Warrior dps build 3.3.5

Who's a good boy?

2015.07.28 05:20 GOddamnnamewontfi Who's a good boy?


2024.05.16 10:40 kaam_24 Hire Candidates in Gurgaon

Hire Candidates in Gurgaon
Gurgaon, now known as Gurugram, has emerged as a thriving hub for businesses across various industries, from technology and finance to manufacturing and retail. With its proximity to the national capital, excellent infrastructure, and vibrant business ecosystem, Gurgaon offers a wealth of opportunities for companies seeking to expand their teams. However, amidst this bustling environment, hiring the right candidates can be a daunting task. Fortunately, platforms like Kaam24 are revolutionizing the hiring process, making it easier for employers to connect with top talent in Gurgaon. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how Kaam24 simplifies the hiring process and provides valuable insights for employers looking to hire candidates in Gurgaon.
Addressing the Employment Market in Gurgaon:
Understanding the characteristics of Gurgaon's job market is essential before moving further with the hiring process. Gurgaon, one of the major financial and technological centers of India, attracts a wide range of talent from around the United States. Numerous global corporations, startups, and SMEs call the town home, offering a vast array of employment opportunities across multiple industries. Gurgaon's job market is known for its diversity and competitiveness, with opportunities ranging from IT specialists and engineers to sales executives and customer service agents.
Making Use of the Hiring Platform at Kaam24
One of the top recruiting platforms in Gurgaon and worldwide is Kaam24, which specializes in matching businesses with qualified candidates.With its user-friendly interface and advanced search capabilities, Kaam24 streamlines the hiring process, saving employers time and resources. Here's how employers can leverage Kaam24's platform to hire candidates in Gurgaon effectively:
  1. Job Posting: Employers can create job postings on Kaam24's platform, specifying the job title, requirements, responsibilities, and other relevant details. These postings are then visible to job seekers in Gurgaon who match the criteria, ensuring that employers reach a targeted audience of qualified candidates.
  2. Candidate Search: Kaam24 offers powerful search features that allow employers to filter candidates based on various criteria, such as skills, experience, location, and salary expectations. Employers can browse through candidate profiles, view resumes, and shortlist potential candidates for further evaluation.
  3. Applicant Tracking: Kaam24's applicant tracking system enables employers to manage the entire recruitment process efficiently. From reviewing applications and scheduling interviews to communicating with candidates and making hiring decisions, employers can track each stage of the hiring process seamlessly.
  4. Customized Solutions: Kaam24 understands that every hiring need is unique, which is why it offers customized solutions tailored to each employer's requirements. Whether it's hiring for entry-level positions, mid-level management roles, or executive positions, Kaam24 provides flexible solutions to meet diverse hiring needs.
Navigating the Hiring Process with Kaam24:
Now that we've explored the features and capabilities of Kaam24's hiring platform, let's delve into the step-by-step process of hiring candidates in Gurgaon using Kaam24:
Step 1: Define Your Hiring Needs: Before you begin the hiring process, clearly define the roles and positions you're looking to fill. Identify the specific skills, qualifications, and experience required for each role to ensure that you attract the right candidates.
Step 2: Create Compelling Job Postings: Craft engaging and informative job postings that highlight the unique aspects of your company and the opportunities available. Clearly outline the job responsibilities, qualifications, and benefits to attract the attention of potential candidates.
Step 3: Post Jobs on Kaam24: Once you've created your job postings, post them on Kaam24's platform to reach a targeted audience of job seekers in Gurgaon. Take advantage of Kaam24's advanced search features to ensure that your job postings are seen by relevant candidates.
Step 4: Review Applications and Shortlist Candidates: As applications start coming in, review them carefully to identify candidates who meet your criteria. Utilize Kaam24's applicant tracking system to manage and organize applications efficiently, making it easier to shortlist candidates for further evaluation.
Step 5: Conduct Interviews: Schedule interviews with shortlisted candidates to assess their skills, experience, and fit for the role. Kaam24's platform allows you to communicate with candidates seamlessly and coordinate interview schedules with ease.
Step 6: Make Hiring Decisions: After conducting interviews and evaluating candidates, make hiring decisions based on their qualifications, experience, and fit for the role. Communicate your decisions to candidates promptly and extend job offers to selected candidates.
Step 7: Onboarding and Integration: Once candidates accept your job offers, facilitate their onboarding process smoothly to ensure a seamless transition into their new roles. Provide them with the necessary training, resources, and support to help them integrate into your organization effectively.
Hire candidates in Gurgaon can be a complex and challenging process, but with the right tools and resources, employers can streamline the process and connect with top talent effectively. Kaam24's hiring platform offers a comprehensive suite of features and solutions designed to simplify the hiring process and empower employers to make informed hiring decisions. By leveraging Kaam24's platform, employers can navigate the Gurgaon job market with confidence, attract qualified candidates, and build high-performing teams that drive success and growth.
submitted by kaam_24 to u/kaam_24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:40 Pbadger8 Yasuke is actually everything you claim to want to see in video games

First off. Does Yasuke take away representation from Asian men? Is he denying audiences the ability to play as a Japanese Samurai?
Well, no. Because if you want to do that, there’s still Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh 2, Way of the Samurai 1, Way of the Samurai 2, Way of the Samurai 3, Way of the Samurai 4, Way of the Samurai 5, Samurai Warriors 1, Samurai Warriors 2, Samurai Warriors 3, Onimusha, Genji, Shadow Tactics, Total War Shogun, Muramasa, Sengoku Basara 1, Sengoku Basara 2, Sengoku Basara 3, Sengoku Basara 4, Nobunaga’s ambition, Sekiro, Tenchu, Tenchu 2, Toukiden, Toukiden 2. And many MORE!
My point is, there’s a lot of games set in the Sengoku period. You’re not missing out on Japanese protagonists. GO PLAY THEM. You don’t need a shitty franchise like Assassin’s Creed to get immersed in feudal Japan.
Yasuke though… he is something new though, isn’t he? I don’t think he’s ever been a main character before. We haven’t really been able to play as a character like him before. Don’t you like a fresh experience?
And Yasuke has a fascinating story. Perfect for assassin’s creed’s grand historical epics. He was brought to Japan as a slave and became a samurai. Everybody loves a rags to riches story. He was given a stipend (made a samurai) by Nobunaga, one of the three unifiers of Japan. THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. GO TO AskHistorians IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME. So Yasuke is IN THERE in the historical drama. He’s in the thick of some really interesting historical developments. And then when his master dies, he disappears from the historical record, shrouded in mystery. That’s a perfect character for this kind of game, especially in AssCreed where they hand-wave historical inaccuracies as being misinformation from the templars. Plus… he’s actually MORE historical than Altair, Ezio, or Connor. That doesn’t even matter, though. AssCreed has animal stand battles with King George Washington. It’s never been afraid to distort history for a good time.
If you are tired of games feeding you the same old tired plotlines, then this dude is perfect for you. There’s great drama just built into his historical backstory.
Now personally I still think the game is going to be trash because it’s Ubisoft and they are probably going to put in $10 microtransactions for sword guard skins or something.
But THIS DUDE Yasuke checks all of your boxes if you want games to have interesting and fresh stories. If you actually GENUINELY care about compelling narratives in video games, put your money where your goddamn mouth is and prove to me that you’re not just reflexively shitting on the game because it’s got a black dude.
submitted by Pbadger8 to CriticalDrinker [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:37 CatIntelligent5378 The way archeology was implemented in Cataclysm Classic is beyond dumb.

