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Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer

2024.05.16 08:38 VolarRecords Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer

Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer
Just tried posting this on UFOs and aliens and it was taken down because of Reddit's filters.
Last night I posted about Thomas Townsend Brown's research into building UFOs that goes back to the late 1920s right about the same time that Tesla was patenting his own research about UFOs.
I only know about T. Townsend Brown thanks to this Jesse Michels recent doc that a number of you have seen. I watched it twice when it came out and it blew my mind. I'm not a physicist by any means and can't explain shit to anyone. Just trying to pull together some threads.
Jesse Michels actually learned about T. Townsend Brown from his doc on Grusch documenting his time around his hearing last July.
A number of you in the field of mathematics and physics with a huge interest in UFOs chimed in today, and I can't even keep up. It's all pretty brain-breaking stuff. I'm super armchair about all of this but have always been very interested. So in response to a couple of comments, I took the very simple measure of looking into Brown's Wikipedia. Yes, I'm very aware of the whole Guerilla Skeptics thing. I even happened to pass by their office here in LA after going to the sole US press conference on the Nazca Mummies here in Beverly Hills on March 11th.
Here's the u/thegoodtroubleshow episode about the Guerilla Skeptics.
Anyway, hope this stuff doesn't get scrubbed, but here's Brown's Wikipedia page as it stands now. Seems like a lot of you have already done years of research on him, so I doubt much can truly be hidden.
Brown filed a number of patents:
  • GB300311 — A method of and an apparatus or machine for producing force or motion (accepted 1928-11-15)
  • US 1,974,483 — Electrostatic motor (1934-09-25)
  • US 2,949,550 — Electrokinetic apparatus (1960-08-16)
  • US 3,018,394 — Electrokinetic transducer (1962-01-23)
  • US 3,022,430 — Electrokinetic generator (1962-02-20)
  • US 3,187,206 — Electromagnetic apparatus (1965-06-01)
  • US 3,196,296 — Electric generator (1965-07-20)
Here's a website dedicated to him: Maintained by Paul Schatzkin, author of "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown"
One of the references mentioned on his Wiki page is this, perhaps a book titled "Lost Journals." Here's Chapter Six.
Chapter Six
UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion
~Did Tesla Discover the Secrets of Antigravity~?
Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we take for granted today. Without the genius of Tesla we would not have radio, television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lighting, radio control devices, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions.
Because of this, it is no surprise that Tesla also delved into the world of flight and possibly, antigravity. In fact, his last patent in 1928 (#1,655,114), was for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane. Before he died, Tesla reportedly devised plans for the engine of a spaceship. He called it the anti-electromagnetic field drive or Space Drive.
Here's this article mentioned in that publication by Tesla.
Man's Greatest Achievement by Nikola Tesla
New York American — July 6, 1930
from Rastko'sNetwork Website
Here's more from that link:
~How to Build a Flying Saucer~
Tesla had discovered that the electrostatic emission from the surface of a conductor will always concentrate where the surface curves or even presents an edge. The sharper the curve or edge, the greater the concentration of electron emission. Tesla also observed that an electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a conductor rather than penetrate it. This is called the Faraday or Skin Effect, discovered by ~Michael Faraday~ many years ago.
This also explains the principles of the Faraday Cage which is used in high voltage research labs to protect humans and electrosensitive equipment from harm. According to eyewitness reports of interiors of UFOs, there is a circular column or channel through the center of the vehicle.
This reportedly serves as a superstructure for the rest of the saucer shaped vehicle, and also carries a high voltage, high frequency coil. It is believed to be a resonant transformer which gives the electrostatic and electromagnetic charge to the craft and establishes polarity.
This coil is relative to what is known as a Tesla coil. The Tesla Coil of course, was invented by Tesla in 1891. This column or channel is approximately two feet in diameter and is hollow. On some vehicles this hollow area has a turbine generator in it.
When the vacuum is created on one hemisphere of the craft, the atmospheric pressure is allowed to rush through the tube to drive a sort of turbine electrical generator. Some reports say the extraterrestrials use this system as stationary power plants for electrical energy on their planets as well.
The eyes of the craft are arranged by electro-optic lenses placed at quadrants or wherever they wish to see from. The screen-like monitors are placed on a console where the navigator can observe all areas around and about the vehicle at the same time. This includes the magnification lenses which are used without changing positions.
There are also windows about elbow level and about one foot through or thick. This distance would have to be in view of the four or more walls or plates of the capacitor hulls making up the major portion of the craft. The windows have an iris type of shutter so that when it is closed, it allows electrostatic charge to flow evenly.
~Dr T. Townsend Brown and Electrogravitics~
The idea of using high voltage electricity as a means of propulsion is not new. Tesla laid the groundwork in the late 19th century which was then continued by such notables as Thomas Townsend Brown, who discovered in 1923 what was later called the Biefeld -Brown Effect.
Thomas Townsend Brown, was a physics student of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld at the California Institute for Advanced Studies. Brown noticed that when he had two plates carrying high voltages of direct current separated by a dielectric, the negative electrode moved by itself in the direction of the positive plate. In other words, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage.
He built a special capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about one percent of it's weight.
He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight. Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as Electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.
As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rota-table arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour.
About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified.
Interavia magazine later reported that the discs could attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts. Brown's discs were charged with a high positive voltage, on a wire, running along their leading edge and a high negative voltage, on a wire, running along their trailing edge.
As the wires ionized the air around them, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft. Brown's research indicated that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction.
As the disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave.
Dr. Mason Rose, one of Townsend's colleagues, described the discs principle of operation as follows:

Although skeptics at first thought that the discs were propelled by more mundane effects such as the pressure of negative ions striking the positive electrode. Brown later carried out vacuum chamber tests which proved that a force was present even in the absence of such ion thrust.
He did not offer a theory to explain this unconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle.
According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one. Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter-attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill.
Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills.
Thus contrary to conventional theory, the electron produces a matter-repelling gravity field. Electrical neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill. Consequently, subquantum kinetics predicts that the negative ion cloud behind Brown's disc should form a matter repelling gravity hill while the positive ion cloud ahead of the disc should form a matter attracting gravity well.
As increasing voltage is applied to the disc, the gravity potential hill and well become increasing prominent and the gravity potential gradient between them increasing steep. In Rose's terminology, the craft would find itself on the incline of a gravitational hill. Since gravity force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce an increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole.
Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitledElectrogravitics Systems - An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.
The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation.
Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed.
submitted by VolarRecords to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Science] - Pacific squid flashes its huge attack 'headlights' BBC

[Science] - Pacific squid flashes its huge attack 'headlights' BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:32 Secret_Director_356 Sustainable Living Environment w/ little to 0 fossil fuel

Recently I got into an assignment for Environmental Science and the plan was to make a house that used little to 0 fossil fuel meaning no Carbon Dioxide / Methane emissions. I wasn’t expecting to get so into it, the house lives in an icy cold climate, for the house to work it needs a lot of insulation installed to it this however is hard to balance as you’d also need heaters or 8 blankets which 2 is already heavy enough so at the cost of CO2 emissions I’ve planned a mechanism to the house which takes the Sun Light and reflecting it off Magnifying Glass the size of 2 desks put together to create a fire which can create just enough for cooking and heating, this is as far as I’ve planned however.
submitted by Secret_Director_356 to environmental_science [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:24 FrostingBeginning446 What to do about one very territorial pea? Watched someone get attacked to the point he puffed up today.

Luckily I checked him out and he is not seriously injured, I isolated him for a bit to see if he needed tubbed for the bite but he seemed more anxious to just be back in the tank.
The situation is that there is one giant territorial girl in the tank (I have 6-7 in a 20gal with a ton of hides, floating and rizhomal plants, and other cover) who usually just chases the smaller puffs off away from her favorite piece of driftwood; I’ve tried partitioning the driftwood, I feed her completely separately, etc., but she would still chase constantly if anyone managed to wander into her space. Today I was watching the tank and was horrified to see her get sort of instigated by the largest of the male peas, and she reacted not by just chasing him off like she usually does, which I already dislike, but he had kept returning to her “territory” that the other peas have all decided to generally avoid (not ideal, but it’s a lot of space and just a small area of “her space” they don’t go in) by grabbing him in her mouth and DRAGGING him up to the surface until he puffed up and she let go. I immediately waited for both of them to settle and then took him out into a small hospital tub, and checked him out; it doesn’t look like she grabbed him hard enough to break flesh, it’s possible she was just pushing him and not biting him, but it was still a little distressing to see because I always knew she was quite a mean little monster, but I had only ever seen her chase for ~1-3 seconds before to get people out of her “territory”.
I’m not sure what to do now that I know she’s this aggressive. I don’t want to remove her because then she’ll be isolated, but she’s also absolutely huge (double the size of any other pea) and seems to just have this personality that doesn’t seem like it’ll be compatible with another shoal :(
Any advice? I’ve tried moving the driftwood she’s territorial over with to a far tank corner, feeding separately, partitioning the tank, adding hides, etc., but I am afraid of the others mindlessly wandering past barriers and having another incident like this. I really don’t want to remove her and return her to the LFS or anything; she’s just so big and so pissed off I don’t know how to control her. I’ve broken up her chasing juveniles by just halting her with tongs in front of her face for the juveniles to get away, but now that I know she’s willing to go farther than chasing, I’m afraid of the other’s safety. Do I wait til everyone grows up and she gets along better once everyone’s her size? Everyone’s eating well and getting bigger by the day, but she still is just a beast compared to the rest. I’ve considered she may be a mimic, but looking at photos I don’t totally think so. I think she’s just a giant, mean girl.
Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by FrostingBeginning446 to PeaPuffers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 Expensive_Lime8886 Seeking Advice: Should I Pursue MS in Computer Science at CSULB?

I recently received an admission offer for the MS in Computer Science program at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). While I'm excited about the opportunity, I'm facing some concerns and uncertainties, particularly given the current job market and the significant investment required for this degree.
A bit about my background: I am currently working as a Software Development Engineer in India. I've been with the company for three years, growing from an intern to SDE 2. Although my job is well-paying, I'm looking for new experiences. Pursuing a master's degree abroad has been a dream of mine, but given the current circumstances, I'm unsure if it's the right time.

Questions About the Program and Academics

  1. Program Quality
    • How would you rate the quality of the MS in Computer Science program at CSULB?
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
  2. Faculty and Resources
    • Can you tell me about the faculty and their expertise?
    • Are there sufficient resources like labs, libraries, and research facilities?
  3. Curriculum and Specializations
    • How flexible is the curriculum? Are there opportunities to specialize in areas of interest?
    • How up-to-date and industry-relevant is the coursework?
  4. Class Size and Interaction
    • What is the average class size for graduate courses?
    • How accessible are professors and how often can you interact with them?

Questions About Career Opportunities and Networking

  1. Internships and Job Placement
    • How supportive is the university in terms of helping students secure internships and jobs?
    • What is the success rate of graduates in finding employment in their field?
  2. Alumni Network
    • How strong and active is the alumni network?
    • Are there opportunities to connect with alumni for mentorship and job opportunities?
  3. Career Services
    • How effective are the career services offered by the university?
    • What kind of support is provided for job search, resume building, and interview preparation?

Questions About Campus Life and Support

  1. Student Life and Community
    • What is the campus culture like?
    • Are there clubs, organizations, or activities for graduate students?
  2. Support Services
    • What kind of support services are available for international students, such as academic advising, mental health support, and career counseling?
  3. Housing and Living Conditions
    • What are the housing options like for graduate students?
    • How affordable is living in Long Beach, and what is the cost of living like?

Questions About Financial Considerations

  1. Tuition and Funding
    • Are there any scholarships, assistantships, or other forms of financial aid available for graduate students?
    • How manageable is the cost of tuition and living expenses with part-time work or internships?
  2. Return on Investment
    • Given the current job market, do you feel the investment in this degree has paid off for you and your peers?
    • How long did it take for you and your peers to repay any student loans?

