Wii point master code

Nintendont, The Gamecube Loader that can!

2014.09.06 11:03 dribbleondo Nintendont, The Gamecube Loader that can!

This subreddit is for the discussion and troubleshooting of the Wii Homebrew Gamecube Game loader called Nintendont. It allows gamers to have greater control over the Wii's implementation of the MIOS, by creating a Virtual sandbox in the Wii for gamecube games to run in. In doing so, you don't need a patched Wii or any specialist skills to run the app, just a Homebrew enabled Wii or VWii Mode on the Wii U.

2011.07.21 20:31 zSolaris Fantasy Premier League

FantasyPL is dedicated to all things FPL, the official fantasy game of the Premier League.

2015.04.18 18:34 "You can't pay enough for a bounty hunter of my expertise."

Bossk (meaning "Devours His Prey" in Dosh) was a male Trandoshan bounty hunter who was the pilot of the Hound's Tooth and held the title of monarch of the Qotile system. He was not particularly fond of Chewbacca and his Human partner Han Solo. He would face them several times, and would be one of the six bounty hunters Darth Vader hired to track down and capture the Millennium Falcon.

2024.06.09 21:39 JuniperBurr Tales of The Lonely Coast A Folklore Fantasy Horror Campaign [šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ+ & Beginner Friendly] [Online] [5E] [Roll20] [Saturdays 6:00 PM PST]

Something is preying on the roads around the village of Dulwich.
Out on the Lonely Coast, villages like Dulwich rely heavily on trade with the surrounding towns for their livelihood. This far South in Kelvastra is far beyond the watch of The Empire, especially when they're worried about another war with the Lucde Alliance up North.
There will be no help from the Crown.
The residents of Dulwich had already begun filling their cellars for the arrival of The Frost Shepherds, but if things out on the roads don't change soon... Well, a lot of people aren't going to make it to the next thaw.
Rumors abound flow around Dulwich about the Shadowed Keep, a crumbling fortress deep in the pines of the Forest of Grey Spires. A group of bandits are launching raids on the passing caravans. The Goblins of the Blood Moon have returned to stock their larders with hapless travelers. The ghosts of the keep's former occupants have returned to turn the living into a shambling army of the undead.
With a host of other problems plaguing Dulwich's populace; an oppressive baron and his inflexible captain of the guard, skeletons arising out of the graveyard, and a rising thieves' guild robbing the in-town merchants of their goods. It doesn't look like the town will make it through the cold in one piece.
You've heard whispered rumors from the surrounding villages of the dangers of the journey to Dulwich and the strife of its people. Whatever your reasons, story, or methods, you've decided to step out onto the roads and make your way to Dulwich with a group of like-minded travelers.
Take up the sword. Take up the spear. Take up bow or tome or shield.
Brave the wilds. Brave the dangers. Brave potential death.
The tale of your deeds on the Lonely Coast has yet to be written...

šŸ—” - LGBTQ+ Friendly
šŸ—” - Beginner Friendly
šŸ—” - Experience a love letter to the classic adventure T**he Keep on the Borderlands **in 5E with a horror-themed twist and then venture into folk horror-themed uncharted territory!
šŸ—” - Explore The Lonely Coast, a secluded and dangerous mist and pine-filled stretch of The Empire of Kelvastra, in the Seas of Erund. (This is a homebrew setting with its own original lore, pantheon, and terminology, featuring race restrictions.)
šŸ—” - Free Session Zero. Early Bird Booking Special.
Game: Tales of the Lonely Coast
Schedule: Saturday Evenings 6:00 - 9:00 PST/PDT Weekly (Intended Start Date: 06/08/24)
Game Style: Character Driver. Mild Sandbox. Roleplay & Combat Focused
Roles Sought: 2-3 Players (18+ Only)
Voice: Discord
VTT: Roll20
Sheets: D&D Beyond
Intended Length: Levels 1 - 12 Roughly a Year
Cost: $15.00 per session via StartPlaying.Games
Links: Roll20 Listing & StartPlaying.Games Listing & Player Application
Now that we have that spiel out of the way, hello potential adventurer! I'm Scott. (He/Him)
Tales of the Lonely Coast is a homebrew campaign, with some existing third-party module input, in a homebrew world setting called Erund. The world is constantly changing based on player input, how previous campaigns unfolded, and current campaign choices. This might be up your alley if you want something new but familiar.
Our game listing on Roll20 contains our Code of Conduct, Character Building Guidelines, and House Rules. They've got our Player Application Link and a short introduction to me, your potential dungeon master.
My tables are safe and inclusive spaces. I've been running online games for seven years and playing various TTRPGs for just over 20 years now. If you're interested in my credentials, DMing Style, and what my current/past players say about me, check out my DM Profile on StartPlaying.Games here: DM Profile
submitted by JuniperBurr to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 Dmask13 I want friends that play dota, ADD ME you dont need to play whit me, i just wanna see people onsteam

my steam code, i just want to see people on my steam friend list playing dota, and compare points and stuff like that in minigames lol add me if you want <3
submitted by Dmask13 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 Mean_Marzipan6310 Join Grvt airdrop today using my Referral fresh code to earn 10 points: 10YQAWH https://grvt.io/exchange/sign-up?ref=10YQAWH

Join Grvt airdrop today using my Referral fresh code to earn 10 points:
submitted by Mean_Marzipan6310 to Grvt_Io_referal_code [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:33 MsBeeQ How to deal with a Petty / CoDependent roommate?

Preface: I'm a 35 year-old travel nurse who has had many short-term roommates in the past. I move around quite a bit, but I have been in this city for 15 months. I can get along with almost anyone.
I recently moved into a house owned by this woman in May, for a 3 month contract. She seemed sweet initially - mid to late 40s, originally from El Salvador. I learned that she is going through a divorce, her husband moved out in January, and he already got someone new pregnant. Her dog also recently passed.
I work long hours, but we usually exchange pleasantries when I get home from work. Then I'm off to bed. Her conversation almost always jumps to how she can't find any decent men to date, they always ghost her, play games, etc. She will often ask about my love life, and if I'm also looking for someone. I'm a private person - I keep the conversation very surface level.
She will frequently ask me of my whereabouts when I come home on my days off. She'll say things like "you're so quiet when you leave, I didn't know you were going out!" She asks me what I use on my hair, what days I work, and what I am cook for my weekly meal preps. "Most people don't know how to do that!" (Meaning, cooking? What a strange thing to say).
Eventually she said that we should go out and have drinks, watch karaoke, etc. I work 50 hours a week and when I do get a day off, I'm busy with other things. She seems perturbed that I am never at the house, and encourages me to make myself comfortable and have a glass of wine from her bar, watch tv downstairs, etc.
The trouble started with Netflix. I have my own account that I watch in my room. She asked if I had done something to her TV, because the app no longer worked downstairs. Turns out, her ex's email is the account holder. "It's on his email but I pay for it," she said. I tried explaining to her that he must've logged in at his new home, rendering her app useless. She continued to blame my upstairs log-in as the culprit (it wasn't), and wanted my help to fix it. I told her to take it up with her ex.
Normally, she'll leave the door unlocked if I'm coming home from work. One night I didn't come home until late, door was unlocked, and it appeared as though she was waiting up for me on the couch. She had fallen asleep, but wanted to have a long conversation when I strolled in at midnight.
The community we're in has a pool. She said I could use the key to get in whenever I wanted. While she was working from home one day, I grabbed the key and did exactly that. When I returned and told her I went, she looked dejected. Almost upset. She said her "guy friend" told her he was at the pool today also, and between the two of us she never got an invite, and she laughed it off jokingly. Was I supposed to invite her?
...I left that same evening and went to dinner with a friend. When I returned, I was locked out of the house. The deadbolt with key code is usually the only locked door, but for some reason, she turned both door locks. I rang the doorbell several times before she came to the door. It was "accidental," but I'm starting to think she is projecting her issues onto me.
Am I being irrational or going crazy here? Or is she being petty? I am a roommate on a work contract, not a hired bff. My comings and goings should make no difference. I'm just looking for an outside perspective and advice on how I should approach her, if at all. If I were to go out with her for dinnedrinks at this point, I feel like her behavior would amplify.
I don't want this to be a Single White Female reboot.
submitted by MsBeeQ to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 XGeneral-FangX H: B5025 EPR W: Apparel offers

H: B5025 EPR W: Apparel offers
Trading this b5025 epr with attachments for apparel. New to reddit so if this is wrong lmk
submitted by XGeneral-FangX to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:31 Due-Order3475 your top ten Transformer series

  1. Transformers: The Headmasters I enjoyed this series to a point but then Rodimus up and left the Autobots...
  2. Transformers: Master Force I had fond memories watching the UK DVDs off the Takara collection
  3. Transformers Earthspark this might get me some flak but it's an okay series, not a fan off the terrans but season 2 might change my mind, and a good Megatron? gives me IDW flashbacks.
  4. Transformers: Armada gotta catch them all and to me the best off the Unicron trilogy
  5. Rescue Bots watched this recently and was shocked on how good and fun it was.
  6. The Transformers the G1 cartoon is good, but the quality off the animation hasn't aged well
  7. Transformers Cyberverse season 1 was rough but after that we got a good season on Earth a fantastic reinterpretation off Cheetor, Hot Rod leading Cybertron to freedom from the Quintessons? it was awesome
  8. Transformers Animated this series along with Prime and Beast Wars will constantly change positions as they are all good series, with animated giving us with arguably the best Ratchet and a unique spin on Optimus Prime not being the leader but an Elite Guard washout on space bridge repairs.
  9. Transformers: Prime a good series with well written humans, Megatron was a fun villain, it gave us Knockout and my favourite incarnation off Arcee.
  10. Beast Wars gave us Rattrap, Backarachnia, Waspinator, Code of Hero, the myth off the great war and the best Megatron Yessss
submitted by Due-Order3475 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 steponfkre How to deal with senior co-worker that is not a seasoned programmer and takes offense to critisim?