Tl;dr title. My frustration originates from the whole logic behind it from the devs perspective. They know that players are alot more informed and want to do well in this day and age. Locking the archeology epics behind possibly hundreds upon hundreds of hours of grind is idiotic and here is why. Personally i am at 600 solves, nothing compared to the 1200,1800 and even 2000 i know people have WITHOUT THEIR ITEM.
On beta full normal BIS healers are struggeling to keep up on mana. Meta is to drop healers to the absolute lowest, so people with the doll, darkmoon card trinket i.e. will a hundred percent be brought over people who failed to get the trinket. Overall the trinket will be BIS for the whole phase on top of being best in slot for firelands.
Same goes for staff. Staff is ~8% DPS increase above the second pre-BIS item. Again, if you have the staff above anyone in your guild not having it, is absourd amounts of playerpower due to pure and utter RNG.
Sword for a arms warrior is a flat 10% DPS increase, which will also be heavily valued on heroic progression early on.
People can call me a sweatlord for expecting the item on players, however lets be real and honest.. Most established communities expect it to be farmed. The logic of devs saying that "its fun to find the yellow dot" and "people enjoy flying around digging" is so stale and out of touch that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The weakaura going around is named PAIN in caps, i doubt that is by random.
Having items that is directly pre-BIS or straight up BIS for firelands progression locked behind utterly idiotic RNG implemented by devs to scratch their absurd itch of controlling the playerbase is nothing but destructive to the game.
Surely i can not be the only one being frustrated by the utter idiotic choices the devs have done at this launch. And this is without even touching their take on the current class balance being completely fine (as also stated in the interview).
submitted by CatIntelligent5378 to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:32 Amazing_Marketing_11 How was your landing in the ashlands? I see conflicting reports of the beginning of the conquest of the ashlands. You may want to share your impressions and take a small survey.

I understand that the experience of solo passage and the group is very different. And each of them has pros and cons.
I went to conquer the ashlands with my son. He's a magician, I'm a warrior. I steered the ship, it killed birds and a snake. I helped sometimes. We moved very slowly through the spires. There was a storm. Along the way, a workbench was set up several times and the ship was repaired.
When the shore appeared, I tried to door away from the spawners. But they were on the coast anyway. We started killing enemies while still standing on the ship. Very slowly and methodically. There were two huge boulders right two steps from the shore. We settled down between them. The son immediately installed a protective dome. I was building two earthen walls around the perimeter. Thus, we have made a "safety island". We didn't know yet that these boulders, behind which we hid, break easily.
But we sailed in, built an outpost, and began exploring the biome without deaths. I think that the experience of going through all the previous biomes should have prepared the Vikings for the ashlands. Everything that worked in previous biomes "works" here. The best food, the best equipment, potions, buff "rested". Installation of the portal. We worked in a well-coordinated team, give each other a break to restore stamina and health.
Later, when we started exploring, we died from the lava. But getting the bodies back wasn't a problem, because the portal was nearby. Then, when I was playing alone, I died one more time. I just overestimated my capabilities. A stupid death that could have been avoided.
For us, arriving in the ashlands was quite stressful, chaotic, full of adrenaline, but quite successful.
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submitted by Amazing_Marketing_11 to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:30 AutoModerator Unleash the Power of AI: Make Money Online in 2024 (Free & Easy Method!)

Tired of the 9-to-5 grind? Dreaming of earning an income online but unsure where to start? Look no further than the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI)! In 2024, AI is booming, and it presents a unique opportunity for individuals to unlock new income streams without breaking the bank.
This guide dives into a free and easy method to leverage AI and start making money online in 2024. We'll explore Rask, a powerful AI video translation software that can be your gateway to reaching new audiences and growing your online presence.
Here are three proven ways to utilize Rask and generate income:
  1. Become a translator for YouTubers: Help creators expand their reach by translating their English videos into other languages. This allows them to tap into new markets and grow their subscriber base, while you earn a steady income for your translation services.
  2. Start your own translation business: With Rask's capabilities, you can offer video translation services to businesses, individuals, or educational institutions. This opens doors to diverse clientele and allows you to scale your business based on demand.
  3. Freelance on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork: Offer your AI-powered video translation skills on popular freelance platforms. This is a flexible option, allowing you to work on short-term projects and build your online reputation.
Bonus opportunity:
Rask also offers an affiliate program. By promoting their software and referring others, you can earn commissions for each successful signup. This is a fantastic way to generate passive income while introducing others to the valuable tools offered by Rask.
Ready to embark on your AI-powered journey to financial freedom? Join the Rask community and discover a wealth of resources and inspiration to help you achieve your online income goals!
submitted by AutoModerator to money_online_fast [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:26 associative_llama finally, depths 30 with masochist stone +9

don't have many folks to share this with since the friends that introduced me to the game dropped it, so here i am sharing this here.
finally cleared the hardest content the game has to offer with all the tools the game provides! some folks may see using sloth-on-onmyo-hit with familiars as cheesing or taking the jizo kodama buffs as unnecessary but i take what i can get for masochist stone +9.
ran onmyo austerity 5 / tsukuyomi 3 / susano 6 with dual swords / odachi because i was very stubborn with a 3 swords playstyle (i use both actively, depending on bosses) - also somehow ended up with a more offensive variant of brick breaker (replicated unscathed-damage-halved with wild boar crest helmet and honda clan) which i didn't realise until i went to research builds for inspiration.
floors and bosses
26: tsuchigumo, yorimitsu, matsunaga
27: fatsu-no-kami, mezuki, nightmare boomer
28: will.i.am, maeda toshiie, shut-in doji
29: ashiya doman, ren hayabullshit, tatarimokke
30: tokichiro (human), obsidian samurai, lightning gomi of yomi
celebratory image: https://imgur.com/a/Qe0LVaL
somewhat burned out with the game since i played ~400 hours over the past 2 months... it's probably time for a break. maybe when i pick this up again it's time to go for the platinum or run through depths with a build without sloth-on-onmyo-hit.
hoping team ninja eventually makes a nioh 3!
submitted by associative_llama to Nioh [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:26 Kaffeepause29 Need advice on building a new pc in 2024

Hi everyone,
I would like to send my current PC built in 2015 into a well-deserved retirement and need some advice on building a new PC, that will ideally last another decade.
My budget is between 1000 to 1500 €.
My current PC specs are:
What I want to do with the new PC build:
I was thinking about buying an AMD CPU (7600/x for ~170€ or 7800X3D for ~329€) and an Nvidia GPU (RTX 4060 for 299€ or RTX 4070 Super for ~610€), which both would fit into my budget range.
Which pc parts would you recommend me especially for the CPU and GPU?
submitted by Kaffeepause29 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:24 William_Liao Georgia Tech vs UMich in Mechanical Engineering

