple different perspectives on Justice s and analyze them from multiple angles. We finished and came up with a new definition of what a Justice is. However, our conclusion will be just a matter of one perspective synthesized through that of multiple other perspectives.
Justice represents the subject of establishing some innate singular meaning and narrow perspective to understand the meaning of something in the world of only different perspectives. Which can represent anything like your perspective which is neither true nor false but just a perspective. If you want to truly understand Nietzsche then you should be warned that you truly never will.
The Provocative Writer
Nietzsche's way of writing can wake you up from a "dogmatic slumber" or put you to one. He claims to do this purposely to provocative the reader, he writes:"It is difficult to be understood, especially when one thinks and lives gangasrotogati among those only who believe and live otherwise—namely, kurmagati, or at best "froglike," mandeikagati (I do everything to be "difficulty understood" myself!)—and one should be heartily grateful for the goodwill to some refinement of interpretation. As regards "the good readers," however, who are always too easy-going, and think that as readers they have a right to ease, one does well at the very first to grant them a play-ground and romping place for misunderstanding..." (BGE, 27).
As you will see the first half of the first paragraph causes us to move against heavy rain. Our understanding of what he writes is getting difficult and every word serves as a drop of complexity. Nietzsche may have done this to tug to the common reader that he does not want to be understood easily. This section works as a warning to any interpretation you may have of him because his ideas being as controversial as they are, will more than likely be something new. This Nietzsche expresses this when he writes:
"Our eyes find it easier on a given occasion to produce a picture already often produced than to seize upon the divergence and novelty of an impression: the latter requires more force, more "morality." It is difficult and painful for the ear to listen to anything new; we hear strange music badly. When we hear another language spoken, we involuntarily attempt to form the sounds into words with which we are more familiar and conversant—it was thus, for example, that the Germans modified the spoken word ARCUBALISTA into ARMBRUST (cross-bow)"
In addition Nietzsche is provocative in the way he carries himself to which he claims that:
“...insights must—and should—appear as follies, and under certain circumstances as crimes, when they come unauthorizedly to the ears of those who are not disposed and predestined for them” (BGE, 30).
As we can see Nietzsche is challenging to read because he is a provocative writer.
As we see we must read Nietzsche with caution to avoid being blinded by our biases by acknowledging the multiple perspectives on truths as it aligns with his Perspectivism. In addition, our understandings now reflect on a deeper question: Where do our interpretations come from and which ones can we trust? Whatever the answer may be, we can safely conclude that we must read Nietzsche's work with caution.
submitted by Schizo_Thinker to Nietzsche [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:41 S1159P Pros/cons for graphing calculator vs. Desmos?

My kid is very attached to her graphing calculator. Is there any reason to prefer practicing with and using Desmos instead of her trusty SAT-approved graphing calculator? She's only taken the SAT on paper before, but has the DSAT scheduled for August.
submitted by S1159P to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:37 stockbreakerOG CHILL.. HODL

This is something I had and missed out on.. I paper handed.. paperhand most of the other big names also.. I wanted to see how.... cough".. dilution" (share offering)was done on this thang.. this gave me some extra hope.. I would have retired if I had not sold so many times. I don't want to miss this..
I still remember cokerat screaming negativity
Cult stock.. the others I lost were from stoplosses that executed 1 dollar below..
submitted by stockbreakerOG to Superstonk [link] [comments]