Hilarious status for facebook

Fortnite: Save The World

2011.12.11 06:12 wallaceofspades Fortnite: Save The World

The developer supported, community run subreddit dedicated to Fortnite: Save the World from Epic Games. Build forts, co-op, kill monsters, save the day, bacon.

2014.03.12 12:36 CrayonsForBrains Corrupting children's coloring books.

Get some crayons and a coloring book to turn adorable pictures into twisted and or hilarious corruptions of their former selves.

2014.10.08 04:15 wsgy111 Black Twitter

Screenshots of Black people being hilarious or insightful on social media, it doesn't need to just be twitter but obviously that is best.

2024.06.09 11:49 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 9/6/24

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Have a nice and prosperous day BabyDogeArmy!

submitted by Ultra243 to BABYDOGEARMY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 9/6/24

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Have a nice and prosperous day BabyDogeArmy!

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2024.06.09 11:40 Beautiful_Room_3647 Personal Advice Needed

I don't even know how to put this, but basically I'm at a loss here. Why is it that every time I feel sad and upset about my past or my childhood or just life, I get really down and sad and maybe to the point of crying and breaking down, but once I come out of that I want to make other laugh? Like I'll go through a TERRIBLE "crying in the bath tub" level breakdown, and come out of the bathroom wanting to go on Facebook or around people and make jokes and statuses that make others laugh? Don't get me wrong, I love helping people. I love being the person who will always pick up the phone, and I love being the keeper of peoples secrets because they trust me. I love being the reason somebody smiles. I love complimenting random strangers on the street with an original and heartfelt compliment you can just see there heart smile in the way they react to it. I love being a light in a world that really just isn't happy or complimenting. I think that's the reason I'm still here, because I know I could be (and as cliche as this sounds) the person I need and have always needed in this world. I view everybody as deserving of love and happiness, and will go to great lengths to help others do so. But why does it feel like when I try to do that for myself it never works? I can't seem to make myself happy, or complete, or feel like I'm anything more than the person put here to make other people feel good about themselves. And as much as I love that title, will anybody else ever love and see me as somebody who deserves the same love, affection, care, and trust as I freely give to others? I understand boundaries and not to just give my kindness to the wrong people, but when is it my turn? When can I be loved and appreciated like I love and appreciate almost everybody I come into contact with? When is it my turn to have my wants and happiness prioritized? And yes I understand the whole "self love is all you need". My question is how do I get to a point in life where I either love myself enough that I can still love others as much as I do while not feeling so empty all the time, or at least get to a point where helping others doesn't feel like my only true valuable skill? (Im sorry if thats kinda all over the place, but I just needed to get that out in an anonymous and safe place)
submitted by Beautiful_Room_3647 to u/Beautiful_Room_3647 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 Israel is a fake country

Twitter post by Caitlin Johnstone
"Everything about Israel is fake. It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots. That’s why it cannot exist without being artificially propped up by nonstop propaganda, lobbying, online influence operations, and mass military violence.
Israel is so fake that its far right minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir has been stoking religious tensions by encouraging militant Zionists to pray on the Temple Mount — known to Muslims as Al-Aqsa. This is an illustration of how phony Israel and its political ideology are because Jews were historically prohibited from praying at the Temple Mount under Jewish law; a sign placed there in 1967 and still upheld by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate reads, “According to Torah Law, entering the Temple Mount area is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site.” It’s just this weird, evangelical Christian-like thing that Zionists have started doing in contravention of their own traditions and religious texts to advance their nationalist agendas.
Journalist Dan Cohen explains on Twitter:
“ ‘Prayer’ on the Temple Mount is 100% a Zionist invention in total contravention of Jewish law. Jews don’t step foot onto the Temple Mount, let alone 'pray' there. That’s why the sign below is posted at the entrance non-Muslims use.
“Ben Gvir publicly announced this in order to provoke a reaction to use as a pretext to restrict and expel Muslims from the site, explode Jerusalem and the West Bank, and expand the regional war.
“Ben Gvir holds Netanyahu hostage. Together, they’re leading Israel to self-destruction.”
There’s no authentic spirituality in such behavior. It has no roots. No depth. No connection. It’s the product of busy minds with modern agendas, with nothing more to it than that.
Israel is so fake that Zionists artificially resurrected a dead language in order for its people to have a common “native” tongue for them to speak, so that they could all LARP as indigenous middle easterners together in their phony, synthetic country.
Israel has no real culture of its own; it’s all a mixture of organic Jewish culture brought in from other parts of the world by the Jewish diaspora, culture that was stolen from Palestinians (see “Israeli food”), and the culture of indoctrinated genocidal hatred that is interwoven with the fabric of modern Zionism. The way Israel has become a Mecca of electronic dance music points clearly to an aching cultural void that its people are trying desperately to fill with empty synthetic pop fluff.
Even international support for Israel is fake, manufactured astroturf that has to be enforced from the top down, because it would never organically occur to anyone that Israel is something that should be supported.
The phenomenally influential Israel lobby is used to push pro-Israel foreign policy in powerful western governments like Washington and London. Just yesterday US Representative Thomas Massie told Tucker Carlson that every Republican in Congress besides himself “has an AIPAC person” assigned to them with whom they are in constant communication, who he describes as functioning “like your babysitter” with regard to lawmaking on the subject of Israel.
The Israel lobby exists with the full consent of the western imperial war machine and its secretive intelligence cartel, because western military support for Israel is also phony and fraudulent. The western empire whose strategic interests directly benefit from violence and radicalism in the middle east pretends it’s constantly expanding its military presence in the region in order to promote stability and protect an important ally, but in reality this military presence simply allows for greater control over crucial resource-rich territories whose populations would otherwise unite to form a powerful bloc acting in their own interests. The Israel lobby is a self-funding consent manufacturer which helps the empire do what it already wants to do.
Support for Israel in the media is also phony and imposed from the top down. Since October outlets like The New York Times, CNN and CBC have been finding themselves fighting off scandals due to staff leaks about demands from their executives that they slant their Gaza coverage to benefit the information interests of Israel. Briahna Joy Gray was just fired by The Hill for being critical of Israel as co-host of the show “Rising”, a fate that all mass media employees understand they will share if they are insufficiently supportive of the empire’s favorite ethnostate.
Israel’s support from celebrities is similarly forced. A newly leaked email from influential Hollywood marketing and branding guru Ashlee Margolis instructs her firm’s employees to “pause on working with any celebrity or influencer or tastemaker posting against Israel.” As we discussed recently, celebrities are also naturally disincentivized from criticizing any aspect of the western empire by the fact that their status is dependent on wealthy people whose wealth is premised upon the imperial status quo.
Support for Israel on social media is likewise notoriously phony. For years Israel has been pioneering the use of social media trolls to swarm Israel’s critics and promote agendas like undermining the BDS movement. After the beginning of the Gaza onslaught Israel spent millions on PR spin via advertising on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, and The New York Times has just confirmed earlier reports that Israel has been targeting US lawmakers with fake social media accounts to influence their policymaking on Israel.
In truth, nobody really organically supports Israel. If they’re not supporting it because their lobbyists and employers told them to, they’re supporting it because that’s what they were told to support by the leaders of their dopey political ideologies like Zionism, liberalism and conservatism, or by the leaders of their dopey religions like Christian fundamentalism. It’s always something that’s pushed on people from the top down, rather than arising from within themselves due to their own natural interests and ideals.
Israel is not a country, it’s like a fake movie set version of a country. A movie set where the set pieces won’t even stand up on their own, so people are always running around in a constant state of construction trying to prop things up and nail things down, and scrambling to pick up things that are falling over, and rotating the set pieces so that they look like real buildings in front of the camera. Without this constant hustle and bustle of propagandizing, lobbying, online influence ops, and nonstop mass military violence, the whole movie set would fall over, and people would see all the film crew members and actors and cameras for what they are.
Clearly, no part of this is sustainable. Clearly, something’s going to have to give. Those set pieces are going to come toppling down sooner or later; it’s just a question of when, and of how high the pile of human corpses needs to be before it happens."
submitted by d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 to LFarchives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:00 tempmailgenerator Implementing and Troubleshooting Firebase Email Verification in React Applications

Exploring Firebase Authentication in React Apps

In the world of web development, securing user data and ensuring only verified users can access certain functionalities is paramount. Firebase Authentication offers a robust solution for managing user sign-ins in React applications, including features such as email and password authentication, social media logins, and, importantly, email verification. This email verification step is crucial for confirming the authenticity of users' email addresses, thereby enhancing the security and integrity of the application.
However, integrating Firebase Authentication, especially the email verification flow, can occasionally present challenges. For developers, setting up the initial authentication flow with signInWithCredentials often goes smoothly, leading to a satisfactory sign-in process. The subsequent step, verifying the user's email address, is designed to further secure the account by ensuring the email belongs to the user. Yet, issues can arise post-verification, such as encountering a 400 Bad Request error when attempting to sign in again with a verified account. This issue signifies a hiccup in what should be a seamless process, prompting a deeper dive into potential causes and solutions.
Command Description
signInWithCredentials Authenticates a user with email and password credentials.
signInWithEmailAndPassword Signs in a user using their email and password.
sendEmailVerification Sends an email verification to the user's email.