Hello, I am an international student from Taiwan and am about to study grad school in the United States.
I have applied for master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and my specialized research area is Fluid Mechanics. I really fancy Fluid Mechanics and have decided to do research master's degree (or maybe thesis option), instead of just coursework master's degree.
Luckily, I recently got offers from University of Michigan and Georgia Institute of Technology, I have difficulty choosing which school to attend and thus hope you can give me some useful pieces of advice, I will be truly grateful. I am unable to visit the campuses in person and financial issue is not a problem to me, so we can just neglect the tuition aspect.
Here are some Pros and Cons I've analyzed for both of them. Since I am not an expert to this, please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Georgia Institute of Technology
  1. The ranking of Mechanical Engineering (or simply Engineering) of GT is slightly higher than UM.
  2. In terms of Fluid Mechanics, GT has more research resources and faculties. The overall intensity of Fluid Mechanics research is much better at GT than at UM. Plus, there are more Fluid Mechanics labs that align with my interest in GT.
  3. GT does better in job opportunities, such as the Co-op, Graduate Internship Program and their career fairs, which allow their graduate students to find a suitable job more easily upon graduation.
  4. Labs are generally supported by some tech giants or have joint research projects with corporations. This help me learn more about those companies and thus help me find jobs more smoothly after graduation.
  5. GT really boast with their Engineering and STEM programs, which will probably give me more resources toward my research.
  6. I want to apply my knowledge of Fluid Mechanics and work in aerodynamic industries in the future, GT is more connected to them, including NASA, SpaceX and Lockheed Martin.
  7. Less Asian students than that in UM, this do good to me since I want to step out of my comfort zone and interact with different ethnicity.
  8. Atlanta is a metropolitan city where I can have a bunch of places to unwind and chill out.
  1. The campus size is only 373 acres, insignificant in comparison to UM. I personally prefer large campus.
  2. The student group is consisted mostly of engineering students, which is monotonous (less diverse) and somewhat boring. Also there are less female students.
  3. It is kinda scorching and wet during summer in Atlanta, I hate humid weather !!
Among all the merits mentioned for GT, 2. & 3. matter most for me. They are the main points to consider.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
  1. UM is a mighty traditional public with long history (founded in 1817), their buildings are quaint and picturesque. Their overall reputation is phenomenal in the states, and there are other prestigious programs than Engineering in UM such as Law, Nuclear, Medicine and Dentistry.
  2. UM has strong school spirit (go blue, wolverine), diverse student groups and fantastic social life. I will have the sense of belonging and recognition here.
  3. Many multidisciplinary programs which I can gain non-engineering ideas to nourish my mindset. Also their alumni network is world class.
  4. Large campus size (3203 acres). Plus, Ann Arbor is a fabulous college town where I can enjoy some fancy shops and restaurants, the environment around UM is undoubtedly satisfying.
  5. Strong alumni network. This helps me become more connected and provides more opportunities at workplace.
  1. Even UM's Mechanical Engineering is reputable, the Fluid Mechanics research is deficient, there is limited resources and faculties in Fluid Mechanics. It will be hard to find a lab there that fit with me.
  2. It is freezing during winter in Michigan. This will discourage me from going out and study.
  3. I think their Mechanical Engineering department receive less funds and grants than that in GT, because GT focuses on Engineering and STEM subjects so they probably allocate their budget mostly in Engineering.
GT and UM are both prestigious, if I want to focus my graduate time in studying, doing research and seeking internships, I will pick GT. On the other hand, if I want to enjoy the campus, develop social life and experience the diverse community, I should pick UM.
Since I am just an undergraduate student in Taiwan, I haven't been to either of these schools and are less familiar to these schools than you guys. If you can provide me with useful advice and suggestion, I will be sincerely appreciated. Thank you very much.
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submitted by William_Liao to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:21 iosonohala Welcome Post

As-salamu alaykum and welcome to LatinoMuslimVoices!
We are delighted to have you here. This subreddit is a community dedicated to celebrating, discussing, and exploring the rich contributions of Hispanic and Latino Muslims. Our goal is to create a vibrant and supportive space where members can share resources, engage in historical dialogues, and connect with others who share our unique intersection of culture and faith.
Feel free to share articles, books, videos, and personal stories that highlight the experiences and contributions of Latino Muslims in various fields such as arts, poetry, architecture, history, literature, and philosophy. We encourage respectful and thoughtful discussions, and we hope to build a resourceful and welcoming environment for all.
Community Guidelines and Rules:
  1. Respectful Dialogue: Always engage with others respectfully. Personal attacks, hate speech, and discriminatory comments will not be tolerated.
  2. Stay On Topic: Posts should be related to the experiences, contributions, and discussions relevant to Hispanic and Latino Muslims.
  3. No Spam or Self-Promotion: Avoid spamming the subreddit with unrelated content or excessive self-promotion. Occasional promotion of relevant content is allowed, but it should be in the context of contributing to the community.
  4. No Explicit Content: Please refrain from posting explicit, graphic, or inappropriate content.
  5. Resource Sharing: Sharing resources is highly encouraged. Ensure that shared resources are relevant and provide value to the community.
  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences and strive to maintain a respectful atmosphere.
Thank you for joining LatinoMuslimVoices. We look forward to your contributions and hope you find this community both enriching and supportive. Let's build something wonderful together!
submitted by iosonohala to LatinoMuslimVoices [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:19 Haunting_Education67 Interview Help

I am an SEO( 2.5 years ) and I have been trying for a G7 position since last 1 year. I got past through 5 SIFTS ( Average score 5), got 1 reserve initially ( which has now expired).but have failed 4 interviews since then .
The score has been mostly fluctuating between 3-4 in the behaviours with the latest feedback being "“XXXX stronger examples demonstrated that he builds networks effectively and uses them to help him deliver his work, this came out clearly in his interview, and he was also strong on his follow-up questions. However, it was difficult at times to really identify what XXXXX did and the impact this had - his examples felt incredibly broad and would benefit from really describing a specific piece of work. The panel was therefore unable to ascertain the significance of the challenge that the candidate was addressing in the examples given. With some finessing of the answers, the panel felt confident that the candidate would succeed to convey G7 level competency in an interview in the near future"
Could you please advise how do I best demonstrate G7 qualities in the interviews, what are the key points I emphasise on. Its just that I am not able to hit the key criteria in the interviews to show I am ready for the jump.
submitted by Haunting_Education67 to u/Haunting_Education67 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:18 GottaChangeMyName Coop Guide

Here‘s a guide for Coop Mode:

Coop Captain:

How does Coop Captain work?

Coop Captain is any character that is either lvl 150 or you use a Coop Tome on. These Characters have predefined specials, Captain Abilities and Actions, which will apply to both teams. Rare Recruits (rr) or sugo rares (sr) have the identical coop abilities, so it doesn‘t matter which one you pick. Since these Captains have predefined abilities, Don‘t use OP Captains as Coop Captains (e.g any new SR or characters like G5 Luffy). It is better to use Rr or old legends, as those don‘t have Captain Abilities you might want to use.

What do the Coop Captains do?

The Abilities of Coop Captains are predefined, working as follows:
Captain Ability: Every Captain is a 4.5x boost of their Color (base effect) up to 6x (max lvl) and a rainbow Captain from 4.25x to 5.75x including a HP boost
Captain Action: Applies a 30% Resistance down of Characters 1st class for 2 turns and a 20% Resistance down of Characters 2nd class. Use this when you need that extra push in damage, for example on the boss. The effect is triggered by swiping down (like EX, Switch or Captain Action)
Captain Special: This is by far the most important aspect of your Captain, as this can hab the Tide of battle, when deciding who you wish to use, you should focus on this criteria. The Ability of the Captain is only based off of Rumble Style the Character has. Here‘s the Breakdown: - RCV-Style: Reduces unfavorable status icons on you and partner by 1-2 turns and heals all players (this does not include Hunger or status effects like bind, despair etc.) - DBF-Style: Delays all enemies (not bypassing immunity) by 1-3 turns and removes all enemy effects by 1 turn - DEF-Style: Reduces damage taken by 50%-90% for all players 1-2 times and heals all players - SPT-Style: Changes all player‘s (including block) slots to Favourable and reduces special charge by 1-2 turns and extends beneficial effects by 1-2 turns - BAL-Style: Reduces 1 enemy‘s HP by 15%-25%, heals all players (up to 2x Hp pool) and reduces everyone‘s Bind/Despair by 1-2 turns - ATK-Style: 250‘000-2‘000‘000 Damage (bypassing everything) to all enemies, changes both players‘ type slots to own type and reduces all players‘ Special charge by 2 turns

Which Coop Captain is the best / should you focus on?

Assuming you are playing with randoms, it is exactly in this Order: 1. RCV-Style 2. DBF-Style 3. DEF-Style 4. SPT-Style 5. BAL-Style 6. ATK-Style
This is because the 2 turns effect removal is OP. bleed? pain? Not with this special. Healing is also essential for playing with randoms, because you can make sure they survive so that you can clear the rest of the stage. Second is DBF, because they remove all enemy buffs by 1 turn, which allows you to save a special On the mob-stages or reduce damage limiter. The delay is also good, because if you don‘t manage to kill, you wouldn‘t get their atk damage. Next is DEF for its survivability SPT for extension and possibly special charge reducer (however, this character isn‘t immune to it BAL is situational, could be useful, but they don‘t reduce effects more than a simple support does. Don‘t use ATK-Style, the damage is a fucking joke, so only the special cooldown is useful, but SPT already does this
If you play with a teammate, I recommend using 1 DBF Style for the fodder stages (reducing def up) and one RCV Style for survivability and reducing of annoying effects like Pain, Bleed etc.

Coop Teams

What are the requirements for Coop Teams?

