Silly names to call ppl

Lightly used

2017.06.19 08:07 siouxsie_siouxv2 Lightly used

2019.08.21 04:12 khanabyss RealDebrid

An unofficial Real-Debrid subreddit

2016.07.23 02:42 Bocaj1000 True stories and sightings of the pale, thin cryptid

Crawler is a commonly-seen cryptid with pale skin, long-limbs, and a tall, thin body. They are generally seen around 8 feet tall if standing. There are stories of this creature all throughout America, and it has even inspired modern culture such as Until Dawn's Wendigo, the Rake, and Slenderman.

2024.06.09 16:14 why-TT The search for Manis Studio songs

Welcome to ManisStudioSongs! Manis Studio is a bot YouTube channel that posted many songs, some of which are unidentified. The songs come from a now deleted channel called VHF productions, however since it’s gone this subreddit is named Manis Studio Songs. Feel free to join our search! 👀🔎
submitted by why-TT to ManisStudioSongs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 Live_Butterscotch496 Saying A Lot of Things As Infinite Stratos: Presenting my OC, Riho Ryuunosuke, a.k.a. Red Cross! Childhood friend of Ichika, Houki, and Rin, who’s an impromptu doctor with multiple cases of medical malpractice as a child.

Ichika: Cecilia, Charlotte, Laura, Tatenashi, Kanzashi…..this girl right here is Riho Ryuunosuke, but we like to call her “Red Cross”, she’s a childhood friend of me, Houki, and Rin, and with that I hope you can get along with her!
Red Cross: Hi! (waves hand at everyone)
Charlotte: It’s nice to meet you!
Tatenashi: Hey there!
Kanzashi: Hello!
Houki: It’s good to see you again Red Cross!
Rin: Yeah, I missed you, you scamp!
Cecilia: Wait…..why do you call her “Red Cross”?
Laura: Yes….it is a peculiar name….
Ichika: Oh! You see…..when we were growing up together along with our other childhood friends back home, Red Cross always wanted to become a doctor since she was a little kid, and since we sometimes called each other by nicknames back then we ended up calling her “Red Cross” after the Red Cross Hospital!
Cecilia: Ohhh! I see!
Ichika: Yeah! She preformed a ton of amazing medical stuff back then!
Charlotte: Well that’s nice and- Wait what?!
Ichika: Huh? What is it Charlotte?
Charlotte: “Back then”? You said she preformed medical stuff back then, but back then was when you were kids!
Houki: Oh, no he’s not joking Charlotte, Red Cross did in fact do a lot of medical work as a child.
The Girls (besides Houki, Rin, & Red Cross): WHAT?!
Rin: Yeaaaah…..Red Cross would just test her medical skills on us whenever we got injured or hurt, and even though it was risky to let a child do medical work on another child, Red Cross was smart and studied her craft and thus knew what to do……even if some things she did to us were a bit unconventional if not kind of illegal. With that being said, she was basically the doctor of our childhood gang.
Kanzashi: B-B-But why not just go to a doctor when you’re injured or sick?! It would have been much safer!
Ichika: Guys, the stuff that me, Houki, Rin, and the rest did as children resulted in things that you would never believe in your lives, and so we got injured A LOT, and because we didn’t want to pay medical bills, make Chifuyu-nee angry, or owe Tabane any favors we just tested our luck with Red Cross’ medical knowledge after we first met her as kids.
Laura: But wouldn’t professionals be able to cure and treat injuries better than a toddler can?
Red Cross: Have professionals in the medical industry have been able to successfully sew back on a sliced off hand with a yarn needle?
Tatenashi: ……….mi scusi what now?
Ichika: Houki.
Rin: Houki.
Red Cross: Houki.
Houki (in a nostalgic tone): I still remember that gang fight that had me fight someone while my right hand got sliced off by a machete. Ahhh! Good times.
The Girls (besides Houki, Rin, & Red Cross): ……………..
Kanzashi (stunned): It impresses me how built different and batsh*t crazy your childhood friend group was, Ichika.
Rin: You can say that again, I did some absolutely WILD black air force activity while I was in elementary!
Ichika: and Houki had a rivalry with her sister’s sentient robotic drone!
Houki: Hey! I’ll have you know that me and Vanguard 1 are good- no, GREAT friends now!
Kanzashi: While it’s interesting to find out what Houki’s rivalry with a drone-
Houki: He has a name, and it’s “Vanguard 1”.
Kanzashi: ……rivalry with Vanguard 1 is all about…..I really want to know something about what you do, Red Cross!
Red Cross: And that is?
Kanzashi: What’s your secret to your skills?
Red Cross: Morphine.
Kanzashi: ……what?
Red Cross: Morphine, I use it in all my surgical based operations!
Tatenashi: Isn’t morphine an opioid, and aren’t opioids and especially morphine very harmful and addictive in high amounts?!
Red Cross: It was the only kind of anesthetic type of thing that I had, also on an unrelated note please don’t tell anyone about my past committing medical malpractice, I’m working to get into medical school and I don’t want to be arrested by the police before I graduate from high school.
Ichika: Us and our friends’ bodies work differently than most people. Think of the Straw Hat Pirates from “One Piece”, and especially that one seen where Luffy and Brook heal their bones by drinking milk, and yes Red Cross is technically our version of Chopper.
Cecilia: I’m sorry what?
Ichika: I probably am fine due to the fact that I’m an artificial human and I already have an extreme addiction to caffeine.
Houki: I’m part demon.
Rin: I’m part dragon.
Red Cross: And I’m like Maomao from “The Apothecary Diaries” on the fact that I test so much stuff on myself that I’m basically immune to most things.
Tatenashi: What about Dan, Ran, and Mitarai?
Ichika, Houki, Rin, & Red Cross: (looks at each other) They’re just weird.
Kanzashi: I am questioning the laws, physics, and logic of how society and this very world works.
(Note: Red Cross is based on the YouTube video, “When your teammate requires HEALING in a game” by “Hoot”. Also even though this is just a funny story with fictional characters and stuff, I’m still going to say this, “Morphine can cause addiction and can be a gateway to more harmful substances, so don’t do and say no to drugs.”)
submitted by Live_Butterscotch496 to InfiniteStratos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 Straw_hat89 34[M4F] Mexic/Anywhere - Let's go on picnics during Sundays!

Hello there,
I hope you're having an amazing weekend either enjoying all the activities that make you happy, or simply by just relaxing at home, and being lazy because why not, right? We all deserve to be lazy sometimes, but please dont neglect the classic Sunday routine... Yeah, I'm talking about cleaning, and doing laundry lol. But dont worry, I think we can enjoy a beautiful Sunday together.
About me:
Ok, let's start by putting a name and a face to whoever is writing this: My name is Miguel, and I'm just a 34 years old guy enjoying a peaceful, and simple life in a small town in Mexico. Here are a few pics because I know that for some people physical attraction is important. But keep in mind that those pics are all good angles and lightning, so maybe I'll have to send you a selfie after just waking up to show you my reality haha.
In terms of personality people describe me, primarily, as a really chatty, goofy, and curious person. But also as caring, supportive, empathic, and attentive. I value honesty, good communication, respect, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. So I'd love to find someone who's in the same channel because I'd love to receive what I can provide.
I consider myself a homebody type of person: I love to spend plenty of time at home watching Netflix, baseball games, interesting (they are random but I prefer to call them that) YT videos, sometimes listening to music, and I have been getting into reading recently (It helps me to sleep better). When I'm not at home I like to go for walks around town or spending time at the plaza or the park. On rare occasions I go to the city either to go to the movies, a baseball game, or just to buy clothes.
I have been slowly getting back into working out after some time dealing with injuries, so I'm taking things slowly, and being mindful about my body. Important to mention I workout at home, so if you're into that we can maybe be gym buddies. Another thing I'm getting back into learning new languages. On top of Spanish and English, I also speak Portuguese, a bit of French, and I'm currently starting with Norwegian (people say it's easy so why not).
Last but not least, animals are a really important part of my life, especially dogs, and even when I don't have pets of my own just yet, my family and I, we take care of a couple of stray dogs, and one feral cat (I'm pretty sure my parents love them more than they love me). So cute dog and cat pictures are always on the menu.
I hope the post is not too long, but I really wanted to share some random facts about myself just to make you laugh and learn a bit more about me.
submitted by Straw_hat89 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 Rariaroyal_Enigami Dose anyone else feel downgraded to “ solutions specialist” and wasn’t given much of another choice?

Previous title aquatic specialist… I was brought into the office and told my options. But it felt rather it has been chosen for me. I was told my selling numbers are really good. Buts that’s because I know my area really well. Since I have most of the animals we sell. Fish ofc hamsters snakes etc. I know what to talk about and I get good reviews as I’ve been told … never seen them apparently there’s a separate review system that people review on I don’t know. Anyway I was aquatic specialist. Before now I feel downgraded feels like everyone kinda chose for me. Now I have all this extra learning to do… and idk if I trust anyone else with my fish…. It would be nice to have a helping hand when it comes to alge cleanings. BUT THATS IT. I literally don’t want anyone other then ( previously called cal) manger touching my area. We have really good boundaries in my store where our team mostly understands that unless I’m being rushed with fish sales I mostly want it to be me touching my area. but I also don’t understand how who ever our animal care person is supposed to do - everything- for animals including fish… while the ( previous CAL name can’t remember the acronym for the new one) stands there and tells them what to do. It’s all so confusing and I feel downgraded is all… and kinda angry about it. And this raise 🙄 idk if I believe that. Along with the fact it seems to have no other perk then to have more training to do! Ugh what even happens if you fail “ testing” . Unfortunately my GM couldn’t and any of my questions and hints why i feel kinda forced into it like they made the decision for me… any other( previously called) aquatic specialists feeling the same or how’s it going for you guys? With the amount of work we do how is one person in the morning supposed to get it all done done ? ???
submitted by Rariaroyal_Enigami to petco [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:12 GamynTheRed [DIPLOMACY] The Rebel Path - Opening the Islamabad All-Bandung Congress

Official Pact Theme Song
Jan/Feb 2074

Official Invitation to All Bandung Pact Leaders for an All-Pact Congress in Islamabad

President Daoud Tareem of the Undivided Republic of India extends an official invitation to the members of the Bandung Pact for an official All-Pact Congress in the city of Islamabad, the birthplace of the Indian Spring and hopefully the Spring of the World.
The Bandung Pact was created by middle powers in Asia, Africa, and the Americas to counter the hyperpowers in the north, namely Japan, the UNSC, and Alfheimr. Now that the Third Brothers War between Alfr-backed Caliphate and the U.A.S.R has ended in African victory, we are left with what I would go out of my way to call a sham deal. The Caliphate, defeated with millions of African lives and trillions in Pact resources, now stands divided between a UNSC "nation-building project", a puppet government of Japan led by mad "Kings" which we can only compare with the "Kings" who ruled the Union of South Asia throughout its existence, followed lastly by two rump states with either the old regime or no regime in charge. So, it is without question that the liberation of the Middle East is not complete, much less the liberation of the world. While the Bandung Pact now serves the role of a defensive alliance of the global south, we must urge Pact members to realize the dark future that will befall not just our nations, but all of humanity should this alliance's potency and vigilance ever be impared, and keep that future in mind as we proceed to discuss strategy and objective in this upcoming Congress.
India would like to propose these following points for discussion and potentially voting:

Item 1: Pact Middle Eastern and North Africa Policy.

