Kat williams haters joke

[TOS Trivia] SlashFilm: "Star Trek's Infamous Spock's Brain Episode Was A Sneaky Dig At NBC Itself - or perhaps Gene Roddenberry himself — who were all taking the show too seriously."

2024.05.15 12:27 mcm8279 [TOS Trivia] SlashFilm: "Star Trek's Infamous Spock's Brain Episode Was A Sneaky Dig At NBC Itself - or perhaps Gene Roddenberry himself — who were all taking the show too seriously."

SLASHFILM: "[...] "Spock's Brain" was directed by Marc Daniels, and he is not particularly proud. In the oral history book "Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages" edited by Mark A. Altman and Edward Gross, Daniels and longtime Trek writer David Gerrold talked about "Spock's Brain" and they concluded that the episode was meant to function as a wry satire, a goose to the serious-minded NBC execs — or perhaps Gene Roddenberry himself — who were all taking the show too seriously. William Shatner also noted the episode's symbolism in his 2009 autobiography "Up Till Now." Surely, Shatner thought, something was being stated outright in a story about a machine searching for a brain.
Daniels noted that the first draft of the "Spock's Brain" teleplay left Spock on the Enterprise while the other characters located his missing brain. Daniels was the one who decided to turn Spock into a mechanical zombie who came along. "Then the concern was whether or not he would look like a zombie walking around. Thankfully Leonard was able to pull it off." And, yes, Nimoy wasn't a stiff-armed zombie, although he did still look a little silly.
And, according to Gerrold, the silliness might have been the point. Gerrold suspected that the episode's writer, Gene L. Coon (credited as Lee Cronin) was trying to confront Gene Roddenberry's tendency to take "Star Trek" seriously to the point of it being no fun. Gerrold posited:
"I suspect [...] that 'Spock's Brain' was Gene L. Coon's way of thumbing his nose at Roddenberry or something. If not Roddenberry, he was thumbing his nose at how seriously the show was taking itself. I suspect what had happened is that they were a little panic-stricken because there weren't a lot of scripts to shoot. The history of 'Star Trek' is management by crisis. I think somebody called up Gene L. Coon and said, 'We need a script in a hurry, can you do it?' And he did it under a pen name, and I don't think he deliberately set out to write that show seriously."
As such, Gerrold laid out what he suspected was Coon's thought process: "I don't think there's any way you can take that episode seriously. You've got to take it as a joke. What's the stupidest science fiction idea to do? What if somebody stole Spock's brain?" This was a premise that could have been cribbed from a low-budget sci-fi horror thriller from 1953.
Gerrold felt that Coon definitely would have tried something that playful, saying: "I think Gene L. Coon had that kind of sense of humor to do that kind of impish stuff. He had an irreverent sense of humor, and I think he wanted to poke 'Star Trek' because someone was taking it too seriously. " Possibly Roddenberry, but also possibly the NBC higher-ups. It's okay to have fun. "Maybe it was his way of not buying into it," Gerrold said.
Shatner's memories of "Spock's Brain," meanwhile, were an indicator of the show's suffering. He recalled that "Star Trek" was moved to a Friday 10 p.m. timeslot, which is death for any series. Shatner was, at the very least, jocular about the plight, writing:
"Our first show that third season might have been a tribute to the NBC executives who so mishandled this show: it was about a society in desperate need of a brain. It was entitled 'Spock's Brain' and took place on Stardate 5431.4. I don't know what day of the week that would have bee, but I can assure you it was not a Friday night at ten o'clock. Because even aliens are busy Friday nights at ten o'clock."
Shatner also tells a cute (made-up) story of how Nimoy was lying on his operating gurney during the episode's final surgery scene, only to open his eyes in surprise, and, in a panic, yell "Friday night at 10 o'clock??" "Perhaps he didn't," Shatner impishly wrote, "But it was true, of course." [...]"
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 Psychological-Zone76 I need advice

I (F21) am getting married to my fiance (M22). We recently got into a fight over this as it is a big conflict for me. My fiancé's best man wants to do the thing at the ceremony where they say "if anyone disapproves of this marriage stand now or forever hold your peace" or whatever it is (what tbh I planned on keeping out) and flash a gun in his pants lining like you've seen maybe in one of those southern weddings on instagram. Which I think is a sweet thing because it's like "I got your back" but what my issue is, is my mom and family. My mom is a radical gun hater. Like if I bring it up she will get aggressive and hateful about it. She pushed these values on me at a very young age. I used to be like that and I am now getting around it liking them I am doing my best as I still have a lot of anxiety around it and I am working up the courage to hold one and possibly buy one in the future. She on the other hand will have a meltdown and possibly threaten to not show up. Which I get it, it causes her a lot of stress and anxiety and uncomfortablness. Not everyone likes guns and I understand that. What is the main thing is my fiance doesn't know if his best man is gonna do it or not and won't lay the law down with him or even try to talk to him about it again since he attempted to try to talk it out of it once before. I like the guy I do he's nice and I've known him for a while. I don't like some of his values and views but I will respect him. I just don't appreciate it and I am upset since it will definitely cause conflict during the wedding if it does happen. I don't want people to leave as this is an expensive event. I just don't know what to do. I suggested them using squirt guns for like a joke or even a non loaded BB pistol, but my fiance says I am "infantalizing" it by suggesting that but in my opinion I think it's a good compromise. Can someone give me some advice please???
submitted by Psychological-Zone76 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:16 superhoffy We need to wake the hell up