I have a colleague that comes from a operations background then changed to back-end a couple years ago. He does many mistakes which i would see In a junior, but not In a senior. Recently itā€™s starting to become a problem.
He makes very over complicated solutions to problems like not using the db/sql to do unique checks but rather In the code, not joining entities rather querying several times or fetching all items then filtrering instead of using SQL to filter. Many of these mistakes has made our application very slow and i have had to fix many issues. He also dosent unit test, write anything in his PRs etc. The rest of the team does all of this to some extent. We have a new colleague recently which seems to be losing his mind working with him
The issues is that this senior guy has built much of the product and has almost all the domain knowledge. I have too after working here for a while, so i challenge his opinions and have improved the code as significantly. It was a mess when I started. He dosenā€™t like it, to the point of becoming angry/passive aggressive everytime we make several comments on his PR. He still wants to code in this unorganised way, creating unnecessary dependencies so on. We have talked about it many many times, but he doesnā€™t seem to understand. It improves for maybe 1 week, then he starts doing the same again. Itā€™s unsustainable, but not so bad I would go to my manager about it. Other colleagues are frontend or TMs which does not like confrontation.
Any advice?
submitted by steponfkre to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 jauntyaunty Turning 30 next year and wondering what direction to take my life in

Iā€™m a high school teacher and counselor which I used to love and now kinda hate, 50/50 being the kids are so annoying now unlike anything Iā€™ve ever seen and the majority of adults working there are incredibly corny, unrelatable, and immature.
I do a great job at work, iā€™ve been at the same place for 6 years but I have the Sunday scaries every week without fail. I have no debt as I paid everything off and good savings and usually vacation for the whole summer (my parents are immigrants so I see my grandma in her home country every summer) to undo the trauma of selling my soul for a job I donā€™t want to do anymore cuz I like the monthly salary (I live in a big city that I grew up in and get paid pretty well for being a teacher).
It doesnā€™t help that I moved back home during covid and havenā€™t moved out yet. That meme of living at home and saving money at the cost of your mental health is all too real but I think Iā€™m at a point where I would still hate my job even if I moved out/got my own place/lived with friends.
I just signed up for a free coding boot camp. And honestly Iā€™m having fun with it. I used to be obsessed with neopets where I learned HTML/CSS at like 12 years old lol but I never developed those skills further cuz my family would shame tf out of me for spending hours after school on the computer. So Iā€™m wondering if that could be my way out of teaching but then I read all these scary things about tech jobs and idk. Crazy how Iā€™ve had the same full time job my whole adult life.
What would you do in my shoes? I feel like the obvious answer is take a risk but I probably have mild to moderate psychosis from living at home the last 4 years and smoking a lot of weed so I need your opinion cuz Iā€™m delusional af sometimes
submitted by jauntyaunty to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 mthw704 (SELLING) AWESOME LIST OF 4K/HD/SD CODES. Lots of titles added this week & a great $2 list. Over 5,000 transactions.

The Big List

Prices are firm. Please only redeem the portion of a code you are paying for. All codes are for immediate redemption. All Disney & Sony codes include points unless otherwise noted.
I accept Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle & PayPal F&F without any notes. Comment & pm if interested. Thanks!



Barbie 4K [2023] $6 (MA)
Batwoman season 1 HD [2019] $6 (Vudu)
Help, The SD [2011] $3 (iTunes/ports)
X-Men Trilogy HD [X-Men, X2 & The Last Stand] $8 (MA)


$5 4K UHD

Ant Man & The Wasp [2018] (MA + 200 points)
Eternals [2021] (MA + 200 points)
John Wick 1-3 (iTunes)
Monsters Inc. [2001] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Mulan [1998] (MA + 200 points)
Princess Bride, The [1987] (iTunes)
Wizard Of Oz, The [1939] (MA)


$4 4K UHD

Aliens [1986] (iTunes/ports)
Avengers: Infinity War (MA + 200 points)
Beauty & The Beast [2017] (MA + 200 points)
Captain Marvel [2019] (MA + 200 points)
Frozen 2 [2019] (MA + 200 points)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Mission: Impossible [1996] (Vudu)
Mission: Impossible 2 [2000] (Vudu)
Ralph Breaks The Internet [2018] (MA + 200 points)
Scarface [1989] (iTunes/ports)
Smokey & The Bandit [1977] (iTunes/ports)
Solo: A Star Wars Story [2018] (MA + 200 points)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (MA + Sony points)
Thor [2011] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Thor: The Dark World [2013] (MA + 200 points)
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (iTunes)
Venom [2018] (MA + Sony points)


$5 HD

127 Hours [2010] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Adventures Of Ichabod & Mr. Toad, The [1949] (MA + 150 points)
Elemental [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Hannibal season 1 [2013] (Vudu)
How To Train Your Dragon 3-Movie Collection (MA)
Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The [1996] (MA + 150 points)
Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2, The [2002] (MA + 150 points)
Lady & The Tramp II: Scamps Adventure [2001] (MA + 150 points)
Mickey's Christmas Carol [1983] (MA + 150 points)
Mr. Popper's Penguins (MA or Google Play/ports)
Robots [2005] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Succession season 1 (iTunes)
Veep season 5 (iTunes)
Veep season 6 (iTunes) or both for $8
Warriors, The [1979] (Vudu or iTunes)


$4 HD

Creator, The [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Day After Tomorrow, The [2004] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Hitman [2007] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Iron Claw, The [2023] (Vudu)
Justice League x RWBY: Superheroes & Huntsmen Part One [2023] (MA)
Locke [A24] (Vudu)
Marlowe [2023] (MA)
Monsters vs. Aliens [2009] (MA)
Nightcrawler [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Rosemary's Baby [1968] (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Wish [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Wonka [2023] (MA)


$3ļøāƒ£ Codes

$3 4K UHD

Aladdin [2019] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Alien [1979] (iTunes/ports)
Angel Has Fallen (Vudu or iTunes)
Assassin's Creed [2016] (MA)
Back To The Future Part II [1989] (iTunes/ports)
Back To The Future Part III [1990] (iTunes/ports)
Big Hero 6 (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Bourne Identity, The [2002] (iTunes/ports)
Bourne Ultimatum, The (iTunes/ports)
Cinderella [2015] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Dracula Untold (MA)
Dredd (Vudu)
Fantastic Four [2015] (iTunes/ports)
Fast & The Furious, The [2001] (MA)
Frozen II [2019] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Gemini Man (Vudu)
Guardians Of The Galaxy [2014] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Hacksaw Ridge (Vudu)
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard, The [2021] (Vudu or iTunes)
Interstellar (iTunes)
John Wick (Vudu)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (Vudu)
Jurassic Park [1993] (iTunes/ports)
Jurassic Park III [2001] (MA)
Keeping Up With The Joneses (iTunes/ports)
Little Mermaid, The [1989] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Logan Lucky [2017] (iTunes/ports)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu)
Moana (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
mother! [2017] (iTunes)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles (iTunes)
Prometheus (iTunes/ports)
Rango [2011] (iTunes)
Revenant, The [2016] (iTunes/ports)
Sicario (Vudu)
Snitch (Vudu)
Spiral: From The Book Of Saw (Vudu or iTunes)
Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Thor: The Dark World (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Toll, The [2021] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Top Gun (iTunes)
Wolf Of Wall Street, The (Vudu)


$3 HD

101 Dalmatians [1961] (MA + 150 points)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel [2009] (MA)
Angry Birds Movie 2, The [2019] (MA + Sony points)
BFG, The [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Birdman [2014] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Birth Of The Dragon [2017] (MA)
Black Adam [2022] (MA)
Breaking Bad season 6 (Vudu)
Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite (MA)
Chronicle [2012] (MA)
Color Purple, The [2023] (MA)
Desperation Road [2023] (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Disneynature: Bears [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Friday The 13th, The [1980] [Theatrical] (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Fruitvale Station (Vudu)
Ghostbusters II [1989] (MA + Sony points)
Goosebumps 2 [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Grown Ups 2 (MA + Sony points)
I Am Vengeance: Retaliation [2020] (Vudu or iTunes)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (MA + Sony points)
I, Tonya [2017] (MA)
Line Of Duty [2019] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Little House On The Prairie season 5 (Vudu)
London Has Fallen (iTunes/ports)
Lone Ranger, The [2013] (MA + 150 points)
Meg 2: The Trench, The [2023] (MA)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match (MA)
Northman, The [2022] (MA)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Phoenix Forgotten (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Planes: Fire & Rescue [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Project Ithaca [2019] (Vudu or Google Play)
Promised Land [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Promising Young Woman [2020] (MA)
Rambo III [1988] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Ray [2004] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The [1975] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Searching [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Sin City (Vudu)
Slender Man [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs [1937] (MA + 150 points)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Stoker [2013] (MA)
Stuber [2019] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Superfly [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail (Vudu or Google Play)
Venture Bros: Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart [2023] (MA)
Walking Dead season 9, The (Vudu or Google Play)
White Boy Rick [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Wolverine, The [2013] [Unleashed Extended Edition] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
World's End, The [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Yesterday [2019] (MA)
Zombieland: Double Tap [2019] (MA + Sony points)