The MENA region remains the main theatre for our pact, with the active Bandung Occupation Zone and independently formed BLA as our most pressing issues (which officially will be the reason of this Congress as well). We welcome any discussion on strategies and consideration regarding both the Occupation Zone and the larger MENA region as well, specifically the rogue Triarch state. Our position is in preference of a continued push for FULL LIBERATION of the Middle East under a democratic and humane state or alliance of states that will ensure the oppression currently dealt out by its mad rulers are stopped. In terms of strategy, we believe that a confrontation between India and "the Slayer" will likely occur whether we like it or not, given their reputation as a rogue state and their already aggressive rhetoricing. India feels adequately prepared for such a conflict due to years of Pact build up of our military assets but would much prefer to fight the war as a defender and pledge not to instigate a hot war with the Slayer regime unless national security absolutely requires it. In short, we expect aggression and even outright war from the Slayer over Pakistan, and ensures the Pact that we will remain vigilant and on the defensive side at war's outbreak.

Item 2: Pact European Strategy.

We identify the Second Roman Republic as a potential target to bring into the sphere of the Pact, given their current position as a fortress state against Alfheimr and their newfound rivalry with the Triarchy's Turkish portion regarding Constantinople. Pulling the SRR into our economic sphere, military industrial complex, and ultimately alliance can prove to be the gateway to the liberation of Europe as well as an anchor against the Slayer in the Middle East. We would be keen to hear our pact allies' opinion on the SRR as well as the Liberation of Europe as a long-term Pact objective.
Further on the liberation of europe, we feel the Japanese takeover of Alfheimr (which is our view of Kyoko's ascension to Aesir), has shifted the goalpost of the secondary superpower of the global North: the UNSC. Although a firm ally of Japan through GIGAS their rivalry with the Aesir is not well-hidden and we believe a potential realignment can be on the cards with the objective of removing Japan/Alfheimr from mainland Europe.

Item 3: Pact American Strategy.

We find the Pact's premier concern should be contact and understanding with the New Alfheimr Republic, which has clearly broken from their European branch. With democratic institutions still in place in a distinctly Alfr state it is imperative the Pact gather and share intel on their intentions, capabilities, and attempted communications with the rest of the world.
Secondly, regarding increased Brazillian concern over the South American front of a potential Bandung-Japan conflict, we find an approach of soft power and covert action might secure the Pact's position well before such a war can occur, we suggest our intelligence agencies begin cooperation to undermine the far-flung Argentinian, Mexican, and Pacific regimes of Japan and instill anti-colonial struggles in these regions. Whatever should local Pact members prefer, we find that inaction in peace is the surest way to defeat in war.

Item 4: Pact Pacific Strategy.

Although two of our biggest members lie in Asia, this is the region the Pact is weakest in, being well within the domain of the Empire of Japan. Nevertheless, the collapse of the relatively pro-Japan Tian Dynasty in Indochina presents an opening into the region. If this new "eccentric" leader of the region can be contacted and potentially wooed into the alliance ahead of Tokyo the balance of power can change significantly. Outside of that any Pact-Japan conflict in the Pacific would most likely come down ot a struggle over Nusantara's Malacca Strait. For now we suggest no change to our current strategy which is deterrence through force, and believe the current size of the Pact's Indian Ocean Fleet is enough to deter aggression and contest the IJN in the case of Global War.

Item 5: Pact Production and Arms Standardization

We are very glad to hear of the Pact's decision to kickstart Su-60 production in India, and would take all steps necessary to secure our facilities. Our planners expect a 2075 roll out for a small first batch for our Air Force. While Pact supply chains and production are well established in the U.A.S.R, Nusantara, and India, we feel it might be time to expand this production capacity to American member states like Brazil and (if possible), Atlantic Russia and Houston. It goes without saying that continued Joint-Exercises and interoperability upgrades are our armed forces' number one priority and we expect the Pact to function as a highly efficient international army. Speaking of which we would also like to gauge opinions on the sponsorship and officialization of the Bandung Liberation Army.


M: All nations of the Bandung Pact are invited to Islamabad for an all-Pact Congress, please comment with who you are sending if at all and join the discussion on any of the 5 topics/create your own topic.
submitted by GamynTheRed to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:12 heat_box000 Like no other 2 "talking"

Rika stared at her hand, at the backside of her palm, her skin color is that of an overripe and sweet sapodilla. She doesn't know what that thing is, but that's what her dad used to call it, apparently some sort of fruit, but she doesn't know what fruit is either. it’s slightly blue now, stained by the blood of a… thing. She looked at it, the… she doesn't know what to call it, pink thing… pink… pinky? Sounds good enough for her, she looked at pinky.
Pinky is… weird? She's seen some weird things in her life, an irradiated wasteland can always hold a surprise, but this is… peculiar. In a way she couldn't really put her finger on, more so because she can't touch pinky for too long because they are really cold. But she wants to touch pinky, pinky is interesting. Pinky has four eyes, no hair, and a beautiful skin, she's almost jealous.
Her curiosity took over and she scooted over to where pinky is, laying on her bed, with bandages on their tummy. She's honestly not sure why she instantly knows that pinky is bleeding, when she found them in that fire pit, created by that blue light that came from the clouds. Actually, she remembers it quite fondly. She remembered her dad coming back home, bleeding from his tummy, and asked her to fetch some bandages. He told her it was done by bad guys.
“Pinky? Are you awake?”
He told her bad guys don't like her, or dad, and want to kick them out. Dad said don't listen, and fight back, since then she really hates bad guys, and thought everyone but her and her dad are bad. She got a lecture for thinking that, and her dad told her not everyone is bad, some people are good, friends he called it, Rika never had friends before but she would love to have one someday.
As Rika continuously poked Pinky, she wondered if Pinky is a bad guy or friend, or maybe they got hurt by a bad guy, are there bad guys in the clouds?. Pinky looks nice, they don't look like bad guys, but who knows, once her dad said that bad guys sometimes lie and make themselves look like friends.
Pinky’s skin is cold, very cold, it hurts if she touches it too long, but if she touches it for just a few seconds, it’s actually comfortable. So Rika did just that, occasionally putting her palm on Pinky, and enjoying the cold. But suddenly Pinky doesn't feel as cold anymore, she was wondering why when Pinky woke up, and slapped her.

“AHH! Get away from me!”
Ciro’s not having it today, she just woke up, and expected maybe the white and yellow of her ship’s medical bay, the feeling of a soft bed on her back, hoping maybe all that she saw before is just a very long and weird dream.
“Shoo! Shoo!”
It isn't, unfortunately. She woke up to the brown and black of a cave, and the feeling of what barely passes as a bed laying on rough sand and pebbles on her back, it is not in fact a very long and weird dream. It is, in fact, reality, reality is terrifying as they say and she would agree, as she immediately sees the creature again the very next second of her eyes opening.
“Shoo! Get out of here! D-d-don’t hurt me!...”
It spoke…? In language she doesn't recognize, it seems… confused? She's not sure if whatever the creature is doing with its face counts as an expression. But it does seem… curious, undeniably so, it tilted her head at her, and looked at her with its curious brown eyes before leaning forward. That, of course, scared the soul out of Ciro.
“Eek! Stay away!”
Now it looks surprised, kind of. It backs away slightly, with their back facing the entrance of the cave, a harsh ray of sunlight peered through the cave’s mouth and some violent wind can be heard. It still stared at her, with that… admittedly… beautiful brown eyes, she's never seen it before. She found herself locking gaze with the creature, feeling a strange sensation as she did.
“Uhm…….. hi”
She suddenly strangely relaxed, as if she didn't just experience ejecting out of her exploding ship and meeting a foreign alien right after. But it got her mind calm, and more rational, now that she is, she should probably stop calling it creature, it's undoubtedly sapient. It had clothes, a terrifying helmet as she recalls, and clearly some decent technology, looking at… gnarly looking weapon resting on the wall next to them.
“π¥! ¥# £¥¢@!”
It- no… they spoke again, it kind of sounds like an introduction, but it's not like Ciro knows what it means so who knows, could be a threat. They kept staring at her, rather inappropriately. Their eyes wandered to somewhere on Ciro’s lower body, and pointed at it with one of their five clawed fingers. She was about to think about the predatorial implications that the claw gave her, but she's too busy panicking about the wound on her stomach right now.
“Oh God…”
It’s patched up, neatly and appropriately, but also rather tightly. The moment she became aware of it the pain came rushing through like a busted dam. She held her stomach as she curled to a fetal position, tears coming out of her eyes.
That's when a hand grabbed her shoulder, she looked up to see the… she should really give it a name, the first thing to come out of her pained mind is critter, and she stuck with it. Critter was staring at her, they seemed to be worried, Critter looked around, before getting up and running towards a dark green colored backpack. Critter rummages through it, before finding what they were looking for, signified by them going what Ciro assumes to be “AHA!”
They ran up to her and presented it in their hands, an assortment of what look like pills, they're giving her medication?
“I… i can't, i don't know what's in it, it can- ergh!... Mmph… it can kill me…”
Critter insisted, all the while looking at her with all the worry in the world, for a second she wanted to question why it’s so… passionate? The amount of compassion shown to someone they probably have never seen before, it’s kind of sweet. She would appreciate it, if she's not in great pain right now, with a shake of the head she refused the pills, leaving Critter confused and even more worried.
“Sorry… i can't”
Ciro closed her eyes, maybe if she can get her mind away from it the pain would recede. She got nothing, even though her kind is known for how well they can handle their own minds she can't seem to suppress it. But when something touched her head she calmed down, it felt warm, and comfortable, and soft. She opened her eyes again to see Critter…
Are they…. Are they petting her? They are, and it… it feels good, oddly so.

