Neck pain left arm pain chest pain

Support group for those with costochondritis

2015.07.16 22:45 maaaze Support group for those with costochondritis

A group for those who are suffering from costochondritis and Tietze syndrome (/TietzeSyndrome). Feel free to ask questions, and share what helps you manage the pain and hasten the recovery process.

2020.06.21 15:40 AntiDrugsandAlcohol

This is a community where people affected by the pain and devastation caused by drugs and alcohol can share their feelings and thoughts, past experiences, and get weight off their chest about the pain caused by alcohol and drugs. This is not a place for debate.

2015.03.16 21:38 Photobiomodulation

Photobiomodulation, LLLT, Light therapy

2024.05.16 20:57 Glittering_Sky2210 Kidney stones

I have kidney stones, the doctor told me it should come out in my pee I drank so much water but it’s not coming out the pain is so bad in my back. Is there any ways to pee it out fast?
submitted by Glittering_Sky2210 to kidney [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 scubawankenobi Venting - Vague language, hidden clues, refusal to be specific

Me: I think this big bowl is dishwasher safe? Can I run this in dishwasher?
Other: I usually wash mine by hand.
Me: Oh, it's really dirty, is it ok if I wash in dishwasher or would you prefer I also wash this one by hand?
Other: [dead silence...refuses to answer...implying "I gave you my answer"]
Me: [stunned-no answer, what did I do wrong?! trying to complete my task] Um, ok? [ loads in dishwasher unsure & trying to avoid remaining in uncomfortable situation]
Me ... realizing only *after* washed in dishwasher, that the special-secret-hidden-meaning must've meant, not "I like to wash by hand" but "I want YOU to wash yours by hand" & hating myself.
Blaming myself for *expecting* the other person to simply say-what-they-mean-or-want.
Ugh. It's so painful & depressing coexisting with neurotypicals.
How do y'all feel after uncomfortable miscommunication engagements like this?
submitted by scubawankenobi to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 toptierDreamer trolling in sols is stupid and not skibidi

theres no point in trolling, its not funny for anyone and youre just making other people feel worse. the "funny" part is just lying and then clicking a button, the reaction will probably be 1) uneventful, 2) abysmal, or 3) someone hiding their pain. this includes "cooked or cooking 🥺" users too
submitted by toptierDreamer to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 auggiejayy Gotten concerned over the years

Gotten concerned over the years
The earliest I can date this being on my nose is 2009 I’m 26 but in that photo in 2009 it was there but it hadn’t engulfed or gotten as big as it is now. Never have any pain when touching it. I get whiteheads on it sometimes (I pop them when I know I shouldn’t) it doesn’t bleed. I had a biopsy taken when I was in 8th grade so 2011 possible early 2012. They said it was a mole and that I could get cosmetic surgery if it was an option. But it’s gotten bigger. I don’t have insurance. Let alone enough money to pay for another biopsy. Can someone maybe help figure out what this may be without me having to pay out of pocket for something that may not even be a huge deal?
submitted by auggiejayy to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:56 erbmc Finally done!

I am in so much pain been out of surgery for like 2 hours now lol but I am so happy!!!!
submitted by erbmc to spinalfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:56 connors1511 Middle-Back Pain AFTER Throwing Up

I recently got a pretty nasty bout of food poisoning. The nausea symptoms went away completely after throwing up several times and emptying my stomach. Now the only lingering trouble is a throbbing, persistent pain in my middle-to-upper back. I wouldn't describe it as unbearable, but it's very uncomfortable and enough to keep me from sleeping at night. I'm a healthy 31yo male, no heart problems, and recently had EKG, blood work done that all came back completely healthy and fine. The only trouble is that when I throw up, I do so very violently. My entire body heaves. I'm wondering if this pain is muscular, skeletal? Is it something that should be a bigger concern or should I rest my back and it'll go away soon? It's been about 48 hours since the throwing up and the pain has somewhat improved but is still very much there to the point where I need to regularly take Advil to get through my work day. Any advice would be helpful!
submitted by connors1511 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:56 livingnightmarera I feel nothing for my future