Questions About Future Prospects

  1. Market Situation and Future Outlook
    • How has the current job market affected recent graduates from the program?
    • What are the prospects for international students in terms of securing jobs and work visas?
  2. Personal and Professional Growth
    • How has the program contributed to your personal and professional growth?
    • Would you recommend this program to someone in my position, and why or why not?

Personalized Context Questions

  1. Transition from India to the USA
    • How was your transition from India to the USA in terms of academics, culture, and lifestyle?
    • What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  2. Balancing Work and Studies
    • Is it feasible to work part-time while studying to help with expenses?
    • How demanding is the program in terms of time and effort?
Any insights, experiences, or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
These are a lot of questions but if someone can spare time to get back with suggestions and answers I would greatly appreciate it.
PS: I had also applied to selective top colleges but couldn't make it in any one of them. UCs, Umass, UIUC, Purdue.
submitted by Expensive_Lime8886 to CSULB [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:02 Sirisian [R] Fully neuromorphic vision and control for autonomous drone flight

Arxiv: (15 Mar 2023) (15 May 2024)
Also they uploaded a number of videos a few hours ago:
Supplementary Video 1 Supplementary Video 2 Supplementary Video 3 Supplementary Video 4
Biological sensing and processing is asynchronous and sparse, leading to low-latency and energy-efficient perception and action. In robotics, neuromorphic hardware for event-based vision and spiking neural networks promises to exhibit similar characteristics. However, robotic implementations have been limited to basic tasks with low-dimensional sensory inputs and motor actions because of the restricted network size in current embedded neuromorphic processors and the difficulties of training spiking neural networks. Here, we present a fully neuromorphic vision-to-control pipeline for controlling a flying drone. Specifically, we trained a spiking neural network that accepts raw event-based camera data and outputs low-level control actions for performing autonomous vision-based flight. The vision part of the network, consisting of five layers and 28,800 neurons, maps incoming raw events to ego-motion estimates and was trained with self-supervised learning on real event data. The control part consists of a single decoding layer and was learned with an evolutionary algorithm in a drone simulator. Robotic experiments show a successful sim-to-real transfer of the fully learned neuromorphic pipeline. The drone could accurately control its ego-motion, allowing for hovering, landing, and maneuvering sideways—even while yawing at the same time. The neuromorphic pipeline runs on board on Intel’s Loihi neuromorphic processor with an execution frequency of 200 hertz, consuming 0.94 watt of idle power and a mere additional 7 to 12 milliwatts when running the network. These results illustrate the potential of neuromorphic sensing and processing for enabling insect-sized intelligent robots.
They have some other cool papers:
Lightweight Event-based Optical Flow Estimation via Iterative Deblurring and Video
submitted by Sirisian to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:58 Im_just_a_petty_gurl Sleep Paralysis experience made me believe in paranormal stuff.

I've experienced sleep paralysis quite a few times but what I experienced one day made me believe in paranormal stuff.
I was 12 when this happened. My family usually have open discussions on paranormal activities and don't try deny it. But I don't know if it was fear but I always denied saying science doesn't prove it.
Although I have experienced ton of hauntings, because the street I used to live on had 10+ suicide cases and 2 murder cases all within 2 years.
But SCIENCE I said.
I have made an habit of covering my face with blanket while sleeping and I can't explain how but my mom always senses it when I'm have sleep paralysis and she moves my body.
Now I wonder if it was my mom everytime.
As usual I woke up one morning, my face covered with blanket but I noticed I couldn't move my body. Sleep paralysis scares the shit out of me even though I've had it multiple times. I was sweating and it was getting extremely hard to breathe because of the blanket situation.
I really thought that was my last day.
A baby sized hand touched my forehead. It was warm. The sunlight from my window was falling on me so I could see the clear shadow of a tiny hand from inside the blanket.
It slowly moved away.
It broke the paralysis thankfully. I was searching everywhere for what it could have been. I thought maybe it was my younger brother but....he wasn't in my room. His hands are bigger than mine.
What really creeps me is that my mom or grandmother doesn't deny anything I tell them. They focus more on the solution to help me avoid stuff like this but never gave me a logical explanation.
My mom have experienced the worst things and I'll make more posts on her experiences and few of mine as well.
I shared particularly this because this was the only time I felt and saw it right infront of me.
submitted by Im_just_a_petty_gurl to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:45 TheYoungerDes Team Comp Analysis Via MTG Color Theory: Lotus

Welp. Sorry for the long time between posts, just been on the grind in ranked myself. But in any case lets cover a map that is becoming a make or break for VCT at the moment, Lotus.
As a general disclaimer, I am not a professional analyst, coach, or player (only recently have I peeked mid to high Silver) and this is just a theory crafting frame work inspired by LS and his methodology with League of Legends. All information is gathered from, going back as far as when the map was first playable in pro-play, and only aggregating results from the highest tiers of pro-play; the Partnered Leagues of VCT. This includes League play and International Events.
Here is a table of games played on Lotus, by event and region, and given a percentage of all maps played
League 2023 (824 maps played) Kick-Off (189) Masters Madrid (45) Split 1 (382)
Americas 37 (4%) 3 (1%) 4 (8%) 17 (4%)
CN 35 (4%) 8 (4%) 1 (2%) 14 (3%)
EMEA 48 (5%) 9 (4%) 5 (11%) 15 (3%)
Pacific 35 (4%) 10 (5%) 6 (13%) 26 (6%)
Total 155 (18%) 30 (15%) 16 (35%) 72 (18%)
Major Features: As the second map to feature 3 sites; Lotus is an attacker sided map, with long cross map rotations, and a defending team needing to spread themselves thin to cover all the sites. With wide open areas on the A and C Sites, Area clearing, and scouting util is valued heavily. Thus it is no wonder that this is the predominant team composition that exists on Lotus
Black Blue Green Red White
Fade 5 4 3
Killjoy 4 3 5
Omen 3 5 4
Raze 4 5
Viper 5 4 3
Total 3 23 11 8 12
At this moment, majority of professional play has settled that this comp is best equip to answer the demands of Lotus. With utilities that can cover large amounts of the map. There is a running theme with this comp, as Raze, Viper, Killjoy all have utils like Showstopper, Paint Shells, Snake Bite, and Nanoswarm that can either be used to slow/deny pushes, deny defuses, and in general litter damage on the heads of those in bad positions on Lotus. Because of the general size of Lotus, and the few close quarters areas of the map being isolated to B, Flashes don't necessarily gets lots of value, nor do they have impact when used on sites like A or C. Omen's From the Shadows assists in his ability to rotate on Defense and Attack, and also to pick up the spike for a cross map plant. Fade to not just gather intel, but also to have a better hit on a site with her Nightfall.
Several teams have attempted to make some changes and variations to this comp, but their results have been few and far between. Such as adding Breach, Neon, Deadlock, Astra, Gekko and Chamber. How ever much I wish there was better news, I don't really see Lotus' Meta changing any time soon. However for our own games, where it is a lot looser; I do have a suggestion of a comp for you five stacks to try out.
Comp Idea 1 - Retool
Black Blue Green Red White
Fade 5 4 3
Gekko 4 5 3
Harbor 4 5
Killjoy 4 3 5
Raze 4 5
Total 4 22 15 5 8
Replacing the Viper with a Harbor, will provide more flexibility, and double up on site execution with Fade's Nightfall and Harbor's Reckoning. Gekko providing a 6th man, with Wingman plants and defuses, and possibly the largest non-ultimate Mollie in Moshpit. This comp is designed to hit and retake, and execute hard on a site.
Now the following composition is truly hair brained, and only those brave enough and coordinated enough to try it should attempt to use it.
Comp idea 2 - Silent but deadly
Black Blue Green Red White
Astra 2 5 4 3
Fade 5 4 3
Omen 3 5 4
Raze 4 5
Yoru 4 3 5 2
Total 5 23 11 10 12
There is no looking back, only hit. With a combo of Omen Paranoia/Fade Nightfall with Astra Cosmic; we will enable a deep Yoru Dimensional Drift invade into a site. We strike decisively, rob them of their hearing, Yoru exits out of Dimensional Drift, gun and flash ready, melt 2 enemies in seconds, take hold of site and push into CT.
Hope these help with your own theory crafting.
submitted by TheYoungerDes to AgentAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:36 nexxgen1 a weapon like a 60-caliber sniper rifle that fires nuclear explosive material

Designing a weapon like a 60-caliber sniper rifle that fires nuclear explosive material presents significant ethical, safety, and practical challenges. However, for the sake of creative exploration, let's imagine a theoretical concept:
Name: Neutron Sniper
Concept: The Neutron Sniper is a highly specialized and experimental weapon designed for extreme long-range engagements and high-value target elimination. Instead of traditional bullets, it utilizes miniaturized nuclear warheads as its ammunition.
  1. Caliber and Design: The Neutron Sniper is built around a large 60-caliber barrel to accommodate the size and power of the nuclear warheads. Its design prioritizes stability, precision, and recoil mitigation to ensure accuracy during firing.
  2. Miniaturized Nuclear Warheads: These warheads are engineered to be compact yet powerful, utilizing advanced fusion or fission technologies. They are equipped with sophisticated targeting systems and detonation mechanisms to ensure precise hits on designated targets.
  3. Guidance System: The Neutron Sniper is equipped with an advanced targeting and guidance system, leveraging cutting-edge AI algorithms, satellite data, and real-time environmental analysis to calculate optimal firing trajectories and target acquisition.
  4. Safety Measures: Due to the inherent risks associated with nuclear materials, the Neutron Sniper incorporates multiple layers of safety protocols and failsafe mechanisms to prevent accidental detonations and unauthorized use. Biometric authentication and encryption protocols ensure that only authorized personnel can access and operate the weapon.
  5. Effects and Impact: Upon impact, the nuclear warhead detonates, releasing a devastating explosion with both thermal and radiation effects. The blast is capable of neutralizing heavily fortified targets, infrastructure, or even enemy concentrations from extreme distances, making it a formidable tool in asymmetrical warfare scenarios.
Ethical and Legal Considerations: The development and deployment of such a weapon raise profound ethical and legal dilemmas, including concerns about collateral damage, civilian casualties, environmental contamination, and the potential for escalation of conflicts to catastrophic levels. International treaties and conventions would likely prohibit the use of such weapons, emphasizing the importance of diplomatic efforts and arms control agreements to prevent their proliferation.
Conclusion: While the concept of a Neutron Sniper remains firmly in the realm of science fiction, it underscores the complexities and moral responsibilities associated with technological innovation, particularly in the realm of military weaponry. As we explore new frontiers in science and engineering, it is essential to prioritize ethical considerations and ensure that our innovations contribute to the betterment of humanity rather than its destruction.
submitted by nexxgen1 to weaponsystems [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:33 Minute-Savings604 The only fun and goofy subjects in school.