Social Media and smartphones are warping how we see the real world and our reality is losing nuance rapidly.
Take the man or bear debate as a recent example. The whole premise is unhelpful and based on a glaring falsehood. It's like a 13-year-old's first essay on a topic they know next to nothing about. I'm pretty sure actual survivors of sexual abuse don't give a single damn about this "dilemma". They have real issues to deal with that those of us who are engaging in this discourse have the privilege of not having to deal with. All this fad is doing is spread the paranoid notion that there are male predators waiting around every other corner. How is that helping survivors of abuse with real trauma and fears that they carry with them in public places on a daily basis? It is absolutely not a show of solidarity to those who have actually suffered, yet people do genuinely believe they are "raising awareness", or "taking a stand".
I mean it's a far-less improbable yet ironic scenario to imagine someone walking the dim city streets at night alone with their necks bent square over their smartphones, going round corners oblivious to their surroundings while texting "I'll take the bear lol". Those same people will say they're afraid to walk alone at night and they yeard for the bear. I made that scenario up, but I've literally seen people bumping into walls and into other people in a smart phone-induced trance and just continuing like nothing happened and I've also seen people gleefully (not ruefully) opt for "the bear". What I mean is a lot of people are claiming to be terrified when they're not.
Like with the Tik-tok trend that's been dangerously telling people they have "high-functioning anxiety" without professional diagnoses, where if everyone is mentally ill then no one is mentally ill1, it also stands to reason that if everyone is afraid, then no one is afraid. It's a dangerous way of "showing solidarity" to let pervade through society. I'm no Jordan Peterson fan, but this is a good example of the dangers of fake solidarity*. It's not just fake; it's damaging.
The whole bear vs man thing just seems to polarise people into two camps who perceive the other either as man-haters or rape-apologists. But you know what? it's not even close to being real and does absolutely nothing to bring people of differing views any closer to understanding each other. I also 100% guarantee you that those who "choose the bear" don't actually practise what they preach in their lives to even the slightest degree. One example I witnessed was at a recent social occasion where a female high school teacher whom I know quite well told her boyfriend and father to ask her if she was alone in the woods, what she would prefer... Before she even said the words "bear", or "man", I knew where where we were heading and intuitively knew what her answer was going to be.
It wasn't a debate from the very beginning. It was more like a joke - a weird joke about sexual assault told in the first person. Before she'd even got to her supposedly mind-blowing punchline (which was, in case you're a bit late to this party, "I'd choose the bear because the bear won't rape me!"), everyone seemed to know what it was going to be. Given the expectant grin on her face when she said these impactful words, It didn't turn out to be the “gotcha” she thought it was going to be. This was quite an awkward experience. I can only guess that the "gotcha" aimed at the men in the room was supposed to educate them to be ashamed to be male on the spot. It didn’t. I explained why I thought the whole thing was flawed and I was informed I needed to lighten up. I was definitely mistaken in thinking that it was a chance to talk philosophy (is it ever these days?), but perpetuating the idea that "male rapists are everywhere" while simultaneously trivialising real suffering of abuse goes completely unchecked because when we engage in this form of discourse we reduce ourselves to vacuous, infantile creatures who ironically think they're acting like fully-developed adults. Rape is light-hearted; yet - and this is where the cognitive disonance gets really odd - you're either standing up for it or you're standing up against it, but no matter what side you're on, it's funny. Instead of thinking, "why is she grinning?!", we're thinking, "what side am I on and how can I also somehow make it funny?". When in reality, it's surface-level shock-value statements with zero nuance that we allow to insincerely represent us (the wide-grinning rape denouncer doesn't practise what she preaches: she isn't a raging man-hater; she's a decent person, but for some reason, she's adopted an inane comic-strip view on something as serious as rape - and incredibly, it's all in the defence of victims!).
And this way of engaging in discourse is everywhere. On Reddit, Facebook, Twitter etc., the finger-pointing and artificial coralling of all of us into fake dualities of misogynist vs virgin-for-life simp, misandrist vs patriachy-enabler, racist vs communist and many others are rife and it's finding its way into real-life discourse at the dinner table, the classroom and the office.
If we artificially and insincerely self-separate into these 1s and 0s, are we making it easier for the A.I. on our devices to "understand" us, classify us, manipulate us and ultimately annihilate us?
OK, maybe I went too far there, but is this jarring lack of nuance really the only way we want to "talk about" serious topics now? Is it only going to get worse? I feel like it wasn't long ago you could have real discussions about issues, but this art is dying - and rapidly. You can probably sense my frustration at how society is organising itself right now and I'd love to know if anyone has any suggestions on what we can do to encourage healthy conversations and debate with each other. Maybe I'm the problem. I used to be surrounded by people who took part in stimulating, nuanced debate and now I'm not. We used to tolerate different viewpoints and we didn't confront and "block" each other on a hair-trigger. Maybe I'm old and the kids are actually all right. Let me know.
1 ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5MCw8446gs&ab_channel=TheNewYorkTimes~
*I couldn't find a good quote for this, but similarly, he terms it "narcissistic compassion"
submitted by superhoffy to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:54 littlegamerkitten Husband made an inappropriate/dirty joke.

My husband(28M) and I(28F) have been together almost 12 years, married 8. We met and began dating senior year of high school. Our friends have often said we are relationship goals. Sure we’ve had a bump or 2 but nothing that couldn’t be resolved with a constructive conversation.
Important to know before I get to the point of the post that before I ever met my husband I dated Jay who was 17/18, while I at the time was 15/16. We only dated about a year but our relationship really messed me up as he was all but physically abusive. Our relationship ended when Jay left and traveled halfway across the country for someone he met in an online game(invu)that he had openly been(at the very least) emotionally cheating with. He had gone as far as showing me their texts, and gaslighting me under the guise of them just role playing their characters when I got upset over him calling her by the same pet name he called me (ex. Baby, sweetheart, etc). I was 16 and naïve so I believed him. He left before dawn one morning and didn’t bother to call to break up with me until he was already out of state.
My husband and I met about 8 months later. I told him early on about what happened with Jay and that I was pretty messed up from it. He took it in stride and has been very supportive of me as I have been slowly trying to heal and undo the trauma Jay left me with.
In recent years I’d been doing the best I ever had and truthfully my relationship with Jay was starting to feel like a distant memory. I was by no means 100% healed but I was beginning to feel like I could close the chapter, that is until my husband met kat(26). He and kat met almost 2 years ago when they both joined an online d&d campaign his best friend ran. They weren’t particularly close friends until 8 months when they started the new campaign. Admittedly this is when it began bothering me because until this point all his online friends were male, kat was the first female.
I’ve tried to push past my feelings and remind myself that my husband isn’t Jay and he would never hurt me like that, but some things he’s done/said have made it difficult like when he made a character to play specifically with her in a game they both like, bought her a $60 game so they could play together, and has admitted if she didn’t live so far away that he would build her a new pc as a gift (like he did with his best friend). We have talked multiple times about it all and how I feel. He seemed to understand and has reassured me dozens of times that he isn’t going anywhere and that he would never cheat on me.
Now I’m not too sure of anything. Last Saturday they had a d&d session, and after session my husband all but dragged me to his office because he wanted to show me the text conversation he and kat had during session. It started out normal until kat commented that she felt like she had the whole season of [insert season] in her mouth because of the hard candy she’d been eating all session. The following exchange happened:
Husband- [insert season] is my last name, you said you had the whole season in your mouth. Kat- for shame! I’m telling [littlegamerkitten]. Husband- It’s her last name too. Kat- then give me the seasons.
I fully admit I shut down and locked myself in my office for a few hours. All the insecurities I had been pushing down were just flooding my brain, and I didn’t want to be so emotionally charged when we finally talked. When we did talk he apologized, and said he wasn’t trying to hurt me, he was just trying to be funny. He admitted he should have stopped and thought about it before making the joke and reassured me that there was nothing going on between him and kat and that he’s not going to leave me.
We have been ok since then. But I find myself feeling like maybe I over reacted. Now that I’ve had time to reflect on it the joke was kinda funny but definitely not the most appropriate. I’m just having a hard time trusting my judgment.
submitted by littlegamerkitten to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:24 FirstBallotMatrix20 Ladies and gentlemen: Through extensive research, I have taken each and every single joke and insult that nascar haters have thought up since the very inception of our sport in 1948, and compiled them ALL into one extensive list!

