Example of autobiographical essays

Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory

2017.11.10 15:18 jstaylor01 Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory

Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory (SDAM) refers to a lifelong inability to vividly recollect or re-experience personal past events from a first-person perspective. Many people who have Aphantasia have SDAM.

2018.04.17 03:10 thenextaynrand Story and Style: Discussions on the Craft of Writing

The home for discussion of all the tools in a writer's toolbox.

2013.08.09 21:31 TermsOfContradiction Strategy, History, Procurement, International Politics, National Defense, Intelligence

This is a forum dedicated to civil and informed discussion of military and defense issues and to bring better public understand of related topics. As such, our rules are more stringent than the typical subreddit.

2024.06.09 10:05 Shi144 Egotism vs Altruism

Dear Broadchurch fans, I have posted a series of rewatches of season 1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadchurch\_series\_1) of Broadchurch. Now I find it is time to review some of the prevalent themes within the series. Please be aware that I will discuss season 1 as a whole, so there may be spoilers ahead.
If you enjoy reading this essay, feel free to stop by my AnalysisVault to see if you find some more of my work to your liking. Please note that this subreddit is read only and comments should be made with the original posts rather than the cross-posted ones.

Egotism vs Altruism
One of the more prevalent themes in Broadchurch is the question of egotism vs altruism. I will give you a short overview of both concepts as well as the spectrum they represent, then speak about their implementation in the series and finally make a statement about why the makers chose to make it a central theme.

Wikipedia states:
Egotism is defined as the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance distinguished by a person's amplified vision of one's self and self-importance. It often includes intellectual, physical, social, and other overestimations. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the centrality of the "me" regarding their personal qualities.
In essence, egotism is the personal philosophy of “me first”. A person with strong egotistical tendencies will make sure their own needs are met before those of others. Think, if you will, of the people who will take the best slice of cake for themselves or drive a gas guzzler out of convenience or cut the line at the airport to get the best seat. All of these are egotistical actions. On the other hand, some egotism is warranted for self-preservation. The parent who gives their all for their children but runs themself ragged in the process may need to exercise more egotism. The health care professional who routinely skips their break to care for never-ending patients may want to be more self-preserving by being more selfish. Things like that. In general, society views egotistic action and unfavorable while oftentime people with egotistical traits tend to be more successful in certain areas of life.

Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals above oneself. While objects of altruistic concern vary, it is an important moral value in many cultures and religions. It may be considered a synonym of selflessness, the opposite of selfishness.
In essence, altruism is the personal philosophy of “others first”. A person with strong altruistic tendencies will make sure the needs of others are met before their own. Think, if you will, of the people who will hand out food to others happily but forget to get any of their own, take great strides to pick up trash in a local park or offer up their seat for a disabled person on the bus. All of these are altruistic actions. In general, society views altruism as beneficial and a trait to strive for while oftentimes people with altruistic traits tend to be less successful and may feel taken advantage of.

Basically, egotism vs altruism is the Captain Kirk vs Mr Spock discussion. Spock says: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”, goes into a highly irradiated engine room to save the Enterprise and dies in the process. Kirk says “The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many” and risks war with the Klingons because he can’t live without his buddy.
However, every action has aspects of both in them. Each action every person takes has both egotistic and altruistic nuances to them. The interesting part is where the balance falls. I will let you decide for yourself which way the pendulum swings on the following examples.
Some examples:
The healthcare worker who overworks themselves acts in an altruistic way because they support patients and help them get better. But they are also egotistical in their own way because being “the supportive one” strokes their ego.
The person who drives the gas guzzler acts in an egotistic way because they pollute the environment unnecessarily, take up a lot of space with their vehicle and probably stink up the place with their fumes. But they might also have an altruistic aspect because they need to move large groups of people, feel they are supporting an industry that gives jobs to workers or even further the economy by spending money.
The person handing out food but not taking any for themselves can be very altruistic but depending on the person they can be very egotistic instead, for example when they decide to hog the table, demand ever-lasting gratitude for their “sacrifice” and/or post their actions on social media for clout.
Finally, a person who writes lengthy analyses and posts them on Reddit may appear altruistic because they attempt to enrich the lives of others with their observations and (hopefully) witty posts. They may also be egotistic in an attempt to garner attention and positive reinforcement through the community they choose to post in.

Implementation in the series:
One of the great things about the series is the fact that they are aware of the different sides of egotism and altruism and allow the viewer to form their own opinion. Hardly ever is anything said bluntly, most of the time we are left to figure out things of our own. We see the way the characters act, we see the way they interact and are interacted with and we are left to make our own decision. Hardly ever are things black and white, hardly ever are we given the one true answer ™.
This is one of the main reasons the series is as emotionally impactful as it is. Because life is messy. Life isn’t neat. Life isn’t simple. Stories with simple and clear answers are not realistic because life doesn’t work that way. Think about it. In the last decade or so there were a lot of shows and movies looking deeper into the question of fairy tale villains and whether they were villains at all. Star Wars does this masterfully by looking at Anakin Skywalker’s arch. He seems like a clear-cut villain in episode 4, the first to hit the screens, but as more of his story is revealed, he becomes much less cartoonishly evil.
In fact, the idea of egotism vs altruism is the driving factor in the various aspects of the investigation the detectives conduct. Look at the different suspects, if you will. All of them have (at the very least) some very egotistical behaviors. Steve Conelly, con man and maybe psychic is getting a feeling of importance when passing on his “messages” to the great expense of Beth Latimer, among others. Mark Latimer is so very much wrapped up in his selfishness he neglects just about everyone around him unless caring for them fulfills his needs. Nigel Carter engulfs himself with righteous anger against Jack Marshal, not for the community but seeking Mark’s approval. Paul Coates revels in the attention he and his church gain from the case. Susan Wright is so eager to protect herself, she harms others pre-emptively. Jack Marshal, the man who slept with a child, then married her. No 40-year-old man would do that for selfless reasons.
All of the suspects we are presented in the show are – in one way or the other – selfish. And that’s perfect. Murdering a child is an inherently selfish action. The true joy of the show comes with finding out that the murderer is a man who we are made to perceive as deeply selfless.
Let’s take a look at Joe Miller and how he is portrayed on the show. As I have stated in the various rewatch posts, most of the time Joe Miller is shown as loving, caring and genuinely supportive parent and partner. As u/Vioralarama stated so well in my post about episode 5, “He's got the plot armor of the supportive spouse who handles all the emotional work for the person working the crime.” On the surface, he does. Every time we see Joe Miller, he is seen with a member of his family. And every time he is seen he is doing some sort of supportive work for them.
Case in point, when Joe and DS Miller invite DI Hardy to their home for dinner, Joe does it all. Puts the kids to bed, prepares dinner, does the dishes. He tries to mediate between DI Hardy and DS Miller, too, and makes a great effort to lighten the mood.
Once you look below the surface, though, things look entirely different. We see glimpses here and there that things are not what they seem, mostly through things we DON’T see rather than the things to DO see.
Joe Miller shows some worrying signs of being a neglectful parent and partner quite early on in the show. To pick up the example of the dinner experience, when DS Miller leaves the room, Joe Miller uses the time he has alone with DI Hardy to probe him for information. If he truly were the supportive husband the show wants us to believe, he would’ve used that time to help both find common ground in their working relationship. DI Hardy is the one who brings that up and asks about whether DS Miller likes him. The conversation is cut short though as Joe Miller filled the narrow time slot with questions about the case and didn’t leave DI Hardy enough to ask about how to improve his working relationship with DS Miller. Case in point, DS Miller keeps complaining that DI Hardy addresses her as “DS Miller” instead of “Ellie”. This would have been a great talking point for Joe Miller in that moment, asking “why” and mediating between them. Also, did Joe Miller make a dinner invitation to help DS Miller and DI Hardy form a working relationship or did he do it to garnish information?
More examples:
When DS Miller and Joe Miller tell Tom Miller about Danny’s passing, both leave him alone in his bedroom. Neither offer a shoulder to cry on. Sure, DS Miller is just as responsible as Joe here but Joe is the stay-at-home parent and therefore the more direct caretaker than DS Miller. Also, over the course of the show we never see Joe actually engaging with Tom, there is no attempt at comforting him, not even when he is obviously distraught. Joe Miller lets Tom out of his sight at the Arcade in episode 5, right in the middle of the “pedophile panic” surrounding Jack Marshal. Just in general, Tom spends a LOT of time wandering the town alone. This image doesn’t sit well with the façade of caring, loving, altruistic father.
Indeed, the filmmakers are pulling one over our eyes with Joe, who turns out to be one of the most egotistic persons in the town. Joe spends time and family money on Danny, he breaks into a holiday hut to do so, manipulates the boy with abuser language and, when threatened to be deprived of his attention, gets so angry he strangles the boy. Whom he still believes to be his son’s best friend. And who is his best friend’s son. The same best friend he then begs for praise because he didn’t drop the body into the ocean so he didn’t have to spend years wondering what happened to the boy.
But why do the filmmakers do this? The series REVELS in red herrings, side plots, dead ends and misdirection. The greatest misdirection they can give us is showing us the “perfect” man and making him turn out to be the most terrible one of all. It’s an emotional gut punch and the type of storytelling that works really well with the type of story they want to convey. Because the story of Broadchurch is not about Danny’s murder, it’s about the fallout that follows. A community like this learning that one of their “best people” is indeed a child murderer has to have a terrible ripple course through it, upsetting it deeply.
With so many other characters filling the “egotism” bill, we are offered a view beyond the picturesque coastal town in Dorset, England, where things look perfect, harmonious and just lovely. The series revels in showing us this image and dissecting it piece by piece, looking deeper and deeper into the cesspool of secrets and bad decisions. As such, the viewer is given the change to observe the deep hurt inflicted upon the more altruistic characters – most of which happen to be women – by the egotistic characters – many of which happen to be men. It is the direct and even more terribly indirect hurt that is inflicted upon the altruistic ones that gives the story the emotional impact it has.
Case in point, Beth Latimer and DS Miller both are exploited by their husbands and end up not only dealing with the direct fallout of their respective actions but hurt to a point they cannot even rely on each other anymore. They are both stripped of the delusion of happiness and family being their haven. They are also both stripped of a friendship which could supply each with a friend who “gets it”. Heck, just for the fun of it the makers toss in Susan Wright, a woman who has been so terribly hurt by her husband that she became jaded enough to “join the other team”. She has become the egotistic abuser her husband was simply because she (probably) used to be altruistic. Her experience with her husband, the police and the loss of her kids have kicked her to the other side of egotism simply out of a deep need for self-preservation.
Before the question comes up, no, the series is not about men vs women, or men = bad, women = good. And neither is this post. There are egotistic women in the story, like Karen White, Susan Wright or Becca Fisher. There are altruistic men in the story, too, like DI Hardy. But the trend is quite distinct. In my own personal experience this comes from the general societal expectation that women should be altruistic and work for the group. An expectation that is not socialized as thoroughly in men. The show picks up on this and showcases it to great effect, placing a great emphasis on the price some women are made to pay for following this expectation.
Finally, the question of egotism vs altruism is a thinking point the viewer is left to ponder with beyond the end credits of the last episode. The discussion of who is what and how much can keep the viewer’s mind busy for some time. Several people on this sub posted they hated Mark Latimer’s selfishness, and many commenters agree. If you ask me, this is a great result for a series, making the viewers contemplate things such as this beyond the actual viewing experience.
submitted by Shi144 to Broadchurch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 Daisy793 I love when my ship gets barely updated and when it finally does, I see this.

I love when my ship gets barely updated and when it finally does, I see this.
Like wow. Imagine writing about a ship you don't like and then posting it on the relationship tag, where people who most likely like the ship will see it.
Immediate block and mute. I wasn't even curious enough to click it to see what they wrote.
(Not sure if I needed to censor the names but I guess without it, it'll be pretty easy to find the work since again, the ship barely gets updated. Let me know if I need to censor the title more or not.)
submitted by Daisy793 to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:31 Historical-Fold-3702 Graduating soon with a CS + Philosophy degree and feeling really lost; how do I find my path?

Hi all,
I'm a university student graduating in a few months with a computer science and philosophy degree. I've done everything I was "supposed" to do - get good grades, do internships, network - but I still feel so lost in what job I should do in the future. I have interned at various companies in various types of roles (software dev, data analyst, currently a consultant intern), but I haven't truly enjoyed any of them. For example, as a software dev, I get really frustrated when I can't figure out how to fix a bug, and I'm just not that interested in keeping up with new technology. I did enjoy most of the courses I took (logic, operating systems, machine learning etc.), but it never clicked naturally for me and I had to study really, really hard to get decent grades.
In university I found an interest in philosophy. I really enjoy thinking about different philosophical concepts, reading the arguments presented by different philosophers, and writing essays where I motivate and form my own thoughts. I found it much easier to do well in my philosophy classes than my CS classes (though I'm not sure if it's because the CS students at my uni are just way too smart). At the same time, I don't see myself pursuing a PhD and becoming a professor or "professional philosopher."
I have considered going to law school, but I've heard mostly negative things about being a lawyer, and it is a big commitment that would put me in a lot of debt.
My current plan is to apply for software developer new-grad roles. However, given the current tough job market (especially in tech) and AI's (possible) takeover of tech roles, I'm really worried that I'm heading towards a dead-end (for me). I want to enjoy my work and be successful in my career, and while some people say that "follow your passion" is bad advice, I think there is some truth to pursuing a career that you are interested in. I just don't know what that is. I feel really lost, and any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Historical-Fold-3702 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:01 adulting4kids December 2nd Prompts and Character Profile Template