In my experience. In Primary,
Kajian Tempatan (Research of Places): I think it was pretty cool subject. History and Geography combined . Learned about alot of bite size random information about Malaysia, history , geography and plants. My teacher would occasionally lose his marbles and tell us that the Israelis are making Titanium sword to fight alongside Jesus. Overall 7/10
Sivik (Civic) : Basically Pendidikan Moral from wish . com. Easy marks occasionally teacher wouldn't even teach and talk about their life story. Teacher showed us Rambo movie for moral purposes. Occasionally play Big Two with the boys at the back of the class . Overall 8/10
Pendidikan Jasmani (Physical Education):
C'mon la weh. Literally best subject. Just screw around play sports. Although pretty wack when we have to do theory instead when it's raining outside. I remember in year 4 . The last chapter of the PJK Book was talking about drugs . That was cool 😀. Overall 9/10
Kemahiran Hidup (Live skills)
Bro it's cool asf. Can do masak masak, can do woodwork. Walao can jaga ikan in an aquarium. I remember one time one dude brought in a Siamese fighting fish and the other brought in a gold fish. Let's just say.. the end wasn't pretty. Oh yeh and one of my friends shotgun 3 cans of condense milk during cooking class. Bro was tweaking hard for the next 2 days . Overall 7/10
Computer class.
Didn't last long in my school. It was a cool evening in 2007. I played Mario with the boys on the good ol fat monitor computers . Good times. (100/10)
Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language):
Eh. Not good in terms of learning since it's actual learning you gotta do (how annoying). But one time the teacher scolded one dude for two periods straight which is 1 hour 15 minutes worth of my time. Bloody ridiculous . Overall 5/10
What we're your best subjects in your opinion
submitted by Minute-Savings604 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:26 Sweet-Count2557 The 18 Best Fast Food Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States (2023)

The 18 Best Fast Food Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States (2023)
The 18 Best Fast Food Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States (2023)
Discover the top 18 fast food restaurants in New York City, NY. Indulge in delicious and quick meals at these popular spots, offering a variety of cuisines to satisfy your cravings.
Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company
Welcome to Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company, your go-to destination for mouthwatering bagels and delicious coffee. With over 15 years of experience, we have been proudly serving the communities of Manhattan and Astoria. Our kettle-boiled and hand-rolled bagels offer a delightful crunch that leads you to the chewy center, making every bite a memorable experience. Whether you prefer our bagels with cream cheese spreads, smoked fish, or egg breakfast, we have something to satisfy every craving. And don't forget to pair your meal with a cup of our own single-origin Colombia coffee, brewed to perfection. Join our community and embark on a delectable journey with us!
Kiss My Slice
After more than twenty-five (25+) years in the food service business, Kiss My Slice was opened in 2013 by a husband and wife team. The idea was to bring things back to the beginning - where it all started - PIZZA! Good quality at a fair price, great service, tasty, hot and delicious! Come in and grab a quick slice, or sit down with some friends and enjoy the best fresh handmade pizza in Manhattan from Kiss My Slice.
Stone Bridge Pizza & Salad
At Stone Bridge Pizza & Salad, we pride ourselves on offering farm-to-table artisanal pizzas and salads made with the finest ingredients. Our commitment to using locally grown produce from our very own Stone Bridge Farm in upstate NY ensures that our dishes are not only delicious but also sustainable. We employ the latest sustainable farming techniques, which are not only good for the environment but also good for you. Our menu allows our guests to customize their individual size 10-inch thin crust pizzas, choosing from a wide variety of fresh ingredients. Alternatively, they can opt for one of our signature house pies. In addition to our pizzas, we also offer a selection of fine-dining quality salads, made fresh daily and available from our convenient grab-and-go display. To complement our food, we have a range of hand-crafted fountain sodas from Boylan, as well as all-natural sweet teas and juices.
Pret A Manger
Founded in London in 1986, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant serving organic coffee, hot breakfast, sandwiches, salads and wraps made throughout the day using carefully sourced ingredients. Every night, Pret donates their unsold food to food rescue organizations to feed those in need. Pret currently has over 500 shops in nine countries with over 90 locations in New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Pret A Manger is known for its commitment to providing fresh and healthy food options. With a focus on organic coffee and carefully sourced ingredients, customers can enjoy a guilt-free meal at any time of the day. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying sandwich, or a refreshing salad, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. One of the unique aspects of Pret A Manger is their dedication to reducing food waste. By donating their unsold food to food rescue organizations, they are able to help feed those in need and make a positive impact on the community. This commitment to sustainability sets Pret A Manger apart from other restaurants and makes them a popular choice for conscious consumers. With over 500 shops in nine countries, Pret A Manger has become a global phenomenon. Their expansion into major cities like New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey, and Philadelphia has allowed more people to experience their delicious and nutritious offerings. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you can easily find a Pret A Manger location nearby to satisfy your cravings. In conclusion, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant that offers a wide range of fresh and healthy food options. With their commitment to using carefully sourced ingredients and reducing food waste, they have become a popular choice for conscious consumers. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a light dinner, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. With over 90 locations in major cities across the United States, it's easy to find a Pret A Manger shop nearby and enjoy their delicious offerings.
Pret A Manger
Founded in London in 1986, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant serving organic coffee, hot breakfast, sandwiches, salads and wraps made throughout the day using carefully sourced ingredients. Every night, Pret donates their unsold food to food rescue organizations to feed those in need. Pret currently has over 500 shops in nine countries with over 90 locations in New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Pret A Manger is known for its commitment to providing fresh and healthy food options. With a focus on organic coffee and carefully sourced ingredients, customers can enjoy a guilt-free meal at any time of the day. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying sandwich, or a refreshing salad, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. One of the unique aspects of Pret A Manger is their dedication to reducing food waste. By donating their unsold food to food rescue organizations, they are able to help feed those in need and make a positive impact on the community. This commitment to sustainability sets Pret A Manger apart from other restaurants and makes them a popular choice for conscious consumers. With over 500 shops in nine countries, Pret A Manger has become a global phenomenon. Their expansion into major cities like New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey, and Philadelphia has allowed more people to experience their delicious and nutritious offerings. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you can easily find a Pret A Manger location nearby to satisfy your cravings. In conclusion, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant that offers a wide range of fresh and healthy food options. With their commitment to using carefully sourced ingredients and reducing food waste, they have become a popular choice for conscious consumers. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a light dinner, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. With over 90 locations in major cities across the United States, it's easy to find a Pret A Manger shop nearby and enjoy their delicious offerings.
Pret A Manger
Founded in London in 1986, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant serving organic coffee, hot breakfast, sandwiches, salads and wraps made throughout the day using carefully sourced ingredients. Every night, Pret donates their unsold food to food rescue organizations to feed those in need. Pret currently has over 500 shops in nine countries with over 90 locations in New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Pret A Manger is known for its commitment to providing fresh and healthy food options. With a focus on organic coffee and carefully sourced ingredients, customers can enjoy a guilt-free meal at any time of the day. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying sandwich, or a refreshing salad, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. One of the unique aspects of Pret A Manger is their dedication to reducing food waste. By donating their unsold food to food rescue organizations, they are able to help feed those in need and make a positive impact on the community. This commitment to sustainability sets Pret A Manger apart from other restaurants and makes them a popular choice for conscious consumers. With over 500 shops in nine countries, Pret A Manger has become a global phenomenon. Their expansion into major cities like New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey, and Philadelphia has allowed more people to experience their delicious and nutritious offerings. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you can easily find a Pret A Manger location nearby to satisfy your cravings. In conclusion, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant that offers a wide range of fresh and healthy food options. With their commitment to using carefully sourced ingredients and reducing food waste, they have become a popular choice for conscious consumers. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a light dinner, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. With over 90 locations in major cities across the United States, it's easy to find a Pret A Manger shop nearby and enjoy their delicious offerings.
Pret A Manger
Founded in London in 1986, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant serving organic coffee, hot breakfast, sandwiches, salads and wraps made throughout the day using carefully sourced ingredients. Every night, Pret donates their unsold food to food rescue organizations to feed those in need. Pret currently has over 500 shops in nine countries with over 90 locations in New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Pret A Manger is known for its commitment to providing fresh and healthy food options. With a focus on organic coffee and carefully sourced ingredients, customers can enjoy a guilt-free meal at any time of the day. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying sandwich, or a refreshing salad, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. One of the unique aspects of Pret A Manger is their dedication to reducing food waste. By donating their unsold food to food rescue organizations, they are able to help feed those in need and make a positive impact on the community. This commitment to sustainability sets Pret A Manger apart from other restaurants and makes them a popular choice for conscious consumers. With over 500 shops in nine countries, Pret A Manger has become a global phenomenon. Their expansion into major cities like New York, DC, Chicago, Boston, New Jersey, and Philadelphia has allowed more people to experience their delicious and nutritious offerings. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you can easily find a Pret A Manger location nearby to satisfy your cravings. In conclusion, Pret A Manger is a fast casual restaurant that offers a wide range of fresh and healthy food options. With their commitment to using carefully sourced ingredients and reducing food waste, they have become a popular choice for conscious consumers. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a light dinner, Pret A Manger has something for everyone. With over 90 locations in major cities across the United States, it's easy to find a Pret A Manger shop nearby and enjoy their delicious offerings.
Bleecker Street Pizza
Bleecker Street Pizza: Home of the famous and award-winning Nona Maria Pie, Bleecker Street Pizza serves consistently delicious pizza with the best dough, sauce, and ingredients in Old West Village! Feel free to create your ideal pizza and add as many toppings as you'd like. Or try our customer favorite specialty pizza from an old family recipe, Nona Maria Pie. This amazing thin crust pizza is loaded with fresh mozzarella, homemade marinara sauce, the finest parmesan, and fresh basil. With generous portions and unbeatable flavors, we always have fresh and delicious entrees including gluten-free pizzas, calzones, salads, pasta, and more! Bleecker Street Pizza offers beer and wine, and all items are made to order. We are dedicated to providing our customers with speedy service and high-quality ingredients. With affordable prices and excellent service, Bleecker Street Pizza has the best pizza that will keep you coming back for more. Come get your slice today! Established in 2004, Bleecker Street Pizza has been serving New York since then. Our mission is to provide delicious pizza in a friendly and inviting environment. With over 10 years of success, we look forward to adding you to our long history of happy customers.
Little Italy Pizza
Little Italy Pizza is a renowned restaurant in NYC that offers a wide variety of gourmet and fusion pizzas. With a rich history and classic recipes from Sicily, our pizzas have been enjoyed by generations. What sets us apart is our commitment to using only the finest and freshest quality ingredients. For nearly 50 years, people from all over the world have fallen in love with our delicious pizzas.
Joe's Pizza
Joe's Pizza: The Best Slice of Pizza in New York As a travel blogger, I have had the pleasure of exploring various restaurants around the world. However, one establishment that truly stands out is Joe's Pizza. This iconic eatery has been named the "Best Slice of Pizza in New York" by New York Magazine, and it's not hard to see why. Joe's Pizza has gained a reputation for its mouthwatering pizzas that have captured the hearts of celebrities, tourists, and locals alike. With its prime location in the heart of New York City, it has become a beloved institution for pizza lovers. Whether you're a fan of classic cheese pizza or prefer adventurous toppings, Joe's Pizza has something for everyone. The quality of their ingredients and the skillful craftsmanship that goes into each pie is evident with every bite. If you find yourself in the Big Apple, a visit to Joe's Pizza is an absolute must. Experience the taste that has made it a legend in the city's culinary scene and join the ranks of those who have fallen in love with this New York institution.
NY Pizza Suprema
NY Pizza Suprema: Serving the Best NY Style Pizza for 56 YearsWelcome to NY Pizza Suprema, an award-winning pizza place located just across from Penn Station and MSG. For over five decades, we have been dedicated to serving only authentic NY style pizza, making us a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Our commitment to quality has earned us recognition from renowned publications such as The Rachel Ray show, Time Out New York, Good Day New York, The Wall Street Journal, and various other NY newspapers and periodicals. In fact, we consistently make it to the "Best Pizza in NYC" lists.Our reputation for excellence extends beyond the city limits. Sliceharvester, after sampling close to 400 pizzas in Manhattan, rated us as the number one pizza place. Additionally, we are honored to have an exhibit at The Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, celebrating the "History of Pizza in America." Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone has also declared us his favorite pizza in America.At NY Pizza Suprema, pizza is not just another item on our menu – it's our specialty. We take pride in using only the finest ingredients sourced directly from Italy. Our five different red sauces, 30-month aged parmigiano-reggiano, 16-month aged pecorino romano, and extra virgin olive oil all contribute to the authentic flavors that make our pizza truly exceptional.Join us at NY Pizza Suprema and experience the taste of true NY style pizza. Whether you're a local or a tourist, our renowned pizza will leave you craving for more. Don't miss out on the opportunity to savor the 8th best slice of pizza in the world, as rated by Big 7 Travel.
Prince Street Pizza
Prince Street Pizza: A Slice of PerfectionWelcome to Prince Street Pizza, where our family recipe brings a unique twist to the world of pizza. Our philosophy is simple: "if you can put it on pasta, then you can put it on pizza." With a wide range of options to choose from, we guarantee there's something for everyone. Whether you're a fan of the classic cheese, the Soho Square, the Spicy Spring, or even our vegan option, your taste buds are in for a treat. Our Sicilian recipes have been passed down through generations, ensuring an authentic and delicious experience. Handcrafted daily from scratch, our sauces perfectly complement our crisp and fluffy dough. We take pride in delivering consistency and the perfect bite in every pie we serve. So why wait? Come on in and have a slice at Prince Street Pizza!
Pokeworks is a fast casual poke restaurant that offers a build-your-own style poke menu that lets you customize your meal with fresh and healthy ingredients. At Pokeworks, you can create your own poke bowl, poke burrito, or poke salad with our wide variety of proteins, sauces, and toppings to choose from. We also have a selection of Signature Works poke bowls that feature ahi tuna, salmon, shrimp, scallops, free-range chicken breast, and tofu. This is Poke Your Way.
99 Cent Fresh Pizza
Discover the Best Quick Bites at 99 Cent Fresh Pizza As a travel blogger, I am always on the lookout for hidden gems in the culinary world. One such gem that I recently stumbled upon is 99 Cent Fresh Pizza. This restaurant offers a delightful selection of Italian American Pizza that is sure to satisfy your cravings. What sets them apart is their commitment to delivering fresh and hot pizzas right to your doorstep at incredibly low expenses. At 99 Cent Fresh Pizza, you can expect a variety of appetizing meals that are prepared and served in record time. Whether you're in a hurry or simply looking for a quick bite, this restaurant has got you covered. From classic cheese pizzas to mouthwatering toppings, their menu caters to all taste buds. The best part? You don't have to break the bank to enjoy a delicious meal here. If you're a pizza lover like me, you'll be thrilled to know that 99 Cent Fresh Pizza is a must-visit destination. Their dedication to quality, affordability, and speedy service makes them a standout choice for any food enthusiast. So, the next time you find yourself in need of a satisfying meal, remember to give 99 Cent Fresh Pizza a try. You won't be disappointed!
East Village Pizza
Since 1997, EAST VILLAGE PIZZA has been serving the best Italian pizza, rolls, calzone, and garlic knots in East Village. We pride ourselves on using the highest quality ingredients in New York City to create a delicious New York-style pizza that will satisfy your cravings.
Famous Amadeus Pizza
Welcome to Famous Amadeus Pizza, the go-to destination for delicious handcrafted pizza in NYC. Our skilled team has been tossing and firing up mouthwatering pizzas daily for over 20 years. When you step into our shop, you'll immediately notice the expert pizza maker who has been perfecting his dough-tossing skills for a long time. As a local family-owned and operated pizzeria, we take pride in using only the finest ingredients. Our pizzas are made with love, using a combination of locally sourced and Italian imported ingredients. So, whether you're craving a classic Margherita or a unique specialty pizza, we've got you covered. Come on in and grab a slice - we're confident that you'll taste the difference!
Beatnic Vegan Restaurant - Rock Center
Beatnic Vegan Restaurant - Rock Center We're vegan, but you don't have to be! 100% Delicious. 100% Vegan. To find our truth, we went back to our roots: NYC's Greenwich Village and its OG free-spirited, you-be-you culture. At Beatnic, we strive to unite people and taste buds around amazing vegan food that makes you want to sing, dance, and order seconds. We can't wait to see you in store trying, and enjoying, our delicious food.
You asked. We listened. Welcome to Ess-a-Bagel's newest location. Come visit us at 108 West 32nd Street. Down the block from Penn Station and Madison Square Garden. We look forward to seeing you there.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 metapede 9yo with ADHD is exhausting