Maybe it’s because I’m a bit under the influence (medication since I had my wisdom teeth removed) but I feel so alone and unworthy right now. I have assignments to do and my body won’t get up and do them. I wanna be able to graduate next year but it all just seems so useless. I wanna be able to make music full time but I just don’t see the use for anything right now. I even thought about selling my body online, but I don’t even think I’m that desirable for anything to come of it. It just seems like I’m rotting away very slowly now. Whenever I try to make friends it just seems as though it never lasts past a day. I’m so sensitive and I just feel like an awful person. It doesn’t help that I detach so easily, so I’m just bound to feel alone and loveless. I feel just apathic towards my future. I really do think I’m gonna die before I turn 40. I hate being so depressing like this, but I don’t want to bother anyone with these thoughts. I thought I was doing better but I guess that was a lie. I just feel really shitty and incompetent now. I hope no one ever has to experience the pain and uncertainty I have for countless days and months. It’s just awful.
submitted by livingnightmarera to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 vrkttsSOS I was literally outside just walking, not doing anything but then my intestines suddenly go yeah youre gonna have sudden diarrhea now

I was out with a friend when my stomach started bubbling and hurting A LOT. I had to call my mom to pick me up because I was in so much pain and on the verge of shitting myself. Im on the toilet currently, wondering what I did wrong to deserve this
submitted by vrkttsSOS to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 littlewoolhat "Bad Attitude"

I've had a really rough couple of days. I had oral surgery on Friday, a painful weekend as the novacaine wore off, I had relatives in town this week. On top of it being hell week.
Every plan that got set up fell through. My eating options were/are insanely limited. I haven't felt full or had a good night's sleep in days. My family members were all bragging about their kids' accomplishments, which, good for them! But i feel like a failure by comparison. I vented and cried to my mom about it a few times, and even that didn't help.
Today was better, nothing terrible has happened so far and I was feeling good for the first time in almost a week. I call my mom, who's hanging out with her sister, and I tell her about the pretty good day I'm having.
Her sister chimes in and says its good that things are turning around, "including your bad attitude!"
I felt the wind sucked out of my sails. Not only the betrayal of my mom telling people about how shit I felt at a really low place, but to have it all reduced to a shitty attitude.... I tried to keep a good attitude. But setback after setback day after day just feels. bad. I wanna cry, and I know I can't even tell my mom this hurt because it'll just be one more example of me having a shit attitude. I can't win. I just wanna rot into the ground.
submitted by littlewoolhat to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 Robbled0bble 6 minute stretch routine for male pelvic pain relief

Hello! I am a PT who has history of pelvic flootesticle pain, initially "diagnosed" incorrectly as epididymitis. I hope this video provides some relief for anyone with pelvic floor issues.
submitted by Robbled0bble to chronicepididymitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 grdlin Gin's story is so beautiful and tragic but... SILLY