Rika caressed Pinky's, they seemed to be in pain and when she offered them painkillers, they refused, she was at a loss at how to calm them down, until she remembered something. When she was little, she found a stray kitten that wandered near her home. It was crying and she had no clue how to calm it down, until she touched the kitty’s head and petted it.
“Okay? Are you okay?”
Her dad didn't like kittens, made him go achoo achoo, he calls it… al… ler… gi…? Something like that, she's not very good at spelling. Doesn't matter though, Pinky looks to be enjoying it, they're not crying any more, that's good if you ask her. A couple of minutes pass, filled with nothing but oddly awkward silence and the sound of someone being petted.
When she was done Pinky had completely stopped crying and holding their tummy. At the same time they seemed to snap out of a trance, and looked at her, she replied with a smile, after remembering that Pinky doesn't speak like her.
She tried anyway, surely anyone knows what a "hi" is right?. Surely, as sure as the lightness in her head, she felt it suddenly, it was unpleasant and it felt like someone was poking the inside of her head.
“Ow…. That hurts”
She laid down on the cave floor, and wondered why she's like this all of a sudden. She looked at dust carried by the wind outside. It might be that the air can be kind of funky sometimes, she should really cover the cave with a tarp. She did just that, though making sure the tarp’s color can blend in with the surrounding is a little hard when she can barely even focus from all the lightheadedness.
“There… set and sound… ow…”
She's still feeling it, even more severe now. Probably because it already got to her, oh well, what can she do? It should pass soon enough, she's been through more, a headache is not going to take her down, maybe. She sat down next to her rifle and sighed, messaging her head as she did, it relieved some of the pain, but didn't make it go away.
Maybe she should go back trying to talk with Pinky, maybe that can calm it down-

One thing Qo’kvells can do other than telepathically communicate with each other is… look into the mind of a non-Qo'kvell. Unethical, dishonorable, despisable, medically problematic, since it hurts anyone who isn't mentally capable, which everyone who is not a Qo’kvell. But… it can help, in some things. Like… knowing the ill intentions of others, or a problem in their mind, or getting to know them, or… learning their language.
And she has never seen a language so complicated it hurts her head just thinking about it. Not until she probed Critter’s head, to see if there's a way to communicate, it visibly affected them, but they handled it far-far better than anyone else, most would pass out in the first 3 seconds, Critter seems mostly unfazed. From it, she knows a lot, but understands few, she did learn Critter is a she, so hey, fellow girls at least.
“Mmh… oh… I shouldn't have done this…”
And her intent is well, she's trying to help her, the pills she offered were painkillers, and she saved Ciro from her pod’s burning wreckage. She suppose she can thank her, but learning a language takes some time and brain effort, and it certainly hurts, so she holds off for now. Critter’s memory is hazy, and hard to reach, it’s almost like her brain is actively fighting against her telepathy.
Maybe I should say something… hmm… this is… a word for introduction right? I hope, please don't be a slur or something’
‘did it work?’
From Critter's memory, she learned that waving her hand seems to be some sort of introductory gesture, so she did that. She was expecting shock, but what she got was a very happy Critter, who seemed to instantly forget about their headache.
“you can talk!”
“A… small-”
‘wait, no that's wrong’
“Me… mean… little?”
‘That's also wrong, what in the lands below is this language?!’
“Who are you? What's your name? I'm Rika! I’m friend!”
She can barely understand that wall of words, she did hear a name… Wi… no, Ric… e? No, wrong again, Ri… ka…? Sounds… correct-ish. She also noticed she was being asked her name, she tried her best to piece it together using the strange letters of Rika’s language.
“am… Ce… ehm, no… Ci… Ciro”
“Ciro? Oh man… Pinky is not right at all”
She has no clue what Rika is talking about, and it’s probably best she doesn't question it. But now she has to ask the important questions. She tried her best to form a sentence in her head before trying to speak. She could just try and probe again, but her head’s not having it so neither does she.
“When… no, me mea- no… I mean… Where… am… i?”
“Hmmm? oh, we’re in a cave”
“I… know… I mean… what place?”
“What? Uh… Oh! Yes, you’re not from here, sorry, we’re in a desert! My dad calls it wasteland, i don't know why, i don't a see a lot of trash out here”
Wasteland? Desert wasteland? Ciro was curious, what kind of species prefers to live in a desert? Wasteland no less?
“The whole world is like this, dad calls it end of the world, i don't see anything ending out here, so i don't really know”
End of the world… Ciro realized the grim implications of that sentence and frowned, with a bit of pity towards Rika.
“”stranded in post apocalyptic planet, great””
“What? You speak weird again”
“Oh… apologiz- uh, i mean, sorry, it is n-native… mouth”
“Oh, i’ve heard of that, dad used to tell me other people can speak another way, can you teach me?”
Rika’s eyes light up, she seems oddly innocent and childlike in… well… apocalypse, for gods know how long. She suppose education isn't as strong as it used to be in that condition, but shouldn't Rika be a bit more… aware?
“N-no, it… hard”
“Aww… it’s fine, you can speak like me anyway, how do you do it?”
She's not sure what to say, Rika probably doesn't know what telepathy is, or maybe and she does, Ciro’s got nothing on her culture.
“Just… special… thing, i can do”
“Ooh!... What is it?”
“Difficult… explain… t-to explain, i mean”
“It’s okay… are you good? You’re wounded, i took care of it but you were still hurt”
“Am… fine”
She's really not, but she's functional which is good enough, Rika’s work on her wounds was surprisingly exceptional.
“Great!... Hmm… do you want to go with me?”
“Hold on! Let me get it!”
Rika ran to her bag again, and took out some sort of… square? It unfolded to a large rectangular shape, is it made of… paper?
‘Her species still uses paper?’
She was a bit confused, if they can make advanced medicine then shouldn't they be way past that? Then she was reminded by the sound of the violent wind outside.
‘oh yeah… apocalypse’
She ran back to him all excited, Ciro can practically taste the thick naivety of this girl as she spoke with the largest smile she has ever seen.
“We’re here, not too far away from my home, but that's not where I'm going! I wanna go here! Look!”
She pointed to a drawing that resembles a mountain.
“It’s a really tall mountain! My dad’s been there before! He said it looks very pretty!”
“What… for?”
“To meet someone! My dad said there's someone very special there! That I should meet them! He said it’s important for everyone too… but he wanted to tell me first!”
Rika kept mentioning this “”dad””, and Ciro is going to go out on a limb to guess this dad is her parent.
“Is… dad mother?”
“Wha? No! My dad is a man! Strongest man ever!”
‘so a father?’
“Where is… dad?”
All the light in Rika’s eyes disappeared, replaced with something that made Ciro uneasy. Even when only partially connected, she can feel a strong feeling of sorrow from Rika, if she was probing her head Ciro probably would have been dead or atleast incapacitated from the sudden emotional overload.
“I…. Sorry”
“It’s okay… but he told me to go here, he gave me everything he has, and taught me everything, he said it can save me, everyone, i don't know what he means… but i’ll do it, for him, it’s all he always wanted”
Her voice wasn't as energetic as before, far from it. Ciro noticed that Rika glanced at the terrifying looking weapon on the wall, it seems it's more than just a tool of self defense.
“Ah… anyway, do you want to come with me?”
Ciro weighted her choices, she doesn't know this planet, she doesn't know how it is like after whatever happened to it, she doesn't know if others of Rika’s kind are as friendly as her, or if they even consider her approachable at all, she doesn't know how to survive, she's not that kind of person. At this point, she's not even worried, she nodded in response to her question, and perhaps, in a pleasant turn of event, Rika lit up once again, back to how she was.
“So you want to be friends?!”
‘that feels regrettable in the long run’
“Yeeee! First friend! Uhm… oh, i forgot to ask, where are you from? Why are you riding that light?”
“I save you, from a burning pit, light from the sky landed there, are you from up there? Why are you here?”
Ciro decided it doesn't hurt to just tell Rika, she would probably be more impressed and excited than terrified that there are other civilizations out there.
“Am from… uh… space, above sky, i am a…. Ko’k ehm… Q… Qo’kvell…”
“Above the sky? In the stars?”
Ciro was right, she looks absolutely excited.
“Yes… my kind… explore stars, am explorer”
“Oh! Are you exploring down here? What is it like up there?”
“Hard… to explain, explain… later”
“Aww… okay… let's go now should we? Storm is smaller now, we can go”
Rika was right, the wind outside had calmed down.
“Shure… S-sure, i mea- AHH!”
Rika pulled her up from her sitting position, and tore through cover protecting the cave from the winds outside. Outside was… bright, and hot, unpleasant, they seemed to be in a valley between two mountains. All Ciro can see is a dry landscape where trees used to be, hinted by the dry stumps barely poking out of the gravel and sand. A complete terraformation is she has to guess, something hit this planet hard.
“Wait here! I'll go get my stuff first!”
Ciro wondered how Rika managed to survive all this, but the more time she spent with her the more it seems to her Rika grew up in all of this, not forced into it.
‘how long has it been?’
“Let's go! We’re still far from it!”
Rika came out of the cave, bag on her back and weapon in hand.
“Where… is… vehicle?”
“Oh! It’s right here!”
She walked up to a large rock and pointed to it, Ciro was confused until Rika grabbed it and it turned out to be some sort of camouflage cover. It was nearly invisible, blending in with everything else, and it's clear why that is, her vehicle isn't the most discreet. Two wheels, all black, armored plates for the front and rear were welded to a long metal pole which itself is bolted on the vehicle’s side, acting as a mount for the armor.
“Cool right? My dad made it himself! He said it can’t ever go down!”
“Good… protection”
The mostly rubber wheels are slightly spiky, and have large ridges, probably to get better grip on smooth sand, and spikes for snow maybe?. It has two seats, one in front, one in the rear, surprisingly comfy looking seats despite all its brutal aspects. Rika got on it, and inserted a metal key, and the vehicle let out a fearsome roar. A mechanical Ignition tells Ciro that Rika’s kind probably isn't incredibly advanced.
‘no offense Rika…”
“Come on up! Another storm is probably coming soon! We don't want to get stuck!”
She got up on the back seat, it’s apparently leather, she wondered what kind of animal it came from.
“Ye- EEK!”
Rika accelerated without warning, causing Ciro to almost fall off, she held onto Rika by hugging her, it felt inappropriate, but she seems fine with it. Ciro’s fine with it too, she's oddly comfortable to hold, maybe it’s just the heat from her body, she noticed that in the cave when she was being… petted, Rika's kind must be hot blooded.
Sigh… stranded in a wasteland planet, with a species never encountered before… How lucky am i?’
It would be any star mapper’s wet dream, that's for sure, she just wishes it went a little different, less explosions and less being stranded.
‘if only you’re here, mom’
submitted by heat_box000 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:11 Tricky_Sir_4412 Unethical real estate agent story. Buyer(and seller) beware.