$2 Codes

šŸ’²2ļøāƒ£ HD

10 Minutes Gone (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K)
12 Years A Slave (MA or Google Play/ports)
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (iTunes 4K)
1917 [2019] (MA)
21 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
2 Guns (iTunes/ports 4K)
31 [2016] (Vudu)
About Last Night [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (MA)
Action Point [2018] (Vudu)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Age Of Adaline, The (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Alien Covenant (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
All Eyez On Me [2017] (iTunes)
Allied [2016] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Aloha [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha & Omega 2: A Howl-lday Adventure (Vudu)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Amazing Spider-Man, The [2012] (MA)
America: Imagine The World Without Her (Vudu)
American Assassin [2017] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
American Girl: McKenna Shoots For The Stars [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
American Reunion [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (Vudu or iTunes)
Annie [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Ant Man & The Wasp [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Arrival [2016] (Vudu)
Assassin's Creed (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Avengers: Infinity War (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Bad Boys For Life (MA + Sony points)
Bad Words [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Barbie & The Secret Door [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Battleship [2012] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Baywatch (iTunes 4K)
Beauty & The Beast [1991] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Beauty & The Beast [2017] (MA + 150 points/iTunes option is expired)
Before I Fall [2017] (MA)
Before I Go To Sleep [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Beirut [2018] (MA)
Ben-Hur [2016] (Vudu)
Best Man Holiday, The [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Between Worlds [2018] (Vudu or Google Play)
Black Panther [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Blockers [2018] (MA)
Bohemian Rhapsody (MA or Google Play/ports)
Book Club [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Boss Baby, The [2017] (MA)
Bourne Identity, The (MA)
Bourne Legacy, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Boy, The [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Breakthrough [2019] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Bridesmaids [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Broken City [2013] (MA)
Bumblebee (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Cabin In The Woods, The (iTunes 4K)
Captain America: Civil War (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Captain Phillips [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (MA)
Carrie [2013] (Vudu or Google Play)
Case For Christ, The [2017] (MA)
Change-Up, The [2011] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Christopher Robin [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Contraband (iTunes/ports)
Counselor, The [2013] [Theatrical] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Croods, The [2013] (MA)
Curse Of Chucky [2013] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Daddy's Home (Vudu)
Daddy's Home 2 (Vudu)
Danny Collins (iTunes/ports)
Darkest Hour [2017] (MA)
Darkest Minds, The [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Dark Tower, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Dead In Tombstone [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Deadpool 2 [2018] (MA)
Deepwater Horizon (iTunes 4K)
Despicable Me 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Despicable Me 3 [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Devil's Due [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Die Hard [1988] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Divergent Series: Allegiant, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Django Unchained (Vudu)
Doctor Strange [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Dog's Journey, A [2019] (MA)
Dolittle [2020] (MA)
Dom Hemingway (MA or Google Play/ports)
Downton Abbey [2019] (MA)
Dracula Untold [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Dream House [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Dredd [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Duff, The (iTunes or Google Play)
Edward Scissorhands (MA or Google Play/ports)
Emoji Movie, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Ender's Game (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Endless Love [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Epic [2013] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer 2, The (MA + Sony points)
Escape From Planet Earth (Vudu)
Ex Machina (Vudu)
Exodus: Gods & Kings (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Fate Of The Furious [F8] [Theatrical] (MA 4K or iTunes/ports 4K)
Fences [2016] (iTunes 4K)
Ferdinand [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Fifty Shades Darker [2017] [Unrated] (MA 4K)
Fifty Shades Freed [2018] [Theatrical] (MA)
Fifty Shades Of Grey (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fighter, The [2010] (iTunes)
Finding Dory (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Flight [2012] (Vudu or iTunes)
Footloose [2011] (Vudu or iTunes)
Frozen Ground, The [2013] (Vudu)
Fury [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Game Of Thrones season 2 (Vudu)
Get Out [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Ghostbusters [2016] [Theatrical & Extended] (MA + Sony points)
Ghost Team One [2013] (Vudu or iTunes)
Gifted [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports, iTunes option is expired)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (iTunes 4K)
Gods Not Dead 2 [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Gods Of Egypt (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Greatest Showman, The [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Grey, The [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Hacksaw Ridge (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option expired)
Hail, Caesar [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Hanna [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters [Unrated] (Vudu)
Happytime Murders, The [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Hateful Eight, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Heat, The [2013] [Theatrical] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Heaven Is For Real [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Hell Or High Water (iTunes 4K)
Hercules [2014] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Here Comes The Boom [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hitman's Bodyguard, The (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Homefront [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Honey 2 [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hop [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Host, The [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Hotel Transylvania [2012] (MA + Sony points)
How To Train Your Dragon 2 (MA)
Hugo [2011] (Vudu or iTunes)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu or Google Play HD)
I Can Only Imagine [2018] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (MA)
Ides Of March, The [2011] (MA)
Imitation Game, The (Vudu)
Impossible, The [2012] (Vudu)
Indiana Jones & The Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Vudu)
Inside Out [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (MA + Sony points)
Instant Family [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Internship, The [2013] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Into The Woods [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Invisible Man, The [2020] (MA)
I Still Believe [2020] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Jackass 3 [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Vudu)
Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Jason Bourne [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Jigsaw [2017] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
John Wick (iTunes 4K)
John Wick 1 & 2 (Vudu or Google Play)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (iTunes 4K)
John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum (iTunes 4K) or all 3 iTunes for $5
Joy [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (MA + Sony points)
Jurassic Park III (MA)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (MA)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Labor Day [2014] (Vudu or iTunes)
La La Land (iTunes 4K)
Last Knights [2015] (Vudu)
Last Witch Hunter, The [2015] (iTunes 4K or Google Play)
Les MisƩrables [2012] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Life [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Life Of Pi [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Lion King, The [2019] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Lockout [2012] [Unrated] (MA + Sony points)
Logan [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Logan Lucky [2017] (MA)
Longest Ride, The (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Looper [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Lorax, The [2012] (MA)
Love, Simon [2018] (MA)
Lucy [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Magnificent Seven, The [2016] (Vudu)
Mama [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again [2018] (MA)
Marauders (Vudu)
Marine 4: Moving Target, The [2015] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Mary Poppins [1964] (MA + 100 points)
Mary Poppins Returns [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Maze Runner, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mechanic: Resurrection (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Men In Black 3 (MA + Sony points)
MI-5 [2015] (Vudu)
Mile 22 (iTunes 4K)
Million Ways To Die In The West, A [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Mindgamers [2017] (MA)
Minions [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (iTunes 4K)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (iTunes 4K)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (iTunes 4K)
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Miss You Already [2015] (Vudu)
Moneyball [2011] (MA + Sony points)
Money Monster [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mother's Day [2016] (MA)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman [2014] (MA)
Mulan [2020] (MA + 150 points)
Mummy, The [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Murder On The Orient Express [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (iTunes/ports)
Neighbors [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Noah [2014] (Vudu or iTunes)
Non-Stop [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Now You See Me 2 (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Nurse Jackie season 7 (Vudu)
Nut Job, The [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Oblivion [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Orange Is The New Black season 2 (Vudu)
Oranges, The [2012] (MA)
Ouija [2014] (MA)
Pain & Gain [2013] (Vudu)
Paranormal Activity [2009] [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 2 [Unrated Director's Cut] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 3 [Extended] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 4 [Unrated] (iTunes)
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension [Unrated] (Vudu)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranorman [2012] (iTunes)
Passengers [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Patriots Day (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Paul [2011] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Pet Sematary [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Pitch Perfect (iTunes/ports 4K)
Pitch Perfect 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Pitch Perfect 3 (MA)
Planes [2013] (MA + 150 points)
Premium Rush [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Prince, The [2014] (Vudu)
Prometheus (MA or Google Play/ports, no iTunes option)
Proud Mary [2018] (MA)
Purge, The [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Purge: Anarchy, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Purge: Election Year, The [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Quiet Place, A [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Ralph Breaks The Internet [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Rambo: Last Blood (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K)
Redemption [2013] (Vudu)
Red Dawn [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Replicas [2019] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Riddick [2013] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Rings [2017] (Vudu or iTunes)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Rise Of The Guardians [2011] (MA)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Robin Hood [2018] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Rock Dog (iTunes)
Rocketman [2019] (iTunes 4K)
Roger Corman's Death Race 2050 [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Runner Runner [2013] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Rush [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Saban's Power Rangers (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Safe House [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Scoob! [2020] (MA)
Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption (iTunes/ports)
Scrooged (Vudu)
Search Party [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Secret: Dare To Dream, The [2020] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA 4K or iTunes/ports 4K)
See No Evil 2 [2014] (Vudu)
Sex Tape [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Show Dogs [2018] (MA)
Sicario (iTunes 4K)
Silent House [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Sing [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Sinister (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Skyscraper [2018] (MA)
Smurfs: The Lost Village [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Snow White & The Huntsman [2012] [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spider-Man: Far From Home [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Spider-Man: Homecoming [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Spy [2015] [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Star Trek [2009] (iTunes 4K)
Star Trek: Beyond (iTunes 4K)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Step Up All In [2014] (Vudu)
Step Up Revolution (Vudu or Google Play)
Straight Outta Compton [Unrated] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Super 8 (Vudu)
Super Buddies (MA without points)
Taken 3 [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows (iTunes 4K)
Terminator: Genisys (iTunes 4K)
Texas Chainsaw [2013] (Vudu)
Thing, The [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Think Like A Man Too [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Titanic (Vudu)
Top Gun (Vudu)
Tower Heist [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell (MA)
Tremors: Shrieker Island (MA)
Trolls: World Tour [2020] (MA)
True Grit [2010] (Vudu or iTunes)
Turbo [2013] (MA)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (iTunes 4K)
Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Underworld: Awakening [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Underworld: Blood Wars [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Valerian & The City Of A Thousand Planets (Vudu)
Venom [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Vice [2015] (Vudu)
Walk Among The Tombstones, A (iTunes/ports)
Warcraft [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
War For The Planet Of The Apes [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
War Room [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Wedding Ringer, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
We Die Young [2019] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
When The Game Stands Tall [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Whiplash [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Wolf Of Wall Street (iTunes 4K)
Woman In Black, The [2012] (MA)
Wonder [2017] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Wonder Park [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Woodlawn [2015] (MA)
World War Z (iTunes 4K)
X-Men: Apocalypse (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
X-Men: Days Of Future Past (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Zero Dark Thirty (MA + Sony points)
Zookeeper's Wife, The (iTunes/ports)
Zootopia (MA without points)


šŸ’²2ļøāƒ£ SD

127 Hours (iTunes/ports)
All About Steve (iTunes/ports)
Black Swan (iTunes/ports)
Bride Wars (iTunes/ports)
Crazy On The Outside (iTunes/ports)
Dragonball: Evolution [2009] (iTunes/ports)
Dr. Seussā€™ Horton Hears A Who! (ITunes/ports)
Hitman [2007] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Love & Other Drugs (iTunes/ports)
Max Payne [2008] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Texas Rising season 1 (Vudu)
This Means War (iTunes/ports)
Unstoppable [2010] (iTunes/ports)


$1 Codes

šŸ’²1ļøāƒ£ HD

2 Guns (MA)
Alex Cross (Vudu)
Bad Moms [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Battleship [2012] (MA)
Big Hero 6 (Google Play/ports)
Book Club (Vudu)
Butler, The [2013] (Vudu)
Captain America: Civil War (MA only without points/no iTunes option)
Deadpool (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
Despicable Me 2 (MA)
Despicable Me 3 (MA)
Divergent (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Divergent Series: Insurgent, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Duff, The [2015] (Vudu)
Expendables 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Expendables 3, The [Theatrical] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Fast & Furious [2009] (MA)
Fast & Furious 6, The [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast Five [Extended] (MA)
Fate Of The Furious, The [8] [Theatrical] (MA)
Fences [2016] (Vudu)
Frozen [2013] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Furious 7 [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Girls Trip [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Good Day To Die Hard, A (MA or Google Play/ports)
Gunman, The [2015] (MA)
Hell Or High Water (Vudu or Google Play)
Hillsong: Let Hope Rise [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hunger Games, The [2012] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (Vudu)
I, Frankenstein (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Independence Day: Resurgence (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Vudu)
Jason Bourne (MA)
Jurassic Park [1993] (MA)
Jurassic World (iTunes/ports 4K)
Leprechaun: Origins (Vudu)
Les MisƩrables [2012] (MA)
Lone Survivor [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Lost World: Jurassic Park, The (MA)
Maggie [2015] (Vudu)
Minions [2015] (MA)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Vudu)
Mud (Vudu)
Now You See Me [Extended] (Vudu or Google Play) or [Theatrical] (iTunes)
Other Woman, The [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Parental Guidance [2012] (MA)
Red 2 (iTunes 4K)
Ride Along 2 (MA or iTunes/ports)
RIPD Rest In Peace Department (MA)
Safe [2012] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA)
Shack, The [2017] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Skyfall (Vudu or Google Play)
Snitch (iTunes 4K or Vudu/Google Play HD)
Son Of God [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Star Trek: Beyond (Vudu)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (iTunes 4K)
Taken 2 (MA)
Ted [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports) or [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2014] (Vudu)
Terminator: Genisys (Vudu)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (iTunes 4K)
Transformers: The Last Knight (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (iTunes 4K)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection (iTunes)
Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor (Vudu or Google Play)
Unbroken [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Warm Bodies (Vudu)
XXX: Return Of Xander Cage (Vudu)
Zootopia (Google Play/ports)