Our daughter routinely takes 3 hours to get through her minimal homework (typically 10-15 math problems and 15 spelling words). The problem is constant derailment. First she will be “too hungry” to get started, and we’ll battle about that for a while until I cave and make her some dinner. Then maybe slog through 3-4 math problems, burning a whole hour as she groans and gets distracted by everything. I have to break it all into bite size bits and turn each thing into a game or come up with a series of rewards. The work is easy for her, which somehow makes it worse, because she is bored by it.
We’re waiting on a referral to discuss medication, but hooo it’s hard.
Really just venting here. Thanks.
submitted by metapede to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 SnooPeanuts4336 WEEKLY EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF 15MAY-22MAY (OMG, WE HAVE A TREAT!!!)

Manhattan Project B Reactor Tours The B Reactor National Historic Landmark, Richland Daily, 8:30a-12:30p Free
My Rad Art Lab After School Program Art Your Way, Pasco 4p $29/class, $99/mo (4 classes)
Columbia Basin College Annual Juried Student Art Show CBC, Pasco Thru June 6 7:30a-5p
SageFen Maker Fest II Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center, Pasco May 17-19 10-4p
The Sound of Music Vibe Music and Performing Arts Center May 17-18 Times vary
Auditions for Equivocation By Bill Cain The Richland Players, Richland May 19-20 6-9p
Poker Richland Community Center May 16-17 1p

Wednesday May 15

Whimsy Apothecary Candle Class Goose Ridge Estates, Richland 5:30-7:30p $65/non-mem
Fresh Pasta Class Layered Cake Artistry, Kennewick 5-7p $85
Cooking Classes - Summer Grilling Series-Grilled Mahi Mahi w/Peach Mango, Cilantro Lime Jasmine Rice, and Grilled Asparagus Red Mountain Kitchen, Kitchen 6-8:30p $Unk
Puzzle club Andventures Underground, Richland 11a
Games and Comedy
Bingo at Summer's Hub, Kennewick 5-7p
Game Night Live at Two Bits and a Bite, Richland 7-9p
Open Mic Night Tumbleweeds West, West Richland 5-8p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 1:30-5:30p $8-46
Isolation Big Band with Carmichael Middle School Jazz Band The Emerald of Siam, Richland 6p
Jazz Jams at The Emerald The Emerald of Siam, Richland 6p-8p

Thursday May 16

Beginning Brush Lettering Workshop Philocaly Lingerie Boutique, Kennewick 7-9p $Unk
Paint your own Planter! Chills Froyo and Custard, Kennewick 6-8p
Back-To-School Immunization Clinic by BFHD Kennewick Health District Mothership 2-6p
Hat Burning Workshop + Fundraiser for Alzheimer's Research Chandler Reach Estate, Benton City $85pp
Albariño Master Class Barnard Griffin, Richland 6:30-8:30p $35 non-mem
They Want Our Rhythm, but Not Our Blues: African American Innovation through Pop Culture Lecture Museum at Keewaydin 7p-8p Free
LIGO Science & Art Showcase LIGO Hanford Observatory, Richland 5-8p Free
Thursday Afternoon Book Club Richland Public Library 1:30-2:30p
Grandma Niesie's Storytime Adventures Underground, Richland 11a-12p
Games and Comedy
Geeks Who Drink The Emerald of Siam 7p
Tri-Trivia Night Summers Hub, Kennewick 6p
Solar Spirits Trivia and Taco Truck Solar Spirits Distillery & Tasting Room, Richland 6-8p
Game Night Live Round Table Pizza, Kennewick 5-7p
Mah-Jongg Richland Community Center 1-3:30p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30-10p $8-46

Friday May 17

Intro Into Gelli Printing Bristle Art Gallery, Kennewick 1p $45
Events and Games
CBC Health Sciences Information Sessions Health Sciences Center, Richland 8a-2p
3rd Friday Dance Richland Community Center 1-3:45p $10pp
Solar Spirits Trivia and Taco Truck Solar Spirits Distillery & Tasting Room 6-8p
Trivia! with Heat Entertainment Tumbleweeds West, West Richland 7-10p
Third Fridays Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village, Kennewick 4-8p Free
Card Show Night Edition at Summer's HUB of Kennewick Summers Hub, Kennewick 4-9p Free
Vinyasa Flow With Susie Red Jasper Studops 4:30-5:30p $20
Twist Clothing Company 15th Anniversary Fashion Show and Fundraiser Twist Clothing Co, Kennewick 5-8p $20
Wine and Mushroom Tasting with Chesed Farms Barnard Griffin Winery, Richland 6:30p $75non-mem
Book Club Richland Community Center 1-3p
Potluck Dinner Richland Community Center 4:30-6p
Music and Comedy
Gabriel Knutzen Goose Ridge Winery 5-7p
Jack Rothwell Tumbleweeds West, Richland 7-10p
Key Lewis Comedy Show Jokers Comedy Club, Richland 7:30-9p $12
Fallout The Branding Iron, Kennewick 9p-1:30a $5
Baduku and Bahuru Columbia Gardens Night Market, Kennewick 5-7p
Lost Ox Emerald of Siam, Richland 9p $10 cover
Stephanie Steele Pop/Jazz Trio Emerald of Siam, Richland 5-8p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30-10p $8-46
Outdoor Fitness Class- ALL AGES WELCOME Southridge Sports & Events Complex, Kennewick 9:45-10-45a $7pp

Saturday May 18

Petting Zoo/Hobby Farm Jostens Petting Zoo 10a $8
Puppies & Posies by Pronto Puppy Rescue Mac's Garden Center, Pasco 12-4p
Pasco Farmers Market Downtown Pasco, Lewis St 9-1p
Spring Market Vino Yasa Hedges Estate, Benton City 10a-12p
25th Anniversary Barrel Room Dinner Goose Ridge Estates, Richland 6-9p $200/nonmem
Farmer's Market Tour and Cooking Demo Ciao Trattoria, Pasco 9:45a-12:30p
FCSC/4-H Joint AM -PM Schooling Show Franklin County Saddle Club, Pasco Starts at 8a
Connie Hampton Connally, Conversation and Book Signing Barnes & Noble, Kennewick 12p
2024 Gentleman's Ride Richland 4-5p
Pokemon May League Challenge Casters, Richland 11a registration
Metaphysical Market Uptown Shopping Center, Richland 10a-4p
Paint your Partner Night Honeycomb Studio, Kennewick 6-8p $50pair
Paint your Pet Art YOUR Way, Pasco 6-8p $70
Paint & Craft night Anything Grows, Richland 5:30-8:30p
Special Topics In Pelvic Health - Gender Affirming Care, Hypermobility, and Nocturia Therapy Solutions, Richland 9a-4p
Mosaic Dragonfly Workshop Allied Arts Association: Gallery at the Park 1-3:30p $80pp
Dysfunctional Society / Pazzi Pazzi The Emerald of Siam, Richland 9p
Guitar Gathering Blackthorne Neighbourhood Pub, Kennewick 1-3p
Mia Lenay Summers Hub, Kennewick 5:30-7:30p
Karaoke Night Wine Social, Richland 8-11p
Mid-Columbia Symphony Concert "Young Artists & Joyful Voices", Mid-Columbia Mastersingers KHS AUditorium, Kennewick 7:30-9:30p $15-70
Key Lewis Comedy Show Jokers Comedy Club, Richland 7:30-9p $12
Jeff Davis at The Underground Taphouse The Underground Taphouse, Pasco 8-10p
Fallout The Branding Iron, Kennewick 9p-1:30a $5
Live Music with Keith Scott Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company, Richland 7-10p
Elaine Eagle The Emerald of Siam, Richland 5-8p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30-10p $8-46
Midget Mayhem Wrestling & Brawling LIVE Pasco Eagles 5-7p and 8-10p $Unk, but can you really put a price on a show as this?
2nd Annual St. Joseph's Legacy Golf Tournament Canyon Lakes Golf Course, Kennewick 11a check-in, 1p gun start $160/pp $600 team/4
Plyometrics, Agility, & Speed Training- ALL ATHLETES WELCOME Southridge Sports & Events Complex, Kennewick 10:45-11:45a $7p
UKI Gamble fun match Fetch Sam, Pasco 1p
Lifted Ecstatic Dance - Flower Child Edition with Jennifer Lifted Lotus Yoga 2-3:30p $5 donation
PFLAGS Walk and Roll 3k Chiawana Park, Pasco 10a-1p
Better Together Spring 2024 5K Celebration Howard Amon Park, RIchland 8a