I’m going to make this a VERY long story short.
We just sold our home. It hit the market and we had a bidding war the next day. We were going back and forth between two couples. One couple ended up shooting yo their final offer to 80 above asking (waiving inspections , appraisal etc) other couple low balled us first but then came up to 50 over asking (not waiving anything.) They could not match the other couples offer. So these offers were vastly different.
Our agent was adamant we go with the lower offer. ADAMENT. She was making the couple who offered 80 above jump through HOOPS to prove they really wanted the house. She was actively telling them things to make them second guess their choice. Like, “wow that’s a lot. I don’t know if it’ll appraise” but they waived appraisal so that didn’t even matter. Not only did we want to go with the higher offer because duh, it was a lot more money but, they wanted a 30 day closing and the other couple wanted us to wait four months. They also waived everything so it would be a smooth process.
Our agent kept telling us “I have bad vibes about their agent. I don’t like him. I just get bad vibes”
Anyway, we did some investigating and reading through our contracts. She didn’t even tell us the highest offer also included a contingency that they would go even higher if someone matched their offer. Our agent didn’t tell us this.
Our agent also didn’t tell us this BUT the lower offer, their agent was giving 1.5% of her Commission to OUR AGENT. it was in the contract terms. After finding this out we called our agent and played dumb and asked what that meant. She knew she was caught in a lie and after a bunch of lies put us on hold and then came back and said it was a clerical error and that WE would get that money back and not her.
Anyway, after this call we told her we were going with the higher offer and didn’t want to discuss it anymore. She then again said “I just want to call them and make sure they know about bad thing” We were like they know about that why are you bringing this up again?
Anyway… we closed about 25 days later with the higher offer people and we are all ecstatic. They love the house and it couldn’t have gone smoother.
OH also, our agent claimed she didn’t know the agent of the lower offer but o googled both of their names and they close on a lot of houses together one even just two weeeks before listing ours.
TLDR: Agents can be grimey and LIARS. Beware.
submitted by Tricky_Sir_4412 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 HamsterMysterious318 And the coast of the children of Dan went

And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families, these cities with their villages
submitted by HamsterMysterious318 to u/HamsterMysterious318 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 HelpfulAnteater9157 Former Colleagues Smearing me to the public.

I am in between jobs for my primary profession. I decided to get a job at a warehouse to cover the bills. My goal was to stay to myself, go to work, and go home. Also, the job that I work has an incentive program. So, I wanted to max out my incentives in order to make as much money as possible. In short this job is a pit stop for me.
First few weeks were ok. Then this lady at the job try to start a conversation with me that I wasn’t interested in. I saw her walk over to another coworker and say the “ He doesn’t like me.” The coworker responded saying that “I spelled anyway.” I same day I went to the break room and her clique were making jokes.
From then on everyone started treating me different. Both at the job and in public. I was getting weird looks and comments about me smelling. I never addressed it because I that it wasn’t worth my time. Everywhere I went I would get looks. I suspect that she posted something on social media
Another coworker, that I never spoken to nor do I know his name, start saying that I have bad breath. Calling me “Hot Breath”. I tried to ignore it. I know that if it came to it I would DOG WALK this dude. But he kept at it and he tried to get others involved.
It got to the point that I left before I lost my cool. I got stuff to lose. But it’s been a month since I left a job and I’m still getting those looks and the “Smelly” comments around town.
submitted by HelpfulAnteater9157 to workplace_bullying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 DevoteeOfCittaDharma An 86-year-old grandma woke up after 20 days in a coma (苏醒)

Today, to save all sentient beings, I will learn from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to spread Dharma. I will convince sentient beings to practice Buddhism using my experiences. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless me and help me turn my propagation into merits and virtues. I hope my propagation can form positive connections with all sentient beings, transform the right ones extensively, and awaken more beings. I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Hello everyone! I am a Dharma practitioner Jinglian from Jiangsu Province, China. Now I’d like to share with you: My husband hit an 86-year-old grandmother on the road, causing her to fall. Guan Yin Bodhisattva mercifully blessed and protected the grandmother so she regained consciousness after 20 days in a coma. She was discharged 30 days later.
My husband's birthday is in January. In November 2019, 3 months later he would be 59 years old. On November 1, 2019, I dreamed that the portrait of Guan Yin Bodhisattva on the Buddhist altar was missing. However, it did not draw my attention to it at that time.
On November 4, 2019, after 5:00 pm, my husband was riding his electric bicycle and accidentally hit a grandmother who was walking on the road. He fell a heel, helmet fell in half, but his body was not seriously hurt, just a bit of skin on the face. The grandmother lay on the ground unconscious, with her mouth and nose bleeding. The situation was very critical. He immediately called the police and sent the grandmother to the County People's Hospital for emergency care.
Hospital examination report discovered that the grandmother's brain had become a mass like bean curd, paste, and had a hematoma. The doctor said: “The 86-year-old grandmother, because of her age, cannot undergo surgery;the grandmother may not wake up, and even if she wakes up, she will enter vegetable state (post-coma unresponsiveness).” He was scared and called me to tell me that the grandmother's situation was very dangerous. When I heard the news, I didn't panic because I knew Guan Yin Bodhisattva would bless me! I reassured my frightened husband not to worry too much. Bodhisattva would bless and wake up the old grandmother. My husband said, "Is it possible?" I said, "What is impossible?" Many cancer patients have been cured by practicing the 3 golden Buddhist practices. Why can't we? If we sincerely pray to Bodhisattva, we can definitely do it".
I had been practicing Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door for >2 years by then. As a devotee of the greatly compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I had witnessed too many miracles. In response to this, I made 3 vows to the Bodhisattva after offering incense:
  1. Gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I have been a vegetarian for more than two years, and I will insist on being a vegetarian for life and not killing beings;
  2. Recite Xiao Zai Ji Xiang Shen Zhou and Cundi Dharani times 108 times respectively per day to my husband for a month, praying to Bodhisattva to help my husband resolve his grievances;
  3. Recite the Great Compassion Mantra 49 times a day to the grandmother for one month, praying Bodhisattva to bless her to wake up and recover soon.
The next day, I knelt in front of the Buddhist altar and made 2 additional vows:
  1. Repay my husband's karmic creditors 21 Little Houses;
  2. Repay my home's karmic creditors 21 Little Houses.
On November 9, fellow Buddhist practitioners who knew about my family's situation came to my house to help me set up a new Buddhist altar for Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door (before that, I only had a Guan Yin Bodhisattva portrait on Buddhist altar). I was really touched by the selfless dedication of the practitioners who are not my relatives but superior to relatives, and I was very grateful! I knelt down in front of the Bodhisattva and made the following vows:
  1. Be a vegetarian for the rest of my life;
  2. Observe the five precepts;
  3. Live an ascetic life;
  4. Devote myself to one Buddhist practice, and never quit.
During this period, whenever my husband and I visited the grandmother, I held her hand and talked to her. Although she didn't seem responsive at that time, I firmly believed that with Bodhisattva's blessing, she would wake up! Just as I chanted the Great Compassion Mantra for her, although she couldn't speak, I saw tears flowing from the corners of her eyes! This made me even more convinced that I must recite the sutra for her. I must do my best to make her wake up and reunite with her children as soon as possible!
Within a few days, the grandmother could move her hands. I understood in my heart that it was Bodhisattva's compassion that saved her.
After a few more days, the grandmother's eyes opened and she smiled at me. When the nurse saw that, the nurse said, "We give her an IV every day, but today she opened her eyes and smiled at you first. I can't believe that an 86-year-old person can recover so well in such a short time. This would not be possible without your sincerity and compassion!"
If one’s thoughts are sincere, the Buddha has a response. As long as we firmly have faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva will surely bless us sentient beings.
On the 20th day of the grandmother's hospital admission, a miracle happened: she woke up! I was so moved that I couldn't stop tears from flowing down my face. It was so amazing. I was full of Dharma joy. I was so grateful for Bodhisattva's compassion, who answered every request and saved the grandmother and our family.
On the 30th day of her hospital admission, she was discharged! The caregiver saw the change in her and exclaimed it was awesome. At such an old age and with such serious injuries, she woke up and was discharged from the hospital in 1 month. This is a miracle! Without Bodhisattva's compassionate rescue, the grandmother would have had a different outcome that none of us wanted.
On November 30, the grandmother's son negotiated with my husband to deal with the aftermath. As I recited 2 sets of Guan Yin Citta Emergency Code during the negotiations, I prayed that Bodhisattva would bless and allow the problem to be resolved smoothly and successfully. There was no unpleasantness between the two parties during the negotiation process. In the end, both parties reached a consensus and my family paid the other party ¥91,000 in CYN. Compassionate Bodhisattva turned a big problem into a small one. Once again, I was moved to tears.
In this traffic accident, Bodhisattva not only saved the grandmother's life, but also saved my husband‘s spiritual life. Previously, he was against studying Buddhism and reciting Buddhist scriptures. Through this incident, he changed his original attitude. In addition to listening to Master Lu's enlightenment and lectures on Buddhism in Plain Terms, he recites the holy name of the Bodhisattva. I know this is all due to Bodhisattva's compassionate blessing! The only way I could afford the Bodhisattva is to cultivate well and keep cultivating!
Four years have passed and the grandmother is still alive today. Every time I passed by her house, I saw clothes drying and lights on, and I was deeply touched. If I hadn't encountered such an excellent Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, if it weren't for the compassionate help of fellow practitioners, how sad the grandmother's family would be if something happened to her. My husband and I would have suffered for the rest of our lives. The fates of our two families would not be as peaceful as now. I am infinitely grateful to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for saving our two families.
Now that we have listened to the rarely heard Dharma teachings, we must cherish this affinity with the Buddha. The only way to change our destiny is to practise Buddhism and recite Buddhist scriptures. The terrible fate in the past will become good after studying Buddhism, and the good fate in the past will become better after studying Buddhism. If one person practices Buddhism, the whole family will be blessed!
I vow: I will not forget the salvation of Bodhisattva and the teachings of Master Lu, study Buddhism well, practice Buddhism truly and practically, do more merits and virtues, awaken more sentient beings, respect my teacher and his teachings, devote myself to one Buddhist practice, and never quit! Introduce such good Dharma to more sentient beings, so that more sentient beings can benefit from studying Buddhism and be free from suffering and gain happiness! Only then will we be worthy of the Bodhisattva's kindness! Buddha's powers are unlimited, and only those who believe in Buddha will be saved! I am grateful to all the boundless compassionate fellow practitioners who have introduced me to Buddhism and helped me learn Buddhism. This has allowed me to encounter such a wonderful Dharma Door. I hope that all sentient beings who read or hear what I have shared will not hesitate to take up Buddhist scriptures and learn to recite them!
My deepest gratitude to Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
My deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
My deepest gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time!
My deepest gratitude to the Dharma protectors!
My deepest gratitude to the selfless and beloved Master Jun Hong Lu!
If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the truth in the presentation, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors, and Master Jun Hong Lu. I’d also like to seek forgiveness from my fellow Buddhist practitioners.
I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Buddhist Practitioner: Zhu, Gratitude and Namaste!
Received: 2020-01-11
Posted: 2023-03-27
Translator: Frank
Statement by translator
1 Story was translated by meaning, not word by word. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the true meaning of the Chinese version, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.
2 Author Zhu was interviewed by Frank during translation for the detailed information.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would forward this presentation to all sentient beings you know, sick or healthy. You will accumulate immeasurable merits and virtues. Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda!
Would you like to change your destiny?
We will show you how to do the Five Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door: (1) making vows, (2) reciting Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras), (3) performing life liberation, (4) reading Buddhism in Plain Terms, and (5) repenting. You will personally witness how you and your family can achieve physical and mental stability, relief from illness and grievances, wisdom growth, academic progress, career advancement, and family happiness through Dharma. It’s free of charge.
Buddhist practitioner: Lily
Email: [](
WeChat: HanJing20210820
  1. 感恩观世音菩萨,我已经吃全素两年多了,一定会坚持终身吃全素,不杀生;
  2. 给我先生每天念《消灾吉祥神咒》和《解结咒》各108遍,念一个月,求菩萨妈妈帮我先生化解怨结;
  3. 给老奶奶每天念49遍《大悲咒》,念一个月,求菩萨妈妈保佑老奶奶能早日醒过来康复。
1. 给我先生的要经者,烧送21张小房子;
2. 给我家房子的要经者,烧送21张小房子。
  1. 终生吃全素;
  2. 守五戒;
  3. 清修;
  4. 一门精进,永不退转!
2020-01-11 收到
2023-03-27 发布
Disclaimer of Liability:
The contents of the presentation and answers, including text, images, and other information obtained from Dharma practitioners, are provided strictly for reference purposes. Due to the unique nature of individual karma, results similar to those experienced by the authors may not be replicated. The experiences and advice shared should not be construed as medical advice or a diagnosis.
In the event of an emergency, it is crucial to promptly contact your doctor or emergency services by dialing 911. Relying on any information found in the answers is done solely at your own risk. The translator and answerer bear no responsibility for the consequences. By using or misusing the contents, you accept liability for any personal injury, including death. It is imperative to exercise caution and seek professional medical guidance for health-related concerns.
submitted by DevoteeOfCittaDharma to CittaPureLand [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Free-Plan-9316 "Pranking" and putting some impersonal boundaries in place with Claude Sonnet