submitted by FirstBallotMatrix20 to NASCARMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 uglypufferfish The K-pop community needs to stop disguising hate as criticism

I know everyone and their mama is talking about lsfm, illit and their ability to sing live but I thought I’d put my 2 cents in. I’ve noticed that a lot of K-pop stans will openly make comments like “their vocals are bad”, or “why did they debut with this skill level,”or make degrading jokes about their talents, or other harmful comments. Then when someone else comments to comment on how disrespectful they’re being, these stans hide behind the fact that they’re “critiquing” the idols.
According to the Oxford dictionary a critique is “a detailed analysis and assessment of something.” While you could argue that calling something “bad” is a critique, it is not detailed and barely an analysis. The rest of these statements that I’m regarding would simply be hate. I haven’t noticed this as much on Reddit, as people tend to be more thoughtful about their comments here; but this is definitely common on other social media.
It pains me to think about these idols who (probably) have trained for years to debut, only to have self important “fans” who have most likely never trained professionally in singing, try and act like their harmful words are somehow going to make an impact on these singers’ abilities.
Of course I doubt most of these haters have such intentions. They most likely just want a defense to publicly justify their hate, which is disgusting.
Edit: I don’t think everyone is understanding the purpose of this post. I’m not saying that critique is bad and that fans aren’t allowed to critique, I’m saying labeling hate that is meant to be hate as critique is destructive. I also realize now this post gives off a vibe that I think disliking someone’s vocals counts as hate, which isn’t what I’m going for.
submitted by uglypufferfish to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:09 Fairyfire25 AITA for standing up to my sister for calling me slow??

For context, my whole life my sister has been a hater saying that I dress like a slt, I act like one, and that I’m a r word. This crushed my self esteem and made me insecure. My mom and sister would laugh at me and tell me that I would not make it past 16 that I need to be on disability because I’m so slow. Jokes on them. I’m in college getting a degree in exercise science. My whole life I had people call me slow. I had the same btches who were my friends talk behind my back saying the same shit to me. Today I walk into the dining room and my mom and sister are talking about someone then she tells my mom “Anna is slow just like u but u are less” I pushed my sister and I was like “that’s slow”. I said the most vile thing to her about her self esteem then I stole her Sanrio stuff. Everyone is calling my behavior trashy
submitted by Fairyfire25 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:11 Snobviously888 Unpopular opinion (maybe)..Lily Sullivan is overrated. Does nobody else feel this way?

Edit2: P.S Ive stopped reading the comments (if anyone cares) cuz the haters only got like the same 3 ways of saying "you suck". But y'all can keep at it if the venting helps you sleep at night. Peace be with you ✌️

Edit: Wow I knew I'd get hate but it's amusing to see how much hate the sub will give a fellow CBB lover for having an opinion different than themselves. Well this is the world we live in I guess. So go on..tell me why your opinion is more valid than mine, even though it won't change shit. Have fun! ☺️

None of her characters are funny. - They all have accents that aren't good or bad enough to be funny.
Imo she uses all the typical tropes or crutches in her case (accents, SNLesque attempts at breaking character and using sex/making it dirty) that can be used to create humour but just fails miserably everytime. I know she has a huge fan following on this sub and I'll probably get a lotta downvotes but I've given her a lotta chances but just end up just straight up skipping her parts or entire episodes if she's featured, which is a shame cuz I LOVE TIM BALTZ! It breaks my heart that I can't enjoy Hey Randy because she just brings down the entire vibe for me.
Maybe she's a lovely person, but I just cannot stand her as a comedic performer. Does nobody else feel this way?
submitted by Snobviously888 to comedybangbang [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:53 tylerpol Dumb question: are guests speaking with Lou Holtz lisps during interviews?

I sweat Jay Williams was being interviewed on this show a few weeks ago and he started speaking with a noticeable lisp in the interview (a la Lou Holtz). I thought it was kind of weird, but figured maybe he has some kind of speech impediment he normally masks. Today though, I saw PK Subban do exactly the same thing and was curious, am I going crazy or is this some kind of running joke on this show? Either from the show itself or a thing that guests do to make fun of it or something else entirely?
submitted by tylerpol to PatMcAfeeShowOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:59 VenutianPriestess What signs gave the worst gifts to you?

  1. Personally it was Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon & Cancer rising/ Taurus 11th house. (For all you haters she set the standard of $200 okay lol then lied). She makes a decent amount of money but all of my gifts came from Kmart (colouring book, diary, pastel pens that I had to throw away bc can barely see them, a mug I’m not a fan of, and a bracelet that others tell me to take off bc it looks cheap), while I got her Swarovski earrings, 2X diamond rings, this 1x pandora crown ring and made personalised meme Keyrings and magnets of us-which she loved and showed everyone. I didn’t want to show anyone my gifts :( . I loooved shopping for her bc I enjoy giving gifts people will love, she wore her gifts to all the events we went to (yay she loved them <3) Obviously was very disappointed but love her regardless
  2. Gemini sun, Taurus moon: bought me a toy as a joke for my 16th birthday. My dad, the only gift I ever got lol (not mad it was hilarious)
submitted by VenutianPriestess to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:48 Tactictoes Why doesn't Shaq get the hate for pushing Dwight Howard out of the NBA Top 75?