Sunday 19

Spring Fling Charcuterie Workshop Elk Haven Winery, Pasco 1-3p $Unk
Nutrition 101 Class Natural Grocers, Kennewick Sundays, 1p FREE
Chef's Wine Pairing Dinner Monterosso's Italian Restauraunt, Richland 5:30p $86pp
Goat Yoga with Bumper and Bliss The Studio Bespoke, Richland 1p $30pp
Yu-Gi-Oh! Casual Play Caterpillar Cafe, Richland 12-4p
Adopt a Pet Day! Summer's Hub, Kennewick 11a-3p
Spring Blooms Floral Workshop Muret-Gaston Wine Bar, Kennewick 3-6p $65
Tumbleweed Pet Vaccine and Microchip Event Horse Heaven Hills Pet Urgent Care, Kennewick 8a-2p
Canvas Blowout Sale! Crepe Haus + El Compadre Restaurant, Kennewick 1-5p
Pokemon Pre-Release Twilight Masquerade Adventures Underground, Richland 11:30a-2:30p $35pp
Tri-City Dust Devils vs. Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30p-10p $8-$45
JJ Ofrancia Howard Amon Park, Richland 1-4p
Dustin Stecker celebration show with The Van Dels and Ghost Motor, and Mad Ruby Ray's Golden Lion, Richland 5p $10pp

Monday 20

LGBTQIA+ Craft Social Richland Public Library 6:30-8:30p Free
Moving Mondays with Jo Miller Summer's Hub, Kennewick 5:30p7:30p
Beers & Bikes Night Summers Hub 5-8p
Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night Moonshot Brewing, Kennewick 6:30-9p
Open Mic Night The Emerald of Siam, Richland 7p-12a Free

Tuesday 21

Beers and Bike N' Bikes Summers Hub Tuesdays 5-8p
Bingo Night at Wine Social 6:30-8:30p
Trivia Night Parkade Bar & Grill 7-10p
Game Night Live Trivia Iconic Brewing, Richland 6-8p
Music-Live Solo Guitar Music! Peter Janson Emerald of Siam, Richland 6-8p and
submitted by SnooPeanuts4336 to TriCitiesWA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:15 Infamous-AmberJ Stormy: A true love story

Stormy: A true love story
This is my baby grl stormy, named for her ability to go so fast she comes up as a blur plus she loves it instantly. This beautiful loving intelligent 6 month old tiny ball of fur who instantly was glued to me. And I walked around with her in my hand all day until she was about 6 months. Then it became more of wanting to be up as high as me. And would walk along the counters or tables to be more level with me and just has the happiest sounds.
She's a mix of Maine Coone and Meer. So she's incredible strong Yet very shy, she never uses claws, instead she will push herself away. I was incredibly shocked at how much power she has. Most female cats are twice her size at her age. Normally, once a cat goes into heat. It doesn't want much to do with humans except here and there. She is the exact opposite, she even meets me at the door every single time I walk in.
I could write out an entire book about her, because I've spent so much time with her. Our bond Is incredible. I swear she reads my mind. And weird things happen now and Again we're I believe she understands completely what is going on. And if I'm sad and comes running to me immediately, jumps on me or In my arms (which she practiced doing it and clawing me a few times but it was worth It) and then vibrates at different frequencies, depending on if I'm sad or if I'm having a panic attack. Also, I ALWAYS know where she is. Somehow, I just know.
The number one most prolific act of this pure love between her and I, is that two weeks before I wished for her, right down to having huge paws, not into scratching or biting (except love bites). Not once has she ever drawn blood on me. The one thing I can't understand though is that she never became even a tad okay with having ANYTHING put on her. So I have to lock her in the bathroom, and eventually she will let me pick her up and she will stay real still while I put Real coconut paste down near her tail. Since she started to scratch badly In that one spot. Then she stopped.
And started again. But this time I have to figure out another way to help her because if she even smells it she runs to one of her spaces where I can't get into.
If anyone has any suggestions, lmk. I have thought about wrapping her up but that defeats the purpose, I need to get to her fur.
submitted by Infamous-AmberJ to ChaOs_Ensued [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:05 New_Ad7225 Unlocking Clarity: How Explainer Videos Streamline Complex Ideas with Animation

In the realm of digital communication, explainer videos wield a unique power: simplifying complex concepts through animation.
  1. Engaging Narratives: Explainer videos captivate audiences with engaging narratives, using animation to bring complex ideas to life in a visually appealing format.
  2. Enhanced Understanding: By breaking down intricate concepts into bite-sized, easy-to-understand visuals, explainer videos foster enhanced comprehension among viewers.
  3. Versatile Applications: Whether it's explaining a product or service, teaching a concept, or conveying a message, explainer videos offer versatile applications across various industries and purposes.
  4. Increased Engagement: With attention spans dwindling in today's fast-paced digital landscape, explainer videos stand out as an effective tool for capturing and retaining audience attention.
  5. Boosted Conversion Rates: Studies have shown that websites with explainer videos experience higher conversion rates, as they effectively communicate value propositions and key messages.
  6. Shareability: Compelling and concise, explainer videos are highly shareable across social media platforms, extending their reach and amplifying brand visibility.
Read full article:
In summary, explainer videos serve as a powerful tool for simplifying complex concepts through animation, offering engaging narratives, enhanced understanding, and increased engagement across various digital platforms.
submitted by New_Ad7225 to u/New_Ad7225 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:04 Umitsbooboo How I changed my life with Neville's teaching since 2018 (large money, freedom, travel, love)