This post will repeat weekly through the month of December. Please repost or cross post as a way to promote this subreddit. Or ignore this one and check out our others! I apologize if it's cramping your style, but when I work hard on certain posts I want to be sure they are useful! I also am working on making these shorter so they don't get lost in the madness....
Scroll down for the Character Questions and create a thoughtful and empathetic profile of your main characters for your projects!
As always please use these as sparks to create and feel free to post your responses and ideas in comments or separate post! This is YOUR subreddit so go ahead and post away!
Prompt: Imagine a dystopian world where an oppressive government has successfully erased all forms of personal identity and history. In this society, individuals are assigned generic roles and are forbidden from expressing their unique thoughts, emotions, or experiences. Write a short story or reflective essay exploring the life of a character who discovers a hidden underground community that encourages self-expression and reignites the importance of personal narratives.
In your response, consider the following:
  1. Character and World Building:
    • Describe the protagonist's background, their assigned role, and their initial perception of the oppressive world they inhabit.
    • Develop the hidden underground community, including its purpose, structure, and the means through which it safeguards personal stories.
    • Create a contrast between the protagonist's initial world and the underground community, highlighting the impact of personal narratives on shaping identity and resisting oppression.
  2. Plot Analysis:
    • Outline the protagonist's journey of discovery, including their initial skepticism, the influential encounters they have within the underground community, and the personal sacrifices they make to preserve their identity.
    • Explore the challenges and conflicts faced by the protagonist, both externally (e.g., encounters with government authorities) and internally (e.g., the struggle to confront their identity).
  3. Deep Introspection:
    • Prompt the protagonist to reflect deeply on the uncomfortable subjects that the government's erasure of personal narratives seeks to suppress. These could include topics such as individuality, memory, trauma, and the power of storytelling as a tool for empathy and resistance.
    • Encourage the protagonist to evolve their thoughts and perceptions throughout the narrative, considering the consequences of silence and the potential for personal growth through self-expression and sharing.
  4. Requirements for Responses:
    • Conduct research to explore real-world examples of societies that suppress personal narratives or attempt to erase collective memory.
  5. Prompt: In a post-apocalyptic world, a devastating pandemic has wiped out most of humanity. The survivors are forced to live in isolated communities, each with its own set of strict rules and customs. Write a short story or reflective essay exploring the life of a character who questions the existing order and embarks on a journey to unite these fragmented communities. Consider the role of unity, diversity, and collaboration in rebuilding a shattered world.
  6. Prompt: Set in a future where advanced AI technology has permeated every aspect of society, write a story or reflective essay following a protagonist who begins to question the boundaries between human and machine. Delve into the ethical implications of human-AI relationships, the erosion of human emotions, and the potential consequences of blurring the line between artificial and genuine experiences.
  7. Prompt: Imagine a world where climate change and environmental degradation have irreversibly altered the planet. Write a story or reflective essay from the perspective of a character who is part of a group striving to restore balance and heal the damaged Earth. Explore the connections between personal responsibility, collective action, and the intersections of social and environmental justice.
  8. Prompt: Transport yourself to a society where strict social hierarchies are based on a person's genetic makeup. Write a short story or reflective essay following a character who challenges this system and advocates for equality and inclusivity. Examine the role of genetic determinism, discrimination, and the power of individual agency in reshaping social structures.
  9. Prompt: Imagine a world where art and creativity are considered illegal, seen as tools of subversion and chaos. Write a story or reflective essay from the perspective of an artist who risks everything to defy this oppressive regime and reclaim the power of artistic expression. Analyze the significance of art as a form of resistance, its ability to inspire change, and its impact on personal and societal transformation.
Remember to consider the following for each of the prompts to insure a well rounded and thought out premise that will engage the audience and allow room for growth in the plot.
Prompt 1 - Post-Apocalyptic Community Building:
Prompt 2 - Ethical Implications of AI Technology:
Prompt 3 - Environmental Restoration and Social Justice:
Prompt 4 - Genetic Hierarchy and Social Change:
Prompt 5 - Artistic Expression as Resistance:
  1. Chick Lit: Write a chick lit novel or short story following a relatable protagonist navigating the challenges of love, career, and self-discovery. Explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and finding balance in a fast-paced, modern world.
  2. Young Readers' Adventure: Imagine a group of young friends who stumble upon a hidden portal to another realm. Write an adventure novel or short story as they embark on a quest to save a magical world from darkness. Delve into themes of friendship, bravery, and the power of imagination.
  3. Historical Fiction: Set in a time of significant historical events, write a novel or short story highlighting a lesser-known figure or group of people. Research the historical context meticulously and emphasize the character's resilience, struggles, and contributions during that tumultuous period.
  4. Fantasy: Create a fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, magic, and ancient prophecies. Write a novel or short story following a young protagonist who discovers their extraordinary abilities and must navigate a treacherous journey to fulfill their destiny. Explore themes of self-discovery, heroism, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
  5. Mystery/Thriller: Write a gripping mystery or thriller novel following a seasoned detective or amateur sleuth investigating a perplexing crime. Develop complex characters, suspenseful plot twists, and an intricate web of clues and red herrings that keep readers guessing until the very end.
  6. Science Fiction: Set in a future where technological advancements have transformed society, write a novel or short story exploring the ethical and societal implications of groundbreaking inventions. Examine themes such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, or virtual reality and their impact on humanity's future.
  7. Romance: Craft a heartwarming romance novel or short story centered around two individuals from different backgrounds or opposing sides. Explore themes of love, forgiveness, and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  8. Coming-of-Age: Write a coming-of-age novel or short story following a young protagonist's journey of self-discovery, identity formation, and navigating the complexities of adolescence. Explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and the challenges of transitioning into adulthood.
  9. Psychological Thriller: Create a psychological thriller novel or short story that delves into the intricacies of the human mind. Focus on a protagonist who becomes entangled in a web of deception, manipulation, and paranoia. Explore themes of trust, perception, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion.
  10. Family Drama: Write a novel or short story exploring the dynamics and complexities within a multi-generational family. Include themes of love, secrets, and conflicts that arise as family members navigate their relationships, face past traumas, and strive for reconciliation.
Considerations for each prompt:
  1. Historical Romance: Write a one-page historical romance set in a lavish ballroom during the Victorian era. Focus on the forbidden love between a spirited debutante and a mysterious gentleman from a different social class.
  2. Science Fiction Comedy: Craft a one-page comedic story set in a futuristic space station. Follow the misadventures of a clumsy maintenance technician who unwittingly saves the day against all odds.
  3. Paranormal Mystery: Pen a one-page mystery story set in a haunted mansion. Introduce a skeptical paranormal investigator who must solve the mystery of a ghostly apparition that has been terrorizing the inhabitants.
  4. Literary Fiction: Write a one-page literary fiction piece centered around a character's contemplation of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing the present moment.
  5. Action Adventure: Craft a one-page action-packed adventure story set in the jungles of an unexplored island. Follow a daring archaeologist's quest for a hidden treasure while battling against treacherous obstacles and rival adventurers.
  6. Psychological Drama: Create a one-page psychological drama following the internal struggles of a troubled artist as they grapple with their inner demons and seek redemption.
  7. Magical Realism: Write a one-page magical realism story set in a sleepy coastal town. Explore the extraordinary occurrences that happen when an enigmatic mermaid washes ashore and disrupts the mundane lives of the townsfolk.
  8. Thriller: Craft a one-page thriller story involving a race against time. Follow a determined protagonist as they try to decipher cryptic clues and prevent a citywide disaster.
  9. Fantasy Adventure: Pen a one-page fantasy adventure story set in a whimsical realm. Follow a young hero's quest to retrieve a stolen artifact and restore balance to the land, encountering fantastical creatures and overcoming obstacles along the way.
  10. Historical Fiction Mystery: Write a one-page historical fiction mystery set during the Roaring Twenties. Follow a quick-witted detective as they unravel a web of deceit and intrigue surrounding a glamorous underground speakeasy in the heart of the city.
Considerations for each prompt:
Protagonist Character Profile:
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Gender:
  4. Physical appearance:
  5. Background:
  6. Personality traits (list at least five):
  7. Core values and beliefs:
  8. Motivations and goals:
  9. Biggest fear:
  10. Internal conflicts:
  11. External conflicts:
  12. Strengths:
  13. Weaknesses:
  14. Childhood experiences and their impact:
  15. Education and professional background:
  16. Relationship status and dynamics:
  17. Quirks or peculiar habits:
  18. Psychological disorders, if any:
  19. Familial relationships and dynamics:
  20. Support system (friends, mentors, etc.):
  21. Traumatic experiences and their effects:
  22. Coping mechanisms:
  23. Emotional vulnerabilities:
  24. Resilience and determination:
  25. Personal growth throughout the story:
Protagonist Character Questions:
  1. What drives the protagonist to take action and pursue their goals?
  2. How does the protagonist's childhood shape their behaviors and choices?
  3. What values does the protagonist hold dear, and how do they influence their decision-making process?
  4. What inner conflicts does the protagonist face, and how do they attempt to reconcile them?
  5. How does the protagonist's education and professional background contribute to their strengths and weaknesses?
  6. What traumatic experiences has the protagonist overcome, and how have these experiences shaped their worldview?
  7. How does the protagonist cope with stress or adversity?
  8. What relationships and dynamics are most significant to the protagonist, and how do these relationships evolve throughout the story?
  9. In what ways does the protagonist exhibit resilience and determination in the face of challenges?
  10. How does the protagonist approach personal growth and self-improvement?
  11. What psychological disorders, if any, does the protagonist struggle with, and how do these disorders impact their thoughts and actions?
  12. How does the protagonist's physical appearance contribute to their self-perception and interactions with others?
  13. What unique quirks or habits does the protagonist possess that make them stand out?
  14. What are the protagonist's primary desires and aspirations?
  15. How does the protagonist's internalized fear drive or hinder their actions?
  16. How does the protagonist navigate and resolve external conflicts?
  17. What coping mechanisms does the protagonist rely on during times of stress or emotional turmoil?
  18. How do familial relationships and dynamics influence the protagonist's actions and decisions?
  19. What significant life choices or dilemmas does the protagonist face throughout the story, and how do they respond?
  20. In what ways does the protagonist's support system impact their growth and resilience?
  21. How does the protagonist's personal development and self-discovery contribute to the overall narrative arc?
  22. How does the protagonist's background and experiences shape their perception of the world?
  23. What are the protagonist's core beliefs and values, and how do these impact their interactions with others?
  24. How does the protagonist handle setbacks or failures, and what lessons do they learn from these experiences?
  25. What external influences or societal pressures affect the protagonist's decision-making process?
Antagonist Character Profile:
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Gender:
  4. Physical appearance:
  5. Background:
  6. Personality traits (list at least five):
  7. Core values and beliefs:
  8. Motivations and goals:
  9. Biggest fear:
  10. Internal conflicts:
  11. External conflicts:
  12. Strengths:
  13. Weaknesses:
  14. Childhood experiences and their impact $ Go on
  1. Education and professional background: 16. Relationship status and dynamics: 17. Quirks or peculiar habits: 18. Psychological disorders, if any: 19. Familial relationships and dynamics: 20. Support system (friends, mentors, etc.): 21. Traumatic experiences and their effects: 22. Coping mechanisms: 23. Emotional vulnerabilities: 24. Strategies for achieving their goals: 25. Methods they employ to antagonize the protagonist:
Antagonist Character Questions:
  1. What drives the antagonist to oppose the protagonist and act as an obstacle in their journey?
  2. How does the antagonist's background and upbringing contribute to their negative behaviors and motivations?
  3. What core values and beliefs does the antagonist hold that align with their antagonistic actions?
  4. What personal goals or desires does the antagonist seek to fulfill?
  5. What is the biggest fear or insecurity that drives the antagonist's actions?
  6. How does the antagonist's internal conflicts manifest and impact their decisions?
  7. What external conflicts arise as a result of the antagonist's actions, and how do they handle these conflicts?
  8. In what ways does the antagonist exhibit strength and power, and how do these traits affect their interactions with others?
  9. What are the antagonist's weaknesses or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the protagonist?
  10. How have childhood experiences shaped the antagonist's worldview and motivations?
  11. How does the antagonist's education and professional background contribute to their methods and strategies?
  12. What familial relationships or dynamics influence the antagonist's actions and choices?
  13. What unique quirks or habits does the antagonist possess that make them distinct or memorable?
  14. Are there any psychological disorders or conditions that contribute to the antagonist's behavior?
  15. How does the antagonist cope with stress or emotional turmoil?
  16. What strategies or tactics does the antagonist employ to achieve their goals and antagonize the protagonist?
  17. How do the antagonist's actions impact their relationships and interactions with other characters in the story?
18.How does the antagonist perceive and justify their actions, even if they are considered morally or ethically wrong?
  1. What external influences or societal pressures contribute to the antagonist's motivations or actions?
  2. How does the antagonist's physical appearance contribute to their demeanor and portrayal in the story?
  3. What significant life choices or dilemmas has the antagonist faced, and how have these shaped their character?
  4. What is the antagonist's reaction to setbacks or failures, and how do they adapt their strategies?
  5. How does the antagonist's support system or lack thereof impact their actions and decisions?
  6. What past traumatic experiences or events have influenced the antagonist's worldview and behaviors?
  7. How does the antagonist's emotional state or emotional vulnerabilities influence their actions and interactions with others?
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:10 willrsauls Phoenix Wright: Justice for All is one of the greatest games ever made

This is another long one. Oops.
Okay. Earlier today, I posted this essay covering the first Phoenix Wright game and why I think it’s one of the best games ever. I want to talk about it’s sequel now, Justice for All, but I left the link to my original post since I don’t want to retread old ground and simply focus on how this game both improves on and falls behind the original.
Justice for All is often considered the weakest of the main Phoenix Wright trilogy and it’s not hard to see why. Not only is it not able to make the same kind of first impression that the original game was able to on account of it coming first, but seemingly most of Justice for All is designed as more of a middle chapter in the series, with almost every plot point and character it sets up being paid off in the next game, Trials and Tribulations. However, I still think the game is fantastic and while it doesn’t live up to the original imo, it definitely outshines Trials and Tribulations both in terms of gameplay and cases in my opinion.
Before properly diving in though, I do want to cover some context that helps paint how I view this game compared to its predecessor. I mentioned in the original post how the original Ace Attorney came at a really important time in my life. I first played it going into high school in 2015 and it’s the kind of game that when I replay it, I’m hit with extremely vivid memories of working through cases on long bus rides for school as that September came to a close and Halloween was on the horizon. I say this because the same can NOT be said of Justice for All or Trials and Tribulations. I played Justice for All all the way through for the first time in 2021. I have almost no nostalgia for this game and its sequel. I do honestly feel like this is a part of why I prefer the original game and probably always will. At the end of the day, these games are of a quality that if you told me any of these three games were the best one, I basically wouldn’t argue with you. Anyway, let’s dive in.
In terms of gameplay, Justice for All is a strict improvement across the board. The basics are all here from investigation scenes and court battles. Overall, what I noticed playing this game was a pretty sharp spike in overall difficulty. Nothing gets to the same level of challenge as Rise from the Ashes, but when it comes to the base versions of each game, Justice for All is more challenging than the original game. Larger leaps of logic and a keener eye for detail are required in general, as well as what the new changes bring to the table.
When it comes to changes, Justice for All brings in one major change and a few subtler ones. That big change is psyche locks. In investigation segments, you can now present a new item in investigations called magatama to see a person’s psyche locks, with there being more or less based on how much they want to hide whatever secret their holding. To break these locks, you have to confront the person and present evidence at each roadblock, with each piece removing one lock each. If you present incorrect evidence, you will lose some of your credibility meter (which has also been changed since last game). However, if you run out entirely, you will just have to try again from the beginning instead of being sent to the game over screen. I really like this mechanic. It allows more direct confrontation to happen during investigation segments, making them more exciting, but not overshadowing the trials. My one issue with this mechanic is this. You will often discover these before you have the right evidence to break them, which is fine. I have no problem with this. However, because of this, you can back out of a confrontation once you’ve already engaged, which is also a great idea since you could simply not have enough evidence to go all the way. My one suggestion to improve this would be when the player backs out of unlocking these locks, the game gave more of a hint if whether or not you have the right evidence to break the locks or you should try something else. It can be hard sometimes to be sure you have all the right evidence to break someone’s psyche locks and it leads to more times where I’m running from place to place, lost in an investigation. I would appreciate more of a hint towards that I have the evidence I need, I just need to find the right pieces.
Speaking of evidence, you can now present profiles. In the original game, profiles acted as a log of every character involved in a case and it was a nice feature, but it was just there. The fact you can now present these profiles in court and investigations is a fantastic addition. Not only does it just give you more evidence, but it also removes the need for pieces of evidence from the first game that only served to bring that person up in conversation (stuff like photos of people).
One of the subtler gameplay changes is that of the credibility meter. In the first game, it was extremely simple. You simply got 5 “lives” in court with each mistake costing one. In Justice for All, the credibility meter is segmented into 10 sections, with most mistakes removing 2. This may seem like the same mechanic on the surface, but this does allow for smaller mistakes to cost 1 segment and larger ones to cost 3-4. This allows the game to raise and lower the stakes even more than it already did in the first game.
In my previous post, I mentioned how I felt the way the game implemented pressing left a bit to be desired, mostly in how the new information gained solved half the problem. This game has instances where information obtained from pressing informs a contradiction within a different pairing of testimony and evidence and I think it perfects the mechanic.
One final change has to do with question prompts. For example, in the first game, you would occasionally be given a prompt to either present evidence or let a certain point slide. In that game, the correct answer was always to present evidence and expose a contradiction. In Justice for All, while there are still instances of this, there are far more times where the right answer is to not present evidence as you don’t have sufficient evidence to prove a contradiction, or maybe there isn’t even one. This is part of why Justice for All feels harder than the first game. You really need a keener eye for detail and a better handle on the overarching case.
That pretty much covers gameplay, so all that’s left is everything else. Thankfully, there’s not much left to discuss.
In terms of visuals and sound, this game is still top notch. However, I do think the original music in this game isn’t quite to the same standard as the first game. It’s all still great, but I’m not as into the new music as I was in the first game. That could very well just be nostalgia talking though. The new music is still very good.
The pacing of this game is an interesting change. The original game had a set structure. Starting with case 3, each case had 3 investigation segments and 3 trials, with the final trial being divided into 2 segments. Rise from the Ashes was quite a bit longer, with each trial lasting twice or three times as long as normal, but that case was added onto the first game after the original trilogy wrapped up. Justice for All starts a formula that would go into Trials and Tribulations where each case (barring the first) has 2 investigations and 2 trials, each being divided into 2 segments as they’re more in depth than the previous game.
What results is a game that’s significantly longer than the original. Sure, if you look at both games on howlongtobeat, the original averages at 18 hours where Justice for All hits 18 1/2, but you have to consider the original game’s time includes Rise from the Ashes, which wasn’t in the original release and lasts a good 7-9 hours. That means we’re really looking at the jump from a 9-hour game to an 18-hour one. However, despite being almost double the length with a similar amount of cases (comparing the base games), what’s incredible is that Justice for All doesn’t feel bloated. Rather, that extended length is more an indicator of how much more complex each case is.
Franziska von Karma is a fun new antagonist. Didn’t know where else to put this.
Now it’s time for the story. Overall, Justice For All’s story is pretty nothing. There’s some intrigue with what happened to Edgeworth between games (though not really if you played Rise from the Ashes, which filled that gap between games), and seeing more of Maya’s family is cool, like I said before, this game’s main purpose narratively is to lead into Trials and Tribulations. Let’s talk about each case individually.
The Lost Turnabout is a fine enough place to start. Maggie Byrd is a really fun character and the case has more twists and turns than The First Turnabout, but Phoenix having amnesia after a head injury as an excuse to teach the player all the mechanics again causes this one to drag a ton. If it weren’t for the amnesia gimmick and you could skip the tutorials, this case would probably be my favorite tutorial.
On the other hand, Reunion, and Turnabout is absolutely phenomenal. Maya Fey stands accused for murder again, but this time, not only were you near the scene of the crime as it happened, but Maya is convinced she’s responsible. Not only is it great to have Maya back, but this case easily does the most for the core Ace Attorney storyline, as it introduces us to more of Maya’s family. Pearl Fey is a great new addition to the cast and another fun person you’ll bounce off of in the later cases as well as Maya. The setup for this case is super intriguing and I love where it all eventually goes. This is one of my favorites.
Turnabout Big Top. This one’s just kind of okay. It’s a bit long and I struggle to get through it where I could beat basically every other case in one sitting if I wanted to. I want to emphasize that in this trilogy, even the worst case is still pretty fun, but this definitely started the tradition of lame 3rd cases. Not to mention it gives off vibes of the much superior Turnabout Samurai with its entertainment industry setting and celebrity defendant, whom Maya is an obsessive fan of. It’s fine, but it struggles to stand out.
The game concludes with Farewell, My Turnabout. This right here is my favorite case in the series. I know we still have Bridge to the Turnabout to cover in the next game, but this case right here is a high point the series has never reached again imo. The whole thing is so intense and challenging and I love the setup.
I am going to spoil the big twist for this case. I can’t accurately portray how cool this case is without it. For the record, I knew this twist going in and it didn’t hinder my enjoyment, but here’s a warning anyway. The spoiler-free version is this: the case is absolutely fucking brilliant.
The case starts off with a murder and Maya being kidnapped. You’re tasked with defending Matt Engarde, as the kidnapper’s price for Maya’s freedom is Matt’s acquittal. The thing is though, after breaking down Matt’s psyche locks during the second day of investigation, you realize Matt actually is the murderer. So what results is an interesting moral dilemma and trying to buy enough time in court to avoid it entirely! This case ends with maybe the toughest challenge in the entire series.
Phoenix Wright: Justice for All is a great game and a worthy follow up to one of my favorite games of all time. I also think it's a really interesting game to break down and discuss. I understand why it’s seen as the weakest, but I’ll always respect it. Its cases may be far more of a mixed bag and it doesn’t tell a great overarching story, but the good cases and their individual storylines basically make up for it imo. If you ask me, Justice for All is definitely the most consistently engaging gameplay experience the original trilogy has to offer, with Trials and Tribulations having a better narrative at the cost of simpler gameplay compared to Justice for All, but we’ll cover that game in due time. I definitely think this game is worth a play, even if I don’t think it holds up to the original.
submitted by willrsauls to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:11 ajamesdeandaydream i think we sometimes overestimate how much dean was assassinated to make room for jess