Just to clarify: Gin is one of my fav characters in Bleach. So I want to complain a little. Don't judge me, I just miss my silver fox tonight.
So... a lonely boy finds a lonely girl. She becomes his friend, first love, family. Their live wasn't perfect — they lived in Rukongai, not the best place for kids — but still good because they weren't alone anymore. But the girl was hurt; the boy saw it but couldn't protect her. He saw the one responsible for this and promised himself to take revenge.
To do this, the boy rejected all humanity and love he could have had and became a cruel, heartless fox. He managed to get close to Aizen. He became really strong. He saw nothing but revenge. He became a traitor — although was he ever on the side of the SS and the Gotei 13?.. He waited a hundred years, committed terrible crimes and was finally able to stab Aizen in the back... only for Aizen to become stronger and kill him instead.
This poor lonely kid turned his life into a cold bloody mess for revenge, but failed. Oh, the irony.
And the silliest thing is... Rangiku didn't need his revenge. She needed HIM — to be able trust others, to fight with them and not against them, to drink with her after a long day, to listen to her stupid drunken flirting. Not to betray the SS, leave her again — now forever — and die.
And she was totally FINE. She became a shinigami. Not only that — she was a lieutenant! She laughed, smiled, enjoyed life. She didn't show that she had any problems because of it. Of course, she lost some of her potential, but she is lazy and even now she hasn’t trained much. She didn't mind. She had a pretty good life. Gin, you should be PROUD of this woman and protect her, not leave her! Silly, silly fox.
Maybe it wouldn't be so ridiculous if Rangiku had lost some more than part of her shinigami powers. It's obvious and trivial, but let's at least blind Rangiku after this attack. So her life was not easy. And just imagine what their relationships would be... Rangiku couldn't see him anymore and was afraid that one day she would forget his face. But she remembered the sound of his footsteps — that's how she knew it was Gin, when he came to tell her he's going to become a shinigami. Oh, and in Gotei 13 he always left dried persimmon in her room while she was sleeping and she could catch a thin trail of scent that followed Gin. So him seeing how she had some problems, but at the same time remained a brave, funny, easy-going girl, only fueled his desire to take revenge on Aizen.
I know, Gin probably represents that revenge is pointless, revenge will not bring you a peace, but regret and bitterness. And we had many characters with this theme. We had Tosen — he was blind not only physically, but also from hatred, disgust for the shinigami and the desire to take revenge for his friend Kakyo. And when he finally opened his eyes — not because of hollow powers — he died. Nothing could be changed anymore.
We had Komamura. He 'traded his life' for revenge. He survived, but could no longer be the same Komamura. The one who knew that revenge would destroy you — he willingly pays this price for revenge and becomes what he condemned and what he asked Tosen to wake up from.
And we had the whole Quincy arc... Revenge brought nothing but pain and suffering for both sides (+ the arrancars). Death, destruction, blood, the loss of comrades before your eyes — that's what they got with their revenge.
Honestly, that's why I wanted Gin's story to be a little different. Wanted him to survive. Somehow he will prove that he was not on Aizen's side & tried to kill him, so he will receive a reduced punishment (such as not execution, but imprisonment). Like they have MAYURI and are completely okay with his actions and experiments... 🥴
And he talked to Rangiku (in hospital or she was allowed to meet him in prison). She cried and screamed at him, because of what he did, how it hurt not only her, but also Kira... And Gin was able to realize that he was wrong, selfish, cruel. That he was mistaken in that he did not trust anyone, especially her. But he still has a second chance, because he is still alive. We can't always fix the broken things, but as long as we're alive, we can try.
I think this would complement the theme of revenge perfectly. To senseless cruelty (Quincy), too late insight (Tosen), becoming what he condemned (Komamura), would be added not a pointless sacrifice that achieved nothing... but hope — to gain the humanity that he lost in childhood, hope for trust which he walked around like fire for a hundred years, hope for forgiveness and healing.
Because for me, Bleach is about hope and healing. How Orihime heals from bullying and the loss of her brother, how Ichigo grows and is able to overcome his guilt over the death of his mother, how Byakuya heals and is again able to open his heart to others — friends and his sisters Rukia, etc etc. And even in the darkest times there is hope. I think Gin deserved it too. But I'm biased, so...
Now I need to write a fanfic. Bye. 🦊🩶
submitted by grdlin to bleach [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 Doorplane Day 4

Been 4 days since I have stopped nicotine cold turkey completely and boy it’s been a ride I woke up feeling very weak on the first day and woke up with a fever and cold sweat pain meds aren’t helping and I just threw up for the first time since stopping I think the worst part of it all is the lingering sore throat it’s so hard to eat or drink anything this definitely isn’t for the weak wish me luck
submitted by Doorplane to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 Crafter235 A Clockwork Orange Video Game Adaptation