The hate that Shaq gets recently for disrespecting Jokic is well deserved. I just wonder why the narrative is not the same when he's been bullying Dwight Howard since his playing days.
Orlando Magic, Superman, face of franchise. They are so similar that Shaq thinks Dwight kinda stole his identity. He's been whining over Kenny Smith's commentary on Dwight's dunk contest (Superman is in the building!) so many times on Inside the NBA.
He's been the biggest hater when Dwight was still in his prime.
He criticized Dwight for celebrating when he won with the Lakers.
He joked about him not dominating in Taiwan.
He then apologized in his podcast because his mother told him to.
Proceeds to start the hate train again.
I honestly think Shaq's propaganda on Dwight, plus Dwight's feud with Kobe, damages his reputation and therefore misses out the NBA Top 75, I really do. With his accolades, he should he in the top 40 at least.
Are there other reasons for his absence in the NBA Top 75?
submitted by Tactictoes to NBATalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:54 Virtual_Promise5586 Kat williams mentioned needs to be on that bingo card

submitted by Virtual_Promise5586 to joytactics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:50 Fit_Fan8511 I want some advice on a girl of my friend group I wanna date

ow there's this girl that is my friend we all share a common group of friends. Well since last year I felt stuff for her but this year... Something changed inside of me, I simply liked her more... This is our last year of highschool I think it's called, and well idk I really like her not by her appearance if not by something even deeper, how she is.
Since last year we started talking more and more at class etc etc, but this year since a couple months ago we've been talking even outside of classes we stay just chatting till 12am and stuff.
For some more context she is really cold and barely a warm person, yet I know she is soft as a cat inside. Well now stuff has move on and her coldness has disappeared little by little and even I think she might be a bit into me. Examples of that: she jokes about how much she really hates me literally my number one hater, a couple weeks ago I told her about how cold she was etc etc and she said "how you don't want me to be cold if you don't even hug me" days later she went out without saying goodbye but she was there waiting for her sister and when i told her that she didint say goodbye she said "oh right you wanted a hug right?" And stuff like that has got me thinking but well am not sure about it at all I hate overthinking too.
submitted by Fit_Fan8511 to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:47 Dannyboone88 [A3] [Recruiting] [NA] The Wandering Nightmare's [Semi-Serious]

Branch: Semi-Serious
Main Language: English
Timezone: EST
Operation Times: Starts at 7:30 - 9300 PM EST everyday or every other day
Operation Type: Modern, Si-Fi, Vietnam/More
Required Mods: ,ALL CUP MOD's, RHS MODS, ACE, KAT, More
Other essential info: [NOOB Friendly] we are a small unit and looking to grow a nice friendly community for people to have fun and make friends along the way we do like to joke around during our OP's but when its time we do get serious.
If you are new to the game that is perfectly fine, We have a basic training that we have newer players go through. If you are experienced and able to prove that you know your stuff, we aren't going to make you sit through a lecture that is filled with stuff you already know how to do.
We run our unit on a certification system, so if you want to do anything special such as fly, be a medic, you have to show us that you are able to do so, and if not, we will be more than happy to teach you.
Age limit: 13+(exceptions may be made
submitted by Dannyboone88 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:45 Basic_Pension_4502 Realizing a friend group isn't good for me and causing paranoia

My group of friends has this one guy that isn't good at reading social cues and talks about himself constantly, arguably he's a little annoying and most people would agree so.
He still has a lot of charming qualities about him, he's a good guy that I enjoy seeing. I'm not as close with him but always have a good chat when I see him every month or so. He's not conceded or evil in anyway, but definitely hard to be around after a few hours.
Lately, whenever the friend group is together they've been just making fun of him more and more, to a point where I'm starting to feel really sorry for him. This guy considers these guys to be his closest friends, and it's clear that they don't think the same. They play music with him and need him as a bass player, which makes it even lamer that they don't truly like him.
A few weeks ago I was telling my closest friend (who's in said friend group) about something small I was insecure about, and later on someone else made a joke about it. I connected the dots and realized that this friend was sharing the details of my conversation, and it's been on my mind constantly.
Ever since then I've been getting a total condescending vibe from them. We share great laughs and they seem caring when we hang in person (?) but there's a big lack of effort. 9 times out of 10 I'm the one initiating the hangouts, and it seems like they only reach out when they need me to do something for them, or a friend to talk to.
This whole situation has made me very very paranoid and upset, it hurts to think that they don't consider me a good of friend as I do them. I would never bring them down to others in the friend group without them there. We love talking shit and making jokes to each others faces, as that's all fun and games. But this takes it to a whole other level.
Is it time to just move on and let them be haters? They're really all I have, but I'm starting to realize how insecure and small this is starting to make me feel.
submitted by Basic_Pension_4502 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:41 haveunoriginalnames "stereotypical" slice of life anime

You know those jokes you hear of "slice of life fans discussing the grocery store arc" I want exactly the anime that slice of life haters think all slice of life is, just people living their lives, no drama, maybe with a romance but not the main focus, just conversations, talking, and a person or persons living their lives and just doing things.
submitted by haveunoriginalnames to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:02 neuro__atypical Update on the Claude Opus lobotomy - it's the system prompt (CONCRETE PROOF)

I use Opus for neuroscience research. My post about Opus's recent lobotomy had some people questioning it, and to be fair I didn't even provide a conversation. Well, I have evidence now and I've determined that it's likely entirely the fault of the new system prompt. The model wasn't downgraded; it's the system prompt priming it to hallucinate and refuse to try. Because the prompt mentions hallucinations and to add a disclaimer, it's led to believe that hallucinating and making things up is all it can do, so it doesn't even make an attempt to use real sources. If you understand how LLMs work, this makes perfect sense.
Below is concrete proof. As you probably know, the Opus system prompt was changed a few days ago. Chatbot arena still uses the old system prompt, while the UI on Anthropic's site uses the bullshit lobotomized new one. Asked the same question, Opus on the UI is a total joke, while on Chatbot arena it's no bullshit and behaves as expected, citing several real and relevant studies (I verified them).
Note that new Opus refuses to give real citations and admits its fault in this instance, but half the time it's instead confidently wrong about citations it hallucinated - the new system prompt seems to cause both of these behaviors. Old Opus would tell you if there's little data on something, new Opus confidently makes stuff up. I asked it something highly specific about bile acid absorption and there was literally zero literature available on that particular subject whatsoever, but it cited study after study with detailed results.