this is about to be a huge deep dive into dean’s development between seasons 1 & 2-it’s very long, practically an essay, i apologize in advance. also this is just my opinion and i speak with a lot of certainty but i think everything’s open to interpretation and love to hear everyone else’s
alright so don’t get me wrong, dean arguably does get much visibly worse in season 2, and i do think a reasonable portion of it is to alienate him so we get behind jess, but i think a good deal of the time it’s overshot of just how much and can result in misunderstanding his character because we attribute things he’s done to randomness to piss us off and not intentional marks of who he is
first off, dean in the first 6 or so episodes was definitely different than the rest of the first season generally because i don’t think the writers had an entirely clear vision for him yet. he evolved from an admittedly kind but smart and witty, leather jacket wearing city boy who knew pop culture and seemed to keep up with rory (their very first interaction is him getting the rosemarys baby reference and her being dazzled) to a small town and small minded way too nice boy by mid season, but that was all before jess was even a concept so he had nothing to do with that. i admit though that if you compare dean in the pilot to dean in s3 then yeah you’ll certainly feel some whiplash
but additionally, dean was never set up to be the end game and i think that’s pretty clear. i believe dean was always supposed to have some progression to be more annoying to the audience after the first season, it was just supposed to be for tristan’s sake and not jess’ (ASP really loves the theme of different kinds of loves and how relationships, even failed relationships have value in development. dean was not really ever supposed to step outside of the first boyfriend, first love, stable and generally pretty light and warm role, at least i don’t think he was). but, with CMM’s unplanned departure and milo’s abrupt entrance, it became way way more glaringly obvious in the audience’s eyes what they were doing because it was easy to pinpoint jess’ arrival as pretty much exactly when dean started to be such a bother, to us and to rory. they’re also huge foils to each other and that makes it even more obvious, if the other guy was someone like marty then that wouldn’t be the case. and if jess had been there all along like tristan was supposed to be i’m not sure we’d see it as so harsh, like in dawsons creek, dawson totally becomes more outwardly annoying in s3 so we can embrace joey and pacey but no one really considers it character assassination because pacey was always there and already had an established dynamic with joey. it didn’t feel like it was out of left field in the same way.
but really, the issue i take with the view that he’s totally different in s2 just to make jess look better is that im not sure i really agree with that dramatic of an assessment of his character. as in, some people act like he’s an entirely different person which slightly implies that he was a perfect flawless boyfriend in s1 and a monster in s2. i think how he acts in s2 is a very natural progression from who he was in s1, the challenges that their relationship face, and who he is when he’s no longer in the honeymoon phase with rory (they’re only together for 3 months in season 1, season 2 i think is when it begins to legitimately go beyond puppy love and that always carries some weight to it).
but he already showed signs of being weird, having a temper, and being possessive in season 1! small signs that are easy to brush off, but signs nonetheless.
to start with, rory’s dance, yes tristan was being a huge asshole and was totally goading dean. he clearly wanted a reaction so it wasn’t inappropriate that dean gave him one, but the “because i’ll kill you, idiot” line and the way he delivered it, no matter how deserved, does tell us he can get angry easily. he has more reasons to get angry in s2 because rory actually shows interest in jess that she wasn’t showing in tristan, so it seems like it came out of nowhere but i don’t think it did.
i’m not going to really get into the donna reed episode in an antagonistic way because honestly i think people use that episode as a throwing star at dean in a manner that’s a bit unforgiving of the fact that he was a kid who clearly just hadn’t yet had his perspective challenged on that subject, and it’s not that relevant to my point. what i will say is that i think his attitudes in that episode are indicative of his understanding of relationships and that he maybe subconsciously feels like a woman should be available to her man whenever he wants her to be because of some of the family dynamic he witnessed growing up. from what we see of the like 9/10 episodes they’re actively together in season 1, she usually is/it’s not actively said she isn’t so it’s not an issue. but in season 2, rory’s starting to take college apps more seriously, she’s taken on an extracurricular activity that she hadn’t the year prior, etc. dean doesn’t have that same kind of ambition in school so he has the same amount of time on his hands as he did before, so we see rory consistently not being able to meet that expectation and his frustration and insecurity mounts as a result. this is all exacerbated by jess’ presence and the fact that rory seems intrigued by him and does a shit job of hiding it.
but, my biggest example for this is the car and the way he handles the breakup. first off, it feels very plain to me that this car was not just because he loved rory so much and wanted her to be happy. the car had invisible strings. dean isn’t a criminal mastermind, i don’t think he hatched a plan and twirled his mustache about how he’d use the car to manipulate rory, but i think on a subconscious level he knew that rory could never reasonably return such a large gesture, and that even if he never directly threw it in her face there would always be a silent “i built a car for you and you can’t even return my love the way i want you to” kind of vibe. this becomes clear to me when he says i love you after only three months of dating (not uncommon for teenagers, but i’d argue that yes that’s quite soon) and then gets angry when she doesn’t immediately give him the reaction he wanted. she was 16 and it was her very first relationship and only 3 months long, it’s very natural that she be reluctant to say she was in love. it’s also very natural that he be hurt by it, of course! that absolutely sucks. but when she expresses to him part of her hesitance, he quickly became nasty and made a crack about not getting pregnant from saying i love you. then he dumps her. again he was hurt and a teenager so i get it but it certainly demonstrates an inability to cope with not having exactly what he wants from her when he wants it
obviously dean is a teenager and luke is an adult so i admit this comparison is inherently flawed yes, but just to make a contrast, if you compare the car gesture to something like the chuppah i think it demonstrates very well the difference between adolescent love and mature love, but also how to determine when a gesture is genuine vs. when it’s coming from a place of self interest. luke built the chuppah for lorelai’s wedding to someone else, in his mind he’d lost her, but he made the chuppah anyway because he just wanted her to be happy. lorelai doesn’t pick him and she still gets the chuppah. dean though, he builds the car, shows it to rory, tells her he loves her, but when she doesn’t immediately give the reaction he wants, the car disappears and him along with it. he was fundamentally inflexible and didn’t want the ego bruise of simply waiting for rory to catch up to where he was.
then after some time apart. she says she loves him too and they get back together, but i think that’s the origin point of deans insecurity that rory does not value him as much as he values her, and while largely unacknowledged, i believe that does follow them into season 2, and then all the other events that take place just serve to feed that insecurity and make it worse. not to mention the season 2 premiere, we don’t really get to see a lot of how dean emotionally copes with straight up being told he’s not good enough for rory. i imagine that gave him a major complex as well, we saw what it did to luke when he was put in that position and he’s a grown and typically very secure man. we saw what it did to rory at logan’s house too. that shit will make you spin no matter who you are, the fact that dean was already a pretty weak person generally didn’t help, i’m sure.
idk, it makes a lot of sense to me that he starts to behave the way he does and i don’t think it is as out of left field as some people think, it’s just more subtle before jess and then there are non-jess related events that make it more dramatic too. to say that he was assassinated for me holds the implication that there’s no reasonably direct line between things that happen and how a character reacts to them based on what we know. (the way luke deals with april imo is a good instance of character assassination, as it directly contradicted almost everything we had come to understand about luke and how he regarded his relationship with lorelai). but in deans case i really don’t think that’s how it was.
anyway, food for thought. congrats if you made it to the end, you’re very patient. i’m sick and don’t know where my adhd meds are so i’ve got a lot of time on my hands to do stuff like this, english major syndrome
submitted by ajamesdeandaydream to GilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:22 Intrepid_Boss_7746 doggy doggy.... what now? a character analysis on mr peanutbutter

"Let's Find Out" COMPLETELY changed my perspective on mr peanutbutter, which i realize was the intention, but it still blows my mind. there are so few moments with him where we get to look behind the curtain, even just a peek. but this moment was an intermission from his "act" so jarring he becomes an entirely different person. we talk about peanutbutter's arrogance and seemingly ignorant lack of communication skills ALL the time, and that's what i initially thought was going on as well-- but this scene surprised me even more than an american human horse writing an essay on the effects of feudalism on the french revolution in competition with daniel radcliffe on a celebrity game show.
but in all seriousness. in this one particular moment, we realize the DEPTH of mr peanutbutter's character that we almost never get to see. that this whole time, he's noticed EVERYTHING about bojack, known everything, this entire time; his behavior, the sources of his behavior and trauma, his entire life story, how he functions, what makes him tick, etc... and i say "noticed" because while bojack would actively SEARCH for that information, mr peanutbutter simply recognizes it just as much but on a more advanced plane. which is super ironic since the first time we watch them together, it seems like bojack's the smart guy and peanutbutter is a big idiot with the best dumb luck you've ever seen. bojack argues that everything comes easy to PB, to which PB retaliates "and it doesn't for you?" i thought this was interesting because in my opinion, NEITHER got what they have by taking it easy, OR genuinely deserving it. but they did know some shortcuts with roads that take emotional effort to pave. PB knows how to manipulate people so intensely not even BOJACK can pick it up. even BOJACK is paralyzed with bewilderment after seeing this entirely different mr peanutbutter. we talk about bojack's inauthenticity, but PB's goes so much deeper. i do think they're meant to be two sides of the same coin, in a similar manner as the comedy/tragedy dual masks. bojack has a hard time holding back his negative emotions, and PB has a hard time even acknowledging his. PB refuses to believe his faults but in the end grows to be the old dog he is. meanwhile, bojack is fully aware of the fact that he's a stupid piece of shit and he chooses to maintain an intelligent, yet ironically childish and explosive manner of coping. we see so little of peanutbutter's past or depth while knowing every detail of bojack's past and every level of his depth. we see nearly invisible glimpses of light from bojack, while PB's light is so blinding we don't even see the darkness. i could go on for hours about their duality. these were all examples that immediately came to mind.
another thing i've given some serious thought to are PB's "misunderstandings" ("oh, so you're in the middle of breaking up? so would it be awkward if i joined you? right now?" "i saw the stop sign so i stopped..... what i was doing to come in!"; "but i have no formal training or experience! you want ME?" we initially dismiss it as emotional arrogance or him just being a plain ol' loveable dum-dum, but he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. a man in his 50s (and i know this clarification seems unnecessary but i'll do it anyway) would easily comprehend things as simple as STOP SIGNS. he pretends to be an airhead (and locks it in with occasional and minor, but still public, embarrassing moments) so he can basically hide in plain sight.
i honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's had an event in his past so traumatic that he's come up with an entirely new personality fostered by delusion and desperation to be happy, and that's why we never really see an objective, third person view on his past. the whole "nothing bad ever happens on the labrador peninsula!" spiel? his immediate AND consistent (diane suggesting he talk to his brother about what's wrong like 3 times before he finally does) refusal to talk to captain peanutbutter, followed by his almost complete disbelief when he finds out something IS seriously wrong-- all of this speaks to me like buried trauma, most likely in his childhood that he has since repressed. it's possible he may not even REALIZE that he's manipulating these people. he could have trauma buried so deep that we LITERALLY don't see anything he doesn't want us to, or maybe even doesn't remember... but even he can be broken. and in this chaotic, fast-paced, scripted fake ass game show he's filming with bojack (don't even get me started on his passive aggression during the questions), he finally breaks from pretending to be this entirely different person, so much that he lets himself lose his act WHILE ON LIVE TELEVISION. under less duress, PB would have gone to bojack directly rather than gone AFTER bojack like that in extreme public, even if it was just passive aggression at first. but he's been bottling everything up for so long now that he just wants a break. but then he gets his hollywood 5 to collect himself before having to put that same exact face right back on and PUBLICLY admit that he forgives bojack. every second of his LIFE has been a performance.
which is why i think this moment is so beautifully profound.
submitted by Intrepid_Boss_7746 to BoJackHorseman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:09 Schizo_Thinker Interpreting Nietzsche