Initializing Firebase Authentication

JavaScript in use
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'; import { getAuth, signInWithEmailAndPassword, sendEmailVerification } from 'firebase/auth'; const firebaseConfig = { // Your Firebase configuration object }; const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig); const auth = getAuth(app); 

Handling Email Verification

Using JavaScript SDK
const user = auth.currentUser; if (user) { sendEmailVerification(user) .then(() => { console.log('Verification email sent.'); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error sending verification email:', error); }); } 

Sign In Post-Verification

JavaScript for Firebase Auth
signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, userEmail, userPassword) .then((userCredential) => { // User signed in const user = userCredential.user; if (user.emailVerified) { console.log('Email is verified'); } else { console.log('Email is not verified'); } }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error signing in with email and password:', error); }); 

Troubleshooting Firebase Authentication Issues

Facing a 400 Bad Request error when trying to sign in with a verified email and password can be a perplexing issue for developers integrating Firebase Authentication into their React applications. This error typically indicates a problem with the request sent to Firebase's authentication server. Possible causes could include incorrect API usage, a misconfigured Firebase project, or even a temporary issue with Firebase services. It's essential to review the implementation of the signInWithEmailAndPassword method and ensure it matches Firebase's documentation and best practices. Additionally, checking the Firebase console for any alerts or messages regarding service disruptions or configuration issues can provide valuable insights.
To diagnose and resolve the 400 Bad Request error, developers should start by ensuring that the email and password provided are correct and meet Firebase's authentication requirements. It's also worth examining any recent changes to the authentication flow or Firebase project settings that could have inadvertently affected the sign-in process. Implementing detailed error handling in the authentication logic can help identify the specific cause of the error, enabling a more targeted approach to troubleshooting. If the issue persists, consulting Firebase's support resources or community forums may offer further guidance and solutions from developers who have faced similar challenges.

Understanding Firebase Authentication Issues

Firebase Authentication offers a comprehensive solution for managing users in your app, including signing in with email and password, social accounts, and phone numbers. One common challenge developers face involves the email verification process. After setting up the initial sign-in mechanism, integrating an email verification step is crucial for ensuring that users own the email addresses they use to sign up. This step not only enhances security but also enables developers to maintain a high level of data integrity within their applications.
However, issues can arise after a user has verified their email. For instance, a verified user might encounter a 400 Bad Request error when attempting to sign in again. This problem indicates that the signInWithCredentials method is failing post-verification. The cause of this issue might be multifaceted, ranging from configuration errors within Firebase to incorrect handling of user sessions in the application code. It's essential to delve into Firebase's documentation and debug logs, and consider reaching out to Firebase support or community forums for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions on Firebase Authentication

  1. Question: What is Firebase Authentication?
  2. Answer: Firebase Authentication provides backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and more.
  3. Question: How do I enable email verification in Firebase?
  4. Answer: You can enable email verification by calling the sendEmailVerification method on a user object after they sign up or log in with their email and password.
  5. Question: What does the 400 Bad Request error signify in Firebase Authentication?
  6. Answer: A 400 Bad Request error typically indicates that the request sent to the Firebase server was invalid. This can occur if the email or password is incorrect, or if there's a misconfiguration in the Firebase project settings.
  7. Question: Can I customize the verification email sent by Firebase?
  8. Answer: Yes, Firebase allows you to customize verification emails from the Firebase console under Authentication > Templates.
  9. Question: How can I troubleshoot a failed signInWithCredentials method after email verification?
  10. Answer: Start by checking your Firebase project's configuration and ensure that the email and password are correct. Look at the console for any error messages, and make sure your app's logic correctly handles the user's verification status.

Tackling Firebase Authentication Challenges: A Recap

Successfully integrating Firebase Authentication into React applications requires a deep understanding of its workflow, especially regarding email verification. This process is vital for ensuring user authenticity and securing access to various app features. While the setup for sign-in and email verification might seem straightforward, developers can encounter challenges, such as the perplexing 400 Bad Request error during subsequent sign-ins. These issues underscore the importance of thorough testing, proper error handling, and continuous learning from Firebase documentation and community resources. Ultimately, overcoming these obstacles not only improves the app's security but also enhances the overall user experience. By addressing these challenges head-on, developers can create more robust and user-friendly applications that leverage Firebase Authentication's full potential.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:42 sonaa7 Do you ever feel guilty after growing up and realizing that you rejected and hurt someone unintentionally long time back who genuinely loved you?

I was in 7th grade when I went to coaching with this sweet guy. Five guys and two girls in that class. Let's say his name is 'x'. X was a very smart and intelligent guy. Always filled with questions inside his head. We went to even to same school. We even shared same nicknames. We used to have fun together as friends so much. One day, I got to know somehow that he was starting to have feelings for me. And let me tell you that I was sort of a tomboy and I befriended boys because I loved discussing about games and action movies. Hearing about all these stuff, I really got nervous and panicked. I was thinking about how will I face this situation now. I came to a conclusion that I would stop talking with him. So I suddenly stopped interacting with him, ran away when I saw him, I wouldn't respond when he asked me anything. Slowly, he noticed all my behaviour and idk he got angry. I still wouldn't listen. He started to post weird things on his Facebook status, one of which said that, "if a boy cries for a girl, noone will ever love her like he does", smth like this. Idk but when it confirmed about his feelings for me, I started noticing his flaws😭. I could suddenly notice his face acne, how his cheeks turned red while he laughed, the way he used to sit, the way he used to talk, everything. Although he was a good looking guy and a girl in the same class literally wanted to talk to him so bad. His anger was evident. Idk someday I accidentally sent friend request to his mother and he DMed me, telling that I should not try mixing up with any of his family members. I agreed to what he said. And time passed by, his father got transferred, and he had to leave the city. After 3 years, on April Fools day when I was chilling, I decided to text someone and fake a confession. I tried texting my friends and then I asked if I should text him and they gave me a green signal. Finally I texted him and confessed my feelings(fake obvio), he got happy and told me how he was down for me 3 years before. Idk how heartless could I be, I told him immediately that it was all my plan. And I even shared screenshots with my friends and made fun of him. Months after when I commented something on his picture in Instagram, he again DMed me and requested to stop commenting as I am not his friend. "Friends are people who are supposed to talk and stay in touch".
To this day, this shit I did has kept me traumatized. If anyone who knows me would be asked about me, they would prolly tell good things about me and appreciate me. But this guilt still stays heavy inside my heart. He lives in some other country right now. We did connect once through Snapchat where he sent couple of snaps and then he stopped. I wish I can have a mature talk with him again if I get a chance to meet him
submitted by sonaa7 to u/sonaa7 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:47 RandomlyJoJo1986 Affirming and Open Online Church!

Affirming and Open Online Church!
Are you tired of church as usual and looking for an experience with the supernatural? I wanted to personally invite you to be our very special guest for any of our services at Love Culture Fellowship Ministries International
We're an E- Community of faith that bridges the Pentecostal /Full Gospel traditions that is Welcoming to ALL People, regardless of ethnicity or Social Status and religious affiliation or sexual orientation and gender identity. This is a safe place for you to worship without fear of judgement and this is a place to be comfortable with wrestling with your questions and concerns as we will grow and learn together!
We're a KINGDOM Minded Church We're a WORD Based Church We're a SPIRIT Filled Church We're a MISSION Minded Church We're a GLBTIQS Welcoming Church We're an Apostolic and Prophetic Church We're a community outreach Church
ALL are welcome and We MEAN that. Please consider joining us as our very special guest!
Please visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/loveculturefellowship
submitted by RandomlyJoJo1986 to GayChristians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:40 One_Ad_6451 Should I tell his wife?

So this is an extremely long story that I won’t bore you the details with, but I do need to give a bit of background information.
I started dating this guy on and off when I was 17 years old and we continued for about 8 years of constant on and off. I was moving around a lot, and was super indecisive about what I wanted, but I ultimately thought him and I would get married one day. We had lots of conversations with each other through the years about how we knew we were meant to be together and we would make it work one day.
Well during about year 5???? Of our 8 years of on and off he got a girlfriend. I kinda had this “oh shit” moment where I realized he wasn’t actually going to wait around forever for me and was really sad. He was my best friend and the person I shared quite literally everything with. A few months down the line he told me they broke up, but I had just moved again so we weren’t able to physically be together. We would flirt, sext, blah blah blah. I found out a few months down the line he was still with this girl because of her tagging him in a photo on Facebook. At this point was when I was my shittiest and chose to pretend I didn’t see it. I wanted to believe that he wouldn’t lie to me. When I came home to visit I called him out for it, he showed me some pretty convincing evidence they really weren’t together anymore and we had sex like normal. At this point I told him I wanted to move home and take things seriously with him. He agreed that when I moved home in a few months it was time to settle down and stop playing our back and forth games. I move home and he ghosts me. Blocks me on everything. Several months later I find out his girlfriend and him were still together and she found out we were talking and made him block me on everything. When he reached out to me this time they were actually broken up. (Facebook statuses changed this time ) We say we are going to give it one final chance. 1 week later he’s back with his ex. However we stay in contact and I refuse to engage in any sexual conversation. I ultimately still believed that he was my soulmate and we were meant to be together. I was holding out hope that he felt the same because he shared so many times through the years that he did. He didn’t. My birthday rolls around and he texts me a long text saying how much he loves me and misses me. Next day I get on Facebook to see he proposed to his girlfriend on my birthday. I was heartbroken. My birthday has always been my least favorite day of the year and he was the one person who knew this. But after so many years of being led on by this man I finally just accepted we were never going to actually end up together. 3 years later he’s married with a kid. He hit me up the other day telling me he missed me and loved me and still thinks about what could have been often. I politely responded that I hoped he was doing well and I thought of him often too. I didn’t mean it in a sexual way and I know I’m an idiot for responding at all. He quickly tried to turn the conversation sexual and I just stopped responding. I’m at the point where I now am realizing his wife clearly has no idea we were ever back in contact with each other. She has no idea he proposed to her on my birthday. She has no idea he is still sending inappropriate things. I am not innocent in all of this, and I know she is not fond of me, but I feel as though she deserves to know. I don’t know if I should just leave it be or tell her.
submitted by One_Ad_6451 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:27 mikeramp72 Endgame #3