Currently, I have watched the movie and completed the book. From seeing both source materials, I've thought about the idea of making a video game adaptation of A Clockwork Orange, instead of just another movie.
For an idea: instead of the typical GTA concept, I would have it be more like a beat-em-up game like Scott Pilgrim or the Hobo flash games. With the synthesized music, I would also make it pixelized 16-bit to fit the theme. With the arcadey feel to it and the retro style, it helps narratively to show us the depravity in Alex's mind. To him, it's all some funny game, no big deal. However, with cartoony sound effects and acradey music, victims will scream and moan in actual pain, begging for mercy, showing that they're truly suffering, and how disassociated with reality Alex is, with upbeat feelings but horrifying sound effects. Milk-Plus would serve as power-ups, which each type having their own specialty for each night. From combat, once you defeat an opponent, you have two options: You can just kill them, or give them the "ol in-out". The second option more brutal (if you know what it is), but you gain more experience points.
When not fighting, there are other minigames, such as:
In addition, there is exploration and walking around the city. With worldbuilding, it's in advertisements, billboards, newspapers, and dialogue between NPCs.
The gameplay will follow like the book; traditional beat-em-up in the first act, other minigames in prison with some combat in the 2nd act, and hiding and stealth in the 3rd act. While there can be some influence from the movie, it will be much more closer to the book. With being more with the book, there will be things like selling stuff to Will the English (a dealer mentioned only in the book), the option to bribe alilibis in case the droogs are arrested, or we would see Alex and Co. wearing outfits described from the book (though the Kubrick film outfits could be like a dlc).
Of course, being a separate adaptation in the video game medium, there would be some changes and differences. For example:
For endings, there can be two of them. The first ending is like the movie, where Alex just goes back to his old self. The second ending is more like the book. You're given more availability to partake in combat with new droogs, and unlock new upgrades, but it eventually gets dull and repetitive, and like in the book, Alex decides to call it quits and grow up. Perhaps it doesn't need to be a seperate ending, but more like the ending and epilogue of RDR2.
Aside from the obvious controversy of such a game (whether it be the violence and/or politics), what are your thoughts? What would you also include?
submitted by Crafter235 to StanleyKubrick [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 EwuerMind Anyone else get stomach pain while drinking their hooch?

I can age it as long as I want, kill the yeast, and make sure it's (supposedly) ready to drink. For some reason it always gives me stomach pain. Maybe it's the yeast I use? I only have used ec-1118 so far. If that's the reason does anyone have any suggested yeast to use instead?
submitted by EwuerMind to prisonhooch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 back_to_samadhi Ending my life via Euthanasia once my kidneys fail.

Once my kidneys fail, I do not see the point in unnecessary suffering. I will be bound to die, and it could be painful.
What stance would advaita vedanta take on terminal illness and easing the passing through extremely deep sedation, to the point where it could cause death?
It would be the most peaceful way to pass, rather than drown in my body fluids because my body can't filter water or waste anymore.
I'd rather not slowly drown over 2 weeks.
submitted by back_to_samadhi to AdvaitaVedanta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 Negative_Answer6417 Am I the lucky recipient of Nummular/Discoid Eczema?

28 Asian Female Height 5'3" Weight 165 lbs Duration of complaint: 3 weeks Location: Los Angeles Any existing relevant medical issues: None Current medications: None
Rash started on my chest sometime in April 2024, around 3 weeks old. Circular rash spots increasing in quantity all over body. Seems circular spots with dark middle start appearing.
I'm thinking scabies cause it's itchy at night but it doesn't have a concentrated area, it's all over and not concentrated in folds. Also it doesn't have trail marks, I tried ink test and it doesn't seem to show any marks either.
Rash is very itchy, no fluid and no blisters, not very flaky only when I scratch it and it scabs from the abrasive scratching, more circular in nature and has a dark middle. It's more on my trunk (back and chest) and some on my neck, chin, lower face, ears, scalp, arms, legs, very little on hands and feet.
I'm thinking it's looking more like discoid eczema since it's circular in nature and is sporadically appearing all over my body.
HISTORY: I recovered from shingles recently, took Acyclovir x1 week. Had facial eczema in the past that was more dry, weeping, flaky, resolved with taking care of my skin barrier on my face. No allergies except rye grass and dust mites.
Any help is very appreciated.
submitted by Negative_Answer6417 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 hermitpoetics Disappointed and Stressed