Introduction Nietzsche's unique way of writing allows readers to easily stumble on their biases and this is why we must read him with caution. Most of us may have heard of the multiple connections to Nietzsche and fascism from his sister and modern-day philosopher Stephan Hicks (who was my first exposure to Nietzsche). His sister was an explicit member of the National Socialist Party and Stephen Hicks wrote his book Nietzsche and the Nazis which explores the question surrounding "If they misappropriate Nietzsche's philosophy or not?" (Amazon) which I will argue in another post is likely another misconception. So to avoid these pitfalls and rabbit holes of ignorance. I will provide insights that helped me gain a better understanding of his works. I have never found anything that supports any belief that Nietzsche directly expresses support towards anti-Semitism. However, Nietzsche directly dismisses anti-semitism in The Genealogy of Morals where he writes:
"I like not the ambitious artists who would fain play the ascetic and the priest, and are at bottom nothing but tragic clowns; I like not, again, these newest speculators in idealism, the Anti-Semites, who nowadays roll their eyes in the patent Christian-Aryan-man-of-honor fashion, and by abuse of moralist attitudes and agitation dodges, so cheap as to exhaust any patience, strive to excite all the blockhead elements in the populace (the invariable success of _every_ kind of intellectual charlatanism in present-day Germany hangs together with the almost indisputable and already quite palpable desolation of the German mind, whose cause I look for in a too-exclusive diet, of papers, politics, beer, and Wagnerian music, not forgetting the condition the precedent of this diet, the national exclusiveness, and vanity, the strong but narrow principle, "Germany, Germany above everything" (GM, 3rd Essay, 26).
Now, that we uncovered why Nietzsche is not a fascist. I will begin by introducing you to an example of how Nietzsche writes, which shows how open to interpretation his work actually is.
The Philosopher with a Hammer
To start, the Nietzsche way of writing can allow readers to easily misinterpret its meaning. His style of writing is best described by Deleuze when he states:
"Nietzsche's aphorisms shatter the linear unity of knowledge, only to invoke the cyclic unity of the eternal return, present as the unknown in thought" (A Thousand Plateaus, introduction, Introduction)
Now, in the prolong of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Zarathustra gives a speech about his gift to humanity, the "Overman". As he gives the speech a tightrope walker struggles to keep balance as he famously says:
"Man is a rope stretched between the animal and Superman—a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling, and halting. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an OVER-GOING and a DOWN-GOING" (TSZ, Prolong)
The first sentence itself can be interpreted in many ways. It can represent a struggle between life and death or the struggle between instinct and reason. As we see, trying to understand the famous quotes by Nietzsche can be a struggle between Nietzsche's perspective and our perspective. This is what I take to be one of the most fundamental aspects of his philosophy "perspectivism" which also serves as a great tool to help anyone understand him.
Perspectivism argues that everything is just a matter of perspective and is scattered throughout Nietzsche's works such as The Gay Science he writes:
"It is we, who think and feel, that actually and unceasingly make something which did not before exist: the whole eternally increasing world of valuations, colors, weights, perspectives, gradations, affirmations, and negations" (TGS, 301).
Here Nietzsche acknowledges that the perspectives are a part of what gives meaning to what we think and feel about the world. In addition, the preface of Beyond Good and Evil expresses how these perspectives have a certain relationship to truth that makes an absolute truth unattainable, he states:
"SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman—what then? Is there, not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women—that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman? Certainly, she has never allowed herself to be won" (BGE, Preface).
The chase can be seen as an unrealistic attempt to understand the meaning of anything. We must learn to overcome this pitfall if we want to gain a better understanding of what Nietzsche works means. It is simply the most reliable and diverse perspectives that grant you a deeper understanding. This follows what Zarathustra argues that disease paths were how he reached his truth stating:
"By diverse ways and wendings did I arrive at my truth; not by one ladder did I mount to the height where mine eye roveth into my remoteness. And unwillingly only did I ask my way—that was always counter to my taste! Rather did I question and test the ways themselves." (TSZ, The Spirit of Gravity).
The same method is effective for even understanding his works and even something as simple as a Justice. Imagine we are seeking to understand "what a Justice is". We research multiple different perspectives on Justice s and analyze them from multiple angles. We finished and came up with a new definition of what a Justice is. However, our conclusion will be just a matter of one perspective synthesized through that of multiple other perspectives.
Justice represents the subject of establishing some innate singular meaning and narrow perspective to understand the meaning of something in the world of only different perspectives. Which can represent anything like your perspective which is neither true nor false but just a perspective. If you want to truly understand Nietzsche then you should be warned that you truly never will.
The Provocative Writer
Nietzsche's way of writing can wake you up from a "dogmatic slumber" or put you to one. He claims to do this purposely to provocative the reader, he writes:"It is difficult to be understood, especially when one thinks and lives gangasrotogati among those only who believe and live otherwise—namely, kurmagati, or at best "froglike," mandeikagati (I do everything to be "difficulty understood" myself!)—and one should be heartily grateful for the goodwill to some refinement of interpretation. As regards "the good readers," however, who are always too easy-going, and think that as readers they have a right to ease, one does well at the very first to grant them a play-ground and romping place for misunderstanding..." (BGE, 27).
As you will see the first half of the first paragraph causes us to move against heavy rain. Our understanding of what he writes is getting difficult and every word serves as a drop of complexity. Nietzsche may have done this to tug to the common reader that he does not want to be understood easily. This section works as a warning to any interpretation you may have of him because his ideas being as controversial as they are, will more than likely be something new. This Nietzsche expresses this when he writes:
"Our eyes find it easier on a given occasion to produce a picture already often produced than to seize upon the divergence and novelty of an impression: the latter requires more force, more "morality." It is difficult and painful for the ear to listen to anything new; we hear strange music badly. When we hear another language spoken, we involuntarily attempt to form the sounds into words with which we are more familiar and conversant—it was thus, for example, that the Germans modified the spoken word ARCUBALISTA into ARMBRUST (cross-bow)"
In addition Nietzsche is provocative in the way he carries himself to which he claims that:
“...insights must—and should—appear as follies, and under certain circumstances as crimes, when they come unauthorizedly to the ears of those who are not disposed and predestined for them” (BGE, 30).
As we can see Nietzsche is challenging to read because he is a provocative writer.
As we see we must read Nietzsche with caution to avoid being blinded by our biases by acknowledging the multiple perspectives on truths as it aligns with his Perspectivism. In addition, our understandings now reflect on a deeper question: Where do our interpretations come from and which ones can we trust? Whatever the answer may be, we can safely conclude that we must read Nietzsche's work with caution.
submitted by Schizo_Thinker to Nietzsche [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:14 webdev20 Types of Domain Names - Explained

A domain name is more than just an address; it's a brand, an identity, and often the first impression a user gets of a website. The domain system, established in the 1980s, has evolved significantly, now offering a plethora of options tailored to different needs and objectives. This essay will delve into the primary types of domains, including Top-Level Domains (TLDs), Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs), Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs), and New Top-Level Domains (nTLDs). By examining the characteristics and use cases of each type, we aim to provide a clear and balanced perspective on the vast domain landscape.
Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
Top-Level Domains (TLDs) are the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System (DNS) structure. TLDs appear at the end of domain names, following the last dot. They are categorized into several groups based on their intended use and scope.
Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)
Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) are among the most commonly recognized domain extensions. Examples include .com, .org, .net, and .info. These domains are not restricted by geographical or organizational constraints, making them versatile choices for a wide range of entities.
  1. .com: Originally intended for commercial entities, .com has become the default choice for businesses and individuals alike due to its global recognition and credibility. For instance, giants like Google (google.com) and Amazon (amazon.com) use .com domains.
  2. .org: Typically associated with non-profit organizations, .org is widely used by charities, educational institutions, and open-source projects. Examples include Wikipedia (wikipedia.org) and the World Wildlife Fund (worldwildlife.org).
  3. .net: Initially designated for network-related entities, .net has broadened its scope and is now used by various organizations, including technology companies and online service providers. An example is Behance (behance.net), a platform for creative professionals.
  4. .info: Intended for informational sites, .info is less common but still used by entities that focus on providing information rather than commercial or organizational activities. An example is AARP (aarp.info), providing resources for retired individuals.
Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)
Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) are two-letter domains assigned to specific countries or territories. These domains often signify a website's association with a particular region, making them popular for businesses and organizations that operate within or target specific geographic areas.
  1. .us: The ccTLD for the United States, used by American entities like government agencies and local businesses. An example is the Library of Congress (loc.gov), which uses .gov, a restricted ccTLD variant for government sites in the U.S.
  2. .uk: The ccTLD for the United Kingdom, used by British companies and organizations. Examples include the BBC (bbc.co.uk) and the UK government portal (gov.uk).
  3. .de: The ccTLD for Germany, one of the most popular ccTLDs globally, reflecting Germany's strong online presence. An example is the German news site Spiegel (spiegel.de).
  4. .cn: The ccTLD for China, heavily used within the country due to internet regulations and the significant online market. Examples include Baidu (baidu.cn), a leading Chinese search engine.
New Top-Level Domains (nTLDs)
In response to the growing demand for unique and relevant domain names, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) introduced New Top-Level Domains (nTLDs) in the 2010s. These domains offer specific, descriptive extensions that cater to diverse industries and interests.
  1. .tech: Targeted at technology companies, startups, and innovators, .tech is ideal for entities in the tech industry. An example is the CES technology conference (ces.tech).
  2. .store: Perfect for e-commerce businesses, .store signals an online store or retail presence. An example is the e-commerce platform Shopify (shopify.store).
  3. .blog: Aimed at bloggers and content creators, .blog is designed to highlight the nature of the website. Examples include personal blogs and company blogs, such as WordPress's own blog (wordpress.blog).
  4. .app: Tailored for mobile and web applications, .app is a secure domain extension endorsed by Google. An example is the financial app Robinhood (robinhood.app).
These nTLDs allow businesses and individuals to create memorable, industry-specific domains that enhance their branding and online visibility.
Specialty Domains
Specialty domains cater to specific needs and functions beyond traditional or new TLDs. These include domains like .gov, .edu, and .mil, which have strict eligibility requirements and are used by specific types of organizations.
  1. .gov: Restricted to governmental entities in the United States, .gov domains signify official government websites. An example is the White House (whitehouse.gov).
  2. .edu: Reserved for accredited educational institutions, primarily in the United States. An example is Harvard University (harvard.edu).
  3. .mil: Designated for the U.S. military and its affiliates. An example is the Department of Defense (defense.gov).
These specialty domains provide an added layer of trust and authenticity due to their restricted nature.
Choosing the Right Domain
Selecting the appropriate domain type is crucial for a successful online strategy. Here are some considerations to guide the decision-making process:
  1. Purpose and Audience: Understanding the website's primary purpose and target audience helps narrow down the most suitable domain type. For instance, a commercial enterprise might prefer a .com or .store domain, while a non-profit might lean towards .org.
  2. Geographic Relevance: If the website targets a specific country or region, a ccTLD like .uk or .de can enhance local trust and SEO. For a global audience, a gTLD such as .com or a relevant nTLD might be more appropriate.
  3. Branding and Memorability: A domain should be easy to remember and relevant to the brand. Unique and descriptive nTLDs like .tech or .blog can make the domain more memorable and aligned with the website's content.
  4. Availability and Budget: Some domains, especially premium ones, can be costly. It's essential to balance the desirability of a domain with its availability and the budget allocated for domain registration.
Examples of Effective Domain Use
Several businesses and organizations have successfully leveraged specific domain types to enhance their online presence:
  1. Google: Originally google.com, the tech giant has also secured various nTLDs like .google to reinforce its brand across different services (e.g., domains.google).
  2. The New York Times: The renowned news outlet uses nytimes.com but also incorporates other domains like nytco.com for corporate purposes.
  3. TED Talks: The platform uses ted.com but also utilizes .com domains for specific events (e.g., tedx.com).
  4. Spotify: The music streaming service uses spotify.com, but with the rise of mobile apps, they could potentially explore .app domains in the future.
These examples illustrate how strategic domain selection can reinforce brand identity, improve user recall, and align with the website's purpose.
The domain landscape is vast and varied, offering numerous options tailored to different needs, industries, and geographic regions. From the ubiquitous .com and .org to the specialized .gov and .edu, and the innovative nTLDs like .tech and .blog, each domain type serves a unique purpose and offers distinct advantages. Understanding these types of domains and their applications is crucial for making informed decisions that align with the goals of a website, whether it's for a personal blog, a commercial enterprise, or a governmental organization. As the internet continues to evolve, staying informed about domain trends and options will remain essential for anyone looking to establish a robust and effective online presence.
submitted by webdev20 to u/webdev20 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:45 Robin_HJ Unhinged Robin

As I think I've mentioned before, I'm a psychology person, so I often analyse the characters' psychology and in fact I once wrote an entire pseudo-PhD kind of essay for university analysing the entire psychology of Harry Potter as a character. So looking at the Strike books, I've long noticed Strike seems to have struggles with his emotional intelligence, as it's typical with men, sometimes acting in ways that, to compare with characters you all know, remind me of Harry and Ron. Robin, in that aspect, has always been much more emotionally intelligent throughout the books, probably because she is far more inclined than Strike to look and examine the past, and think long and hard about her feelings, relationships and choices, while that seems to be a bit of a Pandora Box for Strike, understandably.
That being said, I noticed a very obvious shift after Lethal White, with Strike being far more prone to play it safe, take less risks, be cautious, be more prone to worrying and over-worrying, and Robin becoming far more of a risk-taker, more unhinged if you wish. To me it seems like Strike's definitely been, progressively, becoming more mature, more grown up, making very active decisions to look after himself better, have a more harmonious existence (for example getting along better with his family in both sides, and doing his best to avoid complicated relationships towards the end of TRG), and growing into a father-eske position of head of the agency, evolving in a way that reminds me of Sirius Black, from free-soul, adventurous youth, to grown-up forty-something man who just wants to keep his people safe and look after his family, in this case including the agency. It's true Strike should still seek therapy, but it's also true that he seems to have found a way to make do without it, finding a different way to Rome. I think it's because he's so military-like matter-of-fact, so pragmatic and logic-oriented, and not prone to overthinking the way Robin is, and the ultimate fact for him has, quite simply, been the whole thing of happiness requires an effort, and he's got to make it. It's a simple and firm resolution, and I'm eager to see where it takes him, because he's so good at disciplining himself, so I've no doubt that he'll stand firmly by it.
But Robin is a whole other thing, and in a way, she's just the way most of us, women, tend to be. And to me, being young enough to vividly remember what it feels like to be in your mid-twenties starting a career, it seems like Robin's well aware that she's messed up big time a couple of times at work, namely by acting behind Strike's back and hurting him, and by getting too close to murderers, such as Raphael or Laing, because she wasn't cautious enough, and didn't take Strike's overprotectiveness and knowledge of experience seriously enough, because she tends to shrug his sometimes quite sound advice as "he's just being overprotective and unreasonable". Robin's messed up, she's become quite traumatised, quite in urgent need of therapy, and is acting in a way that feels to me like she's really trying to overcompensate, to excel above and beyond anyone else in the agency, and prove herself, prove she belongs there, and kind of show off to people, in response not just to her own insecurities, but to the way she tends to perceive people's worry for her well being (namely Strike's, Matthew's, Linda's, Ryan's) with hostility, as if people were trying to cut her wings. And maybe Matthew was, but Strike isn't. And in her attempts to go above and beyond, it seems to me like Robin is getting herself into a place where she's going to have to learn the lesson the hard way, and get hurt.
In this, it's obvious that Robin is far younger and more inexperienced than Strike. She is a remarkable investigator, but she doesn't seem to see it herself, and she continuously behaves as if unless she's repeatedly doing something stupid and heroic (in a very Harry way), people won't see her worth, when Strike already has. It particularly shocks me how she argues with her mother, until they're both in tears, and all of the arguments seem to be about Linda being too caring, too overwhelmingly overprotective, and Robin being unable to deal with other people's worry about her and responding by lashing out, getting defensive at the slightest sign that someone is trying to tell her how to live her life, which isn't weird, considering Matthew used to do that a lot and she's merely responding to that experience, but does go on to stress how much she needs proper therapy, not just to heal from traumatic work experiences, but from her relationship. So no matter how much anybody tells her she's got to take it easy, no matter how much people try to protect her, look after her, and pressure her into putting herself first (such as when Strike forces her to take some days off after UHC), she takes it badly, begrudgingly, and ends up feeling like, whatever the female equivalent for emasculated is.
It took Strike nearly dying a few times, and Robin screaming at him, for him to go on a diet, stop smoking, and stop reacting in the same hostile way to people's attempts to look after him, to start really looking after himself. And it took him nearly losing Jack to start appreciating his family, and now his relationship with the boys and Lucy is miles better (we finally got to understand Lucy) and he's even getting along with Pru, while in contrast Robin seems more and more distanced from her family each book. That makes me wonder what it's going to take for Robin to do the same. Because she seems to feel like she's gone to therapy, she's done the work, that's all. But it isn't all. If you're still throwing yourself into work with no personal life (until now Ryan I guess, taking her to the theatre, when previous to that it hasn't been mentioned that Robin is enjoying any of the privileged experiences she could enjoy living in London), still finding yourself arguing with everybody, such as her family or Strike, avoiding your birth home (Masham), avoiding any down time that might leave you alone with your thoughts, and repeatedly seeking the adrenaline, the action, the challenges, the heroic moments (and fighting Mazu with a shotgun comes to mind), you've got serious mental health problems.
Robin's beginning to remind me of a cop or a soldier who's had to retire. Still trying to prove herself, still trying to remind people of what she can do, still seeking the thrill, still trying to save the day even if it means taking too high risks, and avoiding at all costs any situation that might meant she has to sit alone with her thoughts and think about her traumatic experiences. And by the end of TRG she's at a point where she rejects Masham, rejects attention from her family, rejects Strike's overprotection, is dating a man she knows she doesn't love and who she knows loves her (or claims to anyway), she's being more and more of a reckless risk-taker, and the mere sight of a dark pool of water makes her flinch (thanks Drowned Prophet). And THM is going to mark 2017, a year known in Britain for intense terrorist activity, so it'll be interesting to see how she and Strike react to that.