šŸ’²1ļøāƒ£ SD

22 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
Act Of Valor (iTunes)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (iTunes/ports)
Amazing Spider-Man, The [2012] (MA)
Amazing Spider-Man 2, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Arthur Christmas [2011] (MA + Sony points)
A-Team, The [2010] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Blood Father [2016] (Vudu)
Bourne Identity, The (MA or iTunes/ports)
Call, The [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Call Me By Your Name [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Phillips (MA + Sony points)
Chappie [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Charlie's Angels [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Crank 2: High Voltage (iTunes)
Date Night [2010] [Extended Edition] (iTunes/ports)
Day The Earth Stood Still, The [2008] (iTunes/ports)
Deliver Us From Evil [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Elysium [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Expendables, The [2010] [Extended Director's Cut] (iTunes)
Goosebumps [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Hangover, The [Theatrical] [2009] (iTunes/ports)
Haywire [2012] (iTunes)
Here Comes The Boom [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania 3 (MA + Sony points)
Hours [2013] (Vudu)
House At The End Of The Street, The [2012] (iTunes)
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (iTunes/ports)
Immortals [2011] (iTunes)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (MA + Sony points)
Insidious: The Last Key (MA + Sony points)
Looper [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Mamma Mia! The Movie (iTunes/ports)
Men In Black III [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Monte Carlo [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones (MA + Sony points)
Movie 43 (iTunes)
Nerve [2016] (Vudu)
Olympus Has Fallen (MA + Sony points)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Orange Is The New Black season 3 (Vudu)
Paranoia [2013] (iTunes)
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (iTunes/ports)
Perfect Guy, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Peter Rabbit [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Predators [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Raven, The [2012] (iTunes)
Rio [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports)
Rite, The [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Robin Hood [2010] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Safe Haven (iTunes)
Sausage Party [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Shark Night [2011] (iTunes)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Star, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Taken [2009] [Extended Cut] (iTunes/ports)
That Awkward Moment [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Think Like A Man Too [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Trust, The [2016] (Vudu)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Tough Love (Vudu)
Underworld: Awakening (MA + Sony points)
Vow, The [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Wanted [2008] (iTunes/ports)1
Warrior [2011] (iTunes)
Water For Elephants (iTunes/ports)
Wedding Ringer, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
When The Bough Breaks [2016] (MA + Sony points)
White House Down [2013] (MA + Sony points)
X-Men: First Class (iTunes/ports)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (iTunes/ports)


Super Cheap SD & HD Codes

All movies are 3 for $1 but must spend at least $1 on total order.
Alex Cross (iTunes SD only)
Cabin In The Woods, The (iTunes SD only)
Criminal [2016] (Vudu SD only)
Dirty Grandpa (Vudu SD only)
Expendables 2, The (Vudu SD only or iTunes SD only)
Expendables 3, The [Unrated] (iTunes HD only)
Fast Five [Extended] (iTunes/ports HD)
Furious 7 [Extended] (MA ports HD)
Hunger Games, The (Vudu SD or iTunes SD only)
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (Vudu SD only)
John Wick 3 (Google Play HD only)
Life Of Pi (iTunes/ports SD)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu HD only)
Perks Of Being A Wallflower (iTunes SD only)
Skyfall (iTunes SD only)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Vudu HD only)
Taken 2 (iTunes/ports SD)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (Vudu HD only)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Vudu SD only)
Warm Bodies (iTunes SD only)
submitted by mthw704 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 ThrowRA_1572473 My (M25) girlfrind (F25) of 7 years ended our relationship. Dont have anyone to talk to could i get some advice?

Sorry about the title. Im a pretty bad writer but i could really use some advice. I dont really have friends to support me, thats why im trying to ask here on reddit.
My (M25) girlfriend (F22) broke up with me after 7 years together (4 of those were in Long Distance).
We had our downs before and even broke up in the past but always got back because we cared for each other.
Things had not been so good for a while already, we werent feeling loved in our love languages.
In december, we were already on an lowish point in the relationship, but then things started to get worse. She had just started a phisically demanding job and I was finishing my masters.
Since she was the one with a job we were financialy imbalanced. She was paying for the rent and my parents were giving me some money to help with groceries, but i was due to start working in april.
We had just moved so i took it upon me to make it as easy as possible for her at home since i had a bit more "free time" than her as i was studying from home. I did all the chores, took care of groceries and in general would try to make anything so that when she got home she could just relax and recover.
This next part might seem like excuses, but its my objective analysis of what went wrong.
Like i said i was finishing my masters and between January and March i was giving my last exams and writing my thesis.
The stress cought up with me and i was already struggling to be a romantic partner and show her love before, i wasnt sying cute stuff, taking her on dates, or appreciating her. Things that she had asked multiple times, and kept complaining that i wasnt doing.(MISTAKE 1)
Whenever she would complain, i would make note, but i had no mental capacity to tackle it, so nothing would change. It felt like she was giving me more stuff to handle, and i was feeling pretty drained from trying to do everything else, and since i didnt want to burden her i just kept quiet. (MISTAKE 2)
A coulpe of times she voiced that she was unhappy, that she couldnt keep going much longer, that i would loose her if i didnt show her change... Well i lost her. When i graduated and started working in april wich gave a bit of breathing to our finances, and i finally had time to appreciate her and show change, it was already too late.
An ex coworker (she changed jobs in april too bc she couldnt keep up with the old one), started giving her the attention she wanted from me and by that point it was a bit too late for me. I tried to show her how much she meant to me, trying to show her i was ready to do anything to work on us, even therapy which was previously financially unavailale.
She was very confused at first but i think the more i pleaded her to stay i think the more i pushed her away (MISTAKE 3). Maybe some friends could have kept me from doing this, and lose her more.
Although i think this was mostly me, im also upset that she couldnt see that i was loving her, just in a different way. (Maybe too much like a parent, not a partner)
I am extremely hurt, i feel like i lost a part of me, we have been through so much and i was eventually planning on marrying this girl. In the beginning i thought that maybe we met too young but through all the ups and downs i realized what i wanted and i committed to her. She became my only one, i loved her more than anything, and i lost her bc i couldnt show it.
Its been hard because no contact is not an option since we live together and are kind of financially bound to each other for the time being. I also work from home so we are bound to see each other frequently. I also didnt really look for a no contact, she said she wanted to be friends and i was more focused in trying to talk to her and trying to get her to give me another chance. (MISTAKE 3)
I realize maybe some distance might be better, to at least stop pushing her farther away from me, but its just so hard. I started trying to work on myself, im started therapy and i joined a gym where im trying to go when she is home, to give us time apart, but i feel so broken. I also stopped talking to her about us, im writing anything i feel like telling her and putting the paper away, so as not to pushe her further away.
I cant stop loving her, this whole situation made me realize how important she was to me. This breakup devastated me, i couldnt eat propperly for days and i lost 4Kg to malnutrition (im forcing myself to eat now). Im slowly realizing that i cant be with her and i cant change that, at least not right now. I know that i need to stop trying with her, but its so hard. All i think about is to patch things up with her but i realize she doesnt want it, not right now. "There are plenty of fish in the sea", but they are not her, everyone gets compared to her and fail.
Its been a month since we broke up, and in the last week im slowly "letting go" more and more (finding accemptance, stopping the attemps, not my feelings).
Another issue is that we are keeping this from our parents. At first i was hopeful bc maybe it meant that her new relationship would not last and she was considering giving us a try and wanted to prevent complicating things. But i dont think thats the case, at least it doesnt feel like thats the reason anymore. I dont know the exact reason why she hasnt told them yet, but she made it pretty clear that if i tell them it would greatly upset her and i have been avoiding doing anything that upsets her, in fear of jeoperdizing future chances with her. I want to talk to her parents for two reasons A) I feel like this is something thats keeping me from fully abandoing the idea of trying with her. I feel like its a door open for us to get back together. B) I need to go to her hometown in august and originally i was gonna stay at their place. They really love me like a son, so i think they would host me regardless of we being broken up, but i still want to confirm anyways, otherwise i need to make plans.
I dont know what to do about talking to her parents and her in general, i have no one else to talk to this about it and im struggling on my own. I know i need to give it time and maybe we can get back together, also bc im not in competition since she is in the "honey" phase of the relationship with the other guy, so everything he does will feel more magical than if i do it.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by ThrowRA_1572473 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 Worldly-Chipmunk4925 (True Story) I was adopted because my toddler brother turned on a light switch.

My parents had severe COVID. My dad asked me to cut our neighbor Mr. Jensen's grass. He had just returned from the military and had cut ours while we were on holiday, so I returned the favor. At night, my parents were too tired to watch my 4 yo brother, Tom, so said I could stay up late and watch him.
I would play Fortnite and keep a video monitor on full volume so I could hear if he got up. On Monday, Tom woke up around midnight and was messing in his room. I put him back to bed. On Tuesday, it was the same. I noticed he had kept trying to play with the door handle.
By Wednesday, the day I cut the grass, I was on my computer when I saw the monitor. I saw Tom get up, and fiddle with the light switch. Instead of going, i just watched him flick the switch, it was weird. I got the video from the baby monitors SD card and pulled up a Morse code translator online. My heart pounded as I entered what i thought was a pattern. To my shock, it translated to "BURGLIER." Burglar? Haha how strange? Its just a toddler messing with a switch. A freaky coincidence. JUST as I was trying to convince myself it was nothing, perhaps from being tired, I heard a loud ass bang from downstairs.
I sprang up out of my room and ran to the landing to peek downstairs. As I ran past my parents' room, I heard them also jumping out of bed. I glanced downstairs but to my surprise, saw Mr. Jensen with his gun raised, pointing and pivoting it around the kitchen like he was assessing it. I realized he might have seen the lights and he recognized the Morse code. Wtf??
I went a few steps down to tell him there's no issue, but he whipped the gun towards me, quickly moved it away, (and later said he recognized me.)
I tried to say, "My brother upstairs messed with the lights, and nobody's in danger." But it came out as, "He's upstairs...the..the lights," because I was so scared. The police later told me Mr. Jensen thought I was saying the burglar is upstairs and it was me asking for help.
Because of this, when my dad came springing down behind me, Mr. Jensen reacted instantly with total accuracy. He shot my dad, dead. I was half deafened (literally) by my motherā€™s scream.
The police arrived quickly. They questioned everyone. Mr. Jensen away. He admitted he saw the lights and the word burglar and misunderstood what I was saying. He also admitted his paranoia and PTSD from serving had made him overreact.
My mom died from COVID 13 days later. I remember just crying and crying next to her bed at the hospital. Iā€™ll always remember that the ventilator she was on was a German brand named BĆ¼r-GliĆ«r.
So now i am adopted, they are awsome.
submitted by Worldly-Chipmunk4925 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:20 Otherwise-Category42 Petition to the GameStop Board of Directors

TL;DR - I cannot summarize this post because I feel that it is necessary to read it entirely in order to fully understand the point I am trying to make. If you do not like this post that is ok, but if you decide to downvote it, please read it entirely before doing so. Thank you.

Call to Action

SuperStonk, since the beginning we have always strived to do everything in our power to protect our investments. We migrated subreddits multiple times, we established backup communication outlets, we moved brokerages and called them to demand our shares not be lent out, we backed up our DD, and eventually we learned about direct registration and DRSed our shares. If we take a step back in time to when we originally started to DRS our shares, there were two main reasons for it: the obvious one was to attempt at locking the float, but the other reason was to protect our shareholders rights. Now that we are in the end game, why should we stop now? I know there are a wide range of opinions on GameStop's recent corporate actions. The events that have occurred over the past few weeks have left thousands of shareholders with concerns. You may not agree with them, but the reality is that they are there, and they are real shareholders. I've read through their comments all over this subreddit, as well as everywhere else. My goal with this post is to remind everyone that we as shareholders have the right to let our voices be heard. We own billions in this company, and our voices are more powerful than some of you may think. This is the exact reason I created this petition, to express my concerns to GameStop. I also emailed GameStop investor relations.