3rd: Sandra Diaz-Twine 1.0 (Pearl Islands - Winner)

we're not worthy.
Sandra 1.0 is my favorite winner of the show, and while that could change (since her, Chris D, and Fabio are all super close), I still think she's flawless. Pearl Islands Sandra has this rawness in both her humor and emotional moments that I honestly don't think any other season with her can replicate. In her following seasons, you can tell she's slightly playing a character in the back of her mind, but in her first season, it's all fresh. Her rivalry with Jon is spectacular, her relationships with Lill, Burton, Rupert, and Christa are great, and her journey to the end is incredible. Such a fantastic character and as of now, my favorite winner.
Her rivalry with Fairplay is legendary. Add onto that the fact that she’s the undisputed star of every scene she’s in and you have the recipe for a bonafide icon. No matter if it’s her haggling in the village, stealing the tarp, dumping out the fish, or getting loud too, she’s just incredible to watch. I may have mixed feelings towards what her legacy has become following her second win, but there’s no denying that Sandra 1.0 is absolutely incredible.
I CAN GET LOUD TOO, WHAT TH-. There’s a reason Sandra is the most quoted Survivor of all time, every time she is on screen she is an iconic queen and I will always love her for the entertainment she brought. Even though I would have Sandra 2.0 here over 1.0, I’m still glad at least one of them made it.
Sandra is the ultimate subversion of a “hero” on Survivor, and I adore her for that. A quote machine (I CAN GET LOUD TOO, WHAT THE FUCK!), Sandra delivers the entertainment factor of the season and makes it an incredible time. While I do think Pearl Islands is a wee overrated, I can’t deny Sandra’s incredible role in the season, her bickering with Fairplay, her friendship with Rupert and Christa, and her absolute decimation of Burton led to some of the most entertaining parts of the season. She is the queen, and she will stay in that position until the end of Survivor.
Personal Rank: 15/821. 10/10.
Sandra is a really great winner, although not my favorite. She's an amazing personality and has great chemistry with Rupert, Christa, JF, and so many others. There are so many great lines that she says like "I CAN GET LOUD TO WHAT THE FUCK" and so many more, plus her able to overcome everything to make it to the finale and win is great. Also, love the most iconic opening confessional she has.
This one… I've started this writeup over and over, trying to figure out precisely what I want to say. Because, honestly, what is there to say that hasn’t already been said? Sandra Diaz-goddamn-Twine (her full, government name, btw. Check it out) literally speaks for herself. She’s honestly probably the safest person to say is one of your favorite Survivors of all time because of just “how” much she can appeal to anybody! Are you a narrative person? Sandra’s got that in spades, with two back-to-back revenge narratives that feel genuinely fresh. Are you here for the funny? SHE CAN GET LOUD TOO, WHAT THE FUCK, and she’ll make you laugh as she does so! Are you a strategy fan? Well, the masterclass UTR gameplay and the two-time winner status sorta speaks for itself. Are you a Facebook-casual type of fan? Well, while you are the type to most likely dislike her, she is Rupert’s buddy so you can definitely root for her for that reason at the very least! Again, there’s something about her for everybody!
It becomes hell trying to think of what to actually say about her that hasn’t already been said about her in the past. A part of me is tempted to do a long-form essay on why specifically Pearl Islands Sandra is better than her HvV version - and that was my original plan - but I definitely am a little burnt out at the moment to do a super in-depth version of that writeup, and I worry that a “not fully perfect” write-up of that will just come across mean-spirited regarding my Heroes vs. Villains take. So, I’ll save those thoughts for a later date. As for what else to possibly write about… well, her narrative has been dissected to death in previous rankdowns. A lot of her best moments are just common knowledge to Survivor fans. Is there any unique perspective I can provide about Sandra?
Well… yes. And quite frankly, it’s probably the most important one to me, as it is what keeps Sandra in my top five of all time and in rotation for occasionally being my favorite player of all time. And it’s specifically what her win means to me.
Like, Sandra’s Pearl Islands win is just grand, okay? Her getting revenge for Rupert? Her outlasting and overcoming both Burton and Fairplay? Her playing a near perfect game and almost shutting-out Lil? Her being this personification of hero and villain and the perfect type of winner to best represent Pearl Islands? Like it’s all great on a superficial storytelling level. Pearl Islands would be a weaker season with literally any other winner, and that’s an incredible feat when you consider the caliber of that cast!
But like… to me, the thing that truly feels the most central about Sandra is just how unapologetically Latina she is. While Sandra’s opening confessional where she drops a “shit” to open the season is iconic, her first “moment” is that village scene where she shines as Drake’s hero completely setting up their tribe for success. And she does so with her Spanish. She hustles. She barters. She jokes about Trish being loved in a sexual way. She gets Fairplay to give her the only compliment he will ever give her in the entire season. And this energy is something she just continues with.
In her later seasons, there is definitely an aspect of Sandra that definitely feels “grander”. Like, she’s the two-time winner, “Queen Stays Queen” persona with much more of an ego and a general feeling that Sandra the character is there and being the best in any given scene. And, like, I’m not trying to shoot down on the authenticity of her in Heroes vs Villains, or Game Changers, or Winners at War, but it’s just objectively a fact that she now has an idea of who she is in Survivor lore and is presented to fit that viewpoint.
But in Pearl Islands, she’s just a normal woman. She’s just “Changa”. There’s no filter, and it just feels so much more humane. And then when you put her up against these larger than life figures like Rupert “the pirate” and Jonny Fairplay “the scientifically-designed Survivor heel”, Sandra just feels even more powerful that she is able to scream and shout and scheme and keep her character on their level. And she’s doing this while also being such an amazing representation for the Latino communities!
Jessie Camacho may have been the first, but she essentially was a non-entity in Africa thanks to her sickness/early boot. To us Latino viewers, Sandra really was the very first prominent Latino representation. From the focus on her Spanish-speaking to the fact that in the loved one visit challenge that she said her favorite food was Arroz con Gandules to just her mannerisms and the way she carries herself… Again, I’ve talked about this multiple times already in my write-ups, but I felt so seen.
Seeing her become as big of a character as she did was already amazing. And then seeing her ultimately end up winning… I’ve already mentioned this in my Yam Yam write-up, but I cried. Like, a lot. Because Sandra just felt unlike any other character on Survivor before. I truly felt like I could know her, that she was like a tia that I probably could have, a prima I’d have visited on the weekends… that’s the impact she had on me. And seeing this more relatable person end up being the winner of easily the best season of Survivor I had ever seen up to that point… my younger self could barely contain it.
Does Sandra deserve a much longer, more story-focused write-up? Possibly. But honestly… my love for Changa is a lot more personal. So any attempt over the past almost-month of working on these final write-ups, nothing just felt right to me. I’m not sure how fitting of a read this will feel to someone else, but to me… it just seems right. Sandra is my third favorite of all time. She’s occasionally my favorite of all time depending on my mood. She was my favorite for the longest time ever. And ultimately why? Because when she won, I cried my eyes out because I was so happy.
Literally, a perfect Survivor player. Thank you, Sandra Diaz-Twine. For making Survivor that much more important and transformative to me.
SMC0629: 4
DryBonesKing: 3
Zanthosus: 11
Tommyroxs45: 16
Regnisyak1: 11
DavidW1208: 2
ninjedi1: 11
Average Placement: 8.286
Total Points: 58
Standard Deviation: 6.651 (9th Highest)
submitted by mikeramp72 to SurvivorRankdownVIII [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 SnoozySnek Helldivers 2 - one Old Vet's story