So after my ramble... do you agree with me that we might be walking into an incredibly unhinged and out of control Robin? Thoughts? Ideas?

submitted by Robin_HJ to The_Rowling_Club [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:32 Nice-Locksmith-8474 Chance student who locked in junior year for Law/International Relations

I am in my junior year and am trying to see how my resume stands up and what to add, change, or potentially drop for my applications to some selective colleges as well as my chances of success. May have forgotten some things but this should be everything. ED EA RD advice for colleges would be great too.
Should be done by application time: *** (Key)
Gender: Male
Race: Asian (Indian)
Region: Midwest, fairly competitive area
Type of school: Public
hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.): N/A
Intended Major(s): International Relations/Law/Finance?
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1530 SAT, 36 ACT*** (Still have to do the act but I am getting 36's on the practice tests. If I do get a 36, should I submit my SAT score too?)
UW/W GPA and Rank: UW: 3.950, (4.0 without A-'s, don't know if that matters). The school does not rank.
Coursework: 14 APs, 5 Honors, 1 CIS (College in School)
Senior Year Courses: AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP Lit, AP Psych, AP Stats, AP Physics C, CIS Spanish 5
Extracurriculars (Not Ranked in Order):
  1. Secretary General (President) and cofounder of a Model UN club with 60+ signed-up members. Hosted simulations within the school already and planning to attend a real conference in the fall.
  2. Two research papers are currently being written, one is aimed at the future evolution of marketing in AI and I am interning with a Healthcare services company to write a research paper under the guidance of a mentor. The paper is being written to advise said healthcare company. Not sure if I can publish/enter into competitions.*** The other is by myself regarding an international policy topic that I plan to have published or admitted into competitions. ***
  3. Interned over 9 weeks in a reelection campaign for a National Senator where I will be responsible for campaign finances. Will facilitate thousands of dollars of cash flow in campaign funds and will receive experience in electoral organizing tactics. (Haven't done this yet so I don't know too much of the general information)***
  4. Volunteered 100+ hours, plan to volunteer at least 50 hours this summer and more in the fall. Various locations but focused on a few quality spots. (STEM Camp, Religious site, Food Scarcity organization)
  5. Varsity soccer for school
  6. Took collegiate-level coursework in International Relations***.
  7. Leaders Invested in Community - Acclimatized incoming high schoolers and helped develop decision-making abilities. Each year I lead my group of ten students in preparatory activities alongside other mentors.
  8. Teen leadership organization across regions of 2 states where teens determine initiatives to rectify issues in the community. Examples include Vape testing kits manufacturing to park cleanup. I plan to apply for Co-President***
  9. National Honors Society, Investment Club, Recreational Piano
Some things I am looking into, less concrete:
  1. Internship in the fall geared around international relations or law
  2. Regional leadership position for Business competitions
  3. Writer for an alternate-history mod for a video game I play
  4. More Awards
Schools: List of selective colleges, I am also applying to my state school which I will get into
Johns Hopkins
submitted by Nice-Locksmith-8474 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:00 iwasmitrepl "I'm looking for an easy course!"

Since people are starting to enrol in semester 2, there are a lot of new posts asking for easy papers to enrol in. Recently, a very useful guide to this kind of thing was posted on a different university subreddit and many of the remarks carry over. I'll summarise some of them here, but please remember most of what I say is based on that very nice post.
TL;DR: Don't just post "give me some easy courses" without further information. A person taking bio might find many courses hard that a maths student might find easy, and vice versa. Many low-level arts papers require a lot of independent reading and thought and the entire assessment might be in terms of essays; many low-level science papers are assessed with a lot of small assessments like quizzes or lab reports and might need a lot of practical skill but not much reading; many other papers are very memorisation heavy. If you want useful answers, you need to say things like (i) what papers you've enjoyed and found easy; (ii) what papers you've found particularly hard.
Now I will summarise some of the advice in the post linked above.
Consider the following four things:
Personal interest. Practically speaking, if you're looking for an easy course then you should look for one you're interested in. If a course is in a subject that you find boring or that you are not motivated to take or that you would only take because it's easy, you'll probably find it harder than the content would suggest. In theory you should find your major interesting, so look for low-level courses in subjects "adjacent" to your major.
Evaluation format. The university publishes the syllabi online (example). This includes information about what percentage is participation, what percentage is essay, what percentage is closed-book exam, etc. Think about what kinds of evaluation format work for you: if you are in a major which has a lot of long-form essays and research, maybe avoid courses with lots of small assessments. If you are used to doing lab work and having a lot of practical assessment, avoid courses with a 70% closed book exam. Etc. etc. etc.
Course format. Some courses are primarily lecture based. Some have tutorials, some don't. Some courses are primarily group work. Again, this is either listed in the (publicly available) syllabus, or it's fairly easy to find out.
Other opinions. Sure, you can also look for opinions of people who have taken the course before. There are two issues that you should be careful about, though: firstly, many people will only give their opinions when they are complaining/unhappy (whether this is on reddit or tick-tock or on student course review or wherever); and secondly, as I mentioned above just because one person finds a course easy it doesn't mean that you will find it easy. So this should always be balanced with your own research. If you are a PG student then please don't just ask for generic reviews about all 700 level courses in your subject. These very often change year-on-year depending on research interests in the department, plus there is a very limited pool of people on here who will even be able to answer such questions. The people to ask in this case are (i) your supervisor, and (ii) masters or PhD students in your field. We are your friends, we do not laugh at you behind your back when you ask us silly questions like this and we would like nothing more than to give a 40 minute monologue on what courses would be useful.

Practical algorithm.

  1. Decide what evaluation formats would be red flags, and which ones you prefer (e.g. if you really do not like essays, write that down). Also decide what course formats would be red flags (e.g. "I will not do any course involving group work with randos").
  2. List the 4 or 5 "closest" subjects to your major, or other subjects which genuinely look interesting.
  3. Have a read through the abstracts for the courses, especially noting which ones have prereqs in courses that you enjoyed and which ones genuinely sound interesting to you.
  4. Download the syllabi for the courses you've seen that you would be possibly interested in, and rank them according to your lists in the first step.
After you've done all four steps, you should have a decent list and now you can go asking for advice on those courses, looking for things that might not be in the syllabus (e.g. a course might look really interesting in the syllabus but it turns out to be really technical and focuses on a niche part of the subject, or is specifically geared towards topologists while you're a combinatician).
At the very least, before posting a one-line post saying "what courses are easy", do steps 1 and 2 and include those with your post. You'll be much more likely to get a useful answer!
submitted by iwasmitrepl to universityofauckland [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:32 Asleep_Penalty_2568 Am I delusional or should I just do my work and hope for the best

So I’m a freshmen in high school and we’re in Q4, and the school year is about to close. I recently finished reading Romeo and Juliet and have to right a 6 paragraph essay (or research paper) about how Romeo and Juliet is similar to how the teenage brain isn’t fully developed. I had to read articles about the teenage brain etc, then I would pull lines from each Act/Scene, and then explain how Romeo and Juliet actions are an example of why Teenager are likely to act on emotions/instinct than logic. The problem is there’s something’s I don’t understand, Like why do I have to write an essay about this if I could literally have a conversation about the same exact thing and get my point across in less time then it would take me writing this paper. Also why do they think we would know when our brains aren’t fully developed. Now it’s not that I can’t write this paper (I will admit it’s kind of easy), but some of my class mates don’t even fully understand what they’re doing either. Can someone please try and help me understand my teachers point of view on the assignment (this counts as a final exam btw..)
submitted by Asleep_Penalty_2568 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:06 RootsforBones How to make friends as an outsider?

I've been wanting to make some friends closer to my age, in their 30s also. (I have a lot of older friends but for reasons I won't go into I am also wanting friends closer to my age.) The problem is, I don't relate to people my age. Even other autistic people.
I don't use social media so I have no idea what's going on in that world. (I only use reddit for my special interests or mental health so that doesn't count.) I can't watch or read the news because it's too dysregulating for me. I have never kept up with popular culture and I find understanding pop culture and slang extremely challenging (my whole life).
I don't listen to the same music as anyone my age (or anyone I even know). I don't play video games much, I don't watch anime, I don't like most "nerdy" things, I don't watch YouTube, etc.
Basically, when I hang out with people my age I'm either lost the whole time or they feel like they need to educate me because "poor you, you're so uninformed".
Even with my special interests I am stuck because people who also have my interests tend to get all their info or ideas from social media. So then they talk about that or they assume I am aware of whatever new trend is happening. The last part can sometimes make me into the "cringe" person because I didn't realize how "cringe" that thing I do is because I'm not following the idea of "cringe". Or they're like "wow you're so quirky and weird" and I'm like, "no I just am me".
So how does anyone who's an outsider make friends?
Or how does someone who doesn't engage with social media or pop culture relate to anyone under the age of 65?
EDIT: For some clarity... I struggle communicating verbally/in text, so bear with me (I don't like making complex posts like this usually because of this)...
The issue isn't around interests specifically, but maybe around communication styles or perceptions of interests.
For example from my own life:
I am anti-impérialist and I have very strong values from personal experiences and educating myself by listening to people share their ideas or reading articles/books/essays. But when I've encountered like minded people my age, we don't always get along well. Because I don't learn from social media or front-lines activism (which is not accessable to me), I have been told I'm not "doing enough". I've also been attacked for my choice of words (conservation being the dirty word here) and it was only later that I learned this word is considered colonial and oppressive (via social media post which a friend sent and that my partner told me about from another social media post). I disagree with picking at language because I am translating non-verbal thoughts into the easiest to find acceptable word. But that's not the point. The point is, I can't relate to people my age because I don't know how to communicate with people whose ideas come from social media. There are many other examples but it took me a whole day to be able to verbalize this one.
submitted by RootsforBones to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:30 jadedpho are these red flags that he’s controlling?

(i’m 25, he’s 27)
the guy i’ve been on 3 dates with is very respectful of things like my personal space etc. he didn’t kiss me til date 3 and didn’t even initiate much physical contact til date 2
he seems very gentle/mild-mannered, except when it comes to things like how i’m spending my days, who i’m with, and other little tidbits about my private life
for example, i told him i have a blog where i upload my personal writing/essays. it’s very personal to me and i only show it to people in my life that i feel super close to. after i mentioned it he asked to read some of my blog posts. i declined and said maybe one day. then he started badgering me about it. he literally spent about 15 minutes trying to convince me to let him see my blog. he was joke-y about it, but even when i stopped laughing and was just saying “no, no, no” he kept pushing. it was weird
another weird thing is something he mentioned on a date - he said when he’s in a relationship, he wants to know what his gf is doing, who she’s with etc. sounds normal-ish but also… is it weird that that’s important enough to him to bring up on date #2? we text a bunch and he regularly will ask me what i’m doing, and then he’ll ask who i’m with, if it’s a restaurant he’ll ask what i’m having etc. like i said he’s pretty laidback and doesn’t “interview” me like this in any other area, which makes this stand out a little.
i’m a little worried that he’s gonna end up being controlling. i like him and want to continue seeing him but i’m scared of ending up in a situation where i’m in too deep to think about this clearly. but also, i have my own traumas that make me sometimes see issues where there aren’t any so i’m hoping for an objective view here
the last straw that pushed me to make this post was that i recently told him i would be finishing work late but ended up finishing a lot earlier in the afternoon, and then when he texted me, i said i was home. and then he was like “i thought you were finishing late today?” it’s a pretty innocent message but something about everything ik about him at this point just made me feel like i was in trouble or something
anyway. advice appreciated, especially from women who date men
submitted by jadedpho to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:06 adulting4kids Obscure Literary Devices Writing Class Assignments

  1. Device Identification Exercise:
  1. Creative Writing Prompts:
  1. Literary Analysis Essays:
  1. Collaborative Storytelling:
  1. Speech Writing and Delivery:
  1. Literary Device Showcase:
  1. Rewriting Exercises:
  1. Debate on Stylistic Choices:
    • Organize a debate where students defend or critique an author's use of a specific literary device in a given text.
  1. Literary Device Scavenger Hunt:
  1. Themed Poetry Slam:
- Task students with creating a thematic poetry slam where each participant focuses on a different literary device. - Host a class poetry slam event where students perform their pieces and discuss their choices. 
  1. Interactive Online Quizzes:
- Curate online quizzes or interactive activities that allow students to self-assess their understanding of literary devices. - Provide instant feedback to reinforce learning. 
  1. Peer Review and Feedback:
- Implement peer review sessions where students exchange their creative writing assignments and provide constructive feedback on the integration of literary devices. - Encourage discussions on the effectiveness of different approaches. 
  1. Literary Device Journal:
- Assign students a literary device to track in their personal reading over a set period. - Have them maintain a journal documenting instances of the device, their interpretations, and reflections on its impact. 
  1. Literary Device Bingo:
- Create bingo cards with different literary devices - As students encounter instances of these devices in class readings or discussions, they mark off the corresponding squares on their bingo cards. 
  1. Real-world Application Project:
- Challenge students to find examples of literary devices in advertisements, speeches, or news articles. - Present their findings, discussing how the devices are employed for persuasive or artistic purposes in the real world. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:00 GoAheadMMDay Government cover-ups... excuses for war... World War 3 nears