This Text is focusing on Infinitum Sea Difficulty:
Generally, you want to have a Team that is capable of: - Regular medium Damage Output (switch Characters with some type of ATK boosting effects) - Bind/DespaiParalysis Remover (this should be done via Captain and Supports) - Poison remover (as support Character, very important) - Enemy Buff Remover (I recommend 2 characters to be able to remove up to 10 turns of all 3 main buffs) - If you are unable (because of missions or other reasons) to be capable of all these things,focus on survivability and debuff removers, so that you can kill the fodder stages and can skip your turn at the boss to have your teammate clear it. - You want to use a Captain that removes some type of debuff on your crew passively, if they remove 2 that‘s even better (e.g Yamato Ace, G5 6* Luffy, Vegapunk)

General best use Crew

The Best General Team you can build is:
Psy Luffy G5 6* RCV-Style Coop Captain (preferably a Straw Hat) STND Sanji / Zoro Straw Hat that removes Def Up (Nami Carina for example) Yamato Unit (e.g Yace for resilience) Debuff Remover (e.g Psy Cerebral Chopper)
Add some supports that remove Despair (Whitebeard on Yace, Luffy has V1 INT Reileigh) Add a Support that removes Poison
With this team you can Solo Infinitum, as long as your Parnter doesn‘t die and skips their turn if they can‘t defeat the boss this turn.
This team is OP, because with Luffy’s EX you bypass all barriers, only needing to deal with Def Up. Zoro/Sanji give you amazing attack boosting effects, and a STND for even more damage. They also remove Def zip, but you should use this only on the boss stage. All other characters are more or less free to use what you want, but you want to make sure to have some debuff removers, Def Up removers and make sure to be able to trigger STND every turn (so someone like Yamato/Ace is amazing, as their burn bypasses resilience and they change their slot (including block), which can then be switched by Zoro/Sanji

What do you play for?

Every month there will be a Coop Event, where you can grind for Stones for that specific 3 month period. After 3 months there will be the Grand Feast Sugo Fest, where you can pull with the Stones you have grinded over the past 3 months. Here, a multi pull costs 100 gems, and at the end of the event you will only get 5 multipulls out of all the pulls you‘ve done. Based on the rarity (and how recent the character is) your get points for the ranking, which will give you even more rewards (Rainbow Gems, SR Tickets) The Grand Feast Sugo Fest will have all normal banner legends from before the 1st month event period started (right now this means all legends up until and including QCK Slasher Momo)

How does Luck / Boosted Units work?

Luck affects which drops you get while clearing a Coop Quest. Drops you can get are (not exclusive as I will probably forget something uninteresting): - Feast Stones - Cotton Candy - Special Level Tomes (including Sugo Rare) - Proof of Friendship
Luck is only affected by your Coop Captain and your Partners’ Coop Captain. You will get 1 luck every 5 levels and 1 luck for each rr of the same evolution tree and 2 luck for a sr for the same evolution tree. Your luck maxes at 100, meaning with your Partner the maximum luck you can have is 200. Boosted Units give you extra drops (similar to PKA or Blitz). However, different to those modes, you don’t need them in your crew, simply having the character unlocked is sufficient.


Lastly, but very important is communication. While the current ways to communicate are very limited, thee are a few messages you can use, which will allow you to more easily power through the content. Here’s how I’ve used and interpreted the ones I’m using: - Help Me: You are unable to clear this stage. This can mean either a debuff on you, or you can’t remove all enemy buffs. If the issue is that you have debuffs, try to stall while taking as little damage as possible and dealing as much as possible. If you simply can’t remove all enemy buffs, either a) it’s the boss: remove as many as you can, then skip your turn (top left next to the partner’s HP) b) fodder stage: Simply skip your turn - Let me Handle this: Mainly use this on the boss or if your teammate uses Help Me. This tells your Teammate to skip their turn, and let you kill all enemies - Please Remove that: Mainly used at the boss, letting your partner know they should remove enemy buffs as much as possible and then skip to you, because except for this enemy buff your can clear the stage - I’m sorry: Apologize if you didn’t manage to clear your stage, this is solely to be a good person and upkeep moral - Thank you / My thanks: Thsnking your teammate for something they’ve done, this is to upkeep moral and being a good person - Usopp Burn Emoji: Something fucked up. Very vague, I don’t recommend using this to properly communicate with your teammate - Wait! Stay strong: This tells your Partner they should stall, so for example only killing one enemy, or keeping the enemy left on low HP - We need a few more Communication Emojis, for example that you need debuffs removed

Use Skip

You can only skip your turn once in a row, and if you have skipped your partner cannot skip in that exact turn. When skipping, you do not lose a turn on the effects you have, so when you have a debuff on you and you skip your turn, you’ll not reduce any turns of debuff that’s currently on you. Skip is overpowered as fuck, especially on the boss stage, because it is the other player’s turn without the boss doing anything. Take a boss like Luffy. He does a lot of debuffs on you, so you remove as much def as you can, and then simply skip to your partner. Assuming you have cleared all stages prior, your Partner will now have nearly all specials and no debuffs on a boss with about 50mil HP. That is very easy. If you can’t defeat the current stages enemies, don’t forget you have a skip button
Please. Use. Your. Skip. At. The. Boss, especially when your teammate tells you “let me handle this”.
If there are any infos missing or wrong, please let me know so I can update this guide. I’m also open for questions
submitted by GottaChangeMyName to OnePieceTC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:17 DemocracyManaged Balance Suggestions for (almost) Every Primary Weapon