I am on Day 3 of Covid-- started out as intense joint pain, could feel every joint in my body in the worst way, then a prolonged fever. Yesterday I could hardly walk my legs hurt so badly so I took a test and urged my household to do the same-- we all tested positive. Today I am out of breath and exhausted with some intense back pain.
I feel really sad about all this-- this is my third time having it since I got it initially in January/March 2020. I've been masking for four years, even working to make sure masks were allowed at my work. I got my family sick and we're just barely able to tend to our pets and generally live socially isolated since the Pandemic began. It's been hard to get enough food because it's hard to get to the kitchen but luckily have been able to have access to ample water. Just overall feeling pitiful but have been resting as much as possible.
How do y'all cope with intense exhaustion/out of breath feeling from Covid?
EDIT: spelling
submitted by hermitpoetics to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 VVVEEE42 I miss you DaDa

Your absense has gone through me Like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color. W. S. Merwin
Here is a quote that explains my deep sorrow, while simultaneously reminding me of the melancholic beauty of losing a parent. I hold pieces of him and I will continue to share him with the people I encounter throughout my life, whether that be through telling his story or just sharing a smile with a stranger.
I have just graduated college. I went through 3 years of losing him while in school, yet didn’t even come to terms with it until a month before he was going to pass. Good fortune to all of those who understand the pain. Quite often I feel alone, especially while I silently cried on graduation day…the day that was supposed to be one of the best days of my life. May us all continue to spread the joy and love of our parents in our own lives, even the parents that hurt us were once joyous children once.
submitted by VVVEEE42 to ChildrenofDeadParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 ThisAmericanSatire Always treat Cast Iron as if it is HOT or "How I burned the crap out of my thumb."

Hello pansexuals!
I'm a 7 year Cast Iron Veteran, and I'm here to tell all of you that even the best of us (and I include myself in that grouping) can do a little oopsie from time to time.
Case in Point: last night I burned my fingies.
It's because I did not follow the #1 Rule of Cast Iron.
No, not the one about soap. Cripes, not the one about acidic food either. Neither of those matter.

Always assume every Cast Iron is hot.

My wife was in the kitchen and I asked her to preheat the oven. I thought my iron was already in the oven, and like any good pansexual, I like my iron to be evenly heated.
Well anyway, after a half hour, I go in the kitchen to start cooking when I noticed that my pan was still on top of the stove, and cold.
So I went to put it in the oven and it wouldn't go in all the way, and it turns out my small cast iron was in there.
This is where my squirrel-brain crossed its wires and assured me that, because the iron in my hands was cold, then the iron in the oven must also be cold.
But anyway, I reached right into the hot oven and grabbed ahold of the handle of a skillet that had preheated to 450°F (232°C in non-Freedoms).
This resulted in a major ouchy.
The only real explanation here is that my brain just decided not to think properly.
It's worth pointing out that I've had home-repair issues, financial issues, and health issues, and scheduling issues this past 10 days and have been a little stressed and not operating at 100%, and that probably contributed.
Nevertheless, it was an absolutely boneheaded move on my part. I'm 36 —aren't I supposed to have learnt this lesson at age 6?
My fingies hurt, and there's a pretty sick burn on my thumb pad - probably the #3 most painful & least convenient place to have a burn.
Sorta NSFW picture (no gore):
Anyway, always assume every pan is hot!
submitted by ThisAmericanSatire to castiron [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 Independent-Cake5565 Medical abortion next week

Hi! Next week I am having a medical abortion and I am wondering if someone else could share their experience with me to bring me some comfort? I’m anxious about the pain and wondering if anyone else has had a medical abortion and if they were able to take a bath to soothe the pain?
I am not expecting or looking for medical advice, just looking to hear about someone else’s experience.
submitted by Independent-Cake5565 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 ricsi114500 Is it normal to have a small amount of bleeding after anoscopy?

So I've been to the proctologist today cause of random rectal pain. He performed a physical exam and after that an anoscopy exam where thankfully he supposedly found nothing. At night I had a very small amount of bowel movement and I noticed a bit darker red bit still liquid blood. Could have that been caused by the procedure itself?
submitted by ricsi114500 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 Darling002xo How screwed am I...