Allow me to spin you a tale of my time with Helldivers 2. It is a story of tragedy and triumph, a story of dark and terrible deeds, of waning faith and of eventual triumph over the enemies of Managed Democracy.
But first, a little context about myself. I'm rapidly approaching my mid 30's, I suffer from a basket case mix of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder, no I don't find jokes about my condition funny), Anxiety and Depression. I've been pretty severely bullied and harassed over the course of my life, and as a result I was initially skeptical about enlistment. I also come to HD2 from the first game, so I'm used to dealing with the Facist Bugs, Communist Cyborgs and Terrifying Illuminate. I also unfortunately had to hang up my cape last war since both myself and my partner were frequently harassed by the community over there (to the point where more than one Enemy Sympathiser attempted to track down and "friend" my Steam profile to throw harassment at me).
So initially, I was skeptical about the Second Great Galactic War. I had done my time for Super Earth last war after all. The Cyborgs, Bugs and Illuminate were all contained and dealt with. Enter my younger brother, AwestruckHavoc (if I get his name wrong, he will scream at me). When Super Earth bought back the Helldivers, he signed up right away like the good A-Class citizen he is. Once he got his cape, he kept me updated on how the war was going. Over time, I sat and thought about re-enlisting. I was still skeptical due to the changes Arrowhead had made to the game, and the decision to add in NProtect GameGuard - old Cyborg Spyware tech into the new suits. After sharing some more war stories (and my Cyborg Dog PTSD) I eventually decided to re-enlist on June 1st.
Part of that was a desire to fight the Facist Termanids and Baby-Stealing Clankers...and part of that was a visit from the Democracy Officer, telling me there had been trouble with my brother. Namely that Super Earth had lost contact and assumed he had martyred himself on a mission, so they were notifying next of kin.
Anyway, I go back for training (retraining I guess?), get my cape and get assigned to the SES Elected Representative of Family Values. After saying hello to all the Bridge Crew, Captain, Technicians, Pilots, Ship Gunners, SEAF Marines, Doctors...
...Anyway once I was done saying hello, I booted up the map for the Galactic War. My first ever drop was on Meridia. Difficulty 1, nothing too crazy. I drop down, proceed with the mission and then three other Divers showed up.
...And then they immediately left. All of them. This lead to me having to slug though the entire mission alone by myself. Nobody else joined, so I was left to fend for myself. I managed to beat the mission, but failed to extract.
This was my first drop, and this action by cowards and deserters colored everything else going forwards. Outside of two other games I can remember and some small moments, HD2 was for the most part a frustrating experience compared with the last war. On the off-chance someone at Arrowhead is reading this, here's a list of my grievances:
To avoid falling foul of the Democracy Officer, I'll stop the belly aching here but in short, I was not having a fun time. My (re)enlisted partner Orikal had to put up with my increasingly deteriorating mental health. Going though a lot of shit over the past two years of my life has meant that I'm not keeping it together as much these days, and how he's willing to tolerate my nonsense so readily I'll never know. Things got a point where I found myself betraying other Divers, as the problems compounded to the point where I just stopped caring. My mental health only got worse and worse as these things progressed. At one point after failing to call down a Cluster Bomb from Eagle One on a Bot Tank, I threw the stratagem marker at myself out of frustration.
And yet, I wasn't able to put the game down.
There was something in the game that kept pulling me back. Anything else I would have just left. I'm not sure if it was an ASD thing or the call of Managed Democracy, but I wasn't able to put it down even as my mental health slipped further.
In some ways, I'm glad I didn't.
I'd like to take this moment to thank fellow Helldivers Kinja9 and Leon033 if they happen to be reading this. We met on Crimsica, which the Termanids sought to despoil. I wanted to try out my new Flamethrower as I joined a level 69 Helldiver's game (and he surprisingly didn't kick me, which was odd). I thought it was going to just be another drop. I'll probably die a lot, drag the team down, embarrass Super Earth...
...That didn't quite happen. Initially I had the same thought I do in all these Co-Op games - stay quiet, don't speak, try not to be noticed. While it started out that way, I first met Kinja on this mission. The part where I recognised him was after my first death, where he was busy burning bugs with my Flamethrower. He then passed it back to me once the Bugs were dealt with. That's odd I think I didn't think you could do that. Admittedly I'm not the best on the uptake, but the Squad was...communicating? In all my drops, communication was rare. See the above for me - this is also why I don't tend to have my Voice Chat enabled in my Helmet. Anyway, things became more...democratic after I saved the group from a Bile Titan by way of 500kg bomb. After blurting out in the Chat what I was thinking, Kinja seemingly went along with it. From there, we spent most of the mission watching each others backs. This included attempting to incinerate a Bile Titan with a Flamethrower - truly, only filthy heretics burn in the fires of Democracy. Anyway it wasn't long before Leon joined (I think he came in late? Memory's a little fuzzy) and after being pointed out that we were aboard my Destroyer, I plotted in another mission on Crimsica. Before long, the three of us were laughing and joking about our exploits, whether it was the Flamethrower making me want to commit dark and terrible things in the name of Democracy, Kinja stealthily setting up a Flag beneath the Bug's notice or Leon's leadership, all of the above just...washed away. For the first time since I started playing, I made some friends and actually...enjoyed the game? It's weird like that. I also have a deep and terrible need to marry my Flamethrower for some reason I can't explain.
Anyway, I guess the point of all of this is Kinja, Leon - if you're reading this, thank you. I don't think you guys realize how much tonight's drop meant to me. To anybody whose been on the receiving end of some of my darker deeds, I am sorry and I hope there isn't any serious ill will between us. As I said above, I was in a pretty dark place when that stuff happens. I don't mean to be an asshole most of the time, but I can understand how my actions helped perpetuate some of the behavior I've outlined above. If anyone quit over my dark deeds, then I am truly, deeply sorry.
Will I drop again? More than likely. The Second Great Galactic War isn't over yet and I don't plan on shirking in my duties...so long as anyone's willing to have a temperamental fuckup with an IQ just above that of a Bug's.
On a final note, if an Arrowhead employee is reading this, I have some opinions on things that need to be done. To quickly outline these -
Anyway, that's my overly long, stupid and dumb story. If you got to the end here, thank you for reading and I hope I didn't waste your time here.
submitted by SnoozySnek to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 AutoModerator [NEWBIE CORNER] If You Are a New Rep Buyer or New Agent User, Please Read This Post PRIOR To Posting!

This thread will be posted by the automoderator every 48 hours at 6:00 PM PST.
Hi all,
This thread will attempt to limit the amount of low-effort posts we get in the subreddit. Yes, we all started somewhere at some point, and being new can be difficult and scary, but that is no excuse to not do any research and think that every question that pops into your head warrants a brand new post.
This post will initially be made by me, but will subsequently become a recurring automoderator thread.
Most questions can usually be answered with the following guides:
Basic, Commonly Used Replica Terms Defined (QC, GL, RL, Batch Names, Batch Tiering, etc)

Agent Basics

"I have never used an agent - how do I learn?"
In the current landscape, it is difficult to recommend any agents. Once an agent arises that seems trustworthy and efficient, a How-To Guide may be written. At this time, this group does not have a How-To Guide for agent purchases.
"How can I order this pair? The website (Weidian/Taobao) is in Chinese."
Web Browser's such as Apple's Safari or Google Chrome have built-in translation features that you can use to translate the page. Additionally, copy-pasting the link into an agent website translates the page for you.
"W2C?" "Do you have a link?"
I see these comments underneath posts at least daily, and I fear those of you commenting these things will not read this post either. All QC posts are mandated to have W2C links. All W2C links are either in the caption of the photos or in the comments section. Please check these two areas before posting "W2C?"
"I don't know what size to purchase"
If you've never ordered from an agent, you may not have ever referenced European sizing. Weidian listings are most commonly listed in EU sizing. I am a US 8.5, and that is an EU 42. Convert from your US or UK size to find the appropriate size! There are multiple size charts online, but the one I use myself is this one from N1k3.
In my experience, most shoes and batches are true to size, or at least fit like their retail counterparts. Order whatever size typically works for you in that silhouette. If it's your first time buying a certain silhouette, you can ask for insole measurements, though this isn't something I typically do.
"Wait - but X Middleman in another subreddit charges double the price for these! Am I being scammed by purchasing of Weidian?"
No, you are not being scammed. In short, middlemen do not produce pairs - they source them from the same places Weidian sellers do. Middlemen mark up the price as they are profiting off of user laziness and desire for maximum convenience, as well as providing usually faster UPS/FedEx shipping (a ~$55 value to the US). Some middlemen will lie and say Weidian is scamming you - this is not true. These sellers are simply trying to instill fear in ignorant, usually newer rep buyers in order to maintain business. These sellers also usually pay off other group moderators in order to be given the "trusted seller" status. This status was not earned, but bought. Keep this in mind when perusing other subreddits with weaker moderation.
As stated in my guide, batch is what matters, not seller. If you buy the same batch from a middleman as an agent, it will be the same exact quality. Please do not discuss overpriced middlemen from other groups here as that is against subreddit rules. Please try to do your own research on any outside information prior to bringing it into this subreddit as it may be unreliable. The only discussion regarding direct shipping allowed in the group is for Weidian sellers in the community as they offer the most competitive prices and have maintained a good reputation.
"I bought a pair in another subreddit from a middleman and want to know what they sent me! Can I post here asking for the batch identity?"
That is unfortunate that you purchased from a seller in another subreddit where sellers are not upheld to standards for transparency and putting the seller first. This group was not made to be a crutch to these other subreddits. We here encourage you to purchase from sellers who have gained their reputations organically, and who will be held to consequences if they breach that trust. You are welcome to post in other groups asking for batch identities, though that is not allowed here in order to maintain our ecosystem and not help maintain other, shadier subreddits.
"But middlemen said that if I use an agent, I can't get QC pictures or RL pairs?"
This is false and again, an attempt to keep your business and keep you from saving money. You can see all of the QC pictures in this group. Being able to GL or RL pairs depends on the listing. Certain sale listings or B-Grade listings are non-refundable, so you will get QC pictures, but you won't be able to return them except for severe circumstances (seller sent wrong shoe, seller sent wrong size).
"What is a B-Grade pair? How do they differ from regular products?"
B Grades or B Versions have imperfections that prevent the pairs from being sold at regular price - it’s impossible to know what imperfections will be present, though typically for top-tier batches, the imperfections are relatively minor. The flaws can range from scuffs to loose stitching, differences in tumbling to wrinkled leather. Sometimes, but not always, do the sellers state what types of flaws to expect on the pairs. I typically avoid any pairs where the sellers warn about mold, as that is not something I want to deal with or put on my feet.
"Well, do you recommend B-Grade products poncecatchemall?"
If you can’t tolerate minor flaws, do not purchase. These pairs are typically non-refundable. If you’re willing to compromise minor flaws that you’ll likely acquire rapidly anyway from wearing your shoe, pick the B-Grade pairs up and enjoy the discounted price - I personally recommend B products from top batches as I’m not bothered by imperfections that quickly come from wear.