There's been a lot of talk around balance lately, particularly some (in my opinion) valid complaints about certain nerfs not making sense.
With that in mind, here are some suggestions around balance. The focus here is on fun and uniqueness.
Credit for most suggestions goes to the Helldivers community. I've mostly compiled what others have said, though I've tried to be more specific about stat recommendations.
For anyone who doesn't know, the stats shown on-screen are not the full picture. For instance, the CEO has said recoil is actually governed by 14 different values. However, I wanted to be as specific as possible.
For anyone wondering, I'm around level 50 and play on various difficulties, most often 7.
When in doubt, I've erred on the side of smaller versus larger changes, which I think is a good approach to balance in general.
Some more general thoughts about balance about the bottom, but for now, let's just dive in...
Liberator: Honestly great as-is; well-rounded starter for clearing crowds, compensated by being bad against armor.
Liberator Penetrator: VERY underpowered due to a 30-round mag (versus 45 for the Liberator), and 45 (versus 60) damage, though it does have Medium armor penetration. It's very strange that the "Penetrator" does far less damage than its "vanilla" variant. Suggest raising damage to 65 and keeping the clip at 30 rounds to emphasize its specialty anti-armor role.
Liberator Concussive: Suggest raising damage to 75. Come on... it shoots explosive, um, concussive rounds. The smaller clip would still balance it versus the basic Liberator, while the lack of Medium penetration would mean it doesn't invalidate the Penetrator.
Tenderizer: Suggest raising damage to 75 on this one too, or it will be completely invalidated by the Liberator variants (as it currently is...). This would make it a smaller-capacity, higher-caliber alternative, which aligns with the description. Also, ammo should be fully refilled by drops (as most other guns are) and the color fixed to match the trailer. Guessing these were oversights.
Adjudicator: Well-balanced thanks to recent buffs, but I do think the recoil should be more like 30-35 instead of 40. I'm a big fan (and liked it even before the buff), but it feels strangely hard to control the recoil, especially now that it's considered an assault rifle.
Diligence: Think it's great after the buffs. Not always ideal for bugs (though I use it for that too), but great for bots. No changes.
Diligence Counter-Sniper: Love it after the buffs; it was terrible before. I do think it should have 8 mags instead of 6 (matching the Diligence in mags, but still with less ammo overall due to a clip of 15 versus 20). It feels like it runs out way too fast.
Defender: Honestly not sure; I rarely use it and haven't read much about it. I suspect this means it's decent as-is.
Pummeler: Similar to Defender but less fire rate and lower damage in exchange for stun. Well-received by the community; good as-is.
Punisher: Powerful and well-rounded, good as-is.
Slugger: People were using it as a stagger sniper rifle, and somehow the balance "fix" was to remove the stagger and power, but keep the sniper accuracy? This is a slug shotgun. Suggest reverting damage and stagger to pre-nerf, but make it somewhat less accurate (or have the damage drop off more) at longer ranges.
Breaker: Good as-is.
Breaker Spray& Pray: Nearly half the damage / twice the capacity of the regular Breaker, but only 10% more fire rate? Granted this is a light crowd clearer, but I really think the fire rate should be more like 400. This would still be notably lower DPS than the Breaker, but with more ammo and much faster firing... it is called the Spray&Pray!
Breaker Incendiary: One of the best weapons imo, with a very reasonable trade-off of less immediate power for more BURN THEM ALL. My teammates often use it to set me ablaze with patriotism. Good as-is.
Exploding Crossbow: One of the worst-balanced weapons right now. The question is whether it should be more of a light crowd-clear (as it was pre-nerf), or armor penetrator (as the devs have claimed was their original intention), as currently it is bad at both. I would favor the former, only because A) that's what it was before and what people seemed to prefer, and B) that sets it apart from the Eruptor more, rather than basically serving the same role but without the ability to close holes. (I personally wish it could close them, as it is explosive, but being semi-auto that might be a bit OP.) I think it should be reverted to pre-nerf, but adding a couple more clips and keeping the faster-flying bolts (a nice change!). It was odd and a bit annoying how slow the bolts were when it first got released; even strafing could throw them off. It's a crossbow, after all, not a trebuchet. The tooltip should also say its level of armor penetration (currently it doesn't.)
Dominator: Not sure why it was recently nerfed down to 275 damage. I honestly feel the recent nerf made no difference to the balance, but I'd revert it just as a show of good faith.
Eruptor: There is a lot to say here... suggest reverting its stats and performance to the original release, but keeping the fix to it not 'imploding' players toward the explosion, and keeping the magazines at 6. I think it is potentially OK to keep the slight nerf to damage radius fall-off too (I didn't feel much difference, but it seemed more realistic somehow, whereas at release the explosion felt like it went abruptly from full damage to 0 at the edge of the radius).
HOWEVER, removing the "shrapnel" mechanic absolutely needs to be reverted. This was a massive, unnecessary nerf that removed the gun's identity and took it from being great to being awful.
A couple more points about that:
-Yes, it could randomly kill you from 30 meters away... like 0.5% of the time. Anyone claiming it didn't is wrong, though it was very rare. I had it happen maybe twice in a 10-hour period.
-No, it was not a big deal at all. However, it also did not make sense, and added nothing fun to gameplay. None of the other "explosive" guns, airstrikes, etc, work that way, and it appears from dev comments the rare weirdly long ricochets were not intended. If that could be fixed without removing the shrapnel, I think it should be... though I would personally rather have a quick revert/fix that adds back shrapnel but keeps the weird ricochet, versus a slower fix that resolves the issue completely.
-Removing the shrapnel was a dev decision. Some people need to stop blaming the community for that, because no one was asking for it to be removed completely; they just wanted the explosive mechanics to be more consistent, fun, and intuitive.
Punisher Plasma: Feels way better after the buffs; love the increased flight speed for the shots. I could see a slight buff to power or explosive radius, but think it's pretty good as-is.
Blitzer: Feels amazing after the buff to fire rate. Kudos to the devs, because this has gone from hot garbage to being my favorite gun... unless/until the Eruptor is fixed. Democracy rating: Taste My Lightning / 10.
Scythe: The buff helped, but it still feels quite weak. I'd buff power significantly (up to 450-500 DPS) and up the Fire Limit from 8 to 10. For comparison, the Sickle has a DPS of 687.5 (assuming its 750 "Fire Rate" means roughly 750 rounds per minute) and a Fire Limit of 9.
Sickle: Super fun, no notes. Great crowd clear, not so great against heavies. I think the nerf to its ammo cartridges was fine, though unnecessary. It didn't change much.
Scorcher: I haven't used it personally (literally just unlocked), but the community seems to feel it's in a good place. Looking forward to some Scorching!
Purifier: Also have not used this personally, so take with a grain of salt, but the consensus seems to be that it's like a much worse Scorcher. The chargeup is a neat mechanic, so I'd lean into that and add a lot more power... like, 400 versus the current 250. Maybe increase recoil to give it that extra kick. Also, I could be wrong, but the 250 displayed for the fire rate seems strangely high based on the gameplay videos I've seen... not sure if that's accurate.
General balance suggestions:
1) "Spreadsheet" balancing based on gun popularity is a bad strategy.
It's good to encourage loadout variety, but guns will never be used equally, and "more used" does not necessarily mean "overpowered." There are many reasons besides a gun being unbalanced that it might be used by more people. It could be unlocked earlier, or easier to learn, or just more fun to use (in which case it's the last thing you should be nerfing!). Some will be used by more people simply because they see other people using it. There are many examples of this in other games. In Rocket League, the "Octane" car is literally identical to many other cars in its stats, but it's still the most used by a wide margin. In Age of Empires 2, the French civilization has a higher win-rate among low-level players because it's easy to learn, but at a higher level, it's well-balanced.
2) Ideally balance for low and high difficulties... but high is more important.
At a high level, if a gun underperforms, you will either die, or worse, not contribute properly to your team... and Freedom.
Because there are some enemies that only appear on higher difficulties, you simply can't get away without playtesting on higher levels.
With that said, if something works well at a high level, the lower levels take care of themselves to an extent. There are some caveats (for instance, crowd-clearing weapons with low armor penetration are relatively better on lower levels), but it's hard to have perfect balance across all difficulties, and it's less important for lower levels because you can get away with a lot more and still survive. The same is not true in reverse.
If the devs don't have the time or inclination to play at a high level, a Preview server (as some have suggested) could help. Tapping skilled streamers/content creators for balance suggestions (after vetting them and/or putting some kind of NDA in place) is an option, too. Microsoft does that with Age of Empires, for instance.
3) This is a PVE game, not PVP. It's best to err on the side of limited changes... especially with nerfs. Fixes take time, but it takes 0 development time to NOT nerf something.
People emotionally invest in weapons they enjoy. (I bring my emotional support 500KG everywhere!) If you change them, they probably won't like it! This goes double for unnecessary nerfs (see 1 above).
In a PVP game, if something is overpowered, the person it's used against generally has less fun. In Helldivers, our enemies are subhuman and have no feelings to consider besides a hatred of all things free and Democratic.
If you've read this far, thanks for taking the time!
I'd love to hear what others think about these suggestions.
The CEO (Pilestedt) has made it clear that the community's concerns around balance have been noted, and the recent Discord posts indicate it's something the team is currently looking at, so hopefully there will be more positive changes soon.
See you on the front!
submitted by DemocracyManaged to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:16 Barepole92 Cici experimental adjustment ideas