Recent Events

A few weeks ago, Roaring Kitty returned and lit the internet on fire with a barrage of memes on X. Perhaps he knew something was coming. Around the same time, the volume and volatility of the stock came to life like it hasn't in years. It is clear as day that this increase in volume and volatility has nothing to do with Roaring Kitty, but rather there's something under hood occurring that is driving the price action. Whether its obligations from leaps, swaps, ETF rebalancing, or any of the other many possibilities, its clear something big is happening. During the week of May 13-17, the price of GME actually touched $80. By May 17, the price had fallen and was consolidating in the $30 range, when GameStop announced a 45 million share "at-the-market offering" and "first quarter preliminary results". On May 24, GameStop announced the completion of the share offering, having raised $933.4 million. The "acquisitions and investments" language in the filing led many to speculate that maybe GameStop needed to quickly raise capital for a merger deal that was already underway, perhaps to be announced the week of earnings and the annual shareholder's meeting.
After a brief silence, Roaring Kitty posted his absolutely insane position to SuperStonk for the world to see. At this point, the behavior of MSM and various actors on social media made it clear that whoever is on the other side of that bet is very, very scared. This past week, we saw the volume and volatility of the stock begin to churn again. By Thursday, June 6 we were seeing violent upward price action in the stock. After this price action had already begun, Roaring Kitty scheduled a livestream on his YouTube channel for the next day, July 7 at noon est. Again it was clear that something under the hood was driving the stock, as it began before Roaring Kitty posted his livestream. During after hours Thursday night, the price hit over $60. On Friday morning, GameStop announced another 75 million share "at-the-market offering" and disclosed their first quarter results, even though those had previously been scheduled to release on June 11.

The Downsides

Although GameStop adding a few billion dollars to the balance sheet is extremely bullish for the long-term outlook of the company, that doesn't mean it didn't come without downsides. Once the current share offering is completed, the result will be a combined 120 million new shares sold into the market, representing an almost 40% dilution. This obviously adds liquidity to the stock, which is upsetting to many because we spent 3 years DRSing at least 75 million shares, which had resulted in GME becoming very illiquid. In particular, I feel the need to call into question the timing of the second share offering, as that is what bothers me the most. Going into Friday, it really looked like that run had legs, and there was a ton of hype in anticipation of Roaring Kitty's stream. GameStop chose to announce the share offering before pre-market trading on Friday morning, and by market open the price of the stock had fallen dramatically. This resulted in a huge loss of call premium in GME, on a Friday, and the same day as Roaring Kitty's livestream no less. Call holders aside, I have to question this timing even from the perspective of the company's best interest. Could GameStop have raised more capital, with fewer shares, if they had waited until a later time/day? We can tell by the volume on Friday that something was still churning under the hood. Let's imagine the potential if they let the stock run, let Roaring Kitty do his thing, and let all of those calls expire in the money to drive the price action into next week. For me, and many of the comments I've seen, this timing is very troubling.

GameStop vs Roaring Kitty?

The interpretations of Roaring Kitty's ATM meme, his memes the morning of the first 45 million share offering (May 17), and his "Happy Birthday from GameStop" comment in his livestream yesterday are still being debated. To me, his memes the morning of May 17 seemed negative. He posted a crying meme face under the Kitty mask, and the first meme of that morning was the only one off-schedule that entire week. His birthday comment yesterday also seemed like blatant sarcasm to me "wrap it up in a gift or some shit". Thus, I personally think these offerings surprised him, but that is just my opinion, I could be completely wrong.
Is all of this part of some master plan that is yet to be revealed? Is each party simply acting in their own best interest? Or is there something more going on here? Unfortunately, I don't have those answers, but I feel like the question is important at this stage in the game, so I wanted to at least mention it.


There's been some controversy lately between those that are more interested in the long-term potential of GameStop vs those who are here for MOASS. For me, it has always been about MOASS, and after MOASS of course a lot of those gains will go right back into GME. If you're in the MOASS camp with me, don't fret, I still think MOASS is very much on the table, it could even be right around the corner. There are a lot of possibilities that could play out over the next few weeks. We know something big is still churning in the stock, Roaring Kitty's 120,000 calls don't expire until June 21, and the shorts are terrified. It is very possible that the stock will start running hard as soon as GameStop lets us know that the share offering is complete.
Although it may seem that way, my main goal with this petition and post is not to criticize GameStop's recent corporate actions, as that won't really result in anything productive anyways. Instead, I want to focus on voicing my concerns about the possibility of similar actions moving forward, particularly the next few weeks. For this reason, I left all of my opinions from this post out of the petition. I tried to keep it to one simple statement that I hope most can agree with. We do not have a once in a lifetime in front of us, we have a once in history opportunity in front of us. Roaring Kitty is back, he holds 120,000, and the stock is alive. It is time for MOASS. It is time to let our voices be heard. Let the stock run.

The Petition

I created a petition through Change.org, here is the url: https://www.change.org/p/petition-to-the-gamestop-board-of-directors
Here are the contents of the petition:
Petition to the GameStop Board of Directors
I am a shareholder of GME stock, and I am petitioning the GameStop Board of Directors to not release another "at-the-market offering" or unscheduled negative press release at a pivotal moment of the next significant movement of the stock.
I want to be clear, I have no intention of seeking or taking any legal action with this petition. I will not be submitting it any court. It is simply a public, online petition that I created to let my voice be heard. I know that many shareholders have chosen to remain anonymous (myself included). If you'd like to sign it, you can sign it with your name or anonymously (I created and signed this petition with the name "Anonymous Shareholder").
If you want to sign it, but you have additional concerns, feel free to express that via the "Reasons for signing" comment section.
If you don't want to sign it, but you have your own concerns, know that you can always email GameStop's investor relations. I did.
If you do not agree with this petition and you don't want to sign it, that is perfectly ok. Please be respectful to those with concerns.

To the Longgggg crowd

I know that some of you have an investment thesis that is more interested in GameStop's long-term potential. You think GameStop will become GameShire Stopaway. I hope you're right, and you have every right to your own investment strategy. However, you have to understand that years ago many got involved in this play for MOASS. We should've been paid in January of 2021, but here we are. We still want see the shorts' demise, and we still want to be paid.

To the Master Plan / Merger Inbound crowd

I know many of you think everything is part of a master plan that has yet to be revealed. Some of you think GameStop is going to announce some kind of merger or acquisition very soon. Well, I hope you guys are right, as I would profit greatly if you are! My argument to you is that if there is already a deal that is done and yet to be announced, or a master plan already in motion, then this petition/post is not going to change that in any way. The goal of this is to simply voice concerns just in case we have fallen off the tracks. I know you're zen, but please don't just downvote this post to oblivion and scream FUD. There are other shareholders out there with concerns who may want to see it.
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."

My preemptive answers to the FUD accusations

I know the accusations are coming, but here's the deal, I've been here the whole time. I'm not telling anyone to sell. I'm not price anchoring. I'm not just upset because I lost money on calls. Full disclosure, I sold my call position at market open on Friday for a small profit (although I feel for any of you who didn't make it out ahead, I've been there and I feel your pain). I've held DRS shares for a long time, and I'm not leaving. Roaring Kitty's livestream was amazing. Roaring Kitty is not a market manipulator, he is the most legendary investor of all time and he simply posted his position online for the world to see. MOASS is inevitable. Ape no fight Ape. Wen Lambo.
This is not financial advice. Don't take advice or invest your money based on the speculation and ramblings of a dumb ape on the internet.
submitted by Otherwise-Category42 to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 No_Read3473 Help a brother out

I've obtained an Arena Breakout Gift Chest. Please assist me in crafting the chest's key! Tap to assist me in my craft points: https://arenabreakout.com/act/a20240416findTreasure/key/EN.html?shareCode=6d995bc12484ce67068f4d97113af9a4&shareType=3
submitted by No_Read3473 to ArenaBreakoutGlobal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 beroozgar Is this okay?

Coding mei maza nhi aarha, soch rha electronics mei career banau, I found it very interesting. I am currently in EP, planning to do masters in electronics and then go for placements. Is this a good idea? Like kind of fomo ho rha because mere saare dost, civil se lele cs tk, sab coding hi kr rhe, it feels as if I am doing something wrong by not doing coding.
submitted by beroozgar to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 KerryBaudet Overstap maken naar ander IT traineeprogramma

Hi /werkzaken
Ik ben momenteel bezig met een IT traineeship waarbij ik gedetacheerd ben als Business Analyst bij een grote organisatie. Ik ben hier (afgezien van mijn Business IT master) zonder vakinhoudelijke trainingen of certificaten ingegaan. Het traineeship programma bevat voornamelijk softskill trainingen en optionele technische online trainingen. De twee teams waar ik in heb gewerkt, werken op een nogal onconventionele wijze en hadden eigenlijk ook geen goede onboarding voor juniors.
Na anderhalf jaar bezig te zijn sta ik een stuk sterker in mijn schoenen dan voorheen. Ook ben ik beter geworden in het houden van meetings en het documenteren van informatie. Helaas voldoe ik nog niet aan de wensen van mijn vorige leidinggevende en huidige leidinggevende omdat ik (door een lichte vorm van autisme) soms het grotere geheel mis of details vergeet. Ik verwacht daarom dus niet dat mijn contract na deze detacheerperiode overgenomen zal worden. Dit levert mij de laatste tijd ook veel stress op.
Ik realiseer mij hierdoor dat ik niet helemaal op mijn plek zit en het wellicht tijd is om naar een andere organisatie en/of functie over te stappen waar ik wel de nodige begeleiding en structuur kan krijgen.
Nu komt het probleem. Ik zou graag een wat meer technische functie op willen pakken (bijv low-code of data analytics). Met mijn huidige kwalificaties ben ik genoodzaakt om dan toch weer een traineeship te gaan doen.
  1. Hebben jullie ook ooit zoiets ervaren, en hoe zijn jullie hier mee omgegaan?
  2. Kan iemand mij een functie/traineeship/organisatie aanraden wat goed aan kan sluiten in mijn situatie?
  3. Hoe kan ik mijn situatie het beste uitleggen bij recruiters/hr zonder als een red flag over te komen?
submitted by KerryBaudet to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 MontyCircus Best Video Games of the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era Poll: Week 51 --- Remember to Nominate a New Game in the Comments Section

"The King of Fighters '94" won last week's poll, with more votes than the next 2 games in the poll combined, and is named the 50th best game of the era and the 5th Arcade game to join the list!

The Best Games of the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era Voted in So Far:

  1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  2. Chrono Trigger
  3. Super Mario World
  4. Super Metroid
  5. Donkey Kong Country
  6. Mega Man X
  7. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  8. EarthBound / Mother 2
  9. Final Fantasy VI / III
  10. Streets of Rage
  11. Street Fighter II
  12. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
  13. Mega Man X2
  14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
  15. Super Castlevania IV
  16. Earthworm Jim
  17. Gunstar Heroes
  18. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
  19. The Secret of Monkey Island
  20. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  21. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  22. The Revenge of Shinobi
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  24. Rocket Knight Adventures
  25. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
  26. Kirby Super Star / Kirby's Fun Pak
  27. Terranigma
  28. Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
  29. Contra III: The Alien Wars
  30. Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
  31. Tetris
  32. Doom
  33. SimCity 2000
  34. Shining Force II
  35. Comix Zone
  36. NHL '94
  37. Streets of Rage 2
  38. Kirby's Dream Land 3
  39. Mortal Kombat II
  40. Myst
  41. Mario Paint
  42. Wolfenstein 3D
  43. Harvest Moon
  44. Wonder Boy in Monster World / The Dynastic Hero
  45. Secret of Mana
  46. Super Mario Kart
  47. Splatterhouse
  48. The Ninja Warriors (SNES)
  49. Wild Guns
  50. The King of Fighters '94
Want to see the best games before this era? Check out these 2 lists which were compiled by Reddit users' nominations and votes over 3 entire years:

The 50 Best Video Games of the Atari Era:


The 100 Best Video Games of the NES/Master System Era:


What You Can Do:

  1. Vote in the poll to determine the 51st best SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era game!
  2. Then AFTER VOTING IN THE POLL: In the comments section, Upvote your favourite SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era games to be nominated and added to next week's poll. NOTE: NOT ONE OF THE SIX GAMES IN THIS WEEK'S POLL!