QC Questions

"Which post flair should I use, Agent or DIRECT, and which price range should I select?"
Because the group will temporarily allow direct shipping from our Weidian sellers, QC Post Flairs were split for each price range into Agent Purchases and Direct Shipping Purchases. Please use the appropriate flair for how you purchased the item.
  1. If you are purchasing through an agent, use the QC Post Flair that captures the price of the shoe on the Weidian Listing. For example, a 470¥ pair of GX Batch Jordan 4s would use the Agent QC 400¥ - 499¥ flair.
  2. If you are purchasing the same GX Batch Jordan 4s pair directly from a Weidian seller, without an agent, you should use the DIRECT QC post flair that captures the total price (including direct shipping). If that GX Batch Jordan 4 pair comes out to $119 shipped, or 861¥ (470¥ + 390¥ Direct Shipping), you should use the DIRECT QC 800¥-899¥ post flair.
Using the appropriate flair helps keep the group organized (good for me) and more importantly, places prices in the direct view of all buyers in order to compare prices across sellers and ensure that no one seller is price gouging anybody (good for the community).
"Can I post screenshots of my QC pictures instead of downloading the pictures and posting the actual QC pictures?"
No. Posting screenshots of the QC photos reduces the picture resolution and makes actually providing any accurate QCs much more difficult. On your agent site, download the QC photos the agent has provided. Users should post the actual QC pictures with the appropriate title format.
"Wow, the pair I ordered using an agent looks like the colors are all off - why is that?"
Warehouse lighting is terrible and often distorts colors. You cannot QC color shades or saturations through warehouse lighting QC pics. Either 1) ask for natural lighting pictures (though not all agents do this) or 2) look up in-hand pictures of the batch you are purchasing, as in-hand pictures typically have better lighting. The latter tends to be easier unless it is a brand new batch on the market. Remember, colors typically do not vary within a batch. For example, all LJR TS1 Highs have a yellow midsole, and that does not change from pair to pair unless the batch is updated. The midsoles might picture differently among different agents or purchases, but they'll all look the same in person.
"I think I may have been bait and switched - what should I do?"
If you post asking if a pair you received is not what you purchased, your post must include specific reasoning as to why you believe that is so.
Acceptable reasoning includes specific characteristics of the shoe (leather cuts, wings logo placement, colors, etc) that differ from known pairs, different production dates from known pairs, sellers with confirmed recent history of bait and switch, etc. The most important part is to include some sort of reasoning. Posts without reasoning will be deleted, as these posts are typically made from newer members to the replica community, and the posts lead to unnecessary fearmongering and damage to seller reputations.
Please order a QC picture of the size tag so that we can see the production dates. Production dates on size tags can help rule out a batch identity. However, matching size tags does not guarantee a batch identity and requires some additional information. I order size tag pictures by asking my agent for additional "Detailed Photos" with the following statement in the request comment: "Complete picture of inner white size tag clearly showing both production dates."
"There are so many differing opinions! I don't know who to listen to. What do I do?
Being new in the rep game is hard - it is difficult to know who is a credible commenter, and who is not. For this reason, certain members in repweidiansneakers have been given User Flairs to distinguish them from the crowd as reputable, knowledgeable members of the community. They have earned their flairs, and if there are conflicting opinions on a QC, I personally would give their opinion more weight.
"What is the best batch for X shoe?"
Oftentimes, and especially for very popular shoes, these questions have already been asked and discussed in detail. Recommendations for navigating this are:
  1. Check poncecatchemall's batch guide if available
  2. If the shoe isn't listed on there, utilize the group's search bar to search for the shoe in question to look at QCs. You can also utilize the group's search bar to search by the Rep vs Retail Flair in order to see comparisons of batches on the market.
  3. You can also check the comments history of any of the group experts to see if they've discussed these shoes in the past.
These 3 methods answer most questions. Please do some research prior to making a new post.

Shipping Questions

"How much will it be to ship X amount of shoes using an agent?"
There are often too many variables to give a blanket answer. Which agent? Shipping to which country? Using which shipping method? The most optimal way to use an agent in terms of cost is to make a haul of at least 4kg in my opinion, which is about 3-4 pairs of shoes. Previously, I myself typically shipped out 8kg-10kg hauls using my agent through GD-EMS, the haul typically arrives in 2 weeks, and the shipping cost per shoe is usually around $30.
"How much should I declare for the value of my package for Customs?"
This varies by country. For the US, I declare $12/kg. For 10kg hauls, I thus declare $120. Other countries have different guidelines. Hopefully members from different countries can state what they declare for their hauls per kg in the comments.
"Is my package seized?"
Does your tracking say your package has been seized? If yes, then yes, your package has been seized. If no, then no, your package has not been seized. Patience is a virtue and is the name of the game. Read your tracking information. Whatever it says is what the current status of the package is. That is the purpose of tracking information.
"But my tracking information hasn't updated in 3 days? Should I panic?"
No. Again, patience is key.
"Should I post a generic picture of my boxed haul about to ship out with a corny caption?"


"Wow I saw a hilarious meme on another subreddit, can I post it here?"
No. Please keep the low-quality spam in other groups. Posting memes, "Fire up the rep machines" posts, or anything similar will result in a 14-day temporary ban from the group.
"I threw together a list of low-quality items in a spreadsheet and called it THE ULTIMATE FINDS LIST, just trying to get people to use my affiliate link for an agent - can I post it?"
Do not spam the group with low-quality "finds" spreadsheets. The majority of you doing this don't even know how to QC or make solid, informed recommendations. If you actually have good recommendations, I will make an exception. However, the majority of your "1:1 spreadsheets" are terrible, and thus are not allowed in this group.
submitted by AutoModerator to repweidiansneakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:44 JimCripe Trump's 'Mistrial' SCAM Brilliantly EXPOSED by Tea Pain

Trump's 'Mistrial' SCAM Brilliantly EXPOSED by Tea Pain
Really American host Tea Pain USA hilariously breaks down Newsmax hosts and MAGA republicans tripping over themselves and calling for a mistrial of Donald Trump's felony convictions over a fake claim about one of the jurors from an internet troll that they erroneously took as fact.
Republicans are calling for a mistrial in Donald Trump’s New York hush money case after the judge overseeing the case reported a since-deleted Facebook post by someone claiming to be a cousin of a juror that seemed to predict Trump’s guilty verdict—though there is plenty of reason to doubt the veracity of the Facebook poster.
submitted by JimCripe to LibHumor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:44 JimCripe Trump's 'Mistrial' SCAM Brilliantly EXPOSED by Tea Pain

Really American host Tea Pain USA hilariously breaks down Newsmax hosts and MAGA republicans tripping over themselves and calling for a mistrial of Donald Trump's felony convictions over a fake claim about one of the jurors from an internet troll that they erroneously took as fact.
Republicans are calling for a mistrial in Donald Trump’s New York hush money case after the judge overseeing the case reported a since-deleted Facebook post by someone claiming to be a cousin of a juror that seemed to predict Trump’s guilty verdict—though there is plenty of reason to doubt the veracity of the Facebook poster.
submitted by JimCripe to Democrat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:01 ultradip New to r/Charity? Read this first!

Welcome to /Charity!

Got a charitable cause you'd like to share! This is the place!


For 501c(3) non-profits (US) or a Non-Governmental Organization (aka NGO outside the US)

Please modmail us so that we can flair your post as a registered certified non-profit!

For Everyone Else

You must have both

NOTE: We are specifically looking for COMMENT karma. The karma value you are probably looking at is a COMBINED value, consisting of both Link/Post karma plus Comment karma.

To view your karma breakdown:
The following circumventions will result in a ban:
Comment Karma is directly correlated to how many comments you leave plus/minus any points as people upvote a popular comment or downvote an unpopular comment.

Credibility, Community, and You

AKA, Why Do We Have Account Requirements for Individuals?
In an effort to make your crowdfunding efforts more successful here on Reddit, some background first:
In many of the gifting and fundraising subs, you'll notice that without a certain amount "karma" and an account that's old enough, you'll garner down votes or worse, your posts and comments get automatically removed.
To many Redditors, this place is a community built on activity. The "coin" of the land here is your account, and how much you've contributed to the Reddit community at large reflected in post and comment karma.
As a general rule, Redditors dislike the creation of accounts specifically to fund raise or to make requests. It makes it seem like these people simply treat Reddit as some sort of magical internet wallet, and that doesn't win many friends.
The other reason why new accounts are so disliked is that they're often alternate accounts of established users, in order to hide their activity from people they know. While we do sympathize with those of you who have valid reasons, this privilege is often abused by those who create disposable accounts to scam people for a quick buck.
This trust issue doesn't exist in the same way with certified non-profit groups, as you can look them up online for verification, and at least in the case of 501c(3)s, their spending is transparent due to their required tax filings which are public information.
So if you're new to Reddit, welcome! Spend some time and look around for something that catches your interest and chat it up with others and become part of the community!
However if you're here for the sole reason of making requests in a hurry, please be aware your pleas for help will likely be ignored.
For this reason, the mods will not post anything on behalf of any user that does not meet account requirements.