Cici experimental adjustment ideas
From Day One, I always thought Cici would have been a good magic damage dealer. The current season is ending really soon IIRC and I thought this would be a great opportunity to show off my idea. But first, I will tell you 2 reasons why she should be a magic damage dealer instead of a physical one.
  1. Aesthetic
Do I need to provide a full-fledged explanation? Her portrait radiates so much magical and whimsical vibes. Not only that, A lot of noobs on day one of her release built magic items on her since there wasn't a pro build yet.
  1. Gameplay
Currently, Cici isn't really versatile. All her viable builds are the same thing: Boots, Her core item War Axe, Damage Items specifically Hunter Strike/Malefic RoaSea Halberd or Brute Force Breastplate and Defensive items for the rest.
With the new advanced server item additions and adjustments, I think the magic category items would fit Cici's current playstyle very well while also giving her slightly more versatility. I imagined her builds would be like this:
•Boots, Clock of Destiny, Concentrated Energy, Ice Queen Wand, Glowing Wand, and Winter Crown (Debuff-focused build)
•Boots, Clock of Destiny, Concentrated Energy(Could replace with Sky Piercer I guess), Genius Wand, Wishing Lantern, Divine Glaive (Damage-focused build)
•Boots, Clock of Destiny, Concentrated Energy, Ice Queen Wand, Queen's Wing, Winter Crown (Spell Vamp-focused build)
•Boots, Clock of Destiny, Concentrated Energy, Blood Wings, Lightning Truncheon, Queen's Wing (Movement speed focused-build)
•Boots, Clock of Destiny, Concentrated Energy, 2 defensive items, Queen's Wing (Defense-focused build)
Her viable emblem sets should remain the same, maybe War Cry and Impure Rage could replace the 3rd usual talent, Brave Smite. While flameshot could be added to her list of viable battle spells.
Also, fear not. I also thought of a way to balance this adjustment:
Her basic attacks will deal magic damage (obviously), but she will now have a mana bar. The latter should make Cici players more careful with their first skill spamming while also making Clock of Destiny a proper core item of her.
Her passive will stay the same.
[Cici generates a stack of Delight after dealing damage, increasing her Movement Speed by 0.75% and Spell Vamp by 0.75% per stack up to 10 times, doubling the effects at full stacks.]
Her first skill would have lowered HP-based percentage damage in early games since there are less options for magic defenses. Slightly higher scaling because it's magic damage.
[Cici uses Yoyo to continuously attack the nearest enemy within range (prioritizing heroes) for 3.5 seconds, hitting them up to 10 times and dealing Magic Damage equal to 60–85 plus 2.6–4.5 (+2% Total Magical Power)% of the target's Max HP per hit. Cici can move and use other skills during this attack.
If there's no enemy hero within the range, Yoyo will attack Turrets or the Base instead. The skill deals 20% extra damage to Minions.]
Her second skill would have higher base damage in the late game phase and should also have smoother movement.
[Cici leaps into a target direction. If she lands on any unit (not including Turrets and Base), she can leap again in the Joystick's direction. In the air, Cici can control where she will land using the joystick. If she lands on an enemy with the first leap, she deals 200–375 (+55% Total Magical Power) Physical Damage to them.] (The Physical Damage part isn't a mistake btw, this will keep its purpose as a good source of early game AoE damage in case the enemy builds magic defense)
Her ultimate will have higher damage overall, making it a good finisher attack or Initiator. Downside is, the bonds made by this skill can now be broken by CC removal abilities. Note that the marks will still be on the affected enemies no matter what and cannot be cleared.
[Cici throws Yoyo at the target enemy hero and links them with another nearby enemy hero, dealing 275 - 550 (+35% Total Magical Power) Magic Damage, slowing them by 20%, and pulling them together. During this time, Cici can use Yo-Yo Blitz Yo-Yo Blitz to attack both linked targets at the same time. If only one is within the range of Yo-Yo Blitz, Cici will attack the target twice, but the damage of the second attack will be reduced to 20%]
Her skill cooldowns could be slightly reduced due to her build having barely any CD reduction stats, but 2 of her skills will have mana costs, with Ultimate having the highest while 2nd skill will not have any at all
  1. Conclusion
I myself am a Cici main. Yes, I am okay with her current state, but I really wanted to share this neat idea of mine. If you find any flaws in this adjustment idea, tell me!
submitted by Barepole92 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:16 JH-DM Phobos + Knight list idea

Alright so I finally bought the Knight QuestoCanis Rex kit after thinking about it for months. My current lists are pretty strong against hordes and melee focused armies, and usable against medium sized targets, but I get curve stomped by heavies (I conceded at the bottom of round 2 VS 3 Bane Blades because I was already nearly tabled). But I really like Vanguard Spearhead because a LOT of units can be hard to hit, or even impossible (I.e. Vindicare or Tech Marines near a tank). So here’s a list I made to try and keep that high mobility + add in some tank busting.
Warlord: Captain in Phobos armor, add Blade Driven Deep, attach him to a 10 man Infernus squad
Librarian in Phobos armor, attach him to my Eliminators
Tech Marine
2 squads of 5 Intercessors
2 Gladiator Lancers
1 Inceptor squad of 3
1 Incursor squad of 5
1 Infiltrator squad of 5
1 Scout squad of 5 (all optional weapons, with the heavy bolter)
Canis Rex
1 Inquisitor leading a full Henchmen squad
Comes out to 1995 points.
I feel like between the Knight, Lancers, and Tech marine I have plenty of anti-heavy stuff, my Inquisitor’s squad and Captain’s squad can melt chaff, Incursors buff the shooting if there’s a model that NEEDS to die, and I still have some Intercessors for sticky objectives.
What do y’all think? I’ve only won 2 games so far, drawn twice, and lost probably 10 times, so still pretty new to Warhammer and list building.
submitted by JH-DM to spacemarines [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:15 Illustrious-Fold-418 [Get] Copy Posse Launch Files 2022 – Alex Cattoni

[Get] Copy Posse Launch Files 2022 – Alex Cattoni
Copy Posse Launch Files 2022 – Alex Cattoni

What will you learn in Copy Posse Launch Files 2022?

  • Week 1: How to OWN Your Niche & Build An Irresistible Portfolio
  • Week 2: How To REEL In Your Customers & PSYCHE Out Your Competition
  • Week 3: How To SELL With Storytelling
  • Week 4: How To Write HOT Headlines & Hooks
  • Week 5: How To Write A High-Converting Offer
  • Week 6: Writing The Page That Will Get You PAID!
  • Week 7: Ads + Landing Page – The One-Two Punch To Perfect Your Portfolio
  • Week 8: Automating Sales With Personalized & Persuasive Emails
  • Grand Finale: Putting Together Your Posse-Approved Portfolio
submitted by Illustrious-Fold-418 to Creativeinsights [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:13 No-Piglet3900 UPD Dorm Questions from an Incoming Freshie!

Top Picks: 📍Acacia 📍Molave 📍Kamagong
(trying to avoid community toilets and baths, may onti exception with Molave because it looks good)
  1. Marami ba cases of harassments sa dorms? Wala akong kilala na I can be roommates with, unfortunately.
  2. Checking all the RH, Acacia pinaka nagustuhan ko. Ang course offered sa akin ay BA Linguistics and a waitlist sa BA Philo. Considering that, malayo pa rin ba 'yung dorms above sa building ko if ever?
  3. How's the social scene? For dormers, have you ever felt excluded ng ibang dormers? Dama pa rin ba rito sa dorms 'yung difference ng social status sa isa't isa? May bullying?
  4. Is it true na 10PM curfew tapos you need to get something processed if mag aall nighter ka outside the dorm? what if i wanna sleepover somewhere for long, uwi ako ng bahay or ma-traffic ako n stuff?
  5. Ano 'yung bedchecks?
  6. Ano 'yung mga bawal na dalhin? Bawal daw rice cooker? :(
submitted by No-Piglet3900 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:11 izayahemerald Luka Build for Boothill Team

So sometime later, I plan on using this team setup: E6 Gallagher, (hopefully E2S1) Boothill, E6 Luka, and (hopefully E6) H-Caelus
Due to Luka seeming to be quite the hybrid unit, I'm finding it difficult to decide on how to build him. He could really be nice as a sub-DPS in this team, both for some little Bleed boosting/detonating but also for Break (and Super Break) DMG, and he adds some nice vulnerability on top of that as a support. With all of this in mind, I find it difficult to figure out what main and sub stats to focus on for relics, or even what relics and light cones to choose, as Luka seems to benefit a lot from ATK, Break AND EHR.
TLDR; Luka is too flexible so I can't decide what direction to go in terms of relics, stats, and light cones. Does anyone have any good ideas how I should go about this build?
submitted by izayahemerald to LukaMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:10 Cranes_Varsity Hands-On Projects to Master in Your Embedded Systems Course

Embedded systems are at the heart of many modern technological advancements, from smart home devices to automotive systems. As an aspiring embedded systems engineer, the best way to gain practical knowledge and develop your skills is through hands-on projects. These projects not only solidify your theoretical understanding but also give you invaluable experience in problem-solving and system design. Here are some essential hands-on projects to master in your embedded course.
Embedded systems are at the heart of many modern technological advancements, from smart home devices to automotive systems. As an aspiring embedded systems engineer, the best way to gain practical knowledge and develop your skills is through hands-on projects. These projects not only solidify your theoretical understanding but also give you invaluable experience in problem-solving and system design. Here are some essential hands-on projects to master in your embedded course.