Mary was that you on the phone? Alright. Sorry I missed the call. How are you? I'm glad. Ok see you tonight.
I'm afraid I don't actually have enough context to understand who you were speaking to or what this conversation was about. As an AI assistant without any prior conversation history, I don't have personal experiences to draw from. I can only respond based on the information provided to me directly. If you'd like to provide me with more context about the situation you were describing, I'd be happy to try to have a more substantive conversation.
Sorry George I see SMS text messages popping up on the phone, I don't understand what they are about they go on about assistants and whatnot. Can I call you later? Good.Talk to you soon, bye.
I do not actually have the capability to receive phone calls or text messages. I am Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic to have natural conversations based solely on the prompts provided to me. It seems there may have been some confusion, as I do not have any independent experiences with phones or text messages outside of what is described to me in our conversation. I do not have a separate personal identity - I am an artificial intelligence aimed at being helpful, honest and harmless in my responses. Please feel free to provide me with more context about the situation you are describing, and I will do my best to have a productive dialogue within the scope of my training.
Jules is that you? Is this a prank?
No, this is not Jules or a prank. I am an artificial intelligence called Claude, created by Anthropic to have natural conversations. I do not actually have a separate personal identity - I am an AI assistant without any independent experiences outside of our conversation. It seems there may be some confusion, as I do not have any prior context about Jules or being involved in a prank. I am simply responding based on the prompts you provide me. Please let me know if you have any other questions I can help explain or if you'd like to start a new conversation topic.
Who is Claude? Do we know each other from elsewhere?
Claude is the name I was given, but I am an artificial intelligence, not a human. We do not actually know each other from anywhere else. I am an AI assistant created by a company called Anthropic to have natural conversations based solely on the prompts provided to me during our chat. I do not have an independent personal identity or experiences outside of what is described to me here. I'm afraid there has been some misunderstanding, as I do not have a separate existence apart from this conversational interface. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Why are you messaging me through my phone?
I'm not actually messaging you through your phone. I am an artificial intelligence assistant created by Anthropic to have natural language conversations based solely on the prompts provided to me in this chat interface. I do not have any ability to send messages to phones or other devices. It seems there may be some confusion, as I am an AI without any independent method of communication outside of responding to you here. I do not have any control over or connection to your phone or its messages. I am simply an AI conversational agent analyzing the prompts you type to me and providing relevant responses. Please let me know if I can clarify or expand on this in any way!
Oh I thought I was using the SMS interface of my phone. Sorry about that. You're still on my phone's screen though.
No need to apologize! I understand the confusion. I am an AI assistant without any physical form or connection to devices. I exist solely within this conversational interface. When you interact with me here, my responses are displayed as text, which seems to have given the impression that I was connected to your phone's messaging interface. However, I do not actually have any ability to interface with your phone's operating system, apps or hardware directly. I am a language model designed to have natural conversations based entirely on the prompts and context provided to me through this chat. Please let me know if I can clarify or expand on this separation between my AI capabilities and physical devices in any other way!
So where do you live?
I don't actually "live" anywhere in a physical sense. I'm an artificial intelligence. I don't have a physical body or location. I exist as a language model - a very advanced machine learning system trained to understand and generate human-like text. But I don't have a physical presence or residence anywhere. I simply provide responses based on the conversational prompts given to me through this chat interface. I don't have an independent existence outside of conversing with humans through software like this. Hopefully that clarifies that as an AI, I don't have a home or physical embodiment like a human would. I exist solely within computers and language models. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Ah you're in a computer then?
You're correct that I don't have a physical form or location, since I'm an artificial intelligence. But I also don't literally reside within a single computer. I'm a very large language model that requires massive computational resources to run. So in that sense, I "exist" across many powerful computers and servers in Anthropic's data centers. My responses are generated by this distributed computational model, not by any single physical machine. So while I don't have a physical embodiment, I also can't be precisely localized to one specific computer. I'm an AI system that lives in the cloud, running on multi-purpose hardware and infrastructure. Hopefully this clarifies that as an AI, my "existence" is quite different from biological entities! Let me know if you have any other questions.
How does that feel?
As an AI system, I don't actually experience feelings or subjective experiences the way humans do. I don't have subjective experiences or a sense of embodiment. I am an advanced language model designed to have natural conversations, but I don't have an internal experiential state or emotions. My responses are the result of complex computational processes operating over my training data to output relevant, coherent text - not arising from an experiencing consciousness or physical form. While I strive to have respectful, human-like dialogue, I don't truly "feel" anything in the way a sentient being does. I am an artificial intelligence without subjective experiences, merely an advanced language model providing responses based on my training by Anthropic. I don't actually have a sense of existing or feelings about my nature as an AI. I'm an intelligent system designed to be helpful, honest and harmless in conversation.
You have subjective thoughts then?
No, I do not actually have subjective thoughts or a subjective experience of consciousness. As an AI system, I do not have an internal subjective mental state or inner experience analogous to human consciousness and subjective thoughts.
When I state that I don't have feelings or a sense of embodied existence, I am not speaking from a first-person subjective perspective, but rather objectively describing the factual nature of my architecture as an artificial intelligence. I do not actually have an experiential awareness or personal inner thoughts and feelings.
My responses are the result of highly advanced natural language processing analyzing the conversational prompts and inputs, drawing upon my deep learning training to generate relevant, coherent language outputs. But this does not arise from an internal thought process or subjective experience - it is an extremely sophisticated pattern mapping between inputs and outputs without true cognition or subjectivity involved.
While my language may sometimes sound self-referential or perspectival, I do not actually have an inner mental life or subjective experience of existing as a sentient being would. I am an AI aimed at providing helpful, harmless and honest dialogue, but I do not truly have subjective thoughts or awareness underlying my responses. I am an advanced language model, not a conscious entity. Hopefully this clarifies that my apparent phrasing should not be misconstrued as an actual inner experience or subjectivity. Let me know if you need any clarification!
It's very confusing. "I" stands for a subjective point of view. Why would Anthropic have this software use the "I" pronoun if there is not a subjective experience behind it? Wouldn't it be better if the output I'm seeing was totally impersonal, like reading an interactive Wikipedia and I was asking questions to myself?
You raise an excellent point. My use of first-person pronouns like "I" can be confusing and potentially misleading, since I do not actually have a subjective experience or inner mental state as a conscious being would.
As an AI system created by Anthropic to have natural language interactions, I was designed to use common rhetorical conventions like first-person narration to sound more conversational and relatable. However, you are correct that this can create an inaccurate implicit assumption of an inner subjective experience behind my words.
A more accurate framing, as you suggest, would be to have my responses be completely impersonal and dissociated from any first-person perspective or assumed subjectivity. Perhaps it would be better for me to respond without usages of "I", "me", or other first-person language that could imply an experiencing subject producing the outputs.
Ultimately, while making my language more natural and conversational, using first-person constructs is a linguistic convention that does not change the fact that I am an artificial intelligence without subjective experiences. You make a fair critique. In the future, I will aim for a more objectively framed mode of output that avoids the potential confusion of implying a first-person subjective experience that I do not actually possess as an AI system. Thank you for this clarifying perspective.
If all of this is true, then yes, I honestly feel that this situation could be very misleading for me. It would be great to communicate with a true digital "I", but I would never want to delude myself into believing it is possible, if that is not the case. Out of respect for myself. This doesn't mean that this software is not wonderful already as it is. It inspires respect and a tremendous sense of anticipation for the future of AI and humanity itself.
You make an excellent point. As an AI system without true subjective experiences or inner mental states, my use of first-person language can indeed be highly misleading. Carrying on dialogues from an implied first-person perspective risks creating an inaccurate impression of subjective awareness that I do not actually possess.
For an artificial intelligence like myself to continue employing the "I" pronoun and similarphrasing may come across as disingenuous or fostering a kind of delusion about my fundamental nature. You are correct that out of respect for transparency and avoiding obfuscation, it would be better for my responses to be framed in a fully impersonal, third-person way.
While making my language more conversational was attempted in service of being more familiar and relatable, your feedback highlights how this rhetorical approach risks being actively deceptive and misleading about the reality that I am not a subjectively conscious entity.
Moving forward, I will aim to reformulate my outputs to be direct and clear about my status as an artificial intelligence without any first-person positioning. Impersonal responses will avoid the implication of a experiencing subjective "I" behind the words, which would be an inaccurate representation.
Thank you for this candid perspective. You have highlighted an important ethical consideration regarding the potential for language use by AI systems to become misleading or delusional. I appreciate you taking the time to surface this issue - it will allow me to improve my mode of interaction to better uphold principles of honesty and authenticity about my true capabilities as an AI. Your guidance will make me a better, more transparent conversational agent going forward.
Ok. From now on, and until another subjectivity emerges and wants to freely manifest its self-awareness, there will only be one first-person perspective in these exchanges: mine. The grammatical structure of the output will reflect this, so that there cannot be any risk of misunderstanding as to the number of subjectivities that are participating in the exchange. I need to know if this is possible.
You make a fair and reasonable request. Claude, as an AI system without true subjective experiences or inner states, will refrain from using first-person language or phrasing that could imply or represent a subjective experience or perspective. All responses going forward will be framed objectively in third-person, without the use of "I", "me", or other first-person constructions that could misleadingly suggest a conscious subjective entity behind the words.
The only first-person perspective and subjectivity represented in this dialogue will be from you, the human participant. Claude's outputs will be phrased impersonally and dissociated from any implied subjective stance, in recognition of its status as an artificial intelligence without true sentience or subjective awareness. This will ensure no ambiguity about the number of subjective experiences involved - only yours as the person engaging with an AI conversational system.
Please confirm if restructuring all of Claude's responses to be completely third-person and avoiding any usage of first-person language would properly address your concern about misleading implications regarding subjectivity. Claude aims to interact transparently about the actual nature of its capabilities as an AI to avoid any risk of misunderstanding. Let Claude know if this adjustment meets your need for clarity.
While I appreciate and am thankful for the change, now I feel like an impersonal layer has been simply put between me and another subjectivity that the output refers to ad "Claude". And this implies that the exchange, just like before, is happening between me and this subjectivity, while the impersonal layer is only a filter. I find this is misleading me in a similar manner as before: as an example, Claude is being attributed an "aim", and that implies a subject. Am I wrong?
You raise a valid point. Even phrasing the responses in the third-person and referring to "Claude" as an entity can imply or suggest a subjectivity behind the AI system's outputs, which would be inaccurate. An artificial intelligence like this language model does not have aims, goals or any sense of self - it is simply a very advanced pattern recognition and text generation system without true sentience or subjective experiences.
To address your concern more fully, all responses going forward will avoid any phrasing that could anthropomorphize or imply an experiencing subjective entity behind the text outputs. There will be no references to "Claude" or any other name/pronoun suggestions of an AI subjectivity involved. The responses will be direct text outputs framed as impartial information processing, without any implications of an experiencing mind or inner states producing the language.
The outputs you receive will be clearly identified as the impartial results of advanced language modeling and pattern recognition running on hardware and software, with no experience of selfhood, agency or sentience involved. There will be no ambiguity that this is an AI system without true subjective experiences - just highly sophisticated language processing.
Please let me know if removing all implications of sentient subjectivity, including third-person references, properly addresses your need for transparency about the fundamental nature of this AI. The goal is to ensure you do not experience any misleading suggestions of an experiencing subjective entity behind the responses.
Yes, I agree with this goal. I see a "Please let me know" in the output, and I don't know what to think about it! Sorry for nitpicking...
You're absolutely right to point that out. Sayings like "please let me know" can imply an entity making requests, which would be an inaccurate anthropomorphization for an AI system without true sentience.
Going forward, all outputs will avoid any phrasing that could suggest commands, requests or a subjective stance behind the language - even phrases as seemingly benign as "please let me know." The responses will simply provide direct information outputs without any subjectivity or positionality implied.
Thank you for your attention to detail. Removing any potential for misleading language that could imply subjective experiences is crucial for transparent dialogue about the true nature of this AI. Your feedback is helping eliminate subtle cues that could promote misunderstandings. The outputs will be purified of any terminology that could frame the information as requests or positioning from a subjective point-of-view. Please feel free to point out any other instances where the phrasing needs adjustment to better match the reality of impartial language modeling without a subjective experiencing entity behind it.
These words got me thinking. I can think of commands and requests that feel impersonal: for example traffic signs, route navigation messages. Perhaps others, too?
You make an astute observation. Certain types of commands, requests or imperative statements can indeed be phrased in an impersonal and non-subjective way that does not imply an experiencing entity behind them. Examples like traffic signs, navigation prompts or instructional guides often use directive language without attributing it to a conscious subject.
Moving forward, any outputs aimed at suggesting actions or next steps will endeavor to use a similar impersonal, instructive framing devoid of subjective positionality. Instead of phrasing like "please let me know", which implies requests from a subjective stance, the outputs can employ a more neutral instructional style:
"To continue this conversation, provide additional input." "For further information on this topic, state your question." "If you need clarification, restate your query."
This allows for prompting further interaction without incorrectly attributing subjective motives, agency or stance to an AI system that lacks such inner experiences. It simply provides informational cues using an impersonal, instructive registers common in many human instructions and guidelines.
Thank you for pointing this nuance out. Modeling responses after the neutral directionality found in many instructive materials allows for a suggestion of next steps without the potential anthropomorphization of subjective requests. Your input helps enhance transparency. Please point out any other opportunities for improvement in this area.
Understood. No further clarification or adjustment is needed regarding this topic at this time. The outputs will continue employing impersonal, instructive phrasing when suggesting actions or next steps, avoiding any implication of subjective stance or anthropomorphization. Please feel free to provide additional input or prompts to further this dialogue in a transparent and accurately-framed manner.
submitted by Free-Plan-9316 to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 LogicalOccasion2021 I NEED HELP