  1. Posts must be more than just a link to your campaign. Be descriptive! Show evidence . This includes:
    1. If this is for your pet, photos of your pet in question, with your username on a handwritten note in the picture.
    2. School documentation showing enrollment if you are asking for assistance for school.
    3. Redacted bills showing your situation.
    4. Or other relevant documentation that can help establish credibility.
    5. At minimum, please attach an unobstructed selfie photo of yourself(the submitter) with a handwritten note of your username.
    6. Low effort posts that simply say to the effect of, "everything is listed in the GoFundMe" will be removed.
  2. Please Flair your posts, once created. If you don't know how, just let the mods know and we'll do it for you.
  3. Only 1 campaign per user. We want you have some personal connection to the campaign, and not submit multiples simply because they were in the news.
  4. Reposts are allowed once a week. If a repost comes up too early, the newest one(s) will be removed.
  5. Acceptable transfer methods for individuals are for crowdfunding sites only, such as GoFundme, YouCaring, etc. Individuals should avoid using Paypal, crypto, or direct banking aps (like Chase). 501c(3) and NGOs may use whatever method they wish.
  6. Don't PM people to make requests. If you receive an unsolicited private message, please let us know!
  7. Do not post politically-related campaigns. They're just too divisive.
  8. Trolling will not be tolerated and offending users will be banned.
  9. Don't bug the mods for an exception to the account requirements. None will be given. If you attempt to circumvent the requirement by karma farming or by commenting on someone else's post, your account will be banned.
  10. No posting for other Redditors. No Alts. This is viewed as a circumvention of requirements and both accounts will be banned.
  11. Selling is only allowed by 1st parties directly. We do not allow selling by 3rd parties to benefit another organization, as there's no transparency to verify that the announced percentage of sales actually goes to the beneficiary. Only direct sales by the non-profit organization are allowed.

Supporting Information Requested for Non-501c(3) and Non-NGO campaigns.

We aren't the government. We aren't a court of law. We definitely don't want you to give out information that could lead to identity theft. However, some campaigns are more successful when they have additional documentation.
This includes:
Low effort posts that simply say to the effect of, "everything is listed in the GoFundMe" (or less!) will be removed.

How to Include a Photo or Other Supporting Info Document In Your Post

Because Reddit wasn't initially designed to handle photos when it was created, it has limitations in the implementation of photo support which don't work well for us. So instead we suggest the following:
  1. Upload your photo to Imgur.com or other photo hosting site.
  2. Copy the URL for the photo.
  3. Create a new post or Edit your existing one to include the URL to the photo.
Please make sure to include this, as it is the primary reason why posts that are otherwise fine get removed.

Advice On Making Your Campaign Go Further

Not all crowdfunding campaigns are the same, but here are some suggestions.


Please don't hesitate to ask the mods!
... Unless you're trying to ask for an exception to the account requirements.
submitted by ultradip to Charity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:01 ultradip Weekly Rules Reminder - New to our sub? Please read this first!

Welcome to /gofundme!

In an effort to make your crowdfunding efforts more successful here on Reddit, some background first:

Credibility, Community, and You
AKA, Why Do We Have Account Requirements?
In many of the gifting and fundraising subs, you'll notice that without a certain amount "karma" and an account that's old enough, you'll garner down votes or worse, your posts and comments get automatically removed.
To many Redditors, this place is a community built on activity. The "coin" of the land here is your account, and how much you've contributed to the Reddit community at large reflected in post and comment karma.
As a general rule, Redditors dislike the creation of accounts specifically to fund raise or to make requests. It makes it seem like these people simply treat Reddit as some sort of magical internet wallet, and that doesn't win many friends.
The other reason why new accounts are so disliked is that they're often alternate accounts of established users, in order to hide their activity from people they know. While we do sympathize with those of you who have valid reasons, this privilege is often abused by those who create disposable accounts to scam people for a quick buck.
So if you're new to Reddit, welcome! Spend some time and look around for something that catches your interest and chat it up with others and become part of the community!
However if you're here for the sole reason of making requests in a hurry, please be aware your pleas for help will likely be ignored.


For this reason, the mods will not post anything on behalf of any user that does not meet account requirements.
Account Requirements
All accounts must meet BOTH of the following:
  1. Account age of 90 days or older.
  2. *Comment* karma of 250 or greater.
NOTE: We are specifically looking for *COMMENT* karma. The karma value you are probably looking at is a COMBINED value, consisting of both Link/Post karma plus Comment karma.

To view your karma breakdown:

The following circumventions will result in a ban, and get you added to the UniversalScammerList:
Comment Karma is directly correlated to how many comments you leave plus/minus any points as people upvote a popular comment or downvote an unpopular comment.

  1. Posts must be more than just a link to your campaign. Be descriptive! Be prepared to show evidence if needed. If the mods find it lacking, it may be removed.
  2. Please Flair your posts, once created. If you don't know how, just let the mods know and we'll do it for you.
  3. Only 1 GoFundMe per user. We want you have some personal connection to the campaign, and not submit multiple GFMs simply because they were in the news.
  4. Reposts are allowed once a week. If a repost comes up too early, the newest one(s) will be removed.
  5. Crowdfunding sites only. No crypto currency, direct PayPal, cash transfers, trading or loans. Our scope is only GoFundMe and other crowd sourced funding sites.
  6. Don't PM people to make requests. If you receive an unsolicited private message, please let us know!
  7. Do not post politically-related campaigns. They're just too divisive. Also, they're too often used to scam people (remember the campaign to fund Trump's wall?).
  8. Trolling will not be tolerated and offending users will be banned.
  9. Don't bug the mods for an exception to the account requirements. None will be given. If you attempt to circumvent the requirement by karma farming or by commenting on someone else's post, your account will be banned.
  10. No posting for other Redditors. No Alts. This is viewed as a circumvention of the requirements and the accounts in question will be banned. (New Oct 22, 2020)
  11. No referral links. A referral link like that isn't likely to solve anyone's financial problems in the time frame they need. (New March 16, 2024)
Any referral links posted here will be flagged as spam, and may trigger your account to be added to Reddit's site-wide spammer list.
Supporting Information Requested
We aren't the government. We aren't a court of law. We definitely don't want you to give out information that could lead to identity theft. However, some campaigns are more successful when they have additional documentation.
This includes:
- Pet related requests: Photos of your pet in question, with your username on a handwritten note in the picture. This helps show you actually own the pet in question.
- Education related requests: Documentation showing enrollment or acceptance if you are asking for assistance for school.
- Redacted bills showing your situation. In some cases, a donor may prefer to pay a creditor directly on your behalf, so be prepared and find out if that is available to you.
- If you are sharing a campaign for a registered certified non-profit organization (such as a 501c3 or NGO), you should say so in the post, and it should list that status on the campaign page/web site.
- Or other relevant documentation that can help establish credibility.
- At minimum, an unobstructed selfie photo of yourself(the submitter) holding a handwritten note of your username is required if none of the above apply.
Low effort posts that simply say to the effect of, "everything is listed in the GoFundMe" (or less!) will be removed.
Advice On Making Your Campaign Go Further
Not all crowdfunding campaigns are the same, but here are some suggestions.
Please don't hesitate to ask the mods!

... Unless you're trying to ask for an exception to the account requirements.
submitted by ultradip to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:46 doodieh3ad Question for those who have gone no contact

Long story short I just got no-contact by my ex/ex friend. We were together almost every single day for 5.5 years, even after being broken up for a year and a half. I made a huge mistake and now he's gone no-contact, literally the day after we seemed to have talked things out and ended on "this isn't goodbye". We briefly texted the day after meeting then he blocked me. It's driving me mad. I called that night to check if he had blocked me when he didnt answer my last text regarding an order has has coming to my address ...yep blocked. His sister sent me a text the next day telling me to leave him alone, he's moving on with life and I should too. He's not the type to tell someone else to do that for him, he rarely shares his personal business, so Im under the impression he was so upset she did it on his behalf. He hasn't blocked me on insta (but I would assume I'm restricted) and I haven't attempted to call on there to check that, or else violate his wish and risk being blocked. He hasn't blocked me on Facebook or restricted me but I assume muted me (I thought I'd be restricted so I pinned a few old messages for myself then his active status popped up). He deleted snapchat a week ago when things popped off but agreed to not block me so the chat didn't dissappear....we left off on a 386 day streak and I don't know how to let it go.
I was under the assumption that full no contact with no intention of getting back in touch would entail full blocking on every platform? Am I delulu for believing this may only be temporary? I'm going crazy. I know it must be hard for him too and maybe that's why he's chosen to not fully block me?
I've never gone no contact with someone except my first boyfriend that literally got arrested for stealing from my family, so I have no idea what it's like on the other side. When we parted ways after talking he was crying, I know he cares. I know I made a mistake and hurt our relationship but I'm praying he will change his mind some day. Neither of us are 100% solid mentally and I'm hoping this is just space for us to grow and come back together happier and healthier.
Any insight is greatly appreciated. I'm seriously struggling and it feels unreal that someone that feels like my other half is just gone. I know I'm not the victim in this situation, I'm not looking for validation or pity just advice
submitted by doodieh3ad to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:05 No-Land-2412 Is this a scam?