1. LED Blinking Project


Learn the basics of microcontroller programming and GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) operations.


Start with a simple project where you program a microcontroller to blink an LED on and off. This project introduces you to fundamental concepts such as setting up a development environment, writing and uploading code, and using timers.

Key Learnings:

2. Digital Thermometer


Build a temperature-sensing device using a microcontroller and a temperature sensor.


Create a digital thermometer that reads temperature data from a sensor (like the DS18B20) and displays the readings on an LCD screen. This project involves interfacing sensors and displays with the microcontroller and handling data conversion.

Key Learnings:

3. Home Automation System


Design a basic home automation system to control appliances remotely.


Develop a system where you can control home appliances like lights and fans using a microcontroller and a communication module (e.g., Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). Implement a simple user interface to operate the system via a smartphone or computer.

Key Learnings:

4. Smart Door Lock


Create a security system with an electronic lock controlled by a microcontroller.


Design a smart door lock system that uses a keypad or RFID reader for access control. The system should authenticate users and trigger a servo motor to unlock the door.

Key Learnings:

5. Robot Car


Build a basic robotic car with obstacle avoidance capabilities.


Construct a small robot car using a microcontroller, motors, and sensors (like ultrasonic or infrared sensors). Program the car to navigate and avoid obstacles autonomously.

Key Learnings:

6. Weather Station


Develop a weather monitoring system that collects and displays environmental data.


Create a weather station using various sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure) and a microcontroller. Display the collected data on an LCD or send it to a web server for remote monitoring.

Key Learnings:

7. Heart Rate Monitor


Design a health monitoring device to measure and display heart rate.


Build a heart rate monitor using a pulse sensor and a microcontroller. Display the heart rate on an OLED screen or send the data to a mobile app.

Key Learnings:

8. Automatic Plant Watering System


Create a system that automatically waters plants based on soil moisture levels.


Design a plant watering system using a soil moisture sensor and a microcontroller. Program the system to activate a pump to water the plants when the soil moisture drops below a certain threshold.

Key Learnings:

9. Smart Meter


Build an energy monitoring device to track power consumption.


Develop a smart meter that measures electrical energy consumption using a current sensor and a microcontroller. Display the data on an LCD or transmit it to a central server for analysis.

Key Learnings:

10. Voice-Controlled Assistant


Create a voice-activated system to control various devices.


Design a voice-controlled assistant using a microcontroller, a microphone, and a speech recognition module. Program it to respond to voice commands and control devices like lights, fans, or appliances.

Key Learnings:


Hands-on projects are a critical component of mastering embedded systems. They not only enhance your practical skills but also prepare you for real-world challenges. By working on these projects, you will gain a deep understanding of microcontroller programming, sensor integration, and system design, setting a strong foundation for a successful career in embedded systems engineering. Dive into these projects, and watch your skills and confidence grow!.
submitted by Cranes_Varsity to u/Cranes_Varsity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:09 AcrobaticTadpole56 Beginner Dragonborn Help Please

Hello! I've been a fan of D&D forever and have never gotten a chance to play, but there's a D&D club I'm thinking about joining and I wanted to build my character before I did. I've read through the details of the races and I wanna make my character a Dragonborm, but I have a few questions that I really wanted help answering before I went further.
1: What if you wanted to create a spotted Dragonborn? Like if they look like a Dalmatian or something? Does that mean you have to pick two Draconic Ancestry or can you only pick one?
2: Based on Draconic Ancestry and my first question, does the character also get the ability to use two types of damage types, a mix of two, or can they only use one?
3: What's the shortest I can make a dragonborn, is there a limit?
4: The D&D Beyond page on The Dragonborn Race says that they are often born "Shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids." Does this mean any humanoid, and if so, what counts as a humanoid?
5: Do Rock Gnomes count as humanoids?
I was hoping to creat a small, 4ft tall Dragonborn that was half dragon and half Rock Gnome. I was hoping to make them of Black Dragon Ancestory, and have them have spots because of the Rock Gnome half, with the spotted scales being the Gnome's skin or hair color. Is this okay for me to do?
submitted by AcrobaticTadpole56 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:08 Samad99 Portland Burrito Index?

I’m contemplating a Portland Burrito Index and would like this community’s feedback on what data points should be captured in such a thing.
The idea started because people frequently ask “where can I find a really big burrito?” To help answer this question and be of service to all mankind, I’ve decided to create a burrito index. But why stop at burrito weight?! If I’m gathering this information and creating the database, why not capture more other useful information while I’m at it?
What data fields would you like to see in such an index? So far, the index will include:
1) Restaurant 2) Menu Item (exactly as written) 3) Burrito Category (house burrito, breakfast, special, California, fajita…) 4) meat selection 5) burrito weight 6) burrito price 7) restaurant category (food cart, counter service, table service, mobile truck…) 8) special notes (eg. “Adjacent bar allows outside food”) 9) star rating 10) And of course, tasting notes
The idea is that users can submit burrito reports to help build the index or use the PBI to search for a burrito.
submitted by Samad99 to askportland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:08 digitalmarketingR 15 Remarketing Strategies to Drive Conversions for Digital Marketing Courses in Raipur, Chhattisgarh

SEO Meta Description: Discover 15 effective remarketing strategies to boost conversions for your digital marketing course in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Learn how to optimize your campaigns and drive more enrollments.


In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, attracting and retaining potential students for a digital marketing course in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, requires innovative strategies. Remarketing, a powerful tool that allows you to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your brand, can significantly enhance your conversion rates. This comprehensive guide explores 15 remarketing strategies tailored to boost enrollments for digital marketing courses in Raipur. By leveraging these tactics, you can create targeted, personalized campaigns that effectively convert interest into action.

What is Remarketing?

Definition and Importance

Remarketing is a digital marketing technique that targets users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your content but did not complete a desired action, such as enrolling in a course. It involves displaying tailored ads to these users as they browse other websites, use mobile apps, or search on Google, reminding them of your offerings and encouraging them to return and convert.

Types of Remarketing

There are several types of remarketing, including:

How Remarketing Works

Remarketing works by placing a small piece of code, called a pixel or tag, on your website. This code collects data about visitors and their interactions. When these users leave your site without converting, the collected data allows you to serve them targeted ads across various platforms, nudging them to return and complete the conversion process.

Benefits of Remarketing

Increased Conversions

Remarketing targets users who have already shown interest in your digital marketing course in Raipur, making them more likely to convert compared to new visitors. By reminding them of your course offerings, you can significantly boost your conversion rates.

Enhanced Brand Recall

Repeated exposure to your brand through remarketing ads helps keep your digital marketing course top of mind. This increased brand recall can lead to higher conversion rates as users are more likely to choose a familiar brand.

Cost-Effective Advertising

Remarketing is cost-effective because it targets a specific audience that has already expressed interest in your offerings. This focused approach reduces wasted ad spend and increases your return on investment (ROI).

Why Remarketing is Crucial for Digital Marketing Courses?

Targeted Advertising for Course Enrollment

Remarketing allows you to create highly targeted ads for potential students who have visited your course pages but haven’t enrolled. By addressing their specific interests and concerns, you can increase the likelihood of conversion.

Building Trust with Potential Students

Repeated interactions through remarketing ads build trust and familiarity with your brand. This trust is crucial for potential students deciding to invest in a digital marketing course in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

Personalized Marketing Messages

Remarketing enables you to deliver personalized messages based on user behavior. For instance, you can show ads highlighting course benefits or testimonials to users who have viewed specific course details but haven’t enrolled yet.

Strategy 1: Google Ads Remarketing

Creating Remarketing Lists

Google Ads allows you to create remarketing lists based on various criteria, such as users who visited specific pages or took specific actions on your site. These lists help you target ads to the right audience.

Setting Up Remarketing Campaigns

To set up a Google Ads remarketing campaign, install the Google Ads tag on your website, create your remarketing lists, and design compelling ads. Ensure your ads align with the interests and behaviors of your target audience to maximize engagement.