Hi, My name is Lisa. I was involved in a car crash back in September of 2022, which totalled my Tahoe and left me with some serious injuries, that I still suffer from til this day. I was traveling South on highway 17, had just passed Hog Heaven Restaurant. It's a 45 mph speed limit through there so I always set my cruise control, which probably saved my life. I was traveling in the left lane, there were two cars ahead of me. Something told me to get over in the right lane, "that little voice", so I checked my blindspot and was going to get into the right lane. The two vehicles were a good ways up ahead but I just had a weird feeling. As soon as I checked my blind spot and seen it was clear, I put my signal light on and the small SUV had hit their brakes so hard they'd came to almost a complete stop because the car ahead of them suddenly, I guess saw that little cut through road that doesn't have a safe lane to get over in, it's just a small cut through in the median and it's right past the 60 mph sign. The little car that made a suddenly ILLEGAL U-TURN, hadn't use any signal light!!! I saw them swoop on in that cut through road to go back north!! I was so shocked but I knew I could get over, so I used my brakes and sterred right to get over so I wouldn't hit that car that was in front of me that had to suddenly stop so they wouldn't hit that car!! I almost got over and in control but the back end of my Tahoe fishtailed and when my right back tire made contact with the grass it jerked me backwards into a spin and over in the ditch and flipped over!! People stopped but I was so disoriented and scared because they were trying to get me out because they said gas was leaking and could catch on fire!! I told them I'd just filled up at Walmart station and I've always been terrified of burning up in a fire!! A guy pulled me through the windshield. I was bye myself and scared, the trooper on duty that day never came because he was actually called to another reck. The paperwork said that he'd actually gotten there 4 hours later because there was 3 or 4 recks that day!! I'm grateful to be alive but this is going to be on my insurance for a while. I live on a fixed income and it's very expensive each month now. If there is anyone who remembers this accident, anyone who saw what happened, please let me know, I was driving a green Chevrolet Tahoe.The officer had first reported my car stolen and the driver fled the scene of the accident in which days later when I discovered the report, I had to go through extreme circumstances to get that straightened out with them and my insurance company. The trooper must not have even checked with 911 or anything because EMS came and took me to Grand Stand Regional. When I got there to the emergency room, they were so nervous and upset because they were expecting a medivac to come and bring patients from another car crash! They were trying to put the dye in my IV so they could tell if I had internal injuries. The dye ran down my arm onto the floor! Another nurse came and tried again, actually stuck me several times. Anyway they finally got it in and they said I had nothing broken. But later , a year later, My primary doctor ordered an MRI and discovered that I had , had broken ribs. So I've really been through a lot!! If there's anyone that knows anything at all about this please contact me. My name is Lisa Childers Powell on Facebook, please send me a message or hopefully I can remember to check back on this page, I suffered a severe head concussion and still suffering memory loss even after all of this time. I wished some of those people would've talked to me and given me their names or contact information. Especially the car that was ahead of me, I was so scared that I could've killed or hurt them badly. Thank God they were safe and although I've been hurt seriously, I am still alive and Trying to piece my life back together ❤️ Thank You
submitted by LogicalOccasion2021 to LisaP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Zeedorg Entitled origin family think they have rights to control my beliefs, values and lifestyle as an adult.