What You Can Nominate:


In general, the original year published takes precedence. No games that played betteare more iconic/are more remembered in an earlier or later era.
All variations of a game will be under one entry (e.g. only one entry for "Street Fighter II").
No collections of previously released games (i.e. no "Super Mario All-Stars").
"Sonic 3 & Knuckles" will be one combined entry.
"Tetris" made its biggest impact with 35 million copies sold for the Game Boy, so it is now eligible for this poll.
Arcade games that received NES Era home console ports like the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" arcade game, are now eligible.
"Altered Beast" was a Genesis pack-in game, so is now eligible.
Instances like this can be debated. I think it's best to allow all games from a console to be designated to one era, and for games to appear in one era poll only.

Other Nominated Games From Last Round:

Last round 31 people voted in the poll, and 0 new games were nominated in the comments section. Any of these (or any other eligible games) can be nominated again this round in the comment section to be added to next week's poll. Make your voice heard! It just takes a couple of upvotes to get your game nominated on next week's list.

The Idea:

Comparing, say, Pong and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, is not useful. It's like arguing which is better: the Ford Model T or the Space Shuttle? But comparing games of their era is interesting and fun! Usually, best game polls are limited to a single system. This poll is unique because it includes all platforms from the era together. How will the best Arcade, Computer and Sega Genesis games compete with the best that Nintendo had to offer? It will be interesting!

Why Only Arcade and Computer Games from 1989-1994?

The 4th Generation of home consoles launched in the West with the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive in 1989, kicking off the 16-bit Era. The PlayStation and Sega Saturn launched in the West in 1995 which will begin the era for the next series of polls after this concludes.

The Criteria:

I'll leave it up to the individual to decide. Innovation, quality, influence, iconic status, how much fun it was then, how it holds up today, are all valid. Whatever games you love, whatever games you want to see named as the greatest of the era.

What Happens Next:

After the poll closes in a week, the winner of the poll will be named the 51st best video game of the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era. The new most upvoted of games nominated in the comment section will be added to the 5 ā€œlosersā€, and be the 6 games in the poll for Week 52, which will name the 52nd best SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era game, and so on. I'd like to continue this to get a Top 100. At that point I would like to continue from the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era to the PS1/N64/Saturn Era, for a new set of polls.
This will be a poll I hope to hold every week for a long time! Have fun everyone!
View Poll
submitted by MontyCircus to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 Rob_Sothoth Impossible Landscapes - Session 2 "Futures Past"

Session 0 "Intake": https://www.reddit.com/DeltaGreenRPG/comments/1d0l92x/impossible_landscapes_session_0/
Session 1 "The Apartment": https://www.reddit.com/DeltaGreenRPG/comments/1d2sjua/impossible_landscapes_session_1_the_apartment/
Operation ALICE, New York, 1995
The Roster (Player/Character)
Lea (she/her): Jules Gradkowska - Agent MIRANDA. Journalist - research and human intelligence.
Iain (he/him): Ralph Bevis - Agent MILHOUSE. Academic - history and occult specialist.
Quinn (he/him): Richard Delapore - Agent MAVERICK. FBI Special Agent - criminal and forensic expert and the official 'face' of the investigation.
Phil (he/him): Jean Duvall - Agent MAIN. US Navy Master Chief Petty Officer - operational security specialist.
Duncan (he/him): Jake Little - Agent MALATESTA. Civilian contractor - computer and electronic specialist with a side line in hacking.
Rob_sothoth (he/him) - Handler. The arbiter of the world: the good, the bad and that which cannot and should not be named.
Background: The Agents of M-Cell are tasked with investigating the apartment of Abigail Wright. Missing since June, Delta Green has reason to suspect para-natural involvement. Their orders are simple: catalogue the apartment and remove anything deemed suspect for destruction.
Despite heavy changes made, full spoiler warning for Impossible Landscapes.

### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

Session 2 "Futures Past" (June 7th, 2024)
New York: Wednesday, August 9th, 1995
05:00am - 2:30pm, EST
Following the first day of investigation, Agent MAIN is the first to wake. An early-riser after years in the military, he leaves a note for Marsha. The two will meet again, of course. Arriving at work, he gets chatting to some Navy mechanics about the little weird diagram on the napkin. About the best answer he gets (after a successful check), is that one of them remembers seeing something like a clockwork giraffe as an attraction in South America. Studying it on that basis, MAIN concludes it's an artist's attempt at design because he can't see a way for this to work or even what it might really be for. He also checks in with USN and asks a friend to track down some vintage US Arms gear (he noted the serial numbers on the radio and dud-grenade). Not being from the same branch of service (and a failed check), it will take somewhere between 24-48 hours. (I decided US Armed Forces would probably be better at digitizing records, he'll get something either way).
MAVERICK isn't far behind MAIN, starting his day as usual being one of the first into the FBI NYC Field Office. As far as the FBI is concerned, he's on the Wright case now it's in their jurisdiction. Unprepared to wait for the prints to be matched (failed check on Bureaucracy), he instead does it himself (successful Forensics check). Abigail was never arrested, but her father handed in a hairbrush she kept at his and his wife's home. The prints match. It took MAVERICK a little time (it was a close pass), because part of a second, unidentified print obscured one of Abigail's, He can discount himself and the team, and likely anyone in law enforcement as he assumed they would've gone gloved.
Next, he follows up on Art Life and makes a call. He gets on the phone with Cynthia LeChance and in the course of their conversation is able to intuit there's something she's unsure or hesitant about. Being the honest-to-goodness, earnest Agent Cooper type, MAVERICK is able to organise a lunch meeting with her as part of follow up. He doesn't have many questions, he assures Cynthia and it'll be on the FBI's dime. She agrees to meet at 12pm.
(It's worth mentioning I ruled there was no reason MARCUS (Case Officer, M-Cell) or the Agents themselves wouldn't have or be able to obtain pagers they could use to stay in contact. Definitely an incidental expense as far as I am concerned.)
MILHOUSE, after his morning run to campus, follows up on his research from the previous day. He identifies the Ars Goetia and learns there's an 18th century copy in the special collections. Luckily for him, he's able to get about an hour with the book. The book contains the names of some 72 demons, their associated heraldry and symbols which they must "pay allegiance to." The book also contains the supposed means of summoning said entities, but MILHOUSE's time is over before he can get much further into it.
He's the first to arrive at the apartment, late morning/early afternoon (roughly around MAVERICK's planned lunch interview). At the coffeeshop, he's treated to a free beverage by Marsha, who thanks him for bringing his friend in the other day. Sadly, by the time MAIN arrives, her shift is over.
MIRANDA lies awake, watching the minutes tick by until about five minutes before she'd usually be walking into the Village Voice's office before making a call. She's really sorry, but she'll have to take a personal day, but does her best to reassure her editor she's still on for the grill party on Saturday. Of more immediate concern is the missing demonic symbol she is unable to locate. The polaroid she snapped is still in her possession, but she can find no trace of the symbol drawn on its piece of brown wrapping paper anywhere in her apartment. Nor can she find any evidence her home was broken into (she has the right skills to determine that for...reasons).
She makes a quick call to her criminal contact, Hugo. It's been less than 24 hours, but she wants to just follow up to perhaps create a sense of urgency. Hugo says he might have a couple of people on the hook, but it would help if he had more to work with than just "weird and esoteric." MIRANDA will be in touch. Before heading to Kips Bay, she decides to follow up on trying to locate the cab and its driver she photographed the other day; the driver looking down the barrel of the camera at her.
It takes her most of the morning, but MIRANDA locates the garage and office. Mostly making calls asking about a cab outside Abigail's address the previous day. She knows the time, more or less. She finds a schlubby office manager who stonewalls her until money changes hands. MIRANDA gets a name and the cabbie's usual pick up and route. Guy likes to work around the Port Authority Terminal most days, she can probably find him there. She doesn't want to go alone and makes her way to the Macallistar where she expects to find the others.
A night owl and late to wake by nature, MALATESTA hits snooze on his alarm maybe only twice today. Packing up the weird crystal in a ziplock bag stowed in his backpack, he takes himself to the Mercury Gallery. He's got an angle he wants to try and it works, if not quite in the way he perhaps expected.
The gallery owner, Santiago, isn't sure what to make of the skater-grunge kid who rolls into his gallery, but he's not exactly out of place and to be truthful, his story is almost too outlandish not to be true. Through a combination of good roleplay and an opposed check, MALATESTA explains a "dude he's working for" heard about Abigail's exhibition and wanted to know if there were any paintings of hers left unsold.
As it turns out, there are. Santiago explains they're not the cream of the crop: "Most of the others were more abstract and, I would say, exemplary. She did well, especially for an artist in New York. The one or two I have left are a bit more...prosaic."
At about this time, MAVERICK makes his meeting with Cynthia. He's not hard to miss; there is no reality in which he was not a Federal Agent and Cynthia easily marks him across the street. She takes him to a small Italian bistro where she usually has lunch and begins talking. This is what MAVERICK is good at; getting people to talk. Everyone wants to, after all; it's about letting them and knowing where to push and where not.
Cynthia explains how weird the Macallistar has been for her to manage. The building has never been filled to capacity as far she can recall and those units which were occupied never remained so for very long.
MAVERICK: "Did you know Abigail?"
Cynthia: "Not really. I met her once or twice. Went with her and her dad to view the apartment." She smiles. "He was worried about her having a ground floor unit in the city, but it was the one she wanted. Never any complaints from her or from other tenants about her. Then...the rent stopped."
MAVERICK: "Yeah, we saw that."
Cynthia: "No. You don't understand. The rent stopped. No one in the building has been paying rent since March this year."
MAVERICK: "What does that mean?"
Cynthia is nervous. MAVERICK picks up she's worried she might be in trouble and he reassures her she isn't. Far from it, in fact.
Across town, MALATESTA is shown one of Abigail's unsold paintings. Santiago unveils it; a landscape, the frame longer than it is tall. A park, with a city-skyline in the background. In the centre, a statue. There are people. Some gathered in a crowd, others walking in various directions. MALATESTA feels uneasy. Then he sees them: five figures gathered in the shadows of the statue around a sixth, seated on a bench. Merely brushstrokes, details and faces indistinct. One may be a woman. Another appears to be holding a skateboard.
Santiago, distant as MALATESTA gave the painting his full attention, becomes clear again.
"See what I mean? Like something you'd see in a doctor's office."
"Yeah." MALATESTA passes a SAN check, but still takes one.
He was there just yesterday.
This was exhibited in November of last year (1994).
He tries and fails to argue Santiago down on the price and is very unaware that the gallery owner is hitting on him. Wrapping the painting, MALATESTA asks if Santiago can check on where some of the other paintings might have ended up or ask around about Abigail in general. Since it means they will meet again, Santiago is all too happy to oblige and hands MALATESTA a business card, writing his own number on the back.
MALATESTA: "Cool, man. I'll be in touch with the deets."
Santiago: "Sure...the deets." (I think it pained him to say that word)
Before leaving, he lets go something Abigail mentioned during the exhibition. While unable to recall the name, he thinks she said she got her inspiration from a book of some sort. He thinks the name might have been something French.
Across their lunch table, Cynthia explains she thinks Art Life upper management are content to wait for eviction notices to be served to the remaining tenants.
Cynthia: "I think even if everyone paid what they owe and next month's, management wouldn't change their mind."
Cynthia: "I think they want to renovate the building. Getting everyone out lets them do that. Spruce it up, hike the rent...I lie awake at night wondering if that's legal. I've never evicted a whole building."
MAVERICK: "One of my colleagues bumped into one of Abigail's neighbours. Mr. Post, Lewis Post I think. Same story with him?"
Cynthia: "Yeah, same as the rest. More or less."
MAVERICK: "More or less?"
Cynthia: "He called me the end of March this year, said he'd be late on the rent, but not to worry and then he started asking me about the building."
MAVERICK: "And you did?"
Cynthia: "Yeah, but I wish I hadn't."
She names a few books she picked up, as Lewis wanted more than just what Art Life had on the Macallistar. MAVERICK wonders why, but she explains Lewis was nice and she was curious herself.
"It's a weird building. Always made me feel...off, being there. I can't remember the last time I went in person."
MAVERICK: "What did you learn? I have the architect's name. Daribondi."
Cynthia: "Asa. Asa Daribondi. The Macallistar was built in 1921. He designed it. He...there was a fire at his office on Mott Street in 1950 and he disappeared. He...he was a murderer, Agent Delapore. They found a child's body on the premises. After that, I stopped looking into it."
There's a long silence. The MAVERICK asks her for keys to the unoccupied apartments. He tells her a story about how when he started out in the Bureau, he was involved in a missing person's case. A little girl and in the end, they found her hiding in her treehouse.
Cynthia: "You think Abigail's still in the building? In one of the empty units?"
MAVERICK: "I don't know, but I can't discount it. I don't think she was in a normative state of mind before she disappeared."
Cynthia considers things. The plates are cleared and the coffee served.
Cynthia reaches into her handbag and removes something. "If management don't care about the building, I don't see why I should either." She hands him a master key. "Don't lose this and borrow it for...give it back to me when you're done."
True to his word, MAVERICK pays the bill.
"I hope you find her, her find something to maybe help. She was nice."
MAVERICK and Cynthia say their goodbyes and he heads to Kips Bay.
In the interim, MIRANDA has joined MILHOUSE and MAIN in the coffeeshop, with MALATESTA arriving with weird painting in tow not long before MAVERICK's arrival.
Unable to contain his excitement, MALATESTA nearly unveils the painting right then and there.
MALATESTA: "You won't believe-"
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
MALATESTA: "No, I know, but-"
Coffeeshop patrons are giving the table weird looks.
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
MALATESTA: "I was jus-"
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
Some of the people are frowning, scowling almost.
MILHOUSE (to the other patrons): "Sorry. Sorry."
MAVERICK arrives not long after and the team reconvenes in the apartment to share what they've learned and determine any plans.
Unable to contain himself, MALATESTA reveals the painting. Everyone except MAIN passes the SAN check for the realisation of what it depicts. MAIN takes 4 SAN loss and does not project. Closing in on his breaking point, MAIN is confused and unable to fully process what's going on and throws himself into another search of the apartment.
MIRANDA is concerned about further exposure to the para-natural and wonders if there is anything they can do to take care. All they can do is be cautious.
MAVERICK wants to make a sweep of the empty apartments in the building. MILHOUSE agrees to partner up with him on that front.
MALATESTA and MIRANDA remain with MAIN in Abigail's apartment to conduct a further search. The three who remain received a +20% bonus to their search rolls and all pass as MAVERICK & MILHOUSE leave to check the building (They can make rolls in the apartment on their return).
They exit the apartment at 2:30pm.
Within, MALATESTA, MAIN & MAVERICK find the following:
A rent receipt with Abigail's name, undated and signature unreadable.
A page of typed script which appears to be a play Abigail was writing. Several names are mentioned: Michelle, Mark & Thomas. Michelle is the first name of one of Abigail's neighbours, right?
A plane ticket in the name of Michael Witwer from Las Vegas to Boston, dated June 6th, 2015.

### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

Dorchester House, 2015
Dr. Dallon: "Must've been a fake? What with the date and all."
MAVERICK: "Must have been."

### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

Five players going in different directions was a little tough to juggle, but they were happy with the pace of play and I made sure everyone had something to do.
I knew we weren't going to get through an entire in-game day about an hour in and I should've taken a bit more time to line up what everyone wanted to do at the end of the previous session, but everyone still had fun. Lea put it well: it feels like there's a dam with information gathering against it and it's going to burst.
With four out of the five players having children, I took a short aside during MAVERICK's rp with Cynthia to do a table check. I know the players and they know me and I handled it in the right way as far as they were concerned.
Two sessions in and MAIN is the first character to close on his BP, being 3 or 4 (one bad roll) away from his first disorder. I appreciate this and his reasons for not projecting make sense, in-character. We'll see how that pans out.
Our next session is TBD due to life stuff and until then, be seeing you.
submitted by Rob_Sothoth to DeltaGreenRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:13 B8edbreth More on Magic Wand selection tool

I'm trying to create a magic wand selection tool like in photoshop. I'm having no end of trouble with it.
I have uploaded the source for my magic wand class here: https://gist.github.com/AprilGendill/13739a03b7578263c559eee4c16a28bb
a usage example is :
 let newImage = Get your UIImage here guard let theImage = MagicWandTool.createImage(from: newImage) else { return } if let mask = MagicWandTool.floodFill(image: theImage, px: Int(point.x), py: Int(point.y), colorThreshold: tolerance, includeBorders: true){ self.selectionPath = MagicWandTool.convertMaskToBezierPath(mask: mask) 
If someone has the ability to explain why my results look correct but are actually completely wrong as shown if you fill the path created or remove the pixels within the path, I'd appreciate it.
Please don't tell me about minimum code there's no way to reduce the class at all and have it still do anything. This is why I included it as a link rather than pasting the code here
submitted by B8edbreth to swift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 HoosierWReX1776 Logi Options Plus - Backend Connection Problem (Mac OS Monterey 12.7.5)

Randomly, Options Plus decided to break on my MBP running Monterey 12.7.5. Maybe due to the recent update?
I uninstalled (using AppCleaner) and reinstalled (nearly 30 times both in Safe Mode and normal), but now during install it says that there is a backend connection issue and wonā€™t install any further. To emphasize the point, I even ran the offline installer as well.
The odd thing is that I can get Logi Options to install and work just fine, however, the MX Master 3s isnā€™t recognized by Logi Options. Even when I ā€œupgradeā€ to Options Plus from Options I get the same issues.
On the other hand, Options Plus (latest version) works on my iMac running Sonoma (current version).
To be 100% clear, when uninstalling, I go to Finder and delete all traces of anything Logitech.
Any ideas?
Last option is to do another full Mac OS install šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø which I obviously donā€™t want to do.
submitted by HoosierWReX1776 to logitech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 Tox1cShark7 A Thought Without a Name.