Successor : u/Intel81994
I first found this subreddit and Neville's works in 2018 so I thought I'd share my success/experiences.
I've never posted here, only lurked... daily. I often see people post tiny wins in here like manifesting a test result or a few hundred dollars. I don't see many huge wins except occasionally, or multi-year life changing creations.
Well, I'm not where I want to be bc my goals have gotten a lot bigger, but I've come a long way and finding this work in 2018 changed my life so I want to share with you how.
Not to discourage, but small wins are nothing compared to the deep life changes and incredible abundance you can create in knowing who you really are - just think - there are people out there, several, who own $10M+ houses, multi-millionaires, many came from nothing.
I'm not saying that's the only thing worth striving for or even the source of joy, of course. But my point is anything you want, someone else out there has done it, they are just humans like myself and you.
So here's how my life turned around since 2018 and what I created. The HOW I did so is no different than what you already read on this sub every day.
Neville has been my favorite teacher and this is the MAIN sub I have read over the last few years. I own all of his books and have read them several times.
I regard his methods as most influential for me. This may come off as some motivational story but truth is I use Neville's methods daily and always try to understand and control my beliefs to grow.
Here is how my life changed completely after DOING the work:
  • MONEY/TRAVEL : I went from -50k in debt running my own online fitness coaching business at my lowest point not knowing how I would pay rent (long story but I was young and not skilled enough in business at this time to really build a team and 7 figure business like I wanted),
to acquiring amazing skills being an intrapreneur working in a small startup online with a terrific mentor (I manifested this exact position with SATS), traveled the world a crazy amount in the exact places I had wanted to and met a ton of cool people (SATS), over 27 countries now, and grew my net worth to over 250k from 2018-2021.
To my current goals, this is really nothing now and I now surround myself with people doing a ton more than me. So I'm not preaching here, it's just levels to the game right.
I now work professionally in the crypto industry, but also have skills and knowledge to a few types of online businesses in the consulting & marketing space, as well as make money from markets/trading, which is a great vehicle because there are effectively no limits.
I can live anywhere I want, have plenty of cushion and money to live mostly how I want (have larger goals now), have time freedom as well, and most of all, love growth and feel great striving for more. I did SATS to get my current gig.
I've also been trading the last 2 years and no it's not easy, in fact you're competing against algorithms and the best minds in the world so the learning curve is quite steep.
Trading is not easy money, but the potential is there. Besides, trading is just one vehicle, it's not value-additive to the market like businesses are, so I believe it's best used in conjunction with a business/job, and investing longer term is better.
Anyway I turned <40k into ~350K in crypto, and a separate stock portfolio last year.
And yes a lot of that crypto growth was market timing and luck with everything going on, monetary policy and all, and I know people who turned less into several million and also plenty who got liquidated and lost millions. I still spent a lot of time and skill to create that, point is I created all of it in various forms.
  • FITNESS/HEALTH: I achieved a more fit and better body than 98% of men have. This was a result of hard work plus these methods and was in 2018 when I decided to undergo a bodybuilding prep for a photoshoot. Great size, leanness, abs, I had been lifting for years but never gotten this in shape.
It was not easy, but I looked incredible, and the exact city/water background scene I had visualized for the photos happened. You can scroll to my IG posts from early 2018 for pics proof.
My health is impeccable and I've for sure made other physical changes, and I think I somehow changed my gf's looks to become better over time too. She was always quite cute though. I'm still very much in shape but now do yoga daily for last few years, as well as lifting.
  • LOCATION/LIVING: I manifested the EXACT view I used to visualize in the center of my major city, with a gorgeous view of the ocean and city both, for a great price and have lived here for last 3 years now. In a luxury high rise. I can see ships and yachts right outside my balcony every day. It's literally grander than I even knew to imagine just 5 years ago.
  • MORE FINANCE: Over the last 2 years my investments and more were doing so well sometimes - not always - that I often was able to have some months making 20-40k, point is I was not worried about work.
I also believe parallel realities are real and I used to visualize Bitcoin going to 50k back in 2019 when it had stayed below <10k for 2 years. This was not all due to bitcoin, but rather all sorts of investments, but yes crypto as well.
Some was luck, some was skill and work. All was my creation. I also got quite decent at trading and managing a portfolio that I not only managed to publicly call the exact day of the market TOP in november 2021 but also sniped the bottom in July. Intuition plus knowledge.
So I kept this money, it is not bleeding out in my portfolio with the market. I've devoted a LOT into mastering this craft but again, self concept and Neville helped.
I got hacked for 60k-70k a few months back and chose to give it new meaning and manifested a career change to crypto industry, landing a position making over 10k per month (I'm not happy with this at my current standards of income, but I'm grateful), that I am growing to 20k per month of active income now with other streams.
What's interesting in my recent career manifestation is I decided I want a position that basically pays me to do what I already do (I was independently researching and managing a multi-6 figure crypto portfolio... over a quarter million dollars combined money that I was managing. )
I now get paid a full time 6 fig salary to do nothing extra from what I was already doing and barely work on the actual job with plenty of time for other stuff.
I just decided it was done and that's it. Also of course it's remote... knowing what I know, I will only consider remote jobs (never worked in a physical office and I've actually never had a w2 job before this, always doing sales and stuff or my own thing).
I have been working on increasing my standard to 25k per month minimum of active income generation. Had a lot of ideas come through. I’m just not the type to have a job I think but I have to figure out what I can build again.
Compared to who I want to be at a later date that’s also nothing much. Again, levels to the game.
Now also working on growing a business in this space. This hack event was pretty traumatic but I now see how I 100% manifested it. And I can choose to also create something far greater out of the event now.
With every job I've ever had, I've never worked in an office. I've only ever been remote or online because this is the only thing I was willing to accept. Being a digital nomad has been my norm since I graduated college.
Be specific in what you want and do not settle.
I went to a top 5 US public university and even manifested myself to lead a large pre-med club on campus (I was a pre med student) before I knew Neville. I'm now very glad I chose to go my own route instead of medicine for several reasons beyond scope of this post but anyway.
  • SP: Manifested my SP (gf) back in 2018 and we have a great relationship going on 6 years now (together since 2016). I focus more on self love and feeling I AM God rather than seeking it externally. My consciousness and inner connection is my source of sustenance.
  • Honestly there are so many other crazy little things I can't possibly keep track. Every day I have synchronicities like crazy still. I don't give them much meaning but just take it to mean that I am aligned.
My best mental model/tips
  • Delude yourself into knowing that imagination is MORE real than the 3d. The 3d is 'old news.' Meaning it's a shadow world. The real creation is happening in your imagination, and there is a time lag in this physical world.
Live in your imagination and tune out anything that does not serve keeping you in an optimal state where you feel in control. The more you focus on things that are meant to distract you or displease you, which state do you create from?
  • I do SATS during the day, works fine for me, I don't think it matters much if day/night, but you need to do it. Follow a guided hypnosis session to get deeper into trance first if it helps.
  • Act and trust deeply that life is leading you to what you want, and the meaning you give to events is literally what molds your future. Choose empowering meanings. Stop being a victim.
Make a resolve to never think of yourself as a victim of forces out there, the economy, evil people, whatever it is. You want to control your reality then act like it internally.
  • Make a daily routine checklist and stick to it so you internally feel in control of your reality. Mine is: SATS or revision, meditate or breathwork, EFT or writing, cold shower, no phone in the morning, wake at 6am, and of course I exercise daily in some form. I use a spreadsheet to make sure I hit my routines for the day so I don't be a victim but rather stay in control. This is critical for me.
  • As long as you occupy the realms of consciousness that you want, the result WILL come via downloads and hunches and thoughts, and insane physical things will happen that will 'seem like it would have happened anyway' so don't worry about the how.
Random Musings
The thing with manifesting is we sometimes take a passive route and wait for things to happen to us (and sure this is fine and still works), but think- if you don't grow your mental, emotional, skills container to deal with large amounts of money, or a team, or skills to sell and market and manage money... if you suddenly get 500K or 1M, how are you going to hold on to it?
If you lack personal power and execution skills, say you suddenly win 5M from the lottery, do you have the skills to keep it and make decisions at a level that can fluctuate several millions? It's stressful and requires thinking completely differently.
You have to 'stress test' your consciousness and expand your container.
I know that because I got hacked (stolen) ~70k it means nothing because the version of me who makes multi-7 figures a year deals with fluctuations of multi-6 figures in his portfolio all the time, it's part of the game. and I HAVE dealt with 6 figure fluctuations in my portfolio before this hack so it wasn't super new in that sense.
You know time is not real, it's all happening now, Creation is already finished, so you should also know that the way to 'hack' time is making decisions from a place of the future version of yourself you already are.
Make a commitment to stop playing small and settling for crumbs. Why would you get hung up on the one limited way your ego thinks that abundance has to manifest in your life, or love, instead of just feeling the emotions themselves, knowing it's done, and letting your life color it in in grander ways than you could have imagined.
Funny little manifestations and things happen literally every day that I just take it as reflections of me being in my creative power.
Something crazy/funny that happened was on our last trip, I told my girlfriend 'hey, how funny and weird would it be to see a parrot meowing?' - then next day we sit at a cafe and there is a parrot in a cage outside, meowing loudly. The most bizarre manifestation, I didn't even intend for it, just asked hey would it not be funny. Things like this happen so often, I can't keep track.
There is nothing new to learn. Just do the techniques and do self care rituals and get lost in your work. Feel the feeling of utter abundance and freedom now and it will happen.
We live in an advanced economy with the internet, it has never been easier to start or fund a business compared to even 50 years ago (see interest rates), distribution has never been easier, so if you know these tools, why would you not create the biggest dream you can imagine? Why settle for a free $200?
I realize there are levels people go through however so I don't mean to belittle, but now that I have been through so much and grown, I know there is nothing separating myself from multi millions and VC's and creators of large companies except belief, work, and time in this reality.
I have the knowledge, belief, and skills to not need a job if I don't want one. I can instead offer something to the market and be independent.
I'm telling you this stuff works and is sustainable. You can be as specific as you want and get whatever you want, and trust that with the turns life takes you through, it is a BRIDGE meant to turn you into the person to get and sustain what you say you want. Decide it and it is so.
I am someone who is a first generation American immigrant, my parents moved to the US from India when I was 5 and we had very little here. I grew up 'lower' middle class, and didn't have the best money programming from parents, but I always did well in school.
I KNOW I am going to be the first multi millionaire in my family. It's all in how you think about yourself/self concept and the work you do from that mindset. Do actions and shift your environment in accordance with who you want to be.
I always splurge on self care now and do things like fly business class or pay more for a better room because that's who I internally am. Just find a way to produce more and let it flow instead of shrinking yourself to be someone you’re not in your 4D
I don't try to scrimp and penny pinch, I let money flow. Even though getting stolen 70k was traumatic, oh well, I chose to give it a better, empowering meaning and my reality shifted.
That's all I have to say. Do the work. Stop procrastinating with learning. All the teachers, scripture, it's all the same Truth at the core. Learning is fine because you learn different mental models at different points of your life but you need to do the work.
I've been fortunate to not only have explored TONS of teachers and books in this realm, you name it I've probably read it or have a copy, I've also HAD mentors and WORKED directly under multi millionaires older and more experienced than me who know this work very well and knew Neville specifically, and it's the real deal. I did sales for someone in the online coaching space was was very well off and had decades of success and spoke of Neville very often, it was really cool.
Proof of the Law
I don't know what more proof you need that the Law is real. All religions throughout eternity have known this, Neville just distilled the same Truth through his own methods that work really well in my opinion and I personally love his interpretation of scripture.
The most successful people in the world are usually consciously (and some unconsciously) doing these same actions. Just do the work and focus on it coming from a good place of knowing that it's done. You don't need to know HOW but you just need to know the plane is going to somehow land one day.
I just come back to Neville every time, because his methods are simple and philosophies work well for how I think. I've done tons of psychedelic mushrooms over the years which luckily made me very open to this sort of thinking, before that I was very rigid and too '3d scientific' minded in my thinking. Keep in mind there is actually nothing 'unscientific' about the Law... modern science has its own limitations in that we cannot measure many things.
What used to be called magic in years past is now under the realm of science right? I'm not saying I don't value logic and science... I have a science degree from a top 5 university.
I'm just saying your ego mind which wants to keep you stuck and surviving uses the excuse of logic and science when that's actually not the full scope of how reality works, we are incredibly limited in our conscious understanding of reality.... we don't even know what we're doing here on a floating rock in infinite space and we can hardly see much of the light spectrum as it is.
So remember that when your ego tries to believe in your limitations and the 3d reality only. You being here is magic that even the most advanced science does not know the answer to. Do scientists know fundamentally why there is something at all instead of nothing?
Anyway, one more thing is I've never been shy of making relatively bold and fast decisions, investing in a mentor (for business) and just generally betting on myself.
Because getting around people who think bigger than you and don't settle is a hack and it's worth every penny. There is a reason millionaires hang with other millionaires.
I'm not saying to cut people out of your life (unless toxic) but rather to seek proximity and get around winners or pay to join some mastermind in business or whatever you need to do to network in your realm.
Just last week I invested 7.5k for get into a network of high performing young male entrepreneurs just because I want a better network in real life and work on business tactics and execution. When I was 23 I invested 25k that I did not have at the time (I made it happen and earned it back) to get a business mentor. So I use all of this in combo with Neville's methods primarily. I really like revision method as well.
The act of DECISION literally creates a parallel reality and becomes the new bridge to your manifestation.
submitted by Umitsbooboo to LOASuccessStory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:03 OldDaggerFarts Old Dagger Farts - Level 6 Death Gauntlet - Part 1

Old Dagger Farts - Level 6 Death Gauntlet - Part 1
The weekly (mostly) Daggerheart Beta actual play continues. This week we only had 3 Dads (cat dads count too) so we built some Level 6 characters and started to run a Death Gauntlet
The goal of this test is to see if a standard adventuring day with 6 encounters and the opportunity for 3 short rests before a long rest works and is fun.
Sorcerer Trevor AKA Dead Guy Jack, Guardian Geoff AKA Shlaggin, and Bard Brendon AKA Fred Shwahh met a Vampire Aristocrat running a “Medieval Times” dinner and a show fight for their friends.
Here are the additional rules that we are using to Kitbash a full adventuring day:
  • 6 rapid fire Tier 2 encounters at level 6.
  • Players may not long rest until the end.
  • Players may short-rest 3 times.
    • Up to the total per adventuring day in rules.
  • If the players short rest, give the GM 1d4 Fear.
    • 1d4 Hope for is given to each player
The fights scale up in complexity with this pattern using balance rules from the manuscript.
  • 1x - Easy
    • use fewer enemies or a larger number of enemies of a lower tier.
    • Try using a number of Standard adversaries equal to the party size, potentially replacing one with a Bruiser, Skulk, or Support.
  • 2x - Standard
    • Solo adversary
    • number of minions equal to the size of the party plus 2-3 from the Bruiser, Skulk, Standard, and Support types.
  • 2x Challenging
    • Try using minions equal to the size of your party and a Leader or Solo.
    • If not using a Leader or Solo, use the minions plus a number of other adversaries equal to the party size.
  • 1x Climactic
    • Arc-ending battle, use a Leader, minions equal to one and a half times the party size, and a number of other adversaries equal to the party size.
In this video we fought 3 Debt Guards in an Easy fight and 1 Hydra in a Standard fight. Minor spoilers the difficulty felt RIGHT ON for these fights. They wiped the floor of the Debt Guards and the Hydra took a bit out of them.
The biggest reminder we all need is you can move away from big things that are trying to bite you…
submitted by OldDaggerFarts to daggerheart [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:34 Aware-Material507 A Robotic Overmind for a Dungeon 95