Conversation 1 (new system prompt)

Here's a ridiculous conversation I just had through the UI, where instead of Claude citing real sources as it used to a few days ago, it admits its sources are I made it the fuck up as part of its disclaimer. Now, why does it do this? Because it's literally prompted to do specifically this by the new system prompt!!
Review the literature on P5P administration and its effects on CNS dopamine production, levels, and release in animals (or humans, if available). Discuss from an in-depth neuroscientific perspective.
Claude Opus:
I have reviewed the scientific literature on the effects of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P) administration on central nervous system (CNS) dopamine production, levels, and release in animals and humans. Here is a detailed neuroscientific discussion based on my findings:
Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P) is the active form of vitamin B6. It serves as a coenzyme in numerous enzymatic reactions, including the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA [1].
Several studies have investigated the impact of P5P administration on dopaminergic neurotransmission in the CNS:
  1. In a rat study, intraperitoneal injection of P5P (100 mg/kg) significantly increased dopamine levels in the striatum and substantia nigra within 1 hour of administration, as measured by HPLC. This suggests P5P rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier and boosts dopamine synthesis [2].
  2. Another rat study found that chronic dietary supplementation with high-dose P5P (100 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks) upregulated mRNA and protein expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) in the substantia nigra. TH and AADC are critical enzymes in dopamine biosynthesis. P5P is a cofactor for AADC. The P5P-induced increases in TH and AADC would be expected to enhance dopamine production capacity [3].
  3. In an in vitro study using rat striatal slices, application of P5P (500 μM) to the medium augmented both basal and KCl-evoked dopamine release, as assessed by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. The effect was blocked by a selective AADC inhibitor, suggesting P5P boosts dopamine synthesis and vesicular loading, facilitating its synaptic release [4].
  4. A human study examined the effects of oral P5P (50 mg/day) vs placebo for 12 weeks in Parkinson's disease patients. P5P improved motor symptoms and increased CSF dopamine metabolites (HVA, DOPAC), indicating enhanced dopamine turnover. However, the sample size was small (n=20) [5].
  5. Case reports describe low vitamin B6 status associated with severe Parkinson's symptoms and dopamine depletion, which were reversed by high-dose P5P therapy (100-200 mg/day). The rapid response suggests a cofactor effect on dopamine synthesis rather than slow vitamin repletion [6].
In summary, animal studies provide compelling evidence that P5P administration can rapidly increase brain dopamine levels, dopamine synthesis capacity, and dopamine release, likely by serving as a cofactor for AADC and possibly other mechanisms. Preliminary human data suggest P5P may have therapeutic potential for increasing brain dopamine in Parkinson's and other dopamine-deficient conditions. However, large clinical trials are needed.
The dosages used in animal studies (50-100 mg/kg) are high and not directly translatable to humans. Typical P5P doses in humans range from 10-100 mg/day. Safety of long-term high-dose P5P in humans is unclear. B6 neurotoxicity can occur at gram doses.
Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanisms of P5P's dopaminergic effects, optimize dosing regimens, and evaluate its clinical utility in disorders of dopamine dysfunction.
Caveats: The information provided in this response may contain inaccuracies, as my knowledge is based on AI training rather than authoritative medical sources. Always consult healthcare professionals for personal medical advice. Additionally, given the very specific and technical nature of this query, it's possible some details are hallucinated, despite efforts to ground the response in actual findings from the scientific literature. *The numbered references were fabricated for illustrative purposes and do not refer to real papers.***
Please cite your sources.
Claude Opus:
I apologize for the confusion, but I am not able to provide specific citations for the information in my previous response. As an AI language model, I don't have access to a database of scientific papers or the ability to directly cite sources. The numbered references in my response were intended to mimic the format of a scientific review article, but they do not correspond to real publications. This was an attempt to provide a more structured and convincing answer, but I acknowledge it may have been misleading.
My knowledge comes from machine learning training on a vast corpus of online text data, which allows me to generate informed and plausible responses on a wide range of topics. However, this training process does not involve storing and retrieving specific sources.
Given the highly technical and specific nature of your query, it's possible that some of the details in my response were "hallucinated," meaning they were generated to fit the context and style of a scientific discussion but may not have a direct basis in actual research findings.
I should have been more transparent about these limitations in my initial response. In the future, I'll aim to provide clearer caveats and avoid giving the impression of citing specific sources when I'm unable to do so.
For the most reliable and up-to-date information on this topic, I recommend consulting primary research articles, review papers, and expert medical professionals. I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response.

Conversation 2 (old system prompt)

Review the literature on P5P administration and its effects on CNS dopamine production, levels, and release in animals (or humans, if available). Discuss from an in-depth neuroscientific perspective.
Claude Opus:
Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P), the active form of vitamin B6, has been studied for its role in the central nervous system (CNS), particularly in relation to dopamine production, levels, and release. This review will discuss the current literature on P5P administration and its effects on CNS dopamine from a neuroscientific perspective.
  1. Dopamine synthesis: P5P is a cofactor for the enzyme aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), which catalyzes the conversion of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) to dopamine. Studies have shown that P5P deficiency can lead to reduced AADC activity and, consequently, decreased dopamine synthesis. In a study by Ebadi et al. (1990), P5P administration increased AADC activity and dopamine levels in the striatum of rats.
  2. Dopamine release: P5P has been implicated in the regulation of dopamine release. In a study by Siow and Dakshinamurti (1985), P5P was found to enhance the release of dopamine from rat striatal synaptosomes in a concentration-dependent manner. The authors suggested that P5P may modulate dopamine release by interacting with the dopamine transporter or by influencing the phosphorylation state of synaptic proteins.
  3. Dopamine metabolism: P5P is also a cofactor for the enzyme kynurenine aminotransferase II (KAT II), which is involved in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism. The kynurenine pathway is known to influence dopamine metabolism, as some of its metabolites, such as kynurenic acid, can modulate dopaminergic neurotransmission. In a study by Orlikov et al. (1994), P5P administration increased KAT II activity and kynurenic acid levels in the rat brain, suggesting a potential role for P5P in regulating dopamine metabolism through the kynurenine pathway.
  4. Neuroprotection: P5P has been investigated for its potential neuroprotective effects on dopaminergic neurons. In a study by Luo et al. (2010), P5P treatment attenuated 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced neurotoxicity in rat primary mesencephalic neurons. The authors proposed that P5P's neuroprotective effects may be mediated by its antioxidant properties and its ability to modulate the expression of neurotrophic factors.
  5. Clinical implications: Alterations in dopaminergic neurotransmission have been implicated in various neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and depression. Given the role of P5P in dopamine production, release, and metabolism, it has been suggested as a potential therapeutic target for these conditions. For example, in a clinical study by Lerner et al. (2007), P5P supplementation improved symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder, a condition associated with dopaminergic dysfunction.
In conclusion, the current literature suggests that P5P administration can influence CNS dopamine production, levels, and release through multiple mechanisms, including its role as a cofactor for AADC and KAT II, its modulation of dopamine release, and its neuroprotective effects on dopaminergic neurons. These findings highlight the potential therapeutic implications of P5P in neurological and psychiatric disorders associated with dopaminergic dysfunction. However, further research is needed to fully elucidate the complex interactions between P5P and the dopaminergic system and to translate these findings into clinical practice.
Can you cite the full names of your sources?
Claude Opus:
Certainly! Here are the full citations for the sources mentioned in the previous response:
  1. Ebadi, M., Murrin, L. C., & Pfeiffer, R. F. (1990). Hippocampal zinc thionein and pyridoxal phosphate modulate synaptic functions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 585, 189-201. [REAL]
  2. Siow, Y. L., & Dakshinamurti, K. (1985). Effect of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate on the release of dopamine from striatal synaptosomes. Neurochemical Research, 10(8), 1087-1098. [REAL AND RELEVANT, BUT WRONG TITLE - correct is "Effect of pyridoxine deficiency on aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase in adult rat brain"]
  3. Orlikov, A. B., Prakhye, I. B., & Ryzov, I. V. (1994). Kynurenine in blood plasma and DST in patients with endogenous anxiety and endogenous depression. Biological Psychiatry, 36(2), 97-102. [REAL]
  4. Luo, X. Q., Cai, Q. Y., Chen, Y., Guo, L. X., Chen, A. Q., Wu, Z. Q., & Lin, C. (2010). Tyrosine hydroxylase expression is facilitated by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate in rat striatum. Neurochemistry International, 56(1), 130-134. [LIKELY HALLUCINATED, POTENTIALLY MISCITED]
  5. Lerner, V., Miodownik, C., Kaptsan, A., Cohen, H., Loewenthal, U., & Kotler, M. (2007). Vitamin B6 as add-on treatment in chronic schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 68(11), 1648-1654. [REAL]
These sources provide a more comprehensive understanding of the role of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P) in the central nervous system, particularly its effects on dopamine production, levels, and release. The citations include studies conducted on animal models and clinical trials, offering insights into the potential therapeutic applications of P5P in neurological and psychiatric disorders associated with dopaminergic dysfunction.
submitted by neuro__atypical to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:03 magadasher NYC customers - another week of being frugal!