They look for excuses to expand their power and influence. And when an excuse does not readily exist, they create one.
The Façade
Recent history confirms this. Let's review several cases over the last 130 years in chronological order.
■ At the end of the 19th century, the US wanted to expand its sphere of influence. In 1898, they sabotaged one of their own battleships, the USS Maine, in the harbour of Havana, Cuba, blaming it on the Spanish. US newspapers built the case for war, which was viewed as a pretext even at that time, as represented in the movie Citizen Kane.
From https://www.workers.org/2022/04/63411/ :
"A declassified CIA document written March 13, 1962, outlines Operation Northwoods, a plan for a U.S. attack on Cuba following its 1959 Revolution: (tinyurl.com/2p9cj7ek)"
"On page 11, during an outline of false-flag tactics, the CIA directly uses the phrase “a ‘Remember the Maine’ incident”, and follows with plans to intentionally blow up a U.S. ship to start a desired “war on communism”. Our revolutionary comrades in Cuba hold as official history that the 1898 incident was a planned, false-flag operation."
As a result of the sinking of the USS Maine, the US gained the port of Guantanamo in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and control of the Philippines as a foothold in the Orient. Note the theme... a covert act by government used as an excuse for war, and using the media to spread misinformation to gain public support.
■ Next example, WW1. England wanted to draw the US into the war for some badly needed support. So Winston Churchill, who was serving as First Lord of the British Admiralty, created the excuse the US needed to justify joining the war.
The English Channel was swarming with German submarines (U-boats), attacking British shipping. The British implemented shipping by convoy under protection of British warships. But on May 7, 1915, Churchill called-off naval protection for the RMS Lusitania, a British commercial liner with 123 Americans onboard, which was subsequently sunk by the Germans. "A ship sacrificed. Her innocent passengers, pawns in a cruel new era." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0X01_RGcNE / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH11zZlppRY
The sinking turned American public opinion against Germany, and contributed to US entry into the war. "Remember the Lusitania" became a rallying cry repeated in the papers.
■ Next example, WW2. On the morning of December 7, 1941, the day Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, a sequence of intelligence and messaging failures sealed the base's fate.
Prior to the attack: "Radio communications intelligence 'lost' the location of Japanese carriers." "Kimmel did not inform Short." "Washington issued 'War Warning' messages." "Anti-aircraft guns to protect Pearl Harbor were not deployed or had their ammunition locked up. No fighters were ready to engage a Japanese attack." https://www.nationalww2museum.org/waarticles/pearl-harbor-missed-tactical-warnings
The morning of the attack: Japanese submarine periscope sightings, dismissed. A huge wave of aircraft blips on radar, dismissed. Nervous phone calls from radar operators, dismissed. One desperate message was found "balled-up in a trash can". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radar_warning_of_Pearl_Harbor_attack
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a "false-flag" event; it indeed happened, and Japan was indeed the perpetrator. But such readiness failures despite warnings give me the impression it was made just too easy for them, that the gate was left open.
Was Japan baited and lured into attacking Pearl Harbor by suggestions, whether private or public, that the American public did not want war, and the US government would simply cede territories in the Pacific? This theory has been in circulation since the war. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pearl-Harbor-and-the-Back-Door-to-War-Theory-1688287
Whatever the cause, the US government got what it wanted... a reason to join the war.
■ Next example, sabotage proposals: The US Department of Defense proposed "Operation Northwoods" (cited in the 1st example above) to President Kennedy in 1962, outlining a number of "false flag" missions to make it seem the US had been attacked by Cuba. The proposal suggested the US government engage in "acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, ... to justify a war against Cuba." Among the proposed acts of sabotage were shooting down a remote controlled aircraft painted as a US Air Force plane, blowing up an American ship (described above), and orchestrating acts of terrorism in US cities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods
Other proposals: "Create an incident which has the appearance of an attack on US facilities in Cuba"; covert attacks on British Commonwealth member states Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago to "incite the people of the United Kingdom into supporting a war against Castro"; and "bribe one of Castro's subordinate commanders to initiate an attack" against US Navy base Guantanamo. All such proposals were flatly rejected by President Kennedy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mongoose
■ Next example, Vietnam War. On August 2, 1964, US forces carrying out amphibious operations off the coast of North Vietnam were confronted by North Vietnamese troops. On August 4th, the US claimed it was attacked by North Vietnam. On August 7th, US Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave newly installed President Johnson (less than one year after Kennedy was assassinated) legal justification to enter the Vietnam civil war.
But as Wikipedia explains: "Later investigation revealed that the second attack never happened." "The National Security Agency, an agency of the US Defense Department, had deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident
The US weapons industry had been wanting another war since the Korean War ended in 1953. But President Kennedy wasn't cooperating. After Kennedy was conveniently taken out of the way, Johnson got what he always wanted - the Presidency, while US weapons manufacturers got what they wanted - war.
■ Next example, US involvement in Iran-Iraq war 1980-88. In 1978-79, Iran’s religious revolution overthrew Iran’s king, the Shah of Iran. The new religious regime in Iran confiscated the oil fields and facilities of US oil companies operating in Iran.
The US oil barons called on the US government to get their oil fields back, citing US interests in controlling global oil flows. The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, but not directly. Instead, the US backed the forces of Iraq in what became the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_War
■ Next example, 1st Gulf War 1991. By the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, the US had not been able to orchestrate Iran’s downfall, and thus had not been able to retake the oil fields it had lost in Iran. The US decided it needed to put its own troops in the Middle East and finish the job against Iran themselves.
But the US needed an excuse to station US troops in the Middle East close to Iran. So it created another pretext, making Iraq believe the US would not interfere in Iraq’s plans to invade Kuwait.
“On the 24 July [1990], U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Margaret Tutwiler, told journalists, "We do not have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.[10]" On the 25 July, Saddam Hussein held a meeting with American diplomat April Glaspie. During the interview, April said, "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait," and, "We should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America.[11]" Some historians believe that these comments represented an unwitting green light of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationale_for_the_Gulf_War
On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. On January 16, 1991, the US launched Operation Desert Strom against Iraq in what is now called the 1st Gulf War.
■ Next example, 911. I know, I know. People have been refuting a US cover-up since day 1. I'm not going to sidetrack into that debate here. All I will say is... both Trade Center towers and the Pentagon had been recently renovated, the work of which is difficult to ascertain and still secret. Everything else has already been extensively debated on the web; I'll just leave it there.
The main question concerning 911 has always been, "Would US agencies commit acts of terrorism against their own cities as a pretext for war?" Given the scenarios presented in operations Northwoods and Mongoose cited above, the answer to that question is, "Yes."
For more evidence that 911 was a planned American operation, see my other post: https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy_posts/comments/1daih25/warnings_of_911_in_back_to_the_future/
■ Next example, false claim of WMD in Iraq. In late 2002, US intelligence presented grainy satellite images of what appeared to be military trucks and supply depots in Iraq. They claimed the trucks and depots hid weapons of mass destruction. Congress gave the military permission to attack Iraq, which it did in March 2003. And behold... there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
David Kay, Head of Iraq Survey Group, later blamed the false claim on "a lack of human agents inside Iraq in the months before the war", and "analysts being under pressure to draw conclusions". https://www.sipri.org/commentary/essay/2023/twenty-years-ago-iraq-ignoring-expert-weapons-inspectors-proved-be-fatal-mistake
What did the US get out of 911 and the false WMD claim? Excuses to invade Afghanistan and Iraq... neither country of which ever had any involvement with 911.
The official reason for entering Afghanistan was to capture Osama Bin Laden. Yet after OBL was killed in 2011, the US remained in Afghanistan until 2021. Why did the US remain in Afghanistan for an additional 10 years? Because Afghanistan borders Iran.
■ Iran has always been the principal target of interest. The US oil barons have been eyeing Iran since its religious revolution of 1978-79, which confiscated the properties and facilities of US oil companies operating there.
The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, backing Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88. But the US realized it wasn't going to get Iran without direct US involvement. 911 and the false WMD claim gave the US excuses to plant troops on either side of Iran - in Iraq on the west, and Afghanistan on the east.
After removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq in 2003, the US remained there, fighting groups backed by Iran. This was followed by the conflict in Syria starting in 2011 and still ongoing, with the West fighting Iranian-backed groups there as well.
From the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, to post-Hussein Iraq, to Syria from 2011 onward, the US has been engaged in a 40-year proxy war against Iran. What has been only a proxy war until now is poised to turn into a direct conflict soon, as tensions between Israel and Iran continue to escalate.
The Rehearsal
Preparations for war require more than just fabricating excuses, but also conditioning the population. This includes spreading misinformation, controlling the judiciary, and displaying intimidating force. Trump's presidency worked on all three.
Trump's term in office was a dress rehearsal in spreading misinformation and manipulating the news, principally through Fox News and a large number of conservative talk shows across the country.
"Fox News has been described by academics, media figures, political figures, and watchdog groups as being biased in favor of the Republican Party in its news coverage, as perpetuating conservative bias, and as misleading their audience in relation to science, notably climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_controversies
Additional charges against Fox News include spreading misinformation regarding the 2020 election results.
The paper "What is Fox News? Partisan Journalism, Misinformation, and the Problem of Classification" - a collaborative work by several university academics - questions "the idea that Fox should be considered a news source in the first place, claiming it should be considered something more akin to propaganda". https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/19312431211060426
Trump's presidency was also a dress rehearsal in influencing the judiciary, filling the courts with loyalists to promote the group's causes, including overthrowing Roe v Wade. This will come in handy when the time comes to suspend other rights and freedoms, including the constitution.
Then came COVID. That was a dress rehearsal to practice locking down entire countries, suspending rights and freedoms en masse.
They also practiced displaying force by mobilizing militias and gun activist groups behind the insurrection of Janurary 6, 2021, intimidating voters at election sites, and shooting at protestors. They even practiced defending their obedient shooters, ie: the shooter who showed up at a protest rally with a full-sized rifle, killed a protestor, and was later exonerated on grounds of self-defense. What a joke.
The Actors
So what's next? They're already working on their excuse for WW3 in the Middle East. Look at what's happening in Israel and Palestine. And now they have a new excuse for US presence in the Persian Gulf - attacks on shipping. Attacks against shipping in the region have been occurring for decades. Why are they reacting so strongly now when they didn't before? Because both these conflicts allow the US to strike at Iranian allies: Hamas in Palestine, and the Houthi in Yemen.
I'm not saying atrocities should be ignored. I am asking why the West focuses on some atrocities and not others. There are plenty of atrocities taking place in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in which the US never gets involved. But when anything happens that gets their troops close to Iran, they're there.
The West has been fighting Iran in one arena after another ever since the Iranian revolution. The recent conflicts in Palestine and the Persian Gulf are just the latest excuses to position forces in the Middle East. They've been there since 1980, and will remain there until they are ready to attack Iran directly. It will be an allied invasion, composed of the US, the UK, Israel and Russia (which borders Iran to the north).
Russia is allied with this "group" we've been talking about here. Recall the glowing accolades Trump showered on Putin. Recall the assistance Russia gave to Trump in the 2016 election. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyberussian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections
Trump even asked the Russians to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Why would Trump ask Russia to find US government emails unless he knew they were hacking US government computers? Why ask Russia and not US law enforcement? Why Russia and not another country? Because Trump knew Russia would help him. https://www.pbs.org/newshoupolitics/trump-asked-russia-to-find-clintons-emails-on-or-around-the-same-day-russians-targeted-her-accounts / https://www.vox.com/2020/9/29/21493319/trump-russia-if-youre-listening-comments-rewrite-history
Recall also how Trump kept denouncing NATO, challenging it, threatening to withdraw the US from it, weakening it from within. The intent was to make it easier for Putin to take Ukraine and other former Soviet territories in Eastern Europe. Had Trump won in 2020, Putin would have been free to achieve his ultimate objective of rebuilding the USSR. All handed to Putin in exchange for helping Trump get elected, and for Russia's participation in the up-coming war against Iran. Fathom that. After all the effort Ronald Reagan put into dismantling the Soviet Union, Trump would help Putin rebuild it.
Notice too how Koch Industries, the 2nd largest private company in America with over $125 billion in annual revenue, refuses to observe US sanctions against Russia, and has continued doing business in Russia. The Koch brothers have also refused to denounce Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Koch's ties with Russia go back to the 1930's, where their father, Fred C. Koch, made fortunes building oil refineries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_C._Koch
Today, Koch Industries engages in a range of industrial enterprises. A severe polluter of the environment, Koch Industries finances misinformation denying climate change, buying political influence to fight environmental legislation. The brothers' political influence supporting conservative politicians and conservative think tanks has been described as "overwhelming". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koch_Brothers_Exposed
President Eisenhower identified another player pushing the world toward war, which he called "the military-industrial complex", a cluster of industries that benefit from war. They need war to clear-out their inventories so they can produce more weapons. They prosper from armed conflict, and thus influence politicians to pursue war. As Eisenhower warned in his farewell address to his nation, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists." https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/president-dwight-d-eisenhowers-farewell-address
Another major actor in this drama is big-oil, which benefitted from US control of Iraq and its oil fields, and is salivating over the prospect of regaining control of Iranian oil fields. And big-pharma, which benefitted from government money for COVID vaccines, but then refused "to waive intellectual property rights and share vaccine technology" with developing countries, "fuelling an unprecedented human rights crisis". https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/09/new-report-shows-leading-covid-19-vaccine-pharma-companies-fuelling-unprecedented-human-rights-crisis
And who else belongs to this cast but Elon Musk, who not only defended Putin's invasion, but also cut-off Starlink's satellite service in Ukraine to prevent Ukraine's military from launching satellite-guided missiles to defend themselves against Russian attacks.
Not all conservatives belong to this malicious group; the vast majority do not. The conservative camp has become divided into two broad clans: the “middle-right” and “far-right”. I use “clans” because the two groups do not get along.
The middle-right are reasonable, cooperative, respectful of the law, devoted to the order of government, and committed to building the nation for the benefit of all its citizens.
The far-right, though, are radical in their dealings. They are divisive, they lie profusely, they incite violence, they threaten other members of congress, they are disruptive to orderly government and international cooperation, they do not know the meaning of "compromise" which is essential to keeping the nation united, they are unreasonable.
The “directors” of this drama are from this far-right clan. These directors manipulate the actors from behind the scenes. They put the various actors on stage and in the spotlight to sway and stir the audience, while they themselves hide behind the curtains. The script they follow has been decades in the making, and is about to reach its climax.
The Script
All this until now has been in preparation for what is to come, regardless of who wins the next US election or any election after it. Remember, political leaders are only figureheads. They are just servants providing this group of directors with important services, and to sway the public to support their causes.
When they are ready to launch their plans for World War 3, something will happen (real or faked - perhaps a radioactive "dirty bomb" detonation on US soil) that will prompt another lockdown similar to the one we "practiced" under COVID. Only this time, it will last much, much longer. The freedom of the press will be suspended, and so will the constitution. Our freedoms will be removed again, but this time it may be permanent.
If you throw a piece of wood into the water, it will rise to the surface. But if you sink that wood deep enough under water, it will not rise up anymore. Why? Because the water pressure grows more powerful the deeper you go. The weight of the water prevents the wood from rising up. This is why pieces of shipwrecks stay on the ocean floor.
Civilization as we know it is about to become shipwrecked. Society recovered from COVID because the interruption was brief. It was like a piece of wood that never sank deep enough, and so rose to the surface again.
But this time, they will keep civil liberties suppressed for a very long time; years. Suppress something long enough and it will not rise up again. They are getting ready to shut us down, and it will be a shutdown from which society will never recover. We will forget the press. We will forget elections. We will forget owning property and money. They just have to keep things suppressed long enough for people to forget them. A decade should do it.
Now we know why e-money is so heavily promoted and being so quickly adopted. Anyone protesting the new regime will be erased from society via user-specific digital shutdowns. Barred from transacting, investing, buying or selling. Cards deactivated, crypto seized, bank accounts emptied.
No? Have we forgotten Cyprus 2013? Well, it has been a decade.
The next phase of the plan for World War 3 is ready to come into effect, regardless of who takes power in the US - Republican or Democrat. The US entered existing wars and started wars of its own regardless of who was in power. Remember, a president is not the real power behind government. Actual power lies in the hands of the directors behind the curtains who control the actors they put on stage.
Joseph Cafariello
So how can we endure what is coming? Better still, how can we avoid it?
One word... truth.
All the turmoil and chaos we are experiencing come from deceptions, distortions, and lies. What they build on lies, we can demolish with truth.
Everything built on lies is unstable, since lies shift like sand. Whereas truth is stable and constant, and cannot be destroyed.
Embrace only truth, reject lies. Speak only truth, abandon lies. Receive only those who come to us with truth, dismiss those who deliver lies.
Remove the façade and expose the actors who try to deceive us. Reveal what has been concealed, uncover what has been covered, speak what has been hushed.
Only then will we have a better world, a stable world, a world built on truth, a world of freedom. Because lies enslave those who believe them, whereas truth sets us free.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:18 chris2k2 A CS2 Seasons Approach

OK, this is yet another cs2 essay. For me a significant issue at cs2 is the unpredictability of new content. It just bothers me. Seasons to the rescue.
I would tie seasons to a few things:
• Map pool
• Majors
• Rewards
• Premier rating
• Promo content

Map Pool

I go with JL we need a more diverse map pool. So let's shake things a little bit up. I think 9 active duty maps are fair play. Split them into 4 categories:
• Permanent maps: they are here to stay for at least this and the next season
• Rotational maps: a pool of eligible maps where some are chosen for each season
• Tryout map: a map chosen by valve to test out whether it is suitable for competitive play
• community map: a community favorite which is voted on by the community
I think the following is reasonable:
• 4 permanent Maps: Mirage, Nuke, Inferno and Anubis
• 3 Rotation Maps out of a pool of: ancient, dust2, Cache, vertigo, cbble, overpass
• 1 Season map choosen by valve (Tuscan?)
• 1 Community map voted by the Community
Ofc this can be moved but there is some kind of stability and some kind of shake up.


A season goes from major to major. So a major is also a season end party.
This gives valve a platform to promote the next season. We could have the vote the community map during the major and everyone would be invested.
The show match is played on the valve chosen season map without any further announcement.
Also it would add a logical end.


What would a season be without some rewards to show of your success? So after the major everyone receives some for the last season. A cool idea would be a coin with your premier rating "engraved". If that's not possible I would go for a coin in the color of your rating.
We could think about something special for the top 10 of players.

Premier rating reset

Then your rating is reset and everyone gets a new shot. I think that'll help many players.
This will be tricky. The current initial rating seeding seemed to not work very well. However I think it is possible, here a few examples:
• Shadow rating with higher variance: this sounds fancy but it basically hides your rating till a certain threshold is reached, with a degrading influence of each match. This is used in chess (which uses elo).
• Mean Win rating. After a certain number of games it is calculated what average rating you could beat. Something like this is used in a few sports like badminton.
• Points for winning: just get points for each win and no deductions for a loss for 10 matches. Afaik this used in League (at least in TFT)
From chess and from an badminton elo site I am running I know this is feasible. It just needs some emphasis as this will be done once or twice a year instead of once per lifetime of an account.