First Previous
Peering down into the now exposed cavern, I wondered what was in there and consequently how I would even get down there. Ordering my marauder to back up a bit so that they would not fall though or anything of the sort, I began floating back up to the surface before blipping over to the factory and more specifically the modification station. Flipping through the menu screen, I quickly whipped up a modification to my crabs so that they would have a searchlight sitting on their claw arm so that they would not have such a hard time seeing the mines. Drifting back over to the mining outpost, I began ordering for the on site construction crew to begin constructing the new lights onto a few volunteers. As they began the process of constructing the modifications for my crabs, I began gathering up a few flight capable drones from the factory since I doubt that my hounds and ants would have a very good time climbing down a eighty plus degree slope down to the bottom.
Perhaps I should have a few of the hornets have some of the searchlights as well. Certainly couldn’t hurt to have some extra lights. Thankfully at the factory there was a much more sizable spider drone presence so my hornets were equipped with the searchlights quickly enough and were able to reach the mining outpost just about when my crabs got theirs as well. Ordering my drones to begin venturing down into the mineshaft, I was finally able to properly see down in the mines although I suppose I had not turelly needed to. I wonder if this would help the rest of my drones ability to mine out ores. The lack of light surely hasn’t stopped them so I guess they probably can see better down here that I could. As we ventured through the mineshaft, I took the time to look around and found that the tunnels which had been carved out looked to have many small patches missing, presumably where they had found valuable ores and the like. Before long we reached the opening to the cavern which looked to be somewhat expanded by the marauders sub drone harvesters.
Ordering my newly equipped crabs to use their search lights in order to light up the cavern a little bit, I was able to quickly enough make out the forms of what had to be organic life which was rather surprising. Squinting my eyes, I was able to see the vague forms of large fungus-like shapes covering the entirety of the rather large cavern like a warping forest which seemed to be perfectly fine with growing on every available surface. Looking over to my hornets and vultures who had volunteered to take a look, I ordered them, along with the harvesters from the marauder, to begin flying down and begin looking around the area. Switching my perspective over to one of my hornets equipped with the searchlights, I watched as they began to descend down to the bottom of the cavern and where the dozens and dozens of tree sized mushrooms and fungus sprouted out from the ground and created a canopy of sorts.
As we descended, I was able to see that every available spot on the surface of the floor was absolutely covered in moss and fungus which had taken root in whatever rocky soil which they could find. As we continued to look around the cavern, one of my hornets seemed to have managed to spot some sort of constructs near the far end of the cavern and soon enough the hornet which I was watching through linked up with the rest of my force as they moved towards the buildings. As they approached the structures, I was able to make out the general shape of the buildings which looked to be rather squat with the occasional second floor which I took as a sign that they were either rather small or there was more underground. With the help of the searchlights, I was also able to see that the constructs seemed to be absolutely infested with the fungus and moss along with a large amount of other dark growths which stretched out from the insides of the building.
Huh, maybe this is where all the fungus had come from. Perhaps it’s a research building that’s focused on botany or something. Floating down to ground level with the rest of my drones, I ordered one of my hornets to open the doors leading into the building proper which they promptly did so by firing their spike launcher into the joints of the door which caused it to be blown off its hinges. A bit overkill but hey, I’m not complaining. Sending a couple drones into the breach to make sure that there were not any hostile contacts in the building, I made sure to have the rest of my drones on high alert for any signs of activity as something about this place was making my nerves stand on end. Upon the confirmation of no hostile contacts present, I ordered the rest of my drones to enter the building as well, minus a couple of hornets I decided to leave guarding the entrance while the rest of us began making our way through the maze of corridors.
Entering into the building, I saw that the place looked to be just as abandoned as all the other buildings in the city, however this place seemed to not even be touched by ferals and the like looking for shelter. Sure everything looked to be messed up but I could not see a single trace of activity in the rooms as we moved through the corridors methodically, keeping our spike launchers at the ready at all times. Entering a research room of some sort, I saw a large amount of glass containers which looked to have at one point helped strange plants and funguses although most of which had died long ago whenever this place was abandoned to its fate. I guess this helps confirm that this place was some sort of research building focused on plants and stuff. As we continued to make our way throughout the building, my drones and I found more and more of the black tendrils which covered the ground and were familiar in some way, however I could not place my finger on it.
Eventually after looking through a handful more rooms filled to the brim with plant specimens, my drones and I encountered a stairwell leading both down into the underground and upwards to the second floor. I made note that the downwards stairwell had a larger than usual amount of the black tendrils which snaked out from the stairwell before infesting the rest of the building. Deciding that I did not wish to go down there, I sent about half of my force down while I and the rest of my drones went up the stairs and checked out the second floor where there were noticeably less tendrils. As my hornets clambered up the stairs, noticeably avoiding the black vine like tendrils whenever possible, I noticed that there seemed to be some artificial light coming from above which was strange, I would have assumed that all the power had been disabled for these ruins.
Moving closer to the source of the light, we eventually entered what looked to be a control room with a large amount of screens and control panels, most of which were entirely deactivated and in some cases destroyed outright. All except for one which seemed to be a simple control panel with a large amount of lights associated with various sections of the compound like the power generators and various research rooms. Looking around, I eventually found a key stating which faintly blinking meant what and quickly began transcribing each of the dim lights which were still finding enough power to give off a noticeable glow. First to gain my attention was the power generators which were flashing a red light stating that they were completely down, however looking at the auxiliary power systems, they were glowing a faint yellow which stated that they were still at least partially functioning. Guess that explains where this thing is pulling the power from, the pitance that it is.
Continuing down the line of blinking lights, I see that most if not all of the systems making up the building and a few of the other, much smaller, buildings surrounding this one seemed to be more or less non-functional which should be expected given that this place had been abandoned for at least a couple decades. As I reached a few lights noted as containment units and found that most were deactivated or destroyed, I received a few messages from my drones I had sent downwards stating that they had found something that I should probably have a look at. Slipping out of the hornet I was currently in and transferring over to one of the hornets down stairs before coming face to face with what they had found. Floating around, suspended by some sort of force field was a disgustingly large bulbous black clump of flesh with faint blue marks and bulbs dotting around its body. Why in the seven hells does this place have a rot specimen? Sigh, I guess this explains where all the power which the still functioning generators is being pumped into. At least it hadn’t gotten out of its containment, that would make this ten times wors- … waaait a minute.
Looking down to the ground where the black tendrils snaked across the floor leading to two other containment units which were worryingly not activated and had two, thankfully smaller, iterations of the rot simply laying there, as if hibernating. Shit! Alright maybe if we back up slowly they won’t notice our presence. It was then the two rot clumps and their many tendrils began pulsating before marks and bulbs on their body began to glow a faint blue and some began to move. Alright, change of plans. Everyone RUN! My drones were quick to obey as they powered on their wings and bolted for the stairwell as the tendrils began writhing as if searching for my drones. One even lurched out and grabbed one of my hornets as they attempted to escape the building, dragging the poor drone to the ground and more tendrils moved in to help keep down my struggling troops who fought valiantly which thankfully diverted tendrils which were dangerously close to my other drones to quickly flew up the stairs and out of the building.
A few tendrils attempted to stop our escape however my hornets quickly fired their launchers and pinned those to the walls of the building and my harvester sub drones proved to be rather effective as they cut right through the rot tendrils that got close. Taking to the skies as quickly as they could, I could see that the rest of my drones seemed to have managed to get out unmolested by the rot tendrils which were definitely not as numerous as the ones underground and they were now covering the rest of my drones retreat as they fired their launchers and cut down any tendrils which got close. Linking up with the rest of my drones, my various hornets quickly turned their own spike launchers to bare against the tendrils, managing to land a few shots before I ordered them to fall back as one of the rot tendrils lashed out and nearly swatted another one of my hornets out of the sky which I decided was too close for comfort.
Turning around as we flew back to the mines and the rest of my drones, I watched as the far side of the cavern where the facility was began to pulse blue as the rot emerged from its slumber and began moving through the fungus forest. I have no idea how the rot works but given that they’re fleshy, I suspect that letting them feast off of the mushrooms is probably going to bite me in the ass later. Slipping out of the hornets as the flew back to the outpost, I began scrambling to assemble as many fire beetles as I could from all of my territories as they had been proven to be one of my best anti-rot drones meaning they would be instrumental in fending off those things from escaping the cavern. As it would turn out, I was rather lacking in the fire beetle department as I could only assemble about a dozen of them which means that I would have to wait a bit before I could start deploying them en masse.
Deciding to make the process as quick as possible, I began ordering for the construction of fire beetles from every available small drone works in my territory but it would still take a while for them to all fabricate and be transported over here, especially from places like the warehouse outpost and the newer outposts near the front lines. While I waited, I continued to watch as the rot began infesting the cavern with reckless abandon and from where my crab was standing, I could see as one after another the large fungus trees toppled over to be consumed by the rot. As the fungal forest was being consumed by the now fully awakened rot, I began wondering whether or not they would be able to use their newly acquired food supplies to create more of the damned tendrils or even more rot clusters. At least there’s only two, maybe three, of them down there. Hopefully my fire beetles will be able to burn the forest down before the rot gets a chance to eat all of it.
Speaking of which, my drones, a few of the suicidal drones had arrived from the factory and were already making their way down the mine shaft over to my position. Once they arrived, I gestured to a few of my hornets who quickly picked up the four fire beetles before flying down to the base of the cavern before placing the fire beetles amidst the fungal forest which they promptly began burning down to the ground. Hopefully they would be able to burn down at least half of the mushroom tree before the rot could eat it or to my beetles for that matter. Watching as the cavern began to glow a bright reddish orange, I decided to check up on the rest of my territory as I waited for more of my beetles to finish being fabricated and transported over to the mining outpost. Deciding to check on my forces in Ping’s territory first, I drifted over to the outpost that my forces had helped Ping take back which was now returning to what I was guessing was its full capacity.
Checking up on my drones which I had managed to rescue from enemy territory, I found that most had been repaired back to functionality and were now going about their duties which mostly revolved around helping out Pings drones with the various patrols or, if my spiders deemed them unfit, working to assist with the movement of supplies around the outpost along with some light salvaging. A fair amount of my veteran drones had been sent back to whatever force I had taken the form, mostly the force at Churn’s front line with the occasional drone working in pseudo retirement which garrison or mine work afforded them. After all, they were likely needed more at Churn's front line where active fighting was still occurring on a regular basis rather than in Ping’s territory where the corrupted AI was being pushed back as Ping got their feet under themselves as they began pumping out drones and defenses.
Checking up on the outpost which Churn had lent me, I found that the enemy force had begun moving back into the now destroyed production hub however not in any significant numbers as the outpost was likely deemed to be not worth the effort of putting a large garrison there. The forces present were likely only there to inform them if I was making moves to attack more of their territory so that they could make the proper adjustments. Thankfully this newly established enemy garrison could not stop my stealth hounds as they occasionally sent back a member or two of their number to inform me of what was going on in enemy territory. In Coopers stead, one of the next most senior drone which happened to be an ant had been receiving the most recent of reports from the stealth hounds which mostly consisted with random enemy movements and caravans which did not really affect me given that I was not willing to start sending out my force to being taking the fight to the next enemy stronghold, at least not while my forces in Ping were still criminally understaffed and my resource stocks were at a minimum.
Perhaps once things stabilize and more resources become available I will begin tasking my force with attacking however until then I was content to sit around on the defense. The thought of constructing more stealth hounds until I could start having them raid caravans briefly flittered across my mind but I quickly cut that off and stored it in my head for later use once the whole situation with the rot back in the mines is resolved. Speaking of which, as I finished reading through reports and stamping away thoughts of pressing the attack while my supply lines were strained, I received the message stating that the first batch of fire beetles were now finished construction and were beginning to be collected by the subway system and would soon be delivered to the mining outpost. Good, the longer I wait, the more dangerous those things will probably become. Hopefully my beetles will be able to handle whatever they encounter down there.
Floating back over to the mining outpost and down to the cavern entrance, I could see that the initial four fire beetles had done a good job at burning down what they could as I was able to easily see that well over half of the forest had been light ablaze as the fungal trees caught fire and whatever moisture the mushrooms had were quickly evaporated. Regardless, the rot still continued to feast upon the biomass that they could get their tendrils on and from where I was watching I could easily see that nearly a quarter of the fungal forest had been completely taken over and infested with rot puss as the area where the rot had infected began glowing blue as their residue began to take place and fester. Hopefully the fires will also be able to burn some of the rot along with the mushroom trees before the rest of my beetles arrive and with some luck take down whatever is left. But for now I watched the flames as they spread and burned down everything in its path.
Sorry it’s late, I had to GM a bit of DnD which took priority over finishing up and posting this.
submitted by Aware-Material507 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:20 beelze3 I feel like my life is a dead end

I’m 20 years old and I have made no real progress in my transition. I haven’t even properly come out to myself yet. I feel like if I admit it to myself, it will be real and I’ll have to do something about it, but if I keep brushing it off and acting like my dysphoria is just a phase, I can keep living the way I have been for the past two decades. I have two choices right now. I can come out and medically transition, or I can stay closeted forever. Both are bad. I have a good future ahead of me, I’m doing well in college and am on the path to having a successful career in science, and I feel like biting the bullet and transitioning will screw all of that up, along with ruining my relationship with my family and making myself laughingstock for the rest of my life. On the other hand, if I try to imagine my future as a woman, I genuinely can’t. I feel sick. I would genuinely rather die than suddenly be a 50 year old woman and look back on my life, regretting my decision to not transition 30 years ago. I am struggling with constant suicidal ideation because of this, and it’s frustrating to me that I can’t just choose. I’m stuck in this awful limbo, and I feel like whatever path I take will be wrong. I feel like if I don’t transition, I will be wasting my life and sacrificing my happiness, and I feel like if I do transition, i will destroy my chances of living a fufiling life (in terms of career, love, family, etc). Furthermore, I’m already 20. If I do choose to transition, my body is so heavily influenced by estrogen that I will never look like a real man. I feel like I should just end my life here, as there is no clear path foreword and I can’t stay in this limbo of pre decision forever. That feels like a waste too though, my life is amazing, the only problem is that I am a female.
submitted by beelze3 to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:52 Ukulele4love Are you not supposed to attack back when you get gang up on?