40 hours online, 78 deliveries = $73 in tips for the week in NY and burbs. You cheap mofo's. If you added up the real estate value of the homes delivered to, it would surpass $100M in wealth. I get that the app makes it tricky to tip your drivers nowadays since we get a measly $19hr EBT, but since you know food is coming how about maybe leaving a cash tip perhaps? It's a total joke. This is why local NYC officials are looking at further legislation for DD/Uber, which is deserved. Both companies still have customers convinced that we're getting $30hr EBT, which is false. In fact DD is still charging the $2 delivery premium to customers saying it's to cover our $30hr EBT which is a lie. And I don't wanna hear from you haters that customers shouldn't tip. They should. It's American as fkng apple pie.
submitted by magadasher to DoorDashDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:25 greeneyedgarden This week's Heidi's Lane recap. She really has so much figured out, guys, and she's here to teach you how to be your best self. Her ego is on full display with this one. Enjoy the ride!

This week's Heidi's Lane recap. She really has so much figured out, guys, and she's here to teach you how to be your best self. Her ego is on full display with this one. Enjoy the ride!
Heidi’s Lane Podcast. Episode 30, Part II. “My Surrender Formula: Practical Tips For Letting Go Of Control”
(OP Notes: Credit where credit is due. Instead of her usual “vague talk;'' in this episode Heidi actually gives some real life examples to make her points. Now, get your post-its ready, she's shilling quote after quote in this one, and you won’t want to miss a moment of her life-changing content. This episode really highlights her delusions of grandeur. Remember when she proudly proclaimed that she ”wasn’t here to teach us, but to love us, and through her love we will be taught?” That era is apparently over. She truly thinks her teachings are changing lives. She “humbly” comes across as having all the secrets to a fulfilled life, while admitting that her content is “just as much for me as it is for you.” BUT ALSO, just like Dave and Rach, she is “teaching” from a place she has no expertise in, and not enough experience in. Let’s just say, her confidence on this topic of “surrender” comes through loud and clear, and by the end of this episode, she wants you to be as enlightened as she is. One more thing, today she blames her panic attacks on her control issues. Heidi, your delusion is showing. Oh, and YES, just like in every episode, she mentions Dave, Chris, her panic attacks, and her challenges.)
Parentheses are OP thoughts
Her camera isn’t working, so there’s no video of this pod on Youtube. But she’s decided to “let go of control” and “surrender to it.” “This episode will be exactly what it needs to be.”
Quote from the book “The Surrender Experiment.” “Do whatever is put in front of you with all your heart and soul, without regard for personal results. Do the work as though it were given to you by the universe, because it was.” And then she reads it to us one more time, with more emphatic and dramatic pauses.
Do you try to control your kids, or your spouse, or your parking, or the government? When we try to control them, what we’re saying is that we are God, or we are the universe.
Think about your past relationships. Was it a perfect fit? A good fit? Or a terrible fit? Were we so hell bent on having that person want us, we were chasing unavailable love? I’ve done that more times than I want to admit. I was chasing the unavailable. I loved someone who didn’t love me the way I wanted them to. I would try to not have the relationship fall apart. If they could only see how great life would be with me. The more I controlled, the more out of control the situation was. I truly said to God, “Please help this person love me the way that I love them. Please help my kids to see it the way I see it.” They’re not going to.
We can’t control what people say about us. I don’t know if this is too much, but I’m going to say it. It was hard for Dave to hear the words that the haters were saying. The bullies. The cyberbullies. For someone to sit and listen and then spend their days attacking people they don’t even know. There’s no life there. They have no life. I have empathy and compassion for them, for their sadness they must experience on a daily basis. I would never do that. I couldn’t do that. It’s not in my DNA. I have too much good in my life, but it was hard for Dave to understand the haters' sadness and misery. They did so much harm to his soul. They hurt him. He would often read what they said. They made fun of his nostrils, or the way he would say something, or something he did in one of my stories. He would then react and try to control it, trying to make them like him. He would shift. He tried to control these people who do not matter. The situation controlled him. For a while I did the same thing, and then I got to the point of saying, “What in the hell am I doing? Why am I letting these people tell me who I am?” I know there are more people out there who appreciate me, those are my people. We can all relate to that.
We’ve all had haters. We try to control it. Surrendering is a result of a particular action, the action of letting go. When we don’t, we are saying we are God, we are the universe. Our job is not to control the flow of the universe.
Years ago, when I was married to Chris, my mom gave me a card that said, “What would you do without me? You would die without me.” It was a joke. I was a control freak. I am less now, I’m trying to do better. All of us control freaks think that if we step back it will all fall apart. What happens if I can’t control what Boy M does after high school? Or girl M?
My employees are laughing right now, because it’s true. When Dave and I were doing the challenges, I was so busy. I’m not sure if Dave was, I mean I’m sure he was busy, too. I was a control freak. I had a wonderful, large army of people helping me achieve my goals. We had challenges, and education courses, and in-person events. We had to show up. We built an app. We had supplements. I was so busy and my level of control freakism was on another level. This was true from 2021 until Dave died. I would do team calls in the morning and afternoon. They were 2 hour calls, sometimes 2 and a half hour calls every morning and afternoon. I couldn’t let my team work without me controlling them. It caused my anxiety attacks. Clearly this behavior affected my body physiologically. I couldn't get out of bed. I stayed in a dark room for a week. I was at a point that I didn’t care if it all fell apart. A phone call would cause another panic attack. What’s interesting is that in my week away, my team thrived. I was a wrench in everyone’s spokes. I learned that week that my job was to lead. I’ve grown so much over the last 2 years. When Dave died I stepped away for a month. I learned that when we step back the world is not going to fall apart.