Here is the first chapter of a religion text I am compiling. This religion has no name. At the beginning is the chapter number and the verse number, so chapter 1 and Verse 4 will be 1:4.
I - Humanity And Beyond 1:1 It was generations upon generations ago, as the stars were young and the song of the universe were mere notes lacking melody, that our blue planet was created. Through the darkness of the void, our home was forged in light and chaos, and life did not exits upon it for many more millennia to follow. The creation of our planet, Earth, did not immediately result in the sudden population boom of humanity. Humans have been around for a mere fleeting moment in the grand scale, and even less in the scale of Detaros. She, Detaros, was the one to manifest her dreams into a reality from her slumbering existence. She is not awake nor asleep. The passage of time was endless at first, what seemed like an eternity would be spent upon an abandoned rock, forgotten by all but one. Oceans of magma crashed and burned away the land, as mountains that spewed flame and debris cascaded over the horizon in all directions. 1:2 From the heavens above, the first of many gifts - water, rained got thr first time. Over millennia, many storms would blanket the earth, filling the deepest of chasms with the cooling water. Even then said water would bubble and boil away from the heat of sub aquatic volcanoes, but from the chemical sludges and soups, what would be the precursor for all would become. 1:3 A single organism, one barley understandably small in size - a bacterium known to us as a mere single cellular organism, one probably only having a life span of the minutes, seconds or hours. Yet it held enough information to replicate itself and to feed and to produce waste. It replicated. It replicated again and again. However, our star, still rejoicing in the bounty of Fallen Gods, produced too much radioactive material for organisms to live on the surface of the land or near the light that pierced the depths of the oceans. 1:4 Over thousands of years a barrier was formed that reflected this radiation, and eventually the earth became cleanly divided between the 3 realms - Land, Water and Air. Over time, life on Earth branched out from the singular group of organisms. It was us, Humans, who learnt this. We believe ourselves masters of creation and conquest, but no, we are not. Humanity may be upon our home, Earth, and maybe we will be for a decade, a century, a millennia from now. 1:5 However, our time in ā€œpossessionā€ of the universe is ultimately temporary. Empires of old would burn out and fizzle into dust and smoke, and new groups and armies would form from the upturned rubble. Humanity will one day die out, be it today or in a billion lifetimes from now. Our time toying with the instruments of existence is temporary. 1:6 Regardless, it is a mercy for those to partake in their dull lives, for a life of chaos and despair is much worse fate than boredom. The uninteresting lives of man will never be remembered, but they will never be forgotten for they live on through our books, and through our minds. It was us, and followers of us who have been rewarded through not health or wealth, but knowledge. 1:7 Enlightenment is not the reason to follow a god, for trying to be devoted when one seeks rewards is a transgression. Such issues can be overcome, but it is not our right to make the wicked better. It is our duty. Ownership of our lives is a fundamental human aspect, and such aspects may not be ignored. 1:8 An old man and his donkey were trapped one day in a deep muddy hole they had fallen in. The duo pleaded passers by for aid, but were met with only people throwing dirt and mud into the decline. The foolish donkey ignored such mud, crying for help as it was buried alive, whereas the man used these materials to build steps out of the ground. To be blind to the opportunities given to one is to set oneself up for failure. By the will of humanity and of our pantheon, we are destined to forge a path that will expand beyond humanity, as one day, perhaps a new species shall rise where we once did, and perhaps they will learn of our history and of our fates. 1:9 We have a history, a history any may learn about. There were no prophets, none in possession of a direct connection to the pantheon. However, our prayers have been answered by the gods. The gods, each a embodiment of an aspect, were divided between their moralities. Each god always wandered the cosmos, creating and manipulating space and matter to their will, even to a point where they consumed The Perogantos who were the direct ancestors of the gods themselves. 1:10 Upon the dawn of creation, bewildering power was unleashed upon all that was and was not, each a blob of raw energy shaping and morphing itself at a glacial speed. The Perogantos they were called. Each a barley living soup of molecules and empty space. Each had a domain. Their names, lost to all but their descendants, contained a word of unknown power. A word is not a good way to describe it, for a word would imply it was able to be comprehended by mortal minds. It was an idea attached to the being so intrinsically it couldnā€™t be separated. Eventually, these entities spawned their own children - the very gods themselves. 1:11 The Kreatonia, architects, built and altered the worlds as they saw fit, working in tandem to create order, or working against each other to sow chaos and discord. The Solki were those slumbering. Not awake nor asleep. The pseudo-conscious clandestine collective cared little for the matters of many, although as the dormant beings periodically became active, great changes would occur. The Destruvari were not only corrupt but worthy of contempt. Destroyers and harbingers of decay and degradation is all they were. They sought only to undo the ā€œdamageā€ the Kretonia has produced. Each building the children of Detaros was a blemish upon the earth, with each human simply being akin to a fly or a gnat. 1:12 Each of the Destruvari had their own ways to bring around the end of empires. Evocae froze over much of the landscape of the world numerous times, each millions of years ago before humanity could flourish and innovate. 1:13 Each deep freeze lasted millions of years until Pychos reverted her devastation upon the planet with great waves of heat and flame. The last of these states in which the planet remained in a frozen world for well over ten million years, Pychos had enough for once and for all. In doing as he had done time and time again, Pychos entombed himself within the core of the very Earth he saved, weak and fragile. Periodically, even to this day, gouts of flame and smoke erupt from the ground as the building energy tries so desperately to escape as the slumbering cacophony of heat and turmoil tries desperately to claw free from the prison of his own making. As for Egola, she was banished from Earth, doomed to wander a void as cold as she was. 1:14 Her power dwindled as a radiant species of beings clambered forth - Humans. The will of humans took centuries to make long lasting effects upon the gods, with our rapid industrial development causing damage upon the planet. Each god had their own reaction. 1:15 YvtĆ„, the god of blossoms and nature, recoiled in disgust at the despicable actions of man. NÅ«vokato found it frustrating that the beings he deemed lesser were performing his work for him. The Kreatonia were mostly indifferent or annoyed by this. The gods all collectively agreed not to punish humanity for our actions, but instead let the consequences of waste and destruction of what they made take its toll on us. 1:16 Regardless, despite all agreeing in their courts of marble and gold, not all gods were willing to accept. 1:17 Salagos, described by the gods as a twisted jester and inventor of cruel and malignant ā€œjokesā€, deceived Tevos, a wrathful spirit, into killing a fellow spirit, one who bestowed fledgling species with the most basic of knowledge such as that of using tools or the creation of fire. The spirits name was Esh, made from the will to invent and conspire. The one with a vendetta with no reason grabbed his sword. In a grassy field where Esh was laying, observing the sunrise, Tevos decapitated the ethereal maiden, her blood spilling upon the pasture doomed humanity to a stagnant age, in which crude society overwhelmed mankind, leading to war after war after war. 1:18 However, the barbaric Salagos undid their actions by reviving Esh and bestowing upon her a great burden ā€” the burden of knowing that her precious children of man had scarcely grown, governed by lunatic kings and queens and the laws of insanity. For their crimes, Salagos was forbidden from interfering with the affairs of gods or mortals, banished into a state reminiscent of The Slumbering, lacking the ability to ever wake. 1:19 The First Humans were not free from sin, for no being was truly ever perfect within that manner. The first humans lived their lives as ordinarily as one would expect. Wake up, eat, drink, sleep. Even today, we are no different at our core than those who tread the ground years, decades and centuries ago. 1:20 These people forged their own ideas of a god, or even multiple gods. The rise of the sun, a ritual as old as the earth, was so fascinating to them that they made their own version of pantheons. Self proclaimed prophets walked the soil, no different and us now. Those who believed to understand the workings of reality yet failed to use their ā€œknowledgeā€ to benefit them. 1:21 Some men did benefit the world. Great scientists and mathematicians of olde invented things from numbers to fire to art and philosophy. It was the spark of emotion and creativity that set humanity apart from the rest, destined to conquer and command as well as crumble and collapse. Of course it was some who learned that the gods had existed in one form throughout human history, from the ancient Pantheons of old to more modern beliefs of a god, or in this case it was gods. 1:22 It was Nietzsche who said ā€œHe who has a why to live can bear almost any how.ā€ Such quotes are true, for a person with determination and conviction can overturn the most drastic of circumstances and the most mundane inconvenience. 1:23 By the will of The Pantheon, we are one. Humanity is one group that must stand together united against the unknown lest there is nobody left to stand against disorder and anarchy. Against the forces of chaos, we must emerge victors, for the people who have truly won have reached enlightenment such the beating heart of flesh and the soul of the very essence of their mind. 1:24 No person, no matter who they may be, or who they believe they are, regardless of whether they are a slave to violence and cruelty or the most zealous and fanatic of priests, nobody is immune to sin. Sins are undeniably evil, as torturous to both the sinful and those around them. 1:25 Pride is not the celebration of something. Nor is it the promotion of something. It is a construct of arrogance and believing oneself to be superior to those over even the most minute differences. 1:26 Excess is not living comfortably or seeking things to prevent unnecessary suffering or stress, but is living wastefully and opulently and by taking from others. The waste made by one individual could have been the material used to produce the steps that two, five, ten or even one hundred or even one thousand and more people could use to climb out of destitution. By our definition, Excess prevents the sinful from learning or being reminded of the condition of others, but also prevents those others from living better lives. 1:27 Sloth is not the will to relax, take time off or simply ignore their problems. It is the ignorance that prevents people from improving, developing and evolving. By being subject to Sloth, one can not strive for greater things, but instead seek nothing but the quickest path to instant benefits rather than a long journey to excellence. 1:28 Wrath is not anger. Wrath is hate and rage. The unprovoked and unpredictable nature of the wrathful makes it difficult to understand them. They may not always use their fists to attack but instead use their words to spew hateful rhetoric and insults at their opponents. They may be angry for a variety of reasons, but wrath prevents those finding inner peace and strength among the chaos, and thus, unable to find either themselves or a better path to take, veering off the road into the darkness. 1:29 Ignorance is not the absence of knowledge or the absence of expertise, for it is instead the failure to grasp oneā€™s responsibilities, ignoring their wrongdoings and shortcomings and ignoring the opportunity to grow and help others. If a king is given an instruction by all twenty of his wise advisors and promptly discards said guidance, he has sinned for he has rejected the possibility to save people. However, if someone discards instructed that would harm others if implemented, regardless of if this was known or not, the ignorant would not have sinned.
submitted by Tox1cShark7 to proselytizing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:11 Present-Variety4158 [QCrit] THE WAKE OF THEFT, fantasy, adult, 114K words, v4-ish

I changed the title (which is why the version 4), revised this version of the query, and sent a package out into the world just over a month ago. I know thatā€™s nothing in query-time, but Iā€™m expecting form rejects, and want to be reassess and revise before sending out another batch. I also had a dream that told me I should rewrite the query. So there. Current version and 300 are below. Please help.
Cruxtienne is a crooked, dirty town.
Ilyin washed up there a refugee, scorned because of her ancestry, but able to talk an alligator out of its teeth. A master thief taught her his trade, and a respected madameā€™s fixer became her first friend. Sheā€™d do just about anything for either of them.
Thatā€™s what puts her in a bawdy-house room, face-to-face with the ugliest man sheā€™s ever seen and the murderous devices heā€™s built. The man says heā€™s a genius, and that the plans for his greatest invention were stolen by the Autrelle family.
They make a deal: if Ilyin comes back with the plans heā€™ll leave. If not, itā€™s an ugly death for everyone in the brothel.
Fyrd, demonologist and banker, arrives to collect a debt. The Autrelle familyā€™s line of credit is far past due. He has information that the family possesses a set of plans, drafted by a brilliant but disturbed inventor, valuable enough to move their account from red to black. Fyrdā€™s partners have suggested, very strongly, that he should not return without them. The plans, however, are missing. Fyrd summons a demon to obtain them.
As Ilyin races to steal and return the plans she unleashes and deceives an undead horror, discovers information that threatens the powerful cartels and politicians profiting from Cruxtienneā€™s corruption, and is captured by Fyrdā€™s demon.
If Ilyin can win Fyrd over she can avert a slaughter and start dismantling the system keeping so many in Cruxtienne poor and desperate. If not, then thereā€™ll be a multitude of casualties on her conscience, and a target on her back.
THE WAKE OF THEFT is a 114,774-word dark fantasy told through multiple points of view. It is a stand-alone with series potential and should appeal to fans of Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman, Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett, and The Bone Priest by Peter McLean.
ā€œYou are making my guards nervous, Gaston. Please sit,ā€ Benet Autrelle said.
It was a command, not a request. Gaston didnā€™t care.
Two guards flanked Benet Autrelleā€™s office desk. They wore polished steel breastplates over grey and orange livery. Gastonā€™s throat tightened as the guards readied their halberds, but he kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, a sneer on face, and glanced at Liurya.
The marsh elf, neatly dressed in clothes that brought out the light green of his skin, lounged in a brocade chair facing the desk. He nodded.
Gaston fit himself into a chair, arranging his weapons for comfort.
Autrelle turned to face Liurya. ā€œWas that bit of theater necessary?ā€
ā€œJust a reminder of what the cartel offers,ā€ Liurya replied.
Late afternoon sun streamed through the windows, reflecting off the porcelain coffee service, the glittering chandelier, and the carefully polished furniture. Gaston looked past the opulence to the multi-colored smoke rising from the stacks and towers of the alchemical refinery just outside of the city. This was the dayā€™s last visit. Soon heā€™d meet his Esmy at the refinery gates, put an arm around her waist, and all this lizard-shit would drift away.
The unpleasant expression on his face didnā€™t change. Gaston had been a cartel enforcer nearly ten years. He knew his role.
Benet Autrelle remained standing. He straightened his bright silk vest and adjusted the loose sleeves of the shirt he wore beneath it. Behind him were oil portraits of his father and uncles, the previous heads of the Autrelle Company, all with the familyā€™s unusual hazel eyes. On his desk was a statuette of the company emblem: a compass rose cast in steel and copper.
A servant finished pouring coffee as the elf studied Autrelle. In one fluid motion Liurya stood, spun, stabbed the servant, and ripped a garrote from his hands.
submitted by Present-Variety4158 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:10 2FAST4YU 2018 Nissan Rogue was fine yesterday, now it takes multiple attempts for the reverse gear to engage.

The car just hit 120,350 miles. I kept basic maintenance on it but didn't know I had to also change the transmission fluid. The car worked perfectly fine yesterday and when I pulled into work to reverse into my spot, the RPM gauge just went up and the car just stood there. I panicked and parked it on the most level surface by switching back to Drive.
When I left work, it took a couple of attempts of moving the shift from park to reverse and then it engaged and I was able to drive home. On the way, I did my best to baby the vehicle because I just wanted to get home safely and somewhere between 60-65 mph, the RPM gauge went from 2 to 3 RPM and then the CEL came on. I ran the codes and it was 7E8 & 7E9.
I know this is probably too late at this point, but can the issue be that I need to change the CVT fluid at the dealership? I would hate to have to shell out $6-7k for a new CVT. Please advise what is my best course of action.
Thank you.
submitted by 2FAST4YU to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