Are you not supposed to attack back when you get gang up on?
TLDR Terrestrial t 3s & 4s without burrow have no way to escape. They can only attack which is useless when you're ganged up on. Sad cuz it makes the creatures I love not fun to play!
Bit of a rant here. I enjoy playing tier 3s, 4s, and 5s...but I feel like terrestrial tier threes have the short stick. Especially if they dont have burrow. Fliers can escape via air. Semi aquatics can swim. Borrowers can...burrow lol. For example 2 of my favorite creatures to play are Chrysos and Undoli. The thing is they can't escape from other things in its tier. Example; I'm chilling just doing missions as undoli and a paru gama attacks me. I let him bite 5 times and when he kept attacking me I bit back once. He used reflect so i just tried to run. He pursues me so I turn around and start fighting back. He dies. Then his buddy, an Aeries who was hovering, chases me into a burrow and kills me while I'm low. I couldn't get away because we're the same size. But like what am I supposed to do? Not fight back? Yeah I killed your friend but he was trying to kill me. Bruhhh. I realize I'm being a little salty but it sucks that a lot of creatures just don't have exit routes to defend themselves. It makes the creatures in this group (which there are a lot of) very unfun to play. I know you die a lot in this game..ive long since acceptedthat. But it still feels unfair or unbalanced. It sometimes get to me despite loving everything else about this game. Oh well. What would you have done in this situation?
submitted by Ukulele4love to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:45 semiurge D20x5 Staristocrats of the Faufreluchean Future

Inspired by Solomon VK's Faufreluche posts.
D20 This staristocrat's badge of office
1 is a golden diadem which projects a hologram of Old Sol from its highest tine, as well as the rest of Man's Cradle-System orbiting about it.
2 is a hideous diamondoid mask made in the image of an alien demi-god from whom their esteemed house claims descent.
3 is an auroran magneto-cloth cape which flares with the oscillations of subtle fields.
4 is a porous meteoric amulet that echoes with the music of the spheres.
5 is a blade of enchained magnetic monopoles channeling ouroboric tangles of plasma - ever-glowing, their patterned glows expressing the cyclical yet self-degrading nature of the cosmos, able to cut through all but the most unnaturally enforced materials.
6 is a scepter containing a degenerate micro-verse within its topping globe.
7 is a battered helmet pulled from the suit of one of the first humans to reach outer space.
8 is a battle standard bearing the heraldry of their family, and topped with the head of a lion, preserved and animated to roaring unlife by cybernetic tubes woven through its flesh and bone.
9 is a halo of abstract mathematics, written directly on the fabric of space-time rather than mere matter.
10 is a pauldron of fused silicon, the remains of an artificial intelligence which almost overcame humanity.
11 is a dilating-lens lantern of an indestructible, orange-green alloy - fully unleashed, its actinic brilliance can guide in a ship from high orbit.
12 is a vial of their own, genetically-perfected blood, crystallized into a ruby-like gem.
13 is a crown of golden rings hovering about each other, each engraved with the zodiac of a different solar system.
14 is a famous artifact of Earth preserved within a temporal stasis-orb.
15 is a set of infrasonic pan pipes that can manipulate the minds of men and machine alike.
16 is a holy book written by the first settler of their world, in an eclectic script unreadable by anyone yet living.
17 is a shield with a brazen, hypercubic boss and a rippling purplish forcefield about.
18 is a labrys bearing edges honed to subatomic sharpness with whetstones hewn from the preternaturally dense heart of a collapsed star.
19 is a bowl holding a fractal bonzai grafted with branches of every fruit-bearing tree of humanity's homeworld.
20 is the head-sized smaragdine egg of some voidborne beast, the inevitable hatching of which is said to herald the end of the universe.
D20 This staristocrat's holdings
1 lie under a dimming sun, weakened by its fusion-harvest which forms the foundation of the staristocrat's wealth.
2 contain no life-bearing worlds, its population sustained only by technocratic hydro-pneumatic despotism.
3 bear the glassy-green sheen and asymmetrical mutations left by ancient nuclear war.
4 are mineral-rich but poor in organics and water, expending most of their export-wealth on life-giving imports just to survive.
5 produce a unique and inimitable spice, and are thus coveted by an extra-solar rival.
6 are either watery or gaseous, with dry, solid ground an unimaginable luxury - the populace living on great rafts or aerostats.
7 have recently absorbed a mass of refugees fleeing a black swan xeno-threat.
8 were enclosed from the common space of comet-cowboys, who plague it with their raids to this day.
9 are nestled among the ruins of an extinct alien civilization, probed only gently for fear of waking their automatic guardians.
10 are slowly but surely having their life-giving atmospheres stripped away by the rapacious solar wind of their red gigantism-suffering sun.
11 are deliberately kept ignorant of the wider galactic community to reduce their capacity to revolt, and so that the ruling class can portray themselves as deific through their technological capabilities.
12 are undergoing a long and delicate process of terraforming which structures cultural and religious cycles around these artificial seasons and critical thresholds.
13 are overgrown with a police state only nominally under the staristocrat's authority, and the computational bureaucracy that's arisen to process all their surveillance.
14 are infamous for their permissiveness, and abound in every sort of vice.
15 are torn apart on a planetary scale for the sake of resource-harvest and industry, and what unruptured ground exists is blanketed in choking smog outside sealed habitats.
16 were recently seized from a treasonous vassal and bestowed upon this staristocrat - the old holder's sympathizers still lurk within the population, evading the claws of inquisition.
17 exist mostly fictitiously, as moving shell-games of companies and titles.
18 are centered on an ecumenopolis with some roads paved with stones hewn before humanity's ancestors came down from the trees - its corners hide occultic dens of our darkest imaginings.
19 are generally scorching, deserts or liquid hells, their structures mirrored and extending tubes of heat exchanges and radiators like a seraphim wings.
20 are verdant in all forms of life - none go hungry, yet many are eaten, and a clan of masked physicians go about the populace to rebuke the tides of plague.
D20 This staristocrat is attended by
1 a harem of genetically-engineered Willendorfian Venuses, bearing a continuous stream of heirs who will duel over the matter of their inheritance in the arena of their crèche.
2 artful historians hunchbent over data-tablets, preserving every moment and detail of the staristocrat's life in imperishable crystalline records.
3 nigh-invisible bodyguards swaddled in light-bending metamaterial cloaks, heat haze auras ready to strike down any offense against their master.
4 clanking cyborg-knights - behind their cuirasses are tanks preserving the most loyal and chivalrous parts of their mortal brains.
5 slaves bearing explosive collars - the tribute of many conquered worlds.
6 a squadron of musclebound eunuch-janissaries raised from childhood with size- and strength-stimulating hormones and non-stop brainwashing.
7 clones of themself educated according to various traditions as diverse yet biologically-partial advisors.
8 the cryogenically-preserved heads of their forefathers, which sometimes dispense shivering, crackling counsel.
9 hovering laser-turrets fitted with targeting algorithms able to anticipate their master's desire to kill before it's consciously felt.
10 an enormous parrot with impeccable skill at mimicry, whose mind has been overwritten with every song recorded by humanity up until the time of its creation.
11 a pair of titanic wolfdogs, with metallic teeth that could rend apart a tank and hides that have turned aside artillery-shells.
12 the plush animatronic companion of their childhood, its digital personality updated to be a competent advisor.
13 a caste of butlers who've served their family for generations, bred like pedigreed dogs.
14 a choir singing their praises, the choir's lungs replaced with cybernetic jet-intakes slatted between ribs, so that they might sing unceasing.
15 a former whipping boy, their oldest friend, bearing the delicate scars of tremendously sophisticated tortures.
16 tumbling jesters dressed in patchworks of impossible colours captured from the coronas of half-real suns.
17 technotheologic angels dancing through the air on wings of incandescent blazons.
18 abductees from primitive worlds fitted with neural implants which make them believe they are simply in an extended dream.
19 a team of chefs who can prepare the delicacies of a dozen worlds, never repeating the same twice in their master's lifetime.
20 grey masters of anagathic science, whisper-arguing over the injections and ointments that will quicken them a while longer.
D20 This staristocrat's court
1 is entertained by a vapourous alien intelligence which takes possession of lesser courtiers through a fanciful hookah.
2 has its lesser members partially memory-wiped when they attend it - able to recall their skills, yet unable to remember much of their own identities, and so how to apply those skills for personal benefit.
3 is deliberately, performatively humble, held in barns and suchlike.
4 is overlooked by a cine-dome showing stars, moons, and constellations in fortuitous alignments.
5 is addicted to novelty, and constantly seeks new performances and grotesques.
6 is made up nepotistically of their siblings who did not win the contest to inherit the throne.
7 are waited on hand and foot by fragile ceramic robots imprinted with the tightly-enchained engrams of political criminals.
8 takes place entirely remotely - members are provided radio-devices with frequencies that trigger voice-like vibrations in great bells this staristocrat is in the constant presence of.
9 were at first ironically and now legitimately entranced by a bloody cult of sacrifice and agonies.
10 has been forced to accept elected representatives from among the populace by a revolt - to the grumblings of those who attained their positions through inheritance.
11 is wracked by a scandal involving mistresses overspending from public coffers.
12 is perpetually-wrapped in augmented-reality projections of mythic mimesis.
13 is burrowed among the roots of the biggest mountain of their throne-world, so that it could survive all but the most devastating attacks.
14 are all accompanied by a member of an order of courtesan-assassins implanted with acid-glands in case their charge shows overt disloyalty.
15 solve disputes among themselves with duels, and drill daily with various weapons and fighting styles.
16 is held within a hollow pyramid, with this staristocrat at the top point and many stairs and levels filtering petitioners between them and the entrance at the base.
17 is largely taken over by a conspiracy to poison this staristocrat, and even the uninvolved have begun to circle like vultures.
18 is a ring of stone thrones built to scale with the renown of the one who sits upon them - this staristocrat themself sits like a small child on a throne fit for giants - their seneschal on a stool.
19 is held around a colosseum, where gladiators and vicious alien beasts fight for their amusement and haruspexies.
20 is itinerant, a grand airship which hovers above the realms of hosting vavasours.
D20 This staristocrat's noble flaw
1 is hubris - they believe they can become like God by funding breakneck scientific process.
2 is bravery - they will fight to the last in the face of overwhelming odds, even if better options present themselves.
3 is honour - their thinking is rigid and totally un-utilitarian.
4 is generousity - they give without thinking, disrupting economies and fostering dependence with their largesse.
5 is parental love - they spoil their children on a terrible, cosmic scale.
6 is a thirst for justice - a continent has burned due to their need for a punishment fitting a truly awful crime.
7 is filial piety - their increasingly-senile dowager-mother has them tied around her bony finger.
8 is tolerance - they've cultivated cosmopolitan communities, yet failed to confront division and rising extremism.
9 is an aesthetic sense that is souring into decadence.
10 is persistence - they are a dogged obsessive.
11 is realpolitik - they've alienated possible allies with ruthlessness.
12 is faith - they lean often into outright zealotry.
13 is cautiousness - they often dive into outright paranoia.
14 is competitiveness - they're innovative, but often only in the tortures applied to defeated rivals.
15 is cleanliness - they have advanced to a purgative germaphobia.
16 is contentment - they have come to peace with all things, even if others demand their action.
17 is honesty - they will never lie, even if it benefits them and their people.
18 is is humility - they are overly-convinced of their own incapacity.
19 is romantic love - their spouse manipulates them to their knowledge yet total acquiescence.
20 is imagination - their fancies often end up unproductive or outright destructive.
submitted by semiurge to d100 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 DogForsaken817 bite the size of a baseball

I've got what I am assuming is just another mosquito bite on the right side of my left leg. I'm almost certain it is not a spider bite. It is mosquito season where I am living and I have been reacting this severely to mosquito bites. This is by far the worst one so far. The bite is currently the size of a baseball in circumference. It is not excruciating but it is VERY hard to the touch and itchy. Zinc oxide is helping with the itching. I didn't want to take a ton of histamines right now because I am breastfeeding. Is there anything else that I can put on to help with the swelling. I have dealt with this before but in truth I am concerned about infection/cellulitis because of the size. Thx!!
submitted by DogForsaken817 to bugbites [link] [comments]