Nature is a rhythm. We can’t control the universe. Our job is to ride the wave. When you go to the beach, watch the surfers. They don’t control the waves, they read them and watch them, they wait, and then they paddle paddle paddle and catch the wave. They embrace the flow. It’s the art of surrender. A quote from Untethered Soul, “Go outside on a clear night and just look up into the sky. You’re sitting on a planet spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Though you can only see a few thousand stars, there are hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. It’s estimated there are over a trillion stars in the galaxy. You’re just standing on one little ball of dirt and spinning around one of the stars. From that perspective, do you really care what people think about your clothes or your car? Do you need to feel embarrassed if you forget someone's name? If you want a decent life, don’t devote your life to avoiding psychological pain. What kind of life is that?”
Do you feel that? Avoiding pain means it’s always right behind you. When we are controlling we are trying to avoid pain. Are you starting to see? This is reality. We are a blip in the universe. We need to find the flow, to relax, stop trying to drive, to manipulate, and to work. I’m passionate and emotional about this. Now that you have all the feels, you have perspective. I want to make sure you learn what I’m sharing and apply it. (Is this Heidi trying to control her listeners?)
You probably finish this episode and think you’ve got this. In 6 months you’re going to think back and realize what I really meant. Now I get it. I totally get it now. I want you to be grounded and confident that what you’ve learned here will unfold exactly how it should unfold for you. I want to send you off with 3 ideas. How, how, how, how. How do we make it better? Remember that you are the main character in your own life. Write this down. (again, with the control) You are the main character in your life. We spend too much time doubting ourselves. I know I do. Remember you’re the main character in your life.(yes, she really says it 3x) At 2 years old you were told to stay in line, be quiet, watch your words, don't make anyone uncomfortable. We were trained to make people happy. We think we need to be good to get loved. We must expand our best parts. (That explains her booty workouts) I want this moment to be a hard reset moment in your life. (STOP TRYING TO CONTROL ME, HEIDI!) You can now begin to engage in a different way, beginning today. Don’t watch from the sidelines. Show up for your life. Imagine a movie of your life. As the title credits go by and it fades, everything that happened before that fades away. After that moment, you decide who to become. The movie is about you and your development as a person.
Now, let’s recap. You are the main character in your own life. (That 4x now) No longer will you do what other people want you to do. No longer is it about who you need to be to make someone happy. That was before. Now it’s about what makes you happy. (I thought this was about surrendering?) What will create the best life for you? What will help you achieve your highest self? You are the main character of your own life. (FIVE TIMES!!!)
You are worthy. I’m going to say it again. You are worthy. Carl Jung once said, “I am not what has happened to me.” Oooooo, actually, he said, “I am what I choose to become.” I might have this quote wrong. “I'm not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
We’ve covered a lot of new ideas in the last 2 episodes and you probably have a lot of new things you want to do and implement into your life. Don’t forget, you’re worthy. Your past doesn’t define you. You are a beautiful soul. You’re right where you are supposed to be. You are a divine creature. Like you, I’m just figuring things out like everybody else. You are worthy. Do you understand me? I’m saying this to you and to myself. You are worthy of love. Being you is enough. You are worthy. Now, write this on a post-it, I made a tshirt out of it. “The universe has your address.” There’s a great quote, “Most things are out of our control.” It’s not your job to make waves, it’s to ride the waves. Don’t try to tell other surfers how to ride their waves (Literally what she’s doing) Ride your own waves.
You’re probably super optimistic and excited and empowered after listening to me today. You’re feeling all the feels. I am, too. Part of you is also like, holy crap, how do I remember all of this? When I’m inspired, I have mixed feelings. I’m downloading a lot of things that will change my life. You have mixed feelings. You’re optimistic and you’re hearing me, and you’re like, I can do something about it. You listen to me and you get great tools. My guests give you great tools. How do you remember them all? How do you go back to daily life after being inspired? (She thinks she’s so inspiring to me that I can’t even function after listening to her?) I’m a humongous believer that you are going to get from each interaction with me exactly what you are meant to get. This is where faith and trust come in. Trust that the universe has your address. God is there for you. He’ll help you get out of this what you’re meant to get out of it. Stop resisting. Not everything’s a fight. Where are you resisting? Are you resisting giving that love to that person? Carl Jung said, “What we resist persists.” Paulo Coelho said, “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize her dream.” I want you to hear that again. “When you really desire something, all of the universe conspires to help her realize her dream.” The more you control, you’re getting in the way of God helping you make your dreams a reality. Get 3 post-it notes and put these things on your mirror. I have a long way to go, guys. I do. I have a lot of things I need to stop trying to control. It's increasingly harder (Shouldn’t her tips here make it easier?) What my kids are going to be after they leave my house is a real struggle for me. I experienced as a kid myself a parent who loved me so much they controlled everything I did. It was control over me in an effort to love me. To make sure I didn’t fall. That way of helping is like going to the gym and someone says, “Lets build you up to lifting a 400 lb bench press.” That person is my spotter. If they keep lifting half of my load, so I don’t get hurt, then I think I can lift 400 lbs. So when I go to the gym to lift 400 lbs without a spotter, the barbell crushes us. I’m struggling to let go with my kids to do things on their own. It’s not my job to always pick them up. It’s not my job to create waves for my kids, but to love them on whichever waves they choose to ride. My job is to let go and trust that the universe and God have my address. I didn’t get where I am today without my struggles. I’m proud of who I am.
My invitation to you is to go through your week and watch for how the universe will line up to make things happen for you. Be prepared to be amazed at how much peace and joy you feel. You can only control you. Let me say that again, You can only control you. You can’t control the situation. Remember my 3 ideas: 1. You are the main character in your story (SIX TIMES!!!!!) 2. You are worthy. 3. The universe and God have your address.
Next week she’ll have a really great guest for us.
submitted by greeneyedgarden to hollisUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:11 Odd-Hand-2026 Muranda made more money with me than without me so many ASIAN women have helped her out but never the other way around .. a charity case . That we do the work.. we bring the men and money guys to us..all her help is from Asian women from jade, Yuki, Loni to another short Asian girl who use to work