This was my recent pet scan...I feel like my oncologist really dropped the ball. I am just halfway through chemo. Haven't done AC yet. Had some hiccups during taxol/carbo/keytruda and was off it for 3 weeks after cycle 1 because they wouldn't let me schedule my next chemo until I saw my doctor. Ever since then it has felt more aggressive. I then had reactions to taxol and didn't get that or abraxane for two weeks while she argued with my insurance. Is this the end for me? Am I even going to see next year? I know it's my first line of treatment and there was some working but then also progression. I'm triple negative and my original breast tumor was 16.3 cm so it shrunk to half the size basically. The ones that scare me the most are the lymph nodes on my pancreas head and the new nodule on my aorta. I'm terrified.
FINDINGS: The mean SUV of liver and visceral background activity is 2.95.
HEAD AND NECK: No intracranial abnormalities are identified. The orbits and paranasal sinuses are within normal limits. Physiologic activity is demonstrated within the pharynx.
CHEST AND MEDIASTINUM: There is an infusion catheter within the left chest. Some scattered areas of interstitial thickening are demonstrated in the lungs, without segmental consolidation. Multiple hypermetabolic airspace nodules in the lower lung fields on the prior examination have resolved on the current examination. There is an increase in lymphadenopathy at level 5B in the neck on the right. Multiple hypermetabolic lymph nodes measure up to 11 mm in size, and 6.8 SUV units on image 50. Right supraclavicular lymphadenopathy is also present, similar to the prior examination. Abnormally increased radiotracer accumulation is demonstrated within the right pectoral muscle. Subpectoral lymphadenopathy is present, with 1.3 cm lymph nodes. There is asymmetric soft tissue thickening of the right pectoralis muscle with increased activity measuring 11.56 SUV units on image 69. Large areas of amorphous hypermetabolic nodularity are present throughout the right breast, measuring up to 9.8 x 5.2 cm, and 9.0 SUV units on image 92, similar to the prior examination. Right lateral breast lymphadenopathy is demonstrated with lymph nodes measuring up to 3.5 x 1.9 cm, and 8.4 SUV units on image 88, previously measuring 2 cm, and 7.2 SUV units. There is extensive bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy has improved from the prior examination. Right hilar lymphadenopathy measures 1.6 x 1.6 cm, and 8.2 SUV units on image 81. However, there is interval development of amorphous soft tissue density in the aortopulmonary window, and prevascular space, measuring up to 6.3 SUV units.. Subcarinal lymph node measures 10 x 10 mm, and 6.6 SUV units on image 89, previously measuring 2.4 x 1.2 cm.
ABDOMEN AND PELVIS: A large paraesophageal hiatal hernia is demonstrated. There is interval development of a 10 x 12 mm hypermetabolic focus in the medial right liver, measuring 8.3 SUV units on image 125. There is a normal appearance to the spleen. There is interval development of hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy surrounding the pancreatic head, and within the gastrohepatic ligament. The largest lymph node measures 1.8 x 1.3 cm, and 7.8 SUV units on image 133. The adrenal glands, and kidneys are normal. There is a normal appearance to the bowel. Hypermetabolic soft tissue in regions are demonstrated in the expected location of both ovaries. Ultrasound correlation may be beneficial.
SKELETON: There is a focus of increased radiotracer accumulation within the left femoral neck, measuring 4.9 SUV units on image 249
  1. Patchy airspace opacities have improved in the left lower lung field.
  2. Large amorphous breast tissue masses are demonstrated in the right breast, with increased metabolic activity concerning for breast cancer, similar to the prior examination.
  3. Significant asymmetric enlargement of the right pectoralis muscle with increased activity suggesting muscular invasion of metastatic disease, similar to the prior examination.
  4. There is enlarged, hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy in the right supraclavicular region, and a right axillary region, increased from the prior examination.
  5. Right hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy has generally decreased, but there is new soft tissue nodularity within the aortopulmonary window.
  6. New hypermetabolic right liver lesion.
  7. New mid abdominal lymphadenopathy.
  8. New bony metastatic disease within the left femoral neck.
submitted by Darling002xo to LivingWithMBC [link] [comments]