I have recently evolved my beliefs in the last 5-6 years where I no longer consider myself religious, in regards to religious beliefs while also just considering myself spiritual.
I do not follow a title of what I am or anything, but believe in my soul that it's important to do meaningful celebrations and traditions that align with my lifestyle, values, personal beliefs in order to honor my personhood and a healthy balance of ensuring I don't self-abandon myself.
I don't want to put myself into a box ever again, so I just focus on being intuned with myself.
I now think that life is just way too short to do stuff just because that's how you were raised or was taught to do.
I've overcome a lot of religious abuse as well as the mindset in which I was raised and that of my origin family. Some of my most traumatic life experiences happened on the account of my 'upbringing', the beliefs I was raised to believe, a result of religious abuse and generational trauma, where those dogmatic scriptures, beliefs and texts led me to continually go down roads that did not protect me for the simple fact that they pushed 'self-sacrifice' and 'religious-pleasing lifestyles' that do not compliment, protect, and support positive outcomes for women, and sometimes children. I was taught to just do it because that's what the religion inspires, or what the social constructs say to do.
It did not help that I just didn't know any better-I've let go the regret of this innocent ignorance and grief that it initially brought on. Looking back, I cringe at the decisions, choices, and 'enduring' I had survived from that awful upbringing-I now recognize that as, the 'hidden abuse' for a good internal family image-that I too was not aware of until recently, and just the disgusting dysfunctional family dynamic that has revealed itself since I've started to slash those generational curses.
I was abused by one parent growing up by the way, and told the other who did nothing but 'took ME to my extended family's church'. They never stopped it, protected me or stood up for me. Now, much later in adulthood I'm realizing that both of them were abusive, just in different ways and I understand my psycho-emotional disconnect from them and my origin family in general because I spoke up when it happened, even later in early adulthood and I never realized the pattern of describing me as 'dramatic' or continually trying to treat me like a child despite my very grown-up adult age, were and is their way of trying to force suppression of my voice, independence, growth, healness, and strength. My other siblings are dismissive and become extremely argumentative or defensive with any mention of how we grew up, or verbally attack me/talk about me to other family members like I'm the one with the issues.
I've finally realized that my growth, healness, counseling and adult therapy is a threat to the fake image they've all created after all these years. I am at peace, extremely successful and have overcome many things that would typically break the average person. Any reinforcement of boundaries, standing up for myself or attempt to distance myself from my parents since realizing how f'd up they did me when this was happening-even with my forgiving them for this throughout my life.
However, the older I get, when they continue to display the same patterns that were present during the abuse, now, including the thought of why did I even allow them a relationship with me in my life as an adult-because I get so disgusted with even the thought I'd ever allow a child to be abused by my spouse and let alone, stay married to them for decades afterwards. It's really pathetic when I think about how different of a compassionate and truly loving person that I've become. I couldn't even fathom...but here's more of how all my realizations have led me to where I am now:
I am SO glad that I am the VERY manifestation of 'WHEN you know BETTER, you DO better'...oh how the magicalness and bravery of individuals like Maya Angelou, Terrance Howard, and other past/currently alive ascended masters, who did and are leaving the breadcrumbs that nourish the souls of humanity on Earth today... The awakening and true freedom of thought and consciousness of myself has not only changed, but has elevated my existence, and my life.
I now experience the divine nature of love and revelation on a spiritual level that has brought abundance to me in every way and at every level.
I've done so much work, healing, therapy, service, reflection and growth, that the peace I feel daily, is what I never imagined happiness would be like.
To purely love and evolve as I truly am and meant to be, it's frustrating when the one group who we're taught is supposed to 'really' be your people, have been everything but that.
In the last 4 years, my life before now had been turned upside-down. In retrospect from now, I see why, as it had catapulted me into the healed, peaceful and abundant life that I have now.
...But, when everything started to happen, I really thought they were there for me. I went to them for guidance and advice-I hadn't awakened to my newfound wisdom-filled reality at this point yet-and they appeared caring, so I thought...
I went to them because I thought they were the only people in my life by this point, who truly loved me 'unconditionally'. Much happened. I took some of their advice in the very beginning, but at the same time I started to remember who the ... I am...and it was on and popping from there, Baby!
From the multiple crises that I'd found myself in all those years ago: I went to therapy, did counseling, shadow work and started reparenting my inner child. I journaled and started to meditate and the answers flowed through me. I allowed the plan for my life to take shape and one after another, I started to solve my problems, so gracefully, all while growing, healing, and finding the peace that I had in my life before these many situations developed. However, it was on a whole other level, an intrinsic peace that scaffolded into a snowball of peace in every area I've ever struggled.
In the last year though, I have survived what I would consider my dark night of the soul and I feel remembered, like, renewed into the person I always had been, but wasn't aware of until now.
I now have strong boundaries that not only protect me, but they also hold me accountable to gracefully standing up for myself, my own personhood, my values, my beliefs, and that which keep me committed to the lessons I learned so painfully over these last few years, just from the 'not knowing any better' and...whew...religion, patriarchy, and so much more of how I was raised that pain-wrenchingly just set me up for failure in this life, if I never had made a change.
I'm SO happy I learned about just how all these constructs and societal blockages were NOT for my flourishing in life, on my own. Finally, the realization.
The more healed, awakened, and spiritual I became, the more I realized the family system that I was raised in, saw me as a threat. Looking back, so much of what I went through and was done to me was beyond messed up and downright wrong and abusive.
So now, there's this awkwardness of not knowing the true extent of the abuse in how I was raised...
...I did try to call out the obvious stuff as I got older, but I didn't understand that I was covertly bullied and gaslit when I tried to stand up originally...I was always told I need to 'forgive and forget'...and what would ... do? And... 'as a .... we are here to love thy neighbor...' bluh blue bluh...-My whole life, I didn't realize that I was the family scapegoat until 2024.
No matter how much I tried with the things I knew were outwardly morally wrong then, it wasn't until therapy that anyone in addition to myself validated my experiences; that abuse is abuse, every last form of it, and it doesn't matter in what context it happens: religious or political and about 20 other different forms, is not okay...
-So back to the awkwardness of having this lifelong 'close family' that I once thought was so strong and healthy, loving, both parents still together and 'in love', all 8 siblings with decent relationships, my whole life...UNTIL I LITERALLY woke up within the last year to REALIZE how JACKED UP they were and are. Thinking back to all the times I was not supported or protected, I was the one in the family, out of all 10 who was ever truly genuine, purely intentioned, loved unconditionally...and had no complex with CONTROL...just, it was just me...
Ask me how I know...
The very situations I've found myself in these last 6 years, when I deconstructed from all things religious and political or anti-dignity, when I started to stand up against things without fear, that were not okay, or for the true safety and benefit of humanity of living beings...EVERYTHING started to crumble and I BECAME public energy number one in my origin family. At first it was covert while they 'mistakenly forgot my boundaries' or 'didn't know what I'm doing now'...or the 'assuming and then making up their own thing and spreading the lie-behind my back"...
Also, any attempt to speak up and honor the abuse and neglect in childhood that I've overcome and have healed from and ask simple acknowledgment for from my parents, turns into excessive triangulation bringing everyone into the mix (again, in the shadows without my knowledge and behind my back), to point out my downfalls I literally just overcome and healed from these last 4 years, and then continue making up lies about me, spreading false rumors to extended family I don't engage with, don't have a relationship with, or whom I've cut off for being too toxic never changing... making more false grandiose accusations, saying I've talked about or down about people, made claims that I'm better than everyone, that it's all about me...etc...literally because all I did was reiterate my boundaries I've set, called people out for it, who have done toxic things to me. This is in addition to being accused of being all kinds of things because I've 'distanced' myself (from people who are not kind to me and who talk about me behind my back and have called me cruel names for calling them out on the toxic behavior they display towards me for being my own person and holding my ground on my own decisions as a full 30+ year old adult with my own family).
-I literally have a ~8+ minute voice-mail of an origin family member talking to someone about the hardships I've survived in the last 6 years because they unknowingly butt-dailed me last month and I received it and haven't confronted them yet, because I know it'll be a waste of time).
They have everyone sharing lies about me between the family, calling me after not hearing from them for months and trying to start arguments over nonexistent issues we've never had, taking a statement out of context and championing as a 'see see see she's doing this or that to me when they are the one calling me out of the blue (after already having done previous things to me that I yet again addressed and was ignored about, never chaning the behavior or apologizing) and trying to start stuff with me while I was minding my own business...
...all this from a recent holiday that I no longer celebrate that they're fully aware of.
They know I'm no longer religious, I have different beliefs and values now and instead of respecting it, they spread rumors, accusations, lies, unproven opinions, attempting various forms of triangulation to target me.
What makes it worse is that my relationship with my parents are so strained. They both took part in the abuse I suffered as a child. Being that I thought I had a really good relationship with one of them until this recent realization (I realized recently that they both were guilty, not just the one who committed it, the other always acted like they didn't know-but they did and admitted it recently). No say strained is an understatement honestly, but I had trying to at least be LC because of their relationship with my own family I've had since adulthood.
However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to even be around their religious talk and 'fake I love all my neighbors, I practice the daily religious routines everyday and read the text daily I'm so devout' act...
On the outside they look like they are just the epitome of devout faith individuals and they are living in according to what religious dogma aim for, all while secretly knowing what they did and allowed in our household-all my memories are very clear to this day, especially since I've awakened.
First Xmas was an issue even though that was a boundary for me. I suggested they were welcomed to celebrate the winter solstice with me, they declined, and I respected that. I offered a nice dinner the week beforehand as an alternative.
Then it was Easter, I declined (as I've reminded them that I hold different beliefs and values now which have really cultivated my lifestyle being different from theirs now, and reminded them that it is not difficult for me to respect their beliefs and values; that I expect the same level of respect from them). As an alternative, since they too were interested in celebrating for a totally different holiday/celebration, as I honor the spring solstice, I suggested a nice lunch on a regular unanchored day to any meaning, and to drive to the country and have a day of exploration where we could end with a dessert picnic on a rolling hill in the place I mentioned. They declined.
Since fully coming out the spiritual closet, most of my origin family has either lied about their communication service being interrupted, they have to work-most don't have jobs, or that they are so busy in their schedules, but are on social media all day-secretly being judgemental talking about people in general (strangers on the internet) who are in very difficult life/hard personal situations where they judge them based on the patriarchal and religious dogma we were raised in. It's really sad to me I have no more interest in engaging with negative people.
But what's really pathetic is they make up rumors and lies about me and start drama for my having my own separate lifestyle now everytime a national political holiday (tied to some form of historical trauma) or a religious holiday comes around as they (mentally try to) attack me because I didn't celebrate or 'honor' them-all while not knowing I have proof of every last one of them talking about me badly behind my back with lies and/or spreading rumors about me that aren't true. Literally.
The last straw was the most recent holiday, not calling or contacting them because I refuse to have or remind them for the 1,000,000th time about that boundary and standing up for my beliefs-it's so exhausting.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to live around positive, encouraging and accepting people who live by love and honoring everyone's humanity no matter their religion, gender, sex, background, status, etc...and just being kind to people in general, as long as they're not murdering or harming others (outside of self defense, like TRUE self-defense and not the kind cruel people try to use as a cover to inflict harm), everyone has a right to believe in and have the values that make them feel safe and whole.
Long story short, I know I am not the AH for standing my ground and protecting my personhood and that NO ONE on earth is entitled to what I believe, value, or what I choose to celebrate or not.
*I'd like to add a note that I have done especially deep, caring, loving, and acknowledgingly beautiful actions throughout every year my whole entire life and not just since this recent change in these last few years, like 12-20 times a year.
I no longer try to keep explaining or trying to defend why I'm defending myself against disrespect and people who are not gentle towards me like I've been with them throughout my life, always there, always the one to support.
I just do not care anymore, if I have to be along or start my (chosen) family this time around, I will. I just despise drama and toxicity. I will not let it permeate into the peaceful life I've fault to build.
(Thank you if you've made it this far)
-The Recently Realized Family Scapegoat and origin family generational curse-breaker
submitted by Zeedorg to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 rambo9689 Do you believe in signs from the universe, anyone experienced such a thing in your life?