I'm very new to selling stuff and only minutes after listing a bundle, someone messaged me and asked if it was still available, I said yes because I just listed it minutes ago.
They then asked if I could mail the items to them, saying they'll pay for postage beforehand. I checked their profile and it said they have had facebook account since 2016, listed a relationship status, have around 128 friends which seem legitimate, posted a family photo years ago which is set on their background profile, they don't have a profile picture.
I was wondering if this is a scam or not though, I did hear now from reading here that it's better to pay by cash and meet-up locally.
submitted by No-Land-2412 to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:46 LaurenDizzy Has BSD went to shit?

Let's put aside the ships and fanon discussions aside for a moment. Real talk here. Has BSD went to shit? What's going on with it? What's its status right now (manga-wise)? I have stopped reading around chapter 100-101 when things were going nowhere for a time now. Extremely short chapters, no development, no high stakes. And according to a TikTok comment I just saw:
Can it even be saved at this point? Honestly, I enjoyed the light novels more than the main series. (S5 spoilers ahead I think) I heard Fyodor "died." Then turned out he didn't, and now he's immortal? I also heard about the Chuuya plot twist. "He wasn't a vampire all along, guys!" Hilariously terrible.
I'm really sad about the direction BSD is heading towards. I used to have a serious hyperfixation. It was my favorite series. I even have volume 18 and light novels 1, 2, 4, and 7 to prove that. And now... well, look where it is now. Preferably serious commenters only, please. What do you think about the current state of BSD? Can it be redeemed?
Edit: I'll catch up with the latest chapters when I can and likely update this so no need to say that now.
submitted by LaurenDizzy to BungouStrayDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:18 ArmyOfMemories A review of Briahna Joy Gray's last interview on Rising with an Israeli woman whose sister is a hostage. Bri was fired shortly afterwards & hasbara trolls fixated on her 'rudeness' to the guest. However, the guest sought the confrontation with Bri specifically & made many false political statements.

First, if anyone has seen the Rising segment - you'll notice the YouTube video is heavily brigaded by hasbara trolls. There are several pro-Israel websites & apps that coordinate brigading articles, videos, social media posts, etc. that criticize Israel.
One such website is 'Iron Truth' - which in addition to spamming comments, will also spam reports to get critical content taken down.


Bri is alleged to have been insensitive to the Israeli guest, the sister of a hostage. But I think it's important to actually watch the video and listen to what the Israeli guest is saying.
In an interview with Glenn Greenwald yesterday, Bri says the Israeli guest reached out to Rising on their own accord. The guest specifically requested Briahna do the interview which set off red flags. Nevertheless, Bri's producer went ahead and booked the guest. On Twitter, concern-trolls are criticizing Bri for 'rolling her eyes' - but Bri says it was moreso directed at her producer for setting the 'interview' up since it was clearly politically-motivated.
The guest ostensibly came on Rising to talk about her sister, but then she began making political statements that have long-been debunked. So Bri felt compelled to push back on the political statements. In-turn, the Israeli guest would say 'I'm not a politician' - then launch into another political statement.
The whole thing feels like a set-up.
This firing seems to been a long-time in the making, but Glenn points out the inherent risk in criticizing Israel in the American mainstream. That being said, Bri felt it was worth it to work at The Hill in order to platform the kind of critical analysis of Israel/Palestine that is lacking in Old Media.
The full interview with Glenn Greenwald can be watched here:

But anyways, back to reviewing the deranged hasbara guest's tactics:

1) Hasbara talking-points: "What would America do if [insert a nearby country] did X Y Z?"

Instead of directly answering Bri's question, the guest goes on a rant with a lot of familiar hasbara bullshit - oscillating between presenting herself as just a 'concerned sister' vs. making debunked political statements.
Well, if America was militarily occupying those countries and stealing their land, then that would change the context of any such attacks. Israel is an apartheid State that expels Palestinians from their homes and steals their land.
In Area C of the West Bank, Israel's ratio of demolishing Palestinian homes to granting building permits is 100:1.
Israeli authorities refuse the vast majority of requests by Palestinians to upgrade or build homes, schools, health clinics, wells, water cisterns, animal pens, or other structures. Between 2016 and 2018, Israeli authorities approved less than 1.5 percent of applications for Palestinians to build in Area C, 21 applications in total, while issuing 2,147 demolition orders, according to data obtained from the Israeli Civil Administration by Bimkom. 759 In other words, it issued 100 times more demolition orders than building permits in this period.
Israel's pervasive denial of building permits to Palestinians, not just in the West Bank but in Israel proper and East Jerusalem, is part of its overall agenda of preventing the growth of Palestinian communities.
Along with its other crimes against the Palestinian people - anyone who isn't an ethnoreligious supremacist/nutjob can see why Palestinians are upset & fighting.
Not to mention, the Israeli guest's mentality seems to be 'if Palestinians do X to us, then we're justified in doing whatever back'. Apply that in reverse as a talking-point and see where that gets you with Zionists.

2) Citing ZAKA, a discredited organization that stages crime scenes & spreads lies AND lying about having 'seen' photographic 'evidence'

The Israeli guest claims to have SEEN with her own eyeballs 'photos of rape happening'.
This is 1000% bullshit and hilariously, she cites ZAKA - an Israeli organization known for lying and staging crime scenes, whose founder was alleged to be a serial rapist (and committed sudoku to avoid prosecution).
ZAKA has been discredited thoroughly by the Israeli press for spreading atrocity propaganda, such as outright lies & staging of crime scenes:
[...] In the meantime, Zaka volunteers were there. Most of them worked at the sites of murder and destruction from morning to night. However, according to witness accounts, it becomes clear that others were engaged in other activities entirely. As part of the effort to get media exposure, Zaka spread accounts of atrocities that never happened, released sensitive and graphic photos, and acted unprofessionally on the ground.
Approaching the group a little more closely revealed that three of the Zaka volunteers were making video calls and videos for fundraising purposes. According to the non-Zaka observer, the body was part of a staged setting – an exhibit designed to attract donors, just when the race against time to gather and remove the bodies of victims of the massacre was most urgent.
ZAKA was in severe debt before Oct. 7th. One of its prominent members, Yossi Landau, head of operations for the southern region, went to a Las Vegas fundraiser and told audiences of 'beheaded babies' and pregnant women being separated from their fetuses - both widespread lies.
In the first home he and his colleagues entered "we see a pregnant lady lying on the floor, and then we turn her around and see that the stomach is cut open, wide open. The unborn baby, still connected with a umbilical cord, was stabbed with a knife. And the mother was shot in the head. And you use your imagination, trying to figure out what came first."
Everyone knows the '40 beheaded babies' propaganda is bullshit. Only 1 baby died on Oct. 7th - due to a stray bullet. Mila Cohen, aged 10 months. Haaretz has a list of all the victims by age and name.
And the Patten report specifically debunked the claim of a pregnant woman being killed and her baby being removed from her:
14) The mission team conducted a visit to kibbutz Be’eri and was able to determine that at least two allegations of sexual violence widely repeated in the media, were unfounded due to either new superseding information or inconsistency in the facts gathered. These included a highly publicized allegation of a pregnant woman whose womb had reportedly been ripped open before being killed, with her fetus stabbed while still inside her. Other allegations, including of objects intentionally inserted into female genital organs, could not be verified by the mission team due in part to limited and low-quality imagery.
But onto the specific claim of 'photographic' evidence of rape taking place.
The Patten report & the Israeli government have both said there is no video or photographic evidence of rape/sexual assault taking place.
74) In the medicolegal assessment of available photos and videos, no tangible indications of rape could be identified. Further investigation may alter this assessment in the future. Nevertheless, considering the nature of rape, which often does not result in visible injuries, this possibility cannot be ruled out based solely on the medicolegal assessment. Therefore, the mission team concluded that circumstantial indicators, like the position of the corpse and the state of clothing, should also be considered when determining the occurrence of sexual violations, in addition to witness and survivor testimony.
[...] 77) The digital evidence discovered during independent open-source review appeared authentic and unmanipulated. While the mission team reviewed extensive digital material depicting a range of egregious violations, no digital evidence specifically depicting acts of sexual violence was found in open sources.
Israel personally requested Pramila Patten to review their collection of evidence. Patten was previously known for boosting Ukraine's claims that Russian soldiers were taking Viagra to rape more. Not sure if that's ever been proven.
Haaretz in an April 2024 article reports that the Israeli government has no video & photographic evidence of sexual assault taking place:
Beyond this, from inquiries put to three bodies in the defense establishment by Haaretz, it emerges that the intelligence material collected by the police and the intelligence bodies, including footage from terrorists' body cameras, does not contain visual documentation of any acts of rape themselves. Overall, the police and the State Prosecutor's Office refuse to make public details of their investigation, which, they say, is in progress. The many obstacles in its path were present from the outset.
The Pattern report also debunks the claim that the positioning of dead bodies always implies sexual assault took place.
47) Additional challenges emerged due to erroneous interpretations of the state of bodies by some volunteer first responders without relevant qualifications and expertise. Some examples include mistaking “postmortem pugilistic posturing” (a ‘boxer-like’ body posture with flexed elbows, clenched fists, spread legs, and flexed knees) due to burn damage as indicative of sexual violence; misinterpreting anal dilatation due to postmortem changes as indicative of anal penetration; and mischaracterizing grazing gunshot wounds to genitalia as targeted genital mutilation using knives.1

3) More hasbara: crying about food & water not getting in TO THE HOSTAGES? And when Bri correctly points out that Israel (including Israeli civilians) is blocking aid, she blames Hamas.