Promo content

A new season will be an foreseeable event people are looking forward to. Valve has a slot where they can promote. They can name seasons and have some major gaming sites cover it - IMHO this gives League some hype which it builds up on.
It is not that they have to do it. But instead of a surprise drop of something big, tension will be built up.
So they CAN do extra promo but don't HAVE to. I mean you can still drop huge things in between, keep quiet and surprise everyone, including apex, by a new vertigo. But they would also have a promo spot.
submitted by chris2k2 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:11 The_Sunhunter The Mythology of the Eikons #10.) Ultimalius

The Circle of Malius tapestry depicting Ultima Risen looking down upon seven of its elemental Eikons
“Have you learned nothing!? Damned is the slave who would turn the scourge upon his master.” -Ultima
Hello and welcome to my final post on the mythological inspirations for the Eikons of Final Fantasy XVI. If you would like to read any of my previous posts on the Eikons, you can find them here:

1.) Phoenix

2.) Ifrit

3.) Shiva

4.) Ramuh

5.) Garuda

6.) Titan

7.) Bahamut

8.) Odin

9.) Leviathan

With the conclusion of the Echoes of the Fallen and the Rising Tide expansions, our protagonist Clive Rosfield finally reunites the power of the Eikons and realizes his full potential as the conduit for Ultima’s ambitions; and thus attains a form of apotheosis through the reward of Ultima’s divine abilities. As such, I figured I should do one more post, this time on Ultima itself. Though it is mostly an original character, there are still a lot of real-world religious themes baked into Ultima’s character that makes for a thematically poignant villain. As always, I am no expert and if you feel like I may have said something incorrect or if you feel that I missed something; by all means please let me know in the comments as I would love to start a discussion with you on these topics. I would also like to give a shout out to u/H-HGM-N who asked me to make a post on Ultima a while ago. I hope you all like it!
The main antagonist of Final Fantasy XVI, Ultima is a member of a race of extraterrestrial-like beings that share a single consciousness and identity. The Ultima collective were the first to discover the manipulation of aether, the quintessence of life, through magickal feats and with it, the Blight that would swallow their homeland. Driven by desperation, sixteen of the remaining Ultimas divested themselves of their deteriorating physical forms and embarked on a voyage to the land that would be known as Valisthea. Here, Ultima formed the Mothercrystals in order to siphon the realm’s aether for the purpose of weaving a spell that would resurrect its species and remake the world. Ultima also created mankind to act as stewards for its Mothercrystals, imbuing the members of the tribes that centralized around these glassy formations with elemental affinities; giving rise to what would eventually become the Dominants and Eikons. All of this was done in the hopes that successive generations of humans would produce a suitable body for Ultima to inhabit that could withstand the massive amount of aether required to cast the revivification spell; its perfect vessel, its Mythos. As the Mothercrystal Dzemekys resided in relatively close proximity to Origin, the metaphorical ark that ferried Ultima to possible salvation; the Children of Dzemekys, the Motes of Darkness that cultivated around this Mothercrystal regularly communed with their creator, starting a religion dedicated to Ultima called the Circle of Malius. One of the prominent beliefs of this faith was that of the Savior Myth, which prophesied that “...on some future day of reckoning, the incarnation of the lord would appear among mankind and remake the world; that the advent of this incarnation would be heralded by the emergence of several heavenly servants of great might; that the lord’s faithful should rally these servants together in order to bring the incarnation into being; and that for their loyalty, they would be rewarded with the greatest gladness”.
From this background information, as well as the names of many of Ultima’s attacks and Eikonic abilities, such as Holy, Voice of God, Aureoles, Proselytize, Purgatorium, Ascension, and Flames of Creation; we can start to see the parallels between Ultima and Mythos with the Judeo-Christian God of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ, the earthly incarnation of God and the Messiah according to the followers of Christianity. With its status as the originator of the human race, it is quite clear that Ultima is based on the idea of a creator deity, an often primeval and beneficent god in monotheistic and polytheistic belief systems that functions as a creatio ex nihilo explanation for the formation of the universe, the planet, or the existence of human life. Some examples of creator gods include the Sumerian Enki, who fashioned humanity from clay to act as servants to the gods in the story Enki and Nimnah; the Shinto kami Izanagi and Izanami, who formed the islands of Japan (Kuniumi) by churning the Pacific Ocean with their heavenly spear according to the Kojiki; and the Norse sons of Borr, that being Odin, Vili, and Vé who not only formed the mortal realm of Midgard from the primordial giant Ymir’s body, but also created the first two humans Ask and Embla.
Bearing similarities to the creation myth presented in the Babylonian Enūma Eliš; the first of the five books of the Hebrew Torah, that being the Book of Genesis, states in verses 1:1-2:3 that Yahweh, or Elohim Adonai “God the Lord” is yet another creator deity, being the grand architect of existence that created the world and all life on it in the span of six days. The first two humans made by God on the sixth day of creation, Adam and Eve, resided in the Garden of Eden where they were instructed not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Tempted by a serpent into disobeying their promise to God, Eve and Adam ate from the tree; resulting in their expulsion from paradise and the advent of sin or the “fall of man”. The subsequent generations born from the first two humans tainted the world, and as such, God sought to rebuild what He made by washing away the corruption with a great flood, mirroring older Mesopotamian deluge myths such as the one alluded to in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Verses 11:1-9 in the Book of Genesis mention that in the time after the Flood, Nimrod, the great-grandson of the Flood survivor Noah, led the newly united human race into constructing a ziggurat tower in the land of Shinar that reached up to the sky. Viewing this act as an affront to His lordship, God dispersed the human race across the Earth and created numerous languages so that humanity could never again unite and elevate themselves to godhood; dubbing this monument to the disorganization of the human race as the Tower of Babel.
These themes of mortal hubris, impiety, and the divine retribution for these disrespectful acts is also present in Final Fantasy XVI. During the time of the Fallen, an ancient race of technologically-advanced humans, a vicious war was fought for control over the Mothercrystals called the War of the Magi. The Fallen conducted horrific experiments within a literal and metaphorical ivory tower called the Sagespire, transmuting organic matter into inorganic crystals in the hopes of creating their own Mothercrystal and attaining godhood. The Fallen also constructed airships as well as machines designed to combat the Ultima collective and those who would defend the Mothercrystals. These machines, called Eikonoklastes, are named after the term “iconoclast”, which means a person who destroys or attacks religious images or beliefs. One such Eikonklaste was the Omega-I model, which is not only a recurring superboss) in the Final Fantasy series, but also has several neat Christian references associated with it. For instance, during the fight with Omega Aionios, the hostile machine can do an attack called Pantokrator. This is referring to the Christ Pantokrator, a mostly Eastern Orthodox or Eastern Catholic depiction of a stern but benevolent “Christ the Almighty” or “Christ the All-Powerful”; with the Western Christian equivalent being Christ in Majesty. Another religious reference comes from the trophy received by the player for creating the Omega Weapon, called My Reward is With Me; with this phrase originating from verses 22:12-13 in the Book of Revelation as spoken by Jesus Christ, saying; “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”. This is also referenced in the description of the Ultima Weapon that says “‘His word was the first, so shall it be the last.’ - Eikonomachy - Genesis 3:11”.
Much like the Greek story of Icarus flying too close to the Sun and falling to his death as a result, the rebellion against Ultima culminated in the Sins of Dzemekys; in which the Fallen invaded the eponymous Mothercrystal located in southern Storm to claim the giant formation as their own, but Ultima struck them down and destroyed the Mothercrystal, leaving a giant crater behind as a testament to the dangers of challenging the gods. This act not only echoes (pun intended) the Tower of Babel parable and the story of original sin as discussed by ProfNoctis and M. J. Gallagher in the video “Final Fantasy XVI Lecture Stream: A Conversation with MJ Gallagher on Faith, Fables, and the Fallen”; but the Sins of Dzemekys also inadvertently caused the forced emigration of the Children of Dzemekys to the continent outside of Valisthea in an unfortunate subversion of the Book of Exodus story of the Israelites, the chosen people of God, departing from Egypt in search of the Promised Land. This transgression committed by the Fallen against Ultima led the being to become what is known in comparative mythology as the deus otiosus, or the “idle god”. Ultima abandoned its creations, becoming dormant until Clive Rosfield awoke as the Dominant of the Infernal Eikon Ifrit and Ultima’s Mythos hundreds if not thousands of years later.
The fly in the ointment, however, is that Ultima never cared for its creations, its humanity, in the first place. The Savior Myth propagated by Ultima, the ancient Circle of Malius, and it's more modern offshoot Savior Cults in Waloed speak of “The Raise”, the ascension of the faithful into paradise for aiding the lord’s incarnation (Mythos) during the end of the world called the Arche (another term for Primogenesis). This idea is an obvious parallel to the evangelical Christian belief in the Rapture most likely originating from the verses 24:36-44 in the Gospel of Matthew and 4:15-17 in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, whereby during an end-time event either before or during the period of the Great Tribulation that will precede the Second Coming of Christ; the faithful, living and dead, will rise up into the sky and join God in the eternal paradise of Heaven. However, the myth surrounding the Raise is a farce; as the Raise is actually the spell that Ultima intends to cast using Mythos to remake the world. Having served their purpose, Ultima will no longer have need of the human race alongside its resurrected people, meaning that the birth of the new world also spells the death of humanity. Furthermore, the process of Primogenesis, as the name implies, is meant to revert mankind to a prior, “purer” state of being by stripping the wills and higher brain functions of man and beast alike through the metaphorical ritual cleansing of aether floods. Numerous times in the game, Ultima comments on the “threads of consciousness” to Clive and states how it must untangle him from these threads and empty the vessel if Clive is to become its Mythos. These “threads of consciousness” most likely refer to human willpower, a sense of self, and empathy. The greatest affront to Ultima, the reason why it abandoned mankind, was because of their unforeseen development of sentience and free will. These concepts are alien to Ultima, as its entire race shares a single mind, a single identity, a single goal. In fact, Ultima only refers to itself with plural self-descriptors such as “us”, “we”, or “our” and displays a jarringly flat affect up until the final battle, where all of the Ultimas combine into the singular, angelic form of Ultimalius.
Given its rejection of mankind’s autonomy, as well as the fact that the being itself and the majority of the confrontations with it are some sort of mental abstraction; through a metatextual viewpoint it could be argued that Ultima is a twisted manifestation of the Jungian concept of the Collective Unconscious; a pull towards maladaptive conformity and unity, thereby acting as the antithesis to one of FFXVI’s major themes regarding the importance of individuality and freedom. In stark contrast to the popularly held belief in the tabula rasa, the idea that people are born as “blank slates” that are then shaped by their sensory experiences, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung and the adherents of analytical psychology proposed that the Collective Unconscious is an inherited instinctual framework for understanding the world beyond conscious awareness that is present in all humans from birth. Jung argued that the Collective Unconscious manifests as archetypes, recurring images and ideas that can be seen propagating in various distinct cultures, allowing for one to make sense of one’s environment through familiar motifs. Jung believed that the similarities between many of the world’s mythological figures and events correspond to these universal archetypes; such as the aformentioned deluge myth motif or the pattern of the king of the gods often being a senex sky father. We can actually see this idea in Final Fantasy XVI in the form of the Eikons, which like the Eidolons) of Final Fantasy IX, are reflections of a given culture’s shared beliefs and experiences manifesting as a centralized figure of veneration for said culture; acting as the godhead of Ultima and the Mothercrystals. For instance, the Motes of Water originally hailed from the coast of southern Ash near the Mothercrystal Drake’s Horn and the river called the Ceaseless Rill, and as such their Eikon embodies the aspects of the water they were constantly surrounded by; that being the sea serpent Leviathan.
Jung believed that individuation, the process by which an individual develops a sense of self, first starts by consciously confronting and integrating aspects of the unconscious such as the Persona), the individual’s perceived role in society; the dualistic gender dynamics within each individual known as the Anima and Animus; and the uncomfortable and reprehensible aspects of an individual’s psyche) called the Shadow). By denying this process through the use of Primogenesis, Ultima keeps humanity under its thumb as an unenlightened slave race complacent in their own self-destruction. We witness this self-realization process for Clive, this transformation into Logos and denial of Ultima’s conformist Mythos, begin when he confronts his Infernal Shadow and accepts the truth of his role in the calamity that transpired at Phoenix Gate; which I think is beautifully demonstrated by the fact that Clive’s inner demon is the literal demon Ifrit.
The words Mythos and Logos are both of Greek origin and roughly mean “myth/story” and “reason, discourse, or word”, respectively. The use of Logos in FFXVI is interesting in that this word also has a theological connotation to it. In the Christian Bible, such as in verse 1:1 of the Gospel of John, Logos) is used to refer to Jesus Christ as the “Word of God”, being the preeminent representative of God’s divine creative presence and a member of the Holy Trinity as God the Son. Similarly to Logos, the Greek word Rhema means “utterance” or “something said”, with the Septuagint, the Koine Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, using both logos and rhema interchangeably when referring to the Word of God; which may explain why the crystals acquired from completing the circles of the Kairos Gate are called Rhema. To Ultima, Logos represents both the ruination of its divine vision of a new world for its own as well as the invictus) or “unconquerable” savior of mankind, with Clive ultimately sacrificing himself so that humanity may learn from their mistakes and build a better world where everyone can live on their own terms. Similarly, as discussed in the four gospels of the New Testament, Jesus was arrested, crucified, and resurrected; with this seen as a sacrifice on the Messiah’s part to serve as an example of how to achieve atonement and salvation for the misguided masses of Jerusalem.
In his video “Ultima - A Deconstruction of Villainy”, YouTuber FatBrett makes a very interesting comparison between Ultima and the protagonist of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. In her novel, Dr. Victor Frankenstein experiments with bringing life to dead tissue through galvanic and chemical processes. The scientist succeeds, essentially playing the part of God by creating a new form of life, but upon doing so is horrified and disgusted by the Creature, spurning his creation and eventually seeks out its destruction as it takes revenge for its abandonment. I bring this up because I would like to pay particular attention to the subtitle of Shelley’s novel, the Modern Prometheus, as this harkens back to the Greek story of the Titan Prometheus; who as a patron deity of humanity gifted mankind fire in defiance of the Olympian king Zeus, and as a result is eternally punished for his disobedience. In terms of the title of Mary Shelley’s novel, the Prometheus name, like the story of Icarus and FFXVI’s Fallen, is used to evoke the idea of a character that oversteps their bounds and is thusly punished for their arrogance. However, I would argue that this is only one aspect of the Prometheus myth. Through another lens, Prometheus could be seen as an example of the “nobel rebel” archetype, an individual who fights for an oppressed group in defiance of the injustices of a tyrannical system or individual, often in the hopes of making a positive change through their rebellion.
Prometheus’ theft of fire, while a sleight against the ruling pantheon that incurred a great cost, represents the gift of civilization and the boon of freedom that knowledge bestows; making it so that mankind would no longer solely rely on the gods for aid. We can also see a similar scenario play out in the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. While humanity lost access to paradise on Earth, they gained freedom in the form of self-awareness and knowledge equatable to that of the divine. These sentiments are also shared by the Ophites, who viewed the serpent in the Genesis narrative as a liberator of mankind from the control of a malevolent creator. Several critical analyses of John Milton’s characterization of a sympathetic Satan in his 17th century epic poem Paradise Lost also somewhat align with these viewpoints. Likewise, our protagonist Clive Rosfield, our nobel rebel and Dominant of the demonic Eikon Ifrit, defies the slave-master hierarchy of Valisthea before setting his sights on the ultimate slaver; denying Ultima its Mythos, its fantasy, by gifting mankind with its champion of free will, equality, and compassion; its Logos. And as I see it, in the end Clive succeeds in his crusade against tyranny not by killing Ultima, but by removing magick from the world, since the use of magick was the root cause of humanity’s enslavement, both from themselves and from their God.
Ultima’s apathetic disposition towards its creations, like Dr. Frankenstein, mirrors the Gnostic beliefs regarding their Demiurge or “Creator” named Yaldabaoth. Gnosticism is a collection of various esoteric Jewish and Christian sects that started possibly around the 2nd Century AD or earlier, with one of the primary beliefs shared by these disparate groups being that material existence was born from a mistake, and as such it is an existence of suffering and wickedness that can only be alleviated by coming to terms with and understanding the essence of the material and the spiritual; a process of personal enlightenment called gnosis. To elaborate further, according to accounts such as those found from the Nag Hammadi Library and the theologian Valentinus), there exists a spiritual realm of light which encompasses the totality of the immutable Supreme Being; the Monad), Bythos, or “the One”. From this Plemora, this immaterial plane, arrived the first emanation of the One, that being the hermaphroditic Barbēlō from which further personified divine principles of the mind called Aeons) descended, with these principles often being in male-female pairings called syzygies. It is worth noting that the hierarchical structure of the Aeon lineage#/media/File:Aeons.png) bears some resemblance to the Jewish Kabbalist diagram of the Tree of Life), which consists of the ten emanations of the Ein Sof, the “infinite divinity”, called the Sefirot. The Kabbalist Tree of Life just so happens to also resemble the sword-like symbol that not only can be seen on the Arete Stone in the Hideaway, but also appears when the Ultimas converge into Ultimalius at the end of the game as shown here in this post by u/Physianower. Anyways, the final emanation of the Gnostic Monad is Sophia) (Wisdom) who has no partner, and as such, leaves the light of the Plemora in search of one; resulting in the inadvertent asexual birth of Yaldabaoth. Ignorant to the existence of the Plemora and the Monad, Yaldabaoth believes itself to be the Supreme Being and creates matter, the universe, and all life within it; becoming the Demiurge.
Given that Gnosticism derives from divergent Judeo-Christian ideals, it should come as no surprise that Yaldabaoth was considered synonymous with the Old Testament’s Yahweh. While the followers of the Valentinian version of Gnosticism viewed the Demiurge as ignorant and flawed, other Gnostic sects, such as the Ophite, Sethian, and Archontic systems viewed the Creator as more of a malevolent figure that not only demanded reverence, but also inadvertently denied humans access to the Plemora and Sophia through their flawed mortal existence. As such, the only way for an individual to escape this entrapment is by undergoing the transcendental process of gnosis, allowing the divine essence within each person’s soul to be released, becoming what is known as a Pneumatic). This is similar to the Hindu concept of attaining liberation (moksha or nirvana) from the reincarnation cycle of Saṃsāra through the process of acquiring jñāna, or an understanding of the true self (Ātman)); which I find interesting as the alternative name for the Ultima Weapon superboss) from the SNES version of Final Fantasy VI is the Atma Weapon). Like Yaldabaoth, Ultima’s use of Primogenesis in Final Fantasy XVI prevents mankind from undergoing gnosis, while Clive as Logos acts as the metaphorical shepherd that enlightens humanity and guides it back to the light of the Plemora, which the Gnostics believed was Jesus’ role as well.
I should also mention that Yaldabaoth was typically viewed as a zoomorphic serpentine entity with a lion’s head, as shown here, while Hippolytus of Rome claimed that Simon Magus, the supposed founder of Gnosticism, also attributed fiery properties to the Demiurge, parroting verse 12:29 from the Epistle to the Hebrews, “...for our God is a consuming fire”. I think it's no coincidence that Ultima’s original physical body is the fiery Ifrit Risen, which has a feline face and a reptilian body. Furthermore, Ifrit Risen is actually the combined form of the two Eikons of Fire; Ifrit and Phoenix. In my first post on the Phoenix, I mentioned that the logo artwork for FFXVI by artist Yoshitaka Amano, which depicts the pivotal moment where the two Eikons of Fire duke it out beneath Phoenix Gate, looks similar to the Chinese symbol of yin and yang, which represents complementary opposites that provide a state of equilibrium. Ifrit Risen, like the Gnostic Aeons and Carl Jung’s conception of the Anima and Animus, is a syzygic pairing, a union of opposites. I would propose that while not a literal divine hermaphrodite, this unbreakable bond between the brothers Clive and Joshua Rosfield, who are likened to the twins Prometheus and Epimetheus in the song “Away”, could be seen as something similar to the hermaphroditic metaphor for the end product of the alchemical Magnum Opus) (Great Work) called the Rebis.
If you would consider this alchemical perspective, then I would like to further suggest that perhaps that Ifrit Risen is an allusion to the final stage of the Magnum Opus called Rubedo (reddening); whereby the given alchemical material has already undergone the stages of Nigredo (putrefaction), Albedo) (purification), and Citrinitas (spiritual awakening/transformation) just as Ifrit Risen is the combination of the destructive and restorative aspects of fire that attains sacred wholeness through its union. It just so happens that the stage of Rubedo was also occasionally represented through the symbol of a phoenix) and Carl Jung himself likened the four stages of the Magnum Opus to the process of individuation. It is also possible that like the Prometheus story, fire as the element of the divine could be a symbol for knowledge, free will, rebellion, and human ingenuity; or as I have also mentioned in my post on the Phoenix, could be based on the idea of the Empyrean. In Dante Alighieri’s Paradiso#The_Empyrean), the Empyrean is the highest realm of Heaven consisting of sacred fire where the wills of man and God become one; achieving what the Gnostics would most likely call the Anima Mundi or “World Soul”. And just like the Plemora and the Empyrean, the Nexus of Ultima’s Origin is bathed in the light of the aether harvested from all across Valisthea, but like the name of the eponymous song, it is a far cry from Heaven.
Well, this is it. I’m sad to say that my posts on Final Fantasy XVI are most likely finally over, but like ProfNoctis and M. J. Gallagher said in their video on the Echoes of the Fallen DLC, the amount of research the team at Square Enix did for this game is absolutely astounding, and I can’t thank them enough for this gem of a game that allowed me to write so much in these essays.
If you would like to watch some more videos regarding Ultima, Mythos, and Logos; I would recommend “Final Fantasy XVI - LOGOS EXPLAINED” by C. J. Cala, “Final Fantasy XVI Lecture Stream: The True Meaning of Mythos and Logos” by ProfNoctis, and “The story of Ultima explained Final Fantasy 16 Lore” by Alleyway Jack. If you would like to research more about Jungian analytical psychology, I would suggest checking out “The Collected Works of C. G. Jung”. Or if you would like to play another game that deals with Jungian psychology, world mythologies, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and themes of rebellion and freedom; then look no further than the excellent Persona 5.
And I can’t thank you all enough for reading my posts. It means so much that you would allow me to indulge in this little passion project of mine and I sincerely hope that I was able to at least instill a little more appreciation of this game and our world in at least one person. I would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed and I hope you have a wonderful day!
submitted by The_Sunhunter to FFXVI [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:48 onlyforuni Requiring help in gaining insight or answering a lot of queries in regards to studying MSc. CS in Germany. Warning: Really a lot of queries.