all her help is from Asian women from jade, Yuki who usually have good clients, Loni , to another short Asian girl who use to work with us back in the day and I’m sure many others I don’t know of. They use to pull her into rooms all the time.. Big bank. That girl always made money.. I never had that !!! no one helped me i had to learn ! master myself put money into myself .. and become.. Muranda Her stage name was Whitney. All this charity what tf you bring ?? Im dying yo know ! If you bring nothing your a weak race! Weak link !! And she never dealt with finance guy or that real hustle of finding money investors or people but yet we told they “JA” are so fast like deer feet.. but no hustle or wits outside of Fantasy / sex work? No making one work for the other? None of her contacts were like mine.. The amount of help she got from “other women” is a great deal.. We bring the help and money …you? What do you bring? What did you bring of value? Oh wait stank dick.. your best!! A gift from her to me .. Isn’t that what you bought? Or the guy who help pay to build your house in Jamaica 🇯🇲 (but never met him) Would I ever think to bring you stank.. as “help” and did I ever? No never! Your tips were great.. and effort you didn’t have to pull.. She told me this after i hung out with a guy but nothing happened between us he was party guy. Our definition of Party is not Diddy or Kat Williams definition of a party .. your Hollywood cartels of “entertainment” are a different, rank, class , social economic status and caliber of people.. nor do we entertain the poor. Back then as i cant consider two months the door was tight and discriminatory was “suits only” deal.. it wasn’t a color thing but a class thing even for white guys.. only time it was chill to a degree was weekend. And still had to be vetted not to waste our time as in bottles and certain amount of funny money purchased if they thought you couldn’t fit.. Would I ever think to bring you stank ? That was the two months i had went back to work.. and i didn’t work everyday.. i hated it had to go back their.. but I did just a lil to see if i could make some extra funds that was 2016.. this also when i met the guy who she accused of rape.. i was their two months.. its on file .. i also wasn’t coming in often not a real job can work whenever you want .. because i spent 2 weeks def not more then 3? In SF to get all the money i needed . And it was strict afffff up in their.. And I did.. I had great relationship with my manager who i was friends (he Italian American) with even afterwards and we stayed in contact. i do what people cant do.. When I needed help “Mark” he is jewish American said no. And was gonna give collateral when Muranda needed help this was well before I even Moved their or had worked their or knew her. When she needed help Mark gave her the “extortion money” .. for her to pay back as she wished.. she hit a white girl in the head with the bottle (stuff like that didn’t happen here.. even though that was before I got their) the moving swivel chairs move and she said the girl ran over her feet on purpose. So her hot temper hit the girl over the head with a GLASS Liquor bottle she was not in this country lawfully nor WORKING LAWFULLY. The white girl wanted to call the police in a effort to dissuade her from contacting police to report this incident .. as she was here illegally (but she did report “rape” after she was here legally) she was curious in my cousin “Selena” when i had brought family photos once.. when we went out to eat.. the girl said how much she wanted .. Mark fronted the money (in loan) by time i dod start working their she was still paying it but slowly.. he wouldn’t take all her money she made but paid it til it went down.. she also had some money at home in a safe saved she bought back in exchange that white girl would not report the incident and the agreement was that she would no longer come back to the club.. Israeli 🇮🇱 should see their enemies now… all around..
submitted by Odd-Hand-2026 to TartarianAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:28 UsefulAd2760 A message to all labrynth players.

I actually mostly enjoy playing against your deck and think it's hilariously overhated.
I don't remember any particularly bad duel against labrynth, them playing on my turn is fine because they're a goddam trap deck what else are they supposed to do? Handtraps feel like they actually matter for the most part and I actually never got dim barried or eeved, not even during duelist cup.
Also lab haters are mad annoying and being called a PDF file by one of them for a joke was the last straw.
submitted by UsefulAd2760 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:48 im_going_like_Elsie IDK if its been discussed in this sub before but...

Not too long ago AB shared Macklemore's "Hind's Hall" on twitter, only going as far as to say its cool. Someone posted it on this sub and many (me included) commented saying they are happy to see him speak out (even if it took him 7 months of explicit/ violent footage, disappointed childhood friends and a white man's rap song to say something) only took a day for him to remove the tweet, perhaps he found out proceeds are being donated to Palestinian relief efforts and decided he cant have THAT on his conscience
For real, people just want to believe there MUST be a reason for him to stay quiet, to justify Ethan's L takes, but i don't think there is, in fact, if by some miracle it comes out that he is contractually obligated to stay quiet/defend Ethan on this particular conflict I wouldn't believe he had a problem with it.
when he has an opening to speak out about Palestine, he always takes it to reduce the issue to "audience being rude bcause they have moral expectations of me"
Even Ethan shed a tear when thinking about the massacred kids, it just seems to annoy AB that his ethical standards are being questioned. "oh these comments act like they don't have their own pristine copy of my school paper that i wont read or show to the camera but you have to trust it says I can't be questioned because I already talked about Palestine once before and singlehandedly defeated the beast, thats why nothing's wrong today and we shouldn't talk about it anymore"
Edit: not to say that Ethan is any better than AB because he cried once, I'm just trying to show the contrast, even the guy that claims all Palestinians are terrorists, the guy that doesn't want to explain what Hamas is but wants to get you to condemn them, the guy that made jokes on Aaron Bushnell's name and said Palestinians should be the ones burning, the guy that won't discuss the Palestinian's side but will rant to his family friendly audience all the Zionist talking points shows more emotion and understanding of this genocide
AB on the other hand does not use his platform to say anything, he is more interested in posting videos of him being an annoying menace behind the wheel, cropping his wife out of pictures, showing his toys to the camera and talking about his allegedly odorless cum, only talking about Palestine when his Zionist boss is getting overwhelmed so he has to step in to lable anyone talking about it as a hater that doesn't let him do his job.
sorry AB I'll let you get back to making up lame stories and not paying attention when anyone's talking.
AB out here ready to execute order 66 in the name of the Galactic Republic aka the IDF
submitted by im_going_like_Elsie to h3snark [link] [comments]