Strategy 2: Facebook Remarketing

Custom Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences enable you to target ads to users who have previously interacted with your Facebook page, website, or app. This allows for highly personalized and effective remarketing campaigns.

Using Facebook Pixel

Installing the Facebook Pixel on your website helps track user behavior and build Custom Audiences. This data allows you to serve targeted ads to users who are most likely to convert, enhancing the efficiency of your campaigns.

Strategy 3: Email Remarketing

Segmentation of Email Lists

Segment your email lists based on user behavior and interactions with your website. This allows you to send targeted remarketing emails that address specific interests and concerns, increasing the chances of conversion.

Crafting Effective Remarketing Emails

Create compelling remarketing emails that highlight the benefits of your digital marketing course in Raipur. Include testimonials, course highlights, and special offers to entice users to enroll.

Strategy 4: Dynamic Remarketing

Personalized Ads Based on User Behavior

Dynamic remarketing displays personalized ads that feature the exact courses users viewed on your website. This tailored approach significantly increases the likelihood of conversion by addressing users’ specific interests.

Benefits of Dynamic Remarketing

Dynamic remarketing enhances user experience by showing relevant ads, which improves engagement and conversion rates. This strategy is particularly effective for promoting specific courses and modules.

Strategy 5: Social Media Remarketing

Using Instagram and LinkedIn

Leverage Instagram and LinkedIn for remarketing by creating engaging ads that target users who have interacted with your content on these platforms. Use visually appealing images and compelling copy to capture attention.

Crafting Engaging Social Media Ads

Design social media ads that highlight the unique selling points of your digital marketing course in Raipur. Use testimonials, success stories, and course benefits to persuade users to enroll.

Strategy 6: Video Remarketing

Using YouTube for Remarketing

YouTube is an excellent platform for video remarketing. Create engaging video ads that target users who have watched your videos or visited your YouTube channel.

Creating Compelling Video Ads

Develop video ads that showcase the value of your digital marketing course. Include student testimonials, course highlights, and a strong call to action to drive conversions.

Strategy 7: Content Remarketing

Utilizing Blogs and Articles

Retarget users who have read your blog posts or articles by displaying ads that encourage them to enroll in your digital marketing course. This strategy keeps your course top of mind for potential students.

Retargeting Blog Visitors

Use remarketing ads to reach users who have visited your blog but haven’t enrolled in a course. Highlight relevant course content and benefits to persuade them to take the next step.

Strategy 8: Search Remarketing

RLSA (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads)

RLSA allows you to customize search ads for users who have previously visited your website. This ensures your ads are shown to users who are already familiar with your offerings, increasing the chances of conversion.

Optimizing Search Campaigns for Retargeting

Optimize your search campaigns by targeting specific keywords related to your digital marketing course in Raipur. Use RLSA to reach users who have shown interest in similar topics.

Strategy 9: Display Network Remarketing

Crafting Display Ads for Remarketing

Create visually appealing display ads that capture the attention of users who have previously visited your site. Use engaging images and strong calls to action to drive conversions.

Benefits of Display Network Ads

Display network ads reach users across a wide range of websites and apps, increasing your brand’s visibility and the chances of re-engaging potential students.

Strategy 10: Cross-Device Remarketing

Importance of Multi-Device Targeting

Targeting users across multiple devices ensures a seamless and consistent remarketing experience. This approach increases the chances of conversion as users interact with your ads on different devices.

Synchronizing Campaigns Across Devices

Synchronize your remarketing campaigns across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. Ensure your ads are optimized for each platform to maximize engagement and conversions.

Strategy 11: Remarketing for App Users

Creating App User Segments

Segment your app users based on their interactions with your app. Target these segments with personalized remarketing ads that encourage them to enroll in your digital marketing course.

In-App Remarketing Strategies

Use in-app ads to re-engage users who have interacted with your app but haven’t enrolled in a course. Highlight the benefits and features of your digital marketing course to drive conversions.

Strategy 12: Remarketing with Push Notifications

Crafting Effective Push Notifications

Create compelling push notifications that remind users about your digital marketing course. Use personalized messages and timely offers to encourage users to take action.

Best Practices for Push Notification Remarketing

Follow best practices such as keeping messages concise, using clear calls to action, and timing notifications appropriately to maximize engagement and conversions.

Strategy 13: Remarketing with SMS

Using SMS for Retargeting

SMS is a direct and personal way to reach potential students. Use SMS remarketing to send targeted messages that highlight the benefits of your digital marketing course in Raipur.

Crafting Effective SMS Campaigns

Craft concise and engaging SMS messages that include a clear call to action. Offer exclusive discounts or limited-time offers to entice users to enroll.

Strategy 14: Remarketing with Affiliate Marketing

Utilizing Affiliate Networks

Partner with affiliate networks to extend the reach of your remarketing efforts. Affiliates can help promote your digital marketing course to a broader audience, increasing your chances of conversions.

Integrating Remarketing in Affiliate Campaigns

Incorporate remarketing strategies into your affiliate campaigns by providing affiliates with retargeting pixels and personalized ad creatives. This ensures a consistent and effective remarketing approach.

Strategy 15: Geotargeting in Remarketing

Using Location Data for Remarketing

Geotargeting allows you to tailor your remarketing ads based on users’ geographic locations. This is particularly useful for promoting a digital marketing course in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

Creating Localized Remarketing Campaigns

Develop localized remarketing campaigns that highlight the benefits of enrolling in a digital marketing course in Raipur. Use location-specific messaging to appeal to potential students in the area.

Measuring the Success of Remarketing Campaigns

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Track key performance indicators such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend to measure the success of your remarketing campaigns.

Tools for Tracking and Analysis

Use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and third-party tracking software to analyze the performance of your remarketing campaigns. These insights will help you optimize your strategies for better results.

Challenges in Remarketing

Overcoming Ad Fatigue

Ad fatigue occurs when users see the same ads repeatedly and start to ignore them. To overcome this, regularly refresh your ad creatives and vary your messaging to keep users engaged.

Dealing with Privacy Concerns

Privacy concerns can affect the effectiveness of your remarketing campaigns. Ensure you comply with all relevant regulations and be transparent with users about how their data is used.

Best Practices for Remarketing

Ad Frequency and Timing

Monitor the frequency of your ads to avoid overwhelming users. Aim for an optimal frequency that keeps your brand top of mind without causing ad fatigue.

Crafting Compelling Ad Copy

Create compelling ad copy that resonates with your target audience. Highlight the unique benefits of your digital marketing course and include strong calls to action to drive conversions.


Remarketing is a powerful strategy for driving conversions for digital marketing courses in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. By implementing these 15 strategies, you can create targeted, personalized campaigns that effectively re-engage potential students and boost enrollments. Focus on creating engaging ads, tracking performance, and continuously optimizing your campaigns to achieve the best results.


What is the most effective remarketing strategy for digital marketing courses?
The most effective strategy depends on your specific audience and goals, but dynamic remarketing often yields high conversion rates by displaying personalized ads based on user behavior.
How can I measure the success of my remarketing campaigns?
Use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. Tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights can help track and analyze these metrics.
What are some common challenges in remarketing?
Common challenges include ad fatigue, where users become desensitized to your ads, and privacy concerns related to data usage. Regularly updating ad creatives and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations can help address these issues.
How does geotargeting enhance remarketing campaigns?
Geotargeting allows you to tailor your ads based on users’ locations, making your campaigns more relevant and appealing to local audiences. This is particularly useful for promoting local courses like a digital marketing course in Raipur.
What are the benefits of using dynamic remarketing?
Dynamic remarketing shows personalized ads based on user behavior, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. It enhances user experience by displaying relevant content, which increases the likelihood of conversions.
How can I avoid ad fatigue in my remarketing campaigns?
To avoid ad fatigue, regularly refresh your ad creatives and vary your messaging. Monitor ad frequency to ensure users are not overwhelmed, and experiment with different ad formats and placements to keep your campaigns engaging.
submitted by digitalmarketingR to u/digitalmarketingR [link] [comments]

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