Who is blocking aid again? Israel:
Etc. etc.
The Israeli guest is mouthing propaganda similar to those Israelis who block aid to starving Palestinian children.
Again, this is low-brow hasbara bullshit and would cause any sane person to roll their eyes.

4) Claims Israel has a cease-fire deal on the table and is waiting for Hamas to agree? Nope, Israel has outright refused the latest cease-fire deal just yesterday.

Israel has repeatedly said that it cares more about its military operation than returning the hostages:
Israel has hoped that Hamas would reject ceasefire deals so that it could prolong the genocide:
The settlers in the Israeli government have threatened to collapse the government, thereby exposing Netanyahu, if the ceasefire deal is signed:
Etc. etc.

5) Finally, after so much bullshit - the guest claims that 'if the world doesn't help Israel, there will be another 9/11' and she goes onto slander the student protest movement against her apartheid State's genocidal rampage. She specifically mentions MICHIGAN though - because Michigan -> Dearborn -> etc.?

So, at this point the Israeli guest is just being Islamophobic and making psychotic, alarmist claims.
This kind of low-information stupidity goes hand-in-hand with Zionism, so again - what should Bri have done?
The guest was a supreme idiot. A clown.
Bri rolled her eyes and got fired for politely (as much as humanly possible so long as one has an IQ above room temperature) handling a hasbara troll on her show.
But this was a long time in the making, because The Hill is simply intolerant of criticism of Israel. Briahna hit the threshold and her time was up there.
submitted by ArmyOfMemories to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:09 WizardOfEcommerce Audited Facebook Ad Account That Spent $15,895.06 In Last Two Months With 1.38 ROAS. ( Business is burning money and here is why)

Hello Redditors!
Since you guys liked my last Facebook audit post, I'm back with another one. This time, instead of auditing an ad account that spends $100k a month, we looked at an account that spends $7-$9k a month.
Small backstory. This is an e-commerce clothing store. I don't have their exact revenue numbers, but based on the store, their AOV is around $65-$75. This e-commerce clothing brand has an agency servicing its account.
Let's just say this is one of the core examples why a lot of agencies get a bad reputation. P.S I will also attach two screenshots one from last year and one from this year.
Let's get started with the audit.
In some of my previous posts, I have mentioned that the ad account structure is responsible for 10-20 % of all performance. Everything is in the creative.
In this example, the ad account structure is responsible for about 80% of the results. Just because of how crazy it is. (check screenshot 1.)
This agency has run and is currently running
4 Brand awareness campaigns for Top of the funnel. These awareness campaigns have spent $1.8k in ad spend. Please let's take a 5-second pause and express our condolences to the wasted ad spend...
The problem is that the algorithm gives you exactly what you ask for. You get awareness for your ads, but that does not mean you get people who are in buying mode to view your ads. So it's just wasted ad spend.
Why does Facebook have awareness campaigns, then? Well, it's mostly for big brands like Coca-Cola, who just spend $1m a day on awareness campaigns. Their margins are crazy.
If you run an e-commerce store you have no business running awereness campaigns.
The awareness campaigns have generated 400k reach, with no registered conversions.
3 Middle of the funnel Traffic campaigns that spent $890 on just traffic. 100k reached people. 23 000 outbound clicks. $0.5 per click. 0 purchases. Let's take another 5-second pause and pay respect for the wasted ad spend.
It's the same thing as with an awareness campaign. The objective that you give to meta, is what you get. If you want to get sales, then only run sales campaigns. Don't expect to get people who will buy from awareness and traffic campaigns.
9 sales campaigns. 5 BOF retargeting ( dynamic catalog, checkout retargeting, etc.) 4 advantage+ campaigns. Some numbers. $13k ad spend. 220k reached people. 4.9 frequency. All of the people have seen their ads 4.9 times. 275 conversions. cost per purchase on meta - $47. ROAS 1.67.
This is an excellent example of how an ad account structure can destroy your advertising performance. Just because they are running awareness and traffic campaigns, the sales campaigns that are running right now cannot find any potential customers at profitable cpa.
Summary for all the current campaigns in the last two months. This brand has spent $15k in ad spend. Reached 750k people. Got 27k outbound clicks. $0.50+ per click. 275 purchases. $57 per purchase. 1.37 ROAS.
Let's compare it to last year.
4 sales campaigns. 2 of them (broad, interest, lookalike) targeting. 1 catalog retargeting campaign. 1 BOF retargeting campaign for the checkout part.
Numbers. $10k in ad spend. 273k reached people. 4 frequency. 12k outbound clicks. $1 per click. 362 purchases registred in meta. $28 cost per purchase. 3.6 ROAS.
In this scenario, the brand was doing good. The only problem was that they weren't able to scale because of the high frequency and low ad testing amount. Since ads are the targeting, the more ads we create that would appeal to different types of our core customers, the more reach we get, the less frequency we get, and the faster you can scale your ads.
Instead of creating new ads every week trying to reach new people. An agency shows up uses the same ads and starts to hack the ads manager, trying to reach new people with various campaign objectives. As a result, the brand's e-commerce sales have dropped, and cpa is at an all-time high.
If they had used the same four sales campaigns and only focused on new creative development, the scenario would have been very different.
Creative testing is really important especially for clothing brands. You need to show off your products. People buy status, feelings, being a part of a group, compliments from peers when it comes down to fashion.
There are 0 creatives about showing that by wearing these clothes you could be a part of a group. No ads talk about feelings the customer will feel when wearing the clothes.
Facebook's algorithm is heavily focused on content. Back in 2018, you could get away with traffic campaigns and then retarget with sales campaigns. We have tried everything, and it really worked. Right now, it's all about the creative and how good the product is.
No creative testing results in a lower number of new audiences reached, which in turn means fewer new potential customers. If you don't constantly reach new audiences, you will have a higher CPA. This audit is a great example of that.
The agency has reached a new audience that will never buy because of the wrong campaign objectives.
I would suggest everyone look at their sales campaigns and check the month-over-month reach and whether it is increasing. If it's not, you will have a higher CPA. If it is, then your CPA will remain stable or drop.
That's why it's important to test new creative to find what type works best to reach new audience.
If someone had monitored the numbers and tried to understand them, this could have been avoided. That's why it's really important to know your numbers and know your exact break-even CPA, how often the customer returns in a 90-day time window, and how much the customer spends in 90 days. Knowing this will help you calculate your exact target CPA to acquire new customers (NC CPA).
If the number is not at your target goal, you need to reach new people with your advertising. It's not just with Facebook ads; you can also use Google ads and TikTok ads.
This audit is a great example of why you need to know your numbers a single cent. Knowing the numbers will help you avoid this type of situation.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this post. Thanks for reading. See you in the next one.
submitted by WizardOfEcommerce to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:49 Is_J_a_Name Everything Caedrel Missed in LPL Summer Week 1 Day 8 - AL/NIP & UP/WBG

Last split there was an LCS fan who did this for the LCS matches Caedrel missed, so I figured that if there's a particularly interesting day of LPL that he missed, I'd compile some of the things that happened into as short a post as possible in case anyone's interested.

Anyone's Legend takes down Ninjas in Pyjamas 2-0

AL added Tabe to their coaching staff at the end of Spring and picked up Ale in the offseason and are looking dangerous, stomping NIP earlier today with strong early fighting and taking the lead in group D.

Ultra Prime upset Weibo Gaming 2-1

Weibo's struggles continue with Tarzan having a very poor start to the split, dealing 885 damage as Lee Sin in a 30 minute game 1
Weibo managed to sneak a game back, in part to some... very optimistic Malphite ults from Qingtian
Ultra Prime closed out the series in an absolutely hilarious game 3, including a big brain getaway from H4cker on Karthus as well as a well-played 3v5 to get away with baron buffs.
Both games today were part of Group D With the results of these games, AL lead the group, while WBG are at risk of not qualifying to the upper group.
submitted by Is_J_a_Name to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:02 Outside_Ad4558 Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero 2024 (Download)

Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero 2024 (Download)
Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero 2024

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Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero offers an extensive 9-week training program designed to take you from a beginner to a top-tier publisher.
Week 1: Mindset Start with the mindset of a 6-7 figure earner. It's all about preparing for a paradigm shift.
Week 2: Choosing Your Niche Learn the 'secret' 3-step system to identify low-competition niches and keywords.
Week 3: Creating Your Best-Selling Book From customer research to hiring ghostwriters, this week covers it all to create a 5-star book.
Week 4: Launch Master Amazon’s algorithm and learn the top book-launch strategy to rank as an Amazon best-seller.
Week 5: Amazon Ad Masterclass Dive deep into creating, optimizing, and scaling ads with an exclusive ad platform.
Week 6: Building Your Audience Learn how to build a loyal fanbase that will support and review your books.
Week 7: Audiobooks & Going Beyond Amazon Explore the profitable audiobook market and diversify your income streams beyond Amazon.
Week 8: Automations Automate and systematize your business to achieve time-freedom and passive income.
Week 9: Scaling Your Publishing Empire Discover the strategies that took Sean from $10k/month to $35k/month, and learn his exit strategy to earn multiple 6 or even 7-figures.

Final Thoughts

Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero is more than just a course; it’s a comprehensive program designed to transform your self-publishing journey. With personal mentoring, a wealth of tools and templates, a supportive community, and lifetime updates, it provides everything you need to succeed. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your publishing empire, Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero offers a proven success formula to help you reach your goals. Ready to join the ranks of successful publishers? Sean Dollwet - Royalty Hero is your ticket to the top.
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