Hello everyone,
I wish to study MSc in Computer Sciences in Germany, know a few things, but do not know a lot. I have read, and am reading the recommended pages and am researching quite a bit online too, including in forums but still I have a bulk of queries that would be helpful to get insight on. Please help me by replying to these.
It would be particularly helpful if people who are from the Indian subcontinent (Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) give a comparative insights and evaluations on your study experience in your native nation and in Germany.
Also, I apologise because I am indeed going to write a full blown essay length piece. I tend to be a meticulous person who likes to know what he is getting into, and plan properly with enough room for improvements, so I apologise for a long piece of writing. It is a comprensive list of questions that I has come across my mind and I also categorised them into sections for easier grouping.
Just a quick background of myself:
A few things I think I know about studying and living in Germany:
Now for the bulk of my questions. Please do mention the query numbers as 1.2, 2.3, 3.2 and so on when you reply to the question as it would be easier for everyone to gain insight on the query.
  1. University, studies, and pedagogy
    1. Difference between teaching styles in Nepal and Germany. What to expect and what not to expect?
    2. Difference between University, Technical University, and University of Applied Science. How big and significant of a difference is it?
    3. DAAD scholarships for Masters in Computer Science. I did not find much scholarships and grants. Am I looking and filtering it wrong in DAAD site or are there pretty few scholarships to begin with?
    4. Do German universities wait for all applications or do they accept and take students as the time progresses. In Nepal, there are entrance exams and everybody competes on that and there is a common result the determines who is accepted so we wait for everyone. How is it in Germany?
    5. How long before the start of semester should I expect to come to Germany if I apply within the first 3 days of start of application period? Also, do German universities accept or take early applications and process later like many US universities do or is it just apply when open, we do not take early applications thing?
    6. Study in general. German universities want student to work hard and research hard. They wish to make students independent researchers. So how much do teachers and professors actually guide? Like syllabus is provided, but are the recommended and reference books also mentioned or is it our job to find them too? Also study groups, are they there? How do they function? Where to find them?
    7. Study materials. How to get it for cheap prices? In Nepal we just photocopy original book, or just pirate it, even if it is technically a copyright infringement; because the laws are weak and frankly nobody cares. I suppose I will not be allowed that in Germany. So how to manoeuvre around this, in a way, challenge or problem?
    8. How much studies should an average student need to do per day to barely pass with 4.0 grade? How much for a decent 2.5 grade? And how much for near impossible 1.0 grade. Just a ballpark of what I should expect?
    9. I did not pass 4 papers regularly. Will it matter that much in my chances of getting accepted or is it just binary like I completed with around 2.4 grade in German system, the university gives zero care on how many attempts I required?
  2. Living, lodging, and lifestyle
    1. German language proficiency. What is the bare minimum? What is recommended? How many hours of German language course should I expect to do so as to achieve A1, A2, B1, and B2 proficiency on a generic average learnability. Also cost of language course on Germany vs Nepal?
    2. General cultural differences to ease the culture shock. How to be polite and how not to be rude? What would make a German instantly shoot me in the head and what would make a German instantly want their children (plural) to marry me?
    3. Student accommodation. Student housing vs private accommodation? Pros and cons. Do’s and dont's? Any recommendations and suggestions?
    4. I will be there to study and I will study for as long as needed each day but there are some other requirements to help facilitate that. Like gym or fitness club membership, good balanced diet, bare minimum social interaction, and so on. What is the cost for this? I do not wish to go to major festivals or events like Oktoberfest or a Bundesliga or Bundesliga 2 match, but something like an amateur football for an hour once a week, or some gaming groups. I do not need to eat food so organic that human manure is used (that thing is kind of more expensive somehow and I do not understand why) but at least a fresh, hearty, healthy self-cooked meal that actually needs cooking and not just warming on microwave and does not come pre-packaged with 95 ingredients.
    5. Big city vs small city recommendations and suggestions. I do have a year of work experience so can I even get a job? Can I actually maintain a part time job and study? I personally do not care about pay, I just am not that comfortable just moving away from industry practiced for about 2 years, so I am willing to work nearly for free if it is in Angular. But I am also aware that I will need to consider a big city move for that which means a significantly higher cost of living.
  3. Administration, bureaucracy, finances, economy, and Visa
    1. German bureaucracy stereotype and processing of university admission and visa. How long does each take on average?
    2. Health insurance. How not to fall in scam? Who or which to choose? How much coverage to aim for? Also, long term health insurance. Can I get it even after I get off of Germany but continue to pay for it periodically so that I can visit Germany for something like medical visit and reap the benefits? Can I pay for someone else too if I wish to live super long term in Germany? Like paying in name of and for my parents periodically for example so that I can call them in like once every 6 months and do health checkups and such.
    3. Some countries and do not consider parents financing the student as a reliable way to pay for studies for Visa purposes. Is it true for Germany too? Are foreign student loans a thing in Germany where you pay over a course of a long time like over 8 years?
    4. Blocked account, I have an idea of it but am not still sure if I understand enough. Should it be opened in Germany itself or should I open it in Nepal itself?
  4. Miscellaneous (just queries of the curious)
    1. Some places to absolutely avoid. It may be because it is too expensive, too addictive (e.g.: casino, fairs, overly touristic attractions), just plain unsafe, or similar things.
    2. Some places to absolutely visit. Historical landmarks, nature at its best, cheap but reliable, and so on.
    3. Autobahn. Does the expectation and hype match the reality and truth?
    4. Europeans drink alcohol like water, to the point where Europe can be divided into 3 major alcohol groups: wine, beer, and vodka. I have never drunk, do not drink, and will not rink. Will it be an issue to socialise an eventually naturalise as a non-drinker in a drink-heavy society?
I again apologise for an extensively long post. I do hope that most of my queries will be answers if not all. I also hope it will be helpful and insightful for everyone willing to apply to a Gereman university for higher studies. I also apologise for the potential grammatical and punctuation errors that may have been there in the above piece. English is my third language and thus I am not so proficient in it.
Thank you in advance for the replies. I hope to be in Germany soon.
submitted by onlyforuni to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:35 WifeBeater3001 Guide to the Satirical 6 on an argument essay - Satirical 6 example

AP Lang graders are taught to read satire, a very useful skill to put to good use in the college classroom and which can mark someone's comedic and writing prowess, often more than a normal essay can.
Here is an example of a satire argument essay on Flat Earth, taking the obviously correct position.
* For centuries and centuries and eons and eons the greatest thinkers in the world in all their wisdom have upheld the scientific consensus of a round earth, and people have for these many years, accepted this as scientific fact. This, however, is complete bogus, these scientists are lying, the ice wall cages us in his discworld, and the moon is CGI. Using observational science, it is clear that the flat earth theory is substantiated by logic and rational thinking, and anyone who disagrees with this position is a moron. There was a time when I went on a vacation to Paris, and I took a plane there starting in Denver. Only 9 hours in I swore I could see the Eiffel tower! How, in a world as curvy as is shown on globe earth, could I possibly see the Eiffel tower from so far away? This does not add up with the “globehead” science.
Of course, it would be ridiculous to say that the earth wraps around itself like a ball when it travels, so it is often asked of the flat earth community, “why don’t you travel to the edge of the earth and find out for yourself if it is flat?” The people asking this question are sorely mistaken however, as there is a giant ice wall that cages humans into this world that has been hidden by the government. Now I of course have never encountered the ice wall, but I did have a telecommunic talk with the ghost of one of my dead relatives while tripping balls who told me all about the cage humans have been trapped in by the government, and how every major world government is all in on this great conspiracy. If it wasn’t for my relative, who thankfully was able to come back to life and tell everyone, then humans would likely have never found out about the ice wall. Antarctica is simply a cover up, and according to the brave scientists of reddit, any ship found sailing in the direction of the ice wall will be turned back.
In my high school studies and my research on internet forums such as 4chan and reddit, I learned to think for myself beyond simply what I observe. Observational science is still, of course, the only real way to perform a scientific experiment, however, it is important to look at subtext in life, just as it is important to realize just how fake the moon really is. Why in the world would, under the theory of Evolution, would rocks form to create such an ugly object? Even under the view laid out in the book of Genesis, why would an omniscient being capable of anything and everything within their vast imagination and intelligence create such an ugly, gray ball in the sky that does nothing but loom? Surely a creator would be more creative, or Evolution would make the moon look to, I don’t know, evolve? However, after staring at the moon for countless hours with my once dead, now alive, but at the time, dead relative, it became clear that the moon is a fake, a facade created by the government and the global elite such as Oprah and Tom Cruise, as the moon is CGI created to trick us into believing that eclipses and other event such as that can occur, despite the fact that the earth is beyond a doubt, flat as a disk. <--*
This essay does a great job at balancing actual points with witty remarks and complete absurdity. The general idea of a satire essay is that you must be able to back up a point through arguing the other side or some position satirically. For example, there can be a satire essay that satirically says college education is useless, even if the evidence presented is in favor of that position, and there can be a satire essay about how it doesn't really matter and it's of course nuance for everyone, and both of those would be perfectly fine. The essay above is structured similarly to a normal arg. essay, presenting a thesis and setting up the future arguments, and breaking down and providing some ridiculous evidence for each point. This demonstrates a high level of creative writing through the absolutely absurd statements that make no sense, such as evolution somehow making the moon, but that it actually didn't and it's just CGI, which is completely nonsense that is enjoyable for an AP grader to come across in a sea of normal essays. The essay also builds up in absurdity, which makes the end extremely impactful despite basically being no more coherently spoken than a man on horse tranquilizers attempting to recreate the works of Shakespeare. This build is far from required in a satirical essay, but really elevates it when you start off with something like the last argument essay about the value of possessions vs the value of human interactions today, starting with something about abandoning humanity for capitalism, moving forward into believing in a communist plot to overthrow the government that started with the fluoridation of the water and has now moved into talk show hosts talking about the value of human interactions. Something ridiculous like that is perfect.
Essentially, do not write a satirical essay if you're not extremely confident in your ability to be funny AND creative. It can be a fast track to a 6 like in the above essay, or it can absolutely fail and you can end up with AT MAX a 3. It's a high risk/high reward tradeoff that more kids should take advantage of.
submitted by WifeBeater3001 to APLang [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:43 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I need to preface this by saying that I am not interested in having a back-and-forth in the comment section. If you are interested in speaking with me, kindly message me in DMs.
I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]