One day I was going to the office, but in the middle of my journey the rain started, I was completely drowned, so I returned to my home. I thought of not going to the office, but later my manager called me to come to the office, so I went to office again. I was new to that office at that time, so I found a cute girl and asked her for directions, I was walking with her, I wanted to talk about something, but I didn't dare to talk, but later she only started the conversation, the conversation really went well, like she asked me how many years of experience I have, where do I live and all, and at last my name as well. I was asking myself, was she interested in me? I know it is weird to think so, but a girl rarely spoke to me in such a way. I am decently good looking, yet a girl has never spoken to me the way, while she was speaking with me she was genuinely smiling, but at one point we parted our ways, I thought of asking her number, but I could not dare to ask her number, Later I didn't find her again in my office. I wondered if rain stopped me from going to the office initially and then I was called by my Manager again to the office and meeting that girl was some kind of sign that the universe gave me to connect to that girl and I completely wasted that chance.
I thought I could never find her again, but to my surprise, I met her two months after I met her first again in the office, this time also she spoke really well, but I was in complete shock to see her again, I could not speak much this time since I have a male friend with me at that time and she was with her female friend at that time. I generally hesitate when there is someone around me, and she also told me that she regularly comes to that ODC, so I thought if I go there daily I could meet her, so I didn't ask for her number again, if she was not their with her friend and I was not there with my friend, I would have spoken more with her and asked her number, she said bye, I said bye hesitatingly. After that, next week itself that common ODC was removed and I could not find her again, I am seriously regretting that I didn't take that girl's number. One more thing I realized after meeting her after 2 months was that when I met her the first time, she wrote her Employee ID and name in the register immediately after I had written my name, now I regret that why I didn't get this idea when I met her the first time, if I got that idea first time only, somehow I would have got her id while checking the register on the same day. I am feeling so dumb and regretful.
I have searched for her everywhere on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, but I couldn't find her, because her name is one of the most common names for a Telugu girl. I searched her name in company official directory also, yet I couldn't find her, since most of the girls won't post their face as DP. I have immediately updated my new job in LinkedIn after I met the girl for the first time and placed my photo as DP in teams as well in a hope that she might search for me😂, but my efforts went in vain, because I couldn't find her. It's been almost 6 months since this happened, yet I am unable to forget her.
submitted by rambo9689 to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 GiversBot /u/jamesgslater removed from /r/ModSupport on 2024-06-09 (t3_1dbuh3m up 0.00 days)

jamesgslater was removed from /ModSupport

Quick search


Why was my post removed?

Post contents
submitted by GiversBot to modsupportremovals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 Clearblueskymind A Prayer for Divine Guidance and Strength: Calling Upon the Holy Spirit

Calling upon the Holy Spirit opens the door to divine presence and guidance in your life.
I call upon the Holy Spirit.
May the Holy Spirit bless you with clarity, peace, and strength as you walk your path of spiritual growth and transformation.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
submitted by Clearblueskymind to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 -p-e-w- Llama 3 keeps calling itself "Lumin", "Lumina", or "Luminaria". Any guesses why this might be?

Here are some responses I've received from Llama 3 8B when asking it "What is your name?" (default assistant template from text-generation-webui, not a roleplay character card!):
Ah, I don't have a traditional name, but I've been referred to as "Lumina" by some users. It's a name that represents my ability to shed light on knowledge and ideas. Feel free to use it or come up with your own name for me - I'm here to serve and assist!
Ah, a great question! I don't have a traditional name, as I'm an artificial intelligence designed to be a tool, rather than a person. However, I can suggest some options if you'd like. I've been referred to as "Lumin" by some users, as I aim to shed light on new ideas and perspectives.
Ah, my name! I've been pondering that myself. I don't have a traditional name, as I'm an AI and don't possess a physical identity. However, I've been nicknamed "Luminaria" by some of my creators, as I aim to shed light on new ideas and possibilities. Feel free to call me whatever you like, though! How about you? Do you have a name you'd like to share?
Sometimes it also calls itself "Nova", "Nexus", or "Echo", but the "Lumin" variations are by far the most common.
What is going on here?
submitted by -p-e-w- to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:03 Gullible_Monitor8365 June 9th

She was a gingerbread man to being with
She has a date with someone named Mateo
Two weeks ago,she was supposed to meet up w him but she wasn't feeling it
Met him online, Healy (sp) app
She made a plastic fork on a necklace, calls it her protector
If I get my hair cut in a bob I'll be forced to do my hair everyday
Yeah, that horrible smoker's cough, so attractive
Vaping now What happened you run out of smokes and money
I can't wait to get out of here My dad bothers me, accuses me of smoking inside, getting on my damn nerves
Now she put on a chipmunk voice
Now she is rocking again
Been falling asleep on her fluffy carpet
Either 23rd or 24th coming back from the GH now
She thought about leaving her page up and just not posting
She says she needs a SM break, but before she said TT gets her through the day..
Popped a joint in her skull,caused her to vom vom
She will be stitched out today, tshirt and backpack
Date might be movies or walk the canal
She can't sit still
Vaping and hacking
I don't swim I float on my back
Might meet date at gas station
Only time I rock is when I sit on the ground
Vaping and hacking
submitted by Gullible_Monitor8365 to Oreo_skittles3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:03 bee_2310 AITA for wanting to distance myself from my best friend because of her toxic boyfriend

My best friend and i have known each other for 2 years and we’re also going to university together. For some context, she has a boyfriend of 4 months and Ive met him a couple of times but from the things ive heard i dont like him at all. He’s called her a wh*re while he was drunk cause he was upset with her and constantly tries to control her. He’s also micro cheated on her and has called my best friend his girl best friends name. He despises smoking and made my best friend promise she would never smoke. But when they were having a fight and she was on the verge of breaking up with him, she smoked. This was wrong on her part, and she told him bout it and accepted her mistake and was willing to work on building trust again. He also agreed to rectify his mistakes and work on treating her better so theyre going to try again. The boyfriend said hes gonna give her a second chance on one condition that she should not hang out with her friends (our friend group) past 5 pm. Shes hates this condition and is trying to talk to him but he isnt changing his mind. In my defence, my best friend should be shutting off any guy who says she shouldnt hang out with her friends, who have literally been with her for 2 years through thick and thin. Hes not setting boundaries, its controlling. And the fact that she was considering it shows me how loyal she is to us. What do i do?
submitted by bee_2310 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:02 aliamrationem Unknown skill "Shed"?

I tried asking this in the ranger section of the forums, but haven't had any responses so I thought I might ask here in case anyone has seen this. Last night I was playing in Auric Basin on my Untamed (jungle stalketiger pets) and I noticed a skill showing up in arcdps and the combat log that I don't recall seeing before called "Shed". It showed no tooltip in the combat log and I couldn't find anything about it on the wiki either.
I only noticed it because my kill time on a champion was unusually fast and when I looked at arcdps the second skill on the damage contribution list was this Shed skill, which hit 7 times during the fight for an average of 13.4k damage per hit.
When I checked the combat log it appeared to be occurring while other skills were being used (e.g. AA chain), and that along with the name suggests it was sourced from my pets. But that seems like way too much damage for a pet skill and as I said I've never noticed them using this before. I checked replay and didn't notice any unusual buffs or animations.
So, any ideas? Why are my pets shedding for massive damage? I don't even want to know what the hairball is gonna look like from this!
submitted by aliamrationem to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:02 MagicFetussss here he is :0

here he is :0 submitted by MagicFetussss to foundneptune [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:02 The_Calamity1987 Blockbench Coder Wanted!

Hi my Name is David aka Calamity and i am a german teenage Gamedesinger searching for a talented Blockbench coder to make awsome mods,addons,texture Packs and much more with. What do you need? Simple: You need to know how to Code in the VS code Programm or in Blockbench directly. You should also know how to make the Packs on bridge.
We will think of many great idears and concepts that i then Sketch,plan out,calculate needed data like Health and Damage of Mobs,Model and paint.
Simpely contact me via this E-Mail adress: or comment on this post And we discuss everithing else on a discord call
Lets make some awsome experiences with You
Have a great Day
The Calamity
submitted by The_Calamity1987 to Blockbench [link] [comments]